PZA Boy Stories


"This One's the Weird Story"



A 14-year old boy with very slightly crooked teeth is sent to an orthodontist. He doesn't know this orthodontist not only treated orthodontic problems, but makes his young patients into perfect sexual slaves.
Publ. in 1997 resent from ASS to ANCGS; this site Jul 2012
Finished 6,500 words (13 pages)


narrator (14yo)

Category & Story codes

Non-Consensual Man-Boy story/medical
MFt ttnon-cons oral – humil bond bdsm med body-modification spank ws


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then


TugHill2 sent this story in 1997 to ASSGM, subject "This One's the Wierd Story: Metal.txt:::HeavyS&M/B&D" with the note "This is a story that I read a few years ago in alt.sex.stories. Hope you like it."

It happened the summer I turned fourteen. My parents were tired of my constant arrogance and snobbing. They wanted me out of the way and preferably learning better ways. They had also been told by our family dentist that I had very slightly crooked teeth that might require braces. They had not told this to me, but they were not looking forward to paying for the expense – especially since they knew that I would probably rebel and make it very difficult for the braces to work.

Unknown to me (at the time) my parents were into bondage and discipline and regularly picked up heavy-bondage oriented magazines. They recalled something about an orthodontist in Georgia who had a large farm where he took kids and treated their orthodontic problems while making them into perfect sexual slaves. He reportedly kept a stable of upwards of 15 young boys and girls between 13 and 18.

My parents saw this as the perfect opportunity! They made immediate plans to send me there! I was told I would be visiting a trendy summer camp in the Georgia mountains for the summer. What I didn't know was that I would be there for five years!

When I arrived at the bus station closest to the camp, I was met by a well-groomed man and woman. I was the only person they picked up. They explained that not many kids were allowed into this exclusive camp and how lucky I was that I was eligible. I listened to this for the entire two hour ride. I noticed a severe lack of civilization between the small town I arrived in and the camp. Then camp was inside a heavily-wooded valley with only one (private) road in or out which was guarded by a gate.

The house was large and beautiful, but I could see nothing of the surrounding grounds. As I walked in the front door, someone grabbed me from behind and pressed a wet cloth to my face before I could begin to struggle. Before I realized what was happening, I was out cold.


I awoke and tried to wipe my eyes. I quickly discovered that my hands and even my arms were tightly bound behind my back. Something was tightly wrapped around my arms from my shoulders to my hands. It felt like an extremely tight leather wrap. Whatever it was, it held my hands and arms so tightly that I could not even twitch! I couldn't get up because my ankles were tied together with a leather strip running from my bound ankles to the end of my arm binding.

It was then that I realized that I was totally naked. I was also facing a wall that was totally filled with all sorts of horrid looking leather, steel and rubber articles. I recognized some of them as stuff I had seen in porno magazines, but others looked more like what went on a horse! I was really scared, nothing I had ever seen in my fourteen years had prepared me for this.

Then the man and woman who brought me here came in. They were wearing evil looking leather and rubber clothes. They told me that my parents had sent me here to be trained to be a better child. To do this, they would make me an absolute slave, only one among their many slaves. To signify my status, they placed a thick metal and leather collar around my neck and locked it with a small but powerful padlock. "This will not be removed until we consider you trained!" they told me.

The woman knelt in front of me and began placing something around my penis! She fastened a strip of leather under my balls and over my cock and tightened it painfully. Then she fastened another one around just my balls. Finally she pulled a thinner strip BETWEEN my balls themselves, forcing them out and away from each other and my dick. I was so embarrassed, but I couldn't help myself from getting a hard-on. She laughed and attached all the strips together and locked them together with another small padlock. I was told that I would wear this cock cage until further notice. It was extremely uncomfortable, but it did inspire exquisite sensations in my cock and balls as she caressed me there.

