Cutter09Clay and Tom |
SummaryClay is Tom's tasty young neighbor. Tom wants to find out what flavor.
Publ. Dec 2016
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CharactersClay (12-13yo), Tom (adult) and Tres (12-13yo)Category & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy storyMb – cons mast oral anal (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now. If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at unicorn2012111(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Cutter09: Clay and Tom in the subject line. |
My apartment is just a standard cheap apartment. Nothing special at all, except my neighbor across the landing. Single mother, and twelve year old son. I became aware of them one day when I opened my door, and a bicycle fell into my apartment. The kid, Clay, had leaned it against the wall, but the front part was actually in my doorway. When I opened the door, it came crashing in. Scared the shit out of me. I was about to go ballistic, when the door across the landing opened and Clay stuck his head out. I instantly lost all anger. "I'm sorry mister. I was in a hurry to 3; you know 3; I really needed to pee," he said as he picked the bike up. "That's okay son. I just wasn't expecting it to be there. It didn't get scratched or anything did it?" He set the kickstand, and crouched down to inspect it. I could see the bulge in his tight shorts, and about creamed my jeans. I had to have a closer look. I crouched down to inspect my side of the bike. But the only thing I was inspecting was his tight shorts. "I think it's okay mister. He said standing upright, his t shirt covering the top of his bulge. From my vantage point, I could still see the outline of a healthy looking boy part. I was sure drool was coming from my mouth. "What's this?" I said pointing to a scratch on this side. He came around the bike to see, and his crotch was inches from my face. Bending down to look where I was pointing, he said "Crap! My mom is going to be so pissed. She just got me this bike for my birthday next week." He looked near tears. I felt bad because I had actually made the bike fall by opening the door. "Hey. It's not that bad. Is your mom home?" "No, she won't be home till around seven," he said, still obviously upset. "Let's head down to the hardware store, and get some touch up paint. I'm sure we can find something close and it won't even be noticeable." We got in my car, and I could hardly keep my eyes on the road. His tight shorts drawing my attention away. At a stop light, I glanced at him and he was looking out the window, so I chanced a look lower. I could easily see the outline of his cock lying to his right side, it was even obvious he was circumcised. The ridge around his glans very prominent in the soft tight material, his ball sack pushing his cock against the strained fabric. His boyhood visibly twitched, and I glanced up to see he had caught me looking. At the hardware store, we found an exact match for his metallic blue paint. We patched up his paint, and I invited him in for a Coke. He seemed a sweet kid, not like some of the obnoxious ones these days. "So, your birthday is next week? How ancient are you?" He giggled and said "Thirteen." "Ah 3; to be thirteen again. I'd give my left nut to be your age." He laughed at the mental picture of giving up one of my nuts. He told me his name was Clay, that he and his mom moved across from me after she divorced his father. I told him my name was Tom, and I'm divorced too. That although I didn't have children, I understand how hard divorce can be on kids. Especially at his age, not having a father around to talk to. I told him if he needed to talk, just knock on my door anytime. "Thanks Tom. I appreciate that. I better go. My mom should be home soon." I couldn't get the boy off my mind, not to mention what was lurking in those shorts. *** The next day, when I heard a noise on the landing I opened my door. "Oh hi, Clay. How's the paint job holding up?" "It looks great. Can't even tell there was a scratch there. Thanks for fixing it. My mom would have gone ballistic. She had to save up to buy this for me. I wouldn't want her to think I didn't appreciate it." "No worries. Any time I can help. Want a Coke?" "Yeah. I'd love one," he said entering my apartment. I went to the kitchen, and he sat on the sofa. On the table in front of him was a porn magazine that I had 'accidentally' left out, and open to some big titted woman licking a cock. I peeked around the door frame to see that Clay was very interested in the mag. Making sure he could hear me getting the ice from the fridge, I peeked again. He was looking at the next page. "What did you do today?" I called from the kitchen. "Nothing much. Just hung out with my friend," he answered. Peeking again I could see he was a few pages into the magazine. He was just holding the pages up so that he could drop them quickly, and it would still be on the page I had left it open to. I dropped ice in glasses and popped open two Cokes. He could hear that I was almost finished in the kitchen. "Here you go," I said walking in. He quickly sat back