Cutter09The Boss |
SummaryA real estate tycoon catches a street kid giving blow jobs on his property.
Publ. Feb 2017
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CharactersAshe (13yo), Boss (adult friend), Ashe's sister Leah (12yo), Ryan (15yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy storyMt tg tt – cons mast oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09: The Boss in the subject line. |
You have probably read more than your fair share of stories where a rich man helps a poor kid. Well this is another, yet it's not. I'm in real estate. I specialize in taking run down areas and revitalizing them. I'll buy up a whole block of houses and turn it into a nursing home or shopping plaza. Or old buildings in a downtown area, and make it a tourist mecca with restaurants and nightclubs, even hotels. Sometimes I keep the businesses or rent the spaces in new buildings. I make a shitload of money in return, but I try to think of myself as helping "ties and towns by improving things. There was one such area in a metropolitan city that I had already done some major renovations to. The area was just beginning to thrive, and I had my eye on a nearby section that was preventing the area from really taking off. Mostly consisting of condemned houses and an old warehouse, I had been slowly buying it up. Only a couple of houses left, before I would have the section sewn up. One of the things I really enjoy about my work, is to get a feeling of the area. You know how certain places just feel right? I mean, you wouldn't put a church next to a whorehouse, right? But you might put a seafood restaurant near the wharf. Or a nursing home in an area where there is a lot of 'old money'. I was standing in front of a huge old house, that I had recently acquired, looking around at the two houses across the street, that I hadn't manage to get yet. As I looked around I noticed that this huge old house was right next to the warehouse. It seemed out of place to me. It was obviously a wonderful old house, probably was quite nice when it was built. Why would anyone build a house like this next to a warehouse. It was close to a hundred degrees [38°C] outside, and probably eighty percent humidity, so I decided to get out of the sun, and into the old house and make some notes on developing the area. The door opened easily, and I examined it and thought how stable the foundation must be to not have settled more, causing the door to jam. The workmanship in the old house was actually quite nice. Sculpted plaster ceilings, wonderful mouldings, a huge fireplace. It occurred to me that it probably belonged to the president of whatever company owned the warehouse. I'm leaning against the fireplace making notes in my tablet, when I heard a noise upstairs. It's not unusual for these old places to be taken over by raccoons and such. It's also not unusual for derelicts or druggies to move in either. For just this reason, I carry a gun. At the top of the stairs in a side room, I found a boy. The odd part is, the boy was on his knees, sucking a man's cock. I was so shocked that I forgot I had my gun drawn. The boy saw me first. Pulling off the cock, throwing his hands in the air, he yells, "Don't shoot!" The guy spins around with his little dick hanging from his zipper, turns pale, and flees. He was zipping his pants as he brushed passed me. "Please don't shoot," the boy says again. He's still on his knees, hands in the air, head turned away with his eyes scrunched shut. "What are you doing here kid?" I asked approaching the frightened boy. " 3; I was just 3;" "I know what you were doing. Why are you here?" "Don't shoot me please. I'll do you too." "You'll do me too?" I said in surprise. "Yeah," the boy replied, and reached for my zipper. I hadn't said it to confirm that he would do it. I had said it in surprise at the offer. Yet, I stood there as he pulled out my cock and started to work on it. Now, let me say here that I am no stranger to a blow job. Back in high school, I received my share because I was on the football team and other sports as well. We got all the cheerleaders, and they liked to suck to preserve their virginities. In college, I had my pick of co eds, and they liked to suck to keep their boyfriends happy. As a single, rich, businessman, many women think it will eventually lead to marriage. My ex wife never liked sucking dick, which is one of the reasons she is my ex wife. I've even had my share of guys sucking me, but I won't tell those stories here. This kid knew his way around a cock. He had me hard and on the verge of cumming in