PZA Boy Stories

The Devil's Advocate

Cherry Picker

Adoption Story Cliché with a Twist
Story Challenge

Inspired by Fun Tails "Boylove (BL) Rescue Fantasy Clichés"
Rules and Table of contents


I've done my best to add various clichés with a twist to this story. See if you can spot them all. I've listed what I was going for at the end.

Publ. Sept 2016
Finished 14,500 words (29 pages)


Tracy (12yo?), Greer (27yo), Rob and Roy (16-17yo)

Category & Story codes

Man-boy story
Mtreluc anal oral – tdom humil cross-dressing ws toys enema interr


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with The Devil's Advocate - Cherry Picker in the subject line.


"Again?" Greer says as he spots the young boy at the side of the road.

This is the fourth day in a row that he has driven past this spot and seen the boy sitting there. He thought for sure the cops would have addressed the situation by now.

He isn't sure why, but this time he finds himself applying his brakes.

"Are you okay?" he asks as he lowers the passenger side window.

The boy stands but hesitates before approaching.

"I'm hungry," the boy says after a moment.

The comment doesn't surprise Greer. He'd already concluded that the boy is probably homeless. The kid looks to be only 12, which tells Greer he's most likely a runaway.

"Jump in," Greer says after a moment. "We will go get you something to eat."

The boy's eyes light up. However, he holds his ground. Greer is certain that the boy is debating whether a hot meal is worth the risk of getting into a car with a stranger. It doesn't take long for the boy to make up his mind and jump in.

"My name is 'Greer'."

"Tracy," the boy replies.

Greer sizes the boy up as he starts the car moving again. Tracy is rather cute, if not somewhat dirty, and looks to weigh maybe 110 pounds [50 kg]. At 170 pounds [75 kg], Greer is pretty sure he will be able to detain the boy once they park in front of the police station. And there is little doubt in his mind that the boy will try to escape. You don't starve on the streets for days on end unless you are running from something bad.

Greer decides that it is best to take the boy to the police station just down the street from his house. The boy might suspect something if Greer starts checking his GPS for a closer station.

"Can I stay with you?"

They had been driving in silence for a good ten minutes and it takes Greer a second to compute what Tracy is asking.

"I'm not sure that is a good idea."

It is the only thing he can think of to say. He probably should have said "yes" or that he would think about it. However, he is already betraying the boy's trust by taking him to the police station. The last thing he wants to do was lie to the boy as well.

"I promise I'll be good," Tracy pleads.

Greer has to struggle to hold back tears. He truly feels sorry for the boy. However, allowing the boy to live with him is a very bad idea. We are talking possibly going to jail type bad. Still, how can he say no to the sweet boy?

"One night," Greer says as a compromise.

He says it before he even fully realizes what he is saying. He wants to take the comment back but convinces himself that one night shouldn't be that dangerous. It is kind of late anyway. He doubts the cops will chastise him for waiting until morning before reporting the kid.

"You must be rich," Tracy says when they pull into the driveway of a very nice house.

"I do okay," Greer replies with a chuckle.

Truth is, he is pretty rich. He gets paid a rather handsome wage for his programming and electronics skills. They have no choice but to pay him well. He is one of the best at what he does and his employers know that if they don't pay him well then he will quickly be recruited by another company.

"First things first," Greer says as they enter the house. "You need to take a shower."

Tracy giggles. It will be nice to get cleaned off.

Greer leads Tracy to the bathroom. He is about to leave for the kitchen when the boy grabs hold of his hand to stop him.

"You aren't going to call the police are you?" Tracy whispers in fear. "They will send me back to my father. He is very mean. He 3; he has done things to me."

A tear runs down Greer's cheek at getting a glimpse of the boy's situation. Part of him already suspected all of this. It is another thing, however, to hear the boy make the claim himself.

He wants to tell the boy he won't involve the police. However, he just can't lie. The boy has been betrayed enough in life already. Instead, he kneels down and gives the boy a long hug.

As they finally part, Greer is certain that a part of him is in love with Tracy. And he suspects that Tracy feels the same about him.

"I'll get something cooking on the stove while you shower," Greer says in an attempt to change the subject.

Whether he loves the boy or not is irrelevant to the situation. The legal consequences of allowing the boy to stay with him are just too great. He will still be taking Tracy to the police station in the morning. Though now it will be one of the hardest things he has ever done.

Additional tears run down Greer's cheek as he turns and heads toward the kitchen.

Greer decides on a vegetable soup. He is capable of making much fancier meals but figures that if Tracy hasn't eaten for awhile then he will have an easier time handling a soup.

It doesn't take him long to chop everything up and get it cooking on the stove. He can still hear the shower running down the hall and his attention goes back to Tracy. It dawns on him that the shower will do no good if the boy just puts on the same dirty clothes.

He goes to the bathroom door and is about to knock and let the boy know to put the bath robe on instead of the dirty clothes. He notices, however, that the door is ajar. This is rather odd considering the boy seemed so scared earlier.

Is it possible Tracy really is falling for him as much as Greer is for him? Or did the boy just forget?

Greer knows he shouldn't but can't help but crack the door open and peek inside.

"You're getting water everywhere!" Greer growls when he sees the boy hasn't bothered to use the shower curtain.

Tracy turns to him but doesn't appear to be that shocked. It is almost as though the boy was expecting this response to his actions. As though he did it on purpose. This only angers Greer further.

His anger, however, is briefly suspended when he catches sight of the boy's hard cock. And 'cock' is most definitely a proper description. Something like 'penis' just wouldn't give it the proper credit it deserves. At 7½" [19 cm] long and 1½" [4 cm] thick, the cock isn't really 'porn star' big. However, it looks monstrous on the boy's small frame. Greer can't help but compare it to his own much smaller 4½" [11 cm] long and 1" [2½ cm] thick penis.

"Like what you see?" Tracy says with a smile when he notices where Greer is staring. "Come over and give it a kiss."

Greer blushes at being caught. He is also rather shocked by Tracy's sudden confidence. This definitely isn't the same scared little boy that entered the bathroom earlier.

Greer takes a step toward the boy before he can catch himself. Greer may have felt a kind of love for the boy but he hadn't really thought of him in a sexual way. That said, he would be lying if he said he never thought about having sex with men.

When he was younger he seldom ever thought of men in a sexual way. Mostly he thought of girls. However, once it became clear his cock was not going to get any bigger, he realized that finding a woman that would be pleased with his 'condition' would be hard. So, at 27 years old and still a virgin, he started considering men. It was more fantasies of sorts than anything else. And those fantasies definitely never involved kids.

"I think you should get dressed."

Greer tries to say it in an angry tone but fails miserably. It is clear to Tracy that Greer is no longer in charge. The man just needs to be pushed a hair more. He turns the shower off and starts playing with his 7½" [19 cm] cock. Greer just stands there and stares quietly.

"I know you want to suck it," Tracy whispers.

Greer doesn't budge.

"If you don't do it then I will just claim you did when you take me to the police station."

This gets Greer's attention. At first he is surprised that the boy knew his plan all along. Then it sinks in exactly what the boy is threatening him with.

Well, he definitely isn't going to take the boy to the police station now. The only question is whether the boy will go there on his own. The boy, after all, has something to lose as well if he goes to the police. He is a runaway after all. Isn't he?

"Come on. It will be our little secret."

Tracy's comment interrupts Greer's train of thought.

"That's a good girl," Tracy whispers as Greer goes to his knees.

Greer is shocked at his own actions. One moment he was debating whether he should do what the boy asks and the next moment he is on his knees. The water soaking through his pants at the knees reminds him of the huge pool of water on the expensive floor. However, it all seems so minor in comparison to what he is about to do. He barely even notices that Tracy just referred to him as a girl.

"I knew you were a faggot the second I seen you," Tracy says with a smile as he moves towards the man kneeling before him. "I bet you even dress up in girl's clothes and go to gay bars hoping to get fucked."

Greer's face turns a bright red. He indeed has done just that. Only once though. And he chickened out the moment the first man approached him. Fantasizing about it beforehand had been kind of exciting. However, for some reason it didn't seem as exciting when the moment had arrived and the man approached. In fact, it had seemed kind of gross. Especially when the guy had tried to kiss him.

