PZA Boy Stories


Amazon Steppes


Alexander the Great was once supposed to have received the Queen of the Amazons in his encampment. The Queen requested that they mate, contending that the product of their union would be the greatest warrior in history. Alexander, amused and intrigued by the solicitation, obliged but, alas, their brief liaison was not fruitful. However, this three-part story attempts to describe the normal rituals carried out by the Amazons to identify suitable males for the purposes of reproduction, what the consequences were if the candidates did not meet their exacting standards and what happened when they were later deemed to have served their purpose.
Publ. Feb 2002 (Eunuch); this site Jun 2007
Finished 8,000 words (16 pages)


Roxus (16yo)

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/antiquity
Ft eunuch – nc anal mast oral – bd humil spank – castr


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.
If you don't like reading stories about sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?
This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.
It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.

Table of Contents

  1. Candidates
  2. Selection
  3. Geldings & Stallions

Chapter One

(Central Asian Steppes, May 320 B.C.)

16 years old Roxus was a handsome lightly tanned Scythian, part of a family group that had established a new settlement on the northernmost extremities of the lands claimed by his people. It was only after his capture that the youth realised that the ferocious raiders, torsos covered by leather armour, who had attacked, despoiled and pillaged his village at dawn, killing many in the process, were all young women.

Roxus had heard tales of the fierce Amazons, a 10,000-strong nomadic tribe consisting, apart from some slaves, entirely of females. They roamed the vast Steppes of Central Asia looking for fresh pastures for their many horses and new places to plunder. The youth knew that, because of the awesome reputation of the Amazons, it was not overly humiliating to have been overwhelmed and taken prisoner by their warriors. However, he could not help looking constantly shamed and downcast as he was led towards their huge encampment.

The very handsome brown haired and eyed youth had had his hands tied behind his back and his neck linked by rope to a mounted Amazon in front of him, whose pace was making the lad run. Roxus was not the only Scythian boy to have been abducted as three similarly looking and aged cousins were being dragged in the same way by three other horsewomen. All the captives were barefoot and dressed only in simple light brown sleeveless tunics with thong-like undergarments of a darker chestnut hue.

The Amazons did not make their new captives run all the way to their distant encampment, which was reached at dusk, but occasionally reduced their horses' progress to a slow trot to give the youths some respite. The women did not want the young males to collapse on them through exhaustion, at least not yet.

Oil-fuelled torches on tall poles had already been lit when the temporary home of the Amazons was reached as the sun began to set. Roxus experienced a strange mixture of shame, fear and amazement as the large successful raiding party rode through the camp towards the magnificent tent of their Queen, horses draped with inanimate booty whilst four also displayed in their wake the young human male prizes. It was the latter that interested most of the many women and girls who emerged from under their canopies to cheer the returning heroes. Fortunately for the four captives, they could not understand the remarks being shouted at them as their humiliation would have been significantly intensified if they had been able to translate the ribald commentaries.

The beautiful 35 years old Queen, richly attired in white flowing low-cut robes that presented her splendid cleavage to erotic perfection, came out from her own tent to welcome the victorious warriors and accept the fruits of their expedition. The latter, including the young prisoners, was lined up on the ground before the monarch and she slowly walked along the linear display to inspect the pillage.

The youthful Scythians, hands but not neck still bound, had been located at one end of the line and were therefore last to be placed under the seductive gaze of the Queen. Roxus' cock hardened involuntarily as the lovely monarch gently held his chin so that she could gain a better appreciation of the lad's fine facial features.

"Excellent!" declared the Queen, having completed her perusal of all of the captured articles, before pointing to the non-human acquisitions and commanding "take those to my baggage tent; I shall distribute them tomorrow." The monarch then gestured to the four tremulous youths and ordered "Take them to the slave stockade to rest overnight. In the morning, they are to be prepared for the selection ritual, which will take place as usual at midday!"

Roxus and his cousins were escorted to the stockade, a fenced area that was subdivided into four covered enclosures, two of which were empty. The young male quartet was placed in one of the latter. They were by now all very hungry and thirsty and desperate to urinate. They were therefore grateful to be unbound so that they could relieve themselves in a dark corner and to be given some bread and water. However, any thoughts that they might have nurtured about trying to escape later during the cover of darkness were thwarted when bonds were returned to their hands and added to their feet.

The young Scythians tried to untie each other during the night but found the twine knots impossible to unravel. They therefore eventually succumbed to uncomfortable slumber, fearfully wondering what the day ahead would bring and what role the youths located in two of the other enclosures played in the lives of the Amazons. Those imprisoned in one quarter of the stockade were attired in similar blue tunics whilst those in the other wore red.

