MaiocxxCody and LucasA Personal Slaveboy Story
Part Nine
The family, except for the Twins, had left for the coast immediately following the final graduation ceremony. The Twins remained behind for several weeks, beginning their much-needed vacation with the Bartons. Both Cody and Lucas hoped for a little less stressful time when the whole family could really enjoy being together. Alas, fate had other plans for them. Their most immediate task was to learn all they could about John's business so they could act as his agent when they returned to Colorado Springs in the fall. They would work full days with John until the Twins returned and half days after that. That left ample time for the whole family to enjoy the summer. And, as Ruth proclaimed, it kept them out from under her feet for at least part of the day. They had only been at work for a week, when they had a surprise visitor to John's office. "Alexei!" cried Lucas. "This is certainly a surprise. Dad, come and meet Alexei. He's the one who is going to establish a facility like Paloma Ranch in Russia. Gregor, his nephew, is the boy the Twins rescued." "Alexei Nicholiavich Romanoff, and I ever be at your debt for save nephew." Alexei and John shook hands and John added, "I've heard much about you and your plans. They're very exciting." "Please have a seat and tell us about your visit to Paloma," urged Cody. "It is, as you tell me, remarkable place. Michael Cameron has no small a miracle. Spirit and pride of workers just outstanding. I keep reminding myself, these are slaves. He send greeting to all of you. And son, Paulie, and servant Toby send particular greeting to you, Lucas. Toby want to thank you for understanding his loss when you carry news of brother's death." "And a little black boy 3; they called him Scamp 3; sends greeting to the Twins. Are they here with you?" "No," answered Cody, "they're still in Colorado Springs with their friends, Tommy and David. They'll be home in a week or so." They all could tell that Alexei had something quite serious on his mind. "While we're pleased to have you visit us, this isn't just a social visit, is it?" asked John. Alexei sighed. "No, is not. I need your help. I wish to hire sons for project." "Alexei," objected Cody, "we are just beginning to learn the business. We really don't have any experience 3;" "For my project, you have much experience," interrupted Alexei. "Hiring them for the full summer would be quite expensive," added their father. "Not to worry. Your sons worth to me their weight in diamonds." Intrigued, Lucas asked, "Well what is this project you have in mind?" "Both Gregor and I learn much during our visit. You be amazed at his English skills." "Michael generously promised to send Paulie and Toby to help us once we are established and will make gift of breeding stock, also." "But, we learned there is important gap in our knowledge, crucial to our success, I think. Michael's man, Jonathan, is key to his success, a fact Michael readily admits. He say that without Jonathan's special knowledge, ranch would have failed." "What special knowledge?" asked Lucas. "Jonathan is a slave all his life. He knows what is truly like to be slave. To think like slave. To feel what slave feels. To act like slave acts. We have no Jonathan to help find the way. I buy and sell slaves many years and Gregor grows up around slaves. But we do not have this knowledge. And, Michael believes it important for success." "We must find a Jonathan 3; and I do not believe there is such in all Russia. So, only other path is to gain this knowledge first hand. Remember, in Russia, almost all slaves treated very harshly." "How will you do that?" asked a puzzled Cody. Alexei sighed again. "Is simple solution, but one which gives great pain." "I don't understand." "Gregor must become slave." "What?" echoed both boys. "He must train as slave, live like slave, believe he is slave for rest of life and become slave. Then, he knows these things." "And you want us to do this?" asked a shocked Lucas. "Yes. Want you to be his very harsh master and train him. Have until end of August. Then, must be freed again and we return to Russia." Both Cody and Lucas were speechless. Finally, Lucas found his voice. "No! I won't be party to such a horrible plan!" And Cody nodded his agreement. Alexei sagged in disappointment. "Wait a minute, guys," intervened John. "I see where Alexei is coming from. We've often said we really don't know what slaves really think or feel; we just think we do. Lucas, what's your take on that? You had such a gentle slavery, I'm not sure even you know what strict slavery is." "Yeah, Dad. You're right. But there is no way Cody or I could be a strict master to Gregor. We're too fond of him. We just could not be strict enough to really make him into a slave. We're talking about a free boy here, not some little child who has just lost his parents." "Lucas is right. A strict master will have to punish him to break him. And I don't think I could do that convincingly." "If I could find someone who could really be a strict master to him," John went on, "could the two of you help guide that person? After all, wouldn't it be a good thing to have someone in charge of the process who truly loves the boy?" "I guess we could do that," replied Lucas. "As long as I'm not expected to beat his ass. I went through that once; never again." "Do you have someone in mind?" asked Cody. "I think I just might," replied John. "Do you remember the Gillmans from our family picnics?" "Yeah," said Cody. "Arthur's a few years younger than us, and he had a slave who was a pure brat. But I thought Arthur went to Sandhurst." "He did. But before he left, he managed to civilize Billy, his slave. You probably don't know, but Billy's first owner abused him terribly and it took all Arthur and his dad, Ray, could do to undo that damage. But, they were successful and Billy was freed about two years ago." "He has developed unto a very capable young man 3; he's a high-school senior, now. He had a tough time breaking in with the high school set as a former slave. But he beat them all at their game. He's a stand-out athlete, a straight A scholar and this spring was elected class president. He can be tough as nails and gentle as a feather as conditions warrant. Ray and I are old friends, and I've been following his sons with great interest. If anyone could pull this off, Billy could." Alexei began to look a little more hopeful. He agreed Billy could be the actual master, providing Cody and Lucas ran the project. "Do you think he'll do it?" asked Lucas. "Well, we'll have to ask him. But, he's a kid who thrives on challenges.
The next morning, they met with Billy and Ray and explained the project to them. "You want me to do what? In two and a half months? You're out of your minds!" No one spoke "You're really serious about this? My god, I'd have to be a monster to him." "No you wouldn't, son," said his dad. "But you'd have to be hard nosed and focused and you're very good at both. You were looking for something interesting to do this summer." "Yeah, beat up some little kid and break him down." Billy thought a while. "What the hell; why not? OK I'll do it. Or die trying!" The relief was palpable. "You'll be paid well. A thousand pounds for the two and a half months," announced John. "And Cody will be your primary manager with Lucas as backup." "Cody," said Billy, "I hope you have lots of ideas." "I guess Lucas and I will have to do some quick studying," he chuckled. "Welcome to 'Slaves to Order." "You know," mused John, "I think we may all learn a lot before the summer is over." When they got back to the office, Cody called Alexei to tell him the news. "When do you want to get started?" "As soon as possible. Time is escaping. I send him tomorrow afternoon with my driver and correct papers. We tell him it is to keep him safe. As soon as he hand you papers, he will be slave. You will be master until he gets to master who trains him." "OK, Alexei," said Cody. "I hope he knows what he's doing to poor Gregor," he thought.
The next morning Billy arrived at the office early to sign papers and get ready for his slave. At John's request, he brought with him the slave cuffs and collar he had worn and the cage he had been transported in. The cage was a bit small and Gregor would be cramped, but that was too bad. Also, a pliable rattan cane. "Arthur used this on me a lot. It hurts like hell and leaves a nice welt which heals in a few days. You'll probably have to use it on him to get him ready to bring to me. There's a large closet off my bedroom 3; Arthur used it as a slave pen for me 3; and I've got shackles ready for him. I'm sure he'll need them for a while. God, I can't believe I'm doing this!" "Thanks, Billy. I guess you're the authority here on how to discipline a slave." "Yeah, I went through it with Arthur. Took a long time before he convinced me to act like a human being. I didn't do a lot of sitting during that time. Guess, I'll go home now and get my courage up." "You'll do fine. But, if you ever get to the point you can't go on, Lucas and I are minutes away. But, from what I've heard about you, I don't think you will; you're one tough cookie." "I wish I had as much confidence as you all seem to have. See you this afternoon."
