I Bought Five Little Boy Slaves
Chapters 27-33
Chapter 27 The Mundane
As usual I awoke by the sensations of a young mouth around my cock but kept my eyes shut. When my dick was hard the boy straddled my groin, holding my manhood in place, and lowered himself onto it. He tried doing it as gentle as possible. When I felt his butt touching my pubic hairs I opened my eyes. Marcus didn't move up, he just kept me inside him. Then he slowly bent forward, resting his head on my chest. His arms were wrapped around my body loosely. None of us said a word; we just lay there for quite a long time.
By the tension in his body I could sense he wanted to ask me something but didn't know how. To get him more relaxed I started to stroke his back slowly. It had the expected result. Eventually the boy said without lifting his head.
"Yes, Marcus?"
"Master, did you see or hear anything unusual last night, Master?"
"No, nothing. Why?"
"Oh." The boy gulped.
"Master, then it was just a dream, Master. Sorry for bothering you, Master."
Marcus sat up and started to ride my cock. Soon he brought me to climax, followed by a start into the daily routines. The boy never lost a word again about that night.
The next weeks I kept him busy; increasing his and the other boy's chores as well as demanding more personal service. Jan had to take over more and more of the supervising tasks. That way the punishment orders changed too. Jan was told to cut a switch and use it at the boy's hands and thighs freely. But he had to report to Marcus who would punish him for the boy's faults as well as Marcus would get it from me afterwards. The first days there was a lot of crying in the house but the boys settled in quickly.
The reason for this new strict regime was only partly to distract Marcus. Mostly it was because Christmas time was approaching fast. In the shops and streets the decoration advertised 'Happy Christmas'. But as I knew from my previous boys the time would be everything else but happy for my young slaves. I kept the newspapers from them, radio and TV were forbidden. Though they hadn't much chances to get a glance at the TV, radios were in most of my rooms and I had allowed them to hear some music while doing their chores as reward for their efforts. That was reduced to a CD every now and then.
As nice at the summer was that year, the fall was awful. It rained and stormed almost every day. The temperature had dropped dramatically and at night it was already freezing. Outdoor tasks were therefore not very popular by the boys and though they all liked Nico, walking him out in the garden three times a day for at least half an hour was really hated, by the boys and the puppy. I insisted in keeping this routine up because I didn't have much time to care for him. The end of a year brought always a lot of work for me.
All boys but Julian took turn in walking Nico. They had to lead him around so he could stretch his muscles and make sure he dumped his faeces. In summer they all had fun but now they came back all soaked wet and cold to the bones. I expected a report how my puppy behaved immediately after returning, not so much to control them but to see the boys standing there with chattering teeth; stammering their words, something I found always kind of funny. Nico then was dried and groomed; fed and stored in his cage for a nap. The boys had to return to their chores without a rest. The only concession to their health was a cup of thin but hot tea, normally the only hot food they got at all. I liked the boys but had no intention to spoil them.
Julian spent most of the time with me in my office. There was a murmur when it started to become cold outside and Julian wasn't required to go out too but my strap stopped this 'rebellion' quickly. Beside, no boy did really want to swap places with him. The worse the weather got the worse it became for Julian. At least 'worse' was what the other boys thought about it. Of course, none of them tried to intervene, not even Marcus. All they dared was to comfort Julian in the evening, not understanding why the boy often cried but never complained.
Of course I didn't torture the boy all day long. He spent a lot of time under my desk, taking care of my cock. It was convenient to have him there when I had to have a leak while making a phone call or browsing the net. It was convenient and relaxing to feel his mouth caressing my manhood; his hands massaging my feet and legs or the warmth of his skin and flesh while pressing my heels or toes to his young body. The boy was also trained to carry items like bottles, tea pots or books in a pouch that was attached to his ball stretcher. He was encouraged to walk with wide spread legs by the spiky morning star the piercing artist had given to me. It was now dangling from his large perineum ring between his legs.
When he had no tasks he took his place in a corner of my office. There was a metal plate that could be cooled or heated. Several v-shaped wedges on the surface made it painful to stand or kneel on it. Julian did not once hesitate to step on the plate, though he didn't know whether it was icy cold or hot as fire. He didn't know whether he would get an electrical shock when his soles closed one of the built in circuits or not. He knew his master wanted him to get on the plate so he did, no matter what was waiting for him. The boy knew it would be uncomfortable and painful for him but he also knew his master had told him there wouldn't be danger of permanent damage of his body. So far I had never lied to him so he trusted me completely. Of course I had no intention to abuse his trust, it didn't matter he was a slave and I was free to produce as many damage as I wanted to.
Sometimes I pointed at two other devices mounted at the wall next to his plate. One was a metal plank that could be adjusted in height or width. Usually it was set that Julian could barely touch the floor with his toe tips while riding the plank. Three chains could be attached to his collar to hold his neck in place and his body upright when his ankles were fastened to his wrists. Sitting on such a thin edge becomes rather painful the longer one sits on it. The boy had to make sure the morning star and the ball stretcher were safely out of way. The other device was a simple metal bar attached to pulley. Fastening his wrists to the bar and his ankles to rings at the floor he could be stretched to his limits.
But most of the time it was Julian who stepped on one of the devices without order. He would mount one of it not before attaching the wires of the electro shocking device to his various rings. By doing that he put himself completely at the mercy of his master. And it was his free will. The other boys couldn't understand but it was Julian who initiated most of the torture sessions, not me. The boy could simply choose to stand at attention next to me and wait for orders. But he knew I liked seeing him suffer so he wanted to please me. And he wanted to please himself because he longed for one of the mind blowing orgasms he could only get through pain. He knew I would let him come if I was pleased with his suffering.
The boy didn't realize he had jumped into a vicious circle. I knew I had to be careful with Julian. The path he had started to go would lead into self destruction if I would let him go so far. It was a dangerous balance between my sadistic streaks and the boy's well being. But he was young and what we did was not supposed to really harm him. I limited the torture sessions to three a day and made him cum only once. If he didn't come by himself the other times – too bad.
However, the boy knew the difference between games and punishment. Though he didn't complain about anything I did to him while playing he freaked out at two places. Those were his hands and his face. Of course I respected that during our games but they became my favourite places for punishment. Even in matters of discipline the boy was strange. He wouldn't frown if I announced six of the best with the cane on his bare bottom, but three strokes with the strap on each palm was a nightmare to him. Once as he screwed up royally I slapped his face. Julian cried the whole night long. Since then only the threat of being slapped made the boy crying and obeying instantly.
Apart from torture sessions and punishments the boy was still my toy. That meant he had to pleasure me without or just occasionally satisfaction of his own needs. I liked spanking him for no other reason than that. I liked embarrassing or humiliating him and of course I liked fucking him. I loved seeing him bound helplessly in front of me, without any other choice than letting me do whatever I wanted. That started usually right after the boys had slurped their chow, which was now usually postponed until the evening assembly was over. That kept the boys hungry and therefore reminded of their status during the daily punishments. But sleep did come easier with recently filled bellies.
Easy sleeping was usually not in store for Julian. Marcus had learned to tie him up in various ways, making sure he was uncomfortable and pain would rise. Though Marcus was sorry for his friend he had to admit that he got quite excited by tying Julian up. It helped that Julian got a boners too. The boy would stay in my bed and warm it for me until I was ready for the night. Julian was then connected to a motorised pulley system I had installed. I could move him in any position I wanted but most of the time he would hang face down, suspended by his arms and legs. This granted me access to his boy parts as well as his face. It depended on my mood whether I just fucked him or let him suck me of. I had learned to be careful turning him around since I was almost knocked out by the swinging weight attached to the boy's ball stretcher.
Sometimes he was included but often he could only watch my love making with Marcus. Occasionally, if Julian behaved well that day, I allowed Marcus to suck his friend off. When Marcus and I were asleep the automatic system stored the boy in a cage I had placed in my bedroom for this purpose. His wrists and ankles were released so he could relax until morning, after all there was no use to cause cramps in the boy's musculature. Julian's days were full and I was sure he didn't waste a thought about Christmas.
The plans for taking the young prince in my house were postponed until the New Year. Ahmed mentioned some security issues but his explanations were vague. Taking Hassan in wouldn't be a big problem since I had two guestrooms and Ahmed wanted the boy to board at school so he would be around only at holidays. Marcus was disappointed; he liked Hassan and had hoped to learn some of his dancing skills as well as he was attracted by the thought of serving for a real prince. Realistically, he didn't expect Hassan to be a friend. How could a slave boy become a friend to a prince?
At the early days of December snow fell from the sky. The boys were excited, they had never seen real snow in their short life, at least they didn't remember. Their parents would have been the last generation to experience a real winter; but only when they were kids themselves.
The boys started to frolic around but realized soon that snow and bare skin doesn't match very well. Sunday afternoon was outdoor time, that hadn't changed even in the bad weather of the last months, and it wouldn't stop because of some snow on the ground. Dressed in warm winter clothes I watched my boys running and jumping, their usually white skin slightly pink, with clouds of steam around their faces. And they were all moving, trying to keep their bare feet away from the snow as long as possible.
It was funny sight. The boy's balls and cocks had almost disappeared in their bodies, at least as far as the chain on the younger boy's cocks allowed. This time they experienced not an uncomfortable erection but an uncomfortable shrinking. After some fast laps around the lawn my pet snuggled against my legs; panting and shivering. I couldn't help; I got aroused by the sight of his small wet and shivering body. Throwing him over the back of a garden bench, removing his tail plug and unzipping my flies were one single motion. I was inside him before his sphincter could contract.
The boy yelled, but more out of surprise than pain. It happened to fast for him to react or prepare. His skin was cool and wet. While establishing a fast rhythm I rubbed the boy's sides and back to get the blood circulating. It was a quick one. Nico was tight and his muscles worked on my shaft as if they wanted to suck it in. The boy moaned as my hot load hit the inside of his guts. When I had recovered I pulled my cock out, cleaned is crack with some snow (Nico yelled again) and sealed his boy pussy with the plug. Knowing his duty Nico started to turn around but I ordered Julian on his knees and pushed my groin into his face.
The boys stood at attention in a line, with blue lips and chattering teeth. The clearly had enough. They were tired and cold. I hosed them down in their cell and after the luxury of drying themselves with a towel, something they usually didn't have, I marched them into the living room where I had lit a fire. Their faces lit up too as they were allowed to cuddle in front of the fireplace. I thought they were grilling their feet as they stuck out their legs to the warming glow. Some of them squirmed and whimpered as the blood started its circulation painfully.
It wasn't even time for dinner but lying around the warm fire the boys passed out quickly. I was hungry but Marcus and Nico's heads rested on Timo's chest. Their faces looked so sweet and innocent so I ordered a pizza by the village's only Italian restaurant. Jan woke up as the door bell rung and jumped up. He didn't dare to look at me as he came back a few minutes later and told me the pizza was waiting in the dining room. Unconsciously he rubbed his butt, knowing that none of the boys would sleep on their backs that night. Timo had still sleepy eyes but was deathly pale as he brought a glass of wine to my table a couple of minutes later. He didn't look at me too but he needed two hands to hold the glass still.
One night as I couldn't sleep I went to the boy's cell. Marcus and Julian were sleeping in my bedroom and Nico was in his cage so there were four slaves lying on the new rubber floor I had installed lately. It was easier to clean and provided more isolation than the old stone floor. The beds were removed to get more space in the small cell so the boys slept on the floor now but the new floor was softer than the old metal beds. The cold outside had crept into the basement and into the cell. The four boys were cuddled together with Jan at the one side and Sebastian on the other. They held on each other to keep the younger ones warm. Though the boys never complained I decided that those temperatures weren't good for a healthy sleep. I got an old blanket from the storage and laid it over the sleeping boys.
While doing that I noticed two things. First it was clear that Timo had wetted the floor. That happened from time to time but I would ask Jan about it tomorrow. Second there was evidence on the floor that Sebastian had a wet dream. That was good news for the almost twelve year old boy. His balls were working despite the damage that was done. The bad news was that he would have to join Jan on the milking machine. That troubled me, because Sebastian was still suffering from his trauma. Jan did a great job with him but the boy still freaked out when he was left alone, even only for a few minutes. A difficult man to boy talk was due for the next days.
When I entered the dining room for breakfast the four boys stood lined up against the wall. The younger ones were glancing to Jan. Jan sunk to his knees, kissed my feet and pressed his forehead to the floor. Chris, Timo and Sebastian followed his example.
"What's wrong, boys?"
Jan lifted his head just enough to speak.
"Master, we want to thank you for your kindness, Master."
Jan gulped.
"We love you, Master," he added with a sob.
"Get up boys, on your feet."
"I know it's hard for you, boys. Sleeping naked on the floor is nothing new for Jan, but the rest of you was used to sleep in warm beds. But that's gone. You are slaves now. You are my property. And like I look after my other property and try to keep it in good condition I do the same with my livestock."
The boys winced as they realized what I had said.
"However boys, you all know you are more than property to me. You are slaves and you will be slaves for a very long time, longer than any of you can imagine. It's just about half a year you live with me but at your age that's an eternity. You may hate me when I punish you or order things you don't want to do. But you do it because you know you have no choice. Obedience is the most important thing you have all learned. And that's how it works. You give me what I want and I give you what you need. You may disagree with me in matters of need but be assured I know what you need. And tonight you needed a blanket and I gave it to you. Now go back to your work and all will be good."
Jan bowed deeply and started to walk away, followed by the others.
"And boys
They lifted their faces.
"I love you too."
They smiled, turned again and kissed my feet before leaving.
Chapter 28 Doubts
Sebastian had wrapped his arms around my neck and he held on for dear life. We had talked for over an hour but as I carried him down to the basement I could feel his heart pounding in fear. However, he had drowned two glasses of his juice and the sedatives started to work slowly. They would help him to endure the initial measurement better but were not strong enough to prevent him from getting aroused afterwards.
