PZA Boy Stories

Bara Produktions

The Houseboys

Chapters 4-6

Chapter 4

It was lucky that the party had been on a Friday night giving everyone the weekend to recover.

No one stirred in Craig's flat until he began to wake up late in the morning Although he was lying curled up on the floor Paul had slept well and was enjoying the luxury of just laying there. Ethan was still asleep in his sleeping bag in the kitchen. Tom had got his pass and had gone home with the glamorous grandmother.

Craig lay, relaxed in his bed, going over the events of the last few days. The one thing he understood was that his life was going to change and he and Ethan were safe from the csc. He heard a slight chink of the chain around Paul's neck as Paul shifted position.

"Paul," he said, "Get Ethan up. Sort out breakfast for you two then get Ethan started on his school work. He's got homework and the work they sent him to cover the day he missed yesterday."

"Don't you want me to do anything for you first, sir." Paul asked.

"No thanks," Craig smiled, "I just want to be alone this morning."

Paul shrugged and went off to do his jobs.

Much to Craig's surprise and joy Lindsay had proved far more willing than he had expected and they had enjoyed time alone in Mr. Crosis' garden. As he relived the moment of passion he stroked his cock not needing Paul's help to bring it to a climax, shooting sperm over his stomach, chest and even onto the pillow beside his head.

He lay back and dozed for a while until rumblings from his stomach reminded him he was hungry. He got up and worked through his morning routine and headed for the living room. It had been an effort but Tom had remembered his duties but had only just managed to return in time to lay a place for Craig. Tom, appeared as soon as he heard him, with a glass of fresh orange juice. As he ate his breakfast he told Tom that he wanted to talk to him, Paul and Ethan.

When Craig was ready, Tom quickly cleared the breakfast things and fetched the other two sitting them all down around the table. The others looked at Craig expectantly, waiting for him to speak.

"Things are going to change," he began nervously, "We need to make plans but 3; er 3;"

He faltered to a stop unsure what to say. Tom came to his rescue.

"Excuse me, sir," Tom said, "but you haven't been fully briefed yet. May I suggest an agenda?"

"No!" Craig replied, "You know more about this stuff than me so you handle this talk."

"Yes sir," Tom replied, "I think the first priority is to move. We could move into my old place but it would be very difficult for me. There'd be too many memories. Moving to a different town like that would be very disruptive for Ethan as well."

"I'm going to take on the flat upstairs, "Craig replied.

"With respect, sir, that won't be big enough either. We'll need office space to run my 3; I mean your business interests. You need to buy a house locally, sir."

"Don't you want anything from your old place?" Ethan asked.

"Only my cellar. And the two houseboys. I'd got them well trained and they'd be useful running a bigger place."

"Your cellar?" Ethan queried, "Why do you want to move a hole in the ground?"

"My wine collection." Tom explained, "I hope there's something left."

"Could we get something big enough so that you could have your own apartment?" Craig asked.

"Oh yes," Tom beamed, "That would be marvellous."

"What's wrong, Paul?" Craig asked.

"I'm pleased that things are going so well for you, sir." Paul replied, "but you don't need me any more, do you?"

"Yes, we do," Tom replied, "I said my boys could run a large place but they don't have much initiative. They need someone to keep an eye on them. I suggest Master Craig makes you his steward."

"That's cool." Craig said watching a big smile fill Paul's face. Steward was a mediaeval title that had been revived to describe a servant or grader in overall charge of the running of a household.

"We also need transport. Graders can get driving licenses. I don't know what happens about mine but Paul should get his and start lessons. Some schools do cater for graders. Maybe you should get another grader to act as your chauffeur. Once you're seventeen you can start your own lessons. I suggest a Mercedes or a BMW to start with and some sort of utility carrier. You can get your Porsche or Ferrari or whatever when you've passed your test."

Craig just nodded. He was being overwhelmed by Tom's suggestions and the money involved. Two days ago he could hardly afford the bicycle that Ethan wanted.

"Where do we start with all this?" he asked helplessly.

"The first step is to upgrade your computers. We need one each. Ethan and you for your school work. In fact you need two. I'm not sure if it would be a good idea taking a computer with business information to school. Paul and I need them for work. Perhaps you'd like to go to the store while I begin lunch. Then this afternoon we could start getting details from local Estate Agents."

Tom excused himself to fetch something from the kitchen. "Mr. Davis told me to think overnight about staying with you. If I was still sure this morning then I should give you this. It's the card for the current account. Mr Davis arranged for you to be able to draw on it."

You're doing all this and I treated you so badly at the Centre." Craig said, "I'm so sorry."

"You shouldn't be, Master." Paul broke in, emphasising the word, Master, "Some would have whipped the skin off his back for the way he behaved. I like the way you're looking after us. You're in charge and if we misbehave then we have to take the consequences."

Much to his surprise Ethan found himself agreeing with Paul and when he looked he saw Tom nodding as well.

"That's right!" said Tom, "You're the boss and we do as you say or else. Now get down to the store and get those computers. Spend some money like a rich young man should."

Craig shrugged and grinned. He decided to take Paul and Ethan to carry the goods home. They were all cheerful and excited until they were stopped by a security guard in the shopping precinct. He did not like the idea of two graders and another youngster playing around and possibly causing trouble.

He studied the passes Craig had written out for Ethan and Paul and verified that Paul's pass had been logged properly but he still insisted that they leave telling Craig that he did not need a couple of graders to help him choose some games.

Craig was getting angry but dare not challenge the guard directly. Luckily he could see the computer store and their phone number on the sign so he phoned them.

"Good Morning." he said, "How much is your top of the line laptop?"

"I may want five of them plus a printer and some other stuff. Do you expect me to carry them myself or do you think my servants should carry them?"

"Would you explain that to this guard please?"

Craig handed the phone to the guard who spoke briefly into it and then led the boys over to the store.

"Good Morning, sir," the salesman said, "I'm sorry about this misunderstanding. If I could just check your credit rating it will all be sorted."

Craig handed the salesman his new card who ran it through the machine. When he saw the available balance he somehow became even more respectful and dismissed the guard.

From then on it was an exciting time for the boys. Even the salesman caught the infectious mood and seemed to be enjoying himself. Craig had never been particularly interested in games but Ethan got so excited at being able to choose what he liked he nearly started hyperventilating. Paul was nearly as bad scarcely able to believe he could make his own selection.

When all the purchases had been made and paid for the salesman divided it up into two piles for Ethan and Paul to carry.

"As they were about to leave Craig whispered, "Best behaviour. Let's annoy that guard."

The salesman overhead him and said, "Allow me, sir. He's rude to all our young customers."

he beckoned the guard over saying, "Would you arrange transport for this gentleman and his party, please. His purchase is very valuable and we all have to take security seriously, don't we?"

An electric cart was arranged driven by the guard, with very ill grace, to take Craig and his purchases to the taxi rank. Ethan and Paul had to jog along behind. On their way out they passed a cycle shop. Watching the guard become more and more irritated they stopped so Craig could go in. He knew which one Ethan wanted but on impulse called the boys in. While Ethan drooled over his dream machine, Craig and Paul looked over the motor bikes. The shop assistant explained the legal requirements and Craig reluctantly decided that it would be easier to wait until they could apply for a full license. While all this was being explained the guard came storming into the shop complaining about some brat wasting his time.

Again it was the assistant who came to Craig's and the guard had to make a humiliating retreat.

Cycling had become fashionable again and it was easy to get around Defborough, the small market town where they lived. Craig bought himself a bike and had Paul choose one for himself. He not only paid for them but left a hefty deposit on another so that Tom could come in and choose one.

As he left the shop Craig was confronted by the guard.

"I have reason to believe you have taken something from that shop without paying, son," he said, "I have to search you. May I see your I.D. please?"

Craig laughed thinking it was a joke but seeing the look on the guards face shrugged and handed over his card.

"Thank you. Now would you remove your jacket, please."

The guard made a show of going through the pockets before handing it to Paul who had followed Craig out. As the guard slowly made Craig strip while pretending to search the clothes a crowd gathered. Craig was blushing bright red with embarrassment as he stood with his arms outstretched and his legs apart while the guard looked for anything on his body.

"That's enough," the salesman snapped as the policeman snapped on gloves ready to do a body search, "What makes you think he stole anything?"

"I thought I saw him pick something from the display and put it in his pocket." the guard replied, "I have to check."

"I was standing next to him all the time. I didn't see anything."

"I have a duty to check these things." the guard muttered sulkily.

"Do you know how much this young gentleman has spent in this precinct today?"

"Yes and he'll need to go to the office to verify that his card is in order. I'm not at all happy that it's genuine."

"Since you've finished searching him, I suggest you let him get dressed."

"He'll get dressed when I say he can." the guard snapped back, "He'd better get used to it because the way he behaves it's not going to be long before he's graded."

"The shop assistant smiled, "A csc inspector thought that. She's under arrest for contempt of court. I saw the news this morning and I recognised this young gentleman's name. I really think you should let him get dressed."

Craig was not ashamed of his body. It was slim, muscular and well proportioned but standing there naked, feeling like a criminal, with everyone staring at him was a terrible experience for him. It was a relief when the guard seemed a lot less confident and nodded to the assistants request.

During the commotion the precinct manager arrived. At his request, Craig, Ethan and Paul returned to the shop with the sales assistant. After speaking to the guard the manager came in to speak to the assistant. He phoned the computer store before turning to Craig.

"The guard behaved absolutely correctly," he said, "He says he thought he saw something and he was concerned at your behaviour when you first came into the precinct. It's not the first time that shops have complained about his heavy handed attitude and I do tend to agree with them."

"I want to make a complaint as well." snapped Craig.

"You can't. Like I said he acted within the regulations." the Precinct Manager replied, "However the two shops you visited have complained about him so I will have to take some action."

"Maybe I should cancel my orders here and shop somewhere else." Craig retorted still very angry.

"That is your privilege, young man but graders, even 5s are treated much the same everywhere." the manager replied, "What I can do is put you and your servants on the white list. That's the list of known and trusted shoppers. I understand you have a transport problem can we help with that?"

"I've got all that computer stuff which I've got to take in a taxi and a bike which I need to get home. One of my servants hasn't ridden a bike for a long time so he needs to practice before going on the road. That's why I went to speak to the guard. To see if he could help."

"As a white list preferred customer I think we can solve your problems. Would you prefer to cycle home or ride?"

"Cycle I think."

"Then I'm sure we can rustle up a couple of graders to take your purchases on ahead. We have a car park that's been closed ready for tarmacing on Monday. We'll take the bikes through to that. Would that be satisfactory?"

Craig nodded. He was was still angry and embarrassed at his treatment. He realised that the precinct staff were interested in his bank card, not in him and if it had happened a couple of days ago, he would have just been quietly thrown off the precinct.

Paul and Ethan's excitement riding their new machines was infectious and Craig calmed down to join in the fun. They need not have worried. Paul rode as if he had been riding every day and they could have set off for home almost immediately but it was too much fun riding around the deserted car park.

The manager watched them for a while before heading back to his office. He'd had a lucky escape. The guard would probably have brought Craig to his office for 'further questioning'. Normally the boy and his family were only too happy that the allegation had been proven unfounded. They did not want it re-investigated by claiming sexual abuse.

The guard should have left Craig alone. Moving in on him in full view of a shop where he had made such a large purchase was stupidity. The manager pulled up the guard's file and fired him.

Tom was beside himself with worry when the boys got home. The computers had been delivered and the graders had mentioned something about a security problem but did not know much else.

"Never do that again." Tom had said sternly completely forgetting himself, "Don't leave me here worrying about where you are. Do you understand?"

Craig could see the concern in Tom's face.

"I'm sorry Tom," he replied, "I had enough hassle from that security guard. I don't want any more from a grader. Understand?"

They looked angrily at each other for a moment until Tom relaxed.

"I'm sorry sir. I was rude," Tom said, "but I was so worried about you. Lunch is ready. May I serve it up now?"

Craig nodded, glad that he would eat his lunch alone in the living room. The incident with the guard had upset him more than he cared to admit. He was more determined than ever to keep Ethan and himself out of the csc and away from any other official body.

As he sat digesting his meal, he called Tom in.

"I'm sorry you were worried," he said, "We were having fun playing around on the bikes and I forgot the time."

"Paul told me what happened." Tom replied, "Some of those security firms are real cowboy outfits. While I was preparing lunch, I checked some property websites. Are you up to visiting the estate agent this afternoon or have you had enough for today?"

"It's a bit of a rush, isn't it?" Craig asked a touch petulantly, "I thought I'd go for a bike ride. I haven't had one for years. It was OK getting those bikes, wasn't it?"

"It's your money," Tom smiled, "It was a good idea. It'll make a good stop gap while we sort out the cars."

