Whatever Happened To Tommy Vescu
A BoyToys, Inc Universe story
Chapters 8-9
Chapter 8 The Xanadu Pleasure Dome
Kon Yan
The very next day my master awoke to a beautiful dawn in a luxury suite in the Gentry Mansion of the Xanadu Pleasure Dome resort. The 360-holo-clip presentation boasted that it clientele had of "a choice of more than 100 of the most desirable boys with physiological ages of 6 to 17 years, and with selections of both prepubescent to newly pubescent pleasure boys of a wide selection of ethnic origins and well conditioned and trained to give their clients the very best in man-boy sexual enjoyment."
My master's slave also awoke – when feeling excessively content and happy I frequently think of myself not as 'I' but as my 'master's slave' – to find himself totally unencumbered with any of the usual slave control devices (except for the usual collar and cuffs) and his small body entwined with that of his master's. Instead of requiring his slave to arrange all necessities for both of their morning ablutions and wardrobes, and, as commonly the case, preparations for the day's planned activities, he had his slave continue his stay with him in the luxurious entwinement of body and bed.
I smiled in the remembrance of our sex-capades of the night before, and of very early morning, and wondered if they would again continue now in mid-morning. My master was possibly in one of the most vivacious moods in which I'd ever seen him.
And the sex did continue but this time with relaxed affection and tender caress. After tasting all the usual places of my body which he knew thrilled me, my master positioned me on my back and emplaced a small neuronic sound deep into my piss slit. (This device would cause my orgasm to develop in my rectum rather then in my genitals, even though they too would be brought to the brink of orgasm. The resulting climax, though perhaps a bit less intense, was much more drawn out). My master then eased his beautifully formed 7 inches [18 cm] into me with both fervor and tenderness. This manner of sex, with his concentration on giving me, his slave, maximum arousal and sexual pleasure was not so common, and put me in at least as an expansive mood as my master. This time he took a good twenty minutes to come to orgasmic climax and he did all those amazing things to me and my body to time my own climax perfectly. He was a supreme master (pun intended) at this, so that my own climax caused the contractions of my own sphincters to carry himself over the brink into his own climax. A climax of his greatly strengthened and drawn out because of his using my own genitals earlier that morning for their usual purpose, to be milked for their content of powerful aphrodisiac and sexual pleasure enhancement properties.
As I lay there in the enraptured afterglow of my master making love to his favorite slaveboy, I could tell by his expression afterwards he had some diabolical plan in force for the day. But no matter, I was his slave and I would of course obey and submit. And to me at that very moment that my resolve to 'obey and submit' only brought a smile to both my soul and my face.
Since I was not in formal slave comportment I initiated a conversation.
"Master, thank you for pleasuring your slave's body and spirit. May I inquire what as to what you wish your slave to do?" And I got bold, adding: "And may I inquire as to just what are your plans for this day?"
"Plans are already made. A short trip to the restaurant above Bottomless Chasm for brunch. Then onto the day's events, including a trip through some of the more spectacular country our continent has to offer, not to mention some of the more infamous man-boy sex available here at the Xanadu Pleasure Dome."
Not especially informative, except I was wondering if I too would eat there. However, my master didn't seem inclined to reinsert that forced-feeding mouth gag and muzzle back into me. Yet.
"Boy, I can see through your well schooled slave demeanor of phlegmatic pretense. But no matter. Today will be a first for both of us. And I for one will take full delight in it."
He gave me one huge sly smile and added: "No need for you to search out any of your secondary slave accoutrements. No genital control either. Butt plug and slave harness only. There's a really cute simple one with short braided leash available for use in that third cabinet. Get the red one with platinum entwinement. I want to show you off."
Ok, what's wrong with this picture? Those primary 'accoutrements' always includes butt plug and some kind of slave harness, and most often includes genital control. The remainder could include, but was not limited to, some kind of bondage restraint attached to ankle and wrist cuffs, occasionally a mouth gag and possibly a muzzle, and on rare occasions, head and body posture devices. But now, no gag, no chastity device? Just my small (super-cute) body with its 3½ inches [9 cm] poking forward?
We bathed in our usual fashion, 'dressed,' and were escorted by a hotel 'staff member' to the rear staging area, where my master said that a pony-drawn carriage was already awaiting.
Pony drawn carriage?
The staff member, a solicitous (and apparent) 15 or 16 year old, and one of the many sex slaves on offer here, was wearing his 'formal' outfit. Special cloth collar and cuffs covering his slave collar and wrist cuffs, and a breechcloth skimpy enough to bring attention to, rather than really hide, the youth's medium sized genitalia and butt crack. Plus sandals. His looks and long flowing black hair reminded me of holos of those quite striking people form old earth labeled Native Americans. As he walked ahead of us, I could see a very large metal ring, at least 3 inches [7½ cm] in diameter, dangling from the end of his moderate sized and partly erect penis, and an even larger one from his testicle sac, seemingly piercing it laterally. (Wow, I wondered if THAT hurt being put in)? The boy's slender brown skinned naked body, and his sexual allure, was not quite lost on my master, but I was happy that he definitely had a preference for (super-cute), prepubescent looking, 10 year olds.
When I got a look as the carriage, it was what comprised the 'pony locomotion' which took me unawares. But in this place I should have not been surprised. The 'ponies' consisted of two 'matched' boys attached to the carriage forks via 'pony harnesses' which imprisoned with hands in mittens, and arms folded behind in the small of their backs. (The mittens I discovered later were permanent). Their feet were forced onto their toes which were apparently actually fused somehow to small metallic 'pony shoes.' From their butts extended the turned up ends of large butt plugs with tails flowing behind. Their heads were forced into tightly fitted bridles with severe mouth bits. A strange silver tracing seemed to be somehow embedded into the boys' outstanding penises and genital sacs. A large ring at end of the boy's penis had been attached to a strap pulling it straight forward. [For greater detail see: Xanadu Pleasure Dome: Part I – The Stables]
The matched set of ponies seemed quite docile and just stood there passively. The driver who sat on a seat above us was a small naked boy, perhaps 6 years of age, without a single hair on his body anywhere. And I was surprised to see such a small boy fitted with a muzzle and which totally covered the lower portion of his face. But most astonishing was the fact that the boy had been totally nullified. Nothing. Perfectly smooth between the legs. And his incongruously large metal ankle and wrist cuffs were attached together with heavy chains. A comparable metal slave collar adorned his neck. (Again I discovered that that muzzle, containing a feeding gag, was permanent. As was the little boy's heavy cuffs. He was one of the stable boys who took care of the ponies – the ponies themselves conditioned and trained to be totally passive – and who occasionally was put into service as a carriage driver and frequently found a bed of one of the guest who liked smooth boys. I was also relieved to find out that the boy could indeed still experience a rectal orgasm).
On the ride to the restaurant, both ponies started neighing and even whinnying quite loudly. (Here too I discovered that all ponies were made incapable of speech and only made the normal sounds of ponies, namely neighs and whinnies. And that webwork on their genitals were neural stimulators. Only when the penis was pulled away from the 'pony' as he trotted along, and as it bounced around with his movement while pulling a carriage, would this movement, combined with the stimulation of his prostate from his tail plug, be able to stimulate a continuing string of dry orgasms).
Not in a hundred years could I ever imagine just what it must be like to be used as a 'pony' pulling a carriage, or other such contraption, during the day, and being used as a passive sex toy whenever a passenger or other guest decided to use the one of the 'pony's' two main openings. Well, at least if using the pony's mouth, that bit must be released from his mouth.
The spectacle and unique experience of the carriage ride, coupled with my penis NOT being in chastity made for some awkward moments when I most definitely had to avoid it touching something or my touching it.
During the ride, while taking in the amazing scenery and beauty of the surroundings, and of course the two stunningly cute boys pulling our carriage, my master finally decided to give some cryptic mention of our day's happenings.
"Just think boy, today three great things will happen. One, we will start a three to four week holiday. Two, as per an early morning communication form our generous hosts, the culprits involved in the affair concerning Tommy and Boni have been identified and this 'quest' of ours, as our host aptly put it, will essentially be in its final stages. At least for us. And three, you will be quite aptly punished during our entire stay here for all the transgressions for which you have been guilty over our recent travels."
Punished? There so far has been no hint of any punishment. And when will it start. And by what method? My master deliberately postured himself indicating that he would entertain no questions. Oh well. I AM a slave after all.
And as we approached the restaurant and the overlook at the famous Bottomless Chasm, all thoughts of anything but the spectacular view were pushed aside.
As we sat at the far rail of the upper deck eating our food, we took in the spectacular of Bottomless Chasm, which is actually 3,282 feet [1000 m] deep, with its three roaring water falls in the close distance, one in each fork of the divided canyon, and a tall thin stream falling from one side barely a mist 3000 feet [900 m] below! In the opposite direction, easily viewed from this same deck, was the Faun Compound. I wondered just how Puck was doing.
And oh yes, all manner of near precedent breaking things were going on. I actually sat right there with my master, right in a chair, right at the same table, and ate a meal right from my master's menu. He fortunately helped me avoid any disconcertment of having to actually choose something for myself, by ordering the meal himself.
Next, the carriage was pulled right into a pony barn, lined with two rows of upright stalls where the ponies passed their nights – when not elsewhere in the bed of a client.
"Now to start your punishment boy. Formal slave mode now."
What? I obeyed of course.
Ten minutes I found my self being fitted into a special harness, bridle and bit, and other items to make me into a (fortunately temporary and part-time) pony boy. Now I understood the lack of slave accessories this morning. I found it thrilling and exciting. Even later, when routine and some discomfort set in, I was still kept in serious sexual arousal not just from that thing they out into my butt hole and into my penis slit, but by the actual fact of being forced into the role of a pony boy. I told you that sometimes my master's punishments were 'good' for me.
First was led to a washing station where I luxuriated (oops, I mean submitted) to hand washing of my entire body, by two of the cutest stable boys in existence. They both looked to be about 6 or 7, and had those startling empty groins, and seemed to quite enjoy their task. Their hands definitely lingered over my butt hole and sex parts. Of course, like all pony boys, I was required to remain totally passive throughout, and I was forbidden to speak.
"If you wish boy, I give you permission to neigh now and then."
