PZA Boy Stories

Steam Train

Chronicles of a Neighbourhood Babysitter

Chapters 8-13

8 – Jennifer & Mat

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Her initiation session into 'Le Femme Chics' over Jennifer was finally given time to recover, albeit time spent standing in the corner of the room like a naughty little girl.

Jennifer stood there nose into the corner for what seemed a long time feeling totally humiliated being treated as she treated her young charges, whilst Terri and the girls came and went from the room and Jennifer could hear much ruffling and giggling but was afraid to turn to see what was happening for fear of being spanked again.

Finally Terri ordered Jennifer to turn around and join them in the circle. When Jennifer bent down to collect her clothes which had been piled next to her in the corner, she was quickly rebuked by Terri, "You won't be needing them for a while yet. Mum isn't due home for hours yet. Just come and sit naked in the circle with us."

When she turned she let out a loud gasp. All the girls in the circle were now naked as well, except Terri Walker.

Jennifer looked first at her naked sister sitting there, Caitlin didn't have much in the way of tits, she had just the bumpy beginnings of breasts and her tummy still retained its childish shape. Likewise at eleven years of age there was not much to see between her legs either just a slightly bulging, bald vulva.

Looking around the room as the occupants looked back and studied her naked body Jennifer noticed quite a collection of rampant pubescence.

Tall Michaela had a fair pair of tits for an eleven-year-old, far better examples than those thirteen-year-old Jennifer was revealing to the assembled crowd. Michaela already had a small patch of dark pubic hair, much to Jennifer's surprise and consternation.

However this consternation was nothing compared to the consternation Jennifer felt about the girl that really caught her eye. The auburn headed Sarah Roberts. She was in Jennifer's grade at school but most of the other girls in the 8th grade didn't have a figure like hers yet. Sarah may have only been thirteen, but she looked at least sixteen or seventeen. Jennifer also quickly noticed that there was nothing shy about Sarah, as she was sitting on the floor in the circle with her legs folded Indian fashion, her crotch wide open with its thick growth of matching auburn hair framing her slit and forming a mature shaped triangle above. She sat very straight, her plentifull tits firm and shapely, capped with erect nipples.

The rest of the girls ran the full spectrum down from there.

Twelve-year-old blond haired Amanda's chest was still little girl flat with child like brown nipples and she was still totally hairless down below, revealing that her labia quickly disappeared between her legs like a little girls.

Helen was as slender as a reed, with only the slightest swelling for breasts and around her vertical slit between her legs was a fine fringe of curly pubic hair yet to be surmounted by any sign of a pubic bush. Helen saw Jennifer looking at her and with an embarrassed smile, she spread her legs even wider apart exposing her pubescent secrets fully to Jennifer's eyes.

Chelsea who was a very petite eleven-year-old had no tits and no pubic hair at all

Terri instructed Jennifer to join her and the girls in the circle. The only difference being that Terri was fully dressed the other seven girls were all naked.

Jennifer had no sooner taken her place when Helen uncrossed her long, slender legs and stretched them out on the lounge room floor. Her slit opened to everyones view and she slid her hand down to stroke it. Caitlin was by now also fingering herself and Sarah, right opposite Jennifer had her finger probing her auburn fuzz covered slit.

"As you can see Jennifer, 'Le Femme Chics' like to masturbate, feel free to join them before we go around the circle and hear everyones sexual exploits for the last few weeks" Terri informed Jennifer.

Watching all the girls masturbate made Jennifer feel very aroused. She almost forgot the burning pain in her bottom and the humiliation of earlier in the day. She was feeling horney and didn't know where to look next. Chelsea was stroking her clit, Beth's finger was parting her pussy lips. Michaela was panting and moaning softly, rubbing vigorously. Sarah had slid a finger inside herself, whilst pinching her nipple with her other hand, Amanda was licking her lips and tweaking her nipples.

It was too much for Jennifer and any inhibitions she may have had left after the earlier session were soon overcome. Jennifer was soon squirming and bouncing up and down on the spot as her own probing fingers found her clit.

The already highly aroused Jennifer was the first of all the girls to reach an orgasm. She screamed out oblivious of her company "Oh Jesus," as she bucked furiously up and down.

Terri sat smiling contentedly further around the circle enjoying all the action from her naked slaves, wishing she too could join in but too embarrassed and too fearful to do so. Secretly she feared that by joining in she would weaken her power over the girls. She would do nothing to jeopardise that position, she greatly enjoyed being the boss!

One final indignity awaited Jennifer before the meeting of the 'Le Femme Chics' broke up for the day. When she was putting on her clothing along with the other girls, Terri stopped her as she about to put on her pink AA bra.

"Girls, don't you think Jennifer would look so much hotter if she padded her bra like she told us Rebecca Shaw Davis did till found out?"

The other girls giggled. There was no way they would disagree with their leader.

"Oh no Terri, I don't mind looking like I do. Besides padding your breast is a real no-no, if others found out, I would be the laughing stock of the whole middle school," Jennifer responded.

Jennifer had never tried to pretend she was anything but flat unlike some other girls. The worst part about padding up was the ridicule and derision you suffered if you were found out. Jennifer preferred to suffer the 'flat a plank' taunts rather than run the risk of getting caught like Rebecca who was still the butt of numerous taunts and jokes throughout the whole school and the church youth groups over her suddenly very flat again chests!

Jennifer's protests did her no good. When she left Terri Walkers house with the other girls, her AA bra was bulging, stuffed full of tissues which gave her the appearance of now having cute little breasts which to any observer except the 'Le Femme Chics' looked firm and inviting.

To Jennifer's amazement over the next weeks and months the effect of her new found breasts on the males at her school and the High School as well as the Church Youth Groups was unexpected but very welcome. All of a sudden she seemed to be noticed by the guys, whereas before she felt she was almost invisible.

The effect was not lost on Terri Walker either. Terri let no one see her naked not even her parents but if some one had seen her naked at eleven years of age they would have discovered that she still possessed a pubic area that was totally hairless with barely any peach fuzz even noticeable, the only sign of impending puberty being a pudenda that was a little puffy. She had no breasts, her chest was still little girl flat, topped off with brown undeveloped nipples.

So secretly Terri began to pad out her chest so that she too could gain the public attention she so much desired. Just a few tissues at first but slowly she built them up till she had the best tits in the 6th grade, much to the joy of the hormonal boys in the middle school but to the despair and resentment of the girls.

Jennifer's boyfriend Mat also noticed Jennifer's sudden change in development but if he thought anything about the sudden appearance of her breasts he said nothing to her.

However to himself he longed more than ever to see Jennifer naked and feel those inviting tits. Mat was in a dilemma about his feelings towards Jennifer. He hated the feelings of humiliated he suffered when Jennifer was in charge of him as his baby sitter. He was fourteen years of age for christ sake, far too old to be babysat and made to strip naked before a thirteen-year-old girl! Yet every time this happened he felt so horney he just could not wait till the next time. The sexual release and relief Jennifer brought his swollen testicles was indescribable. Trouble was the opportunity to be alone with Jennifer only arose occasionally.

His cravings for his own self gratification made Mat feel very guilty. He knew his father would never approve of such thoughts, yet he seemed incapable of stopping himself from wanting more and more. He had always struggled to prevent himself from masturbating himself to climax but though he prayed long and hard he was now incapable of waiting for Jennifer's relief at the irregular babysitting sessions and he had humiliated himself by begging Jennifer to masturbate him at other times when he could sneak some secret time alone with her.

At first as he suspected Jennifer was not keen on the idea. Of course she really was keen, in fact she thought all her Christmases had come at once, but she needed to make Mat think otherwise. Mat had resorted to begging for her services and finally she relented, saying it was only proper as his girlfriend that she helped him out.

So over the following months on the rare occasions when they could get alone away from his parents and his nosy sister they spent quality time locked away either in Mat's bedroom or in a storeroom at school. There Jennifer practised every conceivable method of bringing Mat to a climax. Jennifer of course remained totally dressed, much to Mat's disappointment. He had hinted it would be good if she was naked. He had asked her eventually but she had said rightly that his father would not approve.

Jennifer sensed what Mat was wanting and that she had to be careful not to be drawn into a closer sexual relationship with him. Now she was being forced to pretend to be more developed than she really was she found it increasingly difficult to allow her naked body to be seen. What would Mat think of her small, almost flat breasts highlighted only by their pink nipples and her sparse growth of golden brown pubic hair?

To divert Mat's attention she determined finally after many months to go all the way and give her boyfriend one of life's greatest pleasures. If she couldn't allow him to see her naked she would give him a blow job.

At first Mat started to object knowing his father would never approve of such animal behaviour, but as soon as Jennifer's lips settled over his semi erect shaft his protests turned to moans of pleasure.

This was not like Jennifer massaging his penis. This was not like the times he had jerked himself nearly to ejaculation. This was already each of those things multiplied many times over and yet to his utter amazement, the feelings continued to build and become even more intense.

In no time at all, Mat's penis snapped hard and erect, his nostrils flared and he began to pant and breathe in short gasps. The muscles of his stomach began to heave and contract. The veins in his neck began to stand out. His toes and fingers began to curl and uncurl as if they had a mind of their own. In an emotional and physical reaction born of primal instinct, Mat's head arched backward and his eyes rolled back into his head as he arched his hips upward and then Mat, who had never fucked anything in his young life, began to fuck Jennifer's mouth.

Forgetting the blasphemy Mat torturously cried out "Oh, God!!!! Oh dear God !!!!!! Oh fucking God !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Mat's body strained upward fucking Jennifer's mouth. His engorged penis twitched and jerked with each wave of what seemed like the orgasm to end all orgasms. Mat trembled and ran his fingers through Jennifer's long, freshly shampooed hair as he began to shoot his load. The first shot went straight down Jennifer's throat, which caused her to momentarily choke and the second filled her mouth as she realized what was happening and began to draw back. The third and fourth sprayed her face as she drew off of Mat's throbbing penis.

Panting heavily Mat begged of Jennifer, "I'm so sorry, so sorry" as finally the euphoric feelings left him leaving him with the afterglow of a most wondrous and loving experience.

Contrary to Jennifer's plan in giving the blow job, Mat's feelings towards her only intensified. He needed to see and feel Jennifer's naked body, so desperately that it was becoming irrelevant to him what his father would think or what Jennifer would think. Sex the 9th grade freshman had discovered was so primeval a force that it overpowered all his beliefs, morals and thoughts!

Without thinking Mat jumped up and said to Jennifer, "That was so amazing, I love you Jen!" Then he grabbed his startled girlfriend and began swiftly stripped off her dress, wiping the cum off her face as he did so, ignoring her struggled protests and attempts to get away. Quickly her shoes and socks were also removed leaving her wearing nothing but her bulging white bra and equally white panties. Utterly mortified at her forced stripping, Jennifer protested vigorously, sending out pleas of dismay and misery at this indignity but Mat was now a person possessed and seemed oblivious to Jennifer's distress.

Mat's heart was hammering with anxious anticipation as he reached around Jennifer's back and began unhooking Jennifer's bra strap with remarkable dexterity. Despite Jennifer's best attempt at stopping him Mat soon had forcibly slipped her bra from her shoulders. Mat was not totally surprised when two wads of tissues tumbled out of Jennifer's small bra cups and fell to the floor. Jennifer blushed profusely and tried to cover up her breasts with her hands.

A huge smile broke across Mat's mouth. "What is it with you girls," Mat stated, "that you think guys only want big tits these days. You see it happen to girls who are made newdd's, my sister did it, now you're caught out doing it! What was it you said when you discovered my sisters secret? Something like, 'Girls shouldn't be allowed to wear a bra till they show a mature attitude and have something there to fill a bra with!' Stuffing your bra is sure not a mature attitude and like my sis you really have no reason to wear a bra yet."

Jennifer's first secret revealed Mat was now totally committed to stripping Jennifer naked regardless of the consequences.

Mat took the elastic waist of Jennifer's white panties which she was unable to stop after a short struggle as she was desperately trying to hide her breasts with one hand and so Mat slowly succeeded in pulling down Jennifer's panties while the profusely embarrassed thirteen-year-old begged and squirmed with shame as her most private of parts was revealed to her boyfriend.

Jennifer tried desperately to hide her exposed genital cleft by moving one hand to cover down below whilst with the other hand Jennifer continued to try and cover her breasts, but the much stronger Mat callously pulled both her hands away allowing his eyes to feast upon Jennifer's naked body for the first time. His eyes bulged as he took in Jennifer's small, almost flat breasts highlighted only by their erect pink nipples and the white hairless triangle between her legs that was spilt by the furrow of her slit. A slit that was barely fringed by her sparse growth of golden brown pubic hair.

"You are not as mature as you made out are you? You haven't got much hair down there or tits up top yet have you?" Mat asked in an open ended sort of way.

Not knowing what to do or say now she was totally naked and exposed before Mat, Jennifer reached out and tickled his penis and balls. Mat in playful response returned the action. Whilst doing this he said to his girlfriend, "You are so beautiful Jennifer, just the way you are you should not be ashamed of what god gave you, I love you just as you are!"

This was all Jennifer needed to hear, her anger, humiliation and embarrassment disintegrated instantly. Mat loved her for what she was; he didn't care if she had big tits or none. He liked her the way she was and that was so special, that she began to cry.

When Mat saw that Jennifer was crying, guilt immediately rose within him and remorse flowed. What had he just done!

Their eyes met and all Mat's fears and concerns instantly defused. He could see in the eyes of his girlfriend that she loved him not hated him. They were tears of joy not tears of fear!

"Oh Jennifer, please forgive me, I should not have done that but I wanted you so badly, I still do," Mat impassionedly said to Jennifer.

Mat stepped over to Jennifer and hugged her.

Both of the two young lovers were speechless, Mat and Jennifer had never touched like this before. Now as Mat held her naked body close to his, Jennifer could feel his firm muscular body rubbing against hers. She could feel comforting feelings surging from his body to hers of warmth and love.

Neither had ever experienced the feeling of bare skin against bare skin, it was such that for a long time they stood with arms around each other just hugging.

As they stood there hugging Jennifer's emotions surged again and the tears flowed, She sobbed and sobbed with joy, Mat just held her tight letting Jennifer know he was there for her.

Jennifer could feel it, Mat could feel it, and at that moment they both needed each other like they had never done in their young lives before.

They edged themselves over to Mat's bed and they sat side-by-side, arms around each other's shoulders, holding each other tight, saying nothing staring into each others eyes.