They untied the end of my arm strap from my bound ankles and then untied my ankles. The man pulled me up and told me to come with him. To insure this, he tied a chain to a ring on my collar and pulled me behind him. Then he set me down on a chair that vaguely reminded me of a dentist's chair, except that my legs went into seperate slots spread from my body in a Y shape. My arms went into a space under my body. I was laid out on this in a half-reclining position and completely strapped down, but I could tell that the chair could be moved in many different ways.

Now they raised my legs up. Within moments, my legs were over my head, with my ass hanging free in the air. I felt the woman rub something greasy around my ass hole. I began to ask what was happening when she told me to shut up.

There was one more thing that had to be done, she said, and to keep your mind off of what was happening, they would give me a little something to keep my mind busy. I felt her press something up against my young ass hole. I involuntarily clinched my ass hole against the intruding object, but she slapped my ass and told me to relax. I had a hard time doing this, so she grabbed nipple and gave it a sharp pinch. This hurt so bad, I forgot all about my asshole. Suddenly I felt a flame in my ass! Before I understood what had happened, my entire ass felt stuffed. My cock was straining at its bonds and I let out a moan. She laughed and lowered my legs, only increasing the stuffed feeling. She held up a rubber monstrosity, about 2 and a half inches [6½ cm] across at its base and tapering to a blunt tip. This, she said, is a butt plug and its duplicate is buried inside your young ass!

Now my legs were back where they started and I was still in a reclining position. My nipple was starting to sting, my cock was in pain straining against its leather cage and my ass was stuffed with rubber. The man was once again before me with a tray of instruments, this time looking kind of like dentist's tools. He told me that the real reason I was here was because my dentist wanted me to wear braces. My mother knew I would not cooperate, but my parents wanted me to wear them and also to learn to behave.

For both of these reasons, I was here. My captors were orthodontists, and they were going to place braces on my teeth. I could cooperate with them, or I would suffer. To emphasize this, the woman pinched my other nipple. I told them I would do whatever they wanted. He said to open my mouth and they would do the rest. For two hours, they measured and placed metal bands around every one of my teeth. When they were done, they placed a wire through the edges of them and locked it in.

After they were finished, my teeth were so sore, it hurt to breathe. They held a mirror in front of my face so I could see my new look. All I could see was metal! Every tooth had a huge shiny metal band around it, with brackets welded onto the bands and wires coming from every bracket! Then they told me I still was not done, I would also have to wear headgear most of the time. My nipples twinged and my ass ached with the giant THING inside it.

But they were still not done yet. While I stared helplessly at all that metal in my mouth, they lifted my head away from the chair. In the mirror I saw a man come up with a barber's electric shears in his hands. To my horror he began to slice all my hair off! I was very proud of my hair, and I couldn't believe it! He continued until there was only stubble on my head. Then, a woman came up and began shaving my head until I was shiny bald!

As if that wasn't enough, they moved on to shave off my eyebrows! Then I froze as she moved to my front and began to shave what little hair I had off my cock and balls! When they were done, they released me from my bonds and kicked me out the door.


I walked outside, sore and beaten. My nipples ached at every step I took. The plug was buried so deep inside my ass that I had no hope of removing it. I tried to get it out, but I couldn't make myself force the wide end past my ass hole. I kept running my hands over my now smooth body – I found a mirror and looked at myself. I looked so weird with no hair anywhere on my body! I smiled and began investigating these new additions to my teeth. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned around.

I looked up into the eyes of two boys who were both larger than me. One of them giggled and said, "Fresh meat!" They called two other boys and a girl over and they grabbed my and knocked me down. I tried to yell, but it was totally incoherent since I was not used to all that metal in my mouth! I quieted real quick when the girl started to pinch my already sore nipples! She laughed and told me that was a wise move.

This gave me a chance to take a closer look. I was disgusted to see that she and the boys had all their hair (why was I singled out?). She even had tiny shorts on! With her grinning at me, all I could see was that massive amount of metal on her teeth. They looked similar to mine, totally covered in metal with a million wires and brackets poking out. She grinned broadly and told me to prepare for some eating. They had made some neat attachments to my braces that they were dying to try out on me.

