PZA Boy Stories


I Bought Five Little Boy Slaves

Chapter 14-19

Chapter 14
New Slave, New Rules

"Tell me your name, slave."

"Sir, this slave has no name, Sir."

"Why not?"

"Sir, master said that slaves are not worth having names, Sir."

"How old are you?"

"Sir, this slave does not know, Sir. Master said that slaves are not worth having an age, Sir."

"How did you serve your master?"

"Sir, this slave had to scream, Sir. Master liked to put needles in my body, Sir."

"Nothing else?"

"Sir, no Sir. When master was not pinning me I was kept in a crate, Sir."

I looked at Marcus at my side. He shivered as he realized how cruel slaves could be treated.

"You can return this slave. I don't think I have any use for it." I told the warden. "Bring the next one."

The warden led a very handsome teen into the showroom. He was rather small and looked like being 15 or 16. The only hair he had was above his eyes. I beckoned the warden to remove his chains. The slave looked uncertain.

"You are not used to be not restrained, slave?"

"Sir, no Sir. It was a long time since I was without chains, Sir."

"What is you name, slave?"

"Sir, I've been called Mark, Sir."

"How old are you?"

"Sir, I'm 18, Sir."

I looked at the warden in surprise, he nodded.

"You look much younger, Mark. However, how long are you a slave?"

"Sir, I'm a slave for nine years now, Sir."

"Good, so you have some experience. What did you have to do?"

"Sir, I did everything in my master's house. I was his first houseboy. In the last years I trained the new slaves, Sir."

"You are old enough to know what we are doing here. Why does your master want to sell you?"

"Sir, my master said I'm getting too old, Sir."

"You can read and write?"

"Sir, I'm grateful master had given me good education. Master paid for a teacher when I was younger and I was able to learn a lot in his company, Sir."

"I understand. Well, they had given you clothes but I certainly want to see what I could buy. Strip!"

He removed his shirt but hesitated to lose his shorts. He gave me a quick look and pushed them down. His ears were bright red as he stood there with his hands behind his head. The reason was clearly visible. His penis was in a sturdy chastity cage bending it sharply down. I ordered him to come closer.

"I see you know sexual discipline. How long have you not touched your cock?"

"Sir, eight years, Sir." he said sheepishly.

"Were you allowed to ejaculate since?"

"Sir, no Sir, but it happened a few times, Sir." he blushed even more. "You've been milked?"

"Sir, yes Sir. I hung on the milking machine every month, Sir."

"Very good. Now turn around slowly until I say stop."

Watching him I put my arm around Marcus' waist and started to fondle his cock. Being not at home he blushed immediately. I smiled at him knowing he would never get used to be embarrassed in public even if the public was just another slave.

Mark was slender, almost skinny, as I like it. I ran my hands over his body, feeling the tension of his muscles. He was clearly not used to be touched in this way. I told him to bend over. He was plugged. I pulled it out with some difficulty. His sphincter was surprisingly tight; it clenched smooth around my finger.

"Did your master fuck you?" I asked while moving my finger in and out.

"Sir, no Sir." he replied in pain.

"Why are you plugged, then?"

"Sir, master liked to put things into his slaves, Sir. The plug prevents them from coming out, master said, Sir."

"I see. What kind of things?"

"Sir, the keys to our chains and the food bars when we were away, Sir." he pressed out.

Marcus looked at me in horror as I touched the new plug in his little anus.

"Do you know how to suck a cock?"

"Sir, yes Sir."

"Then do it."

He turned around and fell on his knees in front of me. He was unsure whether he should unzip my fly or not.

"No, not mine. This." I said, shaking Marcus' little pecker.

Both boys gazed at me in surprise. I gave the older slave a stern glance. He quickly moved to Marcus and sucked his little cock in his mouth. Marcus quickly moaned and when I felt the tension in his body I told Mark to stop. Marcus groaned in frustration. But he wondered why I had made the slave sucking his cock. After he gave me his body yesterday night I had spanked him hard this morning for his daydreaming. Then I had put him into the car and we drove to the slave centre. Remembering my threat to buy a new prefect slave he thought we were looking for a slave to take over his position.

"Boy, I have several little slaves at home. They are working well but need someone who can teach them to do better. This would be your job if I buy you. Do you think you can do that?"

"Sir, yes Sir. If I may say, Sir, I would like this, Sir."

Now Marcus was convinced he would be sacked and hung his head. I asked the warden to prepare the papers.

"Well, I think it is time you call me Master, boy."

"Master, yes Master. Thank you Master." he bowed.

"You said you are a slave since you were nine. So you know a slave has to do everything his master tells him. In my household there is a prefect slave. You'll have to obey him too."

"Master, yes Master."

Marcus looked up in surprise.

"Maybe you have noticed the colour of this little slave's collar and cuffs. They are golden because he is the prefect."

Mark's eyes almost popped out.

"You will do what he tells you. You will call him Sir. Greet your prefect, slave."

"Sir, I'm your servant, Sir." he said to Marcus and bowed again.

"Marcus, ask the warden for a leash for our new slave."

"Master, yes Master." he said, still confused, and left.

"Boy, I know this is going to be difficult for you. Marcus needs your help too but it is important that you do this carefully so the other slaves don't lose their respect for him. You are twice as old as he is but you'll have to work this out together. I'll tell you more at home."

"Master, yes Master. Master, I understand, Master."

"Marcus can beat you and he will do it if he needs. You will see he is rather lenient and I expect you to teach him to be stricter, even if this meant you'd get it more often. Be aware if any of my slaves is getting punished by me or in front of me Marcus will be beaten worse because he is responsible for them. You will only speak when necessary and not in front of me or any guest unless you are spoken to. And, of course, you'll be naked. Do you understand?"

"Master, yes Master."

"Good. Marcus will fill you with the other rules of my house. Ah, here he is. Marcus, put our new slave in his iron and lead him to the car park. Get into your cages and wait for me."

I had a talk with some people of the slavery office. Satisfied with the results I headed to the car. As ordered the slaves crouched in the two cages in the boot of my van. They were designed for boys up to early teens and so Mark was really boxed tightly although he wasn't as big as a normal young man of his age. We came home an hour later and Mark had difficulties to get out of the cage. He got cramps in his legs and needed a short time to get into a secure standing position. I told Marcus to store him blindfolded in the cell and to prepare everything for Mark's initiation. All slaves should be assembled in thirty minutes.

As I arrived in the basement all boys were kneeling along the wall. I took my seat on the throne. Knowing the ritual from Sebastian's and his own processing Marcus had all prepared correctly. I ordered him to fetch the new slave. He made Mark crawling on all fours, blindfolded and still chained, to the small plate in front of me. After removing the chains and cuffs he stood beside me and waited.

"You may start."

"Master, yes Master. Slave, you are kneeling in front of your new master who had generously bought you. You are now his property. Show your respect for your master and beg him to include you into his household."

Marcus has learned his script well. Mark was long enough a slave to know what was expected. He leaned forward, kissed the floor and said:

"Master, this slave is not worth the generosity you had shown to him. This slave will always be grateful to you, Master. This slave would serve you with all his power if you grant him the favour of taking him into your household, Master."

"Prefect, remove his blindfold and tell him to come closer."

As Mark knelt straight in front of me I put a black collar around his neck. He winced slightly as the locks snapped shut. His neck showed no sign that he wore a metal collar before.

"Slave, you belong now to this house. Prefect, dress him."

Marcus stepped forward and snapped black metal cuffs to his wrists and ankles. I told Mark to stand up and placed the silver ring round the base of his genitals. It was a bit complicated by the chastity device. Marcus told him to thank me and Mark knelt down and kissed my feet. I saw I tiny tear in the corner of his eye. I asked him if he was marked by his old master. He didn't answer and looked puzzled. Marcus showed him his branding. The older boy turned pale and shook his head. The electric branding iron was already hot when Marcus passed it to me.

"Slave, you will now receive the mark of your owner. This will tell everyone to whom you belong. Keep still."

He shivered when I stepped behind him and Marcus wrapped his arms around his neck. The smell of burned flesh filled the room before the incredible pain drove a scream out of his throat. The symbol of my family was now forever burnt into his shoulder below his registration number. He panted hard and grimaced in pain but hadn't moved away. Marcus applied an ointment to sooth the pain. I addressed my other slaves.

"Boys, this slave belong now to our little family. He is called Mark. He is an experienced houseboy. Mark is a slave since he was nine so he knows how to run a household. Maybe you wonder why I had bought a quite old slave. The answer is simple. I'm not satisfied with your work. I know you try but you are too slow and too careless. He is your teacher. You will learn how to work hard, fast and effective. You will do as he shows you. If you don't meet his expectations he will report you to your prefect. But he can spank you too. His duty is to help you becoming better slaves. He is not here to do your work. You will call him 'sir'. It will start right now. Do you understand, slaves?"

"Master, yes Master!"

"Prefect, take command. I'm out today. Prepare for tonight. Both of you."

"Master, yes Master." Marcus replied with a slightly shaky voice.

I left the boys alone. Marcus has sent the slaves to resume their tasks and stood now in front of the still kneeling Mark. He was a bit lost. There was a boy, twice as old as himself but he was in charge and had to tell him what to do. Mark sensed this. He bowed.

"Sir, my I speak, Sir?"

Marcus nodded. The older boy's addressing didn't anything to ease his uncertainty.

"Sir, I know this is going to be difficult. Sir, please excuse me, you are a little boy who should rather play with his matchbox cars than commanding a bunch of slaves. So was I many years ago, Sir. But now I'm a slave that can't even remember being a free boy. My duty is to serve my master. Master told me to teach you boys and I will do that. Sir, if you tell me to jump, I'll ask how high. You are my prefect, Sir. I'll do everything you want. Don't worry I would try to drive you out. You will still be here when I'm long sold, Sir. Master likes younger boys, Sir. Master trusts you, Sir, so you must be a clever boy, Sir. I'd suggest you just watch and learn. I'll not tell you what to do, you will see, Sir. If you feel I'm going too far please correct me. I'm sure, Sir, you know how to use your whip to bring a slave that calls his prefect a little boy back in line, Sir, before you show me my new home, Sir."

Marcus needed some time to digest the older boy's speech. Mark bowed and lifted his butt to Marcus' easy access. Marcus was smart enough to see that the older boy had manoeuvred him into this situation deliberately but despite his uncertainty he was so far used to be a prefect to be angry enough not to hesitate to whip the older boy. He really laid into him. Mark was surprised by the intensity of his whipping but he took it silently.

After about ten whips Marcus realized what he was doing and dropped the whip as if it was hot iron. Shame replaced his anger and he knew he had beaten the slave not for his disrespect but for being there. He was disappointed he wasn't able to satisfy his Master without help but instead of being angry about himself he had abused the new slave. His always gentle soul felt guilty and urged him to apologize but his mind told him not to do.

"Slave, this will teach you a lesson how things are going in this house. Stand up." he said much less authoritarian as intended.

"Sir, yes Sir. Thank you Sir." Mark replied.

He stood straight with his eyes down. Mark could see the guilt in the younger boy's face. He couldn't help but hugged the little boy.

"No need to be sorry. You're doing a hard job. Do what you have to do. Slaves need to be punished hard. There is no room for lenience or they won't work as hard as they could. Trust me. Just try to keep your emotions out next time."

He had whispered in his ear. As fast as he had hugged him he let him go. He stood there and bowed his head, waiting for his instructions, as if nothing had happened. Marcus looked a bit puzzled as his mind tried to sort out this new experiences. Eventually he cleared his throat.

"Well slave, it's time to show you your new home. This is the slave's quarter. Master likes to punish and torture us here in the punishment area. This is the slave's cell. If master doesn't instruct you otherwise you will sleep here. Master expects you always clean so you can take a shower as often you need. But you are not allowed to wash your parts; you'll have to ask me to do that. You could squat over the hole to have a crap but most of the time I will give your an enema with the hose because you are plugged. I'll show you tonight."

"These are our food bowls. We are fed twice a day normally, all slaves together. Only Nico, the pet, has his own bowls. He eats dog food, we get slave junk. Get used to be hungry all the time."

"Sir, I'm used to, Sir."

"Good. Let's continue."

Marcus showed Mark the house and how everything worked. Mark was quite impressed by the technology I had invented but didn't like it at all as Marcus explained how the collars work. He had never worn a collar and its symbolism told him that a new chapter of his life had begun. Knowing the collar could hurt him didn't make it easier.

Timo and Julian were kneeling in the kitchen, scrubbing the floor and wiping the cupboards. Mark and Marcus watched them a while. Eventually Mark asked Marcus.

"Sir, may I Sir?" "Yes. Boys, attention!"

"Slave, how long do you need to scrub this floor?" Mark addressed Julian.

"Sir, about 40 minutes, Sir."

"From now on you do it in twenty, and double as thoroughly."

