PZA Boy Stories


Cody and Lucas

A Personal Slaveboy Story

Chapters 18-19

Chapter Eighteen
Oleg and Beeley – Part 1

Author's Note: Near the end of Chapter 9 of Cody and Lucas, their friend Gregor gives a gift – a young slave boy named Oleg – to Billy Gillman, the young teen who had been his Master and Mentor through Gregor's period of slavery. This then, is their story, the story of Oleg and his Master, Billy.

Gregor entered the room with an absolutely lovely little boy holding his hand. Dressed in a Russian sailor suit, with his black hair, dark skin and flashing black eyes, he proclaimed his Kazakh origins.

He led the boy over to Billy. "This is Oleg. He is about five years old, speaks a little English and has been looking forward to this night all his life. He is the last of the children we rescued from the brothel. Uncle Alexei and I have wanted him to have a loving home with a loving master so he might grow to be a free person. He is yours, Billy, with our profound thanks."

Billy was stunned!

He dropped to his knees, held out his arms and Oleg immediately jumped into them. "Oh my! He is 3;, he is 3;, he is just beautiful!"

He glanced over to his Dad. Ray was all smiles. "I gave Alexei my permission a week ago. The choice is yours, son."

"Choice? How could I possibly send this beautiful little boy away?" He picked him up and held him in his arms and was nearly overcome with joy.

Oleg put his head down on Billy's shoulder and piped, "Master, Beeley, I be Oleg, loyal and true slave forever," just as he had been practicing. For the longest time, he always called him 'Beeley', long after he knew better.

"And, Oleg, I will be your Master and your big brother and your father and your very best friend as long as I shall live. Oh, you are the most beautiful little boy I have ever seen. I could stand here hugging you from now to next year."

Oleg may not have been able to understand all the words, but he more than felt Billy's love. That needed no translation. He gave a contented sigh and snuggled down in Billy's arms.

Hours later, they stood and watched Alexei's car move slowly down the road away from them, Billy with a sleepy Oleg, thumb in his mouth, nestled in his arms, hugging his new Master as if he might get away.

On the way home, Billy held the sleeping boy in his arms and marveled at his good fortune. When they arrived at the house, he carried Oleg to his room, gently undressed him and laid him in the small bed that had suddenly appeared beside his own.

He caressed the little boy's chest, feeling its softness and warmth. For a long time he simply sat there gazing down at his young slave and wept with tears of joy.

Billy's tears, dropping on Oleg's chest, awakened the little boy. "Why you cry, Beeley? I not be good?" he asked, concern written all over his face.

"Oh Oleg. I'm crying tears of happiness. To think that you are mine and we will always be together 3; Oh, Oleg, I love you with all my heart."

Oleg reached up and patted Billy's cheek. "I glad!" he sighed, rolled over and was instantly back to sleep.

When Billy and Oleg did not appear for breakfast the next morning, Ray peeked in on them. Both were still sound asleep, but with little Oleg nestled up tight against Billy and his arm around his neck. That was the pattern for quite some time; Oleg would start out in his bed in his room, but next morning always found him cuddled against his Master in Billy's bed. Finally, the little bed was abandoned completely and they slept hugging each other.

Oleg had the room next to Billy's that Gregor had occupied during his last weeks as Billy's slave. Some of the furnishing were a bit large for a five-year-old, but Oleg was thrilled to be so close to his Master. He had come with a reasonable collection of clothes, even if they were a bit 'European'. Ray and Billy did shop for a few things for Oleg: pajamas, underwear and his first-ever blue jeans and a western style shirt to go with it.

The latter was a mistake 3; buying only one set, that is. Two additional jeans and shirt sets were quickly secured so they could get the original ones off Oleg long enough to launder them. He absolutely refused to wear his cute sailor suit. He said it was for little boys and he was now a big boy 3; with a family.

But Billy had a hard time thinking of Oleg as a slave. He was his little brother, his future son, not a family chattel. He simply could not enforce traditional slave discipline on this beautiful little boy who tugged at his heart strings so. Yes, Oleg did display faultless slave behavior whenever they were out in public or had guests in their home, but that was about as far as it went. He did the chores they assigned to him, but like any child would, not like a slave.

Arthur, Billy's older brother, came home on leave, fresh from Sandhurst, before he shipped out to the Middle East as a Lieutenant in the King's North American Guards. He, too, was quickly smitten by Oleg and spent most of his time just being with 'little brother' and 'littler brother'.

Oleg had been with them for about two months when, encouraged by his conversations with Arthur, Billy went to his Dad.

"I'd like to raise Oleg as a free child."

"Oh! What made you decide that?" asked Ray. "I doubt if he knows what 'being free' means and he's awfully young. Are you sure this is best for him 3; and you?"

"Dad, Oleg has endured slavery since he was a baby. And a very cruel slavery, too. He's come through it completely undamaged; he's a remarkably loving and happy boy. I've never seen a child so excited by life 3; he certainly excites me."

"Once I had decided to unconditionally accept the love you and Arthur both gave me, you eventually freed me. You and Arthur gave me a new life as a free person and the chance for an education 3; something I could not have had as a slave."

"I'd like Oleg to have that same chance, only at a much earlier age. I know he's really young, but I don't want him to have to wait as long as I did. I know he has only been with us a short time, but this is right for him 3; and for me. I want to free him now 3; and adopt him as soon as I am of age."

Ray smiled. He had known Billy would soon come to this conclusion the minute Oleg had first jumped into his arms. He knew his son's experience as both a slave and a master had opened to him the profound pain and sorrow that even the most gentle slavery produces. Oleg might not know it fully, but he yearned for freedom and Billy was determined to answer his yearning the only way possible.

By freeing him!

"I agree with you, son. And I'm very, very proud of you! We will do this together."

The barrister they engaged to represent them was Charles Coulson, the same one who had represented the Davidsons at their son Lucas's manumission hearing years before. He listened to their requests, took notes and then told them what he perceived to be their situation.

"Freeing and adopting this very young boy may not be the simple thing you believe it to be," he explained. "In the first place, from what you have told me, young Oleg is here illegally. Secondly, what kind of slave is he, Class Two or Class Three? That's not clear and he's certainly not registered as a slave in this country. We'll have to deal with those questions and I know of no precedent. Let me do some research and I'll get back to you in a few days."

Early the next week, Coulson returned, bringing with him a Russian interpreter.

"I think I can make a case for admitting Oleg on what is called a 'compassionate writ'. That is a situation where the subject is fleeing from the real danger of being killed or harmed."

"Also, from what my Russian legal colleagues tell me, they don't have a slave classification system in Russia. Their serfs 3; that's what they call their slaves 3; are bound for life. But their Master can free them, although very few are. But then it would seem to me they are not Class Three. In fact, one might take the position that all Russian serfs are Class Two. At least that's the argument I plan to put forth."

"Now, I need some help to make the case for him to be admitted. I'd like to hear the boy's story from him. I brought Petros to translate."

Billy went and returned with Oleg and introduced him to the barrister, explaining he was a friend and was there to help him become an even happier member of their family.

Oleg bowed low to Coulson and said, "Am unworthy slave to have great friend. But if friend of Master, must be friend of Oleg."

Coulson was impressed. "Oleg, I would like to hear the story of your life. Will you tell it to me? Petros," 3; he indicated his companion 3; "is here to help you with the words."

Oleg nodded and he and the interpreter held a long conversation.

Finally, Petros began, "Oleg says he does not know 3;"

"Wait!" interrupted Oleg. "I tell!"

Coulson thought for a minute and then nodded his approval.

"I not know mama and poppa," Oleg continued. "But live in big house with much boys and three girls, Catarina, Tatiana & Olga. Work hard all time. Hungry all time."

"Men come to house and take boys to rooms. Hear boys' screams. Boys come back crying and hurt. Much blood in asshole and from whips."

"Girls and I clean up rooms. Much blood and other mess. Try help hurt boys, but get whipped."

"One day man ask for girls and me. Take us to room. Make us take off clothes. Rub hands all over. Girls cry. I cry. Man spank with paddle. Hurt much. Man not happy. Me and girls whipped."

"One day, big fire. Olga save girls and me. All boys die! I much sad."

"Uncle Alexei find girls and me. Take us his house. Have great friend, Gregor. He nephew to Uncle. Have good food. Have nice clothes. Study school hard."

"But Uncle say must hide so owners from big house not find. Bring us North America. Say he will find us family. Not know what is. But know now! Is wonderful!"

"Girls have family with great black lady teacher and daughter. They very happy."

"But I very much happy have family with Master Beeley and Sir Ray. Teach me what is family. Love me so my heart filled."

Turning to Billy, he asked, "I tell story. Is good, yes?"

"Very good," replied Billy, taking Oleg into his arms.

Coulson sat with tears in his eyes. "If he will tell that to the Judge, I think we'll have no problem," he observed. "I need to get depositions from Mr. Romanoff confirming Oleg's story and from the Consul General confirming the status and practice of slavery in Russia and then I'll request a hearing."

"By the way, I'll contact Professor Washington so she can have the girls' status confirmed, too. Right now, they have the same problem we do, but probably don't realize it. Hopefully, she will be able to use our case as precedent."

The hearing was scheduled for a week later in the ornate Civil Court Building.

The night before the hearing, Ray and Billy sat in the living room with Oleg in Billy's lap. "We have something very important to tell you this evening." Oleg's eyes grew big as he looked up at Billy.

"Do you remember Mr. Coulson who came to see us last week and I said he was going to help us be even happier?"

Oleg nodded.

"Well, tomorrow we are going to see a Judge and ask him to do some very important things." He paused a moment to be sure Oleg understood what he was saying.

"When your Uncle Alexei brought you here to North America, he did not have our King's permission to give you to me and for you to stay here."

Oleg began to look very concerned, "I must leave? Go back to Russia? Leave you and Sir?" He was near tears.

"No, no, Oleg," put in Ray. "The Judge will sign a paper making everything OK."

A much relieved Oleg sighed, and said "Oh!"

"The Judge," continued Billy, "will ask you to tell your story, just like you told it to Mr. Coulson. Can you do that?"

"Oh yes, Master! Anything stay here with you. I be very sad to leave," replied Oleg. And he hugged Billy and then dropped into his position of respect. "I do anything stay with you."

Billy lifted the little boy back into his lap again. "Oleg, how would you like to become a free boy and be my son?"

The room was silent for a moment as Oleg stared at Billy, wide-eyed with his mouth hanging open.

"Your son? YOUR SON! I be your son?" he gasped. "I, I, I, I 3;," he stammered as he burst into tears. "Master Beeley! You be my dad? Oh! Oh! Oh! 3;" was all he could say for quite some time as he hugged Billy tightly enough to strangle him.

Finally he found breath and voice again, "Beloved Uncle Alexei bring me North America. He say find loving family. Make me free person when grown up. But, be your son! I never dream! I just little boy! Not think such thing!" And he continued to cry tears of sheer joy and excitement on Billy's shoulder.

"But I not good boy! I bad boy! Not right be son," he wailed.

"Who ever told you that you were a bad boy?" asked a puzzled Billy.

"Olga. She say I bad boy. Need spank," replied Oleg through his tears.

"Well she was wrong. You are a very good boy! You slip some times, but you're just a little boy who is growing every day. Believe me, if I think you need to be spanked, I will give you one, not Olga."

"But you give Oleg everything! Nice clothes, food, much love. And Sir give Oleg everything, too. Oleg give Master and Sir nothing," the little boy continued sobbing.

Billy held Oleg close. "Oleg, the very first time you jumped into my arms, you gave me the greatest gift I have ever had. A little boy, named Oleg, who promised to be faithful to me forever. Every time I look at you, every time you hug me, you give me that gift again. You mean more to me than I can possibly tell you."

"I want you to be free," Billy continued through his own tears, "free to grow and learn and love and become the man I know you will be 3; strong, courageous, loving, compassionate."

"I not know words, but know is good. Oh Master Beeley, I love you most in all world! I be little boy, so not understand. You help me, yes?"

Billy looked into his eyes and nodded. They simply held each other for the longest time.

"Don't you want to be Billy's son?" teased Ray.

"Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes!" He jumped into Ray's arms and hugged him tightly, too. "You be grandpa, Ray! Oh yes! OH YES! I be happiest boy in whole world."

"Tomorrow," said Billy, "we will present a petition 3; that is a legal paper 3; asking the court to make you a free boy and make you my son and Dad's grandson."

Oleg didn't sleep much that night. Billy didn't either, being smothered with kisses most of the night.

The next morning in the courtroom, Billy sat in the prisoner's dock with Oleg beside him. Technically, he was charged with importing an unauthorized slave into British North America.

The Judge entered, they all rose in respect and were reseated.

"We seem to have a somewhat complicated situation this morning, so let's see if we can get it straightened out quickly," said the Judge. Turning to Billy, she asked, "How do you plead to the charge of unlawful importation?"

Coulson intervened, "May it please the court, my client believes his slave, who was given to him as a gift, qualifies for an Emergency Compassionate Writ."

"If the Crown has no objections," replied the Judge, "I'm willing to hear arguments on that matter, but the writ usually precedes the importation, not several months after."

"We concede that, Your Honor, but the situation was only recently discovered. My client had no intention to proceed illegally."

"All right, I'll set aside the illegal importation matter for the moment and hear arguments for the writ. Does the Crown have any objections?"

"No objections!" replied the Crown Barrister.

"Thank you Your Honor," continued Coulson. "I call as my first witness, the slave Oleg whose surname is unknown." And he took Oleg by the hand and led him to the witness chair.

The bailiff approached to swear the witness, but the Judge waved him off. "Oleg, you don't know your last name?" she asked.

"No Ma'am! Always be Oleg."

"I see. Let the witness be entered on the record as 'Oleg, last name unknown'," she directed the Court Recorder. Turning to Oleg again, she asked, "Oleg, how old are you?"

"Not sure, but think almost six," Oleg replied.

"Do you know what it means to tell the truth?"

"Always say what is! Never speak lie," answered the diminutive witness.

"Let the record show the witness has been duly sworn. Now, Oleg, will you tell me about your life before you came to North America?"

"Yes, Ma'am." And Oleg told the Judge his story, just as he had to Coulson. About his sad life in 'the big house' and how he was saved from the fire that killed all the other boys. How Alexei Romanoff and his nephew, Gregor, saved him and the three girls and sheltered them. And brought them to North America to find them good families who would love and care for them. "And he find Beeley to be Master and I love him and he love me and we be very happy together," he concluded.

"Does the Crown wish to question this witness?" asked the Judge.

"No, Your Honor."

"Thank you, Oleg. You have been a very brave little boy to have lived the life you have. The witness may step down." And Coulson led Oleg back to his place beside Billy.

"I have a deposition from Alexei Romanoff, a Russian citizen, corroborating Oleg's testimony and I wish to offer it in evidence."

"Any objections?" asked the Judge. "Hearing none, it is accepted. Call your next witness."

"I call the defendant, William Donald Gillman, to the stand."

Billy took his place and was sworn.

"Please tell the Judge what it is you wish for young Oleg," his Barrister instructed him."

"Your Honor, what I wish for young Oleg is a life that is full of love and will allow him to grow to become a valued subject of our sovereign, William. I am prepared to give him all my love and give him that chance. If he is returned to his native land, he will most assuredly be reclaimed by his former owners and abused and killed. I would do anything 3; give my very life, if necessary 3; to prevent this. I hope, with all my heart, you will grant our request for a writ."

"Does the Crown wish to question this witness?" asked the Judge.

"Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Gillman, do you freely admit you have harbored an illegally imported slave for some months?" asked the Crown Barrister.

"Yes sir, although I was not aware that he was illegal until very recently," answered Billy.

"But you did not turn him over to the slave authorities, as required by law?"

"No sir. He would have been traumatized. I love him too much to allow that. I hope this morning's proceedings will render that question moot."

"Thank you. No more questions."

"I'm quite satisfied young Oleg meets the criteria for a compassionate writ," said the Judge, "and I will so rule. Mr. Gillman, I can surely sympathize with your very good intentions. And I have every desire to do what is best for young Oleg. He has led a very painful life and he certainly deserves better. Therefore, I find you guilty of importing and harboring an illegal slave and fine you the sum of one pound sterling."

"Thank you, Your Honor. You have been very kind," said Billy. Turning to Oleg, he scooped him up in his arms and said, "Welcome to British North America."

After a few minutes, the Judge gaveled for order again.

"We now turn to the question as to what kind of slave, your Oleg is and is he eligible for manumission. What do you have for me on that score, counselor?" she asked Coulson.

"Your Honor, I have a deposition from Consul General Dimitry Yeltsin, laying out the history and status of slavery in Russia. In it he states, 'Although there is no formal classification system in our country, serfs are bound to their masters for life, but may be freed at the discretion of their masters. Very few achieve this state, however.' I submit that most closely parallels our Class Two Category and I request this slave be so classified."

"I have no objection," asserted the Crown.

"Very well, let the record show that Oleg, last name unknown, was on this date enslaved and assigned to Class Two."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Having solved those two problems, are there any others before we take up the petition filed by Mr. Gillman. Hearing none, we can proceed. Before we do, however, I am going to recess the court for twenty minutes to allow you time, Mr. Gillman, to prepare your slave for the manumission hearing." She banged her gavel and the court was in recess.

Billy was puzzled for a moment and then it hit him. Oleg would have to appear before the Judge naked and in chains!

The Bailiff led Billy and Oleg to a side room and left to try to find a very small set of shackles.

"What is happen?" asked the little boy.

"Oleg, I am so sorry. I completely forgot our custom when a slave is to be freed. Please take off all your clothes."

Oleg looked at him for a moment, but did as he was instructed. "Is why?" he asked.

"When a slave is considered for freedom, he must appear before the Judge and the whole court, naked and in chains, to show how brave he is. It's only for a short time."

Oleg looked bemused for a moment. "Is ok! I be naked. I stand on head if Judge want." He was dead serious.

Court resumed with the little boy standing bravely, almost defiantly, before the Judge. He was breathtakingly beautiful and looked so very, very vulnerable.

"Your Honor," reported the Bailiff, "I could not find a set of chains small enough."

"Bailiff, I think we can do without the chains in this case, but thank you for trying. Mr. Gillman, in view of the young age of your slave, you may come and hold his hand."

Billy quickly took his place beside Oleg and the little boy looked up at him with undisguised love.

"The petition before us," began the Judge, "asks that the enslavement of Oleg, last name unknown, be terminated and that he be adjudged a free person and be adopted as the legal son and heir of the petitioner. Before I rule, I would like to hear from the potential adoptee. Oleg, would you like to be adopted by Billy?"

"Oh yes, Your Majesty. He be most best dad any boy want. He make me happiest boy in whole world."

"And, how about you Mr. Gillman. Are you ready to undertake this task of raising him to be a productive and honorable subject of our King?

"Your Honor, from the very first moment I saw him, I said to myself, this is the boy who will be my son. I love him with all my heart and I pledge I will bring him up so we may all be proud of him. He will never want for love and encouragement as long as I shall live."

"Well said! "

"Oleg, your enslavement is terminated forthwith on this fifth day of November in the Year of Our Lord, Two Thousand and Fifteen. You are now a free subject of our sovereign, William, in his realm of British North America. You will henceforth be known as Oleg Gregor Gillman, the lawful son and heir of William Donald Gillman. The petitioner's father, Raymond Arthur Gillman is named guardian ad litem of Oleg Gregor Gillman until said William Donald Gillman reaches his eighteenth birthday. These proceedings are closed. God save the King."

