PZA Boy Stories




A paper delivery boy finds out that he had seen one of his clients naked in the YMCA.
Publ. 1999 (Nifty); this site Aug 2011
Finished 2,250 words (4½ pages)


Cliff (11yo) and Mike (24yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mb – cons oral – first


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author. Are you the author, please contact me.

Author's note

This is a true story. I don't know how many of you guys remember that first big hairy adult cock you ever saw, but I sure do. Love to hear about that first big cock you ever saw.

It was time to deliver my weekly paper and this happened to be the week for collections as well. I was an 11-year-old kid, blonde-hair, tanned from lots of time at the beach, and really active.

For two weeks, my friend was on vacation, so I was taking his route as well as my own to make some extra cash. It was taking longer than I thought, but I knew I was almost at the end.

I knocked on an apartment door to ask the guy for his cash for the month of papers, and when this half-dressed guy opened the door, he looked really familiar to me, and I wasn't quite sure from where. He had the same 'I-know-that-guy-from-somehwere' look on his face, asked me where Paul – his usual delivery boy was – and I filled him in, thanked him for the cash and moved on.

But while I was going down the stairs I realized who he was. I had seen him in the showers at the YMCA during swim class. He was the first naked adult man I'd seen and I remember not being able to take my eyes off of his huge soft penis. My father had been very strict with me, telling me we must always remain humble, always turn your back when you're changing, and never look at other naked men or women – it was a sin. I remember him being the only guy in the showers, and I stared – especially at his cock for what seemed hours, and he seemed happy enough to show it off. Seemingly in a trance, I blinked, looked at the guy's face who had this huge smile on his face, and I took off to the pool.

I started to blush, and I got really weird feelings, but really wanted to go up to his apartment again, I decided not to, but knew I had to see this guy naked again somehow. I looked at his name 3; Mike.


The next week, as I climbed his apartment stairs, I decided to knock on the door, and hand the guy his paper. So, I hesitantly knocked, and the door opened slightly, and the guy popped his head out, and asked what I wanted. I told him I had his paper for him and 3; that 3; I 3; um 3; really needed to use the washroom. He told me I could come in but that he wasn't really dressed. I told him I didn't care, so he let me in.

I quickly glanced at him to make sure it was the same guy I had seen at the Y, and yes, he was standing there in his boxer shorts, directing me to the washroom. I was sweating buckets in the washroom, wondering how I could ask him if I could see his penis again, but I didn't know how.

I came out of the washroom, and there he was, sitting on his easy chair, in his underwear with a drink – and asked if I wanted one. I told him I had to phone my mom and ask if it was okay, which I did, and she told me not to stay long, and got the guy's name and phone number. All was okay.

I sat down on the other side of the room, while he went a got me a drink. When he came back, I could swear I could see his penis through the fly of his boxers, and I'm sure I stared.

He sat across from me again, spreading his legs, and I know I was red. Then I dared myself to say it. "You know, I saw you at the Y a couple of weeks ago."

"Really. When?"

"It was our 2nd swim class for my grade 5 class, and I saw you in the showers. There was a slight pause, and then 3;"

"Oh that was you was it? I remember a kid staring at me in the shower for awhile. Right – now I remember you. Did you get a long enough look?" he laughed.


"So, why were you staring at me"? he asked.

My chance. "This is really embarassing, but, you're the first guy I've ever seen totally nude – I mean – not my friends – but a man – with a full grown 3; you know 3; penis."

He laughed, spreading his legs a little further. "You mean you haven't seen your dad's cock – ever." (Another word that got me a little excited).

"No, I replied." He never lets me see his, or anyone elses, so it was really neat to see yours and all that hair and stuff.


My nerve got up again. "Do you think I could see it again?"


You deliver the paper next week, when I've time to think about it, okay?

As I was leaving, I turned around to thank him for the drink, and there hanging out of his blue boxers was half of his cock. I looked up at him – he winked – and said – "next week."


I could hardly wait for next week to get there. I delivered the rest of my papers so fast, so I could get to Mike's house. This time I ran up the stairs and knocked on the door. He opened it, and stuck his head out and invited me in. He was wearing his boxers again, and again offered me a drink of soda – which I took. We sat down in the same places as we had the week before.

This time he started talking. "So you know what you asked me last week? Are you still kind-of-interested." I said that I was and had been waiting all week. I told him it wasn't fair that my friends all had had older brothers who had shown them their cocks, but I hadn't seen one up close.

"Well, I could get in trouble for doing this, you know. I mean we could go swimming and you could look at it and 3;" I interrupted that I wanted to see it up close. (I was persistant)

"Look, I'd really appreciate if you didn't tell this to anyone. As far as I'm concerned you saw me at the YMCA, okay."


