PZA Boy Stories

Shakey Psyche

About being tied up


Eight year old twins, Kyle and Karl, get caught experimenting with themselves by their mother. She teaches them about true bondage and soon they begin spending more time tied up than not. Relatives and neighbors get into the act as well until the state steps in.
Publ. Feb 2005 (Lolita Bondage); this site Apr 2008
Finished Length 23,000 words (46 pages)


Kyle & Karl (8yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/bdsm
bb Fb Mb tb b-dog – cons/nc oral mast anal – bd toys cbt spank


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author using this feedback form with the title of the story or the author's name in the subject line.

Table of Contents

    Part I
  1. Experimenting
  2. A Nothing Day
  3. An Education
  4. Alone
  5. The Afternoon
    Part II
  6. Uncle Billy's Room
  7. The Rest of the Day
  8. Uncle Billy's Present
  9. Dog Day
    Part III
  10. Back to School
  11. Epilogue

Part I

1 Experimenting

I was a very unusual kid growing up. For some reason or another, being tied up or tying up my brother always fascinated me. It started when I was about eight or so, when my twin brother and I started to fool around (not sexually, of course, not yet). I had him pinned down with my knees on his shoulders, and was thumping him on the chest with my knuckle. He screamed like a baby, and I was teasing him about it. Our mom yelled at us to keep it quiet, so I let him up, much to my disappointment. You see, our mom didn't care what we did, as long as it was quiet. Her soaps were more important than anything. They still are.

Kyle had a funny look on his face, like he was also disappointed, also. It was as if our fun was cut short. I asked him what was wrong. He shrugged and answered.

"It was kinda fun, Karl."

"What, being held down?" He nodded. "Well 3;, you wanna do it again?" He grinned and nodded. So, I tackled him and started the torture again. And, like clockwork, at the first sign of enjoyment, our mom quelled the noise with another yell.

"If you keep making noise, I'll gag you," I said with him still pinned under me. He got real still with a wide-eyed look at me. Without any other thought, I grabbed a sock (clean, of course) and stuffed it in his mouth. He squealed, but very little sound came out; problem solved. He tried to spit it out, but I was there to keep it in place. Then the idea came to use the other sock to tie it around his head to keep the sock in his mouth.

Then a brainstorm hit me. With him secured under me, I reached under the bed for the jump-rope that was kept there. Being in the cub scouts, both of us were very adapt at making knots. The only thing was getting out of them was a real challenge.

With the gag in place, I flipped him over onto his stomach, and pulled his arms behind his back. He struggled a lot, but I had the advantage of size and position. Even though we are twins, I am a little larger than Kyle, plus I was sitting on top of him.

While kneeling on his shoulders at his armpits, I pulled his wrists back and wrapped the rope once around the right wrist, then around the left in a kind of a figure eight pattern. The ends were tied together with a tight square knot, leaving him fit to be tied (Sorry, couldn't resist).

He kicked his legs trying to get to me, but that was easily solved. His leather belt was lying on his bed, just begging to be used on him. I crossed his ankles, and wrapped the belt around them twice to bring the two ends together, and buckled them, leaving no slack to move with. Now he looked like an eel out of water while he was struggling to get loose.

Now I could take my time with the next phase. I retrieved my own jump rope from the closet and approached him without him seeing me. I sat on his legs to get control of them, and tied one end of the rope to the belt, then the other was looped around the jump rope tied to his wrists. After pulling it tight, I wrapped the loose end around his ankles, and tied it off to the belt. The boy was effectively hogtied.

"Try to get out of that, Kyle," I stated with immense satisfaction.

He did try to escape, but the knots were too good. After a few minutes, Kyle accidentally rolled to his side, and I saw his little boner poking out. His shorts made a nice teepee.

"You got a boner, you got a boner," I taunted him, causing his face to go even redder than it was during his escape attempt. He tried to roll back onto his belly, but couldn't quite manage the leverage. I soon got tired of taunting him, and wondered if he ever pulled his weenie like I had discovered recently. I slid off the bed and moved towards him.

He tried to move away from me, thinking I was going to increase his bondage, or something. I moved my hand to the button of his shorts, and pulled it open. In the same motion, I unzipped his fly, pulling his shorts all the way apart. I pulled his shorts down, and rubbed my hand on his stiffie through his briefs. His member got even harder, telling me he liked what I was doing to him.

After playing with it for a few minutes, I slipped my hand under the waistband and really started playing with him. I stroked it for a couple of times, and his breathing increased. He started bucking his hips in rhythm to my strokes. Soon I had him panting hard through the sock gag, just begging to feel the explosion of an orgasm. Just as he was about to cum, I stopped my stroking and allowed the feeling to subside.

He groaned and I took a second to look at his face. He had a pleading look on it; begging to have me finish him. Once he was settled back down, I started back to stroking him. His breath increased again, and his hips began to hump back and forth. Once again, I stopped short of his goal. And he whimpered out another groan.

He was my plaything, and I wasn't finished having fun with him. He tried to roll onto his stomach again, to try to get the floor to help, but I was not going to allow that to happen. Every time he tried to roll up, I pushed his legs and arms back down again. The boy was in agony.

I built him up and let him down for another three times before allowing him to cum. His whole body tensed up and I saw his eyes roll back in his head as feelings that were too intense flood through him. Of course the orgasm was a dry one; we didn't start making semen for another four years, so no mess had to be cleaned up.

When Kyle had recovered enough to be coherent, I was smiling at him as he looked down at me. He grinned as best as he could through the gag. I reached up and took the gag off him.

"Feel good?"

"Heck, yeah, it did. How did you know that would happen?"

"I been doing that for a while, now. I was just never tied up when I did it. You want out?"

He nodded, so I untied him. Just as I finished untying him and he had pulled up his shorts, our mom walked in the room. She claimed she was checking on us, but it had to be a commercial break, and needed to use the bathroom. She left the room with a shrug to head back to the living room and the TV. Kyle and I snickered at each other as she left. If she had walked in five minute before, the whole scene would have turned out differently.

"You know, we probably got another hour or so before she moves again, and I do owe you one," Kyle said. I turned and he had a slight gleam in his eye, and he tackled me to the floor. I was caught unprepared, and he got the right amount of leverage to get on top of me.

With a great deal of effort, he pulled me over to our set of bunk beds. He grabbed my right wrist and tied it to one of the legs of the bed with one of the ropes. I tried to stop him, but before I made any real headway with the knot, he grabbed the free wrist and tied it to the other leg of the bed with the other rope. I kicked at him, but made little progress with that attempt.

He reached down, undid my own shorts and underpants, and pulled them down to my ankles, leaving me totally bare. My own dick responded by getting hard, also. The belt was tied around my shorts at my ankles then way I had done to him. I moved to curl up my legs to my chest, but he would have none of that.

He took a metal clothes hanger from the closet and snagged the hook through the belt, and pulled downward towards the leg of our desk. He pulled the hanger out straight and was just able to get the leg of the desk through the long loop of it. I tried to pull my legs up, but the desk was too heavy to move. Now I was at his mercy, and he had less than I did.

First, the sock gag was placed over my mouth, and another sock was used to blind my eyes. He tickled me almost to the point of pissing myself. I could feel my rock hard dick bouncing around on my stomach as the torture of his fingers made me jump around. When the tickling was done, he moved on to other tortures.

Without warning, something warm and wet covered my hard-on. It took me a while before I realized that it was Kyle's mouth that had encompassed my little stiff prick. His lips moved up and down the shaft and I could feel the sides of his mouth massage it as well. He took me to the brink of cumming, and then stopped his ministrations. If my hands weren't tied tight, I would have choked him. I knew what was coming next. He was going to do the same thing to me that I had done to him. He was going to make it last forever before he allowed me to finish.

I got another surprise. He stopped altogether, and I heard him get up and leave the room. It was several minutes before he returned. I heard him fold himself up and plant himself next to me, getting comfortable. He touched me with his left hand on my stomach then moved it northward to my left nipple. He rubbed the nipple until it was hard then something wooden pinched it, HARD! It hurt like hell, but the effect on my cock was instantaneous. He didn't leave my right nipple out of the torture either. The same thing was done, and it felt like an electrical surge shot through my chest.

I squirmed like a wildcat trying to get the clothespins off my sore nipples, but they were on too well. He didn't just plant them there and leave them. Once I started to settle down, Kyle began to pull and twist them in different directions. He started to stroke my cock again, combining pain and pleasure. It was enough to send me into orbit and put me through hell. I loved every second of it. Within seconds I felt my whole body explode into infinity as the most powerful orgasm of my short life rocked my world.

"So, you like playing games, do you?" A female voice stated from our doorway.

2 A Nothing Day

I felt a shiver run down my spine as those words hit my ears with the force of a tornado.

"Mom?" Kyle, being the only one able to talk, asked.

"Who else, Kyle? Untie your brother then the two of you come into the living room," she said, then left the doorway.

"We're dead," I said as he removed the gag.

"Yeah," he answered with a shaky lip. He removed the ropes from my wrists and untied the belt from around my ankles. I pulled my shorts and underpants up and snapped the shorts back in place. We slowly walked out of the room and headed towards the living room and our impending fates. We both felt like death row inmates walking to the gas chamber.

As we walked into the living room, I noticed that for once the TV was off, and our mom was sitting in the lounge chair. We sat on the sofa, as far away from her as possible.

"Well," she began, "it seems you two have found a new game. How did it start?"

We looked at each other for a second then Kyle told her how it got started. I helped fill in the gaps. We were totally honest with her, not that we could hide anything at this point. All she did was listen to our story, which was making me more and more nervous. I kept wondering what punishment she was coming up with in her mind. Kyle finished the story at the point when she walked in on us then the two of us waited for the sentence.

For a few more minutes, all she did was continue looking at each of us. Both of us began squirming under her gaze. Finally, after an eternity, she rose from the chair, and spoke.

"Get your room cleaned up and then get ready for supper. It'll be supper time by that time."

We looked at each other in shock. Don't tell me we were being let off scott free. Not even so much as a chewing out. We didn't question our good fortune, but went back to our room to clean.

"No more 'playing'. Just clean your room," she called after us.

When we got into the room, we looked at each other again in disbelief at not being punished. We kind of snickered at each other then went about cleaning the room.

The cleaning process took about a couple of hours, and by that time, our dad was home, and dinner was getting ready. We were expecting a chastisement from our dad over what had happened, but he never even mentioned it. At least he didn't mention it that night at dinner. Actually, he acted as if Mom had not even told him. Dinner was painfully normal, actually.

After dinner, we watched some TV, had our bath, and then sent to bed at our normal time of eight o'clock. I remember lying there, thinking about what had happened to us. Each time I got to the part where Mom had interrupted us, I pushed the memory out of my head with a shake. Neither Kyle nor I talked about it the whole night.

In my mind, I couldn't help but think this wasn't over with yet. I was never more so right, much to my good fortune. We were about to get a real education.

The next morning Kyle and I were woken up early for summer vacation by our mom. She said she had some errands to run, and we had to go to our babysitters for the day. We were very disappointed, but it was better than going with her. Staying with her usually meant that the day was shot spending inside department stores looking at women's clothing or something equally boring.

We spent the entire day at Mrs. Blake's house. She was an older lady that looked after us when our parents needed some time together, or Mom did some grocery shopping. It wasn't all bad, but Kyle and I couldn't play our new "game". Each of us was kind of looking forward to doing just that, even after what happened the previous day.

Our mom picked us up after four o'clock, and we headed home. We only had time for dinner and a few TV shows before bedtime. The whole day was a wash.

After our parents put us in our beds and left the room for a few minutes, Kyle climbed up and sat on the edge of my bed frame.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"I wonder what Mom has in store for us, Karl," he said.

"What do you mean, man?"

"Well, you know how we got out of trouble without even a yelling?"

"Yeah, I was wondering about that all day today. Why?"

"She's planning something, Karl, I just know it."

"That's stupid, Kyle. If she was going to do something, she would have done it yesterday when we were in the living room. She wouldn't wait." I said it, but I also had my doubts.

"I hope you're right, man. I hope you're right."

"One question," I began and he nodded, "where'd you learn to do that thing with the clothes pins and that thing with your mouth?"

