Shakey Psyche
Chapters 5-8
Chapter Five Adam's Service
I walked upstairs wondering if I was doing the right thing by encouraging this behavior in him. I mean, I get enough action when I have a party and my date for the evening stays over. But, somehow this was different, and I don't mean by having it with a boy. He was different; let alone the physical differences, but he is always so willing to please me. It's not as common in young ones as you might think.
Kids look to please their parents for that pat on the back, so they're not all that altruistic in nature. Adam had a real servant's heart. It's too bad that this part of our relationship will never last long. Knowing my taste in boys, it doesn't last past the time that they turn thirteen or so. Women are one thing; they will turn me on like crazy, but when it comes to boys, they only do it up to a certain age. Boys are at their best when they are preteens and only semi-attractive upon reaching puberty.
The hips widen too much and too much hair grows in the wrong places for my eccentric tastes. Good thing there are a healthy supply of runaways out there.
I went to bed thinking of how good my fortune was when Adam fell asleep in my stable. I woke the next morning with an erection from hell. I walked downstairs with my robe hiding the stiff pole between my legs. Jeeves was making the breakfast for us in the kitchen.
"Oh, Jeeves, Adam is a little tied up at the moment, so just breakfast for one, please," I said while smiling at my own private joke.
"Yes, Sir," he said in his British accent.
"Also, I need you to do something for me, please. I need you to get a file from my office I forgot. It's on my desk there, so it'll be easy to find."
"Yes, Sir," he said, with the impatience that usually irks me, but this morning I didn't care. I just needed him to leave for a while.
He turned and left the house after the breakfast was finished. As I heard him head down the driveway, I made my way to the tormented youth I left downstairs. As I flipped the switch on, I saw the site he had become.
I approached him from behind and lined the erection that was still plaguing me up to his ready receptacle. I pulled out the plug with a noticeably audible "pop" and replaced it with my hard-on. He lurched forward as I entered him again and a soft cry escaped his tired lips.
"Please me quickly and this will end quickly, Adam," I whispered over the bar of the stock and into his ear.
"Yessss, MMaaastterrrr," he stammered.
I grabbed onto his hips as I needed leverage to give him a good quick fuck. I held onto him as I pulled back out of his asshole again and began building up another solid rhythm. I felt him clench his buttcheeks as I got started on him. The kid learns quickly what is needed, but that was not what was surprising me. His hole felt as small as it did when I first fucked him.
I filed it away as well for a later time, and continued to enjoy what was available to me. He had his gluttial muscles clenched so tight, that he had me cumming within only a few minutes. I was further impressed with the boy.
I released him from each of the bondage items I had placed him in and he sank to the floor, exhausted. I took off the metal collar and blindfold. I picked him up off the floor, and carried him to his apartment over the garage. Once I sat him on his bed, I got a good look at the damage.
Semen was oozing out from his worn asshole and he did smell like he had been having sex. His eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep. Dried blood was on his chest from the abused nipples. It appeared his nipples were almost totally healed. His skin was a little cool and clammy, and he was shivering a little. He'd looked better, that's for sure, but it was nothing he couldn't recover from.
"Good Morning, Adam," I said with a smile.
"'morning, Master," he said with a slight smile and drowsy demeanor.
"Let's get you looking, feeling, and smelling better before you conk out for a while." He nodded and I threw him in the shower for a few minutes. I looked at his clock, and gauging the time, I figured I had about another twenty minutes before Jeeves made it back.
I had him done and out of the shower within ten. I walked back to the house after putting Adam in bed and began my own shower. When I got out, I saw that Jeeves had laid out my weekend clothes for me and left. The nothing file was lying on top of the clothes.
I did some work for a while before Adam's friends came around the house at about ten o'clock to see him. I told him he was unavailable for a while and they turned around, disappointed.
"You may use my pool for a while if you wish, boys," I told them. They instantly turned around and headed back towards me. They headed straight towards the pool after dropping off their coats.
I let them play for a while before joining them. They definitely seemed to be enjoying themselves when I walked into the area. They beckoned me to join them, and since I could think of no good reason not to, I took my robe off and dove into the water. We played around for almost two hours before the boys were getting tired.
I asked them if they wanted lunch and each of them nodded enthusiastically. As the three of them went into the dinning room, I went into the kitchen to get the sandwiches Jeeves had made for us earlier. After laying them on the table for the boys to eat, I made my way up to Adam's apartment. He was just waking up as I walked inside.
"How're you feeling?"
"Better, Master," he said with a smile. He looked better, too. I sat down next to him on his bed.
"Let me see how your backside is doing."
He stood up and I looked at the damage I had inflicted upon him the previous night. There were some outlines of holes from where the paddle had struck him, but otherwise he was not that bad. I had a look at his anus real quick, and believe it or not, it had returned to its normal size again. It was another thing that grabbed my attention and it was time to get a few answers from him.
"Um, Adam?" I asked him.
"Yes, Master?"
"I want this question answered right now, please. No more stalling on this. Where did you come from?"
He turned around to face me again. He was looking at his feet as he turned.
"I thought you said that I could take my time telling you, Master. Why do you want to know now?"
"To put it simply, because there is almost no damage to your anal muscle. Not that I'm disappointed, but there should be some type of damage to you. Plus, there are your scars. After your attack, you had a scar on your leg and one on your shoulder blade. Both of them are gone. The scar on your penis is also almost gone. It normally would never heal properly after an attack like you had. Do you have any reason as to why that would happen?"
"No, Master, I don't know. I thought that was normal. I got scratched one time on my arm and it was back to normal after sleeping two times. You can't do that?"
"No, I can't Adam. It usually takes a week or so for a person to heal from a good sized scratch or scrape. Now, will you tell me where you are from?"
"Where I come from is scary, Master. I like it here better. Please don't send me away, Master."
"Why would I do that, Adam?"
"That's what the people said would happen when I left that place. They said that no one would care about me or want me around because I'm different."
"Different how, exactly?"
"They didn't say, Master. All they said was that I was different from everyone else."
"What did your parents say to that?"
"Parents, Master?"
"Yes, your parents." No reaction that he knew what I was talking about. "You know, your mother and father." Still no reaction from him. "You didn't have parents, do you?" He started crying and shaking his head, no. I reached up and pulled him to me. He collapsed into my arms, and the tears really began falling. "It's okay, kiddo, go ahead and get it out."
"Everyone got parents, but me, Master," he cried into my chest.
He cried like that for some time. I began thinking that he was from a city orphanage or something along those lines. I made a mental note to check on that on Monday morning. As I was cradling him, Phil walked in the door.
"I was just wondering where you had gone to, Mr. Henderson."
"We'll be right there, Phil," I told him and sent him away with a wave of my hand. I turned to the crying boy in my arms. "Your friends are here and they want to see you, so you go spend some time with them, Adam."
"Y, Yes, Master. Thank you, Sir."
"For what?"
"Caring," he said and turned around to go to his closet. I was so moved by that, that it took a few minutes before I got up from the bed. No one had ever paid any attention to this kid, as far as I could tell.
I guess that was why he was so eager to please me. I paid attention to him and made him feel like he was mine. But I guess that's armchair psychology at its best.
The rest of the day I spent with Adam and his friends in and out of the pool as well as all over the rest of the house. They did spend a great deal of time in my game room also. The pool table was used quite a bit that afternoon. We bid them good-bye around four thirty and made our way to the dinning room for dinner.
After dinner, we headed upstairs after clearing the dishes. I asked him if he was going to sleep in his apartment and he asked if he could stay with me. I nodded. He slipped under the covers quickly after getting undressed, facing away from me. I slipped in behind him and molded my body against his smooth one. Within minutes, he was wiggling his cute ass against my groin.
"If you keep that up, I'm going to give you something to howl about, Adam," I warned him. He giggled and kept wiggling against me. I tweaked his right (upper) nipple as a further warning to him to beware what he was starting. Another giggle.
"You asked for it, boy," I said finally.
"Ooo, Master, please don't hurt me," he said in a mock scared voice.
I chewed on his neck in answer, sending him into a further fit of giggles. I rolled on top of him as we wrestled under the sheets and I began worshiping his hairless body. He stopped playing as I ran my hands down his side. It seems he knew what was coming next. He lay there, letting me have my way with his young body, admiring the perfection that was him.
There was no flaw to be found on him. Each and every blemish was gone from his skin. I reached over and took the olive oil I had refilled that day and began to slick down his back. I worked the salve into the very pores of his skin, as I adored its turgidity. His skin bent to every move of my hands. He softly cooed at each turn of my hands.
I eventually made my way south to his firm buttocks, spending several minutes in that area before going down his slender legs. I ended up at his feet, working the oil into the soles of each of them.
I turned him over, laying him on his back and began my journey back up his succulent legs. He placed his hands behind his head as he lied back and enjoyed my manipulations of his body. The shins, knees and thighs followed in order as my hands trekked northward. Evading his pubic region briefly, I worked his naveless stomach before going up his ribs.
I leaned over and kissed his nipples when I made it there, and he arched his back when my teeth bit each of them in turn. I felt his hands on my shoulders as he lowered himself back down onto the bed sheet. My mouth kissed him all the way back down to his bald private area.
"Master?" I looked up at him. "Is there a way I could do that to you also?" I could have married him right then and there, if it were legal.
I didn't bother answering him; I just adjusted my legs around to meet him at the pillow by his head. I pulled him down to make his head closer to my groin as well as his groin closer to my head. Being older, it was not a perfect match. His mouth didn't quite connect with my cock, so I just took care of him first. He rolled over onto his back while I went to sucking on his erect tool.
As I sucked on him, I moved my hand down to play with his asshole. He moved his legs apart to allow me better access to his inner self. I took a little more olive oil and dipped my fingers in it. Upon inserting my forefinger, I felt nothing inside him; he had gotten himself ready earlier that evening by performing the enema. I pumped his asshole with one finger for a few minutes while sucking up and down on his woody.