Shortly after lunch, Alexei called. "He on way to you. Please be gentle with him." They could tell Alexei had been weeping. "We will," promised Lucas, "but understand we may have to hurt him a bit." "I know and I trust both of you to do what is necessary. Let me know how things going." A short time later, Gregor came bouncing in, carrying an envelope which he handed to a solemn Cody who didn't even greet him. He was plainly puzzled. "The driver said he was told not to wait for me. Am I staying here?" "Not exactly." "Well, I didn't bring any clothes with me." "You won't be needing them." "Something's wrong! What is it? Where are the Twins? Are they hurt? What has happened?" "No, the Twins are fine. Please sit down on the floor." Gregor didn't move. "What? Why?" "PLEASE SIT DOWN ON THE FLOOR!" Gregor reluctantly complied. "Would you please tell me what is going on?" Cody came and stood over him. "Gregor, I'm about to tell you something that will make you very angry and very sad. But it is being done for your own good." "What are you talking about?" "Your uncle is very concerned about your safety. So, he has decided to make you a slave." The room was deathly silent. "Is this some sort of joke?" stammered Gregor, starting to rise. "Sit down, Gregor! No, it is not a joke. When you handed me that envelope, you legally became my slave. It was your uncle's wish." "No! Uncle would not do such a thing to me!" "He would and he did." The awful meaning of what Cody had told him began to sink in. With rising panic, Gregor began to cry. "Cody," he wailed, "you promised you were my friend. Why do you make me slave? Why do you do this thing to meeeeeeee!" "I promised your uncle I would take custody of you and deliver you to your permanent master. He is a very strict master and he will train you to be a good slave. Now, please strip." "No! I will not!" he shouted, jumping to his feet. Cody threatened him with the cane and he sank to the floor again. "Gregor, please don't make this any harder on either of us. I am still your friend and so is Lucas, but your uncle has decided you would be safest by being a slave here in North America. I'm trying to be as gentle as I can. Now please remove your clothes." Gregor stripped down to his underpants. "Underpants, too." "No!" shouted Gregor defiantly, "I will not." Cody took a good swing and laid the cane across Gregor's ass. "AEEEEEEEEEE!" screamed Gregor. The underpants came off. "Stand up and hold out your hands." And Cody snapped a cuff on each wrist. "Turn around and put your hands behind your back." And he snapped the two cuffs together, "Move your legs apart." And he snapped a cuff on each ankle, fastening them together with a short chain. "Now, I'm going to blindfold you. You must be delivered to your new master naked and blindfolded." Cody was glad when the blindfold was in place so Gregor couldn't see the tears running down his cheeks. Steadying the shaking boy, he forced him to kneel and pushed his head down until it touched the floor. "When your master tells you to do something, you must do it at once. Since you defied me, I must punish you. Keep your ass up and your head down and don't move." He gave the boy five good cuts across his bare ass, leaving him shrieking and crying hysterically. "That is the way you will be punished when you do not behave, slave. Now, stay there and do not move. I will be back." "Cody, pleassssssse!" Gregor sobbed. "Please help meeeee!" "I cannot help you, Gregor. You are a slave now." And he fled to the next room where Lucas waited for him, white as a ghost. Closing the door behind him, he fell into his brother's arms. "Oh, Lucas," he wept. "What have we gotten ourselves into? I had to beat the poor boy." "Cody, I could not have done what you just did. I just could not have. I love him too much." And he began to weep, too. "Maybe the worst is over. Let him cry himself out. Then we can take him to Billy." They held each other for a while and gradually got their emotions under control again. Returning to the still weeping boy, they placed the transport cage in front of him. "I'm going to release your hands so you can crawl into the cage in front of you. There." Gregor crawled into the cage and Lucas shut and locked it. "Gregor, there is a handle on each side of the cage. Do you feel them." "Yes," came the weeping reply "Grab hold of them and don't let go. They are to keep you from hitting the sides of the cage when we move you. Do you understand?" "Yes." "Now, please stop crying. It's not doing you any good." He and Lucas picked up the cage, carried it into the garage and put it in the back of their SUV. All the while, Lucas said not a word. They had agreed Gregor was not to know Lucas had been present. They drove around for a while with their burden, even going over some rough roads, but ending up a short block from where they started. They wanted Gregor to believe he was somewhere in the wilderness, away from civilization. The Gillman home was ideally suited for their purposes, located in the middle of small woodlot, surrounded by high brick walls. The parked and carried the cage into the house where Billy was waiting for them. "Put the slave over here," directed Billy, indicating a spot in the middle of their family room. "What kind of a cry-baby have you brought me?" Gregor bristled at that statement. Lucas concealed himself in the next room and Cody knelt in front of the cage. "Gregor, please stop your crying and pay attention. I'm going to release you and remove your blindfold. When I do, you are to kneel with your head touching the floor until you are told otherwise. Do you understand?" "Yes," came the sniffed reply. He unlocked the cage and helped Gregor out. Gregor immediately began to stand. "ON THE FLOOR, SLAVE!" Gregor complied unwillingly and Cody removed his blindfold. Instinctively, Gregor looked up and earned another cut across his ass. After a few minutes, Cody continued, "Gregor you may sit up. This is Billy Gillman, your master. You must obey him at all times. Whatever he tells you to do, you must do it immediately. If you fail to obey him, he will punish you and I can promise that he hits a lot harder than I do." He let that sink in a few minutes. "Cody, please don't do this to me!" came the wail from Gregor. "Silence, slave!" interrupted Billy. "I did not give you permission to speak!" "Gregor, listen to me. Billy is a very strict master and he has been a slave in the past, so he knows all the tricks that slaves try. If you behave and obey him, he will treat you kindly. If you do not, you will know pain and suffering, perhaps for the rest of your life. Your uncle made a choice for you and I cannot change it. I cannot help you. Only Billy can help you now and only if you accept him as your master." The look of anger and hatred Gregor gave him almost broke Cody's heart. Billy clipped a short leash to Gregor's collar and dragged him from the room, leaving Cody and Lucas to collapse into each other's arms. "Oh Lucas, I felt so sad for him." "I simply could not have done that, Cody. God! I hope we're doing the right thing." A short time later, Billy returned. "I have him shackled to the bed in the slave pen. I guess we just leave him cry it out. He seems determined not to give in. I don't know what else to do with him." "Yes," said Cody, "I must admit he's very strong willed; more than I gave him credit for. This just may not work." "I'm not ready to give up yet. Besides, I kind'a like the kid. He's got spirit and I like that. He'll be a challenge, that's for sure."
The next morning Billy called to report how the night went. "He cried all night and wet himself, too. I made him clean it up but I had to whip him to get him to do it. This morning I gave him a bowl of slave gruel and he threw it at me. He's back on his bed shackled again. I told him he'll stay there until he begins to act like a slave should. He informed me that this was a monstrous mistake and he would never be a slave and someone, maybe Lucas, would rescue him." Cody turned to his brother, "What do you think. Can you reinforce what I told him yesterday?" "Yeah, I'll just have to grit my teeth and do it. I'll be right over Billy." Lucas let himself into the slave pen where Gregor was shackled in the dark, still sobbing. He placed his hand gently on Gregor's chest. "It's me, Lucas." "Oh, Lucas. What have they done to me? Can't you help me get out of this, please? Please help me! Pleeeeeeeeze!" "No Gregor, I can't. You're a slave now. I know you're sad, but I was sad, too when they made me a slave. (Not exactly true, since slavery for Lucas had been a huge improvement.) Then I was given to a master who treated me kindly so long as I treated him as a slave should. Billy is a good master for you. He will treat you kindly and care for you if you will only give him the chance. He will be strict, but fair. If you learn from him to be a good slave, the two of you can have a pleasant life together, just like Cody and me." "But I am a free boy! You have no right to do this," shrieked Gregor. "What did I do to deserve this? What kind of a friend are you that you won't help me escape?" "Gregor, Cody and I will always be your friends, even though you may not believe that just now. Sometimes 3;" "NO YOU'RE NOT! I HATE YOU BOTH!" screamed Gregor hysterically." Lucas fled in tears. It was more than he could take and it took him some time to control his emotions and get back to normal. "I'm not sure that did any good," he confessed to Billy. "He's a very strong-willed boy. Can you take his abuse?" "Yeah, so far. Dad's getting a little nervous, though. We just don't seem to be able to get through to him." The next few days, the news was anything but hopeful. Gregor was just as defiant and uncooperative as ever. Some days he didn't get out of the slave pen at all. The Boys marveled at Billy's patience and determination. They met with Billy to assess progress. None to speak of. "We've got to somehow get him beyond feeling angry and sorry for himself," said Cody. "Well, he still thinks this is some sort of monstrous mistake and someone is going to 'rescue' him. He just won't accept that it is for real," replied Billy. "I can't keep whipping him much longer. I guess I never really knew how much Arthur had to put up with. I was just like Gregor: angry, defiant and determined to conquer him.." "Arthur once told me how much he suffered every time he had to punish me with the cane, but I never appreciated how much. My heart nearly breaks every time I have to take the cane to Gregor. I don't know how much longer I can continue to do it without breaking down in front of him. Even as bad as he's been, I can tell he's such a neat kid. I want to be his friend. And his master." "Billy," interjected Lucas, "if this is too much for you to handle, we will end it. Your health is just as important as Gregor's. But, if it's any comfort to you, my intuition tells me that it's going to work out." "No, I'll hang in there. I have a stubborn streak; what my dad calls 'my ability to focus." Cody thought for a minute. "If you can keep doing what you've been doing for a few more days, I have an idea. Our Twins will be home on Saturday. They have been the ones he's been closest to. After all, they saved him from sure death." And he told Billy about the Twin's rescue. "If we can get them to tell him he must learn to be a good slave and that they can't help him, that might be the nudge that pushes him over this hump and moves him along." "You know, I think you just might be right," Lucas told his brother. "OK, I'll keep being a sadistic monster for a few more days," agreed Billy. They stopped to see Alexei on the way home. The meeting was sad and rather tense. They could see how much Alexei was suffering.
