Bill aka StoryguyBoarding School Teacher |
SummaryA young teacher finds all of his boy-sex fantasies becoming a reality when he takes a job as the hall-master and wrestling coach at an American boarding school.
Publ. 2008-... (Nifty & ASSGM); this site Feb-May 2009
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CharactersChris (13yo), Tommy (12yo), Tony (15yo) and Mark Jenkins (23yo)Category & Story codesSchool Boy storyMtb – cons mast oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThis is VERY loosely based on the first porn novel I ever read that had an adult/youth plot. I had it in the anything-goes days of late-1970s, but I haven't seen it since then. I think it was titled Boarding School Master, but I'm not sure. If anyone remembers the book (or HAS it!), write to me at bil47_new(at) or use this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Chapter 1Time: January 1978Mark Jenkins returned to his room on a dormitory hall at the Hardcrest School for Boys. This would be his home for the next five months, until the semester ended in June. He had arrived late that afternoon, traveling first by train from Cleveland to New York City, then the Greyhound Bus to this middle-of-nowhere town in upstate New York. No sooner had he arrived than he was whisked off on a tour of the dormitories, classrooms, his office, and the athletic facilities 3; and then dinner in the dining hall with all the faculty and administrators. It had been such a whirl of activity that he hadn't even opened the two suitcases that still sat on his bed.His room wasn't nearly as small and basic as those assigned to the boys he would be supervising when they returned from their Christmas vacation – 7th, 8th, and 9th graders [12-15 year olds] along one corridor, and upper-classmen along another. Mark's quarters had a private bathroom and a sitting area with two comfortable chairs and a small coffee table. But it was a considerable step down from the rented townhouse he'd shared with two other recent college graduates back in Cleveland. By tomorrow afternoon he would be surrounded by boys, and he was determined not to screw up like he had at the other school. He wouldn't let himself be tempted this time. "Self discipline," he mumbled to himself yet again as he locked the door behind him. "Look, but don't touch." He knew he could do it. After all, he had made it all the way through his high school and college years without ever touching a boy in a sexual way. He would do now what he'd done then – be content to masturbate to memories of the wonderful adventures of his early puberty, and fantasize about the boys around him now. Maybe he should try to develop a sexual attraction to men. At the faculty dinner from which he had just come, he had gotten a definite vibe from a couple young teachers that they might be homosexuals. Not that he could fully trust his instinct on such matters 3; after all, he'd gotten the same vibe from a married teacher too. The lingering handshake, the slight effeminacy, and the piercing gaze combined with a warm smile had given Mark the feeling that the man was coming on to him. What was the guy's name? Henson? Hansen? An English teacher. And his wife was a young Asian woman who taught French at the school. It was warm in his room; the old building's heating system over-reacting to the bitter cold of the outdoors on this January night. He removed his jacket and tie and walked over to open his suitcases. There they were! The thought of them had been tantalizing him all day. Now, in the privacy of his room, he would finally be able to see what he had bought. They were still in the flat paper bag from the porn shop he'd visited earlier that day in New York City 3; still in the clear plastic shrink-wrap that had prevented him from seeing anything but the front and back covers. But the covers promised the kind of erotic images would make his masturbation sessions incredible mind-blowing experiences. He removed the plastic wrappers and laid the three magazines side-by-side on the bed, shivering with anticipation as he read the titles and examined the cover pictures: Danish Boy-Party, with its cover showing three perfectly beautiful boys – shaggy-haired blonds, right on the cusp of puberty – cavorting nude. Grade-A Chicken, showing a naked boy of perhaps 13 or 14 years, blatantly displaying a stiff young-adolescent cock that was adorned with only the slightest fringe of pubic hair. Rough-Trade Hustler, with the picture of a pimply adolescent boy of no more than 16, with a 50s-style pompadour of dark hair. He was trying to look sinister, posing in front of gym lockers wearing only a jock-strap. A dramatically large and fully-mature erection extended three inches [7½ cm] above the jock's wide waistband, its length and girth wildly out of proportion to his still-maturing body. At the bottom left corner of the cover was another picture in a small circular overlay, showing a middle-aged man on his knees sucking the cock of the same boy, with the caption: "He'll dominate you 3; and you'll pay him for the privilege." Mark quickly removed his trousers, shirt, and white briefs. His cock was already totally stiff in anticipation. There was second small bag with another purchase he had made earlier that day from the adult bookstore. He removed the bottle of clear lubricant. Stroke! said the label in bold letters. It was the first time he'd seen lube that was explicitly marketed for masturbation. He poured some on his right hand, then spread it onto his straining circumcised cock. Oh, man! That felt incredible! He looked again at the three magazines arrayed on the bed and chose the one with the Danish boys. Taking it over to the sitting area of his room, he settled into one of the chairs and laid the magazine on the small round table in front of him. Jacking his slippery cock up and down as he slowly turned the pages, he knew immediately that he had hit the jackpot. The pictures showed a roomful of totally naked boys – he counted seven in all, around the ages of 10 to 14 – engaged in every sexual act that boys can possibly do. He felt the wonderful sensations of masturbation making his whole body glow, and he let his imagination put himself in the middle of the magazine's hot boy-orgy scene. He would have given anything to be there with them, having these boys as his personal boy-harem 3; instructing his seven beautiful blond young friends how to pleasure him with infinite varieties of sexual techniques and combinations. Mark was stroking urgently by the time he reached the end of the magazine. He stopped jacking himself for a minute, calming his lust so that he could make this a nice long JO session. He turned to the front of the magazine and started over, concentrating on the hottest pictures as he began to stroke again. But just then 3; KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK "Mark? Are you home? It's Dick Hanson. Can I come in?" Mark jumped up from the chair in a panic, stuffing the magazine under the seat cushion. "I'll be right there!" he called out in a flustered voice. He ran into the bathroom to wipe the lube off his hand, then quickly pulled on his pants and shirt. Breathing heavily, his heart thumping in his chest, he opened the door. "Hello, Mr. Hanson! Please come in," he said, trying to sound casual. "Call me Dick. Please! Oh, I hope I'm not disturbing you. Should I come back later?" said the other man, who was holding a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. "No. It's fine. Really." "I brought a nice Bordeaux and thought we could talk a bit about life here at Hardcrest." His eyes scanned around the room. "You'll want to get some pictures on these walls. There is a nice little art store in town that I can drive you to if you'd like." Hanson was looking right at the bed when Mark suddenly remembered the two boy-porn magazines that lay there, along with the bottle of porn-shop lube. His chest tightened so hard and quickly that he felt he was having a heart attack. "Uh 3; let me straighten up a bit," he said anxiously. "Have a seat over there." Mark pointed to the chairs, hoping the man wouldn't sit in the one with the magazine under its cushion. He quickly stuffed the incriminating material into his suitcase and slid it under the bed. Taking a deep breath and trying to compose himself, Mark turned around. Hanson's face betrayed no sign of alarm or anger; just a friendly smile. Perhaps he hadn't seen the magazines after all. Hanson, a slender and delicate-looking man in his mid-40s, pulled a corkscrew from his jacket pocket and expertly extracted the cork. Pouring two glasses, he held up his glass for a toast. "To teaching, to Hardcrest, and to boys," he said. Their glasses clinked together, and Mark found himself gulping three-quarters of the smooth red wine in just a few seconds, trying to calm his nerves. "Here; let me refill your glass," said Hansen, leaning forward. They spoke for a while about the school – how it used to be exclusively a boarding school, but now had a substantial majority of day students. The older man lowered his voice theatrically to note that the school had fallen on hard times in recent years, operating at only two-thirds of capacity, and was just barely staying afloat financially from year to year. "But enough of depressing matters," said Hanson. "It's your first day here, and we should talk about the joy of teaching fine young boys. I think the ancient Greeks had the right idea," said the older man. "In order to be an effective teacher of boys, you have to admire them 3; truly enjoy being around them, even when they are silly and crude. Too many teachers – most of them women – don't really like boys; they only tolerate them." He poured more wine into the younger man's glass. "Do you like boys, Mark?" He settled back in his chair and awaited the answer with an enigmatic expression on his face. "Uhhhh 3;" Mark was momentarily at a loss for words. "Well, sure. I'm pretty young myself – just turned 23 – so I guess I can identify with kids." "Do you prefer older boys or younger boys?" asked Hanson, with a slight edge to his voice. Mark blushed. A completely honest answer would have been embarrassingly revealing. He adored young boys around age 11 to 14, but also had shamefully kinky fantasies about dominant and athletic older boys, around 15 to 17. "Uhm; I guess the 7th and 8th graders [12-14 year olds]. They are so inquisitive." "Aren't they, though!" replied the other man as he sipped his wine. "So tell me a little about yourself. Do you have any romantic interests?" "No; none at all right now, I'm afraid," said Mark. The only relationship he'd ever had that could have been called romantic had lasted only a month, back when he and Bobby were both 13. The image of kissing Bobby, as they lay naked on his bed, flashed through Mark's mind, and he sought to banish it. "I understand you're married to a French teacher." "Yes. Her name is Tam. It means 'heart' in Vietnamese. She escaped from Saigon just before the Communists took control, three years ago this Spring. She had worked in the American embassy 3; very well educated 3; and a friend of mine in the Foreign Service asked me to sponsor her so she could come to America. As you can see, I did much more than just provide a sponsorship! I had never envisioned myself getting married, much less to a woman such as she." "I saw her at dinner, and she looks very 3;." Mark was suddenly at a loss for the word he was going to use. Pretty? Exotic? The truth was that with her petite body and short hair she looked 3; "Boyish, I think the word is," offered Hanson, with a sly grin. "Well 3; yes," said Mark, taken aback. The only straight pornography that Mark had ever been aroused by featured young Asian women, with slender hips and nearly-flat chests, giving blow-jobs and getting fucked by handsome young Caucasian men. "It must be, uh, fascinating to be married to someone with her, uh, background." "Asian women make quite satisfactory wives," said Hanson. "They are submissive to their husbands 3; in all manner of things. I hope I don't offend you with my bluntness, but I can't resist bragging about Tam being entirely compliant with everything that I desire in our bedroom 3; including the accommodation of a third participant now and then." Mark was too flustered to think of any suitable reply, and in any case probably wouldn't have been able to get the words out. "She is quite popular with her students, and will often invite one over for dinner at our home. We live in one of the school-owned houses right on the edge of campus." Hanson took a sip of his wine. "She teaches an 8th grade class, for example, and we're very fond of hosting a few select boys from the class. Lads at 13 and 14 years old are quite remarkable, don't you think? Perhaps you'll come to dinner yourself sometime, when we are hosting a boy." "Uh 3; well 3; thanks! That's very kind of you, Dick." "I should be getting along now. I suspect I interrupted you when I came here, and I want to let you return to whatever you were doing." When Hanson was finally gone, Mark collapsed into his chair, his head buzzing from mental overload and from a bit too much wine. "God! That was so bizarre!" he muttered. Hanson had surely seen the boy-porn magazines on the bed, and he was sending nearly-unmistakable signals that he was a boy-lover too. And that he does threesomes with his wife and students! Mark closed his eyes and tried to calm his nerves. His rational mind told him that he should avoid Hanson like the plague. This was his second chance to get things right with his teaching career, and he couldn't blow it again. At the other school, where he had begun teaching last September, he had been like a child set free in a candy store. The boys idolized him, and he felt free to hug them and playfully roughhouse 3; and sneak a feel when they got their ineveitable boners while wrestling with him. Three of the boys – his favorites – had been all too willing to let him go farther 3; MUCH farther. It had seemed so easy to finally satisfy his erotic cravings, so long as he played his cards right. But he hadn't, and it had gotten him fired. It had been foolishly risky to take a shower with that cute 7th grader [12-13 year old] in the locker room late in the afternoon, after the other boys had gone home. When the custodian had walked into the shower room with his mop and bucket, the two of them were just getting started, jacking their own boners with soapy hands. At least the old man hadn't arrived a minute later, when Mark and the boy would have been jacking each other off 3; or 5 minutes later when Mark would have been on his knees sucking the boy's beautiful 4-inch [10 cm] boner. Mark had been allowed to resign from the prestigious private day school without a scandal and had finished the semester doing substitute teaching in various public schools. Sending out his resume (which excluded his eight weeks at the prep school in Cleveland), he would have accepted just about any full-time teaching job. He'd never heard of Hardcrest when he responded to their job ad, but he jumped at the offer that was extended after just a phone interview. They needed to fill a mid-year vacancy in the faculty and hired him to teach history, coach wrestling for the younger boys, and to be a 'hall master' in the dorms. The pay was low (he'd made more as a substitute teacher), but room and board were included for free, and he didn't need a car. "Self discipline," he told himself again. "Look, but don't touch." He pulled his suitcase out from under the bed and opened it. He picked up the bottle of lube and the porn magazines and took them over to the chair, extracting the one from beneath the seat cushion. After pouring some lube onto his palm, he opened Rough-Trade Hustler and stared at the first picture – the same mid-teen punk as on the cover, standing in a low-budget motel room, masturbating. He was naked except for the jock-strap, which was pulled down to his mid-thighs. A small bush of dark pubes appeared to be his only body hair. Damn, he has a big cock, thought Mark. He paged ahead to see if there would be pictures of him being sucked off by a man, as the cover suggested. Sure enough, there were. The boy was in the same motel room, wearing the jock-strap, with the pouch pulled to the side to allow his whopper of a cock to stand up unimpeded. A man in his mid-40s was on his knees, deep-throating the cock, with an ecstatic look on his face. Mark paged ahead quickly – he'd come back to do it again slowly – and saw pictures of the boy whipping the man's butt with a thick leather belt, and then a variety of shots showing the boy fucking the man. Mark sat back in the chair, holding his slippery cock in one hand and the New York porn shop magazine in the other. It was all he could do to keep from groaning out loud as he jacked himself in slow, firm strokes. His imagination put him in the place of the submissive man in the pictures, on his knees sucking the dominant teenager, getting spanked by him, and getting fucked by that 9-inch [23 cm] cock.
