Chapter one Sold Into Slavery
I guess deep down inside I knew that my father's plantation was in deep financial trouble Dad's pride prevented him from ever actually telling me so then late one night the slave traders arrived and my life changed forever
Slave traders are considered by southern folk to be the lowest of the low, even worse than the white trash that inhabits the swamp land on the other side of the river. Their lowly status in our respected society accounts for why the men arrived late at night and under the cover darkness. No self respecting plantation owner would want to be seen doing business with them. I only realized that they were at our home when I discovered them sitting at our dining table as I came down for breakfast the following morning.
There were three of them, a very old man perhaps in his seventies; he was a white man and very fearsome looking. The other two were younger and they both had coal black skin and were very large. Confused as to who these people might be, I looked across at my dad who was sitting at the opposite side of the table, for an explanation, but none was forthcoming.
I hadn't been expecting guests and I wasn't appropriately attired, in fact I was wearing only a calico night shirt of a length that fell barely below my thighs, but I may as well have been naked after the lustful stares from the three men stripped me. So embarrassed was I that my almost translucent white skin turned scarlet red as I felt their eyes devour me.
"Callum! I didn't expect you to be up this early, son," My father exclaimed, surprised. His expression indicated that he was obviously very embarrassed by the blatant sexual stares that his cute fourteen year old son was receiving from his unsightly guests.
"Uhm, sorry papa I didn't realize you have guests, I'll have breakfast in the dining room," I stammered, as I shuffled backwards out of the room.
The old man cocked his head slightly and the black man sitting next to him suddenly stood up and towered over me
3; "Don't be foolish lad, a fine looking youngster like you, it's a site for these weathered old eyes, you don't want to deprive an old man of such a simple pleasure, surely?" he asked, his voice full of sarcasm, as the black man moved behind me blocking my exit.
I looked at father for help, expecting to see him retaliate and to take control, but father looked defeated and instead stared silently down at the table cloth as if noticing it for the first time. The black man put his hands around my waist and physically walked me across to the chair so as I was seated between the old man and the second slave trader.
The old man reached over me and took hold of my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes, and in there depths I saw the unfathomable cruelty and the loathsome heart of a trader of human souls. I thought to my self, "oh father what are you doing with these horrible men?"
"Such a fine looking young lad, have you put him to the wenches yet?" he asked looking across at my father. I blushed an even darker shade of red.
Father was still refusing to look at me, "no, he hasn't shown any interest as yet, perhaps in another year or so."
"Perhaps, the lad would prefer to be bedded by the bucks!" the old man said snickering, embarrassing me further.
"Tell me lad, would you prefer to spend an evening with a well hung black buck? Brutus here has a hankering for pretty young lads, especially baby-faced white boys, don't you Brutus?" I glanced to Brutus who was leering at me.
"Well speak up boy! Which is it wenches or bucks that you desire?" he asked firmly.
Before I could answer Brutus slid his giant black hand up onto my thigh. I nearly jumped out my chair when I felt his rough calloused hand fondle my naked testicles, as my breath caught in my throat and I couldn't reply.
Brutus went further and grasped my penis between his thumb and fore finger, he squeezed it hard, and much to my disgust my body betrayed me and my cock sprang to life, it was instantly erect, but I still couldn't utter a reply. Suddenly I felt the old man's hand move to my groin and squeeze me.
"Ah, I see your body has answered for you!" He said grinning lasciviously.
"LEAVE THE BOY ALONE!" My dad suddenly yelled out, "Callum go to your room this instant."
"Yes father," I stammered, attempting to stand up, but Brutus blocked me from leaving.
My father looked threateningly at Brutus as he exchanged glances with the old-man; Brutus smiled and let go of me. Free now, I hurried out of the room and no one including my father failed to notice the tent at the front of my night shirt.
Even though I was terrified by these men, I was also very curious as to why they were at our home, so instead of climbing the stairs to go to my room, I went outside and around to the kitchen door, tip-toed through to the dining room entrance where I stood silently listening to the conversation on the other side.
"It's tantamount to thievery," bellowed my father, "two thousand dollars for ten slaves? Hard working healthy slaves are worth many times that which you are offering, if put to auction on the blocks at the sale yard and you damn well know it sir"
"Well might I suggest that you take them and sell them on the blocks, at this moment in time supply outstrips demand and slaves are in abundance. Besides I happen to have it on good authority that a certain bank is about to foreclose on your plantation, so under the circumstances you should be thanking me for doing you a favor," the old man said sanctimoniously.
In a violent rage dad stood up and moved towards the old man, suddenly Brutus and Nero were on their feet blocking the path between my dad and the old slave trader.
"Get out of my way slave, or I'll have you whipped to within an inch of your life!" Dad threatened as his temper took flight. But neither Brutus nor Nero as much as flinched, a cruel smile crept across Brutus face.
The old man, realizing that things were getting out of hand, suddenly waved his hand in a back-of-gesture at his two slaves. "Sit down boys, and let the voice of reason be triumphant here," he said with a placatory tone to his voice.
"It seems to me sir you have an amount of money that you need to get you out of your delicate situation, if I had the Wisdom of Solomon I could guess at that very amount of money and we could arrive at a mutually satisfactory payment. However I may be as old as Solomon but sadly I lack his wisdom, so please enlighten and tell me exactly what you have in mind?"
Clearly this was a part of the old man's strategy, or rather his negotiation process. He knew that the plantation owners despised slave-traders and he enjoyed rubbing their noses in their misfortune at having to deal with him.
My father glared at him, then sat down, accepting the peace offering. "Well sir as we obviously have dispensed with the niceties, I will cut to the chase, I need at least four thousand dollars but I can only sell you one half of my slaves as I require the rest to keep the plantation viable."
It was the old man's turn to look incredulous. "Sir you must be jesting, all of your niggers combined are not worth four thousand dollars. Its impossible, Brutus, Nero, get my rig ready we leave immediately."
"No wait, please, there must be some kind of mutually acceptable arrangement we can arrive at, if I can't pay the bank by the end of the month they will repossess my property I will be ruined," pleaded my father
As he was standing up, the old man hesitated, "what else have you to sell?" An idea was forming in his devious, profiteering mind.
"I could sell you some land, the east paddock, it has a small cottage on it and is by the river, its excellent grazing land, easily worth five thousand dollars," Father offered hopefully.
The old man laughed, "Sir I am a nomad, I do not plant my roots anywhere that they cannot be shifted in haste."
Suddenly my father looked a lot older than his 47 years, in fact he looked older than the slave trader he was selling his soul to.
"The boy." The slave trader paused letting the words linger in the air as he savored the moment. "I have use of a pretty young thing such as him; perhaps we could discuss that possibility?"
At first my father looked confused and then as realization dawned on him his expression changed to enraged. Father opened his mouth to speak, but changed his mind and closed it again, after a long silence father stammered "what do you mean, you have use of him, what kind of use?"
I realized that they were discussing me and I felt an icy cold hand close around my heart, was my papa actually considering selling me to a slave trader, like some common field slave?
"The use I have in mind is better left unsaid," the old man responded slyly.
Reality was slow coming to my father, "you mean that you want my boy for a slave, a sex slave?" Father asked incredulously. "That's, that's, illegal it can't happen in this country."
"Its only ILLEGAL if the boy is white," the old man replied.
"Off course my son is white, any mother's fool can see that, the boy's mother bless her soul is or rather was of good southern stock," my father declared with a certain air of pride.
"The boy is only white because you say it so, just as easily you could put his lineage into question and declare him a mulatto, in which case he can be sold like any other nigger."
My dad was incredulous, he looked a lot of things but he wasn't saying no either
"How much money would you pay for the boy?" Father asked almost in a whisper.
It was at that moment that I realized the true extent of my father's desperation and his ruthless commitment to saving his precious plantation, even if it were to cost him me, his only son and heir.
The old man smiled, "How much I am prepared to pay depends largely on whether the boy is suited to my needs, but I must say from my brief examination and my gut instinct I would say he is. I shall pay you what you require to remedy your situation, and not a dollar more."
Father acquiesced and looked defeated, "I don't want him to know, not until after you take him away, I never wish to see or hear of him again, do you understand me?"
"I am sure that can be arranged, but first we must be certain he is suitable for the purpose I have in mind, send the boy to my room this evening and we will confirm his, lets say, persuasions."
I could no longer listen, my mind was overloaded with horrible thoughts and images. I was angry, I was upset, I felt betrayal. As fast as I could I ran from the kitchen and up to my room. I would run away and never have to see my father or this horrible plantation ever again. I would go north where it would be safe for me.
Up in my room I hastily packed a small carpet bag with clothes and my treasures that I had accumulated in my 14 year life. I left the house by the servant's entrance and hastily made for the river. I didn't really have a plan as such, other then getting as far away from my father and this horrible arrangement he was making for me.
For all of first day and most of the second day of flight I followed the river traveling north. The first night I slept under a huge weeping willow tree and washed my body clean in the river. Three days later I was tired and exhausted but I was very well satisfied with the progress that I had made. I estimated that I traveled nearly 40 miles [60 km] north of our property. I knew that eventually I would have to leave the river when it turned south and I would need to continue going north, but now I was in uncharted waters, I had never been this far away from our plantation. I knew that I would have to go past Edinville where the railway line was, so I figured I would continue going north, nor east, until I crossed the rail line.
Unfortunately my escape was short lived, it was around dawn of the fourth morning, weariness was setting in and subsequently I had overslept, suddenly I was awakened by a toe nudging me hard in my ribs.
"Is it him?" I heard a voice say.
"Well, he sure don't look like no nigger to me, maybe he's one of those albino's," I heard a second voice mutter with a white-trash southern accent.
As I opened my eyes I saw see two grubby unshaven men looking down at me, one of which was very overweight while the other looked almost emaciated.
"I'm no nigger, my name is Callum Macintosh I am from Crestheart plantation and my pappy will have you flogged if you lay so much as a finger on me," I sounded off a hollow threat.
Simultaneously the two men burst into laughter. "Yeah 'tis him for sure, he's gone and confessed an all," the emaciated looking one stated proudly, as if he had outsmarted me.
"Get up nigger," he said as he viciously kicked me in the side, I winced in pain.
"Take it easy Joe, the reward is only good if the boy is untouched," stated the large fat man.
I got to my feet and glared at them. "Leave me alone," I stammered, edging away from them until I backed up into the tree and could go no further.
"Is it true that you be a pussy boy, you give your ass to anyone, maybe I could get me some before we take you back to your master for a whupping, what you say boy, want some fine southern cock in your ass?" The thin one said making lewd gestures as he clutched his groin.
"Touch me and I will have you killed, do you hear me," I threatened them again, but they laughed even louder.
I guessed that some of my threats must sunk in though, because suddenly they seemed to be in a hurry to be away. My hands were roughly tied behind my back and a rope placed around my neck, which they tied to the pommel of the fat man's saddle.
At first we set out at a trot, each time I slowed down the rope tightened around my neck and I was jerked forward, cutting off my air supply. Eventually they did slow down I suspect that they feared what old slave trader would do to them if I were to be delivered to him damaged.
About an hour after setting out, we passed a family traveling in a fancy buggy, the fat man tipped his hat at the gentleman in the front seat and nodded to the lady sitting next to him, a small girl sitting in the back stared curiously at me.
"Why is that boy tied up," she asked innocently.
"Now Charlotte, don't go asking these gentleman about their business," her father admonished her.
"Its ok sir, this is a run away slave and we are taking him back to his master, where he more than likely will get a good flogging," he offered in his best southern manner.
"But the boy looks white," the father stated, perplexed.
"I am white, my name is Callum Macintosh and these here men are kidnapping me," I wanted to say more but I was yanked off my feet by the rope tied around my neck.
"Shut your mouth you lying nigger," growled the fat-man.
"He's one of them there albino niggers, he ain't white he just looks it."
