PZA Boy Stories

The Devil's Advocate

School of Humility

(Jack Gets Humbled)


Thirteen-year-old Jack thinks he has the world in the palm of his hand. All of that quickly changes when he gets pulled into a plot to turn him into a Humbled Girl. Will Jack be able to resist his training and all the mind games? Or, will Janice be born?

Publ. Feb 2012-May 2013 (The Devil's Advocate's own website); this site Mar 2014
Finished 209,000 words (418 pages)


Jack/Janice (13yo), Danielle (14yo), Dean Miller, Dr. Stanford

Category & Story codes

School & Boyfriend story
Mt tt Ft tg – non-cons[Mt]/cons[tt] oral anal – Mdom humiliation cross-dressing piss-drinking chast med incest enem toys cbt bond spank


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Author's note

I got the idea for this story from Kenna's story, "Christina's School for Wayward Girls" (http://www.asstr-mirror.org/files/Authors/Kenna/Lolita%20Bondage/Christina_s%20Sc hool%20for%20Wayward%20Girls.doc). Kenna gave me permission to write a continuation to the story but I decided to go such a different direction with the sex aspects that I felt it was best to set it in a different, yet very similar school. This way it doesn't tarnish the original story any. I did, however, leave a couple names the same. If you want you can view the names as coincidence or you can view the story as taking place about 17 years after the main characters (from the first story) move to a different state and school. This story stands alone but I think you would enjoy reading Kenna's story also since he is a better writer than I am.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at Perversedreams(at)yahoo(dot)com or through this feedback form with The Devil's Advocate - Christian's School of Humility in the subject line.


Chapter 1

"Jack's too old," William Jackson pleads. "He's 13 already. The school has never taken anyone even close to that age before unless they were already trained at home or a transfer from one of our sister schools."

That's my dad arguing with Dean Miller. Unfortunately, I'm Jack. I screwed up big time and they are talking about what they plan to do about it.

My dad is the headmaster here at the Christian's School of Humility. It is an all girl's school here in Ohio. Don't let the name fool you. It isn't a religious school 3; far from it. The woman that helped start the school just happened to be named Christian. Take the religious aspect out of the title of the school and it should give you a good idea of what goes on here.

In fact, students at the school proudly refer to themselves as Humbled Girls. While the term hasn't spread that far across the U.S. yet, around these parts it is a huge deal to be a Humbled Girl. Every girl born around here wants to be a Humbled Girl. And of course every guy wants to marry a Humbled Girl. Usually, only the most powerful men get that privilege.

My father married a Humbled Girl. Our family is rich but not that rich. However, it is one of the perks of being faculty at the school. Another perk is that my father was allowed to enroll my three older sisters in the school as well.

While I have always known mom was a Humbled Girl, I never really fully understood what that meant. Well, I knew it meant she had a good education. Everyone knows the school has the best academic program in the state. However, I didn't know the curriculum went way beyond the norm.

Sure, I heard kids at my school saying nasty things about the Humbled Girls. They said they had sex with teachers and stuff like that. I thought they were just false rumors though. When I was younger I would get angry when I heard these rumors. My mom and three sisters are Humbled Girls after all.

When my dad got me a job here two months ago I quickly discovered those rumors were indeed true. You have no idea how shocked I was. Not just that my entire family was part of this but simply how the school could get away with it. We aren't just talking about sex here and there in hidden rooms 3; though, that takes place also. We are talking about sex right in front of the classroom. It's actually part of the curriculum.

Part of my orientation, however, included a more detailed history of the school. It is not the first school to have such a curriculum. There are three others across the U.S. Christian was a graduate of one of them. Many graduates of these schools easily make their way into powerful positions in government and other aspects of society. That is not only how Christian was able to establish this school but how the schools stay under the legal radar. The orientation briefing didn't actually say any of this. However, it doesn't take a genius to connect all the dots.

I'm a horny 13-year-old, so needless to say, getting a job here was the best day of my life. Today is quickly turning into the worst.

My official job at the school is that of janitor. While I do perform all the normal duties of a janitor, I have a variety of special duties as well. There isn't a day that goes by that at least one instructor doesn't ask me to assist them in one of their classrooms.

Sometimes they need me just to help teach the smaller kids how to give a blowjob or something like that. Well, I don't actually teach anything. Only the instructors are allowed to do that. I'm more of a test dummy.

The instructors have me strip down in front of the class. Then after a quick instruction from the teacher, the little girls in the class line up and each take a turn practicing this or that with me.

It's actually not always as fun as it might sound. Okay, part of it is always fun. Especially the look in the kids' eyes the first time they touch a dick or put it in their mouth. However, for most of these girls (some as young as 7) this can also be the first time they learn exactly what goes on in the school. So, as you can imagine, there is often a lot of crying taking place. All of the crying can be a turn on sometimes, but it also will give you a headache real fast.

I also get my share of teeth marks and chaffing on my dick as well. I don't blame the little girls. My dick is about 7 inches [18 cm] long and 1¾ inches [4.5 cm] thick. It's big for my age but not huge. Not compared to porn star's anyway. However, it is absolutely gigantic when you place it next to a 7 or 8 year old.

They can't help but scrape it from time to time; especially this early in their training. Something tells me though that the instructors are well aware of this. I would also bet that they normally have the kids practice on dildos before the real thing. They are only using me in this capacity because I'm so new 3; a kind of initiation of sorts.

The real fun takes place with the older kids. Well, kids around nine or older. By this age they already have lots of practice. So, if a teacher puts me with one of these girls then it is normally for specialty training or just to humiliate and/or punish the girl for something.

Of course, this can sometimes be humiliating for me also since a lot of these one on one situations take place in front of the classroom. I'm starting to get used to it. I still get pretty embarrassed though when one of the girls being punished happens to be one of my older sisters.

My parents must have lots of sex because my sisters and I are pretty evenly spaced. I'm 13 and my sisters are Amber (14), Beth (15) and Mary (16). We aren't exactly a year apart. Beth is 15 and a half and Mary is almost 17.

Of the three, it is performing with Amber that embarrasses me the most. She and I are pretty close in age and we bonded a lot when we were children. It's still embarrassing with Beth and Mary but not as much since we seldom get along. Despite only being two or three years younger, they always refer to me as the 'baby' and pick on me a lot. It is nice getting some payback by making them deep throat me and stuff like that. It takes a lot of the edge off the embarrassment factor for me.

"You know I can't just ignore this," Dean Miller growls as he looks my way.

I am in the next room but there is only a small wall with a thin sheet of glass separating us. Dean Miller is well aware that I can hear what they were saying.

"He didn't just break the rules, he seen something he wasn't supposed too," Dean Miller says in a whisper that I can barely hear. "You worked here for almost five years before we let you in on this secret. Do you really think we can ignore the fact that someone as new as him knows about it?"

"He signed the non-disclosure agreement and 3;" my dad starts to explain.

"Are you kidding me?" Dean Miller interrupts. "This could take the whole school down. What good is a non-disclosure agreement going to be if that happens? Besides, he's only 13 3; it's not like that agreement would hold much water in the court system. No, we need more assurances than that."

Dean Miller gives a nervous look out the window at me. I'm pretty sure he didn't mean for me to hear all of that.

Despite what all my friends seem to think, being headmaster doesn't put my dad in charge of the school. The Dean is the one actually in charge of everything. Actually, the Dean isn't even in charge of everything. There is a school board that is higher than him.

Until I took my job I never realized exactly how much lower my dad actually was to the Dean. The way the Dean treats him you would think my dad's title was just an honorary one. He has my dad doing a ton of administrative shit like ordering supplies and crap like that. About the only thing he is really in charge of is disciplining the kids. Granted, that is probably the best task at the school. But even this the Dean sometimes sticks his nose in.

The job pays very well and my dad obviously enjoys it, so I guess you can't ask for more. Still, right now it would be nice if he had more power. The Dean seems to be out for blood 3; my blood.

I'm only 13 but I'm old enough to know that what I saw was very bad. Well, almost everything I see at the school is pretty bad. However, they are things all the students' parents are well aware of. Oh, I'm sure the parents would never admit they know what takes place. I'm sure many even deny it to themselves. However, they probably had to sign a ton more liability and other forms than I did. And the paperwork I signed painted a pretty clear picture.

Ever since signing that paperwork, I've witness close to everything that takes place in the school. Or at least I thought.

Where did it all go wrong?

Like most problems, it all started with a girl 3; 14-year-old Danielle. I got a crush on Danielle the first time we met. It was my first week at the school and I got called into one of the classrooms to punish my sister Beth. I got to see Beth naked a few times that week already, but this was the first time we had done anything sexual.

As embarrassing as it was, I couldn't help but notice the very adorable Danielle sitting in the front row. There was something oddly familiar about her, but mainly it was her innocence that caught my attention. The way she would often look away and even sometimes blush when I looked at her. Ever since that day I constantly kept an eye out in hopes of maybe getting the chance to see Danielle naked or something. Of course, my greatest wish was to get called in to have sex with her.

It never happened though. At first it seemed odd. Especially considering how many kids I got to see naked on a daily basis. However, the more I kept track the more I realized there were actually several kids that I hadn't yet gotten to see naked. It's not like they all walked around the school naked or anything. They had uniforms just like every other private school. The only time they got naked was for sexual practice/training or for punishments. And even these were often done in private rooms.

Still, I'm sure you can imagine how frustrating it became. I was seeing about everyone under the sun naked except for Danielle. They say you always want most what you can't have. I guess that explains why my crush on Danielle seemed to get stronger every day. Though, I'm sure it was really just my sexual desire that was really growing.

I started to keep tabs and discovered that Danielle was always sent out of the classroom for punishments and whatnot. I started following whenever I could and found Danielle always went through this same security door at the end of one of the halls. It was one of the few doors I didn't have access too.

I asked my dad about the door but he was pretty cryptic. So, I asked my sisters. They hadn't been through the door either. But there were several places they never got to go. It's not like they never asked about this location though.

According to my sisters' research, this area was for VIPs. My sisters told me that Danielle and a select few other students are seldom ever trained or punished in front of the other kids. They are almost always taken to the secure/private area for that. Apparently their parents are very powerful people and have arranged this VIP treatment for their kids.

It seemed like a logical enough explanation. However, it still didn't curve my desire. If anything my desire grew exponentially. The thought of never getting to see Danielle naked was almost unbearable.

So, I did what any other horny 13 year old boy would do. I snuck into the secure area. This was a major violation of my agreement with the school. This and several other secure areas are strictly off limits to me unless I'm escorted.

I knew I was fucking up even as I did it. However, despite all the warnings I still felt it couldn't be that big of a violation if they made it so easy for me to sneak in.

Seriously, it wasn't that hard. Sure, you normally needed to swipe a card and type in a code to enter the door. However, all I had to do was pretend to be sweeping just outside. When one of the kids entered I just grabbed the door before it closed. If they really didn't want me to enter they would have put a guard there or at least a double door entry system or something.

What I seen inside the door looked no different than all the other secure areas I had been in. Just a long carpeted hallway with doors on each side. The kid that had opened the door for me went three doors down and entered one of the rooms.

I had been thinking about this secure area for over two weeks by this point. So, it was a little anti climatic to discover it wasn't any different. I'm not sure exactly what I expected. I guess I just expected it to at least look fancier or something. Nope, the same old beige walls and boring tan carpet.

While the place looked boring, I was still excited. I had reliable intel that Danielle was in one of these rooms right now.

There were two ways for me to find out which one. The fastest and safest way would be to go to the video room at the end of the hall. All of the other secure areas had one so this one probably did also. The video room recorded camera feeds from all the rooms.

I visited the other secure areas at least once a week to vacuum the floors and such. So I had been there enough times to know that no one actually manned the video room. It was just there to house the equipment. I can only guess they use the videos for training purposes or maybe to help evaluate the instructors. The recordings are encrypted on disk drives and require a password in order to view. However, you can watch the live feeds on the monitors as they get sent to the recorders.

I didn't want my first viewing of Danielle to be on a monitor though. So, I opted for plan B which was the more stupid and dangerous option.

I knew from the other secure areas that the rooms are in pairs. The first door goes to a training room; the next door to a tiny observation room. There is a one-way mirror between the rooms.

While they are called observation rooms, they are really just break rooms for the instructors. There are always 20 to 30 minutes here and there where the instructors will leave the kids alone in the rooms either tied up or performing some demeaning task. During that time the instructors go into the observation room and watch TV, lay back and relax or what have you. All they have to do was look through the mirror occasionally to make sure the student is okay. That is how it works in the other secure areas and there was no reason to believe this area would be different.

That in mind, me sticking my nose into one of those observation rooms was not very smart. But then, just standing in the hall wasn't very smart either. An instructor could step out into the hall at any moment.

Luckily, the first observation room I entered was empty. Unfortunately, the training room was also. So, I cracked the door open and peaked outside. The hall was still empty so I opened the door directly across the hall from me. This observation room was empty also but the speakers were on and I could hear an instructor barking orders. This told me the training room was occupied.

I went inside the observation room and closed the door behind me. What I seen when I looked through the observation window/mirror didn't surprise me. A student was bent over an instructor's lap and was getting a bare hand spanking. At this point in my employment I'd seen at least 30 or 40 similar spankings.

I was disappointed, however, to discover that the student wasn't Danielle. This kid had black hair and Danielle was a blonde.

Sneaking into these observation rooms was very dangerous and my heart was beating a mile a minute. So, I decided to stand there for a moment so I could calm down a little. It didn't work. All it did was give me more time to think about how dangerous and stupid it all was.

I really love this job and every logical thought in my brain was screaming for me to just leave. However, it was my desire to see Danielle naked that was really driving me. And if Danielle was getting spanked or sexually trained while I watched 3; just the thought was almost enough to make me cum in my pants.

As I stood there looking through the window/mirror I wasn't really focusing on much. I was mainly just deep in thought. However, the longer I stared the more I started to take in. Of course, the first thing I paid attention too was the student's body. She had long black hair and looked to be about 13 or 14. She had small breasts for her age but they were still cute. Her ass looked pretty cute also. It was a nice shape and a pretty shade of red thanks to the instructor's efforts.

As good looking as the girl was, her body only kept my interest for about a minute. I've seen tons of naked girls by now and this one wasn't even on full view thanks to her position over the instructor's lap.

So, I started paying more attention to the punishment itself. I watched how hard the instructor hit the kid and how loud the girl screamed in pain.

I got a little confused though when I heard the instructor speaking to the kid between hits. Some of what the instructor said seemed normal but some of it just sounded weird to me.

"I hear one of your instructors found the toilet seat raised after you left a bathroom stall the other day," the instructor said as he delivered a hit.

"The nurse also found your estrogen [British: oestrogen; = the primary female sex hormones] levels are pretty low. Have you been tossing your pills in the trash again?"

What the fuck is he talking about? I thought to myself.

I'm smart enough to know what estrogen is. Or at least I have an idea of what it is. However, I had no idea why a girl as young as this one would need to be taking pills for it. And exactly who cares if a student leaves the toilet seat up or not? This school is pretty strict but it isn't THAT strict.

I was still running these and other questions over in my head when the girl was finally allowed off the instructor's lap. The girl turned toward me and all my questions were instantly answered. To my horror, the student wasn't a girl at all. She was a he!

I didn't get much time to work out exactly what all of this meant. While I was still getting over the initial shock, I heard the instructor say he would " 3; be right back". He then headed toward the door.

I knew there was a 99 percent chance he was headed to this observation room so I bolted. If I was lucky, I had just enough time to make it out of this observation room and into the one across the hall before the instructor exited the room. At worst, he would see the other door closing. However, he would probably think nothing of it.

Of course, as I was bolting from the first room there just happened to be an instructor in the hallway already. And I ran right into him. It didn't take him and the other instructor long to figure out what was going on 3; and what I had witnessed.

Chapter 2

My father and the Dean go back and forth for at least 15 minutes. I know I'm fucked though by the ten minute mark. It was then that my dad stopped trying to get me out of whatever punishment the Dean was eluding too. Instead, my dad started negotiating terms.

The terms don't reveal much about the punishment. The only thing that is clear is that it is going to be severe. I swallow hard when I hear them talking about the length of the punishment. They aren't talking about days or weeks, they were negotiating years! My dad is arguing for just one year. The Dean wants five! My dad goes up a year but the Dean refuses to go down any. My dad goes to three years, then four but the Dean holds his ground. The entire negotiation continues like this. My father all but begs for something but the Dean sticks to his guns.

Finally, my dad sighs in defeat, gives me a sad look and then relents to all of the Dean's demands. Apparently I have no say in the matter. Not that I dare speak up. I know I'm already in deep shit.

The Dean finally exits the room and gives me an evil grin as he passes. I expect him to give me a long lecture or something but he just keeps walking. My dad calls me into his office.

There is anger in my dad's eyes, but not as much as I expect. Mostly he just seems very disappointed and somewhat sad. He motions for me to sit, so I do.

"You know I have high hopes for you, right?" he says as he sits. "It is my plan for you to someday take over my position at the school; just like I did with my father. That is why I got you the job as janitor. Both your grandfather and I started out as janitors and worked our way up to headmaster."

None of this is news to me. This is almost the exact same speech dad gave me on my first day here. However, the tone in which he is saying it now is completely different. There was a sound of hope in the first speech. Not so much in this one.

"We can still make this happen," dad continues. "However, the road to getting there has changed. It's going to be a lot harder, especially for you. To put it bluntly, you are fired from your job as janitor. From now on you will be a student instead."

Getting fired is no surprise. Becoming a student is.

"But I'm a boy."

I say it before I remember what I had seen earlier in the day. I had been so concerned about how much trouble I was in that I hadn't really thought much about what I had witnessed. I put the pieces together pretty fast though.

"No way!" I yell as I stand. "I won't do it!"

"I told him you were too old," my dad says with a sigh. "It's not fair to subject you to this at such an old age. All the other boy students start no later than 7 or 8. They adapt to it much easier at that age."

"If it isn't fair then why agree to it then!?" I growl.

Dad pauses for a moment. I can tell he is trying to think up a good argument. He doesn't seem to be able to think of one though. My guess is that he is just trying to save his own job. In a small way I don't blame him. It is probably one of the best jobs on the planet. How many other jobs allow you to molest children on a daily basis?

"Do you think I like this any more than you!?" my dad counters. "Do you think I want my only son to be turned into some kind of sissy?"

My dad gives me a look of shock. It is clear he didn't mean to say that last part. We both know it is true but it is a horrible thing for a father to say. Especially if he knows his son might soon become said sissy.

"It's really not as bad as it sounds," my dad says rather unconvincingly. "Some parents pay a shit load of money to get their boys into this school. The school is extremely picky on which boys they allow also.

"You will be getting the best education possible. Plus, I'm sure you already know how many doors are opened for Humbled graduates. They would gladly give you my job when I step down. Hell, with a few extra years of college you could even become a teacher here."

I can't believe my father is actually trying to play this up as a good thing. I especially can't believe he still has hopes of me some day following in his footsteps. I no longer want to have anything to do with the school, not considering what they want to do to me.

"No," I finally say as calmly as I can. "I'm not going to dress up and act like a girl and they can't make me. You can always have Amber, Beth or Mary take over for you when you step down."

My dad brings his left hand to his face and uses his thumb and index finger to rub his eyelids lightly. It is hard to tell if he is thinking hard or just trying to rub away a headache. Finally, he picks up the phone and dials an extension.

"Is everything ready?" my dad asks into the headset.