"That's good," Craig said, "because there's a bike on order for you. Go down to the shop and pick it up and meet us at the estate agents."

As Craig wrote out his pass, Tom had the feeling that he been out-manoeuvred. He had not ridden a bike for thirty years and did not really want to start again. While Ethan and Paul cleared up after the meal Craig looked at the details Tom had obtained via the old computer. The one Tom particularly liked was a large ancient farmhouse complete with stables and a barn around a courtyard just outside of town with a price that made Craig gasp.

Craig was still brooding about the events of the morning. It was more about how people's attitudes changed when they discovered the size of his bank account. Calling on Paul to follow him and leaving Ethan to finish clearing up, he entered the bathroom and stripped, telling Paul to shave him.

Paul was surprised but obeyed enjoying the chance to explore his masters body. Paul worked quickly knowing there was not much time but he was still able to savour the moment enough to get a raging hard on. Craig had a light dusting on his arms but was smooth apart from his legs and the job was soon done. To Paul's regret Craig decided to keep his pubes denying Paul the chance to play with them and since Craig's chest was hairless anyway he could not play with his nipples except in the images which crowded his mind.

Craig put on a pair of shorts and trainers and was ready. Neither Paul or Ethan were happy about the way Craig looked but there was something in his attitude which stopped them questioning them.

Tom was equally startled when they met up but like the others caught Craig's mood.

They entered the estate agents where they were met by a severe looking man about Tom's age.

"I think you've come into the wrong place," he said haughtily, "I don't think there's any way we'll be able to help you."

"If you're selling this property then you can help us." Craig retorted a little of his anger showing in his voice.

"Mr Jameson, see what these graders want then get them off the premises."

Mr Jameson approached them smiling and said, "How can I help you? Is it for some sort of school project?"

"No not school. We're looking for somewhere to buy." Craig answered.

"Ah!" Mr Jameson said, "The problem is you don't look like our usual clients and I have to be sure that you're serious. I take it you have a reason for dressing like that. You must remember that other clients will see you as a grader and they may be worried if we seem lax in how we treat you. Is there a problem if I behave accordingly?"

"No! I understand completely." Craig replied.

"Then if you'd all line up in front of that desk over there, I'll see how I can help you."

When they were all settled Mr Jameson asked Craig to introduce himself and the others.

"My name is Craig Ryder and I'm guardian to these three." Craig said, "This is Ethan. He's my brother and he's got temporary status because he's had a lot of problems to sort out including the death of our parents. This is Paul. He might be a grader but I also find him a good friend and someone I can trust. And this is Tom. He used to be Timothy Everington before he was wrongly convicted and graded. His wife and business partner have been arrested for framing him and I am inheriting his estate. This is a letter from the Wilberforce Foundation confirming my status and that the money is available."

"And you've dressed down because you want me to give equal consideration to your graders as well as yourself."

"Something like that."

Mr Jameson excused himself and went to speak with older man who had spoken to them first showing him the letter.

They both came hurrying back.

"I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding when you first arrived. Please take a seat, your er colleagues too if you wish. I'm the senior salesman here so I handle deals of this size."

"No thank you, sir" replied Craig, "I would like Mr. Jameson to serve me."

"It's my place to serve such an important client and I certainly wouldn't have left you standing like a grader once you'd offered your credentials."

"You wanted nothing to do with me until you discovered I had money. Mr Jameson has been polite and helpful from the start. He explained the problem with me being dressed like this and I'm happy to cooperate. All you're doing is being polite to my money. I want to deal with Mr. Jameson."

Reluctantly the senior salesman stalked off leaving Mr Jameson to take his seat.

"Thank you for that, sir." he said, "When would you like to look over the place?"

"Now?" suggested Craig, "We've got bikes so we can cycle there."

"Unfortunately I don't have one and it's a bit far to walk. We've got a rickshaw but the graders are out putting up signs. We'd have to wait until they get back."

"Paul and I will pull you if you like." Craig said then in a quieter voice added, "Just make sure he's watching when we leave."

Mr Jameson laughed, "It'll be an interesting project in customer relations. I'm not sure I know how to whip you politely."

Another salesman had been dealing with another client at the next desk.

The customer leaned across and said, "I think you say 'Excuse me sir' before each stroke."

He continued in a more serious tone, "I read about you in the paper today and I couldn't help overhearing everything in here. I just wanted to say 'Good Luck'."

Thanking the stranger Craig followed Mr Jameson outside to organise themselves for the trip to see the property. It turned out that the Estate Agents had a tricycle version of the rickshaw which meant a much easier time for Paul.

As they set off Tom rode beside Craig. Tom was concerned about Craig's attitude. He agreed that Mr Jameson was the better salesman to deal with and also agreed with Craig's opinion of the senior salesman. Craig saw the concerned look on Tom's face.

"There was something wrong at the mall this morning," Craig said, "and it was something about that guard and manager."

"How do you mean?" Tom prompted.

"I don't know." Craig replied, "The guys in the shops were like that senior salesman. They had cash signs in their eyes but there was something else with the other two."

"Is that why you're dressing like a grader?"

"Maybe. I suppose you think I'm stupid doing it but I thought it would help me understand."

"It's probably not the best idea you've had but it does have a sort of logic to it. Be careful though."

"I've been strip searched before. This was different. I don't even know what I was supposed to have taken and he didn't seem to look at my clothes, just at me."

Tom was quiet for a moment.

"You're just about the most sensible person I've ever met. If you think something was wrong I believe you. I also appreciate the point you made to Mr Jameson about having to listen to Ethan, Paul and myself. There's nothing wrong with being incognito sometimes. Don't forget though, if there is something wrong, people are more likely to listen to a rich kid.

"Thanks!" Craig smiled, "We'll go out tomorrow and you can help me buy some new clothes."

Ethan had listened carefully to their conversation. He was thinking of a couple of his classmates. It had happened at different times but they had both gone from being cheerful pals to being sullen and withdrawn. One was facing trial and would probably end up Grade 4 because he become so aggressive. Ethan had tried to cheer the him up by suggesting they go to the Mall to buy a new game and had been startled by the way the boy almost freaked out.

When the second boy changed, Ethan made a point of mentioning the Mall and again saw a hunted look in the boy's eyes. He understood now why Craig worried about him so much and was proud of his brother for standing up for him as he did. On Monday he was going to see what he could find out.

They all fell in love with the farmhouse as soon as they saw it. It was situated a short way down an unmade lane. They had all struggled uphill on the last part of the journey and the opposite side of the lane fell away downhill giving a view over the town.

The house itself was like a gatehouse. An arch linked the courtyard with the lane splitting the ground floor. The previous owners had used one side as offices and the other side as living quarters. The first floor was unbroken.

A garage stood on one side of the courtyard with a drive leading to the lane. There were stables on the opposite side. More recently they had been used as store rooms and workshops and in good repair.

Craig and Paul were nearly excited as Ethan when they discovered that the barn on the far side of the courtyard now housed a swimming pool.

The property had been built on the top of a ridge rather than the side of a hill and the on the other side of a barn was a patio and garden overlooking farmlands and woods.

"You should look at other properties." Tom said, "We may find something better."

"Can we spend money altering it?" Craig asked.

"It's your money, you can spend it how you like." Tom replied, "Instead of that, let's see if there's a place better suited."

"I was thinking of the stables for a start. Maybe we could convert them for the graders accommodation and your apartment. You'd be more like a neighbour than a servant. What do you think?"

"They're big enough and it's a nice thought." Tom replied, There's a wine cellar under the kitchen. If I could use that I'd be grateful."

Craig nodded.

"We'll take it. Let's start moving."

"Easy." laughed Tom, "We're not buying a chocolate bar. It takes a bit longer than that."

As Tom explained what needed to be done Craig said in a petulant voice, "It doesn't sound as if we'll ever be able to move in."

"We'll give Graham's number to Mr Jameson and let our lawyer sort it. If you're willing to pay for it, it can be done quick."

Craig nodded and left Tom to talk to Mr Jameson who wasn't sure whether to call Tom sir or not. Tom was back on familiar ground and Mr Jameson found the negotiations heavy going. When Tom was finally satisfied Mr Jameson found Craig.

"You've got quite a set up here, Craig." Mr Jameson said, "Your graders obviously respect you and and you're right, I would have found it harder to negotiate with Tom instead of you if you didn't look a grader yourself. When you come into the office properly dressed it'll be strange calling you sir or Mr Ryder but it's a privilege to serve you."

"Thanks," Craig replied, "I had a bad experience at the Mall this morning. I think I came out this afternoon defying everyone to treat me right. You're the only sales guy whose been honest with me today."

"You've been swindled, do you mean?"

"No. I was a useless kid until they saw my bank card then I was a rich, important customer. You treated me the same before and after you knew."

"You didn't mind when I made you stand at the my desk instead of asking you to sit. I was treating you like a kid then. It was certainly no way to treat a client."

"You took the trouble to explain. That other guy would have dumped all the other clients just to keep me happy when he found out how rich I am."

Mr Jameson was quiet and thoughtful as they made their way back. Craig had made a impression on him. As they parted at the office Mr Jameson handed his card to Tom and said, "If your organisation ever needs more staff I'd be grateful if you'd consider me."

Graham Baxter would have to complete the rest of the sale and he knew that Tom would expect fast service. His office had already been informed of the purchase and they would get onto it, first thing on Monday. Strictly speaking, it was Craig who expected the speedy completion but both Mr Jameson and Graham understood their relationship enough to know that Tom would be the driving force.

Once they were home while Paul and Ethan loaded the new games onto their computers and relaxed. Tom insisted that Craig understood the processes involved in buying property and settled in front of their machines for a far less interesting session. When Tom was satisfied that Craig knew what was happening, he made his way to the kitchen to begin dinner.

Craig finally felt able to relax with some of the games he had bought. His phone rang.

"Hi! This Allen. I'm sorry to bother you but Adam has been asking if he can visit Paul. I've tried telling him that Graders don't have social visits like that but he wouldn't leave it until I asked."

Putting the phone on mute, Craig asked Paul who nodded eagerly saying, 'Yes Please'.

"That's fine. I'll tell Tom there's one extra for dinner."

"Thanks! I've told him he'll be treated like a grader or it wouldn't be fair on Paul." Allan paused, "I know this is an imposition but could he sleep over? Miriam and I are planning a night out. It would be nice if we didn't feel as if we should hurry back."

"I'm not sure where he could sleep. It's pretty cramped here."

"I've had a long talk with Adam today. I hope his hormones settle down enough to give us grandchildren at some stage but at least I'm not going to have to deal with a teenage pregnancy and a shotgun wedding."

Allan paused but before Craig could say anything he continued, "Sorry, I'm a bit uncomfortable about all this. Paul and Ethan didn't say anything deliberately but I did get an idea of some of Paul's duties."

Allan hesitated again, "As I've said, I've made it clear to Adam that if he visits Paul then he'll be treated like a grader. He won't be able to pick and choose what he does.

"I hope I've made myself clear. Paul's a fine young man and he seems to be doing well with you. Just treat Adam the same way if you let him stay."

Allan and Adam arrived about twenty minutes later. Allan had loaded Adam's bike into the car and it took some time before Adam had finished admiring Craig household's new models and had found a place for his so that no one tripped over it.

Once in the flat Adam tried to greet Craig who shook his head and pointed to Ethan and Paul who were standing naked against the wall. Craig had put on a shirt and a pair of jeans.

Adam blushed and dropped the shorts he had been wearing and stood beside Paul. Allen and Craig spoke briefly but Allen was anxious to get back to his wife.

Once his guest had gone, he allowed the others to relax again but almost immediately Tom announced dinner was ready. Although Tom always tried to ensure that Craig be given space in the morning and had his breakfast in the living room while the others ate in the kitchen, they often had other meals together. It was Tom's way of ensuring that Craig had time to himself when he needed it.

Craig sat at the head of the table and had just a little extra space while the others fetched and carried to the kitchen as needed. They chatted excitedly telling Adam about the day's events.

Towards the end of the meal Craig turned to Adam.

"I know you're willing to behave like a grader and be punished if necessary but could you behave like a guardian and punish Paul and Ethan if you had to?" he asked.

Everyone was silent while Adam thought about it.

"I don't know." he replied, "I don't want to hurt Paul. I don't want to be his guardian and order him around."

"Not even if it meant that you take them to the park for an hour or two on your bikes?"

Adam desperately turned to Paul for advice.

"Supposing we were playing football there and I kicked the ball so that it hit someone by mistake." Paul said, "That person would complain to you. If you beat me enough then that person might be satisfied and drop it. If you didn't take his side and he complained, I could lose my regrade."

"Yes but you're talking about an accident. It wouldn't be fair."