Roxus and his cousins were awoken just after the dawn of a pleasant warm sunny day and, their feet unbound, were led by a young female warrior apiece to a big tent, inside which was a large bath made of strong hide with its shape secured by a wooden frame. The bath had already been filled with water warmed in pots heated over stone stoves. Four white sleeveless tunics, each emblazoned with a different black religious symbol, were hanging from pegs driven into tent poles along one wall.

The superintending Amazon, a fierce looking middle-aged woman, had the young Scythians held by their female warrior escorts and then first approached Roxus, with a very sharp knife in her hand. The youth, terrified that the woman was going to do him harm, began to struggle with his guard but this sign of resistance was quickly brought to an end by a feminine knee in his groin.

The older Amazon dragged Roxus by the hair back to his feet, from the floor where he had collapsed in agony, before using the knife to rip off the youth's brown tunic, which was soon in shreds on the floor. The lad now stood before her dressed only in his thong undergarment, the full outline of his genitalia clearly apparent. This became even more obvious when a quick flick of the blade severed the garment's waistcord and the cover fell to the ground.

Roxus blushed as the older Amazon began to examine carefully his superlative nude body, grunting regularly as she proceeded. The acutely embarrassed youth also heard the occasional quiet chortle from his younger female guard as his cock began to harden as a result of the unwanted attentions being paid to his sublime form.

The older Amazon gradually inspected every visible aspect of Roxus' body, starting with his hair and heading downwards. However, the check of the youth's anal virginity and genitalia were left for last. The young Scythian, now shamefully fully erect and damp with precum, almost came when the woman weighed his smooth ball sac in the palm of her left hand whilst manipulating his penis with the other to secure a view of the rampant member from all angles. The lad had particular difficulty in preventing ejaculation when the knife was now applied to his sexual organs, shaving away the few hairs that had grown on them. The blade was also used to eradicate the little crown of pubic hair above.

The older Amazon untied Roxus' hands and gestured that he should raise his arms. The feel of his younger female guard's short sword against his bare back encouraged compliance. The small patches of hair in the appalled youth's armpits were then quickly despatched to the floor. However, the knife was not needed elsewhere as his torso and limbs were now nicely completely smooth.

The older Amazon signalled that Roxus should bathe and, as the young thoroughly abashed nude reluctantly proceeded to do so, the woman moved on to one of the youth's cousins. Later, bodily cleansing completed to the satisfaction of the superintending female, the four naked Scythians were to be subjected to careful grooming by her hands before finally being allowed to redress in the white tunics but without undergarments. The lads, immaculately prepared according to custom, were then taken unbound to where the selection ritual was to take place outside the encampment, the middle of a large natural gentle hollow that would enable the whole tribe to watch the ceremonial.

The white tunics, with integral waistcord, worn by the four youths were very tight fitting, enabling the lovely bodily contours underneath to be easily perceived and appreciated. They were also very short, barely covering their loins. Roxus thought that it would only take a light breeze to reveal his privates.

When the apprehensive young Scythians, still held by their female warrior guards, arrived at the brow of the hollow, they discovered that virtually every Amazon of all ages was gathered on the embankments to watch whatever was now to take place. On the open space that comprised the centre of the natural bowl, the youths saw six short stakes had been driven into the earth several paces in front of where the Queen sat on an ornate wooden throne. She was flanked by young female warriors. They were all dressed in ceremonial attire comprising only short white topless skirts.

Roxus' tunic ballooned outwards at the sight of the beautiful Amazons, firm breasts glistening as a result of the application of perfumed oils. The Queen's nipples had been gilded. The youth felt his undisciplined cock beginning to throb.

A path through the anticipative throng was created by the female guards to allow their young charges to descend into the hollow to be re-introduced to the Queen. As Roxus approached the enthroned monarch, he saw that a young man in a red tunic stood next to her, apparently the only male present apart from the four Scythians. The youth was soon to discover the reason for this personage's attendance for he was a fellow Scythian who would act as interpreter.

The four frightened youths were led to a spot midway between the stakes and the throne and placed in line abreast before the Queen. The lads' original guards then disappeared, to be replaced by eight topless warriors carrying short multi-stranded whips. "You are to kneel before the leader of the Amazons," announced the interpreter, "and thereafter do everything that is asked of you or you will be flogged!" The four Scythians, with Roxus' tunic still exhibiting evidence of humiliating arousal underneath, reluctantly complied.

"There are two types of male who serve the invincible Amazons," continued the interpreter in well-practised fashion, "those who are selected to assist the propagation of the race and those who instead slave for the almighty females, symbolised respectively by the wearing of blue and red apparel. Today, two of you will be chosen by way of challenge to wear blue and two red."

Roxus had pondered how the Amazons bred and what happened if they produced sons. He was not to learn until later that such babies were simply exposed in some lonely place and left to die.

