ZzathrasPapa Bear and Baby Bear |
SummaryA photographer meets an 8 year old boy whore and takes him in home to adopt him. The boy was abused by his mother's pimp and needs a lot of love.
Publ. Jul 1998 (ASSGM); this site Jan 2008
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CharactersBilly (8yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/loveMb – cons oral mast (Explanation) |
DisclaimerOK! This story is a work of pure fiction. SIMPLE. It refers in no way to any person living or dead as far as I know. THIS IS A STORY. If you are not an adult then dont read it. If you are offended by Boy Love or consentual sex between a man and boy then dont read it.
NoteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the archivist through this feedback form, with Zzathras – Papa Bear and Baby Bear in the subject line. |
Life was almost great. I say 'almost; because it wasn't quite great yet. It was merely really good. I had worked my ass off since I graduated high school and now, 15 years later, things were going my way. Up to this point it seemed that everything I tried to accomplish became sidetracked or destroyed by some event that I could not predict or control. I persevered however, now all my chips were lined up and the Fates seemed to be smiling on me. I had finally gotten enough money together to start my own photography studio. It was small. Actually it was hideously puny. But it was mine. I had just finished my first Christmas season and was bushed. I was booked solid plus some for two months. Seven am to nine pm every day. Screaming kids. Bitchy parents, shitting babies, and drooling pets. And I loved every minute of it. Enough money in the bank to pay the bills and still buy a new vehicle. Life was very good. I still needed to work to make ends meet, but I could take a couple weeks off before I started my touring. I had signed a lucrative set of contracts with several local and out of state groups to go shoot portraits for them. The catch was that I had to go to them with all my equipment to do the shoots. Thus the need for a new vehicle. Specifically a new Chevy van. I could have done the whole thing with my little Ford Escort. But who would want to? The van wasn't really 'new.' It actually belonged to a friend who never used it and he wanted to get rid of it. So I cut a good trade. Half of his asking price and a free (to him) shoot for his family reunion. The whole family got portraits (which he charged them very reasonable prices for) and I got a van at less than $5,000. It wasn't easy that's for sure. I was at the reunion for three days shooting everyone there in portrait and candid shots and trying to keep the whole damn thing straight. The good thing was that I got to make the 'family yearbook' and sell copies to them $$$ :). Well, the result was that I had a van and enough money to remodel the interior to my personal specifications. I needed to be able to take just about all my gear with me and still have room for me to sleep so I could save money on the road. It was coming up on summer time and I was hauling ass through southern California shooting Elementary schools. I was managing to complete 1 a day. I would get there 2 hours before the kids, be set up and start shooting at first bell. By three I could be done and on the road to another shoot. Life was good. Not easy. I would have to come back in a couple weeks to deliver the pictures and that would take at least a whole day each school. I realized that life was good but still incomplete for me. I knew I was a Boy Lover for a long time but never really allowed myself to explore it because of personal guilt and fear. You know the feeling. "I like little boys so I'm a monster and a pervert that should die" That sorta shit. I did decide that I wasn't a bad person because I had never acted on my feelings and that helped a lot. I wanted a child in my life. I wanted a family. A wife, dog 2.5 kids and the white picket fence. The whole damn taco and guacamole too. But I figured I was better off keeping so busy that I could not have time to think about it. I could live with a merely 'good' life. Well, I was coming up on a lull in my schedule and wanted to enjoy it. I was lucky. The director of some place called "Sun Life health resort" had met me back home and was impressed with my work. He asked me a lot of questions and decided that he wanted me to shoot for his resort. A couple hundred active members and a couple hundred more that weren't so active. A regular gold mine! I could shoot as many portraits as they wanted and do a year book for them too. The whole thing was booked for three weeks. I had asked him why three weeks and he told me that many of the members would not be available if I was to stay just a few days or a week. I told him that I could not afford to stay in one place for three weeks on one shoot. "I have a beach house a couple miles up the road, it's yours for the time you are here." Was all he had to say. Needless to say I took the job. Who wouldn't? A good contract and a house on the beach for three weeks? Your damn right I took it! The last school delivery was complete. I had a bunch of money in my bank account. A full tank of gas and a copy of Def Lepord in the tape player. Two whole weeks before I had to be at the resort. I picked up the cell phone, had too have one being on the road, and called a friend who lived in San Diego. "Shelly? It's Billy!" "Billy? Wow it's been a while! I haven't been able to get in touch with you at the apartment. What's up?" "Well love, I've been on the road for about five months. I have a couple weeks before I have to go back to work and was wondering if you still had that comfy couch?" "OH man! I'm on my way to Belgium day after tomorrow! gonna be there a month. That sucks!" "Crap. Well at least I can come for a visit tomorrow." "You'd better or I'm gonna hunt you down!" "I'll be there by 10 tomorrow morning Shelly and we can get caught up then." "See you then Lover!" With a click I was on my way to San Diego.
"I can't believe our bad luck Billy. Why didn't you come visit sooner?" I told here the story of my recent life. "It sound like things are finally going your way for a change." "Yeah, I don't know if I'm going to survive the experience though." "Well. If we have to have only one day together then we are going to make the best of it!" "Not again! I barely survived last time!" "Not that silly! well not right now at least." She flashed a grin at me that looked more like a Bengal tiger that was about to eat a rabbit. "I have plans for today. Let's go, I'm driving." Within the hour we were at Fisherman's Wharf. Then came the amusement park on Mission Bay, The beach and Sea World. We ended the day at Anthony's by the Bay. The best seafood around. By ten in the evening we were back at here place. I think I will leave out the wild night of sex I had with here cause its really irrelevant to this story. Now don't look at me like that! I said I was a BL. Not exclusively. Sex with women is good, I just like boys a bit better. O.K. A lot better. But she was good that night :) The next morning I drove her to the air port in the van. "I wish I could go with you Shelly." "I wish I could stay. Tell you what, you promise not to trash the place and I will let you stay there for the next couple weeks." "Shelly, I should have married you when I had the chance." "Nah, we both know it would never work. My first husband would have had fits." "True. Well you have a safe journey and enjoy the trip." With a kiss she was gone. "Ah alone again." I sighed to myself. I decided that I would catch up on some movies I had been missing the last several weeks. Nine hours and three movies later I climbed into my van. I had not been to a movie in so long that I could not decide what to watch first. Now it was 7 pm and I was getting hungry. Driving around trying to find a good place to eat, I came upon a surprise. I thought he was a girl at first. Dressed in spandex shorts that were so tight that I could almost tell what religion he was, a half tank top that exposed him practically to his nipples and stiletto boots he was about eight or so I thought. With blonde hair that hung down to his shoulders in a pony tail. He stood on a street corner in a seedier part of San Diego that I had wandered into. He did not look at all happy and very uncomfortable. I pulled into some greasy fast food Mexican joint and ordered a soda and chips with sour cream and guacamole. Sitting out by the street I watched him for a while. No, he was definitely not comfortable and very scared. Soon he noticed that I was watching him. I wasn't sure if I was comfortable with this or not. I heard someone yell something. He looked across the other street at a large black Caddy. He shook his head slightly and he had a pleading look on his face. The door of the car opened and a leg came out. The boy stepped back and looked like he wanted to run. A hand came out of the car and pointed at me. I was definitely not comfortable with this. The boy turned toward me and crossed the street without taking his eyes off the ground in front of him. I had finished the chips and was fidgeting in my chair. I wanted to get up and run to the van and drive away. As he approached I said "You should look before crossing the street. You could get hurt." "So?" "You don't look so happy right now." "So?" "Want to talk about it?" "No." A long period of silence followed. A loud car horn broke the silence. The boy looked over his shoulder at the car across the street. "Do you want some company tonight?" He wasn't at all enthusiastic about it. "I could use someone to talk to." "O.K." "You hungry?" "Yes." "Then we should go." He got up and followed me to the van. Most boys thought it was the coolest thing around and fawned over it. This boy still didn't take his eyes off the ground. "I think I have something I can cook up at home." I didn't tell him that he was sitting in my 'home.' "After we eat I think we can go to the movies, would you like that?" He shrugged his shoulders. "But before we go to the show you need some decent clothes to wear. Those make you look like a hooker." "They should." "You aren't exactly happy about this are you?" "No." "I want to tell you that I won't make you do anything you don't want to." "Yeah, right." "What's your name?" "Billy." "Damn, that's too weird." "What?" he sounded irritated. "That's my name too." "Bull." "Here's my card, look for yourself." I grabbed one out of the clip on the sun visor. "Weird." "Like I said." We drove to a K-Mart and parked. Billy started to get out of the van. "Wait a minute kiddo. Here, put this on." I handed him a T-shirt out of the back of the van. "And take those boots off. We can get you some better clothes here." With the shirt on and his boots off, Billy looked almost like any other little boy wearing an adult size T-shirt with Mickey Mouse on it. "You look better already." "Thanks." He sounded a bit better now. Inside we went straight to the boy's department. "Let's see. You need a decent pair of pants, a shirt, socks, shoes, underwear." Billy (the little one) blushed at this last a bit. Soon after trying on several pairs of pants and shirts and shoes, Billy (the big one) decided on an ensemble that he really liked on the boy. The whole outfit cost all of $150, It was K-Mart after all, and consisted of a black denim pair of jeans that fit the boy like it should, a white silk short sleeve shit, not usually found at K-Mart's boys dept. A pair of Reebok cross trainers and white socks with a six pack of size 8 Funpals. Walking out to the van Billy wanted to put everything on. "Not yet Billy, we need to wash those first. And you too." "Why?" "Because you never know what those clothes have been treated with when they get made. And you need a bath, I'm not going anywhere with you smelling like perfume." "O.K." We drove back to Shelly's apartment and went inside. No one in the neighborhood gave us a second glance. "Wow, Bill, this place is cool!" "It belongs to a friend. I'm house sitting for the next couple weeks. Now come with me." Billy followed seeming more tense than he had in the hour that Bill had known him. "Here's the bathroom you get in the tub and scrub yourself clean while I put these into the wash and get dinner started." Closing the bathroom door I went to the laundry room and tossed his clothes in with some of mine, it would take a couple loads to finish, but then so would dinner. I carried the silk shirt to the kitchen and set up the ironing board. as the iron