And my master himself gave forth a great 'neighing' laugh of his own. I was then led on leash to a strange sort of work area where all manners of harness, hardware, and of course bridles and bits abounded. During the entire time of my transformation into a pony boy, at any tiniest of unwanted movements on my part, or the absolute slightest mistake or failure to immediately reply to an order, explicit or implied, resulted in a sharp wrap of a quite stinging quirt by my master. By the time I had finally gotten to the stage where I was pulling that calash, my body was a series of slender and quite visible lines.
First my feet were fitted with 'shoes' which, by means of tight fitting leather and metal framing, forced me to walk on my toes. Later, as I pranced about I could see small horseshoe, or rather pony shoe imprints in the dirt. They were quite heavy. Fortunately, my ability to maintain this kind of locomotion was assisted by micro-force fields helping me to hold my weight up on my toes. Next came the insertion of a butt plug far in excess anything I'd ever seen or experienced. I was actually afraid until I realized that this was what my master had decreed. I still could not stop quaking, or even shedding several tears, as the mammoth thing was inexorably pushed well into the interior of my rectum and probably further. Only my enhanced sphincters allowed them to sustain such an assault, they were stretched so far until a narrower portion of the plug finally allowed them to subside just enough to be tolerable. But damn! How could anyone even walk with this monster inside them? Well I would certainly find out. Next the mouth gag from the darkest Depths of Deneb. (Or my master's fertile mind). It first required special self seating nostril to trachea tubes so that I could keep breathing. And be absolutely unable to make a single sound. So much for neighing. Then the bridle which fitted four straps over my head. One from under chin to the top of my head. The next contained the bit which fit into slots on two sides of the mouth gag each of which came only close to my lips at each side of my mouth. The thing, when inserted, forced my lips back quite uncomfortably. This strap, attached to each end of the bit by way of two small rings, followed around my nose and joined between my eyes and traveled and joined the first strap there. It also continued down and joined two smaller straps which extended back from that first strap about the level of my mouth. And then they were tightened so that absolutely no slack was found. The tow protruding ends of my bit – fortunately of a material allowing my teeth to 'bite' into it, had two additional rings which would be attached to the leads which would of course give me 'directions' as to right, left, or stop.
Then a simple sound was inserted into my penis its full 6 inch [15 cm] length and my entire genitals were encased into a flimsy mesh that when 'activated' formed itself very, very, tightly to both my now raging hard penis and my small boy testicles. (No ring at the end as seen on the 'real' ponies).
Then came a two part harness. (My other one having been removed before I was washed). The bottom wrapped around my genitals, then went between my legs, up through my butt cleft where it fitted into the ending of my butt plug, and onward to be secured into a very thick and heavy waist belt. The part encircling my genitals was secured by two straps which went upward like a 'V' and it too attached to that same very wide waist belt. It was damn tight! The second portion of the harness did not actually connect to the bottom portion. But before it was fitted, my hands were forced into a fist with my thumbs pointing upward so that my fists were vaguely cone shaped. Onto then were fitted a very snug pair of mittens. My hands were turned into featureless lumps. Next my arms were fitted into the upper harness and subsequently forced to cross at the small of my back, mitted hands to elbows. Then a yoke was placed over my head to rest onto my shoulders, from which four straps descended. Two in the back from each side and which attached to my crossed arms. The two front ones also dropped from each side of the yoke and attached onto another belt which circled my lower chest joining to fastenings at my elbows. The thing was quite tight and forced my upper body to lean forward slightly. The yoke and those four descending and quite thick straps would engage the upside-down 'U'-shaped bars which in turn were attached to the forks of the calash I would be pulling. One additional point of attachment was a strap from the back of the fork to the very back of that waist belt. I was one trussed up slave boy 'pony.'
Of course there was just one more necessity. A real looking pony tail was fitted into the upwards curving end of my protruding butt plug.
The entire thing took more than 30 minutes to accomplish, amid many slashes of that quirt, pushing and pulling of my body parts, my own tears, and quite a few of my 'voiceless' and unheard screams and shouts. It was quite exhilarating and thrilling.
Over the next two days, I was put into harness and bit, and pulled my master around in that same one pony, two wheeled, calash. It was totally humiliating, caused me a number of forced orgasms, made me learn the life of 'answering to the bit,' and was totally sexually stimulating! And speaking of 'stimulating,' I forgot to mention that genital thing; or what it did. Well it, along with that monster and powered butt plug, was set to keep me in constant arousal, and at a trot even brought me to an occasional orgasm. Damn! I almost crashed several times!
And the only thing allowing me to actually trot with that thing, were the power assist footwear, and the motor assist in each wheel hub. And on many of the really uphill segments we cheated. We were provided with a grav assist anytime we wanted.
Besides the beauty of the grounds, with its high overlooking ocean cliffs of rugged limestone, its several short but deeply incised canyons and gorges, its rolling hills and steep rock faced escarpments, we also visited special boy places including even the walkways which stretched over the Faun Compound, but only once getting a glimpse of an actual faun. Those little animals could sure run fast! Wrong time of the day we learned later,
I was disconnected from the calash from time to time, but not either harness or bit, when visiting a specific overlook, or the interior of buildings or dungeons, or surrounding grounds of some Xanadu's most infamous or notorious man-boy sex establishments.
We visited the famous Hall of Boys where amid cages, and wracks, and a multitude of ingenious entrapments and boy-scaffolds, in which boys of all ages experienced numerous forms of both active and passive torture to the delight of those doing the torturing and those just watching. Here also was where the famous forever boxed boys were kept, their simulacrums undergoing some intense tortures. [See Boxing of a Boy for detail.]
We visited the Iron Dungeon where many boys spent their entire lives attached to torture tables, or other places for people to use their cute bodies give pain and sometimes pleasure. I specifically remember a small boy, seemingly not more than 6 years old, as he for the very first time was attached to the bars of his cell, an advertisement to use him. From there he would never move more than ten feet [3 m], only far enough to the various torture scenarios available. One was an actual cross to which over the course of his torture his hands, feet, arms, and legs were in fact actually fastened with slender needle like nails. We were told that through extreme body modifications, his young body could not only withstand such torture, he only actually felt a small amount of it as pain, only to be wracked with orgasm after orgasm as the 'torture' continued. A strange cross-circuitry in his brain.
We visited the world famous Farmhouse and Barns where the quite exotic and latest in animal-boy conversions were housed from minimal to full animal transformations and all trained to provide the best in sexual services. I could not believe that that cute small pony was actually a boy! But amazingly he followed all human direction and was quite obviously intelligent.
We visited the 200 suite 'Beach House' with its 13 freshwater and 7 ocean water National Game sized pools. And of course their selection of well trained and enthusiastic slave boys of all racial heritages and physiological ages of 6 through 17. These prepubescent and barely pubescent boys have been specially chosen or modified to provide the most spectacular man-boy sex available. In addition there were 2 new Mer-Boys to add that special something not available anywhere else."
For those three days, (and afterwards), I tried to be the very best and most attentive slave in the world in recognition of the amazing reward (oops, I mean punishment) my master had given to me. And wondered how could a slaveboy pony conversion abide being directed by that bridle and bit for a full lifetime?
It was during our last night there in the Gentry Mansion, myself finally no longer being 'punished,' when my master asked for ME to actually choose where I wanted to send the remainder of our vacation.
I was bit disconcerted and even distressed.
"Yes boy, and with that stipend from that very generous Buddingo brothers we can afford the absolute best in luxury accommodations and exotic and distant travel."
I was for the moment in formal slave comportment.
"Master, may I please speak?"
"Very well boy, other than where you want to visit, what do you need to say?"
"Master, has this slave ever really attempted to rebel?"
I was gratified when my master was obviously putting serious thought into this.
Finally he answered: "Possibly,
3;well, definitely not since after your first year of enslavement, when you were 11."
"Master has this slave really begged you either to do or not do something within its last 7 years that was not merely an insignificant moment in master-slave repartee?"
Again after some thought: "No, nothing of any real significance."
"Please master I beg of you to reconsider allowing me to choose our vacation destination."
To his credit, I was happy he made no hasty reply.
In fact it was not until late that night, when my master had pulled his penis out of the embrace of his slave's ravished and well used rear love hole, when he finally replied. I almost missed the significance and the innuendo of his considered reply.
"Boy, by 10 am tomorrow, before we are driven in to the air field where sits our aircar, you will present to your master a list of three places you might deem worthy of your master's interest concerning where he might vacation for the a period of three to five weeks."
For a split second my initial reaction was negation. But then I recognized the fact that the slave does not question his master. I complied without further comment. And I was certain to try to choose three places in which HE would be interested. I was a worthy and well trained slave after all.
Puck (Tommy)
That first morning, after my sensuous and renewing all night embrace in the arms and body of tango, I awoke with a start and was startled all over again to note my new body and my situation. It all came crashing back to me. Still to be resolved completely was how and when I would contact my Mom. I was promised by my owner, Mr. Ted Buddingo, via a message from a slave attendant in the Faun Compound, that, though on a 5 second delay for possible censorship, I would be given permission to talk to my mother and family as soon as all legalities were resolved. Including my new 'reassignment' before the Slave Judge as a 12 year Indenture. I was also informed at that same time that this Mr. Dumitrov would give a call to my mother this very day to assure that I was found and doing well – ambiguous that word 'well.' He would not be giving any particulars. That would be up to me later.
I wondered just what, in my current situation, could he specifically mean by 'doing well.'
I was being introduced to the other awakening fauns. All showed an immense interest in their new companion. We all wanted to speak at the same time. Tongo finally got some order as three of the other fauns were with absolutely no compunction, actually fondling every square inch of my body, including my tail, butt hole, and penis sheath. It was both erotic and endearing at the same time. I loved every caress.
Finally, after a lot of talk trying to elicit my entire biography from the day I was born, Tongo again curtailed most of the questions until that evening when all would have more time. All the fauns, except Tongo and myself, had only 40 minutes to make it to where their clients would be waiting, and they needed to eat breakfast at the dining barn (if taking the time) and to totally shower and wash, including their butt holes and rectums, at the outdoor bathing facility next to the hot spring area over the hill. Of course in full view of anyone on the above skywalks.
Several things struck me but only after I thought about them some. One, there were five fauns, nor entirely human so to speak, and while talking with them, it all seemed so 'normal.' As if ANYTHING here could be considered normal. Another thing I realized, was that all four struck me as not just friendly, but amazingly friendly, and all that touching, it felt so strange, but so good also. I could never imagine doing such when I was a human boy. Not with anybody. And it was also so erotic. Like everything here is not just sex charged, but supposed to be that way. And finally I had to ask Tongo some questions. (Well I've been asking about 20 a minute, but this was a special question).
