BoisterousPounding the Starfish |
SummaryTwelve-year-old Tommy gets a summer job with his uncle Ted, whose wife had died shortly before. His duties are not exactly as he expected.
Publ. 2000 (ASSG); this site Dec 2010
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CharactersTommy (12yo) and Uncle Ted (45yo) and their family lawyer Mr. PrinceCategory & Story codesConsensual Man-Boy story/incestMb – cons oral anal – first (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThe following story contains descriptions of sexual activity between men and minors, especially boys. If you are under 18 years of age, READ NO FURTHER. If you are an opponent of the First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution, or are morally opposed to sexually explicit fiction involving minors, READ NO FURTHER. The following story is fantasy only and was written for the author's private enjoyment, based upon a few photographs of a VERY beautiful boy. This fiction is not intended to contribute in any way to illegal actions by the reader, nor is it intended to contribute in any way to harmful acts toward children. |
Orphan storyThis is an orphan story, that means that the author is not traceable. The story has been posted on usenet in 2000. The e-mail address provided is not longer active.If you are the author of this story, please contact me through this feedback form, with Boisterous - Pounding the Starfish in the subject line. |
Tommy dutifully got a beer from his uncle's refrigerator and carried it back to the man. Tommy, barely 12 years old and the oldest of five children, had eagerly accepted his mother's assignment for the summer. Take care of poor old Uncle Ted, whose wife had died of cancer a few month's earlier. Tommy glanced at the calendar. Uncle Ted was paying him five dollars a week to do the dishes and laundry and stuff like that. He had been there five days. That meant payday was only two days away and Tommy could buy that the newest issue of X-Man comics. Uncle Ted lived 135 miles [220 km] from Tommy's house, but his mom didn't drive and Uncle Ted worked every Saturday, so he would only see them every other weekend. "Thanks, kid," his uncle said, taking the can of Old Milwaukee. He sat on the easy chair in his boxers and nothing else. His muscular body had recently given in to the forces of nature, and at 45, his belly was rounded like a sack of flour. His pectorals and biceps remained thick and powerful. Dark, tightly curled hair covered his torso. Tommy liked to see him mostly nude, thinking his uncle was the most powerful man on earth. But the man was taking poor care of himself since his wife's death, showering only in the morning and not after a day's work. Before her death, he used to come right home from work and get cleaned up. Tommy stood over the man and politely cleared his throat. "Uncle Ted, um, I'm going to do a load of laundry and um 3; you've been wearing those shorts for a couple of days 3;" Tommy gulped. "Can I wash them?" Ted looked at the boy carefully. Tommy's nervous smile made Ted aware of the kid for the first time in days. It was about 90 degrees [32°C] outside and they had no air conditioning. Tommy wore a pair of cut-off jeans and nothing else. His slender hairless chest looked almost feminine. He had large dark aureoles, bigger than quarters. His jet-black hair came straight down to his slender, dark eyebrows. Thick and curled lashes surrounded almond brown eyes. Almost a girl's face. Ted stood and stripped off his boxers. He stood next to the boy, his fat, dangling cock inches from the boy's pale flesh, his boxers held to his side. Tommy stared in wonder at the monstrous, hairy pee-pee. And Uncle Ted's balls were like baseballs! "You're such a sweet kid to stay with me like this," he said. "I like being here," Tommy said in a small voice. He couldn't take his eyes off Uncle Ted's pee-pee. It was so ugly and scary, yet wonderful somehow, too. Ted noted how the boy stared. It sent a flash of lust through his whole body, making his cock lengthen slightly. "Stay and talk with me for a while," he said. Without waiting for Tommy's response, Ted grabbed the boy as he sat back down, and pulled him across one meaty thigh. Though surprised, Tommy went onto his uncle's lap willingly. He had no fear of the man, who had always been a great playmate and giver of wonderful gifts – until his aunt's death, that is. The man's hairy thigh scratched against the back of his knee. As Uncle Ted brought a hand to the boy's shoulder, he said, "You are a handsome child. You kind of remind me of this one guy on board our ship." Tommy held himself still as the callused hand slowly rubbed down his back. Uncle Ted often told stories about being in the Navy. "Everyone thought he was beautiful. Course there were no women when we were out to sea." Ted brought his hand to the waistband of the boy's jeans and dipped his fingers inside the loose-fitting cut-offs. Tommy's mind raced. His uncle had never touched him like that before. But it felt good. The man had strong body odor and beer breath, but that didn't annoy Tommy like it usually did. He felt sort of tingly and was having trouble remembering to breathe. "That guy on the ship. He had a nice ass. Not at nice as yours, of course." Ted brought his hand out of the boy's pants and rubbed across his buttocks. Ted knew he shouldn't be doing it, but he was so horny he felt he could cum at any moment. Tommy couldn't understand why his uncle liked his ass, but he certainly didn't mind the attention he was getting. His little pee-pee wasn't so little at this moment. Then he felt something hot touch his leg and looked down. His uncle's fat snake-like pee-pee had risen from its downward angle a little. As Tommy watched, the pee-pee seemed to twitch, drawing itself a little higher across his hairless leg. As it rubbed across its leg it eventually stood free. It had turned into a huge tower! His intake of breath was audible and Uncle Ted cooed. "My cock gets big like that a lot lately. It did that on the ship, too. But you know what?" "What," the boy said breathlessly. He had never felt this way before and he was a little confused. He felt so good, however, that he felt no sense of fear. Ted shifted the boy, pulling his pert little buttocks higher on his thigh. The boy's leg again came into contact with his cock. Tommy noticed it, but he pretended not to. "That guy on the ship used to be like a woman to me. Know what that means?" "No," he said without embarrassment. The hand rubbed across his small buttocks, then came to rest on the top of his thigh, so that two fingers were on bare skin and the rest of his hand on the boy's frayed hem. He looked back at his uncle's pee-pee. There was a drop of pee at the hole. He wondered if his uncle was going to piss all over both of them. Though he'd always thought that piss was gross, somehow the idea excited him. He sort of wished his uncle would do that. "Surely," the man said, "you know what fucking is?" Tommy gasped at the naughty word. He'd heard kids tossing it about casually on the playground, but he had no idea what it meant. "What does it mean?" He trembled a little. He knew that this was important stuff; adult stuff that kids weren't supposed to know about. But Uncle Ted talked to him about it like it was the most natural conversation an uncle and a nephew could have. Ted brought his hand to the boy's crotch and held it lightly in place. Tommy couldn't believe it! Even through his pants, the touch felt better than when he touched himself. But that was something he did in bed at night or in the bathroom with the door locked. He knew his mom would be upset with him for touching