They told me I could submit to what they wanted, or they could yank my nipples and cock off. I quickly gave in to the older kids and peacefully opened my metalized mouth.

They reached in and locked one edge of the item to a bracket on my upper right teeth. Then they quickly locked the opposite edge onto my lower left teeth. It was too late then for me to do anything about it. They had something that pulled my lips back and went in just past the edge of my teeth. They quickly attached the rest of the items and let me up so I could see what I looked like.

This was the first real chance I had to see what my fellow slaves looked like. There were three other boys and the girl there, all of them looking like normal kids, except for being naked like me. I did notice the funny way they were standing, making me think of the assfull of rubber I had just now. Also, all of them wore braces of one kind or another. One boy had wires and pistons inside his mouth that ran from his upper teeth to his lower.

They pushed me over to a mirror. It was horrible! My lips were peeled way back using simple clear plastic so my braces and gums could be seen. My mouth was forced wide open with no way I could force my teeth shut, with the device connecting my braces – I would rip my teeth off if I tried. My throat was wide open and my teeth covered by plastic; I was in the perfect position to be unable to reject anything they wanted to put in my mouth.

"You see," one of them said, "we guys have not been able to satisfy our horny cocks since we got here. We decided to grab the next kid who came through and use it as our sex-slave. We needed to make sure that it would always have a mouth ready to serve us! So kneel now, slave, and take your master's cock!" With that he forced me on my knees and pushed his cock into my mouth, with me having absolutely no way to protect myself!

The cock had a strong flavor. Since I had no choice in the matter, I concentrated on trying not to gag as he began to face-fuck me. I merely tolerated it for a few minutes, but after a few minutes of it I began to realize that the taste wasn't so bad! I guess this thing locked in my mouth was real smooth, because he was going pretty fast. I could taste some kind of liquid oozing from his cock. I began licking at the cock as it came past my tongue, surprising myself at my boldness. He moaned and pulled at my head, forcing his cock even further down my throat. My tonguing his cock quickly forced things to a head, and he soon let out a yelp and began pouring fuck-cream down my throat. I managed not to gag as it poured in, and even found myself kind of liking the taste. He quickly pulled out and patted my head as if I were a dog.

As soon as he had moved back, another boy stepped up. This boy had on a cock-cage similar to mine, but his seemed more loose. His merely kept his cock hard, but not in pain, whereas mine both insured a hard cock, and caused me exquisite pain. He forced his cock down my throat as I was swallowing the other boys come. I had to slurp the rest down and work on his cock. This went on until nighttime, with me taking what seemed like dozens of kids. After the first two, they had put a blindfold on me and had tied me into a kneeling position. Finally, the the girl came over and released me, removed my oral restraint, and told me to brush my teeth and report to the house for my bunk.

I discovered as I began to brush my teeth that having metal bands forced around teeth made them VERY sore! My teeth were in nearly constant pain as I forced the toothbrush around the metal brackets. I was still trying to adjust to all that metal in my mouth. My biggest problem was the sharp edges poking my inner lips and causing sore spots. It was still weird looking at my bald body. Of course all this was just added to the distraction of my cock cage and ass plug.

I went inside and discovered how I was to sleep. They began by wrapping my entire body with thin strips of rubber, like a mummy. When they were done, I could barely move, and my head was the only part of me still visible. They laid me on my back on a stiff bed and began strapping me down. They put a strap every six inches [15 cm]. I was totally unable to move. On my head they stretched a rubber hood. It had no openings except two tiny little holes where my nostrils should be and some perforations around my mouth.

They had me smile, and they attached very strong elastic bands around my teeth. This kept my jaw firmly clinched shut no matter how hard I tried to force it open. They jammed the rubber hood over my head and tightly laced it up in the back. I could not see and panicked for a moment before the nose holes lined up with my nostrils. Then I felt them poke something inside the nose holes – it was rubber tubes. They were to provide me with uninterrupted air that would definitely go into my nose, since they pushed the tubes almost into my throat. I gagged a little before I began to get the idea of breathing like that.

