PZA Boy Stories

Treacle Tower

Lucas and Kit


Lucas becomes a buddy to new boy Kit, who has had a horrible school life to date.

Publ. Feb 2017
Finished 6,000 words (12 pages)


Lucas (12yo) and Kit (12yo)

Category & Story codes

Tie-up & Boyfriend story
bb – nosex – bond humil


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

When putting together the first Camp Initiations story, I needed two secondary boys (Lucas and Kit) to drive the initiations on behalf of the main characters (Matthew and Jake), and you'll notice Lucas is clearly the dominant one between him and Kit especially during the initiations. However since that story was published I have become fascinated with the relationship between Lucas and Kit.

This can serve as a back story to Camp Initiations if you like. It's not essential to read that first, hopefully this story stands on its own merits. A handful of things may not match up with the original story – I have tried to keep it in sync but I'm only human and anyway this is fiction – not a documentary.

I received an anonymous email from bondageboy with a story which serves pretty much as the inspiration for the scene in the woods here. Thank you for that.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at treacletower(at)hotmail(dot)co.uk or through this feedback form with Treacle Tower: Lucas and Kit in the subject line.


From the first year of secondary school, Lucas had everything going for him. He was a young prefect (a role inherited from primary school), a subject ambassador and was fairly typical of those "popular" or "cool" kids you see on American teen sitcoms, the type with hundreds of friends already and who get new ones on a whim. That was Lucas – a nice, friendly boy and seen as a real asset to the school.

Most of the "friends" didn't mean much to him, Lucas saw a considerably chunk of them more as acquaintances. He liked them but didn't consider most of them anything more than that. Because he had been seen as having potential and setting a shining example by teachers, his being raised above the rest of the year separated Lucas from real friendship and he didn't have a "best" friend as such.

Kit on the other hand was near enough the opposite of Lucas. He was a recluse, socially-awkward and shy only child, a product of bullying at his previous school that had zapped all his confidence and reduced a once bubbly boy to a nervous quivering wreck. He had been bullied fairly badly to the point where any friends he had managed to make and hold on to didn't last long, so he didn't have anybody he could trust with things. This left him socially isolated among his peers and dependent on the teachers for any form of interaction whatsoever.

Seeing how miserable their son was and how unhelpful the school was with regards to the bullying, the decision was taken to up sticks and leave not just the school but the entire area. And that's what happened. The family relocated, found new jobs and schools and started again.

Kit's family weren't particularly rich, but they weren't particularly poor either, in fact his parents had bought Kit up to be grateful for what he had regardless. After all there was always somebody worse off than yourself. In an ideal world Kit wanted to be home schooled but that was out of the question on cost grounds, and anyway his parents thought it was better for him long term to mix with other kids to try and build some confidence back in him.

So after a whirlwind of enrolement and uniform buying, it was Kit's first day at his new school. He was paired up with Lucas as a buddy to show him the ropes and look after him for a few days. The school had been made aware of Kit's background and deliberately chosen Lucas to buddy him in a chalk and cheese setup, but didn't fill Lucas in on Kit's background.

This wasn't the first time Lucas had buddied a new kid – he had seen a handful of shy kids who initially take a while to get going but then suddenly burst into life and its as if they'd been there years. Kit was something else though – literally a little boy, same age as Lucas but short for his age who seemed scared of his own shadow. Initially this didn't concern Lucas as he was mature enough to know everybody was different, but to him Kit seemed to be a likeable young man.

From the outset, Kit appeared to settle in, under the guidance and buddying of Lucas who was also in a handful of the same classes. Progress though was very slow and often non-existant – many kids gradually begin to open up, but not Kit. For Lucas it was hard work to have a conversation with Kit, but when it did happen it was very stop-start. He suspected there was something holding the boy back but he would have to work with him to discover what it is.

It was Kit's underlying social-awkwardness and lack of self confidence that was his undoing of this so-far good new school life. He had just finished changing for PE class when he inadvertedly bumped into another boy – a total accident and a simply 'sorry' would have solved the problem. But reluctant to say anything, Kit just walked off giving the impression of being rude.