"The winners of blue tunics," declared the interpreter, "will be required to service satisfactorily at least six great warriors a day or they will be transferred to red garments."

Roxus had also wondered what happened to male slaves when they became too old to serve the women, as he had seen none in the stockade or around the encampment who looked older than twenty. He was to dislike the answer when he finally discovered what it was.

"I have to advise you," the interpreter now said, "that those, like myself, who wear red do so because the colour is symbolic of the blood we spilt when we were emasculated!"

Roxus swayed as shock almost caused him to faint whilst he knelt before the Amazon Queen.

Chapter Two

(Central Asian Steppes, May 320 B.C.)

Despite Roxus' terror as he contemplated the possibility of imminent emasculation whilst he knelt before the Amazon Queen, the lower part of the 16 years old's tunic continued to balloon outwards as he observed the many beautiful young topless women surrounding him. The monarch herself was immediately in front, sitting very seductively on her throne and in such a manner that the young Scythian could see up her short white skirt. The lad was sure that he could detect the woman's alluring pubic hair within the shadows.

The Queen wore a small gold crown and, like her adjacent warriors, a necklace, armbands and anklebands of large brightly coloured beads. However, it was the oiled bare upper torsos that really attracted Roxus' attention, with firm lightly tanned breasts glistening in the sunlight surmounted by erect painted nipples. The monarch's tits had been gilded with gold whilst those of the warriors were painted in a variety of hues according to their rank.

One of the female warriors presented her Queen with a small white bag emblazoned with black religious symbols. The monarch placed her hand inside and withdrew a small round disc, itself displaying a motif that matched that on the tunic of one of Roxus' cousins.

The four young Scythians were kneeling in line abreast, with Roxus at the end on the right, and the selected youth was standing immediately to his left. "You," the interpreter commanded, whilst pointing at the frightened lad, "stand and approach the mighty Queen of the Amazons!" The boy hesitated briefly but was quickly encouraged to comply with the instruction by one of the two topless warriors standing behind him. She landed one hard blow of her short multi-stranded whip across the back of his legs, causing him to yelp whilst several red stripes formed.

The quaking young Scythian soon found himself standing immediately in front of the enthroned Amazon leader. Roxus noticed that his cousin was also exhibiting clear signs of arousal under his skimpy tight-fitting tunic.

"Give me your tunic," the interpreter now ordered, "and then prostrate yourself before the mighty Queen of the Amazons!" The quiet within the natural amphitheatre, unusual as about 10,000 females were watching the selection rituals, was broken by a low mumbling all around. This changed to loud cheering as the reluctant young Scythian was made to strip naked by a further blow from the whip, this time across his covered back, causing that part of the tunic to shred and begin to turn red. The youth's face turned a similar colour whilst he handed over the garment as he realised that the vast female assemblage could now view the full erection sported by his shaved genitalia. However, this did not make him forget to lie face-down on the grassy ground, arms fully extended above him, in prostration to the woman monarch. The lad could feel his cock throbbing against his belly as he maintained his demeaning position until told to rise and go to stand, with hands at his sides, to the right of the six short wooden stakes. The 16 years old's two warrior escorts accompanied him to his new ceremonial location.

The Queen drew another disc. The young Scythian so selected did not wait to be whipped but, after the example of his predecessor, who now displayed red stripes on his bare back as well as on his legs, performed all that was asked of him quickly and proficiently, to more cheering from the thousands of female spectators of all ages from about 4 upwards. However, this youth's smooth cock remained flaccid as he eventually joined the first lad to the right of the wooden stakes, also accompanied by his warrior guards.

Roxus was selected next and he too had learnt the earlier lesson. Despite his acute shame, the youth followed the interpreter's requirements without delay and, as he stripped, revealing a cock rising from the horizontal to the vertical and drooling precum because of the close proximity of such feminine beauty, the surrounding acclimation was louder than ever.

Roxus was repositioned to the left of the sinister stakes and was soon joined there by the fourth naked young Scythian, penis semi-hard, with both still guarded by two whip-carrying young women. The fateful pairings having been established, the interpreter now further shocked the youths by announcing the next rites whilst a water clock, whereby time was measured by water pouring from one jar into another and furnished within a wooden frame, was located in the middle of the posts.

"The first to be selected for each pairing," the young man declared, "will now sodomise the other whilst at the same time masturbating him. Both of you are to remain standing, the active partner facing the castration posts, and both must produce seed before the water clock expires. Otherwise you will be tied between the posts to be emasculated!" The faces of the already humiliated Scythians turned redder, not only at the command but the recognition of what the wooden stakes were for. All were virgins, their peoples' traditions forbidding sex with others before manhood, usually interpreted as being achieved at about 18 years. Three, including Roxus, were strongly heterosexual but one did have a guilty secret.

