MaiocxxxCody and LucasA Personal Slaveboy StoryPart TwoThe idea that they might sleep together had actually been planted a few weeks earlier.Cody wanted to take his Slave on a camping trip. John thought it was a great way for Lucas and Cody to spend some quality time together away from them. Ruth wasn't quite so sure Cody was ready for a wilderness adventure all alone – mothers are like that – but reluctantly agreed. It was time for Cody to step out and he would have Lucas with him. So, one beautiful Saturday morning she delivered campers and their gear to a trailhead on the Mountain Crest Trail. She tried, with mediocre success to keep her concern from showing. After all, she would see them again in 2 days, 7 hours and 35 minutes. They were well equipped with the usual supplies for 2 nights and 3 days – ample food, being the most important. They each carried a small transmitter that would immediately alert parents and authorities should anything go amiss. Cody also carried a small, sealed pistol. The area they would be in has its share of mountain lion and bear. He and John had spent many hours practicing and he knew both how and when to use it, if it became necessary. It was carefully concealed in his pack. Empire law prohibited slaves from handling firearms. Even picking up a firearm meant automatic slavery for life. Threatening another slave or a free person with one usually meant execution. Cody had explained this all to Lucas and the young slave understood. They hiked several miles to their intended campsite on a small lake where there was a well-constructed shelter. Dressed as they were in serviceable camping clothes, they soon were ready to shed them, as the day grew quite warm. So, after stowing their gear and eating the lunch Ruth had packed, a plunge in the lake was the important order of the day. They stripped each other, but Lucas barely put his foot into the glacier-fed lake and balked. It was the one of the few times he ever refused to immediately do what his Master asked of him. Not to be denied, Cody grabbed him and threw his naked, struggling, squirming Slave into the icy water. Lucas's shriek could have been heard back in the city. Once he caught his breath, Lucas had to admit it wasn't so bad and did cool him off. Cody discovered another part of Lucas's reluctance; he had never learned to swim! In fact, it was the first time he had ever been in a lake, stream, swimming pool or even a large bathtub. Cody was determined to teach Lucas to swim. As he did with almost every opportunity presented to him, Lucas took to swimming like a fish. Before the afternoon was out, he was not only competent, but downright good at the basics. Later in the afternoon, hunger won out and Lucas cooked their dinner, carefully following the instructions Ruth had given him. Cooking over a propane stove wasn't that different and Lucas had become a fairly gifted cook under Ruth's tutelage. After diner and dishes, Lucas sat quietly with Cody as they watched a fiery sunset over the lake, each with his own thoughts. Cody: what a wonderful Slave he had, one who was also his best friend; Lucas: how could he have been so fortunate to have a wonderful Master like Cody. The day had been nearly perfect and they soon crawled into sleeping bags. As is often the case in these mountains, the temperature that night plunged drastically. Snug in his new polar-tech bag Cody slept soundly until he was awakened by the noise of Lucas moving about the shelter. Lucas was using Cody's old sleeping bag and they had thought it would be adequate. When he finally struggled fully awake, Cody saw Lucas was sitting up with the bag wrapped around him, shivering violently. "Lucas, what's the matter?" "Oh M-M-M-Master, I'm s-s-s-so c-c-c-cold! I can't get w-w-w-warm!" he stuttered thru chattering teeth. "Why didn't you tell me? Here, come in with me. There's lots of room and I can warm you up." Lucas was like an ice-cube. Cody hugged him tightly, even stripping off his and his slave's tops so they could get skin-to-skin and Cody could warm him. Slowly Lucas warmed in his Master's embrace, stopped shivering and relaxed. Cody lay there enjoying the feeling of Lucas next to him. His skin was so soft and it felt wonderful against his! He could feel his Slave's heartbeat. 'Maybe we need to sleep together often,' he thought. Lucas lay there feeling warm, safe and full of love for his Master. This was a person who could never knowingly hurt him! This was a person for whom he would gladly give his life! Little did he dream that might someday be tested. After Lucas drifted off to sleep, Cody put his head on the boy's chest and listened. His soft breathing and the steady throb of his heart were like the finest symphony to Cody.
Cody's 14th birthday had been celebrated a few weeks before the tie-up fiasco, in the usual family style. He received a new computer and a broadband computer connection to the Internet. This meant that Lucas could also access the Internet and could download his coursework instead of receiving them on CD's. Lucas's records did not indicate his birth date anywhere. So Ruth had decided it should be two weeks after Cody's and they had had it duly registered with the Court. So he had turned 11 just a day or two before the fateful night. They lavished books and CD's on him. The family enjoyed lots of outings that summer: the mountains, the beach, summer theater, and concerts in the park. Lucas was always included. He most often went along as their faithful slave to serve them, or so they wanted everyone to believe, always dressed in his best looking slave clothes. There was a problem when they went swimming – the boys usually skinny-dipped – which they solved by writing 'SLAVE' on Lucas's back with washable marker. Occasionally, when they went out to dinner, Ruth insisted he be dressed as Cody's brother – no slave markings. She loved to dress them both alike; they looked like twins. She did keep a slave tag in her handbag, in case they were questioned. Their friends knew what was going on and, although some of them did not approve, they never complained. That summer, too, Cody's relationship to Alexander began to change. They would always be friends, but both found their interests changing, as often happens with boys of their age. Alexander had long ago concluded that his place in Cody's universe had been taken by a little (well, not so little any more) dirty blonde angel. But Alexander had Dakota and was not jealous at all. He continued to be awed by Lucas's intellect. No one should think Lucas's life in the family was one long party. While he was loved and cherished, he had his work to do. Ruth and John were exacting in their expectations and he really did labor like many household slaves. In the two years Lucas had been with them, there had been some times when punishment was in order. Lucas had developed an acute since of mischief – making up for being