Greer guessed that the reason was because he wasn't really a transsexual 3; or gay for that matter. Sure, he got a kind of thrill out of dressing up but he still thought of himself as a man. He suspects that the dressing up only excited him because it introduce a kind of female aspect to his fantasy. Something he knew he could never have in real life. Or at least something he was too embarrassed and scared to attempt to try to include in his life.

Tracy moves forward until the end of his dick is less than an inch away from Greer's mouth. He lets the anticipation build for a moment. Then he reaches out with his right hand and puts it behind Greer's head. He grabs a hand full of Greer's brown hair but it doesn't require much pressure to get the man to move his head forward.

"Good girl," Tracy moans as the head of his cock slides into the man's mouth. "You're my bitch now."

Greer knows he should be angry at Tracy. However, Tracy's comments somehow only make him love the boy even more.

And he is pretty sure that it is love that he is feeling. What else could it be? Why else would he feel affection for someone making him do something so disgusting?

And Greer wants to do it. Sort of. Sure, it is utterly disgusting. Yet, the desire to go through with the act and please the boy is significantly greater.

"The things I'm going to do to you," Tracy says as he feeds Greer more of his cock.

The comment is just Tracy thinking out loud. It isn't really meant for Greer's consumption. Yet, the man can't help but hear it. Just sucking Tracy's cock seems like too much to Greer. He knows he should be both disgusted and frightened at the thought of doing much worse. However, that thought actually drives his lust. His 4½" [11 cm] penis has never been harder in his life. So hard in fact that he is certain that it may have expanded to a monstrous 5" [12½ cm]. Or at least monstrous in comparison to his normal size.


Greer lets out an almost inhuman sound as Tracy forces almost all his 7½" [19 cm] cock deep into the man's throat. Greer immediately tries to pull away but Tracy has too strong of a grip on his head.

"Put your hands behind your back and keep them there!" Tracy growls as Greer tries to push him away.

It takes all of his willpower, but Greer manages to obey.

"You're gonna have to get used to this," Tracy informs him. "You will be doing it several times a day from now on."

Greer blushes when it dawns on him what Tracy is implying. Does the boy really plan to stay with him and treat him like some kind of sex slave? Part of Greer is scared of this possibility. Another part of him just got even harder.

It takes some effort but Tracy manages to sink the remaining couple inches of his dick into Greer's throat. He holds himself deep for over a minute before he pulls back.

"Now try to take it without gagging," Tracy says as he starts to feed Greer the cock once more.

Greer almost immediately begins to gag. Tracy quickly pulls his dick out of the man's mouth.


The slap across Greer's face is so hard that he sees stars. For a couple seconds Greer just looks at Tracy in shock. He can't believe this small boy just hit him! For an instant, his fists tighten up and he scowls at the boy. Tracy quickly puts an end to the rebellion.


This slap is a back hand on the other side of his face. The angry expression quickly disappears and Greer looks down at the wet floor in defeat. Tracy smiles as the man realizes his proper place.

"Put those hands behind your back," Tracy reminds him.

Greer reluctantly obeys. Tracy raises his hand and swings. He doesn't make contact though. It is just a test to see how strong the man's obedience is. Greer flinches but indeed keeps his hands behind him.

"Good girl," Tracy praises. "There might be hope for you after all. Now try harder this time."

At that, Tracy begins to feed the man his cock again. Greer takes 5" [12½ cm] this time before he gags. Tracy quickly pulls out.


The cock is then immediately deep in the man's throat again. Only this time he feeds all 7½" [19 cm]. Still in shock from the hit, Greer's body doesn't even pay attention to the cock deep in his throat until several seconds later. His body wants to gag but Greer is able to somehow hold it back.

Tracy smiles. The technique doesn't always work but it is nice when it does.

He holds himself deep in the man's throat for a minute before he moves. He pulls out a couple inches and feeds it right back in. He does this several times and then increases the stroke to 3 inches [7 cm]. Then 4 [10 cm]. Greer starts to gag a few times but quickly gets it under control. Tracy doesn't slap him. Truth is, the man is doing exceptionally well. That said, Tracy will still probably use the gags as an excuse to punish the man later.

"You are going to be a proper bitch in no time," Tracy giggles as he begins to steadily pump the man's throat.

Tracy may be happy but Greer isn't sure what to feel. Part of him is disgusted at being throat fucked. It is nothing like he had expected. It is so 3; icky and uncomfortable.

Yet, another part of him is both proud and amazed that he is actually able to accommodate the cock. He had tried practicing with a dildo in the past with no success. He thought for sure that deep throating was something that would never be within his skill set. It is now though. He isn't sure if he should hate Tracy for this or love him even more.

Greer gets a sudden additional rush of humiliation and disgust when it dawns on him what comes next. The polite thing for Tracy to do would be to pull his cock out and cum in the toilet or at least on the floor. However, Tracy has been far from polite so far. Greer is pretty sure that when the time comes that sperm is going into his mouth and throat, or at least on his face. The thought is enough to make him turn a hint of green.

Tracy can tell that Greer isn't overly joyed about giving the blowjob. Yet, the man is trying his best. That is all you can really demand from a slave. Yet, Greer is giving more than just effort. Tracy can tell that the man is in love with him. Or at least has a crush. This in turn increases Tracy's affection for Greer.

Tracy isn't used to dealing with these feelings. A part of him wants to pull his dick out of the man's mouth and give him a hug. He knows, however, that this isn't the type of relationship they are meant to have. At least not this early in the game. If he eases up on Greer then he will lose control. And that would bring their relationship to a quick end.

Besides, it is clear that the man is a submissive. Tracy may be young but he isn't new to all of this. He has trained a few young submissives. Something he learned how to do from his father. His dad had tried to turn Tracy into a sissy slave. He even started the boy on estrogen. The training didn't take. Thankfully, his father realized this before the estrogen altered Tracy's body too much. Despite having only a hint of development in the breast area, the boy could still pass as a girl if he were to dress up. Just barely though. His normal male hormones are quickly taking hold again. That said, he is still much smaller than most boys his age. Which is why at 15 he still looks about 12.

"Oh! You are a quick learner," Tracy groans with pleasure as Greer starts using his tongue. "You will be a pro at this in no time. Maybe we should dress you up and have you earn some extra money at a local truck stop."

"Mmmm!" Greer suddenly groans as his penis explodes in his pants.

As Greer cums he doubles his efforts on the cock in his mouth. Tracy has to bite his lip to keep from cumming himself.

"Good girl," Tracy says as Greer comes down from his climax. "Not many sissies can cum without even having their ass clit massaged."

Greer is too overwhelmed with disgust and humiliation to hear what Tracy is saying. He can't believe he came from just sucking a cock and thinking of sucking others as well.

"What is wrong with me?"

Greer internally chastises himself. Yet, he can't bring himself to pull away from Tracy's cock. Sucking the cock is now a hundred times more disgusting than it was a moment ago. And yet, he still feels a desire to please the boy. No, that isn't exactly true. It is more a desire to obey the boy. Though, he suspects that the two are synonymous in Tracy's eyes.

Tracy fucks Greer's throat for another five minutes before he pulls out. He then walks over to the toilet. For a second, Greer thinks the boy is going to jack off in the toilet after all. His hopes are dashed, however, when the boy turns and sits down.

"What are you waiting for?" Tracy growls as he uses a hand to wag his hard cock in the air.

Greer blushes but doesn't hesitate to rush over on his knees and take the cock in his mouth once more. As disgusting and embarrassing as it may be, Greer can't help but be impressed by the boy's staying power. Greer seldom lasts more than a minute when he plays with himself. He doubts that he would last ten seconds if someone were to actually suck his cock. Heck, he came earlier without even touching it.

Tracy leans back to help ensure Greer can get the maximum amount of cock as possible. He doesn't grab the man's head or hair this time though.

At first, Greer can only take about 5" [12½ cm] on his own. All it takes is a small threat from Tracy to get Greer to force the remaining 2½" [6½ cm] down his throat as well. Still, his pace is much slower than when Tracy was force feeding him earlier. Tracy is still satisfied with the man's progress. The boys Tracy trained in the past all required several sessions before they could handle his cock. Granted, they were much younger and smaller than Greer.