The young Scythian who had tasted the whip earlier took up the necessary position behind his cousin, fear of further chastisement overcoming his reluctance and distaste. However, Roxus' sublime buttocks lost some of their lustre to vivid red stripes as his two attendant warriors flogged his bottom in order to persuade him to adopt the necessary stance.

Roxus' cousin splayed his legs and bent himself slightly at the waist, placing his hands on his knees, in order to present his virgin sphincter better to his reluctant deflowerer. Roxus presented his still-erect cock to the youth's anal aperture and his right hand to the lad's semi-hard penis, as his counterpart in the other pairing had already done with his own partner. The stopper was then removed from the water clock and the interpreter advised "You may begin!"

Roxus was again hesitant but further flagellation of his rear caused him to thrust forward and, after a little initial resistance, invade his cousin's rectum with his rigid unlubricated cock whilst vigorously rubbing the youth's own member. His action elicited a loud yelp of a type that had already been heard from the other pairing, although both were drowned out by the raucous shouts from the thousands of Amazons. Only the Queen seemed to remain silent, although her face displayed a broad smile.

The first of the four young Scythians to cum was the homosexual. Despite the humiliating circumstances and the pain as his anal virginity was lost, the second of the selected youths, whose penis had remained soft despite the proximity of so many beautiful women, was fulfilling a dream, being made love to by a handsome boy. The manual attentions to his rapidly hardened cock soon produced the desired result and, to much ribald female commentary, which he could not understand, a large amount of white fluid spilt onto the grass underneath him. His partner, despite his initial discomfort at what he was asked to do, quickly followed by impregnating the lad's innards, pleasure at his actions having somehow subsumed disgust.

The other partnership was slower in achieving orgasm and Roxus was beginning to wonder whether they would soon be bound between the stakes when he felt the foreskin of the throbbing cock in his right hand pull back. Soon afterwards, he realised that semen had begun to fall to the ground and somehow this recognition caused his own body to quiver and issue its own sperm. The water clock then ran dry.

The four young topless female warriors attending to each pairing, still composing themselves after their ecstatic highs, separated the youths, causing popping sounds as softening cocks were removed from now damp rectums, and examined the anal evidence to ensure that the first test had been passed. The interpreter then informed the disbelieving young Scythians, as the water clock was being refilled, to adopt reverse positions.

The aghast Roxus reluctantly took up the necessary new position, facing the posts where he might soon be unmanned. He separated his legs and bent over to hold his knees whilst his cousin, semen dribbling from both anus and penis, grasped his cum-covered cock.

Roxus looked at the thousands of smirking yelling girls and women within his line of sight as he felt his partner's cockhead, restored to rigidity by frantic rubbing, being placed against his virgin sphincter. "You may begin!" were the words again uttered by the interpreter and Roxus was no exception in issuing an agonised yelp as he was agonisingly deprived of his anal innocence.

Roxus felt his cousin's penis painfully probe deep inside him whilst his own was rubbed vigorously. However, tears came from his eyes instead of sperm from his cock as the ministrations continued, his reddening penis remaining resolutely flaccid. The youth looked at the castration posts and saw that beyond the other partnership appeared to be accomplishing their tasks. The lad began to panic as the stakes seemed to be inviting him towards them.

Roxus suddenly felt the cock within him grow even more just before he experienced a flood of liquid gush into his insides, making him believe that he could almost taste the substance. However, the pained youth's own member stayed stubbornly soft and he was almost resigned to castration when he glanced at the Amazon Queen. The result was instantaneous. The sight of her wondrous form, especially the shining breasts with gilded nipples, immediately hardened his penis and a few more rubs by his partner, whilst he continued to view the beautiful monarch, achieved orgasmic success just in time.

After separation and inspection, the completely hairless bodies of the handsome but humiliated and red-faced young Scythians displayed strings of cum between both the front and back of their loins. All four 16 years olds wondered what the next shameful ritualistic requirement would be. They were soon to find out as the interpreter ordered, whilst more water was added to the clock, "The second to be selected for each pairing will now lie face-up on the ground, head towards the castration posts, whilst the other kneels over him in the other direction. You will then bring each other to further climax using your mouths!"

The young Scythians were appalled but not now surprised by such a command and, mindful of the nearby whips, speedily assumed the demeaning positions to yet more thunderous cheering. The phrase "You may begin!" again started the sexual action and Roxus, kneeling over his cousin, soon had his relative's semen-covered soft cock in his mouth. The youth did not enjoy this part of the experience at all but the feeling of his own penis receiving oral attention was another matter, despite having already ejaculated twice within a short period of time.