"Sir?" Julian's eyes grow wide.

Mark turned to Marcus. "Sir, may I Sir?"

Marcus nodded, not knowing what Mark intends but he trusted him. Mark placed a chair beside Julian, put his left foot on the seat, grabbed the surprised Julian and hauled him over his leg. Before Julian could react Mark had started to spank him hard. The boy squirmed but Mark held him firmly. Julian had no chance to be brave. Mark's methodical spanking made him quickly sobbing and crying. As fast as he was over Mark's leg Julian found himself back on his knees.

"How long do you need to scrub the floor, boy?"

"Sir, twenty minutes Sir." Julian cried.

"And you, boy, how long do you need to clean the cupboards?"

"Sir, about twenty minutes, Sir, but I can't do faster."

Timo flew almost on Mark's leg. The older boy smacked his butt even before the youngster hit the leg. Two minutes later he knelt beneath his friend, crying as well.

"You're right, you can't do faster. In fact you'll probably need more time if you do it as thoroughly as you should. Don't wipe only the surface. Open the doors and drawers and clean the edges. Lift the kitchen machines and bowls on the worktop and clean underneath, not around. Empty the cupboards and wipe inside. Do your task as fast as possible but do it carefully and thoroughly. Tell me, how do you clean the kitchen?"

"Sir, I clean it as fast as possible but carefully and thoroughly, Sir." Timo sobbed.

"Good. Now, what are you waiting for?"

Both boys looked at Marcus. The prefect just shrugged his shoulders and thought 'I told you'. The boys saw him tapping his whip in his hand and jumped to work immediately. Marcus turned and left, followed by Mark. Despite their tears the jaws of the two little slaves hit the floor as they saw the older slave's backside covered with angry welts.

Prefect and teacher went to the master's bathroom where Sebastian and Chris should clean the tiles. After they had left the kitchen Mark apologized to Marcus.

"Sir, I'm sorry if I went too far. I should have asked you before spanking the second slave, Sir. May I ask you about their names, Sir?"

Marcus went some steps further before he turned around.

"Stop talking rubbish. Master bought you to do the job I should have done. I knew master wasn't happy about the way things went on but I had no power to force the slaves to work. Look, I'm the youngest of all. We are all friends and did everything together, even the shit that made us slaves. I just can't beat them all the time. I like them too much. I wished master had given you the golden collar and I could just be a slave as my friends."

Marcus cried now, disappointed by himself and simply overstretched by the whole situation.

Mark looked around, took Marcus by the hand and led him into the next room.

"Sir, please excuse me, Sir, but I do this for you."

Saying that he sat down, pulling his young prefect over his lap and spanked him hard and long. Marcus was too shocked to fight. Mark underlined his spanks with a lecture.

"You will never let down yourself again. You are a strong and powerful boy, the best prefect your friends could have. They need you. They need a leader who tells them what to do. We are slaves. Slaves serve their master. The only meaning of our live is to satisfy our master all the time. Our master has high expectations to meet. We can't do that without punishment. Believe me, I know that. I never wanted to be punished but I knew I wouldn't work as hard as I could if I didn't fear the consequences. Make your friends fear your whip, not you. They will know the difference. Do that for your friends, not for you. They have to learn to work hard. If they do that, they won't get punished. So when I stop spanking you now you will do your job, whip the hell out of me and show me where I must help next. Don't let me see a weak prefect again."

Marcus was simply reduced to snot and tears. Mark lifted the boy up, wiped his face clean and hugged him until the young slave had calmed down. He stood him on his feet, knelt down and bent over with his bottom in the air.

Marcus just stood and sobbed. Eventually his crying ceased and he said.

"Sir, no Sir. I can't do that. You are the teacher. You taught me a lesson. You were right; I needed it as well as Julian and Timo before. You did your duty as master told you. Thank you for doing it in private. Please stand up. I promise you to be a good prefect when we leave this room, with all consequences."

He smiled when Mark rose. The older boy smiled back. They hugged each other. Marcus broke free and walked with a determined expression out to his master's rooms.

Chapter 15
The Happiest Slaves of the World

It was about 10 p.m. when I returned. Marcus and Mark knelt in the hallway waiting for me. Marcus helped me out of my jacket while Mark knelt to take off my shoes after both had kissed my feet.

"Marcus, how did our new slave today?"

"Master, he did very well, Master. We are still behind the schedule but only slightly. I'm afraid there was a lot of crying in the house this afternoon. Mark spanks really hard, Master."

"I like to hear that."

I frowned as I saw the slowly fading welts on Mark's buttocks.

"How did you go along together? Mark?"

"Master, I'm really sorry. I made a mistake and sir had to correct me, Master. Sir is a good prefect, Master."

Marcus blushed slightly, still feeling the heat from his own well spanked tail.

"Good to know he is able to. Are you ready to serve me tonight?"

"Master, yes Master."

They undressed me quickly. Marcus improved his performance by making the older boy kneel on all fours so he could stand on his back. After a short visit to the bathroom I sat on my bed and the boys knelt in attention in front of me. I ran my fingers over every millimetre of Mark's head and face. I entered his ears and nose as well as his mouth. I could sense he liked it not a bit but he kept completely still. I was amazed of his perfectly shaped but real tiny ears. He had just a hint of flaw on his cheeks and upper lip. Stroking down his neck I pressed my thumbs against his throat. He looked surprised but that changed quickly as I intensified the pressure, keeping my face expressionless. He trembled and felt as if he was choking. Of course he was not but his mind told him. Fear stood clearly in his eyes but he didn't try to put his hands on mine to prevent me from killing him.

"You might be a young man from your age but in my hands you are not more than a little boy. There is nothing that could prevent me from straggling you to death. Don't even think about betraying your master or exactly this would happen. Do you understand?"

I released my grip. He panted heavily and said with a croaky voice

"Master, yes Master. I've never done and I'll never do, Master."

My hands continued the exploration of his body. I was surprised to feel some stubble in his armpits. I checked the skin around his genitals and sensed the same hint of growing hair. Obviously his master hadn't removed his hair permanently. I decided to take action immediately. I made the surprised boys jumping up and hurrying into the bathroom. I gave Marcus a bottle of a long term depilatory and told him to rub it into every part of Mark's body below his neck but being careful not to bring it onto his head or Marcus' own body. It took him about ten minutes and he finished at my order by rubbing the cream into Marks face below ears and nose. I thought about applying it to Marcus too but decided to let him have some hairs before removing it permanently. That was what happened to Mark right there. The cream destroyed every follicle of the boy's hair completely. Maybe he would start to grow new hairs in several years but in his age it was most likely he would not. I was not pity about that. He was a slave and his body belonged to me. Letting the cream work for ten minutes he had to rinse it down in the shower. As the goose bumps from the cold water were gone his skin was as smooth and hairless as it was at the day he was born.

The boys got back into their position in front of my bed and I resumed feeling Mark's body. Finally I moved my hand to his balls. I rolled them between my fingers and gave them a good squeeze, making him flinching by the pain. Soon my attention to his balls had an effect to his cock. It started to get hard but the spikes of his cock cage bit in his flesh painfully. He whimpered but didn't move anyway.

"Have you ever played with yourself, boy?"

"Master, not in a sexual way, Master."


"Master, I can remember playing with my Willie when I was young. But I never jerked off, Master. When I became a slave, I spent my first years with hands bound behind my back, Master. I was put in the cage when I was twelve and there I am since, Master."

"Did it come off?"

"Master, the only time I remember was when I got a bigger one. It was off for about ten seconds, Master."

"And how did he milk you?"

He grimaced.

"Master, a tube was put into my penis and a vibrating plug was inserted in my ass, Master. It hurt like hell when my penis got hard and the spikes dug in but that didn't matter to my master. The machine remained on the whole night. My dick was bleeding every time, Master."

Still fondling his balls and driving his cock into getting hard in vain I said

"Well, I can imagine you didn't like milking. Unfortunately for you I'll milk you every two weeks."

The boy's eyes got wide.

"But it will be without your cage. That doesn't mean you can get hard but you will not bleed at least. I don't think you will like it either but as you said it doesn't matter. I want you healthy and therefore your balls must get the chance to produce sperm. I admit I'm looking forward to see you riding my boy milker."

The prospect didn't excite the youth but he knew better than to say anything. Marcus didn't understand a word. He would learn about soon enough, I thought. I continued to talk to Mark.

"You are long enough a slave to know I own you entirely. I own your body and I own your mind. Believe me or not but I could control your mind. I won't do that if it is not necessary. But there is one thing that is disturbing me and I will change it. Having already a slave called Marcus I don't like your name, Mark. As you know it is the right of a master to call a slave as he likes. You will therefore be called from now on with the name Jan."

I could see a wave of mixed emotions running through his head. He had liked his old name but he knew it was given to him by his old master long ago. He tried to remember his original name. He had almost forgotten what it was and as it came to him he started to smile.

"Master, that's the name my parents gave to me, Master."

"I know from your papers but I would have called you Jan anyway because I wanted to have a slave called Jan for long. Right now your new name had earned yourself a punishment for speaking without permission so damp your enthusiasm. Got it?"

"Master, yes Master. Thank you, Master." he said sheepishly.

"Marcus, I could see a certain tan on your backside. Where does it come from?"

The young boy blushed deeply. He was clearly seeking for words.

"Master, I got a spanking, Master." he said.

"How comes?"

He took all his courage.

"Master, I know I let you down, Master. You had to buy Mark, ehm Jan, to teach us how to work properly. That should be my job but I was too weak to do it. I simply couldn't force my friends to work as I should do. Jan needed only five minutes to make Timo and Julian working as they never did before. I was devastated and lamented about my fate, Master."

He gulped and focused the floor.

"Master, Jan quickly adjusted my attitude, Master."

"And therefore you whipped his ass?"

"Master, no Master. He had asked to be punished for raising his hand against his prefect but I couldn't. I wasn't a prefect then, I was just a little boy that needed someone to bring him back in line, Master. You said to the boys he is here to help them to become better slaves. You said he can spank them. You didn't say that doesn't affect to me, Master. I think he was right in everything he did this afternoon, Master."

His eyes were watering but he was relieved it was out. He never held any secrets to me but he felt guilty he had brought Jan into trouble so didn't want to tell.

"Well, you are right. I was disappointed about your leniency towards your friends. But once more I had to accept that your task might be too big for a nine year old boy. In fact I had told Jan he should keep an eye on you too. I understand none of the other slaves knows about this spanking so it shouldn't spoil your reputation. Hopefully his actions will have any effect to you, boy. But certainly I can't let you both go away with that. Jan went too far and will be punished. But if he felt you need a spanking I will act like a good father and reinforce his efforts. Further a slave of your responsibility failed and will be punished and you know what that means. Normally the cane would suite for this but since you like to be spanked we will try this. You'll understand that one spanking is not enough for this so I will spank you now and tomorrow morning. If I'm not satisfied with the results we will repeat it until I am. Do you understand?"

"Master, yes Master." the boy replied rather unenthusiastically.

Marcus bent over my lap obediently. I adjusted him a bit and told him as usual that I was punishing him not despite I loved him but because I did. After that I went to town with him and soon he cried and sobbed. Having painfully learned not to plead for anything during punishment he took his spanking without a word but not without noise. I stopped as his but was nicely red. I didn't want him too sore for the night. He had to stand at attention while I ordered Jan to get himself ready for punishment. The youth was trembling as he stood by my side. He hung his head and tried in vain to steady his shaking hands.

"Frightened?" I asked him.

"Master, yes Master." he whispered.

"How were you punished in your old home?"

The boy gulped hard and his shaking intensified.

"Master, we were bound so we couldn't move, Master. Then master put us into a small crate and the crate was lowered in a hole. We couldn't see, we couldn't hear, all it was cold and darkness around. We never knew how long we had to stay there and more than once I thought he wouldn't let me out ever, Master. Once he had put some insects into the crate. I screamed until I was hoarse, Master."

"And he did that for everything?"

"Master, no Master. Just for the light mistakes. If I really had screwed up I was just ignored. It might sound silly but it was much more horrible than the crate. I had to do my tasks but nobody was allowed to communicate with me. Everyone looked through me as if I weren't there. Up to three months I weren't able to talk to someone or even share a glance, let alone get a touch, Master."

He cried freely. I got a hint how sensitive this boy must be.

"And you were never beaten?"

"Master, no Master. When I was older I had to spank the younger ones. I would have given everything to get beaten badly instead of being ignored but master never raised his hand, Master."

I feared he would break down every second so I told him to sit beside me. I put an arm around his adolescent shoulders.

"Listen to me, boy. If you do something wrong you will be punished. I'll make sure you will regret what you did. But at the same time I'll provide you the encouragement not to fail again in the same way. I believe that the best way to do that is to let you feel pain and humiliation. You will learn my punishments are severe but quick. You should fear them. But when it is over, all is forgiven."

