PZA Boy Stories

Mich Boyle

Confessions of a Boy Slut


The (some say true) story of a boy slut – his adventures and seductions.
Publ. Dec 2009
Finished 10,000 words (20 pages)


Timothy (11-16yo)

Category & Story codes

Man & Woman-Boy story
bb Ft Mtcons oral anal mast piv – prost


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about women having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

This story is another by Mich Boyle dealing with the subject of Woman/boy love. All comments and suggestions and criticisms are welcome. I invite all readers with an interest in this subject to write to me at mich_boyle(at)hotmail(dot)com) or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.

Dear Reader – This is an account of one very horny boy, his early sexual years and some of the erotic adventures that he has with women, men, girls and boys. His sex life was quite unusual and prolific for a boy that age, in fact he was very precocious and somewhat of a boy slut from a very early age – engaging in every opportunity that came along from ages 11 through to about 16.

Best Friends

Firstly, I know and remember that I was a very sexually charged boy from an early age and never let an opportunity pass to have some fun. I began masturbating at age 11 and thought about many sexual things – mostly girls at that age but also boys. I was, like many boys of 11 or 12, somewhat skinny, small framed and with a mop of very blonde hair dropping over my forehead. At school I always had an eye for other perfect beautiful boys and selected many of my friends from that group. In those year's boy's summer fashion consisted of tiny boy shorts and t-shirts. Long smooth boy legs always fascinated me, and I could spot a perfect boy specimen just by his legs. Of course I also followed this fashion and enjoyed wearing skimpy boy shorts or cut off jeans at every opportunity. Later thanks to a very special older girl I learned to dress as sexily as possible and always wore tight jeans or skimpy shorts. I know that I was something of a good-looking boy, even beautiful, some said, and often I saw people of all ages staring at me

My best friend, Shane, was my age, brown hair and skinny too, and we often had sleepovers. I only had a single bed in my room and we would think nothing of jumping into bed together wearing nothing but a skimpy pair of briefs. Although innocent at first the feeling of another nearly naked body against my own soon awakened strange desires and before long hands would stray and fun would begin. He was just as keen to experiment and by age 12 we were playing with each other in more ways than one. We would share that single bed on many sleepovers and hands would stray over smooth bodies. The feeling of being in bed with a smooth perfect, and horny 12 year old best friend was unforgettable. Late into the night we would play with each others cocks, as boys do, shooting cum many times in cute boy spurts, but continuing until an exhausted sleep overcame us. I loved pretending he was a girl and would even lie on him sometimes to get a 'girl' feeling. We even kissed sometimes but strangely enough in the morning all such memories were gone and we were back to being very boyish boys – playing football, swimming and beginning to check out girls. Shane lived about two blocks away.

I also had many other experiences with other beautiful boys and the reader will forgive me if I do not recount each and every experience with my school friends other than to record that those early experiences with boys affected me greatly as I never did lose the ability to appreciate a really special perfect boy. I would not say that I was gay during those first years as thoughts of girls and their secret girly bodies were never far away, but boys were accessible and I took full advantage of that.

Clothes Shopping

In my part of the world there was a massive European influence on boy fashions at that time, and that meant that as the 60's mini's got shorter for girls and as 60's hot pants for girls came in to fashion so too did boys shorts got shorter and tighter and skimpier until they could get no smaller.!!!!! I was just 12 and remember my mom taking me shopping to a fancy men and boys clothes store. A man of about 40 who seemed very helpful and was determined to serve my moms desire to have me dressed in the latest European fashions served us. At that age I didn't really enjoy clothes shopping but this man was so friendly (and I now realize was very gay – although I didn't really know what that was at the time) and insisted on being as helpful as he could. We selected some shirts (bright colors in those days – Orange and Purple tight Turtle necks being the rage!) I remember selecting some tight shiny nylon polo necks that were stunning. I also selected a see through fish net-shirt, which became a favorite of mine, and long bell-bottom tight pants, and this and that, until my mom mentioned that I also needed some shorts (not underwear – short pants!) The mans eyes lit up as he announced that the latest shorts from Italy had just come in and promptly showed us the tiniest tightest things that I had ever seen. I was a bit reluctant because they seemed so tiny but he and my mom (ever fashion aware) insisted that I at least consider them and try them on. I was also aware that the man was all but drooling over me having measured me and brushed against me so many times while selecting the other clothes. I agreed to try them on and went off to the change room with the shorts and the man who had told my mom to leave it to him – and he would convince me to take them. I think my mom loved dressing me in skanky clothes.

In the dressing room he told me that the shorts had been made just for boys like me and that anything else would be just too old fashioned to even consider. I stood on a low wooden bench in the change room and I stripped down and tugged one of the pairs of white shorts on – The man helped pull the zipper up and an electric current shot through me as I felt his hand clearly brush against my privates – wow were those shorts tight. The Zipper could not have been more than two inches [5 cm[ long. Thus far I had controlled myself but the reflection of those tiny Italian shorts on me in the mirror, with my long smooth boy legs fully exposed, and the man brushing me caused an instant and raging 12 year old boner to rise. Luckily my mom was waiting happily outside.