I couldn't believe that they could possibly mistake me for being black, my skin is so pale that you can see my veins under my skin, my eyes are green and my hair is a reddish blond, which I inherited from my Irish mother. "No it's not true their lying," I wailed as tears streamed down my cheeks as I climbed back up to my feet.
"I said shut your mouth boy," the fat man said as once again he jerked me off my feet by pulling hard on my neck rope.
The gentleman in the carriage looked uncertain as to what he should do, but considering that he had his young daughter and his wife in the carriage with him, he was in no position to play the hero, so instead he tipped his hat at the two bounty hunters and wished them a good day as he tightened the reins and urged his horses to move on, I kneeled down on the muddy earth and stared at them disappearing down the road, I was in complete despair.
The thin man got down of his horse and lifted me up by the hair causing me to cry out in pain. "Next time you try a stunt like that boy I am going to cut your balls off! Do you understand?" he growled menacingly.
But I didn't respond, I just stared at my boots
3; "Do you understand nigger?"
"Yes," I murmured with a barely audible whisper..
"Good, now let's get moving we have another ten miles [15 km] to cover tonight."
I lost track of time, we passed more curious onlookers but I didn't make the same mistake as before and I never uttered a sound, I stared at my boots and was thankful for the short respite as the bounty hunters exchanged pleasantries with the passer's by.
Not long before dusk we came upon a column of slaves tethered together by their neck chains. Much to my dismay at the very front of the column was the old man in his cart, and riding on either side of him were Brutus and Nero.
"Ah I see you have found my property," said the old man gleefully as he climbed down from the cart, Brutus and Nero dismounted. "I hope for the sake of your miserable hides you haven't molested him in anyway, if you have Brutus here will be shoving more than just his cock up your ass, do you understand me?" the old man threatened.
The fat-man gulped as he looked at Brutus. "Sir we cain't vouch for what happened before we found the boy but I can assure you we ain't touched him in no way." The slave trader carefully scrutinized the man speaking then he glanced at the thinner man who nodded eagerly to confirm that what was being said was true, I hadn't been harmed.
Satisfied that the pair were not lying, the slave trader walked over to me and lifted my chin up and looked into my face, I must have looked awful; fourteen years of living a comfortable life with servants to provide for my every need had not prepared me for a fifteen mile [25 km] run tethered to the fat man's horse.
"Son, my name be Sam Ambroise, this here be Brutus and that one with no tongue be Nero, your pappy done sold you to me and you is now my property. You is a nigger and I have a piece of paper to prove it, do you understand me?"
I opened my mouth to argue, but correctly gauged the old man's mood and instead nodded my ascent.
"Good, now Brutus, take the brat to the river and wash him and bed him down, tomorrow we shall see what his inclinations are, and Brutus I mean tomorrow, do you understand?"
Brutus looked disappointed, but he knew the old man well enough to not risk disobeying him. "Yes master, the boy is safe, for now
Brutus untied the knot around my neck and dragged-carried me down to the river. He literally tore my boots off and threw them into the river, "They're my boots I need them," I complained.
"Nigger don't wear no boots."
"Don't you people understand, I am not a nigger and I am not his property, my daddy is going to have you flogged when he finds out what you have done?" I said exasperated.
"Well boy, it seems your daddy has found out that you ain't his after all and that your mumma liked the black studs, your real daddy was a mulatto so you is a nigger and your pappy gone and sold you to my master so now you his property, sooner you understand that boy the better off you be."
I stared at him in disbelief. "You're lying you stinking nigger," I said angrily.
Brutus slapped me hard across the face and I fell to the ground with tears streaming down my cheeks. "We shall see tomorrow night, brat, who the stinking nigger is." Then he yanked down his britches and let his cock flop out into my view. I stared in disbelief; it was the largest cock I had ever seen, even as I stared at it, it grew longer and longer.
"Like this boy? It's gonna be stuck up your tight pretty boy ass by this time tomorrow night," he laughed as he waved it back and forth in front of me.
I was reeling, a part of me was terrified by the site of his huge cock, but another part was stirring feelings within me that I couldn't explain. Brutus pulled down my britches and saw that my cock had become erect; it was miniscule compared to his huge serpent and Brutus laughed when he saw it, "yeah boy the master was right about you."
Brutus bodily picked me up and threw me into the river, not even bothering to ask if I could swim. For a brief moment I considered swimming to safety on the opposite bank, but with no clothes and after my earlier run and with no where to run I decided to wait for a better opportunity to escape. After all to a fourteen year old boy being seen running away naked was unthinkable.
I stayed in the river for as long as I could, letting the cool water wash the dirt and filth from my body. Even as a small child I always loathed being dirty, I can't really say why, I just did. When Brutus finally beckoned me to get out, I did, I wasn't going to risk enraging him again. He let me get dressed but refused to let me wear my drawers. "Niggers don't wear no drawers," he said, as he threw them into the river. I watched them float downstream, sometime in the night they would cross paths with my boots, perhaps miles away in the ocean.
Brutus led back to the main camp, where fifty or so slaves were tethered together; they had iron shackles around their necks and chains around their ankles. All sorts of folks were there, young men, old men, ladies, girls and boys. The one thing they all had in common was that they looked beaten; all hope was missing from within their eyes.
Sam Ambroise was waiting for us.
"Lets see what I have bought, Nero strip the brat," he said turning to the large slave.
Nero never spoke or uttered a sound, I found out later he was a dumb mute. He walked over to me and lifted my arms high above my head so as I was standing on the tips of my toes, suspended by my wrists. With his free hand he grabbed hold of my shirt front and with one rip tore my shirt completely off. My britches soon followed. The tethered slaves were all watching with curiosity; no doubt they had never seen a naked white boy before.
Sam approached me, he squeezed my chin hard forcing my mouth open, examining my teeth. "He's got a mighty pretty mouth Brutus, don't ya think?" Brutus grinned at his master. Next the old man ran his hands down my chest, pinching my nipple painfully and causing me to yelp in pain. I can hardly explain why but the pain, much to my embarrassment, was causing my cock to harden. This did not go unnoticed by the slave trader.
"Like that do you boy?" said the old main as he pinched my other nipple with his left hand. By this time my cock was rock hard and all 3 inches [7½ cm] of it was jutting straight out from my body, causing them to laugh. "The little slut wants cock Brutus, do you think we can accommodate him?"
"Yes master, I ain't going to touch my bone till I get my hands on the little slut, saving all my juice for that pretty little mouth and ass," Brutus said huskily.
I blushed with embarrassment, but my penis stayed hard.
"Speaking of ass lets have a look Nero," the old man said rotating his hand in a turning motion indicating he wanted me flipped over.
Nero picked me up by the waist with one hand and flipped me upside down so as my head was nearly touching the ground as he transferred his grip to my ankles, holding me spread eagle and upside down. The old man reached over and grabbed my butt cheeks, which he pulled them apart to get a better view of my hole.
"His asshole is nearly as pretty as his mouth, and it looks tight as a squirrel hole," he said.
With that said Sam worked his finger into my butthole, and I screamed in pain as his finger pushed deeper into me, all the way in to his knuckle. "The boy's a virgin no doubt, we ain't got no use for a virgin where you are going boy, but don't despair Brutus is going to fix that for you."
"The boy ain't got no hair either, that makes him even more valuable, he likely ain't ever going to get any either after we done with him," Brutus said in a conspirators voice.
The old man frowned. "Don't go scaring the boy now Brutus, for the moment these little jewels are safe," he said as he squeezed my balls.
The old man suddenly looked tired, "ok Nero, put the boy down, get him shackled up, neck shackle only, don't want those pretty little ankles scarred up none."
As he put me down I bent over to pick up my britches but Brutus stopped me. "Nigger slave boys dun wear no britches," he scowled at me, as he kicked them out of my reach. It seemed to me that they wanted to do everything possible to humiliate me. it occurred to me that it was perhaps how they break the spirit of the new slaves. It sort of reminded me of how my father broke in horses at home.
Nero returned from the cart with a metal neck brace, he was gone a while as he had trouble finding one small enough to fit around my skinny throat, finally he managed one that was two sizes to large at least it wouldn't cut into my skin.
"Now boy, there is just one more thing to attend to before we let you get some rest for the night, you is my property now and in case you have any fancy ideas about running away we need to mark you as my property."
"Mark me?" I stuttered in disbelief. "You can't, please I beg you I'll do anything but please don't hurt me," I begged.
"Well boy, unlike Brutus and Nero here I ain't exactly inclined towards boy pussy, but thanks for the offer. Just the same boy you are going to wear my brand for the rest of your days."
Nero once again grabbed hold of me, and in front of the entire camp I was bent over a log like a beast on a farm and held down with my butt poking into the air. Brutus handed Nero a red hot iron with a circle and a number inside, in complete utter terror I waited with my eyes clamped shut bent over a stump as Nero lowered the glowing hot iron onto my right buttock cheek, I screamed in pain as I felt it burn into me and I smelled the awful smell of burning flesh. Thankfully sometime during this awful experience I feinted dead away, for a short time I felt no more pain. Unbeknownst to me I was now labeled SA1254, the property of Sam Ambroise slave no 1254.
Chapter two No Longer a Virgin
Callum's story continues as he begins his life as a slave
When next I awoke I could feel a hand caressing my sore butt. At first I was frightened thinking that it might be Brutus, making good on his threat, but as I turned around to look, I saw a kindly looking elderly lady, was applying salve to my branded buttock. "It make the pain go away, you done feel better soon, go to sleep now little one, tomorrow be a bad day for you."
As I looked into her wizened old face, I could no longer hold back my emotions and I started to sob uncontrollably. The old lady pulled me into a hug, and that's where I stayed until weariness overcame me as she rocked me gently back and forth. finally sleep overcame me. In a way she reminded me of my nanny when I was but a toddler, I loved nanny very much and I was terribly saddened when my papa sold her, probably because I had become too attached, papa always told me never to get attached to slaves.
Morning arrived with what seemed to me, in the blink of an eyelid, a toe nudged me in the ribs and a rough voice told me to get up. At first I thought everything that had happened to me was a bad dream and that I was sleeping safely in my own bed back on the plantation, but that illusion was soon dispelled as I opened my eyes and took in the terrible vista that is a slave trader's camp, the smell and the misery all but suffocated me. If I had expected to be given breakfast, I was sadly mistaken. Sam Ambroise preferred to keep his slaves, hungry and lean. That morning I was tethered between the old lady and a pregnant woman as I was ordered to march.
The day seemed to drag on eternally; every now and then Brutus or Nero would apply the whip to any recalcitrant slave who slowed down progress of the line. I received a stinging lash to my rump after I stumbled on a rock. I was not accustomed to walking outdoors without boots. Nero had crept silently behind me, the first I knew he was there was when the whip made contact with my sore bum cheek. I screeched in pain, but instantly picked up the pace and walked faster, fearing repercussions if I slowed down.
Finally two hours after noon, Sam called a stop. We were each given a drink of water from a communal pail along with a small piece of stale bread which tasted just awful. Twenty minutes later we were ordered to start marching again. I was terribly tired but too afraid to not comply as I gingerly stood up. Nero, whip in hand approached, fearing another flogging I begged him, "no please, I am marching don't whip me." I closed my eyes and expected the worst, but instead he undid the shackle from my neck chain and pulled me out the line. He dragged me by the short chain over to Sam's cart, picked me up and bodily threw me into the rear. Whereupon he then shackled my chain to a metal ringlet bolted to the side of the cart. For some reason I was receiving special treatment and being allowed to rest, it wasn't too long before I found out why
The rhythmic movement of the cart soon rocked me to sleep, for when next I awoke it was dark and we had made camp for the night alongside a stream. Yet again Nero unshackled and dragged me down to the water's edge where I was ordered to wash myself again, which I did without hesitation. The cool water on my injured butt made me feel a whole lot better.