The boy didn't resist at all, he just sat limp in the chair and let me strap him in. But when I had finished the preparations tears ran down his cheeks. Before I could lower the helmet I met his glance. He looked at me with fear, sadness and confusion. His eyes pleaded to me. They accused me but yet they begged me to protect him. Suddenly his eyes went blank and turned away. With a stinging pain in my heart I felt it would lose the boy if I continued, maybe not completely but our relationship would never be the same again.
Sebastian wasn't ready for milking; he wasn't ready for anything. I wondered if his young soul would ever be able to recover. I wondered if his young heart would ever be without fear again, if it would ever be able to trust someone again in the way he did before the disaster struck him. I clenched my fists by the thought of the people that had damaged that little boy so badly.
I hit the emergency button on the control panel and all restraints opened immediately. Wrapping my arms around his body I pulled Sebastian out of the chair. He hung in my arms as limp as in the nights of his battle against the drugs. I hoped this time that the only reasons were the sedatives he had drunk. Rocking and swaying I carried the boy into my bedroom, waving Marcus and Jan off when we passed them. I managed to undress without letting the boy go and with him in my arms I mounted the bed.
There was no sound in the room except the breathing of a man and a boy. Sebastian lay on me, his head and body rested on my chest. I had my arms wrapped around him and was determined to hold him until he woke up. Hours passed by and I kept talking to him. I told him how much I loved him and how important he was for me even if I didn't show it very often.
I assured him he was safe with me and I would protect him. But I also told him that he was my slave and that meant he had duties to fulfil. My pleasure had to be his primary goal. I repeated my words but there was no sign he understood me. It didn't really matter to me whether he understood or not. My words were spoken not only to him. Wondering what was going on I tried to assure myself. For the first time in all the years I had slaves I questioned my role in the whole business. Finally I drifted into a fitful sleep.
Waking up I felt something wet under me. I needed some time to get orientated but when I saw the sleeping face of Sebastian next to me I knew what had happened. Luckily I caught myself before I went ballistic. I remembered why Sebastian and I were lying in my bed and I calmed down. When I looked at him I could see his contorted face and the tears that were drying on his cheeks. Surely the boy had a bad dream. Maybe that's why he lost control over his bladder.
Sebastian had rolled of me while sleeping and lay now on his side next to me, still squirming and moaning. I felt a dull ache at my chest and saw a light bruising. The boy had his hands clenched to a fist; probably he had hit me during his nightmare. A slave that hit his master could be put down without consequences but of course that was different. Sebastian wouldn't get away with this unpunished too but later. I pulled the boy back onto my chest and held him tightly. His young face was now relaxed, the dream probably over, and though Sebastian wouldn't win every beauty contest I realized again how cute he was in his very own way. I could look in his face often but would find something new each time. This time I saw a very tiny mole right on the tip of his little nose. I couldn't resist and placed a kiss right onto it.
The boy opened his eyes slowly after I had kissed them too. He looked at me with glassy eyes, squeezed the shut again. I stroked the back of his head and eventually his lids flapped and one by one they went up, even slower as before. I smiled at him and for a couple of seconds he held my glance. Then he turned his face to the right but wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged my as tight as he could. His left cheek was pressed against mine and I could feel the tears dripping down from the corners of his eyes.
"Easy boy, it was just a dream. Nobody is going to harm you." I whispered in his ear.
We stayed there for a while until his crying had ceased. He lifted his head and tried to smile at me between the last sobs. His eyes were showed still traces of fear but gratitude prevailed. His legs went down to the mattress at each side of my body. When he felt the wetness of the sheets he blushed at first but went quickly pale. He shivered as he realized he had wet his master's bed. I pulled him close before the fear could return into his eyes. He started to stammer.
"Don't worry about that, my boy. That happens to little boys who are scared. Just don't let anything scare you and it won't happen again."
I put on an evil smile.
"Meanwhile we'll just make a knot into your little pecker."
The boy had seen too much of the stuff I had done with Julian so he didn't even think about a joke. His eyes went wide and his jaw hit the floor.
"Oh, come on. Didn't I say just a couple of minutes before that nobody would do you any harm? I'm just kidding." I said laughingly.
Sebastian frowned but eventually he joined my laughter. Hearing him laughing was so rare I enjoyed every second. I tickled his flanks. He squirmed and tried to escape but I pulled him back every time he moved away. We fooled around quite a while until we were both exhausted from laughing. He lay on his back and I knelt over him, suspending my weight with my arms. None of us cared about the wet bed. The boy didn't move, he just kept looking at me.
The sight of his young body made me hard. Of course I wanted the boy but I loved him too much to simply take him. Sebastian stared at my cock and then turned his eyes back to my face. Without breaking the gaze he spread his legs and lifted his knees to his shoulders. He didn't say a word but the invitation was obvious.
"Are you sure you want me to do this?" I asked him.
Sebastian nodded.
"It'll hurt. Are you still sure you can do it?"
He nodded again.
I sighed. I wasn't sure at all that he was ready for this. But if I rejected him, wouldn't that add only more damage to his abused soul? I reached to the nightstand for the jelly. But I still had my doubts. Was it right to fuck the boy right now, a boy I knew since he was born? But wasn't that exactly what I wanted to do since I had him sitting in my lap many years ago? Everybody who saw me watching him when he played with my slaves knew that that was exactly what I wanted the boy to be, my pleasure slave. But wasn't that the reason his parents didn't call me for help when the boy was taken away? Didn't they want him not to end up just where he was now; in my bed at the verge of losing his virginity?
Sebastian sensed my doubts. For the first time since he was my slave, he gave me one of this trademark gazes. It was that kind of gaze that melts the heart of every loving adult. I saw it before. He didn't it very often, only when he wanted something very badly. As he saw I still hesitated he gulped.
"Please do it. From the moment Thomas told me you were fucking him I wanted to know how it felt. I wanted you to show me. I knew you wanted it too but couldn't imagine how it could work. Then, after I woke up in your bed, Marcus and later Julian talked about sex and that it felt good. I hoped again you would bring me to your bed but it didn't happen."
Sebastian almost whispered. Suddenly he burst into tears again.
"I was afraid you didn't like me anymore because… because…"
"Shhhh." I hushed him, placing a finger on his lips.
"Silly Sebastian. Of course I like you. I love you. Nothing will ever change that."
I lowered my face and kissed him on his lips. My tongue quickly found its way into his mouth. He responded immediately. He wrapped his arms around my neck. I rolled around, taking him with me. Caressing his back with my left my right hand found his butt. He moaned as my finger touched his little rose. I teased him for a while before pushing in. He yelped as it went in but gave up his resistance quickly.
The boy had shown enormous courage I thought. I wouldn't have dared to speak to my parents or a teacher that way, let alone my master. But Sebastian was a strong headed boy, always up to challenge everything he wanted. That was probably the reason why he had survived.
I felt his little pecker pressing into my crotch. He was clearly enjoying the attention. When I felt he was enough loosened, I pushed him down. The boy understood and wrapped his lips around my cock. He had sucked me before but surely he had some lessons by the other boys. This wouldn't be a slow love making. This was going to be quick and rough. He wanted to be fucked - he would get it.
Before Sebastian could react he was flipped over and laid on the bed with his knees on his shoulders. My cock was through the first muscle before he felt the fabric of the sheets. The boy screamed in surprise and pain. Two more trusts and I was completely in. I waited. He panted heavily and his face was contorted. I could feel his heart pounding. He groaned between the breaths but slowly he calmed down. The pain subsided and his breathing became normal again. But as soon as I pulled out and went back in he cried out again. I established a steady rhythm. The boy was tight, even tighter as young Marcus, and his muscles kept working. It was just a matter of seconds before I shot my load.
I stood in front of the bed, pulling the crying boy out and on his knees. His task wasn't finished yet. My cock found his mouth, pushing in and let him lick his own fluids. This was clearly not what he had expected. This was a fucking, almost a rape.
"Boy, now you know what it feels when a Master fucks his slave boy. Did you enjoy it?"
Sebastian looked up, tears running still down his cheeks.
"Master, no Master. It hurt, Master." he stammered.
"I hope you will be more careful in future. You might get what you ask for."
"Master, yes Master." Sebastian cried.
I waited a minute or two before I reached down and lifted the sobbing boy up. Looking him deep in his eyes I said.
"I'm sorry, Sebastian, but you had to learn this. I didn't enjoy it. Don't make me do that again. What you deserve is not a fucking. What you deserve is making love. I love you boy and when you are in my bed I want you to feel good. I want you to love me."
I smiled at him.
"Do you want me to make you feel good?"
It took some time before Sebastian realized what I had said. Then his face lit up, his lips formed a broad grin.
"Master, yes Master!" he shouted.
Chapter 29 Crisis
I looked down at the sleeping boy who was lying in a puddle of urine. He might be ten years old but now he lay there curled into a ball and his thumb in his mouth. His face was red and it was obvious he had cried himself into sleep. He was shivering and his skin was blotched with goose bumps but his body was hot and trenched in sweat. Jan was right, the boy was clearly sick. I made a mental note to check the computerised alarm system that should warn me.
I looked around in the small cell. Sebastian and Chris were cuddled against each other, trying to keep themselves warm, wrapped in the old blanket. Jan knelt behind me, shivering too, but not only from the coolness. He had woken his master in the middle of the night to look after a slave. At his former home he'd never dared to do this but now he hoped he didn't go too far, nevertheless he was very nervous how I would react and, of course, anxious about Timo.
And I knew I had to react. It was the coldest winter in twenty years and the temperature in the cell had dropped almost to the point of freezing. Of course I could put a simple electrical heater in the cell but the basement of my house was old and not well insulated. I had to move them to a room upstairs. The small guestroom would be sufficient I thought.
"Master, yes Master?" he asked with fear in his voice.
"Go upstairs, wake Marcus and send him down with a bowl of warm water. Take Sebastian and Chris and move the beds out of the second guest room. Cover the floor with a plastic tarp you will find in the shed."
"Master, yes Master." Jan replied, somehow relieved but worried about the tone of my voice.
Marcus arrived a few minutes later, still half sleeping. It has been a long day for my little love and he needed the rest. As he saw his friend on the floor he almost dropped the bowl with water. Startled but now fully awake he knelt down beside Timo and started to wash him as I had ordered. Timo stirred his arms and legs but was still sleeping. I didn't have to say much, Marcus tended his friend carefully and thoroughly.
That was one of many occasions I wondered what this boy could have achieved if things were different. Not only he was the most intelligent boy I've ever met, Marcus did everything with all his skills and strength but with meekness and pure love. He was mine just for a few months but I wouldn't be able to live without him anymore. He had touched something inside me and every day he kept on touching. I had to remind myself often that he was just a slave and I had to keep my standards.
Nevertheless, might it be his influence, the boys' age or both, the boys had an easier life than every slave in my house before. Even Julian, who was stored in his box right then, had the sort of life he might not have wanted but was fulfilling some of his unknown desires. My thoughts returned to Timo as Marcus had finished his task. Just a year ago it would've been unthinkable to move slaves to one of my guestrooms but now I was going to do right that.
As I picked the boy up he started to cough heavily. His body was still hot but shivering. Instinctively, without opening his eyes, he wrapped his arms around my neck and pressed his face against my shoulder. Clearly the boy needed someone he could hold on, feeling save and cared for. I could feel his little heart pounding in his chest. Slowly I carried the boy up to the guest room where Jan and the other boys had laid out the tarp in the now empty room.
The room was rarely used and not much larger than the boys' cell. Having learned a lot from the experienced slave boy Jan both younger slaves pressed themselves against the wall as I entered the room. Slaves should be as invisible as possible and when that's not working they should at least stay out of the way of free people. Both stood at attention, heads down, awaiting their master's verdict of their work but rather hoping to be ignored. Jan had put the beds away and arrived shortly after us. As he saw I was already in the room he stepped beside and took a place next to the door outside the room. No slave would enter a room occupied by a free person without being ordered or he could expect severe punishment.
Seeing his master caring for the little slave boy was disturbing him. In all the years as a slave nobody had cared if a slave was sick. A slave had to function and if he failed, no matter why, he was punished. Jan's mind started to drift away, back to his old home and even further beyond. He closed his eyes but the tears found their way through. He heard distant voices but his mind wasn't there anymore.
Jan almost jumped as he felt someone tugging his arm. He opened his eyes and saw Marcus.
"Fetch a pillow and some blankets," the prefect slave whispered.
"Sir, yes Sir," Jan replied and darted to the storage room where he had dropped the stuff just a couple of minutes ago, hoping that the superior slave hadn't noticed he was absent minded. He liked Marcus very much, as all slaves did, but he knew there was no way he'd escape punishment. Not that he would care about, it was more the shame of being caught letting his master down by allowing his thoughts to wander and bringing back memories which should be forgotten long ago.
But as he entered the room where the others were waiting Jan could see by the impatient expression of his master his hopes were in vain. The slave bowed to his master and handed the blankets to Marcus, looking at his feet, trying to hide his red face. He was angry with himself. Sensing the boys' growing depression with Christmas only a few days away he had allowed himself to become moody, something he had never let happen since he was promoted to teach new slaves by his old master. Suddenly he longed to be back in his once familiar home, back to his strict master where he always knew what to do and to expect, though the thought of going back scared him to death.
The arrangements were quickly made. Timo got a cool calf packing and was tucked into his 'bed'. He was still passed out, something that worried me a lot but I didn't show it. Towels were ready to clean up any 'accidents' and Marcus has shrugged off any offers of Chris and Sebastian to do the first night watch. Both boys were now lying on the floor; cuddled against each other though it was significantly warmer than downstairs. My prefect gave me a tired smile and knelt beside his life long friend, stroking the boy's cheeks gently.
With my pet safely stored in his cage and Julian in my room that left me dealing with my oldest boy. Jan stood still there, motionless, his eyes starring at Timo but it was an empty glare as his mind was obviously somewhere else. Water stood in his eyes. He didn't react as I talked to him. He didn't react as I moved his arms behind his back and locked his wrists together. I didn't know what's wrong with him but I didn't want him trashing around when he came to senses again. Not trying to communicate with him I simply put my arm around his shoulders and led him out of the room.
