PZA Boy Stories


The Slave Boy Planet


In an distant world half the population of the planet become slave boys.

Publ. Jun 2017-...
Under construction, Jun 2017; 8,500 words (17 pages)


Bill (adult), Tar (adult), Ryan (13yo), Dell (11yo), Cannon (8yo), Toby (7yo)

Category & Story codes

Slaveboy & Science-Fiction story
Mtb tb bb – slave mast oral anal – bond incest


If you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.

If you don't like reading erotic stories about boys, why are you here in the first place?

This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

It is just a story, ok?


Chapter 1

Ryan looked up from his tablet to gaze out the window. The stars were zipping by, which with their speed looked like streaking lights. He would be on the new planet soon. He looked up just to see his mother sit next to him.

His mother smiled gently at him. "Hey Ryan. It's that time where you tell me all about the planet. I hope you've been studying hard. We will be living there for years as a cultural exchange program. As you know your father and I will be very busy, and may not see you much. So, tell me the basics."

Ryan took a deep breath. He knew he had to understand the culture to fit in. He was an outsider and had to try to conform to the planet's society. "Well, the planet is called Dannibar. I have a microchip embedded behind my right ear so I can hear their language, and my speech will also be in their native language. It also translates written words. The population is mostly boys. Most adults don't live past the age of 40, and it's ten times more likely to have a male child than a female one."

He looked up at his mother. "Females can have jobs and positions, but their main purpose is to produce offspring." He smiled. "And you just found out you're pregnant. So, you'll fit right in even though you are an adult. But all girls are free. There are no slave girls."

He paused. "Mom, you have to go to the breeding center immediately, won't you? The inhabitants believe that a pregnant girl needs to be fucked on a daily basis to ensure good health for the baby. So, that means for the next nine months you will be fucked my horny teenager and even the occasional adult. Girls over ten stay in the breeding centers all over their world and we won't see you unless we visit, or you visit us. I'm going to miss you."

Ryan's mother patted his leg. "I'm going to miss you and your father as well." She gave him a kiss on the forehead. Her heart was heavy, but she was prepared to embrace the culture. And she would have a job even though she's staying at the breeding center. And after the baby is born, she will be expected to have another, but this time with a random person, most likely a teenager. The center was filled with boys and visiting boys wanting to try sex with a girl. There was even a lottery for citizens to expand the gene pool.

Ryan hugged his mother and went back to his narrative. "Well, after a male is born they are treated much the same way as human males except boys can produce milk at the age of 13, or when puberty kicks in, to help with feeding the growing male population. Boys take classes by the age of ten or eleven on how to raise kids. How to feed them, and take care of them.

During that first year, babies are not sexually played with. But as soon as they are weaned off of breast milk by the first cycle – or year in our terms – they begin to introduce them to sexual play and the taste of, um, semen." He blushed when he said this.

"At the age of one, sexual play for both boys and girls is only oral, both giving and receiving, and fondling to the point of orgasm." His face turned a darker red. "They don't get anal play until they turn two cycles old and then it's only with a single finger until they are four cycles old. This is also the age in which a girl's hymen is broken if it had not been broken before this from fondling" His redness faded.

"Girls are adopted and raised free in the home and don't usually get a slave like boys do. When a girl turns ten, she is able to produce a baby and continues her education at a breeder camp where she is encouraged to try to have as many babies as she can produce. They have babies all the way up to age 16, which their eggs usually dry up and they start to find a job which their education helps them with. Also, live sperm die off at 16 for boys, so they shoot blanks after they turn 16 or 17. But many visitors from other planets also frequent the breeding facility."

He thought for a moment. "Babies take only four of their months to be born instead of our nine months, and our months are very similar. Girls can keep the first born and raise it herself if she wants. But almost all other births are adopted and raised by boys who can produce milk. I'll never get a baby, since I can't make milk. Most families don't have moms in them. In fact, most families don't have marriages and it's not uncommon for fathers to trade kids. This means over 85 percent of the population is adopted and the kids shared."

Ryan took a deep breath. "When a boy turn four, the government comes out to test if they are a true submissive or not. It is an extra gene in their body that only half the boys produce. If a boy is a true submissive they are sent away and trained to be a boy slave. Thus, there are two classes of people. Boy slaves, or free individuals. I am 13, and have not had any slave training and don't carry that gene, so I am a free individual."

He paused for a moment. "It takes a year or 3; I mean a cycle or two before they are ready to be given to a new master. So they are six or seven when they get fitted to a free boy. When a free boy turns ten, he can have his first slave boy. They are in charge of his education, his feeding, lifestyle and so on. Some parents don't allow a free boy to have a slave until they feel he's is responsible enough to have one. But it is unheard of for a boy 13 or older, not to have his own personal boy slave."

