ArthurMilo Stark |
SummaryWhen a orphan boy is raped by one of the brothers of the orphanage he develops a plan to become rich using an ancient Chinese puzzle box and his body.
Publ. Jun 2012 (Nifty); this site Jan 2017
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CharactersMilo Stark (11-27yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-boy BDSM storyMb – cons anal oral – BDSM best ws WARNING: Non-consensual man-boy in first chapter, and heavy boy-dog sex in chapter 4 (Explanation) |
Disclaimer & Author's noteAll the usual restrictions pertaining to this story apply, there are scenes of sexual contact between adults and boys as well as heavy domination and bestiality, also scenes of non consensual sex, however the Author must point out that this is nothing more than a FICTIONAL STORY and he is by no means a proponent of physical harm to young boys or any other person, all characters are fictional and bear no relation to anyone living or dead, the copy-write of the story belongs solely to the author and may not be copied or printed without his written consent. For contact with the author please e-mail Artcart65(at)gmail(dot)com or send a message through this feedback form with Arthur: Milo Stark in the subject line. |
1The Greek Island of Sirius sat at the Southern end of the Mediterranean and was included in the Greeks Islands by the merest of margins, Sirius was also privately owned; just one more idyllic Island sold off by the Government in an attempt to pay off excessive debt to the EU. The new owner of the Island was a young man, no more than 27 years old, he was about 5'7" [1.70 m] tall and his body was slender, a dark mop of black curls rested on his head like an untidy birds nest, his dark eyes gazed outward as he sat in a comfortable lounge chair out on the wide stone veranda of the Villa that had once been home to ancient families, below him spread the remains of a once busy town and even busier port, but today it was quiet and still, only the calling of the gulls as they hunted for their next meal, broke the silence of the fresh morning air. It was now 7.00am and it would not be long before the hired ferry would appear around the point with the workers who would continue to work on his dream, there had been a great deal of work done in the last year but more was still needed to complete the Island complex to his exacting standards, his villa had been only the first part of his plan, a plan that had been started when he was still only eleven years old and saw the way he could make it in this world. As he waited for his morning coffee, Milo Stark let his mind go back to those early days, days of uncertainty and on many occasions, pain and pleasure. Milo was an orphan, he had no idea of whom his parents were and his earliest thoughts were of large adults who seemed to be giants in his small world, every one of them were just swirling memories of black cloth and loud voices, the continuous cries of babies and young children had filled his ears from an early age. It was when he turned five that his world began to change; he was taken from the children's wards and replaced in the old open orphanage with the older boys, the girls were kept far away in another orphanage, his first introduction to the hard orphanage life began as soon as he was pointed towards a single bed with a small wooden cabinet set beside it, in the new room were another thirty beds, all filled with boys of the same age, in charge of these young boys were a number of black clothed adults. Every boy by this time knew that they had to call the adults either 'Brother' or 'Father' depending on their position within the church, they were all members of the Jesuit Order and were renowned for their strictness in dealing with unruly boys, their tenet was 'spare the rod and spoil the child' and they were not adverse to using the rod more than normal. There were no 'Sisters' at the large orphanage, the towering brick blocks of buildings stood stark and bare, there was no love here only expediency and the needs of the few, it was a place of production over person, a place where the countries unwanted were sent to be out of the way of more deserving and normal families, there were occasional adoptions but this was rare, the applicants had to pass very stringent test to be able to take a boy from this facility. A citizen of the city could only see the top three floors of the facility over the towering brick wall and none of them had the faintest idea of what went on behind those foreboding walls. At five years of age, Milo was one of the smallest of the boys in his age group, as such, he was often the one bullied by the bigger and stronger five year olds, this however did not turn Milo into a cringing little boy, far from it, for deep inside Milo was a bright spark of strength, he was made of far sterner stuff than the average five year old, his small elfin face would scrunch up as the boys pinched or kicked him as they stole his food or took his thread bare clothes for themselves, even at this young and tender age, the boys knew it was a matter of the strongest surviving. As well as the inner hidden strength of Milo, there was also, in his head, a driving need to learn everything he could, it was a driving force that put him where he now was, not only that, but he had made it four years earlier than he had estimated when he was still only fifteen, although his dream had truly started at the tender age of eleven but had not formed fully until he was fifteen. His life in the austere surroundings was one struggle after another, his only respite were the hours spent in class, these were the times he outshone all his peers, his thirst for knowledge knew no bounds and he soaked up every word or book he could lay his small hands on, by the age of eleven, he was more advanced than most sixteen year olds although he still suffered the bruises and scrapes of bullying he continued to hold himself above the rest. All the time he spent in the barracks like dorms, he was watched continually by the Priests, every boy knew the silent patrols done by the 'Brothers' and 'Fathers' each night even though they wore soft felt slippers so they could not be heard by the sleeping boys, but, any boy that wanted to survive in this world slept with his small ears open, the soft swish of the black cassocks and the light clacking of the rosary beads that were tucked into the wide brown leather belts of the Priests could be easily identified by any boy in the facility. There were many rumours of what went on in the dark of night but, as yet, Milo had not seen any of them coming true before his eyes, that was, until his eleventh birthday, or what they said was his birthday. For Milo it had been marked by the solitary gift of a new small black bible, to Milo this had almost been an insult as, at the age of nine he had seen the falseness of what the priests had been teaching for four hours a day, every day, the religion they spouted had no basis in the life Milo was leading, but Milo was also not stupid, these thoughts he kept held deep within himself, there would be a day when he could be himself and the rigid forms of the orphanage would be behind him. Milo's eleventh birthday also marked his first awakening, every boy in the dorm knew about stiffies and the good feeling they got when they rubbed it for a while, there were also the many stories of what other older boys could do so his first introduction to any form of sexual desire came as no surprise, what was a surprise was the way and the who, that gave him the introduction. Milo had heard of these night visits by the Priests but had not as yet seen it happen in his dorm, he was about to learn from personal experience and was only the first of the eleven year olds to have that experience, as unpleasant as it turned out to be it was also the beginning of his master plan. It was late and everyone was sleeping, in his subconscious, Milo could hear the swish of the black cassock and the soft padding of the felt slippers as they grew closer to his small bed, suddenly it stopped right beside his sleeping form and then, a touch on his slender shoulder brought him to a semi state of wakefulness, as he opened his bleary eyes he could see standing above him, the dark form of Brother Bernard, his finger pressed to his lips in the sign of silence, crooking a finger at Milo, he silently told him to follow, Milo, ever obedient, forced his eyes open further and carefully rose from the warm bed to follow Brother Bernard, in his sleep sodden mind he had no idea why he had been called at this ungodly hour. Brother Bernard was a big man and his black clothes only went to emphasise his size, Milo had seen the Brother many times over the years and had been afraid of him for every minute of those years, Brother Bernard was over 6' [1.80 m] tall and weighted over 200lbs [90 kg]. His large hands that projected from the thick black sleeves of his cassock, were covered in thick black hairs as were his knuckles and, from the white collar under his cassock there were also thick black hairs showing, his visage was also dark and his heavy eyebrows were always in a permanent frown, Milo's thin body began to shake as he quietly and obediently followed the big man from the dorm. As the pair quietly walked down the long dark passage, Brother Bernard reached back and took Milo by his slim shoulders and drew him closer, Milo could easily smell the faint odour of garlic and the stronger smell of Irish Whiskey on the big man, a strange shiver went through his young body as the heavy arm closed around his narrow shoulders. The pair soon came to a thick wooden door, one of many set in the sides of the passageway, Brother Bernard opened the door and quickly ushered the small boy inside, the coldness of the passage gave way to a thick warmth and Milo's feet felt the softness of thick carpeting on his cold feet, it was the practice of the orphanage that the boys would wear only their thin PJ's to bed, underwear was only for day time wearing so Milo was practically naked under the thin PJ's, his thin body was nearly shaking with the cold walk but, now, inside the warm room he relaxed a little. The room was sparse at best, against one wall was a wide bed and next to it an old wooden desk covered with papers and a thick bible, in the opposite corner stood an old wardrobe and beside it an extra wooden chair, Brother Bernard led Milo to the bed above which hung a large wooden cross with Jesus hanging on it, Brother Bernard sat down with the boy standing between his splayed legs, even as he was sitting, Milo got the feeling that the Brother was still towering over him, his large thick hands held him by the shoulders as the Brother looked at the young boy. Somewhere, deep inside himself, Milo knew this was a time of change for him, while he did not know the mechanics of what might happen, he had an innate feeling of something that was about to change him for the rest of his life as the Brother reached forward and took hold of his PJ top and began to lift it up until Milo had to raise his arms above his head, once that was done, the Brother removed the garment with ease and stared long and hard at the small young body standing before him, the boy was shivering slightly but that could have been from the light chill in the air as much as it could be fear, either way, Brother Bernard was not concerned, he had been waiting for four years for this small boy to reach eleven and his discomfort was not going to stop what was about to happen. There were others in the order who liked their boys younger, but Bernard liked them at the age where they were just starting to get the first bloom of emerging puberty, he had let it be known among the others that this boys was to be left alone until Brother Bernard could taste his delights, his eyes continued to roam over the thin chest and very narrow waist, his anticipation of what was still hidden by the PJ bottoms was even more enthralling, he had seen the boy many times in his tight school shorts and the thought of that tiny tight butt under his hands almost brought him to fulfilment right then and there, his thick rod was rigid under his cassock, his hirsute body was almost trembling with anticipation as he reached forward to loosen the tie of the boy's PJ bottoms, his thick hairy fingers looked so over sized as they began to untie the cord from around the slender waist, the boy still shivered as his thick fingers touched the warm white skin. Bernard watched in awe as the thin cotton PJ bottoms slid down the boy's narrow hips and revealed all of his youthful charms, his pale skin almost shone in the light as the PJ's crumpled around his thin ankles, Bernard's thick rod poked up making a mound in his cassock as he looked over every inch of the boy, he was so small and elfin, even his small hard boy rod was thin and delicate just like the rest of him, Brother Bernard could wait no longer, quickly he released his thick leather belt and completely disrobed before the boy even had a chance to move. As he sat back down on the edge of the bed, he pulled the small boy closer to him, his large slightly fat body was completely covered with thick curly black hair, at his crotch it was so thick it looked like a dark mass of forest, his manhood stood out hard and thick although not especial long it was very thick and the glint of pre-cum dripping from his long thick foreskin showed his state of arousal, Milo stood rigidly as he looked at the large strange sight before him, he well knew that Brother Bernard was a big man but he had never been prepared for what he saw before his young eyes right now. Suddenly Brother Bernard grasped Milo by the arms and drew him close to his thick hairy body until the boy was pushed close to his groin, the softness of the boy's skin sent thrills of delight through his larger body as the smooth skin pressed hard against his thick hairy testicles and rampant rod, closing his legs to trap the boy, Bernard reached into the desk beside the bed and withdrew a strange looking item, with a deft movement he had placed the round rubber ball in the boy's mouth and tied it tightly behind his small head, the boy had no chance to even try to reject the gag, it was done so quickly and professionally. Seconds later, Milo found himself laying over the bare knee of Brother Bernard, his soft tender skin rubbed angrily by the thick coarse hair of the man's thick legs, what happened next was to be only the first of many times for the young boy and it was only with time and determination that he came to be able to use it as an advantage, even as the first heavy hand came down hard on his upturned bare butt, the first inkling of a plan began to form in his boyish mind. That first heavy swat was followed by five more that were just as hard and his small butt was now on fire, through the rubber gag he could only give vent to his pain in small muffled gasps and cries as the larger man turned his soft white skin a deep dark red, after the six heavy swats, Milo heard the Brother searching inside the desk once again, after a few moments he heard what sounded like the popping of a cap and then, a thick finger was forcing itself between his tightly clenched butt cheeks and something slippery was being worked over his tight small hole, it was now that the Brother spoke his first words since coming into the room, his thick brogue filled Milo with fear. "Right boy, get a good hold of my cock and start to work it up and down, just like you do to yourself or there will be another six of the best for you." Still gagged with the horrible rubber ball, Milo could not refuse, slowly he reached awkwardly to his side until his hand touched the hot flesh of the rigid rod beside him, his small fingers could not go right around the thickness and so he just did the