"It's not fair," Ethan said, "but you could take us out when Craig is busy. We could even show you our new house but our passes would say that you're in charge and you might have to behave like it."

"I'm only fifteen." Adam said, "I can't order someone around as old as Paul."

"Paul, get me a glass of water," Craig snapped.

As Paul jumped up to obey Craig said, "I'm only a bit older than you and I do it."

Turning to Paul he said, "Take that glass back and wash it up."

"Yes Master," Paul replied with just a touch of sarcasm. "As you can see Adam I'm used to taking orders from kids 3; er 3; I mean youngsters."

Paul remembered a threat Craig had made in the Placement Centre. He did not believe that Craig would whip him for calling Craig a kid but he was not going to push it.

There was an amused glint in Craig's eyes as he remembered the threat as well.

"Do you understand now, Adam?" Craig asked.

"I think so." Adam replied, "It's what dad calls give and take. If I'm willing to act the boss then I can do more things with Paul. Can we cycle out to your new house? Would you like to do that, Paul."

"Yes sir," Paul replied, "I'd love to serve you while you visit."

Adam stared at Paul as understanding slowly dawned. He thought about how Craig gave orders as he plucked up courage to take on his new role.

"Go and get the bikes out and wait for me."

He spoke nervously waiting for someone to complain. Instead Paul and Ethan simply replied 'yes sir' and headed off.

"Take this tawse with you," Craig said as he prepared the passes and handed them to Adam "You can give them up to ten strokes each if you have to but more than that phone me for permission.

"Ethan might try and push you a bit. The first time you have to repeat an order land one on his thighs so it's visible."

Adam nodded uncertainly.

"It'll be OK. You'll probably just have a fun ride without any problems."

Adam smiled and nodded. As he headed for the door, he carefully adjusted his shorts. Like Craig he found having a little bit of authority something of a turn on.

Craig banished Tom to the kitchen and for the first time in ages found himself alone. He enjoyed a quiet couple of hours playing computer games and watching television until a commotion at the front door heralded the arrival of three tired and happy teenagers. the first thing Craig noticed was a vivid red stripe on Ethan's leg.

"Tell me about it, Ethan," Craig said.

Ethan blushed, "Adam was worried about the curfew but I thought we had plenty of time. Besides it would only mean a Patrol escorting us home."

"And Adam could be barred from taking charge again." Craig replied showing his annoyance.

"That's what Adam and Paul said. I'm sorry."

"As long as you understand now. You are home before curfew, so that's OK. Do you want me to punish him, Adam?"

"No sir," he replied, "I should have explained why I was in a hurry but I was getting worried."

"It's a good idea to explain if you can but he must obey you first. If you want to leave Ethan behind the next time you go out, I'll understand."

Craig pulled Ethan down onto his lap and looked at him.

"You're an idiot," he said before hugging him. Ethan was embarrassed by the incident. It was almost second nature to him to challenge authority and he had spoken without thinking. He just hoped that Paul and Adam would forgive him as easily as Craig.

Tom sat contentedly in the kitchen reading a book his lady friend from the previous night had lent him. Ethan stayed on Craig's lap as they explored their new computers together while Paul and Adam sat on the floor in a corner playing on Paul's machine.

A routine had developed whereby Ethan and Paul were sent to get ready for bed first.

When they were done Craig would get himself ready and when he had settled down for the night it would be Tom's turn.

When Craig entered his bedroom he found Adam waiting nervously for him as well as Paul. He sent Paul to wait in the living room.

"I'm into girls, not boys," Craig said, "but Paul is better than my left hand all the time. Do you understand?"

Adam stared wide-eyed and nodded. His cock swelled and pointed stiffly outwards.

"I've got one of those as well." Craig said as he peeled off his jeans freeing his own fully hard member, "If you were really a grader you would be sucking me off by now."

Adam's eyes grew even wider.

"I've never done that before." he whispered.

"Paul had to learn on me and one is enough. You can practice on him before you blow me. Now, are you going to sleep in here with Paul and me or are you going to sleep on the couch?"

Craig watched as Adam relaxed when he realised Craig was not going to touch him and then tense up again as he realised the implications in Craig's options. He had played around with a class mate and had briefly sucked him in spite of what he had just said to Craig but this could go a whole lot further.

Craig had got into bed and pushed the duvet back so his rampant cock was still visible. He lay back quietly waiting for Adam to make up his mind.

"I'll sleep in here, if that's all right." Adam said. The nervousness in his voice was obvious.

"OK! You're not a grader so you can sleep in Ethan's bed. Get Paul to clear it off for you."

Adam fetched Paul back in then as soon as he could, he dived under the bedclothes. He had not been embarrassed at being naked but he had being displaying his excitement and his nervousness and if he could not control his emotions then he wanted a degree of modesty to hide them.

Paul did not have that privilege. He had no choice but to kneel down and relieve the pressure in Craig's balls. Normally he enjoyed this intimacy with Craig but tonight he was also embarrassed at being so submissive in front of Adam. Adam did not care though. He watched fascinated as Craig tensed, bucked his hips and forced Paul's head further down onto his cock.

"He's all yours now," Craig said turning to the wall and almost immediately falling asleep. Gingerly Adam stretched his arm out and touched Paul's cock. Paul groaned in pleasure and took the chance to step closer.

"Where do you sleep?"

"Wherever I'm told to, sir." Paul replied.

Paul did not often call Adam, sir. While they had been out, he had done so when other people had been around. While Ethan was arguing with Adam about when to head for home he had stood and spoken like a grader should. Adam realised that Paul had agreed to being treated like a slave by Adam when he agreed that Adam could visit but Adam was still dealing with the notion that Paul expected him to behave like a guardian at times.

"Supposing I told you to get into bed with me?"

"Then I would obey, sir."

Adam pushed the covers back and beckoned Paul. Paul ended up laying on his back with Adam nestled in the crook of his arm and his cock pressed against Paul's hip. Paul briefly patted Adam's backside then pulled his hand away only for Adam to reach out and firmly replace his hand.

For a time they lay there with Adam's free hand resting on Paul's chest. After a time Adam became more confident or more inquisitive and gently explored Paul's body. He paused at Paul's nipples before rubbing them between between his fingers, feeling them become firm.

"Is this all right?" Adam asked.

"Don't talk, Adam." Paul whispered, "Just enjoy."

Paul was already hard and sensitive by the time Adam reached his cock. His muscles tensed and his hips moved rubbing Adam's cock in their turn. Without realising it Adam flexed his own body so that his cock was stimulated until Adam could no longer control it. The flexing became harsher and faster and Adam shot his load between Paul and himself.

He squeezed Paul's member tightly as the climax took over making Paul gasp with pain but Adam did not notice. Briefly he wondered if he had done something wrong but was reassured by the pressure on his butt from Paul's hand.

Adam was completely relaxed and ready to go to sleep but curiosity got the better of him and he started stroking Paul's cock and watched as Paul's stomach tensed and cum spurted across Paul's chest. He idly spread the strings across Paul's chest trying to decide whether to taste it or not. He knew he would soon but tonight he was content.

Soon he and Paul were asleep and the apartment was silent.

Chapter 5

The next few weeks was an exciting time for Craig and his household. It was busy and at time's Craig's mind reeled under weight of his new responsibilities and obligations.

Tom set the pace. He was worried about his business interests. They had suffered under all the uncertainties of his arrest and then business partners subsequent detention. The trust was gradually being organised but his business needed some clear and immediate leadership.

Tom also felt responsible for the two graders he had owned. It was doing them no good having no idea what would happen to them.

Craig felt guilty at the way he had messed Mr. Crosis around. Mr Crosis had his own business problems and no sooner had Craig offered to help him than things had changed.

The problems with csc were still there but the investigations were going slowly and Craig was not involved directly.

After breakfast on that first Sunday Craig called a meeting like he had the previous day. Tom outlined what needed to be done. It was only when Tom insisted that Craig begin catching up with his school work that day that Craig spoke sharply to him, reminding him that he was just a grader.

"No one else is at school today so I'm not going to be." he added, "I'm going to see Lindsay or I'm going out on my bike. Ethan can go to Jake's and after you've sorted a schedule starting tomorrow you can do what you like. Adam and Paul can do what they like as well. We all need a break."

Adam watched fascinated. Tom was the adult so it seemed natural that he was in control. He could see how angry Tom was to start with and watched as he calmed down.

"I'm sorry, sir." Tom finally replied, "I forgot myself and you're quite right. A day off will do us all good."

"I know you're worried about your business," Craig said, "but we agreed yesterday that I'm in charge. Please don't forget again."

Things were a little strained when they moved onto the next topic, Mr Crosis' problems. Tom had seen most of their ex-landlord's accounts and surprised Craig that they invest in the business. Although Craig did not fully understand the accounts Tom's appraisal seemed to agree with his own opinions. Extra capital would buy Mr Crosis time and allow him to employ a proper assistant. Craig felt a little guilty at messing Mr Crosis around as much as he had and was only to glad to be able to help his friend.

Despite the way Jake had settled down, Mrs Sanders was determined that he complete his grading under maximum surveillance. It had more to do with her fears and worries than any desire to punish him and since Craig had started it he felt obliged to support her and so Ethan would stay under the same control. The big difference would be that Paul would do most of the supervision and not Tom.

Ethan found the prospect strangely exciting. School life was a lot tougher but he found he could now talk to Craig about things. He had forgotten his resentment at his brother taking control and was discovering that Craig could be a wonderful big brother. A big tough grade 2 turning up at school for him would be more macho than Tom or Craig and would not do his reputation any harm.

Ethan asked Adam whether he would like to be collected after school and Adam had nodded enthusiastically until he realised that technically, as the only non grader, he would be charge. Tom suggested a letter from his father asking Craig if Paul could supervise his homework and it all seemed settled. It sounded complicated but it was Craig's household and the buck stopped with him.

Adam was happy with the arrangement because he could spend more time with Paul. Allan willingly wrote the letter because he knew of the improvements in Jake and Ethan's school work.

Craig could not speak to Lindsay. According to her father she had gone to her cousin for the day. Craig wondered about the tone of her father's voice but assumed he was cautious about her getting to involved with someone at their age or something like that. He had Tom make him some sandwiches and headed off on his bike.

Defborough was about twelve miles from the sea. Craig headed for a beach he knew and planned to spend the day sunbathing and swimming.

Paul and Adam played games on the computer because Paul did not have a pass to go out. They spent a lot of time in the bedroom cuddling each other. They did not do much else because Tom looked in on them every so often. He was not trying to spoil their fun but he needed to know that Adam was all right.

Adam liked just laying with Paul just talking about their dreams and hopes. He accepted that everyone knew that he and Paul were doing stuff and like any normal teenager sex was always on his mind. Like tasting cum the night before, he knew that sooner or later he would feel Paul's cock inside him and his cock inside Paul. Paul could sense that Adam might be willing but he was also nervous. Paul was worried about scaring Adam away and hesitated about making any move.

Tom had guessed right and both boys were secretly glad of his intervention. For both of them just gently exploring each others body was a wonderful new experience. They did jerk each other off and both were surprised at the intensity and power of their climaxes.

Adam headed for home shortly after leaving Paul relaxing alone in a warm and comfortable bed, for the first time in five years. Bunks at the placement centre were hardly comfortable and laying in one after morning call would earn him a beating. Tom left him for a while before getting him up to change the beds.

Ethan and Craig arrived home at the same time just before curfew.

Ethan had excitedly told Jake and his mother all about their new house and shown off his new bike.

Craig had enjoyed his day of solitude. There had been a family with a brother and sister about his age. They had swam and played beach games together under the parents watchful eyes. It was a complete break from all his responsibilities and he returned far happier than he left.

He was beginning a busy period in his life where school work and business studies competed with each other. The trust would never allow him full control of the business without him gaining the necessary qualifications and for those he needed to start with his school exams. While he studied, Tom would connect up to the business computers, gradually resuming control. Towards the end of the day he would take Craig through all the decisions he had made. Tom was never sure whether he was irritated or pleased when Craig began questioning his actions and it was even worse on the day he realised Craig had come up with a better plan than him.

Paul took over the nearly all the running of the house from Tom. The one exception was cooking. Tom had been very modest at the placement centre. Cooking was his passion and he did more than prepare nourishing meals. No one argued with him except when Craig rebelled and insisted on hamburgers and chips or some other teenage junk as Tom called it.

Paul was happy with doing the housework but before long he found himself becoming involved in other things.

Parents tended to take their children to school even when they were in their late teens. Stories abounded of kids being wrongfully graded and both children and parents were a little scared of the csc Inspectorate.

When Paul arrived with Jake and Ethan on the first day he caused quite a stir. The parents who had been at the party greeted Paul affably enough and he was confident enough to be able to chat with them.

