Chapter 1 School's Out
What to Do with a Boy in the Summer
Thirty years ago, when I was thirteen, my Mom and Dad finally gave up trying to hold their marriage together and he left us. He just packed a suitcase one spring evening, walked out the front door, and never came back. I never even got to say goodbye. I had been down the block at a friend's house playing catch and when I got home he was gone. Mom, tears in her eyes, told me that they had had one last fight and he stormed out. Strange, looking back after all of these years, how a relationship can end.
Mom was a nurse and made good money in her own right, but had to work long hours. While school was still in session, she could provide for us and I had supervision and was occupied until she got home most evenings. The issue was: what to do with me when school was out for the summer? At thirteen, she felt that I was too young to leave at home all day on my own.
Mom had a brother that we called 'Uncle Don'. He worked as some sort of graphic designer. He had a place on the beach at the other end of the statewhere he would go to work for the summer along with his son, Jerry, who was six months younger and a grade behind me in school. Uncle Don's wife had died of cancer several years ago. He had never remarried so it was just my cousin, Jerry, and him who would be at the beach house for the summer.
Evidently, Mom had said to her brother something like "I don't know what I'm going to do with Jim for the summer. At thirteen, I don't see how I can leave him home by himself alone all and unsupervised." (You know how mothers can be when you're that age.) To which Uncle Don must have replied "Why don't you let him come stay with Jerry and me at the beach for the summer? I work at home and there is always something fun to do around here to keep them both occupied and entertained." Anyway, it didn't take Mom long to decide that was a great idea.
So, the first thing on Monday after school was out for the summer, she took me down to the bus station and put me on morning Greyhound bus to Kingston, the closest town to where Uncle Don and Jerry lived.
As I got ready to get on the bus she left me with these thoughts: "Your Uncle Don is what is sometimes called a 'free thinker.' He hasn't done anything much out of the ordinary when we've both been there for a visit and I know that Jerry and you get along well. However, while you're there alone he may want you to do some things that you wouldn't normally do at home. Just go along with him and try to blend in with Don and Jerry's lifestyle. Ok? I really need you to have a place for the summer and this is the best that I can do right now. Maybe, next summer you can stay home by yourself."
I wasn't all that sure what she meant by these words, but I wanted her to feel that she was doing the right thing, so I answered: "Ok, Mom. I'll do whatever Uncle Don wants. It will be fun having Jerry to play with there at the beach. We'll get along well. Don't worry about me." I had tears in my eyes as we gave each other one final hug and I got on the bus. Mom stood on the platform and we waved goodbye for the summer as the bus pulled out and started down the road.
Uncle Don and Cousin Jerry
Some four hours and several stops later, we pulled into the Greyhound station at Kingston. Sure enough, there on the platform were Uncle Don and my cousin Jerry.
Uncle Don was about 40 at the time. He stood about 6ft [1.80 m] tall with a ruddy complexion typical of someone who had spent a lot of time outdoors. His tee shirt and jeans were tight and emphasized the fact that he was still in good shape. His biceps were particularly well formed for a man of his age. He weighed 180 lbs. [81 kg] which was only a few pounds more than when he had graduated from college twenty years earlier. A mop of unfashionably long dark blonde hair crowned his head and emphasized to me what Mom had said about him being "a free thinker."
My cousin Jerry ran up to me first as I got off the bus. At 5ft 7in [1.70 m] he wasn't but an inch shorter than me. He wore a yellow tee shirt and board shorts that, like his dad, emphasized his trim muscular body. The unruly mop of dark blonde hair that crowned his head matched that of his father and made you know that they were father and son without even asking. Even though it was early in the summer, I could see that he already had a good tan and wondered how much time he spent on the beach outside their home.
"Hey, 'Kuzz', it's good to see you. It's going to be fun having someone else around the house." Jerry said as he grabbed my suitcase. (I always liked the way that he called me 'Kuzz' even though I called him 'Jerry'.)
Uncle Don came up and smiled. Then he enveloped me in his strong arms and gave me a big, if unexpected, hug. "Jim, it's good to see you again. We both hope that you will like it here with us for the summer."
Then he backed up and looked me up and down. "Man, we haven't seen you since last year. Let me take a look at you." At the time I stood 5ft. 8in. [1.70 m] tall and, like Jerry, weighed about 155 lbs. [70 kg]. My hair was brown, straight, and cut short. From all of the sports that I had played during the school year, I was in good shape with a trim, athletic body. Like Jerry, I was wearing a tee shirt that left nothing of my upper body to the imagination. However, I was wearing jeans for the trip on the bus so that my legs were covered.
I thought that it was strange the way that Uncle Don looked at me there on the platform at the bus station. I felt like I was a piece of meat being sized up at a butcher's shop. Then he laughed with one of those big, friendly, disarming laughs that puts you at ease no matter what you may be thinking. "Jerry and you are growing up too fast for me!" he exclaimed as he grabbed my gym bag and we started for his car with Jerry carrying my suitcase.
At that time, Uncle Don drove an old 1982 Chevy around the beach community. They deposited my luggage in the trunk and we set off for their place with Jerry and me in the back seat. We talked and laughed as we drove out of town on the beach road. I remember thinking to myself at the time that 'This looks like it's going to be a fun summer.'