best he could by starting to work his thin fingers up and down the hot flesh, all this time the Brother had continued to work his thick finger over and around the tightly clenched hole of the boy as the small hot hand worked on his own rampant rod. Finally, Brother Bernard had had enough of waiting, with little though of the boy he began to force his thick fingers into the boy's hole, for Milo it felt as though a red hot iron rod was begin pushed inside him, even as he tried to clench his cheeks tighter he knew there was no hope of stopping the invasion, the thin skin around his small hole burnt like fire as the finger buried itself deeper into his insides, while the applied lubricant made it a little easier it still felt like he was being split in half, the burning got no less as the finger withdrew and then forced its way back inside the tight hole, this time, Milo felt the heavy knuckle pass his entrance and then the full length of the finger was deep inside where it began to twist and turn as it tried to loosen the tightness of the young boy. Even as he tried to thrash around from the pain, Milo knew it was a lost cause but his own deep seated fighting spirit would not give in easily, as he increased his own speed of rubbing the thick rod in his hand, so the finger worked faster inside him until, suddenly, Brother Bernard told him to stop and roughly pulled his finger from the boy's pain filled and throbbing hole, Brother Bernard was close to his climax and he didn't want to finish so quickly, it was taking all of his self control to stop himself from totally ravaging the small boy. After a few minutes to settle down again, Brother Bernard told the boy to begin again as he again lubricated the boy's tender and sore hole, this time Milo was in real pain as he felt the thickness of two hard fingers pushing for entry, Milo's eyes streamed with tears and his muffled cries tried to force them selves around the rubber gag as the twin fingers broke through his ring and pushed inwards, Milo was certain he had been ripped wide open and would probably bleed to death right here in the Brother's room, all the while his small hand had kept working on the thick hard rod in the hope it would soon be over but the Brother had other ideas, he had waited for four years for this and was not about to let it go until his dreams had been fulfilled. Bernard felt himself getting close, it was time, when the boy left he would know what he was good for, with little thought about the boy's discomfort, Bernard pulled his two thick fingers from the slightly looser hole, with practised ease, he reached down and grasped the boy under the knees and lifted him off the floor, his thin legs were now one each side of the thick hairy arms and the boy's red and sore hole was now slightly above the throbbing man rod. As Milo was lifted up and his legs spread wide apart he realised what was about to happen and tried to struggle but the hands were to strong and held him in such a way he could only move in one direction and that was down, right onto the pulsing thick rod that was waiting for him, his small thin body had no chance as his raw hot hole got closer to the waiting spear, if he thought the two fingers were bad, the first hard thrust of that thick man pole changed his mind as it broke through his small tight sphincter and he was forced down onto the man with no thought for his pain. It took Brother Bernard only two lifts of the light weight boy's body before he could hold himself back no longer and, with a final brutal downward push, he buried his manhood deep into the boy's tightness and let his release come, he took no notice of the fact the boy was now no more than a rag doll as he emptied his sperm deep inside, even his best dreams had not prepared him for the true feelings he was experiencing right now, the condition of the boy meant nothing to his own wants, for Milo, as that last brutal thrust had forced its way inside him all he had was blackness, he had blissfully passed out as the hot liquid of the man tool spurted into his thin body. After he was satisfied, Brother Bernard gave no thought to the boy now laying on the floor as he came back to consciousness, his small hole was agape and leaking the man juice as the boy moaned through the gag, Bernard reached down and untied the gag so the boy could breathe easier and watched dispassionately as he struggled to gain his feet, it took a little while for Milo to gain his feet, his small body was shaking all over with the after shock of his torrid experience with the callous Brother, his hole was on fire and he felt as though he had been torn in half, Brother Bernard tossed the boy a clean towel and told him to wipe himself then go back too his bed, Bernard had got what he wanted and had no further use for the boy tonight. Milo had no idea how long it took him to make his way back to his now cold bed but every step was agony for his slim body as he stumbled and leant on the passage wall for support, the coldness and callousness of the Brother left him stunned as he felt the wetness still leaking from him, deep inside he knew it was not over and that over the next few years there would be more to come, it was this that gave strength to his burgeoning idea, from now on, if he was going to be used, then it was going to be made worth while, there was no doubt he could not do much with the Brothers, but he also was well aware that the older boys liked to do the same things to the younger boys, it was them he would target for his own ends and so, the plan began to form. 2When Milo reached his bed, he let go of the PJ's he had dragged behind him, he had been too sore to be able to put them back on, as they crumpled to the floor, Milo collapsed onto the cold bed, his stunned and frazzled mind not being able to comprehend the fact he was stark naked and laying openly on the top of his blankets, the last thing he remembered was the sounds of someone stirring near him and then, it was all blackness. Slowly Milo returned to the land of the living, soft murmurings around him made him open his eyes as best he could, what he saw brought a kind of fear into his young body, above him stood one of the younger Brothers, Brother Benito, he was only just out of the seminary and looked to be no more than early twenties, beside the brother were some of Milo's room mates, all looking down at him, the looks of awe and a little fear were in all their eyes, Milo could still feel the wetness between his tender cheeks as they looked on at his nakedness. Brother Benito laid a gentle soft hand on Milo's back to stop the boy from rising up off the bed, with a curt word he sent all the other boys off to shower and then breakfast, next he whispered to Milo to stay where he was and Brother Benito would come back and help him, Milo could only sigh, the pain in his butt and the feeling of fire around his small hole gave him little to say. After an hour, Milo was clean, Brother Benito had washed him with warm water and he was now laying on his back as the Brother took hold of a small bottle of white cream, using his middle finger, the Brother scooped up some of the cream and told Milo to open his legs and pull his knees back as far as he could, the Brother explained he needed to not only get the cream on his butt, but also some of it as deep inside Milo as he could so there would be no damage internally, Milo was in no position to refuse so he opened his slim legs and pulled his knees back by his slender chest and opened his small hole for the Brother's finger. Milo happened to glance to the side as he felt the first touch of the Brother's long slender finger touch his sore hole and the coldness of the cream as it was gently rubbed around it, it was at this stage that Milo realised the power his small body had as he looked right at the large lump in the front of the Brother's cassock, this unknown power was soon proved correct as the Brother slowly pushed into his hole with the long slender finger, the coldness of the cream taking away the hotness of before, Milo also realised that the Brother was beginning to enjoy having his finger buried so deeply into this young boy as Milo felt him begin to wriggle it around deep inside him. It took only a minute for that finger to start to move in and out of his hole as the Brother appeared to go into something of a trance as he looked down on the bruised red hole of the wide open boy, a dark patch of dampness appeared where the bulge was showing in his cassock, as he stroked in and out of the boy his own desires began to take over and it was not until he heard the soft sobbing of Milo that he came out of his trance like state and realised what he had been doing, with his young face turning bright red he quickly withdrew his slick finger and turned away in embarrassment, Milo sighed with relief as his sore hole became empty once again but, at least now he had conformation that he did indeed hold some sort of hidden power over others, his plan began to develop faster as the realisation hit him full force. It was two weeks later and Milo had not had another visit from either of the two Brothers, while he was glad for the respite, he also had the time to work more on his overall plan, it was while he was in the library one afternoon that he came across a book of puzzles, now normally they did not interest him but, the book was open at a page near the back of the book, the picture showed a strange old wooden box with what appeared to be small bits of it sticking out from all the sides, Milo read the caption under the picture, 'ancient Chinese puzzle box'. Immediately Milo's sharp and inquisitive brain saw the possibilities, all he had to do now was learn how to make one, for that he would need the help of the Brother in charge of the wood work shop and he had just the thing he could barter with, even if it were not pleasant, Milo needed the information the Brother could provide him with and so, Milo set to work to find time to talk to the Brother. The chance arrived nearly a week later, Milo was just leaving his English class as the wood work Brother walked down the long passage, with a quick smile at the Brother, Milo greeted him and flashed him what he hoped was a seductive smile, had he even known that half the smile would have been enough, Milo would have been happy, the Brother smiled back and stopped to talk with Milo, the open lust in the older man's eyes spoke volumes to Milo. It was finally agreed that if Milo visited the Brother one night a week for four weeks, he would be taught all he needed to know to make his own puzzle box, not only that, but the Brother would make sure he had time and the tools to do it, Milo's first plan had come to fruition as well as the realisation that what he had thought was a reality, his young smooth body could get him whatever he wanted if he went about it the right way. The first night with the Brother was not easy on Milo's small body and it was only by steeling his mind and thinking only of the end plan that got him through it, the Brother did not want to use Milo's tight hole, instead he had cuffed his thin wrists with leather cuffs and then locked them together with a length of light chain, once that was done, Milo's light body was hoisted up to a hook screwed into the ceiling of the room and his toes were barely touching the cold wood floor, the Brother stripped off his cassock and then took himself in hand, using his left, while his right hand was holding a heavy leather slipper, he began to whale away at Milo's small white butt with the slipper, as each loud slap hit Milo, the Brother would pull hard on his own short penis, had it not been for the pain of the slipper, Milo would have laughed at the small boy tool the grown man had but the pain of each slap was enough to stop any thoughts of laughter. Milo did not know how long or how many slaps he got but it seemed like forever until, suddenly, the Brother gave a loud gasp and a shiver as his thick semen shot out of the small boy tool in his hand, when he had finished and wiped himself clean, he let Milo off the hook, as he sat on the cold floor, Milo could feel the hotness of his butt, had he been able to see it he would have been even more shocked by the redness and heavy bruising, it didn't take long for Milo to realise that sitting down was not a real option as his butt began to throb with real pain. Before he left the room, Milo was told to meet the Brother each day after normal class; that would give the boy close to two hours each day for the next month to learn as much as he could before dinner time, Milo was sure now that he had what he had wanted, his plan was another step closer. For the next four weeks, Milo adjusted to the weekly slippering, he found after the second time that if he thought of other things while the Brother worked him over, the pain was not as noticeable although for the next few days it was hard to sit down when needed but it was all for his own purpose. By the end of the promised time, Milo was very competent with the tools and the design structure of a box and was well under way to putting it together for the first time, every tool he needed for the making of the box was carefully explained to him and how to use it safely, Milo worked quietly and diligently and slowly the box took shape under his small hands, every notch and every slide was perfectly measured and fitted, the many combinations of locking pieces were carefully detailed and fitted until, six weeks after the first night, Milo stepped back and inspected his own handiwork, even the Brother could do little but admire the craftsmanship and precision of the little wooden box. On the table before the two of them stood the box, it was six inches long, four inches wide and five inches high [15x10x12 cm], the wooden slats were each a half inch by half inch and the ends had been stained in different shades of brown, the box looked as though it had been made from many different types of wood and fitted together in a symmetrical patch work pattern. It didn't matter how close you looked, you could not see any joins or hinges, there was no way to open the box as every side looked identical and there was no indication of top or bottom, it was truly a master piece of craftsmanship, the old Brother was truly impressed, he had never thought such a young boy could come up with such detailed work, he knew that many adult tradesmen could never have made what the boy had done, but then, those same adults did not have the incentive that Milo had, nor did they have a plan like his. Milo tentively touched the box to make sure that the last coat of French polish was properly dry; the mixing of the varnish flakes and turpentine had all been done by himself, the box now had a deep soft gloss that could only be got by hard rubbing and lots of elbow grease, the varnishing had taken a long time to bring out the best of the stained woods but now Milo was satisfied, he had accomplished what he had set out to do, with a grateful hug of the old Brother, Milo carefully picked up the box and walked away to his dorm where the other boys were getting ready for dinner, no one took even the slightest notice of Milo, many of them had also by now been taken for sport with various Brothers, one boy had disappeared altogether and many rumours abounded about his fate, the Brothers said he had been adopted, the boys only hoped so. Milo put the box on top of his small cabinet beside his bed, none of the other boys had as yet seen it as they were too busy getting ready for dinner and had thoughts only for food but, Milo knew that curiosity would soon take hold after they had been fed, when he returned from dinner his guess had been proven right, around his desk stood a huddle of boys, none dared touch the box but speculation about it was rife as they