PZA Boy Stories

Howdy Doody

The Green Tree Updates


The Green Tree Updates are a continuing accounting of the exploits of the children and staff of Camp Green Tree as written about in "The Geppetto Project". For want of a better reason, the author ran out of letters of the alphabet for the Chapters of "Geppetto" and decided to carry on the story under another title.
Publ. Aug 2011
Under construction, Oct 2011; 62,000 words (124 pages)


Many Geppetto boys and staff.

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/love
Mb bb tb bg – cons anal oral mast – ws


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Very little of this story will make any sense unless the reader has read "Geppetto" first, or at least the first three Chapters.

The usual disclaimers apply and you may take them with however many grains of salt you wish.


Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at howdydoody(at)nyms.net or using this feedback form with Howdy Doody - Green Tree Updates in the subject line.


Fall 2006

Sid jumps the shark

"So what the fuck is going on Hank?" the Hospital Orderly asked the Maintenance Supervisor as a large contingent of workers were busily moving furniture and equipment both in and out of a suite of rooms in the Hospital.

"Nobody really knows. All I know is that the Chief of Operations received a call from some high powered dude in Washington and said we needed to prepare a Suite of rooms for some guy who is being flown in for an operation in the morning. We're supposed to prepare the floor for him and his group, and then make ourselves scarce. Once he arrives, we can't even get on the floor again until he's outta here." the Supervisor said.

"So who is this guy?" the Orderly asked.

The Supervisor shrugged his shoulders. "They aren't saying, and we've been told not to ask. All I know is that the Administration mentioned "National Security" so he's probably some terrorist that they've got locked up somewhere who needs an operation."

"Why would they want to keep that quiet?" the Orderly asked.

"Probably because our guys beat the shit out of him, and they want to patch him back up nice and quiet like." The Supervisor speculated.


Bert walked into the Infirmary just before the group was about to leave. The helicopter had landed in the FEMA Depot, and the plan called for Sid to depart with Thomas, Barry, Dr. Lester and Jeanette. At least that's what the plan called for.

"What the fuck is going on? Where are you going?" The Camp Director asked David, Jesse and Spencer.

All three boys now looked at their respective Primary Caretakers.

"I want David to go with me to the hospital; he can give me a hand. Sid asked that Jesse be allowed to accompany him, and Spencer insists on going with Sid. Jeanette gave her approval." Thomas replied.

"And you three?" Bert asked Gloria, Jeanette and Johanna.

"Since Harry has secured a Suite of rooms at the hospital, there's no reason why we can't go." Gloria replied.

Bert shook his head as he reviewed the people now standing around with either babies in their arms, or overnight bags. "I just spent the better part of a day telling close to 600 children and another 200 staff that this is a nothing, bullshit, routine operation for Sid, and the Director of the Girls Campus and the Director of Camp Kenny up and disappears on them. Are we really sure that Adam shouldn't be on that chopper so that we have no Directors at all in camp?" Bert asked somewhat sarcastically.

"Well now that you mention it boss…" Sid said.

"Oh, shut up Sid." Bert said as he bent down and gave his Assistant a kiss on the top of his head.

"I want you two back here tomorrow afternoon, with or without Sid." Bert now said to Gloria and Johanna.

"What do you mean, "With or without Sid"?" Sid now asked.

"Sid, it's very obvious to everybody in the room that you're in great danger. Since you are in so much danger, who knows, you just might be in the hospital for more than one day." Bert said as Barry and Dr. Lester held back the smiles.

"Fuck that! You said I was only going to be in the hospital for one day, and God dammit, That's all I'm spending there." Sid replied.

"Well, OK, but let's stop inviting the whole school shall we?" Bert asked his friend.

Bert now picked up Spencer. At 13, Spencer was no toddler, but Bert wasn't exactly a midget himself. As he gave Spencer a hug, he kissed the boys cheek. "If there was any danger to Uncle Sid, I would not be making such a fool of him right now. I know how much you love him; I also know you know how much we all love him. This is not another situation like Anthony's hospitalization Spencer; he's in very good hands, and if I thought for a moment that he wasn't, I would be the first one on that chopper with him. Understand?" Bert asked the boy.

"I have to go with him Uncle Bert." The boy told Bert as the Director felt the boys tears falling on his neck.

"I know you do sport, but keep calm. Nobody is telling you that you can't go, but you're getting yourself upset over something for nothing. You need to have faith that we will take care of Uncle Sid and we're not allowing anything to happen to him. Can you trust us enough to do that?" Bert asked the child.

"You stuck your neck out there pretty far. Have you considered his reaction if something does go wrong? We are talking about a pretty major surgery." Dr. Lester asked Bert once the group was mounting the carts for the FEMA Depot.

"Yes, I did consider it, but we'll have to cross that bridge when and if it comes. Spencer's emotional stability foundation is about as thick as an egg shell and as solid as jello. It has taken us 7 years to begin to try to put him back on solid ground after the first 6 years of abuse he went through as a child, and he might never fully recover. But we sure as hell are going to try." Bert told the man.

"If anything goes wrong, Spencer has the girls. They know how to pull him through, so if he starts sliding, they are in complete charge of him." Bert said as the first of the 4 carts pulled away.


There was nothing new to the hospital about a helicopter landing with a patient, but what was strange and different to the hospital staff close enough to see what was going on was the arrival of a huge, non-medical, Sikorsky hitting the landing pad. Once the doors opened, a small group of men, women and children exited the aircraft following a patient on a gurney. The question everybody had was; who was the patient, and why did he have such an entourage? Speculation ran the gamete, but there were no answers, and instructions from the hospital Administration not to ask any. The curiosity was compounded by the fact that a large contingent of men in dark glasses and business suits had taken over and sealed off an entire wing of the hospital.

"Did Dick have another heart attack?" an Orderly asked a Nurse. "If he did, I'd like to know who those women with all those kids are. As far as I know, his only daughter is a dyke, so she ain't having babies." She replied to a bunch of snickering.

"Are those guys F.B.I. or Secret Service?" another Nurse asked.

"They don't say. As a matter of fact, they don't say nothing. They just stand there and stare at you." The Orderly replied. "Whoever he is, he's got the Administrations nuts in a twist; just about every one of them are here sitting in their offices. Tonight isn't a good night to get yourselves lost in a vacant room to take a nap." He said.

Once Sid and the group entered the wing, hospital routine returned to normal as the Sikorsky lifted back off and flew into the black night sky. Not until its return 5 hours later with Sid's Medical Team would staff give the group another thought.

By midnight, Sid was slowly being medicated into sleep with Jesse, David and Spencer sleeping in his room in their own beds while the girls took turns monitoring all three of them.

Through a hazy fog, Sid would remember days later being awakened by his bed being rolled out of his room with Gloria walking alongside with her finger against her lips telling Sid to keep quiet. Spencer, David and Jesse were still sound asleep, probably helped a very great deal by the particularly powerful lacing all three had received just before bedtime concealed in some hot chocolate.

Once Sid reached pre-op, he just as hazily watched as the girls prepared his abdomen and put on leggings to prevent blood clots during surgery. All Sid really remembered was that he wanted to go back to sleep.

Sid's Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy began at 6:00, and by 11:00 he was in the recovery room. (Not that he remembered any of it.)

For Spencer, David and Jesse, their day began 3 hours after Sid's surgery began. Gloria, Jeanette and Johanna had bought their respective charges, Timmy, Kenny and Sidney-Bertram. Unlike the older boys, neither Timmy nor Kenny had been laced, and they were up and fully about the Ward by sun-up, as was their usual custom. Keeping two 5 year olds quiet is never an easy task, and by 9:00 a tray of breakfast dishes went crashing to the floor just outside Sid's room, and that was the end of Spencer's, David's and Jesse's sleep.

"What do you mean Uncle Sid is already gone, why didn't you wake me up?" Spencer demanded to know as he stood in the hall with a splitting headache and naked.

Leading Spencer back into the room, Jesse and David were still trying to figure out who they were and where they were, also with some pretty good sized headache's. "Your Uncle Thomas started the surgery very early this morning, and all three of you were sound asleep. Uncle Sid didn't want us to wake you up, so we let you sleep. He'll be done very soon, so let's get you three into the showers and then we can get some food into you." Gloria told Spencer as she stripped his soaked sheets off the bed.

Unlike at camp, the hospital showers were tiny in comparison. One person could sit down and shower very comfortably, but at Green Tree, a dozen boys could fit easily into the shower room at a single time. Now, one by one, all three boys stood while Gloria and Jeanette washed the nights urine down the drain and returned the boys to sparkling cleanliness (For a little while at least).

"Where is everybody? How come Uncle Sid ain't back yet? Spencer wanted to know as Jeanette brushed out the boys hair.

"Everybody is either in with Uncle Sid taking care of him, or in the Recovery Waiting Room. Uncle Thomas came out about an hour ago and said that everything went just fine and they're finishing up with him now. Uncle Sid should be back here shortly and he wants you three to wait for him here. He also expects you to eat some breakfast. You're going to follow his wishes, right?" Jeanette asked the boy.

"I'm not hungry." Spencer replied.

"Then you're not too anxious to see Uncle Sid. He was pretty specific; first you eat some breakfast, then he comes back to the Ward." Jeanette told the boy.

Spencer looked at the girl. "You're lying to me, Uncle Sid never said that." He said.

"I might be lying, then again, I might not be lying. Would you like to test it?" Jeanette asked the boy matter of factly.

Spencer turned around and looked straight into Jeanette's eyes. He saw determination. Smiling, he turned back around. "You're lying to me, but I'll eat." He replied.

Giving him a small smack on his bare ass with the brush, she moved Spencer out of the way to do David's hair. "The older you get, the more like your Uncle Sid you all become. Is it our fault, or Uncle Bert's?" she asked no one in particular.


There were a few tougher nights Adam spent at Green Tree during the past 2½ years, but not very many. For that he was very grateful. He awoke just passed 6:00 in the morning and spent the next 15 or so minutes on the front porch of the cabin waiting for the dawn. Finally, he decided to take a walk to the Mess Hall to see if there was any available information concerning Sid and to get some coffee.

As a Mess Boy handed Adam a large mug of coffee, the counselor walked into the kitchen knowing Bert was most probably already there. "Has there been any word from Duke?" Adam asked as he approached the Chef's table in the middle of the kitchen.

"What are you doing up before Reveille?" Bert asked the man as Adam sat down.

"Probably the same thing half the staff around the lake are doing. I'm looking for some info on Sid." Adam told his Director.

"Sid went under the knife about an hour and a half ago, we don't really expect any news before 10:00 or so when they'll know if the cancer has spread to his lymph nodes or not. According to the tests, they don't believe it has, so once the pathology comes back, they'll proceed as planned and should be out of there by 11:00 or so." Bert replied.

"What about the boys?" Adam asked.

"Gloria told Thomas to knock them all down last night. Matthew says they drank enough sedatives to keep them asleep for the duration." Bert said smiling.

"Spencer's not going to be waking up very happy." Adam now said.

Bert shrugged his shoulders. "Gloria Ordered it, and both Jeanette and Johanna agreed. Spencer might give any of us shit, but he isn't going to go off on the girls, especially those three."

Adam nodded as Christopher now came bounding into the kitchen quickly followed by two Mess Boys trying to anticipate the boys next move. Spotting Adam, the special needs child took a flying leap onto Adam's lap just before Adam put his coffee safely down on the table to receive the boy, ready or not.

With Christopher now wrapped around Adam's throat like a boa constrictor cutting off his air, Adam waited for the boy to release his grip and back away nose to nose and eyes to eyes. "Hey!" Christopher exclaimed in his usual greeting as he then slapped a jelly donut laden kiss on the counselor.

Adam waited for the boy to release the kiss and back his face away. "Good morning pal, have you been eating Chef John's jelly donuts this morning?" Adam asked as he wiped the childs red mustache off his upper lip.

"Hey!" Christopher replied with a dimpled smile and searching eyes. "More?" the boy asked as he signed for another.

"He's already eaten 3 Uncle John. The bakery said they only made 4 gross, so there's only enough for one apiece." One of the Mess Boys reported.

"Don't ask me Carl. I'm not in charge of that stomach, that's your Uncle Bert's fault." The Chef replied.

"Come on Christopher, we don't have to sit here and get insulted, let's take a walk to the Cove and we'll get you a nice warm shower." Bert said as he picked his ward up and patted the boys bare butt as he put him on his hip.

"More?" Christopher asked again.

As Adam, Bert and Christopher walked down to the lake from the Mess Hall, several counselors, Including Peter and Etienne joined them on the path that surrounded the lake. A slight tinge of green could be seen coming from the tops of the hills to the East, telling all involved that daybreak was coming, and the camp would soon be teeming with life once again as the bugler sounded reveille and the campers sprang into the new day. But for now, all was dead silent except for an occasional bull frog coming from the lake shore or some banging of pots being washed in the Dish Room.

Once Christopher spotted the water, he wiggled himself down off Bert's hip and was now cavorting his way through the water as it flew from the boys hands and feet.

Bert filled in the newer arrivals with the information he had on Sid, while keeping his eyes on Christopher hoping the boy didn't decide to take a dip in the lakes deeper waters. "So is Sid going back to his cabin once he returns?" Father Peter asked the Director.

"Initially, Sid will be housed in the Infirmary where he can be looked after by the girls and Doc Thomas." Bert replied. "We want to keep his recuperation as low key as possible with the little ones, and yet keep him highly visible and accessible to the Intermediate Boys. It'll take a few days before he's up and about, and I don't want him bouncing around up and down the hill between the upper and lower camps." Bert said.

"What our job is going to be is to make sure the boys know that Sid is going to take some time to get back to "Normal". He's undergoing some pretty major surgery right now, and it'll take 4 to 6 months before he's back to the old Uncle Sid. We've downplayed the surgery, but there's no downplaying the recovery." Bert continued.

"How long before he's back up on his horses?" Etienne asked. "That's something the boys are going to be gauging his physical condition on." He said.

Bert nodded his head. "We're going to be lucky if we can get him back on a horse by Spring. The doctors don't want him doing anything besides walking. They don't even want him swimming for at least 4 months." Bert told the group.

"Sid knows all this?" Father Peter asked.

"Shit no! Sid still thinks he can enter a strongman contest next week if he wants to. There's going to be enough fur flying with the girls to get him to take it easy for awhile; why start the process any sooner than we have to?" Bert told the group.

"What about Spencer's reaction? Remember what happened after Anthony's accident?" Adam now asked his boss.

"We're going to have a problem with both Spencer and Jesse." Bert replied. "Both Matthew and Dr. Lester think it might be best if we shipped Spencer up North with David and Paulie. Barry could oversee both David and Spencer's care at the Andover School, and Spencer would have Paulie and the family on the Vineyard for emotional backup. They pretty much know Spencer's problems and they all have a good rapport with him, especially Dora."

"And just what does Jeanette think about that idea?" Adam asked,

Bert smiled somewhat and shook his head. "The problem we always have is that we can't move one person around here without effecting 50 others. There's no such thing as making a single decision, it's like a fucking set of dominoes; push one over and you have 150 following it. I can't do that with this one, because if I do, this one and this one and this one is negatively affected. By the time I get through, one little move ends up with half the camp re-arranged." Bert said.

"Which doesn't answer my question; what does Jeanette think about Spencer being sent to the Gulag?" Adam repeated.

Bert looked at Adam. "You're a big fucking help. Thanks." He said as some chuckling began.

"I've anticipated that the shit is going to hit the fan with Spencer. I think the temporary answer is to rotate the girls on two week schedules until they decide Spencer is secure enough to function without them. Matthew will set up a house in Andover for all 3 boys, and they will be day students. On the weekends, they live on the Vineyard." Bert told the group.

"And Jesse?" Adam asked.

"If Jesse pushes, he will join them, but we don't see that happening. Jesse and Sid are joined at the hip. We're betting that Jesse is going to abandon the idea of going North once he understands the extent of Sid's medical problems." Bert said.

"So Sammy loses David, Jesse and Spencer in one move. That's going to make him real happy considering he was raised with David and Jesse." Adam replied.

"I guess we hadn't thought of that. We can always send Sammy up North too." Bert said. Reveille blew just after Adam's comment about a pigs ass.

As Bert and Adam mounted the steps of Adam's cabin, Christopher was already on his way up the stairs to the loft bedrooms. "Is that piss?" Carla asked as Christopher climbed over the girl heading towards Sammy.

Sammy was now fully awake as the boy climbed on top of his body with a smile and in search of a very wet kiss. "It can't be, his hair is all wet! He's been swimming in the lake." Sammy said as Christopher released his kiss and now hugged the air out of Sammy's lungs in his usual bear hug. "Christopher! You're squashing my dick! I gotta go pee." Sammy said as he tried to roll the boy off his chest.

"Hey!" Christopher replied as he looked down at his penis and slapped a choke hold on it.

"Boy, that was stupid! Now he's gonna piss all over the bed." Jeannie said as the girl exited the bed and watched for the coming flood.

"Don't blame us Uncle Adam. Sammy's the one who talked about peeing to Christopher." Carla said as her counselor and Bert entered the bedroom.

Adam looked at the bed and the floor leading to the bathroom. "So which of this piss is Christopher's, and which is yours, Jeannie's and Sammy's?" Adam asked.

"And Matty's. He slept with us too!" Jeannie said as she headed for the showers.

"I didn't piss the bed Uncle Adam, I just slept in it." Carla replied as she now headed out the door.

"Wonderful news sweetheart, I'll let housekeeping know they don't have to smell your piss today." Adam said as she giggled.

"Has Helen been checking their plumbing? When I was their age, if those two slept in my bed I'd have been fucking their brains out. Are we sure the boys aren't gay?" Bert asked Adam.

"All you have to do is give them the green light and they'll be more than happy to prove their manhood to the girls. For now, they're just as happy to be entertaining the back doors of the girls, let's not encourage them to roll them over anytime soon." Adam said as Bert now chuckled.

"How come you never gets a boner Uncle Bert? Don't you like us?" Carla asked as Bert showered with Christopher and soaped the boy up.

"Does it mean that someone does not like you unless he has an erection in your presence?" The Director asked the girl. "I love you all a great deal, but that doesn't mean I have to walk around with a stiffie all day does it.?" He asked.

"Not all day, but I never see you with a boner. Don't you ever fuck?" the girl asked.

