PZA Boy Stories

Phillip B

The Boy Master


John blackmails his 'uncle' Pete and forces him to be his sex-slave.
Publ. 1999 (ASSGM); this site Apr 2012
Finished 11,000 words (22 pages)


John (11yo) and uncle Pete (26yo)

Category & Story codes

Non Consensual Man-Boy story/boy dom
Mbnon-cons/reluc anal oral – incest


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Orphan story

This is an orphan story, that means that the author's e-mail address is no longer active and there is no other way to contact the author.
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Are you the author, please contact me.

Céladon's note

In my archive I have stories by
  1. "Phill" - "Phillip" - "Phillip B" - "Phillip Brown" (active 1998-1999 with e-mail phillb@ 3;, and in 2003 with e-mail phillb51@ 3;),
  2. "Philip Burbidge," (active in 2000-2003 with e-mail philip255@ 3;).
  3. "Phill aka Brian," (active 2003 with e-mail broadcasteriam@ 3;),
From the type of stories I think it are three different authors. On PZA, I use the underlined pen names.

John was sitting on his bed at home in deep thought. The 11 year-old boy had a big decision to make and was not exactly sure what to do.

The boy was a blonde haired rosy cheeked youngster with green eyes and a small upturned nose. His hair was cut short and he had a dimple on each cheek. He could be described as a cute looking kid. He was a very intelligent child and in the manner that he spoke was often mistaken for a boy three or four years older than his 11 years.

To understand John's dilemma you need to know a little of his life's history. He had a nine-year-old sister and both his mother and father were in full employment. After school his sister stayed with neighbours until her mother collected her on return home from work.

John had for the last three months been permitted to go straight home from school as his parents considered him old enough to take on this responsibility although not old enough to be responsible for his sister as well.

At first he had amused himself with games that he played on Play Station. Games like Coolboarder 3, Grand Auto Theft and Tenken 3 were among his favourites.

John had a very dark secret, one that he could never tell anybody else about. From the age of six years old he had been the subject of sexual assault by his own father. At first it had been tickling and touching but slowly his father had progressed. First from sucking John's small weenie to getting the boy to suck his big eight inch [20 cm] cock. Then his father had started to fuck the young boy's arse and full anal penetration took place. The first time that it had happened John was seven years old and for at least three years it had been a nightly event.

At first John had been frightened, hurt and bewildered by the behaviour of his dad. But as time wore on the boy began to look forward to the nightly sessions which all took place whilst his mother was working on night shift at the local hospital. John really loved the feel of his father's hard cock stuck up his tight little rosebud of a shit hole.

All that had ended some nine months ago although for a few months before then his father had visited the boy at night less and less. John knew why his father had stopped fucking him. His dad had begun to have sex with Sarah.

She was six years old, almost seven, when her father had transferred his loving attentions from his son to her. Now, whenever he could, her father fucked her but it was much more difficult to do since his wife had gone onto the day shift three months ago.

John knew one other secret. This was something he had discovered only two weeks ago. A friend of his father's, a man that John always called Uncle Pete, a professional photographer by trade, had also been fucking Sarah with her dad's consent.

John had discovered this by the accident. He had come home from school one day to the empty house. He was bored, did not feel like playing on Play Station and went into a room, which was his dad's private den. This room was his father's domain and no other member of the family was permitted to enter. His dad even cleaned it himself. Once in the room John began to rummage through drawers of his dad's desk, files on the shelf and boxes in the open cupboard.

He found several metal boxes that were locked but, when pulling the lids, one opened up not having been fastened correctly. In the box was a mass of black-and-white photographs. There must have been 50 or more. As John looked at the pictures his eyes stood out like stalks as he saw images of his sister in various positions on a bed. In each case Uncle Pete was also in the photograph. Some showed Sarah sucking Pete's hard cock. Some showed her holding his long cock in her tiny hands. Others showed Pete with his cock buried deep up her cunt while others portrayed him licking her cunt with his tongue.

As John looked at these pictures his cock grew hard. The boy, when fully aroused, had a sweet five-inch [12½ cm] dick, uncut and quite thin. The pictures that aroused him were the ones showing Pete's hard cock. The man had a tool that appeared to be at least nine inches [23 cm] long and pretty thick. John felt very jealous of his sister. "Why should he fuck her and not him?" John asked himself.

He had put the tin box back where he had found it taking care not to close it right up. He had found these pictures two weeks ago and had examined them every day since.

And now we arrive back to the point of John's dilemma. He really wanted Uncle Pete to fuck him and not Sarah. But how could he bring this about? He knew where the photographs were kept and guessed that if he took them they would not be missed. From the position the box had been stacked when John had found it, it was clear that it was not the most recent batch of pictures. Two more tin boxes, both securely locked, were on top of it.

But how could he use the pictures against Uncle Pete without his father finding out? John was no innocent, his father had seen to that. The boy knew that what he really wanted was to have Uncle Pete at his beck and call. Whenever the boy wanted to suck cock he wanted to be able to call on Uncle Pete. If he felt like being fucked, Uncle Pete should oblige. If he felt in a mean mood he should be able to take it out on Uncle Pete. "I guess," he mused, "I want Uncle Pete to be my sex slave (his dad had often described John as being his sex slave) but how do I make him become that?"

John had an additional problem that he had to overcome if he was to be successful in making Pete his sex slave. The boy knew that Pete was not interested sexually in boys. He was only attracted that way to girls. He knew this for a fact as, when his father was still using him to satisfy his sexual needs, Pete had been introduced to the boy. John's father had suggested to Pete that he might like to take his son to bed but Pete had declined saying that he was strictly heterosexual. This had not bothered John's dad at all; he had simply laughed and said, "you should be bi you don't know what you're missing. Young John has a real tight little arse."

