Worldwide Boy Gladiators
Chapters 6-10
Chapter 6 Down to Business
Chris managed to fall asleep for about six hours before he woke up shouting. The boy's four-inch [10cm] long penis was trying its best to get hard inside the chastity device, driving the metal spikes into the thirteen-year-old's flesh.
"Fuck! Dammit!" he cursed as he shot up on his bunk and pulled the sheet off his body. He was covered in a fine sheen of sweat. The room was sweltering. There was only the faintest breeze blowing through the barred screen in the window. He dropped back onto his elbows and stared down the length of his body. He was panting, his muscular stomach rising and falling in rapid breaths. His was in a fix and that was sure. His penis was doing what it always did when he woke up, only now the young teenager's normal six-inch [15cm] erection was being squeezed into a metal cock cage only three inches [7½cm] long, and held down cruelly between his legs.
Alexei rolled onto his side, opened his eyes and quickly discovered he was in the same predicament. The cameras should have been there. They missed the wonderful moment. Two horny pubescent boys realizing that they could not have erections.
"Shit! I can't get hard in this thing," Chris moaned. "Damn, that fuckin' hurts!"
Twelve-year-old Alexei, whose cock was about an inch [2½cm] shorter than Christopher's was suffering just as badly. His chastity device was a little bit smaller, and so it encased his smaller organ just as tightly and just as snuggly.
"Spikes!" Alexei shouted, trying in desperation to pull the thing off his genitals.
"We gotta get our dicks soft, Alexei," Chris said, on his feet now and prancing around the tiny cell.
"Da! Da!"
The two boys did a comical dance for a few minutes until their pubescent cocks finally began to deflate. With a loud sigh of relief Chris and Alexei both sat down on their bunks, crossing their slim hairless legs and not daring to touch their chastity devices.
"What the hell are we gonna do?" Chris asked.
Alexei shrugged his sinewy wrestler's shoulders. "We must not be getting hard," he said.
Chris shook his head. "Man, I have like ten erections a day. This thing is gonna kill me!"
Alexei leaned his bare back against the wall and closed his eyes. He hated that thing around his dick. The fact that he thought the thirteen-year-old American boy was incredibly cute wasn't going to make things any easier. Chris was thinking pretty much the same thing about Alexei. He wasn't really sure if he was gay or straight, but he knew he liked looking at other boys, and that sometimes he'd get a boner when he did. Sometimes he'd dream about them at night and wake up with his stomach all crusty with his cum.
Of course Chris was still a virgin, the only sex he'd ever had so far was with himself. He wasn't entirely sure exactly how it was supposed to work with two boys, but he had a fairly accurate idea. Tab A into Slot B. That sort of thing.
Alexei was definitely cute. He felt his cock stirring again as he looked at him. He leaned back against the cold cinder-block wall and closed his eyes too. 'Don't think about that stuff' he told himself. His penis returned to its soft four inches [10cm], and thankfully seemed content to stay that way.
The door to their cell was unlocked and swung open. One of the guards stepped into the cell.
"Looks like everyone's awake in here." The man gazed at the two naked boys. "On your feet."
Chris and Alexei slid off their bunks and stood side-by-side, their shoulders touching in the tight space between the beds. The guard looked down at the metal chastity devices encasing the young boys' genitals. "Having a hard time there, boys?" he asked with a wicked laugh.
"No, sir," Chris replied.
"Go out to the table and sit down. You can choose your seat."
There was a single long table, five round stools on each side. Chris took a seat at the end. Josh scurried over to get the one next to him before another boy could take it.
"Hey, squirt," Chris said softly as Josh sat down. His little brother looked strange in his leather chastity belt, with the metal plate completely covering his genitals.
"Hey," Josh said. His face was pale. His body was glistening with sweat. He had a shocked look on his face. He didn't know what to think about everything that had happened to him in the last twenty-four hours.
"You doin' okay?" his big brother asked.
"Guess so. I don't like this belt thing they put on me. My balls are like, way up inside me right now."
"Can you get hard?"
"Nope," Josh said, shaking his blond head.
"Me neither."
"It tries to," the eleven-year-old explained in his most studious manner, "but it can't go anywhere. There's little spikes or somethin' inside this thing."
"Mine's got spikes too. Hurts like hell."
"I wanna go home, Chris."
"Me too."
"But we can't, can we?"
"No, squirt. Not for a long time."
The guards wheeled in a cart and parked it close to the table. "Alright little boys," one of the female guards, a tall muscular black woman, said in a strict yet somehow motherly tone, "line up."
The boys all left their places and stood in line in front of the food cart. Ten growling stomachs belonging to ten starving hungry growing boys.
"Pour your own juice, grab the tray with your number from the box and sit down," the woman said. "You'll get your soup when all your little white butts are back on your seats. No one eats until you're told. Hurry up now."
Josh was first in line and quickly got his food. Chris joined him at the table a few moments later. Alexei and Illya sat across from them. Phillipe Dulac, the French boy, was on Christopher's left. David Brown, Josh's partner, sat at the far end of the table with Ian Cloverdale, his fellow Aussie. The two English boys and Danny O'Hanlon, the red-haired Canadian, took up the remaining empty spaces.
The boys' supper consisted of the small plastic glass of fruit juice, which each boy poured for himself from a cooler, two slices of brown bread, half of an apple, and a piece of something that appeared to be meatloaf. It was, in fact, a special mixture of soy, tofu, vegetable paste and lentils that was designed to ensure each boy remained on a high-protein, low-fat diet. A bowl of rice and noodle soup was ladled out and placed in front of each boy.
This would be the boys' supper for the duration of their servitude. The dinner menu would never change, although the younger boys would always receive less on their tray than the older ones. Sharing was not allowed.
The boys sat still in front of their bowls and trays, waiting for permission to begin. Josh noticed there were no utensils and pointed this out to his brother. The female guard, who appeared to be in charge of the others, overhead the little boy's comment.
"That's right, sweetie," the black woman said. "You eat with your hands or you don't eat at all."
The boys looked up at her from the table. She was tall, young, and very muscular. And she was indeed very much in charge of the barracks and everything that happened inside it. "Listen closely, little gladiators, I'm the matron here," she said. "You don't need to know my name. From nine-thirty at night until eight in the morning you boys belong to me and my guards. You will call me 'Ma'am'. I don't care what happens to you outside these walls. When you are in the barracks, you will follow my rules. You don't want me giving a bad report to your trainers, do you?"
"No, ma'am!" a chorus of ten boys shouted out.
The matron smiled. "I see they've already put you in your chastity devices. Poor little naked white boys, little white penises all locked up." The matron apparently found the boys' state of affairs very amusing. "Alright, you can eat. You're allowed to talk, but you are to keep your voices down. None of us here are interested in anything you boys have to say. Now eat. You have thirty minutes."
The boys didn't do much talking at first. They were all starving and gulped their food down like ravenous animals. The matron and the three other guards on duty left them alone.
"What kind of things you guys think they'll make us do?" Danny O'Hanlon asked, darting his bright green eyes around the table.
"Hope there's lots of wrestling," Josh answered with enthusiasm and a mouth full of food.
They all went around the table, talking up their skills in their best sports. Chris, David, and Ian were all champion swimmers for their age groups. Josh, Alexei, and Danny were fierce wrestlers. Danny in fact had not lost a match since he was eight. Phillipe was a diver who almost qualified for the 2038 Olympics at age thirteen. Miles was a runner, and of course a top-notch cricket player. Illya's sport of choice was gymnastics. Gabriel Shelton, who seemed to be a boy of few words, excelled at soccer and rugby.
Needless to say, all the boys hoped that their sport would be heavily featured in the competitions. Sadly, the boys' definition of sport, and the definition favored by William Durand and Extreme Action Broadcasting would prove to be quite different.
Every tray was clean and every bowl was empty when the matron announced that feeding time was over. The boys were made to stand beside their stools and hold their hands open, palms up, to ensure none of them were trying to keep any food with them. They were then ordered to line up once again and return their trays, glasses and bowls to the cart.
"You have bathroom time for the next fifteen minutes. Do whatever you need to do."
Ian Cloverdale raised his hands. "Ma'am?" he asked, with his eyes lowered in embarrassment.
"What is it, Zero-Three?"
"How do I
3; I mean, how are Josh 'n Miles 'n me supposed to pee with these things over our privates?"
The matron smiled. "Spread your legs, Zero-Three. Zero-Two, crawl down underneath him and look up."
Ian spread his legs wide. Josh dropped to his hands and knees and crawled beneath his fellow eleven-year-old's legs. He looked up and smiled. "Hey, there's a little hole in the bottom of it!"
"That's right. Your pee will just drip right out. You three have to squat over the toilet though, or it'll spray all over the place. If any of you boys piss on my floor, you'll be licking it up, got it?"
"Yes, ma'am," the three youngest boys in their identical chastity belts replied.
"That goes for you big boys as well."
The older boys nodded somberly and as a group the ten boy gladiators hurried off to the bathroom. Two of the male guards went with them to keep the young teens and pre-teens in line. The urinal was simply a trench in the floor with water constantly trickling through it. Chris found he had to hold the metal cage around his penis with both hands to aim it properly. With the guards watching over him, it took him a few moments, but soon his strong yellow stream was splashing into the trough.
"Aaahhhh," he groaned as he took his piss.
Similar sighs and moans of relief were heard right down the line as the seven older boys locked in their cock-cages finally got to relieve their bladders. Chris quickly discovered that it helped shrink his dick a little bit more, so that the chastity device was not quite so tight. Josh, Ian and Miles squatted over the three toilets, draining the urine from their young bodies. Josh could feel the triangular metal plate filling up with his warm pee. It felt neat, all that warm liquid against his soft penis. It emptied out quickly though. He could hear it dribbling into the bowl.
While he was washing his hands he took a moment to try to splash some clean water up into the little hole at the bottom of the plate covering his genitals. He was uncircumcised and his mom and dad had drilled it into his head since he was five that he had to keep his penis very clean. It bothered him a lot that he couldn't. He felt dirty.
The older boys were able to splash water over their chastity cages and clean off their dicks. The younger boys could neither see nor touch their penises. It seemed rather unfair to Josh, especially since he could think of no reason why he should have to wear the thing in the first place.
"Sir, what if I get an infection down there?" he asked one of the guards who was standing near him. He did not notice that the man was staring rather hungrily at his cute perky eleven-year-old butt and his slim, shapely, hairless legs.
"You'll get a chance to shower tomorrow, kid," the man said. "And we'll make sure you get your little pecker nice and clean."
Josh wasn't sure he liked the way the man said that.
The ten young gladiators returned to the common area and stood at attention as the guards locked the boys' shackles around their wrists and ankles. The weight of the chains was still giving most of them problems. The boys were then told to stand next to their partner. They shuffled around for a few moments, the chains at their ankles clinking and clanking on the floor, until they were all once again in their assigned pairs.
Chris once again found himself chained at the neck to Alexei. The four remaining pairs were connected in the same way. It was hardest for Miles and Phillipe. The ten-year-old was very small, barely four feet [1.20m] high. Fourteen-year-old Phillipe, while certainly a slim wisp of a boy, stood five feet four inches [1.63m] tall. The chain itself was only two feet [60cm] long. Phillipe had to bend down awkwardly, and Miles had to stretch his slender frame, almost standing on his toes.
Josh and David had a similar problem although the difference in their height was not so pronounced.
All of the other pairs seemed to be reasonably compatible in height, and as long as they stood shoulder to shoulder the boys could keep a comfortable amount of slack in the unforgiving chain.
"I hope we don't have to run in these things," Phillipe told his junior partner. His English was good, if heavily accented.
Little Miles nodded. Like all proud Englishmen he was not particularly fond of things French, but Phillipe was his partner rather he liked it or not. "Just don't drag me along behind you when you start moving," Miles said. "I'm a good runner. I'll keep up. Deal?"
The chained boys shook hands.