Billy reached down and scooped his naked son into his arms.

"Are you really my Dad? I really your son?"

"Yes, Oleg. Forever!"

"This day be most happy in my life!"

And both their hearts overflowed.

The family spent that winter and spring, with Oleg secure and happy as a full member. Since he would be entering first grade the next fall, they concentrated on improving his English language skills and beginning reading so he would enter school on a par with his classmates.

He was not a perfectly behaved child. There were times when he needed correction, even spanking. And it was always done on his bare ass. But, as Oleg confided to Ray one day when Billy was in class at the University, "Beeley treat me like real Dad. When I bad, he spank. It hurt, but know he love me. Always hugs after. And rub stuff on ass."

One evening, as they were getting ready for bed, Oleg asked his Dad, "What you like best of me?"

"I like all of you 3; every part of you 3; inside and out. From the top of your head with your coal-black hair to the tips of your toes. That includes your cute bubble-butt."

"What is bubble-butt?"

"This part," Billy answered as he playfully slapped Oleg's rump.

"Oh! You like feel!" Oleg giggled. Truthfully, Billy did like feeling Oleg's behind and Oleg, in turn, liked Billy feeling it. It wasn't overtly sexual, but close. That was some months away.

"But, more importantly," continued Billy, "I love the sweet, precious boy who's inside that beautiful body. The boy who loves me back and makes me feel so good. The boy for whom I would give my life if he was in danger."

"You die for me?" asked his astounded son. "For me?"

"Yes, Oleg, I would."

"You love me so much?"

"I love you more than I have ever loved anyone before. More than even my Dad."

"No one ever loved me like that," said Oleg, starting to tear up. "Is more than I dream. You and Grandpa Ray so good to me. I not deserve."

"Oleg, you deserve every bit of love I can give to you. You are a very special boy who will grow into a very special man. And my love for you is very special. And I know you love me equally."

"How I have enough love for both you and Grandpa Ray? I run out?"

"No, Oleg. Love is boundless. There is always enough and more."

"Not understand how."

"It is a gift from God. Just accept it and enjoy it."

Oleg sighed. "So many things to learn about family!" he thought. But, he felt warm and safe and, truly, his love for his Dad and Grandpa was inexhaustible. He was asleep in seconds. Billy was careful not to wake him with his tears of love and joy.

That summer, Billy and Oleg embarked on an extensive trip across British North America. Most travelers going that distance would go by train or air. But, Billy wanted Oleg to know and understand his newly adopted country and its people, so traveling by car from town to town was the best method. They would 'camp out' along the way and stay in Imperial Parks and small towns and large cities along their route. It was a trip few boys of any age had undertaken and Oleg would start his formal education with a practical education that would far surpass any of his peers.

Author's Note: There is no Interstate Highway System in this world. The roads between cities and towns are adequate, but not suited to swift travel or freight hauling 3; and they fit Billy's plans admirably.

So, they said goodbye to Ray in early June and headed eastward. They would be gone most of the summer, returning just in time for Oleg to start school in September.

It was almost sundown when they arrived at their first stop, Yosemite Imperial Park, and Billy lost no time getting them checked into their cabin. It had been a long, exciting drive and Oleg could barely stay awake to eat his dinner. In fact, he fell asleep with his head on his dinner plate.

Billy carried him back to the cabin, wiped most of the gravy off his face, stripped him and put him to bed. It wasn't long until Billy slid into bed beside him and cuddled the sleeping boy in his arms.

Early the next morning, as he dozed, Billy felt the little body slide out of bed and heard the soft patter of little feet as Oleg danced over to the window.

Oleg's shriek banished any further thoughts of sleep from Billy's head.

"Dad! Come quick! Is monster come to eat us!"

Billy sprang out of the warm bed, grabbed the blanket off the other bed and ran to the window, wrapping them both in its folds.

Outside their cabin, not ten feet away, stood the most gigantic bull elk Billy had ever seen, placidly munching on the young willows that surrounded their cabin. Every so often, he would raise his head and peer at the pair framed in the window. Billy could swear the elk smiled at them.

They stood entranced for almost a half hour until the elk finally ambled off. What a fitting introduction to their first day.

That day, and the days that followed, they hiked, climbed rocks, explored the many falls in The Valley, went tubing in the Merced River and just enjoyed themselves. Never had Billy felt so close to, so completely enraptured by another person, his son, his love. Oleg returned the feelings a thousand fold.

Their last morning at Yosemite, they got up very early and hiked to the base of the Grand Falls to watch the sun rise over the mountains to the east. Despite the early morning chill, Oleg immediately ran to play in the spray near the base of the falls.

His clothes were soon soaked and he was chilled, so Billy led him to some nearby bushes, where he undressed him so he could wring the water out of his shirt and shorts.

The sun was now peeping over the mountains, illuminating the falls. Ignoring the cold, Oleg shucked the warm blanket Billy had brought along and scampered over to the falls. He stood with his hands raised to the sky and his face turned up to the morning sun.

The sun shone on his wet, dusky skin, giving it a golden sheen and turned the spray into a thousand diamonds. He was the Earth Child, offering his young, naked body to the Spirits of the Water and the Sun Goddess for their blessing. It was a scene that took Billy's breath away!

He managed to snap dozens of pictures as Oleg pranced, before the little boy gave in to the cold and ran back to his father and warmth. Billy simply enfolded him in his arms and hugged his shivering son until he was warm once more.

The scene had affected Billy deeply; he cried tears of sheer joy, of excitement, of love. Safe in his dad's arms, Oleg looked up and saw the tears coursing down Billy's cheeks. "Why you cry, Dad?" he asked, with concern. "I do something bad?"

"Noooooooo! Watching you at the falls 3; you were so beautiful! It made me think again how much I love you and how much you have added to my life. I was crying because my heart just overflowed with love for you."

"Heart over-flow? Is good, yes?"

"Yes, Oleg. Very good!"

Oleg snuggled down in Billy's arms and laid his head on his dad's chest. Then, his little heart overflowed, too.

Later that day, Billy took him to the world-famous Ahwanee Inn for dinner. The maître d' clearly was not happy having such a young boy in his dining room. "Please see that your child behaves himself," he admonished Billy.

Billy ignored him; he wasn't going to let anyone spoil this finale to their visit.

Oleg's manners were faultless! He jumped up and bowed to the wait-staff, ordered his own meal from the menu, with a little prompting from Billy, and ate every scrap. He went through the entire meal with a huge smile on his face. He could see how proud his Dad was and that pleased him immensely. He was just finishing his blueberry pie, ala mode, when the maître d' appeared at their table.

"Mr. Gillman, I must apologize for my boorish remarks. I have rarely seen a child as polite and well mannered as your son. My waiters are not accustomed to patrons bowing to them; I'm afraid your son has spoiled them. I watched him enjoying his dinner and he was marvelous! Please come again anytime."

Oleg looked at the maître d' with shining eyes, "Please, sir. Mar-vel-ous? Is good, yes?"

"Very good, young man. Very good, indeed!"

The following morning, they continued southeastward.

Like most visitors to the Grand Canyon, Oleg was simply overwhelmed by its immensity and beauty. They hiked for miles along the South Rim, drinking in its splendor 3; and snapping hundreds of pictures.

The wildlife they saw seemed to be specially posing just for Oleg: coyote, deer, elk, mountain sheep. All of them displayed and introduced their families to the fascinated little boy. And for the first time, Oleg met the other creatures who inhabited this scene of natural beauty, if only temporarily: young children and their parents. He had a natural charm and magnetism and was instantly everyone's friend.

Billy had booked them a trip to the bottom of the Canyon by mule. Oleg had never ridden before and was not particularly reassured by the wrangler who told them, tongue-in-cheek, "For short people we have short mules; for tall people we have tall mules and for a little boy who has never ridden we have a mule that has never been ridden."

They set off down the trail with Oleg terrified and hanging onto the pommel of the saddle with a death grip, but determined not to give into his fears. After about an hour 3; assured that the mule was not going to plunge into the abyss 3; he began to recover his wits and, thereafter, rounded each curve on the trail with a whoop, to the great amusement of the others in the party.

Once at the river, they camped with the others, rode the rapids, hiked into side canyons and behind waterfalls. And, every evening they fell into their double sleeping bag, almost too tired to even hug.

But their journey was only beginning.

If Yosemite had been exciting and Grand Canyon overwhelming, Yellowstone completely blew Oleg's mind.

He stood transfixed before Old Faithful, with his mouth open, unable to speak, for a good ten minutes after the eruption subsided. Billy had to remind him to breath.

He was equally excited by all the other thermal features and the bison and all the other creatures 3; large and small 3; they encountered.

One morning they were hiking along the Firehole River when they came upon a small hot spring, bubbling merrily away in the stream. There was no one about and it looked so inviting, they couldn't resist.

Shedding their clothes, they plunged into Mother Nature's Hot Tub and cavorted for almost fifteen minutes before Billy noticed a Park Ranger, standing on the bank watching them with a bemused expression.

"You seem to be having so much fun," the ranger admonished them, "I hated to spoil it. But, I can't allow you to do that. Too dangerous. Sure wish I could join you, though."

"Is OK! We have fun. Must get out now," replied Oleg.

The Ranger sat with them as the sun dried them off and told an eager young pupil all about hot springs and geysers. He confessed to having visited this very spot with his dad as a young boy. There weren't any rules in those days.

Afterward, Oleg gave the Ranger a big hug and they went their separate ways.

That evening, Billy returned from his shower to find Oleg curled into a corner of the cabin, crying his eyes out. Instantly concerned, he asked, "Oleg, what is wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Is too much! I not remember all," he replied from the depths of his father's arms.

"Little one, we will have our pictures to remind us. And we will come here again, I promise you." That seemed to quiet his fears of mental overload and they had long and intense hugs that evening.

After so much scenic splendor, Colorado Springs was a welcome change. Billy hadn't told Oleg who they were going to visit there but he was excited by his dad's surprise. They both knew Cody, Lucas and their sons were in Russia that summer. Who could they be going to visit?

They pulled up to a large house near Kings College.

No sooner had Oleg stepped out of the passenger side, than he was engulfed by three squealing little girls who had burst out of the doorway. Catarina, Tatiana and Olga completely immobilized Oleg, smothering him with hugs and kisses and rapid-fire Russian.

They were followed a few moments later by an older and somewhat more subdued young teen. Samantha welcomed them both and said her mother would be home shortly. She was eager to hear about Billy's adventures with Oleg, but all of them envied the great adventure her schoolmates, Ronnie and Donnie, were having in Russia.

Dora Washington swept in a few minutes later and there was a whole new round of greetings. She insisted Billy and Oleg be their guests while they were in town and they gratefully accepted.

With Samantha as tour guide, they enjoyed all the local attractions including the new rack railway which conveyed folks to the top of McKenzie Peak.

Billy was careful to seek out Bill and Charlie, the resident meteorologists, explaining to them their relationship to the Davidson clan. Despite an invitation to stay overnight, they demurred and returned 3; somewhat breathless 3; to the plains below.

Bidding their hosts goodbye 3; with many tears from the three girls and Oleg 3; they headed east into the great heartland of North America. A few days east of Colorado Springs, they pulled to a small town in Kansas Province late in the afternoon.

Most of the townspeople were gathered in the town square and Billy initially though it was some kind of fair. He parked the car and he and Oleg went to see what the excitement was about.

And soon regretted it.

The people stood on one side of the square where an old man, dressed all in black, was delivering a harangue about sin and punishment. They were about to leave, when Oleg spotted a pen filled with children, both slave and free, on the other side of the square and asked, "Why children there?"

A bystander overheard him and explained. "This is Punishment Day. All the kids in the community are spanked publicly to remind them to behave themselves."

"You mean the town authorities spank every child?" asked Billy, incredulously.

"No, their parents or owners do the spanking. Doesn't matter whether they're slave or free. Each one gets at least five swats. Right here in the Town Square where everyone can see them. Today is the day for ages six through twelve. Teens have their own day in a few weeks. As you can see, girls are punished the same as boys."

"You can't be serious!"

"I'm quite serious. Stick around and you'll see why we have the most polite, well-behaved kids in all British North America."

"Is not fair," piped up Oleg. "Kids not bad but punished anyway?"

"Sure it's fair! Each kid gets a minimum of five strokes, usually with a cane. Can get up to fifty if the parent decides he needs it. You wanna do your slave?" he invited Billy.

Hugging Oleg to him, Billy replied, "No……thank……you! And he's NOT a slave! He's my son!"

The bystander wrinkled his nose, but turned away and made no further comment.

The speaker had finished and two uniformed deputies placed an upright frame on the platform. It had a bar on it, complete with cuffs, that could be raised or lowered by means of a crank. A container of canes was placed near it.

"The Mayor will go first," the bystander explained. "I think he gets a charge from beating his kid in public."

A middle-aged man took the platform and called out to one of the boys in the pen, "Come on Sean. You know the drill."

The crowd murmured in anticipation as a good-looking boy, about twelve, trudged across the square and joined his father on the platform. He was dressed in t-shirt and shorts and his expression was fearful. He faced the man and they had a short conversation that neither Billy nor Oleg could hear.

"I don't want to hear a sound from you this time. Not like last time. You embarrassed me. This is your last time, so I want you to set an example. You hear?"

"I'll do my best to be brave, Father. But it hurts!"

"It's supposed to hurt, you ninny! You'd better behave this time, or, I'll whip the hide off that wimp of a slave of yours. Get yourself ready."

The boy sighed and then dropped his shorts and stepped out of them, revealing his bare ass and sturdy legs. He pulled his shirt up over his shoulders and off, baring his back. Moving over to the frame, naked except for his shoes, he grasped the bar that had been lowered chest high and spread his legs apart. Thrusting his rump out, he stood waiting.

His father selected a cane from the container and, after a few practice swings, delivered a hard cut right across the boy's out-thrust bottom. The boy's body jerked, but he did not let go of the bar and he did not cry out. The red welt was plain for all to see.

"Count!" ordered his father.

"One," gasped the boy.


"ONE!" screamed the boy.

The next blow was across the tops of the boy's legs. He jerked again and let out a hiss but did not cry out.

"TWO!" he yelled as if his life depended upon it. Not his life, just the skin of his backside.

He took two more cuts to his ass and one to his back with similar results, although tears were now running down his cheeks.

Letting go of the bar, the boy painfully straightened up. "Are you satisfied now, Father?" he asked tearfully.

"You did fine, son. I'm proud of you!"

The crowd applauded.

"Get your slave up here," commanded his father.

"Jerome! Please!" the boy called out plaintively.

A black boy a year or so younger cringed in front of the pen. He was naked and already crying. At the sound of his master's voice calling him, he began to wet himself, to the jeers of the other kids in the pen.

Sean walked over to him, gently took his hand and led him to the platform. "You know I don't want to do this! I hate doing this to you! It's cruel and you don't deserve it," he whispered to the slave.

"I know, Master," whispered the slave back. "But you have no choice. I forgive you."

"Come on, get him hooked up. Stop fooling around. Others are waiting," implored his father.

Sean placed his slave's wrists in the cuffs. "I'll try to be brave, Master," the slave whispered. "Just get it over with, please!" Turning the crank, Sean raised the bar until his slave hung by his wrists; his feet twelve or so inches [30 cm] off the ground. The man reached into the container and pulled out a whip.

The crowd gasped!

Handing it to his son, he commanded, "Give it to him! Just like we practiced. And I don't want to see you go easy on him. I want to see blood after each stroke. If you don't hit him hard enough, I'll give him twenty after you're done and I'll sell him. You understand?"

Sean nodded, tears streaming down his face. Taking a position behind the slave, he swung the whip with all his might.

The crack of leather hitting bare flesh was followed an instant later by a blood-curdling scream. The slave's body jerked violently, his legs flailing as he tried to escape from the fire that engulfed his ass.

"That wasn't hard enough! Get his feet secured," the man told one of the officers.

The officer came forward with a heavy pair of leg irons that he fastened to the slave's ankles. Their weight added to the pain the black boy was already feeling in his distended arms and shoulders.

"Do it over!"

The next stroke produced blood in addition to the scream.

"That's better!"

After two more 'repeats' and five more strokes, the black slave's back and ass were a mass of bloody cuts and he hung semiconscious from the bar.

"Well, you finally showed you're a man. You done good," the man said as he turned to leave the platform.

The officer removed the leg irons from the hanging boy and Sean lowered his slave until he could stand again. He removed his wrists from the cuffs and the black boy sank to his knees. Sean helped him to slowly stand again.

"I'm all right," gasped his slave.

"No you're not," sobbed Sean. "How can you even speak to me, after what I just did? How can you ever forgive me? I was a coward. I should have told my father that I would not beat you!" Sean hung his head and wept bitterly.

"Master, he would have beaten me to death!" replied the slave softly.

The truth of that statement was all too evident to Sean. But he looked deeply into Jerome's eyes and saw only love and respect.

"Master, I know that you love me. I can bear any pain, take any punishment, knowing that."

Shawn wrapped his arms around his slave and led him from the scene, his own arms covered with the black boy's blood.

Throughout the entire performance, Billy and Oleg stood rooted to the ground, watching in fascinated horror, unable to tear their eyes away. As the next child, a girl, was called to be punished by her father, Billy suddenly regained control of himself.

He scooped a rigid Oleg up, carried him to their car and belted him in as the little girl's squeals and screams echoed plainly. Maneuvering around the crowd in the square, he roared out of town.

They drove until it was almost dark. The whole time, Oleg kept repeating one sentence, "Just like boys in big house." They would sleep in the car tonight. There was no way Billy could imagine staying in that town.

After a cold supper, Billy arranged their sleeping bag on the car seats, got Oleg into his pajamas and into it and crawled in himself. Oleg was still largely unresponsive, so he just held him gently until he slept. He was quite a while getting to sleep himself.

Several hours later, it began to rain heavily and Billy was awakened to find Oleg curled into a ball against him, crying piteously.

"Just like boys in big house! No be bad, but punished anyway. Be hurt and punished by men. Why?" he wailed. "Why people in town do that?"

"I don't know," Billy told his sobbing son. "I guess they think it's ok to beat their kids."

"They no love kids?"

"They do, but it's a bad kind of love. Not at all like I love you."

"I glad," sniffed Oleg. "Not want to feel whip ever again."

"Did they use a whip on you?" asked an incredulous Billy.

"Yes, much. After man rub girls and me. And when I try help hurt boys."

"Oh, how awful," Billy thought. "How could anyone bear to use a whip on this beautiful and loving child? What kind of monsters were they?"

"If I ever meet up with the men who did that to you, I will kill them slowly and painfully," he replied grimly.

"No! That be evil! Not kill. Oleg forgive men. Have loving father, now. Not need hate! Have everything I need!" Oleg's statement stunned Billy to his very core.

This was his son. A six year old boy. He had suffered horribly at their hands and, yet, he had already forgiven them. Oleg, truly, was a very, very special boy. Billy was ashamed.

"You use whip on me?" asked a clearly fearful Oleg.

"Oleg, my precious son, I will never, ever use a whip on you."

"Even if I be much bad?"

"There is nothing you could possibly do that would make me use a whip on you. And I would die before I let someone else whip you." That statement seemed to assure Oleg and he snuggled up against Billy and went to sleep again.

But Billy didn't sleep much the rest of that night. He was very upset by what they had seen that day and what his son had told him about being whipped. For Oleg to have come through his terrible ordeal as a slave and become the beautiful, loving, exciting child he was, took depths of courage Billy could only imagine.