Since that time John had, from time to time, accompanied his father to Uncle Pete house, which was also the premises from which he ran his photography studio. Sometimes Pete had taken photographs of John for his father's use. Some of these had shown John naked in provocative poses but at no time had Uncle Pete shown any sexual interest in the boy and the lad's naked body did not appear to arouse him at all. Had he'd been aroused John was certain he would have seen some sign of it as Uncle Pete always wore very tight jeans.

John was, however, determined to force Uncle Pete to be his sex slave. Not only had he got the means with which to blackmail him but also John really did fancy the man. Uncle Pete was several years younger than John's father. In fact Pete was 26 years old. He was six-foot [1.80 m] tall, jet black hair with hazel coloured eyes. Clean-shaven, Uncle Pete had a set of beautifully white teeth, a long straight nose and a very ready smile. His body was well proportioned, muscular with little or no excess fat.

From the pictures that John had closely examined he had seen that Pete had little body hair but what there was scattered over his upper chest was as black as that of the hair of his head. He had large pink nipples that stood out from his well-defined pecs whilst his neck was long, thick the muscular. Just looking at the man that John so desired turned the lad's legs to water. "I've got to make him my slave," John whispered to himself. "I've just got to."

John decided that the first step in his campaign would be to pay a visit on Uncle Pete, a casual visit just to say "hello" as he was passing by. He had not seen Pete for almost six months now so it would seem natural that he would want to pay his respects as the two, although not good friends, had always like each other.

The following day on his way home from school he made a detour that took him past Pete's house. As he approached he could see the man's car parked in the drive so knew that he was at home. He walked up the drive and rang the doorbell. After a few minutes the door was opened and Uncle Pete stood in front of the boy.

"Hello John what a nice surprise, please come in," Pete said. As the boy entered the man's house Pete went on, "what brings you here today, I hope that nothing is wrong?"

"Oh no, Uncle Pete," young John replied. "I just thought I'd say hello, it's been a while since I last saw you."

Pete took the boy into his living room and offered him a cold drink. John accepted a coke whilst Pete had a beer and they sat chatting of general things, how John was doing at school, how busy Pete was these days with his business, what John's latest interest were and so on. The two had always been able to converse quite freely and John had always liked the way that Pete had never talked down at him but always treated him as an equal. Not many adults had that ability and it was something else John liked about his Uncle Pete.

"Another Coke John?" Pete asked.

"Yes please Uncle Pete" the boy replied.

As Pete got up from his chair and walked out of the room to get the fresh drink John followed him with his eyes. He loved the way that Pete's tight faded blue demins bulged around the groin.

From the pictures that he had he knew that the man had a fine set of balls and a lovely thick cock but there was nothing like seeing it for real, even if, at the moment, those huge private parts were concealed by Pete's jeans.

The boy could fill his cock growing stiff and his legs turning to water as he watched Uncle Pete walk back across the room with the drinks in his hand. 'God,' the boy thought, 'I've just got to have Uncle Pete, I must suck his cock soon or I'll go fucking crazy.'

Pete had no idea of the way the boy was feeling as he handed him the new can of coke. As the two drank they continued to talk until, at last, Pete said, "hey John just look at the time. You've been here for almost two hours and I've a client due shortly so I'm afraid it's time for you to go."

"Thanks Uncle Pete for the drinks and the chat" John said, "I you really loved talking to you, can I come again soon?"

"You are welcome any time John" Pete said adding, "if I have no clients when you come, I will always have time for a chat." Then he thought for a moment and said, "what are you doing on Sunday are you free?"

John quickly replied, "I'm not doing anything Sunday Uncle Pete, what had you in mind?"

"Come round for lunch, say about twelve, and then we can spend the afternoon together. I have a few good computer games on my PC that you might like to play and maybe you could bring Sarah as well."

This last suggestion stunned John for a moment. No way was the going to bring his sister with him but he knew why Uncle Pete would like him to.

"I can't bring Sarah," John replied, "she has have friends around on Sunday afternoons or goes to visit them at their houses"

Pete, looking a little disappointed said, "okay well you come alone. I'll give your dad a ring just to let him know where you will be. Maybe I'll be able to invite Sarah around another day."

Saying goodbye John left very light-hearted. He was going to spend Sunday with the man that he wanted as a sex slave. Whistling as he walked cheerfully home John decided that Sunday would be that day that he would launch his scheme to force Uncle Pete to serve him as a slave. 'Maybe on Sunday he will even fuck me for the first time,' John thought as he rubbed his hard cock through the pocket of his trousers. 'I must make sure that this work's,' he continued to himself. 'I've got to make sure that the fucker plays ball, I'm sure that the pictures will do the trick. Roll on fucking Sunday it should be a great day, and so the happy boy went home deeply engrossed in his own thoughts.

Over the next three days John assembled all the photographs from the tin box and hid them in a secret hiding place he had under the shed floor at the bottom of garden.

His father had mentioned to him that Pete had spoken to him on the telephone regarding John's visit on Sunday. "Make sure that you behave yourself," his father said to him, "he's a good friend of mine and I don't want him upset."

"Okay dad," John replied, "we are going to play games after lunch." Then he added "computer games," thinking to himself that the games would be a lot different than that if he had his way.

John had been really hurt went his father had stopped fucking him in favour of his younger sister. He was not sure but thought that he might even hate his dad. One thing he was sure, because Pete was a friend of his father's it was going to add a great deal of pleasure to the task of turning him into a sex slave.

Sunday morning arrived and John nipped down to the shed. He had already selected three photographs from his hoard to take with him to Uncle Pete's. The three selections all showed Pete in close-up fucking young Sarah. She also could be clearly seen. Two of the pictures were of Pete with his cock up Sarah's cunt and the third showed him fucking her from behind, his cock up her arsehole and his fingers up her cunt. John was sure that these pictures, clear evidence of Pete's illegal actions, would be enough for him to put the screws on his intended victim.

At 1130 John said goodbye to his dad. His mum was on duty at the hospital and Sarah would be alone the rest of the day with her father. John had a good idea of what his dad would be doing, screwing the living daylights out of his daughter, of that the boy was quite sure.