The trainers entered the barracks in their gray military-styled uniforms. Each of them held an object in their hand. It appeared to be a baton, two feet [60cm] long. Jason Sanborne, who turned out to be the head trainer, addressed the ten naked boys as they stood chained to their partners.
"Has anyone seen one of these before?" he asked, holding up the baton and flexing it slightly between his hands.
The boys all shook their heads.
"It is called a prod. It is very useful for making sure boys behave themselves and do as they are told. I will demonstrate."
He stepped forward and stopped in front of Chris and Alexei. He locked his eyes on his thirteen-year-old charge. He spoke to him softly. "You've done nothing wrong," he told the boy, "but I need to make an example for the others and its going to be you." He opened the padlock that held the chain around Alexei's collar. The chain fell free and now hung heavy from Christopher's neck. Jason grabbed the chain and dragged Chris forward with it.
Chris had to stand there in front of all the other boys and all the trainers and guards. He put his hands behind his head when he was told to. He spread his feet as far as the chains between his shackled ankles would allow. Jason then pressed the end of the prod into the boy's taut stomach.
A mild electric shock hit him and he yelped and jumped back.
"Don't move, Zero-Seven!" Sanborne yelled. "That was the medium setting. It gets worse." He touched Chris with the prod again, this time in the abdomen, just above the thirteen-year-old's little tuft of pubic hair. This time Chris squealed and shrieked. It was a good thing he'd just pissed, because he lost control of his bladder and a small sprinkle of pee sprayed out his penis.
"Lick that up, you filthy animal!" his trainer shouted.
Chris glared back at him in defiance. He was NOT going to lick up his own piss off the floor. "No," he said softly.
Jason wasted no time continuing the lesson in front of the boys. He swung the prod hard and cracked it across the front of Christopher's thighs. The prod had a slight elasticity to it, much like a cane. It left an angry red welt. Chris shouted against the pain. "I won't do it, sir! No matter how hard you hit me."
"You have no idea how hard I can hit you, boy." Jason struck him again, this time across his shoulders.
Chris was staggered by the blow and lost his balance for a moment. Natasha, Alexei's trainer stepped in and grabbed him under his arm, holding him steady for the next blow, which fell across the backs of his thighs. Chris was screaming now as Jason began to beat him mercilessly with the prod, occasionally jamming the electrified end into his flesh. The rest of the boys stood in stunned silence. Josh was the first one to start crying, but soon all of them had moist eyes, watching the thirteen-year-old being repeatedly hit with that horrible stick.
Finally Chris dropped to his hands and knees. He found the tiny little puddle of piss that he'd squirted out onto the floor. With his arms trembling he lowered himself until his lips touched the concrete. He licked up his pee with his tongue. It was the most humiliating thing he'd ever had to do. He was crying.
"Stand up," Jason said.
3; can't, sir," Chris replied. There was no defiance in his voice. He simply could not stand up.
Natasha helped him, again gripping her strong hands under his arms and lifting him to his feet. A wicked grin crossed her face. "Naughty boy. Your penis is getting hard, isn't it?"
Chris didn't know what she was talking about. He was scared and hurt and embarrassed and
'Oh my god!'
His cock was swelling up inside the chastity device. Chris was totally confused. How could his penis want to get hard after all that? He felt the spikes digging in to his boy-meat and groaned in agony.
The other boys just looked on in silence. Sorry and embarrassed for Chris but really happy it wasn't them standing there.
"Do any of you have any questions?" Jason Sanborne asked.
"No, sir!" the boys all shouted in unison.
Jason placed the prod lengthwise under Christopher's chin and raised the boy's eyes to his own. "You're confused about that, aren't you?" he asked, gesturing down to the painful hardness cruelly caged between the thirteen-year-old's legs.
Chris nodded.
"I will teach you." He handed Chris a tissue. "Now wipe your eyes and blow your nose and go back to your partner. You were very brave. I am proud of you. But do not ever tell me 'no' again. I am the head trainer. Any thing you do wrong reflects badly on me. Understand?"
"Yes, sir." Chris did as he was told, handing Jason the soiled tissue with a meager smile.
"Alright, gladiators," Jason shouted, "your training begins tonight."
The ten naked boys were marched out of their barracks and into the training facility. The camera crew was already set up to record them being brought in, naked, collared and chained, each boys' genitals locked in a chastity device. The crew made sure they good close-ups of each boy's cute, innocent face, panning slowly, artfully, down the length of their slim, hairless nude bodies. The first live broadcast was still more than a week away, but 'film everything' was the general standing order for the camera crews. It would all be edited and compiled and incorporated into the live footage of the contests. There would be no aspect of the boys' lives that would not be open for the consumption of a rabid public.
The chains that bound each of the boys to their partners were removed, as were the chains connecting their shackles. The trainers then led the boys through an intense regime of calisthenics. Jumping jacks, toe-touches, deep knee bends, and sit-ups. Chris got to hold Josh's ankles for him while the eleven-year-old completed the demanding set of one hundred abdominal crunches. Chris couldn't help but notice how muscular his little brother had become recently. His stomach was now as flat and well defined as Christopher's own. They switched places after Josh finished his hundred. Chris, being older, was required to do one hundred and fifty. All the boys were quite tired when they were made to do push-ups. Seventy-five for the boys twelve and younger, one hundred for the thirteen and fourteen year olds. The grueling exercise was made even more difficult as each boy had his trainer's foot pressed between his shoulders.
"I want to see those little muscles straining," a very sadistic Hannah Dubose told a very sweaty and very tired Joshua. He'd already managed to do twenty-three push-ups with the grown woman's booted foot pressing down on him.
"Aw, come on, ma'am," the eleven-year-old protested as he lay on his stomach trying to catch his breath. "Let me up! It isn't fair."
"Poor baby. Keep going. And since you think it's unfair, you can do one hundred just like the older boys."
"Awww," Josh moaned, but he did keep going. He didn't dare not to. His trainer was the most scary woman he'd ever met.
"Stand up," Jason ordered, removing his foot from Christopher's back after the boy had finished his last push up. Chris groaned and got to his feet. From head to toe his entire body was covered with a fine sheen of boyish sweat. The training room was hot, the only relief coming from fans in the ceiling. They did little to cool the boys down after their intense warm-ups. Jason handed Chris a bottle of water. "Don't drink it too fast or you'll get cramps."
The boy swallowed in big desperate gulps. He was so thirsty. Jason pulled the bottle away from the boy's lips.
"That's enough for now. You can have more later. Lets get you on the weight machine."
Jason had the thirteen-year-old sit down on the bench. Standing in front of his young charge, he locked the boy's ankles to the leg press. "Lean back," he said, resting his hands on the boy's firm, smooth, hairless thighs.
Chris sat back until he came in contact with the backrest. Jason drew a wide leather belt around the young teenager's waist and tightened it.
"Grab the bar over your head," he ordered.
Chris did as he was told and watched in silence as his trainer locked his shackled wrists to the bar with a pair of padlocks.
"How many keys do you have for me, sir?" Chris asked, looking hard at large ring of keys in Jason Sanborne's hands. He gave his trainer a little smile.
"Enough to make sure you always stay exactly where I put you, Zero-Seven. Now lets see how strong you are. I'll adjust the weights for you. Can you pull that bar down to your chest?"
Chris straightened his back a little, gripped the ends of the bar with his hands, and pulled down in a smooth, fluid motion, his small firm young muscles barely straining. "Not a problem, sir," he said with boyish teenaged confidence.
"Didn't think it would be. Now your legs."
Chris took a breath and raised the leg press with little effort, straightening his handsome legs and locking his knees before lowering them again. "Easy."
"Good. Let me add some weight
3; "
Chris heard the pins being pulled and replaced.
"That should give those nice little muscles a good workout. Arms down, legs up, keep going until I tell you to stop."
Chris went to work with the machine, discovering that Jason had added quite a bit of weight, especially on his arms. After about ten repetitions, Chris was panting and sweating and struggling to keep his rhythm.
"Alright. Slow down," his trainer said. "You've never been on one of these before, have you?"
"No, sir. I've done free weights with my dad. That's about it."
"You need to learn to control your breathing. You're wasting all your energy. You're a swimmer. How do you breathe when you're really racing hard?"
"Depends on the stroke, sir," Chris answered, still fighting to catch his breath. "Mostly I breathe between strokes."
"It's the same thing on the machine. Breath goes in before you press, breath goes out when you go back up. Now try again."
Chris had better luck this time around. Soon he had established a good, quick rhythm. He could see and feel the strain in his muscles, but it wasn't more than he could handle. In fact, as tired and scared as he was about everything that was happening, it felt good to be working his young muscles, tightening his already trim and athletic body. The machine was a temporary escape, and he was actually starting to feel pretty good about things.
"Stop. Time to add more weight," Jason said with a smile.
Chris stopped and waited, taking time to look around the room. Danny O'Hanlon and Illya Casparev were on the other two weight machines. Josh, Miles, and Alexei, were all on the treadmills, running as fast as they could. Their wrists were chained to the handles of the three machines. Gabriel, David, and Phillipe were strapped down to the rowing machines, struggling to maintain the rapid pace their trainers were shouting out for them. Ian Cloverdale was getting his first lesson with the free weights. His trainer, a young black man named Anthony, made sure the boy maintained a perfect posture by continually swatting the eleven-year-old's rear end with the prod.
"Stand up straight, boy," Anthony said with an English accent. "You don't want to find out what the end of this thing feels like, do you?"
Ian, locked in his chastity belt with the metal plate snuggly covering his genitals, vigorously shook his head. Just like Josh and Miles, the chastity belt made the eleven-year-old appear to be completely flat between his legs, no little bulge at all, as if he didn't even have a penis and testicles down there.
Chris was brought back to attention by a sharp crack of the prod on his left thigh.
"Don't let your eyes wander, Zero-Seven," his trainer said sternly. "I expect your full attention at all times. Now start again."
This time the weight was really too much for Chris to handle. He couldn't budge the leg press at all. He managed three weak repetitions on his arms. Jason could see from the pained look on the boy's face that this was beyond him.
"That's almost twice your body weight, boy," he said, playfully tussling the thirteen-year-old's blond hair. "You'll get there eventually. I'll set it back a bit. I want fifty reps, then you can have some water and take a break, before I chain you to the treadmill."
"Gee, thanks," Chris said under his breath.
"I heard that, Zero-Seven. You can give me ten extra repetitions for being such a little smart ass."
"Sorry, sir," Chris said, casting his blue eyes to the floor.
'Not as sorry as you will be,' Jason Sanborne thought to himself with great pleasure.
Chapter 7 Special Training
After two hours the boys were almost finished cycling through all the equipment. Boyish grunts and groans filled the air, as well as the strong sweet scent of ten young bodies sweating and straining. Chris finished chained to the rowing machine. Standing over him, Jason could see the soft line of blue veins in the boy's biceps and thighs, just a subtle hint, and a vein in the thirteen-year-old's neck standing out beneath his soft smooth skin, the sign of a young boy pushing his slim body to extremes of exertion.
There was no clock in the training room, so none of the boys had any concept of how long they'd been forced to work out, they only knew they were sore and exhausted. The trainers all wore watches, but the boys were told they were never allowed to ask the time.
"You're not to concern yourself with things like that, slave," Jason informed young Chris. It was the first time his trainer had actually called him a slave. The word had been used a lot lately of course, but always in general terms. It was the first time that label had been applied to him directly and personally by another human being. It stung. It scared him, especially the way Jason hissed the word with contempt.
Jason pulled a whistle from one of the pockets in his uniform and blew it loudly. "Stop."
All of the trainers made their boys stop whatever grueling exercise they were doing. All ten of the young gladiators were panting and sweating. The boys were released from the machines. They all stood doubled over, gripping their knees, trying to catch their breath, innocently and unknowingly providing a perfect display of their firm cute naked little butts. The cameras naturally captured everything.