Both Jennifer and Mat were very modest and shy, but things quickly developed that all their modesty could not stop.

The warmth of Mat's body next to hers, the smell of his clean well-kept body, the desire to be loved by the one guy who really cared for her, overcame all her modesty.

Jennifer smiled at Mat and said, "Make love to me Mat!"

Mat smiled back as his eyes surveyed what he had long dreamed of seeing and exploring. He took Jennifer tightly into his arms and whispered into her ear, "I think your body is beautiful but even if I had a condom I would not have sex with you. That is something to keep for when we are older, so instead I will make love to you in a very special way."

Jennifer smiled then gasped as his fingers stroked her erect nipples, then ran down her body to caress her most private and intimate of body parts.

Mat lay down and gently instructed Jennifer to climb over his face and squat down.

Gently Mat opened Jennifer's slit with his hands as Jennifer was instructed by Mat to push her cunt up to Mat's waiting mouth.

Mat began to kiss Jennifer's pussy lips and move his tongue in and around as Mat's hands and tongue spread her open. Lately as his desires grew Mat had searched the internet and found the information he desired. Information he knew his father would tan his hide if he was caught out but information he was now about to implement.

Was it just pent up desire or hidden talent? Whatever, Mat's tongue darted in and out as he slurped and licked fulfilling his most base of desires. He had heard all about eating out a girl from the guys at school but he now wondered how many had actually done it instead of just boasting. As he thought about this his lips formed a vacuum as he sucked Jennifer's pussy into his mouth.

As much as her initial instincts were to fight this invasion of her most intimate privacy Jennifer could not stop herself from moving up and down and back and forth as Mat relentlessly tickled her clit and slurped at her pussy moving her relentlessly on to an orgasm.

Jennifer felt herself reaching a climax and as she moaned in ecstasy she arched her back and stiffened and came into Mat's mouth.

Mat had pussy juice all over his face.

Jennifer looked down at the surprised Mat and said, "Looks like we are even now!"

"Yeah looks like we are," he said as he began to lick her clean, his tongue immediately started up again causing Jennifer's now very sensitive genitals to throb with renewed ecstasy.

To Jennifer the feeling was unbearable, no masturbation she had ever done felt this good. The feel of naked skin on naked skin was so sensual, all her nerves felt like they were electrically charged, Mat's touch was almost as unbearable.

By now all Jennifer's modesty had been swept away. Mat and her lay naked cuddled together on his bed. Mat kissed her neck then ran the kisses down her chest to her erect nipples, she squirmed, as she had never realised how sensitive they were, the feel of his tongue circling around her erect nipples again had her moaning with pleasure, all her concerns were totally lost at that moment, Jennifer as had Mat before her existed only for now. The pleasure was intoxicating.

9 – Nicholas Hermann Aged 14

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The 'Le Femme Chics' eleven-year-old 6th graders Terri Walker, Caitlin Dailey, Chelsea Horden, Helen Foy, Michaela Grace along with twelve-year-old 7th grader Amanda Hermann and thirteen-year-old 8th graders Sarah Roberts and Jennifer Dailey were meeting that Friday afternoon at Terri Walkers house and when it came to the turn of Amanda Hermann to report in to the group about any interesting things she had done or seen her big news was of special interest to Jennifer.

Nicholas Hermann, Amanda's blond haired fourteen-year-old 9th grade brother who Jennifer had once considered her boyfriend before he left her for Keira Dean had been sent to the Eastbrook Juvenile Court by West Eastbrook High School on a disposition to the court based upon Nick's recent behaviour at school.

Amanda informed the enthralled girls that her brother had been convicted on Wednesday and as was the custom of Judge Lucy Trevenian, Nick had been sentenced as a newdd earlier that very day and she had been there with her family to witness everything.

The 'Le Femme Chics' were eagerly waiting to hear Amanda's account of Nick's newdd sentencing especially what Nick looked like naked and how he behaved when stripped naked by the court. The girls had discussed a couple of times rumours from older high school girls that their boy friends had seen Nick naked in the locker room after gym and though Nick was now fourteen-years of age and 5 feet 7 inches [1.70 m] tall weighing in at around 125 pounds [57 kg], down below where his manhood really mattered he was still a little boy.

Amanda was never able to confirm this rumor as she had not seen her brother naked for many years. Her own lack of development however hinted to her and the 'Le Femme Chics' that the rumors about Nick may well be correct.

Now the girls sat around in their circle totally naked except for Terri Walker eagerly awaiting confirmation or repudiation of all those rumors.

Apart from the 'Le Femme Chics', many of the girls now in the 8th and 9th grades had adored Nick's good looks over the last 2 to 3 years but even though he knew from their attentions that he was popular and well liked he always seemed a bit shy, almost bordering on embarrassed around girls. Jennifer had noticed that in recent years Nick only seemed to go on dates with groups, staying well clear of any one-on-one situations that might develop.

Nick was in height and weight well within the norms for his age. He had blonde, styled hair and cobalt blue eyes, Nicholas stood out from the crowd of the other 9th grade freshman boys and only a few young studs from the grade like Matt Davis and Daniel Green could hope to compete. Stripped to the waist in his gym shorts at school, Nick's already rippled stomach and tan skin served as a wonderful sight for the girls at the high school, and secretly to quite a few of the boys who were equally aroused by his good looks.

Academically and sportingly, Nicholas did very well at school but since starting high school in the fall, Nick's behavior had deteriorated dramatically.

The cause of the deterioration in Nick's behavior was a direct result of him starting at West Eastbrook High. Nick had never been in any sort of major trouble and had always ensured as he grew older that he stayed well away from any trouble that could cause him to be made a newdd.

Through the later part of 7th and then 8th grade Nick had kept his shameful secret just that, a complete secret never showering or changing after that time in front of his fellow students. Besides in 7th and early 8th grade Nick knew from fleeting glances at other guys when no one was looking in the change rooms at other guys who were not as shy and modest as himself after gym class, football, basketball and baseball matches that there were many other guys in exactly the same situation as himself, but by the end 8th grade he was one of a scant few and by high school and the 9th grade he was the only one in his class and sports teams left with such a secret.

He told himself he probably wasn't the only one in the grade left like that, but that was a fact hard to determine because like him anyone who was so late in developing hid the fact from public knowledge if they could. Certainly none of the guys his age who had been made newdd's that year were as bald as he was. Even last year none of the 8th graders who were made newdd's had been totally hairless, though some had very meager excuses for a pubic bush.

Rumor amongst the girls and guys in Nick's 9th grade was that little Daniel Green was a good candidate to be as bald as Nick was, Daniel's voice had not broken yet and he was below average height and weight for his age being 5 feet 2 inches [1.57 m] and 97 pounds [44 kg], his slim build with his light blond hair, blue eyes and pale complexion having attracted Nick's attention often and the attention of lots of others as well.

Daniel like Nick was a popular kid and considered 'hot' even though Daniel was also considered a shorty.

When Nick started at West Eastbrook High School he discovered to his horror that his gym teacher Mr. Jack Strauchan insisted that he had to change for his physical education class with his fellow class mates and worse still shower naked with all the other boys. He wished he was in one of the other 9th grade physical education classes as the other P.E. teacher's didn't insist on the same strict changing and showering rules as Mr. Strauchan.

It was in the shower room on the very first day he had to shower in 9th grade that Nick's private problem become all too public.

Nicholas to his shame and embarrassment still had no pubic hair and a little boy's penis and testicles. His genitals were not abnormally small but on a developing body like Nick now possessed they looked smaller than they actually were. Flaccid his thin circumcised penis was and around 1½ inches [4 cm] long and erect it was no more than 3½ inches [9 cm] long. His scrotum containing his marble sized testicles was still barely noticeable tucked up tight beneath his cock. There was not even a trace of peach fuzz, surrounding his genitals.

Teenage boys, can be especially cruel and uncaring. The guys in Nick's class were no different to most. The giggles in the shower were almost instant. One of the boy's, Peter Browne said, "Well, will you look at that," as the rest of the showering class looked over at the profusely blushing Nick.

"Fuck Nick, you got to be 14 like the rest of us yet you got no fucking hair and your dicks like an eleven-year-old's," Peter continued bringing more laughter and giggles from the guys who now assembled around Nick trying to get a better look.

The taunts of 'Pin Dick' soon resounded through the shower room and the nickname 'PD', which a couple of the boys had started calling him based on the taunt, became a label which stuck.

News of such a secret is impossible to contain once the secret is out and within days the girls his age had begun to giggle and whisper among themselves when he approached.

Nicholas knew they knew!

Nick's close friends were careful to tread lightly one his secret became public knowledge. The girls who adored Nick's good looks and who also knew of his secret felt sorry for him, which was equally upsetting for Nick, but those who either weren't so close or openly disliked him were much less generous. Many of them were very jealous because he was an outstanding student and athlete, and his handsome features, especially his blonde, styled hair, cobalt blue eyes and firm muscular body, had made him a favorite with the girls. So whenever the opportunity presented itself, they would delight in humiliating Nick with taunts like 'pin dick' and 'baldy' or other derisive comments to belittle him in front of the girls.

Nick was strong and not afraid to fight, but he was also smart enough to know that he had to ignore his tormentors lest he get himself into trouble for fighting and reveal publicly how hurtful their comments were. At first he would either ignore the taunts or occasionally respond with his own derogatory comment like "Takes a homo to notice."

Eventually however the taunts got to him and he found himself unable to ignore them and just walk away. His verbal responses seemed to be having less effect and finally this led Nick to the emotional breaking point that resulted in him violently shoving about three students, Billy Chandler, Peter Browne and Beth Thompson from his grade who made derogatory remarks to him about his baldness and genital size and even punching out Billy Chandler.

Unfortunately in punching out Billy Chandler Nick caused him to suffered a bleeding nose and Nick's violent actions were exposed as the bleeding Billy sought help from the school nurse, leading to the school applying for a disposition to have him made a newdd. There was of course some sympathy in the school administration for his problem and situation once they found out why he reacted as he did and the three antagonists were also hauled over the coals by the Principal but the school insisted none the less that no matter what the problem, resorting to physical violence was not an acceptable response by Nick.

"So Amanda what happened at court today?" Sarah Roberts asked.

"It was awesome, not just because I finally got to see my brother totally naked but even better were the sights I got to see in the waiting room whilst we were waiting for Nicks case to be called."

"Sights?" Terri asked.

"Yeah great sights, six naked guys and two naked gals apart from Nick. Girls let me tell you if you ever get the chance to go to the Eastbrook Juvenile Court as an observer take it, of course I don't recommend it if you are the accused. Only the accused, their immediate family and legal representatives can enter the courtroom, it is not open to the public in juvenile hearings, but before your case is called everyone sits outside the courtroom in a waiting room. Once a newdd has been sentenced and stripped naked in the courtroom they have to walk back out of the courtroom past the entire waiting crowd to get to the courts 'newdd Induction Room'."

"Wow!!! Really, no kidding," a disbelieving Jennifer blurted out.

"No kidding, it's just the greatest sitting there waiting for the newly sentenced to come out of the courtroom naked. And that's not all because when they come out of the induction room it is so funny. They are red bummed from a severe spanking, red faced from humiliation and embarrassment and some of them are shaved of all their body hair. They go in looking so mature and come out looking like little boys and girls," Amanda giggled.

"Awesome!!!" Caitlin enthused.

"Ok," said Terri, "tell us about the waiting room first then about your brother, this waiting room sounds really sexy."

So Amanda began to recall the events of the day.

The whole Hermann family comprising the parents, Robert and Doris along with fourteen-year-old Nicholas, twelve-year-old Amanda and their younger brother Christian who was 10, had arrived at the court early, just before 9.30am. The first case was heard till 10am but Robert Hermann always liked to be early, just in case he was delayed!!!!

The waiting room was almost empty when they first arrived. Only one family group of parents a teenage girl aged about 15 and her twelve-year-old brother who by his frightened looks was the juvenile facing court that morning. By the time 10 o'clock arrived the waiting room was packed.

According to the court list posted by a bailiff soon after they arrived they would have quite a wait as Nick's sentencing was the seventh case to be heard. Now that he was here Nick just wanted it over with and at that stage Amanda was bored stiff and not looking forward to the long wait. This bored outlook changed very quickly once the first newdd emerged from the courtroom that morning.

At the stroke of ten o'clock a fourteen-year-old boy named Bryce Johnstone was called into the court for sentencing on a disposition from his parents and school about his behaviour. He was about five foot five [1.65 m] high or so. He had mid brown hair and was sort of stocky, but by no means fat. The sort of kid who looks big when he's around other kids, but looks like a child when he stood up next to his dad to enter the courtroom.

After about twenty minutes the courtroom door opened and after the bailiff there emerged a totally naked Bryce Johnstone his hands resting upon his head preventing him from covering up anything.

The waiting room fell deathly silent and all eyes fixed on the naked juvenile. Amanda sat there mesmerised. She loved the times the family picnicked at Poulton Park and enjoyed the spectacles put on by the Tallahatchie County Disciplinary Centre in Downtown Eastbrook. But this was some how different.

Here was virgin humiliation, a new newdd making his very first public appearance totally naked and she felt she could smell the utter humiliation and embarrassment emanating from his blushing body.

Bryce Johnstone's face and body was burning beet red. Because he had not had a pre-sentencing medical examination Bryce had not been shaved. He had a nice smooth hairless chest, with a small patch of short hairs growing in his exposed arm pits. He had some muscles already and Amanda thought he looked kinda cute with his mid brown hair slightly messed up from removing his clothing.

Bryce had the beginnings of a 'happy trail' which started just beneath his navel and extended downward to a small but thick silky thatch of pubic hair just above the base of his flaccid penis. It appeared to Amanda to be the only hair down there as his penis and ball-sac looked from where she sat to be smooth and hairless. Bryce had a circumcised 3 inch [7½ cm] flaccid penis though the humiliation of being naked in public for the first time meant that it had shrunk to possibly even smaller proportions at that moment. His loose ball-sac hung impressively between his legs.

All too soon the blushing boy had passed into the induction room and out of sight. About five minutes later twelve years old Scott Humphries was called into court on a disposition from the police for riding his bicycle recklessly on the footpath causing pedestrian disruption. Scott was about five feet [1.50 m] tall and weighed about a hundred pounds [45 kg]. He had fair skin, a freckled face and dark red hair.