He arrived at Pete's house just before twelve and he was made very welcome. "Lunch won't be long," Uncle Pete said, "how about a soft drink whilst you're waiting?" John sat drinking the coke and watching some cartoons on the telly whilst his host put the finishing touches to the meal.

It was a good lunch, roast chicken and all the trimmings, and John enjoyed it a lot. Fruit salad and ice cream and finally a nice cup of tea followed the main course. Pete washed up the plates assisted by young John who was eager to remain as close to the man as he could get. Just being near his idol turned him on and John's cock was already very hard indeed.

"Would you like to have a look at some of my computer games?" Pete asked the boy. "Not just yet Uncle Pete," John replied. "Can we sit on the sofa and have a little chat?"

"Of course we can John," Pete replied and sat down John following suit sitting very close to the man. So close that their bodies were touching. Pete looked at the boy but said nothing and for a few minutes they sat together in silence.

Then John, plucking up all his courage, said, "Uncle Pete I've got something to show you." He went to the inside pocket of his jacket and withdrew an envelope containing the three photographs. He extracted one, it was one showing Pete fucking Sarah's cunt, and passed it face down to Uncle Pete.

No word was spoken as Pete flicked it over, then his face turned ashen white and his hand began to shake. "Where the fucking hell did you get this boy?" Pete exclaimed.

"Oh I've got lots," John said cheerfully. He was elated by the effect that showing this single picture to Uncle Pete had on the man. "It's pretty good isn't it Uncle Pete, would you like to see another that I've brought?"

Not waiting for the still shaken Pete to reply John passed over the second photograph, again face down. Pete took it gingerly and this time turned it over very slowly. It was another shot of him with his cock well up Sarah's cunt.

"My God," he said, "why the fucking hell are you showing me these? Where the fucking hell did you get them, when I tell your dad he will fucking kill you."

John said very quietly, "it's OK Uncle Pete, I have one more to show you and then I will tell you why I have them with me today."

He withdrew the third photograph from the envelope and passed it, face down once more, to Uncle Pete. Pete took it from the boy and then, very reluctantly, turned it face up. The picture clearly showed him with his cock rammed up Sarah's arsehole whilst three of his fingers were filling her cunt. She had a look pain on her face and tears could be clearly seen running down her cheeks. If anything Pete's already ashen face turned whiter. The hand holding the photograph shook badly. "What the fuck is all this about," he cried and then added, "these pictures make things look much worse than they were."

"Uncle Pete I've got loads of these pictures hidden away. The ones that I have brought are just a sample. I couldn't care less if you fucked Sarah till the cows came home, that's not what this is all about." Pete began to regain his composure slightly, colour was returning to his ashen cheeks.

"What exactly are you up to John?" He asked, "why have you shown me these pictures?"

"I want you to fuck me," John replied flatly. "I want you to let me suck your cock, I want you as my sex slave."

For the first time since pictures had been produced Pete laughed. "Fuck off kid I'm not into boys," he said. "Go to the fucking common and find some pervert to fuck you but don't try to mess with me. Just wait till I tell your father what you tried on. He'll beat the living daylights out of you."

John glared at Uncle Pete said, "I guess you don't quite understand. If you do not do what I want I will send the other pictures that I have to the local cop shop. I will write your name and address on the back of each one. I will write Sarah's name, address and age on the back as well."

Pete looked at the boy with anger. "Fucking hell John surely you realise that if you did that your father would be in the shit just as deep as myself. He would go to prison for years."

"Good," John replied, "dad should go to jail. I've got pictures of him fucking Sarah as well." Although this last part was not true John was quite sure that in some of the tin boxes that his father had would be pictures showing just that. "I wanted dad to keep on fucking me but he preferred Sarah so if he goes to jail it will be good riddance to bad rubbish as far as I'm concerned," the young lad added.

John continued to look at Pete with a steady stare. "If you are thinking of stopping me from getting to the rest of the pictures you needn't bother," he said. "A friend of mine has a letter to post to the cops. He will post it if I do not call him each day. The letter tells the cops exactly where to find the rest of the photographs, and I have enclosed one with the letter so that they will know that it is not a hoax."

Having had his say John leaned back in the sofa looking at Pete with an amused smile on his lips. He knew that he had got the man well and truly fixed. He had to go along with John's wishes; there was no way out for him.

Pete to sat deep in thought. All sorts of ideas were passing through his head but none of them offered him a way out. He dare not allow the police to get those damning photographs. If they laid their hands on those pictures he would go to jail for years and he knew what happened to convicted child molesters inside prison. He could not bear the thought of that. He decided that he would have to play along with the boy for the moment but, hopefully, he would find a way out of this situation in a very short time. He wondered to himself whether he could dare to involve John's dad in this matter or would the man blow a gasket and get both of them sent to prison. He just did not know what to do so, for the present, decided to let John call the shots.

"Well John, I don't have much choice I guess. I will have to go along with whatever scheme you have up your sleeve. I think that you are on to a loser with me, I am not a queer and I do not like boys sexually. In fact, in view of what you are trying on I do not like boys period." After he had spoken Pete sat staring angrily at his young guest. Then he added, "okay, what have you in fucking mind?"

"Uncle Pete," John said cheerily, "shall we go to your special play room in the cellar? I think we can have lots of there."

Pete looked startled. "How the fuck did you know about that?" he blurted out.

John, still smiling broadly, said, "I often overhear what you and dad talk about. I know how you take little girls from your studio to your play room and have fun with them and that dad often joins in as well."

"I have often thought your fucking dad is a bit too indiscreet," Pete said. "You have been doing your fucking homework really well, but you had better watch out you little bastard you may be too clever for your own fucking good."

"Let's cut the crap," John slapped "I may only be eleven years old but I am in charge now. Let's go to your fucking play room and don't waste anymore time."