talked and tried to guess what it was, Milo stood back behind the boys and waited until he was noticed, not an often occurrence in this dorm, of all the eleven year olds, he was still the smallest and least noticed among them. Finally one of the boys turned his head and noticed Milo standing behind them. "What's this for then, runt?" Milo gave his usual small smile as he got ready to make some money. "It's a puzzle box, if you can open it, you get any money inside." One of the boys picked up the box and, after looking closer, he shook it a little. "There's nothing in it, where's the money?" "It's not in there yet, but there are rules to trying it." "What rules? And how does the money get in there, there aren't any openings." "Give it here and I'll show you how it's done then, if you want to try you have to put 50 cents in it for each try and you have five minutes to get it open or someone else gets to try." As the boys had no work, they were given a weekly allowance by the orphanage, the boys aged 6 to 10 received 20 cents, those 10 to 14 received 50 cents and those older boys, 14 to 17 got a whole dollar, as there was nothing to spend it on in the orphanage, the boys were allowed out en-mass once a month and, too protect the smaller and younger boys from being stood over for their allowance by the older boys, the orphanage rules were very strict as it was for any bullying. A bully or a thief was dealt with by the large Brother Bernard and in front of a full assembly of all the boys, the culprit was bared from the waist down, up on the small stage in the assembly room then bent over a table by the large Brother and caned, for theft it was ten strokes applied with a lot of force and often drew blood stripes over the young white flesh, for the more serious offence of bullying it was twenty strokes and that challenge was never taken up twice by any offender. The saving of the small pittance of their allowance was what had given Milo the idea for the puzzle box, he would have three weeks each month that had the possibility of collecting, for himself he had saved all but a small amount of his allowance since he had received it the first time, some of his room mates knew he had a couple of small clothe bags with coins in them, tucked into his desk but, the rules for theft and stand-over tactics kept their greed in check. The boy holding the wooden box handed it over to Milo and, with a dexterity of practice, Milo soon had one piece on the top of the box open and there before the boy's eyes was the small slot, just wide enough and long enough to slip a coin through, it had happened so fast that none of the boys had seen how Milo had done it. In preparation for this moment, Milo had put four fifty cent coins in his pocket, for these boys, that was a whole month's allowance, a veritable fortune in their young eyes, taking the four coins from his trouser pocket, he held up each one so it was clearly seen, he then dropped it through the slot, the boys could clearly hear the clunk of the coin as it settled in the box, when the four of them were rattled around for the boys to hear, Milo then asked. "Right, there's the first coins, now if you want to try for them you have to put one 50 cent in the slot, when the coin hits the bottom you have five minutes to get it open, if you do then you have everything inside." Milo held the box out in one hand while reaching inside his small desk and taking out an old plastic egg timer he had been saving since the idea had first formed in his mind, there was a sudden scattering of boys as they went in search of their hidden allowances, a whole month's cash for five minutes work sounded like good odds to them, Milo waited patiently as first one, then another of the boys returned, a 50 cent coin held tightly in their hand. The first boy held out his coin for Milo who only shook his head, saying. "No I am not allowed to touch it, you have to put it in the slot yourself so you know I'm not trying to cheat you." One of the braver boys soon called back. "You could be cheating us anyhow, there's no cracks or openings in the box, how do we know it even opens?" Milo had been ready for a doubter and was not deterred by the challenge, it had been an obvious ploy for any boy too use, if they saw Milo open the box then all they had to do was follow what he had done and, these boys had very quick minds and eyes, unfortunately they had not tangled with the small boy Milo before. Milo smiled in agreement, he well knew his little box and had incorporated a number of locks into its construction that needed more than four fingers to release them, these were hidden mainly on the bottom of the box and could not be seen by most people if they were watching his hands working on the top, all the interlaced wooden locks also had to be in one order only, any fault along the way would only relock any that had been released before. With a speed and dexterity that was hard to follow, Milo went through the twenty six moves needed to open the box, as the last thin slat of wood was slid to the side, Milo pressed the last hidden lock with his pinkie finger that was hidden under the bottom of the box, there was no loud click or anything like that, it just suddenly appeared to slide sideways on the top and there, for all the boys too see, was the partially empty inner box, except for Milo's four coins, had any of the boys taken a close interest in the workmanship, they would have seen the difference in the thickness of the inner and outer box. As the other boys looked at the strange assortment of thin slats projecting from all around the box, they began to see the fine workmanship Milo had put into creating, what to them was the ultimate puzzle, but, even as difficult as it looked, they had the youthful belief in their own infallibility and were now more than sure they could crack his little wooden box, after all he had done it in less than a full minute, each boy watched closely as he quickly returned the box to its normal solid squareness with none of the little slats and slots showing except for the single slot in the top for their coin, Milo held out the box to the boys and waited for the first one to place his coin inside. The original first boy had no hesitation in dropping his coin and taking the box in his hands, Milo started the egg timer and watched as the boy's fingers began to push different small squares on the side of the box, it was only now and again he managed to get one to open and this was greeted with cheers from his watchers but, as the timer buzzed the end of time, he had a look of defeat on his young face but, he also had a look of determination as well, this was the challenge Milo was hoping for as another boy took up the offered box and dropped his coin inside to join the others. When the warning bell for lights out sounded in the dorm, Milo's small box had become quite heavy, some boys had done really well, others had not even managed to open one slot, the hubbub of whispers as the room settled down for the night brought a small smile to Milo's lips, he had been successful for his first day and knew that the word would spread very quickly, there were close to three hundred boys held in the orphanage and that was a lot of coins, at this point, Milo realised he would have to have a safe depository for the money, as he settled down for the night his mind began to look for possibilities, even now, after only one day with the box, it was close to full. The next day, after morning prayers, breakfast and first class of the day, Milo had a free period, as soon as he left his class room he made for the craft room, this was where the boys could play with their chosen hobby or game when not being schooled or on their knees praying on the cold stone floors of the little vestry, it was in here that they spent three hours a day except on Sunday when it was five hours in two shifts, Milo had long turned against this prayer thing but could not get out of it, the actions of the Brothers with all the boys had turned many of their young charges against their teachings but the boys were in no position to object until they could get free of their position. When Milo found a desk with the sewing machine free, he sat down and began to cut out squares of cloth on the side bench, when this was done and he had ten pieces, Milo carefully threaded the old singer machine as he had been taught to do when he was only seven, the boys were responsible for their own clothing repairs and had all been taught how to use the old singer treadle machine, Milo got busy sewing up the sides of the squares and forming the basis of his money bags, with a thin length of cloth sewn onto the top of the bag he now had a tie for it, next he would have to find a way to keep them safe, it looked as though he would have to put his butt on the line for the old Brother once again. And so for the next three weeks Milo walked painfully and had trouble sitting, but, at the end of it he had a most beautiful wooden chest made from solid panels of thick dark wood, it was bound on all sides with thin strips of brass, the only thing left now was to find a suitable lock for it, again his penchant for puzzles came to the fore and he began his campaign to work his way into the good graces of the Brother in charge of the metal work class, during all this time, when ever there was a spare moment, there would be a circle of boys around him as they all tried time and time again to open the little wooden box, far from being disheartened by their failures, the boys only became more determined to get their hands on the coins inside the box, it got to the stage that Milo would have to empty the box every two days and leave only enough of the coins inside to make it tempting, of his ten cloth bags, there were now only two still empty and, while at times, some of the boys gave envious looks at the treasure the boy had in his locked cabinet, they were more afraid of the punishment than to make an attempt at theft. None of the boys had as yet caught on to the fact that Milo seemed able to empty the box at will, but then they had seen him many times, open and close the box in front of them, they knew he was not cheating and that the box did in fact open if you could work out the combination of moving slats and these boys did not give up easily and, too make it more tempting, Milo would place one of the cloth bags full of coins on the desk and tell the boys that they would also win what was in the bag as well as those coins in the box, this was too much temptation and kept the boys coming back night after night to try their luck. At first, when the Brothers heard about the trick box, they wanted to stop it as they first thought it was gambling but, unknown to Milo, it was the old wood work Brother that came to his rescue, he told the others it was not a trick and not a gamble, all you had to do was open a small box for a just reward, the thought of how hard he was able to slipper the slender young boy had a lot to do with his help, Milo was allowed to continue with his small venture. The first visit to the Brother in charge of metal work left Milo sore and bruised, his small hole was ravaged and red and his little nubs were bruised until a mere touch would send pain through his slim chest, the Brother had no intention of going easy on such a small boy, he had his needs and they were all that concerned him, he also had a very good supply of the famous blue pills that kept him active long after the boy's hole was dripping and full but, Milo had his information and the use of the metal work class room on his time off, he also had the skill of the Brother to show him how to go about making a lock that need no keys or combination, it was just a square block of bright brass with a thick shiny steel hasp that slid into the brass block and locked it solid, it turned out to be a work of art by the Brother's high standards, it also gave Milo a skill he would use time and time again over the next few years as more puzzles came into his head. Milo selected one of the other boys who was also a small boy and had been, like Milo, a bit of an outcast in the dorm to help him carry the new wooden chest with its bright brass keyless lock, to his bed from the work room, the special lock, Milo carried in his pocket until they were beside his bed, he then opened the chest and took all of the money bags, now totalling fourteen as well as his own personal savings, from the locked cabinet beside his bed and placed then in the new polished chest, from his pocket he took the brass lock and, holding it over the latch of the metal clasp of the chest, pushed the steel bar through the hole until it clicked into place, his money was now safe, even the Brother in the metal work class room did not know how the boy had constructed the lock and would not be able to open it without help from Milo. It did not take long for the word to spread about his puzzle box, even the older boys would line up to try but no one could open it even after Milo openly showed them how it was done, all except the final stage and that was his secret, Milo had pulled off the ultimate puzzle, if the boys had only known that the moving slats were only a distraction and that the box was easily opened by pushing gently on one certain square underneath the box to release the inner lock and the top would slide open at a touch, but none knew, it was Milo's secret and so, the small box filled and refilled and Milo's cloth bags grew in number and were locked away in his shiny wooden chest. After three months the interest still hadn't waned and now Milo was offering two extra bags of coins for the winner, the boys knew that each bag had to hold at least fifty dollars each, it was a vast sum of cash for the destitute boys of the orphanage and their offerings of fifty cents did not decrease over time and Milo watched his horde grow from the greed of others. In anticipation of the boys eventually becoming bored or frustrated with the non results on the box, Milo set about another plan for when he would need to keep the coins coming in, in secret and only when no one was around, Milo began to experiment with his body, he already knew he could take the hard slippering and the raping of his small tight hole but he wanted something more, something the other boys would enjoy and so, he set about teaching himself to ignore pain in many forms, this self torture took months and often Milo would feel exhausted after his experiments and his body was tender and aching but he kept it up, he knew it would pay off in the long run. The months passed and, on the day he was officially twelve, Milo was again taken by Brother Bernard for a night, he returned early in the morning, sore and leaking but he felt he had handled the hard night with a lot more ease than the first time, even Brother Bernard had been surprised at how well the small boy had done under his heavy hand and thick rod. By this time, the puzzle box, while still a bone of contention with some boys, had lost its attraction, there were now only a few boys still wanting to try their luck and Milo knew the time of the puzzle was over, but one look at the twenty five cloth bags of coins made him smile, he had begun his own business, as he was now twelve, the older boys were, according to an unwritten law of the dorms, eligible to be used by them for there own sex games, it was for this time that Milo had spent all the hours training himself, again it was going to cost the boys to use his slim body but first he needed a protector, he was too small on his own to stop the older boys from doing anything to him, Milo began his hunt the day after his birthday, it took only one hour to find the boy he wanted and, with a few soft words, a couple of dollars from his chest each week and the offer of free use of his little