BaraFlavius AulusBook IV, Chapters 1-8 |
Author's noteThis book follows on from the previous three and does not introduce the characters or the scenes as well as previous volumes. If this is your first introduction to Flavius and his friends, I hope that you can still enjoy it, or at least, puzzle you enough to want to read the earlier books. Flavius will be nearly sixteen by the end of this book and is becoming too old for PZA readers so this will be the last book in the series. I hope that you've enjoyed them but even Flavius admits that his first two years as governor were extraordinarily demanding and he's ready for a far quieter life. |
- Chapter 1The plane juddered to a halt. "Out." the pilot yelled, "Head for the ditch and take cover. I'll follow." "Your leg's broken. Let me help." "They'll be here soon so don't argue. I might be exchanged or ransomed. With that price on your head, you'll be killed out of hand so get as far away as possible." Flavius nodded. He released his parachute harness and forced the hatch open. Glancing around he ran for the ditch as ordered. As he paused to get his breath he heard a bang. Glancing over the ditch he saw the remains of a shell's explosion on the far side of the plane. He ducked as another shell exploded close to the plane but on his side of it. A third shell struck turning the plane into a massive fireball. The pilot had not stood a chance. Flavius stared in shocked disbelief until the last instruction the pilot gave resurfaced in his conscious mind. Keeping low, hidden in the ditch he hurried away from the field. He had no idea where he was going. He just kept going until the ditch disappeared into a culvert under a road. Hearing the rumble of an approaching lorry he dived into the long reeds growing around the small pool that had formed at the culvert's opening. He peeked through the reeds to the road. A lorry full of armed troops thundered past. Flavius settled back trying to plan his next move. As he forced himself to breathe deeply and slowly so he calmed down. The rebel air force had been almost completely wiped out on the ground during the early stages of the operation. The fighter that had attacked them had obviously seen that they were damaged and had returned to base immediately, rather than risk an encounter with Imperial fighters. He looked up as two Imperial jets flew over. It did not help Flavius' situation but he felt a little better. The local army and air force units appeared to be on full alert and looking for him so he had obviously been betrayed. The Western Emperor and Great Saviour as the lunatic governor called himself had put a price on Flavius' life. The boy was seen as the arch enemy destroying the Glorious New Empire. He glanced down at his camouflage uniform and survival equipment before peeling it all off. He did not know who to trust and there was no way that he could find his way across fields and through the forests. He had to use the road to find a town or village so that he could get his bearings. To do that he had to blend in. He glanced up as the the two jets returned, circling the field where his plane had crashed. He wrote a brief note to let people know that he was all right, wrapped it round the homing beacon he had been given, activated it and tossed it as far as he could into a field. He was gratified to see the planes alter course to investigate. They would send a helicopter for him. However it would take time. The aircraft could stop a strong force charging across the fields but there was too much cover, ideal for a sniper. The longer he remained in the area the more likely he could be spotted by a single soldier and shot before he even knew the enemy had found him. He glanced down at himself again. He was naked, already covered in mud. Few outside of his province could believe that he could shed his rank so easily so he could easily pass for a field slave on an errand for his master. Cautiously he stepped out onto the road leaving his survival gear sunken in the pool by the culvert. He walked unhurriedly, trying to seem unconcerned but ducking into the trees whenever he noticed a vehicle approaching. The road curved gently so he usually heard them before he saw them. It was getting dark by the time he reached signs of habitation. It turned out to be a small market town, typical of ones all over the Empire. Instinctively Flavius headed for the main market. Forum was too much to pretentious for such a poor place. The place was closing up. With no street lighting it was already a dark, gloomy place. People watched him with open hostility, stall holders waving him away if he approached. "You lost?" a voice beside him asked. Flavius turned, startled raising his arms in a fighting position. Just as quickly he relaxed, seeing a boy of about ten, thin, with every rib showing and as naked as him. "You're lucky." the boy said, "The guards are doing something else. They've usually started their sweep by now." "Sweep?" Flavius asked. "Rounding us up to dump us in the pit." Flavius had got the gist of what the boy meant and did not want to know more. "We'd better go. I'm hungry but it's too early to check the dustbins." the boy said. Flavius noticed a fat, florid unpleasant looking man walking towards them. He stepped back apparently not seeing the man and they collided. The man swung his hand at Flavius' head who went sprawling onto the ground as the man continued on his way. He shook his head as if to clear it then called out, "Master, did you drop this?" He pulled himself to his knees holding up a wallet. The man stopped and turned before stepping forward to snatch the wallet, then checking the contents. Flavius remained kneeling, staring up at the man with his arm still outstretched. Flavius looked steadily as if pleading at the man who returned his stare with a suspicious glare. He hoped that he was not overdoing it. To Flavius it was still a game, practising what Ben and Sam