"Yeah boss, what's the matter with you?" Adam asked.

"I'm human, so naturally I fuck. But you have to realize that unlike some of your Uncle's, I don't have to advertise my sexuality like they do and I can keep myself under control." Bert said as he stared at Adam.

"Whatcha want to keep it under control for? Boners tell us when a boy likes us or not. Don't they Jeannie?" Carla pressed.

"Especially Jesse, he gots the biggest dick of all the Junior boys except Brian when he was a Junior Boy." Jeannie replied.

"Yeah!" Carla exclaimed as she played with Matty's erection in a corner.

"Let's just say that your Aunt Helen asked the men to keep the boners to a minimum around you girls, and I'm trying to do my part out of respect for her." Bert told the girls.

"What does "Respect" have to do with fucking? You fuck her don't you?" Carla asked as the boys giggled.

"Is this a proper question?" Bert asked Adam.

"Uncle Adam says we can ask all the questions about fucking we want in the cabin. He said we gots a right to know why our bodies make us feel the way they do. Everybody fucks, right Uncle Bert?" Carla continued.

"Yes, but hopefully not in Macy's window. Your Uncle is correct, and you have every right to ask any questions about your sexuality, but we do want to do it with respect to other people's privacy." Bert tried to explain.

"So you ain't gonna tell us you fuck Aunt Helen?" Carla asked.

"Do I ask you who you make love to?" Bert asked as Adam now shook his head.

"That's easy, we all fuck each other! Don't we Uncle Adam?" Carla said proudly.

"Oh yes Sir, they're all little fucking machines!" Adam told his boss. "You do realize you set yourself up for that one, right?" Adam asked.

"Fuck?" Christopher asked Bert as the boy clutched a very small, but very distinct erection in his fingers.

"Wow Uncle Bert, Christopher learned a new word!" Sammy exclaimed.

"Wonderful." Bert replied.

"He knew that before, he's been jerking off a bunch lately." Jeannie said. "The kid's in Camp Kenny have been teaching him to play with their dicks, and they showed him how to make his own tingles. He ain't very good at it though, he don't do it long enough to make his own tingles, so ya gotta do it for him."

"Who has to do it for him?" Bert now asked.

"Whoever he gives his dick to. If he wants you to play with his dick, he puts it in your hand and stands there." The girl replied innocently.

"And you then masturbate him?" Bert asked.

"Whatcha think he's standing there for?" Carla asked.

"And what happens if he turns himself around?" Bert asked.

"He does that all the time, but we can't fuck him because we ain't got no dicks, See?" Carla said as she looked down at her crotch. "Besides, he don't let nobody fuck him, he always pulls away before a boy sticks it in. He'll let you do lollipops on his dick, but he usually ends up just peeing in your mouth instead." She said as she returned her attention to Matty's erection.

"We can pretend that Christopher don't fuck if you want to Uncle Bert, but he gots a dick and balls and he wants to play sometimes. We ain't fucking him, but one of these days he's gonna want us to. He watches us all the time and he knows what we're doing. He ain't as stupid as you think he is." Sammy told the Director.

"I'm sure your Uncle Bert will learn the error of his ways soon enough. In the meantime, let's let him decide when Christopher is capable to initiate bumper butts on his own. Just because he may allow you to touch his ass doesn't mean he's ready to start a full blown boogie." Adam advised the children.

As the cabins assembled for Morning Flag Pole, Bert and Adam followed up the path. "As stupid as I think he is? Do you think I think Christopher is stupid?" Bert asked his assistant.

"A poor choice of words maybe. However, when it comes to sexuality, they ARE the pros, so you may want to re-think Christopher's sexual abilities. He may well not be the eunuch you think he is, and I'm told that even eunuch's had a small degree of a sexual life themselves. They may not have been capable of fathering children, but their prostate was still intact as were the nerve bundles." Adam advised his Director as they walked.

"These boys could fuck his brains out. I just don't want to open that Pandora's box on him again" Bert said.

"They could, but I very much doubt they would. The difference between where Christopher came from and where he is now are the boys he's now with. These kids don't use sex as a weapon or as punishment. They aren't trying to dominate each other. Sex isn't a power to them; it's a toy to be played with like a fire truck or a doll. I think Christopher is as safe with these boys as the Camp Kenny boys are with them." Adam replied.

"Do you agree that Christopher is awakening sexually?" Bert asked.

"Two years ago, Christopher ignored and put distance between himself and any of the play going on between the kids. Last year, he paid no attention to it, even if it was going on around him. This summer, I've seen him watching other children at play while he diddles with his penis, so I'd say he no longer see's it as a threat to his safety. If he's found a way to reach climax, then he's going to repeat the procedure. We don't even know if that's possible, but there are certainly ways to find out, including asking the Camp Kenny children he's playing with." Adam suggested.


By 11:00 Sid had been wheeled into the Recovery Room and was being awakened. He would remember none of it, but his surgery had lasted a full five hours, 2 hours longer than usual due to the delicate surgery involved with preserving as much of the nerve bundles as possible. If he was going to maintain the ability to have erections, this part of the surgery was critical, and the most difficult due to the nature of the lacelike nerves that sit on a man's prostate. So long as there was no exterior involvement with cancer, saving the nerve bundles was the goal, and it takes a very specially skilled and experienced surgeon to perform. Most do not try, and many fail. In Sid's particular case, the Institute bought in two surgeons from John's Hopkins who had in excess of 6,000 surgery's between them. Like Duke itself, both Doctors were clueless as to Sid's true identity.

"Once Pathology came back with the biopsy results, we had clear sailing to save both the right and left nerve bundles, but we won't actually know how traumatized they were until he's had a chance to heal some. We feel confident that any ED effects have been minimized, but there are no guarantee's. Every patient reacts differently." The Dr. told the unusually large group of people in the recovery room.

Thanking both Doctor's, Matthew and Dr. Lester escorted the Surgeons to the patiently waiting Duke Administrators who were tickled pink with having such renowned Surgeons Operate in their Theater. "I didn't recognize the patient, but it was a pleasure to work with his colleagues. They are some of the best Anesthesiologist's, Pediatrician's and Cosmetic Surgeons in the business." The Chief Surgeon told the Duke people as they headed off for a luncheon.

Sid's first memory since being wheeled out of his room in darkness 5½ hours earlier was of someone pressing his shoulder and calling his name. As he tried to focus his eyes, his first thought was of going back to sleep. "Uncle Sid? Uncle Sid?" Stephanie asked as she gently shook Sid's upper arm. Sid gave a grunt which brought a smile to Stephanie and Jeanette. "He's awake. Uncle Sid, we're going to move you back into your room now, OK?" she asked the man. If Sid answered, he didn't remember it.

While Sid was officially the patient, all eyes were on Spencer as the man was wheeled back into his room while all three boys watched with a deep look of concern on their faces. For one, Sid wasn't really fully awake yet, and for another, there were still tubes and bottles everywhere.

"How's he supposed to be goin home today with all them tubes stickin outta him?" Spencer asked as he watched the girls set Sid up.

"When your Uncle Sid talked about going home the next day, he was talking about a full day after surgery. We can't count last night Spencer, we have to have a full day after he came out of surgery, and that just happened. He's going to be here until at least tomorrow afternoon, maybe even longer than that." Jeanette told the boy.

"Then we ain't goin home until then either." Spencer replied.

"Nobody said you had to. You're here to help your Uncle in his recovery Spencer. If you look for enough reasons to be unhappy, you're probably going to find them, and that won't help Uncle Sid one little bit. You need to keep your concern under control Spencer, if you lose it, you're not helping him and you're making our job more difficult. You need to trust that the adults around you are doing everything necessary for Uncle Sid and that he's going to be fine. Can you do that?" Jeanette asked the boy.

"He don't look like he just had a routine surgery. He don't look very good at all." Spencer replied studying the man.

"Nobody comes dancing out of the Operating Room Spencer. He isn't even fully awake yet. By tonight he'll be a lot more like Uncle Sid. You need to give him some time." The girl told him.

Not that Sid recalled, but the next few minutes were spent with the boys inspecting the body. A full explanation of the drain tube in his abdomen, the fluids going into Sid's IV tube and especially the catheter was in order. "Why is his balls all brown?" had to be explained as well as what the purpose of all the vital sign monitors were all about. After each explanation, Spencer looked to David for verification. What they did not inspect, and what the girls were determined to keep from Spencer's eyes for as long as possible was the 5 inch scar that now ran from Sid's naval to the top of his pubic bone. Now held together by large staples, Sid's stomach looked more like a zipper than an abdomen and it was particularly gruesome looking. Arrangements had already been made to change the bandaging when the boys were otherwise occupied.

As planned, everyone except Barry, Thomas, the girls and the boys remained at the hospital while Sid's Medical team, Dr. Lester and Matthew returned to Camp.

Sid's recovery went smoothly for Spencer and Jesse, both boys were intentionally kept busy with Kenny and Timmy while the girls handled Sid which did NOT go as smoothly. For one, he was appalled by the staples. Then his attention turned to the catheter.

"I'm gonna have a tube stuck up my dick for two fucking weeks?" Sid complained as Gloria emptied the bag and measured the contents.

"You were told that going in Uncle Sid. The stitching around the urethra has to heal before it can come out, and you want it to seal properly or they're going to have to operate on you again." The girl told Sid.

"In a pigs ass! Look at my dick; it looks like they chopped off a few inches. They didn't say nothing about that!" Sid replied none too happy as he wrapped his fingers gently around his penis looking for any signs of surgery.

"Nobody did anything to your penis Uncle Sid, I'm sure it will return to normal once the catheter is out. It's probably pulling it in a little due to the tubing. You've dealt with shrinkage before, I'm sure." Jeanette told the man as she tended to the J-P drain in his abdomen.

Once Sid was bathed and the bandages and bedding changed, Stephanie wheeled up a machine on wheels and pinned a button to Sid's pillow. "We're going to let you be the Doctor Uncle Sid; If you feel like you're getting uncomfortable or you have any pain, you simply have to push this button whenever you feel like it's necessary. We'll be monitoring you for infections, but you're in charge of your pain threshold." The Nurse told him.

Sid looked at the machine and at the tube that was now attached to his IV line. "What is it?" Sid asked.

"It's a morphine drip." She replied. "You can press the button up to 6 times an hour if you need to, but most people don't." she said.

"Morphine! I'm going to need fucking morphine?" Sid now exclaimed.

"You have morphine in your system now, and it's going to wear off in time. Everybody's pain threshold is different Uncle Sid, if you don't need it, don't push the button. Whatever you do, it's not going to turn you into a junkie." Stephanie told Sid as Gloria and Jeanette giggled.

Sid's main complaint at lunch was that there was no coffee. His secondary complaint was that every time he dozed off, somebody would poke or prod him for whatever reason and then tell him to "Rest and get some sleep".

By dinner, his temperature started going up, something not entirely unexpected after surgery. Still, his chief concern was coffee. After the 3rd request Thomas relented.

Sid remembers his first full night in the hospital as a never ending nightmare. His fever climbed through the night, and by 2 in the morning, he was being given cold wraps and shivering in a cold and clammy bed. Sid slept very little, Thomas and the girls slept not at all, while David, Spencer and Jesse slept like stones in an adjoining room with Timmy, Kenny and Sidney Bertram.

Sid's fever broke around 6:00 a.m. and in a dry, warm bed, he slept with the aid of morphine until well after 10:00

"Are we going home today?" Spencer asked at breakfast.

"Maybe tomorrow. Uncle Sid had a very difficult night and didn't get much sleep. He's sleeping now, and we have to get him up and around before he's discharged. We won't be able to start that process until later this afternoon, so we'll be here another night at least." Thomas replied.

"What kind of a difficult night?" Spencer asked. "I thought everything was fine."

"People sometimes have small infections after surgery, and that has to be dealt with. Your Uncle Sid had an elevated temperature last night, and it's now back to normal. It's not a big deal, and all it did was give him an extra day or two to get back on his feet and walking around. Once he can do that, we're out of here." Thomas told the boy.

"And that's all?" Spencer asked.

"I can't give you an ironclad guarantee Spencer, but as we sit here, I expect to be back at Camp by tomorrow afternoon, Friday at the latest. I'm not going to keep Uncle Sid here any longer than I have to, and I'm not going to Order him back to camp before it's safe for me to do so." Thomas replied.


Because of Sid's schedule of being away from Camp either for an emergency with an older boy out in the community (Mainly school) or more recently, up in the Vineyards and Block Island, his disappearance caused little concern among the Camp Kenny children, and only slightly more, mainly in the Cove, among the Intermediate Boys.

On the other hand, concern among the staff was turning Bert's Office into ground zero with people looking for information arriving almost constantly. That and the fact that Tuesday was the first day of almost a week's worth of Records searches for the Clinics that were conducting the dental, hearing and eye examinations of every single resident in Camp. Life needed to continue in Camp regardless of what happened to any staff member, and Bert's way of keeping things rolling along was to drastically increase the load.

"I can't locate Caleb's hard file anywhere Uncle Bert. His computer file is there but there's no hard file anywhere in the records." Sarah told the Director as she walked into his Office.

"Did you ask Helen or search the Files Log?" Bert asked the counselor as he went to his computer.

"I haven't seen Helen all morning, but the Log says that they are in the File Room and they aren't." Sarah said as she sat down.

Bert looked at the computer screen which told the same story. "Does the Log Book match the electronic Log? Sometimes people take a file and don't get to electronically file it until later. If that file left the File Room, it's been Logged out or somebody's going to get their asses kicked in." The man said.

Returning from the File Room, Sarah sat back down with close to two dozen files of children in her hand. "I found Caleb's files along with these others that were logged out to the Transition Files" she reported as she thumbed through them.

"That makes sense, Caleb is due to be transferred to the Intermediate Boys camp shortly, so either Helen or one of the girls are gathering all the files to have them moved. When did they do that?" Bert asked the girl.

"According to the Log Book, yesterday." Sarah replied.

"I'll remind them to Log it into the computer, but they probably got side-tracked yesterday." Bert told the girl.

"OK Uncle Bert. I Logged them out to the Clinics in the Book, but I haven't Logged them out on the computer. Otherwise, we're going to lose the chain of custody." The girl told the Director.

"How many children are you going to be advancing from Camp Kenny?" Sarah now asked.

"It's not public knowledge yet, but we have to make room for 125 infants and toddlers, along with around 30 mothers and caretakers who will be arriving with them. The Institute has decided to merge Camp Freemont in California between us and Alabama. Alabama and Uncle John will take the older boys and we will receive the under-8 group in order to maintain their group stability." Bert told the girl.

"When?" Sarah asked.

"They will begin arriving next week, and they will all be here by the 1st of October." Bert replied.

"Uncle Bert, we don't have 150 children transitioning out. We might have 30 children who are ready to move up." Sarah told her Director.

"That's true, and it's going to mean we need to figure out a lot of creative shifting to make it work. We're going to have to come up with plans for the mother's with infants to be housed up on the Girl's Campus and then your Uncle Dave is going to be relocating some of the unused cabins on the lake up to Camp Kenny. By the New Year, Green Tree will be slightly larger population-wise, but the average age of our children will drop considerably." Bert told the girl.

"Why is Camp Freemont closing?" The girl now asked.

"Partly because a large tract of property next to the camp was sold and the new owners plan on building a ski area and golf club community on their land. We can't take that kind of scrutiny from the General Public. The Institute has also taken into consideration our record with the youngest children. That, and the fact that they are convinced that Geppetto will be so watered down in a few decades has them looking towards getting the children back into society with the best chance of success. For them, it's a complete reversal of the way they did things 20 years ago. Girls like you, Martha, Gloria and Jeanette have proven to them that the boys need to be raised, at least through age six, by females." Bert told the girl.

"When are you going to be announcing this." Sarah asked.

"I found out about it yesterday. Very few people here know about it yet because of your Uncle Sid's situation. Once he returns and things get back to normal, we'll have a General Staff Meeting and then we have to sit down and figure out how it's going to work." He told the girl.

"We are getting the youngest first, and all of them are breastfeeding. Helen's figures tell us that we're going to be shy about three dozen lactating girls, so the first challenge is going to be getting volunteers from the Girls Camp. The cut-off age is going to be 14, and even then, only if the girls are fully developed." Bert said.

"What you can do in the meantime is to take a census of girls who will be willing to breastfeed a child and begin the process once Thomas returns. We are not asking the girls to merely commit to feeding the child, she will be the child's Primary Caretaker and will have the child living with her as its surrogate mother. Many of the infants have their mother's coming with them, but that still leaves a great deal of children between 0 to 6 years of age who will be lactating to some degree." Bert said.

"What we need is not only the physical needs of the child met, but the emotional needs as well. These girls will need to be made aware that this will bond them to that child, possibly for life. If you feel the girl isn't capable of making that commitment, then the child would be better off getting pumped milk in a bottle. Choose the girls well, Sarah." Bert told the girl.

"What about your girl's. Are they eligible?" She asked.

"Jill, Claire and Stephanie have asked Helen if they could be induced, but we never really had the need to do it until now. You can approach them and evaluate them for yourself. They don't know about this yet, so they'll have to fully understand that you're talking about receiving a child as their own to care for; a hypothetical as far as they are concerned.

As for Robin, she would do it in a New York minute, but she doesn't have the plumbing yet. Robin needs to stay with Christopher for another year or so, if she wants to become involved once she fully develops, that's up to you. Emotionally, I would recommend any one of the girls, and so would Helen." Bert said.

Sarah shook her head as she got out of her chair and cradled the files in her arm. "I walked into the Office just to get some simple files, and somehow, I walk out the "Milk Lady". You don't have any other little jobs laying around for me to do, do you Uncle Bert?" she asked her boss.

"Did I mention that John is looking for a Camp Nurse for Florida?" Bert replied smiling.

"So where the fuck are the girls?" Bert asked as the golf carts pulled up to his Office.

"Gloria said to say "Hello", and that you really didn't expect them to leave without Sid anyway." Matthew told his friend.

"I see I'm still in charge around here." Bert said as the Vineyard men chuckled.

After a full review of Sid's surgery the talk turned to the plans for the future, including the plans for David, Spencer and Jesse.

