DirtFSL Boys |
SummaryMr. Banyon gets saddled with a 10 year old son, Henry, whom he didn't even knew existed until several months before. But instead of a liability, little Henry would prove a great asset.
Publ. Feb. 2012
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CharactersMr. Banyon (30s) wanting a membership in the 'Boy Hotel'Henry Banyon (10 yo) soon to become an FSL boy Dr. Tebu (40s) residing physician at the 'Boy Hotel' Dr. Fark (40s) assistant physician at the 'Boy Hotel' Category & Story codesBoy-Slave storyMb – Slave non-cons oral anal rim – body-modification bond interr (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at through this feedback form with Dirt - FSL Boys in the subject line. |
Mr. Banyon was quite excited. Though he was mildly annoyed when his 10 year old son started complaining again: "But Dad, what're we doin' here? I don't see any other kids to play with." 'Here' was a small private resort on a privately owned island in the Caribbean. A very special resort. They had just been flown in by the resort's private jet from Miami. They had been driven to the resort from the small nearby airfield and met by the concierge after having been led inside the main entrance. Mr. Banyon looked down at his cute blond haired boy thinking that he would certainly know very soon just what he was doing here. He smiled in wicked anticipation. The concierge greeted them both effusively. "Ah, Mr. Banyon, so glad to finally meet you." The concierge shook hands but his eyes were more on the infinitely cute little boy whose hand was being held tightly by his father. "And this must be little Henry. Hi, Henry." Henry, quite leery of the big stranger, and usually sky and reticent to begin with, partly hid behind his father. The concierge was not concerned by the boy's lack of response, only his stunning looks and to him, a life long boy lover, his stunningly sexy body. Little Henry was the quintessential blond beauty of a boy. His beep blue eyes, blond hair, fair and flawless skin only highlighted his beautiful features. His body, not well hidden by short shorts and a tight polo, also hinted at a beautiful trim and well proportioned boy body underneath. He was quite familiar with the boy's statistics which had been sent a while back by the boy's father. Henry Banyon, 4 feet 5 inches [1.35 m] tall, 63 pounds [26 kg], and medium boned, with almost classical Scandinavian features. Yes indeed. This boy definitely seemed to be exactly as advertised. Of course they would soon see every naked inch of the boy in just a few minutes. Mr. Banyon made small talk with the concierge as they were escorted into a small elevator and brought to one of the basement floors. He would soon sign all necessary papers, and become a life time member of this unique resort. His excitement was almost electric. Finally his life long fantasy would come true. They were escorted into a well appointed office of the resort's financial director. With him in that room was one of the owners who also would be a signatory to the necessary documents. "Well, Mr. Banyon," the financial officer stated after introductions were made, "we may as well complete our business. All the paperwork is completed and ready to sign as soon as we can assess the value of part of your payment." All eyes were on the cute boy as Mr. Banyon propelled the somewhat reluctant boy in front of him. The boy had been momentarily distracted by the strange setting and the opulent office. And he had pulled away from his father to inspect a topo representation of the island which had captured his curiosity while his father conducted his business. He gave only passing interest to a long building which had been labeled "Experimental Labs," but his attention was brought back to wondering just what they were doing in such a place when his dad, almost peremptorily called him over. "Boy, I've gone through a lot of trouble. You will be attentive." About this time two security personnel came into the room followed by a Dr. Tebu, the resort's main medical practitioner, and the one who would soon take charge of the totally innocent and oblivious boy. It was just several months ago when Mr. Banyon had wondered, with the ill-humor of one forced out of a contented existence, just what he'd do with a 10 year old boy when he discovered that he suddenly had full custody of little Henry. The boy had been a ward of the state for a number of years until it was discovered that he indeed did have a biological father still alive, and 'til about 4 months ago, the father was totally unaware of the boy's existence. The boy, after years of having no one to really care for him, was delighted to know of the existence of his father, even if he knew nothing about him. But now, to Mr. Banyon, that very boy was worth a fortune. And more importantly would allow him to obtain a life membership to 'Boy Hotel.' Though a relatively recent facility, it was located on a private island in the Caribbean which had absolutely no laws concerning men having sex with boys. Dr. Tebu now addressed Mr. Banyon, just as the resort's part owner was ready to sign all the necessary documents. "Mr. Banyon. Of course we need to inspect the goods. If you would be so kind as to have your boy shed his clothes." The boy in question quickly looked at the doctor and then his father in a look of pure perplexity. "Dad, what's happening?" He started getting a bit apprehensive as all eyes seemed to be directed at him. "Henry. These gentlemen need to see you totally naked. You will undress now." The boy was now totally scared out of his wits. "But what's happening Dad? In front of all these strangers?" "Yes boy. Now. If you don't, you know exactly what will happen." The boy did have some idea of what could happen if he got his new Dad mad. He'd been punished several times with a small strap that he surely didn't want to feel again anytime again. And the very last time, he suddenly remembered, happened when his Dad had given him the exact same command. To strip totally naked – but that time was only for a camera. No one else was present. But little Henry was now frozen with apprehension and not a little stark fear. He got as far as putting his hands on his belt, but he simply could not make his hands cooperate further with all those strangers looking at him so intently. The struggling and crying boy was no match for the two security personnel who proceeded to strip the boy, pretty well destroying his clothes in the process. Of course, the boy will never again have any need for clothing. He was commanded to turn around showing his boy parts to the room of strange men. He screamed when his hands were forcibly removed from in front of his small little boy genitals. Henry's protestations continued as his body was intimately inspected. Finally, as his energy level was totally incapable of producing any more resistance, he finally and very woodenly allowed the intimate touching to continue, amidst his quiet sobbing, and occasional attempt to get his Dad to intervene. His naked body was then, in spite of all his renewed strenuous efforts, strapped down onto the gurney limb by limb. The boy suddenly stopped struggling as he soon discovered that all those straps made any movement almost totally impossible. In absolute desperation, and simply not capable of believing that his Dad would abandon him, Henry pleaded: "Dad. Please. Stop them. Help me." "Boy. Stop fighting this. I have sold you to these gentlemen. You will be trained to be used for sex. I know you understand what I am saying. Today, boys your age are not unaware that some men like to have sex with cute young boys." Henry had in fact, in a moment of curiosity at the urging of a much older school friend, searched some of the proffered Internet sites dedicated to just such practices. Henry was totally stunned to see that the older boy was indeed right. He was also quite confused when he discovered that the idea of being forcibly molested by some older man – of course one relatively young and good looking – held a strange kind of allure which he could not explicitly define. But vague imaginings were so vastly different from the real thing. Especially when coupled with his father so flatly saying that he'd actually been sold. (Wasn't that even illegal?) The sobbing boy managed to croak out: "Please. I don't want to be a slave. Besides. I'm too little to do sex stuff." The men present scoffed at the boy's naiveté. The father in question only smiled. "Don't worry kid, the people here are quite good at what they do. A year from now you will want nothing else but to have sex with every man that wants to use you." Henry was totally confidant that they could never make him do things he would certainly never agree to, let alone actually make him WANT to do them. But as the men started to manhandle him again he started worrying since they could certainly do things to his small body that he had no way to stop. Dr. Tebu then urged the boy's father to accompany them to the operating theater where there would be the very first start in the long complicated procedures in turning little Henry, the boy, into little Henry the sex toy. They quickly wheeled the barely struggling but heavily trembling boy into the operating portion of the small clinic. The doctor loved all aspects and steps of the procedures developed here, but he was especially excited about this very first step, not always carried out, but thrilling when done. When the boy first starts to understand that life as he knew it up to then could never again be retrieved. There was no going back. This very first step