Others shared Mrs Tibbs' views and looked at him with open hostility. They had refused to let their children come to the party because they saw the reason for it as an attack on discipline and they did not want their children mixing with a grade 2. There had been a certain amount of tension when Tom took the the boys but at least he was grade 4 and an adult.

When he returned to the school to collect his charges the parents seemed to have split into two groups, standing each side of the gates. Undecided parents milled around waiting to see how things developed.

Although they were in different years Adam, Ethan and Jake arrived together. Ethan and Jake lined up at ease in front of Paul while Adam went to hug him. Paul remained impassive and Adam took the hint and lined up with the other two. They then walked quietly off together leaving the parents impressed with their behaviour.

The following day the pro Paul side seemed slightly larger and the anti Paul faction had definitely lost ground. It soon got around that Adam's worked had shown an almost immediate and marked improvement. The anti faction tried to counter attack by saying that they spent the evenings cycling around or playing football in the park, disturbing people taking a quiet stroll, breaking Paul's pass regulations and generally running wild. They lost a lot of ground when a story got around that Adam was firmly in charge and had even beaten Craig for misbehaviour. Besides, the respective parents and guardians approved of the boys getting exercise and fresh air.

Not long after they had moved Paul was approached by a stern looking member of the anti faction.

"Is it true you're being regraded," she asked without any preamble or greeting.

"Yes ma'am," Paul answered pulling himself straight, "The probationary period is up in about three weeks."

"It looks as if you've been behaving yourself. I assume you've learnt your lesson."

"Yes ma'am," he replied keeping all traces of anger out of his voice.

"You do seem to act as a warning to these boys. I want you to take my son on."

"My guardian would have to agree, ma'am," Paul replied, "and I'm sure he'd like to meet your son first."

"Arrange it." she snapped handing him a card before stalking off.

Ethan had overheard the conversation. He had tried talking to the two boys who were so scared of the mall but had made little headway beyond discovering that it was the manager they were terrified of. From the bits they had let slip, Ethan was sure that they had been molested. Grabbing a rare moment of freedom he phoned Craig and asked if he could invite them to join their group as well.

Craig was unsure but it sounded important to Ethan so he agreed.

The two boys, Rick and Danny, were actively hostile to Ethan's offer.

"I'm going to get graded soon enough," Danny retorted, "I'm not going to play at one now."

"Yeah, You can't help us, can you?" Rick added angrily, "What do you think you can do?"

"My brother Craig got a csc inspector arrested and he thinks there's something wrong at the mall. Tom is a multi-millionaire, or rather he was until he was framed. He'll not want you graded if it's wrong. Paul is graded and knows what it's like to get fucked by strangers."

Rick and Danny stared at Ethan. They could not figure how Ethan knew what had happened to them. They had trouble talking to each other. They just understood that they were both scared of the mall. It took them time to understand that Ethan wanted to help them and they would not be branded as liars and they were not just sluts.

Ethan waited for as long as he dared for their answers but had to report back to the drill instructor. He was late enough to have earned a beating which seemed to convince Danny and Rick that he was serious. When Adam, Jake and Ethan lined in front of Paul, Rick self-consciously stood beside them while Danny fetched their parents.

Not only were the parents only too happy to allow their sons to go with Paul but when a senior teacher realised they were having trouble with transport he offered to loan them the school bus.

The new house was about a forty five minute cycle ride from the school. Rick and Danny lived much closer and were expected to walk. Jake and Ethan had improved dramatically over the last couple of months which had boosted the school performance rating. Craig had always been a promising student and if he returned to complete his studies that would be another plus. Adam's performance was also encouraging in the short time he had been involved with the Ryder household.

The school had a good performance rating and if Rick and Danny were turned around it would be close to qualifying for a target related grant.

As energy problems had got worse so people tended to travel less and car ownership had dropped dramatically. Rick's father could drive so he took them all the bus including the bikes and would collect Rick and Danny later before returning the bus.

When they got to the house Paul took the boys to the barn. Rick and Danny looked with awe at the massive swimming pool but followed Paul's directions to settle down at one of tables to do their work. There were garden chairs, loungers and tables scattered around the poolside and patio. Paul ensured there were enough tables and chairs inside so they could work out of the sun.

Tom was not too happy about cooking more 'teenage junk food'. Once Tom had complained a little bit too loudly about cooking for teenagers and Craig had taken over the kitchen and done the cooking, leaving Tom to clear the horrendous mess that Craig had deliberately created.

Tom changed tactics and was quietly introducing new tastes and ingredients to Craig. Craig tolerated his passion for food and although he would not admit it, he looked forward to Tom's creations.

When homework was completed everyone piled into kitchen for dinner. The previous owners had left behind a massive table and with so many people sitting down, it was the only one big enough.

During the meal Tom asked what they planned on doing that evening.

"Swimming," Adam replied, "Craig is having a visitor and Paul might be needed as well. Rick and Danny don't have bikes so we may as well all stay here. I'm sure Tom expects us to rest before swimming so we'll do that on the patio."

Rick and Danny were a little surprised that Adam had taken the lead. It's said that delegation is the sign of good leadership but Craig took it to extreme. At only sixteen he felt overwhelmed by his responsibilities and at times he was more than willing to hand over control. Tom, Paul and Adam had come to understand this. He deferred to Tom when it came to the work he had to get through during the day but Tom was used to the boss being the boss and was uncomfortable when he felt things were going too far.

Being young, it was more like a game to Adam and Paul but one they took seriously. On one occasion Adam had been given extra essays as a punishment which should have meant him doing work after dinner while the others were playing.

Paul could see he was rushing his assignments. He did not fully understand the subject matter but he recognised Adam's impatient attitude and overall poor quality. When he queried it Adam came up with an excuse about the teacher knowing there was a lot of work and would understand.

The following night, it was obvious from the marks and the teachers comments that they had not understood.

Adam stood nervously in front of Paul.

"You lied to me last night," Paul said, "Do friends do that to each other?"

Adam blushed furiously and shook his head.

"If you let your work slip when you coming here, how will that effect Craig and Ethan?"

"The csc could say they're worried," Adam mumbled, "They could send you away."

"If you were in charge, what would you do now?"

"Punish me." Adam replied, "I'm sorry Paul. I didn't think."

"Fetch the tawse and bend over the table."

The colour drained from Adam's face but he quickly obeyed Paul. The tawse is a leather belt with two slits in it. It was very popular in Scottish schools until the twentieth century as the slits allowed the impact to be spread over a much wider area, increasing the pain region while doing less deep damage and had become very popular again.

Adam cried out as the first blow landed. Ethan and the others could see that Paul had not held back. With the second blow Adam was wriggling desperately trying to ease the fire in his buttocks. By the fourth blow all dignity had gone and he was in tears. Paul landed the last two blows across his thighs low enough to be visible even when he was wearing shorts. Adam's humiliation was completed while he was made to stand in front of Paul while Paul phoned his father to explain what he had done and why.

Things were a bit strained between Paul and Adam until, a few days later, they were all kicking a ball around in the park. Craig had joined them and as he tried to intercept a pass he stumbled and nearly fell. In frustration he kicked the ball as hard as he could and slammed it into the back of a passer by. It was a complete accident. Craig had not looked where he was kicking it.

The passer by was, understandably, annoyed and as Craig ran over to apologise, Adam ran over to join them. Adam had also noticed a park keeper approaching which could mean real trouble.

"Craig," he asked, "Who's in charge while we're out like this?"

"I've said, you are."

"And what happens to Ethan, Paul and Tom if you get into trouble?"

"I know where this is going, Adam. If this gentleman would be satisfied with it, I'll accept a punishment from you."

Adam looked at the man who shrugged.

"I'm sure it was an accident," he said, "but he needs a reminder to be more careful in future."

"These boys are in here quite often, sir." the park keeper said, "We were a bit worried about the grade 2 but they're usually very well behaved."

Pointing to Adam he continued, "That one does try to keep them in check."

"Fair enough. Convince me you take this seriously and I won't take it further."

On Adam's instructions Craig fetched the tawse which Adam always brought with him on these trips from his bike, headed over to a picnic table and dropped his shorts. It did not help Craig that a small crowd was gathering and as he bent over the table he could hear them discussing his body.

Adam was not as strong as Paul but Craig could not help yelling out as the blows landed. He only just managed to hold back the tears. Like Paul, Adam landed the last two blows on Craig's lower thighs. Also like Paul he came up with one last humiliation.

He sent Craig over to the man to ask him if he would like to examine the welts and if the punishment was enough. Craig even had to stand with his hands behind his head so as not to hide the marks. All Craig wanted to do was jump around rubbing his injuries. He was relieved when the man simply said, well done, and shook his hand before saying Craig could go.

Adam rushed over and hugged Paul desperately sorry about his attitude over the last few days. Adam was worried about Craig's reaction when they got home but he also saw his own punishment from Paul's point of view which killed any last resentment with Paul.

Back indoors, Tom could see that Craig was very sore and listened carefully to their account of events.

As Adam was about to leave with his father, Craig hugged him and said, "You were right. If he had complained to the park keeper it would have become official. The csc and the police could have been involved."

On the night that Danny and Rick first visited, Danny asked about why Adam seemed to be in charge, Ethan described the incident in the park. It had made a deep impression on all the boys and everyone who heard the tale were equally impressed.

Danny in particular began to see Craig differently. Since Craig was head of the household, he was of 'them', an adult who never listened to kids but if he got punished then he had to be one of 'us', a kid who never got listened to. It only began to make sense if he believed Ethan when he said that Craig would do anything to look after him or help anyone who needed it.

Craig sat with the others while they rested beside the pool. He saw Danny and Rick watching him or talking earnestly to Ethan and wondered what the problem was but he had to ready to meet Mrs Brassom. She was the lady who had been so rude to Paul that morning.

Craig had spoken to her on the phone and taken an instant dislike to her. She had complained about Paul's behaviour to her, asking why graders were always so stupid then gushing about how a successful young man like Craig would be such a good influence on her son.

Craig knew her son, Liam from school. He was seventeen, in the year above Craig and about to start his final year. Liam was quiet and easy going which was about all that Craig knew about him.

Craig was aware of the hostility of some of the parents and thought that cooperating with them might make things easier for Paul but he had told Mrs Brassom that he would talk to Liam and that would be the decider. He felt a bit sorry for Liam as Craig assumed he would spend most of the evening being told how to behave.

About a quarter of an hour before they were due to arrive, Craig decided to put some clothes on and as he headed for the house he saw a car draw up. Liam got out accompanied by Mr and Mrs Brassom.

"Boy," she shouted, "Boy get over here now. Not now Liam."

Liam had tried in vain to warn his mother who she was talking to. He looked at Craig and shrugged. Mr. Brassom caught the exchange and grinned. Craig was thoroughly irritated by her behaviour but ambled over and stood sloppily at ease.

"I'll be talking to your master about your behaviour." she snapped, "Don't just stand there, you idiot. We're the Brassoms. Announce us."

"I don't have to." Craig retorted angrily, "With that voice you could announce yourself at a foghorn convention. I'm Craig Ryder."

He turned and offered his hand to Mr. Brassom who was just about controlling his laughter.

"I'm sorry to greet you naked but I was just coming up to the house to dress."

"We're a bit early," Mr Brassom replied, "My wife was insistent that you should not be kept waiting. How's Tom? I've spoken to him a couple of times at the school when we were collecting the kids.

"Really dear, I'm sure Mr. Ryder has had enough of graders for now. Liam, you really should have told me. That was a wicked prank you played. I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Ryder refused to help you now."

"Tom mentioned you and he liked wine. He hasn't fetched his cellar yet."

"I've got a couple of bottles in the car. I wondered if Tom and I could share a glass.

"What on earth are you thinking, Brian." Mrs Brassom shrieked, "What will Mr Ryder think of this family if you go and get his servants drunk."

Craig pointed, "If you go round there to the living room doors and call out, you should find him. Liam and I will head down to the barn."

He turned to Mrs Brassom, "It's going to be men's talk all evening. Maybe you'd prefer to return later and collect them."

"How very thoughtful of you." Mrs Brassom answered, "I could visit my sister."

"As they walked to the barn Liam said, "Sorry about mother. She thinks that if I become your friend there'll be some good prospects for me. I know you're fighting for your family and so is she. The difference is, she's such a terrible snob."

"What about you?"

Liam shrugged.

"Dad's delighted that he's met another connoisseur. Your servant could be grade 1 for all he cares. I think I take after him."

"That's cool."

"Mum's not all that bad. She works as a volunteer at a children's home our church runs. I've seen her on her knees scrubbing the sick off the floor before now. And she's given the csc hell if they they don't treat the kids right. She's just got it into her head that we're one of the good families and deserve to be treated that way."