"Tongo, they all seemed more than just normal; they seemed well not maybe quite happy, but enthusiastic."
There WAS a question in there, and Tongo answered.
"Of course, you are new. They are all excited to see and talk to the new faun."
"But no, it's more than that. They were all talking about what things they had to do. And it was different for all of them. One was hungry, a couple speed out to shower, and another was all excited about one client he had today. Like he knew the guy. But not just that, but they seemed so enthused to get about their business."
Tongo stared at me a moment and finally asked: "But what is so different. Aren't things like that when you were growing up?"
"Well not really. Sure I was enthused about some things; same with my brothers. But not everything. And certainly not about some things. Like school work and cleaning up, and all that."
"Puck, I don't know how to answer. It's just we are ourselves and most the time like what we are commanded to do."
Finally I realized: THAT'S IT! We are all slaves. How come no one seemed bummed about it?"
"Sure, but that just means we must do as we are told. It doesn't mean that we don't have to LIKE what we are told to do."
"And that's another thing. If they were all fired up anxious to talk to the 'new faun,' how come thy just didn't get up earlier, in stead of having to hurry and barely be able to talk with me?"
"Puck, now we are back to the fact that yes, we are slaves. We get up when our collars tell us to get up. Period. Those things we do not decide."
I do remember my collar feel like it was almost vibrating. Now I know what that was all about.
Tongo brought me to the outdoor shower area. Wow. If I had this near where I lived, I'd be showering there all the time myself. (Of course doing it while totally naked outdoors where everyone could see you, well, then maybe not). But the area was amazing.
"Tongo, this area is amazing."
The bathing area is actually a large pool with hot water flowing into it from above by a little water fall. The fall dropped about 40 feet [12 m], bish-bashing over white colored rocks, and was quite hot. The colors lining the side of the falls were amazing. Sort of pastel shades of yellow, orange, red, and light green. The pool itself had different temperatures depending where in it you were. Along one side, next to the hillside, was a wooden barricade with spouts funneling the water and also a big wooden (looking) shelf with scrub brushes.
"Puck, we have to hurry."
I could see two other fauns just leaving the area and running up the hill. Damn I never knew we could run that fast. I never tried.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing, but I must show you everything here and we MUST be at the sex barn #5 at 10 am. One second late and we get punished. And I'd like to get there early so I can show you things you need to know about."
I tried to pay attention to Tongo but the area was too amazing and pretty to not get distracted. And while under a spout, and using a scrub brush on my own self, (the special 'faun cleaner' was already added), I was looking at the steps actually seemingly carved out of the rock in the hillside. I wanted so much to go up there and investigate, and find where all this hot water is coming from. But Tongo said we could get back here some other time.
"Look Puck, you have years to see everything here. Now jump in the pool and rinse off."
I did. Then I jumped out, and began to 'air dry.' No towels. And then I jumped out of my hooves! Not more than 20 feet [6 m] away, on one of the skywalks, were two men watching me. Butt naked. I mean I was butt naked. Butt and tail naked. I was suddenly self conscious all over again. And not mostly because I was naked, but because I had animal parts showing! And my tail did its own thing when I was excited.
And what got worse, there was a tube coming out of the wooden wall I had to put into my butt hole and clean myself out. With those two guys ogling me all the time! Damn that was uncomfortable, the butt cleaning I mean. Especially when Tongo made me do it three times! And I realized just what had been bugging me. It was exactly like we were animals in some exotic zoo.
"Forget them now Puck, just follow me. That is if you want to eat."
He pulled me back up the hill in the opposite direction. Right to the eating barn. (Why everything had to be called a barn, and resemble it some what inside, I couldn't figure out. Tongo just said that was how things were. And only vegetables but some apples and bananas too. And not a chair in sight. Tongo just sat on the floor with his legs folded into a pretzel.)
"See, even the bowls are food. You can eat them too."
"Who cleans up here?"
"Automatic. The entire inside of the building cleans itself. Refuse goes into a big shoot and gets recycled."
Maybe being a slave here wasn't going to be too bad after all. So far our only 'work' I could see so far was being with a client and letting them use us for sex. And that's what my teen hormones, and I guess animal hormones, were screaming about. Suddenly Tongo didn't need to make me hurry.
We finally wended our way back to the sex barns.
"So they are quite imaginative around here I see?"
Tongo looked at me with a big question mark in his face. (I was finally starting to recognize faun's facial expressions. Quite a bit different than a human boy).
"Well, they call all these sex barns. Then there was the sleeping barn, and the eating barn, well
Tongo laughed. "I think most of the inventiveness around here is in the sex department."
We went to one of the small ones. It was one where only one client, or party of clients, rented one or more of us and wanted their own privacy. Today I would meet all my clients there. I felt a frisson of excitement run through me. My body was screaming out to let this happen. I was possibly as excited as I'd been in my entire life. I now couldn't wait. I wondered how I would cope being used sexually by all those people. They said there were six people scheduled today. Half the usual number because I was just new at this. Heck. I only fantasized about having sex. I really couldn't conceptualize the real thing.
I now pushed forward and opened the door. There were two sides to the barn. One was the people side where we were absolutely forbidden to enter. It had all the usual luxurious amenities for the rich clients. Hardly a barn. Our collars made it impossible to enter. Here on this side was stark and mostly barn-like. Even straw (simulated) on the wooden floor and one very large alcove which was actually floored with a bit of modern technology. It looked exactly like an old fashioned mattress, but it was in actuality a humongous and modern micro force field construct noted for it supreme comfort and versatility. There were all manner of small to large cushions and pillows, all old fashioned looking, but again modern in construct.
In the only other large alcove was a strange looking bench thing against one wall that Tongo explained was a mounting bench.
"This is capable of assuming several configurations. It is commonly used by the clients when they use one of us for sex. Especially if they are not experienced with how wild we can get. And even though some of our clients like the idea of restraining us when using us, it is also used here for safety sake. Safety of the client. We were pretty small but during sex frequently we are known to buck and kick out in throws of sexual abandon. Our hooves were hard and can hurt. And for your first day you will no doubt be secured to the mounting bench."
The very idea of being bound to it sent another thrill, through me. I had known that I was quite drawn to the bondage aspect of sex, but the very idea of it actually happening had me euphoric with anticipation.
Tongo went over to it and I followed. He started pointing out its actual simple structure.
"This configuration is for your being entered from the rear while you are bent over at the waist. It can be lowered or raised for the convenience and desires and comfort of the client."
He touched a control that was ingenuously set into the old fashioned looking structure that appeared to be made of wood but was anything but. It went up and down and could even be slanted.
"Right there at the bottom is a cushioned area where the client can kneel while mounting you. It can also be firmed up if he wishes to stand. The entire thing can even be so tilted that you both could be practically lying prone. Those straps there are for making sure you can't kick him. Those cuffs are put around your cannons and the straps can be pulled in as tight as he wishes. All the way and you can't move your hooves at all. That part is where you are bent over and your upper body can even be strapped in place. If all the straps are used you can be almost totally immobilized. I will actually be here for the first few times today just in case. Also you are always monitored and an attendant can get here in moments if necessary. There are even various straps in different places to secure you arms in different configurations."
I saw straps all over the place. And there was a place where even my head could be fastened down and immobilized. In stead of being daunted, in fact I was strangely aroused. My penis started twitching again within its sheath and safely behind the genital guard.
Tongo described all the bondage devices and had me so aroused a number of times as he recounted many of the weird things that clients did to him. And sometimes also laughing at some of the weird antics he pulled.
We sat on the floor eventually waiting. Tongo asked about my strange reaction when I'd seen the small faun Bantu last evening. I was trying to figure it out myself. But the little faun just seemed to take my mind and fill it with joy. But I was afraid to say anything; it sounded too unreal.
Now then to real 'unreal' things. We talked about the revelations of the previous evening. And, for me, the not so great outcome. Twelve years!
Tongo always saw the good part of everything: "But you are recognized as a 12 year Indenture, and not a permanent Class Three. And you get to even leave here once a year. That's special. The rest of us are never going to be anywhere but here."
"But it's only a week."
And another thing, and really worrisome, was how my Mom and family would react when they found out everything.
Tongo sniggered. "After a week you will be almost literally frothing at the bit to get back."
"What?" I forgot what he was answering to. I was lost in thought.
He repeated his reply.
I was skeptical.
I looked down at that thing on my penis sheath I was wondering what would happen if, or actually when, it was removed permanently. They said I would become more addicted to all the sex. And even give in more to my animal side. I tried with all my might to believe otherwise.
A ping sounded the imminent arrival of my first client. My collar also made this weird vibration. I was learning to distinguish signals. And I was almost too excited to move. Two men entered.
"Quan, this is my latest masterpiece."
Dr. Erastes so introduced me to the man who had walked into the sex barn with him. I now remembered that he had said he was to be my first client. I was wondering if the little monkey boy would be with him. I could not contain my swirling emotions. I automatically followed my training and knelt at his feet unmoving. Except I couldn't quite stop my tail from twitching I was so excited. Both the doctor and his friend quickly discarded their clothing. I was mesmerized by the close proximity of their quite erect members. I knew that in short order my butt hole would make their intimate acquaintance. No more anal probe this time.
Both Dr. Erastes and his friend, both quite good looking and with formidable penile members, reached towards me. What I saw were contrast in color, form, and in genital development. The formidable Dr. Erastes, of course, had come by his particular well sized penis and scrotum by having himself so enhanced by special gene-splice. So mentioned his cute monkey boy. And his explicit description of his master's 'monkey-boy's-toy', as his slave referred to it, was right on. Light tan color, with slightly darker and quite large and pendulous testicle sac, short foreskin over a slightly mushroomed glans, all attached to a relatively smooth ovoid body with veins only noticeable on its underside. Though over 9 inches [23 cm] in length, it was probably less than 2 inches [5 cm] in average thickness.
Erastes' body was likewise quite well formed and even handsome, of average but well toned build and of dark Mediterranean ethnicity. The other man was quite a few inches shorter than Erastes' even 6 feet [1.80 m], with slender build and was perhaps a bit older. But still a man who kept himself in relatively good shape through regular exercise. (Or had a good re-juv doctor). This shorter man had a deep tan-olive color, and as most people on Bundus III was of quite mixed ethnicity, although Oriental was strongly in his racial mix.