had taught him but he needed cash. Apparently he had got it right because the man tossed some coins into the mud around Flavius leaving the boy to gather as many as he could find. Flavius hurried over to his new friend. "Let's eat." he said, "We'll have something for morning as well." The boy looked at him. "You'll share?" he asked suspiciously. Flavius nodded, "I don't want to be alone. I'm heading North for San Miguel. Come with me." "Why?" "I know someone up there. He'll help us." "Help you, not me." "If we make it you'll never go hungry again." Flavius said staring the boy in the eye. "Come on. That tavern will sell us scraps at the kitchen door. The money will go further. You should have stolen the money in the wallet." "And explain where I got notes from?" Flavius sneered, "Do I look like some rich toff?" The boy nodded his head, "Yes you do but you know the streets. Did some rich guy own you then chuck you out when you got you got too old for him?" "Something like that. He's got friends who'll like us though." Flavius was scared. He was not prepared to trust anyone, not even his new friend. The boy seemed to accept the story and it was close enough. "What's your name?" the boy asked, "IVinnie." "Fabian." Flavius replied. There were a few other boys hanging around the kitchen. When Vinnie produced money he was immediately given food including some he wrapped up and bottles of water. He hurried back to Flavius. "We'd better get going." he said, "Paid for some food for the others but they'll still come after us if we've got more." Flavius was pleased that they left on a different road but he was sure that it did not lead North. "Lot's troops and lorries on the main road." Vinnie explained, "We can use paths and trails." "How come you know these trails?" Flavius asked. "Keep moving." Vinnie said, "The more kids in a town the more they get shot up. Go somewhere quieter. How come you don't know." "I lived in a big city." Flavius said, "It's a bit different there." "Like to go to Rome." Vinnie said, "They say the Emperor looks after kids." "He doesn't look after me." Flavius muttered. Vinnie looked at him but did not say anything. They trudged on. Flavius was worried about poisonous animals and man eating insects but Vinnie seemed unconcerned. He wondered why they weren't hacking through an impenetrable jungle. "Used to be farmland." Vinnie explained, "It's thicker each time I come this way." The next few days followed a pattern. They travelled as best they could at night relying on the bright moonlight. During the day they found somewhere to shelter and hide. In the evening they would risk the market, begging for money, stealing what they could take and if Flavius saw a suitable mark, taking his wallet. Flavius assumed the same hunted, wary look of other homeless kids as begging stopped being a game and became his only way of surviving. Vinnie was irritated by Flavius' insistence that they used the coins they took to buy clean water but there always seemed to be a little food so he accepted it. Flavius had never been so hungry or thirsty in his life. It was hardly surprising that he made a mistake. A young man was serving at a stall selling bread, rolls and cakes. Vinnie was going to distract him by begging while Flavius stole a couple of loaves. Flavius was weaker and slower than he realised. As he reached out his hand so the young man grabbed his wrist, yanking him around the stall. The move was unexpected and Flavius found himself face down in the mud with stall-holder kneeling on his back. "Freeze." the young man yelled as Vinnie edged away, "Face down beside him, NOW." Vinnie tried to run but as he turned, he saw another stall holder blocking his way holding a large cudgel. As he hesitated a third grabbed him. Flavius' hands were tied behind him before the young man grabbed him by the hair to haul him to his feet. "OK let's string them up." someone called out, "I reckon that older one's going to give us quite a dance." "I've got a better idea." the young man said, "Anyone got any chains handy? I want their hands free later." Flavius was badly frightened, for once not seeing an escape route and lucky that he was not already hanging from the nearest tree. He was fully alert now, weighing up his captor and finding some hope in what he saw. "Why?" someone called out, "You got some new toys to try out." Andreas, the young man grinned, "Later. I want to take them down to the river so that they clean themselves up. I don't want them swimming off." "Yeah but you're too soft. You'll let them go when you're finished with them." "I can't afford to keep slaves but you've never known one come back have you?" The silent agreement was grudging but no one argued. Despite himself, Flavius felt his cock stirring; not enough to be noticeable but enough to give some pleasurable but nervous anticipation. For now he had no choice but to stand being displayed as a thief while his captor continued serving at the stall. Vinnie, obviously terrified, pressed in close to him. Finally the stalls began closing. Andreas threw some coins to a boy helping out on another stall. As the boy hurried across to pack away the young man's stall, Flavius and Vinnie found themselves being pulled along by the chains now locked around their necks. Their hands were released when they reached the river and when Vinnie hesitated he was unceremoniously pushed in. He squealed with shock when his head appeared above water again but it was only chest high. The young man looked at Flavius who took the hint and jumped in. "You stay in there until you're clean." Andreas shouted, "Hair, pubes, don't forget your arse crack. I don't suppose you've been cleaning yourself after shitting." It was not only humiliating for Flavius to be told how to clean himself, it was also worrying. Caked in mud it was not so obvious that he took care to remove unnecessary body hair apart from a trim pubic bush. Clean and free from