on the sofa. He sat with his arm in his lap the way boys his age do to conceal an erection. I sat next to him, ignoring the open magazine. "What's your friend's name?" "His name is Steven, but everyone calls him Tres. He's the third Steven," Clay answered, glancing nervously at the mag. Then I 'noticed' the magazine. "Oh shit. I'm sorry. I forgot that was out," I said picking it up. I closed it and set it on the sofa between us. "You're a bit young for that," I laughed then said "Oh yeah. Your birthday is next week. Thirteen is like the perfect age for porn." I laughed again. He gave a nervous laugh too. "I don't get to see much porn, we don't have a computer or anything." "Damn. Here take this," I said, starting to hand him the magazine. Then I drew it back "No, I got the perfect gift for a thirteen year old," I said. I went into my bedroom and got one of my 'special' magazines. This one had girls and boys about his age, doing all kinds of things. Returning to the living room, I handed it to him. His eyes flew open, "Holy crap!" he exclaimed. Leafing through the pictures, his mouth just hung open. "It's yours, just don't let your mom find it." "Really?" he asked excitedly. "Sure. I was thirteen once, I know what it's like," I laughed. "Just hide it in your room, somewhere your mom won't find it. I don't want her kicking my ass over it." "I don't have a room. We have a fold out sofa that I sleep on." "Shit. I forgot that's a one bedroom over there, isn't it. Well, maybe you should keep it here. Anytime you want to look at it, just come on over. I won't mind. Mothers aren't too understanding about some things." Clay was lost in the pictures, leaning heavily on the arm hiding his cock. He came to a page where a girl about twelve was sucking a kid about fourteen. "That's my favorite," I said indicating the picture. "The girl or the picture?" he asked not looking up. "No. Blow jobs. They're the best," I said. "Really?" He sounded surprised. "Sure. You don't have to do anything, you can close your eyes and imagine it's a movie star or something sucking you, you just lay back and enjoy. You know what I mean." "Not really. I've never had a blow job." "Aw man. You don't know what you're missing. There's nothing better." He looked at me a second. "I can only imagine." Then he leaned back on the sofa, bringing the magazine up in front of his face, holding it in both hands. I could see his erection clearly, and it looked very impressive for his age. It jumped a bit in his shorts, then a second later it jumped again. I wondered if he did it on purpose, and decided to take a chance. Thinking if he reacted negatively, I would quickly jerk away and pretend ignorance. I reached out and lightly touched it, it jumped again. I moved my hand along its length, making sure he knew I was touching him. He wasn't objecting. I got on the floor in front of him, and he just continued to look at the mag in front of his face. His cock lurched again. I reached for his zipper and slid it down, then unbuttoned his shorts. Slipping my hand inside, I grasped his underwear covered cock. Still no objection. I put my fingers in the waistband of his underwear, and started to pull them and his shorts off. He didn't make a sound or move the magazine from in front of his face. Instead, he lifted his hips to allow me to pull his shorts and underwear off. By this point, I'm sure he knew exactly what was going to happen. The magazine was just a slight form of deniability. His cock was gorgeous. I was impressed by its size. Not yet thirteen, and he was probably over five inches [13 cm], and nicely thick. His sparse hair was obviously a new development. His bell end was a beautiful shape, with a slit that just begged to be licked. So I did. He gasped out a sharp intake of breath. Then I took it into my mouth, and I heard him moan behind the magazine. I wished I could see his face, but I would settle for just this great boy meat in my mouth. I took him down to the root, pressing my nose into his pubis, his crown at my throat. From behind the mag cam a series of "Ugh 3; ugh 3; ah 3;" And lots of moans and sighs as I worked on him. I saw his stomach muscles tense, and then his cock throbbed, and I was given my reward for a job well done. I nursed on it a bit longer to be sure I had gotten every drop. Then I pulled up his shorts, and undies, zipped him up, and then sat back down on the sofa. Only then did he put the mag down. He leaned forward and picked up his glass of Coke and drank some. I didn't want to wash away his flavor just yet, so I didn't take a drink. "I should go. Uh. Thanks for the magazine," he said nervously. "You're welcome. Any time you want to see it again, just knock on my door." He was barely across the landing, before I was jerking my own cock like mad. *** The next afternoon, I heard him on the landing again. He seemed to be making a little more noise than the day before. I didn't go to the door, and he continued making sounds. There was a pause, and after a minute, a timid knock at my door. "Hi Clay," I said upon opening the door. "Hi Tom," he said glancing around. I let him