Whilst Scott was still in the courtroom a teary red eyed Bryce emerged from the induction room wearing his pink newdd collar and sporting a raging 5½ inch [14 cm] erection and Amanda was sure there was a drop of pre-cum glistening from it. His appearance had changed dramatically and he now looked much more like a young boy. His ruffled mid brown hair had been buzzed to a close number two cut. Gone totally were his happy trail and pubic bush as well as his pit hair. His bottom was red raw from an obviously ferocious spanking.

The cavalcade of newdd's quickly continued with Scott emerging from the courtroom soon after Bryce departed the building with his parents. Like Bryce he followed a bailiff out into the waiting room totally naked, his hands resting upon his head preventing him too from covering anything up.

Scott's circumcised penis was bigger than a little boys indicating that he was probably on the verge of puberty. He had no pubic hair but his balls were bigger than a little boy's and hung down in plain view, but they still looked like a kids balls, not a more plump grown up teenagers.

Whilst Scott was in the induction room fifteen-year-old Nikki Webster was called into court. Nikki was a very pretty tall girl with mousy blond hair. She was appearing on a disposition from her parents because of her recent argumentative nature at home.

When Scott emerged from the induction room he like Bryce before him was wearing his newdd collar, and was teary eyed, sporting a new hair cut and a totally erect 4 inch [10 cm] boner along with a very red bottom.

When the doors of the courtroom opened and the bailiff stepped out into the waiting room all eyes focused on the now totally naked Nikki Webster who followed behind. A few of the teenage males in the room could be heard making audible gasps as she came into view. Nikki wasn't a natural blonde as she displayed a dark haired scraggy untrimmed pubic bush. She was well developed on top as well with large breasts which at that point in time were tipped with very erect nipples.

The next boy called into the courtroom was dark haired fifteen-year-old Phillip Freake on a disposition based on his disrespect and general behaviour at home. Phillip didn't look like he was nearly sixteen years old. He was only about 4' 8" [1.42 m] tall and weighed in around 75lbs [34 kg]. Nick Hermann was sure he had misheard the Bailiff when he called out Philips age, 11 or 12 maybe but surely not 15! Here was a guy older than him yet who looked much younger. Nick selfishly hoped that this Philip guy would be as undeveloped as he looked for his age. Somehow the thought of another boy present in the courthouse suffering the humiliation he was about to suffer himself made Nick feel just marginally better.

When Nikki Webster exited the induction room her scraggy pubic bush had not just been trimmed but totally removed revealing a totally bald vagina. New gasps of wonder pierced the lips of the assembled teenage boys in the waiting room.

The newly exposed lips of Nikki's vagina were puffy and red. Her labia were well developed and each fold was well defined against her white skin. The same white skin on her buttocks now discoloured red displayed the tell tale signs of a major spanking.

There was quite a scene when Philip Freake re-emerged from the courtroom. Unlike the previous juveniles Phillip was still resisting his newdd stripping and was therefore hauled naked and struggling out through the waiting room by two burly bailiffs. As Nick had hoped, Philip was totally prepubescent. His previously flaccid 1½ inch [4 cm] penis was now totally erect at 3" [7½ cm] and was sticking straight up so that it was touching his bald pubic region. As the bailiffs carried him to the induction room his penis flopped about in front of the giggling audience in the waiting room exposing his tight undeveloped scrotum. Philips worst nightmare was upon him, his secret was revealed. At nearly 16 he was still a little boy!

Bobby Vincent was the next boy called into court on a disposition from the Community Guardians. This was the terrified boy who had been sitting with his family when the Hermann's had first arrived. He was taller than the previous twelve-year-old Scott Humphries who had appeared earlier before the court. Bobby was about 5' 2" [1.57 m] tall. He had dark gelled hair and brown eyes. He was also very cute looking even with the terrified look that currently scarred his face.

How was he to know that the lady standing at the bus stop near a group of his classmates who were walking to school was a community guardian, who had taken exception to his mooning through the window of the bus at his classmates as the school bus went past them?

Amanda knew Bobby Vincent. He was in 7th grade at West Eastbrook Middle School with her.

What scared Bobby the most about this whole episode was Judge Trevenian's penchant for sentencing juvenile newdd's who appeared before her to long periods of nakedness. He being so modest was more frightened of this than the multiple public spankings he was certain to be sentenced to receive as a newdd.

"Hurry on into the courtroom now son, don't dawdle you'll only make it worst for yourself," said his father.

"Remember," his mom said, "You've brought this upon yourself."

His sister, fifteen-year-old Tammy simply smirked and giggled at her brother's humiliating predicament.

Slowly, like an already condemned man, Bobby shuffled toward the courtroom door of his doom and the almost certain removing of his clothes.

Philip Freake when he emerged from the induction room was still doing the dance of the spanked after receiving added punishment because of his uncooperative behaviour in court. Philip had learnt the hard way that it was not a good idea to get totally offside with the bailiffs. To add to his misery his courtroom misbehaviour had resulted in him receiving a totally shaved head not just a number two buzz.

When Bobby Vincent emerged from his appointment with Judge Trevenian he was as he feared totally naked. Bobby had a nice torso displaying a muscled hairless chest. He had a fairly large uncircumcised penis, though it was hard to tell just how big as his foreskin covered the head. His balls were large for a twelve-year-olds and already hung down His penis was topped with 10 to 12 noticeable dark pubic hairs and at full mast was almost as big as Bryce Johnstone's even though Bryce was two years older.

The smile on the face of his sister Tammy who followed behind indicated just how much she had enjoyed her brothers stripping and was looking forward to his spanking and shaving!.

Nick was now getting very nervous, there was only one other juvenile to be called before his sentencing.

That juvenile was Emily Gitteau. Like Bobby, Emily was a pupil at West Eastbrook Middle School and also in the 7th grade. She had a reputation amongst the 'Le Femme Chics' as a real stuck up bitch and teachers pet! Amanda knew the girls would be all ears to hear of her take down and humiliation.

Emily was appearing at the court on a disposition from the school. Apparently she had tried to set up a fellow 7th grade boy so he would get into trouble and be made a newdd. It nearly worked but she had a last minute falling out with one of her former best friends and her plans were told to a teacher who caught Emily red handed and precipitated miss goody two shoes fall from grace.

It was a terrified looking Emily Gitteau who walked into the courtroom accompanied by her father and mother. The shame of the teacher's pet now facing time as a newdd was almost unbearable for her. Emily was a tall developed girl for her twelve years though her thighs had yet to take on the feminie shape so often associated with a females developing maturity. She was so much taller than Amanda that Amanda's head barely reached Emily's well-developed breasts. The worse, thing about Emily as far as Amanda was concerned was that Emily knew she was attractive, treating smaller less developed boys and girls as beneath her notice. When she did address them, it was only to call attention to their lack of size, stature, or maturity.

Bobby Vincent emerged from the induction room looking just like his predecessors. His proud new growth of 12 dark pubic hairs had disappeared with one foul swoop of the razor. His beautiful gelled hair was cut back to a number 2 cut stubble and his back side pained like never before from his spanking and he could not stop from crying. All his pretences at being grown up and manly had disappeared just like his precious pubes.

When Emily emerged from the courtroom flanked by her parents and following behind a bailiff she revealed to Amanda and Nick as well as the others in the waiting room that in fact she had little to show once all the padding she had used to try and fool everyone was removed when she was forcibly undressed in the courtroom.

Emily's tits were tiny and she was still totally hairless down below giving everyone a clear view of her smooth furrowed slit which ran down the middle of the very white triangle of naked flesh which disappeared between her legs Emily knew that once her classmates saw her underdeveloped state she was going to be teased unmercifully.

On seeing her fellow student revealed for what she really was, a little girl, Amanda whispered to her brother Nick, "She must have worn a padded bra; her tits looked so much bigger when she was dressed."

Nick despite his own impending doom was smiling as he stared at Emily's small AAA cup tits and hairless groin. Emily turned beat red as she saw Amanda and Nick staring at her exposed secrets

Amanda could not resist commenting as Emily was ushered past, "Gee Emily, what happened to your tits, they've shrunk! You were so high and mighty at school making fun of us 'flat chested' girls and short boys while all the time knowing that you were no better off than any of us!!"

"Amanda, that's enough, mind your manners girl," Mr. Hermann admonished on hearing his daughter's comment.

Emily blazed beet red with humiliation but had no time to say anything as the bailiff ushered her on into the induction room.

Nick knew that he would be next!

10 – Nick, Peter, Billy & Beth

— t t t g —

The minutes between when Emily Gitteau exited the courtroom and when Nick was called into court seemed to Nick to be the longest in his living memory. The butterflies in his stomach were palpable to the worst he had ever experienced. It was therefore a shock that made him jump when a bailiff announced through the open courtroom door, "Nicholas Hermann, aged 14 for sentencing on a disposition from West Eastbrook High School pertaining to fighting and intimidation."

Nick slowly rose from his seat glancing back at his family who were also rising to follow him. There was no last minute reprieve from his parents this time he sensed. Matters had gone beyond their control, the clock was ticking!

It was when Nick began walking towards the courtroom door that Amanda and Nick noticed movement from the far side of the waiting room near the front door. Within a small nook that had hidden the occupants from the Hermann's view there emerged to Nick's amazement and humiliation the three antagonists who had caused him to be in this situation. They had been there in court on Wednesday to give their evidence, when they had blatantly lied and covered for each other about the extent of the bullying they had inflicted on Nick, but Nick had not expected them to be present today in court, usually only the immediate family were present for sentencing.

The bailiff who was standing guard at the door to the courtroom checked off identities with Mr. Hermann and allowed the family to enter. From behind him Nick heard the bailiff challenge his three antagonists and their families and then allow them to enter once he found their names authorised on the court list.

In the courtroom Miss Lillian Dwyer the well-dressed female prosecutor was seated at the prosecutors desk just where she had been during Nick's first court appearance and at the defence desk Nick's lawyer, Mr. Marcus Espiritos was seated.

Nick took a seat next to Mr. Espiritos and his family took seats immediately behind the ornate timber railing that separated Nick from the family gallery. In the two rows behind the Hermann family sat the protagonists Billy Chandler, Peter Browne and Beth Thompson and their families.

If Nick did not feel utterly uncomfortable as it was, having the three people who had caused his court appearance sitting so close behind him in a position to witness his almost certain stripping and naked humiliation as he was made a newdd was almost beyond Nick's tolerance levels. He felt like breaking down and crying right there and then before anything had happened.

Nick's wait was not long before a court bailiff called out "All rise, Her Honour Judge Lucy Trevenian presiding."

Everyone stood.

A bailiff then announced, "Nicholas Hermann, aged 14 for sentencing on a disposition from West Eastbrook High School pertaining to fighting and intimidation."

Judge Trevenian announced, "Apart from the defendant please all be seated. Nicholas Hermann please approach the bench and stand on the yellow marker."

Nick edged his way past his lawyer Mr. Espiritos who was sitting next to the isle and walked to the mark indicated.

Judge Trevenian looked over to the Hermann family and the other families seated behind them and stated, "I am glad to see all of Nicholas's family here as I am the Browne, Chandler, and Thompson families as I requested."

Aiming her comments specifically at Nick's three antagonists the judge said, "I suggested to your parents Peter, Billy and Beth that it would be a good idea for you to attend today as it will reinforce in your minds the consequences of breaking the law or disrespecting authority and hopefully deter you from even contemplating such an action in the future as unfortunately your fellow classmate has already done."

The three juveniles nodded their head in understanding, overjoyed at being able to watch Nick's newdd stripping in an almost private audience!

Turning her attention back to Nick the Judge began, "Nicholas Hermann you have been found guilty to the charges contained in the disposition from West Eastbrook High School relating to fighting and intimidation. I have considered the evidence submitted by the prosecution and on your behalf and have determined that you shall serve an Intensive newdd for a period of six days! I do thus by the power authorised to me by the Federal Juvenile Deterrence Act suspend you from all the rights and privileges accorded a free citizen except those imposed by the act for that period of six days.

There was an audible giggle at the judge's order from Beth Thompson and both Billy Chandler and Peter Browne had huge smiles of satisfaction across their faces. Not only was Nick going to be made a newdd but the judge had said Nick was going to get an 'Intensive', that meant authorising oral and anal sexual punishment and public masturbation punishments.

Then to Nick and Amanda's surprise and amazement the judge turned back to Nick's three juvenile antagonists and ordered them to approach the bench and stand next to Nick.

"Billy Chandler, Peter Browne and Beth Thompson," the judge intoned, "I find your behaviour in this whole episode very unsatisfactory and after discussions with your school and your parents after Nicholas's court appearance on Wednesday, I have decided to order that the three of you be convicted of intimidation and bullying and serve a six day Intensive newdd sentence like Nicholas. I do thus by the power authorised to me by the Federal Juvenile Deterrence Act also suspend the three of you, Billy Chandler, Peter Browne and Beth Thompson from all the rights and privileges accorded a free citizen except those imposed by the act for the period of six days."

There was an audible gasp of shock and disbelief from the three juveniles. A faint smile rippled across Nick's face.

"Nicholas Hermann, Billy Chandler, Peter Browne and Beth Thompson, the newdd Juvenile Deterrence scheme is specifically designed to be totally humiliating and embarrassing so that your experiences as a temporary community servant results in you never wanting to experience this treatment ever again and thus you become a very upright, law abiding young citizen of worth to the community," the judge intoned.

"It is the experience of this court that newdd sentences for non-criminal acts are where possible most beneficial when served for a short period of time. In misbehaviour cases it is the court's belief that the goal is to motivate change by providing a lesson in the consequences should a juvenile continue down their miscreant path. In criminal cases and major delinquency cases there is in addition to motivating change, the goals of holding the juvenile accountable for their acts, imposing meaningful punishments for those acts and to extract appropriate restitution over a sufficient length of time to compensate for those criminal acts. Therefore to minimise your time as a newdd to six days but ensure that the maximum humiliation and punishment is suffered during that short time I have decided to impose Intensive punishment options during your short sentences."

"I order you all to attend the Community Discipline Centre established at the Outdoor Music Bowl in Poulton Park Eastbrook, this Saturday from 10am till released to receive corporal, oral, penile, vaginal and anal punishments as determined by the Community Discipline Centre for the newdd program."

"I further order that during your time as Temporary Community Servants you shall perform Community Service at a place or places as determined by your Program Supervisor in consultation with your parents, on Sunday from 11am to 6.00pm, and on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon immediately after school till 6.00pm."

