PZA Boy Stories


Cody and Lucas

A Personal Slaveboy Story

Part Four

He was in a different place, a meadow full of spring flowers with a small brook flowing through it. There was a cloud of light at the far end. Cody was with him, his hand resting lightly on Lucas's shoulder. "Lucas, please lead us back. We still have work to do." They turned and 3;

He was face down on a bed, his arms and legs stretched out. He tried to move them, but they were tied. Was this one of Cody's weird games? A voice suddenly called, "Mrs. Davidson, he's awake." And then, he remembered the crash.

Ruth appeared at his bedside. "Oh, Lucas, thank God you're awake. I was afraid we had lost you both!"

"Why am I tied?"

"You have some serious burns on your shoulders and back and the doctor's didn't want you turning over and disturbing the skin grafts."

"Is Cody OK?"

Ruth began to cry, "He is still unconscious and they don't know when he'll awake. He might not ever awake." She laid her hand on his cheek and the two of them wept together.


As soon as they had heard about the accident, Ruth and John had rushed to the hospital. Cody was still in surgery and Lucas's burns were being treated. It was some time before the doctor could talk to them.

"Cody has a serious skull fracture," the surgeon, Dr. Malone, told them. "We were able to repair most of the damage, but a sliver of bone was forced into his brain. It's in a place we can't remove it. Once the swelling goes down, he may be OK, but I'm not optimistic. The next few days will be crucial."

"Your Slave has some nasty burns, but we were able to treat them with skin grafts. We reset his dislocated shoulder, but he needs to stay absolutely still for the next few days, so we'll keep him sedated and feed him intravenously. Do you want us to transfer him to a Slave facility?"

"Absolutely not! He is to stay right here and get the best care you can provide," replied John.

"I knew you'd say that, John, but the law requires me to ask."

"Well, as one of our illustrious forbearers once remarked, 'The law is an ass.'"

"You'll get no argument from me on that score. So, I've moved 3; is it Lucas?" John nodded. "I've moved Lucas into the room next to Cody and set aside a room for you, as well. I wish I had better news for you; waiting will be hard for us all. You'll be interested to know, the local press has called them heroes. The little boy they swerved to miss was not hurt and his parents are beside themselves with gratitude."


"How long will I have stay say like this, Ma'am? When can I see Cody?"

"For a day or two, Lucas, depending how the burn grafts take. Maybe we can get you in to see Cody tomorrow. I'll ask the doctors. Now the nurse is going to give you a shot in that cute bubble-butt of yours, so you'll sleep through the night."

He felt a sharp stab in his rear and was asleep before he could even think to answer her.

The next several days were some of the most difficult Lucas could ever remember. Even after they stopped the sedation and removed the drips, he couldn't move, he had to be spoon fed like an infant; had to wear a diaper, and, worst of all, there was no good news about Cody. Finally on the third day, he was allowed to see him.

Cody lay on his back, relaxed, looking for all the world like he was just asleep. He was catheterized, of course, and had a feeding tube down his throat and a drip in his right arm. His breathing was regular and the monitor showed his steady, strong heartbeat.

Lucas looked at him numbly, trying hard to keep back the tears.

"The skull fracture is healing OK, he is just still unconscious," explained John. He told Lucas what the surgeon had said about the bone shard and the chances for recovery.

"Lucas looked at his Master and then at Ruth and John. "Ma'am and Sir, he will be OK. I know it with all my heart. He will wake up. You must believe it!"

At that display of faith, both parents had to flee the room, leaving Lucas, holding his drip pole, alone with Cody for a few seconds. "Come on Cody! You're going to be OK. We can do this together."

The next morning, Lucas had some good news 3; at least it was supposed to be good news 3; he could go home. "You'll have to be careful not to sit or lie on your back," said John. "You won't be able to wear clothes, yet."

They took him home flat on his belly in the back of the SUV. While it was good to be in familiar surroundings, being away from Cody was another matter. At least while he was in the hospital he had been able visit him, hold his hand and weep over him. After John or Ruth put on his restraints at night, he cried himself to sleep. "Oh, Cody! You have to get well. I can't live without you!"

After a week, the restraints were gone and his back and shoulders were healed. No marks, no scars, absolutely incredible. Now he could be with Cody at the hospital during the day.

Another week went by; there was no change in Cody's condition.

Doctor Malone called the three of them into his office. "We think Cody should go home. There's really nothing more we can do for him. Perhaps being in familiar surroundings will stimulate him enough to regain consciousness."

"His vitals are normal. He has good bowel activity and we can supply a special bed that will make it relatively easy to change him. His kidneys and bladder are functioning normally, so we can put a urine drain on his penis 3; that's like a heavy condom with a drain tube at the end. He can swallow liquids, so he doesn't need the feeding tube any longer. He's just asleep and we can't seem to wake him up. But, he will need to be exercised every day."

Ruth and John looked at each other. "You're right," said John. "I'm sure we can manage."

"Ma'am, Sir! I will exercise him and care for him every day, if you will allow me!"

"Lucas, we will need you more than ever."

And so, Cody came home.

The exercise regimen was grueling. Each of his limbs had to be flexed and moved vigorously and his muscles massaged several times a day. Lotion was applied to his entire body at least once a day to keep his skin healthy. It was hard work and Lucas insisted on being the one who did it, often with tears in his eyes, but with dogged determination.

The hard exercise was having an effect on Lucas as well. His shoulders began to broaden, his chest began to fill out. More and more they looked like twins.

Days turned into weeks and there was still no change in Cody's condition. Lucas spent all his waking hours at his side, exercising his arms and legs, moving him, bathing him, feeding him 3; anything to care for his Master. When Lucas wasn't there, Ruth or John was at his bedside. Finally, they realized they could not keep up that pace and engaged several nurses to watch through the night and some mornings and afternoons.

Even with the night nurse, Lucas sometimes still kept bedside vigil. Occasionally, he even crawled in beside him, being very careful not to disturb him. Ruth gently chastised him; he was neglecting his studies and his health. She told Lucas he could work on his courses in the mornings while watching Cody, and help with his therapy and feed him his noon meal, but to leave the rest to the nurses. Cody reluctantly obeyed.

That evening, Ruth told John, "It's time!"

"Yes," John agreed.

The next afternoon, just after the nurse had arrived, John and Ruth called Lucas into the living room. He could tell by their looks something momentous was afoot.

"Lucas," John began, "It is possible Cody may never 3;"

"No! Don't say that! Please, Sir!," he wailed. "He will get better! I know it! Don't ask me how; I just know it." Then more softly as Ruth began weeping, "I'm sorry, Ma'am. I'm acting like a little kid, again. That doesn't help you or Cody. Please forgive me."

"No, Lucas, without your faith we might have given up long ago. You're right; we must keep trying. We will need every ounce of faith and energy in the days ahead. So, we have something very important to ask you?"

Lucas was a little uneasy. What was coming?

"Do you remember the night Cody was punished for abusing you?" John asked.

Lucas nodded.

"Even in the midst of his shame and discomfort, he was thinking of you. He asked me to promise if anything ever happened to him that we would free you and adopt you as our son. We have always planned to do that anyway, from the very first moment you stepped into this house. You have earned your freedom many times over."