He smiled sheepishly. "Dad's magazines he had in his workroom."

"You know you're not allowed in there. What if Mom or Dad caught you?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Big deal. It would've probably have been just a small spanking. You know Mom; she doesn't hit all that hard. Besides, it was worth it. Wasn't it?"

I nodded.

"Wanna do it again?"

"Yeah, tomorrow."

"No, now, stupid."

"What do ya mean, 'now'?"

"Well, we can't do the tying up thing, but how 'bout the other thing? The thing with your mouth?"

I looked at him with suspicion. "How?"

"Like this," he said, and then lay down with his head at the foot of the bed. Since neither one of us ever sleep with the covers in the summer, we were right next to each other on top of the sheet. He reached over and pulled my underpants down. I raised my butt up to allow him. As he rose up, I pulled his undies down also.

He rolled to me and began stroking my dick to a rigid staff. I returned the favor, bringing him to a gloriously long three inches. Even at that age, we had nice package. He leaned his head over and for the second time in as many days, swallowed my full length. I arched my back at the flood of sensations he was giving me.

He moved his knee to my head to get my attention that I was ignoring him. So, true to brotherly love, I leaned over to his groin, and licked the length of his staff. He shuddered as I reached the ridge of his little helmet. I looked down at it, stealing myself into doing what I had to do. I took a deep breath, opened my mouth, and sucked him inside it.

He hissed through his teeth at the sudden attack on his boyhood. I began moving my head up and down, being careful to keep my teeth off of him. While I gave him a real good suck job, the one he was giving me was disintegrating. Once I enveloped his pole, he stopped his work on me. I looked down to see what the problem was, and he had rolled off to feel my mouth on him. I stopped.

"This ain't gonna work, Kyle," I whispered to him.

"Okay, crybaby," he teased. "You do me, and then I'll do you, okay?"

"You better not welch on this, Kyle," I warned him.

"Yeah, yeah. Just get busy, Karl," he commented.

I took back to making my twin climax. Even as inexperienced as I was, it didn't take him long before his body tensed and waves of pleasure washed over him. I allowed him to recover then nudged him in the head with my knee.

"Your turn," I informed him.

Without any comment, he rose back up on his elbow and leaned over my weakened worm. Since I didn't have any real stimulation, my pole had relaxed a little. I didn't take long to regain its firmness with my twin's breathe on it. As soon as it had gotten back to its full length, his mouth engulfed it.

Electricity surged through my body starting at my groin and shooting outward. My whole body tingled like it had been touched by a live wire. As he continued sucking on me, my hips began moving up to meet his lips. I kept trying to get as much of my stiffie into his mouth. It just felt so good to have something warm wrapped around it.

I quickened the pace of my hips, and my breathing increased again as my orgasm crept up on me. As Kyle sucked on my dick, he reached up and started playing with my almond sized balls. I opened my legs to allow him better access. Just as my orgasm hit, he squeezed my nuts like they were grapes, and my mind exploded in an intense feeling unlike any other I had experienced before.

I collapsed back onto my pillow, as Kyle pulled his mouth off of my softening member. He crawled up next to me, and laid his arm over my chest. Within mere minutes, he was fast asleep. It only took another moment or two before I followed him into oblivion.

3 An Education

We woke up the next day with sunlight streaming in our faces and our mom looking at our naked bodies lying together, intertwined.

"Good morning you two," she said with a smile on her face. "Don't bother getting dressed; just follow me into the kitchen." She was already showered and dressed for the day, looking like she did when she was going to leave the house.

We climbed out of the top bunk and hit the ground thinking the worst was about to happen. I was thinking that it was time to pay our dues for the other day's fun.

We followed our mom into the kitchen where two chairs sat back-to-back. Kyle and I looked at each other, puzzled by this set-up. Mom didn't waist any time explaining it to us.

"I am going to tie the two of you up for the whole day," she said. We couldn't believe our ears. My little member started waking up after hearing that; so did Kyle's.

"You're not goin' to punish us for the other day?" Kyle asked.

"No, silly. You were just having a little fun, and I want to help you have fun. You see, my brother, your Uncle Billy, used to tie me up when I was about your age, also. I'm going to show you how to do it right. Now, do either of you need to pee before we start?"

Both of us nodded, so she sent us to the bathroom. When we finished, we ran back to the kitchen, with our cocks slapping against our legs. When the two of us got back to the kitchen, she was waiting for us.

She had two scarves rolled up in her hands. She told each of us to turn around and wait. First, she placed two handkerchiefs over our eyes then tied the scarves around our heads to keep them in place.

"Open," she said as something hard touched my lips. I opened my mouth, and a ball was forced inside with ropes going around my head to secure it. I reached forward to touch myself, and she slapped my hand away.

"Do that again, Karl, and you won't cum for the entire day," she warned. I didn't know what 'cum' was, but I did as I was told anyway. "Don't move, Karl. I'm going to tie up your brother first."

I waited. I placed my hands behind my back to make sure I wasn't tempted to play with myself. The wait seemed to last forever. I heard her move and him grunt as he was being tied to the chair. At one point, I heard her tell him to slide down, and then I heard what sounded like a muffled scream.

"Oh, don't be such a baby, Kyle. It isn't that big." I heard her chastise him. A few moans of discomfort from him, some struggles, and a few squeals, but no more screams. I kept wondering what she was going to do to me. I was sure whatever it was, Kyle had gotten the same.

A few more agonizing minutes passed then I felt her grab my arm and lead me to the other chair. She led me to stand on the seat of it while she tied my wrists together with a length of rope. She tied my wrists better than Kyle had done on that other day. She wrapped the rope around several times then pulled the excess through my arms to hand down behind me. She backed me up and pulled my arms back and over the back of the chair, and then pulled my arms down to have the armpits where they were just above resting on it. My hands bumped into Kyle's arm on the way down; he was tied the same way I was going to be.

Once Mom had tied the excess rope to the bottom rung of the chair, she moved something underneath my bottom then also told me to slide down. I did. Something hard pushed against my anus. I stopped sliding downward. She put her hands on my shoulders and pushed, hard! I let loose a scream of my own as the instrument broke through my sphincter muscle. She chastised me the same way she did Kyle, and forced me down even lower. I now knew what had made Kyle scream earlier. Whatever it was that had invaded me, was going to go even further inside. The further down she pushed, the wider the thing got, and the more pain shot through my rectum. I squirmed, trying to get away from the assaulting missile, but my mom had me, and there was nowhere to go.

When she had stopped forcing me down, it was to the point where my armpits were resting on the back of the chair; she then retied the rope securing my wrists. She had stopped pushing me down, but then went under me and pushed the missile upwards, spearing me further. Just as I thought the invader was going to split me in half, it popped inside then got smaller, and less painful.

I was now firmly in place, with a buttplug inside my asshole, and definitely not going anywhere. A rope was tied around my waist, just below my chest, tying my body to the chair. With that holding me there, she grabbed my left ankle, and pulled it down to rest on the side rung of the chair. A rope was wrapped around the ankle, and tied off to each of the two legs on that side. Mom then did the same with the other ankle. Another roped was passed under the chair to pull the two ankles together, making it totally impossible to move either leg. A thinner piece of rope was used to tie my feet to the rungs of the chair. Another rope was used to pull my knees together as much as humanly possible. About the only thing I could move now, was my head and hands, but she had a plan for those as well.

She had me put my palms together, and Kyle's hands were placed over mine. I heard a couple of ripping sounds then tape was wrapped around our hands, sticking them together. I struggled to use my head to get out, which was a total waist of energy. She had another plan for our heads, though. A collar was placed around our necks then linked together. Then she linked both the scarves and ballgags together, so if our heads were going to move, they were going to move as a unit.

I felt her walk away and return, and start playing with my nipples to get them hard. I knew was coming next. Sure enough, pain shot through the left nipple as a clothespin was attached, followed by the right one. I squealed after each attachment. She pulled on each clothespin, causing me to squirm from the added pain. Then she let go of the clothespins, causing them to snap back to my chest, and then pulled on them again. She did this for about six or seven more times. She walked around to Kyle and from his sounds and actions, she was doing the same thing to him.

Meanwhile, I took an inventory of my aching body. My armpits hurt from bearing pretty much my whole weight, my nipples hurt from the abuse, and my asshole was still sore at being stretched so widely. The weird thing was that my dick was pretty much sticking straight out like a flagpole on the side of a building. Even through all the pain and discomfort, I found that I liked the feelings it gave off.

It was not even an hour since my mom put the blindfold on, but it already seemed like noon. This was going to be a very long, long day.

When she was finished playing with my twin, she stepped back in front of me. My nipples got another squeeze and pull, but my dick also got a pull from my mom. Her hand was slippery, like she had put soap or oil on her hands. She slid her hand up and down my shaft, while the other one played with the clothespins pinching my nipples. Within mere minutes, she had me climax for her. My body tensed and another earth-shattering explosion rocked my young world. Through a hazed mind, I heard her walk behind me and do the same for Kyle.

She wasn't finished binding either of us up, though. There was still one thing left to tie up; my cock and balls. A piece of twin was wrapped around the head of my softening cock, and was pulled upward. The other end of the twine was put through the ring on the collar, and pulled tight. My little cock was stretched to its limits, and she pulled a little more. I couldn't move my head forward anymore, due to being tied off to Kyle's head. I was in sheer agony, but I also really liked the feeling.

She walked between the chairs and pulled my left nut down and wrapped the same type of twine around it a couple of times, tying it off with a square knot. She did the same with the right nut, then pulled them in opposite directions. I could feel her doing the same thing to Kyle behind me. After she was done with him, I felt a tug at both twines, as she pulled me back to the chair even further. I tried to pull away, but pain erupted from my balls and Kyle squealed. I heard him move, and again a pain came from the same area. She had tied our nuts together through the back of the chairs. And she had tied them really, really tight, so if either one of us moved our lower bodies, both of us would feel the pain.

Not a single part of our bodies were left unbounded. We got what we wanted, I guess, but I never imagined she would take it this far, or I would feel this good about this much pain.

"Now, boys, I'm going to have a bit of breakfast. You enjoy yourselves with your game," she said then walked away.

I could smell her cooking her food. It smelled delicious. I was hoping she would share it with us, as both of our stomachs were growling. I know she heard it; I could hear Kyle's stomach growling. I had never known her to withhold food from us before.

"You boys must be hungry, but as part of this game, food is off limits while you're tied. So, you'll just have to survive without it."

She finished cooking the meal. It was a helping of eggs and sausage with some toast and melted butter. It was amazing how much I could smell being blindfolded. She sat at the kitchen table and ate it right in front of us, denying us the same pleasure. It seemed like it took her forever to eat that meal. She finished it off with a cup of hot coffee, and then walked back over to her captives.

With her masterful skill, she played with my nipples and cock again, getting it to grow fatter. The twine bit into the flesh, and my own erection was causing me pain. I tried to get her to stop, but any move I made caused mine and Kyle's nuts to hurt. I had to sit there and take the pain as she continued her manipulations of my pecker. After treating both my nipples to more pain by twisting the pins a couple of times, she reached down and started pulling and pushing on the missile that was still planted in my rectum.

She would pull it out past the widest point, and then plunge it back inside me. It caused pain that had dulled down to rekindle. My asshole was stretched and restretched over and over again, until the pain was replaced with a different type of pleasure. It helped me build to a more powerful climax. This was the highest peak of pleasure I had reached so far, and I screamed my release into my ball gag. Of course there was no rest for my stretched-out cock. It had to stay bound to the collar around my neck.

When she was finished, I felt another rope against my skin. The question, "now what," went blazing through my mind. The last rope was used to tie off the buttplug. She tied an end to the back of the chair then pulled it thru my legs, and between my stretched nuts. Mom then wrapped it around the opposite leg at the connection to my hip. The rope was passed back thru my legs and nuts then over the other leg at the hip joint. One final pass was made with the rope thru my legs and nuts to be tied off to the chair's backing above the first leg. The buttplug was going nowhere, no matter how hard I pushed.

