Chapter One Jake and Zac
My brother and I are twins and why our parents decided to name us Jake and Zac, short for Jacob and Zachariah, I'll never know, but I guess it could have been worse. Thing is we aren't identical twins; we're what are known as 'paternal' twins and we look about as different from each other as brothers can be. Jake took after our mother and he's fair and blonde while I took after my dad – whose father is Irish – and ended up with black hair and green eyes. Only in size are we alike – we're both tiny. Mom says we're just 'small for our age'. Yeah, right. Tell that to the girls in the 7th grade we have to look up at. We're not happy about being small, but we both play soccer and do gymnastics, which are great sports for small, quick guys. We also swim on a park league team in the summer, but there's not much chance that we'll going to the Olympics as members of the U.S swimming team any time soon.
There is one way in which we are identical, though; we have ESP. Or at least it works between the two of us and we each always seem to know what the other twin is thinking. In any given situation, a quick glance and we've communicated our opinions. Also, we often finish each other's sentences, which we think is cool, but it tends to weird teachers out when we do it in class from opposite sides of the room.
The absolute best thing about being twins and communicating so well is that we're best friends. As far as I can remember, we've never had a fight or even an argument worth mentioning. We talk about things that would be too personal or embarrassing to tell anyone else, even our parents. Nothing is a secret between us and we often lie in bed together talking about anything and everything for hours.
Mom's a doctor and Dad's an engineer so we have a big house and Jake and I share a large bedroom with our own bathroom. We each have our own desk and computer with high-speed internet access along with queen-sized beds, but generally we sleep together. In January, Jake climbed into my bed wearing only his pajama bottoms for some reason. I thought that was odd, but didn't say anything because it didn't matter to me what he wore to bed.
When I rolled over and snuggled up next to him the way I usually did in the winter, his warm, bare skin felt really comfortable, especially since it was a below zero night and there was frost on all the windows. The next night, just before I crawled into Jake's bed, I stopped and pulled my pajama top over my head. I took a look at Jake and his expression told me that's what he was expecting. After I got under the blanket, he slid up next to me and pressed his bare chest against my back. The smooth touch of skin to skin was wonderful and I had the best night's sleep in a long time.
A few days later, I was sitting up in bed wearing pajamas and reading when Jake came in late after watching some dumb movie downstairs on our big screen TV – our taste in movies was vastly different and I generally preferred to read rather than watching movies he liked and vice versa.
He said, "Okay, you were right and
I finished, "
3;it was a dumb movie."
"You don't have to say, it. I know you told me so."
Jake started his going to bed ritual and started to pull his clothes off and put them in the dirty clothes hamper. When he was down to his underwear, he stopped and glanced at me with a facial expression that asked, My bed or yours?
I looked down at my bed saying, Mine tonight.
He smiled and nodded. Great. Be there in a minute.
Instead of putting on his pajama bottoms, he dropped his underwear, lifted the blankets and slid into my bed naked. From the pillow, he looked up at me for approval.
I thought about it for a second or two, got out of bed, dropped my pajamas and underwear and jumped back in beside him.
We turned on our sides facing each other, smiled and said in unison, "Yeah!"
When I woke in the morning, and looked at the clock, it was almost nine and I thanked the person who came up with the idea of no school on Saturdays. I wanted stay buried in bed for more sleep, but if I didn't get up to go to the bathroom, I was afraid my bladder would burst. Jake's and my arms and legs were so twisted together, I knew there was no way I could avoid waking him when I got out of bed, but I still tried.
Before I got to my feet, he said, "Wait for me; I have to go, too."
We both got to our feet and hustled to the bathroom, elbowing each other to get to the toilet first. I had a head start and stood in front of the bowl, but couldn't get my stream started.
Jake laughed and pointed at my erect penis. "Having problems?"
I gave him my best glare and stood aside to see if he could do any better. He tried to point his penis, which was also erect and standing at about a forty-five degree angle from vertical at the bowl, but it wouldn't bend that far and I had my turn to laugh.
He said, "Well, I guess we'll have to wait a minute. Mine goes down fairly quickly in the morning when I try to pee."
"Yeah, mine, too."
While we waited, we examined each other's erections. Being naked together wasn't unusual and we generally shared the shower so what our genitals looked like was no mystery, but we'd never seen each other in this condition. Only recently, we'd started getting erections every morning and we made it a point to hide them under the covers in bed waiting until they went down before getting up. Now that we were sleeping naked, there was no point in pretending it wasn't happening and we stared with unabashed curiosity. I was fascinated and so was Jake. We had both seen men with erect penises on the internet, but ours were nowhere near as big as those in the pictures on the porn sites were. Jake's penis was about four inches [10 cm] long, which was a little longer than mine was, but mine was thicker and we were both circumcised with no pubic hair yet.
I said, "Yours looks good. How's mine?"
"It's great. I guess this means we're started puberty like they've been telling us in school health class."
Jake rubbed his with the ends of his fingers. "I suppose so and if it's going to feel this good, I'm going to like it a lot."
"Me, too, but if this thing doesn't go down soon, I'm going to blow up."
As soon as I started to laugh, I lost my erection and let go with a fire hose-size gush of pee into the toilet. I'd just finished when Jake pushed me aside and emptied his bladder with a huge sigh.
We took a shower together, washing each other's backs and went into our room, drying ourselves with big bath towels. I dropped my towel into my dirty clothes hamper and after Jake did the same, we cleaned our room without getting dressed. Neither of us could stand having a messy room, which was good because it kept Mom off our backs and out of our room so we could be certain of our privacy. Although last night was the first time we had slept together naked, we had discovered years ago that nudity was enjoyable and one of the main reasons we cleaned our room was so we could watch each other's bodies as we twisted and turned working. I always liked to watch Jake on his hands and knees as he cleaned under our beds. As he crawled around, I could see his butt cheeks spread and expose his puckering sphincter muscle which intrigued me.
As we cleaned, Jake said, "I started getting erections just before Christmas in school. Man, is that a pain. I'll be sitting there in class minding my own business and the next thing I know, boom! I'm hard and the bell to end class just rang. Then I'd have to rearrange my pants so I could walk and not have it show or worse, get it tangled in my underwear when I stood up."
Together we said, "And man, that hurts." Then laughed.
I said, "Try carrying your books in front of you to hide it. That works for me."
"I do, believe me, I do." He cleared his throat and wagged his eyebrows to tell me he was about to get personal and said, "Have you done anything with it?"
"Jerk off, I mean masturbate?" I corrected myself, because as a doctor, Mom made sure we knew the names of all the parts of our bodies and gave us several talks about sex in a lot more detail that what we got in health class.
"Yeah, I tried it but I didn't get very far. I'm not really sure what to do, although it can't be too hard to figure out." When I nodded, he stared me right in the eyes and said, "I wonder what it would be like to do with someone else? Maybe that would work better than doing it alone."
I didn't say anything, but gave him a silent message that said, I'm willing.
He replied, Ready when you are.
Right now, I said. Stepping closer, I cupped his scrotum with my hand and he grasped my soft two-inch [5 cm] penis with his thumb and index finger. We smiled and
Someone pounded on our door. "What are you two doing in there?"
Chapter Two Almost There, But
The twins are getting serious, but they keep getting interrupted
I dropped my hand and yelled, "Jeeze, take it easy on the door, Michelle."
"What else am I supposed to do? We're going to be late if you two don't hurry up. I need all the time I can get to set up."
Jake let go of my penis and gave me a look that said, Not now.
In return, I said, No, but later for sure.
Yeah, you know it.
Jake said, "We'll be there in a minute. Hold your horses."
Michelle beat on the door again. "I don't have any horses. Don't you guys have an alarm clock? Hurry up, Cathy's waiting."
That was Michelle, our younger sister who was in the sixth grade but acted like she was thirty-five years old most of the time. Cathy was our older sister who was a senior in high school.
Michelle was a year younger than us, but she was at least six inches [15 cm] taller than we were. She'd been messing around with digital photography since she was in the fourth grade and I had to admit that she had a talent for it. She worked as a stringer for several of the local newspapers taking pictures, mostly of school athletic events and selling them. She specialized in catching kids in action and her pictures were often the best part of the article.
