Other stories by Bill |
Bill aka StoryguyBoyhood of a Clone |
SummaryIn the year 2055, gay men have formed communal living groups and raise children who are clones of themselves. Each year, nine children are born in the commune – three sets each of three identical boys, who grow up in an environment of free love among themselves and with other age groups of boys.
Publ. 2005 (Nifty & Paulicum); this site Mar 2009
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CharactersAndy (11yo) and Roger (13yo)Category & Story codesOther Man-Boy story/Sci.fibb tb – cons oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteLike it? Write to me at bil47_new(at)yahoo.com or use this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Chapter 1
Student: Andrew Watson, 3rd Year, U. Cal. – CyberCampus
Influences of a Gay Commune Upbringing by Andrew Watson.I have lived my entire life in Lambda Community, an urban commune in San Francisco. Just about all of my attitudes, including those relating to sexuality, are the product of my communal upbringing. In writing about early influences on my personal sexuality, therefore, I find it almost impossible not to branch off into a variety of aspects of my childhood environment.Although general attitudes in United North America have come a long way from the homophobic prejudice and repressed sexuality that were evident 50 years ago, many people in UNA do not have a clear picture of life in gay communes, and some are especially misinformed about communes with active cloning programs. When I first tell people on the outside about growing up in a commune, they frequently bring up the 'communist' systems of government that once existed in some countries, not realizing that the loose network of gay communes is just a lifestyle thing, in no way political or macroeconomic. But even here at UC-Cyber, where most students and faculty are familiar with the benign nature of gay communes, there is a feeling – totally fallacious – that we reject the libertarian social norms of this country's culture. Although this assignment is to write about the origins of my sexual attitudes, I have begun with a description of various aspects of life in a gay commune, in part to inform fellow students who read this submission on the course's bulletin board, but also to show how it relates to aspects of sexuality. My father was one of the early members of Lambda Community (usually referred to by residents as 'LC' or 'the Community'), joining in 2030, soon after he had earned his master-chef certification. The Community was recruiting for a prospective resident capable of supervising its gourmet-level food service, and Dad was very enthusiastic about the concept of communal living. The Community had acquired 12 floors of a late-20th century high-rise in downtown San Francisco, built at a time when the vast majority of workers commuted daily to a central employment location. Our building used to be called the TransAmerica Pyramid, but the company name was dropped when it was turned into residential space and artists' lofts. These days we're finally using all of our space in the Pyramid, now that the Community has grown to 93 men age 16 and over and 141 boys under 16. The founding members of LC followed theories originally propounded by Gay Studies scholars at the University of Amsterdam, who suggested that gay men needed to band together in new and larger family structures in order to create a stable environment for their cloned offspring. [Editor's note: All footnotes deleted.] Then as now, gay couples who mimicked the traditional nuclear hetero family were the norm for gay parenthood in UNA society. And while gay couples sometimes succeeded in maintaining long-term relationships, more often they split apart 3; to the psychological detriment of the offspring. Studies have shown that the natural male biological imperative to seek a wide diversity of sexual partners tends to strain gay marriages even more than it does hetero unions. Although human cloning has been around for almost 50 years, it was only with the development of in-vitro gestation in 2022 that simultaneous birthing of 'copies' became feasible. Communal child-rearing practices made it practicable for LC residents to birth their legal maximum of three clone-sons all at once. The plan worked out by the Community's founders has been in practice for 24 years now. Each year, beginning in 2029, the Community has birthed a new team – always nine sons from three fathers, gestated at the San Francisco Institute for Human Cloning, and born on December 31. While people on the outside are celebrating New Year's Eve, we celebrate Birth Day. It combines (and totally eclipses) both Christmas and New Year's for us. Men are selected by a lottery system to determine when they can become fathers. (I haven't put my name in yet; maybe in a few years.) There is a mathematical weighing factor to give better odds of selection the longer a man has been on the waiting list. My team was the fifth group born into the team system, on December 31, 2033. Like most residents of LC (and most people in the province of California), we have a broad ethnic mix. Me and my clone-brothers, Brandon and Chris, are of English and Vietnamese ancestries. Luke, Mikey, and Ned are a Japanese-Hawaiian-Portuguese mix. And Vic, Will, and Zak look like classic Northern European types but have some Native American blood too. Each team in LC gets a team name at birth. The first team was named Alpha; we're the Eagle team. The three dads get together and pick it. It's just one element of building strong group identity, where the six team members who are not your genetic brothers are essentially your fraternal twins 3; your team-brothers. The Community encourages friendly rivalry with other teams, with group rewards being given 3; things like the 'team of the week' getting extra dessert all week at dinner. And discipline is usually peer-enforced because punishment for kids is almost always applied to the entire team, with age-appropriate penalties like no recreational Internet privileges for a period of time. Even after a team officially 'graduates' at age 16, and members move to different living situations, the bonds among team members – both clone-brothers and team-brothers – usually remains quite strong (often enduring in adult partnerships). The teams are classified into three age groups, and moving up to the next group each time is a pretty big deal. The age groups are: birth through age 5 3; 6 through 10 3; and 11 through 15. When a boy turns 16, he's a full adult in the Community, just as he is under UNA law. Some people criticize LC (and similar communes) for keeping it's sons isolated from the outside world. I would agree that there are elements of the system that kept us rather insular. For example, schooling is totally in-Community until age 16. And younger boys can spend weeks at a time without going outside the Pyramid. (And I suppose our use of the terms 'outsiders' and 'the outside' to refer to the rest of society is evidence of a certain separateness.) But there are plenty of field trips around the city and into the countryside, and older boys get out as often as they like. There's little that definitively sets us apart from other kids in UNA, except perhaps for the loyalty that we feel to the Community and to our team. The Community has always been sexuality-friendly, more so in many ways than UNA society as a whole. The long-standing tradition of libertarian sexuality in this country is typically attributed to the convergence of three factors in the twenty-teens: the elimination of sexually transmitted diseases, the precipitous decline in the influence of organized religions, and the global prosperity brought about by the development of fusion power. But for the Community, cloning and team-based child-rearing have been an extra nudge toward complete sexual freedom. As common as it is for the average person in UNA to enjoy a variety of sexual partners on a recreational level, the prevailing attitude still seems to idealize the permanent two-adult 'nuclear' family unit for raising children. Because cloning and the communal environment have completely separated procreation and child-rearing from one's choice of living companions and sex partners, men are free to change partnerships almost at will without concerns about the effect on their sons. The stable population within LC (members practically never leave the Community) has meant that all the people who influence a boy's life remain in place regardless of his father's shifting romantic affiliations. In the Pyramid, living space can be easily reconfigured to respond to changes in the size of partnerships among residents. Most men live in partnerships of between two and ten members. (My current partnership has six, with a pretty good age spread.) Some men, however, like the privacy of their own personal space and opt for single-resident quarters in the building. Of course they can have bed-mates for a one-night-stand or an extended fling. Or they can visit the men's dorm if they want to participate in the anything-goes group action. The permanent residents of the men's dorm – 26 men as I write this – are mostly younger residents, but there are always several older guys who live there too. And nearly everyone else sleeps over every once in a while to participate in the action in the dorm's orgy-space or to party in the adjacent dance club. (Kids under 16 aren't allowed anywhere in the men's dorm, much less the orgy-space.) Sexuality for boys in LC is a bit more limited than on the outside, allowing exploration within their age group but prohibiting interaction with older boys. Here are the Community's rules for boyhood sexual interaction: until age 11, you can only have sex-play with members of your own team; from 11 through 15, no more than a 2-year age difference, but not with a man. So an 11-year-old, for example, can play with an 11, 12, or 13-year old. A 15-year-old can have sex with boys as young as 13, but nobody older than his 15-year-old brothers. When a team graduates to manhood on their 16th birthday, they all start out in the men's dorm. Their first year as adults involves a greatly increased workload of community service, and of course a greatly increased agenda of sex. (My observation is that guys around age 16 are the horniest creatures in the animal kingdom, so the men's dorm is the perfect place!) At age 17, a lot of us start university studies, but others go straight into vocational apprenticeships or mentorships, just like on the outside. There is a tradition that, on Birth Day, the team that has just turned 16 invades the men's dorm (their first time in), instructs the computer in the dance club to wake everyone up with high energy music, and instigates an extended orgy – with themselves at the center of attention. For the rest of the day and going well into New Year's morning, there are nine 16-year-old prima donna sluts in the orgy-space