no time. Just as I was about to paint his tonsils, he starts giggling. If that wasn't enough to prevent me from cumming, he adds to it by suddenly flat out laughing, causing him to spit out my cock. "What's so funny kid?" I ask in frustration. "I was just thinking, you're getting the blow job he paid for," he said and laughed again. "What do you mean?" "He paid in advance, then he ran out of here. Did you see the look on his face when he thought he was gonna get shot?" he said and laughed even harder. "Hey, laughing boy. This dick ain't gonna suck itself," I said pointing at my cock in front of his face. I'm not usually this crude, and I really hadn't intended to get a blow job. But this kid had me on the verge, and I was anxious for him to finish what he started. "Sorry," he said as he went back to sucking me. I blew in record time, giving him a quart to swallow. "Damn, kid. Whatever you're charging ain't enough." He smiled at me. "You really think so?: "That was world class. Now what are you doing in my house?" "Your house? We 3; I mean 3; I thought it was abandoned." "Who else is here with you?" I ask, pulling the hammer back on the pistol. "No one," he cried too quickly. I held the gun at ready and headed for the door. "Okay 3; Stop! My mom and sister. Please don't shoot them." "Where are they?" "Last room at the end of the hall. They're asleep." What's your name and how old are you?" I asked as I lowered my weapon. "Ashe, well Ashley, but I hate that. I just turned thirteen." Damn. Best blow job I ever had, and it was from a thirteen year old boy. "How old is your sister?" "Almost twelve. They won't do nothing to you. Please." "Anyone else here?" "No, I swear. Don't hurt them," he pleaded. "I'm not going to hurt them. But you are trespassing. Stay here." I went to the room he indicated, and found them. They lay on a old stained mattress, in what would be the coolest part of the house. The woman appeared to be quite young to have a teenage son. They wore light, homemade dresses, the girl's was drawn up around her waist. She wore no panties, and her little slit was on display. I could see a sheen of sweat on them, and it was obvious they hadn't bathed in a while. I went back to Ashe. "What's your story?" "What do ya mean?" "Why are you and your family on the street?" I asked. "Well, my pops gets kinda mean when he drinks. Mom couldn't take anymore so she took us out of there." "When was that?" "January." Shit. they had been on the streets seven months. "Does your mom know about the blow jobs?" "Yeah. She doesn't like it, but we have to eat. She found out about it, and I had to promise to bring the guys here. In case something happened. She really hates that I do it. She wanted to start turning tricks instead. But who wants their mom to be a whore if they can prevent it?" Oh Jesus. Rip my fucking heart out with a spoon. "Your sister doing blow jobs too?" I asked, somewhat interested. "No. Mom won't let her. Leah's a horny little cunt though. It's been hard for Mom to keep her in line." "What's your mom's name?" "Brenda." I went back to the other room. I stared down at Leah's little gash. If I didn't think it would be all sweaty and nasty, I would love to lick it. Maybe slide my finger in and out a while. Maybe even stick my eight inches [20 cm] into it. Shit, I was getting hard again. "Brenda. Wake up. You too Leah. Up and at em. Both of you." They slowly pulled themselves from dreamland. Brenda saw the gun, "What have you done to Ashe? Where's my son?" "Ashe is fine," I said still staring at Leah's slit. She actually spread her legs a bit. That girl is going to be a grade A slut, for sure. "You have two choices. You can come with me, or I can have you arrested." "I'll come, just don't hurt my kids," Brenda bargained. We stepped into the next room, and Brenda started to unbutton her dress. "What are you doing?" "You're gonna fuck me ain't ya?" "No. Why is your son doing blow jobs to feed you?" "I can't get no job. Gots no transportation. No address. People won't hire folks like me." "Do you have any skills?" "I can read and write. I can learn to operate a cash register if somebody'd teach me." "Can you use a phone or a ten key. Any computer skills?" " 'Course I can use a phone. What's a ten key?" "Jesus. Have you ever done anything?" "Just keep house and raise my kids," she answered. "How old are you?" I really couldn't tell. "Twenty seven." Christ, she was only fourteen when Ashe was born. I pulled out my phone. "Thelma what's the situation over at Sunset Place? Okay, did he go quietly? Really? Serves him right. Have you