PZA Boy Stories


Before the Soccer Game


A young man is responsible for driving his little buddy to a soccer tournament. They stay in a hotel room overnight.
Publ. Nov 2015
Finished 3,000 words (6 pages)


Man (in his 20s) and Boy (11yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mb – cons anal mast


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Shorty - Before the Soccer Game in the subject line.


I'm sitting on the edge of the hotel bed. The TV is a few feet in front of my face, sports is on, and I'm trying to keep my vision focused on it. I'm having more trouble than I should. It keeps going blurry. It's about nine in the morning, I've been awake for maybe an hour. Probably less. Breakfast was downstairs, complimentary, I didn't eat much, but I had a couple cups of coffee and I'm feeling the caffeine. I'm getting a cold sweat on my bare feet, so I toy with the surface of the carpet to dry them. One of the ESPN anchors is talking to me, is looking me straight in the eye, he's right in front of me, but the hiss and occasional slap of the shower water behind me steals the majority of my attention. I look over at the door. The kid's in there. He's in there right now, all naked, all wet, scrubbing himself. Running his hands up and down that little boy body. Shit. I can't sit still. I get to my feet, pace around the room a couple times. I peer through the curtains. We're above the parking lot. Nothing to see. I close the curtains and return to my seat.

The hiss stops. I can feel my heartbeat. My blood is moving. My dick is fucking hard, it can't possibly get any harder. My shorts are too small for this. I rub it through the fabric with my thumb a few times. It's going to poke out of my waistband. I can hear activity back there, I think he's moving the shower curtain. My focus briefly returns to the screen in front of me. Soccer highlights. Ha, that's fitting. I extend my leg and kick the little soccer cleat that's lying next to my feet. It rolls under a chair.

A sound from behind me. It's the doorknob. I whip around. The door opens and he steps out halfway. He's wearing nothing except for the white hotel towel he's wrapped around his waist.


"All clean?" I ask.

"All clean!" He raises the pitch of his voice and draws out the words, it's toddlerish. He's being cute.

He shakes his head so his still-damp hair flops around. Like a wet dog would. His hair settles messily on top of his head and along his forehead, not quite down to his eyes. It's a darker shade of brown when it's wet.

"Suit up, get your uniform on, little dude," I tell him.

"I'm not little!" Standard response.

"Your little baby uniform." I love this game. I can't not smile dumbly as I tease him.

"Hey!" He frowns at me. I can make out the light freckles on the upper half of his cheeks as they move and stretch with his facial expressions.

As he stands just in front of the open bathroom door the last of the steam rolls out and up toward the ceiling. His arms are down and one of them is clutching the front of his towel-skirt at the waist. I'm mostly looking there, at his waistline, at that space between his belly button and the white fabric. It's driving me crazy, that space.

"You're an old man!" He says.

I'm not. I take the TV remote from beside my thigh and throw it at him lightly. His eyes widen a bit as he steps back and blocks it with his hand. He uses the hand that was at his waist, so his towel sags a little before he catches it and pulls it back up. He yanks it tighter and tucks it in so it can sit above his hips on its own. Somehow. Those hips are pretty narrow.

"Nice try." He sticks out his tongue at me.

"I'll beat you up, kid." I clench my fists and bite my lip. He knows I'm joking.

"Come at me, bro!" He yells. He raises his arms. He's grinning wide now, showing that tooth gap in the upper right of his mouth. Very amused at his own antics.

The belly is unobstructed now. I'm staring. It's just slightly round as it sticks out at me, a result of his posture. His skin is ridiculously smooth. It's so smooth it's reflecting the light from the TV as it changes color, flashing. His shoulders are slight and gentle. He's so fucking young. I can't believe how young he is. He just turned eleven, like a few weeks ago. Freshly eleven. That gap in his teeth. All that hairless skin. Fucking shit.

This boy's no virgin anymore. I took that from him a while ago. He was eight and I was babysitting. I'd known him for a couple years. We were in his room, on his own bed. His own freaking bed. It was all hand stuff then, though.

"Come at me bro," he repeats.

Ok. I spring to my feet and start toward him. He makes a frenzied attempt to get back behind the bathroom door, but I catch him quickly. I lower my upper body and pick him up onto my shoulder. I have him, I can feel his warmth. He's half laughing, half screaming and flailing his limbs. He still clings to his towel. Why? It's not like I haven't seen his naked ass before. Maybe he's torturing me on purpose.