Being slightly impatient, I decided it was time for another finger to invade him. He didn't react as he did before as the middle finger slipped inside. His asshole felt as tight as ever, but he remained as calm and relaxed as ever. Those two fingers were thrust inside several times before adding a third. His asshole was now spread far enough to get a reaction from him.
"One more, Master, please," he gasped. I circled around to have my left arm across his body and my torso lying on it. This gave me perfect position to swallow his slender meat easier. My left hand wrapped itself around his left buttcheek, pulling it apart from its neighbor and exposing his pink flower to the room.
Taking his invitation at his word, I wormed my small finger inside him, bringing a round of hisses from him. His woody responded by jumping in my mouth at the surge of renewed pain in his rectum. I slowly fed his rectal cavity my extended fingers till they reached the knuckles of the hand and he was screaming that it hurt too much.
I backed off with my hand and shoved it back inside to the same point. He beat his hands on the bed as he did down in the torture room. His back arched upwards as his cock jumped in my mouth. He slumped back down to the sheets as quickly as he had shot out of them.
I turned to look at my young slave as he lay there, unconscious. I withdrew my fingers from his anus and wiped the oil off them with a hand towel I keep by the bed. I lay back down beside him, waiting for him to recover. It took him a while before he came around.
"What happened, Master?" He asked upon waking back up.
"You passed out again. It was the same thing that happened downstairs the first time you went down there."
"Why does that happen?"
"Because sometimes the feelings are so intense that it pumps your blood pressure too high for you to handle and you go unconscious from it."
"Wow; what a feeling," he said and I concurred. He looked down at my own hard-on and opened his legs further. "You need relief, Master. You can fuck me, if you'd like."
I swung my legs around to line up with him. I aimed my cock at the hole my hand just vacated and pushed inside him. He was unbelievably tight after what had just occurred. I pulled his legs up to place his ankles on my shoulders. With him looking peacefully in my eyes, I began to pump into him again. He smiled with tears in his eyes as my cock sliced in and out of him. I felt him flex his buttcheeks to tighten his hole even more. I climaxed with another cycle of my hips.
I collapsed on top of him and wrapped my arms around his upper body while my cock was still embedded inside him. He wiggled like he wanted to move away from me, so I rose up to allow him to do as he wanted. He turned to his left and lay on his side. I turned with him, but he seemed to not want that. He pushed away from my body, and lowered his head down to my crotch. It didn't seem to bother him that the stick that he was about to suck on was inside his other end.
He licked me from base to tip as I had done to him once and with the care of a thoughtful lover, he enveloped my cock with his warm mouth. Having just orgasmed, it took a few minutes before I responded to his ministrations.
When I was firm enough for him, he pulled away from me and spun around to face the doorway. He slid back to place his body next to mine and line my rehardened staff up to his rear hole. He then reached back and slid my pole inside him, but didn't move after that. I wrapped my arms around him in loving embrace, and started to nod off to sleep.
"I love you, Master," he whispered.
"And I'm beginning to feel the same, Adam," I said to the back of his head and we both drifted off to Neverland.
As the next morning was Sunday, Jeeves didn't come to the house, so we could do as we pleased when we woke up. As sleep abandoned me at the normal time, Adam was still conked out, so I let him snooze. I showered, dressed, and made my way downstairs for some light breakfast.
I began thinking about all the anomalies that had to do with my new slave. It seemed that his body was able to handle pain well and heal fast. Of course the absence of a navel was the most obvious. The last thing I thought about before Adam joined me for breakfast was the fact that his body was exactly as I have been saying all along; perfect. There were no freckles, no birthmarks, and the only scar he had was on his little cock from his rape, but that was disappearing just as completely. Not a blemish on his skin anywhere. Not a thing was wrong with him.
As he walked in the room, he smiled his ten year old smile and sat for breakfast. I let him eat before I wanted to confirm my suspicions. I beckoned him to me as he finished eating. As the naked boy stood before me, I did an even more thorough inspection of his young body. As I suspected; even the scar on his cock was disappearing from view. I turned him around to examine his anus and it was back to normal.
"Is something wrong, Master?"
"No, I guess not, Adam," I said as I leaned back in my chair. "How are you feeling this morning?"
"Fine, Sir," he said with a quick shrug of his shoulders. "Maybe I should ask you the same question, Master." He had a teasing smile on his lips, and I playfully spanked his butt.
"Go enjoy the day, Adam. I've got something to do."
"Yes, Sir," he said and went to the phone to call Horace. I went to my car and drove to the far side of town where my associate was keeping Sheila company. As I walked in the basement room, I saw one of the three black men having another go at the woman's asshole. My associate was leaning against the table he had brought with him. It had all the tools of his trade, even some I was not familiar with.
"How's it going?"
"As well as can be expected, Sir. She'll never trouble you again," he reported.
"Good. When you get finished with her, I need to see you in my office before noon."
"Another job so soon, Sir?"
"Yes, but this one's different, and I need just as much discretion."
"See you then, Sir."
I saw that the man was finished with fucking the bitch, so I made my way over to her. I took a quick inspection of her condition.
"You look pathetic, Bitch," I informed her. She barely opened her swollen eyes. Her whole face was riddled with small cuts and bruises. The whites of her eyes were filled with blood, at least the part of them I could see. Her whole body was covered with signs of her traumatic weekend so far.
I smiled at the pathetic sight and turned to leave the room. She begged me to stop the torment as I reached the door.
"Adam asked you to stop what you were doing to him, and you didn't. Enjoy."
I left the room and headed back up to the car. When I got there, a group of unscrupulous men were gathered around it, looking for the most valuable part of the vehicle.
"Perhaps my keys might help the work go by faster, gentlemen," I said as I pulled them out of my front pocket. When they saw me, they scattered faster than cockroaches when the lights turn on. I smiled and climbed in the car.
Chapter Six Adam's Birth
I arrived at home to find the same site again; four ten-year-olds skinny dipping in my pool area. I let them have their fun again and made my way to my study. The rest of the day passed uneventfully. Adam slept in his own bed that night as the next day was back to the normal routine.
At eleven, my associate walked in my office and shut the door. I motioned him to sit in the chair opposite of my desk as I finished a phone call to my New York office. He waited patiently for me to finish.
"How's Sheila doing?" I asked him as I hung up the phone.
"Released, Sir, and beyond that, who cares? Now, what's the new job?"
"This," I said and handed him a folder as opposed to the envelope from the previous encounter. He opened the folder and looked at me across the desk.
"What about him, Mr. Henderson?"
"I want you to find out where the boy came from, and do it very discretely. No one is to know that I have him, Blakely. And when I say no one, I mean it. This is a job that I want you to do personally. Don't hand it off to one of your lackeys."
"Understood, Sir. Any reason why? You usually don't care who does the work as long as it's done."
"This is different, Blakely. Double your normal fee for this one. I want an update by the end of the week."
"Yes, Sir," he said and left the office.
The rest of the day passed smoothly and I left for home. Routine being what it is, the week fell into it as if nothing were out of place. I had a party that Friday night that Adam was preparing, as he should, with his normal thoroughness. That morning, Blakely reported in to me that he could find out absolutely nothing about the boy so far. That astonished me, as usually he had at least something to report. I dismissed him and headed home for the party, stag. I was too engrossed with business to get a date for the night. Adam performed up to the usual specs that I had come to expect for the party that night.
The next day, he had his first quizzes since before Christmas vacation, and he scored perfect on them. I took him to an art gallery that afternoon and a theatre that night for a live play. We went our separate ways for the night, and I slipped into bed and picked up a novel I had been working on for the week. The door creaked open as I just turned the page.
"Yes, Adam?" I asked and looked at the doorway. He was wearing his metal collar, and nothing else. I smiled and nodded towards the bathroom. I heard him get into the shower and the water turn on. He closed the door after a while, and I heard him release the contents into the commode. He walked back in and over to the bed.
"Clean?" I asked as I bookmarked the page and looked at him. He nodded with a grin. "Good." I removed the covers, but didn't move from the bed. "Use your mouth, Slave," I told him, nodding to my groin area.
He was happy to do it, actually, and went right to work. He started at my fuzzy balls and took each of them into his mouth as I had done to him. His supple mouth sucked on each one in turn. That act alone got me hard, but he didn't stop there.
His tongue licked up the length of my stalk to stop at the lip of the head. The tongue circumnavigated the edge of the head, winding back up where he started. His lips pressed themselves over the tip of the head and he eased it into his warm mouth.
He worshipped it as it should be and me as I did to him. He treated my cock as if it were his master and not the rest of me. Being ultra careful with his teeth, he sank his face down the length of my pole. I didn't expect him to get the whole thing in his mouth on the first time, but he tried and gagged when it hit the back of his throat. With the utmost determination, he tried again and failed. I waited for him to ask the question, and he did after his fourth failed attempt.
"What am I doing wrong, Master?"
"Not a thing, Adam. It's just that I'm so much bigger than your throat can handle, so you're gagging on it."
"But those men were able to get it down my throat that night in the room."
"Did you gag then?"
"Yes, but they still made it past and down farther."
"But they forced it in. Do you want me to do that to you?"
"Well, if that's the only way
3;" he whispered and returned his mouth to cover my cock. I reached down to the back of his head with my right hand. He forced himself to take as much of it as he could before he backed off. My hand was there to hold him in place. His hands started clenching and unclenching into fists as it was becoming uncomfortable for him.
"Open your throat as if are trying to swallow something," I suggested to him. He nodded as best as he could, and I felt the back of his throat relax against the tip of my cock.
I jammed my cock further down his throat with a thrust of my hips. It slipped past his gag reflex in a microsecond. I pushed his head down further, forcing more of my cock down his gullet. He had stopped struggling once it got past his reflex, but he didn't take a breath before I jammed him, so he was running out of oxygen quickly.
I pulled back out to allow him to breathe a little, and he relaxed more. As I fed it back to him again, he took a deeper breath just before I forced it back down. His esophagus made a natural seal around my engorged cock. It felt wonderful. That is, it felt wonderful to me. By the look of things, Adam was not enjoying it at all.