warmed up I set two big steaks in the broiler. When Billy came out of the bathroom wearing a huge towel wrapped around his waist, I could hear his stomach growl. "Hey kiddo! All clean and stuff?" "Yeah, it felt good. Are the clothes done yet?" "In the dryer as we speak they will be done soon. Here, sit down and eat up! You have not lived till you tasted one of my steaks ." The boy nearly inhaled the steak, a salad, baked potato, and two bowls of ice cream. I looked up from my steak. "Damn! You must have been hungry." All he did was nod as he wiped ice cream from his chin. The buzzer on the dryer rang indicating the load was done. "I'll get your clothes, then we go to the movies." I handed him a stack of clean and folded clothes. "You decide what you want to watch while you get dressed. I'll get the dishes." Billy ran to the bathroom. What the hell was I doing? I didn't even know how far I wanted to take this. It was against everything I ever told myself I would not do. I distinctly tried to not think of him in a sexual way. It was a dichotomy. Here he was a little boy hooker. I picked him up. He was definitely not in this by his choice. But I wanted to sleep with him next to me. Sex had not even been a consideration. The dishes were done as he came out of the bathroom. I was stunned by the transformation. At dinner he was a blur. Shoveling food into his mouth. Here he stood. All of four feet and some change [1¼m]. Stark blonde hair, not sandy blonde like I thought. Rich blue eyes that reflected his intelligence. His skin was fair to the point of being pale. This worried me. "WOW." Was all I could say. The silk shirt fit him like a glove. I could see his shape under it but it did not squeeze him. His pants gripped his butt like a lover. Holding, cradling but not skin tight. I let my eyes wander up and down his beauty and came to light on his feet. I knelt down and tied his left shoe. "Don't want you to trip kiddo." "Thanks. Thanks for every thing, the clothes, the food. It almost makes me forget why we are here 3;" I placed my finger on his lips stopping him. "I meant it. I will make you do nothing you don't want to. If all we do is spend the evening watching a movie and cuddling by the fire, I will be happy." "But 3;" Again with the finger. "No. For now there is no 'but' just enjoy and feel safe that I won't hurt you." "OK." We spent the late evening watching a Science fiction movie that I don't remember because Billy was hanging on my arm and I was too happy. When we returned home he seemed apprehensive. "Do you want a soda Billy?" "Umm sure." I brought it to him in the living room and we sat on the floor while I made a fire. "Bill?" "Yes?" "I'm happy." "Good!" "Not good." "Why?" "The thing I was worrying about I can't forget any more." "Tell me what it is, maybe we can figure something out." He looked like he was going to cry. "You know what I am. I'm a whore. I get paid to let people fuck me. If I don't Jamal is gonna beat me up again. So if you don't fuck me tonight he's gonna beat me up." The tears were starting to flow. "But I don't wanna get fucked! It hurts! But I don't wanna get beat up! I don't know what to do! I don't want you to hurt me but if you don't I will get hurt anyway." "I won't hurt you." "But if you don't, he will! Maybe even worser." "How long have you been doing this?" "A week today" "How many men have 'fucked' you?" "One." "Jamal, right?" He nodded. "It hurt so much! he just threw me on the bed and hit me cause I wouldn't suck his weenie! He tore off my pants and shoved his dick in my but! He hurt me so bad I screamed for him to stop but he wouldn't!" Now the tears would not stop. I just held him and waited. I wanted to kill this Jamal. How could anyone do this to a child. All those years I felt like a monster because I wanted to please a boy. This Jamal person is the real monster. All he cared about was his own pleasure. He was willing to hurt this boy, maybe even kill him to satisfy his own needs. "After he did it to me he said I would suck his cock." The word was even uglier coming out of his beautiful mouth. "So he locked me in the closet and told me I wouldn't eat till I sucked him and anyone he told me to. I got so hungry I told him I would." Billy looked at the ground. "He took me into a room with a lot of other boys in it. He told me to get on my knees and suck them all 3;" Billy hesitated. "And I did. All of them, even the little baby. He made me swallow the cum. That was all I would get too eat till I learned how to suck real good. He put me back in the closet. Every day he would get me out and make me suck off a bunch of people. The only thing I had to eat was their stuff. I was so hungry I would have let him do my butt again. Then today he took me out and gave me a 'test'. He made me suck his dick. He shoved it down my throat and I couldn't breath! I thought I was going to die! He just kept shoving it in and out till he cummed. After that he made me dress up like you saw and took me out. He told me to what to charge and if I didn't come back with my butt full of stuff he was gonna fuck me till I died! IDONTWANNADIE!" I just held the boy. My mind was on fire. I was ashamed of what had happened to this boy and I was enraged at it as well. I sat in the living room holding a boy in my arms trying to figure out what to do. All I could do was comfort him. Soon the sobs subsided. "So you gotta fuck me." "I will never fuck you." "BUT!" "No. I will never do that. If any thing I would kill Jamal before I let anything happen to you." His eyes got wide. "If we do anything to each other, you will decide what you want to do. If I stick it in you it will be by your decision. And I will never fuck you. If we do it I will make love to you." He looked puzzled. "I don't get it." "OK. You can break sex into several parts. It in itself is an act. But it is what is inside the people that are doing it that makes it different. What Jamal did to you was Rape. You did not want it and he forced it on you, he hurt you even when you told him no. That is illegal, you know what it is like on your side of it and that tells you it is the ugliest of things that exist." He nodded in agreement. "Fucking is simply one person getting what he or she wants without caring about the other. No love or caring involved. but both people agree to it. Having sex is where two people want to have pleasure but they aren't really in love with each other they both want to have pleasure and they decide to use one another to get it." "So what's 'making love' mean?" "That is the most beautiful of acts. The exact opposite of rape. It is where two people decide to give pleasure to each other. Neither caring for their own satisfaction, just their partner. The ultimate goal is to make the other as happy as possible, even if it means denying oneself." "You said you want to make love to me but not fuck me. How can you do that?" "I want to explore your body and find all the things that make you feel good. I want to take you to heaven and never come back. If you don't want to do anything to me I would be just as happy. My pleasure means nothing to me, just yours." "I might not be able to do any thing about what is going to happen tomorrow, but I can make sure you feel loved tonight." Billy stood up and took a sip of soda. He seemed shaky and confused. "I don't know what to do." "Then do nothing. Just stay with me and we will watch the fire and hold each other." "I would like that." Billy moved to sit in my lap and dropped his soda on me instead. "OOOoooooaaahhhhh that's COLD!" "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! don't be mad!" Standing in the living room with a crotch soaked in Pepsi, I was anything but mad at this boy. "I'm not mad, just COLD!" Billy snickered, "You look like you peed your pants!" "So I do! I think I'll take a shower now myself." I walked gingerly to the bathroom. Why is it that whenever you get your pants wet you always walk in that same stupid manner that everyone does? You know the one. With legs out wide and stiff. It looks so stupid but we all do it anyway. I don't know, go fig :/ I stood in the shower letting the hot water run down my body while I tried to figure out what to do about this boy. The door creaked open. "Billy? Can I come in? I'm afraid to be alone." "Come on in kiddo! I'm almost done." I still had no clue about what to do. "Can I 3;?" "Can you what Billy?" "Can I take a shower with you?" The question hit me like a train. Him. Me. In the shower. Together. Naked. Damn. "Umm, are you sure Billy?" "Yes." "O.K. come on in." Why was I afraid to let him see me naked? He rustled around for a minute before peeking in. "Well don't let the floor get wet Billy, come on in!" He stood at the back of the tub. I was facing him. The water pounded my back. We stared at each other. Neither of us broke eye contact. I sank to my knees. I looked at his whole body. He was, to be blunt, not quite perfect. His ribs stuck out a bit making him look malnourished, which he probably was. His hair was too long, but a beautiful shocking blonde. His arms and legs looked skinny as the rest of him. His little uncut penis seemed a bit shriveled and it hung off to the right a bit. But his face was absolutely heaven to look at. "You are beautiful." All he did was blush. As he looked me over I blushed some myself. The water was now hitting him in the face. I turned around and set the flow to fill the tub. "Why don't we take a bath instead?" I was nearly clean and he had already had a bath earlier but I asked, "Can I wash you?" He just nodded a little. I soaped up a cloth and picked up an arm. I started washing each finger gently and slowly, massaging each digit. Then his hand and wrist. "You just sit down and relax. Let me do all the work." He sat down in the tub while I slowly worked my way up his arm to his shoulder. I wanted to do his back right then but worked my way down his other arm to his fingers. When the water reached a good six inches [15cm] deep I turned it off. I took him and gently turned him around. Now I could wash his back with ease. I found each and every muscle in his back and massaged them with the washcloth. When I finished is back I reached around him and started to wash his chest. He seemed so small and frail in my arms. I washed his neck and worked my way down to his nipples. I found he liked having them stroked and rubbed a lot. I reluctantly left them and washed his belly and played with his belly button. I began to wash lower and lower approaching his treasure. I stopped short of touching him there and started down his left leg. Slowly working all the muscles in each leg till he looked like he was going to fall asleep. "I think it's time we got out, the water is getting cold." I whispered in his ear. "Unhun." was all he said I rinsed us both off and carefully toweled him off. I still avoided touching him there. I wanted to save that for when he was ready for it. I lifted him in my arms and carried him to the bed room. The same bed that I had sex with Shelly with was going to be the bed I made love to Billy in tonight. As he lay in the bed, his left leg drawn up, covering his boyhood, I realized he was indeed a beautiful little boy. "Can you rub my back some more? That felt Great!" "How about I give you a full body massage?" He nodded vigorously. I went to the dresser where Shelly kept her massage oils stashed. After all, it was she that taught me all about massage. :) Thankfully she kept a wide variety of scents and I had no trouble finding one I knew would bring out the best in Billy. I laid the towel down and had Billy stretch out on his belly on it so I would not get the bed oily. I started by tickling his feet gently and he kicked at me to make me stop. I the oils let my hands glide over his skin without friction while I located each and every tinny muscle in him and work them until all the tension was released. Up his left leg I worked till I almost reached his bum. Then I switched to the other leg. God how I was in love with this boy. As I finished his right leg I asked "Shall I do your backside to?" He seemed to tense up at this but he nodded. I poured a little oil on each cheek and began to knead the small globes like a chef would a loaf of bread. I spent a long time working over his little mounds of flesh before working my way up his back. By the time I reached his shoulders the lad had fallen asleep. I smiled at the fact that I still had the knack. His face was smiling in his sleep and I lay next to him and watched him dozing. How