his pee-pee, so he hid it. But now Uncle Ted was touching it for him! "Fucking is when a man takes his big cock and puts it inside a woman's cunt. Do you know what a cunt is?" "Uh-huh. It's that hole girls have where their pee-pee should be." "Well the man on the ship used to let me fuck him. I liked doing that very much." Tommy's mind raced. "But the man didn't have a hole 3; a cunt, did he?" "No, he didn't have a cunt. But he had a hole 3;" Uncle Ted waited patiently. Tommy eventually figured it out, but he couldn't believe it. After a moment, he got brave enough to venture, "His butt hole?" The man squeezed the thin little erection through the thick crotch of the jeans as he said, "Exactly." Tommy wiggled around in pleasure. "Didn't you get poop on it?" "A little, but it felt so good that I didn't mind. I wish he was here right now so I could fuck his ass." "How did it fit? I mean your pee-pee is so big." Ted ran his hand across the boy's stomach and heaving chest. He tickled at one of the oversized nipples and was glad to see the boy close his eyes with a faint smile. Tommy couldn't believe how good sweaty, callused hand felt on his bare flesh. He was starting to wish that he were the man from the ship. Hadn't Uncle Ted told him he was more handsome? That he had a nicer ass? Uncle Ted pulled the boy against his damp and hairy chest. "It hurt him a little the first couple of times, but after that he liked it almost as much as I did." He brought his hand back to the boy's crotch, boldly unzipping him and unbuttoning the waistband. Tommy watched in disbelief. "To get ready, we used to touch each other's cocks." He deftly slid his hand down the waistband of the size 10 Fruit of the Looms and touched the boy's finger-thick cock. "Oh!" Tommy exclaimed. "That feels good." "It would feel good it you did that to me, too," Uncle Ted said softly. Tommy straightened a little on the man's lap, straining to peer down at the dripping pee-pee mostly hidden beneath the man's firm but rounded tummy. Carefully, he wrapped his fingers around the shaft at the midway point. By squeezing down, he could make the tip of his middle finger touch his thumb. The pee-pee felt hot and he could feel it throb occasionally. "Tommy, you've got to promise not to tell anyone what we're doing. Most people would think it is wrong. They might even arrest me." "I won't tell," he said, experimenting with his grip on his uncle's pee-pee, shaking it a little to watch more stuff dribble out the hole. He decided it was too stringy and clear to be piss. "Okay, Tommy. Why don't you stand up for a moment?" Tommy got shakily to his feet. Uncle Ted tugged his cut-offs and Fruit of the Looms down to his ankles. After rubbing the boy's bare buttocks for a moment, Ted turned Tommy and nudged him toward the couch. Ted pushed on the boy's back, draping his tummy across the arm of the couch. Without thoughts of resistance, Tommy lifted his head, supporting his weight on his hands, and turned to watch what his uncle was going to do next. This position made his butt stick out. Ted brought his hands back to the boy's magnificently smooth and rounded buttocks. They were pale and without blemish. The flesh, soft and supple, seemed too perfect. Ted rubbed down the boy's crack, pausing to touch the smooth anus. It wasn't puffy and wrinkled like the sailor's had been. He grunted in satisfaction at the boy's pleasured moan. Tommy could just see Uncle Ted's huge pole out the corner of his eye. When his uncle touched his poop hole, Tommy thought he was going die of pleasure. He knew that in a minute Uncle Ted was going to try to stick his pee-pee in his tiny little poop hole. It was a naughty thing to do. His mind had been thinking everything over for the past couple minutes. This must be what queers do together. But Uncle Ted wasn't a queer. He had been married. But Tommy was going to be like the sailor, going to be a 'like a woman' to his uncle. Ted realized he was going to need lubricant. He had always used Vaseline when he was in the Navy. "Don't move a muscle," he said, and then raced to the bathroom. He found a jar of Vaseline on the shelf that had his wife's make-up. He hadn't thought to throw all that stuff out. In his haste, he knocked the lid off the jar and it tumbled to the floor. Not bothering to pick it up, he started back to the living room. He dipped his fingers in the petroleum jelly as he returned to the boy's upturned ass, carelessly smearing a huge amount on his cock with one hand. As he stepped behind the kid, he could see the boy watching carefully. Was there fear in his eyes? Perhaps, but there was also something else – lust. He got behind the kid and dipped his finger into the jar again. He deposited a huge amount in the boy's crack. In his urgency to get inside, he went immediately to the boy's opening and pressed his finger inside. Tommy's head rose up and he let out a sound that was a mixture of surprise and pleasure and pain. Ted couldn't believe how tight the boy's sphincter gripped at his finger. Tommy felt the slick stuff along his crack, and then a moment later he felt an electric charge as Uncle Ted's finger touched his poop hole. Before he could even finish moaning his appreciation; however, there was a stretching and burning pain. He realized after a moment that his uncle's finger was inside his butt! No one had ever done that before, and it surprised him that it felt so good. After the finger probed around for a few seconds, he had that tingle of pleasure that he usually felt just as he was letting a turd out. He dropped to his elbows, so his butt was higher than his head, and rolled his face on the textured upholstery. His uncle's movements made his pee-pee scrape across the arm of the couch, sending even more good messages to his brain. Sometimes his uncle's knuckles would brush against his balls. Ted looked at the sight of his finger disappearing into the slender boy's ass and knew he could wait no longer. He pulled the finger out and brought his cock to the greased, little hole. Tommy felt a momentary disappointment as the finger was withdrawn. Then he felt the blunt, hot pee-pee of Uncle Ted touch him there. He knew it wasn't going to fit and started to raise his head to tell his uncle that. Ted saw that the boy was going to speak, so he hurried, not giving the boy a chance to talk him out of it. He lunged, feeling as though he were trying to push his cock through a solid wall. He heard the kid cry out in pain, and he pushed harder. Finally something gave, and he felt the warmth of the boy's virgin ass engulf the glans of his cock. Tommy had expected pain, but nothing like this. He was sure he was going to be ripped in two. He cried out. When his uncle kept pressing harder and harder, he started to beg his uncle to stop. The man seemed to not hear him. He thrashed his arms and legs and tried to get free, but Uncle Ted had him pinned. Then everything stopped. Tommy sniffled but the pain had subsided a lot. He realized his uncle was all the way inside. He could feel the man's hairy stomach – and more – he could feel the man's hairy balls pressed into his own balls. "Oh, God, Tommy. This is the most wonderful thing I've ever felt." That made the boy feel a little better. He felt like he had tried to poop but the turd was so huge it got stuck. He tried to wriggle around a little but his uncle's weight held him stuck in place. Tommy began to think about it. It wasn't so bad. Sure it had hurt a lot, but Uncle Ted loved what they were doing together. He wondered how long they would stay like this, with his uncle's pee-pee stuck all the way up his butt hole. "You ready?" Tommy tried to look