mud the hair on his head would be obviously well groomed despite a couple of days on the road. He may have lost a little weight but he was muscular and fit, certainly well developed for his age. He was about to blow his cover. Andreas watched as the two boys complied. He saw Vinnie move a little up stream and cup water in his hands to drink. He was sure that the older boy was tempted but held back becoming intrigued as his older prisoner emerged from behind the filth. Illiterate with little chance of escaping the village, nevertheless, unlike his fellow villagers, he was interested in the world beyond. Television had not reached the village but he possessed a radio and was aware of the hunt for the boy governor and the reward for him. He was thoughtful as he bound his prisoners again before leading them to the hovel he called home. Andreas led them to the room he used as a bakery, locking Vinnie's chain to an eyelet in the wall. "The fire needs clearing out." Andreas said, "Use that rake to get the ash out then shovel it into that bin. You then scrub the floor and wash the walls. When you're done you can draw some water to drink and have one of those loaves. The rest will go for pig swill." Andreas dragged Flavius through to another room containing a bed, a table and chairs. It was obviously kept clean but everything was old, shabby and grubby from too much use. Without warning, Andreas punched Flavius in the stomach. As Flavius' legs buckled and he tried doubling over Andreas grabbed his hair pulling him upright and punched him again. Tears of pain filled Flavius' eyes as he looked fearfully at Andreas. "Who are you?" Andreas asked. "Fabian, master." Flavius replied. Andreas picked up a stick leaning against a wall and swung it against Flavius' thigh who yelled at the new pain. "Who are you?" Andreas asked again. "Please master," Flavius sobbed, "I'm nobody. I just know someone up North who will help me." "There's no one up North except rebels betraying the Great Saviour." Andreas threw Flavius face down on the bed, pushing his bound arms painfully up his back to make a clear target of his arse. He swung the stick half a dozen times making Flavius yell each time. Each yell and crack as the stick landed affected Andreas. Now thoroughly hard he dropped his tunic and, grabbing Flavius by the hair again, pulled him up before making him kneel with his face just inches from his cock. Flavius did not protest and took the rigid pole deep into his throat. Andreas did not want gentleness and settled for a violent pumping allowing Flavius little time to breathe. It did not take long before Flavius felt Andreas tense and pulse as his seed shot down Flavius throat. As Andreas relaxed pulled off, Flavius licked the softening cock clean before looking nervously up at Andreas' face. Andreas was looking at him thoughtfully. "Maybe you are just a whore, after all." he said, "A noble wouldn't give head like that. I still don't like thieves though. I'm going to give you the beating of your life." Andreas paused. "Who are you?" he asked softly. "Just a whore boy who got too old for his old master." Flavius replied. "No you're not." Andreas exclaimed, "A whore boy would be begging me and telling me that his master would be angry if I damaged you. The Great Saviour's looking for you, isn't he? Why?" "No Master." Flavius sobbed, "Why would the governor be looking for me?" "Another mistake." Andreas grinned, "He's not the governor any more. He's the Western Emperor." "I don't follow politics much, Master." Flavius said softly, "I leave it to my betters." "If you're just a whore boy then I may make a few coins selling you to the militia. Especially if I tell them what I suspect." Andreas said, "If you are the one they're looking for then there's no point." Flavius looked at him puzzled. "You're on the streets and you don't know how it works?" Andreas exclaimed, "I get my few coppers. The militiaman gets a little silver for passing you onto an officer and the officer gets some gold for telling his Colonel. The Colonel gets the reward. If I turn you in and say who you are then I'm claiming the reward, I'll get it but I'll get my throat slit before I get home. They'll not let a peasant get rich and join their ranks." "The local governor is a madman." Flavius said cautiously, "Imperial troops are moving down from the North. I know a master who will be very grateful if I can get back to him. He'll give you gold as a reward and will guarantee that you'll live to spend it." "I'd like a hut with two rooms and my bakery separate." Andreas said, "I'd like furniture like I see in the magazines. I'd like a new oven and I'd like a television so that I could see more." "You'd be able to travel." Flavius said. Andreas shook his head. "I'm the baker here. Anywhere else, I'd be nothing. I'm going to hurt you then fuck you raw. That's punishment for stealing. Tomorrow, I'll give you some food to take with you and you'll go on your way. I've already hurt you so your master won't thank me. Do you want to eat now or after?" For a long time after Flavius would shudder at the sight of a needle, curling his fingers into a ball to hide the tips. He was covered in bruises and welts and he was hoarse from the screaming and yelling. He limped out of the village the next day with the stallholders yelling abuse and laughing at his pain. Vinnie walked worriedly beside him carrying a substantial bag of supplies. Flavius might have plotted all sorts of revenge for Andreas but he found himself liking the young man. He had tried to steal and had been punished. He could accept that but Andreas need not have fed them or given him anything for the journey. There were no broken bones or internal injury and he would recover. Flavius suspected that they would not have been allowed to leave without some punishment so perhaps Andreas' games were the best of all the possibilities. He was walking almost normally by noon and