"I further order that during your six days of newdd servitude that you all shall be subject as part of your newdd requirements on a daily basis, to corporal, oral, anal and penile or vaginal sex punishments."

"You may not masturbate yourself to sexual relief during the term of this newdd sentence. This is designed to emphasise that as a newdd you have no control of your own body and that receiving sexual relief is now outside your control. You may request permission for sexual relief from a free citizen; however you may not force or coerce a free citizen into providing relief to you against their wishes."

"I further order that regardless of your personal requests for sexual relief that during your newdd sentence you shall be subject to a public masturbation session along with your other punishments on a daily basis at the Hermann residence. These daily sessions and times are to be organised by your parents in consultation between themselves and with your local community guardians."

Amanda thought all her Christmases had come at once upon hearing this great news!

"I do not propose to make any court orders regarding curfews or the allocation of quarters, this I will leave to the discretion of your parents. The fitting of chastity devises is not authorised and shall be subject to the further approval of this court if deemed necessary during the tenure of this sentence," the judge continued.

"Further to emphasise your new status I order that during your induction processing immediately after leaving this courtroom you shall all receive a severe spanking and the standard Community Servants shave and hair cut."

"Nicholas Hermann, Billy Chandler, Peter Browne and Beth Thompson, you are all now Temporary Juvenile Community Servants. Pursuant to the Federal Juvenile Deterrence Act, I authorise the immediate issuing of a 'Notification of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress' so that all you can remain naked upon leaving this court. All Community Servants regardless of their age appear before a court naked to emphasise their status and in the case of juvenile offenders to maximise their embarrassment and humiliation. You will therefore now turn and face your families and one by one remove all your clothing and place them in the receptacles provided," Judge Trevenian announced.

Nick, Billy, Peter and Beth all blushed profusely at this order. The moment of their doom had arrived!

There was hushed whispering from the assembled families as a bailiff carrying a plastic basket moved in front of Nick and gestured for him to begin removing his clothes. Nick first removed his Sunday best jacket and handed it to the bailiff, who folded it as he placed it into the clothes basket. Nick undid his tie and removed it. He then started unbuttoning his white shirt. When it was unbuttoned, Nick took it off exposing his hairless chest to the court for the first time and handed the shirt to the bailiff. Soft sobs could now be heard emanating from Nick as he willed himself to complete this humiliating task.

Nick then bent down and removed his shoes and then his socks, and put them too in the basket held by the bailiff.

Nick blushed even more profusely if that was possible as he unbelted and unzipped his trousers. He stooped to remove them, exposing a pair of blue silk boxers. As Nick started to pull down his boxers he instinctively tried to cover up his exposed groin and turn his back to his watching family and his fellow newdd's who despite their own predicament were watching him strip.

One of the bailiffs redirected him so he was again facing his family and pulled his hands away and positioned them at his sides. Once his boxers were off everyone in the courtroom could see his naked body.

Flaccid his thin circumcised penis was around 1½ inches [4 cm] long but at the moment it was totally erect and pointing almost straight out at 3½ inches [9 cm] in length. His little scrotum containing his marble sized testicles was barely noticeable tucked up tight beneath his erect penis. There was not a trace of any hair even peach fuzz surrounding his genitals, anus or in his arm pits.

It was Amanda's turn to let out an audible gasp when she saw that the rumors about her brother's immature physique were now confirmed before her very eyes!

The bailiff then brought a new basket forward and motioned to brown haired, blue eyed Peter Brown to begin undressing. Peter who was just a few months shy of his 15th birthday was already nearly 6 feet [1.80 m] tall and when he began undressing he revealed very hairy arm pits and legs, a broad chest, which was showing the beginnings of fine silky chest hairs and when he removed his bright red boxer briefs, a pronounced happy trail that cascaded down to a thick curly bush of pubic hairs and a hairy erect six inch [15 cm] penis which surmounted an equally hairy scrotum.

The next newdd to face the trauma of stripping naked was Beth Thompson, the fourteen-year-old freshman cheerleader and girlfriend of Billy Chandler. Beth was a brunette who was a little on the short side still for a cheerleader at 5' 4" [1.62 m] but had full breasts and pronounced hips that more than compensated for her lack of height.

"Please remove all your clothes and place them in this basket," the bailiff instructed Beth.

Beth just stood there still and stiff, a silent terrified form, unable to move or comply.

"Do it, now!" snapped the no longer pleasant bailiff, as two other bailiffs moved toward the stricken juvenile.

"I, I can't," the near hysterical Beth managed to blurt out.

Judge Trevenian's voice thundered over the scene, "Well, the bailiffs will do it for you," and with that comment, the two additional bailiffs immediately began stripping the struggling girl.

They knelt next to her, one on each side, and removed her shoes and socks before reaching up and opening her belt and jeans and lowering them to her ankles before forcing her to step out of them as she pleaded for them to stop. They lifted her bright pink tube top over her head and removed it so that she was just wearing her matching pink bra and panties.

Beth continued to plead for them not to strip her any more, but as would be expected, her pleas fell on deaf ears and were ignored.

One of the bailiffs's reached for Beth's bra and undid the hooks. The other bailiff pulled it off and tossed it onto the pile of her clothes in the basket still held by the other bailiff.

Beth desperately wanted to cover up with her hands but a firm warning from Judge Trevenian to "Keep your hands by your sides, young lady, or else!" had the desired effect.

Amanda, Nick and Peter all thought that Beth's breasts looked smaller when exposed, she still had had a perfect cheerleaders figure except for her height and her breasts were firm and pointed but they now looked more like 'B' cups than the 'C' cups that they appeared to be when Beth was dressed.

If Amanda, Nick and Peter had inspected Beth's bra that the bailiff had deposited in the clothes basket they would have seen it was padded.

The bailiffs then reached for the waist of her pink panties and slowly pulled them down before getting Beth to step right out of them.

For the assembled families along with two of the newdd boys, Nick and Peter this was their first ever look at Beth naked. Even Beth's parents and little sister had not seen her nude since she was about 10 or 11. However for Billy Chandler, Beth's boyfriend the sight revealed was not new at all.

To her total shame Beth's most intimate secret was now revealed to everyone in the court. Between her legs where a perfect triangle of pubic hair should have been growing there was instead a beautifully sculptured pubic bush trimmed into the shape of a love heart.

There were suppressed giggles from amongst the younger family members assembled in the courtroom and Beth's mother gasped out loud at her daughter's obvious sexual message in the sculptured cut of her pubic bush. The look on her face did not bode well for Beth when she got home. Beth's mother was now very glad that her daughter would soon be shaved totally in the courts induction room. There was no way she wanted her daughter flouting such an obviously sexual symbol around in public.

When the bailiff held a new basket in front of 14½-year-old Billy Chandler he unlike his girlfriend began undressing on his own accord. Billy took off his shoes, socks, and unbuttoned his shirt before removing it. Then he unbuckled his trousers and pulled them off. He was left wearing only a pair of grey boxers.

Billy was a good looking kid. He had dark brown hair and green eyes. He had a hairless chest and there was no sign of a happy trail descending from his exposed naval, but he did have noticeable pit hairs. Billy didn't have too much body fat and Beth thought he had a really cute butt. Billy was not as tall as Peter but still stood at a respectable 5' 8" [1.73 m] in height and weighed in around 135 pounds [61 kg].

Billy then pulled off his grey boxers and threw them on top of his other clothes in the basket. He was standing in front of everyone assembled in the courtroom totally naked, his flaccid, 4" [10 cm] circumcised penis and plump balls dangling between his legs.

To everyone's amazement, above Billy's penis where they all expected to see a thick pubic bush, they instead saw a matching sculptured and trimmed pubic love heart that perfectly matched Beth's.

If anyone doubted that Beth and Billy were girlfriend and boyfriend then their matching pubic hearts put that doubt to rest totally. It was pretty obvious to those present that Beth and Billy were more than just good friends, there was every probability that they were sexually active.

Beth's mother looked even more shocked than before and now Billy's mother joined her. Billy's father on the other hand was red faced, not with embarrassment but with rage. Billy and Beth were not yet sixteen and the penalties for underage sex in particular for a male were severe and usually resulted in enslavement for life regardless of the offenders' age.

Judge Trevenian immediately ordered, "Bailiffs escort the newdd servants to the Induction Room. Case closed!"

"All rise," a bailiff called out as the judge rose and exited the courtroom. As soon as she had left one bailiff ordered, "Hands on your heads, all of you and follow me." Another bailiff took up position behind the four miserable juveniles and in procession they walked out of the courtroom followed by the assembled families and Mr. Espiritos.

When the door to the courtroom was swung open by the bailiff you could hear the chatter in the waiting room fall to the same deathly silence that had occurred when the earlier juveniles had emerged.

However the silence did not remain for long, for as soon as the four naked newdd's emerged into the waiting room there were murmurs and whispers that not just Nick was emerging naked. This fact sent shock waves through some of the siblings of the juveniles still awaiting sentencing as they now wondered if they too could find themselves unexpectedly stripped naked.

As the newdd's moved into the waiting room exposed to all the curious eyes of the waiting room, those same eyes to Nick's relief mainly followed Beth and Billy as they made their slow tortured progress across the waiting room towards the Induction room. Comments could be heard about Beth and Billy's matching pubic hair love hearts. Nick was ever so glad this sight distracted a lot of the attention away from his hairless little boy genitals.

All four newdd's were glad when they entered the Induction room followed by their families, the lawyer Mr. Espiritos did not follow instead heading out of the courtroom to his downtown office.

The bailiff closed the door behind them and their families and returned to the courtroom, but the four newdd's and their families were not alone. Sitting at a desk at the far side of the room was the middle-aged clerk of the Juvenile Induction room, Mr. Tony Romero, looking very important and solemn in his dark suit and conservative white shirt and striped tie. Standing beside him were two slaves. They exhibited clear plastic coated shinny bright silver collars and they were dressed in standard slave issue sandals, khaki shirts and shorts but with the words 'Eastbrook Juvenile Court' embroidered across the left breast.

Soon after another bailiff entered from a side door and presented the clerk with four folders. After taking some time reading the contents of all the files Mr. Romero looked up and said in a very gruff voice, "newdd's, front and centre and stand on the yellow feet markers." Then turning to the assembled families he said in a very polite voice, "Would the rest of you please be so kind as to take a seat along the back of the room whilst we process these juveniles."

Without looking at his slave assistants he ordered, "Number two hair cut and shave off all body hair."

The slaves moved instantly from their position next to the clerk and ordered the terrified newdd's over to his left hand side of the room and sat each one in turn in a barber's chair that was positioned for this procedure. The slaves soon had one, then two, then three and finally all four of the newdd's with number two haircuts and fully shaved bodies. Needless to say Nick's shaving was the quickest. There was a look of added satisfaction on the faces of Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Chandler as respectively their daughter and son had their pubic hearts removed replaced by bare white skin.

Finally one of the slaves responded to the clerk, "Sir, all done sir."

"Right newdd's," Mr. Romero said, "Every new Temporary Community Servant needs a good caning to begin with, it will help you accept your new status. I am sure your parents know that as well as I do, even though you might not at this stage, so let's get it over with."

"Escort the newdd's to the punishment frame," Mr. Romero ordered of his slaves.

The slaves escorted the now mortified and sobbing newdd's over to the side of the room where the punishment frame stood ominously awaiting its next victims.

It consisted of two parallel vertical metal poles, supported by trussed legs front and back with a height adjustable padded horizontal bar running between the two vertical poles. Near floor level, set further out in front of the line of the main horizontal bar was a padded kneeling frame joined by adjustable arms back to the main vertical poles. On the vertical poles and the kneeling frame there were Velcro straps that would be used to secure the hands and legs of the recipient in place and prevent them from moving.

One by one the newdd's were made to kneel on the padded frame and the main horizontal bar was adjusted in hight so that when they leant well forward exposing their bottoms for caning, their chests rested against it. Their hands and legs were secured with Velcro tabs and then with each newdd ready the slaves again informed their master that all was prepared and awaited the order to proceed.

"Six strokes of the cane," Mr. Romero ordered.

The bigger of the two slaves selected from the wall rack a long, thick but flexible cane which would cause great pain but not cut the skin. Before caning each newdd the slave slashed the air several times in trial practise, a routine that also heightened the fear in the recipient and the terrified newdd's looking on.

Then upon a nod from Mr. Romero the slave lashed out in turn at each newdd's bare bottom. These were no mild token strokes, they were fully-fledged blows wielded with near maximum force and expert precision and style. Though the boys tried to pretend they were brave grown up men they all soon screamed and cried out with the strokes, and continued screaming non-stop as stoke after stroke impacted upon their increasingly sore, increasingly hot, increasingly red bare behinds till all six strokes had been administered.

As the strokes rained down the penises of all three newdd boys reacted the same, all were by the end of the punishment sticking out at full erection whilst to their shame tears flowed down their cheeks like little boys. In Beth's case her vagina was very moist and her nipples totally erect and she too was bawling her eyes out!

As each newdd was released they could not stop themselves doing the dance of the spanked in front of everyone. The newdd's did not find this funny at all but the giggling and laughing from the younger family members assembled in the room at the sight of their siblings dancing away in front of them indicated that others found their plight quite amusing!.

When the last newdd had been released Mr. Romero ordered, "Measure their necks."

A fabric tape was run around each of the newdd's necks by the slaves and their neck sizes recorded.

The slaves then went to the opposite side of the room to the punishment frame and after about five minutes returned with the new newdd collars for each of the juveniles. The collar was made of a metal chain coated in a bright pink plastic and metal mesh.

The slaves handed the four collars to Mr. Romero who pressed typed on his computer keyboard located at his desk and soon produced a microchip, from a drive on the computer and placed it in the lock of each of the new newdd collars.

The microchip would contain all of the sentencing details of the NEWWD who bore the collar, including their new temporary community service number and the collar could be easily scanned by anyone in authority who had the means to quickly check out their bona fifes. It also acted as a tracking device enabling their movements to be monitored.

Mr. Romero handed two of the collars to each slave who inturn walked over to either Nick and Peter or Billy and Beth and with just a soft click attached them easily around their necks.

Amanda felt a strange feeling looking at her brother and the other newdd's wearing their collars. Somehow the simple wearing of a collar around their necks made her feel different about them and somehow set them apart immediately as being inferior to her. She knew it was a psychological thing; the collar unconsciously registered the fact that the wearer was now a slave and need be shown no respect, and was without freeman rights other than those of being a newdd.