He swallowed hard. "So when we arrive, I will be given my own personal boy slave. I will be responsible for his education, feeding, and lifestyle. I will determine if he sleeps, pees, when he bathes, and when he 3;" he closed his eyes and turned red again. " 3;and when he has sexual interaction. The inhabitants of the planet don't believe in withholding sexual education, and believe sex should be embraces even at the young age of one. So it is not uncommon for a male, adult or child, to be, um, orally pleased, by a very young boy, or girl for that matter."

Ryan regained his composure and the redness faded. "Clothing is not worn by slave boys, except collars, or sexual gear, or, um, um, bonding devices." He said the last part with shame. "Slave boys are to be bound at least once a day to remind them of their status. It is not uncommon for slave boys to be bound in public, but they can be released for a short time to play with them."

"Clothing for free boys are optional, but most prefer to be naked as the days are more tropical in more places on that planet. Which means I may have to get used to being naked." He said almost distantly. "Slave boys are for sex 3; They are to please their masters orally, anally, and with jerking; most sexual contact is done openly, but some do prefer private sexual interaction."

He didn't blush that time. "Dannibarians, differ from humans physically in several ways. The most obvious trait is that they have pointed elf like ears slightly larger than our ears. Their hair does not usually grow past their shoulders, and brown or blonde hair is the most common color of hair. Their eyes are almost always blue or green. It is very, very rare to see red, gold, or even brown eyes. Their irises and eyes are a little bit larger, which gives them an 'innocent' look. Their balls, when they do start producing semen, do tend to be a little larger, and can produce more semen than humans, and can produce it more often – which I have been given a shot in my nuts to help with that as well and have already noticed my balls getting heavier."

He looked out the window for a moment. "All of their solid food is transformed into liquid waste which is why I've been given that shot in my stomach also. Yesterday was the last day I should have pooped. The butt, on their planet, is for sexual gratification only, and they are more sexually active than humans – if you can believe that. Plus their rectum can produce a sweet tasting lubricant. I heard that Earth guys use lube called KY, but you wouldn't need it on this planet."

"They don't have as many animals on that planet as Earth does. They have zoos and stuff, but it was only after meeting our planet that they discovered that some animals can be pets. That they would be more than just for food. Since the introduction of Earth culture, some slave boys have started training as pet slaves. If they are taught at the age of four, they very well could forget that they were anything else but pets. I will have a job there teaching the family we are living with, our culture and I'm going to help him train his slave to be act like a pet. I will get an account for that, but money is not a main focus in their society and it's not uncommon for things to be free or shared."

"Almost all sports have some sort of erotic element to it, and those that don't often have punishments, which may include free boy bondage, spankings, and forced sex. Spankings are very common and many also believe that slaves should be spanked daily to remind them of their status. "

"Despite the fact that slaves are spanked and bound, they are usually treated lovingly, and almost a member of the family unit. But some individuals differ on this, and each opinion is respected as long as the slave isn't killed or tortured. The government sends out random checks to make sure slaves are not treated too badly. Slaves often wear collars that can sense when an owner is too rough with them, which is also a crime there. The emphasis is on loving discipline, not torture and kids as young as seven take classes on the treatment of a slave."

"Despite there being fifteen continents, wars are almost unheard of. Dispute of often handled quickly and efficiently. The crime rate is very, very low. Most inhabitants will share whatever they have willingly, but there are some items that are very personal." He looked up at his mother. "Well those are the basics. I have a question."


His mother smiled figuring Ryan would do fine. "Go ahead. You need to know everything."

"Well, um, first 3; Do I have to, you know 3; do dad orally?" He sounded disgusted.

His mother thought for a moment. "It wouldn't hurt. But you could have your slave do it for you, until you get used to their culture that is. I'm not thrilled with it either, but we have to at least try. Maybe you could start with mutual masturbation."

Ryan turned very red. "I guess we could go into the sleeping quarters and try it. I'm not looking forward to it. I'll tell you that. I've only been jerking for about two years, and only just started to spurt just a month ago. Sorry, mom for the crudeness, but it's the way the planet talks. I'll be the only boy with a circumcised wiener."

His mother hugged Ryan. "Sexual words won't be off limit anymore and you'll be free to say them whenever you want. And you may not know this, but many members of the society are trying the circumcised look, so you never know. You may see more circumcised wieners. What was your other question?"

He looks at his mothers stomach. "When the baby is born and turns one 3; will they, um, have to learn to eat and swallow cum? Will he or she have to get a shot so they don't poop? Will they have to learn to suck cock?"

It was his mother's turn to sigh. "I'm afraid yes on every question. They are a very loving culture, and we have to conform to it if we want to live there. But I won't force you to do anything with your sibling, and I only hope he's not a true submissive. I don't know if humans can even get that gene. I guess I'll have to teach him to be forceful if it's a boy. Why don't you go into the sleeping quarters and I'll send your father in there so you can try masturbation with him. If I wouldn't know any better, I'd say he's looking forward to all of this."

