PZA Boy Stories

Antonio Green

Danny's Escape


13 year old Danny runs away from home and takes the train from Lucas, Ohio, to San Francisco. A friendly man buys him the ticket. It is a three-night trip and Danny and the man share a cabin.
Publ. 1996 (Nifty, ASSGM); this site Jan 2013
Finished 21,000 words (42 pages)


Danny (13yo) and George Martin, with Troy (c. 10yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story
Mt tb – cons mast oral anal – toy ws


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?

Author's note

The following story is a fictional account of a boy's experiences in running away from home. It depicts sexual encounters with other boys and men. IF you do not enjoy reading this type of material, TAKE A HIKE 3; DELETE THIS FILE NOW!

IF by some chance you are under the age of consent, (whatever that may be in whatever part of this God's green earth you may calling from) then you should go to alt.barney.insults, and play there.

For those of you ABOVE the age of consent, I hope you enjoy the story.

Last chance to quit 3; OKAY, let's get on with the story. The writer takes no responsibility for accidents that may occur (such as cum on your monitor, blisters on your dick, etc.) for reading this work.

This story appeared on usenet and Nifty with the different penname of Michael C Waggener.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at Auto67340399(at)hushmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with Antonio Green - Our Papa, Our Pimp in the subject line.


Chapter 1

The ticket agent thought the man who bought my ticket was my father. He wasn't. I knew that if I'd bought a ticket for myself that the agent would be suspicious. Thirteen year old boys don't normally buy themselves train tickets for trans-continental trips. He'd have every right to wonder where I got the money for the ticket although I had saved it and nearly two thousand dollars more.

I didn't dare ask anyone I knew to buy the ticket; that's why I approached the man outside the station in Lucas, Ohio. A friend would tell my mother where I went and I wanted my tracks to be completely covered. I was on my way out of this rotten town and away from a mother and step father who would undoubtedly be glad to see me go. They'd call the cops, I knew, and the cops would try to track me down. They had done so the other six times I'd run away. The police never seemed to care when I told them of the whippings I got at home. They only wanted to get me back with my 'folks' where I belonged.


Bull shit!

I ran away the first time when I was ten and had been doing so regularly since then about every six months. I got sick and tired of the belt or the willow switch or the cigarette. It was both of them who did it. It was both of them I wanted to get as far away from as possible. I didn't care where I went, really, but San Francisco was two thousand miles away and I felt I might be welcome there.

You see, I'm gay.

I know, thirteen year old boys ain't supposed to know if they are but I've known since I was six or seven. I didn't know the words for it, didn't even know I wasn't supposed to be until about the tenth time I was caught with one of my little friends playing with his twinkie (as my mother called it). All I knew was that I liked playing with my friend's penises almost as much I liked having them play with mine. It started with simple games of 'show and touch' (sounds like a new thing to do in kindergarten) which would always produce an erection for me if not for my buddies. At the young ages I started these games with my friends, and I was, indeed, the instigator of most of them, it wouldn't be long before we were caught. At first my folks just scolded me. That didn't stop me. Then came the spankings and as I grew older, the beatings.

I don't want you to think that the only thing I was whipped for were my games with my buddies. As I got older, the old man laid into me for just about anything I did, mostly for mouthing off to him, it seemed. I never could learn to keep my trap shut when I felt I was right about something.

I also don't want you to think that I was unhappy as a kid. I wasn't. I loved those parts of my life which I made happen. Like Jeremy.

Jeremy was a friend of mine in the sixth grade. By the time I was eleven most of the kids had been told by their parents to stay away from me. Three years of being caught at sex play can ruin a guy's rep with the older crowd. I'd started hearing things like 'little faggot' from adults and kids alike. That didn't stop the boys I knew from coming to me if they felt like a rubbin' on their nubbin'. I could play my games with them in their basements or in empty lots but I just couldn't play in their games on the school yard.

Jeremy was different from most of the rest of them. For one thing, he was a newcomer to Lucas in the sixth grade and he didn't know my reputation when we first began our secret games. But I don't think that would have mattered.

Being new in the town, Jeremy wasn't included in a lot of the other kid's games. He also wasn't very good at throwing or catching or at any type of ordinary eleven or twelve year old's activities. We became friends because of our exclusion by the other boys. Shortly after becoming friends, he invited me over to his house on a Saturday for a sleep over. I arrived early that rainy, October afternoon as he had asked. His mother greeted me and my old lady at the door.

"Welcome to our house, Danny," she said, sounding very formal but exuding warmth and love. Jeremy was almost hiding behind her; he seemed as shy as the first day he came to school. We went to his room to play.

Most of my friends have G.I. Joe action figures. Some people might call them dolls but none of the boys would. If you told another kid that he played with dolls, you were in for a real fight. Jeremy's room was covered with dolls, mostly fashion dolls like Barbie, but there must have been fifteen of them. The room looked really pretty with them. There were also a nearly equal number of car models which were very well made. I couldn't see much glue on any of them. He'd done a real good job for a twelve year old.

Jeremy seemed more than little uneasy when I entered.

"Kinda funny, huh?" he shrugged.


"You know, the dolls." His deep brown eyes were on the verge of tears. He felt he'd blown it with me by having me come to his house.

"These are neat," I said and said it meaning what I said. His was the nicest room I'd ever seen. I picked up a Ken Doll. "Let's play."

"You really want to?" Jeremy asked.

By then I'd gotten out some of the accessories and started setting up a game.

"Come on, asshole, lets play," I let the obscenity slip on purpose.

We played with the dolls for about forty-five minutes. Jeremy was Barbie for most of the time and then introduced a friend of Ken's, Peter. Peter started taking over a more important role in the game from Barbie. Finally it was just me and Ken with Jeremy and Peter. The game got around to the point of Ken and Peter going swimming. They were on the sandy beach by the river, in their day time clothing, trunks in hand.

"Looks like a good place to swim," Peter says.

"Yeah, it does," Ken replies. "I'll go find a place to change.

"Just change here. We're both men," Peter enthuses.

Both Ken and Peter take off their shirts then pull down their pants.

"See, they don't really have anything," Jeremy said. There was a pause of about five or ten seconds. "I do, though."

He waited several more seconds then pulled down his pants, jeans first, then the Jockey shorts. He kicked them both off at once and stood with his arms akimbo, looking at his cock.

"Does yours get stiff like this?" he asked me very matter of factly, looking up at me.

"Hey, take a look," I shrugged.

Jeremy pulled down my shorts. I didn't wear underwear. My cock stood out as straight as his did. Straighter, really since his actually angled upward along his smooth belly. His was the first uncircumcised penis I'd seen. I was fascinated by the tight, fully stretched skin that covered Jeremy's cockhead.

"Does it feel good when you rub it?" he asked, his voice squeaking as he took the length of his penis in his hand and started stroking it.

My answer was to start jerking on mine, and I mean jerking. Jeremy had a gentle, smooth stroke to his masturbation. Mine always has had a frantic, jerky quality about it.

He moved closer. I could smell the faint odor of skunk about him. He reached over and replaced his hand for mine on my prick. He was stroking both of us at the same rate. I closed my eyes for a moment; the feeling was wonderful. His was the best hand I'd ever had on my cock. I switched my hand for his and began stroking on his. I could feel him moving around on the floor beside me, not missing a beat with his hands as he did. I kept my eyes closed, almost afraid that by opening them the dream would end. Jeremy stopped his movement on the floor and stopped the movement on my prick as well. Still he maintained a light grasp on it. I prayed for what I wanted to happen next but felt that a little faggot's prayers couldn't possibly be answered.

They were though.

The next thing I felt was the warm breath of my friend on the end of my penis then the moistness of his lips on the cockhead. He lingered at the tip for the briefest of kisses, then sucked the whole head into his mouth. He rolled the tip around in the wetness. I had to open my eyes and watch. He pushed farther down on the little pricklet, making swallowing movements with his mouth. I wasn't more than three and a half inches [9 cm] hard. I knew since I had measured myself often and always had to push the ruler into my belly to get even that much length accounted for. Jeremy had the full length in his mouth and was trying to suck my balls in as well. The sight of what was happening to me, this unspoken dream, was too much for me. My belly jerked up and my prick started the dry spasms I'd had been able to rouse infrequently before. These spasms lasted longer and were far more intense than any I'd ever felt.

I collapsed backward on the floor when the orgasm ended, Jeremy still sucking. The pressure was too much to bear so I pushed him away. Breathless, I couldn't say anything. Jeremy looked at me like he was going dissolve.

"I'm sorry," he pleaded. "I don't know why I 3; Please don't tell anyone. I won't do it again."

Tears started to run from his eyes and then he began the quiet sobbing I would only see one other time from him. In answer to his embarrassed pleas, I pushed him backward. For a moment a look of extreme sorrow mixed with fear for his safety grabbed his face. The look must have changed when I dived for his cock and sucked its soft length into my mouth. It must have changed but I didn't see it since my eyes were facing his belly. I sucked his dick back to the hardness it had lost in his fear. He was longer and broader than me. I could feel the difference; I wanted to measure them against each other, but Jeremy had me at a disadvantage right then. I was soft and his hard-on was tearing at the skin of his cockhead. I moved the foreskin with my tongue and was able to skin it back with my lips. I sucked as hard as I normally jacked myself. Jeremy had his orgasm almost as quickly as I had, but his was stronger than mine and his prick erupted a bitter-sweetness into the back of my throat. I pulled the cock out in time to see it spitting the thick semen at my face. A wad hit my nose and dribbled down into my mouth. I took the spurting prick back into my mouth and sucked and gnarled it 'till Jeremy was rolling on the floor yelling at me to stop. Finally I realized that I might be hurting him.

"Sorry," I said, "hope I didn't bust nothing. Oh, God! do you think your mom heard?"

"Don't worry, she leaves me alone when I'm in my room; it's kinda my sanctuary. It's not likely that she heard, anyway. She's next door at her friend's. I heard her leave." Jeremy was panting the words out. "You won't tell?"

"Hell no, asshole. I sucked you, too and I drank your spunk. You got one on me if you want."

"No thanks. I just want to be your friend."

When we went to bed that night I spread my sleeping bag on the floor. Jeremy asked if I'd like to share the bed. It seemed like an excellent idea. We had gotten closer throughout the evening and I was still young enough that his mother probably wouldn't care. Jeremy explained that he didn't think she would care even if she knew what we had done or if we were older. His response puzzled me. What we had done was wrong, a sin. I knew it was a sin and that I'd burn in hell if I didn't confess it at Confession. Why would what we had done be okay with his mother.

In any event I crawled into the bed with him after we said good night to his mom. I had on my underwear; Jeremy had on pajamas. I wanted to play some more and slid my hands under the waist band of his p.j.'s. He pulled me close to him and kissed my lips. I'd never been kissed by a male before. Oh, maybe my real father did but he died when I was two and my mother's husband sure as hell wouldn't do it. I told him so.

"Well you're the first boy I've done any of this stuff with," he admitted.

We kissed and played for about an hour before Jeremy slipped off to sleep. I lay in bed looking at his long brown hair, his long straight eyelashes. I liked what I saw and loved who had them. At that moment I knew I was gay. I knew because I knew in my gut that Jeremy was and we were the same.