off the hook by saying "Would you like a Coke?" "Sure," he said, and darted in. I got the drink in record time, handed it to him, and sat down. "When is your birthday?" I asked offhanded. "Monday," he answered taking a sip. "Must be difficult at your age, sharing a one bedroom apartment with your mom." "Yeah, not much privacy for sure," he said. Then after a moment, as if it was a second thought, "Could I 3; Um 3; Could I see that magazine again?" "Oh sure, let me get it," I retrieved it from the bedroom, and handed it to him. "I'm gonna get myself a Coke too," I said, leaving him for a minute. I took my time getting it. I could hear him turning pages. When I returned to the living room, he had the magazine in front of his face, and his erection was very noticeable. I set my Coke down, and got on the floor in front of him. I didn't hesitate to reach for the fastener on his shorts, and slide them off. He lifted his hips again assisting me in their removal. I took them off and he spread his legs a bit. I inhaled his cock without a word. His hips began thrusting up slightly to meet my mouth. His moans were music to my ears. After a minute, he set the magazine down and watched me service him. He didn't last long after that, but I got to see his face as he groaned out "Ah 3; I'm gonna cum.," he warned, as if I would give up my reward by taking my mouth away. Instead, I doubled my efforts and he grabbed my head holding me on his cock as he fired his load in my throat. I didn't relinquish his cock right away, I just enjoyed having it in my mouth a while longer. Then I handed him his Coke, and he drank some. He didn't rush to put his shorts back on. There was no longer any need of pretence or modesty. I had seen everything he had. He sat on my sofa with his cock in plain view. "You don't mind 3; I mean 3; that I, you know, shot in your mouth?" "I wouldn't have it any other way," I assured him. He drank his Coke, then pulled on his shorts. "Thanks Tom." "Any time," I said giving him a wink. He smiled and left. At six o'clock there was another knock at my door. "Hey, Clay. What's up?" As if I didn't know. "Nothing. My mom won't be home for another hour," he said. "Well, come in then, and wait for her," I offered. He sat on the sofa, and again I didn't hesitate. I just sat on the floor in front of him and reached for his zipper. He lifted his hips, and for the first time I saw his cock soft. I grasped it, and it responded instantly. "You have a beautiful cock Clay." "Do you really think so?" he asked. At his age, all boys worry about their cocks. "Mmhm. Beautiful. Big too, for your age," I assured him. That brought a smile to his face, then I swallowed his cock, which brought a moan to his lips. I worked him good, and besides receiving the expected reward, he said "I'm cumming." then "Oh god Tom, I'm cumming." which was even more of a reward. There is something thrilling about hearing a thirteen year old tell you they're cumming. Especially if it's in your mouth. He pulled on his shorts and asked "Do you like doing that?" "For you, I'll do it anytime." *** Sunday morning, I was pouring my first cup of coffee, when there was a knock at the door. Being early Sunday morning, I was wearing only my boxers. I looked through the peephole in the door, and saw Clay there. I opened the door, and he came right in. "Morning, Clay. I was just gonna have some coffee. Want some?" "No thank you." "Well, what would you like?" I asked leading him on. He grinned at me, so I said "Get naked then" and he did. Then he sat down and lay his head on the back of the sofa. I was on my knees in a second. He's just so beautiful, I can't help myself. As I sucked him, he put his foot on my crotch. Of course my hard on couldn't be missed. He raised up a minute and said "Is that your dick?" "Mm hm," I said with my mouthful of his. "You get hard from sucking me?" he asked surprised. "Mn hm," I responded. "Can I see it?" I stood, pulled off my boxers, and let him have a good look. "It's big. Will mine get that big?" "Maybe. You're still growing," I said as I got back to the project at hand. As I sucked him, he began rolling his foot over my cock, driving me nuts. "Oh 3; Ugh 3; I'm cumming," he said. I love it when he says that. His voice so young, his innocent cock in my mouth giving him pleasure. When he had relaxed, I continued nursing on his cock. He still had his foot on mine "How big is it?" "Almost eight inches [20 cm]. I was about your size at your age too." His face lit up at the possibility of having a cock the size of mine. "What are you doing today?" I asked when I finally let go of his cock. "Just hanging out with my friend Tres." He stared at my cock as I tried to push it down into my boxers "Do you always get hard when you 3; you know, suck me?" "Yes. Actually, I get hard just from seeing your beautiful cock." He smiled again. "Then when I leave, you're always hard?" "Yeah, I take care of it after you're gone," I said. He nodded, contemplating it a moment. Then he put his clothes on "I'm supposed to meet Tres. I'll see ya later." Sundays, I clean and do laundry and stuff like that. It