PZA Boy Stories

Darkfire Knight

Gabriel's Nightmare

Chapters 13-...

Chapter 13

Even as Gabriel bit down on his bottom lip with his front teeth, he moved up to Billy. He knew in his heart Clint was already getting annoyed with his lack of action. One thing he had learned was not doing what Clint wanted or expected would only bring punishments on him and then make things worse for whoever the anger was really being directed toward. To this end, Gabriel moved around to Billy's head, grabbed a hand full of the boy's hair and pulled. He then pulled back totally exposing Billy's Adam's apple and smacked it with two finger. It was something Mom's boyfriend, Toby, used to do to him and it always caused him to cry, but the way Toby did it, all he ended up doing was making croaking sounds for a couple of minutes. This, in turn, caused Toby and his drug dealing friends to laugh.

It was pretty clear by the way Billy thrashed under Randy, the shot had caused the same kind of anguish. Knowing from bitter experience of the boy badly needed to try to suck in some air, he pulled the pillowcase out of Billy's mouth grabbed onto his hair again and once more smacked his fingers over the helpless boy's exposed Adam's apple. Even as Billy started making croaking sounds, Gabriel raised his hand a third time, "Any more talking or screaming and I do it again!"

Fighting off a desire to cry about what he was doing, Gabriel glanced over Tony, "Go get one of the shoelaces out of the shoes in the closet, make a slip knot and put it over his head. This way, when we let him out of the blanket all we have to do is pull on it when he does something bad and it will tighten around his neck."

At this both Randy and Tony looked over at Gabriel with a bit of shock. Randy recovered quickly though. He glanced back over at Tony, "Damn-it, do as you are told or you're next!"

Tony gulped even as he darted toward the closet, but was stopped by Randy's voice. "Take the laces off the shoes he is wearing. He doesn't deserve to be able to wear cleats after the way he screwed up on Saturday!"

Gabriel cringed as he watched Tony yank off the shoes and start pulling the laces out. However, he already knew what was going to happen so he figured it would look good if he made the suggestion, "Why are we letting him wear a uniform at all? After the way he blew it, he shouldn't be allowed to wear one!"

At this Randy grinned, "Good point! Once we take the fight out of him, we will have to get him out of it until he earns it back."

Billy shook his head at hearing this and started to say something only to see Gabriel raise his fingers and reach for his hair again. This time he shook his head wildly, but Gabriel wasn't about to look weak. Gabriel's thoughts were really focused on what would happen to Ethan if Clint didn't like his 'performance' in this room. There was nothing he could do for Billy, but he firmly believed Clint would love an excuse to take Ethan away and give him to the man who dressed boys as babies. At least by doing bad stuff which was already going to happen to Billy no matter what, he could help someone else.

Gabriel yanked Billy's head back again and brought his fingers down over the boy's neck a third time. "You don't get to tell us what to do. You don't get to tell us what you want. You only get what we give you when we give it to you and like it!"

Billy's whole body shook under the assault on his neck even as gasps and gurgling sobs came out of his mouth.

At this point even Randy cringed, "Damn, little dude, careful, we don't want to kill him! His stepdad said we could do whatever we wanted since he's nothing but a spoiled shit and now mommy ain't around to protect him. But we can't make it so bad he has to go see a doc or nothing. If we do, his stepdad will get mad at us too!"

At this Gabriel rolled his eyes, "Toby used to do this to me way harder. If he is like me and I keep hitting him like this, then he won't be able to talk at all and his throat will hurt real bad, like the time I had strep. One time Toby hit me like five times and the only thing to stop it hurting was to suck on ice for almost two days. I don't see what the big deal is. We were told he had to go to the game on Saturday, but since he is a bench warmer, talking don't matter since it ain't allowed no how. From what I saw, the coaches just needs those sitting to follow, sit down, and take some unwanted attention. It's no fun, but pretty easy."

Tony interrupted, "I've seen slipknots and even had them used on me, but no idea how to make one."

Randy drove another hard elbow shot into the area where Billy's hand was pinned around the bat, but this time the boy's throat was too sore to let out any kind of a scream. Instead, all that came out was a horse sounding screech. "Wow, little dude, the throat thing works good! Now get up here and play with his nose or something while I set this up."

Gabriel moved up and sat on Billy's chest as Randy moved over to show Tony how to tie a slipknot. As this happened Gabriel decided to take a big risk. He leaned close to Billy's right ear and started to twist on the earlobe. As Billy thrashed, Gabriel whispered right into the boy's ear. "This'll probably be the only chance I have, so listen. We get hurt if we don't do this and then you get hurt even more. The more you fight, the more we have to hurt you. Just stop fighting us."