"I'm going to cum soon," Tracy informs him. "Pull back until only a few inches are in your mouth. Good. Now use your tongue to lick the underside of my cock until I cum. I want you to catch it all in your mouth. Don't swallow though or spit it out."

Greer still can't wrap his mind around the idea of having someone actually cum in his mouth. He blushes profusely but still does as ordered.

"Oh! Here it comes bitch!" Tracy moans.

A second later and Greer feels the thick hot cum shooting into his mouth. He has to struggle to keep from gagging in disgust. He also has to fight his instinct to spit it out. As disgusting as it is, he has to admit that it doesn't taste as bad as he thought it would. Not that he likes the flavor. His senses automatically try to compare the taste to things he has eaten before. They find no direct matches. The closest they can come up with is a kind of salty, yet sweet, thick mushroom soup. And Greer hates mushrooms.

"Shit," Tracy moans as he catches his breath. "Good girl. Now open your mouth and let me see it."

Greer's face somehow manages to get even redder as he tilts his head back like a baby bird and opens his mouth. Tracy leans forward and spits into the man's already full mouth.

Greer's head jerks back slightly in shock. His disgust heightens as well. He isn't sure why though. It's not like spit is worse than cum.

"Move your tongue around in it," Tracy commands.

For a moment, Greer considers disobeying. Hasn't he been through enough already? All it takes is a disappointing look from Tracy to get him to comply. Greer's face goes from red to green as he wiggles his tongue around in the disgusting slop. It is more than just the taste that gets to him. It is also the consistency. It feels like he has raw egg in his mouth. To make matters worse, flicking his tongue around allows the cum to try to slither down his throat. He manages to keep the bulk of it in his mouth but several drops definitely coat his throat.

"Good girl," Tracy praises him. "You can close your mouth now."

Greer is happy to be done with the disgusting display. However, he feels ill at the thought of what the next command will most likely be. He doesn't want to swallow this gunk. Especially now that he has gotten a good taste and feel of it.

To his surprise, Tracy doesn't order him to swallow. In fact, he tells him not to.

"Keep that in your mouth," Tracy orders. "I will be checking later to make sure it is still there. And if you know what is good for you then it will be."

Tracy's harsh tone makes Greer swallow hard. Or at least he would have if he didn't have a mouth full of jizz right now. As mean as Tracy is being to him, Greer's heart can't help but flutter. It will be days, however, before he is able to comprehend why.

Tracy, on the other hand, is well aware of why the man is looking at him with such affection. He has seen it before. It was never just a sex partner Greer was really looking for all this time. It was someone to take charge.

Okay, maybe Greer was really hoping for a woman to fill this position. This is a minor detail as far as Tracy is concerned. Someone taking charge of the sissy is the main ingredient. Over time, Greer will probably come to like the gay aspect as well. And if he doesn't? Well, he will at least get used to it and still be happy with being controlled.

"Dry this wet floor off," Tracy orders. "After you are done with that I want you to get your enema kit out and make sure you are extra clean inside. Then I want you to shave all your hair off from the neck down. And I mean everything. There better not even be a stray hair around your asshole when you are done. I'm only giving you an hour so you better get started."

Greer blushes at the mention of the enema kit. The boy clearly snooped in the bathroom drawers before taking his shower. He blushes further when all the rest of the instructions sink in.

"This is going too far," Greer thinks as his mind works everything out.

He is about to spit the cum out and object but Tracy has already left the bathroom. He takes a step toward the door to follow but then stops himself. He needs to think this out first. He's fucked if Tracy decides to go to the cops. Greer of course would lie about it all, but there would surely be a witness or possibly even surveillance camera footage of the two of them driving together. Odds are in Greer's favor, but it could still get pretty nasty.

Greer dries the floor and then takes a seat on the toilet and starts to brainstorm. It isn't easy to stay focused, however, with a mouth full of cum. He considers spitting it out but thinks it is best to hold it for now until he has his plan formulated.

He only sits there for five minutes before Tracy suddenly bursts in.

"Why the fuck are you just sitting there?!" he growls.

Greer's eyes get big. He quickly jumps up and goes to retrieve the enema kit. He stops mid way and turns to face the small boy.

Tracy already knows what's up. The second the bathroom went silent he figured the man was having doubts. Tracy just giggles at the man's defiance.

"It's kind of late now to be resisting," Tracy says as he retrieves the enema kit and starts to set it up for the man. "We both know that if you didn't really want this then you would have objected from the very start."

Tracy stops and looks back at Greer. He waits for Greer to show a sign that he has given up his little rebellion. No such sign is given. For a moment, Tracy considers just leaving the house. Greer may not be a homosexual at heart but he is definitely a submissive. And now that he has gotten a small taste of what it is like to have a master, the man would come looking for him within a matter of days.

He decides against it. As fun as it would be to have the man begging him to be his master, the thought of dressing like a homeless person and having to sit on that curb every evening until then just isn't appealing to the boy.

"And of course there is the video," Tracy says with an evil smile.

This gets a huge reaction from Greer. The man quickly looks around. He doesn't spot anything. Tracy giggles and then pulls out a small smart phone. He hits a few buttons and the recording of their prior activities starts to play.

Greer checks the angle of the footage and quickly figures out that the phone had been somewhere in the vicinity of the sink. He watches the video for a few seconds and decides to take the phone from the boy and destroy it.

"It won't do you any good," Tracy says as though reading Greer's mind. "I've already sent a copy to a buddy of mine. Do I need to explain what happens with the footage if you are a bad girl?"

Greer's face turns red with fury. It quickly changes to white with fear as it dawns on him how fucked he is.

"Oh, don't get all worried about it," Tracy says with a smile. "It's just to keep you in line. I'm not going to ask you for money or turn you in to the cops. I just want someone to take care of my cock for awhile. If you are a good girl then that video will never see the light of day."

Tracy finishes setting up the enema bag. He then goes over to Greer and starts to undress the man. Greer just stands there in shock as he takes it all in.

"Cheer up," Tracy says as he pulls the man's pants and underwear down. "I think we both know that you really want this."

To emphasis his comment, Tracy reaches down and gives Greer's hard penis a tug. The man immediately starts shooting his load on the tiled floor.

Tracy giggles. Greer's face turns red in humiliation as he looks down at the floor in defeat.

"You better hurry up. You only have 45 minutes."

At that, Tracy gives Greer a soft pat on the rump and leaves the room.


About 45 minutes later a very red faced Greer exits the bathroom. He is wearing a bath robe but isn't naive enough to think that he will be allowed to use it for long.

Greer finds Tracy sitting naked in the dining room eating soup. It isn't until then that he even remembers putting the soup on the stove to cook.

He stands there for a good three minutes before Tracy acknowledges his presence. The boy finishes off his bowl of soup and then walks over to Greer. He makes a parting motion with his hands and Greer obeys the unspoken command by opening and then removing the robe.

Tracy can't help but giggle when he sees the mans small penis is still hard.

"Yeah, you were born for this," Tracy says more to himself than Greer.

Greer blushes. He isn't sure if the boy is referencing his arousal or just the small size of his penis. Either case is equally humiliating.

"Have you gotten used to my taste yet?" Tracy says as he walks around the man and inspects.

Greer blushes further as he nods his head up and down.

"Show me," Tracy commands.

Greer knows what he wants to see. He kneels down, tilts his head back slightly and opens his mouth.

"Good girl," Tracy says as he inspects the contents of the man's mouth.

At this point, of course, the contents look very similar to regular saliva. That's because most of it is. During the past hour as Greer's body naturally generated saliva, the man was required to let the contents slowly drain down his throat.

Tracy leans in and spits in the man's mouth once more. Greer flinches but doesn't close.

"You can swallow now," Tracy orders.

Greer's face scrunches up in disgust as he closes his mouth and swallows. As disgusting as it is, Greer is still happy to finally have the slop out of his mouth. Even if it means putting it in his stomach. That said, his entire mouth is coated with it and he can still clearly taste the boy's flavor. He tries swallowing several more times but the flavor still lingers.

Tracy smiles at the man's efforts. In time the man will come to love the taste. Or at least pretend to.