feeling better for a full belly. As his spirits rose he realised that Andreas could still have earned a little by turning him in so Flavius did owe him. Flavius had lost count of the days that they walked but thought that it could have been on the fifth night that, just as dawn broke, they heard gunfire including the crashes of artillery pieces. The North Western sky lit up with their flashes. Even in the bright moonlight, Flavius saw Vinnie frown. "Heard there was fighting. A lot of soldiers want to come South. Dunno why though. You sure you want to go North?" Flavius nodded, "Can we miss the fighting?" "Dunno. It's different to the fights over drugs." "Let's see where we are at sunrise." Flavius said, "We can't stay here so let's press on now." "Should be in the next town at dawn." Vinnie replied, "Maybe hear something." Vinnie was right. They entered the town as it began its day's business. People were nervous, listening to the gunfire. No one had time for a couple vagrant boys. Not even the the few soldiers that Flavius noticed looking at him. He was still naked, caked in mud again and his hair was matted, stuck to his forehead and temples. He had also lost even more weight. They found a deserted shed, shared the last of the food then laid down to sleep. They were woken in the afternoon by a constant rumbling of lorries. They crept cautiously to the main road to see a stream of army lorries heading South. The soldiers they had seen clambered aboard one and the convoy continued. A jet screamed overhead. As the boys watched it swept round and roared back before opening fire on the stragglers to the North of the town. They saw a couple of explosions and then the jet fighter lined up for a second attack, this time on the front of the convoy. With the road blocked to front and rear the convoy stopped. Soldiers poured out diving for cover. "Come on!" Flavius snapped, "That idiot's put the town in the firing line. He'd better have a good reason." "You're mad." Vinnie laughed, "Who cares what you think." "Maybe they don't." Flavius said, "But we're in a battlefield now. We've got to move." Vinnie caught the urgency Flavius' voice and nodded. They crossed fields watching fighters circling. A helicopter gunship appeared dropping leaflets over the town. As they crossed the brow of a hill the town dropped from sight and soon they were back in the encroaching forest. They had walked about a mile when they stumbled into a clearing. Flavius was aware of the rattle of guns being cocked and a host of barrels aiming at them. Flavius raised his hands. Terrified Vinnie followed suit. Most of the guns seemed to relax as a soldier approached them. Flavius breathed a sigh of relief as he recognised their insignia." "You'll have to find another way, lads." the soldier said, not unkindly, "This is a military zone for now." "The last password I was issued with was Thespasian." Flavius said, "I know you won't believe me but I'm your Commander in Chief." The soldier stared at him. "My son goes to the same school as the Governor. He won the under fifteen 800 metres last month. What's his name? "Al Barclay." Flavius replied, "You've got your name written on your jacket. So that was easy. Al is short Algernon and he beats up anyone who calls him that." The soldier grinned, "Thank the gods, you're safe sir. Will you come with me. I'll get someone to deal your servant." "He stays with me. I wouldn't be here without him. He's my friend, not my servant and we're starving hungry. My compliments to your Officer in Charge but I can't receive him immediately." "Of course, sir. He can lower his hands if he wants to." As they followed the soldier Vinnie whispered, "Let's get out of here. You can't fool them like that for long." "The man I'm looking for is in charge of these soldiers." Flavius said, "We're safe now." Somehow he was still reluctant to explain everything to Vinnie. It was only slowly sinking in that he was safe but it was taking time to switch his thinking back to his true self. It would take Vinnie time to adjust as well so it was easier to leave Vinnie believing that he was just a whore boy for now. They reached the canteen, a large tent with the wonderful smell of cooking wafting across it. "Could we get sluiced down before we go in." Flavius said, suddenly embarrassed, not of being naked but of being filthy. The soldier led them over to some showers by the latrines, "I'm afraid it's only cold water, sir." It was enough. Flavius and Vinnie were frozen by the time Flavius was satisfied. Someone had commandeered some towels from the medical tent and a couple of soldiers cheerfully rubbed them down until their skin tingled. Flavius led them confidently to the mess tent. "They'll give us more if we wait for the scraps." Vinnie said. "I told you. You'll never be hungry again." Flavius said grabbing a plate and piling it high. He put it on a tray and handed it to Vinnie before turning to the cook, "See that I keep my promise, please. I'm only here because of him." "A pleasure, sir." the cook said, "I'll set up a table for him and he can eat what he likes when he likes. It's good to know you're alive." Flavius filled his own plate and they ate hungrily. "Can I really go ask for more?" Vinnie asked. "No. You can go fill your plate. Tell them how good it tastes and thank them but you don't have to ask for it." Vinnie obeyed. The cooks looked on in awe as he cleared three plates. Halfway through his fourth plate he turned to Flavius. "How can I save this for tomorrow?" he whispered. "Not easily." Flavius said, "I promise. You'll eat tomorrow." "You're not going North to become someone's whore boy." Vinnie said, "Who are you?" "I'm Flavius Aulus." he replied, "Technically I'm in command here but I leave as much as I can to the Generals." Vinnie stared at him, terror clouding his face. He tried standing but Flavius rested his hand on the boys arm, "I'm sorry I lied about my name before but I