PZA Boy Stories

Mich Boyle

Boys' Detention Centre


Twelve year old, blonde and perfect, Shane Byrne is sentenced to three years in a boys prison but is held in a women's prison for his first night whilst awaiting transport to the boys' facility. He finds himself at the mercy of three sex starved female pedophile inmates whose wildest fantasies have just been realized. On transfer to the boys' detention center he finds that the female wardens are just as keen to have there way with the cutest boys in the prison 3;
Publ. 2005 (1) and 2008 (2) (Storiesonline); this site Dec 2008
Finished 9,750 words (19½ pages)


Shane (12yo), several female inmates and wardens (26-46yo)

Category & Story codes

Woman-Boy story
Fb bbFdom reluc piv mast oral – first spank


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about women having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

This story is another by Mich Boyle dealing with the subject of Woman/boy love. All comments and suggestions and criticisms are welcome. I invite all readers with an interest in this subject to write to me at mich_boyle(at)hotmail(dot)com) or through this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.

Shane Byrne looked frightened as he said goodbye to his parents and was taken away to commence a three year sentence in a youth prison. His Mother cried and his father told him to be strong and that he would not cease his efforts to get him an early parole. At just 12 Shane could have been a boy model, so perfect were his innocent blonde features and slim almost frail 100lb [45 kg] body, with narrow hips and proportional shoulders. He had big blue eyes, which now swelled with just a glimmer of a tear. With high cheekbones and baby soft skin he could have been a choirboy or a perfect pageboy.

He was processed at the police station and then informed that he would spend his first night in a nearby women's prison – safer for him than a male prison. The transport to the Boys detention center, some 100 miles [150 km] out of the city, would only leave in the morning.

He had taken his Dad's car for a youthful joyride ride on that fateful Friday night a few months before and had tried to run when the police car spotted him – That's what they do on TV all the time, he had thought – but his inexperience had caused him to lose control and the car had careered into an exclusive Car show room causing an estimated $ 200,000 damage to Luxury cars and nearly killing a few people on the sidewalk. Three people including an old lady of 78 had been hospitalized. It was just a boyish joy ride but it had gone very wrong and the Judge had not had any sympathy for him. His previous conviction and a fine for minor shoplifting had been considered and before he knew it, he had been sentenced to three years in a Boy's prison. He knew that he wasn't a bad boy and his father had pledged that he would do everything to help him but all his legal appeals had been lost and he had reported to commence his sentence that afternoon.

In a scene reminiscent of a scene in the movie The Client young Shane was escorted to his single cell for his night in the women's prison. He was taken by surprise when the women prisoners spotted him and started whistling and screaming at the unusual sight of a beautiful jeans clad boy being escorted past their own cells. Some shouted for the Wardens to let them at him or to let him stay with them for the night. "Bring him here" "Fresh meat" and "boy cherry" echoed down the cement hallway as more and more of the sex starved women prisoners joined in the rumpus. Shane was taken to his cell and locked up for the night.

His arrival had not gone unnoticed by Lilly, Sharon and Donna who shared a cell and had nearly feinted at the sight of the beautiful boy being purposely paraded past their cell by Warden Alison Field who remarked to them that he was just the age that they no doubt enjoyed. Lilly, Sharon and Donna were all in prison for sex with underage males. During their long evenings in the cell they would tell each other of their exploits and fantasies involving boys and of course given the absence of young males they would turn to each other for warm wet comfort late in the night. They were the only prisoners in for child sex related charges and the prison authorities felt it safer to keep them together in the same cell for fear of repercussions from the other inmates some of whom would harm anyone convicted of child abuse. Lilly had not even seen boy for almost two years and could hardly believe her eyes. Needless to say her old lusts for young perfect flesh returned instantly and she had felt her moistness rising. Donna had screamed with the other women and then looked at Lilly and said confidently, "We're going to have that fresh meat tonight."

Warden Alison Field was not above taking the odd bribe for providing special services to the female prisoners – Usually smuggling in a bottle of Brandy or some marijuana or even just some decent outside food or other small luxury, on occasion. On her return from locking Shane up, Donna summoned her, to the cell occupied by the three women. An ex-teacher of about 40, Donna had been convicted for multiple sex acts with elementary school boys and was serving a 5 to 10 year sentence for her crimes.

Her question to the Warden was frank and left no doubt of what she meant. "How much," she enquired simply nodding in the direction of Shane's cell.

Warden Alison had no clue as to what may be an appropriate bribe for what was being asked of her – she stared at Donna waiting for an offer.

"Ok $200 for the whole night," offered Donna half expecting to be flatly refused or bargained up. A supervised phone call later and $200 had electronically been transferred to the Wardens bank account – in return she promised delivery of the boy much later in the night to the three women who could not believe their luck in what they had conspired to buy.

Shane fell asleep on his first night in Prison, half crying and half aroused thinking about the reaction of the women prisoners shouting as he had been taken to his cell. Did they really want to do stuff with him? – A mere boy – would they if they could? His question to himself was about to be answered as he drifted of to an uneasy sleep.

Later that night Warden Alison quietly entered Shane's cell and looked down on the sleeping boy, before waking him gently and instructing him to come with her. Shane scrambled out of bed, naked but for his tiny blue briefs, eager to please and obey. He pulled on his jeans, sneakers and t-shirt and followed the warden.