Roxus' cock rapidly became hard within his cousin's mouth and the reaction was reciprocated. The youths became oblivious to their noisy surroundings as they enjoyed the resultant sensations. To Roxus' shame, his pleasurable feelings seemed to be intensified by detecting a light breeze blowing against his previously virgin sphincter, now oozing excess cum and fully uplifted and exposed to view by the thousands of female spectators. The lads' bodies eventually convulsed almost simultaneously as they filled their partner's oral aperture with further white genital product. The tongues of the 16 years olds were later checked by their attendant females to ensure that fellatio had been successful, although spilt sperm running down their chins should have been sufficient proof.

The two naked young Scythians in each pairing were now required to face each other, still sideways to the position of the Amazon Queen. A short post with a bowl-shaped head was then driven into the ground between them by more women warriors so that the top was just below the youths' genitalia. A simple pair of scales was then produced and placed on a small table located for the purpose in front of the castration posts. The dish located on one side of the weighing tool was green and the other yellow.

It was the yellow container that was placed on top of the post between Roxus and his partner, whilst his other cousins were awarded the green and the clock was refilled.

"You will masturbate your seed into the bowl before you," announced the interpreter to the horrified young Scythians, "and the pair that had produced the most by the time the clock expires will become slave breeding stock whilst the others will be immediately emasculated!"

Roxus swayed as shock almost caused him to faint whilst he stood before the Amazon Queen.

Chapter Three
Geldings & Stallions

(Central Asian Steppes, May 320 B.C.)

The stopper was removed from the refilled water clock and the four 16 years old cousins started to rub their soft penises furiously in order to try to achieve a fourth ejaculation in a short amount of time. They were cheered on by the thousands of watching Amazons, everyone knowing that it was the most important masturbation of the young Scythians' lives, with the continued wellbeing of their balls literally hanging in the balance. As the frightened naked youths proceeded, they were standing in pairs facing each other, sideways on to the enthroned Queen and with their cockheads adjacent to the particular weighing bowl that would settle their fate.

Roxus did not wish his cousins, who formed the other pair, harm but both his partner and him knew that the result of the test meant either the immediate removal of their own testicles or those of the other duo. However, he was encountering difficulty in enlivening his cock again. The youth had never thought of himself as a sexual stallion, masturbating at most once a day whilst dreaming about the pretty women of his village, but realised that he must now demonstrate an avid sex drive or he would soon possess none.

Roxus could see over his cousin's shoulders and became aware that the other pair was achieving success. In fact, the homosexual came first, stimulated by the sight of his beautiful nude cousin standing in front of him, cock in hand. The amount of semen produced was not great but useful in the circumstances. His partner convulsed shortly afterwards, his own stimulation being gained by the visual proximity of the four young topless Amazon warriors guarding the pairing and his contribution to the green bowl matching that of his relation.

Roxus had managed to become hard but he still felt that he was nowhere near climax and his struggling cousin was only semi-erect. Both youths appreciated that little time was left.

Roxus returned his eyes to the six wooden stakes waiting for the losers and was suddenly sure that they were beckoning him to them. Fortunately, he then refocused on the Amazon Queen, still smiling seductively as she watched the masturbatory spectacle, and again, apparently miraculously, the effect on the young Scythian's groin was instant. The whole of the youth's genitalia seemed to expand at the sight of the beautiful monarch as white creamy fluid suddenly gathered rapidly, seeking urgent release.

Roxus groaned loudly and his body shuddered visibly as orgasm came. In his ecstasy, the young Scythians almost forgot the importance of aiming the reproductive product of his loins at the yellow weighing bowl but remembered just in time. The deafening raucous commentary from the women and girls all around intensified as he spurted his sperm into the dish. He had just beaten the water clock but unfortunately his partner had been unable to add his own tribute. Both terrified youths realised that a single masturbatory donation between them would be insufficient to save their manhood against the double dosage provided by their other cousins.

The two young topless Amazon warriors guarding each of the young Scythians now grabbed the arms of their charges, ready to drag the losers to the castration posts, whilst others collected the green and yellow bowls and introduced them to the scales. The youths were led before the table on which the weighing apparatus was placed, facing the Queen and with the stakes immediately to their rear.

The dishes, containing young Scythian seed, were held in place until a signal was given by the Queen to let them go to see which was the heavier. Roxus looked down as his softening cock, sadly knowing that it had performed its sexual function for the last time. He closed his eyes as the monarch waved her hand as he could not look whilst the scales confirmed his fate.

There was more voluminous acclimation as the decision was made. Roxus had to reopen his eyes to allow tears to flow as he felt himself being moved away from the table to the waiting castration posts to be splayed on the grass and tied between four of the stakes. However, this did not happen as instead he felt the grip on him by his two Amazon guards released.

Roxus now realised that he and his partner had been led away from the castration posts towards the enthroned Queen. The youths' escorts had left them to help drag the other pair to the stakes. Roxus looked at the scales and saw that it was the yellow dish that rested on the top of the table.