who are getting hit on at some point by nearly every adult in the Community. My memory of the day my team turned 16 is pretty clouded. With all the different rec-drugs that went along with the orgy, it wasn't surprising that I woke up late the next day with absolutely no idea how many men had had their cocks in my mouth or my ass. All I know is that I kept getting sly compliments from dozens of residents about how much they had enjoyed being with me at the Birth Day celebration. I often get asked whether guys in LC experiment with heterosexuality. The answer is 'rarely', and even then it's usually a one-time lark or a short fling. There are well-regarded studies showing that over 95% of clones of gay men self-identify as gay at age 18. And for guys like us who have lived all our lives in a totally gay-oriented situation, going with our biological attraction to other males is almost unquestioned. I've only had physical sex with a woman one time (I don't count the virtual reality Internet rooms I checked out as a kid). I was 17 and a first-year student at the university, and she and I were working jointly on a project. I invited her to the Community as an overnight guest. It was interesting, but also kind of 3; unnatural. I decided it just didn't appeal to me. Anyhow, there's a firm rule that outsiders are not allowed to spend more than two consecutive nights sleeping at the Community, and women have to use one of the guest single-spaces for sex and sleeping 3; never in a partnership's living space, and certainly not in the men's dorm. I suppose I should get on to the specifics of my prepubescent boyhood. I don't remember being a baby, of course. I really don't remember much of anything while I was in the Nursery Group (ages birth through 5). But at the beginning of January every year, a new team of newborns comes along, and I sometimes sign up to supervise a team in Nursery. Rough-housing with a team of 4 or 5-year-olds is a lot of fun – like playing with a litter of big puppies! I've observed a number of teams at this age, and behavior seems pretty consistent from team to team. They all seem to have secret 'team-speak' words and phrases, which they never explain to supervisors. Clone-brothers seem to have moderately better ESP between them than exists between team-brothers (at least that was true on my team). While I could always tell each of my eight brothers apart instantly, it's very useful for supervisors in identifying members of a team that every boy has his first name printed on his shirts and his underpants. A team gets a demerit if boys trade clothing 3;. not that that stopped us! The three dads usually play a major role in team supervision. The LC rules require each dad to have an 8-hour 'on-call' shift every day for the first 10 years, although men can trade shifts or otherwise bargain with others for coverage. Giving a good blow job to the guy who covers your shift is considered a standard measure of compensation, and afterward you're still pretty much obligated to cover his shift if he asks 3; but then, you get the blow job! Some of the dads are really into child-rearing (my dad was) but there's no way that one guy could take care of nine babies or toddlers at a time, even if he wanted to. Every adult LC resident has to put in 20 hours a week of community service (young adults who don't yet contribute financially have to put in more hours) and guys who enjoy being with kids can sign up to spend service hours supervising a team or being assistant teachers. Since diaper-changing and feeding aren't all that popular, the Community long ago decided to hire outsiders – women, pretty much – to do a lot of the child care for the Nursery Group. None of them lives in LC, though; they just work their shift and go home. When I was a kid, my Dad always spent a good amount of individual time with me and my clone-brothers. He wasn't a feminine 'mom' type like a few of the men in the Community, but just a very loving and involved dad. Always providing a comfortable lap to snuggle in, always ready with a hug and kiss, and always available for non-patronizing conversation. When we were old enough, he let us help out in the kitchen – either individually, two of us, or all three – while he supervised meal preparation. I can't remember when we started having sex-play with each other. From observing other teams at age 3 or so, there's a little bit of checking each other's dicks as soon as they're out of diapers 3; especially in the bathroom when boys are so proud of taking a pee standing up. But sex-play at a young age seems to be pretty minimal, in part because in Nursery Group kids take individual baths instead of group showers, and they sleep in those one-piece fuzzy pajamas (with the feet!) in cribs set apart from each other by partitions. There's a big transition for kids when they hit 6. On Birth Day, there is always a big celebration throughout the Community where gifts are exchanged. Everyone helps prepare buffet feasts that are eaten all through the day, and each team puts on a show of skits and songs for the whole Community. And on the Birth Day that we turned 6, we were moved out of our nursery dorm to make room for the next team of newborns and moved to another floor of the building where the Primary Group (the age 6 – 10 teams) has their dorms. Instead of the enveloping fuzzy pajamas of our younger years, we were told to sleep in just our briefs 3; or nude if we wanted. Very quickly we got the word from older boys that nude sleeping was the only acceptable way. And instead of our familiar cribs, we now slept in sleep-sacks on mattresses that could be arranged any way we liked. (The mattresses in the dorms mount on the walls in the daytime, so the kids can literally bounce off the walls.) We always liked sleeping with all the mattresses pushed together and I guess we started really playing with each others' dicks during those first exciting weeks of sleeping in a heap of naked little-boy bodies. I've supervised teams in the Primary Group during their evening playtime, and unselfconscious sex-play is definitely a favorite activity. The lack of pubescent hormones in the younger years keeps things on a very casual and fun basis, however. The group play can go from tickling to sex to wrestling to snuggling and back to sex, almost at random. There are no limitations on sex-play among team members in their dorm, other than 'no bullying', and they usually neither notice or care if an adult is observing their fun. Adult supervision at night is generally by video monitor, unless the supervisor needs to go into the team dorm to break up a fight or take care of some other problem. I guess it's kind of voyeuristic for a dad or supervisor to watch the sex-play – in person or on a monitor – but privacy has never been a big issue at LC. Moving up to Primary Group also meant spending a lot more time at the 6th Floor Park with older kids. When the Community renovated the Pyramid before moving in, they removed the floors on the 7th and 8th levels, brought in tons of soil, and planted trees and grass. The result is a park with 60 feet [20 m] of clearance to the ceiling, and 25,000 square feet [2,500 m2] of wide open space (except for the elevators in the middle). Enough for a half-size soccer field and a lot of play area. We would go there during the daily athletic period and hang out there a lot during free time when we weren't in school classes or doing chores or individual academic work on the computers. At the Park, there are sun lamps in the ceiling and the daytime and early evening temperature is always 72 degree F [22°C], with a nice gentle breeze. Rather than change into athletic clothes, everyone just strips down to their briefs when they're playing. Each team wears a different color of underpants – the same color as the shirts each of team wears every day until graduation. The Eagles had black tee shirts or polo shirts and black briefs, usually worn with khaki pants or shorts. I liked the look. Most outsiders think it's rather regimented for the whole team to dress the same every day, but it just felt right 3; and I still wear a black shirt (and black briefs!) almost every day. In our first few days after moving up to the Primary Group, my team was pretty shy amid all the shouting and rough-housing of the Park. During athletic period, the supervising adults usually had the older four teams pair off for soccer games or practice while we played on the climbing equipment and in the elevated playhouse. A lot of us just watched the games, envious of the skills of the older boys, and admiring their growing bodies dressed only in tight briefs and sneakers. I especially remember the moment on one of those early days when the Alpha Team – exercising their status as the oldest boys in the group – started shouting that it was time for wrestling matches, and the supervisors rolled out a big wrestling mat from a hidden storage compartment. "Can we wrestle Greek-style?" pleaded the 10-year-olds. Their supervisor said "Sure!" as he instructed the computer to prepare random match-ups of the team members, with the tournament brackets displayed on a big wall monitor. We quickly learned that 'Greek-style' was nude wrestling – just like they did in ancient times. As two boys removed their shoes and peeled down their white briefs for the first match, the rest of us kids gathered around to watch. This was the first time I remember seeing an erect penis (though I probably had before), when two of the 10-year-old boys got excited from the skin-to-skin contact during their matches. The wrestling matches often ending with one boy on his back and the winner sprawled on top of him 3; crotch-to-crotch 3; holding the loser's wrists to the ground. Because puberty usually hits at age 11, the 10-year-old Alphas had more developed genitals than the younger kids in Primary Group. The other Alphas started stripping nude even before their matches came up, and I stared with wide eyes as they began playing with each other's stiff dicks (at least until one of the supervisors told them to 'save it for the dorm'). This was the beginning of our education in boyhood sexuality, and the cues we picked up from older boys were almost always reflected in our own night-time dorm play 3; like the nude wrestling we 6-year-olds did on our pushed-together mattresses that very night. I remember another time that year when two of the Alphas – one of them an athletic dark-skinned boy whom I had admired from a distance, the other a team-mate of Asian ancestry – got into some kind of bet during athletic period, with the wager being a blow job. What made this especially interesting, and added to the excitement of the fast-spreading whispered buzz ("hey guys! Jamal's gonna get his dick sucked!"), was that the dark-skinned winner and his two clone-brothers had the biggest dicks in the entire Primary Group. They were bigger soft than the other kids were when their cocks were stiff! The adult