Tracy has the man stand and then continues his inspection. Greer blushes as the boy checks every crack and crevice for hairs. The inspection is finished with Tracy sticking a finger deep inside the man's asshole and then pulling it out and inspecting for cleanliness.

"Good girl."

Tracy is indeed impressed. He hadn't given the man much time. Yet he had done a decent job. Not perfect, but decent. They of course would get some hair removal for next time. Plus, he doubts the man gave himself that big of an enema. Probably just enough to clean himself out. Tracy likes to see his slaves take much larger enemas. His dick gets hard at the thought of what the man's reaction will be like the first time he gets a large enema of a half gallon or more.

It doesn't take Greer long to notice the boy's arousal. He tries not to look at it but it is hard not to. After all, that cock took his throat cherry just an hour ago. And he is pretty certain that it will be taking his ass cherry soon as well. Tracy pinches the man's left nipple just as Greer is completing the thought.

"Oh!" Greer grunts as he squirts a load of cum on the tiled floor.

"Looks like you might be a bit of a tit pig," Tracy says with a giggle.

The giggle quickly disappears, however, and he gives the man a hard slap on the ass.

"Oh!" Greer lets out in pain.

"What are you waiting for?" Tracy growls. "Get down there and lick that mess up!"

Greer goes to his knees but then freezes in place. Eating the boy's cum was bad enough. Eating his own is something he isn't sure he can bring himself to do.


This hit lands between his shoulder blades. His upper body lurches forward until his face is only inches from the streak of cum.

"Don't think about it, just do it!" Tracy says as he gives the man an additional slap on the ass.

Greer has half of the cum slurped from the floor before he even realizes he is doing it. It is the most disgusting thing he has ever done. However, he continues until the floor is clean enough to eat off of. Which, he just did.

"You're going to be cleaning your messes up like that from now on," Tracy informs him. "You might want to learn a little self control."

Greer looks down at the floor in humiliation.

Self control, of course, is the last thing Tracy wants the man to learn. Tracy finds it cute how the man can't control himself. He has heard of premature ejaculators before but Greer is the first he has ever run across. Not that Tracy has a slew of slaves under his belt. Greer is only his fourth. And the first three were rather short term slaves. He plans to keep Greer much longer. He feels a kind of odd affection for the man. With luck, he may be able to keep the man indefinitely.

"Stay down there," Tracy says as Greer starts to stand. "I have to take a piss."

Greer looks at the boy in confusion. What does pissing have to do with him remaining in a kneeling position? Tracy gives the man a moment to figure it out on his own. The idea of drinking piss must have never occurred to the man because it is clear that he has no clue what Tracy wants him to do.

"Take my cock into your mouth," Tracy orders.

Greer's look of confusion quickly changes to one of disgust. This gets a giggle from Tracy. The boy's face quickly changes to one of anger when the man hesitates to comply.

Greer sees the anger on Tracy's face and reluctantly moves closer to the cock. When the cock comes into contact with his lips, Greer opens his mouth to plead not to make him do this. Tracy pushes his cock in, however, before the man can formulate a sentence.

Greer tries to pull his head away but Tracy has a firm grasp on his hair. The man weakly struggles for several seconds and then settles down. As horrific an act as what Tracy wants him to perform, Greer knows that it is still better than going to prison. Everyone knows what they do to child sex offenders in prison.

Plus, he can't help but want to please the boy. Still, this is a lot to ask. Not that Tracy is asking.

"Good girl," Tracy whispers as the man settles down. "Since you are being so good I will just feed you a little at a time."

Tracy has to keep from giggling at that last part. Tracy has never drunk piss himself. In fact, he has never even trained a slave to do it before. However, he has seen a couple other masters' slaves doing it. And from those slaves' reactions it is clear that they prefer to chug it and get it over with instead of sipping at it and savoring the flavor for several minutes. Greer doesn't know that though. Not yet anyway.

"Mmm!" Greer groans in protest as the first squirt of piss shoots into his mouth.

He debates trying to spit it out around Tracy's cock. He wants to be a good girl though. So, instead he scrunches his nose up in disgust and forces himself to swallow. His stomach tries to reject the putrid fluid but Greer somehow manages to keep it down.

Tracy smiles as he watches the man struggle to keep from being sick. Tracy can't help but feel love for the man for trying so hard to obey. He waits patiently until Greer gets his stomach under control. It is easy to tell when this is accomplished because Greer's muscles relax and he lets out a sound that seems a mix of a sigh of relief and a groan of defeat.

Greer's relaxed state is short lived. Tracy feeds the man another squirt of piss. Greer fights with his stomach again but recovers much faster this time. This process repeats itself over and over for the next few minutes.

"Good girl," Tracy praises as Greer swallows the last of the piss.

Tracy means it also. He has been told that potty training a slave is normally a long and often messy task. Yet, Greer is taking to it like a duck to water. The man may not be fully trained yet but he is well on his way.

Tracy smiles when he steps back and sees a streak of cum on the tiled floor again. He has never heard of a slave that would involuntarily cum while performing their potty duties. This one is indeed special.

He snaps his fingers and points at the streak of cum. Greer quickly leans down and starts licking it up. Anything to get the flavor of piss out of his mouth.

"Good girl," Tracy praises once more. "Now go to your bedroom and get dressed. I invited a couple friends over."


Greer isn't happy about the boy inviting people over. Yet, it is good to know that their sexual activities will be put on hold for awhile. He quickly learns otherwise, however, when he enters his bedroom and sees what is on his bed.

Laying there is a short pink dress, red pumps. A wave of anger and humiliations rush over Greer. The boy searched Greer's bedroom and found his secret stash. Not that he had it hidden that well. There is no need to find good hiding places for stuff when you live alone and never have dates, let alone bring them home.

Greer considers ignoring the items on the bed and getting some male clothes from the closet instead. He quickly decides against it. He knows darn well that Tracy wants him to put the dress on. Doing otherwise will just upset the boy. And that would mean a punishment. He cringes at the thought of possibly having to drink another load of piss.

His face turns a bright red when he picks the dress up and finds a pair of pink panties and a butt plug hiding underneath. These are also from his stash. To his surprise, he finds that his biggest concern isn't having to put these items on but what the boy must think of him for having them in the first place.

A part of him wants to go back to the dining room and explain to the boy that he doesn't use these items on a regular basis. In fact, it has been several weeks since the last time. It was the time he went to the gay bar. The only time in fact that he ever wore the outfit outside. And prior to that he only wore the outfit a few times in the house. Even then, it was primarily just to make him feel closer to being with a girl when he played with himself. It's not like he really wants to be a girl.

He decides it is best to just put the items on. He highly doubts that Tracy will give him any kind of reprieve. All it will do is piss the boy off 3; in possibly more ways than one.

The plug is only 1½" [4 cm] thick but it still takes some work to get it in place. He has had the plug for some time but never managed to get it all the way inside himself. Not that he ever tried that hard. He always climaxes before even getting it half way in. He almost cums this time also. However, thanks to his recent climaxes, he manages to maintain control 3; just barely.

The plug feels 3; weird. It is uncomfortable and yet kind of pleasurable at the same time. Overall, however, it just makes him feel kind of gay. Not that the rest of the items don't as well.

Of course, this is the whole purpose of the outfit. Sure, in the beginning he told himself that it was just to find out what it was like to be intimate with a girl. The logic being that if he became the girl then playing with himself would be like playing with a girl. He tried it several times at home but it just made him feel silly while masturbating. Then one day it dawned on him that he probably subconsciously did it all because he was gay. And he convinced himself he was. He even watched some gay porn. The porn was rather disgusting but he still managed to cum. Not that it takes much to make him cum.

It was the trip to the gay bar, however, that convinced him that he probably wasn't gay. He would be lying if he said it didn't make him feel good when the large man started coming on to him. It was nice to finally be desired in a sexual way. When the man started to make his move, however, Greer rushed out of there. This wasn't for him. And yet, for some reason he hadn't tossed out the dress and other items.

Greer grabs a small makeup kit and mirror from a drawer. He probably could get away without putting any barrettes in his hair or makeup on. Tracy hadn't placed these items on the bed after all. However, it just doesn't seem right to wear the outfit and not style his hair and put makeup on as well. Plus, he highly suspects that it may be some kind of test. To see if he would voluntarily do it in order to please Tracy.