After I had finished, Nero dragged me by my neck chain back to the camp where Sam and Brutus were seated around the camp fire. The column of slaves were lying exhausted in two neat rows, tethered by their neck and ankle chains.
In the glow of the firelight I could see that Brutus was naked, he was idly stroking his monstrously large cock, my eyes widened with fear and I backed into Nero who promptly shoved me forward and towards Brutus. Upon seeing the terror in my eyes, Sam and Brutus laughed.
"Awe the virgin boy is feeling a bit reluctant tonight Brutus," Sam stated sarcastically. "Why don't you loosen the brat up a bit?"
Brutus sneered lasciviously in my direction as he reached out his huge black paw and grabbed hold of my arm. I dug my heels into the ground and attempted to pull back but Brutus grip was firm. With his left hand he reached behind my neck, holding me like that with my head titled towards the sky so as I couldn't see what he was doing to me.
"No, please don't, please let me go, my papa will pay you anything you ask, just don't hurt me," I begged.
"Your daddy done sold you to me, nigger, your ass is mine now, that is until I sell you on the blocks," Sam said angrily.
Brutus huge calloused hand traveled slowly down my chest, exploring every inch of my baby-smooth white skin. Painfully he tweaked first one of my nipples and then seconds later, the other. His hands roamed unfettered down my torso as his meaty fingers pushed painfully into my belly button. Then his hand traveled down into my groin and he grasped my small penis firmly in his huge paw. Brutus rolled my foreskin back painfully, revealing the cute head of my small penis. As much as I loathed it happening my penis began to stiffen while he stroked it, until finally my cock was sticking straight out in front of me and was fully erect.
Every eye in the camp was watching me, witnessing my very public deflowering at the hands of Brutus. Despite the humiliation, I moaned softly as he continued to fondle me, until Brutus tired of stroking my cock and turned me around so I was facing him as he stood up. His huge black cock dangled there right in front of me as I was forced down onto my knees. Brutus grasped his cock and rested it on my shoulder, and then he slowly massaged my throat and ear with the bulbous head.
His cock dripped its fluids on me as he rubbed it under my chin and onto my cheek. "Open your mouth and suck me boy," the black slaver demanded.
I am not entirely sure as to what compelled me to obey without hesitation, maybe fear or maybe desire, either way, I closed my eyes and tentatively poked my tongue out and licked my tongue over the end of his penis, tasting for the first time in my young life a man's pre-cum. Much to my to my surprise it did not taste as bad as I had feared, I felt Brutus powerful body jerk at the very instant that my tongue made contact with his cock.
Deep inside me, it occurred to me that somehow I could have some degree of control over Brutus, because if I could make him jerk with a single swish of my tongue then maybe I could get him do be nicer to me, so I continued to tongue lash his penis. He was circumcised which kind of surprised me because I had never seen a cock without a foreskin before.
Pretty soon I had Brutus moaning as he was thrusting his hips at me. I opened my mouth as wide as I could to let his man-thing enter me but I only managed to get just the head of his huge cock into my mouth.
I could not explain what was happening within me, I was actually starting to enjoy sucking on Brutus' cock and the power and the control I had. The feeling of having such a huge brute's cock in my mouth, it kind of worked like an aphrodisiac. Pretty soon I had my mouth stretched open so wide that my jaw was aching, but I was swallowing his cock right to the back of my throat and even though it hurt like crazy and I kept gagging and threatening to vomit I wanted more, although I didn't think it possible so instead I just kept bobbing my head up and down as far as I could on his huge dick.
"Man look at that pretty little mouth, the brat is a natural cocksucker," said Sam looking on intently. But so consumed with my task was I that I never even heard him, or noticed the other slaves staring lustfully at me.
Brutus grabbed hold of the back of my head and pushed his cock right to the rear of my throat, I couldn't breathe so I gagged, he loosened his grip a little and allowed me a breathe before once again pushing his cock to the back of my throat, again I nearly choked, but I was starting to get the feel for it. If I suppressed my natural urge to gag then his cock could actually enter the very back of my mouth and go part of the way into my throat.
For several minutes he pushed into me and then pulled back out until his cock head was between my lips, slowly but surely it went deeper and deeper into my throat. I could feel my throat muscles starting to cramp up as I tried terribly hard to relax. Then it happened, my throat just popped open and his cock disappeared down into my gullet, I could tell that his cock was all the way inside me, because I felt his huge balls bouncing around on my chin. Quickly I discovered how to breathe on the out stroke and through my nose while on the down-stroke all of Brutus 9 inch [23 cm] cock was buried deep within my throat.
"Hot damn, look at the brat suck, Brutus I can see your cock going into his gullet from the outside of his throat, this boy is going to make me rich," Sam said gleefully, "Little nigger slut is worth ten times what I paid that white trash for him."
I didn't even hear his spiteful comments, so intent on pleasing Brutus was I that I sucked my little heart out until all of a sudden I felt Brutus' cock become even larger as my throat distended to facilitate its massive size. Suddenly his body tensed and he cried out in ecstasy and then it happened. Brutus exploded inside my throat. Stream after stream of hot cum flooded into my gullet until I couldn't swallow any more. His cum overflowed the narrow restriction of my 14 year old throat and surged up through my sinuses and blasted out of my nostrils, yet still more hot ropes of his creamy cum splashed into me as Brutus gripped the back of my head painfully and lunged with his hips. Finally his penis stopped squirting cum and as he pulled it out of my throat, a wet popping noise resounded as my throat contracted behind his retreating cock.
I was deluged with Brutus' cum, it dribbled from my nose, it poured out of my mouth, ran down my chin in rivulets onto my chest where a trail of cum went all the way down to my belly where it pooled in my belly button, I even had cum in my hair. I was literally soaked in his juices. My stomach felt full and distended from the huge amount I had swallowed.
Brutus collapsed onto the ground moaning with pleasure. "God damn I have had sluts before but never have I been blown like that, god damn god damn," he uttered over and over again.
I collapsed back onto my heels proud that I had been able to satisfy him in such a way. Absentmindedly I poked my tongue out and lapped up his cum from my chin, with my fingers I scooped up the puddles from my chest and wetly sucked his scum from my fingers. Completely oblivious to the effect I was having on the male slaves; Each and every one of them was fully erect and stroking their penises madly.
"Brat you is one cum hungry cock sucker, but don't worry there be plenty more to go round and you wont being going hungry tonight boy," Sam chuckled.
I felt something hot and hard rub against the back of my neck, instinctively I knew it was a cock, Nero. Instead of turning me around Nero grabbed me by the hair as he tilted my head back until it would go no further and pushed his cock into my mouth, but this time there was less resistance and I was able to take his smaller 8 inch [20 cm] cock into the back of my throat easily.
Unlike Brutus and his foreplay, Nero wasted no time; In one painful lunge he thrust his cock all the way down my throat until his balls were resting on my forehead. Then he started to thrust, in and out he went. Nero was like a machine, relentless. I didn't matter to him, and I knew I would never have any degree of control over this cruel and ruthless dumb mute, to him I was just a hole to be pumped, there was no passion just mindless rutting not unlike a wild beast.
Brutus meanwhile seemed fascinated with the spectacle before him as he reached out with his huge hand and wrapped it around my throat. "God damn I can feel your nigger cock going down his throat," he said to Nero as he squeezed my throat harder cutting off my air supply.
Nero ignored him and Just kept thrusting, on and on he went, when his time came there was no tensing up, no warning, suddenly I felt my throat flooded with cum, wave after wave of it forced its way down my throat and into my tummy until I couldn't take anymore and once again a man's cum flowed freely from my mouth and nostrils, my normally flat tummy was distended from all the fluids pumped into me, but Nero just kept pumping until I fainted clean away.
I awoke some time later laying on my side in a pool of cum. Nero's juices were still dribbling from my nose and mouth. As I burped even more spilled from my mouth, causing Nero to grin and the other two men laugh.
I must have been out-cold for a long while. Glancing at Brutus and I could tell that he was ready to go again; his huge penis had regained its earlier size as he was staring at me lustfully. "Come here boy," he growled menacingly.
I obeyed without hesitation and got on my hands and knees and crawled over to him.
"Turn around brat," he ordered.
I did as I was told when suddenly I felt his huge hands close around my narrow hips as he pulled me back towards him. Even though I knew what was going to happen and that I should have been afraid, I wasn't, I wanted to feel his huge cock buried deep inside me.
Mind you that desire changed somewhat as I felt his huge bulbous cock-meat push at the entrance to my hole. I screamed in pain as he pushed forward, I knew that I would be ripped apart as his huge cock head popped into my tiny asshole.
Lights flashed before me and my eyes watered uncontrollably, I couldn't breathe as I felt Brutus shove inch after inch of his massive rod into me, until finally after what seemed an eternity he bottomed out inside me and I felt his balls slap against my butt cheeks. I glanced down between my legs and I swear I could see a ridge in my lower abdomen where his cock forged a path through my intestines. We stayed locked together like that, me in agony and probably Brutus too, having the life squeezed out of his cock by my tight tunnel. Then he started to thrust, for a moment the pain was so intense that I blacked out, when I came to I had relaxed a little and a new feeling was overtaking my overloaded senses. Pleasure!
As Brutus' cock foraged deep inside my guts it was brushing against something and it felt as if a bolt of lightening was shooting into me, my penis started to dribble juice of its own accord, it wasn't even being touched.
"Man o man this brat's asshole is so tight," Brutus half spoke half moaned.
By now the pain was overshadowed as an incredibly pleasurable flame was being ignited within me. Instinctively I pushed my hips backwards forcing his cock deeper inside me. Faster and faster Brutus' black cock pumped in and out, my own orgasm was building and building until suddenly I cried out loudly and my cock exploded and my juices spurted down onto the ground and pooled in a tiny puddle of cum between my legs, but Brutus was ignorant of my orgasm as he continued lunging at my rear. The faster he pumped the harder I pushed back until suddenly he gripped my hips with both his two hands tensed, then suddenly I felt ropes of his cum shoot out of his cock and into my guts.
This time my tummy was being filled from the other end, I felt sure that my innards were completely inundated with cum, I was full to overflowing as Brutus slowed down until finally he collapsed on top of me, pinning me to the ground with his massive bulk as his cock which was still buried deep inside me slowly became soft and then finally with a wet squishy sound it popped out of my asshole and lay wedged between by soaked bum cheeks.
"Please get off me, you're squashing me, I can't breathe," I muttered breathlessly.
"Hot damn boy you are one helacious slut," Brutus uttered as he pushed himself off me, rolling onto his side. I don't know what came over me, but I knelt down and kissed his limp dick affectionately, Sam laughed out loud.
Nero who by now was filled with lustful thoughts stood up menacingly and headed towards to me but Sam put his hand up and stopped him, "not tonight Nero, go and get one of the boys from the herd, this little one is full up."
As I was too exhausted to walk Brutus picked me up and carried me to the cart whereupon he gently lifted me up onto the wooden boards and lay me down, he then chained my collar to the ringlet inside the cart. As I drifted off to sleep I could not help but wonder what would become of me. How easily my body had betrayed me in the arms of Brutus and Nero, the last thing I remember before falling asleep was a single solitary tear rolling down my cum soaked cheek.
Chapter three More to Lose Than Just My Virginity
Well it looks like poor Callum Macintosh' circumstances just got considerably worse, in that he looses more than just his virginity.
The next morning I awoke to see Sam and another man staring down at me.
"How old is the brat?" I heard the scraggy and badly dressed man standing next to Sam ask.
"14," Sam replied.
"He sure is a pretty boy ain't he?" He said as his eyes roamed lustfully over my slender form. "I ain't ever nutted a kid before, nutted a buck or two in my time, but mostly I nut pigs, cain't see how this brat would be any different to a boar though," remarked the man speculatively.
"The buyer I have in mind for the boy, won't want him lessen he is nutted, and I don't have time to find a professional cutter, you say you have nutted hundreds of pigs?" asked Sam.