Not once he moved his head on our way to my rooms. We passed my bedroom with a sleeping Julian in his box and entered my large bathroom. Jan didn't resist nor showed any sign of consciousness as I placed him under the shower head. Maybe this was the wrong way, I thought while undressing myself, but it was the fastest one. Jumping back while turning the cold water on, I watched my boy's reactions. They came immediately.
As the water hit his body Jan's eyes almost popped out of their holes. His mouth was open for a scream but no sound escaped. He stood as rigid as a bar of iron. He was clearly shocked, not only from the water but from not knowing what had happened and how he came into the shower. As he saw me standing naked in front of him and felt his hands bound at his back, he collapsed to the floor. Pushing the knob for the preset temperature I stepped into the shower, sat down and pulled the now crying boy into my lap. I leaned his back against my chest, wrapped my arms around him and held his shaking tightly. So we sat a long time, letting the warm water pour down on us. Whatever he had on his mind, Jan needed to cry it out.
For good twenty minutes neither of us spoke a word or even moved. I can't remember when his sobs had ceased but it was well before Jan suddenly spoke.
"Master," he whispered.
I could feel his body trembling as he prepared himself for another major infraction of the unwritten slave rules, not only talking to his master without permission but actually begging for something.
"Master, please don't give him away, Master. We will do his chores and he will be back at work soon. Please Master
3;" Jan cried again.
"Wait! Wait a minute! What the hell are you talking about?" I shouted, pushing and turning him around.
I looked straight into his eyes, holding his chin up. Fear stood in his face and water in his eyes.
"Master, please Master. Please don't give Timo away. There is no need to put him down, he will recover, Master."
Tears were now running freely though they were quickly washed away. I knew some slave holders didn't care about their slaves, either they could work or they were dumped. I never thought about that, even as one of my first boys broke his legs and never fully recovered. But here I had an eighteen year old slave who obviously had witnessed such things. Of course the law wasn't on the slaves' side. Once a slave wasn't capable to work anymore he could be sold to a recycling plant. For those unfortunate it would be better to die immediately. Only if no plant would buy the slave or his body was too badly damaged an owner could kill his slave himself. However, nobody would ever check the records.
I stopped the water before answering my slave's plead. I took his face between my hands and pulled it close to mine, still looking straight into his eyes.
"Listen to me! You are my boys, my slaves, my property. That means you will work for me, you will please me with every fibre of your body and with all your heart and soul. If you fail I will punish you."
I held is face very tightly. Jan was white as snow.
"Jan, maybe I'll grow old with you boys; maybe I'll find a good new home for you sometime in future."
He gulped hard.
"But I will always love any of you and with all my power I will protect you. I've never put a slave to death and for sure it'll never happen."
Leaning forward I kissed the boy on his forehead, between his eyes and on his lips. His body shook like leaves in the wind and I had to grab him by his armpits to hold him up. Slowly I got onto my feet, pulling him with me. Not caring about the water on our bodies I led the lad to my bedroom. Sitting on the bed side by side I held him by his shoulders.
"Tell me. Tell me everything, boy."
He needed some time, then he started with a faltering voice.
"Master, I was about twelve, Master. Seven and I worked in the garden when he stumbled and fell. His head hit a stone and he didn't move anymore. Master came and looked at him. He took his phone and called someone to fetch a dead slave. I was shocked because Seven wasn't dead, I saw him breathing. Two men came with a crate and threw Seven in. I pleaded to my master to save him but he didn't care. It cried and swore at him. That was the first time I was put into the hole, Master."
"Master, yes Master. He was Seven, I was Eight. At this time we had no names."
Sobs erupted in his body.
"He was bought two months before me. He was the only friend I ever had, Master."
"But that wasn't all, was it?"
"Master, no Master. About two years ago a young slave had appendicitis. Master opened his belly and cut it out, but the inflammation spread. A week later, the boy screamed in agony at every touch. Master told me to hold his shoulders down and in a quick motion he turned his neck."
Jan lost it again. I pulled him against me, holding him tightly.
"From time to time I wake up, hearing that terrible cracking sound, Master."
All I could do was weeping with my oldest boy. Somehow he had always spoken in awe of his old master, even as he described the wicked punishments this master had dished out. But now I realized that we hadn't even scratched the surface of how this man treated his slaves. I was angry. Putting a slave down if it's necessary is one thing, doing that in front of another kid was something completely different. Jan seemed to be so tough and strong but he was also very sensitive. Now he was a powder keg with a fuse already burning. I had sensed something's going on in him and tonight Timo was the spark that lit it.
Still holding him tight, we now lay on the bed. Rubbing his back I let him cry all his pains out. There were lots of them. Jan cried for over an hour without saying a single word. The whole time I caressed his skin, not breaking the strong hug even once. I wanted to give him a feeling of love and safety. Having a boy so close to me usually made me hard. But this time I spend the time thinking. It was still dark outside and finally we both drifted into sleep.
The boys had been told to stay in their room so nobody was there to wake me up in the morning. When I opened my eyes it was long after ten in the morning. Jan was still asleep beside me. I could hear Julian shifting in his small box, probably needing to empty his bladder. After I did exactly this myself I returned with a small spray. I held it under Jan's nose and let him inhale a good dose. He needed a rest and the spray would keep him asleep for at least five or six hours. I told Julian he had to hold it until I came back and headed to the boys' room.
Reading the boys' vital parameters on my PDA I learned that Timo wasn't the only boy with fever but luckily it wasn't too high. When I opened the door I saw Marcus lying asleep next to his friend while Chris was placing a wet cloth on his forehead. Sebastian sat on the floor, leaning against the wall, coughing. He started to stand up but I waved him off. Timo was awake but had glassy eyes. This wasn't a mere slave room, it was a sick bay. I couldn't remember the last time I prepared clean bedding by myself so I had to look around where all the stuff was stored. The boys looked at me with big eyes as I returned, tossing the sheets, pillows and blankets on the floor.
"Listen boys. This room has a bathroom. You will take a warm shower, now. Help each other. You may use the toilet, too. Then make yourself a bed and sleep."
The boys were paralyzed. They hadn't a warm shower since they left their parent's houses that dreadful day that changed their life, except Marcus, whose task was to wash me while I took showers. They just starred at me and didn't move as if they didn't believe their eyes. There was their master, naked as could be and had brought blankets and pillows for them to sleep on. But a lash on Chris' butt with my whip made him jump and he and Sebastian headed to the bathroom door. I knelt beside my little love and stroked his cheek. He opened his eyes and returned an exerted smile. I could feel his discomfort in my own heart.
Another task I hadn't done for long was preparing me a breakfast. I started a bowl of muesli with orange juice but I couldn't bring a taste to it. I skipped breakfast and went to see my little pet. Unlocking the cage I opened my arms to greet him. Once he was out, he looked at me, his lips forming a wicked smile. Then he jumped at me so I fell backwards. Straddling my chest he started to lick all over my face. He barked, licked and smiled. I knew I had neglected him but in this moment he surprised me more I'd ever expected. In the past weeks Nico had adjusted himself completely to his new life. He had found out he could fool around with everyone at any time as long as he wanted to. All he had to do is being a dog. He had watched the doggy videos many times and obviously had learned a lot. And all the time, as the boys told me, he hadn't uttered a single human sound, even as Chris stepped on his hand accidentally he had just barked and whimpered.
Now he behaved like a puppy while getting the attention he had missed a lot lately. I was really proud of him. For years I had fancied a little boy pet but never dreamed of such a perfect example. Nico was a small boy but willing and highly spirited. And he was craving for touches and companionship. That played very well into my hands. The boy didn't wear his training collar anymore. He had a normal dog collar around his neck with just a small box attached, containing the same technology as the other boys' collars. Once he had accepted is role there was not much need for punishments. Apart from a smack on his butt every now and then the threat of being put into his cage and left alone was enough to bring him back in line.
To stop him licking my face I pushed him up on outstretched arms. He tried to snap at my arms playfully and struggled with his legs to get free and down again. His feet touched my groin and I felt his little soles on my cock. Having not touched the floor for a long time, the skin of his soles was incredibly smooth and soft. My cock reacted and the boy stopped his struggling instantly. Nico knew he had stepped on his masters genitals. The smile in his face was swept away and replaced with fear. For a few seconds we looked at each other, the first tears started to rise in his eyes. Slowly, not breaking my glare, I lowered him down. When he was lying on my chest, I reached down to his feet and took one in each hand. He shifted as I moved them to my middle. Stroking my cock with the soft soles I let one foot go and pulled his face down to mine, placing a kiss on each of his tearful eyes and then on his mouth. Getting the hint, he continued to rub his soles against my parts.
"That feels good, my little morsel." I said, hugging him tightly.
The response was a careful smile, followed by a touch of his nose against mine and finally a big wet lick. It must have been a strange sight. I was lying on the floor, completely nude, with an equally nude little boy on my chest, who caressed my cock with his bare feet. And Nico worked with his feet as if he'd done nothing else before. He rubbed his soles against the shaft while his toes were playing with my balls. Up and down his feet went, occasionally rubbing the glans, spreading the pre cum that was dripping out of it, all over my cock. When I opened my mouth for the first groan of pleasure his restless tongue slipped between my lips. He didn't dare to go further though he really wanted to please me.
Using the boy's arms as a cushion for my head I took his lead and pushed my own tongue into his mouth. Exploring every tooth and every piece of skin in his lovely little mouth with my tongue I sealed his lips with mine. He couldn't move his face away because I held his head firmly with my hand but I didn't think he would anyway. He was breathing heavily; his eyes were closed. Sweat was emerging on his forehead and I could feel his little heart racing in his chest. His tiny pecker was sandwiched between our bellies; already as hard as possible since being the only little cock in the house still unrestrained. I had strapped it down for a while but that interfered with his abilities of acting like a dog, marking his territory and pissing against trees. So far I had no reason to believe he'd violate my trust.
The boy was rocking up and down, moving his hips while caressing my groin with his feet. The unusual sensations had brought me already near to the edge. My hand wandered down his back to the two lovely mounds of his bottom. Slowly my fingers found their way to his back entrance and circled around the plug. Suddenly I felt his body stiffen and with a muffled scream his body was convulsing, driving his pecker deep into my belly while smacking his groin against me. He slipped slowly downwards and when his inner thighs enclosed my rigid member it was my turn to climax. My seed landed on my boy's back and legs. It took a long time for both of us to recover; we lay there exhausted but happy while I worked the creamy fluid into is flawless skin, keeping my eyes shut to keep the memory.
I awoke from a coughing noise next to my ear. When the fog in front of my eyes had disappeared I recognized my little pet, lying on my side with my arm still wrapped around his body, coughing and squirming. Feeling his forehead I sighed. Nico was the fifth boy with high temperature who had obviously caught a cold. I tried to get up but lay back immediately. My head seemed to explode and my body felt as if it was hit by a train. A cold shudder ran down my spine and I knew the boys were not alone. Nevertheless I got up, this time slowly, and threw the boy over my shoulder. We went the short way to the guest room. All boys were asleep soundly but were coughing and moaning too. I lifted a blanket and dropped my load gently between Marcus and Timo. Marcus opened his eyes briefly before he drifted away again.
Of course Julian wasn't able to hold back so long and when I lifted the lid of his box back in my room he looked at my contritely and embarrassed. He had bravely tried to lick the mess up but the box was too small to get to everywhere with his tongue. We both knew I had to punish him but I was too tired. I just let the lid go and shuffled to my bed. Jan lay on hid side as I left him. I had no idea what time it was but I estimated him to stay unconscious at least two or three hours. I felt his head and was relieved his skin was cool and dry. I thought about calling the vet but was asleep again before the thought was finished.
The vet had told me about a bug going round the area and that my boys and I were not the only ones lying down but since it was a virus there was nothing that could be done except waiting. Of course Julian had caught the bug as soon as he left his box. Luckily Jan got off lightly. Though he had to cough and got some headache from time to time he was able to serve all of us. The thought of how I worried about Christmas was kind of funny. None of my young slaves did spend a thought to the holidays. Most of the time they were sleeping and if not they were quite miserable. I was no exception. The boys' plugs remained out since everyone had the runs. At the beginning of the fourth day, at my order, Jan had to force the boys to slurp their chow and water since we all lost weight quickly. For most of the time it meant he had to feed each of them with a spoon. None of us wanted something to eat yet I knew we had to. I had some soup or fruit, easy to prepare for Jan, and every boy got a supplement of vitamins in his chow.
Christmas passed by and New Years Eve approached without any signs of recovery. My body hurt in all places and my anus was raw and sore. A slave's ass after a night of dry fucking couldn't hurt more. Two boys got it worse. The vet had visited twice and had intravenous drips applied to Marcus and Timo. I had moved both boys to my bed so I could watch them while I was awake. Jan looked after Sebastian, Chris and Julian. Nico was the only young one who wasn't bound to bed all the time. Jan did his best but keeping six boys and a master warm and clean was quite a task, even if I had allowed skipping all unnecessary chores.
I don't know how many times I kissed Marcus during these days. I was really worried about Timo and the other slaves but seeing my little love suffer almost tore my heart. My hand ran countless times over his fragile frame but there was nothing sexual in my touches. I didn't even get an erection when he nestled against me and his skin rubbed against my cock. His body was weak; he couldn't hold a glass of water but his left hand clutched the only treasure the boy had, the little locket I had put into his basket. He must have fetched it when I was asleep. I didn't mind. If the memory of his parents or some prayers to them would help the boy to recover it was all right.
I had called the vet many times but couldn't get him on the line. I had called my own doctor but he spent the holidays somewhere in the Caribbean. Other doctors didn't want to come and treat slave boys. Timo and especially Marcus were getting weaker and weaker during the last day of the weak. Marcus could hardly speak let alone get up. Even squirming did exhaust him immediately. Timo did hardly better; both boys were unconscious most of the time. The drugs the vet had left behind were all gone. I knew the boys needed more energy but I couldn't get anything inside them that wouldn't come back out immediately. All I could do is helping them sipping some water every now and then and giving some comfort. Just a couple of hours to the New Year I heard a whisper.