denied a childhood for his first eight years. Indeed, when the two of them got themselves into some scrape meriting a spanking, it was usually found that Lucas, not Cody was the 'ringleader'. So the usual punishment was Cody being turned over John's or Ruth's lap for a bare bottom spanking and Lucas receiving the same from Cody over his lap. The discipline was thorough, but always fair and loving. A fairly typical example of an escapade that required punishment was what had come to be called 'The Great Mud Caper'. A small woodlot separated the Davidson property from one of their neighbors. The ground lay well below street level and a small pond had formed from the runoff. Having been that way for many years, the pond teamed with all sorts of interesting wildlife and tended to attract curious boys. At one end the pond was clear and excellent for wading; at the other there was a perfectly lovely, gooey, muddy swap. It also attracted curious boys. They enjoyed both wading and slopping in the inviting mud, careful to remove their shorts and shirts so they wouldn't get them mud-stained. It was well hidden, so there was little danger they would be disturbed. All the same, washable marker identified Lucas as SLAVE, so the letter of the law was filled. Recent rains had washed quite a bit of road oil into the swamp further enhancing the gooey properties of the mud. The Caper, as was often the case, began with a dare. Was Cody brave enough (or foolish enough, depending how you looked at it) to coat himself all over and stand along the side of the street and wave to the passers-by? "I dare you to join me, you little devil!" was Cody's reply. Lucas was trapped, but was quite willing to give in. Stripping each other completely, they rolled in the oil-enriched slime until they were liberally coated, head to foot. Then, with a delicious thrill at the naughty behavior they were about, they clamored up the bank and displayed themselves for the entire world to see. A number of cars went by, with nary a bit of attention. No one had any interest in two mud caked, naked boys. They were about to give up any hope of attention when they suddenly got more than they wished. Ruth went by on the way home from one of her classes. She glanced at them, waved merrily, and sped homeward. "Oh shit! We're busted!" cried Cody as the two of them slipped down the bank to the pond. "We'll hear about this!" To their absolute horror, they soon had another catastrophe to deal with; the stuff simply would not wash off! No matter how hard they rubbed, the oily coating stuck to their hair and skin like thick, brown paint. They had no choice but to pull on shorts and shoes over their grimy bodies and sneak home as best they could. In the meanwhile Ruth had arrived home just as John was getting out of his car. Barely controlling herself, she told John what she had seen. The two of them laughed so hard they had to hold each other to keep standing. They did agree, however, Cody would have to be punished and punish Lucas, in return. John met the 'mud-men' at the back door armed with strong soap, scrub brush and garden hose. Their clothing was beyond redemption, the boys only a bit less so. Trying valiantly not to laugh, he gave them both a scrubbing they would not soon forget. Four scrub and rinse cycles for each removed most of the oily mess from their skins, but they would be brunettes for some time. Scalding hot showers and more strong soap at least made them fit to be indoors again. Dinner that evening was solemn and silent, even though Ruth had to excuse herself twice to run into the kitchen and giggle. After Lucas did the dishes – one of his nightly chores – he joined the family in the living room where Cody awaited, fidgeting silently, waiting for the boom to fall. Lucas went immediately to his Position. "Well, what was the purpose of your little exhibition this afternoon?" asked John gently. "It was a dumb idea. We wanted to see if anyone would pay attention to us. They didn't." Cody replied, eyes downcast. "We thought we might shock the neighbors a bit. Goodness knows they need it," chimed in Lucas. Cody winced. This was going very badly! He finally regained his courage. "Lucas, shut up! Go to your room and assume your Position. I will deal with you later!" Lucas jumped as if struck, then hurried downstairs. "Good Cody! I hoped you would step in. Now, did it ever occur to you that someone might have been injured if they were shocked by you?" "No, sir. I didn't think of that." "Did you think about your mother's and my embarrassment if someone recognized you?" "No, sir. I didn't think of that either." "Lucas put you up to it, didn't he?" "I'm his Master and I'm responsible for what he does 3; But, yes," he sighed. "Let's get this part over with. Drop your shorts and underwear. Over my knee." Cody positioned himself; his dad could spank so that it really hurt and he gritted his teeth at what was to come. "Why are you being spanked?" "Because I did something which could have injured someone and embarrassed you and Mom. And for letting Lucas talk me into it." "Very good. Twenty spanks for each." And he began to methodically spank both ass cheeks. Forty strokes later, he stood him up again. Despite his resolve not to cry, tears did flow and John held him and gently dried his son. "We're not finished yet. There are some things we need to talk about." Pausing to let Cody regain his composure, John went on. "There are two very different parts of your relationship with Lucas. First is the easy one. You love each other fiercely. You are his older brother, his best friend, his hero and his 'special friend'. And you return that love just as strongly. Your love for each other is a wonder, a thing of great beauty. Your Mother and I would never do anything to change that." "Yes, Dad. If anything were to take him from me, I couldn't bear to live." "I know, son. You are our greatest treasure and Lucas is a close second. Which brings us to the hard part." "You are Lucas's Master and he is your Slave. You can't escape that. It is not only the law; we want you to be a real Master to him. It is important for both of you. That means there are times when you must be willing to say NO. He will accept that as long as he understands why. I think you would never be satisfied with, 'Because I said so!' You are very good explaining that kind of thing to him. You just don't always practice it when you should. We have seen you lead him magnificently, but many times he dominates you and that is not pretty to watch and not good for either of you." Cody nodded. His dad had hit the nail. "His mouth has a tendency to work overtime. You were horrified at his impertinence this evening, and well you should have been. You stepped in as a Master should have." "I know. I must punish him for that. I was really angry with him, but I see it was partly my fault." "Bravo! You've rung the bell!" "Thank you, Dad. Thank