supervisors usually stop overt public sex, with the familiar instruction 'that kind of play belongs back in the dorm' and the threat of a demerit for the offenders' team if the instruction is disregarded. But this time the supervisors (some of them teenage men) just grinned and watched, along with all the kids. The loser of the bet got on his knees and pulled down his team-brother's white briefs, which had the word 'Jamal' printed on the butt, and exposed a 4-inch [10 cm] soft dick that pumped up to a full 6 inches [15 cm] of impressive erection only seconds after being touched. The kneeling boy looked up at his team-brother and grinned as he fondled the hairless ballsack in one hand and the impressive boy-tool in his other hand, pulling the foreskin down to fully expose the slightly-flared purple-black cock-head. Then he brought his lips down and let the victor's elegant adult-length boner slide slowly into his mouth. As the Asian boy expertly sucked the black boy with long, smooth strokes of his lips and tongue, the whole gang of 43 other little kids (and five supervisors) looked on admiringly 3; many of the kids rubbing the tented fronts of their variously-colored briefs, and some pulled down the waistbands of their underpants to diddle their boyish stiffies with little fingers. As the dark-skinned lad began to pump his hips into his team-brother's face, some of the other boys were shouting encouragement. My team of 6-year-olds didn't know WHAT to think, never having even hear of a blow job until then. We just looked on in wonder, standing on tip-toes to see around the older kids in front. I guess the climax shouldn't have been a total surprise to us 6-year-olds. After all, the other members of the Alpha team were telling everyone within ear-shot "Wait til you see this!", "You won't believe this part!", "Come on, Sammy, make that white stuff come out of his dick!" The Asian boy let the straining boy-cock pop out of his mouth and jacked it the rest of the way with his hand. The black boy scrunched his face and moaned with lust as a few globs of translucent cum spit from his boner onto the grass, urged out by the up-and-down motion of the other boy's hand. "WOW!!!" was the universal response from the onlookers. The older kids in the group had a much better idea of what they were seeing than my team did, and as the sturdy dark-skinned kid pulled up his briefs, he received high-fives, pats on the back, and glowing words of admiration – especially from the 9-year-olds. The cute Asian kid, who had so effectively demonstrated his team-brother's early arrival into pubescence, got a fair share of the admiration too. The rest of the 10-year-old Alphas glowed with vicarious pride, undoubtedly having intimately viewed nearly every previous spurting cum by their brother 3; and no doubt those of his two clone-brothers as well. Although my brothers and I were basically ignored by the older Primary Group boys, we had a good deal of interaction with the 7-year-old Spartans and 8-year-old Panthers. Word-of-mouth information about boyhood sexuality filtered down to us, and became a continuing part of our dorm-play in the evenings and mornings. Since we were now taking groups showers in our team dorm, this was a favorite place to rub our wet, soapy bodies against each other 3; to press two little-boy boners together 3; or hump against a team-mate's soft slippery butt. And lying on our floor mattresses at night, not yet ready to slip our naked bodies into a sleep-sack, touching each other 3; exploring 3; sucking each other as we had seen the big boys do on a couple of occasions. Lots of times we joined two or more sleep-sacks together by their velcro side-seams and we hugged and fondled each other into the night. By the time the Eagle Team got to be 10 years old and the top-of-the-heap in the Primary Group, we were thoroughly versed in how to bring each other to dry orgasms. (None of us could cum yet, but some of us were getting close.) We were adept at using our fingers and lips and tongues to best effect, on the most sensitive parts of a brother's body, to produce the best pleasure result. And since we were as close to each other as young boys could possibly be, we developed a game that became our favorite 3; a 9-boy daisy chain, each boy sucking another and sometimes sliding a finger into the brother's virgin ass. Since we had countless opportunities (and lots of motivation) to practice our skill, we got VERY good at it. We enjoyed showing our group-suck technique off to adult supervisors, and we basked in the praise given for our resourcefulness. There was never anything I would describe as romantic love among the team-mates at this age, but we were united in our intensely devoted brotherhood and always eager to make each other feel good. (Even today, when we play in the men's soccer league – still together as the Eagles team – we almost always have sexual fun in the shower afterwards.) You'll remember I mentioned that Community rules prohibit sex with anyone except same-age boys up through age 10. Well, it was a rule that sometimes got violated. With 45 boys playing in the park during athletics or during recess breaks in our academic studies, it was not unheard of for boys of different teams to duck behind the elevators, out of sight of the supervising adults, to pull down our underpants and play with each other's dicks. The urge for sexual variety was evident even among this 6 – 10 age group, but if discovered by a supervisor it was always halted and sometimes punished with demerits for both teams. I never heard of a Secondary Group kid messing with a boy in the Primary Group, though it probably happens. The fact is that the different age groups have very little direct contact with each other. But there were adults who sometimes play with boys. It's fairly rare, but certainly not unheard of, to see a guy cited for 'inappropriate interaction with child' in the monthly newsletter, and the embarrassment factor from the notoriety usually keeps those impulses under control. Even my Dad, who is a stickler for Community rules, let his hands wander a few times 3; not that I minded! One time when I was about 9, I had gone directly from the Park to the kitchen to tell him about a game we had just won, and I was just in my briefs and shoes. I was sitting sideways in his lap, talking and snuggling while his hand caressed my thigh. When his fingers lingered on my inner thigh near the elastic leg-band of my underpants, I got a really good feeling. As many times as I had played sexually with my brothers, I had never done it with Dad. When my little penis quickly rose to a 3" [7½ cm] erection I pulled his hand to the front of my briefs and said something like "Would you play with my stiffy? Please, Daddy?" His lips kissed my neck as he massaged my boyish boner through the soft material. I was loving it and quickly wiggled out of my underpants, now sitting naked on Dad's lap. As he gently fondled my erection his breath warmed my neck and I hugged him tightly. But he stopped after only a minute or so – well before I could orgasm – and said "get on back to the dorm Andy; time for me to get to work on dinner." His face was flushed, but he had a warm, loving expression on his face as I pulled on my underpants and ran to the dorm. I immediately talked to my clone-brothers about it, and they were really jealous, because Dad had never played with their dicks. Over the next few days, all three of us played a game of trying to get Dad to fondle us, then coming back to the dorm to whisper about how we had done. But then he sat all three of us down, telling us that he was wrong to do sex-play with us. And he scolded us mildly for acting so sexy toward him, ruffed our hair with his hand, and gave us light swats on our butts as we ran off to play. And after I hit puberty, Dad and I watched each other jack off in the showers a few times after working out in the Community gym. We looked so much alike when we were naked, and our jack-off techniques were practically identical too! Since graduation, we've had real sex once, but we decided we weren't really into it. He said it made him feel a little weird, and that made it feel strange for me too. I remember long discussions with my brothers in our early teen years about how whether our dads were really just another clone-brother, like the different-age clone sets that are common on the outside. But we always ended up with the acknowledgment that psychologically (and legally, of course) Dad was definitely my father and not my brother. When we turned 11, on Birth Day in the year 2043, we again moved to a different area of the building – this one containing the dorms for teams in the Secondary Group (the 11 – 15 age range). We were now officially 'big kids', with an assortment of new privileges. We gained access to virtual reality Internet, had opportunities to engage in sports competitions on the outside, and – especially – we now had sleep-overs with other teams. Being 11, we were allowed to have sex with boys in the two next older teams – the 12-year-old Spartans and the 13-year-old Panthers, and the Community facilitated this activity by scheduling sleep-overs with those teams. The Panthers, of course, had the busiest social calendars since they also had sleep-overs with the 14-year-old Samurai and the 15-year-old Alphas. A lot of one-on-one romantic relationships between boys on different teams are spawned by sleep-overs. Some of this is just curiosity and fun, but other times it's based on deeply felt crushes. For me, these different-age crushes were very different from the feelings I had for my brothers (although true romantic feelings eventually emerged among some of my brothers in the years after graduation). Shortly before a sleep-over, each member of the team is matched with a member of the other team, based in part on preferences submitted by the older team members, but with the selection ultimately made by the computer. Four of the couples stay in the younger team's dorm, five in the older team's. If the two guys who are matched up want to, they can go off together in private before sleeping-time, but usually there is just a lot of casual 'fun' group sexual activity. The older boys are almost always leading the way 3; showing the younger boys new things 3; playing the dominant role in sexual interaction. As soon as we had moved up to Secondary Group after Birth Day, my brothers and I had started chattering about which older boys we thought were the most desirable. Little did we know that the two next older teams were talking about which of us new arrivals they would seduce, as if romantic attachment were just a game (which of course it was at that age, since we did the same thing ourselves as we moved up). My first crush developed not long after I turned 11. The boy – his name was Roger – was two years older than me. Roger and I were matched up together when the Panthers had their first sleep-over with my team. We hadn't