found a replacement? No, don't bother, I may have someone. Swing by that office in about an hour. I'll need you to train her. Thanks Thelma." "Get your stuff together and meet me downstairs." "Where're we goin'." "Someplace cooler." Ashe and I met them as they came down with what few things they had. "We'll stop by McDonald's on the way," I told them. Sunset Place is a five hundred unit lakeside luxury condominium. It's part of a development with retail centers, a hotel with a spa and golf courses. Located just outside the city, it is a very successful living, and tourist destination. "Thelma, this is Brenda, and her children Ashe, and Leah." "Uh 3; Nice to meet you Brenda," Thelma said, eyeing her up and down. "Take Brenda over to the spa. Get her cleaned up, her hair done, then get her some clothes. Business casual. After, show her the ropes in the office. I'll take the kids to the manager's quarters." "Are you sure?" Thelma asked reluctantly. "We'll give her a chance. If it doesn't work out, she's no worse off. Trust me." I grabbed the spare key ring from the cupboard, and led the kids to the apartment next door. "Wow. Is this your place?" Ashe asked. "No. It's yours, if your mom can do the job. I have a place in the hotel." Leah plopped down on the sofa, her dress flying up. She didn't seem to mind that her pussy was visible. Ashe didn't either, openly staring at it. I picked up the phone, "Frank, bring everything from the model over to the manager's quarters. Not the furniture, just kitchen and bathroom stuff, kids clothes if there is any, board games too. Thanks." "You two need to hit the showers, you smell like shit." I went back to the office and got soap from the half bath there. When I returned I heard the showers in both bedrooms running. I took a chance and entered the master bath. Ashe was in the glass shower in full view. I could see a very attractive butt, complete with dimples. He was lean, brown hair, around five feet [1.50 m] tall. I found myself staring at his butt, until he turned around. Then I was looking at his dick. It was plump with a fat knob, even soft. It would be difficult to guess the size, but probably large for his age. He only had a couple of dark hairs around the base, which for some reason made my own cock twitch. I opened the shower door, and thrust my hand in holding the soap out to him. "Use plenty of this," I recommended. Ashe took it from me, showing no sign of shyness. I would even say he purposely displayed his nudity. "Thanks." In the other bathroom Leah was standing in front of the mirror, looking at her nipples. "Do you think my titties will grow soon?" she asked as I entered. "Uh 3; soon probably," I stuttered. She grabbed my hand as I offered the soap, pulling it to her chest. "Do they feel puffy to you." "A little," I said trying to draw my hand back. "Wait. Don't go. Is this a hair? I can't see it too good." She pointed at the top of her slit, just above her clit. I bent for a closer look. Hey! You would too. "No. it's just a dirty spot. Use the soap," I said as I backed out. Jesus, I wanted to fuck both those kids. I went over to the model, where Frank was busy packing up the kitchen. I grabbed a few towels and shampoo from the bathroom linen closet, and went back. Ashe was jerking off in the shower when I came in. I could now see a pretty thick five incher [13 cm] in his hand. "I hate to disturb your 'me time', but wash your hair too. Twice. Here is a towel." Ashe didn't try to hide his activity. It was again, like he wanted me to see. Both kids showed up a few minutes later wrapped in towels. They sat on the sofa and just looked at me. "What?" I asked them. "Tell us again why we're here," Ashe asked. "I need someone to manage these condos. If your mom can do the job, it will get you off the street. This apartment comes with the job." "We're gonna live here?" Lea confirmed, and spread her legs. "I hope," I said glancing at her exposed pussy. The little wench reached down and fingered her clit. "Yay." Frank came in with a dolly loaded with boxes. His eyes went straight to Leah's crotch. "Uh 3; um 3; where should I put this boss?" "Is it kitchen stuff?" "Yeah." "Then I suppose you should put it in the kitchen." He wasn't listening, he was preoccupied by Leah's activities. "Frank! Kitchen!" "Um 3; sure boss." As he walked away, I noticed a bulge growing in his pants. "Leah. Close your legs, before someone puts something in there." "Mmm. Okay," she said giving her pussy another rub. I think she was saying okay to getting something in there. "Leah! Please!" Ashe ordered, pushing