"David's commitment is to Thomas, and his plans to attend The Andover School will not be effected by Sid's condition." Bert began as he explained to Thomas's brothers. "The staff here isn't merely liked by these boys, they are deeply loved. In Sid's case, that love goes much deeper. I'm not suggesting that David doesn't love Sid as much as any other boy here, but emotionally, David stands on very firm ground. None of us feels that David can't successfully "Leave the nest". We may see a delay in his leaving depending upon Sid's recovery, but if all goes smoothly, he'll jump on the plane North as planned." Bert told the brothers.

"As for Spencer, we don't see him leaving until Sid is back up on a horse and fully recovered. There's definitely a connection between Spencer and Paulie, but for the most part, it's a sexual connection, at least for now. Sex is as important to Spencer as it is to any other boy here, but Spencer has emotional ties to certain staff that over-rides sex at every turn. His emotional and psychological attachments to Sid, myself and the girls, particular Gloria, Jeanette and Johanna are unbreakable. It appears he's drawing Paulie into that same circle, but the bond isn't there yet. What we're recommending is that Spencer chose the time when he's comfortable with joining David and Paulie up North, and in the meantime, we'll ship him to the Vineyards for week-end visits and over the Holidays if he'll consent." Bert said.

"And what of Jesse?" Stuart asked.

"If Jesse expresses the desire to go to school up North it will be granted, but given the current situation, we don't see it happening. Jesse and Sid are joined at the hip. It's emotional, it's sexual, it's psychological. It's even physical. Since Jesse's earliest memories he has always had Sid to turn to and to join in bed, and if he thought that relationship was in danger in any way, he wouldn't leave Sid's side. Jesse hasn't been approached concerning his request since he made it, but none of us thinks it will be repeated in the near future." Bert said.

"So will we be putting David in a dorm at The Andover School?" Dr. Lester asked.

"No, we're going to go ahead and rent a large house in Andover and cover it with our staff from The New Hampshire School. David will spend the week-ends with Paulie on The Vineyard, and once Spencer is ready, he and Jesse can start visiting." Bert replied.

"Why have Jesse visiting if he's not going to be coming North?" Stuart asked.

"Two reasons; first, he'll be keeping Spencer company with emotional support, and because we're aware of the growing bond between you and Jesse." Bert told Stuart. "Our boys know no shame when it comes to their activities, and when it comes to sex, they have no secrets between each other and the adults around them. As our good friend Adam here learned very early on and can attest to, what happens behind closed doors NEVER remains a private matter. If the boys like a particular food or game, they'll report that fact. If they think you're good in bed, that fact becomes public knowledge too." Bert told the red faced Doctor.

"Including the girls?" Phillip now asked.

Bert sat back in his chair and smiled a bit. "You need to understand Gentlemen that the girls are the ones who taught the boys safe sex and what they could and could not do with their bodies in the first place. They were the ones who taught the boys how to masturbate without getting blisters; how to clean their penises to avoid a hairball being swallowed; how to access their prostates, and how to make a little girl very happy. When it came to Show and Tell, it's the girls the boys always run to first to either ask a question about it, or to get praised for doing a great job. When a boy first attains the ability to ejaculate here, the second person to see it in action is usually that boys Primary Aunt. If any one of you has a particularly skillful sexual activity, I'd bet a years salary the girls already know what it is." Bert said as Adam nodded his head.

"They don't know modesty and they've never been taught shame. One of the first things you learn here is that there's no such a thing as "Privacy". If you mention the term, they are merely determined to uproot it and study it very carefully. They have a nudist's curiosity, if you cover it up, it only makes them all the more determined to see it. It takes a little time to get use to, but once you do, you realize how stupidly you were raised. The good news is that they know the difference between their reality and the outside world. Your sexuality may be an open book to everyone here, but that's for them to know and the outside world to find out on their own." Adam said.

As Bert and Matthew prepared for his next meeting with the members of the Institute to discuss future planning, Adam, Dr. Lester and the Vineyard men walked to the golf carts awaiting them.

"We have a few hours before Dinner, so we can go and do anything you like." Adam told the men. "The boys from the mafia right are probably helping Dave with the building of the new Feed Bag until 4th Period blows, and then they'll most probably hit the lake with a vengeance." He told the group.

"Where do you think Paulie is?" Stuart asked.

"My guess is that he's with the mafia. That's where Charlie's Boys will be and those 4 Cabins have a tendency to stick pretty much together." Adam replied.

"Hey Uncle Adam, did ya bring us any soda? All we gots to drink is water and bug juice." Sammy said as he leaped onto Adam's cart as the man pulled up to the building site.

"Sorry sport, but I did see the kitchen loading up the afternoon break ice pop carts, so they should be here shortly." Adam told the boy as he gave Sammy a kiss. "What are you doing today?" Adam asked the boy.

"Uncle Dave has us pulling wire. We gots to pull the electric wires, the cable wires and the electronic wires through all the walls before we start to sheetrock them next week. Uncle Dave says we might get done before Halloween if we keeps working as hard as we are." Sammy said with a dimpled smile.

"Great! You get back to work and I'll be over to help in a minute. Have you seen Uncle Paulie?" Adam asked the boy.

"Uncle Paulie took a Play Break with Bobby, Terry and Jonathon. They're up in the tree house by the strawberry patch." Sammy replied as he pointed.

"Bobby said he had to go real bad and he couldn't wait to fuck at General Swim." Carla now said as he climbed into Adam's lap and gave the man a hug and a kiss.

"You mean "Play", right young lady?" Adam asked the girl.

Carla looked at the Vineyard men standing around Adam's cart.

"Is they mixed company?" the girl asked.

"They're our guests sweetheart, we don't make our guests uncomfortable by using playground language if we can avoid it." Adam replied.

"Sorry, but they IS fucking; ain't they Uncle Adam?" the girl replied.

Shaking his head and putting the girl into a strong embrace, Adam patted the girl on her bottom slightly stronger than usual. "Please forgive Carla, she flunked her manners class and has a tendency to call a spade a spade whether it's proper or not." Adam told the Vineyard men.

As Stuart and his brothers chuckled a bit, a ruckus began developing in the direction of the trail leading to the strawberry patch. It was incoherent at first, but not for long.

"Poppe!, Poppe!, I got skum!" Bobby yelled as he exited the woods running towards the group of men. As the boy almost collided with Dr. Lester, his Grandfather, the boy opened his hand and damned near shoved it in the Dr's nose.

With the build now at a standstill as the boys exited the building to see what was going on, Dr. Lester held the 15 year olds hand down to look as a small but very distinct puddle of sperm sat in the palm of the boys hand.

"Well, if that came from you, I would venture to guess you just attained puberty my friend." The Doctor said as he looked at the sperm. "Congratulations, you're a man."

"It just popped out of me. It's mine!" the boy said as tears welled in his eyes and down his cheeks.

Doctor Lester smiled and placed a kiss on his grandsons sweating forehead. "Welcome to the Club, I'm sure there will be many happy returns." He told the boy as the group of boys standing around him giggled and jockeyed for a look at the Holy Grail of boyhood.

"It ain't very much. Where did the rest of it go?" Carla asked as the girl stirred the mixture with her finger tip.

Again shaking his head, Adam picked the girl up and put her on his hip. "What did we learn in Biology Class about the amount of sperm a boy first produces?" Adam asked the girl.

"Oh, I forgot. I just figured he lost it or something." Carla said as she licked her finger. "How come it ain't salty like Uncle Paulie's or Jesse's?" she now asked.

"It ain't never salty when a boy first comes stupid." Trevor now said.

"Stupid?" Charlie now asked the boy sternly. "Sorry Carla, I meant silly." The boy replied sheepishly as his friends once more giggled.

"How did you make it come?" Matty now asked the boy.

Adam closed his eyes, hoping for the best. "We were all just having lollipops, and all of a sudden, I thought I was peeing. Uncle Paulie stopped doing lollipops on me and there it was! He said it wasn't pee, it was my first skum!" Bobby explained.

"So you drank the rest of it!" Carla said as she looked at Paulie who was now the shade of a mackintosh apple.

"Carla!" Adam said as he once again patted the girls bottom nowhere near as hard as he wanted to.

"Well gee Uncle Adam, he WAS sucking on his dick wasn't he?" The girl asked innocently.

"Sorry Stuart." Paulie told his oldest brother as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't worry about it Paulie, we all know the feeling all too well. Around here, getting caught with your pants down seems to be a spectator sport." Stuart replied as his brothers chuckled.

As Adam cupped a hand over Carla's mouth who was about to speak, he turned his attention to the two boys who were with the group in the tree house. "That's one down and two to go. Bobby was a little older than you two, but you can't be very far behind him. One of these days, it'll be you that Carla is embarrassing the life out of, so get prepared for it." Adam told the 2 14 year olds who smiled and blushed a little.

"We're running out of time if Uncle Paulie goes home this week." Jonathan replied.

With Carla now mumbling in Adam's hand, Adam smiled a bit. "I'm sure Uncle Paulie is good at play, but your bodies are not going to care who you're playing with when the time is right. When Nature lets it flow, it'll come no matter who you're with, even if you're by yourself." Adam replied.

"Yeah, Uncle Adam told us he was jerking himself off in his closet the first time he got skum when he was a little boy." Sammy replied with a dimpled smile. "He wasn't even fucking!"

Adam once again shook his head. "General Swim!" he said as he gave Carla a kiss on the top of her head and put her on his lap behind the wheel.


Sid awoke to the never ending sound of beeping coming from the machines monitoring his vital signs. As he looked at the tubes coming down off the bottom of the bag of fluid dripping into it, he felt some pressure on his arm and looked down upon a sleeping Spencer who had draped himself across the bed diagonally with half his body in the chair alongside the bed, and the upper half on Sid's bed. With the boys arms outstretched, he had clamped both hands on Sid's forearm, where he now dozed.

"Do you want me to move him off you Uncle Sid?" Johanna quietly asked as she walked over to Sid's bed and placed a fresh pitcher of ice water on the tray. Sid shook his head as he reached down and caressed Spencer's hair.

"What time is it?" Sid asked as he looked around the darkened room toward the drawn curtains.

"It's just after 10:00 You had a pretty long night, so it's good that you got some extra sleep. Are you hungry? She asked.

"For what? Can I have some coffee?" Sid asked the girl as Spencer began to stir.

"Thomas said you can eat whatever is on the list here. There's coffee on it, so I don't see why not." The girl said as she handed Sid the list.

By now, Spencer was fully awake and climbing onto the bed alongside Sid. "Uncle Thomas says we ain't going home today Uncle Sid. Me and Jesse and David are still here and we ain't going home without you." The boy said as he slid himself alongside the man.

"Why?, did somebody say you had to return to camp?" Sid asked the boy as Spencer laid his head down on the mans chest.

"No, Spencer is just declaring to the adults around him that he's not going to be leaving until he's good and ready to. Aren't you Spencer?" Dr. Thomas said as he now walked into the room with Gloria, Barry and Jeanette. "Has Spencer seen anybody packing his bags or heard anyone order a helicopter to whisk him away from here?" Thomas asked the boy.

"Are they trying to get rid of you again?" Sid asked the boy as he smoothed Spencer's hair.

"It's not funny Uncle Sid!" Spencer replied tersely.

"Nobody's laughing spunky. Have you eaten breakfast?" Sid now asked.

Spencer nodded his head without verbalizing. "OK, well you can eat some more with me. I'm going to have some scrambled eggs. Do you want eggs or pancakes?" Sid asked the boy.

"I already ate Uncle Sid." Spencer replied.

"That's nice. I don't eat alone, so you'll eat again. Do you want eggs or pancakes?" Sid repeated.

"Eggs" Spencer said.

"Great, we'll order up some breakfast, and in the meantime, Uncle Sid gets washed up and we can change out the bedding." Stephanie said as she put a pile of bedding and towels on the bed.

Sid motioned for Spencer to bring his body further up and softly spoke to the boy as Spencer either nodded or shook his head. Finally, Sid patted the boy on his bottom as Spencer slid off the side of the bed, giving Sid a kiss on the man's cheek on the way.

"What was that all about?" Jeanette asked as Spencer left the room and closed the door behind him.

"Were you aware that none of the boys have been playing since they left the camp? Has David been sleeping with the boys, or with you?" Sid asked Thomas.

"David Slept in here with you on Tuesday night, and last night, all three boys slept together in the Suite with the little ones." Thomas replied.

"Then all three boys have gone without playing for the past two days. They're Geppetto boys and they don't do that, do they girls? If I'm otherwise occupied, it's going to be up to the rest of you to make sure they're not neglecting themselves. They have enough to deal with without dealing with depression and the problems associated with denial of sexual release. Spencer's wound too tight and has to un-wind. Make it your business to see that they have the availability of play time and verify that they're doing it." Sid told the adults in his room.

As the girls and Barry said nothing, Thomas looked around. "Did Spencer tell you that?" He asked Sid.

Sid smiled somewhat. "We never have to tell each other certain things Thomas, especially if we're getting laid or not. We can automatically tell when one of us isn't getting his fair share, and the boy doesn't have to open his mouth." Sid replied as the girls giggled a bit. "Order a breakfast for all of us, but the boys will be a little delayed. I told Spencer I wanted him to take a nice long shower with Jesse and David and that will take about 15 minutes or so before they're back." Sid said.

"Fine. And in the meantime, we can get you washed up for the day and change out your bedding." Jeanette now said as she began giving Sid his morning bath.


Bert picked up the phone and began the tele-conference between Alexandria, Boston, Alabama and Camp Freemont in California. With the members of the Institute already at Green Tree, there were now more than 50 people listening into the meeting about to take place.

While most remained silent and merely listened, they were all heavily involved with the impending move of Camp Freemont to Green Tree and the Alabama campus, something that would be a logistical and security nightmare if things went wrong.

Once the Institute's Representative explained who was on-line and what the Conference was all about, the meeting was turned over to Matthew, the Director of The New Hampshire School, who would be coordinating the entire move.

"Beginning next week, we're going to be flying in two dozen children a week into Atlanta. From there, they will be bused into Green Tree. They will be on our planes and our buses, so we anticipate no security problems." Matthew began. "We expect to have all of the Freemont children re-located to Green Tree by October 1, and they will all have their staff and/or their mothers with them by then." He told the groups.

"Green Tree will be absorbing roughly 125 children and another 35 or so staff and caretakers. Green Tree is going to take in all the Freemont female staff including 3 who are currently pregnant. The children range in age from 4 weeks to 6 years of age, and there are 15 children who range in age from 7 to 14 years of age who are either siblings to the younger children, or a few who have bonded to the younger ones and cannot be separated from each other at the present time." Matthew said.

"Are these older kids in addition to the 125, or are they included in the figure?" The Colonel in Alexandria now asked.

"The total number of children is 125. We just wanted to explain why some older children were included Harry." Matthew told the Security Chief.

"So eventually the older ones will either go to Alabama or Florida?" The Colonel asked.

"We don't think so. We want to keep siblings together whenever possible, and when we have non related bonding, we plan to take it on a case by case basis. Sometimes the older child is attached to a younger child. Sometimes it's the opposite. If we get a bonded pair, we don't plan on ripping them apart." Matthew replied. "The Freemont staff have asked us to keep these particular children together, and we intend to follow their suggestions." Matthew said as Bert nodded.

"Once the little ones are moved, the older boys are moved with their staff to Alabama. They will be flown into Altanta on our planes and transported by our buses to Alabama, again making a minimal public impact." Matthew told the group. "In January, we move 150 boys from Alabama and another 100 boys from Green Tree to the new Florida Culinary School." Matthew reported.

"And how do we decide who goes to Florida?" The Director of the Alabama School now asked.

"Recommendations will be sent by yours and Green Tree Staff to The Institute. The recommendations will need the Chef's approvals, but we don't see any problems with that. Florida is going to be run as a voluntary Vocational Placement, there will be no "Mandatory" placements there." Matthew replied.

"Logistically, there are thousands of details that need to be worked out, but we've all been through this before. Both Alabama and Green Tree have gone through this with the old Albemarle School, and that went fairly smoothly. If we use that as a model, we shouldn't have any problems." A representative from the Institute added.

"Up until now, I was feeling really up-beat about seeing a smooth move. Are you telling me we're in really deep shit here?" Harry now asked.

Once the chuckling died down and the red-faced Institute representative recovered, Bert finally spoke. "Keep the faith Harry, and if all else fails, open the bar. Freemont and Albemarle are two different animals. The only problem we see from here is how to populate Florida in January. There's no problem moving in and out of the Key's without fanfare in the Spring or Fall, but moving a convoy of 10 buses and another 6 tractor trailers down U.S. 1 through Islamorada without the locals noticing it in January is going to be a neat trick." Bert said.

"That's only because you insisted on moving your tribe with those attention grabbing Prevost buses. Do the exact same job with camouflaged military buses and trucks and not only does nobody notice, but nobody gives a shit either. As far as the Key West bar flies are concerned, they're looking at a large group of grunts that are going to be slogging their way through the mangroves on their bellies for a few weeks training." Harry replied.

Once again, as the giggling settled down, the group listened to a few more comments, but basically, the tele-conference was over.

"I don't understand. I thought the transition between the Albemarle School, Alabama and Green Tree went extremely smoothly. Was that not the case?" The Institute's representative asked Matthew as the men stood waiting for a drink.

"Logistically it went smoothly, and there were no external problems with the merging, but from a philosophical standpoint, it was close to a war. The Albemarle hierarchy were old school Baptists who were pretending the boys and their staff were all as pure as the driven snow. Then the boys, and their Albemarle staff, met the Alabama and Green Tree children and their staff. Do you have any clue as to the fireworks that scenario presented?" Matthew asked the representative.

"Why would the Albemarle staff deny that the boys were engaging each other?" The representative asked.

"Because upper staff were not Geppetto boys, they were career Social Workers or Federal flunkies trying to make their bosses happy by filing reports that were totally false. They were trying to convince their bosses they were "Winning" the war against Geppetto by claiming the boys could be "Trained" not to fuck. When these kids and their staff hit Green Tree and Alabama, all the bullshit unraveled like a piece of spaghetti." Matthew told the man.

"I had no idea. How did all this transpire without our knowledge? I've always assumed we knew everything there was to know concerning the boys." The Institute's Administrator asked.