Chapter 2Time: January 1978It was a cold clear Sunday afternoon in up-state New York, and the 60 boarding students enrolled at the Hardcrest School for Boys would soon be arriving back from their Christmas break. (Most of the boys who attended the private prep school were day students, and they wouldn't be showing up until Monday morning.)Mark was one of the two 'hall masters' for the dormitory corridors, and he would be responsible for the younger boarding students – 30 boys in the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades [12-15 year olds] living in 15 dorm rooms. He stood in a corridor of the dormitory wing, fidgeting a bit, trying to restrain himself from pacing back and forth as erotic thoughts about boys bounced around in his brain. "You look a little nervous," said a voice from behind him, with a good-natured chuckle. Mark turned around, startled. A man in his late 20s or early 30s was walking toward him and reached out his hand. "Hi; I'm Peter Mulford 3; the other hall master. You're Mark, right?" "Yes; Mark Jenkins. Pleased to meet you." "Christ! Would you look at us? We're the fuckin' Bobbsey Twins!" said Peter with a big grin. And indeed, the two men were almost comically similar in the way they were dressed – blue oxford button-down, rep tie, grey Harris tweed jacket, khaki trousers, and brown penny-loafers. The similarity extended beyond their clothing as well, as both had fairly short hair (compared to the long-hair norm for young men in the late 1970s) and both were average height, reasonably attractive, and physically fit. "Yeah," laughed Mark. "I guess the preppy look never dies for some of us. Were you at the faculty dinner last night? I don't remember seeing you there." "I bailed on it, I'm afraid. Had to get one last night of freedom before we go into lock-down mode," he joked. "Just in case you haven't heard, you need to drive about an hour and a half down to Albany to find anything resembling a nightclub where you can meet interesting people and have a little fun 3; not that we get much time off to make the drive. Can you believe one day off every two weeks?" "Yeah; I got the full run-down from Headmaster Winston. So, how long have you taught here? What's your subject?" "Seven years, teaching Biology," said the older man. "I came here right out of college. How about yourself?" "I graduated last Spring. I've done substitute teaching back in my home town – the Cleveland suburbs – but I couldn't find the right fit for a full-time job until now." The lie rolled off his tongue easier each time he told it. And besides, it wasn't really a lie; just an avoidance of certain embarrassing truths. "So I hear you've got all of Ol' Ned's jobs." "Old Ned?" asked Mark in a confused tone. "The late Edward Rupert. He was hall master, a history teacher, and coached wrestling to the 7th and 8th grade." "Oh; right. Mr. Rupert. Yes; I'm taking all of his responsibilities. I understand he died rather suddenly. A heart attack at the beginning of Christmas break?" "Yep. And if you believe the rumor mill, he went out in style," said Peter with a wink. "How so?" "It seems that a copy of the police report and autopsy was sent to the school. The story from the folks in the school office is that his naked body was found in a flop-house hotel near Times Square. The person at the desk got an anonymous call, and he was found face-down on a bed that hadn't been slept in, with traces of someone's semen in his mouth and a load of someone else's semen in his ass. He had lubricant on his dick and his right hand, lying on a puddle of his own cum." Peter had a self-satisfied grin on his face, clearly amused about spreading the salacious gossip about the deceased teacher. "I guess it was just too intense for a 57-year-old guy." "Wow!" said Mark softly. But before he could think of anything else to say, the first student came up the steps, an older teenager accompanied by his parents. "Here we go," said Peter. "The semester has officially begun. This kid is on my corridor, so I'll talk to you later." For the next three hours, Mark stood outside the door of his room at the head of a dorm corridor, chatting with the boys and their parents as they arrived. All of the parents mentioned how shocked they had been to receive the letter informing them of the death of man that Mark was replacing. None seemed aware of the gossip about its circumstances. As Mark met each boy, he couldn't resist sizing up their attractiveness and their appeal to erotic sensibilities, as his imagination tried to picture each of them naked. The boys on his corridor were ages 12 through 15 and varied widely in appearance. Many of the younger ones had not yet begun their adolescent growth spurt while some of the older ones were taller than Mark. And of course they also came in varying degrees of sex appeal to a boy-lover like Mark. Most of them seemed reserved and fairly uncommunicative when meeting Mark, being more interested in getting together with their friends to compare notes about Christmas gifts and holiday adventures. A few, however, were eager to talk with their new hall master. A 13-year-old 8th grader named Chris Martin was particularly interested in Mark at their initial encounter. Chris wasn't a particularly attractive boy, with an unfortunate nose and some acne marring his face, but he seemed almost star-struck as he looked up into the teacher's eyes. His mother had brought him, and after Chris had finally gone off to his room down the hall, she spoke privately with Mark. "Chris is 3; well 3; 'sensitive', Mr. Jenkins. He can be quite outgoing, but he often has trouble relating to other boys. He was bullied at the school he attended last year, but he seems to fit in much better here at Hardcrest. I know that Mr. Rupert looked after Chris and counseled him, and I hope you'll show the same concern for him. His father and I are divorced, and I think Chris benefits from having a man as a caring mentor." "I understand, Ms. Martin," said Mark reassuringly. "I'll make sure things continue to go smoothly for your son. He seems like a fine young man." What Mark was actually thinking, however, was that the boy seemed like a total sissy-fag. Mark had been careful over the years to suppress any such tendencies in himself, always striving to project a masculine image 3; even if it didn't always match his inner feelings and sexual fantasies. Those feelings and fantasies were stoked in a big way when he greeted one of his older boys, a 9th grader named Tony DiPalo. No parents accompanied him, as he had gotten a ride with an upperclassman who'd brought his own car. In fact, the black-haired 15-year-old could easily have passed for an upperclassman himself, with long sideburns and a stubble of whiskers that suggested he needed to shave daily. And there was an underlying vibe of sinister eroticism that he projected when he was meeting Mark, which made the man feel slightly frightened 3; and undeniably aroused. "Old Ned and I had an understanding with each other," said the boy. His dark eyes were locked onto Mark's with an intensity that made it feel as though the boy had the power to see into the man's brain and read his secret thoughts. Mark looked away, feeling as if the boy's gaze was burning into his soul. But as he lowered his eyes, he was now staring at the tight crotch of Tony's jeans, and he couldn't help but stare at the bulge that extended several inches down his left leg. The exciting image of a long, thick erection on a sexually-dominant 15-year-old flashed through Mark's mind. "You and me are gonna have a private talk sometime," said the boy in an assertive tone. "I think we can work out an arrangement that's beneficial to both of us." He reached out to shake Mark's hand, and held onto it, squeezing firmly, for several long moments. "Yes," murmured the teacher, suddenly finding it difficult to speak. "That would be 3; good." When Tony walked down the hall and into his room, Mark shivered and took a deep breath. He had never encountered a boy like Tony before 3; except on the pages of a porn magazine 3; and he had a swirling mix of emotions about what had just occurred. Although he felt the thrill of sexual excitement, he was glad it was over. He felt much more comfortable in admiring the beauty and innocence of the younger boys 3; the kind of boys with whom he had become sexually involved at the other school 3; the kind with whom he had discovered the joys of boyhood sex, when he was just coming into puberty himself at the age of 13. One of the last boys to arrive, late in the afternoon, exemplified Mark's ideal of boy-beauty to such a degree that seeing him literally took the teacher's breath away. He found himself shaking hands with a vision that could have stepped out from his most intensely erotic fantasies. The boy's name was Brian Johansson, a 12-year-old 7th grader. His face was totally gorgeous; his body slender and lithe. He had the features of the child-actor Ricky Schroder, with long straight honey-blond hair that brushed his shoulders and long bangs that were pushed to the side of his forehead. Although he had an almost-feminine beauty, his manner was all-American-boy 3; self-confident, friendly, well-spoken, and intelligent. Best of all, his dorm room was right next-door to Mark's own quarters. And Brian's roommate, Tommy Morris, was also quite appealing to Mark, with a handsome face and a body that was sturdy and broad-shouldered. Mark watched as the two boys greeted each other happily. And instead of sending his parents off with the typical perfunctory good-bye, Brian gave them both a warm hug and a kiss on the lips, telling each that he loved them 3; said without a hint of embarrassment. Only then did he disappear into his room with his friend Tommy. Mark remained in the corridor, greeting the last of the arriving students, but part of his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of what Brain and Tommy might be doing together behind the closed door. At 6 o'clock, a bell sounded to call the boys and resident staff to dinner. The mealtime was accompanied by the happy chatter of schoolmates who had been apart from each other for two weeks. Mark sat at the head of a long table. Though he was surrounded by boys, his gaze was frequently drawn to the sight of Brian. The lad was sitting with Tommy at the far end of the table, chatting and giggling with the boys around them. Mark talked casually with several students at his end of the table, but it was Chris who had grabbed a seat right next to him and monopolized the conversation. Although he was acting like the classic brown-nosing 'teacher's pet', the 13-year-old was actually rather funny and entertaining as he related anecdotes from his Christmas vacation. It was somewhat awkward for Mark that the boy seemed to be flirting with him, in his effeminate sissy-boy voice. And then mid-way through the meal, Mark felt a hand resting on his knee, accompanied by a knowing glance from Chris. Mark's sex-driven instinct jumped ahead of his common sense, and he covered the boy's hand with his own, moving it farther up his inner thigh toward his crotch. After a few seconds his brain finally engaged, and Mark gently pushed the boy's hand away, turning his attention to the boy sitting on his other side. He could feel his face blushing with embarrassment and arousal, and he knew that Chris was grinning. As dinner ended and they all filed out of the dining hall, Chris continued his flirtatious conversation with Mark all the way back to the dormitory corridor. While most of the other students went to the commons room to watch television or play cards or chess, or to the gym to shoot baskets, Chris lingered around and invited himself into Mark's room. He sat down on the bed as if it were his own room and kept up his monologue. "I used to come in here all the time with Mr. Rupert," he said. "He would make us tea with his hot-plate, and we would talk about all sorts of things." The boy spread his legs apart a bit and ran his fingers lightly along the inside of his thigh. "We spent some very enjoyable times together," he added, one hand patting the bed casually. The hint was almost blatant, but Mark didn't pursue it. "You must be quite sad about his death," said Mark, even though the boy didn't appear the least bit saddened. "I suppose," said Chris, noncommittally. "But I'm glad they picked you to replace him. Mr. Rupert was really old, you know. But you're so much younger and a lot more 3; mmmm 3;" The rest of the sentence trailed off unspoken, but the boy's mischievous smile conveyed his meaning. And in case there was any doubt, the tip of his tongue emerged from his sensuous mouth and traced a slow circle around his full lips. For a long moment there was silence in the room. To anyone but a boy-lover, the efforts of the unattractive 13-year-old might have appeared comical. But Mark felt himself being drawn powerfully into erotic temptation. This was so different from what had transpired at the other school, several months before, where Mark had exercised such caution with the 7th and 8th grade boys that he had selected as his 'special friends'. He had been methodical in his seductions as he had pursued them. A friendly pat on the shoulder one day had become an arm around the shoulders on the next; a playful pat on the butt preceded a lingering caress. The teacher's friendly conversations became increasingly heavy with innuendo and sly humor about the changes that boys go through on the cusp of puberty. A touch on the knee was repeated on several different occasions before fingers slid farther up the boy's thigh toward his crotch. If a boy seemed uncomfortable with the direction he was being led, Mark had eliminated him from further pursuit, remaining friendly but not seductive. The elaborate game took more than two weeks before he was finally stroking and sucking a boy's cock, and a week after that before he had won over a second to the joys of sex-play with the handsome young teacher. But here in his room at Hardcrest, the tables had turned. The student was seducing the teacher, and the boy seemed not at all interested in taking things slowly. Even though Mark kept telling himself that Chris wasn't his type, he felt a throbbing in his crotch and tightness in his chest as he watched Chris's invitingly-parted lips and the hypnotizing eroticism of the boy's tongue. The teacher almost closed the door and succumbed to his sexual desire. It seemed clear that Chris would get on his knees and use his sensuous mouth to pleasure the man's cock. As much as his body wanted the thrill of again having sex with a boy, Mark's brain knew he had to stop immediately, before his resolve crumbled. He had gotten fired from his previous job after getting caught being sexual with a willing boy, and he was determined not to let it happen again. "Well, uh, thanks for stopping by to visit, Chris," said Mark as he walked toward the door and opened it further. "We can talk again another time." If it had been Brian coming onto to him like this, Mark thought to himself, would he have been able to resist? Chris shrugged, his expression saying 'I know you want it.' Mark closed the door of his room behind him, gripping his hands into fists and closing his eyes as sexual tension throbbed in his body. The mental images that his brain produced were not of Chris, but instead of Brian. Beautiful, angelic Brian. Fantasies of the boy flooded Mark's thoughts, picturing the boy stripping nude and stoking his youthful penis to a beautiful pre-pubescent erection. Then Mark's imagination added Tommy to the scene, also naked and proudly showing off his own boner. Mark envisioned Tommy as having a bigger dick than Brian's, maybe even pubescent. The man urgently rubbed his crotch through his khakis as he imagined the two boys feeling up each other's cocks as they stood close together 3; then rubbing their cock-heads against each other in a deliciously pleasurable 'sword-fight'. And then he fantasized them kissing 3; tongue sliding against tongue, as they became increasing excited and hugged each other passionately. Mark groaned with pent-up lust. He felt a strong desire to pull out one of the porn magazines that he'd bought the previous day in New York City; the one with an assortment of young Danish Boys. He could masturbate to images of long-haired blond boys, around Brian's age, engaged in wonderfully explicit boy-sex with each other. He slid his hand inside his pants, squeezing the stiff boner that was begging for relief. "No. I've got to show some discipline here. I'm the hall master, and I have responsibilities to these boys." Mark went into the bathroom adjoining his room and splashed cold water on his face. He took some deep breaths and headed out of his room. He made a circuit of the places where his boys were hanging out, talking with some briefly but mostly leaving them to their own recreation. In the gym, he watched for a while as a group of boys played a pick-up basketball game, refereed by Mr. Mulford, the other hall master. Some of the other boys were casually shooting baskets at other nets, and Mark joined each group for a while. When it got to be 8 o'clock, Mulford called out to the younger boys to head back to the dormitory. The schedule for the 7th through 9th graders required them to take a shower in the evening, unless they had already showered following the regular athletic program on school-day afternoons, and be back in their rooms for good by 8:30. They would have another hour to read or relax until 9:30, and then it was lights-out time. As Mark returned to the dorm corridor, he heard sounds of physical activity and grunts of exertion coming from Brian's and Tommy's room. Could they possibly be 3;? He knocked on the door. "It's Mr. Jenkins. Can I come in?" "Come in!" called two high-pitched voices. When he opened the door, Mark found both boys standing in the middle of their room wearing nothing but white briefs. Their faces were flushed and they were breathing heavily, but they were both grinning. The room's steam radiator was overheating the room (as it did Mark's room), and a sheen of sweat made both their bodies glow. The teacher's eyes scanned down the two luscious young bodies, focusing momentarily on the bulges made by their dicks, pushing out the material of the snug briefs. Neither 12-year-olds had a boner, but the sight was intensely erotic nonetheless. "Hi, boys," said Mark casually, careful to keep his eyes from too-obviously wandering down again. "What are you guys up to?" "We were doing professional wrestling!" said Tommy cheerfully. "I'm being Hulk Hogan." "Yeah!" chimed in Brian. "And I'm Ric Flair." "Sounds like a lot of fun!" said Mark with a friendly grin. "I haven't spoken to you since you arrived this afternoon, so I just wanted to say hello again and let you know that I'm always available if you want to talk about a problem you're having or about anything else 3; even if you need to wake me in the middle of the night. So are you guys taking wrestling for your athletics this season? I'll be taking the coaching your age group you know." Both boys' faces lit up with smiles. "Yeah! We both are!" said Tommy. "I'm taking it for the first time," said Brian. "I'm not very good yet, but I really like it so far. Tommy's been doing it since 4th grade, so he's better at it." "I wish they'd open up the wresting room after dinner, like they do with the basketball courts," said Tommy. "Then we could do professional wrestling on the soft mats, and maybe practice real wrestling too." "That's a good idea," said Mark. "I'll find out for you. If you like, maybe we could even do an informal practice in the evening, and I could teach you guys some moves that I learned in college. You'd be learning things that the day-students wouldn't know, and you'd have a leg-up on them during the regular practices." "Yeah!" said the boys in unison. "That would be great!" added Tommy. "Definitely!" said Brian. "Wrestling is so cool!" Then he hunched into a wrestler's crouch as if challenging the teacher to a match. Mark playfully grabbed the boy in a clinch, one hand on his arm and the other around the back of his neck, and jostled with him for a few seconds. The man felt his pulse quicken the instant he touched Brian's bare skin and inhaled the boy-smell of his hair, only inches from his face. Not to be left out, Tommy came around behind Mark and grabbed him around the waist. "Let's double-team him, Brian!" said the athletic youngster, as they sandwiched the man between their half-naked bodies. "Whoa!" laughed Mark. "You guys are good, but we should save it for the wrestling room. Right now it's time for you to take your showers and wash that sweat off." He wished they would have promptly stripped off their briefs then and there, but they didn't. "Yes, sir," they both said, and waited for the teacher to leave the room before emerging half a minute later with towels around their waists and toiletry kits in hand. Mark stood in the hall, talking to several of the other boys as they made their way to the showers. Most wore only towels, while some wore bathrobes. He considered whether he dared to look into the shower room to check on things. The headmaster had stressed to Mark that it was his responsibility to prevent excessive boisterousness in the showers of the dorm and the gymnasium, but he decided that the sight of a dozen or so naked boys might drive him crazy with desire right now. As Mark stood in his doorway, one boy came in his direction, rather than toward the showers. It was Chris, wearing a short Chinese-style silk robe that came down to mid-thigh and was loosely tied with a sash. "Could I talk to you about something Mr. Jenkins 3; in private?" He strode into Mark's open door. "What is it, Chris?" asked Mark as he came into the room and closed the door. "I'm feeling kind of sad. The other guys on the hall don't like me," said the boy, as his fingers toyed with the overhand knot holding his sash. "I try to be friendly, but they ignore me and say things about me behind my back. I think they're prejudiced because I'm 3; you know." He looked up at the teacher with sad puppy-dog eyes. "When Mr. Rupert was here, I could come and talk to him about it." "Well," said Mark; "that's my job now, I guess. I'll try to be here for you like Mr. Rupert was." "Oh, thank you, Mr. Jenkins!" said Chris, still in his sad-puppy mode. "Whenever I felt sad like this, Mr. Rupert would give me a hug. Would you do that too?" Mark hesitated a moment. He knew that he should keep this boy at arm's length. But if he was feeling low and just needed a hug 3; He relented and opened his arms to Chris. The youngster was shorter than the man, the top of head coming up just below Mark's chin. Chris pressed his face against the teacher's chest as he wrapped his arms behind the man's back. In spite of Mark's misgivings about Chris, it felt undeniably good to be hugging a boy again. His arms wrapped around Chris's shoulders, and he rested his cheek on the boy's wavy brown hair. Almost inevitably, the thought came to him. 