TommyMistress and Her Little Slaveboys |
SummaryLady Susan gets her first 10yo slaveboy, and soon gets a second one to care for. She trains them to become obedient slaves and sextoys.
Publ. May 2003 (Lolita Bondage), this site Aug 2007
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CharactersRobby (10yo), Alexi (slightly older) and Lady SusanCategory & Story codesWoman-boy storyFb – Fdom mast anal oral – humil spanking toys (Explanation) |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteFor the lovers of man-boy stories Cédon Puerulus "transgendered" Tommy's original story into Master and His Little Slaveboys. This adapted stoy is in this archive, click here.Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at encoretommy(at)yahoo(dot)fr or through feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
Table of Contents |
Robby arrivesMy name is Lady Susan. I live alone, well, almost, in a large house deep in the countryside of Sussex. I have money, lots of it, which I inherited quite young, being an only child of a doddery old mother who passed away when I was only twenty one. Her death was a blessing in disguise. Free at last, I was able to travel the world in search of a certain pleasure which most ladies would have found abhorrent (though I believe they'd secretly adore), the exquisite sensual enjoyment of little boys!I never understood from where I inherited this fetish. I had no male relatives, yet from an early age I found myself obsessed with these little creatures. Only after several years did I make the acquaintance of another lady with the same interests, and it was she who introduced me to the 'Society'. It was pouring with rain on Saturday evening when I heard the electronic detectors signal the arrival of a car at the end of the drive. I waited for the doorbell to ring before opening the heavy front door. A large man of obvious arab origin handed me a piece of paper which I signed. He thrust a large envelope into my hands and went back to the car. It was then that I saw a small figure that had been hidden behind the man's huge frame. I opened the door wider and beckoned the child inside. In the hallway the young boy blinked his eyes in the bright light. He had large blue eyes and a shock of blond hair. I took his coat off and turned to take a closer look. My mouth fell open with amazement. My friend had obviously worked hard. In front of me was the perfect specimen. Only ten or eleven years old, not fat, not thin, but resplendent with just the right amount of puppy fat, his back nicely curved and ending in the most adorable half-moon plumpish backside, nicely outlined in a pair of tight blue shorts. My heart beating faster I took him to the kitchen where I poured him a glass of milk and placed a plate of biscuits in front of him. While he eat I read the documents delivered with him. He was a grade 2 slaveboy. I had to check the notes to remind myself what that meant. Grade 2 meant he had undergone a period of strict obedience training! Carefully I read his personal notes. Generally obedient, polite, courteous and eager to please but requires constant discipline or will try to take liberties. Advise several spankings each day with frequent use of slipper and cane etc. I turned to the boy and addressed him for the first time. Immediately he stood up, hands by his side. "What is your name boy?" I asked, trying to keep my voice firm. "Please Miss, my name is Robby, if you please Miss." He answered sweetly. "Well Robby, it says here that you require firm discipline. Are you going to be good?" He looked up, his large eyes melting my heart. "Please Miss, I will try Miss." I allowed him to finish his milk and biscuits, then took him into the living room where I poured myself a drink and sat down in front of him. His thin stretchy shorts were so tight they outlined his buttocks in a most provocative way. From the look of the front, he was not wearing any underpants. Pulling him closer I patted his bottom gently. "Tell me Robby, is this the first time you've been sold to someone?" I asked quietly. He looked down. "Yes, Miss." He seemed nervous. I smiled. "Is this the first time you've had to obey a lady?" He reddened slightly, clearly embarrassed. "Yes Miss", he croaked quietly. I took his chin in my hand and gazed into his eyes. "Well I think I should inspect you, don't you think?" Lifting the front of his small t-shirt I pulled it off over his head. His body was so smooth and unblemished. I ran my finger down his chest to his tummy. He was very ticklish and giggled as I prodded his sides. I allowed my hands to continue down to his waist. Pushing him round slightly I lightly caressed his pert buttocks and ran my finger down between his cheeks, so well separated by his tight stretchy shorts. Turning him to face me again I let my hand slide round to the front. Lingering for a few seconds I felt his little bulge. I watched his expression with amusement as my fingers traced the outline of his genitals. I ran my finger down over his bulge and stopped, my index finger drawing circles over the outline of his balls. "What on earth are these ?" I asked in mock astonishment. Robby looked as if he wanted the ground to swallow him. My finger slowly explored the front of his shorts. "I think I should have a closer look!" Unable to wait any longer, I slid my finger under the waistband of his shorts and gently pulled them down. I felt the boy shiver slightly and saw his hands shake as he fought the urge to cover his privates. His face was now completely red with embarrassment and I had to stop myself from laughing. I removed his shorts completely. His small penis was uncircumcised and perfectly formed, his little scrotum smooth and firm. I took the end of his penis in my right hand and teased his foreskin while gently feeling his testicles. He flinched slightly as I pulled his foreskin back a little. "Is that uncomfortable?" I asked quietly. "Yes Miss." he replied avoiding my eyes. I examined it closely. "When you're in the bath I'll have to pull it right back for you." I looked at his worried eyes. "It's a question of hygiene boy!" Still holding the end of his little willy I reminded him of the rule about not touching it himself. The only time a slaveboy could touch his own privates was when going to the toilet. I turned him around and made him bend forward, his hands on his knees. His beautiful plump bottom seemed to fill the room. Sliding my hand into the deep dark crease, I eased his buttocks apart exposing his delicate little anus. I prodded it gently and smiled as I felt him quiver. I noticed the tip of his penis jerk slightly. Pushing his legs apart a bit more, I ran my finger lightly around his little scrotum while continuing my exploration of his bottom. Satisfied, I ordered him to stand and face me. I had to suppress a laugh. His penis had lengthened slightly and was sticking out at right angles to his body. Not a full erection, but an erection nevertheless. I took it firmly between my thumb and forefinger and looked at him severely. "What is the meaning of this?" I demanded. "Erections without permission are not allowed!" The little boy appeared both embarrassed and nervous. "Please Miss 3; I'm sorry Miss." he stammered. "I'm sure you're sorry!" I said in a stern voice. "Tell me, what did your teacher used to do when this happened?" He looked at the ground and spoke in a quiet voice. "He punished me Miss." I smiled. "Go on then, how did he punish you?" The boy fidgeted. I felt his willy stiffen slightly in my hand and held it tightly. "Please Miss, he used to spank me for a few minutes, and if I still had it after the spanking he used to give me the slipper and sometimes the cane." He looked up with a scared expression. "Please Miss, please, I'm sorry. Please don't cane me Miss." I felt his penis soften and released it from my grip. I felt a twinge of pity for the lad. "Don't worry. I'm not going to cane you on your first evening here." I smiled. "You'll have a bath now and then go to bed." Ordering him to pick up his clothes, I took his hand and led him upstairs to the bathroom. While I ran the bath I made him use the toilet, reminding him that he must never lock or even shut the bathroom door under any circumstances. He had no right to privacy for even the most personal of bodily functions and would have to get used to it. I also told him that he must always ask me for permission before going to the toilet. Before starting his bath I showed him the bidet and made him show me that he knew how to use it. I am very fussy about hygiene and always insist that the anus be thoroughly clean inside as well as outside. He looked so sweet sitting in the bath and I washed his hair with the same gentleness I'd use for my own children. Soaping him all over I instructed him in the correct washing of his intimate areas. Finally I stood him up and turned my attention once again to his penis. Applying plenty of soap I chuckled silently as it started to stiffen. I pretended not to notice. "This will feel strange the first few times", I explained. "But you'll soon get used to it." Holding his soapy little willy firmly, I started to pull his foreskin back. It was obvious no-one had ever done this before. I felt him twitch and he started to cry. "Miss, it feels horrible!" he said plaintively. "Nearly there Robby." I said soothingly. "Just a little further!" I massaged some more soap onto his newly uncovered skin, obviously very sensitive from the way he squirmed. I eased his foreskin over the edge of his little glans and deftly pulled it back along the shaft. He squealed and pulled his penis out of my grasp. A little irritated now I made him stand still and gently massaged his willy with my soapy hand. After rinsing the soap off I slowly pulled his foreskin back over the tip. "You see, it wasn't so bad really." I said, drying his eyes with a towel. " Your penis is now completely clean and stretching your foreskin a bit every day means you'll never have to be circumcised." I ordered him out of the bath and dried him with a huge soft towel. Giving him a small toothbrush I watched him brush his teeth, then took him to my room. At one end was a huge four-poster bed, almost twice the width of a standard double bed. Opening a cupboard I took a small child's nightshirt, similar to those worn in the Victorian times. I pulled it over his head and smiled. It looked so sweet and the short length meant that that it only barely covered his bottom. I sat down on the edge of the bed. "You will sleep here with me." I explained, pulling him closer. Tomorrow I'll show you what your duties are." He looked so sleepy. "I think you should go to bed now Robby!" I smiled and patted his bottom. "But before you do, I have to give you your bedtime spanking." This was a custom I'd heard of and which I meant to introduce myself. I gazed at his sleepy eyes. "Are you ready for your spanking Robby?" He looked up at me. "Yes Miss" he replied softly. "Well, from now on when I call you for your spanking, you are to lift your nightshirt up to your chest and wait for me to put you over my knee. After I've finished you will keep it lifted up until I tell you to put it down. Is that understood?" "Yes Miss" he repeated, pulling his shirt right up. Noticing that he still had a slight erection I drew him across my lap, positioning him carefully so that he wouldn't suffer any discomfort from his position. His lovely bottom stared up at me, quivering very slightly. Very gently at first I started to spank him, covering the whole of his behind with what could be described as love taps. I continued for a few minutes until I felt him relax a little. Moving my leg slightly I encircled his waist with my left arm and gently felt his privates. His erection was rock hard! I started to spank him harder, my other hand occasionally checking the state of his penis. After a few minutes I heard him whimper and I decided to draw the spanking to a close. I didn't want him to cry on his first evening. Besides, the bedtime spankings were more for my own gratification than for any disciplinary nature. Allowing him up I noticed with satisfaction that he remembered my instructions, and he stood by my side holding his nightdress up. His buttocks were a nice shade of pink. I saw with amusement that his penis was still erect. I took it in my hand and gently pulled him closer, allowing him to let go of his nightdress. He looked at me sleepy and embarrassed. I squeezed his willy hard and kissed his cheek. "I think we should have a little talk about this tomorrow!" I said jokingly. "I have some nice slippers and perhaps you can help me test some of my canes!" Ignoring his worried look I lay him down in the bed and covered him. "There's a glass of water on the little table here, and you know where the bathroom is if you need to go." I walked to the door. "I'll be coming to bed in a few hours and I expect you to be fast asleep!" I went down to my study and sent a coded message of thanks to my friend halfway across the world. Robby's first dayThe next morning I woke with the sun streaming through the window. I'd forgotton to draw the curtains the night before, so preoccupied had been my mind. To my left the boy's blond hair was sticking out of the covers, still fast asleep. I rose and dressed, planning the day's activities. I intended to get him into his role as my slaveboy as gently as possible. Pulling back the covers, I kissed his cheek, then went downstairs to prepare breakfast. Ten minutes later I returned to find Robby going into the bathroom."Good morning little one ." I said, kneeling down and running my hand through his hair. "Did you sleep well?" I kissed him. He looked a little lost for a second. "Yes Miss, thank you Miss." He fidgeted slightly, holding himself. I moved his hand away, reminding him about my rule. He looked embarrassed. "Please Miss, please may I go to the toilet please?" I pushed him gently into the bathroom and watched with amusement as he had a pee, clearly uneasy at being watched by a woman. Well, he would have to get used to it! I gave him a quick wash and then dressed him in a pair of thin tight black shorts and white t-shirt. After combing his hair, I led him down to breakfast. Allowing him to finish his cereal and drink up his orange juice, I showed him how to wash up, pulling up a chair so he could reach the sink. "This is the first thing you must learn Robby," I explained, watching him rinse my plate. ""I never want to see any unwashed dishes in this kitchen." After he'd finished I led him around the house. Although young I didn't see why he shouldn't perform certain tasks around the house. I showed him how to dust, sweep, tidy, polish and clean 3; He looked on with interest as I demonstrated how to use the light vacuum cleaner I had ordered specifically for small hands. Upstairs I instructed him in making the bed, cleaning the bathroom and keeping everywhere neat and tidy. Back in the living room I sat down and pulled him close to me to get his full attention. "Robby, Listen very carefully. I may be a strict lady but I'm not unfair. If you're not sure about something or you forget what I want you to do, you must ask me! I won't be angry as long as you're honest with me and I see that you're trying hard." I paused and looked straight at him. "However if you do not perform well, or you show any lazy or naughty behaviour I will have to beat you. Do you understand?" He looked up. "Yes Miss. I think so Miss." I stroked his hair and smiled. "I know I'm not obliged to do this, but for a few hours every day I intend to try and educate you. " He looked puzzled. "I have a little desk in my study just for you and each afternoon you will do your lessons there." His eyes opened wide. "What Miss, you mean real lessons like in a school?" He looked surprised. "Yes" I replied. "You'll do some reading, writing and we'll try some simple arithmetic." I laughed. "Don't look too happy! I assure you I'm a very strict teacher!" After I had shown him around the house again and had ensured that he had some idea of what he had to do, I led him into the study, drew him closer and, sitting down, stood him in front of me. "Now then Robby, I think we should have a chat about your erections." He blushed a deep red and looked at the ground. "I understand that boys sometimes have erections, particularly in the morning before going to the toilet or during a change in temperature, but there is no excuse for having an erection at other times, unless there's a good reason!" I paused. "That is the whole point of your training. Having an erect penis without permission shows a complete lack of self control, and we must address this problem without delay!" Looking straight at him, I slowly lowered his shorts down to his ankles. His willy was completely soft. "Good boy!" I said smiling. "Now that's the way I want to keep it!" I kissed him on the nose. "I will forgive you for your erections yesterday, but from now on I don't want your penis to be stiff unless I am playing with it or I order you to have one! I'll be checking it very often and if I it's erect, you'll be punished." Putting my arm round him I lowered my hand and lightly caressed his testicles, playfully teasing his penis with my fingers. "When I do this to you I don't mind if your willy goes hard-in fact I expect it!" I pulled him closer and lay his head on my shoulder. I stroked his back and nuzzled his ear as my fingers tickled his privates. Slowly I felt his penis start to stiffen and his little scrotum contract. I held him tighter and continued to stroke the back of his testicles with one of my fingers while the others gently massaged his willy. I continued for a few minutes until his breathing grew heavier, then sat back to look at him. His penis was sticking right up, far more erect than it had been yesterday. I reached for my tape measure on the desk and measured it's length and circumference, writing them down in a small note book. At three and a half inches [9 cm], fully erect he was about average for his age. Noticing his confused look I laughed. "Don't worry Robby, I just want to keep a record of how long it is." I reached down and gave his willy a little rub. "You're a growing boy and I want to see how much your penis grows." I had an idea. "In fact, I think we'll do this every week and see if we can get it to grow a little longer each time!" I pulled up his shorts and went out to the hall. "Right young man, I want you to start work upstairs. You know where all the cloths are. You'll wipe all the surfaces, clean the bathroom thoroughly and tidy up everywhere!" I looked at the front of his shorts. I'll be checking up on you in about thirty minutes" I smiled and went back into the study. Robby gets the slipperAfter thirty or