I remember that the air conditioning in Uncle Don's car was not working that day. Only a few blocks from the bus station, Jerry peeled off his tee shirt revealing a tanned upper body. I was impressed that his pecs were becoming well-developed and that he had obvious abs. I did, however, notice when he pulled the shirt over his head that he had no hair in his pits like I was beginning to have.
"Sorry, Jim, no air conditioning. I have an appointment to get that fixed next week. You may want to follow Jerry's lead and lose the tee shirt." explained Uncle Don.
Without further urging, I pulled my own tee shirt over my head. I thought at the time that I caught Uncle Don looking at me in the rear-view mirror and noting that, unlike Jerry, I did have hair under my arms.
A Summer Place on the Beach
The place that my Uncle Don Hart and his son Jerry called home was right on the beach front. The house must have been inspired by a Swiss Chalet since it had that sort of look to it. It was dark stained wood with the gabled end facing the ocean. On that side, there were large windows and a big deck that overlooked a great beach. There was a wooden railing with sculpted boards like in the photos of Swiss Chalets that I had once seen in a movie. Heck, they even had some flower boxes along the rail around the deck that added to the effect.
There were about a dozen other places scattered along the beach, but as Uncle Don explained, most of the people only used them on weekends so there was no one to be seen on the stretch of beach up and down in front of the house that the Harts called home as we pulled into their driveway, if you could call it that.
We pulled the car into a hard packed sand area behind the house that had been covered with some sort of expanded metal with holes in it. (I later learned that this was salvage from an old World War II airfield a couple of miles inland.) Uncle Don opened the trunk of the car and pulled out my luggage. He took my large bag and started toward the door of the house. I carried my gym bag while Jerry brought up the rear.
Once inside, we walked through the kitchen and into a large comfortably furnished living areawith a big couch, a couple of easy chairs, and a big TV set. Stairs at one side lead up to a second floor where I remembered that the bedrooms were located.
"Let's take these up to the room that Jerry and you will be sharing," said Uncle Don.
Jerry bounded up the steps in front of us. "I want to get out of these clothes," he said over his shoulder as he fumbled with the belt of his shorts while still navigating the steps to the second floor two at a time.
When Uncle Don and I got to the door of the room, Jerry was already shedding his shorts. My uncle deposited my bag on one side of the room and looked at his son.
"Are you that anxious to hit the beach?" he asked Jerry.
"Sure am, Dad," said Jerry as he slipped the shorts off and tossed them onto one of the two beds in the room. He wore no underwear and so was completely naked as he stood there without a hint of modesty. His tan was indeed overall indicating to me that he had been spending time on the beach nude. Even though he was only six months younger than me, I was surprised to see that he had no body hair of any kind. His two and a half inch [6½ cm] flaccid penis stood out from a baby smooth pubic area.
What It Takes To Be Nude on the Beach
"Jerry, I was hoping to explain to your cousin how it is that you can spend time naked on the beach without anybody complaining about your nudity before you sprang it on him like you just did," said Uncle Don in an irritated voice.
Turning to me he said, "Around here, it's legal for kids to be nude on the beach up until they reach puberty. The trouble is both Jerry and you are already starting that process. The only alternative to wearing shorts or a swimsuit is to shave off any body hair that has started to grow on your bodies so that the locals and the law don't site you for being nude on the beach."
"You mean that I have to shave off everything and go naked all of the time?" I said in a shocked and very surprised voice. My eyes were wide. I had not thought that anything like this might be the way that the Harts lived.
"Yes, that's what you will need to do, if you want to go nude on the beach. I know that Jerry and you played in the surf nude sometimes last summer when you were here with your mother, but that was only now and then. Jerry was nude the rest of the summer after you left. We just weren't sure how your mother would react to you boys being nude all of the time that you were here so we just didn't do it that much then.
"Well, how about it, do you want to be nude on the beach with Jerry or are you going to want to wear shorts? Believe me, I would a lot rather you go nude. There's less laundry for me to do, but it's up to you and you can do whatever you want," explained Uncle Don.
I remember just standing therewhile I pondered my choices. Mom had said that Uncle Don was different but I wasn't expecting this. Still, it would be fun and an adventure to be nude all summer and go home with a great overall tan that would be the envy of the other kids at school.
"Well," I stammered, "What do I need to do if I want to go out on the beach with Jerry nude and not get arrested?"
"Get undressed. That's the first thing that you have to do," said my uncle. Then turning to Jerry he said, "Let's go back down stairs. I'll see what we can do about lunch. Let's let Jim join us when he's ready." With that he pushed my naked cousin out the door of the bedroom and the two of them started back down stairs to the kitchen.
I think that I was trembling slightly as I sat down on the bed and took off my shoes and socks. Then I unzipped my jeans and pulled them off. I stood up still wearing nothing but my boxers as I wondered if I really wanted to do this. I decided to keep them on for the moment and walked out into the hall and down the stairs towards the sounds of Uncle Don and my cousin, Jerry, getting lunch ready in the kitchen of their seaside home where I was going to stay, very likely naked, for the summer.
When I got to the kitchen, both of them looked up and seemed a little surprised and disappointed to see me standing there still wearing my boxers.
"Jim, what's it going to be, nude or shorts for the summer? I don't think that you can go out for long in your underwear. Besides, they get almost transparent when they get wet," asked my uncle.
"I think that it would be fun to go nude on the beach with Jerry. I'm just trying to get used to the idea a little at a time and work up to it. How about me going out and taking a look around after lunch and then deciding?" I replied.