back. "For what?" he asked in a shaky voice. "To fuck." Tommy's head spun. Wasn't that what they were doing? He couldn't think of a thing to say. Besides it was hard to think much while you had your backside being stretched wide enough to ride a bicycle into it. Then he felt his uncle easing the pressure against his butt. Maybe it was over. But that couldn't be. His uncle asked if he was ready to fuck, not if he was ready to stop. It burned a little as he felt Uncle Ted's pee-pee slowly coming out of his poop hole. He wondered why he was taking it out when suddenly, his uncle drove it right back home. Tommy screamed in pain and surprise. Then his uncle slowly pulled back and slammed forward again. His hips were being lifted and smashed back into the arm of the couch. It hurt, but he quickly figured out this was what fucking was. He remembered seeing two dogs doing something like this when he was younger. When he had asked his mom what the dogs were doing, she had told him to ignore them and not ask any questions. Ted's head was swimming. Never had such incredible sensations come from sex. As he worked himself in and out, he realized that the boy's ass was being lifted with him. Their connection was so tight that there wasn't much friction. Not that he needed much because he felt as though he would orgasm at any second. He shifted his weight around a little and grabbed Tommy's hips with both hands, holding him firmly in place as he withdrew his cock. This time he felt the anal tissues cling tenaciously but finally release their grip on his shaft. He lunged forward again, ignoring the pained cries of his beloved nephew. Tommy had been enduring the rocking movement pretty well, but already he was wondering how soon this would be finished. Then Uncle Ted grabbed his hips and started jabbing at him. The burning increased and he couldn't stop himself from crying out again, even though he was ashamed to have to make any sound. Ted had only one thrust of warning as his climax ripped through his senses, searing away everything but the explosion in his loins. He buried himself and ground his hips as spasm after spasm seized him. Tommy knew something had happened because now Uncle Ted was making more noise than him. It took a moment before he realized that Uncle Ted was enjoying himself so much he couldn't help but make noise. That made Tommy feel better. His uncle released his vise-like grip on his hips and brought his weight across Tommy's back. His face was close to Tommy's ear. "I love you, Tommy. I love you so much." Tommy had never heard his uncle tell him that before. A couple drops of water hit his cheek. At first he thought it was sweat coming from Uncle Ted's face. Then he realized it was tears. "It's okay, Uncle Ted. Don't cry." "You've made me so happy," the man murmured, nuzzling his lips against his nephew's neck. Tommy felt a rush of pleasure. He had made Uncle Ted happy! At the funeral, Tommy had heard Uncle Ted tell Mom that he didn't think he could ever be happy again. Tommy smiled and didn't mind the now-throbbing pain in his bottom. Uncle Ted pulled his pee-pee from Tommy's butt hole and carried him to the bathroom. Tommy felt so small, being effortlessly carried in his uncle's strong arms. Uncle Ted drew a hot bath and gently helped Tommy into the tub. He used a washcloth to rub all over Tommy's slender body, and Tommy had never felt better. And that night, they had watched television in the nude, with Uncle Ted holding him on his lap. Uncle Ted rubbed his private parts a lot, and even though he did not get a stiffie, it felt really good. At bedtime, Uncle Ted asked, "Will you sleep in my room?" "Sure," Tommy answered. He slept soundly even though his uncle snored.
The next day, Uncle Ted cooked him breakfast, the first meal he had cooked since Tommy's arrival five days before. They sat at the table naked, which made Tommy feel kind of funny. He wasn't used to parading around without any clothes. And Uncle Ted's body was so strong and handsome while his own was so puny. "Tommy, you can't tell anyone about what we did last night." "I know, Uncle Ted. It's our secret." He took a bite of the scrambled eggs and said, "I'm sorry I was such a baby about it, but it really hurt a lot." He was sort of hoping they would never do it again. Yet he was sort of hoping they would. "I know, little man. But you took it very bravely. I'm proud of you." Tommy beamed. The doorbell rang and they looked at each other in a moment's panic. "Get dressed. Quick," Uncle Ted commanded. They both dashed toward the bedrooms. To get there they had to pass by the front door. Through the window in the door, Tommy saw that it was Mr. Prince, the family's lawyer. He could also tell that Mr. Prince saw them. He didn't ring the doorbell again, even though it must have taken three minutes before Ted was able to answer it. Tommy hid in his room after he realized he had left his clothes on the floor of the living room last night as Uncle Ted had removed them. He pulled clean clothes from the dresser. He could hear the men talking softly, then Uncle Ted came down the hall and said, "Mr. Prince is here, and he wants to talk with you." Tommy's heart pounded as he went down the hall. Mr. Prince was a tall, slender man in his early 50's. He had silver hair that was always perfectly combed and he wore expensive suits. Tommy had always been terrified of the man, who seemed the essence of power. What made it worse was that Mr. Prince had always made a point of trying to talk with him. He never could figure out what a man like Mr. Prince could find interesting about a kid like him. Mr. Prince stood as Tommy approached. He smiled warmly and extended his hand. Tommy took the strong, warm hand and tried to shake it like a man would. He was too afraid to make eye contact. Uncle Ted said, "Tommy, Mr. Prince wants to talk with you alone." Tommy could tell that this made Uncle Ted nervous. Tommy felt a little thrill when he realized why – they shared a secret! "I've got some work to do in the garage. Come and get me when you are finished, okay?" "Sure, Uncle Ted," he replied, trying to sound very warm and accepting. "Please sit down, Tommy." Mr. Prince looked serious. After Tommy had perched on the edge of the couch and managed to look toward the lawyer, Mr. Prince asked, "How do you like staying with your uncle?" "I like it just fine, sir." "Well, he said he likes it just fine, too." Mr. Prince looked down at his fingernails. Then he gazed keenly at the nervous 12-year-old. "If you want to leave, just tell me, Tommy. I'll take you straight home and you'll never have to face your uncle again." Tommy gulped. Did this have something to do with their secret? "Why would I want to do that?" "Oh, I don't know. You're pretty young to be trying to keep the household together here." "I'm doing okay 3;" "I'm sure you are doing fine. By the way, why are your clothes in the living room?" He picked up the boy's underpants and held them out. "I 3; uh 3; it's just that 3; I was watching television 3; no, I was doing the laundry and was on my way downstairs with them when Uncle Ted asked me 3; I just forgot them there." He cringed, knowing he had done a terrible job of covering for it. Mr. Prince's wrinkled face seemed to flicker into a smile. "Has your uncle forced you to do anything 3; shall we say, unpleasant?" "Of course not. Why would he do that?" "I don't know. He must be lonely. You're doing all the work his wife used to do 3;" "What are you talking about?" Tommy felt his temper begin to flare. He felt certain that this man knew something was going on between them. So what? If neither of them confessed, then there was no