The three women waited in anticipation of what may be, hoping that the Warden would deliver on the deal. They wore just panties and a t-shirt – their usual sleep attire. None of them had been near a boy for a long time and they waited in pent up excitement as they eventually heard the approaching footsteps and sound of their cell door opening and then the boy was delivered to them as agreed.

"I'll fetch him just before wake up call," Alison told them and then she was gone.

Donna took his arm and said, "You are ours tonight boy – if you scream we will hurt you badly – got it."

Shane drew back instinctively in the dim lighting of the cell but Donna simply pulled him towards her and held him close for a few seconds, feeling her excitement rise at the feel of soft boy flesh against her body. She moved her lips to his and forced her tongue inside his mouth tasting the sweet taste of boy lips for the first time in years. Then she started pulling off his white t-shirt. Lilly and Alison took the cue and moved closer. The women's feeding frenzy was about to begin. Desperate boy hungry hands stroked his torso and jeans clad legs. Fingers squeezed his cock now in rapid movements intended to bring on his erection before moving to his top button and zipper. Shane felt the women's hands all over his body and on his virgin cock and he began to enjoy the new feelings in his virgin body. He felt his zipper being pulled down against his hardening cock and he felt his jeans being lowered over his slim hips and then down over his smooth hairless legs. Other hands removed his sneakers and within moments he was naked in the clutches of the three convicted female pedophiles.

They laid the boy down on the lower bunk bed and spent a long time, simply stroking, caressing and taking turns to masturbate the boy prisoner in their cell. Lips took turns to kiss him. Hands fondled his 4-inch [10 cm] boy cock. Other hands stroked his smooth legs and chest. Shane lay back and enjoyed the feelings knowing that there was nothing he could do about it. Although he was enjoying everything there was no mistaking the fact that he was totally in the control of these women and was effectively being raped by them.

Sometimes they were even a little rough with him forcing his body one way or another. One time when he flinched at Lilly pulling at his nipples he was roughly turned over and given a hard spanking on his butt. The women seemed to enjoy that too.

One by one the women undressed too as they mauled at the boy. Shane even felt his hand being guided to a furry pussy and he was told to insert a finger. He felt warmth and wetness as Donna literally masturbated herself to orgasm using his hand. Other hands also constantly frigged his cock and it wasn't long before he felt his own intense boy climax rising inside his steel hard boy cock and then exploding onto his tummy but also spraying over hands and other bodies pressing against him. His orgasm spurred the women on even more as they licked his boy cum off him and also masturbated themselves and each other to an explosive group orgasm, girl cum and wetness saturating all their fingers now.

Donna lay close to the boy now resting momentarily after her explosive orgasm had turned her legs to jelly. 40-year-old experienced hands continued to caress the 12-year-old boy. Finally after some time she pulled him on top – 100 lbs [45 kg] of boy flesh on her again after all those years. Her hand found his still solid boy cock and guided it into her moist river feeling only the sensation of smooth beautiful boy against her wanting body and the steel of pre teen cock buried deep within her pussy now. Shane felt his cock being guided into wetness and gripped by pussy muscles. He knew that this was the real thing – the secret sex thing that he had wanted for some time now. She fucked the boy until he caught the rhythm of the movement and began to thrust in and out of her throbbing wet pussy. The virgin boy was learning to please a woman for the first time. All the sensations of the seduction filled Donna's mind as she strained up against the boy, making sure that her engorged clit felt the friction of the boy cock inside her.

Lilly marveled at the contrast – Small slim boy hips on top of the ample Donna. She wondered when her turn would come to actually fuck the boy as she frigged her own love bud and enjoyed the scene unfolding before her very eyes in the prison cell. Sharon could no longer wait and had long since moved to the bed and started caressing the boy's back and bubble butt as he fucked Donna.

Donna struggled to suppress her screams of joy as she felt her orgasm rising and exploding like so many darts of fire in her loins 3; the boy's own second orgasm exploded now almost simultaneously sending white hot spurts of boy cum deep into her enhancing her own explosion threefold. And then the deep relaxation of her post coital bliss as she seemingly turned to warm soft lava again and simply held the boy close to her shivering now and then as long forgotten sensations of so many boys before Shane flooded her memory.

Shane could not believe how wonderful the sensations had been – better than anything his young body had ever felt. He had always wondered why sex was forbidden to boys his age. It was indeed a cruel twist of nature that the most wonderful sex coupling in the world – Woman and boy was illegal – made so by puritanical Adults determined to limit child rights. perhaps in primal fear that women may turn to boys instead of men if sex with boys was legal.

Donna moved the boy from under her and allowed both Lilly and Sharon to take her place, one on either side of the boy and to start the ministrations all over again – expert female hands found soft sensitive boy spots and within minutes Shane's boy cock was rising again to new challenges 3;

30 year old Lilly loved very young boys but that last 12 year old neighbor boy had told his mother of what the nice lady next door did with him – not understanding the consequences that a sick society would deliver on both him and the lady who had loved him so. The boy would be traumatized by the legal system and questioning that followed never quite understanding the adult world where something so nice and natural was deemed dirty and unspeakable. Of course Lilly was arrested and questioned and in an effort to protect the boy from further trauma had confessed her deeds – only to be thrown in jail for seven years like some rapist or murderer – the penalty a thousand times worse than the innocent and beautifully natural act of love had been.