was not really needed at this time but it gave the doctor great satisfaction when he looked a new boy in the eye and told him that resistance was totally futile. As they locked the gurney in place, the still crying boy kept up his weakened pleas. The very first thing was to get the boy's undivided attention and total submission. The doctor calmly walked up to the gurney and touched the boy's little penis with a small rod. The effect was electrifying. Both literally and figuratively. When the boy could finally draw air back into his momentarily paralyzed lungs he screamed for all he was worth. When he was finally finished with his scream and was again capable of coherent speech, through abundant tears he spoke with a hoarse voice: "Why did you do that? Dad, please help me." The doctor placed his hands aside the boy's head and held it firmly making the boy look into his own eyes. "Now boy, are you going to do as we say?" "Please don't hurt me. Please let me go." "Boy, you did not answer my question." The doctor now touched the rod to the boy's tiny scrotum and touched the control for a full second. Of course this time it took several minutes before the thoroughly shaken and bewildered boy could speak coherently or even take note of what was being spoken to him. Again the doctor took hold of the boy's head and addressed him: "Boy, I will ask once more." This time the thoroughly stunned and trembling boy paid attention. "Boy, are you now going to do exactly as we say?" "Please 3;" Again another jolt to the boy's testicles. Again, another heart rending wail. Again the doctor again took the boy's head in his hands. "Boy, that thing has enough charge for at least ten more jolts. Answer my question and say nothing else. Are you going to do as we say?" The thoroughly subdued and broken boy, midst copious tears finally realized that he could only do as he was told. He couldn't take any more of those jolts. For some reason his world had gone totally out of control. (At least his control). A barely audible croak came from the boy's mouth: "Uh huh." "Good. Boy, you are to say absolutely nothing. In fact there is nothing that you can say which will change anything. Your father has sold you to us and we will be making you into a sex toy. Do you know what a sex toy is kid?" Henry was not totally naïve. He well know that some men molested boys. Especially cute ones. And everyone told Henry that he was one of the cutest around. He started crying harder as he realized just what this mean man was saying. And even though little Henry didn't understand yet all that being a sex toy meant, he knew enough. He tried to search out his father's face. How could his own father be doing this to him? But from where he lay all strapped down he could not move his head enough. "Boy, I'm waiting for your answer and I'm not very patient." In a panic the boy finally yelled out. "NO! No, 3;I'll answer. I think I know some." "Good. Over the next several months you will be made into a sex toy, and trained in your duties." The boy was almost too much in shock to register the full implications of the man's words, but he understood enough. Through continuing tears he asked: "How long do I have to be a sex toy?" "Why boy. For the rest of your life. We have medications now that can make you stay a boy just as you are now, forever." "NOOOOOOOOO! Please. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The doctor started towards the boy's genitals again with the rod and the screaming boy realized what he was about to do. "No. Please. I'll do what you want." The doctor smiled. "Good boy. Now just a few more things I want you to understand. After we are done with your training you will be used by our clients for sex. You will have no other choice. But first we must do several things to your body to get you ready. Understand so far boy?" "No. What things?" "Well men put their penises into your butt hole for enjoyment. We need to make your butt hole just a bit bigger and build up its muscles." Henry knew enough to understand what the man was saying. He knew that some of the boys at his state run group home did that to some of the other boys. It really hurt. He was quite scared. He hated pain. "But that hurts!" "That's why we have to fix you boy. When we are done it won't hurt a bit. In fact we will make sure you even enjoy it." Henry could not believe that he could possibly enjoy something being put into his butt hole. He knew that the small boys at his former home who had this done to them said it hurt a whole lot. "Now boy. It's time to make you understand that absolutely nothing can save you. That you will never ever be a regular boy ever again." The doctor's own penis was now quite rigid in anticipation. He motioned for the two security men to take a strong hold of the boy's head. He reached around and took a mouth speculum specifically designed for the mouths of boys. "Open your mouth boy." A thoroughly frightened boy was almost too scared to do as told. But that doctor still held that rod thing. He opened his mouth hesitantly. The doctor placed the rod onto the cart and maneuvered the speculum into the boy's mouth and started ratcheting the boy's mouth to its widest extent. The struggling boy was not only thoroughly frightened but now in some real pain. And he was totally frightened about what was going to happen next. "Stop struggling boy. You can not stop this. Do you understand me boy?" A gasping boy nodded in total fear but did stop struggling. His jaw was aching but not intolerably. "Good boy. Now I want you to understand one main thing. Above all else, as a sex toy, you will only be allowed to obey. And we never need you to ever say anything. Only listen. Understand boy?" A now totally confused but thoroughly frightened boy nodded yes even though he was not really sure what this mean guy was talking about. "Good boy. From this day, and for the remainder of your life, we never again will need to hear from you even one word. No complaint or any request will be even listened to. And to make sure you really understand that this is true, and to also make sure that your life as you knew it is now over forever, we will be making you totally unable to speak. I am now going to cut through all your vocal cords. You will never speak again." The boy was so thoroughly horrified at what was about to happen, even with the threat of that rod, he tried his best to stop what the doctor was about to do. "Men, hold the boy's head as tightly as you can with his head tilted back as far as you can get it, while I attach the immobilizing bands." The boy's now hysterical strength almost held out for three to four seconds, but it was still inevitable. With almost heroic effort the boy was able to avoid the advance of the instrument toward his mouth for a very short time. But the boy eventually screamed in absolute frustration as his head was finally held fast by the restraining bands which were tightened about his head forcing it into absolute immobility, and cringed in terror as his jaws were pried even further apart by the mechanical speculum. The boy screamed in horror as the doctor brought a scope and tiny laser scalpel into his view and his body shook convulsively as the doctor put the instruments down his throat. Looking at the monitor right next to the gurney the doctor located the boy's larynx, and in just seconds had seared through the entirety of his vocal cords. The boy would never again speak. Or yell. And it was a good thing. Or the boy's scream would have been near deafening. As the instruments were removed from his throat, Henry became instantly aware that he could make not the slightest sound. He collapsed in near total despair. "See boy. No more voice. Later we will even take out your entire larynx." A stunned and completely broken boy just lay there silently crying. Very silently. He also suddenly felt as if he had the worst sore throat of his life. He knew that he would never speak again. And he totally freaked out knowing that this was just the beginning. The doctor said they'd be doing other things to him. He was too exhausted to do more than just sob. And stare ahead. He didn't even make a single move to avoid the injection from the doctor, and soon felt quite drowsy. He again became scared witless as he realized that when he next awoke, all kinds of even worse things might have been done to him. He pulled weakly on his restraints as despair filled his soul. He could only watch mutely as another med tech took his gurney into the next room. Its white walls and hospital atmosphere seared pure terror deeply into the boy's psyche. The doctor was euphoric. "Well folks, that got my blood going. I so much enjoy this very first stage of a boy's conversion. This boy will very soon be prepared for some surgeries to make his mouth and throat and his rectum better sized for taking a man's penis without harm. Of course this will also involve the removal of all his teeth. In addition, he eventually will be fitted with expandable mouth and butt plugs which will gradually open these orifices to the needed extent so that he can next be conditioned for his life's work. Once he recovers in several weeks from now, that boy will be ready for stage two of his conversion into a FSL boy." Mr. Banyon had watched the entire proceeding with a bit of awe. The idea of making a boy into a sex toy made his blood go right to his distended penis. Wow, that had been totally riveting. As he watched his son being taken into the next room for surgical prep, his thoughts went to his own next stage. He was to be taken to a boy who was about to actually