The rain continued heavily throughout the night. It was still teeming down when they set out the next morning. Driving carefully, Billy managed to avoid the streams which were now at flood level. That is, he did until they came to a bridge that was covered by the water of a raging torrent.

The rain had stopped and Billy got out of the car to try to get a fix on his GPS that would show him a route around the high water. Oleg got out on the other side and walked over to the stream bank. The stream was filled with tree branches and other debris being swept along with the current.

"Don't get so close, Oleg," cautioned Billy.

The words were hardly out of his mouth when the small promontory on which Oleg was standing collapsed, pitching him into the raging maelstrom.

"Noooooooooooo!" yelled Billy as he dropped the GPS and raced along the bank trying frantically to spot his son in the muddy brown torrent. Several times he saw a black head appear above the water only to be pulled down again and swept along. He was on the verge of jumping in himself, when a freak eddy delivered a limp body to him along a sandbar.

Pulling Oleg from the water 3; he wasn't breathing 3; Billy began to give him frantic CPR.

His efforts were rewarded and the little boy began to cough and retch up the slimy brown liquid he had ingested. He was covered with mud and his eyes fluttered open, as he gasped for air. He was frightened out of his wits.

"Oh my beautiful son! I was afraid I'd lost you!" Billy cried as Oleg continued to spit up the contents of his stomach. Father and son clung to each other and cried like two lost infants.

For the longest time they simply held each other, completely oblivious of their surroundings, until a Deputy whose helicopter had landed a short distance away leaned over them and asked, "Are you all right?"

"Yes, thank you, officer!" gasped Billy. "I think we're ok. My son fell in and I managed to rescue him."

"Well, we found your car back a bit and were afraid something had happened to you. I'm sure glad you managed to pull the boy out. But, I think you both should go straight to hospital. No telling what the boy may have swallowed and he might have internal injuries. There's a good clinic in the next town and I can airlift you there. My partner can bring your car there. By chance, is your name Gillman?"

Billy nodded. "Well, Colin Wilson asked us to keep a lookout for you. He thought you might have a problem with one of our Missouri gully-washers."

Colin Wilson had been Billy's high-school football (soccer) coach who had moved to the 'big time' at a small, but prestigious college in southwest Missouri. They had been on their way to visit him when Oleg's brush with death had occurred.

Billy bundled himself and his muddy son into the 'copter and, in a few minutes, were in the capable hands of the medical staff at the clinic, where the first order of business was cleaning the mud and grime off 3; both of them.

A thorough exam revealed that, except for a few scratches, Oleg was virtually unharmed by his terrifying dunking. "I gave him a general purpose shot which should take care of any nasties he might have swallowed. His little ass will be a bit sore, but 3;"

"Not have little ass," interrupted Oleg. "Dad say I have nice bubble-butt."

That broke the tension as they all laughed. Oleg was 'back'.

"I'll give you one, too," continued the doctor, "just to be safe. And I think we should keep you overnight, again, just to be safe."

Late that night, a profoundly shaken Billy held Oleg and comforted him. Both were still frightened by what had happened and would be for some time. He sang softly to his son.

Lay your head upon my pillow
Hold your warm and tender body close to mine
Hear the whisper of the breezes blowing soft, against the window
As we pledge our love forever, one more time.
One more time,

Author's Note: The original Ray Price song in our world is one of two lovers parting. But, in Billy's world, it was a song of new beginnings or of beginning again. With my slight alterations, it seemed appropriate to help Oleg recover from his brush with death.

With the blessing of the medical staff and hugs all around from Oleg, they pushed on the next morning, arriving at The College of the Hills late that afternoon. They were welcomed enthusiastically by Collin Wilson who told them about this unusual institution.

"Admission to The College of the Hills is based solely on academic excellence, but is reserved for students whose families can't afford to send them to another institution of higher learning," he told them. "Every student works thirty hours a week in some position related to his academic major to earn his tuition, room and board. That's why we're often called 'Hard Work U'."

"But the most unusual feature is that we admit both free children and slaves on an equal footing. During their first year, both live in the same dorms, eat the same meals and work together. During that time, they all are under a code of discipline not unlike slave discipline. Slaves who successfully complete their first year are automatically freed; that's one of the things their masters must agree to."

Wilson's family was away visiting relatives, so Billy and Oleg would stay with him during their time at 'Hills'. The big house was comfortable and they soon felt right at home.

College of the Hills was small, but had become a regional powerhouse in football circles, with several North American titles to their credit. "These kids all know the value of hard work and discipline," Wilson told his former high-school star. "They don't do anything halfway in either academics or sports. Coaching them is a pleasure."

During the next several days, Billy had the opportunity to visit a number of classes and scrimmage with the college team. He might have been a standout player in high school, but these guys made him look like a rank beginner. But, they were patient with him and took pains to teach him quite a few things which would stand him in good stead when he tried out for the university team during the fall.

The college ran an excellent school system for the children of faculty and students. During the summer it was similar to a day-camp program. Oleg was thrilled to be included during their stay. It was the first time he had ever been with kids his own age and he arrived home each evening exhausted, but supremely happy.

His first afternoon, he arrived home and announced, "Have new friend, Pytor. His dad Russian professor. Pytor and I speak Russian. I almost forget." Billy made a mental note; he needed to find a way Oleg could retain the culture of his birth land as he became more British.

"Be a bit careful with that one," warned Colin. "Pytor Menkoff is a bit of bully."

The next afternoon was quite different. A dejected Oleg told his Dad, "Pytor and Oleg have fight. He teasing little girl and I tell him to stop. He call me dirty name and say I nekulturi (literally, 'uncultured', the worst insult you can give to a Russian.)."

He say I dirty Kazakh slave, so I punch nose. He get bloody nose and run home to mama. Teacher make me sit in corner." He stared at his feet in shame, "Should not hit. Oleg really nekulturi to do. You must spank. And I must tell Pytor I sorry."

"No, I won't punish you for standing up to a bully." He would have to work with Oleg on some alternatives to fisticuffs, however.

"Coach Wilson call Pytor that, too. What is bully?"

"It's a person 3; not necessarily a child, either 3; who picks on someone smaller or weaker. They are often not very nice to be around."

"But I better give Pytor's father a call," continued Billy. He found Professor Menkoff in the college listing, but as he reached for the phone, it rang.

"This is Professor Menkoff," said the voice on the other end of the line.

"Yes, Professor. This is Billy Gillman. I must apologize for 3;"

"Don't apologize," Menkoff interrupted. "Pytor got exactly what he deserved. He told me about the whole thing and he will be eating dinner standing up. He wants very much to tell your son how sorry he is for acting so 3; so 3; well nekulturi. Pytor doesn't have any friends and he's deathly afraid he has lost Oleg."

"Oleg was at our house for lunch today and he is a thoroughly charming little boy. I wish Pytor was like him. Was he really a slave? I find that hard to believe."

"Yes he was, Professor. In a boy brothel. I freed him several months ago."

"Astounding! He is so polite and so good-natured. You are an outstanding parent, young William. I can tell. Unfortunately, he told Pytor about being a slave. His mother and I haven't done a very good job erasing his typically Russian notions about serfs. He really feels badly about his treatment of Oleg, though, and wants to make amends."

"Well, I know Oleg feels badly, too. So, lets give them a chance to work it out."

"Thank you for your understanding, Mr. Gillman. I hope you will visit us during your stay here at Hills. My wife and I would like to meet the parent of such an outstanding child." And they did spend an entertaining evening with Pytor and his family a few days later.

The next afternoon, Oleg was all smiles. "Pytor and I friends again. I tell him I sorry to hit him. He thank for hit him. He strange."

After supper, Billy usually played some games with Oleg before bedtime. After tucking him in for the night, he returned to the living room for conversation with his former mentor.

"You know," Wilson confessed, "I really didn't want you on my team at first. No slave on my team. I tried my best to discourage you, but you just took it all in stride. I even tried to get the kids to make life tough for you."

"But, I soon found out it wasn't my team at all. It was their team and they were on your side. So, I decided maybe I was wrong about you. Boy! Was I ever. You were the hardest working, most talented young player I ever coached and I was deeply ashamed at my behavior."

"Coach, I never felt you were unfair to me. I had a lot to learn and you taught me well."

"I'm so glad you feel that way. You know, that championship team was the reason I got this opportunity. And, you were the leader of that team. Until we won the Sectionals, I never dreamed we would go the whole way," said Wilson. "But you knew, right from the start, didn't you?"

"Yeah. It's what my Dad likes to call 'my ability to focus'. Most other folks just think I'm stubborn," chuckled Billy.

But it was evident Billy was still shaken by the past few days. The next evening, after he had tucked Oleg into bed, Billy and Coach Wilson again sat in the parlor and talked.

"You really love the little guy, don't you? And you only have to watch him as he looks up at you to know he adores you," observed Wilson.

Billy smiled. "Yeah, he's the best thing that has every happened to me. He's taught me a lot about myself. Last summer, I had to break and train a young teen boy to be a slave. It's the toughest thing I have ever had to do. But I learned a lot about myself."

"But that was just the elementary course. Oleg is the advance course. He's a very special boy. Not just because he's my son. He's special in another way."

"He was a slave from the time he was an infant," Billy continued. "And punished repeatedly with a whip when he was little more than a toddler. The pain must have been horrible. He was starved, sexually abused 3; the cruelest slavery one could imagine. I couldn't possibly have known what it was like. Even I wasn't treated that badly as a slave."

"But, he wasn't destroyed by it. He has reserves of courage and love that I can't begin to understand. Even the physical abuse to his body has healed without a trace."

"Somehow he knew he would be 'rescued', and when he jumped into my arms that first time, he knew he was 'home'. He was ready to start life over. I wanted him to be free 3; free to live and grow and be my son. Not that I could possibly deserve such a son."

"He excites me! Like nothing in my life ever before."

"And I love him like I have never loved anyone before. Dad understands that Oleg now comes first in my life by a huge margin. And he couldn't be happier."

"I think," said Wilson, "British North America has a young citizen who will dazzle us and be an asset of unparalleled worth. To have kept him a slave would have been 3; treasonous."

Billy nodded his agreement. Coach understood.

"This may seem like a very cruel thing to ask," continued Wilson, "but I think it's a question you need to answer 3; not for me, but for yourself."

Billy shifted uneasily. He could guess what might be coming. Yet, when it did, he was stunned.

"What would you have done if you had lost him in that flood?"

"My life would have been over!" Billy bawled. "I, I, I just could not have gone on! I would have thrown myself into the flood and joined him. I couldn't have lived without him. My life would have been meaningless!" And he began to weep.

"That's your heart talking, Billy. It's not the brave young man I know."

How could this man even begin to understand his love for Oleg after all?

"The Billy I know would grieve very deeply. He would know sorrow that I could only begin to imagine. But he would slowly put that sorrow behind him. Not the memory of Oleg 3; you would always have had those 3; but the memory of his death."

"You would finally come to the conclusion that you had to live for Oleg, because that is what he would have wanted. So, life would go on after all. You would probably honor Oleg by adopting another child. Not as his replacement; you could never have replaced him."

Billy thought for a long time.

Then, inspiration hit. "You're telling me the time will come when Oleg must leave me and strike out on his own. He'll grow up; he won't be my little boy any more. I will continue to love him as deeply as ever, but I will have to let him go."

"Well said! That's the Billy I know. You can enjoy him now as a father. You can enjoy him then as a best friend."

They both stood up and Billy put his arms around Wilson and hugged him. "Thanks coach. You were right. I needed that."

And he went off to join his sleeping son.

But all too soon, they had to move on.

"Keep in mind," Collin Wilson told Billy and they bad goodbye, "if you ever decide to go into coaching, you have a job waiting for you here."

They pushed on across the heart of North America until, in the central Ohio Valley, they had to confront an awful truth.

They were completely out of clean clothes.

So, they sought out a laundromat in a small town not far from Cleveland. Always the thorough one, Oleg even stripped off what he was wearing and added it to the mountain of dirty clothes. Taking their laptop, the naked little boy settled down in a corner to enjoy some of the many pictures they had taken. Billy wasn't quite that thorough.

They filled eight washers and settled down to wait. As other patrons came in, Oleg jumped up and bowed low in greeting. If any of them found it unusual to be confronted by a naked little boy whose clothes were sloshing away, they made no mention of it.

Their clean clothes were in the dryers when a woman came accompanied by a boy about Oleg's age. She was carrying a large basket of dirty clothes.

Oleg immediately stood and bowed, before returning to his corner.

"See, Peter," she told her boy, "he's getting his clothes washed. Let me wash yours, too." Peter refused to part with the miniature battle-dress uniform he was wearing, even though it did look rather scruffy.

"His father gave it to him just before he left for the Middle East last week and I can't coax it off him so I can wash it," she explained to Billy, now the only other adult in the establishment.

Oleg had heard the conversation. He stood up, put the laptop aside, walked over to Peter and whispered something in the boy's ear.

Peter nodded vigorously.

Oleg whispered again.

Peter looked at him a little uncertain. Then he stripped off his clothes and handed them to his mother. He stood there, somewhat embarrassed, his hands covering his boy parts.

Oleg whispered once more.

Peter giggled, removed his hands and allowed Oleg to lead him over to his corner. In a short time, they were engrossed in Oleg's pictures.

Both Peter's mother and Billy had watched this exchange with wonder and amusement.

"I'm sorry. I seem to have forgotten my manners," said Peter's mother. "I'm Joyce Nesbit. My husband is Colonel Adrien Nesbit of the Kings North American Guards and he left just a week ago. Peter misses him terribly, but he seems to have found a friend this afternoon."

Billy introduced himself and explained about the trip he and Oleg were taking. "My bother, Arthur, is a new Lieutenant in the Guards. Perhaps he will meet Colonel Nesbit," he told her.

They exchanged pleasantries while the two boys in the corner giggled over the pictures. As Billie was folding the last of their clean duds, Joyce said, "You must come to dinner. We haven't had anyone in since Adrian left and I know it would make Peter happy to have company."

Billy looked over into the corner and saw Oleg and Peter both nodding. "We'd be happy to come to dinner, Mrs. Nesbit."

On the way back to their hotel, Billy asked, "What did you say to Peter that got him to part with his dirty clothes?"

"I ask if he soldier like his papa," replied Oleg. "When he say yes, I say soldiers always wear clean uniform and his dirty. He stand with hands cover and I told him you say little boy's body beautiful and must not be ashamed to show." A bit of counseling was clearly in order when the opportunity presented itself.

Late that afternoon they arrived at the Nesbit's, a comfortable house located in an old neighborhood. The two boys went upstairs to Peter's room to play, leaving Billy and Joyce to chat.

"There's something I must tell you," said Joyce. "Peter is a twin. His brother, Paul, died last year and his whole world was shattered. We've all had a hard time getting over it, but it has been particularly hard on Peter; they were so close. He keeps Paul's room just as it was and goes to 'visit' him every day. The experts tell us he'll eventually grow out of it, but his father and I have been very concerned."

"And then Adrian was called to active duty and that has been very hard for Peter to take. Your son made him laugh this afternoon for the first time in months. I've told him he may not take Oleg to visit Paul unless you say it is all right."

"Oleg's had a pretty tough life," Billy replied and went on to tell her Oleg's story. "I suspect it's rather important for Peter to introduce his new friend to Paul and I certainly have no objections. If it can help Peter, Oleg would not want it otherwise. He's got reserves of love and compassion that are infinite," he told Joyce.

Shortly, Peter called down to his mom. "May I take Oleg to see Paul?" Joyce looked at Billy, who nodded. "All right, dear. But don't spend too long. Dinner's almost ready."

They shared a delicious home-cooked meal and Oleg told them all about their trip.

When it was time for them to leave, Oleg went to Peter, put his arms around him and told him, "You good soldier. Be much brave and live for Paul. He wait for you in next world. You not go for long time, but he be there for you."

Peter hugged his new friend and nodded, his eyes rimmed with tears.

On the way back to their hotel, Oleg was very quiet.

After they were in bed that night he asked his Dad, "You think Peter have sickness in mind?"

"No. He's just a little boy who has lost something very precious. Lucas once told me about the closeness twins share and I can believe Peter misses Paul more than you or I can possibly know."

"Dad, was other someone in room with us when we visit Paul. He talk to Peter and I hear him, too. He tell Peter he leave him, but not be sad. Peter cry, but say he understand. Dad, Paul put arms around both us. I could feel it. You think I crazy?"

"No, Oleg. You are just so full of love, it spills over sometimes. I believe you really heard and felt what you say." Far be it for Billy to deny it; his son was truly special and anything was possible.

Oleg snuggled down and replied, "Thank you, Dad. You much love Oleg."

The next morning they were on the road again, heading southeast toward a lodge named 'Big Meadows' in the Shenandoah Mountains of Virginia. They would spend several days there.

The mountains of the East were not as spectacular as those of the West. But, their gentle tops and secluded meadows had a beauty of their own and Oleg fell in love with them as well.

One morning, the two of them came upon a meadow, fresh with dew and filled with frolicking fawns. Oleg immediately shucked his clothes and ran into the meadow to be with them. It was 'Earth Boy' once more, offering his body to the Sun for Her blessing and his friendship to these young deer-children.

The deer, far from being spooked, instinctively knew this man-child was just enjoying his young life as their fawns were. The parents of both species kept watch over them and offered their blessing.

Billy had his camera out and going just as one of the fawns trotted over to Oleg, who held out his hand for the fawn to lick. As the fawn did, Oleg turned toward his dad with such an expression of joy and awe on his face that Billy's heart skipped a beat or two.

The fawn tugged Oleg into the group and they romped together for quite some time. But, at last, the lead doe singled it was time to leave and they all began to disappear into the woods bordering the meadow. As Oleg waved goodbye, the final doe turned and Billy could swear she smiled at Oleg.

He came bounding back to Billy. "Dad! You see? Deer much like me! Is good, yes?"

"It is very good, my young wood sprite!"

"What is wood sprite?"

"It's a little boy who runs around naked in sunny meadows. With his little stiffy sticking out, I might add."

Oleg dissolved into a wave of giggles and father and son just hugged each other.

The Atlantic Coast and the big cities of Baltimore, Philadelphia and Toronto were next on their wandering itinerary. They both enjoyed the excitement and bustle, but agreed they would not want to live there. Billy was a child of the western plains and mountains and Oleg of the steppes of Russia and the East with its crowds was not their cup of tea.

It was now late August and they needed to get home. Taking a leisurely, but purposeful route, they arrived back on the Pacific Coast on September first.

Their journey had been a huge success, cementing their relationship as father and son even more. Nevertheless, it was good to be home again and looking forward to fall and school. But, it wasn't very long before Billy had to confront another concern.

They had continued to sleep together, always taking time to cuddle and hug before sleep claimed them. One evening, however, Billy was surprised to find his bed partner waiting for him, sans pajamas.

"I think it fun to sleep without clothes. Is ok?" asked Oleg.

Billy thought a minute. "I guess so," he replied. Billy usually slept in only his white briefs.

And, indeed, Oleg's bare skin felt marvelous pressed against him as they spooned together.

They also showered together almost every evening before bedtime. Oleg enjoyed having Billy wash him and Billy usually obliged him. As he ran his soapy hands over the young, supple body, Oleg invariably sprang a hard-on.

Trouble was, so did Billy; and this was what troubled him.

"Dad, I think Oleg is trying to seduce me," he told Ray.

"And that's a surprise?" Ray chuckled.