People were innocent then – nowadays it would never even be considered – to allow a male salesman in the change room with a 12 year old boy!!! ).

I loved the shorts and the man telling me how stunning they looked and how perfect they were for me, all the time adjusting them and now stroking my thigh ever so gently. I lapped up the attention. I just floated away and allowed him to control the pace and do anything he wanted. He asked whether I liked them and I asked him if I could try a different pair on and he immediately suggested that I try the blue ones on now. At this point it was not really necessary because they were the same size and make as the white ones but I wanted to see the color on me and somehow we both knew that it was not about trying the shorts on any more. We tugged the white ones off and he tried without success to pull the blue ones up and over my raging boner – I noticed him sweating now as his hands were all over my legs. I don't remember the exact moment, but before I knew it my cock was in his hands and he was jerking me off while staring straight into my eyes and telling me to shhhhhhhhhhhhh and that there was only one way to deal with the current fitting problem.

This was the first time that an adult had touched me like that. I just loved it and arched my body backwards as he wanked me off. I virtually just gave myself to him – he seemed so excited as I was and I just surrendered. After just a few minutes of heaven I shot a small load of 12 year old boycum into his waiting handkerchief – so convenient and professional of him. Before long I was dressed back in my smart long pants for shopping and being led back to my mom by the man – She was just pleased that I had decided to take the shorts – about six pairs in various colors. The kind salesman gave us a nice discount on our purchases.


One day at Shane's house and still at about age 12, we noticed a new and very pretty girl of about 16 or 17 moving into a small apartment building across the road with her family. We just kind of stared at the removal truck and the new girl for a while and then went back to whatever boy things we were doing.

The next night was Friday night and Shane called to say that his parents were out and that I should come over and that the new girl from across the road was also coming over and bringing a friend. When I got there the girls were there and we started chatting and playing pop music. They were 17 and wearing short school dresses – pulled up very short. I could not help getting a boner staring at their legs. We wore our standard boy's shorts, and I remember being a bit surprised by their ages being somewhat older than us. The girls seemed very nice and friendly and it didn't seem to bother them at all that we were just 12 and they were 17.

Before long we were being shown how to dance by the girls and then a slow song came on and we were soon slow dancing with the lights turned low. The girl that I was with name was Cheryl and she was beautiful with flowing brown hair and a medium build, and very friendly. While slow dancing she asked whether I had ever kissed a girl and when I said no she offered to show me how. I felt her tongue in my mouth and I was in heaven. I will never forget my first kiss with Cheryl. After the slow dance and that first kiss we lay down on the carpet in the living room and continued to kiss and make out. Shane and the other girl – Cindy – had also paired off in a different spot.

Cheryl and I lay on the carpet and soon she pulled me over her. She was somewhat bigger than me and easily manipulated me into whatever position she liked. I was now on top of her and I remember her pulling me closer and wrapping her long girl legs around me. I started moving against her, my now hard cock against her pussy – still with my shorts on and her school dress riding high. We tried to dry hump through our clothes – my shorts against her panties but we did not get enough feeling. The girl by now seemed very excited and held me very tight. Within a few minutes she whispered into my ear to take my shorts off and I did. The lights were very low and she then removed her own panties. She whispered to me that kissing was not the only thing she was going to teach me that night

I lay on her again but this time my shorts were pulled down to my knees and her panties were off. She still wore her pleated tartan school dress. My little 4-inch [10 cm] erection rubbed against her pussy. I knew that it was supposed to go inside but could not find her slit. I felt her hand grip it and then felt it slip into a very wet girl pussy for the first time in my life. I thought I was in heaven. The feelings were enormous. She was so smooth and so wet. I had been hoping to play with a girl for a long time and now it was happening. I felt her wetness engulfing my cock like sinking it into it like a warm sponge. I remember the smoothness of her girl skin against me. At that moment the fact that she was 17 and I was 12 did not seem a big deal except perhaps a very mild surprise on my part that this pretty girl would even consider doing it with a 12 year old boy. But I was so horny and ready for my first pussy – I even controlled things a bit and only let go when I could hold it no more. The girl went wild tooh – scratching at my back and gripping my butt.

I climaxed with her and released my boy sperm deep inside her as she groaned and kissed me again. Afterwards we lay still for a good few minutes, before she gently rolled me off her. I noticed that Shane and the other girl – Cindy – were still at it but having a different sort of fun. She had his cock deep in her mouth and Shane was having his first real blow job by a girl. She didn't know that my mouth had been there first though. Cheryl told me to watch them and we both watched in the dim light as Shane climaxed shooting his boycum on his own tummy and some against Cindy's mouth. She wiped him with a tissue before she skittered off to the bathroom to clean herself up.

But the best part of the evening and the part that changed my outlook on life was still to come.