He stood up, and turned his back to me to slip off his boxers. He stood up for a minute, then slowly turned around and stood there. He looked the same as he did in the shower, but this time he was just standing there for me to look at. Neither of us said anything. He had a great body. Semi-defined – light hair on his chest, stomach and legs – and lots of hair around his cock – which of course I focused on.

In a few minutes, he walked over to me and stood right in front of me. At this time I was leaning back in the chair, but just having him this close was great. Then, he raised his foot up on the side of my chair, and said, "Hey buddy, you said you wanted a close look – go ahead – take a close look."

Slowly, I sat up in the chair, and leaned forward. "You can touch it, it won't bite you. If you want to see the whole thing you might have to move it around a little bit."

I reached forward and took his penis in my hand. I remember it feeling so soft and thick, and elastic, not like mine at all. I lifted up his penis, and put my hand under his balls and gently lifted them up and down. I ran my hand through his mound of pubic hair, and just sat back and stared.

"You really like this don't you?"

I nodded.

He said, "You know what, it feels kind of cool to know that someone admires my body and my penis enough to want to see it up close. This is good for my ego!"

"When I grow up I wanna have a body just like yours okay. And I hope that my cock grows up as big as yours does too."

"So how far along do have to go, he asked."

With that, I jumped up and dropped my pants, and there was my tiny penis not near ready for puberty.

"Stand up on the stool for a minute let's just take a look."

With that, he moved his body up against mine, and put his penis against mine. I remember the feel of it against my body – and how incredible it felt.

"Holy cow, that's really big. How old are you anyway?" I asked.

He told me he was 24 years old – 'full grown'.

"Do you know this thing gets even bigger doncha? Do you know what a boner is?"

"Is that when you have an erection?" I said proudly.

He replied that it was and asked if I wanted him to get it hard. When I said I did, he went back to sit down in his chair again, spread his legs and told me if I wanted to watch, I could get a close up. So I hopped on the ottoman and rolled over to his chair, where his legs were spread, and that soft, big hairy thing was just hanging there.

He told me that he usually only got it hard when he was thinking about girls, or when he was out on a date with girls, but he'd be happy to show it to me. "Think of me as your big brother and I'll be happy to show you how things work."

So he started to play with it, but nothing was happening. It was still soft but still big. He said he was nervous. He slouched down further on the chair so his legs could spread wider, and I got a better view, but nothing much was happening. His fist was around it, and he was pulling and stroking and caressing his balls.

"Cliff, I'm wondering if you could do me a real special favour."

"Sure anything,"I replied.

"Can you just pretend my penis is a popsicle, and put it in your mouth and suck on for a little bit. I think it will get hard then."

Without hesitating, I picked up his penis and put it in my mouth, and then spit it out. "What's wrong, doesn't it taste good?"

I said that something wasn't right, I wasn't sure, so I just held his penis for a little bit.

In a few minutes, I got down on my knees, and edged myself in so that my nose was right on his balls. I looked up at him, and he told me it was okay, that alot of guys did this, but usually when they got older. To an 11-year-old his cock was huge. He told me it was going to get really big so I better watch it. Then he took his cock and aimed it at my mouth again. I opened up, and he started to stroke it while the tip was in my mouth. I loved looking at all the hair around his penis, and the fact that I was this close to a grown man.

This time when he asked me how it tasted, I told him it was really different but it was okay. Now his cock was getting big, and when it got too big, I couldn't fit it in my mouth and had to take it out.

"Thanks Cliff, for getting it nice and wet." He sat back further, took his hands of his dick, and let it sway erect in front of my face. "There you go – your big brothers fat hard penis – enjoy the scene!" I remember just sitting between his legs with my face a few inches from his crotch just staring at his huge penis.

"Okay – gotta finish this show 3;" Then he started to pump his cock really fast, and told me to sit back, because some stuff was going to come out of the top. He kept pumping, and suddenly, all this white stuff shot out of his penis, into his hair, some on my face, some on his chest. "That is semen," he said 3; babies are made out of that."

I put my hand on his penis again and felt the semen that had dripped down his penis. Then I just played with it for a few minutes. He was slouched down in his chair, with one leg on the ottoman and one on the floor. I waited until his cock was completely soft again. I just kept saying, "this is so cool – this is so cool." He laughed and seemed really happy that I liked his cock so much.

"Cliff, you better get going. Wanna kiss it goodbye, he giggled?" I leaned over, licked it, kissed his bag, and said questioningly, "see you soon?"

He walked me to the door, he shook my hand, and I shook his penis goodbye. Thank you so much. "Anytime you want to look at your big brother's penis, you know where to come." He had to take my hand off his penis so I could leave. I felt like it was a new pet that I didn't want to leave.

Since the guy wasn't on my regular paper route, I rarely saw him again, but that whole episode is one that stays in my head still today.

The End