forty minutes I went upstairs to see how he was getting on. I found the boy in one of the bedrooms, carefully wiping the dressing table with a moist cloth. I smiled at him and inspected what he'd done so far. Not expecting perfection on the first day, I led him round pointing out what he had missed, what I expected him to do better and other things that I'd forgotten earlier. Pausing for a moment I slipped my hand down the front of his shorts. His little penis was soft and limp. Removing my hand, I leant down and kissed him."Good boy!" I said, smiling. He had tidied up our bedroom and, although I had to show him again where certain items were to be stored, had done a reasonable job. In the bathroom I was not too happy with how he had cleaned the bath and made him do it again, carefully indicating the places he had missed. I glanced at the toilet and froze. One of my pet hates has always been unflushed toilets and it was pretty obvious that he had recently had a pee and had forgotton to flush. Not only that, but he had forgotten to ask permission. Calling him over I demanded why. It was clear that I was angry and Robby fidgeted uneasily. "Please Miss, I'm very sorry Miss. I forgot." I flushed the toilet and walked out indicating him to follow me. In the bedroom I sat on the bed and held his hands in mine. "Robby, I'm afraid I have to punish you for this." He looked at his feet, pouting. I lifted his chin up and looked at him. "Little boys receive corporal punishment for two reasons." I explained. "Firstly, as punishment for what they've done wrong, and secondly, as a warning not to do it again!" I turned him round. "Go to that drawer over there and open it!" He walked over and opened it. I saw him freeze momentarily as he surveyed the slippers, paddles and canes that I kept there. I ordered him to bring me the small black plimsoll. Taking it from him I placed it on the bed and put my hands around his waist. Already a tear was running down his cheek and his lip quivering. "Don't be silly Robby. I'm sure this isn't the first time you've received corporal punishment! I'm only going to give you six with the slipper and you said yourself you've had the cane before!" Slowly I pulled his shorts down to his ankles, noticing with satisfaction his flaccid penis. I pulled him gently over my lap and stroked his bottom with my hand. "I'm going to smack your bottom very hard six times with the slipper Robby, and I don't want you to cry. I want you to be brave. If you start making a noise I'll have to give you another six. Do you understand?" I heard a sad little voice say "Yes Miss" and I picked up the old worn plimsoll and gripped it firmly. I had learned long ago that corporal punishment is completely ineffective if applied half-heartedly and, despite feeling a twinge of pity for the boy, I knew that any leniency would be sending the wrong message. Raising my hand, I brought the slipper down hard on his right buttock. There was a loud 'slap' and I felt the little boy jerk and utter a high pitched yelp of pain. Reminding him about not crying, I spanked him another five times until each buttock had three red marks spaced evenly across it. I was pleased that he had not started crying. Although I wouldn't have hesitated to administer another six with the slipper, I would not have enjoyed it! I lifted him off my lap and allowed him to rub his bottom, noticing how although he wasn't crying out loud, there were tears running down his face. Pulling up his shorts I made him put back the slipper in the drawer. I stood up. "Okay Robby, you've had your punishment and we'll say no more about it." I gave him a quick hug. "Finish cleaning the bedrooms and come downstairs." I pointed to the clock on the wall. "I expect you to be down for lunch at exactly one o'clock!" I was so busy for the next hour that I didn't notice what the time was. With a shock I realised that it was already twenty minutes past one and Robby hadn't come down. Furious, I strode upstairs and found the boy back in our room, carefully wiping some bookshelves. "How dare you defy me this way on your very first day!" I said icily. I opened the same drawer as before and snatched up a thin cane. "I hadn't thought I would have to use this so soon." The boy looked at me in terror, tears filling his eyes. I pointed to the clock. "One o'clock I said and it's almost half past!" I placed a small chair in the middle of the room. "Take those shorts off and bend over this chair!" I commanded. With a loud sob, the boy threw himself in my arms. "Please Miss, I'm so sorry. Please don't beat me Miss!" He dissolved into floods of tears. I knelt down and held his hands. "Why on earth did you disobey me?" I asked, still furious, but slowly realising that I shouldn't punish him while I was so angry. I pointed to the clock. "What time does it say?" I asked him. He buried his head in my dress and sobbed. "I don't know Miss. I can't tell the time!" I looked at him in amazement. He swallowed. "Please Miss, I thought perhaps you might call me when I had to come Miss." I shook my head. "But why didn't you tell me that you couldn't tell the time?" He looked up, trembling. "Miss, I was scared you might be angry with me. I didn't know what to do Miss!" I hugged him tightly. "You silly boy! Why on earth would I be angry?" I stroked his hair, calming him down. "Next time Robby, tell me if there's something you don't know or understand ! Okay?" I wiped his eyes. "Yes Miss." He replied sweetly. I stood up, picked up the chair and gave Robby the cane to put back, smiling as he carried it gingerly back to the drawer. Downstairs we had lunch together, then I supervised while he washed up and tidied the kitchen. Satisfied with his work I allowed him to go outside and play for a while. The rain had stopped and the sun was shining brightly over the large flower beds. Calling him in I told him to wash his hands and go to the study and stand next to the small desk. When I arrived, my arms full of books and papers, I sat at my large desk and called him over. He stood in front of me, his cheeks glowing from the fresh air he'd received. "We're going to work hard for the next two hours Robby. Do you want to go to the toilet?" He shook his head. Quite casually I lowered my hand and felt his soft little bulge through the thin shorts. "Good boy!" He blushed. I kept my hand there while I talked. "Robby, I know I said that I would punish you if you have an erection, but I'll only be really angry if I find out about it myself!" I looked at him to see if he understood. "If you find your willy going hard and you tell me immediately, I'll be lenient with you!" "What does lenient mean Miss?" he asked innocently. "It means that I won't punish you so severely!" I replied, smiling. "I'll simply examine you and then decide what to do." I ordered him back to his little desk and started the onerous task of establishing what he did and didn't know. His reading was poor and he couldn't write more than a few letters correctly. His maths was almost non-existent. Nevertheless over the next two hours I had put together a programme of study to be followed. I showed Robby the books I had selected. The reading book was very difficult for him but together we got through the first few pages. About four o'clock I decided to stop and allowed Robby out to play. Thirty minutes later I set him to work on the rest of the house, cleaning the furniture and tidying up. The house was huge and I knew that he would be very busy every day. I didn't want him too tired. I had plans for my little slaveboy. The rest of the day passed without incident. His work was not perfect but he learned very fast. He soon got used to me checking up on the state of his penis and barely seemed to notice whenever I slipped my hand down the front of his shorts. Taking in so much on his first day had made him tired and I sent him upstairs at seven o'clock to run his bath. This time he didn't flinch as much as before when I pulled back his foreskin and I kissed him for being so good. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I wondered if he'd remember about his bedtime spanking. I did not have long to wait. Giving a little cheeky grin, Robby came and stood on my right side and lifted his nightdress up. I smiled and placed him over my lap. As before, I started with very slow gentle spanks pausing every minute to stroke his soft buttocks. I had the impression that he enjoyed the attention he was receiving. Parting his bottom cheeks I ran my finger over his little anus and felt him quiver. I allowed my finger to remain for a while, teasing his hole. I was sure he sighed with pleasure. I spanked him a little harder for the next few minutes until I felt him start to wriggle. Not wishing this to be a punitive spanking I stood him up. He'd remembered the rules and continued to hold up his nightdress. My eyes widened. His little penis was completely erect and pointing straight up at me. Robby looked at me with a worried expression. "It's okay Robby." I said softly. "I know you couldn't help it this time." I laughed and tickled his little scrotum. His willy jerked and seemed to stand up even more. Drawing the curtains, I allowed him to lie down, then I lay on the bed next to him, my head down at the level of his privates. I made him lift himself a little and pulled the nightdress up to his tummy. Placing one hand under his bottom I nuzzled his stiff little willy and gently kissed his scrotum. I heard him sigh and open his legs a bit more. I was sure he must be too young to understand what was happening but he obviously enjoyed it. Teasing him with my tongue for a few seconds, I opened my mouth and sucked his willy hard. It had been at least three years since I had done anything like this and I can't fully describe that wonderful warm sweetness that is so typical of a little boy's penis. For the next ten minutes I explored every inch of his little cock and balls with my tongue, my fingers under his bottom occasionally teasing his anus. Lifting my head for a second I noticed with surprise that he was fast asleep, a look of sweet contentment on his face. Getting up, I covered him with the sheets and kissed him gently. I smiled and left the room. Robby gets his morning spankingThe next day I decided to introduce him to another little custom I had so often read about, a 'reminder spanking' to be administered each morning just before getting dressed. After washing his face I removed his nightgown but didn't immediately dress him. He looked at me puzzled. I sat down and explained what I intended to do. He pouted and looked at the ground."Robby, a reminder spanking is for your own good." I explained. "Little boys who are spanked in the morning behave better during the day! It also helps keep your bottom sore which serves as a reminder. From now on when you finish in the bathroom, I want you to come to me for your morning spanking-even if I'm downstairs!" I paused. "I don't want you to waste time waiting for me here if I'm preparing breakfast. Do you understand?" "Yes Miss." he replied quietly. I patted my lap. "Come on then. Get your bottom up!" I bent him over my lap and rested my hand on his bottom for a few seconds. I started off with a few gentle spanks but soon increased the force until he was wriggling. I stopped. "Robby, the idea is to spank you for about three minutes, with twelve really hard spanks at the end. I know it's painful the first time, but you'll get used to it after a few days. Now stop wriggling or I'll have to start all over again!" He did his best to lay still but as I started the final twelve hard slaps, he burst into tears. I held him firmly until I'd finished, then stood him up and dried his eyes. "Now get dressed and come downstairs!" I ordered, going out. I paused. "Robby, you really must get used to receiving corporal punishment. I think I've been a bit too soft with you so far. That has to change! There are some boys who receive regular lunchtime and afternoon spankings as well!" His first caningHe came down to the kitchen a few minutes later clad in the tight red shorts and shirt I'd given him. He rubbed his bottom and smiled at me."Please Miss, I'm sorry for wriggling. I'll try to be still next time." I was pleasantly surprised at his words but realised that he was probably worried about what I'd said about being too soft. After he'd eaten and cleared away I started him on the housework. I watched him try his hand at vacuuming and smiled as he struggled to control it. I gave him precise instructions on what he should do until lunch time and left him. My work in the study was going well until I heard the faint sound of something smashing from the other end of the house. I went to see what had happened and entered the large conservatory to see Robby standing with the tube of the vacuum cleaner in his hands surrounded by pieces of a large expensive vase. I was puzzled because the vase had been on a high shelf, but on closer examination it soon became obvious that Robby had used the vacuum cleaner to clean it. I made him go and wait in the study while I picked up all the pieces. It had been one of my favourite ornaments and I was not happy. On my return I found him standing next to my desk, looking at his reading book. He looked up nervously as I entered. "Robby, you have just broken a very precious vase." I said, sitting down and pulling him closer to me. "I can forgive an accident, but this wasn't a simple accident 3;" He looked up. "But Miss, I didn't mean to 3;" I raised my finger to silence him. "I know you didn't do it on purpose Robby, but you know very well you shouldn't have used the vacuum cleaner on that vase! You broke it due to your own laziness and carelessness, and I will not tolerate such behaviour!" I rose and walked to a cupboard. Inside was a shelf with various paddles, slippers and tawses. Below the shelf was a rail upon which hung a rather impressive collection of canes, arranged in order of severity. I'd learned years ago that a cane should be swung as hard as possible, the ensuing pain being regulated by the type of cane used rather than by the force of the stroke. I chose the lightest one and turned to face Robby. At the sight of the cane he paled and started to cry. "It's no use crying Robby." I said, steeling myself to the task ahead. "You know very well that you deserve the cane! Take your shorts off and give them to me!" Realising he had no other choice, he obeyed and handed me his thin shorts. Suddenly I realised that it had been many years since I'd last used a cane. I glanced down at the little boy by my side. Ordering him to stand still I picked up a large cushion from the armchair and went over to his desk. It was a very old fashioned school desk with the seat a simple small bench firmly bolted on. I balanced the cushion on the bench and took aim with the cane. The sound of the cane whistling through the air and the loud crack as it hit the cushion echoed around the room. About twelve hard strokes later I was sure I had lost none of my accuracy. I turned enjoying the look of disbelief on the boy's face. He realised that his bottom was now going to take the place of the cushion! "Just practising!" I said smiling. I gently took him over to his small desk patting his bottom as he walked "Kneel on the bench and bend over the desk!" I ordered. He obeyed, tears running down his face. I told him to lay his tummy flat, hold onto the end of the desk and not to let go. I positioned his legs a little further apart and made him stick his bottom out more. The desk's use as the ideal aid to punishment was obvious. The boy was completely supported and didn't have to worry about touching his toes, keeping his balance or position. His attention could be completely taken by what was happening to his rear end. I finished getting him ready and stepped back. "Now Robby, I know this isn't the first time you've been caned so you know what to expect. I'm going to give you six strokes with a little rest after the first three." "But please Miss," he interrupted, sniffing back his tears, "I've only ever had three strokes before. Please don't give me six Miss. I promise I'll be more careful. I really wil.l 3;" I tapped the back of his legs with the cane. "I don't care what you've had in the past Robby." Taking my time I swung the cane through the air a few times, watching with amusement the young boy flinch. I have never believed in rushing corporal punishment. Enough time must be allowed between each stroke for the boy's attention to be fixed firmly on the arrival of the next. Resting the cane on his quivering buttocks I took aim. Swinging the cane right back I brought it down hard right in the middle of his bottom. There was a satisfying 'swish-crack' and the boy squealed. I noticed with satisfaction the long pale red line spanning both buttocks. I had deliberately chosen a special light cane that made a lot of noise but didn't in fact hurt a great deal. It would leave him with red marks for a day, but it wasn't even severe enough to cause raised weals, let alone any bruising. I aimed the second and third strokes just above the first, waiting about twenty seconds between each one. I saw his hands clench the sides of the desk, his knuckles white. I felt a bit sorry for the lad but at the same time I knew he probably realised that the caning wasn't nearly as painful as he'd expected. In fact I rather dislike inflicting severe pain, preferring the ritual and atmosphere of more frequent but relatively harmless punishments. I wasn't about to let him know that! After the third stroke I put the cane down and stroked his bottom tenderly. Putting my hand round his legs I felt his willy as soft as I'd expected. I smiled. "Okay Robby, you can have a little rest now." I ordered the tearful child down and placed him in the corner with his hands on his head. I'd always found the use of corner time halfway through the punishment to be useful. The boy has time to reflect on why he's being punished and what is still to happen. After fifteen minutes I stood up and ordered him back over the desk. He begged, as I knew he would, to be let off the last three strokes, but I stood firm. Tears in his eyes, he resumed his position and stuck his bottom out. I took plenty of time over the next three strokes, aiming them all on the lower half of his buttocks with the last one falling just where his legs joined his bum. This was a most sensitive place and as it cracked down the little boy jumped and let go of the desk, both hands going to his sore backside. "Put your hands back this instant!" I ordered, raising my voice. He gave a his bum a quick rub and obeyed. "Ouch Miss, that really hurt!" he cried, looking round. I waited a minute for him to calm down, then patted his