"Master?" he aspirated.
"Yes, Marcus? I'm here, my boy."
"Master, if
3;" his voice faded.
He pushed himself up so his face was close to mine.
"If I don't make it, would you please bury me with my parents?"
Somebody had stuck a knife into my heart and kept turning it.
"No my little love. You and I, we will grow old together and when your time comes, long after I'm gone, you can choose wherever you want to lie."
But the boy had already closed his eyes. The locket slid out of his fist and the lid sprung open. I don't know when or how he'd done it but the lid contained a second photo; a photo of a man – me.
Chapter 30 Nursing
I felt a hint of a breeze on my right shoulder as slowly the cotton wool in my mind started to disappear. The breeze returned regularly and I moved my hand in the direction where it came from. I realized my hand was under a blanket and soon I touched something warm and soft. My fingers groped further and felt the contours of a face; tiny ears, a snub nose and soft lips. The contours were familiar to me but my mind was still far away to realize who it was or where I was. All I could remember was that it felt like something I had felt hundreds of times before.
My hand moved a little bit more; over a small neck down something that felt like a boy's back but something seemed to be different. Groping more I found a little butt, clearly shaped but still with a strange skin. As I tried to get my hand into the cleft between the cheeks it began to dawn on me that the kid must be dressed. That confused me so much that I withdraw my hand. Still wondering what was going on the darkness got me again.
There was something cool and wet on my back and I heard some whispering that stopped as I moved. Slowly my senses came back and I opened my eyes. The light burned and so I closed them again immediately. Trying to remember what had happened I suddenly saw the lifeless body of my little love again. Some stuck a knife right into my heart. My mind was free of all clouds now and I wanted to jump up. Of course all I managed to do was to open my eyes again. This time it went better and I saw contours that became slowly clearer. But when I realized what I saw my eyes were flooded by tears.
Slowly I lifted my left arm and moved my hand to what I thought must be a dream. My fingers touched the vision and I began to believe. In clear contrast to the blue cushion there was the head of a little boy; pale, the eyes deep in their holes; peaky but still the most beautiful face in the world. I cupped his cheeks in the palms of my hands and sobbed heavily. But still there was a strong fear in my mind. Suddenly the boy's lids trembled and went up. Our eyes met. My body shuddered and shook; tears still ran down my cheeks, but now they were tears of relieve and happiness. I pulled the boy to me and hugged him tightly. I bathed his face with kisses; whispering only one word:
I didn't know where I was or what had happened but I didn't care. I had my boy with me again and whether it was heaven or hell it didn't mater as long as he was with me. I rolled onto my back and took him with me lying on my chest. Never again would I let him go for a second!
"Master, please Master! Please be careful not to pull out the tubes, Master!"
I turned my head to the voice and saw Jan standing beside my bed. His words didn't make sense to me but I saw his worried face so I knew something must be wrong. Something else was disturbing me at him too. Looking at him for a while I realized he wore clothes! My oldest boy was dressed with a pair of very tight shorts and a white t-shirt. Wondering what this might be about I suddenly realized that the boy's skin on my chest felt different too. Throwing the blankets back I took a look at Marcus. He wore a blue pyjama shirt and some pyjama shorts. Looking down his body further I saw a bandage on his right foot with some tubes emerging from it. The tubes were pulled taut and led to some bottles hanging on a drip stand.
"What the fuck
"Don't curse in my house!" I heard a familiar voice shouting.
Barbara was flying into the room.
"As long as you're in my house the boys will be dressed. Period!"
She carried a tray with bowls and bottles on it. Putting it down on a nightstand beside the bed she lifted my boy up and placed him gently on his back. She checked the tubes and changed an empty bottle. While doing that she hummed the melody of a child song. Marcus was immediately relaxed, obviously knowing what was coming. Barbara sat down on a large chair close to the bed and with one well trained motion she had pulled Marcus onto her lap; his head resting on her arm like a baby. Then she opened her blouse and exposed her left breast. Guiding his mouth to her nipples she kept on humming and caressing the boy's body. Marcus has closed his eyes but as soon as his lips touched the nipple he started to suck instinctively.
"I believe in letting the children decide when it's time to stop nursing. Sebastian has stopped at age seven; Luke will probably do in a few months. But there is no harm in drinking breast milk and I think it's the best this little boy can get in the moment." Barbara answered my unspoken question.
For the first time since I woke up I looked around. I was in quite large room with furniture in a teenager's style, posters on the wall and books and toys scattered on a large desk. From the images and pictures pinned to the wall I guessed this was Sebastian's room and I was lying in his bed. I started to ask but Barbara hushed me immediately.
"I always hope my boy will return some day so I keep his room as if he was just away playing somewhere."
Tears stood in her eyes but she managed to continue.
"Of course I know he wont and even if, he wouldn't be the same little boy he was. But that's something only a mother can understand. I'm crying a lot in this room. Sometimes I wished he were dead so at least I could care for his grave. Then I scold myself for those thoughts, telling me he is alive and happy as could be."
Marcus burped up and she smiled weekly.
"Sebastian was always my little baby. Luke takes more after his father and the two are a great team. He is much more independent than Sebastian at age ten. Sebastian and I were really close. We talked about everything, even about things boys normally wouldn't share with girls, let alone their mother."
"Sebastian is a great boy and I love him very much, Barbara."
I could see she was at the verge of losing it.
"I don't know what had happened but when Jan stood at our door minutes after the New Year had begun, asking us to help his master we rushed to your house. What Jan told us was very confusing. We found you lying on your bed together with this little boy here and Timo. All three of you were unconscious but Sebastian had turned you on your sides so you won't suffocate. I called my boss and we agreed to bring you to our house where he would meet us as soon as possible. So Jan and Thomas carried you to your car and Sebastian and I took the boys along."
I started to speak but was interrupted.
"Sebastian didn't come with us. He stayed behind with Julian, Chris and Nico."
I could imagine how much that must hurt her so I asked "Timo?" to keep he talking.
"Timo is next door in Luke's room. He is still sleeping very much but my boss said he will get through. You're very lucky, man! A couple of hours later the kids would have died, do you know that?"
Barbara shouted but was quickly getting calm again; gently caressing Marcus' face.
"Jan had told me you have tried in vain to get a doctor for the boys." Barbara cut off my response.
"But you should have called me. We are still friends, even though you keep my son away from me."
"At least you keep him safe." she added after a few sobs.
Marcus had finished his meal and was sound asleep. Barbara placed him beside me; his head resting on my arm. She started to leave but turned at the door.
"When Marcus awoke the first word he said was 'master'. But in his nightmares he called for his 'Daddy'. Thomas carried him around but he kept crying until we put him into your bed. He wouldn't let you go for a second since."
I awoke by some movements at my back. The room was sparely lit by a single lamp on the desk. It was dark outside so I must have slept for a while. When I turned around I saw Jan holding a cup for Marcus to drink with a straw. I reached out for Jan who was shaking like a leaf. The boy had acted on his own initiative, but as before, after he did he was scared to death. I knew it was still a long way to go before I had wiped the fear out of him. Jan almost dropped the cup as I placed my hand on the back of his head, pulling him closer to me. I looked him deep in his eyes for quite a while. I felt he wanted desperately to avoid my gaze but didn't dare.
"Good boy!" I eventually said and placed a kiss on his mouth.
That was too much for him and he lost it. He broke down, burying Marcus underneath him and cried uncontrollably. With all my strength I pulled him up onto my body, wrapping my arms around his slender torso. Jan might have been almost 19 years old but right then he was just a little boy needing some love.
"I thought we have lost you!" he sobbed almost not audible.
It was the first and only time Jan didn't say 'master'. That told me more about what he had been through than anything else. As a slave for almost ten years now he had been painfully drilled in probably any existing slave rules. Violating one of the most important rules was normally out of question for him.
"It's okay now. I'm here and I won't go away. Let it out my boy."
Marcus pressed himself against my side; I could feel his curly hair at my arm pit. Jan kept crying for a while and I held him tightly. Lying there on my bed with Marcus and Jan I wondered again what had happened the last year. The year had started with the realization that I couldn't love my slave boys anymore as I was used to. They were not longer my boys, they were becoming young men, and their bodies didn't allure me longer. I made sure they got good new homes even if I didn't get as much money for them as I could have generated by selling them on the market. Selling them wasn't a big act for me, I had done that before. They were slaves. I delivered the last boy to his new mistress personally. She was a middle aged widow with a lust for young men. I knew she would treat the boy well even though he was in for some rough stuff. That was my little revenge for his sneaking desire for girls.
Hours later I surfed through the files of new slaves and found my boys. Later I rescued Sebastian and after that I bought Jan. With Jan it was quite an irony because he was older than the boys I sold before, nevertheless there was something I sensed in him; something I couldn't explain but made me love him instantly. Together the boys formed an incredible bunch of youths, each one something special in his own way but as team as powerful as could be. My love for them grew daily; even for Chris, who is still a bit chubby and clumsy. But most important for me was the feeling of having found the love of my life. I have never loved somebody as dearly as I loved little Marcus. The boy was magnificent and I knew he had already changed my life forever.
When I had the boy around me I felt content, no matter what was going home. When I had the boy in my arms or on my lap my heart got warm and I was happy. And when I had my cock buried in his tight little rectum I was in heaven. But that's not all. I loved just sitting down and watching him. When he gave me one of his trademark smiles all worries and anger melted away. When one of the boys did something wrong and I got upset all he needed to do was touching my arm and I calmed. Sure, the boys still got their punishments but it didn't excite me as much as it did before when I knew I had to hurt Marcus too afterwards. I did punish him but the saying of 'it hurts me more than you' got a new meaning for me. It became true.
My old boys would roll on the floor laughing if someone told them I didn't like to torture my boys just for fun anymore. When the desire for inflicting pain to someone became too strong I had little Julian as a willing victim. And I seldom got carried away with it like it happened before when I had to call the vet after a torture session regularly. We even had established a safe word for him but he hadn't used it so far. Julian was also an easy target for all sarcasm and humiliation I couldn't help to dish out from time to time. But when Marcus stood there silently, just tilting his head a bit, I knew it was enough. And I didn't mind.
It didn't mean he got everything. They were all slaves and I made sure they never forgot. Marcus had improved their living and working conditions but there was a border he knew he couldn't cross. He had succeeded in adjusting their daily food to the need of each slave individually but had never brought up the issue of having to slurp the food out of dog bowls. He had succeeded in replacing the old eye biting shampoo and the odd soap with child friendly shampoo and body lotion but never mentioned his duty of washing the other boys' genitals and rectums. He had succeeded in allowing the boys to cuddle together at night for some comfort but knew better than to question the chains and cages that forced their penises to stay flaccid. And of course he never doubted my right to fuck any of them whenever I wanted to, even after a long and hard working day.
Marcus was extremely intelligent. I could talk with him about things all my older slaves wouldn't ever get a clue. Our talks covered almost everything from politics, economy and sports. I made quite an amount of money from some of his investment suggestions which I had put up into an account for him, of course without his knowledge. Most likely he wouldn't ever need it but since the money wasn't expected it wouldn't do any harm. As boys usually are he was rather idealistic and naïve in most of the political and social issues but usually he quickly found the crucial points and though some of his suggestions were rather unconventional they might have worked in a better world. Marcus had an altitudinarian nature and I often teased him by attacking his sense for justice and fairness. Then the boy could get ballistic. His struggle of fighting my arguments while not forgetting his place as slave was usually funny and enormously arousing. Of course he lost the arguments, usually simply by being gagged effectively by my hard cock.
Though Marcus couldn't get much of my cock in his little throat he was one of the best cocksuckers I ever had. His tongue was as quick as the wing of a hummingbird and the combination of licking, sucking and rubbing with his hands usually send me over the edge much quicker then I wanted. As everything he did he did giving head to me with passion. It hurt me big time when I thought about how he was forced to learn this skill. Sometime in future this priest would regret what he had done to my little boy, I vowed. Nevertheless he had learned it well and I used his little mouth quite often. He never complained and was eager to please me. And the boy could still surprise me. From time to time, often after a busy day, he prepared the bedroom for a special night, all with candles, music and wine, and indulged me with a body massage and all the sex his small body could bear. I always made sure he wasn't disappointed either.
Being lost in thoughts I didn't realize Jan had stopped his crying and had slipped off my body. He had sensed my cock getting hard between out bodies and decided to distract himself by showing his master his gratitude. The teen boy had pushed the blankets down to my feet and straddled my legs to get full access to my lower body. Someone must have put on some underpants on me but the boy evacuated my parts quickly. He started to lick my balls and the outer shaft while stroking the base of my cock with his finger tips. Up and down went his tongue and soon my mind was distracted by the arousing pleasure.
I still didn't know what time or date it was or how long I was in Barbara's care but my balls needed some relieves desperately, at least I felt like. Jan was not as good as cock sucker as Marcus but he had learned well too. I forgot everything around when my ball drew up and my cock was ready to shoot. There was no way back. Jan was ready to catch my seed with his mouth as the door flung open and a little boy stormed with a load "Hi" into the bedroom. Jan startled and lifted his head from my cock but couldn't stop me anymore. Splash after splash of white cream hit his face and ear as he had turned his head.
Little Luke was stopped in his tracks and stared agape at the scene in front of him. Jan had tried to pull the blanket over us but it was too late. Luke had seen the first adult cock shooting its juice.
"What're doing, Uncle Mike?" the young lad asked curiously.
I wasn't fully recovered yet and struggled to find the right words. Jan was still under the blanket and didn't move.
"Sir, Jan's helping our Master with cleaning his body. You'll do this kind of cleaning too when you're older, Sir." Marcus came for rescue.
Luke tilted his head and thought about Marcus' words.
"Kay!" he said after a while. "Mummy wants to know if you'd like something to eat, Uncle."
The house was obviously well built or it would have been crashed by the tons of rocks falling from our hearts.
"Yes little man, I think I can eat a little bit. Thank you."
Luke turned on his heals and darted through the door.
"And Luke" I called him back.
"Yes Uncle?"