"Is what ready?" I wonder.

"Come with me," my father says as he hangs up the phone and stands. "There is something I want you to see."

As we walk down the hallway I know exactly where we are headed. Right back to where this whole mess started. We reach the door and it surprises me to find that my dad has the card and pass code to enter. This clearly isn't his first time in the area. I'm too scared and angry to really comprehend what that might mean.

He holds the door open and motions for me to enter. Every instinct tells me to turn and run. This is my father though. I'm supposed to trust and obey him. Most of the trust is already out the window. However, I just don't have it in me to disobey him.

My father was always busy with work or something, so I mainly grew up interacting with my three sisters and my mother. All four females are older than me. All four of them also always tell me what to do. I don't think I became any less masculine because of it. However, I am nowhere near as masculine/dominate as my father is. So, when he tells me to do something I fucking do it. I might have hesitated this time, but I still obey.

As we walk down that long hallway I feel like I'm being led to the electric chair. There is something about the way my dad is being so silent as we walk. Plus, it didn't escape my attention that he is now walking behind me instead of in front of me. That means he will be blocking any escape I might attempt.

There is little doubt where we are headed. There is a larger 'training' area at the end of each hall in the other secure areas. I'm certain this hall is no different. Especially considering that particular door is already wide open.

I slow my pace as we get closer. I don't halt though until I hear the voices. The voices are overlapping so I guess there has to be at least five or more people in the room.

I start to back away but quickly bump into my father. He nudges me forward but I resist. He becomes even more persistent. This pretty much confirms my worst nightmare. I don't know exactly what they have planned for me in that room but it isn't going to be good.

I like to think I have a large dick. However, I have to admit that the rest of my body is rather small for my age. I still give my dad a run for his money though. What I lack in strength I make up for in agility. For an instant I almost get away from my dad but he gets a hold on my left wrist as I try to zip past him.

"Get your asses out here and help me," my father growls as he struggles to get full control of me again.

A few seconds later I have at least four more hands grabbing at me. I don't stand a chance at this point and I'm easily being dragged into the room. I keep struggling though even after the door closes behind us.

Chapter 3

I continue to struggle as I'm dragged across the room. As I'm being pulled by the other men I notice my dad has stopped at the door and is talking to Dean Miller again.

"Maybe it is best if you don't stay for this."

It's hard to hear over my own yelling but I think this is what the Dean tells my father. My father gives me a worried look and then opens the door and leaves the room.

"Help me!" I beg but he doesn't even look back.

"Fucking coward!"

Yeah, I don't actually yell that but I sure as hell am thinking it. He's my father. He's supposed to be protecting me, not abandoning me to these assholes. And the reason he was doing it pisses me off even more. Just so he can keep his fucking job. He's held the position for about 18 years. Isn't that long enough?

It would be several days later before it dawns on me that my father was protecting more than just his job. He also has my three sisters to worry about. They were only allowed to go to school here because he is faculty.

The only thing worse than not being a graduate from the Christian School of Humility is having the stigma of having once been a student but then dropped from the school for whatever reason. People always assumed the worst of these prior students. My sisters would be so disgraced that we would probably have to move out of the state.

While all of this eventually occurs to me, I'm too scared and angry right now for any kind of rational thought. All I can think about is trying to get loose.

Three men have a hold on me but I still don't give up. With my father gone, they start getting more aggressive. I bite one of them and that earns me a very hard slap across the face. When I say hard, I mean hard! I actually see stars and the whole side of my face feels like it is on fire.

"That calmed him down," one of the men laughs.

I know that voice. It's Victor Sanchez. He's an instructor at the school and a close friend of our family. He's single with no family in the area, so he often visits us on the weekends. We also often invite him for holiday celebrations.

Victor is a mean looking Mexican. He's also my dad's age, if not older. Still, I've always thought of him as an uncle. Hell, growing up I think Victor spent more time with me than my father. Well, quality time anyway.

"Victor, help mmph!" my plea is cut off by a ball gag being placed in my mouth.

I jerk my head back and forth to make it harder for them to tie the gag in place. It does little good.

My hands are next. They pull them behind my back and I feel cold steel against my left wrist. There is a clicking sound and then the cuff is secure. My right hand is stronger but they easily cuff it as well.

As they step back I lunge forward in an effort to get back to my feet. Unknown to me, the cuffs are attached to an eyebolt anchored in the floor. I discover this very fast. I'm quickly halted by the cuffs but not before my momentum causes severe pain in my wrists and arms.

I continue to scream behind the gag but very little of the noise escapes. My physical struggles come to a complete stop. Even in my panicked state, I'm able to reason there just isn't anything I can do. Struggling only hurts my arms and wrists more.

On top of everything else, I quickly discover that my air flow is hindered significantly thanks to the gag. I stop screaming and try my best to suck in oxygen. My lungs begin to burn and I start to panic. This only hinders my breathing further. My head starts to spin and for a moment I think I'm going to pass out. However, the dizziness causes me to calm down and I gradually recover.

When I look up I see the Dean and the other three men walking out the door. The Dean gives me that evil smile again as he leaves. To my shock, Victor gives the same smile. Of all people, I expected him to be the most concerned for me. Yet, he looks almost like he is happy about all of this.

When the door closes behind them all that is left in the room is myself and two women. I barely noticed them until now. Earlier they just stood in the corner and watched. They continue to watch for a minute and then walk over to in front of me.

They are very beautiful. One has long black hair and the other red. They both have slender bodies. Their breasts only look to be a C cup at best, but the rest of their curves are to die for. In any other situation I would be getting hard right now. However, I'm too scared for that. Their black leather S&M outfits aren't helping matters. Normally these type of outfits turn me on. With them focusing on me like this the outfits just seem to scare the shit out of me.

"We are your trainers," one of them announces.

I'm pretty sure her name is Drew and the other woman is Casey. I've seen them roaming the halls before. When I asked about them I was told they were specialty trainers. Everyone has vague titles like that so I never bothered to find out exactly what their specialty was. I'm pretty sure I know now though.

It makes sense I guess. Who better to train a boy how to be a girl than another girl?

"Cut the bitch's clothes off," Drew says as she hands Casey a pair of scissors.

"Who are you calling a bitch, bitch!" I think. Yeah, it is probably a good thing I have the ball gag on right now.

I scoot back as Casey approaches. Those are some sharp looking fucking scissors. I don't get far before the cuffs stop me. I think about kicking at her but that doesn't seem that wise. So, I hold as still as possible while she slowly cuts away all my clothes. She could have just pulled my pants off but she chooses to cut them as well.

It isn't long and I'm completely naked. I blush but I'm not sure why. I've stood naked in front of entire classrooms of kids. Why should just two women embarrass me? I guess it's just something about the way they are looking at me. I'm sure it also has to do with what they plan to do to me 3; whatever exactly that might be.

Casey stands back and puts her free hand to her chin like she is inspecting me or maybe thinking about something.

"What do you think we should call her?" Casey asks. "Janice?"

Casey stares right into my eyes as she says this to Drew. It makes me want to slap the bitch. However, it also makes me blush further.

"Why not just call her 'Jackie'?" Drew replies with a giggle.

"That's a little too close to her real name isn't it?" Casey says as she gives Drew a concerned look. "The other students might realize who she really is."

"Yeah, good point," Drew replies. "Janice it is."

Great, my new name is Janice.

"Do you like your new name, Janice?" Casey asks.

I just stare at her in response.

I can't reply. I'm gagged you dumb bitch, I try to say with my eyes.

Casey steps forward and reaches out with her right foot. She has my dick under the toe of her foot before I have time to back away. She then starts pressing down hard. The pain is severe.

I guess I'm the real dumb one because as it turns out you can actually communicate very well with a gag in your mouth.

"Ysph!" I scream into the gag as I rapidly nod my head up and down.

As she steps away I look down expecting to find a bloody mess of goo where my dick used to be. To my surprise, my dick looks completely undamaged.

"She learns fast," Drew giggles.

I blush but I'm also very pissed. You have to keep in mind that I've spent the last four weeks or so ordering girls around 3; with the exception of a few female teachers of course. And even those teachers showed respect when asking me to assist them. So, I'm sure you can imagine how upsetting it is to have these bitches talking down to me like this.

My anger quickly turns to panic when I see what Drew is holding. It's a training harness. I've seen a few of these during my time here. It has a leather strap that goes around the waist like any other belt. However, there is an additional strap that goes between the legs and attaches at the front and back of the waist strap.

You see some of the older girls wearing them from time to time but it is a lot more common to see the younger ones wearing them. That is because the strap that goes between the legs has attachments for holding dildos and/or butt plugs. You make the younger girls wear them in order to stretch their holes. The older girls wear them more as punishments.

I start fighting the cuffs as Drew walks toward me with the harness. No fucking way am I allowing that bitch to put one of those on me. As she kneels down I can see a butt plug is attached to the harness just like I fear. I kick out at her but she is just out of reach.

"This is for your own good," Drew says as she waits for me to calm down. "In time you will even come to enjoy your plugs."

Yeah, fat fucking chance of that. I've had a few students rub their fingers on my asshole but that is about as close as I've ever come to having anything pushed inside it. I admit the fingers did feel good, but that is a far cry from sticking a plug up your ass.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way," Drew says.

Just as she finishes saying this there is a whoosh following by loud crack of thunder. In the enclosed room it sounds almost like a gun being fired. My eyes get big when I see Casey holding a nasty looking whip.

I swallow hard. I've seen whips like this in the classrooms but I've never actually seen one used. There is one 12-year-old I seen naked a couple weeks back that had a series of welts on her back. I didn't ask but I'm pretty sure it was caused from one of these whips.

Suddenly, the harness doesn't seem as bad. Still, as Drew reaches for my right foot I debate whether I should kick her or not. I know I will look like a pussy if I just give in. Yet, I also know nothing will really be gained from it. Except a lot of pain from that fucking whip. So, I fight the urge and let her slide the thing up my legs.

The waist section of the belt can easily be opened. So, there is no need for her to slide them up my legs like a pair of underwear. Putting them on this way also makes her a lot more vulnerable to my legs. Something tells me she is hoping I will act out. I actually feel a sense of victory in my refusal to be goaded into her trap.

That sense of victory quickly disappears when I feel the plug poking at my rosebud. I got a good look at the plug earlier. It is only about an inch and a half [4 cm] thick but it is at least 6 inches [15 cm] long. Thankfully, it also looked like it had been coated with a lubricant.

"Mmph!" I groan behind the gag as Drew pushes harder against my tight hole.

"Come on sugar, give that asshole to mommy," Drew purrs. "Be a good girl and just let it happen."

God, they are really doing it! I think to myself. This is really happening!

Tears start to fall from my eyes. Until now a part of me still had hope that all of this was a dream or some kind of sick joke. But it isn't. They are actually going to train me!

My ankles are up on Drew's shoulders which still leaves me the option of kicking her away. I can't find the willpower to do it. The hopelessness of the situation is just too overpowering.

"That's a good girl," Drew says as the plug slowly slides in. "Just let it in. You were born for this."

I close my eyes tight and try to ignore what Drew is saying and doing to me. It doesn't work.

"Ugh!" I grunt as the last of the plug slides inside me.

God, I can't believe how deep it is! I know it is only about 6 inches [15 cm] long but it felt more like a foot. I grunt a few more times as Drew tightens all the straps on the harness. A second later my feet slide off Drew's shoulders and back to the floor. This causes the plug to alter its position inside me. It's uncomfortable but not necessarily painful.

"Now comes the fun part," Casey says as she approaches with a long hose.

I don't know what she has planned but I doubt it will be 'fun' 3; at least not for me.

Resistance at this point is useless so I just stare in curiosity as she attaches the hose to the bottom of my harness.

Casey steps back and then gives her attention to a device the other end of the hose is attached too. She gives me an evil grin and then hits a switch.

"No!" I try to yell as I feel the plug start to expand inside me.

The plug keeps expanding until it reaches the point of actual pain. Then it comes to a halt. I take deep breaths as my insides try to adjust to the new size.

A minute later I sigh in relief as the plug slowly deflates.

"I set the machine on a loop," Casey informs me. "It will continue to get bigger and smaller until we turn it off. It has a pressure sensor so it shouldn't get much more painful than it already has. However, as you loosen up it will get bigger."

"You will be nice and stretched out by the time we turn this baby off," Drew interrupts with a giggle.

At that, the two of them walk to the door and open it.

"If you work hard you can probably dislodge the hose," Casey informs me. "Just keep in mind that if that hose isn't in place come morning then you are going to get a taste of the whip."

I scream through the gag as they step out of the room and close the door. It is 5 p.m. at the latest. That means they plan to leave this fucking thing on me for at least 13 or 14 hours!

"Mmph!" I grunt as I feel the plug growing again.

As Casey promised, the plug is about as painful as the last inflation. I roll to my side on the cold floor in hopes to relieve the pressure a little. It works. A second later, however, I feel the plug expand further and the pain is back.

I bite my lip and bear through it. A minute later a wave of relief washes over me as the plug finally deflates again. All too soon though it is inflating once more.

The pain isn't unbearable, but it is just enough to encourage me to find yet a more comfortable position. There is just enough slack in the chain attached to my cuffs to allow me to get into a doggy position. Of course, my hands are behind my back so I end up with my face and shoulders against the floor with my ass high up in the air behind me.

This new position relieves the pressure further. However, like before, the machine just compensates by inflating the plug further.

The next rotation is worse. I discover I'm already in the best position and the only way to relieve the pain is to try to relax my insides so they aren't so taunt. But again, the machine just compensates and the pain is back.

This happens rotation after rotation. The plug inflates, I try to relax my insides, and the plug just inflates further.

By the 10th inflation I have a sheen of sweat on me and I've become well aware there is no escape from the pain. However, I just can't stop myself from trying. I find it both frustrating and humiliating that all I'm managing to do is assist the machine in stretching my insides.

I suddenly get a horrific thought. The Dean and several others might be watching me from the observation room. I glance behind me toward the large mirror but of course there is no way for me to know for sure. However, as I look back I realize the view I'm giving them. My ass is raised up high and pointed right at them.

I blush but I don't bother to change my position. I have much bigger things to worry about, like that plug growing inside me again.

Around the 20th inflation I get the bright idea of squeezing my anal muscles prior to the next inflation. The plan is to gradually release the muscles so that I get brief moments of pain relief. It works, but it is a lot of work. By the 30th inflation my anal muscles are tired out and I have no choice but to just bend there and let the machine have its way with me.

Chapter 4

I wake the next morning to the sound of someone entering the room. To my horror, I feel the plug still working at my asshole.

Sometime last night I got so exhausted that I fell over onto my side and fell asleep. I also vaguely remember someone removing my gag and giving me something to drink. I have no clue when that might have happened though. My brain was mush by then and it seemed more like a dream than reality. The only reason I know it wasn't a dream was because the gag is still gone.

Whoever it was, they must have also lowered the setting on the plug. Either that or my body has just gotten used to the pain. There is still discomfort but the sharp pains are no longer there each time the plug inflates.

"Please," I beg when I see Casey standing over me.

"You made a bit of a mess," Casey giggles.

I lift myself up with my left hand to a half sitting position. As I look down I see a couple pools of drool on the floor. It takes me a moment to realize my hands are now free. I'm about to yank the hose from my harness and run for the door when I notice a chain attached to my ankle. I follow the chain with my eyes and find it is attached to the same eyebolt my hands had been.

It is just as well. I'm so tired that I'm sure Casey could have easily caught and overpowered me. If that happened then I would surely end up getting the whip. It would be a shame to have endured this fucking plug all night just to get whipped anyway.

"Lick your mess up and I will remove your harness," Casey whispers to me.

Despite my weakened state, I get a strong urge to grab her by the neck and choke the life out of the bitch. I know it would be stupid to even try. Even if I was strong enough, Drew no doubt was sitting in the observation room watching us.

Still, licking the mess off the floor is out of the question. No way am I going to do that. I don't say this but I can tell Casey can read it on my face.

Casey doesn't get angry. She just walks over to the machine and turns a knob. A second later I feel the pressure inside me build until it starts to become painful. It is even a little more painful than it had been the day before.

"We will try this again tomorrow morning," Casey says as she starts to walk toward the door.

"No! I'll do it!" I say in a panic.

There is no way I could survive another 24 hours with this machine attached to me. My hands are now free so I could remove the hose if I wanted. However, that would mean the whip. Licking the spit off the floor was better than either of those options.

Casey opens the door but doesn't walk through it. Instead she turns and looks my direction. She doesn't say anything but it is clear I have to act now or she is going to turn again and leave.

Other than the drool, the floor is rather clean. Still it's fucking drool! I try to convince myself the drool was once in my body already so it can't be all that bad. It is a logical argument but it doesn't help any.

I lower my face anyway and stick my tongue out. I then let my tongue swipe across one of the pools. The spit is cold but pretty tasteless. I gag anyway.

I hear the door shut and see Casey walking back toward me. Encouraged, I continue to lick at the mess.

"That's a good girl," Casey whispers as she kneels down next to my face. "That's rule number one. If you make the mess then you clean it up."

I blush in humiliation as I swallow my drool. I just can't believe this is happening to me. Just yesterday I felt like the king of the mountain. Now I'm basically powerless. I feel like such a pussy for giving in so easily. Yet, what would be the point in manning up? Sure, I would get a few minutes of manly pride but it would be followed by several minutes of me crying like a bitch as they whipped me. Then there would probably days of me whimpering from the cuts left behind.

The other pool of drool is a good 3 feet [90 cm] away. I don't remember much from last night so who knows how I got drool all the way over here. It doesn't even seem possible that my face could reach that far considering how I was tied up. I don't give it much thought.

I swipe my tongue across it and get a good spoon full into my mouth. As I swallow I notice there is an odd taste to it. I also notice that there is a lot more consistency to it. I go to lick again when it suddenly dawns on me what this might be. I give it a good sniff.

"Drink it down sugar," Casey whispers to me. "You need your protein."

Casey's comment confirms my suspicion. It's cum! I back away from it and try to get my stomach under control. I can't believe I just swallowed cum!

An even bigger concern is the question of who's cum it is? Did the Dean come in last night and jack off on me? I wouldn't put it past the sick bastard. I then remember what Casey told me about cleaning my own mess up. I look down at my somewhat soft dick and to my shock I see a milky translucent fluid very slowly oozing out. Casey notices my confusion.

"The plug is pressing deep inside you against your clit," she giggles.

I realize she is talking about my prostate. I know what the prostate is and what it's for, but I never knew it could cause this to happen.

Casey walks to a shelf, grabs the whip and walks back toward me. I quickly dip my head back down and lick at the pool of cum.

"Hmm," Casey says as though she is surprised I'm actually licking the goo up.

I'm guessing that prior students had to be whipped before they did something this disgusting. I'm not sure if I should be proud that I'm smarter than them or sad because I pussied out so easily. I'm too busy trying not to be sick to decide.

I gag in between each swallow and it takes me a couple minutes to clean the spot up. This is by far the most disgusting thing I've ever done in my life. I will admit that I've always wondered what cum tasted like. It was just a natural curiosity. However, I never once contemplated actually tasting it.

"Good job Janice," Casey says as she puts the whip away.

It takes me a moment to remember why she called me Janice. I look up at her in anger at the use of my new name. Well, that and what she just made me do.

"Put this on," Casey commands.

I immediately recognize the item she is holding out to me. It's a shock collar. I should have known this was coming.