The boy tried to calm down and managed even a weak smile.

"I think we should go over this now. You crossed a boarder and you should have known better than to do so. The prefect belongs to me and only me. I'm the only one to decide if and how he gets punished. So if you feel again he should be spanked ask me first. Yes, I don't punish you for spanking him because I believe he deserved it. I'll punish you because you had no permission. Do you understand?"

"Master, yes Master. I'm sorry Master."

"You will be, boy, you will be. Bend over my knees, now."

He did without hesitation. Feeling his smooth young body on my bare legs made me arouse. My cock tapped against his belly. To distract him I ran my hand over his fine muscular buttocks. I praised myself lucky having bought this extraordinary boy. With a slow pace I smacked his butt hard, allowing every smack to sink in his flesh and mind. His tears were back again, both from the pain of the spanking but also from a sort of happiness of feeling the spanking he had begged for in vain for years. I made his first spanking one to remember for him. It lasted over twenty minutes before he was crying and sobbing, all signs of his own arousal long gone. He had broken down a few minutes ago. His butt and upper thighs were bright red. He needed some minutes to compose himself before he had to stand in attention beside Marcus. I was exhausted too, spanking is hard work.

Ignoring my hard on I took a few items out of a cupboard and told Marcus to sit on the bed. He squirmed clearly as he lowered himself onto the mattress. He had to pull his legs until I could clip his wrists to his ankle cuffs. His groin was now wide open. I lifted him up to the top of the bed and secured his collar to the headboard. I attached ropes to his knees and pulled them to both sides, forcing him to stick his loin out. He looked at me with wide eyes but didn't say a word. I turned my attention to Jan. He got thigh cuffs strapped on and a bar spread his legs as wide as he could. I took his hands from his head, held them and looked in his red eyes.

"You know I own your body entirely and I can do with it what I want, don't you?"

"Master, yes Master." he said sheepishly.

"You are smart enough to know what is coming now. You know it is coming no matter what you do. You can fight it. It would only be a challenge to me. Or you can try to enjoy it. I don't pretend that is doesn't hurt. You are plugged so it might be easier but nevertheless it will be agonizing. Try to relax as much as possible. You'll get used to. Be a brave boy."

"Master, yes Master." he sniffed.

I led him onto the bed. He knelt on the lower end and had to bend forward. His wrists were clipped to Marcus' ankles so his head was between the boy's legs; his knees were secured with two ropes at the bedposts. Both boys were now secured neatly. They looked at each other, trying to give a supporting smile. I lubricated my cock and went behind the boy's back. It was exactly the right height for me. I pulled his plug put, as gently as possible. I checked his hole with my finger. I wormed it around inside his bowels and he squirmed.

"Jan, I want you to lower your head and put Marcus' little pecker in your mouth. Suck it. Keep sucking no matter what happens until I tell you to stop. He will beg you to stop but don't do so. Don't care about what I'm doing to you. Don't stop sucking. And keep your teeth away from him. Got it?"

He nodded with the boy's worm already inside his mouth. I reached forward and started to fondle his nipples. I stroked, pinched and twisted them until he started to moan. My cock touched his blossom. He flinched and tried to clench his buttocks. His head went up and down as he sucked and licked his prefect's tiny cock. Marcus groaned. With a final twist on Jan's nipples I pushed my hips forward and passed the sphincter. He gave a muffled scream and twisted his hips. I pushed a little bit further, waited and went further again. After three or four minutes I was inside him. He wriggled and twisted and made muffled cries but kept sucking Marcus. The little boy was in ecstasy. I pulled my cock slowly back but before it went out completely I pushed again. Very slowly I continued to build a rhythm. Jan had sent Marcus already over the edge yet but kept sucking as I had told him.

Despite his plug Jan was incredible tight inside. I couldn't help but the pleasure built too fast and I came with a violent trust in his bowels. I collapsed on his back. Jan struggled under my weight but kept on his knees, still working on Marcus' pecker. Almost with me the little one came again and moaned and groaned while Jan continued without a break. I slipped out of his back. I couldn't ask Jan to clean my cock so I went to the bathroom and got a cloth. I wiped my cock before I returned to clean Jan from the traces of red, brown and white that ran down his thighs. I inspected his rose but no serious damage was visible. A soothing ointment was applied to his sore skin and anus. I had selected a larger plug and with a small amount of lubricant it slit in, not without muffled protests from Jan. His body trembled as he was clearly in agony from the spanking and the following loss of his virginity. Marcus was done too after he had suffered five exhausting dry orgasms in a row. Despite the older boy's spit his foreskin was raw and hurt. He had long begged his now tormentor to stop but Jan didn't of course. Eventually I allowed him to cease. He fell forward and lay on his younger fellow.

I removed the boy's bindings and crawled beside them. I kissed them both and ran my hands over their bodies. Soon the boys had recovered. The pain from the spanking had faded to a warm glow as long as they stayed of from the bed with their buttocks. Marcus was curious how Jan felt. The older boy looked at me and I nodded.

"It hurt, Sir. I didn't know something could hurt so much down there. I thought master has split me in two. But after a while it began to feel sort of good. Having something warm and big in me felt wired but knowing it was my master made me kind of proud."

Tears began to rise again in his eyes.

"Maybe you can't understand, but… I mean… you are all fine young boys and I really like you but I miss my old home so much. Master wasn't bad despite his punishments. We had a lot of fun though."

I stroked his face and wiped his tears. "Take your time, Jan. Parting is not easy. But you'll get over it."

"Master, I'm sorry but I was really scared as you dragged me out of my old life and put this collar around my neck, Master. As you laid your hands around my throat I almost welcomed the thought of being killed. Later I was near pissing myself as you said I'd be punished and you asked how my old master did it, Master." he blushed deeply.

"But then you made me sit beside you and you put your arm around my shoulder. You held me and explained what I did wrong. You said that after the spanking all would be forgiven. Master, I can't remember when someone was so kind to me, Master."

His body shook from his sobs. He continued with a shaky voice.

"Master, even by the way you took me you gave me the feeling you care about me, Master. By giving me your seed you made me the happiest slave on earth, Master."

He grabbed my hand, kissed it and buried it between his hands and his face. I was flabbergasted. Marcus had kept silence as the older boy spoke. Now he reached out and embraced my neck. He kissed me.

"Master, now you have the two happiest slaves on earth in your bed, Master."

Jan was a surprised by the casualness Marcus showed towards me. Of course he didn't know that Marcus lay beside me almost every night and we had a special relationship together. I withdraw my hand from him, grabbed Marcus at his chest, rolled on my back and pulled him onto me. Then I reached out with my left arm, slipped my hand under Jan's shoulder and pulled him towards me. When their faces were close to mine I kissed both.

"And with you two in my bed I'm the happiest master in the world, boys."

Chapter 16
First Milking

I pinched the boy's ear and pulled him forward. He wasn't really struggling, knowing exactly he had no choice, but his mind needed to be forced to accept his ordeal. Therefore I wasn't really angry with him but there was no way I would let him go away with that. I pulled upwards and the boy rose to his tiptoes. I brought my mouth close to his ear.

"If you want to do it with a very sore bottom just keep on struggling, boy. It wouldn't do you any good."

He followed me with a contorted face. We entered a small room at the end of the basement. I could feel the boy tense as he saw my boy milker for the first time. I had designed and built it myself and I was kind of proud of it. In the centre of the room was a red seat, looking like one you would expect in a space ship. It could be adjusted so every boy up to a man could sit comfortably. The massive arm rests were fitted with leather straps and mittens for the hands. The feet could be placed in boot like fittings.

Above the head rest was a kind of a helmet with a black visor. Apart from the red seat the room was all dark blue. The room itself was only about three square metres [32 square foot] large but had a mirrored window to a small adjacent control room but no other windows or doors. All lights in the room were focused at the seat.

Slowly I pushed the boy forward. He knew he had no chance but his fear was too much. I turned the boy around and marched him backwards until his calves touched the seat. Continuing to push his shoulders he had no choice but to sit down. Once he sat he relaxed obviously. He sat in a comfortable chair and the boy couldn't remember the last time he did so. Obediently he put his arms on the rest and didn't move as I strapped him into the chair. He was too long a slave as to try really resisting his master. Nevertheless his body still trembled.

Over his chest and waist went a strong belt to hold him down. The helmet was lowered onto his head so the visor was in front of his eyes and the head was effectively immobilized. I guided his hands into the mittens and secured his arms to the rest. The boots were locked and that meant he couldn't even move a single toe or finger. All he could do was open his mouth. But even that was going to be restricted. From a small cabinet I took out a penis shaped gag. It went in his mouth without resistance. The gag was secured at the sides of the helmet. I pulled a hose from behind the chair and attached it to the outer side of the dildo.

The boy was ready to start. I pressed a button on the control console and small lcd screens inside the visor came to live. This phase was designed to make the boy more relaxed. Soft music and calming pictures had the required effect. After two minutes the boy's legs were spread slowly and his feet were pushed until his legs were bent at the knees and completely out of way. Now a metal sheath with attached hoses and wires was lifted between his legs. The boy was ready for the final step of preparation.

This was the only part that couldn't be automated. Unlocking the cage I took the sheath in my right hand while slipping the cage away with my left. Quickly, preventing his cock from getting hard, the lubricated sheath went on. It was locked to the boy's genital ring and the boy milker was ready to receive the boy's sperm. Despite the music the boy was panting again and tried to get free from the chair as he now realized the miliking was now imminent. Gently I pressed my hand on his chest.

"Easy, Jan. Everything will be all right. No need to be nervous. Just relax. I'm sorry, but because this is the first time it will quite hurt but nothing will do any harm to your cock or balls. Trust me, boy."

Of course to a boy in his state of fear these words did nothing to calm him. I selected the next phase at the panel. The music got more energetic and at the screen appeared a clip that was showing two boys together in one bed. Jan's breathing increased furthermore as his mind was getting occupied by the scenes on the screens. Meanwhile a part of the seat had disappeared and a rod rose up to the boy's bottom after the plug has been pulled out. The rod rotated slowly and drilled into the boy's rectum.

Jan shrieked and fought against his restraints but to no avail. Merciless the steel continued to dig into his bowels, stopping every few millimetres before starting again. It continued until it was more than 20 cm [8 inch] into him. The boy's muscles were stretched to their limits and the whole process was excruciating. Despite the pain the boy's penis tried to get hard but the tight sheath prevented everything. The cock received several light electric shocks that made the boy tensing. Eventually the rod retrieved and the boy's cock was flaccid again. Tears ran over his cheeks.

"You're a tough boy, I'm proud of you, Jan. The machine had measured you to find the right settings. This won't happen again so you can relax."

The two boys in the clip had started to suck each other off and my boy milker started a soft suction through the sheath. A much smaller rod entered the boy's anus. The boy winced but more of surprise than discomfort. Once inside it started to vibrate and a small ball rolled over the insides of the boy's bowels. A muffled moan proved that it had found Jan's prostate. Quickly his cock filled the sheath again. Soon he had to cum but the machine didn't let him. Instead he trashed in his restraints, moaned and shrieked as the machine stopped and started again until it eventually sucked the first white fluid slowly out of his cock. I dimmed the lights and left the room quietly. He didn't need me for the next hour or so.

When I returned about two hours later the boy milker had finished his job. In a receptacle was a decent amount of boy spunk. Jan was covered in sweat and moaned slightly. He had found out that he could extract some fruity fluid from his gag by sucking it virtuously. The fluid contained some hormones that produced feelings of happiness, like a reward for his suffering. Nevertheless he was exhausted and I could see some tears on his cheeks that hadn't dried yet. I had tested the milker myself and I knew it felt quite nice at first but became rather agonizing when the machine extracted the last drops out of the balls.

The boy did well. He had a lot of sperm accumulated so it must have been quite a long time since he was milked by his former master. In my house he would do it more frequently which would make the sessions shorter and less painful but still rather uncomfortable. By now he needed some time to recover so I drove the chair back to its normal position but didn't release him. I stroked and padded his chest, turned the lights off completely and left again.

He was sound asleep two hours later. Carefully I removed the sheath and replaced it with his cage. The straps were removed and the helmet lifted after loosening the gag. I kissed him gently on his closed eyes and pulled the gag out of his mouth. Slowly he opened his eyes. As he saw me tears stood in his eyes again. Milking was always an intense experience and Jan was a very sensitive boy and felt embarrassed about everything to do with sexuality. I had sensed that at his first night in my house, now three weeks go. I stroked his cheeks and helped him getting up. He stood before me, his knees were trembling and his head were bowed. "How was it?" I asked, lifting his chin.

Jan looked at me for a few seconds but turned his eyes down again.

"Master, it hurt, Master."