Ryan hung his head. "Okay, mom. I'll try. I'll wait for him in our cabin." Ryan walked down the halls to his room. He had a room all to himself which was rare for such a small ship. But it just worked out that way. The room had a bed, nightstand, dresser,3D entertainment and video center, but did not have much room for much else. The bed was a simple double bed.

Ryan closed the door behind him and began to wonder how he should approach this. He didn't think he was ready to just jump in and start jerking off his dad. Damn that was so weird to say in his head. Jerking off his dad. It was still view as wrong by many people and a guy could get teased if anyone found out he jerked himself, let along his father.

Ryan stood there for a moment and opened up the view port so he could see the stars whizzing by. He still couldn't fathom how he saw light flickering by like streaks, when they were going faster than light. He never understood that, and it never made sense to him, but it didn't seem important enough to ask anyone.

He took a long cleansing breath and took off his shoes and socks. He got a room with a nice carpet on the floor at least, and it was warm and soft on his naked feet. He was getting nervous, and slowly took off his shirt. He had only very few, fine hairs on his chest. He was an athletic boy and his muscles were just starting to develop.

He looked down at his nipples wondering what it would feel like to make milk or to nurse a baby. Whenever he jerked off, he never touched his nipples while doing so, and now he was considering it. He relented at the last moment deciding to try it later. He pushed down his shorts and left only his white briefs on. He wasn't ready to do more than that. He was almost shaking with apprehension.

A knock came to the door making him jerk. He didn't think his dad would be there that fast. He opened the door and his father came in. His father was a good two feet [60 cm] taller than he was, as he had not got his growth spurt yet. At least now, he could stare at the man's neck when looking straight ahead. He was already taller than his father when he was that age.

"Son, you look scared to death. I promise you, I won't hurt you." Ryan didn't say anything for a moment. "I won't go too fast for you. We can take our time. We have almost two more hours before we reach the planet and have to get all our stuff packed." He looked down at his son with a slight smile. "I tell you what. I'll just get into my briefs too and then we will start out by just talking. You look like you have a lot on your mind. " Bill took his shirt off and Ryan's eyes bugged out.

"Dad! What happened to your chest hair?" Bill was always a little hairy on the chest and back, but now he was as smooth as silk. The only hair he could see at the moment, besides his head, seemed to be under the arms, and they were trimmed short.

Bill chuckled "Well, son; as you know, the Dannibarians don't have much body hair. Even the adults are not hairy. Some only get hair on their crotch and underarms and on their head. There are even a few that only get hair on their heads. So, I thought it would be best to fit in; so I had most of my body waxed or trimmed."

Ryan shrugged. "Okay dad. Please don't expect me to wax." he joked.

There was an uncomfortable silence, as Bill continued to strip to his briefs. "Okay, do you know what your mother and I will be doing on the planet?"

Ryan sat on the bed. "Yeah, Mom's going to be live at the breeding center and her job will be tackling the age problem, trying to get the Dannibarians to live over 40, and you are going to be tackling the breeding problem, trying to make it possible for those over 16 to have kids."

Bill nodded as he sat next to his son. "That's right. Now, what do you know of the family that we will be living with?"

Ryan smiled at the attempt to distract his nervousness. "Well, Tar is the adult in the family, He is 24 cycles old and has one adopted son, named Dell. Dell is eleven and has a eight year old slave named Cannon. Tar is a slave trainer and trains five and six year olds how to be proper slaves. So, I'll be at the house alone at lot with just Dell and Cannon and my slave. Dad, have they told you anything about my slave yet?"

Bill shook his head. "No, they want to keep it a secret. I do know his name it Toby. I don't know his age, or what he looks like. At least you know his name now." He saw his son looking at the floor. "Are you afraid of first meeting your new slave?"

"More like nervous. I know that traditionally, the new slave orally pleases his new master upon meeting him." He shifted his feet. "Even if it's out in public." he looked up at his father. "Dad, I'm not sure if I'm ready to be on a planet full of gay boys."

Bill laughed and covered his mouth to stifle it. "Son. They don't think of it as gay, even though there is nothing wrong with being gay. They think of it as curiosity and pleasure, and most of the planet is males. When you rub your cock, it feels good. When they rub their cock, it feels good. So why not rub each others cock? No one gets hurt. Try to just live in the moment. That is their philosophy. It's experimentation and pleasure and they see it as a type of love, not lust. Yes, it can be intense, and humans think of it as lust, but the people on the planet see it as normal. Something to be shared."

Ryan looked into his father's eyes. "Dad, humans still think that boys and adults shouldn't do those things. Why hasn't our government tried to change them?"