He is just finishing up when he hears the door bell ring. He swallows hard at the sound of the door opening and greetings being made. He can't believe that Tracy actually invited people over. He had been certain that Tracy was bluffing. A sick joke to make him scared and nervous.

Greer puts the makeup away and goes to the bedroom door. He is way too scared and embarrassed to go out. Instead, he tries to listen in on their conversation. He can't make much of it out.

He quickly backs away from the door when the voices start to get closer. He frantically looks around. He isn't even sure what he is looking for. Maybe a way to escape? No, it is way too late for that.

He backs up until he bumps into the bed. Then he freezes in place and waits for the inevitable. He doesn't have to wait long.

"There she is," Tracy says as he leads two older boys into the room.

Greer almost pees himself when he sees the size of the boys. They look to be about 16 or 17 years old but they are easily in the 200 pound [90 kg] range. And a lot of that weight is muscle. Greer suspects they are either football players or possibly even body builders.

"Oh, she's a cutie," one of the boys says with a laugh.

"This is Rob," Tracy says as he looks toward the boy that just spoke. "That fucker over there is Roy."

"Hi," Greer whispers as he tries to avert his gaze.

Greer doubts that these are their real names. What are the odds that both of them would have three letter names with only the last letter being different?

Rob is a big 'kid' but as mean as he looks, it is the other one that Greer fears. He is a 6' [1.80 m] tall black boy. Greer tries to convince himself that it is just a subconscious racism or something that makes him think the boy is the worst of the two. However, there is just something about the way the boy is looking at him that makes Greer believe he has him pegged right.

"You definitely need to take him shopping," Roy says as he sizes Greer up.

The comment upsets Greer. He put a lot of thought into this outfit. And it hadn't been cheap. He looks up at Roy in anger. The look he gets in return makes him quickly avert his eyes again.

"Don't worry, sugar," Tracy says as he walks over to comfort Greer. "These guys are just going to help break you in."

It is exactly this that Greer is fearful of. And he isn't stupid. He suspects that these are the largest friends Tracy has, and that he picked them for a reason. There is no longer the need for Tracy to rely on blackmail material to get Greer to follow orders. With these two boys they can simply force him.

For some weird reason, just the thought of it makes Greer's penis start to throb in his pink panties. His asshole squeezes the butt plug tight and he bites his lower lip as he struggles to keep from cumming. He manages to abate the climax, but just barely.

"Why don't you show them what you learned earlier," Tracy says as he steps forward and opens the bath robe he is now wearing.

Greer blushes but doesn't hesitate to go to his knees. If he pleases Tracy then maybe the boy will send the other two away. Yeah, Greer is pretty certain the odds of this happening is extremely slim. However, at this point he is willing to grab at anything that might make this nightmare end. And right now that is Tracy's dick.

"No!" Tracy growls as Greer reaches out with his hand.

Greer quickly puts his hands behind his back. He then opens his mouth and takes the head of the cock inside. He nurses on the head for several seconds and then starts feeding more of it into his mouth.

He manages the first 5" [12½ cm] pretty easily. However, he struggles a bit with the final 2½" [4 cm]. It takes a couple minutes but he finally manages to deep throat the entire thing.

"Isn't she precious?" Tracy says as he runs his fingers through Greer's longer than average hair.

"I get her cherry," Rob announces.

"Yeah, right."

Tracy and Roy say in unison with a laugh. Greer doesn't get the inside joke. Granted, right now his head is spinning a bit from the reduced oxygen intake.

"She's my property so I get her cherry," Tracy announces. "Roy gets to play with her next. And if she can handle Roy then I'll consider letting you have a crack at her."

"This is bullshit," Rob growls under his breath as he turns and walks out of the room.

It's always the same story. Everyone loves to invite him to their rape parties but they seldom let him actually get his dick wet. They invite him more as a scare tactic for the 'guest of honor'.

"There is some beer in the fridge," Tracy says after him. "That should cheer you up."

This gets Roy's attention. He quickly follows Rob toward the kitchen. Tracy laughs a moment later when he hears the two older boys bitching about the beer. Tracy doesn't blame them. Greer evidently has a taste for a local micro brew. A pumpkin flavored lite beer. He drank a bottle earlier. It tasted like shit but it gave him a buzz. He suspects it tasted much worse to Greer who later drank it second hand.

Tracy lets the robe drop off his shoulders and to the ground.

"Good girl," he praises as he pulls himself from Greer's mouth and lays down on the bed. "Now dance for me."

Greer blushes as he stands up and starts to dance. He knows Tracy wants an exotic dance. So, he tries to imitate how a stripper might move. He fails miserably.

"We definitely need to enroll you in a dance class," Tracy says with a chuckle.

Despite the chuckle, there is something about the tone of Tracy's voice that tells Greer that the boy is being serious about the class. Of course, this is the least of his concerns right now.

Tracy lets the man humiliate himself with the dance for a couple minutes and then tells him to stop. He also chastises the man for not doing a better job. Greer looks at the floor disappointed with himself. He has done so well pleasing Tracy up until now. He prays that his dance hasn't undone all of that.

"Take your panties off and remove your plug," Tracy orders. "Then get up here and ride my cock."

Greer's eyes get big and he freezes for a moment. He knew this moment was coming. However, now that it is here he is having a hard time wrapping his brain around it.

"Do I need to take a belt to you or maybe give you another drink?"

Greer snaps out of it at the obvious threat of making him drink piss again. The belt doesn't sound that inviting either.

He removes the panties and is about to pull the plug out when Tracy stops him. The boy then reaches into a nearby drawer and pulls out a condom. He tosses it to Greer. The man blushes. The boy clearly found the rubber stash earlier as well.

Greer isn't even sure why he bought the condoms. Deep down he knew he probably would never get a girlfriend. Still, there was always that slight chance. And getting extra small condoms that would fit him requires a special order or going to a large store. They aren't something you can normally find at your nearest gas station. He wanted to make sure he was ready if the time ever came. This scenario, however, definitely wasn't what he had in mind.

Greer opens the condom pouch and stares at the small thing. He then looks over at Tracy's large dick. He doubts that it will be a comfortable fit for the boy.

"It's for you, idiot," Tracy laughs. "We can't have you shooting your spunk all over the place while you ride my dick."

Greer turns a brighter shade of red at the mention of his 'condition'. He also picks up on the fact that Tracy plans to fuck him raw. After swallowing the boy's cum and piss one would think that taking a load up your ass would seem trivial. It isn't. At least not to Greer.

"Oh! Oh!" Greer grunts a second later.

He only gets the condom half way on and he is already shooting a load into it. Tracy just laughs and tells him to put it the rest of the way on and to remove his plug now. Greer obeys.

"Oh!" Greer grunts as he removes the plug.

Greer's hips hump back and forth uncontrollably for a few seconds. He feels like he just came again but the condom doesn't seem to fill up any further.

"Clean it first," Tracy commands as Greer is about to put the plug down on one of the nightstands.

"With your mouth," he adds before Greer can start to look for a towel or tissue.

"I can't do that!"

Greer says it before he can catch himself.

"I'll do it! I'll do it!" Greer quickly says in panic when he sees the angry look on Tracy's face.

The plug looks clean but Greer knows where it just was. He scrunches his face up in disgust as he sticks his tongue out and gives it a lick. He is surprised to find that there is no taste. The thought of it still sickens him. He continues to rotate the plug and lick at it though until Tracy seems satisfied. He then gently puts it on the nightstand.

"Now get up here," Tracy tells him.


Greer can feel his heart trying to beat it's way out of his chest as he slowly crawls onto the bed. He knew this moment was coming but for some reason it didn't seem as real until now. Subconsciously, he had hoped that he would somehow find a way out of it.

Greer tries to mount facing Tracy's feet but the boy won't have it. For an instant, Greer considers pleading with the boy in regards to the position. He has already accepted the fact that he isn't going to get out of riding the boy's cock. However, doing it face to face is something he had hoped to avoid. It just seems so 3; gay. Plus, it is extra embarrassing this way. He decides to just follow orders. Tracy may already be upset with him in regards to the disappointing dance earlier.