They turned me over, and I discovered that there was a hole where my ass was. I quickly discovered the purpose of this nether opening. They rummaged around until they found the end of my anal plug, then I felt them twist something off the end of the plug. Then they attached a hose to the end of the plug. Shortly after that I heard a distinct click. Then the plug began to slowly expand. It didn't expand much, but could definitely tell that it had enlarged. Then it contracted to what I thought was a smaller size than it had been originally. This took about five minutes for it to cycle, then in began again, growing a little larger this time before shrinking. They whispered in my ears about how a few weeks of this every night would so enlarge my ass that I would require a butt plug for the rest of my life to keep my shit inside, since it would destroy my sphincter muscle.

After that, they rolled me over to allow me to fall asleep – I had had a busy day, after all. My teeth hurt, my lips hurt, I choked every now and then on the tubes, my cock was sore and my ass was in severe pain every five minutes.


I finally went to sleep, to awaken the next morning to total pain. I could hardly move inside the restricting rubber and my ass felt like it was a full foot wide! I began to moan, and someone soon came and unlocked me. They quickly removed my wrappings and then pushed me into a bathroom. They removed everything else but the butt blug. I asked why, and was slapped for my trouble.

"That will be the last restful night you get," one of them said. "From now on, you will wear your headgear and some other, even more interesting attire."

As I tried to shower with that thing in my ass, I began to wonder what they meant by headgear. I was amazed at the feeling of soap and water on my totally hairless body. When I was dry, they rubbed this slightly stinging ointment over my entire body. "This will make sure you won't be troubled by all that nasty hair ever again." I was told. By this time, I knew better than to fight them, so I meekly allowed them to do that to me.

They had me brush my teeth, and urinate. Then they pushed me over to a corner of the bathroom. I had been unable to make out what was there until we arrived – it was a stock, like what the Puritans used. Placed my feet at the base of the stock, then locked them tightly into cuffs. Then my body was bent forward at the waist as they pushed my wrists and neck into holes. I jerked as I felt that bar lock down over me, freezing me in this most helpless position.

"As we told you last night, you will soon lose all control of your bowel due to the weakness of your sphincter muscle. In order to allow you to excrete on time, you will accustom yourself to an enema each morning."

I was wondering what an enema was when I felt them attach not one, but two tubes to that plug in my ass. I felt them squeeze something as the plug began to expand. It got nearly as large as it was this morning before they stopped – it was funny, it didn't hurt as badly now as it did last night. Then one woman brought this huge plastic bag around so I could see it. It was the size my boom-box at home! It had a hole at the bottom with a tap on it.

"This is what you will enjoy every morning of your stay with us." With that, she moved around behind me and began wiggling the other tube attached to my plug. I felt her twist the tap on the bag, then I felt the strangest sensations! Suddenly I felt something rush INTO my ass! It was the liquid in that bag! I tried to push it out, but that plug kept me wide open to the flood.

I struggled a little, to no avail. All the time the water rushed into me. I moaned and whined, but they didn't stop the water. After a few minutes, I felt my stomach pushing out and beginning to cramp, but the water rushed on. Finally, I felt the last of it seep into me. Then they released the hose from the plug. No water came out, so the plug must be keeping it in. I was in agony as I felt that water moving around in me. If I was going to have to take this every morning, I wasn't sure if I could stand it!

They left me there several minutes, with the pain getting worse every second. Then I felt one of them behind me – I felt sure they were going to let me go. Then my butt cheeks felt like they had been burnt! I yelped in time with the !smack! of a paddle hitting my stuffed ass! The sensations were exquisite as the pain in my ass warred with the cramps in my stomach. Not to mention the unique feelings of being paddled while a huge plug is up your ass. I squirmed and yelled, but they gave me 24 more licks with the paddle.