"Dad, I'm serious!"

"I know you are, Billy." He drew a deep breath before continuing.

"Billy, your son is a very sexy little boy. He just oozes sex. It's not something he tries to do. It's just who and what he is. That picture of him standing in the spray from the falls is the most erotic thing I have ever seen. You're going to have to teach him about sex, just as I had to teach Arthur and Arthur had to teach you."

"But he's only six years old!"

"Well, most experts now agree that even small babies have sexual feelings. He is trying to show his love to you every way he can. He is offering you his body, even though he believes sex is painful. That's been his experience and you are going have to show him that sex between two persons who love each other is beautiful."

"You mean I should," croaked Billy. "Fer God's sake, he's my son! That wouldn't be right!"

"Suppose he was still your slave."

"Well that would be different." Billy recognized the stupidity of that remark before it even reached Ray's ears.

"But what about 3;?"

"The priests? Yeah, they would say it was wrong," admitted Ray. "Just remember, these are the same fine fellows who try to get into the pants of every young boy they can lay their hands on."

"Did you and Arthur ?"

"No. I had to teach him and show him a few simple things, but neither of us was interested in real sex. I guess Arthur probably fooled around with kids his own age when he was growing up, but you were the first person he had real sex with. And it was mostly for your benefit. It was the only way he could get through to you."

"I know you enjoyed it and I know you enjoyed sex with Gregor, too."

"Yeah, you're right," admitted Billy. "Gregor was such a neat kid. I wanted to love him from the first time I saw him."

"Look at it this way," Ray continued. "The first time Oleg jumped into your arms, he was HOME. I saw the two of you bond instantly and it was beautiful. There was no way you could have rejected him and retained your sanity. And he wasn't about to let you get away, either. That bond of love grows stronger every day. Your trip this summer was a stroke of sheer genius."

"Billy, he is offering you a gift of infinite worth 3; himself 3; even though he believes it will be very painful. Who is better qualified than you to help him understand the true meaning of it?"

"Holy shit! I never dreamed being a father would be this tough."

"Huh! Wait until he's a teenager. Then come and tell me how tough it is. Enjoy his sexy little body. Go slowly. Let him show you the way."

Author's Note: Sexual practices and customs in Billy's world are quite different from our own, particularly regarding sex between adults and minor children. Sex between adults and slave children of either sex was commonplace. Since slaves had virtually no rights under the law, all that was required was the consent of the slave's owner, even if the child was coerced or the result was bodily injury or pregnancy.

Sex between an adult and a free child over the age of six, although denounced by the religious establishment, was not unlawful providing three conditions were met:

  • Consent of the minor child's parent or legal guardian
  • The child was not physically or emotional coerced
  • The child was not harmed or made pregnant.
In the case of Billy and Oleg, Ray, as Oleg's legal guardian, not only gave consent but encouraged it. Oleg was certainly not coerced; indeed he was the seducer. And Billy would never have done anything that would cause Oleg harm.

The next evening, Oleg and Billy cuddled together in bed before going to sleep. "Do you like it when we do this?" he asked his young son.

"Oh, yes. Feel much good," replied Oleg.

"How do you feel?"

"Warm and safe and tingly all over."

"Safe? Safe from whom?"

"Bad men in big house," replied Oleg.

"You don't have to be afraid 3;"

"I know. But still feels good."

That was as far as they went that night. His Dad was right. Oleg still harbored fears from that time in his life and it would take a lot of love to erase them.

The next evening, Billy pulled him on top so that Oleg lay face up on Billy's chest. He began the rub and stroke the little boy's arms and chest. Oleg lay there relaxed enjoying what Billy was doing to him.

"Do you like what I'm doing?" he asked Oleg. There was no doubt Billy enjoyed it; his raging hard-on was nestled in Oleg's ass crack.

"Yyyyyes," Oleg stuttered.

"Did the men in the big house do this to you?"


"Did you like it?"



"Men not love me. Only want hurt me," he began to cry.

"What is different when I do it to you?"

"You love me! Not want hurt me! You never hurt me?"

"It hurts when I spank you, doesn't it?"

"But when I bad, need spank. You always hug after."

"So, cuddling and feeling each other is OK because we love each other?"

Oleg though for a minute. "Yes! Men in big house not love me. You love me!"

The next evening, Oleg took the lead, "Dad, want sex with you. If it hurt, is OK. I be brave and you have much fun."

Billy was floored! His Dad had been right. Oleg was determined to offer him his greatest gift 3; his body 3; even if it caused him pain.

"Oleg," he said gently, "I would never do anything to cause you pain when we love each other. Do you trust me?"


"Come lie on top of me."

Oleg positioned himself. He was trembling. Billy wrapped his legs around Oleg's and slowly drew them apart, leaving him completely vulnerable. His little prick stood up like a flagpole.

"Are you frightened?"


Billy stroked his chest until he relaxed. "Don't be afraid, little one. I'm going to make you feel better than you ever have before."

He moved his hands slowly down Oleg's body, tweaking his hard little nipples, over his flat tummy, down to his groin. Oleg began to gasp and mummer, "Ooooooooooooh."

"Well, now or never," Billy thought as he took his son's prick in hand and began to gently stroke it.

Oleg inhaled sharply and his body went rigid, but then relaxed again.

"Are you OK?" Billy asked.

"Oh yesssss. Much OK. Feel soooooooo good!"

With his other hand, Billy began to gently squeeze Oleg's little balls in their sack.

"Please! Not stop!" gasped the little boy. He began to squirm as feelings completely new to him coursed through his body.

Billy could tell Oleg was very close to climax.

"Dad! What is happen? Feel strange. Feel 3; Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" his back arching as he experienced his first ever dry orgasm.

Billy just held him until he came back to earth.

"Did you like that?" he asked.

"Is most best feeling I ever have. What is?" he gasped.

"It's called an orgasm. When you're a little older, you'll shoot your seed out when you have one. You know, the seed a boy puts into a girl to start a new baby?"

"Yes, Olga tell, but I not understand."

Billy went on to tell him many things that night. That his 'pee-pee' was called a penis or prick. That an orgasm was also called 'cumming'. And a myriad of other sexually useful facts.

"So, now you know that sex between two persons who truly love each other can be beautiful and exciting? It should never be painful."

"Oh yes Dad! Make Oleg feel most good ever. Can do sex again?"

"Not any more tonight. It's getting late. But we can whenever you want."

"Every night?"

"Well, maybe not every night. But we'll see." "I've unleashed a little stud-muffin," Billy thought. Would he be able to channel Oleg's interest healthfully?

"Tomorrow night, you can make me feel good. How's that?"

"Can hardly wait! We have much fun! Thank you for much love and teaching!"

The two simply held each other until they drifted off to sleep.

The next evening, Billy suggested they have their 'fun' before their showers. So they sat together, legs intertwined, and began to stroke each other. Oleg was a bit clumsy at first, but he soon learned the technique. Once again, he squealed as he reached his peak. After settling back down he continued to stroke his father.

"I'm getting close, now," Billy told him. "I'm going to squirt, so be ready!"

"Not mind. Men in big house squirt on me," Oleg assured him.

And squirt Billy did, covering Oleg's chest with his seed. It was the best orgasm he had had since his time with Gregor and he just held his sticky son to him as he taught him to kiss, really kiss. They certainly needed a shower afterward.

Billy was done for the night, but Oleg had two more orgasms as they soaped and rubbed their slippery bodies.

And that became their nightly pattern for quite some time. Oleg continued to be a little nervous sometimes, but his dad's busy hands soon dispelled those feelings.

It was well into the fall before Billy decided to take things a step further.

They were lying together, just cuddling, when Bill asked his son, "May I show you another way to have sex fun?"

"Yes, if you let me do to you. You want suck me?"

"Where did you learn about that?" asked his astounded father.

"Boys in big house tell. They say I too little. So, not know what is," he replied.

Billy hesitated for just a minute.

"Yes, I want to suck you."

"You teach me suck you?"

"Yes, I promise," agreed Billy. "Just lie on your back, now, and relax."

Lifting both Oleg's legs over his shoulders, Billy slid his body upward so his mouth could reach the boy's little flagpole. As he lowered his lips and tongue over it, the little prick jumped and Oleg let out a gasp. Billy savored the feel of it in his mouth.

It didn't take long until Oleg's moans and squeals of delight signaled his climax. His little prick throbbed in Billy's mouth. He almost cummed himself from the feeling.

After Oleg returned to sanity again, he was eager to satisfy Billy. He lay on his dad's legs and took Billy's raging hard-on into his mouth. Billy almost passed out when those warm lips and engulfed him. He could barely get Billy's prick-head into his little mouth, but it was enough

It took only a few instructions from Billy and Oleg was using his tongue and lips like he had been doing it forever.

Suddenly, he felt his sap rising and he warned Oleg, "Better pull off! I'm going to cum!" But Oleg would have none of it. He kept his mouth clamped around Bill's prick and took and swallowed every drop of the huge load of cream that Billy pumped into his warm and inviting mouth. It took him almost five minutes to recover.

Oleg lay looking up at him with a big smile on his face. "You like? Was good?"

Gathering the boy into his arms, Billy replied, "Oh Oleg! That was soooooooo good! But you don't have to swallow my cum, if you don't want to."

"Oleg want to! Make feel good. Best gift from you!"

As they hugged and kissed, Billy could taste his cum on Oleg's lips.

And, as the years went by, they learned to savor each others cum. Mutual blow jobs almost every evening at bedtime became the norm until Oleg was well into his teens. They soon learned to 'sixty-nine' and were able to cum almost simultaneously.

Ray had been right. Billy was the proper person to introduce Oleg to the pleasures of sex and Billy was a very happy teacher.

Another milestone was reached that fall as well. Oleg entered first grade at Clayton School.

The first day, Billy walked him to school, resplendent in his new school uniform, and handed him over to his teacher, Mrs. Haverstick, not without misgivings. It would be the first time Oleg was away from home without him. He sat at home in a state of anxiety as the day wore on, much to the amusement of Ray who told him, "Relax. You're behaving like a mother!"

Billy failed to appreciate his dad's humor.

At a bit after three-thirty, Oleg came skipping in the door, his face aglow with excitement. "Teacher make Oleg welcome. Meet all kids. She say my English very good, but need work. She told whole class how good my reading and numbers."

"All kids very nice to Oleg. But have very special new best friend. His name Aaron. We play together, have lunch together and walk home together. He live in next block."

Billy and Oleg had met Aaron's family one time they were out shopping. Young Aaron had impressed Billy as a lively, very polite child and his parents seemed welcoming and neighborly. Aaron's father, Joseph Silverstein, was the world-famous first cellist for the Royal Pacific Philharmonic and his mother, Sarah, had been an actress of some note.

"I think we be best friends forever," Oleg went on. "He ask me to come his house after school tomorrow. Is OK?"

"If his mom says it's OK, yes you may go."

Oleg hugged his dad and Ray and ran off to change out of his school uniform. Billy looked after him with tears in his eyes and a large lump in his throat. "He's growing up so fast," he lamented.

"You're a little jealous, aren't you?" Ray chuckled.

Billy smiled ruefully. "Yeah," he admitted. But that night, he and Oleg made love as usual, so Billy got over it. He would just have to share his son with the world.

Aaron became a frequent visitor to the Gillman household and Oleg to the Silverstein's. The two boys were inseparable. It would only be a mater of time before their first sleep-over, Billy reckoned. He observed to Oleg one evening, "I think you have made a very wise choice for your best friend." Oleg just beamed.

The family had never been happier. Billy was busy with college and playing soccer (football). Oleg was happy and thrilled in school 3; meeting new friends but continuing to deepen his affection for Aaron. And, the love between Oleg and Billy was fierce and beautiful beyond description.

Over them all, Ray behaved like any doting grandfather would, with love and understanding. He spoiled them both outrageously.

And then the roof fell in upon them.

Chapter Nineteen
Oleg and Beeley – Part 2

Author's Note: We continue the story of Oleg and Billy.

It was late April, and one afternoon Oleg arrived home from school to find Billy and Ray standing in the center of the living room holding each other, crying. An ominous piece of yellow paper lay on the floor between then.

Oleg immediately felt the sadness engulfing the room and it frightened him. "Dad! Granddad! What is happen? Why you cry?"

Ray managed to still his tears, "Oh Oleg! Arthur is gone. He was killed in action."

Oleg immediately tuned into his dad's sorrow and anguish. He had met and loved Arthur, too. But, to Billy, one of the foundation stones of his life had been destroyed. His son knew Billy's love for Arthur was unique.

They all shared a grim, silent night and there was no improvement in the gray light of dawn.

By then, the press had reported the story fully. If Arthur's death wasn't tragic enough, the way in which he had been killed struck a massive blow to Billy's very soul.

According to the accounts, Arthur's platoon had been searching for victims of a serious earthquake that had shaken the area where they were stationed. They had entered a small village that had been particularly hard hit and were ambushed by the Insurgents. Two of Arthur's men had been felled and the rest of the platoon was forced to withdraw to the outskirts of the village again.

Risking injury himself and miraculously dodging intense enemy fire, Arthur succeeded in bringing the two wounded troopers to safety. Against the advice of his men, Arthur returned to the village a third time to rescue a young boy who had apparently been caught in the crossfire.

Gathering the boy into his arms, Arthur started to return to his comrades.

Out from under his robe, the boy pulled a grenade and blew them both into the Next World.

Worse than the facts of the atrocity, was the way it was reported in the Insurgent press. The young boy 3; named Ahmed 3; was hailed a hero who had 'bravely killed one of the hated English vermin who raped and killed young children.' Ahmed's picture was plastered everywhere and, to the family's absolute horror, he could have been Oleg's twin.

All the next day and the following day, Billy sat in his room simply staring into space. He would not eat, would not talk to either Ray or Oleg. Locked into the shock of what had transpired, he refused to deal in reality.

Oleg tried to console his dad, "You must live for Arthur! He not want you sad!"

"How would you know?" Billy snarled at him, fixing him with a baleful stare and pushing him away. Oleg tearfully retreated to the comfort of Ray's arms.

Alone of the three of them, this little eight-year-old boy knew what Billy needed emotionally. He needed to punish someone for Arthur's death. For destroying his hero.

But who could he punish? Ahmed was dead. The evil men who filled the innocent boy with hatred could not be found, cowards that they were. Oleg solved that problem with innocent simplicity.

Finding the cane that Billy had used on Gregor buried in the back of a storage closet, he stripped naked and marched into Billy's room. Laying the cane across Billy's knees, he leaned over and grasped his ankles, presenting his bare rump to his dad. "Punish Ahmed! I take place of Ahmed! Punish Ahmed!" he shouted, looking at Billy from between his sturdy legs.

With a snarl, Billy seized the cane, jumped up and delivered a massive blow across his son's ass.

Oleg's scream finally snapped Billy back to reality, just as he was about to strike again.

He stood for a moment, frozen in time. Realizing what he had just done to Oleg, Billy hurled the cane away, collapsed in a heap on the floor, so full of shame and remorse, he could not even cry. Then, somehow, Oleg was in his arms.

It was a while until he could talk, "Oleg, my beautiful boy! What have I done to you? What kind of monster have I become? Oh, my son, how can you ever forgive me for beating you?"

"You not beat Oleg! You beat Ahmed! Nothing to forgive!" Oleg sobbed.

His son's understanding and forgiveness filled Billy with awe. And now, full of shame for the way he had acted, he resolve to do just what Oleg had implored a day before: he would bravely live for Arthur, just as Arthur would have wanted.

A day or so later, they were informed that Arthur had been awarded the Victoria Cross, the Empire's highest decoration for valor. He was to be buried in the Grove of Heroes at Sandhurst, and sleep next to other graduates who had also earned that distinction. Would the family honor the ceremony with their presence and receive the medals 3; he had also been awarded the King's Cross 3; on Arthur's behalf?

The RAF Condor, piloted by Harry, Duke of York, himself whisked them in comfort to London. They stood grieving as Arthur's casket was born by eight members of his class, recalled from their assignments for this task.

As it was gently lowered into the ground, Oleg spoke for all of them, "Goodbye Arthur. We see you in the Next World." Only eight? Well, maybe as we count his years. But to God and his family he was already a young man, full of grace and promise.

The medal presentation was held in Royal Albert Hall, to accommodate all those who wished to be present. At Ray's insistence, Billy would receive the Victoria Cross and Oleg the King's Cross. Resplendent in their best clothes, the two of them stood together behind the dais waiting to be called.

The 'Victoria', by custom, would be presented by Col. Adrian Nesbit, who had been Arthur's commander after all. General Sir Robert Montgomery, Lord Dunraven, Chief of the General Staff, would present the 'King's'.

As they waited, Oleg, looking at his lordship, observed to Billy, "He looks like Aaron's grandfather." Before he could reply, Billy was called forward.

"William," announced Col. Nesbit, "it is my very great honor to present to you, the Victoria Cross awarded to your brother Lieutenant Arthur Raymond Gillman for gallantry in action. Alone, and without regard for his safety, he rescued two fallen comrades and was deceitfully attacked and killed while trying to rescue an injured young boy. He was a fine officer and I grieve as do you and stand in awe of his bravery and devotion to his men, his regiment and his King. I know of your unique relationship with Arthur and I am certain your hero lives 3; in that bounteous land we know as The Next World."

He hung the Cross on its ribbon about Billy's neck. Choked up as he was, Billy managed, "Thank you sir! I only hope I can live in a manner that brings honor to him."

With quavering lip, Oleg advanced to receive the King's Cross. Dunraven gazed down at him and said, "Our Sovereign has decreed that all 3; regardless of their rank or station 3; who give their lives in the service of His Empire are to receive His Cross, in grateful but sorrowful thanks for the sacrifice they have made. Arthur Raymond Gillman, late of the Kings North American Guards, has made this sacrifice and is so honored.

Dropping to one knee, he pinned the decoration on Oleg's jacket.

"Young Oleg, I'm told you think I look like a grandfather." Oleg looked at him with wide eyes.

"Well, I have two grandsons about your age and I tell you I would much rather be playing football with them instead of sending young men like your Arthur off to wars and, sometimes, to die for King and Empire. Let Arthur be your hero, too. Know that he looks down from heaven and sees a brave and fine young man."

At that, Oleg simply threw his arms about Dunraven's neck, laid his head amid the medals on the Lord's tunic and cried his heart out. The Chief of Staff held him gently until he quieted and then rose, took his hand and lead him back to his father and grandfather.

By chance, a press photographer had observed and filmed the tableau. One of his shots 3; easily a classic 3; showed Dunraven cradling Oleg in his arms as the little boy wept. He presented it to the family, but told his editor he had nothing worthy of print.

That summer was a quiet one for the family. Some local travel, lots of picnics and other summertime activities. Both Oleg and Aaron turned eight and became even more inseparable, Oleg even attending Sabbath Eve Service with the Silverstein family on several occasions.

Billy's college schedule was getting crowded as the boys entered Third Grade. He was often not able to be home when Oleg arrived from school. Mrs. Silverstein solved that problem; Oleg was more than welcome to come home with Aaron whenever necessary. She would even help with homework. Billy was grateful for her kindness and expressed his thanks frequently.

One afternoon, the boys had finished their mathematics worksheets and were just goofing-off in Aaron's room, when matters took a quite different tack.

They had removed their school uniforms so they wouldn't get wrinkled and were dressed only in their briefs.

They enjoyed wrestling; the erotic feeling of naked skin to naked skin brought them much pleasure. There was no overt sexual activity, however.