The night was still young and Shane's parents were not expected back for another few hours. Somehow Cheryl and I found our way to Shane's bedroom for more privacy. She just played with my cock like a toy for about 30 minutes – kissing me all over – sucking me – making me cum again and making me show her how I masturbated. I explored her secret girl parts too – finding her wet slit and inserting a finger as she writhed under it and showed me her clit and how to touch her too. She asked about whether I played with Shane and other boys and seemed to grow much hornier when I admitted that I did. She wanted to know everything about what we did and what the boys looked like while I fingered her and watched her grow more excited by what I told her. Eventually she writhed and groaned as she climaxed under my hand. Then she lay next to me and told me that she felt that we were soul mates and that she could tell me anything. I also felt an electric attraction to her and felt that we could share any secrets with each other.

She then told me her amazing story that she was very attracted to very young boys, like me, and that she needed me to understand that she would be my special girlfriend but that I had to keep her special secret. I was so in love with her by then, and trusted her immediately. I promised never to tell a soul. We made frantic love again before kissing goodnight as the girls scuttled home just before Shane's parents arrived home. Shane and I could not believe what had happened that night. We were both in love and told each other everything that we had done. I didn't tell him Cheryl's special secret though.

The very next day was Saturday and she was waiting for me as I arrived to visit Shane on my bike. I was wearing short shorts again and she told me that her mom was home so we couldn't go there but that she would meet me in the underground parking garage of a nearby block of apartments. She was wearing a very short miniskirt and looked very sexy to me. I met her as arranged and she soon found a dark corner where we could kiss and make out again. Within a few minutes her hand found my hardening boy cock and seconds later she was wanking me to orgasm, which she said, was her favorite thing to do. After I climaxed and shot into her hand she told me to meet her again the next day. I saw her almost every day for the next two weeks and she could not get enough of touching and playing with me and being touched herself. She taught me exactly what she liked and always wanted to be told stories about boys when I was playing with her. I had never met a girl like her before and it was a long time before I met another female boylover. We even had sex a few times in her room when her parents were not home, over that time.

Cheryl's Special Needs

A few weeks later she asked a special favor of me – She said that she would always be my secret girlfriend but she really wanted to play with some other boys like me and that I must get them for her. At first I was a bit jealous that she wanted other boys too, but she was insistent and told me that I was her boyfriend and the others were just to play with. All of this turned my head upside down – girls weren't supposed to act like that but she was very nice and explained to me that I was special to her and that I could help her with her special problem – i.e. her special and secret attraction to young boys.

The following weekend while laying on her bed after some wild and very wet sex she told me more about what she wanted – she wanted me to choose the most beautiful slim blond boy at my school for her – he had to be about 12 or 13 and had to be game for some fun. I actually began to think that the whole situation was extremely sexy and exciting, The thought of helping a girl like that by getting her boys somehow was just so erotic and I realized that the whole idea of her being into young boys was a major turn on for me. I told her that I knew just the boy for her it. Just a week earlier I had made a new friend – Paul – and he was exactly as she described and best of all I knew he would agree because he and I had done some stuff together too. She wanted to know all about my sleepover at Paul's house the previous weekend and what we had done together. She told me to invite him to stay with me the following weekend but not to tell him about what we planned as yet, in order not to frighten him off. Cheryl also wanted to meet him first and to kind of seduce him so he was not to know that it was all set up between her and me.

The following weekend her parents were out for the whole Saturday afternoon and I took Paul to visit her – She had even told me to make sure he was dressed perfectly for her. She wanted him in tight jeans and a t-shirt and all washed and perfect. I managed to get him to dress exactly as Cheryl wanted and set off with him. He was told that we were going to visit my girlfriend but nothing more. At her house she whispered to me that he was just perfect and that she was sopping wet already just looking at him. Then she went into action, dancing with him slowly and kissing him while dancing. Paul seemed a bit taken aback by all that but I told him that I didn't mind him having a little fun with my girlfriend. He mentioned that she was older than he thought she would be too. I watched as they danced and then she winked at me and took him to her bedroom. They were gone for over an hour before they returned. Paul looked flushed and very happy. Cheryl seemed to be floating in a daze. On the way home Paul apologized for 'stealing' my girlfriend. I never did tell him that it was a set up.

After that first time I recruited more boys for her and every time she thanked me in her own special way and told me how much she had enjoyed herself. She was totally addicted to boys. We would also visit malls or swimming pools together sometimes and she would spend all her time talking about which boys she liked best and what she would do with them if she could. She preferred boys in tight Speedo swimming costumes or tight shorts or jeans. She taught me to boy spot for her and taught me what kind of boys she liked best – mostly they had to be slim, blonde, almost girly looking boys with perfect skins and hair. It wasn't difficult to boy spot for her, as she seemed to like the same boys as I did. Sometimes at the public pool she would cover herself with a towel and whisper to me that she was masturbating over some perfect boy that we had spotted. For my part I couldn't get enough of my perfect soul-mate girlfriend that I loved so much. I was totally in love.