Mom walked behind me and started the same molestations on my twin. I sat there in my bondage and listened to him squeal and moan through what our mom was doing to him. A couple of times he would flinch, bringing pain to both of our nutsacks. Finally, after several minutes of her working on him, his body tensed, he vibrated through probably the same level of orgasm I had just experienced. When he had calmed down, Mom did the same with the plug that was in his asshole. With them secured in our rectums, she walked over to the sink and washed her hands then spoke to us again. It was words I'll never forget.

4 Alone

"Okay, boys, I've got to do some things, today. So, you're going to stay here, and I know you'll stay out of trouble, right?" She laughed at her own little joke then continued. "It'll be later this afternoon when I return for you, so enjoy yourselves," She said then I could hear her turn to leave the room.

I screamed through my gag, to try to get her to not leave. Kyle was also screaming as best he could. Being tied up was one thing, but to be left alone at the same time was almost excruciating. Then with the kitchen door open, she stopped, and said something to herself, and then closed the door. I heard her walk back over to us. My hopes of being untied died real quick.

"I almost forgot this," she said. Just after that, I heard Kyle screaming into his gag, making me wonder what she was doing to him to cause that much commotion. I didn't have long to wait. I felt her fingers pull at the head of my elongated dick, opening the orifice's tube. Then something wooden was forced inside the urethra, stretching it open even further. I also began screaming into my ball gag. Both of us squirmed to try to get the toothpicks out of our dicks, but had no success. All that effort did was cause even more pain to our abused scrotum sacks.

Then I heard a sound that was familiar, but took me awhile to place it. It happened twice, then no more. She set something down on the table, and that was when it hit me. She took our pictures with the Polaroid camera. She walked over to the doorway once again, and then turned to us with a farewell.

"Enjoy yourselves, boys. 'Bye," she said. She opened the door to the outside world, and left us in our torment. Gone; she was to be gone all day and she probably took the pictures with her.

We were tired, hungry, sore, and in a great deal of pain from the things she had placed on and in our bodies. Our own mother had done this to us. Now, she was leaving. I even heard the car start up and drive off.

I sat there, feeling all the pain and soreness she had inflicted on her two twin sons. It was still totally unbelievable. Mom had never done anything like this to us before. I never suspected anything. As I was sitting there, contemplating our predicament, something occurred to me; she didn't lock the kitchen door. We were vulnerable to the outside world. Panic hit me like a ton of bricks. There was no way we would be able to defend off anyone if someone came inside the house. It seemed like hours went by while I digested that revelation.

Kyle was making grunting sounds like he was trying to do something, but he wasn't moving anything, thankfully. I think he was just trying to adjust to his predicament, the same as me. Minutes seemed like hours as time crept along.

An eternity had passed when I heard someone walk up to the kitchen door and walk inside. The steps were too heavy to be our mom's, and Dad was at work, so this had to be a complete stranger. Panic ripped through me like nothing else; my worst fears had happened. He never spoke a word, but started to rummage around the kitchen for something. A drawer opened and closed then he was standing in front of me.

I was shaking as much as Kyle. I heard a swish, followed by a square pain on my left thigh. Another swish was followed by a pain on the other leg. I had been hit with that before; it was our parent's flyswatter. Over and over again the person struck my legs, alternating between the two. When this person (it turned out to be a man) was finished, he did the same to my equally bound twin. The swishing and striking went on even longer for Kyle, for some reason.

I felt him start to take the tape off of our hands, and then the twine pulling our nuts together was loosened. The collars, ball gags and blindfolds were released from each other, but not from around our necks or heads. The ropes holding the buttplugs in place were untied from the chair's backing, but kept wrapped around our legs. The ones binding our hands to the chairs were also undone, but not take off. The rope around my chest and the clothespins were removed. As blood filled my nipples, a new pain was discovered. When the rope was undone, I tried to squirm away from the stranger, but he slapped my sore thighs to make me stop.

My legs were then untied from the rungs of the chairs. Then he forced my body through my arms, to have them in front of me and the twine attached to my dick was untied from the collar. He then forced me over the seat of the chair with my head and arms hanging over the side. The loose ends of the rope around my wrists were pulled under the bottom rungs and tied to the rope still attached to my knees. The slack was taken out, and I was pinned to the chair, helpless again, but this time to a complete stranger.

The rope that had been tied around my chest was wrapped around my back and under the seat, making sure I didn't slide off it. The ropes that had my ankles bound were used to secure my knees to the legs of the chair and the twine around my dick was reattached to the collar, but under the seat of the chair. It was pulled back to its original tightness.

The man reworked the rope holding the buttplug in to make sure it also didn't move from its position. He traced it around my back and through my legs, also on the outside of my wrapped ballsacks. Speaking of my ballsacks, he pulled that particular twine downward to tie it off to the rung on that side of the chair.

When he had secured me in this new position, he went to work on Kyle. Through the sounds of grunts and groans, I guessed he was pulling and pushing Kyle in the new position as well. I heard him walk behind each of us, swishing the flyswatter back and forth. That was when the realization of the new position hit me. He wanted our asses up.

With a fast swish, the swatter came down on Kyle's upturned ass first then in the same stroke, mine was next. Then he swung the swatter back, and I was first to feel the sting of it. Back and forth he went with the stinging instrument. After what seemed like another eternity, he stopped swinging it. He moved to my left side, and swung it upwards to strike my stretched-out testicles, and he didn't hold anything back by the feel of it. Fire erupted through my groin and I arched my back at the painful assault. This movement caused a pain to reawaken in my cockhead. It felt as if I had pulled off the head.

This didn't deter him any; he continued to abuse my nuts with the swatter. I bellowed out scream after scream into the ball gag, but he paid no attention. As the assault continued, I thought my poor nuts must have started bleeding. Some part of the swatter hit the inside of my thighs, causing them to redden and become painful, but it was nothing compared to the pain he was inflicting on my jewels. Finally, the attack stopped, but I knew he was about to do the same to Kyle.

I waited as I heard him slapping the flyswatter against Kyle's own testicles. Each slap brought a fresh round of screams from my twin. He was forced to undergo the same torture I had just endured, and I sympathized with his pain. If we lived through this encounter, we would be walking bow-legged for weeks.

When his battering of Kyle's balls had ceased, I heard a sound I was strangely familiar with, but couldn't quite place until I heard the swish and slap of leather. Before he began this phase of his assault, the ball gags in our mouths were removed. Then his belt was assaulting our backsides with the force of a windmill as he used the same back and forth motion. The belt would slap our eight-year-old asses in a sadistic regular rhythm. The pain was excruciating.

I know welts were swelling up across our asses. He didn't just get our upturned asses, though. The belt made contact above them to our backs and below them to our legs, also. Both of us were crying by this time, but the man continued. We begged, pleaded, cried, and finally promised him anything, if he would just stop whipping us. Just as Kyle and I uttered our promise, he stopped. Both of us sighed our relief.

I heard him put the belt back around his waist then the ball gags were replaced in our mouths. Two more pictures were taken while I was waiting for the next thing for him to do, when he slapped both of our abused buttcheeks, and walked out of the house. He never spoke a single word to us. We didn't know who had done this to us, or why.

Another thing that was running around in my mind was; why didn't he rob us? We weren't exactly wealthy, but we did have some nice things around the house he could have taken. Kyle and I weren't exactly in a position to stop him. We were in no position to stop him from doing anything, really.

Either way, we were left alone again to contemplate our situation, and to savor our wounds. The time went by just as slowly as the last time, if that was possible. I could hear cars drive pass, other kids playing outside, and even a jet flew over. Another eternity passed before another set of footsteps walked up to the door.

These steps were lighter than the first, but different than our mom's, plus she had on her dress shoes with heels, and these were not. I heard a snicker come from the area of the door as this new stranger came in the house.

This one untied Kyle first and led him away from me. Some sounds were made at the other end of the living room as Kyle was placed the way this new one wanted him. One sound I recognized was a door opening, but not closing. A few more minutes dragged by before 'he' (I'll use he, because to this day I have no idea who it was) came to get me.

All my bonds were undone and circulation was restored to my wrists. He pulled my arms behind my back and crossed them over each other at the forearm. Two ropes were wrapped around my wrists and just below the elbows. Another rope was wrapped around my upper arm just above the elbow and another just below the armpit. My arms were going nowhere.

A rope was strung around the base of my cock, back between my legs, over the buttplug, and tied to the middle of my arms, very tightly. This was, I'm assuming, to keep it inside my ass. The trouble was, I now needed to pee as well as take a dump. Neither one was going to happen, apparently not any time soon, anyway.

He led me, by the dick no less, to a door. It was there that his full plan was put in motion. He first tied a rope around my ankles, with my feet crossed. He then played with my nipples, making them hard again, and I figured the clothespins were being reattached. I was wrong. He took what felt like fishing line and tied one line around each nipple. That in itself was painful, but then the line was thrown over the top of the door. It was then that I heard my twin as he was pulled closer to the door.

He attached the free ends of the fishing line to the ring on Kyle's collar, and pulled it tight. It was tight enough to raise me up to my toes. He did the same to Kyle's nipples by attaching it to the collar around my neck. If one of us moved our heads or necks, the other would feel excruciating pain through his nipples.

We would have been flat against the door, but a toilet plunger was sucked against the door with the handle out. It hit me right in the belly button, which is probably where this guy wanted it. A rope secured the handle to the middle of my belly, making it impossible to dislodge it from the door. Just to make it more impossible, he took the twine that encased my cockhead and wrapped it around the handle and tied it off at the collar also. He moved around the door to do the same to my brother.

With the two twines that ensnared our nutsacks, he ran them under the door and tied them to each other's ankle ropes. We were bent over like a bow with an arrow notched in the middle. There was nowhere for us to go again.

My nipples were on fire, my cock hurt like hell, and my balls felt like they were going to be cut off, but for some reason, I was still enjoying this. That is, until this guy did what he did next.

Just to make sure we didn't get too comfortable with our new position, he rubbed a cream on each of our enflamed asses. At first, it was soothing, but a minute later, it started to heat up. I squirmed under the heat, but tried to keep as still as possible, knowing any movement on my part brought great pain to my twin. The pain in my balls and nipples told me he had done the same thing to Kyle.

Another couple of pictures were taken, and then also walked out of the house. The pain was becoming unbearable. I stretched and flexed, trying to get some relief, but nothing was effective. Moment after agonizing moment dragged by, making me think that our mom had deserted us to these cruel people.

Each of us twitched in our torment, but not to the point of causing severe pain to the other. Once again, I could hear other kids outside as time seemed to stand absolutely still. It was impossible to think that just a few yards away, our friends next door were outside playing while we were being tormented.

5 The Afternoon

I must have fallen asleep somehow, because I awoke as someone was untying the ropes from my ankles that held my twin's balls prisoner. The ropes holding my ankles together were left alone. It was a woman, but it wasn't our mom; this woman's hands had nails. For some reason, our mom kept her nails short.

She unwrapped the rope holding the plunger to my stomach then loosened the ropes holding my hands behind my back. She retied my hands together as Mom had done it earlier that day, leaving the loose ends hanging down to my feet. The fishing line that held my nipples to my brother's collar were the next to be untied. I almost collapsed to the floor when both of the lines were undone. She laid me down on the floor then went back to my brother. I heard her dragging him past me back to the kitchen.

After some shuffling around with him, she returned to me. She dragged me to the kitchen as she had done to my twin; by the tied wrists. She picked me up and stood me on the same chair that held me captive earlier. She turned me back around and sat me down as my mom had done that morning.

This lady tied us up exactly as our mom had done before her breakfast. Our feet and ankles were retied to the rungs and legs of the chairs. The blindfolds, gags, and collars were reattached together. Our testicles were restrung together as well as our cocks restretched up to the collars. The ropes were replaced around our chests, and the ropes holding in the buttplugs were again tied to the back of the chairs. The clothespins were left to the last, bringing a renewed pain to our chests.

After she retraced everything our mom had done, I felt one of the woman's hands wrap around my stretched penis. It was already swollen and hard so she didn't take any time getting me ready for her. Her cooling hand moved masterfully up and down my shaft, and at long last, I was able to cum. The orgasm shook my entire eight year old body, and I knew it caused a little pain to both of our nutsacks, but I didn't care. It felt great to finally release the pent up feeling.