Until this particular afternoon.

Aaron was on the bottom, face down, when Oleg accidentally got his hand on Aaron's boy parts while trying to flip him over. He quickly tried to withdraw his hand, but Aaron gave a little squeak and clamped his legs together, pinning Oleg's hand. After a moment or two, he released him and they both sat up facing each other with goofy grins on their faces.

"I, I, I, I'm s,s,s,s,sorry," Oleg stammered, turning bright red. "I didn't mean to....."

Aaron suddenly reached over and squeezed Oleg's bulge, looking him straight in the eye to see what his reaction might be. It was Oleg's turn to jump and squeak, but it did feel good, just like when his dad did that, maybe even better. So, he returned the favor.

Aaron giggled. Both boys now had tents in their briefs.

"Do you want to?" asked a clearly excited Aaron as he continued to fondle Oleg thru his briefs.

Oleg wasn't quite sure. This was what he and his dad did in bed. But, it did feel soooo good. And it had one other redeeming characteristic; it was NAUGHTY! "We shouldn't be doing this, Aaron," he said 3; without much conviction.

In answer, Aaron grabbed Oleg's hand and placed it squarely on his own cloth-covered 'package'. "Why not? It feels SUPER!"

"But, it's NAUGHTY!" protested Oleg, again without much conviction. But their mutual activity was casting its spell. He knew it was 'wrong' and they should stop, but there was no way in hell he wanted his friend to stop giving him those gooooood feelings.

So, without another word being spoken, they stood up and pulled each others briefs off. There were now two very hard little pricks pointing at each other.

They sat down again with legs intertwined and Aaron reached for Oleg's hardness. When his fist closed around Oleg's little pole, Oleg though he would die. All kinds of electric shocks coursed through his body. Slowly and tentatively at first, he reached out and took his friend's hardon in his hand.

He noticed immediately Aaron's prick didn't have skin around the head like his did and Aaron explained that it had been removed when he was a baby.

They began to stroke each other; what they lacked in technique was offset by enthusiasm. Of course, Oleg had the experience with his dad to guide them. They were sweating and panting and moaned softly.

"Oh, it feels so good!"

"Yeah, don't stop! It keeps feeling better'n better!"

"Oh god! OH GOD!"

They were both just about at their peaks, when Mrs. Silverstein appeared in the open doorway with a tray of milk and cookies. They were so engrossed in their play, it was a few minutes before they were aware she was there watching them.

With strangled yelps, both boys dived for their clothes and tried unsuccessfully to hide what they had been doing.

She set the tray down and assured them, "It's Ok. You're just boys having a good time. Only, keep the door shut and I'll not come barging in." She withdrew, closing the door as she did.

The mood had been ruined, unfortunately, and Oleg quickly dressed and left for home.

That evening Billy noticed Oleg seemed very quiet. Something was obviously bothering him. But he didn't press the issue, confident Oleg would tell him when he was ready.

As they were getting into bed, Billy's trust was rewarded. "Dad, I be very bad today," he confessed, looking down at his feet. "I ashamed! You must punish."

"You want to tell me about it?" asked his dad.

Barely above a whisper, Oleg replied, "After school, Aaron and I play naughty. We have sex fun." His distress was evident; he refused to look up at his dad.

"Why are you ashamed and upset?" Billy asked him gently. He had fully expected their friendship to blossom into sex play.

"Sex play for you and me. Not to share with Aaron," Oleg sniffed through his tears.

"Oleg, look at me," said Billy, taking him into his arms. "Do you love Aaron?"

"I much like him."

"But, do you love him?"

Oleg's breath caught in his throat. "Yes!" he choked. "More than any except you and Grandpa Ray"

"Does Aaron love you?"


"Do you trust him?"

"Yes and Aaron trust me."

"Then, what you and he did together is perfectly OK. I'm happy that you found someone like Aaron that you love and trust and want to have sex with."

"But I thought 3;"

"Oleg, when you and I have sex, it is our very private way of showing how much we love each other and I know you would never tell anyone else about it. I trust you completely, just as you trust me."

"But that doesn't mean you can't show your love to another boy whom you love and trust. And what you do is between the two of you and is for you alone to know. You don't have to tell anyone about it, not even me. If you want to tell me about it and it's OK with Aaron, I'll gladly listen. But, I'll never ask."

Oleg gazed up at Billy with wonder and happiness. "Is OK, then?"

"Yes. Just see that you only do it where you can have privacy 3; at his house, if you are sure you can be alone, or here at home."

"Oh shit!"

Billy frowned at his profanity.

"Have other problem. Aaron's Mom saw us."

"Oh shit!" thought Billy. "What did she say?"

"She say OK for boys to have fun. But keep door shut. She cool mama!"

"Well, tomorrow you better come here after school. I should be home from my class in time. I need to talk to Mrs. Silverstein before you go to Aaron's house again."

He tossed and turned all night. "What must the Silverstein's think? Was this the end of a beautiful friendship? Did I not bring Oleg up right?" Emotionally, he was a wreck.

After Oleg left for school the next morning Billy tried to compose himself. He had no class until afternoon, so he made the dreaded call to the Silversteins.

"Hello, Mrs. Silverstein. This is Billy Gillman. I understand you observed our sons in a compromising situation yesterday and I just wanted to apologize and 3;"

"There is nothing to apologize for, Mr. Gillman. If you have some time this morning, why don't you come over for a cup of coffee and we can discuss what happened."

Billy somehow swallowed his fright, agreed, and found himself on the way to the Silverstein's. On the way over, he debated, "Should he just apologize and promise it wouldn't happen again? No, he couldn't keep such a promise, not after what he had told Oleg last night." By the time he pushed the doorbell, his mind was in a complete muddle.

Aaron's Mom answered the door and led him to their sitting room, where he sat dumbly while she poured their coffee.

"Mrs. Silverstein, I 3;"

"Please call me Sarah."

"All right, if you'll call me Billy." She nodded and he began again. "Sarah, I just 3;"

"My house, I get to talk first," she interrupted him.

This was going to be worse than he imagined. She was going to lecture him and forbid Aaron from ever seeing Oleg again. Maybe she had even called the authorities!"

"Billy, I want you to know neither I nor Joseph have any problem with what the boys were doing yesterday. They need to be a bit more discrete about it, that's all."

Billy could hardly believe his ears. She was OK with Oleg and Aaron having sex?

"From what I have observed of you and Oleg, I suspect you wouldn't have a problem, either. Am I right?"

All Billy could do was nod in shock.

"Aaron has never had a close friend before. He was always the one who was different because of our faith. Meeting another boy who is also 'different' was a marvelous experience for him. His father and I have never seen him so happy and he has learned some important life lessons from your son."

"Our faith teaches us that Jehovah gave us these marvelous bodies and He wants us to enjoy them. Love for another is the finest flower of His will for us. I was able to observe them for a while before they realized I was there. Their play was so innocent and beautiful, it was all I could do to keep from crying."

"Joseph and I talked to Aaron last evening and it is obvious the boys are very much in love. So, we are pleased they can express that love physically. We cautioned Aaron about privacy and told him they should only play here or at your house 3; if you are willing, of course."

Billy sat stunned. Finally finding his voice again, he croaked, "Sarah, I don't know what to say. I came over here this morning afraid the friendship was over, that you would hate us. I'm ashamed I though so badly of you."

"Billy, I'm sorry if I frightened you. I was certain you would agree with us that sex between our two sons is right and just part of their growing up as healthy, happy boys. We have become very fond of Oleg. He is a special boy. He's told us a bit about his early life and you have done a simply amazing job raising him."

Billy floated home on clouds of joy!

That summer, Billy and Oleg renewed their odyssey across British North America, concentrating on areas they hadn't seen before. This time, a third head poked out from under the bedclothes. Cuddling and hugging was the nightly norm; serious sex would have to wait until they returned home. Understand, Billy and Oleg did spend a few extra minutes in the shower on occasion, and Aaron and Oleg did disappear for a few short periods, but that was all. Well, nearly all.

Among the areas they visited at length was the Gulf Coast where the two boys delighted in the uncrowded beaches. By the time they returned home, neither had any tan lines. They were growing rapidly and two more breathtakingly beautiful boys simply could not be found.

Like many young boys, they secretly enjoyed showing off their sexy, developing bodies to anyone who wished to look. With discretion, of course. If they spotted an onlooker standing slack-jawed, they simply skipped off to a less exposed part of the beach. Otherwise, they were the soul of probity and their behavior would have made any parent proud.

One afternoon, while out walking among the dunes, Billy stumbled upon the two of them hidden away 3; they thought 3; having a hot 'sixty-nine'. There was no one else around and he managed not to interfere with their fun, but took Oleg aside later that afternoon.

"You need to find a better place to have sex with Aaron," he told his son, somewhat bluntly.

"Holy shit! You saw us, yes?" asked a startled Oleg.

"Oleg, I don't like you using that word!"

"I'm sorry, Dad. You really see us?"

"Yep! Looked like you were having a ball."

"You are angry with us, yes?"

"Of course not. But you should find a better place. If you need some time with Aaron alone in our room, I'm ok with that. Just let me know and I'll find a reason to be away. By the way, there is a small grove of trees a little way up the beach."

Oleg started to tear up a bit. "How could I have been so fortunate to have such a loving, understanding dad?" he thought as he hugged him.

So, for the remainder of their time on the Gulf, whenever he saw the boys making their way toward that grove, he kept an eye out for intruders. Like a good parent should, he knew where they were and what they were doing.

Fourth grade brought new challenges and new growth. As part of a study unit on family origins, each student researched his family history and presented an oral report to the class. When Oleg's turn came, he simply told his story, much as he had told it to the barrister years before, being careful to excise some parts of it.

"I never knew mama and poppa," Oleg told them. "But lived in a big house with many other boys and three girls, Catarina, Tatiana & Olga. We worked hard all the time. Hungry all the time, too."

"Men came to house and took other boys to their rooms. We often heard boys screaming. They came back crying and hurt. Much blood from whips."

The class gasped. The description of what Oleg's former home really was might have been too much for these young children. Several times, Mrs. Hansen, Oleg's teacher, was on the verge of stopping him, but found his story so incredible she just could not. She reasoned it was perhaps time to lead these kids a bit out of the 'shelter'.

"The girls and I had to clean up rooms. There was much blood and other mess. We tried to help hurt boys, but got whipped for that." More gasps from the class; even a tear or two.

"One day, was big fire. Olga saved other girls and me. But all other boys die and I was very sad." Real tears from some of the class, now.

"Was very sad, but wait! Things will be better! Uncle Alexei 3; Alexei Romanoff 3; found girls and me and took us to his house. We had great friend, Gregor. He was nephew of Uncle Alexei. He gave us good food and nice clothes. And girls and I went to school for first time."

"But Uncle Alexei say we must hide so owners from big house not find us. So, he bring us to North America to find us a family. I did not know what family was, but now I do. It is wonderful to have a family!"

"The girls now live with a great black lady college professor and her daughter. They are very happy."

"But I am very happy to have a family with my father, Billy Gillman, and Grandpa Ray. They have teach me what a family is and love me so my heart is filled."

When he was finished, the class sat in shock for a while. Then, they bombarded him with questions which he answered with patience and good humor. In the following weeks, he repeated his story for the other classes at Clayton School.

He was proud to do so, but told Mrs. Hansen that his dad had an even more interesting story to tell. So, Mrs. Hansen, asked to meet with Billie to ask him a great favor. "Oleg told the entire school about his life the other day and he says you have an even more exciting story to tell. Would you be willing to share it with us?"

He thought for a minute. "I would gladly do so, but I think my story might be more appropriate for older kids, say middle school or high school. Some of it might be frightening for younger children, but I'll accept your judgment on that. I was a slave, too, at one point in my life. At another time, I trained a young teen and made him my slave. And, of course, I freed Oleg. But, you and all your teachers should be prepared to answer a lot of questions about a subject they may not be prepared to discuss or even may take issue with."

"Mr. Gillman, I was fortunate to have a mentor by the name of Ruth Davidson when I was a beginning teacher. Do you know of her?

Billy chuckled, "Her sons, Cody and Lucas, were responsible for my adopting Oleg and we are close friends. Dame Ruth was a great and wonderful lady."

"Then you'll not be surprised at what she once told me," replied Mrs. Hansen.

"One day, we were discussing the importance of families in young children's lives. She said, 'Eleanor, I believe every child 3; rich or poor, slave or free 3; is a gift from God, who lends them to us to raise to His glory. They are His, not ours! And if we fail to provide a child with the opportunities to grow and become the best person he can 3; whether by poverty, neglect, indifference or avarice 3; we spit in God's eye.' I can hear her as plainly as if she were standing here."

"I think you will find that all of us here at Clayton School subscribe to Dame Ruth's vision. Perhaps, your story will provide the spark that some of us need to honestly face up to a part of these kids' education that has been sadly neglected."

So, Billy appeared for a school-wide 'show and tell'. The auditorium was filled to capacity with students, faculty and a few parents.

For some reason, Billy noticed one of the high school freshmen had been made to sit in the front row next to a teacher; no one else seemed to want to have anything to do with him. His garish clothes, facial tattoos and general bored demeanor might have had something to do with this. And, the word 'troublemaker' stuck to him like a neon label

"Our speaker this afternoon," announced Mrs. Hansen, "is Oleg Gillman's father, William Gillman. I know many of you have heard Oleg's story. But, his dad, has an even more fascinating story. He has been both a slave and a master."

After polite applause, Billy began. "Some of you who follow high-school sports closely, are probably wondering, 'Is he that Billy Gillman?' I plead guilty. We had a phenomenal soccer team several years ago and it isn't very often we got to trounce you privileged folks. The team hasn't done as well since, not that I was the sole cause of our success. There were a number of other players on the squad."

The audience chuckled. They instantly liked and quickly identified with this lad, just a few years older than some of them were.

"I know you have all heard Oleg's story. How he was beaten, starved and abused when he was still almost an infant. Can you imagine someone taking a whip to a three or four-year-old? I'd like to believe such treatment was unusual but, unfortunately, it's all too common. I would like to think we British are a humane society. One that values human endeavor and rewards compassion. I sometimes doubt that. The Russians have a word that describes us more accurately 3; nekulturi. You can look that up when you go back to class."

"Some of what I will tell you today is rather sad. It's painful for me to even tell it, so if you feel it's too sad for you, I'll understand if you get up and leave," he told them.

"I don't remember my parents at all," he continued . "They were killed when I was a baby. By the time I was five years old, I ended up the property of a man who ran a metal processing business. He was looking for cheap labor."

"How could a five-year-old work in a business? Well, I was about to find out. Yes, I was a slave! And I had no illusions about being a free boy. I didn't even know what that was."

"Although he fed me somewhat adequately, I didn't have a stitch of clothes to my name. I had to work twelve to fourteen hours every day. Exhaustion was the norm. The work was dangerous and I often escaped serious injury by no more than a hair. I got lots of burns, some of which still show today."

"He didn't punish me a lot; I had decided early on I'd better do as I was told if I expected to live. He did make sure I studied my lessons, so I could read and write and do calculations for the business."

"When I was about nine, the business had grown to the point where he bought a second slave my same age. Our names were Number One and Number Two. For some reason Number Two didn't work out. It was probably because he was a skinny kid and simply couldn't stand the punishing work."

"How many of you have slaves in your family?"

Almost every hand went up.

"How many of you have brothers or sisters?"

Almost every hand went up again.

"Are there any of you whose brother or sister has died?" Billy asked gently.

"A high school girl responded, "My little sister, Mary, died of diphtheria three years ago."

"How did you and your parents show their love to her after she died?"

"We buried her in the Children's Cemetery." She was weeping by this time, "I miss her; she was such a neat kid."

"I know you do," said Billy gently. "You showed your love by honoring her and remembering her. Thank you for sharing this with us. I know it was not easy."

"Have any of you had a slave in your family who died?"

The boy in the front row suddenly came alive. He stared at Billy with his mouth open. "How did you know?"

"Will you tell us what happened?"

"I had a slave my own age who belonged to me since I was five. My folks didn't like him at all, but he was mine, my best friend, and my little brother! My father would drink too much and then punish me by beating Charlie. Sometimes he did 3;things to him."

He continued as tears welled up in his eyes, "One day, while I was at school, Charlie died. When I got home from school, he was gone. They wouldn't tell me what happened. They wouldn't tell me how he died or what they did with him. Our other slave wouldn't tell me either. But he did tell me they put him out with the trash!" he wailed. "I never even had a chance to say goodbye to him!"

"I know my father beat him to death. He always hated Charlie and that I loved him. He was such a neat kid and I wanted to free him when I got old enough. He deserved that. But I failed him," the boy sobbed.

The auditorium was silent. Billy walked over to the boy.

"You didn't fail him," he told the boy gently.

"It's our leaders and our parents who failed him. You were as much as a victim as he was. Charlie, at least, is at peace, but you have had to live with your sorrow ever since. I admire your courage to tell us about Charlie and your courage to go on living, even if only imperfectly. You realized the injustice and you fought it in the only way a kid knows how."

"But, you won't be a kid forever and the fight has just begun. I wish you well because I know you have the courage to try to change things so one day, maybe, there will not be any more Charlies."

The teacher next to the boy put his arm around his shoulder. "Sammy, you never told us. I'm so sorry! Would you like to leave?"

"No," answered the boy. "I think this guy might have something I should hear!"

Billy waited until the boy nodded for him to go on. "Sam is right," he affirmed. "Most slaves go to the landfill when they die. Just like a discarded shoe. We don't even think they are human."

"So, one morning, Master and I wrapped Number Two up 3; even though he wasn't dead 3; and put him out with the rest of the trash."

The audience gasped!

"I never saw him again. I hoped he was rescued, but I don't know and I have grieved for him ever since."

"After that, my Master began to beat me for the slightest mistake. The business was starting to go downhill and he seemed to hold me personally responsible."

"One day, when I was ten, he had me do something really stupid and the result was a huge explosion which destroyed the business, killed him and literally blew me into the arms of a young teen who would eventually be my salvation, Arthur Gillman. His dad bought me on the spot."

The entire school held its breath.

"Well, I had had enough of this trying to be good. All it ever got me was beaten, half starved and worked to death. I resolved I would not let this teenager master me."

"I fought, I screamed, I did everything I could think of to misbehave. I didn't care if they put me out with the trash, but I wasn't going to give in. I would show this Arthur who was boss."

"Never before or since, have I come across a person with such patience. Despite all my hatred and disobedience, he refused to get angry with me. And, somehow, I could not get angry at him, even when he punished me."

"He used a cane on me, and I deserved every cut he gave me. The cane has a way of focusing your attention. It hurt like hell, left a nice red welt to remind me, but didn't do any lasting damage."

"Except to my pride and ego. I simply could not keep from crying when he caned me."

"But when he finished, he always took me into his arms and comforted me. I couldn't believe it; he said he actually loved me and wanted me to be a good slave so we could live together happily."

"It took me a long time to accept that he actually meant it."

"He loved me! No one had ever done that before. No one had cared about me. I had had enough! I spent most of one day just sobbing in his arms, apologizing for how I had behaved and promising to do better."

"He cried with me. This strong, rugged athlete actually cried with me. From that moment on, I resolved to try my best to be just like him. He became much more than my Master; he was my big brother, my hero. And today I honor his memory; he is still my hero."

"Life in the Gillman household was much better after that. Our dad made sure I studied hard. I worked hard, too, but it was a joy. I knew Arthur would soon graduate and would be going off to Sandhurst and I was a bit concerned about what was going to happen to me. He said not to worry."