down on the tent in his lap. I pulled out my phone. "Thelma, where are you? Okay, while you're waiting go get the kids some clothes. Hell, I don't know what size. You saw them, take a guess." Thelma showed up after about thirty minutes. "I got him some basketball shorts with elastic in the waist. They should fit. For her I got a sundress." "Did you get her any panties?" "Uh 3; No. But I will when I take their mother shopping." The two children stood and pulled on their new clothes, right in front of Thelma. Thelma's fifty, but her eyes were glued to Ashe's assets. "After you take her shopping, just bring her back here. You can get started on her training early tomorrow." "Thanks Thelma." Ashe said, as he gave her a kiss on her cheek. I could tell she was instantly smittened by him. I guess he had that effect on me too. Of course my dick was down his throat at the time, so it could have just been that. Frank showed up with another load of stuff. He was disappointed to see the kids in clothes. "When you finish with all this, you can go home. First thing tomorrow, put all the furniture from the model in storage, then start the make ready on it. That's the last unit available, I want it rented soon. "Yes sir, Boss." Ashe came up to me and asked, Why does everyone call you Boss?" "Because I am." "You own this place?" "Yes, all but the hotel," I informed him. "But you said you have a place at the hotel." "I do. I stay there when I'm in town. Room service, and maid service. It's hard to beat when I really don't spend much time here." "So what's your real name?" "Boss. But you can call me Sir, too." I stayed on the phone for the next hour or so, while the kids watched tv. "Will you two be okay by yourselves till your mom gets back?" "Yes, 3; Sir," Ashe said with a shit eating grin. I gave him a dirty look. "I'll be at the hotel if you need me. Just ask at the front desk." I met some associates for dinner at the hotel restaurant. It was a productive meeting for all concerned. Afterward I went to my room, and into the whirlpool tub. The bubbly water felt relaxing and soon I was remembering the blow job Ashe had given me earlier that day, I was hard instantly. Beating off or going to bed were my options at that point, I chose to go to bed. I was barely under the covers when the phone rang. "This is the front desk. There is a young man here to see you." "Cute kid, around 13?" I asked her. "Yes, Sir." "It's okay. Let him up." I put on my robe and waited. "I can't take it anymore. Can I stay here?" Ashe said as he entered my sitting room. "Can't take what?" I asked. "Leah. She's driving me crazy. As soon as you left, she was practically throwing her pussy at me. I fended her off, till Mom got there. But when we went to bed, she came into my room and tried to fuck me. I'm trying to be good. She's just impossible." "How have you been managing to stay away from her till now?" "She behaves when Mom is around. I stay out most of the time, you know, trying to make some money. Mom keeps her from bothering me when I'm sleeping, so I can be up for 3;. Well, you know. I know you are trying to help us. Please, you gotta help me now." Poor kid was just trying to do the right thing. I felt responsible. I had put him in a situation where he was either being tortured by his sister, or he had to fuck her. "Have you ever fucked her?" "She's my sister. I've wanted to, had lots of chances to, but it ain't right. Now, I don't know how I'm gonna keep from it. Can I stay here please?" "Sure, kid. Knock yourself out," I said, and went back to my room. In the morning I would ask the desk to send up a roll away bed for him, I decided as I slid back under the covers. Then the bedroom door opens and I see Ashe's silhouette enter. "What is it now?" I demanded. "The couch is uncomfortable, and I don't have a pillow even." "Fine, whatever," I grumbled. Ashe went to the other side of the bed, and slipped off his basketball shorts and tee shirt. Then climbed into my bed. Immediately, I flashed on seeing his hand wrapped around his boycock. My own cock went iron hard instantly. My many experiences did not include having a naked teen boy in bed with me. I turned my back to him, begging for sleep to take me. The sun brightened the room and pulled me from a deep sleep to that half sleep we get before awakening completely. My wife's ass felt good against my cock, so I thrust into her crack a couple of times. She responded by pushing back at me. This is a good sign. My hand traveled down to her pussy, to finger her enough to get her wet for entry. I grasped her pussy and began