At the time I didn't realize it but everything she did and everything she told me was having a lifelong and very profound effect on me. Up until then I did not even know that such girls existed that liked young boys so much. I even became aware of other older girls and some women looking at boys, including me, from time to time, something I would never have noticed before. Cheryl had opened my eyes at a very young age to a new concept of older females liking boys. She even showed me how to dress sexily and how to wear my blond hair and how to notice and react if anyone showed an interest.

As a result of having this awareness I was able to orchestrate quite a few more experiences with older women before I was even 16. Those are other accounts that I will tell you about later dear reader. My sexual life was molded and modified by Cheryl and the idea of Women and boys together would become my lifelong fantasy and my biggest sexual driving force. Needless to say meeting such women in real life became the ultimate quest for me.

Cheryl moved away after just a few months. Her father had been transferred yet again and as suddenly as she had come into my life she disappeared forever. At first we wrote secret and erotic letters to each other and then as time past our letters became fewer and then faded completely. She was very special and I will never forget her special desires.

Life went on as before after Cheryl left except that I now had a totally new outlook on the possibility of sexual adventure with older girl and perhaps even a woman. I was constantly on the lookout for such possibilities. Some would say that I was corrupted but I just knew things that other boys didn't know and I was determined to use that knowledge to my advantage. Some of what I did was silly and very naïve in retrospect but some of my actions did pay off. Cheryl had taught me to look sexy and to dress somewhat provocatively for a boy, always clean, longish blond hair, tight jeans or tiny shorts and sleeveless t-shirts in the summer and a constant eye for someone looking at me. Needless to say I also attracted my fair share of men looking for some action with boys.

Frits And Anna

One evening Shane told me that he was going to dinner with his family and some other couple and that I was also invited. The other couple was a Dutch couple recently arrived from Holland. They were very friendly to all of us, even paying for the Dinner. Frits was a huge man, with reddish hair and a beard, very jovial always joking and laughing. By comparison his wife – Anna was small and shy, but very pretty with short Blond hair and blue eyes. She sat quietly, hardly talking and letting Frits dominate the conversation.

Dinner was great, what boy does not like burgers and fries, and I thought nothing more about it until the next day when Shane mentioned that he and I had been invited to go away with Frits for the upcoming long weekend. He had just bought a couple of canoes and wanted to take us camping at a lake a few hours drive away. Shane mentioned that Frits was a bit strange in the way that he had gripped Shane's cock while playing and that I was to expect more of that if we went away with him. I pressed Shane for more information and he just mentioned that Frits would want to join in the fun that Shane and I had with each other. That sounded pretty harmless and I agreed to the trip, having never been camping before. I was quite excited when my trustful parents agreed to the trip too. If Frits wanted to play with us boys then that was a small price to pay for the fun we would have, and we might enjoy the play!

On the planned long weekend Frits picked us up and we drove across town to his house, where we would spend the night before setting off on our camping trip in the early morning. It was mid summer and of course we wore standard short shorts and cut off sleeveless t-shirts. Anna was there to greet us and made us supper. Frits was jovial as ever and loved horsing around with us – picking us up or tickling our ribs or wrestling both of us off him.

After dinner Shane and I showered together and then joined Frits and Anna again wearing just briefs and a T-shirt as we were ready for bed. I also thought that this attire was appropriate and that Frits would like it. We began the wrestling game again with Frits and to our surprise Anna joined in on Frits's side – laughing and rolling around as we wrestled and were tickled by them. Anna was also in her flimsy nightdress. On one occasion Anna pinned me to the ground sitting astride me with her pussy positioned against my cock. I could not resist the moment and pulled her to me for a kiss. She seemed to enjoy it and leaned down and started kissing me more on the mouth, whispering in my ear that we were both beautiful boys, and no wonder her husband had invited us camping. She ground her pussy against my now solid cock and seemed to enjoy every moment of her innocent fun. I got the impression that she knew that he liked boys and did not really mind. She would even play with a boy herself if given a chance. She was too shy to do anything further and seemed almost embarrassed that she had let her guard down for those few seconds.

We went to bed early as we were planning to get up very early in the morning. Shane and I had to share the single bed in their spare bedroom. After we were in bed Frits and Anna came in to say goodnight. Anna kissed us gently on the foreheads and left the room. Frits told us to be good and after a gentle squeeze of each of our cocks left us alone to our boyish fun for the night. Needless to say we then toyed with each other and I told Shane what had happened in the wrestling with Anna. He did not seem surprised and said he was sure that Anna knew about Frits liking boys and that he was sure that she would also join in if she was not so shy.

We left early the next morning bright and excited with the canoes on the roof of the car and all our gear checked and packed. Anna took some photos of the three of us before we left and then we were on our way. It was a three hour drive to the lake and soon we were there and making camp. It was a hot humid summers day and we boys did not take long to change into our tiny Speedo's and go for swim in the lake while Frits finished unpacking. Later we decided to paddle the canoes to a nearby deserted island on the lake. Frits took one canoe and we took the other one.