It isn't often that the school accepts older girls. Even then they require the girl to have prior 'specialized training'. Don't ask me where they get that training. Maybe there are special tutors you can hire or something. Anyway, you can always tell these late enrollees because they wear shock collars all day.

My dad says the collars help motivate the girls to learn faster so they can catch up with all the other students. I'm sure there is some truth to that. However, I suspect the collars are more of a glorified leash to keep the girls under control and possibly even to keep them from running away during the transition period.

From what I've heard, how many months the girls wear the collars seems to vary. I obviously is based on how well they adapt. There are currently five students in the school wearing them. Yeah, I keep track of them. They are usually the most fun to play with since they are often more reluctant to obey. It always feels a little kinkier, almost like you are raping them or something.

One of the girls is 13-years-old. I'm told she has been here for almost a year. I can't imagine wearing something like this for that long. All of the other girls are ten and below though. They will probably only wear theirs for six months.

I swallow hard at the thought of how long they might require me to wear this blasted contraption. I've seen the collar in action before. It doesn't look pleasant at all. All it takes is one small press of a button on a remote and the girl drops to her knees in agony.

Yeah, there is no way I want to put this fucking thing on. Once I have this on they will be able to make me do about anything. I guess they can already do that via the whip. Still, with the whip they at least have to catch me first. With the collar they could probably bring me to my knees from a block away.

"Put the fucking collar on!" Casey growls.

The tone of her voice makes me cower. It is a drastic change from her normal sweet sounding voice. Or at least I assume that is her normal tone.

I see no acceptable alternative so I quickly put the device on. Once it is in place she checks it to make sure the locking mechanism is working. She then removes a key and unlocks my ankle.

The instinct to run for the door is great. Casey is even standing off to the side, thus giving me a clear path. I'm not that stupid. Smaller kids might fall for this trap but I'm not about too. If she doesn't have the remote on her then someone behind the mirror probably does.

"Hmm," Casey says again.

I guess I surprised her again by not making a break for it. I'm a bit insulted that she thinks I'm that stupid.

"Stand up and bend over," Casey orders with a sweet voice this time.

My legs are stiff and weak but I manage to obey. I stand there on shaking legs as she fiddles with the harness. I pray she is going to take it off but she doesn't. She just waits for the plug to inflate again and then removes the hose. The plug must have a specialized valve because it stays inflated despite the hose being unhooked.

"Drink this," Casey says as she hands me a plastic cup.

I look in the cup expecting to find something disgusting. I'm pleased to find it is full of chocolate milk. The inflated plug is giving me stomach cramps but I'm extremely thirsty and hungry. I give it a tentative taste and confirm it tastes good. The rest I gulp down in seconds.

"Thanks," I whisper as I hand her back the cup.

"Follow," Casey commands as she walks toward a door in the back of the room.

The inflated plug makes me feel like I'm about to give birth to a football or something. It is very uncomfortable and I find it extremely hard to walk. I have to bow my legs and go to my tiptoes in order to relieve some of the discomfort. Even then I can still feel the plug trying to shift around inside me. The fit is too tight though and all it manages to do is tug at my guts.

"Oh. Oh. Oh," I grunt over and over as I follow.

Casey stops at the door and giggles as she watches me catch up to her. I imagine I must look pretty silly. I don't find much humor in it though.

The bathroom is very large. The bathrooms in the other secure areas are the same size so I'm not surprised. This one has a few added features but the overall layout is the same. There are three toilets, sinks and showers. There are no doors on the toilet or shower stalls of course. There are also three lockers with locks on them. I assume they belong to instructors.

I can hear water dripping in one of the showers as I walk across the cold concrete floor. I'm not sure where she wants me to go so I stop in the center of the room.

"I'll be back in 30 minutes," Casey informs me. "While I'm gone I want you to remove the plug and clean it in the sink. Then you can use the toilet."

As she says this, Casey presses something against the back of my harness and I hear air being released from the plug. She only removes about half of the air. It feels much more comfortable in my guts but I can tell it is still rather big.

She walks back to the door and hits a switch on the wall which turns some additional lights on as well as a ventilation fan. She then walks on out. A few seconds later I hear her leave the outer room as well.

I'm shocked to be left alone like this 3; so much so that I don't think to ask right away how I'm supposed to remove the rest of the air from the plug. I think about running after her so I can ask. However, she is already in the hall and I'm scared they will think I'm trying to escape. So, I reach down and start fiddling with the harness.

Unhooking the harness takes me very little effort. The harness slips away leaving the plug behind. After putting the harness down I start fiddling with the plug itself. I expect to find a relief valve of some kind but I don't.

As I feel around back there I discover that the inflated section sticking out of my ass seems to be a good 2 inches [5 cm] wide! That seems impossible. I wonder how big it was before Casey removed some of the air. I try to push the thought out of my head.

I fiddle with the plug for another five minutes but find it impossible to deflate. Slowly I realize there is only one way to get it out of me. I need to force it out.

I use my right hand to tug on it. The diameter increases as it starts to slide out. I only get it about a quarter of the way out before it becomes too painful and I have to let it slip back inside.

I think about just leaving it in but decide against it. If Casey comes back and the plug is still in then she will probably use the shock collar or whip me. Or worse, she will leave the plug in for another day.

It takes me a few minutes but I convince myself to try to expel it out. I squat in front of the sink but at the last moment decide it might be best if I just sit on one of the toilets. It certainly will make for easier cleanup if more than just the plug pops out.

I sit on the toilet and give a small push with my bowels. I'm just testing the waters and not actually trying to push the plug out yet. It is a lot more comfortable in this position but my ass ring still hurts each time I push.

"Do it," I tell myself. "Just do it!"

However, each time I go to push harder I chicken out. I'm scared of the pain I know will happen. I'm also scared I might actually injure myself.

I decide to give a few more test pushes in hopes my ass ring might stretch a little. I must have pushed a hair too hard on one test because all of a sudden something inside my ass took over.

"Ahhh!" I yell as my ass ring stretches further and further.

Right when I'm sure my asshole is going to rip I reach the half-way point and the rest of the plug quickly shoots out of my ass and into the toilet bowl. For a moment I fear I might have turned my asshole inside out.

"Ah! Fuck!" I grunt as I lean forward trying to catch my breath.

Finally, I grab some toilet paper and wipe. As I do so I can feel that my hole is still gaping.

It takes me a moment to get the nerve to stand and look into the bowl. To my surprise it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. The plug is dirty but the water in the bowl has already cleaned most of it off. This is good to see but I am even more relieved to find very little blood.

Takes me a moment but I get the nerve up to pull the plug from the toilet and carry it to the sink. As I wash it off I can already feel my bowels readjusting. Or at least that is what I think it is at first. However, it quickly becomes clear the cramps I feel are leading up to something else.

With the plug clean, I hurry to the toilet and sit down. It starts out almost like a normal bowel movement but soon becomes something very 3; unnormal. It feels like my whole insides are shooting out of me. The smell becomes overwhelming and I have to flush the toilet several times during the process. I'm very thankful for the ventilation fan overhead.

For a few seconds I wanted to kiss Casey for turning that fan on. However, I start to put the puzzle together.

"That bitch!" I whisper to myself.

That wasn't chocolate milk she gave me. That was some kind of Ex-lax! Haven't I been through enough in the past 24 hours? Can't they give me just a little break?

I get a horrible thought. Sure enough, I look up and see a video camera mounted on the far wall. I blush profusely at the knowledge that all of this is being caught on tape.

I'm grunting and groaning on the toilet for another 20 minutes before my guts finally settle down. When they do I feel good, yet so hallow inside. In fact, I feel too hollow 3; like something is missing. Of course, there is a lot missing now. However, it is more than just that. It's an odd feeling but I don't give it much thought.

Casey walks back in right when I'm preparing to get up from the toilet.

"How's my little girl doing?" she says with a grin.

I blush. I wonder if she is grinning because she knows what I just went through or because she just watched it on the monitors. I just give her an angry look in reply. She doesn't seem to notice. She just walks over to a cabinet and looks inside.

"Please," I beg when I see her turn holding an enema bag.

Chapter 5

I'm a crimson red when we leave the bathroom two hours later. I've never been so humiliated in all my life.

During those two hours Casey not only gave me several enemas but had me perform a few on myself as well.

"You need to learn how to do this correctly," she informed me. "You are expected to do this every morning."

These were my first enemas but I was well aware of the concept. Or at least I thought I was. I was a bit surprised that enemas were a lot more complex that I suspected.

I thought people just poured water into a bag and applied the enema. Some people might do it that way but that isn't how it's done here. Here you are expected to use a variety of soaps, oils, salts, etc. Casey taught me ten different 'recipes'. She talked as though there were hundreds in existence.

The ones she taught me fell into three basic categories. Some were healthier than others. Some were meant primarily for relaxation. And some just made you smell better. Yes, I said 'smell better'. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing 3; who cares how good you smell back there as long as you don't smell bad?

My head is spinning during the whole lecture. I hadn't eaten anything for a long time and my insides had just been drained. Luckily, I didn't have to memorize much since the recipes were all written down on the inside of the cupboard door.

I'm so hungry and weak that I can barely walk as Casey showers me and then leads me back to the main room. I blush even deeper when I see the Dean standing in the room.

There is now a small exercise matt in the center of the room. Casey motions for me to kneel down on it. The matt is only a half inch thick but it feels very comfortable compared to the hard concrete floor. I can only guess that the matt is some kind of reward for being obedient 3; like I really have a choice.

"How is our little Janice doing?" the Dean asks Casey.

"Extremely well," Casey immediately replies. "You really know how to pick them. So far she hasn't refused anything. It is like she enjoys all of this 3; at least on a subconscious level."

You have no idea how hard it is for me to keep quiet when I hear Casey's report. Just because I'm smart enough to avoid punishments doesn't mean I enjoy this 3; on ANY level!

"Please, let me go home," I beg. "I promise I w 3; aah!"

I suddenly lose control of my body as electricity shoots from the collar into my neck. The pain is unlike anything I've ever experienced before.

"Sorry sir, we really haven't gotten that far into her training yet," Casey says. "I assure you that by your next visit she will know when it is or isn't okay to speak."

Dean Miller doesn't reply. He just walks over to me and runs his fingers through my hair. I have the urge to bite at his hand but suppress it. This man might be an ass but he is in the position to decide my future. All it would take is one word from him and I could be let free. Of course, it would also only take one word from him to make life for me in here exponentially worse.

"Ms. Pruitt, how about you go to my office and wait for me," the Dean commands. "I want a little alone time with our girl here."

"Of course, sir," Casey replies and quickly leaves.

It is the first time I've heard Casey's last name, but I'm focusing more on the order he just gave her. Not only does the Dean want to be alone with me but he wants to ensure Casey isn't watching from the observation room. This can't be good.

If the Dean was much smaller then I could actually use this situation to my advantage. I bet he has something in his possession that allows him to remove this collar. He would also make for a pretty good hostage if necessary. Unfortunately, he is very muscular and a good 220 pounds [100 kg] at least. I'm a buck twenty and not that muscular at all. Hell, after my time in the bathroom I'm probably only 110 [50 kg] at most.

He turns and walks to a kitchenette in the back of the room. He grabs a couple bowls. One he fills with water. The other sounds like he is putting something hard and dry into, like cereal.

He walks back over and hands me one of the bowls. When I lower it to my eye line I see that it is the one full of water.

"Ah!" the Dean growls when I'm about to bring the bowl to my lips. "Put the bowl on the floor and drink it like a dog would."

I give him an angry look, but I comply. I'm too thirsty not too.

He kneels down next to me but I keep drinking. Who knows when they will let me have another drink?

"Good girl," he whispers as he places the other bowl next to the first.

I'm starving and move my head to eat from it. I back away though when I see what's in it. It looks and smells like some kind of dry dog food!

I only manage to back up about 6 inches [15 cm] before the Dean grabs my head with his left hand and pushes me back toward the bowl. I lift my rear end off the matt so I can try to crawl away.

"Uh!" I let out when I feel the Dean's right hand grab my ass.

He not only grabs my ass but slides his index and middle finger up my asshole. I still struggle but I'm way too weak and he is way too strong.

"Please," I begin to beg again.

"Eat it!" the Dean growls.

The tone of his voice almost makes me piss myself. He sounds so scary and demanding that I can't help but obey. It is clear from the tone that if I don't comply then something significantly worse was going to happen to me.

It's just food. It's just food, I keep telling myself as I lower my head to the bowl.

The smell alone makes my stomach turn but I close my eyes tight and take a bite anyway. I quickly discover that when it comes to dog food, a little dab will do you. I only have three pieces in my mouth but it takes me a full minute to chew it up and swallow. It's just so hard and dry that it wants to stick anywhere there is moisture. This includes my gums, teeth, tongue 3; everywhere. And God is it nasty tasting.

My stomach keeps yelling that it wants to expel the disgusting substance but I force it to stay down. My next sip of water only seems to amplify the flavor in my mouth. It takes several more sips before the flavor finally dissipates.

Keeping myself from being sick is hard work and I have to hover over the bowl for a minute in order to catch my breath. The Dean is patient and doesn't push on my head again until it is clear I have everything under control.

Do you know how some foods taste horrible on the first bite but actually taste good by the second or third? Well, just for the record, dog food isn't like that. If anything, the second mouth full is worse than the first.

"I've had my eye on you for a very long time," I the Dean say over the crunching sound of the dog food. "I tried to talk your father into enrolling you way back when you were 7. He wouldn't have any part of it. That's fine, I have you now."

I stop chewing for a moment as I listen to the Dean talk. He's just playing mind games with me. Isn't he?

"I knew it was just a matter of time before your dad asked me to give you a job," he continues. "The rest was a piece of cake. I just had to wait until you started getting curious about this off limits area. I then lower our security in this area a little. It didn't take much. I just repositioned our hall guard for a couple weeks and gave our special students instructions to be a little more relaxed about ensuring the door closes behind them each visit."

Now I know he is full of shit. He might be the Dean but even he would get into trouble if others at the school found out about this. He would never tell me all of this, not in front of the cameras.

As I think this I glance up at the camera in the corner of the room. What I see sends a shiver of fright down my spine. The camera is unplugged. The cameras have a BNC cable that sends a signal to the recorders down the hall. However, they also have a power cord that plugs into a socket right next to the camera. It is this cord that actually powers the camera. I always wondered what prevented the instructors from just unplugging that cord. Now I know the answer is, 'nothing'.

As I take a sip of water I wonder if maybe the camera is just part of the deception. Convince me this was all prearranged and I'm more likely to give up hope sooner rather than later. It's entirely possible.

Still, as I look back some of the things the Dean is saying makes sense. The punishment for my offense does seem rather severe. Plus, there is the creepy way the Dean always stared at me on the rare occasions I seen him at special events.

"Oh," I groan in despair as I suddenly remember an instance with the Dean when I was younger.

When I was about 9 the Dean pulled me into his lap during a Christmas party. All of the adults were pretty drunk by this point in the party so I hadn't thought much of it. I was old enough to know he was my dad's boss and that I should behave. So, I let him hold me for a few minutes before I struggled away so I could go play with the other kids.

It seemed harmless to me at the time. I thought about the event for a few weeks afterward though because I remembered how big his penis had felt under me. It was hard like mine sometimes got back then, but the Dean's was WAY bigger. It felt almost like he had a coke can in his pants or something. While I thought about his cock a lot those few weeks, I never did so in a sexual way. I was only 9. I was just curious if mine would ever get that big.

I hadn't given the incident a second thought after that. Now I realize the Dean might have actually seen me as a sexual object that night.

That was four years ago though. That is an awfully long time to wait for 3; well, me. I mean, there really isn't anything special about me. I'm short, skinny and have virtually no muscle tone. I've overheard a few girls in my school say I look cute, but that seems a far cry from someone you would crave over for years on end.

No, he has to be lying. He just has to be. The alternative is just too horrifying.

"Yeah, I think I will be taking a special interest in your training," he says as he pushes my face back into the food dish.

"Umph," I grunt as the Dean pushes an additional finger up my asshole.

My asshole is sore from earlier but I also crave the intrusion somehow. It feels like he is scratching a weird kind of itch deep inside me. It's very hard to describe. It's sort of like when you clean your ear out with a cue tip. It feels almost orgasmic, yet at the same time it doesn't feel sexual in any way.

"Mmm!" I let out in surprise when his fingers touch a sensitive spot deep inside me.

"I think I found your clit," he says with a laugh.

I blush as I hear him refer to my prostate in this manner. Despite my embarrassment and anger, I have to admit that his fingers feel pretty good rubbing that spot. It feels similar, yet very different than when the plug touched me there. The plug just pushed against it. The Dean's fingers are actually massaging it.

The Dean's left hand leaves my head but I know better than to stop feeding. Goose bumps raise all over my body as the fingertips on his left hand softly glide over my shoulders and down my back. They then leave my skin.

"Oh!" I let out when the fingers reappear against my cock.

"Good girl," the Dean whispers when he finds my dick is already hard.

This discovery causes me to blush further. I can't believe I've allowed myself to get hard. Having a man touch me like this is utterly disgusting. How can I possibly get hard from it?

"Mmm!" I moan with pleasure as the fingers in my ass and the ones on my dick become more vigorous.

I don't want this! a voice in my head screams. Block it out! Block it out!

It's no good though, the sensations are just too intense. It isn't long and I'm unable to focus on my feeding anymore. I have a mouth full of dry dog food but I don't chew it. I just hover over the bowl and focus on this pleasure I never knew existed.

"Such a good girl," Dean Miller whispers as I start to push back against the fingers in my ass. "Your daddy would be so proud if he could see you right now."

This comment brings a whole new level to my blush. I have a mouth full of dog food and I'm getting pleasure from a man's fingers up my asshole. I'm so thankful the video camera is unplugged. I would just die if my father ever seen me like this. I'm still pretty pissed at my father but that doesn't mean I don't still care what he thinks about me.

"Mmm!" I protest when the fingers leave my dick.

I hump at the air for a moment in hopes of finding the fingers again. I force my eyes open to find out why he have stopped. I open them just in time to see him dragging the bowl of dog food out from under my face. I watch in curiosity and then despair as he positions it directly under my dick.

"Mmm!" I moan in pleasure this time as his fingers resume massaging my cock.

God, those fingers feel so good. Yet, the thought of cumming all over my breakfast is enough to make me ill. And I just know the Dean won't be happy until I've emptied the contents of that bowl. If it was just the finger on my dick then I probably would have a fighting chance. However, those fingers up my ass are doing something I just don't have a defense for.

I'm going to cum! the voice in my head shouts in panic. I'm going to cum all over the dog food and he's going to make me eat it!

The voice in my head yells this over and over. It starts out as a last ditch effort to stave off my climax. However, as it begins this sickening thought somehow feeds the climax.

I bite down hard on the chunks of dog food as I feel the cum rocket out the end of my dick. The cum hits so hard that I feel some of it splatter back up against my belly. The first shot is quickly followed by at least five more before my climax slowly subsides.

The Dean squeezes the last of the cum out of my dick and then slowly removes his fingers from my ass and cock. I'm left with just an afterglow of my climax, a mouth full of dog food and the overwhelming humiliation of what just happened.

I start to cry as I see the Dean slowly drag the bowl of cum covered dog food out from under me and back to its rightful place next to the water dish.

Chapter 6

The rest of the day seems pretty basic even to me. Casey goes over various school rules and then gives me a few hours of 'obedience' training. Don't talk unless given permission first. Don't question orders. Common sense stuff like that. Simple or not, they are vital rules and Casey goes over them again and again.