to stroke it up and down, just like I do with my own cock. "Mmmm," she said and pushed back at my cock again. I kissed the back of her neck, and continued to stroke her cock. Wait!!!! My wife doesn't have a cock! "Shit." I suddenly remembered I was in bed with Ashe, and let go of his dick. "Why did you stop?" "Sorry. I must have been dreaming." "You didn't hear me complaining." "You've done that before?" I asked in surprise. I don't know why I was surprised, after all he was a street kid, peddeling blow jobs. "No, but for you I would." "For me? Why?" "You're nice. I like you. You're trying to help us. Besides, I think you're kinda sexy," he said, as he swooped down and swallowed my cock. "Oh, Jesus. Ashe you are so good at that," I said as I thrust up at his mouth. This kid could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. "Do you really like it?" he asked pulling away from my cock. I pushed his head back down. "Shut up and suck it." Man, I hate to be mean, but he has a habit of getting me worked up and stopping. The last thing I want is a great blow job interrupted with useless chatter. "Oh 3; Ashe 3; I'm cumming." I thought the first time he did it might have been a fluke, but It wasn't. Damn I love the way he sucks cock. "You can't be that good at it without liking it." I told Ashe as I got dressed. "You didn't just do it for the money. You like sucking." "Well, not always. I mean, some of those guys weren't so clean and some were old and some had ugly dicks. But you're not like that." "Thanks. I think. Can you find your way back to your mom?" "Can't I hang with you? You know what will happen if I go there." "Crap. Okay, but don't get in my way and keep quiet when I'm meeting with people." First we went to the local attorney I use for acquisitions in this area. We discussed the two houses I had looked at the day before. Jim, the attorney, kept looking at Ashe. After we left, Ashe said, "I blew him a couple of weeks ago. He has a really little dick. Like mine when I was only eleven." This surprised me, because Jim is really tall. His body is normal looking, but his legs go on for miles. "I doubt it is that small," I said. "No really. I mean like a condom would fall right off this guy. I bet he's not married." "He's not," I confirmed. "That because no woman wants to be stuck with that little dick the rest of her life." After lunch we went back to Sunset. I hardly recognized Brenda. Her mousy hair now had highlights and was done up on her head. She wore a business suit and three inch [7 cm] heels. She and Thelma seemed to be getting along alright. I took Thelma aside. "How's she doing?" "Surprising well. I don't know how she does it, She has no education, no skills, yet she comes across as very professional. She picked up everything quickly, there's little more I can show her." I sat and watched her as she answered the phones. She dealt with a maintenance issue quickly. A tennant was having trouble of some sort, and she worked it out. All done very professionally. "Brenda you said you haven't ever done this sort of thing, yet you act like you have years of experience." "I ain't never done this. But I used to watch The 'Beverly Hillbillies' on tv a lot." "Okay?" I wasn't following her. "Well, I just done like that banker's secretary would do. I think her name was Miss Hathaway. I pretend to be her. That's all," she explained. "Whatever it is, just keep doing it. Where's Leah?" "She went to explore the area." Outside I told Ashe he should stay there. "She might be gone now, but she'll be back," he replied. "Are you that afraid of your little sister?" "I'm not afraid of her at all. I'm afraid of what I might do to her." "You can't stay with me looking like that. Go back inside and tell Thelma to take you shopping.Get whatever you need, and meet me back at the hotel." I went to a meeting with an architect to look over blueprints. It didn't go well. By the time I got back to the hotel, Ashe was already there. I found him in the shower. At least this time he wasn't jerking off. I appraised him through the glass. Nice body. And that butt! What a nice butt he had. My cock had been in the groove of that tight little butt this morning. I had trouble tearing my eyes away. "Get dressed when you're done in here. I'll take you to dinner," I instructed. As Ashe studied the menu, he said, "I wish I was rich like you." "Well, as someone said 'Money can't buy happiness'." "Yes. and someone else said 'I'd rather be rich and unhappy, than poor and unhappy'." "Money isn't everything," I again quoted. "No, but it beats the hell out of