"Two weeks before Arthur was to leave, he freed me and his dad adopted me. I was overwhelmed! I was a free boy! And I was scared to death!"

"My new dad and I had a great life together. I made my way into high-school life, had lots of new friends and played soccer as if there was no other pastime."

"Then a friend, came to us with a crazy idea. He wanted me to take a free boy, a young teen, and break him to be a slave!"

"In three months!"

"What the hell! I had been a slave. I knew how to break a kid. Piece of cake!"


"I'll never know why I didn't say no. But I'm glad I didn't. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. It caused me great pain and despair. But I would not trade the experience for anything in the world."

"Yes, I knew what my slave was feeling. I had been there before him. It took all that patience that Arthur had taught me, but I loved him, just as Arthur had loved me. And he finally accepted that, just as I had."

"I freed him shortly after that. The reasons behind his enslavement and freedom are something I will not share with you. What's important is what he felt and what I felt. I'd like to tell you what he said about his experience to an audience much like this one. His name is Gregor and here is what he said as I wrote it down:"

"This is what he said."

"One dark day, I was suddenly told that my beloved uncle, who had raised me from infancy, had sold me as a slave, perhaps for life. He claimed to be doing it for my safety, but I could not believe it. My uncle, whom I loved so much, could not be doing this to me. It must be some ghastly mistake!"

"I was given to a teenager, Billy Gillman, and was told he was my Master and would train me. One by one, all my friends abandoned me. I felt a despair that I cannot even describe today. I felt like my life was over!"

"I decided I would fight until my last breath. Wrong decision! Billy is right; the cane is a marvelous tool for correcting an errant slave, and he didn't spare me. At least it forced me to do a few small things."

"But he kept telling me that he wanted me to be a good slave and we could have a pleasant life together. I didn't believe him at all!"

"Then, I began to notice how much he suffered every time he had to cane me. Did he really mean what he was telling me? Did he really care for me?"

"Well, it wasn't working my way, so I decided to try it his way 3; well partially. I still tried every trick I could think of, even sex, to dominate him. None of them worked. He knew all the tricks. He came close to giving up on me, though."

"At last I was ready to accept him as my Master. I spent all day and a night on my knees outside his bedroom door. He refused to see me. That was when I really understood how much I had grown to love him. That he also might abandon me was the worst feeling I have ever had."

"But he did give me another chance. And I grew to enjoy being his slave. My whole life became one huge effort to please him. I was happy. He told me I might be freed again one day, but that wasn't what I focused upon. I wanted nothing more than to make him happy and be his loyal and true slave."

"And then I was freed!"

The crowd was eerily silent and, after a few moments, Billy continued "Why have I told you all this? Simple! I wanted you all to hear first-hand what a slave feels and what he thinks. You may think you know, but you don't. You can't possibly know fully, unless you've been there."

"But you can start to have some idea by simply talking to your slaves. Gently, respectfully and displaying your love and concern. Your parents need to be involved, too."

"Your slaves will be puzzled, at first, so you'll have to work at gaining their trust. It might be the first time anyone has treated them as human beings, persons of worth. And to a slave, that would be a huge gift."

"I've preached long enough. Thanks for listening to our story. If you have any questions 3;"

The audience applauded and several hands shot up.

"When you were with your first Master, did you hate him? Did you think about ever being free?"

"I don't remember hating him," replied Billy. "I guess I just thought that was the way slaves were treated. As for being free, I had no idea what that was, so, no, I didn't think about it."

"How about when you were Arthur's slave? Did you think about being free then?"

"Not much. Once I decided to be a civilized person, I was happy just to please Arthur and Dad. In fact, the idea of bring free scared me a little. I suspect every young slave feels that way. It's something they want, but it's scary."

"Thank you Mr. Gillman," said Mrs. Hansen. After the assembly was dismissed, Sammy came up to him.

"You knew! You knew how I felt! My anger! My sadness! I guess I've been less than a responsible person because I let my bad feelings control me. I promise you that will change. You have given me the courage to be a better person. I've got to. For Charlie."

"I didn't give you courage," replied Billy. "Maybe I helped to unlock what was already there. If so, I'm glad."

At that moment, Oleg came bounding up to him and threw his arms around him. "Sam, this is my son, Oleg. He was given to me by that teen I trained as a slave. Yes, Oleg was a slave, but he is now free and the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Hi, Oleg! I guess I'm not a very good person for you to associate with, but just you wait! Your dad has opened up a new life for me. I guess he did that for you when he freed you. Thanks for understanding, Mr. Gillman. I'd better get back to class."

"That's Sammy-the-Trouble!" exclaimed Oleg. "We're not supposed to talk to him. But I do anyway."

"You keep right on doing it, son. He needs you."

"Me! Why does he need me?"

"Because you have been a slave and are now free."


Mrs. Hansen had observed the exchange between Billy and Sam and was amazed by it. Billy seemed to have solved their longest running problem. If Sammy Waterson really turned around 3; Rejoining Billy and Oleg, she said, "I have a question for you. Why did you decide to raise Oleg as a free child?"

Billy put his arm around his son. "Oleg experienced slavery before I ever knew him. He didn't need any more. He was more than ready for freedom. It was the right thing to do."

Oleg, solemn and thoughtful, added, "My dad gave me greatest gift a boy could ask for. He gave me a new life, even before he freed me. But he gave me FREEDOM even though I was too little to know what it was. And I love him more than any other boy could love his dad."

"It was an interesting and satisfying afternoon," said Billy. "I hope I left your students with a few things to think about. I'll wager some of your parents will be upset if their kids start to ask them hard questions."

"Nothing that we can't handle," chuckled his hostess.

A few days later, Oleg reported, "Mrs. Hansen said tell you have been many phone calls. Most very happy with your lesson. A few very upset. That's good, isn't it?"

"Very good," replied his father.

The summer Oleg was eleven, they made their long anticipated journey to Uhuru, the community Alexei and Gregor had founded in Russia. Oleg wanted to take Aaron, too, but he demurred, saying, "I feel very humble and thankful that you have invited me, Oleg. But this is a trip you and your dad must make together, just the two of you. I'll miss you both while you are gone and can't wait to hear about it when you get back."

He was absolutely right, although it took a while for Billy and Oleg to realize it.

They flew into Moscow and spent some time there and in St. Petersburg before boarding the Trans-Siberian Express for the four-day trip to Khabarvosk.

Billy was afraid Oleg would be bored to tears by the long train-ride, but he need not have worried. Oleg made it a point to greet every passenger on the train. Not only did he meet some very interesting and friendly people; it gave him the opportunity to polish his Russian language skills. He was fascinated, too, by the scenery that flowed past their compartment window: the small villages, the Caucuses, and the forests and rolling steppes of his birth-land. Somehow, the land of one's birth continues to tug at one's heart no matter how long the separation has been.

About noon on the fourth day, they finally pulled into Khabarvosk. There, waiting on the platform, were two deeply loved friends.

Gregor ran to Billy, threw his arms around him and the two of them just held each other and bawled like children.

Alexei was about to sweep Oleg up into his arms, but suddenly though better of it. "Where is little boy I give to you?" he demanded to know. "You bring a handsome young man, instead?"

"Beloved Uncle," replied the amused boy in perfect Russian, "I'm still just Oleg, only now I have that family you promised me."

And the 'Great Bear' and the young pre-teen danced round and round to the delight of the onlookers. Many of them knew Alexei and considered him 3; proudly, of course 3; their loveable eccentric.

Uhuru had grown and developed spectacularly since the pictures of that first summer and was now a thriving, self-sustaining community of almost ten-thousand. They were completely self-sufficient, although a wayward freight car or two still appeared from time to time on their spur. The new road made travel to and from the city even pleasant.

As Gregor told them, once they were settled, there were about five-hundred or so families and the remaining eight-thousand were orphan boys between the ages of six and eighteen. Several hundred of the latter had already 'graduated' as free citizens; some were elsewhere in Russia, pursuing careers or further education, but many stayed on to continue to work in the community they had come to love so much.

Both Oleg and Billy were instantly accepted and were soon working along-side the others, as if they had always been there. Like others before them, they soon found their life at Uhuru to be some of the most rewarding times of their lives. Most nights, they fell exhausted into their shared bed, almost too tired to cuddle. Real sex was out of the question except during their one day off each week when Gregor and his young lover were invited to join them.

But each morning they awoke with excitement rekindled.

They had been there about a month when Gregor came to them with an offer they simply couldn't refuse. "You have probably heard some of the boys talk about our 'Ranger' program," he said to Oleg, one evening at supper.

Oleg nodded, "Yes. They are very excited and said a new class will be formed soon. There are several in my work crew who just can't wait, but they are a year or two older than me."

"They are correct. A new class will start next week." Turning to Billy, he continued, "Every able-bodied boy takes the 'Ranger' training when he's about twelve or thirteen. It is taught by regular army instructors and is designed to make each boy proud and confident 3; ready to defend his community and its ideals 3; if called upon. The emphasis is on discipline, body and strength building, survival skills and personal combat skills. Not every boy is able to complete the course but those who do become the leaders of the work crews and are also given preference for university. In many ways, the course marks the end of childhood and the beginning of young manhood."

"Although he is a bit younger than the typical participant, I have permission to offer Oleg the opportunity to join this class. From what I have observed, he would be a real asset to the class and quite able to profit from the instruction."

Oleg, his eyes shining, turned to his dad. His expression said it all, "I want to be a RANGER!"

Before Billy could even erase the stunned look from his face 3; he realized what an honor Gregor was offering his son 3; Gregor continued, "Wait! There's more! Do you remember my joking that I would one day repay you for the three months of agony you put me through?"

Billy laughed and nodded. He could guess what was coming.

"Well, now is that time. If Oleg enters the training, you must also. I have arranged for you to be the co-leader of one of the squads with one of our most outstanding teens, Boris. He will, by the way, be returning to North America with you to continue his education, but he doesn't know that yet. His sponsor is David Barton whom you know. Now, wiggle out of that if you can."

Billy laughed heartily. "You're just as sneaky as you were when you were my slave. OK, Master, you win! If I even tried to say 'no' Oleg would disown me!"

"I would not!" objected Oleg. "I just wouldn't speak to you for the rest of the summer and sleep in my own bed."

"Gregor," said Billy, turning serious, "you have honored us far more than we could ever have imagined. Of course we will accept." Any further comments were snuffed out as Oleg bore his dad to the floor in a frenzy of hugs and kisses.

"Master, are they ill?" asked Gregor's special friend.

"No, just happy!" he replied. "You must never forget, little one, Englishmen are a bit strange."

The class began the following Monday. Boris would act as interpreter for Billy, although he was picking up quite a bit of Russian. The first week would emphasize discipline and physical conditioning, although few of the boys really needed the latter. Part of the discipline was that the boys were not permitted to speak for any reason for the entire week. Not all the boys made it. About a third of them 'washed out' by simply forgetting. The lesson for the rest of them was that even accidental lapses in concentration can have catastrophic effects. After the first week, no other boys failed to finish.

Billy's position as 'co-leader' exempted him from the vow of silence, but he would not hear of anything less than matching Oleg.

The following weeks were the toughest either Oleg or Billy could remember. Although they were both in good physical shape, they found they had muscles in places they never imagined. Food was sparse, but adequate; sleep time was not adequate. But, by the beginning of the fourth week, they were sure they could survive in the most inhospitable situation and single-handedly fight off any threat save for an assault tank.

Throughout the training, there lurked in the background tales of the 'Ordeal', the test 3; final exam if you wish 3; they would all undergo. There were lurid tales of boys torn limb from limb, boys being lost and never found ... all of them apocryphal.

But, they started their final week, keyed up and ready. They had been divided into squads of about ten boys each, plus a leader. Oleg was not in Billy's squad, a move which Billy approved of wholeheartedly.

Each squad boarded one of the helicopters which had flown in the night before and was whisked off to an unknown location on the desert-like steppes south and west of the community.

When they arrived, they were told to strip completely 3; even including boots. The instructions were simple: they had three days to get back to the community. Each leader had their only piece of initial equipment, a transmitter that would summon help. If it was used, all members of the team would fail and the leader would lose his rating. Never in the history of the program had a transmitter been used.

Their first objective would be a cache marked by a cairn on the open steppes, ten kilometers distant where there would be water and a few other meager supplies. They were shown the general direction they should travel to reach it; not necessarily the direction to safety. After that, it was thirty more kilometers back to Uhuru.

Before they could even begin to grasp their desperate situation, the copter lifted off and sped out of sight, leaving a squad of naked, completely shocked boys broiling in the summer heat.

The leader's role was to allow the boys to organize the effort 3; they would soon find out who the future leaders were 3; but keep them from too much harm. One of the boys in Billy's group suggested they hole up until the temperature went down and then try to make it to the cache before dawn the next morning. They had no water, and needed to conserve body fluid, so this plan made sense. Using what they had been taught, they burrowed into the loose sand and spend an uncomfortable afternoon, but they survived.

They located the cache just before midnight. There was drinking water, but no food. Several yards of canvass material that could be used as shelter, a knife and sunscreen. One of the boys suggested they use the material to fashion primitive boots. That way, they could move much more rapidly with far less discomfort and damage to their feet.

By this time, it was cold and some wanted to huddle together to conserve body heat. But, instead, they pushed on until dawn and then sought shelter again during the heat of the day. Some small desert plants were the only food they consumed.

Their strategy paid off and they arrived, weary but triumphant, at Uhuru well within the time limit, to find another squad had beat them by an hour. No matter; they had made it and were now RANGERS!

By the prescribed time, all the squads had checked in except the one Oleg was in and Billy was worried and angry when Gregor would not let him go in search of his son.

"It's my son's life you're playing with," he told his friend sharply.

"He's OK. They've had a problem, that's all. And they're handling it. Let him work it out. He is a very resourceful kid and he has a good leader with him. He will not come to harm. The instructors monitor them and tell me they are half a day away. They have had some problem, but have stuck with it."

Billy had no choice but to wait. Part of him hoped for a call for help, but part of him hoped they would not call for help.

They finally staggered in late the following afternoon, carrying two of the squad members. Both had been injured when they fell down a ravine in the first hours of the exercise. Their leader wanted to call for help. Both boys suffered broken ankles, but their injuries were not life threatening, so the boys 3; including those injured 3; would not agree to quit.

The remaining boys and their leader carried the two injured ones on their backs, finally reaching their cache about noon the following day. There, they fashioned two makeshift stretchers and foot covering enough to supply four stretcher bearers. They would trade off these 'boots' as they took turns carrying their injured comrades. They knew they would exceed their time limit, but they had to prove to themselves they could reach home.

That night Oleg lay in Billy's arms, just glad to be safe once more. Billy wept for his son who had tried so hard and would now fail. As he thought back to the day of waiting, he realized he had not been really frightened for Oleg's safety. Somehow he knew his son, this beautiful and courageous boy, would be OK.

At noon the next day, there was wonderful news. The instructors had decided Oleg's squad had showed such bravery and grit, they would receive credit along with the other squads. They reasoned the Ordeal was a test of both physical and emotional endurance, and Oleg's squad had certainly demonstrated their mastery, perhaps more than the others who had finished on time.

The community erupted in joy.

The week before they were scheduled to leave for home, the entire community turned out for the formal presentation of their honors to the new Rangers. Each boy had been issued a set of Ranger Battle Dress Uniforms. Oleg's was identical to the Russians' except there was a small British flag sewn on the right shoulder.

As he stepped forward to receive his badge of rank, Oleg looked at his dad; he was so proud it leaked out of him like a broken water faucet.

The leaders, too, were rewarded with promotions. There was a bit of awkward silence when Billy and Boris stepped forward.

When Boris's award was announced, the throng exploded in cheers. He was going to North America to study and would live with his beloved David. He could hardly believe his dream was coming true. His other love, Dimitry, had 'graduated' and was at University in Moscow and he had been so lonely. But now he would be with his beloved David again. Unknown to him at that moment, the reunion would be a bittersweet one; alas, David was pledged to another.

Lord Hume, the British ambassador had a surprise for Billy. A commission as an Ensign in a reserve company of the Kings North American Guards. He accepted it with a lump in his throat. It had been his brother's regiment and Arthur would have been so proud of him.

Under the auspices of Lord Hume, the RAF Condor delivered them safely and comfortably home. On hand to greet Boris was the entire Barton clan and the welcome Billy and Oleg received from Ray and the Silversteins was tumultuous to say the least. It had its quiet moments, too as Oleg and Aaron simply stood in the midst of the terminal and hugged each other.

"Oleg, my very best friend," Aaron told him, his voice breaking, "how I've missed you."

"And I missed you, too. But you were right after all. It was something Dad and I had to do together. You and I will go to Uhuru one day, I promise.

But Aaron saw that the Oleg who returned to him was not quite the same Oleg who had left him. He was somehow changed and the changes were awesome in Aaron's eyes. Oleg saw Aaron's unease at once and resolved to do something about it.

As if entering Middle School wasn't enough of a challenge for the boys, enlisting Billy's help, they decided to teach Aaron what they had learned at Uhuru 3; to make him a Ranger as well. Yes, it wouldn't be quite the same, but Aaron was thrilled with the idea and worked his little balls off to make his two mentors proud.

By the time winter set in, Aaron had become quite prolific in the Ranger skills. He was every bit as good as Oleg in most of them and outdid his friend in personal combat. "Oleg will never be a really good street fighter," Billy had observed. "He can take care of himself adequately, but he is just too gentle to be a real threat." Aaron, on the other hand, could be as deadly as a python.

Billy had thought for some time about how to give Aaron his 'Ordeal'. For obvious reasons he could not duplicate the one he and Oleg had experienced at Uhuru. But he felt strongly that Aaron's training would not be complete until he was put to a suitable test.

One day he came across a biography of George Birdsell, the world renowned tracker. Raised in the Jersey Barrens, his boyhood pal was a full-blooded Cherokee whose grandfather had taught both boys the ancient survival and tracking skills of his people.

Author's Note: Birdsell was a real person in our world, and the 'test' described here was actually given to both boys one winter. As a matter of interest, 'The Great Mud Caper' in Chapter Two was another Birdsell adventure.

Birdsell described a 'test' the Old Man had put them through and it seemed to meet Billy's requirements, perfectly. The only thing needed was the cooperation of the weather gods.

In early February, one of the frequent Arctic storms threatened to dump several feet of snow on the region, conditions that were just perfect of Billy's purposes.

Dragging Oleg and Aaron away from a comfortable Sunday afternoon of TV, the three of them hiked through the mounting storm five miles up the Rocky Mountain Trail to a cabin the Forrest Service had winterized for the use of hunters.

The fireplace gave off enough warmth for them to stay for a short time, but their wood was soon gone.

Billy engaged them in a discussion of how the mind can over-rule what the body is feeling and how that can be an asset in an emergency. Neither boy had any idea why Billy had dragged them all that distance through a blizzard to discuss that.

Feeling he had made his point, Billy asked them, "You guys feel up to a test?"

Aaron wasn't quite sure, but Oleg quipped, "Sure, Dad. Bring it on!" He expected some sort of mental exercise. Not wanting to be left out, Aaron quickly agreed, too.

"Ok, take off all your clothes except for your boots."

They both stared at him in shock.

"Just, do as I say," he ordered. They complied and were soon standing naked while Billy gathered up their things and stuffed them into the pack he had brought.