Cathy was going to graduate from high school this spring and she was bigger than both of us together. Not that she was fat or anything. She was just plain big and over six feet [1.80 m] tall. She never went out for volleyball or basketball even though she was bigger than all the other girls in school and would've been pretty good at sports. It was nice to have someone who could occasionally drive us around because she had her own car or could use Mom's minivan, but when it came to doing things, it was her way or the highway. Jake and I called her 'The Boss' or 'Catherine the Great' to her face. Instead of getting mad at us, she actually liked it and thought we were complimenting her.
She had a boyfriend by the name of Tony who went to the university in town and was three years older than she was since he'd just had his twenty-first birthday. She never had many boyfriends and the few she had were fairly normal, but Tony gave Jake and me the creeps.
He was smaller than she was by quite a bit and did everything she told him to do. He never had an opinion and let Cathy make all the decisions – and I mean all the decisions. In the year or so that they'd been going together, I never heard him contradict her in any way or suggest that they do something other than what she wanted.
What was even creepier is when they were around Mom and Dad, they were completely different and they acted almost like they had a normal boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, but as soon as they were with us, Cathy was in charge, period.
"All right, all right. We'll be right there."
Disappointed, Jake and I got dressed and hurried down the stairs to the furnished rec room in the basement where Michelle kept her photography equipment in a small room that she called her studio. As soon as we appeared, she loaded us down with all sorts of gear including tripods of different sizes, a bag of camera lenses, extra cameras, a netbook computer, small portable lights and other stuff I couldn't identify.
"It's about time you got here. Let's get going."
I said, "What are we taking all this stuff for. You can't use lights outside, can you?"
"Quit complaining and don't tell me what to do. Just carry my stuff."
I looked at Jake and we gave each other a look that said, Just what we need, another pushy sister.
It seemed to Jake and me that Cathy had been giving Michelle bossing lessons recently and we were looking forward to Cathy moving out to go to college before Michelle started acting too much like her.
At the road race, Michelle left most of the equipment she brought along in the van so Jake and I only had to carry a small bag each. We watched Michelle work and like always, we were amazed at the number of pictures she took. She said that getting the best pictures was as much a matter of luck as it was preparation and skill and once she was set up, she could improve her odds of a good picture by taking them as fast as she could and sorting out the bad stuff later.
There were several different races by age group and it was early afternoon before it was over. Michelle had taken pictures of the entire event from first starting gun to final awards presentations. Jake and I were bored silly by that time, but Mom and Dad had drafted us to help her today so we had to stick it out.
When we walked back to the van, I realized that Tony hadn't showed up, which was unusual since Cathy usually demanded that he come along even though he didn't have anything to do. I think she wanted him to go just so she could have someone else to boss around.
Cathy was waiting for us in the parking lot sitting in the van listening to some kind of senior-in-high-school head banger music that I hated. We got in and when I put the camera case I was carrying in the back, I saw that all of the other equipment we'd carried out from home wasn't there.
I asked, "Where's all the rest of Michelle's equipment?"
Cathy said, "Over at Tony's. We're setting up a photography studio so Michelle can do fashion model shoots. Michelle thought she'd like to try that and since Tony has room in his basement, he offered the space to Michelle."
Personally, I didn't think Tony could call the room in his parent's basement where he lived 'his'. Tony told Mom and Dad that he lived there because it was cheaper than living on campus. That may be true, but I had to wonder if that was the real reason he lived there because Tony's mother was a lot like Cathy and I got the feeling she made most of the calls when it came to Tony and where he would live.
We got home and helped carry the equipment that was left inside so Michelle could put it away. Then she took her cameras and began to download all the pictures, which meant that as far as we were concerned, she was going to be on the planet Neptune for the next four or five hours. Cathy said she was going to Tony's to work on the studio and said she'd be back later.
Jake and I watched the van pull into the street and I touched Jake's shoulder. Now's the time.
Couldn't be better.
Racing each other up the stairs, we slammed into our room pulling clothes off and throwing them all over.
I said, "I've got some web pages I found we should look at first."
"Yeah, what have you got?"
Firing up my computer and going to the Internet, I googled 'How to Masturbate'. Thousands of pages came up.
Jake laughed. "It sure seems to be a popular subject. I wonder why?"
I grinned and said, "Can't imagine, but I think we should find out."
Rather than moving his desk chair over to my computer, Jake pushed his bare butt onto my chair, sliding me over so we could both see the screen. We were small, but not that small and we each only had a little more than one butt cheek on the chair.
We went from site to site for more than an hour until we were certain we had the technique figured out.
Jake said, "I never knew there were so many ways of doing something that seems so simple."
"Well, if it's that simple, why haven't we been able to figure it out?"
"What did kids do before the Internet?"
He shrugged. We'll get it this time.
Yeah, even if it kills us.
We both got up, one from each side of the chair and walked to my bed. I had an erection after looking at so many guys masturbating and I saw Jake had one too so it looked like we were all set.
Crawling into bed from opposite sides, we slid together close enough that we could reach each other's erections easily. I took his penis in my fingers, he grabbed mine and we slowly began to stroke. I was surprised at how hot his felt and for some reason, it seemed stiffer than mine did.
After a few minutes, I felt a growing sensation of pleasure from there and decided we were doing it right. I had started pulling Jake's penis faster and holding it tighter when Michelle pounded on the door again.
"Come on you guys. Cathy and I need you to help carry stuff over to Tony's. We'll meet you in the garage."
I seriously thought about ignoring her, but I knew she'd keep after us so we wouldn't have any peace. And anyway, as soon as she had pounded on the door, I lost that great, growing sensation. Looking at Jake, I could tell he had, too.
Reluctantly, we let go of each other again, got out of bed, dressed and went to the garage. Cathy greeted us by saying, "What are you two nerds doing in your room all the time? Jerking off?"
I said, "Real classy, Boss Lady. Why do you care?"
"I don't, but I'll bet you two do. That is if you even know how." She laughed and loaded our arms with lumber, folded canvas and other stuff.
We spent the rest of the afternoon moving things and following Cathy and Michelle's orders, even though we couldn't tell what it was we were building.
After dinner with our parents at home, Jake and I knew we wouldn't have much privacy so we did some planning as we played video games.
He looked at our parents and Cathy watching TV. After everyone has gone to bed.
I glanced over. Absolutely. Nobody will pound on the door in the middle of the night.
You got that right. And we concentrated on our game.
When Jake and I took a break from playing video games, we went into the kitchen where Cathy and Michelle were working on a large drawing of a layout for a series of pictures Michelle had taken.
Cathy said, "You guys want a coke?"
We nodded and to Jake and my surprise, she got up, went to the fridge and came back with two cans. Doing us favors was not something she did very often and usually she expected us to do something for her in return. Before she handed them to us, she said, "Look at this collage Michelle is making and tell us what you think."
While we did, I heard the cans of soda pop open and then Cathy handed one to each of us. We complimented Michelle because what she was working on really was good because she had an eye for arranging her photographs so they told a story and then we went back downstairs to our video game guzzling the soda on the way.
We played for only a few minutes when I started to get really tired. I yawned and shortly after, Jake did the same with the expression on his face that said, What did you do that for? You started me, too.
I shrugged, Sorry about that. Couldn't help it.
Setting my game controller down, I said, "I'm going to bed."
Jake said, "I'll be there in a minute." Then he smiled, My bed tonight.
I nodded. Fine with me.
Going upstairs was difficult because I was lightheaded from being so tired. What could have made me so exhausted all of a sudden? Normally, I put my clothes away when I get into bed, but not tonight. I practically tore them off, dropped right where I stood and flopped naked into Jake's bed. Any more experimenting with masturbation would have to wait until morning.
A few minutes later, the bedroom light went off and I felt Jake slide into bed, pressing his naked body against mine. I turned over and we wrapped up in each other's arms.
An hour later, our room door slowly opened, but neither Jake nor I saw the light from the hallway fill our room or heard two people come in.
Chapter Three At Last, But Who's Watching
Cathy came in first carrying a tripod and a set of small lights while Michelle followed with two cameras.
Michelle whispered, "Are you sure this will work?"
In a normal voice Cathy said, "Sure. They're completely out of it." She pointed at the sleeping boys. "Look, they haven't moved even though there's light in here and we're making noise. That's why they call it the date rape drug. Best of all, if we're careful, they won't even remember what happened."
Michelle held in a giggle. "Until later when we remind them."
"They had no idea I'd put it in their cokes – actually, they probably never heard of it. I used it on Tony to see what it did so I know these guys won't wake up for hours."
"Okay, let's get set up. I don't want to miss this opportunity."
