#1 The Apprentice
A young boy earns money for food by serving a man's more puriant desires
Daelyn (9yo) and Tish (adult)
Mb – cons oral
– prost
Daelyn moaned as he felt the man's cock push further into him. At nine winters he was certainly not a virgin, but still, Suthians were a well endowed lot and not many boys could take one without a bit of discomfort. He laid his head down and pushed his hip against the bedroll, his own stiff prick rubbing against the soft cloth with each thrust. The heat of the campfire caused the boy to begin to sweat.
"You're a warm one aren't you" the Suthian adventurer said. Tish looked down at the pale blonde Lithlellan boy and wasn't at all displeased with what he saw. The slender hips and thin body were common features of the Lithlellans. That and their almost whitish blonde hair made them desirable by many other nations as sexual partners. He marveled at how well the boy was handling his member. At nine knuckles long many women shivered at the sight of it, and here this lad was taking it like a Sammish whore.
"Please mister" the boy begged. "A little slower, you're much larger than I'm used to."
"I'll be easy on you boy" the Suthian said then suddenly stabbed the boy's inside with another inch, causing him to squeal. "But only if you quit begging like a girl."
The boy let out a deep whimper as he felt himself stretch far beyond the range of comfort. To be honest the boy did not mind the occasional romp with a man, oftentimes it rubbed his spot and caused him to feel good, and the money always allowed him to eat for a few days. The time with the Suthian was changing the boy's mind. It seemed like Tish's cock would never stop entering him and each inch was an inch more than he thought he could bear.
Tish was going as slow as he could and judged that he would not be filling this boy with all of him, at least not this time. Some boys needed to adjust to the full size of a Suthian, even those obviously well accustomed to sex.
The glow of the camp fire shined on the boy's body, making the boy's pale skin seem to gleam in the darkness. The boy reminded Tish of a lad from a neighboring village. He couldn't remember the boy's name, but like this boy, he was blonde haired and a squealer. He had wanted so badly to spend time with the little blonde boy, but the elders guarded the boy jealously, and would only allow the wealthy merchants a go at the lad.
Tish didn't have that worry now, the boy impaled on his rod had come willingly, had even stroked Tish's cock through his garment. He had wanted the man, or the man's gold. Tish could care less which. He was certain in the pious land of Lithlellan seeing a Suthian walking down the main street was an open invitation for every boy looking to earn some coins, at least without worrying about being thrown in with the men in the city dungeons for open solicitation.
The boy continued to whimper as Tish stroked down the boy's spine with his index finger, a technique that calmed some boys. Tish moved in and out of the boy at a snail's pace, the boy's anus clinging to his cock like a vise. The boy's pucker literally pulled away from the boy's body as Tish's penis came out and then pushed back in as Tish's penis thrust forward.
All Suthian men have experienced sex with another man as a boy, and for many it occurred more times than they could remember, almost a daily basis. In fact at the age of eight each boy was taken to a sacred spot to start his journey to manhood. Tish was no different, so he did not pity this boy, but did feel for him, it was for that reason, that he was as gentle as he was with the boy whore.
"Just a bit longer boy" Tish said in broken Lithlellan. Daelyn was not sure if the man meant the length of his rod or the time till he spilled his seed inside of him. Either way he knew he would have to endure it. Once a man paid you, it was a contract in nearly every city. You did your job or relinquished your money. Daelyn was not giving back the silver coins he held in his purse. That was enough money for meals for a week.
With each thrust the boy grimaced and whimpered, but he knew his belly would be full of food after this and it would be awhile before he would have to volunteer for this duty again.
Tish's concerns were more about the sensation the boy was causing him. He wished the boys at home were as tight as this boy. He was causing sensations he could not believe. Of course he could not take the liberties with this lad that he did with the lads at home, but it was still enough. His slick rod was now moving at a marked pace into the boy's insides.
Daelyn moaned loudly enough to scare a deer away from the man's campsite. The boy recognized the change in pace and knew that the man was nearly there, but he was unprepared for Tish to pull his cock out and place it at his lips.
"Open" the Suthian said as he stroked his rod.
The boy's lips parted in time to receive the first deluge of seed. Tish's penis jumped and lurched as spurt after spurt coated the boy's face and lips. He groaned as he saw that even the boy's eyelids were painted with his seed.
"By my kin, it's been too long" Tish said, looking down at the slender worn out boy. The man wiped his seed from the boy's face and fed it to the lad. Daelyn did not object, for this was seen as part of his duty to the man. A man's seed belonged inside the receptacle of his choosing.
"This lad is clearly a whore" the captain yelled at the top of his lungs.
"No" Tish said. "He is merely my servant; he is undressed to prevent his clothes from being sullied by the dirt."
"Sullied by your seed" a soldier snorted, causing the captain to glare at him.
"As you know" the captain said, "Solicitation outside of a licensed fest hall is against the laws of the land."
"I would not call the tasks the lad has performed, solicitation" claimed Tish confidently.
"Then show us the boy's bottom" the captain said. "If he did not solicit you, then he shouldn't have any signs of use."
"My, you are a vulgar man" Tish said in a sarcastic tone, causing the soldier to suppress a laugh.
"Come here boy" Tish said, motioning for Daelyn to come out from behind the tree he was hiding. "Show the man your backside."
Daelyn looked frightened at the thought of showing the man who had woken him with a kick to the stomach his backside.
"Show him and he'll leave" Tish said in a comforting voice. "Come now, be a brave lad."
Daelyn did not know how showing these men his recently used anus would prove Tish's argument in the least, but he realized that he had little choice in the matter.
"My god" the captain said in a deep voice. "Did you lend the lad to your horse?"
The boy's anus was still slightly distended from his time with Tish. It appeared to wink at the men who viewed him.
"No" the Suthian said with a smirk.
"And this is your proof of innocence?" the captain asked.
"Yes" the Suthian said. "I am innocent because this boy did not solicit me for sex, but rather for service, as my apprentice."
"You spend time with your apprentices in that way?" the Captain asked in an irritated voice.
"Why, yes" Tish said. "In order to be an apprentice a lad must first be broken in. There are many duties a lad performs for a man in a Suthian camp. The sooner they are shown, the easier it is on the lad."
"So where are his papers then? He must have papers? Did his parents just give him to you?"
"My parents sent me to the city last year" Daelyn said. "I was the oldest and
"I understand lad" the captain said. "So you claim he is your master? You know what that means?"
"That I must serve him till I am a man" the boy said. "Yes I know."
"You need not go with this savage" the captain said almost begging the boy. "I can ensure you suffer no abuse at the cells."
The boy was quiet for awhile then looked at the slender figure of the captain, his countryman, and shook his head.
"I am his apprentice" the boy said. "And I serve my master as he pleases."
"Alright then" the captain said in an ominous tone. "Then let me be certain that all the proper papers are sorted."
Tish groaned as the last inch of his cock sunk into the depths of young, Daelyn. The boy still whimpered, but withstood the man's assault, after all Tish had saved him from the dungeon. Daelyn was certain that much worse would've been endured there.
"My brothers will love you boy" Tish said in a husky voice.
"Are they as big as you?" Daelyn asked.
"Two of them are about the same size" Tish replied. "But don't be worried it'll be several months before I reach my village and when I do, I'll have you well stretched."
"Uhh. Uhh. Uhhh" young Daelyn grunted as the Suthian thrust inside of him. He swore he could feel every vein on that huge cock. He wondered briefly if it would've been easier on him if he had gone to the dungeon?
Daelyn sucked the end of the stranger's penis, trying to drown out of the plaintive wails of the youngster behind him. The lad was barely eight summers at best and clearly not prepared to accept his master's rod, but Daelyn had learned once his master was worked up, that rarely stopped him.
The young fair skinned Sammish boy whimpered as he looked and saw that only three inches [7½ cm] of the man's penis were inside of his hole. How could his father give him to this man? All for the pale skinned Lithlellan boy?
Tish moaned looking at the small child, his chest rising and falling with deep breathes. The lad was watching, shocked at what he saw. It seemed impossible he was sure, but there it was happening. He brushed the dark hair from the child's forehead.
"Please" the boy begged.
"It will just be a little longer lad" Tish said, deceiving the boy.
"Don't worry about them" the Sammish man said to Daelyn. "Pay attention to what's in front of you."
"By kin, your lad is a tight one" Tish said.
"I'm sure" the man replied. "We don't touch our own kind, as you know. This is the boy's first trip away from home."
Being reminded of the boy's innocence rekindled the lust in Tish's chest as he continued to work his way into the young boy. He heard the sloppy sound of Daelyn's mouth working on the boy's father.
"This lad has a mouth like velvet" the Sammish man screamed.
"Your son's ass is no less pleasant" Tish replied.
"I'm sure" The Sammish man stated as he thrust his cock deeper in to Daelyn's mouth then pulled out. "Come now, hands and knees. Your mouth isn't where I want to leave my juices boy."
Daelyn got a good look at the scene in front of him now, his face merely a few feet from the whimpering Sammish boy.