"It was considered by Security to be more of an internal policy difference than an Administrative matter and as long as Alabama and Green Tree staff felt as though the situation could be handled between the parties involved, there didn't need to be any changes made by the Institute." Matthew explained. "Luckily for the old Albemarle Administration, they saw the wisdom in Bert's way of dealing with the boys before Bert got his hands around their throats. If that had happened, I'm sure you would have been brought into the situation." Matthew said with a slight smile.

With the tele-conference ended, the meeting now got down to specific children who would be arriving, and for the Institute to make the Green Tree staff aware of any possible problems they might be inheriting.

With fresh drinks in their hands, the first file among a stack of dozens was taken off the top and opened by the Lead Psychologist from the Institute. Bert was paying half of his attention to the meeting at this point and the rest to the children playing just outside of the Office on the grass below the porch. That split would end within seconds of a picture of a child being distributed around the table.

"His name is Jamie. He's a fairly reserved, but active little guy. He plays well with his peers, does fine with staff, and is generally never any problem." The man reported as the staff looked at a boy of 10 years of age, slightly over weight by Green Tree standards, hair cut shorter than most Green Tree children, and dressed younger than the average Green Tree child in a button down polo shirt and a strapped jumpsuit. He was very neat looking, but Bert's first impression was that the boy was being dressed 2 to 3 years younger than his real age.

After waiting until all the Green Tree staff had looked at the boys picture, he put it back in the file and took out another picture of the same boy. "Jamie is going to be your biggest problem, not because of any behavioral problems, but because Jamie is not only a Stage 1 Geppetto boy, Jamie is a true hermaphrodite." He said as he handed Bert a picture of the boy swimming naked.

Bert put down his drink and completely forgot about Christopher and the children just outside the Office.

Bert studied the figure of the boy, whose body was slightly chunkier than he had thought he would be, but was pure boy except for a perfectly distinct and robust vagina where his penis and testicle should have been. He could give either Carla or Jeannie a pretty good run for their money, except he was not sporting any breasts and his haircut was all boy.

"Why do you say this is a boy?" Bert asked the man as he passed the picture over to Adam and Helen.

"That's the very first question everyone who see's Jamie asks. If you look closely, you will see two small lumps on each side of his vagina. Those are his testicles. He has the chromosomes of a male, he has a very small, but distinct penis where a clitoris should be, and he has no female sex organs beyond the labial lips and vagina. He has the hormones of a male, no Estrogen, and he possesses an intact Prostate. More importantly, he considers himself a boy and has no female characteristics beyond the vagina." The Doctor reported as the Green Tree staff now studied the picture as a group.

"Is that all? Just the vagina." Bert said as he took a long drink. "What are his living arrangements now? Does he live with the boys or the girls?" Bert asked the man.

"He refuses to live as a girl. He knows he's a boy, and that's the way he wants to be treated."

"We know the feeling Doc, we have a few girls here who feel the same way, but since they are in actuality, females, we can stop our little boys from getting too frisky with them. If Jamie insists on being treated like one of the boys, and we bunk him in with our boys, that vagina is going to be getting quite a workout. Off the top of my head, I'd say the toughest job we're going to face is trying to sell the "Boy" routine to them. They're going to be looking at us like we're a pack of lying screwballs." Bert told the man as his staff nodded their heads in agreement.

"It's going to be a challenge, because it was a challenge at Camp Freemont." The Doctor replied. "In the olden days, the medical community would most probably have altered Jamie both chemically and surgically. He would have been castrated; his prostate would have been removed, he would have been given estrogen shots for breast development and his penis would have been altered to re-route his urine and more closely resemble a clitoris in structure. Because of his fully developed labia, they would have finished the job and made him a female." The Doctor reported. "Today, we know that that doesn't work. We cannot alter his mind, and his mind knows what his body actually is, vagina or no vagina.

"You said he has a small penis inside of him. Why can't it just be surgically lowered to extend outside? Helen asked.

"We've looked at that. Upon examination, he has a urinary tract that is male that extends through the prostate and through his penis. When he urinates, he's actually urinating internally through his penis. The majority of the same, he sits to urinate, however, if he's excited at the time, he is capable of separating his labia and sending a stream standing up. His penis is still about a quarter of an inch short of being external, but it's visible. The hope is that once he reaches puberty and his penis grows, it will automatically extend. Right now, he has a one inch penis. If we can keep his testicles from atrophying from body heat, his penis will hopefully grow naturally. If we lose his testicles, then we can increase the dosage of testosterone he's already receiving to try to spur penis growth." The Doctor replied.

"He's on testosterone?" Bert asked.

"He receives 5 Grams of AndroGel per day. It's applied in gel form to his shoulders. Until his body hopefully starts producing enough on its own, we maintain his testosterone levels between 225 to 275." The Doctor said as he reviewed the boys medical charts.

"So where does he sleep, and how does he do socially?" Adam asked.

"He sleeps in a cabin setting with 3 girls and 6 other boys. All the cabins at Freemont are co-ed. They don't separate by gender and they don't restrict the childrens interaction."

"What's the age range?" Bert now asked.

"The youngest is 3 month's, the oldest is 12 years. Freemont doesn't have separate camps, they all live communally." The Doctor replied.

"It kind of begs the question; Why exactly did Green Tree have to hide our girls for all those years? I mean, I assume that Alexandria knows about this little party going on in California." Peter now asked.

"Actually, it's been going on only since 2004 when we demonstrated the success of the Program here at Green Tree." One of the Institute staff replied.

Bert shook his head. "Thanks for the compliment, but Green Tree isn't and never has been Co-ed in its living arrangements. We have less than a dozen Intermediate aged girls living with the boys, but none in the Senior Camp and as far as those Intermediate girls are concerned, there are limits on romping. Are these kids expecting to come here and have open house on our girls?" Bert asked.

"Well, first of all, you're receiving the youngest of the Freemont children, and the majority of them still think girls have cooties and they wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole, but the older boys have been raised Co-ed now for the past 2 years, and there were no restrictions on them with regards to interaction. Green Tree was the first Camp to bring in females, and in that respect, you were the most liberal setting within the system, but once you paved the way, a few camps have gone beyond your guidelines, and as a result, you're now one of the more conservative Administrations within the system." The Institute's Psychologist told Bert.

Bert shook his head as he looked around the table at his staff. "Has any one of you felt we were slipping into an Albermarle mode?" he asked to more than a few chuckles.

"I know it may seem old fashioned and out of date, but I can't really wrap my head around allowing around-the-clock orgies between the boys and girls. Forgive me if I'm missing something here, but the boys have no choice in the matter; they're going to fuck on-schedule depending upon their Stage whether we like it or not, and there's nothing we can do to prevent that. But when did the girls become sexually Staged? Nobody told me anything about that!" Bert said.

"We're not saying the girls have become Staged, they haven't, but some Administrations felt that it was better in the long-run if the children were not segregated by gender and allowed them to live together just as they would in a "Normal" family setting." An Institute Psychologist replied.

"It sounds great, but there's this little matter of Geppetto that keeps popping up in the form of these little teenie-weenie erections that want to plant themselves somewhere. I grew up with my sisters and my female cousins, but I wasn't trying to screw them into the wall as soon as I could crawl." Bert replied. "It makes perfect sense for the boys, but just exactly how do the girls benefit from getting laid at age two?"

"As long as it's age appropriate, it's just one more learning experience. Nobody suggests that a 10 year old takes a two year old to bed. Every camp is split up along the same age lines as Green Tree, some are split even more finely. Camp Freemont for example split their children into five age groups, Nursery, Toddler, Junior, Intermediate and Senior camps. Initially, some of the boys ran amuck in the relationship area, but within a few weeks, things settled back down to normal and the children automatically separated their play by gender. It might be difficult to imagine, but the bedtime scene at Freemont doesn't look at all unlike the scene in any one of your cabins, especially camp Kenny". The Psychologist replied.

"I appreciate the comforting thoughts, but my realities are Carla, Jeannie, and the mental image of them meeting Jamie. Then I get another mental picture of Jamie presenting himself to the Mafia. He's going to be the most popular boy this campus has ever seen! Just exactly how is he going to react to becoming everybody's bitch around here?" Bert asked.

"Jamie is well aware that he has something rather unique between his legs, and that the other children are going to want to test it out. He appears to have compensated for it rather well. Jamie almost never allows himself to be the bottom, he's on top or he's on his side during sex. In that way, his anatomy is allowing him to be in control, thereby maintaining his manhood. He does not allow himself to be passive or submissive, he plays the dominant role in all sexual activity." The Psychologist reported.

"How does that work for anal sex? Our boys prefer it over all else. They're going to want to flip him over on his stomach." Adam stated.

"He likes to be the top, because he uses the boys penis to massage his own that is internal. In the same way, he has a prostate, and he's well aware of the pleasures he derives from getting it massaged. In answer to your question; he would be pissed off if he was the bottom boy for a dozen boys who then walked away leaving him to fend for himself, but as long as everybody is being made happy, he has no complaints." The Psychologist explained.

"What are your thoughts?" Adam asked Bert.

"I'd like to put him in the Cove in your Cabin. At least initially, that's the best placement for him. My only concern is Carla and Jeannie. The both of them are not going to see a new boy in the cabin, they're going to see a vagina almost as big as theirs. That boils down to competition, and neither girl is too receptive to that notion; they consider all 34 penis's in that Cove their own personal property to be played with as they see fit.

"That's assuming Jamie is a girl, which he is not." The Psychologist replied.

"You know that, we now know that, but I can assure you Doc, the girls are going to take one look at that pussy and tell you to go fuck yourself." Bert replied to some chuckles.

"Then you will have some educating to do, and I assure you, Jamie will be doing some educating of his own." The Doctor replied.


"Uncle Sid is awake and he wants us all to eat breakfast with him. First, he says we gotta take showers and have play time. He says until we do, he ain't gonna be happy." Spencer told David and Jesse as he entered the room and laid down on the bed alongside David.

"Why did you tell him we didn't play last night or this morning?" Jesse asked.

"I didn't. Uncle Sid just knew I didn't play, and he said if I didn't, then neither did you too. Did you?" Spencer asked.

As both boys shook their heads, both Timmy and Kenny joined the older boys on the bed. The two boys, 3 and 4 years old knew the topic of the conversation, and were now eager to join in with these boys who were so much older than they were. "Me and Kenny played last night and when we got up this morning, but we'll play with you if you want." Timmy exclaimed as his younger friend grinned but said nothing as he kneaded his penis in his Carter's.

Spencer looked at both boys who were decidedly ready to party down at the hint of acceptance on the older boys parts. "You both know that we can't play with Camp Kenny boys. We're too old for you and too big. If Aunt Jeanette or Aunt Gloria found all of us together fucking, they would probably whip our asses and maybe even yours too." Spencer told the toddlers.

"Even just lollipops?" Kenny asked shyly.

"Yea, we ain't gotta play bumper butts." Timmy said as he dropped his underpants to the floor sporting a two inch erection in full bloom.

"Your Uncle Sid is taking his bath now and getting cleaned up. I need to Nurse Sidney Bertram, so if you boys want, you can all take a shower while I get the baby's tummy full." Johanna said as she walked into the room and sat down on a rocker with the baby.

"What's going on?" she asked as she looked up after setting the baby up on her breast.

"Nothing. Timmy and Kenny wanted to play with us in the shower and we told them we can't fuck with Camp Kenny kids." Jesse told the woman.

"But lollipops ain't fucking, is it Aunt Johanna?" Timmy quickly asked.

"Why, were you doing lollipops with Intermediate Boys?" Johanna asked the toddler.

"No, but we will if you say we can!" Timmy exclaimed.

Johanna smiled as she rocked the chair and attended to Sidney Bertram. "I think we all know the rules, and if you want lollipops, you have a partner to do it with, and if they want lollipops, there's enough of them to keep each other happy. Uncle Bert and Uncle Sid made up the rules for very good reasons, and we need to try to stick to them." She told the toddlers. "Touching is OK, but let's leave the tasting until you get a little older, OK?" she asked.

"Ya wanna touch it?" Kenny now asked Jesse as the boys pants slid down his legs revealing a decidedly red, but obviously happy penis sticking straight out towards the older boys.

David ignored the head on the boy that was now straining through his foreskin to peek out as he picked Kenny up and put the toddler on his hip. With the childs penis now effectively squashed against Davids hip, he giggled as David patted the boys bottom and headed for the bathroom.

"So much for the problem of not playing", Johanna said to herself as Jesse and Spencer followed the rest of the boys into the bathroom with stiffies waving back and forth as they walked.

While the boys showered and lost the nights built-up tensions, Sid fairly quietly endured the changing of his dressing over his abdomen and the bed-bath he was being given. Once he grumbled more than a few more times about the staples that lined up between his umbilical cord to his pubic bone, Stephanie approached the bed with a small tray and a hesitant look on her face.

"I have to take out the drain in your abdomen Uncle Sid, you're going to feel it a little." She told the man as she pressed the button on his Morphine drip.

Sid laid his head back and looked towards the window at his friend Barry who sat reading some information on Sid's surgery and recovery. "It says here that as soon as you can get up and walk around a little, you can go home. Thomas says that you could be taking a short walk around the unit by this afternoon, and by tomorrow, if all goes well and you feel OK, he'll discharge you." Barry told his life-long friend.

"Why can't we just go home today?" Sid asked as Stephanie removed the bandage over the J-tube.

"Thomas explained that to you Uncle Sid; you have to be 24 hours out from the fever, and you just went back down to normal less than 4 hours ago. If all goes well, we'll all be home in time for dinner tomorrow, so sit back and relax." Gloria told the man.

"Holy shit! That fucking hurts!" Sid yelled as Stephanie tugged at the J-drain.

"I'm sorry Uncle Sid, I'm trying to do it as carefully as possible. Usually it doesn't get removed with any problem". Stephanie replied as she continued to work the drain out of the man. "There, it's all done she said.

Sid relaxed the strangle hold he had on the bed frame and laid his head back down as the Nurse placed a bandage over the site. "We don't have to do that again, right?" Sid asked.

Gloria smiled as she put a new case on a pillow. "No more drains Uncle Sid." She said. "We have a barber coming up to shave you Uncle Sid. You're going to be a good boy and not blow him out of his socks, right?" she asked.

"What do I need a barber for?" Sid asked.

"You don't. You can get up and shave yourself in the bathroom if you want. We brought your razor with us." Gloria replied.

As all 5 boys entered Sid's room, the smiles on their faces disappeared as they looked at the stranger in their midst shaving Sid with a straight razor. Before they could talk, Jeanette picked up Kenny and put the boy on her hip with a kiss to his forehead. "This is Sally. Uncle Sid needed to be shaved, and Sally is a barber here in the hospital. Say "Hello" Gentlemen." She instructed the boys preemptively as the boys fairly froze in place.

Halting "Hello's" ensued as the boys now watched the blade of the razor very keenly. "Ain't she gonna cut Uncle Sid with that knife?" Spencer asked.

"Sally is an expert at shaving, and she does this every day without cutting people." Gloria replied.

"How come she uses a knife instead of a razor?" Jesse now asked as he moved next to Sid.

"This the way men shaved before there were electric razor's or disposable one's. This looks like a knife, but it's actually a very long razor blade that works a lot quicker and shaves much more closely than the electric kind." The barber said as she worked.

"Ain't you afraid you're goin to cut Uncle Sid's throat off?" Timmy asked as Gloria picked up the boy and placed him on her hip.

"No, I've been doing this for many years and nobody has been cut yet." The barber replied after the chuckles stopped.

"You ain't worried Uncle Sid?" Jesse asked.

"Not until just now. Now if one of your Aunt's had this knife to my throat, it might be a different story." Sid replied as he looked at Stephanie.

"Pay no attention to your Uncle Sid, he's filing your heads with nonsense as usual. We ordered some breakfast and it will be here shortly." Barry now said to the boys as they crowded around Sid's bed to watch the barber closely.

"We already ate breakfast Uncle Barry." David replied.

"Well you're gonna eat again. If I gotta eat, you gotta eat." Sid told the boys.

Once the barber left, the boy's mood instantly changed. While in the presence of an "Outsider" the boys were trained not to engage in their normal chatter, and to be extremely careful about what they said to the adults around them. "Outsiders" were never to be trusted unless they were identified as being friends, and they knew that they had to be on their guard.

Squirming to get out of Jeanette's grip, the girl put Kenny down on Sid's bed as the boy climbed alongside the man. The 4 year old looked closely at Sid's newly shaven face and neck. Rubbing Sid's cheeks in both his hands, the boy looked impressed. "Boy Uncle Sid, you sure ain't as scratchy as you are when you kiss me!" he said as Sid kissed the boy on his hand.

"So you think I should take Sally home with us and have her shave me every morning?" Sid asked the child.

"No, that's OK, I like scratchy when you kiss me, it tickles." Kenny replied with a dimpled smile.

"Yeah, especially when you kisses us on the tummy!" Timmy added as he too now scrambled onto the bed.

A knock on the door interrupted the chuckles as a cart was wheeled in with food. "It looks pretty good. Is that all the coffee they brought?" Sid said as he looked at a tray.

"Thomas said you could have a cup of coffee Uncle Sid. He didn't say anything about drinking a whole pot." Jeanette said as she poured the man a cup. "Remember, coffee runs through you pretty quick." She added.

"So what? All it's going to do is fill that bag up a little faster. It's not like I'm going to have to jump up and take a piss every two minutes, is it?" Sid replied as he wiggled the catheter hose.

"How can you make pee pee into that little hose? Ain't it spillin all over the bed?" Timmy now asked as he lifted the sheet. "Hey Uncle Sid! They stuck a straw up your peter!" the boy exclaimed wide-eyed. "How come they did that? Mommy says we should never let anybody stick anything into peters mouth. Didn't you mommy?" the boy asked.

"What happened? It's a lot fatter than it was last night Uncle Sid. It's getting all swelled up!" Spencer said with a look of deep concern on his face.

"Uncle Thomas says the swelling you see is normal. The surgery involved a great deal of activity going on down there that normally doesn't occur, and what you're seeing is a normal reaction to it. Uncle Sid's penis will return to normal once the catheter is removed and he heals from the surgery." Stephanie told the boys.

"What's he gotta have that straw stuck up his peter for?" Timmy asked again.

"If y'all don't mind, can a man drink his coffee in peace without his dick being the center of attention and out for display?" Sid now asked.