We were lovers for the next two years. Jeremy's mother discovered us one day about six months after our first time and he was right. She didn't seem to mind and was always as nice to me as from before she found out. We spent our nights together at his place since I didn't want my folks to make fun of Jeremy or me in front of him. Which they would. But his mother was great to us. I suspect she knew we loved each other. That must be why she seemed so sad when she told me that she and Jeremy would be moving six months ago.

You understand, now, that I have several reasons for leaving good, old Lucas. Life has been miserable for me the past six months since Jeremy left. I don't have any reason to stay here. That's why I was hanging around the train station one Saturday morning, looking for a man to play at being my father long enough to buy me a ticket to San Francisco.

Jeremy lives in San Francisco.

Chapter 2

I walked to the platform with the man who bought the ticket for me. We must have seemed like father and son. He was over six feet [1.80 m] tall and I'm small for my age. At thirteen I should be taller than the four foot ten [1.47 m] that I can stretch to.

When I had asked him to buy the ticket for me, I told him that I had to go to San Francisco to visit my grandmother who was sick and my parents couldn't make it to the station to buy it for me. It was a pretty weak excuse but the only one I could come up with at the time. The man had smiled when he agreed to do it. I guessed that he knew what was going on, so my accompanying him to the platform didn't seem to surprise him. It seemed funny not talking to him while we waited for the train. I felt like I should say something yet nothing except the "thanks" I'd already said came to mind. He broke the strange and strained silence.

"San Francisco's a nice city. I think you'll enjoy your visit there."

"I never been there," I answered. "I'm looking forward to it."

"Too bad it has be under the circumstances that are bringing you there."

"Huh?" I didn't understand him at first then my excuse about my grandmother came back to me. "Oh, yeah,. Well, I don't think she's too sick. I'm just 'sposed to keep her company." I didn't have any grandparents in San Francisco or anywhere for that matter. I figured that I'd have to do some fast talking to cover up my ignorance. I didn't even have an address for my fictitious grandmother. The man looked at me with a glimmer of suspiciousness in his eyes.

"You'll like it there," he said, dropping the subject of San Francisco and easing my discomfort. We stayed on the platform trading small talk until the train arrived.

"Well, have a nice trip," the man said as he boarded. Suddenly the prospect of a trip to the west coast by myself seemed more frightening than I'd thought it would be. I almost asked the man if we could sit together, but he turned to the right into an area of the train which was reserved for people who had roomettes.

I turned left and walked through the club car [lounge car]. Many times I had watched the trains come through Lucas and wondered what the club car would be like. Now I knew. The bustle and business was enticing. People were playing cards, drinking, talking or just looking out the domed windows in the upper part of the car.

I found an empty seat in a car not far from the club car and settled in. Most of the rest of the morning I stayed in my seat reading one of the science fiction books I'd brought. I was enjoying myself until Cincinnati. A mother and her three children settled themselves into the seats across from me. The oldest boy was maybe nine or ten and very cute. His being there made me uncomfortable since I didn't want to gawk at him. The other two kids, a boy and a girl, looked like they were twins about five or six years old. I could tell that they were brats from the moment they got to their seats.

As much as enjoyed watching the slender, blond older brother, I couldn't take their noise and activity for more than a half hour. Finally, I went to the club car for some peace and quiet. The man who'd bought me my ticket was sitting at a table by himself, reading. He looked up and caught my arm when I walked by.

"That's okay. Don't say 'hi' to an old friend," he quipped.

"You looked busy and I didn't want to disturb you," I answered in embarrassment.

"No, I'm not busy. I'm just trying to pass the days until I get to Oakland."

"Where's that?" I asked.

"Why don't you sit down?' he offered.

He explained that Oakland, were he lived, was across the bay from San Francisco and was the last stop on the train. Passengers for the city took a bus from the train station to San Francisco.

His name was George Martin and we spent the afternoon talking about what he called the Bay Area. I told him about the invasion of the brats in my car and he explained that that was why he usually got a roomette on the train.

"I hope you don't feel I was rude when we parted, Danny, but I didn't want you to think I was imposing on you. I wouldn't mind sharing the room with you. There are two berths and I spend most of the time here, anyway."

His offer seemed sincere and by that time I felt that I knew George fairly well. He said that he would talk to the porter so that the crew wouldn't miss me in my seat. I was going to miss the cute ten year old, but I looked forward to a more relaxed journey.

Or so I thought.

George bought my dinner for me and then we spent most of the evening in the club car. It isn't easy to get to know someone well in the amount of time we had spent together. There was a bond between us which grew that evening. He seemed to care for me. He was gentle and thoughtful. He was concerned for my welfare. I felt by the end of the evening that George was a very special person, one I wanted to know for many years.

It was well after midnight that George asked if I was ready to go to the room. My stomach tingled with anticipation. I thought of Jeremy and our love and the times we had had together. Although I couldn't put words to the feeling, I wanted to be with this man, to hold him and sleep with him. I wanted more, too, but the idea of sex with a man seemed so strange.

"You can go ahead and sleep here,"he said as he opened the door to the roomette, "and I'll go back to the lounge car."

His words were soft, wistful. I knew he was protecting me by his offer. I didn't want protection. I wanted him. I grabbed him around the waist and hugged him to me, my head against his chest.

"Please don't go," I pleaded. "This is the first time in six months that I haven't been lonesome. I'll be good. Please stay with me." I was crying. I felt that if I let go of this man he would disappear forever.

He held me to himself and edged us into the small room.

"Okay, Danny. Which berth do you want?"


He stood with mouth agape. I'd blown it.

"I mean. Please. I'm so lonely. I just want you to hold me. No one at home loves me. That's why I'm running away." Much of it came blurting out. I held him tighter so that he couldn't push me away. Only he wasn't trying to push me away. He was stroking my hair gently.

"Please sit down," he asked. "This is very hard. There are a lot of people who would object to you being in this room with me, let alone your sharing my bed. I knew from the start that you were running away. I never should have gotten myself involved. If I say 'no' to you will you understand that I still like you and care about you?"

I nodded.

"I can't say 'yes'. You don't understand the implications. I have too much to lose. Will you hate me if I say 'no'?"

I shook my head.

"I feel like I shouldn't be in this room. You just don't understand." There were tears in his eyes and a knot in his throat.

"I'm sorry I made you feel this way," I said. "I can go back to my seat."

"You don't have to. Please understand me. I really care for you. I don't want anything to happen which could hurt you. Do you want the upper or lower berth?"

I sighed, "The upper, I guess."

I started to strip out of my clothes. George turned away suddenly to avoid seeing me.

"Hey, man, I'll keep my underpants on," I said, more than a little bit pissed off. I hoped they were clean.

I was pulling off my undershirt, facing the berths, when he turned back around.

"Just wanted to give you your priva 3;" He couldn't finish his sentence. In my anger, or possibly because of it, I had forgotten to keep my shirt on. I never stripped for PE like the other kids, not because of my cock, which in spite of my height is pretty big, but because of the scars.

There was a silence broken only by the sound of George exhaling. He spun me around, his hands gentle on my bare shoulder, anger in his face. He could see the strap and burn marks on my chest. He stood gaping at me trying to say something. It occurred to me that maybe he wouldn't like me so well if I was marked up.

"The marks go away after about a year," I whispered, hoping he would still like me.

"These marks can never go away, Danny. I'm sorry this was done to you. No wonder you want to be held." He almost crushed me with the hug he gave but I would have gladly passed out in his squeeze. He lifted me into his berth and slid beside me.

"I know what it's like," he said. "I was beaten as a kid myself. Not like this. Not like this."

His hands travelled over the slight ridges of the scars on my chest and across my back. After several minutes of caressing my torso he slipped out of bed, turned out the light and undressed.

"Come back, please," I asked. While he was undressing I pulled my underpants off and pushed them to the bottom of the bed with my foot. I watched as he pulled off his pants. He had a hard on under the white cloth of his jockeys. Then he slipped out of those.

"I can't do this to you," he mumbled.

"I want it. Please. I want it."

He slid back under the covers so that we lay on our sides. His hands travelled down my back to find the railroad tracks left by the belt the most recent time it was used. My erection stabbed against him and slid up his belly as he pulled me to him. His hard cock, bigger than any I had seen, pushed between my legs at the base of my balls. I could feel the moistness of the head at my butthole. George began moving his hips with a slow rhythm, the huge, stiff member stroking me where I'd never been stroked before. I had no idea that area was so sensitive, so responsive as it was to the persistent stabbing of the man's cock. My own penis, so small in comparison to the one working at my underside, stretched as tight as it had ever felt, its tip dripping lubrication more than I could ever remember it doing, slid up and down the man's skin, stubbing into his belly button.

I was lost in the rocking of the train's motion and the rocking of the big man's body. My body felt an urgency to bring the situation to its crisis though I wanted the feelings which were overwhelming me to last forever. I could feel the heat of his breath on my face when he moved his body slightly to press his lips against mine. His tongue pushed between my teeth and licked at the cavern of my mouth. Jeremy and I had kissed often on the lips, but never had I had my mouth been probed by another tongue as George was doing to me now. I jabbed my smaller tongue into his mouth and jabbed my smaller penis as hard as I could against his belly.

Time stretched to its breaking point as my prick erupted. Every pulse of its orgasm seemed as long as any previous orgasm I'd had. I could feel each wad of semen scratching its way up the urethra and exploding from the tip and splattering against our bodies.

George pushed me from my side to my back as my orgasm finished, still plumbing my mouth with his tongue. The slow, deliberate movements of his penis quickened. I knew he was coming when he started stabbing his cock frantically into the ridge formed by my legs. The sticky warmth spattered into the crack of my ass and against my asshole which itched and yearned for more than the tapping it was receiving from the man's penis.

He collapsed, breathless, against me, nearly crushing me with his weight. His fingers still toyed with the marks of recent beatings and burnings, marks which had been my shame a short time before but which were now my joy.

The train whistle blew in the distance, its hollow cry blowing by the window in the darkness.

Chapter 3

It was still dark when I was awakened by this tremendous urge to pee. I mean PEE in great big neon, capital letters. My pecker was so hard I could have pole vaulted out of the berth. I couldn't have been asleep too long since my crack was still sticky where George had shot his load, but I' been pulled out of a very deep sleep by my need. I was thinking about this while I pulled on my undershirt and tried to bend my stiff to fit into my blue jeans.

I guess its no big deal to you to wake up and have to go to the bathroom. Everybody does it, after all. Well, everybody doesn't do it. One of the regular occurrences in my life which caused me some type of humiliation was not waking up to have to pee but waking up in a bed already wet with pee.

Every night in recent memory except this particular night I'd stop drinking anything at about 8:30. I'd use the toilet right before going to bed, sometimes straining so hard to get something out that I'd get tears in my eyes from the effort. I would lie in bed and pray, really pray to God, to have a dry night. God must have had a good, god-type belly laugh at my expense. It wasn't so bad when I was six or seven. I guess a lot of boys still do it at that age. But I'm thirteen and I'm still wetting my bed. I don't do it every night, just often enough to let everyone in my family know I wasn't cured of my problem.