"Yes boy, it did. But next time it won't hurt so much and you'll be dry quicker. And look at your cock. The machine didn't any harm, did it?"

"Master, no Master. I'm sorry for my behaviour, Master."

"You should be, but I won't punish you for that this time. But don't make such a fuss again. Now, I think you have some work to do."

I put an arm around his shoulders and led him out.


It has been a nice autumn day and when the evening was approaching I passed my living room on my way to change clothes. I spied Chris through the half open door sitting in front of my bookshelf reading some magazine. A dust cloth lay beside him. Angrily I was about to enter the room as I saw Jan already approaching him from behind. The boy was so absorbed in his reading that he didn't hear the older slave. I stopped and watched. Jan knelt down behind Chris back and looked what he was reading.

"Chris, you should know better than to read master's magazines without permission."

That gave Chris a start and the boy turned pale, dropping the paper to the floor. With a terrified expression he turned around to Jan.

"Sir, I'm sorry Sir, I didn't want 3;" Chris began to stutter but Jan hushed him.

"It doesn't matter what you wanted, you have stolen your working time from master. You are lucky master didn't catch you but you will have to confess to him later."

Jan stroked the younger boy's face gently as he lectured him. Chris burst into tears.

"Sir, can't you punish me instead, Sir? I mean you caught me and 3;" he cried.

"And a spanking from me wouldn't be as harsh as a punishment from master?"

"Sir, yes Sir. Sorry Sir." Chris apologized but looked at the older slave pleadingly.

"O.k. boy, I'll spank you now. But you will have to confess to master. He was in good mood all day and maybe you will get off the hook lightly."

Jan sat down on the floor and pulled Chris over his lap. He started with some light smacks but increased speed and force rapidly. Chris, never good in taking a punishment, quickly started to scream and squirm.

"Keep quiet Chris or you will draw master's attention!"

"Too late." I announced stepping into the room. Jan has stopped the spanking; his jaw hit the floor.

"Keep on warming his butt." I ordered.

Jan resumed and Chris howled as the smacks landed again at his already bright red buttocks. I took the magazine and sat on a chair.

"Nice little plan you set up. Unfortunately for both of you it didn't work."

I looked at the open pages. The magazine was about computers and sometimes even I didn't understand everything of the very specialized articles. The page in question showed a diagram and a short description of a complex high end server system. How could this grip the boy so he would forget his duties? I beckoned Jan to stop.

"So boy, you know what you did wrong, don't you? But why on earth did you pick out this magazine to read?" I asked as Chris had calmed a bit.

"Master, I'm sorry, Master." he sobbed.

"But I was about to clean the room and I wanted to put this magazine into the shelf when I dropped it. Master, I really didn't want to steal your time but there was this diagram that caught my eye and I just knew there must be something wrong. I'm really sorry, Master, and I don't know why but the next I can remember is sir talking to me, Master."

I looked at the magazine but didn't see what he meant. I tossed the paper to the boy who was still lying on Jan's lap. Chris pointed to one point of the diagram.

"Master, here Master. I don't think that it would work without a kind of a switch there, Master. But Master, I'm really sorry. I know that's nothing of interest to me anymore, Master."

The boy rested his head on the ground and continued to cry. I took the magazine and started to read the article. It was in fact a competition. One should find an error in the diagram and could win a state of the art computer system. I looked at the diagram again and I started to think the boy was right. I had to admit I probably wouldn't have found it if I had tried. Remembering what Marcus had said about Chris' computer skills the first day they came into my house. Could I have bought a bunch of geniuses? I shook of the thoughts and had to decide what to do with the boys. I couldn't let them off with this.

"Right boy, your only interest is to do as you are told. So you will get a good strapping tonight. Beside, I maybe wouldn't mind if you want to read something when you have finished all your chores for the day as long as you ask me before. Got it?"

"Master, yes Master. Thank you, Master." Chris sobbed.

"And you," I turned to Jan, "you will feel the leather too for allowing him to talk you into leniency."

"Master, I'm sorry, Master." the boy replied meekly.

"Now finish what you have started and then back to work."

"Master, yes Master." both boys shouted.

I left the room and headed to my office; the magazine still in my hand. Sitting on my desk I made an entry to the competition and started some other work. The whole thing was soon out of my mind.


The buying of Jan had a good effect to the boy's work. They improved their speed and accuracy. All boys got more focused at their work. If two boys were working together they would have chatted all the time earlier but now they would most likely do their jobs in silence. Jan has taught them to keep their heads down. They dropped to their knees when I was passing by and resumed their tasks afterwards. Every order was taken with a deep bow; none of them would enter or leave a room I was in straight. They were allowed to walk but all of them except Marcus and Jan had to be on their knees in my presence when they would wait for orders. We had agreed the boys could show their respect and gratitude by kissing my feet but didn't need to do so all the time.

Although I was quite satisfied with the boys I sensed a gradually increasing lack of spirit. Even my bright boy Marcus was beginning to become sullen from time to time. I had asked him whether there was something wrong but he had denied. It has become an usual evening for Jan sitting between my legs on the floor in front of me, resting his back at the couch. He liked to stare into the flames in the fireplace. I had crossed my legs over his chest. Jan had rested his head against my right thigh and caressed my calves with his hands. I played with his tiny left ear, gently twisting and caressing it, lost in thoughts.

"Jan, what's wrong with you boys? It's a long time since I heard one of you laughing."

The boy didn't answer. I wondered if he didn't hear it and was about to pinch his ear to get his attention when he lifted his head.

"Master, I'm really glad to be here, Master. You care for me and though you have strict rules you are fair in punishments. But what makes me really contend right now is that you allow me to feel your physical presence, Master."

"What do you mean?"

"Master, the way you hold me between your legs, Master. If I close my eyes it is almost as if I had a father again, holding me safely and lovingly."

He put his head again against my thigh and sighed. Suddenly he became aware of what he had just said. He turned his face around as far as he could.

"Master, I'm sorry Master. I didn't mean to be so disrespectful, Master. I really would never think about being worth to be loved by you, Master," he cried with a shocked expression.

"Kneel, slave!" I ordered harshly and he jumped on his knees, tears of shame in his face.

"Boy, you are a slave and I own you. Therefore I can do with you what I want. I could put you down for less than you just have said and nobody would care about." I yelled at him.

"Nevertheless I'm also free to feel about my slaves as I want." I added, now with a calm and gentle voice.

"That includes the possibility to like my boys, as I did with all boys I ever had, and even to love them."

I lifted his chin so I could look in his eyes.

"And that's what I do, boy. I love all my young ones and I already love you, as much as anyone could ever love a slave boy."

He looked at me for a few seconds. Then he really burst into tears, dropped to the floor and buried his face between my feet. His body shook with his sobs. I let him cry for some minutes before I ordered him gently to get up. His body trembled as he started to speak with a faltering voice.

"Master, I'm yours, forever and a day, Master."

It could have been funny for a slave to say this but I knew what he meant. I pulled him onto my lap. Luckily he wasn't tall for his age so he could still lean against my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and held him until his crying had ceased.

"You are a good boy. And though you are a slave I'll be always there for you whenever you need me. But on the other hand I expect you to come to me with every problem you have. You still own me an answer to my question. What is wrong with the boys?"

"Master, there is nothing wrong, Master. It's just 3; Master, they are still little boys, Master."


"Master, I'm not worth 3;."

"Boy, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want an answer."

"Master, sorry Master. I could be wrong, but I think they feel lonely and are sometimes bored, Master."

"How could they be lonely? They are here with friends. And bored? Isn't there enough to do?"

"Master, the boys are working really hard for their age. I can say that they are much quicker now and can do much more then before. But this means no more joking or fooling around. They are too tired in the evening to chat or just hanging around together. So there is not much of the friendship left, Master."

Jan looked at me and waited for the anger he expected to come. But I could sense the boy hadn't finished yet and wasn't angry at all.

"Master, the boys know they are slaves and that their old life won't come back. And, as I said, this is a wonderful place for a slave to be. But to young and energetic boys as they are it is a prison, Master. And Master - they need you, even more than I do. They are little boys. They had a loving mother to cuddle with and a strong father to hold on. That's gone. You are the only one they have now. Since I'm here you aren't so much around anymore, the boys said they miss your touches, the padding oft their rumps, the ruffling of their hair. I do what I can but it's certainly not the same as with you, Master."

Silence fell over the room. I thought about what he had said. It made sense. It was the first time I had so young slaves. Many of my other boys were previously trained houseboys and quite used to be a slave. Probably my expectations were too high. And it was true, I had to do a lot of work recently and since the boys did a good job there was no need to check them always out. And apart from Marcus I didn't have any boy in my bed lately or even had one to service me orally. I pushed Jan from my lap and started to wander around. Eventually I towered over the kneeling boy.

"What do you suggest?"

"Master, I'm not worth 3;."

"Jan! Don't give me that again!" I yelled angrily.

"Master, yes Master." the boy gulped.

"Master, they were used to go to school and afterwards they were free to play, Master. Of course they are slaves now and have to work but they are good and fast, Master. Maybe you could grant them an hour break after lunchtime for playing, chatting or simply fooling around. Master, the Sunday's playtime is fine and probably more than they could expect elsewhere. But maybe it's not enough for the youngsters. They wouldn't need expensive toys. A ball, some playing cards or an old game board would do fine, Master. What I'm suggesting is just letting them be little boys again for a while. Let them run around outside or play in the cell. It has worked at my old home very well and I'm sure we could make up the lost time, Master."

I said nothing but stared at the boy. It was always an edifying feeling to look down to a kneeling boy in front of you but I managed to keep my face expressionless although my trousers started to become tight. Jan had felt confident after his statement but, being forced to look up to his quiet master, he became more and more worried if he had gone too far. Subsequently he became frightened and couldn't hold eye contact anymore. He hung his head and he shivered and got goose bumps as well. I unbuckled my belt and pulled it out of the loops of my trousers. The boy recognised that distinctive sound and winced, dreading the apparently inevitable beating. He guessed that he had played high and had lost.

I had to admit that I was aroused by the boy's fear. Therefore I ran the end of the belt over his trembling back, lifting it occasionally as if I would swing back to provide a lash. The boy winced and whimpered, not only because he anticipated the punishment but also because of the futile attempts of his own cock to become hard. My next move caught the boy completely by surprise. I made a loop with the belt, put it around the boy's neck and pulled him up until he stood on his tiptoes. Remembering my threat to strangle him from his first night in my bedroom he nearly panicked as the belt cut in his neck.

"What did you say are you, boy?" I asked him sternly.

"Master, I'm yours, Master!" the boy croaked.

"And you said you want to feel my presence?"

"Master, yes Master."

"Well boy," I said calmly, "then prepare you for a night in my bed. If I'm pleased, I might consider your suggestions."

"Master, yes Master."

"Good boy!"

"Yeoww!" the boy cried as I sent him away with a lash on his butt.

Chapter 17

I awoke at night because of an urgent need. I had clearly drunk to much the day before. No, I wasn't drunk with alcohol for I'm really in control of that. But I had recently found a new and very tasty fruit juice and I had drowned two bottles of that in the evening.

When I returned to my bed I looked at the adorable sight of two young and angelic faces. Marcus slept soundly and had his head rested on his right arm. The other face belonged to Sebastian who had suffered one of his nightmares so I had tucked him into my bed too. He lay beside Marcus, snuggled to his back. His left arm was wrapped around the younger boy's chest. His head had found its place on Marcus neck so the two faces were close together. I couldn't imagine anything more innocent and beautiful than the face of a sleeping boy. Resting my own head onto a pillow my eyes must have crossed because both faces seemed to melt into one. The last impression I perceived before I dozed off was a ring coming out of Marcus' nose.

My mind must have formed an idea subconsciously because some days later I found myself drawing rings on a picture of my slaves. Another day as I sat in my chair I was somehow absent and had imagined how some jewellery might look at the boy's body. There was no way to find out other than to try it. So I put Sebastian and Marcus into the cages in my car and went off to the next town where I knew a well equipped piercing studio was located.

Luckily the owner of the shop didn't mind to have slaves in his studio but it happened not too often because his stuff was of the highest quality and therefore expensive. He had also a reputation for highly skilled work and cleanliness, attributes I appreciated very much. First of all he cut the odd steel ring that was still in Sebastian's septum. But the boy's relief lasted only a short time. The artist explained the different possibilities of what he could do with my boy. The boy's eyes grew wider and wider as the artist suggested more and more weird places to pierce. But the man understood I wanted to start quite conservatively.

The artist understood too that the rings should not only suit for decoration but should also provide the possibility to support certain games. From the wide selection of rings I selected a pair of plain but quite heavy silver rings. Their diameter was about one centimetre [0.4 inch]. They were designed to be soldered so once fitted they were permanent. For his nose I found a similar one, just a little bit larger so it would rest on is upper lip nicely. By then the boy was slightly panting in anticipation. He was happy with his body and to him it didn't need holes and rings at all. But of course he knew if his master wanted them they would go in. He couldn't remember being fitted with the snout ring but sure it must have hurt like hell. The boy didn't struggle as the artist strapped him into a chair; after all it was nice to sit at one again, a privilege that was denied to him since that dreadful day some months ago.