Pulling the covers back over, Stephanie picked up Kenny. "Let's let Uncle Sid eat his breakfast in peace, and we'll explain to you after we eat why your Uncle Thomas needs to have the tube in Uncle Sid's penis, OK?" she asked as she kissed the boy on the cheek.

"And what about the one in his peter? Are we gonna talk about that too?" the boy asked as he clutched his own penis protectively.


With Paulie driving the golf cart following the rest of the mafia towards the Cove and General Swim, Stuart sat besides his brother with Dr. Lester and the twins riding in the back. Stuart had wanted some time alone with his youngest brother, but the twins didn't take the hints as they climbed into the cart.

Now somewhat hobbled, Stuart had to choose his words carefully and keep the conversation above the twin's heads; if he could.

"Dr. Lester tell's me that you have chosen him as your Primary Uncle while you're here at Green Tree." Stuart began. "My understanding of Green Tree Rules is that that makes him the equivalent of our families "Big Brother". Is that how you see the situation?" Stuart asked the boy.

"I didn't do it to say that Tom-tom isn't still my Big Brother, Stuart, and I know that you are still the Head of our family and have the last say." Paulie replied. "I still love Tom-tom and you, but I needed somebody from here to talk for me when they have meetings and stuff." He said.

"I understand that, Paulie, and nobody is accusing you of breaking any family Rules. I just wondered why you didn't go to Tom-tom first. As far as I knew, you have never had a problem having Family Talk with him; have things changed between you two?" Stuart asked the boy.

"Oh no Stuart, Tom-tom is the best Big Brother anybody could want. He always listens to me, and he always treats me really special. I just needed somebody from Green Tree to speak for me who was from Green Tree. Spencer said that Tom-tom couldn't be my Big Brother and my Primary Uncle at the same time. It's like Sammy can't make Adam his Primary Uncle, because he is already his Outside Uncle. He needs to have both, and they can't be the same person." Paulie explained.

"That's true!" Gavin told the man with a dimpled smile.

Stuart turned around and put his finger to his lips. "Since Paulie has never lied to me, I assume everything he tells me is the truth, so we don't need confirmation." He told the boys.

"Uncle Stuart means it's OK for you to listen to his private conversation with Uncle Paulie, but keep your mouth shut." Dr. Lester told the boys with a smile.

"Oh." Gavin replied as he turned back around. "Does he know Spencer made Uncle Paulie his Outside Uncle too?" the boy asked.

Stuart smiled and turned back around. "Yes, Uncle Stuart knows that too." He replied.

"It doesn't change Family Rules, Stuart, it's Green Tree Rules." Paulie told his brother defensively.

"I'm aware of both sets of Rules, and don't see any conflict between them. If your brothers and I had any problems with your being here, Paulie, you would be in The Vineyards right now. That still doesn't really explain why you didn't say anything to Tom-tom about your plans. Are you ashamed of what you're feeling?" Stuart asked the boy.

"No, I just wanted to have somebody from Green Tree speak to Spencer's family for me. You have to have a Primary Aunt or Uncle to do that, and Spencer said that Uncle Poppe would be my best choice."

Stuart and Dr. Lester nodded. "Spencer missed his calling; he should have been a Black Jack dealer in Las Vegas." Stuart said as Doctor Lester Chuckled.

"What does that mean?" Paulie asked.

"It means that Spencer has learned the system extremely well, and he's using it to his best advantage." Stuart replied. "I guess we've all done that to one extent of another, so it's not something bad."

"What is it you want?" Stuart asked the boy.

"I want Spencer to come to school with me and David. Now Jesse wants to come too, so we all want to go to the Andover School together." Paulie replied as his eyes began to brim over.

"Because?" Stuart asked.

"Because Spencer loves me and I love him. We want to be together. Uncle Joel told me I didn't have to get married and have children if I didn't want to, and Marty told him it was OK." The boy replied as two streams of tears now fell down the boys cheeks.

"We''ll catch up with you in the cove." Stuart told Dr. Lester as the man had Paulie stop the cart.

Once the cart moved out, Stuart took the boy by the hand as they walked onto one of the trails heading up to Camp Kenny. With the tree's still in full summer bloom, the rays of sunlight occasionally shined through to the ground as the two slowly walked. They were now alone and Stuart felt more comfortable talking about family business.

Wrapping his arms around the boy, he rocked him back and forth. "What does Uncle Joel and Marty have to do with any of this?" Stuart asked his baby brother.

It took several minutes for Paulie to stop crying, but once he did, he wiped his nose on Stuarts shirt. "Remember the night we sank Uncle Joel's boat?" the boy asked. "In Uncle Joel's tape, he told me that he and Uncle Marty had talked and Marty knew that I wasn't going to be like all the rest of us. He knew I wasn't going to want to get married and start having kids. He knew I was different, and so did Uncle Joel." The boy began. "It's true Stuart. I don't want to get married and I don't want to have kids."

"Paulie, at 13 years of age, none of us did. What makes you think you're any different?"

"I always knew it. I just never looked at girls the same way the other kids ever did. Uncle Joel knew that, and so did Marty. It ain't about the sex, I just ain't happy unless I'm with other boys."

"And what did Uncle Joel tell you?" Stuart asked for the first time since the Funeral.

"He said it was OK if I never got married if that was what I didn't want to do. He said that the only thing that mattered was if I was happy, and you would understand that. Do you?" he asked.

Stuart once more wrapped the boy up and rocked him back and forth. "Whatever choices you make in your life we will support you in, Paulie." The man said as he kissed the boy on the top of his head. "But I will ask you to allow yourself the opportunity to change your mind. If, 5 or 10 or 15 years from now, some very nice female just happens to come along that tickles your fancy, you'll consider the possibilities without merely blowing her off because you're dead convinced you're not interested. In other words Paulie, I'm suggesting to you that a man can love and care for both a man and a woman, and doing so doesn't necessarily mean he's automatically kicked out of either club." Stuart told the boy.

"Your Uncle Joel and Marty were two of the smartest men I ever knew, and neither one of them would have suggested that just because you have either heterosexual or homosexual feelings that the one cancels the other out. That kind of thinking is why the world is so screwy concerning their sexuality. There are people out there who would kill to prevent people from knowing they had sexual feelings towards the same sex, and God forbid anybody find out they kissed their girlfriend, or sucked on their friends penis; they beat themselves daily for being so "Perverted."

"I know Stuart, but even they knew I was different from the rest of you." Paulie replied.

"Exactly how do you think we're all so different?" Stuart asked the boy. "It is true that most of us are married, but that proves only that we found someone to love and had children. In our day, that was the only option available to us if we wanted children. Today it's different; today you can have a baby through a surrogate mother, or even adopt a child. You might very well not want to have a child today, but that has nothing whatsoever to do with 10 years from now.

I'm not telling you that you're straight or that you're gay. There's only one person in the world who is going to determine that, and that's you, Paulie. Just leave all the doors wide open, that's all I'm suggesting. I think that's all Uncle Joel or Marty was suggesting."

"And if I don't get married, everybody's not going to be mad at me?" Paulie asked.

"I think you need to go to each and every one of your brothers and ask them if they ever felt pressured to get married. Speaking for myself, the answer is "No". Now go and ask the rest of them, and if one of them says "Yes", let me know." Stuart told the boy with a smile as he kissed the top of his head again.

"As for Spencer and Jesse going to Andover, we have to leave that to Green Tree to decide. Your family has no objections, but you need to understand that both Spencer and Jesse wanted to go before their Uncle Sid's surgery. You know how attached these people are to one another, so don't be surprised if people's plans have changed." Stuart told the boy.

"You think they'll change their minds?" Paulie asked.

"I think they love each other very deeply, and you have to keep that in the back of your mind. We're not talking about them changing their shoes and socks, we're talking about them moving away from each other when they know one of them is ill. They don't bring up the word Paulie, but Sid has cancer. That's just a little more serious than a cold or a broken arm. Once it sinks in exactly what's wrong with their Uncle, things could very well change regarding their priorities." Stuart advised the boy.

"But you'll tell them that they can come if they want to?" the boy asked.

"I already have." Stuart replied as Paulie now smiled for the first time.

As strict and businesslike Stuart was as the head of his family, he still had very deep rooted feelings towards all of them, and the smile and dimples still showing up on Paulie's cheeks compelled the man to cradle the boy in his arms and give him a kiss that Paulie had not experienced from Stuart in many years. Wordlessly, Stuart was conveying his deep love for the boy, and Paulie felt that love in every fiber of his body. As his eyes closed, his apprehension faded with an embrace that could never be faked for anything else but love and acceptance.


A light Fall breeze had the Sail Fish skimming across the lake as campers in canoes and rowboats, most sunk to the gunnels, played just outside of the cove's breakwater. Inside the cove, half a dozen boats, all awash in water, had the mafia either using them as diving platforms or as impromptu water beds while completely oblivious to the occasional pair of binoculars from a Life Guard on-station around the cove, the mafia rid themselves of any lingering tension since their last romp at Rest Hour.

"What's going on?" Adam asked a Life Guard as the Senior boys Jet Ski drifted close to Turtle Rock.

"Nothing. It looks like Matty, Andrew, Chris and Jeffrey are just playing." He replied as he peered through his glasses.

"Are their noses above water?" Adam asked.

The boy laughed. "Yeah, but Jeffrey has a snorkel on. Who taught him to do that? We never did that when we got pussy." The boy replied.

"That's the magic of a nose plug my friend. I learned that in Cup Scout Pack 48, Stamford, Connecticut." Adam replied.

"Outside boys fucked when you was a little boy too?" The Senior boy asked.

"If they had a penis, they played Evan. That's what makes the world go around." Adam replied.

"All of this is wildly fascinating, but is Evan learning new ways to play, or is he watching everyone in the Cove to keep them from drowning?" Peter asked.

"Sorry Father, but I'm watching everybody else too." The boy replied as he put his glasses down.

"That's good Evan, I just wasn't sure when I noticed that boner sticking you in your belly button." The counselor replied to some chuckles.

"Is that what that is? I thought he had left his oar in the oarlock." Etienne remarked with a smile.

"What oar locks? Jet Ski's ain't got no oar locks!" Carla now replied as she lifted herself up onto the rock.

As Carla sat down dripping wet laying against Adam's chest, the chuckles died down as Adam picked up a towel and began drying the girl off.

"Whatcha doin that for Uncle Adam? I'm going to go back swimming anyway." The girl said.

"Because you have these funny little bumps all over you, which tell's me that you're a little chilly." Adam replied as he continued to dry the girl.

"Them's just goose bumps. I gets them all the time." Carla replied as she looked at her skin.

"Even my puss gots goose bumps, look!" the girl said as she did a complete leg split.

"Very pretty." Adam said as he draped the towel over the girls torso. "One of these days, you're going to do a split and your tummy is going to fall out. Doesn't that hurt?" the man asked as he cringed a bit.

"Heck no! I do it all the time when we have pussy. Matty and Joey can do it too. How's my tummy suppose to fall out?" She asked as she lifted the towel.

"I was only kidding you sweetheart, but I would like to have some Talk Time with both you and Jeannie."

"Just me and Jeannie? Did we do something wrong again?" The girl asked.

"Not that I know of. Should I be talking to you about your doing something wrong?" Adam asked the girl.

"I still gots my cherry. Wanna look?" Carla asked as she reached for her groin.

"There are more ways to get into trouble besides losing your virginity Sweetheart. You do know that. Right?" Adam asked the girl as he prevented her from further self inspection by cupping her vagina in his hand.

Carla sat back on Adam's chest and lifted her legs back up effectively trapping Adams hand in place. The counselor didn't often touch her except maybe to wash her or put some Suntan lotion on, and it wasn't an opportunity she would avoid if she could help it.

"You mean like playing with Ryan's trucks when he says I can't?" Carla asked.

"That's good for a start, but I have more important Talk Time to discuss." Adam replied as he made a mental note to himself to talk to Ryan.

"Ya usually don't have Talk Time with me and Jeannie unless it's about fucking. Are ya gonna tell us more about it now that we're older?" Carla asked with a dimpled smile.

As the Jet Ski roared to life, Adam looked over to the Life Guard who appeared to have a redder face and an erection that was just as big as it was earlier. "Too much?" Adam asked the boy.

The boy smiled and shook his head. "I don't know how you do it Uncle Adam, If I was you, I would never get any sleep." He said as he turned the Jet Ski around and slowly threaded the craft through the boys in the water around him. Once clear, he sent a spray of water in back of him as he rocketed across the cove to find a vantage point a little more private so he could relieve the tension that had built up in his groin and feed the fish his fish.

"How much more sex can we learn? We already know all about fucking, we just ain't let a boy bust our cherries yet." Carla said as she slowly opened and closed her legs almost imperceptivity unless someone was closely watching.

"You are an expert I'm sure concerning the mechanics of the art of human sexuality, but there's a great deal still to be learned." Adam told the girl as he curled his finger up and began to slowly massage the girls clitoris. To Carla, the difference between jerking off a boy, and being jerked off by a boy was strictly location. Boys dicks hung outside their bodies, and girls dicks hung inside. As her eyes closed and her hearing dropped somewhat, she really didn't care which dick was being played with, as long as it felt good. She didn't know why Uncle Adam wanted to talk to her, but she was damned sure it was going to take her to some new places she was only too eager to learn about. But for now, Adam's finger became his penis to the girl, and it sure did feel great.


Following Sid's breakfast, while Timmy and Kenny were kept busy by Johanna, the main goal of Thomas and the rest of the girls was to get Sid to start walking, however briefly.

"The quicker you start walking, the faster we get out of here and go home Uncle Sid." Stephanie told the man as she adjusted the intravenous lines on the pole. "We don't have to go far, just down to the Nurses Station and back. The faster we get you up and moving, the faster you go home." She repeated.

"So if I take a one mile hike, we go home right now?" Sid asked.

"If you take a one mile hike, I'll carry you back to Camp." Thomas replied as he walked into the room.

"So was that a mile?" Sid asked as he got back into bed a few minutes later.

"That was a very good start Sid. You do that 3 more times today and once tomorrow morning after breakfast and we're out of here before lunch." Thomas said as he pressed the button on Sid's morphine drip. "That's assuming you do not come down with any fevers in between." He concluded.

For Spencer, David and Jesse, watching television was extremely rare. There are very few TVs at Green Tree, and even when they are on, the children are rarely allowed to watch them. Now, there was very little else for them to do, and Gloria put "Caddy Shack" into the VCR as the boys huddled with Sid on his bed. While Sid napped, the boys watched intently as the movie played on.


The end of General Swim was always followed by all the boys returning to their respective cabins for the inevitable snack, showers, and what can only be described as a free-for-all romp in the sack, be that sack on the shower room floor, a bedroom, or the screened in porches that surround all Green Tree cabins. If you didn't want to find yourself in the middle of an orgy that could make a celibate clergyman blush with excitement, you stayed the hell out of the cabins until the boys re-appeared on the front porch to get dressed or have their hair combed or brushed out.

With a towel wrapped around his waist and still dripping wet, Paulie now appeared on the porch as Adam, Bert and Dr. Lester sat waiting. Carrying a brush in his hand, he approached Bert and handed the man the brush.

Bert smiled. The 13 year old had been at Green Tree as a guest now for the past few weeks, and although he was not a Geppetto Boy, he might just as well have been one. He knew the procedures, he knew the code, and he had about as much modesty left in his body as a full blooded Geppetto Boy, which is nill.

Un-wrapping the towel around himself, he laid the towel across Bert's legs and turning himself around, sat down on the man's lap. His full bodied tan, and his now limp but very pink penis told the story of a boy use to being naked, and who was now, at least for the time being, fully sexually satisfied. Bert knew the boy wanted to talk, and this was the accepted way of achieving that goal.

"Have you spoken to my Brother Stuart, Uncle Bert?" the boy asked as Bert began to brush out the boys hair.

"Concerning what topic?" Bert asked the boy. "Do you want to have "Private Talk"? he asked.

Paulie smiled as he looked at both Dr. Lester and Adam. "Even if we had Private Talk, aren't you going to just have to let Uncle Adam and Uncle Poppe know what we said anyway?" he asked the Director.

Bert smiled a bit. "If it's a private, confidential matter that effects only you, they would most probably never hear a word about it. If it concerned something they are responsible for, than yes, they will probably be made aware of it." Bert replied. "We are all told a great many things that don't get passed along to anyone else, it really depends upon the subject matter and if somebody else has to know about it for a very good reason." He said.

"It's about me and Spencer." Paulie replied.

"Then I would probably say that whatever we talk about would eventually get back to Uncle Adam and Poppe. Uncle Adam is responsible for Spencer as the Intermediate Boys Head Counselor, and Poppe is responsible as Spencer's Doctor. I can't keep secrets about Spencer from them, if I did, they can't do their job. But as far as wanting to talk to someone, if you want to talk to me in private to save you from any embarrassment, they would understand and have no problem with that." Bert told the boy.

"It ain't about being embarrassed; I know that nobody here cares about me having sex." Paulie replied.

Bert chuckled as he shook his head. "I would say that nobody cares about your being a sexual human being, but I might have a problem with nobody caring about your having sex. It all depends upon who you have sex with, and why." Bert replied as both Adam and Dr. Lester chuckled. "We're all aware that you are playing with the other boys, but that's a universal thing. If you're asking me if I talked with your brother about having sex with Spencer, than the answer is "No', we haven't talked about it, but I would be shocked if he didn't already know it.

"No, it's not about having sex with Spencer, I know you all know we do it with each other. I'm talking about letting Spencer come to school with me and David." Paulie replied.

Bert now stopped brushing out the boys hair, which was being done more to have an excuse to keep Paulie in his lap than for practical reasons like grooming. Putting the brush down on the table alongside the rocker, Bert turned the boy sideways in his lap and pulled him against his chest as he wrapped his arms around the boy and sat back in the rocker. "Tell me about it." Bert said to Paulie.

"When me and David go up to The Andover School, we both want Spencer to come with us. Jesse wants to come too." The boy said as Bert felt some moisture developing between Paulie's cheek and the man's chest. "My brother, Stuart said it was something that all of you would have to approve of, and that because of Uncle Sid, Spencer might not want to come with us now." He replied. "I think Spencer will go. He loves me; he told me so." Paulie said quietly.