Mr. Romero returned to his computer and after some more typing printed out four documents.

"Ok that concludes your induction. Give this to your parents. It contains all the details of your Programme Supervisor, Community Service and Punishment orders," Mr. Romero informed the four newdd's as he handed each of them an envelope containing all that information.

The four newdd's after thanking Mr. Romero in very respectful slave voices moved over to their respective families and immediately accompanied their families back into the waiting room where again all eyes were fixed on their red behinds, erect penises and tear stained faces. Waiting outside the induction room were the next two newdd's processed by Judge Trevenian. There having been four newdd's in the current intake the induction processing had taken longer than usual and a backlog had started to build up outside the door.

In the front of the queue was the blushing, still sobbing, blue eyed brown haired Alex Boil, who was twelve years old and 4 foot eleven [1.49 m] inches tall. Until the moment he was stripped in court Alex had been a very modest and shy boy. The fact that he had been standing outside the induction room stark naked waiting for so long had only added to his loss of modesty. Adding to his horror, his hairless groin was sporting a raging hard on, in all of its three inch [7½ cm] glory revealing in it's erect state that his balls were no bigger than a prepubescent little boys!

Behind Alex in the queue was the dark haired fifteen-year-old Josh Williamson. Josh was five foot nine inches [1.75 m] tall and had an almost perfect fifteen-year-olds body with his hairless chest, erect nipples, sparse patches of hair under his armpits and his firm stomach with it's 'innie' belly button and he was currently sporting a 5 inch [12½ cm] long erect penis surmounted by a thick, curly bush of dark hairs that extended all the way up in a slender happy trail to his belly button.

Nick didn't have much time to take in the new newdd's as he was quickly ushered past them by his father and was soon walking with just his family, totally naked in public for the first time in his life along the street outside the courthouse past the tethered naked pony slaves tied to the hitch rails under the shady boulevard of trees and on to the bus stop for the trip home.

Amanda was sure she had never in her life seen anyone including the other 'Le Femme Chics' at their initiation blush as much as Nick was blushing at that moment now that his shameful secret was totally exposed and confirmed.

11 – Keira Drew Aged 13

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The scene in the Hermann household that Friday night was amazing. Crammed into the living room were the four new newdd's plus their families along with three 'Guardians' and an assortment of inquisitive neighbours and their children including most of the 'Le Femme Chics' who of course had been tipped off about the nights spectacle by Amanda Hermann.

The Guardians had even placed a notice board out on the footpath advertising that the public were welcome to attend the 7pm intensive public punishment session of Nicholas Hermann, Billy Chandler, Peter Browne and Beth Thompson.

The Head Guardian advised the assembled crowd and the miscreant newdd's, "As this session is a court authorised physical punishment session the usual newdd rules relating to unreasonable requests including the forced insertion of a foreign object into any bodily orifice, submitting to oral sex or sexual penetration is waived as per Section 'D' of the Rules of Compliance of the Notice of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress."

The Head Guardian then instructed the Guardian standing next to Beth, "As her first punishment, have her kneel in front of this male newdd, so she can suck him dry."

"Please don't make me do this," Beth begged the head Guardian as one of the other Guardian's led Peter Brown by his large penis over to stand in front of Beth.

Peter could only stand in front of Beth dumfounded. He couldn't believe he was about to get a blow job off Beth Thompson one of the hottest girls in the grade.

The Guardian pressed down on Beth's shoulder forcing her to kneel. Then he smiled at Peter, "You want to feel her tits, boy?"

Peter nodded and replied politely, "Sir, yes sir," his mouth that dry with excitement he could hardly reply.

The Guardian smiled and said, "Stand right there in front of her and place your cock against her mouth boy. You can play with her tits while she blows you."

Addressing Beth he ordered, "Take his cock in your hand and stick it in your mouth."

The trembling Beth looked up at Peter's big 6" [15 cm] penis before opening her mouth, leaning forward and taking Peter's hard cock between her lips. Peter looked down at her head bobbing up and down as she tried to open her mouth wide enough to take his cock all the way in.

As Beth did this Peter reached down with both hands and cupped her small but firm breasts. His ass moved in and out as he pushed his penis deeper into Beth's gagging mouth.

The Head Guardian now nodded to the other guardians who knew exactly what to do next. They had Billy lie down with his back to the floor. Nick was moved into a position where he knelt between Billy's open legs on the floor. The kneeling Nick then bent over and following the Guardians instructions took Billy's penis in his hand and placed his lips over the erect shaft.

When Nick had sucked awhile on Billy's penis the Guardians made him turn around and squat over Billy's face with his balls dangled over the prone boy's mouth.

Nick was forced by a Guardian to lower himself until he had his penis in between Billy's lips. Now both boys were groping and moving as they '69' to the delight of the assembled audience.

As the two boys sucked and pulled each other towards climax the Guardians moved around the boys shouting instructions like "Play with his balls" or "Suck deeper" as each boy attempting to follow instructions and took the other's penis deeper into their mouths, playing with each other's balls at the same time.

Finally Billy stiffened, pushing upward in a final thrust then moaned as he shot a load of salty cum into Nick's mouth. On instructions from the Guardians Nick was made to swallow the entire load then Nick himself stiffened his own body as he dry came in Billy's mouth.

Whilst the two boys were doing this Beth and Peter had been made to change their performance. They too were now '69' on the floor. Peter who was lying on the floor was pushing in and out of Beth's mouth faster and faster whilst at the other end Beth had been instructed by a Guardian to climb over Peter's face and squat down.

"Open her slit with your hands," a Guardian ordered as Beth was instructed by another Guardian to push her cunt down to Peter's mouth.

"Now kiss her pussy lips and move your tongue in and about," the Head Guardian instructed Peter.

Beth felt Peter's hands and tongue spreading her open then his tongue as it began to dart in and out as he slurped and licked Beth's pussy for all that it was worth.

As much as she wanted to fight this invasion of her most intimate privacy Beth could not stop herself from moving up and down and back and forth as Peter's tongue relentlessly tickled her clit and slurped at her bald pussy.

Soon Beth felt herself reaching a climax and as she moaned out load in ecstasy she arched her back and stiffened and climaxed into Peter's surprised mouth.

Peter had pussy juice all over his face.

One of the Guardians quickly instructed Peter, "Lick her clean!"

Peter's tongue immediately started up again causing Beth's now very sensitive genitals to throb with renewed ecstasy.

As he was doing this Peter's body shuddered and he arched his own back. His hands let go of her pussy lips and reached down, dug into Beth's breasts as he let out a moan and shot a huge load of cum into Beth's mouth.

One of the Guardian's who was watching ordered, "Don't you spill a drop girl, swallow every drop of it."

Beth's throat worked overtime as she tried not to gag. She somehow managed to swallow every little bit of the thick milky fluid.

"Lick his penis clean," the Guardian instructed.

Beth flicked her tongue out as instructed and began licking Peter's rapidly shrinking penis.

In front of the assembled crowd the four newdd's were then forced to undergo anal punishment. Peter was paired off with Billy and Nick with Beth. One Guardian instructed the first two boys whilst another instructed Nick and Beth what to do.

All four newdd's had by this time again burst out into tears as Peter and Beth were forced to get on their hands and knees. "Heads down and asses up," one of the Guardians instructed the crying newdd's. "Spread your legs wide slaves," the Head Guardian barked as he walked behind Peter and Beth and pulled their legs apart. "Get those hands on your cheeks and open yourselves up," he commanded and then nodded in satisfaction as the newdd's pulled themselves wide open revealing their pretty assholes to the watching audience and their wide eyed fellow newdd's.

Beth, blushed a bright scarlet when one of the Guardians produced a tube of KY jelly and made Nick grease up his 3½ inch [9 cm] penis, and then was made to force the lube up her reluctant butt with his greasy middle finger. Nick was made to kneel between Beth's legs and position his cock at her newly greased entrance. Beth closed her eyes as she felt the small hard knob of Nick's penis wedging between her ass cheeks. Nick's greased penis slowly began to enter and Beth inhaled sharply. She was being anal fucked in front of her boyfriend and her family by a prepubescent boy!

Never in his fourteen years had Nick felt so humiliated. To make matters worse, as Nick rammed his hard cock up Beth's hot ass, her vocal noises began to change from screams of pain to moans of ecstasy. Nick humped his hips even more furiously at this motivational sound, and to Beth's relief, it was not long before Nick was again shooting a dry cum in her ass. When Nick finally withdrew his deflating penis, Beth kept her eyes closed and prayed that the Guardians would let them finish now.

It wasn't the end of course!

Peter and Billy were made to swap positions and Beth was given a dildo to fuck Nick's virgin arse. Nick was made to take up a similar position to that which Beth had maintained and he felt the KY jelly being rubbed into his butt crack and over his sphincter.

Jennifer watched enthralled memories of her own painful dildo fucking during her initiation into the 'Le Femme Chics' came flooding back.

Then Nick felt Beth try to shove the head of the 7-inch [18 cm] dildo into Nick's virgin ass. Nick clamped down hard to keep the invading dildo out.

"Let her in slave," one of the Guardians yelled, but when Nick still refused to relax the Guardian grabbed his cane off his belt and administered three quick violent whacks to Nick's exposed bottom.

Nick arched and yelped at each strike and then he heard the Guardian say, "You let her in or I'm just going to keep on whipping you slave until you do."

This time when Beth pushed with the dildo to enter, Nick took a deep breath to relax and then let out a muffled shriek as he was violated by what felt like a baseball bat. After several minutes, the pain subsided and he was no longer yelling as much as Beth under the instructions of a Guardian continued to fuck away relentlessly at his ass.

The feeling of the dildo stroking his prostate was too much of a stimulation for Nick. His penis was totally erect again and throbbing which quickly brought Nick back to the edge of ecstasy, and soon he let out an unrestrained moan of extreme sexual pleasure as he convulsed to wave after wave of the strongest dry orgasm of his life grunting and moaning like an animal.

This was not the end of the evenings entertainment however as each newdd was then lined up for a thorough public spanking. Positioning a chair in the middle of the room one Guardian sat down and first off, pulled Nick over his left thigh and placed his right leg over Nick's legs. He held Nick's right arm behind his back as high as it would go. Jennifer Dailey looked over at fourteen-year-old Nick who she felt looked as helpless as if he was a little six-year-old over her own teenage babysitter's lap.

This particular Guardian may have been on the short side, but he was strong. He gave Nick's bottom a little rub over the wounds from the recent caning and the one earlier that day at the courthouse then began to methodically cover every part of Nick's bottom with numerous hard hand spanks. He was very careful to get the most sensitive crease at the bottom of Nick's bottom where it becomes tight. These spanks to his already tender bottom provoked extra loud cries from Nick. Even though Nick was a strong well built fourteen-year-old, apart from his small undeveloped genitals, he was soon bawling, just like a six-year-old child, totally out of control, much to the amusement of the audience. Jennifer could sense how each spank and each cry lowered his status with his peers. This was a technique she knew and used herself to maximum effect!

Whilst the other three newdd's were being spanked Jennifer glanced around the large crowd that was standing around enthralled by the scene in front of them.

To her right Jennifer noticed crammed into the thronging crowd Rebecca, Joseph and Ruth Shaw-Davis accompanied by a very interested Reverend and Mrs. Shaw-Davis but no Matt. Jennifer knew that Matt unfortunately had soccer practise.

On the left hand side of the room Jennifer noticed her neighbor Dianne Spencer and her twelve-year-old son Aaron. Both were totally focused on the spanking that Billy Chandler was currently receiving from one of the other Guardians.

Jennifer smiled as she noticed the small tent in Aaron's jeans. He was obviously finding this whole scene very arousing. Aaron Spencer was the one boy who Jennifer now desperately wished she could control as a babysitter.

Aaron was a very attractive looking boy, blond hair, blue eyes, about five foot in height with a slim build. Aaron had the build of an Adonis and he knew it though at the same time he was a very shy boy for a twelve-year-old and never took advantage of his looks to get a steady girlfriend.

However he often strutted around his neighborhood in either an open, flapping shirt or with no shirt on at all if the weather was warm enough. This drove Jennifer crazy as she feasted her young eager eyes on his smooth well-developed chest and tummy muscles with its deep bronze tan which only accentuated his good looks and made her mind wonder what treasures lay hidden behind his shorts or jeans.

Jennifer and Caitlin had been the best of playmates with Aaron when they were younger but as the years passed they grew more apart. When Mr. Spencer walked out on Dianne and Aaron when Aaron was aged eight, Dianne had had a difficult time dealing with her divorce and wanted to do everything possible to keep a good relationship with her son so she spoiled him rotten over the next four years. Soon, she was catering to his every whim and it became obvious to her friends like Jennifer's mother that Aaron was ruling the roost at home.

This new 'man of the house' attitude did not go down well with Jennifer in particular. When Aaron was eleven Jennifer started babysitting and from that day on she wished she was put in charge of minding Aaron. She knew she could have quickly put him straight if she was allowed to apply her newly developed talents in controlling boys.

To her great disappointment however this did not happen. Mrs. Spencer never used a babysitter, allowing Aaron the freedom to look after himself from a relatively young age. He was after all the now the 'man of the house' and as such Mrs. Spencer considered it not appropriate to have him babysat.

By the time Aaron was twelve, it became apparent, even to Dianne Spencer, that she had her hands full with Aaron. His grades in school were slipping badly, neighbours were complaining about him and he had become very disrespectful and often rude to her.

Dianne continued to blame all of this on the bad company he hung around with both at school and after school, for she was convinced that Aaron was a good boy.

Jennifer just longed for the opportunity to see Aaron naked. Over the last two to three years Jennifer had managed to not just see many of her charges naked but inflict a good spanking on their naked behinds as well. It disappointed her that her 'hot' next door neighbour had not fallen under her charge like so many other boys had done. Seeing the small tent in the front of his jeans only made her wonder even more what he looked like naked? How she wished Aaron was amongst the newdd's out in the middle of the Hermann's living room.

Also amongst the crowd to her left was Nick's other former girlfriend Keira Drew. Jennifer had noticed that the huge smile on her face had not eased all night. The stuck up bitch was obviously enjoying Nick's absolute humiliation and momentarily the thought crossed Jennifer's mind, if only she could baby-sit Keira she would soon wipe that smile off her face. Keira however was her age so that was unlikely ever to happen!