whatever is in second place," Ashe countered. "It's the root of all evil." "And it makes the world go round." "Okay, okay. I get your point. Yes it is nice to have money at your disposal,. But it's only a tool. It can open many doors, or it can be a burden." "Then give me a bunch of it, and call me a pack mule," Ashe again countered. The rest of dinner was filled with similar banter. I found out that Ashe and his family are uneducated but very bright. Back at the room, we watched tv, then I went to my room. When Ashe came in behind me, I remembered I hadn't told the desk to send up a bed for him. I was already in bed, and I saw him undress. The sight of his butt got me hard. I had seen it several times, and it always got me going. This morning my cock almost penetrated it. That boy has a fine butt. Just before he climbed into bed, I saw his young cock sticking up away from his body, hard as stone too. "What's got you so excited?" I asked. "Going to bed with you." He slid in close to me and spooned his butt against my cock. "What's got you so excited?" he asked. "Seeing your naked butt seems to have that effect on me," I answered honestly. Ashe wiggled his butt on my cock, "Mmm, good. I said you could have it if you want." "You sure?" He wiggled more. "Mmhm." I got out of bed, and fetched a jar of Vasoline from the bathroom. Ashe was waiting in bed, on his stomach, in offering. I am not one to turn down a gift like that. I lubed my cock and climbed on his back. I didn't want him to pull away like he does halfway through a blow job, so I placed my cock at his entrance, and slid my free arm around him. Our bodies made full contact, head to groin. Once positioned, I applied steady pressure. Ashe groaned a bit, but lifted his hips also. Just as I thought it might not go in, my cock popped through his tight ring. "OH SHIT!!" Ash cried and retreated. I was having none of that, and held him tighter. Working my cock deeper, I ignored his groans and cries. Yet it dawned on me that he really was a virgin at this, and I was gifted with his cherry. When half of my cock was buried, I pulled back and began working him with it. His groans of pain were replaced with moans of pleasure. Soon, he was pushing back at me, and I started going deeper with each thrust. Ashe took to it like a duck to water. "Oh God, that's good. Oh 3; Oh 3; Yes 3;" I hit bottom, mashing my balls to his. I have to say, it was the best hole I've ever fucked. And I began to pound it. I was pretty hard on him for a couple of minutes. Then I lay on his back and started long, slow, thrust. "Do you like that, Ashe?" "Mmm, I love it. It feels so good. I can feel your dick in my belly." "Is this what you want to do to your sister?" "Yes, but I want you too," he replied. "I bet Leah has a nice tight hole too. Not as good as yours though. Has she ever been fucked?" "No. I came close a couple of times. Oh 3; Don't stop. Fuck me like you would her." "Is that what you want? You want me to fuck your sister?" "Yes. As long as you keep fucking me too." "You want to watch me fuck her, then fuck her yourself?" "No. I want to fuck her fist. Then watch you fuck her with your big cock." That sounds like fun," I said and, started to pour it on harder. "Oh fuck me 3;" Ashe said. I felt his ass tighten on my cock. "Did you just cum?" I asked him. "Yes." "Were you thinking about my cock in your sister's little pussy?" "Yes." "Do you think she will like it as much as you do?" "Oh 3; Yes. You've seen how she acts. She wants it. She's begging to get fucked. She's going to be a real slut." "What about you?" "I want to be your slut too," he groaned. "I like the sound of that too," I said as I unloaded in his ass. I stayed on his back until my cock softened. When I rolled off, he groaned at the loss. "Thanks Boss," Ashe said. I had another full day there before returning home. Ashe followed me around like a puppy dog. He was actually kinda helpful a few times. We stopped at Sunset to see how his mom was doing. "She's doing great. She knows all the computer stuff and is quick to handle everything that comes along. Can I get back to my office now? There is really nothing else I can teach her," Thelma said. As I chatted with Thelma, I noticed Ashe and Leah whispering back and forth. We left Sunset, and went back to the hotel for dinner. It was a fun evening. Ashe and I enjoy bantering back and forth, and he seems a lot smarter than you would expect a street kid to be. I'm leaving tomorrow for a few days. You can use the room while I'm gone," I told Ashe as we entered the hotel room. "Thanks Boss. I