Seeing his words were getting through by the look in the tear filed blue eyes, he stuck his fingers into Billy's nostrils and started to twist even as he once again whispered, "Thrash like this really hurts or I will have to make it really hurt."

As Billy started bucking in an attempt to get Gabriel off him, Gabriel spoke again with a warning in his barely audible voice, "Do what you're told and deal with what happens or we will have to make you hurt more and you will end up doing it anyway. Just get this over with as fast as you can. Now I know your throat hurts bad, but you have to scream or I will bite until you really have to."

With that Gabriel gripped Billy's ear with his teeth, bit down just hard enough to make sure he was going to leave and mark and twisted. Much to Gabriel's relief, Billy let out a raspy sounding howl.

Off to the side both Tony and Randy looked over as they watched Gabriel turn Billy's ear with his teeth. The pair exchanged glances, with Randy smirking and Tony cringing.

Gabriel knew he had to make this look good, because he guessed Clint was smart enough to know he had said something to Billy, so he put his fingers back into the kid's nostrils and pulled forcing Billy to crane his neck back. Gabriel leaned in again and spoke softly one last time, "Sorry, but I have to make this look good or all this will happen to me and it will get even worse for you." With those words said, he used his free hand to once again smack Billy's Adam's apple while shouting into Billy's ear, "I didn't bite you hard enough for you to scream. Keep it up and you won't be able to eat for days! Trust me I know!"

Everyone watching saw Billy's whole body tremble with the latest shot to the throat and everyone could hear him gasping for air.

Randy held up his hand to stop Gabriel from doing anything else as he dropped the loop of the slipknot over Billy's head and pulled it until it was firmly around the boy's neck. He then tied the second shoelace to the end of the first so he had more string to pull it. He gave Billy a couple of minutes to be able to breathe somewhat normally again, taking the break to remove the boy's socks so he had exposed bare feet. He played with the toes roughly for over a minute including taking a paperclip off the dresser, bending it straight, and sticking it under the boy's right big toenail. This got an unearthly wail out of the boy and forced Randy to elbow the boy in the nuts to get him to stop thrashing.

He then pulled the wire out and stuck it under the left toenail and left it there before moving up to Billy's face and slapping him. "The toes are mine to play with, shit head, don't try to kick me again or the next shut to your ball will be way harder!" He then showed him the end of the shoelace. "With as fucked up as your neck is, the last thing you want is for me to pull this tight, but let me show you what will happen if you fight us at all once we remove the blanket from around you."

Randy pulled slowly on the shoelace until the loop around Billy's neck started to restrict breathing. It was clear by the look of panic in Billy's eyes as he felt the thin laces close around his neck, the youngster understood his situation.

Gabriel reached over to the slipknot and loosened it enough to where there was no pressure on Billy's neck but used his thumb and index finger of his other hand to flip Billy hard in the nose, "You fight us at all and Tony is going to pull it tight until you pass out, then we start all over again!"

Randy once again looked over to Gabriel with some surprise, but just as quickly shrugged. "And when we let you out of the blanket, don't you dare reach up and try to pull that off no matter what happens or we start all over again, but next time we'll take turns smacking your neck! Nod if you understand!"

Billy nodded like his head had become the top of a bobble head doll even though moving his head around hurt his throat.

"Good little bench warmer," Randy snickered even as he motioned for Gabriel to get off the boy. "Once the blanket comes off you better drop the bat too!"

Again Billy nodded even as he felt Tony grab the far end of the shoelace controlling the loop around his neck and give it the slightest of pulls.

Randy turned to Gabriel with an approving smile, "Nice work, little dude, but let's just stick to calling me Cap for captain and my little friend, Batty, for bat boy. He then grabbed Billy's nose between his index and middle finger, squeezed and twisted until he could feel the boy quivering in pain. "And this one is Benchy!" Randy made a jerk to one of the overhead cameras which was positioned right over Billy as way of trying to warn Gabriel, Clint didn't want real names being used.

Even as Gabriel nodded in understanding, Billy laid on the bed and tried to breath normally. His throat burned something awful and his wrist hurt almost as badly. Even as Gabriel got off him he didn't move, too afraid of the shoelace around his neck and even more afraid of getting his neck slapped again.