could I ever let this boy go? I wanted to take him and run away from the world that seemed to hate us both. As I watched his face the expression of bliss turned to that of fear. I knew what was happening, Jamal was invading his dreams to destroy the peace he had found. I reached over and shook him before his dream could go any further. His eyes snapped open and he bolted straight up in bed looking about like a trapped animal. "Billy, it's aright. It's me Bill. Your safe." I cooed. Slowly a look of recognition crossed his face and he calmed down. He leapt into my arms and shook like a leaf. Take it easy Billy it's all right I won't let anything happen to you." "The dream scared me." "I can see that. Was he there?" "Yes." "He's not here. It's just you and me" "I fell asleep while you were rubbing my back." "I know, do you want me to finish the front now?" "If it feels as good as the back, you bet!" He lay again on the bed facing up this time. I took a minute to bask in his glory. Again I started with his legs. Working each till it was like jelly. All the way up his leg to his crotch but not quite reaching nirvana. When each leg was done I worked his hips to either side of his privates. I watched in amazement as his tinny penis grew in length and thickness, the little glans poking out at me in a bright rose red. He reached to cover himself then stopped short. I then moved on up to his belly button. "That kinda tickles but it don't really. It feels really good." "That's how it should feel." I left his belly and slid up to his nipples. I knew he would like this and spent a long time teasing his nipples and bringing him a lot of pleasure that made me feel like I was in heaven. I looked down and saw that he had his eyes closed, concentrating on the sensations he was feeling right then. Looking further down I saw that his hands had found his little soldier and were busy giving it a workout. Billy opened his eyes and jerked his hands away from his erection. "Don't be embarrassed Billy. I think you are beautiful. If you want to do that then do it. Or if you want me to I can do it for you." "You would do it?" "Of course. If it makes you feel good I want to do it. Besides, all boys do that. Not all will admit to it. But they all do. And some lucky ones have a friend or lover to do it with." "You sure you want to do it?" "With all my heart I want to do it for you and a great many other things that will give you as much or even more pleasure." Billy looked at me with curiosity and trepidation in his eyes. "If I tell you too stop?" "Then it ends right then and there with no questions from me." He slowly spread his legs a bit and took my hand. I looked at me as he guided my hand to his tummy below his belly button. "I want you to do it." My heart soared to God's house. I slowly stoked the skin around his most private place. I looked into his eyes and he into mine. I wanted to give him all the chances he needed to end this. As my hand touched him on his sensitive glans he sucked in his breath. I hesitated a moment and looked at him. He nodded his head slightly. Slowly I took his penis in three fingers and began to stroke him up and down. His back arched and he moaned. "OOooaaa that feels Soooooo gooood!" "I told you it would!" I slowly stroked him with my right hand and played with his nipples in my left hand. He stretched and moaned as I slowly increased the pace. He reached over and grabbed my head. "Ah AH AH OOOOAHHHHH!" I smiled at him as he rode the waves of pleasure to new heights he never knew before. As the waves subsided I released his shrinking penis and looked deep into his eyes. "How was that?" "WOW!" "I agree!" "Is there anything else that feels as good?" "A lot of things, my love." "Show me more?" "Any thing you want." He looked down at my privates. "Yours isn't hard yet?" "I have been busy doing other things." I smiled at him. Actually I was amazed that I wasn't stone erect yet. I thought I would be ready to split a seam, however I wasn't. "Don't worry about it kiddo. I just want to make you happy." I saw that he was becoming erect again. "I want to do something that feels even better." "What is it?" "I want to suck your thingie." He seemed to hesitate. I knew he would be resistant. "If you don't want to 3;" "No, It's just 3;" "I know. But I want to do it for you cause it feels so good. I promise it will. Do you trust me?" "With all my heart." My heart soared even higher. I kissed his lips, Honey never tasted so sweet. I kissed his neck and nibbled his throat. I kissed my way down to his nipples and spent a few minutes licking, kissing and nibbling them. He was breathing rapidly and shallowly as he ran his hands though my hair. I kissed my way to his bellybutton and wiggled my tongue in his little innie. His tummy giggled and rocked as he laughed. Leaving his belly button behind I kissed a trail down to his penis. I took it in two fingers and aimed it at my mouth. I looked up into his eyes and waited for him to acknowledge his desires. With a nod of the head I bent my head to give a gentle kiss to the head of his little soldier. I then licked it and all around it. Paying special attention to his balls and glans, I wanted to work him to a frenzy. It only took a minute to reach that point. "Please!!!" Without a word I engulfed him with my mouth. I took all of him in one swift motion. In my mouth I swathed his penis around with my tongue and even tickled his slit with the tip. Billy's hips began to buck against my face as he took over, driven to the limits of self control. I took his bum in my hands and stopped him. He was going to have to wait to be released. I took him as deep as I could and began to hum a deep tune in my throat. The vibrations sent chills up and down his spine. "Please! Please!" I decided to release him from his torment. I started pumping my mouth on his erection with a vengeance. I let his hips free enough that he could move them and he began pistoning his hips against my face seeking release. All too soon he slammed his hips against my face and I changed the tone of my humming to a deep throated growl. I looked up into his face and saw him starring into space with his mouth wide open. He didn't look like he was breathing. His hands released me and he fell back into the bed. "I can't believe that anything could feel so good!" I merely smiled at him and climbed up next to him. Cuddling him close I told him "I wish I could take all the hurt away and replace it with pleasure." We curled up next to each other and slept. I rolled over and looked at the clock. it was 3:00 am I looked for Billy, but he wasn't there. I heard the toilet flush and relaxed a bit. He came padding back into the room and jumped into the bed. "Your hard now!" He giggled. "Yes I am little love." "You have to stick it in me now, I you don't Jamal's gonna be real mad and he might hurt me." "Billy, I've been thinking about that." I couldn't believe I was considering this. "I want you to stay with me." "Hunh?" "I want you to live with me. Don't go back." "Ummm" "What?" "I want to, but what if he comes looking for me?" "Then he will have to get through me." "I want to but I'm scared." "As scared as you were when I picked you up?" "No." "As scared as you are of going back to him?" "NO!" "Do you want to stay with me?" "YES!" "Then it's done. You will stay with me. Anything else doesn't matter." Billy leapt into my arms and hugged me as hard as he could. I just held him and wondered what I was doing. As we held each other I was distinctly aware of my erection poking the boy in his butt. He was as aware of this as I. "Can I do yours now?" he asked. I wanted to scream YESSS! The erection I had was painful. "Only if you want to." I had to restrain myself from turning him over and ravaging his sweet boy ass. "You made me feel so good. I want you to feel good too." I was in love. My brain burned with lust. He began by nibbling at my neck and ears. I moaned. He worked his way down my chest with his mouth stopping only to pay attention to my erect nipples. I was impatient for him to get on with it and I know he knew this but continued slowly to torture me. Now his small cold hands grasped at my raging penis and I gasped. "Are you O.K.? I didn't hurt you did I?" "No honey! Just surprised me is all." The trooper went right back to his work. He slowly felt all around and up and down my erection with his small hands. I was near explosion and felt helpless and unwilling to stop it. He began to stroke up and down with deliberate care. I did not want care, I wanted release. His hands were like the torture of a thousand butterfly wings fluttering against your skin. "Billy! Make me come! Your torturing me!" "Like you did to me?" With that he gripped my dick with all his might and started jacking it up and down with vigor. In moments I could feel an orgasm coming on. I looked down and saw him bend his head to my penis as I shot my load. Actually I never really 'shot' but rather spewed. Billy took in as much of my semen as he could and swallowed it up. I kept churning and spewing for what seemed forever and he kept lapping it up. The feeling of his tongue as it stroked my penis only served to heighten the experience. After an eternity in heaven I fell back to the bed exhausted. "How was that?" "Awesome! I never felt that good. Even with the girls I've had sex with." "You had sex with a girl?" He looked totally grossed out by the thought. "Yes I have." "I would never let a girl see me naked!" "I think you would if it was someone special." "Nuhunh! No way!" "Well lets not talk about that right now." "Yea! I owe you more!" "You don't have to if you don't want." "I want to! I like your dick. It ain't huge like Jamal's. It looks like it will fit in my mouth real good." "Are you sure?" He didn't answer. He just slid down the bed till his head was at my crotch and he was staring at my deflated penis. He was right about my penis. It was small. I won't beat around the bush. Five inches [12½cm] on a good day and about 1¼ [3cm] around. Hard. Shelly told me that it simply meant I had to find out how to really please a woman. So that was where I concentrated. I never left a woman unsatisfied. Even the ones that loved the big dick. He started by kissing me on the head of my penis to wake it up. As it started to expand he licked all around the head and down the shaft till I was good and hard. Then he kissed the head and opened his mouth. I could not believe this! I watched as he took my head into his mouth slowly and sucked gently on me. He was so warm and wet inside his mouth I wanted to come right then. He started to bob his head up and down slowly and with each stroke he took more of me in his mouth. The inside of his mouth was like a smorgasbord of sensations. The roof of his mouth was hard and smooth, while his tongue was rough and wiggly, and his cheeks clung to me like a wet silken shirt. Soon his nose was buried in my pubic hairs and his tongue was licking at my balls. His hands joined his tongue and they both set to working me to a frenzy. The tempo of his motions picked up now and I was climbing to another orgasm. I reached down and stroked his hair and kissed the top of his head. I wanted to hold his head in my hands and start my own rhythm but I did not want to force anything on him. He was in charge. It really wasn't necessary because he was brining me to my peak well enough on his own. I threw myself back against the bed and fought the urge to fuck his angelic face, I could not help thrusting a little. But as I did he took his hands and held me down while continuing to work on me. As I approached the point of no return I began to grunt, it was kinda embarrassing but I could not help it. "Billy, I'm gonna come!" I wanted him to have the chance to pull off if he wanted to. Instead he just increased the tempo and the vacuum in his mouth. I thought I was going to get a hickey on my cock from his hot little mouth. All to soon I felt the rush of my come spurt into his mouth. He sucked and slurped it all down and sucked for more. Only when my penis had softened and shrunk to nothing did he stop and climb back into my arms. "How was that" All I could do was stare stupidly into space. "I wish I had a camera to get a picture of the look on your face!" "I think I'm glad you don't. I would hate to explain why there was a picture of me naked with a goofy expression on my mug and you naked next to me." "I wound mind. As long as no one saw them." "I bet you wouldn't either kiddo." We sat and cuddled till the sun came up.