The boy he bumped into took exception to this and followed Kit out of the changing room and deliberately pushed him into the wall and then to the floor. Instead of getting up, Kit just lay there, curled himself up into a defensive ball and began to silently cry. The act of being shoved into the wall stirred memories of Kit's past experiences up and it overwhelmed him. Curling up into a ball was what he'd done at his previous school while he was being bullied and this was his way of dealing with it.

In fact Kit refused to move from where he'd landed and curled himself up and he ignored all efforts to get him to shift. He only responded to Lucas, who had had to be dragged out of another class to come and get Kit off the floor of the PE wing.

After some discussion between them, Kit eventually relaxed, uncurled himself from the position he was in and sat up to face Lucas. Although Kit hadn't intended to behave this way, he didn't know how else to deal with the situation. Lucas acted maturely, refusing to condone Kit's behaviour but being careful not to encourage it either. After a bit more discussion, Kit was back on his feet but had now missed a large chunk of the lesson.

Kit's inability to defend himself and seemingly want to be a victim was an opportunity that was soon taken for Kit to be regularly bullied again for seemingly trivial things. In fact having a public meltdown didn't help matters as it served as a catalyst for all of this.

To his credit Lucas did try to step in and defend Kit but because of all his school roles, Lucas couldn't be there all the time to protect Kit, plus Lucas had been told by the older prefects he couldn't concentrate exclusively on one kid but had to rotate himself amongst anybody else who wanted him otherwise what was the point of the system?

Perhaps aware that his "guardian" was tied up in other issues, the bullies continued to torment Kit, by now seemingly relegated to the fact that he was destined to be a punching bag for others and in real danger of undoing what good Lucas had done for him. Kit was in a real quandry – he didn't want to upset his parents and force yet another expensive move to goodness only knows where but on the other hand in a sense being the school punching bag was familiarity to him.

Kit felt safe at home and around Lucas, but knew in the back of his mind this couldn't last forever – interventions usually worked for a day or two and would then the bullying would start again. It was almost like there was a plot for every kid in the school to get Kit.

Lucas was fed up of the constraints being a young prefect, ambassador and a buddy were putting on him, because he liked Kit and hated seeing him being bullied. He was considering jacking the job in altogether, but that would probably make him unpopular with the older prefects and upset the staff as he was near enough a model pupil, but it would allow him to help Kit who seemed in need of more help than Lucas could currently provide. It was a six of one and half a dozen of the other situation.

His mind was ultimately made up one morning when he spotted Kit being bullied again. Going over to intervene, Lucas was horrified to find out the bully this time was a fellow older prefect who was dishing out orders to the younger kids to beat up Kit. By now Kit was cowering on the floor, his arms protecting his head and was not far off being kicked. He was back in his meltdown state in a carbon copy of the PE wing incident. This was the same prefect who had warned Lucas off against concentrating on one kid.

It suddenly dawned on Lucas. Because this prefect either didn't like Kit or knew he wouldn't fight back (and that he was a buddy of Lucas), if anything happened to Kit it would look really bad on Lucas. It was pretty much a framed setup, which Lucas did not like one bit.

"Come on," encouraged the older prefect. "You know this is a rite of passage to graduate to senior prefect, right, tormenting your buddy?"

"No it isn't," replied Lucas.

"Yeah well it is now. And I'm going to report you for being a shit buddy and letting him get into this state." He went to kick Kit but stopped short. "Unless you kick him here and now."

"No." He tried to make eye contact with Kit, who averted his gaze. There was no twinkle or spark in the smaller boy's eyes, and Lucas knew he couldn't do it.

"Come on Lucas, if you don't kick him I will."

"No, I can't," said Lucas, backing and turning away with intent to report his colleague.

"Fine," said the older boy. With this he started to kick Kit fiercely. "Do us a favour kid and just die."