"My god" the boy's father said. "You really are putting it to him."
Tish said nothing as he slowly fed the last inch inside the boy's anus. He was quite impressed, it took Daelyn at least three tries to take it all, this boy did it the first time out, a bit uncertain, but no less pleasant. As Tish pulled out the boy was shocked at the hollow feeling inside him and for a brief moment he almost wished the cock was back inside him – that was until it was back inside.
The father listened to his son's plaintive wails, even as he slid his own impressive tool into the Lithlellan boy. His cock might have been a bit smaller and less broad than the Suthian, but he was sure the boy could feel it inside him and in truth Daelyn did and it wasn't the least bit unpleasant.
The upward curve of the Sammish man's cock caused him to caress the boy's spot each time he pushed in and pulled out, causing the youngster to experience jolts of pleasure. In fact it was becoming so intense that he felt almost constantly in a state of orgasm, causing him to cry out over and over, begging the man to continue. Daelyn forgot about the Sammish boy in front of him and could only think of the cock causing such bliss to him. His small penis throbbed over and over as it tried to shoot liquid that wasn't there.
"The boy's a slut" the Sammish man said, laughing "a remarkably tight slut."
"Shut up and fuck" Tish said, tired of the conversation.
The sound of sex emanated down to the inn's festhall, causing the men there to laugh at the boys' plight.
"I wager those lads will be walking a bit strange tomorrow" One man said.
"It wouldn't be rude if they shared the lads with us now, would it?" Another joked.
"I didn't take you for a Suthian now Kerb" someone shouted, even as the crescendo of grunts and whimpers reached a feverish pitch.
"By the Gods" the Sammish man screamed as he felt his seed boil and shot inside the young Lithlellan boy's pussy. Daelyn grunted and sighed as he felt the man's juice coat his insides. The Sammish man left his cock inside the boy, throbbing. He pushed the Lithlellan lad to his stomach and watched as merely inches away his young son whimpered with each of the Suthian's lustful thrusts.
The young Sammish boy had his ankles thrust past his head now. He squealed as Tish fed his cock into the boy's upturned ass.
"He knows how to put on a show" the Sammish man said, finally feeling a bit worried for his son's ass now that his lust had passed. "Don't hurt the boy, barbarian."
"He can take it" Tish said "can't you lad?"
"Oh please" the boy said. "It's too big!"
"A little to late to start begging now" Tish said. "I have to finish one way or the other boy."
"Quick now, take it out and feed the boy your seed" the boy's father said. "Show the boy some compassion."
"Compassion?" Tish thought, he had heard what the Sammish did to boys during the great war, of course this lad wasn't in the great war. "Fine."
Tish pulled his cock out of the boy's ass and said "Open up boy or it goes back up your ass."
The young Sammish looked up at the man with his tear stained eyes and nearly attacked the cock in front of him, sucking it into his mouth.
"That's good boy" Tish said. "You won't be eating dinner after you've had this."
A deluge of salty liquid filled the boy's mouth as he coughed and sputtered, trying to keep up.
"Eat it all" the boy's father shouted. "Swallow you sow."
"Arrgghhh" Tish screamed as he thrust forward filling the boy's mouth with cock and seed.
Daelyn cooed as the young Suthian behind him stroked inside of his bottom. The boy was eleven now and a favorite amongst the men and teenagers in town. He was not all that unhappy with his life, even the more sordid portions of it. He was not the only boy submitting to men here, each of them shared the task. He felt as if he was finally in a place that did not judge him for what he needed to do to survive, but rather embraced it.
The End
#2 Into the Valley
The story of a young Kithian orphan, who is taken to a valley by three Suthian men to suffer an ancient ritual
Uros (8yo) and Kushef (adult)
Mb – cons oral
Chapter One
Kushef walked ahead of the other three men. He looked down into the valley below and saw the sheep in the fields. Adros and Rushel were herding the sheep towards the open pasture. He watched the older boy, Adros as he moved, and marveled at how lithe and slender the boy was. He could not believe the boy had been coming on these trips for well over two year now.
He heard the high pitched voice of Uros, the Kithian orphan, behind him. Torish was telling the boy how to know if there were wolves or worse nearby. Uros was unlike the other boys in the village, with his fair skin and blonde hair, he was obviously not Suthian. In fact he had arrived in the valley at the end of the great war. A Suthian priest had brought a handful of bedraggled orphans to the village and pleaded with the villagers to give at least one of them shelter. Uros was about 4 at the time, and the oldest of the orphans, so the village agreed to watch over him, but the others would have to find someplace else. It was, after all, a small village and it was a chore to support the mouths they had, let alone a handful more.
From that point on, the village cared for the boy. The women doted on the cute little tot. Ensuring that he was fed and cared for. It was clear that Uros had no parent, but it was also clear that the village loved the boy and would not let any harm come to him. He was as much a part of the village as if he had been born there, perhaps even more so, because they had chosen him to be there.
Of course Kushef was the one who had made the final decision to select Uros and now that Uros' moment to be broken had come, Kushef had to admit, that even back then he had partially selected the boy because of his looks. Uros was one of the cutest boys in the village and many men had secretly fought to come along on this particular trip.
The robe that Uros was wearing did not do him justice. Kushef had seen the boy's body before, when the boys bathed together by the river. Men often accompanied them in case of danger. He remember the slender arms and legs, the well toned stomach and chest, and the fact that the boy's penis had no skin over the end, that was a most welcome surprise. Kushef was not sure if Uros' had Lithlellan blood in him or not, especially with his high cheek bones, lush red lips, and blue eyes. He was a most delightful boy.
Of course the boy's personality was also to blame for the man's lust. Uros was perpetually cheerful and talkative. Something that the brooding hillfolk found odd at first, but had come to find not only amusing, but also refreshing. Uros had cheered many a man with just his words, Kushef thought to himself.
Now it was time for Uros to start his journey to manhood. This particular ritual had been carried on for as long as anyone could remember. The Suth were not the only people to practice this sort of thing, in fact several others had the same proclivities, they just weren't as open about it.
"Uros," Kushef called. "The other boys have already begun bringing back the sheep. Go fetch some water from the stream."
"Yes my lord," Uros replied as he turned and ran down a path that led down the hill to the stream.
"It would be easier if you had a bucket boy," Torish shouted.
Uros laughed and slapped his hand to his forehead with a loud smack. The men watched him as he ran and grabbed the bucket and then proceeded towards the stream.
"Should one of us go with him?" Lothar, the youngest of the three men asked.
"No," Kushef said. "He'll be fine. If you're worried Versal can go with him."
The young teenager looked at them and nodded. He grabbed his staff from the donkey that had accompanied them and headed down the steps after the young boy.
"Versal mind yourself," Kushef yelled after the boy. "It isn't time yet."
"You jest too much," Versal hollered back.
Kushef waited til the teen was out of sight before he began to speak again.
"It's time for us to prepare," Kushef said. "Tonight Uros is to be broken. It is already a week after his eighth year, so there should be no objections to him becoming a free boy."
"None here," Torish said, with an irrepressible smile. "In fact I thought the boy would never turn eight."
"There's no need to be vulgar," Lothar said.
"Nor any need for your sudden piety," Kushef said. "Let us not fool each other. We've each broken boys before, but this will be different. Uros is desired by many and the fact that we are the ones here, well that will bring much anger towards us. The one who spills inside the boy for the first time, will bear the brunt of that anger, at least til the other men also spill themselves inside of him. I am saying this so that you know, I am willing to be the one to go first, if you do not wish to throw the bones."
"What a noble gesture, " Torish said in a loud mocking voice. "And per chance shall we pay you for this generosity, or shall you pay us?"
"There is no need for your tone," Kushef said. "Or have you already forgotten about Lolesh?"
Lolesh was a boy so beautiful that it was said the sky first weeped for him before all others. As the story goes, it came time for him to be taken to the hills. Many men wanted to be the ones to accompany the boy, but as tradition states, only three men and the boy's father could go. Lolesh's father could not bear to watch his boy being broken so he stayed behind, but three men finally were chosen by the bones, as was the custom. They took Lolesh to the hills and when the boy was brought back he was walking bowlegged. Jealousy burned in the hearts of the other men and even the fact that they could have the boy for themselves now, did not douse those flames. That night they nearly killed the men who had spilled inside of Lolesh in the hills. Lolesh, seeing this, ran from the village. As he left the very sky wept and brought down rain that prevented the men from catching him. It is said that the boy joined the unknown one in the hills of the dead and that if one ventured there they could still find the boy, not a year older, waiting for redemption.
"That is just a story," Lothar said as he drew in the sand with a stick.
"Yes," Kushef said. "But are we not sure that this wont happen with Uros?"
"What?" Torish asked. "That when we come back they'll beat us for having our time with the boy? No, more likely they'll be waiting for the boy in the festhall, oiled and stroking."
Lothar laughed aloud at this image.
"Why do the men want him so," a young voice asked. The men turned to see Adros standing alongside the cart. The young boy was obviously excited, his boyhood sticking out prominently against his robe.