I pulled my now rock-hard cock out of his mouth and released my hold on the back of his head. He turned to look up at me with tears running down his face.
"Did I do something wrong, Master?"
"No, Adam, you didn't. It just looked like you weren't enjoying it at all," I said, wiping his face off.
"It's just that's it's so big, Master. Can't you shrink it down for me?"
I had to laugh at his question for a minute, but turned back to him and replied that I couldn't shrink it any more than he could shrink his arm. He looked a little disappointed, but returned to his task. I stopped him.
"You don't have to do it, Adam."
"You enjoyed it, didn't you, Master?"
"Oh, very much, Adam. I enjoyed what you were doing very much, but I thought that you would want to move on to something you would like as well."
"No Master, I want to finish this," and with that, he climbed up on the bed, straddled my body, and returned his mouth to my cock.
I was staring at his rear rosebud as he went back to work, so I figured that he could use some stimulation as well. With some more olive oil poured down the length of his boy's crack, I slipped two fingers inside his rectum.
He didn't make a sound as I pumped both fingers across his threshold. He moaned a little as the third finger was inserted, and his pecker was getting straighter. With my other hand, I brought it down firmly against his left asscheek and another moan escaped his cock-filled lips. The slap left a red hand print against his skin as I pulled it back for another swing.
I brought the hand down a total of ten times against his left asscheek, reddening it quite nicely. My other hand was busy pumping the three fingers into his anal hole the entire time. I put my arm across his back just above his butt to hold him down as the fourth digit passed his sphincter muscle.
"UMMPH!" he said as my cock still filled his mouth. He was making it difficult to concentrate on what I was doing to his ass as his mouth was gorging itself on my cock. I pounded the full wideness of my hand into his rectum as he thrust his head up and down my cock's length.
I folded my thumb down and pushed my hand past the knuckles, fully engulfing my hand in his asshole. He raised his head up and arched his back as it passed fully into him. I stopped what I was doing to allow him to get used to having a hand up his butt. After the initial thrust inward, he calmed back down and resumed his work on my dick.
I slid my hand further inside him, passing my wrist joint. I couldn't take it any further, due to another barrier, so I began pumping my hand with a twisting motion. He was eating up the attention to his anal region. I pushed his body down hard as his mouth finally made me orgasm down his throat.
When his cock was squashed between our bodies, he came as well, and I felt his sphincter muscle squeeze my wrist as the orgasm wracked his body. He sank back down on top of me as he tried to recover from the feelings of ecstasy. I began to remove my hand as easily as I could, but he reached back to stop me.
"Leave it inside, please Master," he said and moved off my prone body. I acquiesced to him and kept my hand buried in his asshole. He curled up next to me, and drifted off into sleepland. Not able to think of what to do single-handedly, I rolled up behind him and followed him into sleep as well.
Some time during the night, he must have expelled my hand. I woke with his back plastered to my chest, and my dick buried back up his asshole again. He woke me up as his butt glided down my stomach to swallow my cock fully. I reached around him to hold him closer to me as he did what he wanted.
"Feeling frisky again this morning?" I asked him.
He snickered as he nodded his answer. His asshole was as tight as ever around my cock. This kid was unbelievable. Last night, he took my whole hand inside his rectum, and now it feels like nothing ever happened. Blakely has got to find out something about this boy soon.
Anyway, I laid into him like a two-bit whore instead of a ten-year-old. I rolled over on top of him and really shagged his ass for everything. He grunted at each of my powerful thrusts, and even clenched his cheeks together tighter to make it feel better for me. With one last primal surge, I orgasmed deep into his bowels once more.
"Good morning, Master," he said, with a little sarcasm, as I lay on his back.
"Good morning, Adam," I snickered into the top of his head. "Let's get a shower and breakfast." He nodded, and we left for the bathroom.
We climbed into the shower together, and I started the water while he took the collar off his neck. On a whim, I turned and knelt down in front of him to inspect his penis. A small pink line now traversed the length of his cock, not an angry red one.
"Something wrong, Master?"
"No, Adam, I was just double checking something."
"It's still attached, Master Kyle," he said with a smirk. I splashed water in his face and he laughed.
The doorbell rang as we were toweling off. He looked up to me and I nodded to him. He ran down the stairs to let his friends inside the house. I descended the stairs as the four were diving into the water of the pool. His metal collar was lying on the pool's deck.
I made myself some breakfast and listened to the four play in the pool. This mystery of Adam was weighing heavily on my mind, now more than ever. I spent the entire day thinking about it while he played around with the three boys. At dinner time, they stayed and ate with us.
"Mr. Henderson?"
"Yes, Karl?"
"How come Adam doesn't have a bellybutton?" The other two at the table stopped eating and looked at Adam's stomach.
"Weird," Horace said.
"Not weird, H, just unusual; that's all. As far as your question, Karl, the answer is, I don't know. According to Adam, he's never had a navel, so right now, we don't know why."
"I wish I had one," Adam commented. "Everyone else has one, but me. Maybe H is right. I am weird."
"You're different, Adam, not weird. Everyone is different from everyone else. Do you notice anyone else here having freckles?" nodding to Horace. He shook his head.
"Thanks, Mr. Henderson," Horace said with a smirk.
"Get over it, kid," I said, and we laughed at the joke. Adam was fine after that. As we got up from the table, I saw that Karl had an erection. So did the others and they made fun of him for it. The boy was understandably embarrassed from them laughing at him.
"I don't know why it does that," the boy said, defensively.
"It'll happen on and off, Karl. It even happens to me once in a while." The other two boys kept snickering at him while Adam stopped laughing. We made our way to the study and the fireplace for some hot cocoa for them and a brandy for me.
"I wish we could stay here all the time, sir," Phillip commented.
"I think your parents would object, Phil," I retorted.
"What's it like having parents?" Adam spoke up.
"You've never had parents?" Horace butted in.
3;" he said, looking down in his mug.
"Well, you're lucky then," Horace quipped back. "You've never had anyone telling you what to do, where to go, or bossing you around all the time." Then he caught himself and looked at me. "I'm sorry, Mr. Henderson. I didn't mean you."
"It's okay, H, I know what you meant," I said with a slight smile. My concern was with Adam, though. He was feeling left out again. It was as if he was separated from the rest of the world somehow because of his upbringing.
A lone tear ran down his left cheek. Knowing the boys as I do, I didn't think that they would tease him about this. He was at a vulnerable state, and they were his closest friends. I knew they felt sorry for him, being an orphan.
I pulled him in closer to me and wrapped my arms around him. I could feel his warmth through the blanket he was wrapped in.
"Mr. Henderson?" Phil asked.
"Why is Adam wearing a metal collar now, instead of his leather one?"
Adam and I looked at each other for a second before I answered the question.
"It's a special collar, Phil. One day soon, I may explain what it means, but for now, just accept that as the answer, please."
The others looked at the different collar as well for a few minutes and noticed the difference. The phone jolted us out of the mood that had set over the group.
"Horace, it's your mother," I told him and handed him the phone. As he talked to his mother, I told the others that it was a good time to leave also. They finished their cocoas, dressed and headed to their respective homes. Adam and I said our goodnights and he headed for his apartment shortly after the boys left.
The next morning was as normal as ever, until I got to the office. Blakely walked in just before lunch, and he didn't look happy.
"Why don't you take me to lunch, Sir?" He said. He never acts like this unless it's going to be unpleasant news. I told my secretary I was heading to lunch.
We didn't talk in the car; he just held an envelope in his hands, very nervously. The two of us arrived at the restaurant and were seated immediately. It helps a lot to be filthy rich.
"What can be so bad about this kid that can make you this nervous, Blake?"
"Not bad, Kyle, just secret; very secret. Some big names are involved in this whole thing, and I probably don't know the half of it."
"He's just a kid, Blake. What harm could there be in this kid? Look, forget it; just give me the file, please."
Reluctantly, Blakely handed over the file to me. I opened it just as the waiter was taking our order. The information at the beginning was normal. Adam had been an orphan, as I suspected, of a small orphanage on the south end of the city. He was raised there from a baby. No one adopted him.
His mother died due to complications in childbirth. There was no mention of the father from the orphanage's report. I laid that report aside and went on to the next one. It was a hospital's report on Adam's mother. She had just turned fifteen before giving birth, and only six months into her pregnancy.
She was injected with a serum during the delivery to help give a better chance of survival to the child. The drug was experimental at the time and no testing had been done. A doctor, well known one in the city, had administered the drug to her, against the advice from everyone in the room. It was the drug that had killed the girl. All the evidence was conveniently buried. I'm sure Blakely had to twist a few arms to get this info.
"Did you find anything out about any anomalies?"
"This is the part of the report that gets me, Sir. As the boy was born, there was no umbilical cord, yet he survived. Take a look," he said and handed me another envelope.
It contained results of tests that were totally foreign to me. I had no clue to what any of it said, but I knew of someone that could interpret it to me.
As I arrived back at the office, I called a doctor I had helped out of a financial jam a few years ago. I needed to see him that day and he agreed. As I was leaving the office, something in the discarded newspaper caught my eye. A short article about Sheila committing suicide was spaced in the side columns. I smiled and left the room.
I arrived at Dr. Evans' office and I showed Mike the envelope's contents. He viewed them with his usual scrutiny. After a long while, he turned to me and asked if he could see the subject.
"He's not a subject, Dr. Evans, he a young boy. Now, what does the report say?"
"Basically, that he was born without an umbilical cord attached," he said, stroking his short beard.
"I got that far, Mike, care to elaborate on the rest?"
"Well, it says here, that the tests they ran stated that his tissue has a high rate of regeneration. With one notable exception; his hair follicles are dormant. The only hair he'll ever have is on his head, apparently."
"How the hell did that happen?" I asked, not believing that a drug could be that specific.
"Well, according to this report made by the doctor in charge of the delivery room, he had a full head of hair being born. Maybe it was already active during the administering of the drug, coupled with the crash-cart they tried to resuscitate the mother with during delivery. Sounds like they really botched the hell out of this procedure."
