PZA Boy Stories


The Upper Fremont Pony Club


In the not too distant future, the Harrison family spends the first two weeks of summer vacation at a very special club. Their eleven-year-old son Kevin is quickly broken and trained as a pony boy, along with his best friend Jacob. Along the way they suffer an endless variety of humiliations, punishments, sexual abuse, and some mild body modification.
Publ. Nov 2007- 3;
Under construction, Oct 2008; Length 29,000 words (58 pages)


Kevin 'Lightning'(11yo), Jacob 'Thunderclap' (11yo), Nathan (13yo), Benjamin 'Scout' and Jackson 'Sniper' (twins, 12yo)

Category & Story codes

Boy-Slave story/future
MbtMdom cons nc oral anal – bd humil chast pierc ws "pony play"


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

My first attempt at shorter story. Comments always welcome at Istari_olias(at)yahoo(dot)com or using this feedback form (please mention the story title in the subject line).

Table of Contents

  1. Arrival
  2. Preparations
  3. Breaking
  4. Modifications
  5. Ponies!

1. Arrival

"This must be the place, dear," Beth Harrison said to her husband as she repeated the words written on the ornate wooden sign over the gate. "Upper Fremont Pony Club."

Tom Harrison smiled and nodded in agreement as he drove the family car slowly up the long winding driveway. "We're here, Kevin," he called over his shoulder to his eleven-year-old son in the back seat.

"Mmmph, mmmph," was the boy's only possible response since he had a rather large red ball-gag in his mouth, strapped tightly in place behind his head. Kevin was also naked, with his wrists bound tightly behind his back and a pair of heavy leg shackles around his slender ankles. Eighteen inches [45cm] of thick steel chain ran between them. A leather posture collar was around his slender neck, secured with a heavy padlock. The collar prevented him from turning his head more than a few degrees in either direction. For many boys, perhaps, this would seem odd, but for Kevin this was normal. The Harrisons had kept their son naked since he was six, and they'd been keeping him gagged and collared and chained since he turned eleven, four months ago. He fidgeted nervously on the back seat, moaning slightly as the plug in his butt pressed that magic place deep inside him.

He hated the plug, but his parents had kept one in him twenty-four hours a day since he was ten years old. It only came out when he went to the bathroom. It gave him funny feelings, especially lately. Not necessarily unpleasant feelings, but feelings Kevin didn't really understand, and that scared him.

Kevin stood four-and-a-half-feet [1.37m] tall and weighed eighty pounds [36kg] soaking wet. He had blonde hair which his parents kept shoulder length, and deep soulful brown eyes that always looked sad even when he was happy. He was a muscular little boy, lean and slim and firm. The Harrisons believed in keeping their son fit with strict diet and stricter exercise. He hadn't started puberty yet, but that day was certainly not far off. His body was completely hairless, his skin tanned a golden brown all over from being naked in the outdoors. Kevin couldn't remember the last time he'd worn clothes beyond the few pairs of very short, very tight shorts and t-shirts he would be dressed in for school or whenever his parents took him out in public. Kevin almost never wore shoes, and the Harrisons had learned over the years that most public establishments tend to turn a blind eye to barefoot little boys. Kevin even went barefoot to school. These things were not entirely unusual these days. In recent years the number of families keeping their children naked at home had increased dramatically, and some parents were even being so bold as to keep their kids naked in public as well. As a matter of fact, Kevin's own best friend Jacob Delucci was going naked all the time now. Kevin hoped his parents weren't going to make him start doing that too.

Kevin squirmed around on the back seat and spread his legs a little wider. He looked down in misery at the small elaborate cage that imprisoned his two-inch-[5cm]-long penis. His parents had given it to him on his eleventh birthday, his 'special present' they'd told him. Kevin had stood with his arms tied behind his back while his father tenderly and lovingly locked his son into his new chastity device. At first, Kevin had really liked the way it looked and he liked the way it felt, that is until his little dick tried to get hard.

'No more erections for you, son,' his father had said to him, 'not without our permission.'

Kevin had watched in fascination and a bit of horror as his little penis swelled within the cage, came in contact with the sharp spikes that adorned the cage's inner surfaces, and quickly shriveled again. The cage was curved in such a way that his penis would always be pointed downward, making it impossible for the boy to get hard. He thought maybe his dad was joking, but he was quite wrong.

Having been kept naked since he was six, Kevin was used to running around with his hard little boner sticking out and his parents had always ignored it. Shortly before the boy turned eleven though, he'd discovered the fun of playing with his penis, and the knowledge that he could, in fact, make it hard of his on free-will and get a really cool funny feeling if he rubbed it long enough. Open and without an ounce of shyness about his body, he immediately told his parents about this wondrous discovery, innocently thinking he was the only boy in the world with this magic power. He remembered his mom and dad nodding to each other and giving him a little smile. Two weeks later his penis was locked in its tiny plastic cage. In the four months since it had been removed only when he showered, and always with his mother or father watching him to make sure he did not play with himself. The eleven-year-old would spring a powerful, throbbing boner every time the cage came off, but a quick dowsing of icy water from the shower would soften it quickly and the chastity cage would go right back on as soon as the water was turned off.

Now he sighed quietly to himself as he watched his poor useless little wiener swell up once again in a vain attempt to get hard. He winced as the spikes did their work. Kevin was noticing that it was taking longer and longer for his penis to soften when this happened. It would stay swollen and half-way hard for several minutes now, even as the spikes dug into his flesh and caused him a good deal of pain. The plug in his butt wasn't making things easier. He was only eleven, but he had quickly come to understand the connection between that magic spot deep inside his rear end, which the plug was currently pressing on, and his unruly misbehaving penis. The plug made his penis want to constantly be hard, and the cage of course made sure this didn't happen. The boy turned his attention away from his penis, shifted his body and looked out the window at the rolling hills and trees of this special place where the family would be spending the next two weeks of summer vacation. When Kevin heard they were going to a pony club he was rather excited. He loved horses and had always wanted to learn how to ride one. When his parents explained to him the nature of this particular pony club, he was no longer so happy, but his little penis immediately started to stiffen, a sign both of his parents took to mean he was more than ready for the trials and ordeals to come.

Tom Harrison parked the car and the family got out. Kevin wasn't terribly happy about being naked out in public like this. The thought that complete strangers would see him in the nude sort of freaked him out, but he knew he didn't have any choice. He took a little comfort in the fact that he was not going to be the only naked boy here. His mother quickly attached a leash to Kevin's collar and looped the other end around her wrist.

"Don't want our little slave boy getting away from us do we, sweetie," she said to him, tussling his shaggy mop of blonde uncombed hair.

"Mmmph, mmmph," Kevin said into his gag, shaking his head obediently. His mother bent down and kissed him on the forehead.

With their son on his leash behind them, Tom and Beth left the family sedan with the valet, a well-built boy of sixteen wearing an iron collar and a pair of shiny tight locking latex chastity shorts. The boy expected no tip and received none.

In front of the Harrisons was a large, opulent structure, clearly the main building of the club. Two young teenaged boys, perhaps fourteen or fifteen stood on either side of the glass double doors. Tom and Beth immediately noticed that the two boys were wearing heavy leather harnesses around their chests which were attached with chains to a pulley system. The boys had bits in their mouths and iron collars around their necks. Their arms were locked behind their backs with leather cuffs. Both of the teenagers' bodies were just as hairless as that of young Kevin, but their long thick teenaged cocks dangled freely between their slender muscular legs. The boy on the left was considerably bigger in that department than his partner, sporting a soft five inches [12.5cm] of boymeat. Beth and Tom both snickered at the sight. It was a penis way too big for such a slightly built kid. The boys strained forward in their harnesses as the Harrisons approached and slowly the doors separated and swung open.

A casually dressed man was there to greet them as they came through. The doors swung closed silently behind them, the two boys back in position awaiting the next family's arrival.

"Ah, you must be the Harrisons," the man said, extending his hand to greet the two adults and casting an approving eye at their young eleven-year-old naked and in bondage. "I am Cedric Bolard, club administrator."

"Tom and Beth," Tom Harrison replied, "and this is Kevin."

"Welcome, Kevin, we are very glad you are here."

Kevin looked up and nodded his head and once again let out an indecipherable "mmmph" into his ball-gag.