Lucas was stunned. Was his dream about to come true? He would be free! Not only that, he would be their son and Cody's brother!

"Lucas, will you do us the very great honor to become our son and Cody's brother?"

Lucas was speechless for quite a few minutes. His mouth worked, but no sound came out. Then he simply walked over to John and put his arms around him. "Ohhhhh Yessss! Yes! Yes! But I'm the one who is honored. You can't know how much I've dreamed of being free! Ever since we had the time with the runaways, I've wanted to dedicate the rest of my life to justice for all Slaves, for all the Danny's out there."

"But to be your son and Cody's brother! I never in all my dreams 3;"

Hugging Ruth, in turn, "Oh, thank you! Thank you. I can hardly believe it. Your son!" Then to both of them, "Cody will get well! You must believe me!" To John, "You once said you would give your life for me. I can't do any less for Cody and you both."

"I'll file the papers tomorrow."

Two days later, an official court document arrived scheduling their hearing for the next week. John and Ruth would be there as the petitioners and Lucas would be present and represented by a barrister friend of John's, Charles Coleson.

On the appointed day, Lucas, as a slave, was required to kneel in front of judge's bench naked and shackled. The courtroom was filled to capacity with neighbors and friends of John and Ruth. John had warned him about this, but he was embarrassed at being naked in front of them. "This is silly," he told himself, "Some of these people have seen me naked before. Why is this any different?" But it was. The judge was the same one who had assigned him to Class Two years ago.

"This court will be in session, the right honorable Charles Evans Hughes, Duke of Wessley, presiding. God save the Queen and this honorable court." The judge took his place.

"The matter before us is the petition of John and Ruth Davidson, acting in loco parentis for their minor son, Cody who is incapacitated, to dissolve the bond of Master and Slave between their son and Lucas Wainright, a Class Two slave and a minor under the provisions of the Slave Acts as revised. A second petition of John and Ruth Davidson seeks court approval for their adoption of Lucas Wainright as their legal son and heir."

"Are the petitioners present."

"We are, your grace."

"Is counsel for the minor slave present?"

"I am your grace."

"Is the Crown representative, present?"

"Yes, your grace."

"Good we can proceed. Under the Acts, a slaveholder may petition the court to free a Class Two slave at any time he can demonstrate the Slave will never be a burden upon society and is ready to assume the responsibilities as a British-American Subject. I have read the supporting documents and I must say I am deeply impressed. I remember his case when I had to assign him to Class Two. I thought then, 'This fine lad enslaved is deplorable, a travesty, if you will."

"Is there someone here who wishes to speak for the Slaveholder, Cody Davidson?"

Before John or Ruth could answer, and to everyone's surprise, Alexander jumped up and shouted, "I do, your grace!" He had slipped in, unnoticed at the start of the hearing,

"Please come forward, young man! Who are you, and why can you speak for young Cody."

"I am Alexander Brooks. Cody Davidson has been my friend since we were little kids. I can tell you without a doubt, that Cody wanted Lucas freed and for his parents to adopt him."

The Crown representative interrupted, "How is it you know this and do you agree with his actions?"

Alexander turned to face the judge, "Your grace, Cody and I walked to and from school every day until last term when we took separate courses. He told me many times he wanted Lucas to be a free person and his brother. I don't think whether or not I agree with his actions have anything to do with this morning. He was my friend and I respect his wishes."

Before Coleson could answer, "You're a little off your timing, this morning, Charles. This boy would make a fine barrister. Objection sustained. Does the Crown have any other questions or wish to make a statement?"

"Yes we do your grace. It is unusual, but not unprecedented for a petition for release for one so young. But the following petition for adoption removes any question as to suitability. We wish to join the petitioners, John and Ruth Davidson in asking this honorable court to grant their petitions."

"Very well! Does the slave, Lucas Wainright, wish to speak?" Lucas shook his head. "Come, young man, don't be shy. No one will bite you!"

"Oh Sir, I just wish to thank everyone, but specially my Master and Ma'am and Sir, who have brought me to this place today. I always hoped to be free some day, but never in my wildest dreams would I have dared to hope to be their son. They have honored me much more than I deserve and I will try very, very hard to always be a credit to them and to make them proud. I'm only sad that my Master is not able to share this day with me."

"Well said, young man! Is there anyone else who wishes to speak?"

A disreputable looking old man with a mean and pinched look in his face stood up and shouted, "Judge, you're a disgrace! No slave should ever be freed! It's against God's law! The whole Empire will collapse! It's immoral! It's 3;"

The judge sighed. "Yes, Peter, so you have told me many times. Bailiff, please get him out of here. Charge him with the usual contempt of court and give him 60 days this time." The man was dragged kicking and screaming from the room.

"If there are no FURTHER objections, the court will rule. The orders of this court, dated 4 October, 2004 and 18 May, 2005 concerning the minor child, Lucas Wainright, are vacated. The Petition for Adoption of Lucas Wainright, to be known, henceforth, as Lucas John Davidson, by John and Ruth Davidson, dated this day, is approved. Bailiff, strike off this free person's fetters. You may rise, Lucas John Davidson and take your place as a free British-American subject. This hearing is closed. God save the Queen!"

Looking at Ruth with a broad smile on his face, the judge said, "Mother, you may dress your son." As Ruth rushed toward him with his new clothes, Lucas turned bright red, all over. And I mean ALL OVER.

To John, the judge said, "I should hope to have a grandson like him some day. Go and hug him, he needs it."

Alexander slipped out a side door to where his mother waited. "Did you have to do that?" asked Emma.

"Yes, Mother. Cody is my friend. I don't have to agree with his decision. I know you sometimes think the Davidsons are weak and unworthy. But Cody is still my friend and, especially now, I can't desert him."

"Always my knight in shining armor! You are right, of course. And I'm proud of you. By the way, I don't think of John and Ruth being either weak or unworthy. I just don't agree with them."

At that moment the family came out of the courtroom. Lucas walked directly over to Alexander. "Thank you for what you said in there, Alexander. It was very kind of you."

"I didn't do it for you. I did it for Cody. As far as I'm concerned, you will always be a Slave, no matter what the law says."

Lucas was stung! "I hoped we might be friends. Cody explained to me why you treat Dakota the way you do. It's different than he treated me, but that's OK. I know you love Dakota and will always do what you think is best for him. I know you will never be cruel to him."

Both boys were silent for a moment. Each was struggling to put the past aside and concentrate on the future. Then Alexander turned away and walked toward his mother. "How would you know, Slave?"

"I just wanted you to tell Dakota that I am still his friend and that he is lucky to have a Master like you who loves him and will always care for him. I wanted him to know that my being freed changes nothing between us. I will always be his friend."

"Slaves don't have friends! Only Masters! I will not tell him anything you say! How dare you interfere! Cody made a big mistake to free you! That's just what I expected!"

Lucas sighed and joined the rest of the family as they left. He had a new brother who needed him.