thigh. "Robby, I'm afraid that by moving your hands and talking during your punishment, you've earned yourself another two strokes." I kissed his tear streaked face. "I want you to be brave and it will soon all be over." Not wishing to prolong the agony I gave both strokes in quick succession but just as hard as before. I placed the cane back in the cupboard and allowed the boy to get up. I gave him a quick hug and examined his bottom. The marks would probably be gone by tomorrow morning. Not wishing to dwell on the punishment, I immediately sent him back to work, warning him to be careful. After lunch I spent some time with him going through his reading book and studying a few simple sums. He found it quite difficult but seemed to enjoy learning. Robby fails to keep his willy hard and gets paddledLater in the afternoon I poured myself a glass of wine and called Robby into the living room. He had worked hard for the last few hours and looked a little tired. I gave him a glass of milk and a plate of small cakes which he devoured with obvious pleasure. Although strict and blessed with a wicked and perverted sense of humour, I draw the line at allowing a slaveboy to go hungry. When he had finished I stood him in front of me and slipped his shorts off. I smiled. He still blushed whenever I exposed his privates and I found it amusing. Leaning back in the deep armchair I sat him on my knee, my left arm round his waist. Putting my wine down I toyed with his willy while I talked."You know Robby, up until now I've always told you that you must control your erections and normally that means that I don't want you to have one." I ran my finger round his scrotum. "But there will be times when I will order you not only to have an erection, but to keep it hard for a few hours!" He looked at me a little confused. "You don't have to understand why Robby. You'll just have to be an obedient little boy and do as I say!" I patted his knee. "As part of your training you will have arousal tests and also occasional stiffness tests. An arousal test is where I will try and make you have an erection, but you mustn't have one, or you'll be punished!" I resumed teasing his willy. "A stiffness test is where I order you to have an erection and place a small ring and bell over your penis. If your willy goes soft, the ring and bell fall on the floor." I reached over to the small table and showed him exactly the objects I'd described. "Stand up Robby!" His penis was already sticking out and it required only a few seconds to coax it into standing stiffly to attention. Laughing at the look on his face I slipped the ring over his erection and flicked the tiny brass bell attached to it on a small chain. "Okay Robby, I want you to go to the bookshelf over there and slowly remove every book and put them neatly in piles. Then you wipe each book carefully with a cloth before putting it back on the shelf." I pointed to the ring on his penis. "I don't want that to fall off for at least thirty minutes!" I watched him start work and sipped my wine. I couldn't fault the diligence of his work. His little hands treated each book with great respect, but I saw after only a few minutes his penis start to loose its turgidity. Calling him over I smiled and tickled the sides of his testicles until it was back up. "Concentrate Robby!" I told him. "I'm not going to help you again and you have to keep it stiff for a long time yet!" I didn't feel I was being unreasonable since in the past I had seen young boys maintain erections for whole evenings, but perhaps Robby was simply unused to this and required practice. He continued his work and seemed to be concentrating because it was another ten minutes before I saw his willy start to droop. Holding a large book in his hand he paused, obviously realising what was happening. He appeared to be concentrating hard for a few seconds and I saw his penis rise a fraction, but one minute later the room echoed to the sound of the tinny little ring hitting the parquet. I ordered him to place the ring on the table and to complete his work. When he'd finished, I took his hands in mine. "Robby, you only managed fourteen minutes and I expected at least thirty." He looked at the floor, his willy now completely limp. "Go and fetch me the small red paddle from the study!" I ordered. I'm only going to give you six swats, and if you don't manage thirty minutes next time you'll get twelve!" I poured myself another glass of wine. He looked at me miserably. "Please Miss, I'll try harder next time Miss. Do I have to have the paddle Miss?" I didn't even look up. "That's eight swats and sixteen next time plus a caning if you're not back in ten seconds!" I started to count, "Ten, Nine 3;" He ran out of the room, his bare buttocks jiggling about as he rushed to the study. I thought about what I should do. His questioning and hesitation in obeying my order to fetch the paddle had surprised me. According to the rules, he should obey every single order without question. I realised that I had to nip this behaviour in the bud immediately. The little boy managed to return just in time, a small red wooden paddle in his hands. I bent him over in front of me and ordered him to grip his ankles. I gave him four hard swats on each buttock. He wriggled and cried a lot but managed to remain in position. Ignoring his tears I gave him the paddle and told him to return it. Just as he was walking out, one hand rubbing his sore bottom, I told him to wait. "When you've put the paddle back Robby, I want you to take the cane with a little 'five' written on it, and place it on my desk. Then I want you in position over your desk." I saw him start and look at me his mouth wide open. "Just do it Robby!" I said, rather loudly, draining my glass. Robby has the cane againFive minutes later I rose and walked slowly to the study. The boy was in exactly the same position as he'd been earlier in the day, his head low down on the desk, bottom raised high. I picked up the cane he'd put on my desk. The fifth in my collection it was a standard junior cane as used in strict preparatory schools and for the younger boys in secondary schools. I flexed it in my hands and swished it through the air. This was no gentle 'pretend' cane like the one I'd used earlier. Swung hard, this was capable of inflicting severe pain and leaving weals that could last a whole week. I knelt down besides the boy and stroked his hair. I spoke softly."Robby, I'm going to give you only two strokes with this cane but it's going to hurt a great deal. You will never, I repeat, never hesitate in obeying me again, and never ever try to argue with me. Do you understand?" The poor boy blinked back his tears. "Yes Miss, I'm very sorry Miss." He started to cry again. "I won't do it again Miss." "Good" I said. I stood up. "Now I'm going to give you the first stroke." I stepped back and raised the cane. The sharp crack of the cane was followed by a high pitched yelp of pain then loud sobbing from the boy. Waiting about ten seconds I tapped his bum with the tip, getting him to stick it out more. The second stroke landed only slightly lower than the first. The boy's hands scrabbled about the sides of the desk, his buttocks clenching and unclenching as he sought to come to terms with the pain emanating from his rear. The two weals across his buttocks were a dark red and, running my fingers along them, I could already feel the raised edges. I stood him up and put him in the corner, hands on his head, with a warning of further punishment if he dared move his hands. Sitting at my desk I spent the next thirty minutes writing a letter, occasionally darting a glance at the boy, his sobbing starting to subside. Finishing my letter I called Robby over to me, giving him permission to rub his bottom, which he did, his fingers gingerly examining the two weals spanning both buttocks. I reminded him of exactly why he'd been punished, them ordered him to the kitchen to set the table. Refusing his request to put his shorts back on I simply said that I preferred him to have a bare bottom. Later in the bath I had a long chat with him about his behaviour and the improvements I expected. The caning seemed to have helped. He was very sweet and polite, apologising and promising to do better. At just the appropriate moment he stood up in the bath without being told, hands by his side, ready for me to pull back his foreskin. Knowing I found it easier if the penis was a bit stiff, he'd even managed a slight erection for me. I smiled and gently pulled it all the way back exposing his glans. Soaping it well I pulled the foreskin back and forth a few times. He stood very still watching me attentively. "Do you like what I'm doing Robby?" I asked quietly, slowly rubbing his willy, now almost fully erect. He looked a little embarrassed and gave a cheeky grin. "It does feel ever so nice Miss." he said, looking at me to see how I'd react. I smiled and told him to sit down while I rinsed all the soap off. In the bedroom he had his bedtime spanking as usual. I examined his bottom carefully. The marks from the first caning were almost gone. I felt the two weals and the boy winced slightly as I prodded them but I was pleased that there appeared to be no bruising. I put him to bed and lay next to him, talking softly to him about what a good boy he could be if he tried. Gently, I stroked his leg, climbing a little higher until I reached his willy. I took it firmly between my fingers and resumed what I'd been doing in the bath. I felt the little boy sigh and open his legs a bit more. After a few minutes I had it fully erect and pulled back the covers to have a look. When he saw me examining it he reddened and for a few seconds his penis started to soften. Telling him softly not to worry, I caressed his small scrotum before turning my attention back to his willy. I'd soon got it erect again and the boy closed his eyes contentedly. I slowly changed my position so my face was directly above and took him in my mouth, my tongue gently massaging the whole length of his erection. Lightly tickling his testicles with my fingers, I felt his whole little scrotum start to contract. His penis seemed to swell and I sucked it a little harder, running my tongue around his glans. The little boy's breathing quickened and I felt his buttocks clench. His orgasm seemed to take him completely by surprise. His whole body jerked and he opened his eyes wide as waves of intense pleasure exploded from his penis. I could feel it pulsating in my mouth and continued to run my tongue around it even as it softened. Although far too young to produce semen, I was sure I detected a slight salty taste. Something to investigate another time I thought. Seeing that he was already falling asleep, I quietly left him and went downstairs. Robby starts to learnThe next day I allowed him to sleep a little longer, waking him gently and giving him permission to use the toilet, before going to get breakfast. Ten minutes later I heard him come down the stairs. He entered the kitchen still in his nightdress. I kissed him and asked if he'd washed his hands and face. I paused, waiting for him to say what I wanted to hear. He lifted his nightgown up to his tummy and blushed."Please Miss, will you give me my spanking please?" I smiled and sat down. "Before I spank you I want that nightgown off!" I commanded, pulling it off over his head. "For your morning spanking I want you naked, understand?" "Yes Miss." He replied quietly. I put him over my lap and spanked him as previously, slowly increasing the strength of the slaps over three minutes, then finishing off with twelve very hard spanks on the lower part of his buttocks. He managed to get through the first few of these without crying or wriggling, but by the sixth he was in tears and found it difficult to keep his bottom still. Giving him an extra three hard ones for wriggling I set him on his feet. He rubbed his sore behind while I dried his eyes. "Robby you must learn to keep still when I'm spanking you!" I said, brushing the hair from his eyes. "I think next time you wriggle, we'll have to try something else!" I didn't elaborate, leaving that to his imagination. I ordered him back upstairs to get dressed. Alexi arrivesLater that morning I received a call which altered my plans for the day. A long standing member of the society, Miss Bradley, asked me if I could look after her slaveboy for one week. It appeared that, being called abroad on urgent business, she was unable to take him with her. As membership obliged one to assist whenever necessary, I felt unable to refuse her request. I had never met the lady and was curious.I called Robby and explained the situation. "You will be very busy today Robby and I expect you to be on your best behaviour when the lady arrives." As a new member, I was anxious to impress but I had really no idea what was expected of me. I fussed around the house, ordering Robby here and there. I decided to skip his tuition after lunch and set him to work polishing the silver in the cabinets and tidying the study. Finally I gave him a quick bath and dressed him in sweet navy style shorts and t-shirt. I toyed with the idea of administering a reminder spanking to keep him on his toes, but since he'd worked so hard I felt it wouldn't be fair. As a sort of compromise I gave him the task of wiping and oiling the canes and paddles in the study, reminding him not to dirty his clothes. At four thirty I heard a car arrive and ordered Robby to go and stand in the living room. Mrs Bradley emerged from a large Mercedes closely followed by a diminuitive figure enveloped in a huge black cloak. She was about fifty years old, tall, black hair with a steely expression that said this lady was not to be messed with. We exchanged pleasanteries in the hall and I took her coat. Turning to the young boy by her side I took his cloak and hung it up. I was surprised to see that he was completely naked. About the same age as Robby, he was a little shorter and rather plump. As I took them to the living room I noticed that he didn't look up at all and appeared very frightened of his mistress. We sat down and I poured some wine. After assuring her that it was no trouble at all to take her boy, I called him over to take a closer look. Glancing nervously at her, the boy shuffled forward and stood in front of me. "He's called Alexi." She said sternly. "Don't take any nonsense from him Lady Susan. As long as you beat him regularly he'll be no trouble." I smiled and looked him over. Nasty looking looking weals covered the top of his thighs, the rest of his bottom showing signs of older beatings and bruises just starting to fade. His penis was circumcised, longer and thicker than Robby's and for some reason appeared to be very red at the end. I pointed this out and the lady laughed. She lifted a wicked looking riding crop that I hadn't noticed before. "That's from using my little friend here" she explained. "I'll leave it for you Lady Susan. It really is ideal for dealing with involuntary erections." She suddenly looked at Alexi and grinned wickedly. "Here, I'll demonstrate. Here boy!" I looked at the boy and realised that he had a slight erection. I had no doubt it was due to the change in temperature and had it happened to Robby I would have ignored it for a few minutes. Alexi stood to attention, his back to me. I saw the lady lift the crop and winced as she whipped it down hard on the end of his willy. The boy flinched and I saw his face screw up in pain but to my astonishment he didn't move or make any sound. I thought that would be it but she lifted the crop again and gave him a second stroke, harder than the first. The boy's mouth opened and I saw he must be in terrible pain, but he remained still. Putting the crop down, the lady smiled and pushed him over for me to have a look. His willy was completely soft, the tip now a deep red colour. I was amazed that he could take his punishment so well and mentioned this to her. "Quite simple really." She said laughing. "It's a question of training. If he cries or wriggles during any punishment he receives the same punishment all over again! It may sound cruel, especially during a particularly severe caning, but I assure you it works!" I saw Robby standing in the corner, his eyes fixed on Alexi's sore penis. Calling him over I showed him to Mrs Bradley. "I wasn't sure if there was some protocol for how they should be dressed when visitors arrive." I said, waving my hand at Robby. "There are no rules Lady Susan." she replied, looking at Robby. "Personally I don't believe they should be allowed to wear clothes." She nodded at Alexi. "I keep him like that all the time." Mindful of my duties as host I pulled Robby gently to me and took his t-shirt off. Seeing him instinctively put his arms across his chest I whispered quietly. "Hands by your side Robby!" I slid his shorts off and patted his bottom. "Right, go and let Mrs Bradley have a look at you!" He walked over to her already blushing at having to expose his privates to a stranger. She turned him around and examined him, prodding and squeezing. Reaching down she held his small penis and without warning pulled his foreskin right back. Robby gave a little cry and clenched his fists, his lip trembling. The woman looked up in surprise. "Well well boy. I can see you need taking in hand!" She circled his scrotum and suddenly squeezed it in her hand. "Would you like me to discipline him for you Lady Susan?" she asked, tightening her grip. Robby quickly glanced round at me, biting his lip, tears in his eyes. She was hurting him and he was desperately trying not to cry but I saw he wouldn't last very long. "Thank you for the kind offer Mrs Bradley", I replied. "But I've only had him a few days and I wish to train him in my own time." She smiled and gave his testicles another squeeze before releasing him. I ordered Robby to come and stand next to my chair. We chatted for a few minutes, then she looked at her watch. "I must be going in a few minutes Lady Susan. Thank you so much for agreeing to take my boy for a week." She stood up. "Before I go I'd just like to give him something to remind him how to behave. Would you mind?" I shook my head and asked her to follow me to the study, briefly telling Robby to clear the glasses away. I showed her the cupboard and she ran her hand over the canes before examining the various paddles on the shelf. She took down a large heavy black paddle with three holes drilled through it. "This is a beauty!" she exclaimed. Frankly I thought this paddle rather too heavy for such a young boy, but looking at Alexi's large backside, I was interested to see how he'd take it. Hardly looking at the him, she uttered a sharp "Bend over!" and the boy bent and gripped his ankles. "Alexi, this