start stage two into what he learned was a 'fuck, suck, lick boy'. A boy whose only tasks would be to welcome being fucked, and to suck and lick as directed. And whose own genitals, along with his two main sex openings, would become the focus of his entire existence. Banyon's excitement was totally unbounded. Banyon turned towards the doctor with a question: "Doctor, if you intended to take out the boy's larynx in a later surgery, then why do this now?" "Just to see the effect on the boy. It is always quite exciting and thrilling to quite effectively make him know that his life as he knew it is now over. And for him there will be no going back. Just that." "Any other procedures other than what you just outlined?" "Yes. Several, but one most important one. We will be surgically installing a permanent neural stimulator at the very base of the boy's penis. It will have two essential functions. First as a control mechanism for his future behavior. It can be used to both punish – similar to what we did here, but it can also be used as a reward. On its very lowest setting it can actually stimulate the boy to orgasm." "What is the other function doctor?" "Well, as you knew, the entire lives of these boys will be dedicated to the sexual use by our clients. We want to make sure the boy's entire focus is eventually solely on sex. Both in providing for the sexual enjoyment of those using him, and also his own. You will witness it today; as the next boy you visit on your tour starts his second stage of conversion and conditioning, he will experience the nearly continual stimulation to his penis. In conjunction to his continued drug regimen, from that moment on, he will never again be allowed to be unaware of his own genitals and especially his penis. I assure you. His sexual arousal will be extreme and total. And except during his few rest periods and sleep, the neural stimulation will be continuous. He will eventually be forced to accept the fact that sex is now the sole purpose of his existence. And to absolutely obey and submit, his only alternative. In fact any effort on his part to do anything else will be ruthlessly punished." Dr. Tebu continued: "I will be with you this morning and it will be Dr. Fark who will continue your tour this afternoon; but he is quite knowledgeable and is one of our boy handlers. He will explain in more detail when he sees you this afternoon. He will indeed show you just how successful we are with our boys. Welcome aboard. As you will soon see, we have had only one boy whom we have not successfully converted into an active FSL boy. And that boy is also highly sought after by those who like using a boy in permanent full body restraint." Mr. Banyon could barely wait. As he was now led down the hallway he looked into the room where now lay his former son. He smiled as he saw the totally defenseless boy lying on the gurney and feebly struggling against his bonds. "Doctor, you will be doing the surgery on my own boy?" Dr. Tebu turned and smiled. "Absolutely. He's being prepped at this very moment. Part of the thrill is achieved as you actively participate in the physical alteration of a boy in his very first stage of his conversion into a sex toy. And delighting in his reactions as he is told about what will be done to him and informing him that he will never again be allowed to direct the use of his own body. That life as he once knew it was now over." After a delicious brunch in a luxurious restaurant (surrounded by a good number of the other members of this special resort) Mr. Banyon was eventually taken back to an upstairs gallery where we could look down into that very operating room where his own boy would undergo his first series of surgeries and medical procedures. His curiosity hit a new high. Along with his nearly unbounded excitement. From this vantage, along with a running commentary, he was assured that he'd be able to follow every facet of the beginning of the reduction of a perfectly full spirited boy into a subjugated and thoroughly submissive sex toy. The first of the procedure he was told was the complete removal of all the boy's teeth. And this first procedure would be done while the boy was awake. Mr. Banyon, along with three other new members, heard from a set of speakers from De. Tebu who was now below in the surgical theater, and who would be helping perform all of today's procedures on little Henry. The doctor explained. "We have given the boy was a powerful local anesthetic so that the cradling mechanisms about his head and face need not be so severely restrictive. Of course, for this first procedure, we also want the boy to be completely awake and experience the entire ordeal." Though Henry was strapped down quite securely, his hands and feet were still able to move, and they gyrated almost convulsively as each tooth was removed. I was quite surprised at the amount of effort it took for each tooth. But one by one the despairing boy saw each of his removed teeth lined up in the tray before him. The mirror also gave him a perfect view of the actual extractions. There were two assistants there who would give each other a break after one had pulled several teeth. Finally Dr. Tebu brought over a small tray and explained that the boy's wisdom teeth, at this time in his life mere buds, would have to be surgically removed. This part of the operation took considerable time and most of us watching went out for a small break. But I returned in time to see the finish as the boy's mouth was lined with gauze. It was then explained that when there had been sufficient healing there would be soft implants embedded into his gums, along with two barely noticeable pegs top and bottom by which the boy's mouth could be secured closed, or be used to attach a forced feeding apparatus. "You will note that, like all our boys here, young Henry here will never eat in a normal fashion again. In fact his forced feeding will never even allow him to taste the food he ingests since the tube will bypass his mouth entirely. Anything that the boy actually tastes will only have something to do with his future role as a sex toy." By this time my boy was staring almost vacantly at the ceiling. But it was Dr. Tebu who injected the boy with a mild stimulant, and forced his attention. "Listen boy, you now understand that the life you have known is entirely over. That this is now the beginning of your transformation into a sex toy. You will never again direct your own body. Understand this boy?' Henry obviously did not fully comprehend what had been explained to him but he was too frightened to do anything but nod his head yes. And then begin another nearly convulsive jag of crying which shook his entire body. He did understand enough. And silently pleaded with a god he was certain did not really exist – any god that actually cared about him at least – and prayed a prayer of total despair. "Why me?" Dr. Tebu then explained that for all the boy's next procedures he'd be under a full anesthetic. Several more gowned people entered the room and a lot more equipment was brought near the boy. Finally the boy relaxed for the first time in hour as the anesthetic took effect. Dr. Tebu then addressed the viewers: "There will be a number of additional procedures which will take much of the day, but they will be explained to you as you visit the next boy on your tour today. Please follow my associate, Dr. Fark, as he conducts you on your tour." Mr. Banyon, along with three other new members of the 'Boy Hotel', allowed themselves to be led out of the viewing room. He could barely believe his good fortune. To have a boy whom he at first though a total liability, to have become such a boon. It was all real. It had taken some time, and he had to be vetted and 'doctor tested,' but now he knew that it had been all worth it. To have sex with a boy and NOT be in any danger of being arrested. He was finally at 'Boy Hotel.' Not its real name but what all the people in the know called it. Within it, currently, were 21 boys in various stages of conditioning and training to serve as FSL Boys. And another 57 already permanently locked away within their own miniature enclaves dedicated to the sexual use and enjoyment of their never ending series of clients. Dedicated toys. Very expensive and unusual toys, but toys all the same. After having witnessed the near ceremonial 'mouth reassignment' procedure performed on his own boy, Mr. Banyon was guided out of the viewing room, into an elevator rising to the next level, and through a well appointed corridor where he came to a one way mirror through which he had his first glimpse of the next boy on his tour. "Gentlemen," their new guide, Dr. Fark, proclaimed in a proud voice. "Here is one of our more recent 'recruits'." On some kind of 'bed' – though it was quite more to it than any bed in any normal 'resort' – lay a boy. Well sort of lay. He was quite well strapped down, and Banyon suspected the boy could nary move even a single digit. The sight was quite arousing in itself. The boy lay on his back perfectly prone with his legs slightly apart and his arms likewise slightly apart from his body. A series of straps were placed over ankles, lower calves, upper thighs both above knees and diagonally to his groin, over waist, lower chest, diagonally across shoulders, over wrists, and over mid upper arms. They held the boy quite firmly. Banyon finally did see the boy move several fingers. But that was about it. There were additional straps around his neck and forehead. And knowing what was to happen to his own boy through the next few hours, he felt even more arousing.