"Alexander Hamilton Brooks! That was completely uncalled for!" admonished his mother, "You and I may not agree with the Davidsons, but that is no reason to be rude. Whether you agree or not, Lucas is NOT a Slave any longer and you may not call him that." Her tone brooked no disobedience. "Lucas simply doesn't understand. I should never have allowed you to come today!" If he had been a bit younger, she probably would have grabbed him by the ear to lead him out. She just glowered at him.

On their way home, Ruth sighed and said, "I'm sorry Alexander was so rude and unreasonable. I'm sure he is just upset about Cody and didn't mean all those things. This probably wasn't the best time to try to talk to him."

"Yeah, you're right, Ma 3;Mom. I just wanted to help."

"I know dear and I love you for trying."

"Lucas," said John, "I know Cody has explained why you and Dakota are different and why our two families treat a Slave so differently. Alexander and his mother believe that no Slave should ever be freed. They may not put it quite that way, but that's what it amounts to. Now, you come along and demonstrate they are dead wrong. As long as you were still a Slave, it didn't matter. Now that you are free, Alexander sees you as a threat to his relationship to Dakota. Your statement about still being Dakota's friend upset him terribly; I could tell by the look on his face. You scared him to death!"

"But why, Sir 3; Dad? I never 3;"

"Dakota has never seen you or any other Slave who wasn't behaving in strict Slave etiquette. He thinks all Slaves are treated the way Alexander treats him. If he were to find out otherwise, Alexander is afraid he might rebel. He's wrong; Dakota would never rebel. He's happy the way things are."

"Once Alexander has time to think things through," added Ruth, "and he decides that all Slaves are NOT the same, he'll come to the conclusion that he has nothing to worry about. He's a smart kid, he's growing up and wants to think for himself. He'll continue to be Cody's friend, although he may not show it. But, it will be a long time before he accepts you as an equal. He will, I'm sure, but it won't be easy for him."

"I'm sorry I messed up. What a way to begin my new life!"

"You didn't mess up. You were just being the loving, compassionate boy you always are."

They had arrived home by this time and Lucas immediately went to Cody's room. The nurse left and he stood watching the slow rise and fall of Cody's chest. Desperately trying to be brave for his brother, he still wept.

The darkness was frightening. The moaning sounds were frightening. He was in a place he had never seen before. He was naked and shackled with a noose about his neck. He looked aside and saw someone standing beside him, also naked, shackled and noosed. It was CODY!

They were standing before four coffins on a large rack. He approached the first one and looked in. It was Danny! "I have found peace," the corpse said.

Reeling back, he faced the second one. "Hello, Little one. Have you come to join us?" He turned desperately to the third coffin. The figure beside him disappeared. It was Cody in the coffin, his face horribly twisted from being slowly strangled.

He staggered back and faced the fourth one. Suddenly, he felt the noose strangling him. The coffin seemed to draw him in as he choked and began to wet himself.

His scream aroused the whole household! The Night Nurse, Ruth and John all burst into his room to find him sitting up in bed with his fingers clamped tightly around his throat, choking himself. It was all John could do to pry them off. Suddenly he went limp and crashed out of his nightmare. Ruth gathered the hysterically sobbing boy into her arms, picked him up, and just held him while John stripped his wet bed and remade it. Dressing him in clean pajamas, they eased him back into his bed. He was already asleep again. "I'll stay with him."

He was still sleeping after Doctor Malone examined him the next morning. "I'd say he was just exhausted physically and emotionally. From what you've told me, he's had a pretty rough time 3; as have all of you. His early life, the accident, his injury, his brother's condition, the fear of being freed 3; yes there is fear that he won't measure up."

"Don't misunderstand me, he needed to be freed and this was the right time and you handled all these things as well as any parent could. The rejection by Cody's friend was probably the last straw. I think he'll be OK; I've given him a sedative that should keep him sleeping today and through the night. He may dream again, tonight, but I don't think he'll have a nightmare."

He was in the familiar place, the meadow full of spring flowers and the small brook flowing through it. There was a cloud of light at the far end.

Someone, no, three persons came toward him across the brook. "We've come to say goodbye," said Danny, who embraced Lucas. "Thank you for helping me find peace!" "Yes, Little One," said his companion also embracing him, "we will miss you. But we are going home. My name is Eric and I will always be your friend. We will wait for you on the other side. I know we will all meet again." And they turned, walked toward the light and disappeared.

Cody stood beside him with his hand resting lightly on Lucas's shoulder. "Come on, little brother, say your goodbyes. You have to lead us back. We still have work to do." "Good bye," shouted Lucas.

And then he woke up. The sunlight was streaming into his room.

"Hi!" said the figure in the chair beside his bed.

"Oh, Mom! Cody and I had to say goodbye to some friends. And he was there with me! He was healed!"

That's great!" said his mom, blinking back her tears. "How about some breakfast?"

Several days later, he was keeping his usual morning vigil. He had been studying his advanced physiology lesson. By chance, the current topic was the changes in the way the brain processes nerve impulses during orgasm. During a very intense one, the brain cells sometimes contract.

"I wonder! Could it be?"

Determined to find out, he closed and locked the door, pulled down Cody's covers and pj's and carefully removed the urine drain. Crawling between Cody's legs, he placed them over his shoulders and took Cody's prick into his mouth, as he had done so many times.

Cody became hard almost immediately! 'Well, that part works!' thought Lucas as he continued to use hands lips and tongue to stimulate his brother and was soon rewarded with a huge mouthful of cum. Cody seemed to pump forever and Lucas was hard put to swallow fast enough to keep up with him. If he had not been quite so engaged, he would have felt a slight twinge in Cody's legs and a small catch in his breathing.

Sitting up at last, he was disappointed there was no visible change in his brother.

The next day as Lucas was entering their room carrying their lunch tray, he turned away from Cody for a moment to nudge the door closed.

"Lucas", came the whisper.

Lucas whirled back! He saw the tears rolling down Cody's cheeks and heard the whisper again, "Lucas." And Cody's hands reached out to him.

Tray and lunch crashed to the floor!

"Mom! He's awake! Cody's awake!" Throwing himself onto his brother, they embraced for the first time in months.

Ruth flew into the room and the three of them hugged and cried tears of shear joy. "Oh Cody! We were afraid we had lost you forever! I must call your father! And the medical team! Oh, Cody!"

"Mom, I've been trying so hard to wake up! I just couldn't seem to do it until Lucas provided some extra stimulation yesterday." He wasn't going to tell anyone what kind of stimulation.

She ran into Lucas's room to place the calls. Lucas continued to hold his brother. "I knew you would wake up! I knew it! I knew it! ! I knew it! I knew it!"

John was there in a flash. And the four of them wept and held each other again until they were interrupted by the medical team.

The team set up their equipment and gave Cody a thorough exam, including a CAT scan. The results were transmitted to Doctor Malone and he answered almost at once. "The bone shard has shifted. It is still not operable, but is in a place that might affect his vision."

Although he hoped it might be just temporary, Cody was forced to disclose that the 'recovery' was not as complete as they all would have liked. He couldn't see. He was blind. The good news was now tinged with sadness.

"If the shard shifted once, it may do it again," counseled the doctor. "We'll have to see how things develop."