I spend most of the day though just trying to forget what took place with the Dean. It was such a humiliating and disgusting experience. Yet I fear I will experience many more bad, if not worse, experiences with that evil man.

I held out for two shocks from the collar before the Dean could get me to eat the cum-covered dog food. It isn't much of a victory but at least it is something I guess. However, in the end I have to live with the knowledge that I still ate it. He didn't let me stop until the bowl was licked clean.

The good thing is that the dog food curved my hunger. The bad thing is that it also cleared my previously nutrient starved head. This only allows me to focus more on the morning's events.

I mess up a few minor things during the day but Casey still gives me high praise before putting me to bed. My ankle is chained to the floor that night but at least I didn't have to endure that damn inflatable butt plug. I was also allowed to sleep on the soft workout matt. Needless to say, I slept like a baby.

"All of it!" Drew growls.

Its morning and I find myself on the floor again in the bathroom getting an enema. Only this time it is Drew supervising me. Drew seems more demanding than Casey was. Either that or Casey was just taking it easy on me the first day.

For starters, Drew is ordering me to take an entire half gallon [2 liter] enema. Casey only required half that much.

I get most of the water inside me but have trouble with the last little bit. It's just so much. I take deep breaths though and the last of it finally drains inside me.

"Not yet!" Drew says as I start to get off my knees. "Stay down there for five minutes, then you can go to the toilet and release it."

Five minutes! Is she insane? My belly is bloated and extending out grotesquely below me. It feels like it could explode at any second. I continue the deep breaths and somehow make it the full duration.

I blush as I expel the fluid. It comes out pretty clean but it's more the thought of what I'm doing. That and the fact that this is the first time I've done it in front of Drew. I blush further when Drew has me stand so she can inspect the toilet bowl.

"Again!" she orders as she flushes the toilet.

The second half gallon enema comes out clear and to my surprise Drew is satisfied. I was positive that Drew would make me do several enemas like Casey had yesterday. I'm not about to argue with her though.

"Take a quick shower and then put those clothes on," Drew orders as she points to a small pile of clothes near one of the lockers. "Come out front once you are done."

At that, Drew walks out. I groan when I look at the pile of clothes. Even folded up I can easily tell it's one of the standard Humbled Girl uniforms. I can already see the short tartan skirt and black shoes. I'm sure the pile also includes knee high socks, white shirt and the neck tie.

The warm shower is relaxing. I know better than to delay too long so I force myself to turn the water off. I dry myself quickly and start dressing. The pile includes everything I expected. Plus, a little bonus 3; a pair of cotton white panties.

I save the panties for last. When I can't delay any longer I finally pick them up and step into them. I blush in front of the camera as I slowly pull them up into place.

As embarrassing as wearing this is, the clothes are better than going naked 3; I guess.

I stop dead in my tracks as I exit the bathroom. Standing there in her school uniform is the very angelic Danielle. The 14-year-old who's beautiful looks got me into this mess. If she has been coming into this secure area then she must really be a boy. Still, I'm standing just four feet [>1 m] away and see no evidence that she isn't actually a girl.

"Wh 3;where's Drew," I ask, not sure what else to say.

"So, you are the one that got me into trouble," Danielle says, ignoring my question.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"The Dean said I was the reason you snuck into this area," she explains. "That cost me eight weekends."

"Why would you get into trouble for that?" I ask.

"Duh!" Danielle says as she rolls her eyes. "Half the stuff they teach us here is how to read men. I should have noticed you were interested in me and reported it or at least found a way to turn you away."

It makes sense but is silly at the same time. She is only 14 years old after all. Plus, there is something about the way she says it that makes me think she is not telling the truth. Or, she is at least holding something back. It seems immaterial though so I let it pass.

"Sorry," I reply.

"Don't worry about it," she says with a laugh. "As punishments go it's not that bad. I just have to spend the next four weekends in here with you. It's similar to something all of us normally have to do anyway for new students. It's part of your orientation. There isn't much to it. I teach you a few things and answer any questions you have. Other than that we just spend time together. That way when you start classes you already have a friend in the school."

"Um, where's Drew," I ask again.

"Aren't you listening?" Danielle says as she rolls her eyes once more. "I'm here. Therefore, it is the weekend. You know it's Saturday, right? I'm surprised Ms. Branson even showed up today. What did you two do in here this morning anyway?"

This question makes me blush. Danielle's response did explain though why Drew had been so cranky. It also explained why she seemed to be in such a rush.

"What should we do?" I ask hoping she forgets her last question.

"Well, first we have to get your makeup on of course," Danielle giggles as though it's an obvious answer.

"Do 3; do we have to do that?" I ask.

"Ah, yeah," Danielle laughs. "Come on, it will be fun!"

I just stand there and watch as Danielle skips to a makeup stand at the side of the room. I find it hard to believe this might be a boy. I chastise myself for analyzing her curves as she skips along. She stops at the stand and then gives me a puzzled look as she turns and sees me still in place.

"What's wrong?" she asks. "It's not like you've never put makeup on before."

I feel like crying. I hold it in. If Danielle really is a girl then I don't want to look like a sissy 3; says the boy wearing the skirt.

"You've never put makeup on before?" Danielle asks. "Really?"

For me that sounded like a very stupid question. However, I guess it would seem odd to Danielle that all of this was completely new to me. Still, she has seen me dressed as a boy during the past few weeks. Does she think I just cross dressed in my off duty hours? Well, actually she probably does.

"Your parents never trained you to be a girl?" Danielle asks in confusion.

I just shake my head back and forth.

"I don't understand," Danielle says. "Why would they allow you to be a student if you have no prior training as a girl?"

She asks the question but again something in her voice tells me she already knows the answer. Of course, it could just be my paranoia. Heavens knows I have good reason to be paranoid.

"I'm not sure if I'm supposed to talk about it," I reply.

My instinct is to tell her the whole story and beg for her help. However, I know the Dean and the others will be expecting that. There is probably someone on the other side of the mirror this very moment. Besides, I'm not that sure Danielle would help me anyway. He or she seems very 3; well, brainwashed for lack of a better word. No, it will be better to wait until I know we aren't being watched 3; and when I know Danielle a little better.

"Is everything okay," Danielle asks with a serious tone.

I can see the wheels turning in her head. If I don't put her at ease she will eventually connect all the dots and figure my story out for herself. I feel it is best to keep her in the dark for now.

"Yes, of course it is," I tell her as I force a smile. "I just don't think they would want you to know what kinds of strings my dad and I had to pull to get me a spot in the school."

Danielle gives me a puzzled look but lets the subject drop.

"Crap!" Danielle says after a moment of silence. "This means I'm actually going to have to teach you a bunch of stuff. I knew this punishment was too good to be true."

An hour later and I find myself staring in the mirror in both shock and amazement. Staring back at me is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen 3; just as beautiful as Danielle, maybe even more so.

I really don't know what to make of it. On one hand I find it disgusting to be wearing the makeup. Yet, on the other hand I feel proud that I turned out looking this good. Okay, maybe that didn't sound right. What I mean is that if they are going to make me dress like a girl then I would rather look like a pretty one than an ugly one. Okay, maybe that still doesn't sound right.

I almost object when Danielle pulls my blonde wig off and replaces it with a black one. I felt we had just gotten the perfect look 3; so why ruin it?

"Oh! Black is definitely your color," Danielle says with excitement as she rotates my chair back toward the mirror.

To my surprise I actually look even better. This is good news considering my natural hair color is black anyway. Wait, what am I saying?! I can't believe I allowed myself to get so caught up in all of this. I blame Danielle. She is just so nice to talk too 3; especially after what I've been through.

During the past hour Danielle and I chatted about everything under the sun. Except of course the one thing I was most interested in. Was she a she or a he?

"If I ask you a question will you promise you won't get mad?" I finally get up the nerve to break the big question.

"Shoot!" she replies with a giggle.

"You are very pretty," I begin. "I mean, you look like the perfect girl. No, I mean 3;"

"Am I really a boy?" she giggles.

I blush and then nod.

"Of course, silly," he replies. "You should never ever ask that type of question to another student though. Not unless you are in this area of the school. But of course if they are in this area of the school then they have to be boys. Otherwise they wouldn't be in here."

My heart sinks when I hear Danielle is a boy. I know the odds of him being a girl was pretty slim considering the circumstances. Still, I had hoped I was wrong.

"I'm sorry," Danielle says when he sees the sad look on my face.

"No, its okay," I try to assure him. "I mean, we can still be friends."

He might dress and act like a sissy but he still seems to be a very nice person. I see no reason we can't still be friends. Granted, I'm not sure I would ever introduce him to my other male friends. I can just imagine how they would react if they found out Danielle was a girl. My reputation would be ruined. God, how would they react if they found out I've been dressed up like a girl? I try to shake this last thought.

"Sure," Danielle replies.

I notice that Danielle seems a little sad. Is it possible he wants to be more than just friends?

"Now what?" I break the silence.

"Well, maybe it would help if you told me what Ms. Branson has already taught you," Danielle replies.

"Actually, I think I have two trainers," I respond. "Ms. Branson and Ms 3; um, Casey. They haven't taught me much yet though."

They've actually taught me a ton in the past couple days but I'm too embarrassed to talk about any of it.

"Did they teach you how to 3;" he starts but pauses briefly. " 3; you know 3; use the bathroom?"

My blush is all the answer he needs.

"Thank God," Danielle laughs. "That spares us a few awkward lessons."

I can't help but laugh along with her 3; I mean him.

"I'm assuming they also taught you about the plugs?" he asks.

"I'm not sure," I reply.

After I say it I realize how stupid of a response that is. It was a pretty basic yes or no question. My purpose is to avoid talking about the inflatable butt plug. Yet, that answer makes it clear they did something to me in relation to butt plugs. Danielle isn't new here, I'm sure he knows what I'm trying to avoid speaking about. Even so, at least we still don't have to say it out loud.

"These," Danielle says as he opens up a cabinet.

I walk over to him and look inside. I'm thankful to see that the cabinet doesn't include the inflatable plug. It does, however, contain ten other normal butt plugs. If there is such a thing as a 'normal' butt plug.

I shake my head.

"Don't worry, it's not as bad as it looks," he assures me. "You start out with the smallest one. You wear it until they tell you to move to the next size. They will probably have go up in sizes pretty fast at first. Don't worry, they will slow down big time once you get to about number 5 or 6. I've been here for almost six years and I'm still only an 8."

I instinctively look at number 10, which is grotesquely big, and count backward to 8. I look on in shock at the size of it. It had to be 3, maybe 3¼ inches [7½-8 cm] wide. I can't imagine something like that fitting inside a body as small as Danielle's. Still, I was just as small and the inflatable plug looked at least that round when I took it out yesterday. Granted, that plug wasn't solid like these appear to be.

"Yeah, try wearing that all day, every day," Danielle giggles when he sees where I am looking. "It took me a long time to get used to it. Well, I'm still not used to it."

Danielle looked a little nervous as he quickly added that last sentence. I get the feeling he is scared someone might hear his prior sentence and decide to increase him to a 9. I can't blame him either. The next one is at least 3¾" [9½ cm] thick. That size would be unbearable. Who am I kidding, even number one looks unbearable 3; to wear all day anyway.

Number one is only an inch and a half thick [4 cm] at the widest point, so I'm positive I could fit it no problem. Wearing something like that all day long? That I'm not sure I could handle.

"Well 3;" Danielle says with a grin as she looks at me and then down at the plugs 3; then back at me.

"What? 3; Oh!" I say as I realize what he is suggesting. "I don't know. Maybe it is best if I wait for Drew or Casey to 3; um, show me how this is done."

"Don't be a pussy," Danielle giggles. "Just grab it, lube it and push it in."

"Who are you calling a pussy, sissy?" I think it but don't say it. I like Danielle too much for that. It's not his fault they turned him into a sissy.

"Come on," Danielle taunts me. "I'm wearing mine. See?"

Danielle pulls his panties down turns and then flips the back of his skirt up. I tell myself to look away but curiosity gets the best of me. My eyes immediately focus on the huge round back end of the plug. I can't help but also verify that he is indeed male. I also note that his cock seems much smaller than mine. That makes me kind of happy. It would have been embarrassing to find out a sissy had bigger equipment than myself.

"This is kind of embarrassing," I say as he lubes the plug and hands it to me.

"Trust me, this isn't the most embarrassing thing you will end up doing around here," Danielle laughs. "We should be so lucky."

I want to laugh as well but that comment strikes a little too close to home. I have already experienced much worse than this.

I take the plug from Danielle. For a moment I think about going into the bathroom so I can perform the act in private. I know Danielle will just call me a pussy again if I do. So, I get my nerve up and then use my free hand to pull my panties down. I blush as I reach back with the plug and slowly push it in.

"Oh," I let out by accident.

I planned to be tough and silent during the process but I got a wild surge of electricity in my body as my ass ring slid over the half way mark. The rest of the plug quickly slid in and bumped up against my clit 3; um, prostate.

As the plug pops inside I have a brief flashback of yesterday's events with Dean Miller. The Dean was the first to touch my clit like that. He even made me cum from it. I wonder how long that horrible memory will stick with me. Or will I always think of the Dean whenever I feel something in my ass? It sickens me to think this way. God, I can't wait until I manage to escape from this place.

I blush further when I realize that thinking about the Dean has somehow made my dick start to grow. It's starting to tent out the front of my pleated skirt. I quickly pull my panties up and pray Danielle didn't notice.

Danielle gives me a sly look but doesn't say anything. If he noticed then I think he realizes it was an involuntary reflex. Or at least I hope that is what it was. It sickens me to think I might actually be getting hard thinking about the Dean.

"Oh!" Danielle says as he remembers something. "Did you remember to take your pill today?"

"What pill?" I reply.

"Your estrogen pill," Danielle answers.

As soon as she says it I remember the spanking I witnessed just prior to getting caught. The instructor had mentioned estrogen pills also. It only took me a second to piece it all together. They were giving the boys female hormones so they will grow breasts. Or at least that seems the logical conclusion. I'm pretty sure I'm right. The sissy getting spanked had breasts and so does Danielle.

"Give me your hand," Danielle orders as he holds out his own.

I cautiously obey and raise my right hand. He grabs it and looks up and down my arm on one side and then the other. He even looks under my short sleeves.

"Other one," he says as he releases my right.

He gives this arm the same treatment.

"Ah! There it is," he says as he points to a spot a few inches below my left shoulder. "What did you think they were giving you when they gave you that shot?"

I look closely where he is pointing and see a small red dot. What the fuck!? When did they give me a shot? I then remember my blackout during my first night here. They must have given me the shot after I passed out.

"You get one shot every month and take a pill every day," Danielle informs me when it is clear I wasn't aware I was getting estrogen. "You're not the first one they have snuck estrogen on. Some new people are here for weeks before they are told. They just sneak the estrogen into their water and food and stuff."

Holy shit! They've been drugging me! Was it sprinkled over the dog food? Was it in the water I drank?

"Don't worry, it's harmless," Danielle says when he sees the obvious shock on my face. "It can make you a little emotional sometimes but mainly it just helps you grow boobies. It also makes your figure look sexier. Not that your figure doesn't look sexy already."

Oh, it just grows boobies 3; are you insane! I feel ill just thinking about it. I know Danielle and I live in different worlds so I bite my tongue. He reads it in my face anyway.

"You don't want boobies do you?" Danielle whispers as he looks nervously toward the camera on the other side of the room. "I guess I shouldn't have told you about the estrogen. I suppose that is why they keep it secret from most newcomers. Don't worry, in a few weeks you will start to like the idea of having boobies. All the other newcomers seem to."

It is clear to me that the acceptance of the drugs is probably a side effect of them. Either that or some of the boys just pretend to accept them. It would certainly explain why the sissy was getting spanked for it the other day.

"I won't tell them you said anything," I assure him. "I'm pretty sure we were talking too low for the camera microphone to pick us up from way over there."

We quickly drop this subject and start talking about other things. In the following few hours Danielle teaches me a lot of basic stuff. A lot of it though deals with stuff I need to know outside the secure area. Something tells me it could be a long time before they let me out of here. Still, they are things I might be able to impress Drew or Casey with. It might convince them I'm coming around. Maybe get them to let their guard down a little.

Most of the instruction is pretty boring. However, I do find it a little exciting when we go back to the makeup area. I don't want to look like a girl but I have to admit that it is kind of cool how many different looks you can create and stuff. To me it is more like dressing up for Halloween or doing special effects than actually 'becoming' a girl.

The only thing I regret is letting Danielle work on my real hair. It seems harmless and even kind of soothing to have him working on my hair 3; like I'm being pampered. My hair is long but it doesn't even reach my shoulders. Amazingly, Danielle manages to use irons and curlers to make it look rather cute and feminine. I get a kick out of it until I realize I can't just brush the curls out. He assures me though that most of the curls will be gone by morning.


I about jump out of my skin when I hear a male voice behind us. I'm sure I recognize the voice but I pry I'm wrong. Sure enough, I turn and find my father standing there! I feel my face flush.

"We were just 3; I mean 3;" I stammer. "It's not what it looks like."

"Working on the voice already I see," my dad changes the subject. "I like it."

He's right. I was talking in a slightly higher pitched voice than normal. I hadn't even noticed. I think back and realize I started doing it about 40 minutes ago during my chat with Danielle. He talks just like a girl and I guess I just subconsciously started to match the pitch. You know, to kind of make him feel more comfortable. Okay, maybe that isn't the reason. I guess it was just too odd to be made up like a girl and still talking like a boy.

As you can imagine, this topic embarrasses me just as much. I can only imagine what my dad must think of me right now. Just a few days ago I was his manly stud of a son who was getting more tail than any other boy in the county. Now look at me! I'm wearing makeup and girl's clothes. Hell, I even have curls in my hair.

The embarrassment and shame is too much to bear and I start crying. Great! Now I'm crying like a girl also. This makes me cry even harder. I turn and put my head down on the makeup table.

"It's the estrogen," Danielle whispers to my father. "She isn't used to it yet."

Danielle says this so low that I can barely make it out. He clearly doesn't want my father to know that I already know about the pills. I see no reason to let my father know otherwise.

"It's okay," my father says. "I came here for you anyway. I believe you have a punishment coming? The Dean insisted I come in and carry it out today."

I hear the two of them walk out of the room and into the room across the hall. I'm glad they are leaving me alone but I'm also very upset that my father wasn't concerned about the estrogen. That tells me he is well aware that the school is drugging me. I already guessed that he probably knew, but it still hurt to have that suspicion confirmed.

My embarrassment subsides a bit once they leave the room. I grab a tissue and dab my eyes, being careful not to smear my mascara. At least I now know water proof mascara doesn't run when you cry.

As I get myself together I realize how big of an ass I am. I'm sitting here crying about just being seen by my dad when Danielle is across the hall being punished. And I might even be the reason for that punishment.

There isn't anything I can do though. Hell, even if I was big and strong enough to do something about it, I'm not even sure I can leave this room without the shock collar going off.

Still, it would be nice to confirm that Danielle's punishment isn't too severe. I walk to my door and put my ear to it. I can hear commotion, but just barely. I decide to open my door so I can hear better.

As I open it I discover the door to the adjacent room is wide open. I can clearly see Danielle naked on the floor on all fours. This doesn't surprise me too much. The girl students often have to undress for punishments also.