The man studied the boy more closely for a brief moment, clearly pleased with what he was seeing. A slim, wiry, muscular little boy, already well-trained by appearances. "How long have you kept him naked?" he asked conversationally as he led the family through the lobby. Kevin's chains dragged and clattered along the marble floor.

"Since he was six," Beth Harrison replied, tugging a little more firmly on Kevin's leash.

"Excellent. And the gag and bondage?"

"We started that on his eleventh birthday."

"You keep him that way permanently, I assume."

"At home he's bound in some way all the time. Generally the gag only comes out when he's eating or sleeping. We still have to dress him for school, but we're working on an arrangement with his principal to send him there naked and in chains next year."

"Sensible," the man continued as he led them up the stairs at the end of the hall. "Your suite has been prepared. I see you've put a cock-cage on him."

"Yes," Tom replied. "He's reached the age where he can't control himself."

"How often does it come off?"

"Only when he showers, and one of us is always there to supervise him."

"An excellent regime. He seems a very healthy, obedient, and well-adjusted boy."

"He's gotten used to it. He does well in school and plays nicely with his friends. Hasn't given us any trouble at all."

"He'll be perfect for our little club."

The adult members of the Harrison family nodded their enthusiastic agreement. The junior member was still not entirely sure he was going to enjoy this.

Bolard took a few minutes to show the Harrisons the varied amenities of their suite. Kevin found himself standing alone in the middle of the soft carpeted floor, his hands still bound behind him, his leash trailing down upon his chest. Mercifully his penis had finally given up its latest vain attempt at achieving an erection and was hanging flaccid within the snug confines of the tiny boy-sized chastity cage.

"We've reserved a stall for Kevin down in the stables. He'll be sharing it with another new boy. If you'd like to take him there now, I'll arrange a tour of the club for the two of you."

Tom and Beth cast their eyes to their chained and naked eleven-year-old son. Kevin stared back at them with fear in his eyes. They hadn't told him he'd be separated from them. Things were starting to get scary.

"You'll understand we do not allow the pony boys to stay in the main house," Bolard explained almost apologetically.

"Certainly," Tom replied, wrapping his fingers around Kevin's right arm to keep the trembling boy still. "Lead on."

The stables were a long, low, single story structure behind the main house. There was a large steel door at one end and a series of small barred windows running close to the roof-line. Clearly this was a stable meant to house ponies of a very special breed. As the family approached this ominous structure, they got their first glimpse of some of the ponies themselves. Two dark-haired boys, slightly older than Kevin were harnessed in tandem to a two-wheeled cart. Like Kevin they were naked, and like him they were slim wiry little creatures. Their harnesses were leather and connected them to each other and to the cart by a series of thin but sturdy chains. Each boy was in a bit and head-harness, both with reins being snapped expertly by the driver, a man about Tom's age.

"David Mitchell and his twin sons," Bolard announced. "Twelve year olds. Benjamin and Jackson. This is their second summer with us."

Tom and Beth nodded in sharp approval. Kevin stared at the two boys in shock, knowing that very soon he'd be pulling a cart just like that one. As he watched them pass he noticed that the twins were identical in every way but one. The boy on the left had his penis locked in a cage almost exactly like the one imprisoning Kevin's own little weiner. This boy's penis looked to be a lot bigger than Kevin's, but he was still smooth and hairless down there. The other boy's penis was not caged, but was instead locked into an elaborate leather and metal harness that ensured that his penis remained constantly and painfully hard. His large almost five-inch [12.5cm] boner was a dark swollen purple and looked very painful to young Kevin's eyes. The harness also stretched the twelve-year-old's ball sack forcing the boy's equally purple and swollen testicles to dangle freely between his legs as he struggled forward.

"Rather clever, don't you think?" Bolard asked with a smile. "Young Benjamin is never allowed to get hard. His brother his forced to maintain an erection for hours at a time. It is a sensible way to tell them apart."

"You say this is their second summer here?" Beth asked as Bolard unlocked the large steel door to the stables and pulled it open.

"Yes, Mrs. Harrison. They started their training just after they turned eleven, just like your Kevin here."

Following behind Bolard, the Harrisons led their young son into the stables on his leash. What Kevin saw was a long open space with a concrete floor, flanked on either side by a series of segregated stalls. The stalls were really more like cells, each only six feet deep and four feet wide [1.8x1.2m], their walls extending up to the ceiling. Each stall was fronted by a gate made of heavy steel bars that stood four feet [1.2m] high, low enough that adults could reach over into the stalls, tall enough that the boys could not manage an escape.

Unable to turn his head much because of his posture collar, Kevin shifted his torso left and right and gazed into the stalls as they marched him along. Most of them were occupied with naked boys like himself, all of them invariably chained to the floor or the walls or otherwise restrictively bound in some fashion. Some of the boys were gagged like he was, others were not, but all of them were being very quiet as silence was the general rule for the club's pony boys. The floors of the stalls were concrete, but each stall had straw and some worn out blankets so the boys would not have to sleep directly on the hard unforgiving cement.

"How many ponies do you have here?" Beth asked as she stared into one double-occupied stall after another.

"At the moment there are nineteen of them. Your boy makes twenty," Bolard answered as he stopped in front of stall number 9.

"This is your son's stall. Do you wish to release his arms before he's locked in?" Tom, with practiced skill, quickly untied the thick ropes that had bound his son's wrists behind his back since their trip began five hours ago. Kevin's wrists were red but none the worse for wear. Bolard immediately offered a pair of studded leather wrist cuffs, adorned with steel rings, which Tom Harrison immediately placed around Kevin's wrists and secured with padlocks. A short six-inch [15cm] chain was attached between them, binding the boy's hands in front of him. Kevin remained in his shackles and his posture collar. His mother removed the leash and hung it on a hook next to her son's new home. No mention or thought was given to removing his chastity cage. The eleven-year-old was then pushed inside the stall.

As Bolard had promised, there was another boy already inside. He was lying on his side, asleep, chained by his collar to an iron ring in the concrete floor. Ignoring him, Beth herself did the honors of attaching a heavy chain to Kevin's collar, securing her naked boy to the back wall of the stall. She removed her son's ball-gag and hung it next to the leash as she exited, then together Kevin's mom and dad closed the gate and locked their son in. This tiny space would be his home for the next two weeks, and possibly longer if things went well. Kevin watched his parents depart with Bolard, then he sank down with his back to the wall, the chain curled up beside him. He crossed his legs and held back a few tears. Bondage and discipline was certainly nothing new to Kevin Harrison, but this was a big change from what he had grown to accept as normal back home. The other boy in the stall stirred, awakened by all the commotion of a new boy being delivered. He sat up and rubbed his tired red eyes.

Kevin jumped back a bit in surprise and then a big smile of relief washed over his cute young face.


It was Jake. His very best friend, Jacob DeLucci. They were both eleven, though Jake was four months younger, and they were both being raised as obedient naked little slave boys by their parents. That would have been enough in common, but they also shared the same likes and dislikes in food, music (when they were allowed to listen to it), television (when they were allowed to watch it), and a strong sworn dislike of girls in general and Jake's older sisters in particular.

Jake had dark hair which he'd inherited from his father, and bright blue eyes that he'd gotten from his mom. Kevin didn't have any particular opinion, but most adults would have surely described Jake as exceedingly cute and handsome. He was built almost identically to Kevin, a little taller even though he was younger and a little more muscular with a tight and already well-defined abdomen, but essentially still a slender adorable boy-child. He was, of course, naked, the only thing he was wearing being his leather collar. Unlike Kevin, his hairless genitals were currently not confined by a chastity cage. His penis flopped lazily as he stood up with a look of wonder in his blue eyes. Jake's penis and testicles were considerably larger than Kevin's. It was a point of endless embarrassment for Kevin since he was in fact the older of the pair, but in his defense it should be noted that Jake's penis was exceptionally big for a boy his age, long and thick and circumcised, dangling soft (at the moment) over a pair of ripe plump eleven-year-old balls that held all the promise of burgeoning adolescence.

"Kev?" Jacob asked sharply, doubting his eyes. His voice, like Kevin's, still had not begun to break. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Me? What the hell are you doing here? You said you guys were going to the beach this summer!"

"My parents and my sisters did. I didn't. They sent me here instead."