The Twins had a Saturday afternoon flight to the coast and Cody and Lucas both met them at the airport. They were full of excited tales about their visit with David and Tommy but were eagerly looking forward to being 'home' with their dads again. Although happy to have them back, Cody and Lucas dreaded having to tell them what had happened in their absence, particularly to someone they had such a strong bond of friendship with. With hug and kisses for John and Ruth, they stowed their gear in their old room in 'the Batchelor Pad.' But, always the astute one, Donnie asked, "Dad, what's wrong? Something's wrong, I can tell it. Is someone sick? Is someone hurt?" "No, everyone's fine. Actually it concerns Gregor." "Is he here?" Getting no reply, Donnie persisted, "Is he sick?. Has he been hurt? "No, he's not exactly here, but he's OK." "Well what is it about him?" "Guys," replied Cody, "you're not going to like what I have to tell you, but please try to understand it's for the best." Pausing to glance at the Twins frightened faces, he continued, "Gregor has been made a slave and he's 3;" "What!," screeched the Twin in unison. "Why? What's he done?" "He hasn't done anything wrong." "Then, why?" asked a very agitated Ronnie. "When Alexei and Gregor were at Paloma," explained Lucas, "they learned a lot from Michael. One of the things they learned was that neither of them really knew what it was like to be a slave. What a slave feels and thinks. He felt strongly that was very important to the success of their venture. The had to find someone who had that experience, much like his partner Jonathan." "Alexei believes there is no chance at all they will find someone like that in Russia. So, he decided to have Gregor enslaved so he will know those things. Once he learns to be a good slave, he will be freed again." "Do you agree with Alexei?" "Sadly, yes." The room was deathly silent for a few moments. "That's awful! Making Gregor a slave? How could his uncle do that to him?" Then a chilling thought. "Are you his master?" "No, neither Lucas or I could be the kind of strict master he needs. We only have the rest of the summer to do this, so we found someone who will be very strict but still care for him. Lucas and I are helping this person; his name is Billy Gillman and he's been a slave in the past." "Dad," accused Donnie, "you promised to be Gregor's friend. And you let someone do this to him?" "I'm still his friend and so is Lucas," answered Cody. "You've got to understand. This is for the best, right now." "No! It's terrible. It's cruel! If you were really his friend, you wouldn't have left him be enslaved," replied Donnie, beginning to shout. "Please, guys, try to understand how important this is to Gregor and Alexei." Bursting into tears, Ronnie began to shout, "I UNDERSTAND ALL RIGHT 3; YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE. HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A THING TO A FRIEND?" "Please, both of you, we need your help." "OUR HELP? I WON'T HELP YOU WITH THIS TERRIBLE INJUSTICE," shrieked an equally weeping Donnie. "AND I WON'T EITHER," added his brother. "DO YOU THINK WE ENJOYED DOING THIS TO GREGOR?" shouted Cody. "DO YOU THINK I ENJOYED BEATING HIS BARE ASS WITH A CANE?" "IF YOU WERE A REAL FRIEND, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT!" "IT'S PART OF HIS EDUCATION," returned Cody. "NO WAY! YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISES. HOW COULD YOU BE SO, SO, SO CRUEL IF THAT'S HOW LITTLE YOUR WORD MEANS!" "I HOPE YOU NEVER THINK WE NEED 'EDUCATION' LIKE THAT!" And they stomped into their room, slamming the door behind them. Lucas sighed, "I think our sons are a little upset." "No, they're a lot upset. I knew they would be sad, but I never expected them to react like this." The Twins refused to talk to either of their dads. The Boys could hear them sobbing in the next room. They refused to come up for dinner. What was supposed to be a joyous homecoming had turned Into a tense and sorrowful standoff. After dinner, Ruth approached the Boys. "Can we talk?" "Sure, Mom." "I couldn't help but hear your fight with the Twins. The whole house did." "We're sorry." I know, but consider what you did to them." "What? I don't understand." "You know how frightened they are of slavery, even after all this time. I think you almost broke their hearts, by helping to enslave a boy they feel so close to. They regard it as broken promises and promises are extremely important to them. In their eyes, you have both violated a solemn trust. I know you haven't, but they're still kids and emotions rule." "Do you think we shouldn't have asked them to help us?" "I don't know. But the trust you have had with them, and they with you, has now been breached in their minds. They're very unhappy you helped to enslave Gregor, but they are absolutely terrified about something else. What was the last thing Donnie said to you? Cody frowned, puzzled, "He said something about hoping we never thought they needed educating……" "Oh my God!" broke in Lucas. "They're afraid we'll break our promise that they will never be slaves." They were both near tears. The silence was deafening. "I know you never will," continued Ruth. "But, they're not so sure. Would you like me to talk to them?" "Oh yes, Mom. I don't think either of us could stand it if we lost their trust and love." Ruth prepared a tray of sandwiches, carried it downstairs and knocked on their door. "Go away. We don't want to talk to you 3; ever again." "Come on boys, it's me,' replied Ruth. "May I come in?" After a few seconds, "OK". She found them trying to hide their tear-soaked pillows. She motioned for them to come sit beside her and hugged them both. "Why did our dads do this awful thing to poor Gregor?" asked a subdued Ronnie. "It's cruel. It's terrible." "I know you both believe it is," acknowledged Ruth. "And I know you're very upset about it. But, they did the right thing. They didn't try to hide it, even though telling you about it was very hard for them. They knew you would be upset. That's an enormous vote of confidence in you both." "And you rejected them." The Twins were shocked at Ruth's words. After a few moments, Ronnie asked in a small voice, "Do you agree with what they did to Gregor, Grammie?" "I didn't, at first," replied Ruth. "I though it was cruel, too. But then I began to understand why." "You did?" "Gregor and his uncle are trying to do the same kind of thing in Russia that Gramps and I have been trying to do here in North America. They want to help people who have been enslaved find a new life. A life they can be proud of. A life that offers them some happiness. A life that offers them, particularly children, the chance to be the finest persons they could be." "To do that, they need to be able to gain their trust. Remember, slaves in Russia are treated very cruelly and harshly. Once he has experienced what it truly means to be enslaved, Gregor can say to them, 'Look. I know what it means to be a slave. I've been one. I've had my ass beaten, too. I know you've been treated badly, but I want to help you. If you and I work together, you can build a new life. One with meaning. One that you can enjoy.' He will be believed, because they will know that he suffered, too." "I never thought of it that way, Grammie. I guess we were wrong about our dads breaking their promise. But it really hurt to learn that Gregor is a slave. He's such a neat kid" "You're not the only ones hurt, you know. There are two young men in the next room, frightened to death they have lost your trust and your love." "Oh, Grammie! Never! How could we be so dumb. How could we have hurt them so much?" And the two of them began to cry even harder. "When you're ready, go to them. They'll understand, because they know how much pain you felt." And she kissed them good night. In the wee hours of the next morning, Cody and Lucas felt two little naked bodies sliding in between them. But, instead of the usual feelings of pleasure and excitement, they felt and heard sobbing. "It's OK, guys! We understand. You were very sad and hurt." "Oh Dad," bawled Donnie, 'how could we have been so dumb? How could we have ever doubted you? Grammie explained it all to us." "How could we have said such terrible things? " joined in his brother. "We don't deserve to be your sons." "Well, we didn't do a very good job, either," confessed Lucas. "You really love Gregor and we just didn't understand how upset you would be." "You tried to explain, but we just weren't listening." "Well, I think we need some forgiveness, too," added Cody. "Dads," sniffed Donnie, "we will always love you forever and forever and we know that you will always love us. That's all that matters." There was a deep sigh from all four, followed by many hugs and kisses. Soon they rolled into each other's arms and slept. The next morning the whole household was relieved to see four smiling faces at breakfast. Ever the thoughtful one, Ronnie asked, "Could we please go to 'Our Place' today?" It was the perfect spot to heal their wounds. By late afternoon, the place had worked it's magic and the family was whole once more. That evening, as they were getting ready for bed, the Twins came into Cody's room and sat down on the edge of his bed. "Dads," asked Donnie, "you said you needed our help with Gregor" "Are you sure you really want to help. I know it's painful for you to even think about him." "Yes, Dad. You believe this is very important for Gregor's future, so we will do it for him 3; and for you!" Cody smiled and shook his head. "What better sons could a dad ever ask for?" "Right now, Gregor is stuck in the belief this is some sort of horrible mistake and someone will rescue him. He is too angry and sad to move on, and, unless he does, this whole thing will be a huge flop." "Both Cody and I have told him he is a slave and we can't change that," added Lucas, "but he hasn't been willing to accept that. You are the ones he has been closest to. If you were to tell him the same thing, maybe he would accept it 3; not willingly, of course 3; and move on. Will you do that for him? We know it will be very painful for both of you." "Yes, Dad! We can take the pain. Anything to help him get thru this awful time. I guess the sooner he starts to be a real slave, the sooner he can be freed?" "That's right, guys. OK, I'll try to set up a visit for tomorrow."