Michelle arranged her lights and set a camera on a tripod at the end of the boys' bed. "How do you know they're probably sleeping naked?"
"Mom mentioned she hadn't washed any of their pajamas in weeks and they're always sleeping together. I would imagine at their age, they're probably experimenting with jacking off, so I'll bet they don't even have underwear on."
"Okay, I hope you're right."
"Let's find out."
Cathy bent over the bed, lifted the blankets and carefully folded them back. She said, "See, I told you. Better yet, Jake has a hard on. Get your pictures."
Michelle began taking picture after picture from different angles and distances. "Do boys always get erections when they sleep?"
"Every boyfriend I've had did, especially Tony. He seems to be hard all the time. The thing you need to remember is that when a boy gets an erection, the blood from his brain goes down to fill his dick and it ends up doing his thinking for him. At that point all that's on their minds is sex. These guys don't have any hair yet and probably won't for a few years, so they can't have much experience, if any." Cathy laughed and grinned. "They won't have a clue about what we're planning to do."
Michelle said, "Okay, I've probably got enough pictures."
"Not yet. Zac isn't hard and we need pictures of him, too. This is going to be a two dick show." Cathy reached over Zac's bare hip, took his soft penis between her fingers and expertly began to masturbate him. He soon got an erection, moaned and with a happy look on his face, turned more to his back.
Michelle took pictures of Zac's erection and even more when Cathy guided Jake's hand to Zac's penis.
When Michelle said she had enough, Cathy covered the boys again, helped Michelle collect her equipment and they left, closing the door behind them.
The next morning, I woke up wondering where I was because I didn't remember going to bed. Zac was curled up next to me on his side with his bare butt pushed against my hips and when I moved he yawned and turned onto his back.
I slid out of bed, went to the bathroom and passed Zac going in on my way back to bed. I crawled in and lay waiting for Zac. When he did, we turned facing each other and smiled.
Running my hand from Zac's shoulders over his butt and finally holding his soft penis in my fingers, I began to stroke him. Not much happened until I started rubbing the ridge around the head of his penis and then he got hard.
Zac reached for my penis, but I grabbed his hand to stop him. "Wait. Let me concentrate on what I'm doing."
He laid back to make it easier for me to reach him and I went to work determined to succeed in our first masturbation. Zac's breathing increased in speed and he began to push his hips into my hand.
"I think I have to go to the bathroom again, but I just went." After a dozen or so more pants, he said, "Never mind that. Don't stop. I can wait. This feels so good."
Squeezing him tighter, I tried to speed up and in less than a minute, his penis began surge and Zac slapped his hand over his mouth to keep from yelling. He grabbed my hand to make me stop and flopped back into the pillows.
"Man, that was amazing. Let me catch my breath and I'll do you. Now I know why there were so many web pages about how to do it."
I waited as patiently as I could and when he reached for my penis, I turned so he'd have better access. Having seen his reaction, I had no trouble getting an erection and soon started feeling the tension build up between my legs. When I felt like I had to pee again, I urged Zac on and he complied. The next thing I knew, my hips and legs were bouncing up and down off the bed like it was a trampoline while my penis felt like it was exploding again and again.
When I collapsed onto the bed, exhausted, I got a message from Zac, See what I mean?
Yeah. We gotta do this more often.
You know it.
I said, "It's weird, but I feel like I forgot something last night, but I don't know what. Did we not do some chores or something?"
Zac shrugged. "I don't know. I feel the same and I think I had a really nice dream, but I can't remember for sure. Maybe that's it."
"Maybe. We better get going or Catherine the Great and Michelle will be after us."
We got out of bed and showered together, then cleaned up our room. Just as we finished and got dressed, Michelle pounded on the door. "Come on. We've got to get to Tony's so I can get at least one photo shoot done today."
I yelled through the door, "We're almost ready. Do you always have to beat on the door?"
"That's the only way I can get you guys up. What do you do in there all the time?"
Zac yanked open the door. "For one thing, we clean our room. Something you might want to learn to do."
Except for her camera and computer equipment, Michelle was a slob and Mom was always after her to clean up. She pulled her hair back and said, "I have better things to do. Get moving. Cathy wants to get over to Tony's."
He said, "Whatever." And we followed Michelle downstairs.
After we ate a quick breakfast, Michelle had us carry several small bags to Cathy's car. Then we drove to Tony's and hauled everything into the basement where they'd set up a studio. There were adjustable lights hanging from the ceiling and on stands all facing a curved white background. Michelle had set up several tripods with cameras on them and while we stood in front of the background, she moved lights around again and again while looking through the cameras until I thought her fussing would drive Zac and me nuts.
Finally, she said, "All right. I'm ready. One of the stores in town wants to make a newspaper advertisement for a sale they're going to have. They can get professional models, but they cost a lot so Cathy and I talked them into letting me take pictures of you two wearing their clothes instead. To see what I can do, they want me to do a shoot with pajamas. If it turns out all right, I can do more on a regular basis."
Cathy said, "Right. There are half a dozen different kinds of pajamas in Tony's bedroom; go and change so Michelle can get started. Tony, you go with them so they don't take all day changing. As soon as they take their clothes off, they'll probably start jacking off and we'll never get done."
Frowning, I said, "Real cute, Boss Lady. Don't you ever think about anything else?"
She leered at me in return. "I do, but boys don't."
Zac and I followed Tony out of the room, but before he closed the door to his room, Michelle said, "And no underwear. I'm using a flash and that'll make them show under the fabric of the pajamas."
Tony went into his room first and flipped on the lights.
After the door closed, Michelle said, "Did you get the cameras set up?"
"All set. There are three of them to give a view of the entire room and we shouldn't miss getting good shots of them changing. I added another switch by the door so one is for the lights and the other is for the cameras. Tony was supposed to flip both of them on when he went in."
"What if he didn't?"
Cathy laughed. "Don't worry, he will because if he doesn't, he knows what'll happen to him. The bait's out in plain sight and Tony knows what to do if they don't take it."
"Sounds like we're all set. I can hardly wait to see what we get and I think we should have a red carpet event when we show them video for the first time."
Catherine laughed. "Yeah, and invite all the girls in their class as special guests."
Chapter Four
The boys' modeling careers begin, but who are they modeling for?
I was surprised when I saw Tony's bedroom. Zack and I liked to keep our room neat, but this was more than neat. Everything was so perfectly arranged and clean I thought Tony must be obsessed with not having the least speck of dirt anywhere. The walls were white and the tile floor glistened like a sheet of wet ice.
He had a huge king-sized bed with matching dresser, nightstands and computer table. On one wall between two other doors were a big screen television and a cabinet with rows and rows of DVDs. When I looked around, I saw a third door, but unless my bearings were wrong, it looked like it opened out beyond the foundation of the house.
On the computer table were two stacks of new clothes still wrapped in plastic. Tony opened one of the doors next to the TV, which proved to be a closet and took out two plastic cube-shaped baskets that looked new and set them on the floor.
"Put your clothes and shoes in these while I unwrap the first pajamas for you. Michelle has arranged them in order so she'll photograph the light colored ones are first and dark ones last. That way she doesn't have to adjust her lights so much."
I shrugged and looked at Zac, my expression saying, Well, let's get this over with.
He nodded and shivered a little. I guess so, but I'd be happier if Tony wasn't in here.
I know what you mean.
We put our shoes and socks and all our clothes in the baskets and stood in our underwear waiting for him to finish getting the pajamas out of the package. He pointed and said, "Michelle said no underwear. Put them in the basket."
Then he waited and watched us while we slid our underwear to our feet, stepped out of them and dropped them in the basket. Instead of giving us the pajamas to put on, he picked up the baskets and put them into the closet leaving us standing naked in the middle of his room.
I briefly put my hands over my genitals and looked at Zac. This is weird.
Zac did the same and then put his hands on his hips. Yeah, but at least we're not in Michelle or Cathy's room.
I laughed sat down in the chair at the desk. Tony closed the closet door and said, "Don't sit there or on the bed. It's not sanitary."
"Huh? What's not? I took a shower this morning."
"Never mind." He handed us each an identical pair of pajamas. "Put these on so Michelle can get started."
"Okay. Just a minute."
Zac and I pulled the pajamas on, which were the traditional button-front shirt with long sleeves and long pants with a snap fly. I made sure I had all three snaps closed after I adjusted the pants to be sure Michelle didn't get a picture of more than I wanted.