crime to report! He looked defiantly at the man. Again, it seemed as though Mr. Prince smiled. "Oh, nothing. Forget I said anything." Tommy almost gasped when Mr. Prince suddenly had the jar of Vaseline in his hand. "You probably want to put this in the bedroom." Tommy felt trapped. He knew of no other use for the product than the use it had been brought there for – to make his poop hole slippery. "What's it for?" he asked, trying to sound innocent. "How old are you, Tommy?" "I'm 12." "You are a very handsome boy. Did you know that?" Tommy squirmed. "Can I go get Uncle Ted now?" Mr. Prince seemed disappointed. "Yes." A few minutes later the man said goodbye to them both. "God, I thought he'd never leave," Uncle Ted complained. "What did he want to talk to you about?" Tommy decided not to tell about the clothes and the Vaseline. "He just asked if you were working me too hard and if I wanted to go home." "What did you tell him?" "I kept our secret." Uncle Ted rubbed the boy's head. "Good job!" Tommy snuggled against his uncle and then the man was tugging on the hem of his tee shirt. He lifted his arms to let his uncle remove the shirt. Before he knew it, he was sitting on his uncle's lap as the man played with his nipples. It felt good. Though he was scared of getting hurt again by his uncle's huge pee-pee, he felt glad that his uncle was messing around with him again. His uncle unzipped his shorts again and began to tickle his stiffie. It felt even better than the day before! He helped his uncle take off the rest of his clothes. After a few minutes of his uncle's delicious attention, he worked up the courage to rub at Uncle Ted's crotch. "That's a good lad. Play with my cock, make it feel really good." He unzipped his uncle's trousers and snaked his hand inside. The cock had already soaked through the thin cotton of his underpants. Then Uncle Ted brought a finger to the boy's still-tender anus. "Such a delicate starfish," he murmured. "What?" the boy asked, trying to suppress a giggle. "Oh, that's what we used to call my sailor friend's ass hole – a starfish. Sort of looks like one, all puckered and everything. Our code words for getting together to fuck were, 'Feel like pounding my starfish?' That meant he wanted me to fuck him." The boy giggled as he felt the finger touching his anus. "Don't laugh. We had to keep it a secret or we would have gotten thrown in the brig." Tommy sighed as the man slid the tip of his finger inside. Ted didn't tell the boy that at least a dozen guys fucked his sailor friend every day and that he was called a queer slut even to his face. He hoped that he wasn't turning Tommy into a kid like that. In a small voice, the boy asked, "Are you going to pound my starfish?" Ted chuckled. "Into oblivion." "What does that mean?" It sounded ominous, and Tommy grew tenser. "Don't worry, Tommy. You're going to like having my cock in your ass. There's an old saying, 'The first is the worst and the rest is the best.' Trust me." "I do trust you, Uncle Ted." Tommy had to lean forward as the man wormed his dry finger all the way inside his butt. Tommy squirmed around a little, his brow knitted in concentration. For a moment, he forgot about his uncle's pee-pee. When the finger had invaded him fully and hadn't really hurt that much, he began to again rub and stroke Uncle Ted's pee-pee. "Mmm," he purred as his uncle brought his other hand to the boy's stiffie and began to rub it. "Let's go to our bed so we can be more comfortable." Tommy relaxed in Uncle Ted's arms as the man lifted the naked boy without removing his finger from his ass. He had heard that his uncle called it 'our bed'. They shared it together. That made him suddenly feel proud and important. A moment later he remembered that this was the same bed that his aunt and uncle had shared. "Are you sure we should do it there – in your bed, I mean." "It's our bed now, Tommy, at least for a while. I want to hear the bed springs squeak as I fuck you." "Oh." Ted carefully placed his young nephew on the bed then quickly undressed himself. He stood over the boy for a moment, admiring his white and skinny body. The lad had his weight resting on his elbows, his knees raised and legs spread. A two and a half inch [6 cm] erection, skinnier than his little finger, pointed toward the ceiling. Other than his head, the boy had no trace of hair and his skin was tight and supple. The boy's eyes, large and somewhat feminine, looked up expectantly. Did Ted note an attitude of adoration? He had decided he was going to suck the delicious looking little boy-cock. He'd never performed oral sex on a man before, or a boy, either. Though he wasn't too sure of how to go about it, he'd received enough blow jobs in his life – from men and women – to know what felt good. Tommy looked at his uncle's hairy body. He doubted he would ever get used to the massive size of his private parts. They made him look like a monster or something. It struck fear and awe into his heart. And longing. He wanted his uncle to smother him with his hairy body, to slap his rounded stomach against his butt like he had the day before. The part about the cock splitting him open didn't appeal to him, but the rest of it, just lying there beneath such power, made him feel all a-tremble. As Uncle Ted sat on the bed and reached between his legs, Tommy had a sudden thought. "We forgot the Vaseline." His uncle moved closer, his hand rubbing all around Tommy's tummy and hips. "We won't need it today." "But 3;" He knew he couldn't take the pain of it going in dry. "Trust me," his uncle breathed, leaning close to nuzzle his whiskered face against Tommy's neck. He giggled. "That tickles." "Tommy, I'm going 'round the world. Know what that means?" "No." "It means I'm going to lick and suck every square inch of your flesh." The man's lips worked at Tommy's throat. Tommy held himself still. "Even my pee-pee?" Uncle Ted nibbled on his ear lobe. "Especially your pee-pee. Only don't call it that. Call it your cock. Or prick. Pee-pee only tells half of the story about what your cock is for." Tommy gritted his teeth to keep from laughing as Uncle Ted began to lick at his arm pit with long stokes of his tongue, like a cat giving itself a bath. When at last Uncle Ted's mouth and tongue were working across his stomach and abdomen, Tommy's body twitched with delight. He knew it was going to feel really good when Uncle Ted licked his pee-pee 3; no, his cock. Then he felt his breath and the warmth of his soft lips. Suddenly the boy was terrified. He grabbed at Uncle Ted's head as his body convulsed out of control. "Stop, stop, stop!" he cried. Ted lifted his head, keeping his hand on the boy's tight pea-sized balls. "It's okay, Tommy. Relax. It's called an orgasm, and it feels wonderful, if you just relax." After a moment, Tommy lifted up enough to look at his stiff cock. "I never knew it could do that." "It's great, isn't it? It even gets better when you are old enough to cum." Tommy glowed with ecstasy. "It couldn't get any better than that." "Wait till you start to grow some hair down there." "What did you mean about me coming? Where do I come?" Uncle Ted laughed, but it didn't embarrass Tommy because he could tell his uncle was not laughing at him. He was enjoying himself. "When those wonderful feelings happen to a man – like the orgasm you just had – white stuff moves from his balls up through his groin and it shoots out the end of his prick. The white stuff is called cum. Or spunk. Or, more properly, semen." Ted felt his arousal begin to climb to a higher level. This wasn't just about fucking a skinny boy's ass. He felt really close to his nephew and wanted the boy to enjoy