The gorgeous 26 year old blonde Sharon had been a boys' swimming coach. She had loved young boys since she was a teenage babysitter and had always found ways of feeding her needs and being near boys. Soft lithe wet 12 to 14 year old swimmers were her favorites with broadening swimmers shoulders and tiny waists usually clad in a tiny speedo costume with cocks on display under the tight lycra for the world to see. She had seduced dozens of boys in her time usually with little risk.

If only they knew how many teens had passed through her hands and body they would have trebled her sentence she thought. – But a good lawyer and a pretty face had won over the judge who secretly thought that the law was ridiculous anyway. He himself had had some fun with an older woman at age 13 and no harm had come to him. The notion that such sex would permanently harm a boy was too ridiculous to be possible he thought – propagated by social workers creating jobs for themselves and miss-guided Shrinks all fed the same poppy cock at university and unable to see the simple truth that boys loved it and no one was harmed. But of course times were such that he dare not vent his feelings in public. He would almost certainly be stripped of his post if he did. All he could do was to be sympathetic in his sentencing and to try and minimize the sentence of the poor unfortunate souls that he saw from time to time. Sharon could have been given 20 years in our sick witch hunting society. Only a compassionate and enlightened judge saved her from that fate 3; He had found many inconsistencies and extenuating circumstances and given her only five years of which four were suspended.

But back to the prison cell, dear reader, where Shane continued to enjoy the attentions of his three female lovers. During the night he fucked each of them again and again. The women enjoyed his boy body fully as nature intended – He came nearly five times through that long fevered night each time in a boy hungry woman pussy as they caressed him and played with him and fucked him like only a young boy could be fucked, until the early hours brought the first light of dawn 3; and Alison returned to take the young charge back to his cell.

The three woman slept soundly knowing that what had happened was never likely to be repeated while they remained in prison. Circumstances had contrived to create a perfect opportunity for them to pursue their lusts and they had done well to capitalize on those circumstances. They knew that there was some irony in the fact that the very system that imprisoned them had delivered a different kind of prisoner to them. They didn't know the extent of their own predilection in the prison system, which young Shane would experience later when he was transferred.

In the morning Shane was escorted back past the women's cells to the waiting van that would take him to the juvenile facility. All the women prisoners screamed for him again begging him to just stop at their cells for a moment so that they could just touch his face. Lilly, Donna and Sharon did not scream – they just waved goodbye as he glanced at them even smiling when he recognized them. Shane would never be quite the same again but new and greater adventures now awaited him.

Part 2

6 APRIL 19.. A 3; B 3; JOURNAL SEX AT YOUTH PRISON BEING INVESTIGATED Officials are investigating allegations that women staffers have had sex with boys at a privately run juvenile prison.

Part 2 of this story was inspired by the above true news report

The Braddock Youth Detention Centre for Boys was situated in the dry, desert interior, 100 miles [150 km] from the nearest town. Access was strictly controlled and only official vehicles found there way to the facility, on the 50-mile [75 km] long dusty dirt road, off highway 69. The 60 boys at the center were all young offenders aged from 10 to 16 and were there for serious offences. Some of them would be transferred to an Adult Prison at age 16, and some would leave the center to freedom.

Young 12 year old Shane Byrne was the only occupant in the back of the dark green Van that stirred up a dust cloud as it headed for the Detention Center late on that hot summers day in August.

Memories of the previous night spent in a women's prison and the debauchery that he was part of faded now as reality set in and tears welled up again. The Van bumped it's way down the dusty desert road and Shane eventually nodded off to a peaceful sleep only to be awakened by a particularly hard bump, as the van approached the final stretch of the journey.

He had long since stopped crying, as the van approached the centre, realizing that his life had changed forever and that not even his loving parents with all their money and influence had been able to keep him from juvenile prison. He had taken his Dad's car for a ride on that fateful Friday night a few months before and had tried to run when the police car spotted him – That's what they do on TV all the time, he had thought – but his inexperience had caused him to loose control and the car had careered into a Car show room causing massive damage and nearly killing a few people on the sidewalk. Three people including an old lady of 78 had been hospitalized. It was just a boyish joy ride but it had gone very wrong and the Judge had not had any sympathy for him. His previous conviction and suspended sentence for minor shoplifting had been considered and before he knew it, he had been sentenced to three years at the facility. He knew that he wasn't a bad boy and his father had pledged that he would do everything to help him but all the appeals had been lost and now he was commencing his sentence.

The Van stopped eventually and the thick steel door was unlocked and opened for him by the driver. Shanes' almost white blonde hair glinted in the midday sun as he stepped down from the Van and out to the dusty yard. He was smaller than average for his age – just over 5ft [1½ m] tall and about 100lbs [45 kg]. His wore tight faded blue jeans, which hugged his slim hips, and a white T-shirt. His shackles prevented full movement. They had insisted on the shackles, as it was standard procedure even though he was just a 12-year-old child. The driver took the shackles off roughly and a very large woman in a brown uniform took him by the arm and marched him, almost dragging him to the reception building. He saw no one else as the Van started up and began its' long dusty journey back to the city. The Woman said nothing as she pushed him into a small cell and simply locked the door. He waited nearly an hour until he heard sounds again and the door was unlocked. Two large women now appeared, paused briefly to look at him, whispering something to each other, before taking him once again by the arm to what appeared to be a bathroom and shower area.