The report the next morning was still dismal. "He spent all day yesterday shackled to his bed. At least he's eating 3; at least he will if I threaten him with the cane. I've been able to get him to do a few small chores, but not without having to whip him. I can't hit him much more; there's almost no place on his ass that doesn't have a welt on it. ." Cody explained what he had in mind. "I hope you're right," sighed Billy. "I can't take much more of this and my dad is getting upset, too." Cody explained how he wanted Gregor placed and they agreed on a visit after lunch. On the way over, Lucas tried to prepare the Twins for what they were going to see. "Gregor will be naked and probably shackled. His ass will be red and raw. Try not to react to that; the welts will heal. But, right now they are very painful for him. If you get to the point where it's more than you can take, just get up and leave the room. We'll understand." "No, Dad. We'll be brave; we have to for Gregor's sake," promised Donnie. When they arrived, Billy led them into the family room. The four of them sat together on one side of the room. Gregor was kneeling across the room facing away from them. He had been told to keep his head touching the floor and not to move unless he was told to. Billy picked up the leash attached to his slave collar. Once they were all seated, Billy said, "Gregor, you may sit up and greet my guests." There was a moment of shocked silence as Gregor spotted the Twins sitting between Cody and Lucas. Yanking the leash out of Billy's hands, he dashed across the room and threw himself at their feet, "Ronnie, Donnie! You've got to help me!" he wailed. "They are trying to make me a slave. You must save me from them!" Lucas glanced at the twins and saw two lower lips starting to quiver. "Courage, guys!" he whispered. After a second or two, Donny found his voice. "Gregor, we love you, but you are a slave, now, and we can't help you." "Please learn to be a good slave," added Ronnie. Their words hit Gregor like a battering ram. He collapsed in a heap in front of them, crying hysterically. The Twins were fast approaching the same state. "Get him out of here," Cody mouthed to Billy. Regaining the leash, Billy dragged his suddenly docile slave from the room. The Twins had managed to remain calm, but they now lost it. Each Dad took his special son in his arms and let them cry themselves out. "He looked so sad and frightened," wailed Ronnie. "Can't we do something to help him?" echoed his brother. "You've just done the kindest and most loving thing you could have done for him," Lucas assured them. "I hope so!" sniffed Ronnie. "I can't stand seeing him hurt so." Billy returned at this point followed by his father. "I'm sorry, Cody and Lucas," said Ray. "If this doesn't work, that's it. I won't put either Gregor or Billy through any more." "I understand, Mr. Gillman. If this doesn't work, we'll have to admit failure. You've been very patient. I can't ask any more of either you or Billy."
On the way home, Donnie asked, "Do you really think this will help him?" "Well, my little voice keeps telling me that everything will be OK. But, I must admit, I'm not sure how," replied Lucas. "You both did your very best and we're very proud of you." They described to Ruth and John what had taken place, but it was an anxious night for all six of the Davidson household. The early phone call the next morning got them all out of bed. "I don't quite understand how you did it, but there's a very different boy in my slave pen this morning!" reported Billy. "When I released him, he knelt in front to me and apologized for his behavior. He said he would try to learn to be a good slave and asked me to punish him for being so disrespectful in the past. He said he believed I would care for him and not harm him." A cheer went up in the Davidson house. "O thank God!" said Cody. "That is simply wonderful news." "I told him," Billy continued, "that we would forget the past and start again and I think he was genuinely grateful. I told him if he behaved OK today, he could move into the room next to mine and he wouldn't be shackled. And if he continued to improve, he would be allowed to wear clothes and eat regular meals. That seemed to please him." "Billy, you couldn't have given us better news!" exclaimed Cody. "I think he finally decided that only you could 'save' him, so he better start paying attention. His bad behavior was not helping him, so he might as well try it your way." "You know, I remember reaching that point with Arthur," said Billy. "I suddenly decided he had treated me well, even though I didn't deserve it. He really cared for me, so I better start deserving it," said Billy. "I'm sure glad the worst may be over with Gregor. Having to constantly beat or threaten to beat him is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. He really is a neat kid and I'm getting quite fond of him despite everything." "Next step," said Cody, "is to start showing him a little tenderness. He loves to be hugged. If he continues to improve, you might allow him to sleep with you. The Twins can tell you how much he enjoyed sleeping with them." "Yeah, I remember when Arthur first invited me. I was overwhelmed." "And I can remember when Cody first invited me," offered Lucas. "I think I know what you felt and what Gregor will feel, too. He's a very loving boy." "But, don't go too fast," instructed Cody. "Make him earn every privilege. And don't neglect to punish him if he deserves it." "I won't," replied Billy. "Oh shit! Life here is going to be so much better! By the way, my dad is just flabbergasted. He really thinks you all walk on water. Oh, and I wanted to say something to the Twins. Are they there?" "We're here!" "I just wanted to say that yesterday afternoon I saw two young men whose courage was just breathtaking." "Thank you Billy," replied Donnie. "We did what we did because our Dads asked us to and we know they are always right. And we did it for Gregor 3; and for you, too." At last they could report progress to Alexei. He was greatly relieved; he had almost given up hope. Cody needed to catch up on his office work, so he went with John and Lucas stayed home with the boys. Ruth had a class to teach, so the three of them had the house to themselves. Lucas was working at his computer when he suddenly was aware of two little statues standing behind him. "What's up, guys" "We didn't want to disturb you," began Donnie. "But we need to know more about what Gregor is going through," added Ronnie. "Tell us what it feels like to be a slave?" Lucas thought for a few minutes. "It feels lonely!" The Twins were puzzled. "My birth parents abandoned me and I had no one 3; no one 3; who cared for me. Then, a wonderful lady named Ruth brought me to her home and gave me to her son. Cody and I loved each other from the moment we first met. But despite all the wonderful things this whole family gave me, I still didn't feel I belonged. I was still lonely." "It wasn't until Dad said he would give his life for me if it was necessary, that I really understood I was part of a family that loved and cared for me. After that, I never felt lonely again." "Gosh! Do all slaves feel like that?" "I think they do. But remember, I had such a loving and wonderful enslavement. It was a huge improvement over my birth family who beat me bloody every day." "Most kids who are enslaved have suddenly lost their family through an accident or illness or have been abandoned because their parents could no longer care for them. And suddenly they are alone. David can tell you what that feels like. But, even he had someone he already knew who would take him in and love and care for him. So did you, when your Mama died." "Let me see. Suppose, when you were younger, Grammie and Gramps and the four of us decided to take a trip far away. We wanted to enjoy our family, so we didn't tell anyone where we were going or when we'd be back. While we were far away from home, we had a terrible accident and the two of you were the only ones who survived. How would you have felt? The twins stared at Lucas with open mouths. After a while, Donnie answered, "Dad, I can't begin to imagine how sad I would have been." "And scared to death about what would happen to us!" "You