Bill touched the top of Ryan's hand and patted it. "A very long time ago, when we first set out to explore space, we adopted the Prime Directive, which was based on a very old television show. We are not to interfere with the customs of a planet, no matter how much we disagree with those customs."

He took a breath. "A lot of humans avoid the planet because of their views. Most trade routes even go around the whole area of space. But, because of their unique commodity – slave boys – other humans go out of their way to trade with them. Sex with boys and slaves are the planet's largest trade commodity, and the Dannibarians are more than happy to trade sex and slaves for other goods or even credits."

"Well," Ryan started. "It still feel weird to even think of doing things with other boys and men. I'm not sure if I can even get it up with you here."

Bill thought for a moment."Hmmm, let me ask you this. I know you have been studying the planet's history and customs. Is there anything that gets you aroused that you have seen?"

Ryan blushed a deep red. "Yeah. um. I, um, jerk off at their wrestling competitions."

Bill smiled softly. "I actually don't know a thing about that. Tell me about it, but let's take off our underwear first." Bill didn't wait on his son. Soon he was standing and his fingers were in the elastic and easing the fabric down until his cock sprung into view. His crotch was nice and trim, his balls were low. His full 9 inches [23 cm] were standing at attention before he sat back down.

Ryan stood up slowly and eased his own briefs down. His crotch had only the beginning of fuzz like hair, a lighter shade than his darker brown hair on his head. His cock was not erect, but it did look like a smaller version of Bill's. When erect, it would only be 5 inches [13 cm] and his growth spurt hadn't hit yet. His balls also looked like two pendulums thanks to the shot he was given.

Ryan looked at his father's erection. "How can you be big? I'm so nervous, I can't concentrate to make it get up."

Bill's voice was calm and loving. "Son, all I'm thinking about it how good you are going to feel and how handsome you are. That's enough for me." Ryan blushed and the two sat back down. "Okay son, tell me, with lots of details, about their wrestling. Try to just think of it and not me or you. Just go with the feelings and I'm sure it will come to life."

Ryan smiled slightly. "Well, first off they pair up kids about the same age and size so it's fair. And, of course, they are all naked. They put a ring gag in each player's mouth to keep it in an 'o' shape, and do the same with the asshole. So, as they are wiggling around, you always see in their mouth or in their ass."

Ryan's cock started to rise to half mast. "You can win a point or two, one of two way. You can get your cock in the mouth or ass for one point; or you can try to get the other guy to have an orgasm for two. The officials get the boy's cock hard by usually sucking it, then put an a special penis band on it so it won't go down, and so it can detect if they have an dry orgasm."

Ryan's cock was full staff now jutting up from his body. Bill reached over and caressed the young teenager's cock in his hand. "Tell me about the one you jerk off to the most." Bill suggested. Ryan leaned back a little on the bed and kept his eyes closed. His breathing became deeper.

"Well, my favorite one so far was these two eight year old boys. Dad, I didn't think that Dannibarians could have twins, but that's what these two were. They were alike in every detail. They both had beach sand colored hair, that was cut short in the same bowl style. Both had very round, large eyes that made them look more like animated characters. The color of their eyes were a Navy blue color and their iris took up half their eyes. Their ears were pointed to a tip and that tip was slightly curved forward and pointing slightly upward."

"Dad their skin was completely tanned. It was even, and not a trace of tan line anywhere. Even their tiny cocklets were tanned and when they touched, it was hard to tell where one kid started and the other kid ended. And, dad, their cocks were uncut with foreskin still intact and the extra skin came to a point. They must have been wrestling a while because you could see the start of some muscles in their arms and legs. They looked like clones, bur I found out they are brothers".

Bill started to ease the skin on Ryan's shaft up and down a little. He pushed back his son's skin, but without the extra foreskin, it was more difficult to get a good rhythm going, So, Bill stopped for a moment and picked up his pants and got out some KY jelly and lubed up his right hand. Ryan held out his hand, and Bill applied it as well. Ryan touched his father's erection for the very first time. It was warm and spongy, just like his. Hard and soft at the same time. It felt good in his hand as he started to jerk off his father. "Keep going." Bill suggested.

Ryan took long strokes of Bill's 9 inches [23 cm] while Bill stroked Ryan's 5 inches [13 cm]. The hands pulled over the head and all the way down to the base. "Um, well the two boys were facing off. Their robin egg sized balls were bound with some sort of string which made them look bigger and wouldn't allow them to shrink into the body, but wouldn't stop the cocks from twitching. Oh, dad that feels good."

"Um, the boys' mouths were in a permanent circular shape do to the ring gag wrapped around their faces. The hole would be perfect for the cock to enter. Their butt cheeks were pried open towards the opening and a anal ring was in that hole as well. Because they don't poop, it was the same tan color as the rest of their body when the light hit it just right. Ahhhh!"