"Well it's not because he's any more beautiful than you," Lothar said, winking at the boy.
"No," Kushef said. "But I will not lie to you, the men do want him something fierce."
"But why?" Adros asked.
"Because he is not like us," Torish said.
"And that is why," Adros asked.
"Do you not see him as beautiful?" Kushef asked the boy.
"Yes," the boy said. "I do."
"And why is that?" Kushef asked.
"I'm not sure," the boy replied.
"And neither are we," Kushef answered. "Now go back and help Rushel. You know you should not leave him alone with the sheep."
"Yes he might wet his wick out there," Lothar said, causing the men to laugh.
"My apologies my lord," Adros said. "I just overheard
"Go boy," Kushef hollered.
"Yes my lord," Adros said.
They watched as the boy ran down the hill dragging the end of his staff on the ground behind him.
"He was a screamer," Torish said.
"What?" Kushef asked.
"When we brought him here for the first time," Torish said. "We thought he would scare the flock away. We had to tie his loincloth around his mouth to quiet him."
"Yes," Lothar said. "If my memory is true, you had to bring him back in the cart because he could not walk."
"The boy was tighter than most," Torish said in a low voice. "It took more out of him."
"He doesn't have a problem now," Lothar said, remembering how the boy begged him to come to the woods to see something. What Adros ended up showing him, was how much cock he could take inside his hole.
"Yes," Torish said. "His spot is easy to find, sends shivers through the boy when you hit it."
"Enough of Adros," Kushef said. "We're hear to talk of Uros."
Torish and Lothar looked at Kushef and said at the same time, "We shall throw bones."
Chapter Two
Torish leaned back against the stone wall and watched as the wispy young Rushel lick the underside of his shaft. The boy's eyes were closed from experience, it wouldn't be the first time a man shot his juices out before it was time. Torish lamented losing the throw, but marveled at how well young Rushel attended to him. He wondered if the boy's father was going against convention and giving the boy's lessons at home.
"Easy boy," Torish said. "I don't want to finish with you tonight. It's Uros' first time."
The boy looked up at the man with a wicked look in his eyes and said, "If you let me taste you, then you'll be able to give Uros even more attention my lord."
Torish groaned. By the Old One the boy was delicious. He thrust forward causing the young boy to choke a little. Rushel pulled his mouth off the cock and started to cover the sides of Torish's cock with saliva.
"Boy if I end up giving you a taste, you'll be begging for mercy," Torish said.
"Oh please don't hurt me master," the boy said in a high pitched mocking voice, intending to entice the man.
Torish grabbed the boy by the hair and thrust his manhood inside the youngster's mouth, marveling at how huge it looked. Rushel was the smallest of the three boys there, in fact he looked several years younger than he actually was. This never stopped the boy from acting like a Sammish whore however. Rushel continued to gag as the man pulled him down on his manhood. Rushel was worried he might have pushed Torish over the edge.
"You want this from behind boy?" Torish asked. Rushel looked up at the man, his eyes watering and nodded. "Then you better get me more excited."
It really wasn't going to take much to get Torish more excited, the action in front of him was enough. Kushef, with his well endowed manhood, was pulling the wimpering Adros down to sit on him. Adros shook his head from side to side, his eyes closed tight and teeth clenched. He was still not accustomed to receiving the larger cocks in the village. In fact it wasn't uncommon to hear the boy's plaintive wails at night, only to hear them muffled by the man who was spending time with the boy.
Adros, in truth, was used to the pain, and believed that it was part of his rights of manhood, that it would make him a better hunter and warrior. If he could take something the girth of his wrist inside of him, then he could most certainly handle anything that he might encounter on the battlefield, or so he thought. However that thought didn't alleviate the pain of having something the width of your wrist shoved up inside of you.
With those thoughts in mind, Adros endured being impaled on one of the mightiest rods in the village, attempting to do so in silence, to avoid having anything shoved in his mouth. His wimpering enticed Kushef though and the man was using the boy perhaps a little more roughly than he needed to. When the boy had finally reached bottom, with the encouragement of his master, he let out a little yelp in surprise. Kushef was not going to let that be the end, at least not til Lothar began breaking in Uros. He grabbed the slender boy by the hips and lifted him off his cock. The boy looked surprised at the emptiness and then lost his breath as the thick cock filled him up almost immediately afterwards.
"You'll tear the boy using him so," Torish hissed at Kushef. Kushef's wisdom seemed to dim in the presence of young boys.
"He's taken worse, haven't you?" Kushef asked Adros.
Adros nodded his head back and forth, not saying a word. In fact he had taken much worse just a week ago when he was lent to a Kithian merchant by his father. The merchant was at least a fingertip longer and rounder than Kushef and the boy did not have the luxury of being on top.
"Here he is," the men heard a loud voice shout. The men turned to see Versal lead young Uros into camp. Uros' was shocked to see his two friends, one impaled on Kushef's penis, the other suckling at the end of Torish's, he wanted to run, but Versal had a strong grip on the boy. Versal's duty was to prepare the boy and then blow the horn that would be heard in the village many miles below. The horn would blow a second time when the men were finished with Uros and only if Uros was well at the end. Well of course meant the boy would not be bleeding and would be able to move his bowels. Of course if either did occur the men had enough experience to know how to treat either condition, so there would be little worry of any lasting harm coming to the boy.
Versal grabbed the last vestage of clothing from Uros and tore it off. The boy trembled as he realized that his passage to manhood would most likely involve the two acts occurring in front of him. Adros was wailing now, as Kushef hammered his cock in and out of the boy's tight passage, meanwhile young Rushel was preparing to receive Torish's dick in his own ass. Rushel looked up at his virgin friend and Uros could not miss the trepidation in Rushel's eyes. When Rushel let out an audible grunt and closed his eyes tight, Uros yanked himself away from Versal and ran. The men, preoccupied, could not grab the boy in time. Versal tried to grab him, but he had oil on his hand and the boy's arm slid out of his grasp.
Uros disappeared into the darkness before the men could even break free of the boys. The men cursed themselves for being so dumb, when they heard the sound of the boy thrashing in the wilderness, Kushef, his penis sticking out in front of him moved towards the darkness, only to see Lothar, carrying the screaming boy over his shoulder. The boy kicked and screamed, but Lothar held him tight.
"Quiet boy," Lothar said in stern voice, then brought his hand down upon the Uros' bottom, causing the boy to squeal. "I see you two were preoccupied."
Torish was standing now, but he had not let Rushel's off his cock, the boy had a pained expression as he hung from the man's cock, his feet dangling in the air. Rushel whimpered softly as Lothar's hand mussed up his hair.
Kushef watched as Lothar walked by him. Young Adros watched his master from afar, realizing that after this, Uros would probably be riding back to town in the cart as well. The men would not take kindly to the boy running and would use him almost exclusively. Adros understood his role tonight would be to keep the men stiff and ready for the young blonde haired boy. He heard his friend beg the men, 'please, let me go' and 'I don't want to be broken'. All the time the men held him down and spread olive oil over his body. They tried to calm the boy down.
"It's not so bad," Kushef said. "Look Adros can take me and he doesn't cry."
"I'm smaller than Kushef," Lothar said, stroking his cock, which although still well endowed was smaller than the other two men who were at least a knuckle or two longer and half a knuckle wider than Lothar. "It wont be so bad."
"I don't want to," Uros said. "Please don't make me."
"We can't make you," Kushef said, releasing the boy's arms. "If you don't want to become a man than you can go."
The other men looked at Kushef in shock, but one after the other let the boy go.
"We can't force you to take Lothar," Kushef said. "But if you do not take him, you will never be a man, which means you will never be able to leave the village alone or become a hunter or warrior. You will have to tell the men that you are a woman and when you become older you will have to take a husband, like the other girls."
"What?" Uros said still a little in shock.
"We can't make you," Lothar said. "But each of us had to endure this as every man in our village has. It is the pleasure you give freely to us that shows you are willing to sacrifice for the village."
"It makes you a better warrior too," Adros said from behind the men. "Because it shows you aren't afraid."
"Quiet boy," Kushef said. "If you hadn't been lamenting like a suckling babe, he wouldn't have been so frightened."
Uros looked at Kushef's still throbbing penis, then looked at Lothar's.
"It's smaller," Kushef said. "You make Lothar feel good and he'll break you."
"Like they break the horses," Versal said as he snickered. "You'll be a tame boy."
"Keep it up and I'll tame you," Kushef said, glaring at the teen.
From behind the group Uros heard Torish cry out in pleasure as the man came inside of Rushel's squirming bottom. Uros was awed as he watched Rushel impaled on the shaft like a loose doll, wimpering as the man's cock throbbed inside of him. After Torish's breath eased, Rushel began to twitch with his mouth open, lost to the world in a silent orgasm of his own.
"See Uros," Lothar said. "He likes it."
"Rushel is a whore," Uros said in an angry voice. "His father told us."