"Ok, I'll see you back at the house." And, before either of them could even react, he was out the door and gone.

It took a few minutes for their desperate situation to sink in.

"Ok, wiseass! What do we do now?" Aaron rounded on Oleg. "We'll freeze to death in that storm!"

"Well, we can't stay here," replied Oleg. "We're out of wood and it's going to get a lot colder. If we stay here we will freeze to death. So, I guess the only way is to try to get back to the house."

"Is he trying to kill us?" asked his friend, almost in tears.

"No, I think he's trying to teach us something. Come on, we'd better get started!"

They plunged out into the whirling snow and began to trudge down the mountain, barely able to see the trail. They were desperately cold and miserable and the blowing snow and ice were like a thousand needles attacking their bodies. Aaron, a few steps behind Oleg, wrapped his arms around himself in a futile attempt to keep warm. "We're going to die!" he thought. "But, I've got to keep going, or Oleg will die. I've got to prove that I can! I won't give up!" And, cold and miserable, he stumbled on.

But he was a boy! And there was all this nice snow! And a victim just a few steps ahead of him!

Oleg's yelp of surprise was swiftly followed by a retaliatory snowball to Aaron's chest, the beginning of an epic snowball battle.

They raced down the mountain, pelting each other, dumping each other into snow-banks, and throwing great clouds of snow over each other. Before they realized it, they were stumbling up the steps and across the porch to Gillman house.

They burst into the front room, melting snow streaming from their naked bodies, and stood in the center just holding each other while they regained breath and warmth.

"We made it!" exalted Oleg. "Wasn't that a hoot?"

"I guess so," answered Aaron. But he wasn't quite so sure. He had been terrified at first and was now starting to feel angry with Billy for endangering them.

At that moment, Billy walked in from the back of the house. "Well, I see you made it. What did you think of it?"

"Once we stopped feeling sorry for ourselves, it was kinda fun," replied Oleg.

Aaron didn't think so. "How could you do that to us?" he shouted, his anger rising.

Billy walked over to Aaron and tried to hold him. "No!" cried Aaron as he tried to push Billy away. But Billy held him close.

"Aaron, do you really believe I would make you do anything that would harm you? I thought you trusted me."

"But suppose one of us had fallen, had hurt himself," He was starting to cry now. "We would have frozen to death before help 3;"

"Aaron," Billy interrupted him, "I was a few meters behind you the whole way. If there had been a problem, I would have been there in a flash."

"Oh!" was all Aaron could say, before he burst into tears. "I'm sorry, Billy. I should know better. You would never hurt us. I'm so ashamed I didn't trust you. You'll never forgive me for doubting you."

"There's nothing to forgive. You were frightened and almost overwhelmed."

"Dad," broke in Oleg, "this was Aaron's 'ordeal', wasn't it?"

Billy nodded.

"You made it! You're a Ranger, now!" And he joined the other two in a warm embrace.

A few minutes later, they sat around the kitchen table, enjoying the therapeutic properties of hot chocolate. Fresh from their frigid hike, the house felt hot and they hadn't bothered to dress.

"What did you learn this afternoon?" Billy asked them.

"To always, always trust you," Aaron answered sorrowfully.

"Besides that?" asked Billy as he gently took the boy's hand.

"Well, just like you said, the mind can overcome the body."

"Yeah," added Oleg, "after Aaron hit me with that first snowball, we both forgot about being cold and frightened and just had a ball! We could have gone on forever!"

"Well, not quite," admonished Billy. "Hypothermia would have set in sooner or later. But, for the short term, you were fine. What's the other thing you learned?"

Both boys though for a while.

Suddenly, it hit Oleg. "Neither of us could have made it alone."

"That's right. The ability of the mind to overcome is really enhanced by the presence of another person who shares the same goal."

"You mean, it doesn't work, if we're alone?"

"Not quite Aaron, but it's not as strong. Do you remember me telling you about how the Davidson Twins rescued Gregor?"

Both boys nodded.

"Gregor once told me about that. He said that he simply made his mind up he was not going to die, no matter what his captors did to him. When they tied him naked out in a blizzard, he decided he wasn't going to freeze to death, no matter what. He hung on until the Twins spotted him and came to his aid. As soon as he knew they would save him, he passed out and didn't remember anything until he awoke in their warm bed."

"Wow! That's really something!" said Aaron.

"Without that conscious decision 3; not to die 3; he would have been dead long before the Twins reached him," added Billy.

Oleg was locked in deep thought, "And then, you wouldn't have been my dad," he said softly, tears streaming down his cheeks.

The full implications of Gregor's rescue struck Billy like a physical blow. He had never considered what Gregor's death might have meant to him. He thought for a while before speaking with a quavering voice, "There was something else driving Gregor to survive."

The two boys looked at him questioningly.

"You were supposed to be my son and Gregor's life was part of God's plan leading to that.. What Gregor had to do was prove he was worthy by refusing to give in to the evil attacking him." Billy had no idea where these thoughts came from; he was not a religious person 3; at least he didn't think so.

"It was a miracle!!" said Aaron, wonder shining from his eyes. "Yaweh gave you a miracle." His use of the ancient title his people gave to God, showed how profound this statement was. "Of course, my dad says that each child is a miracle. It shows Yaweh isn't ready to give up on us quite yet."

Oleg got up, walked around the table, and hugged his dad as if there were no tomorrow. Aaron joined them a few seconds later. Reluctantly, it seemed, they returned to their places. What had begun as a test of physical endurance and discipline, had become an epiphany for two young boys and their mentor. They sat in silence, all of them clearly awed.

At that point, Ray arrived home from work. "Well, aren't we a bit informal this evening?" he asked the naked duo.

"Well, we just came back from a romp in the snow," quipped Aaron.

"Not dressed that way, I hope!"

"As a matter of fact, we were," giggled Oleg.

Ray looked at each of the boys, aghast, and then at Billy.

"I'll tell you about it later," he told Ray.

With the snow continuing unabated, school had already been canceled for the next day. So, Aaron's parents gave permission for him to remain at the Gillmans' overnight. As they were finishing dinner, Billy leaned over and whispered something to Oleg.

Oleg was startled, "But I thought 3;"

"He's every bit a member of this family. Besides, we need to show him how much we trust him. Now, if you're not OK with this?"

Aaron was completely at a loss as to what they were talking about. Ray knew immediately what was afoot, and watched the byplay with amusement.

"I'm very OK! It'll be neat! Cool!" Oleg assured his dad.

"You wanna invite him."


"Aaron, my dad knows we have fun in bed when we sleep together and he's OK with that." Aaron was shocked that Billy knew. "But, what I've never told you is that Dad and I have fun when we sleep together," he told his friend matter-of-factly.

"You mean you have sex with your own dad?" squeaked Aaron.

Billy answered him, "Aaron, I was the one who taught Oleg about sex and loving another person and how beautiful that was. Yes, we have sex and we both enjoy each other. It's one way we show our love to each other."

Aaron gulped. "Golly!"

"Would you like to join us tonight?"

Aaron gasped and stuttered. "Gggggosh, yes. But how can you trust me. I mean, after the way I acted this afternoon?"

"Aaron you were frightened and upset. I can remember I was frightened and very angry during our 'Ordeal' when I thought Oleg was in danger. We both trust you completely and forever. Now, will you join us?"

Aaron looked over to Oleg who was nodding vigorously. "Oh yes!" And he went to Billy and threw his arms around him.

"You sure you can keep up with these two little stud-muffins?" Ray asked his son, chuckling. Now he understood what the romp in the snow had meant to Aaron. Billy just rolled his eyes.

That night the three of them shared Billy's bed. Lips, tongues and hands all got a thorough workout as they strove to please each other. Aaron insisted on sucking Billy off, taking every bit of Billy's cream in the process. Oleg had obviously schooled him well.

But, finally, they fell asleep in a tangle of arms and legs, their naked bodies snuggled together.

Early the next morning, the two boys dragged their naked mentor out from under their blankets, kicking and shouting 3; but not very much 3; carried him outside and threw him into a snow bank. It was the start of a fierce, noisy snowball battle.

Ray, still in his pajamas, came out on the porch to see what all the noise was about. The three of them stood there and pelted him with snowballs.

That evening Ray, Billy and Oleg were invited to dinner at the Silversteins'. After enjoying one of Sarah's delicious traditional meals, they gathered in the living room where Billy said he had a presentation to make.

"As you know, Oleg and I have been teaching Aaron the Ranger skills we learned at Uhuru last summer." he began.

"Yes," said Aaron's dad, "it has been great to see the change in Aaron. He has become more confident, more assertive. And he has never been happier. I salute you, for you have done wonders for him."

"Well, thank you," continued Billy. "But the credit is due Aaron. He has worked very hard and it has been a joy to teach him."

"For the Russian boys who have been through the training, it is counted the end of childhood and the beginning of young manhood."

"Somewhat like our bar mitzvah," agreed Joseph. "Aaron will be bar mitzvah in about two years."

"Precisely!" agreed Billy. "The final step in the Ranger program is an experience called 'The Ordeal'. It is a test of physical, emotional and mental stamina. Aaron passed his 'Ordeal' yesterday and he is now a full Uhuru Ranger."

They all applauded as Aaron bowed his head with a shy smile on his face.

"In recognition, I have something for you, Aaron," and he handed him a flat box he had brought along. "There's a note attached. Please read it to us."

Aaron read:

Dear Friend Aaron,

Oleg has told me so much about you, I feel I know you quite well, even though we have never met. When he and Billy told me of their plans to teach you the Uhuru Ranger skills, I begged them to allow me to assist, to be part of your training. I have every confidence they have filled you with the same spirit that drives us and I know you would be ready, if ever called upon, to defend the honor and freedom of your own land and family, just as we are.

In this box, you will find your official Ranger Battle Dress and your Medallion. Billy will present it to you at the appropriate time.

It is my fervent wish that you and Oleg will honor us with your visit one day. Until that day, may God go with you and all you hold dear.

Gregor Ivanovich Romanoff
14 October, 2020

The room was silent for a few minutes. Aaron well understood the honor Gregor had given him. Finally he rose and gave both Billy and Oleg crushing hugs, before receiving congratulations from his parents.

"I think this calls for celebration," said Joseph, as he poured a small glass of wine for each of them. "Mazeltov!" he exclaimed.

"Mazeltov!" the all answered.

"The is one thing more I must tell you," continued Billy. "The Ordeal is a very private and personal experience for each participant and, by custom, is shared only with those who participated. I hope you will not feel slighted that Aaron will not tell you about it. It is something only he and I and Oleg will share. My dad will never know what Oleg and I went through at Uhuru either."

"And I'm OK with that," added Ray. "I know it was a defining experience for them and that is enough." The Silversteins nodded in agreement.

"And now", said Joseph, "since this is a night for surprises, I have one for you. Next summer, the Orchestra is playing a series of concerts in Israel. Sarah, Aaron and I would like you to go with us."

"Wow!" said Oleg.

And off to Israel they went 3; all of them except Ray whose work made it impossible for him to get away.

Billy, Oleg and Aaron roomed together and their nights were full of love and affection. Never had physical love been so enthusiastically shared. Ray had been right; it was hard for Billy to keep up with these two little studs. Their sexual athletic abilities were amazing.

Their days were full of the sights and experiences that were central to both Christian and Jew. For Aaron, it was a 'homecoming' in his faith ... 'Next year in Jerusalem?' Billy was nominally Church of England and Oleg had been baptized in the Orthodox tradition and visiting the places central to Christianity was an enriching experience for them as well.

The site that impressed them most, however, was Masada.

It was here, in AD 72, that 960 men, women and children chose death rather than Roman slavery. After visiting Masada, Billy could understand, quite well, the reasons behind an oddity of the Jewish state: Israel was the only 'western' nation that prohibited slavery.

Author's Note: This peculiarity will form the basis for a future tale, tentatively entitled Escape to Israel'

It was a thrilling and growing time for Oleg and Aaron. Never had they been closer.

The only negative on the entire trip happened the last night before they were to leave for home.

The three were awakened by an explosion and flames just across the parkway from their hotel. As they later discovered, a fuel tanker had blown a tire and swerved into an old, unoccupied three-story house, spilling its contents and sparking an enormous fire.

As they watched with horror, the flames devoured the wooden structure like an avenging dragon.

Suddenly, Oleg began to scream 3; a high, keening wail of deep despair. Rushing to him, Billy immediately took him in his arms and tried to comfort him 3; with no success at all. Oleg just screamed louder. Completely at wits end, at Aaron's beckoning, he surrendered him to his friend. Aaron hugged him and kissed him full on his lips.

Oleg's scream ceased at once, and the two of them held him as he regained his senses again.

"Oh Dad, oh Aaron!" he sobbed. "It was just like the Big House! I could hear the boys again, screaming in pain! I could see them on fire, burning, dying. And I couldn't save them. All my friends burning to death! It was horrible!"

"And then Uncle Alexei took the girls and me to safety. But I never had chance to say goodbye."

In a flash, both Billy and Aaron understood completely the cause of Oleg's distress. He had carried those horrible memories with him all these years.

"Goodbye Josef and Mikhail and Sergei and," and he rattled off twenty or so names. "Rest you well, your pain is over. I will come to you some day."

To Billy and Aaron he said, "Thank you for understanding!" And Aaron gave him another kiss.

Billy was a bit chagrined that Aaron was the one who had met Oleg's need for comfort, rather than he himself. But he understood, as never before: Oleg was growing up. He would not be his little boy much longer and he was supremely grateful that Oleg and Aaron had found each other. The next day, on the long flight home, the two of them sat with their arms about each other.

Seventh Grade meant their first taste of interscholastic sports for Oleg and Aaron. They both made the Clayton School Junior Football (soccer) Team which Billy helped to coach.

It was almost dusk one evening as they were heading home from a late practice when a naked little boy dashed in front of their SUV. Despite slamming on their brakes, the vehicle struck the child, pitching him down an embankment and into a ditch.

All three of them jumped from the car and scrambled down to the boy to see how badly hurt he was. He was lying unconscious on his back with his right shoulder at an odd angle and a wicked bruise on his hip where the car had struck him. Reluctant to move him, they covered him and waited for the medical help Billy had summoned with his communicator.

They had noticed he bore slave markings. But, they noticed something else about him: the moon-shaped face with its slanted eyes identified him as a Downs child. They also noticed his chest and legs were covered with hundreds of welts, evidence of frequent beatings.

Suddenly an older man came crashing down the hill, across the road and down into the ditch where they were waiting. He was carrying a short whip and began lashing the unconscious child across his chest and belly. "Get away from my slave!" he bellowed. "You have no right!"

"Please sir," begged Oleg. "Don't hurt him! He's been injured."

"I'll do what I damn well please. He's my slave and you have no right to interfere."

"But sir," added Aaron.

Billy could see what this might be headed and he ordered the boys, "Go back to the car and stay there!" They couldn't afford an Interference charge and that would not help the child either. The two reluctantly obeyed.

"He's nothing but a useless pile of shit!" fumed the old man. "Eats, sleeps and pisses all over the place! I don't know why I keep him. He's no good to anyone. He's a Downs child, stupid, filthy and useless!" And he lashed the child again with his short whip.

"This is monstrous!" thought Billy, wincing as the whip tore new marks on the child's skin. I was all he could do to keep from throttling the man. "If he's so useless, why don't you sell him?"

"Who would buy this pile of shit? No one in their right mind would buy a Downs child."

"I'll buy him! How much do you want for him?" To his dying day, Billy never understood what had prompted him to make such an outrageous offer but he never regretted it.

"What? You're crazy. Do you realize this worthless shit will be a little boy all his life. You would still be wiping his ass and blowing his nose when he's fifty!"

"Or did you think he would make a good sex toy?" he leered. "Forget that! He couldn't suck a five-year-old."

"How much do you want for him?" Billy asked again, trying desperately to keep from loosing his temper.

"Two hundred pounds."

"I'll give you fifty."


They finally settled on seventy-five pounds.

The old man pocketed the money, climbed back up the embankment and strode away. Billy picked up the discarded whip and threw it into the woods.

"Dad!" came the call from the car. "What's happening? Can we come back?"

"Yes. Just be careful." The full implications of what he had done were starting to settle in. He had just acquired a slave who might need to be cared for like an infant for the rest of his life!

The two boys scampered down the embankment again.

"How did you get that awful man to stop hurting him?" Aaron wanted to know.

"I bought him," Billy answered simply.

Both of them stood with their mouths open.

"Oh Dad," gasped Oleg. "You saved him! You are truly a hero and I love you so much for doing that." Aaron seconded him as they both clasped Billy in a fierce hug.

As they broke and knelt down beside their new slave, Billy said, "One of you needs to go up to the road and wait for the medical team."

"I'll go," said Aaron and he climbed back up to their car.

"There's something you must know," Billy told his son. "He's a Downs child. That means he has a condition that leaves him mentally and emotionally retarded. He will still act and think like a little boy when he's as old as Grandpa. We will some day have to take care of a grown man who's still a little child."

"Dad, Aaron and I will take care of him," Oleg replied without a moment's hesitation.

"We'll all help," Billy corrected him, "but it won't be easy. I know you and Aaron will do your best and I love you both for that."

At that point, the medical team finally arrived and began to examine the child. It was clear they were annoyed at being called to treat a slave. "He's just a slave!" they protested.

"He's a child and needs your help!" Billy stared them down. "Whether he's a slave makes no difference. He bleeds the same as you or I do." They grumbled, but went back to work.

They soon reported they could move him without further injuring him but he should go to hospital. "Where do you want us to take him?" they wanted to know.

"Take him to Memorial."

"They won't admit a slave."

"Yes they will. My father's the Administrator there!"

"Then take him there yourself!"

"Guys, I'm tired of your attitude. This child has been injured and needs to go to hospital. You're going to take him there or the Administrator will personally see that you will be cleaning bedpans for the rest of your careers," Billy told them, his voice deadly quiet.

The medicals blinked. "Ok, ok! But one of you needs to go along."

"I'll go," both boys answered in unison.

"Oleg, I think you should go. The staff knows you." Turning to Aaron, he continued, "Thank you so much for offering, but I need to get you home before your parents start to worry." He put his arms around Aaron's shoulders. "You can come to see him in the morning." Reluctantly, Aaron agreed.

Oleg climbed into the ambulance and they were off.

Billy dropped Aaron at his house and briefly explained to Joseph and Sarah what had happened. "And Oleg and I are going to help care for him," asserted their son.

Before going to the hospital, Billy stopped at home to fill his dad in on what had happened and to get some clothes for Oleg 3; both boys were still in their football kits.

Ray met him at the door. "Do you know what you've done? A Downs child?"

"Dad, the thug would have killed him! You should see the whip marks all over him. You would have done exactly the same thing. Oleg, Aaron and I will care for him."

"I know. But you have taken on a lifetime job!"

"Yes, maybe it's time."

Ray shook his head in wonder. "We should have named you George and then you could go out and slay dragons. Oh, my loving Billy. How could Arthur and I have known, that afternoon so long ago, how magnificently you would turn out," he said with tears welling up in his eyes.

"I'd best get to the hospital," Billy replied, his voice cracking with emotion.

"Yes, go to your son. By the way, Phil Graham's on duty tonight, so he will be the one to treat your new 3; stepson?"

Arriving at the hospital, Billy found Oleg waiting in the Receiving Area. "Hi pal! Thanks for seeing to our patient. I'm sorry I was so short with you and Aaron, but I was afraid the old man would invoke the Interfering Statutes and that would have been bad news for all of us."