"No kidding. Could the drug have done anything to the umbilical cord or to his hair follicles?"
"I don't think so," he said, still stroking his chin in a maddening way. He looked over the report closer, and then stated that the drug could not have done anything to the umbilical cord. "As far as the hair follicles; there's no telling."
"Anything else?" I asked him.
"Well," he said, still stroking his beard, which usually makes me irritated, "he seems to be able to fight off any infection, including AIDS and HIV. Plus it seems his cells have a way of regenerating themselves."
"You already said that, Mike. Does that mean the kid's immortal, or what?"
"I don't know, Kyle, I really don't know. The report doesn't elaborate on this. Probably because there is nothing like it in the history of medicine, or the world for that matter. The only thing I can tell you is to wait and see what happens in the future. He'll never get sick, that's for sure, but as far as dying; I don't know."
"He'll continue to grow, though?"
"As far as I can tell from this, yes, but how far that goes, again, I don't know. Could you bring him by? I'd like to take a look at him myself."
"Sure thing, Mike. How about tomorrow?"
"No problem, Kyle. See you then."
I left the office with more questions than I had when I walked in. It's just like doctors to do that to you; never give answers, just more questions.
I arrived home with the same amount of questions rolling around in my head. Adam served the dinner as usual and we had his evening lessons. When they were over, I told him I was taking him to the doctor's office the next day to get examined.
"Why, Master? I feel fine."
"I know, Adam, but there are just a few things he needs to check about you, like for instance, your healing ability. Don't worry; it'll be relatively painless."
"Relatively, Master? Could you make it totally painless?"
"He may have to draw some blood from you, Adam, but you'll live. Now, why don't you get to bed? Do your duties in the morning, but don't worry about getting into your uniform. You can wear your street clothes."
"Yes, Master. Good night."
That night, I worried about him for the next day and what Mike was going to find out about him.
The next day, we had breakfast together, and headed to the doctor's office. He ushered us into one of his exam rooms and had him strip to his bare skin. Adam looked to me, and I nodded for him to do it.
When Mike turned back around to examine him, he stopped and looked at the kid. This was the first time I had seen Mike falter at anything, but Adam was exceptional. I didn't blame him for his reaction towards the boy. Even I was still amazed at his perfect body.
Mike recovered quickly enough and began examining him from head to toe, as any good doctor should. He made a small comment about his navel being missing, but other than that, he just examined him without any other commentary. Some blood was drawn and sent to be examined. Adam got dressed and the two of us waited for the good doctor to return to the room. When he did, he asked the two of us to follow him into his small laboratory.
"Let me show you two something," he said as he walked us up to the microscope. He offered it to me, first. I looked in the lenses and saw red blood cells. I looked questioningly at Mike.
"So what, Mike," I said, still looking at him with the same look.
"Don't you see something unusual about those cells, Kyle?"
"No. Should I?"
"They're not dying, Kyle. After this long outside the human body, those cells should be either dead, or dying, but they aren't." Then he turned to Adam before talking again. "Your body's cells seem to have the ability to heal themselves and not die. You may grow up, but at some point in the future, you're going to stop dying. It'll probably happen after puberty."
"I'm never going to die, Sir?" Adam asked him, incredulously.
"It appears not, Adam," he said, stroking his chin.
"I want this info kept secret, Mike, and I mean absolutely secret. No one is to know this, understand?" He knew I was serious. And he answered that he understood my meaning. He knew better than to fuck with me.
We left the doctor's office and neither one of us really wanted to talk. I think both of us were too stunned about the findings to converse. I took the rest of the day off and we returned home. Adam went about his chores as usual and we had dinner together. I asked him about his life at the orphanage and he answered, but his heart wasn't really in it. I could tell that something had happened there that he wanted to forget, so I didn't press the matter at the time.
"Have you ever been sick with any cold or flu?" I asked him at one point.
"Not that I know of, Master," he answered.
So the kid had never been sick a day in his life; that was good to know.
Chapter Seven Adam's Growth
I finished my dinner, and we made our way to the piano for his lessons. After the piano, was the martial arts training in the workout room. When that was over, he left the room and I went to the den for some paperwork. He walked in the den a few minutes behind me. I looked up to see he had nothing on but his metal collar and a smile. He was standing in his submissive stance with his hands over his groin and his tiny erection poking out over them.
I looked over to the bookshelf and nodded. He smiled and went to the special book and pulled it down. The shelf opened up as I was taking off the last of my gi. I walked over to him and led him down the stairs as the shelf replaced itself, leaving us in total darkness again.
Upon entering the small space of a room, I led him to the middle and had him stand and wait for me. I blindfolded him and then turned on the lights. A ball gag was fit into his mouth, next. There was small hole in the floor that was just the right size for a pole to fit in. It just so happens that I had a pole that fit into that space. The pole extended into another space in the ceiling of the room, making sure it didn't move, or come out of it during any sessions.
Leather cuffs were then attached to his ankles and wrists. Each of those restraints was linked to eyebolts in the two poles of the room. This spread his limbs out as far as they could reach in a spread-eagled position. His feet were raised off the floor just a few inches as his body was stretched to its limits.
Two lines of twine were wrapped around each of his ballsacks and pulled downward and apart to two detachable eyebolts in the floor under him. I hitched them to the bolts and pulled until he started whining and squirming. I don't know what he was complaining about; it's not like he uses them for anything anyways.
I went around to his front and noticed some precum oozing from the head of his cock. It took only a swipe of my tongue to lick it off and send chills down his body at the same time. I decided to give him some relief by gobbling his small piece of erect meat into my mouth. An audible sigh escaped his lips as the warmth of my mouth encompassed his tiny tool.
With the experience taught to me by my father, I began giving his tool the attention it demanded. Within minutes, it began jumping in my mouth as his small frame had to deal with its first orgasm of the evening.
As the small digit began to soften, I placed a leather strap around its head. The strap was strung to another bolt in the wall in front of him and back to the d-ring in his collar. Again, I pulled until he began to squirm from the pain, and then tied it off.
His nipples were not to be left out of the action. The alligator clips were applied to his tender nubs. He screamed into his gag as each one clamped down on his sensitive skin. He thrashed about as best as he could to detach the clips, but as limited as his movements were, it was impossible. Plus, the more he moved, the more pain went through his groin area.
Satisfied that my young slave was as incapacitated as possible, I went over to the whipping wall, and retrieved an old leather rug beater. You may not think this is a big deal, but it does hurt like hell. The handle of this thing has leather strips braded around a thin wooden dowel. The leather strips continue out and make a loop of themselves and finish back at the handle. It was intended to beat the dust and dirt out of rugs. When used on human skin, it doesn't make much of a sound, but it leaves a stinging welt behind that feels like a branding iron had just been used. I know; my father was a firm believer in this rug beater.
As I made my way back over to my willing victim, I swished it through the air for a few practice swings. I knew that Adam could hear the instrument as it whistled through the air and he knew that he was in for it again. Before striking him for the first time, I ran the loop of the beater up the back of his legs and over his perfectly round and quivering buttocks.
I brought it back and with a practiced precision, I struck his right cheek with the whole of the loop. The leather made perfect contact with Adam's skin, sending him into a fit of yelps into the ball gag. Another strike of the loop just above that caused a renewed round of yelps. A total of five loops were laid against his right buttcheek and all of them received the same reaction from Adam. Five more were applied to the left globe of his ass and he couldn't help but yelp after each one.
I ran my hand over both globes of red flesh; reveling in the welts I had raised in his skin. Already being turned on by whipping the boy, I felt an even further lust at the feel of his tight skin with its welts. The warmth of bringing blood to the surface was exhilarating.
I was going to make this session last longer, but I couldn't help myself. I dropped the beater on the floor and lined my cock up to his rear entrance. With the precum on my cock enough to lubricate his ass, I forced my way inside him all the way to the hilt in one smooth motion.
Being as tight as a virgin, the move caused some pain for him, but that was why he was here, so I didn't pay any attention when he screamed into the ball gag. Now the proper fucking begins. I wrapped my arms under his armpits and over his shoulders to draw him closer to me. Each and every time I pulled back out of his asshole, his body pulled backwards with it, causing pain to his groin area.
Occasionally during the time I was laying into him, my one of my arms would brush against the clips attached to his nipples. I didn't stop for anything. Being able to fuck a virgin boy every night was a dream come true for anyone, and I had him tied between two poles.
I laid into him a few more times before sending a good deal of cum up his asschute. It was pure nirvana when I did. I wasn't finished with him just yet, though. I told him to clench his butt closed as I pulled my weakening cock out of him. Allowing the jizm to be the lubrication, I slipped his same buttplug back inside him.
Not satisfied with the results yet, I picked the rug beater back up for another ten smacks on each buttcheek. Angrier welts were left behind on his butt from this assault and his whole butt was red when I was finished.
I knew that his whole body was wracked with pain, but I still wasn't sure I wanted to let him down just yet. The boy did volunteer for this, after all. I did decide to remove his ball gag, though, and let him some relief.
"Please, Master, please take the clips off," he began begging at once.
"No, Adam. They stay on your nipples the whole time you're down here tonight. I will only remove them when it is time to leave." His nips were the tenderest spots on his body, and I knew that. I wanted to see how much he could take.
I walked over to the wall and took the beater back to its place while Adam hung in his bondage and pain. I took a candle from the table against the back wall and lit it. With a slow deliberant patience, I let the wax pool up at the top before returning to Adam.
"UUUUHHH!" was the sound that came from his lips as the hot liquid poured over his left nipple. He squirmed even more in his bonds, trying unsuccessfully to escape the torture. More hot wax was poured over his right nipple and he grunted again at the assault.
I looked down and his cock was as firm as ever. The kid was really getting into the pain now. I ran a line of wax down his chest, past the place where his navel should have been, and a copious amount dripped around his cock's base. The entire time, Adam squirmed and fidgeted, trying to stop the inevitable. He let out a small scream as I dripped some of the wax on the tip of his cock, but it never went soft.
