PZA Boy Stories


Tony's Friend


A distinguished teacher makes the 'mistake' of rescuing a young boy from a shark and find his life subsequently complicated in ways he could never have imagined. Is this what he wants? Or should he flee posthaste?
Publ. Oct 2015
Finished 4,000 words (8 pages)


Daniel O'Connor, a teacher; Anthony (Tony), Stephen and Arthur, (12yo); Susanna Warner, Tony's Mother

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/love
Mb bbcons oral


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at maiocxx(at)yahoo(dot)com or through this feedback form with Maiocxx - Tony's Friend in the subject line..


I had not been to the Food Hall at Harrods for some years 3; a person in my profession can rarely afford the delicacies purveyed there. But, that is where he had instructed me to meet him. What kind of man is it who rushes hither at the command of a young boy?

A besotted one, that's what!

For, completely wrapped in confusion and thoroughly disregarding a long and virtuous career, I had fallen madly in love with this angel. 'How had I allowed this to happen?' you ask.

On holiday in Burnham-on-Sea, I had been drawn to him by a near catastrophe 3; perhaps I should have turned about and run from the scene 3; but I did not.

As I strolled along the strand, I noticed several bathers frolicking in the cool 3; actually frigid 3; waters. Thank you, I'm not partial to ice-water baths, so I was content to merely enjoy the sea-breeze and get my exercise on the sand, where I could walk almost in a trance.

My reverie was suddenly broken by a terrified scream, "IT'S A SHARK! HELP ME! HE'S GOING TO EAT ME!" coming from a lad some distance out in the gently lapping surf.

His mother stood at water's edge frozen in horror. Heedless of the salt-water damage to boots or trousers, I dashed to his rescue. Delivering a sharp blow to the great fish's snout with my walking stick and driving it off, I snatched the boy up and attempted to restore him to his mother's arms.

But the little fellow clung to me, sobbing hysterically. And I felt a strange new feeling coursing through my veins.

I had never married, never had children of my own 3; not even nephews and nieces. I love children 3; perhaps more than is healthy. But I have a long and distinguished career as a teacher where my unswerving principal has been 'look and enjoy, but do not touch. Never, never touch'!

And here I was with a darling boy in my arms.

Finally extracting myself from his death grip, I stood him on his feet and handed him off to his mum. "Oh, thank you! Thank you sir!" she bawled as the lad, once more, hugged me, this time about my waist. "You were frightfully brave to go after him."

"Not at all, my lady," I replied. "I believe there is a bylaw against feeding the fish," I added trying to diffuse the situation a bit.

"But look," she said. "You've ruined your shoes and trousers! Let me offer you something in recompense."

"Certainly not," I replied. "Any other man would have done the same."

"Well, at least let me offer you dinner," she declared. "I'm Susanna Warner and this is my son, Tony. We're at 'The Fairwinds'. They have an excellent buffet. Shall we say six o'clock?" And, with that she firmly pulled her reluctant child away from me and the two of them marched up the dune to the ring road.

I stood there with my mouth open. She had not even waited for my acceptance! What kind of hold did she have on me? If not her, the boy? He had utterly entranced me! I really had not wanted to let go of him. Why do I suddenly feel this way? I must be losing my marbles!

Mrs. Warner 3; all right, Susanna 3; was correct about the Fairwinds buffet. It was quite good 3; I suppose 3; but my attention was elsewhere. On a twelve-year-old boy sitting across from me. Every time I looked in that direction, he flashed me a dazzling smile and my heart gave a lurch.

He was beautiful!!!!!!

His greeting before we sat down had almost undone me. Running to me, he once again, enveloped me in his hug. "Thank you for saving me! You were ever so brave this afternoon and I should like very much to have you be my friend!"

I simply was speechless! As my colleagues will tell you, that is an unusual occurrence 3; almost unheard of. But somehow I managed to stammer something innocuous and join him and his mother at the table.

Dinner with Susanna and Tony was quite pleasant. Don't ask me what I had to eat 3; my attention was on the vision of loveliness across from me 3; no, not Susanna, although she was a quite comely woman.

"Tony's father", she told me, "is in the far east working to earn lots of money, but what her son needs most just now is a strong male influence in his life." (I should have picked up on that, but I did not.) "He's in the choir at St. Paul's, you know." (No, I didn't know.) "They have a marvelous program, but it's not the same as having a man he can look up to as a close friend." As it turned out, Tony had already decided who was to be that close friend.

"Would you be free next Saturday?" she went on. "I know it's bit much to ask, but he has a part-day off from school and 3;"

"Would you, Sir? Would you please be with me? Mum has to work?"