By the next afternoon, Cody was sitting up in bed and taking his first steps. Lucas's hard work had paid off. There was little stiffness, although his muscles were somewhat weak. He would soon regain his strength. But he still could not see."

"I know you will regain your sight," Lucas told him. "I just know it. Trust me!"

"You know I trust you without question."

That evening, they all gathered in Cody's room. He had just eaten his first solid meal in months. He had a question for them. "I've noticed that Lucas calls you Mom and Dad. Does this mean what I think it does?"

"Yes, Cody, just as you asked, we freed Lucas and adopted him about a month ago. He is now legally your brother."

"Oh, that is absolutely awesome news. I just wish I could have been there."

Lucas smiled shyly, "Somehow, I could feel you right there with me. It was spooky."

Ruth looked at John. "It's time."

"Boys, do realize how much you look alike? Do you ever feel you can sense each other's presence when you're away from each other?"

"Yeah. Mom, lots of times. I'll know exactly where Lucas is and he knows where I am. He often knows what I'm thinking and I know what he's thinking."

"It's uncanny! The way I can feel Cody's feelings. Maybe that's why I was so sure he would wake up. I've studied about the bond that twins sometimes have and it's almost like we were twins."

"Yeah, it's more than just that we look alike. It's almost as if we really are twins."

"Boys," said John gently, "You are twins! Really and truly you are twins."

The shock was evident on both their faces. They sat with their mouths open while Ruth explained.

It was some minutes before either boy could speak.

"Oh, Lucas. It's so wonderful! I can hardly believe it!."

By the look on his face, Ruth and John could see that Lucas didn't think so.

"I'm a freak!" he screamed with a strangled sob. "I'm not human! I'm somebody's awful science experiment!" And he burst into tears, burying his face in his hands.

Ruth and John looked at each other in shock. They had half expected this, but were overwhelmed with the force of Lucas's distress.

"Lucas, son," began John.

"Let me talk with him, Dad," implored Cody.

The parents both nodded and left the room. "I guess we screwed that up," sighed John.

"No John, his reaction was inevitable. You remember, I said he would say exactly what he did. His ego has always been very fragile. He takes things too much to heart. Cody will heal him. He does that very well. They just need a little time."

Back in the room. "Lucas, come to me please."

Lucas didn't move.

"Lucas, please, I beg you!"

Lucas went to his brother who enfolded him in his arms. He lay in Cody's lap and cried and cried.

At last Cody asked him, "Lucas do you love me?"

"That's a shitty question to ask. Of course I love you," he sobbed.

"Then say it!"


"Say it!"

Perplexed, Lucas replied, "I don't see 3;"


"Cody, I love you!"

"Do you trust me?"

"With my very life!"

"Say it!"

"Cody, I trust you."

"The, listen to me and believe. Lucas, you are as fully human as I am. We are from the same parents, Ruth and John Davidson. I came into this family one way and you came another way. I rejoice that you are my legal brother, but I am absolutely thrilled that you are my real brother. You are a gift to me, to all of us, and I hope and pray you feel that way about me."

After a few moments, "Oh, Cody! How could I feel otherwise? I'm so ashamed at my, my, my 3; When will I ever learn to think before I speak? That we are twins is so great a miracle, I just couldn't 3;"

"I know, Lucas. Mom! Dad! Come in again."

"Oh, Mom and Dad! How could I have been so childish? I don't deserve to be your son."

John interrupted, "Well you don't have a choice anymore." They all chuckled.

"But there are a few things you must both understand. While this is a thrilling miracle for all of us, it must remain our secret. Many people would not accept it as such and might seek to do you real harm. So, you cannot disclose this to anyone. The only ones who know are the four of us and Dr. Lombardy. And, I trust him completely."

"Not even Alexander", mused Cody. "I can understand why. No one! I can accept that."

"Me, too! But, what does this do to our plans to be Lifemates?"

"Nothing, Lucas," replied John. "So far as the law is concerned, you are not blood relatives. So there is no problem."

Lucas took Cody into his arms, "Hello, twin!"


Their scooter had been replaced with a little heavier model affording a bit more protection for the riders. Since Lucas was only 13, he had a limited license that required him to be accompanied by a fully licensed person. Since he was listed as Cody's caregiver, John was able to secure a waiver; Lucas could drive if Cody was with him. (Go figure!) So, once more they could roam a bit. Being on the scooter for the first time since the accident was very frightening for both boys. But they were determined to conquer that fear and they soon did.

Their first 'long' excursion was to 'Our Place'. Navigating the trail down the cliff was a bit scary, but they made it. The early spring weather was unusually warm, so they could even swim. Lucas was a bit 'mother hen' to Cody, but being in one of their favorite places was a tonic. They found they could frolic in the gentle surf almost as they did before.

Afterward, Cody sat with his back against one of the rocks on the beach with Lucas pulled up against him. Both were quiet, listening to sounds of the surf crashing against the rocks at the sides of the cove, each busy with his own thoughts. Cody instinctively began to rub Lucas's nipples. Lucas snuggled closer to him and enjoyed his gentle touch immensely.

"You know, you still purr like a kitten when I touch you there."

"Yeah, it was the first place you touched me the first night we were together. I still enjoy it because it was the start of my learning to love another person and what 'family' was truly about. The lesson took a long time."

Cody began to cry. "And now you're saddled with a blind person for the rest of your life!" he sobbed. "It's not fair!"

Lucas turned to face him. "Cody, you are my life. Please don't cry. I love you! And I know you will regain your sight. Don't ask me how I know that; I just do. When you were still 'asleep' I think Mom and Dad had given up hope. But I knew you would wake up and I told them so." He kissed away Cody's tears.

"Yes, they told me." He felt better; the sorrow had passed. "And I remember what you did to me to me as a wake up call."

"Would you like one now?"

Cody nodded and Lucas slid down between his legs. He concentrated on using his lips and tongue to give his brother the best blowjob he had ever given him. Cody responded with a huge load of boy cream and his climax seemed to go on for minutes. Afterward, Cody dozed for a while and Lucas lay once more with his head on Cody's chest, listening to his heartbeat.


One morning about a week later, Ruth took Lucas aside. "Alexander is coming for a visit this afternoon."

"And you think maybe it would be better if I were not here?"

"Yes," she replied. "I knew you would understand."

"I'll go to the Library; there's some book research I can do for my coursework."

Alexander arrived shortly after lunch. "Hi Cody. Long time no see!" Then embarrassed," That was real cool, wasn't it? What I meant was 3;"

"I know what you meant," Cody chuckled. "It's great to have you here!"

"I would have come sooner," Alexander confessed, "but I just couldn't bear to see you lying there unconscious. Can you forgive me?"

"Don't worry about it. You're here now and that's what counts. How are you and Dakota doing?"

"We're both fine. I told him about your accident and recovery and he was happy to hear you are better. I didn't think it was a good idea to bring him along today. We're both glad you are up and about and are sorry about the blindness 3; that really sucks!"

"I'm getting used to it. Lucas believes I will regain my sight. So I have hope."

"He really did believe you would wake up, didn't he? Mom told me about it."