The trainers stood next to their boys. Chris felt Jason's hands on his back as he bent at the waist, still breathing in short rapid gasps. Then his trainer's hands moved down and caressed his rear end. No one had ever touched him there, not like that. It sent some rather confusing signals through his body. He shuddered involuntarily at Jason's touch. He felt Jason's fingers work slowly into his tight little butt-crack. A single finger then found his little hole.
"Oh," Chris whispered hoarsely in complete surprise.
Jason kept his finger there, nestled firmly between the boy's cute round cheeks, pressing gently on the young teenager's small opening. Jason knew he could slide his finger inside the boy with little resistance, but the time was not yet right for that. He simply held his finger there, gently pushing against the boy's tight anal ring.
"Oh, shiiiit," Chris gasped through clenched teeth.
It felt good. Having Jason's finger there. The boy wondered how it would feel to have it inside him. For the last few months he'd been sticking his own finger in there whenever he masturbated, but the thought of having Jason do it to him was strangely compelling. His young dick began to swell inside the metal chastity cage.
Jason could tell the boy was becoming aroused and quickly pulled his finger away. Chris let out a soft groan of frustration. Sure it was embarrassing having a man stick his finger up your naked butt, but it felt amazing. Chris decided he wouldn't mind at all if Jason did it again. Jason smiled wickedly, already enjoying the power he had over this boy. He made Chris stand up straight. The boy's hands again went behind his head. Jason grazed his hand over the thirteen-year-old's chastity device. By now the spikes were doing their work and young Chris was in a good bit of distress.
"You have to stop having erections, Zero-Seven, unless I want you to," Jason lectured the boy sternly.
"I'm sorry, sir," Chris said, wincing from the pain as the metal spikes dug into his misbehaving penis. "It's just
3; when you touched me back there
3; I couldn't help it."
"Learning to control yourself is going to be part of your training, Chris. When I want your penis hard, it will be. I expect you to keep it soft the rest of the time."
Jason turned his attention to the other trainers. "If you've scheduled your boy for special training, take him to the assigned room. If your gladiator is finished for the night, take him back to the barracks. Medical will be giving each boy a thorough examination tomorrow. Please be sure to check the schedules."
Phillipe, Alexei, Miles, Danny and Ian were all chained once again and marched off to the barracks. Chris, Josh, Gabe, Illya, and David remained in the exercise room with their trainers. One by one they were led off to one of the smaller training rooms. Josh looked back nervously at his big brother as Hannah Dubose dragged him by the ring in his collar into room number four. She made the boy close the solid steel door himself. It clanged shut. Chris could hear it being locked from inside. Now he stood alone with Jason Sanborne.
"Hannah is a lesbian, of course," Jason said. "But she believes young boys should be taught to serve women and obey them. Be glad you're not Josh."
Chris bit his lip.
"Come on. Don't make me drag you like your brother."
Chris obediently fell in line behind his trainer and followed him into room number six. Jason pulled the door closed and locked it. The naked thirteen-year-old now stood in the room with all this bizarre and unfamiliar equipment.
There was a small computer workstation in the room. Behind it was the only chair in the room, the only normal chair anyway. There was another chair, wooden, with leather restraints built into the arms and legs. Chris was staring at it open-mouthed. Jason Sanborne's personal laptop was already set up on the desk. He sat down and switched it on and waited for it to connect to the network. "Come stand in front of the desk," the man said. When the boy was standing in front of him, Sanborne looked up from the computer screen. "Put your hands behind your head. Spread your legs. Wider. That's good. This is how I want you to stand whenever we are in this room."
"Yes, sir."
Jason called up the company's file on Christopher Andrews, Boy 07. The nude photos he himself had taken of the thirteen-year-old were displayed in one window, while the boy's vital statistics appeared in another. The schedule Jason had developed for his young charge for the course of the next week was also displayed. Every bit of information he or the other staff might conceivably need on Boy 07 was here at one's fingertips. All of the boy gladiators had similar files in the system. Jason could call up details on any one of them, any time he desired.
"There are a few questions you have to answer for me before we begin. Tell me the truth."
"I will, sir."
"Good boy. Now
3; when did you start growing pubic hair?"
Chris didn't have a hard time answering that one. He didn't have much hair down there to begin with, and he hadn't had it all that long. "About three months ago, sir, like a month before I turned thirteen."
"So you were twelve."
"Yes, sir."
Jason entered the data into the boy's file. "When did you ejaculate for the first time?"
"I've been able to do that since I was eleven, sir."
"You developed early."
"Yes, sir," Chris said with some pride.
"Do you like girls or boys?"
Chris was silent for a moment, only because it was such a personal question. "Boys, sir."
"I thought so. That's one thing we have in common. Have you ever had sex with another boy?"
"No, sir."
"Do you think about it?"
Chris nodded. "Yes, sir. Often, sir."
"I'm going to assume you masturbate. How often do you do it?"
Chris blushed and looked away. He really didn't want to talk about that. That wasn't anybody's business but his own.
"I need an answer, Zero-Seven. Once a day? Once a week?"
"Couple times a day, sir, I guess. Whenever I want to really."
"Well those days are over, young man," Jason said, pointing to the metal cage that encased the young teenager's dick.
"I kinda guessed that already, sir."
"Smart boy." Jason saved all the information and stood up. "You're wondering what's going to happen in this room."
"Yes, sir. I don't know what any of this stuff is for, sir."
"Can you guess?"
Chris looked around. "I'd rather not."
"You will be doing your special training here. Sometimes it will just be you, other times one of the other boys will be here with you. I might even arrange for it to be Joshua once in a while, if you're good. Since this is your first time, I've kept the cameras outside. There are two of them in the ceiling," Jason pointed up and Chris followed with his eyes. There were two bubbles in the ceiling with cameras mounted inside. "Everything that happens to you in this room will be recorded, but I don't want a crew in here pointing cameras in your face, at least not tonight. You'll be having a hard enough time without worrying about that."
Thirteen-year-old Chris was starting to get scared. Jason was standing right in front of him now. He was at least a foot [30cm] taller than the slim naked boy. He put his hand under Christopher's chin and stared into the boy's blue eyes.
"Boy gladiators have to learn about pain. Your lessons start tonight."
Chris backpedaled, looking up at Jason Sanborne's suddenly menacing figure. The man reached out and locked his fingers around the ring on the boy's iron collar.
"Never back away, Zero-Seven."
3; what are you going to do to me?"
Jason's answer was calm and nonchalant. "I'm going to torture you. For several hours in fact. Nothing you do or say will make me stop. You can scream and beg all you want. You will probably lose consciousness a few times. But that will help me discover your limits."
Chris was trembling. Jason tightened his grip on the collar around the boy's neck. "You should be frightened. But you will learn to be fearless. If I am cruel to you, it is because I expect you to excel in every contest. You will learn to endure pain. You will not disappoint me. Go stand in front of that frame."
Jason pointed to a metal frame, about six feet high, and four feet wide [1.80x1.20m]. Chains hung from pulleys in the top corners. There was also a set of chains at the base of the frame. Chris approached it slowly, like a boy walking to his own doom. He knew the chains on the floor would soon be attached to the shackles around his ankles, and that his wrists would be hanging from the chains overhead.
"Turn around and face me."
Jason worked quickly, chaining Chris to the frame and adjusting the pulleys so the boy's arms were raised above his head and splayed outward toward the corners. His feet were placed about three feet [90cm] apart, spreading the boy's legs wide. His ankles were locked down. Chris was now immobilized and stretched across the frame. Jason pulled the chains a little tighter, forcing the boy to stand on his toes and causing the thirteen-year-old's torso to be stretched out. His ribs were clearly visible beneath his skin. With a click the pulleys were locked. Chris wasn't going anywhere.
Reaching into his pocket, Jason again removed the ring of keys. He opened the padlock on Chris' chastity device and removed everything but the tight metal ring at the base of the boy's cock and balls.
"I want your cock hard for this, boy."
The thirteen-year-old moaned and his penis hardened instantly to its full six-inch [15cm] erection. More than six inches actually. Chris looked down at himself in amazement. His dick had never been so hard, or so big, or so thick. His foreskin had drawn all the way back, something that never happened on its own. His dick was an angry dark red color. He had been leaking constantly ever since Jason had locked the chastity cage in place, and now pre-cum was dribbling from the end of his cock, a long clear strand of it hanging down between his legs.
Chris thrust his hips out, desperately hoping Jason would take the hint and jerk him off.
Jason certainly did take the hint, but he ignored the boy's throbbing erection. He knew the thirteen-year-old was so sexually aroused at the moment that the slightest touch to his genitals would have the kid shooting his spunk like a cannon. He was not about to let that happen.
"Naughty little boy," Jason said, observing the clear fluid dripping from the young teen's painfully engorged penis. "You have absolutely no self-control. You should be ashamed of yourself."
"I'm sorry," Chris said, his face turning red. "I can't help it. I gotta cum so bad. Please
3; please let me cum."
Jason ignored the boy's plea and went over to the small sink in the corner. There was also a toilet there. Every one of the special training rooms had one. He filled a paper cup with water and picked up a bottle of pills from the desk before making his way back to the naked boy bound to the metal frame. He took out two small blue pills.
"Open your mouth and stick out your tongue."
Chris obeyed. Jason put one of the pills on the boy's pink wet tongue and held the paper cup to his lips.
Young Chris had always had a hard time taking pills. He coughed and choked and almost had to spit it out. He held it in his mouth, the water was already gone. He could feel it starting to dissolve. He looked at his trainer with terrified eyes. Jason was surprisingly gentle and patient.
"Not a good pill-taker, ay? That's unfortunate. Take your time and start over."
Chris relaxed, took another sip of water and tried again. This time the little pill went right down. Jason ran his fingers playfully through the boy's blond hair. "Good job. One more to go."
Again he placed the pill on the boy's tongue and held the cup to the youngster's lips. Chris got this one down on the first try.
"What were those?" the boy asked. He could still taste the first one on his tongue.
"Just a little something to stimulate your adrenal glands. They'll help you deal with the pain. They'll also make sure your cock stays hard for the next few hours, but you won't be able to cum. You'll take these before every competition, and any time I want you hard, like right now."
"Why, sir?" Chris asked. "I don't understand. I mean
3; why does it matter if my dick's hard or not? I thought
3; I mean I thought I was supposed to keep it soft all the time."
"Most of the time you are. And you will keep it soft until I tell you otherwise, or I'll punish you for having an erection. But during some of the contests, we'll want all of you boys running around with nice hard dicks. You'll be taking other pills too, starting tomorrow after you see the doctor. Vitamin supplements mostly. But you'll also be getting one that will make your penis grow a lot bigger. By the time you're fourteen, that thing will be at least seven inches [18cm] long when it's soft. You'll have ten inches [25cm] between your little hairless legs when you get hard."
"Your indenture allows us to make certain minor modifications to your body. Giving you a big huge cock is going to be just one of them. You'll be getting some piercings too, but not for a few months. We need to break you in first."
"I'm really gonna have a seven inch [18cm] dick?" Chris asked. He was definitely not opposed to that idea.
"That's the plan. I can't even imagine how big Josh's is going to end up."
Chris laughed. He often teased his little brother about his oversized cock. "As long as it doesn't end up bigger than mine."
"Joshua's would end up longer than yours even without the drug."
"I know. Lucky little squirt."
"Don't be so sure, kid. If there's one thing I know Hannah Dubose hates, it's a little boy with a big wiener. Josh is in for a very rough time."
"He's gotta stay here for five years," Chris said.
"He'll be a very well trained young man when he's finally freed. But that's enough chatter from you."
Jason left the boy chained to the frame for a few minutes and selected various items from their hooks on the wall behind the desk. Chris watched intently. He could see each item as Jason laid them out on a small cart. Everything was scary. Jason wheeled the cart over and placed it directly in front of the young boy slave.
The first item was a ball-gag. The ball was a dark shade of red, the straps of black leather. Chris was scared. He was going to be tortured. He offered no resistance when his trainer forced the rubber ball into his mouth. He was too frightened to do anything but accept it. Jason pulled the leather straps tight behind the boy's head and buckled the gag. Chris quickly discovered that the ball was very hard. Of course the thirteen-year-old had never worn a gag before. His brother had stuffed a rolled up sock in his mouth during one of their tie-up games, but that was the only experience he'd ever had. He panicked and writhed in his bonds.