Danielle is facing away from me and I get a clear view of his cock and balls as he arches his back. My attention goes to his plug though. Is my father actually going to spank him with the plug in place?

The video room is just one room down and I hear someone step out of that room and close the door. I quickly shut my door most of the way and step back. I hold my breath as the steps get closer. However, they lead into the room with Danielle and not to mine.

I crack my door open and look out again. I discover that it was my dad. It dawns on me that he was probably making sure the recorders were on for that room and that the cameras had a good view of the punishment. The Dean clearly had a special interest in this particular punishment. It would suck for my dad to come in Monday and find there is no proof he actually carried the punishment out.

"You will be getting 20," my dad informs Danielle as he kneels down next to him.

Twenty is a lot, but not an insane number. Not for a bare hand spanking anyway. Of course it really depends on how hard you hit. I decide to continue watching just to make sure my dad isn't too vicious with Danielle.

My dad puts his left hand on the small of Danielle's back to help hold him in place. He then lightly rubs his right hand across the boy's rear end. The touch isn't too sexual, but it still feels weird to see my dad touch a boy that way 3; even if that boy looks like a cute girl.

"Okay, push out," my father announces.

I watch in fascination as Danielle's huge plug slowly starts extend out from the his asshole. It looks like my dad is going to take the plug out after all. However, right when the plug is half way out and right at the widest point, my father's hand slams down against it.

"Oh!" Danielle screams. "One, headmaster!"

I put my hand to my mouth in shock. Just seeing it made my ass ring squeeze around my much smaller plug.

I tell myself to look away as I see the plug slowly extend out again. I just can't pull myself away though.


"Ugh!" Danielle lets out. "Two, headmaster!"


"Oh, God! Three, headmaster!"

As I watch slap after slap I can't help but wonder what it feels like. Is it just pain? Or does it also feel a little like when the Dean rubbed me inside?

Curious, I reach behind me and under my skirt. I tap the plug through my panties. I then tap a little harder. It feels very odd. It's like I'm actually tapping deep inside my asshole. Getting brave, I arch my back a little and try to use my ass muscles to push the plug out. The plug slowly comes out and I can feel it tent out the back of my panties. I bite my painted lower lip and use my right hand to push the plug back in as fast as I can.

"Mmph," I let out, but quiet enough that my father doesn't hear.

The fast intrusion punches into my guts and forces me to my knees. It is definitely painful. However, there was more to it than just that. There is an odd pleasure also. Though, I'm not sure pain or pleasure are the right words. I'm not sure there is a word for what I felt. It was more like a lot of pain and a little pleasure all in one 3; not simultaneously, but as one entity. It was a very scary feeling. It made my dick hard but I wasn't about to experiment further with it.

I feel even worse for Danielle now. My dad is hitting the plug way harder than I did mine. Plus, Danielle's plug is a good 3 inches [8 cm] thick. It must feel like someone is punching their fist into his asshole. The horrible thought sends a shiver down my spine.

On the 14th hit something wild happens.


"Oh 3; oh 3; oh," Danielle grunts over and over as his hips jerk forward and back.

A second later a huge blast of cum hits the concrete floor below him. The blast is followed by four more.

"God, I wonder what that felt like," I think to myself.

I noticed Danielle's dick get hard during the punishment but no one ever touched it. It just erupted. I would have never thought it possible to cum without touching your dick.

Sure, I've seen a couple girls at the school cum from just having their ass fucked. However, the girls are trained to fake orgasms. There is no way for Danielle to fake his.

Danielle has had years of training though. Maybe that is why he is able to cum this way. I highly doubt I could cum from a punishment like that. Still, I wonder if I could if the Dean were to just rub my ass clit. I chastise myself for thinking this but not before I feel my dick get harder.

I'm disgusted with myself for watching the punishment. Yet, I watch the entire thing. It is just too bizar to turn away. Plus, I wanted to know what I should expect if Drew or Casey ever decided to punish me this way. For a second I wonder if the Dean would ever make my father punish me; just like my father punishes my sisters when they get into trouble. I push the thought from my head. It is too horrible to contemplate.

Danielle is a blubbering mess by the 20th hit.


"Oh 3; twenty, headmaster," he barely manages to say.

Danielle is so far gone that he pushes the plug out for hit 21. My dad just lightly pushes it back in and pats the boy on the butt to let him know the punishment is over.

My dad keeps his hand on the boy's ass as he turns Danielle to the side. At first I don't understand what is going on. However, then I remember the climax Danielle had earlier. Sure enough, my dad nudges the back of Danielle's head. The boy understands and leans the rest of the way down and starts licking.

'If you make the mess, then you clean it up'. I remember lesson number one very well.

After the floor is clean my dad let's go of Danielle's ass. The plug just glides back out again though. I can only guess that Danielle's ass is too numb from the punishment to control the plug anymore. My dad pulls Danielle up until he is sitting on his heels. This position keeps the plug pushed inside.

What happens next shocks me even more than the nature of the punishment. My dad stands up, unzips his pants and pulls his hard dick out.

For a second I think I'm going to be sick. I've seen my father's dick several times in the last few weeks so the sight of it isn't what bothers me. It's the fact that he's about to do something sexual with a boy.

I know my father has access to this area but I guessed it was just for standard punishments and stuff. My father is very masculine. I would have never imagined him getting sexually excited over a boy. The impression I got was that my dad even hated gays. I know this is probably technically his job 3; but still.

My dad's cock is about 8 inches [20 cm] long and 2 inches [5 cm] thick. It's a pretty decent size. But then, all of the employees at the school seem to have big dicks. I think it is one of the prerequisites.

Danielle looks up at the dick when it comes into sight. I expect him to be upset but he isn't. He just sits there until my father moves closer. He then opens his mouth wide and sucks the head of my dad's dick into his mouth.

A voice in my head screams at me to look away. However, the curious side of me keeps watching. It is such an odd sight. My dad's dick looks so huge between Danielle's little rosy red lips.

As my dad's long dick disappears into Danielle's mouth it becomes very clear to me that the boy has lots of practice at this. I swallow hard when it dawns on me that they will probably train me to do the same thing. I guess I already suspected this would be the case. I just prevented myself from actually thinking about it. I had no choice but to do so now.

I have a side view of my father and Danielle. I'm shocked when I notice Danielle's hard dick sticking up in his lap. How can he get excited from this?

As I watch I notice a possible answer to my question. The tip of my dad's dick barely reaches Danielle's mouth. So, in order for him to take it inside Danielle has to lean forward. However, when he does this the plug starts to slip from his asshole. He can't stay forward or the plug will fall out. So, he moves his body down again on the outward stroke. This routine causes the plug to pop in and out of his asshole over and over again.

"That's a good girl," my dad says as Danielle speeds up. "Suck daddy's dick nice and good."

I've heard my dad refer to himself like this many times when having sex with the school girls. It's always daddy this and daddy that whether the girl in question is his actual daughter or not. It was clear to me right away that he likes thinking of all the students as his little daughters. I'd already seen him have sex with my sisters so I really didn't see the fantasy as being that big of a deal.

Him saying it now takes on a whole new meaning. I can't help but wonder if he is actually thinking about me as Danielle sucks him. Surely he isn't. I would know if my dad thought of me like that 3; wouldn't I?

For an instant I envision myself in Danielle's place; my dad's thick cock forcing its way in and out of my throat as I bounce up and down on my plug. I force the thought out of my head and feel a little ill for having it in the first place. Why would I ever think such a thing?

"Mmmm!" Danielle groans around my dad's dick.

At first, I'm not sure why Danielle is groaning. Then I see a thick jet of cum shoot out of Danielle's dick. The spurt was not as strong as his last climax but it still went a good foot up before it arched back down and hit the floor between him and my father. This spurt is followed by two much smaller ones.

As he climaxes, Danielle seems to be sucking and gripping my dad's dick with his lips like his life depends on it. It is like he is trying to suck my dad's nuts through his dick. If that is Danielle's goal then he is getting his wish.

"Oh, fuck!" my dad grunts as he steps closer and grabs the back of Danielle's head. "Daddy's going to cum in your mouth! Shit! Eat daddy's cum!"

A second later I see Danielle's throat hard at work. As my dad shoots his load down Danielle's throat he continues to encourage the boy to swallow his "daddy's" cum.

Mid climax though I see my dad start to turn his head my direction. I quickly pull away from the door. I'm certain that he doesn't turn in time to see me. However, the door is open. I pray that he doesn't remember them shutting it earlier.

I want to peek out again to see if they do anything else. However, I'm too scared I might get caught. Instead I tiptoe away.

Chapter 7

I spend the next 30 minutes inspecting all the cabinets and drawers in the room. Casey and Drew never indicated I wasn't allowed to do so. Plus, Danielle was opening some of them and he would definitely know if it was okay or not.

I find a large selection of paddles, dildos, and other training tools. Even in my short time as janitor I've seen most of these items in use. There are a few though that I have no clue what they are for.

I want to stop and inspect these unknown items further. However, I'm not sure how much time I have so I push on. In particular I keep my eyes open for the inflatable plug and the small machine it was attached too. It would be nice to know exactly where it is stored. It wouldn't do me any real good to know that information, but at least I would have advanced warning whenever I seen a trainer walk to that spot. Plus, I wouldn't have to worry as much when they walk to different spots.

To my surprise, the inflatable plug is nowhere to be found. This pleases me greatly. It tells me that they don't plan to use it on me again. Or at least I hope that is what this indicates. It is possible they are just storing it elsewhere in the school.

I don't find any pills anywhere. There is a large container of water in a fridge though. The water looks clear but it's still possible they have it drugged.

I scrunch my nose in disgust when I run across the dog food. I try to ignore it but my curiosity gets the best of me again. I see that it is a premium brand. Good to see that I deserve only the very best.

Salmon Meal, Herring Meal, Eggs, Cottage Cheese 3; okay, reading the key ingredients probably isn't a good idea. Just being close enough to the bag to smell it is making me ill. The smell brings back flashes of the nasty taste 3; and pretty much all the memories of yesterday morning.


I spin around and find Danielle standing over my shoulder. I quickly close the cabinet door hoping he didn't see the dog food.

When I turn, Danielle leans in and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. I back away. It was a very brief kiss with little contact. It didn't even seem that bad considering how good looking Danielle is. Still, it is a guy! Plus, I know where those lips have been recently. I want to yell at him but I need as many friends as I can get in here.

"Oh, sorry," Danielle apologizes as he backs away. "I get kind of affectionate after my punishments sometimes. I promise I won't do it again 3; unless you want me too?"

Danielle basically just had sex. I think I know why he is feeling 'affectionate'.

"Where's my dad?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

I blush after I realize I just let Danielle know the headmaster is my father. It's not a secret or anything. However, he did just 'punish' the boy. Danielle doesn't look shocked so I'm sure he already knew.

"He went home," Danielle informs me.

I breathe a sigh of relief. The embarrassment of my father seeing me like this was overwhelming. I'm pretty sure my dad could tell how much it bothered me. It is a good sign that he spared me further embarrassment by coming in to say goodbye or something. Maybe I haven't completely lost him as an ally after all. If I tell him about what the Dean said yesterday about setting me up then maybe my father will do something about it.

"What were you looking for by the way?" Danielle asks.

"I'm 3; I'm just looking for something to eat," I reply.

It isn't really a lie. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning and I'm absolutely starving.

"Here it is!" Danielle says as he opens the cabinet with the dog food in it.

"That's 3; dog food," I point out as he puts the bag on the counter.

"Isn't this what they have been feeding you?" Danielle asks in confusion. "I doubt it would be here if it wasn't."

"There has to be something else I can eat," I say, trying my best not to give a direct answer to his question.

"It wouldn't be here if they didn't want you to eat it," Danielle repeats.

"You don't eat that do you?" I ask.

"Well, no," he replies. "You're new though. They mess with you a little when you are new. It's like an initiation. Some new people eat nasty stuff like this, some get lots of punishments, others they make do nasty sex acts 3; there's a whole bunch of different things they do during initiation."

"Let me guess, the older you are the longer the initiation lasts," I say.

"I guess that is normally true," Danielle replies in a confused voice.

Yeah, that's more than just 'initiation'. That's brain washing! I swear, sometimes Danielle seems extremely smart and other times he is so stupid. There is no point in explaining it to him though. Danielle seems to live in opposite world. And I'm sure he thinks the same thing about me.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it won't last that long," Danielle assures me. "They will be really hard on you for several weeks, but the really nasty stuff like eating dog food normally only lasts for a week or so."

This is good to hear. However, I'm a bit of a special case. They might make me do the 'nasty stuff' for much longer.

"They never said I had to eat this," I point out. "Maybe you could just bring me some of your food."

Danielle gives me a disappointed look. It is clear to her that I'm not telling the whole truth. Yes, no one actually said dog food was 'all' I could eat. However, the Dean did make me eat it yesterday and clearly nothing else has been made available.

"I don't know," Danielle whispers as he looks back toward the camera. "I could get in a lot of trouble for doing something like that. I mean a LOT of trouble."

I give him my best puppy dog face. I really don't want to get Danielle into trouble. However, I hate the idea of eating dog food even more.

"Well, there is one way we could maybe get away with it," Danielle says after a pause. "I don't think you would like it though."

"How!?" I quickly respond a little too loud.

"Well 3;" Danielle starts then pauses for a moment. "I could teach you how to do 3; you know, something naughty. If you did a good job then I could give you food as a reward. Then, even if they caught us we wouldn't get in much trouble. If it is naughty enough they might even reward us."

My excitement quickly dissipates. What Danielle is saying makes sense. He would get credit for training me and I would get the food. However, it is the 'naughty' part that doesn't set right with me. I suspect that whatever we do would probably have to be as nasty as eating dog food. Otherwise it would just look like he gave me the food for nothing.

"Wh 3;what would we have to do?" I ask.

"I don't know," Danielle whispers as he looks down at the floor and lightly kicks the tip of his shoe against the floor a few times. "Maybe kiss 3; and stuff."

I was thinking much worse than this. However, this still sounds pretty bad. I already kissed him once and it wasn't half as bad as eating dog food. Not that I enjoyed the kiss.

"What kind of stuff," I ask.

"You know 3; stuff," Danielle coyly replies. "Maybe just kind of play with each other with our hands."

I start doing the math on how long I think I can go without food before I die. I also wonder what the punishment would be if I just stole some of Danielle's food. I run both scenarios over in my head. Neither one ends well.

It takes me a moment though to convince myself that I can go through with Danielle's proposal. It's just that kissing and having another guy touch me is so 3; well, gay. Still, I just kissed a boy and the Dean has already played with me with his hands. It's not like I would be any more gay than I technically am already 3; right?

"What kind of food do you have?" I ask after a moment.

Danielle's face lights up. He can tell I've already decided to go through with it. I'm still interested in what he has though. It would suck if I find out later the only thing he has is something I hate worse than dog food. Not that I can imagine anything being worse than that.

"Oh, I have all kinds!" Danielle says with joy. "They put me in the guest room. There's sodas, chips, bread for sandwiches, sliced ham and turkey, salad 3; you name it!"

My mouth is practically watering as he goes down the list. I play it cool though.

"Okay," I reply with as little excitement as possible.

"Goody!" Danielle chirps as he gives me a hug. "Follow me!"

I follow, but stop at the door.

"I can't leave the room can I?" I ask when he turns to see why I'm not following anymore. "Won't the collar shock me?"

"Did your trainers say you have to stay in the room?" Danielle asks.

"No," I reply.

I kind of assumed it was a given.

"It probably won't shock you then," Danielle informs me. "Newcomers are almost always cleared for the guest room also. They usually just lock the door if they don't want you in there. You might want to come out slowly though just in case."

I slowly inch out into the hall. To my surprise I don't get shocked. I look down the hall toward the exit and then back at Danielle. He just shakes his head 'no'. It sucks being this close to the exit yet not able to walk through it because of this collar. Of course, the exit is much farther than just that door. I also doubt the collar is the only security measure. There is probably at least one or two guards out there. Plus, I already know they have sensors on the doors and windows. Who knows what else?

"Now for the big test," Danielle says as she stands just inside the adjacent room.

I slowly come inside.

"Yay!" Danielle says as he gives me another hug.

I'm stunned as I look around the room. It's much smaller than my room but it's also a thousand times fancier. As far as I know, there are no rooms like this in the other secure areas.

This room is definitely decked out for VIPs. The floors are still concrete but the walls have nice paneling instead of just the standard drab paint. There is also a wide screen TV mounted on the wall across from the bed. Yes, I said bed! It even has covers on it.

There are a lot of other niceties, but my eyes focus on three main items.

The first item is a phone. Every phone in the school requires an insane 10-digit code in order dial out. I'm positive they deactivated my code. However, Danielle's code might still be active.

The second item I focus on is a small clock radio. It's only 3 p.m.! It feels more like midnight. I run the day through my head real fast and decide that the clock probably is correct. All of the embarrassment today must have made the day seem longer.

My mouth starts to water when I imagine what's in the third item 3; the fridge! Ice cream, cake, pizza, nachos, cheeseburgers 3; okay, none of these items were on Danielle's list earlier. I can fantasize though can't I? Not that his list is any less mouthwatering. Hell, just bread and water sounds good right now.

As I look around the room I realize why Danielle isn't so upset about me getting him into trouble. This room is better than my bedroom at home. Hell, it is even better than our living room in many respects.

I get excited when Danielle picks up a remote control and points it at the TV. I'm puzzled when it comes to life though. On the screen is an image of my room. When I see the bag of dog food on the kitchenette counter I realize this is a live feed of the room.

I blush and feel a little sick to my stomach when I realize what this might mean. It is possible my dad was watching me on the TV during Danielle's punishment earlier. I then remember him walking from the video room prior to the punishment. Is it possible my dad programmed the video feed to be sent in here?

"The headmaster set it up so I can watch you," Danielle confirms my suspicion. "Isn't it cool!?"

Yeah, real cool 3; not!

"Why would you need to watch me on the TV?" I ask.

It's a good question but I'm still trying to get over the sinking feeling that my dad watched me earlier. I really want to ask Danielle if it was on during his punishment. However, I'm not sure I can handle the answer. It would mean my dad not only knows I watched him and Danielle, but that I even toyed with my plug a little.

God! He probably thinks I was fantasizing about being in Danielle's place! My knees get weak and I have to sit on the side of the bed.

"Well, I am kind of responsible for you," Danielle explains. "This will help me keep an eye on you whenever we aren't together."

Danielle looks a little sad as he explains this. I think he actually felt I would be happy about this; like it gives us a special connection or something.

"That makes sense," I say.

While it does make a kind of perverted sense, I'm still not happy about it. I force a smile on my face though and try to act unconcerned.

My smile quickly disappears when Danielle switches the channel and an image of my bathroom pops up. Danielle quickly switches again, like he hopes I didn't notice. I blush deeper, thus giving away that I did indeed notice.

Danielle doesn't say anything about the feed. I want to beg him not to watch that channel, but I see no point in it. He clearly already knows I don't want him too. Talking about it will just make this moment even more awkward.

I'm pleased when the next channel brings up a different room. That means there probably aren't any additional cameras in my room. I only seen the two but there is always the possibility they have hidden ones as well. I'm confused, however, since there are people in this room. There is an instructor and a little girl.

The instructor I notice right away. It's Victor. I would notice that big ugly Mexican a mile away. I'm really not trying to be mean. Like I said earlier, he's like an uncle to me. We are the best of friends 3; or at least I thought we were. He didn't act like a friend a few days ago though during my 'capture'. Friends or not, you would have to be blind not to notice my description of him is right on the mark.