body, Milo had one of the toughest boys in the orphanage to protect him. It took little time for the whispered word to go out that Milo, the puzzle box boy, would do anything for any boy as long as the price was right and, any attempts to cheat him would be dealt with by Thomas Grainger, not a boy any of them wanted to be against, it was Thomas that set up his ventures and made sure he was paid before the event and, as most people know, boys can be very inventive when it came to torturing other boy's but, for the right price, Milo would refuse none of them. It was also Milo who found the perfect place for his adventures, the orphanage was built on five acres of grounds, most, but not all of it was taken up by buildings and the vegetable garden, all except for a small plot of thick scrub bush at the bottom of the garden block, behind these rough bushes and thorns, was a small brick building that could hardly be seen from the main grounds, Milo had been searching for a place of quiet to rest from his self made exertions of his training, he had crept through the thick bush and found the old building, its front door was shut tight and the old rusty hinges appeared to be almost welded solid, Milo kept looking, it was at the rear and close to the back fence of the property that he found his answer. At the rear of the small shed was a two part door, the bottom part was slightly ajar and hanging at an angle from one of the broken hinges, the top part was still solidly in place, Milo took note of the size and shape of the bottom hinges and measured them with his hands, the door itself was still solid and useable, as quietly as he could, Milo pulled open the broken door and crept inside, to his dismay, the small shed was mostly empty, only a small pile of rubbish and a few very old rusty tools lay inside, there were no windows and only the two doors, the floor was of stone and it was mostly dry, only where the broken door was did it show any signs of wetness from outside moisture. Above his head, Milo saw that the roof as held up by thick hand hewn beams and held in place by old style iron nails the size of railroad spikes, Milo's over active imagination now came into play once gain, if he could get the hinges fixed, this would be the ideal place for his meetings with other boys and Thomas would easily be able to stay hidden and keep anyone away that was not supposed to be there. That night, Milo sat with Thomas and told him what he wanted to do, the bigger boy's eyes got larger and larger as the small thin boy told him about his plan, not only for the brick shed but for his own body, some of the things Milo said he would do almost scared the bigger boy, he found it hard to think that this small thin boy could do even half of what he said he would, Milo then told Thomas what he would need from him until he had the shed set up for its first visitors. On the next shopping day, Milo took out two bags of coins and carefully counted them out until he had a total of one hundred dollars, this he put into his small leather school bag after taking out all the books, it would make it easier to carry into the nearby town, once there he would go to the bank and change it into notes for easier use, Milo also recruited not only Thomas, but the other boy called Ivan, who had helped him carry the chest, he was also from his dorm, to help in the purchasing of the items he wanted, both boys would be rewarded after they had all the items. The shopping trip went well; even the two Brothers on duty to watch what the boys got up to, did not catch on to the three of them and how much they had brought with the roll of notes that Milo had dolled out, at the end of the day, and once back into the dorm with everything hidden away from prying eyes, Milo counted out what was left of the shopping money, it came to twenty seven dollars and a few cents, dividing it in two he gave it all to the two boys that had helped him, they could not believe their eyes as they took the two small rolls of notes into their hands, it was more cash than they had ever had at one time, Milo had just made life long trusted friends, albeit, paid for friends, but his sharp mind knew the value of having boys he could trust, his future ventures would need them sooner or later. During the following weeks, Milo would use one or other of his new friends to keep watch while he worked on cleaning the old abandoned shed, this took a little longer than he at first thought it would due to the fact he could only work when they had time off from their school and religious duties, but, at the end of five weeks, Milo had his new hiding place ready for the next stage, on the outside the shed looked no different, the dilapidated look had to be preserved for safeties sake, it was on the inside that the changes had been made. In the centre of the room was a large wooden table Milo had put together piece by piece, on one wall was a wooden cross fixed to the bricks with thin bolts, from the heavy central rafter hung a number of ropes and light chains and on the opposite wall from the cross was a large cupboard, every screw, nail and piece of timber had to be carried and worked on in secret, this had meant that at times, one or the other of the boys would sneak away during the night to take something or other down to the shed and hide it until Milo could work on that project but, now it was ready for the last touches and Milo would need the help once again of the older boy Thomas. It was during lunch break that Milo talked to Thomas, the older and larger boy thought carefully for a few minutes and then gave Milo a slow smile, to make sure they were not overheard, Thomas leant close to Milo and whispered in his ear for a short time, at first Milo was a little shocked, but, as Thomas talked, Milo saw the true possibilities of his plan, Thomas even had the right grownup for the work and so, Milo agreed, they would take care of the plan on their next shopping day. 3The Saturday of the shopping trip finally arrived, Milo, Thomas and Ivan soon split from the main group of boys as they roamed around the small town, as soon as they could get to a public telephone, Milo handed Thomas a few coins and the older boy made his call, as he hung up the phone, Thomas had a big smile on his face and then told Milo what was going to happen. As a diversion for the ever prowling Brothers, Thomas and Ivan would take the last of the coin filled bags to the bank and change them for Milo, he would go to the back of the bank and wait for Thomas's friend to arrive and pick him up, while he was engaged with the newcomer, Thomas and Ivan would go to the only internet cafe and begin their search for the list of items Milo had given them, they would take note of the IP addresses and give them to Milo that night, now it all depended on Thomas's friend wanting to help them and Milo was going to make sure he would want to. Everything went to plan, Milo was surprised to see that Thomas's friend was quite young, no more than thirty, his first glance at Milo and the sheer lust in his eyes, told Milo they had the right man, Milo quickly slid into the front seat of the sleek car and ducked down so he could not be seen, Thomas had agreed with the man that they could only be away for two hours and that Milo could not show any marks. The man looked down at the hiding Milo and smiled, he then told Milo his name was Rob but Milo could call him Sir and that he could strip right now and turn around and lift his butt so Rob could reach his hole while they drove, Milo knew what was to come but he had agreed and quickly removed his clothes, it gave him a very strange feeling to be kneeling on the floor of the car with no clothes on but he did as he was told. While Rob drove out of the town and into the country side, it took him no time at all to start working on the small hole of the boy on the floor, his thick finger caressing and pushing against the tightness, as soon as they were clear of the town, Rob told Milo to get up on the seat on his hands and knees and lay down so his young head was in Rob's lap but he could still keep fingering the boy. Milo complied with everything, whatever happened was all part of his bigger plan, it took only fifteen minutes for Rob to pull into his driveway, his house was grand and well hidden back amongst some tall trees, by this time, Milo's mouth was well and truly full of Rob's long thick shaft and his small butt now had two fat fingers buried to the last knuckle inside him. With little thought for Milo, Rob jerked his fingers out of the boy hole and tugged on Milo's hair to get him off his rampant rod, it was time to go inside and get down to the real reason for having the boy for an hour, Milo was told to leave his clothes in the car and was held by the back of the neck as he was steered into the house, he had little time to look around at the huge mansion as he was quickly directed down a short dark passage and into a dark room where he was fastened by the wrists to a hanging chain while Rob disappeared for a few minutes. On his return, Rob switched on an overhead light, it was very bright and for a few seconds, Milo could see nothing for the harsh glare but, slowly his eyes adjusted and he was able to see where he was, it was strange for him, the things in this room gave him a sense of fear and at the same time a warm thrill, there was so much stuff in the room, a lot of it he had no idea what it was for but some he recognised, he now knew he was in a real dungeon. Milo had little time to do much more than glance around before his mouth was filled with the taste of rubber, he was then re-cuffed by both wrists and ankles and they were attached to separate hanging chains, a soft hum began and Milo felt the four chains tightening as the slack was taken up, suddenly he was swept off his feet and within seconds he was hanging by the four chains from the ceiling, his legs spread almost as wide as they would go as were his thin arms, he was now pulled into the form of a cross without anything but his own arms and legs holding him. Looking down the length of his own body, Milo saw for the first time that Rob was completely naked and his huge erection was pointing right at the same level as Milo's open hole, Milo was sweating profusely as his slender arms and legs took the full strain of his weight and all he could do was watch as Rob smilingly moved towards his open hole, his long thick rod well greased with something, just as the thick rod touched his tightening hole, Rob spoke to Milo as he looked down at the sweating small boy, for Rob, it had been a long time since he had had a boy so young, it was a shame he only had such a short time with the boy, there was so much he wanted to do too him. "Well, boy, you know this is all going inside you, don't you? after I've had some fun I'll keep my bargain and help you out but first, I'm going to fill you so full of my cum you will want to return and really be taught how to be my bitch boy, of that you can be sure." Without another word and no more preparation than the fingering in the car, Rob took Milo by his slim hips and began to force all of his large member into the small boy, all Milo could do was toss his head from side to side and scream into the rubber ball in his mouth, his body twitched and swayed in the chains as the thickness kept forcing its way deeper until Rob had his course hairy bush hard against Milo's bare crotch, how it had all gone inside him, Milo could not understand, Rob was far bigger than Brother Bernard and now Milo was well speared by the man. Rob stood still as he felt the full effect of being inside such a small tight hole for the first time in ages, after planting his feet solidly on the stone floor, he took the slender hips of the boy and pushed away from himself while he watched as his shaft stretched and sucked at the edges of the tender white skin of the boy's hole, it was a delightful feeling as he pushed the boy further away until only his thick glans remained inside and the boy's hole was bulging outward, Rob then let go of the boy's hips and watched as his own body weight pushed the boy back down the length of his rigid shaft, the sight of it more than made up for the short time they would have together, Rob had made sure that the boy's legs were well splayed to the sides so he would not miss even an inch of the mobile penetration of the little hole. Milo had never felt anything like it but in the back of his mind he knew it was all for his bigger plan and so, in amongst the muffled cries and occasional scream, Milo continued to toss his head back and forth as his own weight drove him repeatedly down onto the thick shaft after each time Rob pushed him outward, at one point, the back and forth swinging almost worked as a rhythm for Milo and only the thick hardness kept him alert. Milo had no idea how long he was pushed and pulled onto the man's rod but eventually it became to much for Rob and the tight ring around his ever hardening tool became to much and, with one last push away with the swinging boy, Rob held onto the boy's hips and drove him back down as he stiffened and began to fill the small hotness that surrounded his shaft, Rob could only grunt and shudder as he filled the boy hole, at no stage did he look at the boy's face, it was his own needs that took precedence for now, the boy's part of the bargain would come when they left the house. As Milo felt the thickness inside him start to soften, his tear stained face let his bleary eyes look upward, he could now see the two thin metal rails fixed to the ceiling and the four thin chains attached to four separate electric motors, as he looked at them, he felt Rob pulling out of his ravaged hole but, before he was completely out, Rob reached somewhere and then held up a rubber thing, it was about five inches [12 cm] long and curved, it also had a thick part near the base and then it went thin again and finally flared out to a thin flat rubber piece, it was all shiny from some grease and as he watched down the length of his sweating body, Rob pulled fully out of his stretched hole and then immediately pushed the rubber tool deep inside him, the last wide thick piece made Milo feel as though Rob was entering him again but, as the thick part finally pushed all the way inside, Milo felt his tender hole flex around the thin part and hold it in place, Rob smiled at the hanging boy. "That plug is to remind you of me, you can remove it before you go to bed tonight but, don't forget to clean it, next time you come to me, you better have it inside you, got that boy?" Milo could only nod his head, seconds later he heard and felt himself being lowered to the cold stone floor, his arms and legs were still spread wide apart but at least now the strain was off his body as he touched the cold stone, his ordeal was over and now it was Rob's turn to keep his side of the bargain. It was a further ten minutes before Milo could move properly, or as properly as the thick rubber in his butt would allow and, he had to admit, it did feel nice inside him although he had a full stretched feeling but, each time he sat down, the curved part hit something deep inside his butt and sent a little shock through his body, it also kept his own small shaft hard, it felt as though his own little nail would never go down with the rubber inside him, during the whole time he was in the house, Rob kept him naked, his clothes were still left in the car until they were ready to return to town. Rob made Milo sit on the floor and tell him what he needed done in exchange for the sex, Milo quickly outlined what he needed, Rob took no notes but just nodded and kept a thoughtful look on his handsome face, what the boy asked was quite simple for him to do and was well worth the quick sex he had enjoyed, but he also knew that the boy