My folks figured the best way to 'break' me of doing it was the way they did with anything. The slaps and spankings weren't so bad. I got used to being pushed around at an early age. It got so that even when the old man lay into me with the belt, I could bite my lip or clamp my teeth and not make a sound even when the leather was cutting into my skin. The bastard hated that. When I stopped crying is when he graduated to cigarettes or putting whiskey on the marks. I would cry then but I was getting better about it. By the last time he did it, I barely made a sound although there were still tears.

In any event I seldom got a whipping for doing it. The old man wouldn't do much of anything. When my mother would announce for my sister and him that I'd 'done it again', he'd usually say something like "what do you expect from a little piss-ass faggot." (I think I'd be more humiliated by my mother's overly glowing announcements of my dry nights. It was my mother who would get all pushed out of shape when it would happen. She would usually slap me and say it was a filthy thing.

"How filthy?" she would yell. "This filthy." Then she would spit in my face. Not always. More than once she pushed my face into the wetness and hold my head there. I didn't mind the smell. I passed out once because I couldn't breath. When I came to she was holding me and rocking me and saying how it was okay. (Only I knew it wasn't okay.) She didn't mind the fact I'd pissed on myself when I passed out but that was because of feeling guilty. One time I must have gone right before I woke up because the sheets were really soaked and were still warm. She made me suck on the sheets "to taste the filth." I didn't mind the taste.

I swear, she tried everything to make me stop: diapers made from old sheets that I'd ruined (I cut school on those days and forged my absence notes;) having me sleep in the tub (I didn't sleep much because the tub was cold against my nude body); hanging the yellowed sheets out my window for the neighbors to see. When I was eleven I was desperate to stop. I tied a ribbon around my wiener as I called it then and went to bed. I awakened in extreme pain and my penis was terribly swollen. I could hardly get the ribbon off. I was sure that my wiener was going to rot and fall off.

It almost never happened at Jeremy's, though. Shortly after I started spending nights over there, my mother called his mom to tell her about my nasty habit, to warn her about it, my mother said. The next time I went over, Jeremy's mom waited until I was alone and very matter of factly told me that the sleeping bags we both used were washable. She gave me a hug. I was a little embarrassed by it but she was so cool about the whole thing that my embarrassment didn't last long. She never said anything, really, but we both understood and I was grateful. I only did it a couple or three times in the two and a half years I was going over there.

The bathrooms on this train were funny places. They were kinda nice and comforting. There were soft, cushioned seats along the walls and the toilet was in a separate little room. At night the light was low. I sat there for about fifteen or twenty minutes thinking about all of this stuff. My bladder ached and felt like it was about to burst, however I was enjoying the feeling. I'd had a lot to drink that evening. George bought me sodas while he drank gin and tonics. I must have had five sodas to his two drinks, but in my anxiousness about where and with whom I was going to sleep, I only pee'd once and that was quite awhile before bedtime. I had forgotten about my problem. I had awakened from my sleep needing to piss. It wasn't like I had had a dry night. I actually woke up. I didn't wet the bed.

By the time I stood up from the seat, I had to go so badly that I wasn't sure I'd make it to the toilet in time. Once inside, though, my rod was so stiff I couldn't get it started. I bent it to soften it up. I aimed the flow at the stainless steel bowl, watching the liquid splash off the sides and swirl into a little yellow lake at the bottom. It reminded me of that morning which seemed so many years and miles away but which was really less than a day gone by.

I'd planned my escape carefully this time, planned for several weeks. My folks both worked and it being Saturday they would be out of the house before I was awake. My sister would be gone to her job as well. I had set my alarm for shortly after they would have left. A dry night. That was a funny one. My last night in that fucking hole and I'd had a dry night. I was all packed so all I had to do was slip on my clothing. I was on my way to the bathroom when the funniness of my dry night struck me. I'd leave them something to remember me by. I pulled off the bed clothes and stuffed the plastic mattress cover (how I hated it) into my closet. I remade the bed, leaving the covers pulled down at the foot. I jumped onto the bed and pulled out my dick. From one corner at the foot I started forming the message in shaky cursive, yellow letters. I almost didn't have enough room for the ending "o" but squeezed it in. I ran out of room before I ran out of pee so I pissed from my perch onto the pillow on the floor.

I looked at my handiwork. It looked pretty good but there was a large blank spot between the "fuck" and the "you." I dropped my pants and laid a dump right in the empty spot. It was good sized one, and it stunk. I wiped my ass on the top covers, pulled up my pants, and hopped off. I put the soaked pillow in place and neatly made my bed for one last time. I giggled at the lump in the middle which I was so careful to preserve.

I giggled softly remembering it, too. I guess it was a dumb thing to do, and if I was caught before getting out of town, you can imagine what would have happened to me. Only I'd love to have done it to both of them.

I'd been in the john long enough. I wanted to go back to my friend.

Friend: the word had a good feel top it.

Chapter 4

I swear, I shake my prick after I pee till you think it's going to come off in my hand, and I still get a wet spot. No one would see this one, tough, since it was late so I didn't care.

George was still asleep in the berth but he'd turned from his side to his back. I'd knocked the covers off when I'd gotten out of bed. It was warm enough in the little room that George hadn't tried to pull them back up.

I moved by the bed and began undressing, looking at the body I hadn't looked at closely before. His hair was gray and dark blond but mostly gray. I knew he had blue eyes beneath the closed lids. There was a small amount of gray hair on his chest and dark brown hair starting at his naval which marched in a thin line down to his dark tangle of pubic hair.

I didn't spend much time looking at the pubic hair, you can be sure, not with what was lying up against it in all of its erect glory.

Over the last eight years I've been able to observe a lot of penises, some from pretty close range. When I was younger, they were all pretty much alike. Some were cut, like mine, and some weren't, like Jeremy's. All were tiny. I wasn't really much of a connoisseur at the ages of 5 to 9. When the kids I was taking care of started to grow and change 'down there' I started to notice differences, even among the younger ones. In junior high the locker room afforded some additional viewing although I had to be careful not to be seen doing so or suffer something like "Whatcha lookin' at, fag breath?" Because of this, I could only glimpse at boys' peters and piece together my mental catalogue of sizes, shapes, textures and colors.

Jeremy's cock I knew better than my own since I knew how his tasted and felt in my mouth, and I could only imagine how mine was. His was the first uncircumcised prick I'd seen up close. When we first started our games together, there was a lot of extra skin at the end of his dick. As the cockhead got bigger, the skin seemed to fit better. He was always pretty much the same length, about four inches [10 cm] and only toward the end of his stay in Lucas did it grow a little longer. He was longer than I was for at least a year, but then I caught up with him and passed him in that department. His pecker thickened up, though, and he grew dark, straight pubic hair. The head changed from a reddish pink to fleshy violet. His balls were maybe half an inch in diameter and hung down in a sack that dangled nicely between his legs. When he left for San Francisco, his pecker was a good handful, four and a half inches [11½ cm] long when hard (we measured each other as one of our last games) and an inch [2½ cm] in diameter.

My cock is a bunch different from Jeremy's. I like his better. Mine didn't really start to grow until last year and instead of getting thicker, it mostly got longer. It's now a little over five inches [13 cm], hard but barely three quarters [2 cm] across. Where as Jeremy's is chubby and firm looking whether hard or soft, mine looks funny. It shrivels away when soft . When its hard, it has a twist to it, and instead of sticking straight out like it should, it sticks up in the air near my belly. The head is still light red. I've got a smattering of long red hair down there. Some of the guy's at school started calling me "Red." Most kids, men too, have dark pubic hair. Mine has to be ridiculous red. My balls are still little boy small and my scrotum is tight.

The piece of male meat I was eyeing couldn't compare to mine or Jeremy's. One doesn't compare a great work of art with doodling. Jeremy's was the right size to fit along my tongue and just tickle the back of my throat if he pushed. George's would have tickled my gut if I tried to swallow it all. It must have been eight inches [20 cm] long. I laid both of my hands on it and gently folded them around its girth. The head was partially exposed by this double grasp. George moaned softly and stirred when I squeezed gently. His cock throbbed back to my squeeze.

The shaft of the prick was thick even in proportion to its length. It was somewhat flattened on top so that it looked triangular. I couldn't close my fingers around it without squeezing hard which I didn't want to do yet. The balls looked liked two small bird eggs in a leathery sack which was covered in hair not bald like all the ball bags I'd seen before. The cockhead on this monster was the only thing which wasn't oversized. It looked small in comparison although it was probably a good sized head. It was certainly larger than Jeremy's and mine. It seemed to give George's penis a little, purple point at its end. There was a pearl of moisture at the piss slit which lengthened and dropped in a silvery line to his belly.

My asshole itched looking at this gorgeous, drooling piece of manhood. I knew what I wanted. I scratched my hole and pushed a finger in to mid-knuckle. I had thought up butt-fucking on my own about a year ago. Jeremy liked the idea and took me up his hole a dozen or so times. It always hurt him even though I'm thin, but he always came when I screwed him. He tried to do me, but I was always too tight for him. He'd lose his stiffy before getting it in except for one time when he did get the head in. He couldn't keep it hard enough to fuck me, though.

I liked him to finger fuck me (although he thought it was gross to get shit on his finger). I jacked off at home putting marbles, pens and stuff in me. Several times I used carrots. I started with thin ones, but I could now take ones that were normal sized as long as they weren't too long. I loved to put things up me and I'd wanted Jeremy badly, though I couldn't get him. Now I wanted George's dick where I was itching even if it was bigger than anything I'd ever imagined taking.

I pulled my finger out and sucked the bitterness off. I couldn't stop myself from licking the sweetness of the pre-cum drooling from George's meat. I slipped the head into my mouth, sucked gently to get the last of the sweetness. George moaned, put his hands on my head, grabbing my hair firmly but gently. He was awake.

His hands pushed his cock farther into my mouth, stretching my lips with his bulk. Pushed until it filled my mouth but still barely touched its back wall. I couldn't breath like I could with Jeremy's dick in my mouth since George's took up three times the space. He used the grip on my hair to pull my head up, luckily for I could then take a breath, not actually pulling my hair as much as directing my head's movement. He pressed back down, this time pushing his cock farther back so that I gagged and my eyes watered. I could feel vomit rising in my stomach.

"So you like to suck cock, little boy," he snarled roughly as he pulled my head up again, easing the nausea. I gasped for air before he could push me down his monstrosity once again, farther, again, than before. I was only halfway down his prick, but I knew I couldn't take anymore without barfing or passing out. My nose was running down my lips and onto his flesh rod. Tears were draining from my eyes. Nausea was rising again, and I loved the fucking my face was taking.

"Suck on it, you little cock sucker. Take it all if you're man enough, take my cream you little fuckface." The words, the tone, the movements were harsh, but he did it knowing that I loved the harshness. You didn't really care for me if you were rough with me.

He held the side of my face by my ears and fucked my mouth until he started to squirt. He pulled me off long enough to spatter two wads onto my face then pushed me down faster, farther than before. My throat was being fucked, truly fucked by this huge cock which belonged to a man I both loved and hated.

The cum squished around in my mouth and throat. The cock churned it and the saliva I was gagging on into a froth which slid down my throat at one end and bubbled out at the other.