appreciate that." When it was time for bed, we both just got naked and slid under the blankets. Ashe reached for the lube and passed it back to me. I fucked him as hard as I would any woman, and he reveled in it. Moaning and begging to fe fucked hard. I left early the next morning arriving home to take care of business there. By noon, I was already missing Ashe's ass. I finished the most pressing items on my agenda, and postponed the rest. I took an early return flight the next morning. On the way back to the hotel, all I could think about was catching Ashe still in bed and fucking his brains out. Entering my suite I just knew Ashe was still sleeping. I took off my clothes and headed for the bedroom. Ashe was still asleep. But he wasn't alone. Leah was in bed with him, and they were both nude. "Oh. Hi Boss," Ashe said when I shook his shoulder. "She's ready for you now." I got in the bed on the other side, and slid down toward her gaping pussy. I started licking her preteen pussy lips, tasting what could only be Ashe's cum. Ashe kissed his sister and said. "Are you ready for a big cock now?" "Mmm. Yes." I had never fucked a preteen girl, but I was going to fuck this one. I slid up her body and placed my cock at her entrance. It took a few seconds, but I popped in, and Leah groaned. Ashe's cum made my entrance somewhat easier, but it was still pretty tight. Soon, I could tell I was in virgin territory, but I wasn't stopping until I was buried to the root. This little girl wanted to get fucked, well that's just what she was going to get. I liked the idea of my man sized cock stretching out her little pussy. She liked it too. Leah began throwing her hips up at me, as I sank deep into her little snatch. I must have been in her belly, somewhere passed her belly button, but she loved it. "You like a dick in you. Don't you? You're going to be a good little slut for me." "Yes. Fuck me." "You let your own brother fuck you. Now you're fucking a grown man. You want lots of cock in your little pussy. Ashe and I are going to fuck you anytime we want. Rright?" "Yes. I need lots of cock." "You're going to fuck whoever I tell you to. Aren't you." "Oh God, Yes." I dumped my load in the little slut and rolled off. Since I wasn't due back for two more days, I had no appointments on my agenda. I told my pair of tramps to get dressed and I would take them to lunch. We went to a nearby Chili's, had lunch, and on the way back, I stopped for gas. I was pumping my gas, when I saw a kid on the median who I had seen before. He was always there with a squeegee, washing car windows for tips. He was pretty aggressive about it. A car would stop for the red light, and he would just start washing the window without asking. Then stand at the driver's side with his hand out, guilting people to tip him. When I finished pumping my gas, I went to the corner and whistled to get his attention, then waved him over. "What's your name kid?" ""Ryan." "How old are you?" "Fifteen." "Well Ryan, how'd you like to make a hundred bucks?" He looked at me suspiciously, "I ain't killing anybody, and I ain't letting you fuck me." I laughed. "No killing, but there is sex involved, only not with me. See that girl in the backseat of that car?" "I'll be right with you." He dashed back to the median and grabbed his bucket and squeegee, stashed them in some bushes and jumped in my car. I introduced him to Ashe and Leah, and glanced at his crotch. There was a nice bulge there, and I thought This is going to be fun. Back in my bedroom, I told Ashe, "Why don't you and Leah get started, and we'll watch for a minute." They didn't hesitate, and started getting undressed. I heard Ryan moan a little when he saw that Leah wasn't wearing panties. And again when when Ashe was naked too. They got on the bed, and Ashe started sucking Leah's nipple. His hand moved down between her legs, which she spread wide, raising her knees. Ashe thrust two fingers into her eager pussy. You could almost hear them sloshing about in her still cum drenched little twat. Ashe rolled onto his sister and slid his dick inside. "Ready to join the party?" I asked Ryan. I had never seen anyone get naked as fast as he did. And I was shocked at what sprang out. His cock was at least an inch longer than mine, and thicker too. The head looked like a doorknob. This kid was hung. And it was that kind of hard that only comes with the teen years. A cat couldn't scratch it. "Ashe," I said, interrupting the coupling siblings. Ashe pulled out of his sister, and rolled away. Ryan was staring at the preteen girl lying before him. Leah