For the past twelve months, the two boys had carried on a sometimes heated argument about which of them had it the worst. Jake won lots of points for the fact that he had to go naked all the time, even at school and out in public. Kevin had recently scored with the fact that he now had his penis locked away in a plastic chastity cage and a large rubber plug stuffed up his butt. Both boys were subjected to constant restraint and bondage at home, so they agreed to accept a tie on that count. Now it appeared they would both be undergoing the rigors of pony-boy training together.

"What d'ya think's gonna happen to us, Jake?" Kevin asked as he too stood up and tested the limits of his chain. It was only three feet [90cm] long, so he couldn't even reach the gate.

"We're going to be ponies, Kev, I guess. That's what the other boys told me. They're gonna work us real hard and stuff like that 3; and 3; and race us, I guess 3; "

"Race us? Like horses?"

"Yeah. That's what we are now, kinda."

"How long you been here?" "Three days."

Kevin looked around. He suddenly felt a pressing need. "Where do we 3; I mean 3; I really gotta take a leak."

Jacob pointed to a bucket by the gate. "You piss in that."

"I can't get over there."

"I can. I'll bring it to you."

Jacob scrambled forward, having to crawl the last foot and stretch his body out against his chain to reach the bucket. He returned and put it down in front of his best friend.

"Turn around, okay," Kevin pleaded, "I don't want you looking."

"Why not?" Jake asked. "We're both naked, right."

"I can't pee like a boy with this thing on my dick. I gotta sit down."

"Like my sisters! Ha!" Jacob found that very funny.

Kevin gave him a quick punch in the gut, then squatted down over the bucket, aiming up his imprisoned cock as best he could and taking his much needed pee.

"So what do we do now?" Kevin asked after shaking the last drops of urine from the end of the plastic cock cage and pushing the now half-full bucket as far away from him as his chain would allow.

"We just sit here and wait, dude. That's what I've been doing all day."

"Wait for what? I mean 3; what have they made you do so far?"

Jake sat down again, resting his back against the wall. Over the last few minutes his penis had slowly hardened and he was now sporting a nice four-and-a-half-inch [11.5cm] boner, which looked rather ridiculous against his small slender eleven-year-old frame. It was throbbing and bouncing in time with the beat of the boy's pulse. Kevin stared at it for a minute, feeling very jealous that his imprisoned penis couldn't do that. Jake didn't seem to particularly notice or care that his penis was erect. "Well, they haven't made me do anything so far. They've just kept me in here the whole time. One of the other boys brings me food. I get let out to take a crap, and then they spray cold water on me with a big hose, and then they chain me up in here again. One of the men said they were waiting for another boy 3; so they could break us together. I guess that's you, Kev."

"Yeah, I guess so."

Kevin couldn't imagine what Jake meant by 'break us', and Jake didn't know either, but both boys were sure it wasn't going to be a lot of fun.

2. Preparations

Kevin and Jake were talking quietly when one of the older pony boys approached the gate with a man in black overalls. The man produced a large ring of keys and unlocked the gate. The pony boy, perhaps thirteen years of age, quietly and obediently placed two wooden bowls on the concrete floor. Kevin could not help but stare at him. The first and most striking thing was the combination head-harness and hood that covered the boy's head. The hood was shaped in such a way as to give the impression of a real horse, with a tapered muzzle and sharp pointed leather ears. A bit was in the thirteen-year-old's mouth, his ears were both pierced with thick golden rings and the hood even had blinders ensuring that the boy always and only looked forward. He wore a harness just like the ones Kevin had seen the Mitchell twins wearing, and matching leather cuffs adorned his wrists, thighs, and ankles. He had a small tuft of dark neatly trimmed pubic hair but was otherwise hairless. There was another large thick golden ring piercing the tip of his circumcised penis which was currently dangling a flaccid three inches [7.5cm]. There was a small leather pouch encasing the boy's testicles, rather tightly and painfully from the way the boy was walking. As he turned to leave the stall, Kevin noticed the horse-tail sticking out of the boy's butt. Kevin rightly guessed the other boy must have had a plug up there just like the one in his own rear end. The eleven-year-old continued to stare with his mouth agape as the young teenaged pony boy obediently returned to the man's side.

"Good work, Nathan," the man said, giving the boy a firm swat on the rump. "Now let's get you harnessed to the cart. Your father and brothers are visiting this afternoon, and you want to show them how much you've learned, don't you?"

Nathan nodded and his eyes flashed with excitement. The thirteen-year-old pony boy trotted away behind his trainer.

"Ok, that was just weird!" Kevin said.

"Yeah, I know," Jacob replied kneeling down in front of the gate to retrieve the two bowls. His chain was stretched as far as it would go. "That's what they're gonna do to us, Kev."

"Well, I guess I already got a plug up my butt, and the rest of the stuff doesn't look too bad. You got a plug up there?" Jake had walked back carrying the wooden bowls, his erect penis still sticking straight up toward his belly-button. "Sure do. Mom put one in me before they left me here. I hate butt plugs," the eleven-year-old moaned.

"Me too," Kevin replied, shifting his body to find a more comfortable position. "It is so embarrassing. Mom and dad always show it off whenever they have people over."

"Yeah," Jacob commiserated as he began to eat his oatmeal with his hands. "I thought I'd get used to having it in me 3; but I haven't. Mom said boys aren't supposed to get used to it 3; like its supposed to feel real funny all the time and make my dick go hard 3; and stuff 3; "

"At least yours can get hard," Kevin said, gesturing with an oatmeal-covered hand to the plastic cage encasing his boyhood.

Kevin was so hungry he hadn't even thought about the fact that they hadn't given them spoons. Or that the gray lumpy oatmeal was totally flavorless. As he licked his fingers his stomach growled. He stared over at Jake whose face was currently down in the bowl.

"Is this all we get?" Jake raised his head, his chin and nose caked with oatmeal, his right hand still eagerly cleaning out his bowl. "Sometimes they give us fruit, like apples and carrots and stuff 3; but yeah, this is it."

"It's really gross. I hate oatmeal."

"The man said that's all us pony boys get to eat. Said it's good for our bodies."

"Well, I say it totally sucks."

"I don't think they really care what we think, Kev."

"Guess you're right."

The boys returned their empty bowls to the gate, then sat together against the back wall.

"Your dick's still hard," Kevin observed with a giggle.

"Yeah, I know. It gets like that a lot now," Jake replied, staring down at his erect penis, but not daring to touch it. "Stays that way too."

"It's gotten a lot bigger," Kevin continued. "I mean yours has always been bigger than mine, but now it's even huger."

Jake laughed nervously, rather self-conscious about that thing between his legs. It has certainly been getting him into a lot of trouble lately. "Yeah, the man who hosed me down yesterday said I'm 'hung', whatever that means."

Kevin smiled and tentatively reached out his hand. "That just means you've got a big dick and balls. Wish mine were bigger."

"If they were they wouldn't fit in that cage thingy," Jacob wisely stated, swatting Kevin's hand away before it could touch his penis. "Don't touch it, dude. That's like, totally gay or something."

"I think lots of people are going to be touching your dick, Jake," Kevin whispered shyly. He wondered if anyone would be touching his, or if they'd ever take off his cock cage again.

The boys were removed from their stall a few hours later by two big and powerful men in leather overalls. They were made to stand in the center of the stables with their heads bowed and their hands behind their backs. Kevin had been shackled the entire time, but now a set of heavy irons was locked around Jacob's slender ankles as well. It felt like forever to the boys, waiting there naked in the warm humid and foul-smelling stable. Sweat was running down Kevin's face and into his eyes. Both boys had a fine sheen of sexy boy-sweat covering their hairless nude bodies.

It was, in fact, only about ten minutes before Cedric Bolard entered the building. One of the men who had been guarding the boys immediately moved a small table and chair into position for the club administrator.

Bolard nodded in a businesslike manner and sat down. He had two file folders in front of him, and his lap-top which he quickly set up and logged on. Kevin looked around for an electrical cord but found none.

'Must run on batteries,' the boy thought. 'Cool.' He had a little computer of his own up in his room back home, but he was only allowed to use it a few hours each week.

At first Bolard paid no attention to the two naked eleven-year-old's standing in front of him, one sporting a cute throbbing four-and-one-half inch [11.5cm] erection, the other with his hairless little boyparts locked away in a chastity cage. The boys were breathing rapidly now, scared and worried and wondering what was going to happen. They pranced anxiously on their cute bare boyfeet.

Bolard finally looked up, fingering the files. "Which one of you is youngest?"