The girl he is with looks to be about 8 and is as cute as a button. At first I assume this girl is actually a boy. It only makes sense considering where we are.

I look back to Victor though and notice something odd. His hair is different. It's much longer than it was just a few days ago. It dawns on me that this is not a live feed but a recording; a very old recording at that. It has been years since Victor had hair that long.

I put my hand to my mouth in shock and quickly look back at the girl. It's Amber! She's about four years younger but that's her. I look over at Danielle. The odds of this just happening to be broadcast to this room right now is pretty slim.

"It's a BluRay disc," Danielle explains when she sees my confusion. "The Dean gave it to me. He said you would enjoy it."

While working at the school I was ordered to have sex with Amber a couple times. I managed to cum each time but I wouldn't necessarily say I enjoyed it. It just felt too awkward. I felt the same when I watched my father have sex with her.

Seeing Victor with her is a bit of a shock though. They have their clothes on still and aren't doing anything sexual yet, but I'm smart enough to know that is what this video is going to lead up too. My suspicions are confirmed when I hear him start to explain blowjobs to her.

During my first day as janitor my dad told me they normally teach students about blowjobs during their first few weeks of joining the school. The ones with prior training (aka, sexually abused by their fathers) usually get this training in the classroom. The untouched girls normally get their introduction to oral sex in private one-on-one lectures.

The Amber on the screen starts to cry when Victor breaks it to her what is about to happen. I have to fight back my tears as I watch. If this took place during her first couple weeks then that means she is only seven years old. I can only imagine how she must feel. Especially considering it is Uncle Victor she is going to be forced to do it with. He was someone she was supposed to be able to trust.

It takes a few minutes but Victor finally gets Amber to unzip his pants. I turn away from the screen as Victor's large dick comes into view.

"Can we turn this off?" I ask.

Danielle looks confused but picks up the remote again. He turns the volume down but leaves the video running. I guess that is better than nothing. At least now I can ignore it easier.

Danielle puts the control back down and sits at the head of the bed. He then pats the bed next to him. I know what he wants. I stand up and slowly walk over to him and sit. I can't stop myself from shaking as he puts his hand around my waist. Even over the clothes it just doesn't feel right.

He leans in to give me a kiss but I back away. I know it has to be done but it still takes me a moment to get up the strength to move back in. I slow down once our lips are just inches apart. Centimeter by centimeter I close the gap until our rose-painted lips finally touch. The contact is barely enough to be classified as a kiss. I manage to hold it though for several seconds.

If I didn't know better than I would have sworn it was a girl I had kissed. However, I do know better. It just felt so wrong.

"Hey, you want to see something really cool!" Danielle breaks the silence.

I feel relief as he pulls away from me and goes to a nearby counter. He lifts up on the bottom of one of the cabinet doors. The door lifts up and then slides back out of sight. Inside the cabinet I see a variety of glasses and a couple bottles of something.

"It's a bar," Danielle giggles. "They put a couple bottles in here and you know what that means!"

Danielle is practically jumping up and down so I'm pretty sure it means we are allowed to drink it. I have to admit that I'm a little excited also. I've tasted alcohol before but never gotten more than a sip. It would be kind of cool to get a full glass of it.

"Red wine," Danielle says as she holds the bottle like a waiter might. "Oh, and an unmarked bottle. I wonder what this might be?"

The unmarked bottle looks like water but I doubt that is what it actually is. It is clear from Danielle's voice that he knows what it actually is. He doesn't say though. Instead he removes the lid, sniffs it to ensure it is what he thinks it is and then starts to pour a glass.

"What is it," I finally ask.

"You know, I'm not too sure," he says. "I've had it dozens of times though. It's pretty good."

Danielle pours the liquid until the glass is half full. I'm shocked when I see him open the wine bottle and starts filling the rest of the glass. The glass is very big and round. It seems an awful lot.

"Are you sure you should drink that much?" I ask in concern.

"It's for both of us 3; and we aren't going to drink it," Danielle says with a smile.

Not allowed to drink it? What are we supposed to do, snort it? When Danielle reaches into a drawer and pulls out a large enema syringe I realize the answer to my question is even more bizar.

My asshole tightens around my plug as I watch him fill the large syringe. I can't help but wonder what it would feel like to have the liquid inside me.

"Are you sure this is safe?" I ask.

It seems like a logical question. Danielle just giggles and rolls his eyes at me.

"Here, I'll go first scaredy cat," he says as he hands me the syringe.

Danielle gets on the bed on his hands and knees with his rear end facing me. He then flips up the back of his skirt and pulls his panties down. I blush as I see his large plug, dick and balls come into view. His equipment looks much bigger this close up.

I expect Danielle to pull his plug out but he doesn't. It takes me a moment before I notice the valve at the bottom of the plug. It looks just like a basketball valve only much bigger. It's the same type of valve that was on the inflatable plug. Only I'm certain these plugs are not inflatable. The rubber they are made of feels much too hard for that.

A light goes on in my head when I remember seeing a small hole at the top of each plug. These plugs are designed to allow stuff to be injected into the wearer without having to remove the plug itself.

I look at the syringe and sure enough, the outlet looks like the same shape as the valve. I slowly match them up and then insert the tip. It is a perfect fit.

"Just half of it," Danielle reminds me.

I'm rather disgusted with what I'm doing but I slowly inject the fluid anyway. Danielle kind of purrs the whole time. I blush when I notice his dick gets hard as well. Once done, I remove the nozzle and stand back. I expect all of the liquid to come splashing back out but not even a drop escapes.

"Cool," I almost say, but then realize I'm next.

Danielle rolls over on his back and looks up at me dreamily. His panties are still at his knees and there is nothing to keep his dick from tenting his pleated skirt way up.

"I better hurry before this stuff really kicks in," Danielle says as he reluctantly sits up.

I'm pretty scared but at the same time very curious what it feels like. Danielle certainly likes it. I slowly crawl up on the bed and position myself where Danielle had been.

I'm now facing the TV again and can't help but look at it. Amber is leaning over Victor's lap and sucking on his dick. She is still crying, her tears running down her cheeks and dripping down onto Victor's large balls.

The dick seems insanely big compared to Amber's little frame. She seems to be trying to force it into her mouth but she only manages to get the head inside. It's clearly too big for her little virgin throat. All she manages to do is gag herself. Victor doesn't seem to mind, he just sits back and lets her practice.

"Oh!" I let out when I feel something squirt into my bowels.

I was so focused on the TV that I hadn't even noticed Danielle prepping me. There was only about 12 ounces [350 ml] left in the syringe but Danielle injects it into me very fast. It gives me a small cramp but my guts quickly settle down 3; at least for a moment.

I feel my insides start to warm up. It gets hotter and hotter until it is almost unbearable. This discomfort causes the cramps to come back.

"Take it out!" I groan as I reach back toward my plug.

"Wait!" Danielle says as he pushes my hand away. "Give it a few more seconds. You will see."

I'm not sure why, but I trust Danielle enough to do what he says. I grab a fist full of covers in each hand and bear through the heat. As I wait my head starts to get light. Then I get this dizzy kind of floating feeling. I also start feeling little sparks shooting throughout my body. I can't believe it is just alcohol causing all of these sensations but I don't really care. My guts still feel like they are burning but even that doesn't seem to bother me anymore. If anything, the burning sensation just enhances the pleasure I'm feeling.

I flop over onto my side and then turn onto my back. I then look up. There is a huge mirror on the ceiling and I see myself smiling back.

"What did I tell you?" Danielle giggles. "It's trippy isn't it?"

Danielle turns me so that my head is on the pillow. I can't help but admire how pretty of a girl she is 3; I mean, he is. I find it hard to know exactly what I mean.

Floating or not, I still feel a tinge of embarrassment when I notice the front of my dress tenting out. I focus on Danielle's dress and notice it is still tented out also.

After I'm in position, Danielle flops down next to me. He 3; I mean she 3; no, wait, he, then cuddles up next to me. I can tell he wants to do something sexual but he makes no move. He just lays there on his side kind of admiring me.

I feel hornier than I've ever been before, which is saying a lot for a 13-year-old boy. I want to do something sexual also but I'm not sure I want to do it with Danielle. It feels awkward just lying here so I look past my tented skirt and at the TV on the other side of the room.

Victor just came. Amber must have still been sucking on it when he started to climax because there is cum on her lips, cheek and chin. Most of the cum though looks like it is drooling out of her mouth and back down on Victor's cock and balls.

I see Victor say something to the crying girl and I almost wish the sound was back up. Amber shakes her head back and forth. This gets Victor angry and he shouts something. Amber is visibly shaken for a moment then sticks out her tongue and licks her lips clean. She closes her mouth and eyes tight and swallows hard.

Victor then uses his fingers to scoop the rest of the cum off her face and feed it too her. Once that is gone Victor nudges Amber and she bends forward and starts licking his cock and balls clean.

I know the drug is having an adverse effect on me when I realize the video is actually turning me on. Even knowing this, I can't help but reach down and grab my dick. Danielle pushes my hand away though.

"That's for later!" she 3; he growls. "Remember the school rules!"

My head is floating so much that I can hardly remember my own name. It takes me a moment to remember the rule in question. As a student you are not allowed to masturbate yourself unless given permission. It's a horrible rule. Or at least it seems that way right now.

The video grabs my attention again when I see my dad enter the room. Amber jumps from the couch and runs to my father and hugs him tight around the waist. My dad seems to comfort her for a moment. Then he walks toward the couch Victor is still sitting on.

Amber grabs my dad's shirt and tries to pull my father back toward the door. I'm not sure but I think she is trying to protect him from Victor. My dad stops and pulls her hands off his shirt. Then he continues to the couch. Amber follows but hides from Victor behind my dad.

Dad shakes Victor's hand which seems to confuse Amber. He then sits on the couch about a foot from Victor. Dad pats the spot between the two men. It takes some persuasion to get her to actually take a seat there.

Once she is seated my dad starts talking to her. My dad then barks some orders. Amber starts crying harder and her face turns red as she finally leans over and unzips my dad's pants.

Despite how horny I am, I know I will regret watching what happens next. So, I turn my attention back to Danielle.

Danielle looks happy to finally be getting my attention again. He leans in and gives me a short kiss. For some reason the kiss doesn't seem so bad this time. It is just a kiss I guess. And technically speaking, Danielle is a girl from the waist up 3; very pretty one at that. There is no harm in just kissing her.

Our lips meet again. Only this time it is more passionate. Danielle angles her head slightly and runs her tongue between my lips lightly. I know what she wants but it seems so wrong. Yet, it also seems so right. So, slowly I part my own lips and feel her tongue dart inside.

The intimate kiss sends shivers down my body. I reach for my cock but Danielle senses it and pushing my hand away again.

The kiss seems to never end. Even when it does it is only long enough for us to try a different angle with your heads. Then our tongues are dancing with each other again. I blush profusely and can even still feel the disgust of what we are doing. Yet, it just seems to fuel the pleasure, just like the burning heat of the enema is doing.

I shiver when I feel Danielle's delicate fingers start to unbutton my shirt. We somehow manage to get my shirt and tie off without breaking the kiss. My skirt is next. Danielle unzips it and pushes it to just above my knees where my cotton panties are already waiting. She then uses her foot to push it the rest of the way down, taking my panties with them.

I kick my shoes off which leaves me with just my knee-high socks. They seem insignificant so I leave them in place.

I know it is only polite to remove Danielle's clothes like she did mine. However, I just can't bring myself to do it. She waits a minute then does it herself. She has the added feature of a bra which is quickly discarded as well.

Sparks shoot through my body as Danielle slides closer and our naked bodies rub against each other. The thrill is so great that I feel like I'm about to cum. However, the touch of Danielle's cock against me reminds me of who I'm kissing.

I'm kissing a guy! the voice in my head screams. This is wrong! This is wrong!

Yet, something about it still feels right. I still blush harder and even try to pull away for a moment. However, Danielle is persistent and I slowly settle down.

I try to catch my breath as Danielle finally pulls away from my lips. I freeze when I see her head move downward. I need to cum very badly, but even with the effects of the enema I'm not so hot on the idea of a boy sucking my cock 3; even if he is really a she from the waist up.

Danielle stops her advance though when she reaches my chest.

"Oh!" I let out when her tongue licks across my left nipple.

As her tongue slides across my nipple a bolt of electricity shoots down my body and into my dick.

What the fuck was that!? Her tongue licks again and then again before I have time to fully analyze the sensation. I would have never imagined my body was capable of generating such sensations. I can't help but wonder if this is what women feel when you play with their nipples.

The sensation is very pleasurable, yet aggravating and a little scary all at the same time. It is like she is taking me way past the pleasure point where I would normally cum. Yet, I seem unable to cum because nothing is touching my dick. I reach down to do just that but Danielle swats my hand away again.

"Oh! Please!" I finally beg.

Danielle lifts her head and grins at me.

"Does my little girl want to cum?" Danielle teases.

"Yes, please!" I beg again.

"Tell me you want to cum then," she purrs as she rubs one of her fingers back and forth across my right nipple.

"I want to cum!" I beg. "Please!"

"No, say it right," she commands.

I'm not sure what she wants at first. Then it dawns on me. My face reddens. I can't say that. I just can't. But I do.

"Your 3; your little girl wants to cum," I manage to say.

"Will my little girl clean her mess up after she cums?" Danielle giggles at the power she has right now.

I hesitate. I forgot about rule number one. The thought of eating my own cum again is disgusting. Yet, I'm so close and I can tell it is going to be one of the best climaxes ever. At this point I think I would agree to about anything.

"Yes," I say, disgusted with myself for being so weak.

Danielle just keeps rubbing my nipples and staring at me. She is waiting for me to say it 'right'.

"Your little girl will clean her mess up after she cums," I blush.

"Will she clean my mess up too?" Danielle says with a blush of her own.

"Your little girl will clean your mess up too!"

God! Did I just say that?! No. No. I couldn't have. I know I did though. She couldn't have been serious when she asked. Please, let her be joking.

"Pull your knees up toward your chest," Danielle orders.

I reluctantly do as she says. She pushes my knees wide until they are at the edge of my shoulders. She then positions herself at my upturned rear end. She looks just like she is going to mount me in some kind of missionary position. I'm about to object, but then I remember I have a plug blocking her entry.

I look on in confusion as she stands up, takes a step forward and then kneels down until her dick is right on top of mine. She then uses her hands to hold our dicks against each other. The tips of both dicks are about a foot and a half [50 cm] away from my face and about 6 inches [15 cm] higher.

"Open wide," she giggles as she begins to hump back and forth.

"No!" I object when it dawns on me what her plan is.

The feel of her dick sliding against my own is too much though. I feel my climax starting and I try my best to push my face further away from both cocks. However, the headboard and pillow make escape impossible.

"Oh, shit!" I grunt as the first shot exits my cock.

For a brief instant I don't care where that cum is headed. All that matters is the insane intensity of the orgasm.

I feel a large hot splash against my lips and chin. I debate turning my head but decide that at this point the damage is already done. Cleanup will be a lot easier if it is all in one spot. This last thought makes me blush deeper.

"God, I have to eat all of this!" I think in horror as a second huge blast hits me in the same general area.

"Open up so you don't make such a big mess!" Danielle commands.

I don't know why but I obey. Tears form at the corner of my eyes though when the next shot lands in my mouth.

"I just came in my own mouth!" I think in horror as the tears run down the side of my face. "I can't believe I came in my mouth!"

Luckily the final three shots are too weak and fall short of their target. My tears get heavier as I lay there. I can feel the cum laying on my tongue but I'm too disgusted to close my mouth in order to swallow or spit it out. I can taste it already but I know the taste will be much stronger once I close my mouth.

"Good girl," Danielle praises as she continues humping.

My position makes it a little harder to breath and the blood is rushing to my head. That combined with everything else makes my head spin a little. I have just enough focus to ask myself why Danielle is still humping. My climax is over with already.

"No!" I try to protest without closing my mouth over the cum.

Danielle doesn't slow down though. All I can do is lay there and wait for the inevitable. Danielle has a very determined look in her eyes as she stares down into mine. We were kissing earlier but now that I've climaxed even the eye contact seems too intimate to me. So, I look up at the ceiling.

When I look up I see a cum covered beauty looking back down at me. Remove the cocks from the image and I probably would have found the sight erotic. But the cocks were there and the cum-covered girl looking back was me, Janice.

Just then I see a thick jet of cum shoot out of Danielle's dick and into Janice's mouth. At the same time I feel something hot and gooey hit my tongue. The girl in the mirror takes two more direct hits. I see Janice's mouth overflow and feel the cum leaking out of my own as well. Then I see the slut in the mirror do something I know I could never do. She closes her mouth and swallows.

"Very good," Danielle says as she backs away and lets my rump and legs fall back to the bed.

I'm in too much shock to do or say anything. I just stare up at the ceiling and watch as Danielle starts scooping the cum up with her fingers and feeding it to the Janice. Being the slut she is, the girl in the mirror just lays there and swallows it all.

Chapter 8

The girl in the mirror was just finishing the last of the cum when everything went black. However, right before everything goes I see someone out of the corner of my eye.

I wake in confusion. At first I'm not sure where I am or how I got here. I feel Danielle snuggled up behind me. I look back and see he is fast asleep.

"Oh, God," I groan when it all comes rushing back to me.

I feel ill and pull myself out of the bed and enter the door to the room's bathroom. The bathroom is significantly smaller than the one attached to my room. There is just a toilet, sink and bathtub. I rush to the toilet and lean over it. I try to throw up but all I do is dry heave since my stomach is empty. Even all the cum I ate has already been absorbed by my body. This thought makes me heave even more.

I'm gay now! the voice in my head shouts as I relive the ordeal over and over in my head.

Drugs might excuse why I did it. However, there was no getting around the fact that I DID do it. Unable to throw up, I start crying and expel my bodily fluids that way instead.

I try to block all the images out of my head but it just seems to make them stronger. It isn't long and I'm even reliving how things felt and tasted. I can even make out the bitter taste of my cum and the much sweeter taste of Danielle's.

Then I remember the person in the corner of the room. I saw the image right when I was blacking out but I'm positive someone was there. At first I can't make the image out in my head, then the face of the man is crystal clear.

No, it couldn't have been dad! the voice in my head screams.

I try to convince myself that it wasn't him. That I was imagining it was. It had to have been Victor, the Dean or anybody but my father. However, I know it really was my father.

I start crying harder.

How long had he been standing there? Had he watched the whole thing? I knew it didn't really matter. He clearly had seen the ending and that was more than enough to make me want to crawl into a hole and die. I won't ever be able to look him in the eye again. Not after this.

It was bad enough that I fucked up my job as the janitor and ruined his plans for me. Now I've even disgraced both him and myself by having sex with Danielle. God, it's probably caught on tape even. If I know the Dean he will probably even email it to everyone that works at the school. My dad will have to sit there and listen as everyone jokes about me.

I've been upset and even disappointed with my father these last few days, but I never wanted to hurt him. Not like this. He's my dad. He will probably disown me now though.

I kneel in the bathroom and cry for over 30 minutes before I finally run out of tears. When I look in the mirror Janice is gone and all I see is myself with a bunch of smeared makeup on. I get some toilet paper and do my best to remove what makeup is left.