When we finally crawled out of bed we showered together again. We really needed it. We didn't even dress for breakfast. It felt weird but good to eat in the nude. I could not take my eyes off the little, wet scamp in front of me. His eyes were shining with a hope and cheer I wish I had. We lounged around the house till noon still not dressing. I decided it was time to get some work done. "Billy, I need to bring my gear in from the van, could you help me?" "Sure!" He jumped up from my lap and walked to the door. I almost had time to remind him before he opened the door that 3;. SLAM!!! "EEK! I forgot I don't have any clothes on!" "I was gonna tell you but you didn't give me a chance!" We ran to the get dressed. Me in a pair of denim cutoffs and a Bugs bunny shirt, Him in only the pants I bought him the day before. As we hauled the gear up the stairs Billy began to realize how much work it would be. "You sure got a lot of junk! What is all this stuff?" "That particular case carries my Hasseblad lenses for my cameras. It costs more than that Van. Don't drop it!" "WOW! all this stuff is for taking pictures?" "Yes it is. That's how I make a living." "COOL!" After a half a dozen loads we had all the gear in the middle of the living room. "Can you show me how to work this stuff?" "Yes I can. But not today." "Why not?" "Cause we have to go shopping for you again. You need more than one set of clothes." "YAY!" I knew he was excited and relieved. If I was going to buy him clothes it meant I was going to keep him around. We finished dressing and headed out the door only pausing to set the house alarm. Skipping K-Mart and the like we went straight to some of the best shops in San Diego to buy for Billy, my little lover. I wanted to keep it to a few select items to make travel light but gave in to impulse and bought way to much for him. It started with a few shirts and tee shirts with a couple tank tops, then some shorts of varying length, some long to the knee and a couple that were nearly obscene. Then a few pants, a couple pair of jeans, undies in a variety of colors and styles, all briefs and the like, pajamas that neither of us expected him to wear much, a swimsuit. Speedos to be exact. The sales person pointed us to the swim wear section, which was rather extensive since we were near the beach. Billy and I looked at several but I knew what I wanted to see him in already. However we looked at several trunks and a few snug fitting ones before we came to the Speedos. I pulled a simple black one out and showed it to him. "I dunno. It's kinda little." "I think you would look great in it. It would show you body off real well." "But I'd be almost naked!" "Just try it on and the others you liked. I think you would look killer in these." "O.K. If you say so. But no one better see me in these!" We walked to the dressing room with a half a dozen suits in hand and the sales girl gave us a key and said, "Remember that state law requires that all swim wear be tried on while wearing under garments." Billy blushed at this and I thanked her and we went to the room. "Why do I have to try these with my underwear on?" "Health laws. You never know what strange things are crawling around between someone's legs." Billy giggled and said "Gross!" "It sounds funny but it is true. Many people are very dirty and carry creepy crawlies that can get in the clothes then onto others." "YUK!" "But if you go to a place that enforces these rules you can be reasonably sure the clothes are clean." "Alright. If you say so. Now you wait out there while I try these on." "Like I haven't seen it before?" "That's different." "OK no prob. But if I'm paying I have to see everything you try on. Deal?" "Deal." With that he closed the door. A few minutes later he opened the door wearing a mid thigh pair of bright royal blue trunks. I thought they were a bit too loose but they looked comfortable. The next pair were some nylon things with the power rangers on them. The next two were unremarkable before all he had to show me was the Speedos. A few minutes passed. "What's taking so long?" "Do I have to?" "Yes you do." The door opened a crack. "These things are awful tight." "Let me see." The door opened a little wider. I could see what he meant. The were so tight that they were cutting into his legs and I could see the seams of his underpants. "Yes, those are." I heard from over my shoulder. Turning around I saw the sales girl staring at Billy. "Could you be a dear and get us some about two sizes larger?" "I will be back in a moment." I looked at Billy. He was beet red. "I'm so sorry about that! I didn't even hear her come up." He didn't say anything. I knew he was too embarrassed to. I kept a watch out for the girl to return. "Here we go!" She moved to open the door and I intercepted her. "I think I should do that." "Oh that's no problem, I've seen plenty of little boys." "But you haven't seen this little boy and he's embarrassed about it because this is the first time he's tried on this type of swim wear. So if you don't mind." With that I took the Speedos from her and stood in front of the door till she took the hint and left. "Why I never!" "You should try it, you might like it!" I could not resist. It had been so long since I had the opportunity to use that line I just had to do it. The door cracked open. "Is she gone?" "Yes she is. God, you'd think she has the hots to look at you." "Bite me!" "Hey! Don't get bitter with me. Just try these on and we can decide which to buy and get the heck out of here." He grabbed the suit and slammed the door. A few minutes later he cracked the door open. I looked in and was very surprised. "WOW!" "Yea right." "No, I mean it!" The Speedos fight him perfectly. The front was smooth, no lumps or protrusions. The sides hugged his hips smoothly without cutting into him, and as he turned around I saw that they cradled his behind and fit there like a second skin. "Just look in the mirror behind you." He reluctantly turned around. He looked into the mirror for a few moments. Then he slowly turned around. I could tell he was looking at himself from all angles critiquing himself and the Speedos. He could see that the front wasn't poking out and he ran his hand down them. Then he turned around and looked at his butt in the mirror. "Not bad." "I think you look great in them." "Well you would like them!" "Not that way silly!" I whispered. "These enhance your physique without exposing anything. They are meant to give you a lot of freedom and flexibility. "The feel kinda like I'm not really wearing anything." "That's the way they are supposed to feel." "I think I will take these." With that we left the fitting rooms and browsed the sportswear a few minutes longer. By chance I found a rack that carried Speedo brand biker shorts for boys as well. I picked up three pairs in black white and blue as a surprise for Billy. These I knew would fit because I got the same size as the swimsuit. At the checkout I saw the sales girl glaring at me and whispering animatedly to an older woman. Soon the elder woman came over to me. "Young man, This girl told me you made some rude comments to her." "And?" She just stared at me. "Well I would like your side of the story." "I really don't wish to cause her any trouble." "If what she says is true, it could be construed as sexual harassment." "The little 'Woman' was being rude and embarrassing the youngster here. When I asked her to leave she became snotty. She said something like 'Why I never!' and I simply could not pass up such a ripe opportunity and said "You should try it, you might like it.' so you tell me if it was harassment or not." "In what way was she being rude." "She would not let the boy show me the swim wear he was trying on in private. He became embarrassed and I asked her to leave. She did not take the hint." The lady turned to Billy. "Young man, is that what happened?" "Yes ma'am." "Did she embarrass you?" "Yes. I never had a suit like that before." He began to redden a bit. "Is what he said what happened?" "Yes." "Did he call her a nasty name?" "NO! I never heard him call anyone a nasty name." "Did he push her?" "No Way! He never touched her!" "Thank you young man. If you both would be so kind as to wait here for a few minutes while I check on a couple things I would appreciate it." "I have no trouble with that Miss?" "Anderson. Michelle Anderson. I am the store Manager." "We need to pick up a few other things any way so we will be in the pharmacy department." Ten minutes later Miss Anderson found us gathering up toiletries for Billy and myself. "I have reviewed the security tapes from the store cameras. It appears that Julie over embellished her tale a bit. I really must apologize for her actions." "That really is not necessary Miss Anderson. We just wish to make our purchases and get home." "I insist. As a way of saying we are sorry I wish to give you both a three-day pass to Disney land." Billy nearly came out of his skin. He actually began to vibrate in place, eager to get the passes in his hands. Miss Anderson smiled widely at Billy. "Have you ever been to Disney Land?" "Nope! Never! WOW! When can we go?!" "Soon Billy, Soon. Thank you very much Ma'am" "Your very welcome. I hope you enjoy the tickets and I hope to see you back with us in the future." "I am sure we will." Miss Anderson walked us back to the counter chit chatting with us the whole way. When we got to the checkout she noticed the swim suit on the counter. "Oh, are you going to the beach?" "I think so. It has been a long time since I was last at the ocean." "Well, if he is going to were this then he is going to need some good sun block. Particularly with his complexion." I slapped myself in the head. "Your right! Billy would burn in a minute out there." Miss Anderson sent a girl to get some sunscreen for Billy. Soon we were on our way. "When can we go?" "Where?" "Disney Land silly!" "Hmmmmm, I dunno if I can spare the time." I teased knowing I still had almost two whole weeks. "Please?!?!? We have to go! I never been there! pleasepleaseplease?" "Well 3;" He looked at me like the world would end if he didn't get to go. "I think I can make some time later this week." "YAY!!!!" "Now lets go to the mall. I haven't had a chance to laugh at the freaky looking people in a long time." "What do you mean?" "I like to go to the mall and window shop as well as look at all the freaks. You know. Spiked hair, tattoos, body piercings and such." "You don't!" "Well I usually don't let them see me laughing, but I do get a laugh out of them." With that we spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around one of the huge mega malls that seem to be cloning themselves at a hideous rate these days. For dinner we ate at a good Chinese place. I was surprised to find out that he had never had Chinese food before. It was an experience to remember. I had to order carefully not knowing what he would like and not. I ordered two entrees, lemon chicken, and stir fried beef. Also I ordered a sampler platter for the appetizer as well as won'ton soup. The soup he liked, as well as the fried shrimps and beef kabobs and the lemon chicken. The rest he did not care for. I had a wonderful time trying to teach him how to eat with chopsticks. I held his hands in the proper way and guided him a few times. I loved to be so close to him. All day long we were too public for me to put my arm around him. But here I could. And teach him a valuable life skill. After all, eating with chopsticks was a requirement in my family. Yes we ate a lot of Japanese food since my father was stationed all over the orient. Though he was largely unsuccessful, it was humorous to watch the little boy trying to pick up a chunk of chicken with the sticks. One time the food popped out and landed right in his lap. "I don't think you need any sweetening down there Billy." I whispered in his ear. He elbowed me in the stomach. Soon his hand grew too cramped to hold the sticks and he abandoned them for a fork. After dinner we walked along the beach. The sun had long since gone down, but the moon cast enough light to see by and it made the sea glow with a pale blue/green light that added an air of mystique to the whole experience. "I wish my whole life was like this." "Billy," I said "If I have anything to say about it, it will be." I wanted to ask him a thousand questions. I didn't even know how old he was, how Jamal came to posses him, what his favorite color is, or even his birthday. I knew him in intimate ways, but I hardly knew anything about this little angel. As we walked I saw the moon begin to fall lower into the night sky. We stopped and sat on the beach sand to watch the moon set. The breeze was cool and refreshing and it made cuddling the boy in my arms all the more enjoyable. As the moon fell lower and lower, Billy held me tighter. "Do you know something little man?" I asked my lover. "What?" "I love you." "I love you too Billy. You are the first person to make me fell like I am wanted." When the moon finally dipped off the face of the earth we rose to our feet and resumed our walk back to the van.
When we arrived back at the apartment we unloaded four bags of clothes and stuff I had bought for Billy and climbed the stairs. "SQUEEEK!" "Look Bill! the stairs squeek!" "I noticed. Now quit playing and lets get inside. It looks like a storm is blowing in." Indeed the air pressure had changed and I could see lightning off to the West. "Squeek! squeek!" "Come on Billy!" I was getting annoyed and wanted to get inside. I guess I was more tired than I thought. "I have no idea what we are going to do with all this stuff Billy." I was amazed at the amount of stuff we accumulated. "Can we worry about it tomorrow Bill? I'm tired." It was getting late and I was also getting sleepy. "Sure." With that we dropped the bags on the kitchen table. Billy ran to the bedroom and I went to the bath. I had a mouth full of tooth paste when the boy came in to the bathroom dressed only in a pair of funpals. I marveled at how innocent and damned cute he looked. I realized he had the makings of a boy model. His muscle tone needed some work, but his face was classical boy and he held himself with confidence when he felt comfortable. But his skin tone was in need of a lot of sun. He was too pale, almost as white as a sheet. A thought popped into my head then was washed away in a wave of yawning. When I finished brushing, Billy took his place at the sink and I went to the bedroom. I had undressed down to my briefs when he jumped into bed and crawled under the covers. "Can we just sleep tonight? I'm real tired." "Sure thing kid, I was thinking the same thing. Sides I like to cuddle." I crawled into the bed and snuggled up next to my little love.
The next morning I was happy to find Billy in bed with me still when I awoke. "I could get used to this." I thought to myself. I lay there and watched him sleep. If you have never sat and watched a boy sleep while dreaming little boy dreams, I highly recommend it. All to soon he stirred in my arms. "Welcome to that land of the living." I said. He smiled at me and kissed me on the lips. "Good morning!" "Good morning yourself. you ready to help me get my camera stuff set up today?" "Can I try on my clothes first?" "After we wash them you can model them for me." "Cool! I know what you want to see first!" "You mean?" "Yep!" "Really?" "Unhhun!" "Breakfast?" "NO! Silly! those Speedo things." "Oh." I tried to sound dejected. "Fooler!" "Well I am hungry!" "For this maybe." He pushed his crotch against me. He was hard as a rock. But then so was I. "Can we eat some food first or do you want to risk me biting it off in hunger?" "Let's eat first. I'm hungry too." We ate a breakfast made up of Froot loops in our underwear. After I threw his clothes into the wash and went back to the living room.
"Come here and help me take this stuff up to the studio upstairs." "Studio?" "Yea. Shelly likes to dance and she converted the old attic of this place to a dance studio. It will give me plenty of room to set up." Each of us grabbed a couple bags and climbed the spiral staircase to the studio. "WOW. This place is big!" "It takes up the entire top floor of the building. The owners never used it and she talked them into letting her use it if she did all the renovations. She has the only access to the studio through her apartment." The room was indeed large. As big as the four apartments below. With a gabled ceiling, track lighting, skylights, and a well-polished hardwood floor. There were a few large mirrors and dance rails along the walls and a set of weights and workout equipment in one corner. "She works out too?" "Yes she does Billy. She is a very fit person. Very healthy." "Can I use them? I wanna get big as Arnold Schwarzenegger and then no one will ever hurt me again." "I think I can teach you how to use them, but what you need right now is not a lot of muscle but rather muscle tone." "What?" "I'll explain it later, right now we need to get this stuff up stairs." Soon all my gear was in the studio and I began to set it up. Billy was full of questions and curiosity about every piece of equipment I had. I tried to patiently answer all of his questions only because he seemed to be getting the concepts I was telling him. I only had to tell him what a thing was for once and in a few cases twice before he knew what it was for. I wished I had picked this stuff up as easily.