On the island we all rested on a blanket, which Frits had brought along and before long the fun started. Frits must have been in heaven with a near naked 13 year old boy on each side of him on a deserted island. Frits challenged us to a competition for a prize – the competition being to see which of us boys could jerk off and cum first. I can't remember who won – but that was the beginning of a wild weekend together with Frits. After the competition he also jerked us off together and after that first time would touch us or do anything he liked with us for the whole weekend, which of course he did often.

In the tent late that night we played more and I also played with his giant man cock for the first time. After a while he gently rolled Shane over on his side and penetrated him using lubrication. Shane seemed to like it as Frits's hands played with his solid boy cock. It was not long before I saw the telltale signs of them both climaxing as Shane shot boycum all over. Shane seemed to like men a lot and did anything that Frits wanted. Shane suggested it was my turn next and I was very hesitant to do that fearing the pain but Frits was so gentle and before long I felt him slide in and felt his hands on my cock as he brought me to orgasm. I did not think that men could do that so beautifully to a boy.

The weekend continued as it had began with constant touching and jerking and sometimes just sleeping against Frits – one on each side. It was very special and opened my eyes to some new experiences.

One other thing that happened that I remember well. We needed to go to a nearby store for some provisions and Frits insisted that us boys wear just the Speedo's that we had on all the time. It seemed that he loved showing us off to others, like his personal toys and loved watching other people stare at the two nearly naked boys that he played with constantly in more ways than one.

We went camping with Frits again a few months later and it was much of the same except that he brought another younger boy, Freddie, with and so it was three boys that he had to toy with and show off with. Of course Shane and I also had some fun with the new boy. He was just 12, brown hair, skinny and loved all the attention too. He lived close to Frits and Anna and visited them often, having met them at a neighborhood get together at Frits's house that he attended with his parents. It seemed that Frits loved befriending families with young boys in them. He told us a special secret too. It seems that on a recent sleepover at the house he was invited to sleep in the main bed with Frits and Anna. He recounted that he was in the middle, totally naked and that they had both played with him through the night and that Anna had given him a blowjob. It seems that we were right about her and that she was not so innocent after all! I too would have loved to do more with her but it was not to be.

After that last weekend it was getting near to winter and we did not go camping again. Shane mentioned sometime later that Frits and Anna had returned to Holland. I am sure that wherever they are Frits and possibly Anna are still enjoying all that life and beautiful boys can offer.

Supermarket Fun

One of my favorite pastimes was to offer to push grocery trolleys to cars for women shoppers at the local supermarket. I attracted a fair amount of tipping that way but it took a while for someone to actually take the bait and when it happened it was just like a fantasy. A woman of wow not sure but must have been about 30 to 40 came on quite strongly asking me my name and age and stuff while we were walking to her car. Then she said that she would tip a lot more if I rode with her and helped her unload too. Of course my intuition was working overtime and I clambered into the front seat with her for the short drive to her house. She was very chatty and very friendly and flirty, asking me about girlfriends and where I went to school and stuff. Her name was Brenda.

At her house and after helping unload she kind of came up behind me, as I remember, and whispered in my ear, something like "I bet a beautiful boy like you must be in demand by all those lady shoppers." I gasped, although I had been hoping and expecting that someday this would happen I was still taken by surprise when it did. I was excited and wanted something to happen. I knew from Cheryl's training that I had to offer something to reassure the woman so I lent back into her and simply let her know that I knew what she meant and was available for whatever. Her hands went around my waist and under my t-shirt. She began stroking my chest and tummy and then she just turned me around and started kissing, eventually leading me to her lounge sofa. She joked that it should be illegal for boys to dress like me and tempt innocent women. Her hands were all over me stroking my thighs and then moving to my cock. She whispered that she just loved smooth boys my age and that I was too tempting to resist.

On the couch she unzipped my shorts and pulled them down releasing my rock hard boyish cock. She sucked a little, wanting my whole cock in her mouth at once and then moving her hand to it. She was flushed and very excited as she stroked it until my first cum exploded, just a few moments later in her hand. The combination of her attention and the excitement of finding another boy crazy older female increased my excitement ten fold. She whispered to me again that boys were her fantasy and that I was her first. Up until that day she had resisted her impulses but I was too tempting and too available for her to resist. That first time she just toyed with me, sucking a little, feeling and stroking. I must have cum three times before she stopped and sent me on my way with a big tip. I think that she must have figured me safe from telling anyone because she thought that I was some kind of rent boy although that was not my intention. I saw her at least ten times after that.

She would find me at the supermarket – making sure I had seen her and then park discreetly around a corner until I jumped 'unseen' into the front seat with her. Mostly she just wanted to play with me and masturbate me, or suck a little.

On the last occasion she pulled me on top of her right there on her sofa and before I knew it she was guiding my still smallish possibly 4" [10 cm] cock into her. She was my second real experience with a woman. My first had been Cheryl. I had told Brenda that I was a virgin, as she seemed very excited by the thought of being my first woman. I remember vast wetness and I remember that she was not as tight as Cheryl. She went wild stroking my back and pulling me to her. After those first few wild minutes she told me to slow down so that I did not cum too soon. She held me inside her now moving to a smooth constant rhythm all the while whispering to me "slow down baby " and then "ok, now cum inside me sweet boy." As I increased the stroking she went wild again, this time groaning and screaming just before I could hold it no more and squirted my boy cum inside her. I have no idea whether she climaxed as well but looking back I believe she did she did judging from the scratches on my back and the sounds that she had made that I still remember to this day!