It was Kit's genuine yelps of pain from the kicks that motivated Lucas. He turned around again and punched the older prefect across the face with some considerable force knocking him to the ground, bringing the rest of the watching crowd to silence. Lucas was normally not the violent type.

"Leave. Him. Alone," snarled Lucas.

"Oh you are so demoted," said the older prefect, checking for blood on his face. Ignoring him, Lucas pulled Kit to his feet and hoisted him up fireman style. As he turned around carrying Kit, the older prefect shouted "You'll never prefect in this school again!" Lucas's response was to turn round again and silently raise his middle finger at the prefect.

Lucas immediately took Kit to the nurse to get some treatment if needed, then carted himself off to the headteacher to confess what was going on before anybody else jumped in to stir things up. He knew he'd probably get suspended for fighting, would lose his prefect role and probably not be allowed to buddy again. On the plus side, if he fessed up from the off it might get him some kudos and a slight reprieve rather than trying to cover it up.

As it turned out the headteacher had seen the entire incident on the CCTV system and while they couldn't condone what Lucas had done in thumping the prefect, it was fully understandable as to why he'd done it. While Lucas prepared to respond to the "do you have anything to say" question, there was a small knock on the door. The headteacher opened the door and there stood Kit, slightly shaking and constantly gazing at the floor.

He was invited in and sat next to Lucas. Initially he tried to absorbe Lucas of all blame and involvement to take the flak himself, in an attempt, Lucas spotted, to get out of the school and away from his tormentors. The camera footage however told a different story.

"Anything else you want to tell me?" asked the headteacher to Kit who sat there quietly.

"Kit, nothing's going to change with your situation unless you tell somebody." Kit remained silent. "Please." Kit again said nothing, leaving Lucas exasperated in his seat. He thought about speaking out but ultimately chose not to.

"You can go now," said the headteacher. "As you were."

"Why didn't you say something?" asked Lucas as they left the office. "You can't go on like this, you're better than this!"

"No I'm not," said Kit dejectedly. "I'm a washed up friendless loser." With this his face turned sad and he looked like he was about to burst into tears.

"Come here," responded Lucas soothingly. He gave Kit a reassuring hug as he spoke. "You're not a loser. You're a great kid. You just need to toughen up a bit. Okay?" Kit nodded and wiped his eyes. "Come on, let's get ice cream."

The older prefect had other ideas and he collared Lucas and Kit as they were leaving, so he and a large group of other prefects formed a circle around the boys and quickly moved in, forcing them back to back. A couple of the prefect group grabbed Kit and pinned his arms securely behind his back and pulled him to the floor holding him secure, while Lucas was pulled up at the collar straight into the face of the older prefect.

"Important committee meeting. You're so fucking fired from everything after you thumped me. But here's how it is going to be. I know you've wanted to move up the prefect rank, even the prefect staff want to see you rise, they clearly think the sun shines out your arse. I don't. However I have personally endorsed your promotion, you know the perks that come with it, all I have to do is sign a piece of paper." He put Lucas down, took out a rolled up sheet of A4 from his inside blazer pocket and handed it to Lucas who unrolled it and gasped at its contents.

"Wow!" he exclaimed, before catching a glimpse of Kit struggling against his captives. "What's the catch?"

"Give this runt a really hard kick. In the nuts. Pretend he's a rugby ball. That's all you have to do and this new world of responsibility is yours. You deserve it Lucas and you've earned it. What do you say?" The older prefect stepped back giving Lucas a clear run towards Kit. The boy moved towards Kit, still holding the paper in his hand and switching his attention between it and Kit. The promotion would look really good on his CV when he left school, it was a major kudos bargaining chip, plus it would also give Lucas a real say in the running of the school, more responsibility and a small financial reward.