"Please knock the next time."
"Kay!" he answered before running to the kitchen, leaving the door wide open.
I threw the blanket back. Jan looked at me horrified, his head stained with cum. To be honest I didn't know what to do with him. He had embarrassed us with carelessness but of course he just wanted to please me. He shouldn't have checked the door but if I hadn't pulled him onto me it would also not have happened. He took liberties by starting to suck my cock but I could have stopped him. I looked at Marcus. The boy closed his eyes, turned his head away.
"Go to our host, tell her exactly what you have done and what had happened. Apologise to her and ask her to punish you as she sees fit." Marcus ordered the older slave with a thin voice.
Jan, already pale, went even whiter.
"Sir, yes Sir." he whispered as he climbed off the bed.
"Tell her I ordered you. Ask her for some cold water to clean your face and come back immediately after she's done with you. Master might need some help with his supper."
Jan looked completely beaten. He shuffled away as if he was sent to execution.
"Why did you do that?" I asked my prefect boy after Jan was gone.
"Master, Luke will ask questions, Master, if he didn't already. I think it's better she knows what happened, Master."
"You might be right, but
3;" I didn't finish my sentence.
"Master, Ma'am knows you have sex with your slaves. Everybody in my class knew Masters have sex with slaves. It's totally natural. And since Jan is an older teen she can't really complain. Beside, I don't think she dishes out severe punishments, Master."
I was speechless. This couldn't be a ten year old child beside be. I couldn't help; I started to laugh. I laughed so hard it hurt in my chest. Finally, with a long sigh, the laughing ceased. Marcus had placed his head on my chest and smiled dreamingly. Lust came over me. Before the boy could react his pyjama shirt was off. The pants were on his knees when the door burst open again. I stared at the little boy standing in the doorway, carrying a tray with a bowl of steaming soup and bread.
"Sorry, Uncle," he smiled.
I sighed and pulled Marcus' pants back up. After all, Luke was just a little boy, so what could I expect? Luke put the tray on the nightstand and climbed onto the bed. He smiled.
"May I sleep with you tonight, Uncle Mike? Daddy's not coming home before late and Mummy said she had to punish Jan."
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes, she took him into her bedroom and said he wouldn't be available for a while. So I brought your soup." Luke answered while cuddling against me.
Marcus rose his brows in surprise.
"Uncle Mike?
"Yes Luke?"
"What is orgasm?"
Chapter 31 Experiences
My hand wandered over the sleeping boy. I stroked his skin gently, determined not to disturb his slumber. From his hair came the sweet smell of baby shampoo. His pyjama top has slid up exposing his little belly button to the air. The boy's head rested on my shoulder and with every breath he took the warm air flew over my naked chest, caressing my sensitive nipple. We have talked for a while before he dozed off beside me. My fingers had played with his navel and now traced their way down to the hem of the blue pull-ups the boy wore. He had blushed as he admitted that he still needed the diaper at night. I didn't mind a bit, he looked so sweet in them. Slowly my hand slid into the diaper, searching for his little boy parts.
I cupped his immature balls and his small penis. A shudder ran through his body but he didn't wake up. He pulled his legs half up, spreading his knees, as if to give me more access. Lying on his left side, I had wrapped my right arm around his shoulders, allowing his head to rest on my upper arm. My right hand had caressed his right flank. His little hand slid from his belly down to his side and as it touched my fingers he wrapped his little fist around my thumb. My left hand fondled his balls; my fingers traced around the head of his pecker after pulling his foreskin back. The little cock responded immediately. It went stiff and tried to tent the plastic of the diaper. I could feel his heartbeat; it went faster as did his breathing as I continued to play with his sensitive parts. The boy's mouth was wide open.
Kissing the boy on his forehead I could feel his ecstasy slowly rising. He had no chance to withstand my expert fingers. His cock was as hard as could be; his little orbs were drawn deep into his body. His body tensed; his legs went straight up and the air was pressed out of his lungs. His whole body shook as all the pent-up energy exploded in a mighty dry orgasm. I held him tightly as his body calmed down. His body was trenched in sweat and he hung limp in my arms. But on his face was a big smile. He had obviously enjoyed the sensations though he didn't wake up. He turned and cuddled against me, still holding my thump firmly in his fist. He hadn't lost his grip a single moment. Seeing the boy smiling filled my heart with joy.
I realized that I was still weak and tired. With the little boy cuddled against me I couldn't get up so I made myself comfortable. A last kiss on the boy's head and a soft squeeze of his little balls with my hand still buried in his diapers before I slowly closed my eyes and dozed off into a dreamless sleep.
Jan was completely lost. He knelt in front of the large bed and for the first time in his life he saw a woman completely naked. Barbara had draped herself on the bed and had, though she was very nervous herself, ordered the teen to lick her good. Jan didn't think of disobeying an order from the woman, especially since his prefect had sent him to her for punishment. But the boy had no idea what to do.
Jan had learned to please his master and had been fucked quite often lately, but nobody had told him how to satisfy a member of the other gender. As every time he didn't know what to do he was so terrified he couldn't think anymore. His body trembled and tears stood in his eyes as he slowly bend forward and lowered his head to the deep forest of hairs between the older woman's legs.
Marcus squirmed in his bed. The two bottles hanging on the drip stand were empty and he had to pee badly. Usually Jan was around to bring him a plastic bottle but Jan wasn't there and the bottle nowhere to see. Marcus knew he couldn't hold it the whole night so he had to go to the toilet. He had watched Barbara closely so he knew what to do. He closed the valve and disconnected the tube from the needle in his foot. Marcus didn't question the needle. Someone had put it in and someone will pull it out. One of the few things his stepmother had taught him was to be careful with any form of injury because of the risk of inflammation. So he made sure the valve was completely covered with bandage and for the first time since they arrived in Barbara's house he rolled out of the bed.
With very wobbly legs he stepped unsteady out of the room. He knew from previous visits to Sebastian where the bathroom was. He had to cross the hall but to do so he had nothing to hold on for a few steps. Just in the moment he was in the middle of the hall the front door opened and Thomas entered. The surprised boy lost the balance and fell backwards. To his great misfortune that was too much for his bladder to bear and it opened the gates. Quite an amount of the amber liquid escaped into the boy's pants before Marcus could squeeze his penis shut with two hands.
Thomas stood in the hall, looking down at the boy that should be in his bed. But Thomas was once a boy with a weak bladder himself so he realized the problem quickly. Wasting no time he lifted the boy up and carried him to the bathroom. Since the accident had already occurred; he simply put Marcus into the tube and told him to let go while he pulled on the legs of the boy's pyjama pants. A very embarrassed and red faced slave boy obeyed. Thomas, now in his father mode, pulled the boy's shirt over his head before he rinsed the urine from Marcus' body. Marcus found himself wrapped in a huge towel and carried into the living room.
During the whole process neither the man nor the boy said a word. For Thomas it was a routine job he often did before to his own boys. Marcus on the other hand was not only too embarrassed for wetting himself but though he wasn't treated like one he didn't forget a second he was just a mere slave boy; a slave boy that had left his bed and room without permission to be exactly. He didn't fear the imminent punishment; he was disappointed about his own behaviour. Furthermore he knew it was wrong for him to enjoy the benefits of his sickness like sleeping in a warm bed with his loved master while being served by Barbara and Jan.
He felt very uncomfortable as Thomas sat down on a sofa with him on the man's lap. If anything he should be kneeling on the floor; waiting for an order. Of course Marcus didn't struggle, he didn't move a finger. It felt like an eternity for the ten year old as Thomas just sat there, holding the boy in his arms. Marcus focused his own knees, not daring to look at his benefactor. His head was pressed softly against the man's chest. Suddenly he felt a drop landing on his cheek, slowly running down to his neck. There was another one and then a third. When Marcus looked up, he saw tears dropping from the man's face.
Marcus winced. This was getting even worse. How should he explain to his master that his friend cried over a slave's misdeed? He loved his master and he knew his master loved him but as a slave he feared his master too. He had not forgotten the excruciating pain in the punishment frame his master had put him in for less. He had not forgotten the shame he felt as he hung there; shame for his failure to please the master. Now he had let his master down again, in a foreign house in front of foreign people. A shudder ran through his skinny body and as addition to his shame tears welled up in his eyes too.
"Sir, I'm sorry
3;" Marcus started but he was hushed immediately by Thomas.
Thomas tried to smile at the boy through his tears. He hadn't wanted to scare the boy. He had just wanted to comfort him a bit. Thomas had returned late from work as usual. Since Sebastian was taken away he sought distraction in his job, dug himself deep into the files, not wanting to return to the 'empty' house. He knew he neglected his wife and younger son but he couldn't help. Though Sebastian wasn't as close to him as Luke; he nevertheless loved his first born more than everything in the world. Sebastian was his pride; smart, modest, healthy, almost a perfect boy. Some stupid minutes had the whole world turned upside down.
Thomas knew he was about to destroy his family. He fought hard not to start drinking uncontrollably. He had started smoking again and he even had tried some dope. But his real drug was his work. He often toiled 16 hours a day or more. He often didn't see his little son awake the whole week. Barbara had tried to argue with him but now they simply lived in the same house, but nothing more. Thomas slept most of the time in the living room and cooked for himself. When he found Marcus on the floor, trying in vain to avoid an accident, it was almost as if it was Sebastian a year or two earlier.
It has been a ritual for Sebastian and him for years. Only recently when the first signs of puberty had hit the boy he started to refuse being bathed by his father. But he still enjoyed their quiet time together, sitting on his father's lap, held by the strong but loving arms. The only difference was that Sebastian always wore his underpants. The memory was overwhelming for Thomas and as he held young Marcus in the same way he had to cry. He was lost in his thoughts until the boy cried too. As their eyes met, Thomas could sense the worries and the fear of the little boy. He knew nothing about slave psychology but he guessed what was wrong correctly.
"Don't worry little one, you are not in trouble." he whispered while wiping the boy's face.
"You did nothing wrong. Such things simply happen. Are the others already sleeping?"
"Sir, I'm sorry Sir. I don't know. I woke up and was alone, Sir." Marcus stammered.
"We are alone, Marcus. You don't need to call me 'Sir'. Just call me Thomas as you did before."
"Sir, I'm sorry Sir, but I can't do that. I'm a slave now, Sir." the boy replied barely audible.
Thomas sighed.
"All right then, boy. Please tell me, how is Sebastian doing?"
"Sir, Sebastian is doing very well, Sir. Master is very happy with him, Sir."
Thomas starred again at the wall. The towel had slipped down a bit and he had started to play with the boy's nipple rings absent minded. Marcus' body stiffened. The boy struggled to avoid the unavoidable. His nipples were one of the most sensitive spots of his young body and the way Thomas turned and twisted the rings softly the boy's sensations went wild. His immature body betrayed the young boy as usual when it came to sexual feelings and he couldn't help and let out a deep moan. His little penis, freed of all restrictions by Barbara, slowly grew to his full glory.
Startled by the boy's reaction, Thomas withdrew his hand from the boy's chest. He watched dumbfounded as the boy's excitement slowly subsided. As most parents he had almost forgotten what he felt when he was young; had forgotten that sexual pleasure is not a prerogative of adults. He was astonished about the intensity of the boy's reaction to a simple touch. Thomas starred at Marcus' erection. He had seen the little stiffies of his sons in various situations, but this was the first boy cock hard from arousal live in front of him. He felt a certain tingling in his groin.
Thomas thoughts went back to before he met his wife. Together with Mike he had watched some illegal porn videos, mostly with young boys starring. It was well before the new law was introduced and children became available for sexual use. He remembered that the sight of naked boys had always stimulated him more than everything else. He still found himself guilty upon such thoughts but couldn't help. There was a naked boy lying in his lap with no family bonds restraining him. His breathing became faster and his hand slowly wandered over the boy's thigh up to the groin. It lingered there a few moments but suddenly Thomas felt that guilt again and took the hand away.
Marcus could sense the mixed feelings the man had as well as the hard cock beneath him. He suddenly understood what his master meant that night months ago when he talked with Thomas after they had visited Sebastian. He understood why Master Mike had offered Timo to Thomas to play with. Master Mike loved boys and Thomas had the same feelings. Master must know that he guessed. After he had realized the nature of his host Marcus relaxed. If his master trusted the man he would be safe. Looking into his eyes Marcus took Thomas' hand and placed it over his genitals. He spread his legs to give better access and smiled. To show his complete submission he lifted his arms, put his hands behind his head and leaned back.
The towel was completely off his body now. Marcus' little groin was fully exposed on the man's lap while his shoulders and legs rested on the sofa. The boyish cock stood out between the man's fingers. Thomas held his breath. Angel and Devil were arguing in his mind. He knew it wasn't right but eventually the Devil won. His hand trembled as he started to stroke the boy's navel while the other hand still rested on the boy's groin. Marcus' belly quivered by the touch of the cool hand but he kept on smiling. He didn't know whether it was right to offer himself so freely to an other man or not, but resisting against a free man was completely out of question. He let out his first moan as Thomas gently cupped his balls.
Marcus had learned to enjoy a loving man/boy sex long ago after his master had taken away the painful memory of his losing of virginity. Since that day he hadn't thought about the rape anymore, something he had dreamed of almost every night before. Now, fondled by another man, it came again into his mind and for a couple of seconds he almost panicked. But just in that very moment Thomas bent forward and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of Marcus' little penis. A wave of sensations and mixed emotions ran through the boy's body. It felt as if all his muscles cramped at once, his butt was lifted from the man's lap and his body touched the sofa only on shoulders and heels. When the first wave subsided it was followed by a wave of pure pleasure. A cascade of exploding stars filled Marcus' mind until it went completely dark.
Jan gasped for breath. Barbara lay on top of him, gently blowing some air over his balls. She was teasing the poor slave boy mercilessly; his encased cock tried in vain to get hard. Jan's face was buried between her legs; she sat effectively on his face, making him lick her two holes. He was tied spread eagled to the bedposts, completely at the woman's mercy. Barbara was in ecstasy; she made the slave boy doing all the things she wanted to try but didn't dare to do it with her husband. And it was months ago she had sex. Barbara had already climaxed two times and was now approaching her third orgasm quickly. Jan's inexperienced tongue had learned to pleasure the magic spots quickly, encouraged some painful squeezes of his balls. Barbara shrieked as the waves of pleasure run through her body.