Randy stood over Billy for a minute, letting the kid recover a bit more before motioning for Gabriel to get on the others side. The two of them then pulled Billy to a standing position. Randy couldn't help but grin as the boy wobbled some. "Benchy, you are a total wuss. We haven't even gotten started yet!"

Randy then motioned for Tony to take a step back to stand well behind Billy, "Now, Batty, if he doesn't drop the bat and stand there like a good little Benchy, pull on that and keep pulling until the little bastard passes out."

Randy then pointed to Gabriel, "Let's see if he is smarter than he looks; unwrap him."

Gabriel moved up and pulled the bedspread away, taking the bat with him as he did so.

This time Billy stood there trembling and fighting hard not to whimper even as he used his left hand to hold onto his right wrist which was starting to swell up some.

Randy eyed the wrist as he moved up. He hoped it wasn't badly injured or Clint would take a turn with him in one of his special rooms or, worse yet, in a room down here decorated with some of the darker things he had seen the man use. With a gulp he pulled up Billy's right arm, "Move your hand around, Benchy. Let's see how bad it is."

Billy did as instructed but it was clear by the look on his face the movement hurt him something fierce.

With concern and a great deal of fear, Randy looked at the mirrored window he knew the men were watching this whole thing from.

A moment later the cameras moved around and the window scene of an oak tree changed to a computer monitor with the words, "Keep going, he isn't going to die. We will deal with you later."

At this Gabriel and Tony both cringed while Randy turned a bit pale. However, Billy was not facing the window and hadn't moved, fearing the shoelace around his neck more than just about anything else at the moment. Because of this, and even though he saw the change in demeanor in both Gabriel and Randy, he didn't understand it. Instead, he just kept trying to move his wrist like he had been told even though it hurt worse with each rotation.

Randy eyed the wrist and shrugged it off even as the picture of the tree returned in the window. There was nothing he could do about it now, and even if it ended up in a cast, Billy would still be able to be used as a lap boy. His only hope was to continue to make this look good for the cameras and hope Clint wouldn't do more than pound his ass then make him suck him for a few hours to get it clean and get him off a couple more times.

To this end, Randy lowered the arm, "You be a good little Benchy, and I'll leave it alone. If not, I'll play with it some more."

Randy took a deep breath knowing he better find something to at least wrap the wrist so it didn't get hurt any worse. With a growl, he glanced over to Gabriel, "Seeing him in that uniform is just pissing me off. Deal with it. I'll be right back!"

Gabriel looked over to Tony, hoping beyond all hope, Billy would get the massage. "Hey, Batty, any kind of move to stop me from getting off the uniform, pull on the string!"

Getting a nod from Tony, Gabriel moved up and made quick work of the button up shirt. Undressing Clint as many times as he had made this easy. The tee shirt was a bit more problematic since Tony would have to let go of the sting in order to get it totally over Billy's head and clear of the sting. After a moment of debate, Gabriel realized the more mean he looked the happier Clint would be. To this end he decided to play up to the camera some. He pulled up on the collar and put it up to Billy's mouth, "Chew on this so it comes apart enough for me to rip it off you!"

The look in Billy's eyes made it hard from Gabriel to not cry, but he guessed the harder he was on the kid now, the easier it would end up. He flipped Billy's ear hard as he shoved the collar of the shirt into the boy's mouth, "I said chew, Benchy!"

Billy jerked his head to the side and yelped

"What part of don't move didn't you get?" Gabriel snarled, then nodded to Tony.

Tony didn't hesitate in the slightest. He pulled on the shoelace causing Billy to grip at his neck.

"Aw, man!" Gabriel muttered knowing he would have to hurt the boy in front of him for this or face punishment himself. He moved up and used the punch Randy had been teaching him. The blow was next to perfect. His arm was in line with his knuckles, he stepped into to give it more power and twisted just as he made contact. The results were predictably devastating. Billy doubled over as air rushed out of his lungs. At the same time he tried to scream in pain but there was no air in him to allow it. This only made getting his breath back harder.

Billy went down to the ground clutching his stomach even as he tried to gasp for air. At the same time the shoelace around his neck pulled tight preventing easy intake of air. His face started turning red then a bit blue before both Gabriel and Tony managed to loosen the slip knot.

Gabriel knelt next to Billy, feeling angry over being forced to do this to someone else, but also pissed off at Billy for not making this as easy as Gabriel wanted to make it. Now it was a no win. He was either super mean to the gasping child or both of them would get worse from Clint. Knowing he was not strong enough to rip the tee shirt without some kind of hole in it, he grabbed one of the trophies off the dresser. It had a disk on the top with little ridges with a number one in the middle. He pulled up on the middle of Billy's tee shirt and started dragging the hard plastic disk over the material until it got a hole in it. He then ripped it both up and down until all that was left was the collar and the bottom edge.