I quickly lost track of the jabs and the number of times my lover's penis shot in my mouth. One final, spasmodic push forced my mouth and throat to take a final quarter of an inch. The pressure relaxed. I slipped the fading cock from my mouth. Tears, frothy cum and snot melded on my chin. I started to wipe my face. A gentle touch. My arm dropped. A tongue touching my lips. The tongue softly licking chin, lips and nose. The voice: soft, delicate, as strong as Celini gold, malleable but never brittle.

"Let me clean you, dirty face."

Chapter 5

George's tongue moved leisurely around my mouth, lapping the sticky foam.

"Best my spunk has ever tasted, fuck face," he said.

His tongue cleaned my face then slid down my neck to my chest. He bathed me like a momma cat bathes her kitten. When he got to my breast, he licked in a diminishing spiral that ended on the nipple. He sucked it into his mouth, nibbled at it while he tickled my other one with his hand. I had no idea my nipples could give me so much pleasure. My cock got harder and was screaming to be released from the passion that it felt from the fucking my face had taken and now from the attention my nipples were receiving. I reached down and started to jack on my cock with one hand.

George pulled my hands away from my cock and held them firmly at my sides, preventing them from accomplishing their goal. I wriggled to try to get loose from his grasp but to no avail. He held fast while licking at my nipples, seeming to put no effort into the grip that pinned my arms. I bucked my hips upward, trying to poke my engorged penis into the man's belly. I stabbed it a few times into the hair beneath his navel. He arched upwards to frustrate my efforts.

"If you can't, little one," he said, reaching over the side of the berth, "I'll have to prevent you from hurting yourself."

He fumbled with whatever it was he was doing long enough for me to be able to free my left hand. It grabbed my poker and started rubbing it frantically. My pecker yelled to be mauled. I had to cum. I probably wouldn't have much of anything left to shoot since I'd already come once less than three hours earlier, but I had to shoot what I had or I was sure I'd melt.

Just as I was getting the rhythm I needed, George pulled his necktie from the pile of clothing on the floor. Quickly, expertly, he tied one end around my pinioned right hand, slipped it under my buttocks and secured my left hand. I was unable to reach myself in that position. I was frustrated and angry with George. for not letting me do myself. After all, it was my dick and if I wanted to jack it off I should be able to.

I looked up at George and snarled, "Son of a bitch, let me do it," and let fly a wad of spit that hit him in the cheek. I was immediately sorry for what I had done. I didn't want to lose him. Not now. Not ever. I was sure I had blown it with him. He looked at me with a look I couldn't fathom but which didn't look like anger. He almost looked pleased.

"You little piss breathed cock sucker," he growled. Then he grabbed my hair and roughly pulled my head up to his. "I'm in control. You understand? Me." He wiped his cheek against my mouth then let my head fall back to the mattress. He grabbed my cheeks with one hand and squeezed them, forcing my mouth open in a fish face. I could hear him swish saliva around in his mouth. He pursed his lips and let a long leisurely strand of saliva fall from his mouth into mine. The he spat forcefully onto my face.

"Understand, scum? I'm in charge." I nodded quickly, afraid of what he might do next. My wiener had melted and was hiding as much as it could, pretending it belonged to some six or seven year old for al the size it had.

George glared at me for a moment longer, then forced my legs apart with his knees. In this position he began again to play with my nipples while his tongue resumed its journey down my chest to my navel. A belly button was just before that night, but George showed me how sexy it could be. He lingered long enough for my penis to decide it was safe to come out from hiding. He continued down my belly until he reached of mine which had caused me so much trouble earlier. By now it was standing straight again, yelling at me to knock it down. Only I couldn't if I wanted to, and I didn't want to. George was taking care of my needs. He was licking at its base, and I knew he was about to lick up the shaft and swallow it and me with it.


Without warning George pulled my knees up and pushed them apart. His tongue avoided my prick by less than an inch. I could feel his breath on it but not his mouth, not his wonderful, hungry mouth. His tongue moved down the groove of one thigh then down the other. While lapping at me, he pushed my knees back onto my chest, raising my butt off of the bed. I guess I'm not always careful about wiping because I could smell my butt from there when he did this. Pretty ripe actually and I was sorry for not being more careful about cleaning up. For sure he'd be turned off by a dirty asshole.

Wrong again!

His tongue continued its bath around my ass cheeks in a spiral which moved closer and closer to the hole. He was carefully cleaning what I'd so carelessly left. My pucker itched in anticipation. I was sure he wouldn't touch it with his tongue. After all, it was an asshole. But he did. He stabbed at it and lapped at the hole and crack. I felt like cumming right then though I couldn't without some help. I must have moaned as he slobbered on my hole, forcing his tongue into it, forcing his spit into it.

"Not so loud," he whispered.

I wondered if he could tell how much I wanted him to fuck his cock into the hole he was so thoroughly wetting. I wanted anything he could fit in to go into my hole. He let his tongue slide up my crack and lap at my balls, slipping first one then the other into his mouth. I cold feel a finger at the abandoned hole.

He swished my balls around in his mouth while the finger poked tentatively at my asshole. For once I wasn't sorry I had what I considered to be little boy balls so that he could play with them that way.

The tip of his finger pushed past the muscle of my hole and stopped. He pulled it out and took it in his mouth, pushing my balls around while he sloped it up with spit. It glistened with his moisture when he pulled it out. He pulled against my ball sack with his mouth while pressing slowly with his finger against my hole. The stretching my scrotum was taking stared to hurt but just enough to take my mind off of the sudden pressure against my asshole as he forced his finger in to mid-knuckle. He let my balls fall from his mouth as he pushed forward with the finger, it hitting something soft and pointed which crumbled against the pressure. My gut felt full as the obstacle was pushed backward..

He pulled the intruding finger from my ass and licked it and its nearest brother.

My hole wriggled for a replacement. George obliged with two fingers and stretched the sphincter as they pushed whatever stood in their path upward and around. He kissed the glans on my penis then plunged his mouth down its full length while shoving the two fingers full up my ass. He pumped and stroked with his mouth on my pecker while his fingers kept rhythm with their stabbing. I like things in my hole, but nothing was ever quite like this. Most things, like marbles, were too small or if large or broad enough, like carrots, were too stiff. These fingers, though, stretched me so I could really feel their presence and were flexible enough to explore my chute. In their exploration they found a button I didn't know existed, a button which when stabbed made my cock feel like it was being fucked from the inside.

George kept working at me, on the inside with his pounding fingers and on the outside with his slippery mouth. I was on the edge and wanted to hang there forever. I was over the edge and shooting my jiz into the warmth of the big man's mouth, my penis expanding then tightening with each wad of cum that shot out. His fingers pumped frantically through my ass, sometimes coming all the way out only to plunge violently back through the loosened sphincter.

When I was sucked out, George sucked once more, sending shivers all over my body. I collapsed onto the bed, worn out and sucked dry. His fingers remained clasped in my asshole.

"Whew," he said, "that sure was sweet. Sweetest spunk I've ever tasted. I hope you liked it."

I was too drained to do too much more than grunt but yes, I'd liked it. "Like" was not the word. I was ecstatic that George hadn't let me jack myself off when I'd wanted to so that I could experience the pleasure I'd just received. There was one more pleasure I wanted to try soon.

The two fingers were beginning to feel uncomfortable in the vise my butthole had become. It felt like I had to take a crap real bad. I touched the hand with one of my tied hands.

"Can you take them out?" I asked. "They're beginning to hurt a little." Actually, they were beginning to hurt a lot.

George replied with a quiet laugh, "I'm not sure I can with the grip your asshole has on them. I may have to carry you around like this for the rest of our lives."

I hoped he was kidding.

He continued, "It's going to hurt when I pull them out. I'll try to make it as easy as possible. When I tell you to, push out like you're going to take a crap. Okay?"

"I'm not sure that's a good idea. I think I have to do one."

"That's just from me being in you so don't worry. Okay, push hard, now."

I pushed like he said only instead of him trying to pull his fingers out, he pushed as hard as he could inward with them and then pulled out. The fingers yanked out with only a little pain but with a loud fart.

"Sorry about that," I said.

"Don't worry about it. It's just the air I pumped into you and a little shit which can wipe up easily. It all had to go somewhere." He said this while untying my hands.

I could feel him wiping my ass with the tie which he then used to wipe his fingers.

As he dropped the tie to the floor he said, "I may save that unwashed as a memento of this very, very lovely evening."

He slipped along side of me in the berth, pulling the covers around us as he did. He held my head gently with both hands and kissed me full on the lips: no tongue, no sexual passion, just what I felt to be a lot of love. I couldn't help myself. I started to cry softly. In the dark he couldn't tell so I didn't try to stop. I cuddled myself against him, filling as many of his bends and spaces with my body as I could. My peter was firm and erect again. though not really stiff. I slipped it against his flaccid one.

"Doesn't your johnny stick ever sleep?" he asked me, fondling it gently.

"Not with you near. He wants to get as close to you as possible."

A few moments passed in the dark.

"Hey, George?"

"Yeah, babe?"

"I'm sorry about getting mad at you and spitting on you."

He put a slightly acrid smelling finger to my lips.

"Shhh. Don't say a word. Sex should be a special landscape where people can play games of honesty without fear of being hurt inside. I'm not sorry for anything I did or said. You shouldn't be, either. You needed me to be your master in that landscape at that time. You needed me to be a little rough if necessary. I don't think you need it when you leave there. I'm glad I could make it happen for you, little one."

I normally hate references to my size since I am small for my age. Somehow, George calling me 'little one' made me feel good, wanted, protected. I didn't completely understand what he meant, but while we were having sex, I was enjoying his roughness as much as now I was enjoying his tenderness. I knew one thing for sure, though. I pushed even closer.

"My johnny stick wants to play again tomorrow. And you know what else?"


"My hole wants you in it," I said. "Not just your fingers but your cock as well."

"Too big. I'd hurt you."

"We'll see," I said.

Silence. Darkness. Quiet breathing.

"George," softly whispered.

"What, babe?" barely breathed back.

"I love you."

Chapter 6

I slept nestled in the bends and crooks of the big man's body until bright sunlight in my eyes and a wet sensation on my cock awakened me. George had my penis in his mouth and was sucking and slurping at it intently. When I shifted my body to be able to get a better look at what he was doing, he let the stiff little organ slip from his mouth and caught it in his hand.

"You're sure a sound sleeper," he said. "Your friend here has been awake a good ten minutes all ready. A very good ten minutes I might say."

He slipped the hard, red stiff back into his mouth and began sucking hard up and down the length of it. I knew what I wanted at that moment and it wasn't to have my dick sucked.

"Please fuck me George," I pleaded.

"I'm way too big for you, honey," he countered, my cock slurring the words. "I'd hurt you if I tried."

"Come on. I've had big things up there. Believe it or not, I've had carrots up my butt before and they didn't hurt. You won't be much bigger."

"I don't want to hurt you. I could rip your ass open if you're not ready."

I pulled away from him suddenly.

"Then leave me alone," I cried. "You want to have it your way and not do what I want. You're a motherfucking cocksucker."

The last words were lost in his hand which covered my mouth. I tried to bite him to get him to let me loose.

"If you're so goddamned determined to get your booty broken, then I'll try to do it," George said. "But please tell me if it hurts too much."