By now we had all the gear setup and it was lunch time. We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Pepsis. While stuffing our faces we heard the buzzer on the dryer go off. "My clothes are all done!" The little ball of love sped to the laundry closet. God his butt looked cute with Tom and Jerry each on one cheek. On the front was a picture of each character's head strategically placed on the front panel. I had long since put on a pair of sweats to go to the Van to get a few things we had left the day before. We took all his clothes up to the studio along with the ironing board and iron to work out the wrinkles in some of the clothes. "Why we going up here? I thought I was going to model these for you." "Because if your going to model for me I want to take some pictures of you in your clothes." "And out of my clothes I bet too!" "Only if you decide to. Not everyone is comfortable with being photographed in the nude." "I don't know." He looked contemplative. "You are the first person besides my mom that I felt comfortable with being naked around." "Well you tell me what you want to model first." "I don't know. There is so much." He stood there looking at all the clothes laid out on the floor in neat piles. "You decide." I really wanted to go straight to the underwear and the Speedos but thought he would have to get more comfortable being in front of the camera first. "O.K.. Silk shirt and dress pants with the dress shoes and black socks." We had started. The first couple outfits he modeled like a trooper. And inexperienced trooper. A clumsy and stiff trooper. But a trooper nonetheless. After we had covered all the long pants and casual shorts with T-shirts we moved on to his play clothes. Sweats, short shorts, tank tops, swim trunks with a shirt. "Hey, what are these?" He held up a pair of the biker shorts. "Those are biker shorts. They are like the swim suit we got you, stretchy and light. They are meant to be snug so they don't get in the way." "OH." He dropped them and went to the Speedos. "You want me to wear these now?" "Do you want to?" "Will I look stupid in these?" "No. I will even develop these first. That way you can see for yourself." "If I look goofy will you throw out the pictures?" I smiled. "Yes." I knew I could take more if he hated them. He dropped his trunks right there and I saw he still had on his funpals. He began to crawl into the Speedos. "Kiddo, those are for swimming. You aren't supposed to wear underwear with them." "Oh yea." He quickly slipped out of his underpants and into the Speedos with his back turned. 'God his ass is white. I have got to get him sunbathing soon.' I thought to myself. Billy was quickly in his swim suit and I was more than ready to start shooting. I turned around and he wasn't on the backdrop paper. Instead he was over by the full length mirrors along one wall looking at himself. He stood staring at himself in the mirror. I think he forgot I was even there. He turned side to side and all around. As he was critiquing himself I had begun to take pictures of him from all angles possible. He was oblivious of me and my camera. Relaxed and confident. He began to stretch and move in a variety of ways, I think testing to see if anything was going to fall out. I had run through two large rolls of film before he took notice of me. "I like these, but I don't know if I want to wear them outside." "I think if you did the entire city would have a woody." He giggled like the bells of the angels. "Billy, those Speedos really show off your body well. Not in a sexual way. It just tells the world that you are a boy and damned proud of it." "I'm skinny." "A good diet and some exercise will take care of that. "I'm pale. I'll blind everyone at the beach." "A little sun and you will look killer." He turned to me. "Well you finally got me in these things, so take your pictures." He smiled at me knowing this was what I was waiting for. I gave him a towel and a beach ball as props. He was more relaxed now than when he was in the dressy clothes. He crawled around on the ground like a cat looking at me through the camera like he was going to pounce on me at any moment. He wrapped the towel around his waist in such a way as to look like he was naked save the towel. He sat on the ball with his legs spread wide. He laid down and struck a number of sultry poses. He stretched in every possible way. I was amazed that I didn't have to instruct him while he was wearing this little swath of cloth. When he was in shirt and pants I had to guide him and talk him through it all. Now I only suggested a few poses that he took and expanded on. He was a natural. Like most boys he loved to show off. But this was something more. He loved everything about it and he knew the power he had over me. These pictures I started to take of him so I could show him how beautiful he was. Now he was teasing and tempting me with every breath. I knew he could make a fortune as a model. I wanted to run to the second bathroom to setup my darkroom and develop these rolls of film right then. This roll of film was gone and he walked over to the pile of clothes as I reloaded my cameras. "How about the underwear next?" He asked as if he were asking what I wanted on my cheese burger. "If you want to, but it's getting late. Do you want to do those tomorrow?" "Well, If you want to we can tonight. Besides I want to see them as soon as possible." "O.K. by me." I was stoked. He casually shucked his Speedos and picked through the pile of undies before him. I, just as casually, snapped a couple shots of him sans clothes looking through the pile. I made sure to not show anything, but catch all of him. I was amazed he didn't notice, but then he was used to me by now loading and shooting nothing to advance the film. "Tell you what Billy, start with the plain ones and I'll shoot a half roll of each then we switch to another pair." "O.K." He grabbed a plain white pair and ran to the paper to strike another pose. He modeled each pair of underwear he owned. The first few shots of each were casual, like you would find in a catalog or advertising leaflet if the attitudes in this country hadn't made so many companies stop showing boys in briefs in their ads. Then he began to pose and posture for me. He was indeed a sensual boy. Nothing he did was obscene or sexual. But it was very erotic and sensual. White, black, royal blue, multi colored, Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny, Spiderman, Batman, Superman and even Taz were all modeled on this little boy's body. He even made the boxer style long leg briefs I picked up look sexy to me. Soon I had a pile of over two dozen rolls of film and one very tired boy. The only thing we hadn't got to was the biker pants. I decided to get to those another day. Billy was nodding off and I decided to put him to bed even though he wanted to continue. I picked him up in my arms and carried him to bed. As I turned to leave he asked "Aren't you coming to bed?" "No love. I want to get that film developed. I want to show you how good you look." With a wink I turned out the light and went to the studio to gather my materials.
Now I'm the first to admit I can become lost in a darkroom. Not the 'I can't find my way out' lost. But rather lost in the work. This time was no exception. 25 rolls of film had to be developed. This part I never cared for because it took so much time. Black and white film is not so bad because of its simplicity. Color requires exact timing and a lot more chemicals and time. Printing the pictures I love to do. That is where I can lose all track of time and space. The smells of the chemicals. The odd colors of the negatives. The frustrations of getting an exposure just right. I love it all. Before I knew it I heard a knock on the door to the bathroom. "Billy? I had a bad dream." "I will be out in two minutes love. Can you wait that long?" "NO! I'm scared NOW!" I abandoned the print I was working on and opened the door. The little boy that posed so seductively for me only hours earlier flew into my arms sobbing. "Shush little bear. I'm here now." He shook like a leaf in a windstorm. I knew what was scarring him. After about ten minutes on the floor of the bathroom he calmed down some. "I'm sorry. I was so scared!" "I understand. put the dream out of your mind now. I have some things to show you." "Are they done?" He asked excitedly wiping tears away. "Not all of them, but a bunch." I picked up a handful of images I had finished to satisfaction in one hand and cradled his little bottom in the other and lifted him up. "Let's take these to the living room." He stared in disbelief at the images before him. "Are these me?" "Yes they are. I think you photograph well." He looked at each one in turn, looking closely at every element of the picture before moving on. We chatted about the images in turn and talked about how to improve them, what he could do as a model and what I needed to do as photographer.
Soon we realized that it was nearly 7 am. The sun however had not put in an appearance yet. I looked outside and saw that the sky was ominously black. "WOW, looks like we are going to get hit hard with a storm." Billy yawned wide and long. "I think you need some more sleep little bear." "Can I sleep in the bathroom?" I had to think about this a minute. There was little room in there for him to lie down. Also the floor was hard and cold. "I can sleep in the tub, or under the counter where it is open. I just don't want to be alone." He hugged the blanket he had to his chest. "O.K. You can crash under the counter. I need the tub to hang the prints in while they dry." The lad ran to the bedroom and came back with more blankets and a pillow. Soon he was dozing under the counter at my feet and I was again immortalizing his small body in photograph.
Three hours and ten more images later I realized I could no longer keep my eyes open. So, gathering up my little model, I took us to bed. By this time we were engulfed in a rather energetic storm. Lots of lightning and a bit of thunder with a bit of wind to make things interesting. Just the way I liked it.
I walked down the stairs of the apartment to the van. Billy was right behind me chattering about or excursion to Disneyland today. I was in seventh heaven. The sky was clear and bright. The sun shone brightly in the sky warming everything in sight gently. I stepped on the squeaky stair and turned to look at my love. My heart froze. Billy was trapped in the arms of a monster. At the top of the stairs was a huge black man with burly arms and a huge knife in his right hand with Billy trapped in his left arm. The stairs stretched bizzareley before me to an impossibly long distance. I tried to run to help the boy but each step was like walking through cement. My limbs were suddenly made of lead. I tried to scream but the sound died in my throat. I could see the terror in Billy's face. His arms reached for me pleading for rescue. He looked so tiny and helpless next to this monster before me. The beast pointed to me with the knife and placed it to Billy's neck. The man now indeed became a monster. His eyes began to glow red and green. His hair grew and twisted into horns of ebon blood. His teeth grew into twisted fangs, and his hands to scaly claws. He barked out a laugh that sounded like dynamite. He bent his head to Billy and his tongue flicked out, forked and dripping sin, sliding up the boy's face. I screamed again in rage at his fouling this youth with his touch. He turned his face to me. "So you want this little morsel?" His voice was thick and vile. "Then have him!" With this he drew the blade slowly across the perfect flesh of Billy's neck. My loves eyes grew wide and he tried to scream. All that came out was a blood choked gurgle. My rage magnified tenfold. I struggled each step to get to this monster and purge the world of his evil. Laughing at my impotence he lifted Billy like a bloody, limp rag doll and threw him down the steps to me. His frail form struck me in the chest and we tumbled to the pavement in a twisted embrace of death. I held the limp child in my arms and cried to heaven. "Why did you let him kill me? I thought you loved me. You promised me he would never hurt me." I looked down to see Billy, his face covered in blood looking into my soul.
I woke screaming.