The interpreter addressed the released and relieved duo of young Scythians. "Come and prostrate yourself before the mighty Queen of the Amazons," he commanded, "before receiving your blue tunics." The youths readily complied, deeply sorry for the fate that was about to befall their cousins but also very happy that it was not to be inflicted on them.

The blue tunics, similarly tight-fitting and short to the white garments the young Scythians had previously worn, were produced by further topless warriors and the new male breeding stock, grateful to be covered again amidst the vast female assemblage, were instructed to sit cross-legged at the Queen's feet whilst the ceremony was concluded. They saw their naked cousins, now with four attendant guards apiece, tied between the posts, two splayed limbs sharing the restriction afforded by central stakes.

The heterosexual youth fought wildly but ultimately fruitlessly against being bound whilst his homosexual counterpart approached his fate more resignedly. The latter knew that, given his sexual preferences, he would not have been a wearer of the blue tunic for long as he would have been incapable of satisfying the needs of the Amazon females. The youth had tried his best in the selection test through a mixture of fear and not wanting to let his partner down. He also had vague thoughts of subsequently trying to escape before the tribal women discovered his proclivities.

Once the castration victims had been tied firmly and immovably in place, spreadeagled on the ground between the posts, the Amazon Queen, also chief tribal priestess, was presented by a warrior with the sacred emasculation knife, specially re-sharpened as usual for the occasion. She kissed it and handed the gelding implement to a more junior priestess, similarly attired although her skirt was red. The latter approached the appalled and terrified splayed young Scythians.

The junior priestess collected the green bowl, possessor of the young Scythians' last production of semen, on the way before kneeling first between the knees of the heterosexual. She smiled sweetly at the youth before placing the dish under his genitals and bringing her knife, an ancient bejewelled tool used thousands of times for the purpose, to rest against the middle of the lad's ball sac.

The junior priestess ignored the young Scythian's pleas for mercy and subsequent blood and shrieking as she began the emasculating cut, now to disciplined religious chanting from the Amazon throng. She held the youth's soft semen-covered cock in one hand as she performed her task with practised ease with the other. The incision quickly became big enough for her to search expeditiously for the lad's testicles, neatly severing one then the other and placing them in the green bowl already containing a sperm mixture.

The junior priestess then moved to the homosexual whilst a trained warrior cauterised the first wound, using a poker from a lit brazier located nearby. The green bowl soon contained four testes. After subsequent drying and painting, the testes would join others on display on the bodies of some of the warriors, the large colourful beads on their necklaces and armbands all emanating from young male scrotums.

Roxus wanted to vomit at the sight of what was being perpetrated on his cousins but somehow managed to refrain.

(Central Asian Steppes, June 320 B.C.)

The breeding tent was the biggest on the encampment, with a number of private compartments, with appropriate bedding, surrounding a central area. The male breeding slaves on duty would stand naked, next to an entrance of one of the compartments, awaiting selection by an Amazon before accompanying her inside for the purpose of procreational exercise. A female overseer would supervise the activities of each slave to ensure, using a type of abacus, that all were of satisfactory service to the requisite number of clients before being replaced by another.

Activity within the tent was constant at most times of day and night, with the breeding stock often thankful for the sexual respite caused when the Queen decided that it was time for her tribe to move to pastures anew. The slaves were all between about 16 and 20 because the Amazons considered that males blossomed to attain a peak of youthful vitality at such an age before their sexual powers and potency declined sufficiently to necessitate their replacement.

Roxus and his partner were not immediately introduced to their new function in life but were permitted to recuperate from their ordeal for a week, during which time they were well-nourished with aphrodisiac-laced food and drink to build up their sexual and other strengths, which would be much needed for the arduous ardours that awaited them. The youths were advised that, despite the temptations induced by the love potions, they would be unwise to play with themselves when released from bondage to eat, toilet and bathe but should instead conserve the energies of their loins for the tasks ahead. Both struggled to comply but succeeded in doing so by the time that one was taken to the big tent.

The other, Roxus, was escorted instead to the canopy of the Queen of the Amazons. The monarch had been frustrated at giving birth only to boys, who had been disposed of in the traditional manner, and was hoping that the young Scythian, whose beauty had caught her interest, would be more successful in helping to produce the right kind of child than her earlier paramours.

Roxus had already picked up a little of the Amazon language and, after being left alone with the Queen, was aware of what the command to remove his blue tunic meant. He blushed as he complied, not only at revealing himself nude again before the gorgeous woman but also because a full erection had returned.

The Queen, attired in the low-cut dress in which Roxus had first encountered her, walked round the excited youth to reappraise his fine features. 'Yes,' she thought to herself, 'a daughter of a union with this male should be a worthy ' She therefore walked to her large bed and slipped off her robe, letting it fall to the floor.