seen much of the Panthers in the two years since they moved up to the Secondary Group, but I had remembered Roger and his clone-brothers pretty well from when they were in the Primary Group – they were very handsome and athletic and were surprisingly considerate of younger kids back when they were 10 years old. Now Roger was a strapping youth of 13. Standing 5"6' [1.68 m] to my 4"11' [1.50 m]. Solid build and broad shoulders contrasting with my skinny pre-pubescence. Sleep-overs usually started with the different-age couple talking for a while and getting to know each other. When I got to the Panthers' dorm, I felt an immediate sense of excitement when Roger smiled warmly at me and took me by the hand to show me his team's collections of 'stuff'. As we talked, still holding hands, I told him I remembered him from Primary Group. He said that he remembered me too and had always thought I was cute. I blushed and felt a peculiar tightness in my chest. When he asked if I wanted to go someplace for privacy, I instantly agreed. I had never really been alone with a boy who wasn't my brother, and my excitement grew when Roger gave me a quick kiss and squeezed my hand, then led me to a storage room just down the hall. At first, we just talked about what it was like being in the Secondary Group as we sat side-by-side on a low stack of sleeping pads. He had his arm draped lightly over my shoulder, and our legs were pressed together. I had so many questions, and he answered them patiently. But then he steered the conversation to sex-play 3; asking what my team enjoyed doing together, and what kinds of discussions my team had about older boys and sleep-overs. He told me how nervous and excited he had felt on his first sleep-over two years previously and assured me that it was one of the best things about turning 11. As we talked about the fun of boy-sex, his hand slid up the inside of my thigh, past the hem of my loose khaki shorts, up to my underpants, as the arm around my shoulder hugged me more firmly. "I like you a lot, Andy," he murmured close to my ear, as his fingertips slipped further into my briefs and touched my stiffening cock. "I think we'll get to be good friends 3; and I know we'll have a lot of fun together tonight." My senses were tingling under the insistent stroking of his fingers and his hot breath in my ear. Then his hand slipped out of my pants leg, and he stood up, pulling me up too 3; into his embrace. As he drew our bodies together, I looked up into his handsome face. He leaned down and his lips glanced against mine, then pressed more firmly. The tip of his tongue peeked out from his parted lips and found mine peeking out too. He gently pulled my polo shirt up over my head, then peeled off his own tee shirt. Our bare chests rubbed together – mine that of a skinny 11-year-old; his starting to develop a handsome musculature, his abs becoming defined from gym workouts. As we began kissing again, I knew that my feelings were different from anything I had felt while kissing a brother or my father. His hands caressed my back, and my entire body felt hot, my breath ragged, and I was lost in my exploration of every minute bump on the surface of Roger's tongue. Roger's hands came between our bodies and he unbuttoned my pants 3; and then his own, lowering both zippers. His lips moved from my mouth to my ear. "Let's get naked," he whispered, and his tongue flicked against my ear lobe, sending chills through me. Even as he was saying the words, his hands were sliding under the waistband of my briefs, and both pants and underpants were being slid down my thighs. I excitedly pulled his slacks and briefs down too, and we both stepped out of the last of our clothes. As his body pressed against mine there in the dimly-lit storage room, I felt the heat of his adolescent erection pressing urgently against my belly as we kissed once more. Then his hand came down to fondle my rigid 4" [10 cm] boner and smooth ball-sack, and my hand reached for his. He had a throbbing 6" [15 cm] cock with a small patch of curly hairs at the base. His balls hung down in a cradle of satin skin. Roger was far more mature than any boy I had ever been with, and the effect was intoxicating. "Oh Andy 3; I want you so much 3; Oh God; you're so sexy, baby." This kind of talk was foreign to me, even with my years of sexuality in the team dorm, and it sent me reeling with my first feelings of true lust. "Suck me, baby." Yes!! My mouth watered for his cock. This wasn't dorm-play; this was the real thing. I sank to my knees and nuzzled my face against his impressive cock and his dangling balls. I inhaled his musky scent as my fingertips stroked the hot, smooth cock-flesh. Taking a cock in my mouth was as natural to me as eating food, but my entire previous experience had been with my eight pre-pubescent brothers on the team. The taste of his cock was different 3; stronger, and the size filled my mouth. I was a big-kid now 3; having big-kid sex with a strong sexy, older boy, and I was exhilarated. As my tongue and wet lips toyed with Roger's foreskin and cock-head, he put his hands on my head and drew me closer. "Oh yeah! Suck it, lover. Suck me good!" Mmmm 3; that did it. Lover! That fed my puppy-love (puppy-lust?), and drove me to prove myself worthy of this older boy's 'love'. I attacked his shaft with my mouth, taking his cock deeper than I had ever sucked one before, fighting the discomfort to take him all the way into my throat. My lips pressed against the wisps of hair at the base of his erection as his fingers stroked my hair and neck and shoulders. My mouth rose up again, my lips and tongue making twisting swirls around the flared ridge of his cock-head as I pulled the skin of his erection taut with my hand. Roger's moans of lust inspired me even more, as I rode his adolescent boner with my mouth, anxious to taste cum for the first time. Roger was obviously aiming for a quick cum. (It sure wouldn't be his last of the evening!) His hips thrust against my face. His hands gripped the sides of my head. The urgency of his moans was accompanied by a tenseness, then a trembling, in his legs 3; something I was well-familiar with from my own countless dry orgasms, and those of my brothers. I redoubled my oral attentions and squeezed gently on his tightening ball-sack. Although I knew all about cum (we certainly weren't naive about sexuality!) I was still surprised when the first blast hit the roof of my mouth. It was followed quickly by several more spurts, and I swallowed rapidly in self-defense. Wow! I had made a big kid cum 3; for real 3; with my mouth! Roger's words of pleasure and appreciation filled my ears and my mind. He pulled me to my feet and kissed me more passionately that I had ever been kissed. His tongue plunged into my mouth, perhaps seeking out the male-juice he had just shot into it, and I sucked his tongue as I had sucked his cock. Then he eased me down on the stack of mattresses with my legs dangling over the side and knelt between my knees. I craned my neck up and looked down at his face. His smile and glimmering eyes made me feel alive with hero worship and desire. As his mouth came down on my boyish erection, my body tensed with an electric jolt of lust. His warm lips moved down the shaft, and I brought my fingers to his wavy dark hair 3; not pulling his head, just touching and caressing him. After sucking my cock for a few minutes with exquisite technique, he lapped and sucked at my balls (which had been growing larger and more sensitive in recent months). Then his tongue snaked its way lower. He lifted my legs and pushed them back, exposing my puckered ass hole to his attentions. His tongue made a long, luscious pass at my clenched anus, and I grabbed my legs, pulling them back even more. Roger spread my ass cheeks with his hands and proceeded to drill his tongue into the ring of muscle. This was a first for me. My brothers and I had done finger-play, but never thought to use our tongues this way. When Roger's head finally pulled away, I looked down at him again and the crooked, knowing smile on his lips made my mind melt into a puddle of goofy romantic love. He reached over to his pants on the floor and pulled a small bottle out of the pocket. "Lube," he said, and dribbled some on my erection and some on my puckered hole, then some more in his right hand and two fingers of his left. As Roger's slippery hand enveloped my tingling boner, a lube-slick finger slid against the opening of my anus. His right hand was moving up and down on my cock, varying pressure and speed, sometimes twirling around my exposed cockhead, as his left index finger cork-screwed into my tight hole. As his masturbating strokes became more intense, the finger withdrew and was replaced by two fingers, slowly penetrating me. My head was spinning with the overload of sensation as I pulled back my knees to my shoulders. There was no pain 3; only intense electric pleasure. Roger's churning right hand was working my cock expertly when suddenly my body went into overdrive. His probing fingers has found that special place inside my virgin ass that my brothers and I had never discovered in our sex-play, and it was like my sexual nervous system was spazzing out. Roger's masturbation talents and his gentle manipulation inside my rectum sent me to a place I had never been before, my penis feeling very strange but very wonderful. In seconds, I was over the edge into a level of orgasm unlike anything I had experienced. My breathing stopped for a long moment, and then 3; oh, God! 3; I felt a splattering of fluid on my skinny chest. It was 3; YES! It was cum! Roger's manual talents had brought me to my first cum, and my whole being shuddered with delight. Roger lay down beside me, wiping off his hands and my body with his teeshirt, and we snuggled and kissed for a few glorious minutes. "Good one, huh?" he said at last. I nodded dumbly through the lifting fog of my pleasure. "Time to go back to the dorm room; ok?" he said. "Don't want to miss out on the group-fun." As he looked into my eyes, his hand stroked my smooth ass cheek, and he added: "I'm gonna fuck you tonight 3; is that ok, baby?" I smiled, knowing from the rumor mill that this was a tradition of the first Secondary Group sleep-over. Me and my brothers never really did fucking for real," I answered; "but I want you to 3;" The words caught in my throat for a moment, " 3; to make love to me," I finally said shyly. He gave me that incredible warm smile again and then kissed me tenderly as he pulled my body to his. "I'll make love to you really good," he whispered. "I'll be the best lover you've ever had." My first boyhood crush was carved in stone at that moment 3; a romance that would last two whole months (an eternity for such things!). We didn't even bother dressing as we carried our clothes a short way down the hall to the door of the Panther's dorm. As we entered, four pairs of naked boys had already started their energetic fun.