The darker man bodily lifted my small frame and lay me onto the long wide side of the mounting frame which could double as a table, and I was once again made quite aware of my now quite small body which he had so easily lifted. My head had barely come up the man's mid chest. The top of the framework was surprisingly soft but all my attention now was to those two naked bodies, and their hands which seemed intent on exploring every square inch of my faun body. They were obviously conversing but I found it quite difficult to concentrate on anything but my own felt sensations which were overwhelming my young mind. Never had I even been touched in this manner before. Not even when being probed or being prepared for all the recent things done to me. The one thing that did get through was the smaller man's obsession with the fact of my animal parts. Especially my genitals and the region of my tail and anal orifice. He was absolutely struck by the form of my faun body, and seemed not to be able to get enough of my animal parts as his hands found every square inch. Including the inside parts under my lifted tail. I was in teen boy sex heaven. OK, teen faun sex heaven.
I was thrilled as the very idea of presenting myself – my very naked faun self. And I so suddenly was quite conscious of my absolute surrender of myself to these two men. And I reveled in their intimate touch. The smaller man's hand seemed not to want to leave the area of my furry butt and the quite sensitive base of my stubby tail. And his own large jutting penis, seemingly incongruous for his own short stature, was bouncing no less than 5 inches [13 cm] from my face. I guessed to be at least 7 inches [18 cm] long and very thick, with heavy darker hued scrotum bulging heavily beneath. It was just slightly covered at the back of the glans with a bit of his foreskin.
As their intimate ministrations continued, I started moaning, which came out in a strange almost bray. Pheromones were permeating the air and my animal sense of smell could distinguish the different odors emanation from the three of us. My own slightly musty odor was quite distinctive, and quite different from that of the two men. But all were wildly arousing in their own way. (It was by this means that I realized that Tongo had so far stayed back from the platform).
"Dr. Erastes," asked the other man as he continued to fondle my genitals and penis sheath, "this metal piece, what is its function?"
As he tugged quite sharply on my genital guard. (Do you know that hurts)?
"Be careful there. I will remove the lad's genital guard, but we must be careful. When his penis emerges, being very new to this, he will undoubtedly be unable to control his sexual urges. If memory serves me, this particular faun will be quite rapidly gripped with a libido level of about 7.7 on the Menchner Scale. We will both have to take strong charge of him. Do not worry about merely telling him what to do. He will be at times unable to comply. Just take his body and do what you will. But remember, this faun is quite strong for his size and can buck and kick quite forcibly. And those hooves can hurt."
Tongo then came over and assisted in their attachment of my body quite securely to the mounting bench. He then versed the guys in the mechanics and paraphernalia of the mounting bench. He advised them to totally strap me in especially for the first go round. By this time I was urgently pulling on that guard myself, even though I knew it was fruitless. And forbidden. But my rational mind was almost totally overwhelmed by my feelings and sexual arousal. And the damn guard had not even come off yet! FINALLY. The doctor touched some small rod to the guard and I could feel the three micro force fields release, then he disengaged the plug and quickly pulled off the confining piece of metal. I felt so suddenly free and my penis instantly started to emerge. It was so dark brown it almost looked black. I was so thrilled to be able to see my own emerging penis. The slim glans stuck entirely beyond my penis sheath and I could feel it swell. At about this time I could not longer control myself. I started thrashing around to get at it and rub it. Not to happen.
My body was picked up, and tossed about so that I now faced perpendicularly the mounting bench for attachment in one of the many possible configurations available. My upper body was forced downwards onto the same surface I'd been lying on moments ago. I was forcibly bent at the waist with my poor penis seemingly crushed against the framework of the bench. I gave out a howl. But as I felt my own body so forcibly manipulated a sort of sexual fever came over me – I so WANTED all of this to happen! I LIKED being so manipulated. Or rather 'faun-ipulated.' My legs were then forced down so that my hooves were just off the floor. I could feel several padded portions of the frame against my nether regions. And my tail seemed to have a mind of its own as it sprung upwards stiffly and seemed to want to stay giving the men an invitation to inquire within.
As the two men held me onto the bench, Tongo started putting the cuffs onto the cannons of my lower legs, my lower thighs, my wrists, my upper arms, and even some figure-8 thing around my shoulders. Then they started with the straps. The very act of attaching cuffs and securing straps over parts of my body seemed to have a gradual calming effect. So far. So long as I could feel them on my body I was at least able to control my self. But damn got on with it! I then felt an amazing frisson as one person positioned my now fully emerged penis – its full five inches [13 cm] plus sheath – onto a small channel so that it would not be crushed under the future onslaught. And I was so frustrated; my penis NEEDED attention! My arousal was so great at this time that I could think of almost nothing else. Straps were quickly attached to the cuffs about my cannons and thighs and my lower legs were thus finally strapped tight to the horizontal portion of the bench having been pulled quite wide apart. I was capable of only very slight movement to my pasterns and hooves. All else was totally bound to the bench.
As the smaller guy now started running his hands all over my furry legs and butt, and even so far as pulling on my short tail, Dr. Erastes positioned my head into a soft cradle and strapped it down so that my face and short muzzle was entirely imprisoned in its face-down position. But what was torturous was that there was a hard rubber like bar, maybe a half inch [13 mm] think, which lay across the opening into which my muzzle was thrust. Thus it felt as if an animal bit were forced well into the back of my mouth. And the touching onslaught on the furry portions of my body, and especially my sheath, engorged penis, tail and butt hole, continued unabated. I loved it! And the good doctor was not holding back wither but his attention was on my inner thighs, animal butt cheeks, and human boy back. The combined molestation was absolutely putting me into a sexual frenzy. The more I was secured and touched, the more my body pleaded for more. I was by now trying to buck wildly again as I soon was again unable to contain the force of my sexual arousal. My penis stretched forth it almost impossible hardness as I could feel a slight moisture at its tip. I could not help myself – I just HAD to get my hand onto my own penis!
I was thrashing about wildly trying to reach down with both arms. Tongo pulled my arms back up and held them onto the bench which extended beyond my head. My struggles were in vein as now the doctor quickly attached that harness about my shoulders to accepting fastenings on the bench. Four points of attachment made my shoulders essentially fixed into position. Then another strap was pout about my waist and pulled tight. I could hear Tongo advising on just how secure to make my small but writhing body. My wrist and upper arm cuffs were then quickly attached to awaiting secure points. The arrangement which also forced my hands into tight small holes from which I could not remove them. The confining and making useless my hands seemed to excite me rather than daunt.
My body was now at the total mercy of those who would use it. I struggled against my bonds, not in any effort to gain my release, but just because acting against my restrictive bondage made me feel so sexed up! Now there seemed to be a lull as the two adults I could barely hear speaking and laughing behind me. Tongo was somewhere off to the right as far as my nose could discern. PLEASE get on with it! I so need release NOT from my bondage, but from my almost impossibly mounting arousal. The electricity of sexual chemistry was running unchecked through my small faun body.
Then someone's hand reached between my legs and grabbed ahold of first my sheath and then my slim but rock hard penis. I could feel myself quickly rising to orgasm but knew full well it was impossible for me to reach climax until the interior of my rectum and animal prostate – somewhat larger than in a boy my size – was stimulated. (According to Dr. Erastes). And even then I knew it took a considerable rectal stimulation to get my immature system to come to full climatic orgasm although the ride there (I would soon discover) was awesome.
I wished I could see who was doing what, but for only a moment, and then the full animal nature of my being took over. For the next half hour or so I was a barely rational creature as my lower half took most of the control over my person. At that moment I was barely able to think. There was one lone thought that snuck through momentarily which hadn't to do with sex and what was being done to me; it was the fact that I was now glad that I had been so modified. I was a faun and reveled in that fact. And I could not understand just why I could have ever thought otherwise. But then another grab of my penis and it was all passion from there. I started trembling and bucking only with one thought: please mount me! I suddenly got part of my wish as a finger was thrust into me. My tail automatically rose again in total reflex. It seemed just as willing as I to invite total capitulation to my users. I so wanted something even bigger and longer pushed into my most intimate hole. Then I felt two fingers moving all around. I could not stop my low bleating moans. My legs almost by themselves tried to kick backwards, but fortunately the straps held them secure. The very feel of being so bound to that frame, my legs pushing and pushing against those straps, if possible increased my sexual passion. I felt well toward climax right now but understood that much more sensation in my rear orifice, against both sphincters as my prostate would be necessary. The fingers were removed as I was startled to feel not a penis or finger, but a tongue bath my real hole. I would suppose that the guy was glad that I was so thoroughly cleaned a little earlier. Then a hand pulled hard on my tail and a sudden immense object was pushed into me with tremendous force. In one swift terrible assault a large penis was pushed into me in one fell swoop. It felt like the think end of a baseball bat, but I knew otherwise. Dr. Erastes' penis – comparatively speaking – was not that thick. Though a couple inches [c. 5 cm] shorter, I thought that the Oriental man had a thicker one. But not longer – as I felt the slightly bulbous end reach into the middle of my body. Or so it felt. And I gloried in the feeling even if it were momentarily the cause of a not quite searing pain.
And then it started thrusting in and out.
I happen to know that special enzymes released within the interior of my specially reconstructed rectum walls would be absorbed by the invader giving their metabolism their own amazing staying power and even increase their own climatic event. Dr. Erastes even stated that I was so 'gengineered' that the newly constructed enzymes could possibly prolong the climax for the person using me to a staggering five minutes and longer even though he would have long since poured every last ounce of his cum into my bowels. But I also knew that once started, my own climax would possibly rival this. If it would ever come!
After a small eternity of mounting desire and an all pervading climb toward climax I could suddenly feel the doctor shudder and pour his seed into my body. It seemed to go on for ever. And then a terrible series of spastic movements seemed to shudder through my attacker's body. This continued for another eternity. Then the doctor collapsed on top of me.
DAMN! How about me? I was still without release. My only thought was contained within my wailing plea which was never heard.
I was a slave after all. A faun to be used, not fulfilled or even assuaged. Though this thought only came to me much later.