"I guess that would be OK," replied Uncle Don. "Let's eat. I have some hot dogs boiling on the stove and there is some potato salad in the fridge. Jerry, get out that big pitcher of tea and we can have something with which to wash the dogs and salad down."
Jerry hustled over to the fridge and came back with the tea while Uncle Don speared hot dogs from a steaming pot on the stove. As I found the buns and condiments and started getting them ready for lunch, I was fixated on Jerry's cute butt as he fussed around the fridge. Soon, we were all eating hot dogs and talking around the table. The only thing out of the ordinary was that my cousin was nude on the other side of the table.
Deep down,I was still having trouble getting used to the idea of someone being nude all of the time. At least the edge of the table kept me from looking at his pecker while I was eating. However, neither Don nor Jerry seemed to indicate that anything out of the ordinary was happening while we ate.
Making the Decision
When we finished, Don said, "Why don't you boys go in and see if there is anything on TV while your lunch settles. You know that you can't go in the water for at least thirty minutes after eating." With that we went into the living area of the beach house. Jerry led the way and turned on the TV and then flopped down on his belly on the rug in front of the set. Again I felt something strange just watching his cute butt thrusting up from the rug as he wiggled and got comfortable on the floor.
"Hey, Kuzz. Why don't you pull off your shorts in here while we watch TV? You can get the feel of lying around naked here in the house. Even if you don't want to shave off whatever hair you have 'down there,' you can still hang out naked with me here in the living room," suggested my cousin with what to me seemed to me to be a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
Neither Jerry nor Uncle Don had seen me naked since last year. I knew that I was well into puberty and not sure that I wanted to go around naked in front of them, let alone anyone else who might wonder down the beach just outside the house.
At thirteen years of age I had matured quite a bit in the last year from the time when at twelve Jerry and I had frolicked naked in the surf outside the Hart's beach house while Uncle Don watched over us from the deck. My pubic bush was now thick and dense if not all very wide. My 3 inch [7½ cm] flaccid penis and hanging ball-sac both now had hair growing around them. A faint happy trail ran up from my pubic bushup to my navel promising more hair to come. Under my arms there were even noticeable wisps of hair that were visible when I raised my arms. A close inspection would also have revealed that I was beginning to have hair on my upper lip. Did I want to sacrifice all of that for a good tan and whatever fun Jerry and I might have discovering each other's bodies, now that we were both becoming men?
I hesitated beside the couch and then put my thumbs in the waistband of my boxers. 'What the Hell,' I thought to myself. 'What have I got to lose? Both of them are going to see me naked one way or the other while I stay here.'
With that, I slipped the boxers down to the floor and stepped out of them. Then I spread out on the rug beside Jerry. He looked over at me and saw that I was now naked on my stomach on the floor beside him. "Nice butt," responded my cousin.
"Hey Dad, you ought to come in here and see what Jim looks like naked," hollered Jerry in the direction of the kitchen where Uncle Don was finishing up from lunch.
I know that I must have turned bright red at that and would have jumped up and immediately pulled my boxers back on, if it wasn't for the fact that I would have had to get up and expose my penis in doing so. So much for my good intentions of letting my uncle and cousin see me naked. Pro and conn thoughts about being nude raced through my young head. Making up my mind was going to be harder than I thought.
Uncle Don put down the dish towel and walked into the living area and stared down at the two of us naked on our bellies on the rug in front of the TV set.
"OK, Jim, roll over and let me see how much body hair you have. Maybe you can get by with just a little trim, if you don't have much as yet," said Uncle Don in a conciliatory tone of voice.
I hesitated balancing my weight on one elbow. Then fighting back panic and with what must have been a very red face, I slowly rolled over on my back exposing my naked body to my uncle and cousin. If they had only known how close I was to panic, they would not have taken the whole thing so casually.
Uncle Don and Jerry slowly ran their eyes over me. "Wow, you're one hairy dude!" exclaimed my cousin in surprise at the amount of hair that I had on my body.
"Gosh, Jim. You definitely will have to let me shave you, if you want to go nude on the beach. You have way too much body hair to do otherwise," said Uncle Don with surprise showing on his face. "I did not expect that you would be as hairy as you are. Maybe it's too late for you to go nude this year after all," he added. Then he smiled that disarming smile of his that seemed to put you at ease while all the time setting you up for something.
"But Dad," yelped an obviously distraught Jerry. "I want to be nude again this year and besides, I'm already shaved. How's it going to look if I'm the only kid my size on the beach this year that's nude. I was really counting on Jim being nude with me."
"Now Jerry, Jim doesn't have to go nude if he doesn't want to do so. It's just that he's too hairy not to shave his body, if he wants to be nude with you out there. Otherwise, he would get arrested for being nude in public. You know that," admonished Uncle Don.
Somehow, I finally got my nerve up. "Let's do it. Shave me, I mean. Going nude would be a great adventure and something that I doubt any other kid at my school is going to do this summer. I know that my overall tan would be the envy of the other kids in my class when I go home."
Looking back, I would have to say that at thirteen you can rationalize anything that you want to do and I was no exception to the rule.
"Well then, if you're sure," said Uncle Don. "Let's go up to the bathroom and get you ready for some serious nude beach time." Then he laughed with another one of those big, friendly, disarming laughs of his.