this as much as he was. "Last night I left a load of cum inside your ass. If you were as woman, it might have made you pregnant." "I thought it seemed kind of extra wet when I pooped." Ted wiggled the boy's erection back and forth. "Young boys recover fast – think you are ready for me to suck your cock again?" Tommy felt a sudden rush of understanding. Cock sucking! That's what his uncle had just been doing to him. He had learned that 'cock sucker' was a nasty thing to call someone from his friends at school, but he had never really thought about what it meant. Well, he didn't think it was nasty at all. In fact, it was about the most wonderful thing he had ever felt. "You mean it?" The man took all of the boy's genitals inside his mouth at once and began sucking and working his tongue around the underside of the small shaft. Tiny electric sparks seemed to ignite in his crotch. His uncle's whiskers chafed at the inside of his thighs, but that small discomfort only seemed to add to the pleasure. "Oh, Uncle Ted. That feels so good!" He grabbed onto his uncle's head with both hands as he felt every muscle in his body begin to tense. Ted began to raise and lower his head slightly, drawing the cock and balls away from the boy's body, then pressing back down on them. All the while he timed intense sucking with each lifting of his head. He could feel the stab of the boy's thin prick against the roof of his mouth and the pressure of the little balls against his lower front teeth. The boy mewled and purred like a kitten, giving the man great satisfaction. From the sudden restlessness of the boy's limbs and the upward thrusts of his hips, Ted knew the kid was going to orgasm soon. Tommy lost track of time and place. The universe consisted of a giant, hot vacuum that was trying to suck his cock right off his body – and his stomach along with it! This time when everything got intense, Tommy forced himself not to panic. It was supposed to feel like this. And after his dry orgasm subsided and just when it started to hurt, Uncle Ted let go of his cock. Ted looked tenderly at the satiated boy. "When you orgasmed, I could feel your little unripe balls trying to empty themselves. If it was fun to puke, that would be like dry heaves, I guess." Tommy lay his head back on the pillow and giggled. "I wish I could puke like this everyday!" As he flopped his arm over, he accidentally hit his uncle's drooling erection. "Sorry." "No problem. It felt good. I'm so horny I could just croak. And, by the way, you can feel like this every day." "You mean you'll do it again?" "You bet. But even when we aren't together, you can give yourself an orgasm. It's called jacking off – er, masturbating." "Will you teach me?" "Some other time. Right now I have a gallon [3.8 l] of cum to shoot up your pretty little ass." "Okay," Tommy said, feeling a twinge of fear. But he had to go through with it. Especially after what Uncle Ted had done for him – twice. Tommy rolled onto his stomach without being told. He was still concerned that there was no Vaseline to make things slick. Earlier, the dry finger had not gone into his bottom all that easily. It had hurt a little. And that finger was nothing compared to Uncle Ted's cock. Ted crawled onto the bed behind the boy, coming between his legs. He lifted on Tommy's hips and said, "Get your knees under you." The boy allowed himself to be positioned. And Ted couldn't help but admit to himself that his power over the boy was a huge part of the thrill. Such an innocent and willing child! He used his fingertips to separate the thin cheeks even further. The boy's anus looked pink, perhaps a little swollen. And unbelievably small. There was no trace of hair in the boy's cleft. Though he had never done anything like this before, Ted felt drunk with passion, and so he lowered his head without a trace of revulsion, and licked the boy's anus. Tommy tried to watch by craning his neck around. Then he noticed he could see their reflection in the dresser mirror. The shades were open and the overhead light was on, so at two o'clock in the afternoon, there was plenty of light. Uncle Ted brought his face right into his butt crack. "Uncle Ted, what are you 3; oh! Oh, God!" There was hardly any odor. His tongue sought the orifice. Ted felt mad with hunger, and it was no tender act he was performing. He sucked and poked with his tongue and smeared his saliva around in a frenzy of activity. Clearly, the boy enjoyed being rimmed. Ted had never been rimmed, so he could only wonder if he would enjoy it as much as his 12-year-old nephew. Ted's cock ached from arousal. He could feel the tension leaving a sphincter a little at a time as he tried to force saliva inside it with repeated jabbing of his tongue. Unable to restrain himself any longer, Ted lifted his slick face from the boy's ass. He grabbed the two pillows and stuffed them under Tommy's stomach. Frantically, he pushed the boy down, spit onto his palm, rubbed it around his pole, then hunkered down. Tommy looked in the mirror and couldn't believe the transformation his uncle had undergone. He looked savage. From his hairy body, over a half a foot of thick, purple cock stuck out. Then, he watched his uncle use his hand to guide his erection to Tommy's waiting hole. On contact, they both moaned. Despite his fierce appearance, Uncle Ted paused in consideration and rubbed his cock around in Tommy's crack. "Just relax, Tommy. It'll feel better than last night." Despite his uncle's advice, Tommy bit his lip and clenched his fists as he felt Uncle Ted's cock touch his hole. But his uncle had told him the truth. It did go in easier. He didn't even cry out – sure he panted and groaned – but no baby-like screams this time. Yet he felt stretched wide open and there were twinges of pain as his uncle pressed forward. Uncle Ted continued to press forward, making much faster progress than the first time. Tommy felt his uncle's balls, then a moment later, the wiry pubic hairs and the solid press of his round belly. "You took it all, Tommy. You're such a good boy." Ted felt like every cell in his body had burst in to life and was going to fly off in different directions. And it all centered at the tip of his cock. He put all his weight on straightened arms, and lifted his hips. Tommy groaned and Ted pushed back home. The kid had surrendered to Ted's passion completely. True to his promise, Uncle Ted was soon making the bed springs squeak in an urgent rhythm. Uncle Ted's belly slapped against him again and again. His butt hole burned, but there was no tearing pain like the first time. It wasn't so bad. In fact, without the blinding pain, he was able to appreciate the situation better. In the mirror, he could see Uncle Ted had thrown his head back and had his eyes closed. His body didn't flow with fluid grace. He rutted into Tommy's butt with ragged, animal passion. Tommy could feel his erection pressed into the pillows and gradually he became aware that the rubbing against the pillows felt good. He was about to tell Uncle Ted how good this was feeling when his uncle started thrusting, making his belly and Tommy's butt slap together like frantically clapping hands. The springs squeaked in time with the clapping. Then he felt the full weight of his uncle upon his back. It nearly took his breath away. After more than a minute of silence, he asked, "Did you cum in my butt?" Of course, he knew the answer, but he liked hearing the words. "At least a gallon [3.8 l]," his uncle joked, bringing a finger into the boy's arm pit to tickle him. Tommy laughed out loud and tried to squirm away. The man's weight, anchored by his deeply buried cock, kept the boy in place.