When she was finished with me, she also walked around and did the same molestation to my sibling. As he came, the tension pulled my balls back as well, and pain erupted once again. She washed her hands, took two pictures, and left us alone.

The only signs that anything had changed were the marks on our asses. I know the belt left some marks; I could almost feel them on my skin.

We were alone again, though, with only our thoughts and an occasional groan from one of us to keep us company. I wished someone would come and rescue us from this torment. Rescue didn't come for an eon, though. No one else visited us again until I heard the car pull into the driveway. The kitchen door opened and I heard Mom's keys land on the table.

"Right where I left you, boys," she started off saying. "That's so good of you two to behave yourselves. You haven't moved an inch." Again she snickered at her own little joke. "Ready to get out?"

As each of us tried to nod, we got nowhere fast, but I think she understood. I felt her fingers move up and down my legs then around my buttocks. Then she removed the tape from our hands. The end had to be here.

All of the ropes were removed, and the ball gags taken out of our mouths. When the blindfolds were removed, I had to squint for a few minutes to let my eyes get readjusted to the light. When I could see again, she was standing between me and Kyle as if nothing ever happened. The only things we still had on were the collars, the twine pulling our cocks upwards, and the buttplugs inside our asses. I hunched over to allow some slack in the small rope. She took the hint and removed each of the twines, but not the collars. I reached up to take mine off, and she stopped me.

"No, Karl. You leave the collars on for the rest of the day," she explained.

"But, Mom, after all we've been through 3;," I started, but Kyle slightly shook his head, no.

"After all you've been through? Being tied up for a day was not a big deal, Karl. It could have gone on longer or there could have been more things done than a simple tie up. Besides, you did have fun, didn't you?"

We both looked at each other, and sheepishly nodded.

"Good, now, why don't you two go get dressed and play outside until dinner?"

"What about these things, Mom?" Kyle asked pointing to his backside.

"You leave the buttplugs in also, Son. Now, go get dressed, you don't have a whole lot of time before dinner."

We went to our room, walking a little gingerly. We stopped into the bathroom as both of us had a wicked pee. It seemed like we stood there for an hour and let loose the two yellow streams. When we inspected our butts, not one mark was found.

"How did that happen? I thought for sure our butts would have red lines on them," I inquired.

"Me too. Maybe that burning cream helped it somehow."

I shrugged back. We got dressed in shorts, shoes and t-shirts and went out to play with our next-door neighbors until dinner. It was like nothing happened. We played like normal kids for the rest of the day.

When we came in for dinner, most of the pain and soreness was gone. Dad was home, with a guest; Uncle Billy. Both Kyle and I liked our mom's brother. He always played games with us in our room, although never touched us in a weird way, so we always felt safe around him.

Dinner was painfully normal and dull, with the adults talking about adult stuff. We tried to get Uncle Billy to come to our room to play a board game, but Mom was talking non-stop with him. It seems he just flew into town for the weekend as was leaving on Monday morning.

That evening, we were watching TV lying on our stomachs on the floor, while the adults sat on the couch and continued with adult stuff.

The one thing I picked up on was that neither Dad nor Uncle Billy was surprised by the presence of collars around our necks. Neither one said a word about them. Kyle agreed with me that it was strange for them not to say anything about them, but never paid it another thought.

We took our bath at about eight o'clock (with the buttplugs in) together. We paid special attention to each other's cocks while washing. Uncle Billy walked in while things were just heating up again between the two of us, and we threw the curtain to hide ourselves.

"Aw, now guys don't be shy. I have the same things you have," he teased, but didn't move the curtain. It wasn't the front view we were worried about; it was the presence of the buttplugs that concerned us the most.

When he finished his business with the toilet, he started to leave when I called him back.

"Could you get Mom for us, Uncle Billy?" I asked him.

"Sure thing, Kyle," he said, and left.

"Karl, you nitwit," I said under my breath.

Mom walked in and I asked her about using the bathroom with the plug inside. She said to take it out, use the toilet, and then to replace it back inside. We had to keep it in all night. I jumped out and got to the toilet before Kyle ever moved. It seemed nasty to do it, but I pulled on the buttplug. Nothing happened. I pulled a little harder, and it was too painful to go on.

I was almost in tears, now. I had to 'go' something fierce, but this stupid thing wouldn't come out.

"Need some help?" Kyle asked. I nodded. He climbed out of the tub and had me bend over my legs. "Pull apart your buttcheeks, it might help." I nodded and did as he said. He gripped the end of the plug, and pulled. It hurt like hell, but it came out.

I did my own business with the porcelain god then looked mournfully at the tool that had to go back in my rectum. It had some shit on it, and I wasn't going to wash it off with my hands. Kyle suggested using the tissue. It worked enough to get it clean. I bent over again as Kyle had to be the one to put it back inside; it hurt too much for me to do it myself. The same exact procedure had to be done with Kyle and his anal 'friend'.

After our baths, we walked quickly to our bedroom with the towels wrapped around us and pulled our underwear up before anyone walked in the room. We played a board game for a few minutes until our mom walked in and told us it was bedtime. We both climbed onto the top bunk, facing the doorway, with our butts to the wall. She told us good night, and kissed each of us. Our dad did the same thing, and then Uncle Billy walked inside to do bid us good night as well.

"Good night, guys," he said, and we echoed the salutations. When he got to the door, he stopped and turned back to us with one final comment. "Now, remember, boys, you did promise to do anything 3;" and then he was gone.

More to cum in the future if interest is present.

Part II

These are the continued stories of Kyle and Karl, for those of you who enjoyed the first ones.

6 Uncle Billy's Room

Waking up the next morning didn't sit too well with me and Kyle, mainly because of the buttplugs still buried in our assholes. The other reason that things were skewed was the revelation of Uncle Billy from last night. Saying what he did informed us that it was him that had torn into our buttocks' and balls with the flyswatter and belt.

Both of us were still a little sore, and not moving too easily, but we made our way off the top bunk and into the bathroom for our morning pee. After emptying our bladders into the toilet we oozed into the kitchen. Our mom and uncle were sitting at the table talking; I guess Dad had gone to work, as usual.

"Good morning, boys," Mom started off with a more-than-usual chipper voice. "Breakfast?" We nodded in unison. She poured us each a bowl of our favorite cold cereal (at the time, 'Cocoa Puffs') then reengaged Uncle Billy in conversation. She told him that she had some more 'errands' to run and asked if he could look after us for the day. He was, understandably, delighted. Kyle and I looked at each other; both of us had eyes wide as saucers.

In the past, we would cheer about spending the day with our uncle, but since last night, things had changed. Both of us had the feeling we were in for it. We spent the rest of our meal in silence wondering what was going to happen to us.

Our mom left the house later to run her so-called errands. After yesterday's events I knew her 'errands' were bogus. As soon as she left the house, Uncle Billy walked into our room with the ropes.

"Come with me, boys," he said and turned to leave the room. We followed him to our fates. We arrived in the kitchen and he sat us down in two of the chairs at the table.

"Now, yesterday was kind of harsh for you guys," he started saying. "And today, your mom wanted me to continue your education. Did you enjoy yesterday?"

Kyle and I looked at each other then nodded, but with some trepidation, not knowing what was coming up. Both of us were excited, though. By the time we had arrived in the kitchen both of us were sporting boners.

"Good; I had a feeling both of you did. And by the appearance of things," looking at our crotches, "you want to continue." We nodded again. "Good. Now, take your clothes off and pile them on the table."

We did as we were told, and when we were totally naked before our uncle, he led us into the guest room. In the middle of the room was the bed, but at the base off the bed was a bench that I had never seen before. It was rectangular in shape and made of wood; it sat on a platform that was just larger than it. He led us to opposite ends of the bench, where he tied each of our ankles to the legs of the bench. Then ropes were tied around our thighs just below our hip joints to pull our legs apart and secure them to the bench.

Twine was once again wrapped around our penises just below the heads, and pulled tight, but not tight enough to cut off the circulation. Thankfully at the time, we were erect and very hard. The free ends of the twine were left on the bench. He made each of us bend over the bench. It was just tall enough to come up to our balls. My body squashed them and my cock against the wood.

When we were laid down, our heads were next to each other. He took the collars that were still around our necks and attached them together by a small d-ring. My arms were put on Kyle's back then tied together at the wrists and elbows. The free ends were wrapped around his body and tied to the twine ensnaring his cockhead. Uncle Billy then took Kyle's arms around mine and under my arms to rest on my back and tied them off the same way. My cock was being pulled towards my twin while his was being pulled to me. If either one of us pulled, it caused pain to the other's cock.

We were going nowhere, but Uncle Billy wasn't finished yet. Another rope was wrapped around our bodies at just below the armpits then secured under the bench. All the slack in each of the ropes was taken out and we were fastened to the bench looking like a couple of slabs of meat ready to be chopped.

He replaced the ball gags next, but didn't put the blindfolds on us. We thought he was done and was going to leave us, but one more thing needed to be tied; our balls. He reached through my legs and pulled my ballsacks backwards. With the same twine that was used yesterday, my balls were once again wrapped and pulled backwards. The twine then was wrapped around each of my legs just above the knees. He went around the bench and did the same to my brother's balls.

Kyle and I grunted in our bondage as our uncle finished tying each of us up. There was no way we were going to move. Uncle Billy finished tying Kyle's balls then moved to the side to inspect his work, but he had no plans to leave us. When he was satisfied with his job, he walked back behind Kyle and reached down to the buttplug that was still buried in his asshole.

I could almost hear the "pop" as the plug was removed. Kyle sighed when the device was out; each of us had had it inside for over twelve hours straight. Once the plug was out, Uncle Billy started to push it back inside almost to the point where it shrank abruptly. At that point, the plug was pulled out again. Uncle Billy did this several times until Kyle started to move with the violating device.

With great speed, Uncle Billy dropped the buttplug and stood behind my twin with his own cock big and hard. He pointed it at my sibling's never-before-been-fucked asshole and pushed against his sphincter. Guessing what was coming, I closed my eyes to the assault.

"Oh, no, Karl, open your eyes. I want you to watch what is going to happen, because you get it next." My eyes remained shut. "If you don't open them, I will use the belt on you from now until your mother gets home." I took his threat seriously and opened my eyes. I had to watch what my uncle was about to do to him.

I watched as our uncle shifted his weight a little, and relined himself up to Kyle's asshole. As soon as he had the angle he needed, Uncle Billy speared my twin with his adult cock. Kyle's body was thrown forward and into me. The muffled scream that came from him still resonates in my dreams today.

The look on Uncle Billy's face was pure rapture. As Kyle's asshole closed around our uncle's cock, the feelings must have been great. Kyle on the other hand was trying his best to escape the invasion of Uncle Billy's huge missile. Each move he made stretched the head of my cock even further than it was, and sent waves of renewed pain through my groin. At one point, the pain was so bad for me, that I yanked my hands up to pull his cock so that he would stop hurting mine. He got the message and stopped pulling.

Once Uncle Billy had completely buried his enormous cock in Kyle's asshole, he started pulling out. He only pulled out far enough to keep the head inside then he would ram it back home. Kyle did his best to bear the corn-holing, but I soon started to feel wetness on the side of my head as his tears ran down his cheek and mixed with my hair.

Soon enough, Uncle Billy built up some speed as he repetitively slammed into my twin. The pain must have been excruciating. I continued to watch our mother's brother pummel him over and over again. Finally, Uncle Billy made one last giant thrust and tensed up, releasing his seed into his nephew's backside.

Spending himself totally, he collapsed onto Kyle's back to rest. When he pulled his softening prick from inside him, I saw a mixture of blood, semen, and feces on it. I almost made me puke into the ball gag. The sick-o wiped his dick on my brother's asscheeks till everything was wiped off, and then he walked to his bathroom.

When he walked out again, his cock was cleaner, and was almost totally soft, but still quite large in comparison to our pre-teen ones. He walked up behind Kyle again and reinserted the buttplug. After fitting it inside, he looked at me and smiled.

"Your turn next, Karl; when I return, that is," he said and walked into the living room.