Shaving Time
With that the three of us went back upstairs to the master bathroom. Uncle Don fumbled around in the medicine cabinet for shaving supplies. He looked at me standing their naked and said: "Why don't you stand in the shower and we'll shave you there. That way we won't get hair all over the bathroom?"
I got into the shower and faced him. It was one of those big, oversized sort of showers that could easily accommodate more than one person. He turned on the water and adjusted it until it was pleasantly warm. It felt good after my bus trip and made me feel more at ease and willing to go through with shaving my body hair.
Uncle Don peeled off his tee shirt and hung it on a towel rack. Then he unzipped his shorts and stepped out of them. I guess that he saw the surprised look on my face because he said, "I need to get in the shower with you to shave you. I'll need to be nude to do that, right?" Then he pulled his boxers down and stepped out of them.
At forty, Don was still a good looking man. He had kept his body in good shape with regular workouts that included runs along the beach outside the house. He also lifted weights several times a week at a local gym. All of which showed in his biceps and muscular definition and defined abs. He had a light dusting of chest hair and a well-formed treasure trail that ran from his belly down to his pubic hair which had been trimmed short but not shaved. This had the effect of making his four inch [10 cm] penis look even bigger than it was. He looked me in the face and grinned as he walked into the shower so that we were both facing each other.
In his hand was a pair of scissors. As the warm water of the shower cascaded off our naked bodies, he reached down and started to trimoff my pubic hair. The thing was that in order to do this he had to hold my penis out of the way with his other hand. I had never had another man or boy put their hand on my penis before. I couldn't help it, all of the touching aroused me and I started to get hard. I was blushing furiously but couldn't think of any way to get away from my uncle and the scissors in his hand. My penis rose up to its full four inch [10 cm] erect size and pointed away from my body at a ninety degree angle. While the water masked what was happening, I knew that pre-cum was dripping from it. I knew that it was only a matter of time until I shot my load right there in the shower.
Looking down, Uncle Don saw what was happening and said: "Jim, getting an erection when somebody is running their hands over your body is normal. You should have seen Jerry when I shaved him. He was hard the whole time."
Momentarily, I looked over at my naked cousin who was watching the whole scene from the doorway to the bathroom. The fact that he was 'bug-eyed' watching us didn't make me feel any better or reduce my embarrassment in any way.It was also obvious that he was fully erect himself as he watched his father and me in the shower.
Don motioned to Jerry to take the scissors. Jerry quickly crossed the room to take them from his Dad's wet hand. Don then took a bar of soap and started soaping up my body hair while the warm water of the shower continued its sensuous cascade down my back. Then he took a safety razor in his hand in preparation for shaving me.
"Put your hands behind your head and keep them there while I shave under your arms," he instructed. It only took what seemed like seconds to shave my armpits completely smooth. Then he moved down to my treasure trail which was gone in little more than an instant. Before he started on what was left of my bush, he applied more soap which left me with a penis that was as hard as marble. I was close to orgasm as he slowly but carefully shaved my pubic area. Stepping back a little in the confined space, Uncle Don surveyed his handiwork. Then he reached out and ran his hand down my body from my chest to my penis to make sure that he had gotten all of the hair. I trembled from his touch and struggled to control my body, but when he felt my balls it was just too much. Suddenly, my body shook and I shot cum all over my uncle's hand and lower body. At that moment, if I could have disappeared down the drain of the shower, I would have done so willingly.
I quickly turned and faced the wall of the shower. With the water flowing over my head and down my body, neither my uncle nor my cousin could see the tears on my cheeks.
"Jim, all boys have orgasms. There is nothing weird or unusual about that. I would have been more surprised if you hadn't had one what with me touching you all over.
"Hey, you look good shaved, like you have yet to start puberty. Why don't we leave it at that? If you want me to shave your balls or anywhere else, we can do that later. This ought to satisfy anyone seeing Jerry and you on the beach. Go ahead and wash off anyremaining cum and soap and hair and I think that you are good to go," said Uncle Don as he packed up the razor and handed it to Jerry.
I looked down at my wet, naked, and quite hairless body. It was just like I had looked a year or so back. I was definitely a little boy as far as anyone seeing me nude would think. Don smiled that mischievous smile of his and I smiled back through a few remaining tears as thoughts of sexual escapades crossed my young mind.
Then he reached out and hugged me. We were both still naked in the shower and while neither of us had any sexual thoughts at that moment, my dick still started to inflate again. Warm water cascaded over us as all of the tension left my young body and I knew that I was indeed welcome with Don and Jerry for the summer. Somehow, I needed the reassurance of that hug and have always remembered and cherished it.
On The Beach
Fifteen minutes later, Jerry and I headed out the glass door onto the deck of the beach house. The warm sea breeze felt good against my naked body. We hurried down the 'four by eight' log steps set into the sand and through the scrub growth in the sandy soil until we reached the beach itself. Then we ran laughing and hollering into the surf. Jerry ran over and tried to duck me in the incoming wave. I grabbed him as he sprang at me and the two of us fell into the surf. Sputtering we regained our footing as the wave went out. Then, we both raced into the shallow water until it was waist high while waiting for the next wave.
"This is going to be a lot of fun for the both of us," yelled Jerry over the sound of the surf. "I'm so glad that you decided to get shaved. Playing naked on the beach and in the surf this summer is going to be great. Oh, and another thing, we can sleep together too. I like to sleep naked and I hope that you do too. We can have some real fun in bed together, if you know what I mean." Then he winked at me and smiled that sly sort of smile that means there is a lot more than is actually being said.