Mr. Banyon's perspectiveI could barely contain my excitement. As I looked on through the one way glass, I heard my guide come up behind me."So. I see you've found our previous newest recruit. This one's name is Quan. Just over from the hospital last night, and as you can see, just coming out of sedation." "Yes. So I've been told. Am I correct then that this one's never been forced to have sex yet? And after his instillation today, how long will his conditioning and training period last?" I was new to this. I didn't know. My guide laughed. "We have clientele here who prefer a boy, how would I say, more 'free' to 'express' their ability to give their sexual desires their free reign. While others, like you sir, who much prefer 'entertaining' themselves with boys like Quan here, much less 'free' and others 3;" I finished for him: " 3;like to help break in the new ones." "Yes. Of course while we will gladly allow you to participate in the instillation of Quan here today, it is a bit early yet in his training to allow any penetration. And for most of the next week, his training will consist mostly of trained personnel and even the use of mechanicals." I was already aware. "Of course. But it would sure get me in the mood to then proceed with another boy here who would be more able to accommodate me." "And my penis." I added to myself. My guide again chuckled. "Of course, Mr. Banyon. We have scheduled you with another of our boys, Park Bang. A cute 11 year old Korean. He is also relatively new and I have no doubt that you will enjoy him immensely. And I definitely understand the thrill. What is lacking in inexperience is more than made up in the thrill of forcing a boy to suck your cock, or lick your butt or whatever, early in their training period. Most of the boy's are quite feisty in the beginning. Of course, with our methods, cooperation is not an issue. We make sure they can do absolutely nothing to stop our clients from getting want they want. The boy is forced as necessity dictates." I definitely wanted liked the idea of forced down a boy's throat my not insubstantial penis. One of the other observers, who had not seen Henry's first procedure, having some misgivings asked: "How about if the boy fights back? I know that you have them in severe restraint but they have teeth." My guide now laughed aloud: "I assure you. Our boys in fact do NOT. Have any teeth that is. They have all been removed. Why the recovery time is so long. One of the first things done to them when we first acquire them." I looked into the room at this new boy. It was impossible to tell that he no longer had his teeth. Of course, I would suspect that with the elimination of the boy's teeth there would also be other 'reconstructive' surgery to maintain the boy's normal facial aspect. Quite a cute oriental. I liked the contrast when I put my dusky light brown 7 inch [18 cm] penis into one of the holes of a person of a Caucasian or Oriental ethnicity. I can not believe that when growing up I had to be so circumspect about my sexual proclivities. Gay sex alone, where I was born, invited a hefty jail term. This boy looked so calm and innocent sleeping there so unsuspecting as to what was soon in store for him. "I can barely wait. When will we be allowed to start introducing this cute boy to his new life?" one of the man asked. I also added: "I'm just as anxious." I was so aroused I could hardly stand it. Or stand. Here was this totally naked kid, maybe 11 or 12 years old, cute as hell. I liked the oriental types. The kid seemed to be rousing. I could see him struggling to free himself. If course it was impossibility. But just to watch the boy fight against his restraints was so arousing. I then noticed that the boy was awake. And fighting hard. My guide looked into through the window. "Good. Looks like things are timing themselves well." One of the observers exclaimed: "The boy is now straining like mad. You can see his muscles pull so hard. Can we hear sound out here? I don't hear any of the boy's cries or shouts." "No sound out here, but this doesn't matter. All the new ones, like Quan here, have no vocal cords. Totally removed." He continued: "But what if someone wanted to hear the boy scream, like from being tortured or something?" Mr. Fark replied: "Not here. Don't allow it. Sex only. These boys are too valuable. And in these early stages they fight well enough. You can be sure what they are feeling." I looked down at the amazingly cute boy. Golden brown skin and with absolutely no excess fat anywhere. Slim and just perhaps with a hint of muscle. Just like in some of my best fantasies. "How old's this one?" I asked. "And how did he wind up here?" "Quan Jou Yung, age 10, found on the streets of Singapore. Part Thai and part Chinese, and part British. Though his looks are mostly that of a dark skinned Oriental, he was a sort of outcast where he grew up in his Chinese neighborhood. Family so hard on him he ran away. One of the reasons we have him here, now. He'd been selling himself. No anal penetration so we got him pretty early. All the usual test and precautions of course. That was three months ago. Our field agent is good at finding these boys. No one will ever miss him. All the usual. Picked him up, offered him a real meal. And bingo. The next time in the agent's car he just falls asleep. Put in the boy's food. The very next thing the boy knows is that he's captive in a very small room. Almost a cage. He is naked and the floor is wired. Any nonsense and zap. The boy learn pretty quick to cooperate. But we make sure all test come back negative before going to all the other expense in prepping him for use here at the Boy Hotel." "He's ten? Looks much younger." "His ethnic background. Small frame. And also this one is even small for his age. Is says here, 4 feet [1.20 m] nothing, just 52 pounds [23½ kg]. Yes, quite small. But only a bit malnourished. We got him only several weeks after he'd run off from his foster home. Said they'd abused him." I laughed. "Sexually?" "Well here's Mike Fuscu, our field agent, coming to help out. He can give us more details." Introductions were made and I asked about little Quan. "Oh yes. Quite cute, and quite a mouth on him as I remember. Cursed up a storm. No more now eh?" It took me a second or two to remember – no larynx. Dr. Fark spoke up. "Yes. His throat was small enough, and with the use it will get, we now usually just remove the entire larynx. Saves trouble and besides, the boy can't complain." There was some laughter. Mike, the field agent, added: "I remember now. The boy complained that his step-dad's cock was too big to suck. And it smelled. He had been sucking off his step brother for some time. His step-dad was actually another ex-patriot Brit who'd collected him off the streets where his real father had abandoned him. His new step-dad was getting ready to pimp him out like his several older 'brothers.' The kid took off and never looked back." Dr. Fark added. "Quite a find. Very healthy and totally adjusting to his drug regimen." Now I was quite interested. "Drugs. What's the kid on?" "Not those kinds of drugs. We don't use drugs to gain compliance. Too expensive and too destructive. These boys are pampered and get the best of medical care. No, actually we have the boy on four different drugs. One is the basic one to stop any progression or onset of puberty. It's an LHRH analog, a synthetic hormone that blocks the body's production of the sex hormones. Similar to Histrelin, but we use an yearly implant. In some cases the child responds better to some other GnRH analogue. But one thing for certain, none of our boys will ever advance through puberty or exhibit any secondary sex manifestations." "This boy here is adjusting well to it. When adjusted correctly he will be stopped entirely from ever entering puberty. He was just at that stage where his little weener was starting to make itself known if you know what I mean. From what the boy told me, before he no longer had the ability to speak, he'd been taught how to pleasure himself from his foster brother. Did it a lot. Almost an obsession." I snickered. "Well look what that obsession has led him too. A boy brothel." The guide added: "A very special boy brothel. Our boys are all guaranteed to be disease free and will be boys as long as we want them to be boys." Another asked a question that was on my own lips; "What other drugs?" De. Fark answered: "Well we also have him on an HGH inhibitor. With that and several other protein inhibitors, his growth over his foreseeable future here will be kept to almost zero. And as for keeping him aroused, we also have him on one of the Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors similar to the well known sildenifil, or tadalifil, but better suited to a prepubescent boy. Frequently we also use an injectable right into the boy's penis. Usually some combination of alprostadil, papaverine hydrochloride, or phentolamine mesylate. Whatever the boy's system tolerates and works best for that particular kid. One thing for sure, little Quan here will be erected and quite on the edge sexually, essentially forever. And after his full conditioning, he will not be doing much else but catering to his perceived need for sex. Note now the boy's tumescent penis, how it's bouncing up and down quite fast?" I looked at saw his beautifully formed 3½ inch [9 cm] boy penis – apparently circumcised – bouncing like a cork on a rippling pond. "What's doing that?" I was intrigued. "Besides the drug regimen, the boy's penis is also wired, so to speak. Part of the original surgeries include the implantation of a neural stimulator at he base of the boy's penis. An incision in the perineum near to his prostate gland exposes the two erectile nerves and the pudendal nerve which enervates the penis and sends it messages. There we attach the neural stimulator. It is hidden in the flesh of the base of his penis. Next, an incision is made behind the corona of the glans and we expose the distal end of the pudendal nerve. And we do the same thing there. We then install in the boy's groin a miniature power pack, good for a year before minor surgery can replace it. It keeps firing a very tiny but very noticeable charge into his penis enervating the nerves at both locations. This boy will never be able to not think about his little penis. Because of this and other measures, eventually sex becomes the boy's entire existence." The