For the next week, they were naked together every chance they got. Ted got used to sucking the boy's little cock, figuring it was the least he could do for the passive and cooperative kid. He discovered that Tommy liked being moved around like a rag doll, that he liked being smothered beneath the man's weight, and most of all, he liked it when Ted pounded into him so hard that furniture shook and their flesh slapped audibly together. He was only too happy to give the kid what he liked best. With his wife he had always tried to satisfy her. That meant being slow and gentle and using his hand on her clit as he slid in and out of her cunt. Getting to fuck with animal abandon was a treat. It didn't hurt that he was fucking the tiniest orifice he had ever imagined. Or that what they were doing was shockingly immoral and illegal. The alarm went off at 6:00 am on Saturday, one week after they had begun having sex together. Tommy woke up with a handful of his uncle's hard cock. "Do I have to go home today?" "Yes, and Mr. Prince is coming to pick you up in less than an hour." "Shit." "Watch your language," he said, rubbing the kid's sleep-tousled hair. Besides, it's only for three days." "Can I watch you shoot?" The boy tugged gently on his uncle's cock. He had been asking for a chance to see him cum for the past several days. His uncle's response was the one he had gotten every time. "But then I couldn't cum in your ass. And that is the best thing of all." The boy frowned in disappointment. "You don't want to make your uncle happy?" "Of course I do." He rolled onto his stomach and reached back to spread his cheeks to show his uncle just how much he wanted it. "That's my boy." Ted scooped a dollop of Vaseline onto his finger and worked it into his nephew's anus. With a sense of regret, he noted that his finger slid in easily these days. The boy's hole was opening up. He climbed over the boy and pressed himself inside. They both grunted. The boy's hole was still tighter than anything else he'd ever penetrated and it felt so hot. "I've got a piss-hard this morning. Know what that means?" "No," he replied with a grunt. His sphincter was surrendering before the steady pressure against it. They had never had sex first thing in the morning. "It's going to take me a long time to cum." Ted was about halfway inside. He quickly pressed himself home, taking satisfaction from Tommy's surprised groan. Usually Ted began tenderly then worked up to a hard fuck. Today he knew he could hold out longer, so he started out hard. The first slap of flesh on flesh came on only his 4th stroke. He set a furious pace and kept it consistent for over 12 minutes. Tommy, used to being pummeled for only a few minutes, started to feel discomfort. They hadn't done much foreplay – Uncle Ted hadn't so much as touched his cock. He kept waiting for his uncle to cum, but the pounding continued. Ted started to get a cramp in his leg, so he slowed the pace. Rising to one knee, he also lifted one of Tommy's legs, propelling the boy onto his side. From this angle, he thrust with renewed vigor. From this new angle (it was the first time the boy had been fucked in any position other than face down) Tommy could see the man's balls flapping. He could see his uncle's face, which was in a joyous grimace. And he could see the rapidly moving and hairy torso of Uncle Ted. That visual stimulation sent sparks flying in his head. Within another 3 or 4 minutes, Ted's juices began to rise. He pummeled away at the boy's ass as hard as he could, exploding finally with a huge roar. Afterwards, they grinned at each other. "Into the shower we go. We've gotta hurry." Tommy liked taking a shower with Uncle Ted because the man always soaped him really good. Ted jacked the boy to a dry orgasm as he fingered his puffy, well-fucked ass. When Ted shut the water off, he could hear a knocking at the door. "Shit! Prince is here. Get dressed. Fast!" Tommy knew that Uncle Ted felt the man was a threat to them, so he ran to his bedroom, toweling himself dry as he went. Several minutes later, Tommy answered the door. Uncle Ted was just finishing getting dressed. "Hello, Tommy," Mr. Prince said cheerfully. "May I come in?" "Of course. It's very nice of you to offer to drive me home for the weekend." "My pleasure." Mr. Prince took his hat off. His hair was silver at the temples. He was an intimidating and handsome man. "What took you so long to answer the door?" "We were in the shower," Tommy blurted out. Then he realized what he had said and his cheeks burned. "Together?" the man asked with a twinkle in his eye. "No!" Tommy said quickly. "Of course not." A moment later Ted walked into the foyer. "Hello, Charles." "Good morning, Ted. How are you doing?" "Just fine, thank you." The men shook hands. "Will you come in for a cup of coffee?" "Is there any already made?" Tommy saw his uncle blush. He hadn't thought the man was capable of being embarrassed. "It only takes a minute. We 3; overslept this morning." "Sometimes lingering in bed is most delightful," the man said genially. "I'm afraid I haven't time for coffee. That is, if my passenger is ready for the journey." "His suitcase is in his room. I'll get it." Tommy knew Uncle Ted was nervous. He left Mr. Prince in the foyer and followed Uncle Ted down the hall. "Don't worry," he whispered. "I won't tell anyone what we do together. Especially not him." "He suspects us, though. You watch out. He's a brilliant man and is skilled at tricking people into confessing to things." "I won't tell our secret. I promise." Uncle Ted patted the boy's shoulder. "I know you won't." At the door, Uncle Ted said, "I'll miss you, Tommy. Please come back after the weekend." "I'll miss you, too, Uncle Ted. And I'll be back." Uncle Ted leaned down and whispered, "I left a little present in your suitcase."