'If only this were Brian.' Just as Mark was thinking it was time for the hug to end, he felt Chris's body pressing tighter against him. It took a few seconds for the teacher to realize that the boy's crotch was humping him rhythmically 3; and that a stiff boy-cock was grinding against his thigh. But before he could say anything, Chris stepped back from him. "Mr. Rupert liked to see my body," said the boy, as he untied the sash and opened the front of the bathrobe. "I know I'm not handsome or anything, Mr. Jenkins, but do you like the way my body looks too?" The robe slipped off his shoulders and fell to the floor, and Chris stood there wearing only the skimpiest of red bikini briefs, his youthful erection pointing upward and pushing against the material "Uh, Chris 3; maybe you shouldn't 3;" Mark never completed the thought. He knew he should protest more emphatically, but part of him was eager for it to continue. "He liked to watch me do a strip-tease 3;" The boy began moving his body in a slow, sensuous dance. "Like this," said Chris as he ran his hands lightly over his chest, down his belly, and over the bulge in the girlish underwear. He turned around, facing away from the teacher, and ran his hands over the slender rounded globes of his butt. As he played teasingly with the elastic waistband, pulling it down a little on one side and then the other, Mark stood silently, his mouth hanging open, unable to stop himself from watching. Slowly, erotically, the boy pulled the back of the panties all the way down to fully reveal his butt, leaning over and moving it from side to side. "Chris 3;" The man's protest was half-hearted and futile. The boy turned to face the teacher and pulled down the front of the underpants just enough to reveal the reddened glans of his stiff penis. Then he nudged the waistband down, slowly revealing the entire slender shaft. The erection stood straight up, a little over 4 inches [10 cm] and beautifully formed, hairless at its base, with a soft sack of barely-adolescent balls dangling beneath. Chris quickly pushed the sexy underpants the rest of the way down, pulling them off and casting them aside. The boy repeated his unanswered question. "Do you like the way my body looks, Mr. Jenkins?" Chris didn't have a pleasing face, but there was no doubt that his body – especially his rigid penis – conformed perfectly to the young teacher's erotic attraction. "Oh 3; god 3; yesss 3;" The words came as a whispered, pleading sigh from Mark's lips. The slutty 13-year-old had hooked him like a fish, and was now reeling him in. Chris's fingertips began to fondle his beautiful boner, as his hips continued to gyrate subtly in a sensuous dance. "Mr. Rupert liked to watch me stroke it," the boy said as he slowly masturbated the circumcised boy-cock. Then he moved closer to Mark. "And he really liked to feel me," the boy murmured as he rubbed his naked body, cat-like, against Mark. "Do you want to feel me up, Mr. Jenkins?" The teacher's hand moved to the boy's erection as if controlled by a force outside him. He stroked the warm firmness of the smooth shaft and moaned softly. It was the first time Mark had touched a boy's stiff cock in nearly three months, and he trembled at the intensely erotic sensation. His hand slid down to the boyish balls, gently fondling the adolescent orbs in their soft dangling pouch, and then returned, as if by compulsion, to savor the incredible pleasure of caressing the youthful boner. "You can feel my ass too if you like," purred the boy. He took Mark's other hand in his own and brought it to his slender butt cheek. "Mr. Rupert didn't fuck me, but I bet you'd like to. The upperclassmen that I date say I'm a really good fuck 3; nice and tight," he murmured seductively. "But boys are so selfish when they have sex. They just want to have their cum and then shoo me away. I want a real man to make love to me. I want YOU to make love to me, Mr. Jenkins." Now the boy's hand was on Mark's crotch, gently squeezing the man's stiff erection through the khaki trousers. Chris slowly lowered the zipper, as Mark stood there paralyzed. "You want to fuck me, don't you?" Chris said, as his hand reached through the open zipper and the slit in the boxers, wrapping around the teacher's rigid cock. "I'll suck you really good, and then you can fuck me as hard and rough as you like." The boy sank down to his knees in front of Mark and opened his mouth, enveloping the man's cock-head as his tongue swirled around it. "Oh, Jesus!" moaned Mark in a low voice, as Chris's lips began to move up and down, his head twisting from side to side. Mark wanted to say how wrong it was for a teacher and student to be doing this. But what came out of his mouth was "Yeah 3; suck it. Oh god, that feels so good!" "Mmmmmm 3;" replied the boy as he continued to expertly fellate the man's cock, while squeezing his balls gently. Chris's lips moved all the way down the shaft, taking the cock-head into his throat, holding it there as his throat muscles contracted around it. Then Chris's lips rose back up and began making rapid up-and-down strokes on the top part of Mark's erection, while his hand twirled around the spit-slick shaft. The sensation was so intense that Mark was sure he would be blasting his cum into the boy's mouth at any second. But then the sucking stopped, just as Mark felt his body moving toward the orgasmic point-of-no-return. "Time for you to fuck me now," Chris said excitedly. "Do you want me face-down or on my back?" "Uhhhh 3;" mumbled Mark. In truth, he had never fucked a boy before 3; or anyone else for that matter, male or female, though he'd seen it in porn and masturbated to the fantasy innumerable times. "How about on your back?" "Perfect!" said Chris, as he moved across the room to sprawl across Mark's twin-size bed, his legs spread and his arms extended to invite an embrace. "I can take it fine with just spit, but it's nicer if you let me put some lube on your cock and boy-pussy." Mark had never heard the term 'boy-pussy' before, and it struck him as both comically vulgar and irresistibly hot. He teacher quickly shucked off his clothes and got the bottle of lubricant from the bedside table. Handing it to Chris, he watched as the boy spread it on his ass-hole and then pushed his slippery fingers inside. "Your cock is so beautiful!" said the boy, as he poured some more on his hand. "Kneel between my legs, and I'll lube it up." Mark climbed onto the bed, leaning forward to run his hands over the boy's slender torso, down along his smooth legs, and then back up to his cock. His heart was racing with excitement; stopping this sexual adventure now was unthinkable. Chris's hand slathered the slippery liquid onto the teacher's straining erection, sliding up and down in wonderful masturbation strokes. "I need you in me, Mr. Jenkins! I want your cock so much!" squealed the boy, as he drew his legs up toward his chest, offering up his pink asshole. Mark held his cock in his hand and aimed it toward the target. The boy flexed his anal muscle open, and the man's cock pushed in forcefully, driven by pent-up lust. The boy grimaced at the pain of the too-quick entrance, but then groaned with pleasure as Mark slowed his assault. "Oooo 3; I can tell how much you want me! Your cock feels so good inside me!" "Ohhhh god!" gasped the teacher, as his hips began to move instinctively in a smooth rhythm of fuck-strokes. Chris reached out and grasped the man's butt. "Yes! Fuck me! 3; It's so good!" he moaned, as his hands urged the man to thrust even harder. Then the boy's hands moved up to the man's back, pulling him down into an embrace. "Kiss me, Mr. Jenkins!" he pleaded as his arms hugged the man tightly. Mark felt no romantic attachment to Chris, but his lust surged even hotter at the thought of kissing a boy. It was something he had never done before, either in his boyhood sex-play or his seduction of the students several months ago. He had made out with some of the girls he had casually dated in college, when he was trying to project a straight image. And just as he had closed his eyes and imagined being with a boy when he kissed those erstwhile girlfriends, now his mind pictured someone else as his lips pressed against Chris's and their tongues met. 'Oh, Brian!' he thought. 'I love you!' Mark had never felt such intense sexual pleasure. His hips thrust again and again, sliding his cock back and forth in the boy's tight slippery ass – the first fuck in his entire life – as their tongues entwined. And all the while his mind was focused on the beautiful blond-haired boy that he barely knew. "Fuck me! Oh, yes! Fuck hard!" pleaded Chris, just as Mark was feeling his orgasm rising up inside him. His thrusts came harder and faster. His mind was a delirium of erotic ecstasy, as the sexual tension that had been building all day burst forth deep inside the boy's rectum. Mark had never cum so hard; never experienced an orgasm in which the delicious pleasure-tremors lasted so long. Chris's anal muscle contracted rhythmically around Mark's throbbing cock, as orgasmic aftershocks continued to surge through the man's body. Finally, he rolled off of the boy and they lay together on their sides in each other's embrace. "That was wonderful, Mr. Jenkins," whispered Chris. "Yeah; it sure was!" Mark replied. His hand slid down Chris's back and cupped the boy's shapely butt. "You called me Brian, you know, when you were cumming," said the boy with a giggle. "Jeez! I'm so sorry!" "You don't have to apologize," Chris said. "I'd love to be as beautiful as Brian. But if you want to make it up to me, you could stroke my boner and make me cum, and make out with me some more. I almost came while we were fucking, and I'm really close!" "Of course," said Mark, as his fingers encircled the stiff boy-tool, and his lips pressed against the boy's mouth. The man made a ring with two fingers and his thumb, brushing smoothly up and down the compact boner, as Chris's body tensed and arched up. With Mark's tongue probing deep in the boy's mouth, and his hand dancing briskly over his cock, it was only a minute before a fine spray of nearly-clear fluid squirted from the erection. "That was so nice!" sighed Chris, as his body relaxed. Then he looked into Mark's eyes and said "I know you would rather have been making love to Brian, but I don't think you'll ever get him. Some of the older boys that I play with, they came on to him, and he turned them down. Same with Mr. Rupert." "You mean Mr. Rupert told you about 3;" "About what he did with other boys? Yeah; sure. I was his favorite, and he told me everything as we lay together in bed after we'd cum 3; just like you and I are doing now." Mark thought for a moment, and then asked tentatively. "Did he ever say anything about Tony DiPalo?" "Oh my god! You're interested in Tony too?" giggled the boy. "Mr. Rupert had a weakness for kinky stuff with boys like Tony. He called them 'rough trade' boys. Mr. Rupert would do the kinky stuff – you know, getting spanked by Tony, or tied up by him – at one of the faculty houses at the edge of campus. I won't tell you which teacher lived there, but Mr. Rupert would sometimes take me there for sex too 3; sometimes just with him and me; sometimes the other teacher in a 3-way; and sometimes 3; well, all I can say is that it could get kinda weird!" "Was it Mr. Hanson's house?" Chris's face showed surprise at first, and then he grinned. "Like I said; I shouldn't tell you. And anyway, I'd better be taking my shower now. Can we make love again sometime? I'll be Brian for you anytime you want. You can even turn out the lights when we make love, so it's easier to imagine." "Sure, Chris," said the man, without giving it any thought. Did he really want to? The answer was clear: Yes! Especially if he couldn't have Brian for real. Chris put on his bathrobe and blew a kiss to the teacher, then disappeared out the door. Mark contemplated his situation. His determination to refrain from having sex with boys here at Hardcrest had crumbled like a sandcastle at high-tide. Maybe he could be satisfied with just having Chris. But then he thought about Tony, and a shiver ran through his body. He opened the bedside drawer where he kept his porn magazines. He selected the one titled Rough-Trade Hustler, with a big-cocked teenager dominating a man. Was it just an amazing coincidence? Or was it destiny?
Chapter 3Time: January 1978The students streamed into Mark's classroom, chattering among themselves. It was their first class period of the new semester – 7th grade American History – and all of the boys were curious about the new teacher. He was young and handsome, dressed (like his students) in coat-and-tie preppy attire."Gentlemen! Take your seats and let's get started." The boys were arranged alphabetically, so Mark's seating chart let him identify each student by name. He had already met all of the 7th grade boarding students, but he was seeing the more-numerous day students for the first time. As when he'd first met the boarders, his mind automatically began sorting out which ones were the most appealing to his boy-lover sensibilities. Although some of the day students were undeniably cute, none approached the erotic beauty of Brian Johansson, the boy now sitting in the middle of the second row of the classroom. Mark tried not to stare at the stunningly beautiful blond-haired angel, but he couldn't help glancing. Brian's roommate and best friend, Tommy Morris, sat a few seats over – also very appealing, but in a more conventional way. "Alright," began Mark; "who can tell me where you left off in this course before your Christmas holiday?" A number of hands shot up, Brian's and Tommy's among them, but Mark scanned the room and picked out a day-student from the back row who wasn't expecting to be called upon. In fact, he was absentmindedly rubbing the front of his khaki trousers. Looking at the seating chart Mark said "Mr. Winters?" "Yes sir?" said the boy. His barely-adolescent voice jumped an octave in mid-syllable, much to his embarrassment. "I guess it was 3;" "Stand up, please, whenever you speak in class. It's the rule in all my classes." The 13-year-old was right in the middle of his adolescent growth spurt, and his lanky body was awkward as he stood. It was immediately evident that the boy had an erection pushing out the material of his khakis. (Indeed, this had been Mark's hope when choosing him.) A few of the other students noticed as well, judging from their sly grins and suppressed snickers. Mark didn't let on that he noticed, but his mind was delightedly picturing what the boy would look like if his clothes disappeared and his boner were on full display. "The end of the Civil War?" said the boy tentatively, as if he didn't trust his own memory. He belatedly folded his hands in front of himself to conceal his erection. "Thank you, Mr. Winters. You may sit down." It was no surprise that the teacher Mark had replaced, a veteran of 35 years teaching at Hardcrest Prep, had finished the first semester exactly where the syllabus specified. "And who can tell me what the period immediately following the end of the American Civil War is called?" Far fewer hands went up this time, but Tommy seemed the most enthusiastic. "Mr. Morris?" "Yes, sir," said the 12-year-old in a bright and eager voice as he stood up. "It was called the Reconstruction." "Correct," said the teacher, and he wrote the word in big letters on the chalk-board behind him as Tommy sat back down. "You guys didn't have any reading assignment in preparation for this first class, so I'm afraid you'll have to listen to me do all the talking for the next 45 minutes. In the future, there will be lots of class participation from all of you, and I'll assign each of you to get up here and lead a discussion several times during the semester." And then Mark began a recap of the Civil War – from a psychological perspective rather than a military or political one – focusing on the animosity between the Yankees and Rebels, and how it had grown even more toxic as the warfare continued for four years. The teacher didn't mention names of generals or politicians, or significant dates. That information had been taught by his predecessor. Instead, he gave intimate descriptions of the carnage of battle, the privation of civilians in the war zones, and the abuse of prisoners of war. He spoke in raw and dramatic terms that were designed to captivate the interest and emotions of the average 12- and 13-year-old. When he mentioned battles, he didn't discuss strategy or even who won. Instead he evoked the fear of young men who were required to advance over an open wheat field, or up a steep hill, or over a narrow stone bridge 3; while bullets flew in the air around them like a swarm of angry hornets. He described how officers pacing back and forth among the advancing ranks tried to psych the troops by turning their abject fear into bitter hatred of the enemy. Mark was good at this; a natural teacher of 7th grade boys. He genuinely liked being around boys, and not just because they were the objects of his lust. And the boys liked him in return 3; unaware that his outward charisma disguised roiling emotional turmoil from his taboo sexual fantasies. After 45 minutes, every one of the boys was still mesmerized by the dramatic recitation. When the bell rang to signal the end of the class, none began to gather his things to leave; they all wanted to hear what came next. "So that's the context in which Reconstruction begins," Mark concluded. "A defeated South, whose civilians and former soldiers bitterly hated the victorious North 3; and Yankees intent on rubbing their victory into the faces of the Rebels out of desire for revenge. OK; that's it. Now get on to your second-period classes." As the students filed out, Tommy and Brian were the last ones to reach the door. Then they came up to Mark, Brian said "Cool class, sir!" in a cheerful voice, and headed into the hall. "I'll catch up with you in a minute, Brian," said Tommy to his friend. The handsome brown-haired boy looked up at Mark with an admiring gaze and said, "I think you're the best teacher I've ever had, Mr. Jenkins!" "Well, thanks, Tommy. I'm glad you liked my lecture. So are you interested in history?" "Yeah!" said Tommy. "I really am. I've been reading a lot about the World War II and Civil War and Ancient Rome and stuff like that. I really like books that have cool pictures of battles and stuff." "Maybe I could lend you some of mine," said Mark. "I'm having my books shipped from Ohio, and they should be delivered here in the next day or so. There are some I think you'll really like." Mark put his arm on the boy's shoulder, giving it a little squeeze, as they walked to the door. "Thanks, sir!" said the boy with a big grin, and he scooted off down the hall. Mark's