"Keep going son. You are doing well too." His father matched Ryan's slower pace. The hand of each person slid up the shaft, until it covered the mushroom head and only a little was left in the hand. Then the hand slid back down again to the base, pushing the swollen nuts. Normally they would shrink by now, but kept the fuller shape. Bill's cock still had some hairs on the balls, but Ryan's was still hairless on his wrinkled sacks.

"Well, um, they started off when one boy, let's call him 'A', knocked the other boy down, let's call him 'B'. It was a surprise move that you could tell B was not expecting. A came very close to getting that cock right into his mouth in less than five seconds. A was poised with his cock just inches from B's ring gag. His legs pressing forward with all his might. His hands trying to pin the other boy's hands to the mat. B's hands were on A's thighs, pushing back with all his might. Their faces were contorted with effort and sweat was forming on their brows. They were pretty even in strength being twins and all. It was a test of endurance. Ohhh! I like that."

Bill had concentrated on the head of his son's penis using his fingers to roll the flesh between them. Ryan was trying his best to copy his father feeling the edge of the mushroom head in his fingers, working that flesh back and forth, now using both hands. His eyes were still shut. His father groaned with lust. Precum started to ooze out of Bill's cock and dribbled on the outside of Ryan's talented hands as did Ryan's cock started to ooze pre also.

Ryan continued. "Anyways, B lifted is legs off the mat, his anal ring was open and you could see deep inside. He used his leg to get around A's neck and flopped his back on the floor. B twisted his body with grace and flipped A over onto his back. Before the boy could recover, B was on top of A and he started to rub cock to cock. B had A pinned down 3; ooohhhh! By, by 3; by his arms. He didn't go for the quick one point to the mouth, but was going for the two points, uuuuhhhh, trying to get A to cum first."

Bill groaned loudly this time, Ryan was now jerking fast like a piston of a classic automobile. His hand was jutting up and down with a fast speed. Bill mirrored his son's movements. Bill understood that it was also a contest between him and his son to see who would cum first, and the game was on

"A took that as a challenge and humped B back with gusto. They 3;they, ummmm, were trying, Ohhhh! To 3; to get each other. Uhhhh! To cum first for two points instead of one. Eight year old humping the cock of another eight year old, mashing their cocks together like sticks trying to start a fire.. Their bound balls clacking together like castanets. When one pushed forward, the skin pulled back while the other boy's skin pushed upward. Then when one pulled back, it was just 3; just the 3; the opposite 3; Then 3;"

Ryan and Bill both let out a long moan, and cum spurted up in the air from both father and son. The adjustment to their balls, made the cum spurt out slowly rather than forceful spurts. The experience last almost 30 whole seconds of orgasmic bliss, the spurts were slow, like a waterfall flowing over each others hand. Ryan grunted with his father as the pleasure lasted so much longer than they were used to.

They were both leaning back a little and cum oozed out over their cocks, balls, and onto their stomachs. Ryan took a long sigh, his mouth had a large smile. "Um, long story short, it was a tie. Dad, that felt so cool pulsing in my hand. It was so neat. I would not mind doing that again sometime."

Bill was still breathing a little hard himself. "Oh, my pleasure son. See, no harm done. We both made each other feel good. I wish all humans would see it this way. Just innocent fun, even tough is made quite a mess."

Ryan looked at his hand all covered in his father's cum. He closed his eyes and sucked it off, making a slurping sound. He opened his eyes. "Not as bad as I thought. It feels a little weird in my mouth, but it's not gross."

Bill took his own hand and slurped his son's semen off of his hand. "I like the taste of it. Dannibarians have a popular sweet fruit they turn into candy that they eat a lot. So I heard their cum is sweeter than ours. But that might just be rumor. Do you still feel nervous?"

Ryan shrugged. "I think I'll always be a little nervous until we settle in. But I do feel better. Thanks dad."

"No problem son. Let's get cleaned up." Bill replied.


After Ryan and his father cleaned up and redressed, they packed their suitcases. During this time, Ryan kept thinking back to that wonderful jerking session with his father and found himself getting an occasional erection. He may have tried more things if the ship wasn't landing on the surface.

Ryan and Bill took the suitcases to the departure area where Ryan's mother was waiting on them. The section was full of people, almost all were men and boys waiting to depart also. There was one human boy, about the age of seven, who was naked with his hands tied with twine behind his back. He was smiling.

There was a large window to look outside and Ryan took his eyes off the young human boy and decided it would be best to look there instead. He watched the view as they descended. He could see other ships landing in the distance. The place was busy and reminded of a shuttle port back on Earth.

Once the ship landed and it would be a moment before they could disembark. Ryan's eyes widened at the scenes outside. There were native, naked boys everywhere, and only a hand full of native adults. But there were plenty of tourist adults and even tourist boys wondering around.