"When even my mom and dad were almost ready to give up, Lucas kept them going. And he turned out to be right."

"Is he always right about such things?"

"When he says 'I know it, but I don't know how I know it', I believe. If he told me the sun would come up in the west tomorrow, I might scoff, but I would be sure to check first thing in the morning."

"Amazing!" exclaimed Alexander. Then sadly, "You know, I treated him very badly after the adoption hearing."

"Yes, I know. Lucas has never mentioned it, but Mom told me."

"I'm so ashamed! I behaved like an idiot. I really thought Lucas was trying to steal Dakota away from me. All he really wanted was to be friends with both of us and I just spit in his eye. In fact, I was so far off base, I went home and asked Dakota if he wanted to be free. His reply will be forever in my heart:

«I have never thought about being free again. I have thought about what life might be like for you and for Cody and some of the other boys I've seen on the streets when I get to go out, what your lives are like, but I don't want to be free. Honestly it scares me, really. I mean I have no one other than you and Sir and Ma'am in the world. Where would I live? How would I live? I'm only a kid 3;»

He didn't understand reason I asked the question. He thought I was going to throw him out on the street. It took me quite a while to assure him that would never happen and calm him down."

"So, why was I worried? It was childish!" he said sadly. "It was way more than rude and unkind! I know better. If I've learned anything from the two of you, it's that my family's ways are not the only ones. Just like Free Persons, Slaves are different, too. I actually believed Lucas was a threat to my relationship with Dakota, but he never was and never will be!"

He was close to tears. "Oh, Cody, it's so hard, but I really want to tell Lucas that I was wrong. I value him as a Free Person and want to be his friend, if he will have me. How do I do that?" he implored.

Cody was quiet for a minute, letting Alexander calm down. Then, softly, "Just tell him. He'll understand! "

"I will," replied Alexander. "Now, if I can just figure out how to explain this all to Dakota. He doesn't know Lucas has been freed."

"That is a problem," admitted Cody. "But he's a pretty sharp kid. I think he'll understand the reason Lucas is free and he isn't. You said yourself, he doesn't want to be free. Lucas does. And, in both cases, it's what's best for him and his family. I think Dakota 3; and Lucas, too for that matter 3; understands far more what's at stake here than we sometimes give them credit for. They really know what it means to be a slave. We just think we do."

Alexander sighed and both were silent for a few minutes. A corner had been turned.

"You'll have lots of opportunity to talk to Lucas," Cody continued. "I'm coming back to school in September and he'll be my caregiver. He's been helping me catch up on the work I missed last semester."

"That's awesome news. We've all missed you!"

The two of them then went on to other topics. There was a lot of 'news' for Cody to catch up on. They laughed and hugged as they had done many times before.

Working hard all that summer, with Lucas to help him, Cody did manage to pretty well catch up in his schoolwork. Fortunately, he had been well ahead of most of his classmates before the accident. He would return to regular classes at the start of the fall semester. And it was quite certain he would graduate with the rest of his class.

Lucas had completed all the requirements for his high school diploma, and was well into college courses in his on-line studies, so he could be available to assist Cody: seeing he got to classes on time, reading for him, transcribing his notes and typing his research papers from audio tapes.

His first day back, everyone greeted Cody enthusiastically. Most of the students readily accepted Lucas as his brother and made him welcome. Those who did not simply stayed away. Both boys still had 'hero status' for saving the little child.

In many of his classes, his classmates took Cody in hand, leaving Lucas free to pursue his studies. He often spent this free time reading quietly in the student lounge or in the foyer that connected the High School with the Middle School. There, he tended to attract a group of younger students who were fascinated by him; a freed slave was exotic. Many of these kids had slaves in their families, but had never had any experience with a former slave. The student body laughingly called these impromptu sessions 'Lucas's Seminar'.

The kids soon discovered they could ask him all sorts of questions: How did he become a slave? What was Slave School like? Why was he no longer a Slave? And others; ones it would never have occurred to them to ask their own Slaves. To all of them, Lucas was patient and answered them without any hesitation or embarrassment. He encouraged them to talk to their family Slaves as much as their parents would allow.

On especially nice days, he adjourned to the plaza outside between the High and Middle Schools and the Elementary School. His audience on those days was mostly eight to ten year olds who had heard about him from their big brothers and sisters or friends. They were eager to see and talk to this wondrous person who was no longer a slave.

Gentle, patient Lucas treated each one with dignity, answering their questions and telling them his story. How his life had changed from abuse to enslavement and, finally, to freedom. How he came to a family who loved and cherished him. How he had been loved by a brother who had freed him.

It was all rather scary to some. Occasionally he took one of the younger ones on his lap when tears began to flow.

One day, a sad little boy lingered behind when the rest of them hurried back to their classrooms at the close of their lunch hour. Lucas had noticed him several times, but the lad always stayed on the outskirts of the group. Until this day.

The child approached shyly. "Do you remember me?"

Lucas thought for a minute; something about this boy prodded his memory.

"I'm Toby's brother. You helped me one time when he hurt me," he ventured, his voice quavering.

"Yes, I do remember you," replied Lucas. "I was a slave, and you thanked me for comforting you. I never knew your name. How are you?"

"Not so good," he sighed. "My name is Ian."

"How's your brother doing?"

Ian burst into tears and flung himself into Lucas's arms. He held the boy close until he stopped crying. "Toby's not around any more," he sobbed. "He lives on a farm and will be there for the rest of his life."

Lucas knew what that meant. Toby was now a Class Three slave! "I'm sorry to hear that," he said gently.

"I'm not! I hate him! Look what he did to me!" Ian pulled up his shirt. His back and chest were a mass of scars. "That's why he's a slave!"

"Oh, Ian! I'm sorry that Toby hurt you so badly. But I'm also sorry for him that he had to be enslaved to keep him from hurting others. Have your parents ever heard from him?"

"Da says they had to do something to his pee-pee to make him behave. He says that Toby is not full of anger any more. But, I still don't want to ever see him again. I have bad dreams almost every night.! I hate him!!" he shrieked.

Lucas continued to hold and comfort the distraught child until his sobs abated. "Someday, Ian, you may be able to put your hate aside. But, I understand why you feel this way. If you ever need to talk or just some comfort, I'm here. Please come to me."

Ian dried his tears, "Thank you Lucas. I feel better now. I'd better get back to my room."

Lucas watched him slowly walk toward the Elementary School. "This child needs help very badly and he doesn't seem to be getting any. I'll have to ask Dad if there is some way we can help."

With John's contacts they were able to learn that Toby was confined on the Paloma Ranch, one of the better and most humane ranches that employed Class 3 slaves. But Ian's parents, sadly, refused all offers of help for their troubled little boy

While he had been busy with Ian, Lucas had failed to see the tall youth standing in the shadows near the High School entrance observing him. He had been doing so on several occasions and, as before, he shook his head in wonderment and slipped away unseen.

The next day, Lucas was in the foyer, surrounded by his usual entourage, when the tall youth approached. "Hey guys! How about letting me have a few words with my friend Lucas, here."

Lucas looked up. It was Alexander! When the rest had reluctantly scattered, Alexander said, "I have a free period. Let's go down to the Student Lounge. There's no one there this time of day."