Perhaps the real thing was too much for her conscience because she never came for me again.

Rent Boys

At that time I lived in an apartment complex area quite close to the city, with many high rise apartment buildings around and an interesting street life outside. One day walking to the corner shop, a man called me over to his car and asked whether I was interested in going for a ride with him. I got a fright and common sense told me not to go with a stranger, and I said no I was not allowed to go with strangers and walked away. An older boy of about 16 had seen everything and came over to chat to me. He told me that the man probably thought that I was a rent boy as there were many boys in the area making extra money by going with men and dressed like I was in those tiny shorts I looked the part. I was clearly not as streetwise as I thought I was but was learning fast. The older boy told me that there was a particular corner nearby which was a very popular pick up spot especially on Friday and Saturday nights. I asked whether it was dangerous and he said that nothing had ever happened and that the men were very nice to the boys. He offered to show me the corner if I was interested. I was very curious and agreed to let him show me the scene on the following Friday night.

I met him on the night in question and we walked a few blocks to a quiet intersection near a large park. The untrained eye would see nothing unusual but he showed me a few groups of boys aged about 15 upwards hanging around in different places. We just watched for a while. Every now and then a car would cruise slowly past and stop about a block away. Some boys would walk past and one of them would be invited to climb in to the car. The car would then drive off. My new friend, Robbie, told me that they usually went somewhere quiet to park but sometimes the men took them to their apartment. The whole trip would be an hour or two and then the boy would be dropped off again. Mostly the men just wanked the boys off or sucked them. There was not much other sex involved and the boys could say what they did or did not want to do. . Robbie admitted that he also did it sometimes. He told me that lots of men asked for younger boys, but that there were no boys involved that were younger than about 15 that he knew of. He thought that I would be in big demand if I wanted to try it.

I went home and thought about what I had seen. I had no idea that this was going on right in my neighborhood. I thought about it for a few days and of course being young, sluttish, very horny and in need of spare cash I could not resist the temptation to give it a try. Robbie had said that he would look after me if I did and I trusted him. I met him one afternoon and told him that I wanted to go with him to 'the corner' as the boys called it. He said to be clean and dress nicely – recommending tight blue jeans and a cut off T-shirt.

The following Friday night Robbie and I went to 'the corner' as planned and hung out together in a spot where we could be seen by passing cars. After about an hour a car slowed and stopped a short distance away. Robbie told me to wait and walked up to the car. I saw him chatting briefly to the man and then motioning me to come. I walked to him and he said the man wanted a younger boy and that he had seen me and wanted me. Robbie would come with, as it was my first time. I nervously clambered in to the front seat of a smart silver Mercedes and we drove off, with Robbie in the back.

The man was very friendly chatting away about this and that and asking me a few questions, name age etc. He was average build with brown hair, perhaps about 40, and dressed casually and seemed very nice. Robbie showed him a safe and dark place to park, and before long he was touching me and helping me unzip my tight blue jeans, and pulled them down. I loved the attention and my little cock stood to attention as he leaned over and started sucking on it, taking it all into his mouth. After a while he stopped and started wanking me with his hand asking me to tell him when I was close to cumming. It did not take long before I was on the brink and he seemed to adore the moment when I let go and shot a boy load into his hand and on to my tummy. Robbie sat quietly in the back. We drove back with the man touching me all the way back, my cock hard again for attention. He gave me what seemed an unreal amount of money for my time and dropped us off a block from the pick-up point, promising to look for me again soon.

After that I went regularly with Robbie to the corner and experienced much the same as the first time with many different men. All of them were very nice and not once did I feel any danger. One guy took me to his home and we swam naked in a large heated pool. I did not go any further than just letting them play and jerk me off and they all respected that. Some took photos too.

After about a year Robbie started work somewhere as a trainee and he stopped going to the corner so I kind of also lost interest and stopped going too.

The Widow

My next adventure with a woman happened in a strange way.

I was now just turned 14. An older lady lived across the road from us and was friendly with my mother. She would always wave at me and sometimes ask me how school was going and stuff like that. I did not pay her much attention as a possible adventure in view of her age – perhaps about 60.

One day my mom mentioned to me that she had been to tea with the lady across the road from us. Well during the tea my mother mentioned that I loved cats but did not have one – The Woman then remarked that I was welcome to visit her and play with her cat any time I wanted. I thought about that invitation a lot and remembered that the woman in question was often in her garden and often seemed to be looking out for me – sometimes just waving a friendly hello. She was often there when I rode my bike (me in scanty shorts of course) and I waved back often but not giving her a second thought, and then I thought, after my mother mentioned her to me – well it's not impossible for such an older woman to have an interest in boys – and hence the invitation 3; and if she did have such an interest then age did'nt matter – I was interested in all comers 3; in fact her age made it even more erotic. So I decided to take up the offer and went over to visit her one afternoon after school – of course dressed in my sexy short shorts summer best.