Over in one section, was a young boy in stocks with a sign saying Fuck my slave boy's ass for trade goods or credits. A tourist from another ship was walking up to the boy in the stocks, examining his ass, and talking to an older boy who was standing next to the boy in stocks. The boy in stocks looked to be about eight and the older boy about eleven. Their pointed elf ears and large eyes were very attractive on the two naked citizens.

Ryan decided not to watch that exchange, as his eyes wondered over to a naked native boy, about the age of five or six, had his lips surrounding the cock of tourist. The little elf eased more and more of the penis until he had the thing all the way in down his throat, and sucking greedily. The boy with him looked to be 17 and naked as well (not to mention, very well endowed), and had several crates of Earth fruits before him. There was a line of tourists ready to take their turn on the very young lad. Each tourist in line had a crate of Earth fruits ready to be traded for a cocksucking session with the boy. The 17 year old's slave was moving the crates to a hovercart and inspecting the contents of each crate very carefully.

Ryan's eyes drifted again to a slave boy being spanked with a paddle from one male and sucking the cock of another, while his owner had a pile of Earth action figures stacked in front of him. The owner was playing with the action figure as the adults took turns spanking the slave and getting sucked. The owner hardly looked up to make sure his slave was okay.

There was not a place Ryan could not look that did not show some sort of the same thing. Each owner trying their best to sell their slave boy's services, and even the free boys seemed to get into the act on several occasions or very young boys. There was even one Earth woman clad in black leather, who was trying to buy a slave boy from one of the owners. She had a riding crop in her hand.

The whole thing was a little strange and unnerving to Ryan. He knew this thing happened, but to see it in real life instead of 3D images just made it too real. He felt a little sick to his stomach, but was starting to sport a woody at the same time. He did not understand his arousal.

His mother patted him on the leg. "It's hard to get used to. I've accepted their culture and it's going to be strange letting teenagers have sex with me on a daily basis. I'm going to miss the both of you." She hugged Ryan and then Bill giving them both kisses on the cheeks. Bill got a long sexual french kiss with his hug.

Over the intercom, it announced it was time to disembark. Ryan took a deep breath, and followed his parents and other passengers out of the small ship. His mother went one way giving them both another hug first, and Bill and Ryan went another way. Ryan gazed over to see the human boy, who was on the ship, and what looked like his father, meeting up with a eleven year old slave boy and his eight year old slave.

The adult hugged the human boy and said something to him which had him nodding. Before Ryan could even get very far, the adult had the native slave boy by the shackled hand and was already heading back to the ship. Ryan couldn't believe it; but it just seemed like a father just traded his son for a local slave. He didn't know how to feel about that. It was like some bizarre dream.

His father called to him to snap him out of his daze. He followed his parents down the crowded space port. Vendors were shouting at them from all angles trying to get them to try out their slaves. What Ryan thought was the most bizarre, was that all the slaves seemed happy. They seemed happy to sell their bodies and be spanked, and be bound, and so on.


Ryan had seen pictures of Dell, Tar, and Cannon, so he tried to keep a lookout for the trio and his new slave. Finally, he spotted them in the distance, but another boy was behind Tar. Ryan suspected the was told to stand behind him so the surprise of what he looked like would be missed. Tar was not naked, which was rare, but he was easy to spot because of this.

Tar was about 5 foot 8 inches [1.73 m] tall. A lot of the race was slightly smaller than humans, making his father's 6 foot [1.80 m] frame to loom above everyone we passed. Tar had milk chocolate brown hair, that was very short like most of the citizens of the planet. His ears were sort compared to some of the others, and pointed straight up, and his very circular eyes were sea blue. He was the only one wearing clothing and only boxers.

Tar's adopted eleven year old son Dell, stood about four foot [1.20 cm] tall. He had darker brown hair than Tar. His ears were more rounded than most of the natives, and had barely a point to it at all. His skin was very evenly tanned all over, as was most of the boys on the planet since they spend most of their days outside. His eyes were closer to human sized, but still round, and an azure blue.

Dell's slave was eight years old and named Cannon. He was three and a half foot [1.05 m] tall, with his hands bound behind his back with rope that was tight enough to make an indention in the skin. His hair was almost the exact color of Dell's, but his eyes were gold in color. His ears were very pointed to a sharp looking tip and was pointing forward, making them look like horns. Cannon had and earring in each ear by the uppermost tip.

Ryan could not see the boy behind Tar very well, and he could tell they were doing this on purpose for some sort of reveal. Tar stepped forward, and before he could speak Cannon sank to his knees. "Master Dell, May I suck Bill's cock and swallow his seed as a show of welcome?"

There was a tiny lag time in what he said, and when the translator translated his words to English. After a while that lag time would go away as the translator behind the right earlobe got used to the language spoken most often. Dell smiled. "Yes, you may slave, but make sure it's okay with the human first. They have different customs."