is to remind you that you will do exactly what Lady Susan tells you while you're here. Understand boy?" "Yes Mistress." I heard the boy reply softly. She lifted the paddle and brought it down hard on his left buttock. I'm sure Robby could hear from the kitchen as the sound of the slap reverberated around the house. The strength of the blow almost knocked him over, but he managed to hold his position. His mouth wide open, he stared at the floor, tears in his eyes but making no sound. Five swats later she allowed him up, his bottom a deep crimson. Deciding now was a good time to formally take over, I ordered him to the corner, hands on his head. Alexi starts to learnI waved as the woman left in her car and walked back to the study."You can come back to the living room now." I told the boy. He followed me and I sat down in my armchair, watching as he stood in front of me nervously waiting for me to speak. I looked at Robby. "Put your clothes back on Robby, then go to the kitchen and bring the biscuit tin and two glasses of milk." Feeling more comfortable in the absence of his mistress, I pulled the boy closer and examined his sore bottom, then turned my attention to his front. "Listen carefully Alexi". I said. "In my house you will be treated exactly the same as my own slaveboy. You will obey my orders and copy what Robby does. Okay?" "Yes Miss." He replied, watching as I took his penis in my hand. The tip was obviously very sore. I noticed him wince slightly as I ran my finger over his glans. Robby returned with the biscuits which I offered to Alexi while he ran back for the milk. I sat them both cross-legged on the floor and watched them eat. I saw that it was already seven o'clock and went to make a few sandwiches for them. I sent Robby upstairs to fetch some shorts and t-shirt. Alexi looked at them with astonishment. "I prefer you to wear clothes around the house." I explained. "Don't worry though." I said, smiling. "I can assure you that I'll be seeing your bare bottom quite a lot!" After showing him around the house I sent them both upstairs to run the bath and go to the toilet. Following after a few minutes I put them in together and gave each a good wash. Rather proudly, as if trying to show off, Robby stood up for me to wash his penis, which I gently checked for any damage caused by the woman's rough handling earlier. After tickling his scrotum slightly to make his penis a bit stiffer, I turned and told Alexi to stand up as well. As I slowly pulled Robby's foreskin back with one hand I lightly tickled Alexi's penis with the other. "Come on Alexi, I want your willy up." I said, giving him a smile. "It makes it easier for me to wash it. You know very well only I'm allowed to do that!" Finishing with Robby and sitting him back down in the water, I started to soap Alexi's penis, stroking the sides of his scrotum. Slowly, as though he was unused to this happening, his penis started to stiffen. Being circumcised, there was no foreskin to get in the way and I was finished washing it after a few seconds. After taking them out and drying them, I left them both to clean their teeth and went to find a nightshirt for Alexi. Pulling it over his head I chuckled as I saw it only came halfway over his botttom. "Now Alexi, I want you to watch Robby and copy what he does!" Robby lifted his nightshirt. "Please Miss, can I have my bedtime spanking please?" he said sweetly, blushing a little. I bent him over my lap and demonstrated to Alexi what was involved. Finishing with Robby who stood meekly to one side, still holding his nightdress up, I watched as Alexi followed suit. Placing him over my lap I was faced with a much larger bottom than Robby's, which I explored thoroughly, easing his cheeks apart, teasing his anus and spanking him slowly and provocatively, occasionally stroking his buttocks gently and letting my finger run along the centre and down to between his thighs. It took longer than with Robby, but eventually I felt him relax. I stood him up and grinned. His penis was at half mast, pointing straight at me. Not wanting him to get upset I gave him a little hug and explained that I always allowed Robby to have an erection at bedtime and I wanted him to have one too. Standing them both in front of me and reminding them to keep their nightshirts held up high, I stroked their cute little willies, occasionally caressing the scrotum. Reassured, Alexi's penis stiffened, as did Robby's until both sported full erections. I saw with some surprise that Alexi was rather well endowed for a young boy, at five inches [12½ cm], about one and a half inches [4 cm] longer than Robby. "Does your Mistress ever do this to you Alexi?" I asked, continuing to gently stroke their erections. "Oh no Miss." he replied shyly. "I'm not allowed ever to be hard, only 3;" He paused. "Only when my Mistress has visitors and they want my willy to be hard." "Go on." I said, interested. "What do the visitors do to you?" He looked down, nervously. "Well Miss, when her lady visitors take me away, they like to play with it, and then 3;" he looked embarrassed. "And I have to keep it hard when I'm pleasuring them Miss." I looked up. "What does 'pleasuring' mean Alexi?" "Please Miss, I have to put my face on their private hole and wiggle my tongue a lot." He blushed. "Sometimes they make me put my willy in it too and I have to keep it hard or they tell my Mistress and she beats me." I gazed at him. The next week was going to be most interesting! "And what about other visitors Alexi. What do they do?" He looked a little scared. "Please Miss, when we have Gentleman visitors they take me away and do things to me Miss." "Tell me what they do Alexi!" I said. "They make me suck their things Miss until some cream comes out, and I have to always swallow it, or they punish me. Sometimes they put their things in my bottom and it hurts but I'm not allowed to move or they spank me and tie me up." I looked at him in wonder. So young yet already so experienced. Looking up at Alexi, I gave him a little tickle under his balls and said "Well I think that tomorrow you can show me exactly what the ladies make you do." I looked at Robby, trying not to laugh. "And you can teach Robby here how to do it!" Seeing Alexi's worried look, I smiled kindly to reassure him. "Don't worry Alexi." I said gently. "I won't beat you as hard as your Mistress. I'm sure you must have realised that from seeing Robby's bottom!" Moving to one side I patted the bed. "Lie down Robby. I want to see if you and Alexi taste the same." Used to my little games by now, Robby blushed and lay down next to me, keeping his nightdress up over his chest. Tickling the tip of his willy with my lips, I took him in my mouth and sucked hungrily for a minute or so while Robby giggled. Making him move over. I nodded at Alexi to do as Robby had done. Copying Robby, he lay down beside me. I spent a few seconds coaxing his penis to its full length before exploring the tip with my tongue. I was as gentle as possible for I knew he was sore there, but I steadily eased my mouth down until I had it all in. Being circumcised I was easily able to explore his glans with my tongue. He gazed at me in amazement as I sucked harder. Larger than Robby's, his penis tasted a little different, not quite as sweet, but more exciting to play with. Having satisfied my curiosity I kissed their cheeks and covered them. "I want you both to go straight to sleep now." I said, switching off the light. "Any noise and it's the cane for both of you!" Alexi's first day. Robby has a very sore bottomI woke up with Alexi lying against me, Robby on the far side of the bed, one leg almost over the side. After my shower I shook them awake, laughing as Alexi looked around not remembering for a few seconds where he was."Come on boys, up you get!" I sent them to the bathroom and listened as they had a pee and washed themselves. I pulled on my clothes and waited. Freshly washed they returned and stood in front of me. Realising what I was waiting for, Robby pulled off his nightgown, looking at Alexi, who did the same. The sight of them both naked together made me shiver with excitement. "Please can I have my morning spanking Miss." said Robby, his hands briefly feeling his buttocks. "I think Alexi can go first today." I said, taking Alexi's arm and pulling him gently over my lap. "Alexi, I'm afraid that Robby tends to wriggle when he's being spanked, and I want you to show him how still you can keep your bottom!" For three minutes I spanked his plump behind, slowly smacking harder and harder. Finishing off with twelve real stingers I was pleased to see that he kept perfectly still and made not a sound. I allowed him up. His face was red and his eyes moist, but no tears. "You're a very good boy Alexi." I said smiling. He gave a little grin and looked pleased with himself. Having witnessed Alexi's spanking at close hand, Robby looked worried. "Now Robby, you've seen how Alexi kept still all the time. I want to see you do the same!" Putting him over my lap, I started the spanking. I'd just delivered the sixth hard slap at the end when I felt him trying to wriggle his bottom. "Robby!" I said, in a warning voice. "Only six more!" I delivered the next few spanks hard on his right buttock. He cried out and twisted in my grasp. "Owww Miss!" he cried. "It's so sore Miss!" I finished spanking him and stood him up. "You really ought to be ashamed of yourself Robby!" I said angrily. "You should be used to having your bottom spanked by now. You remember what I said about little boys receiving corporal punishment?" He looked at the floor. "Fetch the plimsoll from the drawer Robby!" I ordered, coming to a decision. He looked up in horror. "Miss?" he said, not believing what he'd heard. "I told you to fetch the plimsoll Robby!" starting to become angry. I was hungry and wanted my breakfast. "Please Miss, can I have another chance, please Miss?" he sobbed. "I won't wriggle next time Miss, I promise I 3; ." He saw the look on my face and ran to the drawer. Pulling him over my lap again, I beat him hard with the plimsoll, not caring if he wriggled or not. After about ten slaps I stood him up and watched him rub his sore backside frantically, tears flowing down his cheeks. I waited a minute for him to calm down then spoke. "Robby, this is the second time you have hesitated in obeying an order and trying to argue with me." He looked scared, guessing what I was going to say. "How many strokes of the cane did you receive for this last time Robby?" "Two Miss." he sobbed quietly, fidgeting. "Since that obviously wasn't enough, this time I will give you four strokes. Your caning will be at six o'clock, just before tea!" I smiled "Not that you'll have much of an appetite!" Telling them both to get dressed I went to prepare breakfast. What little boys can doThe morning was spent supervising certain duties around the house, introducing Robby to new tasks and ensuring that Alexi understood that he and Robby would share responsibility for all the jobs. I left them in no doubt that if something was not done correctly, they would both be punished. I had given Alexi a pair of thin stretchy shorts that were slightly too small for him. Slipping my hand down Robby's shorts to check he was soft, something he barely noticed now, I realised looking at Alexi that I didn't have to such lengths with him. His privates were so well outlined by the thin stretchy material that nothing was left to the imagination. Nevertheless I insisted on treating him the same as Robby and put my hand inside to feel his penis. My fingers lingered longer than usual and I felt myself getting excited. I sent Robby upstairs to clean all the rooms and to stay there until I arrived. Taking Alexi by the hand I led him to the living room and sat down. Removing his t-shirt I saw him shiver slightly. Peeling down his shorts I noticed his willy already stiffening. Could he guess what I had in mind?"Alexi, I didn't give you permission to have an erection, did I?" He looked down. "No Miss, sorry Miss." I wasn't angry but I was determined to stick to the rules. "Immediately after lunch, you will report to the study! Understood?" "Yes Miss." He replied quietly. I took his little balls in my hand and started to caress them. "Now you may have an erection!" I said grinning. I played with him until his penis was sticking up almost vertical. Lying right back in the chair, I pulled my skirt up and opend my legs wide. I smiled when I saw the look on his face. Preferring not to wear knickers, I was also shaved smooth, having a strong dislike of pubic hair. I thrust myself forward a little and looked at Alexi. "Show me what your 'visitors' make you do with your willy Alexi!" I ordered. A little hesitantly he came closer and for a moment I felt nothing, then suddenly his little hands were all over my pussy, dancing lightly everywhere as they slowly moved inside. I closed my eyes in ecstasy and suddenly almost jumped out of the chair. He was holding his penis with one hand and brushing the tip against my clitoris. I endured it for another minute until muttering "Now with your tongue Alexi-quickly!" I saw him kneel and felt his nose and lips playing with me. A few seconds later his little tongue started teasing my clitoris and I gripped the arms of the chair. Moaning silently I started to come and felt his tongue dance even faster. My orgasm seemed to last ages and I sank back in the armchair, exhausted. Obviously well trained, the little boy placed his head on my lap and looked up sweetly. I patted his head and ordered him up, noticing that he was still erect. Putting his clothes back on I patted his bulge gently. "I want this soft again Alexi. I'll be checking in a few minutes!" I sent him off to help Robby and sat back in the chair thinking. Alexi gets the slipperAfter we'd finished lunch I left Robby to start washing the dishes and took Alexi to the study."I'm not a cruel mistress Alexi, but I do insist on sticking to the rules. Your penis will only be hard when I'm playing with it or I order you to have an erection. Is that clear?" "Yes Miss." he said, watching me take a slipper from the cupboard. "I know you're used to being thrashed very hard, but here you'll be treated exactly the same as Robby." Sitting down and removing his shorts, I put him over my lap and slapped his bottom six times with the slipper. I'm sure he hardly felt it, being so used to the severe beatings from his own mistress, but on allowing him up I was surprised when he flung his arms around me and burst into tears. I hugged him for a while, then dried his eyes and put his shorts on. It was easy to guess the reason for his emotional behaviour. After the cold detached savagery of his mistress, I must have appeared extraordinarily kind. Robby's education continuedNot having discussed Alexi's education with his mistress, I was a little unsure about including him in our afternoon lessons, but seeing that he was in my house, I decided to continue treating as my own property. His inability to even recognise the letters of the alphabet upset me a little since even a slaveboy should be able to read simple instructions. I gave Robby some handwriting exercises, then turned my attention to Alexi's attempts to read. It struck me rather ironic that these periods of schooling, traditionally a time when corporal punishment figured so prominently, should in our house, be a time of relative tranquility. In two hours I taught him to recognise the vowels and had a rather amusing time practising their sounds. Towards the end, I gave Alexi some paper onto which he had to copy out his letters, and then started to teach Robby how to tell the time. He made very good progress and I asked him if he could tell me what the time was now. I pointed to the clock and he thought for a few seconds and said," Four o'clock Miss." I praised him for learning so quickly, then asked him what time it would be in two hours. "Six o'clock Miss." he replied, smiling. Suddenly his smile vanished and he looked at the ground, tears appearing in his eyes. "Miss," he started very softly. "Please Miss, I'm sorry I wriggled this morning. Please Miss, I will try harder I promise!" I lifted his chin and looked at him. "Robby, for goodness sake, I'm not going to punish you for wriggling. I already did that. I would never cane you you for simply wriggling during a spanking. No, your caning is for something much more serious! You didn't obey my order to fetch the plimsoll and you wasted time trying to discuss it with me." I stroked his cheek and smiled at him. "Robby, normally I will only cane you if you don't do what I say immediately or, if you break my rules. I don't particularly enjoy inflicting such severe pain on you but I feel obliged to do it. The cane leaves awful marks all over your bottom and I prefer your bottom to be, well, soft and cuddly." I laughed. "It's up to you Robby. Forget what I said about caning you if your erection is too hard or if your willy wasn't long enough. From today I will reserve the cane for those times when I do not have instant obedience from you or for other serious misbehaviour." I kissed him and took his hands in mine. "Robby, being my slaveboy doesn't have to be so difficult. The morning spankings are important to maintain discipline and I will probably introduce afternoon spankings too." I laughed at his expression. "The whole point is to avoid having to administer more severe punishments like canings! Besides Robby, I am your mistress, so you really have no say in the matter. If necessary I will cane your bottom every day until you learn!" He lifted his face from my shoulder and wiped his eyes. "Please Miss, I'm sorry. I will take my spanking without moving and I'll always do what you say!" Fortunately I'd had enough experience to take all this with a pinch of salt. "Good boy, Robby!" I said, patting his bottom. "So let's hope that your caning at six o'clock will be the last one I have to give you!" I almost laughed out loud at his expression. Did he honestly think he could change my mind with a few tears. "In fact Robby, since you're so sure you can take your morning spanking without wriggling, we'll have the slipper ready in the bedroom tomorrow and we won't waste any time if you do wriggle, will we?" Robby receives six hard strokes of the caneWhen it reached half past five, I took Robby from the laundry room where he and Alexi had been cleaning, marched him to the study and sat him down at his desk with a pen and sheets of paper. I wrote the first line: 'I must always obey my Mistress" and instructed him to start copying it."If I don't have at least two hundred lines by six o'clock," I told him sternly, "You'll get an extra two strokes!" I left him looking after me with tears in his eyes.