"Oh!" Greer moans as the head of Tracy's dick forces it's way into the man's asshole.

Tracy giggles. The giggle, however, isn't so much at the moan but how the man's dick is throbbing and jerking up and down trying to shoot out another load. The condom fills up a little more but it is hard for Tracy to tell if the climax is actually pleasurable for the man. He has lost track of how many times Greer has cum already. Eventually the climaxes have got to start being unpleasant.

As Greer slowly sinks onto the cock, Tracy's heart flutters. They truly are a match made in heaven. He loves everything about Greer. Especially how the man clearly hates having sex with guys and yet can't keep himself from getting excited and even climaxing constantly. And he can tell that Greer likes him as well. Which is a truly rare thing this early in a relationship. Well, a relationship with Tracy anyway.

"There went your cherry," Tracy says with a chuckle as Greer finishes his descent on the cock.

Greer blushes. Yet, he is actually proud in a sick kind of way. He's no longer a virgin! Granted, this isn't exactly how he envisioned losing that status.

Tracy gives Greer's rump a slap. The man takes the hint and starts slowly raising. He goes until the boy's cock is about to pop out and then changes direction.

Up 3; down 3; up 3; down.

Tracy nibbles on his lower lip as the man rides his cock. He wants to lean up and give the man a kiss. He doesn't of course. He has heard of masters that kiss their sex slaves. It always seemed gross and kind of gay to Tracy. He isn't sure why he would have this sudden desire with Greer. Is it possible he might really be in love with the guy?

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

Greer's girlish moans of pleasure brings a fresh smile to Tracy's lips.

"I knew you would like this," Tracy says. "You have sissy written all over you."

Tears of shame and humiliation run down Greer's cheeks but he can't get himself to stop moaning. The cock is sliding back and forth against his prostate and causing a very odd, yet pleasurable feeling. Grossed out by the whole ordeal, Greer tries his best to ignore the pleasure. However, it is a losing battle. The only thing he has going for him is that he has climaxed so many times that he doubts he will be able to cum again anytime soon.

Tracy lays back and proudly watches his new slave buck back and forth on his cock. Greer rides the cock for an impressive 15 minutes before he is too tired to go at any respectable speed.

Tracy is certain that with practice they will be able to get that up to 40 minutes. Of course, once the estrogen kicks in that will probably quickly drop back down to 10 to 15 minutes. And Tracy definitely plans to put the man on estrogen. It would be a shame not to make such a girlish man look even more girly.

Anyway, 10 to 15 minutes is perfect for Tracy. He is only holding himself back this time in order to see how fit the man is. Plus, it is Greer's first time, it would be a disservice not to make it extra special and memorable for the man.

Exhausted, Greer lowers his sweaty torso until it is resting against Tracy. This is what the boy has been waiting for. He grabs the mans upper body and holds him down. Tracy then bends his own knees until his feet are flat on the bed. Then he uses his leg muscles to start ramming up into the man's hole from below.

"Oh! Oh!" Greer comes to life again.

Greer tries to sit up in order to stop the assault but he lacks the strength to overcome Tracy's grip. He struggles for a moment and then gives up.

After about two minutes of this, Greer's moans become more rapid and higher pitched. He also tries his best to slide his sweaty arms around Tracy.

"Good girl," Tracy whispers as the man hugs himself tight to the boy. "Are you enjoying your first sissy climax?"

Greer doesn't answer. Heck, he can barely think. It is as though his whole world exists within his asshole. It is a pleasure unlike anything he has felt before. Part of him never wants it to stop. Another part is extremely scared of it.

Tracy lets the man enjoy the sensation for another minute before he starts focusing more on his own pleasure. After almost a half hour of sex, it doesn't take Tracy long to climax himself.

"Fuck!" Tracy grunts as he suddenly goes stiff with his cock buried deep in the man. "I'm nutting you sugar!"

A wave of both disgust and pleasure rush through Greer as the boy's hot jizz shoots inside him.

Tracy holds the man tight to him for another minute before he releases his grip. Greer lifts himself off the cock and then rolls onto his back on the bed. He is happy that the ordeal is over. And yet, his asshole is already starting to miss the cock.

"What are you waiting for?" Tracy growls. "Get down there and lick it clean."

The thought of it sickens Greer but he doesn't hesitate. He so much wants to make Tracy happy. He tells himself it is just to avoid punishment. However, he knows it is more than that.

Greer freezes mid lick when he catches sight of Roy standing in the doorway filming with a cell phone. Greer had almost forgotten the other boys were in the house. He wants to complain but knows it won't do any good. All he can do is continue licking and hope that he isn't all that recognizable with the dress and makeup on.

"You're up," Tracy says as he pushes Greer away from his cock and then jumps out of the bed.

"Don't leave!"

Greer doesn't actually say it but Tracy can see it in the man's eyes.

"Don't worry sugar," Tracy tells the man. "I'll be back later for seconds."

Greer blushes and a tear runs down his cheek. Greer isn't sure if he loves Tracy despite the boy's cruelty or because of it. Regardless, he knows that this love doesn't apply to someone like Roy. He would be lying if he said Roy's race doesn't play a part in that. However, mainly he just 3; well, doesn't feel that way about the boy. It is Tracy that he loves. And he isn't even sure why that is true. He just knows that is how he feels.


"Tracy wants me to do this. Tracy wants me to do this."

Greer says it over and over in his head as Tracy walks away and Roy steps closer.

"Let's get you cleaned up," Roy says as he contacts the edge of the bed.

He reaches down and grabs hold of the base of the condom on Greer's penis.

"Oh," Greer moans in pleasure as the boy pulls the condom off.

The condom has a good couple tablespoons of pre cum and jizz in it. Roy hands it out to Greer who takes possession of it. Greer is about to look for a place to dispose of the condom when he sees the evil grin on Roy's face.

Greer's face scrunches up in disgust when it dawns on him that the boy wants him to slurp the cum out of the condom. Part of him wants to wait until Roy gives an actual verbal command. That way there is no doubt that he isn't volunteering to eat the cum.

Greer only holds his ground for a few seconds, however, before he gives in and lifts the condom up to his lips. He almost gags in disgust as he lets the contents pour into his mouth. He quickly swallows the slime. The last thing he wants is to give Roy time to decide to make him hold the cum in his mouth like he was made to do earlier with Tracy's cum. As the cum slithers down his throat, Greer makes a mental note to try even harder to keep from cumming in the future. Even though he already knows it won't do any good.

Roy smiles and has the man put the condom back on. He then picks a bag off the floor and places it on the edge of the bed. This is the first Greer has seen this bag. He can only guess that one of the boys brought it in earlier.

Roy unzips and starts rummaging through it. Greer fears what the boy might be looking for. He inches closer to try to get a better look. All he catches glimpses of are what appear to be dildos, plugs, etc, poking their head out the top briefly from time to time.

It doesn't take Roy long to find what he is looking for. He pulls out an enema bag and water bottle. Greer blushes. He gave himself several enemas earlier. However, he was allowed to do it in private. He is pretty certain Roy plans to watch him.

Greer gets a lot more concerned when the boy starts setting up right there at the bed. Greer knows he is pretty clean inside from earlier. However, Roy might be planning to make him release the enema right there on the bed. Clean or not, that still seems rather gross.

"Sh 3; shouldn't we do this in the bathroom?" Greer asks.

Roy doesn't say anything. He just reaches into the bag and quickly pulls out a gag. The speed at which the gag is retrieved tells Greer that the boy had found it earlier and was just waiting for an excuse to use it.

Greer has seen S&M gear in photos. However, he has never considered buying any. Well, unless you count the butt plug. This gag, however, is a bit different than those he has seen before. It is leather and fits over his mouth almost like a partial mask. Only it has a large chunk of rubber that fits into his mouth to help keep him quiet.

Once the mask is in place Roy picks Greer up like he is a rag doll and places him on the bed on his hands and knees. The display of power makes Greer's eyes get big. He knew the boy looked strong but he clearly is scary strong. He hates to imagine what the boy could do to him if he were to get upset.

"Mmm," Greer groans as Roy roughly pushes the nozzle of the enema hose into his ass.

The nozzle is a kind of soft rubber. Almost like a small butt plug. Just shoving it in like that had still hurt though.