When I looked up, Tony was staring at us as if he'd never seen anyone in pajamas before, adding to my unease. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Zac adjusting the front of his pants with both hands so I figured he was making sure his pants were snapped shut as well.
When walked out into the other room, Michelle greeted us with, "It's about time. Get over here so I can get started."
I said, "You know what, Michelle? You're getting a bossy as Catherine the Great."
She smiled. "Really? Thanks."
Zac rolled his eyes. Now look what you've done.
Sighing, I rolled my back. Two in the same family. I won't be able to stand it.
Aloud, I said, "Let's get going then. What do you want us to do?"
"I'm going to make the same series of shots for each pair of pajamas. Pay attention so I don't have to keep repeating myself."
We nodded and for about ten minutes, Michelle had us pose. First we did simple poses standing straight front back and sides, then on our knees, sitting, and lying on a piece of carpet on the floor. Then we had to hold teddy bears and other stuffed animals and finally, we had a pillow fight.
Michelle stepped back from her camera and said, "That's enough. Go change so I can do the next shoot."
Zac and I followed Tony back in to his room and after I'd taken off the pajamas and handed them to Tony, I said, "You got a bathroom. I need to go pretty bad."
He walked over and opened the door on the other side of the TV. "In here. If you need to go, Zac, you'd better to it now. Michelle won't like it if you slow her down."
I followed him into the strangest bathroom I'd ever seen. It was a rectangular room much larger than I had expected and one wall was clear glass behind which I could see three shower heads. Two looked like any other shower, but the third had a variety of hoes and nozzles hanging from it. There was a counter with a sink and drawers and shelves for towels as I expected, but there was no toilet. On the far wall was a device with lots of faucets that didn't look like one to me.
"Where's the john?"
"Over here." When I looked on the other side of the sink and counter I saw a hole in the floor. "He pointed. "Right here."
Zac and I both looked down wondering if he was joking.
Seeing our confusion, he said, "It's a squat toilet. Your feet go on the pads next to the bowl and you squat to go. Squatting is better than sitting and it promotes good bowel health."
I looked at Zac. He's got to be kidding.
I don't think so. He must use this all the time.
Maybe we can wait.
No way.
I said, "Okay, give me some directions."
He pointed and helped me get into position so I was squatting over the hole with my genitals hanging down between my legs. "Point your penis down so you won't make a mess."
I did and quickly emptied my bladder. When I stood he showed me how to flush it and then Zac used it. Through the whole process, Tony watched us closely as we squatted naked over a hole in the floor.
We finished and he said, "These are common in Europe because they're easy to clean and use less water than the ones in the U.S."
Nodding, I said, "I'll take your word for it." I pointed to the other fixture in the room. "What's that if it's not a toilet?"
"It's a bidet from Japan."
Before he could say it, Zac said, "And I'll bet they're common in Japan."
"That's right. You guys have a lot to learn about how things are done in other countries. Anyway, we have to get moving."
We modeled three more pairs of pajamas, which finally got us down to the last ones in the pile-very dark blue with red pinstripes. Tony took our last pajamas after we took them off, folded them and stacked them with the others.
He picked up the last pair and said, "Michelle told me to bring these out so she can adjust her lights for the dark color. Wait a minute and I'll bring them back so you can dress. Don't sit on the bed while I'm gone." He left, closing the door.
I said to Zac, "You know what? It looks to me like he's doing everything he can to keep us naked as long as possible."
Zac said, "Yeah, it does, but we're almost done."
"I guess."
Since we couldn't sit down, we roamed the room exploring, being careful not to disturb anything. Zac began reading titles on the DVDs while I looked at what was on the dresser, table and nightstands.
He had the usual stuff anybody would have, but it was all precisely arranged in rows with parallel edges-all but one item. On the top of a high dresser were a pair of handcuffs. They stood out because it was so odd to see them and they seemed to be just tossed there and not lined up like everything else.
I said, "Hey, Zac. Look at these." And I held them up.
He came over and took the handcuffs from my hand. "Cool. I've never actually held a pair of these before. I wonder what Tony uses them for?"
I shrugged. "I don't know, but I've heard guys at school mention they had them and they were fun to fool around with. I don't see a key so we'd better not try them out."
"Yeah, that wouldn't be good."
Setting the cuffs back on the top of the dresser, I wandered around the room looking at things. When I walked around the huge bed, I saw there was a large eyebolt attached to one of the legs of the footboard. Curious, I looked at the other legs and found one in each. Then I remembered that there were eyebolts in the walls in the bathroom. As I walked around, I discovered more of them, although they were partly hidden by furniture and wall decorations.
I was about to point it out to Zac, when Tony came in and we got dressed to finish Michelle's shoot. When she was done, we went back into Tony's room, undressed and waited for him to get the plastic baskets out of his closet.
He set them on the floor and watched as we dressed. I pointed toward the dresser and said, "What are the handcuffs for?"
Tony went over, picked them up and said, "Just for fooling around. When I was in high school a bunch of us messed with them and I never got rid of mine. Haven't you ever done that before?"
Zac said, "Never, but they might be fun to try. How do they work?"
Tony said, "Hold out your hands and I'll show you." Zac did and he locked them around Zac's wrists then showed us how to fix them so they wouldn't get too tight and how to take them off.
I said, "I always wondered how they did that on TV. It looks easy enough."
"It is." He held them out and said, "Take these along and try them."
Zac sat on the desk chair to tie his shoes and said, "Okay. You got another pair for Jake? We always do things together."
"Sure." He opened a drawer and pulled out another set and handed them to me. "They use the same keys. Don't lose the keys, but if you do I have extras."
Zac and I put the cuffs in a pocket of our jeans and went into the other room where Michelle was already complaining about us being too slow. We helped her carry her stuff to the car and then Cathy drove us home.
When we go there, Cathy said, "I'm going back to Tony's."
Michelle said, "Okay, by the time you get back, I'll have some finished pictures. You can help me decide which ones to use."
Since they would be occupied and didn't need us anymore, Zac and I went up to our room to check our email.
Michelle said, "It looked like they had something in their pockets."
Laughing, Cathy said, "They did. Tony sent them home with a pair of handcuffs each. It worked out perfectly."
"Do you think they'll use?"
"Absolutely. Boys their age will try anything new. The trick will be to get pictures of them."
"I know. What about next weekend?"
"That's what I'm going to get set up with Tony right now. And anyway, he did such a good job that he deserves a reward, if you know what I mean."
"Yeah, I do. Maybe I can get some action pictures of Tony."
"That's what next weekend will be for. I'll get the video of inside Tony's room when I go over and you can start editing. Maybe you should get in to movies as well as photography."
Chapter Five
Zac and Jake Take Their Explorations to a New Level
Zac and I sat at our computers checking email and reading our Facebook pages for about a half hour when Zac said, "Know what? We didn't get anything to eat at lunch."
I looked up from the screen and tuned into Zac's hungry thoughts. "You're right. Let's go raid the refrigerator and see what's there."
We went downstairs and made a large lunch that we washed down with soda. I sat back in my chair, patted my stomach and belched. "Now what do you want to do?"
"Cathy's gone, Michelle is in digital la-la land and Mom and Dad are out shopping so we have the place to ourselves for a couple more hours." What do you think I want to do?
I stood and began cleaning up. Same thing here.
Been waiting all morning.
Be right there.
I'll get ready. Lock the door when you come up.
Zac left the kitchen and climbed the stairs while I finished. When I went into my room, I heard the shower running. Perfect. Just the place to start.
Dropping my clothes in a pile next to my desk, I went into the bathroom and climbed into the shower with Zac. He had his head under the running water and didn't know I'd joined him until I ran a handful of soap across his back.
He shook the water out of his hair and turned to face me. For the next ten minutes, we soaped each other with liquid soap and rinsed off. Then we turned the shower off, grabbed big bath towels and dried off taking turns scrubbing each other's hair and backs dry. We did a quick clean up in the bathroom and then went to put things away in our bedroom the way we always did after a shower.
When I picked up my pants, Tony's handcuffs fell out of the pocket. I said, "Hey, Zac, we forgot about these. You still have the keys?"
He pulled his pair of cuffs out of his pants, dug in a pocket and held up the ring of small keys. "Yep. Right here. Want to try them out?"
"Sure. Let's see what we can do. Better lock the door first, I forgot when I came in."