Sebastian was still oblivious to where the rings should go. I had them shown to him but from the size he thought they would be ear rings. So he was surprised as the artist lowered the back of the chair until the boy lay flat. His expression became priceless as a cloth was put over his chest and some disinfectant was applied to his nipples. The artist was thoroughly clean and like advertised determined not to cause an infection. He changed his latex gloves the third time as he asked me

"Well, Sir, I don't expect you are going to pay for some anaesthetic so is your slave a fighter or a screamer?"

Sebastian's colour drained from his face. I looked in his eyes and read fear so I took his hand, held it tightly and said

"He is a fighter, don't worry."

The boy managed a weak smile but clenched his teeth immediately and hissed in pain as the needle went through the tender tissue of his left nipple. The artist wasted no time and a few seconds later a heavily panting Sebastian had two needles through his now very sore nipples. In a quick motion the open rings were lined up and at the same time the needles were pulled out the rings slit in. Inserting the nose ring was not a problem at all. He soldered the rings with a tool looking like a pair of pliers without danger to burn the boy. After the rings were cleaned they were adjusted so the joint would stay inside the tissue. It looked perfect. Sebastian felt relieved and waited to be let up but he was in for another surprise.

While the last actions had been carried out I had flicked through a magazine and had found an interesting scrotum piercing. I asked the artist if he could do that and he congratulated me for my choice. So instead of unfasten the straps he spread the footrest. As if the boy could guess what was in store for him he looked at me pleadingly. But the only help he got from me was a smile.

"Well Sir, even if he took the nipple piercing well this is going to hurt much more. I have to pierce the scrotum right through its septum if you understand what I mean. So would you be so kind to gag your slave?"

A little bit worried I sent Marcus out to fetch a gag from the car. The boy had turned white and Sebastian's face seemed to be grey. He had not understood a word but all he needed to hear was that it would hurt. He started to pull at the straps as I forced the ball gag into his mouth. I wrapped my arms around his head and stroked his cheeks. He stopped struggling but his whole body trembled. Marcus stood at attention at the back of the room, trying to keep as much distance as possible between him and the chair but to no avail. I told him to hold his friend's hand.

The artist rubbed and cleaned the boy's sack thoroughly with the side effect of bringing his cock to rise. It stood out in its full glory but clearly it disturbed the artist's work. But the experienced man simply took a piece of duck tape and glued the errant member to the boy's belly. Despite his horror Sebastian blushed deeply. It was clearly not the boy's lucky day. There was other unpleasant news in store for him at home as I had just decided. I wondered if Marcus suspected he was going to get the same rings but from his expression I guessed not.

I kept stroking Sebastian's face but by the time the artist drove the needle trough his scrotum he fought in his straps and dug his teeth into the ball in his mouth. Tears shot in his eyes and he needed almost two minutes to calm down. A large ring with almost 4 cm [1½ inch] in diameter went through his sack right-angled to his crotch. It was quickly soldered and adjusted. I assured the boy that there would be no more rings today and that we would let him up in a few moments. The straps were removed and the artist ordered the boy to stand on a stool so we could have a look at him. I was happy with the result. Marcus stood beside me.

"Well, Marcus, what do you think? Doesn't he look nice with the new rings?"

"Master, yes Master." the boy answered rather unconvincingly.

"Well then 3;" I said and patted on the seat of the chair.

Colour drained out of the boy's face immediately. In his eyes was sheer horror. He didn't move. I would say he tried but his legs simply wouldn't follow him. He burst out in tears.

"Marcus," I barked "I was going to pay for anaesthetics since you are younger but you just lost that privilege. I want your body decorated and it will happen right now. Move your ass onto this chair or you will get a spanking you'll never forget!"

I was really mad at him for letting me down in public so badly. He was my prefect boy and I expected him to obey instantly. The boy was devastated. I'd never seen him so miserable but he climbed onto the chair without further delay. His whole body tensed as we strapped him down and I could feel his heart racing. He gave me a last pleading look through his tears as the artist prepared his nipples. His eyes grew wider as I had ever seen as he saw the needle. His body began to shaking as his eyes followed the artists hand and at the moment the tip of the needle touched his nipple he fainted.

"Needles," the artist simply stated.

He continued his work on the boy's nipples while I made sure the unconscious boy has no difficulties to breath. I had chosen some nice golden rings with a ball enclosure so I could change them if I liked to. It was out of question to me that Marcus would ever dare to remove them himself. Sebastian was in tears too and was still white as a sheet. I told him to lie down in the corner and to rest his legs on a stool. The last thing we needed now was a second boy fainting. The artist produced now a strange looking pair of pliers. He told me that it would punch out a small piece of cartilage and tissue from the boy's septum so a ring could be easily fitted and the healing would be faster. He explained it would cause greater pain at first but as soon as the ring was inserted it would be almost pain free. A small bed of blood dripped out of his nose as the man did his work.

The ring Marcus was about to receive was similar in style to Sebastian's but golden. As it was soldered Marcus awoke slowly. He needed some time to remember where he was. I smiled at him and he tried to smile back but the slowly fading pain made him grimacing.

"It's alright, my boy. You're halfway done. Just relax. Be a good boy and open your mouth for me."

He whimpered but opened it as wide as he could. I put the gag into its place and secured the straps. The artist handed me a blindfold.

"Marcus, listen. You're afraid of needles. I'm going to make sure you don't see them. It will hurt now but I know you can bear it. You are a tough little boy."

Marcus nodded.

"And I want your penis to stay soft whatever happens. Got it?"

The boy nodded again but had no idea how to achieve this since it always seemed to have its own will. Marcus buckled and trashed around like his fellow slave did but his cock remained flaccid. The large ring was put in and everything was cleaned. I was surprised and patted the boy's shoulder. He relaxed. But at this moment the artist stroked the inside of his thighs while turning around and the tiny cock sprung to live. Despite the pain the boy blushed.

"Master, I'm sorry Master," he cried but with the gag in his mouth nobody understood.

"I think I know what he needs," the artist said.

He picked up the phone and soon a lad of about twelve years entered the shop. He wore just skimpy shorts and his movements were rather awkwardly. Not surprisingly his whole body was pierced, partly with the strangest items I ever saw. He stood meekly in the room and didn't hesitate as the man ordered him to drop his pants. He bent backwards until his hands touched the floor, his legs wide spread. I could easily see why his movements were so strange. From the base of his scrotum hung a spiky ball, about four or five centimetres [1½-2 inch] in diameter. It looked like an ancient morning star. If the boy tried to close his legs the spikes would bit deep into the skin of his thighs and the sore areas on his legs proved this.

Apart from this item his penis and sack were pierced with many different rings and pins. I could see a similar ring like my boys had just received. Marcus was still blindfolded but Sebastian had a good view and the boy prayed that I wouldn't see anything I would like him to wear. I could not resist teasing him and ran the spiky ball through my fingers while looking obviously at Sebastian's crotch. The boy closed his eyes and turned his head away; again clearly panting.

The man was obviously proud of his piece of art as he called the boy. Much to my surprise I learned that the boy wasn't a slave but his own son. He explained that the boy had received a new piercing every week since he was ten. That were the 'normal' rings and pins the boy wore. But every time the boy misbehaved he had got a 'punishment piercing'. That was meant to inflict pain or to make movement more difficult, like the 'morning star' between his legs as the item was called indeed. I saw smaller balls like that in his arm pits; inner elbows and at the back of his knees. The artist said they could be removed but would go on again every time he has to punish the boy and would stay several days. I felt a pity for the boy since his father seemed to be a sadist.

The artist then drew my attention to a piercing that was called 'Prince Albert'. It was a ring that went right through the glans of his penis, emerging from the piss slit and going back at the lower side of glans. As he said it wouldn't obstruct urinating or making sex. The other ring was pierced into the boy's perineum. He clipped a small chain to this the penis ring, threaded it through the large scrotum ring and fastened it to the ring in the perineum. The boy's penis was pulled downward through the scrotum ring and was held tightly to the crotch. The boy whimpered but he was clearly not a novice to this treatment. The artist lifted him up and started to fondle his pierced nipples and inner thighs. Soon boy's cock reacted and started to get hard but there was no way it could do so since it was secured by the chain. The boy squirmed and moaned but to no avail. With a hard smack on his butt the boy was sent away.

"You can see, Sir, it is a simple but very effective way to control a boy and it doesn't interfere at all with the boy's hygiene."

"Your son seemed quite accustomed to." I said.

"Of course he is. It was one of the first piercing he had received and he wore it since. He is due for another punishment because he took it off without permission. The chain could be fixed permanently if you wish or locked so that couldn't happen."

"I don't think that would be necessary. I agree, please do it."

Marcus winced. He didn't know what was going to happen but surely he wouldn't like it. Again the pain was almost unbearable as the needle went through the sensitive glans. It hurt between his legs too but not half as much as before. The chain would be added later. The boy was freed from his straps and stood now with wobbly legs and tearstained face together with Sebastian in front of a mirror. Both weren't happy but would get used to their rings soon. The artist gave me the advice to be careful and start slowly. It would take some weeks to heal completely. Before we left he gave me a present that would fit to the boy's rings as he said. It was small version of the 'morning star' and neither Marcus nor Sebastian looked very pleased at its sight.


The first slave we met at home was Jan. He raised a brow as he saw the rings on the boy's bodies but didn't dare to make a comment by his own. I told him to have a closer look.

"Master, nice rings, Master," he said carefully.

He managed to keep his face expressionless. As he later told me he had already guessed by then that sooner or later he would receive similar rings too as I obviously liked them. Later that night I sat in the living room, watching some news on the TV. I rarely put the TV on. Most of the time I enjoyed reading, a glass of wine and the presence of my boys. Since Jan had taken control the boy's work had improved. They were able to finish their daily chores usually well before dinnertime. After work they cleaned their bodies before slurping their food. If they weren't late they had some time to rest or play before they had to line up outside the living room, facing the wall, for the recently introduced evening assembling. When I had finally found my rest in my favourite armchair I would call them in and they stood at attention in a row, sorted by height. That means Marcus as the youngest and smallest would stand far left. Next to him was Timo's place, Chris and Julian took the centre. Sebastian, though not very tall for his age, was a little taller than the other boys. On the right side of the row stood Jan. Nico would take his place beside the chair or cuddled to my feet.

This evening was no exception. The boys stood facing me so they couldn't see the TV-screen. The only one who might have a look was Nico but it had no interest to him. He had adopted his favourite position, kneeling beside my legs, leaning against the chair and resting his head on my thighs so I could caress his head, neck and shoulders. The other boys were much less comfortable. They were required to stand as still as possible. That was part of their training. Standing absolutely still over a long time is very difficult especially for young boys. Even Jan had to struggle to meet my expectations because he didn't have to do this for his former master. They stood now for little over an hour. Sebastian did not well this time and Marcus squirmed visible. He was painfully pierced six times and it still hurt.

Timo and Chris, who had no chance to look at their decorated mates so far, tried to get a glance of the new ornaments. Of course they thought I wouldn't notice but it was too obvious. Their butts would pay the price later, I thought. The news was the ordinary mixture of war, economical and ecological disasters and political lies. I cut the power of the TV and changed to one of my favourite pastimes, to scrutinize my boys from head to toe. Marcus had become stronger again since he ate regularly. His hair had grown nicely into tiny black curls. Timo had grown a bit and was now nearly as tall as Chris. He had still a young boy's body with a clearly visible ribcage but his balls began to drop and his penis was not the smallest one for a boy of his age.

Chris had lost a lot of his body fat and worked hard, especially since I had reinforced my threat of selling him with the worst trashing he had ever received. I expected him to be always a little bit chubby as his whole family was but he made clearly good progress. Between his legs he was the far less developed of all my boys. His balls were still pretty much inside his groin and his tiny pecker had not much more than three or four centimetre [1¼-1½ inch] in length. My little boy toy was clearly not so little anymore. Julian had become taller too. He had started to grow a good shot about four weeks earlier and it seemed he would catch Sebastian soon. He had no baby fat left on his body, his belly was becoming flat, his hips stood out nicely. Under the constant pull of his ball weight his testicles had dropped and he would be hung well. As always his penis stood out in a 45° angle.