"But that is the reason why he is a whore," Kushef said, denying the boy a defense against the slander. "Because it feels so good."
Chapter Three
Uros wimpered as he felt Lothar's finger tenderly prod against his anus.
"Easy boy," Lothar said. "This might hurt a bit."
Lothar pushed against the boy's resistant anus, causing the boy to squeal loudly.
"If you can't take a finger," Lothar said, as he grabbed his throbbing cock. "How can you take this."
The boys in the village were fond of Lothar, because his cock wasn't so big. For one reason or another, about a third of the men in the village were well endowed. In fact these men tended to be at least nine knuckles long and in some cases a couple of knuckles longer. The women of the village didn't care to spend time with these men, and the boys dreaded spending time with them even more.
The average man of the village, of which Lothar was one, tended to be the boys' favorites. Also in Lothar's favor, he wasn't one that enjoyed making boys suffer (of which many men did) so he was hardly ever intentionally rough, which made him even more sought after by those boys who liked to spend time with men.
Uros did not understand how lucky he was to have Lothar breaking him in, if it had been Kushef or Torish, he most certainly would have endured much more pain.
Uros yelped as he felt Lothar's finger slip inside of his anus. The man waited for the boy to loosen before he pushed more inside. Normally a teenager would prepare the boy, because their fingers were more slender, but Uros had run from Versal once already and no one was taking a chance on the boy running again.
It was a slow process, one that could have gone quicker, but Lothar, being a kind sort, did not want to cause any undue pain, even if his cock was throbbing uncontrollably. After the boy loosened a bit, Lothar replaced his finger with his tongue, another practice that made him a favorite among the boys.
"Disgusting," Kushef said aloud, even though he never took his eyes off the invading tongue.
"Yes," Torish said. "If you can fit your tongue in there, he's ready for the rest of you."
"Patience," Lothar said, as he pulled his tongue from the boy's anus. "The more prepared I make him, the easier it will be later on."
The men knew he was referring to their time with Uros, which neither was about to give up, so they shut up and watched as Lothar continued to assault the whimpering boy's ass with his tongue.
Uros could not have looked more helpless. His eyes were closed as he lay on his belly, his ass propped up by a rolled up blanket. He would occassionally look over his back at the man assaulting his anus, but somehow it didn't seem real to him. He felt the tongue push against him. He felt the man's finger kneed against his anus, as if it was dough, but he couldn't place it as being real. It seemed like it was happening to a boy far away and not to him.
Lothar however was only as patient as most men and was ready to begin the real thing. He did not fool himself, he knew it would hurt the boy, but was sure if he took it slow, the boy could handle it, perhaps without tears.
He could hear Adros behind him grunting as Versal pushed in an out of the boy. Versal was already nearly as big as Lothar, even though he was barely 14 summers in age. He was proud of his size. He was especially proud when he could hear young boys vocalize their sodomy. In fact Versal had been practicing with his youngest brother at home. Many years younger than these boys, his brother was the tightest hole he'd found yet. He thought of his brother squealing and his father reprimanding them to be more quiet. Versal didn't have to worry about Adros being quiet, so he thrust in and out of the boy's bottom as quickly as he could.
Lothar paid no attention to the rutting behind him, instead he grabbed the jar of oil and poured it on Uros' hand. Uros was surprised, unsure what was expected of him.
"You need to put it on his cock," Rushel said.
"Can someone shut him up," Lothar asked.
Torish, having recovered from his earlier pleasures with the boy, pulled Rushel to his knees and thrust his cock in the boy's mouth.
"Yeah," he said. "That'll keep you quiet."
"I thought you had enough of him earlier," Kushef said. "Don't exhaust yourself before the main treat."
"I wont my friend," Torish said.
"You need to coat my cock with the oil," Lothar said in a pleasant voice. "So it will go inside of you without hurting."
Uros thought that made sense, but he was still unsure about touching Lothar's cock. Lothar took the boy's wrist and laid the boy's hand on his cock. His cock looked huge in the boy's grip.
"Now make it slippery," Lothar said. "The more slick you make it, the easier this will be."
Uros stroked the cock in his hand, covering it in the oil. He continued to stroke it, even as Lothar began to probe his ass again with his finger, although he was suddenly aware that it was more than one finger this time. Uros gasped as he felt his anus stretch wider than it had ever been stretched before. It hurt slightly and he began to worry how Lothar was going to get the huge cock he was holding in his hand inside of him. He didn't have long to worry.
Lothar pulled himself free from the boy's grip and positioned himself behind the boy. Uros looked over his shoulder, much like the boy ready to have a sliver pulled from his finger.
"It will be easier if you don't watch," Lothar said, partly because the boy made him feel guilty looking at him and partly because it was true.
Uros laid his head down on his forearms and waited for the next thing to happen. Lothar slowly put the head against the boy's slightly dilated anus. He felt the boy shudder. As he began to apply pressure Uros wimpered, then yelped.
"It's too big," Uros cried.
"It's not too big," Kushef said. "You'll see."
Lothar continued to apply pressure, even as the boy began to struggle to accommodate the penis stretching his hole ever so slowly.
"Arrgghh," the boy screamed.
"It's okay," Lothar said, as the tip of his cock suddenly popped inside of the Uros. "You're a brave boy."
"Oh mother," the boy said. "Oh mother."
"Your mother's not here boy," Torish said, snickering.
"Shut up Torish," Kushef said. "You forget I remember when you were broken. He's doing better than you did."
"It hurts," Uros wailed as tears ran down his cheeks.
"I know," Lothar said. "I wont put more in for right now."
The boy's anus literally shuddered around the man's cock. Uros sobbed softly with his face covered, once or twice he looked back to see that huge cock, only he couldn't see the end past his tailbone, instead he saw the base and the hair around it.
He would focus on the hair more than the cock. After awhile the pain started to die down. The sharp pain had gone, leaving behind a throbbing dull pain. He felt it move again, deeper and the sharp pain returned.
"Oww! Oww!" He hollered, only to feel more of the cock slip inside of him.
"God he's so tight," Lothar said. "I'm not sure he's ready."
"Yeah," Kushef said. "I don't see you pulling out though."
Everyone laughed, except for Uros.
It wasn't long before it was all inside of the boy. Lothar decided it would be better just to get it done with. The anticipation was worse for the boy, than the actual act.
Lothar moaned as he slid in and out of the slippery hole. He ignored Uros' plaintive wails, wails that could be heard all the way down the valley at the edge of town. People would tell them later that they thought someone was killing the boy.
Lothar had a great deal of stamina and towards the end, Uros only whimpered as his pale ass took the dark cock inside. He had accepted his fate. Uros looked betrayed as his eyes fluttered open and closed, and he took the occasional deep breath.
"What a beautiful boy," Lothar said. "It would've been a waste to leave him to the Kithians."
"Yes indeed," Kushef said. "We should hunt down that monk and thank him for saving the boy from those perverts."
It wasn't long after this short discussion that Lothar quickened his pace. With a final grunt he thrust in as far into the boy as he could go and released his juices. Uros was finally broken. Now he could be ridden by any man that could catch the boy.
I had a dream where a bunch of men were leading three boys up a hill. They were shepherds tending their flock. In the dream the men took turns with the boys. The men were Mediterranean in appearance, as were two of the boys. The men's favorite however was an obviously blonde boy. Now before you begin to think I have these kinds of dreams all the time, I don't. In fact I can count them on one hand. This one struck me as very erotic and since I had to start writing again in order to maintain my active membership, I came up with this story.
The End
#3 The Slaves of Derethe
This story follows the adventures of a young girl and boy as they travel from Suth to the coastal city of Derethe. Along the way the boy becomes the target of the slave master's lust
Seleesh (10yo girl), Deiter (8yo) and Antosh Teshna (adult)
Mb Mg bdog– Mdom oral anal – prost tort enema spank
Antosh moaned as he felt the young Suthian girl suck the end of his cock, her eyes watching her new master's face for signs of pleasure. She had been sold to the man merely hours ago, but was eager to please the man. Antosh's hand ran through her hair as she tended to him.
"Take more my dear," Antosh moaned.
The girl complied and began to suck more of the man's cock inside her mouth, running her tongue along the underside. She knew she was doing something right when the master thrust forward abruptly, sending another inch inside her, nearly entering her throat.
---The Previous Summer---
Seleesh ran through the field of flowers towards her home, carrying the basket of berries with her. She was certain her mother would make pastries for dinner tonight, something she liked very much. The flaky treats went well with the grains of wheat and minced lamb her family ate almost every day.
Seleesh was Suthian. She had three brothers and another sister, all younger than her. Neither she nor her siblings were older than ten seasons. A sign of her mother's virility and her father's unbridled lust. Her brother Cainen was eight summers old, the second oldest living at home with the family. He had recently entered into his service to men, the first step to becoming a man. Her other two brothers had not yet endured that ritual and still led carefree lives. Seleesh was glad she was not a boy. She heard her brother cry out when men came to spend time with him. She knew what they did to him, because he had told her once.