Not seeing any reason why the boys should witness each others canings, thirty minutes later I left Alexi washing the kitchen floor and went to the study. As I had instructed, Robby had read the clock correctly and was in position over his little desk, head and tummy down flat on the desk, bare bottom held up high, ready for my inspection. Quickly I examined his buttocks, seeing no reason why the caning should not commence. I wondered about having a 'corner time' halfway through, but decided to administer the strokes without a break, albeit with a good two minutes between strokes. The cane slashed down twice before Robby straightened and clasped his bottom. He was clearly in great pain and he grabbed his bottom cheeks as if to tear away the weals that were already forming. I waited for him to calm down a little and asked him quietly to bend over the desk again. The third stroke had him sobbing even louder and the fourth nearly pushed him off the desk. I was determined that this would be the last caning for a long time and I wanted him to remember it well. For rubbing his bottom I awarded him an extra two strokes and told him that he should be proud to receive six of the best with a cane normally reserved for naughty schoolboys. I allowed him time to settle down and explained carefully that if he didn't stay still for the last two strokes, we would have to continue all night if necessary. Feeling that it would be too much if I placed the last two strokes very low down, I caned him diagonally across the other four weals. He cried out and gripped the side of the desk hard, but managed to stay in position. Playfully I ran the cane over his bottom for a while as if unsure whether to stop or to continue. Finally I allowed him up and hugged him tightly asking him if he knew exactly why he'd been punished. I left him to put his shorts back on, instructing him to join Alexi in five minutes. When Robby entered the kitchen Alexi must have guessed what had happened. Robby walked very carefully and the weals were visible under his thin white shorts. Despite my earlier predictions, he hadn't completely lost his appetite and still managed to eat everything, accompanied with a great deal of wriggling on the hard kitchen chair. A rather special eveningAfter my experience with Alexi I resolved to introduce Robby to the same duties. Their bathtime was longer than usual as I insisted on slowly soaping their little penises for a long time. The boys must have guessed I had something in mind. I gently caressed each one until their erections were sticking straight up, before drying them and taking them to my room. I decided to keep them both naked. Their bedtime spankings were long drawn out affairs, my left hand creeping round to their privates, teasing them while I explored their tight little anuses. Standing up for a moment I removed my clothes, enjoying the look on their faces as my breasts swung before them. I realised that Robby was too young and inexperienced to do anything on his own initiative, so I spent an interesting five minutes demonstrating to both of them how to play with my breasts and nipples. Smiling at Alexi I opened my legs and told him to show Robby what to do with his willy. Robby's willy was only half up and I gently tickled his testicles while Alexi showed him exactly what I liked him to do. As soon as Robby was stiff again I told him to try and do what Alexi had done. Anxious to please, and perhaps a little jealous of Alexi, he rubbed the tip of his little penis against my clitoris, a look of concentration on his face. I let him continue for a few minutes, then ordered Alexi to kneel down and use his tongue. I ensured that Robby understood what was happening, and explained how he could use his hands, lips, nose and finally, his tongue to please his mistress. Allowing Robby to try, I found his fumbling attempts to stimulate me incredibly exciting. Ordering him to stick his tongue even deeper, I lay back on the bed and quickly told Alexi to straddle my face on all fours and, holding his waist, greedily took his hot little penis in my mouth. Mumbling quickly at Robby to speed up I grabbed Alexi's buttocks and pushed a finger deep into his anus. My orgasm shook my whole body and I wiggled my finger inside Alexi as the waves of pleasure swept over me. Tilting my head I saw the look in Alexis eyes. He looked strange, as though close to having an orgasm but trying not to.Alexi's storyWhen I'd had a few minutes rest, I lay on the bed and allowed the boys to cuddle up to me. I put Alexi in between Robby and myself, and kissed his cheek tenderly, my hand gently stroking his privates."Did your mistress ever allow you to have an orgasm Alexi?" I asked, tickling his thigh. "Oh no Miss, never." he replied , looking shocked. "And she told the visitors that I musn't too Miss. Only the visitors 3; sometimes Miss, they 3;" He faltered, looking worried. I told him to continue. "Miss, once a gentleman visitor made me have one Miss, and he didn't tell my mistress." "Did you like it Alexi?" I interrupted, smiling. He looked embarrassed. "Yes Miss, sorry Miss." I almost laughed at his expression. I told him to carry on. "Later on Miss, a lady visitor came with her friends and they made me have one Miss. They put something tickly in my bottom and played with me so much I couldn't stop it Miss. Then they told my mistress!" He stopped and I saw a tear run down his cheek. "What did she do to you?" I asked quietly. "Please Miss, do I have to say?" he asked me, looking up. "Yes Alexi, you do!" I said, mentally making a note to punish him the next day for his impertinent question. His eyes filled with tears. "She beat my privates with her riding whip every day for a whole week Miss." I took his hand and held it firmly. "She beat my willy until it was completely red all over Miss, then made me hold my legs up high so she could beat my other bits." I comforted him for a few minutes, caressing his tummy and thighs. Shocked as I was I could not possibly be seen to critiscise his mistress in front of him. "Well Alexi, I'm sure your mistress had good reason to punish you like that, but in my house I prefer to punish boys only on the bottom. I also believe that if a boy has been good, he can be rewarded." Telling him to close his eyes I took Robby's hand and guided it to Alexi's limp penis. "I want you to stroke his willy slowly Robby!" I ordered. I knew the rules prevented the boys from playing with their own privates, but there was no reason why they should not play with each other's. I went to a drawer and took out a small pink vibrator, probably similar to the 'tickly thing' that Alexi had mentioned. Spreading a small amount of lubricant over it I saw Alexi's penis sticking back up. I took Robby's hand and showed him how to tickle Alexi's scrotum with the tips of his fingers, then gently pushed his head over Alexi's erection. "Put it right in your mouth and use your tongue to tickle the end!" I said very quietly. His earlier caning having made Robby eager to please, as I knew it would, he did as he was told. Sitting on the bed again, I spoke softly. "Alexi, I want you to have an orgasm, but you musn't come until I give you permission!" I bent Alexi's legs at the knees and moved them further apart. His little anus now accessible I slowly slid the vibrator all the way in, switching it on as I did so. As I heard Alexi's breathing getting heavier, I instructed Robby to lick faster, like he'd done for me. I looked at Alexi's buttocks clenching as the vibrator hummed away inside him tickling his small throbbing prostate. "Okay Alexi." I said firmly, looking at the time. "You may come now!" The little boy opened his mouth in a silent scream and raised his bottom off the bed, bringing his knees tightly together. Robby bobbed his head about, keeping his tongue working hard till the last possible second. Alexi sank back, his eyes wide open, a mixture of disbelief and apprehension. I laughed and pulled out the vibrator. After putting their nightshirts on, I kissed them goodnight and got up to leave. I stroked Robby's cheek, smiling. "If you don't wriggle when I spank you tomorrow, Robby, I might let you try the 'tickly thing' in your bottom!" Opening the drawer I took out the plimsoll and and placed it on a chair at the end of the bed. "Just getting ready for the morning." I said, switching off the light. Set to workNext morning I made a point of spanking Alexi a little harder than usual to demonstrate to Robby how easy it was to remain still. I placed the slipper on the bed and put Robby over my lap so his face was almost touching them, hoping that the sight of them would help. After about three minutes I began the last twelve hard spanks, feeling him tense as he fought to control the urge to wriggle. The last three I placed in the same place, my hand smarting. I allowed him up and smiled."Well done Robby!" I said, grinning as he stood before me, desperate to rub his sore bottom. After breakfast I set them to work in the attic. Dusty, grimy and full of junk, it had been left untouched for years. I provided them with brushes, rags, water and bags and explained exactly what I wanted them to do. "Your clothes would get filthy in there, so you'll have to work in the nude!" I said. I stripped them both and sent them up the attic stairs, admiring their still reddened buttocks. "No talking or messing about!" I reminded them. "I'll be checking on you in a few hours." In fact I returned after less than an hour, curious to see how well they could work together. Making as little noise as possible I peeped round the door. Alexi was on his hands and knees busy cleaning the floor. Robby was at the other end of the attic, sitting on a bench. He had an old toy aeroplane in his hands, obviously found in one of the many boxes lying around, and was totally engrossed in it. So intently was he examining it, he didn't even notice me until I was almost in front of him. As soon as he saw me he jumped up in fright and hurriedly put the toy back on the box next to him. I should have been angry, but the expression on his face made me laugh and I sat down and pulled him to me. "Miss, sorry Miss." He stammered nervously. "I just found it Miss. I wasn't going to play with it Miss." I smiled and wiped a bit of dirt from above his eye. "Oh Robby, what am I going to do with you?" I said, sitting him on my knee. Pushing his legs apart I toyed with his penis, watching it slowly stiffen. "Tell me Robby, how do YOU think I should punish you?" I had to ask him again and he looked down, worried. "A spanking Miss?" he volunteered, looking at me, embarrassed. "No, Robby, try again!" He seemed to concentrate for a minute. "Six with the slipper Miss?" "No Robby. Remember, you have disobeyed my instructions. What does that mean?" He looked down again a tear forming in the corner of his eye. "The cane Miss!" he said softly, his buttocks already twitching 3; I held him close and kissed him. "Tell you what Robby, I'm going to give you a chance." He looked up in surprise. My fingers started to gently caress his little testicles. "If you can keep an erection for thirty minutes, I'll let you off your caning. If you can't, then it's six of the best!" I called Alexi over and explained the situation. "Alexi, Robby here has to keep his willy sticking up for the next half hour. If you see it starting to go down, you may help him keep it hard. I expect both of you to continue working." I paused. "In fact, I want both of you to keep your willies nice and stiff! You can help Robby and he can help you. If I don't see two nice erections when I come back, you'll both get the cane!" Standing them together I took a willy in each hand and rubbed until both penises were sticking up. Reminding them of my instructions, I left them to get on with their work, hiding a wicked smile as I went out. They continue to learnReturning after thirty minutes, I again looked silently in to see how they were doing. My eyes widened in amazement. They were crouching together busily sweeping and cleaning, one holding the brush, the other holding the tray. Both still had erections. Stopping for a moment I saw Alexi reach down and rub Robby's penis for about ten seconds. Reciprocating, but in a different way, I saw Robby squat down and start sucking the end of Alexi's willy. Making my presence known, the two little boys stood up, proudly showing me their throbbing hot erections. I could see from their breathing, the look in their eyes and their tight scrotums, that they were not far from orgasm, but I wanted to save them for later."Good boys!" I said, smiling. I examined their stiff penises carefully, enjoying the look on their faces as my hands teased their privates. It was obvious they were both desperate for relief. I wasn't about to give them satisfaction. "I'm very pleased with you both. Now I want those willies soft again!" More fun and gamesAfter giving them a quick but thorough shower, we had lunch and I left them for a few minutes to wash up and tidy the kitchen with instructions to report to the study afterwards. Prior to beginning their lessons I decided to introduce them to another routine I'd thought of, a midday hygiene inspection followed by a reminder spanking. I removed their shorts and explained about the inspection."As you know, I'm very fussy about keeping your private parts clean and I've already shown you how to use the bidet. I expect your penises to be washed every time you visit the bathroom and your bottoms must be cleaned thoroughly, up as far as you can!" As with most of my other inventions, the idea was not so much because I wanted them 100% clean; rather it was for my own enjoyment of exploring their intimate regions and another excuse for spanking their plump backsides. I ordered Robby to stand on the chair and took his little penis between my fingers. I didn't pull his foreskin back all the way, just enough to uncover most of his glans. I sniffed it like a connasseur with a glass of wine, then touched the tip with my tongue. "Robby, when you wash it, you must pull the skin back further! Use plenty of soap and it won't hurt, okay?" He looked at me and nodded his head. "Yes Miss" he said quietly. Alexi's penis was spotless and still smelt of soap. "Now for your bottoms!" I smiled at the embarrassed expressions and ordered them to adopt the standard position over the small schooldesk. There was just enough room for both of them, and they looked so sweet, two bottoms sticking up side by side. Pulling their cheeks apart I examined their little anuses, noting with interest that Alexi's was not as tight as Robby's. I pulled a thin surgical glove over my hand and lubricated both with KY jelly. Robby squirmed as I pushed my index finger in as far it would go. Pulling it out I noticed that the end was a little soiled. "Not clean enough Robby!" I announced, turning my attention to Alexi. He hardly moved as I inserted two fingers deep inside him. I could just about feel his prostate gland and gave it a poke. Although too young to be producing sperm, I knew that little boys' prostates were active from an early age and could produce a surprising amount of fluid. I resolved to examine this in more detail later on. My fingers on removal were clean and I removed the glove. I went to the cupboard and took out a small light paddle, about the size of a ping-pong bat. "For your midday spankings you will receive ten whacks with this paddle." I explained, watching their buttocks twitch. "Robby, for not washing your penis enough and for not having a clean enough bottom, you will receive two strokes of the cane! I'm being lenient with you because this is your first inspection, but from now on, any lowering of standards will result in the full six strokes!" I stood behind Alexi and slowly paddled his large bottom, increasing the force of the slaps until delivering the tenth as hard as I could. His bum was a nice shade of red, but he didn't make a sound. As with the other spankings I didn't intend it to be too painful, just a reminder to behave. Grinning, I paddled Robby's bottom very slowly, watching his reactions. Trying hard, he managed to remain silent until the eighth slap before crying and wriggling his posterior about. I gave him the last two smacks low down and put the paddle back in the cupboard. I picked up my 'No. 5 cane' and flexed it. "Stick your bottom right up Robby! Let's get this over with." I swung the cane hard down on his red bum. The sound of the cane cracking across his buttocks echoed around the room. I gave him the second stroke lower down and laughed as he pushed himself down low in an attempt to please me by lifting his bottom higher. I ordered him off the desk and wiped his face. He kept his hands by his sides until I allowed him to rub his bottom. Seating myself at my own desk I permitted them to put their shorts back on and started their lessons. I started Alexi off on an easy reader which he took to gladly, spelling out the words he knew. Robby, I sat down with a piece of text to copy in his best handwriting. As usual, I found it a strange experience in that it seemed totally inappropriate to use corporal punishment during their lessons. Overall, I was quite satisfied with their progress, and to hide my obvious satisfaction, I ordered both of them outside to play. Before leaving, I caught Robby and hugged him tightly. My hand felt the two weals on his sore bottom. I gave them a quick rub and sent him out to follow Alexi. Arousal testI gave them a whole hour to run around and play in the large private grounds around the house. Judging from the way in which Robby was running after the ball, he'd completely forgotten his sore backside. Although it was only 3pm I relaxed for a few minutes with a glass of wine, thinking about what to do with them next. I called them in and sent them off for a quick wash.Returning to the living room, they stood in front of