I was barely capable of rational thought but finally something was happening. The strap about my head was released. I think it was Tongo since I could feel thickened fingers and heavy too thick nails. He then removed a small portion of the bench directly in front of my head, and with it the severe hold on my face and mouth. Even that horrific bit-like projection was removed from my mouth. But then I could feel inserted into my gaping mouth some strange ring attached to a rod which partially protruded. Then I was startled as the ring expanded. My mouth was forced to its widest extent and I reflexively tried to bite down – to no avail. Very soon after, I could see Tongo retreat and the Dr. Erastes push his 10 inch [25 cm] member into my mouth and into the back of my throat. I was almost to the point of gagging when he stopped. There must also have been some kind of sensor on that gag thing because I suddenly felt able to at least relax my mouth but just enough to suck onto that mammoth penis. Which I seemed to do reflexively. The feeling was unique. And this too I liked. I started avidly sucking and licking with my long tongue. Eventually the doctor grabbed my ears and using them as a pull bar, started pulling himself back and forth, his penis of course following. Faster and faster, and with more aggression this process continued. My extended muzzle was fortunately able to hold much of his length. Then I was electrified as another penile invader was pushed into me with great force. I was being invaded at both ends. That assault on my butt hole and prostate sent me to a new high of sexual arousal and NEED for climax, which fortunately rose within me this time at an accelerated rate. By this time I was merely a toy being used. But one who was also reveling in its use. THIS was what I was made for. (Or at least reconstructed and modified for). Faster and faster, with ever more violence and force my two faun holes, one boy one animal, were being used for their main purpose.
FINALLY! A huge frisson of sexual pleasure spasmed through my body. Again and again. I certainly felt sexual climax before but this was in a different category. If those using me felt the same, no wonder my use was in such demand. I was totally lost in a sea of experience and passion, and waves of pleasure emanating in my groin and rectum but engulfing my entire small form. My butt muscles and sphincter clamped down in syncopation to my internal shudders. My other user then erupted into me, but I barely noticed. Then I found my throat invaded time and again as the full length of the doctor's penis was thrust into my throat. Perhaps I had difficulty breathing but I barely noticed. Suddenly both men ceased their activity. I felt strangely bereft but still basking on the intensity of the high of my intense climax.
Then another penis was thrust deep within my bowels. (Dr. Erastes had traded places but of this I went unawares for the time being). Eventually the smaller penis again found residence in my mouth. The entire sequence began anew, though this time my rise toward sexual climax was slow and for quite a while not that of a 'sex addict' needing his 'orgasmic fix.'
An hour later I was somewhat refreshed with a small meal of fruit and grain, following a through shower and cleaning out of my sex holes. I was quite grateful for the ministrations of some slave attendant (unknown to me) who took care of my well ravaged and somewhat exhausted body. But the glow of 'after-sex' still remained. The good doctor and his friend used my holes one more tome and I had one more climax of my own though nor quite so intense or long lasting.
After a short rest. With Tongo reassuring me that I had done 'marvelously,' the thought struck me, wow I really LIKE being a sex slave! And as for my 'performance' what could be criticized when all one did was remain passive or react with mere reflex? But my emotional high allowed me to merely accept his praise and smile. Awaiting my next client. Or clients. I was to discover that more frequently than not, clients used me in pairs or even in groups. I loved it all.
Then I found myself kneeling before the Slave Doctor and as several sensors were placed on and in my body. Tongo had explained that all of us received revitalizing drug dosages between clients. And the Slave Doctor, quite solicitous I thought considering I was just a slave, asked all manner of questions as to how I felt etc. I answered the best I could. He looked at all the readings, including blood chemistry, neural pathway health, and even my psychometric reactions to being so used. He was quote happy with the results. Even enthusiastic.
"Well Puck. You have even exceeded out best expectations. You will be quite an asset. And I can already see that you are giving into your faun nature and even your need for enslavement. We are quite pleased."
I was a bit skeptical of that latter pronouncement but no matter. I sure loved the sex part! The day was quite arduous and almost physically incapacitating, but Tongo assured me that my body would soon adapt to the all demanding regimen. Tomorrow I was to have 8 clients!
After the second set of clients left, after having Tongo actually participate by pronging the person pronging me, he left for other duties. I was considered able to continue on my own. Well how hard is it to just passively allow people to use (and abuse) your body? I loved every second of it. Even those time I had to actively suck on a proffered penis, my reaction was not only almost a reflex, but an enjoyable one at that. And strangely those moments of pain, not only could I disregard them, I even felt my self accepting them as merely a part of the whole.
And wow, did I have a lot to share with Bantu
3;and the rest of our group! (And I already was starting to feel of us as an extended family).
After my final 'refurbishment,' I was directed by my collar back to the eating barn. As I covered the short distance I though on this days experiences. I could barely believe all that had happened to me during my first day as a sex slave. Nor could I have ever understood just what was meant by saying that I would not be able to control myself while in full 'heat,' until I had experienced it. And I now understood just why people spend quite so much to be able to use one of us fauns for sex. And just think. I, a lowly slave, had more sex-sational sex-perience in this one day than most boys my age have in a year. Or than a normal person could ever afford getting here. I was quite wanting to get back now and meet all the other fauns. My collar was directing me to the eating barn where I caught up to Tongo and the other five fauns. There was not so very much talking during meal time as it seemed all the fauns needed some time to recuperate and to 'wind-down' from all that sexual; use.
With his usual wry humor Tongo eventually started the introductions, with an occasional anecdote about those he was introducing. We had all eaten, except for Forrest who had just returned from an extended client visit, and who made no effort to use any decorum whatsoever as he stuffed vegetable and fruit into his mouth.
"That's Pettter," he announced, pointing to a sprightly faun who could neither keep still nor keep his hands away from another faun who was leaning into him.
The faun Pettter, smiled. (I was starting to recognize faun facial expressions).
"And don't ask just why he was allowed to keep that name, or even pick that name." Tongo added.
Another faun, (I'd learn later was Yaxin), dusky colored with slightly longer dark brown fur, piped in: "You know you need to pick your name, just like us. Or it will be picked for you. Just so long as it is not a normal people name. 'Pettter' over there, don't count. They let him keep the name since he claimed it was for his penis. As he put it, 'the cutest and longest 'peter' in the compound. So long it needs three 't's. His head is bigger than his 'peter'."
Pettter, smiled and made a sort of half-honking, half-laugh sound, and then retorted. "He's jus' jealous. Because I can extend my 'peter' further than he can."
Tongo added: "Pettter has the biggest 'peter,' the biggest mouth, and the biggest ego. But he also has the biggest heart."
And looking toward the dusky colored faun who just joined in, he explained: "Our new faun here has already got his name."
I broke in.
"I'm Puck. I've already picked my name." I also smiled, as much as my remodeled face allowed.
Tongo continued, pointing to a very light skinned boy with a dark cream colored fur: "That one leaning against Pettter, is Forrest; he's Pettter's partner. And don't try to get him to answer any of your questions, he won't talk. We are pretty sure he still can, but he just wants to be more his animal self all the time. We are certain that when he's with a client he is made to answer any question that might be asked, but no one has so far been able to prove it."
Forrest merely shifted more tightly into the split legs of his slightly bigger partner and nodded. What the nod was for no one could be sure.
The last two introduced by Tongo were new busy licking each other's muzzles but chimed in with hello's when they heard their names.
"Those two are also partners. The thin light skinned one with almost black fur is Tumnus. His partner, with the brownish-yellowish complexion and patched brown and tan fur is Yaxin." (The 'patches' were not evident until you looked closer).
I thought I was the smallest faun there, but then one even smaller than me by at least 3 or 4 inches [7½ or 10 cm], probably not much over 4 feet [1.20 m] was introduced.
"This was our newest member before you Puck. This is Bantu."
Bantu was pushed forward by Pettter. And I then recognized him as the one last night who seemed to have attracted my attention. His skin was by far the darkest of us all. In fact so dark brown, that except in full light, it looked almost black. Even the skin underlying his animal parts was just as dark.
We all spent a short time asking and answering questions and I was sure it would take me some time to get all their 'facts' straight. One thing I noted was that only one of us, beside's myself, had anyone on the planet who might have been concerned about us or our whereabouts.
The two paired fauns eventually took off for what remained of their 'free time.' But the seemingly shy and taciturn Bantu spoke up and asked if he could join us when Tongo was about to renew my introduction to the sights and natural surroundings of our faun compound.
I was more than willing to have him join us. As I examined the smaller Bantu, I couldn't seem to keep from feeling this sort of inexplicable excitement. It would never have occurred to me, up to this moment, that the naked and furry, and tailed butt, of an animal, in this case the small goat like posterior of a faun, could actually entice a true sexual attraction and sexual response from someone – notably myself. But I was not only engaged intellectually by my examination of this cute creature, but felt an actual sexual allure. Of course the rest of him was quite attractive to me also. His muzzle was shorter than the rest of ours and his features human enough to display quite recognizably his apparent Negroid ethnicity. Of course, in spite of our faun nature, each of us was still a person with all that essentially mattered. (Or I at least refused to acquiesce to the opposite viewpoint).
And Bantu was definitely a cute person too with attractive boy features. And that was a major part of my attraction.
Since I was quite acquainted with the structural facilities by now, we went afield and over the short hill to the west. Our compound was essentially partitioned off by the flow of two small rivers coming from the gorge to the northwest. It was explained that this gorge was quite spectacular and when we got high enough to see above the intervening trees I was astonished to see a several plummeting water falls in the far distance. Tongo explained that one more was hidden by a bend in the canyon.
Next we came to our outdoor bathing area, and I was anxious to explore above that steep hillside of exposed rock and apparently sinter covered channels of water which flowed from above. And Bantu became uncharacteristically quite animated as he tried to literally pull me along as he started describing the area ahead. As we breached the curve of the hill I was quite delighted to see large areas of sinter and colorful channels sprinkled throughout the generally flat expanse before us. The notable exception was the largest of those sinter patches was surmounted by a large mound whose apex held a boiling pool fully 50 feet [15 m] across and heavily overflowing. I had of course seen quite a lot of views of the world's notable thermal areas on the WSI Net and holo viewer, but this was my very first visit to one in person.
Bantu was now fully animated as he expatiated the wonders of 'his' very own hot spring and geyser basin. He noted – pointing to the various holes and vents in the beautifully ornamented and colorful sintered features – that he had so far determined the existence of no less than 21 geysers albeit most were small and many at times ephemeral.