Looking at him I felt again two hearts in my chest. The first one was delighted by seeing him growing so well but the second wanted to keep the little boy with the wonderful voice he was. I had ordered information about some chemicals that could decelerate a boy's development significantly without damaging his body functions permanently like gelding would do. I had to decide soon. The oldest of the youngsters, Sebastian, was clearly at the verge of puberty. Sebastian would never grow very tall like all members of his mother's family. He had developed a muscular chest. His belly was flat with a hint of a nice six pack. His father had made a joke last year that the only part of his son's body that had inherited his father's size was situated between the legs. And big it was. As a free boy, Jan would always be required to show his ID-card to prove he was in legal age. He had a teen boy body but exactly that was what I loved most.

None of the boys liked what would follow after the standing exercises. Each boy would be called to kneel in front of me. He had to give a short summary of his work and behaviour. He had to tell me how often and for what he had been punished by Marcus or Jan and if there were any unpunished offences. The latter part was the worst to the boys as they had learned painfully. Not only the outcome would almost inevitably be a sore bottom but they never knew how much I already knew. Failing to admit a known offence would double or triple the sentence. It was Timo's turn to start. After he had kissed my feet he knelt at attention and talked about his day.

"I think your workload was sufficient. What about punishments?" I asked after his report.

"Master, I was spanked by Jan for spilling some milk and got three strokes from Marcus for being to late for Nico's feeding, Master. I'm sorry Master."

Marcus and Jan nodded their agreement.

"Anything else?"

The boy went through his memory back and forward as he stood in the line and was confident he had nothing to report.

"Master, no Master."

"Really? Well, would you please tell me where your eyes are supposed to look at when you are standing at attention?"

"Oh 3;" The boy lost his confidence. "Master, may I correct my answer, Master?"

"Too late, boy. Double your age it is. Over my lap!"

Immediately he crawled onto my legs and stuck his butt out.

"Master, I'm ready for punishment, Master," he said meekly.

Timo had no chance and he knew it. He didn't try to suppress his tears but took the smacks as silent as possible. Twenty smacks with my hand stung like hell. The boy wanted desperately to rub his backside but put his hands obediently behind his head after he had thanked me and kissed my feet. Chris didn't repeat Timo's failure but had to confess two other transgressions of my rules so he offered me his highly spankable bubble butt for thirty smacks. He was a screamer by nature and so there was no way for him to take his punishment silently. Apart from that he didn't try to fight in any way. Julian stepped forward with certainty to get it worse as usual. From the first day onward he was the boy who was beaten more than every other slave. That was only partly his fault. The other boys had quickly found out that Julian would accept all unpleasant or difficult chores without protest. Naturally the rate of mistakes or unfinished chores increased by these circumstances, followed by increased punishments.

Another reason was that I simply liked to spank the boy and that he partly enjoyed the punishments too. Julian could achieve intense orgasms only by feeling severe pain. The funny point was that the boy in his innocence wasn't even aware of this ability. He didn't simply know what an orgasm was or what it meant. He hadn't explored the pleasure of playing with himself before he became a slave. Of course he had heard of sex but had never thought about. The boy hadn't even connected my rape from the first day with sex. He only connected it with pain. Sure he knew that I enjoyed it when he sucked my cock or I put my cock in his anus but he never thought about feeling that pleasure himself. So he couldn't understand what happened form time to time while he was punished. He couldn't sort out the feelings of intensive pleasure he had for a short time. So every time I gave him more than he deserved I tried to bring him over the edge.

Nevertheless the boy was still afraid of being punished. He had an exceptionally good day and couldn't find any unpunished transgressions. So he trembled in anticipation of a severe punishment for all he had forgotten. He saw my stern glance.

"Well boy, I'm afraid 3;" I started my sentence and Julian was already on his way to bend over my lap.

" 3; there is nothing you should be punished for today."

His expression was priceless. I had to struggle to keep myself from laughing and even Nico turned his head away, biting on his lip. Julian stood frozen and didn't know what to do. I pulled him into my arms, ruffled his hair and kissed him. Then I turned him around and sent him back to the line with a smack on his butt. Jan tried in vain to keep his face expressionless. I jumped the queue and ordered him to me. He had nothing unusual to report, gave an overall report of the boy's behaviour. He didn't get a punishment and had nothing to confess. I beckoned Marcus to kneel beside Jan.

"Well boys, there is something I should have mentioned earlier. Jan, you should have taught Julian not to accept more work than he could reasonable do. I think you'll agree you have failed. Marcus, it's your responsibility to distribute the chores fairly what clearly didn't happen. As punishment I will spank you later and you will do his chores tomorrow. He'll have a day off with me.

Both boys nodded sheepishly.

"Sebastian, I think it's your turn now."

The boys went back and formed the line again. Sebastian trembled as he talked about the trip to the piercing studio. After he had finished I addressed him.

"Well, boy, you endured the pain quite well. I won't punish you further. But you have reached an age where you could easily get distracted from your work by unwanted erections. Since you are unable to control your penis I will do that for you. Timo, bring me the small box over there. Sebastian, you know your body and everything your body is able to do belong to me. Timo, thank you. 'Table', please. So every time your penis gets hard you are in risk to ejaculate your sperm. But since this sperm belongs to me you have no right to waste it. That would be stealing. But don't worry. From now on you'll only get hard with my permission. This cage will ensure that."

I had opened the box and placed the contents on Timo's belly. I ordered Sebastian to stand up. He was clearly frightened. The cage slit easily over his penis. It was slightly curved so the glans was bending downward. The end of the cage was hooked into the boy's silver genital ring and secured with a padlock. Within ten seconds Sebastian was locked into chastity. He would learn what that meant very soon. By now he was simply speechless. Timo was sent back and Sebastian had to face his fellow slaves. I stroked his inner thighs and ran my fingers through his butt crack. As always the boy's cock responded quickly and grew. Sebastian yelped as the sharp spikes bit painfully into his tender skin. Jan looked at him with sad sympathy.

Chapter 18
A Day Off

The night was quite pleasant. I had enjoyed the butts of Marcus and Jan after I had thoroughly spanked them. The warmth of the bright red cheeks felt lovely at my groin. The boys did their best to please me, especially Marcus, despite the pain from the piercing. But since they were punished they had to sleep at the floor instead of my warm and comfortable bed. After breakfast I called my boy toy and my pet and prepared to leave.

I hoisted the large rucksack on Julian's shoulders. It was heavy and the boy stumbled under its weight. We went to the garage where I put the rucksack and the two boys, Julian and Nico, into the boot of my van. I gave Marcus the last orders for the day and we headed to the mountains for a day off, just the three of us. I hoped that it would be an enjoyable day, not only for me but the boys too. It was a two hour drive and the weather was nice for the season. It wasn't too cold either so the boys wouldn't freeze. We reached the forest path I was looking for and I parked the van out of sight of the road.

Julian and Nico crawled out of their cages, stretching their limbs after the long trip. The boys looked around. All they knew was that we would spend the day together but I hadn't told them where and how. I took the heavy rucksack and Julian, with a sigh, held his arms back to put it on. But much to his surprised I shook my head and hoisted it myself. A leash was attached to the boy's collars and we were ready to start our tour. The first meters Julian walked awkwardly as the soles of his feet were still rather vulnerable. Nico wore mittens and kneepads so he could crawl along easily.

Although Julian found it still weird to walk through the forest naked he was eager to learn what I told him about the different trees and plants. I guessed that even if his father would be able to spare the time to hike through the wood Julian would never have the opportunity to learn anything like that from him. Nico absorbed the information too. The boys were so inquisitive that it took almost two hours to reach the clearing I was looking for. It was so remote that probably only very few people knew about this special place. The sun stood high in the sky as I put the rucksack down.

"Stay within my eyeshot, boys." I said as I unclipped the leashes from the boy's collars.

I took a blanket out and sat down on a sunny spot at the edge of the meadow. Julian was unsure how far he was allowed to stray around but Nico took the opportunity and shot through the grass to catch the warm sunrays after the coolness of the forest. Julian expected me to shout at Nico to stop but as no order came the boy became more bravely and soon both boys frolicked around naked in the meadow. It was a terrific sight. My crotch began to tighten and I started to undress. I lay at the blanket with my stiff member sticking out high. I called the boys.

They came back, panting and sweating but clearly happy. Julian hesitated at first but then he sank to his knees beside me, wrapped his mouth around my cock, and started to lick and suck. After a while I pulled the plug out of Julian's butt. The boy looked at me unsure how to proceed in this unaccustomed environment. I guided him over my middle and he started to straddle down. Julian winced and whimpered slightly as my cock, lubricated only with his spit, slit into his little hole. I pulled Nico close. It was the first time he saw me fucking one of the boys as we did it usually in my bedroom that was off limits to him.

Julian worked his body up and down. He liked being fucked this way because it was he who could control the pace and intensity. After that afternoon, weeks ago when I brought him to his first orgasm, I had fucked him almost every day and sometimes twice a day so he was by far the most experienced of my boys. Sometimes he enjoyed it but mostly it was just a duty to him. He was easy to control and was seldom in danger to climax during a fucking. He even stayed soft often. He needed more stimulation, especially some pain, to become excited. The boy had become quite lose so it hardly hurt him anymore.

I told Julian to slow down because I didn't want to come yet. Julian knew what he had to do. He stopped his ride and kept my cock inside him. A quick move now and then to keep it hard but otherwise I just enjoyed being inside. His ball weight rested on my belly, his pecker hung limp. That would change later that day. For now I had Nico lying on his back at my side, something the boy wasn't used to anymore. As pet he was only allowed to lie on his side with arms and legs drawn up. I ran my hand over his smooth body. His little cock reacted soon and pointed to his navel. Oh yes, it would become a memorable day for the boys.

Timo had prepared some sandwiches. I took one out of the bag with a can of beer. I couldn't resist making Julian feeding me while he rode my cock. He had to increase the speed slightly so his whole body was now occupied. To tease him further I ordered him to sing a song. It was a ridiculous sight and I had to stop myself laughing. After I had finished the sandwich Julian had to hump faster and faster but wasn't allowed to stop singing. Soon he panted and I felt my pleasure growing. Eventually I couldn't hold it longer and I shot my load into his bowels. I pulled him down and kissed him passionately.

I knew the boys were thirsty and hungry too but wouldn't dare to ask. But they would have to suffer a bit longer. Julian lay still on my chest. I took his arms, guided it to his back and clipped his wrist cuffs together. One by one I fastened his ankle cuffs to the outer rings of the wrist cuffs. The boy was now effectively hogtied. A gag and a blindfold came out of the rucksack and on his head. Earplugs completed his transformation into a helpless little bundle. He couldn't see and hardly hear anything. He couldn't move or cry for help. He trembled but as he slit off my body his cock was rock hard.

Nico lay still on his back as I got up. I picked up a stick. Nico closed his eyes as I reached back to take a swing. But as he felt no impact he opened them carefully. He saw me smiling at him. I brought the stick forward and threw it wide away.

"Be a good puppy Nico and fetch the stick!"

The pet boy jumped on his fours and darted forward. Quickly he came back with the stick in his mouth. I took an empty bottle out of the bag and started to cross the meadow, throwing the stick away for Nico to bring it back. After about five minutes I heard the splash of a mountain brooklet. Nico was on my heels as I covered the last meters. Clear mountain spring water rushed down the hill in small waterfalls. The water was cool and fresh. I filled the bottle for Julian. Nico watched me. The bottle was sealed and I laid it down. Before Nico could react I had lifted him up and pushed into the stream of cold water.

He yowled and tried to climb out bat was pushed back again. I stepped into the brook too and started to wash his body. Finally I ordered him to drink some of the water. Nico was not really a country boy and probably found it appalling to drink water that doesn't come out of a tap. So he hesitated but as I made it clear that he would have to stay in the cold water until he had drunk enough of it he finally gave in and quenched his thirst. He crawled out and shook his body to splash the water off. On our way back Nico was a few steps ahead and I had a good view of his little butt. His sphincter opened and closed invitingly.

As we came back to our place Julian squirmed and the blindfold was wet from his tears. Obviously he has feared to be left behind in the wood bound and alone. I took the blindfold off and Nico darted forward to lick the tears away. Julian laughed in relief through his gag. I unclipped he boy's cuffs and to his surprise I removed Nico's mittens too. I sat down, leaning against a tree. I took three sandwiches out of the rucksack and beckoned the boys to my side. Both cuddled against me and I handed each of them one sandwich. The boys hesitated to take them.

Julian wasn't used to eat something with his hands since he usually slurped his food out of his bowl. Nico had his bowl too but furthermore he was forbidden to use his hands at all. Afraid whether this was a test for him or not he looked at me enquiringly. I ruffled the boy's short hair and told them it was o.k. for this time. They were rather big sandwiches but they disappeared in the boy's throats quickly as both slaves were finally convinced I wasn't playing with them. Julian got some water and I emptied a can of diet cola. It was a cosy picnic in the sun, a master and two little slaves in their birthday suits.