would both be placed in the slave system." "But, Dad you promised we would never be slaves," protested Ronnie. "So long as either Cody or I lived." "Oh," said Donnie. "But the Bartons would have taken us in and cared for us." "By the time they found out what had happened, it would be too late. You would probably be separated and taken to another city and handed over to someone you had never met before and told you had to obey him. You had no idea whether he would be kind or cruel to you." "You would never see each other again. Never see Tommy or David again. Or any of your other friends. You couldn't go to school. Couldn't play with other kids unless your master allowed it. And you might have to work very hard." "You might never have enough to eat. You might not have nice clothes to wear or computers to use. And you would be owned by your master, just like a piece of furniture or a pet." "And, you might have been purchased by a truly evil master who simply liked to beat and torture little boys." "How would all of that make you feel?" The Twins stood wide-eyed. "I think I'd die," ventured Ronnie. "Do all of those things really happen?" "Every day." They both shuddered. "Is that what Gregor feels?" "Gregor believes he's been abandoned by his uncle. Abandoned by Cody and me. And, abandoned by the only other true friends he ever had 3; two young friends he loved very much. Right now he is very lonely. But he has finally begun to hope that Billy really does care for him, so he wants to try that out. But he will always feel a certain loneliness for as long as he is a slave." The Twins were silent for quite some minutes. "I guess we can understand that, sort of," Donnie finally responded. "Does Billy ask him to do bad things that he fought so hard against him?" "No. Just to call him 'Master' and agree to obey him and do things like chores and be polite to his dad. Things like that." "Why did he fight so? We have to do things you tell us." "Why?" "Because you're our dads. We might not always want to, but we know you wouldn't tell us to do something bad." "But why do you obey us." "Because we love you." "That's the difference. You have a choice. If you think we're being unfair, you know you can question us and we'll listen. Sometimes we agree with you. But Gregor has no choice. He must do what Billy orders, right away, with no questions, no matter whether he wants to or not." "Billy doesn't seem like he would tell Gregor to do something bad, so that doesn't seem too tough," observed Ronnie. "Why wouldn't he do them and save himself from being punished?" "That's what he has started to ask himself. That's why we needed to move him along." "That seems so simple," replied Donnie. "I could do that." "Tell you what," suggested Lucas. "Would you to agree to be my slaves for a few minutes? I want you to understand something." The Twins stiffened. After a minute, "Well 3; OK, as long as it isn't for real." "All right, begin! Take your clothes off," Lucas directed them. "Why?" asked a puzzled Donnie. "TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF, ALL OF THEM! NOW, SLAVES!" bellowed Lucas. The twins stood before him naked and trembling. "You are to kneel with your heads touching the floor and stay that way until I tell you otherwise. Do you understand?" "Yes." "I didn't give you permission to talk, just nod your heads." The Twins nodded." "Then, do it." The Twins assumed the position. "Good! Now you are to stay that way until I tell you to move. You are not to talk to each other. I'll be back in a few minutes. I have to get something." And Lucas left the room. "What do you think he's going to do to us?" Ronnie asked his brother. "I don't know, but this is scary?" "You don't think he'll punish us like Gregor do you?" Lucas returned carrying the cane Cody had used on Gregor and a jar of salve. He knew the Twins would not be able to keep from talking. "You were talking, weren't you?" They nodded, shamefaced. "I told you not to, so you disobeyed me. What happens to slaves who disobey their master." "They get punished," said Donnie weakly. "Right. I'm going to give you each one stroke of this cane. You are not to move a single muscle. You are not to cry out 3; not a sound do I want to hear. Prepare yourselves." He stepped behind the two quivering bodies. Taking a few practice swishes of the cane, he let them stew for several minutes. Suddenly, without warning, he swung and laid the cane across Ronnie's bare ass. Ronnie's scream echoed through the quiet house. He sat up full of tears rubbing the red stripe on his ass. "You disobeyed me again. So you get another one. Down on the floor! If you scream again, you'll get still another" Ronnie hastily complied and steeled himself for the next blow. Lucas laid another cut across his ass. Ronnie jerked and emitted a short "eeep" before he was able to squelch his scream. Tears flowed and began to puddle on the floor. Donnie likewise jerked, but only let out a sharp hiss. His tears also made a puddle on the floor, He let them suffer for a few minutes and then said, "OK guys, demonstration's over. Get up and come here." "Dad," pouted Ronnie rubbing the red stripes on his ass. "That really hurt!" "Wuss!" taunted his brother, but his hands were also busy with his rump. "It was supposed to hurt. That's what the cane is for. A slave must do exactly as his master commands. You didn't, so I punished you. That's what Gregor has had to endure, largely through his own fault. Turn around. Hmmm! My but you have a nice red welts on each of your ass cheeks." "I know," grumbled Donnie. "You didn't have to hit so hard!" "If you think that hurt, you should feel what Dad or Cody can do with their bare hands on your bare rumps. It hurts much worse, I can tell you from experience." "That's all right; we'll take your word for it," said Donnie, beginning to smile through his tears. "Come here." And he rubbed some of the salve on each of their asses. "Oh, that's much better!" "I think we understand why it's so hard to be a slave," said Ronnie. "You must have had lots of courage. And David, too. I want to tell him how brave he was." "I wouldn't bring up the subject unless he does. Every slave, I'm sure, feels differently about his experience. He might not be ready to share that with you. But I'm sure he has with Tommy. I know I did with Cody."
The next several days the reports about Gregor were good. "He does what I ask without arguing. He's clearly not happy, but at least he's not fighting me. I have him keeping the house neat. Last night we ate together as a family and I think he was truly grateful. We've started to sleep together and he likes that a lot." "Tell me, Billy. I assume you and Arthur had sex together." Billy nearly choked. "Well 3; Yes. He taught me all about it. I was pretty dumb about such things. We really enjoyed our time together. I miss him." "Would you like to have sex with Gregor?" There was silence, then, "Oh yes Cody! I've wanted to ever since I first saw him. He's a beautiful kid!" "I think you can start to stroke and fondle him. He really likes that as our boys can testify. Careful you don't get too hooked on him. Just remember you have to give him back to his uncle when this is all over." Billy sighed, "Yeah, I know. How far do you think we should go?" "Did you and Arthur have oral sex?" asked Lucas. "God, you guys don't mind asking embarrassing questions, do you?" sputtered Billy. "But yes, we did." "I think you might go that far, but take it slowly. There is one thing; I don't want you to do and that is to fuck him." "Well, Arthur and I never tried that, so I won't try to plow his rear." Two mornings later, Billy called in somewhat of a panic, "He told me last evening that he thinks he wants to be naked all the time so I can enjoy looking at his sexy body. And, this morning, he's running around pointing his erection at me every chance he gets. He even tried to come-on to Dad." "He's trying to seduce you," answered Lucas. "He sees how much you enjoy sex with him and he's decided he can use it as a weapon to defeat you. He wouldn't be the first slave to try that trick." "What can I do? I haven't had to beat him for days." "Well, you've got to nip this. Threaten to cut his balls off! That should get his attention."