She had found him by the river cleaning himself, white slimy juices flowing from his ass and coating his thigh. She had asked him what the juice was and was sorry she had. Now when she heard him, she could not escape the image of her young brother and the men's snakelike penises entering the boy. The boy seemed complacent about the task, as if it was just another chore that was endured. She was certain she would not feel the same way if it was her that had to endure that kind of treatment.
It was on one particular day that this tradition would catch up with her and she would be dealt her fate, at no fault of her own. Again, she had come home early from searching for berries, having found a patch that had filled her basket to overflowing. Her mind was filled with the thoughts of pastries. She had not heard a sound as she entered the house. She sought out her mother to tell her that her chore had been finished. Seleesh was hoping that she might have the rest of the day to play. When she could not find her mother in the living area of her home, she went to her parent's personal bedchamber. What she saw stopped her in her tracks and caused her to drop the basket of berries she was carrying.
On the bed was her brother Taemeth, barely five harvests old, a pained expression on his face as her father pushed his manhood inside of the young boy's ass. The boy looked at his sister with pleading eyes.
"What are you doing in here you sow?" Her father screamed.
Her brother began to cry, knowing that what he was doing was wrong. Her father pushed Taemeth off of him and leapt across the room picking Seleesh up off the ground and holding her by her throat in the air.
"If you breath a word of this to your mother," her father screamed. "I'll sell you to the Sammish. They'll do to you things you could not even dream of."
Seleesh could not breath, she feared for her life, kicking at her father in an attempt to escape his clutches. Her father let her drop to the ground.
"Clean those up," he said, pointing to the berries.
Her father turned and walked back to the bed. Taemeth cowered in the corner as his father crawled towards him. Seleesh heard Taemeth beg as his father grabbed one his ankles and pulled him across the bed to him. He cried out as he felt his father's slick manhood push again at his tender anus. The entry was quick and knocked the breath out of the boy. Seleesh tried not to look, but could see the long thick prick stretch the boy's hole nearly to breaking. The young boy squealed as he endured his father's lust.
Seleesh, nor anyone else in her house, had any way of knowing her father was committing these acts. Other than her brother Taemeth, only her older siblings had endured her father's caresses.
Her family did not mention the two older boys, or the older sister, who like Seleesh had wandered in on her father during his frequent romps with the the two older boys, nor did they talk about why the boy's were sold before undergoing the ritual of manhood at the age of eight. To put it bluntly, it would be very hard for Seleesh's father to explain why the young lads did not possess virgin holes. So to prevent this, he had convinced his wife, at the right time, with the end of his knife, to sell her children to a merchant passing through.
This tore at the mother's heart. She had lost three children to her husband's greed, and although in her heart she knew the terrible act that might be occurring, she could not bear to accept it and had instead pushed it to the back of her head. It had been several years and the pain had lessoned, but the memory remained. Those times she saw her husband perhaps behaving too friendly with the children, the boys in particular, she would excuse herself and go to the village at the base of the valley and visit her sister.
In truth, the Suthian's did not discourage the intimacy of boy and man, but it was only when a boy had reached a certain age that it was condoned. Before that, a man could be fined for sleeping with a boy younger than eight, and in no circumstance could a father touch his own child. One who was found to be doing such a thing was tattooed, his foreskin removed, and forever after exiled from Suth. His property was claimed by the wife, who was thereafter considered a widow.
Seleesh's father was not prepared to suffer those consequences, nor was he willing to give up his attraction for his young boys. In fact it was almost impossible for him to keep his hands off young Cainen, who he knew must be sent off for the ritual to avoid any more suspicion, so in the heat of the moment he had taken his younger son, Taemeth, at the time three harvest old, to his bed, teaching the young lad how to use his mouth to please his father.
For two years he had entertained himself with the young boy, never touching his most intimate part, for fear his wife would find out. It was only after she had wiped his seed from the corner of the young boy's mouth and had claimed that it was milk, when it was quite obvious what it was, that he understood his wife would allow him his treats as long as he did not flaunt it before her, or so he thought.
For the last month, whenever his wife had left for her sister's, the father had taken young Taemeth to bed and had proceeded to enter the boy's ass, giving the boy a bit more each time. Going slow, trying very hard to prevent bruising or tears. The boy's bottom was very compliant and the man had succeeded in keeping his actions with the boy secret until Seleesh stumbled upon them.
To say the man did not love his daughter would be untrue, he did. The problem was that the man loved the warmth of his son's bottom even more, and it was that love that outweighed the love for his daughter, for that love was darker and deeper and held onto the man's heart with a fervor that he could not explain.
Even after he had dropped Seleesh to the ground, he knew the only way to keep the girl quiet was to implicate her into the foul act. So that first day she was forced to take her young brother's penis within her mouth and suckle it while her father moved his own cock inside of her brother's bottom.
She tried very hard not to look at the young boy's anus as her father pushed his cock in and out, nor to listen to her brother's whimpers. He was much too young still to feel the full feelings of an orgasm, so the most he felt were tingles. The tingles were not pleasurable enough to allow him to ignore the immense girth of his father rod, which was at least seven nuckles long, forcing its way deeper inside of him.
For several months Seleesh joined her father and brother, eventually doing so without clothes, she shivered when her father leered at her naked form. He never touched her private parts, knowing that his daughter's virginity was worth much more than he could earn in a season, but that did not prevent him from having her suckle his rod, especially when his young son was gone to the village for lessons.
She learned to suckle the man quickly. The first taste of his seed caused her to throw up, but soon after she became accustomed to it, although she never came to like it. She also became accustomed to helping her father enter her young brother, oftentimes setting her sex above the boy's mouth, as she gripped his ankles so that her father could enter the boy more easily and she could feel the boy lick her sensitive button.
This all ended four months later, when young Taemeth was sitting outside the village elder's tent, listening to his lessons. Taemeth's father's seed had run down the boy's thigh, nearly to his knee. This had gone unnoticed until the elder finished his tale and the boy stood up, leaving a puddle of seed on the ground where he sat.
A week later Seleesh's father's face was tattooed, then he was circumcised in front of the entire village. Her mother suffered thirty lashes with a cane and Seleesh, for her part, was sold by her mother as a slave. The man who bought her was a Kuthian slaver. He had assured her mother he would take good care of her daughter and that no harm would come to her.
The Kuthian headed west from Suth towards the city of Delethe on the coast of Vinter. The trip would take nearly four months before they arrived. During the trip Seleesh was deprived of the sensations her brother's mouth brought to her. The quivering that was brought to her body, was no more. The one time she tried to use her finger to bring herself some pleasure, she was beaten and thereafter forced to wear a leather strap between her legs.
When she walked the strap rubbed against her sensitive clit, causing her to feel the beginnings of pleasure, but never to receive it. It drove her nearly insane. She tried to seduce her new owner, promising him pleasures he had never felt before, but he merely laughed and brought out a young boy who was about seven or eight harvests old.
The boy looked Sammish, he was a small slim child, with no fat to speak of. He had a mop of dirty blonde hair that hung down to his shoulders, with his bangs covering his dark brown eyes. The Kuthian pulled his robe to the side exposing a thick long rod, longer than Seleesh's father's by several knuckles. The Kuthian watched the boy as he spit on his penis, coating it in saliva, then spit on the boy's bottom. The Kuthian hands nearly wrapped entirely around the boy's hips. The boy was very tight and struggled as the man proceeded to force himself inside the boy. The boy began to scream as he felt the thick manhood invade him. Seleesh tried to turn her head, but the Kuthian slapped the boy's bottom, causing him to cry out even more.
"Watch me slut," the Kuthian said. "If you don't he'll never forgive you."
Tears came to Seleesh's eyes. She watched as he thrust inside of the boy's bottom. Listened as the boy cries became incomprehensible wails as the man's increased the intensity of his thrusts, driving deeper and deeper into the boy. The man felt the warmth and friction of the boy's anus. The man's own precum was helping to coat the boy's insides a little, but still, spit alone was causing a bit too much of a burn. The man groaned as he felt his foreskin pass over the head of his penis. He timed the length of his strokes to prevent him from having to move to much inside of the boy's drying hole. When the man finally felt his seed rising he quickly removed his cock from the boy's ass, causing the boy to cry out. The Kuthian stood in front of Seleesh and laughed as his seed spurted out of his cock and landed on the girl, coating her face and dirty clothes.
"You want to give yourself so freely to men," the Kuthian said, tearing the clothes from her body. "Then perhaps you should show your wares a bit more."
Then pointing to the boy, he said. "You've brought this upon him."
The Kuthian left Seleesh to tend to the poor boy, crumpled up on the ground. The boy sobbed as he prodded his asshole gently to try and ease the burning.
After that the only clothing Seleesh wore, was the leather strap that covered her privates. She walked day and night, forced to enter village after village with only a thin strap of leather covering her. During the trip she watched other slaves in her party experience the one thing she wanted so much, that feeling of bliss between her legs. Day after day she was deprived the experience. She began to try and rub herself against things when no one was looking.