When he did and turned around to face me, I had a pair of open cuffs in my hands. "Put your wrists out." When he did, I clamped them on. "Is that too tight?"
Zac pulled on them, making the chain rattle. "No, not at all. I like the way they feel. Cold and hard. Take them off and try them with my hands behind my back."
For the next half hour, we locked and unlocked the cuffs on each other in as many combinations as we could think of. We even found that our legs were small enough that we could lock a pair on our ankles. As we tried them out on each other, we both got erections and although I wanted to do something with mine and maybe Zac's, we both ignored them and concentrated on locking each other up.
I was lying on my bed about half on my back, hands cuffed behind me with the second pair around my ankles when Zac reached down and stroked my penis.
"Does this feel any different?"
"Yeah, it does. I like not being able to stop you from doing anything that you want to me. Keep going."
You don't have to tell me twice.
I hope not. My turn next.
All right.
Too hard.
The tension growing between my legs rose quickly and I began to squirm and twist until Zac turned me on my back and sat on my chest facing my feet to hold me still, which put his bare butt almost in my face. I didn't mind because it gave me a close-up view of his sphincter, which I'd enjoyed seeing whenever he bent over cleaning our room. From about a foot away, the puckered opening was fascinating because it seemed to move when he did, something I didn't know before.
Lying there naked and helpless while Zac masturbated me, stroking faster and faster was driving me crazy and the tension soared until I had the best orgasm I'd ever had. I thrashed on my bed, bucking my hips and kicking both legs so violently, I almost threw Zac off.
Zac got off my chest and knelt beside me as I lay gasping on the bed. A concerned look was on his face. You all right? Did I hurt you?
Only if you don't do it again.
That good?
Best. Your turn.
He unlocked the cuffs and I rubbed my wrists and ankles where the metal bands had made red welts as I struggled.
Doesn't hurt.
I hope Michelle doesn't notice.
We won't come out 'til they're gone.
On the bed.
Zac stretched out with his hands behind his back to make it easy for me to lock the cuffs on. When I had his wrists and ankles bound, I had an idea. I went to my desk, found a piece of nylon cord in a drawer and tied one end of it to the chain on the cuffs on Zac's ankles. Then I folded his legs up and tied the other end to the chain of the cuffs on his wrists pulling him into a hogtie position. I grabbed his feet and wrists and pulled him down to the bed so he lay on his side making his erection stick out from his body.
I moved around to face him and put one hand on his shoulder, took his penis in the other hand and began stroking. In less than a minute, he was moaning and rolling his hips forward and back, trying to speed up the process. Seeing his reaction, I slowed down and pushed his shoulders down into the mattress. As much as I liked being handcuffed and masturbated by Zac, being in control of his naked body was even better and another erection popped up. Since both hands were occupied with Zac, I wished I had another hand to give myself orgasm.
His thoughts were totally jumbled and I couldn't make sense out of them other than his overwhelming pleasure at what I was doing and growing tension.
Finally, Zac had his orgasm and I had to clamp my hand over his mouth to muffle his screams. When he ran down, I took my hand away so he could catch his breath and while he did, I sat back to admire his body as he wriggled around on the bed. Watching his muscles slide under his skin was exciting and I looked forward to chaining him up again.
He relaxed on the bed and said, "Man, that was great. You can unlock me now."
Rubbing my chin, I said, "I don't know. Maybe I should leave you like this the rest of the day."
"What? You can't do that. This is getting uncomfortable."
"I know, but that can't be helped." I went to my pile of clothes and started to get dressed. "See you later."
"No, wait. What are you doing? Unlock these things."
"I will, but you have to do something for me."
"What? I'll do anything you want."
"Yeah, anything."
"In that case, you have to kiss me."
He struggled against the cuffs, but got nowhere and said, "No way. Boys don't kiss boys. That's disgusting."
I continued to dress. "Have it your way. I'll be back in a few hours."
I tried to tune my ESP on him, but didn't get anything coherent other than feeling his fear. That even made the situation more exciting to me and the longer I was in control of his body, the better. I hoped I hadn't gone too far, but then he said, "All right. I'll kiss you, but you have to take your clothes back off."
Dropping my clothes into a pile again, I stretched out on the bed and pressed my chest against his. "Go ahead. I'm waiting."
He tipped his head forward and kissed me on the cheek. "There, how's that?"
"Lousy. Give me a real kiss like they do in the movies or you stay here the rest of the afternoon."
After a long pause, he closed his eyes and after several tries, got his lips on mine. I leaned forward and firmly pushed my lips against his.
At first, I didn't like it, but as we held our lips together and moved them around to they fit together, I began to enjoy the overall sensation of our lips, bare skin and soft genitals all warmly touching. Now I knew why people kissed and hoped Zac and I would do more.
He jerked his head away and said, "That's enough. Unlock me."
I untied the cord and unlocked the cuffs, freeing him. He didn't say anything, but grabbed his clothes, dressed and went downstairs. The rest of the day, he ignored me and that night even though it was his turn to sleep in my bed, he crawled into his wearing pajamas, leaving me alone.
When he rolled over so his back was toward me and didn't say anything, I got up, turned off the light, took my pajamas off so I was naked, slid into bed beside him and pressed my body against his.
To his back I said, "I'm sorry Zac, I shouldn't have made you kiss me. You mad?"
Zac rolled over so his chest was against mine and on the second try, he found my lips and pressed his against mine.
Am I mad?
No. I'm not either.
And I kissed him back. For the next few minutes, we kissed, trying different techniques. What was strange is that even though Zac and I had always been able to understand each other through our ESP, it had never been so clear as right now and the more we kissed, the more I heard and felt his mounting emotions.
Zac pushed away, got up and took off his pajamas. He got back into bed, slid up against me, found my lips again and we kissed over and over.
We're boys.
So? I like it.
Me, too.
Why stop?
We've had sex.
So? I like it.
We're boys.
Doesn't matter to me.
But what if
No one will.
I promise.
Me, too.
What next?
Don't know.
Do you care?
Not really. It's you.
Okay. Let's look.
Go slow.
I love you Zac.
I know. I love you.
And I want to keep on.
Zac climbed on top of me so our bodies were together from lips to our toes. When he did, I could feel his erection settle into place beside mine like it belonged there and had been waiting until we figured out how to get them together.
I pressed my tongue against his lips, which startled him and made him wiggle his hips against mine sliding his penis against me.
You, too.
He rocked his hips against mine trapping our erections make them slide on the hairless skin. For some reason, we had started to sweat and the moisture lubricated our skin so we rocked our hips faster. We had orgasms at the same time and I could feel his penis surging against the front of my belly. As far as I can remember, we fell asleep that way.
Chapter Six Secret plans
In the morning, we got up and showered together, ignoring our erections and got ready to go to church with Mom, Dad and our sisters. I hated everything about church, especially since Zac and I had started seventh grade because now we had to attend something called ‘Christian Youth Confraternity’, which was for junior high kids in the church. I wasn’t sure what exactly that was and the only thing I knew for sure was that the boys met in one room and the girls in another.
The guy who taught the class was the brother of the minister and he led us in readings from the Bible and then we did what he called ‘interpersonal exercises,’ which were really lame. The last few minutes of every class, he’d talk to us about the things we shouldn’t be doing. He gave us the usual stuff about violent video games, drugs, alcohol and tobacco – although from the smell of him, he smoked. In particular, he talked a lot about resisting the urge to ‘play with ourselves.’ Every time he said that phrase, Zac and I had to use all of our will power to keep from laughing while we sent hysterical mental images and messages back and forth.
That night, Zac and I went to bed early so we could handcuff and masturbate each other. Zac went first and when he’d finished with me, he made me kiss him the way I made him kiss me.
Monday night, we told Mom and Dad we had a lot of homework so they would expect us to spend most of the night in our room.
We did do our homework for about an hour and when I saved the file I was working on for my English class I said, "There. I’m done with that stupid essay. How are you doing?"
"Almost done. Want to edit mine?"
"All right. We’d better. She doesn’t like us at all and our essays had better be as close to perfect as we can get them. Trade."
We moved over to sit in front of each other’s computer and corrected errors in our essays while we sent disgusting images of our English teacher back and forth. Finally, we finished and we saved our files and turned off our computers.
I dug around in my backpack and pulled out a paperback book that was a reading assignment for our history class. "I suppose we had better get started on this thing. I don’t mind reading, but I’d rather choose my own books. History is boring."