you for the spanking! I needed that. It hurt like hell, but I know you did it in love." "The tough part, son, is knowing when to be Master and when to be friend and sometimes both at the same time. We can't help you do that. You have to work that out together. Lucas is a very unusual boy 3; And so are you. Your mother and I have every confidence in both of you. We never said it would be easy." Cody nodded. "You have an unruly Slave to discipline. I expect he is feeling pretty miserable by now. Go to it 3; In love." Cody kissed his dad, and withdrew, carrying his shorts. He found his Slave where he told him to be with a look of abject terror on his face. "Master I 3;" "Be quiet, Lucas. I'll tell you when to speak. I'm thoroughly pissed-off at you and I don't want to punish you with anger in my heart." The silence was thick for a few minutes. "Lucas, look at me and don't interrupt until I am finished. Do you know what you have gotten us into? Look at my ass!" Lucas gasped. It was fiery red. "Yours will look the same shortly. What we did this afternoon was childish. It was embarrassing to our family and also dangerous. On top of that, you were very disrespectful to me and to Dad this evening and it is not the first time. To make matters still worse, I have let you dominate me at times. Well, tonight we are going to learn who is Master and who is Slave." Lucas was thunderstruck. Master had never talked to him this way! "I can't bear to sit down just now, so lean over the chair and grab the legs. Now count!" Lucas was soon crying hysterically, but managed to keep up the count. Cody was minded to give him more, but stopped at forty. His anger had all but left him, replaced by resolve. There was no way he could stay angry with Lucas. He gathered the crying boy into his arms and held him until the tears stopped. "Oh, Master. How can you ever forgive me! I have been a brat! I have embarrassed you! And you are right; I have not been your loyal Slave. I am so ashamed, so ashamed! I don't deserve a Master like you. I don't deserve 3;" "You will always be forgiven." Lucas began to weep again, "I love you with all my heart and I will, will, will, will…" "I know, Lucas, I know. My love for you will never change, either. But, we both must grow up a little." That night, they slept in their own beds – on their bellies. They stood for breakfast the next morning. Ruth hugged them both, as she was getting ready for her class. "Because of yesterday's little caper, you are both grounded for the rest of the week. Dad and I would like you to clean up the yard today. It needs it badly. Be sure to drink enough water and use sun block. And 3; we love you both." And she was gone. By late afternoon, the grounds around the house would have been the pride of any landscaper. Both boys dressed in their finest casual clothes for dinner. John and Ruth praised them for the appearance of the yard. "Lucas did most of the really hard work." "But Master did all of the planning." "Well, you both did a fine job." After dinner, Lucas asked, "Master, I would like to speak to Ma'am and Sir this evening. May I do it alone?" "No, Lucas. I will go with you." Lucas thought for a minute, and then realized his Master was right. "OK." While it was Lucas's duty to clean up after meals, Cody often helped him, so they could have more time together. They finished up quickly and hurried into the living room where John and Ruth sat on the davenport reading. Taking a deep breath. Lucas asked, "Ma'am, Sir, may I speak to you about something very important? Master says it is fine with him." "Of course, Lucas," replied Ruth. Lucas fell on his knees in front of them, bowing his head to the floor. "Ma'am, Sir, I want to apologize for the thing we did yesterday. I get these dumb, crazy ideas sometimes and I don't think. I am very sorry to have embarrassed you." "Lucas," said John, "you're a kid. Kids do dumb things, have crazy ideas. Lord knows, there are many adults who do dumb and crazy things. Learning to think things through is part of growing up. You'll make it, with flying colors." Lucas was near tears at his next statement. "Oh Ma'am, oh Sir, Master says I have been disrespectful to you! I don't want to ever be disrespectful to you. If I am ever again, please punish me." "No, Lucas, that is your Master's responsibility. But, yes, you have been disrespectful to us. Never to anyone outside the family for which you are to be praised. You have a way with words and it can get you into difficulty. You speak before you think. The old saying, 'Engage brain before starting mouth,' is a good rule." Lucas took a deep breath. "Ma'am, Sir, did you know that Master wants me to call him by his name when just the two of us are together? Is that being disrespectful?" "That's Cody's decision and I would never try to change it. It's your way of showing love to each other. It is definitely not disrespectful. You have never once slipped when you were with someone else, even Ruth and me." Lucas and Cody both sat thinking about that. Cody had not realized his parents knew. "Lucas, please get up and come to me," invited Ruth. Cody nodded and Lucas rose and stood before her. Holding him by his shoulders, she looked deeply into his eyes. "We have always been a rather happy family and I think Cody has had a very happy childhood." Cody nodded vigorously. "But since you came to us, the happiness and joy you have brought to all of us has been spectacular. None of us can imagine this family without you. Keep on being Lucas, the boy we love and cherish." Lucas's tears were those of joy. After they had gone down to bed – in Cody's bed tonight – Ruth turned to her husband. "What is it about that child? When I first saw him in the slave lineup, something grabbed me; it was almost physical!" "I've felt it, too. I can't explain it. I feel the same about him as I do about Cody! It's almost as if Lucas were our own flesh and blood, even though we know he's not." "John, there will come a day when we must free Lucas and that will be one of the happiest days of my life. I know it's not yet. But I know just as strongly you and I and Cody will know when." "Our own flesh and blood!" she thought. "But that's impossible, dismiss that thought!" But a tiny seed had been planted. The home soon returned to its usual joyous state. Two adults and two lively boys, both of them still full of mischief, but more grown up. It was when Ruth and John entertained guests at home that Lucas's star really shown. Depending on the circumstances, he sometimes served the guests naked, but that didn't bother him or Cody. He was an exceptionally good-looking boy, and more than one guest would like to have spent a night with him, but he was NOT for 'rent'. (The very idea of that would have horrified them all.) He served their guests and the family members faultlessly. Many of the foods served, he had helped to prepare and he was proud of his culinary