next class was the other section of the same history class, bringing in the rest of the school's 7th graders. He duplicated his lecture, again speaking without notes, and held the rapt attention of these boys as well. The third period in his schedule was what Mark had really been anticipating – the 7th and 8th athletic period, for which Mark was the wrestling coach. As he quickly made his way to the gym to change clothes, his mind and body were buzzing with erotic tension. Hardcrest was a small school, and of the total of 60 students in those two grades, only 18 of the 12- to 14-year-old boys had chosen wrestling, instead of the more popular basketball, for their winter sport. Mark stepped from the teachers' locker room wearing sweatpants (with a jockstrap underneath), a t-shirt, and a whistle around his neck. As he walked past the students' locker room, boys were still changing into their athletic clothes – short loose athletic shorts of thin white cotton, t-shirts, and jockstraps 3; regular size for the more developed students, and smaller pouches for those boys with pre-pubescent genitals. "Come on guys; hurry it up!" he called from the doorway. While he was careful not to obviously stare, his eyes took in the wonderful sight of boys taking down their underpants, while others were pulling on jockstraps to cradle penises and scrotums at various stages of maturity. He only stood there a few seconds, but it was long enough for his own penis to begin stirring. He was grateful to be wearing a jock himself, to diguise his arousal, and he pulled the t-shirt out of his pants to hide it even better. At the end of wrestling practice, he knew, there would be the opportunity for a much better view of naked boys. "Alright guys," Mark said in a loud voice to the 18 boys milling around in the wrestling room. "Everyone gather around in front of me and sit down." Even though the weather outside was snowy and cold, the room was quite warm. The boys would all be soaking with sweat by the end of the class and were required to take showers before they could go on to lunch period. "For those who haven't met me yet, I'm Mr. Jenkins. I've taken Mr. Ruppert's place, and I intend to make this class a great experience for all of you 3; those who just started wrestling last month, as well as for those who have wrestled previously. In order for me to get an idea of your skill levels, how about you match up with another boy who's about your weight and your experience." The boys moved quickly to find partners, with Brian and Tommy pairing with each other immediately. "Spread out and do one minute of full-strength wrestling, starting from the standing position. Ready 3; go!" He watched as the young boys pulled and pushed inexpertly at each other, trying to take their opponent down to the mat. Only a few seemed to know what they were doing. At the end of the minute Mark blew his whistle, and the boys relaxed. "Not bad at all!" he said encouragingly. "Let me show you some good moves from the standing position, and then you can try them out. I need a volunteer." Tommy, sitting right in front of Mark, practically levitated off the mat in an effort to raise his hand high. Mark would have preferred to demonstrate on Brian, but Tommy would be almost as good. "OK, Tommy. You and I will teach these guys a take-down. Let me do the move on you in slow motion first, and then you try it on me at full speed." Mark slowly slid to his knees, close to Tommy's feet and wrapped his arms around the boy's legs, with his head pressed against the side of the 12-year-old's hip. "This is how you start the basic double-leg take-down," he said, as he held the boy close. While half his mind was busy talking about technique and leverage, the other half was analyzing the boy's delicious scent; the feel of his slender bare legs, so smooth and firm; and the jock-covered boy-penis that was pressing against his shoulder. Then he lifted and neatly landed the boy on the mat. It felt so good to be holding a boy so close, but he needed to keep it professional, so he quickly stood up. "Now you try it on me, Tommy." As the 7th grader knelt down, and his arms encircled the man's legs, the side of his face was right on Mark's crotch. Tommy was strong for a 12-year-old, and he quickly put the cooperating teacher down on the mat. And so it went for the rest of the 45-minute class 3; lots of body contact from demonstrations by Mark on various boys, and lots of watching boys rolling around on the mat with each other. "OK; that's it guys. Excellent practice! Time to get your showers." Several days previously, when Mark had talked to the headmaster about the specifics of his duties, he could barely disguise his excitement in hearing that he was responsible for monitoring the locker room while all of the 7th and 8th graders – wrestlers and basketball players alike – showered and got dressed. The aim was to assure that none of the boys skipped his shower, and that there was no dangerous rough-housing. As Mark entered the locker room, it was already a bustle of activity. The boys from the basketball class had arrived a bit earlier, and some were already walking stark naked to and from the group-shower room. The boys ignored Mark's presence as he stood just inside the doorway, while they stripped off their athletic clothes and paraded around in unembarrassed nudity. Any boy who had been shy about his body back in September, when the school year started, had long since gotten over it by January. Only after emerging from the shower room, with water shimmering on their smooth skin, would the youngsters be able to cover themselves a towel grabbed from a big rolling hamper. Until then, their nude young bodies were on full display. Since there were only 15 showerheads, a line of boys formed outside the shower room, offering a parade of penises for Mark to mentally salivate over 3; living pornography for his rampant boy-lust. He feasted his eyes on the remarkable variety of genitals. There were penises of every description and size, from small and immature to those well-along into adolescence. (This being the United States in the 1970s, nearly all of them were circumcised, as was Mark himself.) Their ball-sacks were nearly as varied in appearance and degree of maturity. Many of the boys were totally hairless above their dicks, while others were just beginning to grow some dark hairs, and a few had respectable bushes of curly pubic hair. While Mark took in the amazing display of boy-flesh, his eyes sought out Brian and Tommy. He found them standing next to each other, facing toward the cubbies that contained their school clothes, and chatting as they undressed. Shirts came off, then shoes and socks, then the athletic shorts. They both paused, wearing only their small-size jockstraps, which revealed almost the entirety of their slender rounded butts. They turned to face each other, in profile to Mark's view, and pulled down the jocks almost simultaneously. The teacher stopped breathing for a moment and almost gasped aloud at the sight of the naked boys' penises and balls. Both boys were the very essence of 12-year-old eroticism. Brian's penis and balls were more boyish than his friend's 3; the penis slender, with a narrower glans 3; his scrotum smaller and rounded 3; and there wasn't a hint of pubic hair. Tommy's development was further along, with a thicker penis, a cock-head slightly broader than the penis shaft, and half-size balls hanging in their soft scrotal sack. Above his penis was the first sprouting of dark pubic hairs. They walked over to get in line for the showers, still chatting, not bothering to hide their nudity in any way. Mark couldn't take his eyes off them, and his imagination overflowed with erotic scenarios 3; of the two of them having sex with each other, in all the ways of the boys in one of his recently-purchased porn magazines 3; and of Mark having sex with them, separately and together. His heart was racing and his cock was totally rigid inside the confines of his jockstrap. A quiet voice right beside him startled Mark out of his fantasy. "You're being a little too obvious, Mr. Jenkins." Mark almost jumped from the surprise. Only a few feet away stood Chris, the effeminate 8th grader who had essentially seduced Mark the night before, with a towel held loosely around his waist with one hand. Chris looked back over his shoulder at Brian and Tommy, standing in line for their turn in the shower. "Looking at Brian sure is a treat for the eyes, but everyone will notice if you stare at him for so long," Chris continued, in a low voice. "And as I told you yesterday, you aren't going to get him anyway. He's seems hung up on being a good little boy, and I think he's just not ready to be horny yet. Tommy might be a better shot, since he's getting his pube hair and all, but he's not one of the 'players' on the boarding corridor either, and I doubt he even knows how to jack off yet." "Well, uh, thanks, Chris," said Mark, quite uncomfortable about having this kind of discussion, even in hushed tones; "but I'm not really interested in 3;" Chris cut him off immediately. "Oh, please! Are you forgetting what we did last night?" he said, grinning. Then he added in a sensuous voice, "I know what you want, Mr. Jenkins, and you can get it from me anytime you like." The 13-year-old pulled the towel from around his waist and rubbed his wet hair with it, giving Mark a close-up view of his sexy penis and balls. "Uh 3; you'd better get dressed now, Chris," said the teacher, as he now tried to avert his eyes from the erotic sights all around him. Mark got through the rest of the school day without any further drama. His only other class was 11th grade World History (where his twisted erotic sensibilities focused on the most dominant-looking boys 3; 'rough trade' in the parlance of the homo-erotic pulp novels). During the free periods, he occupied himself with preparing for the next day's classes. At 4:00, when the day students had gone home, he walked up the stairs to the boarding corridor and saw several boxes on the floor outside the door of his room. "I think your books got here, Mr. Jenkins!" It was Tommy, bounding out of his room when he saw the teacher walk past his open door. "I believe you're right," said Mark. "Do you want to help me with them?" "Sure!" They carried the four cardboard boxes in and set them beside the bed. Mark knew he was tempting fate by bringing the boy into his room, but he left the door open so things wouldn't go too far. "Have a seat and I'll show you some that I think you'll like," said Mark. He opened a box and pulled out a few books before finding the one he wanted. "You said you were interested in the Civil War and books with good pictures. Check this one out." They sat side-by-side on the bed, knees almost touching. When the boy opened the large book, his eyes widened in wonder as he paged through it. Every page had a different full-color print, reproducing highly-detailed and realistic paintings by several artists. Close-ups of grizzled veteran soldiers in worn-out uniforms, of 17-year-olds shown just before going into their first battle, and of sweet-faced 12-year-old drummer boys whose lives were in almost as much danger as the older troops. Scenes of camp life. And battle scenes revealed dramatic moments of intense fighting 3; brutal and desperate hand-to-hand combat 3; charging masses of troops being mauled by bullets and artillery explosions 3; naval battles, with detail of a gun crew working while canon shells exploded in their midst. "Wow! This is SO cool!" said Tommy, not lifting his eyes from the book as he turned the pages. "You can borrow it for a few days if you'd like." "Thanks, sir!" said the boy, looking up and beaming with delight. "And you said you liked the ancient civilizations too. I've always had an admiration for Greeks myself. They had the best armies in the world for several centuries, until the Romans won out. They also invented the sport of wrestling as we know it today 3; not to mention democracy, history, realistic sculpture, architecture that we still copy, poetry, and philosophy. Here; take a look." He opened a book that had been published in England in the late 19th century (a lucky find at a used-book store) which had distinctly homoerotic overtones. Mark turned to a lithograph of some Greek soldiers in battle. They wore the basic armor (helmet, breastplate, and shin guards) but were otherwise naked. The teacher spoke briefly about the strategy of the 'hoplites', with their long spears and overlapping shields, as Tommy listened and looked at the pictures of nearly-naked soldiers. "And as I said, the Greeks basically invented wrestling." With the book resting on both their laps, Mark turned to another chapter, stopping at a picture of two naked youths wrestling, under the watchful eye an old man who was either their instructor or the referee. The hairless genitals of one boy were clearly shown, as was the shapely butt of the other. "Did they really wrestle naked?" asked Tommy. "Yes; always. The Greeks thought that the male body was the most beautiful thing in all of nature. They weren't any more ashamed to be naked while wrestling than you guys are to be seen by each other in the showers of the locker room." "But what if they got a 3; you know." Tommy blushed and didn't finish the thought. "You mean an erection?" asked the teacher. The boy nodded. "They weren't ashamed of erections either. The Greeks saw the erect penis as a symbol of masculinity and strength, and if you got one while you were wrestling, it was like a good-luck symbol for your victory. At every gymnasium, which in ancient Greece was a combination of school and athletic area, there was always a statue of the god Hermes with an erect penis." Mark turned to a vase painting portraying a carved 'Herm' with a dramatically-large phallus. "You can look at this book here in my room, but it's too old and fragile for me to lend out." Tommy turned more pages, looking at the pictures but not reading the text. He stopped and stared when he came to a series of vase paintings in a chapter about the Greek practice of man-boy love. Each picture showed the pairing of a man and a boy, and in several, one or both had stiff cocks. In one picture, a bearded man with a prominent erection was fondling the much-smaller penis of a young, smooth-faced boy. Mark said nothing, but he moved his knee closer to Tommy's until they touched softly. The boy glanced up at the man and gave him a sweet, innocent smile, before turning back to the pictures in the book. "Hey, Tommy!" It was Brian, dressed in outdoor clothes, calling from the hallway through the open door. "We're going out to play in the snow. Come on!" Tommy looked over at Mark as if asking his permission. "Go for it, buddy!" said the teacher encouragingly. "Get outside and have some fun. You can come by another time to see my books." When he closed the door behind the boy, Mark suddenly felt the intensity of his body's sexual tension. A trembling shiver ran through him as he breathed deeply and glowed with happiness. It had gone off exactly as he had hoped, building on his emerging friendship, but not going too far. He opened the book that Tommy had been looking at and turned to the prints of pederastic vase paintings. He imagined himself as one of the men – an 'erastes' – with Tommy as his young protégé and lover – his 'eromenos'. He locked the door and unzipped his trousers, stroking his cock while his brain played with the mental image of making love to the boy, beside a pool of water in a luxurious Athenian villa. Then he set the book down, stripped off his clothing, got the bottle of lubricant, and retrieved one of his porn magazines from its hiding place. Grade-A Chicken, it was titled, with pictures of a single boy who resembled Tommy, though a year or two older. Mark studied the pictures of the boy 3; starting out clothed, then shedding his clothing, then posing naked 3; first with a soft penis and then with a beautiful young-adolescent boner 3; and then jacking himself to a spurting cum. The man masturbated joyfully as his eyes scanned each erotic image. Whenever a picture was especially hot, he would dwell on it, connecting it in his mind to Tommy, working himself almost to the brink of orgasm, and then backing away again. He did this again and again, prolonging the erotic experience as long as possible. When he could no longer hold back, he closed his eyes and let the scenes of Tommy 3; now joined by Brian as well 3; play out in the theater behind his eyelids. As he stroked himself in urgent ecstatic jerks, his semen gushed out with impressive velocity and volume. "God, that was so nice!" he murmured to himself as he cleaned up. Later that day, after supper, the boarding students drifted off in different directions. Some went to their rooms to do their homework, others to watch TV in the commons-room, and others to the gym to play basketball until it was time to return to their rooms, followed an hour later by bedtime. As Mark was walking toward the gym, Tommy ran up to him and said: "Hi, Mr. Jenkins! Are we gonna be able to use the wrestling room now, like we were talking about yesterday?" Mark made a face. "Darn it! I was going to talk to the headmaster about that, but I never got the chance. I'll do it tomorrow for certain." "OK," said the boy; "because I want to get really good at wrestling. I plan to make the varsity team when I'm a 9th grader!" he said proudly. "They wear such cool uniforms when they have their matches against other schools!" "Tell you what," said Mark impulsively. "Do you want me to show you the varsity locker room?" And then he added for good measure: "I can let you try on a uniform if you like." The chance to see Tommy naked again, up close, excited him instantly. "Really? That would be great!" The locker rooms were a floor below the basketball courts, and Mark had a key that unlocked all the gym's doors. He didn't have any specific duties that evening, and the other hall-master was monitoring the basketball activity, so Mark knew he wouldn't be missed. He opened the door, turned on the lights and heat, and closed the door behind them 3; unobtrusively turning the lock from the inside. "Wow!" said Tommy. "I've always wondered what it was like in here. Everything's much more spread out and fancy than in our locker room." "Here are the uniforms," said Mark. "Still want to try one on?" "Yeah!" The teacher got the smallest set, made to fit a boy in the lightest weight class. The uniform consisted of a tank-top that snapped under the crotch, long stirrup-tights, and short outer pants that looked like a tight European-style swim suit. All were of a shiny smooth fabric, in contrasting colors, and were designed to fit skin-tight. "OK, Tommy; take off your clothes and try it on." The boy took off his shirt and undershirt, then his shoes and socks, then his khakis. When he was down to just his white briefs, he reached for the uniform shirt. Mark almost stopped him to suggest a jockstrap, salivating at the thought of seeing Tommy's penis and balls, but reluctantly decided to let it pass. When Tommy had finished putting on the uniform, he looked at himself in a mirror, admiring the image. "This is awesome, Mr. Jenkins! I feel stronger just from wearing it 3; like a super-hero or something!" "Yeah; you really do look awesome, Tommy," said the teacher with total honesty. "You're going to be a terrific varsity wrestler in just a couple years, and I'll help you get there." "Thanks, Mr. Jenkins! Say; how about you put one on too!" Mark grinned. "Sure!" he said. This was working out nicely after all. He selected a uniform off the rack and found a clean jockstrap. As he began undressing right beside Tommy, he was well-aware that the boy was watching closely. Mark was proud of his body 3; his broad shoulders and trim waist. And even though his genitals were slightly smaller than average – their form essentially unchanged since he was 13 – he knew from experience they were appealing to young boys. (He even kept his public hair trimmed short and his balls shaved, to enhance the youthful look.) When he got down to just his boxer shorts, Mark slowly lowered them as he heart thumped in his chest. Watching out of the corner of his eye, Mark secretly delighted in how interested Tommy was in viewing his teacher's naked body, as he took his time pulling on the jockstrap. When he was fully dressed in the uniform, Mark said: "well; what do you think?" "You look GREAT, Mr. Jenkins!" "Want to wrestle?" "Yeah!" replied the boy happily. Tommy made a reckless lunge at the man, grabbing him around the waist. Mark went easy for a while, making it seem as though they were evenly matched. But finally he lifted the wiggling boy completely up in the air and gently laid him down on the hard floor. Mark loved feeling the boy's straining body beneath him, but after a couple minutes of play he quickly pinned