I turn around and toss him onto the bed. He lands on his back and bounces. I try to catch a peek between his legs but the lighting isn't right. He rolls over and tries to crawl away. I don't think so, buddy. I catch both of his ankles and pull him back. He screams a playful scream. He's so light. He's so young. He grabs the bedsheets, but they offer no resistance. When he's close enough I take his shoulders and bring him to his feet, facing the mattress, while I pin his lower body to the side of the bed with my knees. I wrap my right arm around his arms and chest. He's up against me now. I have him.


He's got a light grip on that right arm with both of his hands, but he's not struggling anymore. My boner is pressed up against his back, and I'm confident he can feel it. He's giggling now, no more screaming, but he seems giddy. He tends to get like this when he knows we're about to have sex. It's still new and exciting for him.

It's still exciting for me too. I think about his mom and dad, about everyone who sees us hanging out together, and how oblivious they all are. His parents, who I'm friends with, who I've been friends with, for years, who trust me enough to let me babysit, to let me take him camping, to let me be his chauffeur on overnight travel soccer tournaments. That's where they need me the most, getting him to soccer games. They rely on me. The team relies on me. He's good. He's fast. He plays on the wing. The athlete in him is visible on the outside, too, but subtly. He's thin, but not bony. He's got muscle tone in his arms, legs, and torso, but it's cute little boy muscle tone that's only there if you look closely. He really is a talent, and a liked kid, too. The other parents on the sidelines know him, they ask me about him. How are you two related? Me? I'm just his babysitter. His driver. A friend of his parents. Oh, and when nobody's looking, I molest the shit out of his little hairless body.

I bring my free hand on top of his head and pull it back so it's pressing on my chest.

"I'm gonna fuck you in the butt, little dude." I rub my bulge on his spine. He can definitely feel it now.

He giggles again. From my right I grab a couple pillows to put under his belly and I push his upper body back down to the bed. He needs to lift his heels off the ground a few inches to make himself flush with the corner, because he's short. I measure the height of his ass by pressing my bulge against it. Perfect. I start feeling up and massaging his back. That smooth skin. He's relaxed. I bring my hands to his sides and tickle him a little. He squirms and squeals. I move my hands closer and thumb at the edge of the towel. He fidgets and kind of wiggles his butt, I press up against it again. It's a round butt. It's always been that way, since the day I met him. Since the first time I stuck my dick in it.

I can't contain myself for much longer.

I work my hands underneath his belly. I want to grope his junk a little.

"Lift up." He arches his back so I can get in there more easily. "Good boy." He giggles more.

I slip my hand gently underneath the towel, and slide it along that unbelievably smooth pale skin. I find it and do my groping. It's soft. It's so cute and small when it's soft. I give his foreskin a few tugs and he gets hard almost immediately. I pull out and press him back down. We'll save that for later. He'll have his turn. Right now, it's all me.

I finally slip his towel all the way down, yank it from around his legs, and toss it aside. There it is. I know this butt. I feel up his cheeks and holy shit they're so smooth and soft. I unbutton, unzip, and slide out of my shorts and underwear so now I'm standing there with just my shirt on. Ready to go. My impressively hard cock falls forward and the cool air on it feels amazing. I could fuck him like this, I think, but then I reconsider and pop my shirt over my head and throw it literally across the room. Naked is the way to go.

"You're about to get fucked, kid." More giggles.

He's right there. Right there. Naked as shit. His ass is right there. And my dick is out. I'm naked too.

I reach over for the Vaseline. It's right there on the nightstand, right next to me. Fucking genius. I lube myself up. It's happening. I run the head of my cock up and down his crack a couple times and then, like I've done plenty of times in the past couple years, I aim for the hole and push forward. I slide it right in until it's fully inside. Until I can feel his skin on my ballsack. I can imagine it's still a strange feeling for him, though familiar, having his butt stuffed with everything I've got. He shifts himself, twisting his shoulders so he can see me. His legs move a little too and I can feel them against my own. He doesn't say anything, just looking, curious maybe. Curious to see the sight of me, this fully grown, kind of hairy, twenty-something hunk of a pervert pressed up firmly against his gentle little eleven-year-old body. Not a sight he hasn't seen before, but still, it's quite the sight. As he observes, I can make out those adorable little freckles under his eyes. It's go time. I grab under his arms, push him flat against the bedsheets, and start to fuck.

I don't go super hard right out of the gates, but I make sure my pubes get nice and smashed up against his upper butt cheeks at the end of each thrust. I make sure I'm getting deep in there. I make sure he can feel me, not just inside of him, but on the outside too.