had to be careful. You're my friend and I'm going to look after you." "I've heard of you. Shouldn't I call you Your Excellency or something?" "No, Flavius will do." "I'm a slave and I ran away after I watched my sister raped. She was ten and died from blood loss after everything they did." "No you're not a slave." Flavius said, "You're my friend. That's all that matters now." Vinnie still looked terrified as a smart, extremely military looking officer approached and saluted. Flavius frowned, stood up and bowed briefly. "I apologise for the delay in reporting but I understand you wanted to get cleaned up and eat. I hope I haven't kept you, sir." Please sit down Colonel." Flavius said, "Uniforms are way down on my priorities at the moment so please forget the protocols and call me Flavius. Now aircraft have penned up a convoy in a small town. I don't want a pitched battle slaughtering the citizens." "There won't be a battle. We know your wishes concerning casualties." the Colonel said, "Morale in the enemy troops is very low, even among their officers. They followed the chain of command through the madman that they've got for a provincial governor here. Now they're being told that he's been sacked and will be replaced. There's complete confusion. "They're still tending to obey the last order until we can communicate with them. Aircraft make sweeps over convoys then try to box them in. We then drop leaflets giving the Emperor's orders to surrender and a radio frequency to communicate with us. If they comply we treat them as fellow legionnaires. I think it had started before you were shot down but we're really learning how to get things done fast." "Yes but I still don't like them being penned up in a town." "If we stop them in the forest they tend to scatter, sir. In a town or even a clearing, they seem to think about defending it and keep together. Generally, once they know what's happening, they still surrender." "OK. What's happening to the convoy I saw?" "They've already surrendered, sir." A helicopter flew overhead, landing a short distance away. Flavius left the tent expecting General Maximilian. Instead as the hatch opened it was Jamie ignoring all protocol, tearing across the field to launch himself onto Flavius in a massive hug. Flavius staggered at the onslaught grinning as soldiers closed in to protect him but happily wrapped his own arms around Jamie. General Maximilian was grinning broadly as he reached Flavius he was tempted to offer his own hug but confined himself to a brief nod of his head. Grinning, Flavius did his best to acknowledge the general with his arms still around Jamie. They waited until the helicopter had shut down and they could hear each other. "Are you ready for a debriefing, sir?" General Maximilian asked, "Then the Emperor would like to talk to you, after that it's survivors leave." "Survivors leave?" Flavius asked, "I not in the army. It doesn't apply to me." "You're dreadfully thin and look exhausted. You need to relax, sir." General Maximilian said, "David's under orders from the Emperor to see that you have time as just Slave Flavius." "Jamie, there's a very scared boy in the mess tent a little younger than you. He helped me survive and get back. He needs a friend more than I do at the moment. Will you look after him, please?" "I'm staying with you." Jamie said firmly. "Will you at least fetch him and make a fuss of him? I owe him." Reluctantly Jamie obeyed. "There're clothes for you in the helicopter. I'll get them." Jamie announced, running off. A little later Flavius was seated in a tent recounting his exploits. Jamie and Vinnie stood behind him. "You were right about the snipers, sir." General Maximilian said, "One got fed up waiting for you and took a pot shot at the helicopter. He missed but it would have been a major operation to flush them all out. What's your estimate of the situation?" "Soldiers seemed to be auxiliaries or militia where I crashed. They were definitely local and little more than untrained peasants. I reckon they'll fight though. There's an arrogance about them. They don't believe that they can be defeated. The convoy seemed to be regular troops on routine rotation." That's about it." We reckon that their best and most trustworthy troops will be in the heartland. If this was a simple invasion we'd have occupied half their country by now. It isn't and so far casualties are numbered in tens, not in thousands or millions. Our biggest problem is shipping out the legions that have surrendered and treating them with full military honours while we do so." "I heard gunfire last night." "Yes sir." We've encountered some of the militia you mentioned. They were dug in around a town. We tried a relic from the last century, a creeping barrage. We fired short and then increased the range. The defenders just turned and ran. The town is ours." "OK. It sounds good so far. I'm not criticising but couldn't things be going faster?" "We're doing air and satellite reconnaissance to find, then destroy any drug farms. We're also making sure that there's no sniper or guerilla activity. We are keeping busy, sir." "I know. According to Vinnie this all used to be farmland. What happened?" "The lunatic governor cleared them, sir." General Maximilian explained, "Because of the Atlantic coast the northern districts had the most contact with the rest of the Empire, especially Rome. He tried to close them except for the drug routes." "Families were evicted, left to starve and kids turned out onto the street." Flavius exclaimed. "Something like that." General Maximilian replied, "Courts don't like to enslave children under eight unless their parents are. There's been a good supply of five, six and seven year olds entering the markets." "I want field messes, sleeping tents and medical facilities set up in every town. They're to offer food and shelter to everyone who appears to be under fourteen but turn a a blind eye to anyone who seems