As I leave the bathroom I see the radio clock on the night stand. It's 9:23 p.m. I guess that I probably passed out about four hours ago. I'm still sleepy though. The cum must have curbed my appetite for a bit but I'm starving now. That's probably why I woke up. I search around and find plenty to eat. I make sure though that I stick to packaged items and tap water. Who knows what they might have put that damn estrogen in.

The food hits the spot but it is not as wondrous as I had originally expected. Not after what I went through to earn it. I kick myself for not just staying in my room and eating the dog food; or better yet, just getting the will power to starve myself to death.

I look toward the phone and debate whether I should try typing in my code. They told me all my access in the school, to include the phones, was deactivated. They could have been lying though.

If I'm wrong then I know it will mean the whip. Besides, every high official in town is married to a Humbled Girl or has a child enrolled here. Some cop low in the chain of command might come and break me out of here. However, the higher ups would just make sure I got turned over to my dad. And my dad would just bring me right back here. Especially after what he seen me do earlier.

No, I need to do more than just escape from this building. I need to escape from this state. Once I'm out of this damn state I need to keep running until I hit an ocean. Then I need to start swimming. Even then they will probably still catch me. I feel so hopeless.

As I stare at the phone I notice Danielle's and my plugs sitting next to it. I was so depressed that I hadn't even noticed my plug was no longer inside me. I guess we don't have to wear them while we sleep. That was good news at least.

I glance over and see that the TV is on and that the BluRay is still running as well. It has been about six hours so I'm pretty sure it must be on a loop. I never did get to see the end of the clip with Amber. I can pretty much guess everything that happened though.

I'm thankful to see that the current clip is of no one I know. It is just two boys dressed up like girls. They are naked and one is having anal sex with the other. I'm sure the Dean put this and similar clips on the disc so I would have to face what they plan to 'teach' me here. I admit that seeing the two boys does give me a sinking feeling, but I had already pretty much guessed what they had planned. God, I have to escape soon!

I can't help but start crying again. I'm all but cried out though so the tears are pretty light.

Danielle must have woken while I was in the bathroom earlier. He is asleep now but he was on top of the covers earlier and is under them now. As I watch him sleep I'm not sure how I should feel about him. I'm obviously disgusted by what we did together. I also blame him a lot for it. However, he did warn me ahead of time. Well, he warned me about some of it anyway.

The main thing he didn't warn me about was making me eat his cum. However, I think he added that during the heat of the moment 3;just like I had bowed to his commands during the heat of the moment.

I even kind of understand the wine enema part. He was probably just trying to make the 'training' session easier on me. And I have to admit he was right. He just didn't consider the fact that the drugs kind of took away a lot of my free will. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have gone through with the activities had he not drugged me like that.

I guess I'm saying that I'm extremely upset with him, yet I understand he meant no harm. Or at least I hope he didn't. He's a nice kid. I can already feel myself start to forgive him.

I want to show him how upset I am by going back into my room and sleeping on my matt. The bed looks so warm and cozy though. Plus, I feel too sad to be alone right now. I look for a light switch but don't find one. So, I just delicately slide under the covers and close my eyes. A few seconds later I feel Danielle slide over next to me. I feel a little uncomfortable as he starts spooning with me. At the same time though it gives me the comfort I need so I don't pull away. A few minutes later I'm fast asleep.

I woke several times during the night because of nightmares. There of course was one where I relived today's events. However, most of them were just me being chased. The last dream I had was the worst. In it I watched Danielle being punished by my dad again. Only this time I was Danielle.

I endure a full 20 hits just like Danielle had. I even cum on the floor and have to lick it up. My dad then stands in front of me and pulls out his hard dick.

"Suck daddy's dick nice and good," he commands.

I wake right when my mouth is about to reach his dick. I'm ashamed to find that my dick is rock hard. I quickly go soft as I remember the dream. I know I don't want to suck my dad's dick. I also know there is a rational explanation why I had the dream. However, I don't spend much time analyzing it 3; the images are just too disturbing to relive.

"Wake up princess!" I hear someone say as they shake me.

I open my eyes and see Drew standing over me.

"I see you and Danielle are bonding well," Drew giggles.

I feel Danielle still spooning behind. I quickly pull myself out of bed. I want to tell Drew it isn't what it looks like. But I realize it's probably pretty close to what Drew suspects.

"Potty time," Drew announces as she walks out of the room.

I quickly follow. I glance back at Danielle briefly as I leave the room. I was hoping she hadn't woken up. However, I find she is already starting to sit up in bed. I also see her grabbing for the TV remote.

"Please don't watch!"

I'm too embarrassed to say it but I pray she was able to read it in my eyes.

Today's 'potty time' is an exact repeat of yesterday. However, today I blush the whole time knowing that Danielle might be watching.

The thought of Danielle witnessing my potty time is a ton more embarrassing than when Drew and Casey first seen me like this. Danielle is not only closer to my age but we now know each other much better than I do my trainers. Plus, he is the closest thing I have to a friend right now. Even if I'm a bit upset with him.

When I exit the shower I find another pile of clothes on the same bench as yesterday. This isn't a school uniform but it is just as bad. There is a cotton pink top with shoulder straps; a short skirt that looks like it was hand knitted with white and dark blue yarn; and a pair of what I guess is best described as white knitted panty hose. Only these were way too intricate and delicate to be hand knitted.

I blush when I lift the pile. Underneath I find a pair of black high heel shoes and a butt plug.

I'm upset about the whole outfit, but I'm especially so about the plug. Not because I have to wear it but because I wanted my trainers to find out I was already using one on my own. I kick myself for not putting my plug back in before leaving Danielle's room earlier. I just know Drew would have been impressed. The more I impress them the faster I get out of here.

"Don't bother getting dressed," Danielle says as she enters the bathroom wearing his school uniform. "Just put your plug in and come to the guest room."

I'm confused but that is nothing new. I'm not going to argue. I'm in no hurry to wear those high heels.

When I pick up the plug I realize it is bigger than the one I wore yesterday. This one looks to be about 1¾" [4½ cm] thick. I'm pretty sure it is the number two. I wonder if Drew picked this because she couldn't find the number one. Or, was it because she felt I was ready to wear it?

The plug is a tight fit, but it fits. When I push it in I'm surprised it doesn't hurt that much. My ass ring was pretty sore after my first night, thanks to the inflatable plug. It was still a little tender yesterday. However, today almost all the tenderness is gone. I can only guess it has something to do with the enema recipes. The only side effect I have now is a kind of itching. The itching seems to be around and just inside my ass ring. When I was showering I got tingles when I rubbed that itchy area. I got huge tingles when I pushed the plug inside just now.

"Oh," I groan when I take my first step with the larger plug.

The feeling is somewhere between pain and pleasure. I take a few more steps and get the same feeling each time. I got a similar feeling from yesterday's plug. Only this one is much more intense as it shifts around inside me on each step. The size is causing it to rub much harder against my insides. Plus, this one is touching places a little deeper.

By the time I reach Danielle's door I desperately want to remove the plug. The sensations are so intense. Plus, it is rubbing my ass clit much harder and making my dick start to get erect.

Luckily, Danielle is in the guest bathroom running a bath. This gives me a moment to just stand there. I expect my dick to go soft now that the plug has stopped moving. However, it doesn't. In fact it actually gets stiffer as I look around the room and remember the prior day's activities.

What Danielle and I did in this room was horrible and disgusting and I'm never going to allow it to happen again. However, I would be lying if I said the pleasure wasn't intense. That's all my dick seems to remember. I look down in horror when I realize my dick is at full staff.

I'm disgusted with myself, but even worse, I'm frightened of what Danielle might read into it. I just can't let him see me like this. He will think I'm hot for him or something. Just the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach.

I close my eyes and try thinking about something else but it doesn't help. I then get the idea to cause some pain to my dick. I know that will make me soft. First I try squeezing it. Then I try pushing down on the tip until my dick is about to bend in the center. My dick is still hard but I can tell that if I repeat this process a few times it might work.

"Stop!" Danielle yells.

I look up in shock to see a very angry Danielle storming my way. I'm confused for a second, then I realize he probably thinks I was masturbating. That is a big no-no.

"I 3; I was just 3;" I try to explain.

"Shut up and get down on your hands and knees," Danielle interrupts. "Now!"

Danielle is a year older than me, but we are virtually the same height. However, the tone of his voice just now scares the shit out of me. It's a harsh contrast to the Danielle I know. My Danielle likes me, maybe even loves me. This Danielle sounds mean and vicious. Has Danielle just been playing me? Has he just been pretending to be my friend? The thought angers me. My fear is greater though and I find myself obeying before I even have time to think about what Danielle is planning to do.

Danielle walks a few feet and then points to a spot in front of him. As I slowly crawl to that spot I can't help but realize that this is the exact same spot Danielle got punished in yesterday.

When it dawns on me what Danielle plans to do I debate jumping up and running away. More, now than ever, I realize how hopeless my situation is. I would almost rather die than get a spanking like Danielle got yesterday. Yet, there is no alternative I can think of that doesn't result in something much worse. I look down and watch my tears sprinkle the floor.

Danielle kneels down next to me and I know it's going to start any second now. Before starting, Danielle leans in next to my ear.

"If I don't punish you then the headmaster will come in and do it," he whispers.

The whisper is calm and friendly just like the old Danielle I know. It is clear that he is just trying to save me from having to endure a punishment from my father. I would die of embarrassment if my dad were to spank me. Hell, I would probably die from the pain. My dad was very vicious with Danielle yesterday. I'm sure he would have to be just as bad with me.

I blush when I think about what he made Danielle do after the punishment. Would he be required to make me suck his dick as well? This frightens me to the point that I almost beg Danielle to punish me.

"I'm going to spank you now," Danielle informs me. "Do you know what you are supposed to do?"

"Yes," I whisper.

It doesn't dawn on me until after I say it that there is no way I could know what to do unless I had spied on Danielle and my father. Danielle knows I haven't been wearing my plugs around my trainers yet. So, why would they even tell me about my role in the punishments yet? I hope Danielle doesn't realize this.

Danielle presses on the small of my back and I get the hint and arch my back slightly so he has a better target.

"Let's begin," Danielle says as he lightly rubs my ass.

I feel my ass ring pucker as I try to push the plug out. It is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I apply more and more pressure until the plug starts extending out. Right when I feel the middle of the plug about to pop past my anal ring 3;


"Oh!" I scream as the plug punches back into my guts and I lunge forward slightly.

"Oh, God!" I let out a second later when the sting across my ass cheeks actually registers.

Yesterday, I was so focused on what hitting the plug felt like that I hadn't given much thought to the slap itself. It hurts! Believe it or not, I've never been spanked before. I got into trouble here and there growing up but never did anything bad enough to warrant a spanking. I knew spankings hurt but I had no idea. If Danielle's small hand hurts this bad then I can only imagine what my father's feels like. Or worse, that damn whip.

"One 3; Danielle," I say.

"Good girl," Danielle praises.

I feel a tinge of pride that I remembered to count the hit. I'm guessing that most new students forget that bit.

Praise or not, I'm still hesitant to push the plug back out for another hit. Danielle seems patient as he kneels there next to me. I don't want to push my luck so I only wait 20 seconds before forcing the plug back out.


"Oh! Oh!"

I told myself I wouldn't scream this time but I just can't help it. As the pain washes over me I try to imagine how Danielle could possibly find pleasure in this. He even came this way. My dick is hard still but I don't see a climax coming any time soon. Sure, the plug is slamming into my ass clit but it is hitting way too hard to be pleasurable.

"Two, Danielle!" I grunt.

I want to beg Danielle for mercy but I already know this has to be done.


"Oh!" I yell in both pain and surprise.

I hadn't pushed out on the plug yet and wasn't expecting the hit. I then remember how Danielle lost control of his plug yesterday. God, my plug is sliding out on its own!

"Three, Da 3;."


"Oh, God!" I scream. "Fou 3;"


"Oh, please!" I scream even louder.




The hits start coming faster than I can count them out. I try to slow them down by gripping the plug with my asshole but I've lost complete control of my hole.







My ass is on fire and it takes me several seconds to realize the hits have stopped. I feel Danielle's delicate hand holding my plug in place as he uses his other hand to maneuver me. He backs me up a few feet and I see a small pool of cum come into view. It is barely a tablespoon's worth but it is there. I will admit that I felt some small tingles mixed in with all that pain but I sure as hell didn't feel like I had cum. When I look under myself I see that the head of my dick is indeed wet with cum.

After what happened with Danielle last night I feel the need to demonstrate that I'm not gay and don't like eating cum. Refusing to clean my mess would be a good way to show this. However, my burning ass cheeks remind me what will happen if I refuse. I decide to delay my protest until later 3; when my ass isn't quite as sore. Besides, it's really not that much cum. I ate significantly more last night. I scrunch up my nose in disgust and then lean down and clean up my mess.

Once the cum is in my belly Danielle pulls me up until I'm sitting on my heels.

It hurts to sit but at least the cleanup is over. I swallow hard when Danielle stands in front of me. Does he expect me to suck his dick like he did my father yesterday?

Please don't ask me to do that! the voice in my head screams.

What scares me is that I know I might actually do it if Danielle insists. I just can't handle any more spanking right now.

There is an awkward silence as Danielle looks down at me. I can tell by the determined look in his eyes and the bulge under his skirt that he wants me to suck him.

Please don't ask! the voice screams again.

I sigh in relief when Danielle finally turns and walks back to the bathroom.

"Come on," Danielle says over his shoulder.

My legs are shaky but I'm able to stand and follow. I have to keep my hand on the plug though to keep it from sliding out. Danielle giggles when he sees me walk in like that.

"Don't worry, you will get control of it in a few minutes," he assures me. "You need to work on your ass muscles though. You lost control way too soon. The punishments aren't as bad if you can use your ass muscles to slow down the hits."

I want to ask how one goes about 'working on your ass muscles'. However, I'm more concerned at how certain he seems to be that I will be getting more spankings in the future. They won't spank me as long as I follow the rules and do what they say, right? God, I hope not. That spanking was absolutely horrible. My insides still haven't settled down.

I watch as Danielle undresses, folds his clothes and puts them in a neat pile. As his skirt comes off I note that his dick is indeed hard under his cotton panties. I blush when Danielle catches me staring and gives me a wink. I quickly look down at the floor below me. I blush harder when I realize my dick is still rock hard. I can only imagine what Danielle is thinking.

I feel the need to explain that I'm not sexually interested in him. That yesterday was a mistake. I had lost control in the heat of the moment because of the drugs. However, I'm too ashamed and embarrassed to talk about it. So, I just keep looking down and try to order my cock to go soft. It doesn't listen.

Danielle discards his panties and then hops into the tub. The tub really does look cozy. It looks nice and warm and Danielle even put bubble bath in it. Bubble bath is kind of girly, but it does look inviting.

I'm envious as I watch him sink down into the bubbles. All I have in my room is a shower. Showers are all that I normally do anyway, but a bath would feel good right now.

"Jump in!" Danielle giggles.

Taking a bath with Danielle wasn't what I had in mind. Not by a long mile. A warm bath is relaxing. A bath with another boy 3; not so much.

"I've already showered," I inform him.

"Come on!" Danielle says while making an exaggerated pout with his rosy lips.

He is still joking around but I can tell that I will offend him if I refuse the invitation. I'm still a little upset with him from yesterday, but that does not mean I want him upset with me. His friendship is already starting to pay off. If he didn't like me then I probably would have ended up getting spanked by my dad instead of Danielle. As painful as it was, I'm still very grateful for him looking out for me like that. Not enough to forgive him for yesterday, but it is a start.

The tub is a little bigger than the one we have at home. It is maybe an extra foot and a half wide 3; possibly a little longer also. Danielle and I are small for our ages but I still don't see how we can both get into the tub without touching each other. I'm sure that's not an issue for Danielle but it is for me.

I carefully step in and then sit with my knees up toward my chest and my back at the opposite end as Danielle's. I thought for sure Danielle would insist I sit closer, but he seems happy with my choice.

"Yay!" Danielle cheers and then throws some bubbles at me.

I smile but see no need for celebration. He slides down under the water and I briefly feel one of his feet up against my hard dick. I'm about to push it away when it disappears on its own. Danielle's head pops back out with a tower of bubbles on top of it.

I can't help but laugh. He looks so silly. Plus, there is a kind of innocent playfulness to him. His wet blonde hair makes him look much younger as well. Right now he's just a little child playing in the bubbles. It is hard to imagine that just under those bubbles he has a huge plug up his ass.

After Danielle plays around like that for a couple minutes I begin to relax a little. I let my legs slide down into the water. They mingle with his but there is nothing sexual about it. The nice thing is that I didn't even get the spout end of the tub. This surprises me since Danielle got in first.

Danielle finally settles down and I'm able to lay my head back and really relax. My eyes are closed and I'm on the verge of falling asleep when I feel Danielle grab one of my feet. He lifts it to the surface of the bubbles and begins massaging it. Man that feels good. I don't say anything though. The massage doesn't seem sexual but if I compliment him on it then he might use it as some kind of foreplay.

I peek down at him when the massage ends and I feel something rub against one of my toenails. He is filing my toenails. I've seen my sisters do this before and it takes a ridiculously long time. I mean, all you have to do is get some clippers and you are done in like 30 seconds. I think about telling Danielle this but he looks happy working on my toes so I close my eyes again.

He slowly goes from toe to toe. Once done he picks up a small bottle and squeezes something on each toenail. Then he takes some kind of cue tip thing and pokes around everywhere that the nail touches the skin. It doesn't hurt or anything, but it does make me wonder what the hell the purpose of it is.

Finally, he lowers that foot and lifts up my other one. He repeats the whole procedure with this foot.

This time when he finishes he doesn't lower the foot. Instead, he slides a little closer to me and raises more of my leg up out of the water.

"What are you doing?" I finally ask.

"You have to do all of this at least once a week," Danielle replies, not really answering my question.

"Hold up!" I say when I see him put some shaving gel on my leg.

"We will both get into trouble if your trainer shows up tomorrow and you aren't freshly shaven," Danielle explains. "Trust me, they will be VERY upset."

"But my legs aren't hairy," I say.

My mind was frantic and I said the first thing that came to mind. Surprisingly, it actually made sense.

"Too hairy for a girl," Danielle counters and begins rubbing the gel around on my leg.

I blush when Danielle says this. I was so relaxed earlier that I all but forgot my current situation.

I really don't want my legs shaven, but I reason that male swimmers do it all the time. It doesn't necessarily make me any less of a man.

It feels weird as Danielle runs the razor up and down my leg. He does the other leg and then has me stand so he can get the upper sections. This becomes a very embarrassing moment since my dick is still very hard.

"No," I groan when he then applies the gel to my groin area.

I have very little hair there to begin with. Why do they need it cut it off? There is no point in protesting. I already know there is no getting out of this.

"Oh," I let out by accident when Danielle grabs my hard dick so he can move it out of the way.

As he shaves my precious pubes away I notice that his other hand is massaging my dick a little more than necessary. He's not jacking me off, but it does seem like he is teasing me.

With his wet hair and small B-cup breasts, I have to admit that he looks like a little 10 or 11 year old girl playing with my dick. I chastise myself the second that I think this. His dick may still be hidden below the bubbles but I know it is still there.

"Mmm," I moan again when he starts shaving my balls.

The razor feels good against my balls but I'm also scared he will cut them. I think he realizes my fear and tries to distract me by rubbing my dick a little harder. I'm disgusted at how good it feels.