Lucas followed him, with hope in his eyes. When they reached the lounge, they sat companionably opposite one another. They were silent, just looking at each other for a few minutes.

Lucas finally broke the silence, "Alexander, you called me 'friend'! You can't imagine how I've longed for you to say that."

"I think I can. You sincerely offered your friendship and I rejected you out of spite. I was wrong to treat you that way 3; more than wrong. I was rude, mean and acted childishly. Will you be my friend after all I said that day?"

"Alexander, I know you were upset at Cody's injury and didn't understand why I was being freed. I'm sorry I frightened you by saying that I was Dakota's friend. I forgive you completely; it was partly my fault for not understanding how you felt. And, yes. I will be your friend forever."

"I never, ever, want you to think that I was trying to drive a wedge between you and Dakota," he continued. "I simply wanted him to know that if ever you or his family could no longer care for him, he had someone he could turn to. I know you would have done the same for Cody or me."

"You and Cody have taught me a valuable lesson," declared Alexander. "Each person, slave or free, is unique. I need to have Dakota as my slave and I'll always love and care for him to the very best of my ability. Cody needed to have you as his free brother, and I know you love each other deeply. It's as simple as that. It just took me a while to figure that all out. DUH!"

"I did tell Dakota about you being his friend; the look of amazement on his face was priceless. I've told him how you cared for Cody and that you are now free and his brother. I think he understands. Sometimes I don't give him enough credit. He may lead a sheltered life, but he is far from stupid. In some ways he's much more astute than I will ever be. That's why I love him so."

"Thank you for sharing all this, Alexander. Cody and I are very fond of you both."

"Which brings me to a request. If you are free next Saturday, I'd like you both to come over. The four of us can have a back-yard picnic. I know Dakota is dying to see you both. It's been far too long."

"I'll have to check with Cody, but I don't see why we couldn't."

"Great! We'll see you about 10!"

Saturday, Emma met them at the door when they arrived at the Brooks house. "Cody, it's been far too long since you visited. Welcome!" And she swept him into her arms.

"Thank you, Aunt Emma," he replied, addressing her as he had always had since he was a small child.

Emma turned to Lucas. She held him by the shoulders at arms length for a moment, then swept him also into her arms. "Welcome, Lucas. Welcome to our home as a Free Person and Cody's brother."

"Thank you, Mrs. Brooks."

"Mrs. Brooks? It's Aunt Emma to you too, you scamp!" she admonished.

"Thank you Aunt Emma," replied a chastened Lucas.

"Now, scoot both of you. Alexander and Dakota are waiting for you by the pool and I have to go to work. Do you need help, Cody?"

"No thank you, Aunt Emma. We'll do just fine."

With Lucas leading, they made their way outside to the pool. Alexander and Dakota were already in the pool. "Hi guys. Come on in!"

"But we didn't bring our suits," protested Cody. "I forgot about the pool."

"Who needs suits?" replied Alexander, climbing out, naked as the day he was born. "We're all guys, here. Even Mom is gone for the day."

Dakota followed his Master, equally naked. Lucas noticed immediately that he wasn't wearing his chastity device.

Alexander hugged both Cody and Lucas. "It's so great to have you here. It's been far too long."

Dakota also welcomed them, but there was a momentary problem. He would call Cody 'Sir' as he always had, but what should he call Lucas. Two 'Sirs' would be a bit awkward. Lucas solved the problem. "If it's OK with Alexander, just for today, you may call me Lucas like you always have."

Dakota was slightly shocked, but he looked toward Alexander, who nodded permission. "I have also told Dakota he may speak to both of you all he wants to," said Alexander

"Thank you for coming, Lucas," said Dakota, with an impish smile. Lucas was his friend and it felt OK.

The visitors quickly shed both their clothes and their inhibitions and joined their hosts in the pool. Lucas noticed the word SLAVE in indelible ink on Dakota's back and their lack of 'tan lines'. Obviously, they enjoyed 'skinny-dipping' as much as he and Cody did.

A furious game of tag was soon underway. Dakota, as it turned out, was quite a good swimmer, and both Alexander and Lucas were like young dolphins in the clear, cool water. Even without his sight, Cody more than held his own. The other three kept an eye on him, but he was quite OK. They were young boys once more, diving and splashing as they had always done.

After more than an hour, they were all exhausted and flopped down on the lounges, letting the warm sun dry their naked bodies.

After a while, Alexander sat up and asked, "How about lunch? I'm starved!" Not waiting for an answer, he directed his Slave, "Dakota, please go in the house and get our lunch things. You know where they are."

"Yes, Master, at once!" And, without stopping to dress again, he dashed into the house, returning a few minutes later with place settings and a huge tray of sandwiches, potato salad and lemonade. He quickly began to set the table, but soon turned to Alexander with a puzzled look.

"Master, there are places for four. Who else is coming to lunch?"

"Let's see," replied his Master turning to Cody. "Did I say anything about another person for lunch?"

"Not to me," rejoined Cody, sensing at once Alexander having a bit of fun at Dakota's expense. It took Lucas a bit longer to grasp what was going on.

"Well, who is it, Master?" asked the still puzzled Slave. He had not caught on yet.

"It's you, Dakota. You are having lunch with us today!"

"Oh!" gasped the Slave, his mouth hanging open. It was the first time he had ever been invited to eat with Alexander's guests. "Thank you, Master!" he breathed, his eyes glistening.

The four of them fell to and the food began to disappear at an alarming rate. Dakota, ate very carefully, savoring the flavors and textures he rarely even got to sample. This was indeed, a special day and he knew it would not likely be repeated anytime soon.

Three stuffed boys just lay around for a bit after lunch. Dakota had cleared the picnic remains and soon he too joined the others. After a while, Alexander sat up and suggested, "Dakota, why don't you take Lucas down to your room and show him some of your new video games. Just don't beat him too badly. Cody and I have some school things to discuss."

Dakota chuckled, and looked at Lucas questioningly? Receiving a nod of approval, he replied, "OK." And the two boys departed.

In Dakota's slave room they pulled up some chairs, but didn't start the computer. It was one of the very few times Dakota and Lucas had been alone together. Lucas could see Dakota wanted to tell him something very important, but didn't quite know how to begin.

Quite concerned, Lucas invited, "Come on, Dakota. Let it out. You know whatever we discuss will never leave this room."

Dakota swallowed a few times and then began. "Lucas, I, I want you to know that I am very, very happy you are free and Cody's brother. You are so brave to be a free person. I could never be free 3; I don't want to be free ever. I am just happy being Master's slave. He loves me deeply and I love him, and I never want to stop being his slave. Can you understand that?"

"Of course I understand and I'm happy for you. With Cody and me, it's different; we're brothers, yes. But we're also lovers. Alexander loves you just as much as I love Cody. Yeah, he treats you a bit harshly sometimes and teases you unmercifully, but that's one way he shows his love. Both Cody and I admire you for your courage to take what he dishes out without complaint and without anger. We know he will never, never do anything that will cause you harm. If you are truly happy being his slave 3; and everything tells me you are 3; then we are happy."