The man and the boy left the room and went down a flight of steps into the cellar. Pete turned on the light and then opened a door immediately in front of them. They entered a large room, which was well lit with brightly painted walls and a high ceiling. In the centre of the room was a large bed with straps hanging from the four bedposts. There were also various belts and whips hanging from the racks on the wall together with other strange devices, dildos, nipple clamps and so on.

From a hook in the ceiling hung a pulley with a rope threaded through it both ends dangling loosely on the floor.

This was better than John had ever imagined. He had no idea that Pete's playroom would resemble a torture chamber or be so well equipped.

In fact this was all purely for show. Neither Pete nor John's dad was into bondage, torture or any such games. They had assembled the room from pictures that they had seen in pornographic magazines. All they used it for was to have sexual play with young girls on the large bed. They had never hurt their victims more than was necessary. The worst they ever did was to rape them but they never beat or tortured them. The last thing they wanted was to mark the young girls skin.

In fact Pete hated violence and it certainly did not turn him on sexually any more than men or boys did.

John's eyes gleamed as he took in the room. "Fucking hell Pete we're going to have fun here," he said. He threw himself onto the bed and looked at the man standing just inside the doorway. "I guess it is time to make one or two things clear," the eleven-year-old drawled cockily.

"First you will call me Sir or Master at all times," John said. "I will call you whatever I want but mostly it will be slave," he went on. "Secondly you will do what ever I tell you, no arguments just do it. I think that's all for now so let's get started with our fun."

He sat up on the bed and said, "right slave come and stand at the foot of this bed." Pete walked across to where John had indicated and stood facing the boy. He had not spoken word since entering the room.

"Now slave strip, but do it slowly," John instructed with a gleam in his eyes. "Very slowly but make it real sexy."

Pete slowly unbuttoned his shirt, pausing as each button was undone. He started at the top and worked down as, slowly, the shirt opened to reveal his muscular chest with a very light covering of black hair. As he slowly removed his shirt taking first one strong-arm out of the sleeve and then the other the shirt dropped to the floor. Pete now stood in front of his master is broad chest glowing in the electric light. His upper arms bulged with muscle, his nipples stood out from his chest large and pink. His belly was like a washboard with a large belly button in the centre and a thin black line of hair running down in straight line from his belly button towards his bollocks disappearing beneath the waistband of his jeans.

John sat savouring the sight of this muscular slave, as he did so he played with his hard cock through the material of his trousers. He licked his lips and said huskily, "okay that's fine now take off some more, but do it slowly mind."

Pete bent down and took off first one shoe and then the other discarding them where they fell. He then removed his socks, one by one, slowly pulling each one down over his ankles and off his well-formed feet.

Now Pete was clad only in his jeans and underpants. He looked at the boy, shrugged his shoulders and began to unbuckled the leather belt from around his waist. John called out, "take the belt out of your jeans and throw it over to me."

Pete obeyed tossing the leather belt, which had a heavy across buckle across to the boy. He then opened the stud at the waist of his jeans and slowly pulled the zip down allowing his flies to gape wide open. Through the open space John could see Pete's dark blue underpants with, the boy could swear, the well-defined outline of the man's large cock. Pete slowly lowered his jeans around his ankles and then stepped out of them leaving them lying on the floor in an untidy heap. He stood up facing the boy clad only in his underpants.

John looked at his slave and saw that he had well formed legs and very muscular thighs. The front of Pete's underpants bulged in a very tantalising way, promising a full house of goodies hidden therein. John pursed his lips together and let out a long low wolf whistle as he took in the picture of this near naked man standing in front him. "Take off your underpants," the boy ordered in a hoarse voice his tongue almost hanging out.

Pete looked at John with contempt in his eyes. "Have you never seen a naked man before, I understood that your dad always had his cock up your arse. Did he keep his fucking clothes on?"

"Get your fucking pants off now slave," John ordered still in that hoarse voice. "Forget my dad, it's only you that I'm interested in."

Pete took hold of his underpants at the waist and slowly rolled them down over his lovely strong thighs. As they were rolled down his cock flopped out, a soft nine inches [23 cm] of manhood. Pete rolled his underpants lower and his big balls now came into sight. A thick bush of curly black hair surrounded his cock and balls. Pete pushed his rolled up underpants down around his ankles and stepped out of them. He picked them up and tossed them on top of his trousers. He now stood naked, proud and defiant in front of young John.

As John feasted his hot eyes on the sight of this naked man standing in front of him, his soft cock hanging down over his pair of large balls, he gulped and gasped out open, "turn round slave, turn round now."

Pete turned so that his back was now facing John. The boy now saw that Pete's muscular back curved gently inwards until as his spine joined the man's arse the spine curved and again. Pete had a lovely pair of buttocks with a deep crack dividing them. The crack appeared to be completely hairless, a fact that John was very pleased about.

There was no doubt in John's young mind, the man was perfect both back and front. "Turn round and face me," the boy ordered the man and Pete obeyed again.

Pete now glared at his young blackmailer and said, "what the fucking hell do you hope to achieve by all this? I don't mind standing in front of you naked until Doomsday arrives. It is no big thing for me, I'm used to naked bodies, I'm a professional photographer for god's sake."

John sat looking at this most desirable man without speaking. He knew that somehow he was going to have to break Pete's spirit, he was going to have to make him accept the fact that John was the master, he the slave. John looked around the room and saw, lying on the shelf, a pair of handcuffs. He jumped off the bed and went across to the shelf and retrieved the manacles before approaching Pete from behind.

"Put your hands behind your back," he ordered Pete.

"Fuck off kid what do you think I am?" Pete replied. "Fucking make me if you can."

John bit his lips for a moment in frustration. Then he spoke. "Okay slave if you will not obey me there is not much else to say. I guess you will soon be explaining things to the cops." With those words he began to cross to the door. Pete spun round and said, "where the fucking hell are you going?"