I put the candle down for a second and with a knife, I scraped off the dried wax, starting at the top and going down. When all the wax was off, I began anew. Fresh screams erupted immediately as crisp new pain attacked his body again. The wax was laid down on the tender spots I had just uncovered. The candle was extinguished and the wax was scraped off again.
Letting him just hang from the poles, I went to the wall shelves that had the lubrications and took off the olive oil bottle. I knew that it would sting, but it also has some healing powers with it. I spread it over the welts covering his ass first then ministered the oil to his chest and groin. I released his cock from its prison first, and it stood straight upwards to attention.
I used the oil to slick up his erection and began to pump my hand along its length. His hips began to gyrate with my movements, at least as much as his sore balls would let him. As I pumped his cock, I reached down and released each of his balls from their bindings. He sighed as the strings were loosened and finally unwound.
He let loose his climax just as soon as the nipple clamps were opened and taken off his chest. I let him hang there between the two poles before I started untying him. I had to catch him from falling to the ground when I released his wrists. I lowered him to the ground to let him recover before we headed upstairs.
I took off his blindfold and he squinted at the light before was accustomed to the brightness. He smiled up at me when he saw me sitting beside him and I smiled back down at him.
"Enjoy yourself?" I asked him.
He smiled and nodded. He rolled, gently, to his side to look at me. He noticed my cock getting stiff again and wrapped his hand around it. I opened my legs a little to allow him better access. He slowly pumped my staff and moved his head towards me. Without me asking, he licked my cock from its base to its tip several times while still pumping it with his hand.
Warmth spread throughout the area as his mouth engulfed the head. He expertly slid his mouth down the stalk of it. I felt his throat open up and accept what was being fed to it. I felt him push on my stomach, and allowed him to guide me backward. I separated my legs as I went back and in one fluid motion, I was lying on my back with my young slave tending to my personal needs.
He moved his body around to straddle mine as he slurped up the length of my hard-on. I slapped his sore ass while he worked on me. He began to speed up his rhythm, trying his best to finish me off. I saw his head bob up and down faster and faster.
Not one to let him go it alone, I reached between his legs and began stroking him again. I reached under him with my other hand and squeezed his nuts, hard and he raised one leg up as a dog trying to pee. He never stopped his onslaught on my dick the whole time I was molesting him.
Another squeeze of his balls brought the other leg up and back down when I let go of them. This continued to happen several times while he sucked me off. Some time during this, he reached back to the buttplug stuck in his ass and began pulling and twisting it inside him. He was getting turned on even more by abusing his own anus, while I was abusing his small nuts. He stopped sucking me and turned his head around to face me.
"Fuck me again, please, Master," he said in a small voice.
"Why?" I asked him.
"Don't you want to, Master?"
"Of course I want to, Adam. I was wanting to know why you wanted me to fuck you."
"Because I know you do," he said with a sly smile.
My free hand swatted his reddened asscheek, stinging him.
"Pull this out and keep your buttcheeks together when you do," I said. He nodded and I saw him pull the rubber plug out of his backside. He held his cheeks together as best as he could and sank down to lie on the floor.
I crawled up to a sitting position and moved over his prone body. I lined my cock up to his preteen asshole and as I lowered my body downward, I skewered my willing slave once again. His ass was so invitingly warm; it was like coming home to warm fire in the den. I pumped my hips slowly, letting him get used to me again.
"Harder, Master," he whispered into the floor, and I obliged him. He begged for it harder again and I stopped.
I grabbed him by the hips and raised his body off the floor. With him on all-fours, I began to really pummel his asshole. Without thought or remorse, I laid into him as hard as I could. He rocked his body in time with my rhythm and grunted at each thrust. I could tell he was really enjoying this, now.
I saw him move his left hand closer to the middle of his body on the floor and his right hand move to his groin. I reached up with my right hand and grabbed his hair as reins on a horse to force more of my cock up his ass. My left hand moved under his body to grasp his nuts and squeeze them again. As I squeezed, his left leg moved upwards again in response to the pain.
In one final, guttural lunge, we climaxed together, with me sending a large amount of sperm swimming into him. He sank back down to the floor, and I followed him, keeping my cock buried inside his rectum.
"I like this part, Master," he said.
"Me too, Adam, me too," I answered.
I curled my arms around his shoulders and held onto him. I felt like I could stay this way forever. But, since that was impossible, I told him to hold his cheeks together again, and I pulled out of his backside, replacing my cock with the rubber plug. He struggled to get up on wobbly legs and we faced each other when he got up.
He turned around to look at his ass in the full-length mirror. He smiled to himself as he ran his hands over the welts. I replaced the candle on the table I took it from and joined him at the mirror.
"What did you use on me, Master?"
I walked him over to the whipping wall and showed him the rug beater. He took it from the wall and ran his fingers playfully over the leather. He smiled warmly at the fresh memory. I wrapped my arms around my young slave in a loving embrace and he giggled as my cock slinked down his back. It was now time to get some sleep, though.
Before we left the room, I walked him over to the wall with the restraints hanging from it. I pulled off the wall a small adjustable ball spreader. Usually, they have snaps on them to adjust the fit around the gonads, but this one was specially made with locking buckles. Adam looked on, fascinated, as I knelt down in front of him to apply the device. He actually opened his legs to give me better admission to his private area.
I took his balls in one hand and pulled them down as far as they could go. With the other hand I wrapped the leather strap around the scrotum separating his balls from the base of his cock. I cinched it tighter until he squirmed at the sensation and locked it in place with a small padlock. His balls were captive until I saw otherwise.
He walked funny as we mounted the stairs to rejoin normal society again. He had to sleep with the ball spreader on as I had locked it in place, so I knew that this night was going to be a long one for him. I, on the other hand, had no trouble sleeping. The next morning, Adam was standing by my bedside, as usual.
"Please take this thing off, Master; it's killing my nuts," he pleaded as I woke up. I didn't answer him; I just took my robe and headed for the bathroom.
I showered and shaved. As I left the bathroom, Adam was just leaving the bedroom for the hallway. He was still walking a little funny, and I had to smile at his predicament. My father had put me in that ball spreader as well. I was forced to wear that thing for a week before he took it off me, so I knew the torment the boy was going through.
Breakfast was painfully normal, except that Adam kept squirming in his seat. When breakfast was over, I headed to the door. Adam followed me as normal.
"I'll take that off your balls this evening, Adam," when he asked me again about the spreader. He nodded that he understood and I left for the office.
The day was normal and I headed home again. After dinner and lessons, Adam was getting anxious about getting that spreader off his balls. I delayed until after his self defense lesson was finished. As the restraint was released, he gasped at the sensation of blood rushing to the area. He rubbed his nuts a few times and I smiled at his discomfort, remembering those sensations quite well.
Adam and I didn't play our games again for the rest of January. His friends did come over and play with him during his free time and he acted as a normal ten-year-old house slave should. The first Friday in February, he walked in my room as I was reading.
"Master Kyle?"
"Yes, Adam?" I looked at the door. He wasn't wearing his metal collar, but he was completely naked. His stance was one of submission. He walked to the bathroom and cleaned himself out and glided to the side of my large bed.
Without saying a word, he wormed his hand under the covers to fondle my wakening cock. A few strokes of his hand and I was fully erect; Adam's body always had that effect on me.
He moved the covers aside and straddled my prone body in his favorite position. His warm breath on my cock was refreshing as he took it inside his mouth. As practice had taught him, my dick slipped down his throat with ease. He made a few pumps with his mouth along the length of my cock before releasing it.
"Put your hand inside me again, please, Master. I liked it last time," he said over his shoulder. Who am I to say, no? But I did have one stipulation for him.
"If you want me to do that, then this goes back on," I told him. He turned his head around to see that I had his ball spreader in my right hand. His eyes got real wide. He didn't say anything, but turned his head back around and widened his legs to give me the access I needed to his almond nuts.
Grasping them in my left hand, I pulled down hard. I saw him tense up at the peculiar pain that having your nuts squeezed brings. The spreader was applied with the same ease as the last time, and his nuts were my prisoners once again. The device was locked in place and I returned back to Adam's unblemished backside.
Adam reapplied his mouth to my cock as I ran the oil between the globes of his tight ass to slicked up his anal barrier once again. Like the previous time, the first two fingers were inserted, and twisted to widen his sphincter muscle. The virgin-tight hole gave way after some work and I managed to insert another finger.
"SSS," he hissed, not having this done to him in a while. Even so, his asshole had returned to its normal state after a day or so anyway.
I worked his asshole again to take all three fingers and slipped in the fourth finger before he knew it. I slowly pumped my fingers in and out before getting my thumb back inside him again. His hole accepted it after a while and widened.
I put my free arm across his back, just above the cleft of his buttocks and, without warning, I forced my whole hand past his barrier. Like last time, he came off my cock and arched his back to the pain of the invasion. I held him down until his body stopped fighting it.
This time, instead of just leaving my hand there and allowing him to feel it resting inside him, I began pumping it. My wrist was at his sphincter muscle when I slid my hand further inside him to make him take more of me. My middle finger found the smaller hole that was further up his intestines and snaked passed its gate. I was gentle as possible while trying to cause a little pain and discomfort for him. It was what he wanted, after all.
"UUUhhhh, Master. That's too much. Please don't go any more inside me," he said quietly, but his cock told a different story. I obeyed his cock. It must have been difficult to realize that a person's hand was so far up inside him, that it scared him briefly.
With my arm still holding his lower torso in place, I fed my arm to his guts till my whole forearm was embedded in his ass. His asshole spread enough to take the girth of it, amazingly. I slowly pumped his anal cavity with my arm's length while he began cooing the entire time.
Once he accepted my arm, I released his torso and began playing with his captive balls. I began with a simple thumping of them, then went to pulling them downward, and then finished with squeezing them in their bondage. His hand had slithered down between our bodies at some time and began stroking his stiffy.
As his feelings intensified, I increased pumping my arm in and out of his tight asshole. With one final surge, his body shook and he bellowed out his climax. I pulled my arm out of him as he collapsed onto my groin. I moved his limp body off mine and over to the side. He instinctively curled up slightly when he hit the sheet. I rolled over to lie behind him.