Billy held me in his arms much the same way I did him when he had a bad dream. "It's O.K. I'm here now. Don't cry." I hugged him to me and tried to control my shaking. "It was just a dream." I kept repeating to myself. "Yes, just a dream." Billy repeated. The clock on the dresser was black. The power had gone out. "What time is it?" I asked. "Dunno. I been up for a while looking at those pictures." The room was dark. "Kinda hard to see isn't it?" "The power went out just a little ago." "I think I need a shower." "Your all wet." "Sweat. Yuk." "Musta been a bad dream." He looked worried. "The worst." I wiped my face with my hand and crawled out of bed. "Want me to shower with you?" "I think I need a few minutes to get my head on straight little bear." He looked dejected. "Not that I wouldn't love to but I'm still shaky and need a few minutes by myself." "O.K." I wanted nothing more than to be with him in the shower soaping his nubile, willing body up, but I could barely stand and the echoes of demonic laughter kept ringing in my mind I stood in a dark shower with the hottest water I could stand running down my body trying to wash the fears away. Soon the water ran cold and I stepped out of the shower and found Billy sitting on the toilet with his unders around his ankles. "I hadda go." "I can understand that." I began to towel off. "I'm hungry Bill. Can we go out for breakfast?" "With the lights out I think we don't have much choice." We quickly dressed and ran to the van in the rain trying to dodge raindrops. We drove around for about an hour trying to find an open restaurant that was open. Most were closed due to power outages. The traffic was being difficult because the street lights were out as well. I was still jumpy and my head was hurting. "I hope we find a place to eat soon. I need some" I glanced at the clock in the dash of the van "lunch!? My god it's 2 pm!" We drove on till 2:30 when we found a nice looking restaurant to eat in. I still could not get the dream out of my head. "You had a real bad dream hunh Bill?" "Yes. It was a bad one Billy." "Wanna talk about it?" I wondered how he could make himself understood with a mouthful of spaghetti. "Not really." "Was He there?" I was surprised at how intuitive Billy was. "Yes." "He hurt you?" "No." "He hurt me?" "Yes." "You stopped him didn't you? You beat him up real good?" "It was a dream Billy, let's leave it at that." "Did you beat him up?" He was getting intense. "I don't want to talk about it Billy." "I wanna know! Did you beat him up?" I stood up " I'm finished. I'll see you in the car." I could not believe I was walking away like this. I tossed twenty to the cashier and went to the van. I laid down on the bed and put a pillow over my head trying to make the laughter go away. "Did you beat him up in your dream?" "NO! Goddamnit!" I snapped. "I couldn't reach him. I tried and tried. The harder I tried the further away you both got. My body wouldn't work. So no I did not beat him up." There I said it. A little bundle of flying fists struck me in the chest. "You said you'd never let him hurt me! You lied!" He kept screaming and hitting me. I couldn't hold him still and didn't want to. I got up and sat in the driver's seat. "Sit down, shut up and buckle in." I raced home. Billy didn't say anything to me he just ran to the bedroom and slammed the door. I wanted to kill something. So I went up stairs and took off my shirt. Shelly kept a good heavy bag up there. I went to work on it. No gloves or tape. I started hammering it with all my might and rage. It had been weeks since I had a workout and my muscles screamed at every impact. I kicked off my shoes and used them too. I had been in karate for years. Since I was 12. My 'master', a large black man who disdained the title, never pushed the belt ranking stuff. We all knew who had rank and who did not. I alternated between punching and kicking the shit out of the bag. I focused all my rage and fear into each punch. Each kick made the bag swing. The harder I tried to escape the emotions raging in my head the harder it was to ignore them. Each punch sent shocks up my arms. I wanted to kill. I went into a series of jumping spinning heel kicks. The bag slammed into the rack that held it to the ceiling. Again. Again. Again. I fell to the floor and cried in impotent rage. "Are you mad at me?" "No love. Me." "Why did you let him hurt me?" "I didn't let him damnit! I couldn't stop him. I tried to stop him. You know how when you try to run in a bad dream everything for you goes slow but for the monsters it goes fast?" I was answered with a little nod. "That is what it was like." I took a deep breath and sighed. "If I'm mad at any one it is me." He went down stairs and left me to my thoughts. Why couldn't he just let it drop? I gathered my things and went to take a shower. I soaked in the hot water till it ran ice cold. My stomach was in knots and I wanted to kill someone still. I changed into some sweats and a T-shirt to cook dinner though I was not hungry. Hamburgers and potato chips and a green salad. We ate in silence and I did dishes alone and quietly. In the living room I found Billy looking at the contact sheets of the pictures I took. I just went to the bed room and took off my shirt and climbed into bed. The sun was just setting. About a half and hour later Billy came in and climbed into bed . We were on far sides of the bed from each other. I wanted to cry but refused to. Soon I felt the bed shift a bit. I decided to turn over. Billy was looking at me and I him. "It was only a dream, right?" He asked. "Only a dream." "So why are we being so stupid?" "I have no idea." We hugged each other tight and spooned next to one another till we drifted off to sleep. The next morning I awoke before the sun and watched Billy sleep curled up next to me. I was too lucky. A good job. A hopeful future. A beautiful boy that loved me. I wondered what was going to fuck it up. I leaned over and kissed his lips gently and whispered in his ear. "Time to wake up lover." He stretched long and hard and looked into my eyes. He smiled broad and sweet. "Do you know something?" "What it that?" "Your breath stinks!" I tickle monstered him till he begged me to stop or he would pee. "You get to take a shower while I shave and brush my teeth Billy." I tore the covers off and saw he had slept in the nude. I felt a familiar stirring in my loins. "You're getting a stiffie!" He teased. "Yes I am, and you had better get to the shower before he wakes all the way up or we may never get to Disneyland." "Are we going today?!" "Well we are going up the coast today to the beach and spend the night up there and then we can be there first thing in the morning." I never thought a boy could move so fast in all my life. He was in the shower with the water running before I hit the door. "I'm going to check to make sure you scrub good every where so I won't be seen with a dirty boy in public, so take your time." I brushed my teeth and had my face lathered up when he stepped from the shower. "I'm all clean." "Good, come brush your teeth and we can get going." He pushed in front of me to brush his teeth, naked, and I just stood behind him shaving. I wondered if this was what a real family felt like. I finished up shaving soon after he finished brushing. "All done!" He chirped. "Let's see." I commanded. I Smelled his hair to see if he shampooed, it smelled like papaya. I looked behind each ear, clean as a whistle. I inspected each hand and found no trace of dirt. His chest and back were as clean as the rest of him. "Let's check those teeth, open up!" He opened his moth wide for inspection. "Looks clean in there. But I can't be sure till 3;" "Till what?" I leaned down and kissed him on the mouth, long, gentle and deep. I broke the embrace and looked at him, "Yup! Good and clean inside and out." I could still taste his tooth paste in my mouth. We ate bowls of Cheerioes for breakfast and went to pack for four days. Billy was still naked when we went to the bedroom to pack. "What should I take?" "I learned a long time ago that if you pack light and smart you can have a lot more fun." I picked him up and plopped him on the bed. Then I retrieved a small suitcase of mine for him. "This is all the luggage you will have. So choose wisely young man for it is all you have." He giggled. "Why not a big one to put more stuff in?" "So you don't have to lug it around." I walked over to the dresser. "First: Underwear. How may pairs are you going to need?" "I dunno." "Think Boy! How many days are we going to be gone?" "Three!" "Good guess! but wrong." He drooped. "We will be gone four days. Now count with me, today at the beach and three days at Disneyland makes how many?" "Four!" "Exactly! Never forget to count correctly or you can cut yourself short in undies." Another giggle. "So what do you want to take with you?" "I don't know. You choose for me." "I won't make all the choices for you. You have to decide." "OK. The cartoon ones with Batman, one white one blue and one of those long ones." "The boxer briefs?" "Yep!" "OK." I tossed the ones in question to the bed. "Next: Pants or shorts. Remember that the evenings are kinda chilly sometimes so one pair of long pants are recommended." "The short ones you like so much, The long ones with the stripe, The ones that look like the jeans, and the jeans too!" I tossed them to the bed as well. I was happy he wanted the short shorts. "OK, on to the shirts." "The silk one for dinner, My Mickey mouse shirt, and the Power rangers, and the plain green one." Added to the pile. "Almost done. On to the swimsuit competition." "Ummmm." "Just choose what you want." I knew he was wanted to please me and he was embarrassed about going out in the speedos. I tossed the trunks to the pile. "OK. Now how many pairs of socks will you need?" "Four," he called. "And a big blue teddy bear to the naked boy on the bed." Four pairs of socks in different colors landed on the bed. "Toiletries are next Billy. What items are we going to need for you to keep clean?" "Soap?" I nodded. "Toothpaste?" I nodded. "A tooth brush!" I nodded. "Anything else?" "Nope!" "Yep!" I said. "How are you going to wash without a washcloth, and how do you dry with out a towel?" "OH Yea!" "Now you will need one bath towel and one beach towel when you get all sandy." He ran to the bath and came back with the items in question. He jumped on the bed as I instructed him on packing the items and answered a few questions he had. He was still naked as we finished folding his clothes. "Aren't you getting dressed?" "Oh yea. What should I wear?" "We are going to the beach to day but we won't be there the entire day." He went to the dresser and began poking around in it. I went to the bathroom to gather my toiletries and then to the bedroom closet to get my suitcase out. He had gotten his short shorts out and put them on and was wiggling into a Animaniacs shirt. "Decided on those?" "Yea. I figured if I take four and today is one then I should wear one of them." "OOPS! we forgot your pajamas." "Nah, I can sleep in my unders." "I would rather you take your jammies cause we are going to sleep in the van and I don't want you going out in your underwear if you have to go in the middle of the night." "Oh." I quickly packed my clothes and other things before climbing the stairs to gather my camera equipment for the trip. Again I would be traveling light. Two 35mm bodies, my Pentax K-1000 and a Minolta autofocus. One flash unit. Travel pack of filters. Extra batteries and a lot of film. And a tripod. We gathered our bags and headed for the van. Three hours later we found a good stretch of beach between Sandiego and Disneyland to spend the day at. I pulled the van into the sandy parking space at the beach. I chose this place because it was near the beach and the beach was secluded in comparison to the public beaches near the city. "Well, here we are kiddo!" I chirped. Billy was stretching and craning to see everything he could. "Lets go swimming!" He begged. "First we gotta get some suntan lotion on you so you won't burn." "OK!" He jumped out of his seat into the back of the van. I followed and closed the curtain that separated the driver's area from the rest of the van. I grabbed the bottle from my bag and told him "Take off your shirt and I'll put it on for you." "You just want to see me without my shirt!" "I saw you without more this morning Billy." Giggling he pulled his shirt over his head. I marveled at his body again. He still had too long of hair. I poured a gob of lotion in my hand and started rubbing it into his shoulders. "Mmmmmmm, that feels good." He purred. I was enjoying it myself. I reached around and began to rub it into his chest. I concentrated on his nipples for a while and then over his tinny pectorals and down his ribs to his tummy and belly button. "Your giving me a stiffie! I don't wanna go out with my weenie sticking out!" "I think I can help you with that Billy!" "OK! But won't we get caught?" "We just have to keep it quiet and we will be fine." I reached out and hooked my fingers into the elastic of his shorts. They were hugging his hips and butt like a sheet of cellophane. I eased them down his hips to his knees. "You wore the speedos Billy!" "You like them so much I thought I should." He looked into my eyes and I fell in love again. "Billy, never do something you don't want to simply because you think I want you to. If you don't want to wear those in public then don't." "I want to, but I'm embarrassed. I want to make you happy." "I want you to be happy Billy. If you are happy then I am happy. I would be happy if you wanted to wear a snowmobile suit to swim in. What you wear won't change the fact that I love you with all my heart." "I have something else in mind right now." He smiled at me. I pulled his shorts down to his ankles and off. He stood before me nearly nude and more beautiful than ever. I could not believe how good he looked in his speedos. I saw the outline of his 2½ inch [6½ cm] erection in the elastic material the almost exposed his boyhood. I reached up