This discourse took up the remainder of our time and with only one geyser making itself known – to a mighty height of 5 feet [1½ m] from two closely allied vents – so we made our way back by way of the 'shower' area where we quickly bathed and then literally ran over the small intervening hill to our sleeping barn.
Where I was so absolutely thrilled to bed down with Bantu for the night.
Apparently Bantu as of yet had no partner – Tongo just 'slept around' with whomever might be available, a common enough occurrence. One or more fauns often enough spent part or all of their nights in the company of a client who could afford the nearly extortionate fee.
In the short time left before we were BADE to sleep, Bantu started to describe the many things of nature we had yet to explore including babbling brooks, flowering meadows, and even a special stand of Sequoia, actually imported at great expense from old earth as small trees and forced-grown into the mammoths they were (becoming) today.
"And the big tree place. There we will frequently come into contact with visiting guest. We have to be really careful; our collars warn us to keep just far enough away. But the guest seems to take great delight in watching us dash between the great trunks."
(Bantu is actually the fastest among us. If I had his speed, or even mine as it is now, I would have been the best track start at my old school).
The resort charged an entry fee just to walk (and grav sled) the skywalks to view the natural wonders, and 'imported' wonders, and of course the various animal-boys compounds: notably the fauns, the satyrs, the centaurs, and the other exotic chimeric contrivances.
Moments before sleep, Bantu mentioned that he had been in fact 'imported' himself from a place called Nigeria on old earth. (Details, though, had to wait). Apparently an agent from a group called BoyAbductions had 'acquired' him after they recognized his worth to BoyToys, Inc. as a candidate for extreme modification. Even worth the 'importation' costs.
"My mother had recently died and I was in a boy's home, crying because I was so alone. I was there only several weeks and the next thing I knew I was put into this strange box thing and found myself forever separated from all my new friends. And I am so lonely even with Tongo and the rest of us."
Bantu had been here for only several months himself.
"I'm lonely too Bantu," I said with much emotion. And I held onto Bantu even tighter.
We both fell asleep, both feeling a powerful need of one for the other. And each others osculating tongues.
Several days later, after a couple days of fantastical man-faun sex which frankly left me somewhat exhausted at times, Bantu and I – when possible we were never out of sight of the other and often in each other's physical embrace – were using some of our precious 'free time' temporarily accompanying Tongo as he was bid to an unusual service for a long time client of the Xanadu Pleasure Dome resort.
Tongo started explaining as we left the outdoor shower area and headed toward the nearby thermal area and specifically its largest spring at the top of that big mound. Pierian Pool Bantu called it.
"This guy comes about once a year and always spends a good part of the day in this thermal area. He is just now finishing up his day and had requested my services for the next couple of hours. He is a self proclaimed thermal nut case. But along with liking to explore geyser regions, he likes me to explore HIS nether regions. And to anally penetrate him. The more animalistic the fervor, the better he likes it. And for the past several years he always asks for my services. And of all us fauns, I am the only one permitted to extend my penis outside of a sex barn, or not tightly bound in some manner. Except for the usual hobble about my cannons of course and coverings for my hooves."
He had the items in hand.
"Even I have trouble controlling my urge to kick during orgasm, but being sexual mature – even if just barely – I do not have your extreme volatility."
Bantu, of course, was interested in spending the hour or so before sleep time in the thermal area. Myself, I was interested in spending time with Bantu, in the prospect of watching another faun penetrate a person during sex, and also in the prospect of watching a possible eruption of a geyser. In that order.
During the few minutes we had on the way I started asking Tongo some questions that had been occurring to me.
"Tongo, I was wondering. It has finally really struck me. Sure there is a lot of technology all-around us but we rarely are aware of most of it.
I mean it was all wilds, nature and, I have to admit, beauty."
Right at that moment I could see the tops of giant sequoia in one direction and the distant cliffs and water falls in another. And even what we were walking through was quite something nature wise.
"Look," I continued. "This is something like a vacationer's paradise. But no people things! At least for us. The above walkways don't count. And even the people things are visually primitive. The barns barely count either. Wood slat walls, and in fact no real furniture. Not for us at least. And also for us absolutely no technology, except that absolutely necessary for our,
3;well what he are here for. Even all our monitors and all the holo cameras don't count either. Most of it is hidden anyway, or in our bodies. There a reason for all that?"
Tongo looked almost guiltily at me: "Well first we are slaves. No need to waste all that on slaves. But for us it is even more deliberate. They make every effort to bring out as much as possible out animal natures. They think of us almost as animals. And they want us to think of ourselves the same way."
Bantu and I looked on expectantly.
He continued: "And besides, as slaves, we are quite fortunate. We CAN have our own fun even if limited. And we really are treated as special. They even let us sleep with each other. And almost no restraints while doing so. And we have the run of this compound when not working or sleeping."
I gave a grudging assent and added: "Well, I have to admit our 'work' is not bad either."
"Look. The grounds are extensive and beautiful. You will recognize right away that being in nature can speak to our spirits, especially the animal part of it. And, on rare occasions, we are even allowed to join a client on one of the trails to the big falls and into the canyons."
But I would not be completely mollified: "Well, it's just some times I think about what has been done to us. With absolutely no concern for us."
Tongo stopped a moment and looked at me: "Hay look. You might think that they gave you a raw deal. Made you a slave and all. Especially in your case where it wasn't legal. I mean the Class Three part. And make us do sex stuff, but you will eventually realize that in many ways we have a great life. Really great."
And soon after, I finally got to see Tongo's slender penis, all 7 inches [18 cm] of its extension from its sheath. And his client seemed to like the idea of all of us being there. And if what Tongo maintained is called 'control,' I'd hate to witness 'volatility.' I thought for sure that the man, not really that big at a flat six feet [1.80 m], was going to need his butt hole and rectum have emergency surgery as the goat like appendage was rammed in and out of the man's butt hole for a good 30 minutes. I had to exercise all of my barely achieved control not to grab at my genital guard and try to rip it off, in the 'heat' of the moment. In fact, part way through, I pulled Bantu away from the sexual spectacle of part boy-part goat penetrating a part man, part nut case, to watch another spectacle of a small erupting geyser in the distance.
As usual, that night I was in Bantu's arms snuggled up close and thinking that I might just be starting to really fall for the little guy. He fit so perfectly as I pulled him against my chest. So maybe we DID have a good life. Even the slave part was in its own weird way sexually thrilling some of the time.
Chapter 9 New Beginnings
Puck (Tommy)
It's been several weeks since I first lay in bed – OK in a stall – snuggled together with my beloved Bantu. This time we were snuggled together, at the very end of our evening, on the weed and wild flowered covered verge of a small basin composed of ripples of a white rock which someone claimed was called sinter. It was one of the many such in the upper thermal area. Within this basin were three holes or vents all within ten [3 m] feet of each another. This shallow basin had been filled with boiling hot water and overflowing for about 25 minutes.
As Bantu wrapped his small arms about me even tighter, he excitedly pronounced: "It's been well more then 10 minutes. Yet neither of the first two vents have started to erupt and now the first – see that small one? – well it's now acting as a partial drain. I only see this happen several times a month. I'm hoping that the third vent can now erupt. In addition, that other large spring, Pierian Pool, at the very top of the rise behind us, has been boiling around its entire edge non-stop for several days, so that is really different, so maybe. And you can tell that third vent does erupt even if I've never seen it happen.'
I looked at the sky with the sun already behind the cliff face. "I surely hope it happens soon or we will be forced to miss the rare eruption."
I was aware that we MUST be in our sleeping stall in about 20 minutes – our collars will give is a warning when we MUST leave here. But I was quite happy that we were allowed at least this much free time and freedom to meander about our Faun Compound.
I smiled, then touched each side of my head just below my furry and extended ears, and pretended to go into a trance. I spoke in a voice which I tried to make sound like some famous oracle of mythology: "The third vent will spout within 5 minutes and that big hot pool above us will follow shortly after, sending spikes to two hundred [60 m] feet."
Bantu loosened his grip and stared at me: "What, Pierian Pool too? How do you know all this?"
I chuckled: "See those two Xanadu slaves on the far skywalk?"
Bantu nodded. Seemingly surprised to see them at all. I was always astonished how Bantu, and the others, could have become so unselfconscious of being watched from above, that they rarely noted those walking (and riding small grav carts) above.
"Well they didn't talk about Pierian Pool as such but I heard them tell their clients, whom that had directed here a short while ago, that the rare Challenger Geyser was predicted to erupt just after sunset, and there was a very good chance it would soon be followed this time by that big pool at the top of the rise." I giggled.
"To 200 feet [60 m]?"
"I never actually heard that part."
We never got in any more conversation as Bantu leapt upwards and shouted: "It's starting!"
The third vent indeed gradually spouted up and out and bigger around than a fire hose to a full distance of a hundred feet [30 m]. Bantu was jumping up and shouting in near hysterics.
"Never this big before. Never!"
Soon the first small vent, reversed its action and spouted a thin fan shaped spray to about 15 feet [4.5 m], and soon after that the second, the largest vent of the three, with a mighty roar, lifted upwards in to more than 50 feet [15 m]. It was about four or five times the volume of the third vent.
Bantu shouted over the noise of the eruption: "Never. Never have I seen that second vent do more than just boil up to several feet! And not with that sound."
We moved back to get a better view, and out of the 'geyser rain.' "Bantu, I think something really, REALLY special is about to happen?"
"How do you know?" He asked looking around at the various thermals.
"Well, within the past 20 minutes there have been more than thirty of those small grav carts land on the skywalks, and that big platform over there – well it crammed with shouting people who for once are ignoring us!"
Five minutes later the big pool, the one Bantu called it Pierian Pool, started gushing out a river full of water down all the channels opposite us. Then in small but spectacular stages, it gradually climbed to more than 100 feet [30 m]. The volume was like a large river being vaulted into the air. We got drenched from the spray when the wind would change toward us. We didn't care. But then something so extraordinary happened. While the vents near us were turning to a violent outpouring of steam and spray, the monster vent within the big pool started sending spikes of water, amidst a booming roar, to at least two hundred feet [60 m], the tops of which regained the sunlight still peeking over then far cliff.
We ran all over the area taking in the amazing eruption from different vantage points. Finally as it started dying down Bantu looked at me with a scary visage: "How'd you know?"
"Know what?"
"Two hundred feet [60 m]?"