Jason gave him a light smack to the face. "You can breathe, Zero-Seven. Use your nose. That's right. Get used to being gagged. You'll be wearing that thing quite often."
Chris nodded bravely and closed his eyes, getting used to being able to breathe only through his nostrils.
"Are you coping?" Jason asked after a few more seconds.
Chris nodded.
"I am not going to cause you any lasting injury," Jason said slowly. "I am going to cause you a lot of pain." He rubbed his hands over Chris' nipples, pulling and twisting the little dime-sized circles on the boy's chest. No one had ever touched him that way. Chris himself hadn't even discovered their erotic potential yet. It was a lesson he was learning right now.
"Mmmmph," he moaned into his gag. All that attention to his nipples was causing the boy's cock to jerk wildly. Chris felt sure he was going to have an orgasm, it was building and building, but just like Jason had said, he couldn't cum. He couldn't. He wanted to desperately, but he couldn't. His cock continued to throb and bounce and jerk spasmodically. The feeling was almost overwhelming.
"Mmmmpphh!!" he groaned more forcefully, wiggling his hips and straining against his chains, desperate to get his hands on his frustrated dick. Jason just smiled knowingly and pulled a pair of clamps from the cart. They were connected by a silver chain. The trainer held them up so the boy could see them.
"These are going to hurt. But they are really just mild ones."
The young teenaged boy's nipples were now hard. Jason pinched the right one between his fingers and applied the metal clamp. Chris hissed through his gag and clenched his fists. Jason repeated the procedure with the boy's left nipple. Chris hissed again and let out a high-pitched wail. Jason stood back and watched the boy struggle for about fifteen minutes.
If these were supposed to be mild, Chris wondered what the really bad ones must feel like. His whole chest was on fire. His nipples were burning. Every time he writhed or moved or tried to take in a deep breath, the pain doubled, shooting through his young body like electricity. He begged his trainer to take them off, but the only sound that escaped through the ball-gag was a series of frantic unintelligible grunts.
Ignoring the boy's obvious distress, Jason worked the thirteen-year-old's hairless balls for a few minutes, at first gently massaging them, then squeezing them tightly and harshly. Chris shouted into his gag for the first time.
Still holding on to the boy's balls, Jason selected another set of clamps and placed these on Chris' smooth hairless scrotum. This was not nearly so painful as the ones on his nipples. If Chris hadn't been watching, he probably would not even have noticed them. Two more clamps were attached to the boy's dick, one just below the glans, the other further down, digging in to the boy's fully retracted foreskin.
"A boy's foreskin is very sensitive, Zero-Seven. Did you know that?"
Chris was discovering just how sensitive in that very moment. The clamps on his dick were heavier and harsher, the ends of them were toothed, so they dug into the boy's organ without mercy.
Again Jason stepped back to give Chris a chance to feel all the pain. The boy's cock remained as hard as steel. Little veins were beginning to bulge around the shaft now. Chris was moaning continually, thrashing his head from side to side. The pain was terrible, but his cock was so hard. He felt like he would explode any minute. Once again he tried in vain to bring himself off by thrusting his hips forward and back, but it did him no good. He was fully erect, eager to shoot his thick thirteen-year-old cum, but totally unable to achieve an orgasm. He wondered just how long those pills would be working. Hours? Days? Weeks? The thought of going even a few days without having an orgasm was positively horrifying to him.
He was so lost in his state of sexual arousal and denial that he did not notice his trainer attaching a series of thin wires to the various clamps on his young hairless body. He did not notice these wires being hooked to a small black box on the cart.
"Boy!" Jason said strongly, slapping Chris across the face to get his attention. "Pay attention. I'm going to run some electricity through the clamps. Take one last deep breath."
Chris obeyed and eyed his trainer in giddy terror. Jason flipped a switch on the black box and a red light glowed to life. He turned a dial that Chris really could not see, then pushed a single white button.
Christopher Andrews shrieked into his gag. His entire body went rigid, all of his muscles tensed as the electricity coursed through his young one-hundred-and-eight pound [49kg] frame. Jason had the device set to deliver short bursts of electricity every fifteen seconds. He had selected medium voltage, enough to cause the boy exquisite pain without risking any serious lasting damage to the kid's gorgeous tight little body.
Jason experimented with increasingly higher voltages at longer and longer durations. Young Chris was screaming pitifully into his gag now, tears streaming from his wide blue terror-stricken eyes, twisting and writhing against the chains that bound him to the frame. Still his penis remained totally and painfully erect.
Jason must have read the boy's mind at that moment. "It's not going to kill you."
Chris was tortured like this for more than one hour. Finally, Jason reduced the voltage down to its lowest level, but set the box to deliver a continual current to the boy's nipples and genitals. Chris was sobbing. Drool was running down his chin from the ball-gag, snot was running from his nose, pre-cum was oozing out of the tip of his cock in a continual stream. There was a small pool of it on the floor between the boy's feet.
"You're a mess, boy," Jason said. "Time to clean you up."
The man stepped behind him out of his line of sight. Chris heard the squeak of a faucet being turned on. He shrieked when the showerhead positioned directly above the metal frame (which he had never noticed until now) opened up and a steady stream of frigid water rained down upon his naked body. After a few minutes it warmed up a bit, but it never actually got warm. Jason let the stream of water and the stream of electricity both run for another thirty minutes, tormenting the poor boy on the frame. Even with the cool water running over his smooth bare skin, the thirteen-year-old's penis continued to point up toward his belly. He'd been hard for almost three hours now, and he was no closer to being able cum now than he was when it started.
Jason sat at the desk, typing notes into the boy's file as Chris continued to sob and suffer. After another ten minutes, Jason got up and turned off the electricity. The water was still running. He selected a tawse from the hooks on the wall behind his workstation. Chris had his eyes closed, his head down in exhaustion. He did not see it. Jason walked around behind him. The boy's behind was a perfect and beautiful target. Jason whipped him for a good thirty minutes, eliciting a new round of screams from the boy's hoarse throat.
Chris was really lost in another world at this point. He really could not hear or understand anything Jason was saying to him. All he knew was that he hurt and that he very much wanted it all to end so he could go back to his little cell and go to sleep. His cock was finally beginning to deflate, yet strangely his desperate need to cum remained.
Finally the tawse was laid aside and the water was turned off. Chris hung from the chains now, unable to stand on his own. Jason came round and stood in front of him.
"Look at me, Zero-Seven."
Chris opened his tired eyes.
"You were very brave tonight." He reached behind the boy's head and unbuckled the strap that held the ball-gag. Chris spit it out obediently. Jason took a moment to rub the kid's sore jaw. "I'm going to take you back to the barracks now."
"I can
3; I can sleeeep?"
"Yes. I'll tell them to give you a small snack first. You've earned it."
"Thank you, sir."
Chris dropped his head. Jason had to hold the boy up at first, once all the chains were removed. As soon as the young teen was able to stand on his own wobbly feet, Jason swiftly put the boy back into his chastity device and snapped the padlock closed. The pills had worn off, and Chris' tortured four-inch [10cm] penis was now quite flaccid. It didn't even harden when the metal cage was locked around it.
"Good boy," his trainer said. "Keep it soft until you go to sleep."
Chris was so utterly wasted from his ordeal that he had no problem following Jason's orders. When he got back to the barracks, his shackles and his collar were removed. Only the chastity device remained. The boy sat naked at the table and was given his snack, a pack of cheese and crackers and another apple. All of the other boys were locked in their cells. Jason tussled the boy's hair, the only sign of affection he ever seemed to give.
"Go right to sleep, boy. You've got a session with medical right after breakfast."
"Yes, sir," Chris said, barely listening. He was too busy crunching his sweet apple and enjoying his special snack.
"None of the other boys got extra food tonight, so this is just our secret, alright?"
Chris nodded and yawned between bites.
Jason spoke to the lone guard on duty. "Make sure he goes to the bathroom and brushes his teeth. He's not allowed to get hard in that thing until he lies down. If his cock tries to swell up, report it to me in the morning."
Jason left the barracks and took a leisurely stroll through the warm tropical evening to his suite of rooms in the staff housing area. There was air-conditioning and a fine bottle of wine waiting for him. His first day with Boy Zero-Seven had gone very well. The boy was going to be a star, no doubt about it.
Chris was taken to the bathroom after he'd finished eating. The guard watched him while he sat on the toilet and pissed. He tried to shit, but couldn't. He was given a toothbrush with his number on it and stood in front of the sink brushing his teeth. He saw himself in the mirror. His face was dirty and tear-stained. His hair was wet and tangled.
'Goddamn, I look like shit.'
And he felt every bit as terrible as he looked.
The boy was marched to his cell and gently pushed inside. He was allowed to find his bunk before the solid steel door was closed and locked plunging the little room into darkness. Chris was grateful his collar and shackles were gone, even though he knew he'd be wearing them again in just a few short hours. He stretched out on his mattress and pulled the thin sheet up over his waist. His cock was still soft inside the chastity device. He was happy for that. For the first time since he was eleven-years-old, he did not even want to think about getting hard. All he wanted was sleep, and it took him almost instantly.
'I think I made a big mistake,' was the boy's final conscious thought.
Chapter 8 No More Boners!
Chris woke up a few hours later. He was lying on his side. The cell was dim, the only light coming through the barred and heavily screened window. His nipples were still sore, and there was a dull ache in his cock and balls. He'd sort of hoped he'd wake up to discover everything had been a dream. It wasn't. He was still a slave. He was locked in a tiny concrete cell. There was no way he could get out of it. He rolled onto his back and propped himself up with this elbows. Chris' dick was half-hard inside the chastity device. He could just feel the spikes pressing into the thick shaft of his boyhood, a constant and painful reminder that he was not allowed to have erections without Jason's permission.
The thirteen-year-old was leaking pre-cum constantly now, even when his penis was soft. He could actually feel the thin sticky fluid slowly working its way out of his dick. It was not an unpleasant feeling, just weird. Chris didn't understand why the chastity device kept his dick wet and leaking, but he was becoming aware of the fact that his cock would be locked away and dripping like this for the next three years. He reached down and fiddled with the padlock, tugging at the metal cage that encased his now soft four inches [10cm]. He could still touch his balls. They were sore and swollen and aching. The metal ring at the base of the boy's genitals, which held the chastity cage in place, had the added effect of forcing the boy's ripe thirteen-year-old balls up and out from his body, keeping them on lewd display at all times.
He was so desperate to cum, and his balls were so sore from being tortured. He decided it was best not to touch himself at all, even in the privacy of his dark little cell. He kicked the sheet off and got up. There was only about three feet [90cm] between his bunk and Alexei's. The younger boy was sound asleep on his back, his mouth hanging open, his chest rising and falling. Chris walked over to the window. There were iron bars on the outside, and a thick mesh screen on the inside. The mesh made it difficult to see out, or for light to come in, but Chris discovered if he pressed his nose right up against the screen, the mesh seemed to disappear and he could see outside. The boy stood there and crossed his arms on the concrete windowsill.
It was raining outside. A soft gentle drizzle. There was no glass in the window, so a warm breeze was blowing into the tiny room. It felt good on the boy's bare skin. Chris could see the ten-foot [3m] high fence that surrounded the barracks. There were lights on wooden poles to keep the area around the fence illuminated. The razor wire glittered in the pale sickly yellow light. Chris hadn't really given any thought to trying to escape, but the view out the window reinforced the fact that he was a slave, and that this small cell would be his home for the next three years.
Alexei stirred and shouted something in Russian. He rolled over onto his side and tried to go back to sleep, but the twelve-year-old was experiencing the same frustration that had awakened young Chris. He cursed in his native language and got up. He joined Chris at the window, crossing his arms on the sill just like the older boy.
"I do not like this thing," he said, running his hands over the stainless steel cage that encased his dick.