was a couple of hours later, I had just finished in the kitchen, when there was a knock on the door. I smiled to myself at the thought of another snack. I opened the door, and there was Clay, but he wasn't alone. "This is my friend Tres." He had darker curly hair, blue eyes and cute as a button too. "Hi Tres, any friend of Clay's is a friend of mine. Come on in. How long have you been friends?" "Since we were four. Practically our whole lives," Tres answered. I got them a Coke, and asked if they wanted to watch the game on tv. "No, thanks Tom. We were on the computer at Tres' house, you know, looking at stuff, and I kinda told him about the magazine you gave me." I didn't say anything, so he continued "He's never seen anything like that, I mean, that young. I thought maybe he could see it too." Not really sure where this was headed, I retrieved the magazine, and handed it to Clay. They held it on their laps between them, bent over studying each picture closely. turning the pages slowly, occasionally pointing at something and whispering. The magazine is chock full of pictures of kids engaging in all forms of sex. Straight and gay, boys and girls. Fucking, sucking, rimming, fingering, stroking, licking. It's a great mag. About halfway through it, Clay looked up at me and smiled and said "Tres is my very best friend. We're really close." Then he grinned again, leaned all the way back on the sofa and put the magazine in front of his face. Tres leaned back too, took hold of one side of the mag, to share the view, so it was in front of both of their faces. I knew it was a setup, and I took the bait. Both boys had visible erections, though Tres' wasn't as big as Clay's. I got on the floor, and reached for Tres' zipper. I exposed his four inch [10 cm] cock, and grasped it in my hand. This drew a light moan from Tres. Taking it into my mouth, I saw the top of his head go back, as he lay it on the back of the sofa. "Oh shit," he half moaned in surprised pleasure. "Feels good don't it?" I heard Clay whisper. "Y 3; ah 3; yes 3; Man 3; so good," Tres groaned. Clay put the mag down and watched as I serviced his friend. Tres' head was back, his eyes closed tightly. He was a little further along in puberty than Clay. He had a few more hairs at the base of his dick, which I buried my nose in several times as I took his dick as far as it would go. Being his first blow job, he didn't last long at all. Soon I was swallowing his cum, as he tensed up and said "Oh yeah, oh, aahhh." His load was a little more than Clay shoots, but I still liked Clay's better. "Do you need relief too?" I asked Clay. He nodded sheepishly. I slid his shorts down and went to work on him. This time Tres was watching his friend get sucked. Neither boy seemed embarrassed to let the other see him naked or even hard. I imagine they had been jerking off together during sleepovers and such. The boys left soon after I finished my 'snack'. *** I was just finished with my shower, it was a little after eight that evening, when the knock came again. "Hey, Clay, what are you doing here this late?" I asked when I saw him. "My mom had a date. First one since the divorce." "That's good, she needs to get out once in awhile. I know she works hard everyday." He came in and sat down, looking rather pensive. "Do you think my mom is going to have sex?" "Well, I really don't know her, so it would be hard for me to say. Do you know the guy she is out with?" He shook his head no. "Has she talked about him a lot lately?" "No. The first time she mentioned him was when she told me she had a date." "Well, I doubt your mother is of loose morals, and she probably doesn't know this guy very well. I don't think she will just jump into bed with him on the first date." "Do girls like sex?" "Probably almost as much as guys. They even masturbate." "They do?!" he asked astonished. "Yep. Your mother is still a young woman. She will probably eventually sleep with someone. It's really not your business though. If she decides to talk to you about it, then give your opinion. In the meantime, she's old enough to make those decisions for herself." He nodded in resignation. "I assume, this afternoon, you wanted me to do that for Tres?" "Yeah. We were looking at porn on his computer. There was a video of a guy getting a blow job. I kinda let it slip that I really like blow jobs. Then I had to tell him I'd had a few. He was so jealous. He's my best friend. I trust him, if that is what you're worried about. He won't tell anyone I promise." "Okay, but you can't tell anyone else. I could get into a lot of trouble. Besides that, I don't need a line of boys outside my door waiting for blow jobs." He laughed at the imagery. "That would be funny. You would have to get knee pads and you would be on a liquid protein diet." "I could use a little protein right now," I hinted. He started to undress, and I tented the towel I had around my waist. When he noticed, he asked "Can I see yours too?" My towel disappeared instantly. "I can't believe how big it is." He was standing in front of me naked, looking down at my cock. I reached out and took his in