I relaxed and fell to the bed. George spent the next ten minutes licking at my balls and then my hole. I could feel the muscle tighten at the first the tongue's first touch. Then it relaxed. I could feel his tongue digging farther and farther in my ass, the channel getting wet and slippery. He pulled my legs way up to my chest as he licked. I was lost in dreams of huge horse cocks pushing at my hole when he pulled away. I watched as he pulled a small overnight satchel from the small closet in the roomette. I wasn't able to see what he had in the bag, but he brought a tube back to the berth with him.

George squeezed a liberal amount of the cream from the tube onto my hole. He massaged it slowly in circles into my ass then spread another large amount on his cock. Although George was very excited as shown by his hard, dripping machine, he proceeded slowly with my ass. His breathing was deep and even.

"When I tell you, push out like you're taking a dump," he instructed.

My hole felt loose and relaxed, ready to accept anything George might shove up it until it felt the engorged head of his cock. Abruptly it tightened.

"Okay, babe," he whispered, "push your guts out."

I pushed out as he pushed in. Unfortunately, my hole had shut down completely. I farted once and then the gate was closed. He forced the head in as far as it would go, but I felt like he had put a burning stick to my hole. I yelled unintentionally, causing him to pull out immediately.

"I told you it wouldn't work. I'm not going to rip you up. You mean to much to me." I heard the words through a red haze of nausea and pain. I agreed with him. "We can work on it, babe. It'll take a while. But we can work on it"

"Let me suck you, then," I asked as soon as my stomach stopped churning.

I took his prick and sucked on the head, tasting the slight flavor of my hole on it. He was standing by the berth I was sitting on. It was easier for me to take his tool this way and I sucked it in as far as it would go without gagging. While I sucked, he pulled on my prick. I was soon shooting spurt after spurt of jiz onto my belly. The more I shot, the harder I sucked so that by the time I was finished cumming, George was shooting his own bitter load down my throat.

When we were done, we went back into the berth to cuddle a little bit longer.

We were roused from our cuddling by the porter passing in the hall outside our room calling out the last call for breakfast. I'd forgotten all about eating food with the other type of eating I'd been doing, but when I heard the word 'breakfast', I realized how hungry I was. I jumped out of bed, pulling the covers with me as I went.

I watched as a strand of cum stretched from my piss slit to the puddle on my belly then broke as my limp wiener flopped about.

"Hurry up, we'll miss out on breakfast," I said pulling on my T-shirt. It might seem funny that with all that I'd done with George, I was still embarrassed to have him see my jockeys. I'd worn them for several days and they were pretty well stained in the butt. I pulled them on before he could see the brown skid marks.

I shook him. "Hey wake up, ding bat. We'll miss breakfast."

He pulled the covers up around his head and grunted at me, "Huh? Are you hungry?"

"Starved. Hurry up," I nagged, loosing my sense of humor.

George slid out of bed, his beautiful piece of man meat swinging invitingly at its nearly full length but not yet hard.

"All that cock sucking really can take it out of a guy, can't it?" he asked. "Here eat this. It should hold you for awhile."

"Stop fucking around," I snarled. "If you don't get dressed we won't eat. Food. I eat you later."

"You're incorrigible.

There was a short line of folks waiting to be seated when we got to the dining car. Shortly after we got there, the family who had sat next to me on the first day of my trip came in. The mother smiled at me so I guess she remembered seeing me although I hadn't been back to the seat for a long time.

The two twins were brattier than before if that was possible. The older boy was quiet and stand-offish. I tried not to stare, but it was difficult not to. He had changed his clothes since I'd first seen him (boy I'd love to have seen that.) He was perfectly neat and turned out. There wasn't a dark hair out of place nor a wrinkle in his O.P. shorts or shirt. The short, shorts were tight and accentuated his round, little boy buns.

He stood leaning against the wall reading a book. (Every time I saw him he seemed to have his nose in a book. I guess he'd never notice me.) He was older than I first thought but, like me, small for his age. My guess was that he was twelve. And stuck up by the looks of him. I love to have him stuck up me, though.

A waiter came to seat us just about the time I was about to start drooling. I'd found out the first night we ate that people share tables on the train but we got one to ourselves for the time being. George sat across from me.

"Careful, Danny," he whispered, "you're staring. He is cute. Isn't he."

As luck would have it, the family was brought to the table across from us. There were two seats there which the mother and the little boy sat at. The little girl and the boy of my current dreams sat at our table. I lost my appetite and all my meager social skills. I sat staring at the cup of hot chocolate in front of. George was in the middle of a conversation with the woman. I could hear his voice but was intent on not touching the bare, silken skin of the leg next to me.

As our breakfast got on I got more comfortable. Troy, what a wonderful name, wasn't stuck up at all. He was just shy. I was actually talking to him.

George suggested that he come back to the club car during the day since we spent most of our time there. Troy seemed excited by the idea and his mother told George that she was glad to see him make friends so quickly since he usually didn't make friends easily. He seemed uncomfortable by the comment, but I changed subjects quickly like I hadn't heard it.

George and I went to the club car after breakfast. He read a book and I stared at the pages of a magazine. Every time someone came in, my head would swing up to see if it was Troy. After two hours of disappointment I was ready to give up. Then the door opened and he entered the car, frowning slightly as he looked around. When he caught my eye, his face lit up with a gorgeous, full mouthed, large teeth smile. I guess he liked me.

We spent several hours talking and playing cards. George kept us well supplied with sodas. as happens with kids our age, the topic got around, in hushed tones, to sex.

Troy had, he told me, a couple of magazines which his older cousin in Toledo had given him. He had them with him and we could look at them if we had a place to go where we wouldn't be caught. Of course I did. I told George that we were going back to the room to listen to my tape player. He must have known what was going on since I didn't have a tape player.

I had expected something like Playboy, but the magazines troy pulled out of the backpack when we entered the room made Playboy look like a prayer book. They were hot. We began by looking at them together, commenting on the women and what was happening in the pictures. Midway through the first book Troy started making comments about the cocksucking the women were doing and how it looked like fun. In fact, I felt he was paying a lot of attention to the cocks in general, commenting on their size and shapes as much as he was with the women's pussies.

"You ever been in a circle jerk?" I asked as casually as I could muster. Troy's look told me he didn't have the foggiest notion what I was talking about.

"Didn't you and your friends ever beat your meats together? You know, jack off, masturbate." The light came on in his eyes.

"Well, I don't have that many friends," he said, "I can't imagine any of them doing it."

"My buddies and I do it all the time," I lied. I was used by the kids at school but never was a part of anything. "We even sometimes suck each other. Wanna try it? I mean jacking off."

"I don't know. I am real hot. I've just never done it with anyone before."

"There's got to be a first time," I said. "You don't have to but these pictures are making me so hot that if I don't take care of myself I'll burst."

I pulled my pants down in one bold move, making sure the underwear was hidden inside. My cock was rock hard, as much from the prospect of having Troy see it as from the pictures I'd seen. I watched him as he watched me. He looked interested. I picked up the magazine and began pulling on myself.

"Promise you won't tell," Troy squeaked.

"No way. I wouldn't tell anybody."

He took a deep breath and pulled down his shorts. A little stiff hard on popped out. He began pinching it and rubbing it with two fingers. I gave up any pretense of looking at the pornography. We were lying cross ways on the berth, side by side. I spit on my hand and reached over to take his penis.

He shuddered at my touch but didn't pull away.

"Let me help you out," I whispered.

I hadn't planned what I was going to do, but each step could have produced a rejection, or worse, from Troy. I jerked on him for a few minutes then took the little sausage in my lips. He was mine. I could tell. He was a little faggot just like me and he loved what was happening to him. While I sucked, he started to pull on my cock with his hand. That was all I could take. I squirted my load on his hand and chest, just missing the shirt he'd pulled up around his chest.

He kept pulling on me even though I'd finished cumming. The jiz on his hand was frothy from his action. The prick in my mouth was ready and began its rhythmic, dry spasms. I doubted if he'd ever shot by the size and development of his pricklet. He dropped my cock from his hand when he started his orgasm. When he was done I let the little darling slip from my lips.

He lay on his back gasping for several minutes then finally squeaked out, "What happened?"

"Haven't you ever cum before?" I asked.

"I'm too young. When I play with myself I just get hard. That never happened before. Am I okay?" He seemed bewildered.

"Don't worry, Troy. You're fine. In fact, you're great. Did you like it?"

"Yeah. It was great. I want to do it again." He began pulling on his limp dick.

"Doesn't it hurt?" I asked.

"Little. But the other felt so good, who cares."

It took about five minutes till he was hard again. I started to swell up watching him. I took off my clothes and pulled his shirt then his pants off. I pulled the jockeys out. They were as bad as mine.

"Want to try something different?" I asked him.

"You mean you wont suck me?"

"Sure I will if you want. But there's something else you might want to do." If I couldn't get George's huge cock in me, maybe I could get Troy's little one in.

"You want to pretend like I'm a girl and fuck me," I asked. I get the feeling that Troy is smart without being to sharp.

"Huh? What do you mean?" he said.

"You know. Put your wick up my ass."

"You do that?"

"Not yet, but you can be the first if you want, Troy. I'd like to try it. How about you?"

Troy's prick had answered for him. It was steel hard again.

I sucked on it to get it wet then bent over the bed.

"Spit on my hole," I directed, "then put your cock head right at it. Push it on in and fuck me like I'm one of the girls in the magazine."

I could feel the wet wad off spit hit my cheek.

"Shit. I missed."

"Move closer. It won't bite you."

The next wad hit the crack a little above my hole. Without encouragement, Troy rubbed it down where it was needed. I could feel the sharp little point of his bare cockhead at my hole then the sudden heat of him pushing it in. Jeremey hadn't ever been able to get his in and keep it up, but Troy got in with no trouble. He pushed in until his abdomen was flush against my butt. The prick burned a little and hurt, I think more from George's attempted entry of the morning than what Troy was doing.

"What do I do now?" he asked.

"Pull it out a little then push it back in," I encouraged him. "Fuck me like I a girl with a pussy."

"I like you as a boy," he said as he began to do as he was told.

His dick was too small to hit the magic button that George's fingers had pushed but the little bit of stretching and the idea of this gorgeous boy pumping his meat in me got me to the edge fast.

"I'm cumming," I moaned as he pumped harder and harder. I shot my jiz on the berth, not caring if I did. Unfortunately, Troy took a lot longer to have his orgasm. He kept pushing his sharp little rod in and out of me until I felt I would lose control of my ass. Finally, I could feel his body stiffen as his orgasm began. I couldn't feel anything inside me but he was shivering and jerking on the outside. When he'd finished he pulled out with a plop. I punctuated his withdrawal with a loud, smelly fart.

We both began laughing and rolling around on the bed.

"You got to do that to me," he said through the tears of his laughter.

"You'd let me?"

"Sure. You're a good buddy. I want to be good to you, too. You don't think its funny what I said?"

"What did you say?" I asked.

"About liking you as a boy. It sounds kinda funny, you know." Troy was reverting to shy again.

I jumped on his chest, my weak cock just inches from his lips.

"Listen you little twerp," I snarled, "I like boys a lot. I particularly like you and as soon as my friend here recuperates, I'm gonna shove it down your throat and up your ass. At the same time if I can figure out how."