Bert continued to rock and nestled his nose into the boys hair. "I don't have a doubt in the world that Spencer does love you, Paulie. I also don't doubt for a moment that David and Jesse also love you a great deal. I don't know anyone here that doesn't think the world of you, and that includes me. But we also need to consider what is best for all of you, and that especially includes all of your needs as regards security. I really don't think I have to explain to you what could happen if the lifestyle that you and the children of Green Tree are use to is exposed to the outside world. All of you live in an extremely protected environment that would be devastated by public disclosure." Bert told the boy while carefully choosing the right words.

"I've known that most of my life Uncle Bert. I know what people would do to me and to my brothers if they found out. When I went away to boarding school, I knew all of that, and I never told anybody, not even the other boys I was having sex with about Family Business. All of my brothers were taught By Marty and Uncle Joel what would happen if we said anything outside of the Family, and we don't. The only reason I said anything here was because Uncle Joel told me that Green Tree was a safe place to be and everyone here was just like we were." Paulie replied.

"How would he have known that?" Bert asked the boy.

"When Tom-tom took the job here, he asked Uncle Joel first. Uncle Joel and Marty knew all about it because they worked at Harvard, but he never told anybody about it until Tom-tom asked about it. Uncle Joel told him it was safe, and that he could trust everybody here. Uncle Joel told me that if I didn't like going to The Andover School, I could stay with Tom-tom and that I would be safe." Paulie replied as Bert's chest got wetter.

"When did he tell you this?" Bert asked.

"When I was at the Hospital with him and when he made the tape we watched on the boat." Paulie said. "Uncle Tom-tom knows all about it, and so does Stuart, you can ask them." Paulie replied.

"I don't need to ask anybody; I just asked you." Bert replied. "If your Uncle Joel said it was OK to live with Thomas, then why don't you?" Bert now asked.

"I like going to the Andover School, and besides, I have to stay close to Dora or she'll get really sad. She don't have Marty anymore, and she promised him she would take care of me as long as she lived. I can't move away from Dora again, she would die." Paulie responded.

"Whatchadoin?" Carla said as the screen door slammed against the Cabins side.

"We were having a little quiet talk, but it appears that might be ending." Bert told the girl as Carla plunked herself down on Adams lap and lifted a brush over her shoulder.

"Well heck Uncle Bert, ya coulda closed the front door if ya wanted privacy. It was wide open, so nobody could know you was havin Talk Time." The girl said as she scooted her bare ass down Adam's legs and laid back on the Counselors chest. "Is he sad?" she asked as she looked at the boy.

"Probably not, until now." Adam said to the girl as he took the brush and began brushing out her hair that now stretched to her waist. "Where is Jennie?" Adam asked the girl.

"She's still upstairs with Bobby. Since Bobby started making milk, he's been doing it and he gots blisters on his dick from doing it so much. He can't jerk off anymore, so the only way he can gets milk is from lollipops." Carla replied with a dimpled smile.

"Bobby has Jeannie giving him lollipops?" Bert now asked.

"Everybody's giving him lollipops, not just Jeannie. It's the best way to stop getting blisters on your dick." Carla replied matter of factly. "Don't you know that Uncle Bert?" she asked.

"Your Uncle Bert is aware of a boys anatomy. I think he was asking if Bobby was asking Jeannie to give him lollipops, sweetheart." Adam said as he shook his head.

"Bobby ain't asking nobody to give him nothing, he's just getting a boner and making more milk for everybody to see. He says he's a Stage 3 Geppetto Boy, but I think since he started making his scum, he became a Stage 1 boy. He can make boners faster than any boy in camp now." Carla reported.

"I think I'll see if I can't slow the pace down a little, we don't want him to wear his penis out in the first week." Dr. Lester said as he arose from the chair and headed for the Cabin.

"Can he really do that? Can a boy fuck too much?" Carla asked Adam as she turned around.

"No Sweetheart, but just because a boy can repeatedly perform when they first attain the ability to make semen, doesn't mean that they should be constantly working at it. Bobby's body will automatically slow down in a very short time and his Staging will return to his normal cycle." Adam told the girl.

"Not to mention that blisters are a very big pain in the ass, and we do try to avoid them." Bert added.

"He ain't gots blisters on his ass Uncle Bert, he gots them on his dick." Carla informed the Director.

The snickering coming from Paulie who was still laying in Bert's lap told the man that the boy was in a better mood than he was just a few minutes earlier. "After Dinner, let's have some Talk Time with Stuart in my Cabin. Does that sound like a good idea, or do you want to discuss this thing a little longer in private?" Bert asked the boy as he kissed him on the ear.

"Are you going to tell him it's OK for Spencer and Jesse to come?" the boy asked.

"Come where?" Carla asked.


As the bugle sounded to announce 7th Period after Dinner, the bulk of the boys from Junior Camp drifted off to either the Rec. Hall or the lake for boating. The toddlers were all returning to the upper campus, where they would spend the rest of their day either at the pool or on the sprawling lawn. 3 separate baseball games were now being organized, and the sounds of the competing groups melded as the Camp Kenny staff lounged on blankets and played with or nursed the youngest of their charges. With full stomach's and a warm breeze rustling through the tree's, this was "Quiet time" for the upper campus and for the staff that had now been on duty since daybreak.

"How many girls have signed up to become nursing mothers, Aunt Sarah?" a 16 year old named Elaine asked.

Sarah took out her notepad and read off the names. "I have 3 17 year olds, 6 16 year olds, and 2 15 year olds who have agreed to be induced to lactate. We're going to induce the 17 year olds and 2 of the 16 year olds as rapidly as possible, and the rest will be induced naturally by pumping." Sarah told the girl.

"How do you do that?" Elaine asked.

"The body can be tricked into thinking its pregnant and make it start producing milk by injecting certain hormones into it. Uncle Thomas doesn't want to do that unless its absolutely necessary, so we won't be injecting any more girls than we have to." Sarah replied. "Do you want me to add your name to the list?" she asked the girl.

"Will I have to get the shots?" Elaine asked.

"No, We have enough girls who have volunteered to be induced on the fast-track, if you want to be induced, your breasts will be pumped until they start making your milk on their own. It should take between 2 to 3 weeks." Sarah told the girl.

"Where do we get the milk the babies need until then?" another Senior girl asked.

"A mothers milk supply pretty much depends upon demand. Between the lactating members of the new staff that are coming, and the girls already here who are lactating, we can boost milk production and store it. Those girls who are given a baby will be feeding their charges breast milk that will be delivered to the baby through a tube attached to her breast. The baby will suckle and receive its nutrition, and at the same time, the suckling will help to induce milk production. It's also the best way to toughen up your nipples. Having a baby on your breast can be tough on some women, you need to remember that the baby's suctioning can cause sores and cracks. Then you have to remember that many of these children will have teeth." She told the girls on the blanket.

"Elaine knows about teeth on her tits, don't you Elaine?" one of the girls friends now said as some giggling started.

"Nicky wasn't biting her, he was giving her a hickey." Another of Elaine's friends interjected.

"Nevertheless, whether it's a boyfriend or a baby, the effect is the same. Your breasts can get sore and even bleed, and even if you're not injured by the suckling, some of the same hormones are running around giving you some of the same feelings, so don't be surprised if feeding the baby evolves into sexual feelings as well, especially if you've had some horney teenage boy playing with your breasts. Don't expect your body to differentiate between a 16 year old and a 2 year old, it's just not going to happen." The Nurse told the girls.

"You get turned on when you nurse?" a girl asked.

"Absolutely! However, do I then act upon being turned on? No, that's what the big boys are here for, and not the baby." Sarah replied to more giggles.

"What if your boyfriend drinks all the babies milk?" a girl asked the counselor.

"Then you have a very unusual boyfriend. Most boys will stop suckling on the breasts of a lactating girl. There are some men who will play with a lactating women, but for the most part, instinct tells them that your breasts are no longer their playthings, but a childs dinner. Just as girls have nurturing instincts, boys have the identical instincts as well. If he does stay a bit long at the fountain, you have every right to tell him that the milk belongs to your ward and to play elsewhere. I've never heard of it being an issue here at Green Tree with any of your Uncle's."

The giggling of the girls now subsided slowly as the girls looked around and watched as the little ones played on the grass on their riding toys, trikes and bicycles and the older boys settled into 3 separate games of baseball completely oblivious to the outside world around them except for the next batter at the plate. The boys had long since gotten use to the presence of the girls in their midst, and had reverted back to their usual outdoor uniforms of tanned skin and free flowing hair. Not so long ago, these same girls would have been "Furious" at the boys for daring to show themselves naked in their company, but now, it somehow seemed as natural as brushing their hair. The mystery, the shame, the "Outrage" was gone, now replaced by the normalcy of the human body and all of its parts. Some were longer than others, some fatter. Most were un-snipped, but the consensus among the girls was that the snipped ones were somehow more "Neater" and probably cleaner. Esthetically, the cut boys were most certainly more attractive in the penis department but those with "Hats", certainly seemed to want to play longer. At least now, they knew exactly which ones they were going to be enjoying, sooner or later.

But for the boys, none of that mattered. The only thing that mattered was the ball now flying over the trees and the horses who were grazing in the meadows next to the stables. Even "Moochie", David's Belgian colt wasn't paying any attention to anything except his own pleasure as the colt nibbled at the grass beneath his feet. Normally the colt would have been pestering any camper within reach for a treat, but even the horse knew that boys sans clothing had nowhere to hide an apple or a carrot, so why bother?

The day would unwind for those up on the hill at Green Tree in a slow and easy pace, but in the meantime, things were more lively on the lower campus as Bert's 5th meeting for the day organized, and there would be 2 more before this day would end for him.


"We're on schedule as far as the dental and health clinics are concerned and we haven't come across any serious problems and don't expect to. The new children coming in from Freemont have just undergone their clinics, so we don't have to worry about them, but there are some issue's beyond the clinics that Green Tree will be inheriting." The Institutes Chief Psychiatrist now told the reassembled group.

"Like Jamie?" Bert asked.

"Jamie is probably our most challenging situation, but at least he is alone in his problems." The man replied. "It's not really a problem, but you will now have to deal with a group of children who have not been quite as active as the children you're use to. Green Tree children are not exactly your average group of children, even within Geppetto standards. They are extremely active and involved in physical and recreational activities, and that's not really the situation the Freemont children have been experiencing. It's going to take some catch-up time for your new charges to acclimate themselves to the pace of living around here." The Psychiatrist replied.

Bert and his staff's attention was now diverted to a corner of the porch which held a table full of the Big Rig drivers. Their chuckling signaled to Bert he was not being told the whole story.

"We have a Beach Party in less than two hours. Can we put all this talk into plain English and spell out exactly what we're getting ourselves into, or do I have to ask the drivers what we're getting ourselves into?" Bert asked the Institutes man.

"We hate surprises". Adam now added as the rest of the Green Tree staff agreed and took a sip of their drinks.

The Chief Psychiatrist looked the stack of files sitting on the table and nodded his head. "A good percentage of the children are not obese, but they could be considered over-weight." He admitted.

Bert now looked back at the drivers who nodded their heads.

"You're sending us a fat camp? Don't you have a nutritionist at Freemont?" he asked.

"What's a "Good percentage", and just how fat are they?" Peter now asked.

"Freemont didn't have the space or the amount of activity's you have here at Green Tree, and the children rejected most of the nutritionist's recommendations regarding their diet. They simply didn't burn the calories and they went to their bodies. Probably 60% of the children are beyond their ideal weight." The Psychiatrist reported.

Bert once again looked toward the drivers table.

"More like 80%". The lead driver replied.

"You don't need space to keep kids moving and why didn't the staff make activities available? These are Geppetto boys. We burn calories by the busload every time we hit the sack which can be 15 times a day in the case of Stage One boys. Why isn't this fat being burned off?" Dave now asked.

"The Freemont boys prefer to be stimulated to climax rather than physical contact. The staff has allowed them to chose their own methods rather than to interfere." The Psychiatrist replied.

"They're all on toys?" Bert asked.

"Mostly". The man reported.

"No wonder they're all blimps, I could climb to 300 pounds if I sat back and kept the batteries charged up!" Etienne now added.

Once the chuckling died down, Bert returned to his chair with a fresh drink. "You boys all know how we operate here at Green Tree, and hopefully you agree with our policies. However whether you agree with them or not our boys revert to toys as either the last resort, or as a change of pace to avoid complete boredom. They fuck the old fashioned way here, and if that keeps their weight under control, that's just a perk we can live with. How many porkers do you see laying around Green Tree?" Bert asked to even more chuckles.

"None except for Beth's baby." A driver replied.

"You let Beth hear you say that and you'll be driving that truck singing in Soprano. Joshua is NEVER fat, Joshua is merely a very contented baby." Adam told the driver to more chuckles.

"You aren't proposing to cut the boys off cold turkey are you?" The Psychiatrist asked Bert as he ignored the humor.

Bert sat back in his rocker. "How are we going to handle this?" he asked his staff.

"If they are going to be dissuaded from using toys, probably the best way is to keep them available, but inconveniently. Keep all the toys in a central location, and have the boys specifically request them to be used. In the meantime, have them living in the cabins and attending activities with their peers as usual." Dr. Lester suggested.

"I like it. We're not telling them they can't turn on the juice, we're just telling them they have to stop whatever their doing, school, work, play or whatever, and go get plugged in. So where do we keep the toys?" Bert asked.

"Let's make it as sterile a situation as we can. Keep the toys in the Infirmary and the toys can be kept clean while at the same time, we can make the process as clinical as possible. Would you rather sit in a cubby getting jerked off by a dildo, or romping with a dozen of your best friends? I don't think the toys will last a week." Dan now added.

"Do you see any problems with that?" Bert asked the Institutes man.

"So long as there are no complaints or problems with the children, we have no problems." The man replied.

"Well Doc, I've been in the child care business for close to 40 years, and not once in those 40 years has any boy ever come to me and told me that getting his dick sucked by another child bothered him, or that he would prefer to jerk himself off. I don't think you'll hear too many complaints from these boys that they're getting too much unwanted sex. We simply give them a choice, Ray-O-Vac or the rack." Bert replied with a grin.

"You're dating yourself boss, I don't think Ray-O-Vac is still in business. Try Duracell." Dave replied to more chuckles.

"Crude, but effective Uncle Bert." A driver now added.

"OK, we agree that we get our new boys back into the ball game. What about the girls? Are they lumps too?" Bert now asked.

"Several could lose some weight." An Institute Physician replied.

"Well, we can't fuck the pounds off them, but we can adjust their nutritional intake and increase their recreational and physical activities. How involved is their staff going to be about getting them into fighting weight?" Bert asked.

Once the chuckles died down again, the lead Psychiatrist spoke as he shook his head. "I'm assuming the girls are never going to see the minutes of this meeting. We have half a dozen or so girls, between 4 and 12 who could benefit from losing some weight, and their staff will be very cooperative unless you intend to put the girls out on 20 miles marches. The older girls are naturally sensitive about their problem, so we know you will be taking that into consideration." He told the group.

"The reality of the situation is that our girls will be in charge of the girls and one false move on our part will see the wrath of God strike us down if we looked sideways at the girls or caused them any grief. The girls will be protected; it's us you need to worry about." Bert replied.

"Is that the extent of it? We have Jamie's problem and some kids we need to whip back into shape?" Dave now asked. "Compared to the Albemarle situation, this all seems pretty tame." He said.

"We were all that difficult?" Kevin now asked slightly defensively.

"Kevin, as you may recall, we were handed 200 children and another 75 adults, all of which swore up and down that they didn't fuck. That presented itself as something I could call "Difficult" wouldn't you say?" Dave asked the man to more than a few chuckles. "Compared to Albemarle, one hermaphrodite and a few fatties too lazy to burn off some calories is a walk in the park."

"We've already discussed the situation concerning a few of the Freemont children being age in-appropriately attached to each other. The children will be transported here together, and we are trusting that Green Tree staff take special precautions concerning their emotional attachments and not just summarily separate them according to age and gender. Dr. Lester has assured us that the children will be in the hands of experts, and we trust his Judgement." An Institute Psychologist now said.

All Green Tree staff eyes were now focused on Dr. Lester.

"I feel confident that any decisions made concerning the children will be made with great care, and minimal disruption into the children's emotional and physical well-being will be their top priority." Dr. Lester said.

"What the fuck did he say?" Dan asked Bert.

"He said we won't change the status quo. He's telling us he's tearing up our rules and regulations regarding the separation of Camp Kenny and the Junior Boys Camp." Bert replied as the meeting once again broke up in laughter.

"It may well mean that we have to initiate another separate program like the one we just developed for Charlie's boys, but I'm not inclined to open Camp Kenny up to the older boys, and even if I were so inclined, the girls would rip my balls off. We'll promise we won't take the new campers apart cold turkey, but the goal will be to separate them into age appropriate groupings as soon as possible." Bert replied.

"So does this mean we can't roast Dr. Lester's balls off now?" Chef John asked.

"Let's move on to Sid." Bert said once the group settled back down. "He had a good day today following last night's fever. We're still on plan to get him back here tomorrow after Lunch. Sid is frothing at the bit to get back to the Cove, but Tom wants him in the Infirmary for obvious reasons. Do you have anything you want to add, Stuart?" Bert asked.

"There were no surprises regarding the surgery, Sid's prostate was inked and there are no signs of cancer outside the prostate itself. In laymen's terms, we've caught it early, and it's gone. His recovery will take between 4 to 6 months, depending upon his co-operation. He needs to do nothing more than walk for at least 2 months. He cannot ride a horse for at least 4 months, and probably 6 is the earliest. He's undergone some major surgery down there, and it's simply going to take some time to heal." Stuart told the group.

"He will be coming back to camp with a Catheter and it will be in for about 10 days to two weeks. He'll be seen by a Urologist from the Institute, and hopefully, any incontinence will be minimal. We're not going to know how much control he'll have over his bladder, but there was no reason seen that prevents him from regaining his full control."

"What about his sexual functioning"? Adam asked.

"There, we're in a grey area. First of all, he's the first known case of Prostate Cancer in a Geppetto boy. With no prostate, we already know there isn't going to be any fluid if he attains climax, but if we've been able to minimize any erectile dysfunction, he should be able to lead a normal sexual life, but we don't know if that means normal for a regular man, or normal for a Geppetto man." Stuart said.

"How is he going to climax if he has no fluid?" Adam asked.