I was about to beg off, but he flashed me one of his dazzling smiles again and my brain turned to complete mush.

So, here I am waiting for my 'date' to appear.

I did not have long to wait as shortly three boys dashed into the hall and made a bee-line for me.

"You're here, Daniel!" he greeted me with a hug. "Thank you for agreeing to be with me today. These are my chums, Steven and Arthur and they came along, too. I hope you don't mind. Mum said I could treat us all to lunch."

I'm sure I mumbled something, but enthusiastic hugs from his two companions soon set the atmosphere for the day. I really would like to have had Tony to myself, but one must make certain allowances. Besides, the other two lads were quite attractive also.

The boys were keen to visit the Electronics Department where I received a quite thorough education on the merits and demerits of all the latest computer games.

For our lunch, nothing else would do except the Dickens Pub on London Street near the Paddington Underground. Steven had been there with his uncle one time and assured us it was 'just smashing'. Yes, it's a bit touristy, but it was a quite fun watching three walking appetites stuff themselves with 'bangers and mash' and 'bubble and squeak'. An ice as we strolled along The Embankment would have to suffice for desert.

But far too soon, it was time to return my charges to St. Paul's in time for Evensong.

I was introduced to Leo Martin, the Choir Director as the knight-in-shining armor who had saved Tony from the sharks. "We're certainly glad you did," Martin told me. "Young Warner is one of our premier soloists,"

It had been quite a few years since I had set foot in a church service, but the music of the squad of angels in the choir, took me back to my own boyhood in Dublin and my brief experience as a choir-boy.

I floated back to my hotel with my head full of melodies and angel voices.

Several weeks went by before I saw my heart's desire again. Tony would have a full week-end off and his mother 3; with some help from her whelp 3; again convinced me to spend it with him. It didn't take much convincing.

We spent a lovely day playing tourist 3; even watched the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham. Dinner? Where else 3; Dickens Pub. I almost forgot to inquire what time I had to have him back at St. Paul's for the night.

He looked at me in astonishment. "Mum said I could spend the night with you."


"She said you are a nice man and would take good care of me."

How could Susanna Warner be certain I was not going to ravish her son? Maybe she was wrong. Maybe I would take every advantage of him.

No, she had it right.

"Of course, if you'd rather not," he asked crestfallen.

"No, no!" I told him, "it will be quite all right." How was I going to arrange that?

Whenever I'm in London, I stay at the Charles Dickens in Lancaster Gate. It's small and quiet and the management has gotten to know me over the years. I quickly rang them up to try to arrange for a double room instead of my usual single, but was met with a problem. "Our doubles are all booked. But I could let you have a single with a queen-size, if that would suffice." Was it getting hotter out?

Safely in our room 3; I had told the manager my nephew had arrived quite suddenly 3; we began to get ready for bed. It was then I suddenly noticed he had no grip with him.

"Where are your pajamas?" I demanded.

He looked at me sheepishly, "I didn't bring any? Guess I'll just have to sleep in my birthday suit." The temperature was definitely rising.

I generally sleep in my boxers. But, never before with a naked twelve-year-old sharing the bed with me. He was already in bed, when I slid in beside him. Was he going to? What was I to do if he did? Should I? What if he? It wasn't long until I found out the answers to those questions.

"Do you like me, Daniel?"

Choke, "Yes"

"How much do you like me?

Choke, "A lot!"

He suddenly rolled over and threw his body across mine. "I love you Daniel. When you rescued me and I felt your strong arms about me, I wanted you to never let me go. I could tell you loved me. But I don't know why? I never felt that way before."

"Tony, I love you more than I have ever loved another person. I don't know why, either; I just do." I put my arms about that delicious body and hugged him tight against me. His naked skin was warm and smooth and very erotic. There! So much for my life of probity and observation! "Touch me Daniel, please!"


"Please, Daniel. I want to feel your hands on my body."

"But I can't!"


"Because it 3;"

"Please, now!" he commanded.

Thoroughly beaten, I sat partly up, leaning against the pillows and turned him so he was on his back, cradled in my lap. As I ran my hands over his smooth chest and tweaked his little nipples, he purred like a giant tomcat.

After a bit he giggle and said, "How about down here?" And he grasped my hand and moved it down to his quite adequate package. His prick was already standing tall 3; he was circumcised 3; and it throbbed with every beat of his heart as I began to stroke it with one hand and roll his balls with my other hand.

What am I doing? Have I lost my mind completely? Yes I had and it was WONDERFUL!