"I'm leaving," John said, "I'm not strong enough to make you do what I want. If you don't mind the cops getting hold of the rest of the photographs then there is not much else I can do." John grasped the door handle and began to open door.

"No, no don't go," Pete cried out with a note desperation in his voice. "Come back and I will do what you want, please come back."

John smiled to himself, closed the door and returned to where his victim was standing. For the first time he allowed his hands to touch the naked flesh of his slave. He ran his hands gently down Pete's naked chest, down his belly until they reached the hairy bush that surrounded his private parts.

As John passed his fingers over the man's naked body a tingle passed through them and he shivered from the thrill of what he was doing.

He ran his fingers through the hairy bush and grasped Pete's thick soft cock in his hand. Then he began to fondle that lovely tool. His other hand grasped hold of Pete's two heavy balls and began to squeeze them as he continued to fondle the man's cock.

Pete's stood rigid humiliated beyond belief. Here was he a full-grown man having to allow this shit of a boy to play with his cock and balls. He would cheerfully have broken both the kid's arms but he just did not dare, not so long as John had those damning photographs. And so he stood still as John continued to play with his private parts.

Now John ran his hand up and down the shaft of Pete's uncircumcised cock. As he moved the foreskin up and down that soft cock it began to harden.

Pete tried his best the think of anything but the feel of John's hot hands on his cock but it was no good. Despite himself his cock began to grow under the hands of the 11 year-old boy.

John began to rub the foreskin of Pete's cock harder and harder up and down its shaft. Now the cock head began to turn deep purple and a throbbing feeling could be felt. Pete's cock was no longer a soft nine inches [23 cm] but now a hard, a very hard thirteen inches [33 cm] of throbbing manhood. And Pete began to moan as passion filled his body.

John knelt down in front of the moaning man and opened his mouth and popped the throbbing nob head of Pete's huge cock into his mouth. He closed his lips around the purple cock head and sucked the cock forcing his mouth down its shaft and then back up again.

As Pete felt the hot mouth, the moist inside, around his stiff prick he gasped out "fucking suck it, suck it boy, suck it."

John stopped his action immediately removing his mouth from around Pete's cock. Looking up at the man from his kneeling position John said, "slave I've told you call me Sir or Master. I'm not to be called fucking boy or anything else. Just call me Sir or Master okay."

Pete looked down at the boy that did not speak at all. The moment of passion, the moment of his own weakness had passed, boys did not turn him on so the kid could just fuck off.

John now ordered Pete to answer him by saying "Yes Master I understand and will obey you."

"Fuck off John," Pete replied I'm not going to call you any such thing and I'm not your fucking slave. You may be able to blackmail me for the moment but it won't do you much good I have no intention of co-operating with you willingly."

John thought for a moment and then said, "Okay slave, well just lay on the bed face down and do it now."

This order Pete obeyed. He lay stretched out on the bed with his muscular back and lovely buttocks facing the ceiling. John fastened Pete's wrists and ankles to the bedposts using the straps that were already there. Pete turned his head so that he could see the boy who was still fully clothed. "So what the fucking hell are you going to do now cunt," he snarled, "just don't go too far or you may chew off more than you can swallow."

"Oh I don't know about that slave," John said cheerfully intentionally misunderstanding what Pete had meant. "Dad has taught me to suck cock pretty well and I can swallow all of his right to the balls so I should be able to manage yours when I am ready for it. However," the boy continued, "it's not cock sucking at the moment. I'm pissed off with the way you are behaving and I guess that I will have to teach you a lesson."

John now picked up the heavy leather belt that Pete had been wearing. Holding the buckle end in his hand the boy swung the belt over his head bringing it down with a loud whack across Pete's well formed buttocks. John may only have been 11 years old but he was able to swing the belt hard and as it struck Pete's arse the man gave a yell of pain whilst his buttocks showed a clear red line where he had been struck.

John brought the belt down again and again. Each blow caused Pete to cry out as his buttocks took on a rosy glow.

"I will stop when you say 'Please Master stop, I will obey your orders'," John said. As he spoke he brought the belt down across Pete's shoulders this time.

All Pete did was to give a loud yell and then shout at John "Just fucking wait kid I'll bloody kill you bastard."

John smiled and struck Pete across his shoulders, next across his back, then another blow across his sore buttocks. As the belt struck Pete he tossed about on the bed but was unable to get loose. As the belt struck him time after time his body began to glow warmly and Pete began to get a hard on. "Fucking hell," he thought "I'm beginning to fucking enjoy this."

Pete had never been beaten before and had not realised what an erotic effect such treatment could have.

John began to realise that the belt was not giving Pete enough pain to make him say the words that he wanted to hear. He looked around the room to see what other implement he might use. Crossing to the rack on the wall, which held an assortment of whips, he took one down. It had a short three-foot [90 cm] handle and a six-foot [1.80 m] length of thin leather with a knot in the very end. This looked as if it might just be what the doctor ordered John decided.

He crossed back to the bed and swung the whiplash through the air. The thin thong gave a whistling sound as it cut through the atmosphere. A thin smile could be seen on John's lovely red lips as he swung the whip again. This time he sent it whistling through the air to cut across Pete's muscular shoulders. The leather thong connected with bare flesh with sickening force causing Pete to scream rather than yell as the pain ran through his body.

A second stroke of the whip, the lash landing in almost the same place as the first, caused Pete's body to buck upwards with great force as the man screamed a second time. This second blow had caused a break in Pete's skin and traces of blood could be seen in the deep red line scoring across his back and shoulders.

John had not said a word since beginning with the whip. He brought the lash down hard for a third time, this time across the small of Pete's back. Another deep red line appeared where the whip had cut into bare flesh. This time John spoke and said, "Just beg me to stop slave, and call me Master. When you do that I will stop."

As the boy finished speaking he brought the whip whistling down through the air to strike Pete across his still rosy buttocks. A thin red line could be clearly seen running across both cheeks of the poor man's arse where the thin leather thong had bitten into the bare flesh. Again Pete screamed aloud in pain.