older. Detach legionnaires who know about farming to supervise the local adults reclaiming the farms. We'll sort out ownership when there's something worth sorting out." General Maximilian grinned, "Yes sir. There's some industry around the ports. That's also been abandoned to reduce the local population. I take it you want that restarted as well." "Yes. Let's get the local economy going as much possible otherwise we're going to have a massive benefits bill." "The local governor did not believe in feeding the masses. We've already got problems with food distribution." "I should go and let you get on with it." Flavius said, "There's one last thing. Vinnie come here." Holding Vinnie's hand he turned to General Maximilian, "Vinnie here is suspected of being a runaway slave. I'm going to keep him by me while the usual notices are posted. If no one claims him I'll declare him free. If someone does cross the lines to claim him then I want the death of his sister investigated." He turned back to Vinnie, "Trust me! You'll be legally free and have the papers to prove it. You'll be able go where you want." Vinnie nodded uncertainly, "Is Jamie your slave?" "He's bonded to me but he's my companion. I can't imagine him not being around." "So you don't need me." "I told you, you're a friend." Flavius said, "You're coming home with us. My mother will make a real fuss of you. You'll be OK." The call to the Emperor was less cordial. "What the hell do you think you were doing, gallivanting around in an observation plane like that?" "Their air force is all but destroyed, Your Imperial Majesty." Flavius said, "Unless it's over a battlefield their troops try to hide from aerial and satellite reconnaissance. I was trying to get a picture of the place and assess the situation. I didn't mean to get such a close up picture though. The Emperor chuckled, "I suppose not. You probably would have been all right if that soldier hadn't betrayed you. What are you going to do with him?" "I'm not sure that it was Private Imburton, sir." Flavius said, "I'd like to investigate myself first." "Why aren't I surprised. Do what you have to do." Andreas's life returned to normal after Flavius' departure. It was a few weeks before Imperial troops arrived and another week before a couple of military vehicles arrived stopping beside the market. "I'm looking for Andreas the baker." the Sergeant in command asked. Andreas considered running but he would be gunned down before he got out of the market. Terrified he stepped forward to identify himself. "I'm to tell you that I have a present from Fabian." the sergeant said, "His Excellency says that he would never have made it back to our lines without the food you gave him. He also knows that you could have turned him in. Despite what you told him you might have got some silver." Andreas was genuinely confused, "What do you mean His Excellency?" "His Excellency Flavius Aulus." the sergeant said, "He knows that you suspected it but I can guess how he convinced you that he was just a whore boy." Andreas could not help smiling at the memory. "So am I under arrest?" he asked. "Ye Gods no." the sergeant roared, "You helped our Flavius. The legion's at your service. It's supposed to be a temporary building but some have stood for twenty or thirty years. We'll make sure this one lasts fifty. It's got four rooms. His Excellency says that you need a play room as well. We've got some toys to go in it. The sergeant looked at Andreas quizzically, "You sure made an impression on His Excellency. Anyway the new oven's a specialist order so it will be a while before it's delivered. Oh yes. The roof will be fitted with solar panels. It'll run your satellite television." As he listened a neighbouring stall holder was thinking of another vagrant boy hanging from a tree in the forest. He was the last to be killed in that village. From then on no vagrant ever left without a full belly, just in case. Chapter 2Private Imburton was lying on a horizontal bar not much bigger than a scaffold pole. His arms and legs were stretched out to posts while his head was strapped to the bar so that he could not move. Flavius studied the muscular body appreciatively before idly fingering the man's cock. "I'm sending for your son." Flavius said quietly, "Lie to me and you'll spend a night in a cell together." The soldier looked at Flavius, puzzled. Flavius grinned, "You'll be able to kill him yourself before I torture him to death. Just don't lie." Traditionally the soldier's whole family could be arrested and punished with him so he believed Flavius except something niggled. "The Emperor doesn't believe in punishing the innocent." he said. "But he's not innocent." Flavius said, "Stealing a car, smashing into another and injuring the driver puts him under the court's jurisdiction until you finish paying off the tariff. You can't pay while you're under arrest so I'll accept responsibility. I could have him enslaved and laying where you are by tonight. Just don't lie to me." "No sir." Private Imburton said, defeated. "Good. Let's save some time. Did you phone someone to tell them about my flight?" "No sir, I did not. Sean faced enslavement or even crucifixion. I know that. You gave us a chance to wipe the slate clean. I'm grateful to you. I wouldn't betray you." "OK but you need money desperately. Now your mother-in-law is ill, your wife is struggling with travelling and looking after your kids. She's had to give up her job." "We're coping. I wouldn't betray you for that." "It's against regulations to take a mobile into that hangar. Why did you?" "I made sure it was switched off but I ring my wife during my breaks. I go outside well away from the electronics." "You phone your wife. Have a cigarette while you think about it then phone your Columbian contact." "No sir. I remember the day that you went missing. I phoned my wife as you say. It was a long call and lasted most of my break. I switched it