my hand, stroking it gently. He tentatively reached for mine too. When he touched it, it was like a lightening bolt of sensations hit me. "Let's sit down," I said. We sat beside each other stroking and admiring the other's cock. His is just beautiful, I love its youthful appearance. I loved the feel of his small hand on my cock. "I'm sorry I leave you horny all the time. I just 3; I'm not sure I want to suck a dick," he explained. "Don't worry about it. Don't do anything you don't want to do, or feel comfortable with." "Thanks," he said, but continued to stroke and examine my cock. "Lay down," he did as I asked, resting his head on the arm of the sofa, and I swooped down for my treat. I sucked on him until I felt him getting close, then stopped. "Did Tres like his blow job?" I said as I teased his dick. "Yeah. He loved it. He couldn't stop talking about it after we left." I went back down on him again, taking him closer to the edge. "Did you like watching?" "Yes." "Have you two done anything?" "We jerked off together a couple of times." I took him back into my mouth. When he began thrusting his hips up at me, I backed off. He grunted his displeasure at not getting to cum yet. "Do you want me to do it for him again?" "Mmm hm." As I sucked him back into my mouth, he grabbed my head. He wanted to make sure I didn't pull away again. He bucked up at my mouth a few more times, then held me tight to his groin as he fired his juice in my throat. He sat up and grasped my cock and began jerking it with the full intention of making me cum. I leaned back and let him take care of me. He lay his head on my chest as he stroked me up and down. As I got close, I said "You better move," he did, just in time to see me volcano all over my chest and his hand. He was surprised at the volume. "You shoot a lot," he said as I finished. "You got me really excited. You let me suck you three times today, and your friend too. That's a lot of built up excitement." He got dressed and I asked if he was having a birthday party. "No, my mom is taking a couple of friends and I to one of those pizza parlor game room places next Saturday instead of a big party. We don't really have the room for a party, and it's kinda expensive." "Yeah that's true. Well, if I don't see you, have a happy birthday." He looked at me like I was nuts if I thought he was going two days without a blow job. *** He lasted until about noon on his birthday, then he was at my door. "Look! It's the birthday boy himself. Come on in," I greeted. "Mom's at work, and Tres isn't home," he stated, somewhat annoyed. "Oh, so I'm your third choice of company," I said feigning hurt feelings. "No 3; it's not like that. I was just a little down. It's my birthday, and I'm alone." "Hmmm 3; What could possibly cheer up a thirteen year old boy?" He grinned at me. "Actually, I was thinking, since you don't really get to have the magazine at your place, maybe I should give you something else too. Something I've thought about, but never have tried. If you want to that is." "What is it?" he asked. I got the magazine and turn to a particular page. "This." His eyes flew open. "Uh 3; I 3; uh 3;" "This would be me," I said pointing to the boy taking a cock in his ass." "Oh 3; Really? You've never done that?" "Not on the receiving end." "And you want me to be your first?" he asked with a smile. "Happy birthday. I'm giving you my cherry. Only if you want to, that is." "Sure!" I grabbed the olive oil from the kitchen on my way to the bedroom. Clay was waiting, naked already. I guess he was in a hurry to get his first piece of ass. I was pretty anxious too. I told him to go slow until I could get used to it. He listened and once he was passed my ring, he slowly progressed into me. After what seemed an eternity, I felt his balls against mine. He withdrew then pushed back in. The second time he pulled out too far, and popped out. He soon found his range, and grabbed my hips and started serious fucking. He tried different speeds and stroke length to see what he liked best. I had no preference, I just loved having him in me. After a few minutes, he reached under me and grabbed my hard cock. I thought it was very considerate of him. He stroked my cock and my ass steadily, and suddenly I erupted all over the sheets. "Did you just cum?" he asked in surprise. "Yes. You made me cum really good." "Awesome," he said proudly. He sped up his efforts, and soon unloaded inside me. "Uh 3; Tom 3; Cumming." If you've never had a teen boy fuck your ass, I can highly recommend it. Knowing you gave him his first piece of ass, and feeling him unload in it, is tremendous. For him, it was like a new toy. He did it twice more before leaving that afternoon. I think I got the better end of his birthday gift. *** Clay was over every day trying to wear out his new toy. I wasn't complaining. Saturday, we only had a few minutes, so I gave him a quick blow job, before his party. Sunday, both boys showed up at my door. "Mom's making lunch for her new boyfriend. I told her I would spend the day with Tres." In five minutes, I had both boys naked in bed with me. Clay was in his