"We're not supposed to," Chris commiserated. "Is your dick leaking?"
"Da. It won't stop."
"Mine too."
"Are you
3; o-kay?" Alexei asked.
"What did he do to you?"
"I don't really want to talk about, alright?"
"If you put your nose right up to the screen, you can see outside."
Alexei tried it, then stood back and smiled at the older boy. He felt really lucky to be paired up with the cute, cool American, for all sorts of reasons. He pressed his nose to the screen again and stayed like that for a while. There wasn't much to see out there at night, just the fence and the razor wire, but it was a change from the close gray walls.
"It is raining," Alexei pronounced.
"Thanks, genius," Chris laughed. "I figured that out myself while you were still asleep."
Chris looked outside again too, and the boys just stood there for a few minutes, their shoulders touching lightly. Chris nudged Alexei playfully and the younger boy nudged back. They carried on that little contest for a while, then Chris felt Alexei's hand on his shoulder. He breathed deeply and relaxed. Alexei moved his hand lower, down the gentle curve of the thirteen-year-old's back. His touch was light and timid. Chris put his hand between Alexei's shoulders. The twelve-year-old's skin was warm and soft. Without really thinking about it, Chris moved his hand down, just like Alexei had done. Both boys now had their hands on each other's rear ends.
They giggled and wiggled their butts for each other. Chris had never really touched another boy this way, or been touched. He and Josh had played around like brothers do, but this felt very different somehow. The two boys timidly explored each other, each enjoying the soft touch of the other. Chris found Alexei's crack and ran a single finger down its length. Alexei sighed and spread his legs a little wider. Chris understood and worked his finger in a little more deeply. It took him a minute to find the twelve-year-old's little opening. He moved around so he was standing behind Alexei, his other hand on the younger boy's shoulder. The top of Alexei's head came up to the height of Chris' chin. He could smell Alexei's damp sweaty hair. He rested his finger against the boy's hole, pressing gently against it. Chris knew how good it felt whenever he fingered himself there. He pushed a little harder. And then he felt his finger slipping up inside the other boy's butt. Alexei gasped and sighed happily and leaned back against him.
Alexei's voice was a soft high whisper in the night. "Would you
3; would you do sex stuff with me
3; if we didn't have to wear these things?"
"Yeah," Chris said. "Yeah."
Alexei moved forward and Chris let his finger slip out of the young Russian's butt. He couldn't believe where it had just been. He'd never even done that with Josh. He'd never even thought of doing that with Josh.
"My dick was trying to be hard," Alexei explained.
"Its okay. Guess we should go back to sleep, huh?"
"Da. Sleep."
The two boys returned to their beds. Their playful exploration had done nothing to relieve the tension and frustration that was building between their young legs. Only their sheer exhaustion allowed them to finally fall back into a fitful sleep. Chris knew that when he woke up all those feelings would still be there, and that his dick would still be leaking like a drippy faucet.
At exactly eight in the morning, the steel doors of the boys' cells were unlocked and flung open.
"Wake up, boys!" the matron shouted. "On your feet and in front of your doors! Don't make us come in after you."
Ten tired naked boys stepped out of their cells, rubbing sleep from their eyes and yawning. Lean, muscular, hairless little bodies on display for the matron and her keepers. All of the boys had been freed of their collars and shackles for the night, but they all still wore their chastity devices.
"Hands behind your heads," the matron ordered.
The line of boys obeyed instantly.
"Get your little butts into the bathroom."
With their hands clasped behind their heads, the boys scurried off to the bathroom, escorted by four keepers. There were only three toilets in the barracks, so the boys had to take turns relieving themselves while everyone else watched. All of the boys, even the older ones, were forced to squat over the toilet. After proving to have rather poor aim the night before, they were not allowed to stand up to pee.
Chris went in the first group. He sat down gingerly, his butt still sore from the whipping Jason had given him less than eight hours earlier. His bladder was nearly bursting, but he had a hard time getting started with the keepers and all the other boys watching and waiting. Finally he felt a strong stream of piss traveling through his dick and heard it splashing in the bowl. Pissing with the metal cage locked around his dick was an interesting experience. It seemed to take forever for him to drain himself. He tried to shit. He knew he needed to, it had been two full days, but he couldn't do it.
"Come on, Zero-Seven," one of the guards said, "take your dump and get off the can."
"I'm trying, sir. I can't."
"I'll have to report you to your trainer."
There was nothing Chris could do about it. He got up miserably and made way for the next boy. He was taken over to the shower area and again told to stand with his hands behind his head. Gabriel and Phillipe were already standing there waiting.
For Chris it seemed to take forever for all of the boys to finish on the toilet. Josh was the very last boy to go. It was agony for him to have to stand and wait and watch all the others relieve themselves while he held in his morning piss. When all the boys were lined up in the shower area, hands clasped behind their heads, the matron and two of the guards went down the line, ordering each boy to spread his legs so they could remove the chastity devices.
One at a time, each boy's genitals were freed from their tight constraints. The older boys had their cock-cages removed, along with the spike attachment and all the necessary bits and pieces that made the thing fit so snuggly. The steel rings however remained firmly in place around their young genitals. The three younger boys had their leather belts with the attached metal plates removed. Each boy's device was placed in a cloth bag that bore his number. The bags were hung on hooks on the wall opposite the showers.
"Keep those little dicks soft," the matron warned them.
With their genitals freed from the harsh devices, all of the boys had a hard time obeying that particular order. Chris and a few of the older boys were showing definite signs of arousal, standing there half-hard, pre-cum glistening on the tips of their young teenaged dicks. Ten-year-old Miles sported a nice little circumcised boner, all two and ¾ inches [7cm] of it, jutting straight out from his hairless groin and bobbing up and down rather amusingly. Poor little Josh with his not-so-little cock was the worst offender, his eleven-year-old organ springing up to its full oversized five-and-three-quarter inches [14½cm] in a matter of seconds.
"I'm sorry, ma'am," he said, red faced, when the matron glared at him.
"Your trainers had better teach you boys how to control yourselves. I don't want you shooting your filthy spunk all over my floor."
"Sorry, ma'am," all ten boys said in chorus.
The keepers handed each boy a thin wash cloth and a small bottle of blue disinfectant gel-soap.
"Get under the showers. You have five minutes to wash up," the matron explained. "Make sure you clean between your toes and behind your ears. I want your little asses clean too. You are not to touch your genitals. We will take care of that for you. When you are done, step forward and keep your hands at your sides.
There were ten showerheads, spaced about two feet [60cm] apart. The boys stepped under them and the matron turned the master valve. Frigid water sprayed over their young bodies. They sputtered and shivered. Josh's erection disappeared almost instantly.
"Soap up, you filthy animals," the matron shouted over the sounds of shrieking freezing teeth-chattering boys.
The disinfectant smelled terrible. The boys scrubbed themselves quickly, trying to step out of the icy spray whenever they could. The matron would not allow it.
"Get back under the water. Wash your hair."
After just two minutes, the first of the boys stepped forward, droplets of water glistening on their smooth hairless skin. No boy stayed under the water for the full five minutes. Alexei was the last to finish.
With the freshly-cleaned boys all lined up and waiting, the guards snapped on latex gloves, squirted disinfectant onto a sponge, and vigorously scrubbed each boy's cock and balls. Chris, Josh, Alexei, Ian, Illya and Phillipe were all uncircumcised and had to endure the further humiliation of having their foreskins roughly pulled back and cleaned. Not one of the boys got an erection during this ordeal.
The cloth bags that held each boy's chastity device were hung around their necks, and the naked lads were ordered back to the commons area. They sat down at the table in the same seats they'd occupied the night before.
The Andrews brothers were happy to see each other. Chris noticed before Joshua sat down next to him that his little brother's butt and back were covered with thin angry red stripes. He wondered what exactly Josh's trainer had done to him.
"Holy shit, Josh
3;!" Chris exclaimed as he examined the eleven-year-old's well-striped backside up close.
"I know," Josh said softly. "She hit me really hard. I didn't cry though."
"Wow. You did better than me. I was cryin' like a baby. Did she make you keep your dick hard the whole time? Jason did that to me."
Josh gave his brother a puzzled look. "No. She never even took my belt off."
"I wanted to cum so bad. Still do."
"Me too."
Chris laughed at his little brother. "You can't even shoot yet, squirt. It's different for you."
"Is not."
"Is too."
"Is not."
The brothers' argument was cut short by breakfast. Once again the boys lined up in front of the meal cart, all of them completely naked with their chastity devices hung in bags around their necks. All of their eyes lit up when they saw what was on the trays. Eggs and pancakes, an orange, and two strips of bacon, the only real meat the boys would get each day. They were starving and devoured their morning meal in no time at all.
At nine o'clock their trainers arrived for them. Each boy stood at attention while his trainer locked the iron collar around his neck and put the thick heavy shackles on his slender wrists and ankles. The boys were then locked into their chastity devices.
The matron gave each of the trainers a brief report on their boy's behavior in the barracks. Hannah Dubose was told about young Joshua's shameful erection. In fact most of the boys were given a bad report on that score, as each of them had exhibited at least half-hard dicks after the chastity devices had been removed. Only Daniel O'Hanlon had managed to keep his penis completely soft.
"Ten demerits for Joshua," Jason Sanborne announced, "and two demerits for the rest of you. Zero-Five, you don't get any points for keeping it soft, since that's what you're expected to do."
Jason went on to explain the points system. "Any time you break a rule, show any disrespect or disobedience, or perform particularly poorly at an assigned task, you will be given demerits. Any time you win an event or contest, or please your trainer in an exceptional way, you will earn bonus points. You will all learn it is much easier to earn demerits than points. Most of you will be in the negative most of the time. At the end of each week, the boy with the lowest score will receive special discipline and punishment. The two boys with the highest scores will be given a reward. At the end of each month, the lowest boy will receive some minor body modification, as a reminder of his poor behavior and performance."
"What's modficationed mean?" ten-year-old Miles innocently asked, raising his hand timidly.
"Modification," Jason corrected him gently. "To you it means we will be piercing certain parts of your bodies, or tattooing them, or branding them. Several of you already have an earring. You might find rings inserted into other parts of your bodies as well."
The boys could all imagine just what parts Jason was talking about and quickly brought their legs together, more than a few of them clasping their hands over their genitals before remembering that was forbidden.
Jason continued. "Your indentures allow us to do this to you with certain limitations. You will live with whatever modifications you are sentenced to for the entire time you are on the island, but all of them are reversible. None of you will be permanently damaged. That's against your best interests and the company's. I said these procedures would be minor, but minor does not always mean painless. Trust me that none of you want to be the loser at the end of the month."
All of the boys shivered, especially Josh who quickly did the math in his head and realized he was already eight points behind everybody else. Hannah curled two of her fingers around the ring on the eleven-year-old's collar. "I'm not going to punish you for your erection this morning. We'll save that for the end of the week. I know you're going to fuck up a few more times."
"I won't, ma'am," Josh said, looking up at her with earnest moist eyes. "I promise I'll do better."
"We'll see."
The matron also informed Jason of Christopher's inability to use the bathroom. "I'll be sure medical takes care of that," his trainer said.
Once again the boys were chained to their partners by their collars. They were marched out of the barracks one team at a time with their trainers walking behind them, prod in hand. It was already hot and humid, the morning sun blazing down in a cloudless sky. The camera crews were outside the fence, filming the ten boys as they marched by in chains. All of the boys had their heads down. None of them wanted to look into the camera. Chris had been excited about the prospect of being a TV star. Suddenly it didn't seem like such a good thing after all.
The trainers led their boys back to the training facility. There they were told their schedules for the day. Chris and Alexei would be the first team to be taken to medical for their examinations. Their trainers refused to say exactly what was going to be examined, or how. The two boys were very nervous young men as they stood outside the door to the infirmary, waiting for the doctor and the nurses to get everything ready for the first exams of the day.