I winked back at him and smiled my own sly smile. In mock seriousness I replied, "Why Jerry, whatever do you mean?" With that I reached out with my hand and circled his hardening, water-covered penis. Even from the beach no one could have seen what we were doing. Yes, this would indeed be a great summer.
Chapter 2 The Fourth of July Weekend and That Other Kid
On the fourth of July weekend, when Wyatt and his grandfather show up at the seaside house next door, a mystery quickly unfolds. Just how old is that kid anyway?
MORNING - 3 July
Thirteen year-old Jim woke from a deep sleep just as sunlight began to light the bedroom of the beach house. In the distance, he could hear the surf breaking on the beach below. Slowly he stretched his naked form under the thin cotton sheet. He felt rather than saw that his equally naked twelve year-old cousin Jerry's blonde head still rested on his shoulder. Memories of the fun that the two of them had shared the night before in this very bed flooded back into his head. He could tell from the heavy breathing at his side that his cousin was still asleep. Jerry grinned as he remembered how soundly his cousin (and sometime lover) slept. Slowly, being careful not to wake Jerry, Jim untangled himself from the other boy's embrace. Then, he set up on the edge of the bed that they shared in their small room under the eaves of his uncle's beach house.
The early morning sunlight slowly began to flood the room. As he looked out the large windows open to catch the night sea breezes, he felt a hand close around his half erect penis and knew that Jerry was now awake.
Jim looked sheepishly at his cousin. "Are you as ready as I am for our morning shower? he asked.
"What do you think?" replied Jerry as he bounded from the bed and headed toward the bath room. Jim was right behind him as soft giggles escaped from both of their mouths.
The two of them stood there by the door of the bathroom with its extra-large shower running their hands over each other's naked bodies. Jim used one hand to turn on the water and adjust the knobs until the temperature was just right. Then the two boys stepped into the warm water and let it wash over them in a sensuous cascade. Jerry had already found the soap and began to lather Jim's body using it freely. Gently, he began to rub his cousin's body with his hands. Jim just stood there with his eyes half-closed enjoying it as he felt Jerry's hands work their way across the sinewy tightness of his shoulders and chest and then down along the hard ridges of his abs and slowly work their way down to his smooth hairless groin.
For Jim's part, he carefully soaped the inviting globes of Jerry's full, rounded butt. Then, he leaned forward and found his cousin's left nipple. Slowly, he licked at it and then took it in his mouth teasing every last sensation out of it. When Jerry moaned softly, he knew that the other boy was enjoying this moment as much as he was.
Jerry found Jim's rock hard penis and began stroking his shaft. In turn, Jim's hand found its way to his cousin's own equally hard organ and began to stroke it. By now, both of their dicks were hard and throbbing with need.
Using his other hand, Jim slid it along Jerry's wet flank and across his butt cheek before stopping at his rosebud. Then, he used his index finger to circle it slowly before probing his butt and then finally entering him, first with one finger and then with two.
At the same time Jerry's free hand softly closed on Jim's balls. He began to squeeze and knead them just enough to let him know that he was there and doing only enough to continue to arouse him even further.
The two of them stood there in the shower with the warm water flowing over their naked bodies for what seemed like an eternity. Both boys were entranced by the sensual interplay of the water and their boy on boy sex. Slowly, their lips nibbled at each other. Then, they locked in a passionate kiss without slowing or stopping the actions of their hands. Tongues deep-throated one another as hands worked their magic on their dicks.
It must have been the kiss that pushed them over the edge and into orgasm. They tensed and stroked their dicks ever faster and faster. Every muscle in their bodies tensed as they spontaneously rose up onto their toes so that their legs were straining as they stroked their way toward a mutual climax. Suddenly, both of them exploded in streams of cum that continued in repeated bursts until both boys were both spent.
Jim and Jerry looked up suddenly to realize that Uncle Don was standing in the shower doorway with a towel over his shoulder taking in the scene. That fact that he was naked, and had an obvious five inch [13 cm] erection let them know that he had been there for more than a minute.
Uncle Don was about 40 at the time and in good shape. He stood about 6ft [1.8m] tall with a ruddy complexion typical of someone who had spent a lot of time outdoors. He weighed 180 lbs. [81 kgm.] which was only a few pounds more than when he had graduated from college twenty years earlier. His biceps were particularly well formed for a man of his age. A mop of unfashionably long dark blonde hair crowned his head and emphasized to Jerry what his Mom, Don's sister, had said about him being 'a free thinker'.
"That was quite a show. I think that I ought to book your act at the nearest porn palace. You would soon have more pocket money than you knew what to do with" he said with that mischievous smile of his. Jerry and Jim smiled back while blushing through the water of the shower. Uncle Don knew that they were sexually active with each other, but this was the first time that he had actually watched them having sex.
When you are going naked all day and are a healthy teenaged boy, you are bound to have erections now and then. At Uncle Don's place, the boys were used to taking them for granted. However, it suddenly dawned on Jim that this was the first time that he had actually given someone else an erection. Honestly, at that moment he didn't know whether to be proud or to be ashamed.
Milton Wilkes turned off the beach road and drove down the trail that passed for a drive through the hard packed sand and scrub grasses that lead to the few beach houses at this end of the beach. His 1980 Ford Fairlane purred as he eased it into the parking slip at the beach house that he always rented for the Fourth of July weekend.