skills. For one afternoon garden party, he actually chose and prepared the entire menu. Cody basked in the approval given to him as his Master. One evening as they lay together in Cody's bed, Lucas asked him a very serious question. "Cody, the first night we were together, before you even knew anything about me, you said I was beautiful. Why did you think I was beautiful?" Cody could see this was something very important to Lucas and wanted to be sure he got it right. He also sensed that Lucas wanted very badly to share something with him. "Lucas, when you stood naked in front of me that night, I was so excited to have my own Slave. But. I suddenly saw a very beautiful little boy; more beautiful than anyone I had ever seen – oh, I can't explain it exactly. You have such a nice body, a little snub nose that sets off those cute freckles, dirty blonde hair, just like me. You're so warm and soft! Even then, your boy parts were extraordinary! "But, what I saw was a boy I could love with all my heart. I was so excited at that idea, I hurt all over. Does this make any sense to you? No, not very much, I guess. I can't tell you what beauty is, but you are, it." Lucas nodded thoughtfully. "And then, I started to run my hands over your body. When I touched your nipples, you just purred like a kitten." "Then when you stripped me and we lay together and played with each other's bodies 3; I can remember every touch like it was just a minute ago. I was so thoroughly entranced someone could have stabbed me and I wouldn't have felt a thing. I hoped with all my heart that you would feel the same and 3; you did." "Yeah," breathed Lucas. "I didn't even know what love was. I had that same hurt-all-over feeling. I thought I was in heaven! I kept waiting to wake up from the dream. But it wasn't a dream! It was real! You were real! I could at last have someone to care for me and make me feel better than I ever felt before. I think I stopped breathing a few times. And when we both cummed, I really almost did die. Was I being selfish?" "No, Little One!" – for some reason, Lucas shuddered – "You pledged to be my Slave and I pledged to be your Master. That was not selfish, at all. Did you understand at all what that meant?" "Some, but not much. But it's sure been fun learning!" he chuckled. "I agree. These past two years have been the happiest of my whole life. "Mine, too." "Now, how about a good suck before we sleep?" Neither boy needed a second invitation. Lucas reversed. Two sets of lips met two engorged pricks, two tongues worked over two glans, and two sets of balls emptied their boy cream into two waiting mouths. It was all Lucas could do to swallow and rearrange himself in Cody's arms before they fell asleep.
Shortly after the New Year, Cody begged Ruth to allow him to have his nipples pierced and ringed. "No way," said his mother. She wasn't ready for her 'little' boy to have that done, although she knew several of his schoolmates were adorned. "Well, how about Lucas?" he wheedled. "He's your Slave," replied his mother. So, after carefully saving his allowance, he and Lucas set forth to the jeweler's on a Saturday morning in February. He hadn't told Lucas where they were going. "Lucas, did you see how cool my friend Daniel looked last summer with rings in his nipples?" "Yes Master, he looked very nice." "If I wanted to get some for you, would you be OK with that?" Lucas thought for a minute. "I guess that would be OK," he replied, not at all sure. He knew Cody could just order him to accept, but he was sure he wouldn't do that. "Does the piercing hurt much?" "Some," he lied, "but it's over in a second or two." By this time they were outside the shop and Lucas knew he would do it, if for no other reason, than to please Cody. He didn't know about Ruth's refusal to allow Cody to have his done. They entered the shop. At first the proprietor did not want to serve them. But when Cody said it was for his Slave, the man was all smiles and helpfulness. After all, the boy was just a Slave, even if he was a bit young. Lucas soon found himself strapped to a padded table. The jeweler rubbed his nipples to make them hard and then injected them with something to make them grow. The thrust of the piercing needle really did hurt, but Lucas didn't even blink. He would show his Master how strong he was. The other part of his anatomy that had got hard when his nipples were stimulated quickly deflated when the first needle pierced him. The jeweler applied a solution to disinfect the small holes and left him to recover. The preparation also quelled the pain and changed the skin composition so the holes would never grow shut. Cody chose a set of fine gold rings that could easily be inserted and removed. Lucas would probably not want to wear them all the time. 'Nice of him,' though Lucas. But when he saw his new rings in the mirror, he really did look awesome. In a week or so, he would enjoy having his nipples pulled when they lay together at night. Ruth had to admit, Lucas looked very exotic when he wore them and almost was sorry she had refused Cody. While Cody had been waiting for Lucas to recover in the shop, he found something else that intrigued him: a set of rubber and leather cock-rings. They had a small ring that fastened around the base of the penis and testicles and another smaller ring that fastened around the penis above the testicles, joined by a short chain. They were adjustable to fit any size and had a small black box that served to unlock them and also stimulated the penis with a mild electrical current. Since Lucas was already undressed, he had him try one on. Lucas loved the feeling immediately. So, he purchased a set for each of them. They were kept carefully hidden at home. In a real test of trust, each boy kept the other's control box. The soon found them an occasional, very stimulating adjunct to their nightly sex play. The device would stimulate them to near orgasm and refuse to let them achieve it. After an hour or so in its thrall, they had gigantic orgasms that left them completely exhausted. Fortunately, neither of them had any kind of heart condition, or there might have been two very happy, but very dead corpses to greet Ruth the next morning. They kept them well hidden, but they were decidedly dangerous. Such are the ways of young boys. One day, Cody had the bright idea to wear his to school. Lucas tried to talk him out of it, but he was adamant. Under an especially baggy pair of pants, it would go unnoticed 3; he thought. He took the control box along, completely forgetting he had Lucas's box and Lucas had his. About noon, Lucas received a panic phone call. "Help me! I can't stand it! Get this thing off me!" Unfortunately, the school was just far enough away to render the box useless, despite how much Lucas tried. Ruth wasn't home when Cody staggered in the door. Lucas soon had him unlocked and relieved; he had been stimulated continuously for more than seven hours! Ruth, just before supper, asked Cody, "Anything interesting happen in school today?" He turned beet red, ran back down to his room and hid. Lucas meanwhile was having giggling fits. Ruth had no clue what was going on and decided she didn't want to know. "What do you suppose that was all about?" she wondered. "Oh well, if it was important Cody will tell me in his own time. If it wasn't important, I don't need to know." Cody never wore his away from Lucas again. It was many years before the existence of the cock-rings was shared with either parent.