They were only in the car a few minutes before the cramps started to hit. His bowel was full of Uncle Ted's semen, and it wanted to come out. Tommy knew from the past week's experience that the cramps would not pass. "Mr. Prince," he said, "I need to use a rest room really bad." Mr. Prince quickly navigated them to a gas station. Tommy was upset that the man followed him into the rest room. It was a big bathroom with two stalls and three or four urinals. Mr. Prince walked to a urinal as Tommy raced for a stall. He couldn't wait for Mr. Prince to leave. Loud noises accompanied the mostly liquid voiding. The cramps kept coming and coming. When he finally came out of the stall, the bathroom was empty. He sheepishly went to the car. "Are you okay?" Mr. Prince asked. "Yes, sir. I am now, anyway." They drove off in Mr. Prince's Mercedes. Mr. Prince asked a lot of questions and Tommy answered them as simply as he could, trying to stay vigilant for any of the trickery his uncle had warned him about. After a three-hour drive, they entered his hometown. Mr. Prince asked, "Is it okay if I drop by my office for a moment before we go to your house?" Tommy did not want to go. "Okay," he said, feeling to insecure to say anything else to this powerful man. Mr. Prince's law office was in the nicest building in the small town. Tommy followed him through the brightly lighted lobby. Ferns and potted trees lined the mirrored walls. Tommy had never seen anything so fancy. Mr. Prince's office was huge, with two leather chairs, a huge wooden desk, a leather sofa, potted plants, and three walls of bookshelves. He sat at his desk and beckoned Tommy over to his side. "You don't seem to like me very much." "Oh, I do sir." "Then what is it? Are you afraid of me?" Tommy blushed and studied the patterned carpeting. "A little." "You know I think it is wonderful what you are doing for your uncle. He looks great – happy even." "Thank you, sir." Then Tommy caught himself. Was this a trap to get him to confess? "I must admit that I'm jealous. I live alone, too. I'd love to have you come and stay with me." "Really?" Tommy was taken off guard. "Why?" "Can you keep a secret?" Tommy was wary. If he said 'yes', was he admitting to keeping secrets? If he said 'no', he was clearly putting himself down. "I guess so," he answered feebly. His knees were feeling a little unsteady. Mr. Prince reached out and took his hand. Tommy passively let the man hold it. The hand was surprisingly warm and gentle. And dry. Tommy couldn't even look in the man's direction. "Don't be afraid of me, Tommy. I wouldn't do anything to harm you. Or your uncle. I work for both of your families, you know." "Oh." "I was hoping we could have a secret together. You know, like the secret you and your uncle have." Tommy nearly broke into tears. "What secret is that?" he asked in a trembling voice. "Don't insult my intelligence. All I want to know is if you would be willing to join me in doing the sort of things that you and Ted do." Tommy gasped as Mr. Prince brought his hand to Tommy's belt and held it there. It suddenly occurred to him that Mr. Prince was asking him to have sex. Or was he? Maybe it was a just a plan to get him to confess to having sex with Uncle Ted. "What are you going to do?" His voice sounded squeaky and weak, like a little girl's voice. He hated the sound of his voice at that moment. "Undress you, of course. We can't fuck with our clothes on, can we?" The hand waited in place. Through his terror, Tommy felt his cock grow a little warmer. He thought for a moment, wondering what he should do. The man seemed sincere. He looked down at the crotch of his wool pants and saw the unmistakable bulge of a huge erection. "I guess not," he answered, trying to sound bold. It didn't work. "Good boy," the man said, bringing both hands to the belt buckle and unfastening it. Tommy gasped as the man deftly unsnapped his jeans and unzipped the fly. His pants were in a pool around his ankles a moment later. His underwear went to the floor, too. When the man cupped his growing genitals in his soft but strong hands, Tommy knew he was going to have fun. This was no trap. After a delicious moment of being fondled, Tommy managed to look at Mr. Prince. The man smiled warmly at him. "You're a beautiful boy." He slid a finger beneath Tommy's balls and touched the swollen anus. "I was hoping he was buggering you." He slid his finger in the boy's anus. "Are you too sore to have another go at it?" Tommy didn't answer. He was confused. "We don't have a lot of time. Can I fuck you or not?" The finger was probing in a gently fluid circle. Tommy couldn't make himself say the 'yes' that was on his lips. Instead, he managed to say, "That feels good." His two and a half inch [6 cm] cock pointed straight up. Mr. Prince rose to his feet and quickly stripped off his shoes and dress pants. His cock looked so different from Uncle Ted's. It was thicker but not as long. And the knob at the end was partially covered by skin. "Suck it for a moment before I mount you." Tommy had never done that. Uncle Ted had never even suggested it. He didn't know what to do. He wouldn't have minded licking Mr. Prince's cock, but he had no idea how to make him feel good, and he was embarrassed to make a fool of himself. "I don't know how," he admitted. "Well, some other time, I'll teach you. We should get you home within the next 15 minutes or so to avoid suspicion." Tommy went over to the leather sofa and leaned across the arm of it, assuming the position he had been in the first time Uncle Ted had fucked him. "What a beautiful and cooperative child you are, Tommy!" Charles Prince exclaimed as he moved in between the boy's legs. Charles gazed at the pale flesh, so taut, so vibrant. The boy's little balls hung down in sweet vulnerability. Charles had fucked dozens of boys in his life, but never one so beautiful. He grabbed the small bottle of lubricant from the pocket of his dress shirt and lubed his cock. Then he squeezed some of the clear fluid onto the boy's cleft. His finger entered fairly easily. He withdrew his finger and poised himself for penetration. His cock didn't go as easily as he had expected. Charles pressed again, still not making any headway. "Sorry, kid, but I'm going to have to shove pretty hard." Tommy bit his lip and held his breath. Then all the air left him as the man broke past his sphincter. With hands on the boy's hips, Mr. Prince claimed the rest of the boy's passage. Tommy groaned. "Keep it quiet, Tommy. Want someone to hear you and come to investigate?" Tommy bit his lips again as he took another inch of the shaft inside. Mr. Prince was surprised at how tight the kid was. He had figured his uncle would have opened his ass, but either the man had a small cock or the boy had an exceptionally strong sphincter. He shoved a little harder and felt the boy's flesh yield to accept his length inside. He knew he had to be quick about it, so he immediately started to thrust. Tommy heard the man caution him to be quiet, but taking Mr. Prince's cock inside him wasn't as easy as he had expected. Tommy had to revise his assessment of Uncle Ted's cock – he had thought it was the largest one in the whole world. Clearly, Mr. Prince's cock stretched him to new extremes. And it felt different as he pounded away. Uncle Ted's cock was thickest at the knob. But Mr. Prince's cock seemed to get thicker the deeper it penetrated. Mr. Prince thrust more gracefully, too, making it easier for Tommy to predict the sensations. He worked steadily but never made their flesh slap together. He felt the man's balls slap his own balls at the end of each stroke for the first couple of minutes. The he could feel the fat balls draw tighter to press against the bottom of his anus. Mr. Prince never lost his composure during his orgasm, but Tommy could tell it was happening anyway. Then the man was out of him, and before Tommy could straighten up, the man was dressed. He looked timidly at Mr. Prince as he sat behind his desk. "Shall I get dressed?" "Seems like a good idea," the man said, straightening his tie. Tommy could feel the man's scrutiny as he struggled back into his clothes. It was only after he was seated that Mr. Prince said, "I can now see why your uncle is recovering from his grief so quickly. You are a great fuck." Tommy felt his cheeks burn. This man seemed so confident and powerful. "Thank you, sir," he said, even though he wasn't all that sure he had been praised. "But he is remiss in not teaching you to suck. Perhaps we could get together later this afternoon for a lesson. Could we tell your mother we are getting an ice cream cone?" "Yes, sir." Maybe he would get a chance to see an adult's cum. "Good. Now I'd better get you home. I know your mother is anxious to see you." In the car, Mr. Prince asked, "How old are you, Tommy?" "I'm 12, sir." "That's good. We should have a couple years of fucking between us." Tommy squirmed on the seat. His butt felt raw and it seemed like it was open. He squeezed hard to make sure his sphincter held. Though he hadn't really enjoyed what they had just done together – too much anxiety and uncertainty – he was already looking forward to seeing Mr. Prince 'for ice cream'. He knew that Mr. Prince considered him a plaything – like a human toy – but that didn't trouble him. Having such an important man pay attention to him at all was an honor. And he did have that wonderful cock. That night when he went to his room he thought about Mr. Prince's visit for ice cream. Actually he had taken the boy to his house for the cock sucking practice session. Mr. Prince had been rather impatient with Tommy's lack of skill at sucking a cock, but it wasn't his fault Mr. Prince had such a big cock. How could he possibly keep his teeth off of it? Mr. Prince sucked cock better than Uncle Ted, and he did it twice before he turned Tommy over on his stomach. The ensuing fuck had been slow and methodical, leaving them both exhausted. Thanks to expert caresses from Mr. Prince, Tommy had another orgasm. He then sucked his family's lawyer back to erection. The second fuck of the evening (third of the day) seemed to go on forever. It was pleasant and so relaxing that Tommy felt a little spaced out. He really liked getting fucked by Mr. Prince, but he preferred the animal passion of his uncle's fucking. As he unpacked his suitcase to get his pajamas (he did have several sisters who thought nothing of barging into his room), he found a gift-wrapped box. Inside there was a dried starfish inside and a conch. A note said,
Only Uncle Ted had crossed out the word 'day' and written 'night' over it. Despite the four orgasms Mr. Prince had given him, Tommy still had the energy to jack off before going to sleep in his own bed. As the now-familiar contractions hit him, it felt like his balls were collapsing. For a moment he wondered if all those dry orgasms were hurting his balls, if they might stunt their growth. Then he was asleep.