Wilkes was 60 that year and a partner in a small architectural firm that worked with several local homebuilders and subdivision developers on their house plans. The firm was nothing big but it always turned a profit and kept him in a good living. His hair was wavy and gray but still full. After his wife had passed away from cancer two years earlier, he had grown back the full moustache that he had had in his younger days, although these days it was almost completely white. He had always been a runner, but had gotten more serious about it after her passing. As a result, these days his face was always tanned. His lean body had gotten even leaner and more muscular from his regular running combined with a little weight lifting for his upper body. At the time, he tipped the scales at an even 175 lbs. [79 kgm.] which he carried well on his 6 ft. [1.8 m.] frame. When he ran shirtless, women and even a few men turned to look at him.
Milton parked the car beside the brown clapboard beach house that he had been renting for the past twenty years for this particular summer weekend. It would only be the third that he had spent here without his late wife. He sighed as thoughts of the loneliness that still punctuated his daily life passed through his head.
Then, he opened the car door and eased out of the seat. Inhaling the freshness of the sea air, he walked around to the trunk of the car and opened it. Looking back to the car, he called out "Hey, Wyatt how about helping me with the bags?"
Wyatt was Milton's grandson. He was about 5' 2" [1.6 m.] tall and thin as a rail. (He probably didn't weigh 140 lbs. [63 kgm.].) His hair was that reddish brown shade often called "auburn" with freckles covering his arms and legs where they stuck out from under the tee shirt and board shorts that he wore. If he had been shirtless, someone seeing him for the first time would have been struck by the lack of definition in his body. To the casual observer, he had a boy's body with few, if any signs, of future manhood.
"Coming, Grand-Dad" he said as he eased his lanky frame out of the passenger side of the car.
Across the way, Wyatt could see the deck at the next beach house. A man of about 40 had come out onto the deck and was waving excitedly at his grandfather. He looked to be well-built by the shape of his arms and the way that his chest filled out the sleeveless athletic shirt that he was wearing. Wyatt could see the big smile that was on his face and figured that this neighbor was one of his grandfather's beach friends.
"Hey, Milt! Long time no see. Who's your friend?" hollered Uncle Don as he cupped his hand in order to be heard over the noise of the nearby ocean.
"Hey back at you Don! This is my grandson Wyatt. He'll be staying here with me for the holiday weekend this year" yelled Milt back at his friend and neighbor.
Wyatt waved at Don and hollered back "Good to meet you, er
"Wyatt, you will want to meet my son and nephew who must be about your age. They are down on the beach right now but should be back soon for lunch. Hey, Milt. Why don't the two of you join us for lunch after you get your bags in the house and get them unpacked?" replied Uncle Don.
"That's nice of you Don. We'd really like that. Give us thirty minutes and we'll meet you on your deck if that's OK," responded Milt.
"Works for me" hollered Don. Then Milt and Wyatt picked up their bags and entered their beach house.
They stopped just inside the door to survey the beach house. On the first floor, there was one big room with a kitchen at one end of it while the second floor contained two bedrooms and a shared bathroom. Inside, it was paneled throughout with that old, solid wood paneling that was stained and varnished. The outside of the place was finished off in dark brown clapboards favored for beach houses in some parts of the country. It was a comfortable place by the sea but nothing fancy. That was why Milt had kept coming back to it through the years even though he could easily have afforded a nicer place like those on down the beach around the point.
They unloaded their bags in their respective rooms and started unpacking. It wasn't long before each had his things in the single chest-of-drawers in each room.
"Hey, Wyatt" Milt called out. "Wash up and let's get on over to Don's for lunch. He's become a good beach friend over the years. Your Aunt Martha and I were good friends with Don and his wife before both his wife and your grandmother passed away."
"Oh, and another thing. Boys can go nude on the beach until they hit puberty. I don't know if Jerry, that's his son's name, or his nephew have or not but there is a chance that they might be nude when you meet them."
Wyatt's eyes got wide. "They get to run around nude on the beach and at home! You didn't tell me that we were going to a nudist colony!" he exclaimed.
"It's not a nudist colony. They just have some rather liberal laws here concerning children. Just roll with it. Don and I are great friends. I would never force you to be friends with his boys, or do anything that you didn't want to do, but I hope that all of you can get along, nude or not. I don't think that's too much to ask" said Milt with just a touch of irritation in his voice.
"Whatever you say, Grand Dad" replied Wyatt while all the time thinking 'What the Hell have I gotten myself into?'
NOON - 3 July
Milt and Wyatt walked through the scrub grass and sand over to the Hart's beach house just next door. Don was cooking on the grill. Hamburgers and hot dogs could be seen browning there as the two walked up the steps and onto the deck.
Milt and Don greeted each other warmly with a firm handshake that somehow morphed into that sort of big hug reserved only for family and really good friends.
Suddenly, the screen door to the house opened and out came Jim and Jerry. Both were nude and hairless below the neck with what could only be called a good start on some really great tans.
Wyatt stood there bug-eyed as two boys who appeared to be older than him walked over to his grandfather completely and totally nude and then gave him a big, equally nude hug. The fact that they were nude obviously didn't bother them at all nor did the fact that they had never in their young lives met Wyatt before that moment.
Milt backed away from the nude boys and looked them up and down. "I haven't seen you since last year. Both of you certainly have grown. Let me take a look at you."