However all of this pailed into insigificance when Lucas's gaze fell onto Kit, who was looking at him with a big puppy dog eyes expression, silently pleading for help. When Lucas met the boy's gaze, he knew what he had to do. The memory of seeing Kit curled up in a ball on the floor of the PE wing was fresh in his mind and it scared Lucas that anybody could be reduced to that. Kit had grown on Lucas and subsequently meant more to him than anything the prefects could offer. He could tell from looking at Kit's puppy dog eyes expression that it was more than just a shot in the dark – he really liked Lucas and was willing to start trusting again.

"You can take your prefect offer," shouted Lucas, turning round to face the boy who had just confronted him, "and you can shove it up your arse. I quit as a prefect."

"Lucas, Lucas, Lucas. You quit, you'll lose everything. All your important friends and contacts are prefects or prefects in training. They won't talk to you again. You won't get back in, I'll guarantee that and I will also put paid to you being a buddy and ambassador. You'll become a spineless friendless loser like that little shit there." Lucas thought about this for a second.

"Let Kit go," Lucas asked those holding him, before pulling him free. He handed Kit his prefect badge and tie cover, followed by a small pair of scissors. "Cut them up for me please. You won't get into trouble." Kit reluctantly obliged and the look on the older prefect's face as the badge and tie cover fell to the floor in multiple pieces was iconic.

"You're dead! So fucking dead! Come on guys, let's get out of here. Lucas you're termined from prefects effective immediately. Come on guys, leave Uncool and Uncooler be." The crowd dispersed, leaving Lucas and Kit alone together again.

"And that's that!" exclaimed Lucas. "Never really liked it anyway. Hope you're grateful."

"You're giving up everything you've earned just for me?" said Kit quietly, in a shaky voice, not quite sure how to respond.

"Yeah suppose I am. I may have lose the prefects but I gained you. Be my friend?" responded Lucas. Kit responded to this with a raw show of emotion and a hug, proving to Lucas that the puppy dog eyes weren't lying.

"Yeah okay, that'll do. We have one more thing to do then I'll get you ice-cream."

Lucas and Kit went back to the headteacher's office and under active encouragement from Lucas, Kit poured out his heart about the entire bullying situation he'd endured both here and at his past school, how Lucas had done his best under the circumstances to help and defend him, and also spoke about the older prefect was a key bully of him.

Listening to Kit speaking, Lucas could feel nothing but empathy for him. He really needed a friend and had been bottling his emotions up seemingly for a very long while. After the boy had finished pouring, Kit looked to Lucas a lot happier and was well in deserving of ice-cream.

The end result of this was the bullying prefect was himself suspended and later excluded. Lucas ultimately didn't have to pack in his prefect role but he chose to in exchange for not receiving any punishment or disciplinary over the thumping. He voluntarily gave up his buddy and subject ambassador roles too, as they had become too much of a tedious ritual. He had a new challenge – rebuilding Kit. It wouldn't be easy but Lucas saw potential in him. The boy's comment of "washed up friendless loser" rang in Lucas's head.

As expected, when Lucas was no longer a prefect and a social magnet, a large chunk of those kids who were just hanging around with him because he was a prefect stopped doing that, and so Lucas's social circle fell away dramatically. That was to be expected but Lucas hardly missed any of them.

The rebuilding of Kit had started. Lucas firstly spent as much time with him as he could getting to know the boy properly to be a real friend and also opening up his own life to Kit in the process to return the process. Lucas hid nothing from Kit, he couldn't do it as Kit had already put so much trust into him simply by letting Lucas into his life. This would allow Lucas to guide and encourage Kit into activities that would be of benefit to the boy. The confidence would follow later – he had trouble starting and holding conversations with other people and only seemed to be happy at doing this with Lucas.

To deal with Kit's issues of trust, Lucas had a radical idea that Kit would probably never forgive him for. While Lucas was aware there was much to gain by not forcing Kit to do something he didn't want to do, he also knew sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

While he was walking through a forest track with Kit one day he happened across two camp sites full of scouts. He could tell from their name tags they were two entirely different districts and his idea for Kit came back to the front of his mind. While Kit was distracted and busy looking at the nature and wildlife, Lucas used his confidence and charm to get chatty with a couple of scouts from both groups and explained what he wanted to do.