So I just played with the cat in question and watched and waited. The lady made tea and chatted to me about school and neighborhood stuff. I sat next to her on the couch with cat on my lap. She was a widow and lived alone. After a while she also started stroking the cat and every now and then her hand brushed my bare thigh 3;then the cat moved off me and settled against her on the other side of the couch. I now had to lean across her to stroke the cat and she didn't seem to mind that. In fact she continued stroking my thighs remarking how smooth I was and that I had such perfect skin 3; even telling me about creams and stuff to keep my skin smooth. (At 14 I didn't care much about creams!) By now I was almost lying across her purposely allowing her to feel me against her and seeming to invite her touch. She seemed to love it – and best of all it was all quite innocent – just a boy child being cuddled and innocently stroked by a kind old lady.

Thinking back at home later I realized that I should have encouraged her more but I got the feeling that she was happy just to stroke my legs and inner thighs and to feel my hard cock against her as I lay over her. I resolved to visit her again and make something happen.

As fate would have it her cat went missing a few days later and she desperately asked me to help her find him. I searched her house, garden and neighbourhood and then by a stroke of luck found the cat high in a tree and with her watching I was able to climb up the tee a bit, retrieve him and return him to her. She was very grateful, inviting me in for a drink and cookies and telling me constantly what a good boy I was and how grateful she was.

As we sat on her couch,side by side again, she placed a hand on my thigh and whispered that she knew a way to thank me for retrieving her cat. I suspected what she had in mind and said that I would love that. She told me to lie flat on the couch and relax, close my eyes and let her massage me. She started by massaging my legs for a long time starting at my feet and working her way up. It was so erotic and in no time my boner was straining against those tight European style shorts. Of course she noticed it and whispered to me that I was not to be embarrassed about it and asked whether I would like her to take care of it. We both knew what that meant and I nodded my head in the affirmative. Her hands moved to unbuckle the shorts and pull them all the way down together with my briefs.

"My my It's been a long time since ive played with a boy your age," she said, suggesting that she had at some stage done it before as an adult.

I relaxed completely and before long her older but very gentle hands were toying with my boyhood and then slowely she increased the rhythm until I felt a powerful orgasm rising and then exploding, shooting high on to my tummy.

"My my," she said, "I hope that felt as good as it looked."

She ran off to get a tissue to clean up with and then leaned over me kissing me on the forehead and saying that I was welcome to come back for more any time I liked. I went home a very happy boy. On my next visit a few days later – she needed little encouragement and few words spoken – she just stroked me again and then went for my cock, this time un-buttoning my shorts and giving a fantastic hand job that had me writhing on her couch and spurting on her sofa. Thinking back I should have encouraged her to do even more but I got the feeling that she was very happy to just stroke my legs and inner thighs and give me those wonderful hand jobs. I visited once or twice after that but she did not take things further, or allow me (I did try) to touch her.

After a few months she stopped inviting me over and I drifted to other adventures. Soon she seemed to even avoid seeing me, no longer waving from her garden. Perhaps she had become ill, guilty or just scared 3; I never knew but I was just 14 and life went on..

School Tour

There are so many things that happened in those erotic years between age 11 and 16. At school I was an average student, getting average grades and simply enjoying my youth and life. I did not participate much in sports although I did enjoy swimming for all sorts of reasons including the chance to admire boys in tiny speedo swimming costumes and to wear one myself. One day at about age 14 the school announced that they would be taking a tour group of boys to a nearby tropical island for snorkeling and skin-diving during the following school holidays. I loved watersports and boats and the sea and immediately applied to be included on the tour. It was expensive and I had to pay towards the cost as my parents could not really afford the trip but understood my enthusiasm to participate. I was selected from over 100 boys that applied to join the tour group of about 20 that would go on the tour.

Weeks before the tour we practiced our diving and snorkeling in the school swimming pool and preparations were made for the tour. I made new friends with some of the other boys going with and soon the time came for our trip. On the island we had a fantastic time doing everything that we had looked forward to for all those weeks.

And then near the end of the tour we were all taken in to a nearby town on the island for a dinner and a night of fun. We dressed for our night out in tight jeans and t-shirts for a hot summer night. After dinner we were told that we could explore the town and port area on our own but had to be back at the restaurant for the transport back to the camp by 12 midnight.

We split up into groups of friends and I joined my friends, about four of us, as we set out to explore the town and it's interesting prospects for a group of 14 year olds. We went to a pub and were surprised to find that no questions were asked and we were allowed to order beer 3; and then another pub and more beer. We found our way to the port area and soon realized that we were in a small 'red light' area with a few street hookers around and a few houses with women clearly soliciting. To a group of horny 14 year old boys this was heaven and we debated whether to go in to one of those brothels. Two of us were very keen including me and two of us were somewhat scared and reluctant so we decided not to go as we had to stay together.

