PZA Boy Stories


The Landlord


Jobless, I accept a job as male housemaid for a Chinese man and his teenage sons. During the sons' holiday I realise what my real job is.

Publ. 2013 (Txtgasm); this site July 2016
Finished1,500 words (3 pages)


Narrator (46yo), Chris (15yo), and Vince (13yo)

Category & Story codes

Boy-domination story
Mt MM – cons mast oral anal – bond interr


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?


This story is available with a Creative Commons 3.0 Attribute-Share-Alike license. The Copyright for the story lies with the original authors.
This story is changed by the PZA-staff to meet the conditions for this site.

Chris and Vance stood naked in front of me, their erect boy cocks twitching ready to be serviced. They were the two sons of my Asian landlord, Mr. Chen and I was their maid. Although forced into it at first, I did learn to accept it and I even enjoy it. However, there is more to it than that.

My predicament began almost two years ago. I worked for a company that was bought out by another company and then by another corporation. Long story short, I was one of the forty three employees let go in the downsize. I was 46 and head of marketing at my old company. Now, head of marketing was a 27 year old with two years experience under his belt.

I had been living in this run down apartment since my divorce three years ago. Now, my son was 17, the same age as Chris. Chris's brother, Vance was 15. When I first came into contact with them, Chris was 15 and Vance was 13. I had been out of work for a week still living on my severance pay, but I knew that would not last forever. No luck at all, Everyone was looking for the younger collage graduate type. I spent a month tracking down leads.

I went to Mr. Chen and told him my problem. He was sympathetic, but if I were unable to make the rent then I would have to move out. Since I had paid the first and last months rents when I moved in, that gave me another month to find work. That month came and went. Mr. Chen knocked on my door Sunday evening. "Will you be moving the end of the month?"

I nodded. "Yes. I don't know where, but I'll pack what I can and be gone."

Mr. Chen smiled. "I will offer you a job. If you accept you can live here rent free."

I stared at him a moment. "What kind of job?"

"I need a house keeper. I have two teenage sons. One 16 one 14. They keep my apartment very messy. Five hours a day. 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. That gives you Tuesdays, Thursdays to look for full time job." I didn't really see myself as a maid, but I looked around, I really didn't want to pack everything and move either. "What does the job include?"

"Normal cleaning. Vacuum, clean kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms and wash every Wednesday." I knew it was either that or out on the street. I couldn't afford another apartment. I didn't have enough money for a first, last and deposit. "Ok, Mr. Chen. I'll start tomorrow."

"Good! I have all supplies you need. Be there at nine."

To my surprise, Mr. Chen's apartment was not in that big a mess. It was actually quite neat. Since it was still May, the boys were still in school. However, their room was a bit of a mess. Clothes all over, wadded up papers on the floor around the waste can. I also found boxer shorts wadded up with dried up semen. Not hard to see what these boys were doing. I also found their stash of hidden magazines.

Those were a little puzzling to say the least. There was a half dozen with naked Asian women all in rope bondage. There were four more with naked Asian men also in rope bondage. I thumbed through one magazine and it aroused me. Those ropes under and around their tits. Tight in the crack of their pussy and the crack of their asses. I placed them back under the bed and continued my cleaning.

The next day as I cleaned the boys rooms, I pulled th magazines out and glanced through the one with the men. They were equally arousing, naked men bound by ropes. Their dicks and their balls tied up with rope. Ropes up the crack of their asses and ropes around their chest. I thumbed through the ladies magazine again and by that time my own dick was hard. I didn't see any harm in going to the bathroom and cranking one out. I never found any magazines in Mr. Chen's bedroom. Everything went along very well that first month. It sure was nice not having to come up with rent money.

Things began to change after Chris and Vance got out of school for summer vacation. They were home everyday and they made a little more work for me. On the days I worked I had to make them lunch, as per Mr. Chen's instructions. I also found out why Mr. Chan did not spend much time at home. Seems he refused to hire a handyman for the building, so he was doing it himself. Not only on our building but another one down the street.