"He won't be expressing fluid from the prostate, but he will be expressing urine when he climax's. It will feel almost the same, but it will be noticeably different depending on how much control he has over his new sphincter muscle." The Urologist now said.

"What new sphincter muscle?" One of the drivers now asked.

"Your body has two of them, one to control urine, and one to control ejaculations. When we removed his prostate, we also removed the muscle that controls urine and replaced it with the muscle that controlled ejaculations, since he will no longer need it for that purpose. The new muscle isn't as strong as the old one, but it can be made stronger through an exercise called "Kegels". The stronger the new muscle becomes, the better Sid will be able to control the flow of urine during ejaculations."

"So Uncle Sid should be able to return to normal?" another driver asked.

"Normalcy all depends upon how successful the Specialists were in preserving Sid's nerve bundles. They control erection, and if his ability to achieve an erection is lost, he'll be able to climax, but he will never be able to achieve penetration." The Urologist stated.

"How's he going to come if he can't get a boner?" The same driver asked.

"The fact is, your body doesn't need to have an erection to climax. Even without an erection, you can masturbate to climax. Sid's testicle's still function, and that's their job, with or without an erection." The Doctor replied.

"I can vouch for that." Dr. Lester now added. "Almost 10 years ago I had my prostate removed and I lost both nerve bundles. If I wish to attain climax, the only way to do it is through masturbation. It's not quite the same, but it's better than nothing at all." He told the group.

"Have you told Sid that?" Adam now asked.

"No, not yet. There's no reason to if he can minimize erectile dysfunction through available medications like Viagra or even penile injections. Depending upon how good the Doctors were, he might not even need anything. So why create problems where there are none right now?" Dr. Lester replied.

"There's no way in hell Sid is going to allow anyone to shoot his penis with needles, Uncle Bert." The lead driver now added.

Dr. Lester smiled. "If you told me 20 years ago that I would be jerking off alone at age 60, I'd have told you were a lunatic. A man's drive to have sex is mighty primal. I'm sure if the only way man could be satisfied was with using baseball bats, there would be a run on wood tomorrow." He said as the chuckles began anew.

"How long before Sid knows if the plumbing still works, and at what speed?" Bert asked.

"The healing will keep his libido down for at least 2 to 4 weeks. Once he gets the catheter out and his penis recovers from the abuse, he still needs to do some healing and allow the swelling and tenderness to abate, but probably between the 6th to 10th week he's going to want to know if he's still in the ballgame." Stuart replied.

"He'll start on 25mg of Viagra in 4 weeks and we'll take it from there. If that doesn't work, we'll try tri-mix injections if he goes along with it, but we might not need anything. It really depends upon how skillful the Surgeons were with moving his nerve bundles away from the prostate without damaging or destroying them. We won't know that for several weeks." The Urologist stated.

"What abuse?" The lead driver now asked Bert.

"One of the main reasons we always discouraged you boys from playing with your penises by sticking things up it, even things like water or whipped cream, was because your urethra and penis just don't like to be messed with in that way. You could get bad infections, and you could very easily tear up the extremely soft tissue lining the urethra.

In taking out Sid's prostate, his penis has taken a pretty brutal beating, especially with catheters being shoved in and out, and then the urethra itself being partially removed surgically. Now, it's going to have to tolerate a catheter in it for the next 2 weeks or so, and it's not going to take that very lightly. It's going to swell to probably 3 times normal size, and not even closely resemble its former self before this is said and done. Imagine an orange sized water balloon with a straw sticking through both ends, and you've got yourself a pretty good picture." Bert told the boy.

"Sid knows all of this?" Adam asked.

"Would you have told him ahead of time?" Bert asked.

Once a fresh set of drinks were made and the group re-emerged onto the porch, the next order of business was the opening of the new Campus in Florida which would house Chef John's New Culinary School. What had begun as a simple idea of using an existing piece of secure property to teach a few dozen carefully selected boys to cook had, of necessity, blossomed into a major production. The reality of the situation is that you don't simply do anything with Geppetto boys; it's a major logistical nightmare of support, security, and staffing. After all, to mainstream Americans, these boys (And now girls) simply do not exist which means they have to look like something they are not no matter how close they stand next to "Normal" society.

After distributing Project Plans around to all the participants, a small man who had previously been silent throughout the discussions that evening stepped forward and introduced himself as the Institutes lead planner for the new school that John was about to head. His name is Frank.

"I was asked to lead this Project less than 6 month's ago, and by "Normal" business standards, what we've been able to accomplish since then has been nothing less than incredible. I tell you that, not because we expect any pat's on the back, but because I know some of you feel the request was a simple, cut and dried situation of merely re-occupying the Florida property." He began as several people on the porch looked towards John.

"I can assure you, undertaking this move has been anything but "Cut and Dried". It's a logistical nightmare exacerbated by security concerns that make moving the President from the White House to Camp David seem like a walk in the park. You don't just move our children from point A to point B without detailed planning in place without risking a security breach which could bring everything crashing down on everyone's heads." He said.

"We understand that and appreciate the work you and your team have accomplished in such a short time, Professor. It may seem that our people can, at times, be impatient and clueless as to the problems we present when we make a proposal, but I assure you, we're mindful of the need to maintain security for ourselves, and especially for the children. There may be times when my people may present themselves as impetuous and irrational, but we all need to keep in mind that everyone involved with this particular Project is Geppetto, and they have the most to lose should things go wrong." Bert replied.

"Actually, the Geppetto children and adults are the "Victims" in this situation, Bert. Should the shit hit the fan, the public isn't going to string them up, they're going to hang those of us involved who are not Geppetto." Dr. Lester said.

Bert sat back and smiled somewhat. "There's no question that we will lose our jobs, go to prison, lose everything we ever worked for and be disgraced, but do you really think the government is simply going to throw the doors open and let these children enter mainstream society with a box of condoms in their hand? No Doctor Lester, we might lose our freedom and our money, but I seriously don't think our government would even allow the children to remain alive if there was a possibility of their existence being exposed to the general public. Above all, the government is going to protect itself." Bert said.

"Obviously we're all aware of the nature of the problems, Frank. Whatever your team feels we need to do, we will follow." Matthew said.

"Did I say something that gave you the impression I was rushing things?" John asked the Professor.

"Not at all, but my staff did receive a phone call from Sid a few weeks back." Frank replied.

As Bert shook his head, he waited for the chuckling to stop. "I take it you've never done any business with Sid prior to this Project, Professor?" He asked the man.

As the man nodded, Bert again smiled. "Sid can piss off the Pope Professor. He's an expert at it. Your best tact with Sid is to smile, nod, and if he pisses you off, let me or Matthew know why and we'll get him off your back. There's nobody in the world more protective of these children and he would never do anything to jeopardize their safety and security and the continuation of this Program. Call Harry in Alexandria and he can explain Sid to you better than we can." Bert told the man.

"I did. He told me to speak to you." Frank replied.

"Harry's a great buck-passer." Matthew now said as the group chuckled once again.

"The best way to get to know Sid is to observe him from a distance. I've never met anybody who spent a little time around Sid who didn't like and deeply respect him." Matthew told Frank.

"In many ways, Sid comes off to people who don't know him like deaf people come off to those who can hear." Bert said. "People see them as snobbish, pushy, over-bearing, un grateful bastards. Folks get the idea that unless they are dealing with another deaf person, you're just garbage in their eyes. Because you can hear and they can't, you're the fucked-up one in the mix.

Apply that same analysis to Sid and being Geppetto, and you've got the same thing. That's not really the case, and in order to fully understand Sid, you need to fully understand and appreciate where he came from, and what he went through. You can't evaluate Sid and any one of the children you deal with now in the same light. The children today live a life that Sid and his brothers could only dream about for the first six years of their lives. Sid can be a son-of-a-bitch, but I make no apology for him; people like Sid and Barry are survivors of a holocaust that you and I can only imagine. He knows what the government can do because he lived it. Before you get angry at Sid, read the first six years of his life, then you can judge him." Bert said.

Other than the sound of children playing outside on the lawns and at the lake, there was nothing heard from the group of probably 3 dozen or so adults at the meeting. Bert was pissed, and most on the porch knew it. Most Institute staff were briefed on subjects that were taboo at the various Camps and Schools operated by them, and how to avoid stepping on toes. Frank must have missed the meeting concerning Sid and Bert and the bond between the two.

"So, where are we with regards to the new school? Is everything on track, and do we have any issue's we need to deal with?" The Institute's lead Administrator now asked.

"The original request involved strictly boys with a population goal of 125. The logistics of setting up the facility is not that much more involved than if we set the population at 300, and frankly, we need the additional space. Florida can easily handle 450 children and staff, and there is interest from the children to attend. We also want John to consider enrolling females in the program; there are approximately 75 girls who have expressed an interest in attending his school." Frank replied, happy to abandon the previous conversation.

"So much for my casual retirement plans. You folks do realize that I'm no Administrator, right? I can barely run my kitchen and keep control over it, and you expect me to become a Bert or a Matthew? I thank you all for the compliment, but I'm a Chef, not a Camp Director." John now said. "Just exactly how old are these girls going to be?" he asked.

"With a student body this large, we realize you will need a great deal of back-up. Subject to your approval, you will have a staff of 150 people, including assistants, teachers, counselors and logistical staff available to you. We have already sent out transfer requests and have a list of 300 potential transferee's." Frank replied.

"Tell me about the 75 girls." John asked again to some chuckles from the drivers. "I'm going to have 225 adolescent boys standing around hot ovens, boiling hot grease, and mixers that can tear them apart in 5 seconds. Are they going to be thinking about cooking, or getting laid?" John asked.

"You don't have girls working in the kitchen now?" Frank asked.

"No, the girls that are old enough are all involved with the younger children in Camp Kenny or are student-teaching in school. There are some in housekeeping and the rest are involved with the Medical Department." Bert replied.

"You graduated from the Culinary Arts Institute in Poughkeepsie. They had females in their program, didn't they?" Frank now asked John.

"Sure they did! And when I was cooking breast of chicken, it wasn't the chickens breast I had on my mind." John replied to more chuckling from the drivers. "As difficult as it was for my generation of students on the outside, it's nothing compared to this next generation coming up. These kids have been screwing their balls off with a green light, they were never raised with the inner restraints we had to learn as children."

"The boys function perfectly well now with the girls around them." Frank said.

"True, but they don't have a twenty gallon pot of boiling water in between them when they meet. I want that boy concentrating on his job, not on some nice piece of pussy standing next to him with him trying to figure out how he is going to get his dick wet." John replied.

"But it's a system that can be integrated given enough time. We were able to integrate the girls into the classrooms and in the Mess Hall setting tables." Bert now said. "Right?" he asked John.

"I guess we can read the riot act to the boys, but let's keep in mind the we still have a 20% higher breakage rate in the Mess Hall than we did prior to the girls arrival, and it isn't the girls dropping the cups and plates. When one of those girls enters the Mess Hall with a bikini on, shit goes flying!" John reminded the group.

"I assume you don't allow your boys standing around the stoves in their underwear?" Dr. Lester asked as the chuckles rebounded.

"No, the boys are all in full white's. We still have not discussed the girls ages. How old are we talking about?" John pressed.

"The majority of the girls are fourteen to sixteen." Frank replied.

"In the past, we've always supplied strictly boys to their employers, but they hire both on their ships and at their resorts, so it won't be a problem getting them employed once we get them trained." John replied. "I'm assuming these girls are going to be very carefully screened. It's a given that the boys are going to want to screw their balls off, but we really don't need to load the place up with girls who are more interested in teasing a cock to full bloom than baking a cake. If they're not serious about learning a cooking trade, the boys here would be more than happy to keep them on their backs and happy." John said.

Once the laughter died down, Frank continued. "The girls will be carefully screened, but not all intend to go on to a cooking career. Some simply want to learn how to cook for domestic reasons." He replied.

"Part of our job is to prepare these boys for life on the outside. We can't just keep them segregated through their adolescence. We're either going to end up with a gaggle of flamers or grown adults who are going to go bullshit at the first taste of pussy. It's always been our job to see to it that they're prepared for all contingencies, and that includes how to behave and to control themselves with the girls. We're just going to have to train ourselves to recognize that "Dreamy" gaze in a boys eyes when he see's a pair of tits float by and bring him back to earth before he cuts his thumb off." Bert said to John.

A few shrill screams from the beach brought the groups attention to the lake where Carla and Jeannie were running through the water's edge with a group of boys in hot pursuit. John shook his head as he watched the pile-on as the girls were brought down. "I automatically assume that those two have absolutely no desire to become cooks, right?" John asked as he took a sip of his drink.

"If they do, you'll be the only one with the keys to their chastity belts." Adam replied.

"I automatically assume I will be given the only pair of keys to all the girls chastity belts." John replied as a finished his drink.


Since Spencer, Jesse and David were now at the hospital with Sid, and all of his brothers along with Dr. Lester and Adam all attending the meeting going on in Bert's Cabin, Paulie found himself after dinner in the Cove swimming off Turtle Rock with most of the mafia.

At 14, Paulie was the oldest of the swimmers except for the Life Guards on their Jet Ski's watching over the boys and girls in the water and those boating on the lake. With the mafia ranges in age from 8 to 12, Paulie was "The big boy" in the group for the time being, and with it came the "Perks". For the mafia, not only was Paulie packing a sought after sized set of balls and a dick length they hoped to achieve one day, but he was the "Outside Uncle" of Spencer. The boys knew that if there was anyone who could make Spencer sit up and take notice, he HAD to be one very special fuck.

Being raised from age 11 in a sexually free environment, Paulie was no stranger to sexual play, nor was he adverse to it. On the other hand, Paulie was also not Geppetto, and in his current situation, that put him at a distinct dis-advantage. As a healthy teen boy, Paulie could rally himself between 3 to 5 times a day back in Martha's Vineyard and at his boarding school. Now, 3 to 5 times a day was nice, but hardly up to rowing speed as far as the Geppetto boys were concerned. A Stage 3 Geppetto boy can easily romp 6 times a day. A Stage 1 can romp on the hour, fully awake or sound asleep.

When he first came three weeks earlier, Paulie could not understand how the boys ate so much food, and then how early they went to bed. He first learned exactly how many calories sexual play can burn off. He also learned that without rest and sleep, sex was impossible to maintain at a high level. Now, three weeks later, not only was his caloric intake twice what it was, but he was sleeping 9 hours a night with a daily nap after lunch.

It took almost a week, but as he stepped onto the diving board on the Rock, Paulie stood straight and tall without his penis pointing the way. In the beginning, he kept a rod for 3 days straight, but by about the 6th day, either because his testicles were so drained, or because he was so use to seeing the other campers naked all day long, his penis no longer paid any attention, unless somebody happened to play with it or they were purposely staring at it hoping to see some life. Paulie's only thought was "This must be what it's like to be in a Nudist Camp". Somehow, it felt wonderfully free to the boy to be walking around without his cock advertising its interest.

"Are ya gonna move your fat ass and dive, or just stand there?" Carla said to the boy as she stepped onto the end of the board dripping wet.

"Would you like to take your dive ahead of me?" Paulie asked as the giggling from the rest of the campers subsided.

Either Carla had a temporary lapse of judgment, or she intended to get her own bare ass thrown in the lake. As she moved past the teen to get in front of him, Paulie picked up the 11 year old and turned her upside down. Now wrapped in the boys hands by her ankles, Paulie walked to the end of the board dangling her head inches over the water.

"Who has the fatter ass in camp; you, or me?" Paulie asked the girl.

After the third dip into the lake up to her neck, Carla admitted she did as Paulie let go of his grip.

Watching from the beach, Sarah and Martha sat on a blanket as they monitored their little ones busily digging in the sandy beach at the waters edge. Perched around a hole in the sand now probably 2 feet deep, 3 little sets of well tanned buns were all that shined in the sunlight as all 3 toddlers heads were out of their sight peering into the hole. Sarah may have been a little confused concerning the identity of the children were it not for the view of the childrens genitals, a vagina full and pink in color and a set of testicles encased in a bronze colored sack unmistakably owned by two of her wards, Catherine and Caleb. The third child, another boy, wasn't visible from the rear, but his sand covered circumcised penis could only have belonged to one child the size of this particular boy, and that was Caleb's ever present friend, Scotty. Sarah smiled to herself, amused at being able to identify the children, not by their face, but by their genitals. "Do you think he has Greek or Italian blood in him?" Sarah asked her friend.

Martha looked at the toddlers and immediately knew what Sarah was asking about as the boy kept digging. "There's certainly some kind of Mediterranean thing going on. It could be Greek, Spanish, Italian or even Turkish or middle eastern. Those certainly aren't the balls of an eastern or western European. Sid thinks he has the head of a Basque Spaniard. He says they have round heads rather than the typical mushroom shaped heads we see on Baltic and Israeli boys. Uncle Sid thinks he can tell a boys ethnicity just by the shape and size of his penis and the coloration of his scrotum." Martha replied.

"You really think he can tell?" Sarah asked her friend.

Martha shrugged her shoulders as a four year old from her cabin approached the two women. "I guess if anybody at Green Tree knows dicks, it's gotta be Uncle Sid." She said as they both giggled.

"Do you gots any ice tea?" The boy asked the two as he looked around the blanket.

"No sweet heart, would you like me to go to Uncle Adam's and get you some?" Martha asked.

The boy looked at the cabin that was maybe 200 feet away from him and decided against waiting. "I'm thirsty" he said as he sat down in Martha's lap. Lifting up the bottom of her halter top, the boy reached for his counselors breast and latched onto her nipple as he closed his eyes and drew her milk in with a suctioning Martha could feel. As her milk pooled around the corner of the boys mouth, she cradled his head in the nap of her arm and combed the boys hair with her fingers as she hummed a nameless tune.

"How much spare milk do you think you'll be able to contribute to the new arrivals?" Sarah asked her friend as she watched the boys tummy begin to fill with each swallow.

"Brent usually takes about a third of my milk with Cory and Nathan usually polishing off the rest, but I haven't needed to produce a full supply for the past 6 months or so. They don't nurse as much in the warmer weather, and we're not cooped up in the cabin together as much. I can probably increase the output another 15 to 30 ounces a day if I pump every three or four hours." Martha said as she stroked the boys face.

"Are there going to be any sparks if we bring another nurser into the cabin?" Sarah asked.