"Dad, I should have known better. But he's just a little kid. And he was hurt. Why did he want to hurt him more? And the Medicals? Why did they behave so shitty?"

"Son, many people don't think slaves are human beings. They don't think of them as boys and girls. It's very, very sad. You and I and those we hold dear would never think of them being any less human than we are. Do you remember what Mrs. Hanson told us that Dame Ruth once said? ' Every child 3; rich or poor, slave or free 3; is a gift from God.'"

At that moment, a young doctor in scrubs came into the area. "Ah, there you are," he said.

"Hello, Dr. Graham," said Oleg. "Hello, Phil," echoed Billy.

"Well, the little guy isn't in too bad a shape. That is, if you ignore the fact that someone has repeatedly beaten the crap out of him. We strapped his shoulder and the bruise on his thigh will heal by itself. There's no evidence of internal injuries. He regained consciousness long enough to tell us his name is Adam and that he's 'a worthless piece of shit.' I gave him a shot, so he should sleep the rest of the night."

"Oh, and one other thing." He paused.

"He's been raped 3; repeatedly." He caught himself, "I'm sorry, I guess I could have phrased that a little differently."

"Don't worry, Phil," replied Billy. "My son knows what rape is. You may not have heard, but before age six, he lived in a boy brothel in Russia. He can tell you exactly what rape is and how painful and degrading it is."

Oleg nodded with tears in his eyes.

"Well, fortunately," Dr. Graham went on, "I couldn't detect any torn places in his anal canal, but it is pretty sore. I'd be surprised if he could sit. As I said, he'll sleep 'til morning, but it would be good if one of you could stay with him. There's a second bed in his room that isn't being used."

"Dad!" said Oleg earnestly, "I want to do this. Please?"

Billy thought for a moment. It was a lot to ask of a twelve-year-old boy, but he could see that Oleg was really anxious to show that he could help take care of Adam.

"Ok, but remember tomorrow is Friday and you still have school. Try to get some sleep." And he hugged Oleg and left.

Dr. Graham led Oleg to the room where Adam was sleeping. Putting his arm about Oleg's shoulder, he said, "You're quite a kid, Oleg, and I admire you very much. If there's anything you need, please use the call button. I'll be on until midnight and then Dr. Marsh will be on. I think you've met him."

Oleg nodded.

"I'll give him a complete briefing, so he will know what is going on. Ok?"

"Thanks, Dr Phil. You've been wonderful. I'm sure we'll be all right."

Oleg stood at Adam's bedside for a while, just looking down at the sleeping boy. Despite his obvious handicap, he spoke to Oleg's heart and Oleg wanted to do everything possible to help him. He pushed the second bed close to Adam's so he could curl up on it and hold the little boy's hand.

But, sleep didn't come easily. The enormity of what they were about to undertake scared him. "Dad," he thought, "I know you have taught me that everyone 3; every child 3; deserves a family who loves and cares for him. But does that mean care for life?" He answered his own question, ashamed he had even thought of it. Could he and Aaron really care for Adam? Of course, Dad and Grandpa Ray would help, but would that be enough? These and a thousand other thoughts kept him tossing fitfully.

About 4 AM, he was dozing when Adam awoke and tried to sit up whimpering. Oleg was wide awake immediately and leaned over and gently pushed Adam back down, before he crawled in beside him..

"It's ok, Adam. You're going to be fine. Just rest." And he stroked the little boy's chest.

"Where 3; am 3; I 3;?" asked Adam.

"You're in a hospital. You were hit by a car,"answered Oleg.

"NO!" screamed the terror-stricken child. "Mistress 3; go 3; to 3; hos-pi-tal 3; and 3; go 3; to 3; Jesus! I 3; not 3; ready 3; yet." Clearly, he regarded a hospital as a place you went to die.

"No, no Adam," he soothed him taking him into his arms. "They will make you well, here."

Adam began to struggle in Oleg's arms. "Must 3;go 3; to 3; Master! He 3; will 3; whip 3; me!"

"No, Adam. You have a new Master, now. My dad bought you and we will never whip you." Oleg knew what it felt like to be whipped and he nearly burst into tears, but managed to regain his composure.

"My name is Oleg and I and my friend, Aaron, are going to take care of you and see that you are loved and safe. We will never, never whip you. I promise!"

"But 3; I 3; just 3; worth-less 3; pile 3; of 3; shit!"

"No you're not, Adam. You are a sweet little boy who needs a good home where you will be loved and cared for."

"Oh!" Tears began to roll down Adam's chubby cheeks. "Mistress 3; loved 3; me 3; but 3; she 3; went 3; to 3; Jesus."

"We will all love you and that's a promise."


He hugged the little boy to him and felt a kind of love he never had before 3; the love of a parent for a child. Adam hugged him back 3; with one arm, of course. And that's how Dr. Marsh found them, asleep in each others arms.

Aaron, his parents, Billy and Ray all descended on them that morning, and it was almost too much for Adam to grasp. All these people wanting to love him, and not one of them threatening to whip him. His unknown prayers had been answered.

He remained in the hospital for a few days with one of his extended family always with him. Gradually they convinced him that he was not 'a worthless pile of shit'. In the meantime, Ray and Billy readied a room for him, next to Oleg's, connected by a doorway.

Rather than try to get him into clothes 3; Adam hadn't worn any for years 3; they simply wrapped him in blankets for the trip home. When they arrived, Oleg and Aaron showed him his new room.

"Oh!", said Adam. Not 3; sleep 3; in 3; cage?"

The boys began to imagine what a hell life must have been for Adam. "No Adam," replied Oleg. "This is your room, your bed. You even have your own TV."

"What 3; is 3; TV?" They spent the rest of the afternoon demonstrating this 'wonder' and Adam was entranced.

The family soon learned that Adam was not useless; there were all sorts of small tasks he could do around the house. His favorite was setting the table for dinner. He may not always have had the fork on the correct side of the plate, but no one really cared. And he always finished that task with a beaming smile on his face; soon there would be food 3; real food, not the tasteless gruel that was all he ever got before.

He was especially good at tasks that required him to watch over something. He would watch the clothes in the washer until they were finished or eggs boiling until they were done with a cheerful intensity that bordered on the fanatic.

Many of his tasks led to scenes that were cute and beautiful. Whether they would still be cute when he was physically an adult was something none of them even considered.

Personal hygiene took some work. He had never had a shower and it took a number of sessions with Billy or one of the boys before he mastered that task. Clothes were foreign to him. He still liked to be naked most of the time, and it was many weeks before they succeeded in convincing him not to go out of the house in the buff. Gradually, he did consent to wear shorts in the house as well.

So, by the end of the summer, he could take care of his physical needs, dress himself and cheerfully undertake any task they set before him. The boys spent most of that summer being father/teachers to him. Adam clearly adored them and they were smitten by him as well.

The family also discovered some interesting facts about Adam. Using DNA matching, they were able to access his birth records. He was ten years old physically, but emotionally and intellectually tested at about 4 ½ to 5. They learned he was not a slave, but the natural born son of Richard Cheney, the old man who had 'sold' Adam to Billy. Despite the vehement denials of his birth father 3; he could not have fathered a 'defective child 3; the DNA evidence was undeniable. Having 'sold' his son to Billy, Cheney forfeited all claims to the boy and the Court swiftly awarded joint custody to Billy and Ray.

One afternoon, the boys were teaching Adam a simple game when the doorbell rang.

It was Cheney and his solicitor. Adam took one look at his birth father and fled screaming into Aaron's arms. Aaron scooped him up and rushed out of the room with him as both Ray and Billy ran into the room to see what the fuss was about.

The solicitor got right down to business, "My client claims you coerced him into selling his slave to you and he demands to have him back."

"WHAT? You two-bit, lying, sonofa…." Oleg started to reply, when Ray silenced him.

"Let me handle this Oleg," he said.

"Counselor," he addressed the solicitor, "before you make an even greater fool out of yourself, you might want to ascertain the facts."

"In the first place, Adam is not a slave. He is the natural born son of your client. The DNA evidence is unassailable."

"Second, we have abundant evidence that your client abused Adam sexually and physically since he was an infant. We have not filed charges because we simply do not wish for Adam to have to relive those memories. But, if your client ever approaches us with this pack of lies again, or even comes within sight of Adam, I can guarantee he will spend the rest of his life employed by His Majesty's Government making small stones out of large ones."


A chastened solicitor dragged his fuming client out the door and they never saw him again.

Oleg and Billy ran to where Aaron was attempting to comfort Adam.

"I 3; afraid 3; master 3; come 3; to 3; get 3; me," sobbed the little boy.

"Adam," Billy gently assured him, "this is your home and we are your family 3; for ever and ever."

By the end of the summer, Adam had progressed enough 3; thanks to their love and attention 3; that he could take care of himself for most of the day except for his meals. But, with the start of school, they had a problem. The simply could not leave him unsupervised for long periods. It wasn't good for him and would frighten Adam if no one was around when he came looking for them.

Sarah Silverstein volunteered to keep him when one of the Gillman's or Aaron could not be with him. Adam enjoyed visiting Sarah 3; she gave him cookies and milk 3; but that soon wore off. There was not much Adam could help her with as she kept a strict kosher house, and he grew bored and restless.

Although both Oleg and Aaron were diligent in their care of Adam, they deserved some 'down' time, too. After all, they were twelve-soon-to-be-thirteen-year-old boys and had their own lives to live.

Ray solved the problem.

On the days supervision would be a problem at first and later full time, he took Adam to work with him. Reasoning that there were a myriad of small tasks Adam could do 3; and that he would be happy at 3; he turned the little boy over to the pediatric nurses.

Once they discovered how cheerfully helpful Adam could be, they were delighted to have him as many days as possible. So, suddenly, Adam had a 'full-time' job. He arrived home each night with Ray, supremely happy and full of small adventures to recount to his adoring audience.

It was Sally Struthers, the Chief Pediatric Supervisor, who discovered his unique gift.

Often, if he was finished with all the tasks they had for him, Adam would visit with the kids in the ward. He was quite content to sit for hours, simply holding a sick or injured child's hand, call-button clutched in his other hand in case a nurse was needed. The kids, in turn, looked forward to his visits as he made them feel better. They were sure he was an active partner in their getting better.

And maybe he was!

But, sometimes, kids didn't get well again.

One afternoon, he was sitting with little Angie, seven-years-old and dying of leukemia. Her parents had left her bedside just long enough to get a bite to eat, when, quite unexpectedly, she took a massive turn for the worst and 'flat-lined' before he could even call for Sally.

The parents found him still holding her lifeless hand, tears rolling down his cheeks. But he bravely told them, "Not 3; to 3; cry 3; please. Angie 3; go 3; home 3; to 3; Jesus. She 3; no 3; more 3; pain. All 3; smiles 3; now!"

Parent and staff were astounded. This little 'retarded' boy's faith awed them. He had given them the comfort they had thought they never would have. After long and heartfelt hugs, they could face the world again, secure in the knowledge that 'Angie 3; their beautiful Angie 3; was home with Jesus.'

On another day, Adam was called upon to sit with a young boy whose heart condition presaged death by only a few hours, while his parents went to make final arrangements for him. He had spent many afternoons with Timothy and watched him sadly going downhill.

As Adam looked down on the thin, emaciated form, a sudden thought seized him. Leaning close to the boy, he whispered, "Tim-o-thy 3; can 3; you 3; hear 3; me?"

Almost inaudibly the reply came, "Yes."

"You 3; must 3; not 3; go 3; home 3; to 3; Jesus. It 3; is 3; not 3; your 3; time."

There was no response.

"You 3; must 3; get 3; well! Promise 3; you 3; will 3; try 3; Tim-o-thy."

Something stirred in Timothy's slender frame. "Ok. I'll try. Just for you, Adam."

And, to the absolute amazement of staff and parents, Timothy rallied and began the long journey back to health. At discharge, Timothy insisted Adam be present to push his wheelchair. Just before he was helped into their car by his joyful parents, he turned and hugged Adam. "You saved my life, Adam. I'll never, never forget you!"

And the greatest of ironies, Timothy Reardon grew up and became a research physician. He, along with his partner, developed the first effective treatment.

For Downs Syndrome.

Adam had found his calling, and for many years he was listed on the Memorial Hospital Pediatric Staff as 'Special Counselor'.

He was their triage expert.

He could sense immediately whether a sick or injured child would get well again. For those who would regain health, he spearheaded their recovery, always on hand at Discharge to bid them goodbye.

For those who lost the battle for life, he was there to gently and lovingly aid in their journey 'home.' Often the last one to be with the child in this world, he made sure Jesus was on hand to welcome the new arrival, comforting both child and parents. The saddest ones were those who had been abandoned by family. He became their 'family' and grieved as if it had been his child, his heart always big enough for one more.

But his new-found calling did not prevent his being a little boy at home. The table was always set for dinner. Was the fork on the correct side? Who cares.

From the very start the family had agreed they would limit their show of affection for him to hugging and kissing. There would be no sex play with Adam. That policy seemed correct, but was suddenly called into question one evening.

During one of Aaron's frequent sleepovers, he and Oleg were enjoying a long, steamy 'sixty-nine' session when a knock at the door that separated Oleg's room from Adam's shattered the mood.

"I 3; see 3; you 3; having 3; fun 3; again. Adam 3; want 3; to 3; have 3; fun 3; too. Can 3; I 3; come 3; in 3; and 3; play?"

Aaron broke into giggles, "Oh god! The little shit's been watching us!"

But Oleg was not amused. "No, you can't come in. Go back to sleep, Adam."

"Don't 3; you 3; like 3; me?"

"No! Yes!" stammered a confused Oleg. "Go back to be and stop spying on us!"

"That was a little rough, don't you think?" asked his partner gently. They could hear the little boy sobbing to himself.

"Yeah, I guess it was."

"Adam, I'm sorry. I'll talk to you in the morning."

There was no reply from beyond the door. And they spent the night trying to decide how to handle this new development. It was something they should have expected, they agreed.

The next morning, after Aaron went home, Oleg went to Billy. "Dad, I know we said no sex with Adam. But we might have to think about that again."

"What do you mean?" asked his father, puzzled.

"Last night Adam was watching through the keyhole while Aaron and I made love. He asked if he could join us."

Billy resisted the retort, "Well, plug up the keyhole!"

"But he's still little more than a toddler! Can we afford to introduce him to feelings he's never going to be able to fully understand?"

"Dad, have you looked at him in the shower lately? He's a lot bigger down there than I was at his age. He's almost as big as Aaron." Puberty had barely touched Aaron even at age thirteen.

"Besides, he's a boy. He's got feelings the same as I did at that age. Feelings I didn't understand until you taught me about love and sex. Wouldn't it be better if Aaron and I taught him instead of letting him be confused and frustrated?"

Billy though for a while, but he knew Oleg was right. This was just something they had not thought about before. "Ok, but go easy. He does everything with such a single-minded zeal. You need to make it a fun thing, but not the only thing in his life."

"What a great dad," thought Oleg and he gave him a big hug.

Adam had kept to his room that morning, not wanting to face Oleg and he knocked gently on Adam's door. "Can I come in and say I'm sorry?" asked Oleg.

"No! You 3; don't 3; love 3; me 3; any 3; more!" came the petulant reply.


"O 3; K."

Oleg entered and took Adam in his arms. The little boy had obviously been crying all night. "I'm sorry I was to mean to you last night. Both Aaron and I really do love you very much. Can you forgive us?"

Adam nodded.

"We're going to make a new rule. When Aaron and I are alone together, we may invite you to share fun with us sometimes. But, if you ask, and we say 'No' it's not because we don't love you. And I want you to stop watching us through the keyhole. There are times we simply want to be alone together and it is only fair that you let us and understand. After all, think of how much time we spend with you."

"I 3; understand," Adam assured him, "and 3; I 3; will 3; wait 3; for 3; you 3; to 3; ask 3; me."

"Next Saturday, when Aaron comes over, we will invite you. Promise!"

That cheered Adam up and he was once again the happy little soul they knew and loved.

By the time Saturday rolled around, Adam was as excited as they had ever seen him. "You ready for this?" Oleg asked Aaron.

"Yeah! Should be a blast! You and I learned together. It'll be fun teaching someone else."

The sat on Oleg's bed in their pj's and called for Adam, who entered wearing his. He was startled to see they were not naked.

"Adam, what we will show you tonight you must promise two things: you never tell anyone else and you never do it with anyone else. Can you do that?"

Adam, face glowing but decidedly nervous, just nodded.

Aaron had him stand in front of them and slowly removed the little boy's jammies. He was shaking and they paused a bit to hug his little naked body before continuing.

Adam had a roaring hardon!

Next, they had Adam remove each of their pj's which he practically tore off them in his excitement. Two more roaring hardons.

Aaron took the lead as he had with Oleg years before. While Oleg gently held Adam on his lap, Aaron began to stroke his body.

The little boy shook with excitement and passion. He gasped and panted just as they had done on that day of discovery.

Oleg took Adam's hardness into his hand. He applied a little spit and began to gently work his fist up and down.

Adam went nuts! He squealed and jerked and was soon fucking Oleg's fist.

With his other hand, Oleg played with Adam's balls, driving the boy into still more ecstasy. Aaron licked his lips suggestively, but Oleg cautioned him, "No. Not tonight. This is enough. Later."

When Adam reached his peak, he shrieked. That became a regular occurrence as he lost himself in orgasmic bliss. Of course, his cums were dry at his age, but that didn't matter to him. They just felt soooooo good.

After he had come back to earth, they instructed him on how to bring them off with his hands. He may have lacked something in technique, but not enthusiasm. He wanted to give them the same extravagant feelings they had given him.

Both boys were a little sore afterward, but they all were soon asleep in a tangle of naked bodies.

"How did it go?" asked Billy the next morning.

"I think we'll live," replied his son. "And, I think Adam is one happy little boy this morning."

"He certain seemed to be when he left with Dad," Billy agreed.

In time, Adam would drive the other two bananas with his tongue and lips and he had his first ejaculation just over a year later.

The introduction of Adam into their family had caused Oleg some serious self-examination. For the first time, he 3; Oleg 3; was responsible for the care of another person. Instead of receiving all Billy's love, he had to share with Adam the deep feelings he had for both of them and Aaron, as well. It made him feel very grown up. He could no longer be quite the giddy young teen 3; at least, not all the time.

And he began to think about his relationship with Aaron, too.

There was not the slightest doubt that Aaron was totally male oriented. But, whether Oleg would eventually be gay or bisexual was still in the balance. He liked boys; that was clear. But, he also liked girls. Just after his thirteenth birthday, however, Oleg made his choice. He came to Billy one evening.

"Dad, I have something very serious to talk to you about."

"Sure, son. What's on your mind?"

"Dad," he said, voice quavering, "Aaron and I would like to be Lifemates."

Although he really wasn't surprised, Oleg's announcement caused a little shock to run through Billy. His 'little boy' had suddenly grown up. There was sadness, but joy. It was a moment before he could respond.

"Aaron's parents are OK with this?" Billy asked his son.

Oleg nodded.

Billy took Oleg into his arms and hugged him. Just as he had on that first night so many years ago. "Son, if that will make you happy, you and Aaron have my blessing and my solemn promise I will always stand by you."

Oleg's mind drifted back to that earlier time 3; the night he had first met and loved his 'Beeley'. He had thought that he could never be happier than that night.

He had been wrong!

Now he was even happier.

The End

At least for this time. Perhaps we'll look in on Oleg and 'Beeley' in the future.