"Yeah, and like I said cain't see how this brat would be any different. Do him the same way, bring him over to my property and I'll do him in the pig pen, same as all the others, I got me a dozen or so boars to do tomorrow."
Sam had a worried expression on his face, clearly he was not happy with this arrangement; However Sam had no choice, if the boy was going to have his balls cut out and be sufficiently healed by the time they got to the coast, then it would have to happen now. Sam looked at the white trash pig farmer standing before him, all the farmer had asked for by way of payment was to fuck the boy and return him unharmed, albeit without his testicles. Sam looked down at me and thought to himself what a waste it would be to loose something so valuable, but the matter was settled and once Sam made up his mind about something there was no going back.
As for me, it hadn't registered in my mind what they were talking about, 'nutted', 'pigs' what on earth were they planning. In hind site it was probably a good thing I didn't understand or else I would have killed myself trying to escape.
I was dragged to my feet by Nero and led by my chain to the old man's buggy and tied to the rear running board, Nero was about to lift me up onto the carriage when the old man stopped him.
"No! Let the brat run, it will tire him out and he won't fight as much," Grinned the old man whose name I found out later, was Hodge.
Nero looked at Sam for advice, Sam merely shrugged his shoulders.
"Three days from today we will be at Millers ferry crossing, " Sam said, "Bring the boy to me there, if he is damaged in any way other than being nutted then I will come after you, or if you don't turn up with the boy then I will come after you, do you understand?" Sam threatened Hodge.
Hodge gulped, but nodded his head in ascent, "don't worry your-self sir, apart from a sore butt and missing a few vitals the boy will be as good as new," he said licking his lips as he glanced at me, no doubt that in his mind he was visualizing his plans for the next three days.
Sam came over to me, "Listen here boy and listen good, you give the old man any trouble whatsoever, and I will sell you to the most pox infested whorehouse in the south where your butt will be used by every low life in the county, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"
"Yes ssssir, I'll be good I promise," I stammered, fearing Sam temper.
"Good boy," Sam said and he slapped my butt hard as Hodge's buggy started off with a jerk, nearly pulling my arms out of their sockets.
Hodge kept the buggy moving fast so that I had no time to contemplate where or why Sam had sent me away with him, all I could do to avoid tripping over was to run as fast as I could. It seemed like forever but finally he turned the buggy into an old dilapidated gateway that was mostly hidden by foliage and overgrown corn crops. Hodge slowed down on the pot holed driveway and I saw fields of corn crops that seem to go on forever. Finally an area in front of us widened and before me I saw a run down shambles of a house.
To the right of the house was a barn, next to which there was a large sturdily built pen solidly packed with what seemed like a thousands pigs, of all color shapes and sizes and all jostling for position at a feed tray. I noticed another enclosure to the left of the barn, a smaller pig pen housing maybe twenty or so middle sized pigs, they seemed to be moving about restlessly.
Hodge slowed the buggy to a stop and saw me looking at the smaller pen, there was something odd about it but I couldn't quiet fathom what it was, it seemed like there were a number of smaller moveable fences inside the pen that formed a corridor leading to a small opening within the side of the barn. On the opposite side of the barn there was a second opening leading to yet another pen, but this opening only had a surrounding barrier, no double or moving fences, IN and OUT was the thought that occurred to me, but in and out of what?
When I think about it now, it seems naïve to me that at that time I didn't make the connection with the pens and the barn and the pigs, however in my defense on our property we grew wheat, we did not keep farm animals other than chickens.
I was near to collapsing when Hodge finally untied me from the rear of the buggy and snapped a heavy metal padlock and chain onto my neck bracelet. He didn't say a word as he led me towards the smaller pig pen. The pigs inside moved back away from the gate, obviously in fear of Hodge, I had no doubt that he mistreated his animals, as he was about to me. Hodge opened the gate and pulled on my chain dragging me behind him. Now I may be to all practical purposes a farm-boy but the pigs looked awfully mean and aggressive and I was afraid of them, so I resisted as he pulled on the chain. Hodge was instantly enraged and he jerked hard on the chain causing me to fall flat on my face.
Hodge leant over me and grabbed hold of the back of my britches and in one savage tear ripped them from my body, leaving me naked in the mud near the entrance to the pig pen. "Boy you is nuthin more than a pig to me, same as those other critters and you is gunna be treated the same way," he said snarling viciously, as he closed the gate, with his toe up my butt he slid me across the muddy pig pen to the center where for the first time I noticed a large steel eyelet set firmly into the ground.
The pigs jostled nervously against the fence as far away from Hodge as they could get as he attached my neck chain to the ringlet with a large padlock. "This should hold you boy," he said as he pulled on the padlock to ensure that it was firmly locked.
"Brat, I is gunna leave you to get acquainted with your brothers over there, I need to go to town to get supplies. Oh did I mention that the reason these pigs are all stuck together in here is cause they is all getting so horny that they cant be controlled? Maybe you will be a good sow for them?" Hodge laughed cruelly at his own sick joke and he slapped his sides as he strode out of the enclosure, locking the gate behind him.
"Ooh and boy, I ain't gunna be back until morning, if en ya get hungry or thirsty the feed trough is in the corner there," he said pointing to a foul looking water trough.
When Hodge left, the pig's fear seem to leave with him, heightening my terror as slowly they started to circle me, curious as to who this new captive in their pen might be. I scampered across the pen to the far side putting the mud hole between myself and the pigs. As they tried to approach me I picked up handfuls of mud and flung it at them, yelling for them to get back and for a while it kept them at bay.
I desperately looked for someplace safe to hide as the pigs once again became braver and closed in on me. Then I noticed that if I could get to the other side of the pen I could climb up onto the fence railing, I may not be able to escape but I could keep a safe distance from the pigs, on the railing.
I picked up a handful of mud and screaming like a lunatic I hurled it at the pigs causing them to disperse, clearing a path for me to get to the other side of the enclosure. So I ran as fast as I could through the opening and in two leaps climbed up onto the fence.
The pigs followed me to the fence and snorted aggressively in frustration when they realized that they couldn't reach me. "Cant get me you filthy pigs," I taunted them, very pleased with myself was I.
The pigs looked defeated and with snorts and grunts slowly one by one they returned to the feeding trough, except for one large brown boar who stayed close to me almost as if on guard duty for the rest of the pack.
On the other side of the pen a large black boar suddenly reared up onto the back of a smaller pig, I blushed bright red when I saw his huge corkscrew penis unsheathe itself and poke around violently at the smaller pig's rear, suddenly his tip found an opening and in one swift action screwed itself all the way into the small hole. The little pig squealed in terror as suddenly the boar started to screw his weird shaped prick in and out of the small hole. The boar continued to breed the smaller pig for a couple of minutes until suddenly his huge torso stiffened and I could see his massive balls tighten up as he started to squirt his heavy load into the rump of the smaller pig.
Much to my disgust this display of brute animal lust had my penis stiffening, pre-cum had started to dribble from my own penis. Meanwhile the boar that was guarding me was trying to climb up onto the fence, but the best he could manage was the first railing. For a moment I was worried that he would be able to reach me but then I saw he couldn't get any higher I sighed in relief and went back to watching the smaller pig being fucked.
My hand reached for my penis and I started to stroke myself. The big boar had finished and no sooner had he dismounted then another boar had taken his place, the second of the two smaller pigs was now also being mounted and being pumped. Pretty soon I couldn't take it any longer and I shot my own load. My cum spewed from the end of my penis and splashed onto the muddy earthen floor of the pig pen. The pig guarding me stared up at me and grunted and squealed, but knowing that I was safe I poked my tongue out at him and closed my eyes as I rested after my orgasm.
Suddenly, there was a sharp jerk on my neck chain, at first I thought that Hodge had returned but to my complete horror I saw it was the pig guarding me. Should anyone ever suggest to you that pigs aren't intelligent then they are lying. The big boar had my chain in his huge maw and he was pulling backwards with all of his might. He had made the connection, his sow was tied up and not going anywhere. I held on to the railing with all my might, curling my arms and legs around and holding on for dear life. The boar however had other ideas; he dug his clove hooves into the mud and with one mighty jerk pulled on the chain. I literally flew through the air and landed face down in the mud at his trotters.
Immediately he stepped over me trapping me, his massive torso spread across my narrow shoulders and pinned me to the ground with my face buried in the mud. I sensed the other pigs surrounding me, then I felt it, first a snout and then a tongue bury itself in between my butt cheeks. I clenched my bum cheeks shut firmly but I was no match for the hugely powerful tongue that ploughed its way into my bum. I felt the tongue reach my hole which was clamped shut. The boar pushed his invading tongue hard against my rosebud hole and for a while I thought it would continue to resist him.
But then suddenly I felt my hole start to open and I felt his tongue penetrate me. I screamed into the mud, "NO stop, stop," But the tongue went in further and further until I could feel the pig's hot breath on my ass cheeks and 4 inches [10 cm] of pig tongue buried in my ass.
The pig seemed to taste me, his tongue went in and out, and slowly my butt hole was becoming looser from his lubricating saliva until eventually his tongue moved freely inside me. My penis in despite my terror was by this time as hard as a rock and burrowing into the mud below my body.
Just as suddenly the boars tongue popped out of me, causing me to sigh with disappointment. For a moment nothing happened, then I felt the full weight of the pig on my back and my body was pushed even deeper into the mud. I could feel the boars huge corkscrew cock slide up between my butt cheeks before sliding up my spine and up between my shoulder blades, leaving a trail of moist pig cum up my back. But no matter how hard he tried he could not find my opening and he became enraged and frustrated with horniness. His huge maw closed around the back of my neck and he bit down hard as he violently shook my body like a rag doll. He let go of my throat and with his snout closed his maw on my groin, taking my penis balls and half my ass into his mouth as he tried to push me up to a kneeling position.
I felt sure that non compliance would cause him to snap my neck; god knows he was easily powerful enough, so in fear for my life I reluctantly pushed myself up onto my hands and knees with my butt poking into the air. Again he mounted me, but his shear weight and the slippery mud beneath me caused me to collapse to the muddy ground each time. Several more times the boar tried to mount me until the dumb brute realized that this little sow was almost fuck proof.
I collapsed exhausted into the mud as he circled menacingly, every now and then he would nip me. The boar, with his huge maw grabbed me by the hair and dragged me face down in the mud to the other side of the enclosure, letting the other boars know that I was his property. Suddenly an idea seems to dawn in on him, he grabbed hold of my chain and dragged me all the way across to the other side of the pen to where a bail of hay was laying. By pulling on my chain he dragged me over the top of the bail of hay until my tummy was resting on the bail, with my arms and legs hanging over the front and my rear poking over the back. It was at that moment I knew that he was going to breed me, I was no match for either his shear determination or his brute strength. All I could hope for was that his huge cock wouldn't tear me apart.
I figured that the safest course of action to avoid being injured was to cooperate in the rape, so I adjusted my position so that my chest was on the bail of hay and my butt was poking up provocatively, making it easier for him to mount me, as I braced myself for the assault.
My own cock stiffened with anticipation and I didn't have long to wait as I felt his huge torso cover my entire body. Then I felt his cock sheath slide around between by buttocks, suddenly his corkscrew penis found my hole and without warning he screwed it all the way into me in one twisting movement. I screamed with agony as I felt his massive cock force open my hole and suddenly I was hopelessly impaled on his animal dick. It seemed as if his cock had wound its way all the way into my guts and I screamed in pain as my internal organs were mercilessly pushed aside to make room for his raping cock. The boar grunted with pleasure as my tight hot tunnel clamped down on his prick. The pig's cock purposely corkscrewed all the way into me.
After a while the pain started to dissipate and was being replaced by another feeling, an incredible feeling, his cork-screw cock was twisting across that special place within me and each time it felt as if I was being hit by lightening. It felt a hundred times more intense and exhilarating than when Brutus had fucked me. My penis exploded a load of cum onto the ground and formed a puddle underneath me as I screamed out in ecstasy and I pushed my rump back hard onto the pig's invading cock.