He was ordered to strip naked right in front of the women who barked orders at him making it very clear that no resistance or hesitation would be tolerated. They watched as he showered naked and then called him closer for a strip search. He was made to grip a steel railing facing a wall with his legs spread apart. One of the women searched him checking inside his mouth and ears and patting him down even inserting a plastic gloved finger into his rectum. One of the women left the room saying that she would wait outside The other even larger women with dark straw like hair, removed the latex gloves and her one hand found it's way around his torso and gripped his small limp cock. She pulled the naked boy close to her body, turning him around to face her.

"Remember boy," she whispered in his ear.

"You are in our care now and we will do whatever we like with you – got it?"

"Yes ma'am," he answered, stuttering the words, terrified of the woman.

She continued to stroke his little boy cock – gently now till it showed a slight hardening to the touch.

" 3; And this little toy of yours is ours to play with whenever we wish, do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am," he stuttered again.

She rolled her eyes down his body seemingly feasting on the slim, perfect blonde boy body before her.

"My-my you are a cute one – you are sure going to be very popular in here."

Her fingers frigged the boy and for a few moments she softened speaking softly to him 3;

"Let it all go for mama now 3; I want you're cum in my hand."

Shane was still very frightened but relaxed now as strange fingers invaded his genitals – and did to him what those women did the night before and what he had only ever done by himself before. The feeling of his rising orgasm invaded his senses – there was nothing he could do about it – he had to comply 3; and this woman sure knew how to milk a boy. Her fingers moved rapidly and expertly. Her other hand held him hard against her, roaming over his torso and exploring his soft boy body. His back arched and he threw his head back, releasing himself to her whim. His pure white boycum erupted into her hand after just a few minutes and she continued to stroke him through his orgasm. Then she stopped and tasted his cum, licking her hand and taking a drop on her tongue. She held him very close rubbing against him and then reacting to a reminder call from the woman outside she stopped and re-assumed her stern tone.

"Not a word boy, do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am," he said, knowing that he dare not speak out – Dark forces had him in their clutches.

He was given a standard uniform to put on – Similar tight blue jeans to his own, blue sneakers and a loose fitting white T-shirt with the word Braddock stenciled on the back. Other items were also issued to him, including small denim shorts for working outside in the desert heat. He was taken to an office and left standing in front of a large desk while a third quite pretty woman went through his file and explained the rules of the detention centre to him. She seemed very professional and introduced herself as the detention centre Psychologist. He was even told that he had a duty to report any abuse to her. He thought about saying something immediately, but a steel glance from the woman from the shower still guarding him made him freeze. The briefing lasted about 30 min during which he was told the rules, lectured on behavior and threatened with dire consequences for any miss-demeanor. The two women wardens then marched him to what appeared to be a dormitory some distance from the reception building. There were other older boys inside and they started whistling loudly when they saw him – making comments about fresh meat for the wardens and cherry pie. He was pushed into a small cell amid the noise of the other boys banging on their cell steel doors. The steel door of his cell was shut and locked.

Inside he found a small but surprisingly comfortable bed, a blanket, washbasin and toilet, all on a cold concrete floor. For the first time that day he realized the reality of his situation – This may be a kids prison but it was still a prison – the only difference was that most of the wardens were female and the boys were too small to fight back. He lay down and cried until he fell asleep.

Ruby, the warden that had escorted him through his initial processing, picked up her phone and began dialing. At 46 she was a large woman, clearly poorly educated and with a mean vicious streak in her that came from working in the juvenile system for over 15 years. Any other woman might hate this job and the poor pay, but Ruby felt that the job had it's compensations – and those benefits came in the form of having and endless supply of cute young boys to play with as she liked. You see dear reader – Ruby was also a female pedophile and not the only one at the centre either. She had even spent a year in Jail at age 30 for sex offence involving a minor boy. Somehow her current employer, being the Detention facility were not concerned about her past – perhaps because the person that had hired her – Chief Warden Sally Little had chosen to overlook her record, mainly because Sally also enjoyed the odd smooth boy in her bed now and then and needed wardens who were sympathetic to her own special predilections. The phone rang and was answered 3;

"Hi Sally – Ruby here."

"Thought I would let you know that we got the new boy in today – Just 12, blonde and really cute – your type – you'd love him – names Shane – cutest boy here now I think."

"Yes – very innocent."

"Yes fine – I'll look after him – give him some special attention – ok bye then."

Ruby sat on her bed and slowly undressed 3; Her mind skipped back to the shower and she re-played the scene in her mind as she remembered her masturbation of the new boy. Her hand found her large and hardening clit. Her orgasm came quickly 3; She needed a boy inside her again, and soon she thought, as she drifted off to sleep.

Shane slept soundly in his cell.