"MMM!" Greer tries to protest when he feels the butt plug start to get bigger.

This time his outburst is more one of shock than pain. He noticed the hand bulb pump attached to the nozzle earlier but until now wasn't sure what it was for. Thankfully, Roy doesn't pump it up too much. Just enough to ensure it doesn't easily pop out.

A moment later, Greer lets out another girlish groan when he feels cold liquid shooting into his bowels. The water is room temperature but it feels ice cold inside him. He immediately starts to cramp up. It is very painful. Luckily, Roy only pours about 8 ounces [250 ml] inside.

Greer shuts his eyes tight as he struggles to get his insides under control. He opens them back up, however, when he feels Roy fiddling with the gag. At first, he thinks the boy has decided to remove it. However, he then notices that Roy is actually attaching something to it.

"Nnnhh!" Greer tries to protest when he realizes it is the other end of the enema hose.

Roy raises his hand as though he is about to strike Greer. The man quickly cowers and quiets down.

"We can't let all that cum go to waste," Roy says with a chuckle.

Greer is confused for a moment. He then remembers the load of cum Tracy shot up his asshole earlier. He can only look down at the bed in defeat and wonder why they were doing all of this to him. He is a nice guy. He hasn't done anything bad to them. In fact, he had brought Tracy into his home to feed him and stuff.

Greer's eyes get big as Roy puts his fingers on the hose clamp holding the enema water at bay. The boy waits with his fingers on the clamp for a good minute. It is clear to Greer that the boy is just taunting him.

"Mmm!" Greer protests as Roy finally releases the clamp.

Greer can't believe this is really happening as he watches the liquid shoot up the hose and toward his mouth. A second later and fluid is going down his throat. He has no choice but to swallow. The gag is too far into his mouth for him to use his tongue to block the hole.

"That's a good faggot," Roy says as he runs his fingers though the man's hair.

Throughout this, Greer isn't sure if he should keep close watch on the transparent hose or shut his eyes tight. So far he has seen nothing but clear liquid. However, what if something else comes through? Does he really want to see it? Of course, if he closes his eyes then he will probably be wondering about it for the rest of his life. He decides to keep his eyes open.

There isn't a ton of liquid so it doesn't take long for him to drain. Thankfully, nothing vile ever comes up the hose. Though, he is pretty sure all of Tracy's cum was mixed in there.

"Let's make sure you got it all," Roy says as he raises his hand.


"MMM!" Greer grunts in pain as Roy's hand contacts the man's left ass cheek.

The grunt becomes a kind of gurgling sound as more liquid shoots down Greer's throat.





Roy keeps going until he is certain it is all out. He then clamps the hose once more and disconnects it from the gag.

Greer is still in shock. As the realization of what just happened starts to sink in, the man lowers his head to the bed and begins to cry in both shame and humiliation.

"Mmm," Greer grunts when he feels something hot shooting into his ass.

He raises his head but the tears continue at the realization that his ordeal is not over yet.

"Nngh!" Greer protests when he glances back and sees what Roy is doing.

Roy has attached a funnel to the hose and is now pissing into it. As revolting as this is, it is what is most likely coming next that concerns Greer.

Sure enough, Roy finishes his piss, removes the funnel, clamps the hose and brings the end of it toward Greer's gag. Greer in response starts pleading through the gag and shaking his head back and forth.

"Settle down faggot or I'll take a belt to you!" Roy growls. "There are much worse things I can force through this hose."

Greer keeps struggling. Roy gets a hand full of the man's hair and then slaps him across the face a few times. This stuns Greer just long enough for Roy to connect the hose.

"Keep your fucking hands on the bed!" Roy commands when he sees the man start to go for the hose.

Greer isn't sure why but he obeys. There is just something about the commanding voice that he can't disobey. It has an even greater effect on him than the slaps did earlier.

"That's a good faggot," Roy praises. "Now drink it all down."

At that, Roy unclamps the hose and the hot piss shoots up the hose and into Greer's mouth. The man quickly loosens his throat muscles and lets the putrid liquid shoot straight into his tummy.

Unlike earlier with Tracy, most of the piss bypasses his taste buds. Greer still finds it 100 times more disgusting though. Not just because it is coming out of his ass but because it is Roy's piss. Or more to the point, because it isn't Tracy's. Sure, Greer may not have liked drinking Tracy's piss but at least it was coming from someone he was falling in love with. And Roy is someone that Greer is starting to hate more with every second. Not just for what he is doing to him but there is also the tone of his voice. Plus, Greer doesn't take kindly to being referred to as a 'faggot'. Though, he has to wonder if maybe the insulting title does fit him now.

As Greer is swallowing the last of the piss, Tracy and Rob are in the kitchen drinking beer. The two boys laugh and joke about the noises coming from the bedroom. However, it is mostly an act for Tracy. He hates doing all of this to Greer. Well, that isn't entirely true. This is actually exactly what he wants to do to the man. It is more the fact that they are pushing the man so far, so fast.

Tracy knows that it is in Greer's best interest for them to go at this pace. Once they have him broken in, life will become much easier for the man. Better that than to prolong the process for months on end. That said, Tracy takes no pleasure in it. Okay, maybe some.


Tracy and Rob both chuckle. They know what Roy had planned for the man. The boy has removed the gag which means the enema treatment and potty training portion is over and he is now forcing his dick into Greer.

Roy's cock is a good 2" [5 cm] thick and 10" [25 cm] long. It is enough to make about any sissy squeal. Especially as rough as Roy likes to use it.

Tracy and Rob grab their beers and quickly make their way to the bedroom. Sure enough, when they enter they see Roy viciously fucking Greer in a doggy position. Not only is Roy pumping very quickly but he is also feeding the man all 10" [25 cm].

Tracy feels his own cock start to harden again. He may feel sorry for Greer but the sight of the two fucking looks really hot.

He watches for a moment and then glances around the bed. Tracy is happy to see that Greer hasn't thrown up.

"I will have him potty trained in no time," Tracy says more to himself than anyone else.

Had you asked him yesterday, he probably would have told you that he had no major interest in potty training a sex slave. However, there is just something about Greer. Something that not only makes Tracy want to potty train him but that tells him that it is what Greer wants as well. Sure, Greer may not realize this now. In fact he may never realize it. However, Tracy just knows it to be true.

As he looks over the bed, Tracy realizes that Greer is staring at him. The man's face is knotted in discomfort. However, Tracy can still see the love in Greer's eyes. And he can tell that Greer can see the love in Tracy's eyes as well. They have only been together for a few hours and yet they seem to have a kind of connection you usually only see in couples that have been together for decades.

"Shit! Fuck!"

Roy's sweaty body suddenly goes stiff as he pushes all 10" [25 cm] of cock into Greer and holds it there. Tracy glances at Roy for a second but quickly looks back to Greer's face. He wants to see the look of disgust on the man's face as the black boy fills his hole with cum. Tracy isn't disappointed.

Roy convulses for almost a full minute before he comes down from his climax. He holds himself deep in Greer's ass for another minute and then pulls his dick out.

"Clean it," Roy commands as he moves to the man's front.

Greer doesn't hesitate to start licking the sloppy cock. With luck, the boy will be happy with his quick compliance and not set the enema kit up again.

"He's all yours," Roy says once his cock is thoroughly cleaned.


Rob immediately starts to remove his clothes.

Tracy frowns. He isn't so hot on the idea of actually letting Rob have a piece of Greer. The man just lost his virginity. He isn't ready for a monster cock like Rob's. Still, he knows it would be a jerk move to invite the boy and not let him have some fun as well.

"You've been a good girl so far," Tracy says as he sits on the bed next to Greer. "Just one more fuck and I'll let you rest for an hour or two."

"Pldijg uo."

The reply is a rather incoherent whisper from Greer. Tracy accepts it as a, "Thank you". Though, he has to admit it did sound a bit like, "Please no".

"Rob has a pretty big dick," Tracy says as he pulls something from the bag of toys. "This will help you get through it."