After all the spankings had been completed and the four newdd's had been placed for inspection by the assembled crowd, Keira could not wait for the chance to get close to Nick.

"Pin dick, pin dick," she said to Nick as she stood in front of him, causing him to blush even more profusely than he had already been. "You're a fucking little boy pretending to be a man. Glad I dumped you!" This of course was not the truth as Nick had broken off their relationship out of fear of his shameful secret being found out. Intent on staring at Nick's small genitals Keira did not notice that her mother had followed her out to the newdd's.

"Keira, that's disgusting," her mother admonished, overhearing her daughter's cruel and foul language. "Such language is exactly why these other three newdd's are standing here naked with Nicholas!"

"Sorry mum," Keira said in a voice that showed surprise that she had been caught out but that also clearly showed she did not mean what she said.

"Sorry is not really good enough Keira, if it wasn't so much trouble I would apply to the juvenile court to have you spend some time as newdd. Maybe then you would learn some manners."

Keira's face turned red with indignation that her mother would even consider such action.

Her face quickly turned white and a horrified expression descended upon it when the head Guardian who had overheard the conversation butted in and said, "Mam as Head Guardian I have the power under the Juvenile Deterrence Act to issue temporary newdd's that have a four hour time limit. I would be only too happy to assist your wish and issue a temporary newdd on your daughter!"

It didn't take Mrs. Drew more than two seconds to reach a decision. "Be my guest sir, go right ahead, four hours of newdd time will do Keira the world of good."

"Mum you can't do this! I didn't do anything to deserve this!" Keira protested, "Besides, I'm not a little girl, I'm all grown up!"

"Well I think everyone in this room can see that you are a girl Keira, but as too being grown up, well from your comments to Nicholas that fact is not so obvious but I guess when you strip naked everyone will be able to form an opinion on that as well!" Keira's mom replied sarcastically.

"It will do you good to feel what it's like to stand naked in front of your peers, friends and neighbor's for four hours like these other four newdd's have to do for six whole days. You're very lucky it's only four hours," Mrs. Drew added for emphasis.

"No way am I doing this!" Keira snapped back defiantly.

The head guardian instantly removed his cane from his belt and slashed a quick forceful stroke across Keira's fully clothed bottom. The stroke had an instant effect. Keira gasped and moved to rub her stinging bottom. As the audience snickered, Keira's face turned beet red at her public punishment and the realization then and there that she was going to face certain and imminent nakedness.

The Head Guardian produced a temporary newdd band from his bag and immediately began filling out the label on a green temporary newdd wrist band with the assistance of Keira's mum before fitting it around the wrist of the now terrified Keira Drew.

The Head Guardian then addressed Keira stating, "By the authority invested in me, I am issuing a temporary newdd on you for four hours. I warn you now, do not try to remove it till your four hours is up and do not to try to cover your naked body or else you will be naked for a lot longer."

Keira did not want to suffer a longer fate at the hands of the Guardians so she nodded her head in understanding. Keira had thought up until now that you had to be a newdd to be naked in public, but she learnt that day that the Police and the Guardians had temporary powers that they could use for minor matters and that vigilante Guardians were only too happy to use those powers when the situation arose.

Much to the amusement of the four other newdd's and the assembled crowds Keira Drew was then ordered to strip naked by the Head Guardian.

"Go ahead girl and strip, everyone here wants to see what you look like naked," the Head Guardian commented. Keira was feeling so humiliated and embarrassed. To make matters worse she noticed that Nick was grinning at her humiliation, his penis sporting a full erection again.

Keira bent over and removed her socks revealing her pretty little feet with polished toenails.

Keira stood with her head bowed down unable to look at anyone as she undid her belt and opened the zipper of her jeans before pulling them off and passing them to her mother.

Keira was a blond headed girl with emerald blue eyes. She was very tall for her thirteen years of age being around Nick's height of 5' 7" [1.70 m] and almost as tall as Billy. Keira had terrific legs and she was sturdily built but with very little excess body fat.

Keira stood in her pink panties not sure of what to do next, until the Head Guardian motioned for Keira to remove her shirt. Every fibre of her body at that moment cried out for her to run but she knew she had no hope of escape.

Keira unbuttoned her soft pink shirt and blushing profusely, removed it. She had a matching pink bra covering her breasts which just filled out its 'B' cups.

Jennifer looked on in amazement; her wish of only moments earlier was being fulfilled. She eyed Keira's 'B' cup bra and wished that her own breasts would grow to fill an 'A' cup let alone a 'B' cup.

As the thirteen-year-old Keira stood in just her panties and bra, head down and sobbing, she was made by the Head Guardian to reach behind herself and with trembling fingers unhook her bra.

Almost all of the assembled juveniles and adults around the room craned forward to get a better look. So did the four naked newdd's. The three boys penis's had all recovered and were already standing out erect from their bodies as they watched Keira remove her clothing. Beth was no better off her nipples were erect and she was very moist between her legs.

Keira let her bra drop around her feet and instantly covered her exposed breasts with her hands.

"Get those hands behind your head girl so we can see your breasts," the Head Guardian bellowed at Keira.

Keira had a look of horror on her face and tears flowing from her eyes as she slowly withdrew her hands from her breasts and moved them behind her head. Her breasts were now on display for all to see.

Keira though not overly well endowed up top; had breasts that were none the less firm and round, and topped by pale pink little nipples.

"Remove those panties," ordered the Head Guardian as Keira hesitated, sobbing.

Keira shook her head. "I, I can't," she sobbed. "I, I just can't."

"Guardians please remove her panties," the Head Guardian ordered as the other two Guardians moved in on Keira.

Keira cowered and pleaded, "Nooooo," as they took up position on either side of her and hooked their fingers in the waistband of her pink panties and pulled them down revealing her most private parts. Her slit was still just visible through the blonde hair that surrounded it and the beginnings of her ever thickening pubic triangle were clearly visible above. Keira was sobbing as the Guardians pulled her panties over her feet and off leaving her totally naked.

The Head Guardian made Keira stand there in front of everyone whilst Mrs. Drew delivered a long and pointed lecture to Keira about the evils of what she had done and how cruel it was to verbally abuse someone about their physical development.

Every time Keira looked up from the floor as her mother continued her public dressing down she spotted some smiling face of a classmate or neighbor of hers looking right at her privates!

Mrs. Drew noticed her daughter's reaction and said, "How does it feel knowing that you now have absolutely no secrets. Everyone in this room now knows what you look like. We all have secrets that we wish to hide from others, what you did Keira was to ridicule Nicholas and make fun of his lack of development when your own development is not that much further advanced. Well now all your secrets are out in the open as well. How does it feel?"

Keira stood there sobbing uncontrollably and unable to answer her mothers admonishments. At that moment in time she just wished the four hours of newdd time was over and she could run away and hide in shame and humiliation. Unfortunately the four hours had only just begun!

12 – Patrick Bowers Age 14

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Every Saturday Poulton Park in Downtown Eastbrook came alive with a mass of human activity as the good citizens of Eastbrook flocked to witness and enjoy the spectacle put on by the Tallahatchie County Disciplinary Centre. As usual marquees had been erected to process the punishment of newdd's in the mornings and adult slaves in the afternoon.

This Saturday all the 'Le Femme Chics' eleven-year-old 6th graders Terri Walker, Caitlin Dailey, Chelsea Horden, Helen Foy, Michaela Grace along with twelve-year-old 7th grader Amanda Hermann and thirteen-year-old 8th graders Sarah Roberts and Jennifer Dailey were all in attendance having accompanied the nudie Nicholas Herman, his parents and brother Chris on the bus into Downtown Eastbrook.

The girls of the 'Le Femme Chics' were now all standing in front of Nick carrying out a thorough inspection of his naked body as was allowed in the inspection marquee. The marquee was arranged so there were three rows of boys along one side, rows B, C and D with row B being closest to the centre aisle and only one row of girls on the other side of the aisle in row A facing the boys. The girls knew from lessons at school that girls were much less prone to suffer the consequences of Juvenile Deterrence than boys.

"What a bunch of losers all these newdd's are, having to stand here naked and let anyone inspect them. As if any of us 'Le Femme Chics' would ever be caught in such a situation," Terri Walker asserted to her followers.

The girls tweaked Nick's nipples to see how he reacted. They soon discovered that like most people he was pretty sensitive. The girl's hands ran all over the exposed naked flesh of his body and reached down as far as his bottom cheeks to get a good feel. The girls even took turns at feeling his erect penis. When he squirmed at their contact, Terri Waker warned him to stand still like a slave was supposed to do!

The very petite and still somewhat innocent Chelsea Horden stated to her friends, "I thought all boys by Nick's age had pubic hair?"

"Most do," asserted Terri, "but Nick's a late bloomer."

Terri enjoyed the extra blush that spread across the already red face of Nicholas Hermann at that comment.

The girls knew the rules of the discipline centre and they stopped their feeling of Nick's body and penis well before he neared an orgasm.

Just as well too, for no sooner had the 'Le Femme Chicks' ceased their assault on Nick's naked body, when a group of officials came past Nick's position and stopped to see what had attracted such a large group of girls. Mr. and Mrs. Hermann looked slightly concerned that they had attracted the attention of these officials but their concern evaporated when it soon became clear that the girls had broken no rules.

Everyone knew the laws governing slaves and newdd's were strict and inflexible so you did not break them unless you were into pain and suffering, however the same laws also laid down basic protections for slaves and newdd's, which the Federal Bureau of Servitude fastidiously upheld by regular inspections.

Today's inspection group was very high powered indeed. The Department of Homeland Security's, Federal Bureau of Servitude's, State Chief Superintendent Mr. Thomas J. Carter [see Even the Modest Must Serve ] was making an inspection of the Tallahatchie County Disciplinary Centre's temporary facilities in Poulton Park and because of this the F.B.S. District Superintendent and other County Officials were there in force to accompany him on his inspection.

Chief Superintendent Carter looked most impressive in his full F.B.S. dress uniform of grey pants trimmed in deep red, black shoes and shirt with a grey coat trimmed with silver lanyard, braids and deep red bordered grey shoulder epilates which were decorated with polished silver eagles signifying his rank of Chief Superintendent. A white silk cravat dressed his neck and his right breast was adorned with the silver F.B.S. badge which literally gleamed it was so highly polished.

It occurred to Mr. Hermann as he admired the imposing looking Chief Superintendent that some slave had spent hours polishing that badge to its current luster and making sure his master's turn out was not only smart, but achieved that glossy impeccably clean cut look that was near impossible to achieve yourself without the help of a well-trained body slave. He just wished he could afford one!

Dressed in his uniform Chief Superintendent Carter looked formidable. He stood erect with his shoulders back. He held some notes in his right hand and his left was behind him with his grey cap with its visor embroidered with silver oak leaves tucked neatly under his arm.

He questioned Nicholas as to why he was serving a sentence as a newdd then spoke briefly with Mr. and Mrs. Hermann about how they would find their son a changed juvenile after his week as a newdd was over, extolling the virtues of the Juvenile Deterrence program which he said from personal experience almost always resulted in excellent behaviour, courtesy and obedience from the newdd participant.

Before moving on he asked the 'Le Femme Chicks' how they were enjoying their day at the centre, to which he received a unanimous, "Awesome!!"

Once the official inspection party had moved on, Terri Walker ordered, "Come on girls lets go and inspect the other merchandise," leading the giggling girls away to inspect the other newdd's lined up in the marquee.

Mr. and Mrs. Hermann accompanied the girls at a respectful distance, content to simply observe the girls tormenting and humiliating the numerous newdd's and enjoying the spectacle themselves.

After a thorough inspection of all the newdd boys and girls including Billy Chandler, Peter Browne and Beth Thompson, the Hermann's and the girls had settled down on the grassy lawn in front of the music bowl in Poulton Park in ample time to get a good position to be able to view of the punishment session.

Nick's name was called out before Billy, Peter or Beth and no sooner had his name been announced over the public address system as being the next newdd for punishment two older teen guards appeared in crisply manicured grey uniforms escorting Nick who had his hands on his head up the side steps of the music bowl and stood him on centre stage in front of the picnicking throng that had assembled to enjoy the day's free entertainment.

"Face the front and keep still and quiet," one of the guards ordered.

The public address system burst into voice and the announcer gave the audience all of Nick's details, his name, age and conviction details. There were boos when his misbehaviours were reported. There were cheers when his allocated punishment was announced.

To add to his embarrassment the announcer commented on Nick's small penile size compared to his more mature looking body. This of course was a practised procedure designed to add to the juvenile's shame and humiliation. Nick had been in the audience here many times and had heard it all before however just because he knew this, it did not stop him from blushing profusely as his shame was publicly highlighted.

The announcer said, "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls the Tallahatchie County Discipline Centre would like to apologise for the small size of the current juvenile's appendages. We will try to have our camera's zoom in for you so that you can be compensated." There was a roar from the crowd at the announcers comment.

Positioned on the sides of the centre stage were two large screen monitors that gave the audience a close up view of the discipline proceedings and as if on queue the camera zoomed in on Nick's shame which bought further laughter and crude comments about his size from all parts of the audience.

Jennifer glanced from the big screens, to the terrified Nick to the two pieces of equipment that were set up on small platforms to the left and right of the stage. To the right of the stage was a punishment frame and to the left on the other platform stood a chair that was surrounded by framework and lots of tubes and other complicated equipment. On top of the framework was a neon sign, "Sponsored by Eastbrook Dairy Co-operative." Jennifer noted that the chair was one of those plastic moulded types but apart from that it was no ordinary chair. Positioned strategically sticking up where Nick would soon be sitting was a sparkling clean removable dildo!

Nick was not left standing there in front of the eager audience for long. The two guards soon grabbed his hands and escorted him over to the punishment frame which was placed on a wide rotating platform that was designed to give the audience a multi dimensional view of Nick as he was punished.

Nick was soon strapped in tight by the Velcro straps. He was facing the audience to start with but before the first stroke of his punishment commenced the rotation of the platform began.

From the look on his face Jennifer could tell the first spank with the paddle surprised Nick. One moment he had been tensing his body waiting for the impact, the next he let out a loud gasp and strained his whole body against the constrictions of the Velcro straps.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he yelled out and Jennifer noticed in the close up view on the monitor that Nick had tears welling in his eyes after only the first stroke. As the authorised number of 30 strokes administered by a big burley slave from the county whip masters office continued to rain down on his ever reddening bottom Nick lost all control and dissolved into incoherent sobs.