Bill nodded his approval and Ryan was straining to see behind Tar. His mind wondered where Tar's slave was. Surely he didn't just disappear just because he was an adult. But as he walked by all of the people in the space port, he didn't see any adult slaves, only boy slaves. But his mind was more on his new slave Toby.

Tar turned around and spoke to the boy, and he stepped out into view. He looked to be only seven years old. He had auburn hair, and emerald green eyes that were the most human like in shape and size of the group, His ears were the most elf like that Ryan had seen in pictures and drawing. They were thick and had a slight point to them. He had large, heavy looking iron shackles on his wrists and ankles. There was a thick, long, chain connecting the wrists, and another one connecting the ankles. His shackled arms were in front of him.

As Ryan looked over the slave boy, he noticed one main thing. The boy was circumcised. Ryan's eyes opened wide in disbelief. Had he had a circumcision for him? The tiny flaccid cock was only about an inch and a half [4 cm] long and rested on robin egg sized balls. The boy had an apricot colored skin, and was not tanned like most of the boys.

The slave sank to his knees getting on the ground quickly. "You are my new master. I will obey your every command. I hope to make you happy and please you as often as you see fit. Would you prefer a human greeting of a hug, or a Dannibarian greeting of a cock suck?"

There was no lag time in his speech. He was talking English. Ryan knew that Tar trained slaves, some were specially trained for clients. Some could take pain better, others would embarrass easily, and still others could fuck for hours on end without ever climaxing. Tar must have trained him to speak English to make Ryan feel better. Ryan would not be the only one with untanned skin and an uncut penis. This made him smile.

But it also made his heart quicken. Here was a choice. He could take a simple hug and be done with it. To his left, Cannon was already licking on his father's cock, having taken down his shorts to his knees. Cannon was still on his knees. His face was the perfect height to reach Bill's erection. His young tongue was presently licking the piss slit and the mushroom head.

Ryan kept telling himself he had to embrace the culture. He read up on every major cultural exchange, and reread the ones that included teenagers or kids. The best way to approach a cultural exchange is to dive in and show respect for the customs of the planet. He blushed.. "I 3; I would very much like to have my cock sucked please. I do kinda want to try it."

Dell turned his attention away from his slave and to Ryan. His mind was in disbelief. It was almost inconceivable that the boy had not had oral sex before this. "Want to try it? You mean you've never had it sucked before? Ever? I can't remember a time that I hadn't been sucked. That is so weird," he said a little disrespectfully.

Tar gave Dell a dirty look as Ryan turned a darker red color from embarrassment. He had been trying to keep his son up on Earth culture, but Dell found a lot of it boring. There were so many rules, and a lot of them didn't make sense to the eleven cycle old native boy. Tar said very calmly, "You know their customs are different than ours. They don't get sucked daily like we often do."

Bill moaned loudly and the young boy now taking his cock tip in his mouth. The eight cycle old boy was easing a little more and a little more cock down his throat. He was taking his time and making sure Bill was loving every second of it.

Meanwhile, Toby scooted up to Ryan. He cupped his hand over Ryan's zipper and unzipped his pants. Toby took out just the cock, leaving the balls inside the fabric. He wrapped his hands around the rising cock so no one else would watch him be sucked. Even Ryan could see anything, and could only feel it. The seven cycle old boy wrapped the whole thing in his mouth. Ryan could feel the warmth of his mouth. Toby's tongue drifted along the bottom of the cock. Ryan could see his cheeks sink in as the boy sucked.

Cannon still had his hands bound behind his back. Bill held his 10 inches [25 cm] of manhood and the boy would take a little bit in his mouth at a time. He eased more and more down his throat, then he backed off a bit, He pushed the cock in and eased it back out. Bill got the message and started to fuck the boy's tender mouth as he moaned loudly. His hips rocked back and forth as he held the boy's head in place with his hands. He started out slow and bottomed out each time he thrust forward.

Toby kept the cock covered as Ryan gained confidence. His 5 inches [13 cm] were in full force now. Toby kept the whole thing in his mouth and Ryan could feel him trace the outline of his cock. Toby even circled the and made slurping noises. Because no one could see the action, it was more like a soft porno. Dell and Tar were watching Bill and Cannon more than Toby and Ryan because they could see the action.

Dell looked up at his adopted father and smiled. He walked over and lifted his arms up, expecting to be picked up. Tar grabbed his adopted son and flipped him over so his cock was at his mouth and his crotch would be at Dell's mouth. It was a standing 69. Dell opened the flap of the boxers, and took out Tar's cock. Being upside down did not bother the boy at all. It was obvious they have done this before.