doctor looked at the boy and remarked. "He's just coming around. Remember, as far as he knows, he's just waking up from a long sleep." He looked towards me and added: "Not like your boy Henry. This will be the first time this boy's been fully conscious since his abduction. Shall we?" We entered the room. There were a bank of monitors behind the boy's 'bed' but in front and to the side it was a totally featureless room. Only the large one-way window on the right and beyond it, the door through which we entered, which would be outside the boy's vision the way the bed was positioned. The boy was quite strapped down. And his little penis was 'dancing' even while he was very groggily awakening. The doctor remarked: "Well, I prefer to do this while naked." And with that the doctor took off his clothes. I was surprised at his quite trim and well conditioned body for someone probably in their late forties. I took his cue and also disrobed. We all put our clothes into a small closet behind the boy's 'bed.' By this time the boy was clearly awake and quite struggling with his severe bonds. And near panic if his eyes were any indication. He was trying to move his head from side to side but it was pretty well restrained. The doctor came to the front of the boy who seemed to stare at the naked man suddenly in front of him. I then walked into view. The boy seemed to be trying to speak but there was no sound and the boy started to cry. "Quan." The doctor forcibly got the boy's attention. "Quan. Stop struggling, and we will take off the straps." The boy stopped momentarily. And again tried to speak. "Quan. Listen to me." The doctor deliberately started stroking the boy's upper legs. "Listen. For now you can not speak. Do not be alarmed." The boy seemed very puzzled. Besides being quite alarmed. I so wanted just to touch the boy. His eyes seemed to track back and forth between us. I also wondered. "Does he understand English?" "Enough." The doctor then addressed the boy again: "Quan. Stop fighting us and listen. Only when you calm down and listen will we remove the straps." The boy visibly relaxed. But still seemed quite scared. And no wonder. The doctor now sat at the edge of the boy's 'bed' and started slowly and delicately rubbing the boy's front. The parts not covered by his restraints. "Quan. You need to know what has happened to you and exactly what will happen to you. If you understand blink twice." He blinked. A very frightened blink. My own penis was straining outward. The boy kept looking at it and the doctor's. And then back to the doctor's voice when he spoke. I could see that the boy was interested. And his own little stiff penis was still throbbing up and down. "Quan. I will remove the straps about your head if you promise not to try to thrash about. Will you cooperate boy?" He tried to nod. Then blinked. The doctor told me to sit on the other side and to grab the boy if he started thrashing his head about. It was quite a shame that the boy could not speak. I wondered when he'd discover his ability to talk had been permanently taken from him. I also noted now that there seemed to be something just inside the boy's slightly open lips. It seemed as if there was something in the boy's mouth not allowing him to close it completely. Later I would discover that indeed the boy's mouth could not completely close. The boy's lips could never again completely meet. 'Adjustments' to his jaw and the interior of his mouth, made sure that he'd never get the middle of his lips closer than about a half inch [12 mm]. The doctor said it was one more measure to insure the boy know that he no longer 'owned' his own mouth. If I can remember the doctors very words: "The boy must learn that his mouth and lips, and of course his tongue, have only two purposes. One, to suck on a man's penis. And two, to lick a man's sex parts including his genitals, anal opening, and their associated parts. He must learn that he is now a 'fuck, suck, lick boy.' And absolutely nothing else." Ignoring the boy's evident attempts to communicate, the doctor was intent on pointing out the other modifications to the boy's cute body. "You will note that immediately inside the boy's penile urethra is a small valve. Since it is actually annealed to the flesh of his urethra and delicately positioned, it was done along with the minor arthroscopic surgery on his bladder. When a special fitting is pushed into this mechanism, and only then, will the boy be able to empty his bladder. He is totally dependant upon others for emptying it." I was intrigued, but I wondered about the boy's own control. "But doctor, how about the boy's decision to urinate?" A short chuckle proceeded his explanation: "This boy no longer has any control. The valve from his bladder has been entirely eliminated." The boy also heard this and started crying. The doctor faced the boy. "Not to worry boy. We will empty you as needed." One of the other observers in the room asked: "But what about his ability to defecate? There seems to be something protruding from the boy's rectum." Again the boy attempted to move his body, and the doctor gave him quite a painful whack on his thigh with a small strap. "Enough of that boy. You will ONLY do as asked, and nothing else. We now own you." The boy again started (silently) crying. And again tried to speak. We were all quite mused at the boy's total frustration in this regard. "You noticed the boy's butt plug. It is so seated at all times. Except when being administered his enema regimens. He will never again have a regular bowel movement. And there is of course the time when it is used for its primary function. The plug you see is in fact a device we use for resizing the opening. He will be available for anal sex in about another couple weeks." The doctor's words were again met with excitement on our parts, and fear and dismay on the part of the boy. He seemed to understand enough. The doctor very enthusiastically continued his expostulation. "Please note that this boy, like most of the ones we have here, has been on a continuing regimen of growth stimulators to his rectal sphincters and his tongue. The tongue will be allowed to grow at least an additional inch [2½ cm], and the boy's anal and throat openings will gradually be resized to accommodate a penis girth of about two inches [5 cm]. He has also been put onto a drug regimen which, along with the neural stimulator, will insure his eventual permanent arousal at an extreme level. Eventually we will condition the boy to only think about sex. He will eventually be allowed no other thoughts other than for his butt to be fucked, and to such and lick, along with permitting his body to be utilized for the sexual desires of his future clients." I could see that by this time the boy was shaking his head back and forth, perhaps trying to deny what he knew was happening to him. The doctor pointed to the boy's throat, quite near its very bottom. "If you look closely, you will see a small hole partly covered by a flap if flesh." I looked. I eventually realized that there was an actual hole there partly covered. "What's that doctor?" I asked. "His airway has been permanently rerouted. That, fitted with micro filters, connects directly to his trachea so that no matter what is shoved down his throat, or was is settled upon his face, this boy will continue to breathe. We were all quite impressed. This was one quite manipulated boy. I thought about my own Henry and chuckled. I couldn't wait to see him with all his modifications. Then the doctor did something that surprised me. He took a hold of the boy's rather rigid penis and started to masturbate him. Quite soon the boy started moving somewhat spastically and gave a sudden very strong series of shudders. He'd given quite a climax. The doctor explained: "The boy must learn that his entire life from now on is dedicated to sex. But his own is also included. In fact that will become a very important mechanism through which we enable his conversion to a 'fuck, such, lick' boy. It will be a very important part of our behavioral control. He will be rewarded for good behavior. He must also give himself up to that overriding imperative which will dominate his entire existence – sexual arousal and sex." The doctor then held the boy's face to get his complete attention. "Quan. Watch the video. This is what you will be after your training period." He positioned the boy so that a very large screen was in his easy view. "Boy, you might not believe it now, but we are very good at what we do. This WILL be you after a half year from now." The boy tried to avert his attention until the doctor forcibly moved it to focus on the screen. "Look boy, or you will be punished. See what you will become." On the screen was a boy, not too unlike Quan, who was quite enthusiastically ministering to a client. It was quite detailed in showing various aspects of the boy's training. He was at first licking the entire region of the man's genitals and then down to his butt hole into which the boy stuck his lengthy tongue. Then he started sucking on the man's rather large penis even at times taking the entire thing down his throat. The video eventually showed the man fucking the boy with abandon, with the boy apparently reveling in the experience. Later, when we left, I asked the doctor if it was as easily done as he had claimed. "Well, in the best case scenarios. But we are dealing with individuals. And even though we take great pains to acquire those who seem quite amendable to man-boy sex, we sometimes do have problems. However, we eventually have complete success even with our most difficult boys in less than a year." "And the unsuccessful boys?" "Just two so far. And they are now in permanent restraint. Perhaps we can show you one of these boy's later tonight. Unfortunately their schedules are totally filled for today, but I see no problem allowing you to see such a boy in use. You'd be surprised how many man like to force sex on a boy in total and extreme physical bondage." The video was ending and it was time to prepare the boy Quan for the next stage in his transformation into a sex toy. The boy had seen another boy out into a similar position in the last part of the video and quaked. He started was desperately struggling trying against all real hope to resist the efforts of the two very large men who had come into the room and began positioning him on his specially designed