"Not unless the new addition Bogarts my supply. They don't mind sharing as long as there's something in the well when they decide they're thirsty." Martha replied.

Sarah nodded as she made some notes on her clipboard. "We have more than a few who aren't fully dependant, so we'll make sure we keep everybody happy." She said as she picked up a towel and placed it over a quickly growing erection. "Is that a sign of appreciation, or do we have an impending flood?" She asked.

Martha smiled as she placed her hand on the towel and made sure it surrounded the boys penis. "If it was Cory, it would be a salute to his supplier. In this case, it's in one end and out the other." The girl said as the warmth now emanating from the towel told her that Brent was letting his water flow. Martha bent over the boys face and gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead. The suckling hardly abated.

"We're getting in a 2 year old who is still nursing, but he's attached to a 12 year old boy that he entered into the program with. It's "Iffy" which one is attached to the other one more, so his staff doesn't want him separated. We can either place them both in the Junior Camp, or keep them both in Camp Kenny. What do you think?" Sarah asked Martha.

"Does the 12 year old have control, or is he a threat to the little ones?" Martha asked. "I'd rather have the little one's kept within their group whenever possible so that they have peers to play with. The intermediate boys can get mighty frisky in their play, even if they don't physically involve the tots." She replied.

Sarah nodded in agreement. "Adam suggested we make a Transitional Cabin made up of primarily the new split couples of Camp Kenny and Lower Camp children and have them live together, but follow age appropriate schedules during the day. Kind of like Charlies cabin made up now of Junior and Senior boys. The only cabins big enough to handle that are down on the lower level. Uncle Bert says that Dave could reconfigure Cabin Castle pretty easily. If that is what they do, are you interested in moving back down to the Lake? You would be next door to both Johanna and Beth." Sarah asked.

Martha looked across the lake at Cabin Castle. The building was one of the largest Cabins in Green Tree, with probably only Bert's Office and cabin the larger. With 15,000 Sq. Ft. of living space under heat and air and another 3,000 Sq. Ft. of porch and decking, it was a two story, log cabin style home with a large wrap around porch, with the back of the cabin over hanging the lake itself. In camp terms, it was anything but rustic and more like a millionaire's hideaway retreat. It could comfortably sleep 24 people in 4 dorm style and 2 bedroom style rooms and she knew it to have a commercial kitchen bigger than found in most small restaurants with walk-in refrigerators and freezers. It wasn't called Cabin Castle for nothing.

"What about my children?" Martha asked.

"Wherever you go, they go. During the day, the Camp Kenny children join their counterparts up on the hill. The Junior boys join their counterparts down here and in school. The cabin would house your current 8 children, plus another 6 split couples from Freemont and 2 of their staff. Aunt Helen and Aunt Jeanette will send you all the support staff you need and Adam would cover support staff for the Junior boys whenever needed. You would be Senior Supervisor over Cabin Castle." Sarah told the girl.

"But we would have to move off the hill." Martha replied.

"Unless you can convince Uncle Dave to move Cabin Castle up to Camp Kenny." Sarah replied with a smile.

"Can he do that?" Martha asked.

"No Martha, I was kidding." Sarah said. "You would be a little further away from the girls on the hill, but you would be a lot closer to Beth and Johanna and the babies. You think about it. If you decide you want to stay put, then that is what will happen and we will find somebody else to head up Cabin Castle, but Aunt Gloria and Aunt Jeanette thought you were the best candidate. It also keeps you closer to the Infirmary." Sarah told her friend.

Martha looked back down at Brent who was by now drawing on a dry well. Tapping the boy on his cheek, she shifted him over to her other breast as he latched on without missing a beat and placed his hand around the top of his milk supply and gently pressed the soft flesh in the cup of his hand. As his eyes began to close again, Martha kissed the boys brow softly as she cradled his head and body against herself. "I want to speak to the children first. If they don't like the idea, it isn't going to work." She told Sarah. "As long as they are comfortable with the move, I'll do it." She said.


Sid awoke as the golf course went up in smoke on "Caddy Shack" and Jesse, David and Spencer rolled around the bed in laughter. Sid touched the catheter just to make sure he wasn't pissing in the bed. "Is it time to go home?" He asked as Johanna pushed the button on his morphine drip.

"Is it time for you to take a walk?" She asked Sid as she bent over the man and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

"I can't very well walk around if you guys are going to keep filling me up with that dope. Do you know that shit is addictive?" Sid asked the girl as he looked at the pump.

"It's not heroin Uncle Sid, a little morphine will avoid any pain, and you never push the button, so you don't have to worry about becoming addicted to it. Besides, in order for you to be addicted, you would have to inject it with needles. Are you going to start doing that anytime soon?" She asked.

"Never mind the wisecracks, do I get any coffee?" He asked.

"You get coffee for dinner. The Doctors want you drinking water and juices, not a bunch of caffeine that's not good for you. Do you want orange juice or pineapple juice?" Johanna asked.

Sid's afternoon bandage change and then bed bath found all three boys sitting around Sid's bed watching every move by the girls. All 3 winced when they again saw the ugly staples holding Sid's abdomen together like a badly fitting zipper, but what most intrigued them was the catheter protruding out of Sid's penis. The boys were no strangers to playing around with objects being slid into their urethra's during playtime, but the combination of the circumference of the catheter coming out of his swollen penis coupled with the discoloration from the betadyne on his abdomen created questions that needed answers for them.

"Ain't that hurtin your dick, Uncle Sid?" Jesse asked as he looked at the catheter line.

"You would think it would, but all I have is a feeling that I'm constantly peeing. There is no pain involved, at least not that Junior is aware of." Sid told the boys.

"Then why is your dick all swollen up and black and blue." Spencer asked. "Ya always told us it was bad for us to play up there." The boy said.

"Your Uncle Sid isn't playing, and he is correct. The only time that anything is put up into your penises is when it is medically necessary." Gloria told the boys as she washed the man down. "His penis is swollen because of the trauma from the operation, but it isn't painful." She said.

Sid looked at the girl and smiled a little.

"How long you gotta keep that hose stuck up your dick?" Jesse asked as he gently touched Sid's penis with an index finger. "It don't feel like your dick anymore, Uncle Sid, it feels like a water balloon." The boy said in a concerned tone.

Sid smiled and chuckled a little as all 3 girls, Gloria, Jeanette and Johanna looked toward the man. "Well, for awhile, that's about all it's going to be. Uncle Thomas says it's going to swell up some more because of the surgery and the irritation caused by the catheter, and its just the way things are. He says it will come out in about two weeks. It don't bother me all that much, and I'm sure it ain't going to fall off anytime soon. But since your Aunt Gloria is the expert on penises around here, maybe she has a different view." Sid told the boys as all 3 giggled and a wash cloth went flying in Sid's direction.

It would be another 20 hours before the routine would be broken for Sid, which consisted of bed bath's, walks around the nursing floor and small meals every 4 or 5 hours. Things wouldn't change much until around 9:00 the following morning when the sound of a very large helicopter landing on the grounds below Sid's window signaled his imminent departure and return home to Green Tree.


Camp bonfires in the middle of the week were not the normal routine, but Bert had decided that one would be held in honor of the drivers that bought the big rig medical clinics to camp. These men, all in their late teens and early twenties, were regarded as very special by the boys, who knew them to be raised in Geppetto schools, chiefly at the New Hampshire School where both Sid and Barry were raised as children. Boys graduating their schools took various jobs out in public if they so chose, and one of the most sought after positions was to become a long-haul truck driver delivering equipment and supplies to every school run by the Institute. In every sense of the word, these young men were looked upon as hero's; much like a "Normal" boy would look at an airline pilot or ship's Captain. These were highly envied men by all the boys, and the drivers were well aware of their popularity.

A normal bonfire reached probably 20 feet into the air at its fullest, and as sprigs of beech and sassafras leaves were thrown on the pile, colored streams of embers flowed from the pile towards the night sky like fireworks taking off, 30 to 40 feet or more. This was no "Normal" bonfire, it was built for very special guests and the boys wanted to make that quite clear.

"Where are you going when you leave here?" Christopher asked a driver was the boy roasted a marshmallow sitting on the end of a four foot twig.

"Next week we will be at the Alabama School, and then we get to go home for two weeks before we have to make a run to Florida with some equipment for Uncle John's new school." The driver replied as he loaded a twig with a hot dog for Gavin.

"How are you gonna get your truck on the Island? It ain't gonna fit on the ferry." Sammy asked the driver.

"No, it won't. We don't actually try to take the trucks onto the Island, we all meet at MacDill Air Force Base and the cargo is helicoptered down to the Island. It's going to be too big to load onto the ferry." He told the boys.

"Is you gonna go on the helicopters too?" Sammy asked excitedly.

"I don't think so. We have to drive to Miami and pick up another load and then go back to Tampa. All the big stoves and equipment needs to be in-place by Christmas, so we won't have a lot of time to play." The driver replied.

"I'd like to go back to Green Tree. I ain't seen it for a long time." Christopher said somewhat sadly.

"Once Uncle John settle's in with his new boys, Uncle Bert said that we could start arranging small group visits, so you can return for a visit if you want to." Adam told the boys.

"When?" several boys, including Sammy now asked in unison.

"Probably by Easter." Adam replied.

"When's Easter?" Joey asked.

"After Christmas." Adam replied.

"Aw man, that's forever!" Sammy replied.

Adam smiled. "Forever is a lot sooner than you think." He told the group as the adults chuckled.

By 9:00 and pitch darkness, the bonfire had dwindled down considerably and the traditional singing of favored camp songs was drawing to close as one of the favorite nights activities now began in earnest after all food was cooked. The fire ring was much too large, and the fire too big to be completely extinguished, but that didn't stop the more intrepid boys from giving it their all in letting their bladders push the flow as far across the pit as possible.

"The smartest idea is to get up wind." Adam told the adults from the Institute as he stood up and shook out the blanket he was sitting on as a ring of boys, probably several dozen, did their best to reach the center of the fire with a fountain of urine that would impress most urologists.

As the hissing steam cloud moved down wind, it didn't take much convincing. Stuart smiled to himself as he observed both Carla and Jeannie backed-up to the fire on all fours with an impressive steam hitting the fire a foot or two away. Once both girls had finished, Carla headed straight for Adam while Jeannie headed for Etienne to be picked up and carried on the counselors hips back to the cabin. While playing with the boys, as a boy, certainly had its privileges, both girls knew when it was more advantageous to fall back into their feminine role.

As Adam picked Carla up and shifted the girl onto his hip, Carla settled herself down to take maximum advantage of the effect of Adams hip bone as the man walked. Adam gave the girl a pat on her bottom and a kiss on her forehead as Carla slyly smiled back at the man. She wasn't fooling anybody, and wasn't trying to as she laid her head against Adams chest and closed her eyes to study the effects she knew were about to traverse her body.

With flashlight beams now illuminating the tree branches and being shined across the lake by the boys walking back to their cabins, the group made their way back to the cove.

"Are you sleeping in the cove tonight, Uncle Ray?" Chris asked one of the drivers walking with the group of adults who were following the mafia back to the cove.

"Yes, Andy and Billy invited me to sleep in Beachview Cabin. What Cabin are you in?" the driver asked the boy.

"I live in Beachview with Uncle Adam too. Are you gonna sleep just with Andy and Billy, or can we all sleep with you?" Chris asked the man.

"All ? " Adam asked the boy. "If we don't have any overnight guests, that makes 10 of you. All 10 of you are planning on sleeping together with Ray?"

"Nobody told me about wanting to sleep over, they all gots their own visitors to sleep with. We was hoping that Uncle Ray and Uncle Steve would stay in Beachview tonight." Chris replied as Trevor nodded his head in agreement.

"Uncle Steve said he would, and he don't gotta just sleep with me and Chris." Trevor said as he smiled at the driver. "Besides. ain't some of Uncle Paulie's brothers staying with us in Beachview tonight?" the boy asked.

"Which means what?" Adam asked.

"Well, it means we ain't all gotta just sleep with Uncle Ray and Uncle Steven, we got lots of visitors to sleep with, ain't we?" The boy asked.

"Us too?" Jeannie now asked.

"No, not Us too." Adam quickly replied. "You know the rules." He said.

"How come the boys get to fuck with all the visitors, but we don't? It ain't fair Uncle Adam!" Carla now said as the girl opened her eyes and joined the world.

Adam shook his head as he momentarily thought about correcting the girls blunt grammar, but he knew it would only exacerbate the situation. "We've been through this conversation a hundred times, and in another hundred times, the answer is going to remain the same. There is a difference between boys and girls, and especially between Geppetto boys and girls. If you were a boy, you could play your little brains out. But you are not a boy, and you're especially not a Geppetto boy. If you want to play, regardless of whether or not it's with a boy or a girl, it has to be age appropriate. When you reach age 14, you can screw your little brains out with the partner of your choice, but you're not 14, you're not even 12 yet, so keep your panties on and Aunt Helen won't have to warm your bottom for you because you broke Uncle Bert's Rules." Adam told both girls as the boys giggled a bit. "It's non negotiable, so get over it."

"But we sleep with you and the other Uncles here at School, what's the big difference?" Carla argued.

"Are you penetrated?" Adam asked the girl. "That's the big difference, sweetheart. You and your little friend here could tempt a Saint into intercourse. You'll be getting laid along with your friends when you reach the right age, not one moment sooner, so get use to it and enjoy the ride." Adam told the girl.

"It's a stupid rule Uncle Adam. Brian and lot's of other Intermediate boys gots dicks as big as some of the Senior boys. If they're the same size, what's the difference who gives us back pussy?" Carla pressed.

"Humor me. If the penis isn't sticking out from an Intermediate boys tummy, it doesn't get parked in your ass or anywhere else on your body. Can you do that?" Adam asked the girl to more giggles from Chris and Trevor.

"Uncle Stuart knows that just because he is now Spencer's Outside Uncle, he can still sleep with the rest of us, right Uncle Adam?". Chris now asked his counselor as all eyes moved towards Stuart.

"Uncle Stuart and all of his brothers are familiar with Green Tree Rules. I assume that you are too and you know that keeping certain matters private when you're dealing with visitors is the way we do things. You may not care if you perform in the middle of Main St., but most visitors aren't quite as free to flaunt their sexuality. We never want to make our guests uncomfortable, do we?" Adam asked the girl.

"How can you be uncomfortable when you're fucking?" Carla asked.


The combination of the smell of smoke from the bon-fire, melted marshmallow smeared on faces and bodies, and a healthy dose of sand caused Adam to call for the 3rd shower of the day. As the men gathered on the front porch of the cabin with fresh drinks, the sounds of a full scale riot coming from Beachwood and the adjoining cabins in the cove and around the Lake could hardly be ignored as the wind whistled through the pine trees and an occasional small cloud drifted in front of the moonlight making it just that much darker.

"I hope none of you are made too uncomfortable with the childrens discussions about sex." Adam told his guests. "Until we have guests in their presence, we forget just exactly how blunt and open they are about certain matters. They don't speak like that to impress or make folks cringe; they simply regard their sexual lives as one more part of their growing up. If they were doing it for its shock value, it would be another story, but that's not the case." Adam said as the vibration of thundering feet running between the bathrooms and bedrooms up in the loft were felt even on the porch.

The guests from the Vineyard chuckled.

"How comfortable are you when children like Carla are in public? I assume they have to have some kind of contact with the outside world now and then." Michael asked.

"It's no concern at all. The children are taught from birth that they live in two very different worlds and the outside world is deadly dangerous to them and their friends. Unless they are directly told differently from a known and trusted staff member, they regard any stranger as a threat and immediately shut down any communication or inter-action. If you weren't "Approved", you'd think you were dealing with a camp full of deaf-mutes." Adam replied as the drivers smiled and nodded.

"We spent 6 month's of our training dealing strictly with how to deal with people we would be coming into contact with. What we could say; what we could not; what people thought about sex and how they dealt with it. A whole lot of what I was told I could hardly believe. I thought I was being bullshitted and scared into keeping quiet for some reason. As it turned out, outsiders are even more fucked up about sex than I was even taught. Outside of our own people, none of us even bother to try and develop a relationship with outsiders; they're too insecure and fucked up." One of the drivers said.

"Even the boys who went off the college and trade schools found the same thing. I didn't bother to develop any relationships outside of our own circle of people. It just wasn't worth the bother and hassle." Etienne added.

"What you need to keep in mind is that you were a known quantity before the children even met you. They didn't know any specifics, but they knew you were related to Thomas, then they heard about you from David, Spencer and Jesse, and once Paulie showed up, they knew all they needed to know." Adam told the Vineyard men. "The children know you're not Geppetto, but they also know you're compatible with their lifestyle and you raise your children in pretty much the same mold they are raised in, which is open and free. They know you're not a threat to them and they accept you."

Close to an hour later, following a hair brushing routine that had long since turned into a "wind-down" of the days activities for the children, especially Carla and Jeannie, it was time for bed.

The rest of the camp had gone dark and quiet and only an occasional night-light could be seen coming from the cabins surrounding the Lake. The silence was broken by an occasional croak from a bull-frog or the splashing of a fish jumpy out of the water as Adam patted Carla's ass as the girl dozed dreamily attached to her counselor's chest as Adam rocked.

"Bed time Carla. We have a full day tomorrow and after Lunch, your Uncle Sid will be coming home, so you're going to need some extra beauty sleep." The counselor said as the rest of the children who were sprawled on the porch and out on the grass started to stir.

As Stuart, Michael, and two drivers arose to enter the cabin, each man found two boys attaching themselves to their chosen bunk mate. Adam shook his head and smiled as Chris and Jeremy practically dragged Stuart by his hands through the front screen door

"It's past 10:00 and Reveille blows at 7:00, so I expect you all to be sound asleep in a matter of minutes. I don't want to hear that you kept your guests awake all night and you're too tired to get up in the morning." Adam told the boys as he carried Carla in.

To a chorus of "Yes Uncle Adam", the counselor again shook his head as he glanced down at a pair of tented underpants on just about every boy walking up the stairs to the loft. In reality, he knew his guests would be lucky if they got to close their eyes before midnight, but he didn't think there would be any complaints from anyone.

Another day had come to an end at Green Tree, and it would end almost exactly like it had begun some 15 hours earlier. Only this time, two more "Blood brothers" would join in the fun.