Later that afternoon, Gregor again thrust his prick at Billy. This time he asked, "Wouldn't you like to play with me, Master?" Billy grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and frog marched him to the slave pen. Pushing him down on the bed, he shackled him spread-eagle on his back. "You are trying to seduce me 3; trying to use sex as a weapon against me. And I won't have it! I am very angry with you. You have behaved very badly." Gregor looked up at his master in fear. He hadn't expected this. "Do you know what happens to slaves who misbehave sexually?" "No Master," stammered Gregor. "They get their balls cut off." Gregor paled at that. Surely Billy wouldn't do that to him. "No supper tonight. I'll decide in the morning whether I'm going to do that. You can lie here all night and think about it. You'd better hope that I change my mind." And he slammed the door, leaving Gregor in the dark. Gregor lay there, more frightened than he could imagine. "He really means it," he wailed to himself. The terror was so great that he wet himself and had to lie in it all night. The next morning when Billy unlocked the door, he was carrying the biggest butcher knife Gregor had ever seen. Gregor was struck dumb. "Let's get this over," said Billy. Ratcheting the shackles up so that Gregor was stretched out painfully, he grabbed Gregor's balls, pulled them away from his groin and laid the knife blade against the loose skin. Gregor suddenly found his voice. "NO MASTER! PLEASE DON'T CUT OFF MY BOY PARTS," he shrieked, "I BEG YOU. PLEASE DON'T. I'LL BE GOOD. I'LL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN. PLEASE GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE!" And hysterical shrieks wracked his body. Billy removed the knife. "OK, I'll be merciful just this once. But if you ever try anything like that again, off they'll come. I own you and that includes your cock and balls. We will have sex when I say so. You are forbidden to touch yourself sexually unless I say so. Is that clear?" "Yes, Master," answered the sobbing boy. Billy stood there a moment, looking down at the shaking boy. "Another chance, Gregor? Would it really make any difference? I want so very much to be your kind and loving master, if you would just give me the chance." He was almost on the verge of tears himself. He unlocked Gregor's shackles and, then, went into his own room and closed and locked the door. He lay on his bed and bawled like an infant, "He's never going accept me as his master. I've failed! I wonder if Arthur ever felt this way? I could never have cut off his balls and I think he knows that. He's won." Gregor lay there for a long time 3; thinking, "What have I done? Master wishes for us to have a pleasant life together, Why must I fight him so? Why am I so afraid? What is done, is done. I am a slave. It is hard for me and harder still for him when I do not accept that and try to be a good slave. It's not his fault. He wants the best for me and I cannot accept it. Why?" "Oh, Uncle. I know you love me and have done what you think is best. I must accept it and stop dishonoring you. Perhaps we will be together again some day. Perhaps not, but I will treasure my memory of you." Finally, he arose, cleaned himself and the mess he had made, straightened the house and then knelt in front of Billy's door. Several time he called out to his master. Billy would not answer him. Late in the afternoon, Billy finally called Cody to tell him what had happened and to make arrangements to transfer Gregor back to his uncle. Cody listened as Billy poured out his heart. "Will you give him one more chance? I know you think it's over, But Lucas assures me it will work." Billy didn't reply for several minutes. The he sighed and said, "All right, I'll think about it. I'll let you know tomorrow." When neither Billy nor Gregor had appeared for lunch, his father stood outside his door and asked, "Are you all right, son?" "I'm OK, Dad. I just need some time alone." His father was wise enough not to mention the little figure kneeling outside his door. Billy had spent the rest of the day in thought also. "Could he really do what Cody asked? Was he strong enough withstand still another disappointment? Or is it really over and I've failed. He simply will never agree to accept me as his master." Next morning, he finally emerged from his room to find that Gregor had knelt there in submission since noon the preceding day. He started to push him away. And then felt ashamed "Master, I have been a very bad slave. I have not learned my lessons. You have shown me love and understanding and I have held you in contempt. I deserve whatever punishment you wish to give. Even cut off my balls. I have dishonored you; I have dishonored Master Cody and Master Lucas and I have dishonored my beloved Uncle. I have brought pain and humiliation to Sir Donnie and Sir Ronnie, my first and best friends." "I am ready to accept you as my master. I promise you, no more tricks. I will try to be the best slave I can be, if you are still willing to teach me. I know I don't deserve to be treated kindly, but could we begin again?" Billy was astounded, but he could sense a real shift in Gregor's demeanor. "Master, I have heard there is a solemn pledge a slave takes when he accepts his Master 3; Lucas-Sir told me about it. Will you accept my pledge, Master?" "Yes, I will, Gregor. Come and kneel before me." And he told Gregor the words "Master, I pledge to be your faithful and worthy slave for as log as we both shall live," he said with tears in his eyes. Billy gulped. "And I will try to be a kind and thoughtful Master." He had learned those words from Arthur. Lifting Gregor to his feet, he held out his hand. Gregor took it, and the deal was sealed.
"I think we just turned the final corner," Billy jubilantly reported to Cody and Lucas. "He gave me the slave's pledge this morning, and I think he really meant it." "Yessssss!" said Lucas. "That's great news!" exclaimed Cody. " I'll tell the Twins and Alexei. I'm sure they will all be very pleased. Keep up your work with him. He may backslide a little so you have to be ready to correct him, but Lucas tells me we're almost finished." And, on July 19th of that summer, there began one of the most amazing transformations from free-person to slave in the annals of modern slavery. Gregor surrendered his body, his mind, his very being to Billy and Billy accepted with dignity and love. Gone was anger and defiance, gone were tricks and deceit. What remained was honor and dignity for both Master and Slave. Their relationship became more like that of big brother and little brother. It reminded Cody so much of his early days with Lucas.
The next few weeks in the Gillman household went much more smoothly. Gregor had meant what he had pledged. He did the chores Billy assigned to him without complaint and even a smile or two. Yes, he screwed up a few times and had to be corrected, but that was normal and a sharp word from Billy was all that was required to set him straight. At night, they continued to share a bed and enjoy each others bodies, but Gregor never again tried to force himself on Billy. He was quite content to let Billy lead and concentrated on pleasing his Master to the utmost. One evening, after a particularly tender session, as they lay in the afterglow of their lovemaking, Gregor had some questions for Billy. "Master, I was foolish not to accept your care from the very beginning. I am quite happy here with you and your dad and want to become the best slave I can be. I know I still have much to learn from you, but do you think I will ever be a free person again?" "Gregor, I know you are trying very hard to be a good slave and I am very pleased with you. If you continue to grow and learn, yes, I think some day you will be free again. But don't dwell on that." "I won't, Master. I have quite enough just now. I truly do want to serve and please you in all that I do." And Billy was quite sure Gregor was speaking sincerely, from his heart. He was not just trying to curry favor. He really meant what he had said. The next morning, Billy related the conversation to Cody. "I think you did the right thing to hold out freedom to him, at least as a sometime thing. It gives him a goal to focus on. He now understands that pleasing you is the key to a pleasant life now and also to his future. I think I'd like to visit this morning, if that's all right with you. Can you arrange to be out so I can talk to him alone?" "Sure! Maybe you can build on our conversation." Cody arrived mid-morning and was greeted at the door politely by Gregor. "Welcome to our home, Cody Sir. Master is out just now, but he said you were coming and that I should entertain you until he returns. Would you care for coffee?" Cody nodded and Gregor left and came back with a fresh pot and one cup. "Please join me Gregor." "Thank you Sir." And he scampered off to get another cup. After two cups were poured, they both sat back and relaxed. "How are you feeling, now, Gregor?" "Master says I may always speak freely to you, so I shall. My life here is much better than it was. It was my fault it was so horrible at first. I should have believed you. But, it's better now, even pleasant. I have no complaints and really enjoy pleasing Master." "Gregor, do you have any idea how much Billy suffered when he had to take the cane you?" "Yes, Sir. I could tell by the look on his face. I could stand the pain on my ass, but, after the first time or so, I think I cried for Master. I've never told him that." "I think he would be very touched and pleased to know that. Someday, when you're ready, you should tell him." Gregor nodded. "Do you long to be free?" Tears started to form in the boy's eyes. He looked down at his bare feet, ashamed. "I can tell by your look that you do. Don't be ashamed about it. All humans long to be free. I would be very concerned, if you did not." "Cody Sir, Master told me just last night that perhaps I might be free again some day. But he said not to dwell on it." "That's right, Gregor. You can't do anything about being freed. But you can become the very best slave. And, I think that will lead someday to freedom." "That's what Master said. I can live with that. May I ask a question?" Cody nodded. "How is Uncle?" It wasn't the question Cody expected. "He is well. He misses you but is happy to know you are safe." "Is he continuing with his project?" "Yes, I think so." "That is good. It has been his dream. I feel sad I can't help him. That I won't be part of his dream." "Gregor, you will always be part of his dream, slave or free. Who can say what the future will bring." They were both quiet for a while. "Thank you, Sir, for listening to an unworthy slave." "Gregor, what we discussed was not just between a slave and a free person. It was between two friends." Gregor wiped the tears from his cheeks, stood up, walked over to Cody, put his arms around him and kissed him. "Thank you for understanding, Cody." When Billy returned, he sent Gregor off to do some chores. "I think our boy is just about there," said Cody. "I hope so! He's got the house so clean, it's disgusting, He's even learning to cook. The other day, Dad had some guests in for dinner. Elspeth cooked, as usual, but Gregor helped and then served. He was absolutely perfect! If this keeps up, I'll never want to let him go." "Let's give him one more week. I have a 'final exam' in mind." "Are you going to tell me what it is?" "No. In some ways, it's for both of you. In the meantime, see if you can think of some really impossible task for him and let me know how he responds." "OK, boss." The impossible task presented itself the very next day. Ray had engaged a workman to do some outside painting and suggested Gregor might help him. The workman, Mr. Feebe, arrived with his son in tow. The son was a hulking brute name Hubert, and Billy didn't like the way he immediately began to eye up Gregor. Taking Gregor aside, he instructed him, "Gregor, you are to give Mr. Feebe and his son some help. But, if the son asks you to do something improper, you may refuse him and come and get me." "But he's a free boy. You said I must obey free persons." "In this case, I have given you specific instructions. I am your master and what I say is final. Nothing improper may happen, but I don't want you abused." "Yes, Master, I understand." Everything was OK for a while. Gregor helped both Mr. Feebe and his son by carrying supplies and carrying away trash. They had been at it for over an hour when Hubert followed Gregor to the trash bin behind the house. Gregor dumped his load in the bin and turned around to find Hubert hovering over him. "Hey, slaveboy. Why don't you and I go have a little fun." His leer frightened Gregor. "No, I cannot." "What do you mean 'No'? I'm a free person and you have to obey me!" He reached toward Gregor and started to pull his shorts down. Gregor jerked out of his grip and staggered backwards. He was trapped against the trash bin. "Master has forbidden it!" "Fuck your Master. You're going to suck me, slave boy!" And he again reached for Gregor. "Master has forbidden me to do that! Mas 3;" he started to yell just as Hubert punched him viciously in his solar plexus. Gregor dropped like he was shot and curled into a tight ball trying to get his breath back. Hubert savagely kicked him in his ribs, "Fuck you slave boy. Call for your mommy, why don't you." He was about to kick Gregor a second time, when Billy came running around the house. He took one look at his slave on the ground, and, with a bellow of rage, planted a hard right cross on Hubert's chin. Hubert sagged and went down. Mr. Feebe arrived at that moment, horrified at what he was seeing. "Oh please, Master Gillman. He didn't mean any harm." "Get this scum out of here. If he has injured my slave, he will be defending a Interfering charge. You're fired! Don't ever come back here again." The two workmen, hurriedly packed up and fled.