No longer was his cock hard; this type of whipping was most certainly not erotic unlike the beating with the belt. This was just plain painful and tears were forming in Pete's eyes. He knew what he had to say to stop this punishment but just could not bring himself to utter those humiliating words to his 11 year old tormentor. He gritted his teeth as he prepared for more pain. He did not have to wait long.

The whiplash came whistling through the air once more striking Pete once again across the cheeks of his arse. Barely had he let out a scream of pain that the lash struck him again. Now his buttocks were beginning to show traces of blood as the leather thong repeatedly struck the same spot. The next blow struck him across the middle of his back and then another once again across his shoulders. By now he had received more than a dozen lashes of that cruel whip. It was more than he could bear.

His tear streaked face was screwed up in pain as Pete shouted aloud "Stop, please Master stop, please stop and I will obey you, I'll do whatever you tell me to do Master."

John immediately stopped the whipping and said, "you see slave, that wasn't so difficult was it, you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble by obeying me right at the beginning. Now I am going to untie you and I want you to turn over on your back but don't try anything funny or you'll be sorry."

He untied Pete's wrists and ankles and the man lay without moving for a few moments. Then he slowly turned over onto his back and lay staring at the boy whom he had just called 'Master'.

John now said, "right slave put your arms above your head so that I can tie your wrists to be bed posts again. I'm leaving your feet free."

Pete did not move his arms but instead he said, "I'm not going to be tied up again so that you can whip me."

John looked peeved. "Have you forgot what I told you?" he asked. "I told you to call me Master when you speak. I'm not going to whip you this time so long as you do what I tell you. Slave I'm beginning to get pissed off with this, I might just leave and send the pictures to the cops if you don't do what I tell you."

Pete realised that nothing was to be gained by remaining pig headed. He had called the boy 'Master', once so nothing was to be achieved by refusing to do so again. He just did not like the idea of being tied up again and at the boy's mercy. He decided to try a conciliatory line with John.

"Look Master," he said, "if you don't tie me up again I will co-operate with you. I will obey you Master," he added in a wheedling tone. Secretly Pete felt sick to his hind teeth at having to speak in such a manner to this bloody kid, but he dare not disobey the boy in case John really did send the photographs to the police.

John though about this and then decided to compromise. "I will tie your left wrist to the post and leave the other free," he announced.

Guessing that he would not get a better deal, Pete allowed John to strap his left wrist to the bedpost. Once secured, John took a pace back and looked at his victim lying on the bed. He was so happy at the sight of this lovely muscular man, this handsome stud, waiting for whatever John decided to do.

The boy now slowly removed his shirt and threw it on the floor. Pete watched him with no enthusiasm; he would have much preferred the boy's sister to be standing where her brother was. Having removed his shirt to reveal a smooth skinned upper body, small pink nipples and just the merest trace of muscular development, John kicked off his shoes and then removed his socks. He unzipped his trousers and let them drop to his feet stepping out of them and kicking them out of the way. His nicely shaped legs were hairless and his thighs were not yet properly developed but still looked very nice as they disappeared from sight where his underpants, that he was still wearing covered them.

John was sporting a hard on, he had from the moment he had entered Pete's house. It appeared like a tent pole under his tight underpants. Now John pulled the pants down to his ankles and stepped out of them as well, kicking them over to where his trousers lay. He was now buck-naked and stood letting Pete get a full view.

John's cock was rock hard and all five inches [12½ cm] stood straight out from his belly. He had very small balls, which were tight up under his cock. Like the rest of his body his cock and balls were totally hairless. His buttocks were well rounded and looked absolutely adoring to anybody that loved young boys flesh. Without his clothes John looked even cuter than when he was dressed. As far as Pete was concerned John was just another boy; the sight of the naked child certainly did not turn him on.

John jumped onto the bed and knelt between Pete's legs. He began to stroke and fondle the man's soft cock with one hand whilst he other squeezed Pete's large hairy balls. As Pete felt the hot hands on his cock and balls he began to stiffen. He would have given all the money in China to have kept his cock soft but, human nature being what it is, the effect of John's fondling and stroking made Pete's penis spring into life. As the boy ran his hot fingers up and down the shaft of Pete's cock it began to grow from nine inches to ten and then eleven [23-25-28 cm]. John's other hand continued to squeeze his slave's hair balls as Pete's cock continued to grow from eleven to twelve inches [28-30 cm] and still not at its full length.

The cock head, an angry looking purple, could be seen throbbing at the end of the long thick shaft of John's slave's cock. Under the continued stroking up and down the long shaft the cock had now grown to its full thirteen inches [33 cm] and two and a half-inch [6½ cm] circumference. It was a magnificent looking cock and John's eyes hungrily feasted upon this wonderful sight. It was all and much more than he had hoped for.

The 11-year-old boy now bent his head and licked the top of the purple cock head. His tongue licked over and around that great throbbing head poking deep into the wide piss slit and devouring what precum was beginning to form there. He licked down the hard cock shaft and all around the thick exterior. Reaching Pete's balls he sucked first one and then the other before trying to get both into his hungry mouth. Because of the size of those big balls John was finding it quite a task to suck both together. Opening his mouth as wide as possible, he managed to get the two in at once and then began to suck hard and greedily on them whilst rubbing Pete's stiff cock with both hands.

At this point Pete began to groan with pleasure as he felt his balls snug in the boy's moist mouth whilst hot hands rubbed his cock. He may not have been attracted to boys but this was wonderful and he only hoped that John would continue to play with him.

John released Pete's balls from his mouth and began to suck the purple cock head instead. He sucked that large nob right into his moist hot mouth and began to move his tight lips down the cock shaft. Slowly but surely he sucked first half and then three-quarters of that monstrous cock into his mouth and down his tight throat. The training in cock sucking that he had received from his father since he was a very young child now stood him in good stead. He was able to adjust his breathing so that as he released his mouths firm grip of the cock he was able to get air to his lungs. A deep breath and then more hard sucking until now the boy's nose was buried in the black hairy bush at the base of Pete's cock. Then he raised his head up drawing his mouth up the shaft of the cock. A quick breath and then back down the full length of that hard fuck pole.