training bed where he could be made to lie on either his stomach or his back. He saw what they intended to do to him and was in near despair as the men un-strapped his right arm and took hold of it. He know absolutely that once his body had been placed within all the restraints, the only way he's ever be released was after he had completely been broken and made him submit. The boy tried desperately to say something. The doctor offered advice the boy certainly did not want to hear: "Boy, it will only start getting easier for you when you finally remember that absolutely nothing you would want to say or even communicate, are we the slightest interested in. All communication is only in one direction, except when we might ask you a question. Nothing you think, desire, want, hope for, except for your completely submission to our training, means anything to us. That is one of the main reasons why you no longer can speak. Your future purpose has no need for you to speak. And of course with your hands so imprisoned, you must necessarily understand that for the remainder of your existence, nothing you might wish to communicate will ever be considered." The quaking boy had no real choice. The men were so much stronger. The boy's hand was made to grab onto a metal cylindrical form with a large smooth hole through the center. It was specifically crafted to perfectly conform to the curled fingers and palm of the boy's hand. Once the hand was in place, then a metal form fitting piece was placed over the entire hand and secured into place. In effect the boy's hand was now entirely encased in a metal glove through which ran a hole about 1¼ inches [3.2 cm] in diameter. The boy despaired as he recognized exactly what was to happen, having seen what was done to the other boy in the video. But he had no way of resisting. His other hand was also prepared in the same way. The doctor explained to the boy: "Boy, these will only be removed when you totally and unconditionally recognize that your total existence revolves around giving sexual pleasure to men." Quan knew that he'd never again have use of his hands until he had totally submitted. I reveled in the boy's futile struggles as his hands were encased into their metal enclosures. They would specially designed to run on the vertical rails seen to be brought over to the boy' training bed. The next thing was the boy's head harness. It was a leather covered metal framework which severely limited any possible movement of the boy's head except for allowing his mouth to open for training purposes. There also an attachment for his usual forced feedings. The boy would never again be allowed to eat as a normal boy. In fact the device had a long tube, fitted to the interior of his mouth and throat, that did not open until well into the boy's throat. He'd in fact never again taste any of his food or drink. The only thing he ever taste again would be his client's cum, and any part of the man's body he'd be trained to lick, or the flavor of the client's rear hole that he be forced to explore with his tongue. The doctor continued with his discourse: "Note the forced positioning of the boy's head. The framework about his neck, upper torso, and head, allow for maximum comfort but permit almost no movement of the boy's head. And all vision and hearing are purposefully directed towards only one thing. The sexual parts and forced sexual actions which he must do." "And if he objects, or tries to do otherwise?" "Well, that stimulator at the base of his genitals can also give him quite severe pain. I assure you, that very soon the boy will realize that ONLY attention to satisfying the sexual desires of those using his body will be countenanced. I will demonstrate." And damn did the boy's body jump at the next jolt to his genitals. Now he began to (silently) sob in earnest. And damn if my own dick didn't start bobbing up and down. And started dripping pre-cum all over the boy's slim and ultra cute body. The doctor admonished: "Boy, that was just a demonstration of what to expect if you refuse to cooperate." We could see the boy's attempt to mover his head but it was pretty well held motionless. Then the doctor touched a control on a nearby panel. I looked closely at the struggling boy. The doctor went on to explain that the boy was no longer able to see or hear anything. The doctor explained. "You will note the face plate and the small insertions in the boy's ears. Now watch as I again touch the control." I was amazed as the entire face plate took on a smooth appearance and was withdrawn into the back and top part of the boy's head encasement. Also the small plugs were removed from the boy's ears. "You will note that we can thus cut out all light by the touch of a control and the same with those permanently placed ceramic implants in his ear canals. The latter formed part of his head and neck harness but also permitted total control of what the boy was allowed to hear. Also a simple on-off control." "Why such total control?" I asked. "The idea is to make sure that eventually all the boy's physical experiences are focused entirely on sex. His own, and those who would use his holes. And his tongue. These things will gradually become the full focus of the boy over the next few months. It's quite simple really. Pleasure in his genitals for compliance, and pain for non compliance. Sometimes it takes a year or more, but eventually we condition our boys to focus their entire attentions to their own genitals, butt holes, and mouths. All other sensual experiences are, as much as possible, allowed only to the extent that they are focused on sexual activity. That of his own, and that of those who would use his body. All other sensations are kept at an absolute minimum. All cognitive activity as much as possibly must be associated with sex. And compliance. And with particular focus on being fucked, sucking, and licking. The finished product is quite remarkable as you will discover later today." "But how about all his needs? Like eating, and so one?" "He has absolutely no control over any of that. When I take you on to see how the boy is prepared for his conditioning period you will see." I was then quite surprised when a upright framework was brought into the room. And then actually bolted to designed places on the floor. It consisted of a base and two upright round polls in their own rectangular frames which in turn were stabilized by a horizontal beam connected to the top of the side frames. Next the attendant who positioned the frame at about the position of the outstretched arms of the boy, detached some pin at the bottom and raised the bar on one side. It was a good thing that the boy had not been removed from his restraints from his waist down. He seemed to get a surge of strength and determination as he struggled against us. But he was no match for two grown men. As the pole was lifted, and as I held down the boy's upper body and left arm, the doctor positioned the boy's hand just so. The attendant then dropped the round bar through the open portion of the boy's hand encasement, and dropped the vertical bar. When reattached to its bottom base, I finally saw what was intended. The boy's arm and hand could only move directly up and down while staying attached to the vertical bar. With the attachment in like manner of his other hand, pulling the arms at their stretch out position horizontal to his body, the boy now could be stood into a full upright position, with his bed even removed from below him. The doctor explained that for then next half year or very possibly more, the boy would never be removed from either arm bar or head restraint. In his normal reclining position, the boy's arms would remain fully outstretched and attached to the vertical poles which ran through the holes in his hand encasements. The boy started to struggle, trying with total futility, to pull his arms back towards him. A touch of a control and every muscle in his body reacted. A moment later the doctor told him to stop resisting. Again tears ran down the boy's face but he finally gave up trying to resist. Or move his arms. The doctor then stated that the set up was nearly complete. "We now only need to make sure that the boy's groin area is open for training purposes. He must always be ready to allow the fondling of his genitals and access to his butt hole and rectum. Making sure that his legs are opened is crucial in his training." Cuffs were attached to the boy's ankles and a curved spreader bar was attached. Furthermore, a metal guiche ring, about three inches [7½ cm] in diameter, was opened and inserted which had already been through a surgically implanted sleeve in the midline between anal opening and scrotum. The doctor again explained. "We make sure that the boy keeps his legs open, inviting the fondling of his genitals and use of his rectum. If he closes his legs where enough pressure is put onto the ring as it touches the interior of his thighs, a painful zap will hit his genital stimulation circuitry. We insist that the boy keep his legs open – inviting to be used sexually – finally on his own, without this 'reminder.' We take out the ring when the boy rests." Next a severe gag was forced into the boy's mouth, and a muzzle was put into place covering the lower portion of the boy's face and chin. This area was not previously covered by the boy's face plate. The doctor again explained: "Now with that big gag in the boy's mouth and then his lower face so tightly muzzled, he is constantly reminded that his mouth is ours to control." I had a question: "That gag thing? Is it permanent?" "No specifically. But except when the boy's mouth and tongue are being used for their main purpose – sucking and licking a client's for their sexual enjoyment, a gag and muzzle is always in place. Our boys are constantly gagged and muzzled. The only reason it comes off is to either clean the boy's mouth, which is done on a regular scheduled maintenance when the boy is sedated, or of course when the boy is servicing a client or in training. The boy soon learns that his mouth, tongue, and throat have but one purpose. That his tongue is only for licking a client's genitals or anal area. Or other parts of a client's body as directed. Absolutely nothing else. In fact all his feeding is done trough a forced feeding tube. That gag and muzzle has a portal specially designed for that. The nutritional substance never even enters the boy's