They had reached the barn and had gone out onto the patio. Liam looked suitably impressed.

"Something you should know." Liam continued, "She knows Mrs Jones. They meet at one of their social groups. Mum mentioned that she was going to ask if I could join your homework group and Mrs Jones asked if I would keep an eye out for her to help her investigations. Mum really let fly at her. She told that her if she had done her job right in the first place she wouldn't be in this mess.

Liam continued, "She said that you've done a marvellous job with Ethan, Jake and Adam and even your graders are a cut above rest. She wants me to get ahead not sort Mrs Jones mess out."

Craig was impressed and realised he had underestimated Mrs Brassom.

"I'm sorry about the foghorn remark."

"Don't be," Liam replied, "It was priceless. I thought dad was going to choke trying not to laugh. She's got this thing about the right people and how to behave. She'll never accept graders are anything but trash."

"Do you want to join the homework group?"

"I think so." Liam replied carefully, "I'm being pushed which I don't like but I've been finding studying difficult so I guess I need some help. I wouldn't mind going for a swim though."

"Go for it."

Craig found that he noticed boy's bodies far more than he used to and found himself looking at Liam as he stripped off. Liam was not fit, chubby rather than fat and hairier than the others. His legs were covered in a black growth and there was a patch on his chest. His cock and balls seemed enveloped in further luxuriant growth.

Although he was a strong swimmer he lacked stamina and tired quickly, contenting himself with sitting on the edge of the pool. He talked with Paul and Adam and Craig could see them laughing and joking.

Craig dived in and swam laps until he was exhausted then sat back in one of the loungers. Danny sidled up to Craig and tried talking to him but was impossibly shy though he did manage to mumble out a question about the 'guy at the mall'

"The security guard, you mean?" Craig asked.

"No! The boss." Danny whispered, "Forget it, I'll only get into more trouble."

He almost ran off and sat sulkily in a corner until Ethan joined him.

Craig sighed. The swim had been great. There was nothing like physical exercise to blow away stresses and strains but Danny was a new problem and he did not know how to handle it. Danny was sixteen, the same age as he was, but acted much younger. It was not the way Craig remembered him from school.

Paul sat next to Craig for a time. He loved Craig as his master and was always there for him. With the informality around the pool Paul would not stand attentively as a good servant should, it would be too obvious but he was still there to serve. Craig was aware of Paul's devotion and relaxed.

Adam also understood the pressures that Craig was under. Craig was only a year older than him and seemed to be there for everyone. Under any other circumstances, Adam would have been extremely jealous of their relationship but he knew that he was part of it and took his duties very seriously so when it became time for the visitors to be collected he started clearing the pool.

Danny had the dreadful feeling that the last chance to save him was slipping away and just sat while the others dressed. He was still naked when his father who had got a lift on the bus arrived.

"Come on, Danny." he said quietly, knowing how volatile his son had been for the last few weeks, "Craig'll think you want to move in."

To everyone's surprise Danny burst into tears and ran to Craig falling on him almost winding Craig. Craig was briefly aware of their two cocks grinding together before focusing on Danny's whimpering pleas for help and for Craig to believe him.

Craig looked helplessly at Danny's father who looked equally bewildered as Craig wrapped his arms around the boy and held him.

Paul and Adam shepherded everyone out of the barn and across to the living room. To Paul's dismay Mrs Brassom arrived at that moment and was relieved, that when she realised that there was some sort of crisis, stayed quiet.

Tom and Mr Brassom had enjoyed a little too much wine and were the worse for wear leaving Paul to take charge.

After seating the adult visitors as best he could he turned to Ethan.

"Do you or Rick know what this is about?"

The two boys looked at each other not wanting to commit themselves.

"Danny is asking for help and maybe Craig will need some too." Paul said sharply, "In this household you give that help."

Out of the corner of his eye he could see Mrs Brassom. She was definitely unhappy about a grader being in charge and winced when Paul called Craig by name. Rick was not a grader and Paul should be a lot more respectful to him but she stayed quiet as curious as everyone else to know what's going on.

"Go on, Rick. Tell them." Ethan muttered unhappily.

Slowly and reluctantly at first Rick told his story. As he saw that he was not in trouble so a dam burst in his mind and the words just flooded out. It took the listeners some time to sort out the confused version that Rick gave but gradually they understood.

Rick had gone to the mall and had been stopped, probably, by the same guard and searched in much the same way Craig had been. Since he was just a kid, spending pennies rather than pounds, no one came to his defence and he was hauled off to the managers office. The manager had bent Rick over his desk and fucked him. Rick trembled when he remembered the pain and his terror when the guard had taken his turn.

Afterwards Rick was told that he was banned from the mall and that there was enough evidence to get him graded if he ever mentioned his disgraceful behaviour.

By the end of his story, his father was in tears and hugging him.

"And Danny?" Paul asked quietly.

"The same thing. It was weird. I could see him freaking out every time someone mentioned the mall the same as I did. We got talking."

"What do we do now?" Danny's father asked desperately. He wanted to rush out and comfort his son and found it difficult to accept that Danny had turned to a stranger.

"A couple of the orphans have told similar stories." Mrs Brassom said, "It's difficult not to believe them but the man is very respectable.

"Private Investigator," Tom mumbled.

"Good idea." Mr Brassom replied, his speech just as slurred.

"Be quiet, you drunken idiots," Mrs Brassom snapped. "That's for Mr Ryder to decide."

"Adam and Jake usually cycle home alone but it's getting very close to curfew," Paul said, "I'll phone their parents and see if they can stay the night."

"Liam! Make some coffee and pour it down those two. Paul's got enough to deal with. He doesn't need to handle a couple of drunks."

If Paul was surprised that Mrs Brassom knew his name he was amazed at the change in her attitude when there was a crisis to deal with.

Paul set Ethan and Jake to looking after the adult guests and sent Adam down to the barn. He had instructions to stand where Craig could see him but just wait for until he was needed.

Danny was asleep in Craig's arms. He had told a similar story to Rick but he had been unable to accept what had happened to him and began a campaign of vandalism against the mall. He had been caught and was waiting on his court appearance where it was likely he would be graded. He had panicked when the police had grabbed him and lashed out striking one of the officers in the face and so he was facing grade one or two.

Craig was getting very uncomfortable having a boy the same size as him laying on him. He coaxed Danny awake and together walked to the living room where they were both surprised to see everybody still there. Adam followed with Danny's clothes.

Tom had sobered up rapidly. He knew he was needed and was determined not to let Craig down. Craig had them all sit as best they could round the kitchen table. Ethan, Jake, Adam and Rick found themselves standing at the foot.

"There was no excuse for that behaviour," Mrs Brassom said to Danny when Craig explained his court case.

"It's done." Craig said firmly, "Danny did not create this situation and we are going to help him deal with it. The question is, how?"

"Tom said something about a Private Investigator," Ethan giggled, "but he was drunk at the time."


"We need to find hard evidence against him. These boys aren't enough, even with those from the orphanage. The defence would yell collusion and we couldn't prove it's not true."

"It is true." Rick yelled, " I thought you believed us."

"We do believe you." Tom said quietly, "That's why we're sitting round this table instead of going to bed. Sometimes we'll have to play devils advocate and talk or even question you as if we're the other side."

"And you think an investigator could get hard evidence?" Craig asked.

"I don't know." Tom replied, "All I can think of is putting a wire on a kid up and sending him into the mall hoping he'll get picked up."

"I'll do it," Adam said.

"No you won't," said Paul, "No one is going to rape you while I'm here."

Mrs Brassom nearly spoke out against Paul's disrespectful attitude but remembered things were done differently here.

Instead she said, "If a boy was about to be graded, could he volunteer in exchange for a lighter sentence?"

With some difficulty at being polite she finished off, "What do you think, Paul?"

"I don't know much about voluntary grading," he replied, "I know everyone assumes that Craig has volunteered when he's dressed in just shorts but that's about all."

"How old are the two at the orphanage," Craig asked.

"Coming up sixteen." Mrs Brassom replied, "Why?"

"I thought guys like that preferred them much younger."

"They probably do." Mr Brassom replied, "but below fifteen they have to have a guardian or parent present if they're questioned in private. That might cramp their style a bit and what strapping sixteen year old is going to shout rape?"

"So we need a sixteen year old boy who will be voluntarily graded so that he can get a couple of dicks up his arse." Liam said.

"Liam! I know this subject is an unpleasant one but we must maintain standards. Please be more circumspect."

"My Dear, I think you'll find that we are in the company of people who set standards, not keep them. Mr. Brassom said, "It may be that putting clear, lucid statements above polite, delicate banalities will become quite fashionable."

He continued, "I'm a company secretary, not a lawyer but our firm does use graders. It seems to me that you need a lad like Danny who's been thoughtless rather than wicked and needs to concentrate on keeping his grading as high as possible. Voluntary grading in a tough environment might show enough remorse to help."

Danny heaved convulsively as he sobbed with relief. He was still in deep trouble but suddenly he was not alone and people were talking positively about his situation.

"Thank you for everything," Danny's father said, "but all this is going to cost money. I've got Danny's brother and sister to worry about. I've already talked to Danny about this and he knows that I've got to let him go."

"That man made me feel dirty just by looking at me." Craig replied, "I'm going to stop him. Tom. First thing tomorrow, get hold of Graham Baxter. Get him to find a good P.I. I don't care if it costs more but get things started immediately."

"Yes sir," Tom replied.

Craig may not have been comfortable with his position as head of the household but there were some occasions when he slipped into role and no one would dare challenge him. This was one of those moments and Tom, like the others, had recognised it.

"I'd like Danny to stay tonight and tomorrow. If he volunteers I'll start him off as a grade one until Graham can advise us. If he wants to stay five I'd still like him to stay so that he's available to talk to Graham. Either way we'll do our best for you, Danny."

"Thank you, Craig 3; I mean sir," Danny replied, "How do I get voluntary grading?"

Ethan grabbed his computer which he'd left lying on the cupboard and connected to the internet.

"It says here Danny must state clearly that he wishes to be graded and Craig must clearly state he accepts. Craig can't have had any previous connections with Danny or be a relative. The statements can be written, in front of two witnesses or video recorded. Oh! Danny must be seen by a csc inspector within one week."

"What about grade levels and time?" Craig asked.

"Danny can back out any time but he's listed as grade one."

"Which means there is no comeback however you treat him." Mr Brassom said.

"I don't know." Danny sobbed, "I'm scared."

"Look at Tom, Paul, Jake and Ethan." his father said, "Are they better off or worse off for being with Craig?"

"Better off. What do you think I should do, Paul? You've been through it."

"I don't think Craig can go easy on you." he replied, "If you're sentenced G1 you might be able to stay with Craig if he can show that he can treat you appropriately. That means hard labour and the severest punishments. If you stay with him he might be able to get you up to grade four in time. If you go through placement, you'll end up in a work gang and forgotten."


"I'm sorry, son. You hit a policeman and you will be punished. You could volunteer, listen to what this lawyer has to say. If he says it won't help then come home until the hearing."

"That makes sense." Craig said quietly.

"I'll do that then if Craig wants to."

"Tom. Have we unpacked the shackles and whips yet?"

"No sir but I can find them easily."

"Fetch ankle and wrist restraints and a cock cage. Then see if there's a hook somewhere so we can stretch him up up for a beating. We need a gag as well."

Craig looked at Danny.

"Understand what you are letting yourself in for. You'll be permanently restrained and only have enough movement to do your work. You won't be beaten as a punishment, you'll be beaten because I think it's a good idea. If Mr. Baxter says I can lighten up then I will but I'm trying to keep a grade one chain off your neck."

Danny nodded.

"I understand, sir." he replied, "I want to become a volunteer grader."

"I accept you as a grader." Craig replied. "Go and stand in that corner, hands behind your head and wait."

It was getting late and the meeting began breaking up. Danny's father was almost weeping. He had not fully understood why Danny had gone off the rails and headed for grade 1 until tonight but at least he had some sort of chance now.

"My friends will be so jealous that I've spent the evening with such an important young man." Mrs Brassom said as she left.

"You and Paul are on the same committee so you will be doing it again, won't you?" Craig asked with a big grin.

Mrs Brassom looked confused for a moment then laughed.

"Thank you, Craig. I'll do my best to help."

"I'll try to be dressed next time you call." Craig said.

"Oh! Don't worry. I've got you down as an eccentric millionaire." she laughed, "That means you're allowed to dress strangely."

"He's not dressed and he doesn't look strange, mother." Liam said, "What is strange, is that you tried to be nice to Paul."

"The right people can make or break you, Liam," she snapped irritably, "If Danny had known Craig soon enough he might not be facing grading. We need to be in with the right people to see that you do well."

"Tom said once that dressing as a grader is OK but you'll get listened to more if you look rich and powerful."