We must have dozed off together and I awoke from the moves of a sleeping Nico in my arms. I got free and managed to clip the boy's ankle cuffs together without waking him up. I thought it was time for a little entertainment. I tied two lengths of ropes to two trees that were growing about two meters [6½ feet] apart. Two other ropes were thrown over big branches. Julian slept soundly too. I lifted him up carefully and tied the ends of the ropes coming from the branches to his wrist cuffs. Julian awoke quickly as I pulled at the ropes. His body was lifted up and soon he stood on his tiptoes, his arms spread wide.

Julian didn't say a word since he was too stunned from my unexpected actions. Nico was awake now too. I made him kneeling in front of his friend. The two other ropes were tied to the boy's ankles and tightened. Julian hung now spread eagles between the trees and Nico's face was close to his groin. I wrapped a lace around the base of Julian's parts and secured the lace to Nico's collar. Nico's hands were clipped together behind his back and with a short length or rope I pulled them up and fastened them to his collar. Both boys were neatly secured and weren't able to escape.

Nico was told to take Julian's penis into his mouth. The little cock was already hard. Julian responded well to heavy bondage. The blindfold went over Julian's eyes again as well as the gag went in his mouth. At my command Nico began to suck. Julian squirmed in his bonds at this unknown sensation. I had stepped to Julian's back. With a mighty crack that echoed in the wood my belt landed on the boy's buttocks. He buckled and rammed his 10 cm [4 inch] pecker deep into Nico's throat. Nico, secured by the lace to his friend, couldn't go away and had to take it fully.

Stroke after stroke landed on the boy's backside. Julian howled in his bondage. The strokes weren't hard. They were just right to build a decent level of pain. Nico sucked for dear life. Between the strokes I ran my hands over the boy's body, twisting and pinching the skin here and there. Julian threw his head around, shrieking and screaming into his gag. I belted his whole backside from shoulders down to the thighs. Soon the boy was decorated with pink stripes on white skin. The tone of Julian's screams had changed. Gone were the howls of pain, replaced with ecstasy. Suddenly his body shuddered and tensed and with a loud scream he climaxed. In a few years he would have filled Nico's mouth with a load of sperm. But now it was 'just' an intense dry orgasm. I admit I was a bit envious. Ho much would I have liked to be able to achieve such a level of pleasure at his age. To be honest I was many years older before I first had experienced the joys of masculine sex. Julian was exhausted like he was after every of his few but intense orgasms. I loosened the ropes until he stood on his toes but still with spread legs. Nico sensed that his friend had just experienced something very special but couldn't understand why belting from his master could be anything good. Julian's cock was still hard as I unfastened the lace to Nico's collar. I wrapped it around the boy's penis tightly so it would stay erected. It was time to give Nico some attention. To keep Julian occupied I attached two nipple clamps. Again the boy howled and trashed in his bondage. A medium sized vibrator dildo was shoved up his little ass. It hummed nicely in his body and gave him some new sensations. To finish this arrangement I added some weight to his ball stretcher and made it swinging. If the boy was lucky this amount of painful ornaments would send him over the edge again without further stimulation.

Nico had watched me with wide open eyes. To him my administrations to Julian were just torture so his eyes were filled with dread as I approached him. It was time for him to learn that even a boy pet has to earn his existence and there was little he could give to his master but his love and his body. He knelt still with his arms tied on his back. I could sense the tension that had a grasp of the boy as I stood in front of him. His head thrown back he looked up to me as I ran my fingers over his cheeks. Fear stood in his eyes but also a great determination. He would please his master whatever he wanted.

By now Nico had been caressed, kissed and fondled. But an occasional finger in his anus was the experience closest to sex so far. He knew that Marcus, Julian and Jan were joining me in my bed regularly. Timo and Sebastian were sucking my cock whenever I wanted them to. Even Chris had done it several times. Nico had seen and heard them often and it had started to hurt his heart. Once more he found himself as the outsider he was in his role as his master's boy pet. But he wanted to be a part of it almost desperately and every time a slave was called into the bedroom he has cried in his cage.

Nico felt that his dreams would become true today. Off course he had heard the boys screaming during the first times in my bedroom. Of course he had heard the boys talking about the pain. Of course he was frightened. But if pain and even torture was the price for becoming equal to the other boys he was ready to pay. The symbol of the boy's desire swung now in front of his face. He didn't know what his master wanted but he took the risk and opened his mouth. Careful not to break the eye contact with his master he wrapped his lips round the big pink head of his master's penis.

He had watched the boys carefully and had soaked up every command master had given to the boys sucking his cock. Nico had put everything on one card. He waited for the disaster to come if he was wrong. But nothing happened. He gathered up his courage and started to suck. He licked the glans with his tongue and worked his lips over the shaft. He ignored the strange taste and the knowledge that the cock had been in Julian's bowels before. He ignored the fact that his jaws were stretched to their limits as he desperately tried to avoid any contact of his teeth to his master.

Nico gagged and choked. The boy tried to swallow as he had learned from the other boy's mistakes. Eventually it worked. Nico heard nothing. He was totally focused on his task. Everything else has faded out of his mind. Nico wanted to claim the price. He wanted to please his master, to give him the pleasure the boy didn't understand. That was the purpose of his life, the life of Nico the slave, the life of Nico the boy pet. Nothing else counted at that moment high up in the mountains. A little slave boy and his master, united by fate, bound by desire and fed by unknown love.

The boy felt the cock becoming rock hard. He knew what would happen. He knew something would shoot out of his master's cock and he knew he would swallow every drop as if it was the last he would do in his life. And he did. The cock in his mouth erupted and loads of creamy white stuff filled his throat. He swallowed for dear life. Nico knew he had won. He had brought pleasure to his master. But he didn't want to let his master go. He started to lick and suck again but the cock went slowly flaccid. It was pulled out of his mouth. To Nico it was as if someone had pulled his heart out. He burst into tears.

Slowly I recovered from a mighty orgasm. It was one of the best I ever got from a blow job. The boy was fantastic. At first I couldn't understand what I read in his eyes but then it stroked my like thunder. All the time he had watched as I had played with the boys. His red eyes in the morning that told me he had cried again. It was the despair of being different. I had excluded him from the life of his friends. I had taken everything he had. The boredom of the day as he could only roam around the house, not allowed to speak or at least to do something together with the boys.

The boys had of course taken notice of him. They had spoken and played with him like they would have done with a real dog. They were all beaten for treating him as a boy and eventually all got used to it. All but one. Nico got used to being treated as a dog but from day to day he got more frustrated. All his desire for attention was expressed in this act of devotion to his master, shown deliberately and freely. I wanted to hug him, to hold him and never let him go again. But as I sank on my knees the boy started to cry with a sound of despair coming from the depth of his heart.

It was a cry that jangled my nerves. I grabbed the boy's head and pressed it against my chest. My arms were wrapped around his boyish body with my hands caressing every part of his skin they could reach. I took his face between my hands and kissed his tears away before his face was again dug deep into the hair on my chest. It must have been looked like a mother would greet a long-lost son. I didn't know how long I held him nor did I know what I had whispered in his ears. But what I remembered was that strange moment as his tiny member arose and touched my cock.

Nico felt the presence of his master. His head was pressed into his master's chest so he almost couldn't breathe. He felt the kisses on his tearstained face, the warmth of the man's lips and tongue. He heard the whispers but he didn't recognise the words. His mind rotated, trying in vain to sort out all the new emotions rushing through him. All his fear and all his worries were gone as he was embraced by the strong but loving arms of his master. The feeling of relief made slowly way to feelings of excitement. There was a sensation in his groin he had never felt before in his young life.

Suddenly he lay on his back, his tied arms painfully pressed into the ground. He felt the weight of his master lying on him. He felt his hands running over his chest and tummy. A searing pain rushed through his body for a few seconds but it was replaced quickly with a sensation like electrical power emerging from his nipples. Nico felt a tongue tickling all the way down to his loin. Something warm and wet engulfed his little pecker. 'No!' his mind screamed in confusion. It was not right; it was his duty to do this to his master, not vice-versa. He heard a high boyish moan.

But it felt so good. The tingling sensation in his groin had intensified; a terrible strange feeling of pleasure overwhelmed his innocent mind. The sensation changed. Now he felt some fingers rubbing his penis frantically. Again he felt pain, more than his little body had ever endured. Nico heard a boy screaming, not aware it was his own. His mind has lost the struggle and his instincts gained control. He felt something big tearing his anus apart but he didn't care. Too intense was that incredible sensation of pure pleasure that came from deep out of his lower body. His lungs pressed the air out in a loud shriek before darkness wrapped his mind.

There wasn't much left to shoot as the boy's muscles clenched around my cock, providing me the last bit of needed stimulation to climax the second time. His scream was ear-deafening. The sensation had slowly faded and my breath returned to normal. I opened my eyes. Nico lay limp on his side, his whole body strangely pale. I jumped to my knees and rolled him on his back. I waited for his chest to rise but there was nothing. I pressed my fingers against his carotid but I felt nothing. The world around me went fuzzy. Someone was pushing a knife into my heart.

I shook my head to clear my mind. I felt for his pulse again. I yelled out loud as I sensed a weak but fast and steady pounding. I lifted his legs up into the air and soon the rosy colour of his cheeks returned. I kissed his closed eyes. His lids twitched and revealed the sweetest pair of brown eyes I could imagine. I smiled at him and after a few seconds of confusion he smiled back. I had liked to eat him up right there. He started to squirm around, trying to get his hands free. Slowly I slit my hands under his armpits and pulled him first to sit and then with me completely up. For the first time since he had started his life as a boy pet in my house Nico stood on his own feet. He had wobbly legs but he stood.

I placed a kiss on his forehead and turned to Julian, who had started to trash around in his bondage. Surely the noises Nico and I had made did nothing to calm him in his position. His arms and shoulders hurt from his own weight, the nipple clamps caused a dull ache and his testicles burned like hell. Nevertheless the boy was in a highly aroused condition. His cock was stiff and hard and the top of the glans was clearly wet. I picked up a grass blade and stroked the lower side of his penis. The boy groaned and pushed his hips forward what made the weight swinging. Julian shrieked and his body shook in a mighty orgasm.

I didn't remember exactly what my father replied to my first innocent questions many years ago when I was at the age of my boys. But I do remember the pain of the incredible spanking I got for these questions. I did envy the boys for their sexual experiences at their young age but of course I didn't for their existence in slavery. But being a slaveholder for more than fifteen years now I could definitely say that the moral arguments were definitely wrong. Boys and girls of early age could not only enjoy sexual attention but could perform sexual acts at their own wills.

Of course none of them would have thought about sex with an older man in their former life. They wouldn't have known until much later anything like that exists. But Julian wouldn't have found his true nature. Marcus had been raped and would have carried that traumatic memory in his mind for ever. Maybe both would have suffered their whole life. It wasn't my choice to enslave them but especially this afternoon in the woods I was happy it had happened. The boys wouldn't learn as much as in school but I was going to teach them lessons they would never imagine.

Lessons like Julian was about to learn today. I removed the additional weight from his balls as well as his dildo and blindfold. It took some time for him to get accustomed to the sunlight again but as he was able to see again his eyes grew wide as he saw Nico standing on his feet. The ropes were released but the boys hands were quickly guided to his back, tied and pulled up like Nico's arms were. The gag stayed in place as well as the nipple clamps. I stood him at Nico's side. Two naked boys stood in the sun, each one as adorable as could be but yet so different in their nature. I took a seat on an old tree stump and made the boys sitting one on each leg, resting their backs to my chest. They giggled as my tongue invaded their little ears but then it was time to talk. I talked about sexual excitement while I fondled their cocks and showed the boys how excitement could be build but also denied. The soaked up the information eagerly but groaned in frustration several times as I stopped may administrations to their body right before they could come. It started to become a real torture and after a while the boys would do everything to reach an orgasm.

Nico eventually even started to cry. His cock was bright red from my continuous rubbing but the pleasure he was yearning for did not come. Both boys learned painfully that it was I and only I who would give them what they wanted. Furthermore they would get it only if they had earned it. Apart from his general duties as my slave Julian learned that the only way he would be allowed to come was by enduring the pain, bondage and humiliation I would inflict on him. Nico on the other hand would have to suffer the never ending humiliation of being a pet what included his body to serve me whatever I wanted to do with him.

Both boys found themselves tied up again several minutes later. I had bound them in a traditional Asian way with a single rope. Completely unable to move more than a toe the lay on their bellies under the trees. I had just finished tying the ropes coming down from the branches to their backs. The boys had watched my actions with wide eyes. This was completely new to them and although they trusted me they were frightened. Nevertheless Julian's cock went rock hard as I started his bondage and I had to slap him hard to stop him humping the ground.