Jim stood 5ft. 8in. [1.73 m] tall and, like Jerry, weighed about 155 lbs. [70 kg]. His hair was brown, straight, and cut short. From all of the sports that he had played during the school year, he was in good shape with a trim, athletic body. His 3 inch [7½ cm] flaccid penis and hanging ball-sac protruded from his hairless crotch.
Jerry was only an inch shorter than Jim. He too had a trim muscular body. The unruly mop of dark blonde hair that crowned his head matched that of his father and made you know that they were father and son without even asking. His pecs were becoming well-developed and he had obvious abs. His two and a half inch [6½ cm] flaccid penis stood out from a baby smooth pubic area.
Wyatt was still wearing a tee shirt and board shorts with deck shoes. He looked from one naked boy to another and wasn't sure how to handle the situation. Casual nudity was not something with which he was familiar.
Jim and Jerry looked at Wyatt and could only see a younger kid with auburn hair and freckles who looked like puberty was somewhere down the road in his future. They were mentally trying to guess his age thinking that he had to be younger than either one of them. Both boys assumed that the thin underdeveloped kid that they had just met couldn't have been more than in his first year in junior high. Remembering their own embarrassed reaction to the first days of P.E. and the mandatory nude showers with twenty other boys of their own age, it was obvious to them that Wyatt had not yet had that experience. If he had, seeing them naked would not have triggered the reaction that they were now seeing. Mentally, they concluded that he couldn't be more than eleven or twelve years old at best.
Trying to be polite, Jim said "Hi, Wyatt. I'm Jim and this is my cousin Jerry. It will be good to have another kid in the neighborhood, even if it is only for a few days."
Then he stuck out his hand to shake Wyatt's hand. Wyatt gulped and then stuck out his own hand and shook the nude boy's hand.
"Hi, I'm Jerry" said the other nude boy who also offered his hand.
Don and Milt were already talking about mutual friends and ignoring the three boys.
Jim volunteered "You can go nude on the beach here until you grow pubic hair. In case you wondered, Jerry and I are cheating a little by shaving off what hair we have 'down there'."
"Yeah, my grandfather told me about it being ok to go nude until you 'sprout hair.' I'm just not used to nudity. I don't have anything against it. Just give me a little time to get used to the idea." responded Wyatt.
"Why sure, Wyatt. Nobody here is trying to force you into doing anything you don't want to do. I was just trying to explain why we were nude and out here where we can be seen by anyone passing by" countered Jim.
"Let's eat!" shouted Uncle Don. At that, the three boys turned and then walked back across the deck to the picnic table and the waiting hamburgers and hot dogs. Still, Wyatt couldn't believe that he was actually going to have lunch with two naked boys old enough to have shaved off their pubic hair in order to spend their days nude on the beach and around this resort neighborhood.
The men placed a big plate of hamburgers and hot dogs on the picnic table on the deck. Don turned toward Jerry and said "Hey Jerry, How about getting that big pitcher of tea that's in the fridge and we can have something with which to wash down this meal?"
Jerry hustled into the house and was quickly back with the tea. Jim was dispatched to bring out the buns and condiments. While these actions were taking place, Wyatt found himself fixated on Jerry's cute butt as the other boy moved around the table. Soon everyone was seated at the table passing food around and making small talk. The only thing out of the ordinary was the fact that two of the three boys that were having lunch that day were nude.
Wyatt was still having trouble getting used to the idea of someone being nude all of the time. At least the edge of the table kept him from looking at their packages while eating. However, neither Don nor his grandfather seemed to indicate that anything out of the ordinary was happening while they ate.
Once they had finished eating, Milt told the boys that he needed to talk with Don for a few minutes. The two men got up and walked down the steps toward the beach.
When Jim and Jerry started to clear the table, Wyatt offered to help. Jerry asked him to bring the plates into the kitchen so that they could wash the dishes while they got the other things. In short order, the three of them were doing dishes in the kitchen area of the Harts' beach house. As the cousins washed and dried the dishes, Wyatt had trouble not starring at Jerry's butt. Even when he looked away, his eyes wanted to rest on Jim's equally attractive backside. He was feeling a stirring in his groin that indicated that he was getting hard from looking at all of the attractive naked boy flesh.
Jim was washing the dishes while Jerry was drying them. When Jerry went to put a plate in one of the kitchen cabinets, he was the first to notice the bulge in Wyatt's board shorts.
"Hey Wyatt" said Jerry. "It looks like you need to take things in hand."
Wyatt blushed realizing that his erection was obvious through the cotton fabric of the board shorts. Jim turned halfway around to see what had motivated Jerry's comment. Wyatt's aroused condition immediately caught his own attention.
The cousins snickered realizing that Wyatt had not been there on the beach long enough for it not to matter that he was getting an erection. Wyatt turned even redder now that both of the naked boys could see the outline of his hard penis through the soft, thin fabric of his shorts.
Jim just assumed that Wyatt was young enough so that he was not yet experienced with having erections and how to handle them when around others. "Wyatt, there's nothing to be ashamed of" said Jim to the embarrassed boy. "We get hard all the time and look at us. When you're naked, there's no way for someone not to know. Besides, it's perfectly natural and healthy for a boy to get hard, or so Uncle Don says. I would imagine that your grandfather feels the same way. After all, our being nude doesn't seem to bother him at all."