"May I touch you, Daniel? I promise, I know how. My chums and I at school do it every night. Choirmaster says it's good for boys our age to do it."

Well, after all, why not? Now, wait a minute! This has gone too far, much too far! But all I could get out was a strangled snort.

Taking this as an invitation, Tony soon had me naked and was happily handling me while I continued my ministrations 3; or was it abuse 3; of him. Somewhere along the line we both cummed 3; at least I think I did. And I think he did 3; several times.

But, finally, he kissed me, snuggled up against me, and was asleep. My state of mind was so addled, it never occurred to me to wonder what had happened to my ejaculate. And, I too, was soon out like the proverbial light.

The next thing I knew it was morning 3; the sun was streaming in the skylight. A body was stretched out atop mine as I lay supine. A set of soft lips was wrapped about my prick and a smaller one was stabbing me in the face. After a moment's hesitation, I surrendered to the inevitable and just opened my mouth.

The rest of our time together was neatly divided into daytime fun out-of-doors and nighttime fun indoors. By the time I returned him to the arms of his house-master on Sunday, we had thoroughly explored every bit of each other. He, as it turned out, was an expert in lovemaking and my repertoire had been greatly enhanced. He had obviously had some very good instruction from the senior choristers. Was that a listed subject in the school brochure?

About a week later, I had a call from Susanna, "Tony is to be installed as a chorister next Wednesday and, of course, he wants you to be there. His friend, Steven, is to be installed, too. It's quite an honor for both of them as young as they are. I know it is in the middle of the week, but could you?"

I had coming some holiday time from my school, so of course I would be there and I told her so. "Oh he'll be so pleased!" she replied.

So Wednesday evening I found myself seated beside her and next to Steven's parents.

The two boys, resplendent in their robes and ruffs, began to march down the aisle while the rest of the choir sang their 'Glorias'. As they passed us, Tony gave us a smile that was enough to light up the entire cathedral. They halted just before the altar and went to their knees.

The Precentor, Canon Hampel, stepped to their right side and announced to the Very Reverend Dr David Ison, "Mr. Dean, may I present to you Anthony Robert Warner and Steven Pollard McAlester to be admitted choristers of this cathedral church."

The Dean nodded and Canon Hampel stepped back. "Anthony Robert Warner," the Dean asked Tony, "will you become a chorister of this cathedral church? Will you study diligently and labor unceasingly to glorify God with the gift of music?"

"Yes, Pastor!" Tony answered without hesitation.

And then it was Steven's turn. "Steven Pollard McAlester," the Dean asked him, "will you become a chorister of this cathedral church? Will you study diligently and labor unceasingly to glorify God with the gift of music?"

"Yes, Pastor!" the boy answered without hesitation.

"Then I bid you both rise and I declare you are choristers of this cathedral church. May God grant you the wisdom to learn and the will to persevere in the tasks set before you."

"Amen," they answered in unison.

Reaching into his lectern, the Dean retrieved two gold medallions on scarlet ribbons which he placed about their necks, and ushered them to their places in the choir.

Leo nodded to the organist who began the introduction to the duet the new choristers would sing.

"Love One Another with a pure heart, fervently."

Tony's clear, bell-like soprano floated out over the congregation.

"See that ye love one another." Steven's mellow alto answered.

I sat there completely entranced 3; God's Holy Angels were singing. Long after they had finished, I sat there wrapped in the beauty and the splendor of what I had heard.

Finally, I was aware of Susanna shaking my shoulder, "Daniel, come. The service is over," and she led me to the little coffee shop on the lower level. "Weren't they beautiful?" she asked as she set a mug of coffee in front of me.

"Susanna," I replied, "I have seen a glimpse of Heaven. Both of them were magnificent, but Tony took my breath away."

"Yes," she chuckled, "several times I had to remind you to breathe."

We both sat there for a bit, but then she said, "Daniel, I can't begin to tell you how much I have appreciated your interest in Tony. You are caring for him like his father should, but never will. But more than that, you are his friend 3; his best friend. Being with him on these weekends he is free, has meant everything to him. He needs a man in his life just now and I am so grateful that he chose you 3; yes, he chose you from the very first moment he was in your arms in the surf. A mother can tell these things."

I was embarrassed and just sort of stammered, "Well, I certainly have enjoyed our time together."

But her next statement almost caused me a heart attack. "Daniel. I know about the sex."

Seeing the look of abject horror her words had caused, she reached across the table and took my shaking hands. "Daniel, you are a kind and loving man and I know that you would never hurt him. He's never told me what it is you do together, just that you enjoy each other. I would much rather he learn about life from you than from one of those awful priests whose only goal in life is to get into his pants."