Warden Sue Blakeford came on late night duty at 11pm and sat in the duty office reviewing the log – She noted that a new boy – Shane Byrne had come in that day. The log said that he was 12 and in cell 23. Sue felt a familiar excitement as she prepared to do her rounds and specifically to check up on the new boy. She had been hired just a year ago and like many of the Female Wardens shared a certain predilection for young boys. The job had been a dream come true for her especially the fact that the boys were at the mercy of the female wardens and dare not speak about what went on at the center. All their mail was read and censored and they had little opportunity to communicate with the outside world. Many of the boys did not mind what happened to them or other boys anyway and as long as there was no violence. The captive boys were available for fun to virtually any of the twelve female staff. Due to unspoken recruitment policy most of the staff had similar predilections and those few that did not enjoy boys, turned a blind eye to the things that went on, for fear of losing their jobs.

Sue was a small woman in comparison to most of the Female Warders who tended on the large side. At age 43 she was also older than the others and perhaps more refined in her boy tastes – preferring them younger and very pretty. She had short brown hair, kept in a bun and seemed controlled and almost sour in her attitude. She had never been married, but had indulged her special interest in various ways throughout her adult life.

Sue now paced the corridor and checked in the cells to make sure that everything was normal. It had been a while since such a young new boy had been sent to the centre and she looked forward to seeing him, hoping that he was good looking and slim – just like she liked them. She passed by the cells of some of the boys that she often visited at night. Many of them secretly hoped that she would come to them again but she loved variety and it had been a few weeks since she had crept into the cell of one of the boys late at night. Most of the boys were older than her preference and she sometimes went for long periods without touching any of them.

But tonight might be different she thought as she approached cell 23 and paused – glimpsed at her watch – 2am – and quietly unlocked the door, hoping that none of the boys heard the lock and taunt her, but not caring too much anyway. She entered and bent over the boy in the bed. The light from the corridor was sufficient to see, and she had a torch as well. She gasped when she saw the perfect boy sleeping.

"Oh my god – he's gorgeous," she whispered to herself as her eyes rested on the mop of light blonde hair and 12-year-old choirboy face sleeping contently on the narrow bed with just a sheet and rough blanket over him.

She sat on the wooden chair next to the bed and gently shook the boy child awake. "Wake up, wake up" she whispered in his ear and shook him until his eyes opened wide and he stared at the woman sitting next to him.

"Are you Shane – the new boy," she asked.

"Yes," replied the now wide-eyed groggy boy.

"OK stand up next to your bed – this is a surprise inspection."

He jumped up and out of bed eager to please.

She looked hungrily at the 12-year-old slim boy now standing up close to her. He wore just small tight briefs, covering a nice boycock bulge and was just as boyishly smooth and sexy as she had imagined and as she loved so much. Her hand touched his torso lightly, tracing downwards as if making sure that this picture of perfection were real. Her pussy moistened with excitement.

She looked around the room and at his blanket as if looking for something.

"OK boy – back to bed."

He jumped into bed.

"Now listen carefully boy," she commanded, "I am on night duty and I won't take any nonsense from you or anybody else – got it?"

"Yes ma'am," he quivered

"You will do precisely what you are told, without question at all times."

"Yes ma'am."

"Now – just lay still."

Her hand moved under the blankets directly to his briefs and gripped his cock on the outside.

"Mmmmmmmm very nice," she whispered now, returning to her sweet voice.

She began stroking the boy, moving the elastic and sliding inside his briefs after a while. Her wetness increased as she felt his young cock in her hand – she just wanted to watch him shudder and cum in her hand. Later she would arrange to take him to her bed for the night but for now just the touch of smooth twelve-year-old boy was sufficient to feed her old desires and fantasies. She felt him stiffen and expertly manipulated his young hard-on knowing just exactly where to put pressure and where to touch softly until he shuddered under her expert hands and for the second time since arriving shot a jet of pure boycum into a female hand 3; and then it was over. Shane loved the feeling of her feminine hand on him and knew then that he would be ok as long as he did what he was told and continued to enjoy the new sensations invading his body as strange hands taught him about the special needs of his captors.

"Go back to sleep now Shane 3; and not a word to anybody or your life will be hell here 3; got it?"

"Yes ma'am," he stammered – not quite knowing what to make of the dark shadow of the woman now leaving his room.

The next morning a siren sounded very early and Shane heard voices in the corridor screaming at the boys to get up, get showered and report for role call and breakfast. In the shower he noticed the other boys in his section for the first time. Most were older by a year or two. They seemed friendlier than he expected, even asking him his name and reason for being there. He liked one boy in particular – Jimmy – about his age – who kindly promised to show him the routine and help him adjust.

After role call and breakfast consisting of a basic but nutritional cereal meal he was allocated to a work group and an educational group and sent for the first school lessons of the day. His new friend Jimmy was in the same class and during a brief break Jimmy told him everything he needed to know. Jimmy was 13 with red hair and blue eyes, a few freckles, average height and boyishly skinny. Jimmy told him that it was really like a boys' boarding school only much stricter. He just needed to work hard and stay out of trouble. Punishment consisted of extra work in the heat. For more serious offences the boys would be locked up alone for up to 14 days. Jimmy had even heard of whippings and had seen one boy get beaten for stealing but he had never had one himself.

Shane was told that he would be transferred to a communal cell later if he behaved and of course Jimmy told Shane about the Wardens and how most of them would take boys for sex and even arrange for outsiders to have a boy sometimes. Jimmy told him that warden Sue liked the younger boys and that he could expect her to come on to him. Shane did not mention that he knew her already from the events of the previous day and night. He just collected all the information he could at this time.