"Master Kyle?"
He didn't say anything; he just raised his right leg to give my stiff cock to grant me access to his depths once again. I took it. Even though he had an amazing healing ability, he was not able to heal that fast, and his backdoor was very loose after the girth of my arm split it open. He felt as loose as a backstreet whore when I slipped inside him.
I did feel a little blood on my belly from tearing his anal muscles, but I knew he'd have no problem with that. Once again, I rolled him onto his stomach and shoved the full length of my cock inside him. As I did downstairs, I grabbed his hair and pulled him upwards to put him on all fours. I began fucking his asshole with the earnestness of a sex-starved man.
To make totally sure he took all of me each time, I held onto him by his long blond hair and fucked him wildly. Sensing that his asshole was a little looser than normal, he actually closed his legs to tighten it and help me orgasm faster. And I did.
We slid down to the bed's sheet in a sweaty mess. He began giggling under me as I tickled his side. We got up and, at my request, we took a shower. I kept the ball spreader around his nuts the whole evening.
"Master Kyle?"
"Yes, Adam?"
"Could my friends join us in our games soon?"
"I was thinking about that after Phillip asked about your metal collar," I told him thoughtfully.
"Me too," he said with a sly grin.
"We'll see," I said and we finished our shower in quiet.
We changed the sex-coated bed linens and climbed into bed for a night's sleep. In the morning, the little slut was at it again. I woke to his asshole swallowing my cock again. It was back to its normal virgin size as if nothing had happened. I reached around and grabbed his ensnared nuts and squeezed. He grunted, but otherwise gave no indication of pain. Due to his tightened asshole, I came within mere minutes of the initial insertion.
The two of us showered together and got some breakfast. The rest of the day was pretty much normal. We took in a show downtown and headed home for the night. I went into the study for a while and Adam disappeared. After about half an hour, he showed up, wearing nothing but his metal collar and a smile. His dick was jutting straight out, and his balls were still in the spreader.
He walked over to the wall and pulled the special book, sliding the shelf open. I put my paperwork down and followed him to the wall. I put my hands on his shoulders and bent down to talk in his ear.
"If we go down there, you're staying the whole night," I warned him.
He didn't answer. He just walked to the opened doorway. I led him down the stairs as normal and had him stand in the middle of the room as well. After blindfolding him and turning on the lights, I put a middle-sized stool in front of him.
"The time to back out is now, Adam. Tonight, we're going to test your pain threshold." He slumped his shoulders at that. "If you don't want to do this, then we'll leave and reserve it for the next time."
Hearing the stool being put in front of him, he knew where it was. Instead of answering me by telling, he laid his ten year old body over the seat of the stool. I took the wrist and leather restraints and attached them to the appropriate limbs. I made sure that his nipples were hanging over the edge of the stool before proceeding to the next step. Each restraint was tied to a leg at the bottom of the stool.
His tight little anus was sticking out behind him, just waiting to be fucked again. But that would have to wait till later. I wanted to savor that particular prize when we got there. Until then, a cord was strung from his metal collar, down the length of his back and tied to the ball spreader's base. The cord was tightened to pull his neck and balls back and up. If he allowed his head to rest, it pulled hard on his testicles.
I took two needles and pierced his nipples. He screamed bloody murder as I skewered each of them in turn. Rings were attached to the ends of the pins. Each of the rings was long enough to get the alligator clips to attach to his nipples. Weights were added to the rings. I flicked each nipple before I left them alone for a while.
"Open," I said as I stood in front of him and pulled his hair up. He opened his mouth and accepted my cock as I thrust it inside. Feeling his throat muscles close around my cock's girth was heavenly. So far, he had not swallowed any of my cum. I was about to change that.
I began face-fucking him slowly, and then built up speed. Before long, I had a really good rhythm built up. Within only a few minutes, I felt my balls release their juices down his throat and into his stomach. He swallowed every drop my nuts gave him.
I pulled out and proceeded with the next experience in pain for him this night. The rug beater was pulled down and I gave a few practice swings with it. Not that I needed the practice. I approached Adam from his left side and ran the leather device up the length of his leg and over his butt. With a vicious swing, I connected the leather to the tight skin of his ass. He yelped in pain.
I connected the leather loop with his ass a total of twenty times before replacing it to the wall. He was in tears when I finished. I had barely begun on his torture education.
A pin was pushed into his tailbone with a long part of it sticking up like a small tail. The negative end of an electric generator was applied to the pin. The positive end was secured to his left nipple. I turned the machine on and an electrical current traversed the length of his body. I turned the machine's settings to variable, so that it sends different degrees of pain through him. I put earmuffs on his ears and left him that way for a while.
I got a quick snack from the kitchen and headed back to the den. I got some more paperwork done to the muffled sounds of Adam's groans downstairs. Finishing the work and the snack, I headed back down to the torture room. The electric machine had just sent a powerful surge through him and he bellowed out in pain, but his dick was as hard as a rock.
I disconnected the machine, much to Adam's relief, and took it back to its resting place. I also pulled out the pin I placed in his tailbone. I was done with that part of his torment. I walked back over and pulled on his stiffy, getting him near to orgasm. I stopped just short of him going over the edge. He let out a gasp in frustration.
I grabbed a paddle from the whipping wall and returned to the young boy. Twenty swats against his already reddened ass later had him crying again. The paddle was replaced and a crop was used twenty times. Now his red asscheeks were lined with angry bluish welts. The crop was replaced by a thin switch that I always hated. It didn't have much substance, but when it hit; it hurt like hell.
He screamed after each of the twenty licks with the switch hit his sore ass. He was now nothing but a mass of whimpering jelly on that stool. The lines criss-crossing his ass were now very distinct and a darker blue than before. But I wasn't quite finished with his pert ass yet. The last whip I used was a short-tailed cat whip with knots at the "business end" of each tail. With his already abused ass, this was going to hurt.
A painful scream erupted from Adam as the cat attacked his asscheeks, mercilessly for twenty times. I was erect again, and needed relief. I detached the cord connecting his neck and balls, and his head sagged downward in exhaustion. I lined my cock up to his rear door for another assfucking.
He reared his head up as I plunged into his depths. As my hips made contact with his bruised ass, he screamed again at the pain. I grabbed his hips and really began fucking his virgin boy's cunt. I saw him twist his hands around and hold onto the legs of the stool as I laid into him once again.
The boy was as tight as ever, and I was taking advantage of his healing ability. It seemed that both of us were the beneficiaries of that ability.
I made one more final, guttural lunge and I came inside his asshole again. I collapsed onto his back and rested a moment. The heat from his reddened asscheeks radiated against my hips while I rested there.
I pushed myself off and out of my young slave to take inventory of the damage I had inflicted. He was definitely going to be sore for a couple of days. Dark blue lines were etched across his once smooth skin. His nipples were still being abused by the clips and weights. I looked at his cock, and believe it or not, it was flaccid. He came without any other stimulation but the pain of the whipping and me fucking his asshole.
I reattached the cord to his collar and ball spreader. And before I left him for the night, I had him clean off my cock with his tongue. I took off the earmuffs and blindfold for the night, but turned out the lights as I left him alone in his bondage again.
Chapter Eight Adam's Illness
The next morning was Sunday and I woke to the sound of the front doorbell being rung. I made my way to the door to find three preteens wanting to see Adam. I smiled and ushered them inside. They played in the pool while I went to get my suffering servant from downstairs. And he was suffering.
"You okay?" I asked him as soon as I had untied him completely from the stool and removed all the bondage gear.
"Yes, Master," he said, bleary-eyed.
"Well, your friends are here to see you, if you want. The problem is your bruised backside. It would be a bit obvious."
He went to the full length mirror to check out the damage. He turned and let out a slight whistle at the site of his bruised skin.
"What're you doing down there?" a voice asked from the top of the stairs. I knew the voice was Horace's. Adam jerked his head up to see his friend and froze on the spot. He was pale when he turned back to me.
Horace couldn't see me from where he was and where I was standing in the room, but he could see Adam and the bruises all over his asscheeks.
"What happened?" came the voice again. Adam lowered his head in shame; our little secret was out.
I went to the stairs and climbed them to meet Horace at the top. I gently led him away from Adam trying to recollect himself. I was a little rattled, myself, to be honest. Adam and I had talked about bringing the three boys into our games, but I didn't want them to find out about them this way.
"What's going on, Mr. Henderson?" he asked once I had closed the door.
"Let's get the rest of your little gang together before I explain anything." He nodded and I led him to the pool.
I had Horace go to Adam's apartment and get a set of jeans and a shirt for Adam before joining me with Karl and Phillip in the pool area. He did as I asked, but I'm sure he was thinking I was some sort of monster from what he saw. Horace joined us as I was leading the other two into the sitting room where I usually have my after dinner drinks following a party.
"He said that he would get here after he gets dressed, Mr. Henderson," Horace told me upon entering the room. He sat with the other two on the sofa across from me.
"Okay, boys, what I'm about to tell you, is secret. You cannot tell a soul; understand?" They nodded and I continued. "Good. Also, don't interrupt me or ask any questions until I'm finished with the story. That way you can make up your mind on your own after you hear all the facts. Understand?" Again, they nodded. Just then, Adam walked in and joined us. He sat in the love seat next to me.
I began telling them the story as to how Adam came to serve me, and then continued with the episode that started our little games. I finished the tale with what we did the previous night.
"And you like that stuff, Adam?" Horace asked, incredulously, with emphasis on the word, 'like'. He didn't ask it with any disdain, but more like disbelief. The other two were sitting there like toads on a log.
I saw Adam out of the corner of my eye, nod to Horace. He was taking a chance that his friends would accept him as he was. It was one hell of a chance, but really the cat was pretty much out of the bag.
Horace, being the leader of the gang, didn't say anything before walking over to the two of us and kneeling down before Adam. He looked my slave square in the eye before asking him if he was sure. Adam nodded again. Horace stood up and lowered his shorts.