Pete was gasping and groaning and now he spoke aloud, "suck my cock Master, fucking suck my cock hard. Oooh that feels so good keep sucking my cock please, make me cum, please make me cum."

John began to suck with renewed vigour as he squeezed hard on Pete's large balls. Hearing the man call him Master had sent a buzz of ecstatic joy down his spine. He sucked and slurped up and down Pete's thrusting cock as the man now, with his free hand, pushed the boy's head harder onto his throbbing tool.

However, before Pete could climax, John decided enough was enough. At this time he did not want to make his slave cum. He hoped to have the man's hard cock up his arse before the day was over. In the meantime he wanted his slave to suck his cock and make him cum. It was only recently that John had begun to shoot his load and the wonderful feeling he got as his hot sperm shot from his pulsating cock made the boy want to do it again and again. Now he wanted to cum into somebody's mouth and decided his slave would serve that purpose well.

"Sit up," he ordered Pete who was feeling very let down from not having shot his load. Pete obeyed the boy and sat upright finding it very awkward with his arm tied behind him to the post. John stood with his feet either side of the sitting Pete and his cock level with the man's face. "Open you mouth slave," John ordered "and start sucking my fucking cock."

There was no way that Pete would obey such a request. He did not mind if the kid wanted to suck his cock but he sure was not a cocksucker himself. He would lick out a nice juicy girls cunt but would not suck cock, now way, never. Pete shook his head negatively keeping his mouth tight closed.

John was very quick now. He hopped off the bed, grabbed the spare strap and also Pete's free arm and had him secured by the wrist before he'd had time to react. Now Pete was sitting with both his hands secured behind him to the bedposts. John picked up the whip and said, "I'm giving you one chance slave, either say that you will suck my cock or I will whip yours until it bleeds and I want an answer right now."

Horror crossed Pete's face, the very though that his valuable treasure might be damaged by such a whipping was enough to make him promise the boy anything. "Yes, yes John, oh I mean Master, yes Master I'll suck your cock but please don't use the whip on mine."

John had a satisfied look on his young face as he jumped back onto the bed and took up his position in front of his slave. "Open your mouth and start sucking," he demanded.

Pete opened his mouth and sucked in that sweet five inch [12½ cm] uncircumcised cock. He was able to suck it into his mouth right down to the boy's small tight balls. He began to run his tightly closed lips up and down the shaft of the young prick feeling it throbbing in his throat as he did so. Young John was in seventh heaven as he felt his slave's moist hot mouth around his hard cock. "Suck me slave, oooh suck me slave," he gasped in a feverish tone.

As Pete began to suck hard and long on the boy's cock a new feeling began to take hold of him. He could feel his own cock growing hard as he began to enjoy the taste and feel of this young cock in his mouth and down his throat. This was much better that he had ever thought possible. He sucked harder on John's lovely cock as the boy began to thrust and grind his hips and pelvis into the man's face. As Pete sucked the cock down John thrust forward. As Pete let his mouth run up the cock's shaft John pulled back. The two were now working in unison and getting faster and faster.

John was far too young and inexperienced to be able to control his forthcoming ejaculation. As Pete sucked his cock deep down into his throat and John thrust forward with all his young might the boy felt his small balls begin to throb, he felt a hot stream passing up his pulsating cock. His legs trembled, his body shook and as he screamed "oooh I'm cumming, I'm cumming, oooh it feels so good," he shot his hot watery sperm down Pete's throat. The man swallowed it as more of the stuff followed. Three times the boy ejaculated, three times he filled Pete's mouth and throat and three times the man swallowed most of the boy's love juice.

"Oooh that was great," John gasped as he drew his rapidly softening cock from Pete's mouth. "Slave that was wonderful you make a really good cock sucker," the boy added as he rested his torso against Pete's face.

Pete for the first time in his life had swallowed sperm. He was surprised, he had enjoyed it. He had enjoyed the whole experience, sucking the boy's thrusting cock, the feel of that hard prick in his throat and then the hot love juice filling his mouth and throat. It was all just great. The fact that he had enjoyed it did not make him a queer or a boy lover he reasoned, it must just be his body's natural reaction to such an erotic stimulus.

The boy jumped off the bed and turning to Pete said, "now slave do I have to keep you tied to the bed or will you obey me?"

Pete quickly agreed to obey his Master. If it meant that his discomfort would be eased he was quite happy to go along with the boy's wishes. "Anyway," he thought to himself, "apart from the whipping it has not been too bad, in fact quite enjoyable on the whole."

"Lay down flat," John ordered. Pete complied. His cock was now in a semi soft state but already beginning to stiffen simply from anticipation of what might be going to happen next. John got back onto the bed and positioned himself between Pete's legs. He began to suck greedily on the man's cock, which, within minutes, was fully erect, and oozing precum.

John's mouth began to move up and down the shaft of Pete's cock as the man thrust his body upward to meet John's sucking movements. Soon Pete was groaning with delight as his thirteen-inch [33 cm] cock was fully engulfed in the hot moist mouth and throat of the greedily sucking boy.

Now John released, once again, that throbbing cock from his mouth. But this time the boy squatted over Pete and lined the man's hard cock up against his own anus. He sank down on the long thick pole that was now pressing hard against his resisting arse hole. John relaxed his sphincter by trying to shit and the head of Pete's massive cock began to enter the boy. Wincing and screwing his face up in pain as this huge cock head stretched his shit hole to its limit, John pushed harder down. Now not only had the purple nob entered his body but also a quarter of Pete's cock had followed it in.