During the next two weeks Shane settled in and was left alone except for the occasional nightly visit by Warden Sue who did nothing more than masturbate him to orgasm before scuttling back to the duty office for the night. Unknown to Shane all the wardens were under strict instructions from the Chief to leave him alone until further notice.

But Warden Sue did have her consolation in the form of 13 year old Jimmy whom she would take to the office and duty bed on those nights when her frustration at not being allowed to have Shane peaked. Jimmy had been her favorite boy until Shane had arrived and she had trained him to pander to her every desire – which usually consisted of masturbating the skinny 13 year old red head to orgasm (her favorite thing with boys!) and then having him give her oral pleasure until the uncontrollable sensations in her pussy caused her to pull him on top of her and slide his boycock in, as she bucked against him taking her pleasure from the naked body of the boy and giving little back. Jimmy loved the enjoyed all the sex he could get with the randy female wardens of Braddock.

Once, when he had just arrived and was just a virgin 12 year old, he was taken to the warden's quarters and had forced sex with four different wardens in the space of a few hours. After that he could not get enough and was available to any of the female staff that wanted him. He learned that his good looks, red hair and freckles were in high demand and that the wardens and even some of the other older boys just loved playing with him. If truth were told Jimmy could not wait to have some alone time with the new arrival – Shane – for some real boy on boy fun. Later, during a late night session, he had even mentioned that little fantasy to Warden Sue who seemed very turned on by such a thought.

At the end of the second week on a Saturday night, Shane was told that the Chief Warden wanted to see him and was told to shower and put clean clothes on for the visit.

Chief Warden Sally Little had been at Braddock for five years and had been promoted to Chief Warden about two years before based on educational qualifications and apparent efficiency. As chief she no longer had direct daily contact with the boys, except for two older boys that cleaned her apartment and helped her with errands around the facility. Her duties consisted mostly of supervising the other wardens. Sally was 34, tall and some would say very attractive with long brown hair and a tight body developed from routine exercise. Sally ran the Detention Center efficiently and always got good reports from the inspectors sent out from the city from time to time. She enjoyed her work and had built up a good and loyal team of wardens and teaching staff around her. The only thing that those inspectors did not know was that Sally and her hand picked team of wardens had turned Braddock into a haven for female pedophiles and that sex play with the boy inmates occurred on a regular, even nightly basis.

Sally had never married, not surprisingly given her sexual preferences, preferring an uncomplicated single life. She had turned to boys as an experiment in her early years as a warden following the example of a colleague. Within weeks she was addicted to forbidden fruit and from then on preferred a sweet smooth and eager boy to the roughness of an adult male. She had a small circle of friends in the city with similar tastes built up over many years, and from time to time she would even invite them to visit her at the Centre and provide some special entertainment for them. Her fantasies included the creation of a place where like minded women could have unrestricted access to boys, and when the opportunity came to be chief warden at Braddock she seized it with both hands. Sally s' own predilection was also for the younger boys – 12 to 14 being her favorite ages.

But unlike the other wardens who were satisfied with groping, masturbating or virtually even raping a boy, Sally preferred a gentle and more seductive approach – treating each encounter as a special date with a meal and even candles in her own apartment at the facility. After Ruby's call about Shane she had made a point of seeing Shane for herself unbeknown to him by visiting his class a few days after his arrival. He was perfect just as Ruby had said. She had not been disappointed and resolved to entertain the new boy at her apartment on the first available Saturday night.

Shane was escorted to Sally's apartment on that Saturday night and was surprised to find her dressed beautifully in a knee length skirt and low cut top. The apartment was dimmed with only a few candles lit. She spoke gently to him and he relaxed easily as she offered him a glass of sweet white wine before a scrumptious steak dinner, nothing like the usual fare. Shane thought that she was pretty even beautiful and felt a now familiar rising in his loins as he glimpsed her breasts bulging against her specially selected low cut top. Sally chatted to him about his life and was surprised to learn that he came from a good and even wealthy home. She even felt sympathy for his plight and promised to help if she could, perhaps even arranging an early visit by his parents. At the same time she craved the perfect boy in her apartment and could not wait for the seduction that was to follow.

After dinner they relaxed on the couch. Sally knew that she could use him as she liked, if she wished but preferred the idea of a gentle seduction – chatting easily to him about his family and previous school and sports. She put him at ease and after some more wine slowly started stroking his jeans clad leg. Shane was not even sure that anything would happen – he even thought that this was just a friendly visit to the chief warden but suddenly realization dawned that she too wanted more from him. She was by far the prettiest of the wardens and he loved the attention from this unexpected quarter. He immediately felt his cock harden. She drew the now eager boy closer and whispered to him that he was beautiful and perfect and that she adored boys like him. The first kiss was long and lingering as Sally explored his mouth and moved her hand over his body.

Shane knew what she wanted – after all he had experienced lots of adult female attention over the last two weeks and had learned to respond eagerly. During the next long kiss her hand found its way to his jeans zipper and Chief Warden Sally Little moved the zipper down over the now straining erection of her twelve-year old inmate. Shane's own hand found her breasts and Sally's wetness drenched her panties as she found his cock and began her gentle manipulation of the gorgeous blonde boy.