"Oh my god, fuck me, fuck me," I chanted mindlessly as the boar continued to screw me. A smaller pig having smelt my cum nosed his way under my tummy and lapped up my juices from the ground, then he found the source of the delicious nectar and with one swallow took my entire cock into his maw and sucked down hard. The sucking sensation was overwhelming as for the second time I exploded cum, this time directly down the throat of the little pig.
Meanwhile the boar fucking me was building to his climax, his huge paws held me tightly and his trotters dug painfully into my sides as he squeezed the air from my lungs, then suddenly he tensed, and I felt the first hot flood of pig cum pour into my guts. Wave after wave was pumped into me as he continued to breed me, squealing loudly as filled me to the brink. My intestines flooded with his cum until they could hold no more and cum overflowed from my ass and broke through the tight seal of my stuffed hole and his cock and cum poured down my thighs.
His cum flowed in rivers across my groin I looked down and I could see my stomach distended from all the juices he had poured into me, yet the boar kept on pumping and for the third time I came into the mouth of the pig sucking on my now very sore penis.
Finally he stopped and rested panting and exhausted on my back. Suddenly with a wet popping sound I felt his penis slip from my slime covered ass, it left me feeling empty and disappointed. The boar climbed down of me as I sagged down onto the bail of hay exhausted and mercifully I lost consciousness.
Many hours later, I awoke with a start as Hodge threw a bucket of cold water onto me. "Stand up brat," he growled.
My knees were shaking as I pushed myself up off the bail of hay and stood up. Pig cum had dried on my skin and around my anus, I looked down at my distended tummy. The pressure inside me was irrepressible and a stream of urine poured uncontrollably out of my penis and splashed onto Hodge boots. Hodge looked furious as he shook his boots.
"Sorry sir, I'm so sorry I couldn't help it," I bawled as he dragged me by the hair over to the water trough. Hodge pushed my head completely underwater until I almost passed out again. "Boy I would beat the shit out of you cept Sam would have my hide, he dun like his property bein damaged," he said as he pushed my entire body into the water trough. "Wash yourself boy, you stink worse than those swine."
I hurriedly ran my hands over my body and washed the mud and grime from my body and hair, before he dragged me soaking wet from the trough and out of the pen to the barn. The barn was awful; the smell of burnt flesh and rotting meat assailed my nostrils and nearly caused me to vomit. I looked around and I saw that there was a rail running just above my head height, all the way from the small door opening to the pig-pen and then to a work area in the center of the room. Dangling from the rail were ominous looking hooks set into small trolleys which were designed to travel along the rail.
Hodge dragged me over to a low set work table, whereupon he bent me over so as my tummy was scraping painfully on the rough sawn top, he held me down with one hand whilst he loosened his coveralls with the other. Then I felt his penis poking at my (by that time) well exercised butt, His cock went in without resistance and I felt no pain at all.
"The boars really opened you up, damn your as loose as a Texas whore, boy," he said as he commenced pumping his cock into me. His cock wasn't very large and after my rape in the pig pens it almost felt soothing to be inside me. The only discomfort I felt was the rough timber digging into my stomach and chest as I was dragged back and forth across the table top.
Suddenly Hodge grunted and mightily slammed me as he squirted his load into me for several seconds before collapsing on top of me. I felt his foul sweat dripping onto my back.
He got off me and pulled me along by my chain back to the pig pen, wham bam thank you mam was Hodge style. This time there was no metal ring to chain me too, as I was in the piglet pen. Instead he tied me face up and spread eagle to the four corners of the small pen. He laughed almost manically as he said tomorrow would be the worst day of my life, with that he left me alone and tied to the stakes.
I fell asleep exhausted. When I awoke I wish I hadn't, there was a lot of activity in the boar pen, but being tied down I couldn't really see what was happening. Hodge opened the gate and with four slashes of a machete cut the ropes binding me to the stakes on the ground. I was stiff and sore and had lost feeling in my limbs so it wasn't surprising that when he dragged me to my feet I offered no resistance. Hodge half dragged half carried me to the large boar pen. Then I noticed the difference.
The portable fences along the edge of the pen had been pushed into the center and reduced the pen perimeter to a narrow corridor leading wedge-like towards the opening in the barn. The pigs were jammed end for end in the narrow tunnel, barely wide enough for them to be able to move, timber beams were slid into position above the heads of the pigs across rails preventing the pigs from climbing out of the passageway. Hodge bodily lifted me up and threw me into the middle of the line of the pigs. He then forced a beam over my head so as I couldn't stand as I ended up on my hands and knees crawling along with the pigs.
A boar behind me, shoved his snout against my butt and grunted angrily forcing my head into the butt of the pig in front of me. To my dismay the pig in front of me was the large boar who had bred me in the pen yesterday. Suddenly the line started to move forward, the boar refused to move that was until a red hot iron was jabbed onto his ass, and I heard him squeal in agony and I could smell his burning flesh right next to my nose. Being a fast learner he trotted ahead enthusiastically, I wasn't planning on suffering the same fate so I kept my nose right up his butt and I followed him forward.
At intervals we continued to crawl forward like this until suddenly something changed. Right in the middle of the small passageway was a smooth wooden island raised up from the ground, I had to lift my head up, suck in my tummy and crane my neck backwards so I wouldn't hit my head into the end. My knees barely touched the ground as I continued to crawl on the tips of my toes with my tummy dragging along the top of the polished wooden island. I could no longer see the pig in front of me as my head was forced upwards, all I could see was the opening into the barn and someone working away near the entrance, presumably Hodge.
Suddenly the island seemed to change shape, it tapered out wide, causing me to spread my thighs wide in order to keep moving. My thigh muscles felt as if they were going to rip apart and I stopped moving, that was until the pig behind me got the branding iron and he gave me a vicious shove forward.
I felt a groove in the center of the island travel down my tummy and reach my penis but fortunately my penis didn't catch in it, it was wide enough at the opening for it to pop out the other end. Unfortunately the same couldn't be said for my balls as I felt them slide into the groove and stop. My balls may have temporarily stopped moving but I wasn't allowed to as I was pushed forward yet again by the pig behind me. My balls stretched painfully behind me until mercifully a wooden barrier stopped me from traveling any further.
By this time my nuts were stretched well away from my body and my legs were nearly horizontal as I was stretched out on the wooden island.
Hodge put his hands through a small opening in the passageway and squeezed my balls painfully. "Hmm boy, the rats are gunna eat well tonight," he laughed. Hodge then slipped a leather cord around my testicles right against my groin and he pulled the leather cord into a slip knot causing me to yell out in pain. Almost instantly my balls started to ache from the lack off blood supply, and I cried out in terror.
Hodge then grabbed hold of the leather cord and stretched my nuts almost to breaking point and let them slap painfully against my ass as he released my nuts from the groove. Hodge grabbed hold of my ankles and fastened yet another leather cord to each ankle which he then tied to a spreader beam which kept my legs stretched painfully apart. When he was satisfied that I was securely tied he slapped me hard on the butt and laughed.
Hodge grabbed hold of the wooden spreader and lifted me up, causing my spine to arch backwards painfully and my chin to bang on the wooden island, as he hooked me up and onto a waiting trolley. I was suspended by the trolley upside down with my legs spread wide and my chin resting on the island when suddenly the wooden barrier in front of me opened and Hodge gave me a shove forward causing my trolley to roll me forward into the barn. I rolled down a short ramp until I collided with the boar in front of me, who was suspended much the same way as I was.
The sight that befell me almost made me feint. In front of me there were maybe ten boars, all tied up by the ankles in exactly the same way as me and like me all of them had leather cords tied around their nuts. The sound of squealing pigs was almost deafening.
Standing in the middle of this hideous production line was a filthy and toothless old black slave; he was covered from head to toe in blood as he worked on his next victim.
As each pig was pulled forward, he would drag the trolley into the work area, he would then grab hold of the boars two front legs and slip them through cords tied to the ground. He would then pull the cords down tightly effectively stretching the pig's body and holding him so as he couldn't move in any direction.
This caused the pig which was suspended by the hooks on the trolley to arch its back unnaturally, leaving its lower belly and groin exposed to the cutter. The cutter then grabbed hold of the pig's balls and stretched them out until it seemed as if they would be ripped off, then with a sharp curved knife he sliced through the sack containing the pig's balls, he threw the sack onto the ground where rats scurried around to get at the fresh meat. The cutter sliced away until the boars testicles were exposed. Next he used a white hot knife to slice through the cords. Finally he cauterized the open wound with a small branding iron. Each pig would cum wildly as its testicles were being cut from its body, the cutter was drenched in cum and blood as he worked.
I watched in horror as the boar that raped me had his testicles exposed and then cut out, he let out a thunderous squeal as his huge testicles joined others on the floor, buckets of cum poured out from his now useless penis as for the last time he asserted himself as a boar. As he finished with the boar the cutter pushed the trolley over to a chute and with a quick slash of his knife cut the pig's rear legs free and he plunged down the chute into the holding yard on the other side of the barn.
Then suddenly it was my turn.
The cutter looked at me and toothlessly grinned broadly as he pulled my trolley into the work area. Hanging upside down I tried to punch him with my fists but he was too strong and he was easily able to tie my hands to the ringlets on the floor. I was suspended upside down, my balls tied with a leather cord and my back arched towards the cutter, almost beckoning him to cut my balls off. I begged I screamed I pleaded but to no avail, the cutter just went about his gruesome task.
The only extra consideration I received was that Hodge handed the cutter a bottle of antiseptic which he poured first over my testicles, the drying alcohol caused me to gasp. He then poured the remainder of the antiseptic onto his cutting knife and washed his grimy hands in the alcohol.
For reasons which I cannot explain, my penis was as hard as it has ever been in my short 14 year life as the cutter with the efficiency of a man well used to doing his job hefted my balls away from my body, as he rolled my balls around in my ballsac looking for the place to start cutting my erect penis suddenly shot its load of cum, it splashed onto his chest whereupon it mingled with pig cum, it slid down my body in tiny rivers and then formed in a pool below my upturned chin, then, I felt his knife go in.
I screamed and screamed as my ball sac was split right down the middle. The cutter opened me up from my anus almost to my groin, and as my entire ballsac was cut in two he pushed his dirty fingers inside my body and rolled my nut around until he could get a good grip and then he pulled it out through the opening and for the first time ever my pubescent balls were exposed to the outside world. The cutter continued to cut away at my ball-sac, finally leaving only my two testicles dangling loosely on my stomach by their chords, with a final flick of his knife what remained of my ball-sac fell to the ground and lay alongside the pig's sacs.
As the cutter had done with the pigs, he picked up the red hot cauterizing knife and sliced through the chord of my right testicle and I screamed in pain as it came free. My ball rolled down my torso and left my body for the last time as it hit the dirty ground with a moist plop. Once again my penis exploded with a mixture of cum and blood as almost immediately my second testicle joined my right testicle on the floor. I watched dazed as the pink healthy color drained from my two dying nuts lying on the muddy floor. Suddenly a huge rat scurried across the floor and I watched in horror as the rodent opened its ugly maw and in one gulp swallowed one of my testicles, seconds later another rat made short work of my other ball, then as the red hot iron was pushed into my bleeding groin I thankfully passed out.
The cutter untied the ropes holding my hands to the ringlet and rolled my trolley across to the exit chute whereupon he cut my ankles free and I tumbled down the chute and rolled out naked next to the boar.
The next time I awoke I was in the same pen with the same boars that had raped me, only this time there would be no rape, there wasn't a whole male in the entire pen and that included me. I would never again feel sperm rush out the end of my penis, I cried until I fell asleep. As the old man had promised Sam, I had been gelded along with the pigs.