When they were done my ass was burning, and I had almost forgotten the fullness in my stomach. Then they really did release me from the caress of the stock. They had to help keep me upright as the cramps hit painfully as I stood. I waddled over to the toilet but I still couldn't do anything until they saw fit to remove my ass plug. I begged them then to take it out – to ease these horrible pains. After I begged them a minute, they smiled and had me sit on the specially made toilet.

The seat was raised up a foot [30 cm] higher so they could reach under and deflate my plug. They yanked the plug out of my ass, and it felt like all my insides were coming out! With a huge splash, all that water came out, mixed with my shit. The smell was terrible as the water and gasses poured out of me. I was unable to either help or hinder the flow of material out of my body. I knew that after only a little while of this, I would be totally unable to control myself without a plug. What made it so bad was that they just stood there and watched me – if the relief hadn't been so great, I would have been too embarrassed to do anything.

When I was done, they had me clean myself off, then they replaced the plug. That was my morning ritual every day for the entire time I was at the camp. I still wore no clothes, but the mild summer made them unnecessary. The morning breeze felt so weird on my naked and shaven body. They led me into the eating area where all the other kids were arriving for breakfast.


I was left alone to eat breakfast. We were allowed to talk to one another as long as we were quiet. I met several of the other kids; they ranged in age from me (the youngest at fourteen) to a cute girl who looked nearly eighteen. They were a little quiet around me. I was the only one who was totally hairless, and I guess they were unsure what that meant.

I saw that they all wore braces much like mine. One girl in the back of the room seemed to have on some kind of mask, until I saw that it was connected to her braces somehow. My braces were not quite so painful this morning, but I found that eating with them on was a real chore. It felt like I had rocks or something in my mouth, the way they kept getting in my way as I tried to chew.

After breakfast, we were released to begin the daily chores. To my surprise, many of the slaves actually put on shorts and tee-shirts. This being my first day, I was assigned to help one of the older slaves clean the house. He looked at me with a slightly disgusted look. "One of those, huh. Well listen here slut! Just do what I say and stay out of my way and we'll get along well."

We were assigned to clean the kitchen. While we worked, the older boy, whose name was Ken, told me about the place where we were. This was a pleasure-ranch for adults who enjoyed unusual bondage. Any adult was our master. The ranch had an adult staff that kept the grounds and fields under control. They used slaves to work the ranch – those who worked close to the borders would be allowed to wear clothes, in case some outsider saw them.

We worked all morning trying to clean the house. Around noon, we had lunch in the same hall. I got to actually talk to some of the other kids, and found that most had stories like mine. I was still the youngest kid around, though.

When lunch was over, the master's called two boys out of the crowd to the front. It seems that they had been caught sucking each other off instead of working this morning. They looked real scared, and the masters seemed ready to make them wish they had never been born.

Each boy was made to put on some kind of harness around their waist. The harness went around the front and wrapped around their cocks, over their balls, and behind them back to the front. Their cocks were left free, but there were some strange metal connectors around the top and bottom of the harness around the very base of their cocks.

The masters locked cuffs on their hands and feet then stretched them out on a small bed with them facing, but upside down to each other. I recognized the position as a sixty-nine. Their arms and legs were pulled tightly to the front and back of the bed, then locked there. They were placed so that each other's cock was at the other's face.

The masters then had each boy put his mouth around the other's organ. I was beginning to think that this was not such a bad punishment, until they did the next step. They pushed the boy's mouths deeper on the others cock until their face touched the harness around the cock. Then they were told to pull their lips back from their braces. When they did that, the masters suddenly pressed their metal-covered teeth into the connectors around the base of the cock.

With a *click*, their braces were locked into the harness – they were locked onto each other's cocks! Suddenly realizing the possible permanance of this, they began to make sounds. We could barely hear them through their real penis gags!