We were left alone with our misery. Kyle's ass must have been burning something fierce. Our bondage prevented us from moving anything to get more comfortable. Kyle continued to sob into my neck off and on over the next half-hour or so. I felt really sorry for him, even though my time was coming up soon. Every minute brought me closer and closer to having my own asshole torn apart.

We heard the TV come on and the couch creak, so he was going to be a while, apparently, but the inevitable was coming. Kyle settled down after some time, and we just rested as best as we could. I kind of felt like a person on death row, waiting his sentence.

I guess I was getting used to falling asleep in unusual positions, because before I knew it, Uncle Billy was right behind me. I remember waking up to the ropes being untied from my ankles and thighs. The ropes that bound my wrists to my twin's torso were also being freed, but not the wrists themselves. The rope that bound my cock to Kyle's wrists was removed, and the links that held our heads together at the neck were undone.

He pulled our bodies apart, while leaving Kyle's legs attached to the bench. He sat me down on the floor then readdressed himself to my brother's bindings. Kyle's dick was pulled down between his legs and the free ends of the twine were left to hang momentarily. Uncle Billy took the rope that bound his wrists and pulled it over the side of the bench I had vacated. The rope to his wrists was linked with a hitch to the twine ensnaring Kyle's dick, and the slack was taken out. He pulled on the rope till Kyle was screaming into the ball gag and tears began welling up in his eyes. My twin brother was in more pain than he had experienced so far. The rope that had been securing him across his back was tightened and Kyle was left alone to suffer as Uncle Billy grabbed my arms and led me out of the room.

7 My Turn

I was taken to mine and Kyle's bedroom and led over to the bunk beds. When we got there, Uncle Billy tied the ropes still around my ankles to the foot of the beds. There was some slack left in the ropes when he was done.

My arms were pulled through the bar of the top bunk and its mattress. The free ends of the rope were tied to the far end of the bunk, but again with some slack left in the rope. The ropes were loose enough to allow me to pull myself up, but not enough to reach my body.

After my limbs were bound, the twines that trapped my nuts were wound around the bar of the lower bunk. The twine attached to my cockhead was pulled up to the bar of the bunk and that was pulled very tight.

He left me alone for a few minutes as he went to get the tools of his next torture. When he returned, he was carrying two paper clips. These clips were the black metal ones that held a large amount of paper, not the ones that made an oval out of itself; these things felt like someone biting my nipples when he attached them. I screamed myself hoarse trying to get him to remove the clips, but he just laughed at me.

To make matters worse, he tied the "wings" of the clips to the bar of the bottom bunk, and tied very tight. As tight as he tied them, I had to pull myself up to keep from pulling on my cockhead. He turned and walked away, and I pulled at the clips to try to get them off; they didn't move a millimeter.

I had to wait for my assailant to return to me in sheer, utter pain. My cock had been stretched as far as he had stretched my twin's, and my nipples were on fire. He returned to the room carrying his belt.

"This is for closing your eyes earlier, Kyle," he said. Everyone knows we hate having our names misspoken. I know he did it just to get to me.

He unceremoniously tore the buttplug out of my asshole then used the belt across my backside a total of fifty times. Now my whole ass was hurting just as much as my nipples and cock. I was tired, but I couldn't relax my arms, or the twine would probably tear the head off my cock. When he was finished whipping me with the belt, I heard his bathrobe drop to the floor, I knew what was coming next.

I felt the flesh of his cock move up and down the crack of my red ass. Out of reflex, I clinched my buttcheeks closed.

"You'd better relax your ass, or this is going to hurt a whole lot worse, boy," he hissed in my ear. "Because what is coming is inevitable."

I tried to do as he suggested, and relax, but having to pull myself up as well as anticipating the further pain he was about to inflict was making it impossible. He continued to move his cock up and down my crack, trying to gain access. I just couldn't see letting him inside; at least not willingly.

Then the moment of truth came, he had found his mark. It only took him a fraction of a second to slice into me. I reared my head back and bellowed into the gag yet again. The pain was unimaginable.

He had pierced the opening with just the head, but it felt like I was speared by a two-by-four plank. I wasn't prepared for him to drive further inside, but that didn't stop him from doing just that. I felt every inch of him as he forced my asshole to accept his rod. I thought that during the time it took him to get inside me fully, my mom could have cooked dinner.

After an excruciating eternity of intense pain, I felt his pubic hairs resting against my asscheeks. I was sitting on his staff, fully impaled. He reached around my body to my small cock (compared to his), and started stroking it. I started to actually feel something stir inside. His cock buried to the hilt in my ass and his hand caressing my own cock started getting me hot. Soon, I started to enjoy everything he was doing to me; even the pain started to change me.

As he stroked me, he didn't move his pelvis, but stayed perfectly still. It was like heaven and hell combined in one act. I began to love it. It wasn't long for me to reach orgasm and when it hit, I could swear I had touched the stars.

The colossal explosion of feelings and emotions must have overloaded something; as when I came to, Uncle Billy was reaming my asshole for all he was worth. He was pounding into me so hard, the bunk was hitting the far wall like a drum. I hung onto the rope around my wrists as hard as I could, and waited for him to finish.

It seemed to take him forever to finally cum inside me. A long time cumming, you might say. I was just starting to wonder if he would ever finish screwing me when he tensed up and released his seed inside to impregnate my bowels. He actually groaned aloud when he ejaculated. A flood of semen poured inside me for the first time; but I was actually turned on by the feeling it gave me.

He put his arm over my shoulder to steady himself as his dick was deflating inside my rectum. I turned my eyes to look at him; pleading with him to take the clips off my preteen nipples. He ignored my silent plea. When he pulled his cock out of my bleeding asshole, he turned and left me as alone as Kyle.

I felt liquid running down the back of my legs, and knowing what it was, I didn't bother to try to check. After a few minutes, the mixture of blood and semen began to dry and some time later, the pain in my nipples subsided to a dull ache. The only thing I had to worry about was making sure I didn't let the twine tied to my cock pull the head off. I had to pull my body up by the rope tied to my wrists, but couldn't pull too much because of the twine tied to my balls and the rope around my ankles.

Some more time passed, and Uncle Billy walked passed the room and into the guest room where Kyle was still bound to the small table. A few minutes later, he led my twin into the room. Upon seeing my predicament, Kyle's facial features softened; I could tell he felt sorry for me.

"Time for some brotherly love, boys," he said and pushed Kyle in the back towards the bed. "As you can see, I broke your brother's cherry, boy. It's your turn to fuck him." Kyle shook his head at our uncle, indicating he refused to do what he wanted to me. Uncle Billy was not impressed.

"You will fuck him, or I swear you won't be able to sit down for an entire year. I will wear your ass out with more fucking than you ever imagined. Your ass will be the size of the Grand Canyon when I get finished with you. Got it?" He hissed in my brother's ear.

Kyle meekly nodded and turned back towards me. He walked behind me to take up a stance between my legs. The problem was that he was too short to get his cock inside my asshole. Uncle Billy put a step-stool in front of him and had him climb on top of it. He reached me with no further problems.

When his cock made initial contact, I flinched slightly at the touch; my asshole was still very sore from Uncle Billy being up there. He raised himself up on his toes and pushed his small dick inside my forgiving anus. I squinted at being penetrated once again, but being as small as he was, it wasn't as painful as the first time.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and started to play with my cock as Uncle Billy had done, but he stopped Kyle as soon as he started.

"Your brother's here for your pleasure, boy, not his. He's already had his fun. Just fuck him," Uncle Billy prompted Kyle. Kyle took his word for it and returned to moving his cock in and out of my asshole. The pace that my brother set was not good enough for Uncle Billy. Kyle didn't want to hurt me further.

"No, boy. Really fuck him, or you will get it worse from me," Uncle Billy chastised him.

"Sorry," Kyle whispered in my ear. I nodded slightly, and he began tearing into me like his life depended on it. After just being screwed royally by my uncle, having Kyle plow into me added to the pain. Repetitively, Kyle pistoned in and out of my aching asshole. With each thrust brought on more pain to my rear entrance.

Uncle Billy seemed satisfied with Kyle's pace and decided to just sit back and watch the show. I glanced over at him and saw that he had grabbed his stiffened pole and was stroking it in rhythm to Kyle's thrusts.

Hoping to end Kyle's assault on my sphincter sooner, I decided to aid in his efforts and clenched my asscheeks together, gripping his cock tighter than ever. Soon enough, Kyle tensed up and he hissed through his orgasm. Nothing came out of his dick, but it did pulse with feeling at the climax. Kyle slumped over my back when he was done, and started to pull out of my butt. My ordeal was coming to an end, or so I thought. Uncle Billy had other plans and stopped him from pulling out any further.

"I haven't finished yet, boy. Continue the fucking," he said as he had stopped momentarily.

"But Uncle Billy, I'm all soft, now," Kyle explained.

"Then get it hard again, and now. I'm too close for you to stop," he demanded.

"But how?"

"Put it in his mouth, kid. Make him suck you back up then fuck him again."

Kyle didn't really want to, but he pulled the ball gag out of my mouth and climbed onto the top bunk. I pulled myself up and opened my mouth, ready to accept my preteen brother's cock. It slipped past my lips and rested on my tongue. I closed my lips around him and started to manipulate him to full erection. It didn't take long for him to get hard again and in no time, he was sliding off the bunk and lining up for another plunge.

Uncle Billy only stroked himself enough to keep his cock hard, but when Kyle reentered me, his stroking got harder and faster. As Kyle pummeled my ass again, Uncle Billy stroked himself to another climax, sending his slick liquid up in the air and landing on his stomach. Kyle was not to be denied another orgasm either; he sped up his tempo almost to an animalistic frenzy before impaling me hard one final time.

Each of us calmed down in our own way, but our uncle wasn't finished with us just yet. We had some more bondage on the way.

8 The Rest of the Day

The ball gags and blindfolds were replaced around our mouths and eyes, respectively. I felt the rope tied to my wrists slacken and something warm was laid on top of my arms. Uncle Billy had pulled Kyle away from me and laid him on the top bunk over my extended arms. By the way I felt his body, he was facing towards me. His legs were spread open, and probably tied to the ends of the bunk. His arms were pulled behind his back, crossed over each other where he was grabbing his opposite elbows, and tied off at the wrists and forearms, and around each bicep. (Kyle told me about it that night)

The rope that had bound my wrists together was roped around his body. The loose ends of the twine that trapped his balls were wrapped around my wrists. The twine that held his cockhead captive was tied to the d-ring on my dog collar. If I pulled up, I pulled and hurt his and my balls and nipples. If I went down, I pulled and hurt his and my cocks. It was a no-win situation for either one of us.

Uncle Billy left us when he felt we were bound enough. Being alone with only the groans of my twin and my own aches and pains gave me time to kind of reflect on just how we ended up this way. It all started with a little wrestling and pinning. Amazing how something so simple can lead to so much trouble.

It seemed like forever that Uncle Billy left us alone in our bondage and pain before I heard someone walk in the room. Like the day before, this person didn't talk. We must have been a sight for this person to look at. I heard him walk in and get on the top bunk with my brother. With some grunts and groans I could make out what was about to happen.

When the bed creaked and I heard Kyle scream into the ball gag, my suspicions were confirmed; this guy was here for some eight-year-old ass. Kyle quit screaming into the gag, but still continued to endure the assault of yet another dick up his asshole. The grunting that Kyle made every time the man forced himself inside him sent shivers up my spine. I knew what he was going through, and I wished it wasn't happening again.

While this man was on top of Kyle, another person walked inside and slid up behind me, and I knew it was going to be my turn again. Without one word, this man went right to work on me. Quickly, he made one swipe of his cock up the crack of my butt, and then I felt it touch my sphincter muscle. With one swift move, he shoved his huge cock up my preteen asshole. I grunted through the immense pain, trying to bear it without a scream, unlike my brother. Through the haze of intense pain, I heard a snap and click of the Polaroid twice and two more pictures had been taken.

To be perfectly honest, I was actually starting to enjoy the pain. As perverse as it sounds, the pain mixed with the intimacy of the men and what they were doing to us was having its affects on me. I started to look forward to the intensity of first being speared by a cock and the pain it brought. Nothing else has ever compared to having a man's hard cock shoved violently up my ass.