Chapter four Chez Naomi
This is the ongoing story of Callum Macintosh a 14 year old white sone of a planter who is sold to slavers by his cash strapped father. After having him nutted the slaver delivers him to Port Jerome to be sold at auction
I didn't remember much about the next couple of days; except that they were pain filled and I experienced high fever that caused nightmares of two legged pigs and imagining myself being meat in a butchers house, hanging from a hook. Vaguely I recall Sam ordering Nero to place me in the wagon, before I passed out yet again.
When next I regained consciousness I was still in the back of the open cart and rain was falling heavily upon my naked body, the freezing cold November rain awoke me from a restless sleep, I lay there shivering. Slowly memories of the last few days flooded back, Hodge, the pigs and then… I had hoped that it had all just been a horrible nightmare, but as I reached down between my legs, my worst fears were to be confirmed. Where once my lovely balls once hung, now there was nothing only an empty void, suddenly I realized it hadn't been a dream it had really happened. I cursed my father for selling me, I cursed Hodge for taking my balls and I cried despairingly for the loss of my manhood.
"Ahh the Brat is awake?" Sam said as he looked down at me, from his mount.
All that had happened to me was suddenly focused as in my rage I lost control and I spat at Sam and yelled, "You filthy white trash, I'll have you killed just you wait and see, you wait!" I yelled at him.
Sam's face reddened, "How dare you talk to my like that nigger," he glowered and with his huge hand he grabbed hold of my wrist and dragged me screaming from the back of the wagon.
Sam leapt down from his saddle, with a rope he bound my hands together and tied them the pommel of his horse. He snatched the whip from Nero hand.
I felt the whip land on my naked butt and I screamed in terror, five more times the whip found me before I passed out, only to be awoken as Sam threw water on my face.
"You open you mouth again boy and I'm agonna keep to my promise of selling your skinny white ass to the worsest pox ridden whorehouse I can find, ya hear me BOY?"
I looked up Sam, terrified and nodded my head.
"I said you hear me boy?" Sam yelled even more angrily.
"Yes sir, I mean yes master I hear!" I corrected answering Sam.
Whip in hand Sam considered me for a moment, then he threw the whip to Nero and a smile crept across his face, "OK boy I'll overlook this one little indiscretion, but the next time you open your pretty mouth for anything other than a cock-sucking session, I'm going to make good on my threat."
Sam hauled me to my feet and bodily threw me into the rear of the wagon, then mounted his horse and rode ahead, Nero smirked at me, then he turned around and we started on our way again.
No matter how hard I tried to reconcile what happened to me I was completely vexed as to why they had taken my balls, its not as if I had been bad or had hurt someone. I was so tired, and sick, finally I gave in to my miseries and descended sobbing into a fitful sleep.
Three days later we crossed the Royal River and headed for the coast. Sam left me to rest in the wagon. Being young and healthy my wound healed quickly. By the time we reached Port Lamont four days later, even the crust on my scar had fallen off leaving behind only a thin pink crease where my balls had once been.
Every night Sam forced me to take Brutus and Nero's cocks into my mouth, and service them until they were spent. Sam prohibited either one of them from using my butt, he said he didn't want my hole stretched as it would reduce my value on the blocks. I didn't understand his meaning but I was none the less grateful as I had not felt even the slightest sexual urge since my balls had been cut off. Sam seemed very determined that I learn everything there was to learn about using my mouth and hands to please a man, he cuffed me over the head if I were to do something which he deemed to be wrong or not pleasurable, By the time our little party had reached the coast I could use expertly use both my tongue and throat to bring Brutus or Nero to climax, sometimes within minutes of starting, Sam seemed very pleased with my progress.
Once when I had been little my pappy had taken me to Port Jerome to pick up my Uncle who had arrived by sailing ship from England, I remember Port Jerome to be a big and very dirty place. My pappy warned me not to stray too far or else risk being whisked away by slavers. I recall seeing hundreds upon hundreds of black, white and even yellow faces in the teeming crowd.
Sam looked out over the visage, he loved Port Jerome. This town served no other purpose ergo the trade of human suffering, prostitutes and slaves could be and often were sold on every street corner, Sam especially loved the whorehouses, First he would sell his black slaves to a wholesaler then he would visit his favorite house, Chez Naomi.
Sam planned on selling the brat to the Cuban, he knew that selling him in the Americas may be dangerous, some do good carpet bagger was bound to stick his nose in and perhaps someone would actually believe the boy's story and Sam knew that he would instantly be seen as a kidnapper not the respected slave trader he was. Kidnapping of a white boy in these parts is punishable by hanging. Who knows maybe even the boy's father might have a change of heart, for certain the sooner he sold the brat the better.
Sam led the boy by the arm into Naomi's whorehouse whereupon he was welcomed by no other than the busty mulatto madam, and proprietor, Naomi.
Naomi had already knew that Sam was in town, very little escaped the shrewd madam, she had also heard that Sam had with him a rare cargo and she knew that somehow she should be able to profit from Sam's good fortune, Naomi was somewhat pleased to see Sam Ambroise walk into her establishment totting his precious cargo
"Monsieur Ambroise! How good it is to see you once again mon bon ami," Naomi said affectionately using her best New Orleans accent.
"Naomi. Is that you? You look much younger than I remember," Sam answered equally as smoothly, flattering Naomi.
The two worldly old tricksters hugged each other and exchanged pleasantries while the boy stood to one side and looked on curiously.
"Mon petite cherie!" Naomi declared as she turned and studied the small framed white boy with the reddish blond hair and green eyes.
"And who might this pretty little thing be?" she asked Sam.
Sam was aware that Naomi already knew who he was, but he humored Naomi anyway. "The brat is not for sale, at least not by the hour Naomi," Sam chuckled.
Sam then went on to explain that he had bought the boy from his beleaguered father, he knew better than to lie to Naomi, she was simply to shrewd for him to get away with it. Normally lies better suited his cause, but in this case the truth was just strange enough to win Naomi's cooperation. Sam told her his plans for the boy and why he needed her help to prepare him for the Cuban.
I stood there and listened as Sam spoke with the black whore, I knew she was a whore because my pappy had warned me about ladies of ill-repute, ladies just like the one standing before me now. She lifted my chin up so as I had no choice but to look up into her eyes. Slowly her bejeweled hand ran over my naked chest and then traveled down over my stomach and then she reached her into my trousers. I tried to pull away and Sam cuffed me on the back of the head, hard, having no choice but to letter her do as she would, I stood still and tried to pretend that I was someplace else. I felt her hand travel down and wrap around my penis and she squeezed it tightly and then lightly her finger touched my scar where my balls once lived.
"Sam you tell the truth the boy is both beautiful and he has not balls, the Cuban will pay a large sum for this brat, but tell me what is it that you want from me?" Naomi asked.
"In three weeks time the Cuban will come to Port Jerome, for the auctions to sell his slaves which have reached saleable age and also to buy new wenches as well as anything else that takes his fancy, and I am sure, this brat will take his fancy. I need for you to prepare the boy, train him in the ways of a whore, make him appealing and make him beautiful, teach him to be a house slave," Sam said.
"You wish that I should train the boy in the ways of whoring?" asked Naomi confused, but none the less she salivated at the very thought of it.
"Yes trained but not ruined, I don't want any of your big dick niggers stretching the boy's hole and making him worthless, do you understand me?" Sam said.
"And what will I get in return for this service?" Naomi asked.
"You may use the boy for your nightly performances, until one week before the Cuban arrives, at which time I want him rested and looking healthy."
Naomi stopped listening right after Sam had said, you can have him for your nightly performances, she was ecstatic at this twist of good fortune. Lately her nightly performances had become somewhat mundane, the white whore name Rose, which she had hired from New Orleans was no longer attracting the crowds she had at beginning.
Chez Naomi's nightly performances were famous in Port Jerome. The weekly stage show brought together a large and mixed crowd, planters, slavers, travelers and even freed slaves, they all came to watch the show and invariably spend there hard earned money on Naomi's whores. Naomi already had half dozen erotic scenarios that she was planning for the boy's debut performance.
I had stopped listening, I was standing looking at the pretty mulatto girl who was smiling at me sweetly, and suddenly I became angry because I realized that even if I wanted to there was nothing I could do to satisfy her, not in the way in which a man-boy should. Sam and the lady he called Naomi seemed to talk on forever until finally Sam turned to me.
"Boy I am leaving you with Naomi, you do absolutely everything that she tells you, and do you understand me? And boy I have told Naomi that no one that has a cock bigger than Nero is to fuck you, do you remember how big Nero's cock is?"
I blushed red and nodded my head vigorously; my affirmation caused Naomi to burst out laughing.
"Ok boy, you do as I say and you will manage to live a few more weeks," Sam said as he turned and walked into the parlor, Sam already had spotted the pretty young mulatto and he was planning a good time for himself tonight.
Naomi reached down and took my hand, she led me into an adjoining parlor, and all the while she kept mumbling, wonderful.
"This be Lucie, she is going to take you upstairs and clean you up, you do as she says boy or I am going to whop your ass, do you hear me?"
"Yes mam," I replied meekly.
Lucie a large breasted black whore, was darker than any other slave I have ever seen and she had an even stranger accent, that I later found out to be from the island of Jamaica in the Carib.
"First we get things straight Nigger slave, I aren't no slave never was my pappy was a free man and a trader so don't you go trying to treat me like no slave you hear," she thundered at me, while I nodded my head fearfully.
She led me upstairs to a room, where a huge black man, in fact the biggest man I have ever seen, much larger than Nero was filling a bath one bucket at a time. He was completely naked. I let my eyes wonder over his body, down towards his privates, I expected to see an equally large penis and balls, but much to my surprise, his penis was not much bigger than mine and like me had no balls. As yet I did not have a name for people like us, but I was soon to find out, Eunuch. I looked sympathetically at the man as he returned my stare impassively, then as Lucie pulled my britches down and he recognized in an instant that I too was a Eunuch he smiled a huge grin at me, we were brothers of a sort.
Lucie pushed me into the boiling hot water and then the big slave proceeded to wash me with a rough cloth. He was very thorough but also very gentle as he washed first my chest and stomach and then my legs and finally my thighs, butt and penis. He gently pulled the skin back from my penis and washed the head. After I had been completely washed he lifted under my arms not unlike a rag doll out of the bath and sat me on a chair, I asked him for a towel with which to dry myself but he did not answer.
"That nigger aren't got no tongue his master cut it out along with his stones after he done a white woman," Lucie said with an evil smile on her face. "Them whities sure like to roll with us darkies but they aren't to happy bout the bucks bedding their women," she added.
Either way I didn't get a towel, the big black eunuch slave Jacob emptied the tub and then refilled it with even more hot water and I got a second bath. Apparently the first bath only just lifted the grime of my body. The second bath went right to my pores and left me wrinkled and as clean as a new born baby.
Next he washed my hair, three times, the last time he used peaches in the water which left a sweet smell in my hair.
Jacob lay me down on the bed and rubbed my entire body with ointments, paying special attention to the small cuts and bruises which covered my body which I had accumulated over the last month. He paid special attention to my tender feet which had become badly scratched and were swollen. First he cleaned them then he rubbed oils into my skin.
Later he rubbed me down with a warm towel and then he lifted me easily into his arms. He carried me up to the top floor, attic where upon he put me into a soft warm bed and covered my body with a feather down. I was overwhelmed by this gentle giant, his kindness and the warm baths caused me to be overcome with emotions, crying I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him and thanked him for his kindness, Jacob patted my back affectionately as he pushed me down into the bed, with his hands he gestured I should sleep and then he left the room.
That same process was repeated every night for the next week, during the day Lucie would teach me how to be a good slave, she taught me how to serve tea, how to walk demurely, how to address the master, all the lessons a good house slave needs to know. Being a bright boy I learnt quickly. Each night Jacob would once again wash and anoint me. By the end of the week I had gotten used to the routine and my skin had taken on a silky sheen and my hair shone like spun gold and smelled sweetly of peaches and soap. Even though I was fed three meals a day, I remained hungry all the time, Lucie told me that if I wasn't careful I would get fat, she said that happen to eunuchs so I had to be careful.