It was this that eventually allowed her young body to feel her first orgasm in over three months. She cried out despite herself, rubbing her pussy against a branch she sat on. Her owner appeared immediately and watched her. She saw him standing there, but did not stop, she continued until the feeling had finally left her.
"You have gotten what you desire," the Kuthian said. "Now I'm afraid you must be punished."
Seleesh was tied down across the back of a cart, her legs pulled back over her shoulders, exposing her young bald sex. The Kuthian stopped a young boy passing by, no older than six winters, and offered him food to exact the punishment.
"Here," the Kuthian said as he handed a piece of cooked lamb to the hungry child, who wolfed the food down immediately.
"Each time you hit the girl here," he said, pointing to the girls clitoris. "You shall receive another piece of meat. You only have 10 chances, so make sure you hit your target."
"No please," Seleesh begged. "I promise, I wont do it again."
"I'm sure you wont," the Kuthian said. "Go ahead boy."
The boy was handed a branch from a tree, the end the boy held was stripped clean of bark, but the other end still possessed thorns that protruded from the side. The branch ended in a small bulb that also had short thorns.
The boy was hesitant at first, but then he saw the man holding a piece of succulent lamb. The man took a bite.
"You better start before I eat it all," the man said.
The branch came down, hitting Seleesh on the left side of her sex. Small dots of blood formed where the thorns had pierced her sensitive skin. Seleesh screamed and thrashed against her bindings.
"Please!" Seleesh begged the man. "I wont do it again. Please stop!"
The boy dropped the branch and stood, visibly shaken. The man laughed and showed the boy a piece of meat then ate it.
"You missed," he said. "You might want to hit your target before we run out of meat. It's very tasty."
A desperate look crossed the boy's face. He paused and looked at the sobbing girl before him, then at the meat the man held. He bent down and picked up the branch, looking at the bowl of broiled lamb the man held, then at Seleesh. The boy paused a moment, then brought his arm back, trying very hard not to hear the girl's sobbing. He looked at the spot he was supposed to hit, he took a moment to aim, then brought the branch down again as hard and fast as he could. This time he did not miss his target.
Seleesh screamed and thrashed against her bonds. The most intense pain seared through her body as the thorns from the end of the branch pierced her sensitive clitoris. The boy tried to pull the branch away, but it was stuck to her skin. The tugging caused poor Seleesh even more pain. As the girl screamed over and over, begging the man to stop, the Kuthian gently removed the thorny branch from the girls sex, making sure no thorns were left behind to become infected.
"That's enough boy," the Kuthian said. "Here's your meal, eat well and remember what you did to get this food."
The young boy looked at the girl thrashing before him, tears began to well in his eyes. The Kuthian watched the boy run off with the food, sobbing, and could not help but smile at the young boy's misery. This was the first lesson Seleesh learned in her new life as a slave, not all monsters hid in the shadows, some hid in the form of men.
Thereafter a young girl was brought to watch Seleesh to ensure she did not bring herself to pleasure again. The girl was not needed. Seleesh dared not even think of pleasuring herself. She remembered the pain of her thrashing all to well. She looked at the Kuthian with fear in her eyes and prayed to the God's that they might deliver her from his clutches.
That deliverance came a month later when Seleesh finally arrived at the city of Derethe. Not even an hour after arriving the Kuthian brought the girls and boys in his caravan to the center of town. The Kuthian had been to Derethe many times before. It was one of the few towns that traded with the Pithian giants from the north. In fact many of the slaves would end up being sold for work in the northern mines.
Pithians were supposed to be the offspring of men and the gods. The average Pithian male was two heads taller than a Kuthian man, they normally were at least 10 knuckles long, but again the average was 12 knuckles easily. Most Pithian women were as tall as a Kuthian man, and nearly as strong.
Because of their size Pithians rarely used the other country's children for anything other than work, preferring women and men when it came to sex. Very few children could ever accept a Pithian without being injured. However, those few who were capable of managing a Pithian's rod were of high value to those few Pithian that did enjoy a non-Pithian child. If a child was presented to the crowd that could take even a knuckle or two of a phallus even remotely the size of Pithian's rod, they would sell for nearly twice that of a virgin. This was the reason why many of the children were repeatedly used during their trip from the distant lands to Derethe. The slavers were attempting to stretch them to their capacity in the hopes of finding one that could be sold to the Pithians for that purpose.
With Seleesh, the Kuthian knew right away from looking at her that she would never be able to handle a Pithian, so she was luckily left out of that enduring trial. The trip was not as good as the Kuthian had hoped, he believed only one of the children would be able to accept a Pithian, the young boy that he had sodomized after Seleesh offered herself to him.
The Kuthian believed that this boy was almost ready to take a young boy's fist inside of his hole, the first test many slavers impose on a boy, before presenting them to a Pithian. In fact in the last month the boy had been gently stretched over and over to the point that he could take nearly seven knuckles of a phallus three knuckles wide inside of him, as long as it was done slowly. Part of the boy's training was to sit on phalluses screwed to a bench in the back of of one of the carts. As the cart traveled along the bumpy roads and trails, the long thick phallus thrust in and out of the boy's ass, causing him to cry out periodically as he was forced further and further down on the rod, but also stretching the boy a bit more.
The boy had come to know the routine well, every morning he was taken to the edge of camp, a wineskin was brought out and hung on a branch. A hose that ended with a large nozzle at least four knuckles long and a knuckle wide was attached to the wineskin. The nozzle was then coated with oil and forced up the boy's bottom, and then water from the wineskin was slowly allowed inside of the boy's bottom.
The boy would squirm as his bowels slowly filled up. The Kuthian often performed the task himself, feeling the boy's stomach until it started to swell, then he would stop the flow of water and have the boy stand there for several minutes. Often times the Kuthian would stroke the boy's small penis to hardness, bringing the boy to a dry orgasm. The boy would shake with the need to release the water from his bowels.
"If you spill a drop of water," the Kuthian would say. "You know what will happen."
And the boy did know. He would be tied down for the afternoon, his ass well greased by another boy, and left for the guard dogs to mount. He did not care to be knotted, it was not fun and hurt a great deal, so he squeezed his bottom together and tried his best to keep the nozzle and water inside. Once the Kuthian became bored he would walk the boy outside of camp and remove the nozzle, allowing the water to poor out of the boy. He would repeat the process once more, just to rinse the boy out. After that he washed the boy down and put an even larger plug inside of the boy's ass. The boy was then allowed to play with the other children for the rest of the morning, although he was required to be naked.
Once before the boy had removed his plug and attempted to hide the fact. The Kuthian found the boy as he was pushing the widest part back inside his hole. He had tried to convince the Kuthian he had taken it out to go to the bathroom, but they both knew that since he began to have his daily enemas, the boy had ceased to have normal bowel movements. The man decided that the boy would be naked from that moment on. Naked he could not hide the fact that he had no plug inside his bottom.
Every day a few hours before noon, the Kuthian would have the camp broken down by the older slaves, the children would come to the carts. Those in training to be with the Pithians would take their place on the phalluses chosen for them, including the young boy, who would every once in awhile begin to beg to be allowed to sit on a smaller phallus, earning him a wrap on the side of the head and a quicker seat on the bench. The children whimpered occasionally, their free time ended.
It would seem strange that this Kuthian would allow the children to run and play, but there was a simple reason for this. The fact is, men bought happy slaves, not the sobbing slaves, so the Kuthian tended to try to ensure that the slaves that would bring him the most money were treated as kindly as he could. Of course he was still prone to acts of cruelty, but at least it prevented him from arriving with an entire band of children with broken spirits. So each morning the children played and then that afternoon the young ones took their place in the carts, while the older ones walked behind following. None of the children were required to wear bonds (aside from the ones set on phalluses), simply because they knew with quite certainty that if they tried to escape the masters dogs would hunt them down, and once they found them, if the dog's didn't bite them, they would most certainly do something nearly as bad.
As far as the Kuthian was concerned, the plugs and phalluses helped to stretch the children out, and never failed to impress customers who were certain that if the children could take a plug that big inside them that they certainly could manage their own meager dimensions.
All of this attention to detail allowed the Kuthian to develop a reputation for quality. There were no average or ugly children in his care, they were either attractive or beautiful. There were no disobedient children in his party, that was either worked out of them, one way or the other, or they were sold to some sleazy man along the way, under the stipulation that he perform his first act with the disobedient one, in front of the other disobedient children. In short he dealt in the highest quality of slaves. So the Kuthian was quite sure he would be receiving a small fortune this afternoon.
All afternoon men, women, girls, and boys, were brought to the center of the square and sold to the highest bidder. Seleesh and the boy waited their turn, watching the children they had traveled with over the last few months led up to the stage and sold. There was a sense of loss for both children, having those they had grown close to, seperated from them, and sent off with different men. It was during this melancholy moment that the Kuthian was approached by a Lithlellan man.
"These two," the man asked the Kuthian, "How much for the set?"
"I have no idea," the Kuthian answered. "They haven't been brought to the stage yet."