Chapter 2Roger and I stood naked at the doorway of his team-dorm for a few moments, surveying the scene. Inside were eight boys – four of my 11-year-old brothers, who were paired off with the same number of 13-year-olds who made up half of Roger's team. Each had a look of energetic joy on his face. And the activity was getting much more overtly sexual than when we had slipped out 20 minutes before.The room was garishly lit with a purple glow that had no discernable source, and retro-dance-pop music throbbed from the walls and ceiling. Eight naked sweating bodies, each sporting a bobbing erection, gyrated to the insistent beat. Bodies rubbed together sensuously, and boys fondled each other as they danced, pausing for a few moments to kiss and hug. In the center of the room – on a small raised platform – stood a tall diva with milk-chocolate-skin, belting out turn-of-the-century-style vocals. She had an ample bosom spilling over the top of her black leather bustier, but also a noticeable bulge in the front of her tight leather hot-pants. Dancing beside her and ostentatiously caressing her body were two androgynously beautiful blond teenage boys clad only in metal-studded black leather collars. The diva and go-go boys shimmered with the other-worldly translucence of low-tech holography, beneath three individual cones of light when they danced apart, or under a single projector in the ceiling when their images touched. As we stood in the doorway, sexual feelings were starting to tingle again inside me as I watched the four couples getting intensely erotic with each other. While some of the boys were mostly absorbed in dancing, two couples were intently watching the holo-vid. Even the watchers, however, had their hands all over each other. My gaze shifted back and forth between the holograms and Brandon – one of my clone-brothers – who was watching the vids with wide-eyed wonder. The older lad who was his partner for the night stood behind my brother with arms wrapped around the younger boy's body; one hand moving sensuously across Brandon's smooth chest 3; the other hand concentrating on the 11-year-old's almost-pubescent boner and dangling ball-sack. Brandon's hands reached behind him to clasp his partner's ass cheeks, and the older boy's body rubbed against Brandon's smooth round ass and sweaty back as they both moved to the infectious musical beat. "Watch this part of the vid, Andy," said Roger. "It's my favorite scene." My attention turned back to the holo-vid characters as one of the computer-generated go-go boys was kneeling at the diva's feet while the other stood behind the singer, playing with her substantial tits. With one motion, the standing boy ripped open the bustier and the other pulled at the hot pants – revealing a surrealistically large black cock pointing up at full erection. Both clothing items fell apart in shreds (not very realistic, but a pretty cool effect), and the dark skinned transsexual diva was now nude, except for her thigh-length high-heeled boots. Her pulsing 14-inch [35 cm] cock – the appearance of which drew giggles and shouts of approval from the watching boys – disappeared into the go-go boy's mouth as he masturbated his own perfectly-formed erection. I watched as he performed an aggressive deep-throating oral worship of her fantasy-size cock – a feat only possible in the world of computer-design holography. The duplicate holo-boy was standing behind the diva, tweaking the prominent hard nipples on her pillow-breasts and grinding his hairless crotch against her ass in time to the music. Roger and I had only been watching the scene for a couple minutes when one of the couples (my team-brother Luke and Roger's clone-brother Ryan) noticed us and came over with big grins on their faces. Luke practically wrapped his body around mine when I gave him a friendly hug. His body hummed with energy and he purred like a cat as he humped his pre-pubescent boner against my thigh. "Isn't this TOTALLY INCREDIBLE, Andy?!" he enthused. I agreed that the sleep-over was cool so far – especially having porn holo-vids playing in a dorm room – but I thought to myself that Luke was acting pretty strange. Beside me, Roger and his duplicate were kissing messily when Ryan paused and said, loudly enough to be heard over the music, "We saved you guys the last two hits of E-7. Come on; you need to catch up!" "Yeah! Let's get high!" said Roger as he pulled me by the hand toward the shower room adjacent to the team-dorm. I took one last look back at the holo-vid characters to see one of the go-go boys getting a stand-up fuck from the big transsexual, while he was simultaneously being sucked off by his effeminate twin. In the large tile-walled room with showers, sinks, and toilets, Roger opened a storage compartment and reached to the far back behind a stack of towels. He pulled out two small plastic vials and handed me one. "Ever done rec-drugs?" he asked. I silently shook my head 'no' and stared at the label on the bottle. It read:
Ecstacy-VII. Recreational substance. Schedule A. I looked over at Roger, and he had already twisted off the top of the ampule and poured the ounce or so of bright blue fluid into his mouth. His cheeks bulged a bit as he swished it around. "Is this safe?" We had always been warned that children shouldn't do rec-drugs. After a few moments, Roger swallowed. "You kidding? It's Schedule A, Andy 3;. Certified safe by an agency of the United North America government." (He spoke the last part in the officious tone of the voice-over in drug advertisements on network vids.) "What if we get caught? What about the supervisor." "Hey. You've been in Secondary Group for a whole week and haven't figured out that you don't get direct supervision any more?" "Oh 3; yeah." A lifetime of having 24-hour-a-day monitoring by adults – at least nominally – was hard to shake off. "But how did you get this stuff?" Roger was already starting to get off on the drug. His eyes were closed and he had a big smile on his face. His body was moving with the beat of the music in the other room, and I watched as his penis pulsed itself up to an impressively stiff erection in about 20 seconds – without being touched. "Roger! 3; How did you guys get this stuff?" I repeated, louder and somewhat insistently. "Oh; sorry," he grinned. "We got it the same way we always get rec-drugs. Traded with an adult. I hear they have tons of this stuff in the men's dance club and the orgy-room. There's always a few adults who will give you some in trade for sex." As he spoke, Roger moved his hands over his body, tweaking his nipples, sliding his hands down his firm belly, giving his 6-inch [15 cm] boner a few luscious strokes. "Come on 3;. You're officially a big kid now. Might as well play like one." My brain was overwhelmed with the newness of all this. Under the Community's rules, rec-drugs were forbidden for kids under 16. And sex between boys and men was against the rules too. The men risked expulsion from the Community. Yet now I find there's a black market of trading boy-sex for drugs! (Of course, I was to learn that such behavior was not at all uncommon in the intensely libertarian world outside the Community, where even boys from affluent families casually traded sexual favors for drugs or extra spending money with little or no societal interference.) In spite of some misgivings, I was undeniably excited by the obvious effects the drug, and my brothers seemed not to have had any qualms, so I carefully opened the ampule and drained every drop of the sweet-tasting fluid into my mouth. "Swirl it around for about 10 seconds. Some of it gets absorbed through your tongue, and you get an immediate lift-off," said my guide to the ways of big-kid fun. Sure enough, a warm rush began surging through my body as I finally swallowed the dose. I felt the deep bubbling bass notes and percussive beats of the music much more intimately. My body started moving, almost automatically, and a tingling glow emanated from my crotch. Looking down, I was not surprised to see my 4-inch [10 cm] erection pointing up eagerly, even though I had cum only 10 minutes before. When I reached down and gently caressed it, a shivering erotic thrill accompanied my touch. DAMN! I understood what my brother Luke had been gushing about. This E-7 stuff was AWESOME! Even as my brain was doing an inventory of what was happening, my body was caught up in the rhythm and I found myself sliding into in an auto-pilot dance groove. Dancing in the dorm room had been practically an every-day activity for us since my team had moved into Primary Group at age 6. In fact, music selection (and volume level) for the team's dorm-room sound system had been an early and ongoing exercise in cooperative decision-making among the nine team members. And since we always shucked off all our clothes as soon as we settled into the dorm in the evening, nude dancing was basically the norm. But now I was dancing with a handsome 13-year-old, who stood several inches taller than me, and whose beautiful adolescent erection had a small pubic bush at its base. And, of course, this was my first time dancing under the influence of a stimulant rec-drug. Roger and I brought our bodies together as we danced, maintaining intense eye contact, and then embraced as our cocks rubbed together. Roger reached around my hips and grabbed my ass cheeks with both hands, grinding his boner against my belly, and leaned down to kiss me firmly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and returned his kiss with equal passion. The range of sensations I was feeling is sort of hard to describe, but most of all I felt intensely euphoric. And the taste of Roger's tongue on mine seemed the most delicious thing I had ever experienced. His young adolescent boy-scent filled my nostrils like a flower garden on a summer evening. The tactile acuity of my fingertips was exquisitely sensitive, while the stimulations produced when my cock slid