Three other teams were assigned to weight training. David and Josh were taken outside by their trainers and told to spend the morning running along the marathon course that covered the entire island. The catch, of course, was that they had to make the run while still wearing their chains. Ankles chained. Wrists chained. And the two boys chained to each other by their collars. Little four-foot-six-inch [1.37m] Josh fell down almost immediately and was dragged a few feet before David realized what happened.
"Shit," the older boy said, turning around and pulling the little boy up. Josh's knees were already skinned. "Listen, kid, you have to keep up or you'll be a bloody mess."
"Don't run so fuckin' fast," Josh said. "You're legs 'r like twice as long as mine."
"So's my cock," the fourteen-year-old smirked.
Josh stared at him. That was a total lie. For his age, David actually had one of the smallest penises in the group. "Mine's bigger than yours already, and I'm only eleven. So who's really got the small wiener?"
David wasn't a mean kid at all, just really scared and really afraid of what might happen if he and Josh didn't do well. "Sorry, kid," he said, helping scrape the dirt and mud off Josh's legs. "Everything's just so fucked up right now."
"I know. Let's just run, okay?"
With a twelve-inch [30cm] difference in height, it was hard enough for the two boys to walk, let alone run while chained together. But after a few more false starts and trips and falls, and a bloodied banged-up knee for Josh, they worked it out. Josh had to move his legs a lot faster to keep up with fourteen-year-old David's long graceful strides, but he was a sturdy muscular little kid and wrestling had given him a lot of stamina. He powered along beside his partner, and soon the two boys were running the grueling and treacherous course at a fair speed. Hannah, and David's trainer Michella, rode twenty feet [6m] behind the boys on a four-wheeler. Close enough to keep the two young slaves motivated, but far enough back that they wouldn't run them down if they had another fall.
Michella, whose views on males were if anything more harsh than Hannah's, shouted at the boys in a constant barrage of degrading insults and threats of punishment if they failed to keep a decent pace. The two young women kissed passionately on more than one occasion, enjoying the site of two hairless naked boys chained and struggling in front of them.
Back at the training facility, the door to the infirmary was opened by a woman about the age of Chris' mom. She wore a white lab coat with the XB1 logo on the shoulder.
"We're ready," she said, gazing at the two naked young teens. "You can bring them in now." Jason and Natasha pushed their boys forward. No kid likes a visit to the doctor. Chris and Alexei were going to particularly dislike this one.
The infirmary consisted of a private office for the doctor, a large examination room with two flat metal exam beds and two odd metal chairs with leather padding that looked to Chris like the kind you would find in a dentist's office. There were cabinets with glass doors along the walls. Chris could see they contained all sorts of bottles and tools. There was a sink for the doctor and her team of nurses to wash up. There was also a toilet in the corner, and another open shower which was little more than a drain in the tile floor and a showerhead curving out from the wall.
Chris had a feeling he'd be showering in front of everyone again. He had never been an overly modest boy, but he had grown up with the crazy idea that when you took a shower, there was supposed to be a door and a curtain between your naked butt and the world outside.
There were three other people in the room, all in the same white lab coats, and all young women just out of school. The oldest of them was only twenty, the youngest just eighteen. All these women in this one room, and two naked boys. It was more than Chris and Alexei could take and they instinctively covered themselves.
"None of that, boys," Natasha said in her thick Russian accent, slapping their hands away from their groins.
"You know where your hands are supposed to be," Jason added. "That's two more demerits for you both."
Chris and Alexei groaned in protest but quickly clasped their hands behind their heads.
"Come in, boys," the doctor said. "No need to be shy. We're all going to get to know every inch of your bodies soon enough."
The twelve and thirteen-year-old boys blushed and stepped into the center of the examination room. The doctor was standing between the two metal tables. Her three assistants were on either side of her.
"My name is Allison Trench. I am a doctor specializing in the special needs of young boys. You will address me as 'ma'am'. These are my assistants," she said, gesturing to the three young women beside her. Chris had already figured out he was gay, but he still noticed how pretty the three young women were. Allison Trench wasn't all that bad looking either, for a doctor. "You will address them as 'miss' and treat them with the same respect you treat your trainers. When you are in this room, you will do exactly as we say, is that understood, boys?"
"Yes, ma'am," the young pair answered quickly, their young voices soft and frightened.
"Oh, they are just so polite," one of Trench's assistants said. She had brown hair, pulled back into a tail. She wore an ID card that gave her first name as Karin.
One of the others, a blond who appeared younger than the rest, stepped toward the two boys. "And they look so cute with their little cocks locked in their chastity cages."
Chris took in a sharp gasp as the woman put her hand between his legs and toyed with his tightly encased penis, tickling his balls with a single finger. Chris had already lost count of how many people had touched his boy-parts in the last two days. It was so embarrassing, to have your cock locked up and on display like that. His private parts had suddenly become very public. Anyone who wanted to could touch him there and there was nothing he could do about it.
"Poor little boy," the young woman said. "You can't get hard in that thing, can you?"
"No, miss," Chris heard himself answer as the blood rushed to his ears turning them a dark crimson.
"Look at his ears, Anna," Karin said, "I think you're embarrassing him."
"Am I?" the blond apparently named Anna asked sweetly, her fingers now playfully swirling through Christopher's wispy blond tuft of pubic hair. "This one already has some hair around his dick," she announced to the others. Chris' pubic hair was so light and so sparse that it could perhaps have been missed, although Chris found the whole thing terribly humiliating.
"Wait, the smaller one has some too, see," Karin said, pointing to twelve-year-old Alexei's groin. "Just a few little hairs, but they're a lot darker."
"We will have time to examine them thoroughly," Trench told her over-eager young nurses. She then turned to address the two boy slaves.
"We will be giving you a complete physical examination, and I do mean complete," she said with a wicked smile. "But first, I am afraid we are going to have to remove all the hair from your bodies
3; "
"All of it, ma'am?" Chris whispered.
"You can keep the hair on your heads, but that will be the only hair you are allowed to have. Boy slaves are completely hairless."
Chris looked down at the downy blond hairs above his cock. He'd just started growing them a few months ago.
"Yes, we will be removing that too. From the looks of things, it's the only hair either of you have right now."
That was certainly true. Aside from their sparse little pubic tufts, Chris and Alexei were smooth and hairless. If you looked very close, you could see some boyish blond fuzz on Christopher's legs, which had been there since he was about five years old, but there wasn't very much of that.
The two boys looked at each other in horror. Their trainers gripped their collars from behind.
"You two will do everything the doctor and her staff tell you. If we hear you've misbehaved, you will spend the rest of the day in one of the special training rooms."
Alexei had not experienced that yet, but just the thought of those electric clamps on his cock and balls and nipples made poor Chris shiver.
"I'll be good, sir, I promise," he said.
Alexei nodded that he didn't plan on causing any trouble either.
Jason and Natasha removed the two-foot [60cm] chain between the boys' collars. At Doctor Trench's instructions, the chains attached to the shackles at their wrists and ankles were also taken off and hung on a pair of hooks by the door, one set for each boy on its own hook. Before they left, the trainers took the keys to the boys' chastity devices and handed them Allison Trench. The young doctor smiled, anticipating the interesting morning that was in store for her and her two cute young patients.
Chapter 9 Chris Meets the Milking Machine
"Alright boys," the doctor said sharply. "I had your chains removed so you would be a little more comfortable. I don't think it is necessary to keep you boys chained like that all the time, but I don't make the rules on the island
3; just here in the infirmary. But don't get the wrong idea. My girls and I will make you wear the chains again if you give us any trouble. That means you do exactly as you are told, when you are told to do it. No whining. And no talking unless one of us asks you a question."
The boys nodded quickly and obediently.
"Follow Anna and Terri over to the shower."
"Come on, little cuties," Anna with her golden-blond hair said. Terri seemed to be the oldest of the three medical assistants, her hair long and black.
The young women made the boys stand on the shower tiles and proceeded to inspect their nude bodies very closely. Allison Trench stood near-by watching her two aides.
"Raise your arms over your heads, boys," the doctor told them.
The boys obeyed revealing their smooth hairless armpits.
"Keep them up there. Anna, Terri, check them from head to toe for any hair."
Terri inspected twelve-year-old Alexei, while Anna thoroughly examined Chris from the blond hair on his head all way down to the tips of his perfect boy-feet.
Anna looked very close and noted the thin soft young boy hairs on Chris' arms and legs. "He's basically hairless, ma'am," she reported, "except for his pubic hair. He has some little hairs on his legs and arms, but he's probably had that since he was a baby."
Allison Trench nodded. "Doesn't matter, dear. It has to go. Have him bend over and present his rear end to you. He's thirteen, so check him closely."
Chris was ready to die of embarrassment. Anna made him bend over and grab his ankles. With his head down between his legs, he could see the blond-haired woman staring at his butt. Behind her, Doctor Trench was looking on with an amused smile on her face.
"I can't really see much, ma'am," Anna said. "What should I look for."
"Check his perineum
3; the skin between his anus and his scrotum. Is it hairless?"
"Yes, it is."
"Spread you cheeks, boy, and let Anna look at your little pucker."
Chris let out a miserable sob, but did as he was told, gripping his hands on his butt and spreading his cheeks.
"Does he have any hair back there, Anna?"
"None at all, doctor."
Terri, older and more experienced than Anna had finished inspecting Alexei without the need for the doctor's direction. Alexei was found to be even more hairless than Chris, if that was possible.
"So it's pubic hair and a little bit of baby-boy fuzz," the doctor said with a smile. "Karin, is the depilatory cream ready?"
"Yes, doctor," Karin said, rather disappointed that she had missed out on the fun of inspecting the cute muscular bodies of these young boys.
All four of the women snapped latex gloves on their hands, and passed a squeeze bottle back and forth, depositing a large amount of thick green gel in their palms. To Chris it looked a lot like toothpaste, but it had a strong unpleasant smell.
Anna and the doctor began rubbing the green goo all over Chris' young body, concentrating on his pubic area, rubbing it all over, and under his ball-sack.
"Make sure you get the backs of his legs," the doctor instructed Karin and Terri who were working on Alexei.
"He doesn't have any hair there," Terri commented.
"Not now, but he would in a few more years. We might as well stop that from happening right now. You see, boys," she said, turning her attention to the naked young males presently covered in green slime from their necks to their ankles, "this stuff removes all the hair from your bodies and kills the follicles, even the ones that haven't starting sprouting hairs yet. Once we spray you down, the only hair you'll have will be whatever's on your head."
3; it'll grow back, won't it, ma'am?" Chris asked softly. He could feel his skin tingling, especially down between his legs.
Allison Trench swatted the thirteen-year-old's behind. "No talking. And to answer your question, no, it will not grow back, at least not for four or five years. You might sprout a stray hair here and there, but you will basically be permanently hairless."
Chris' mouth dropped open in shock. The doctor smacked his bare behind again.
"Close your mouth, boy, you look like an idiot. Your indenture allows us to make a few modifications to your body. This is the first one. I can promise you it won't be the last."
Chris remembered Jason telling him about the pills he'd have to take, the ones that would make his dick grow longer.
'Oh god,' he thought to himself. 'I'm gonna be a big-dicked hairless freak!'
"Now you boys just stand there and stew for a few minutes, then we'll wash you down."
And stand there they did, naked and covered in smelly green gel while the women talked and joked and basically ignored them.
"You know it's really strange," Karin said, "over one hundred people on this island just to take care of ten boys. I mean what's all the fuss, they're only slaves, right?"
"Legally yes," Allison Trench answered, "but from a practical stand-point it's a lot more complicated. In return for signing the indenture, each boy got five million dollars, and another half a million went directly to the boy's families. So they are really a rather large investment for the network. If any of them are permanently disabled or get sick and can't compete, XB1 loses a lot of money."
"Five million!" Anna said, staring over at the two naked boys. "Those little shits get five each?"
"William Durand wanted the best athletes, good boys from good homes. Boys who are bright and handsome and weren't already slaves."
"From what I've seen he got them," Karin said. "They're all cuties, just like these two."