In a single motion I had pulled Nico up so he hung freely about one meter [3 feet] above the ground. He yelped but more from surprise than real pain. Another pull and Julian had joined his fellow slave. They soon found out what they were in for. I approached Nico and guided his face to my already erected cock. I had guessed the height right and he had no difficulties to wrap his lips around. I gave his body a light push so he started to swing back and forth, only a few centimetres but it drove my cock deep into the boy's mouth. While I fucked Nico's face Julian felt my fingers invading his butthole.

He moaned because of the lack of lubricant but I knew he could cope with. I pulled my cock out of Nico's mouth, turned both boy's around and repeated my action with changed partners. I kept the boys working like this a while until I felt my pleasure rising. By the next interchange I didn't spin Nico around but lined my cock up to his little rose where I had just worked with three fingers. I felt the tension in Nico's body as the head of my cock touched his sphincter. The entrance was a bit rough and Nico screamed loud and shrill. Again I had some support by the boy's swinging.

I alternated between their butts but finally I came into Nico. My sperm filled his guts for the second time. Tears dropped from his face from the pain he had felt now fully aware. With my cock still inside him I reached under his body and rubbed his pecker. My other hand ran over his legs and buttocks. Nico groaned and sobbed but eventually his body tensed. With a loud shriek the boy buckled and squirmed. After a few seconds his body relaxed and he hung limp but heavily panting in his ropes.

Julian yelped as I speared him again. His whole body had tensed already before I had even touched his cock. It was rock hard and Julian winced as I jerked it roughly. I slit my cock in and out while slapping his thighs with my hands. The boy yelped, shrieked and murmured something I couldn't understand. A shiver ran through his body as I started to play with the clamps on his nipples. His nipples were sore and touching it sent waves of pain through the boy. He panted now fast. I shouted at him to get ready and a moment later I pulled the clamps of. The pain drove the air out of his lungs but at sent him over the edge at the same time.

Eventually the boys recovered from the sensations they had felt after I had allowed them to come. Their bindings were removed and they knelt on the ground. We would be late if we stayed much longer but I had prepared a 'gift' for every boy. The first item was a leathery body-harness for Julian. Two straps ran over his shoulders and three straps went over his chest and belly horizontally, connected with steely rings. It fitted perfectly, a bit tight so it would restrain his breathing but not too much to cause him trouble. But secured to the d-rings at the harness his arms would be under control as much as I wanted.

I attached leather cuffs to his upper arms and clipped them to the harness. I could see he didn't like it but from now on he would always be in different types of bondage. His plug went into his butt and a strap went from the harness over the plug and between his legs to the silver ring round the base of his genitals. A second strap ran down at his front side and was attached to the ring too. To this strap I tied his penis with a small leather ring so it was held up nicely. I couldn't resist plugging a flower and putting the stalk into his urethra. Julian blushed immediately.

Nico had returned to all fours to receive his butt plug like all boys who had my penis inside their bowels. It was not an ordinary butt plug but one that had a special extension as he was to find out. The handle of the plug extended to a small tube that ran up his butt crack. From that tube emerged a brown dog tail that hung down over his buttocks. His expression was priceless but he looked very sweet with that accessory. Knowing he was back in pet mode he held his paws and legs out obediently to receive the mittens and kneepads. To his surprise he felt a strange vibration in his butt every time I stroked his tail.

On our way back I kept a strong pace so we returned quickly to my van. The boys were struggling to follow me and were exhausted. Both fell asleep quickly in their cages. I was sure they wouldn't forget this day for long time.

Chapter 19
Luke Meets His Brother

I sat on my desk making a phone call as I heard the door bell. Marcus or Jan would respond so I didn't care further. A few minutes later I noticed Jan standing in the open door to my office. I asked the caller to hold the line.

"Yes, Jan?"

"Master, I'm sorry for disturbing you, Master. There is a little boy asking for his brother. He wouldn't go away, Master."

"Well, bring him in."

Jan bowed and left. I finished the phone call and turned around as I heard the boys entering. On Jan's hand clung a small six year old boy, clearly fascinated of the naked teen's cock in a weird cage.

"Hey Luke, my little friend. What's up?"

I knelt down and opened my arms to greet him. We had always fun together and I liked the boy as I liked his brother.

"Uncle Mike!" the boy shouted as he ran into my arms.

After a good hug I lifted him up and carried him to the couch where I placed him on my lap as I sat down. Jan was dismissed. After some tickling and other funny touches I asked him why he came to me.

"Uncle Mike 3; uumh 3; my mom says Sebastian had done bad things and was taken away so he can't play with me again but in school the older boys said he is in your house. Is he and can I play with him?" he asked in his little boy's way.

I sighed. I had expected him to find out sometime but had hoped it would not be so fast. Anyway, he was here and I had to deal with.

"Well Luke, it is true that your brother had done something very bad even if he didn't intend to do so. It's called a crime. If adults do a crime they were sent to a prison where they are locked in for a long time. But if boys do a crime they become slaves. Do you know what a slave is? No? I'll tell you. You know that children had to obey their parents or their teachers. If they do not they will be punished. But apart from that you can pretty much do what you want like you did as you decided to come to my house. But a slave can't do that. A slave has a master and he had to do what the master tells him. He isn't allowed to do anything else."

The boy looked at me with wide eyes.

"Luke, you have clothes and toys at home and that belongs to you. Your brother had a golden hamster that belonged to him. A slave owns nothing. But a slave belongs to his master as the hamster had belonged to your brother. A slave isn't a free boy anymore. He is like a horse in a stable or a dog in a cage. Pets can be bought or sold. Slaves can be bought or sold too. I know that's cruel but that is the law."

I didn't expect Luke to understand what I said completely but he was clearly scared.

"Luke, your brother did a crime and he is a slave now. The boys in your school are right. He is in my house because I have bought him. He is my slave now, he belongs to me. I'm sorry Luke, but Sebastian can't go home with you. The law doesn't allow him to go home to you and your parents anymore."

Luke burst in tears now. I held him tightly and let him cry into my chest.

"Sebastian has to work now, Luke, and has not much time to play. But I will see if he can spend a few minutes with you right now. Please wait in the living room."

The boy managed a weak smile between his sobs and nodded. Sebastian was in the basement doing the washing. I called him.

"Boy, you have a visitor."

He looked at me clearly confused.

"I know that is very unusual but I couldn't send him away. I hope you remember how you have to behave with a guest in my house."

"Master, yes Master."

He shuffled behind as I entered the living room. He had his hands behind his head and kept his eyes down so he couldn't see who was waiting for him. When we stopped he sunk to his knees. Luke started to run to his brother but I caught him. Kneeling beside him I explained.

"As I said he is a slave. He won't do anything without being told to. Look up, slave!"

Sebastian lifted his head. His eyes got wide as he saw his little brother. His emotions were divided between delight to see his brother again and embarrassment to have to kneel naked in front of his younger sibling. Luke approached his older brother and wrapped his arms around his neck. Sebastian remained passively.

"Luke, if you want him to do something you have to tell him."

"Hug me, bro," the young boy said.

Sebastian obeyed but was clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

"If you want him to talk to you you'll have to allow him to talk."

"I allow you to talk, bro."

"Sir, yes Sir. Thank you Sir." Sebastian said meekly.

I could sense the effort it took for Sebastian to call his little brother 'Sir'. He was on the verge of crying. I asked Luke to let him go.

"Luke, do you understand what I have told you before?"

He nodded.

"Good. I'll leave you now. Sebastian will do what you want as long as it is not against my orders. Please stay in this room."

"Yes Mike."

"Sebastian, you can relax a bit. Play or talk with Luke, or, if you need, have a good cry together."

"Master, yes Master. Thank you, Master."

I kissed both boys on their forehead and left. The boys looked at each other in silence for a while. Eventually little Luke said with tears in his eyes

"I miss you, bro."

Sebastian could not longer maintain his submissive behaviour and pulled his little brother into his arms. He swayed him around. A few months earlier he had thought of Luke mostly as pain in the ass but now he found out how much he missed him too. They had really a good cry together.

"You can't go home with me, can you?" Luke finally asked.

"No Lukey, I can't." Sebastian answered. "I have to stay here."

"But why?"

"Lukey, I did something very stupid. I lost my freedom and have to do what Mike, uumh I mean Master, says."

The little boy was in tears again.

"Hey, it isn't that bad. Sure I have to work for him but he is really a quite good master and after all I didn't have to go to school."

Sebastian tried to cheer him up.

"Cool. I don't want to go to school."

"Lukey, listen to me. School sucks, nobody knows better than me. But if you learn well you will get a good job and maybe some day you can buy me free. Until then please think twice before you are up to no good."

"I will, 'Bastian."

They had another cry together but eventually all tears were shed. Luke remembered why he came originally. He took a card game out of his pocket.

"Do you play with me?" Sebastian recognized the stupid comic card game his brother loved so much. At home he had always teased him how silly this game was until his brother had started to cry. But now he agreed. He still thought his brother was too old for this game but he enjoyed every minute he could spend with him. Beside that he knew exactly what would have happen to his backside if he dared to refuse. But Sebastian was glad that Luke was oblivious of his power over him.

They played for a while but suddenly Luke noticed the ring in Sebastian's nose. He started to scan his brother's body and saw first the rings in his nipples and then that Sebastian wore the same cage over his Willie he saw at the other boy before.

"What is this down there?" he asked pointing to his brothers parts.

Sebastian looked down and blushed. Instinctly he covered his crotch with his hands but knew in the very same moment he had made a mistake. Reluctantly he moved his hands away and spread his legs further. He tried to find the right words but his brother simply reached forward and pulled. Sebastian could not suppress a yelp. Luke was still curious and the fact that his brother had not pushed him away was a further invitation. He pulled again. Sebastian's cock had started to grow and the spikes bit painfully in his tender flesh.

"Ouch. Please stop, it hurts," Sebastian whimpered.

But Luke was oblivious to his brother's pain and started to twist the cage.

"Sir, please, it hurts, Sir," Sebastian cried out.

That gave Luke a start and he let the cage go. Sebastian fought against the tears in his eyes and panted.

"Sir, thank you, Sir." he whispered.

Luke was puzzled. His big brother knelt in front of him, naked with strange cages, rings and cuffs on his body. He had seen his brother naked before but not often. Luke ran his and over Sebastian's body in curiosity. Sebastian didn't know how to react. It was a strange thing having his younger brother stroking his body but at the other hand it felt good. So Sebastian changed into display position and didn't beg his brother to stop. It was embarrassing and pleasant at the same time. He winced as his cock responded to the sensations and it was prevented from getting hard by the cage. Soon his brother played with the nipple rings, encouraged by his brother's passivity, not knowing that his brother couldn't do anything even if he had wanted to.


Sebastian moaned as Luke pulled and twisted the right nipple ring roughly. By now Luke had started to enjoy inflicting some pain to his brother. He remembered how Sebastian had reacted when his father had tickled him. His little fingers ran quickly over flanks of his older brother. Sebastian couldn't resist laughing. He couldn't hold his position and fell on his back but his brother continued his attack. Eventually Sebastian could not longer stand it and pulled his brother onto his chest. Then he did something he had never done before. He kissed Luke on his lips. "I love you, little brother. Look after mum and dad for me, will you?"

"Yes, big brother. I love you too."

I couldn't help but had to wipe a tear from my eyes. I had watched the scene through a half open door. Sebastian did a great job. The boys didn't deserve to be parted and I had already decided to allow Luke to visit his brother again. It was time for Luke to go home so his parents wouldn't have to worry. I was sure they didn't know that he was here. Both boys had tears in their eyes again as I walked Luke out. Sebastian was told to stay where he was while I brought his brother home safely.

When I returned I found Sebastian kneeling at attention. I gave him a stern glance.

"Have you anything to say, slave?"

He looked at me uncomprehendingly.

"Would you like the quite good master to give you a quite good spanking?"

He went pale. My stern glance made way for a smile.

"Or do you prefer a quite good tickling?"

I reached down and started to tickle him in the same way his brother had done. He wiggled and squirmed and soon he lost against the fight and fell to the floor. He was exhausted as I had stopped my assault. I hugged him tightly and lifted him up. My tongue found its way into his mouth as I kissed him. His feet found some support on the couch. Suddenly his eyes got wide as he felt a sharp smack on his butt. He couldn't make a sound as my lips sealed still his mouth and he couldn't go away as I held him tightly with my left arm. I kept on smacking his buttocks until I saw his eyes watering.

"You did largely well, boy, but if a guest of mine wants to play with your body don't dare to resist again, even in a loving way as you did. Do you understand?"

"Master, yes Master. I'm sorry Master."

"But don't be afraid. Some pain and humiliation will do you no harm and I am always there to protect you from worse."

"Master, yes Master."

I stood him on his feet and he was about to leave when he turned around.


"Yes, boy?"

"Master, thank you for letting me see him again, Master," he said sadly.

"It's alright, boy. I know it's hard. But you are good boys and you will get over it. Now, I think some clothes need your attention."