Tommy on his back, in a half-nelson. Mark held him there for several delicious moments, with his left arm wrapped around Tommy's head and his right arm between the boy's legs, reaching up to the lad's lower back. Tommy pretended to struggle, but his excited giggles made it clear he was enjoying the experience of being chest-to-chest with his teacher, his face pulled against the man's musky armpit, and Mark's firm right bicep pressing against Tommy's crotch. Finally Mark let him up and draped his arm across Tommy's shoulder. "You a good wrestler, buddy!" the teacher said encouragingly. "Can I look around the locker room some more and pretend I'm on the team?" the boy asked. "Sure. We have plenty of time." Tommy poked around until he came to the well-stocked 'trainer' area, an alcove with glass-faced cabinets holding rolls of elastic bandages, tape, and ointments 3; and with a padded massage table. "You ever had a massage, Tommy?" "No, sir. What's it like?" "How about I show you?" asked Mark. "I'm pretty good at giving a massage." Mark knew he shouldn't do this, but his common sense was no match for the sexual desire that was starting to take control. The offer of a massage was exactly the same ploy he had used to seduce several boys at the other school 3; the school from which he'd been fired for sexual misconduct. "OK! What do I have to do?" "First thing is to take off the uniform," said Mark. "A massage needs to be on bare skin." Tommy stripped down to just his underwear again, looking incredibly cute and unintentionally sexy, awaiting the next instruction. Mark wasn't going to ask him to get completely naked 3; not yet, anyway. "Now lie on the massage table, face down," said Mark, as his pulse rate accelerated. The man covered the surface with towels. "Up you go." When Tommy was in position 3; his legs slightly spread, his arms at his sides, and his face turned toward the teacher 3; Mark rubbed his hands together briskly to warm them and slid them along the boy's upper back. Rubbing the muscles around Tommy's shoulders and neck, he could feel the boy relaxing. "Does that feel good, Tommy?" "Yes, sir. Really nice!" he said dreamily. "I'm going to move down a bit. If anything I'm doing makes you uncomfortable, tell me and I'll stop. OK?" "OK," said the boy in a sincere voice. Mark's fingers trailed up and down the boy's spine a few times, eliciting soft sighs. Then he massaged lower, and his fingertips slipped beneath the waistband of the snug white briefs on each downward stroke. "Now your legs," said Mark, and his hands glided slowly over Tommy's cloth-covered butt 3; not staying to massage it, but not moving fast either. Mark looked at Tommy's face to see if there was a negative reaction, but the boy's expression was serene 3; his eyes closed. The teacher slid his hands all the way down the backs of both legs and started slowly working his way back up. The legs were slender and wonderfully smooth, the only hair being soft and blond. He began massaging Tommy's feet, which were still boy-size and sexy enough that Mark wondered briefly what it would be like to lick them and suck the boy's toes. Then he moved up to the calf, massaging it deeply. "If you had a tight muscle here, I would knead it like this. Can you feel how it's stretching the calf muscle?" "Yeah! It almost hurts, but sorta feels good too," he said. "And sometimes, an athlete pulls a muscle in his thigh 3;." Mark's hands moved up the back of the boy's thigh, and then down into the soft skin of the inner thigh. " 3; and the massage needs to be a lot gentler." Mark began rubbing both legs, one hand on each. Every time they moved up, his fingers just barely touched the underpants seam around Tommy's leg. He stopped talking for a minute as he his hands caressed the boy's skin, much gentler than a real massage would be. Gradually his fingers moved up farther, sometimes sliding under the cotton material and extending up on the lower part of the boy's buttocks, and sometimes moving over top of the underpants on the way to rubbing the boy's back some more. Tommy was silent, except for an occasional sign. A few times, the boy's buttocks rose up slightly as Mark's hands slid across them. Mark took a deep breath, knowing that he was at another 'moment of truth'. His lust urged him to go for it, while prudence tried to restrain him. Not surprisingly, lust prevailed again. Although Mark's heart was racing, he managed to make his voice sound relaxed and casual. "Now I'm going to use some massage oil. But I need to take off your underpants, so they won't get all stained. Is that ok?" There was a momentary hesitation while Tommy looked up into his teacher's eyes. "OK," he murmured, in a soft voice that was almost a whisper. He smiled as Mark's fingers eased under the waistband at either side of the briefs and gently pulled. Tommy raised up his midsection slightly to allow the underpants to be lowered down his legs, and Mark made sure the waistband didn't catch on the boy's penis, which he fervently hoped was already erect. Now Tommy lay completely naked, his eyes closing again. The smile on his face betrayed his excitement at the taboo thrill of what he was doing with the teacher he idolized. Mark opened the cabinet behind him and got the bottle of massage oil he had seen previously. He poured a generous amount on his hand, rubbed both hands together to warm the oil, and began massaging the middle of Tommy's back. Then he poured some oil directly onto the small of the back, and used his hands to spread it across the boy's firm smooth buttocks, eliciting almost inaudible moans of pleasure. Tommy's legs were spread slightly, and Mark could see the back of the soft ball-sack. Much as he wanted to slide his fingers into the cleft and probe the puckered flesh of Tommy's asshole, the teacher chose to take it slowly, and moved his hands up to the boy's shoulders, and then down again to the legs. Tommy's entire back, from neck to ankles, glistened with slippery oil. Mark's hands move across the boy's whole body, but increasingly paused in transit to give particular attention the incredibly sexy butt cheeks. The sensual and sexual thrill almost made the man groan aloud, but he managed to remain silent. "That feel good, buddy?" Mark said, affecting a casual tone, after long minutes of silence. "Mmmmm 3; yeah 3; real good," Tommy replied, his voice a little huskier than the usual high-pitched boyish tone. "Remember what I said about us stopping anytime you like." "I know." "How about you roll over, and I'll work on your front." The boy didn't answer or move at first, then he looked up at Mark and said: "It's embarrassing, sir." "You've got a boner, huh?" said Mark in a matter-of-fact tone. Tommy nodded, his face blushing slightly. Mark resumed massaging the boy's back as he spoke in a soft, reassuring tone. "I told you about what the ancient Greeks thought. They realized that an erection is a sign of masculine strength, and it's something to be proud of. Another thing about the Greeks 3; they knew that the most important relationship in the whole world is between a boy and a man who teaches him about life." The movement of Mark's hands was as soothing as his voice. "A Greek man was responsible for teaching a boy about war, about wrestling, about history, about what is truly beautiful and interesting in the world 3; and about the pleasures that a boy can experience as he begins his journey into manhood. "I really enjoy being your teacher in the American way, but I'd also be honored to be your teacher in a Greek way too 3; but only if you want to be my student. I'm going to ask you a question in a minute, and you only need to give me a one-word answer. If you say 'American', we'll stop and you'll get dressed. There will be no hard feelings, and I won't say another word about it. We'll still be friends, and I'll still help you become a great wrestler, and you can still borrow my books. But if you say 'Greek', you'll turn over on your back and show me your handsome boner. You won't need to do anything but just lie back and let me give you the most incredible pleasure. It'll have to be our secret, though, because a lot of people just don't understand the wisdom of the Greeks anymore. So what's you answer, Tommy?" The boy bit his lower lip gently and took a deep breath, and then rolled his body onto his back. "Greek" he said, grinning shyly. Mark's eyes scanned down the sleek young body, focusing intently on Tommy's radiantly beautiful genitals. The penis was 4 inches [10 cm] in length, exquisitely proportioned, and totally rigid, with a well-defined glans crowning it. A smattering of short, straight hairs were sprouting at its base. His balls were the ideal esthetic match for penis, cradled in a soft pouch of satin skin. "Sir?" Tommy asked timidly. "Could you 3; would you get naked too, like in the pictures of the Greek boys and men together?" The boy's eyes trailed down to Mark's crotch, where the vertical ridge along the crotch of the tight wrestling uniform proclaimed the teacher's arousal. "Sure," said Mark, smiling warmly. He was so joyous at how this encounter was progressing that he couldn't have cared less at that moment about the inappropriateness of what he was doing. The outer clothing came off quickly. Mark pushed back his broad shoulders, puffed out his chest, and tightened his abdominal muscles, showing off his body with more than a little vanity. Then he eased the jockstrap down slowly to reveal his youthful-looking erection, straining up as stiff as the man had ever experienced. "Yours is really nice," said Tommy in a breathy voice. "Yours too!" the man replied. And then he began the massage again. He didn't dive onto the boy's boner immediately, much as he wanted to. Instead, he softly stroked his hands along Tommy's shoulders, applying more oil 3; then the hairless armpits, making the boy giggle slightly 3; and then his chest, toying with the tiny nipples and making them stand up erect. As his hands moved down Tommy chest and across his belly, they detoured around the rigid erection, going farther down to stroke his inner thighs. Then a hand came up and began to gently fondle Tommy's balls. "Ahhhhh 3;." sighed the boy, as his hips rose up slightly from the padded table. Mark's fingers caressed the skin all around the boy's crotch, right up to the base of the penis, but held back from stroking the beautiful erection itself. Tommy wanted it, badly, but was too shy to demand it. Instead he let his body-language – his tensing muscles and arching back and clenching fists – beg for the man to stroke his penis. "Are you ready for it?" asked Mark calmly. Tommy knew what he meant. "Yessss!" he hissed softly. But instead of running his slippery hand along the rigid youthful shaft, Mark dipped his face down and captured Tommy's cock-head in his mouth, teasing it with his tongue and sliding his moistened lips slowly down the shaft until they pressed against the little hairs sprouting at the base. "Arrrgggghhhh!" Tommy's response was an animalistic grunt. And when Mark's lips began to ride up and down along the shaft, slathering with his tongue and suctioning with his cheeks, Tommy's ecstatic groans echoed off the walls. Mark knew that they were far enough away from anyone else in the building, so that he didn't need to fear being overheard. Instead, Tommy's cries of lust were music to his ears, driving him to pleasure the boy even more intensely. Mark felt as though he were in heaven, as his mouth glided along the 12-year-old's absolutely perfect young erection. The man's heart felt as if it would explode with joy as he worshipped the exquisite boy-cock with his lips and tongue and fondled the soft ball-sack with his fingers. His other hand reached for his own cock and masturbated smoothly, careful not to drive himself to a too-early cum. Time and place faded away as the man's mouth rode up and down on the boy's penis again and again. If there was anything that could match the perfection of this moment, sucking this boy's cock, Mark couldn't imagine what it might be. "Mr. Jenkins! It feels so 3; like I'm gonna 3;" Tommy's hips began bucking up from the massage table, and Mark could tell he was close to climaxing. But instead of finishing the boy off, Mark stopped 3; pulling his mouth away and replacing it on the throbbing boy-cock with his hand, softly squeezing it as he looked into Tommy's eyes. "Feels good, doesn't it," he said rhetorically. "Oh, man! It's so amazing!" the boy gushed. "Please 3; do it some more," he begged. "Get ready," said Mark. "Here it comes!" Mark's oiled fingertips glided along the entire shaft in teasing feather-strokes, up and down the boner several times. Then he encircled the head with two fingers and his thumb, stroking them rhythmically across the coronal ridge, then jacked with his entire hand. The boy gasped as the fist moved slowly, firmly, along the shaft 3; moving both up and down and in twisting swirls 3; wreaking slow-motion havoc on the boy's nervous system. Mark brought Tommy to the brink of orgasm and held him there, slow stroke after slow stroke, withholding the final quick jerks that would bring release to the boy's squirming body. The fingers of Mark's other hand slowly crept behind Tommy's scrotum and moved toward the boy's virgin anus. When his oil-slick fingers reached their goal, Mark rubbed two of them in a gentle circular motion around the sensitive outer flesh 3; all the while continuing his slow masturbation strokes. The agony of hyper-pleasure made Tommy cry out as if in pain, his muscles trembling, his body rigid. As the middle-finger pressed into the boy's asshole, probing in tiny in-and-out movements, the boy pulled his legs back, inviting more. The slippery finger pushed in deeper and the finger-fucking strokes came faster. "Yes 3; yes 3; oh, yesss!" Tommy chanted. Just as the boy was about to go insane from the electric bolts of sexual pleasure coursing through his body, the man granted him release. Mark's masturbating hand made a ring of its index finger and thumb, moving briskly back and forth over the ridge of the cock-head, as the finger of his other hand pushed deeper until it was pressing against the boy's prostate. "Ah! Ah!! AHHHH!!!" shouted the boy in ecstasy, as dozens of tiny drops of clear fluid sprayed from his penis-slit. Tommy's anal muscles clenched down rhythmically around the man's finger, and his whole body convulsed. Mark's hand on the still-rigid boner now moved slowly, sending after-shocks of orgasmic shudders through the boy's young body every time the oiled fingers slid gently over the glowing cock-head. And then 3; it was over. Mark took a towel and wiped his hands, and then cleaned up the little puddles of semen from Tommy's chest and belly. Slowly, the tension eased from the student's slender body. "I had heard 3; but I never 3;" the boy mumbled, as he sat up and draped his legs over the edge of the massage table. "Heard what?" "I heard guy's talking about jacking off their boners, and how the stuff comes out. I tried stroking mine a couple times, when it was stiff. But I guess I never did it right, cause it just felt weird and nothing happened. I had no idea what jacking off really was, or that it feels so incredible!" "Now that you know, you can do it to yourself whenever you like," said Mark. "Can you 3; would you do it to me again sometime?" asked the boy hesitantly. "Absolutely!" said Mark, as he hugged the seated boy. He hesitated a moment and then said: "Maybe you could also teach Brian about masturbating, and do it for each other, since you guys are best friends and roommates. Then you won't have to be shy about jacking off in front of each other." Tommy looked pensive for a moment, then smiled. "Yeah!" "Do you want to start out by practicing on my cock?" "OK!" said Tommy; "if you'll teach me how to do it." "Hop down and we'll trade places." Mark's cock had remained firmly erect the entire time he'd been pleasuring Tommy. He knew it wouldn't take much to send him over the edge. "Get some of that oil on you hands, and then pour some on my cock 3;. Now wrap your fingers and thumb around my boner, and start stroking up and down 3;. That's it 3;. A little faster 3; not quite as tightly 3;. Oh, yeah! Perfect!" The 12-year-old smiled excitedly as his right hand stroked up and down on the man's rigid penis. Without being told, he began using the same twisting technique around the glans that Mark had used, making the man groan out loud. Then he began massaging Mark's balls with his free hand, squeezing gently. "I'm gonna cum real soon, buddy! Do it faster! Harder! Oh, god! Yes!" The first spurt of semen shot high, startling Tommy momentarily. But he kept on stroking, drawing forth additional pulses of cum as he worked his slippery hand just as rapidly. "Whoa! That's too intense!" said Mark, putting his own hands atop the boy's to stop the stroking. "That's so good I can't take it anymore!" "Did you like it?" asked Tommy hopefully. "It was fantastic!" Mark leaded close to the boy and quickly kissed him on the lips. Tommy's eyes lit up, and he smiled. Then the boy leaned forward, and planted a quick kiss in return on the man's mouth. "OK," said Mark cheerfully. "Let's take a shower and get on back. It's almost time to be back in your room." With the varsity shower room all to themselves, they took turns soaping each other's bodies, their hands roaming freely, stroking each other's spent cocks, exploring each other's asses. They dressed and started upstairs, but just before reaching the gym, Mark stopped and said in a serious voice: "What we did is special and private, just between you and me. OK? No telling anybody else." "I understand, Mr. Jenkins. Special and private." Mark put his arm around Tommy's shoulder and pulled him close, as warm smiles beamed from both their faces. As they joined the others, the younger boys were already heading back to the dormitory corridor, and Mark and Tommy walked along with them. Nobody could have guessed where they had been or what they had been doing. When they got back to Tommy's room, he gave the teacher a secret smile, and disappeared inside. Mark stood just outside his own door, watching the other boys come back from the night. Some had just taken showers in the dorm bathroom down the hall, and walked around in bathrobes or towels. Mark's mind was on Tommy, however, and then on a fantasy of Tommy and Brian engaging in boyish sex-play together. Then a voice from behind startled him. "Mind if I come in?" said Tony DiPalo, even as he was pushing past the man without waiting for an answer. The 15-year-old 9th grader wore a towel around his waist, and his chest and legs were bare. He was slightly taller than Mark, with a muscular torso that showed the effects of aggressive weight-training workouts. "Close the door," the dark-haired teenager coldly ordered. Mark complied without thinking. "I've been hearing some funky stuff about you, Teach," said Tony, wagging his index finger in a scolding manner. Mark said nothing, still in semi-shock at the manner of the intrusion. "That little faggot, Chris, says you're boy-loving pervert, just like Old Man Ruppert was," he said with an amused sneer. "And Mr. Hansen, the biggest pervert of all around this place, told me all about the boy-porn magazines he saw in your room. One of the titles was something like Rough-Trade Hustler. Did I get that right?" "What do you want, Tony?" asked Mark in a trembling voice. "I just want to help you out, Teach," he said mockingly. "Ruppert and I had a mutually beneficial thing going. He made sure I could get around any rules that I considered inconvenient. Kept me supplied with beer and cigarettes too. In return, I took care of his 3; 'special needs'. Unless I'm mistaken, which is very unlikely, you're not only a boy-loving pervert, but also a submissive cock-sucker, just like Ruppert was. And you're in luck, because I'm sure-as-hell dominant, and my cock requires regular sucking. I'll bet there are some other things you crave from a guy like me too. So how about I give you a try-out?" "Tony 3; I don't think you 3;" The towel dropped from the boy's waist, and the man's eyes widened. Tony's flaccid penis was substantially larger and thicker than Mark's fully erect cock. And when the teenager stroked himself a few times, and the organ quickly pulsed to stiffness, Mark's mouth dropped open with amazement at its size. "Get on your knees, pervert, and crawl over to me. Do it NOW, cocksucker!" Time: January 1978The towel dropped from Tony's waist, and Mark's eyes widened. The 15-year-old's penis was bigger in its soft state than the man's cock was when fully erect. And when the 9th grader stroked it a few times, and the organ began pulsing to stiffness, Mark's mouth dropped open with amazement at its prodigious length."Get on your knees, pervert, and crawl over to me," said the arrogant teenager. "Do it now, cocksucker!" Mark froze momentarily as his brain