and took his face in my hands. I kissed him lightly on the lips and savored his taste. My hands roamed down his smooth back to his tight little ass. I inhaled the odor of coconut that clung to his small frame. I kneaded his bum in my hands as I kissed his lips and neck. He moaned as I slipped my hands into the back of his speedos. The skin of his butt cheeks were smooth like silk and firm like fresh bread dough. I drew his swimsuit down to his knees and let them drop from there as my hands roamed up to his butt again. I could feel his erection poking me in the chest as he rubbed it against me. I turned Billy around and held him close to my body as I took his erection into my hand and slowly began to stroke it up and down. "Ooo keep doing that!" I was more than happy to oblige. My left hand stroked him gently as my right hand held his immature testicles like they were the most prized gems in the world. He reached up and held onto my head as his pleasure increased. He began to groan and moan. His hips thrust against my hands as I increased the pace. "This feels so good Billy! I wish we could do this all the time." "So do I Kiddo." His legs gave out as he reached climax and he fought to keep from screaming. "Unh! OH god the was good!" I held the little boy in my arms as he basked in the after glow of orgasm. He sat heavily in my lap and wiggled his cute ass against my own erection. "You have a stiffie to!" "Yes my love seeing you have pleasure does that to me." I crooned. "Can I make you feel good now?" "If you want to Billy I would love to let you." He stood up in my arms and turned around. His erection had subsided for the most part but still stood out from his body. He took my shirt and drew it up over my head. I was enthralled with the magic this little boy cast over my mind and soul. As well as my nether regions. I stood up and reached for my pants and he stopped me. "Let me do it like you did me." "OK love, any thing you want." I began to shiver in anticipation as his hands worked on the buttons that held my pants shut. One button at a time he popped open as he worked his way down the fly. I nearly came right there but held off for better things to come, so to speak. When the last button was released he drew my pants down to a pile around my ankles. As I stepped out of them he took my hips in his hands. I quivered at his touch. He looked up into my eyes and smiled. I could not help but smile back. He wanted to give me pleasure as I did him, and I loved him for it. He stroked my hips and reached around to grip my cheeks in his small hands. I could hold both his in one of my hands and his small hands could not hope to cover mine. He slid his small hands back around my hips and traced the outline of my erection in my briefs with light touches of his finger tips. He leaned forward and kissed me on the bulge that presented it self to him. I moaned and he giggled. He finally hooked his fingers into the elastic of my underwear and pulled them down to my feet only stopping to free my erection when it got hooked in the material. I stepped out of my underpants as naked as he was and feeling free. We went to the bed and I lay down as he climbed on top of my legs facing me. He leaned forward and started kneading my testicles and running his hands trough my pubic hair. The night we made love he could not see much of me in the dark and I got the distinct impression he was inspecting me visually as well as physically. He worked his hands up from my balls to my erect penis. I groaned a bit louder than I wanted to. "SHHHH! or someone will hear!" He whispered. I closed my mouth as he began to slide his hands up and down, up and down slowly building speed and tempo. He even varied the intensity of his grip in the same way I did when I masturbated him. I quickly approached orgasm and he could feel me coming close to release. He sped up his stroking and I could feel my balls rising and falling with each pump he gave my love tool. I began to moan softly and he lowered his head to my penis. I could feel his lips cover the tip and the heat from the inside of his mouth. This was more than I could take, I ejaculated, spewing into his waiting mouth. I kept shooting and he continued to lap up my semen. I soon finished and collapsed to the bed. He climbed onto my chest and smiled widely knowing he could make me feel so good. "Do you like doing that?" He nodded vigorously. "Even after what they did to me. I like doing it to you because you love me and want to make me feel as good as you do." I could tell he was happy. "Besides, I like the taste of your stuff! Do you like the taste of stuff?" "I honestly don't know love, I have never tasted it." "Really? Then how did you learn to suck mine so good?" "I have always loved boys Billy. I have wanted to do the things we do together with a boy. But I never sucked a penis before yours. I guess I do it good because I know what I like and I spent a LOOOOONG time dreaming about doing these things with a boy I loved." He laid his head against my chest and we cuddled for a long time. I soon felt his penis begin to inflate again. "Love, if we keep doing this then we will never get to swimming." "I can't help it! It just keeps getting hard!" I stroked his butt a bit and his penis was soon a raging erection pushed against my stomach. He began to gently hump my stomach as I rubbed his butt. "This feels good too!" He piped up. I imagined it would with all the hair on my chest tickling his genitals. Soon he was slamming into me with all his might as I kissed his mouth feverishly. Our tongues danced and played within the confines of our mouths as he humped me like a rabbit. I let him take this as fast as he wanted. He began to loose control as he slapped his pelvis against me and threw his head back. I could hear him begin a scream of pleasure and I grabbed his head and kissed him deeply to contain the scream. He went rigid and his pelvic thrusts diminished to spasms as his orgasm subsided. I held him close to me and waited for his to recover. "It looks like you found something else that feels good." "Yea, that was almost as good as when you rub my weenie." He panted. I looked down. "Damn." "What?" "Now I'm hard again!" "I think I can take care of that!" He volunteered. With that he spun around and began to lick the tip of my penis. I was looking directly into his super cute ass and got an idea as his testicles teased and begged me to pay attention to them. I spread his legs a bit wider and shifted his hips so I could get to his crotch. I reached out and liked his balls and penis in one swath. All that he did was to giggle like a little boy doing something naughty. I slipped his penis into my mouth as he went back to work on my member. It felt even better knowing I was giving him oral pleasure at the same time he was doing the same to me. I concentrated on the sensitive part of his little penis around the glans and the head. He took the whole of my penis into his throat and began to pump his head up and down slowly. I could feel him take a moment at the top of each stroke to get a gulp of air and to pay attention to my own glans. His hands were rolling my balls around and feeling every bit of them. I began to rub his ass and stoke his back. We both had recently had an orgasm, he had two, so we were not in urgent need of release and we took our time. I could feel him stiffen his pelvis and he began to pump into my face. I laved his privates and rubbed has bottom while I felt him approach climax. I was amazed that he could orgasm so soon after two others. Ah to be young again! All too soon he was slapping his hips into my face as I suckled his dick like a baby would his mothers breast. I was getting close to climax as he stiffened his whole body and drove his penis deep into my mouth as I sucked for all I was worth. His body went limp and he held my erect penis in his mouth gently sucking and stroking it with his lips and tongue. I on the other hand didn't let his penis get a moments rest. As soon as he stopped moving I was licking and sucking his little popsicle back to life. Soon I was working his erection as fast as he was mine. The pause we had as he recovered from his third climax allowed me to regain my composure and prevent my second orgasm before I wanted to let it go. He began to take my erection as deep as he could as I started to hum a tune on his instrument. We both began to slurp obscenely as we gave up control and drove for orgasm. Billy began to hump my face again as I began to do the same to his. His mouth and hands were sliding up and down my shaft as I slipped my tongue tip into his the slit in the tip of his penis. I sought to drive him insane with pleasure as I rubbed his dick with the rough side of my tongue. I think I gave him ideas as he did the same to me. I was surprised as he slipped what felt like his whole tongue into the pee slit in my own penis. I could feel the occasional touch of a sharp tooth and feel the hot breath escaping his nose on my nuts and cock as his head bobbed madly up and down trying to make me come before he did. We finally reached orgasm explosively as he slapped my face with his hip and I thrust mine deep into his throat as I shot for all I was worth. He swallowed for all he was worth trying to take as much as he could considering how small he was. We collapsed together and gasped for breath as he licked my penis clean and sucked the last drops out of me. I turned him around and we cuddled as we regained our strength. "I still have to put more lotion on you love." "OH god, I don't think I could handle any more Bill! Do we have to?" "No! I mean I have to put more lotion on you cause I only got as far as your hips. If I don't the bottom half of you will burn." "Oh OK." I reached over and took the lotion and set to work on my love and my lover. We walked to the beach and set up our blanket and gear. There were very few people there which was fine with Billy, but I wanted to show him off. We lay on the beach waiting the 20 minutes before we could go swimming without washing off the lotion. We chatted about what we were going to do at Disneyland the next day and watched as a few people strolled by. "When can we go swimming?" Billy begged. "Soon, we have to wait so the lotion don't wash off in the water." I looked at him and realized he had not even taken off his shirt yet. "Billy, why not take off your shirt and shorts so you can get some sun?" "I don't know." "You can't go forever like this. Besides, those shorts you have on aren't covering much more than the speedos are." He blushed at this. I hadn't gotten as far as to develop the pictures of him wearing those shorts yet, so he had no idea how revealing they were. He reluctantly took off the shorts first hoping the shirt would cover him. Then after waffling about it he shucked his T-shirt too. I marveled at his beauty in the bright California sun. "Just lay down on the blanket and catch some rays before we swim. Soon you won't even notice." I reached over and turned on the small tape played I brought with and stretched out myself. "The sun feels good." Billy mumbled. I realized I was getting sleepy myself, so I set my watch to beep in 15 minutes and I lay down next to my lover. My watch beeped and I reached over to shake Billy to wake him up. He rolled over and put his hands up to shade his eyes from the sun. "We can go swimming now Billy." I stated. "YAY!" Was all he yelled to me as he raced to the surf. I joined him in the water for a round of wave diving and boy tossing. He loved to be thrown into the air, and I loved to throw him. After a while of swimming and playing in the water we decided to make a sand castle. Needless to say it was a failure. :( We simply could not get it to stay together. But we did have loads of fun playing the invading giants who destroyed the pathetic castle. :) While we played on the beach we saw only a few people come by. Which was fine with us. The time flew by till nearly 3:00 pm. I had decided to get some pictures of Billy at the beach and broke out my camera and went to work again. The sun was bright and Billy was relaxed and having little boy fun. I was snapping pictures of him and in heaven. I looked up as I heard the laughter of a couple boys approaching. And boys they were. The eldest of the two was maybe ten and the other perhaps eight. They both wore knee length T-shirts so I could not see what they were wearing under. Both had sandy blonde hair and frail features that made them look like they might blow away in a strong wind. Neither was skinny but rather they both were a thin sort of muscular. Their voices carried on the wind like a chorus of angels. Both boys carried a towel over their shoulder and a large ice chest between them. Behind them walked a man with a load of his own. A large canvas bag and a beach umbrella. And they were headed our way. I non chalantly watched them as they approached and waited till they set up their beach area. I positioned myself with Billy between me and the other boys so I could admire them from afar. Billy soon realized they were there and watched them as the boys took off their shirt to have their dad put lotion on them. It was easy to assume that he was their father because the resemblance was uncanny. "Why don't you go play with them for a while Billy?" "I don't know." "Come on! You can't stay over here all day. Besides they are wearing speedos just like you are." "Well." "Go on! Have fun! I think I will survive sitting here watching you play." Indeed the boys were wearing speedos as well. The younger one was wearing a pair that was too small for him and appeared to be a bit thread bare. Billy made his way over to the boys and chatted with them a bit before they all ran off to play. I wanted him to meet some other kids. He could not spend his whole life glued to my hip. Even if I would love that. I watched the boys play a bit and looked over to the man. He was also watching the boys and he had a smile on his face. I think he loved his boys as much as I loved Billy, maybe not in the exact same manner. I decided to take a