against Roger's moving body jolted my nervous system like miniature orgasms. We hugged even tighter, and 3; it was almost as if we had choreographed this 3; Roger lifted my ass as I hopped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I clung to his body, and he embraced mine, with an almost fierce mutual lust. Our tongues were dueling frantically, and my skinny boyish body humped against Roger with a chemically-fueled urgency as the party-noise blared in the next room. As Roger's hands spread my ass cheeks, his cockhead poked against my sensitive hole. One of the effects of the drug became instantly clear – it had greatly increased the sexual sensations emanating from my virgin anus. I moaned deeply and tried to push myself down on his erection. "MAN!" grinned the 13-year-old when our kiss finally broke. "You are so fuckin' HOT! You think you're ready to take my cock in your ass, lover?" "Oh, YES! Do it!" I squealed delightedly in my high treble voice. I was so totally ready to be fucked at this point, I probably could have taken him with no lube. And there was no doubt that Roger was anxious to plunge his cock into the sexy body that was slithering sensuously in his arms. But then several voice shouted from the other room: "Hey Roger! Come on! It's show-time." "You guys are being unsociable." "Get your horny asses in here!" "Come on, Andy. Time to go out and join the party." And he walked us into the dorm room with his cock sliding along my ass-crack and with me clinging to him like a baby monkey to its mama. The infectious bass and synth beats of the music resonated through my body. The purple glow of the room's lighting was translated as erotic warmth by my brain. And as I quickly scanned the room, I saw that rampant boyhood sexuality was flowing more intensely than before. The holo-vids had been turned off, and two real live performers were the center of attention. My clone-brother Brandon was on his knees, eagerly sucking off Alex – his sleep-over partner – and fondling the standing boy's ball-sack. Alex had his fingers entwined in Brandon's hair and guided the rhythm and depth of my brother's blow job, humping his 5-inch [12½ cm] cock into Brandon's willing mouth. The three other couples watched the sex scene as they sat on sleeping pads that had been folded and secured into a chair-back configuration. Each pair of boys snuggled and kissed and fondled each other while keeping an eye on the show. Hands roamed sensuously over each other's bodies, concentrating on stiff cocks and smooth asses. Roger's clone brother Ryan reached up his hand as we passed by, and Roger slapped the palm in greeting. "Hey, bro! About time you stopped acting like an only and decided to join the team! We're just starting show-time. We're doing computer's-choice. Have a seat." A sleep pad had already been configured as a floor-level chair for us, and when Roger let go of me, I slid down his body and landed on my feet. Roger plopped himself on the pad with his legs bent and spread, patting the space in front of his crotch for me to sit. I practically jumped into place, and snuggled back against him, feeling his hot erection pressing against the small of my back. As I watched Brandon giving an energetic and expert blow-job to the most mature cock he had ever sucked, Alex was clearly getting off in a major way. His eyes we closed tight, and his face was grimacing with pleasure. "Ah! Ah!! AH!!! Yeah! Oh shit, yeah! Suck it! Ahhhhh!" The older boy's overflowing erotic excitement was contagious, as every boy in the room watched and listened, occasionally calling out friendly encouragement. The 13-year-old appeared to be having an orgasm that lasted several minutes, as Brandon just kept right on sucking. I was amazed at my clone-brother's endurance as his mouth bobbed and twisted on the glistening spit-slick cock. His hands held tight to the older boy's thrusting hips, fingertips digging into the slender round ass cheeks as they clenched with orgasmic pleasure. In an instant, Alex pulled Brandon's mouth off his cock and held onto my brother's hair with one hand, as his other hand began jacking his 5-inch [12½ cm] boner furiously, inches from Brandon's face. The big-kid's hand was a blur of motion, and suddenly he was shooting strings of white cum into my brother's open mouth and onto his face. After a long moment of exhausted heavy breathing, and a few more drips of cum from his still-hard cock, the grinning older boy reached down to pull Brandon to his feet. They kissed tenderly, and Alex licked his own cum off my brother's face. Then he said, in the typical voice used when you talk to a computer, "Computer 3; Alex here 3; I had a great cum. Next instruction please." Just then the volume of the music lowered. "That's great Alex. Way to go, Brandon!" intoned the smooth male voice of the room-computer, using the casual and warmly benevolent adult tone that had been programed into all the dorm computers. And then 'he' continued with new instructions: "Brandon will lie on his back on the platform and spread his legs 3; Alex will insert a B.R.S, set to full automatic, and jack Brandon off 3;. I'll spin the platform at three RPMs to give everyone a nice view. Take it away, gentlemen." The music instantly returned to its former volume as the two boys moved quickly to follow the computer's instructions. The room-computer's artificial intelligence (and the settings installed by the programers, of course) always seemed to produce a sex show that was as fun for an audience to watch as it was for the participants. My brothers and I had played various sex-games using the computer in our own dorm-room, sometimes as just a strip-poker or spin-the-bottle type of thing for the purpose of random selection 3; other times for a 'computer's-choice' show, like we were doing now. My clone-brother positioned himself on the padded 4-foot [1.2 m] diameter platform, eagerly awaiting a hand-job from the bigger kid. Alex had gone to a shelf and gotten a small tube-shaped gizmo with a 2-inch [5 cm] diameter base at one end. While there, he had also placed his hand under a wall-mounted dispenser and gotten a squirt of lube, and walked back to the boy who lay on his back with his legs lifted and spread. "What's Alex got?" I whispered to Roger. "You mean the biometric rectal-stim? Same as you use for VR-sex session," he answered softly I must have had a clueless expression on my face that matched the vacancy of my thoughts. I had done plenty of academic and recreational virtual reality sessions, but none had anything to do with sex. "Oh yeah. You don't get VR-sex until you hit puberty. Well, you've some really fun stuff to look forward to!" Roger's arms were still enveloping me as he explained that when you add a cock-stim and rectal-stim to the usual VR gear, you can have an incredible sexual experience – either with a program run by the computer or interacting with other people who are linked up by Net in real-time. As Alex lubed the 4-inch [10 cm] long, half-inch [12 mm] wide shaft and eased it into Brandon's anus, Roger told me it was expanding inside to fit the contours of my brother's rectum. On automatic setting, the BRS uses biometric telemetry to feed arousal data to the room-computer and in turn receives instructions for stimulating the whole range of anal, rectal, and prostate nerve endings. Roger said that, even with no other sexual input, the BRS could produce more than enough erotic pleasure for an incredible orgasm. (He also explained that manual settings could be used in solo masturbation or by a partner.) We watched as Alex knelt beside Brandon and began to slowly massage the younger boy's rigid boner and fondle his loose-hanging balls. The room-computer had detected the feedback of increased sexual excitement and turned up the sex-toy's output. At the same moment, the platform began to revolve. My clone-brother's head hung off the edge of the slowly revolving platform, his eyes closed, and I watched his increasingly intense expression each time his face came into view. When his face was out of view, I could watch Alex's hands expertly jacking Brandon's 4-inch [10 cm] stiffy and fondling his balls. The external base of the BRS was twitching slightly as it vibrated inside my brother's ass, sending a pattern of pleasure signals to his nervous system that continued to intensify. It didn't take long at all before Brandon was moaning with pleasure. My brother's toes and fingers clenched and his whole body tensed from the powerful combination of the Alex's masturbation strokes and the rapidly-building intensity within his ass. As Alex's lubed hand churned along the boyish shaft, he leaned down and nibbled at Brandon's tiny nipples, then licked his way up to my brother's earlobes, flicking his tongue all around Brandon's ear. Seeing the look of total ecstasy on Brandon's face enhanced the natural telepathy for my clone-brother's thoughts and feelings. I could actually feel a small portion his mounting pleasure. And my sexual excitement was definitely enhanced by Roger's caresses. As my sleep-over partner's fingers slowly slid my foreskin back and forth over my sensitive cockhead, his lips pressed on the back of my neck, giving me chills of pleasure. Brandon, however, was WAY beyond mere chills. "OH! OOOHHH! 3; IT'S SO 3; IT'S 3; UHHHH! 