buzzed with conflicting messages. Tony was dangerous 3; but also incredibly hot. It was crazy the way this was playing out 3; but playing along would result in living out his long-time fantasy. But maybe, Mark thought, he could find different boy – a less dangerous boy – with whom to explore his urge for kinky subservient sex. Less than a half-hour before, the teacher had seduced Tommy Morris, a cute 12-year-old who lived in the room next-door on the boarding corridor at Hardcrest Prep School. That adventure had satisfied, to perfection, the part of Mark's sexuality that craved taboo liaisons with boys on the cusp of puberty. But now, a different side of his deviant lust was being heavily aroused: his recurring fantasy of submitting sexually to a dominant older teen. The teacher set his jaw with determination and looked into Tony's face with a serious expression. He would tell the boy "no", and reprimand him for his wildly inappropriate behavior. Tony would then slink away, like a bully whose bluff had been called. The words were on his lips, ready to be vocalized. "I know you want suck me," said Tony softly, flashing a conspiratorial grin. Gone was the sarcastic, aggressive tone. His voice was now smooth, like the serpent tempting Eve to bite into the apple. "Go ahead. It'll be great." Mark's resolve crumbled, and in that instant he silently sank to his knees. In obedience to the outrageous demand, he knee-walked across the floor until he was at Tony's feet, his face almost touching the youth's big erection. "I know just what you need," said Tony, still using the seductive voice. His hands went behind Mark's head and gently drew Mark's face into contact with the stiff cock. "Lick it," he purred. "Lick it like it was a candy cane." Mark's tongue emerged from his mouth and glided slowly upward along the length of the boner's shaft. He repeated it several times, returning to the base and licking all the way up to the ridge of the cock's prominent crown. "Yeah; that's it. Now take my cock in your mouth, and let's see how deep you can suck it. I'm guessing you're a really good cocksucker, and you'll be able to take it all. Don't make me disappointed in you, dude." The voice was still smooth, but a dark undertone was unmistakable. Mark's heart was pounding violently in his chest. He had never felt such an intense mixture of apprehension and exhilaration. Tony's cock was bigger, by far, than any other erection he'd ever seen in real life, much less taken into his mouth. His entire previous sexual experience, in his youth and now as a 23-year-old man, had been with boys who were just entering puberty 3; 12- and 13-year-old boys whose erections were smaller than his own. The man's lips gently kissed the tip of the penis and then slid down and around the knob. He sighed with pleasure as his lips and tongue worked on the hot, throbbing cock-head. Bobbing his head in a steady rhythm, Mark's mouth gradually took in more of boy's boner. Then he felt Tony's hands behind his head, pushing it farther on each down-stroke. "Yeah 3; Do it, cocksucker 3; Take it all, cocksucker!" Tony's crude demand was delivered in a calm forceful voice, and Mark found it irresistibly arousing to be verbally and physically dominated by the 15-year-old. The pressure of Tony's hands increased, and the boy's hips began to pump forward to match the rhythm of the man's suck-strokes. "Suck it 3; suck it, cocksucker 3; suck it 3;" The repetitive sexual mantra filled Mark's ears, and he tried to take the long phallus deeper, even as his throat was gagging from the intrusion. "Deeper, cocksucker! Take it all!" Now Mark was retching as the stiff penis pushed farther into his throat. He couldn't breathe, and his head was swirling. And then the hands released their grip, and Mark's mouth came back up the shaft and off. He gasped for breath and tried to calm his turbulent stomach. "You haven't sucked a big cock before, have you?" said Tony. Mark shook his head. "That's ok. A little training and I'll have you deep-throating me like Linda Lovelace. You want to learn how to please me, don't you, cocksucker." It was much more a statement than a question. Mark, still on his knees, nodded his head, shamed by his desire for submission, but having absolutely no doubt that he craved it. "You want my cock all the way up your ass too. You want me to fuck you; right?" "Yes," Mark murmured softly. "Speak up 3; and since I'm gonna be your teacher, how about you address me as Sir. Now, tell me what you want." Mark felt his face burning with embarrassment as he said "I want you to fuck my ass, sir 3; please!" "That's better, bottom-boy!" said the teenager. "I'll ream the hell out of that firm little ass of yours." His tone and demeanor had now completely returned to their original swaggering arrogance. "Now, strip nude, faggot," ordered the 15-year-old. With his heart thumping in his chest, the teacher stood up and quickly shed his clothing, as the 9th grader watched. As his underwear came off, Mark looked down at his stiff erection. He knew it wasn't big – 5½ inches [14 cm] and of medium girth – but he had never thought of it as small until now, comparing it to the much-longer rod standing up from Tony's crotch. The teenager said nothing, but the haughty smirk on his face conveyed the message. "Put your hands behind your head, and stand still while I check you out," said Tony, as he walked around behind Mark and groped the man's butt cheek. Mark jumped slightly at the touch, but didn't move from his subservient posture. "I bet you're wondering how I knew you were a bottom-boy," said Tony, as he reached around the man's body. His hands slid across Mark's chest, pinching the nipples, and then moved down, wrapping one hand around Mark's straining boner, while cradling his balls in the other hand. Mark's only reply was a gasp of lust, as his testicles and stiff penis were fondled and he felt the length of the teenager's cock pressing against his butt. "I can spot you guys every time. I can see it in the way you look at me 3; your desire for me to dominate you 3; your hunger for my cock." His hand increased its pressure on the man's balls, squeezing just to the edge of the pain threshold. "And it didn't hurt to have that sissy-boy Chris telling me what you two did together last night 3; or that old faggot Mr. Hensen telling me about seeing that porn magazine out in the open when he visited you. Both of them just love to gossip, almost as much as they love getting fucked by me." Tony's hands, stroking Mark's cock and squeezing his balls, were driving the man's arousal higher by the second. Mark thought for a moment that the teenager was going to keep stroking him to orgasm, spewing the man's cum across the floor. But then, without warning, the boy let go his grip and backed away. "Get me some lube, punk. And get out your porn magazines too. That should be interesting to see!" "You want to see my 3;" "Do it, bottom-boy!" barked the student. "Yes, sir." Even though Mark felt the rising humiliation of having to display the evidence of his perversion, his stiff cock throbbed with intense arousal. He got the three magazines from their hiding place in his dresser and handed them to Tony, along with the bottle of lube. "Now put your hands behind your head again." Mark obeyed. Tony flipped quickly through the first magazine, showing a group of beautiful young Danish boys, totally naked and performing a variety of sex acts in a fantastic boy-orgy. "It's so predictable that you're into little boys and their hairless little stiffies. You're such a stereotypical boy-lover pervert," said the teenager with a sneer. He tossed the magazine carelessly across the room, causing Mike to cringe at the possible damage to his treasured erotica. After glancing through the second magazine, which showed a 13-year-old boy stripping, posing, and jacking himself to orgasm, he tossed it aside with the same disdain. That left the last one – Rough Trade Hustler. As Tony paged through it, he smiled. In its portrayal of a big-cocked teenager dominating a submissive man, it mirrored to an uncanny degree the dom/sub game that Mark and Tony were now playing out, and it revealed the depths of the teacher's subservient fantasies. "You want me to give it to you just like this, don't you," said Tony with a sinister grin. Mark nodded, blushing with shame, but compelled by his lust to live out the fantasy. The boy studied a sequence of pictures in which the young hustler was whipping the man's bare butt with a wide leather belt. "A boy-lover pervert like you needs to be punished for molesting innocent little boys. You need to be spanked for being such a pervert faggot, don't you?" Mark's throat was so tight that he couldn't speak. But he nodded his head in acknowledgement of his desires. Putting down the magazine, Tony walked around to Mark's side, reaching out and taking hold of the man's cock and giving it a few sensuous strokes. His other hand rubbed lightly across Mark's firm buttocks. "I should take you across my knee and spank your sorry butt 'til it's red-hot. And then get your belt and whip you really good, just like in your porn mag. Maybe I'll even let you jack your cock while I'm doing it. That's what you want." Mark didn't answer, but his body was shaking with a combination of apprehension and excitement. "Well, I'm not gonna do it tonight. It wouldn't be too cool to have the whole boarding corridor listen to how much of a submissive faggot you are. But we'll do it sometime soon, over to Mr. Hensen's house where we can make all the noise we want down in his basement. Maybe I'll even let Hansen and his hot gook wife watch while I discipline you. We can do a lot of other stuff too, to satisfy your kinks. But tonight you'll just have to settle for having me fuck your faggot ass. Now, let's see 3; how should we do this? On your belly across the bed? Or maybe on your back with your legs pulled back. No; we'll make it a standing fuck. Go lean over your desk, with your chest resting on it, and your butt raised up for me 3; Yeah; that's it." Tony slathered lubricant abundantly along the length of his cock, and then rubbed his slippery fingers around the outside of Mark's anus. As the man groaned with excited anticipation, a single fingertip probed slowly past the clenched muscle, pushing deeper in rhythmic finger-fucking strokes, and then was joined by a second digit. The two slippery fingers stroked rhythmically, in and out, and twisting like a cork-screw, as Mark eagerly pushed his butt up and back. "That's right; get your hole loose for me. When I start fucking, I'm not gonna baby you. So; are you ready for my cock, bottom-boy?" "Yes, sir," Mark gasped. "I'm ready for you to fuck me." Mark's only experience with being fucked had been when he was 13, and he had a torrid month-long introduction to all manner of sexual activity with a boy of the same age. In the next 10 years of fantasy-obsessed celibacy, he had dreamed of being fucked again. And now it was going to actually happen. Tony's fingers withdrew from Mark's asshole, and the teenager brought his lube-slick cock into position. He rubbed it back and forth teasingly across the quivering anal flesh. And then he pushed in. Mark's eyes widened, and he suppressed a gasp of pain. Although the boy's cock wasn't particularly thick in relation to its length, it was man-size in girth and fully engorged. Mark gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly as the long cock penetrated in slow, steady thrusts. "Yeah! Nice and tight!" grunted the boy as his hips continued pushing more of his erection into the man's bowel. "Feels just like fucking a 7th grade boy!" It was all Mark could do to keep from crying out in agony. His anus burned like it was on fire, and his insides were being pummeled by the stiff rod thrusting deep into him. "Oh, yeah!" Tony sighed at last. "It's all the way in! You did OK, faggot 3; better than with your cock-sucking. Now's when it gets good!" Holding onto Mark's hips, Tony drew his cock almost all the way out, and then thrust back in, long and deep. The man grimaced, but he could already feel an edge of erotic pleasure counteracting the pain. And with each smooth, rhythmic thrust, the pleasure grew and the burning discomfort subsided. The memories of being fucked in boyhood washed over him 3; the feeling of being completely filled and pleasured by a boy's strong, stiff penis. "Oh, yes!" Mark gasped. "Fuck me! Fuck me good!" "That's right, bottom-boy. I'm gonna give you the fuck of your life. And I'll keep taking care of you all semester, so long as you do what I tell you. But if you cross me, there will be no more of Tony's big cock pleasuring your faggot asshole." The boy suddenly stopped his thrusts, with his cock-head poised just inside the entrance of Mark's ass. "Now beg me for it again. Plead for it, pervert!" "Please, sir!" the teacher gasped. "Please fuck me more! Fuck me hard and deep! I need it!" The 10-inch [25 cm] cock slammed home against Mark's upraised ass, and his entire body shivered with submissive pleasure. Tony's hips began thrusting again, plowing roughly into the man's gut, and the teenager grunted each time his cock thrust to the hilt. The thrusts came faster as Tony felt his orgasm rising up inside him. "Jack your cock, pervert. Make yourself cum; quick," said Tony between rapid breaths. "I'm getting close, and I want to feel your asshole gripping my boner when you cum." Mark obeyed immediately, welcoming the opportunity to increase his already-intense pleasure. His hand reached down and he began masturbating in quick jerking strokes. "Oh, god! Oh, yes!" gasped the man as he beat off urgently, while the teenager's stiff cock slid back and forth inside him. "Oh! Oh!! OH!!!" Spurts of cum flew out of Mark's penis, splattering the floor beneath the desk, as he kept stroking it. Tony grunted as his own orgasm rose up, enhanced by the spasming contractions of the anal muscle on his thrusting cock. "Oh, yeah! Oh, FUCK!!" His voice was barely restrained from shouting it out loud. "Here it cums!!!" And his pent-up semen flooded Marks bowel 3; spurt after spurt of hot cum gushing forth. Both bodies were still for a few moments, joined together by Tony's throbbing penis, and then Tony pulled away. He picked up Mark's tee-shirt from the floor and used it to wipe off his cock. "Good one, dude!" he said in a tone that actually sounded friendly. "I'll definitely be back for more." He wrapped his towel around his waist and strolled toward the door. "One thing, though," he said before he left. "Next time, I want your pubes shaved completely smooth. Your balls and asshole too." And with that, he was gone. Meanwhile 3; In the next room down the hall, the two boys were getting undressed for bed, stripping down to the white briefs in which both 12-year-olds always slept. "Hey, Brian?" "Yeah, Tommy?" "Can I ask you, like, a personal question?" "Sure 3; I guess." "Do you ever play around with your dick?" "How do you mean?" "You know how sometimes your dick gets stiff?" said Tommy. He'd sometimes noticed his roommate's erection pushing out the front of his underpants in the morning, as he got out of bed. "Do you ever stroke it with your fingers 3; and make it feel good?" The delicately-beautiful blond-haired boy thought for a few moments. "Sometime I kind of check it out when it gets stiff. Like when I'm lying in bed at night. It feels a little weird, but it's also kinda nice. You mean like that?" "Yeah; like that. But I just found out about a way to do it that feels SUPER-nice 3; I mean like unbelievably good! Want me to show you? If you take down your underpants and let me feel your dick, I think I can give you the feeling." "I don't know, Tommy. My parents say nobody's supposed to touch my penis except the doctor when I go for a check-up." "Want to watch me do it, then?" "Well 3; I guess that would be ok." Even though his parents probably wouldn't approve, Brian felt a sudden curiosity and a twinge of excitement as he watched his roommate pull down his underpants and display his handsome barely-pubescent penis. Tommy's fingers began stroking it gently, and it rose up within seconds to a perfectly-formed 4-inch [10 cm] erection. "Wow!" murmured Brian. His own hand rubbed his crotch without being directed by conscious thought. "After you get a boner, you stroke it like this," said Tommy, as two fingers and his thumb began gliding gently and rhythmically along the shaft and the glans. This was the first time Tommy had masturbated himself since his encounter with Mark, only an hour before, and he was surprised at how accurately he could summon the feelings of pleasure that the teacher's stroking fingers hand brought. He gasped softly and his face contorted as the sexual excitement quickly grew. "What's it feeling like?" asked Brian. "Oh, man!" said Tommy, as his hand stroked faster. "It's like 3; it's so 3; Jeez, Brian; it's impossible to describe 3; but it's such a great feeling!" Brian's own penis was totally rigid inside his underpants. As he watched his best friend masturbating, Brian slid his fingers inside the waistband of his briefs. As his fingertips fondled the boyish boner, the sensation was instantly more intense than he had ever experienced before. In less than a minute, Brian had pulled his undies down to mid-thigh and was moving his hand in imitation of his roommate. The two boys were now facing each other, jacking away at erections that were quite similar in size and equally beautiful in form. The only differences in their genitals were that Brian's ball-sack was more rounded, and his crotch was devoid of any pubic hair. The two friends couldn't keep their eyes from staring at each other's handsome, sexy bodies, and both smiled broadly as pleasure surged through them. "Isn't this great, Brian!" "Yeah! I never knew I could do this!" "Let's have a sword-fight our boners. I bet it'll feel really cool!" The two friends moved their bodies close. As each held his own stiff penis in his fingers, they rubbed the circumcised cock-heads together. With big grins on their faces, they gasped at the surge of pleasure they both experienced. "Want to rub our entire penises together?" This time it was Brian taking the initiative. "Sure!" said Tommy. They removed their fingers, and each boy pushed his crotch forward, wiggling the shafts of their youthful boners together. "This is so nice!" said Brian. "Let's get our bodies REALLY close!" And without waiting for an answer, the blond boy wrapped his arms around his friend and hugged their bodies together. Their faces pressed together, side by side, and their hot panting breath tickled each other's ears. As the two young boys hugged tightly and humped each other excitedly, it seemed to both as if they had just invented this new way of pleasure. Nobody had taught them; it had been entirely natural. "Want me to show you something even better?" said Tommy, after several minutes of their naked bodies grinding. "Sure!" said Brian, not entirely believing that anything could feel as good as what they were now doing. Tommy sank to his knees, his hands moving sensuously along Brian's body as he slid down. He looked briefly at his friend's boy-boner, savoring the chance to examine it so closely. And then his mouth closed around it, and he moved his lips and tongue on the stiff penis, just the way Mr. Jenkins had done only a little while before. "Oh, gosh! Tommy! Oh my gosh!" Brian had never felt anything like it before, as his body practically exploded with erotic pleasure. The dark-haired 12-year-old moved his lips rapidly up and down, each time taking the entire slender shaft to the hilt. Hearing Brian's gasps of pleasure, and feeling the trembling in the boy's legs, drove Tommy to suck the boyish cock even more intensely, letting his tongue swirl all around it. "Yes, Tommy. YES! Keep going! It feels so good!" Brian's hips were now pumping in rhythms with his friend's mouth, and his fingers were entwined through Tommy's hair. "Oh, Tommy! It feels so crazy! It's like 3; AAAAGH!" A dry orgasm surged through the young boy's body as he threw his head back with his mouth open, as if in a silent scream of ecstasy. He quickly pulled Tommy's head away from his spasming penis, as the overwhelming stimulation became too intense. "Oh jeez, Tommy! When did you learn to do that?" Tommy rose up from his knees and smiled. "Can you keep a secret?" "Sure!" "Mr. Jenkins did it to me 3; and he did other stuff too, and it was INCREDIBLY good!" Brian stood with a look of amazement on his face, not saying a word. "Maybe he would do it for you too 3; but you can't say that I told you. Go to his room sometime and ask to look at his cool books. That's how it started with me. I bet that he would do the cool sex stuff to you too." "Really? You think?" "Maybe. Give it a try tomorrow, after school lets out in the afternoon 3; But now, you gotta suck my boner just like I sucked yours 3; OK?"