She looked surprised then nodded.

"Thank Tom for me, will you, please?" she asked, "My husband thoroughly enjoyed the first part of the evening."

It was getting late especially for a school night and some extra sleeping arrangements needed to be sorted out. They had not been in the house for long and most of the rooms were still empty. The main living room had been decorated and furnished as had Craig's bedroom. The kitchen had been ready for immediate use. The stables were being converted but were not ready. Tom was excited about his apartment and looked forward to inviting the glamorous grandmother, as the boys cheekily called her, for the night.

They were getting a room ready for Ethan for when his temporary grading was over. In the meantime, Paul had a room of his own, furnished with old furniture from the flat but he often slept on the floor in Craig's bedroom and had been given a sleeping bag of his own which he shared when Adam slept over. Craig still liked Paul to drain his balls but he now felt a bit of a sissy when Paul thought he should comfort him. Everyone else slept in sleeping bags in one of the empty rooms.

Tom and Craig had visited Tom's old home. It had been extremely distressing for Tom because of the memories it invoked but he had managed to arrange for his wine to be moved. His two houseboys had been delighted to see him if confused by his grader status.

They had been half starved and badly beaten by Tom's wife after his arrest and they were only just returning to full health and still on light duties. They looked warily at Craig but were reassured by Tom's relaxed attitude towards him and eventually Craig was just about able to get replies of more than one syllable. They had been mainly left alone over the last couple of months with the manager popping in once a day to check on them.

Finding links to his old life was harder for Tom than his arrest. Tom and Craig agreed to keep on having the property managed until Tom's apartment and grader bunk room were completed in the stables and then decide what to do with the property.

For now dealing with Danny was going to be the biggest problem. Except for Paul he sent the others to bed. By the time he had dealt with Danny the house would be quiet. It was one of his perks that he could do things at his own pace while the others had to rush around to give him space.

He sat quietly for a few moments. As his eyes drifted between Danny and the whips and canes that Tom had unpacked, he remembered how much he had enjoyed punishing Paul, Ethan and Tom. He'd had to hold back, remembering that he needed them. There were no constraints with Danny.

Chapter 6

Danny was still standing in the corner after everyone had left. Craig slipped handcuffs onto Danny's wrists then allowed Danny to lower his arms in front of him. He then wrapped a belt around Danny's arms and across his back, pulling it tight. Danny's ankles were next. They were manacled with a chain just long enough for Danny to hobble around. Finally Craig fitted a bit which effectively gagged him.

Grade ones do not sleep in the house. After some thought Craig took Danny to the garage. There was a block and tackle hanging from the roof. It was used to lift engines out of cars. The hook had a bar that opened inwards. Craig could push the chain of the handcuffs against the bar and onto hook but the bar would not let the chain slip off. Craig released the belt securing Danny's arms and pulled on the hoist until Danny was stretched upwards standing on tiptoe.

Danny was terrified wondering what was going to happen. Craig, in his turn was becoming very hard. He might be straight but having another male in his power was a definite turn on. He was ashamed to admit, even to himself, that he looked forward to these opportunities. He turned to Paul.

"We'll have to get that hair off him, tomorrow." he said, "What about his pubes before we fit the cock cage?"

"We could trim it back tonight and and get some depilatory tape to do a thorough job tomorrow.

"What tape?" Craig asked.

"Depilatory." Paul replied, "It's like band aid but designed to stick to hair more than skin."

"Whoa! That sounds painful."

"It is sir," Paul replied with feeling, "At the centre they use it on you once and you don't forget to use the cream regularly afterwards."

Danny was staring at them wide-eyed with horror. His nerve was fading fast and if he could speak he would probably have backed out of the voluntary grading.

Paul sensed this and said, "I'm in charge of discipline. Nothing will happen to you that won't happen at the centre. I survived it and I'll make sure you do."

Danny calmed down and nodded. He hung there, arms beginning to ache, while Paul trimmed the bush around his cock and then fitted the cage. He looked vaguely ridiculous because Paul had left most of the spread of hair across his abdomen alone which emphasised the trimmed ring around his cock.

Nowadays chastity devices were something of a joke except, of course, for the wearer. Amongst the many put downs adults used against teenagers was the comment that their brains were inside their underwear. Seeing a grader restrained in this way always produced cracks about getting them to think straight or it's better soft there than in the head. The gags, which had been around since grading began or even before, had stayed just as unfunny but added to the embarrassment of the wearer.

People could be uncomfortable seeing a grader with an erection but it was seen as a normal bodily function. The grader was seen to have accepted his situation and was reacting normally to the world around him. Naturally a well behaved grader should be concentrating on his duties and not worrying about his own pleasure so chastity restraints were seen as a sign of weakness and immaturity.

While Paul was working on Danny, Craig picked up the belt and doubled it up before swishing it through the air making the other boys jump giving Craig a strange thrill. The conversations that evening about how to handle Danny and the possibility of finding a boy that might get raped had shown him how far his power over graders went.

He swished the belt through the air again. He was disappointed the boys did not react so much. He swung the belt again and this time it landed with a satisfying thwack across Paul's back. He swung again and a second stripe appeared next to the first. Craig was breathing heavily and spoke hoarsely as he told Paul to go stand by the wall.

Craig turned his attention to Danny's back. Danny yelled and bucked as blow after landed leaving his back, buttocks and thighs bright red. Every scream, every jerk and every movement in Danny's body seemed to make the fire in Craig's cock more intense until he could take no more.

Dropping the belt, he grabbed Paul and bent him over the bench and rammed his pole into the defenceless grader. There was no tenderness or love, just a release of pressure. He had no thoughts, just the sensations of the moment.

As he exploded into his boy and his seed forced it's way deep into Paul, he watched, almost as an onlooker as his fingers dug into Paul's back until red spots appeared.

As the raging sensations faded and he calmed down after the violence of the moment he began to realise what he had done. Ashamed and in tears he ran to the house and collapsed into a chair.

Paul followed him. He was sore and humiliated but he knew that Craig probably needed him and that was enough. He sat on the arm of the chair and put his arm around Craig.

"I'm so sorry," Craig wailed, "What have I done?"

"Discovered something about yourself I think." Paul replied quietly, "It's OK."

"No it's not fucking OK!" Craig yelled, "I hurt you. God knows what I've done to Danny."

"Danny will be all right. You warned him to expect a tough time and I'll talk to him. He'll get worse if he's graded one."

Adam appeared at the door. He had been waiting for Craig and Paul and had heard the noise. Craig could see Adam's shocked look as he saw Paul's back.

"What's happened? What have you done to him?" Adam yelled.

"Quiet, Adam," Paul snapped, " Don't worry. Craig's had a few problems but they're being sorted. Come and sit with him. I have something to do."

Paul headed back to the garage. Danny's arms ached mercilessly now and tears were flooding down his cheeks with the pain of his beating. Paul lowered the hoist until Danny's hands were chest height and examined Danny's back. He removed the bit.

"You speak without permission and I'll beat you. Your back is OK. It should be clear in a few days.

Paul had fetched a dust sheet from the decorating materials scattered all over the place. He laid it on the floor for Danny then lowered the hoist until Danny's hand could reach the floor if he laid down. He fingered the chain around his neck.

"Craig will do everything in his power to stop you getting one of these." he said, "I've got a future and a boyfriend because of him. You will be better off for knowing him as well but at times, he needs to remind himself and us that he's in charge. Understood?"

Danny nodded.

"If you try, you could get yourself off that hook. I promise you, it would not be a good idea."

Danny's eyes widened with fear again but he did not dare speak. Paul left him, turning the light off and leaving Danny to look after himself.

Back in the living room, he found that Adam had moved away from Craig and was looking at him in horror.

"I told you to hold Craig," Paul said quietly.

"I told him what I did." Craig sobbed.

"Like I said to Danny, because of you I have a future and a boyfriend whom I love dearly. I love you too but you're my master not my boyfriend and Adam has to remember that. You could whip me for saying this but you should remember that as well."

"Don't tempt me, Paul or you'll be over that table. You and Adam sleep in your room tonight. I want to be alone."

Craig slept fitfully that night and the next morning found it difficult to get on with his school work.

The builders had a delivery that morning. Paul had handcuffed Danny to a wheelbarrow and he spent the day shifting the load from the road to the stables. One of the workman loaded and unloaded the wheelbarrow but enjoyed strolling beside the struggling boy occasionally giving him an encouraging swat. The bruises had darkened and his back and thighs looked a real mess though Paul was satisfied that they would heal without a trace. Every time Danny saw Craig looking at him he speeded up a little, staring desperately ahead.

Craig was in love with Lindsay. He thought she was in love with him but ever since the party she had become colder and more distant. He wondered what he had done wrong and being a typical teenager with typical teenage hangups worried whether his sexual performance had disappointed her.

Ever since the time at the placement centre when he had caned Tom and finger fucked Paul he had become fascinated with the power he had over his graders. He was not naturally cruel or vicious and he had every intention of seeing that Danny was not graded but it excited him to see the fear in Danny's eyes when he looked at him.

Craig was also aware of the quiet masculine toughness that Paul exuded. Like Adam and some of the other boys he wanted to impress Paul with his own physical prowess. If he had stayed at school he would have been the football captain but since leaving school he had not found a way of expressing himself physically.

Last night all his doubts and frustrations had come to a head and not only had he enjoyed every moment of his assaults on Paul and Danny, he knew that he was looking for an excuse to repeat the experience.

He completed his school work then went through the days business transactions with Tom. Tom had seen Paul's and Danny's backs and could see that Craig was distracted.

Graham phoned in the early afternoon. He explained that just treating Danny as grade one was bad for his case. If that was all he was fit for now, what would be be fit for after the hearing? Danny needed to do some sort of community service to show he had the right attitudes in public. Impose strict discipline by all means but show that it was constructive

He further explained that Danny needed to speak to the csc Inspectorate. He would be taken into a room with just him and an inspector and be asked to confirm that he had volunteered. He also suggested that the voluntary grading be altered to state that it was to last until Danny was twenty five.

He had already contacted a private investigator who would not only look into the matter himself but approved of their plan to find another volunteer grader and send him to the mall, wired.

He had sent for the documents and would contact them again after he had read them.

Craig was still upset and it barely registered when Paul asked permission to use the phone. He became more aware when Paul said he had spoken to James who would be willing to help and had him explain.

"You promised that we would help the Neighbourhood Patrol with the old folk. We haven't had the time but Danny could do it for us. Patrol Officer Macliney would like to come round this evening and discuss it.

"Who?" Craig asked.

"James." Paul replied, "I'm sorry, sir. I know I've been told to call him James but I'm still a bit scared of his uniform."

"I'll punish you later," Craig retorted. It was meant as a joke but his cock stirred at the thought.

"Yes Master," Paul replied. Craig was never sure whether Paul was being sarcastic or afraid when he called him 'master'. In fact it was a bit of each. As Paul had just said, his time in the placement centre still haunted him, even though he had got used to Craig's humour.

Craig and Tom had just about finished so Craig wandered out for some fresh air. The first thing he saw was Danny standing, waiting to be taken for the next load. Danny was filthy and exhausted from his uncomfortable night and physically demanding work.

Craig was naked as well. He spent as much time as possible at the barn and the entire property was so secluded he did not bother dressing. Even Paul dressed more often than he did taking the boys to and from school. Often when Craig did go out he rarely dressed more than a grader. Tom had convinced him that it was good manners to dress appropriately if he was meeting people but otherwise, if anyone wanted to jump to conclusions about him, that's their problem.

Danny became increasingly nervous under Craig's stare while once again Craig found a perverse excitement at the other boy's fear.

"You been sent out to do proper grader work or you just wasting time?" a workman asked. He had just finished unloading a barrow load and had taken a quick break. "Your boss likes his pretty boys, doesn't he? We've got one more load then he can share you two with me."

He slapped Danny on the rump with a harsh, 'move it' then grabbed Craig by the arm and pulled him along. The man was strong and Craig was caught off balance. By the time he had recovered they were out on the road. The workman pointed at the remaining bags of cement and told Craig to start loading the wheelbarrow.

Just at that moment the foreman arrived.

"Everything OK?" he asked.

"No, it's not OK." Craig snapped angrily, "I want that man off my premises and he's not to come back."

"Your premises?" the man snapped, "Who the fuck do you think you are? You might be your bosses favourite pretty boy but that's all you are."

"He is the boss," the foreman replied, "He owns this place."

The workman stared, taking in what the foreman had said.

"It was a misunderstanding." he cried, "He was wandering around like a grader."

"I was going swimming." Craig retorted angrily, "That wasn't the problem. He was talking about my boss, your customer, liking his pretty boys and he was threatening to share us with him. This boy has already had to deal with this type of behaviour and I expect him to feel safe on my property."