Having been severely spanked herself when initiated into the 'Le Femme Chicks' Jennifer realized how much Nick must be hurting. No wonder he was already bawling and screaming. Nick's head shot up with every stoke and his yells and squeals became louder and more high pitched.

The crowd roared their approval as the action on stage continued. To add to the crowd's spectacle Nick's penis had risen again to a full erection. The camera zoomed in to catch all this detail for the audience, a lot of whom were on their feet jumping up and down, some cheering others yelling.

Up on stage as the audience cheered on Nick's suffering all he wanted to do was to die, so that the pain and humiliation would end. Eventually the authorised 30 strokes ended and the guards released Nick from the punishment frame and he immediately slumped to the floor, his legs weak from the torture he had just received. He needed assistance as the guards moved him over to the left platform. As this was being done the crowd rose to a new crescendo of excitement with much yelling and screaming.

After his spankings Nick had a raging erection as he was led to the left platform and its infamous chair.

The guards positioned Nick near the chair and then made him bend over and spread his legs so his anus and sphincter faced the audience. At this sight the audience went mad with cat calls and hoots. A third older guard wearing rubber gloves approached and lubricated Nick's sphincter. The cool gel felt good next to his still burning bottom cheeks.

The two guards then slowly positioned Nick over the chair and pushed him down over the dildo. Even though they did it slowly the pain was intense and he screamed and screamed as his virgin sphincter was violated. The audience of course cheered. This was exactly the type of reaction they had come to see.

Nick's hands were raised above his head, and cuffed to a horizontal bar that was part of the framework that ran above the chair His legs were pulled wide, and his ankles secured to cuffs and chains. The effect was to show off to the audience Nick's hairless but throbbing little boy penis to the best advantage.

One of the guards reached around behind the chair and pulled out a long, clear plastic flexible tubing with a wider sleeve at the end, inside of which was an articulated inner sleeve. He proceeded to fit this device securely over Nick's erect penis.

The outer sleeve attached to Nick's penis created a vacuum seal, and the lubricated inner sleeve was designed to move up and down Nick's penis, in effect, masturbating and milking him before the assembled masses. Nick knew only too well the significance of the local dairies sponsorship of this device. He was going to be 'milked' in front of everyone.

When a guard flipped the switch on the control panel mounted on the rear of the chair, Jennifer heard a soft humming sound. The platform began to rotate at the same time but this time there was more, much more movement than at the punishment frame.

Nick began to murmur, then gasp, as the dildo that was now residing deep inside him began to vibrate, humming away deep in Nick's rectum.

Jennifer watched as the guard then turned another switch, and a hissing sound issued forth. All the air was sucked out of the tube attached to Nick's penis and the inner sleeves began its relentless up-and-down journey.

It didn't take long for Nick to begin moaning and groaning. "Fuck 3;.. Oh shit!" he cried out, arching his back and feeling his anal muscles clench frantically as his balls and prostate approached a dry orgasm. He wailed and shook as his penis throbbed into the teasing sleeve, which continued to suck away relentlessly causing such sensations within Nick's already super sensitive orgasming penis head that Nick thought he was about to die!.

Nick screamed out again and again as the vibrating dildo aroused his prostrate to ever increasing levels of sexual ecstasy and the masturbating machine continued its relentless sucking.

"Oh! ooh! OHHH!!!! Fuck! 3;. Stop the fucking machine 3;. please Stop! STOP!" Nick cried out much the enjoyment of the watching throng.

Jennifer was very moist between her legs, and she noticed that even their leader Terri Walker was subtly rubbing her crotch through her clothing. Even Mr. Hermann was showing the obvious signs of a tent in the front of his trousers whilst his younger son Chris had given up all pretence of modesty and was sitting with his right hand shoved down inside his pants stroking his aroused penis.

Despite Nick's pleas no one stopped the machine, the crowd continued to yell encouragement and Nick continued to scream as the machine relentlessly went on massaging his now very red penis and his terribly stimulated prostrate.

One shattering very public dry orgasm after another built in quick succession for the defenceless Nick. Through all five of these, Nick's penis stayed hard as again and again his prostrate was stimulated and the sensation of another orgasm quickly mounted within him. The crowd booed when they realised Nick was a dry cummer, somehow they felt cheated from enjoying the full spectacle.

Finally, after the five dry orgasm's, with an aching penis and balls and a ravished bottom, the sweat-drenched Nick was released and assisted by the guards back to the stage exit to the wild cheers of the audience and then returned to the inspection tent.

Only Mr. and Mrs. Hermann left the park area to check on Nick the rest stayed to enjoy the punishment of Billy Chandler, Peter Browne and Beth Thompson.

Before Billy, Peter or Beth appeared however, Jennifer was fascinated to see the reaction of two large groups seated watching the action on either side of where she was seated with the Hermann's.

When a fourteen-year-old newdd, Patrick Bowers was bought onto stage, the group to Jennifer's left shouted out support for the boy whilst the group to her right where very derogatory in their remarks about him.

Patrick was a muscular black haired, tall boy who weighed in around 140 pounds [64 kg]. To Jennifer's trained eyes he looked well developed for his fourteen years of age. Jennifer noted his lily white skin where he had been shaved of his thick manly bush of curly black pubic hair but the officials had not bothered to shave above his top lip and denude him of the fine silky mustache hairs that were clearly beginning to grow and thicken.

The group on Jennifer's left was from his 'group' at school. They were there to support their leader and watch as he proved publicly how brave, tough and strong he was in taking his punishment. The kids in the right hand group however were hoping that Patrick would turn out to be a big baby like many of the other teenagers before him when his punishment started.

Both groups stood up and leaned forward to get a better view of Patrick's tight stomach, sturdy chest, and his substantial genitals.

Like Nick and all the other newdd's Patrick was trembling slightly and his face was bright red with embarrassment, but he stoically accepted his exposure determined that he would not be broken in front of his followers and his enemies. Patrick had a theory that some boys are bigger babies than others, and cried more easily but there was no way he was going to have his tough boy image wrecked by breaking down in public like that. He bit his lip as he steeled his determination for his upcoming ordeal and waited.

Like the other newdd's before him Patrick soon found himself strapped tight into the punishment frame by the Velcro straps. As the rotation of the platform began the first of the strokes with the punishment paddle landed sharply on Patrick's unprotected right bottom cheek, which caused him to quickly tense the muscles of his bottom, as well as forcing a little whoosh of air from his lungs, but nothing else.

His supporters were pleased with his defiance, his enemies disappointed. Patrick didn't cry out until the third stroke, at which point a soft grunt escaped from his mouth. His grunts got louder with the next strokes, Patrick tried valiantly to hold back and bit down on his lip to try and control the pain flaring in his bottom. It didn't work and soon louder cries began emanating from his mouth. His supporters tried to encourage him, his enemies taunted him and the crowd cried out for more!

Finally he gasped out "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, it hurts!"

The whip master's slaves knew what they were doing. They had been well trained in the art of inflicting punishment on Juveniles. They knew that with a 'tough guy' like Patrick, they should start out with more moderate spanks, deliberately spanking less hard than normal to give the recipient the false belief that they would be able to tough it out without crying before the end of the punishment, then they would increase the strength and tempo of the blows. Increasing the level of pain and usually causing the recipient to cry out, and once they started crying out, most found it hard if not impossible to stop. Crying was only a step away from there!

Patrick's will to control himself slowly dissolved in the face of this onslaught. His groans turned to cries then to screams and increased in loudness and intensity until, to the amazement of his gang and the absolute delight of his enemies, tough guy Patrick Bowers was actually crying!

He began straining against his Velcro restraints in an attempt to thrash about and relieve some of the pain he was suffering. The whip master's slaves again proved that they could make even the biggest, toughest brat into a small, begging, crying child. The gang of supporters continued to look on in dismay whilst the smirks on the faces of his enemies turned to broad smiles.

Tears flowed down Patrick's cheeks and formed a large puddle on the floor of the stage as he continued to shriek and yelp with each stroke. To the cheers of the audience and especially his enemies Patrick begged them to stop.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! It hurts! Stop, please!" he gasped, "please stop, it hurts, it hurts please!!!!!"

But it didn't stop till his 30 strokes were completed and Patrick's screaming and yelling had hit new levels, as he was completely broken and humiliated in front of his friends and foes.

His experience on the milking machine was no better. The utterly humiliated former tough guy Patrick Bowers though well endowed in the genital department was only able to produce a few feeble squirts of clear cum the first time he was bought to orgasm by the masturbating machine, only a few drops the second time and the three subsequent occasions to that he suffered the humiliation of dry cums till his punishment session was over!

Jennifer sensed the satisfaction in seeing this tough guy cut down to size. She experienced again the feeling of delight that the total humiliation of a male bought her. Her panties were saturated in the crotch but she was certain she was not the only female or male for that matter suffering the same problem that morning in Poulton Park!

13 – Terri Walker Aged 12

— ggg —

"What a bunch of losers newdd's are, having to stand naked and let anyone inspect them. As if any of us 'Le Femme Chics' would ever be caught in such a situation" Terri Walker had boldly asserted to her followers six months earlier at the Tallahatchie County Disciplinary Centre in Poulton Park in Downtown Eastbrook. She had been there to witness the public humiliation and punishment of Nicholas Hermann, now Terri Walker's boastful comments had come back to haunt her in her current predicament.

She was naked, totally naked, a newdd!

Terri still could not believe this had happened to her. Earlier that day that fucking bitch Judge Trevenian had not liked how she dressed and had made her a newdd and ordered Terri to undress there and then in the courtroom! Terri was used to getting her way always! She had outright refused to undress course. Profanities flowed from her mouth and she even had to be restrained by three burly bailiffs but still it changed nothing.

Judge Trevenian was used to such outbursts and was not intimidated in the least. She calmly ordered the bailiffs to remove Terri's clothes. To Terri's horror one of the bailiffs with the consummate ease of a person who had done it many times, took out a hooked blade knife and casually began slitting Terri's clothes there in the courtroom in front of her mother and the court officials.

Terri had screamed and tried to break loose but to no avail she was firmly held.

First she felt the buttons on the front of her hot pink sweater being cut off, causing it to fly open revealing her frilly pink bra. Then the bailiff had slit her sweater up the sides and sleeves and it fell to the floor. Next he slit up the side of her mini skirt and it too quickly joined the tattered sweater on the floor revealing her matching frilly pink panties. He bent down and slit through the laces of her designer sneakers and with them now loose, pulled them off her feet revealing her bare feet and pink painted toe nails.

Terri recalled in horror the feeling of the cold blade of the hooked knife at her bra straps and the terror that pulsed through her vanes as her pink frilly bra gave way.

Terri remembered how she had cried out "Nooooooooooooo" but it was a useless plea as the secrets of her padded bra stuffed with large wads of tissues was revealed.

Finally the utter humiliation she felt as her panties were cut away from her struggling body and all her rings and other jewellery removed. This was the first time in years that she had been naked before anyone including her mother. She was ashamed of what she exposed. Terri's naked body was a very different one to the one boys had lusted over at school and the 'Le Femme Chicks' had seen her so deliberately flaunt in front of them.

Her stripping revealed she had only the bumpy beginnings of breasts on her flat chest. At the top of Terri's long and shapely legs there had resided until the induction room after her sentencing only a few thin wispy blonde pubic hairs surrounding her vagina. Not enough to hide her undeveloped little girl lips, just enough to show that she had at least started puberty, now she had been denuded of even these few scant hairs and looked totally like a little girl.

Already her mother Liz Walker had forced her to allow that stuck up bitch Melissa Green and her dorky brother Eric to make a reasonable request inspection of her body right there in public in the waiting room of the juvenile court.

"No mum you can't let them," Terri had squealed at her mother but unlike before where her mother always gave in to her demands this time her mother seemed newly empowered and answered, "Oh yes I can, but in fact they don't even have to have my permission, they can ask you themselves, that would be a reasonable request and you cannot deny reasonable requests." The reality of her new status really hit home to Terri at this time.

Terri had to stand there and allow Melissa to run her fingers over and around her erect little girl nipples on her almost flat breasts while Eric fingered Terri's now bald but very moist little girl vagina. To her humiliation and despite herself Terri immediately began to gasp. She was already aroused from the humiliations in the Induction room and the fingers now exploring her body were too much. She was not used to such arousing actions, never having joined the other 'Le Femme Chicks' in their naked activities. After only a short period she yelled out in ecstasy as she reached her first ever public orgasm.

Now she was standing in the corner of the kitchen on her mother's orders waiting for all her 'Le Femme Chick' friends to arrive after school. Her beautiful shoulder length hair had been shorn all the way back to a number two cut in the induction room and with her flat chest and now totally shaved vagina she looked every bit a tom boy and bore no resemblance to her former 'hot girl' looks. Facing the corner exposed to anyone looking her bottom which was still clearly marked with red welts from her recently inflicted caning at the court house.

To make matters worse her mother had dragged her naked to the mall on the way home to do some shopping where her almost prepubescent body was visible for all the shoppers to see. Her only saving grace was that all her friends and colleagues were still in school. It would be Monday till she had to front up to most of them except the 'Le Femme Chicks' naked and reveal her most private secrets.

Thank heavens her mother did not have any slaves. Being demoted to one herself was bad enough, but having to be a newdd in front of a household slave would have been even worse. Thankfully Terri's mother, Liz Walker liked to use contract cleaners and handymen around the house. They utilised slaves but Terri had little to do with them as they were mostly at her house during school hours.

Liz Walker knew that all Terri's friends came over after school on a Friday. Usually she had left by now for her bridge club but today due to the court appearance she was not going till afternoon tea break.

The 'Le Femme Chicks' didn't know Terri had been made a newdd and she was dreading their ridicule once they discovered what she really looked like naked. She knew from regularly seeing the other girls naked that she was a later developer than most of them.

The auburn headed fourteen-year-old Sarah Roberts had a fully mature feminine body highlighted by her 'C' cup breasts and a thick growth of auburn pubic hair which formed a mature triangle between her legs.

Jennifer Dailey was now also fourteen years old. Though her breasts were still small, they had grown and were now firm and rounded with prominent, dark pink nipples and fully filled her 'A' cup bra. Between her legs Jennifer had also grown more pubic hair in the last year. Her golden brown pubic hair now fully fringed her slit and formed a very feminine pubic triangle above. Only the slightest hint of Jennifer's puffy pink lips now showed through this much thicker growth of pubic hair.