me, awaiting my orders. I removed their shorts and gave their willies a quick squeeze, making sure they were both limp. "I'm going to give you both an arousal test." I announced. "Close you eyes!" They obeyed and I gently pulled them closer to me. "I'm going to try and make your willies go stiff, but you have to keep them completely soft." I said, slowly caressing their limp members. I'd already discovered their own sensitive spots. With Alexi, it was just behing his glans. Robby on the other hand, had a most sensitive scrotum. After a few minutes I was pleased to see that Alexi's penis had hardly stirred. His face was screwed up with concentration. Looking at Robby I saw his penis was starting to move. Grinning, I tickled the back and sides of his little balls, knowing the effect it would have. His willy lengthened rapidly and stood up pointing straight at me. I ordered them to open their eyes and laughed at the look on Robby's face. He looked at his erection, looked at me and burst into tears. Tears rolled down his cheeks and he rubbed his eyes. "Miss, I'm sorry Miss. I did try Miss, really I did. I didn't know it was getting so hard Miss, I 3; 3; " I placed a finger on his lips. "Okay Robby, I know you tried hard." I held his bottom gently and pulled him to me, kissing his tummy. "I'm not going to punish you. Now stop crying!" I tickled his testicles again. "Now it's up, I want you to keep it up!" Turning to Alexi I congratulated him on his self control. "However, I want it nice and stiff now!" I ordered, starting to rub his willy. Soon, for the second time that day, I had two throbbing stiff penises in my hands. For a few minutes I caressed them until it was obvious they were not far from orgasm. A little wrestling matchRemoving my hands for a moment I took off their t-shirts, leaving both little boys completely naked."Well boys, you're going to have a little wrestling match, and the winner will be allowed to have an orgasm." I took their hands. "A few rules to remember. To win you have to get the other flat on his back three times. I paused. "The second rule is you must both keep your erections all the time. If one of your willies goes soft, you both get the cane!" I paused for effect. "This means that you'll have to help each other keep your willies nice and stiff, even when you're fighting!" I put them into the middle of the room and allowed them to start. It took a while for them to realise what was expected of them, then Alexi grabbed Robby and pulled him over onto the floor. Within a second he had Robby flat on his back. Turning around he began to rub Robby's penis until it was sticking up straight. Moving onto Robby's chest, I was surprised to see him stick his willy into Robby's mouth. For a few seconds Robby sucked hard , then, on my command, Alexi got up. I expected Alex to win again, but Robby tripped him up and fell on top of Alexi, pinning him to the floor. The third round was more interesting. Both boys started to grapple, then realising what was happening, began a furious minute of mutual masturbation. Robby saw his chance. Glancing at me and smiling in his sweet embarrassed way, he tugged Alexi's arm and somehow managed to trip him up again. I called Robby to me and declared him the winner. The spectacle of two naked little boys grappling with each other had of course been most exciting, and I felt a warm quiver of desire. Hitching up my skirt I ordered Alexi to get to work. I removed my blouse and ordered Robby to start sucking my nipples, my hand playing with his small erection as he did so. The feel of Alexi's stiff willy against my clit made me come almost immediately and I quickly ordered him to use his tongue to prolong the pleasure. I relaxed in the deep armchair for a few minutes, then smiled at Robby. My hand was still tickling his privates and his willy was rock hard. "Time for you to have your reward!" I said, grinning. Robby's rewardAlexi was standing meekly between my legs, awaiting my orders. I stood up and put him on the chair, making him crouch down on all fours with his bottom sticking out. Taking a large tube of lubricant I gently greased around his anus, pushing my finger in and out a few times."Come on Robby!" I called, gently pulling him forward, my hand gripping his erection. "Time for you to learn something." I positioned Robby behind Alexi and tapped Alexi's bottom until he'd lifted it to just the right height. Knowing how naïve Robby was I had to guide his penis to Alexi's anus myself. Pushing his bottom I made him stick his willy into Alexi as far as he could. For a minute, Robby seemed worried, but as the warm tight fit around his erection became apparent, he started to thrust himself in and out faster. Alexi, used to much larger penises violating his body, remained quiet, his concentration fixed on maintaining his position. My hand strayed to Robby's own little anus and my finger started to slowly enter. "You may have your orgasm whenever you like, Robby." I said, smiling at the rapturous look on his face. His small hands around Alexi's waist, he pushed in and out a few more times before stopping suddenly and shivering, a high pitched squeal leaving his lips. He stayed in until I tapped his buttocks and ordered him to pull out. His penis was completely limp, the tip wet with his young juice. Holding his willy between my fingers I sucked it greedily, tasting the delicious saltiness. After ordering them upstairs to wash, I went to the study to check my little collection of toys. I'd decided to introduce Robby to new experiences including having his little ass fucked, but I didn't want him to be unprepared. I ran my hand over the rubber butt-plugs on the top shelf, arranged in order of size, and selected the smallest. Tomorrow I would make him keep this in his anus the whole day. Fun at bedtimeBack in the living room I dressed the boys and sent them back to work. Later, during their bath I resolved to examine more closely just how much the young boys could ejaculate. While giving them their bedtime spankings I made sure to stimulate their tight anuses and, after a little lubrication, slipped my finger deep into their bottoms and caressed their prostates. Noticing with satisfaction how hard they both were, I proceeded to masturbate both of them simultaneously. They obeyed my instructions and kept their hands by their sides.Slowly rubbing their hot throbbing willies between two fingers, I teased Alexi behind his red glans and lightly tickled Robby's balls. Seeing their breathing quicken and their small testicles contract I urged them to "let everything spurt out!". Both boys seemed to freeze for a few seconds, then they sighed as their orgasms shook their bodies. A small stream of clear liquid ran from Robby's penis down into the palm of my hand. Alexi shot drops of his cum over my wrist. I watched in amazement as they spent themselves and waited until they had finished. I made a mental note to give their prostates more attention. As if emerging from a dream, they looked stunned at what they'd produced. Lifting my hands to my lips, I tasted the warm soft saltiness of their pre-adolescent cum, then ordered them both to lick what was left from my upturned hands. "Kneel down Alexi and suck Robby's willy until all his juice is out!" I ordered, smiling as Alexi obeyed and Robby squirmed. Orgasm over, his penis was now very sensitive and Alexi's mouth tickled him. After a minute, I ordered him up. I signalled to Robby to do exactly the same and Robby immediately knelt down and popped Alexi's soft willy in his mouth. From the look on his face, he seemed to enjoy sucking Alexi's cock as much as me. Without being told he clasped Alexi's buttocks and pulled him closer. Sitting back on the bed I allowed them to stay like that while I enjoyed the spectacle. Glancing down I suddenly saw with astonishment that Robby was erect again, the red tip of his penis pointing straight up. I was surprised that he could have an erection so soon after ejaculating but on turning my attention to Alexi, I saw that he too was fully erect, Robby's mouth barely managing to take it all in. I swiftly ordered Robby to stop, which he did rather reluctantly. Standing them both before me, I held two hot stiff penises in my hands for the second time that evening. "Well, well, my little boys want another orgasm do they?" I said, smiling at their anxious looks. "I can't remember giving you permission to have an erection and for that you'll both be punished, however since you're both hard I may as well make use of you!" With that I lay back on the edge of the bed and opened my legs. "Get to work Robby!" I ordered the confused boy. "Keep that willy hard and stick it right in until you spurt!" As Robby positioned himself between my legs, I ordered Alexi to crouch over my head on all fours while I moved his thighs until I could suck his half erect cock without straining my neck. I gripped his plump bottom and allowed my fingers to tickle his anus while moving him up and down. Opening my legs a little more to allow Robby's small penis more room to enter, I urged him to do what I'd allowed him to do to Alexi earlier. The combination of both little boys at each end made me come after only a minute but I continued for a while longer until I felt Alexi's buttocks squeeze together and his young cock pulsate fiercely in my mouth as he came. I lay, holding him on top of me, my tongue playing with his fast softening willy. A few seconds later I felt little Robby squeal and push himself further into me. He stood there a moment, as his little body shivered from his orgasm. Sitting up, I ordered both boys to go and wash their privates. When they returned, I was standing next to the bed, flexing a thin cane in my hands. "Your penises will NOT be stiff unless I order it!" I announced, smiling at their expressions and the way their hands instinctively went to their bottoms. "You both know the rules." I looked at Robby. "You first Robby, bend over and touch your toes!" A little too slowly for my liking he obeyed, his cute pert buttocks sticking up. I gave him three strokes, not too hard, but enough to start the tears flowing. Ordering him to put his nightgown on and get into bed, I made Alexi bend over and admired his plump bottom for a moment. I caned him a little harder but he hardly flinched. When he was in bed next to Robby, I sat down and kissed them both on the cheeks. My hand slipped down between the sheets and I felt their soft little willies. "I think they've had a hard day." I said, laughing. Fun in the morningThe events that night made me realise just what fun could be had with the two boys together. The next morning, after Robby's spanking, I probed deep into his bottom and spent five minutes stroking his small prostate gland. It felt like a small walnut and I noticed with interest how Robby stuck his bottom up higher as if begging for more. I ordered Robby to crouch on the edge of the bed, knees well apart and stick his bottom out. Lubricating his little anus with plenty of cream I drew the small vibrator from under the bed and slowly inserted it, stroking his hair with my other hand and reassuring him.Alexi stood watching, still naked. I switched it on and allowed Robby to get used to the strange sensation of having the 'tingly thing' inside him. As he relaxed I gently stroked his little scrotum, hanging down between his thighs. Glancing at Alexi I saw with amusement that he was starting to get an erection, possibly hoping that he might be next. "If you don't get that willy soft in one minute young man, it will be six of the best for you!" Alexi looked as though he was trying hard, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from what I was doing to Robby. "Do you like having this in your bottom Robby?" I asked, tickling the sides of his tight balls. "Yes Miss, it's so nice, thank you Miss!" he blurted out. I moved my hand a bit further and took his penis between my fingers. Robby flinched. "Please Miss, please Miss, please may I let it come out Miss?" he begged in a panic stricked voice. I smiled wickedly. "Not yet Robby, I want you to learn some self control!" I ordered him to raise himself up on his knees, his back to Alexi and moved my hand round to his front. "Now Robby, when I tell you I want you to hold it in till the last possible moment, then let it spurt out as far as you can. I saw Alexi walk to the end of the bed so he could see what was happening, and I was shocked to discover that he hadn't lost his erection as ordered. His full five inches [12½ cm] was sticking straight up. Robby's breathing was heavier, and I pushed the vibrator up as far as it could go, my left hand slowly masturbating him. Letting go of the vibrator, I drew light circles on his balls with my fingers. "Go on Robby, let it come!" I whispered. I don't think he could have waited any longer. There was a second of silence where he was clearly trying to hold it back, then his stiff little willy jerked and shot small drops of clear fluid right across the bed. I stopped rubbing and held his young cock firmly, forcing him to thrust himself in and out of my fingers to prolong his orgasm. I waited till he'd finished, then removed the vibrator and sent Robby to the bathroom to wash it, together with his own privates. I told Alexi to wipe up the spots of Robby's juice and then to get dressed. When Robby returned, I kissed him and toyed with his little prick, now quite soft. "Good boy Robby. You did very well. Later on I'm going to put something called a butt-plug in your bottom, and you'll have to keep it there for a while." I teased his foreskin as I talked. "I also think you and Alexi will have a little test occasionally, to see who can spurt the furthest." I paused. "Not too often though. It's such a waste of your delicious juice!" I dressed Robby and sent them down to breakfast. When they'd finished, I sent Robby back upstairs to clean the bathroom, and ordered Alexi straight to the study, ensuring that Robby knew why Alexi was going. "Alexi, your penis was erect without permission and you disobeyed a direct order to keep it soft. I intend to punish you severely. Go to the study, place the No. 7 cane on the table and get into position over the desk. Bare bottom of course!" I added. Robby's first butt-plugI laughed as Robby skipped upstairs, his hand feeling his buttocks as though in sympathy with Alexi. I followed Robby up the stairs and took him into my room. Slipping his shorts off, I made him bend over with his hands on his knees and lubricated him well."This will feel strange at first Robby, but it's for your own good." I picked up a smallish black butt-plug, greased the tip, and slowly pushed it up into his bottom. As the thickest part went in, he started to whimper. "Nearly there Robby," I said softly. I pushed in all the way and told him to stand up. "Now we have to make sure it doesn't come out, don't we." I said, buckling a wide soft belt tightly around his waist. I took two leather straps and attached them to the belt from behind, running them down between his buttocks, over the large head of the plug, between his legs, either side of his genitals and tying them firmly to the belt at the front. I pushed them a bit to see if they were tight enough, then slipped his shorts back on. "There we are Robby. It should stay in, but if you feel it coming out, run and tell me immediately, okay?" He looked up sweetly, a little bewildered. "Yes Miss." I pushed him towards the bathroom. "Right, get to work, and this afternoon, we'll see if your bottom can take a bigger one!" I left him and went down to the study. Alexi canedAlexi was waiting for me, shorts off, kneeling on the seat, his tummy pressed flat on the small school desk, his large bare bottom lifted up high ready for inspection and punishment. I ran my finger down between his buttocks, reminding him of why he was to be caned.Taking my time I examined his bottom carefully, allowing my finger to caress his small anus. Licking my finger I teased his hot little hole, then probed deep inside and stroked his prostate. Ordering him to move his knees a little further apart, I slid my hand between his thighs to check his willy was soft. The cane on my desk was longer and a little thicker than the no. 5 I'd used before. I felt it was too severe a cane to use on Robby, but I was interested to see how Alexi would take it. I positioned myself to one side and tapped his bum a few times with the cane to get a feel for it. He took the first two strokes with only a sharp intake of breath but the third landed in the same place as the second and he burst into tears, his bottom wobbling from side to side. I ordered him up and made him go and face the wall, hands on head for his 'cornertime'. After 15 minutes, I called him over to me and asked him if he understood why he was being punished. "Yes Miss." He answered, looking at the ground, a tear running down his cheek. Picking up the cane I put him back over his desk and waited for him to get comfortable and stick his bum up. I added another three red weals to his backside, which he took surprisingly well. The last stroke I aimed, as usual, at the lower part of his bottom. He screamed in pain and wriggled, but managed to hold his position. Putting the cane away, I led him over to my chair and sat down. "Well Alexi, I trust that you realise now that I will not tolerate little boys walking round with erections without permission!" I said, looking at him sternly. "Your penis belongs to me, and I will tell you when I want it hard, and when I want it soft!" The young boy looked at me, tears in his eyes. Without warning, he hugged me and buried his face between my breasts. Cradling his head I moved him so his mouth was over my nipple, then pulled down the top of my blouse. Gently slipping my hand between his plump thighs, I sat him on my lap and held his little willy as he started to suck. I was amazed