would be back, the small kid had 'that' look about him, Rob was pleased with the results of his hour. Eventually they had to return, back in the car, Milo was kept on edge by every bump in the road as the rubber inside him moved and massaged his little spot, while it was a little uncomfortable it also was a great feeling, it was one more addition to his plan for the future, when they reached town, Milo gave Rob a small roll of notes he had kept in his trouser pocket, much to his surprise, Rob pushed them back into his small hand saying. "If you promise to come and see me often as you can, then I'll do this for free, it can be part of your payment but, you have to give me your most solemn promise to come back, if you do, I'll not only make you a good little bitch boy but teach you things you can use later, if you play this chance right you will also make a lot of money, of that I can promise, agreed?" Milo thought it over for only a few seconds, while his fucking had been hard and it hurt a lot, he also enjoyed it and knew he wanted to go back anyhow but this gave him a chance to learn so many new things and make some more cash as well, Milo crossed his heart and gave his promise, to his surprise, Rob tousled his hair and smiled at him. "You keep this up boy, and you are going to be a very rich boy in a few years. I'll drop you off at the same place, when you come into town next time everything will be ready for you and I'll pick you up at the same place, ok?" Milo smiled at Rob and in his best young voice said. "Yes Sir, I'll be waiting for you, and thank you for your help." "Think nothing of it, boy, just know that you are going to earn every thing that you get, ok?" "Yes Sir, thank you Sir." "Good boy, now off you go and see you next time." Milo glanced around as he left the car, he could see the outline of Thomas standing by the corner of the bank building, Ivan was nowhere in sight, with his butt still a little on fire and his hole filled with the rubber plug, Milo made his unsteady way over to Thomas, one look from his larger friend and Milo knew he understood everything that had happened to him, Thomas quickly took a stance that mostly hid Milo from the street, he then put his hand on Milo's shoulder and forced him to stop moving and lean against the brick wall of the building to rest until he could move without so much being noticed, from the corner of his mouth, Thomas asked Milo. "He plugged you huh?" "Yeah, feels funny but also good in a way." "He must really like you, he doesn't plug many boys, only the ones he really likes, did he ask if you would go back to see him?" "Yes, he said I can make lots of cash if I'll be good to him, is that real?" "Yep, he has contacts all over the world, if he asks you to go do movies, then that's where the big money is, the boys who do the movies make huge money, for a guy like him, Rob is pretty square with the boys." "Did you do movies for him?" "Nah, even as a kid your age I was big, for the type of movie they make you have to be young and small, the buyers don't like big kids, did he put his cock right in you?" Milo blushed as he looked up at Thomas, with a shy smile on his face, Milo described everything that had happened to him, even to the way he had been taken by Rob, after he had finished, Thomas whistled through his teeth and looked at Milo with a certain admiration. "Man, you got to be the only one I know that took all of him the first time, no wonder he wants you back, kid you are gonna be as rich as shit in no time, man, all of him, that is some workout." In an uncharacteristic motion, Thomas wrapped an arm around Milo's slender body and gave him a very quick tight hug before letting him go and stepping back to look around the corner to see that all was clear, once he was sure they could not be seen he asked Milo if he was ready to move without giving to much away, Milo took a step and, apart from the pressure inside his butt, he felt better able to walk, his own small nail was still rigid inside his jeans, it had not gone down at any stage, even after having a dry orgasm in the car it remained hard and solid in his tight jeans, the two boys left the side of the bank building and made their way into the main street, all the time Milo was conscious of the fat rubber inside him but as he moved he was better able to hide the intrusion to his gait. Much to the boy's surprise, it was only a week before they found out they would have a whole day off from the orphanage, they had forgotten that the following week was Easter, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, they had to spend most of their time on their knees in church praying and going to endless services but, on Monday morning at breakfast, they were all told they could do anything they liked until 7.00pm but, they had to be back by that time, to the three boys it meant only one thing, freedom and town, for Milo it meant his first return to Rob and all the things that he might have in store for him. During the week, Milo had been awoken late each night by one of the boys moving around, it was on the second night that he saw who it was, much to his surprise, it was Ivan, the boy would carefully look around at the sleeping boys then strip off his PJ's and disappear down the passage, even though he tried to stay awake to see how long Ivan was away, Milo never saw him return only that he was back in his bed when Milo woke up in the morning. Ivan looked very much like Milo in that he was the same age and about the same size but he had blonde hair that was just the opposite of Milo's dark mop, although Ivan's was more blondish red but body wise they were almost identical, if it were not for the hair then the two boys could easily have been brothers, Ivan's night time disappearances intrigued Milo and so, when they got to town early on the Monday morning and while Thomas was calling Rob, Milo steeled himself to ask Ivan what was going on, too his surprise, Ivan smiled and willingly told him what he was doing, as he was privy to what Milo was up too, he had little or no qualms about revealing his own exploits. Ivan told Milo that he was going to see Brother Benito each night, the Brother would drill him for more than two hours and he loved having such a long dick inside him, also Brother Benito would do him three and sometimes four times in one night. Ivan said he had to fold up a thick wad of toilet paper to stop all the juice from coming out and making his bed and PJ's wet but it felt so good. For Milo another plan flashed into his mind as soon as Ivan told him what he was doing, as a matter of interest, Milo asked Ivan how big Brother Benito's thing was. Ivan smiled shyly and circled his thumb and forefinger to create a circle showing Milo how thick around the Brother was, it was thinner than Brother Bernard or Rob but, when Ivan parted his hands to show how long it was, Milo almost choked. There was no way someone could be that long but Ivan just nodded his head and smiled that it was true, too Milo's eyes he guessed that brother Benito would have to be nearly twelve inches [30 cm] long, that was a very long piece to put into such a slim boy like Ivan, Milo could only shake his head in wonder. Just as they finished talking, Thomas arrived back and told Milo everything was set, he also looked at Milo with a smile and asked. "He wants to know if it's in." Milo blushed but nodded his head, yes. Ivan could only look on in bewilderment at the short exchange, Milo looked at him and smiled then told him he would explain later when he got back from his business with Rob, Ivan accepted without another word, they were all friends on a new adventure and there would be few secrets between them. When the sleek black car belonging to Rob, pulled up in the empty car park, Milo quickly slipped into the passenger side and crouched on the floor, he immediately began to wriggle out of his scant clothes, he had only put on a pair of baggy shorts and a tee shirt so that he could get naked quickly, as soon as he was naked, he turned around on the floor and spread his thin legs as wide as they would go in the confines of the front area and lifted his butt so Rob could see the end of the plug in his small butt, he heard Rob chuckle slightly at the sight, as he drove, Rob reached over and began to manipulate the plug so Milo was kept on edge for the whole trip to Rob's house, once there he was directed down the passage once again and into the dark dungeon where he was immediately gagged and told to stand still until Ron came back. On his return, Rob was dressed in thick leather chaps and a small cod piece to cover his bugling manhood, taking Milo by the arm he lead him over to the waiting table, then explained what was going to happen. "Today, I'm not going to fuck my bitch boy, instead something else is going to do the job for me, but first we have got to get you ready, come over here and bend over, then get on your hands and knees." Milo did as asked, when he bent over, Rob pulled the plug from his hole without waiting for Milo to get ready, next he lowered himself to the floor on his hands and knees while he waited for Rob to tell him what to do, there was a short pause before he felt Rob behind him again, his first sensation was of something slippery begin rubbed on and into his open hole, next something hard and cold was pushed against his relaxed hole and then pushed inside for what seemed like a long way, Milo heard a grunt of satisfaction from Rob. "This is an enema, it cleans your insides out, when the water stops you hold it until I say you can let it out, ok, boy?" Milo could only nod his head, at that stage he felt the first of the warm water begin to enter him, more and more kept going in until his small stomach began to ache with the amount of fluid now inside him, when the fluid stopped it seemed like forever before the pain made him groan. At this, Rob picked him up and took him to a toilet in the corner where he removed the replaced plug and, much to Milo's relief but not too his nose, there came a loud gushing sound and a horrible smell that filled the room. Milo could not believe that it all came from his own insides. Twice more Rob filled and emptied him before he was happy with the clean cold water coming out of the small butt. Milo had never felt so empty in his young life but he had little time to ponder the difference before he was picked up and laid face up on the big table in the middle of the room. For Milo there felt as though something was missing as his hands were pulled to the side of the table and his wrists clamped to the wooden top, next his legs were bent and pushed back until they were tucked up to his hips, they were then also clamped in place but left his hole open and easily accessible. Next Rob placed a padded block under his head so he could see down the full length of the table and his body at the same time, with little change of pace, Rob took a big finger full of some type of lube and started to work it into and around his now pulsing hole, Rob then disappeared for a little, Milo had no idea what was about to happen. Rob returned carrying a funny looking machine, it was on a thin metal base and had a small electric motor with a large toothed cog on one side, Rob put the machine on the table and adjusted it until he was happy, he then placed four bolts through holes in the machine and through the table where he tightened them into premade holes, Rob looked at the bound Milo and smiled. "My little bitch boy, you are about to be fucked like never before, I'm sure you're going to enjoy it just like the little bitch boy you are." Rob again disappeared but was soon back with a long shaft of metal with a thick screw at one end, laying the rod in a guide on the front of the machine and fixing it to the large cog on the motor. Rob then went to a wall cupboard and took out what appeared to be the longest and thickest rubber cock Milo could ever imagine, as Milo began to wonder what he had got himself into. Milo watched as rob began to screw the huge rubber cock onto the end of the thick rod. Once it was on tightly, Rob went behind the machine and began to turn a small handle. Milo watched as the huge rubber cock got closer to his upturned, open, bare hole until it was finally just touching the outer flesh. Milo almost shivered at the thought of all that going inside him, it looked as though it was even fatter than Rob himself and definitely longer. Milo gave another shiver, much to his surprise, Ron then turned the small handle until the rubber had pulled back quite a bit. The amused look on Rob's face almost made Milo want to scream. Milo soon found out that Rob was not finished with him yet. From underneath the table, Rob took two small thin flat clips, each had a thin wire attached. working quickly but with a gentleness Milo could not believe, Rob rubbed his small almost invisible nubs until they were fatter and tender. He then reached over Milo's slim chest and placed a clip on one of the boy's nubs, Milo's eyes shot open and his face showed pain as the clip fastened tightly over his tender nub, slowly the pain disappeared until he could feel only a dull throb. The next one had the same effect but Milo soon adjusted again, it almost felt pleasant in a strange sort of way. Next Rob took something else from under the table, it also had a thin tube attached, it was a short plastic tube lined with what looked like pink foam rubber. Rob took Milo's three and a half stiff inches [9 cm] and skinned back the thin pale foreskin until his small red head was exposed. With consummate ease, Rob pushed the tight fitting tube over the skinned back rod and secure it with a thin strap around Milo's small egg sack. To Milo it felt warm and nice, his little shaft had never felt so good encased in the tube, he could almost feel himself wanting to climax immediately. Rob went to the machine on the table and turned the cog by hand until it was in the right position, next he wound the handle forward until Milo could feel the big thick rubber pushing hard against his tightening hole. To Milo, it felt bigger than a man's arm although he knew it wasn't but it was still far bigger than anything he had had inside his small hole before. Much to his surprise and with a little force, the big rubber finally slipped into his hole. Milo felt as though he had been speared by a fence post. Ron looked and checked something on the machine before coming up beside the bound boy. "The time is now 9.30, by lunch time you will have asked me for all of that dildo to be inside you, do you believe me, boy?" Milo looked down the length of his body again at the massive rubber dildo, at least now he had a name for it. Milo shook his head no, there was no way that thing was going to fit all inside him, again he shook his head with an almost frantic gesture. Rob only smiled and gave Milo a look of disbelief, after a small adjustment to the machine, Rob pushed a switch and the electric motor began to hum softly. Much to Milo's surprise, he felt the huge rubber leave his hole, the sudden empty feeling took him by surprise but that thought didn't last long as the rubber moved towards him again and with nothing to stop it, forced its way inside. Milo could only grunt into his gag and shudder as the large penis went in and out of his tender hole, there was no adjustment for it just a steady rubbing of his skin and a filling and emptying, it was a steady penetration. Much to his dismay, Milo began to enjoy the sensation of it rubbing against the tender skin of his stretching hole. The ample lube that Rob had rubbed on and into him made it easier. After a short time, Rob stood beside him again, he had almost forgotten that the man was there, the feelings going through him from the machine had made him even forget the clamps on his tender nubs and the