3; YES! 3; MORE! YEAH! FASTER! I'M GONNA 3; I FEEL LIKE 3;. AAAHHHH!!" Brandon's body writhed with sexual pleasure 3; clearly more than he had never before experienced. His back arched and the muscles of his legs trembled, and he let out one final moan. A person just walking into the room would think he was in agony, perhaps being tortured by electric shocks. But instead it was the incredible sensation of Brandon's very first ejaculation, as the computer instructed the remote-controlled anal toy to provide full stimulation to his prostate. To the amazed gasps of my brothers, the first-ever shots of cum flew from Brandon's cock, pumped out by Alex's masturbating hand. I was not nearly as surprised, since a similar event had marked the beginning of my own pubescence not long before. Alex's hand stopped its intense stroking and settled into a subtle massage that nonetheless continued to send jolts of orgasmic pleasure through Brandon's body. The rectal-stim had likewise detected the climax and rapidly reduced its transmission of pleasure impulses, giving only a few more modest jolts in a teasing fashion. The platform had stopped revolving, and Brandon lay there in shock for a full 30 seconds, shuddering slightly when Alex pulled the deflated toy from his anus. Then his energy seemed to return instantly, and he bounced up and threw his fists in the air, letting out a satisfied whoop to celebrate his first ejaculation, as fresh cum dribbled down his skinny chest and belly. "Hey Computer 3; This is Brandon 3;. That was awesome! 3; You can go to the next part of the show now." Again the computer lowered the music and in a smooth voice recited the instructions for the next segment of show-time. "Vic and Luke," he said, naming two of my team brothers. "Get on the platform in a top-and-bottom 69 position, Luke on top 3;. Stevie will fuck Vic, kneeling between his legs 3; Ryan will fuck Luke, standing behind him 3;. Take it away, gentlemen." As the throbbing techno music came back up, the older boys adjusted the positions of my brothers for the 4-way sex scene. Something told me the 13-year-olds had done this one before. Vic lay on his back with his legs apart. Luke knelt above his chest, his crotch dipping down onto his brother's face. Luke's mouth dove onto Vic's cute little pre-pubescent erection. (Vic and his two clone brothers had the smallest cocks on our team – about 3 inches [7½ cm] stiff – but they had always been as adept as any of us in achieving orgasms during sex-play.) As the younger boys began to get into the familiar action of 69 sucking, the two adolescent participants positioned themselves to complete the four-way arrangement. Each of the older boys had gotten plenty of lube from the wall dispenser, and they proceeded to massage their slippery fingers inside the receptive anal rings of the preoccupied 11-year-olds. Both of Roger's brothers were clearly eager to sink their cocks into the younger boys' bodies, and they quickly lubed their erections and positioned themselves the way the room-computer had directed. Stevie had by far the biggest cock of any boy on either team, at 7 inches [18 cm], with a substantial growth of hair at its base. By that time it had become well-known throughout the Community, even to kids in the Primary Group, that he and his clone-brothers had received genetic-modification injections as infants that had produced prodigious growth of their penises. (Their father had taken them to Russia for the treatment, since gen-mod for sexual enhancement is prohibited in United North America.) When their cocks stopped growing at age 15, their endowment was more than twice that of their father's modest 4½ incher [11½ cm]. Stevie knelt between Vic's wide-spread knees and pushed them back, lifting my brother's skinny ass up, invitingly receptive to being fucked. With Luke's mouth sucking and bobbing only inches away, Stevie positioned his lube-slick cockhead at Vic's tender pink asshole, slid it back and forth a couple times, then pushed in gently. Luke had an up-close view of the adult-sized rigid penis slowly disappearing into the tight hole, riding on a layer of lube and urged along by mutual lust. I knew instinctively that Vic's virgin ass would have been in pain if not for the specifically designed effects of the rec-drug. But it was clear that right now he was feeling only intense pleasure. While this was happening, Roger's clone-brother Ryan was stepping into position behind Luke's upraised butt. The two older boys grinned at each other as they both began their slow, steady fuck strokes into their sleep-over partners' bodies. All the while, the younger boys kept sucking each other in a vigorous 69. Although the coordination of movement was awkward at first, the four of them were soon thrusting and sucking like a smooth-running machine. Four horny naked boys were simultaneously taking and giving pleasure as six more over-sexed lads watched from a few feet away, enjoying the show and shouting out good-natured comments. Four orgasms arrived in a cluster, the boys' collective lust no doubt contributing to the synchronicity. The 11-year-olds came first. Their years of experience in getting each other off through mutual sucking was supplemented this time by the thrill of drug-enhanced fucking. As both boys' dry orgasms peaked, their pleasure-noises and clenching ass muscles drove the 13-year-olds to a frenzied climax of thrusting cocks and bucking hips. The final spurts of adolescent seed into prepubescent rectums brought a round of applause from the small audience and satisfied grins from the participants. Ryan spoke up at last. "Computer 3;. Ryan 3;. We're all done. That was a really good one. Thanks!" The computer voice instructed my team-brother Mikey and his sleep-over partner Alan to perform in the next segment. Alan (who was a clone-brother of Alex) was to fuck Mikey, with the younger boy positioned on forearms and knees, face down and ass up. As an added bonus, Alan would be wearing a BRS, controlled by the computer, while Mikey had a cock-stim – likewise set on auto. I watched intently as Alan got the cock-stim from a storage cabinet and adjusted it onto his young partner's erection. It was like a small cloak of soft synthetic cloth. The inside was covered with stim nodes 3; especially the part that covered Mikey's cock-head after the foreskin had been pulled down. The tight-sealing seam made for a snug fit, even on Mikey's boyishly slender 4-inch [10 cm] erection, and a thin strap around the back of his ball-sack held it in place. Only a prominent bump at the base of the shaft (containing the power supply and remote communication linkage) revealed the mechanical nature of the toy. Alan then lay on his back and slowly inserted the other toy into his own anus, trembling slightly as its auto-load program enlarged it inside his rectum and initiated the base-level nerve stimulation. "Computer 3;. Alan here 3;. rev it up, dude." Always accommodating (as long as it was consistent with the program), the room-computer gave a playful pleasure-jolt to the two remote-controlled sex toys, and both boys let out a combination groan and excited giggle. Mikey got into the doggie position on the round platform and eagerly looked back over his shoulder, ready to be fucked, as Alan lubed up his 5-inch [12½ cm] boner. As the bigger boy knelt behind my brother and spread apart his ass cheeks, the platform began to revolve slowly so the spectators could get a 360-degree view. The boys were already showing signs of rapidly building lust as Alan pressed his cockhead into the pink rosebud of tender flesh. Mikey grunted as he flexed his anus open, welcoming the warm stiff invader into his body. "MMMMMMM 3; Yes! 3;.Oh, YES!! 3; Put it in! More!! Give it to me! 3; Oh, it feels so 3; UHHH!! YEAH!!" My brother's unambiguous lust caused Alan to cut short any gentle introduction to fucking that he may have intended. Having eased his adolescent boner into the boy's rectum, he abandoned all restraint and began to hump Mikey in long fast strokes. And Mikey was like a bitch it heat – elevating his little butt to meet each hard thrust. The computer matched the urgency of the rutting boys by skipping right to full-stim on both toys, driving the fucking pair almost crazy with their desire to achieve orgasm. The sounds of sexual ecstacy filled my ears as I watched a visual display that matched any porn holo-vid in its raw eroticism. Roger held me tightly from behind, his spit-slick fingers toying deliciously with the sensitive flesh at the entrance of my asshole. We both knew that our turn was coming up very soon, and the tension was exquisite. I could feel his heartbeat thumping against my back, matching the pounding inside my own chest. In only a few more moments, the staccato vocalizations of overwhelming lust signaled the onslaught of the boys' orgasms. "OH! 3; YEAH! 3; SHIT! 3; YES! 3; OH, FUCK! 3; AHH! 3; YEAH! 3; AARRHHH!!" Alan and Mikey collapsed flat onto the padded platform, momentarily exhausted. Then Alan pulled them both onto their sides as his throbbing cock dripped the last of its cum into his partner's insides. Alan reached behind him and pulled out the plug from his butt, then reached around to Mikey's crotch and slid open the seam and remove the cock-stim. "Hey Mikey!" he shouted; "you shot some real cum!" My brothers and I all got up to take a look, and sure enough, in the little receptacle at the end (kind of like on the 'condoms' that people used to use) there was some fluid – not as much as Brandon and I had made, but physical proof nonetheless of my team brother's pubescence. Alan brought the toy up to his mouth and sucked the sample of boy-cum out of the receptacle, ostentatiously smacking his lips and rubbing his belly. The next transition took very little time as Roger and I received our instructions from the room-computer and everyone else got themselves settled on the floor-mats. Our instructions called for me to wear the cock-stim – set to manual and controlled by a VR-glove on Roger's left hand. And Roger was directed to fuck me in four different positions – 'around the world' the computer had said. I lay on my back as my lover fitted the snug contraption around by erect penis. Then he pulled on a tight elastic glove, identifiable as a VR component by the slightly bulging area on the back that held electronic components. "Computer 3; Roger 3; Switch on the glove control." In an instant, I felt a subtle tingling in my crotch unlike anything I had ever experienced. I guess somewhat comparable to when you let go of your cock for a