As Tar's cock came into view, his was also uncircumcised, and only 8 inches [20 cm] long, but already sporting an erection. The eleven cycle old took the cock and started to lick it with long licks under it, much like a Popsicle. His legs wrapped around Tar's neck so he wouldn't have to hold the boy up. Tar took the young boy's cock into his own mouth, his hands on the boys butt cheeks and squishing them.

Ryan looked around and saw so many boys and men, naked and in various acts of sex. "Oh what the hell." He took off his shirt and flung it on the ground, then he let his shorts and undies fall. Toby looked up at Ryan. "Did you need help taking those off Master?"

It felt so strange to be called Master, and all Ryan could do was nod. With one hand still covering Ryan's cock, Toby took the other hand and helped Ryan out of his clothes, leaving only sandals, as was the fashion of most. Even though both slaves didn't even wear those.

When Toby went back to sucking the 13 year old's cock. Ryan reached down and tapped his hands. Toby understood, and put his hands down. It was time to embrace the culture. He would allow anyone to see the action, and that made his stomach flutter.

Bill saw his son undressed and soon followed and Dell took off Tar's boxers as well, so everyone was naked if you don't count the ropes and shackles and sandals. Toby was sucking Ryan's cock. Cannon was sucking Bill's, and Tar and Dell were sucking each other.

It was too much for Ryan. He grunted and shot his hot seed into his slave's mouth. Toby opened his mouth as if proud and displaying it. This seemed to cause a chain reaction, as Bill followed suit, then Dell, then Tar felt Dell's cock twitch in his mouth. Dell swallowed.

Dell was flipped right side up and let down, so his feet would be on the floor. "You have to give the slaves permission to swallow. You never know when you want them to play with it, or keep it in there as long as possible. Cannon, you may swallow." Cannon gulped and showed his empty mouth.

Ryan took a deep breath. "Um 3; Toby 3; you can swallow if you want." He swallowed and displayed his empty mouth.

"Okay, let's grab a hover shuttle," Tar called out.

Ryan looked at the two slaves and saw they were both erect. "Um 3; Just a sec 3; Aren't we going to, you know 3; Let them feel good too?"

Dell laughed. "They are slaves. It doesn't matter if they cum or not. We can play with them when we get home. There is no hurry."

Ryan felt bad that the slaves didn't get to do anything themselves. "Well 3; I have a question before we leave 3; Can, I, um command somebody else's slave?"

Dell gave Ryan a big smiled. "Okay, Slave owning 101. You command your slave to do anything. You can tell him to obey me, ignore me and so on and your slave will follow your command first. They even learn quickly how to identify your voice, just in case they are blindfolded. Next, you can command my slave, and he will look at me first to make sure it's okay. I'll either nod or shake my head. If I say yes, he obeys you."

He glanced over at his slave. "If I wasn't here, and you commanded my slave, they would do as you ask as long as you don't command them to seriously hurt themselves, or that it doesn't contradict anything else I have commanded. Why do you ask."

Ryan blushed. "Well, I 3; I've never seen a, um, butt fucking up close 3; and I was curious, and I thought I could use the practice commanding them. That's all." It was a partial lie, as he did want the slaves to feel good as they did. But there was some truth in what he had said.

Dell gestured to the slaves. "Practice away."

Ryan cleared his throat. "Toby! I command you to butt fuck and jerk off Cannon until you both orgasm." Toby called out. "Yes Master. Thank you Master." Cannon looked up at Dell who nodded that it was okay. Cannon bent over and Toby lined up. Cannon's ass was already starting to make its natural lube, a trait that all males had on the planet. No jelly, lotion, grease, or anything else would be needed.

Cannon relaxed his anal muscles and Toby pushed his cock in the dark passageway. Toby reached around Cannon and grabbed hold of his cock and started to jerk him off at the same time. It didn't take long before Toby was cramming that cock in and out of that nice tanned ass.

Ryan couldn't look away. "So, um what would have happened if I ordered Toby to fuck, and you ordered Cannon not to be fucked. Who would win?"

Dell patted Ryan on the back. "Toby would try his best and not stop trying until he was told to stop or he achieved his goal. The same goes for Cannon. He wouldn't stop trying to keep away from Toby. We do that all the time, because its fun to watch two submissive slaves trying to be forceful. After a while, a winner is obvious, and the looser gets punished for not obeying his Master. It doesn't matter how hard he tried."

Ryan was starting to get hard again watching the two young boys fuck. Toby grunted first, but didn't stop fucking that ass because Cannon had not had an orgasm yet. He was wanking away like a madman. A moment later, Cannon finished, the Toby withdrew. "I hope that pleased you Master."

Ryan just nodded. He just wanted to let the slaves feel an orgasm too. But he had to admit. He liked giving the order that Toby had to follow. Tar hailed a hover shuttle and soon Ryan would be off to his new home.


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