"Well then," the Lithlellan said. "I'd be happy to offer you a fair price for them, one that would guarantee you a profit."
"Oh," the Kuthian said. "I'm sure of a profit. This little beauty is a virgin and this one can take a Pithian with a smile."
"Oh really," the Lithlellan man said. "Then they should be worth a hefty sow. Would you say they would go for two hundred dethels?"
The Kuthian fell silent,"Two hundred dethels?"
The Kuthian fully understood that he would never get that much for the pair, perhaps one hundred and fifty dethels, but not two hundred.
"I have the money right here," The Lithlellan said. "You merely have to agree and it will be yours, however, if you dare insult my generosity by bartering for more coin, then I must warn you I will find someone else more accepting of my generous nature."
"I would not think of it," the Kuthian said.
"First a question or two," the Lithlellan said as if in deep thought. "They are quite beautiful, but are they broken."
"I will admit to punishing them a time or two," the Kuthian said. "The boy more than the girl, but both are good mannered and neither of them are dim willed."
"That is most certainly a good thing," the Lithlellan said, running a hand down the boy's stomach and pulling the boy's loincloth aside and stroking his slim penis. "Quite a nice package on this one."
"Not very large," the Kuthian admitted. "But perfectly formed."
"Indeed," said the Lithlellan, as he moved away and looked at the girl. "And this one?"
"She has her maidenhood still intact," the Kuthian said. "Although she does know a bit about pleasing men, in fact she tried to seduce me several times during the trip here."
The Lithlellan smiled, although he had never met the Kuthian before in person, the Kuthian's reputation as a sadist and boy lover was well known and well deserved.
"I'm sorry my little rose," the Lithlellan said to Seleesh, "But you were attempting to climb the wrong tree my dear."
The Kuthian blushed, "Two hundred is more than fair."
"One Hundred and Seventy Five now," The Lithlellan said. "I thought the girl was still naive."
"You said two-hundred," the Kuthian said, his anger rising.
"Are you bartering now," the Lithlellan asked in a calm voice.
The Kuthian stared at the Lithlellan and sighed, "No, not at all. One hundred and seventy-five then."
As the man led the children through the street, he smirked as the girl shivered from the leather strap scratching her clit.
"Would you like me to remove that strap," The Lithlellan said.
Seleesh looked up at the man shocked, and replied in a pleading voice, "Yes sire. Please."
The man knelt beside the girl and reached down inside his boot and removed a knife. With quick motions he cut the restraints holding the strap in place. The girl sighed as she felt her privates open to the fresh air. The man ran his finger gently over the girls reddened slit.
"We'll have to make sure that we put some lotion on this," the man said in a soft voice. "It will help to remove the soreness."
"Thank you, sire," Seleesh said, trembling from the man's touch.
"Now, now," the man said, looking at the two children. "My name is Antosh Teshna, but you may call me master."
"Yes master," Seleesh and the boy said.
The man held the children's hands as he led them through the busy streets of Derethe. It took a good twenty minutes before they arrived at his festhall, which was really nothing more than a brothel. Antosh had several children in his employ, and although not a cruel or sadistic man by nature, he was a businessman, and thus was more than willing to exact punishment for disobedience, especially if it led to a loss of profit.
Antosh preferred girls to boys, in fact he preferred young woman, but there wasn't as much money in young women as there was in young boys and girls, so he dealt in the product with the greatest return. Because of this he only had one or two girls that had started to bleed, the rest of them were still bald and most flat chested. As for the boys that produced seed, he had more of them than the young women, but only because there seemed to be a high demand for them.
The acquisition of these two would prove quite profitable for him, he was sure. If it was true that the young boy, barely eight harvests old, was able to take a Pithian, he could easily make his money back in a month. He sincerely doubted that the boy would be able to do it with a smile, but that was pushed to the back of his mind. As for the virgin Seleesh, he was certain that after she entertained some of his most wealthy clients with a small taste of her talents, that they would certainly be willing to spend a good amount of coin to be the first to break her maidenhood. He smiled to himself, indeed this was a profitable day.
Seleesh moaned as Antosh rubbed the oil into her slit, spending some time on her little clit.
"Do you like that Seleesh?" The man asked.
"Yes master," the girl said with a whimper. "Please don't stop."
"I wouldn't dream of it," Antosh said. "But I wouldn't mind some pleasure as well. Do you know what I mean?"
The girl looked at the man and nodded, her hand reached under his robe in search of his manhood. She was startled with the size of it. This man could easily be a Suthian, she thought.
Antosh smiled as she stroked him with obvious experience. He ran his hand across her flat chest, stopping to rub her nipples, bringing them to hardness, while still rubbing her clit with his other hand.
Antosh moaned as he felt the young Suthian girl suck the end of his cock, her eyes watching her new master's face for signs of pleasure. She was eager to please the man. Antosh's hand ran through her hair as she tended to him.
"Take more my dear," Antosh moaned.
The girl complied and began to suck more of the man's cock inside her mouth, running her tongue along the underside. She knew she was doing something right when the master thrust forward abruptly, sending another inch inside her, nearly entering her throat. He continued to stroke her as felt her excited breath on his cock.
"You're very good," Antosh said. "Who taught you to suck so well?"
The girl blushed and replied, "My father, that's why I'm a slave now."
Antosh felt a moment of pity for the child, certain that the child did not deserve her fate, but the rushing pleasure through his body drove that to the back of his mind as he erupted seed into the girl's mouth. The girl coughed a bit as it shot into the back of her throat, but did her best to swallow every bit of it. She kept him inside of her mouth even after he finished coming, waiting until he pulled her off of him. As the girl body trembled beneath his stroking fingers Antosh was certain she was worth every coin.
The boy sat on the edge of the padded bench looking at Antosh. The man smiled at the lad, pushing the boy's long blond bangs out of his pretty face. He was a small boy and he had a hard time believing the boy could take him, let alone a Pithian.
"So lad, what should we do now?" The man asked.
"Well at night," the boy started. "Before bed I'm supposed to be cleaned out, so that I don't filthy master's rod."
By the god's, Antosh thought to himself, "Oh you are?"
"Yes master," the boy said, staring at the man's bulge.
"Well lets see if you're clean now," Antosh said, guiding the boy so that he was bending over the stool. The boy's bottom was perfect, perhaps the most beautiful he'd seen. Antosh noticed when the boy clenched his ass, the cheeks would dimple, making the boy's bottom even more enticing.
Antosh ran his finger down the boy's crack until he found his hole and gently pushed his finger inside. The boy winced a bit, but allowed the man to do what he wished, not wanting to be punished.
"Boy," the man said. "You haven't told me your name."
It had been so long since anyone had called him by his name, that the boy almost forgot. He looked at the man over his shoulder.
"Men just call me boy," the boy answered.
"And what did your mother call you?" Antosh asked.
"Deiter," the boy replied.
"Well Deiter," Antosh said. "Do you know why I spent so much coin on you?"
"Because I can take a Pithian, master," Deiter said, wincing as the man worked another finger into the boy's tight hole.
"Yes," Antosh replied. "Do you know how big a Pithian is?"
"No," Deiter said.
"Then how do you know you can take a Pithian?" Antosh asked.
The boy thought for a moment and then replied, "Because master told me I could."
"But you never tried to take a Pithian," Antosh said, running a hand across the boy's smooth bottom. "Have you?"
"No sire," Deiter replied.
Antosh brought his hand down sharply across the boy's pale bottom, causing the boy to yelp, "It's Master."
"I'm sorry master," Deiter said, trying not to squirm.
"It's alright boy," Antosh said. "But I'm afraid I have some unfortunate news for you."
"What sire?" Deiter asked, looking at the man with wide eyes, realizing he had mispoke again.
This time Antosh began to smack the boy's bottom repeatedly with his hand, after several smacks the boy began to howl.
"Please Master," the boy begged. "I'm sorry master!"
Antosh spanked the boy several more times, then finally stopped.
"You mustn't forget to call me master," Antosh said. "If you called me sire in front of a client, I would be the laughing stock of the city. I would have to put you on a saddle and severely punish you. Do you understand?"
"Yes si
3; master," Deiter said between sobs. "I wont call you sire anymore, only master."
"Every man you meet is your master now," Antosh said. "And the women you meet you will call mistress."
"Yes master," Deiter said, calming down, but still squirming.
"Stop that or I'll have to smack you again," Antosh said, sighing.
The boy had three of Antosh's fingers inside of him and didn't even seem to realize it. A good sign he might actually be able to take on a Pithian client.
"Does this hurt," Antosh asked, pushing his fingers in and out of the boy.
"A little master," the boy replied.
"Why didn't you tell me it hurt," Antosh asked.
"Would you stop if I told you master?" Deiter asked.
"No," Antosh replied. "I wouldn't."
"Then why should I tell you?" Deiter asked. "It will only make you angry."
"Boy," Antosh said. "Some men will want to know if they hurt you, so be sure if someone hurts you, that you tell them it hurts. If they don't want you to tell them, you'll know."