"Me, sir," Jake raised his right hand and quickly returned it behind his back. Jake stood about three inches [7.5cm] taller than Kevin, and looked to be a little bit older, even though, he was, in fact, four months Kevin's junior. His shoulders were just starting to broaden, and his pectoral muscles were starting to define themselves. He had a perfectly flat tummy just starting to show some muscular development, a small innie-style navel, and he had a sexy narrow tapered waist with a sharply pronounced 'v' running down to his ample dangling genitals. All in all, he was a gorgeous specimen of young pre-teen boyhood.

Bolard studied the two boys further, allowing his eyes to wander over Kevin's naked frame. The smaller boy was lean and athletic just like Jacob, but clearly less developed, the curves of his body a little softer, his tummy still protruding, ever so slightly, as it does in younger boys, and his imprisoned genitals were perfectly small and adorable and just starting to show signs of growing bigger. Bolard found it interesting that Kevin was the older of the pair, as physically Jacob appeared to be several months further along in his development. Bolard smiled, enjoying the wonderful ways of boys and how they grow.

"Well, Kevin," he said, staring the blond-haired boy directly in the eye. "Normally we put the older boy in charge of each pair, but since you're so much smaller than he is, Jacob is going to be in charge of you. You will do whatever he says and follow his lead when you boys are working or pulling the carts."

Kevin frowned, not liking that at all. He and Jake were friends, but he didn't like the idea of being bossed around by him.

Jacob for his part was beaming.

"As for you Jacob," Bolard continued his lecture, turning his gaze to the dark-haired lad. "Any time Kevin messes up, it is your fault and you'll be punished far more severely than he is."

Jake's smile disappeared almost instantly.

"Hey, Jakey, this might not be so bad after all," Kevin said in a teasing voice.

"Now," Bolard continued, opening the two files and spreading the papers on the table. "Let me get a better look at you two. Hands behind your heads."

The boys obeyed immediately.

"Good. Now turn around, very slowly. You boys are our newest stock here and I want to see how you're built. Good."

As the boys slowly turned their bodies, displaying themselves for the administrator, Bolard made various notes on his lap-top. "Do you boys play any sports?" he asked.

Jake spoke right up. "I play soccer 3; I gotta play it naked, since my parents don't let me wear clothes 3; I get to wear a jockstrap and a cup and some shin guards and that's it. I'm the only naked boy on the team."

"That must be hard for you," Bolard observed.

"Not really. I been kept naked at home as long as I can remember, so bein' naked out in public isn't all that different. They tease me a lot, but I score a lot of goals and that shuts them up."

"What about you, Kevin," Bolard asked the smaller boy.

Kevin blushed fiercely and mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that, boy? I didn't hear you."

The eleven-year-old mumbled his answer again.

"He said he does ballet," Jacob stated with a childish giggle. "You should see him runnin' around in his tights!" Jacob made a kissy face and puckered his lips.

"My mom makes me do it!" Kevin said in his own defense. "At least I get to wear clothes in public, numb-nuts."

Bolard stared a laughing Jacob into silence and fixed his gaze on Kevin once more. "Nothing wrong with dance, boy. Gives you a nice flexible body 3; you'll be needing that, trust me. Now then, here's what's going to happen, and here's the rules. Listen carefully. I will not repeat myself.

You boys are the club's newest ponies. From right now until you leave us, you will live, work and behave like pony boys. You will be broken to the bit, bridle and harness. You will learn to pull carts both in teams and on your own. You will be bound and chained in some manner at all times. You will not speak unless you are spoken to, and when you do speak, you will remember that ponies can't talk, so you will keep your answers short and precise. You are absolutely forbidden to touch your penises or your testicles. You, Kevin, will remain locked in your chastity device at all times. You will not have erections and you will not have orgasms."

Kevin hadn't heard the word orgasm before, but he was a smart boy and he figured it had to be that special funny feeling he got when he rubbed his penis for a while. He'd already been prohibited from giving himself that feeling for several months now, and he didn't think too much of Bolard's announcement. He was young enough that his erections were mostly just natural spontaneous occurrences and not necessarily tied to any sexual urges, which he was really too young yet to truly experience.

"You, Jacob, will be allowed the privilege of having your penis free, but you will not touch it. If you are caught you will be punished severely."

Jake swallowed hard, and as if on cue his penis twitched and started to harden.

"You will also be punished for being hard when we don't want you to be, like right now."

"I'm sorry, sir," the boy said, staring down at his offending member and wishing it would go soft again.

"We'll deal with your misbehavior later tonight. Now, where was I 3; ?"

"Our penises, sir," Kevin volunteered helpfully.

Borland smiled at the boy's innocence. "Yes, those little things. Don't let them get you into trouble, boys. You are here to serve and pleasure our members, not yourselves. Club members will have sex with you and you will be made to have sex with each other and the other pony boys. Do you two understand what I mean by sex?"

The two boys immediately nodded, although they both had only vaguest idea about the mechanics of how it all actually worked, or the virtually endless types of degrading and humiliating things adults (men and women both in this case) could do to hairless little boys. At this point in their lives, neither boy's sexual sophistication had progressed much beyond fiddling with their dicks. That was soon to change.

"Now then, before we start your training, we need to give you both your piercings and get you fitted for your harnesses."

"Piercings, sir?" Jake asked nervously. He had a little silver ring in his left ear already, but he'd seen the rings that the other pony boys had on their bodies and was suddenly very scared.

Bolard nodded and confronted the boy's frightened stare without a hint of sympathy in his eyes. "Yes, Jacob. All of this club's pony boys have their ears, noses, nipples, cocks and ball sacks pierced. The rings are rather substantial," he explained. "They need to be since your reins will often be passed through them."

Now Kevin was getting scared too. He pointed to Jacob's earring. "You're not gonna put rings like that in my balls, are you?" he said in a high-pitched squeak.

"No, Kevin," Bolard replied, but before Kevin could breathe a sigh of relief, the club administrator continued. "The ones that go in your scrotum will be much bigger and a lot heavier."

"Oh, man 3; " Kevin could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and his little cock was presently making yet another futile attempt to achieve an erection. It was straining desperately inside its snug plastic cage, causing the boy noticeable discomfort.

"However," Bolard said with a smile, "Since you'll have your penis locked up all the time, you won't have to get the cock piercing." Bolard closed the boys' files and began packing up his laptop. "I'm done here," he said to the two men in the leather overalls. "You can take them for processing now. Boys," he said, addressing them directly for the final time, "these men are the club wranglers. It is their job to train you and keep you in line. It is also their job to discipline you if you mess up. Don't mess up."

Bolard departed without giving the new ponies a second glance. Jacob and Kevin were then chained together by their collars. Kevin's ball-gag was forced into his mouth and strapped tightly behind his head. The two men led the boys out of the stables, across the open spaces and into a smaller building constructed of concrete block. It was early evening now, but it was still hot and humid. Sounds of whips cracking through the air and the far off anguished moans and groans of young boys could be heard. Noises that were quite ordinary at the Upper Fremont Pony Club.


"Time to see the vet, boys," one of the wrangler's said as they marched Jake and Kevin though the heavily re-enforced front door. The concrete block house contained the club's state of the art medical facilities. Regulations of the Pony Boy Association of America required that all accredited clubs maintain such facilities for the care and treatment of their boy ponies. Doctor Smithson Reynolds was officially referred to as the club's on-staff veterinarian, but he was in reality a fully licensed pediatrician, focusing his practice exclusively on the special medical needs of pony boys.

He'd raised his own son in the club and was eagerly awaiting the day when his grandson would be old enough to carry on the tradition.

Seeing the new boys enter under the strong hands of the wranglers, he placed a rather large and ominous syringe on one of the padded examination tables. "Ah, I see we have some new stock."

"Sure do, Smithy," the taller of the two wranglers said, his right hand tightly gripping one of the rings on Kevin's collar.

"Bring them over," the doctor said, looking the two new boys up and down. "Nice specimens, I'd say. Cute and strong and built for hard work."

"And other things, doc."

Smithson laughed. "Yes indeed. Any special instructions?"

"Nope. The usual modifications. This one," Kevin felt his collar being tugged, "is not getting out of his cock cage, so there's no need to pierce his little dick. Other than that it's business as usual."

"Very well. If you'd restrain them for me, I'll get started. Shouldn't need more than an hour to do them both."