"Suck me, then," was all he said. Adam looked to me for confirmation.
"It's up to you, Adam," I said with a shrug.
Adam smiled back at me and after grabbing Horace's hips, vacuumed his friend's dick into his mouth. Judging by his reaction, Horace had never felt anything so good in his short life. After the months of sucking my cock, Adam had become quite the little cocksucking expert. I watched as he moved his mouth along the stalk of H's little cocklet.
To be perfectly honest, I was getting turned on by the show the boys were putting on in front of us. My own dick sprang to attention in my pants while I continued to watch. Karl, being the little daring one of the last two, walked over to me and presented his groin to my face.
"Yes, Karl?"
"Will you do that to me, Mr. Henderson?"
I smiled and did the same thing Adam had done to H. The boy looked to be in hog heaven. I sucked his little dick as expertly as I had done Adam's over the past several months. Both boys were definitely enjoying themselves now. I heard H begin to cum before Karl, as Adam had been working on him longer. He yelped out a hard cum and sank to his knees before Adam to recover. Karl came just after and did the same. The only one left out, now, was Phillip. I beckoned him over to us, and he shook his head; no.
"Aw, come on, ya pussy," Horace teased him.
"Don't do that, H. If he doesn't want to do this, he doesn't have to." Then I turned back to Phillip. "No one's going to make you do anything you don't want to do, Phillip. Okay?"
He nodded his head and breathed a sigh of relief. I motioned him over to join us again and he took me up on my offer. I led him out of the room to talk to him and let Horace and Karl talk to Adam. As we got to the kitchen, I motioned for him to sit down in the chair at the small table. I offered a cup of cocoa to him and he took it.
"Is there a reason you didn't want to join us, Phil?" He seemed disturbed by my question.
3;" he said, and began his own short story. I'll spare you the details, but in short, his uncle raped him a few years ago. He's still having problems getting over it.
"That's why you're always the last to get undressed before getting in the pool with the others," I said, more to myself than to him. He nodded shyly anyway.
The door suddenly burst open and Karl ran inside the room, telling me that Adam was sick. Phillip and I put down our drinks and headed back to the sitting room. When we got there, Adam was face down over the wastebasket in the room.
"What happened?" I asked Horace.
"I dunno, Sir. We were just talking when he got sick all of a sudden," H answered.
"You okay?" I asked Adam as I put my arm around his side to help him control his convulsions. He nodded and stood back up to look at me. He wiped his mouth off and turned toward me.
"Yes, Master. It just happened all of a sudden; like H said. One minute, we were talking. And the next, I was running towards the basket."
"How do you feel now?" I asked him.
He took a second to double check, and then said that he was better. I chalked it up to having been up all night. Adam went and washed his mouth out and returned as I was talking the others. I told them not to mess with Phillip about not wanting to join the games yet. If he wants to then he will in his own time.
"Master, should we show them downstairs?" Adam asked.
"Not a bad idea, Adam," I told him then turned to the other three. "Well?" All three boys nodded and we headed to the den.
When we got downstairs, they took a tour around the room as Adam had done on his first trip into the room. They looked at every tool, device, and instrument that was there. Each of them asked questions about some of the items. Some of them didn't need any explanations. It was when Horace asked about the stocks that things turned interesting.
"Those are stocks, H. They make sure the 'victim' is uncomfortable while still being able to be assaulted in some way."
"How does it work?" Phillip asked.
Adam stepped forward to the stocks. I put his arms in the smaller slats and his head in the larger one in the middle. Ankle restraints were put on his ankles and linked to the bottom of the stocks. Adam was now nicely trussed up, waiting to be abused again, if I so desired.
"Now what?" Horace asked.
"Now, we take advantage of our hostage, if we want to, H."
He smiled an evil little smile and turned to Adam. I stopped him before he did anything to the boy yet. I asked Adam if he was up for another round, and he nodded as best as the stocks would let him.
I reached down and undid the ankle leathers. His pants were lowered and removed, and the restraints were reapplied. His ass still bore the remnants of our fun from the previous night, but his accelerated healing had taken care of a lot of it. There were only red lines crossing his asscheeks, now.
"You sure about this, Mr. Henderson?" Karl asked me.
"Why do you ask, Karl?"
"He's got a lot of red marks on his butt, sir," he said, pointing to Adam's backside.
"His healing ability has returned him almost to normal. In fact, you can probably stick your dick in his butt and it would be as tight as ever."
He smiled at that prospect. I watched as Karl lined his dick up to Adam's rear hole, and shoved it inside. Adam squinted, but didn't make a sound as he was speared by his friend's dick. Karl grabbed his hips and began fucking my young slave like he had been doing this for years. Horace and Phillip watched in fascination as well. As the same with me, it didn't take him long before he came. Horace lined up behind him next, but I stopped him before he actually punctured the boy.
"Let's tenderize him a little before you begin, H," I said with a smile. Horace stopped and waited as I got the rug beater off the whipping wall. He moved aside when I got back to the pair and watched as I swung the beater against the slave's upturned ass.
The boys watched in more fascination as Adam's dick grew in strength as I continued to rain down lash after lash upon his derriere. When the boy's cheeks were red enough, I offered his backside to Horace again. He took the invitation with a certain amount of glee.
"Hmph!" was the sound that came from Adam as Horace speared him with his smaller cock. Smaller than mine, that is, but no less than any other ten-year-old. Horace was back in heaven again as he laid into the defenseless boy. As Adam's healing ability had kicked in, I'm sure his asshole was back to its original size again.
The other two boys looked on in utter amazement while Horace shagged their mutual friend. Even Phillip was enthralled by the proceedings. Karl edged his way around to the side to watch H's dick slide pump Adam's rear. Phillip did the same, but to the other side, where I was standing. He stopped just in front of me. I put my arms around the boy and he didn't object.
I pointed to Adam's face as Horace continued to fuck him earnestly. He was grimacing at the shagging, but his cock was as stiff as always during these times. Phillip looked up at me, wondering.
"Yes, he's enjoying himself. Look at his dick, Phillip," I showed him. He was amazed at the turgidity of it. He turned his head around to look at me in the eye again. I thought, correctly, that he wanted to whisper something in my ear, so I bent down to his level.
"Doesn't it hurt him?" he asked.
"A little bit. But it's the little bit of pain that makes the pleasure so much more powerful and explosive."
"All my uncle did was make it hurt," he softly whispered.
I didn't say anything to that. I just stood back up to watch the show that Horace and Adam were giving us. It didn't take Horace long to cum. When he did finish, Karl lined himself up behind Adam for his turn at the captive child.
"Can I do that when Karl's finished with him?" the boy softly asked me.
"I think you'd better ask Adam that, but after these other two had just taken him, I doubt that he'd have a problem with it. Besides, you forget that he has taken my dick in his ass as well." Speaking of which, it was as stiff as a board at this time.
Phillip continued to watch while Karl had his way with Adam. It took just as long for him to finish as it did Horace, but he did finish and pull out of him, exhausted. Phillip looked back up to me, as if asking for permission. I nodded and he walked over to Adam's backside. Looking at the tenderized globes of his ass, he appeared to be questioning what he was about to do to the boy.
I prodded him along with a wave of my hand and he looked back to Adam.
"Are you sure about this, Adam?" he asked him and walked around to the front of the stocks. Adam looked at him and nodded as best as he could.
Phillip then saw the smaller stock in the middle and asked me about that one. Instead of answering him, I showed him. I walked over and adjusted the height of the top stock, bringing Adam's middle in closer to the device. I raised the upper bar and laid the boy's smaller package across the lower one. The bar was then lowered and held his groin captive. Now the boy really wasn't going anywhere. I looked back to Phillip. He was smiling as evilly as Horace was earlier.
"Satisfied?" I asked him. He nodded so enthusiastically that his little willie was bouncing off his tummy. It seems that he was pretty much over his shyness about sex.
He lined his cock up to Adam's backdoor as he had seen his friends do earlier, and shoved it inside him. Adam hissed at the initial plunge, and Phillip got a look of concern for his friend, but the stutter was only momentary. Once Adam had gotten used to it again, Phillip began to imitate Horace and Karl.
I put some olive oil on my hand and walked around to Adam's captive member and began stroking it. Phillip set the pace as he fucked his friend's asshole, while I brought the boy closer to his own orgasm. The two lads climaxed at the same time.
"Time for the main event, Adam," I whispered in his ear. I saw a smile flit across his face and then disappear just as quickly. I lowered my pants and walked back around him.
The three boys watched in continued interest as I got behind Adam to have my own way with him. I slicked up his sphincter with the leftover oil and rubbed the length of my cock along his crack. He hummed a little while this was going on. Before he could tell what was happening, I brought the tip to his hole and plunged inside his depths.
He made his usual grunt at the initial thrust, but otherwise didn't offer any other complaint. I grabbed the bar holding his package hostage for leverage as I pumped his tight hole. Grabbing the bar helped him achieve another orgasm while I continued to drill into him. He actually had two more before I released my semen into his innards.
When I was finished, I had Karl bring a buttplug over from the wall behind me. In one move, I pulled out and shoved the plug inside as fast as I could, keeping the liquid inside. I raised the bar to release his head and hands, and he took his own groin out of the lower stocks. He sat on the floor and undid his ankles next.
When he was free, he bent over and stretched out his back for a minute or so. Then Adam walked over and sat in my lap, as it was the most natural thing in the world. He winced a little as he sat down, but otherwise, he was fine after the whipping I gave him.
"Wow," Phillip said, just as Adam took his place in my lap. Adam grinned at the comment. "And you've been doing this for how long?"
"A couple of months," Adam answered. "It really feels good, after the first thrust, that is. Master Kyle tries to make it fun, most of the time. Last night, he just wanted to see how much pain I could handle. That's why my butt's got those red lines on it. Of course it's a little sore now, but usually my healing takes away the pain within a day or so."
We talked for a while about all that had happened and left the room for lunch at about noon. The five of us had a dip in the pool that afternoon, and the three left for their houses after a last fuck with Adam. He spent the night in his apartment that night.