He's pretty experienced at this point, so I can take him as deep as I want. For a moment I'm amazed at this fact, that he has all this, you know, experience. At eleven. All this experience that came from me, and only me. If it weren't for me, the concept of, like, an orgasm, would probably be foreign to him. He probably wouldn't even know what that word meant. At eleven, some of his buddies might not even fucking know what sex is yet, beyond that it makes babies sometimes. Eleven. I mouth the word to myself.

I start to fuck harder. I'm feeling the sides of his upper body from his armpits - warm and hairless as fuck - down to his hips. He props his head up, resting his chin on his hand. His butt looks even better with his back arched like that. I'm fucking hard enough now that I can hear the slapping of my hips against his cheeks. I fucking love that sound.

He fidgets again. "You almost done?" The pitch of his voice raises and drops for each word because I'm plowing him like a porn star. He's impatient. Getting fucked isn't really his thing. It's mine. But he knows his turn is coming.

I stop for a moment, I'm deep, pressing hard against him. I slow my breathing.

"I just started dude." He moans a little.

I mess with his hair, still a little damp, then rub his shoulders and run my hands down his back. I widen my stance because I'm about to fuck him even harder. I start. The slapping sound is louder now. I'm fucking really hard. He's so cute to watch when he's getting fucked. His torso is getting bumped forward every time I hit his ass, and he's having a hard time keeping his chin balanced on his fingers. I'm fucking him so hard I feel like this heavy ass queen bed is going to start edging away from me. I grip him tightly under his armpits so I can pull him into me when I thrust forward. Now he lowers his hands to the mattress for support, he has no hope of balancing when he's rocking back and forth like this.

"Oh shit, buddy." I'm almost trembling.

He turns his head slightly. "Are you gonna splooge in my butt?" Ha. Splooge. He knows I find that word hilarious. It's also funny to me that he seems genuinely curious, too, like he hasn't figured me out yet. Of course I am. I think he finds my sex drive fascinating, it's so different from his - underdeveloped, prepubescent. His is simpler, broader. He likes to orgasm. I like to get specific. To give him tasks. Mostly, though, I like to put my jizz in his butt hole.

I pause again, dick all the way in of course.

"My splooge is going in your butt, yes," I say, grinding harder. "It's gonna be in there when you're running around that soccer field later on." He laughs. He thinks it's funny. That cute giggle again. I love the giggles. "If you can even run after this," I add. He'll be fine, of course, he's a champ. Now he's burying his face in his hands as he laughs, and it's a higher pitched laugh. His voice can go pretty high. Because he's eleven. I look down and for a moment admire the juxtaposition of my hairy, manly pubic region pressed up against the flawless skin of his little boy butt cheeks.

I tickle him aggressively but briefly on both sides of his ribcage. Another squirm and squeal. I can feel him tighten just slightly around my shaft. I want to squeeze him. I give him four more impossibly hard thrusts, complete with the slapping and some creaks from the wooden bed frame, and I'm splooging. My balls are pumping with force, squashed against his taint, forcing my cum into his prepubescent body. Little boy, getting filled with splooge. It's so wonderfully illegal. I feel like there's so much cum pumping out that his butt is going to overflow and it's going to start spilling out. It doesn't. I've stopped thrusting and am pressing against his perky little ass once again, and I'm bent down with my left arm around his shoulders, squeezing him. I'm breathing heavily and moaning and shit and my dick is still pumping out that cum. Pump. Pump. Pump. It keeps coming out, all warm against the skin of my shaft. He bites my forearm lightly, because he's cute like that. Pump. Pump. I'm squeezing and his skin is so smooth, it's so boyish.

My orgasm is slowing. I want him on my lap, so I roll him on top of me and scoot backward. Nifty little maneuver. Now I'm sitting on the edge of the mattress again. Like I was earlier. This time, though, I'm butt ass naked and deep inside my favorite little friend. Did I mention that the boy is barely fucking eleven? As he sits his back is a little slouched, and I can look over his shoulder and see his skin fold across that lightly toned abdomen. The folds are shallow, because there's not much between skin and muscle. Still squeezing him by the shoulders, I take my other hand and bring it to his hairless little boy crotch and start fondling. My dick is still oozing slowly, pumping sporadically. He's getting hard again. He looks up and around at me. Blue eyes. They're bluer up close. They're bigger from above. He grins a toothy grin.

"My turn."

The End

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