leap and walked over to the man sitting in a beach chair. "Hello! My name is Bill." "Hello, I am David. Your boy seems very friendly. I am glad that my sons have found a new friend." David seemed a bit casual to me but it was refreshing. "He can be, or he can be shy to the point of being comatose at times." We laughed at this and shook hands. "I haven't seen you here before Bill, do you live nearby?" "No, David, I am a photographer by trade and am here on vacation. This is my first time to this beach." "This is a nice beach we have here. The others have been over run and are no longer enjoyable to visit." We chatted a bit while watching the boys at play. The lads had been playing near the surf and played a game that consisted of building loose sand structures and jumping up and down on them. At one point the little boy Billy was playing with jumped as high as he could to land on a lump of sand and we could hear clearly the sound of tearing fabric. He reached around his behind and grabbed his butt. The other boys fell over laughing. David and I nearly did the same. "Daddy! My shorts tore!" The boy ran up to us holding his rear. The other two were not far behind. Giggling David said "Turn around so I can see." I was surprised that the boy turned around and took his hands away giving us both a great view of his wonderful bum. I did notice he had a well-tanned ass. "You really did a number on these Jeffy. I guess that does it for today, we can't have you running around in those." "AWWWW Dad!" "I won't have you running around half naked on a public beach." "How about all naked dad?" The older one piped. "I think not Mikey. Lets get our things now." "I have a pair of shorts he can wear!" Billy yelled as he ran back to our spot. "If you want to you can wear those while you swim." I told Jeffy. He jumped up and down, "Can I daddy? I don't want to go home right now. We just got here!" "Well 3; 3;" "Please!?" "I have no problem and Billy has offered." I told them. ""OK. But you remember to give them back before we leave." "YAY!" The boy cried as he dropped his mangled swimsuit right there on the spot. I could not help but stare. "Jeffy!" David yelled. "You could at least wait till everyone isn't looking!" I blushed and turned around. "Now see? You have embarrassed Bill here." "I'm sorry," I heard in a small voice. "No problem!" I said. "I just don't want to embarrass you." "Bill, My boys don't embarrass easily! As you can see." I turned around. Jeffy was still naked as Billy came running back. "EEP!" Billy said as he saw Jeffy naked before the world. He quickly handed the lad his shorts. "Thanks Billy!" Jeffy chirped as he crawled into the shorts. They looked as killer on his well-tanned body as they did on Billy. They clung to his ass and hips like silk and his tan accented the shorts beautifully. I hoped Billy would wear them as well when he tanned some. "My those shorts look good on Jeffy." David stated as the boys ran off to play again. "Billy picked them out. I was surprised considering how shy he is. And, Yes they do look good on him." I had difficulty in controlling my breathing. "I hope that he didn't make you uncomfortable, but they are definitely not shy. Most of the time I have trouble getting them to wear clothes around the house, so most of the time they don't." "No, no. I wasn't embarrassed. But he did catch me off guard. I have never met a boy so uninhibited. I only hope that Billy gets as good of a tan as your boys." "Yes they are beautiful kids." We sat down and drank sodas and talked about nothing in particular as well as our boys. I had to do some quick thinking and fast talking to fill in some gap. I had to talk to Billy about our situation. All too soon it was 5:00 and time we all left the beach in search of food. Walking back to the parking lot with our gear and three tired, yet happy, boys, David asked me "Would it be possible for me too see some of your work? I would like to have some portraits of the boys made." CHA CHING! "Sure, I keep a portfolio in my van." I opened the van and all three boys piled in, Billy showing everything to his two new friends. I reached into a cabinet and pulled out a large package and a copy of the year book I did for one group. While the boys played in my van David looked at my work. "These are good. It isn't very often lately that you can find someone who takes this kind of care in their work." "I hate to make bad pictures. Ever since grade school when we got those lame off color class pictures I wanted to make better pictures. My labs hate me because I'm so picky." "I can imagine." He said laughing. "I know you are on vacation, but would you be willing to do some portraits of the boys? I can pay extra considering it is your time off." "Well, Billy and I are doing Disney land the next couple days, but I have some time after that." "That would be perfect! I have a large house with a guest room if you would care to spend a couple days with us. I know the boys would love to have Billy around to play with." "I think that would be wonderful. Billy certainly has needed a couple friends and I could use the money. It is very generous of you to offer. Thank you." We quickly exchanged information and a map to his home outside Oceanview. "Billy, we need to get going and get some food." "Awwwww." He reluctantly said his good-byes to Jeffy and Mikey. "I almost forgot Billy!" Jeffy yelled as we closed the side door to the van. I turned around and saw the little boy drop the shorts he was wearing and hand them to Billy. "Here's your shorts. Thanks for letting me wear them." With that he gave Billy a big, naked bear hug. Much to Billy's chagrin. "Jeffy!" David yelled. But Jeffy wasn't listening. He was jumping into their car. "Kids, go figure." He said with a lopsided smile. We shook hands and parted company. Billy was still blushing as he climbed into the van. "He don't care if anyone sees him naked." "No love he dose not." "He's tanned all over." "Yes he is." "Even down 'there'." "I saw that Billy." "He looks good." "He looks very good Billy." "I wish I looked like he does. I'm all skinny and white." "In time you will. If you want a tan like that you can sunbathe in the nude." "You mean naked?!" "Yes. Those two do at home apparently from what their dad says. You can see how well tanned they both are." "I don't know." "I don't mean in public! Shelly has a nice private balcony that she sunbathes on. No one can see you there. It would be perfect." "As long as no one can see me naked." "Good! You are beautiful now but in a few days you will look like a Greek God." "Whatever that means." We searched out a nice little steak house to have dinner at and Billy and I changed to go eat. I could tell the afternoon sun had made him a little pink. We ate a huge meal and went for a walk in a nearby mini mall. It was about 7:00 and many shops were closing up for the night. As we passed a hair salon Billy stopped to look at the pictures of the kid's hair styles they offered. I noticed that the sign said it closed in another hour and decided to have Billy's hair cut. "Do you want a hair cut Billy?" I asked. "I want my hair to look like that." He pointed to a nice layered simple cut that make the boy in the picture look like the average all American boy. He was cute and very masculine but not butch. I really did not like the slicked back look or the mushroom cuts that were cropping up all over. "That is what I would have picked myself Billy." Inside we found one lonely lady hairstylist waiting for the end of her day. "Hello." She called as we walked in. I nudged Billy, "Tell her what you want Billy." "Umm, I need a haircut." He said in a small voice. "Do you know what you would like?" She asked in a cheery voice as she led him to the styling chair. "I want my hair to look like the one in the window." The flat top or the other one? "The other one." "That's our All American Boy special. The cut and a shampoo for $12.50." With that she led Billy to the shampoo station and washed out the sea salt from his hair. "He has really fine hair, and I haven't seen anyone with hair this naturally white. It is really beautiful." Soon she had him in the chair clipping and snipping his hair. I watched as his long locks fell away. I was wondering exactly what he would look like with a real haircut. His hair was long to the point of being ridiculous. He still almost looked like a girl and I hoped to change that soon. I took a seat and relaxed watching the sun as it fell lower in the sky. I wanted my life to stay just like it was. My only fear was that it could not continue like this. Nothing in my life ever did. "How does this look sir?" I heard from the lady. There he stood. Four foot nothing [1.20 meter]. Deep blue eyes. Fair complexion. Stark white hair. And all Boy. He looked beautiful. "WOW!" Was all I could stammer. Billy giggled. "You did a wonderful job miss. He looks like a boy should now." "It was a pleasure cutting his hair sir. We had a good time talking. I think you should see about getting some special shampoo and conditioner to keep his hair it's natural color and keep it's texture." I thanked her and bought some of the products she suggested and left her a nice tip for her troubles. "Do you like this haircut Bill?" "Absolutely! You almost looked like a girl at a distance with all that long hair. This hair style screams Boy all over it." "I'm glad you like it. It feels funny but I like it too." We stopped and got a couple ice cream cones to eat on the way back to the van. "Billy?" "Yea?" "We need to talk about some things." "Like what?" He sounded worried. "I want you to stay with me always. But we can't just say it and make it happen. If people ask us questions we need to be able to answer them and have our answers match." "I think I understand." "We need to decide what to tell people. I don't like to lie, but we may have to. If someone asks if I am your father we need to decide what to say." "OK. But I already told Mikey and Jeffy that you were my dad." "That's OK. Their dad thinks I am too. So we are safe there." We walked on for a few minutes. "What are we going to say when people ask about your mom?" "I don't know." He sounded like he wanted to cry. We reached the van and climbed it leaving the door wide open to catch the breeze. "Tell me about her Billy. I need to know as much as I can." "She was real pretty till last year. Then she started taking stuff to make her feel good." "Drugs?" "Yea. It was a little at first, then it more and more. Soon it was all the time. She stopped caring about anything. Even me." His eyes teared up. "She loved me before she met Jamal. He gave her the drugs! He ruined my life. He took my momy from me!" The tears ran down his face in rivers but he refused to cry. He was pissed. "She spent all our money on drugs. Even if we didn't eat she bought his drugs. She got skinny and dirty. She changed. Nothing mattered but her drugs. She got mad at me if I told her I was hungry. She left me alone for days sometimes. Jamal kept giving her drugs and making her do things with men to get the drugs. The same things he wanted me to do. And she did it to get her drugs. Then about the time school got out he started telling me I would have to do those things if I wanted to eat. She told him to fuck off." He smiled. "She was mad at him and she stood up for me. I was happy. I thought she was my mommy again. " His face drooped. "But she kept taking the drugs. One day he came over and told her she owed him a lot of money. We didn't have any money to give him. She begged and he just laughed at her. He left, he said she knew what to do if she wanted her drugs. I didn't know what he meant. Mommy just sat in the kitchen crying. The next day she was all shaky and sweaty. She hurt real bad and I couldn't help her. The next day was worse. She was mad at me and said it was my fault cause I wouldn't do what he wanted." He pulled his knees to his chest and kept talking. "She was so mad she hit me. She never hit me. It was the drugs. His drugs. She dragged me to his place telling me it was all my fault and she was gonna give me what I deserved. She gave me to him. Gave me to him. Like I was some 3; thing not her son! He told me I was his and then he did those things I told you about. She left with her drugs and I never saw her again." He sniffled. "She was a good mommy before she met him. She loved me. He took her away from me. I want to kill him." "Billy, I know you want to kill him. So do I. But we can't go looking for him like that. If we killed him we would go to jail and never see each other again. What we need to do is decide what we will tell people." "Can we tell them she didn't want me and gave me to you?" "That is close to the truth. We can tell them she got into drugs and couldn't take care of you any more. I think we shouldn't tell people she didn't want you any more. I think you need to remember that she loved you a lot." He snorted at this, "but the drugs got in the way. She is still your mother and if she ever gets straight I think she will remember that." "I don't want to go back to her. She let him do those things to me. You love me." "So will we tell people that she didn't want you or that she gave you up?" He thought about it. "She gave me to you cause she can't take care of me." "OK." I did not want him hating his mom and if he told people she did not want him it would reinforce that. "What's your favorite color Billy?" I asked, I had to get some idea of what made this boy who he was. "Blue. I like blue like the water. What's yours?" "Red love. Like the roses on a spring morning. What's your birthday?" "July twenty third. When is yours?" "August seventh. I don't even know how old you are." "I'm eight silly! almost nine!" "Billy, what is your moms name? I need to know." "Lisa." He whispered. "Lisa MacDugan. "Billy MacDugan, I am Billy Jhonstone." I said formally and held out my hand. He took my hand and shook it "Nice to meet you Mr. Jhonstone." Just as formally. We laughed and I wiped off the tears on his face. The night was warm and we watched the surf pound the beach.