off, put it in my locker and reported back." "So if it was in your locker, how do you explain it being used again." "I can't but I've never thought that those lockers were very secure." Flavius grinned again, "They're not. It took me ten seconds to break into yours. Who else would be able to do it?" "I don't know, sir." Private Imburton said quickly. "I think that you're lying so you've got your son fifty lashes. Who else could break into your locker?" "There's a couple, sir. It's not our way to grass on comrades." "I'm not asking you to." Flavius said, "We don't have much in the way of a detective team here. No one knew about the lockers until I showed them. Now they're looking at timings more carefully. There are three who are not accounted for. Now who are you thinking of. If he's cleared because he could be accounted for then nothing happens. If he's one of the three then we can check him first and with luck we'll leave the others alone. Who is he?" "Centurion Grimes." Private Imburton replied albeit reluctantly, "He's always going on about you being degenerate for mixing with the lower classes. I'm sure he was watching me that morning and was waiting until I got back." "It's easier to call me degenerate than incorruptible." Flavius said affably, "His younger brother was enslaved for accepting bribes. He was working somewhere to do with building regulations. Centurion Grimes' time in stores is being checked too. And yes, he was one of the three. "One last question. Do you have a friend who would like to spend a couple of weeks sunbathing on Jamaica?" A little later his comrades were shocked to see Private Imburton and the friend he named being led in chains to a helicopter. Once they were in the air, aircrew removed the chains. "I'm to inform you that you should relax and enjoy your break. Sean will be joining you." A few days later Flavius joined the two soldiers and Sean on the beach. He was as naked as the others who tried leaping respectfully to their feet. "Relax. Just call me Flavius." Flavius laughed staring at Sean's cock, "I might not have any regalia to salute but you have." Although Sean was a year younger than Flavius, his cock was well developed for his age. Sean blushed then grinned, uncertain whether he was allowed to respond. "Your service records have been updated to show that you've been seconded to the ISS for special duties." Flavius said to the adults as he waved for them all to sit. "None of it will harm your career in the air force. Sean, you're due fifty lashes of the whip. Your dad can explain why but in return the slate will be wiped clean. Your criminal record will be gone." Sean's eyes opened wide at the mention of a whipping. Somehow a barrier dropped down separating him from Flavius. Flavius noticed the change in atmosphere. "I have to carry out my threats, even when I don't want to." Flavius said, "The ISS heard me make that one. The best I can do is suggest you get yourself a medical certificate saying you should be returned home immediately." "I don't get it." Sean said desperately. "There's a Centurion Grimes who thinks he's framed your dad." Flavius said, "We're waiting for him to get careless and phone his contact again. We know the office he phoned but we don't know for sure who answered his call. When we find him we'll start discovering who else he phones. Sooner or later Special Forces will snatch him and he'll give up a lot more information. "Your dad had a tough time until we were sure he was innocent. I'm sorry about that but he's having this little holiday with you as part compensation. I've also got people working with your mother to see that your grandmother has everything she needs. I used you as a lever in his interrogation which is how you got those lashes. Compensation for that is having your record wiped clean and an invitation to stay with the House of Sparta." "What will happen to Centurion Grimes?" Sean asked. "Something I threatened before. This time there won't be an appeal though. I'll have holes drilled in his wrists and ankles. Sleepers will be fitted and they will be allowed to heal but his hands will be permanently clenched because the sleepers will press on the nerve. When he's ready, he'll be nailed to a cross using those holes so there's no blood loss. He'll be allowed enough water and salts to prevent dehydration. With luck he'll hang there for at least a month." "Wow! Would you really do that to someone?" Sean asked. "I might have been executing your dad because of him. What would you like to do to him?" Sean was quiet for a moment. "Dunno." he muttered, "I still don't want to be whipped. You could have Dad killed anyway." "You're being rude." his father said, "It was, er, Flavius who helped prove me innocent. I'd like to know how a young noble like you knows so much about picking locks though." Flavius laughed, "After I was shot down, I survived by picking pockets. I broke into a couple of shops as well. It might have been easier offering my arse but it was odd. Apart from one guy who could have turned me in, I kept thinking that I would be surrendering to the enemy if I did that." "They say you'd rather be a whore than a governor so what was the problem?" "Sean." Private Imburton exclaimed angrily, "Apologise." "No, it's all right." Flavius interrupted, standing up, "I'll leave you to it." "What no punishments because I'm not bowing and scraping and thanking you for not killing my dad?" "No." Flavius said, "I can understand why you're so angry. As soon as you give the word I'll get you that flight home." "I'm sorry about that, sir." Private Imburton said, "He's in line for a good strapping when we get back to our rooms." "Please don't." Flavius said, "I probably did assume that you'd all be grateful that you're off the hook. Sean's got a right to feel angry and bitter that you were arrested in the first place." "So the great and mighty Flavius Aulus can get it wrong." Sean sneered. "Stand