"I made that part up!"
Then our collars gave us a last warning, and we ran away from a small portion of our paradise. Tomorrow was another day. And we again were slaves obeying our master.
That night I again slept in the embrace of my rapidly becoming beloved Bantu, taking full delight in both his physical and real presence. Our human arms – well, mostly human – together with our goat legs, were entwined like a pretzel.
With some effort I made sure that my penis would definitely not emerge from its sheath. (The genital guard had been taken off permanently more than a week ago). Tomorrow would be another wild day of sexual use. We rarely knew exactly what to expect but that one client said he'd rented me for the entire evening and had planned on taking me on leash out of the compound. An uncommon event. And I was hoping that I would be taken into the gorge proper where I might see up close the spectacular gorge and water falls, which we now only see in the distance.
It would be my very first such excursion away from the compound, but I actually liked the guy who had rented me for two full hours the previous day. He laughed quite He even smelled pretty good. But wow, did he like doing weird things to me. He laughed heartily as he tied me into a really contorted position on the mounting frame with my arms and furry legs pulled behind me, and my body so bent that my face was only inches away from my groin. In addition my tail was pulled upward in such a way that it supported a significant portion of my weight. If I had not been in the nearly all consuming thrall of my sexual arousal, I would have been much more conscious of my stressed joints and aching body parts.
He laughed as he walked about with his swinging long penis and pendulous sac.
"I wonder if you're under warranty, especially with what I have in mind!"
One of the few times I was glad we were constantly monitored by both camera and body telemetry. (I suddenly had a curious thought. I was wondering just how much all those sensors in my body were worth).
I screamed. Damn why do people just have to pull on my scrotum? Then I sort of screamed for another reason. He first pulled on my extended slender penis quite aggressively, and then attached some kind of sleeve over most its length and even out this rod thing into the small slit. It liked innocent enough until he must have touched a control somewhere. Instant penis assault! And it brought me quite quickly to an unimaginable near peak of sexual climax. But no further. I was in both ecstasy and agony at the same time. I soon disobeyed all slave protocol. I started begging him to plow my butt hole. It was the only way I could achieve climax. I begged. I pleaded. I begged some more. Al the while he was exploring my body with both his hands and then a miniature force field generator. Where it touched was in immediate pain. Fortunately not excruciating. But unfortunately enough for me to scream out and yell. And cry. And again beg him to stop.
My thighs, then my arms, then all over my chest concentration on my little brown nibs. Then he got creative and kept touching that thing to my hooves. Damn, that was an altogether different kind of pain that shot through my lower leg. But it was the touch on the very tip of my exposed penis that shot me through the roof – figuratively of course. My body could shake and sway, but not move in any direction very far. And my tail now was really starting to hurt.
Then he must have done something to that penis attachment control and again I went through the roof. But this time it was in both the sexual sensation and the absolutely, utterly, enormously, unfulfilled NEED for climax!
And he was laughing! And his own penis was dripping some stuff all over me.
Then he started plowing my willing mouth. (I had better be willing). And then my even more willing animal butt hole! YES! With his own enhanced 10 inch [25 cm] penis. All the while that thing was teasing my own penis into a throbbing need for climax. One that could never come. I was in an absolute out of control frenzy of straining limbs (and thrusting penis).
And he kept alternating back and forth. He even came prodigiously in my mouth. And he collapsed there after a long drawn out climax.
Then he started the process all over again. The probes, the micro force field generator. By this time I could no longer maintain a single coherent thought. I just felt, and experienced. And screamed, cried, yelled. (I could no longer think enough to beg).
Then finally he again started plowing my rectum with his 10 inch [25 cm] monster. (Undoubtedly a product of modern gene-splice science, and chemistry working for you)!
A year later – maybe 15 minutes – I was brought to one of the most intense and drawn out orgasmic rectal climaxes of my short faun existence. All that pain and suffering, all that begging and crying, all horrific and implacable need to climax was totally forgotten.
And the rapid and tight convulsions of my own rectal sphincters brought him too over the edge. Both of our bodies seemed to spasm in a near synergy of sexual passion and pleasure as the physical rush of our hormonal highs surged and took total possession of our bodies.
After he had recovered from his extended climax – it had to be more than 10 minutes! – I soon discovered that modern science was indeed wonderful. He was readying my body for an encore performance! Of course only after he had repositioned me into an even more stressful contortion of body and limb. This time a large gag was forced into my mouth forcing it to its furthest extent and then a tight muzzle was pulled onto my face and secured with several bands about my head and neck. Tight mitts were then secured about each of my hands and wrists. Rings at the end of each mitt and one at the end of the long gag held unmovable within my mouth, provided three points of attachment via belts extending beyond the back of the mounting bench. My arms and head were held away from each other and secured via straps to points in a rough equilateral triangle, causing my upper body to be pulled away from its resting surface on the back part of the bench. My body was stretched quite tightly having been bent at about an 80 degree angle over the edge of the mounting bench. There were three spreader bars forcing my legs to their farthest extension having been secured to cuffs about my stifles (knees), hocks (ankles), and hooves. The attachment points for the ends of each spreader bar pulled me excruciatingly taught. I was again crying. And begging (silently) for relief. The manner of attachments and positions of the spreader bars held most of my rear portion downward, but my cannons were now pointing upwards and away. Next I could feel a 'virtual ring' being 'attached' to the end of my engorged and throbbing penis – the 'ring' where it comes in contact with my penis sends a force field right through its very flesh without the necessity of any piercing. This was then pulled outward and secured to another point of attachment making me feel as if someone were trying to pull my penis right out from its sheath. More tears came to my eyes and a throaty moan was forced from my muffled mouth in testimony to my pain and discomfort. And just to add a final 'fillip' of reassurance, my tail was then pulled strongly upwards in counterpoint to my penis being pulled almost in the opposite direction.
The hands of my client then made a sensuous exploration of my entire faun body eventually driving away all thoughts of pain and discomfort as my sexual arousal soared exponentially. I was again in the total thrall of my faun's excessive 'heat.' The man's hands kept exploring my now trembling body, paying special attention to my penis, penis sheath, urethral fossa, and immature testicles. The touches were electrifying. And blanketed all thoughts unconnected to sex and sexual awareness. The exploration continued along the perineum and into the tightly ridged opening of my recently cleaned out anal opening.
Eventually of course came the violent single thrust of his entire 10 inches [25 cm] into the interior of my rectum forcefully enough that our testicles, in their respective sacs, collided. Or more correctly, his testicles in their very pendulous sac came into forceful contact with my own immature gonads in their own distended sac.
The swift recovery time and the magnitude and duration of his subsequent orgasm gave ample proof to his own modified and greatly enhanced sexual apparatus, and to the even greater efficacious contribution of the glandular secretions from the interior of my own rectum – a significant artifact of my faun modification – and absorbed into his own system.
Of course I sure like my own essentially 'dry' orgasm too. Perk of the 'job.' (No mere words could actually describe it. Sometimes when Bantu and I talked about our 'work,' each of us had this sort of half-secret half-explicit smile, thinking back on some particularly wonderful 'work experience').
And I was also discovering that the more sexually aroused I became, the more passive was my response. I LIKED being so directed and even 'forced' into my participative role of being used for my client's sexual; enjoyment. It was a time that I so readily submitted to my abject and total slavery. The bindings of my body only echoed those of my spirit.
Though it took longer to achieve, this time my client's orgasm and climax must have broken some kind of records. Possibly mine too.
It was only when an attendant (a slave sometimes brought in to 'help,' had me half freed from my gag and bonds, that I realized that I must have momentarily passed out. When I was finally free, I was told to join my client in the shower enclosure. We both took great delight in thoroughly cleaning each other's bodies and intimate body parts. But both of us were a bit too spent at the time to do more than enjoy the sensuousness of the moment.
While my client dressed, the slave attendant helped to clean out my butt hole and rectum to get ready for my next client. But as I emerged from the shower, having dried by the attendant, I was greeted by the smiling face of the man who had just tortured me for more than an hour. As I knelt before him I smiled back.
In an expansive mood and obviously feeling the euphoria of his sexual activity, (and being quite wealthy), he made arrangements via holo-com right then from the sex barn to rent me the entire next evening. He wanted to impress his friends.
As I lay there that night, sleep being held in momentary abeyance, I held onto my beloved and fantasized about the coming evening. My very first excursion away from the Faun Compound. Just the idea of being on a leash like a pet, with my naked faun body right out in the open amidst real people in real clothes doing somewhat 'normal' people things, well,
3;I was both sexually enthralled by the very idea, but again reminded of my status and role in life. A play thing for the rich. But my lips were in the semblance of a smile as I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
In point of fact, I was away from the Faun Compound for not just that next evening, but well into the night. It was all exciting and wonderful. And the falls and Bottomless Chasm were breathtaking. As was the sex we had later in a real bed! (Must have cost him a fortune). I was, of course, just strapped down for 'safety.' The bonds were allowed as loose as considered 'safe' and the experience of almost tender sex too was breathtaking.
But I missed my Bantu!
To whom I was returned in the middle of the night. Express delivery.
Bantu awoke and we suffered possibly threat of punishment as we had to talk for at least a few minutes.
"Puck, I was so lonely. I'm glad you're here finally." Bantu was strong for his size as my body could now attest to. "How was it? See the famous Chasm?"
We spoke very briefly of the things I saw. Then I saw a tear drop from his eye.
"Bantu, what's the matter? I asked in anguish.
"Puck I love you. I need you so much. I can't even think of being without you."
"But I'm here Bantu. I love you even more. I won't leave you. Don't worry. Our owners won't separate us."
Bantu started crying and stuttered out: "Tongo said you are only here for 12 years."
I gave a big sigh as I just at that precise moment knew that that scary guy, Mr. Dumitrov was right in not placing that bet.
"Bantu. This is my home. Forever. I will never leave you!"
"Yes really."
If possible our intimate embrace tightened.
Then both our collars gave us the warning. And we relaxed in positions for sleep to overcome us.
My next to last thought brought a sardonic smile to my face. "Mom, how can I ever possibly explain?"
My very last thought brought an all comforting smile to my soul. "Bantu, how can I ever explain?"
The next week, Tongo, Bantu, and I were again at his favorite place. The upper thermal area. Nothing was erupting at the moment and we would probably have to go back to the compound's sleeping barn before anything exciting happened, but just being out here was a wonder. And being with Tongo a comfort. And being with Bantu a joy.