mouth. The tube extends into his throat and is never tasted. As I said, his entire existence, and all his experiences from now on, ONLY relate to the boy's use as a sex toy. The boy soon learns that the only stimulation he receives is related to sex, and that the use of his two holes and tongue by his clients for sex become their primary function." Dr. Fark explained that except for periods of men fondling the entire body of the boy from time to time, most of the first weeks of training would be largely mechanical. "The boy's penis, both enervated by the neural stimulation and an additional excitation sleeve, will be the main control. Rewarded with orgasm when cooperative. Punished with pain if not. The greater the cooperation, the greater and more long lasting the climax. The greater the lack of cooperation, the greater the pain. It is quite effective. Within several weeks, with rare exceptions, the boy will do whatever he is ordered. Within another month or so, he will finally do absolutely nothing he is not ordered to do." The doctor continued his explanation: "But for this boy here, for the next several weeks, he will be trained to use his anal sphincters while being fucked, and to overcoming his gag reflex when sucking. After this is accomplished, he is then persuaded to use his mouth and tongue where directed. During this phase we use outside participation. Once the boy uses his tongue and mouth on every part of the client's body, especially his butt hole and its interior with absolute and full cooperation, we then consider his first phase of training to be concluded." "But then why do you say that the boy's training takes up to a year?" I asked the doctor. "Well, we want more. The next phase of the boy's conditioning will eventually get the boy to actively will himself to be only what we want him to be. We want to eventually get the boy to the stage where even when relatively free, he is conditioned to ONLY engage in sexual activity. ALL other things, even his bodily functions, are done for or to him. He never does ANYTHING else. His feedings and cleanings are done for him." When I left the room where Quan had been restrained and his conditioning begun, I was so elated I was about to attack any boy I saw next. But I was finally able to restrain myself. After a short period of refreshment and relaxation, Dr. Fark brought us to the next boy on our tour. The doctor introduced him to us: "This is Park Bang. Korean. He's 11 years of age; not quite 12 now. He was 'recruited' not quite five months ago. As with all our recruits he too had no family to be concerned about. Amazingly cute, isn't he?" This room was quite similar to the one we just left. Almost featureless, at least those parts where little Park Bang could see. "Park has just recently stopped struggling against the inevitable. He's been in bondage now for a little over three months. The EEG shows that he has essentially stopped making any effort to resist what is being done to him. Perhaps a bit early in his conditioning compared to many of the other boys. But it is quite necessary to make sure that there is absolutely no will left. Just not struggling only means that he is not openly resisting. But there is still evidence that mentally he is still not completely given himself up to that fact that he will never again have any option than to be the sex toy he will eventually become." He went up to the boy and into his field of vision. The boy stared, his eyes tracking our movement but lying totally passive. When the doctor's hand approached the boy's groin area, the boy responded immediately by opening his legs and flexing them up and down. He had given himself over to the sexual demands of his own body. A slight thrusting motion with his hips could be seen. The boy obviously liked what was happening. "Note that Park here is finally coming to enjoy what is happening to him as regards to being sexual manipulated. Of course after three months of ONLY being allowed activity connected either to his own sexual response, or to minister to another person by stimulating that person's sexually, well, the mind has to grasp onto something." Like the doctor, I decided to divest myself of clothing. I was so aroused there seeing a boy so totally conditioned to allowing himself to be used sexually I was close to orgasm myself without even a physical excitation of my own penis. I could not help myself as I started moving my hand over the boy's inner thigh and finally fondling his beautiful dusky genitals. The response was immediate as the boy started thrusting upward into my hand. Unfortunately the doctor asked me to wait until he was ready for us to help in the continuation of Park's training. "Now we are to begin the next part of his conditioning. This part is quite crucial, and for all but two of our boy's has been quite successful. We will go see one of those two boys later and what we have done with them. As for Park here, we expect complete success. Note the EEG. Those brain waves there indicate volition. Those there indicate sexual response of some kind. We do not want any volition unconnected to sex. We want a toy. Not a true person. Therefore as of today we will be persuading Park here to not engage in any volitional activity unconnected to either sex, or obedience. We will now introduce a new kind of pain. Directly to his nervous system via his collar. Whenever he attempts any volitional act not associated with a sexual response, or an act of obedience, he will gradually receive greater and greater series of painful jolts. Park started struggling as the pain hit. And crying. Suddenly the pain stopped along with his struggling. The doctor started lightly rubbing his hand over the boy's chest and stomach area, encouraging the boy to submit: "Park. Look at me Park. You have been doing so well Park. You are becoming the sex toy we want. We are encouraged by your lack of struggling. But now we demand more. Now we demand that you make no attempt whatever that is not sexual or in response to a commend. Is that understood Park? Blink twice if you understand." He blinked twice with copious tears running down his face. "This phase can last either a very short time or for more than several months. But eventually most boys will stop all attempts at any activity not sexual or directed. Again he saw a struggling Park with an almost immediate ceasing as the pain hit. "Eventually he will be rewarded for long periods of no volitional response not specifically ordered. For every significant period during which the boy stops all self volition activity and remains passive except to act on command, we introduce significant sexual reward. And sexual activity is all we leave open to them. They essentially become totally addicted to sex. Experiencing their own sexual responses, and actively cooperating in others using them for their own sexual needs and desires. It is quite a sight to behold." The doctor then gave me leave to use Park's body. Park allowed me to start fondling his entire body. His legs opened. Then he seemed to enter a strange totally passive state as I started masturbating him. But as climax approached he started a very rhythmic pumping of his legs. And then a thrusting of his pelvis upward. He was actively trying to obtain his own sexual orgasm. Then I pulled out his butt plug which astounded me at its size. Almost the size of my own relatively good sized member. As I hesitated a moment before actually pushing home my finger into the boy's seemingly welcoming anal opening, the doctor remarked: "Not to worry. Our boy's are regularly cleaned out. Just use some lube on the shelf behind you." I quickly complied and stuck my finger into the boy's infinitely cute and inviting brown wrinkled folds of his rear opening. It slid in smoothly and I could feel the velvety smoothness of its interior. The boy now seemed entirely compliant. He seemed to like getting his rear hole stimulated. His breathe came in shortened pants as he himself seemed to get into his own molestation. But I stopped my ministrations to his penis just short of climax. He struggled to push his small erect member upward trying to find my hand. To no avail. He then stiffened his entire body and let out a big breath. And inhaled sharply. He was punished for his lack of total submission. I could see a tear from and drip from his eye. "Not to worry boy. If you co-operate I promise I will make you feel real good." He seemed to relax and breath easier. By now I began on his anal opening in earnest. More lube and two, and then three fingers. And then my mouth on his very willing jutting penis. I was quite aware that the interior had been also stiffened with that urethral implant. I was informed that these boy have their bladders drained three times a day, but only when cooperating fully. Otherwise it was only in the mornings. An entire day and even for a boy, I would say he'd get quite uncomfortable. Eventually I shoved my entire penis into the boy's real hole. His muscles squeezed tightly as he had been trained. I was too far gone already and came quite quickly. We all had another period of rest and a small repast when notified the next boy on tour had been made ready. The doctor brought us into his room and began with his expostulation. The boy's name was Amos Deering. A chocolate colored 12 year old from some inner city ghetto. Another a 'rescued' street kid. The boy's face had been temporarily relieved of its mouth gag, and the face plate had been curled back into its slot in his head encasement. His eyes seemed to rove about him looking for something. They showed need and desire. As we approached closer, the boy's upper legs opened wider seemingly inviting our touch and intimate use of his body. I was quite surprised to see not fear or even anxiety on the boy's countenance, but lust. The boy seemed to be pleading to be used. I obliged. As my hands wandered over his body, touching in feverous abandon, the boy seemed to arch back, relishing the touch. As I fondled his dark brown genitals with its slender but totally stiff 4½ inch [11½ cm] boy cock, the boy's breathing seemed to turn to heavy panting and his body started a very slow gyration. His legs started to flex, causing his feet, spread wide with the curved spreader bar, to move up and down. If possibly, I would have said that the boy was more in the grip of intense arousal then even myself. The doctor started to explain about this