Zac got up from his chair, stretched and then started taking his clothes off. "Be with you in a minute." When he was naked, he went to his dresser, took out a pair of pajamas and pulled them on.
My bed or yours?
Mine. Just a minute. I dropped my clothes and found a pair of soccer shorts and tee shirt out then put them on. I took my book, climbed into bed, arranged the pillows and settled back to read.
Zac lay down beside me shoulder to shoulder, got comfortable and opened his book. After a few minutes of reading, Zac looked over at me and said, "Do you know that when you pull your knees up like that, the legs of your shorts flop open and I can see everything."
"Really? I didn’t know that. I’ll make sure I keep my legs down if anyone comes in. Why are you wearing pajamas?"
"Don’t know. Just comfortable I guess, also just in case someone decides to check on us."
"You’ve got a point. I wouldn’t want Catherine the Great or Michelle busting in if were laying here naked."
We both laughed, settled back to read and for almost an hour, the only sounds were pages flipping. Then there was a tap on the door.
Mom said, "Can I come in?"
Zac and I scooted apart and I straightened my legs on the bed to be sure everything was covered. I said, "Yeah, come on in."
She opened the door and pushed her head in. "Well, you two really are doing homework. That’s not something you normally do willingly." She came in and sat on the bed.
Zac shrugged. "We’re desperate. Our history teacher wants us to read this whole book before the end of the school year and there aren’t many weeks left. It’s not fair that he waited unit the end of the year to assign it."
"That happens sometimes and anyway it looks like you two are getting through it all right." We both nodded and she said, "Michelle showed me some of the pictures she took of you two modeling pajamas. They’re very good; every bit as good as the ones I see in advertisements. I think it’s very nice that you are willing to help her. She seems to have a real future in photography."
I shrugged and said, "We don’t really mind, but it would be better if Cathy wasn’t so pushy all the time."
Mom smiled. "Well, that’s the way she is and I don’t think you can change her now. She’ll be going on to college soon and I’m sure you’ll miss her."
It took all I could do to keep from laughing and I could hear Zac snorting as he held his in. I said, "I’ll have to wait and see if that happens."
Mom said, "You never know. By the way, your dad and I will be gone most of the weekend again. We’ll be back early Sunday afternoon and we’re putting Cathy in charge."
When Zac and I both groaned, Mom frowned. "Look you two, this trip is very important to your father and I expect you to cooperate. We don’t often ask you to do this, so don’t complain."
Zac and I glanced at each other.
Uh, oh. Storm warnings.
Yep. Better make nice.
You first.
Zac said, "All right, but tell her to quit bossing us around all the time."
"I’ll speak with her." She got up and headed for the door. "Enjoy your book and don’t stay up too late reading."
By nine o’clock, I’d had enough of history so I got up, dropped my tee shirt and shorts and slid under the blankets.
You about done?
Yeah. Just a minute.
Zac squirmed out of his pajamas without getting up and worked his way under the blankets next to me.
Great. Who turns out the light?
You’re closest.
You did this before.
As I got up all I got from Zac was chuckling. I flipped off the light, made sure the door was locked and leaped into bed. I piled into Zac, trapped his arms by wrapping him in a bear hug and planted a lip lock on him, forcing his head back into the pillows so he couldn’t escape.
He didn’t fight too hard so after a long time, I let him go and rolled off his chest.
Zac pretended to pant from having his oxygen cut off then said, "What was that for?"
"Just getting even for the light trick. You turn it out next time."
"I don’t think I will if that’s the punishment." He turned toward me, tangled his legs with mine and kissed me back.
In the dark, we held each other close, kissing and stroking each other’s bodies. The sensation of running my hand over his smooth skin, especially over his butt was wonderful. Our messages to each other were incoherent, but filled with warm, happy and comfortable feelings.
We had planned to masturbate each other, but we fell asleep that way and all week we’d crowd together in bed and explore each other, trying to find the places where we got the best sensations. Every so often, we would stroke each other’s penis if it was hard, but we never made it all the way to orgasm. Probably because what we were doing was so satisfying, we thought we would save up masturbating each other for the weekend and it would be better yet.
Cathy came into Michelle’s photography workroom holding up a DVD. "Here I have some video for you that we got at Tony’s last week. You’ll like this."
"Really? Did it turn out as well as you thought?"
"Yeah, reasonably so. Those spy cameras don’t have very good resolution. Take a look."
Michelle dropped the DVD into her computer and began playing clips from the video they had secretly recorded when they took pictures of Zac and Jake changing in Tony’s bedroom and when they were naked.
"These are great, but you’re right and the detail isn’t good. I’m sure I couldn’t take an image and blow it up very big."
Cathy laughed. "It won’t matter. You’ll be able to use a good camera this weekend. Everything is all set."
"Great. Can you get cameras in their room upstairs without them knowing?"
"No problem. We can get two pointed at their beds by putting them up as fake smoke detectors and CO2 detectors. Also, Tony’s ready to perform for you, too."
Michelle laughed and slapped her worktable at the same time. "They’ve been sleeping together for weeks and I want to see if they’re having sex. That would a great video."
Cathy nodded. "It would. It definitely would and Tony will make things really interesting Saturday."
"I can hardly wait."
Chapter Seven The boys' first video, but will they remember it?
As soon as our parents left on Friday evening after dinner, Catherine the Great took over and was her usual obnoxious self. She always seemed to think any responsibility our parents gave her made her queen of the world.
Holding u a sheet of paper, she said, "Okay, here's the weekend schedule. Michelle has photo shoots planned and you're going to help."
I said, "Aye, aye, sir. It sounds like you've become Captain Blye. Did you ever think that Zak and I might have other things to do besides follow Michelle around and hauling her camera equipment?"
She leered and said, "I'm sure you have other things to do, but you've got all night for that sort of stuff."
Zak said, "Oh, real funny. Is that all you think of?"
"No, but I'm sure that's all you two do. Anyway, Mom said you were going to help and then you can do anything you want tonight and tomorrow night. Michelle just needs you Saturday. I'll even buy lunch for you. Happy?"
"No, but I guess we'll do it if we have to."
"You have to." Changing the subject, she said, "Want to see the modeling pictures Michelle took of you?"
I looked at Zac and when he shrugged his shoulders, I said, "I suppose. Nothing better to do."
"Such enthusiasm. I'll ask Michelle to get them ready."
Zac and I followed her downstairs to the basement rec room and settled on two stools at the bar.
Michelle came out followed by Catherine the Great and set her laptop computer on the counter and turned it on. "Take a look at these pictures. I think they're as good as any of the professional modeling pictures in catalogs."
Catherine the Great said, "Which is a real surprise considering what you guys look like."
I said, "Don't you ever quit? If you don't think we're good models, Michelle can get someone else."
Zac said, "That's for sure. We didn't want to do it in the first place and I'm perfectly happy to let someone else do it."
I'm tired of her.
Me, too. Glad when she's gone.
Me, too.
Michelle said, "I'll show the best picture of each type of pajamas. You'll like them."
I didn't know what to expect, but I was surprised at how good they were. Mom was right and she had talent. She went through picture after picture for about a half hour and as she did, I became more confused.
Those us?
They are…and they aren't.
I said, "Those don't look like us very much. Did you change them?"
Catherine the Great set a large glass of soda in front of each of us and laughed.
Michelle said, "Sure. I changed the lighting to get rid of shadows and bring out the colors. I also went over your faces to take out blemishes and freckles and make them seem a little older. Don't you like them?"
"Yeah, I do. I'm not sure anyone who sees them will know it's us though."
Catherine the Great said, "So what? Michelle wasn't photographing you. She was taking pictures of the pajamas you were wearing. The store is selling clothes not pictures of you. Who'd want to buy them? Anyway, she made you better looking. Good thing, too I don't think she could sell any pictures of clothes you wore if she didn't."
I took a big drink of soda and said, "Ha, ha, ha. I was just curious and now I wished I hadn't asked."
Zac and I sipped our sodas for another fifteen minutes until Michelle was done with her presentation. We had to admit that it was well done and complimented her, then went over and down in front of the TV. I put in a DVD and we settle back to watch the movie.
After only a few minutes, I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open.
Be right there.
I turned off the TV and followed Zac up to our room. It was all I could do to go to the bathroom and then take my clothes off before I fell into bed. The bed bounced as Zac got in beside me and any thoughts of doing anything other than sleep disappeared as soon as I got between the sheets.