Kyle and I were talking later, and he was feeling the same way. Weird. I had never thought of myself as homosexual, but the more times that someone shoved something up my ass, the more I liked it. Soon enough, I really began to crave the feeling.

Back to what was happening to us in the bedroom. Sorry for that lapse.

It didn't take the man fucking me to tense his body and cum inside me. I felt another load of cum being dumped in my bowels. He rested on my back for a second then pulled out and left the room without saying a single word.

I heard and felt the one fucking Kyle reach his orgasm then collapse on top of him as well. A second or two later, he climbed off and left the same way. Kyle and I were left alone for a while before another set of two men walked in and had their way with us; not like we could stop them. I wasn't sure I wanted to stop them by this time.

Several men "visited" us that day, and each time Uncle Billy would take a couple of pictures of the hour's events. When the men left, he took a warm washcloth and would wipe up the cum from our assholes. If any leaked down my legs or onto the bed where Kyle was tied, it was not cleaned off; just our assholes were cleaned.

During the third round of men, I had another orgasm by pressing myself up against the bed's frame. It was exquisite being able to cum while this man was pumping my innards. Once again, though, after shooting off, he and his partner pulled out of us and left the room in silence. Another round of pictures was taken of us during the time they were enjoying themselves with me and my brother.

It had to have been getting late; I was starving for something to eat. I heard and felt Kyle's stomach rumble as well. Some more time elapsed and two more men came to us (and in us) then Uncle Billy walked in the room. He kept the blindfolds on, but the ball gags were removed.

"Lunch time, boys," he announced. Only lunch time? Anyway, he had us open our mouths and then fed us some sandwiches and washed them down with a couple of sodas. Our bindings were never loosened either. When lunch was over, he told us that four other sets of men wanted us and they would take turns with us at the top of each hour. The last two men would be him and someone 'special'.

The rest of the afternoon went as he had described. Three other pairs of men came in our room, fucked the shit out of each of us, and then left us alone in our misery. The only one that was memorable was the third one for me. The other two were about the same size of the Uncle Billy and the others, but the last one before him was huge.

When he walked up behind me, I heard his steps, but nothing was out of the ordinary. This man walked like the others. He wrapped his arms around my waist like the others, also. It wasn't until I felt him sliding his cock between my buttcheeks that I noticed the difference. This man was enormous. His cock felt like it belonged to a horse, or something.

I breathed in, expecting the worst. But the expectation was nothing compared to the reality of the monster. When he entered my asshole, I felt like I had never been fucked before. That monster of a cock tore into me like a plow ripping into the earth. I screamed once again like a little girl. I was almost embarrassed by the scream, but I just couldn't help it.

The invading cock felt as big around as my arm and just as long. I thought I was going to die from the pain, but no such luck. I had to endure the enormity of the pain, and live through it.

I squirmed once again as the mammoth pole was thrust in and out of my backside. He worked it as if he had done this before and was used to sodomizing young boys. At no time did he ever get the entire thing inside me; I never felt his stomach against my ass. I don't think it would ever fit, gauging the girth of the behemoth. The constant sawing in and out of my anus was enough pain in and of itself.

With each thrust of his hips brought a new level of anxiety to me, as I did wonder if he was trying to cram every single inch inside. The bed continued to rock back and forth with his and his partner's thrusting. Kyle was not making any sound as the big man's companion sodomized him. Obviously, I had the worst end of the deal.

The grunting and groaning was making told me that he was going to cum soon. All at once, he made a final heave upwards, and unloaded more cum than all the others combined. It seemed to take forever before he stopped shooting his nuts into my bowels. He, like the others, recovered and the two men swaggered out of the room, having done their business. I was made to suffer in more pain than I could have imagined.

I knew something had torn back there. I could feel it. The realization almost made me vomit into the ball gag. It was definitely going to be a while before I sat down without fidgeting. Uncle Billy had made sure of that with the belt, also.

Speaking of Uncle Billy, he was the last one to enter the bedroom and get his nuts off inside us (Kyle, actually). I was made to endure one other man for the day, also. This one was not as large of a man as the last one, thankfully, but after the torment of having something that huge up my ass, anything going past my sphincter muscle, hurt. The last man was actually kind to me; he had me orgasm twice as his prick slid inside me. It made up for a lot of pain and discomfort.

When he had finished, though, our blindfolds were removed with him still inside me. I saw Uncle Billy on top of Kyle, and Kyle's eyes go wider than a cartoon's. I turned around as best as I could, and was staring straight into the eyes of our father.

"You okay, Karl?" He asked me. I nodded weakly. He reached up and unclipped the paper clips attached to my nipples. The needles of pain that shot through my chest as blood returned almost made me go into shock. I tried everything I could think of to try to ease the pain, but nothing worked.

He untied my balls and cockhead, and then untied my limbs. Kyle was untied by Uncle Billy, and we were led to the bathroom. We used the facilities and took a warm shower to get the cum off our bodies. Kyle wiped my legs down for me and inspected my ass. He said that it was really raw where the large man had fucked me. I believed him.

After getting all the residue off ourselves, we got dressed and walked into the living room. We didn't want to spend anymore time in our bedroom. Uncle Billy and Dad were sitting together on the couch, talking. Dad motioned us to walk over to them.

"Now, boys, I know Uncle Billy put you two through a lot, but we wanted you guys to experience as much as possible. Did you enjoy it?"

Kyle and I looked at each other for about a half a second and nodded. Even through the pain and discomfort, the powerful orgasms were worth it.

"I thought you did. From now on, though, those collars are to stay on at all times, understand?"

"Why, Dad?" Kyle asked.

"Because, Kyle, it is a sign of servitude. It means that you boys will serve us at anytime. You will have your fun as kids, of course, but if one of us or one of our friends needs servicing, you will do it. Got it?"

"Yes sir," we chorused.

"Excellent. Now, why don't you go outside and play till dinner?"

We did. We played as normal kids again until our mother called us for dinner. It was only an hour or two, but it felt good just to play and be a normal child for a while, not a sex-slave-in-training. When we walked inside, we saw that Uncle Billy and Dad were sitting at the table, nude.

"Take your clothes off right there, boys," Mom said. We stripped and joined them at the table. As we were taking our seats, Dad shook his head at us.

"Over here, boys," he said. He had been stroking his cock to its full stiffness. Kyle joined Uncle Billy while I sat on Dad's stiff prick. It eased itself inside my ass chute very easily. We ate dinner that way; both of us with hard pricks buried to the hilt. Desert was served as both men creamed inside our bowels.

We watched a little television, in the nude of course, and then got ready for bed. When bedtime actually came, Mom walked in with ropes. We were tied spread-eagled on the top bunk with Kyle under me. She pulled on my cock to make it hard then inserted it into Kyle's no-longer-virgin asshole. She tied ropes around our wrists, elbows, arms, shoulders, waists, thighs, knees, ankles, and even tied our toes to each other. She even tied our ballsacks together. And the d-rings to our collars were connected as well. We weren't moving at all.

Before she left us for the night, the buttplug was reinserted in my ass. We were once again left alone in our bondage for a night. At least the giant dick wasn't forcing its way up my ass for the night.

9 Uncle Billy's Present

The next day as well as the rest of the weekend was spent serving our parents and Uncle Billy. Kyle and I both became adept at sucking cocks, and licking pussy; both while tied up to some piece of furniture.

One time, we were tied to each other back to back, and our arms tied to each other and to our sides. Kyle licked our mother to several orgasms while our father and uncle traded off cumming in my mouth. We were like that for hours. I went to bed with a belly full of cum. Enemas were the next thing introduced to us that day.

Uncle Billy was leaving the next day, and we had to make the night special for him. He used each of us several times, but it wasn't anything we weren't used to. I think he had each of us in every room of the house, including the garage. We were left hanging from the rafters by our collars for a couple of hours. The ropes were just loose enough to allow us to breathe.

Another time Uncle Billy wanted us, we were tied to the coffee table in the living room, and our butts were whipped dark red when he was finished with us. Just for spite, you know. In one instance, Mom was lying on her back, I was licking her shaved pussy, and Uncle Billy was plowing my ass. My arms were tied across each other and tied to my body as well. Actually, most of that day was spent with my arms crossed and tied behind my back.

When Uncle Billy left the next day, there was a present left for us on the kitchen table. It was to be opened only after he left. As soon as his car drove away, Kyle and I ran back inside to see what he had given us. We tore through the packing and box to see two devices that were unknown to the two of us. Each devise had a pair of boards connected by a hinge with three semi-circles cut into them and a pair of boards with two semi-circles. They looked like large alligator mouths and were joined together with by two poles on the outside of the semi-circles on one side of the boards. There was a latch on the opposite side of the boards from the hinge.

"What are these, Mom?" Kyle asked.

"Funny you should ask that, Kyle," she answered. "They are called 'stocks'. Let me show you how they work."

She had us strip right there in the kitchen (nothing new, of course), and administered the enemas. Both Kyle and I groaned, knowing what that meant; a full day of servicing more men. When we returned from the toilet, she had opened the "mouths" of the stocks and was waiting to show us how they worked. Our ankles were placed into the two semi-circles and the free board was closed on them and a small lock was placed on the latch. Our wrist and necks were used in the ones with three, of course, and another lock was put on that latch. The two poles that held the stocks together could be turned to lengthen the space between the stocks to stretch the "victim" (kind of like the way the shower curtain poles are put up). Before she turned the poles to stretch us, she wrapped the twine around our cockheads and to a screweye in the center of the upper stock and our balls around the one on the lower stock. By this time our mother had purchased small leather sleeves that fit over just the heads of our cocks. Our pricks could expand without cutting off any circulation. She also had bought ones to place around each of our balls to pull and stretch without causing any further damage to the family jewels.

When she turned the poles to lengthen Kyle's body, it tightened the twine and stretched his cock and balls as well. She stopped turning when he began to scream about his crotch. She repeated the process with me, and we were fully stocked for the day. The ball gags and blindfolds were replaced again. She grabbed the pole on my right side and carried me like a piece of luggage. I heard the patio door open then felt the sun warming my body. She was taking us into the backyard.

I panicked like crazy, trying to get her to not leave us outside. The only thing that did was pull on my cock and balls and make them hurt even more. She didn't pay any attention to my efforts. I was embarrassed at being outside, hoping against hope that none of our friends would see us.

She left me lying face down on the ground to go back inside for Kyle. She returned momentarily carrying him the same way.

"Enjoy the sun, boys," she said, "I will check on you a little while later." She turned and I heard her walk away. Not being able to tell what was going on around us was probably the worst part of the whole gig. Being tied up inside was one thing, but outside where other people or kids could possibly see us was another thing all together. I knew Kyle was just as embarrassed about the situation as I was.

The one thing I could hold hope to was that our backyard had a privacy fence that was over six feet tall. Dad told us at the time that it was so we could have parties and not be interrupted.

Mom left us like that for a long time, agonizing over this new development. The day stretched out like we were, and soon enough, the sun was blazing in the sky. When our mother returned to us, she put some sun lotion on the backside of our bodies. It wasn't a sun block lotion, but it did prevent us from getting seriously burned.

Some time later the door opened again and I heard someone walk up and straddle my prone body. Seconds later, a hard cock was lining itself up at the entrance to my ass again. With one shove, the man buried himself to the hilt inside me. I grunted at the suddenness of the attack.

As stretched out as my cock was, it responded to having my ass filled once again. I could feel it starting to expand in its bondage. As the man bore down on my preteen body, it drove my hardening cock into the grass filled earth. It was almost as if I could fuck the ground.

I heard another person walk up to Kyle and judging by the sounds coming from my twin, he was receiving the same treatment that I was getting. I heard him panting as heavily as I was while the other man fucked his ass. I was still holding out hope that no one could look into our backyard from the other houses.

The two men finished their business with us and turned to leave us alone again. It seemed like hours before anyone came out to "visit" us again. Our mother brought our lunches to us and we ate the same way Uncle Billy had fed us the previous weekend.

Two other men came to us after lunch, but this time, we not only had to service them, but also two women at the same time (presumably their wives or girlfriends). As the men fucked our asses like jackhammers, the women removed our ball gags and presented their pussies for us to lick. The woman in front of me was shaved like my mother, but I knew it wasn't her pussy I was tonguing. I heard Kyle doing the same for a woman to my right.