The boys were put on the examination tables, their wrists and ankles secured with leather straps, the rings in their collars clasped to eyehooks on either side. One final strap was tightened over their waists leaving the boys effectively immobilized.

Smithson wasted no time and few words getting started. "Earrings first, boys," he announced even as he pierced Kevin's left earlobe. The eleven-year-old screamed, mostly out of shock. He figured his body already had all the holes it was supposed to have and he didn't want any more. A large golden ring was placed through the opening and clasped in place. Kevin's right ear received the same treatment a moment later. Tears were in his eyes, but it didn't really hurt all that bad.

For Jacob, the doctor first removed the boy's old earring, widened the existing hole slightly and put in a golden hoop identical to the ones now in Kevin's ears. Jake's right ear was then pierced and adorned with its ring. Jake let out a little whimper during the piercing, but otherwise took it far more quietly than Kevin did.

"That was the easy part, boys," the doctor explained as he selected a new set of piercing needles and stood over Kevin's chest. With his right hand he gently pinched and squeezed the boy's left nipple. It was no bigger than a dime, but in the doctor's expert hands it was quickly standing out from the little boy's chest.

"Yeowch! That hurts!" Kevin protested.

But Kevin had no idea just how much more hurt he was about to feel.

"Take a deep breath, boy."

That was Kevin's only warning as the sharp thick needle was forced through his tiny nipple. The boy's scream bounced off the cinderblock walls and seemed to echo in the small room for several seconds. Kevin strained against his bonds and thrashed his head on the table.

"Lie still," Smithson told him. "If you make me tear the hole, we'll have to start over."

Terrified, and in extraordinary agony, the eleven-year-old boy still bravely managed to calm down and be still. He raised his head as far as the restraints would allow and saw that yet another golden ring, even bigger than the ones in his ears was now being turned through the new hole in his left nipple. He nearly fainted. Only the rush of adrenaline that accompanied the pain and fear kept him from passing out.

Kevin's right nipple was pierced in just the same way, with just the same type of ring and with just the same shrieking and howling from the boy. The doctor left Kevin there on the table, sobbing and sniffling and staring down miserably at the new gold rings that now adorned his chest.

Jacob once again proved considerably more well behaved, gritting his teeth, clenching his fists, letting out a high-pitched growl, but steadfastly refusing to cry and scream as his nipples were pierced and ringed.

The boys' new nipple rings were nearly two inches [5cm] in diameter, very thick and very heavy. Once Kevin and Jacob were allowed to stand up, the rings would provide a constant and rather uncomfortable tug on their cute little boy-nips. They would also be the perfect size to accept chains, leads, reins and a nearly limitless amount of weight.

When the doctor returned his attention to Kevin, the boy knew exactly where the next rings were going. His watering eyes pleaded, but he remained silent, biting his lip and trying hard to be brave like Jacob.

"Last ones, boy," Smithson told him.

"In 3; in my balls, right?" Kevin asked, his voice and body trembling violently.

"Well, not exactly. You'll be getting rings in your scrotum 3; your ball sack. But if you move around while I'm working, they might end up going into your little nuts, so you're going to be very good and perfectly still now, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir," Kevin squeaked. He clenched his eyes closed as tightly as he could, wrinkling up his sweet little button nose. He didn't want to see what was happening. Imagining it was bad enough.

The doctor first examined the boy's scrotum and the sweet as yet unripened grape-sized treasures they held within. Kevin of course did not have a lick of hair anywhere on his body, and his soft little ball bag was no exception. The warm air had allowed the eleven-year-old's scrotum to loosen. Smithson took the boy's left nut and rolled it gently between his fingers, repeating the process with its twin. He then grasped them both and gave them a firm downward pull. Kevin gasped and took in a sharp breath.

Sometimes his dad would punish him by pulling on his little ball sack like this, but never so hard. Kevin felt a sharp pain shoot up into his belly and he suddenly felt dizzy and rather sick. The doctor then applied some smelly lotion to Kevin's ball sack. The boy felt a slight burning.

"What's that stuff?" he asked with wide eyes, raising his head momentarily.

"Just something to keep your little sack nice and loose while I put the rings in."

"How many am I getting?"

"Three. A large one, bigger than the ones in your nipples 3; it goes right in the center between your balls. Two smaller ones on either side of your cute little bag."

"Is it gonna hurt a lot?" Kevin asked. His entire body was covered in a fine sheen of fear inspired boy-sweat.

"That depends on what you mean by 'a lot'. Now no more talking." The doctor took a bit gag from a side table and forced it into Kevin's mouth. He buckled it securely behind the boy's head. "Scream all you want to."

After the trauma of having his nipples pierced, Kevin figured it couldn't be much worse than that, but he was dead wrong. A pre-pubescent boy's scrotum is extraordinarily sensitive. When the first and largest of the needles first pierced his ball sack, his eyes shot open, he banged his head back on the table and let out the loudest most heart-wrenching wail a boy possibly could. He clamped down hard on the bit in his mouth, curled up his little toes and balled up his hands into fists, straining against his restraints.

"Stop squirming, boy!" Smithson yelled at him, smacking him hard on the thigh. That marked the first time any adult but his parents had disciplined him physically. It would certainly not be the last. "Honestly, you'd think I was gelding you with all that commotion you're making. Lie still."

Kevin did his best to obey. He was sobbing quietly now as the doctor continued to work the piercing needle through the center of his ball sack.

After ten minutes that seemed like forever to Kevin, the doctor was done. Kevin felt a significant change down there between his legs. The rings were heavy. A lot heavier than the plastic chastity cage locked around his penis. His head was released from the table and he was able to sit up partially and look down the length of his body. There were his nipple rings, there was his penis cage, his two inch [5cm] dink currently soft and lifeless, and there, piercing his nut sack were three rings, one them, the middle one almost three inches [7½cm] in diameter. It was clearly the source of the weight he was feeling.

"It weighs almost half a pound [200g], if you're wondering," the doctor said. "Aside from its practical uses it is also there as a constant reminder that you are now a pony boy. The club owns you. Don't forget it."

The two smaller rings were closer in size and weight to the ones in his ears.

"There will be some redness around the piercings, and you'll be sore for a few days, but in the end you'll be perfect. Lie back and rest while I take care of your friend. We won't be doing your nose rings until you've been properly broken."

Jake, of course, had watched his best friend's ordeal with terrified eyes. Now it was his turn. It has already been noted that Jacob's genitals were considerably larger than Kevin's. His bigger, heavier testicles were dangling low between his spread and bound legs, his circumcised cock was fully erect, over four inches [10cm] long and sticking up from his hairless groin at a needy and throbbing sixty-degree angle. There was a tiny glisten of clear fluid at the tip.

The doctor applied the exact same procedures in piercing the younger but larger boy's scrotum. Jacob did cry and scream this time, just like Kevin had done. When the three rings were in place, it was time for Jake's additional piercing, the one that would go through the tip of his penis.

In spite of the pain, Jacob's penis was still firmly erect. Doctor Reynolds quickly applied some ice to get the boy soft again. Jake squirmed on the table as the doctor ran the ice cubes all over his four-inch [10cm] boner, which obediently shriveled a few moments later. The doctor made a quick examination of the eleven-year-old's penis and used a grease pencil to mark the spot where the piercing would go.

"You've got a nice tight circumcision there, boy," he said, appraising Jacob's ample boyhood. "That's good."

Jake saw the glint of the needle in the doctor's hands and closed his eyes. The piercing went through the boy's piss-slit and out the bottom of his glans just above the spot where his frenum would have been had he been uncut. It hurt. It hurt a lot, so much that it took the boy's breath away, as well as his voice. A pathetic little whimper was all he could manage. Jake looked up as far as his collar would allow and saw the needle sticking straight through his penis. There was a little trickle of blood, but the doctor knew what he was doing, having preformed this procedure on scores of young boys over the years.

A few moments later the needle was out and the ring was in. It was golden like the rest of them, two inches [5cm] in diameter and quite heavy. It had a screw clasp at the open end which the doctor closed and sealed with a fast binding epoxy, making the boy's new ornamentation permanent. As a final step, Smithson used a padlock to connect the boy's penis ring to the center ring in his scrotum, effectively locking the eleven-year-old's cock down between his legs.

"Just because you don't have to wear a cock cage doesn't mean you get to walk around with an erection," the doctor explained. "That will keep your little dick from sticking up unless we want it to."