Thomas bathed Marcus' face with kisses while tearing his own shirt off his body. He had sworn he'd never look at a boy in a sexual way and he'd managed to keep it up all the years. He had seen his own boys naked and he had seen the boys of his junior soccer team in their birthday suits as well. Not even once he had felt something in his groin. But now, with the opportunity to have a willing boy available, all his hidden emotions came out. Thomas struggled to shed his clothes without letting the boy go. His hands ran over the boy's body, his lips kissed every part of the boy's face and chest. His tongue played with the boy's nipples as well as it invaded his tiny ears. All the time Thomas' cock strained to break free of the fabric encasing it.
Marcus had recovered from his black out but remained passively. Though the man's administrations weren't unpleasant, Marcus felt guilty. He knew he had no other choice than to let the man do with him what he wants, but for Marcus it was like betraying his master. The boy was devoted to Mike, the first adult after he lost his parents that had cared for him and gave him some love. All boys had painfully learned not to touch their private parts. All boys got pleasure by Mike but learned that it was he who decided when and where. Now another man was giving him pleasure and his master didn't even know he was there. Marcus knew he should be in bed sleeping, that's where Master Mike left him to stay.
Thomas was oblivious to the slave's discomfort. He had undressed completely; his throbbing cock was already leaking. Marcus eyes were drawn to the man's groin. Thomas had short trimmed pubes what made his cock look even bigger. And big he was. Thomas had always had the biggest cock of all his peers. It was long and thick. The colour drained of Marcus' face by the thought of that monster tearing his ass apart. Thomas pulled the boy again onto his lap. Marcus winced when the tip of Thomas' cock slid between his cheeks and touched his little flower. But Thomas turned the boy around while dropping on his back. Marcus was now on top of him and his little pecker pointed to his mouth. Marcus moaned when he felt the man's lips around his pole.
Now, with the man's groin in front of him, Marcus knew he had to return the pleasure. Knowing he couldn't get the whole penis in his mouth he wrapped his hands around it as good as he could and started with some gently moves. He could reach the head of the cock with his mouth so Marcus started to lick around the piss slit. Thomas almost jumped as he felt Marcus experienced tongue for the first time. Moving his hands up and down Marcus opened his mouth as wide as he could. He thought it wouldn't work but after several attempts he had wrapped his lips around the cock without touching it with a single tooth. Thomas was in ecstasy, he moaned and grunted. It only needed a few more turns with the boy's tongue and with a loud cry he shot his load into the Marcus' throat.
The pillow was soaked with tears. Silently sobbing, the boy felt cheated. But worse, the boy felt forlorn. As every little boy he was carving for attention but in the last weeks he felt like been left out most of the times. Even his birthday a week ago wasn't really celebrated. That was not the first night he cried himself into sleep with nobody there to console him. Just a few minutes ago he found out he was alone in the bed again. When he went to the bathroom he heard strange sounds coming from the rooms. He had no idea what was going on in there, all he knew he wasn't part of it.
It had all started when his brother made this stupid thing and was taken away. Luke still didn't understand fully but he had realized the changes in his parent's behaviour. His mom spent the most time in his room, and when Luke cried after her, she responded increasingly irritated. She did take care for him in the morning, but she wasn't as funny and cheerful anymore as she was before. Sure, he was fed with her milk every day but even that didn't give him a feeling of real love anymore. He wouldn't forget the morning when he was complaining repeatedly about his cereals. She had pulled down his panties and had spanked him until he was reduced to tears and snot. She never had hit him before, not even a single slap on his butt. Luke had cried well into school.
He really missed his father. He didn't see him at all during the week. When he woke up, daddy was already off to work and when he returned, Luke was already sleeping. The only day he saw him briefly was Sunday, but even then he had to stay behind when Daddy was off to meet some friends. Before he had always played with him and was there whenever he needed him, but that's gone. But most of all he missed his big brother. Sure Sebastian had bullied him around quite often but otherwise he had put him under his wings all the time. Whatever Luke wanted to know, Sebastian explained him patiently. Whatever Luke wanted to learn, Sebastian showed him. He even showed him how to play an easy song with his new guitar. It had its price though, usually a piece of candy or a dessert. But Luke didn't mind.
Now nobody explained something to him and nobody showed him what he had to do. Luke had asked his mother why Sebastian had these rings on. She said she doesn't know. He had asked his father about Marcus' chains. Dad just told him that it was because Marcus was a slave. Today he had tried to ask Uncle Mike, but he felt he didn't take him seriously. Marcus had tried to explain something to him but mostly he said Luke would have to wait until he becomes older. But he had so many questions about what he had seen. Luke knew he wouldn't get answers from anybody else but his brother. He made a decision. He decided to ask him right now. The little boy climbed out of his brother's bed. He had learned earlier that the door to his own room was locked so he opened the wardrobe to try some of his brother's older garments. He knew where everything was stored and quickly found what he thought he needed. Luke was a 'big boy' and knew how to dress properly. But he knew too he had to offer something.
Luke's eyes wandered around. Suddenly he saw the bag with the guitar. 'That's it', he thought. But his thoughts wandered more. He remembered the happy days not far ago, when he and his big brother were a great team, enjoying a loving family. The more he thought about the more he wanted those times back. Dropping to the floor, he let his tears flow. Looking at a picture on the wall, showing his grandparents together with him and Sebastian, he realized he needed help. In his immature mind the only way he could bring Sebastian and him together again he had to free his brother and run away. Surely his Grandpa would know what to do, he thought. Luke crawled took his brother's satchel, emptied it on the floor, and started to gather the things. First he took Sebastian's new sneakers and some clothes, followed by a small Teddy Bear and a comic book. For the seven year old that was all he would need. Carefully he put the satchel on his small shoulders, took the guitar bag and shuffled to the front door. Once he had his boots and a jacket on Luke stepped bravely into the night.
Chapter 32 Running Away
In his plan he would sneak to Mike's house and call his brother out. Sebastian would know how to get to their Grandparents where they would be save, he thought. Luke had seen enough TV to know he must avoid the street, so he decided to take the way through the small forest. He had played there often and knew the way to Mike's house well but now it was dark. Luke hesitated. He was scared. Once he had left the range of the street lamps he could hardly see anything. He turned around, looked back to the house where the creatures of the night couldn't harm him. It was the only home he ever knew. He wiped a tear of his eyes.
Soon his eyes had adjusted to the darkness, the snow reflected the moonlight and he could see the path his brother and he had often used. He went along the path for some minutes until he came to a fork. Luke hesitated. There was hardly any snow in this part of the wood and it was almost completely dark. Luke took the right path. After he went on another five minutes the path disappeared slowly and suddenly he stood between some bushes that waved their twigs threateningly. As the boy realized he had taken the wrong way he panicked. Luke headed blindly through the wood, trying to find the way he came on. He didn't get far. His little foot got entangled in a root and he lost his balance. The boy didn't see the stone on the ground before everything went dark.
Sebastian rolled over worriedly in his bed. There was something that wouldn't let him fall asleep. His stomach growled but it was not the hunger that was disturbing him. He had got used to it, though it was already the third night the boys' bellies would remain empty. They had drowned the last box of slave chow last week and now Nico's few dog food cans were also gone. The computer based order system needed the Master's authorisation. The boys knew there was some food in the kitchen's fridge but none of them dared to take it. They all remembered vividly what Nico's back looked like after Master had found out his pet had snatched a piece of bacon from the leftovers in the bin. No, it had to be something else that troubled the boy's mind.
After his parents had taken Master Mike, Marcus, Timo and Jan with them the remaining slaves had no idea what to do. At first they simply kept on their daily routine but without someone to keep them in line the boys became lazy. More and more chores were left unfinished and soon the little slaves didn't care about their tasks at all. And though they all worried about their Master and their mates they were still boy enough to enjoy their time of laziness. At least all did but Julian. Without the man that controlled his life so completely Julian felt lost. He missed the sense of security he felt since the Master made all decisions for him.
None of the other boys could understand the satisfaction Julian felt once his Master had shown him a life without anything to worry about but with love and affection in turn of a complete surrender of his body and mind. Sure the boy hated the pain and humiliation his Master inflicted on him frequently but he had accepted that as the only way he could achieve that mind blowing pleasures of what Master called an orgasm. Sometimes he had humped the blanket in his box when he felt horny. That was nice too but nothing compared with the heights of a pain driven climax.
He also missed the thrill of being helpless in his Master's hands. The times he was completely immobile, with no chance to free himself, yet completely at ease because he knew his Master wouldn't endanger him in any way. That were the times he could let his mind wander and dream about adventures in foreign lands he knew he would never see. Even the barely ten days since Master Mike was brought away had thrown Julian into despair. The other boys couldn't or wouldn't take the place of Mike, Marcus or Jan. Nobody told Julian what he should do or where he should go to. He was at his own. Sure the boys played their games with him and he didn't mind, but it was simply not the same. He couldn't calm after he asked Chris to put him into bondage; he couldn't get off when the boys took turn in spanking him as he had requested. So most of the time Julian sat in a corner of the slaves' room and cried his eyes out.
Nico was kind of happy being able to spend so much time with his friends. He always felt left out; he'd rather work all day than being alone in his room or waiting for his Master for a walk. None of the boys had heard him say a single word since Master had turned him into a pet. He followed every conversation but when asked he only barked once or twice. Nico growled and whimpered like a real dog to tell his moods and he only used his feet when ordered by his Master. The training device on his collar hadn't delivered any shock for months so Master had switched it off. The boys had played with Nico, tickled him and tried to persuade him to speak, sensing the boy's deep sadness, but in vain so they gave up.
Nico didn't mind at all to share his food. In fact he almost fell out of his role as he had to laugh at the boys as they tried it. Their faces showed at lot of disgust, the thought of eating dog food made them almost vomiting. Their revulsion lasted one day before the hunger won. But as much as he enjoyed the renewed companionship with his friends he feared the consequences. And he didn't like the boys' laziness either. Being the only child of a working single mother he had learned his duties early. And he had inherited his mother's sense of tidiness. Giving up his attempts to bring the boys back in line he tried to clean up the worst mess the boys created, using the only his mouth and tongue.
The house wasn't really in a bad state since the boys only used their room with the joined bathroom and spent most of the time in the living room where they played, read or watched TV, something they hadn't done for ages. They knew there would be a price to pay but as the young boys they were they didn't really care about tomorrow. They wouldn't be boys if they cared about their own hygiene either. They did take a shower every now and then but since Marcus wasn't there to wash there privates they simply rinsed them off. Chris felt some itching and without thinking he scratched his penis. A few hours later the itching had turned into a slight burning.
Police officer Paddy O'Brian threw the book away and sighed. It was time for him to begin his nightly patrol. Since the re-introduction of slavery the night shift was usually a quiet affair. 'Boring!' as his colleagues used to say. Children and adolescents were kept of the streets at night now as every responsible parent feared the consequences even a slight infraction might have. So only the poor and desperate would dare to do anything, trying to survive, as the society of the rich and famous had no place for them. Everyone knew that the enslavement of juveniles was only the first step; soon the ones incapable of earning enough money to cover the costs of living would follow soon. The law was about to be changed; processing units for adults were already built.
As Paddy entered his patrol car he switched on the newest equipment, the Slave Tracker. Unknown to the public all new slaves had been fitted with a tracking chip since almost a year. No runaway had a chance to escape now, once reported he could be easily located and arrested. Of course the slaves didn't know they're chipped either, all they knew was that a large prod was shoved up their anuses as far as possible. The screen of the Slave Tracker was dotted with green spots; all of them young slaves serving their owners. The number of dots would get fewer once he left the town heading to the surrounding villages. Only six or seven slaveholders there had already bought one or more of the newly processed boys and girls.
Sebastian stood at the window and looked out into the dark. Somewhere there was the house where his parents and brother lived. The boy knew something wasn't right. He had never talked to anyone, but he always knew when his brother was in trouble, when something worried him or he was in pain, short when Luke needed help. That didn't make life easier for Sebastian the last months when Luke was almost constantly depressed and sad. The knowledge that his enslavement caused the little boy's sorrow didn't help either. Only the strict regime Master Mike and Jan had established distracted him from these thoughts.
It was the knowledge that he couldn't do anything for Luke that had depressed Sebastian more than his own situation. When it became too much he asked Timo for some of his juice. The juice always made his mind numb and he could forget his sorrows for a while. But Timo wasn't there so there was no juice as only Timo knew how to mix it properly. Though it was warm enough in the room Sebastian was freezing and his head ached as if something hat hit him there. He felt the fear slowly rising. Pressing his forehead against the windows he starred out into the night, some lonely tears slowly dripping down.
Young Timo looked so adorable in his pull ups. I stood at the foot side of the bed and looked at my little slave boy. His pale skin made a nice contrast to the dark red sheet and the blue diaper highlighted his middle section. Knowing what was hidden beneath the plastic cover made the sight even more exciting. His thin legs were slightly spread and bent at his knees. The prone boy had his face turned to the right and his face was completely relaxed, if not slightly smiling. He had brought his hand up to his face and his lips encased his little thumb.
Coming back from taking a leak my cock went hard instantly by that pleasant sight. I pulled the boy a little bit further down and got into the bed beside him. I adjusted my position so my cock was lined up with his mouth. Carefully I repositioned his thumb with the head of my cock. Timo, now with his hand unoccupied, wrapped his fingers around the shaft of my pole and started to suck. Slowly his lips moved into a stretched smile and he opened his eyes. Looking at me Timo opened his mouth wide and took as much of my cock into his throat as he could.