By this time Billy was getting his breath back and was starting to struggle so Gabriel kneed him in the side to kill any resistance then rolled him over onto his stomach. "Hey," he growled while looking over at Tony, "use the trophy to cut the collar and bottom of the shirt while I sit on him."

Tony didn't even nod, once again showing he was very used to doing exactly what he was told. Even as Gabriel sat down on Billy's back and used his legs to pin the boy's arms to his side, Tony went to work. It was far from a sharp or perfect tool, but after nearly four minutes he managed to split the materiel enough to be able to tear it. It then took both boys to pull the shirt off. Gabriel paused long enough to pull Billy's hair to make him expose his neck then smacked the boy's throat yet again. "Don't try to fight or I swear I will hit your neck again, Benchy."

Next to come off was Billy's pants. This proved to be quite a bit easier since Billy only put up a token fight which ended when Gabriel stuck his fingers into Billy's nose and twisted. "Benchy, it's all coming off! How much it hurts you for us to get it off is on you. Now lay still." He then held up is hand as if getting ready to smack they kid's Adam's apple yet again. Billy shook his head and let Tony unbutton and pull off his pants while he did nothing but stare at Gabriel's raised hand with terror in his eyes. Still, Billy didn't help either so there was a bit of a struggle getting his pants fully off. However, once they came off, they pulled down on the boy's underwear to where they were still up in front but pretty much exposing the butt in the back. This left Billy with nothing on except partially pulled down set of white briefs.

Instinct took over as Billy tried to grab and pull what little he had on back up, but a sharp pull to his hair by Gabriel stopped his thrashing attempt to grab his briefs. "Batty, get up here and pull his arms up so he can't reach anything with them again. If he tries to or fights you, bite his fingers!"

Tony let go of the string and with Gabriel's help pulled Billy's arms above over his head. He then took two of Billy's fingers on the boys left hand and bit down just hard enough to draw blood. This got a yelp of pain out of Billy. Feeling the boy was about to pull the fingers back, Tony grabbed the already injured wrist, but unlike Gabriel, Tony showed no remorse. As soon as he realized this caused a great deal of pain he clamped his hand over the wrist and started squeezing. It didn't take but a second of two for Billy to get the hint. He stopped fighting and moved his other arm up over his head while he let Tony continue to chew on his fingers, even as tears of agony streamed out of his eyes.

Tony then sat on the outstretched arms and poked at the injured wrist a few times as a warning. Each poke got a weak yelp out of Billy who finally stopped even trying to struggle. Gabriel could not only see the look of defeat on the boy's face, but felt it in the boy's body as well. The kid had given up.

It wasn't until Gabriel realized Billy had mentally lost the will to fight, that noticed Randy standing back watching him and Tony with a smirk on his face. He started to complain about not getting any help, but Randy cut him off.

"Nice work, but keep his arm with the hurt wrist out and up so we can wrap it. We can't have a Benchy with a bum wrist! He will still need his hands for bat and ball practice." Tony snickered as he grabbed his crotch. "Other people's bats and balls, but still will need both hands!"

This got a snicker out of Tony while Gabriel turned away from the camera on purpose so it would not catch the look and disgust on his face. He also motioned for Tony to get off the injured arm and spoke to further cover up for what he could only guess would not look good on movie he was being forced to make. "So you got something to wrap it up with?"

"Yeah," Randy forced a snicker as he used a stretch bandage to wrap the boy's wrist then put a bowler's glove around it and pulled the Velcro tight. This got a scream of pain out of Billy, but still the boy didn't do more than try to jerk his wrist back from Randy.

Randy used his open hand to slap Billy in the middle of his chest hard, leaving a bright red hand print. "Don't you dare pull back from me, Benchy, I'm your team captain and you belong to me for the season! Got it?"

Billy howled in pain but managed a weak nod.

This wasn't enough for Randy, however. He shoved the injured hand back to Tony and motioned for the boy to sit on the arm again as he moved forward and looked down into the boy's face, "Tell us who you belong to, Benchy!"

"Y 3; yo 3; you!" Billy managed to speak through sobs.

"Me what?" Randy roared as his hand came down on the boy's chest a second time sounding more like a crack of a whip than a slap.