Jacob was sucking in air rapidly, overwhelmed by the ordeal of having a metal ring put into his penis.

Doctor Reynolds released the two boys from their restraints and got them back on their somewhat shaky feet. The wranglers arrived moments later and led the newly ringed boys out into the early evening heat. All around the spacious club grounds, boys were pulling carts and carriages, or racing one another around the quarter-mile [400m] track. It was Friday night, and the club was nearly at full capacity for the weekend. Kevin looked around hopefully for his parents. He was sort of half-way excited about showing them his new rings, but he didn't see them. His next stop was the tack room where he and Jacob would be outfitted with their bits and harnesses and transformed into proper little ponies.

The tack room was dimly lit. All manner of gear exclusively designed for boy ponies was hanging upon the walls. The two eleven-year-olds were confused by some of what they saw, wondering exactly how they would be wearing these things. The wranglers stood them in the center of the room, turned up the lights and took thorough measurements of the boys' nude sweaty bodies.

Kevin and Jacob were soon wearing leather harnesses, identical except for their color. Jacob's was a rich shiny black, Kevin's a deep dark red. The harnesses were made up of wide heavy-duty shoulder straps, thick chest straps, big silver rings and buckles, and while they were heavy, they fit the boys' developing bodies perfectly. Kevin received a set of leather wrist and ankle cuffs that matched his harness and were secured with padlocks. Jacob got the same. Each boy then had his head shaved with electric clippers. The wranglers removed all the hair from the sides leaving both eleven-year-olds with long manes running atop their heads and down to their shoulders. These manes would be trimmed and cultivated over the coming days and the sides of the boys' heads would be kept shorn and completely smooth. Each boy was then locked into a training bridle complete with bit, blinders, adorable fake horsey ears, and ample attachment points for reins, chains, leads and other means of restricting and controlling a pony boy's movements.

Next, butt-plug harnesses were strapped around the boys' slender waists. The two eleven-year-olds were made to drop down on all fours. Their current plugs, put there by their parents, were removed. Larger metal plugs, with long silky pony-tails trailing from the ends were then forced into each boy's rectum. Both boys' penises attempted to erect themselves, Kevin's constrained by the unforgiving plastic chastity cage, Jake's held down between his legs by his new cock piercing. The horsey tails were about two feet [60cm] long and made of durable synthetic fibers that would hold up to lots of wear and tear, a necessary precaution since the plugs would only be coming out a few times each day. Kevin's tail was a silvery blonde, a close match to his newly trimmed mane. Jacob's tail was dark black to compliment his darker hair.

Kevin and Jacob were now perfect little ponies. The wranglers chained the boys' ankles and wrists and again left them standing there in the center of the room. Kevin was surprised how heavy all the pony gear was.

'How am I supposed to run when I'm wearing all this stuff?' he thought to himself. Reading Jake's expression he could tell that his best friend was thinking the exact same thing.

The wranglers meanwhile were busy at one of the long wooden tables. The boys heard the sound of some spinning power tool but could not see what was going on. When the wranglers returned, each of them held a thin rectangular aluminum plate, six inches long and two inches high [15x5cm]. Two thin chains hung from the top corners of the plates. These were attached to the rings on the sides of the boys' collars. Kevin looked down at the metal plate and read the following word:


He gazed up at the wrangler standing in front of him.

"That's your name from now on, boy, at least whenever you're here at the club."

Since the boys would be a team, and since Jacob was the more boisterous and rambunctious of the pair, it was no surprise that his name plate read


Now with their new names swinging on chains from their collars, the boys were led out to a pasture fenced in with chain-link and razor wire to begin their pony training under the not so gentle hands of the wranglers.

"Time to break our two little colts, Tyrone," Kevin's wrangler said.

"Mmm hmm," Tyrone replied, pulling Jacob along by the heavy steel chain attached to the front of the boy's collar. "Spirited little beasts 3; but we'll have them reined in soon enough."

"That we will, Ty. That we will."

3. Breaking

The boys were lead through a locking gate onto the training grounds. At the moment, five other pony boys were already there, and two other wranglers were on duty. Three of the boys, all about fourteen years old, were chained together in a single file and were pulling a heavy sledge across the ground. The sledge had wooden runners and was stacked with metal weights. One of the wranglers was standing on the front of the sled, barking orders and whipping the three boys across their backs to drive them forward. Their smooth, slender, but well-muscled legs strained as they learned to pull together as a team. They were harnessed, bridled, reined and in collars and cuffs just like the ones Kevin and Jacob were now wearing. All three of them sported black horse-tail butt-plugs which were currently swinging back and forth as they trudged along. Two of the boys had their circumcised cocks and ripe young balls dangling free from their hairless groins. One of the boys sported quite a large penis, almost five soft circumcised inches [12 cm] and very thick, swaying provocatively from side to side as he pulled against his reins. The other boy, chained closest to the sledge, and closest to the wrangler's whip, had a cock that was quite small, barely bigger than little Kevin's little pecker. It was currently erect and all of three inches [8 cm] long. His testicles were on the smallish side as well. His small genitals looked strangely out of place on his long, lean fourteen-year-old body.

The lead boy, likely the oldest, could neither see nor touch his penis, since he was wearing a cumbersome chastity belt with a thick metal plate that completely covered and constrained his adolescent genitals.

The two other boys currently on the grounds were obviously younger than Kevin and Jake, both just nine years old. They were under the care of a single wrangler and were currently running around the perimeter of the fenced-in grounds, side-by-side, bound together by chains at their collars and chest harnesses. They appeared to have cock piercings just like Jacob had been given, their tiny penises held down between their legs as they ran.

Kevin and Jake were lead over to an elevated circular track with a single hitching post in the very center. The track was about six inches wide [15 cm] and ten feet [3 m] in diameter.

"Climb up, ponies," Tyrone ordered, using his whip for the first time and giving the new pony boys a gentle swishing on their backsides.

The two eleven-year-olds clambered up onto the track and stood there looking down at the wranglers, shifting their shackled feet on the narrow wooden surface. Tyrone stepped over the track and attached long chain leads from the central hitching post to the boys' harnesses and collars. His partner removed the boys' shackles, freeing their ankles for the first time since they'd been taken from their stall.

"Start walking, boys," the man, whose name was Bryan, ordered, once the eleven-year-olds were properly secured to the post. "You have to learn not to foul your chains, and to keep your balance. Every time we whip you, you will move faster. Now get trotting."

Kevin and Jacob were both whipped, harder this time. Each boy's back instantly sported an angry red welt. They shouted into their bits and started circling the raised track, feeling the weight and pull of the heavy chains at their chests and necks. Kevin was behind Jacob. He watched the horse-tail plug in his best friend's small round butt swaying back and forth, feeling his own tail brushing against the backs of his bare thighs as he walked the narrow track. He gazed down for a moment at his caged-up penis, quite happy that it was soft at the moment. If it got hard, it would hit those nasty spikes and the pain that followed would probably knock him off the track. Over the next few weeks, Kevin would learn to hate and fear his erections, but despite this, he would not stop having them.

'Stay soft,' he told his little penis as he followed Jake around the track.

"Pick up your pace," Tyrone yelled at them from inside the circle. After several minutes and several harsh lashings, the boys were up to what they would come to learn was 'trotting speed'.

"Keep your heads up. Ponies look forward at all times."

This was harder. The track was very narrow, not really wide enough to put down more than one foot at a time. Kevin nearly lost his balance and had to put his arms out like he was walking on a balance-beam. He was immediately punished for this with a viscous lash from Tyrone's whip across his bare butt. The eleven-year-old shrieked into his bit and almost fell off the track.

"Ponies keep their arms at their sides," Tyrone yelled. "Don't do that again or you'll get worse than just this whip!"

"Mmmph, mmph," Kevin replied through the bit in his mouth. He was drooling rather heavily at the moment, so was Jacob for that matter, but there was little the two pre-teen boys could do about that problem. It was quite normal for new pony boys to drool all over themselves once the bits were put into their mouths for the first time. Eventually they would learn a little more self-control.

Kevin and Jacob spent the better part of two hours circling the track, gradually getting faster and faster, the crack of the whip driving them to quicken their pace every few laps. By the end, the two boys were more confident of their balance and were almost running.