"You're a lying little fucker." the workman snarled, "A free boy wandering around naked with all your naked little friends. Who's going to believe a pervert like you?"

"I am and you're fired." the foreman snapped, "With a graders help you should have got this job done by now so I'm firing you for laziness as well."

A couple of other builders had paused to see what the fuss was about. The foreman had them escort the fired workman while he got his stuff together and see him down the lane to the main road.

During the time they were there, Craig had become popular with the contractors. He allowed them to use the barn during their lunch break. He'd permitted a bricklayer to bring his young children with him when there had been a family problem and Craig, Paul or Tom looked after them while they played happily in the barn.

He would listen to them as they explained the different stages in the building work trying out the various jobs involved in the conversion. His attempts at plastering had been a notable failure but nobody seemed to mind that his efforts caused more work than it saved.

It had been the second day of employment for the man who had been sacked and he had made himself thoroughly disliked. The rest of the crew had heard of Danny's problems and why he was being treated the way he was and somehow, during the day there had always been someone nearby keeping an eye on him which is why the foreman had been on the scene so quickly.

The foreman was extremely apologetic and when Craig asked if they could fit in an extra job, they were only too happy to help. The main work was winding down and it was a fairly simple job to fit a plasterboard wall and door across the upstairs passageway isolating the last two rooms. It would not be a finished job because their would not be time but Craig was adamant that the basic structure was good enough as long as it was done in time.

Danny had heard a few comments about Craig while he had been working and knew how the builders felt about him. The previous night, Craig had scared him and his life had dropped to new depths so the comment to the workman about feeling safe did not make sense. Paul had said that he would be able to cope with everything. He had survived last night, got through today and that man had been stopped. It all seemed confused and muddled and he did not understand the contradictions in his treatment.

It was at that moment he felt that everything would be all right. People had promised to protect him in the past but even his parents had failed to save from the man at the mall. Craig had promised to do his best for him but it would be tough. Danny had expected the tough part but Craig had delivered on the help part as well. From that moment on he belonged to Craig.

The incident had made an impact on one of the builders. His name was Rob and he wondered whether he dare talk to Craig about his own problems.

It was the last week for the builders. Tom's apartment and the grader bunkhouse were just about complete. The final delivery had been to lay a new drive to the garages. Tom would not have made a fuss. To him it was just workmen completing a job they were being paid to do but it was a new experience for Craig. He made Tom set up a table with drinks and food for the crew while he, Tom and the foreman made a final inspection.

Later as everyone was chatting Rob sidled up to him.

"I'm gonna get graded." he blurted out, "Will you help me, please?"

Later in life a doctor would tell him how he always waited for a patient to put their hand on the door as they left. Patients would often spend the whole consultation talking about other things rather than face the problem they had come for. It was when their hand was on the door that they and it was their last chance to say anything that they explained the real problem.

Like Danny, Rob had been scared to talk to Craig but knew that his last chance was slipping away.

About six months ago just after his sixteenth birthday he had got drunk on his step-father's whiskey. He had staggered outside, fell against a car breaking the mirror and had been sick over the officer arresting him.

His step-father declared him unmanageable and refused to help him in any way. The csc had no choice. They had to deal with it and in fairness they did the best they could. They recognised it was just teenage stupidity and placed him in a foster home until his hearing. He liked the people he was staying with. They had accepted that he was unhappy at school and found him this job and they had made him feel welcome.

The only problem was, they would not contact or deal with the csc unless it was absolutely necessary. When he tried to talk about his hearing they would simply say he should leave it to the csc. As an apprentice he had just about managed to pay for the mirror and the officers cleaning bill but he was scared that he was heading for grading because the fostering would end with the hearing and the court would decide what to do with him.

The csc had to supply guardianship for the next nine years and there was no way he could afford accommodation.

"Come and see me before you go." Craig had replied before finding the foreman and asking him about the boy.

"You've seen for yourself, he's quiet and a good worker." the foreman replied, "Has he told you about his problems?"

Craig nodded.

"You know the csc and how it works better than I do." the foreman said, "He doesn't deserve to be graded. He shouldn't have asked you for help though. He's no business bothering customers like that. If I were to report it, he'd get fired."

"Then don't report it." Craig retorted. "I won't. We've got a lot of moving to do and some decorating this weekend. I could do with an extra pair of hands. Do you have anyone who could help?"

The foreman laughed.

"By a funny coincidence I think Rob might be available. You should ask him. We should be moving. You're still paying for our time."

"I can afford it. I want time to think and talk to Rob. I know some of your gang would prefer to start the weekend early but I wish things didn't get dumped on me at the last minute."

"They all feel sorry for Rob." the foreman said, "If you can keep the booze coming they won't mind being paid to get drunk."

Paul had left to fetch the boys. They were becoming excited because the next week would be their last complete one at their current gradings. When they got home they found a party in full swing with the work crew in no real hurry to move.

Craig explained Rob's problems to Paul and they discussed the possibilities. Craig then sent for Rob before heading to the office. When Rob entered the office he became aware of a completely different mood. Instead of the usual relaxed attitude it was obvious that he was expected to stand respectfully in front of the desk awaiting Craig's pleasure. His eyes were inevitably drawn to the shackles canes and other paraphernalia lying on the desk.

"Tom and Paul keep reminding me that I'm in charge." Craig said, "I've beaten Paul, Tom and Ethan. You saw Danny's back the day he worked for you. If you were to stay here, I would probably give you a beating just to let you know I mean it."

Craig paused. Rob went to speak but Craig stopped him.

"I said much the same thing to Danny before I worked him over." Craig continued, "The most important thing for me is keeping my brother away from the csc. I think you can see that but it means I have to prove that I can run this place. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir," Rob replied, subconsciously following Craig's demeanour. "I do understand what you're saying but I can't stay here, can I?"

Rob had seen Craig dealing with Paul and the other boys and he'd seen them together in the barn. It would be marvellous if he could join them, even if it was only until the hearing.

"You're staying until Sunday evening at least." Craig said, "That gives us the weekend to plan long term. Is that a problem?"

"My guardians might object. They worry about anything that upsets the csc."

"You've been hired to work for me. You can phone your guardians and tell them. Your boss will confirm it."

"Do I have a choice?"

"Of course you do. You can refuse and I'll still try to help you." Craig replied, "You just sprung this on me at the last minute and it would be easier if you were nearby until things are sorted."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sound ungrateful. I'd love to stay."

"OK! I'm going to phone my lawyer. He can get your papers and start getting your case sorted."

"I can't afford a lawyer," Rob said wide eyed.

"I love saying this – I can."

Craig managed to reach Graham before he left his office for the weekend and passed on Rob's details. Graham would get back to him Monday but agreed that residency with Craig and a job should keep him ungraded. Legally that meant grade 5 but it was generally called ungraded.

"You've got to decide if you're happy with me being your guardian until you're twenty five." Craig said, "If you've got a relative or can think of someone you'd prefer then I'll arrange it. Just make sure you know what you want when Graham calls on Monday."

"Thanks!" Rob said, "You've not said anything about Danny yet and what you want in return."

"Who's said anything about Danny?"

"It's all round the crew. Your graders talked to them as well as you especially when we were in the pool. You want me to be taken to that sleaze bag in the mall and catch him fucking me, don't you."

"No. I mean yes, we're looking for someone but you should remain five without doing that."

"You want me to volunteer?"

"No but I think you should take your clothes off then stand with your hands behind your head."

Rob looked startled then worried as Craig picked up his favourite instrument, a tawse.

"I'm waiting." Craig said quietly.

For once Craig was dressed. He was wearing jeans and shirt and he looked relaxed if a little excited as he sat back in his chair waiting for Rob who still had not moved.

"If you're going to stay this weekend or for longer then you will be treated like my other wards which means I am going to punish you for disobeying me. If you want to go and come back on Monday to see Graham then that's fine. I promise you I will try to help you."

As if on cue there was a knock on the door and the foreman entered the office.

"I'm sorry to bother you but we do need to get going now."

"Decision time, Rob." Craig said quietly, "Leave or strip."

The foreman watched the scene, fascinated. He knew that Craig could enforce discipline when he had to but had only ever seen the confident, affable side to him. He understood the principle of starting off hard and easing off when new guys had proved themselves but he had not expected Craig to be using it.

Rob shrugged and took off his shirt. Craig took the foreman outside and they shook hands. The rest of the crew were already asking about Rob as Craig went back into the office. He sat on the front of his desk, inches from Rob.

Rob's torso was hairless but starting with an ample bush around his cock a dark fur spread down his legs. Craig had developed an interest in the male body. Not quite sexual, his fantasies still centred on Lindsay and other girls but he had already decided that Rob would be shaved. When he had first inspected Paul and Tom, he had understood that being hairless was a part of being a grader. Now he wanted his boys to have less hair than him so that even when they were naked in the pool his own pubic bush acted as a badge of rank.

Without thinking, he grabbed Rob's balls and felt them idly running a finger back towards his anus. Rob tensed, unready for the sudden loss of privacy but his cock swelled pointing accusingly at Craig. Craig wrapped his hand round it and stroked a few times making it even firmer.

"Maybe I should put it in a cage for the weekend." he teased, "Something up your arse as well so no one can fuck you. Just to make sure you know that you're not here for sex. What do you think?"

Craig had not let go of Rob's cock and stroked it gently while he waited for Rob to answer.

"I can put you on a train and send you home if you wish. You'll still have a lawyer and my help on Monday."

Rob could not think how to answer. He had assumed that he would be expected to show his gratitude in some way but Craig kept giving him chances to back away but he could not believe that Craig was simply willing to help.

The sensations from his groin were overpowering his thinking and using his last ounce of will power he stepped backwards breaking free from Craig's caresses. Craig looked at him amused.

"I'm still waiting for an answer," he said.

"What do you want me to say?" Rob asked desperately, "Fuck me, Master? You're messing with my head and I don't like it."

"I want a volunteer to help get that evidence for Danny." Craig said, "Not someone doing it because they think they have to. I was messing with you and I enjoyed it but I was deliberately pushing you until you reacted. You can do that, you know. Say no, I mean. If I become your guardian then you will have to be honest with me and that starts now."

"Who said I want a kid my age as a guardian?"

"Better but don't call me a kid. I don't know if I want to be your guardian yet. You still haven't told me what you want to do this weekend."

"What's in it for you if you help me?"

"I don't know." Craig answered, "The csc came close to getting Ethan and me. Tom saved us and here we are. I was so lucky that I got Tom and that was on Paul's advice. Adam kept me out of trouble once. I guess I need mates who are on my side."

Apart from stepping back, Rob still had his hands behind his head. He knew that if it had not been for Craig, Paul and Danny would have been headed for the labour gangs. Rob had recognised Craig the first day he was there as the boy who had taken on the csc. He had tried to find out as much as he could about Craig since then and had liked what he had discovered. Danny's back had been a shock but he had seen Danny's attitude change into the same friendly respect the others showed towards Craig.

He came to his decision and taking a deep breath to calm himself stepped forward.

"I guess I'm yours this weekend." Rob said, "Can we talk about the mall later though. We've got other stuff to deal with first."

As he spoke he thrust his hips forward slightly, almost inviting Craig to hold it again. Instead Craig grabbed some of pubes and pulled.

"We do things the traditional way here. Graders aren't supposed to have body hair. Craig said quietly, almost menacingly, "Go and find Paul. Tell him you need help removing your hair. Ask him to use the tape."

Rob looked puzzled so Craig continued, "Placements centres use it to pull hair out by the roots when a grader forgets to keep himself smooth and like the creams we normally use, it prevents stubble.

Craig was gratified to see Rob turn white. He had psyched himself up for a beating only to be confronted with a far worse ordeal. He guessed that Craig was testing him again but boyish pride prevented him from admitting that he was scared. To buy a little time he asked what had happened to Danny as he had not seen the other boy since the first day.

After the incident with the workman, Craig had taken Danny to the barn so they could talk. Craig told Danny what the lawyer had said and he had decided that Danny should go back to school the next day. After school he would do community service with the Neighbourhood Patrol. Apart from that he would be treated like the rest.

Danny was grateful to Craig but rebelled against being in the control of a boy who was his age and had muttered something about being asked first. Craig was upset by the comment and angrily reminded Danny that he was in charge and that he would sleep in the garage until he remembered it. Craig had stalked off leaving Danny scared of the coming night and feeling guilty at upsetting the first person to believe him and help him.

That evening when James arrived, Danny was on his best behaviour. When James asked about his back, Danny replied that he had trouble obeying someone his own age as if he was an adult. He added that he felt bad about it as he had slipped up again today. He was really sorry and wouldn't question his punishment. Danny had been answering James' questions but he was looking at Craig as he spoke. James was impressed and agreed that after school each day he should report to James, be allowed time to do his homework then set to work. Tom would pack him sandwiches to tide him over and have a meal ready for him when he got home at curfew. It was a long day for Danny but when Graham heard about it, he thought it ideal.