boy's current stage of conditioning and training. "This boy, in his sixth month, is very far into his training. He has not exhibited any opposition to what has been demanded of him now for almost two months, and has been actively participating in his conversion to a sex toy now for almost three weeks. The monitors show that he has now made very few volitional attempts to do anything not connected to sex or command over the past week. We are confident that these also will gradually disappear as he completely succumbs to his perceived need to assuage his sexual demands. He has finally convinced himself that only through compliance and obedience will he be able to direct himself to obtain that all overriding need that is now at the core of his being – sexual fulfillment. For himself and others who would use his body." The boy seemed to writhe with pure sexual desire. His attention was on the naked bodies before him, and he kept moving his legs apart was a supplication. The doctor described what was happening. "The boy has finally accepted the fact that he exist for one thing, the sexual use of those men he sees around him. His own pleasure and sexual arousal is intimately tied into his need to be used." I was in awe of the beautiful brown boy before me, whose sole focus seemed to be his own sexual arousal and his need to fulfill his own purpose. "To be fucked, to suck, and to lick, that is now the boy's main purpose. They are now the only purposeful volitional activities permitted him. And according to the monitors, over the past week, he has made less than a dozen attempts at any activity no at least indirectly connected with this demanded protocol." Over the next hour, the three of us who had been invited into this boy's room, took full advantage of this fact. We had decided to position the boy into a kneeling doggie position. We lifted his small 80 pound body up from its recumbent position, his captured hands sliding up the vertical poles, and turned him onto his stomach. Then we positioned him onto his knees, with his arms fully outstretched to his side. We now had good access to both mouth and rectum. And he greedily accepted my own engorged 7 inch [18 cm] member into his mouth and the even larger penis of another of the men present. I was only sorry that the boy's acquired skill at sucking, and taking my entire penis down his throat, brought me to climax so fast. And I wished that I was capable of a faster recharge. For the next hour we took turned plowing the brown body at both ends. The boy himself seemed insatiable as his rectal muscles squeezed whatever was shoved into his real end, and his tongue, mouth and throat seemed never to tire. Eventually we repositioned the boy again onto his back, whereupon I sat squarely upon his face. The boy knew exactly what was expected as I felt his lengthened tongue lathe my entire crack, licking its way around my anal opening, and finally pushing its way for into my own rectal opening. I was so aroused, that even after shooting twice already, I was again getting hard. I was also amazed that the boy's untiring and undivided assault on my rear end as his own real hole was also being well plowed at the same time. Another thing I found amazing was that the boy himself, seemed to have several of his own orgasms during the fray. The doctor again expostulated: "As the monitors show, this boy is well on his way to actively participate in his own conditioning. His mind is necessarily grasping onto the only allowable volitional outcomes it has been allowed over the past months of his training – to offer its body up for the sexual use of others, and for himself, to actively assist in its own fucking, and to suck and lick. Only after the boy's entire efforts are directed towards that end, and only to that end, will he be allowed any measure of physical freedom." Eventually we were directed by Dr. Fark to the plush dinning area for a five star dinner. He was a quite thoughtful and engaging host. "I must take your leave for now, but those of you who would like to visit one of the boys with whom we have not been completely successful, fortunately there so far have only been two, you may communicate with the com center and I am sure that Dr. Tebu would be quite happy to meet you in the next building and show you one of these boys in action so to speak." Dr. Fark chuckled and added: "Or I suppose I should have said in 'inaction'." I did not completely understand what he meant until I did meet Dr. Tebu as suggested and finally got to see one of these boys being the recipient of another client's as seen through a one way partition. There were two of us new members whom he led to this room and explained just why the boy was there and what had been done with him. Dr. Tebu seemed genuinely apologetic as he introduced this next boy. As if he himself took the blame for his unfortunate failure to be completely conditioned. "This is Gregory. A cute boy of Germanic heritage with light brown hair and medium complexion. When acquired last year he was 12 years of age, and of average size and genital development for a boy that age." If the good doctor had not given the specifics of the boy's development we would have been hard pressed to discern it on our own, the boy was so completely bound by rigid and extensive controls. The boy, when brought to the island, was listed at 5 feet 6 inches [1.65 m] and 75 pounds [34 kg]. But that was before the boy had been fitted into his permanent metal frame. Dr. Tebu started to explain: This boy seemed to take to his conditioning quite well but at about the sixth month mark he started to attempt to take control from those who would use him. He started even aggressively participating in his sexual arousal and release. But after repeated warnings about ONLY doing exactly what a client wants, he was finally put back into his restraints for some remedial 'reconditioning'." "You must understand that our sex toys must be made to understand that he is to totally submit to outside controls. We allow him to enjoy his sex sessions but the client's need are absolute. Never the boy's. That he seemed not to learn well enough. So he is in currently being held in total restraint and was told he'd be this way for a full year with absolutely no orgasm of his own. Though we do observe some kind of not quite 'wet' dream every few days, he has not had a conscious orgasm now for six months. In another six months we will again attempt continue the boy's training." The boy was allowed very limited movement. The metal framework which held the boy's body allowed almost no movement other than what was executed by the person who could reposition his body and limbs in whatever position he so desired. It was like his entire body was totally encased within a metal and leather framework. The boy's head was only permitted a limited up and down movement to allow his user the best angle of attack. The metal and leather head covering permitted no sight and almost no sound to reach his senses. His hands encased in form fitting mitts and his feet were likewise held immobile. It was more like seeing a living statue, or possibly a manikin who could be repositioned as needed. Dr. Tebu continued his discourse: "Once a day, after being sedated, the boy is removed from his restraints, thoroughly cleaned, and for 30 minutes attached to machine which exercises his musculature. But of course all the boy will consciously experience is an unremitting and total subjugation and harsh bondage. Hopefully this will be enough to finally obtain his total and unconditioned submission." I shuddered as I thought about a boy who for an entire year only felt his body being manipulated and his two sex holes being used. It wasn't until the next morning when I finally got a several hour session with one of the Boy Hotel's fully trained "fuck, suck, lick" boys. The boy was conducted to my suite of rooms about 10 that morning as I was just finishing freshening up after a superb breakfast. The door tone announced one of the resort's attendant who I presumed was leading my boy of choice – a cute Latino with exquisitely smoldering eyes and a body which could bring out the lust in a clergyman. The boy being conducted into my room shuffled along with a short hobble chain connecting his leather ankle cuffs. Likewise his wrists and hands, thought free, were bound with form fitting leather wrists cuffs which continued upward covering the lower portion of his hands and confining his thumbs into near immobility. His small light brown skinned fingers were likewise partially immobilized with a strange sort of web-work of leather holding his fingers together. There was a very high leather color about his neck holding his head in a firm if not totally rigid posture and over the bottom part of his face was a snug muzzle, with its straps, two going up alongside his nose, joining between his eyes and this strap going over his head and joining the straps coming from the sides. From the shape of the muzzle, it was quite clear that his mouth held a sizeable gag. There was likewise a butt plug of considerable size, evident by the way he was walking, whose end could be seen emerging between his cute dimpled butt cheeks. Other than what I have just described, the boy, in all his Latino heritage glory, was entirely naked. The attendant guided the boy into the main room of my suite by a leather leash attached to the rather large metal ring which was threaded widthwise through the boy's dark brown jutting penis. I thought that his slim but long penis, perhaps 4 inches [10 cm] long, rather oversized for his body. According to the catalogue from which I'd picked the boy the night before, he was a 10 year old, about 70 pounds [31½ kg], and about 4 feet 5 inches [1.35 m] tall. Absolutely perfect in my estimation. I was totally blown away as the boy so energetically followed all directions and even enthusiastically allowed me to use his both holes as nature intended. As I was for the second time that morning fucking his pulsing rear butt hole, I was imagining my own son's future. I booked another weekend back at the 'Boy Hotel' for a month hence. Besides wanting to use a cute 8 year old Native American who U saw in their catalogue, I was anxious to see just what changes had been done to little Henry and how he was adjusting to his conversion into a 'fuck, suck, lick' boy.
The End |
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