"This is galloping speed, boys," Bryan said from outside the circle. "The only time you'll go faster is when you are racing. Now keep that up for a while."

By this time it was getting rather late in the evening, well past what most boys would consider dinner time. Kevin's stomach was growling as he ran around the track in the summer evening heat, sweat pouring down into his eyes. Jacob was feeling hungry too, although he'd eaten more of his oatmeal than finicky and picky Kevin. Having already been at the club for a few days, Jake had learned to eat everything he was given, no matter how bland, tasteless or disgusting it may have been.

The eleven-year-old pony boys were both sweaty and worn out when they were finally told to stop. Tyrone removed the chains from their collars and harnesses, freeing them from the hitching post. The boys awkwardly hopped down off the elevated track and stood gasping on their tired legs as Bryan placed the shackles around their ankles. They were then marched to the side of the stables where a pair of dented tin buckets waited, one filled with stale tepid water, the other with even staler old urine.

"You can piss. Hurry up," Bryan said.

Standing on either side of the smelly piss bucket, the boys aimed up and relieved their bladders. With the cage around his cock, Kevin normally sat down to pee so that he wouldn't spray all over the wall or floor, but here outside he figured it really didn't matter. When both boys were finished, the wranglers lined them up against the wall.

"Stand up straight," Tyrone barked at them. "Hands on your heads."

Kevin and Jacob assumed the required position. The wranglers took a pair of rough well-used rags, dipped them in the brown water and slowly washed the boys down, enjoying the soft warm smoothness of the eleven-year-olds' lean hairless little bodies. They took special care around the boys' new piercings, not exactly gentle, but not handling those areas as roughly as they had the boys' limbs and backsides.

"The new piercings should heal up nice," Bryan observed as he rubbed his hands over Kevin's newly ringed nipples. Kevin winced and whimpered.

"Yep," Tyrone replied as he washed Jacob's genitals. "Doc knows what he's doin'."

Jake's penis was presently trying to get hard, but was being held down between his legs by his newly inserted chastity ring. Probably not as painful as the spikes on the inside of Kevin's little cock cage, but certainly not a comfortable experience. He moaned into his bit and spread his feet as wide as the shackles and chains would allow.

Tyrone swatted the boy's semi-erect penis with his right hand. "You think I'm gonna rub that thing for you? Not a chance. Get it soft, boy, or we have ways to do that for you." The threat of punishment wasn't quite enough to make young Jacob's boyhood stop swelling, so Tyrone turned him around and gave him a good hard fast spanking. Jake yelled and cried and tried to break away, but Bryan quickly corralled the boy and held him bent over so Tyrone could continue administering this particular lesson. Jake ended up with a flaming red butt and, after twenty additional blows for trying to get away, a nice soft penis. Kevin meanwhile looked on in horror as his best friend was beaten to tears. As if in sympathy his own little wiener shrunk to an even smaller size than normal. At that moment, for the first time since it had been put on him, Kevin was rather happy that his penis was imprisoned in its tiny plastic cage. No one noticed or particularly cared if his dick ever got hard or not, so that was at least one thing he wouldn't be getting punished for.

Jake wiped the tears from his eyes and tried to put on a tough brave face, but was still sobbing and prancing around, his now soft penis dangling back and forth as the fire on his backside slowly subsided to a dull ache.

"Won't be sitting down for a while, will you, boy?" Tyrone asked.

Jacob shook his head miserably and the two boys were taken back into the stables.

All the other boy ponies were already there, waiting in pairs in front of their stalls. The youngest ponies were the two nine-year-olds who had been running around the training grounds earlier. The oldest were the two fifteen-year-old brothers who had served as the door-boys when the Harrisons first arrived at the club. It turned out that Jake and Kevin were the next youngest pair, with all the remaining boys aged between twelve and fourteen.

The twelve-year-old twins, Benjamin and Jackson had the stall opposite Jacob and Kevin. Already freed of their bits and harnesses, the identical pair smiled shyly at the two new boys. Benjamin's penis remained locked in its cock cage. Jackson's genitals had been released from the cock and ball harness, but the effects of being forced to maintain an erection for hours on end, without any hope of relief, had left the twelve-year-old's penis grotesquely swollen and oversized, his balls heavy and of a rather unhealthy purple shade. His penis still had the look of being halfway hard and a thick gooey string of clear pre-cum was currently dripping down from its tip. Jackson's hands had been placed in leather mitts with nasty sharp metal spikes all over them, designed to keep the painfully and perpetually horny boy from pleasuring himself. Benjamin's hands were similarly covered, in case he got the idea of helping his brother. Benjamin gestured quickly to the chastity device constraining Kevin's penis and nodded in sympathy, although in many ways he knew he was the lucky one compared to his twin brother. Poor Jackson had to have his penis hard almost all the time, but he was only rarely ever allowed to have an orgasm. Jackson instead had to have something called a 'milking', usually once a week. Benjamin was never allowed to witness this procedure, and Jackson refused to talk about it, but the slightly older twin always came back with tears in his eyes. Benji knew that whatever these milkings were, they must have been terrible, and he was glad he didn't have to have them. Still, maybe just for a day, he'd thought it might have been nice if he could be the one who had an erection.

The wranglers brought in two long feed troughs. Thirteen-year-old Nathan, not the oldest but by far the most experienced of the pony boys followed them lugging two large metal buckets. With straining young muscles, he poured their contents into the troughs. It was the same gray mushy mealy slop that Kevin had first been introduced to earlier in the day. He hadn't eaten much of it then, but his growling stomach was making a lot of noise and hunger has a way of driving even the pickiest boy to eating whatever is put in front of him.

One by one the boys had their bits removed. Nathan's pony-mask was also taken off by one of the wranglers, revealing a handsome boy with a sad sensitive face, soft blue eyes and a shaggy mop of auburn hair. He took his place at the trough and stood obediently with his hands behind his back. As the Upper Fremont Pony Club's only permanent pony boy, he was used to this routine. This stable had been his home since he was eight years old.

"Eat your slop, boys," one of the wranglers said. Following Nathan's lead, all of the more veteran pony-boys immediately dropped to their hands and knees and buried their faces in the troughs. Jake nudged Kevin in the side, indicating that they should do the same. Feeding time was over as soon as the troughs were empty, and you had to be a bit aggressive if you wanted to get your fill.

Kevin was used to a life of bondage and nakedness, but the degradation of having to eat this pony slop on his hands and knees was something new and not altogether pleasant. Still, a rumbling stomach is really all the motivation an eleven-year-old boy needs. He put his face down into the pony mush and ate ravenously. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so hungry. The food certainly didn't taste good, but he did start to feel full right away. Not sure when they might feed him again, he ate as much as he could, even nudging one of the little nine-year-old's next to him away to get the last few meager lumps

Back on their feet, their chins covered with mush, the boys were ordered into their stalls. Only Nathan remained outside. It was his job to clean everything up. One of the wranglers stayed behind to supervise the thirteen-year-old as he washed out the troughs and pulled them back outside. These exertions caused the young teen to spring an erection, but he continued his duties without missing a step. Nathan's hard boy-cock was just over four inches [10 cm] long. It bounced and bobbed and throbbed insistently as the boy worked.

"Haven't you learned yet, boy," the wrangler said, grabbing a handful of the thirteen-year-old's long hair. "Better get that little thing soft quick or I'll tan your worthless hide."

This particular wrangler's name was Lee and he was always exceptionally strict with Nathan. The thought of yet another thrashing at Lee's hands was enough to make the boy's cock deflate somewhat.

Still holding the boy by his hair, Lee yanked Nathan's head back and spoke low into the young teen's ear. "Maybe you'd like my cock up your tight little ass again. That always makes your puny little cock hard, doesn't it, pony-slut?"

Nathan slowly nodded his head, even as his eyes watered. He wasn't wearing his pony-mask at the moment, but he was strictly forbidden to utter any sounds that might resemble those of a human boy. Nathan had not, in fact, spoken a single solitary word to anyone in almost three years.

Lee reached behind and played with the boy's pony-tail butt-plug. Nathan's cock hardened again almost instantly.

"That's right. Lee knows what his little pony-slut likes." The wrangler wrapped his fingers around the boy's penis and played with the large ring that pierced the boy's glans. It had been weeks since Nathan had been milked. "Gonna be a shame when we finally geld you."

Nathan trembled nervously. He didn't want to lose his balls.