As each day went by I grew fonder of Jacob, at night after he put me to bed we would lay together and he would hold me tenderly in his arms, sometimes I would read to him from the books on the shelves. Judging by the dust on the covers it had been a long time since anyone had read any of these books. Jacob particularly seemed to enjoy Moby Dick.
Finally on the Sunday night, exactly one week after Sam dropped me off at Chez Naomi, the madam came to see me, I suspected that something was about to happen that day because Jacob had redoubled his efforts to clean and wash me and Lucie had woven a narrow silken braid into my reddish blond hair, and she had applied a light rouge to my eyes to highlight their color. Lucie dressed me in a simple loose fitting pair of cotton pants that stopped at my calves. She made me wear a small silver ankle bracelet and a matching chain around my midriff and I wore no shoes. Lucie placed a narrow leather choker around my throat and then stood back and admired me.
" Un bon dieu le garçon est beau" (good god the boy is beautiful), Naomi said to Lucie in her New Orleans French.
"Turn around and let me look at you," she ordered, this time in heavily accented English.
"Its ok Mam, I understand French, if you wish to speak it," I said as I slowly I turned around, I was proud that Naomi had thought me beautiful and I wanted to please her, so slowly I turned around and let her admire my form.
"Beau et intelligent" (Beautiful and intelligent), Naomi replied with a huge smile on her face. "Your papa must be crazy to do this to you
3; Come with me boy we must speak of important matters," she said as she gestured me towards the door.
I followed the madam downstairs and down a long hallway that led to her private chambers, she held the door open for me and told me to sit on the sofa next to her. Naomi placed one hand on the back of my head and smoothed my hair, she let her other hand roam all over my body, fingers tweaked my nipples, and then she slid her hand down across my flat stomach and felt the muscle tone. Her hand came up and she cupped my chin and turned my face up so she could look me in the eye. Naomi's eyes were an indeterminate color, so dark. She sighed once again.
"Boy, do you understand what has happened to you?" she asked me.
"My name is Callum, Mam, and yes I do. My pappy sold me to Mister Ambroise and now I am to be his slave to do with as he will, but it's not legal and it's not fair because I am not a negro I am white and my mumma was white and my pappy is only doing this to save the farm," The words rushed from my mouth and I was about to continue when Naomi suddenly slapped me hard across the face.
"Your name slave, is what ever your master chooses to call you, and do not show such insolence again else I have you flogged! Do you understand me?"
My cheek was stinging and I wasn't in a hurry to antagonize her any further so I simply nodded my head, yes I understand.
"Good, now we shall proceed. Your master wants me to make you presentable for a new owner, he wants me to train you in the ways of a concubine, and do you know what that means?" she asked me.
"Yes, he wants me to please a master with my mouth and my butt," I answered sadly.
"Good boy, you learn fast, now my reward for having healed your wounds and for teaching you the ways of a whore, is that I get to use you any way in which I see fit, and as I am sure you heard your master stipulate, you are not to be stretched or permanently scarred in any way, that does not mean that I cannot hurt you in other ways, ways which do not leave marks on your pretty skin, do you understand me?" she said as she stroked my cheek.
I didn't really understand exactly what she meant but the look in her eyes made me sure that she was not to be trifled with and that she was capable of even more cruelty than my master Sam Ambroise.
"Very good, I can tell by your expression that you truly do understand. Now back to business, so that you understand what is required of you tonight you will come to my special theatre and watch our little show, but do not concern yourself, no one shall molest or hurt you in any way, you are only there to understand what is in store for you. One week from now you shall participate in a very special show, a performance that I am preparing personally just for you, mon mignon petit garçon (My cute little boy). I expect the performance to be a complete sell out and that, my little one, shall be my reward," She said with and expression of satisfaction on he face.
"Now go back to your room and sleep, Lucie will come for you when the time is right, and little one, tomorrow your training begins.
I audibly gulped, as I stood up and slowly backed out of the room. Naomi was laughing.
I went back to my room but I could not sleep, I tossed and turned, finally drifting off into a restless sleep about 9:30pm only to be roughly awoken minutes later by Lucy, shaking me. "It's time, get up and get dressed, and wear this."
I looked at her confused, she was holding out a dress to me and a blond wig. "I don't understand Miss Lucie, you want me to wear a dress and, and a wig?" I asked confused.
Lucie laughed, "Slave you be doing as your told or I will have Jacob spank you until your butt is red
Jacob looked nearly as scared as I as he helped me get into the dress. The tight fitting bodice highlighted the fact that I have no breasts such as a female should, but looking in the mirror it somehow made me look more appealing. The wig was finally placed on my head and brushed into shape, and the transformation was complete. Looking into the full length mirror I hardly recognized myself, for all practical purposes I looked like a very appealing flat chest young girl. When Lucie came into the room and saw me, she gasped in awe.
"Lordie, you is a better looking female than you is a boy", she said as she proceeded to powder my face and apply bright red coloring to my lips.
After Lucie had finished, my own mother, bless her soul, would not have recognized me, yellow blond hair, red pouting lips and green eye liner, I looked stunning. The last thing Lucie did was hang a pearl necklace around my slender throat and then the transformation to female was complete.
Lucie led me downstairs, the noise from the theatre was deafening, as I entered the parlor, all heads turned to look at me. The room was packed solid with a diverse array of men; each had one of Naomi pretty whores either on his lap or by his side. Then when Lucie led me across the floor, the room fell silent, I could hear the intake of the men's breathe as I passed men, and slowly they regained their voices.
Within a few moments I was so crowded in by the men that it became impossible for us to proceed further, a bidding war had broken out; men were offering hundreds of dollars to spend a night with the pretty young girl, the new whore. Naomi sat back in her luxurious chez lounge and laughed out loud.
"Gentlemen, Gentlemen please, quiet
3;," and she waited until the room fell silent, before speaking again.
"This Gentleman is Lizzet, and she is new to Chez Naomi, and is yet to be knowledgeable in the ways of our house, she has come downstairs tonight to witness our special show, she is not to be molested, any man who presumes to break my law will be banned from this house forever!" she said steely eyed.
There was angry mumbling around the room and the man that had his hand on my ass quickly removed it.
"But Naomi you tease us with this beauty, its cruel, are we not to sample any of her delights?" said Captain Jaques LeFeit the Pirate from Antigua.
Naomi considered his comments for a moment before she seemed to arrive at a decision. My good Captain LeFeit, you are as usual right, a small sample will not damage my precious little whore," Naomi said thoughtfully.
"The highest bidder shall receive a special reward, I will allow Lizzet to sit on his lap during the show, and at some time during the show Lizzet may use her mouth to please him. BUT be warned, should I discover that Lizzet's privates have been sampled, I shall gut the pig who has defiled her, do you understand?" she bellowed out over the very excited crowd.
"Good! Now Lizzet my darling get up on the stage and show us what these fine gentleman are bidding for!" said Naomi as the crowd burst into spontaneous excited chatter.
Lucie pushed me through the crowd towards the stage. Reluctantly I climbed the stairs and stood shyly and looked out at the audience full of lust crazed men and jealous women. Music suddenly started to play.
Naomi looked me straight in the eye, "dance Lizzet, like you have never danced before, do not make me regret this," she said.
Slowly I let my body sway to the music, moving my hips to the tune of the violin, I thrust my hips out, and with each move the men cheered more as I became braver, I danced and swayed as provocatively as I knew how, every few seconds I heard a loud scream from the audience, "One hundred dollars, offers one eye jack from Missouri, one hundred fifty from Captain LeFeit, two hundred dollars from Claud Lerue from New Orleans," The more I relaxed the higher the bids went until finally the bidding stopped at "five hundred dollars."
A fat Latino man was waving his money excitedly in the air, the crowd taunted him, "The most expensive suck job you will ever have Diego, "called out LeFeit," angry that he had been out bid.
"Enough! settle down gentlemen. The main show is about to begin, Captain Diego, come, bring me your money so as I can be sure it is no forgery, and collect your prize," Naomi said as she gestured for me to come down from the stage. I did a final pirouette that sent the crowd into lustful whistles as I descended the stairs to where Naomi was seated.
Naomi thought to herself, this little one has talent, he will bring his master much pleasure and Naomi and Ambroise much money, but his sale must be handled correctly, presented in just the right way, already and idea was forming in her head, as the boy approached her.
"Listen to me child, if Diego touches you here," she said reaching down between my legs and squeezing me," then you scream as loud as you can and someone will come for you and Diego will be dead, he will know this so I do not believe him foolish enough to do so. Child you are to use your mouth on him and your hands, nothing else do you understand me?" Naomi said fixing me with her stare.
"Yes mam, I understand," I replied, and then she slapped me hard on the butt and shoved me towards Diego, much to the pleasure of the crowd and Diego who approached more quickly than what was warranted.
Naomi spoke quietly and quickly to Diego, she gestured towards Jacob who was standing near the door, she made the universal sign of slitting a throat as Diego paled somewhat, but then Naomi smiled and made a rude gesture and he relaxed.
Diego approached me, he took my hand and kissed the back of it, then he lifted my chin and kissed me full on the lips causing the crowd to once again explode into lustful gestures and comments. I blushed red, but returned his kiss with fervor.
He walked me over to his table, right at the front near the stage and I expected one of his men to get up and make room for me but no one did. Diego sat down and pulled me down onto his lap. I could feel his, already stiff cock, poking into my butt. Gently he stroked my cheek as he rocked me back and forth on his lap.
Suddenly the lights went out, and then there was a pause.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Chez Naomi's, the most famous house in all of the south, tonight for your explicit pleasure we have a performance for you, please put your hands together for the lovely Rose, our jungle goddess," said Naomi as she left the stage as the curtains were drawn back to reveal a jungle setting.
A well spoken man commenced the narration, just as a beautiful white girl, maybe 18 years old wondered onto the stage, she was wearing the sorts of clothes one might expect an explorer to be wearing and she wore a pith hat. She looked frightened.
"Our lovely Rose has become lost in the wilds of Africa and she desperately seeks her knight in shining armor to come to her rescue, but alas it is not to be"
Just at the moment, jungle drums began to play, at first they were not very loud but slowly they became more insistent. Rose looked around nervously, her hand clutching her breast. I, like everyone else, sat mesmerized at the scene being played out on the stage before us, I was wondering what would happen next when suddenly a white man sprang out from behind the bushes.
"Rose, ooh Rose my darling I have found you, you are rescued my darling," he said with more confidence than was felt by the audience.
"Clifford, ooh my darling husband Clifford you have come to save me from these wild savages," said Rose and she ran across the stage into his arms, they hugged each other and kissed passionately.
The narrator spoke, "But alas it is not to be as fair Rose shall soon find out"
All of a sudden five of the fiercest looking natives I have ever set eyes up, and all of them carrying spears leapt out from behind the bushes, it happened so suddenly that the entire audience gasped in fright. Rose screamed and her husband turned, within seconds the natives had him on the ground and were driving their spears into his body. Rose continued to scream, I screamed, which made the audience laugh, clearly I thought he was dead, but then Rose turned towards me and winked and I blushed scarlet because I suddenly realized that he wasn't really.
Two of the natives held Rose while the other three carried the body of her husband behind the bushes, then the other three returned.
The largest of the natives reached out and stroked Rose's golden blond hair, almost lovingly, then he ran his hand down her chin, promptly she bit him and he screamed at her angrily and slapped her hard in the face, and even I could tell he wasn't acting at that point, the noise was quite audible.
Suddenly he reached out and grabbed hold of her beautiful silk dress and with one huge rip, tore the dress all the way down the front, the dress fell to the floor in a small mountain of silk and lace, I watched wide eyed as poor Rose was left standing there in her flimsy camisole. So mesmerized was I that I hadn't noticed that Diego was kissing my throat and rocking me fervently upon his lap.