His 15th Birthday in May was a major turning point in Cody's life. He had owned Lucas for three years and both were now quite content with their Master-Slave relationship. Lucas continued to adore his Master and Cody showered his Slave with love also. It also marked the acquisition of Cody's first 'wheels': a shiny red motor scooter. It came complete with a rear seat that would accommodate a passenger and a helmet that would have made most experienced motor-cross professional envious. The two of them could now explore a much wider area without Ruth or John having to provide transport. Within a few days, Cody was checked out, licensed and ready to venture forth. The only limitations were that he must observe an 11:00 PM curfew and he wasn't allowed to carry free person passengers. Slaves were OK so long as they were secured using the attachment that came with the scooter. While this no-too-subtle insult to Lucas made Cody angry, both agreed it was a small price to pay. In practice, Cody rarely secured Lucas; they had soon discovered how to make it look like he was secured. Ruth and John agreed completely, recognizing how dangerous securing him might be if they were involved in an accident. A fine they could all endure; a badly injured or even dead Slave they could not endure. At his own birthday two weeks later, Lucas received his own futuristic helmet. They were ready to roll, with some parental restrictions, of course. None were onerous; Ruth and John had long ago learned they could trust Cody's judgment in most things and the use of the cycle would prove to be more of the same. Cody had decided this was the summer he wanted to give his parents a special gift – an authentic Hawaiian Luau. He had studied their culture in school and, although disappointed to learn they did not sacrifice virgins – even boy virgins – he was fascinated by what he learned. His slave was excited by this idea also, so the two boys worked together most of the spring and early summer to get ready. The day before the big event, Lucas dug the fire pit, lined it with rocks and started the fire, which would cook the whole pig that Cody had spent his entire allowance for. Early the next morning, they filled the pit and left everything to roast, anxiously hoping they had got it right. They need not have worried. After decorating the yard with lanterns and setting up the other luau trappings, they went to dress (or undress, to be more accurate). They dyed their blonde hair dark and applied body makeup to most of each others bodies – rubbing it in excited them so much they had to relieve each other before continuing .., and oiled their bodies until they shown like polished bronze. In their tapis and feathered headdresses they were the very model of a young Hawaiian noble and his slave. All the neighbors had been invited, including Alexander and Dakota. "You two look absolutely great," goggled Alexander. "Good enough to eat! Dakota is still grounded, so he couldn't come." Although neither Cody nor Lucas would admit it, they secretly enjoyed showing off their almost naked, developing bodies to anyone who wished to look and admire them. And Alexander was quite right; they did look great, even very erotic. Indeed, if the proper words had been spoken, they might have been ravished on the spot. The meal was superb, Ruth and John were resplendent in their Hawaiian finery and the party was a huge success. Ruth and John were thrilled with their 'present' and hugged and thanked both Cody and Lucas for their effort. The neighbors were impressed as well. As a final 'act' the two boys entertained with traditional Hawaiian music. Lucas's voice had not yet changed and his high boy soprano blended perfectly with Cody's mellow baritone as they sang the songs they had practiced for months. Their performance drew a thunderous applause from all the guests. Two proud parents stood with tears in their eyes at the end of this perfect day. Later that night, our two young bucks, discovered their body makeup would not wash off. "Well, think how great I'll look on the beach," boasted Cody. "Yeah, with your little white ass shining like a beacon," replied his slave. Cody whirled around to face him, trying to be insulted by his impertinence. Then he dissolved into a fit of laughter, joined a second later by Lucas. "Well so will you." Cody giggled. "Your little prick will look like a little white worm!" The boys were sorry that Dakota could not have come to the Luau. They knew he was grounded, so they asked Alexander if they could stop by to show off Cody's cycle. Alexander, rather reluctantly it seemed, gave permission. Dakota seemed distant and both Cody and Lucas noticed that he was wearing a cage around his cock and balls. They didn't stay long; Alexander seemed pre-occupied as well. On the way home, Lucas asked, "Master, what was that cage thing covering Dakota's boy parts?" "We'll discuss it later." Cody knew this would inevitably lead to a discussion of the difference in Alexander's treatment of Dakota. It was much more strict than Lucas received, even a little cruel, and he didn't want Lucas to think Alexander was some sort of monster. That evening, "That thing on Dakota's boy parts is called a chastity device." Lucas puzzled, "What's it for?" "It keeps Dakota from getting a hard-on." "What? Why would Alexander want to keep Dakota from getting hard?" Naked as usual, he was starting to get hard. "It's his way of controlling Dakota. He's at an age where he gets hard often, just like you do." Fearfully, "Are you going to put one of those on me?" "No, never! I like to see you hard and I know you wouldn't like it at all. You'd go bonkers in one of those things. I would never do that to you." "You tell me that Alexander loves Dakota. Then why would he do such a thing to him? I could tell Dakota was very uncomfortable this afternoon." The fat was in the fire. "Lucas, Alexander does love Dakota, but it's a different kind of love than we have. It's also connected to his family's view of slave-holding." "I don't understand, Master." Lucas's use of his title while they were alone told Cody he needed to be very careful. "Alexander and his family believer their purpose in slave-holding is to make Dakota into a perfect slave, one that will be a slave all his life. You know they treat him well, but much more strictly than we