Once again Billy screamed as his whole body convulsed from the brutal attack. Seeing the hand raised above his chest he forced himself to speak, "Please, no!"

The words were not even fully out before the hand come down yet again.

Gabriel realized Billy didn't even buck much under him this time. "Are you really this stupid? He asked you who you belong to. Now say it or I'll hit your neck again and you won't be able to!"

Underneath Gabriel, Billy shook like a leaf, "OK 3; ok 3; you win 3;"

This time both Gabriel's and Randy's hands moved up as if getting ready to strike. Even through tear filled eyes, Billy saw this and screamed, "You! I belong to you!"

"I think you are just saying that to get me to stop." Randy growled as he motioned for Gabriel to slide down some. Once Gabriel was sitting on the boy's hips, Randy grabbed both of Billy's tits and roughly twisted them. The scream and pleas to let go were short lived. Randy let go and clamped his hands over Billy's nose and mouth. "If you really believe you belong to me then I have every right to play with your tits. You don't have the right to ask me to stop. You don't have any rights unless I give them to you including the right to breath!"

This time Billy tried to struggle but there was literally nothing he could do. His legs and body were pinned by Gabriel, his arms by Tony, and his head was in a arm lock by Randy. He could do nothing even as his body fought to take in air. It didn't take long before he started to see spots in the corners of his eyes and then things started to dim out. The next thing he knew he was gasping for air and the fuzzy outline of Rand's face was hovering above him. Then it started all over again.

Five times total Billy was brought to the edge of total unconsciousness only to be allowed to breath again. By this time he was actually wishing the kid above him would not let go, but it was not going to be and even in his tortured state part of him, a primal part, knew this and simply gave up. He laid there not even moving his head to get away from the hands as they moved back toward his mouth and nose.

Noticing this, Randy stopped, "Now, Benchy, who do you belong to?"

Billy had very little left inside him and his raspy voice told of his inner defeat, "I belong to you 3;"

Randy grinned as he reached down and lightly played with the boy's tits, "Which means these belong to who?"

A sob escaped Billy as me muttered, "You, they belong to you, too!"

Randy stayed down next to Billy running his hands over the boy's face, chest, legs and feet, continually demanding the boy say the body part being handled belonged to Randy. It took several minutes for the boy to calm and stop crying, but once he did, Randy jumped back up to his feat and motioned for Gabriel and Tony to stand the battered boy up.

Seeing Billy wobbling and having a hard time staying standing, Randy moved up and lightly pulled at the boy's nipples while he spoke. "Keep his arms up and stand on each side of him so he doesn't fall over. This makes me wonder how he ever made the team. He is a weak little shit. We'll have to toughen him up some before he can play again!"

Randy then moved behind Billy and grabbed at the boy's mostly exposed butt cheeks. "Wow quite a handful. So, Benchy, you fucked up out in the field and deserve a good hard spanking. So you are going to lean over my lap and put these mounds up and not move." Randy roughly put a hand on each exposed cheek and squeezed. "After all, these ass cheeks belong to me too, right?"

Billy let out a sob but nodded. He also didn't fight as Tony and Gabriel pulled him over to the bed and draped him over Randy's lap.

Randy snickered as spent almost a minute squeezing and kneading the two mounds of boy flesh over his lap, "Damn, not often someone gets to beat their own ass, but since this one belongs to me that is what I am about to do, huh?"

This got a giggle out of Tony and a very forced smile out of Gabriel. Randy shot Gabriel an annoyed glance for a moment then turned to play up to the cameras and hide the discomfort all but written on the face of Gabriel. "Oh, and since these overly plump buns belong to me too, I think you should thank me for smacking the crap out of them! So come on, Benchy, thank me for betting this ass that belongs to me!"

Unreserved dread could could be heard in Billy's voice as he spoke, "Thank you for beating my butt."

Randy reached over and grabbed a hunk of Billy's hair getting a yelp and some thrashing, "Who's ass am I about to beat?"

"Yours!" Billy squealed as Randy started twisting his hair, "My butt belongs to you!"

Randy's hand crashed down onto the boy's right butt cheek. A moment later Billy bellowed in pain and kicked wildly.

Randy pointed to Gabriel and Tony, "Hold his arms and legs so he can't move. This is going to be fun!"

Once Gabriel had Billy's legs and Tony had his arms pulled tight Randy resumed, each blow seemed to be harder then the previous. Billy screamed and plead, bawled and begged, but Randy didn't stop until the boy's but was a mixture of red with a hint of blue bruising.