Roxus' rigid cock immediately rose from the horizontal to the vertical at the sight of the wondrous woman lying naked on the bed in front of him. He gulped when he saw her sweet firm breasts again and his throat dried completely at observing the small patch of pubic hair that adorned her loins. The Queen then signalled for the youth to lay beside her.

The young Scythian, still virgin as regards women, advanced as if in a trance-like state in order to obey. He felt as if he was in heaven as he brought his acutely excited quivering naked body alongside that of the beautiful Amazon, who immediately embraced and kissed the youth firmly and lingeringly on the lips. Roxus, overcoming inhibition, eventually reciprocated the Queen's wondrous attentions and soon the pair was writhing in mutual pleasure as hands and mouths roamed each other's bodies.

Roxus somehow managed to prevent ejaculation, despite his throbbing cock's acute desire to erupt the contents of his ball sac, until he was kneeling over the Queen, licking her nipples and presenting his engorged penis, oozing copious amounts of precum, to the regal vagina. The audience with royalty was then fully consummated as the youth began his thrusts to low moans shared with the woman underneath him. Large quantities of Scythian seed then fertilised Amazon regions. However, orgasmic ecstasy between the pair was not yet over as further lovemaking continued for many more hours.

Roxus was introduced to the breeding tent the next day. The mighty Queen of the Amazons did not want to be greedy with the young Scythian's favours, being prepared to share them with her people.

(Central Asian Steppes, June 316 B.C.)

Roxus had been to this place of encampment four times previously but knew that this would be his last visit. The Amazons came here for a month every summer, during which time the older male slaves, regardless of whether they wore blue or red tunics, were gathered up, tethered together and taken out into the wilderness by mounted and armoured female warriors, led by the Queen. The latter would return over a week later without the young men, who were never seen or talked of again.

Roxus was now 20 years old. Although he retained the looks of someone younger, he recognised that no male was ever retained beyond his current age by the Amazons. Despite his four years of highly productive service as a breeding slave, the youth appreciated that the tribe would now cull him along with his three cousins. All of the latter were eunuchs as his partner in the original selection ritual had not been as energetic in bed as the women expected of the wearers of blue tunics.

Roxus' anticipation was fulfilled as, just after dawn, his hands were tied behind his back, with neck linked by rope to slaves in front and behind. The line of newly discarded males was then escorted out of the main Amazon encampment for the last time. The young Scythian could not help looking at the female toddlers who were playing around the camp as he departed their world, for many of them were his progeny.

Roxus was fearful for his prospects and those of his fellow males as he had often wondered whether disposal of unwanted slaves was as brutal as that of babies of his gender, although perhaps by some form of sacrifice rather than exposure. He was right to be afraid for his body's wellbeing.

The party camped at nightfall, at a spot that displayed evidence of previous temporary occupation. The slaves' feet were tied to prevent escape and their trepidation as to what was going to happen was increased when four stakes, similar to the castration posts, were hammered into the ground nearby. However, Roxus' immediate concern was overcome when he was unbound and led to one tent for bathing and grooming before being taken to another, that of the Queen.

The Queen was now 39 years old but her beauty was undiminished and, as usual, Roxus' cock hardened at the sight of her. However, he noticed that there was sadness in her eyes as if something that she did not wish was about to occur. The young Scythian wanted to reassure the monarch, whom he now adored deeply, of his preparedness to submit compliantly to what he had guessed was imminently due. He did not want to shame her by trying to avoid or despoil Amazon ritual but rather please her by paying courageous tribute to the woman he loved.

Roxus now spoke the Amazon language well and said, despite expectation that slaves did not speak until spoken to, "Great Majesty, please forgive my effrontery in addressing you, but I am truly prepared to readily and happily offer myself for sacrifice in your honour!"

The surprised Queen did not reprimand the young Scythian but instead replied "We do not kill those that we discharge from our service. We come here every year to barter them instead. We therefore do not want the sacrifice of your life but rather something else. It is our tradition, of which I am custodian, that those who have helped breed Amazons do not assist the propagation of others!" Realisation as to what was expected now dawned on Roxus.

The next morning, the other possessors of blue tunics had to be dragged, begging and struggling uselessly, to the castration posts to be emasculated by a junior priestess. However, Roxus, who was last and was watching the rites whilst sitting cross-legged and unbound at his Queen's feet, simply stood up when it was his turn. He removed his tunic and prostrated himself in front of the monarch before walking unescorted to the stakes and splaying himself between them on the bloody ground.

The Queen herself received the bejewelled sacred emasculation knife from the junior priestess and advanced from the throne to where Roxus lay untied. She noticed that the young shaved Scythian cock that she had enjoyed so many times, not least over the previous night, was erect again and dribbling precum. The monarch kneeled between the young man's spreadeagled legs and leaned over to kiss him before reluctantly introducing the knife to his scrotum.