do you. That means controlling every – and I mean EVERY – every thought and action." "Even his sexual feelings. He's not allowed to have any unless Alexander gives him permission. He's a lot better off than some slaves. Their Masters have them castrated when they're about Dakota's age." Lucas was horrified! Cody continued, "Are you happy here, with me, with our family?" "Oh yes, yes, yes! How could you think otherwise?" "I don't." "But believe it or not, Dakota is quite happy where he is. I don't know much about his background, but he probably came from a family where security and control were most important to him. He gets plenty of that from Alexander. And he loves it!" "He doesn't even know how to use a telephone. But he doesn't need to. He couldn't drive Alexander's cycle if his life depended on it. If he had to prepare his own food, he would starve. He will never be free again; he wouldn't survive. "That's terrible! I feel so sad for him!" "Don't be sad. He is as happy as he will ever be. Admire him for his courage! As much as Alexander will let you, be a friend! Be kind to him, but don't pity him. He adores Alexander and needs him as a strict Master. Alexander loves him very much and needs Dakota as his obedient slave." "It's true that Alexander and his parents think differently than we do, but that doesn't make them bad or cruel. It's their decision. They are not mistreating or neglecting him." "Mom and Dad believe their job as a slaveholders is to love you and to raise you to be the finest person you could be. Slave or free, they will always love you and work toward that." "That's deep!" Lucas was silent for a while trying to work thru what Cody had said. "Master, you said 3;" "It's me, Cody, remember?" "Yes Cody, sorry! You said our love was different?" Now it got really tough, but Cody could see no other course than to be completely honest with Lucas. "Lucas, we're both Gay. Do you know what that means?" "Yeah, it means that I like boys and you like boys." "Not just like, love! And I love one boy in particular 3; YOU." "And I love just one boy, too. Guess who. So we're different, but OK?" "Very OK. I can tell by the way you shudder when I lick or nibble one of your nipples. All I have to do is put my tongue on the tip of your prick and you go crazy. And I do the same when you do those things to me. And the way we like to cuddle together? Oh, Lucas, please strip and do me before I burst." "Yeah, I'm so hot I could boil water!" In a matter of seconds Cody's clothes were in a heap on the floor and they were hugging, kissing and playing with each other. They quickly got into sixty-nine position with Lucas on top for a change. Their simultaneous orgasms produced huge quantities of cum and it took a very long time for them to come back to the living. In fact, they fell asleep without changing positions or turning off the lights, Luckily, John did not check on them that night. But, he would not have been surprised, and not upset. He had suspected for some years that Cody was strictly male oriented and it did not trouble him. Ruth might have a bit of a problem, but he loved her dearly and would help her thru, Twice more that night, lust conquered the need to sleep. But, the next morning, both boys were invigorated.
They rode the cycle to the beach every chance they had. They soon discovered a small cove off the coast road, with a sandy beach about 50 yards wide, bounded by high cliffs and open to the sea, but perfectly safe. No one ever intruded; to get to it they had to secure the cycle on the cliff top and climb down a hidden trail. It was always an afternoon of sun, sand, swimming and sex and they named the cove 'Our Place'. They not only had fun, but it also was a place where they could share their dreams for the future and pour out their hearts to each other. Much of the time, they simply held each other and watched the surf. When they were grown up, they would always remember this summer and this place. To the casual observer (if there had been one) they were simply two young teens having a good time, sexual and otherwise. Master and slave? No way! Brothers, perhaps! Maybe even twins with the bond that twins often share! Most likely just best friends. By the end of August, their 'tan lines' had all but disappeared and their left over body makeup had faded. Two golden young Adonises. That summer, too, Cody took judo lessons. John had insisted he be able to defend himself and his Slave if it became necessary. The discipline was good for him also. They found a well qualified instructor and Cody progressed rapidly, soon achieving a Black Belt. The law forbad teaching judo to a Slave, but a Slave was expected to defend his Master if he were attacked. One evening, John asked him, "How are your lessons going." "Fine, Dad. I'm going for Brown Belt next week and Sensei says I should be able to qualify for Black Belt before school starts." "And I'm almost as good a he is," chirped another voice. "Oooops!" "Cody! You know you are not allowed to teach judo to Lucas!" exclaimed his mother. "Well, Sensei said to practice at home," explained Cody. "I can't very well practice with an inert body." "You two are the limit!" replied Ruth. John tried hard to hide his smirk. "Just be very careful, Lucas. Don't give the secret away." "Yes Sir and Ma'am. I understand." The very last thing he wanted was to get Cody in trouble with the Law. The boys continued to enjoy tie-up games from time to time. The emphasis was on creativity, with the Internet often providing inspiration. Some of their most unusual contortions would have qualified them for Cirque de Soleil'. Some involved tickling. One night, Cody bet Lucas he could tickle him until he peed himself. "No way!" challenged Lucas and the contest was on. Even without Lucas being tied up, Cody found every sensitive spot on his Slave's body and played them like an orchestra. Lucas lost, big time! Cody had insisted they play on Lucas's bed 3; smart boy! With Lucas in charge of laundry, they fortunately could hide their pratfall from Ruth. But, they decided not to have a return match. One evening as they were getting ready for bed, Cody was surfing the net while waiting for Lucas to join him. "Hey, Lucas, you should see this!" Lucas appeared, toothbrush still in hand, in time to see a boy about his age tying his ankles to a strait-back chair's legs. "This Master claims he can order his Slave to tie himself up, get hard only when he tells him to, and cum without touching himself when he tells him to." "Yeah, sure!" "Let's see what happens." The boy on the screen finished fastening his legs and then sat up and reached around the back of the chair with both hands until there was a click and his hands were secured behind him. "Must have a set of cuffs like my old ones." "Well, Slave," said an out of sight voice. Are you ready to show our audience how well you are trained?" The boy nodded. "OK, get