John "ooohed" and "ouched" in pain as this tool stretched his body to the limit. Still he forced himself further down on the probing shaft. Now half of Pete's long thick cock was buried in the boy's guts and still John was not satisfied.

He lifted himself up from off the thrusting cock until only the tip of the cock head was inside him. Then he sat down hard driving Pete's cock up his bowels until ten inches [25 cm] of that tool was in him. Now, as the hard cock massaged his prostrate, John's sounds of pain changed to groans of pleasure. Those of Pete's own joined his noises. The man was beginning to discover just how hot and erotic a boy's tight arse hole could be. He was loving it; this whole experience was beginning to fill him with joy.

John lifted himself off his slave's hard cock. He looked at the man and said, "slave if I release you will you fuck me proper?"

Without thought, completely carried away by his passion, Pete replied "free me Master and I'll fuck your arse like it's never been fucked before. Hurry Master I can't wait to get my cock back up your hot little arse."

Quickly John released his slave's bonds and then he lay alongside Pete on the bed. Pete rose and hoisted himself above his young master. He took hold of John's legs and pushed them up over the boy's chest so that John's feet were almost touching his shoulders. John's arse was now sticking up in the air and Pete placed his long cock against the boy's twitching anus and pushed hard. With virtually no resistance from the lad's sphincter Pete's huge nob entered the boy followed swiftly by the first nine inches [23 cm] of his thick cock.

As Pete thrust into the boy John let out a howl of sheer lustful ecstasy. "Fuck me slave, fuck me with that big hard cock," he screamed as the man forced his cock further up the boy's hot insides.

Pete pulled his cock almost out of the boy before thrusting back in again, this time ten inches [25 cm] of the iron rod disappeared from sight. He pulled out again and then back in hard, eleven inches [28 cm] now up the boy's tight arse hole and deep into his guts. Out Pete pulled again and then back in, twelve inches [30 cm] entering as sweat poured from the thrusting man's body and dripped on the yelling boy.

John was screaming, "give me more slave, give me more, I want the fucking lot," as Pete continued to fuck his hard cock up the boy's hot insides.

Once again Pete pulled his cock out, almost out but not quite. He kept his cock head buried in the boy. A slight pause and then, with a very heavy grunt, Pete thrust the entire length of his cock into the boy, all thirteen inches [33 cm] buried deep within the lad. He pulled his cock almost all the way out and thrust the whole length back again his big balls slapping against the cheeks of his master's arse. Out he pulled again and back in accompanied by the screams of passionate words flowing from the boy that he was fucking.

"Give it me slave, fuck me hard," John was screaming out, "fuck my arse, get your big cock in my belly. Fuck me slave, oooh it feels sooo good, fuck me come fuck me harder," on and on went the boy.

Pete had now increased the tempo of his fucking. His cock was plunging into the boy at great speed and pulling out again, now completely out, leaving the lad's arse hole gaping wide. But each time it was pulled out of John's shit hole Pete quickly thrust it in again. Faster and faster the action went and John, still screaming obscenities, used his arse muscles to squeeze Pete's thrusting tool.

Now joining the loud noises coming from young John could be heard the voice of his slave shouting "I'm cumming Master, I'm cumming oooh I'm cumming." As Pete shouted aloud his whole body shook as the sperm shot from his cock deep into the eager bowels of young John.

Pete pulled his cock a quarter way out and thrust back again as John, using his muscles, squeezed it hard and another jet of sperm shot into the boy. He again pulled out slightly and then slammed it back in as more of that love juice erupted from the steely rod. "Oooh that 's so great," Pete gasped aloud as yet another ejaculation was sent into John's greedy guts. The boy, unable to be satisfied, continued to use his arse muscles to milk Pete's rampant cock of all its remaining sperm.

At last the slave's balls were completely empty, not a drop of sperm remained. With his cock still buried deep in the boy's warm insides he kissed John on the lips. "Master that is the best fuck that I've ever had," he whispered to the boy.

After a few minutes rest he pulled his softening cock from the boy's tight arse. As this long thick length of rampaging manhood left the boy's bowels John felt quite empty. He knew that he needed more of that cock, he could not do without it.

Pete flopped down on the bed beside his master, both were lying on their backs. John quickly shifted position and began to lick and suck his slave's sperm covered soft dick. He loved the taste of fresh sperm, especially when, like now, it had a distinct flavour of shit mixed in. He licked the cockhead, licked the shaft and sucked on Pete's hairy balls.

At last he got up from the bed and looked down at Pete. "Who is my fucking slave?" he asked as he stood by the bed.

"I am Master, I'm your slave, I will do whatever you ask," Pete replied.

"Well slave," John replied "I guess that I have to go home now or mum and dad will be phoning up to ask where I am. I will call round tomorrow on my way home from school and spend a couple of hours with you, make sure you cancel any appointments. I think that before you fuck me again I will have to have a slave training session with you."

Pete looked at him completely besotted having had the most wonderful fuck of his life. "Master I just don't know why your dad did not tell me how good it was to fuck boys, much better than fucking girls. Whatever training you think I need I will submit to as long as at the end I can fuck you."

"Slave," John said sternly "no terms, no conditions, I will train you and you will get to fuck me if I allow you to. Just remember that I'm the boss and you're nothing, just a bit of shit, and a fucking sex slave. Now lets get dressed as I must go home."

The two dressed and John left for home. "See you tomorrow when your training really begins, and it will be fucking hard training," John said.

"Yes Master," Pete meekly replied, "I'm your fucking toe rag of a slave."

As Pete closed the door on his young visitor he thought to himself, 'I love to fuck your arse boy but I must do something about this slave business, I'm not too happy about that.'

One thing was sure though, that night Pete dreamed about fucking John rather that fucking Sarah or any other girl. He had discovered himself; he was truly a boy lover.

The End

(Note. Although this is the end I may write more of John and how he trains Pete into being a very obedient slave. I have not yet decided whether to proceed or not.)

I never found a sequel, Céladon