A heady mix of blood and semen was then produced as the mighty Queen of the Amazons gelded her brave young lover of the last four years.

It was a week later that the Chinese traders came to collect the annual fresh import of young eunuchs from western Asia, much prized in their country. As Roxus and the others were led away to their new futures, along a trail that would eventually form part of the great 'Silk Road', the new Scythian eunuch gazed at the Amazon Queen, resplendent on her horse, for the last time. However, his cock no longer rose at the delightful vision.

Roxus saw that the Queen was wearing a new necklace displaying only two freshly painted and brightly coloured large beads on its golden chain.

(Chang'an [Xian], China, September 316 B.C.)

Roxus was standing naked and ashamed on the auction block, hands on head and legs apart. Many prospective Chinese buyers were carefully and closely inspecting his lovely nude form, especially the excellent castration workmanship, or should that be workwomanship?

(Chang'an [Xian], China, September 301 B.C.)

Roxus was fortunately purchased by a Chinese scholar named Meng Zi, who was a devoted disciple of the teachings of Confucius and principal adviser to a warlord based in Chang'an. Such scholar-advisers were very common and prominent at this time in Chinese history, known as the 'Warring States Period' because of the country's disunity and strife caused by its subdivision into seven rival states. They counselled rulers on methods of government, war and diplomacy

Despite, or more accurately because of, the constant warfare, scholar-advisers helped to make the era a golden age of unprecedented cultural prosperity. There was a prevailing atmosphere of acceptance of reform and new ideas, as the various competing regional warlords struggled for survival by attempting to build strong loyal armies and defences, and increase economic production to ensure a broader base for tax collection. Coinage was introduced and significant strides in technological development were made. Public works on a grand scale were undertaken, including flood control and irrigation projects and the construction of canals. Enormous walls were built around cities and on northern frontiers.

These activities required a substantial increase in the numbers of skilled and literate officials and teachers, recruitment to such posts being based entirely on merit. Meng Zi (also known to modern historians as 'Mencius') was one to benefit and he was to be profoundly influential, making major contributions to the humanistic interpretation of Confucian theory. In particular, he synthesised relationships so that they were based on ethical behaviour, conjecturing that a ruler could not govern without the people's tacit consent for unpopular despots lacked the 'mandate of heaven'.

Given his beliefs, Meng Zi could not consider Roxus to be a slave but rather a servant and pupil. The elderly philosopher began to teach the eager young eunuch, unencumbered by youthful sexual diversions, many things. He was rewarded by the creation of a worthwhile successor who in turn passed on the Confucian refinements to many other worthy disciples, some of whom had to go into hiding around Chang'an when the King of Qin defeated his rivals to unite China in 221 B.C.., becoming Shi Huangdi or 'First Emperor', with his capital at Luoyang (Xianyang).

The Qin Kings had relied heavily for their success on scholar-advisers who promoted a different, more authoritarian philosophy, from that propounded by Meng Zi. In fact, there were so many rival philosophies being aired in the China of the time that the 'Warring States Period' is also sometimes called the era of '100 Schools of Thought'.

The consequence of despotic government, combined with the persecution of Confucians, was subsequent unpopularity for the Qin. This led to their displacement in 206 B.C. by the Han dynasty, which moved the capital to Chang'an, for they were the descendants of the warlords counselled by Meng Zi, Roxus and their disciples. The Han's adoption of Meng Zi's version of Confucianism brought unrivalled power to the dynasty, which was to rule for 400 years, and stability and prosperity to China.

As the now 35 years old Roxus lay on his bed, he did not know of the great contribution that he was to make to Chinese history by ensuring that his master's teachings were passed on to able followers who would help them become the predominant philosophy for two thousand years. The eunuch's mind was instead on the sad news that he had garnered from the annual caravan that had returned from trading with the Amazons, for the now 54 years old Queen had been killed in a skirmish with another large roaming tribe, some of the forerunners of the Mongols.

Roxus remembered the monarch's words to him on their last passionate night together as she fondled his genitals between bouts of intense lovemaking. "You should not regret too much their imminent loss of potency," she declared, referring to his sexual organs, "but should instead be proud of what they have contributed to my tribe in such a short time. You have the ability and courage to do great things, so go and do so without the disturbances caused by the desire to procreate. You have achieved enough in that field, it is time to move to other horizons!"

Roxus had learnt that terrible revenge had been inflicted on the people responsible for the Queen's death by warriors led by the new 18 years old monarch. The Scythian felt pride but not because he had become principal assistant to Meng Zi or a senior minister of the Chang'an warlord.

The eunuch was instead proud, despite his distaste for violence, because he knew that he was the father of the newly crowned mighty Queen of the Amazons.

The End