"And that doesn't come cheaply these days," Doctor Trench reminded them. "Besides, if you had even the faintest idea of all the terrible things these boys are going to be put through before their indentures expire, you'd probably say five million isn't nearly enough. I'm sure most of them are having second thoughts already. What about it, boys?" she asked, turning her attention to the young pair still covered in green goo. "Still happy you signed on?"
"I think I should have asked more questions first, ma'am," Chris said honestly. "I don't like being a slave."
"That is the whole point, young man," the doctor said. "But you signed away your freedom fair and square, and now you're stuck with it." She looked down briefly at her watch. "Times up. Let's get that stuff off you."
Chris and Alexei stood under the shower. The water was warmer than back at the barracks, but just barely.
"Just wipe the gel off with your hands, boys," Anna told them.
In less than a minute it was all gone and so was every single hair on the boys' bodies. The thought that it was more-or-less permanent was still giving Chris trouble. He felt so humiliated as he watched the last of his blond pubic hair swirl down the drain. The thirteen-year-old was completely smooth down there now, just like his little brother.
After another quick inspection, the boys were given towels and told to dry off. "Come over to the examination chairs when you're done," Anna said.
With his hair still dripping, Chris walked over to the strange looking chairs with the leather padding. The doctor gave him a smile. "Hop up there, boy."
"Yes, ma'am."
Chris climbed up into the chair. There was a padded rest for his head. He noticed that his butt sort of hung over the end. His legs didn't reach the floor.
"Put your feet in the stirrups," Trench ordered, raising the two metal contraptions into the horizontal position.
Looking down the length of his body, Chris could see what he was supposed to do and placed his feet in the metal braces. The doctor and Karin quickly clasped his shackles to the stirrups, locking his ankles in position. Leather restraints were then tightened over the boy's thighs.
"Rest your arms at your sides."
The shackles around his wrists were locked down to the chair, and another leather restraint was drawn across his chest and buckled just tightly enough to keep him still.
"Alright, we're going to lay you back now," the doctor said.
A few seconds later, Chris was completely horizontal, his legs stretched out in the stirrups. They moved the chair back a little further until the boy's head was slightly lower than his hips. He got a quick rush of blood to the head but adjusted quickly. Karin then repositioned the stirrups, bending the boy's legs up toward his chest and spreading them wide apart. Chris blushed and squirmed in the chair. In this position he was embarrassingly and helplessly exposed, with all of his most sensitive parts on display. Next to him, twelve-year-old Alexei was strapped down to the other chair in the same manner.
"Alright, girls, lets flush them out before we go any further."
Clear plastic bags on IV stands were rolled into position between the boys' legs. Chris could see both bags were full of fluid and that his was fuller than Alexei's. A long clear tube ending in a thin white nozzle hung down from the bottom of the bags.
Alexei, who recognized what the bags were for, began to wiggle around in his bonds, begging them in Russian not to do it. Chris wasn't really sure what was going to happen, but the length and shape of those white nozzles made it fairly obvious where they would ultimately be going. Soon he too was looking at the young women with pleading frightened eyes.
"Looks like they both know where those tubes are going," Terri observed with a laugh.
"Then let's not disappoint them," the doctor said.
The nozzles were lubricated and forced not too gently into the boy's rectums. The twelve and thirteen-year-old's both shouted and tried to keep the things out of their butts.
"Oh come now," Allison Trench scolded them, "the nozzles aren't that big. Just relax and behave yourselves. You're getting enemas to clean you out. Yours will be a small one," she said to Alexei. "Yours," she turned her face to Chris, "will have to be a lot bigger, since I'm told you aren't going to the bathroom."
"I just couldn't go, ma'am," Chris explained. "I tried to
3; "
"Well, now we're going to help you." She put her hand over his stomach and pressed gently. "You'll feel a lot better when it's all finished."
Chris somehow doubted that.
Doctor Trench signaled her assistants who opened the clamps on the hoses. A few seconds later both boys gasped and let out a high-pitched groan as the water slowly began to fill them up. Chris squirmed and curled his toes. He balled his hands into tight fists and closed his eyes. He was already feeling the pressure deep inside.
"Aaaggh," he moaned. "Ohhh
3; gawd
3; oww
3; please stop
3; " he trailed off in a series of soft sad little grunts and groans.
"You've only got about half of it inside you, Zero-Seven," the doctor said.
"It's killing me!"
"No it isn't. Don't be such a little baby. You can take all of it."
Chris moaned again and raised his head. Between his legs he could see the liquid in the bag slowly draining through the hose and entering his butt. He could feel it going up inside him. The thirteen-year-old's stomach was now starting to swell up and he felt all squishy inside. Then the first cramp hit and he screamed out loud, a high piercing shriek.
"Take it easy, cutie," Anna said, standing next to him and wiping the sweat from his forehead with a soft rag. "Just breathe through it. That's right."
The cramps continued for a few minutes, causing Chris to sob fitfully. He didn't even realize that the enema bag was almost empty.
"Good boy," Trench praised him moments later.
Chris finally noticed the bag was empty, all the liquid was sloshing around inside him now. He looked at the two women with pleading eyes.
"I gotta go to the bathroom," he begged softly.
"Not yet," Anna replied, gently massaging the boy's distended belly.
"Awww, that hurts, miss."
It did hurt. Chris felt like his stomach was a balloon about to burst.
"You just hold everything in until we tell you," the doctor ordered. "And don't you dare shit all over my floor, young man."
Next to him, Alexei was being released from his chair. Karin and Terri helped the boy shuffle over to the toilet, the nozzle and the plastic hose still sticking out of his butt. He got down on all fours and clenched his eyes closed and concentrated hard on keeping all the water inside him while Karin pulled out the nozzle. He scrambled onto the toilet the second the nozzle was out and emptied his guts with a loud cry of relief. The twelve-year-old sat there for ten minutes expelling all the liquid and everything else inside him. Chris could hear his new friend moaning and whining. He couldn't wait until it was his turn, the urge was becoming unbearable.
3; get off the fuckin' toilet, Alexei," Chris pleaded, still bound to the chair. "I really gotta go bad!"
"What do you think I am doing, Chris?" the young Russian boy asked, still doubled over the toilet, holding his cramping guts.
"You keep holding it," the doctor warned Chris sternly.
It was another five minutes before Alexei felt like he was really empty. Blushing and embarrassed he flushed the toilet and stood up. Everyone in the room could see that his young cock was swelling up inside its metal cage. The young women all laughed softly.
"You must be enjoying yourself," Anna observed, gently teasing the humiliated boy.
Alexei was most definitely not enjoying himself.
"Anna, don't be so cruel," Doctor Trench said. "It is quite normal for a boy to have an erection during an enema. In fact I think you'll find Zero-Seven here is having the same little problem."
It was true. Chris could feel his dick trying to get hard. It was straining against the bars of the chastity cage. He'd been so distracted by all the liquid sloshing around inside him that he only began to notice it when the spikes started digging in to his dick.
'Why the hell does it keep doing that?' Chris thought to himself before the latest cramp caused him to groan out loud. "Please, ma'am," he pleaded again, "I need to go so bad
3; "
They made Chris wait a few more minutes before they unbuckled the straps. The boy scurried over to the toilet as fast as his swollen cramping guts would allow. Terri was there waiting for him. He got down on his hands and knees tried to keep still while she pulled out the nozzle. He scrambled to the toilet the second it was removed.
"Aaaahh, shit!" Chris shouted as he lost control of his bowels.
"That's the idea, boy," the doctor laughed. "Just sit there for a while. Rub your tummy. That'll help you get everything out."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Anna, Terri, go ahead and get Zero-Four on the examination table. Take his temperature and his pulse, and draw a blood sample. Remove his chastity device, but don't let him play with himself. And don't you play with him either. I don't want him having an orgasm."
Anna and Terri escorted the naked four-foot-nine-inch [1.45m] tall twelve-year-old to one of the exam tables and had him sit on the edge. It was Anna who opened the padlock and freed the boy's penis from its tight constricting cage. The metal ring remained snuggly in place around the base of his hairless genitals. Alexei sighed with relief once the cage was gone, and of course he got hard almost immediately, much to his extreme embarrassment. His five-inch [12½cm] erection was pointing up toward his navel.
"None of that, Zero-Four," Anna scolded him gently. "We need to take your ring off too. Get it soft."
"Yes, miss," Alexei said, willing his cock to deflate and behave itself. It was embarrassing enough being naked in front of all these women, but having an erection in front of them was just terrible. While the boy was still half-hard, Anna removed the cock-and-ball ring. The twelve-year-old's penis softened quickly once the ring was gone, returning to its modest three and ½ inches [9cm]. Alexei swung his legs back and forth nervously while the two young nurses proceeded to record his vital signs and jabbed a needle into his right arm.
While Alexei was having his blood drawn, Chris was finishing on the toilet. Never in his life had the thirteen-year-old taken such an extraordinary dump. He just sat there bewildered and doubled over. He felt weak when he finally stood up. His legs had gone all rubbery.
3; I'm done, ma'am," Chris announced softly, still rubbing his stomach with his left hand. His insides felt strange. Not bad, just strange, strange and empty.
"Well wipe yourself. For heaven's sake, Zero-Seven," Doctor Trench said, shaking her head. "We're not your nursemaids. You clean your own little butt."
"Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am," the boy answered, quickly sitting back down. 'How could I forget to wipe?' he thought to himself. 'Am I like three or something?'
When Chris was done, the doctor made him bend over and spread his legs wide apart while she inspected him for cleanliness.
"Good," she said, satisfied with the young teen's efforts. "Clean boys are healthy boys." She swatted him hard on the behind. "Now get over to the exam table and hop up. We've got to take your vitals and get some blood out of your arm. You're not squeamish, are you?"
"No, ma'am."
Chris certainly didn't like them, but it was the younger Andrews brother who was terrified of needles. He shuffled over to the second metal table and climbed up and swung his legs over the edge. Next to him, Alexei was anxiously waiting and wondering what was going to happen next. Every time the boy's dick started to show even the slightest signs of an erection, Anna or Terri would roughly skin his foreskin back and flick the moist pink head with their fingers. It stung and made him shout in protest, but it did keep his twelve-year-old dick nice and soft.
"You keep yours down, Zero-Seven, or you'll get the same treatment," the doctor ordered as she unlocked the thirteen-year-old's chastity device. Of course it was impossible for the teenaged boy not to get hard once his dick was freed. Chris turned red as his young cock sprang to its full hard six-inches [15cm].
"I warned you. Karin, give him a lesson, please."
Karin forced his foreskin back and flicked the end of his dick with her index finger.
"I have to keep doing this until you get it soft, boy," she told him. There really wasn't much sympathy in her voice. Her eyes danced playfully as she flicked his dick again.
Chris ended up so busy trying to keep his dick soft that he didn't even notice when the needle entered his arm to take his blood.
"Alright, both of you up on the tables. On your hands and knees."
Still feeling light-headed, Chris and Alexei pulled their legs up onto the examination tables and got into position.
"Spread your legs wider," Doctor Trench ordered.
The boys obeyed, both very much aware that their rear-ends were now totally exposed. Their balls were also on display, dangling low in their hairless sacks, Christopher's noticeably larger than Alexei's. The tip of the older boy's cock was just visible hanging below his scrotum.
"Alright," Doctor Trench said to her assistants. "Let's hook these boys up to the milking machine. We've got eight more of them after we've milked these two."
Chris and Alexei looked at each other in confusion. Neither of them knew what a milking machine was, or exactly how it would be used on them.
"Now you boys keep still," the doctor told them. "You'll probably find this very pleasant
3; at first."
The machine in question was rolled on a cart and set between the two exam tables. Chris craned his head back and stared at it. It wasn't very big. It looked a lot like a vacuum cleaner to the thirteen-year-old's innocent eyes. There were two clear plastic hoses, one attached to each side. Each hose was connected to a narrow metal tube about six inches [15cm] long. The ends of the tubes were open, but the tubes were completely solid, made of shining stainless steel. Each tube had leather straps hanging from the end. Chris didn't have to think very hard to figure out which part of his body the tube was meant to attach to.