Kyle and I each gave the women several orgasms while their men pumped our bottoms until they shot their loads. The man that had fucked me pulled out before sending his cream in my bowels, and shot his load all over my back. Without bothering to clean either of us up, they just rose, turned and left the same way they came.

Our mother walked out after they left, and turned us over onto our backs. She removed the blindfolds and kept the ball gags off. Even though we were finished serving men for the rest of the day, two more women walked out to have their pussies licked. I serviced the redhead, while Kyle got the brunette. We didn't recognize either one.

The surprise of the day was that just after those two women were finished with us, two girls that are in our class at school walked out naked to see us. They looked like younger versions of the two women we just finished off. This time I got the brunette (Janey), and Kyle got the redhead (Meagan).

Neither one spoke to us, they just put their feet on both sides of our heads and sat down on our faces. Janey put her bald puss right on my lips; I didn't need an engraved invitation to know what to do next. She arched her back and shuddered when my tongue touched the outer lips of her labia. When it invaded her hairless slit, she almost came right then and there. Apparently no one had ever touched her there before.

I licked up and down her slit as she rode my mouth like she was sitting on her bicycle. I think she knew enough about what was going on to make sure she didn't scream out her orgasm, but it was a narrow thing. Both girls came at about the same time, and both of them had to put their hands over their mouths to keep from shouting to the high heavens. I have to say, we got to be very good at licking pussy. I developed a taste for the hairless ones.

Once the girls were finished, they got up and walked out on us as their mothers had done. The day was now over. Our mother removed us from the stocks and walked us back inside. She had us carry the devices of our bondage for the day inside with us.

My cock was still standing at full mast and aching to be relieved. Kyle noticed the distress of my hard-on and while we were in the shower, decided to help me out of the discomfort. He turned around and backed up into my front. My hard cock slipped between his legs. I asked him if he was sure about this, and he nodded.

I reached down between us and aimed at his nether hole. I slipped inside like a hot knife splitting warm butter. There was almost no resistance at all. I think both of us had been fucked way too often lately.

He squeezed his cheeks closed, gripping my cock like a vice. I reached around to his stomach and began to move my hips back and forth, sliding in and out of his rectal area. It was the most wonderful sensation I had felt all day. Within minutes I was sensing the now all too familiar feelings of an orgasm.

After shaking off the spasms of the explosion, I whispered a thank you into his ear and offered myself to repay him. I laid face down on the floor of the tub and Kyle eased himself down on top of my back. With practiced ease, he slipped into my own backside and while the water ran off of us, he fucked my ass until came inside me. I had really started liking the feeling of someone cumming in my asshole. The pulsing of a dick as it spasms had started a kind of enjoyable sensation.

Anyway, Kyle and I finished our shower and headed into the bedroom to play with our toys until supper. Supper came and went without incident. We watched some TV before bedtime (Dad fucked each of us while watching).

Mom walked us in our room and we climbed onto the top bunk, as per the usual now. This time, she tied us in a 69 position. My head was sucking Kyle's cock while he sucked mine. My wrists were tied at the footboard with his ankles while his were tied off with my ankles at the headboard. More rope was wrapped around us at the elbows, knees and around our torsos. Each others' balls were tied off to the others' collars. Our cocks were left alone for the other to play with. The buttplugs were inserted once again in our rectums for the night. We fell asleep after each of us had a couple of orgasms.

10 Dog Day

The rest of that week went by as pretty much normal, however normal is with two eight year old boys having sex with themselves and everyone else in the area. Much of the week is a blur to me. I don't remember any specific things standing out as important or note worthy, that is until Friday.

That Friday, Mom didn't put us in the stocks again, but had us strip in the living room and walk outside with her to the patio table while she carried the ropes to bind us. I remember looking at the sky as we walked out, and it was very overcast. She had Kyle and I bend over the ends of the bench of the patio table. The end of the table itself was set against my stomach. It was one of those setups where the benches were attached to the table itself by metal pipes at the bottom. It was also very heavy so neither one of us had a hope of moving it, let alone turning it over.

We had our arms tied behind us in the usual manner, with our hands grabbing the opposite elbows and a rope pulling our collars backward. She tied our torsos to the bench while at the same time pulled our knees up under the board and tied them off with the same rope. We were bent around the ends of the bench. She then wrapped a rope around the outside of our arms to make double sure they weren't going anywhere. Our ankles were tied to the metal poles attaching the bench to the table.

A rope was strung across the bench and she hitched our collars together. She tied our balls to the same metal pole as our ankles. The twine pulling she used on our cockheads was pulled through the spaces of the boards in the bench and tied off to each other above the bench. Before leaving us, again as usual, she put the ball gags in our mouths.

Kyle and I waited longer than usual before anyone walked out to us. During that time, the sky grew darker and darker. Our mom didn't bother to bring us inside; she made us wait and wait as it got almost pitch black from clouds. It took so long, we wondered if we had been forgotten.

If only we had been so lucky.

It was starting to rain on us as the patio door slid open. I was hoping that our mom was going to release us, or tie us up inside, or something. I had forgotten that we were now nothing more than objects or tools for other people's pleasures.

Kyle was the one facing the door and the look in his eyes told me that I was not going to like what came next. A man walked up beside us with two male German Shepherds. I thought that he was going to tie off the dogs then fuck the two of us. That thought was eliminated as he led one of the dogs behind my twin. I saw what was about to happen.

The dog was led up onto Kyle's back and his collar connected to Kyle's. The man reached beneath the dog and began stroking him. When the dog had reached its adequate stiffness, the man lined him up to Kyle's rear entrance, and the dog took over. With one mighty thrust, that had my brother screaming into his gag, the dog impaled him with his slippery cock.

When the man was satisfied that the dog was doing well without him, he led the other dog behind me. He pulled on my collar as he attached the dog's collar to it. My dick responded knowing what was about to happen. I felt him reach behind me and begin to stroke 'my' dog as well.

As soon as I felt the soft member touch my anus, the dog thrust into me as hard as his partner did to Kyle. I was speared by a German Shepherd's cock. It was like I was being fucked for the first time again. The dog was not kind, or gentle. He had his 'bitch' where he wanted 'her' and he had his way with 'her'.

My asshole was on fire as he rammed into me like a jackhammer. As he continued to fuck me without mercy, I felt something hard begin to hit my rear opening. With one huge thrust my dog-lover shoved that knot (I found out later that that was what it was called) up my ass. That tore me apart like nothing else.

I screamed and cried like I had never before. The tears mixed with the rain, so someone couldn't tell, but I could. I was humiliated at having a dog fuck me. It was bad enough having men, women, or other kids (even classmates) do it, but a dog was somehow worse. For the first time since starting this the previous week, I felt ashamed at what I was doing.

As I squirmed around trying to escape the dog's assault, of course going nowhere, I vaguely heard my brother scream as his dog shoved its knot inside him. Now the dogs had us really where they wanted us and they took advantage of it. Both dogs began to pound into us faster and faster. The knots never left our holes, but it didn't seem to matter to the dogs. They just kept driving into us harder.

Another part of the assault that hurt also was the dog's nails kept scratching my back and sides. His paws started out on my back then slowly slipped to my sides. Each time the dog would force himself up, his nails would slide down my side. When the paws got to my hips the dog would readjust them to try to grab my ribs then they would rake my sides again. This went on the entire time he had me impaled.

The rain continued to pour down on the four of us while each dog pummeled us. The nightmare seemed to go on forever until the dog behind me made a familiar hard lurch and I felt his doggy-cum being shot into my bowels. Minutes later, Kyle's dog also finished his business in him.

Each of the dogs, having finished their business with us, apparently tried to climb off of us. Two things prevented this from happening; the collars linked together and the knots still embedded in our backsides. Whenever they tried to pull away, it sent shards of pain from my overstretched cock and through my torn asshole.

Finally, the man walked over to us and held the dogs down until the knots had subsided enough to disengage them from us. When the dog's cock had slipped out of my ass, I felt the warm dog-cum ooze its way down my legs. The thought of it almost made me sick to my stomach. The cum never dried on our legs, thanks to the rain.

After he led the dogs away, Kyle and I were left alone again. We both knew from experience that our mom wasn't going to untie us until that evening. We had to spend the entire day tied up in the rain. It wasn't long before the same man returned.

This time, he had two different type of dogs with him; a Great Dane and a Dalmatian. I prayed for the Dalmatian. I didn't get my prayer; I got the larger dog. My already sore asshole wasn't ready for another round of dog, but it got it anyway. This time, though the man started with me and the Great Dane.

When the dog hit its mark, it sent another wave of tortuous pain through my preteen body. Kyle saw was coming and closed his eyes, but he couldn't close his ears as I screamed bloody murder into the ball gag again. By this time, both mine and Kyle's ball gags had very deep teeth marks.

The dog started out as the shepherd had; a quick, violent slice, followed by long, hard, powerful strokes. This time, though, the Dane's cock was larger, as was the knot. I dreaded that moment of truth. I whimpered uselessly as this dog fucked his 'bitch' as well.

When the time came to impale the knot inside my nether hole, I wasn't ready. The pain was nothing short of excruciating. Again I screamed and cried. I begged anyone to take this pain away from me; I no longer wanted it. This was just too much.

As with the first dog, this one also dug his nails into my sides. But when he got to my hips, instead of returning to my ribs to get a better grip, he just stayed there. His paws would slip from their holds occasionally, and he would put them right back in the same place. Since Kyle and I are kind of skinny, his nails bit into the flesh covering our pelvises.

After planting his knot inside my anus, it was time to really go to work on me. His hips began working overtime as he strained to reach his climax. Following many tortuous thrusts from his hips, he, thankfully, made his largest thrust and sent his doggy seed deep inside me.

When his climax subsided, he flopped down on my back and rested, very much like a human would. He didn't try to pull his knot out, which I was thankful for, nor did he try to leave. He just laid there waiting for the man to get him.

When the Dalmatian was finished with my twin, the man walked out and pulled the two dogs off us again. The man left the house for a while and returned sometime later with two more sets of two dogs.

When the day was over, Kyle and I had been 'bitche to four German Shepherds, a Great Dane, a Dalmatian, two pit bulls, two large Boxers, and two Irish Setters. There was more doggy cum on the ground that day than concrete. I could see blood mixed with the cum when our mom released us.

When we were finished with a wonderfully hot shower, Kyle and I walked back to the living room where our parents waited for us. After Mom put some lotion on our cuts from the dogs' paws, we had to talk to them.

"Mom? Dad?" They responded with a hum. "Kyle and me don't wanna do this no more. Please don't make us." I was crying my eyes out as I pleaded with them.

It was our dad that answered.

"Didn't like the dogs, huh?" We shook our heads, no. "Well, we'll see," he said.

"They really hurt, Dad," Kyle sniffled to him.

"I see, Kyle, but you both wanted to do this, remember?" We nodded, shyly, looking at the ground.

"Yeah, but Dad, look at the scratches," I whined.

"Fair enough, Karl, fair enough. What if we put mittens on the dogs' paws?"

"It's not just that, Dad," Kyle jumped in, "those knots really hurt our butts when they went in."

"Well, Son, your mom and I had already talked, and we've decided that the only time that you two will have to do this is when it is raining hard. This way, it will wash away the dog's semen and no one will be out walking around to see it. Also, you won't have to do it very much, but you will still have to do it. You either agree to this or, we will make it an every Friday thing. Your choice."

We nodded at the agreement, not that we had much choice in the matter.

"Good, now because this was your first time with the dogs, you can sleep normally if you want."

"We don't mind that, Dad."

"Then get ready for bed, boys."

We slept in the top bunk in a 69 again, but this time, Kyle was on top of me. Good night.

Part III

11 Back to School

Kyle and I had to do as directed for the rest of the summer. We only prayed it wouldn't rain very much. It did. It rained about once a week. It had been the rainiest season on record, naturally. It was impossible to count just how many dogs were brought to us in the back yard. Kyle and I adjusted, though.