newly acquired home, and Tres was in my mouth. Being spit roasted by two thirteen year olds is my new favorite thing. As I sucked Tres, he watched Clay fuck me. He also showed interest in my cock as it flopped up and down with Clay's thrusts. The boys had just finished with me, and we were having a Coke, when we heard a loud noise outside the door. I got dressed quickly and told Clay "You boys stay here. Call 911, tell the operator someone's been hurt." Grabbing my baseball bat (I keep one because it's not the best neighborhood), I went out the front door. I put my ear to Clay's apartment door, and heard muffled screams. I'm not as young as I used to be, but I managed to kick the door open in one try. Some asshole had Clay's mom by the throat, his hand was drawn back to hit her again. It's probably a good thing the bat connected with his arm first, before connecting with his head. I'm sure it slowed the bat down, making the impact to his head less deadly. Otherwise, I would be facing murder charges I guess. Dorothy, Clay's mom, was bloody, and her blouse torn, obviously beaten, and unconscious. I kept the boys out until the Police and EMS showed up. I took a blanket off the bed and covered Dorothy. I assumed she wouldn't want her son to see her that way. Clay and Tres told the officers the same story I had. So they didn't charge me with anything. Dorothy was taken to the hospital, and Romeo rapist had to wait for a second ambulance. I knew he wouldn't be conscious for a while any way. I took the boys to the hospital after securing the apartment. Dorothy was still being treated. Tres called his parents to tell them what was going on. His dad asked to speak to me, and I told him what had happened. Well, most of it anyway. I promised to bring Tres home as soon as possible. She had a broken rib and bruising mostly. They wanted to keep her overnight. Clay wanted to stay with his mother, which was understandable. Tres said "I don't have to rush home. My parents won't know when we left the hospital." "Did you have something else in mind?" I said smiling at the boy. Back at my apartment, Tres got naked as soon as the door was closed. "Bob, I've been kinda wanting to try something. But I'm afraid to tell Clay. Could I 3; would you let me 3; you know 3; suck you?" Who was I to deny a boy something he really wants. Tres took to sucking dick like a duck to water. I could tell he enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed being sucked. When I unloaded down his throat, he shot his load on his thigh. I took him home, and he told his parents he wanted to be there when Clay and his mom came home from the hospital. *** The sun was barely over the horizon the next morning, when the knock came on my door. "Are you picking them up?" Tres asked. "Yes but not for a couple of hours." "There's something else I want to try." I showed Tres how to prepare, and then I fucked his ass to oblivion. The kid is a natural sub bottom. He didn't want Clay to know, but he is gay. He had been wanting to do more with Clay, but he knows Clay likes girls. "When he told me you had sucked him, I thought he might let me too. Then I watched him fuck you. I wanted it to be me. But he's my best friend, and I don't want to lose him as a friend just to get fucked by him." "That's understandable and very wise of you, Tres," I told him. We picked up Clay and Dorothy from the hospital. She went on and on about me being her hero. The nurses had told that Romeo Rapist was not going to fare as well as she had, thanks to me. He would be drinking his food through a straw, since they had to wire his jaw, and the damage to his teeth would take a while to fix. But they didn't think he suffered any permanent brain damage. Too bad, would have served him right. She invited me to dinner a couple of days later. I didn't tell her Clay had given me several rewards since she had been home from the hospital. I also didn't tell Clay that around eleven o'clock that night she knocked on my door, and rewarded me again with her pussy. I explained to her that I wasn't interested in a long term relationship, and she seemed to accept that. Although the little devil on my shoulder kept telling me to go for it. Imagine complete access to Clay anytime we wanted. But I'm not really that big an asshole to take advantage of her just to get to her son. I was getting his dick as often as I wanted anyway. *** Over the next two years, I swallowed a lot of his boycum and had even more unloaded in my ass. Between him and Tres, I was getting about twenty loads a week. Dorothy began dating another guy from her office. When he was to be transferred, they married and moved to Cincinnati of all places. Tres was nearly devastated. We managed to console each other though. We continued to console each other till he went away to college, two months ago. I have a new neighbor, Trevor. Divorced, drinks too much, pays little attention to his son, Mikey, when he visits. Three weeks ago, fourteen year old Mikey moved in with his dad. What a tasty little chicken nugget he is. The End |
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