Our conversation meandered all over the place. I was recounting again my last week's excursion and it was probably suffering from its retelling into some kind new morphed life of its own. But we were enjoying the moment. Something I was truly learning to do. And as a slave it was imperative.
Finally I made an observation to both Bantu and Tongo.
"You know, that since that first day I haven't cried even once?" (We all understood that moments at 'work' didn't count).
My life was unalterably changed. In many ways and for many reasons. After these weeks of sex which defies description, I am not sure if I could ever again force myself to go very long without. I remember what had happened to my original rebellion. Of course I looked down at Bantu who was sitting in my lap and knew part of the answer. But I was starting that I had indeed given into my slave self. And possibly even more important, my faun self.
I was looking at my beloved when I spoke to Tongo: "I think I am going to follow your advice."
Puck had been told right from the start at the BoyToy labs by Dr. Erastes, that he would never – NEVER – mature physically. But this was something that he had already anticipated for the six years of his original Indenture, and after his first dismay at hearing this news, subsequent events made him even like the idea. But it was determined that he was 'ready' for an even more jolting revelation. The others had been forbidden to tell him. But the Slave Doctor had determined that the information would now even be conducive to his becoming the 'slave they wanted him to be.'
"Puck, you have adapted well to your life as faun with remarkable facility. We are quite pleased. We also have determined you are ready for this last piece of information. You will also never mature either emotionally or cognitively. You will remain a 12 year old for the remainder of your life! Of course I must add that cognitively you were already quite precocious. So in effect you will remain at the cognitive stage of development as a 14 year old."
Later, as Puck thought about it, and talked it over with his beloved Bantu, he realized that this he could easily accept. In fact both of them would remain just as they were. Puck had already accepted the fact that he would be a faun and a slave for the remainder of his life so he suspected the slave doctor was right. He could now very easily accept this new revelation. Of course the deciding factor was quite simple.
Bantu liked him exactly as he was.
Kon Yan
The story broke just after my master and I got back from our extended vacation. And DAMN, I was for once wondering if maybe my enhanced butt hole was maybe not quite enhanced enough. In fact my so tender butt was atop a force field cushion – graciously allowed by my master for 'services rendered' – when we received the com holo seeking an interview.
There was a media frenzy. Heck, they even interviewed me, a slave! With my master's permission of course.
It turned out that there indeed WAS a switch in the Slave Authority records, and made by a Mr. A. Varice, a high official of the Unified Slave Authority. And corruption discovered that high up in the government was big news. He was sentenced to Class Three Slavery for life – a sentence never before given a citizen. So again big news. They finagled a way by formally revoking the guy's citizenship! There was also one person involved who was an agent for that same slave brokerage firm that handled my own Indenture. He opted to become a 12 year Indenture in lieu of prison. And that other slave boy, Boniface VonDamon, the one I was switched with, he got off the best. They let him be Tommy Vescu, so to speak.
And my master had even inveigled a very short com session with Puck. Later he mentioned, off hand, that he was glad he had turned down that bet with Ted Buddingo. I wondered what all that was about.
And there was a part of the interview with me that I was glad had been cut from the final transmission. It was too personal.
"And Kon Yan, how do you feel about your involvement in all this?"
"I am happy for how well everything turned out. But I was just trying to be the slave my master expects."
"You mean that you were not emotionally caught up in the unfolding mystery and drama?"
"Sure, but you must understand, only as any slave could be so 'caught up' as you phrase it. I was more caught up in being my master's slave."
"We were told that you turned down a substantial honor to be given publicly to you by the Unified Slave Authority."
"Of course. My master eschews publicity. He ordered me to turn it down."
"But such an honor. You are not dismayed?"
"Sorry sir. I am not sure I can make you understand. I am a slave. I have come to accept that I am a slave. Nothing more, and nothing less. It seems quite simple. A slave obeys and submits. There is nothing to be rewarded for!"
Finally another reporter spoke up and asked: "But then what motivates you boy?"
"Sir and Ma'am. Now you finally asked a question I know how to answer." I smiled as I looked not at the camera but at my master. "I love my master in the manner of a slave. My master loves his slave in the manner of a master. And it becomes like a synergy, our loves complement and support the other."
It has been six weeks after Puck was installed within the Faun Compound at the Xanadu Pleasure Dome resort, Xinchou Province, Bundus III.
To say that I was nervous would be like saying that the universe has dark matter. I had been here only six weeks – here being the Faun Compound at the Xanadu resort and the reality of my life – but everything before had been in an entirely different lifetime.
Everything has changed.
My family first of all – I am want to speak of the 'easy things' first – has greatly benefited financially. And I was told by that scary guy, a Mr. Dumitrov, that my mother was also doing well, having had the necessary therapy to cure her of her life threatening liver ailment. I though it ironic that it involved a technologically advanced method of using a gene splice. I also learned, to my surprise, that my middle brothers were starting a business, and my oldest brother, Peter, was going into bio-genetic research after a lengthy education. Wow, he seemed a different person.
Since the completion of all legal aspects of what happened to me – I was taken just yesterday back to the Slave Court and 'freely' – what a loaded word THAT is – proclaimed to opt for a 12 year indenture. I thought it ironic that no one, including the Slave Judge, seemed to make any note of the extreme, not-to-be-imposed-on-Indentures, modifications I had so obviously be subjected to. (I even slipped on the polished marble floor unable to get a good purchase with my goat hooves).
Of course I find it even more ironic that it was all moot. Especially I will be opting for Class Two Slave status when the 12 years are up. Well not quite moot. I now get some important concessions and privileges never offered to Class Three Slave.
And now, according the rules and regulations concerning Indentured Class One Slaves, I will be allowed a monthly com call to my mother. One of which I was about to make. And presumably my gathered family and friends will be there since they have been given advanced warning. By law neither a visual connection nor even an audio one must be provided. I was told that some places do indeed only allow written communication, though by law it must be a real time connection. I thus found it ironic that although I was (surprisingly) allowed a full 360-visual-audio real time hook-up, I opted to send only audio. (So I have the option of changing my mind even during the call).
So call me a coward. And besides I can prove I am not entirely a coward. I am sending a message for Yaxin – the only faun with any family living on Bundus III who would be interested. Though only his siblings would be interested; his parents officially 'shunned' him when they discovered he refused not to be attracted to boys. (He grew up in the Oligarchy of Quaraque). There is also, I have concluded, a real chance that I will subsequently be punished for adding this message, but no one has actually told me or even intimated that I not be allowed to do this. Of course Class Three Slaves are only afforded this same privilege at the sufferance of his master, and Yaxin has not communicated to anyone outside the Xanadu resort for his entire time there.
Of course, Bantu, my soul mate, bed mate, life mate, and all but sex mate, was originally from earth and no one there would care anyway.
And do I dare tell my family about Bantu?
Finally the connection was set up in the same place I met Mr. Dumitrov and his slaveboy. I started crying when I saw my mother, all three brothers, and even a couple close relatives and my best friend from school.
"Hello Mom."
And I implicitly lied answering her very first question: "Mom, the law does not require an Indenture's master to set up a visual communication."
We all talked for quite some time, while I spent half my time trying to reassure my Mom that I was doing 'well.' Well what do you expect me to say? And comparatively speaking I WAS doing quite well. I even got up the courage to tell everyone that I had a life mate, though I specifically failed to mention that he was a he. (Only lied by omission).
I even told my brother Peter, quite cryptically, that I had already won THE BET between us. It took him several seconds but then turned bright red. We had bet quite some time ago about just who would reach having sex 1000 times before the other. He then seemed totally incredulous but was not willing to have me describe how it could have even been possible. I laughed at his reaction for almost a half minute. My Mom thought I had gone bonkers, but it did have one salacious effect.
"Well, if you can laugh like that, Tommy, more like your normal self, than perhaps I can believe that you are doing well."
Heck, I hadn't even mentioned that now my name was Puck. And she kept asking questions I had to skirt around. Like how come I sounded different. Or had I put on any weight. (I was close to a foot shorter and 45 pounds [20 kg] lighter)! And just what my life was like. Or how come I was someplace other than that BoyIsland place.
"Well Tommy." (It was strange not even being able to remember that name). "I am at least glad that you didn't get put into that boy place after all."
"Mom, that place is like a third rate campground compared to the resort I'm in now. Only very rich people and even millionaires come here."
Finally I remembered that I was even to be allowed to visit.
"Mom, I do not have a lot more time so I must get this in. In 12 months I will be permitted a week's visit."
She beat that one to death.
Then I had to get to the HARD stuff. She had to know eventually.
"Mom, just remember an Indenture is a slave. And no one can be prepared to what being a slave is really like. Many (OK most) choices are not ours to make. Ever."
"Tommy, what are you saying?"
"Well things got complicated. Even part of how come I'm here at what is called the Xanadu resort."
Boy! Just wait 'til my brothers looks THAT one up on the WSI Net! "So, it's a much better place, right?"
"Look Mom, I'm happy here."
(Well, who is ever totally happy? I am much of the time. Especially when I'm with Bantu! And the SEX is mind-blowing! How does one – a FAUN no less – explain to ones very conservative mother that one was a sex slave? Possibly for life? As I thought of Bantu, probably for life. Hope she can't read my mind).
"Well, it's like this. Remember all that extra deposit given into yours and my brother's accounts?"
"Well, I was wondering about that. That man that notified us about that was quite vague. And so very much! Four times more than before."
"Well Mom. Part of the reason has to do with the fact that I am now a 12 year Indenture instead of sex. I mean six."
(And after that a Class Two Slave – for life! I CAN NOT think of an existence apart from Bantu!)
My Mom was definitely NOT happy about that. She could not understand how I could have done such a thing.
As if I had any real control after that first fateful one to Indenture. I was a slave! And totally at the mercy of my master. Even that one week 'vacation' in a little less than a year from now is still at the discretion of my masters. (Damn! I really wished I could bring Bantu)! My Mom tried to get more information from me, with my brothers chiming in, but I was afraid to give too much. But still I had to tell then about not quite being a human boy any more. After all she will now find out quite soon enough once my brothers get onto the WSI Net.
"Tommy, what AREN'T you telling me?"
(I wondered. I COULD still cut in the visual. Would she even believe it without the visual)?
"Mom, it's like this
The End