Chapter 5Time: January 1978Brian stood in the hallway, facing the closed door, his hand poised to knock. His heart was thumping in his chest as he hesitated and wavered between the desire for sexual adventure and an impulse to flee back to his own room. The beautiful 12-year-old never would have imagined himself doing this 3; not until last night. That's when his roommate Tommy had introduced Brian to the amazing world of boyhood sexuality. And, even more excitingly, Tommy had described the incredibly erotic things that Mr. Jenkins had done with him.Inside the room, Mark Jenkins sat at his desk preparing to teach the next day's classes. It was 4:00 in the afternoon. The day-students had gone home, and the teacher had changed out of his standard coat-and-tie daytime attire and into sweat pants and a comfortable polo shirt. Though he tried to stay focused on outlining an American History lecture, Mark's mind kept wandering to thoughts of sexual encounters with fresh young 7th- and 8th-grade boys 3; alternating with memories of his incredibly-erotic liaison with Tony, the sexually-dominant 9th grader for whom Mark had become a submissive slut. He was even thinking about what it would be like to become involved with Mr. Hensen, the middle-aged teacher who seemed to be a ringleader of illicit sexual activity here at Hardcrest Prep. The knock at his door startled Mark out of his erotic daydreams. "Come in," said the teacher, looking down at his lap to make sure his erection wasn't obvious. "Hi Mr. Jenkins," said the boy softly, as he entered and closed the door behind himself. "Are you busy?" "No; not at all, Brian! Come on in. How come you aren't outside playing in the snow, with all the other guys?" The man couldn't keep from starring at the boy 3; his fashionably-long blond hair 3; a face so exquisite that he would be a natural for modeling high-end boys' clothing 3; and a sexy body that was nearing pubescence. "I did that yesterday," said the boy. "I decided I'd rather be warm and comfortable." And he definitely looked comfortable now, dressed appropriately for the well-heated boarding corridor. At Tommy's suggestion, Brian had changed into skimpy athletic shorts with an elastic waistband, and a tucked-in tee shirt that clung to his slender boyish torso. "Mr. Jenkins 3; I was wondering 3;" he said in a slightly nervous tone. "Tommy showed me the book you let him borrow, and 3;" His eyes looked over at the bookshelf above the teacher's desk. "You'd like to check out my books too?" asked Mark, finishing the boy's sentence. "Yeah! Could you show me some?" "I'd be glad to, Brian. What sorts of things are you interested in? History? Art?" "Art would be cool," said blond-haired beauty. Mark's mind immediately clicked into seduction-mode. His brain buzzed with excitement at the prospect of embarking on a new erotic adventure, seeing how far things might go with this incredibly sexy boy who had been featured in many of the teacher's sexual fantasies since the semester began. Mark had no way of knowing that Brian had been fantasizing too 3; thinking all day about what might happen if he went to Mr. Jenkins' room and made himself available for the kinds of things that Tommy had described. Mark took a large volume down from the shelf and set it down on the desk. The title read Orientalist Art of the 19th Century. "This is a good one 3; history and art combined, with lots of really nice pictures. Back in the 1800's, European artists became fascinated with Islamic culture, especially in North Africa and the Ottoman Empire. It seemed very exotic and sensuous to them, and they captured that feeling in their paintings. A lot of these pictures are the work of artists who traveled to the Ottoman Empire, which was ruled by a powerful Sultan, and was seemingly stuck in a medieval time-warp. Come closer and I'll show you the best pictures." Brian stood right next to the seated man, their bodies almost touching, mere millimeters apart. "Do you know what a harem is?" asked Mark. And without waiting for a reply, he continued. "Back in the old days, when these pictures were painted, the richest and most powerful men in Islamic countries would keep a large number of beautiful women in their palaces." As he spoke, he turned the pages to large color pictures of palace scenes with sensuous young women, posing individually or in groups, in various stages of nudity. Nearly all were blatantly displaying their shapely bare breasts, and many were shown completely naked and lounging on cushions or by pools of water. Sometimes a black-skinned eunuch slave would be standing guard; other times their master would be watching his slave-women as he lounged in a loose flowing robe. It was essentially 19th Century soft-core porn. "Some of the harem girls would be his wives, while others would be his slaves – concubines they're called – that the master would keep hidden away in his palace to use for his sexual pleasure." Mark looked out of the corner of his eye to see if this last remark produced the desired reaction in Brian. It did. The boy was looking at the pictures with rapt attention, and the front of his shorts was pushing out a bit. Just then, Brian moved his body closer to Mark, causing their legs to touch lightly for a few seconds, then drew back again. A few seconds later, the boy brought their legs together again, holding the contact a bit longer. Mark's heart skipped a beat. Had this been intentional? Glancing up at Brian again, Mark saw that the boy was now looking back at him, rather than at the book. Mark's intuition was getting a clear signal: He wants me too! The teacher's right hand carefully reached over and touched the back of Brian's right thigh, just above the knee. The boy didn't flinch, but Mark heard a sharp intake of breath. He moved his hand up slightly; still no sign of rejection. "What do you think of this one?" said the teacher, turning to a particularly-sexy picture of a women lying naked on a leopard-skin rug. "Look closely at that detail." As he spoke, Mark's right hand slid gently up the boy's bare thigh, over his pants-covered hip, and around the boy's waist. He gently drew the boy closer, between his spread legs. "Here; sit on my knee so you can see it better." "OK," said Brian, as he perched sideways atop Mark's left thigh. As the teacher wrapped his left arm around the student's waist, he leaned close and inhaled. Ah, so wonderful! The soap-smell from his mid-day locker-room shower mixed perfectly with the sensuous boy-scent that Mark found utterly intoxicating. After turning the page to a new picture, while discussing the history and sociology of the Muslim world of the 19th Century, his right hand came to rest on Brian's knee, and then began to move slowly up along the bare skin toward the ultimate treasure of the boy's crotch. An erotic shiver ran through Brian's body as the teacher's hand glided slowly back and forth along the baby-softness of the boy's upper thigh. "Are you ok with what we're doing?" asked Mark casually. "If you're uncomfortable about anything, I'll stop." "It's fine. I don't mind," said Brian, trying to keep his voice calm. But his face was blushing, his heart was beating fast inside his chest, and his boyish penis was completely stiff inside his pants. The 12-year-old parted his slender legs slightly, inviting further exploration. Mark's brain let out a silent cheer. "Let me show you another good one," said the man as he flipped forward in the book. "This is called The Snake Charmer, by a French artist named Gerome." [Note: Do a Google Images search for the picture!] The picture showed a completely naked boy, the same age as Brian, standing in the middle of an ornate palace room. A large snake is coiled loosely around the boy's shoulders and upper body. An old man sits cross-legged on the floor playing a flute, while the master of the palace and his courtiers watch the boy. The sexual innuendo was obvious, with the fat snake slithering over the naked body and the boy's shapely buttocks prominently displayed as the picture's focal point. "Wow!" said Brian softly. Mark's right hand eased farther up Brian's thigh, beneath the loose shorts, until his fingertips touched the leg seam of the cotton briefs and moved very slowly along it. Mark held his breath as he waited for Brian's reaction. To the teacher's delight, the 7th grader glanced up from the book to look into Mark's eyes, smiling shyly. Brian turned his attention back to the painting as Mark slowly worked his fingers upward onto the front of the underpants. "Many of the Ottoman sultans kept a harem of boys for their pleasure too 3; the most beautiful boys gathered from all over the Empire," said Mark, momentarily entranced at the thought. His fingertips cautiously grazed against the rigid boy-boner that was tenting the snug underpants. "Take a look at this picture; it's one of my favorites." Mark turned some pages to a painting of four boys in their youthful prime, totally naked, relaxing in and around a small courtyard pool. Three boys were seen from the side or back, displaying their sexy butts. The fourth was seen from the front, standing in water that half-covered his genitals, exposing the hairless base of his boyish penis. In the shadows at the edge of the painting stood a finely dressed man, gazing with obvious lust at his harem-boys. "When I was your age, and I first saw this book," said Mark; "I used to fantasize what it would be like if I were a slave in the Sultan's boy-harem 3; lounging naked around the pool with the other boys, living a luxurious life, eating the finest food, listening to music, and having fun. And I would imagine what it would be like when the Sultan chose me from among all the other boys to be with him for an evening of pleasure." "Wow," said Brian wistfully, as he continued looking at the picture, biting gently at his lower lip. "I'll tell you secret," Mark continued. "When I was around 13, my best friend and I liked to play a fantasy game, where one of us would be the Sultan and the other would be the slave-boy. We would take turns with the two roles. And the Sultan could command the slave to do anything 3; anything at all." Mark's fingers delicately fondled the stiff erection through the soft cotton underpants as he spoke. "And we especially liked to command each other to do sexual things," he added, in a low, sensuous voice. Brian looked back at the teacher, his face glowing with excitement, and a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Mark knew it was time to make his move. His hand slid up all the way underneath Brian's underpants, directly onto the stiff penis. As the teacher fondled the incredibly sexy boy-cock, Brian softly gasped with youthful lust. "Brian?" said Mark softly, as his fingertips rubbed the slender crown of the boy's circumcised penis. "How would you like to play that fantasy game with me? You pretend to be a harem-slave 3; and I'll be the Sultan." The boy grinned, even as his body was squirming with pleasure from the stimulation of Mark's erotic touch. "What do I need to do?" asked Brian. "First, you need to let me take all of your clothes off, so you're naked like the boys in the pictures," said the man, as his fingers began sliding up and down the slender shaft of the boy's cock. "Since you'd be my slave, you'd do whatever I commanded 3; and let me do anything I wanted to you 3; just like if I was really your master. I promise it will be really fun. And of course, anytime you don't want to do something, or stop the game completely, we'll stop. So what do you say? Does that sound good?" "Yeah!" said the bright-eyed boy enthusiastically. "Before we start, tell me honestly, Brian; have you ever done sex-play with anyone before?" Brian blushed. "Yes 3; but not until last night." "With Tommy, right?" Brian grinned as the memory of their play filled his brain, and he bobbed his head a few times, quickly. "Did you and Tommy feel each other's penis, like I'm doing to you now?" "Yeah!" "And did you suck each other's penis?" Brian giggled and bobbed his head again. "Did Tommy tell you about the things he and I did yesterday?" Mark suspected that Tommy would tell his roommate and, indeed, had actually hoped he would. "Ye- 3;" Brian began, but then quickly stopped himself. "I'm not getting him in trouble, am I?" "No, Brian; not at all!" said the teacher, as he hugged the boy. "Tommy and I had a really good time together, and I want you to have the same kind of pleasure." The wheels inside Mark's brain were already making plans for arranging a three-way with both of the sexy boys. Brian breathed a sigh of relief. Then he looked deeply into Mark's eyes and said: "I think I'd really like to play the fantasy game now, where I'm the slave-boy and you're my master." "Great!" said Mark, as he gave the boy another hug. Then he lifted Brian to his feet while remaining seated himself. "Go lock my door," said Mark, as he turned on the desk-top radio to muffle the sounds of sex that would soon fill the room. When Brian returned, Mark motioned for him to stand close, between the teacher's wide-spread legs. "I'm going to strip off your clothes, nice and slowly, starting with your shirt. Raise your arms up, slave." The teacher lifted the bottom of the tee-shirt slowly, revealing the boy's taut belly, his slender chest with its tiny light-tan nipples, and his smooth arm-pits. Then he pulled the shirt completely off. "Put your hands behind your head, slave, with your fingers intertwined," said the man. Brian was excited by the game 3; excited to be called 'slave' 3; and he assumed the submissive posture immediately, folding his fingers together behind his head. Mark's hands gently roamed all around the boy's beautiful upper-body, giggling as the man caressed his arm-pits. "Now for your pants." Mark's fingers slid into the elastic waistband of the loose athletic shorts, easing them down the boy's hips, and his hands caressed Brian's smooth slender legs the whole way down. Gazing at the 12-year-old beauty, clothed only in his snug white briefs, the man was stunned by the incredible eroticism of the sight. He reached out and massaged the front of the boy's underpants, tented-out by the boyish boner beneath. Brian inhaled sharply, his face glowing with excitement, as he awaited what would be coming next. "Are you ready for the next part, harem-boy?" "Yes, sir. I mean 3; yes, Master," said Brian, his voice soft but eager. "That's right. I'm your master; the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. And you are my favorite slave in the boy-harem." Mark's hands caressed the boy's flawless body as he spoke. "And I command that you be completely naked, so I can see and feel every part of your body." His hand rubbed Brian's stiff penis again though the soft briefs, while his other hand moved around to massage the boy's slender rounded butt. "Strip naked for your master's pleasure. Take off your underpants, slave-boy." Brian was grinning broadly as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband on each side and slowly pulled the briefs all the way down, exposing his exquisite finger-size erection. The sight of its absolute beauty took Mark's breath away momentarily. The boy's penis was approaching puberty, but clearly wasn't there yet. There wasn't a single hair above the 4-inch [10 cm] cock or on the small rounded ball-sack that held marble-size orbs. Brian stepped out of the underwear and looked down at his erection, then at Mark's adoring face. It was clear to him that the teacher really DID like the way his body looked. The boy hoped fervently that the man would do the same things that Tommy had described. "Mr. Jenk-, I mean 3; Master?" said Brian cautiously. "Are you gonna, you know, suck my penis?" Mark wanted to say "Oh God! Yes!!" But instead he replied in-character, in a theatrical voice. "A harem-boy's duty is to give pleasure to his master. But if I decide that it gives me pleasure to suck my slave's penis 3;" Instead of finishing the thought, he gave Brian a sly wink. "Yes, Master!" said Brian with a grin. "Come sit on my lap now." As Brian perched himself sideways across Mark's lap, the man's arms wrapped around him, hugging the naked boy close. Without being instructed, Brain returned the hug, with arms slung around the man's neck. The teacher nuzzled his face into Brian's soft blond hair, inhaling once again of the luscious boy-scent. As his fingers fondled Brian's slender erection, Mark brought his mouth right next to the boy's ear, teased it with his hot breath, and whispered: "Kiss me slave-boy. See if you can please your master with your lips and tongue." The boy looked apprehensive for a moment, and then said in a sweet, innocent voice "I've never done it before, Master. Could you teach me how to kiss?" Mark's heart melted as he brushed his lips against the boy's cheek, and said: "Just copy what I do at first, and when you get the hang of it, do whatever feels right." The man wet his lips, and the boy imitated him. Their lips came together softly, slowly, sensuously. The boy was a fast learner – a naturally good kisser – and the initial tenderness soon grew increasingly passionate. Mark's hands were now exploring every reachable part of Brian's naked body, and the 12-year-old responded by hugging even tighter to his teacher's neck. When Mark's lips finally opened and the tip of his tongue cautiously emerged, Brian responded immediately and joyfully with his own tongue, seeming to know by instinct how to proceed. The kissing became hungry and aggressive, as their tongues slithered and wrestled together, slipping in and out of each other's mouths. Sounds of pleasure emerged as they kissed – low moans of satisfaction from the teacher and high-pitched cooing from the student. The boy would have happily continued indefinitely with this kissing and snuggling and fondling, but Mark had other plans. He broke the kiss, looked lovingly at Brian, gave him a warm smile, and nudged the excited boy off his lap. "Time for the next part of pleasuring your Sultan, slave-boy," he said as they both stood up. "Remove my clothes." "Yes, Master," said the grinning boy. Brian eased the polo shirt up and over Mark's head, exposing the 23-year-old's wiry-muscled torso. With consistent gym work-outs, Mark had retained his trim physique, and he remained at the weight at which he had wrestled in college – 145 pounds [65 kg]. His upper-body was smooth, nearly devoid of hair except for the soft tufts at his arm-pits. Brian