It was cold and it was wet. Little Luke shivered though he had put on his snow suit before he had left the house. He cuddled against a fallen tree, his legs thrown up to his body. He was alone in the dark, no idea where he came from or where he should go to. His ankle hurt as badly as his head. The noises of the night scared him to death; he didn't dare to move an inch, even if he could make some steps. When he awoke he tried to find the path but as soon as he put his right foot on the ground the pain ran through his little body. Luke had dragged himself to the tree that sheltered him a bit from the icy wind that had come up.
He had cried for his parents but nobody could hear him. Tears were constantly running down his wet and cold cheeks. Luke didn't care about the snot running from his nose anymore. He sobbed and silently cursed everyone he could remember for making his life so bad. He cursed all but one. The only hope the little boy had left was his brother would come and find him. He had called him several times and had begged him for help. Luke was tired, the whole adventure and the cold of the night had worn him out. Before he closed his eyes he cried one last time.
Sebastian sat wheezy before the window. He had fallen asleep and now awoke suddenly like from a nightmare. But Sebastian knew it wasn't a dream. He had seen his little brother sitting alone and injured in the dark wood. He had heard him calling his name. Sebastian didn't doubt for a second. He had to find his brother or Luke would be dead tomorrow. He wondered whether he might ask the other boys for help but decided against that. He couldn't endanger them too. Sebastian remembered vividly the short film he had to watch in the slave centre. There was no mercy for slaves on the run.
Though he didn't really want to run away Sebastian knew he had to leave his master's estate without permission. And Sebastian had an idea how to conquer the security system. During play time in summer he had to fetch the ball. He had to go further than ever before and the pain from his security collar was almost unbearable when suddenly it stopped completely. Sebastian panicked and ran back but recalling it later he knew he had found a weak spot. The boy had kept the secret for himself so probably the gap still existed.
Careful not to alert his mates he slipped out of the slave's room and opened the closet where some boy clothes were stored. The boys had worn the tights and woollen shirts when they were sent out to clear the snow from the driveway. Tights and shirts were itchy and looked ridiculous but Sebastian knew there was no way he could survive naked. Some old boots completed his outfit. It wasn't really enough for what he wanted to do but better than nothing. A blanket and a white bed sheet provided additional warmth and cover. Taking a pocket lamp from the sideboard next to the door Sebastian was ready to start.
Officer Paddy O'Brian had almost completed his tour. Only one small village was left before he could return to his warm office. He had checked a couple of boys but the slaves had a pass from their company and were delivering the morning paper. Paddy was slightly disappointed; he wasn't really a gruel man but sometimes he liked to scare the shit out of a slave. However these paper boys were used to all kind of abuse so they just dropped on their knees and waited for whatever would come. The police man wasn't disinclined to a nice boy's ass either but since he didn't want to catch a disease from the frequently fucked paper boys he sent them away.
Driving through the deserted streets Paddy didn't expect any trouble. The few green dots on the screen of the Slave Tracker weren't moving, not very surprising in the middle of the night. But as Paddy turned his car one of the dots caught his eyes. He zoomed into the map. The dot slowly moved to the south, clearly outside of any building. The officer decided to wait. There could be many reasons why this slave wasn't sleeping but there was always a little chance one of them would try to escape. Turning off the engine Paddy lit a cigarette and leaned back. He would get his answer soon.
Marcus was held on top of Thomas, his former coach, by the man's strong arms. His arms were pinned firmly at his sides. The boy's legs were trapped between Thomas' knees and the hot air from the man's rapid breathes tickled his neck. Marcus didn't know how long the man held him like this but he still felt Thomas' cock as hard as could be inside his bowels. Thomas had talked a lot to the boy after he had recovered from his intense orgasm; most of what the man said Marcus didn't hear, trapped in his own thoughts.
But Marcus had seen the desire in Thomas' eyes though the man kept on saying he wouldn't fuck the boy. But his cock was rigid again soon and Marcus knew a slave had always to please his betters, no matter what the slave felt. The little slave boy had learned this important lesson well, sometimes the hard way, in the last months, though Master went usually easy on him. Marcus straddled Thomas' waist and, hoping his salvia would be enough lubricant, lowered himself onto the man's cock. Unfortunately it wasn't enough and though he had a well fucked ass the boy hissed as he impaled himself on the hard pole.
Thomas was too surprised by the boy's actions and as he realized what Marcus was doing it was too late. His sensations went wild as he felt the tight rectum encasing his cock but his mind screamed. He could sense the boy's pain and discomfort and felt bad and ashamed but nonetheless the sensations were so good he couldn't bring himself to push the boy off. As Marcus started to ride the man Thomas grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down on his back, immobilising him effectively. He tried to whisper into the boy's ears but all he managed were some moans of pleasure as Marcus worked on the cock inside him with is rectal muscles while tears ran slowly down the boy's cheeks.
Sebastian was already freezing, though he had wrapped the blanket and sheet around him. He could feel the pain rising as he approached the fence. It all looked different in the diffuse light of the moon. At first he had tried to cover his tracks but had given up because it slowed him down too much. He knew it was no use in finding Luke while freezing to death himself. He must be quick to get him home in time. So Sebastian jogged as fast as he could in the dark. He reached the small hill but the pain was getting worse. If he couldn't find the weak spot, he knew he had to give up.
The slave boy climbed on the mound to get a better view. But as he reached the top he received a heavy shock from his collar. Sebastian fell to the ground, his hands clenched around the collar, unable to breath. The pain was unbearable but he couldn't move. Clouds wrapped his mind and the boy didn't realize his body had started to slide down the side of the hill. He felt a second shock before everything went completely dark. Half rolling, half sliding Sebastian's unconscious body disappeared between the trees. The bed sheet, not so white anymore, covered his lifeless form as it slowly settled down.
Paddy shouted as the Slave Tracker beeped. The green dot had changed into red, indicating a slave on the run. He called up the slaves file and looked at the details. He held the age of the slave against the data of the security system, one of the best available. To him there was no way the boy could break through the electronic fence and survive. He had felt the jolts of a security collar himself at the training facility of the police department. None of his colleagues had made it through the barrier. He had seen the big and strong guys rolling on the floor in pain, despite the system was only set to demonstration mode.
The red dot didn't move. Paddy unplugged the tracker and left the car. He had to find the body to confirm his suspicion; the rest would be left to the owner. The police officer cursed the boy for being so stupid. Hadn't he been told that running away can't be successful? No slave had survived a run for long. There was no place to go for a runaway, sooner or later he'd be discovered and brought down. Paddy hoped the boy hadn't suffered for long. As police officer he didn't oppose the enslavement law but when it came to death he always felt sorry for the children.
Something was sticking hard against his belly. He felt no pain, but everything felt numb. It was freezing cold and he had no idea where he was. His face was wet and something was wrapped around his head so he couldn't see anything. He tried to turn around but a sharp pain from his belly mad him freeze instantly. Tears shot in his eyes. Slowly he moved his hand to his belly and felt something moist and sticky. The boy almost panicked but in his agitation he managed to sit up. The sheet slipped from his head and he could see the moon through the branches of the trees around him.
Sebastian looked around and then down at his body as he tried to remember what had happened. His shirt was torn and his belly was bruised. As he looked at the spot he was laying he saw a piece of wood. Kind of a black fluid was sticking on the sharp edges. Still without a clue where he was he checked his limbs. Everything seemed to be O.K. though he was covered with snow and mud. Clearly he was in a forest in the middle of the night. But where and why? After a few minutes or an eternity, Sebastian couldn't tell, he tried to stand up. Again he felt the pain in his belly but not as bad as before.
It was completely silent apart from his own breathing. He tried a few steps and apart from a dull feeling in his legs it worked. The boy looked around again and he could see where he must have slipped down a steep hill. There was no way he could get up again, Sebastian decided. So he turned around and saw a gap that looked like a small path. Knowing he needed help the boy took this chance. He barely went fifty meters [55 yards] when he heard something like crying. Sebastian stopped. He heard it again. Suddenly everything was clear. He knew where he was and why.
"Luke!" he shouted.
Officer O'Brian hardly believed his eyes as the red dot clearly moved again. He was just about 300 meters [330m yards] away but was obstructed by a deep ditch. When he heard the boy shouting he knew he was on the right way. But there had to be someone else waiting for him. He took out his stun gun. It was a very effective weapon, stopping any human in a hundred meter [109 yards] range usually without lasting damage. He didn't expect any real resistance but a desperate boy could hurt a man badly. Trying to avoid any noise he slowly approached the area where the red dot now remained still.
Once he had crossed the ditch he made good progress. He had served in different special units so moving in a dark wood was nothing new to him. The boy had made no attempt to move further so he guessed he was injured. When he got close enough he could hear a voice. To his surprise it was the voice of a young boy, clearly younger than the slave he was looking for. The police officer stopped and listened. He couldn't understand what the boy was saying, obviously he was crying hard. Now he heard a second voice, a boy too, but older. That had to be the slave, Officer O'Brian thought correctly.
Luke cried out shrill as the police man appeared out of the dark. Sitting on his brother's lap he had wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Paddy O'Brian shouted.
He pulled Luke away from brother. Luke shrieked but had no chance. Pointing the gun at Sebastian the police officer quickly checked Luke's shoulder but didn't find a slave registration. Both boys were too scared to make a sound. Before he could react Luke was cuffed and secured. 20 seconds later Sebastian was a helplessly bound bundle too.
Timo had just cleaned my cock after I shot my load into his throat. But looking at his sweet face with traces of cum around his lips had made me hard again. I had picked him up and carried him to the bathroom to give him a quick wash. The boy got a new diaper and found himself sucking on a pacifier I had seen in Luke's room. He was truly a sweet baby boy. Timo clearly needed more time to recover from his sickness and was really tired. When I had him sitting on my hip he was out almost instantly, his arms wrapped loosely round my neck. He had lost a lot of weight but as skinny as he was now Timo was even more adorable.
A car came down the driveway with screeching tyres. A door slammed shut, then another. Someone pressed the bell and held the button down. The door to the Barbara's bedroom burst open and, dressed in a skimpy night gown, she rushed out. Thomas came out of the living room with a towel around his hips, clearly tented by his hard cock. His red face went pale as he saw me and Barbara. In the room Marcus was draped face down over the back of the sofa, his legs slightly spread. The pink boy hole was stretched wide and traces of cum and ass juices ran down his thighs. I felt as if someone had driven a sword right through my heart.
Chapter 33 Consequences
The door bell went amok again. Out of habit I was about to shout at Marcus why nobody was answering to the door but realized in time it wasn't my house. Instead I stood naked in the middle of the hall so I simply took a coat from the hook and threw it around my shoulders, covering me and Timo. Thomas hadn't recovered from the shock of being caught fucking a boy red handed so Barbara went out to the porch. A couple of seconds later we heard a loud scream. Thomas was pulled out of his stasis and rushed out too, his cock soft and limb already. Putting my young burden softly onto the floor I followed.
I found Barbara lying on the floor crying with Thomas at her side. She had wrapped her arms around a little boy that was cuffed at hand and feet, his face was buried between the woman's breasts. A police officer stood on the porch, carrying a gun and handheld computer. His right boot was placed between the shoulders and neck of another boy, pinning his face into the gravel. The rags the boy wore were torn into pieces; his slender body was covered with mud and blood. I couldn't see him breathing and feared the worst but then heard a muffled whimper.
Thomas glanced angrily at the cop who only laughed at him. May it been the tiredness or else, I didn't get what was going on. I still didn't recognise the boys as I hadn't seen their faces yet. Furthermore I expected Lucas in my bed sleeping and had no idea Sebastian had left my house. So when the policeman spoke, as if to answer my unspoken question, it caught me completely off guard.
"I just brought these two boys over to their parents for them to say goodbye. They will never see them again," he laughed.
Suddenly recognizing the ragged clothes the boy under the man's boot wore. I moved forward and pushing his leg aside I lifted the boy up. Another knife hit my heart. I almost lost my balance. Sebastian's face looked like he had been through the mines again. His lip was split and blood was everywhere. He had a black eye and tears ran down his cheeks. I didn't know how and why the cop had taken him but I didn't matter. I dropped the boy and turned around. The cop must have suspected something because he had his revolver up and pointing at me. For an eternity we stood there staring at each other. I knew I could win this game and was right. He turned his eyes away.
"What the hell is going on here?" I said angrily.
"These two brats are runaways. I found them in the wood."
I didn't believe my ears. But even if they tried to run there was no reason for the cop to act like he did.
"This slave belongs to me, so thank you for bringing him back. But Luke here is a free boy, little but free. Running away from home is no crime!"
"No, but attacking a policeman is." O'Brian said, smiling again.
Thinking for a few seconds I took hold on Sebastian's collar and lifted him up again. Scanning his body with my eyes I could see the traces of a recent fucking on the boy's dirty bum. Taking a deep breath I replied coldly.
"Who do you think you are, Officer…"
I looked at his name plate.
"Officer O'Brian?"
He was too surprised to reply.
"I don't know how this slave got out of my estate but he is my property. You fucked him, you hurt him. Officer, do you have the slightest idea who I am? No? I'm sure Detective Masterson wouldn't appreciate if we disturb his well earned sleep just to tell him one of his men had damaged the slave of a frequent contributor to the Police Charity? Did you know that his new slave Justin once belonged to me?"
His face turned pale.
"So what do you think, Officer O'Brian, why don't we just forget the whole thing?
His face changed from white to red.
"And if you happen to meet the director of the department of internal affairs, please tell Mrs. White I hope my last boy didn't disappoint her."
The cop's face went pale again. It was just a bluff; I had nothing I could hold against his word, but I hoped he would buy it.
"They were both good boys, Officer, just as these two are. Please don't take it too far. We know both there wasn't an assault from the boys. O.k., you caught a slave on the run and if you leave right now I will mention your good work to your bosses."
Ignoring the gun I went a step closer.
"But if not…" I left the threat unfinished.
Paddy O'Brian knew he was defeated. He knew he went too far as he tried to blackmail the little boy's parents. 'It might have worked, but how could I know the slaveholder was present?' Paddy thought. 'Shit, I don't risk my career for a few bucks.' The man didn't regret what he had done to the slave. 'A boy's ass is there for the pleasure of a man.' he had learned long ago in his old school at home in Ireland. The Christian Brothers were good teachers, at least in this subject. He lowered his gun.