NOTE: The law gives absolute power to a Master to manage his Slave in whatever way he thinks proper. Slaves are property and not persons under the law, so cannot be 'mistreated' in the normal sense. No one has the right to interfere in that relationship and to do so is both a criminal and civil offence. Taken to it's extreme, a citizen who observed a Master beating his Slave to death is powerless to intervene. Some had tried and found their children or themselves enslaved as a result. Dropping to his knees, Billy cradled Gregor in his arms. Once Gregor had regained his breath, he picked him up, carried him into the house, and stretched him out on his bed. Stripping him, he examined the boy for injuries. "Well, there's going to be a nasty bruise on your ribs where he kicked you, but I don't think anything is broken. "Master, I'm sorry! Now the painting won't be done. When he attacked me it was too fast to call you and I couldn't get away." "Gregor, I'm the one who is sorry for failing to protect you. You did exactly as you were instructed. I just didn't realize how dangerous he was. Will you forgive me?" "Master, I know you are a wise Master and you love me and would not have let him do me real harm. I wasn't hurt that bad!" "A fine master, I've been," Billy continued. "You could have been killed!" "Then, I would have died knowing I had not disobeyed my Master," answered Gregor. Billy had no answer for that. He simply put his head down on his slave's chest and wept. "Oh, Gregor! I couldn't bear to loose you that way! You are my very own. I love you." After long moments, he roused himself. "You lie here and rest. No more chores for today." Gregor was astounded! He simply hadn't realized how strong Billy's feelings were for him. The knowledge made him even more ready to serve his Master and be the very best slave he could be. It made being Billy's slave feel right and good. When Billy related the incident to Cody and Lucas the following morning, they were pleased. "I'm sorry he was hurt," said Cody, " but I think we have our answer. He will follow your instructions no matter the cost." "Yeah, I think he would have let the brute beat him to a pulp, rather than disobey." "You would have done the same for Arthur, right?" Billy hesitated, then, "You're right." "Why don't we plan for his final test the day after tomorrow. I need the Twins to help and I'll need time to prepare them." "You still won't tell me what the test is, will you." "Nope, but if he passes 3; and I'm sure he will 3; you can free him immediately." "I hope so!" groaned Billy. "I can't go on with this charade much longer." "It's not a charade, Billy," broke in Lucas, "It's real and vitally important to Gregor. You have crafted a man from a young boy. You have given him the key to his lifelong dreams. Most of us never come close to having that opportunity." "Thank you, both. Thank you for believing in me and trusting me."
The next morning, they sat down with the Twins. "We have good news," announced Lucas. "Gregor is near the end of his slavery." The Twins were overjoyed. Tommy and David were due at the end of the week and they had hoped fervently Gregor's slavery would be over so they all 3; Gregor included 3; could enjoy the few summer weeks remaining. "But we need your help to bring it to a close." "Anything, Dad. We'll do anything!" "You better not say that until you find out what we have in mind." The Twins eyes grew big at that, "Yesterday," explained Cody, "Gregor demonstrated he would follow his Master's instructions even in the face of physical danger and injury." He told them what had happened with the workman. "He was slightly bruised, but nothing serious." "The important point was that he hung in there and did not disobey." "The four of us are going to go see him tomorrow. We want to see if he will obey when he is ordered to do something that causes him great emotional turmoil, something so awful in his mind that he would never agree to it. If he obeys, and I am pretty certain he will, he is truly a slave and ready to be freed." "How do we fit into this?" asked a concerned Ronnie. "Before I tell you what it is, we want you to understand something. If you cannot do this, you can say no. No one 3; not Cody or I or Billy 3; no one will think badly of you. The important thing is how he reacts to being told to do it." "Whatever it is, we'll do it!" declared Donnie. "I'm going to order him to give you both blowjobs in front of everybody" The Twins both screeched. "Oh, my God!" "I see what you mean about testing his will to obey!" said Donnie. "Remember, you can say no now. You can say no tomorrow morning. You can say 'no thanks' when I give him the order." The Twins both gulped, but nodded their heads. The next morning they arrived at the Gillmans' and went immediately to the family room, where Billy and Gregor waited for them. Gregor was dressed in neat slave clothes and sat next to Billy in his slave position. "Gregor," said Billy to his slave, "I must go out for a while. Please entertain my guests while I am gone. While I'm away, Cody is your master. Do you understand?" "Yes Master." Billy left and Gregor continued, "Welcome to our house, Master and Sirs. How may I serve you?" "Gregor, it's been a long time since the boys had any fun with you. Why don't you give them a blow-job." "You mean here? Now?" stammered a thunderstruck slave, his face a mask of shock. "Yes." A wave of pure agony crossed Gregor's face momentarily. The he turned slowly toward the Twins.. On cue, Donnie stood up, dropped his shorts and briefs and pointed his prick at Gregor. "Suck me, Slave." Gregor hesitated only a moment, then crawled over to Donny and took the boy into his mouth. At first, Donnie grit his teeth, clearly hating every stroke. But as Gregor's tongue and lips began to have an effect on him, his expression changed to pure lust. Grabbing Gregor's head he slammed his tool deep into the boy's throat and soon exploded into his mouth, before collapsing onto his chair. Gregor swallowed a few times and turned his attention to Ronnie, who shook his head violently. "That's enough, Gregor," interrupted Cody. "Go to your room, strip and kneel on your bed with your head down." "Yes, Master! At once!" replied the sobbing slave as he ran to do Cody's bidding. As soon as he was out of the room, Ronnie collapsed into Lucas's arms in tears. "I'm sorry, Dad. I just couldn't do that to him! I've failed you!" "No you did not, Ronnie. We told you that you could say no. We found out what we needed to know. There will be times when your inner soul tells you, 'This is wrong. No matter who says so, I won't be a part of it.' That takes great courage." By this time, Donnie had recovered from his orgasm and he was in tears. "Dad, I enjoyed that!" he wailed. What kind of a pervert am I?" "You're not any kind of a pervert," Lucas assured him. "But there's a valuable lesson, here. Sex can be used as a powerful weapon and when it is, very few people can stand up against it." "I hope he's going to be all right." "He will, trust me. Lucas you can tell them what the other test is. I'd better go tend to our quaking slave." He found Gregor as he had instructed. "Thank you for giving Donnie such a nice blowjob. He said he enjoyed it very much." Gregor didn't reply. His anguished face said it all. "Gregor, keep your head down, your eyes closed and your ass up in the air. Don't move until I tell you." "Yes, Master," Gregor sobbed. "Have you ever been fucked?" "No, Master," he wailed, dreading what he was sure was going to happen. "Don't you think it's time you felt what it is like?" "Please, Master, don't 3;" Then catching himself. "Whatever you want, Master. I'm a slave. I don't have a choice." Cody rubbed his finger across Gregor's rosebud. Gregor jumped. But held his position. "Then it's OK if I do it to you?" "No 3; Yes." "But you would rather I didn't." "Whatever you want, Master." Cody pulled a butt-plug from his pocket, placed it against Gregor's pucker and began to push it in. Gregor stiffened once more and began to wail as the plug invaded him. "Does it hurt?" "Yes, Master," gasped the boy. "Do you want me to stop?" "No, Master. I can take it. I just want to please you." And he began to cry, long deep gasping sobs. Cody heaved a profound sigh of relief. It was over! Removing the butt-plug and holding it where the boy would be sure to see it, he commanded, "Gregor, sit up, open your eyes and face me." Gregor turned toward him and Cody took him into his arms, reveling in the feel of the naked body pressed against his. Gregor had started to mature over the summer and the soft, warm, familiar curves of childhood had begun to fade. But he still felt wonderful in Cody's arms. "Master, I don't understand. I thought you were going to 3;" "No Gregor. When fucking is done between two persons who love each other deeply, it is called intercourse. When Lucas and I do it, it is the most beautiful act that defines our love. Only Lucas and I have intercourse with each other." "But, when it is forced on another person, slave or free, it is rape and it is the most degrading thing one person can do to another." "Gregor, I love you like a son, or a little brother. I