"How will I know master?" Deiter asked.
"Just trust me child," Antosh said, as he prodded the boy's ass, certain that the boy would be able to accept his own impressive rod.
Again, although Antosh wasn't a Pithian, he was still over nine knuckles long and presented a struggle for most of the boys and girls in the festhall, even the older ones. He was fairly certain that this would hurt Deiter too, but he had to be sure that the boy could actually take a Pithian before renting the boy out to them.
Antosh stood the boy up briefly and removed his loincloth, a clear sign to the boy that something was about to begin. Deiter watched as the man removed his robe and stood in front of him with a half hard shaft that was even thicker than the Kuthian's, if perhaps a bit shorter. (It actually wasn't. It only seems to be, because of it's girth.)
"Suck it boy," Antosh said. "Get it hard so I can put it in your backside."
"It's big si
3; master," Deiter said. "Will it fit?"
"If it doesn't you'll be sent to the kennels to work until it does," Antosh answered, not knowing the boy had previously been forced to accept the Kuthian's hounds inside of him. The boy, of course, thought the man meant he'd have to have sex with all the dog's in the master's kennel, while in fact Antosh only meant that the boy would be cleaning the kennels, a task most of the boys in the festhall would try to get out of.
"Come now, get it stiff," Antosh said, touching the tip of his shaft to the boys pink lips.
The boy opened his mouth and took the head of Antosh's rod inside, rolling his tongue around it as he half closed his eyes, tasting the man's juices as they leaked from the slit.
"Nicely done boy," Antosh said, running his hand through the boy's long blond hair. "You've got a talented mouth."
The boy did not take his mouth off Antosh's staff, but rather took more inside his mouth, actually pushing it to the back of his throat as he slid his tongue quite expertly along the bottom of the man's cock.
Antosh wasn't surprised that the boy was a better at this than Seleesh. Boy's seemed to instinctively know how to please a man, perhaps because they had penises themselves.
It took no time for Antosh to become stiff. As he pulled away from the boy, the boy followed him looking up with his brown eyes, wondering why the man was trying to get out of his mouth. Antosh put his hand on the boy's forehead and pushed him off his cock.
"I appreciate the enthusiasm lad," Antosh said. "But it's time for me to try another hole now."
The boy whimpered, even before the man moved behind him, a dark shadow passing over his face, the smile he had vanishing, replaced by the knowledge of what was to come.
There was something the Kuthian failed to tell Antosh, a simple matter really. Yes the boy could take an amazing girth inside of him, but he never did it quietly, it still caused the boy an enormous amount of pain. The boy had become accustomed to being used without consent, so he did not struggle anymore, knowing that it would only bring more pain, so instead he laid there and allowed it to happen, sure in the knowledge that it would happen, whether he wanted it to or not. Antosh obviously was not aware of this. The matter of fact answers given by the boy, seemed to him to be almost cheeky, when really they were just a resignation of the deed to come.
Antosh found himself lusting after this boy, something he rarely did. Something about the boy lit a flame inside of him. Maybe it was the almost sensual allure the boy gave off, arching his back slightly, opening his legs just enough to allow the man to glimpse his tight hole. Antosh wanted to be inside the boy and he tried very hard to put those feelings aside as he rubbed oil over himself and the boy.
"Are you ready Deiter?" Antosh asked.
"Yes master," the boy answered.
Antosh pushed his thick rod against the boy's hole, feeling it give way and allow the tip of his shaft inside. Deiter's head shot up and he let out a littany of "ows" as he grew accustomed to the largest cock he'd ever had inside of him. Antosh did not stop, believing the boy was perhaps trying to get out of a good fuck by acting as if it hurt too much, instead he continued to apply pressure as he pushed more and more of his cock inside of the beautiful blonde haired boy. The boy cried out and shook his head from side to side as a sharp pain shot up through his spine. He gritted his teeth together and let loose with a high pitch wail from somewhere deep in his throat.
The Kuthian was slow, he spent a good deal of time opening Deiter up before bottoming out, Antosh was unaware of this, so instead of pushing and prodding his way inside, he applied a steady pressure on the boy, trying to reach bottom.
Deiter thought that the man's cock would never stop entering him, stretching him wider than anything before. He was sure that the pain was worse than anything he had endured so far. Tears streamed from his eyes and he beat his small fists on the soft cushioned bench, trying to drown out the immense pain he felt. He believed that Antosh had reached deeper than anything else had, and in so doing had wrought such pain, he could not imagine anything hurting more.
Antosh was shocked and stopped entering the boy, allowing the boy to become accustomed to what he had inside. Antosh was certain he had not torn the boy, but he did not understand how a boy that could take a Pithian smiling, could not take his rather puny by comparison rod.
"It hurts master," the boy sobbed. "Please don't put more in yet."
"I wont boy," Antosh said, feeling the boy's inside gripping him, perhaps not as tightly as some other boy's his age and size, but still tight enough to cause him to feel the boy throb and shudder around him. He waited silently for awhile, watching the boy's body shake and tremble beneath him, awed by the boy's willingness to accept his rod without a struggle.
"I should take it out," Antosh said, fearing he might be hurting the boy.
"No!" The boy screamed looking back over his shoulders, his cheeks streaked with tears. "I can take it master, please don't."
Antosh had no way of knowing that the Kuthian would punish the boy if he failed to come inside of his ass, either because the boy failed to take him or failed to arouse him. And even though that was a rare occurrence, it was a severe enough beating to ensure the boy would struggle as much as he could to ensure that anyone entering him finished inside of him. Antosh still had a quarter of his manhood left outside of the boy, he wondered if the boy would even be able to manage it.
"I'm ready master," the boy said between sobs.
Antosh waited for a second staring down at the boy, who was still crying, debating on whether to go or not, when the boy suddenly pushed the rest of Anton's cock inside of him. Antosh groaned, as the boy squeeled and then pushed his face to the cushion and let out what would've been an ear splitting shriek. Anton started to pull away but the boy brought a hand back and grabbed his wrist, trying to keep him inside.
"Please master," the boy cried. "I can take it."
"By the gods," Antosh said.
"You can be rough with me master," the boy sobbed. "I'm here to please you master."
"This is so wrong," Antosh said, looking down at the boy shocked. "I can't do this."
Antosh pulled free of the boy looking at the boy's distended hole, hearing the boy continue to sob. He felt inside the boy to make sure he was alright.
"There is no way you could take a Pithian boy," Antosh said. "Not if you can't take this rod."
"I can master," Deiter said, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Here lay down master and I can show you. You wont have to do anything!"
"You don't have to boy," Antosh said. "You can work the kennels and see some customers in the afternoon, maybe in a few years
"No please master," Deiter said pulling at the man's arm again. "Please give me another chance!"
"Alright! Alright, " Antosh said. "But I can't do this if it makes you suffer so."
"I can take it master," Deiter said, gaining some composure.
Antosh laid down and watched as the boy quickly climbed atop of him. The boy stuck his whole hand into a container of oil by the bench then proceeded to slicken Antosh's cock before putting several fingers inside of himself. Deiter finished by ensuring that the outside of his hole was slick as well. Then after wiping his hand clean, he leaned forward with his hands on Antosh's chest and began to sit back, pushing Antosh's manhood inside of him.
Antosh was amazed at the pace the boy took him, slowly and deliberately, his young face masked with concentration. A whimper escaping now and again as he took merely a hairs length inside of him. Antosh remained hard as a bronze sword, groaning as the heat wrapped around more and more of his cock. Deiter took deep breathes and closed his eyes, concentrating, not really knowing how much he had taken, but certain he could not take anymore, then taking more.
It took a good deal of time before even half of Antosh's rod was inside of the young boy, but he didn't care. He saw in this boy, something more precious than a boy who could entertain a Pithian, a boy who would do everything he could to entertain the man he was with.
Antosh waited until the boy seemed to be on the verge of blubbering again, when he said, "Ride me now. You don't have to put anymore in."
Deiter looked down at his master, surprised. He stopped for a second then slid himself off of the man's cock, then pushed himself back down. He fucked his master slowly at first, then feeling his master's hands on his hips, he began to move faster and faster, until Antosh was groaning, thrusting a bit more into the boy each time, eliciting a whimper and groan, by the time he felt the seed rising inside of him, the boy was clearly uncomfortable, crying out from time to time, but was able to manage at least seven nuckles inside of his bottom without sobbing. Antosh groaned as he heard a little gasp escape the boy as he thrust in a little deeper. The seed rushed from deep inside of him and shot out coating the young boy's insides, filling those places Antosh had not reached and then when there was no more room left, coating Antosh's cock with his own cum.
Deiter dutifully cleaned Antosh's cock with his mouth, then followed the man around, walking a bit bowlegged, waiting until the man was ready for more. When Antosh was, Deiter again climbed onto the man, but this time rode him in his master's bed.
Antosh stroked the boy's hair as he slept next to him. He was certain that this boy would be his favorite, and he was also certain that he could take a Pithian
3; in a year or two.
The End