They all agreed and saw the benefit in what Lucas was trying to achieve for his friend, though this wasn't particularly the way they would have gone about it personally but whatever. Crucially though he didn't tell Kit, else the kid would have probably been halfway out the forest before Lucas could finish speaking.

So the following day Lucas and Kit returned to the forest track where they were before. As per Lucas's instructions, Kit had turned up in some tatty old clothes in the belief they were going to be doing a messy activity, or that's what Lucas told him. In reality these were some of Kit's regular clothes that made him look like an orphan – nothing Lucas said or did would persuade Kit to feed them to the nearest dustbin and they were pretty much a bully magnet. They had to go.

Putting his backpack down that had accompanied him to the forest, Lucas positioned Kit directly under a fairly thick looking branch and took some rope out from his backpack. He had worked out precisely how much rope he needed to hold Kit in place and had planned accordingly with a small amount of slack.

"You can be the initial prisoner in this first game," said Lucas as he securely tied one end of the rope to Kit's left wrist, and threw the other end of the rope up over a branch and tied Kit's other wrist to it. Kit watched, fascinated as Lucas used the knots knowledge he'd picked up as a cub scout to secure his friend with his wrists hanging at head level.

Leaving Kit where he was for a second, Lucas fetched out the utility knife from the backpack. He felt incredibly bad, perhaps guilty, for what he was going to use this for but Lucas had to fight off the emotions and do what he knew he had to do for Kit's sake. He returned to where Kit was and extended the blade.

"Please forgive me," said Lucas quietly, as Kit's eyes widened at the utility blade as it approached him. "This is for your own good long term." With that, he proceeded to gently cut away at the fabric of the tatty clothes hanging on Kit's upper anatomy being careful not to cut his skin with the blade. While the shirt fell to the ground in ruins, Lucas began to cut away Kit's past their best long-legged shorts and they soon also fell to the ground in pieces.

This left Kit in only his trainers, socks and underwear. Lucas dared not look Kit in the face at this point, preferring instead to make the boy barefoot. After dragging this out for as long as possible and with surprisingly little resistance from Kit, Lucas finally looked at Kit again.

The boy was simply hanging his head in shame and taking everything coming to him. Lucas immediately felt guilty at what he was doing and was in two minds as to whether to cut Kit down again, but he decided not to.

"Remember what we said about trust?" soothed Lucas to Kit, who had seemingly regressed back to his pre Lucas state by constantly gazing at the floor. "This will help you. If you can learn to trust somebody when you have no defence, you can trust anybody."

"You tricked me," whispered Kit. "I thought we were going to play a game and now you've ripped my clothes."

"If I'd told you what we were going to do here you wouldn't have come," replied Lucas. "I've been feeling guilty about doing this ever since I first had the idea."

"Yeah, suppose," replied Kit flatly. "I'll get you back for this."

"Okay. Right, let's get this going. One more thing." With that, Lucas immediately cut Kit's underpants at the side and like everything else they fell to the floor, now useless for their purpose. This left Kit effectively hanging from the tree starkers.

Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Lucas proceeded to visually examine the naked Kit. It was obvious to Lucas why Kit was a major bully target – he looked nothing like a twelve year old, especially in the buff. He wasn't fat by any stretch of the imagination but he wasn't especially thin either, his small statute didn't really help the illusion – in fact he looked like an oversized toddler. There was more hair on Kit's head than he had on the rest of his anatomy. Lucas knew there was going to be nothing he could do to help Kit here but wait for nature to catch up.

Lucas had to stop himself from constantly gazing at Kit in order to advance things. He moved back to his backpack and pulled out a blindfold which he quickly put over Kit's forehead before the boy noticed.

"Remember," said Lucas soothingly, repeating what he told Kit previously. "Learn to trust. I'm gonna blindfold you now but I'm not going anywhere, just call out my name and I will respond. You're perfectly safe, I'm not going to let anything serious happen to you." Kit nodded slowly and Lucas pulled the blindfold down over the boy's eyes.