Suddenly the native tore of his loin cloth and revealed to the audience the largest penis I have ever seen or likely ever see in my life, it had to be at least two hand spans long and at least as thick as my wrist, Rose nearly feinted when she viewed his maleness. I called out, "run Rose, run, save yourself." Diego burst out laughing and so did the other men at our table.
But it was not to be, the huge black man ripped Rose camisole from her body and she stood in front of him now completely naked, suddenly he was on top of her pressing her into the ground. Rose screamed in terror when he pushed his huge cock in between her legs, I would not have thought it possible but somehow he managed to get all of it inside Rose, and she did not have to act very hard when she screamed out loud in pain.
Meanwhile Diego was becoming more insistent, but I couldn't take my eyes of Rose but he had other ideas when he turned my head towards him and kissed me hard on the lips. I tore my head away to look at Rose who was being pounded into the stage by the huge black cock, but Diego turned my head back around and I saw my lip coloring on his lips and almost laughed, but I thought it prudent not to. Once again he kissed me hard on the lips and then his tongue entered my mouth and explored my oral cavity.
Suddenly the tension in the room seemed to rise even higher and Diego let me go so as he could watch what was happening on the stage. The black savage was pumping his penis into Rose like a machine and Rose was grunting and pushing back equally as hard, she seemed lost in their dalliance, her eyes glazed over.
Suddenly the huge black savage gave out a guttural scream and I could hear a wet plopping sound as he pulled his cock out of Rose, huge ropes of white cum spilled onto her white tummy in sporadic blasts that seemed to go on and on, then It was over and Rose lay panting, eyes glassed over, for a moment I feared her to be dead.
Diego no longer able to control himself, suddenly pushed me off his lap and onto my knees, he released his penis from within his britches and pushed it urgently at my mouth. I glanced towards Naomi whom was watching me intensely and she shot me a warning glance the message of which was unmistakable, so I opened my mouth and took the head of Diego penis inside me and I started to suck his cock. I was somewhat better off than poor Rose as Diego cock was not even a hand span long and not nearly as wide as my wrist. I decided it best to make it good for Diego or else face the wrath of Naomi.
Slowly I ran my tongue around the tip of his cock, tasting his pre-cum fluids as they hit my taste buds. Then I worked my mouth down to the very base of his cock and felt the head of his appendage at the back of my mouth, it wasn't long enough to enter my throat, at least not in the way that Brutus' cock had.
I brought my head up slowly, licking the underside of his cock on the way up, then I pulled my mouth completely of his cock and peeled back his fore skin with my hand, I slid my tongue into his piss slit as far as I could and heard Diego groan with pleasure. Slowly I slid my mouth back down to the root of his penis and sucked on his cock, Diego started to buck his hips to meet my sucking mouth.
Meanwhile up on the stage Rose was being fucked by one black savage and she was sucking on another and the crowd were going crazy, all around the room the whores were being groped by lust crazed men, I saw at least two girls on their knees sucking on men's cocks, at least I wasn't on my own.
When next I looked at Rose she had every single orifice of her body filled by a black cock as she was being pulled this way and that. Suddenly my attention was drawn back to Diego as he jerked uncontrollably and his hand pushed down on the back of my head and suddenly his whole body stiffened and he came. For a small man he sure had a lot of daddy milk in him. Spurt after spurt blasted out the end of his penis and into my mouth. Pretty soon I had to swallow the sticky mess else risk gagging on his juices, so I did, eventually he stopped spurting as slowly I removed my mouth from him.
I glanced across and saw Naomi watching fascinated, seductively I smiled at her, with my finger I scooped up the cum which had dribbled down my chin, I put my finger in my mouth and licked it clean, then I climbed into Diego's lap and kissed him long and hard on the lips, within seconds he was hard again, and for the second time I went down on him and drank his juices until his body had no more to offer.
The men at the table went crazy, one man reached across and tried to drag me onto his lap, but within seconds Jacob was there and lifted me out of harms way, carrying me towards the exit, hung over his shoulder while the crowd yelled with disappointment at my departure. I smiled sexily at them and waved which calmed them somewhat.
My last image of Rose, she was sitting atop the large black buck who had deflowered her, she had a cock inside her cunny, another cock had been pushed up her butt from behind, she was sucking yet another savage, and meanwhile she had a cock in each of her hands and was stroking them as hard as she could manage.
Jacob took me up to my room and he seemed very angry with me. I didn't understand, I had only done what I was told. As he bathed me he was uncharacteristically rough and I became angry with him and kicked him hard in the shin. Jacob grabbed hold of me and bent my naked form over his knee and he spanked me. I yelled profanities at him, I kicked at him, but it made no difference, finally I burst into tears and he stopped. He lifted me into his arms and hugged me until I fell asleep and then he gently placed me naked into my bed where upon I slept fitfully.
I was awoken the next morning by none other than the madam her self, Naomi was gently stroking my cheek, her hands roamed down my naked body. She was wearing a silk nightgown she was naked underneath.
Naomi reached down and kissed me gently on the lips as I looked round eyed at her.
"Fear not mon magnifique petit garçon (my gorgeous little boy), I will not harm you," she said as her lips once again found mine. I opened my mouth submissively and let her kiss me. She pulled back the covers to reveal my nudity and sighed appreciatively. Slowly Naomi ran her tongue down the smooth white skin of my throat, then down to my small red nipples. She sucked my nipple into her mouth and teased it with her teeth. My nipple, just like Rose's nipple last night, stiffened. Slowly Naomi mouthed her way down my body until finally reaching my limp penis.
She wrapped her fat lips around my skinny shaft and sucked it into her mouth, and despite everything to my surprise my penis became erect. Naomi seductively ran her tongue over my scar which by now was completely healed, then she pushed her tongue up into my bum crack and licked me there, I sighed and lifted my hips up to give her better access, she laughed in amusement.
"Even with no stones you are still a sexy little whore, the person who cut you should be killed for such wastage," she said as she continued to seduce me with her womanly charms.
Slowly Naomi got up from the bed and stripped of her night gown, revealing a surprisingly firm body for a woman her age. She had large breasts and a trim waist.
Naomi lay down beside me and motioned for me to pleasure her, I did not know how and it showed clearly on my face. Naomi pulled me up by the arms and lay me atop her, she kissed me passionately on the lips and then pushed my head down to her throat. Quickly I got the gist and commenced to lick and suck my way down her body. When I licked her huge nipples she gave out a sigh of pleasure.
I very much wanted to please her so I continued to suck her nipple, first one and then the other until she could take it no more and she pushed my head down between her legs. The taste that met my senses was unlike anything I had ever tasted before, not salty and brackish like a man's daddy milk but a taste I could not easily identify. It was not as pleasant as the taste of a man I thought, but bearable.
I found a spot within her folds which when I sucked it into my mouth it made her call out lustfully with pleasure, a peculiar nub indeed, almost like a miniature penis. I sucked harder on her nib and she screamed even louder and squeezed my head painfully between her thighs, then suddenly my mouth was flooded with her juices and her back arched clear of the bed and Naomi let out a blood curdling scream. I continued to suck at her but she pushed my head away.
I was immediately worried. "have I displeased you?" I asked worried.
"Ooh my little darling, nothing you can do could possibly displease me," she said as she dragged me up her body and lay me atop her ample breasts, she held me so as we both fell asleep, Naomi sated, and I happy that I had pleased her.
When next I awoke Naomi was already up she was once again dressed and sitting on the chez lounge reading the newspaper. I beamed up at her and made no attempt to conceal my nudity when she gestured me towards her.
She stroked my cheek lovingly as she spoke. "What did you think of our little performance last night," Naomi inquired.
"Is Rose ok? Please tell me that she was unharmed," I was concerned about Rose well being.
Naomi looked perplexed as she considered me carefully before she spoke again, this time she looked decidedly sad. "I could love a child such as you, was it not that you are a slave, your innocence is most appealing. Despite all that has been done to you, you still have compassion within your heart that is indeed rare."
I could not understand how I being harmed could possibly affect how I feel about someone like Rose and I looked back at Naomi confused.
"Rose is a whore, she has been so since before you were born and she will be so for the rest of her days, she is not worthy of either your pity or your concern, do you understand me?"
I considered what Naomi was telling me. "But mam, aren't I too a whore, much worse a slave whore, so will I never be worthy of anybodies love or pity?" I asked, as a tear rolled down my cheek.
"Indeed boy you are that, and yes you're right, and I am as guilty as you are for seeing it any other way. Tomorrow morning we start your preparation to that end, and next Saturday night it will be you up on that stage and I expect a monumental performance or else you shall fell my wrath, do you understand me?"
Tears rolled down my cheek, but I nodded my head nonetheless, I understood her completely.
Later that day Sam Ambroise called in to check on me, and Naomi took the opportunity to inform him of her plan.
"How is the Brat doing Naomi?" Sam inquired.
"He is a most remarkable child, you really have made a mistake in having his balls removed," Naomi said almost rhetorically.
"Maybe, maybe, but the Cuban does not like the young ones with balls, especially the light skinned ones, he is afraid that they will breed with his brood of darkies. Besides the boy will be more appealing to the Cuban with no balls, he has a thing about sleeping with males, your know that, but a child with no balls is not male to the Cuban, removing his balls much enhances his value. The Cuban will use the boy until he tires of him then he will make use of him as a whore to satisfy his bucks that are not breeding, a boy is much better at this task as he obviously cannot be with child," explained Sam.
"There are others, equally as wealthy as the Cuban who would pay as much for the boy if not more, why do you not seek to sell him amongst those?" Naomi injected
"Maybe so but not many of those men will be willing to buy the boy and keep him in the Americas, it's simply to dangerous, the Cuban will take him to his country and that is the last we shall hear from the boy. You spoke of a plan; please tell me what it is which you are proposing Naomi," Sam asked impatiently, wanting to get down to business.
"What I am proposing is that maybe we should let the cards fall where they may," she answered mysteriously.
Sam looked confused and became impatient, he hated riddles. Naomi let him brood for a moment longer before she put her hand up to stop him as he opened his mouth to speak.
"Let me explain. I propose that we skill the boy in the way in which we have already agreed, but we choreograph a special production, just for him. Next Saturday night the boy performs on the stage, the show will be such that every male appendage in the house shall be erect, but here is the point of my plan. I will only invite certain guests, the wealthiest of the wealthy, I have already sent out the invitations, including one to the Cuban, for he cannot and would not refuse and invitation from Chez Naomi."
Sam was starting to get excited.
During the said performance we accept bids to sell the boy, the show will go on until the highest bid has been reached, at that point the boy's new owner can decide if the show shall continue. Maybe we can suggest that other buyers compensate the new owner for his property being further used on the stage," Naomi finished describing her plan with a satisfied expression on her face.
Sam beamed at her. "Naomi you would have to be the wiliest cleverest whore on this side of the Atlantic, and a most formidable business woman to boot, but are you sure that the boy's performance will warrant this kind of interest?" Sam said, throwing cold water on Naomi plan.
Naomi smiled confidently at Sam, "I can assure you this little man will perform, I will personally take charge of his training and as you know I have trained some of the best whores in the south, besides I have potions that will cause the boy to want to hump an iron bed pan if he cannot find an alternative. Trust me when I say this to you, that boy will make us both rich," Naomi finished.
Sam looked worried, " And exactly how much do you plan on charging me, to make me this wealthy?" he asked her.
Naomi looked him straight in the eye and replied, "fifty percent of the sale price, after you have recovered your original investment"
Sam was about to object, but Naomi was right, she could make him wealthy from the sale of this single slave and he was in no mood to piss that opportunity away, so instead he smiled at her, "agreed Naomi, now allow me that pretty little mulatto slut to close escrow," he laughed.
Naomi smiled at Sam, "of course Sam, is there any other way to close escrow than between the thighs of a beautiful woman"