Lee laughed in the boy's ear, and wrapped his fist around the thirteen-year-old's soft dangling scrotum. "You've got a year yet before these have to come off, so don't start crying. Me and the guys will drain your balls tonight, before we fuck you senseless. Isn't that kind of us?"

Again Nathan nodded, even more slowly than before. He hated being milked. Not cumming at all was really better than being milked. He knew tonight they'd be torturing his cock for hours, never letting him cum, coaxing all of his white stuff out of him one agonizing dribble at a time. Then all of the wranglers would take their turns ramming their cocks up his butt.

"Of course we have to help the new ponies get broken in tonight, so you've got a few hours to get all ready for us. I want you clean, boy, inside and out. Get moving."

Lee sent the boy away with a sharp smack on his ass.

Kevin and Jacob were half-asleep, lying side by side, when they heard a loud commotion in the stables. There were lots and lots of voices, all grown-ups, and the occasional sound of a boy yelping or moaning.

"What's goin' on, Jake?" Kevin asked, realizing at the last minute that he was holding on to his friend's arm rather too tightly. He let go and tried to put on his bravest face.

"I don't know. Sounds like there's lots of people out there."

The boys stood up and walked as far toward the door to their stall as the chains attached to their collars would allow. They couldn't see anything, but their curiosity was sated soon enough.

Bryan and Tyrone opened the boys' stall, released them from their chains, tied cloth blindfolds over their eyes and marched them out to the large staging and show area at the back of the stables. There all the adult members of the club and the pony-boys were assembled, awaiting the special ceremony that would formally induct Kevin and Jacob into the Upper Fremont Pony Club. Cedric Bolard stood in the center of the group. Two small wooden benches were placed on either side of him.

"Welcome distinguished members and honored guests," he began. "For thirty-five years now, our club has grown and flourished." He gazed around at several of the younger men, remembering them fondly as pony-boys themselves, now their own sons and nephews were carrying on the fine tradition. "It is good to see so many of you here again. This season we have two new boys to initiate into the club."

Applause from the adults. Silence from the other pony boys.

"Kevin Harrison, age eleven. Jacob DeLucci, also age eleven. The Harrisons are in fact here this evening to see their son inducted."

Tom and Beth acknowledged the approving glances of the membership.

"Ms. DeLucci and her daughters send their regrets, but they will be joining us before the season concludes."

Several of the members gave Jake a sympathetic look, which he of course could not see. This was a momentous occasion in the boy's life, and many found it sad, perhaps even scandalous that his family had chosen not to attend. Their absence however would not spare him what was to come.

Bolard raised his hand and signaled for the ceremony to begin. Kevin and Jake were marched over to the padded benches, bent over at their waists, and had their wrists and ankles locked to the sturdy wooden legs. The two naked eleven-year-olds now had their perfect little butts on display for all to see, their legs spread wide apart, their young balls dangling softly in their healthy pink sacks. They were given a few short moments to get used to this embarrassing turn of events when Bolard spoke again.

"First, the branding."

Blindfolded, neither Kevin nor Jake could see the electric brazier placed between the benches to which they were tied, but they both got the strong whiff of hot metal in their noses. Suburban boys both, neither of them really understood what the term branding meant, but they were smart enough to be frightened by it all the same.

As their assigned wranglers, it was Bryan's responsibility to brand Kevin, while Tyrone would take care of Jacob. Both men had done this before and were rather looking forward to the act of marking the boys as club property.

"Little colts always scream their lungs out," Tyrone observed, tussling the hair of one of the twelve-year-old twins. "This one sure did."

The irons were already hot. Bryan and Tyrone took up their positions beside their respective ponies. Since the boys were being broken together, they would be branded together as well. Bryan, aware that Kevin's parents were present, turned to them momentarily. "Should I gag him, ma'am?" he asked the boy's mother as politely as his rough country-bred nature would allow.

"No. He's a brave little boy. Just do it quickly."

Hearing his mother's voice for the first time all day took away any supposed bravery young Kevin might have had. He immediately started crying into his blindfold.

"Mom! Please! Don't let them 3;"

But the brand had already been lifted from the brazier even as he was pleading. Bryan pressed it firmly against the side of the boy's left buttocks. Tyrone did the same to Jacob. Immediately the sound and smell of burning flesh filled the air. Kevin shrieked. Jacob wailed. Both boys were soon choking on their own fitful sobs. Their sweet cute butts were now marked with the club's emblem. A quick dose of antiseptic spray was the only relief the two eleven-year-old's received.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen," Bolard said as the boys' cries faded to pathetic whimpers, "it is time our two newest ponies were ridden."

More applause and excited murmurs from the adults. More sympathetic silence from the veteran pony boys. Benjamin and Jackson had both endured this ritual last year. They held one another's hands as they looked on at the bound and helpless boys on the fucking benches. Jackson's penis was once again locked into the special harness which kept it erect for long and painful periods of time. Pre-cum glistened from the swollen purple head of the twelve-year-old boy's hard four-inch [10 cm] cock, a thin strand of his clear pre-teen fluid dangling precariously, waiting to drip onto the floor. Benjamin's identical penis, of course, remained locked within its chastity cage, as it had been since he was nine years old. In those three years, the cage had been removed exactly once, to replace the original with a slightly larger one. Benjamin was simply never allowed to have an erection, and the only orgasms the younger twin had ever experienced were his occasional nocturnal emissions. The twins moved closer, touching their hips together, finding safety in their closeness. They normally spent most of their time gagged, and tonight was no exception, with a black ball-gag for Jackson and a red one for Benjamin.

Kevin and Jacob were still sobbing from the searing pain on their flanks when they each felt a pair of gloved hands pull their butt-plugs loose. The eleven-year-old ponies yelped when the bulbous invaders were yanked from their little holes. There next came the shuffling of feet from behind them and the tell-tale sound of pants being unzipped and lowered. Kevin jerked in his bonds when another pair of hands, large and cold gripped him around his slender waist, pinning him to the bench. Still smarting from the butt-plug's less than gentle removal, he felt something new pressing on his poop hole. It was hard and thick. Suddenly he felt the man's weight on him. He could hear the man's rapid breathing. And the young boy knew that the hard thick thing about to enter him was a man's penis.

The hands gripping Kevin's hips tightened, and the man wasted no time impaling the small boy on his large pole. Kevin shrieked again and thrashed his head, bucking wildly against the wooden bench. It felt like he was being ripped in half as the man began giving the pre-teen boy the first butt-fucking of his young life. Rough, hard and fast, the man rode poor Kevin without mercy, spurred on by the boy's pleas and frightened cries. Tears were streaming from the boy's blindfolded eyes, mixing with the snot dripping from his nose.

The man moved his left hand down the boy's hip, gently grazing the freshly placed brand-mark and working around to the Kevin's front. He toyed with the boy's caged penis, jiggling the little chastity device and the small organ confined within it.

Through his tears and blinding flashes of pain, Kevin became aware that his little wiener was being played with. It hardened quickly and eagerly within the cage, but had no where to go and just as quickly softened again. The man's hand traveled a bit lower and found the eleven-year-old's balls. He squeezed them hard and tugged them down with a rapid jerk, eliciting yet more screams from the helpless boy. The torture to his balls caused Kevin's penis to react again with another futile attempt at an erection.

The next few minutes were then nothing but pain for Kevin as the man fucked him faster and faster, slamming himself relentlessly into the eighty-five pound [39 kg] boy's already ravaged rectum. Kevin had passed beyond screaming now and was crying softly into his blindfold, feeling the uncomfortable hardness inside his little chastity cage, wondering when this nightmare would end.

Finally, with a loud groan of pleasure, the man had his orgasm. He pulled out slowly, leaving a trail of blood running down the inside of the boy's smooth slender thighs. Kevin whimpered fitfully and tried to break free of the straps that held him down.

"Be still, Kev," his father said softly as he wiped his cum and blood-covered cock on his son's butt. "Now that I've had your tight little ass, the rest of the men will get their chance."

And they did, long into the night. By the time Kevin and Jacob were chained in their stall once again, both boys had lost count of the number of times they'd been fucked by the men, a few of the women, and several of the older pony boys. Their bodies ached, and exhaustion soon overcame their tears as they fell asleep in each other's arms. Kevin wasn't sure he could survive two full weeks here. Little did the boy know that his parents had a somewhat longer term in mind for him.