to feel his penis start to stiffen. He raised his head and looked at me nervously, but I pushed his head back over my breast. "Okay Alexi, you can have an erection, but that's all!" I let my head fall back as his tongue played over my stiff nipple. "I want to save your hot little willy for tonight!" Quickly dressing him I explained his duties for the rest of the morning. Just before lunch I went to get them, both in the library, busy wiping each book individually. Standing them next to each other, I quickly slipped my hand down their shorts for a quick check. Pleasantly surprised at the progress they'd made, I sent them to wash their hands. After lunch I left Alexi to wash up and took Robby upstairs. Lowering his shorts, I loosened his straps and carefully pulled out his butt-plug. "Well young man, I do believe you can take a bigger one this afternoon." I said cheerfully. "Go to the bathroom and wash this one while I find another one for you!" On his return, I made him bend over while I examined his anus to ensure there was no damage. I stuck my finger in deeper and found his small prostate which I massaged for a while. Curious now, I orderd him to stand up straight and took his little willy in my other hand. As I prodded his prostate I masturbated him until he had an erection. Talking softly to reassure him I continued until I could see a large drop of his juice appear. Smiling, I slipped the tip of his penis in my mouth and sucked hard. I removed my hand and picked up the other butt-plug. "Let's get this in you!" I said, bending him over again. A few minutes later I sent him off to do some more work, laughing at the way he wriggled as his plump bottom got used to the butt-plug. Their class passed without incident, apart from having to reprimand Robby for his atrocious handwriting. In the afternoon I sent them both to the large greenhouse explaining how they had to sweep up, tidy the pots, clean the glass and take the rubbish to the compost heap. Realising that I'd forgotten all about their midday spanking, I went to check up on them an hour later, taking the paddle with me. Both boys were completely filthy, a thin layer of earth covering their t-shirts. Reminding them about their spanking I ordered Alexi to touch his toes and gave him ten slaps with the paddle, just hard enough to make him yelp. Turning my attention to Robby I noticed that he was standing in a strange position and had tears in his eyes. "What's the matter Robby?" I asked, tousling his hair. "I'm not going to spank you very hard, just enough to make you remember how to behave." He looked down. "Please miss, it's the straps. They're hurting me so much." he said miserably, looking at me anxiously. Quickly I slipped his shorts down. The straps holding in his butt-plug were digging into his thighs. They'd caused nasty looking red marks and were clearly extremely painful. "Oh Robby, I'm so sorry!" I said, stroking his hair, then kissing his tear-stained cheek. "You should have told me much earlier that it was hurting you!" I untied them and checked the butt-plug. "I think it will stay in without them Robby." I said, wiping his eyes. "If you feel it coming out, push it back in, then come and tell me!" I looked at the red marks around his waist caused by the chaffing of the straps. "I think I'll let you off your midday spanking today. You've obviously suffered enough." I knelt down and pulled his shorts back up. "Finish tidying the pots, then go straight to the bathroom for a shower." Milking the boysThirty minutes later I heard them come in and followed them upstairs. I removed their filthy clothes and put the boys in the bath telling them to wash well while I held the shower over them. Turning Robby round I removed the butt-plug and gave it him to wash."I think we'll give this a rest for a day or two" I said. I turned my attention to their genitals. "Since you're not allowed to touch your own privates, I want you to wash each others. You first Robby!" Robby took Alexis penis in his hand and rubbed it gently with soapy hands. I smiled. Alexi clearly enjoyed it. Next I instructed Alexi in pulling back Robby's foreskin prior to washing it. Robby flinched slightly then giggled as he felt Alexi's hands massaging his stiffening willy. They knew I didn't mind a slight erection in the bath but I wanted them to learn self-control. "Robby!" I said warningly. "Get it down now!" His willy stopped lengthening and started to soften. Drying them both with a huge soft towel I led them into the bedroom. They looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to give them some clothes, but I sat down on a low chair and stood them both in front of me. "I want to try a little experiment now boys." I said, reaching out and taking their small penises and testicles in my hands. "I'm going to milk your prostates to see just how much juice you have." I laughed at their innocent puzzled faces. "Alexi, you're allowed to have an erection but no orgasm-yet!" I added. "Robby, I want to keep your penis nice and soft." I was curious to see if an erection was necessary for milking. Lubricating my finger I pulled Alexi between my legs. Feeling between his buttocks I pushed it up into his rectum until I felt his small prostate. Pressing a little harder than before I started to prod and massage it, my other hand squeezing his willy until it stuck up straight. Glancing at Robby, I saw that he was also getting an erection. "Robby!" I said warningly. "Just wait till I've finished with Alexi and I'll examine you too. I want your willy soft-now!!" By this time I could see a large drop of pre-adolescent semen oozing from Alexi's penis. Lowering my head I quickly licked it off his small willy and tasted it. As my finger rubbed his little prostate I watched in amazement as a stream of clear semen oozed from his young throbbing willy. I took another taste then looked at Robby who was watching me open mouthed. "Come and have a taste Robby!" I said, giving him a quick tickle under his scrotum. Alexi can taste yours in a minute. Robby bent down and sucked greedily on the end of Alexi's erect penis. Alexi was looking on in amazement, clearly confused by what was happening. I massaged his prostate harder and was rewarded by another stream of delicious juice which I lapped up. Seeing that he was spent, I removed my finger from his bottom and pulled Robby to me. "It's your turn now Robby," I said, running my hand up between his legs. "Shall I milk you like Alexi?" He turned to face me, his willy standing up only inches from my mouth. "Yes please Miss." He answered looking worried. "Robby," I said quietly. "I told you to keep your penis down!" I looked at his little erection. "If you can't obey a simple order perhaps a visit to the study will help!" The thought of having his bottom caned again seemed to do the trick. His willy softened and shrank until it was only an inch [2½ cm] long. Pulling him closer, I tickled him between his buttocks, then pushed my finger into his tight anus and started playing with his little prostate. After only a few seconds I was rewarded with the sight of a large drop of preteen semen appearing on the tip of his penis. Deftly, I took him into my mouth and teased him with my tongue. He giggled as I ran my tongue around his small glans. Holding his willy in the palm of my hand I examined how after poking his prostate hard and milking his tiny penis, a thin stream of semen would appear. Despite my warning to Robby, he started to stiffen again. Ordering Alexi to kneel by my side I allowed him to lick the sticky fluid from my hand. Seeing that Robby had seemingly 'dried up' I kissed his willy and let him go. I looked at the two little boys. Alexi still had an erection and was looking at me expectantly. I ordered him to get it soft immediately and licked my lips. "I think that I have to milk you more often from now." I paused and looked at them sternly. "Since I can get your juice without you needing to have an orgasm, I don't see any reason why you should have one from now on!" They looked at me a little confused and I laughed. I turned to Robby, his willy now sticking up almost vertical. He saw the look in my eyes. "Please Miss," he said nervously. "Please I didn't want it to go hard Miss, but when you rubbed me in my bottom Miss it made it go up all on its own." He looked at me imploringly. "Please, I'm sorry Miss. "He looked at the floor. I took his throbbing cock in my hand and squeezed it. "But I'm not rubbing your bottom now am I Robby!" I said sternly. I didn't want to punish him unecessarily but I knew that to accept anything but total obedience would send the wrong signal. I let go of him and pointed to the door. "No need to dress Robby. Go straight to the study and get into position! Now!" I added as he started to cry. He ran naked from the room and I heard him sobbing as he descended the stairs. I instructed Alexi to get dressed and clean the rooms upstairs, then went down to deal with Robby. Twenty minutes later I returned with a very sore and unhappy little boy. I called Alexi and showed him the four red stripes emblazoned across Robby's chubby backside. I got him dressed again and looked at my watch. It was only 4pm. "Right boys, I want you to clean all the rooms before tea and if you've done well, I may let you watch some cartoons on the television." I gave the front of their shorts a quick rub. "I'll be checking up on you and if I find that your willies are even a little bit stiff, you'll get six strokes!" I looked at Robby, his eyes still red. "You have to learn how to control your penises. They will be erect only when I say!" As I left the room I turned. "After your bath tonight I'm going to milk you both again." I licked my lips. Commercial breakThey worked hard and after tea I allowed them to sit either side me on the couch and watch television. I put my arms round them and pulled them close to me. Letting my hands fall down in their laps I opened their legs a little wider so I could stroke their bulges. Alexi barely seemed to notice but Robby tensed slightly as he fought hard to ensure that his willy stayed still.The commercials started and I stood them up and removed their shorts. As we watched the next cartoon I played with their little balls, noticing how Robby shivered everytime I stroked the sides of his scrotum. He was trying very hard to control himself, helped no doubt by the four weals on his bottom. Breathing faster now, I lifted him over and knelt him down on the floor between my legs. I hitched my skirt up and draped it over him, covering most of his body. I patted his head gently. "Okay Robby, get that little tongue of yours busy!" I ordered, lying back contentedly. I pulled up my blouse and stroked Alexi's cheek. "Come on little boy. You know what I like." I briefly felt Alexi's willy. "Remember boys, if I see your willies start to stick up, it's the cane!" I opened my mouth in a silent moan as I felt Robby's tongue dance over my clitoris. Ten minutes and several orgasms later I allowed Robby to lick my wet pussy for a while before ordering him up. His face was red from being stuck for so long in my crotch and was wet from my own juices. I checked that their willies were soft and sent Robby to wash his face. "Good boys!" I said smiling. We saw a bit more television, then I sent them upstairs to run the bath. Milked againBathtime over I stood them once again in front of me as I sat on the edge of the bed, a small paddle beside me. As usual, the sight of both of them naked together sent shivers down to my crotch."I want to continue my little experiment now boys." I ordered Alexi to stand in the corner, facing the wall while I gently pulled Robby over my lap. I adjusted my position so he was half on the bed. This allowed my left hand to play with his small privates in comfort while my right hand had access to his bottom. I stroked his buttocks while I talked. "Okay Robby, I'm going to try and milk you again and your willy must not move!" I picked up the paddle and tapped his bottom with it. "If I feel it getting stiff, I'll smack your bottom with this until it goes soft again. Understand?" He turned his head slightly, resting on the bed and gazed at me with his big innocent eyes. "Yes Miss". He replied rather nervously. Parting his buttocks I started to caress him around his anus, while slowly 'milking' his small soft penis. Not an easy job, since it was only about one inch [2½ cm] long. After a minute or so, I slid my finger down into his tight little hole and sought his prostate. As I massaged it I felt his penis stiffen slightly. I removed my finger and started to slap his backside with the paddle, gently at first, until I felt his penis soften. I continued massaging his prostate for another five minutes and was disappointed to feel only a small drop of his young juice in my palm. I sighed. "Right young man, I'm going to allow you to have an erection. I want to see if it makes a difference when I'm milking you." With my left hand, I tickled his little balls for a few seconds before rubbing his willy. I felt it stiffen and started probing his prostate again. I smiled as he clenched his buttocks, clearly enjoying the attention. His penis was now rock hard and I felt his juices ooze out into my hand. I grinned. It was clear that the boys needed to have an erection to be milked effectively. I tasted his delicious milk then allowed him to lick my hand clean. "Good boy Robby." I said pulling my finger out and patting his bottom. "You can get up now." Robby stood up and I saw with some amusement that his penis was still fully erect, a drop of juice on the tip. Lowering my head I took his small willy in my mouth and sucked hard. I heard him gasp and felt his penis jerk. He was obviously very close to orgasm. Letting him go I looked at him sternly. "Robby, I have finished milking you. You will now get that willy soft again-this instant!" I was determined to keep strict discipline. The look on his face was one of disappointment, but he obeyed as fast as he could, obviously remembering his earlier caning. I called Alexi over and sent Robby to take his place in the corner. Positioning Alexi over my knee I smiled as I felt his willy. Even when soft, it was a few inches longer than Robby's and much easier to milk. As with Robby, massaging his prostate produced only a few drops. I allowed him to have an erection and spent a while playing with him coaxing his penis to full arousal. A stream of liquid ran into the palm of my hand and I heard Alexi grunt with pleasure as I pressed his prostate harder. He had produced more than Robby and I lapped it up, allowing Alexi a taste. As with Robby, he looked rather downcast at not being allowed to orgasm. They had obviously got used to the sensation and expected it every day. This was how I wanted it, both boys filled with sexual tension. I dressed both of them in their nightgowns and put them to bed, kissing them tenderly and giving their willies a quick squeeze. "Go straight to sleep now boys!" I said, smiling, my hand caressing Alexi's little balls. "I want to milk you both as soon as you wake up!" I switched off the light and went downstairs. Nice way to start the dayThe next morning, I woke up with Alexi's arm draped over me and Robby half out of bed. I yawned and thought about my plans. I'd decided to stop the morning and midday spankings, finding them unecessary and rather cruel. I did however intend to be stricter with them during the day. Since I was fairly happy with their hygiene I resolved to carry out surprise inspections a few times per week rather than every day. As I planned the day, I felt Alexi start to wake up. A quick feel between his legs told me that he had the standard early morning erection, typical of most males. Stroking his penis, I helped him to wake up. He opened his eyes and smiled cheekily."Time for my breakfast-don't you think Alexi?" I asked, tapping his thigh. "Take off your nightgown and kneel over my head." Rubbing his eyes, he obeyed but I had to prop my head up on a few pillows to find the best position. With Alexi's hands on the headboard, my mouth was just touching his stiff penis, his expression showing his desperation for some attention. Taking it in my mouth I held his large bottom with both hands, playing with his hot little anus. I inserted my finger and prodded his prostate, my tongue massaging the area behing his glans. Almost immediately I felt the warm saltiness of his juice and I popped his penis out of my mouth for a while to see how much was coming. A few minutes later and he was empty, though his penis still rock hard. Giving his throbbing willy a quick kiss, I sent him off to wash, reminding him to get it soft before he came back. Robby had been watching and now he straddled me in the same way. As I sucked his little cock I could see he was very close to orgasm. Although less experienced than Alexi, he was obviously in much greater need of release. He looked at me in desperation as I sucked the sweet juice from deep within him. I felt a twinge of pity but I wanted not only to establish strict discipline, but also to profit from his heightened sexual tension. I ceased milking him and held his hot throbbing penis in my hand, my tongue tasting a small drop of his precum that had just appeared. "Do you want to have an orgasm Robby?" I asked, moving my other hand round to his small balls. I saw him gasp as my fingers stroked the back of his tight scrotum. "Yes please Miss, if you please Miss." he replied, his voice shaking. He moved his hips forward and thrust his hard erection into my mouth. Outraged, I slapped his leg and ordered him off the bed. Robby looked shocked and then realised what he'd done. He burst into tears and I saw his penis soften with lightning speed. Burying his face in his hands he blurted out apologies and pleas for mercy. Although by rights he deserved severe chastisement, I was in no mood