Checking and resecuring his rope restraints, Lucas waved his arm in the air as a signal to the scouts to come and do stuff. Kit's called out Lucas's name and received a response from him immediately. That reassured him.

Stepping away, Lucas watched as two scouts from the two different groups either side of the forest track came out and quietly sneaked up towards the naked Kit. Without making a sound they were directly in front of him, conducting their own visual inspections of their subject. There was a pause of a few minutes, just enough to allow Kit to settle but not get too worked up.

With Lucas in eyeshot of his friend, he watched as one of the scouts gently reached out and took hold of Kit's flaccid penis. Seeing that there was no reaction from Kit, the scout began to gently play with the penis, rolling it around in his hand. This provoked a small reaction from Kit, nothing along the lines that Lucas was expecting – he half expected the kid to scream the woods down.

"How you doing Kit?" asked Lucas. The boy nodded with no verbal response. "Carry on?" Kit nodded again. The scouts alternated strokes of Kit's penis between them, bringing him to erection fairly quickly.

It didn't take much effort to bring Kit up to a climax, in fact the two scouts between them finished him off to ejaculation in under ten minutes without any resistance from the boy or his body. For one that looked so young he pushed out a typical amount of watery looking semen without even breaking a sweat.

"Have you ever been wanked off by somebody else?" asked Lucas, whispering into Kit's ear so the scouts wouldn't hear him.

"No," whispered back Kit, turning his head towards Lucas. "Never. Not even by a bully."

"Wow," replied Lucas. "How often do you wank?"

"Only when I, um, can't control myself anymore. I like the whole fight I have with myself not to wank," said Kit, shuffling around nervously as he spoke. "Fifteen days is my all time record but before today, this was day eight."

Now in the knowledge Kit had deliberately tanked himself up for personal fun, Lucas set about making a new record. Throughout the rest of the day he left Kit tied up where he was as a random stream of scouts from either side of the hedge "came across" him and began to play with his genitals and occasionally backside.

Not all of these boys had interest in jacking Kit off, some were just more interested in what was going on. Kit soon ejaculated again under stimulation and a longer period of it but the third and subsequent ejaculations saw Kit begin to internally fight against the scouts wanking him off – which was now more along the lines of what Lucas was expecting to see in the first place.

Kit gave as good as he received, trying to fight his natural tendencies. Effectively giving the watching boys what they wanted, Kit was soon sweating, writhing, squirming and not far from ejaculating again. A small crowd of at least half a dozen scouts in uniform were now gathered for the spectacle, not that the blindfolded Kit would ever know about it.

Lucas took over the final work this time round of finishing Kit off and without a word to the boy, gently took hold of his erect member and began to gently stroke it, gently encouraging Kit towards the inevitable outcome.

After a while, with Kit now breathing deeply and his upper body caked in sweat, Lucas gave the boy's member a tight squeeze, a final heavy stroke and forced him to shoot his load. For the first time this session, Kit let out an involuntary scream as Lucas pushed him over the edge and he began to thrust his hips upwards as Lucas milked his orgasm for as much semen as he could. Surprisingly he stil pushed as much out as he did first time round. Lucas could only watch fascinated as his friend came down from his high.

By dusk, Kit was still being irregularly jacked off, though by this point he had pretty much run out of semen to ejaculate with. A grand total of nine cums with a tenth on the way had completed the experience. Lucas reckoned Kit would now be easily able to beat his own cum-denial record.

Once Kit had been forcibly dragged to climax and beyond again, Lucas thanked the scout volunteers for their time. Being a scout himself he didn't offer any personal reward as they wouldn't have took it anyway but he had met new people which was reward in itself.

After the scouts had gone, Lucas removed Kit's blindfold, then began to cut his rope while Kit's eyes blinked and squinted as they adjusted from their many hours of darkness back to natural daylight. His arms naturally ached from being suspended up above for so long.