"Thank you, Lucas. Your happiness means a lot to me."

Dakota thought for a while. Then he asked, "Master told me that you said you would always be my friend. That your being free would not change anything between us. I don't understand. We were friends when we were both slaves, but now you are free and I am still a slave and will always be a slave. How can we be friends?"

"Dakota, being friends simply means we will always respect and care about each other. It has nothing to do with slave or free. Cody and I were friends from the very beginning, long before I became his brother. He and your master have been friends since they were little kids and now he is my friend, too. So you see it goes beyond family"

"It even goes beyond time. When I was in the Slave School, I had a friend, the first one I ever had. Another boy who helped me find my way. He suffered a painful death at the hands of a cruel and uncaring master and has gone on to the next world. But he is still my friend and I know he will be waiting for me when my time comes."

"Respect means supporting a friend even when you disagree, just as Alexander did when Cody wanted me to be freed. Caring means always wanting what is best for your friend. In your case it means if ever Alexander or his family could no longer care for you, I would be here for you. I would never let you come to harm. I know Alexander would do the same if my family could no longer care for me."

It took Dakota a few moments to digest that. "Oh Lucas, I never had a friend before." He was almost in tears.

"Yes you did. Alexander may be your master, but he is also your friend. He respects and cares about you and always has. Cody and I love you and care deeply about you. We are your friends forever,"

Dakota could no longer hold back the tears. Lucas held out his arms and Dakota accepted the invitation. He held the sobbing boy close until he had recovered. "Oh Lucas," he said through his tears, "that is the most beautiful thing anyone ever told me."

A short time later, Alexander came looking for Lucas. It was time to leave. With hugs all around, the two of them wended their way homeward.

"Well, my little slave, what did you learn today?" asked Alexander,

"Oh Master, I learned I have more friends than I ever knew. Even you are my friend!"

Alexander just smiled, "Just remember that the next time I decide to pester you!"


School kept both Davidson boys very busy and sooner than the family could imagine the new year had arrived and it was May and birthday time 3; Cody's 17th and Lucas's 14th. They decided to have a joint celebration dinner and invited Alexander and Dakota to share it.

The two guests arrived, decked out in their finest. Except for Dakota's bare feet, they were dressed identically and Ruth was there to greet them. "Alexander, it is so great to have you with us," as she nearly hugged the breath out of him.

"Thank you for inviting us, Auntie Ruth," he gasped.

"My, it's been a long time since I was called that. And Dakota. Just look at how you've grown! Two more handsome young men would be hard to imagine!"

"Thank you Ma'am," replied Dakota, bowing low.

"Alexander," Ruth continued, "If it is OK with you, Dakota can help me serve, but then I would like him to join us at the table for dinner."

"May I, Master?" a plainly excited Dakota asked.

"Dakota, you heard Auntie Ruth. It's her house and she's in charge! And you may move about and talk freely with everyone this evening"

"Thank you Master, and you, too, Ma'am."

"Go ahead in, Dakota. I'll be along shortly."

"Alexander, you have been part of Cody's life for so long it would have been unthinkable to celebrate such an important milestone without you. Today, Cody becomes a man. And despite what the calendar may say about Lucas, he becomes a man today, too. They will always be my little boys, nevertheless." She paused for a moment to wipe away a tear and then asked, "Dakota is really happy, isn't he."

Yes, Auntie Ruth, he really is. I know you think all slaves should be free, but 3;"

"No Alexander, that's not the case. Most slaves, yes. Some, no. I fervently believe that every child, slave or free, deserves to have a family who loves him, a home where he is safe and cared for and the opportunity to grow and mature into the best person he is able. Many children, it's sad to say, have none of those things. I have dedicated my life to helping bring that about."

"You have given Dakota a loving home, a 'big brother' who he clearly adores, and the discipline he needs to be happy. He is growing up fast and I'll wager he surprises and delights you every day with what he is capable of. He will never be in want and you will always give him the opportunity to grow just as much as he is able."

"It is Lucas's destiny to be free and he needs that to be a whole person. Being free is not Dakota's destiny. Being free would be wrong for him; he would be very unhappy. Much to my sadness, I could never convince your mom that I understood that."

Alexander looked at her with an expression of pure awe. "You understood from the very beginning, didn't you?"

"Pretty much."

"Oh, Auntie Ruth, how I've misjudged you."

"But now, you're growing up! Come on, the others are waiting."

After helping Ruth serve, Dakota joined them at the table. Clearly starved for adult attention, he turned out to be the hit of the evening. His shyness disappeared once he was among friends and they discovered his natural story telling talent. He had a keen understanding of the world 'outside' even if he didn't get to go out in it very much. With his droll humor and dry wit, he kept them all in stitches as he recounted some of the adventures he and Alexander and their family had when they were younger, sometimes including Cody and Lucas.

Alexander, embarrassed, was about to reign in his talkative slave, but Ruth placed her hand on his arm. "Let him talk, Alexander," she whispered. "He's having a ball and so are we listening to him."

Cody, sitting on the other side, whispered to him, "He'd make a fine stand-up comedian."

"Don't even think about it!" replied Alexander.

After dinner and birthday cake, it was time for gifts. John and Ruth gave each of the boys a brand new, hi-tech laptop computer, which they would take with them to college. Both were equipped with the latest voice recognition software, which would read aloud any printed document or information from the Internet. It also allowed Cody to dictate his various papers and reports. Lucas would no longer have to transcribe them from audiotapes; all he would need to do was to give them a final tidying.

Alexander and Dakota presented each of them with a small flat box. Inside each was a beautiful casual knit shirt in finest silk. Light blue, and on the right breast was an embroidered monogram in scarlet with four names entwined: ALEXANDER, CODY, DAKOTA and LUCAS. Underneath the names, in fine gold thread, were the words FRIENDS FOREVER.

"What a beautiful gift!" exclaimed Ruth.

"Oh, Cody, I wish you cold see them," His voice cracking with emotion, Lucas described them to his brother. Cody held the soft fabric to his face and nearly cried. "Thank you very, very much!"

"Actually, it was Dakota's idea," replied Alexander. To Cody and Lucas he urged, "Go and try them on."

The boys ran down to their room 3; it was remarkable how well Cody could get around the house 3; and returned a few moments later. In the meantime, Alexander and Dakota had removed their sweaters to reveal their own identical shirts. Lucas was momentarily stunned. "They have shirts just like ours, Cody!" And they all embraced in the center of the room.

Later that evening, as they lay together in their common bed, Cody sighed contentedly. "It was a pretty good day, wasn't it?"

"Yeah!" replied his brother. "When I saw those shirts, I almost cried."

"I was having trouble, too," confessed Cody. "Who would have thought Dakota would come up with an idea like that."

"He's a super kid!" agreed Lucas. "You know, I still sometimes feel sad when I think that he will always be a slave. I know I shouldn't, but I do."

"Me, too," replied his brother, "but today I could sense how completely happy he is just being Alexander's slave. So, I'm not sad any more."

"Do you think Alexander really appreciates what a gem he has?"

"I don't know," Cody replied. "But I do know what kind of a gem I have. Come on, let's make love."