When I woke the next day, Adam wasn't there beside my bed. A little angry at him neglecting his duties, I got up and went to his apartment. He was in the bathroom, vomiting again.
"Okay, we need to find out what's wrong with you, Adam," I said from behind him. "Get your uniform off and get into bed. I'll call the doctor." Adam didn't argue. Even he knew that something must be wrong.
The doctor was in with a patient when I called and I had the nurse tell him to call me back when he was finished. Towards the end of my breakfast, the phone rang and the good doctor was on the other end.
"Mike, I need you to check out Adam for me, please. He seems to have gotten sick."
"He can't get sick, Kyle. You know that; his rapid healing takes care of any illness he might contact."
"Then I need you to tell me why he's thrown up two days in a row."
"Be there as soon as I can," he said and hung up the phone.
After I finished breakfast, I headed up to Adam's loft to check on how he was doing. He was propped up in bed, reading one of his study books when I entered.
"How're you feeling now?" I asked as I sat down next to him on the bed.
"Better, Master," he said with a small smile. And he did look better. "What did Doctor Frankenstein say?"
I laughed at his little joke before I told him that he would be here as soon as he could. He had one more patient in his office and then he would come to the house.
Mike arrived about an hour later, and I showed him upstairs to the loft above the garage. Adam was where I left him, still studying. Mike examined him thoroughly. After putting away the instruments, he turned to me and we walked away from Adam.
"I can't find anything wrong, except maybe a slight heart flutter. But that wouldn't cause vomiting without other symptoms also. He may just be a little dehydrated, so I'll go get the I.V. kit from my car and give him a saline unit."
"Thanks, Mike," I told him.
He got the kit and gave Adam the saline solution straight into one of Adam's veins. He also gave him a sedative to help him sleep a little.
"Even immortals need their fluids, Adam," Mike chided the boy.
Adam smiled back at him and returned to his book once the solution began flowing into his arm. He didn't even really make a fuss about his arm being pierced by the needle. He stayed with the boy until the whole of the solution was into him. When Adam went to use the bathroom from too much liquid being pumped into him, the doctor noticed that he was naked. Thankfully for his healing ability, because all of the marks from the weekend were gone. That would have been a little difficult to explain. He raised an eyebrow to me and I shrugged back at him.
"He likes sleeping in the nude. What can I say? So do," I said a little defensively.
Adam got back in bed and resumed reading until the sedative kicked in and he began to get drowsy. He fell back to sleep after another half hour. I walked Mike back to his car and he told me to give him plenty of fluids and rest. If he was still vomiting in the morning, then I was to call him.
The rest of the day, I stayed at home and did some things with the office by phone. Adam woke up and urinated twice before dinner time when I took some soup up to him in his loft. He didn't touch it when I gave it to him.
"You okay?" I asked him; concerned that he was still sick. He just nodded, but looked down at his body. I noticed that tears were forming in his eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked with deep concern.
"You didn't have to bring me anything, Master," he said as one of the tears overflowed and slid down his cheek. "I'm the servant."
"Yes, but under these circumstances, then the Master becomes the servant," I told him, trying to sound mockingly wise. "Just don't expect it every day." He giggled and took the tray. He ate heartily and I returned the tray of empty dishes to the kitchen.
The next day, Adam was standing by my bedside with my robe, as usual. The day was typically normal. I called Mike to tell him that Adam was doing much better and to send the bill to the house. He told me there would be no bill and we argued about that until he relented.
I got home and had Adam waiting on me hand and foot for supper. The evening lessons went as normal. After the self defense training, he disappeared upstairs. I figured he went to study and to sleep because I didn't see him the rest of the night. I was wrong. He was waiting by my bedside with his hands on the poster, ready for discipline.
"Adam, you were sick yesterday. I'm not going to whip you because you were didn't do your chores."
"But Master, there's no excuse for it. I should have been there. I deserve a whipping."
I looked down and even in the anticipation of the whipping, the boy's cock was sticking straight out. He didn't deserve a whipping; he wanted a whipping. Not one to let this opportunity slip by, I shrugged my shoulders and went into the closet to get the belt. I walked back out and he was holding onto the post, ready to take it.
"There will be twenty licks and you will count them. You mess up on the count, I start over at 'one'."
I reared back and let the first one fly across his right buttock. He hissed and counted, "One, Master". And so it went, one lick after the other. I tanned his ass as if he had actually done something wrong. After counting to ten, I moved to the side to attack the left side of his ass. He counted correctly right up to the nineteenth lick. He counted out, "Twenty, Master". As promised, I started over at the beginning.
Just as the first lick struck when I started over, his young body shook in the throws of a climax. His cock was never even touched. This was the second time that this had happened. He was orgasming from just being whipped or spanked in some way. To be perfectly honest, it was the first time I had ever seen that happen.
He stood stock still as I continued to bring the belt down across his darkening asscheeks. It seemed that the more I gave him, the more he wanted. The kid was turning into a real masochist, but it was something else. I couldn't put my finger on it, but there was something different about Adam that wasn't there before this weekend.
Anyway, by the time the second count of twenty struck his asscheeks, he had cum once again. At the count of "Twenty, Master", correctly this time, he sank to his knees on the floor. His whole ass region was a deep, crimson red. To me, it was also ready to be fucked again. I pulled him to his feet to look at him. His face was wet from both perspiration and tears, but he seemed content.
I parted my gi bottom and pulled him over to sit in my lap. He spread his legs and slid up mine to straddle my hard-on. The boy knew what to do from there, so I let him do it. With practiced ease, he slid down to rest his sphincter against my cock, and then he let himself drop.
"Ow, ow, ow," he cried as his enflamed butt hit my hips and he rose as fast as he dropped, to get back off me.
I picked the boy up by his armpits, and turned us around to lay him belly-down on the bedding. Knowing that his butt was very sore, I made sure only to make contact with his skin as little as possible. Yeah, right. Each time I plunged into the little masochist, I made damn sure his whole ass felt me. Just as I came and sent my sperm into him, he peaked also.
I rolled off him after finishing and collapsed onto my back. He put his arm across my chest, and we dozed off to sleep like that.
I woke the next morning to Adam standing by my bedside with only my robe, his collar and another genuine smile.
"You'd better get dressed before Mrs. Garcia sees you like that and begins to wonder about us," I warned him.
"Yes Master," he said, still holding the same smile. I do love that smile, by the way.
I showered, shaved and walked out to dress to find that my bed was made and the clothes were right where they should be. Adam was gone; probably downstairs. I dressed and glided downstairs to breakfast to find Adam standing by the table in the dinning room, still dressed in only his collar. I raised my eyebrow to him and he explained.
"I asked Mrs. Garcia if she could do the grocery shopping on her way in, instead of afterward. I told her I would look after your breakfast."
"Good thinking, Adam, but you might have told me that earlier," I said with a slight smirk.
"I could have, Master, but that would have ruined the surprise for you."
He turned to get the rest of my breakfast off the cart and I saw the damage I had inflicted upon his young asscheeks the previous night. Even I flinched at the darkened skin. He saw it and smiled sheepishly.
"I guess I got a little carried away last night, Master," he said.
"You got carried away?"
"Yes, Master; me. I skipped from eighteen to twenty on purpose. For some reason, I just felt like I needed more
3; whipping." He said that last word in almost a whisper.
I put my arm around his waist and drew him to me. With a gentle hug, I kissed him on the mouth, reassuring him that everything was okay. He actually kissed back and we broke so he could serve the meal. I ate and then headed to the office.
The rest of the week was so painfully normal, I almost had to shoot myself. Friday was another party, planned and hosted perfectly by Adam again. By the weekend, Adam's buttcheeks were back to their normal shade of pink. The kid was truly amazing. I know I've said it before, but I always got a charge out of seeing it. Saturday and Sunday were nothing days, with no sex or bondage games, for some reason or another.
Monday came and Adam was sick again. This time, I took him to the doctor's office. Dehydration was one thing, but two Mondays in a row was entirely something else for a kid that was never supposed to get sick at all. We sat in Mike's office for about five minutes before he could see us.
During the wait, a bald man struck up a conversation with Adam, and we had to break it off as Mike ushered us into his exam room. This time, he was able to do a few more tests to diagnose a bit better. The problem was, he couldn't find the problem again.
"If I didn't know better, I'd say he was having 'morning sickness'."
"Well, Dr. Evans, it does happen in the mornings," Adam suggested.
"Morning sickness is for women who are pregnant, Adam. And it doesn't just happen in the mornings. For some women it could happen at any time of the day," Mike explained to the boy.
"Well, Mike, why don't you test for that? It could be a hormonal imbalance," I suggested. "After all, you've tested for everything else."
"Kyle, leave medicine to me, please. Nothing could make this happen. Besides, we're dealing with a person that isn't supposed to get sick at all."
"Exactly my point, Mike. We're dealing with an unknown. Why not just do a urine test and see what develops? What could it hurt? You've done every other test there is."
He sighed in frustration and left to get a cup for Adam to pee into. Adam was getting worried, and I tried to calm his fears, but was failing miserably. The doctor returned and Adam dutifully urinated into the small cup. Mike left with the cup to perform his tests on the liquid. And again we waited. And we waited.
It seemed like an eternity before Mike walked back in the room. When he did, it seemed the color in his face had drained out.
"What is it, Mike?"
"I want to take a look at something before I give my answer to that," he said, then turned to Adam. "I want you to put on your pants and follow me."
We followed him down to a room with a sonogram machine in it. He had Adam sit on the bench in the room and then lie on his back to be examined. Mike put some gel on the device's 'wand', as he called it, and smeared around on his belly. The screen clicked to life and we saw inside Adam's belly.
After some time, Mike stopped moving the wand around and stopped just to the right of his stomach.
"What do you see?" he asked me.
"It looks like a sack of some sort," I said, confused. I was pretty good at A & P in college, but that had been a while. "What is it? A tumor?"
"A tumor doesn't move around on its own, Kyle. I think the boy's pregnant."