soft caress of the tube on his boyhood. "Do you want some more, boy?" Much to Milo's surprise he nodded his head, yes, and watched as Rob went to the end of the table and began to turn the handle again as the machine kept up its steady push and pull action, Rob kept turning the handle until he saw Milo squinch up his eyes in pain. Rob then walked back to the chair beside the table and out of Milo's sight line to continue to play with himself as he watched the boy's hole flex with the large dildo at work. He himself could not believe that the boy could handle something like this, it normally took him months to train a boy to take his auto fucker of this size. It had been only instinct that had made him try this on such a small framed boy, there was something about Milo that just screamed ability. Milo had no idea how much was going in and out of his now hot hole but it felt like a huge forearm. It was still at the same pace and it was not long before Milo's head began to want more, even he could not understand why he wanted more of that huge thing inside him but the thought would not leave him. It felt good and the smooth working in and out began to send him into a dreamlike state. From the side of the table, Rob watched the boy's reaction to the continued rubbing. Feeling when it was right, Rob got up and asked Milo if he wanted more, the glazed eyes of the boy only helped to convince Rob that he was something special. He went to the handle and began to turn it again but always watching the boy's eyes for the first sign of pain, much to his surprise the boy was now taking more than two thirds of the massive dildo. Ron adjusted the speed setting a little and the huge log moved a little faster in the boy, all Rob could hear was the groan of pleasure from the small body. It was time to introduce a new sensation in the boy's body. Rob pulled the small black box from under the table and set the first dial at 2 and then the second dial at 'random'. Immediately he saw the result as Milo's chest heaved at the first light shock to his tender nubs, at first it went from right to left and, just as Milo began to feel good about it, the small shocks changed and he could no long follow the pattern. The fullness in his butt was forgotten as his mind tried to concentrate on when and where the next shock would come from, had he taken the chance to look down between his slim open legs, he would have been shocked at how much of the dildo was going inside him but that was all forgotten as Rob turned the dial to 3. Milo now had a lot more to think of, just as it seemed it would take over his whole body, Milo felt something else happening. From the clear plastic tube over his still raging hard nail, there came a soft sensation of a pulsing feeling, it was as though someone was holding his small rod in a soft warm hand and squeezing it gently. It was too much for Milo and he was overtaken by a huge climax that almost sent him into another world, but the shocks and the steady ravaging of his now looser hole continued unabated as did the pulsing around his now tender cockhead. Milo had no idea how long he was there, everything just kept going at the same pace, when the thought and feeling of his first massive orgasm was just a memory and his body was crying out for more sensation; Rob asked him the same question once again. "Do you want more, my bitch boy; do you want all of that nice fat cock up your tight hole?" In his almost delirious state, Milo could only nod that he wanted more, it all felt so good he couldn't say no to anything that happened to him now. His eyes were glazing over as Rob turned the handle again and watched as the full length of the large dildo disappeared into the red and pulsing hole of the boy. Milo didn't even blink as the fullness entered him, now he only felt like he was flying on a mountain of good feelings. Even after Rob increased the shocks to his tender nubs, Milo could only accept them as part of the great feelings of floating. During the next hour, Milo had no idea he had climaxed more than ten times, all he could think about in his befuddled mind was the thick rod massaging his hot hole, the shocks coming at unusual times and the soft pulsing over his now strained three and a half inches [9 cm], he was now just a lump of sexual bliss. Milo was also unaware of the fact that Rob had shot three times over his face, neck and chest. His small body was covered in white sticky cum but he was unaware, all he wanted was for these feelings to go on forever. However, Rob knew better, he had never in all his life, seen a boy able to take and do what this one had but, Rob also knew it was time to call a halt. Too much and the boy would be ruined and he had bigger plans for him than to spoil him now. The size of the dildo had only been a test of the boy's ability to take big dick and to see how he reacted to pain stimulation. He had to give Milo a ten across the board, this slender young boy was a gold mine waiting to be quarried. As he watched Milo swoon in his hidden pleasure, Rob retook note of the settings on the boy's instruments. There were going to be a lot of very surprised people on the net over the next week and this young boy was going to be a very rich boy before he was 25. Rob began to turn down the machines attached to the boy, a little at a time, the worst thing he could do was stop it all of a sudden, the boy would go into overload and that could be dangerous with one so young so Rob took his time. As he finally wound the handle manually to remove the still shiny dildo from the red and ravaged hole of the boy, he could hear the moan of displeasure coming from Milo's gagged mouth. It was close to 11.30 and the boy would need a long rest before he could go back to his home. While Milo was coming down from his experience, Rob turned around and switched off the camcorder that had been keeping tabs on everything that went on. A lot of it would be cut out and kept separate but the most interesting parts would go out tonight for viewing by his site members, no one would know who the boy was as Rob would blur the boy's features so no identification could be made. He had to protect not only himself, but the boy as well, unlike a lot of the men in this business, Rob had very high standards and would not break them for anyone. Rob gently removed all of Milo's restraints and picked the boy up in his arms to take him to the shower for a long warm cleaning. He would then lay him down for a sleep and after some food, it would then be time after Milo had rested, to discuss what he had in mind for him and to show Milo the results of their last meeting. Milo was quickly asleep in the soft bed as Rob went to set up his site and get the video processed for downloading, two hours later and he was done. He was almost amused to see that even as he was putting the finishing touches to the new video, the numbers were beginning to climb, he also knew that anything new was likely to climb quickly for a short time but, it was the long haul that told the true value of the videos. Milo woke from his rest to the feeling of being very empty, but his body was all a tingle as the soft sheet over him rubbed against his tender nubs, his boyhood felt as though it would never get hard again and his butt only wanted something inside it again, he was also starving. With a soft moan he rose from the bed and called for Rob. When he got an answer he followed the sound of the voice until he came into a large office like room with lots of computer screens showing a boy with his face all fuzzy, there was a big thick rubber dildo moving in and out of the boy's butt. Suddenly, Milo realised it was himself on the table and that the dildo looked even more huge as it speared him. At the bottom of the screen he saw a small dial showing the numbers going up and up, Milo stood and watched transfixed by the room and what he saw. Rob turned to him with a huge smile. "Hey, bitch boy, how do you feel, are you hungry?" "Yes Sir." "Good boy, ok wait here and I'll get something for you, what do you think of your first movie?" Milo could only stand and stare, the question was not even heard by him as he watched the short movie of his butt full of rubber. "Thought it would get you, you see those numbers at the bottom? Those are all the men watching, they only get to see two minutes of the film, if they want more they have to pay me for the whole movie and, that's where you also win, but I'll explain it to you better while you eat." Rob disappeared and within a few minutes was back with a full hot pizza for Milo. Putting it on a table, he told Milo to tuck in while they talked, Milo didn't need to be told twice and so grabbed a piece and began to inhale it as Rob began to tell him everything as he took an envelope from a drawer in one of the desks. "This is for you, it's got everything we talked about last time, the credit card and bank account is with a friend of mine that is the manager of a local bank. Anytime you need to take money out, you use the card along with the letter of authorisation, it will prove you are allowed to withdraw the money. It's signed by your guardian, me. You can also use it online to buy all those things you wanted. Now also in there is your papers for the private mailing box where you can send everything you order off the internet, ok so far?" "Yes Sir, thank you Sir." "Now the next thing is this movie of yours. If you agree, we will make a lot more of them, each time I sell one on the net you will get a percentage, for instance, this is your first one, I'm going to be generous as it's your first time. Each time it is ordered, I will deposit 40% into your bank account, all the others after that you will get 30% but also a lot of extra expenses, the rest is mine and goes to pay for the equipment and the postage of the discs. Now have a look at the numbers, you see how it is speeding up?" Milo nodded as he watched the numbers building at a fast pace, he then saw another dial light up on the screen, the numbers on that one moved slower but continued to build steadily, when it reached 100, Rob said. "There you go my little bitch, you just made $400.00 and climbing." Milo could not believe his eyes or his ears, in less than two minutes he had just got $400.00 and it was still going up, he could only shake his head in wonder. "Now, I've got a present for you but you have to keep it secret, do you have somewhere safe that you can keep it?" Milo nodded, if it was not too big it would fit in his chest or, he could take it to the shed and keep it there, Rob handed him a flat box covered in bright yellow paper "Open it and see what it is, this is just an extra thank you for being so good, also you will need it for your other ventures." Taking his time, Milo carefully opened the package, inside was a smooth box with a picture of a laptop computer on it. Milo's eyes opened wider as he looked up at the large smile on Rob's face. "This, this is really mine?" "Yep, nothing is too good for my best bitch boy. It's all set for the net and the account will come to me, it will be paid for out of your earnings and each month I will show you your account balance at the bank, all your movie money will go straight into your bank so those black crows at the orphanage never need know about it. Open the box and lets put your details into the security system." Milo did as told and minutes later he was ready to log onto the net. From now on he could order anything he wanted off the net and no one would know of his age. After all he had been through today, it was still the best day of his young life, his plan was moving faster than he ever thought possible. When Rob dropped him off at the bank again, Milo had carefully rewrapped the laptop so it could not be seen. When he was recharging it he would have to be careful but he thought he could do that at night when the others were sleeping, if not he would find another way. He also now had a way of contacting Rob by email at anytime he needed, it had been a very successful day. On the following Friday night, he logged onto the internet and checked his bank details. What he saw stunned him into a trance, the numbers looked huge to his young mind. There was no way he could have made that much money just from a movie, the few rolls of notes he still had in his chest were nothing compared to what he saw in his statement. In one single week, his first movie had given him just over seven thousand dollars, it was a fortune beyond his understanding, again his mind went into plan mode. His shed was now ready and Thomas and Ivan had begun to spread the word among the older boys, for now he only had some rope and chains but the next visit to town would let him clear his mail box of the things he had ordered online, that's when it would get really good, for the first time in his revamped shed, Milo was taken by eight older teens, none of them wanted to do anything apart from tying him over the table and taking turns at his open hole, being all young and healthy, they soon filled him and left so the next boy could do it, Milo had made $40.00 in that one hour although his small hole felt well used and his slim belly seemed to almost slosh with the juices inside him but, he was happy, his plan was working. 4It was only three months until his thirteenth birthday, he was now shooting a small amount of clear white juice each time he climaxed although the older teens that used his butt couldn't have cared less if he did or not, it was all about the use of his tight hole and the fact he had all sorts of things they could use to torture him with. Milo had become quite adept at resisting the pain, even up to having his white butt striped with a cane, his new gag was also fun as it was the same shape as a boy's penis and felt good when a boy was inside his butt. It was now time for a town visit, the first one after Easter that they could get out. Milo sent an email to Rob and got an answer within minutes, it told him that Rob would be waiting for him and that there was another movie being planned. It also said that his first movie was still being ordered and that it was close to the most popular one Rob had ever had, Milo could almost feel his small chest swell with pride, his plan was on the way. When Rob picked him up in the car, he handed a piece of paper to Milo, it was from the bank. One glance and Milo's mouth dropped open, it was more money than he had ever dreamed of and Rob told him that there had been a lot of requests for more movies of Milo. When they got to Rob's house, Milo was already naked and hard but this time Rob led him through to his bedroom and not the dungeon. He was told that this time Milo was going to learn other things that would make the next movie even better but to do the movie he wanted to do, Rob would have to find another boy about the same age and size as Milo. In Milo's mind a boy suddenly appeared, he knew just who would be good if only he agreed to it; Milo told rob about Ivan and how he could take all of Brother Benito's long rod. Rob thought for a minute them smiled. "Do you think he would do it with you on a movie?" "I think so, he does seem to like being with Brother Benito every night and if he can get paid for it I'm sure he would like to try it." "Good, then you talk to him and tell him he gets 30%, it can go into your account until I get one for him but, don't tell him how much you get, keep your money secret from everyone." Milo was then taken to the bed and told to lay down, his small thin shaft was already to go as he watched Rob strip his clothes off and climb on the bed beside him. For the next hour, Milo was taught about kissing, sixty niners, reaming and sucking, at the end he felt he could do any of it properly. He also loved it all, especially when Rob reamed him so deep he thought he was being