Again we started to laugh. Troy took the tip of my shriveled dick and licked the last drops of semen off.

"I like you, too," he said. "Maybe we can be friends when we get back home to San Francisco."

The mention of San Francisco woke me up from a day long dream I'd been living. I wasn't going to be on this train forever. What was I going to do when it pulled into Oakland?

Chapter 7

Troy lay sideways asleep on the bed, curled up like a little kid. He had dozed off quickly, tired by all of our activity. His breath was shallow and even. He looked innocent in spite of, or maybe because of, the bare, round bottom he exposed. I felt a twinge of jealousy. He seemed so serene and here I was starting to worry about where I was going to be living in the next few days.

The time I had been spending with George seemed like a dream to me. I guess I hadn't wanted to look at the reality that was going to present itself in Oakland. I knew I couldn't go to Jeremy's. If my folks were looking for me, that's one of the first places they would look. I might not even be able to see him even as close as I'd be.

I was shaken from my thoughts and Troy from his sleep by a knock on the door.

Troy started searching frantically for his pants and began to pull them on inside out then backwards in his rush to cover up. It was funny to see him so disorganized. I had to laugh.

"Who is it?" I called out.

Tory was pantomiming to me for me to get my pants on. He mouthed the words, "It might be your dad." I was sure it was.

"It's me, Danny. Troy's mother wants him back in their seats in a few minutes. I'll see you back in the lounge."

"Okay, dad," I called back. The words came so easily that they surprised me. Maybe it had been Troy's pantomime that had put the idea in my head. I wonder how George felt about them if he'd heard them. I wasn't stupid. I knew how I felt about him, but I didn't really know how he felt about me. I might just be a convenient fuck along the way to Oakland. I wouldn't push things. Not right then.

"Wow," sighed Troy, pulling on his sneaker, "that was close. What if he had come in? He would have killed us."

"My dad's cool," I answered. "He doesn't mind me doing this kind of stuff."

"Really? That's neat."

"Would yours mind?" I asked.

"My dad died a long time ago. Shortly after the twins were born."

We talked about parents as I got dressed, me making up a string of lies about George and how my mother had died along time ago, too. I took my cues from Troy. I couldn't feel too sorry for him since I would certainly be better off if my real folks had died. Thinking it made me realize that I didn't want them dead. I kind of missed them as a matter of fact. I didn't want to go back, though.

I liked the family I'd invented around me and George. The seed had been planted. I hoped to make it grow.

We had to pass through the club car on Troy's way back to his seat so I said good-bye to him there. George told me that the six of us were going to have dinner together and that Troy's mom said it would be okay for him to spend the evening with us in the club car. We both liked that idea, and even though we were going to see each other in an hour at dinner, we began talking about our plans for the next day.

"Do you want to listen to your radio again, Danny?" Troy asked.

"Sure. Sounds like a lot of fun," I answered, trying hard not to giggle. Troy was biting back laughter as well. "Is that okay with you, dad?"

I used the word deliberately to see what reaction from George I would get. I didn't get any. It was like he was playing along with my game with Troy.

"Fine with me, Danny. I'm glad you've found someone your own age to spend some time with."

I had an almost uncontrollable urge to kiss Troy when he left. I controlled it.

When Troy was gone I sat down beside George. He looked at me straight in the eye.

"You look like someone who just swallowed the canary," he said.

"That's not all I swallowed," I giggled.

"You don't have to tell me about it, kid. I am glad you've found someone you like your own age. Actually, it looks like more than just 'like'."

"He's a neat kid. Real straight. Well, not straight, but he doesn't know too much."

George smiled, "You'll make a good teacher. If there were some way to pull it off, I'd let him and you have the room for the night. His mother wouldn't go for it, I'm sure."

"That's a sweet offer," I told him, "but you are mine tonight. I have plans for us."

"Anything I should know?"

I wiggled my butt in response.

"Sorry, kid, don't count on too much. I'll try to make it enjoyable , but I won't promise anything."

The six of us had dinner then spent some time together in the club car. George spent most of the time talking to Troy's mother. I watched them as Troy and I played cards, wondering what it would be like to have the two of them for parents. They liked each other or at least got along well with each other.. I guess I started to day dream because Troy had to call me back to the game we were playing.

We all parted company fairly late that night. The twins had actually fallen asleep, it was so late. George and I went to the room and started undressing.

"You and Troy's mother seem to like each other," I said.

"Yes, she's a very nice woman, Danny." George wasn't looking in my direction so I couldn't tell how his face looked.

"How much do you like her?"

George looked at me, half a frown on his face. "Tell me this first," he said, "would like to live with Troy?"

"I guess so. I haven't given it a whole lot of thought."

"But you have thought about it. Right?"

"Yeah," I answered, pulling off my pants slowly. I'd looked forward to having sex with George this evening all day but at that moment didn't feel to much like it.

"Well, babe, I like Janice. She's sophisticated, urbane, witty and very pretty. There's only one problem."


"I'm gay. You're a kid. If you're like a lot of the kids I've known, you are enamored of sex. Me, I like men. As much as I think I could like Janice, I could never be 'serious' about her. Sorry to disappoint you."

I looked at him without answering for very long. He took the back of my neck in his big hand.

"There's something else, too, isn't there, Danny? Want to talk about it now?"

I shook my head.

"Let's have sex," I answered. "I'm gay too, you know, and I want you to fuck me."

George pulled his underpants off and let his big cock flop about.

"We better talk tomorrow, then," he said. "We pull into Oakland early the next day and we've got stuff to discuss."

The last of his words trailed off as I got on my knees, took his cock in my mouth and started sucking it to hardness. It woke up quickly and jutted in my face when I let it drop from my mouth.

"I want to try again. Put it in me," I whined at him.

"It'll rip you up, kid," George replied. "I've got something else though for you to try."

George went to the small closet and pulled out the satchel he had stored in there. It was the one he'd gotten the lubricant from the night before.

"This is something I never check through," he said, opening it. "I'd hate to have these things misplaced."

He opened it to reveal a collection of what had to be sex toys. There were five rubber penises. I picked up the smallest one. It was about the same size as Troy when he was fully hard. I picked up each one in succession. The next size up was about my size but a little bit longer. There was one about normal adult size, maybe five inches [13 cm] long by an inch and a half [4 cm] across. The next one was eight by two inches [20x5 cm]. The last one was huge. I couldn't imagine anyone using it for anything. It must have been twelve inches by two or three [30x5-7 cm]. I held it up to my crotch. It had a hole all the way through its length as did all of them.

"Ready for me, George?" I joked.

"That's one of my favorites although it takes some time to work up to it."

"You really put it in?" I gasped.

"Yeah. This is the one I have in mind for you," he said and picked up the five inch [13 cm] one. "It'll hurt a little, but I'm willing to bet you'll like it."

What's some of this other stuff?" I asked. I pulled out what I can only describe as being shaped like a pink rubber Christmas tree. There were several sizes of this object.

"That's a butt plug," George said. He picked up a tiny leather harness. "And this is a ball stretcher and cock ring." He pulled my balls down as far as they would stretch and snapped it around them. he snapped the ring around the base of my penis. On a grown man, the harness might have been tight but it was fairly loose on me; except for the stretching, it wasn't at all uncomfortable.

The final item in the bag other than tubes of lotion and creams was a red rubber bag with a piece of tubing attached. I pulled it out and held it up.

"I know what this is," I said. "I used to have to get them when I was a kid. Only I forget what they're called. Do you use it?""

"It's an enema. I find them very enjoyable at times. That's why the dildoes have the holes in them so that I can use them as part of the enema."

I asked him, "Want to try it on me tonight?"

"That would be fine except what I put in has to come out and some times it comes out unexpectedly. Maybe when we're back home if you're still interested."

"Yeah. I'll be interested." That was the first time George had mentioned being back home with him. There was hope.

George had me lie on my back across the berth. He began by working on my cock with his mouth. He pulled on the ball stretcher during the sucking, causing me some very enjoyable pain. Even distracted like this, I could feel him tickling my hole with a greasy finger. He rubbed the lubricant around and on my hole. He put the tip of the tube to the sphincter and pushed it in a quarter of an inch then squeezed a glob into the channel.

He pulled out the tube and pushed a finger as far in as the tube's tip had been. A sudden suck on my rampant prick and a twist on my balls made me arch upward, and falling back to the bed, I impaled my ass on the full length of George's stabbing finger.

The digit slipped in easily and spread the slippery goop around my innards. My asshole tingled and my chute blazed, yearned to be filled. I didn't want George's small finger inside me. My body ached to be stuffed with him, to be stuffed with as much of him as I could hold.

George pulled his finger out and leaned as close to my ear as he could get.

"This is me, baby," he whispered, placing the tip of the dildo at my hole. "I'll get you ready for the real thing. Just have patience. In a few days this will be me. Until then let this," pushing the medium sized, rubber cock's head into the hole, "be me." With the final word, George shoved the surrogate cock all the way into my tunnel. He pulled and pushed and twisted it. In concert he pulled and twisted and pushed my balls.

His mouth attacked my cock again, plunging along its full length until his lips were touching my soft, straight, dark pubic hair. I was being wracked in my ass by the fake cock while my own cock was being orally abused. George pivoted around without missing a beat with either his hand or his mouth so that his own stiff monster was poking at my lips. In this way I was introduced to the joys of mutual cocksucking.

The action of the dildo in my ass had brought me to the point of exploding when George crammed his meat down into my throat. He must have known I was a step away from being all the way gone because he took my scrotum with his free hand and twisted it as hard as he could. A wave of nausea hit me, and I let out a yelp which was smothered by the plunge of his cockhead into the back of my mouth.

He used his mouth on my shrunken stick to warm it again, to pull it to full stand and swell it till it became a part of his wet mouth. He went through this cycle three more times: bringing me to the edge of my orgasm then pulling me back from the edge with pain and discomfort.

Halfway through, he pulled the dildo out, leaving an emptiness in its place, but only for a moment. He replaced the medium cock with the next larger one, barely missing a beat with it as he jammed it through my hole. This intrusion brought more pain than pleasure the first time it happened to me. Not only was my hole stretched farther than it had been before, I could feel the walls of my intestines forced open by the girth of the rubber dick. My ass felt pin pricks all around its exterior and a wrenching need to crap inside.

George's thrust was relentless. I couldn't complain around the fleshy tube in my mouth and while half of me was balanced between nausea and anal eruption,. the other half was dancing around the rim of the most fantastic sexual explosion I had known.

I could feel his salty, bitter warmth splatter into my throat. He withdrew, trailing large splashes of jism along my tongue as he did, then shot across my face. My throat didn't have a chance to close back down before he shoved his cock back into it, squirting what seemed like a never ending stream of cum into my stomach.'

The pitch of the pounding my ass took increased while he came. Flames were tearing at my hole, his teeth were ripping at my dick, My balls were twisted beyond the point of pain. My own semen slid in long strands out of my penis and into George's gullet. I was being turned inside out through my cock, shattered through my rectum. George pumped my ass three more times after I finished my spasms then yanked the phony cock from my asshole.

I lay panting, lost in a dark haze for several minutes. George was pulling my underwear on when I started to focus on the reality around me. He put a wad of tissue at my ass and pulled the pants up to hold it in place.