One thing that made me uncomfortable was the way the boys went around the apartment. They preferred to go around in the nude. They would sit on the sofa playing with each others dicks as they watched television. It was like I didn't even exist, they didn't pay any attention to me at all. I didn't think it was appropriate for me and them to be like in the apartment. It made me uneasy because I was actually getting frequent erections watching them.

I talked to Mr. Chen about it the next day. He waved his hand and laughed. "Teenage boys! They are different now. Not like when I was a boy."

I agreed with him. "True, but could you have a talk with them just the same?"

"I'll talk to them."

That following Saturday when I arrived to clean, I found the Chris and Vance in their bedroom. They were sitting on the bed completely naked again. They were making something out of black and gold rope. Chris held it up. "This is a Chinese clover leaf knot. Ever seen one before?"

I smiled, trying not to stare at the protruding erection between his folded legs. "No, I can't say that I have."

I quickly changed the subject. "Didn't your father have a talk with you about not being naked when I'm here?"

Chris and Vance laughed out loud. "We were thinking the other way. You should not wear your clothes around us!"

I shook my head. "That's not going to happen, boys!"

Chris swung his legs over the side of the bed, stroking his cock and smiling. "Then you need to find another job! You can leave now!"

"Yeah! We'll tell father you tried to have sex with us!"

"We'll call the police if you didn't leave."

"Who do you think they'll believe? You or two naked boys?

I starred at them in disbelief. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and what they were saying was true. Chris stared at me. "Go on. Get out! Come back if you accept our terms. Otherwise you can find another job and another apartment." Vince spoke up. "Yeah. We'll have out father throw you out!"

I had only two clear choices. Tossed out on the street with no place to go. OR, stay and be mistreated by these two spoiled brats! I made the choice to stay. "Alright! For now, you win. I will tell your father!"

They both laughed, Chris pointed at me. "Show us what you look like naked!"

I stripped my clothes off, placing them on the chair. I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly felt so inferior. My self esteem vanished. I could see myself in the closet mirror. Naked in front of these two brats. I guess this was what they meant by the agony of defeat. I had lost the battle and my will.

Chris reached out and rudely grabbed hold of my balls. "Wow! These are big! Feel these, Vince." Vince grabbed them and pulled them up tightly. It made me grunt. "Please be careful with those!"

Chris slapped me across the face. "Shut up, maid!"

It was humiliating, but I just stood there and took it. "Get busy! Clean our room!" I walked around the room, picking things up, straighting and making a pile of dirty clothes. Chris and Vance were slaying on the bed enjoying every minute of their victory.

"I like his ass. Its so nice and round."

"It's nice. I like the way his balls swing and his cock moves."

If their goal was to make me feel uncomfortable, it was working. "Come over here!" I walked over to the bed. Chris and Vance stood up. "Give me your hands!" Chris pulled my arms behind my back and quickly tied them together. I didn't even try to stop them.

They used a length of rope, over my shoulders and pulled my arms up to my shoulder blades. "I cant get much work done like this." I said.

Chris slapped me hard across the ass. "Shut up, maid!" Vance joined in by slapping me across the face. "Yeah. Keep your mouth shut, maid!"

"You need to be taught some respect!" Chris slapped my balls. I quickly grunted bringing my legs together. "Keep your legs open!" Vance slapped my balls. I gave out another loud grunt. "You pussy! We didn't hit your balls hard at all!"

They forced me to the floor on my knees. Vance pulled my knees open. This was a very vulnerable position. My legs were wide open and my genitals unprotected. Chris stood over me smiling. "Would you like me to kick you in the balls?"

I quickly shook my head. "NO! Please! Please don't do that!"

Vance put his foot under my balls and tapped them lightly. "Your job is to preform a service for us. Do you know the four things?" I shook my head. Vance struck my balls a bit harder, making me grunt out loud. "Gratify, please, submit and preform!" Chris laughed, sliding his foot under my dangling balls. "I think a little ball busting should bring you around." He gave me a sharp rap that forced me to bend over.

Vance grabbed me by the hair, pulling my head back. "Keep your head up like that. Look at the ceiling!" Chris rapped my balls again. "What are the four things a maid does?"