fucked again although that soon came about as Rob knelt over him and raised his slim legs high and wide to bury his own rampant rod deep inside the boy and pounded away with abandon until the boy felt as though he had been filled full of Rob's juice. When he was let off at the back of the bank again, Milo felt fulfilled and happy, he know knew all manner of new things to make his sex life and his plan even better, it was just a matter of talking to Ivan now to get a new movie and make a lot more money. The talk with Ivan proved to be easy and the agreement to do the film with Milo was even easier after Milo told him how much money he might make. Milo kept the amount of money down to a thousand dollars, that was a huge amount that Ivan could understand but Milo knew it would be more, he was now at a stage where even the teenage fumblings in the shed did little to excite him apart from keeping prying eyes out of his main business and his long term plan. Four weeks later and with all the arrangements made, Milo and Ivan stood at the back of the bank waiting for Rob to arrive. On the corner keeping a sharp look out stood Thomas, he was happy with his new job of protecting the smaller boys, he was also happy with the raise in his money from Milo. He could now buy most things he wanted but had to keep his wits about him with the ever prowling Brothers. Like Milo, he had asked Rob to open an account at the bank for him, at seventeen he was almost old enough to do it himself but he was happy to let Rob do it with his friend at the bank. His payment from Milo could now be deposited directly from one account to the other so no one saw any cash change hands except for the teen boys who went to use Milo in the old shed. Milo had only a month to go until his thirteenth birthday although he still looked like a very young eleven as did Ivan. Unknown to the boys, Rob had begun to make a plan for them to get out of the orphanage but he had to find the right person to be their guardian, it was a side comment to Rob that gave him the idea that may make his plan possible. As they were driving towards his house, Milo told Rob that in a week he would lose the use of Thomas as a defender and protector as Thomas would turn eighteen and would have to leave the orphanage and begin to make his own way in the world. Milo had no idea why Rob's face brightened and he smiled at Milo with an almost friendly look on his face, Rob began to make plans for when he took the boys back after the filming. This time, Milo noticed they were not going to Rob's house but further into the approaching forest. After thirty more minutes driving, Rob stopped at a large steel mesh gate beside the road, after opening the gate and driving through, he then sent Milo back to close it even though Milo did not have a stitch of clothing on just like Ivan, they had both been made to strip as soon as the car left the city limits. Milo's supposition had been right, apart from the reddish blonde hair, Ivan's body was almost a duplicate of his own in size and shape except Ivan's boyhood was a little longer and thicker. After a short drive up the closed road, the car came to a halt outside a white house with a large barn out back. The boys were told to get out and walk towards the barn while Rob got out his camera equipment. Both boys were immediately hard as the fresh country air hit their exposed bodies. From the barn they could hear the deep voice of a man talking to someone, waiting by the closed doors, the boys waited for Rob to join them. The gruff voice from inside continued talking harshly to someone, it gave the boys shivers and they hoped they had not made a mistake. Rob stopped them outside the closed doors. "Now, Ivan, do you like a nice hard cock way up in your little boy hole?" Ivan blushed and nodded that he did enjoy it. "Good, now my little bitch boy here loves it too, what I want you to do in there is have fun. I don't want you to be afraid when you see who is going to be inside you, it's all part of the movie and my partner and I would never let you be seriously hurt. We've set up a little story line for you both and we'll be filming it the whole time, just follow our instructions and enjoy the fuck, I can guarantee you are going to find it different but enjoyable, ok?" Both naked boys nodded and got ready to go into the closed barn, when they entered they saw that the centre of the barn had been fenced off with a round wire net cage about eight feet [2½ m] in diameter, at the side of the barn, against one wall were two large black dogs in kennels, the dogs looked alert as though they were waiting for something. Rob came over and handed the two boys a pair of old cut off coveralls, they were well worn but the boys could easily see they were very clean and smelled fresh. They had only one single strap and the legs were very short and ragged, the bibs would hang so that anyone could see part of their young chests. Rob told them to put the clothes on and then stand inside the ring as he went around and checked the four small video cameras that they had set up to cover every move in the wire ring. The boys stood in the middle of the ring and waited, they could here the low growls from the two dogs but a single word from the tall thin man stopped them quickly and they lay down again but their eyes never left the two boys standing alone in the ring. Even then, the boys did not click onto what was going to happen. The filming began, at first the boys were made to pretend to straighten the straw on the floor as though they were getting the ring ready for something. As they moved closer to the middle they were then told to look each other in the eye, after a few seconds they were told to start kissing each other. While for Ivan it was a first, for Milo it now clicked why he had been taught by Rob and so he led the way for Ivan, they were soon in a tight embrace and it looked as though they were really into it when Rob called for them to pull the single strap off each others shoulder and let there coveralls fall to the floor. Both their hard little shafts were now dripping and their slim bodies seemed to meld into each other as though it had been a plan for them all along to fit together. As they kissed and had a tongue fight, the thin man came up close to them and sprayed a clear watery solution on their bellies and privates then left the ring. The boys kept up the face sucking until they heard a low growl by their sides, the two dogs were now slavering as they tried to push their cold noses in between the two boys' bellies. Rob told the boys to pull apart and let the big black dogs in between them. Immediately the boys did so the dogs began to sniff and lick them all over their fronts, their bellies, hard shafts and small ball sacks got a tongue bath like they could never imagine and, while the dog's tongues were rather rough, it was a pleasant roughness and the boys soon found that they liked it more and more. While the dogs licked and slavered over the slender boy bodies, Rob stepped into the ring and quickly pushed a thick finger covered with lube into each boy's hole, it suddenly dawned on the boys who was going to be inside them as they saw the thin man come and spray their thin butts with the same watery solution. The two dogs suddenly lifted their heads and smelt the air, then both quickly went behind the boys and started pushing their cold noses in between the boy's butt cheeks, their long wet tongues pushing and lapping at the boy's greased holes. Rob could see the two large dog cocks poking out hard and dripping and so he told the boys to kneel down on their hands and knees facing each other so they could go back to kissing. The boys did as they were told, before their lips could touch, the two dogs had jumped on them from behind and their hard pointed rods were jabbing urgently at the small greased holes. As the boy's eyes opened wide and their lips touched, both dogs found entry and with a jump pushed fully into both boys with a hard thrust. The boy's eyes watered and they grunted loudly as the dogs began a fast rabbit action inside their butts, it was not as bad as the boys thought it would be except that the dog's cocks felt like long thick pieces of steel and had no softness like a man's did. The dogs had grasped the boys around their slim hips and were holding on as though their lives depended on it, their bent backs giving more thrust to their strong hind legs as the fast rabbit speed of their rods pounded into the boys without mercy as the big dogs slavered over their backs with copious amounts of drool. When the end came, both boys were totally unprepared for it, it was then they found out why they were going to be paid so well. Almost in unison, the two dogs gave a low growl and, with one more might heaving thrust, they pushed their huge swollen knots deep inside the boys to make sure that none of their hot seed left the warm holes, the boys were now well bred. Too the boys it came as a large shock, there was at first just the continual pounding on their butts by the thick shafts of the dogs, then came something they had never expected, with a huge lunging jump, the boys felt something big, hard and thick rammed deep inside them and force their small sphincters wider than they thought possible. The dogs were still growling as the boys felt something hot pulsing into them, they could not move away from the thick ring that held them tight to the dogs. Neither boy knew how often the dog's long hot rods spurted into them, all they could feel was the thick ring holding them in place as the dogs continued to pump juice into them. Their arms and legs felt like lead but any movement made the thick ring inside them hurt their holes and so the boys had to wait and stay as still as their weakening arms and legs would let them. After what seemed like hours, the dogs suddenly stopped the small thrusts of pumping juice into the boys and, with another sudden movement, they were off the boys. But for the boys it was not yet over, as the dogs got off the bred boys, they turned around and faced the other way so that the boys were now facing away from them and joined only by the well knotted shafts still inside their small butt holes. Both boys let out a yelp of pain as the dogs stood facing away from them, the pressure on their young holes was huge as the knots stayed thick and hard. The dogs stood facing the other direction and just panted as they waited for their knots to relax, until then all four were joined. Too the boys it seemed they were attached to the dogs for ever as their arms gave out and they rested their heads on the straw covered floor, their butts being held up high by the joined dogs, after a while the knots began to soften and the dogs forcefully pulled from the boys with no thought for the two humans behind them, the boys yelped with pain and, with white thick dog juice dripping from their red and open holes, collapsed onto the straw. The thin man called the dogs and put them back into their kennels. Rob went to the boys and patted them both on the head as he lifted them up and carried them to a side of the barn that had a small shower built into it. The boys' sore holes were still dripping dog juices as they were washed and towelled dry then let lie down on a soft mattress on the floor to rest. While the boys rested, Rob began to work on his video, editing out parts that would best not be seen like the thin man spraying the bitches pheromones on the boy's bodies and butts as well as anything that would distract from the main purpose of the video. The thin man watched over Rob's shoulder as he ran through all the video footage and gasped and grunted as he saw how good it was going to look. When Rob was finished he looked at his partner and smiled, this was going to be one of the best videos they had made and they had made a lot but it was something about the two boys that gave this one something extra, as the old saying went, 'money in the bank'. Both men agreed it was one of the best, they both turned and looked at the two boys that could have been brothers. It was then that Rob got the idea to market them as that, two brothers who liked to be fucked at the same time. It would be a first for his site and was bound to make a lot of cash for all of them. Milo and Ivan slowly came awake, looking around they saw the two men watching them with a smile on their faces. Slowly the two boys got too their feet and waddled over to where the men stood, their little holes still sore from the heavy pounding they had received from the large dogs. Rob and the thin man quickly laid a hand on each of the boys' shoulders and gave them a quick hug. Rob then explained what they thought to the two boys, at the end, Rob asked if they would like to do other things like that together. Milo quickly agreed, all he could see was the dollars rolling in and his long term plan getting better and better, he was prepared to do anything to make it all happen. Ivan took a little longer but eventually realised that he did indeed like having something big and hard inside him, and if he was going to get paid for it then it was even better, he also liked Milo a lot and, after giving it a little more thought, decided he enjoyed watching Milo's slim body being covered by the huge black dog and the way his young face had grimaced and his small body shook with the power of the animal. Rob carefully checked both boys to make sure there was no long term damage and let them go to the car and get dressed, after a short discussion about the possibility of another movie soon, Rob then left his partner and drove the boys back to the parking lot where Thomas waited patiently on the corner. The three of them had just over an hour to get back to the orphanage. Before they left for their dorm, Rob pulled Thomas aside and talked to him at length. As he talked, the two boys could see Thomas's face lighten up more and more, it appeared as though something good was about to happen to the large protector the boys had, they couldn't wait to ask him questions when they were all alone. Over the next week, after Thomas had told the two boys what he had discussed with Rob, they made their plans. If it all came together it was going to be a real life for them, no more brutal Brothers, no more being used by any boy in the orphanage no more having to be on their knees for hours at a time for something none of them believed in anymore. It would be freedom. Thomas told them they would have to wait until they were thirteen before they could leave but by then he would have everything ready with the help of Rob. They only had to wait less than a month and so the two boys nodded that they would behave themselves until then. Thomas also put out the word to the older boys that they were to leave the two boys alone, no more screwing in the shed and no bullying or he would return to settle with the person. 