Connected to the bottom part of the machine there were two large egg-shaped objects, made of the same shining steel as the tubes and attached to the machine with thick insulted cords.
At the front of the machine, Chris could see all sorts of switches and knobs, and a metal plate with the words 'Hartford Pediatrics Model 4870c Sperm Extraction Unit' in small black letters. Below this in much larger lettering was the machine's more popular name: The Boy Milker 5000.
Chris decided he did not like the looks of this machine at all.
Chapter 10 'Got Milk?'
Chris and Alexei were on their hands and knees, watching with nervous eyes as the doctor and her young female assistants prepared the machine.
"Gloves, ladies," Doctor Trench said, and the three twenty-somethings quickly followed the doctor's lead and snapped latex examination gloves on their hands.
Trench stood in front of the machine and made several connections. "Now listen closely, boys
3; look at me
3; "
The two naked boys raised their heads and craned their necks back to look at her.
"You're going to be milked. Do you understand what that means?"
"No, ma'am," Chris answered for himself and his twelve-year-old partner. The fear and innocent confusion in his young voice was obvious and drew a smile from the doctor.
"I'll explain it to you then. When a boy is milked, it simply means all the sperm is drained out of his testicles. It's done by stimulating the boy's penis and his prostate until his sperm starts to come out of him. I could do it by hand," she reached between Christopher's legs and gave the thirteen-year-old's semi-erect cock several long firm strokes, causing the boy to moan in pleasure, "but that takes far too long." She stopped just as the boy's penis reached its full six-inch [15cm] erection, sticking straight down between the naked thirteen-year-old's legs. "The machine is much more efficient, and it can extract all of a boy's sperm without allowing him to have an orgasm."
"Excuse me, doctor," Anna interrupted. "I'm not entirely clear on why the boys have to wear the chastity devices
3; or why they aren't ever allowed to have a climax."
Allison Trench smiled indulgently. "Well, dear, for the most part it is simply because they are slaves. Boy slaves require constant discipline, and you know how most boys can't control their own penises. They really are nasty little animals."
Anna nodded. "My youngest brother is about zero-seven's age. He's always playing with himself."
"I would speak with your parents about that, Anna, if I were you. It's a filthy habit for a boy to develop
3; they need to put your brother into a chastity belt immediately
3; but I'm getting away from your question. Discipline is a very important part of these boys' lives now. They are not allowed to touch themselves and they are certainly not allowed to waste any of their energy giving themselves sexual pleasure. By keeping the boys in permanent chastity, we keep them in a permanent state of sexual frustration. Even the younger boys will feel it to some degree. Boys like Zero-Seven here," the doctor jiggled Christopher's low-hanging balls and set them swinging between his thighs, "will be in constant need of sexual release. His testosterone levels will rise, resulting it better athletic performance. All of that pent-up energy has to go somewhere. He will release most of it during the competitions."
"So why milk them at all?" Karin asked.
"Several reasons, my dear," the doctor answered with seemingly endless patience. "It will prevent the boys from experiencing nocturnal emissions. Remember, they are not allowed to have orgasms, not even in their sleep. Secondly, milking them on a regular basis will further reinforce in the boys' minds the basic fact that they are the property of the company. We have complete and total control over their bodies. Lastly, and I think most importantly, it is a matter of keeping the boys healthy. A young boy's testicles can be permanently damaged if too much sperm is allowed to build up. One or more of these boys will probably end up being subjected to chemical castration and genital reduction before his indenture expires, but until that decision is made, it is our job to ensure that our little gladiators remain sexually healthy. Milking a boy does not release as much sexual tension as you might think."
"How does the machine work?"
"I'm sure our two little slaves are wondering the same thing. The best way to teach you is to have you start. Anna, Karin, you will be responsible for Zero-Four. Terri, you will assist me with the older boy. Everything is connected and the machine is already on stand-by. We simply need to place the sheaths around their penises and insert the prostatic plugs
3; "
"These egg-shaped things?" Anna asked, picking up one of the solid metal objects. Chris and Alexei stared at them in dread.
"Yes, dear. We'll start by inserting them into the boys' rectums. Why don't you apply some lubricant to Zero-Four's behind. Terri, if you would do the same for Zero-Seven."
"Yes, doctor," the two woman answered in unison.
"Ma'am, are you really going to put those things in our butts?" Chris asked, squirming anxiously on his hands and knees.
"That's right, boy. If you're worried that they're too big, I can assure you that once the contests begin, you'll have even larger objects inside your cute little butt. Now I want you to be quiet and let Terri lubricate you properly. If you keep acting up, we'll just shove it inside you without any lube at all. I can promise you won't like that."
"I'll be good, ma'am," Chris said.
"Me too!" Alexei piped up. Anna already had her finger buried in the twelve-year-old's hole, and his cock was twitching and throbbing and fully erect.
"They both have erections, doctor," Karin noted.
"So they do. It doesn't matter. Once the sheaths are attached, they'll soften somewhat, although not completely. Insert the plugs."
The next two minutes were unbearable torture for the two young boys as the metal objects were worked deeply into their rectums until their tight young holes closed around them, leaving only the electrical cords running out of their butts and into the machine.
"The plugs use a low level current to massage each boy's prostate."
"And the metal sheaths, doctor?" Anna asked.
"They also provide a mild electrical stimulus to the boy's penis. Enough to keep the boy in an extreme state of arousal, but not sufficient to permit him to have an orgasm. After a few minutes, the combination of the two will result in a constant flow of pre-seminal and seminal fluid. A few minutes after that, the boy will start to release his sperm. It may take up to one hour before he is milked completely dry. They will both find it quite pleasant at first, but the process quickly becomes quite agonizing."
Chris and Alexei were both wiggling their hips and whining softly as they tried to get used to the metal plugs in their butts. The pressure on their young prostates was causing them both almost overwhelming feelings of arousal. Chris, with his head down, could see that his penis was incredibly hard, pointing straight down at the surface of the metal table. There was already a line of clear fluid dribbling from the tip. He watched in fascination as it slowly stretched all the way down to the table. He was experiencing uncontrollable spasms in his anus, each one resulting in another drop of pre-cum oozing out of his thirteen-year-old dick. Next to him, twelve-year-old Alexei was experiencing the same sensations.
"They're both leaking, doctor," Terri noted, somewhat surprised that boys so young could produce so much fluid so quickly.
Doctor Trench laughed. "Then we'd better put the sheaths on their penises before they leak all over the table."
"I think this one might be too big for Zero-Four, doctor," Anna said, holding the stainless steel tube.
"There are smaller ones in the cart, Anna. Simply detach the hose and select a smaller one for him. The tube should be about an inch [2½cm] shorter than the boy's erection. The sheaths are meant to be tight and very constricting. You will need to apply some lubricant to their penises before you slide them into the tubes."
Chris gasped in pleasure when Terri rubbed the cool lubricant over his painfully hard dick. He needed to cum so badly. The young teen thrust his hips desperately, trying to bring himself off in Terri's hand.
"You naughty little boy," she scolded him, smacking his behind several times. "Don't you dare. Now behave yourself and keep still."
"Do you need help getting the sheath on him, dear?" the doctor asked.
"No, doctor."
Terri slid the thirteen-year-old's erect penis into the metal sheath. The thick leather straps at the end of the stainless steel tube were wrapped around the base of the boy's genitals and buckled together, keeping the sheath firmly in place. Chris discovered that his hard dick just barely fit inside the tube, but there was no room for it to grow any larger. Every time the plug in his butt rubbed against that magic spot inside him, his penis tried to swell up even more, straining painfully against the metal that encased it. It was actually worse than the chastity cage.
"He's ready, doctor," Terri announced, smacking Chris' butt one more time.
By now Anna and Karin had Alexei's noticeably smaller penis sheathed as well.
Doctor Trench stood at the machine and pressed several buttons. Almost instantly, Chris felt all the muscles in his abdomen clench tightly. His penis throbbed madly inside the sheath. The egg-shaped plug in his butt was delivering a constant electrical stimulus to the thirteen-year-old's prostate. A few moments later a milder electrical current began to flow through the metal sheath around the boy's penis.
"Oh, god
3; ohhhhh
3; wow!"
It felt good. Actually it felt great. It felt like he was going to cum any second. Chris closed his eyes tightly and clenched his fists. He was so close. So close.
"Oooooohhhh," he moaned.
"Aaahh," Alexei sighed next to him.
3; I'm gonna cum, miss," Chris said to Terri. She was standing beside him, gently cupping the thirteen-year-old boy's impressively large testicles with her left hand. The young woman just smiled.
Young Christopher Andrews was in for an unpleasant surprise. The feeling inside him got even more intense, but he did not cum. He wanted to. He needed to. He should have. But he couldn't. The electrical current in the sheath stopped. The rapid pulsing vibrations of the plug in his butt did not. He could feel his penis soften, just a bit, inside the metal tube, but his need to shoot his load did not go away. If anything it got even stronger.
"Oh, man
3; what
3; what's happening?" he asked in a panic. "I can't cum
3; why can't I
3; what's it doing to me
3; oh, god, please let me cum!"
Both boys were whimpering and moaning.
A soft noise suddenly filled the room. The vacuum pumps in the machine had started, forcing the boys' pre-cum through the clear plastic hoses. Chris could actually feel the machine pulling his clear fluid out of his dick.
"It will take a few minutes before we begin to see signs of sperm in the hoses," the doctor explained.
Once again the electrical current started running through the sheaths around the boys' penises. Once again, Chris and Alexei began to gasp and whine as they were cruelly brought to the edge of orgasm and then denied. All the while the pumps in the machine were quietly and relentlessly sucking the fluid that was streaming continually out of the boys' dicks.
After five more minutes of this methodical stimulation, Chris felt a strange and not entirely pleasant burning in his testicles. He felt his balls draw up toward his body.
"Oh. Oh, shit. What's happening
3; aaawww
3; aghhhh
3; "
"What is happening to him, doctor?" Anna asked as young Chris began to sob and groan.
"Zero-Seven is experiencing a prostatic orgasm. It can be quite traumatic for a boy, especially the first time it happens. He'll have several more before the machine is finished with him."
Christopher's abdominal muscles clenched again, and inside the plastic hose the flow of liquid quickly turned a milky white. All the while the metal plug in the thirteen-year-old's butt continued to stimulate the young teen's already over-sensitized prostate. Chris lowered his head and looked between his legs. He could see the metal sheath that covered his dick, and the long plastic hose that ran from the end of it, attaching him to the milking machine. He could see his milky boy-juice working its way through the hose. He was cumming, but he wasn't. It was horrible and confusing. Chris didn't know it could happen this way. It didn't exactly hurt. But it didn't feel good. If this was the only way he was going to cum for the next three years he was sure he would go crazy.
He still needed to cum. Desperately.
And the machine still kept working, sending electrical shocks into his prostate and penis, relentlessly sucking his cum out of his young body.
"How long do we keep them on the machine, doctor?" Karin asked, watching Alexei's thin immature white seed flow through the hose.
"Until they're dry, dear," the Doctor Trench answered. "Based on their level of sexual development, I'd say they will both need at least thirty minutes. Zero-Seven may require a full hour."
Chris decided he most definitely did not like the machine. Another prostatic orgasm shook his body as yet another stream of his boyish seed oozed out of his dick. He'd never felt so helpless or so ashamed, naked on his hands and knees, his ripe thirteen-year-old balls dangling between his legs for everyone to see, his penis strapped into the milking sheath. He tried his best to be brave, but all these strange and unpleasant feelings were too much for a young boy to deal with. As the machine forced a third miserable cum out of him, he began to cry, softly and weakly. Alexei had already broken down in hysterical tears a few minutes earlier. A chorus of their high sobbing voices filled the examination room.
Doctor Trench smiled and increased the level of stimulation to the boys' prostates. They wailed and whined and their torturous misery continued.