saw Ryan's cock, gasped and held out her arms in invitation. Neither of them knew what that big cock was going to do to her immature pussy. I got undressed as Ryan positioned himself. Once the fat knob penetrated her, he leaned down and she wrapped her arms and legs around him. She grunted with each of the first three strokes. The fourth one made her scream as Ryan buried himself completely inside her. I placed Ashe on his hands and knees facing the foot of the bed, and got behind him. Looking down at Leah, I could see her eyes squinted shut in a mixture of pain and pleasure. She was humping up at Ryan's thrusts, and grunting as he hit bottom. I entered Ashe's ass, not being too gentle, and he grunted along with his sister. It was such a thrill to watch a preteen slut getting drilled by a big cock, while I pounded my own cock in a tight butt. Ryan watched my cock sliding in and out of Ashe, and I saw him thrust deep and groan out his orgasm inside Leah. Leah collapsed as if comatose. Ryan watched me fucking Ashe. He withdrew slowly from the gripping preteen cunt. "Wow," was all he could say. "Let Ashe clean you," I instructed. Ryan offered his softening cock to Ashe, who took it down his throat. "Oh shit, you're good at that," Ryan said to Ashe. Then he reached under and started stroking Ashe's dick. "You can suck him if you want. Nobody is going to judge you here." He went under Ashe and took the young cock into his mouth just as I fucked a load out of him. Ryan took my place in Ashe's ass. Ashe liked the bigger cock too, almost as much as his slut sister. I fucked Leah again, making sure she remembered who was boss. Ryan and I fucked both of them all afternoon. Sometimes I just watched as the three underage sex fiends played. Other times I would get involved in some sort of debauchery with them. Ryan became a lot less shy about sucking on Ashe's dick, though he didn't partake of mine. I ordered room service for dinner. I met the server at the door in my robe, and had him set it up in the sitting room. The kids remained nude throughout dinner. Then back to bed for one more session before returning Ryan to his street corner. I pulled a hundred dollars from my wallet to pay him. "Keep it. This has been the best day of my life." I could understand that for sure. Over the next few weeks before school started, I took Ashe with me everywhere I traveled. I had become addicted to his tight ass. I loved fucking him, and had no desire to go back to women. When we were in town, Leah spent a lot of time in our bed too. Just for fun. She also became helpful in a way I wasn't expecting. I had a zoning issue that seemed to disappear when the mayor saw pictures of his nineteen year old son fucking a twelve year old girl. I must say, his son had a tasty cock, and a tight ass. He loved the afternoon he spent in our bed. He took as much cock as Leah did. And he fucked both the kids too. He keeps calling me to give him a return visit. Maybe some day. Once school started, I curtailed my out of town travels to weekends whenever possible. That way Ashe could travel with me. I really loved having his company, and his ass. He also became my personal assistant more or less. A very good one too. The whole family is very smart and learns quickly. Brenda moved up the corporate ladder quickly. By year's end, she was head of local operations. I had a talk with her one day, about the kids. "Look, Boss. I know my kids. They're just like me. Hony as they come. I know you are fucking hem both. I put Leah on the pill already. They love you and you have been kinder to us than anybody. You have nothing to worry about." I eventually fixed up the big old house as part of her salary package. She and the kids live there now. I stay there too, but not in her room. I have a large bedroom downstairs, with a huge bed. Ashe sleeps with me most of the time, Leah does too occasionally. So this is a tale of a rich man helping a poor boy. I did help them, but they earn their keep. All of them. I gave Brenda a chance, she earned the rest. I take full advantage of the two teens at my disposal. I helped them, but they certainly earn the rest. Not that they complain. Leah is just a plain and simple slut. She loves cock. I give her mine sometimes. Sometimes I have friends or business relations fuck her. She fucks whoever I say, and nobody else. Ashe is my lover exclusively. We spend all of our time together, in bed or out. Once in awhile I'll invite Ryan to join us in a free for all, but mostly it's just me and Ashe. The End |
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