Marcus was still bent over the back of the couch. It was cold and the boy shivered, his anus hurt slightly and the blood pounded in his head. The seat of the couch was wet from the boy's tears that ran continuously out of his eyes. But it was not the pain that made him crying, it was the shame. Marcus felt deeply ashamed he had betrayed his Master, the only person in his young life he loved from heart and the only person that loved him dearly too. His shame was deepened by the fact that he had enjoyed Thomas' cock inside him, at least partly. Marcus loved to feel his Master's penis inside him, he almost needed it. That was what he had missed most during the last weeks of sickness.
Though Marcus was a highly intelligent boy his way of thinking had changed dramatically. There was no need to break him; his mind was capable to adjust to his new life. It was mostly Jan's work; he had trained his young fellows adamantly. The boys hated him for that but knew it was necessary since the punishments he dished out were nothing compared with their Master's wrath if anything went wrong stupidly. Now to the boys everything that went wrong was their fault. So it didn't occur to Marcus that he had been raped by Thomas, instead Marcus cursed himself for the seduction he must have done to the man. The boy had been told often he was cute and right in that moment he hated himself for being so. Tears ran freely again. Suddenly he flinched as someone touched his thighs.
The negotiation was a quick affair and after I had signed some papers the police officer left the two boys into my care after accepting a generous tip which I doubted would ever see the Police Charity Fund. My hosts were still not in a state to act properly so I gently pulled young Luke out of Barbara's hands hand lifted him up. Sebastian was too heavy to carry him too and, still without any idea what had happened, I had to look at him as a runaway. So I just took him by his collar and dragged him behind. By the law he wasn't allowed to be in his old home but since the police had brought him I didn't really care, not in the middle of the night.
I was often enough in this house to know there was a tiled laundry room in the basement. Both boys were quickly undressed, Sebastian by simply tearing off his rags. Luke was too tired to realize what happened; he didn't object to the cold water I used to clean his little body. He was quite well, a scratch here and there, but nothing serious. Sebastian's body was in a similar state as his face. He had scratches and bruised anywhere, but the worst injury was a deep wound in his belly. Cleaning it out must have been excruciating but by the look I gave him Sebastian knew better than to make a sound. He knew he was in trouble big time.
I left both boys in the basement room and much to Sebastian's surprise I cuffed and gagged the sleeping Luke too. My body ached as I reached the ground floor again. Through the open door I could see Marcus still lying on the back of the couch. Timo was sitting on the floor, his face resting against Marcus' thighs, fallen asleep again while caressing his friend. As I reached them I saw Marcus was sleeping too, but by the expression of his face I could see it wasn't an easy one. His face and the seat of the couch were wet of tears. My heart told my to pull the boy to me, to hold him and kiss all his sorrow away. But I couldn't, not before I could extinguish the feeling of betrayal that was nagging in my mind.
The inquisition started in the morning. I awoke on the sofa, covered by a warm blanket and saw Jan kneeling on the floor, where he had spent the rest of the night after Barbara had released him. By the expression of his face I could tell it was an experience he would remember a long time. But as always, he responded quickly to my orders. Marcus and Timo found themselves hogtied on the floor; the straps cutting painfully into their soft skin. The waterworks started again as the memories flooded back into Marcus' mind. Again it cost me a lot of will power not to respond.
Barbara and Thomas were ordered, not too gently, into the living room. They protested but something in my tone told them better to obey. When everyone was ready Jan brought Sebastian. His wrists were bound together by a rope that Jan threw over a hook in the ceiling; the basket of flowers hanging there before lay discarded in a corner of the room. Soon he was pulled and stretched, his toes barely touching the floor. His head was covered with a bag so he couldn't see anything. Sebastian's whole body ached and through the gag in his mouth some muffled moans could be heard.
His body was covered with bruised and scratches. The wound on his belly had started to bleed again slightly as the skin was stretched; one of his nipple rings was torn out. It was a pitiful sight, but the slave boy was suspected to have tried running away, one of the worst crimes a slave can do. I really hoped he did not but if he wouldn't get any mercy from me. No slaveholder could show any mercy to a runaway without damaging his authority over his other slaves. I must have been very intimidating because neither Barbara nor Thomas tried to intervene, even when I held my hand out to receive the belt Jan was carrying.
Sebastian's sleep that night was very brief. He didn't know why everything went so terribly wrong; why the security system was working; why that cop had appeared in the wood out of nowhere in the middle of the night; why the policeman had beaten him so harshly before he rammed his tool home dry. Sebastian knew he had no chance but prayed to god the cop might spare his little brother. When the slave boy recognized the policeman had brought them to his parent's home and he heard his master's voice Sebastian was almost happy even though he knew he had dug himself into very deep shit, but if he got a chance to explain everything would turn out right, he thought.
The first lash of the belt crushed the boy's hopes. He tried to be brave, he tried to beg his master for the chance to explain but all that came out was a muffled scream every time the belt hit his bruised torso. Suddenly the bag was pulled of his head. When his eyes had adjusted to the brightness of the room he could see his parents standing there; their faces distorted in disgust; at least that was what the boy's mind told him. An overwhelming feeling of shame flooded through his mind and almost made him fainting. Only the searing pain from the belt prevented him from passing out.
The boy's bruised skin allowed inflicting maximum pain with minimum force, just by some flicks of my wrists in the right moment. Some of my former boys had told me it felt as if the skin was torn away and they were always astonished to see no real damage afterwards. I didn't intend to damage him; it was just to remind him of what he was: A mere slave boy that had disobeyed his master and damaged his master's property, his own body. That was one of my iron rules. For a slave that injured himself carelessly the pain of the injury should be the least thing to worry about.
When I felt Sebastian had enough I stopped. Though this was the worst punishment the boy had received so far I didn't worry about his seizures as he could handle a punishment well. The boy hung limb from his wrists. Barbara had turned away; Thomas stood just there, his face frozen and pale. As I lifted the boy's chin with my fingers Sebastian didn't look away, he just held my gaze. His eyes were filled with tears, but through an endless sea of pain I could see some of his bravery left. He breathed hard between his sobs.
"Why?" I just asked.
As if a spark had lit a fire the boy gathered all his power. His body straightened and he held his face up by himself. I untied his gag and as it came out he gasped for air, since snot had constricted his nostrils. Once he had caught his breath the words started to pour out of Sebastian's mouth. Unfortunately for the boy, I didn't understand a word of his addleheaded story. If one had ever heard a boy trying to talk himself out of trouble he knew what I mean. I got annoyed of the boy's tale since to me it was just phoney. Just as I lifted my hand to bring the belt back to action Jan stepped forward and dropped on his knees in front of me, effectively preventing me from hitting Sebastian.
"What the hell
"Master, I'm sorry Master. I know it sounds crazy but he might say the truth, Master."
"Boy, you want to tell me this slave has telepathic powers? Are you crazy too?"
"Master, I don't know anything about that, Master. But you might remember the day when young Luke came to see his brother? I'm sorry but I just realized what Sebastian had meant as I heard him say 'He's coming!', Master."
"You knew it?" I asked Sebastian after I had digested the information.
Sebastian hung as limb as before from his wrists, his chin on his chest. After a few seconds he started sobbing again and nodded barely visible.
"Master, I'm a freak Master." he cried.
I wasn't convinced but had no other explanation for the boy's behaviour, except a phone call to his brother, but didn't believe Sebastian would have dared either. Luke couldn't know how to call my phone, not many people knew my private number. I dropped on the sofa and ordered Jan to bring the other culprit in this case. Little Luke looked very confused and was still half asleep. Jan had untied his ankles but carried the boy on his arms. After all, Luke was a free boy and superior to the teen slave. If not ordered Jan wouldn't have dared to touch him, let alone to force him into the living room. But as Luke spied his brother, his body covered with welts and bruises, the boy wailed and jumped out of the slave's arms.
Luke cried out again as he found himself pulled over my knees. A quick slap on his naked butt got me his attention. He was scared to death and held his arms out to his father for help. Thomas reacted instinctively but a as he caught my cold glance he stopped dead. I turned the boy so I could look in his eyes.
"Luke, why did you run away?"
Luke shook his head.
"Luke, this is no game, this is serious. Answer me, why did you leave the house?"
He shook his head again. I sighed and flipped him around so he could see his brother. It was cruel, but I wasn't in the mood to play silly games.
"Look at him, Luke. Sebastian has been punished already. Do you want me to start over again before you tell me the truth?"
The boy cried hard and struggled to get away from me but with his wrists bound on his back he wouldn't have a chance even he were much older. I simply wrapped my arms around his body and pulled him tight.
"Luke," I said much more gently, "don't make me do things we both will regret later. Please tell me what happened last night. I promise you won't be punished."
"And 'Bastian?" he asked after a few seconds.
"If Sebastian had told me the truth, everything is o.k."
Luke gulped hard, looked at his brother who managed a weak smile, got a supporting nod from his father and a pleading glance from Barbara. Then he began his story haltingly. In childish words he confessed his running away. Encouraged by some questions from me Luke managed to tell us how he felt after Sebastian was gone, how he tried to fulfil the promise he had made to his brother in my house and why he felt so neglected and lonely. I had to wipe some tears from my eyes and even Jan had wet cheeks. The boy's parents wept like babies. Luke's words were sometimes hard to understand but I knew he had poured his heart out and everything was true, at least from the boy's point of view.
But that left me indeed with a 'freak' amongst my slaves and I was quite worried. Nevertheless I couldn't see that Sebastian would have supported young Luke's childish and stupid plan to run away with his older brother so he had told the truth, so incredible it might be. Sebastian hung still on his rope, his head down, crying silently. I didn't regret the whipping I gave him; after all he had left my estate without permission and I was determined to give him another good lashing at home in front of the other boys as a lesson for all. I nodded to Jan to let Sebastian go who fell to the floor and curled into a ball. Luke, who had wrapped his arms around me (after I had untied his wrists) and bawled into my chest, didn't hesitate a second as I asked him to care for his brother.
I barked another order. Marcus didn't struggle but his eyes went wide as Jan tied his hands to the rope and pulled him up. His pale face turned even whiter as he saw me picking up the belt. But Marcus made no sound; he just gulped, lowered his eyes and waited. He knew why he was about to get the belt. He cursed himself. He hated himself, even more than the night before. The boy in him wanted to beg for forgiveness, but the prefect slave knew that would make it only worse; worse for him self. To Marcus, I had every right to punish him for what he had Thomas allowed to do. He tried to fight the tears as a new wave of shame rushed through his mind. The tension had built up from second to second and as his brain registered the searing pain from the first lash Marcus had lost another fight.
The boy's scream echoed in the room. To say I was surprised about the intensity of that first scream would have been an understatement. The lash wasn't even as hard as I had hit Sebastian before. Dropping the belt I untied the rope. Marcus fell to the floor, wrapped his arms around my ankles and buried his face between my shoes.
"Master, I'm so sorry, Master. Everything is my fault. Please punish me hard, Master!" the boy sobbed.
"Right boy, it is you fault and you will be punished severely." I said, realizing what had happened.
"It's not his fault!" Thomas suddenly shouted. My plan had worked.
"Don't blame the boy. I'm the one who fucked the boy even though he cried. I don't know why, it simply came over me. I'm really sorry, Mike! Take whatever you want but Marcus did nothing wrong! He is a good boy and he loves you!"
"Yes Barbara, I fucked the boy. I didn't want it, it just happened. I admit I love boys more than anything in the world; even before I met you and you gave me two sons. Seeing the boys in Mike's house, Mike's offer to take one of them, brought back feelings I hoped had died long ago. But they didn't. That's why I worked so much. I feared I could do anything wrong. Barbara, I swear! I never did anything with the boys, I never thought about. I love them too much! I love you too much!"
Thomas broke down and dropped to his knees, bawling his eyes out. Barbara just stood there, too shocked to do anything.
"Barbara, Thomas! Both of you had taken advantage of one of my boys. But even worse, you were too selfish to see young Luke suffering. So your son ran away. It doesn't matter how but he made a slave to run away too. I think you know what that means. Once you said you feared to lose your second son too. You just did. For the damage you three have done to my property I claim your son Luke as compensation! I will take him home with me as one of my boys."
Now it was Barbara's turn to scream. She dropped to the floor too.
"But," I lifted my hand," I do appreciate what you had done for me and my boys here in your house before. You probably saved the live of Marcus and Timo and maybe mine too. Therefore I take Luke only as long as you need to get your life back into line. Think about what had happened, think about each other and think about your sons. Book a flight to some remote place and take your time. You'll need it!"
There was a lot of moaning in the room. Some of the boys were holding their bellies; others lay just on their backs. Jan was kneeling beside my recliner, holding a big plate and, of course, my little pet Nico had taken his favourite place, resting his chin on my thigh to get his head fondled. I stuffed the last slice of pizza into the pet's mouth. Pizza boxes were scattered on the floor, the last remains of the 'back home' party the boys had enjoyed. As boys are they had eaten more than enough to fill their stomachs and were now paying the price. I had told them not to eat too much after the long period of starving they had endured but of course no one cared.
It was good to be home again, even if the house wasn't like I expected it to be. Tomorrow the boys would suffer; all of them knew that, but today we just enjoyed being united again. After a tearful goodbye little Luke had a lot of fun with my boys. The idea of taking him with me was born just a moment before I said it and I had not thought about what to do with a seven year old youngster. I had put the boy's things into the second guest room and Luke had striped to his underwear as he was used to at home. I could see my boys were uncertain how to behave since Luke was a little boy but free. By now Luke had just played with the boy's rings but I was sure there would be more soon.
Another thing to worry about was Marcus. Not a single word had come over his lips since we arrived at home and I had to smack him before he took a slice of the pizza. Before we had left Thomas and Marcus had told me what had happened the night before. In other circumstances I should've been pride that Marcus had performed his duties so well but of course I couldn't, even though I had to admit he had no chance. It took me some time to realize that my anger was just pure jealousy and I wondered again what the boy had done to me.