With May birthdays past, it was soon time for school to end and with that came Graduation.

It was the custom at his high school that Graduation Speakers were chosen by vote of the graduating class from among the top ten percent of the class. Cody's grades more than qualified for the honor and he shortly found himself named Valedictorian. He, and the Class President, Katie Briggs, would be the speakers.

He dictated and Lucas helped him polish and practice. It was a good speech, readily approved by the headmistress, Dr. Carter.

The night finally came, and dressed in his finest, Cody was seated on the platform facing the other members of his class for the last time. Ruth, John and Lucas sat in the audience but a few steps away.

Dr. Carter welcomed everyone, made a few appropriate remarks, and called upon Katie. She responded with a short speech, filled with the things that Graduation Speakers usually talk about.

Then, it was Cody's turn.

"Thank you Dr. Carter and all of you, my classmates, for choosing me for this honor."

"I prepared a short speech for this evening, full of the stuff that these speeches are usually full of. You know: 'Go out in the world and be successful;' and so on. Well, you don't need me to tell you to do that. Haven't your parents and teachers been telling you that since you were in diapers?"

The audience chuckled appreciatively.

"So, instead, I'm going to tell you a story. A story about a small boy and his dreams."

Dr. Carter looked wary; this was NOT on the program. Lucas felt a bit of alarm. What was Cody up to? Then it hit him 3; you don't suppose 3;

"This young boy was born into a family that was totally without love. His parents abused him terribly and finally abandoned him to slavery. Becoming a slave, though, was actually a huge improvement and slowly he began to learn to love and to smile, two things he had never before experienced 3; And he began to dream."

Lucas turned to his mother in alarm. "He's telling them about me!" he squeaked. "Did you know he was going to do this?"

"No dear," she replied. "He just told us we would be surprised. Now, hush!"

Cody continued, "He dreamed of finding a family who would love and care for him 3; And that dream came true."

"He dreamed of having a brother whom he could admire and love and who would be his teacher about life and help him grow 3; And that dream came true."

"He dreamed of being free so he could help others achieve their dreams 3; And that dream came true, too."

Lucas slouched down in his chair trying to be invisible. "Jeeeez."

"Lucas," said his dad, "he's telling your story because it should be told 3; it's a thrilling story! Full of hope and love. He honors you far more than you can possible know. So, sit up and listen. You might be surprised at what you learn."

Lucas sighed. But inside he was so full of love and admiration for his brother he nearly burst.

"And when his brother was nearly killed in a horrible accident 3; even though his Mom and Dad and the doctors and nurses had all nearly given up 3; he dreamed his brother would recover 3; And, that dream came true also. I'm living proof of that! For, as most of you have probably guessed by now, I've been telling you Lucas's story."

"Now, why have I done this? Very simply, I wanted you all to know about the power of dreams and the importance of never giving up on them. So, my message is simple: find your dreams. And when you have found them, believe that they will come true. And never, never, never, NEVER give up! 3; My brother never did! And you shouldn't either!"

The whole audience sat stunned for a moment. And then the applause rose in waves.

"Cody, that was a powerful and beautiful message you gave us," declared Dr. Carter, once the applause had subsided. "Thank you for sharing your story with us."

"Dr. Carter, may I say a few words?" asked Katie.

"Well 3; Yes" replied Dr. Carter, hesitantly. This wasn't on the program either.

"Lucas," began Katie, "I know Cody has embarrassed you to tears, but it's my turn now. So stop trying to hide and come up here."

Lucas looked at John in consternation. "I think that is a summons and you better heed it."

Gathering his courage, Lucas walked the few short steps and climbed onto the platform, to the applause of everyone, his ears the brightest shade of red.

Katie took his hand. "Lucas, you have been with us only a short time, but in that time, you have taught us a great deal about love, about loyalty and determination, about compassion. Last week, our class held it's final meeting. I am pleased and proud to tell you, that we unanimously voted to make you an honorary member of the Rampart High School Class of 2010." The whole building erupted in cheers and applause once more. "Here is your Class Ring." And she slipped the ring on his finger. "And here is your Yearbook; your picture is right next to your brother's."

Once the applause had died down again, she asked sweetly, "How about a few words?"

"I, I, I, I don't know what to say," Lucas stammered.

"That'll be a first," observed Cody, to the delight of the audience.

Lucas glared at his brother, but then accepted the microphone. "I can't think of words good enough to thank you for the honor you have given me tonight. When I came here last fall, you welcomed me and we've had some wonderful times together. But, tonight you have made me one of you. That is just awesome."

"But, I'd like you to know something. Yes, I had dreams. But I had a mom and a dad and a brother who made those dreams come true. It wasn't always easy. There were times Cody had to punish an unruly, misbehaving slave. And I'll tell you, I didn't sit comfortably for a while afterward. Sometimes both of us had trouble sitting for a while. I could tell you some stories that would curl your toes. But, neither Cody nor Mom nor Dad ever punished me with anger. Always fairly and with love in their hearts. They truly taught a sad little boy what family was really about and what it meant to love and be loved. Remember that, when you have kids of your own; they will need dream makers, too. Thank you, thank you again for this evening."

As the applause rose again, Lucas prepared to leave the platform. "Wait, Lucas, don't go quite yet," implored Katy. "Dr. Carter, I know it's customary for the Class President to assist with the presentation of diplomas. But I think I could use a little help. Would it be OK is Lucas gave me a hand."

"Of course, my dear."

Lucas stood next to Katie and handed her the diplomas to pass to Dr. Carter as each graduate came forward. Every classmate had a kind word, a handshake or a pat on the back for him, even those who had ignored him before.

The last two diplomas belonged to Katie and Cody. As he handed Katie's to her, he leaned forward and kissed her gently on her cheek. Then came Cody's and the two of them simply embraced and hugged. When they broke, Katie took their hands and raised them above their heady like two victorious prizefighters.

The family rode home in the haze of emotion. Happiness, yes! But sadness, too. Their childhood was over.

Late that night, after they had made love in the familiar warmth of their bed, Cody asked, "How do you feel about what I did tonight?"

"Well," Lucas confided, "at first I was terribly embarrassed and pissed-off at you. And then I was ashamed. That was the greatest act of love you could ever show me!"

"It was a story that needed to be told, Lucas, because there is a powerful message there, one that Mom and Dad have struggled to tell for years. Thanks for making it possible. Thanks for being my Lucas, my lover!"


Plans for college had started well before graduation. They both chose and were accepted by a small, but prestigious college in Colorado Springs, a large city inland just east of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. Cody would major in engineering and Lucas in political science. They would live near campus in a small house that John had discovered and leased for them.

But, it was obvious they would need some help, so they set about trying to find a young slave who could go with them and become their houseboy. Several trips to the Slave Dealer yielded lots of deserving boys, but none that quite suited their needs. Lucas, in his usual role of cheerleader, encouraged them to keep trying, even though time was getting short and they seemed to not be making much progress.

The week after graduation, however, John arrived home from seeing a client, with startling news. "I may just have found a solution to our 'help' problem. It's not exactly what we had in mind, but I think it just might work."