hard!" As Cody and Lucas watched spellbound, the Slave's prick began to rise and swell until it stood up straight. "Very good.!" The Slave sat there with his prick throbbing. "Now, cum for our viewers." The Slave began to strain at his bonds and screw up his face. Suddenly, he erupted, and pumped a good-sized load onto his stomach and chest, then sagged in his bonds covered with sweat. Cody hit the PAUSE button. He and Lucas looked at each other. "You don't suppose Alexander is trying to train Dakota that way, do you?" "It might be something like that, Lucas. But I don't think he would go that far. And Alexander would never make Dakota perform for someone's entertainment, I'm sure. Wait, I think there's more." He hit the PLAY button. The scene changed. The Slave was now standing on a table with his feet spread by a wide separator bar. He reached forward with one hand and placed it in a small noose hanging from the ceiling. Then, straining to place his other hand in the other noose, he swung forward off the table and was left hanging by his arms in sort of an 'X' pattern. The table was hauled out of the way. He was more than a foot [30 cm] off the floor. The instructions were repeated again with much the same result. He bucked and swung and produced another healthy load of sperm. The final scene had the Slave sitting on a raised bar, fastening his ankles to some rings on the bar about two feet [60 cm] wide. Having accomplished this, he slowly swung down so he was hanging upside down. The cuffs again fastened his wrists behind his back. Amazingly, he was still soft as he had been at the start of the other scenes. Upon command, he hardened again. The third cum was ordered and he did not disappoint. He pumped all over his front, including several shots straight into his open mouth. The site closed and left our two boys breathless. "They must have a buzzer in his ass. He couldn't have cum without some stimulation," opined Cody. "Oh, I don't know. I think I could do the chair one," rejoined Lucas. "Thirty smacks on the bare ass say you can't." "You're on, Master. Boy will I enjoy giving it to you," They pulled up a chair and Cody watched with mounting interest while Lucas fastened himself just like the Slave on the PC had done. The only difference was that he was already very hard. At Cody's command, he struggled pumping his lower body up and down as far as his bonds would allow. Despite the strain on his face, he couldn't quite go over the top. "Oh shit! I'm almost there. But I keep loosing it!" "Want me to help you?" "No, please don't touch me!" "Well, how about this," and Lucas stood in front of Lucas and began to stroke his member. That was all the inspiration Lucas needed. Cody released him and grinned evilly. "Ready for your punishment?" "What do you mean? I cummed without touching myself." "Yeah, but I had to help you." Lucas could see he wasn't going to win this one, so he tried for compromise. "OK, how about 15 smack for each of us?" "All right I'll go first." Positioning himself over Lucas's knees, he took his quota without crying and only a few tears. Then it was his turn to blister Lucas's behind. Over the months he had learned how to spank his Slave so that it really hurt – both physically and his pride when he could not help crying. "Tears started to flow at about 5, crying started at 10 and howls greeted the 15th. As soon as he finished, he took his Slave into his arms and gently kissed him and licked the salty tears from the boy's chest and cheeks. "Next time you'd better be careful what you bet on." "Yes, Master." There was one behind a little pink and the other bright red. "C'mon! It's time we were in bed." As they spooned together, Cody felt his bed partner's ass, "Wow! Your ass is really hot." "Well what did you expect? You beat me half to death!" "You're a cheeky little bastard, tonight." "Yeah! In more ways than one. Seriously, you'd better put some stuff on me or Ma'am will wonder why I can't sit right at breakfast. I'll get it" He left and returned with a jar of salve: Ruth's All Purpose Ass Soother as they called it. Actually they referred to it as RAPAS (pronounced, 'rape us') cream. "Get on top of me upside down so I can reach your butt," directed Cody. He proceeded to apply the salve over Lucas's hot buns, rubbing it in well, loving every second. His finger strayed down to Lucas's little rosebud. "Hey, you didn't spank me there!" Lucas protested, but not very much. "Just being thorough." "You just like to play with my ass!" "There is that! You have such a sexy little bubble-butt! And you know you love it." By this time the cream had worked its wonders and all was well behind. As he turned around to get in his usual sleeping position Lucas had one more quip. "Well, if it's all the same to you, could you do it without the spanking next time?" They both giggled themselves to sleep.
The cycle was a godsend for Ruth. No longer did she have to transport the boys to beach and other favorite venues. It also gave Cody a great deal more freedom: freedom that he usually used wisely. But Ruth did have some concerns. She insisted he carry his communicator and that Lucas be properly dressed without fail whenever they set off for an adventure. Early one fall Saturday, they rode the cycle to the trailhead on the Mountain Crest Trail where they had gone to camp almost two years ago. They secured the cycle and hiked in to the lake, where Lucas had had his 'baptism'. It was too late in the season to swim, but they enjoyed the crisp fall day just exploring the shoreline. Not another soul disturbed them. About half way around the lake was another trail connection. One branch led over the mountains to the east; the other led back to the city. They stopped to rest here and were suddenly interrupted as a cycle with two figures – one a boy about Cody's age and the other an older man – skidded to a halt in front to them. They had 'run-away slaves' written all over them. "Well, what have we here? Nature boy and his faithful Slave!" Cody began to reach for the transmitter, but the man suddenly brandished a pistol. "I'll take that. Hm' Quite nice. I'll bet that if I push this little button, cops will come out of the woodwork. And, if I smash it, the same thing will happen, right? So, I think I'll put this where it won't cause us any trouble." And he threw it far out into the lake, where it bobbed harmlessly in the water, continuing to send out its 'all-is-well' signal. Cody studied the boy. He was obviously very sick. From his Position, Lucas saw the same signs. "Come on Jake, we need to get out of here!" "Don't fuss so Danny. I want to have a little fun before we toddle off." To Lucas, he said, "Why don't you come with us. Now's your chance to be free." And he aimed the pistol at Cody's forehead. "You may speak, Lucas." "I would never leave my Master. Why do you think I would? I love him and he loves me and treats me like a brother." "Oh