few seconds in the middle of masturbating and it pulses with that incredible warm glow. "That's just the base-level. Check this out," said my mentor, as he held up his gloved left hand, fingers apart, and touched his forefinger to his thumb, then moved his hand up and down a bit. At that moment, I felt an intense sensation moving along the top two inches [5 cm] of my cock 3; a distinctly GREAT feeling. I curled my toes and trembled slightly as the pleasurable sensation washed through my body. When Roger's other three fingers pressed against his forefinger, the pleasure-pulses covered my entire penis. "And I can adjust the intensity by how hard I press with my thumb," he said casually. "Harder 3;" (My whole body tensed with near-orgasmic feelings.) "Or softer." (The sensation instantly moderated.) "And there are some shortcuts to preprogramed stim-modes 3;. How ya like this one?" As his thumb made contact with his middle finger, I would swear I could feel lips and tongue running up and down the shaft of my cock, and I thrust my hips up in an instinctive reaction and shut my eyes, glorying in the wonderful feeling. All of a sudden, the electronic blow-job stopped. My eyes opened again to see the gloved fingers straight and spread apart and Roger grinning. "Ready to go?" "YEAH!" Like his brothers had, Roger went to the dispenser on the wall and came back with lube coating the fingers of his right hand. I hooked my arms behind my knees and pulled back, offering myself for his pleasure. In an instant, his finger was gently pressing against my clenched anus, and the nerves of my ass were alive with erotic sensation as Roger slowly gaining admittance to my tight hole. I concentrated on the sensations produced by his probing as I surrendered to my body's drug-enhanced craving for anal stimulation. As he cork-screwed his finger into my ass, I felt a renewed pulsing of pleasure in my cock as the gloved fingers of his left hand curled and straightened. The combination was absolutely intoxicating, and again my eyes closed so I could concentrate fully on the feeling. Roger was already kneeling between my legs, and he deftly replaced his finger with his smooth lube-slick cock. I learned later that having my anal muscle penetrated by a 6-inch [15 cm] cock for the first time would have been distinctly uncomfortable without the rec-drug affecting the resulting nerve impulses. But now it felt incredibly delicious. Roger's adolescent boner slid into me, taking my breath away for a long moment. As he pushed into my hole with short thrusts of his hips, he leaned down and kissed my mouth. My arms encircled his back, and I hugged tight as I opened myself completely to him. I grabbed at Roger's hips, pulling him in deeper and he began to fuck me in long, slow, sensuous thrusts of his slender erection. "AAAHHH! Yeah, baby! That's good!" moaned my 13-year-old lover in between kisses. He touched the little finger of his gloved hand to his thumb, producing an intense pleasure sensation that had no real-world equivalent. I was in heaven! But just as I thought how much I wanted to go on exactly like this forever 3;. "OK, boys. Next position – standing up." Damned computer! I resented his intrusion, realizing that he was as interested in the 'show' as in Roger's and my pleasure. "Grab my neck, and wrap your legs tight 3; just like we did back in the shower room." I did as instructed, and Roger lifted us both up, his erection still embedded deep inside me. I was impressed at how easily he lifted my 85-pound [38 kg] body with his wiry muscles. I'm not sure how much of the manual control of the cock-stim was intentional at this point, but the heavily-erotic sensations kept flowing through my body. With shouted approval from the other boys, Roger and I continued our aggressive fucking from a standing position. I was oblivious to the onlookers as love and physical lust and mental ecstacy washed through me in equal parts. The intense pleasure sensations from my ass and erection had my brain bursting with sexual energy. I was totally alive with eroticism, riding a wave of passion, as I clung to Roger's body and kissed him with unbridled desire. "Next position guys 3;. Roger lying on his back, Andy straddling." The computer had made the stand-up segment rather short. Roger might have been strong, but he was still only a 13-year-old. Roger carried me over to the platform and sat down with his legs hanging over. Kneeling astride his hips, I paused for a moment to feel the sensations of the throbbing 6-inch [15 cm] erection that nestled inside me. Roger brought his hands to my hips and wordlessly directing me to move up and down on his straining boner. My instinct instantly took over, and I moved my body with a skill that belied my inexperience, making Roger moan with pleasure as I forced my ass up and down on his rigid cock. "Oh, Andy 3; YES! 3; Move that sweet ass! 3; Yeah, lover 3; DO IT!" I leaned down so we could kiss. I was hungry for his tongue and my body trembled with lust. Roger continued to manipulate the fingers of his left hand, though not enough to completely distract me from riding his cock. And he began to thrust his hips up to meet my ass each time it came down. The tense muscles of his face revealed his body's hunger for the approaching orgasm, and I felt my own climax building up. "One last change boys 3; doggie style 3; then finish it off." The voice was starting to sound obnoxious by this time. "Shit, Roger. Can't we ignore him?" I pleaded breathlessly as I continued to ride my partner's erection. "Hey; we don't want to hurt his feelings, do we?" Roger answered sarcastically as he rolled us on our sides and disengaged his cock from my ass. His hands quickly guided my body so that I was kneeling on the floor with my upper body stretched out on the round platform. And then Roger was behind me, positioning his stiff penis at my dilated asshole. A single thrust to the hilt was followed by hard piston-strokes. His right hand grasped my shoulder for better leverage. I looked back over my left shoulder just in time to see his gloved hand forming a tight fist, the thumb tucked completely inside the fingers. My body's instantaneous reaction told me all I needed to know about that particular program shortcut! Unbelievable! Nirvana! Total sexual ecstacy created by thousands of tiny stim-nodes arrayed in the tight cloak wrapped around my penis. My whole nervous system – my entire being – was blitzed as an intense orgasm rose up as soon as Roger's fist tightened. My vision consisted only of exploding stars behind closed eyelids. My ears were filled with white noise like the sound of a roaring crowd. Waves of hyper-pleasure wracked my body as the pulses of my ejaculation were amplified beyond anything I had previously experienced. Although time stood still during the incredible orgasm, my brain suddenly cleared and regained its sense of reality. I was in the dorm room, 3; sleep-over, 3; show-time, 3; Roger's hands grasping both my shoulders as he groaned loudly, trembling as he pumped the last of his seed into my upraised ass. I should have been exhausted, but I quickly bounced up 3; full of energy, grinning like a fool, and jabbering to my brothers about the experience. Roger reached around me to remove the cock-stim, and when I looked at the reservoir at the tip I was surprised how little semen it contained. It had felt like I was squirting a liter. But my 11-year-old body was only just beginning to produce the precious substance, and this was my second cum of the evening. I wasn't the only one with energy to spare. All of the other boys were now standing up – playfully rough-housing or making out or dancing to the still-pumping music. At Stevie's suggestion, we all made our way into the shower room, and one of the older boys instructed the room-computer to turn on all three nozzles, medium-hot, and to crank up the music on the shower room speakers. The wet, soapy rubbing of bodies combined elements of dancing, sex, wrestling 3; and even the concept of getting clean. When we finished up, we all set about arranging the room for sleeping, with the thick foam sleep-pads scattered throughout the room, arranged as five doubles. And pairs of sleep-sacks were joined together at their side seams so that each pair of partnered boys could play after lights-out. As I watched the other four couples, it was apparent that they were all getting very much more sleepy than Roger and I were. "It's been 90 minutes, Andy. The E-7 gives you 90 minutes of stimulation, and then a tranquilizing agent kicks in. We took it after they did, so we'll still be high for a little while more. If we had more doses – which we don't – we'd be right back to 90 more minutes of partying." All around us the pairs of boys were snuggling in each others' arms, kissing, and talking softly. But Roger and I flipped our bodies into position for an enthusiastic 69 suck. We didn't stop until I felt the erotic energy suddenly drain from my body, almost as though a plug had been pulled. In a moment I went from being a horny proto-adolescent to a sleepy-headed little boy. I moved around and slid into Roger's welcoming arms as we both eased inside the soft sleep-sack. Our warm naked bodies nuzzled together comfortably as I felt myself drifting toward sleep. "So, new-kid. How did you like your first sleep-over?" "Oh, Roger! It was 3; [yawn] 3; It was wonderful! And 3; well 3; YOU were wonderful too." I hugged him tightly, feeling a warm glow in my brain and body as I rested my head on his smooth chest. "Andy? Know what?" he whispered as he stroked my hair. "I think I'm in love with you, baby." And he lifted my face off his chest so he could kiss my lips. That did it! Even though I was barely able to stay awake, I had a big grin on my face and my brain melted into a puddle of total puppy-love. Life just couldn't get much better than this for a young gay kid. A perfect day in the boyhood of a clone! The End |