I close my eyes and try to forget that it is a boy playing with my dick. This is so disgusting and very wrong, yet it feels so good. I tell myself it is just a hand job. Plus, he is doing it to me and not the other way around. It pales in comparison to what we did yesterday.

"Oh!" I groan when I feel something warm and wet envelope my cock.

I look down to see Danielle's red lips sliding up and down my shaft.

"No, we shouldn't do this," I whisper. "Please stop."

Even as I say it I find myself involuntarily pressing forward with my hips. The next thing I know I have a hold of Danielle's head and I'm humping back and forth in his mouth.

"Oh, shit! Oh, shit!" I pant as I ejaculate into Danielle's throat.

The climax is so strong that I have to put one of my hands against the wall to keep from falling down.

The glow of the climax slowly dissipates and I'm left with just the disgust and shame of what just happened. It's too much and I start crying. I pull my dick from Danielle's mouth and turn away. I go to step out of the tub but Danielle grabs onto my legs from behind.

"It's okay," he assures me. "I suck your dad all the time."

I don't like hearing that my dad indulges in this a lot. However, it is a little comforting to know my dad really can't be upset with me for doing it myself. Not that I would want him to ever find out.

It's a little comforting but I'm still very ashamed of myself. I'm still crying as Danielle pulls me down so that I'm sitting in the tub again. Only this time I face away from him. I'm too embarrassed to face him right now.

He slides in close behind me and gives me a hug. I know he is trying to be nice but the feel of his hard dick against my back just reminds me of where I am and what just happened.

Danielle rubs my back until I stop crying. Once I'm calmed down he lifts my left arm and puts shaving gel in my armpit. I don't even say anything. Having my arm pits shaved seems trivial right now.

The next 30 minutes are awkwardly uncomfortable as Danielle does to my fingernails basically the same thing he did to my toenails. Only he does it from behind which requires him to press tight against me and reach around. It is basically one long intimate embrace. Danielle even kisses me on the neck a few times.

I want to push him away or at least verbally chastise him. However, I don't feel I have much right to do so. I just fucked his throat for God's sake. Who am I to now deny him a simple embrace? I know this might lead him on a bit. However, I obviously plan to tell him I don't feel that way about him. However, I will let him down easy and not be a dick and do it immediately after cumming in his throat. It is the least I can do.

As we get out and towel off, I'm ashamed to see that I'm hard again already. I really don't understand why I'm so horny today. I can only guess that it is the larger size plug. I note that my hard on looks ten times more perverted now that I'm bald down there.

I watch as Danielle gets dressed. My hope is that I've somehow earned the right to eat some normal food. I let Danielle shave me and even suck me off. That has to be worth something. He walks me through the guest room and back into my room though. I'm disappointed but there is still a chance I'll get something later. I'm not too hungry right now anyway.

I'm not surprised when we stop at the makeup area. We dry and brush our hair. Danielle insists on curling my hair again. Only this time he has me do half of it. It is harder than I expected.

I'm not too happy when Danielle gets a pair of tweezers and starts plucking my eyebrows. Damn that hurts! At first I think he is just getting a few rogue hairs out of the way. However, he keeps plucking and plucking.

He is well into it before I realize he is shaping my eyebrows to look more feminine. It is too late to turn back now though. I'm stunned when I turn to the mirror and see the final product. It makes my face look ten times more girly. I would have never imagined something so simple could make such a difference.

There is only one problem 3; I'm not a girl!

This isn't something I can just wash off or hide! It will take weeks for those hairs to grow back. I then realize they will just have me pluck them again. God, I have to get out of here!

Makeup comes next. Again, Danielle does part of it and has me do the rest. It is hard for me to master it. As a boy I guess I'm just not as patient and try to rush it. I also have trouble doing the fine details and keep brushing this or that too hard. I eventually get it down. I don't do as well as Danielle but I'm still proud. Well, not proud that I'm putting makeup on 3; just proud to be able to do it. Drew and Casey will be very impressed when they see me doing this.

I have to admit that the whole makeup experience does provide a kind of escape. As we put it on Danielle and I do a lot of chatting about this and that. Sometimes I get so engrossed in a conversation that I actually forget where I'm at.

The only problem we have is coming up with subjects both of us are interested in. I'm into sports and things like that and Danielle just wants to talk about girly things. Even when we talk about something I like it always ends up being spoiled by him. For example, I might talk about football and Danielle will start commenting on which players are the cutest, or how the uniforms show off their muscles and stuff.

Even this can be fun sometimes though. It becomes almost like a game between us. He brings up a girly subject and I try to turn it into a manly conversation. Then he does the opposite to me. For laughs we sometimes switch roles and he tries to be manly and I girly. We are almost rolling on the floor laughing whenever we do that.

We finish our makeup and Danielle moves us back to the guest room where we lay on the bed. I'm a little hesitant considering what happened the last time we were in this bed; especially considering I'm still naked.

Danielle brings a small box with him from the makeup area. I swallow hard when he opens the box and I see an assortment of nail polishes inside. I know I should object. However, it's just one more small detail. What more harm could it really do? Of course, I thought similar things about the treatment of my toe and finger nails; then the shaving; then the curling of my hair; then the plucking of the eyebrows; then the makeup 3; and now look at me.

I lie back on the bed and do just that. I stare up at the ceiling mirror and see a beautiful Janice looking back. And she is beautiful. I know from yesterday that she is also a nasty slut. These are two qualities I always look for in a girl. Unfortunately, she is really a he and she is me.

Before getting to the polish, Danielle pulls out this weird double sided pad. One side is semi coarse and the other side very fine. He says we have to remove all the rough thick skin off the bottom of my feet. I point out that the bottom of my feet have thick skin for a reason. He just laughs and starts scrubbing. It tickles but I'm also scared he is going to rub too much away. He doesn't though. First it is the rough side then the very fine one. He rubs some kind of lotion all over my foot then does the other one.

The whole procedure seems pointless to me. It's the bottom of my feet for goodness sake. Who is ever going to notice?

After this, Danielle grabs a small bottle containing a clear fluid. He rolls some paper towels and puts them between my toes in order to separate them. Then he starts applying the clear fluid. For a moment I'm delighted because I think he has decided on a clear polish. However, he explains it is just a varnish. This is the equivalent of a primer for you guys out there. He claims it protects the nails and makes the polish stick better and last longer.

Next comes the polish itself. We go with a very simple pink for both the fingers and the toes. Danielle says we will maybe try something more complex next weekend. Oh, goodie 3; something to look forward to 3; not.

Danielle does five toes and five fingers. I do the same. I do okay but when you look close enough you can tell the difference between the two sets.

Danielle finishes everything off with a coat of clear polish. Then we do something very silly. We wait. Ever hear the phrase, 'watching paint dry'? Well, guess what 3; that's what girls apparently do. Or at least that is what is required with the polishes we have. I'm not sure if that means it is a very good or very bad product.

I'm shocked when I look up at the mirror again. Janice looks twice as girly as she did the last time I looked 3; all because of 20 simple dabs of pink polish. Janice now dominates the image before me. Jack's cock is the only remnant left of my former self. However, it is standing up stiff and proud trying to rage against the dying of the light. No, Jack will not go gentle into that good night. Or so I pray.

We have an hour to kill so Danielle turns the TV on. She turns the BluRay machine on as well. The same disc plays but thankfully Danielle fast forwards past several scenes.

"This is my favorite part!" Danielle says as he lies down next to me with his head just below my chest.

I'm not happy about the close contact, but at least he is not trying to neck with me or something.

The part Danielle forwarded to turns out to be some kind of oral evaluation compilation. It shows a series of very young girls giving blowjobs. Some of the girls are shown naked and others in their school uniform. The male they perform on is the same in all of them though. It's Dean Miller 3; of course.

It seems clear to me that the Dean provided these clips in order to send me the message that he plans to soon make me do this with him. He probably even expects me to study it so I know what he likes best. I got news for him, I'll bite his fucking dick off if he tries to put it in my mouth.

Despite my anger, I have to admit that watching the little girls perform does make me hard. Or at least it would if I wasn't already hard. The Dean's dick is enormous and it's cute to watch the little girls try to handle it. It really isn't a fair oral test for any of them. It's a good 2½ inches [6½ cm] thick and maybe 9 inches [23 cm] long. Most of the girls can't even get the head of the dick into their mouths.

I've seen my share of porn lately and I always like the cum shots the best. That wasn't the case with these Dean Miller clips. It just reminded me that it might be me accepting that load one day soon if I'm not careful.

There are five girls total. The final and cutest one was a little blonde about 8 or 9 years old. She looked absolutely adorable in her little school uniform. She also gave a half way decent blowjob 3; all things considering.

The Dean must have liked her also because the next series of clips were of just her and him. They were each dated one year apart. I'm guessing they are annual reviews of some kind.

It is a huge turn on to see this little girl grow up right before my eyes. The first was six years back. The next was five years back. There was a noticeable improvement in her skills after just that first year. She still couldn't get much of the dick into her mouth but she made up for it in enthusiasm.

It was hot to watch and I could feel my dick lurching. Danielle notices this and giggles and then starts making playful swats at it with his fingers and palm. I know he is just playing but it actually feels kind of good. I feel a little ashamed but not too much since it's really the girl in the video that is turning me on.

The little girl gets a lot prettier and better skilled in the next clip. In this one she even has her top off. She is only about ten and doesn't have much to look at. She is sucking a mean cock now though. She has trouble with the Dean's but you can easily tell she would not have problems with one my size.

"Oh!" I groan when I feel Danielle's mouth envelope my dick.

I try to pull his head away but it is a feeble attempt at best. I'm just too excited from watching this girl work the Dean's dick.

The girl is even cuter in the next clip. She has gone from pigtails to a slightly more sophisticated curly hairdo. She looks a little familiar now. According to the videos, she would be around 14 or 15 by now. That means she is no doubt still enrolled here. Who knows, I might have even had sex with her in one of the classrooms.

All I know for sure is that she gives a great blowjob. She manages half of the Dean's dick this time. She also has picked up some techniques on how to work his balls. Danielle is clearly watching the video out of the corner of his eye because he is mimicking most of what the girl on the screen is doing.

"Oh!" I groan as my climax starts to near.

The next clip starts up and now the girl looks extremely familiar but I can't quite place the face. The girl is topless again and her breasts are just starting to develop. I'm sure she got an A+ from the Dean this year because she really pulls out all the stops. She licks up and down the dick, jacks on it, sucks his balls and swallows at least half of it again. She performs almost as good as Danielle is currently doing on my own cock.

I'm extremely near and decide to grab the remote and turn the volume up so I can hear the sloppy sounds she might be making.

"That's it, work that dick," the Dean says. "That's a good girl."

I block out the Dean's voice and pretend it is mine instead. That it is me on that screen feeding the little girl my dick. The thought takes me over the edge and I start cumming.

"Take my load," the Jack on the TV screen orders. "That's it, swallow all my cum Danielle!"

Wait! What? Did I just think that? Or did I actually say that? Or did the Dean just say that?

I'm mid climax and can't think straight. All I can do is ride the wave of pleasure.

Like earlier in the day, the wave of pleasure unfortunately lands me on a shore bed of hard rocks. God, I did it again! What's wrong with me!? How could I stay excited with Danielle touching my dick, let alone cum with it in his mouth?

My humiliation and shame reach an all-time height when the next clip starts and it becomes clear that it was indeed the Dean that mentioned Danielle's name. The girl in the video is Danielle! He is two or three years younger still in this clip but there are way too many similarities for it not to be him.

I feel like vomiting when I realize I not only let Danielle suck me off again but was even fantasizing about him at the same time. I try to convince myself that I thought he was a she in the video. However, that doesn't change the fact that it wasn't.

It all becomes too overwhelming and I just stare blankly at the ceiling. I don't even have the will power to push Danielle away from my cock. He just keeps on suckling on my dick as it slowly softens.

My humiliation jumps a notch higher still when my eyes focus on the image above me in the mirror. For an instant I think it is Jack laying there. Then I realize it is actually Janice and Danielle playing together. Or at least I try to convince myself of that. In reality I know it is really Jack up there looking down 3; or at least I think it is.

Oh, God! I'm getting hard again! the voice in my head screams. Please, not again!

To my credit, I do finally reach down again and try to nudge Danielle off my cock. I don't nudge hard enough and he keeps on sucking. I think to push harder but realize I can't. My nails are still drying and I risk damaging them if I get too aggressive.

I realize how stupid of an excuse that is. The truth is that I don't know exactly why I give in. I guess I'm just too mentally worn out to care right now.

There are still two more clips of the Dean and Danielle. I hear them on the TV but I just stare up at Janice. When the Dean barks orders it is Janice's lips that move. Or at least I think they do. The illusion is enhanced by the fact that the Danielle in Janice's lap is following said orders.

"Take daddy's load!" Janice groans and then climaxes.

The climax provides a brief, yet sweat, escape from reality. Then the wave of humiliation hits me again.

I try to avoid the humiliation by thinking of other things. For example, I start thinking about why so many of the instructors seem to often refer to themselves as daddy when having sex with the kids.

My initial conclusions have been that it is a fantasy that helps get the instructors off. However, something dawns on me. There are a ton of parents that don't work at the school like my father does. Is it possible that part of the training is to prepare students for possible sexual abuse at home?

Now that I think about it, there must be tons of these girls being sexually abused at home. The school provides an outstanding academic program, but I'm sure all of the parents must know about the sexual aspects of the curriculum also.

It wouldn't surprise me if the sexual aspects aren't the primary reasons some parents enroll their kids here. I mean, the school always plays up how every successful woman in the county is a Humbled Girl. However, they spit out a lot of graduates each year. By now there must be 100 times more Humbled Girls out there than possible high positions in the area.

God! I suddenly realize that I've run across several Humbled Girls that even still live at home with their parents. Most are only in their 20s, but just being a graduate here pretty much guarantees you a decent job, even if you decide not to get advance degrees in college. They would easily be able to get their own place. Hell, half the men in the county would buy them a house just for the chance of building a relationship. Men who marry Humbled Girls receive a higher status around here. These men don't always become successful businessmen, but they sure as hell look a lot happier.

"No, please stop!" I groan.

My little diversion isn't working as I had hoped and I can feel yet another climax nearing.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" I let out as each jet shoots into Danielle's throat.

This climax felt odd compared to my normal ones. It is pleasurable but also with a tinge of discomfort thrown in. I'm certain it has something to do with the fact that it is my third climax in just 45 minutes.

"Please!" I beg a little louder.

I also try harder to push Danielle away. Finally he lifts his head up and gives me an angry look.

"You are going to mess your nails up!" he growls.

I explain that the nails are probably dry enough by now. He doesn't accept this answer and pulls my hands out away from my body. He then jumps up from the bed. I'm regretful that Danielle is upset about the nails. However, I'm also happy he has at least stopped sucking my dick. I'm not sure I could have handled another climax.

"Wh 3;what are you doing?" I ask when I see him reaching under the bed to my right.

I look on in shock when he brings up a leather wrist restraint with a chain attached to it. The look Danielle gives me is scary. It reminds me of the look he gave me this morning when he caught me messing with my dick. I don't want to upset him further so I don't resist as he puts the restraint on my right wrist.

However, when he comes around to the other side of the bed I start to really worry. Sure enough, he reaches under the bed and then comes up with another wrist restraint. I pull my hand away when he reaches for it.

"Do you really want a visit from the headmaster?" he growls.

I timidly extend my arm back out so he can cuff my wrist. Danielle looks angry but I know he is just trying to help me. By acting this way he is saving me from much worse consequences.

Still, it concerns me that he knows I will do about anything to avoid a visit from my father. That gives him a lot of power over me. It frightens me that he might decide to abuse that power. We are quickly becoming good friends though and I trust him not to do such a thing.

There is a little slack in the chain but not much. As I test their strength I can't help but wonder how many other boys these cuffs might have been used on.

"No, please," I beg when Danielle gets back on the bed and works a towel under my hips and upper legs.

He then starts sucking my cock again. To make matters worse, he has changed his position and is now between my legs. From this angle I can clearly see his face. At least before I could only see the back of his head.

Danielle sucks my semi hard dick deep into his throat and then looks up into my eyes. Embarrassed I avert my eyes to the ceiling again. For instant I get turned on by how hot Janice looks all tied up. Then I remember that I have a boy sucking my dick. However, it's too late and my dick is already stiff again.

Danielle diligently works on my cock for almost a half hour before I climax yet again. I'm sure I could have held out a little longer but it was clear Danielle wasn't going to stop until I came. I figured I might as well cum and get it over with.

There was a tinge of sexual high during the climax but most of it was just uncomfortable. I would even call it painful.

"Please, stop!" I beg when I realize Danielle doesn't plan to stop.

He doesn't listen. If anything he just seems to take it as a challenge. He sucks my balls, licks up and down my dick and deeply throat fucks himself with my cock. He keeps getting me near climax but I keep pulling myself back. I don't care if he wins this little battle or not, I'm just scared of what it will feel like if I cum again. I lose the battle when he starts playing with my plug. He tugs at it just a little at first. Within a couple minutes he is pulling it almost all the way out and then slowly forcing it back in.

"Oh! God!" I scream as I cum for a fourth time.

This time it kind of burns as I climax. My balls also feel like they are being squeezed. It's not super painful but it greatly diminishes what little pleasure I got out of it.

Four climaxes is a lot but my personal record is seven climaxes in a single day. Emphasis on the word "DAY"! Danielle just isn't giving my body time to recoup. At this rate I fear he is going to kill me soon.

"Please, I can't cum anymore!" I beg when it is clear Danielle isn't done yet.

"Oh, I think there is a lot more in there I can get," Danielle says with a grin as he lowers his head back to my dick.

I've lost track of time but I am positive that my nails are plenty dry. It becomes clear that the real purpose of the restraints is just to prevent me from stopping Danielle.

Danielle knows this is not comfortable for me. I highly doubt it is comfortable for him either. I trust him enough to know he wouldn't do it unless it was part of my training. Yet, we are probably two hours into it and I still have no clue what I'm supposed to be learning.

"Oh!" I groan when I feel my ass clit being rubbed.

Danielle has completely removed my plug and is now using two of his fingers to massage my clit. It brings back flashes of my time with the Dean. I'm now convinced I will always think of the Dean when someone touches me there.

"Holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck!" I grunt over and over as I cum yet again.

Man was that intense! There was a burst of pleasure at the start but then it felt like I was cumming a bunch of needles instead of sperm.

My pink covered fingernails are now digging into the covers as Danielle continues to play with my ultra sensitive dick. It takes several minutes before the sensitivity dies down a little.

My dick isn't that comfortable right now, but at least this discomfort will prevent me from cumming again.

However, right when I think this I feel Danielle add another finger up my ass. His fingers are small compared to the plug and the Dean's fingers, so it's not uncomfortable or anything. However, I feel a forth finger enter. Then I feel him forcing his thumb in next to them.

"Please don't," I beg.

He doesn't listen. He just slowly pushes inward.

"Too big! Too big!" I cry out.

Danielle's hand is small, but it feels like the size of a bowling ball right now.

"OH! SHIT!" I yell when his hand reaches its widest point and then suddenly slides all the way in.

"OH! SHIT!" I yell again as my next climax begins.

"No more," I manage to whisper in between pants.

Danielle just lifts my legs up onto his shoulders in order to give his hand easier access to my asshole.

"OH!" I grunt as his hand forces its way back into my ass.

"Now the fun really begins," Danielle giggles as I feel his hand form a fist inside me.