Randy finally stopped, motioned for Gabriel and Tony to back off and rolled the sweat drenched and weeping kid off his lap and let him flop down onto the floor. He then stood and shook his hand while putting his foot on Billy's face, "Damn, I didn't want to stop, but my hand is really starting to hurt! Next time I am going to use something else so I can keep going!"

Seeing a message flash up on the window, Randy jerked his head so Gabriel and Tony could see the message then spoke up. "You two, go get us a soda and Benchy some water so he stays hydrated."

It took everything Gabriel had not to knell next to the battered boy and try to comfort him, so the command was a welcome one. At least this way he could get out of the room, splash some water on his face and get himself calmed down some before doing some other horrendous thing to a kid he didn't even know.

He moved to the door and glanced back, "Which way to the kitchen?"

"Batty will show you. Get going. I'm thirsty and the cold from the can of soda will feel good on my hand!"

Gabriel moved out in to the hall only to run right into Clint. The man didn't look angry, but he didn't look happy either. Clint pointed to Tony, "Get three sodas and a couple of big bottles of water for Billy. I need to talk to Gabe and get his head screwed on straight."

Clint then grabbed Gabriel by the shoulder and guided him into a side room. The minute the door shut, Clint shoved his hand down the front of Gabriel's pants and started playing with his boyhood while he all but snarled. "What the hell is your problem?"

"I 3;"

"Oh stop before I decide it should be you instead of Billy in there. You started out pretty good but haven't done a thing other than hold the little slut down for the past twenty minutes. That shit doesn't fly for long in a "B" grade porn flick and I don't make "B" grad crap. Now we decked that fucking room out will all sorts of possibilities and unless you want to find out what I would do to you with half the shit in there, you best start using your brain and stop caring about the little bastard. Now hold your tongue as I enjoy your nuts in my hands."

Clint gave Gabriel's balls a hard squeeze and kept the pressure on until the boy started to tremble. Still Gabriel fought hard not to beg and it showed as he clenched his fists. even as tears and snot started to roll down his face he shook his head and said nothing. Suddenly the man's hand released the boy jewels and Clint's tongue licked at the tears on Gabriel's face. "You see, there is the difference between you and Billy. You have learned what you are. He hasn't and I am at the very least his second owner.

"Also keep in mind, had I not bought the ungrateful cocksucker, he would have certainly double failed at the party. That means some of the shouts you heard from the back house would have been his. What you all are doing to him is nothing, nothing at all when compared to what would have happened to him in there. There is only two safeties for kids who double fail or worse. No death and no permanent disfigurement. Doc Adams had to set over half a dozen broken bones and stitch up the assholes and cunts of well over a dozen brats before it was done. Billy is new meat, so several of the group would have all but fought to spend time with him.

"I know you saw what Gunther's boy looked like up on stage and I can assure you Gunther and a few others would have certainly tried Billy out. The shit he is going through today is child's play in comparison to thirty minutes with Gunther. And since I bought him before the grading, it is pretty much expected I will bring him back to the next party. What you all are doing may well save him from seeing the back room. Now get your shit together. He is breaking, but not broken. Finish the fucking job for both his and your sake.

"Now give me a real good cock sucking for fucking around in there or I will loan you out to the two visitors for an hour or two each."

Gabriel gave a slight nod, "I will give suck your dick and help to finish breaking Billy, sir." With those words he undid Clint's pants and took the man's already hard dick into his mouth. A moment later he felt Clint grab his ears as his head was pulled down the poll of manhood.

Even as Clint roughly face fucked Gabriel, he spoke, "When you are done and have me nice and cleaned off, I want you to go back in there and use some of these brains I know you have. Give me something different, something unexpected with all the shit in there or the next time you see that room it will have Mikey chained to the bed. You, Tony and Randy will then put Mikey through everything you put Billy through and then my two friends will get to come in and do whatever they want to the two all four of you while I find out what new and interesting things I can do to Ethan. Blink twice if you understand."

Gabriel felt his heart speed up as he quickly blinked twice.

"Good boy, Gabe. Now keep in mind, you still have that other brat to help Randy break in too, and a lot is riding on you doing a good job on him, too and this is good practice!" Clint stopped talking as he got into the blowjob. A few minutes later he shot a very full load into Gabriel's tear streaked face and checked to make sure the boy had swallowed every drop. Satisfied, be pushed Gabriel back, "Bathroom is next door, grab a toothbrush and clean your mouth, get your jaw loosened up, then get in there and give me something I can market!"

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