Michelle and Catherine were putting the computer equipment back in Michelle's work room when Michelle asked, "Is this going to work again?"
"Sure, especially since I gave them a larger dose than last time. I just called Tony and he's coming over with a ladder, tools and the cameras. You just have to get your digital video camera ready. Tony's going to perform and you're about to get the greatest video of our brothers you can imagine." Then she laughed.
Tony arrived a few minutes later and Michelle and Catherine gathered all their equipment while he carried the ladder and tools into the boys' room. Catherine snapped on the light as they went in.
Michelle said, "Won't that wake them up?"
"Not a chance. They're so out of it, even if they did wake up, they wouldn't remember it in the morning. Let's get this set up and get some pictures."
She opened a box that Tony had carried into the boys' room and held up two packages. "These will do the trick. They look exactly like the carbon dioxide and smoke detectors already in here, but these have wireless cameras inside. Now we can see what they really do when they lock the door. That's not hard to guess, but having a video of it will be useful later. The only downside is that you'll have to change the batteries fairly often. Tony, get those down and put these up. Move it! We don't have all night."
Tony said, "Yes, Mistress." He moved the ladder, took the disguised cameras and his tools and climbed toward the ceiling.
Catherine said, "While he's doing that, let's have a look at what we have to work with. Pull back the blankets. As horny as they are, I'll bet they're both naked again."
Michelle lifted the blanket and bed spread and pulled it to the foot of the bed exposing Zac and Jake. She said, "You're right. They are."
"Yeah, but too bad neither of them are hard. That won't make any difference though. Tony can take care of that. Go ahead and get your cameras set up and we'll start as soon as Tony's done."
Michelle bustled around the boys' bed getting her cameras in position so she had a clear shot of Jake and Zac. She said, "Okay Cathy, I'm ready."
"Good timing. Tony's done, too." She collected the packaging from the fake detectors and handed it to Tony. Take this, the ladder and your tools out into the hall and then we'll start."
Tony said, "Yes, Mistress."
When Tony came back into the room, Catherine said, "Let's get started. You know what to do."
Tony said, "Yes, Mistress, but I don't think this is right. They are too young."
"What you think isn't important. I thought that was made clear to you two days ago."
"It is, Mistress, but I am not gay and don't like the idea of doing this."
"It's settled and you'll do as you're told. Do we need to discuss it more?" She emphasized the word 'discuss'.
Tony's face turned white and he rolled his shoulders forward and looked down. "No, Mistress."
She snapped her fingers. "Darn, I was hoping for a little more entertainment. Take your shirt off."
"Yes, Mistress."
When Tony pulled his shirt over his head, Michelle said, "Wow! What happened to him? Who put all those marks on his back?"
Catherine laughed. "When I told him about the plan for tonight, he wanted to argue about it, which I wasn't going to put up with. He just needed some persuasion."
"What did you beat him with?"
"Oh, I didn't do that. His mother did."
"His mother?"
"Sure. She's been training him since he was very small. Most of the time he's cooperative, but there are occasions when he has to be reminded of his place."
"But I thought you said you persuaded him."
"I did. Tony, drop your pants and show Michelle what we discussed."
Tony turned around, unfastened his belt and jeans, bent over and slid his pants down to his knees. He wasn't wearing underwear and both of his butt cheeks were black and blue with large yellow spots where the bruises were healing.
Catherine pointed. "His mother did his back with a whip and I spanked him with a wooden paddle I have just for that purpose. I'm surprised he had enough nerve to complain more tonight. I guess we should have been more persuasive. I'll remember that next time."
Michelle shook her head while she stared at Tony's butt and back. "You guys sure play rough."
"Absolutely. At times, training a boy to be a good submissive requires it. As women, we have to assert ourselves to be sure that boys know who is in charge. Understand?"
"Are we going to do that to Jake and Zac?"
"If necessary, but I have something else in mind that is probably more effective for boys their age so maybe we won't have to. Although I'm sure some physical discipline may be needed." She slapped Tony on the butt making him yelp. "Pull your pants up and let's get started."
While Tony covered his butt, Michelle checked her cameras.
Catherine said, "Are you ready?" Michelle nodded. "Good. Tony, get to work." She pushed Zac over onto his back and grabbed Tony behind the head, pulling his head down to the bed. "Take your time so Michelle can get good angles and close-ups."
"Yes, Mistress."
Tony dropped to his knees on the floor beside Zac, took Zac's soft penis into his mouth and began to swirl his tongue around the head while stroking the short shaft and massaging his testicles in their scrotum. In less than a minute, Zac had an erection.
Catherine said, "Nothing to it. All boys are so horny at this age they can get hard with only a small amount of stimulation. Keep going, Tony and stay out of the way of Michelle."
In a few minutes, Zac squirmed on the bed, moaned and had an orgasm. Then he sighed and settled back into the pillows with a smile on his face.
"Well, Tony? What was it?"
"Mistress, it was dry, just as you thought."
"Good. As small as they are that means they have a year or maybe two before they get to puberty." She kicked Tony on the butt, making him wince. "Move to the other side of the bed so you can do Jake. I'll get him into position for you."
When Tony performed oral sex on Jake the same as he had Zac Catherine asked, "Well?"
"He was dry, too, Mistress."
Catherine laughed. "Figures since they're twins. All right. Tony, Clean up in here." She pulled the blankets up over Jake and Zac while Tony put his shirt on and Michelle took her cameras off the tripods and carried them out.
Going down the stairs Michelle said, "Is this going to work?"
"Absolutely. We'll have those two doing exactly what we tell them in a month or two just like I'm in charge of Tony."
"Okay, I'm looking forward to it, but you'll have to help me with what people want."
"I will. Don't worry about that." She laughed and hurried down the stairs. Come on, let's see what sort of vids you have of our two fag brothers."
The next morning when I woke up, I eased out of bed so I wouldn't wake Zac, used the bathroom and then crawled back into bed next to Zac. This woke him up and he made a trip to the bathroom, also. When he came back we snuggled together and got comfortable. I said, "I had the most amazing dream last night. I don't remember it, but it sure felt nice."
Zac said, "Yeah, I know what you mean. I had one, too. I'm going to get some more sleep. Maybe I can get another one."
"Good idea. I wonder what Michelle and Catherine the Great want us to do today."
Mumbling Zac said, "I dunno, and I don't care. It's Saturday." And fell asleep.
Chapter Eight The boys expand their horizons
It was spring and school would be out in a few weeks, which meant it was track season and the local newspapers wanted Michelle to get pictures of both the boy's and girl's teams in action. A large multi-school meet started at noon on Saturday, but Michelle dragged us out of bed before eight o'clock to help her get ready. Her early wakeup call was accompanied by The Boss loudly complaining about us sleeping in.
I put up with for a while and finally said, "Look, the thing doesn't start for three hours. We'll get there in plenty of time."
"Not at the rate you two move. I'm tired of having you two slow us down."
Zak said, "Hey, if you don't like it, have Tony carry everything. He seems to like it when you push him around."
"I don't push him around. He just knows his place; something you two could learn. It would be easier to have him do it than you two, but he's working on the studio in his basement today. The pajama pictures Michelle took were good, but she'll need more backgrounds to create a variety of scenes so Tony's making them."
I said, "Fine. Whatever. As long as Tony's doing the work, I don't care."
"Such enthusiasm. Let's get going. Michelle will show you what she wants you to carry."
The rest of the morning and into early afternoon, we carried equipment, held lights (Why does Michelle use a flash in the daytime?) and listened to The Boss complain. Finally, we were done and we loaded everything back into the van.
Michelle said, "That's it. I got some really good pictures, but I have to get some ready for the Sunday paper. As soon as we get back, I have to edit what I've got and select the best action pictures. Cathy could make sure everything gets put away where it belongs so I can work?"
Cathy smirked and pointed at Zak and I. "No problem. These guys can do it as long as someone supervises them."
I said, "I'm sure we can manage. After all, look at what happened on the Bounty to Captain Bly."
As soon we put Michelle's photography equipment away, Zak and I disappeared before Catherine the Great could think of something else for us to do. We grabbed our soccer gear and headed for the park to get into a pick-up game.
We came back just as Cathy finished making dinner and gave each other high-fives for out timing since we avoided any more work for Michelle. That night, while Michelle and Cathy holed up in her studio, we went through our usual routine except I stayed up later to finish watching a move on HBO, and then went up to our room.