"It's just that I haven't done this in front of other people before, not even classmates or other guys at the YMCA " sputtered a still red-faced Wyatt.
"You just need to relax and enjoy it. Why don't you start by taking off your shirt? You might be more comfortable." suggested Jerry. "I was pretty uncomfortable the first time that I got hard in front of my Dad but now we both take it for granted."
Jim eased over to the auburn-haired boy and reached out and took the edge of his tee shirt. Slowly, he started to pull it up revealing the other boy's freckled midsection. Wyatt had a perplexed look on his face but did not stop him from pulling the tee-shirt up and over his head and then off his slender body. Wyatt's now revealed boyish body only confirmed Jim and Jerry's evaluation that the auburn-haired boy must be about eleven, twelve at the absolute most. Heck, even his nipples were pinkish and not brown like their own.
Jerry stopped in front of Wyatt and then ran his hand over the still covered erection thereby stimulating the boy even more. Meanwhile, both of the naked boys penises had started to inflate in response to the situation in which they now found themselves.
Jim decided to see how far he could go. He undid the top button on Wyatt's board shorts. Nothing seemed to happen except that Wyatt's labored breathing increased its pace and there were little beads of sweat on his forehead. Jim undid the other button and gave the shorts a pull. Wyatt's board shorts easily slid down to his knees and then on to the floor. His boxers sagged but his erection remained firm against the fabric.
By now, both Jim and Jerry were fully erect with Jim starting to drip pre-cum. The older cousin took the waistband of Wyatt's boxers in both hands and undid the snap. With a small tug from Jim, they dropped to the floor.
It was now Jim and Jerry's turn to stand there bug-eyed. Wyatt's erect circumcised penis was about four and a half inches [11½ cm] long and a good two inches [5 cm] in diameter. It looked like it was as hard as marble and throbbed as though with a life of its own. It was even a reddish brown several shades darker than the rest of his body while a bluish vein snaked across the exposed surface. However, the most startling thing was the dark mass of pubic hair that surrounded it. Wyatt had a good two inches [5 cm] of thick, reddish brown hair above his stiff organ as well as hair on his legs on either side of his penis. Also, there was obvious hair on his ball sack. His whole package looked like that of a man of twenty. The cousins just stood there wide-eyed trying to figure out how they had misjudged this kid's age.
Wyatt saw them staring at him or more correctly at his crotch. It was his turn to smile.
"How old do you think I am?" he asked.
"We thought you were about eleven, maybe twelve" sputtered Jerry not taking his eyes off of Wyatt's impressive package.
"Yeah, I get that a lot. Actually, I'm fifteen and a half. I had a case of delayed puberty. The doctors finally decided that I need more testosterone in my system in order to kick-start the process. They shot me full of the stuff. In my case, it hasn't done much to speed up anything except the growth of my dick and balls and of course, as you can see, the hair that goes with that. My package is probably now at its fully developed adult size while the rest of me is still trying to catch up.
"Crap" said a still flustered Jim. "That's one Hell of a story. Are you for real?"
"As real as you can get" said Wyatt. "I know it's a lot to take in, but that's my story."
"I guess we can see why you couldn't go naked on the beach" said Jerry. "They'd arrest you just for the heck of it."
Wyatt, relaxed at last, laughed and then so did Jim and Jerry.
"I guess that you could shave it off, like we do" suggested Jim.
"No way!" exclaimed Wyatt. "It's the only thing that I have that proves that I'm not in grade school. Hell, back home, they even let me in the movies at the kid's prices. You'll just have to put up with me in a swimsuit. Even if I wanted to go nude, my package would give me away."
"That's true, but there may be another way" said Jerry with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
Fifteen minutes later, Jerry, Jim and Wyatt headed out the glass door onto the deck of the Harts' beach house. They waved at Don and Milt who now sat shirtless on the deck nursing their beer. The warm sea breeze felt good as they hurried down the "four by eight" log steps set into the sand and through the scrub growth in the sandy soil. Reaching the beach, the three boys ran laughing and hollering into the surf. As usual, Jerry tried to duck Jim in the incoming wave. The two boys wrestled and then felI into the surf as the wave hit them. Sputtering they regained their footing as the wave went out. Then, they both ran through the shallow water until they were on either side of Wyatt to wait for the next wave. The auburn haired boy stood there in the shallows with his two nude new friends. From the front, he appeared to be wearing a dark blue Speedo-type suit. Jerry reached out and patted him on his bare butt cheek.
"That little thong suit that Dad brought back from France last year is just what you needed. You can be almost nude and still keep the hair on your package and not get arrested in the process" observed Jerry.
"Yes, you're right. I might even get a tan on my butt, or at least a lot of freckles back there" laughed Wyatt as he hugged the younger boy. Then the wave hit them and both were sent sputtering into the surf.
"This weekend is going to be a lot of fun for all of us" yelled Jerry over the sound of the surf. "The fabric of that thong is so thin that I can still play with your dick here in the shallow water just by pushing it to one side." Then he winked at Wyatt and smiled that sly sort of smile that means there is a lot more than is actually being said. At that point, Wyatt turned toward Jim on his other side and saw his equally sly smile.
Wyatt winked back at the two cousins and smiled his own sly smile. In mock seriousness he replied "Why whatever do you mean?" With that he reached out with his hands and circled both boys' hardening, water-covered penises. From the deck of the beach house neither Don nor Milt could see what they were doing. Yes, this was going to be a great weekend.