gazed lovingly at Mark's masculine body. "You're really strong!" said the boy in a low, breathy voice, as his hands reached up and felt the man's pecs and biceps and broad shoulders. Mark took the boy's hands in his own and brought them down to the waistband of the sweat-pants "Take down my pants, slave-boy." The boy obeyed instantly, pulling down the sweat-pants but leaving the slim-fit boxer shorts. Mark reached down and pulled his straining erection from the slit in the front of the boxers, letting it protrude obscenely. Brian stared at the gracefully-shaped phallus as if it were one of the wonders of the world. "Wow! Nice!" murmured the boy. "Feel it up, slave." "Yes, Master!" Brian's hand trembled slightly as it wrapped around Mark's throbbing erection, feeling its heat. At 5.5 inches [14 cm], it was neither long nor thick. But it seemed big and powerful to Brian, who had never seen an erection other than his own and his roommate's. "Get down on your knees, and pull down my undershorts." Brian sank to the floor, still holding the stiff cock in his hand. Then he let go, took hold of the waistband, and pulled down, careful to extricate the straining erection. To the boy's immediate surprise, Mark's crotch was devoid of pubic hair. Brian looked up with a quizzical expression. "I thought that men had 3;" "They do," said Mark, pre-empting the question. "But I shave my hair there so it's nice and smooth. Feel it." Brian's small hands wandered over the erection, the smooth pubic area, and the shaved balls. "It's really sexy!" said the kneeling boy as he continued his fondling. Mark had no intention of revealing that he had shaved his hair that morning, for the very first time, in response to Tony's command of the night before. But what had begun as an act of subservience to the dominant 15-year-old, had ended up satisfying Mark both esthetically and sexually. The size of his cock and balls had changed little since he was 14 years old. That was same age he'd been when his joyous experiences with boyhood sex-play had ended. But now that his sexual adventures with boys had been revived, almost 10 years later, his shaved genitals made him feel like a 14-year-old boy again 3; and he loved the way it looked and felt! "Should I suck it, Master?" said Brian, still in-character, as his hand gently stroked the young-teen-sized cock. "Oh, yes!" gasped the man, momentarily surprised and greatly aroused that the boy was eager to orally serve him. Brian had given oral pleasure only once in his life, when he sucked Tommy's barely-pubescent dick the previous night. But he had been fantasizing all day about what it would be like to take Mr. Jenkins' penis into his mouth, and the thought of it excited him tremendously. Holding the man's handsome erection in his hand, he brought his mouth close and cautiously extended his tongue to lick along the ridge of the finely shaped cock-head. His tongue moved all around the smooth sensitive flesh, and then his lips enveloped the entire knob. "Oh, yeah! Suck it!" groaned the man. "Suck it good, slave-boy!" Mark's fingers slid through Brian's long golden hair, gently pulling the boy's head forward to take more of the cock into his mouth. "Ahhhh! So nice 3;" Brian's efforts were more enthusiastic than talented, but he was determined to pleasure his handsome teacher as intensely as he possibly could. As Brian's hand gripped the base of the penis, his lips slid up and down along the top third of the handsome, sleek shaft, and his tongue swirled all the shapely glans. "Suck me! Ah, yes 3; SUCK me!" The intense pleasure of being serviced by this beautiful blond-haired angel was almost too intense to bear. Mark was so primed that after only a couple minutes of the boy's efforts, the teacher felt his orgasm rising up. Tempted as he was to let go and shoot a load of cum into Brian's pretty mouth, he forced himself to make the experience last. "Stop for a minute. Let's go over to my bed." Mark helped Brian to his feet and then easily picked the slender boy up so that he was cradled in the man's arms. "You have such a perfect mouth, slave-boy. Kiss me again." And this time, when their lips met, both tongues engaged immediately, flicking and teasing. Brian hugged Mark's neck as they kissed, the toes of his shapely feet curled tightly, and his body shivered with sexual pleasure. Mark walked to his bed and gently laid the boy down. As the man stood over him watching, Brian stretched his body like a cat, looking up at the man with anticipation. "I don't think you realize just how sexy you are! You're the most beautiful boy I've ever seen!" Brian blushed at the compliment, but his eyes sparkled with delight at how much he pleased the handsome young teacher. "Maybe you could SHOW me how sexy you think I am," he said coyly. "That's exactly what I'm going to do, slave-boy!" Mark grabbed Brian's ankles and turned his body 90 degrees, so that the boy's butt was positioned at the side of the bed. Holding both boyish feet up, the teacher brought his mouth down to one of them and began licking and sucking the sexy toes. "That tickles!" giggled the youngster, though he wasn't making any effort to pull his foot away. In fact, he was fingering his stiff boner to enhance his pleasure. "I'm the Sultan, and I can tickle my harem-boy anytime I want," said Mark playfully. And with that, he switched to the other foot, kissing and licking it all over, including the soft ticklish flesh of the arch, making Brian shriek with happy laughter. "Shhh!" said the teacher. "Gotta keep the noise down; ok?" "Oh; sorry!" "Now let's see if another part of you is ticklish," said Mark. He dropped to his knees beside the bed and spread Brian's thighs wide apart, fully exposing the beauty of his pre-pubescent genitals. The man studied the youthful erection for a few seconds before leaning in and capturing it in his mouth. 'Oh, God 3; YES!' he thought to himself. This was the ultimate erotic pleasure – sucking the perfect-sized cock of a perfectly-beautiful 12-year-old boy! It was so effortless to slide his lips all the way down to the hairless base of Brian's boner; so much easier than an older boy's cock intruding at the entrance of his throat. He could move his lips up and down Brian's slender shaft, taking it to the hilt as rapidly as he wanted 3; and that's exactly what he did, striving to see how quickly he could bring the boy to orgasm. He was sure it would be a dry cum and, unlike an adolescent, Brian would be capable of climaxing time after time in rapid succession. The boy was whimpering and moaning as his body thrashed on the bed in throes of sexual pleasure. Although Brian had been sucked to orgasm the previous night by Tommy, the teacher was far more skilled and intense in his technique. As the muscles of the boy's body tensed and his hands clenched tightly at the bed-covers, Mark's mouth moved up and down the slender penis-shaft faster than he'd even done it before, and his hands kneaded the boy's shapely round butt cheeks. Brian's hips began to jerk up, rapidly fucking his boyish boner with desperate urgency into Mark's mouth. His breath came in ragged gasps until suddenly 3; "Oh! Oh! Oh! AAARRRGGGHHH!" Brian's breath was expelled in one long groaning release, followed by rhythmic high-pitched squeals as the shuddering orgasm ravaged through his young body. Spasms made his boy-boner vibrate in Mark's mouth, as the man kept sucking him. Then Mark pulled his mouth away and looked down at the split-slick little penis, still totally erect. Shifting his gaze up to Brian's face, he saw the boy looking back, slightly dazed, with a goofy grin. "I'll bet you're ready for some more fun, huh?" said Mark. The boy's face lit up. "Yeah!" he said at once. "What are we gonna do now 3; Master?" "You'll see, slave-boy. You'll do whatever your Sultan commands. Now slide over and let me lie beside you." Brian giggled, squirming with excitement as he moved his body lengthwise on the bed, and his hand reached down to fondle himself. Mark got onto the bed and snuggled against the boy, both of them on their sides, lying front-to-front. They slid into each others' arms and began to kiss again. As the passion of their kissing grew, their bodies rubbed together, hands caressing and stroking. In a quick movement, Mark rolled with the boy so that Brian was lying on top of the man. Brian lay between Mark's spread legs, with their cocks in perfect alignment, and the 12-year-old instinctively began thrusting his hips, sliding his erection against the man's. Mark's hands massaged the boy's sexy butt cheeks, loving the way Brian's taut muscles flexed as the boy made the fucking motions. "Oh my god! That feels incredible, Brian!" The role-play was forgotten for the moment. "Yeah! It's really cool! Tommy and me did this with each other last night." As Brian joyfully continued to rub his stiff boner along the shaft of Mark's larger erection, the teacher decided it was time to take things up a notch. He brought the middle finger of his right hand to his mouth and loaded it with his spit. Then his hands pulled the boy's flexing buttocks slightly apart, and the slippery finger slid lightly across Brian's anal pucker. A sharp intake of breath and a surprised smile signaled Brian's pleasure and acceptance. Mark's finger began stimulating the virgin ass-hole more brazenly, penetrating slightly into the circle of muscle. Brian stopped thrusting his hips forward and instead pushed his ass upward to savor the anal stimulation, moaning with pleasure. Then Mark paused, pulling his finger away for a moment, looking into Brian's eyes and seeking a reaction. "Do you like that, slave?" "Ohhhh, yes! It felt awesome!" gasped the boy. "Please 3; do it some more!" "I'll do something even better. Turn your body around so you're still on top, but facing around the other way, and start sucking my cock." Brian looked puzzled for a moment. "I command it, slave-boy!" said Mark, with a wink. "Yes, Master!" Brian flipped his body around to the 69 position. He lifted the man's stiff penis in his hand and brought his mouth down onto the cock-head, sucking and licking at it enthusiastically. Due to the man's taller stature, the boy's ass-hole was easily reached by Mark's tongue. As Brian straddled Mark's body and sucked his cock, the man propped a foam pillow under his head, spread the boy's ass-cheeks apart and began rimming his delicate anus. Brian's ass pressed back into Mark's face. High-pitched squeals, muffled by the man's cock in his mouth, emanated from the 12-year-old's throat. Mark had only recently discovered how much he enjoyed rimming a boy, and how much the boys loved getting rimmed. With some of his young friends at his previous school, Mark had been able to bring them to orgasm just from licking their asses. And it seemed quite probable from Brian's response to the rimming that it would elicit an anal orgasm this time too. The man's tongue worked fiercely on the clean, pink anus, alternating licks of the broad surface of his tongue with fluttering flicks and probing penetrations using the tip. It wasn't long before Brian, lost in his pleasure, stopped sucking Mark's cock. The groans and sighs were now unmuffled, and Brian's upper body lifted upright, pressing his ass down onto the teacher's face. As Mark's tongue cork-screwed into the musky entrance of the boy's virgin love-hole, Brian's squealing pleasure noises reach a crescendo. Suddenly, a trembling orgasm surged through Brian's body, and his anal muscle spasmed against the man's probing tongue, accompanied by moans of utter ecstasy. But when Mark stopped licking, expecting Brian to flop down beside him in exhaustion, the boy was hungry for more. "Oh, please! Lick my bottom-hole again! It's so awesome to get the magic feeling! Please? Please, Master?" How could Mark resist? Even though his tongue was sore from the energetic effort, he started up again, eager to give Brian yet another 'magic feeling'. But this time, he also snaked his hands around the boy's body to masturbate the stiff boy-penis and fondle the immature balls. As his tongue licked vigorously at the boy's quivering ass-hole, the thumb and two fingers of Mark's right hand brushed rapidly across Brian's acorn-shaped glans, and the fingertips of his left hand tickled and fondled the round ball-sack. It didn't take long this time 3; almost as if the boy's previous dry-orgasm had flowed right into the next 3; as the additional stimulation sent Brian over the edge again, squirming and squealing with intense sexual pleasure. Though Brian would surely have liked it to continue, having orgasm after orgasm with a tongue rimming his ass-hole, Mark had other thoughts. Easing the boy off of him and standing up, the man said "Now it's time for your master's pleasure, slave-boy. Lie on your back. Pull your legs apart and up. That's right. Now rub your bottom-hole with your finger, like I was doing with my tongue." Brian's index finger immediately probed into his wet, slippery ass-hole, and a big smile spread across his face. "Feels good, doesn't it?" "Yeah!" said the boy. "Keep doing it. See if you can make your hole flex open so you can slide your finger in easier. Push out with the muscle, and it'll be even better." As Brian practiced winking his anus open and finger-fucking himself, Mark went across the room and got the bottle of lubricant from the dresser. Bringing it back to the bed, he dribbled some of it onto Brian's ass and fingers, making the penetration much easier. "Now do two fingers, slave." "Oh, yeah!" Brian gasped as he compiled. "That feels nice!" As Mark applied a generous amount of lube to his own stiff cock, he watched Brian enthusiastically thrusting two fingers into his ass-hole, while he masturbated himself with his other hand. "Now I'm going to put my cock into your bottom-hole. It may feel weird at first, but I think you'll like it after we've been doing it for a couple minutes. You're still my slave, right?" "Yes, Master!" Brian had loved receiving the anal stimulation so far, and he had no reason to doubt the teacher's word. "Take your fingers out of your hole and lie back. Put that pillow under your hips to prop them up and just relax." Mark positioned himself between Brian's legs and pushed one of the thighs back. Holding his slippery cock in his hand, he rubbed it back and forth against Brian's sensitive anal flesh. "Flex your hole open, like you were doing before, as I push in. After you get used to it being inside you, I'll be moving my cock back and forth. You may have heard guys talking about fucking. Well, I'm going to fuck you. OK?" "OK," said Brian trustingly. Mark went very slowly, and he was glad for once that his cock was slender and relatively small. He looked down at the Brian's face, seeing him concentrate on opening himself to the penetration of the man's cock-head, but he didn't appear uncomfortable. 'He's so beautiful!' thought the man. Mark's lube-slick hand reached for Brian's penis, still rigidly erect, even after three orgasms, and he masturbated it in slow, firm, slippery strokes. The boy gave a little gasp of pleasure, smiling up at the man. Mark resumed his slow penetration, pushing in another centimeter, pausing, and then pushing in some more. Slowly, surely, the lubed boner disappeared into Brian's virgin ass. Sweat beaded on the man's forehead, as he struggled to take it with agonizingly slowness. His body wanted to fuck the boy with reckless abandon, plowing his tight ass and filling his rectum with cum, but Mark's brain knew that this way was best. "I'm almost in all the way. How are you doing?" "It's good!" said the boy, as his body squirmed from the stimulation of the lubed masturbation. "I like it!" "I'm going to move my cock in and out now," said Mark. "Let me know if you need me to stop." "OK. But I think it'll be fine." "That's my boy!" Mark bent down and kissed Brian's mouth, and the 12-year-old wrapped his arms around the man's neck and kissed him back. "Hold me tight," whispered the boy, as his slender legs wrapped around Mark's hips. Mark enveloped the student in a hug, feeling a surge of love and lust. "I'm ready for it now," said Brian. "I'm ready for you to fuck me." Their lips and tongues joined in a passionate kiss as Mark began to move his hips. He went slowly at first, sliding his straining cock gently back and forth in the tight rectum. Brian hugged even tighter and kissed even more fiercely as Mark's hips began to thrust faster. The boy's legs began pulling the man in deeper at each inward thrust, and before long, Mark was fucking the boy in a steady rhythm, moving the full length of his boner inside Brian's hot, slippery boy-pussy. "Oh! 3; Oh! 3; Oh!" gasped Brian, each time the man's cock drove into him. "Yes! Oh, YES!" Mark was in heaven. The experience matched and exceeded his most intense fantasies 3; fucking such a beautiful boy 3; the perfect age 3; and a virgin who was not only willing, but moaning with pure pleasure beneath Mark's urgent, ecstatic thrusts. "Fuck me! Fuck me, Master! Oh, yes; FUCK ME!!" Mark couldn't restrain his rutting lust, and his hips began to move in rapid piston-strokes, desperate for the release of a glorious orgasm. His entire body was consumed by the growing wave of intense erotic tension. And when the wave finally crashed, Mark was lost in a whole new universe of existence 3; a dimension of total sexual pleasure. Each spurt of semen from his cock made his entire body convulse in delicious spasms. He held the boy's young body tightly, and Brian hugged back with equal passion. Finally, their bodies became still. They could feel each other's hearts pounding inside their chests as they clung together. Aftershocks of orgasmic pleasure made Mark's penis spasm inside Brian's body, and the boy squeezed his ass-muscles around it in response. "Ahhhh 3; that was so good!" said Mark at last. "Yeah!" sighed the boy. "I got the magic feeling two more times while you were fucking me!" "You're wonderful, Brian." "You too 3; Master!" They both giggled. As Mark's softening cock slipped from Brian's ass, they rolled onto their sides, snuggling and kissing gently. Both of them felt the pangs of an emerging romantic love, but neither spoke the words. 'This is just so perfect,' thought the teacher, as he held Brian close and ran his hand gently over the boy's back and ass and thigh. 'Every day at this school brings a new adventure. I wonder what tomorrow will bring?'
Please send feedback to bil47_new(at)yahoo(dot)com