"You may leak or smear a little, so don't worry. There was just a little blood. Now you probably see why I didn't want to fuck you with my own dick yet. It'll hurt more when I do unless I get you used to it. Son, though. Maybe by the end of the week."

The end of the week! I just had the best fuck of my life and the man who had made it happen was talking about actually putting his own monster cock in me by the end of the week. Things were going to work out great. I was sure.

We cuddled under the covers in the darkness. George's breath was warm and even against my forehead.

"Good night, Danny," he hummed into my ear.

"Good night," I whispered back, a brief moment passed like a minute, "dad."

George's body stiffened suddenly and his breath stopped for a moment.

I was sure.

Chapter 8

I woke up with George kneeling over me, his firm cock swinging in my face. My bladder was full, and my rod was sticking straight up in the air. My asshole ached slightly from the abuse it had taken the night before, but I was ready for more, pain or no. I figured that George was ready to go again, sticking his meat in my face so that I could suck it.

I was wrong but didn't know it.

I took the tip of the man's cock between my lips and began playing with its underside with my tongue. George took my head in his hands and pulled it away from his cock. I looked at him with what must have been a confused look.

"I have something else in mind for now," George told me. "Hold my prick in the front of your mouth but don't suck or play with it. I don't want a hard-on yet."

I didn't know what he was planning, but I did as he said. I was going to follow his every command for the rest of the trip. I was going to be his puppy dog and lick his feet if it meant I could live with him. I kept getting different messages from him. Sometimes he'd talk about us being together. At other times, like the night before, he'd stiffen and clam up when I made similar suggestions. He sure as hell didn't like my calling him 'dad'.

George pulled me to a seated position and laid the head of his thick flesh tube in my mouth. He held my head firmly in place. Thirty seconds passed like this, my not being sure what to expect. I figured he'd plunge his cock down my throat suddenly.

Instead I was shocked to feel the salty, bitter warmth start to gurgle into my mouth. He was pissing in my mouth. I was surprised by it but very pleasantly. I'd drunk my own pee many time, sometimes lying in the tub and pissing directly in my mouth. I'd wanted to have Jeremy do it but was always afraid that it sounded too weird. Now this grown man was sending his stream down my throat.

I swallowed as fast as I could, but the dick was pouring out the piss faster than I could swallow. Some of the yellow liquid drooled from my lips and, when I choked once, poured from my nose. George pinched his pecker to stop the flow and let me swallow what I had in my mouth.

"Can't have you wet the bed, little piss face," he said.

I was on the verge of doing so because my own bladder was full to the brim. I couldn't help myself. First a couple of short squirts then a steady stream of piss arched out of my penis and spattered into my lap and between my legs onto the bed.

George dove onto my rod before too much could pour out and swallowed draught after draught of piss. It felt like he was sucking the juice out and when I stopped peeing, he sucked on my cock violently.

"You wet the bed," he snarled meanly at me. All the years of being punished and derided over being a bed wetter came back to me. I started to sob.

"I'm sorry," I pleaded, "please don't hate me. I can't help it. I haven't done it much lately."

George looked as stunned as I felt. He grabbed me in both of his arms and held me to him as closely as he could.

He cooed in my ear, "I'm sorry, baby. I was only playing a game. I had no idea. I'm not mad at you. I started the game. I didn't mean to upset you. That's what some of the beatings were for. Wasn't it?"

I snorted an answer at him which meant 'yes'. He continued to rock me in his arms.

"I wouldn't have said that if I knew you had problems with wetting the bed. These last few nights you've been dry including last night. I made you pee this time. The bed's not very wet, so don't worry about it. Anyway, the railroad uses plastic sheets on the bottom."

"I'm used to those," I said. I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes and the snot from my nose. "I liked what you did to me. Your piss tasted good."

"I've got some more if you want it."

"Yeah. Sounds great." I dived for the man's penis and held it quietly in my mouth as I'd done earlier. The flow started slowly then burst suddenly into the back of my throat. I could smell the aroma as he filled my mouth.

"Don't worry about wetting the sheets," George told me. "They'll dry by the evening and I'll enjoy lying on them. Just make sure you keep the covers on the bed when Troy is here."

I swallowed what I could and let the rest stream off my chin. I began pulling on my pecker as I was drinking the pungent urine. The stream slowed to a dribble then stopped but George kept his cock in place, alternately jacking on it and pushing it in my mouth. He started to cum and shot several wads down my throat then pulled out and squirted the sticky goo on my face and into my hair.

His orgasm started me on mine. I shot streams of thin, nearly clear spunk onto my belly. When I finished, George licked most of it off. He ended the session my pushing his tongue into my mouth. I could taste my own urine in his mouth and I know he could taste his own in mine.

We cleaned up, straightened the bed clothes and went to breakfast. Ahead of me was a session with Troy and another one with George this evening, I hoped. I also knew that George would want to talk about what lay ahead of me. That part of the day I didn't look forward to.

I hoped that Troy would be in the dining car when we had breakfast, but he wasn't there. He didn't come to the club car either for most of the morning. I began to think he didn't want to get back together with me. Maybe having slept on what went between us made him feel that it was wrong. I was disappointed, anxious and angry. George must have sensed it.

"You wondering where your friend is?" he asked me.

"A little," I lied in reply.

"Do you think he's turned off by the stuff we did?" I asked after a leaden silence.

"Well, I'm sure what you did although I have a general idea. He didn't seem turned off last night at dinner. In fact, I'd say he was in love with you."

I smirked at him in a way that said 'sure' but felt excited by the idea.

"Would you ever want to join in?"

George looked thoughtfully then said, "Love to. But he'd probably yell for his mom."

"I'm not so sure about it," I said. "I think he'd dig a three way. I know I would. I never done it. Maybe we can work something out. That is if he wants to do anything with me at all."

"Go check," George suggested. "He may be waiting for you."

Sucking up my courage, I did as the man suggested. Troy was in his seat when I got to the car his family was in. When he saw me, he bounced out of his seat and bounded over to me. He was obviously excited about seeing me. He explained that his mother was afraid that he would be 'imposing' if he went to the club car so he was hoping I'd come by to ask him. When I didn't show up for a long time, Troy was worried that I was upset about what happened.

"No way, turkey face," I said. "I'm looking forward to more fun today if you are."

"You bet! Let me tell my mom."

His mother told Troy that he had to be back by five o'clock. We decided to go right to the roomette. I gave him the key. I stopped to talk to George on the way and I didn't want Troy to hear my plans with the man.

I hadn't been away from the room very long, but when I got there, Troy was lying on the bed, every stitch of clothing off his body, his little, stiff sticking straight up from his body.

"Starting without me?" I asked. I wanted something special from the boy today but was willing to take my time. I went to the berth and started tickling the tiny hard-on. I slipped it in my mouth and sucked on it while I stripped off my pants and let my hard-on fall out.

"Let me suck you," Troy whispered.

"Okay, but I want to do something else today," I said.

"Umph?" he asked, my cockhead in his mouth and sliding down to his throat.

"I want to try to fuck you like you did to me. You liked it when you did it, didn't you."

He pulled my prick out of his mouth long enough to answer, "I told you I wanted it."

I swung around so that I straddled his head and we could suck each other at the same time. I pulled his legs up and spread his ass cheeks. His red ring was flecked lightly with brown and winked at me when I pulled the white cheeks apart. I started playing with the hole while I sucked on the little rod. I was able to slip the tip of my finger in as far as the first knuckle before the muscle tightened. When he relaxed I pulled my finger out, dropped his dick from my mouth and began lapping at the wrinkled orifice.

Troy wriggled his ass in response to the touch of my tongue, trying to push his hole further down on my tongue. It was an awkward position, but I managed to slick the hole and loosen it sufficiently to get the tip of my tongue into his shit tube. Troy was moaning in ecstasy and was ready for me to try to put something into him. I was hella ready to do it.

I rolled off the bed, pulled the boy's legs over the edge, spit on the inflamed hole and coughed loudly. I put the tip of my screaming hard-on at the doorway which awaited it and pushed in slowly but steadily. Troy sucked in breath with my stretching of his asshole. The head snapped in then the sphincter tightened around my meat.

"Hold on a minute," Troy barely breathed.

Then there came a voice from behind us, a voice in the doorway.

"Good morning, boys. It looks like I'm interrupting something."

George had appeared exactly as planned.

Chapter 9

Troy jerked up at the sound of George's voice, stretching my penis as he did so, but his ass had such a tight hold on me that it wasn't about to let go.

"Sorry to butt in," George said, his voice smooth and calm but his eyes telegraphing excitement, "but I had to get my brief case."

Troy gawked at the man dumb founded, his legs still spread to accommodate my entry. He started to sputter something which, had it been intelligible, might have been an excuse or explanation. George didn't let him get far in his speech.

"Don't worry about what you're doing. I'm just sorry I barged in. Danny told me that you were going to go back to your seat and I thought I'd missed seeing you two pass through when I went to the head. I came here to get some stuff and it seems like I've walked in at a bad time. Or maybe a good one."

Troy had lost the pallor that George's first entrance had produced. He was now bright red.

"You won't tell my mom?" he stuttered.

"Why should I?" George answered. "You both look like you're enjoying yourselves. Danny told me how much he likes you, and I can see why."

Troy may have been surprised by what had occurred, but I wasn't. Sex was not his top priority at that moment. It was mine, though. I began pushing my trapped cock into the tight hole slowly. Troy didn't notice at first. His body began to respond by stiffening slightly at my push, but the feeling hadn't registered in his brain. I was able to push my prick all the way to its base, my pubic hair brushing Troy's cheeks. I pulled out to the tip then rammed the fucker home. Troy jerked at the shove.

"Wanna help me, George?" I growled, my voice thick.

"He's your dad," Troy cried.

"Not really," I answered, filling the boy in briefly on George and my relationship, leaving out the part about me really loving the man but him not feeling the same way about me.

"George is a great fucker," I continued. "I'd like him to join in." By this time I was fucking Troy steadily and his little penis had hardened and was sticking it vermilion head straight up. "How would you like him to suck you while I'm fucking you?"

Through deep breaths of pleasure and discomfort Troy could rasp, "Yeah, go ahead. Do it."

George's hand was at the young boy's cock, gently stroking it with the very tips of his fingers. A dew drop of clear liquid formed at the cock's tip which the man lapped off. Troy was squirming his ass about the berth, trying to force me deeper and trying at the same time to push his cockhead into George's mouth. George let the small acorn rub against his lips then popped it into his mouth. Troy moaned in excitement and pleasure.

I was undressing George while he sucked on Troy until he was as naked as we were. His cock was rock hard and drooling. Seeing him so excited increased my horniness but also made me more than a little jealous. Maybe I would lose this man to Troy. Lose him! HELL, I didn't even have him so how could I lose him. I gave Troy a few really hard jabs. He seemed to love it.

"Ever seen a cock that big?" I asked him.

Troy lifted his head to look at George's meat.

"Uhn, uh," was all he could reply.

"Well, when I'm finished with you, he's going to put it to me."

"But," George started to say, surprised, I guess, at my decision. I glared at him so that he stopped.