They were having trouble finding a suitable boy for the sting. The csc was sympathetic but pointed out they could not put grade fives under their care in such a situation. They could go to a placement centre and take on a boy already graded but not a grade five. Many parents would have gladly handed over their dear little boys to get them out of trouble but the ones they had seen so far turned out to be spoilt nasty little monsters who Craig would having the greatest trouble dealing with. Without the csc's help, tracking down suitable cases was proving difficult.

"Which means you need me." Rob interrupted, "Why don't you say so?"

"We've time to find someone better before it starts getting urgent. Let's see what happens. You might find a long lost uncle or something."

"With my luck he'll send me down the coal mine he owns. What did you do to Danny that night?"

"It was strange." Craig replied, "When the others started getting ready for bed he headed straight over to the garage. When I got there, he was standing like you are now under the hoist and he was rock hard. If I'd stared too hard he'd have cum. All the chains and stuff I'd used the night before were laid out on a folding bench beside him."

"Fucking hell." exclaimed Rob.

"No! I enjoy it. I don't think it's hell but I didn't do anything then." Craig replied, "I asked him what was going on."

Danny had not only been dealing with being gay but with a strong submissive streak. Deep down he wanted a master but he thought it was sick to want to be treated like a grader or worse. He knew that had it been a different workman Craig would have allowed himself to be worked just as hard as he had been. It had cleared some of the confusion in his mind and shown him that he could choose his master. Being submissive did not mean that he did not want to test the limits hence the moment of sulkiness when Craig had acted so adult, planning his future. It had also cleared the last of the doubts in his mind and he had chosen Craig as his master.

Craig was not aware of everything as he tried explaining to Rob what he did know but it still made some sense to him.

"Yes but what did you do to him that night?"

At that moment Adam stuck his head round the door to say dinner was ready.

Craig grinned, "Let's eat. Then you have to report to Paul."

Craig swatted Rob on the thigh until he gave up waiting for an answer to his question and headed for the door. They were playful blows which stung rather hurt but they reinforced Rob's own change of attitude. Like Danny and the others he accepted Craig as the master and he would stay if Craig allowed it.

Whatever had happened that night, Craig had been more relaxed than usual. He had chosen to wear jeans and shirt rather than stay naked. The others had put it down to excitement at some of the changes that were about to happen.

Tom had already chosen the furniture for his apartment so Paul was mystified when Craig had taken him out to buy some furniture. Paul had his room next to Craig. He had been grateful for some of the old furniture from the flat. Paul enjoyed helping his master choose furniture for his new quarters though he wondered why Craig was moving out of the massive master bedroom.

For once Craig dressed the part as a rich customer leaving Paul the role of servant. The real shocks for everyone began that Friday night when a puzzled Adam announced that his family would be visiting so they would have to stay in for a swimming session. Craig began to look uncomfortable when both Ethan and Adam announced that Craig should join them and relax.

"Come on Craig." Ethan exclaimed, "You've been getting all snooty on us the last few days."

"Maybe Craig realises that he can't stay all matey with you and maintain discipline," Tom said.

"He's done all right so far." Ethan replied, "Besides he takes discipline as well as gives it 'cos he's got to behave like we do.

Just as they had finished eating, Allan and Miriam arrived. Craig surprised everyone by taking them to the improvised apartment after seeing that Paul and Adam were waiting for them just outside. Finally they were called in.

"This is Paul's new apartment." Craig said looking at Adam, "If your father signs these papers he will give me full guardianship over you and you will move in with Paul.

"The only rule is that they become your rooms and Paul is your servant. We're going downstairs and wait for you while you talk it over."

They had barely reached the living room before a pounding on the stairs heralded the arrival of two very excited boys. Adam did not know who to hug first and even Paul forgot his usual reserve and not only hugged Craig but kissed him full on the lips.

"I take it you want me to sign?" Allan asked.

"Yes please. Are you sure you don't mind me moving out. I'm going to miss you."

"You hardly see us now." Allan replied, "You spend more time here than at home. We thought we might see more of you if we visited you here some evenings. You know how your mother likes painting. She says there are some lovely scenes around here. Craig says she's welcome to use this place as a base.

"When Paul is regraded, you can visit us for the day more easily. We could even go out as a family."

Adam nodded happily as Allan signed the papers.

"Adam and I should head for the barn and see how the others are getting on." Paul said, "Would you care to wait in the young master's rooms?"

It took a moment for it to sink in what Paul had just said. Craig was the undisputed master of the household. The title master did not have any master/slave connotations. It simply meant head of the household. Since Adam now had his own apartment and household, Paul, he was entitled to be called master as well. Young master meant that Adam was junior to Craig. Tom might have a larger apartment but he was a grader.

Craig's mix of family, graders and strangers living with him was not unusual. Neither was it that unusual for the Master of the house to be younger than some of his dependants. Legally the master was responsible for his dependants' behaviour and could be fined or graded himself if they persistently got into trouble. The csc almost certainly became involved in running the house.

As Craig's steward, it was down to Paul to see that Craig's wishes were carried out. That would include ensuring that Adam and Ethan kept up with their school work and that would include punishing them if they slackened off even though Ethan was Craig's brother and therefore second only to him. It worked because everyone understood Craig's basic aim, keeping clear of the csc. It also worked because they realised they had better prospects with Craig than with most people.

Paul's reference to the young master made the new relationships between them all very clear.

"No thank you, Paul. We'll leave you in peace. We'll visit Sunday afternoon if that's all right with you Adam and see how you're settling in."

After making his slightly tearful farewell to his parents, Adam rushed over to the barn to tell the others. Paul ran just as excitedly after him halfway across the yard he slowed, turned and jogged back to Craig.

"How am I going to be there for you at nights, sir." he asked.

"I've got a new boy for the bedroom." Craig replied, "You don't have that job any more."

"It's my duty to look after you," Paul snapped with unusual passion.

"You're my steward," Craig replied, "It's your job to run this place and with all the new boys you're going to be busy. You've got the homework gang in the evenings and there's Adam to consider. Like I say, I've got another boy for my bedroom."

They had reached the barn by now and saw the six other boys talking excitedly. Jake, Liam and Rick all wanted to stay the night. Ethan and Rob would be sleeping in the new bunkhouse and the other three wanted to share the event.

Part of the stables had been converted into the bunkhouse. Apart from being warm and dry it had few comforts. Triple level bunks were arranged around the walls, two were lined against the far wall head to head or foot to foot, depending which way round you laid with another two against the side walls. In all twelve people could sleep there. On one side of the entrance was a shower area. The floor simply sloped to a drain and a screen fixed to the adjacent bunks stopped them being splashed. There was a room opposite with two toilets side by side and there was no lock on the door. The only concession to comfort was a powerful extractor fan drawing air outside.

The stables were a large building because they had not only been comprised of stalls but had tack rooms, feed stores and space for various horse drawn carts. Much to everyone's surprise, they had found another cellar under the stables. It seemed the stables had been the site of the original farmhouse. Some time in the distant past the new house, that Craig had bought, had been built before pulling the old one down. To Tom's immense delight the cellar had been incorporated into his apartment which comprised of bedroom, living room and a massive kitchen.

In between putting the finishing touches to his rooms he was inaugurating his kitchen by cooking Danny's meal and preparing snacks for the others.

When Danny arrived, just before curfew, he was surprised to find everyone still in the barn. He ate and impatiently sat until Tom gave him permission to join the others.

Somehow Craig had managed to stay dressed. He chatted to various parents about their boys sleepover. He'd told Mr. Brassom that Tom would be delighted to have help sorting his collection and he'd talked to Adam and Paul about the work that needed to be done to finish their new quarters. He had impressed on Adam that his status as young master was very important. Fifteen year olds having sex was a contentious subject. If there was any suggestion that Adam was being coerced then Paul and Craig could end up grade one but what Adam did to a grader was his own affair.

Now he could relax and everyone assumed he would take a swim. Very self-consciously he stripped to the gasps of amazement as his friends saw his back. It was as bruised as Danny's and being a day fresher that much more livid.

In answer to Rob's question earlier he had not done anything to Danny that night. He had been so intrigued by Danny's willingness to submit himself that he had got Danny to swap roles with him. It had taken some doing but in the end he had told Danny either to do as he was told or be punished for disobedience. Once committed, Danny got firmly into his role and if anything laid into Craig far harder than Craig had beaten him. Danny did not let him down immediately and as his body fought to deal with the pain he felt his cock harden until he felt it would explode. Danny stroked it occasionally adding to Craig's frustration. They might have been there all night but Danny wanted that beautiful cock inside him. He had stretched himself with his fingers hoping to meet the right person and he had taken the men at the mall without too much pain though it had been an unpleasant humiliation so he released Craig and bent over the bench as Paul had been the night before.

It was enough of an invitation for Craig. He was too near the edge to think about what he was doing. As Danny clamped down on Craig's first thrust so he came, spurting deep into Danny. Although the climax had been over all to quickly both boys seemed to understand each other and a bond was formed between them.

Craig had taken Danny up to his bedroom though Danny had slept on the floor.

Ethan had been partly right at the dinner table. Craig was far happier now that he knew he could take as well give. He had not said anything before because of his embarrassment at being fascinated by such things.

"I don't want to take things too far if I have to punish anyone." he said, "so I guess I'm experimenting."

Craig's revelation had one useful effect. They would all take more care to see that they didn't experience the results of those experiments.

That night Adam fell asleep contentedly and firmly impaled on Paul's cock. Although Paul had been given a room, Adam had not had many chances to share it with him. During those few intimate moments Paul had gently fingered him, stretching him and preparing him for the invasion to come. That night they had been relaxed more than ever. Even the worry of parent's and Craig's disapproval were gone and the moment had just felt right.

Paul had spent five years of his life terrified of ending up on some labour gang. Instead he was lying with the boy he loved, in his own bed, in his own quarters. He shuddered at his memories. When he had first seen Craig in the placement centre he had tried to get out of his way. He had not wanted to serve a kid younger than himself. If a guard had not noticed and tapped on his whip, Paul's life would now be very different.

Adam stirred and Paul's thoughts drifted from bad memories to the happiness of the present.

Danny was also asleep though with his hands stretched over his head, handcuffed to the headboard he was a lot less comfortable. Craig was lying against him, cock against his hip, one leg sprawled across his legs and arm across his chest. Craig had fallen asleep pinching his nipples, poking his ribs and generally exploring the other boy discovering what places got a reaction.

Immediately after his assault, Danny had got panicky if a grown man looked at him. It was one reason why he had lashed out when he had been arrested. He could not get close enough to an adult to ask for help. If Craig had realised this he would never have made him work for the builders. It could have been a bad mistake except for Craig's intervention when the man had threatened to rape him.

Danny's reaction to Craig was a complete rebound, from mistrusting everyone, he had complete trust in Craig and he dreamt happily of his slavery to his master and the cruel and strange ordeals he could face.

Craig's dreams were normally a strange mix of Lindsay and the naked girls he found on the Internet. He enjoyed having his toy/slave beside him and could get hard watching him wriggle and writhe in pain but he rarely thought about it unless there was a victim there in front of him. That night Craig dreamt of being tied up like Danny except it was the girls torturing him not Danny.

Tom was dreaming of sitting outside of his apartment with his lady friend for company enjoying a glass of wine in the evening sun before they retired to his new bedroom.

In the bunkhouse, Ethan was dreaming of sleeping in his own bedroom for the first time since they'd had to give up there parents house. In his dream Jake was beside him ready to be fucked again.

Jake was content to be sleeping with the boys. He loved his mother but she tended to be over possessive. The rules at Craig's were probably stricter than at home but less fussy. For example, he did not have to dress 'in case he got cold' but if Craig said do something Jake would dare not argue like he did with his mother.

Rick had been as badly affected by his rape as Danny. He had bottled it up more and still panicked at the thought of going to the mall. He did not like adults looking at him when he was naked any more and had trouble with the sports teachers at school. Discovering people who would listen sympathetically to him had made a difference though he still hated being touched. The others respected this, even allowing him to shower alone while they mixed in as best they could. For the first time he slept without nightmares and woke feeling better than he had done for ages.

Liam was content. He finally had friends that he liked and his mother approved of. For now he was satisfied with that.

Rob slept restlessly. At least he had been comfortable in his last home. He liked the vibrant atmosphere and had been amazed at Craig's immediate response to his problem so he felt a little guilty at disliking his new quarters.The threat of the csc hung over them all to some extent, Rob and Danny in particular, and their problems far from over.