Then the master's took out two bags that were familiar to me from this morning. Each boy had a plug like mine, buried deep in his ass. The masters attached hoses from the bags to the boy's plug and started the flow. It was very slow, no more than a few drops at a time, but the boys would be forced to take every bit of it. The masters said that they would attach an IV if the punishment went past normal feeding times.

We were required to pass slowly by them as we left the hall. I saw that they were squirming a little as the water and plugs were working on them. They couldn't move very far, though with their teeth locked around each other's cock. They couldn't move their jaws at all. I suddenly realized that one boy, startled by the water in his ass, had let loose a flood of piss into the other's mouth. As tight as their braces were locked, only a few the piss could escape his mouth. I shuddered at the look in the eyes of the other boy as he was forced to drink the urine.


I was pulled out of the line before I could rejoin Ken in cleaning the house. I was so scared I didn't know what to do. I thought they were going to get me now for being the sex tool of some of the kids yesterday. Instead, I was led back to the room with the locking dental chair. I was forced to sit in the chair, and I was strapped in place. The masters reminded me that I would have to wear a headgear as well as braces.

I was reluctant to open my mouth until they once again pinched my nipples. With a loud yelp, I opened my mouth. Before I could do anything, they pushed some kind of jaw spreader into my mouth. The spreader kept my teeth apart, and also had a wire that went around the edge of my lips. This stretched my lips into a very wide circle, going from my nose to my chin. My braces were fully exposed, and I felt so weird as I felt air moving freely about my inner cheeks.

They took out a bunch of straps of a strange material. It looked and smelled like leather, but it could stretch a little like rubber. They placed the straps around my head. They slowly designed a complicated web of straps about my entire head, including a collar around my neck.

A strap went up from the back of my collar to just above my non-existent eyebrows, where straps circled around to meet in the back of my skull. Straps went from the crown of my head and from above my eyes to the front of my ears, where there were two pads with a lot of tiny connections. Two straps went from the pads at my ears around to the back of my collar.

There were several other straps to provide complete support, along with metal rings all over the material that apparently provided extra connections. Anywhere two straps met, they used some kind of machine to make the material somehow merge into one complete unit. This harness and attached collar was now a part of me that I could never remove without help. The feel of that material on my bald head was enough to set me to shivering.

To add to my fright, they hung a mirror over my head, so I could see everything they did to my widely opened mouth. They took out some curious metal objects. There were four things that looked like extra large fishooks, except that instead of a barb they had a curious little circle on the end.

They put the end with the circle in my mouth, attaching it to four teeth in my mouth. The circle of each hook was placed through a thick wire that extended from the braces on the four teeth. That wire was then bent back to the metal band. Then they welded the wire to band, locking the hooks onto my braces forever. The other end of the hooks attached to the pad before my ears with the snap of a tiny lock.

"This is your permenant headgear. You will wear these hooks as long as you are with us. These next items will not be locked onto your teeth though. You will be required to wear this item for a certain number of hours each day."

With that, he took out what looked like two horseshoes (or U's) welded together at their center. The inside U was shorter and narrower than the other, and it also had some different connectors. The outer U had several little hooks along its middle. There were two of these things.

"Watch carefully in the mirror," he said as he began to put the inner U inside my mouth. He maneuvered it toward my back teeth. I noticed that all four back teeth had little cylinders welded onto the metal band. I saw that the round ends of the U were meant to slip into the little cylinders. I was not expecting the *snap* feeling as the ends of the U connected with my back teeth. Leaving that U hanging out of my mouth, he attached the other to my lower mouth.

After the other one had clicked into place on my lower jaw, he attached the ends of the larger U's to the pad before my ears. When he was done with that, he took out some brightly colored rubber bands. "These are to be attached from these facebows (pointing at the U-shaped devices) to certain teeth I shall point out to you. I expect you to wear these bands in place whenever you are told to wear your facebow. You will be responsible for doing that, and you will be severly punished if you fail."