God! A couple of 3;" "Jake, come on, before I pass out!" "Oh shut up, Danny. They may have something we can use." To Lucas, "So your kind Master loves you, does he. Danny, show the Slave how your kind master loved you." Danny swayed a bit, then pulled up his shirt and turned around. A red inflamed burn ran from his shoulder to his waist. "That's what a blow torch will do to your skin. Show him the rest." "Must I?" "Yes! I want them to know why I'm going to kill them." Danny slowly, in great pain, dropped his shorts. His balls were a mass of charred and blistered flesh. They had been burned off! What was left was green with gangrene. Both Cody and Lucas lost their lunches. Jake opened his shirt; where his nipples should have been, there were two bloody slits instead. The boys heaved again. "Here, Danny. Keep this trained on smart-shit there." To Cody, "Tell your slave to do what I tell him to and maybe I'll kill you both quickly rather than slowly." "Do what he says, Lucas" "Good! Strip him!" Lucas hesitated, then slowly undressed his Master. In a few minutes, Cody stood naked, shivering in the fall air. Jake took a rope from the cycle bag. "Put your hands in front of you." He tied Cody's hands together, so tightly that Cody winced. Then he threw the other end of the rope over a tree limb, hauled the boy about a foot [30 cm] off the ground, tied the rope off and left him hanging there. As he stood back and admired his naked, dangling captive, he whipped Cody on his back with a tree branch, bloodying it. Lucas made his move. He jumped Danny and wrestled the pistol away from him. Yes, he had crossed the line, a major firearms violation, but he could care less. He just wanted to rescue Cody before this madman really hurt him. Bad move! Jake grabbed the gun away from him again and punched him in the gut. Lucas collapsed in a gasping heap. "You're right, Danny. We need to get out of here. You, 'Lukie'" he kicked him, "get your clothes off! All of them!" Lucas undressed and Jake stuffed both their clothes into his cycle bag. Taking a pair of steel handcuffs, he backed Lucas up to a tree and shackled his hands around it, throwing the key into the dust between the two prisoners. "I'd like to stay and watch you tear your hands off trying the reach the key, but we really must be going. Just think what the bears and cougars will do when they find all this nicely trapped fresh meat." Cody was desperate. "Please let my slave go. I promise we won't tell! Kill me if you must, but don't hurt him!" "Jake, please don't hurt them! If you do, we're no better than the old man was." Jake sighed. "I don't know why I listen to you, Danny. All right, I'll give them a chance. But, if we're caught, we'll tell everyone you helped us escape. You know what that means." "Yes! Please! We promise." Danny moved a log close to Cody. He whispered to him, "I won't let him kill you. I won't! I hope you get loose before the critters get you." Cody whispered back, "I hope you will find peace." Even if the police did not catch them, he had felt how Danny was burning in pain and fever. He could see that Danny had only a few days before the infection-spawned fever killed him. The cycle roared off over the mountain. By swinging himself a bit, Cody managed to reach the log and stand on it. That took some of the pressure off his arms and he could concentrate on freeing himself. Jake had done an exceptional job, and it was almost two hours until he at last slipped his hands free and dropped to the ground. He found the key where Jake had dropped it and had Lucas free in a few seconds. They stood holding each other for a few minutes trying to calm each other from this frightening experience. They were completely naked and it was starting to get dark, now and cold, too as they stumbled back to their cycle. At least the runaways had not seen it. Holding Lucas in front of him to keep him at least a little warm, they drove home as quickly as they could. It was fully dark, when the finally reached home. Both John and Ruth rushed outside as they pulled into the driveway. "Cody, Lucas! Where have you been! Where are your clothes? We were frantic! What happened to you?" "Mom, Dad, we've got big problems. Lucas handled a gun trying to save me from two runaways!" Further explanations waited until Cody had his back treated and they all had eaten a hasty supper. No one was very hungry. Cody gave his parents a full account of what had happened, while Lucas sat in the corner in misery. He knew his touching the gun was going to be trouble. What he didn't know was that Cody's promise was much, much bigger trouble. John made a telephone call to a friend on the police force. "I think he can guess why I'm interested, but I've been friends with Rupert Gann since we were boys. I think he'll cut us some slack." "I want you boys to shower and go to bed. Both of you take three of the blue pills in my medicine cabinet." The boys went down to their rooms. John and Ruth sat in the darkened living room and just held each other. After a long time, Ruth asked, "How bad is it, John." "If those two are caught and tell the police that Cody and Lucas helped them escape, Rupert won't be able 3;" He couldn't go on. Both of them failed to see two naked boys crouched in the shadows next to the stairs. John began to cry softly: Cody had never seen his dad cry before. "They'll be subject to the Escaped Slave Act. Lucas will surely be hanged and probably Cody, too," he sobbed. That was more than the 'shadows' could take and they burst into tears, ran to Ruth and John and buried themselves. The whole family cried themselves out. "Sir, I'll tell them I was the one and Master had nothing to do with it!" "No Lucas, Cody is responsible for your actions," sobbed Ruth. "If Lucas is hanged, I will go with him!" Cody didn't feel very brave, but he WAS Lucas's Master and he would never desert him. Ruth, "Oh, John, what can we do?" "I will go to the Prime-minister and beg for their lives. I will go to the Queen and beg. I will give my life for Cody and Lucas." To the boys, "I will not let either of you hang for a simple act of mercy!" At that moment, the phone rang. John took the call. "That was Rupert. The report is they have them trapped on the coast road. There's no way they can escape. The cliffs are 500 feet [150 m] high." Silence ruled again. "How will we know, Dad, if they accused us?" "The police will simply come and get both of you. We'll not be allowed to see you again until your trial." They sat in silence, once more. Two hours ticked slowly by, the only sound the hall clock. The doorbell rang. All of them jumped at the sound. Ruth managed to stagger to the door. The rest were paralyzed by terror. A policeman in black body armor stood in the doorway. "Are you Mrs. Davidson?" Ruth nodded, numbly. "Do you have a son named Cody and a Slave named Lucas?" John sprang to his feet in time to catch Ruth as she collapsed!