Zak was already in bed and looked like he was mostly asleep so I dropped my clothes on the floor, dug the handcuffs out and got in beside him. When I slid next to him and pushed my bare chest against his back, he sighed. I reached over and pressed the cold metal of one pair of handcuffs against his chest. Without opening his eyes, he sighed again and put his hands behind his back so I could lock the cuffs on. Then he bent his knees so I could reach his ankles with the other pair. To finish immobilizing him, I took a piece of cord from a bedside table and tied the chains of the handcuffs together so Zak was in a hog-tie position lying on his side. Reaching over his hip, I found his erect penis and went to work. I started slowly, but increased the rate of my strokes until he was moaning and fighting against the cuffs as he approached his orgasm.
After I masturbated Zak, I let him catch him breath while I untied the cord that held him in a hog-tie position so he could stretch out on the bed. Then I turned him over facing me and made him kiss me, but since we'd been kissing each other for a while, I thought he seemed to be enjoying himself too much.
Instead of unlocking the handcuffs as I usually did, I got up, walked to his side of the bed and reached under the blankest so I could grab his ankles and swung them off the bed. When I did, he sat up on the edge. His penis almost disappeared between his hairless thighs.
He said, "What are you doing? Unlock me so I can do you."
I said, "Not right now. Since you like kissing me so much, I thought you should do something different if you want me to take the cuffs off."
"What's wrong with kissing?"
"Nothing, but we've been doing that for weeks and I think it's time for a change."
"You have to tell me what it is first."
"No, I don't. You said you'd do anything and you can't change your mind now. You want me to unlock you or not?"
"Yeah, but I didn't really mean anything."
You did.
I didn't.
I'd do it for you.
I suppose.
Do it then.
"All right. You're the one with the key and this is uncomfortable. What do you want me to do?"
"Kiss my butt. Both cheeks." I turned around and stuck my bare butt in Zak's face.
"Is that all? Your butt's just skin and it's probably cleaner than your mouth."
"So do it then."
Zak kissed each cheek and then said, "Unlock the cuffs. It's my turn."
"Thank me first."
"Thank you for letting me kiss your butt. Is that what you want me to say?"
"Yep." I unlocked his ankles first and then he stood up and turned around so I could reach the cuffs on his wrists.
He took the cuffs and keys and said, "On the bed face down and hands behind your back." After locking and tying me into the hogtie position, he masturbated me. Untying the cord between the cuffs on my ankles and wrists, he helped me sit up on the bed.
"Your turn. Kiss my butt."
His command didn't surprise me at all. Since I'd made him kiss mine, I was sure he'd make me do the same. He turned so his butt was near my face and bent over. When he did, I could see his puckered sphincter muscle in the valley between his cheeks. I tipped my head trying to get a better look at it, but he got impatient.
"Come on. Kiss 'em. We don't have all night."
One after the other I gave each butt cheek a loud smack and after each kiss, without him prompting me I said, "Thank you sir. Your butt is very nice."
I know.
I liked it.
Me, too.
Do anything?
"That's the deal. Unlock me now. I'm tired."
He freed me and we climbed into bed together. As soon as he did, I moved over and pressed my chest against him. Running my hand up his back to his head, I pulled his face to me and kissed him.
Kissing me back, he gave off waves of pleasure and contentment. I concentrated on sending him the same feelings as I pressed our lips together tighter.
Sunday morning, Cathy routed us out of bed at seven o'clock, pounding on our door and yelling, "Come on you two. We're going to church and you have work to do."
I got up, quick pulled on a tee shirt and shorts and jerked the door open just as Katherine the Great was about to pound on it again. "What are you talking about? We never go to church."
"We are today. Michelle wants to get candid shots of people going into and coming out of different churches to make a photo essay she wants to sell to a magazine."
"That's dumb."
"No one asked for your opinion. Get dressed. Get Zak up and I'll meet you in the basement."
"Yeah, yeah whatever."
"Get going and don't jump back into bed with Zak. You can wait 'til tonight to play with each other."
Zak heard our conversation and yelled, "Why don't you lay off? You're always talking about sex. Aren't you getting anything from Tony?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" She laughed again. "Come to think of it, you probably wouldn't know even if I told you. Now get going." She shoved me back into our room and pulled the door closed.
Michelle had us load her equipment into our minivan while Tony drove. Cathy had a list of times when church services began and ended and we rushed from church to church all over town. At each, Michelle set up her equipment in a spot that wouldn't be obvious to people coming out and milling around in front of the church and took pictures. Sometimes, she'd use a telephoto lens when she couldn't find a convenient hiding space. She said in order to get candid shots, the people couldn't know she was taking pictures.
Cathy and Michelle dragged us around until after one o'clock. By that time, Zak and I were complaining loudly since we had missed breakfast and we couldn't make them stop for lunch because they had to stay on schedule to get all the churches. Finally, we were done and Zak and I made a major assault on the refrigerator when we got home.
The rest of the afternoon, I did what I usually did on Sunday afternoon, which was as little as possible. Even though I wasn't doing anything important, I was restless and had a hard time focusing on anything. No matter what I did, I kept getting distracted because I was thinking about things I could make Zak do when I had him handcuffed next time. I came up with a lot of things, but I was careful not to get carried away. I enjoyed our masturbation sessions and I didn't want to do anything that would make Zak want to quit. Also, I knew whatever I did to him, he would turn around and do it to me so I had to be sure I'd like what my imagination produced.
Mom and Dad came home in the middle of the afternoon and they organized a big steak cookout on the grill to make up for them being gone most of the weekend again. I was stuffed and after dinner, I tried to watch television, but I still couldn't concentrate so I told Mom and Dad I was going upstairs to work on my homework.
I went to our room, sat at my desk and got my books out. I had less than an hour of work to do filling out some no-brainer worksheets for English and social studies, which fortunately didn't require any serious concentration. When I was done, I surfed the web and watched a bunch of YouTube videos.
Zak came into our room after nine o'clock and messed around for a while. Since my back was to him and I was watching videos, I didn't pay much attention to what he was doing. I felt something on my shoulder and when I looked, Zak was dangling an open handcuff from his hand.
He said, "You're first."
I stood. "Okay. Lock the door."
Zak locked our bedroom door while I undressed. By the time I was naked, I had an erection in anticipation of what we were going to do and what I would do to Zak when it was my turn. Zak walked over to me with the both handcuffs open and ready to lock onto my wrists and ankles.
Putting my hands behind my back I said, "You have to be naked, too."
Zak grinned and said, "I will when I need to be. Turn around."
When I did, he locked the handcuffs around my wrists and then on my ankles. My hands behind my back made my hips roll forward so my erection stood out in front of me.
As I watched, Zak slowly undressed and as he dropped his jeans, I could see he had an erection, too. When he pushed his underwear down, his hard penis flipped up and stood out from his body at about a forty-five degree angle.
He put his hands on my shoulders and pressed down so I sat on the edge of the bed. Turning around, he pushed his bare butt into my face and said, "Kiss my butt and thank me."
"Why? You haven't done anything yet."
"So? It's my turn and you'll have to do what I say. That's what we agreed on."
Well, it was obvious that I wasn't the only one thinking about what I could do to my brother when I was in control. I was a little nervous about what he was going to do, but at the same time I was excited and curious. I kissed his bare butt and when he demanded that I do it again I repeated my kisses, pressing my lips against his skin as hard as I could and making a loud smacking sound. I didn't mind the second time because I could get a look at his sphincter each time I did.
He turned to face me. "That was good. Now kiss the end of my penis." Then he thrust his hips forward so his penis almost jabbed me in the nose.
No way.
Way. You said anything.
You want to. Admit it.
I didn't send him a message back because he was right. I did want to kiss his erection and he knew it. I'd seen guys on the internet doing that and thought I'd like to try it sometime, but Zak had caught me by surprise so I resisted.
Won't tell?
To me?
The same?
I want to know, too.
Very slowly, I leaned forward staring at the end of his erection and said, "Thank you." Then I touched my lips to the end of his penis. As soon as I felt the blunt end of his penis on my lips, I thought that was enough of a kiss and started to pull my head back. Zak grabbed the back of my head with both hands and pulled it forward. I wasn't expecting that so when Zak's penis hit my lips again, it rammed between my lips and teeth and so deep into my mouth that my lips were forced against the hairless skin surrounding his genitals. I could even feel his scrotum flop against my chin.