We had all had a few beers and were ready to walk back to the pick up point when we passed another of those houses with women. This time they started calling us closer and offering their services 3;saying "come here cute boys, we will make you happy" and things like that. They seemed especially excited and interested that a group of young boys were walking in the area late at night. We were shy and reluctant but one of them came up to us and literally took our hands and guided us into that house.

Inside about six or seven of those women started talking to us and even stroking us lightly. We were very different to their usual customers and they really seemed keen to solicit us. They commented on how nice we all looked and asked where we were from and stuff. For my part I was intrigued that even women of the night could find boys attractive and go to so much trouble to entice us to their brothel. A pretty latino girl of about 30 pulled me to a bedroom and I protested that I did not have money (which was true). She thought for a moment and then said "don't worry about money – for a pretty boy like you it will be free." I heard later that the other boys were treated the same and that all of them had lost their virginity that night. I was the only non-virgin.

The woman undid my jeans and pulled me down on a small bed in a dingy bedroom. She asked wheter it was my first time and I lied saying it was. That seemed to excite her even more and soon she was on top guiding my hard boy cock deep into her very wet pussy. She was so expert and was able to stimulate me in ways that I had never experienced before and within minutes I was cumming deep inside her as she rocked on me and enjoyed the sensations of riding the young boy that had wondered into her life that night. Afterwards she lay on me stroking and kissing seemingly wanting to prolong the time together, before leading me gently to the outside room where I joined the other boys. It was after 1am. We had missed the transport and had to find our own way back to the camp. We ended up walking most of the way before getting a taxi for the last 10km [6 miles], but no one minded – we were too excited and elated about our night out on the town. We crawled into bed at first light and agreed not to tell a soul about our wild night out.

The Nurse

I was now 15 and persuaded my mom to buy me a small low powered motor bike – well things got off to a very bad start and within a week of getting it I had crashed into a parked car and broke my left leg – left femur that is. I was in hospital in traction for eight weeks with only the nurses to console my misery at my unfortunate predicament.

One nurse – one of the night staff, in her mid twenties became friendly and I would flirt with her outrageously – inviting her to bed bath me and wash me at every opportunity. I had to wear standard hospital tie-on underwear and always chose the smallest ones I could get.

I fantasized constantly about the nurses washing me and touching me and used to tell her outright that a boy my age could use some extra attention while being bed bathed. At first she ignored me telling me to behave and simply did her duty But sometimes, after a while, she would tease me – washing very close to my groin and waiting for my hard-on to appear before moving on. I figured that she was tempted and just needed some encouragement – needless to say I provided that for her.

On one occasion I just moved her hand and pressed it against my hard cock for a few seconds telling her that she was driving me crazy teasing me like that. She giggled and stroked it through the terry cloth just a few times and then moved on. The next time I could tell that she wanted me to do that again so I did – this time placing her hand under the material and on my cock. This time she stayed and played with it for a while, stroking softly and asking if that was what I wanted from her? I naturally said yes but I would love it more if she did it longer and let me shoot for her. She blushed and left the ward but she was back the next night – and it became a routine after that. She got the hang of what I wanted and I was soon shooting for her on command. Once or twice she even leaned over to take me in her mouth.

She clearly loved it and even invited me to visit her in her apartment after I was discharged. I never did as she lived too far 3; I will always regret not doing so.


Shane and his family moved away from the city area to the suburbs and we took to hitch hiking to visit each other as there was no other form of transport available. We never seemed to wait long to get lifts. I guess there is something about a young and good looking boy in jeans that makes folk want to give them a ride. Well needless to say hitching in those days also resulted in a few interesting experiences. Certain men would often assume that a boy hitching on his own was fair game and could even be a rent boy. I will recount one of many such experiences.

One man asked if I would like to see some porn magazines that he had with him and of course I said yes. He drove to a quiet spot and showed me the magazines. I was very surprised that some of them were boy porn – magazines featuring naked boys. I had never seen such stuff before and did not even know that they existed. I was hugely turned on. The man asked if I liked them and told me that the magazines were from Europe. I told him that I did like them and paged through them enthusiastically. Before long he confessed to me that he also liked them and that he also liked boys and would I mind if he touched me while I looked. Of course I agreed and within minutes he had my raging cock in his hand, playing as I paged through the books. I remember seeing pictures of very beautiful blond boys swimming or playing and before long the pictures and the toying had me cumming again in his handkerchief which he had ready for the occasion. Later he took me all the way to where I was going. I never told anybody, not even Shane about that event.


I was growing up now and turning 16 soon and although my life continued with many other adventures and encounters, this account of my early years must now end.

This account is my best memory of those long forgotten days, days that shaped me into a somewhat different kind of person – one with a special woman/boy fetish and an interest in all the Cheryl's out there and the nurses and teachers and grannies and ordinary women young and old that have a special secret, concerning boys, in their hearts and minds. I have been lucky to meet or correspond with a few such women as an adult and look forward to more such encounters.

I can never forget those special days as a boy slut.

The End

(The author invites correspondence and feedback from all interested readers.)