The blond haired thirteen-year-old Amanda Hermann had only recently entered puberty and now had small, freshly formed 'AA' cup breasts and still had a vagina totally unconcealed by her first light growth of almost invisible blonde pubic hair. Still she now had more to show than Terri did!

Twelve-year-old Caitlin Daley had also begun to grow breasts, which though still very small were beginning to firm and become pointed. Between her legs she had grown a fine fringe of curly pubic hair that was yet to be topped by any sign of a pubic bush.

Twelve-year-old Michaela Grace had a well developed pair of 'B' cupped tits and a mature triangular patch of dark pubic hair that covered her feminine secrets totally from prying eyes.

Slender twelve-year-old Helen Foy now had small rounded breasts with light pink nipples. Though her breasts had started to grow, at the top of her legs she still had no pubic hair to cover her cute immature pussy. Her lips were still undeveloped and little girl like.

Twelve-year-old Chelsea Horden though still very petite now had breasts about the size of peach halves and little pink rosebud nipples. She had a small growth of pubic hair but not enough to act as a refuse to hide her female modesty behind.

An added terrible though had also crossed Terri's mind as she stood in the corner awaiting her friends arrival.

Would the 'Le Femme Chicks' still follow her orders now she had been made a newdd? Had her spell of control over the other members of 'Le Femme Chick's' been broken by the courts sentence and her humiliating naked newdd state?

She didn't have long to wait to find out the answer to that question.

Terri's heart skipped a beat when the door bell rang. Mrs. Walker went and opened the door and invited Chelsea, Michaela and Helen into the house. When they saw Terri standing in the corner of the kitchen naked they were at first speechless and frozen with shock. Mrs. Walker was quick to point out that Terri was now a newdd and the girls were free to ask Terri for reasonable request inspections. In fact she was enthusiastic that they do so!

Before anything could happen though the door bell rang again and this time Mrs. Walker let in Sarah, Jennifer and Caitlin. They too were amazed at the sight that greeted them and soon after the six girls were joined by Amanda, the last of the 'Le Femme Chicks' to arrive.

Upon Mrs. Walker's emphatic invitation to make a reasonable request of her daughter the girls eagerly began to feel their long time tormentor's naked body. All of them had a deep felt resentment towards Terri due to the way she had dominated each and every one of them. Now thanks to Judge Trevenian the tide had turned. All the girls gasped and were amazed how immature Terri looked naked when she was made to turn out of the corner and face them. She had obviously padded her bra and her fanny looked like a little girls. To their eyes it appeared she had never even possessed the few scant pubic hairs that had been shaved off in the induction room.

After all the girls had had a good look and a quick feel of Terri's silky skin and previously hidden body parts, it was Sarah Roberts the oldest of the girls by a few months from Jennifer who took the initiative ordering, "Get your hands above your head slave!" When Terri hesitated it only took a curt warning from her mother about the consequences of a slave disobeying a free citizen's reasonable request to make Terri do as she had been ordered.

Trembling, the sobbing Terri Walker with tears pouring from her eyes obeyed and Sarah circled her fine boned fingers around Terri's almost flat little girl nipples as Terri's face and body reddened with shame. Sarah then reached out and as Terri trembled in fear in front of her, Sarah parted Terri's vagina and poked her forefinger into her. Terri gasped loudly as Sarah's finger pushed deep into her tight moist vagina, then explored her most private of private places. Terri trembled as Sarah's other fingers expertly stroked her immature pink lips and very aroused small clitoris which quickly grew rigid under the massaging of Sarah's finger.

The other girls looked on still awe struck but Mrs. Walker had a smile of great satisfaction upon her face. Such abject humiliation was what being a newdd was all about and she was glad to see her obnoxious daughter suffer at the hands of her friends.

"I have to tell you girls," Mrs. Walker said to the girls as Sarah went about her business, "it's just so ironic. If Terri had listened to me and worn more decent clothing to court she wouldn't be standing here now naked. The judge took exception to her dress as not appropriate for a court appearance and when she asked me why she was dressed so and I explained that I had wanted her to wear a nice modest dress but she had refused, the judge ordered a one week Notification of Exemption from Wearing Decent Dress. After all Terri's carry on in the courtroom when she was ordered to undress her sentence was extended to two weeks and with the full newdd induction treatment as you can see."

"And look what was revealed, miss bossy grown up was exposed as an impostor, a little girl is what she really still is. Wait till all your friends and the pupils at school see the true Terri Walker on Monday. I don't think Terri will be giving me or anyone else any more lip or trouble in the future," Mrs. Walker concluded.

Mrs. Walker's comments got Sarah in particular thinking. A newdd was a type of temporary slave and had almost no rights. If Terri was a slave then she had no legal status and could not be the leader of the 'Le Femme Chicks'. Sarah saw her opportunity and determined then and there to press it home as soon as possible.

When Mrs. Walker left for her bridge club appointment leaving Terri in the charge of her friends the action really began.

Sarah had automatically assumed a leadership role and no sooner had Mrs. Walker left then she informed the other 'Le Femme Chicks' that as Terri was now a slave, she had no rights and certainly could no longer be the leader of the 'Le Femme Chicks'.

"What?" Terri exclaimed.

"You heard me," Sarah said, "You can't be our leader if you're a slave, besides your still a little girl our leader should be someone who is mature."

"Fuck you Sarah, I'm the leader regardless," Terri asserted, "I founded the 'Le Femme Chicks' and there is no chance of anyone else leading it."

"Oh I don't know about that Terri, I think there is every chance. Let's put it to a vote, of course you being a slave don't have a say in this decision."

So despite Terri's objections and abuse it very quickly came to pass that the remaining members of the 'Le Femme Chicks' voted Sarah in as their new leader to fill the position declared vacant by Terri's conviction and demotion to a newdd.

Sarah Roberts knew that Terri would suffer horrendous punishments the next day at the Tallahatchie County Disciplinary Centre's Saturday punishment extravaganza in Poulton Park in Downtown Eastbrook, so she made her first executive decision as leader and decided not to give the naked Terri Walker a full initiation into 'Le Femme Chick's' instead deciding that her virginity should be left in tact just in case her loss of virginity was discovered on stage tomorrow in front of the cheering crowds.

Today Terri would learn that her position in the world had changed forever. Sarah's first order as leader therefore was to have Terri suffer the humiliation of an intimate sexual act. She chose Caitlin to partner Terri in a sixty-nine position.

Terri was made to lie down on the floor. Caitlin eagerly mounted her former leader, lying with her head down on Terri's genital area. Caitlin's curly pubic hairs that fringed her slit were now on top of Terri's mouth in the classical sixty-nine position. Sarah ordered Terri to grab Caitlin's bottom with both hands, whilst instructing her how to flick her tongue out and explore between Caitlin's moist and eagre vaginal lips.

At the same time without prompting Caitlin started licking Terri's pussy. Both girls started moving their hips as they licked each other's slits.

Very soon Terri's hips were rocking up and down as Caitlin rode her. Caitlin was moving just as wildly and both girls were moaning and gasping as they worked each other over. Jennifer looked on in amazement at her younger sisters sexual skills as both their tongues were darting in and out of their wide spread vagina's.

In their ecstasy both girls momentarily forgot that there were other girls present and watching them perform. Terri shrieked first as she reached another orgasm followed soon after by Caitlin who stiffening then arched her back and then came herself.

This was only the beginning of Sarah's revenge on Terri. No sooner had she recovered from her orgasm then Sarah ordered Terri to open her legs and bent over!

"Wider, open them wider," Sarah demanded. Terri spread her legs even more as she tried to follow her new leader's orders, not wishing to get into any more trouble. "Grasp your cheeks and pull them apart," Sarah ordered as Terri blushed profusely realising what she was being asked to reveal.

"Please Sarah, please don't," Terri begged.

"Paybacks a real bitch, isn't it," was Sarah's only reply.

The 'Le Femme Chicks' now gazed at an uninterrupted view up Terri's pink asshole as Sarah pulled on a pair of rubber gloves from their initiation kit.

"Hold still," Sarah ordered as she deftly inserted her gloved index finger up Terri's bottom. Terri squealed in pain as Sarah's finger encountered her sphincter and shoved past it then wiggled around inside her rectum, causing Terri new, never before experienced spasms of ecstasy!

Jennifer could not believe how good she felt watching Terri being totally humiliated. Deep within her there was a secret hidden part that desired to see others embarrassed and humiliated. She knew how Terri was feeling for she too had experienced humiliation and embarrassment but this did not stop her from enjoying Terri's misery.

Not all the 'Le Femme Chicks' could make it the following day to witness Terri's first public punishment session at Poulton Park. Jennifer and her sister Caitlin were present along with Sarah Roberts and Amanda Hermann. Again the girls had accompanied the Hermann family to the park. This time however Nicholas Hermann was not a newdd just an interested bystander who now had a very intimate knowledge of what those being punished upon the stage were going through.

Sarah had organized it so the 'Le Femme Chicks' had rung around or messaged as many of their friends and aquatints as possible last night, with the result that large numbers of Terri's peers had already come by the profusely blushing girl as she stood totally naked in the inspection tent and carried out detailed inspections of her body. The revelation to them that the girl everyone thought had the best tits in the 7th grade, was in fact almost totally prepubescent had resulted in Terri already experiencing the first two parts of the multi facetted discipline scheme of humiliation, embarrassment, and pain that the juvenile newdd system referred to as 'hep'.

When the time came for Terri Walker to be publicly punished and suffer the third part of 'hep', the pain, all the girls and their friends had secured good spots on the lawn in front of the stage to get an eye witness view.

They were not to be disappointed for when the 30 smacks with the paddle started on Terri's lily white round buttocks she immediately began to howl in anguish. Slap after slap rained down on Terri's unprotected bottom slowly turning her bottom from lily white to vivid purple. With every stroke Terri shrieked and she kept it up attempting to kick her feet and buck her ass despite being firmly secured in the punishment frame.

By the time her spanking was over her bottom was fairly glowing and when the guards released her from her restraints they deliberately let her loose so she could hop around the stage crying and rubbing her throbbing red raw bottom doing the dance of the spanked and bawling like a baby for sometime. She put on quite a show, for the assembled audience, her modesty totally forgotten as the audience cheered and yelled out obscenities and demanded more!

More, much more and a lot worse was to come and Terri knew it! The rules allowed penetration as part of the masturbation process and she was well aware with female newdd's no orifice was spared. The masturbating chair had been adjusted to suit a female body. No longer was it a milking machine, it was now a mechanical fucking machine of potent potential.

Instinct took over when Terri was moved into position over the dildo strategically located in the chairs seat and she tried to break free of her guards' tight grip and escape. Terri knew that there was no way she could take that dildo inside her without great pain. It would tear her apart she was sure of it!

"Oh please, I don't want that inside me, please!" Terri wailed as the dildo bore closer to its target.

"Oh! Ahhhhh! It hurts!" Terri hollered as she felt the head of the dildo make contact with her puckered sphincter, parting it, then moving on inside her.

Terri tried not to fight the intruder ramming its way up into her rectum. She pushed down like she was taking a crap and this helped ease the pain slightly. In response, the head of the dildo slid into Terri, further and further and with this action Terri's eyes widened; she took a sharp intake of breath, and then screamed out loud, hard and long.

Terri looked down between her spread legs and began to tremble as one of the other guards was busy positioning the mechanical masturbator that would soon be relentlessly rubbing not milking Terri to the first of many public orgasms.On the big screens next to the stage there was a close up view of Terri with her legs spread, in the center of the screen, guarding her vagina her intact hymen was clearly visible, soaked with her juices and glistening under the spotlights of the stage.

When the guards turned on the chair Terri's body jerked and she gasped as the dildo began to vibrate and massage her innermost being whilst the masturbating pad began to aroused Terri's clit and soon she was overcome with pleasurable sensations unlike any that she had ever known. Terri pulled at her restraints with all her might in a futile attempt to break free

"Oh!! Ahhhhhhhh!!" she exclaimed, as her body was treated to wave after wave of sensation. The young preteen had never imagined it was possible to experience such feelings yet to her amazement, the feelings became even stronger and more intense as they build into more and more impossible to believe sensations.

In no time at all, Terri's little girl nipples were hard and erect, her nostrils flared and she began to pant and breathe in short gasps. The muscles of her stomach began to heave and contract. The veins in her neck began to stand out. Her toes and fingers began to curl and uncurl as if they had a mind of their own. Terri arched her hips outwards from the chair the few inches that her restraints would allow then began to fuck the masturbating device with her restrained hips. Her head arched backward and her eyes rolled back into her head.

"Oh, God!!!! 3; Oh Fuck!!!! 3; Ahhhhhhhhhh! 3;" Came the tortured cry from Terri's gasping mouth.

For over a minute, Terri's body strained, twitched and jerked with waves of what seemed like an orgasm that would never end.

Then, as the electrical impulses in her rectum stopped and the masturbating device slowed the feelings of ecstasy momentarily began to leave her. Terri collapsed back into the chair panting heavily. However the respite lasted only a short time, then the masturbator quickened its pace and for the second time the vibrations commenced again deep inside her.

"Oh no, please stop the machine please!!" Terri exclaimed to the guards, as the intense feelings again built rapidly within her.

As before, Terri panted, strained at the straps, and fucked the masturbator with her hips. All too soon Terri was again screaming out as she experienced her second orgasm in less than three minutes.

Just as before, when her orgasm was over, Terri went limp in her restraints and panted heavily while the machines eased down in a moment of respite before again beginning their assault on their helpless victim.

"Oh no, I can't take any more. Oh no! Ohhhhhhh! Please! No, no no, Pleeeeaaaase!" Terri cried out, almost in a sob, as she felt the inner stirrings build yet again and carry her upwards to a pinnacle of pleasure that was almost impossible to bear.

Five times in total in front of the wildly enthusiastic crowd, Terri squirmed, Terri sobbed, and Terri begged and pleaded, as she experienced for the first time the unbearable pleasure of prolonged sexual stimulation.

Terri began to think that she would surely die but eventually after her fifth orgasm her authorized punishment had expired and the guards turned off the chair and slowly removed the sweat bathed body from it.

Terri was breathing heavily and because all her energy had been wrung out of her from more multiple orgasms in a short period of time than Terri had ever imagined possible the guards had to carry her off the stage and out into the medical tent to allow her time to recover before her final time back on display in the inspection marquee.