I stared, open-mouthed at her. Then managed to croak, "Susanna, I don't know what to say!"

"Then don't," she replied, squeezing my hands. "You have made him very happy; just keep on making him happy. I know you will be kind and gentle with him. Teach him the good things about sex and how to avoid the bad things. How could any mother ask for anything more?"

My God! Not only did she approve of what Tony and I had shared, she wanted us to continue! I didn't think it advisable to tell her that he was often the teacher and I was his eager student.

I suddenly became award she was speaking to me.

"Daniel, he as a two day break this weekend and, of course, he wants to spend it with you. But he also wants to bring two friends along. I know that's probably an imposition, but 3;."

"Susanna, I would be quite happy to have him and his friends this weekend," I assured her. Truthfully, I wasn't sure I could last a weekend with the three of them. I was rather sure the other two were just as much stud-muffins as he was. I'm not as young as I once was, you know.


I picked the three of them up at the school late Friday afternoon, promising to have them back in time for 'Evensong' on Sunday. I had met both Steven and Arthur and they were all full of fun and ready to go.

Dinner? Yes, the Dickens Inn. I vowed to expand their dining experience before the weekend was out. After they had stuffed themselves silly, I made them walk it off a bit rather than taking the Bakerloo and Central to my favorite hotel in Lancaster Gate as Tony and I had usually done.

I had made arrangements for a room with two queen-sized beds. "Your nephew coming again?" the manager smirked.

"Yes and he's bringing two friends," I replied. He and I had been friends for years and I knew I could trust him.

Arthur's comment when he saw the room was, "Cool! But why two beds?" That set them all to giggling.

They emerged from the bathroom freshly scrubbed and completely naked, sporting quite adequate erections. Evidently some fore-play had taken place in the shower. Within seconds, they had stripped me, pulled me into one of the beds and doused the light.

If you have never been in bed with three naked and horny preteens, you have missed one of life's seminal experiences. I don't know how many times or by whom I was sucked or whom I sucked in return. At least once I knew it was Steven as I could feel the beginning of his brush; the other two had none, yet.

At last, four sets of balls had yielded up their contents and we just lay there exhausted 3; well, at least I was exhausted 3; and slept in a tangle of arms, legs and bodies.

Saturday morning, I booked a launch to take us from St Katherine Docks, near the Tower, to the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. The boys enthusiastically waved to all the other traffic on the river and took turns guiding the launch under the benevolent supervision of the boatman.

At the Observatory, we had a private, guided tour courtesy of a former colleague of mine who had retired. They were thrilled with all the gadgetry, especially the clock from which all the world's timepieces were set.

After lunch in the town at a place called 'The Inside', we took the Underground back to the city and checked out the Railroad Museum at St. Pancras.

Dinner was at my favorite fish-and-chips near Marble Arch, and, that night, we just slept in a pile of bodies 3; much like young puppies.

They didn't have to be back at St. Paul's 'til late afternoon, so Sunday morning I herded them across the Westminster Bridge to the 'London Eye'. Arthur, as it turned out, was deathly afraid of heights and, I'm afraid, spent most of the ride rigid and staring straight ahead. It took most of the rest of the day until he was completely normal again. I couldn't very well deliver a zombie back to their school, could I?


For most of two years, I continued to see Tony on at least one weekend a month 3; often his mother joined us for dinner 3; and I marveled at how he was growing.

But, one Saturday, he met me with an odd expression on his face 3; a mixture of sadness and anticipation. I had known he might, some day, outgrow his attraction to me, but it wasn't that at all.

"Daniel," he told me with tears starting, "Mom and I are moving to Carlisle. She and Leo are going to be married and he's taken the position of choirmaster there and I'm to be 'head boy'."

"But we can still be friends, right?" he added hastily. "It's not much further to Carlisle, is it?"

I felt a moment of coldness. Was this the end of our romp?

But then I told him, "Tony, I will always be your friend. We may not see each other as often, but I'll visit when I can."

Of course, I had to be there for the wedding 3; Tony and I would both be groomsmen. And he stayed with me while Leo and his mother were on honeymoon. That was a Saturnalia week, I assure you.

But, despite my promise, as he grew older, we slowly grew apart and my visits became less frequent 3; finally stopping altogether.

Life moved on and I returned to my profession and my previous policy of 'look but don't touch'. But I never again had another boy 3; another friend like Tony.

But I look back nostalgically on the time we spent together as being the happiest moments of my life.

The end

Send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Maiocxx - Tony's Friend in the subject line.

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