Kit soon fell to the floor, exhausted and not quite sure how to feel about his day. As his arms recovered to hanging at his sides, Lucas handed him some clothes from his backpack, as Kit's gaze fell on the rags of what he had arrived in.

"Can't have you wandering home naked, can we?" asked Lucas. "So how do you feel?"

"Um, empty? And tired," responded Kit, quickly dressing himself in Lucas's clothes while still sitting on the ground.

"Okay, good job today, let's go." replied Lucas, collecting up the rags of what Kit had arrived in and putting them in his backpack. He gathered everything he had bought, leaving the area exactly as he'd found it.

He turned round and spotted Kit still on the ground looking half done in. Grabbing Kit's arms he pulled the boy to his feet, but Kit overbalanced and fell straight onto Lucas, catching him off guard and knocking them both to the floor.

Lucas scrambled to get up again and once again tried pulling Kit to his feet. The boy was out of energy and struggled to stand. Rather than get angry and shout, Lucas just bent down and scooped Kit up in his arms and set off.

This was one of the advantages of being small for your age as it allowed Lucas to carry Kit home with relative ease, and he had a heartwarming moment when Kit, without any prompting, wrapped his arms around Lucas and drifted off to sleep.

He looked adorable to Lucas. Really adorable. Here was a boy with a horrible experience of other kids clouding his history and he had found a kid who had really taken a shine to him. Lucas couldn't help feeling proud and responsible that he could help rebuild Kit the way he had.

Lucas had built a rapport with Kit's parents who were overjoyed and glad to have glimpses of their son's natural personality back in their lives and they were so grateful for that. In fact in front of his parents Kit spontaneously invited Lucas for a sleepover at some point. He'd rarely had the confidence to do that with anybody. Lucas was happy to accept.

His experience at the hands of the scouts was all the motivation Kit needed to want to join Lucas as a scout himself. It had been an aim of Lucas to get him there but not to nag or force him down that road. The experience Kit had had was more by luck than anything else, but what Lucas was doing with Matthew and Jake and their self made initiation ceremonies was Lucas's original plan for Kit to get him involved. Now Kit had been on the receiving end Lucas could prove to him some people get a kick out of being tormented like that.

That would give Kit all the confidence he needed for his life. As well as all the other social and confidence building benefits being a scout would bring him, Lucas sold Kit on the initiation ceremony – he didn't have to be initiated himself if he didn't want to be, it was just a bit of fun.

Getting all hands on with two naked scouts at some unholy hour of the morning was a real turning point for Kit, just as Lucas thought it would be. It sparked creative juices, it sparked discussion with people other than Lucas and it let Kit be in charge for an hour or so, even if it was just wanking a weird kid and his friend off in the middle of the woods.

Lucas's job of rebuilding Kit wasn't complete but it was ongoing. He took great pride in seeing Kit continue to grow in confidence, actively encouraging but never forcing. Aware of how confident Kit was around Matthew and Jake (whether they were clothed or not), Lucas asked them if they'd like to hang around with him and Kit outside of scouts, as a backup to keeping Kit moving if Lucas wasn't around for any reason. They were all now good friends with each other, bounced off each other personality wise and shared similar interests. Kit now had what he had been craving for for a while – companionship.

In a sign of growing confidence, Kit eventually had his revenge on Lucas for tying him up in the woods and getting him wanked dry by scouts. It was mild revenge but it counted for Kit – he simply took Lucas's PE kit out of his school backpack when he wasn't looking, and it forced Lucas to do the indoor sesssion in nothing but his underwear and a manky old vest from lost property. Lucas was quietly pleased and slightly worried at the monster he'd been rebuilding. Kit was going to be a great friend.

As an addenum, after being emptied of semen, Kit managed to beat his own cum-denial record which now stands at 21 days. In the spirit of competitiveness, Lucas tried to match Kit's old 15 day record – and failed miserably after four days every time he tried. Kit had bragging rights in this department – for the moment anyway.

The End

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