Sally moved him down to the white soft shaggy rug in her living room and now removed his jeans and under-ware. She removed her own dress and panties too. Her head moved slowly down his skinny 12 year old chest and flat tummy to reach his solid boy cock. She sucked him for a few minutes but her lubricating and lusting pussy demanded more and she moved on to him and straddled him grasping for his little 4 inch [10 cm] boyhood and sliding herself on to it pushing deeper until it throbbed inside her. She rode the boy hard now coaxing his ever-approaching orgasm to fruition and at the same time enjoying the effect of his cock on her clit. She timed her own orgasm to co-inside with Shane's, and screamed and bucked on him as wave after wave of an intense boy inspired climax invaded her body.

Shane was escorted back to his cell in the early hours, after a night of passionate sex, but not before Sally had told him about some friends of hers that wanted to party with him and some other boys. She also told him of her intended efforts to get in touch with his father and facilitate visits or anything that would make his stay more pleasant. Shane naturally agreed to the party and promised to help Sally in whatever way he could with her friends.

Each Saturday morning the boys had to line up for inspection, before being assigned to various gardening and maintenance tasks around the facility. They all wore their regulation denim shorts and sleeveless t-shirts for these Saturday inspections and the Wardens would walk up the rows of boys shouting at them and looking for any small fault.

One Saturday morning, a few weeks later, with all the boys lined up Chief Warden Sally appeared with about ten women – visitors and invited guests, who had arrived early in the morning. Sally announced that the guests wanted to 'inspect' them as well. The boys stood in the heat as the visiting women walked up and down the rows asking a few simple questions like ages and names before returning to the front area where Sally waited for them.

Shane noticed that the women seemed excited and that they took great interest in the boys – even stroking a head now and then or asking a name and even asking for a smile from one of them. One of the women seemed to take a liking to him and came back three times to ask him his name and then age and then to tell him quietly in his ear that he was very cute. Shane guessed that these women were the friends that Sally had told him about and that they were there at her invitation to have some secret fun with selected boys.

Shane was right – later that same Saturday he and about ten other boys – all selected by the guests, were told to shower and dress in their jeans and white t-shirts. They had been invited to a special party in honor of the women guests. They were told to be nice and co-operate, chat and enjoy themselves. They all knew what that meant.

The 'party' included snacks and soft drinks – a luxury to the boys and they were told to socialize with the women visitors. Each of the women had selected a boy that morning and each boy was introduced to them.

Shane was introduced to a woman named Sarah, the same woman that had seemed so interested in him at the inspection and she wasted no time in settling down with him in a dimmed corner of the main hall where the party was being held. Sarah was 38 with an acceptable pretty face, medium length brown hair and just a little plump. She had changed out of jeans for the party and was now dressed in a light shortish blue summer dress. She chatted freely to Shane telling him that he was the most gorgeous boy she had ever seen and that she had spotted him and wanted him from the very instant that she had seen him that morning. She mentioned that she was married but her husband thought she was away for a weekend with her friends. That was true she giggled although he didn't know that the weekend was at a boys detention centre run by her old school friend Sally.

She whispered to Shane that she had a circle of very close friends – most of them were at the party that simply loved young boys and that Sally often arranged certain entertainment for them. Shane was very flattered and very turned on by Sarah. He felt his hardness rising as she stroked his legs and eventually drew him close for a kiss. Sarah felt the warmth of the 12 year old blonde Adonis and her fingers strayed to his crotch. She loved the first touch of a boy and felt the familiar straining of his erection against the tight denim. Sarah had been friends with Sally for a long time and they had shared many secrets including their love of young boys and Sally had arranged a number of private encounters with boys, for her over the last few years. She thought that Shane was the best and cutest so far and was dripping wet as she stroked him, almost like a pet. Her fingers slowly pulled his zipper down over his solid boy sized erection and found their way inside to the boy cock that she so desperately craved, unbeknown to her husband.

Shane was already dripping on the tip with pre cum and could not wait for her to touch him. Sarah's fingers moistened as she felt the boys cock tip between her fingers. She took it out and moved her head down to take him in her mouth. The lights were dimmed even more as women all over the room settled down on the scattered mattresses and cushions to play with their specially selected boy toys. Sarah removed his jeans and briefs completely now. She was an expert at sucking and the combination of her lips and tongue soon had Shane writhing under her as she expertly sucked him to a perfect boy orgasm.

Shane loved the attention and knew by now how to please these boy hungry women that seemed to be everywhere he went. Over his short period at the center he had learned what women like these and the wardens wanted from boys and how they liked to be touched and fucked wildly as well. Shane was now totally addicted to sex with older women and simply loved the attention and ground splitting boy orgasms that the women gave him. Shane gasped as he shot his 12 year old boy juice into her hungry mouth and enjoyed the sensation of being sucked right through his orgasm.

Sarah loved boy cum and swallowed every drop, before stopping and moving her head back up to his – kissing him wildly as a thank you for his explosive orgasm. Shane moved his hand up her soft thigh and found her soaking wet panties – he moved inside them and began fingering her and rubbing her clit bud just as he had been shown by other women. She moaned out loud to his touch not caring about the others in the room. Sarah loved a boy touching her clit and this one sure knew how to manipulate his little fingers. Shane was still solid as he moved his head lower – it was his turn now to be nice to the visitors and it wasn't long before his tongue was exploring her slit and flicking against her solid clit. He loved this new skill that seemed to drive women crazy and flicked her clit even more.