Greer looks on in confusion at the device Tracy is holding. It is a plastic pig nose with a strap attached to it. Greer has seen similar costume items in novelty shops. Only this one looks a lot more complex. It isn't just a hollow piece of cheap rubber. It appears somewhat solid with a couple short hoses coming out from the back side. It doesn't take Greer long to figure out that the hoses will be going up his nose once the snout is put in place.

Tracy fiddles with the device for a few seconds and the back end suddenly opens up. The boy then pulls a small bottle from the bag, opens it, and lets a few drops drip into the snout. He then closes the device back up.

"This will help you enjoy it more," Tracy says as he forces the two hoses up Greer's nose and then secures the pig snout with the strap. "If you get too scared or if it starts to hurt then just breath in through your nose."

Greer isn't sure if Tracy is being kind to him or just trying to humiliate him further by making him wear a pig nose.

The man doesn't get much time to think about it. Out of the corner of his eye he notices Rob disrobing. Greer almost goes into shock when he sees the boy's huge cock. It is grotesquely huge. It looks to be at least 12" [30 cm] long and 3½" [8½ cm] thick.


The sound radiates from the pig snout as Greer takes a deep breath in via his nose. The noise gets a round of laughter from Tracy and Rob. It is hard not to laugh at the silly sound coming from the man.

Greer feels a kind of vibration coming from the snout as he sucks air through it. His best guess is that the noise is created via a complex kazoo of sorts. He doesn't get much time to think about it. Almost immediately his head begins to spin. His body also heats up.

Tracy came up with the idea of the snout. However, someone else created the chemical used in it. The technicals are way above the boy's head. All he knows is that it is a special illegal popper mix containing everything from muscle relaxants to narcotics. Everything a sissy needs.

Tracy has never tried it himself but from the reactions of various sissies, he can tell that it must be rather enjoyable.

In addition to helping sissies take larger objects in their holes, the chemical has the added effect of burning off lots of those pesky brain cells that often get in the way of training a sissy. Not that burning off brain cells is the goal in Greer's case. In fact, Tracy wants to maintain the man's intellect. One session the snout shouldn't cause too much damage though.

Now naked, Rob walks over to the bed.




As Rob gets closer, the size of his cock becomes even more menacing. Greer huffs through the snout several times. He would keep going but his head starts to spin so much that he can't think and starts to automatically breath through is mouth again.

Greer's head suddenly clears as Rob starts pressing the head of his cock against the man's hole.






Greer huffs several times but the pain is still severe. It feels like someone is trying to force an apple into his ass. Which isn't far from the truth in the size department. Rob's cock might be 3½" [8½ cm] thick but the head is even thicker. Lucky for Greer, it is made of flesh and compresses somewhat as Rob applies pressure. At the same time, the muscle relaxants from the snout help Greer's hole expand.

"OH!!!" Greer grunts as the apple finally pops inside.

This is followed by a long groan from Greer as Rob starts feeding the man the rest of his dick. He gets a full 9" [23 cm] inside before he meets any major resistance. Rather impressive for a recently virgin sissy.

Exhausted from the ordeal, Greer's upper body collapses to the bed. Rob easily holds the man's rump high though.

"Don't go passing out on me," Rob growls as he gives the man's rump a hard slap. "I haven't even started yet."




Greer takes several huffs as Rob begins to move again. There isn't anything else he can do. Even if he wasn't exhausted, the boys outnumber him and two are much bigger.

It doesn't take Rob long to get a good pace going.


It takes Greer a moment to realize that the noise is being made by Rob's hips slapping against his butt cheeks. He manages to look up at Tracy in shock at the knowledge that Rob is now feeding him the entire 12+ inches [30+ cm] of cock.

The look Tracy gives back is one of pride and joy. Greer's dizzy head can't help but feel a tinge of pride and joy as well at having pleased the boy so much. Not that he has had any real choice in the matter.


Greer takes another whiff from the snout and lays his head back against the bed in defeat.


As the rhythmic sound continues to fill the room, Greer is suddenly aware of something at his lips. He opens his eyes and backs his head away on instinct. He sees that Tracy has removed the condom and is trying to get him to drink the contents once more. To Greer's shame, he sees that the condom is rather full. It is mostly clear, but there is definitely lots of cum mixed in as well. He can't help but wonder if he filled the condom before or after Rob started fucking him. For his own sanity, he convinces himself it was before.

"Good girl," Tracy whispers as Greer sucks the contents of the condom into his mouth and then swallows.

At the same time, Greer can hear Rob groaning behind him. A moment later and the boy suddenly freezes with his dick planted deep in the man. Tears of humiliation run down Greer's cheeks as he feels the cock expand within him and then start pulsing. The cock is buried too deep for Greer to actually feel the cum shooting into him. However, from the pulsing, he can tell that it is a rather large load.

A moment later and he finds himself licking the huge cock clean. He just barely manages to finish the task before passing out.


A month has passed and Greer has since lost his job. Tracy ordered him to give blowjobs around the office. He actually managed to get away with it for a week before his boss caught on. And trying to bribe the boss with a blowjob didn't work out so well.

Greer is extremely good at his job. However, there is only so much a boss is willing to put up with. And Greer can be certain that his boss will make sure all the other companies are aware of Greer's activities. Thus making future employment rather unlikely.

Despite all of this, Greer couldn't be happier. He is Tracy's play toy after all. And Tracy teaches him something knew almost every day. What isn't there to like?

Little does he know, but the man currently standing in his doorway is about to make Greer even happier.

"I have a lucrative job offer for you," the man says after brief introductions.

He forces himself past Greer and shuts the door behind him. Well into his training at this point, Greer doesn't have the willpower to object to the man's actions.

"We recently came across a piece of extremely advanced technology that we need you to reverse engineer," the man continues. "Before you say anything, we have no clue what the origins of the device are. All we know is that it was in the possession of a young boy in a small town near one of our 3; um, facilities. We were investigating an inappropriate relationship between 3; well, it is a long story and the details are rather irrelevant.

"Bottom line, we have the lipstick 3; I mean, device, and need you to figure out how it works and maybe even where it came from."

The thought of being employed again is exciting. And the thought of working with something so high tech is even more so. However, he will have to see this device before he believes it. It all sounds too good to be true. Especially the way the man just blurted it all out. This would be top secret type stuff after all.

Greer suddenly puts his hand to his face in shock when he remembers he is currently wearing makeup and is in drag. It is something Tracy has had him doing 24/7 ever since Greer was fired.

"Don't worry," the man says with a chuckle. "We know about your 3; situation. It doesn't bother us one bit. In fact, we encourage such activities within our organization."

As the man finishes his sentence, a half naked Tracy walks into the room.

"Dad! Has it been a month already?"

(For more on the background of the device, see The Lipstick Adventure)


Writer's notes: I tried to add the following clichés and twists to the story. Hopefully, I succeeded to some degree.

  • Rich and powerful man finds homeless boy and brings him home. Twist is that the boy turns out not to be homeless at all. In fact, he and his family are probably richer and definitely more powerful than Greer. And from a certain perspective, one can actually argue that it is Greer that is homeless. It is he that is lost and seeking shelter. And he finds it in the form of Tracy's control over him.
  • Shower scene. Instead of the rich man taking advantage of the boy, the opposite takes place.
  • Monsters at home. Tracy briefly tells him of the monsters at home. And while Tracy is telling the truth, what we quickly find out is that Tracy has basically become one of those monsters as well.
  • Instant love between the two. While this does take place, their love is a very warped one. Greer has the hidden desire to be owned. And Tracy has the desire to find his perfect slave. And while they are perfect for each other, it isn't exactly a pairing you would easily find via ChristianMingle.com.
  • The solitary man/BL. Greer has gone down his solitary path because of his small penis and premature ejaculation issues. The twist is that it is these things that help build Tracy's affection for him. And the community he is being introduced to may very well find these traits a bonus as well. Even if most usually prefer much younger boys.
  • Greer is perfect. As mentioned above, Greer and many others see himself as being far from perfect as a mate. However, to Tracy and possibly others like him, Greer is a dream come true.
  • Adoption. I was going to add this in at the end. Where Tracy's father announces that he has arranged for Greer to become Tracy's son. However, I thought it best to keep the ending short and sweet. An interesting idea but would have required a bit too much explaining in regards to why this would need to take place. Tracy, after all, already pretty much owns the man.

The End

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