We got used to sleeping tied up. The usual way was tied in a 69 with each other's elbows tied to the other's knees and wrists to ankles. Kyle and I usually sucked each other off a couple of times before nodding off to sleep. We awoke to yet another day of bondage. Our eight year old bodies were becoming accustomed to the extreme nature of what was happening to us.

There wasn't a day that went by that we weren't tied up in some fashion. Pain was always part of it. To be honest, Kyle and I really began to enjoy the intensity of it all. It was like some drug that we had gotten addicted to, and couldn't get enough.

The summer did eventually fade into autumn and with it, our return to school and books. We were starting the third grade that year and were actually looking forward to it. We always walked to school and home the same way.

It was the third week back and Kyle and I had an afternoon of detention, as usual. After the after-school detention, we decided to cut through the woods to get home a little faster. The path that we used was normal for kids to use so we didn't think anything about using it.

When we got about half way through the woods, about six older boys came out of nowhere to surround us. Both of us recognized them; they were students of the junior high school down the road. Each of them spelled trouble for us.

They were the kind of kids that were always into trouble. Brian, the supposed leader of the group spoke to us first.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Two little faggots late leaving school?"

"We ain't faggots, Asshole," Kyle challenged them. We may have been afraid of them, but we weren't going to start off with weakness.

"Asshole? Did he just call me a asshole?" He said in mock surprise. "I think he did, Bri, wanna do somethin' about it?" It was Shane, the gorilla behind us.

"Yeah, let's do somethin'," he said, and without preamble, the six of them grabbed the two of us and threw us face down to the ground.

Our clothes were ripped from us without mercy. Shoes, socks, pants, and shirts torn from our bodies and thrown to into the brush of the forest. I saw them rend Kyle's underpants from his groin and mine came next. We were buck naked before these delinquents. Our arms were pinned to our sides as a pair of them sat on me and my twin. Brian knelt in front of my face to talk to me as close as possible.

"You see, faggot, I saw the two of you this past summer. Matt and I were walking past your fence when it was raining one day and heard something coming from your yard. We looked over the fence and what did we see? The two of you tied to a bench being fucked by two dogs. And the best part of it was that you both had boners. You enjoyed it, didn't you?"

I didn't answer. He was right, after a while I did start to enjoy being fucked by the dogs.

"Didn't you, faggot?" He said with a little more force and a slap to my head to get my attention.

I think I hated him more that he saw the truth in me more than anything else.

"What are we gonna do with em, Bri?" Shane asked his fearless leader.

"Give em what they want; tie them to that tree," he answered with a nod behind me.

Kyle and I were hauled up by our elbows, and dragged to the tree Brian had indicated to Shane.

"We even brought some rope, just for you," he said with a shit-eating grin. We were plenty scared, now. All bravado from Kyle was gone. We had no idea what he was planning.

Kyle was led to the other side of the tree than me and our arms were pulled to the sides of the tree with our faces against the rough bark. Our backsides were facing away from the tree. The tree's trunk was large enough to stop our hands from meeting on the other side. Brian wove our arms together, and tied a rope to each of our wrists and pulled them tight enough to scratch them on the bark. The free ends of the rope of my wrists were tied to Kyle's neck and the ropes to his wrists were tied around mine. Other ropes were tied to our wrists and were circled around our arms to keep them together.

Our legs were not forgotten. They pulled our knees towards each other and tied my right knee to Kyle's left and repeated the procedure on the other side. Ropes were wound around our ankles and pulled up to be tied to our hanging balls. Our entire weight was now being supported by our arms and they were tied to each others' necks. They weren't tight enough to cut off airflow, but it was uncomfortable as well as painful. If either of us pulled on the ropes, the other would suffer. If we used our legs, our own balls would suffer.

Kyle tried to get them to release us by threatening them again, but it was weak.

"Oh, shut up, faggot. Here, this'll take care of any more complaints," he said, then shoved our underwear in our throats. "Well, guys, I think we can have some fun, now." The rest of them guffawed at his little joke.

There was a willow tree nearby. Each of them took a branch and tore it from the tree and walked back over to us, swishing them in the air. I got the idea.

"This is gonna hurt you more than us, little faggots," he said as three of them lined up with each of us. Brian had lined up with Kyle and was apparently looking forward to beating him. In one fluid motion, he brought the branch down on my twin's backside, causing Kyle to let loose a muffled scream. He pulled on the rope also, causing pain in my neck, and I'm sure in his balls also.

The three behind me took their leader's lead and began to imitate him. One after another the teens lashed the branches down my back. Most of the time they would strike just by lower back and butt, but occasionally one would strike sideways and get my side. Every once in a while one would go astray and get my legs, also. Each one hurt like hell and I tried not to pull on my bonds, but it was next to impossible to do that. As the whipping continued, my balls hurt worse and worse as the ropes constantly pulled on them. My dick grated against the rough bark of the tree as each branch made contact with my skin, also.

After what seemed like an eternity, Brian called a halt to the whipping.

"Okay, little faggots, that was for being faggots. This is for us," he said, then took down his pants and I knew what was coming next.

Being a young teen, his cock wasn't that big, so for me and Kyle, this was going to be easy enough to handle. The other gorillas followed Brian's lead again, and took down their pants. Shane lined himself up behind me as Brian did the same to my twin.

I grunted through the gag as he violently shoved his cock up my backside. It wasn't the act of the rape that hurt; it was the scraping of my cock against the bark. He thought it was him that made me grunt and started making stupid comments to me as he thrust into me over and over again. My poor dick was bearing the full force of the assault, and I closed my eyes to try to think of something else. It didn't work.

"Man, you are really loose, faggot. Fucking too many dogs, huh?" Brian taunted my brother. "How's that one, Shane?"

"Just about the same, loose. Guess you were right, Bri. This is gonna take a while to cum, man. Oh, well." He grabbed my waist and continued to pummel me for all he was worth.

It did seem to take forever before I felt him lurch hard and spew his teen-seed into my bowels, but it did happen eventually. After Shane pulled out, another teen was waiting for his shot at my backside. And with one giant shove, he also impaled me on his fuckstick.

As with his predecessor, the only reason he caused any pain was because of my abused cock being grated against the bark of the tree. By now, my chest and belly were also getting roughed up by the tree's bark. As Shane's replacement continued to lay into me, the world seemed to swirl as even my higher threshold of pain was stretched further. Time seemed to pass by like a slow river going over an even plain.

Eventually this one also hit his Everest and finished. His replacement was next. The teenager walked up behind me and, like his two friends forced his cock in my rear entrance. This one was different, though. He held onto my hips as he thrust, but would slap them, hard, during his session. Not only did my hips and ass get slapped, but my sides and my back were hit as well, usually with a fist. I remember beginning to cry as this one would not stop fucking me or hitting me. The brutality of his assault was the most intense I had experienced to date.

I guess I must have passed out at some time, because the next thing I knew, Brian was laying into me like a jackhammer. He kept taunting me, saying things like, "you like this, don't you faggot?" and "I know this feels good, right?" The taunts were almost as bad as the continuous rapes.

Eventually, he released his teenage seed into me, but another one was there to take his place. This round-robin thing continued well into the night. Each one of them taking turns with us. When each of them had fucked each of us at least three times, they went back to the willow branches and resumed the whipping. The pain was unbearable.

When this round of whipping was finished, each of them raped me and Kyle one more time, then decided to leave us there for the night. After the other teenagers had left, Brian and Shane stayed behind.

"We wanted to give you somethin' to think about. If you say anything about what happened here, you will get worse than this," and with that, he raised his boot and stomped on our arms till they broke. Shane did the same to the other side. I screamed as I had never screamed before. Unconsciousness mercifully claimed me shortly after I saw them run away.

12 Epilogue

When I woke up, I was lying down and the sun was blasting its way into my eyes. I tried to block it out with my hand, but my arm wouldn't move. It was then that I remembered what had happened. I painfully opened my eyes to find out where I was. My first glance was of a sheet hung around in front of me. I realized I was lying in a bed, and slightly elevated. I looked to the right and saw my twin lying in a hospital bed with both his arms in casts, as mine were.

"Ah, back to the land of the living, I see," a voice assaulted my ears. I looked to see a man standing to my left with a robe and clipboard. "I am Dr. Ross, Karl." I looked over at Kyle and Dr. Ross added that he was going to be okay, also.

"You two are actually quite lucky, but there is a problem to take care of, before anything else is done. I'll be right back," he said, then left the room.

A few minutes later, he returned with two men in suits following him.

"Karl, these are detectives with the police department. They want to talk to you about what happened to you and your brother." I nodded to tell them I understood.

"What do you remember, son?" The taller of the two asked.

It took some coaxing from him to get me to talk about Brian and his pathetic friends. I eventually told them everything that had happened. He asked if any adults were present at the scene of the assault. I shook my head, no. The detective and Dr. Ross exchanged glances.

"Karl, we noticed that there was a lot of damage done to your, um 3;, your..."

"Asshole?" I volunteered.

"Right, um 3;, asshole," he seemed to fluster at my boldness. He recovered his composure to continue. "There was no way that those boys could have done that much damage to you as we saw. Are you sure there was no one else there?"

I nodded. "I'm sure, Sir."

"Then did anyone else do anything to you boys at any other time?" The shorter detective butted in, now.

I shrugged, hoping to side-step the question. I didn't want my parents to find out that one of us had told about what had happened at home over the summer. I wasn't sure anyone would understand.

"Was it your parents, Karl?" The first detective injected. My eyes almost bugged out of my head. "I think we have our answer." He said to his partner.

That was the last time we ever saw our parents. The state came in and took us to a foster home after we got out of the hospital. There was a trial for the gang rapes and with our testimonies and the evidence, Brian and his merry band were sent to a boys prison till they were eighteen, then transferred to an adult prison. The last I heard, each of them committed suicide after just a month or so of being there. No idea why 3;

Our parents and Uncle Billy were also jailed and the subsequent trial sent them to another prison. Our father was killed a year later, and our mother was killed four years later. Uncle Billy survived to leave prison about twenty years later, but died on the streets of New York. Apparently he was caught in the middle of a gang fight as an innocent by-stander.

As far as me and Kyle, well, our wounds healed, of course, and then we were shuffled around in the state system for a few years until a couple decided to take us in, permanently. Kyle and I did continue to sleep together, but not tied up. It was a tough two years because I did miss that part. I couldn't get used to sleeping without being tied up.

When Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael (James and Sara) took us in, and told us we were going to stay with them permanently, both of us were glad to hear that. On our first night in their house, neither of us could sleep. I crept into Kyle's room to sleep with him, as usual.

The next morning, Sara found us in his bed and smiled at us when we woke up. She didn't mention anything to us the entire day about finding us like that, so we let it go. That night, Sara walked into Kyle's room to bid us a good night. After kissing our foreheads, she turned and walked to the door.

"Sara?" I asked.

"Yes, Karl?"

"Could you tie us up for the night, please?"

She stopped cold in her tracks and turned around. She was smiling the same smile she had that morning when she woke us up.

"Why, certainly, Karl." She tied us in our favorite position, real tight, also, and left us to our bondage. Kyle and I were happy again. We spent the rest of our pre-teens and teenage years being tied up at night in that 69 position.

One night she got a little more inventive, and after tying our arms to the other's legs, she wrapped a rope around our necks and secured it to the other's balls with his cock stuck in the other's mouth. Each time Kyle got a hard-on, I woke up gagging, and had to take care of him. The same thing happened for me, also. This became the new habit for us.

James and Sara would never fuck us, but they did leave us tied up in different places around the house and outside the house. Kyle and I enjoyed those years immensely.

We graduated from high school at eighteen, like other kids, and went to the same college. We got married to similar girls when we finished school. Kyle ended up getting three boys and a girl. I had two girls and two boys. All the kids were about the same ages, all within a month or two of each other. Spooky.

One day, my oldest son, Jeffery, when he was seven walked into the kitchen with is cousin, Jonathan (same age). Kyle and I were seated at the table, visiting while our wives were out shopping, when the boys walked in the room.

"Dad, Uncle Kyle?" Jeffery asked.

I stopped talking to Kyle and turned to my son. "Yeah, son?"

"Could you tie us up, please?"

Kyle and I looked at each other and grinned. "Why, sure 3;"

A good time was had by all.

The End