He had been introduced to so many boy craving women in his few months in captivity and by now he thought that such women were wonderful and very very sexy – unlike any women that he had ever met at home before who always seemed to dismiss him as a mere child. Sarah's orgasm was explosive as she screamed and shuddered and held his head in place just in case he stopped too soon. OMG she thought this little boy was amazing, with his cute boy face between her legs – she could cum again just looking at him – how well he had been taught.

After he moved back up, she held him close for a long time enjoying his warm boy body against her own and stroking him all over. She knew that the best was still to come. Later she gently moved his light boy body on to her and reached down to guide his cock into her wet dripping pussy. After a slow rhythmic start their coupling became explosive as she once again screamed and held the boy against her until her body shook with a multiple climax as he shot spurt after spurt of boycum into her. She loved how boys stayed hard even after two or three orgasms and continued to buck against him before slowing and stopping.

The party ended late and the boys were taken back to their rooms to shouts from the other boys – all knew what had happened that wild Saturday night in the desert, at Braddock.

The women left the next day, their husbands none the wiser about their boy craving wives – and life returned to routine at the center.

Warden Sally was true to her word and within a few weeks he was told that he could expect a visitor on the following Sunday. His father visited and was pleased to hear that he was fine and being looked after by the seemingly 'kind' and caring wardens that met the visitors. He told Shane of his continued efforts to get him an early release. Shane said nothing of the sex. What happened at Braddock stayed at Braddock was the motto that some of the Wardens had repeated to him and others.

And so it was that Shane settled in to his life at Braddock. New boys even sweeter and younger than him arrived over the following year. The wardens continued to have their way with any boys they wanted and Shane would visit Sally on occasions too. His Father visited again from time to time and always apologized for the slow progress in securing his release.

Late one night Shane was taken to the duty office by Warden Sue and was surprised to find than his friend Jimmy was also there. Warden Sue told him to undress and that she wanted to see the two boys playing with each other and touching each other. Jimmy had been asked by her to suggest another boy to join them and had chosen his friend Shane.

Jimmy was obviously very excited by the thought of playing with the perfect blonde Shane and wasted no time in lying close to Shane on the duty office bed and moving his hand to Shane's cock to begin wanking him. Shane reciprocated as he had always wanted to experiment with another boy and before long the two boys were toying with each other in an excited state as 12 year old boys will often do. Sue lubricated copiously at the sight of her favorite two boys together in one of her favorite fantasies and encouraged them to go wild and cum for her – each boys cock in the other ones hand. Shane and Jimmy enjoyed each other and especially loved how much Sue was enjoying watching them together. They put on a real show for her – even kissing passionately when asked to and shooting their boycum high on their tummies. Sue sat close and caressed them as they played and also fingered herself wildly until she sprayed her woman spray and had a multiple climax under her own hand. Later she took young Shane on top of her, while sucking Jimmy. Shane had never before experiences such a wet and dripping pussy as the woman held him and eventually climaxed wildly again as her 12 year old boy lover shot his young seed into her.

Such nights with the three of them participating in a wild lust inspired orgy and sometimes even a new boy joining in were repeated from time to time as circumstances permitted.

Women visitors came often too, either alone or in groups, for sessions with personally selected boys. It was rumored that one visitor woman even wanted to fall pregnant by a boy and carefully selected a 13-year-old wide eyed new comer with obviously perfect genes, for her special and very personal project.

If truth were told Shane would confess that he actually liked it at Braddock, the hardship made bearable by the constant demands on him and others for sex and play with boy craving wardens and women visitors.

He grew taller and stronger from the physical work. One day after about 18 months he was summoned to Chief Sally's office and told that he was to be released early and virtually immediately as a result of the un-relenting and now successful legal appeal efforts of his father. Sally had also supported the application by giving a favorable account of how Shane had progressed and been fully re-habilitated. The news came as a surprise and also as a relief to Shane who now looked forward to seeing his mother and family again. Within days his transport back to the city had been arranged.

The green van that was to take him back to the city bumped it's way down the long dusty road to Braddock and pulled up just where he was waiting for it – to transport him back to the city. The doors open and a young slim boy of about 13, with long almost girlish blonde hair and still in shackles was pulled out and released to the waiting wardens. Their voices boomed at him to follow them for processing. He heard them mutter about how cute the new boy was. Memories of his first frightening day at the Centre flooded his mind as he clambered into to the van for the long trip back and reunion with his family.


Settling in at home again was long and difficult. The girls at school seemed so young and childish and had been clearly told to stay clear of him because of his background. Shane was now nearly 14, and he craved the attention of the adult female boy lovers that had been part of his young life for so long.

One day he received a call from a woman – Sarah, who asked him if he remembered her – she had met him at Braddock and had now been given his name and telephone number by Sally Little. Shane remembered her well from the party and was very excited to hear that Sarah wanted to meet him again and introduce him to her circle of friends. He eagerly agreed, knowing what she and her friends would want and looking forward to experiencing wild sex with older women again 3;

He was not disappointed.

The End