The thought of being fucked, finally getting a real cock into my asshole, and it being George's, lifted me to a fever pitch. I pushed and pulled my prick until Troy's ass was burning. I was on the edge of an orgasm, but I wanted to hold on as long as I could. George sucked the tiny cock so vehemently that a pool of spittle had formed at its base. Troy was out of his mind in pleasure.

Then his ass hole started to squeeze my cock and he started humping his ass up off the bed and his cock into George's mouth. This was no ordinary orgasm. The boy was exploding, real hot jiz explosions, into George's mouth. When he finished he fell to the berth and I pulled my cock out, not wanting to come yet.

Froth lay on George's lips and I could see string of cum in his open mouth. He leaned over to my face and whispered, "This is rightfully yours," and thrust his tongue into my mouth, injecting the boy's sweet jizzom into me as he did.

"Fuck me now," I pleaded. The man was intoxicated. He pushed me down so that I lay across the belly of the boy I'd just fucked.

I heard him spit: once, twice, three times, the final time spattering against my ass. Then the punch, the gut wrenching punch of his prick head at my hole, forcing it open, tearing at the tight muscles. Heat seared through my ass and up to my brain. I wanted to yell but slid Troy's soft prick into my mouth instead, sucking the last of his first ejaculation off it. I wanted him to stop, to pull out but wanted, also, for him never to stop. The head was in. My hole stretched more to accept the burden of his bulk. I could feel a warm moistness at the entry. I knew it was blood. I didn't mind if I bled to death for this man I loved. For a minute, an hour, a lifetime, I don't know how long he persisted, he fucked my bloody ass, the sight of the blood inflaming his passion.

Troy had rolled out from under me and watched the scene before him. He had one hand on my penis, jacking it in rhythm with George's savage fucking. His other hand was jerking on his own once again stiff prick. Then there was warmth and moisture inside me, not blood, but George's warmth. George's moisture. George's semen.

When his orgasm had spent itself, George fell against me in a heap, his face next to my head. I could feel the huge cock inside me starting to shrink. I could feel the man's heavy breath against me. I could feel the softened organ slip out.

Did I hear what I thought I heard? Did I hear those words I craved so badly? Did he really tell me in a soft, low voice, "I love you?"

Troy's prick seemed to scream to be released from its hardness, its little red head stretching painfully out from his belly. My own cock ached from its fullness and my ass begged for more punishment. I knew that Troy couldn't fill my tube like George had, but I needed something in me.

"Fuck me, Troy," I growled.

He didn't need any more encouragement than that. I rolled onto my back and pulled my legs up to my chest. He looked surprised at the bloody slime oozing from my ass hole.

"Don't worry, babe, that's gonna be all the greasing up my ass will need," I told him.

He put the inflamed cockhead at my hole and slipped it in. After George's monstrous cock, I could barely feel Troy's, but what I did feel kept my own penis hard. Something strange seem to happen. I was on the brink of a wild orgasm but couldn't go over. I wanted to come, began, in fact, to jack at my cock really hard, but I couldn't go over the edge. Troy fucked me hard. His own little pricklet slipped out several times and when it did he punched it back in as hard as he could.

George knelt beside us. He licked at my erection while he stroked the fucking boy's white ass cheeks.

"Your cock tastes of Troy's asshole," he said to me. "I wonder if the hole tastes as good."

He bent around the boy's backside and licked and slurped at the hole. I knew he would like the taste of the tight, little asshole. I'd loved it. Troy slowed down a little while George sucked at his ass, then picked up the pace of his fucking as he got, if possible, even harder. Then his body shivered and his prick started jerking inside me. It was a dry but violent orgasm that rocked the young boy. George was fucking his ass with his tongue to increase the youngster's pleasure. When he was done, Troy fell to his knees, pulling his penis out. I still hadn't come and one thing, and one thing only, interested me: George's once again raging hard on.

"George, please," I begged. He knew what I wanted, but instead of mounting me, looked at Troy, instead. I wondered if he was considering trying to fuck the boy. He couldn't. He'd rip the kid apart. I turned out he had other ideas.

"Feel like giving my boy a blow job, Troy?" he asked.

"Yeah, but I gotta pee real bad," Troy answered. I knew what George wanted at that moment for me.

"Well, squeeze into the berth over Danny's face. He'll know what to do.

Troy did as he was told, his tiny, shrivelled cock dangling inches from my face. George had the tip of his huge cock at my blistered hole.

"Tell him what to do, son," he told me, then shoved the prick into me in one jamming motion.

"Piss in my mouth," I gasped from the pain of George's entry.

"Troy seemed surprised at the suggestion, but I didn't give him a chance to refuse. I took the penis in my mouth and sucked on it while I pressed on the boy's belly, pressing firmly against his bladder. George's cock was sliding easily in my rectum, punching at the button inside at the base of my cock. The man was pulling on my hard on with his hand.

I could taste the first, tentative drops of Troy's salty urine, then my mouth was filled suddenly with its full flow. I gulped was fast as I could, tasting the delightful bitterness while I rolled my ass around the gorgeous fullness of George's fucker. I went over the edge at that point. My cock started shooting, spattering gobs of cum over Troy's ass, onto my belly and over George's hand. The sperm seared the inside of my dick. It felt like a hot wire was being pulled through it. George was filling my anus with his moistness and the last of Troy's piss was spilling from my mouth as I finished one of the wildest and most painful orgasm's I could remember.

I grabbed the boy who was squeezed over me and thrust my mouth over his.

"Like the taste of your piss?" I asked between thrusts of my tongue into his mouth.

"Yeah. I always have," Troy admitted. I guess all boys must drink piss once in while.

"Wanna try mine? I've got to go, too."

"Got enough for both of us?" George piped in, pulling his cock from my ass.

Troy and I got off the bed. The two of them knelt in front of my flaccid dick. Troy was first. I put my prick an inch from his face. I didn't want to flood his mouth because I knew he'd gag and lose most of it if I did. I squeezed my penis was I squeezed my bladder. A thin stream of piss shot from my penis and hit his nose. I pointed it a little lower then let his mouth fill with the bright yellow liquid. I pinched off the flow. His face was squinched up but he swallowed what I'd given him.

"Not bad," he said.

I pointed my cock toward George. He took it in his mouth. I knew he'd take what I had left. I pissed as hard as I could for as long as I needed. He kept swallowing my piss letting barely any dribble from his mouth. When I was dry, he let my prick slip from his mouth.

He said to us both, "Better clean up and get dressed. We can't have fun like this for the whole day."

I didn't know why not. My prick was starting to fill up again and so was Troy's. We looked at each other and giggled. He pulled at my pud.

"Can we stay here for a while?" I asked.

George looked at us and laughed.

"Sure. Have fun, and I'll keep your mother company, Troy."

Troy and I spent the next hour and a half in quieter but just as enjoyable cuddling, fondling, sucking. We ended with me abusing his little ass with my cock. I'd loved to have had him fuck me, but my hole was too sore to let anything in it.

Chapter 10

Troy and I were exhausted by the time we finished our games. I could barely keep my eyes open when George and I went to dinner that last evening on the train. Half way through our meal Troy and his family came in to the dining car.

George leaned over to me when he saw the boy and said, "That poor kid looks as if he had been raked over the coals. What did you do to him when I left you two?"

I just giggled in response. Troy looked at us and gave George a great big smile and wave. His gaze shifted to me and his smile softened. There was a definite sparkle in his eyes. I think the kid really had fallen for me. I know that I felt warm inside when I saw him and thought about cuddling with him.

Suddenly I felt very confused. I knew that I wanted to be with George and yet I also knew that I was falling in love with this kid. Where did Jeremy fit in? Thinking of him made me sad because I wanted to see him badly. Could I be in love with three different people? George sensed something was bothering me. He reached across the table and squeezed my hand.

"Love is hard, ain't it kid," he said. He didn't know the half of it. I started to cry and buried my head in my arms so no one would see.

"That's okay," he told me. "I understand." Only he didn't. He was the reason I was crying. I wiped my eyes and sniffed my nose dry.

"I'm okay. I guess I'm tired. can we go to the room soon?"

"Anything you want, babe," he answered.

We finished our meal and left after a brief conversation with Troy and his mom. Our roomette was a mess when we entered. Troy and I hadn't taken the time to clean up when we had finished our games. It also smelled of sweat and sex. George chuckled when he saw the mess.

"Looks like you two had a pretty good time. From the looks of things you'll be ready for sleep soon.

"Before you pack off, though, I think we need to talk about your future."

I had dreaded this moment for most of the trip. I didn't know if I'd have the guts to let George know how I felt about him. I was afraid of his feelings about me. I was afraid for my future.

"Go ahead. Shoot," I said, my voice calm and steady to hide my screaming heart.

"You have to understand some things about me, Danny," George began. "I am a well known lawyer in San Francisco. A well known gay lawyer. I have chosen to maintain a high profile in the political scene and consequently have made a fair amount of enemies. There are more than a few people who would love to find some controversy to hang me for. There's no bigger controversy, young man, than a gay man and a boy, particularly a boy as pretty as you are.

"Do you get what I'm driving at?"

"Sure," I answered, nonchalantly, my voice cool and steady. "I didn't expect to live with you. It's been a blast on the train. That's all I expected. More, really." My stomach was about to turn inside out. Maybe what I felt for the man wasn't love but hate. I could barely see him through the whiteness that my anger was brewing. "My plans have been to go to Frisco and find some friends and check out the action there. I didn't nothing from you."

"I can't let you go off on your own like that, Danny. I'll see that you get situated some place. Until then, you can stay with me. I'll think of a good lie to cover for you."

"Naw, that's okay. I'll make it on my own."

"You're mad. I can tell."

"No. I'm not mad. I feel fine."

He looked at me with a strange look on his face, a look that was almost disappointment. "We get into Oakland too late for you to strike off on your own. Stay with me, please, at least until you have a safe place to go."

"Let's wait to see how things work out," I answered. I was more confused than I had ever been in my confusing life. I hatred this man whom I really loved and he seemed like he didn't want to let go of me. I'd play his game for a little while and stay with him for one night. Then I'd split. There were a lot of men in San Francisco who'd want to love a thirteen year old even if this turkey didn't.

"I'm kinda tired, George. Is it okay if I go to bed now?"

"Is it okay if I come in with you?" he asked.

"Sure," I answered, "only I'm too tired to do anything."

I slipped out my clothes, letting them drop by the side of the berth and slid under the covers. George slid in beside me. I lay quietly not wanting to do anything. He began to pet my hair with his big, rough hand, then began stroking my neck, my back, my buttocks. I stayed on my side when he pulled the covers back off our bodies and scooted to the bottom of the bed. I couldn't help but giggle when his tongue began its exploration of my foot, between my toes, up one leg to the ankle then up the other.

I hadn't bathed in over a week; George bathed me that night with his tongue. I ached for him to love me but discarded the idea that I would mean anything more to him than a short journey through playland. His tongue explored tiny places of my body that I'd forgotten existed. I wept silent tears for the layers of love for him that his tongue was wetting. I wanted this man I loved more than anything to die, I thought and having thought it, the thought extinguished itself. No, it was some one else who deserved to die. Not George, not this man whose tongue bathed my face and tasted the salt of my tears.

The train's whistle called out to the darkness for a caress that the night could never return.

The End