I quickly replied. "Gratify, please, submit and preform."

"You learn very fast!" Vance found something new to entertain him. "Look how big his nipples are!" Chris snickered at his brother. "Yeah? He's a full grown man. Everything is bigger. Look how much bigger his cock and balls are."

Suddenly I heard the apartment door open and I heard Mr. Chen's voice. "Boys! I'm back. Where are you?" I was mortified. I felt about one inch tall. How was I going to explain this to him as he walked in the room?

"Oh! There you are."

"We're just training the maid to do a better job."

Mr. Chen smiled. "Good. Gag him and bring to my room." Chris grabbed a length of rope with a large knot tied in the middle. He shoved it in my mouth and tied the ends behind my head. The boys pushed me into Mr. Chen's bedroom where he was standing naked. He was stroking his erection with some lotion. He bent me over the end of the bed, spreading my cheeks as he forced his cock into my hole.

I was rocking back and forth as Mr. Chen hammered my ass. Chris and Vance watched with big grins on their faces as their father raped me. Suddenly I felt his sperm flowing into me as he thrust his hips and moaned loudly. "I need to take a shower. You boys can have him now." I was ready for them to rape me also, but that was not their plan. Chris jumped on the bed, pulled my head up and removed the gag.

His legs were open and his cock was stiff. He moved his hips under my head. "Now, Suck my cock!" He held my head, forcing it up and down on his cock. His cock was not that large so I didn't even gag on it. His load of sperm was all that much either. The same could be said for his brother, Vance.

As fate would have it, my cock suddenly decided to rise up on it own. They stood me upright, their eyes fixed on my erection.

"I think our maid likes cock!"

"Yeah, or like to get fucked!"

I was so humiliated, that it actually aroused me. I thought to myself, what the hell! Let them do whatever they want. All my modesty was gone away. Chris and Vance took me back to their bedroom where they proceeded to give me a good long milking.

That was the beginning of my job duties at the Chen apartment. I can't speak for every teenage boy, but Chris and Vance were the most sexually aroused boys I ever saw. Their father, Chen was not any better. He fucked me at least once ever time I came to clean. They slowly and meticulously wore me down. I was a much more willing and vulnerable maid when I was naked. I believe its something about stripping away my self esteem.

It was nothing for Chris and Vance to have four or five erections during the time I was cleaning the apartment. They needed their cocks drained, and each time varied depending on the mood they were in. Sometimes I sucked them, other times they would fucked me just after a good spanking. It was like getting fucked by a hard fat finger. I began to look forward to it along with the spanking. It always made my cock hard.

Speaking of my hard cock, Chris and Vance were always captivated by it. They loved to see it hard. Chris even tied it up so it would look fatter than it was. He used a length of smaller rope, proceeding to tie it around the base of my cock. Then again around the scrotum and pulling it tight. My balls were bulging out of the sac while my cock remained engorged. Not that it remained that way all the time, but the tight rope kept it swollen for quite awhile.

At the same time, I was becoming able to stand a little more abuse from them. Particularly my balls. I was able to stand a lot more slapping. Even my cock was getting use to being spanked with their chop sticks. They would grab the loose skin at the top of my scrotum, just at the base of my cock. Yanking it up and down rapidly would force my cock to slap their hand. They found this very amusing. However, tit torture remained the favorite of Vance. He could pinch, twist and pull my nipples for hours.

The result was always the same. My cock would swell up hard and he would slowly milk me dry. In fact, masturbation was a daily routine for me. If I were not able to get an erection, they would prostate milk me. That orgasm could be quite intense. The first time they did it, my dangling cock spewed out semen and my ass shook like a vibrator. I was always happy to get milked that way.

Now, Chris is 17 and he he is going to college next year. Vance is 15, a freshman in high school. Mr. Chen has given Chris his own apartment in the building down the block. He will live there rent free while he goes to college. Vance has his own bedroom to himself now. As for me, my 17 year old son is coming to visit me this summer. He wants to know his father a little better. I have no idea how the hell to explain all this to him.

The End

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