5Thomas had come of age and left the orphanage, three weeks later both Milo and Ivan had turned thirteen, Milo was three days before Ivan. Just after Ivan's birthday, the two boys were called to the Head Brother's office out near the main entrance hall, waiting in the office with the brother were two other strangers, the man looked to be successful and the woman was well dressed and looked very rich, both had huge smiles on their faces as they saw the two boys walk into the office, the Brother was all smiles and hand wringing, the boys did not see the thick roll of bank notes tucked into one of the desk drawers. The Brother introduced the two boys to the adults. "Well my boys, you are very lucky, this is Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, they have decided they want to adopt you, now as you know boys, this is a very rare thing for boys your age but these fine Christian folk seem to think you both deserve a chance at a better life, what do you have to say to them?" Both Milo and Ivan looked at the two rich looking adults, with the Brother not being able to see the faces of the two prospective parents, the man winked at the boys and mouthed the word, 'Rob'. Milo and Ivan smiled hugely as they understood that this was a part of the plan Thomas had outlined for them. They greeted the two adults with very innocent boy voices and ducked their heads as though embarrassed but, it was more to hide the wide grins on their faces. An hour later and the boys were being led out of the orphanage by their new 'parents' both boys carried a sheaf of papers signed by the head Brother that said they were officially adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Wallis and the address they would be living at, in the trunk of the car was Milo's chest and two small suitcases that held the limited number of clothes the boys had. Milo had not touched any of the money in his account as Ivan also had, that was to be left in secret and let grow until they were old enough, only small purchases were made like sweets and things to keep up appearances in front of the other boys. The two adults drove the boys to the far edge of the city and pulled up in front of a towering block of new looking apartments, standing on the front steps waiting for them was Thomas and Rob. They both had broad smiles on their faces as the two boys jumped from the car. Mr. Wallis if that was his real name, went to retrieve the boy's cases and the big chest for Milo. Ten minutes later and the boys walked into a large three bedroom apartment, to their surprise, after dropping off the cases and chest, the Wallis's walked down the hall and into another apartment further along from the boys. It would be much later that the boys would learn that the 'Wallis's' were special friends of Rob's and that 'Wallis' was not their true name. Rob spent the next hour with the boys too explain all they needed to know, for schooling he had set up a home school system so they would not have to go out with other boys into a strange school. All they had to do was keep up a reasonable grade and send it in on Milo's computer. Just before he left, Rob gave Ivan his own papers and credit card for his bank account, one look at the amount on the bottom of the page and Ivan nearly collapsed on the floor of their new home. Rob smiled at the boy's reaction as he left them to get settled in, Ivan was still spluttering and stammering at the figures he was looking at. It seemed almost impossible at his age to comprehend such a large figure and all of it from only one video, his innate need for the things others had and they in the orphanage had little chance of getting was now being awoken as he looked time and again at the total of his own personal bank account. That night was a time of celebration for the three boys, during the small private party, Thomas told them everything that had happened and what was expected of them by Rob and his hidden partners. He also told them that social services would make random visits to check on the boys but the 'Wallis's' would be there to play parents when it happened. Thomas had his own room and the boys would share the other one, the third bedroom was made up to look like the adults' bedroom. They would also have to keep the apartment in good order just as though their parents were around every day, for the boys who had had to live under the rules of the orphanage it was not going to be a problem. The next day, Thomas showed the two boys how to use a woman's special cream to rid them of any small hairs. It was important, he explained that the boys always looked as though they had no hair under their arms or around their boyhood. As the boys had very little to show they had no problem with the order. Thomas then showed them the large PC on a desk in the corner of the living room, he switched it onto Rob's site, which they had free VIP membership too and the boys settled down to watch their video. It was only into the first ten minutes that Thomas pulled out his larger than life shaft and raised an eyebrow at the two boys. An hour later and both boys were left on the floor panting and well fucked by Thomas. It was one of the perks he now had and both boys had no objections, his large thick tool felt easier on their butts than the hard pounding dogs had been. Over the next week, the boys were left alone to acclimatise to their new surroundings and to work out how to do their limited amount of school work on the computer. They also learnt from Thomas how to give good blow jobs and to deep throat his thick tool, other lessons included how to take nipple clamps and being used for watersports, although Milo had no trouble with the clamps but the watersports were new and took a little getting used to. Each morning both boys were given enemas until they were used to it, sometimes direct from Thomas's large rod and sometimes from a plastic bag and tube. By the end of the week the boys were comfortable with all the new things, Ivan even looked forward to being Thomas's toilet in the mornings. The hot piss directly into his small hole and the full feeling afterwards were only superseded by the hot slightly burning sensation of the liquid being forced out of his boy hole afterwards. In the evenings, just before the two boys went to bed, Thomas would lube up a large butt plug for each boy and push it inside. It was to enlarge the boys for anything later. At first the boys found it hard to sleep well with their holes pushed open like that but after three days, they almost began to look forward to it, especially when they found out that sixty-nining with the thick plugs in them was a lot of fun before they went to sleep. The only thing none of the boys except Thomas, was aware of, were the hidden cams throughout the apartment. That was the only secret held back from them, it was done by Rob so the boys would not be aware and would act naturally in front of the many hidden cameras. He was streaming the video directly overseas to VIP members that paid a large extra fee for the live feeds, this also added daily to the boys' bank accounts. Rob had his reputation for the best of boy porn and well knew the value of being fair with his boys. The three in the apartment were the first full time boys Ron had attepted to have, for all his other videos and films, he would use temps or boys from the lower income housing lots around the city and pay them on the spot. But his new venture was proving to be even more lucrative than he first thought it would be and he had no intention of losing the three geese that were laying such a huge golden egg. *** For the next three years the boys lived as a small family, Rob's contacts in government meant that the three were very rarely inspected, and so they were able to make their videos for Rob every two weeks without interference. Their bank accounts built and built as the money rolled in, over their time with Rob, the boys showed intriguing abilities, Milo had a head for business and investment, Ivan proved to be a true linguist and Thomas turned out to have an eidetic memory and with little teaching, soon became a very good hacker, he could translate and create computer code almost as fast as the computer it self. As Milo and Ivan turned seventeen, Milo received a special message on his new mobile phone. It was a coded message especially set up by Rob in case of trouble. After he read the message. Milo contacted his two friends and pulled from under his bed, the small metal box given to him by Rob. It contained all the names of the VIP members and how to set up another netsite, Rob knew he was in for a lot of trouble but wanted the boys to be free to follow their natures. When Thomas got the message from Milo he went into a pre-planned set of events so that the three could disappear. Two hours later and there was no sign of the boys when a force of ten FBI agents raided the apartment, their case was now growing thinner as the evidence disappeared before they could do much, Rob had planned well for this eventuality. It was only due to his contacts inside government that he had been able to have time to destroy most of the evidence against him. When the FBI called on him, his whole computer system was nothing but burnt ash and broken pieces, his long list of site members was nowhere to be found. Rob also knew he was in for a long stretch even though the evidence was thin but he also had the pleasure of knowing that his three boys would continue his work and his personal overseas bank account would still be looked after. 6Milo was woken from his reverie by the sound of his mobile, with a quick glance he saw Ivan's number come up on the small screen. As he lifted the phone to his ear, his latest house boy arrived with coffee, the boy was fifteen years old and slender, he was a little taller than Milo and his dark chocolate skin shone in the morning sun. He had been sent to Milo by Ivan from a side trip to Nigeria, the boy had been living on the streets after being freed from his position as a boy soldier. Milo smiled at the boy as he put the coffee pot on the table beside the lounger then, with a large white toothed smiled that lit up his dark face, dropped the cloth wrap around his slender hips, his long semi flaccid shaft beginning to harden as he sat astride the lounger, his very small curly and wiry bush barely visible above the thick shaft as Milo lifted his still slender legs up onto the arm rests and opened his smooth hole for what was to become a regular morning ritual. As the boy shifted closer to the open invitation, his rod now hard and ready to enter the hot place waiting for him, Milo talked to Ivan, even as the bulbous head pushed hard against his waiting hole, Milo sighed with satisfaction. At the other end of the sat-phone, Ivan heard the long sigh and giggled as he tried to imagine how Milo was feeling about the gift he had sent him, while they began to discuss business. "Hi Ivan, so what have you got so far?" "Thirty two; all between eleven and fourteen." "Do they really understand what they are coming to do?" "Yes, of course, I explained everything in detail, even the two year contracts and what they meant, the boys fully understand and are still ready to go." "Good, ok, I've got a message from Thomas; he has all of his hacker contacts ready to start the system so that everything will go through as many countries before download as they can make it, all of the old members have been informed that we will be up and running again within a month and they will be able to book a place on the island within three months." "Sounds great, has everything been cleared up from the last mess?" "Yes we got it cleaned just in time, I don't think Interpol are very happy about losing this one, when you've finished there, I've got one more trip for you." "I'll be done in one more day, what is it?" "This boy, Garou, he has two cousins still in Nigeria and wants to know if we can get them here to join him, he assures me that they are right into everything." "Ok, can you give me their names and ages, I can be in Nigeria in three days but I don't want to stay there too long, it's still not safe." Ivan heard Milo grunt and then whisper something to someone close, Milo was soon back on the phone but his breath was coming in short sharp breathes, it was obvious that he was being well pounded as he talked on the phone. "Ok, Ivan, they are in the same city, you should be able to find them on the sea front hanging out, the youngest one is ten and a total bottom according to Garou, his name is Bata, the other cousin is fourteen and is as big as Garou and just as randy, his name is Kandi, do whatever you have too to get them out as quick as you can." "Ok, will do, anything else?" "No, that's it, see you when you get home, Thomas will be here tomorrow, he said he has found a friend but he wouldn't say anything about him yet, see you when you get here and, Ivan!" "Yes?" "Keep safe." "Ok, bye." The sat-phone went dead in his ear as he felt the last long hard thrust pulverise his tender prostate as Garou began to pump his young teen juice into him, Milo could only groan and sigh as he felt his house boy fill him for what would not be the last time that day, Garou had remarkable recuperative powers and was like an ever ready battery, after the small grimace of his ejaculation, Garou's dark face split open with a flashing white smile as he withdrew from the hot hole of his new boss. Five days later and the three friends were sitting on the wide veranda watching the reconstruction of the little port town below them, Garou appeared with the coffee tray as well as the two newly arrived cousins, Bata was a tiny thin little boy and Kandi was just a little shorter than Garou but a lot thinner, mainly from the hard street life he and his smaller cousin had lived up until this time, both boys looked tired and their eyes were bleary from the long flight, neither of them were in any fit state to do much more than sleep at this stage. Garou spoke only a little English and Bata none but with Ivan's linguistic abilities, their normal French was no effort, Kandi though, had been semi educated in a mission school for five years and spoke very good accented English, the three boys would be installed in the household and, if they wished, could join the soon to arrive other boys in the town resort if they wanted too, it took little persuasion by Garou to convince the two cousins to remain in the main house, Bata, even though he was nearly asleep on his small feet, was already eyeing the crotches of the three men who had saved him from the streets and an early grave. Thomas's friend was also young and small, he was a thin blonde Slavic boy of about twelve and would not leave Thomas's side for anything, he clung close as though his very young life depended on it. Thomas kept him wrapped in one arm all through the morning ritual of coffee and business talk, Thomas told the others that Sasha spoke no English and all he wanted was somewhere and someone safe to be with. He was the youngest brother of one of the hackers in the Ukraine and had been in danger of being taken by the Russian Mafia to be used as a boy whore on the streets of Europe, Thomas had quietly smuggled him out as a favour for his hacker friend, the boy would not leave his side. As they drank their coffee, Milo told them about the forward bookings for their new adventure in gay resorts, even though they still had three months before it would be ready and the boys on the staff had been trained in all their functions, every bungalow had been booked out for five months in advance and each bungalow had a good deposit put on it by the proposed visitors, with the cheap labour costs, they were already close to being in the black with the venture, the video business was close to restarting after the close shave with Interpol but now, they were on their own private island and could not be touched, with some large payments to some prominent government officials in the Greek parliament, they also could not be extradited. It had taken Milo sixteen years of hard work and sometimes danger, many long hours spent in dungeons being used by all and sundry both with animals, men and some very nasty tools but, here he was with his two best friends, on their own island building a new and prosperous business, he was very wealthy and they were now safe, sixteen years and his master plan, first hatched at the age of eleven, had been fulfilled, the three friends had only each other and they trusted each other to the end, from those first harrowing moments under the harsh hands of the Brothers of the orphanage until now, the three boys had endured and won. Milo's boyhood plan was now complete. The End |
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