could never rape you. That would betray every principal Lucas and I have tried to live by. I would be consumed with shame. I could no more force myself on you than I could on Donnie or Ronnie." "But, Master, you can do anything you want to me. I'm just a 3;" Cody placed his finger across Gregor's lips. "You are Gregor, a beautiful human being 3; and my friend. I hope you believe that." "Yes, Master, but I don't understand what's going on." "Come in, Billy," Cody called and Billy entered from where he had been concealed. Gregor looked from one to the other in complete confusion. "Gregor, please listen to what Cody is going to tell you." "When I told you your uncle was making you a slave because he feared for your safety," began Cody, "that was true. But it was only part of the truth." "When you were at Paloma, you learned to know Jonathan. Michael Connor told you that Jonathan is vital to their entire enterprise because he is a slave who has experienced the pain and degradation of a slave's life since he was a small boy. He can gain the trust of other slaves because he has been one. Without him, Michael freely admits the enterprise would have failed. That's what young Paul is training Toby to be: his 'Jonathan'." "Your uncle did not have a 'Jonathan'. Because having someone who knows the slave experience is so very important to all he dreams of doing in Russia, he decided to make you his 'Jonathan.' Lucas and I were appalled at first. But as we thought about it, we knew he was right. It was a supreme act of love, to give you up and watch you suffer. But he did it for both of you." "Then, this was all a play act?" "No Gregor. It was very real," answered Billy. "You really are a slave. You demonstrated that today, beyond any doubt." "Lucas and I knew at once," continued Cody, "we could never be the strict master you needed, so we found Billy. And the three of us together have brought you to this place. You can now face a slave who has been beaten, starved and abused and say, 'Trust me. I know how you feel. I've been a slave. I've felt the lash, the loneliness, the despair. But I can help you. Trust me'." "You fought against the whole idea with courage and determination, " added Billy. "It was very difficult for me to break you 3; and painful for me too. And for Cody and Lucas and the Twins. But you finally surrendered with dignity and, I believe, love for me." "Oh, yes, Master. What you said yesterday, reached my heart. You have been a wonderful Master. I should not have fought you and hated you." "You weren't nearly as hard on me as I was on Arthur, when he was my Master. At least you were civilized instead of an animal who was angry at everyone." "Yes, Master." "Gregor, I am no longer your master. I hope you will have me as your big brother and lifelong friend. As of this moment you are a free person again." "Really! You're not 3;? No, you would not joke about such a thing!" He was speechless for some moments, his face shining with joy. "Yes, you are free. Go and tell the others." Without waiting to put on a single stitch of clothing, Gregor ran screaming into the family room. "I'm free! I'M FREE!" The twins met him halfway and they hugged and rolled on the floor in joy and tears. After they had to pause to catch their breaths, Gregor got up and came over to Lucas. "You told me I might be free one day. I know now it was planned, but did you know it would be this soon? Today?" "It's a talent, I have," chuckled Lucas. "I must call Uncle!" "He's on his way over." A few minutes later, the 'Russian Bear' dashed into the room, swept Gregor into his arms and hugged him nearly to death. As the tears coursed down his weathered cheeks, Alexei Nicholiavich wept in sorrow and in joy. "Gregor Ivanevich! Child of my Heart. Can you forgive an old man for what he did to you? It must have been horrible. You must have thought I no longer loved you. That I abandoned you." "No, Uncle. Cody has explained everything. And he told me how you suffered. It is good to be with you again, yes. But I have learned much. And I have gained a big brother whose name is Billy Gillman. He will ever be part of our family, as will Cody and Lucas and Ronnie and Donnie." "And you, Billy Gillman!" roared Alexei. "I gave you a boy and you have returned to me a young man. How can I ever repay you? Cody tells me of your working with Gregor and your success." "It was a honor, sir and I will never forget this summer and what Gregor taught me about being a whole person. And I have gained a little brother and a life-long friend. Ray had stood in the background observing all this. Now he came forward and put his arms around Billy. "Mr. Romanoff, there were times this summer when I thought we were all insane. But, I had promised Billy to support him throughout and he never wavered. Like you, I think I have lost a boy and gained a young man. I know his brother, Arthur, is very proud of him, too. Alexei turned to Cody, "I cannot ever thank you, Cody and Lucas, and your sons for managing this. I would have made terrible catastrophe of it. You have twice saved Gregor's life. I will bless you all, every day, until my end." "And now, if I might, I wish to take Gregor with me to our rooms so we might know each other again." "Certainly, Alexei. But don't you think he should put on some clothes, first?" Gregor had stood there, still naked, throughout. Billy left and came back with a stunning western outfit. "I bought these for you, Gregor, and saved them until you could wear them as a free person." After they had gone, Ray handed Lucas an envelope that Alexei had given him, and one to Billy. Billy opened his and found a banker's cheque for one hundred thousand pounds sterling. "Oh, my God!" was all he could say. Alexei had been equally generous with each of the Boys and the Twins. John's opinion was that both Cody and Lucas knew enough of the business fundamentals, so they were officially 'on vacation' for the remaining weeks of August. So it was a whirlwind two weeks, enlivened still further by David and Tommy. Gregor sort of rotated among all three houses and he and Billy joined in the fun and adventures. They spent the last day before Gregor and Alexei were due to leave at 'Our Place'. As Cody, Lucas and Billy watched Gregor and the four boys frolic in the gentle surf, Billy observed, "It's the last day of Gregor's childhood and I couldn't think of a more beautiful place to spend it. I can see why you both think this place is so special." That evening, Ruth and John hosted a farewell dinner for Gregor and Alexei. With Tommy and David and Ray and Billy and the Washingtons, the total party came to seventeen, but Alexei had asked them to set another place. They assumed he was bringing along someone from the Consulate. Ruth and Lucas, assisted by the Twins and David labored most of the day in the kitchen. "Do you remember the first time you tried to help me cook", she giggled. "As I recall, it was quite a spectacular disaster," answered Lucas. "Oh, we haven't heard that story," piped up Ronnie. "I'll never tell," replied Ruth. Lucas breathed easier. Alexei, a few minutes late, swept into the family room, followed by Gregor, leading an absolutely lovely little boy by the hand. Dressed in a Russian sailor suit, with his black hair, dark skin and flashing black eyes, he proclaimed his Kazakh origins. Gregor led the boy over to Billy. "This is Oleg. He is about five years old, speaks a little English and has been looking forward to this night all his life. He is the last of the children we rescued from the brothel. Uncle and I have wanted him to have a loving home with a loving master so he might grow to be a free person. He is yours, Billy, with our profound thanks." Billy was stunned! He dropped to his knees, held out his arms and Oleg immediately ran into them. "Oh my! He is 3;, he is 3;, he is just beautiful!" He glanced over to his Dad. Ray was all smiles. "I gave Alexei my permission a week ago. The choice is yours, son." "Choice? How could I possibly send this beautiful little boy away?" He picked him up and held him in his arms and was nearly overcome with joy. Oleg put his head down on Billy's shoulder and piped, "Master, Beeley. I be Oleg, loyal and true slave forever," just as he had been practicing. "And, Oleg, I will be your master and your big brother and your father and your very best friend as long as I shall live. Oh, you are the most beautiful little boy I have ever seen. I could stand here hugging you from now to next year." Oleg may not have been able to understand all the words, but he more than felt Billy's love. That needed no translation. He gave a contented sigh and snuggled down in Billy's arms. Lucas nudged Cody. "Do you remember?" Cody just took his hand and nodded. Hours later, after the others had gone, they stood and watched Alexei's car move slowly down the road away from them, Cody and Lucas with their arms around the shoulders of the four boys, Billy with a sleepy Oleg in his arms. Ronnie turned to Lucas, "Dad, will they really be able to make a place like Paloma in Russia? Will Gregor's dream really come true?" Lucas thought a minute, searching for his 'little voice'. Then he smiled. "You can count on it!"