to cane him. I pulled him to me and patted his bare bottom. "Yes Robby, I know what you deserve, but I'm going to be very kind and give you another chance." He looked up, his eyes sparkling with tears. "Go and wash. I'll put your clothes here on the bed." Five minutes late, both boys entered the kitchen clad in extremely tight blue shorts and white t-shirts. I fed them, then watched as they washed up and tidied the kitchen, captivated by the way their stretchy shorts disappeared deep into the crack between their buttocks and outlined their privates so provocatively at the front. Back to workBefore sending them off to work, I explained about my decision to suspend the morning and midday spankings."I will however be much stricter with you from now on. I will not tolerate any laziness or hesitation in obeying orders, no matter what they are." I looked at Robby and smiled. "Since you both know what your duties are I don't expect to have to remind you about the high standards I demand. Any lowering of those standards will result in immediate corporal punishment!" I rubbed their little bulges with the back of my hand and sent them off. One hour later I went along to the dining room to see what progress they'd made. The boys had vacuumed and dusted the room quite well but on looking closer I saw that they had not vacuumed under the chairs. "Alexi, run along to the study and bring me the small red paddle!" I ordered quietly. Alexi skipped out of the room while Robby looked at me anxiously. "Bend over Robby!" I said, pointing just in front of me. Robby fidgeted but did as I had told. "Please Miss," he mumbled, grasping his ankles as I'd shown him before. "Please Miss, I did the dusting. Alexi did the hoovering Miss." I silenced him. Alexi returned and handed me the paddle. "Alexi, bend over next to Robby!" I commanded. The young boy obeyed and I was faced with the beautiful sight of two young plump bottoms, buttocks clearly outlined by the thin stretchy material of their blue shorts. "Now boys, as I said before, I won't tolerate sloppy work. I'm not interested in who's to blame. You share responsibility for your work and therefore you will both be punished." I slid my hands round Robby's waist and lowered his shorts to his ankles. "Normally in these cases the paddle will be applied over your shorts, but Robby will have it on his bare bottom for talking." I positioned myself and rested the paddle on Alexi's large backside. I gave them six swats each, three on each buttock. Alexi made hardly a sound but Robby burst into tears after the first swat. Knowing how sensitive he was I think this was due to the indignity of his shorts being pulled down rather than the pain. I pulled his shorts back up and sent them back to work straight away. "I don't want to waste any more time." I said sternly. In the gymOutside the rain was falling. I had planned to send the boys outside for some exercise but that was quite out of the question now. Calling them to me, I led them downstairs to my large gymnasium. They'd only seen it once during their tour of the house and I hadn't used it myself for a long time. I soon got them jumping and rolling on the mats, as well as running on the jogging machine and lifting a few weights.It soon became apparent that their tight shorts were not suitable for strenuous exercise and I ordered them off, though leaving their t-shirts. While Alexi was on the jogging machine, I sat Robby on the inner thigh machine, lifted his legs up and put his ankles through the straps. A series of weights held his legs wide apart and he sat on a thin padded seat that had just enough room for his bottom, his privates hanging over the edge. "Come on Robby" I said, making sure he was comfortable. "You have to bring your legs together ten times. Then I make it a bit more difficult." I smiled and tickled his thigh, my finger teasing his small penis. "This is for making you fit. If it starts to hurt, you must stop and tell me immediately!" Within seconds he was closing and opening his legs, a typical little boy trying to show off. As he continued, I added a few weights until he was forced to work much harder. Not wishing him to strain his muscles, I stopped him, though leaving his legs attached to the straps. He sat there on the small padded seat, his legs held wide apart. Slowly I stroked his thighs, praising him for being such a strong little boy. I was anxious to see if he had strained his genitals so I held his little balls in my hand while asking if he felt any pain. As he relaxed, I kept my hand there, gently caressing his testicles, explaining that I had to massage them to ease his circulation. My fingers found his cute little penis and massaged that too. For a while he relaxed but as I felt his willy stiffening he sat up straighter and looked nervous. "Okay Robby," I said softly. "I'll allow you to have a stiff willy for a while. You deserve it." He looked at me in gratitude and his willy was soon fully erect. A small drop of precum appeared and I rubbed it over his glans. For a boy not even in puberty, he seemed incredibly aroused. I smiled to myself as an idea entered my head. Why not get the boys to exercise with their penises erect? I removed some of the weights from the machine, gave Robby's quivering erection a quick squeeze and stood up. "I want you to continue your exercises for a while but keeping your willy as stiff as possible" I explained. "If it's still sticking up in fifteen minutes, I may reward you!" I said, giving him a smile and looking at his willy. Over on the jogging machine, Alexi had run almost one mile. I slowed the machine down a little and leant on the side watching his plump buttocks wiggle as he ran. I stopped the machine and allowed him to rest. "Good boy Alexi," I said, slipping my hand between his legs. I held his limp penis gently and started to stroke him just behind the glans knowing exactly the effect it would have. "I want your penis nice and stiff while you do your exercises." I felt it grow in my hand. I almost laughed. He looked so funny standing on the jogging machine with his hard penis sticking up. I let go and started the machine. "Five more minutes, then you change places with Robby." I watched him run for a while and went to check on Robby. He'd stopped his exercises and was sitting there his legs wide open, willy sticking up. "Please Miss, I had to stop Miss." He explained sweetly, watching my face anxiously for any sign of displeasure. "My legs were starting to hurt Miss." I knelt down between his legs and toyed with his hard willy. "That's okay Robby," I said kindly. "You've done quite enough on this machine today." On impulse I opened my mouth and took in his quivering hot erection. Robby gasped as I sucked hard. Quickily, I slipped one hand under his bottom, the other hand holding his tight little scrotum. Without being told, he briefly moved his backside allowing my access to his bumhole. I ran my finger over it a few times making him shiver. His legs were still held wide apart and I felt his buttock and thigh muscles contract as he instinctively tried to close his legs. Pushing my finger deep inside his I felt his hard prostate and started prodding it. With my other hand I tickled the sides of his balls. Robby squirmed obviously close to orgasm and looked at me in panic and desperation. "P 3; please Miss. Can I 3; oh please Miss 3; Please can I let it come Miss?" His high pitched voice grew higher still as he approached the point of no return, yet conscious of what would happen if he came without permission. I pushed my finger even deeper inside his anus and opened my mouth keeping his cock between my lips 3; "Yes Robby darling, you may let everything out now!" I held his penis hard in my mouth rubbing it all over with my tongue. He squealed as the orgasm wracked his body. His buttocks clenched and I tasted his delicious immature juice running over my tongue. I was surprised at how long his orgasm lasted, possibly helped by my massaging his prostate. I kept sucking his willy until I felt it start to soften. Another idea entered my head. Keeping my hands exactly where they were, I looked at him sternly. "I'm going to see Alexi now and when I come back I want your willy hard again!" I removed my hands and smelt them with great pleasure. Alexi was running at a fairly slow pace, his penis still erect. He'd heard the sounds of Robby's orgasm and was clearly anticipating similar treatment. I stood him facing me, his hands on the bar. His prick was bigger than Robby's and I took my time in sucking and exploring it with my tongue. Sticking my finger up his hot anus I played with his prostate until the juice started to flow. Alexi was desperate for relief but being more disciplined than Robby he seemed more capable of controlling himself. "Okay Alexi," I said quickly. "Spurt everything in my mouth!" His legs quivered as he had his orgasm and I heard him uttering little moans of delight as his body shook. I licked my lips and smiled. This was turning into a very enjoyable session indeed. Standing up, I led him to where Robby was sitting. "Come on boys, change over!" I glanced down. Robby's little willy was at half mast. "Get it up Robby, you heard what I said!" Strapping Alexi into the inner thigh machine and giving his balls a gentle squeeze, I took Robby over to the jogging machine. "Start running Robby, and keep your willy stiff!" I ordered. Setting the machine to a fairly brisk trotting speed, I checked on Alexi. He was working hard, opening and closing his legs faster than Robby had managed. His penis was still soft, glistening in the fluorescent light. "Get that willy up Alexi!" I said sharply. "I want it ready for milking again in a few minutes!" I added a few more weights, warning him not to continue if he felt any pain. Robby was running slower now. I quickly stopped the machine. "What's wrong Robby?" I asked, stroking his buttocks. He looked at me in dismay. "Please Miss, my legs feel wobbly. I try to run fast but they feel tired Miss." I considered the matter for a few seconds. I knew Robby well by now. He was a lovely boy, but was a bit of an actor. "Well you had quite a long rest Robby and a boy of your age should be able to run a little bit without complaining." I paused and looked at his small willy. "I thought I told you keep your willy up!" I asked, starting to feel irritated. Robby looked worried. "Sorry Miss, I will try harder Miss." I took him gently by the arm. Looking around I'd only just realised that there were no instruments of correction down here. "Robby, I've only just seen that I haven't any paddles or canes in the gym. Go to the study and bring one of the thin yellow junior canes and a small red paddle down here!" I patted his bottom and pushed him towards the door. A few minutes later he returned, holding the implements at arms length. I put the paddle on a shelf and flexed the cane between my hands "Do you think you can run now Robby, or should I give you something to wake you up?" I asked, hiding my smile. "I 3; I 3; I think my legs are feeling better now Miss" he replied, flinching as I flicked the cane through the air. "Good boy! Well better get running then." I said, pushing him back onto the jogging machine. "Oh, and do get that willy hard again Robby" I teased his penis as he ran, trying to help him. It stiffened slightly but then softened again. I sighed and increased the speed of the machine. "You keep running now until I tell you to stop!" I said loudly. "If you haven't got an erection when I return you know what will happen!" I hung the cane over the rail and walked over to Alexi. The boy was sweating profusely as he opened and closed his legs. I ordered him to rest and smiled. With his legs held far apart his erect penis looked quite funny. "Ready to be milked again Alexi?" I asked, stroking his throbbing little glans. His willy stuck up more. "Y 3; yes please Miss," he replied timidly. Leaning him back a little, I did what I'd done with Robby and was soon massaging his prostate and teasing his hot willy with my tongue. His breathing grew faster and I took the whole five inches [12½ cm] in my mouth and sucked hard. I heard a little groan and felt his legs shake as he had his orgasm. I licked the salty juice still emerging from his rapidly shrinking willy and looked at him sternly. "Alexi, did I give you permission to have an orgasm?" He looked down. "No Miss." He said quietly. "Please, I 3; I'm sorry Miss" Normally so obedient, he was obviously as surprised as me. "You know very well I have to cane you for this, don't you Alexi." He looked at me sweetly. "Yes Miss, sorry Miss." I knelt down again and tickled his balls. "We haven't finished our little game yet, have we?" I said, grinning. "I want to see just how long you and Robby can keep these little things stiff, and how many times I can make you spurt!" I pointed to a foam mat. "Go and start working there. I want ten press-ups, ten sit ups followed by twenty touching toes and twenty knee bends. When you finish, you start again and keep going till I tell you to stop. Understand?" "Yes, Miss." He replied getting started. "And I want that willy stiff as well!" I added, turning to see how Robby was doing. Robby looked exhausted and on the verge of tears. I stopped the jogging machine and wiped the sweat from above his eyes. "Oh Robby!" I said, laughing. "You're not very fit are you!" Looking down I saw his willy was completely soft. He looked down too and started to cry. I realised that I couldn't very well blame him for his unfit state and I really didn't want to punish him, but I knew it would be bad for discipline if I didn't do as I'd said. "Robby," I said, stroking his hair. "Robby, I know you've tried hard and it's not your fault that you're so tired, but the fact is that you have disobeyed me. Your willy is not even a little bit stiff." I took his small willy between my fingers. "I want you to try and get it up again- come on Robby-try!" Robby looked down through tear stained eyes and seemed to be trying hard but it was no use. I put my hand on his shoulder and pushed him gently to the middle of the room. "Robby, I'm going to give you one stroke with the cane for not obeying me. Then you're going to stand in the corner for ten minutes and think about your attitude. If your willy is still not sticking up I'm afraid you'll be joining Alexi in the study later-and I won't be using a light cane like this one!" I ordered the sobbing boy to bend over and as usual, felt a frisson of excitement at the sight of his lovely chubby bottom wobbling in anticipation. The redness from his paddling earlier had disappeared but there were still a few faint lines from his previous canings. I swished the thin cane through the air a few times. "Keep still Robby!" I ordered, tapping the cane on his thigh. Taking aim, I lashed it down hard right in the centre of his twitching buttocks. There was an ear splitting 'crack' followed by a howl of pain. I saw with satisfaction the long thin red line spanning both buttocks. "I don't know why you're making such a fuss Robby," I said, patting him and allowing him to stand. "You know very well that was a very light cane I used." I pushed him into the corner and went to see Alexi. I was starting to tire of the game and wanted to get the boys washed and ready for dinner. Apart from that I had needs of my own that hadn't yet been satisfied. When I saw Alexi's willy standing up straight, I laughed. "You really are a little stallion aren't you!" I said, helping him up. "I just have to see how little Robby's doing, then we can finish and go upstairs". Ordering Robby to turn around, I was delighted to see his little penis standing to attention. I didn't want to have to beat him again. "Okay Robby, we'll call it a day now." I said, opening the door. "Go straight to the shower!" I suddenly remembered about Alexi and placed my hand on his shoulder. "As for you young man, when I come to the study in five minutes, I want to see only two things: the number five cane on the table and your big bottom sticking up ready for me! You know why. Go!" At last!Their dinner that night was rather hurried. I grinned at Alexi's fidgeting and told him to sit still. The chairs were hard and the six red weals I'd placed at the top of his legs were still very sore. As I was finishing the phone rang. When I returned to the kitchen, the boys were washing up, Robby on a chair in front of the sink washing the dishes and Alexi drying them. I looked at them both, sat down and called them over, standing them in front of me. My fingers absent mindedly played with their cute little penises, Robby's small testicles contracting as one finger stroked his sensitive spot."Alexi. I just had a phone call from your mistress." The boy turned white and looked down, tears already forming. I wiped his eyes and smiled. "She's just found a new boy and wants to know if I'd like to keep you. I said I would!" It took a while for this to sink in. Alexi gazed at me as if I was playing a nasty joke on him, then suddenly flung his arms around me and buried his face between my breasts, sobbing loudly. I kissed him and held him tightly for a few minutes. Seeing Robby looking confused, I hugged him too. "Oh my two lovely little boys. What on earth are we going to do?" I looked down and grinned. Alexi had an erection. "Well Robby, don't you want to show me how pleased you are as well?" I asked jokingly as I showed him Alexi's willy. I tickled the back of Robby's little balls and laughed as his willy started to stiffen. Looking at my two little slaveboys I was gripped by a feeling of pure lust. I wanted to taste their juice, to explore their young bodies, to have their little hands all over me, their hard willies straining for release, their plump bottoms waiting to be spanked and their tongues deep inside me. I stood up and took their hands. "Come on boys. Time for bed!"
The End |