Tommy spent the next day with his mother and sisters, though often his thoughts turned to the two powerful men who had been fucking him. He longed for each of them, though for somewhat different reasons. Uncle Ted made him feel so important, so beautiful. Mr. Prince was less comfortable of a partner. He was more aloof, more intimidating, more knowledgeable. Tommy felt like he had to try harder to please the man, especially when it came to sucking his cock. Tommy wondered what Uncle Ted's cock would be like to suck. On the trip back to Uncle Ted, Mr. Prince talked more, telling stories about Tommy's family that he had never heard. He also told Tommy that he had a boy that he saw regularly. They lived in a small enough town that Tommy was curious about who it was. Mr. Prince smiled and replied, "Oh, I can't tell you his name. You certainly must know him, even though he is a little younger than you." Younger? That took Tommy by surprise. He couldn't imagine that a younger kid could take such a large cock. "How old is he?" "He will be 10 years old in a couple of months." "Do you do it to him?" Mr. Prince laughed. "It?" he asked. "Well, if you mean do I bugger him. Yes, and I've been doing it for almost two years. There are a lot of other things we do, too." "Like what?" "We kiss each other on the anus, for one thing." Tommy remembered how good it had felt when Uncle Ted did that to him. "That's kind of cool. Anything else?" Mr. Prince looked carefully at the boy before turning his attention back to the road. "Sometimes I spank him. And we urinate on each other. He's even consented to being tied up a couple of times." "Wow." Tommy began to realize that the world of sex was much bigger than just sucking and fucking. It seemed kind of silly to do those things. "Why does he want to be tied up?" "Then he is totally helpless. He doesn't really like it – just doesn't mind it. I'm the one who likes it because it puts me in complete control. I can do anything to him I want." "Like what?" "Such as piss in his mouth." "Wow." "Does that offend you?" "No. But doesn't he get mad at you?" "I don't think so. Maybe you want to try some of that stuff sometime." "Oh, I don't know. It's kind of scary to me." "But maybe you would like to practice sucking my cock." Tommy straightened in his seat. "Now?" he asked. "Why not?" Tommy unfastened his seat belt and scooted over. After a moment's hesitation, he struggled to get the man's pants undone. Even after the man slid his pants down to his thighs, Tommy had limited access to Mr. Prince's cock. He kept bumping his head on the steering wheel. Mr. Prince provided guidance and suggestions, which Tommy willingly tried to enact. He had his head in Mr. Prince's lap for over an hour. Finally the man pulled into a rest area. "Go into a stall but don't lock the door. I'll be in momentarily." Tommy took the end one, the one designed for wheelchair access. A moment later Mr. Prince came in. He whispered, "Leave your shoes on, but take off your pants and underwear." As he did so, Mr. Prince lowered his pants and sat on the toilet. His cock pointed up to the yellow fluorescent lights. He had a small tube of lubricant in his hand. Tommy came over to the man. Charles Prince quickly sucked the boy's limp cock into his mouth, working it till Tommy became erect. Then he reached between Tommy's legs and rubbed cream on his anus. "That's cold," Tommy whispered. "Climb on and let my cock heat it up for you," the man replied with a smile. "Climb on? How?" Mr. Prince showed him. It was awkward because his feet barely touched the floor as he sat on the man's cock, taking it deep in his rectum. Mr. Prince took the boy's hips in his strong hands and assisted the process by raising and lowering him. Tommy felt no pain from penetration. In fact, good feelings slowly grew in intensity from his insides. He grabbed the man's shoulders and started to drive himself onto the cock. Mr. Prince's face was near his and Tommy could see the glazed look that meant the man enjoyed his extra efforts. When Mr. Prince orgasmed, he grabbed Tommy's hips and drove the boy onto his cock. Tommy lifted his legs and felt the man's balls touch his ass. When they regained their senses, they became aware that someone else had come in to the bathroom. Mr. Prince lifted the boy quickly and pulled his pants up. Tommy had already begun to get dressed. Mr. Prince sent Tommy out first, whispering that he should go straight to the car and talk to no one, even if someone talked to him. Tommy saw a pot-bellied man in jeans and a flannel shirt standing at the urinal. He turned to show his cock to Tommy but didn't say anything. Tommy noted that it was smaller than either of the men in his life, and then he slipped outside. Once outside, he ran to the car. A moment later Mr. Prince joined him. "What did you think of that man in there?" "Kind of creepy, I guess." "Too bad. He told me he would love to fuck you. Want to go in and do him?" Tommy felt a flutter of excitement. But he was afraid. "No, thanks." "It's okay either way. Sometimes I share my other little lover with friends." Tommy was shocked. Long after they had driven away, he became intrigued. Sex with Uncle Ted was much different than sex with Mr. Prince. But it was wonderful with both of them. Would it have been fun with the man at the rest stop? Tommy was horny and could hardly wait to get to his uncle's house. In the car outside Uncle Ted's house, Mr. Prince put a hand on Tommy's knee. "I'll be back to give you a ride home in three weeks. That's when school starts. You practice up on sucking your uncle's cock so I won't be disappointed." Tommy nodded his head. "Thanks for everything, Mr. Prince." "Tommy, don't tell your uncle about us. He may not approve." "Okay." "It's just our little secret?" "Our secret." Tommy smiled at Uncle Ted as the man answered the door. He'd been thinking about this moment and he was prepared. He pulled the starfish our of his pack and said, "Want to pound it?" "Surf's up," Uncle Ted said with a laugh. He pawed at the boy's clothing as they stood in the foyer. "Get to the bedroom," he urged. Tommy scampered down the hall. He stripped naked and flung himself face down on the bed. Uncle Ted was right behind him. Tommy knew when school started there would be new adventures, but for now, Uncle Ted seemed like the sexiest man alive. The End |