With that, he placed the rubber band on the hooks on the bigger U of each 'facebow' and attached each rubber band onto the brace on a different tooth. As soon as he let go, I winced at the pressure that little rubber band caused on my already sore teeth.

They were finally done, and they began to release the device that was holding mouth open and my cheeks in the large circle. Once release, it took my lips a few moments to slowly recover from their stretched position back to normal. It was so strange feeling all that stuff going in and out of my mouth. The hooks and 'facebows' were bad enough, with their metal taste to my lips, but the rubber bands were very uncomfortable.

Looking in the mirror, I saw that the hooks caught the corners of my mouth as they went the the cheek pad. The center of the facebows, however, stuck out from my lips about an inch [2½ cm]. The rubberbands and all the other things that pushed rudely past my lips were already beginning to rub blisters on my poor lips.

I could feel the various metal items pulling some teeth deeper inside my mouth. However, I could also feel the rubber bands pull other teeth toward the outside of my mouth! I was afraid, but I managed to get a thought out – it seemed to me that this would make my slightly crooked teeth much worse rather than better! Why was I wearing braces if not to fix my bite! Then I realized, braces were for moving teeth. Nothing said that they couldn't be used to move my teeth AWAY from the correct positions!

I knew that it would take a while to get used to wearing this device, and that with it locked on the way it was that I would not be taking it off soon. They again told me that I would be give harsh punishments if I did not keep up my new additions properly. I was told that I would be wearing this headgear for several months, until my teeth were moved way beyond anything considered normal.


After all that, they then moved me from the dental room into one of the other rooms in the master's house. Here they placed me on a tilting table and put dozens of rubber straps on every part of my body, similar to my sleeping bondage. I was then strapped so tightly to the table that I could not move at all.

They attached my head to the table via connections on my headgear – they ran wires from the table to my braces themselves. They knotted the wires onto my teeth then pulled them tight, pulling my head tightly into the table unable to move in any direction. I felt them moving around my penis. My penis was already locked into their torture device, but now I felt them pulling on my balls! They pulled my ball sack way away from my penis, then I felt them place something between my penis and my balls! When they let go of my balls, they stayed pulled way out. It didn't really hurt, but it was very strange.

They told me that this entire camp was really for boys. Any girls I had seen were really boys made to look like girls. They had decided that I would be good one for that kind of setup. But I would be an experiment. My parents had requested that I be more than just a boy/girl; they wanted an exotic creature that was trained to be an absolute slave.

They had removed all my hair to make me feel more like a slave. My hairless body contrasted sharply with the complicated harness on my head, and the tons of metal in my mouth. They would slowly change my body and mind to adhere to their will. Because some people liked boy/girls, I would be allowed to keep my penis, but it and my balls would be under nearly constant restraint. They also planned to stretch various parts of my anatomy: my balls to start with, and after I grew them, my breasts.

That meant they would cause breasts to grow. They would give me some pills every day that would enlarge my breasts and give me more of a woman's figure. There would be occasional shots, like now, that will cause more rapid growth. With that, they pulled out a huge needle and slowly injected the contents into my breast. I began to moan, because as soon as they began injecting that stuff into me, it felt like my chest was on fire. I was too well tied down to move, so I could only moan and slightly quiver as they repeated the process on my other breast. I couldn't even shake my head or beg because my braces were locked to the table. "We can only safely give you this stuff once a week, but after four weeks, and your daily pills, you will have rather large breasts.

They left me alone for a few minutes, and the agony in my breasts began to subside a little. Then I began to feel the pain in my balls, and my teeth were beginning to ache again underneath all that metal.

They came out and released me from my bonds. I was totally freed from bondage, but they warned me that practically everything was locked on. The only thing I could possibly tamper with was the rubber bands on my braces. But they were so bright that anything I did would be seen, and I would be punished. I sighed and hobbled off, being careful not to bump my bulging balls.

The End... probably not

Never found a second installment. Maybe somebody else with a "brace&teeth" fetish will continue it?