up, Sean." Flavius commanded. Sean nervously obeyed as Flavius raised his arms, adopting a defensive posture. "OK Sean, attack." Sean stared, alarmed. "Fight Sean otherwise I'm going to fuck you in front of your father." Sean swallowed and stepped forward. He was a skilled fighter in his own right. His father had seen to that but Flavius was better. Within seconds Flavius had the other boy in a neck lock, forcing him to the ground. He released the neck lock, grabbed Sean's shoulders and twisted so that Sean fell on his back with Flavius straddling him. Flavius leant forwards with their cocks sandwiched between them while he gently rocked to and fro. Sean tried struggling but Flavius pinned his arms to the sand. Sean's father anxiously looked on. He was not worried about the sexual tension that was developing but still concerned that his son could seriously offend Flavius, their lord and master. Suddenly Flavius straightened up guiding Sean's cock upwards, offering entry. "Are we enemies?" Flavius asked quietly. Sean shuddered, his anger, fear and frustration gone as his emotions focussed on his cock. He shook his head, nervous, hopeful and startled at the unexpected way that his encounter with Flavius was developing. Flavius smiled and lowered himself watching the pleasure lighting Sean's face. He bobbed up and down a few times enjoying the sight of Sean's muscles tensing and relaxing in time. He relaxed, stroking his own cock which was immediately rock solid. As his own muscles tensed, convulsing, to pump his own seed so he clamped around Sean's cock which pumped its own seed deep into Flavius who shot his own cream onto the sand beyond Sean's head leaving only the last few strands to land on Sean's face. Flavius slumped down, exhausted while Sean just lay, ready to fall asleep. Flavius slapped his stomach to get his attention. "People who don't like me call me degenerate. That's what taking your cock's supposed to be." Flavius bobbed up and down on Sean's manhood, bringing it back to life for a few moments, "I think it's having fun. What do you think?" There was no anger or bitterness any more as Sean replied, "You still had my Dad tortured and you're still going whip me. You can do what you like." "So once my balls are refilled I can turn you over and fuck your brains out." "I'd fight you again." "I'm older, bigger and stronger. You'd lose again and it would be me, not the governor, who beat you." "Yes but you're still a bully." "You don't give up, do you?" Flavius chuckled. "No." Sean laughed with him, "Dad says I never listen and that's why I get into so much trouble." "OK. I know you and your Dad are having a bad time. I want to make it up to you and you're making it difficult. Tell me how I can do it." "You don't give up either, do you." Sean said, "You want me whipped. You get whipped too." "I've been there before." Flavius muttered irritably, "I'm not doing it when it was the fucking ISS that got it wrong." "How do you mean?" Sean asked. He was alarmed by the real anger in Flavius' voice and that he was speaking against the Imperial Secret Service so vehemently. "I was still on the run when the ISS picked your Dad up. They're honest but they've got no imagination. They couldn't see beyond the fact that your dad had broken the rules by bringing his phone and it was his phone that was used. The Emperor was breathing down their necks and they were under a lot of pressure. They were more interested in the number called not in your Dad so his case took the back seat." He paused, "I checked your Dad's story out. I know I didn't give him an easy time because I had to be sure. That's why I used you as a lever. I probably could have done it a better way but if the ISS had realised that there was insufficient evidence they might have just released him and his arrest would have stayed on his record. Do you know what that would have done to his career?" Sean nodded, slowly understanding, "But you still want me to have that whipping because of your pride. Nobles can't back down, can they?" "I don't think it's pride." Flavius answered thoughtfully, "It's more to do with front. If word gets out that I didn't keep my promise then I couldn't do it again because they'd think I was bluffing." Flavius could feel Sean's cock stirring inside him. He had tried keeping as still as possible to prevent it slipping out and he had succeeded though it helped that Sean had remained a little hard. He was in an odd situation. He was not exactly pouring out his problems to Sean but he had felt bad about Private Imburton's arrest and he was glad to be able to talk about it otherwise he would have given up on Sean. Instead he felt the welcome tingles in his own cock. It even crossed his mind that Sean was still arguing just to keep the moment. Private Imburton might have intervened, still worried that his son was provoking Flavius but there was a shout from the beach. An inflatable had arrived and PO Smits was hurrying up the beach. "Sorry to disturb your fun." the petty officer said as he arrived, "There's a message from Your Emperor, sir. You're to leave for home immediately. There's something about other agents after you and you need to leave. If I may say so I agree. Your army's in for a long slog now. There's nothing you can do so go home." Flavius nodded, "Before I leave, Private Rogers, you are promoted to corporal. Private Imburton, you are also promoted to corporal and further to acting sergeant to be confirmed when you have completed the required courses. You will then be assessed for either promotion to centurion or officer training. I can't guarantee you'll succeed and that you don't end up back as corporal but your applications have the governor's full approval." Flavius continued, "I wanted to meet you and talk to you before I finally decided but I got distracted by your son. Sean, your dad's promotions should kill any suggestion that he was doing something wrong. I can offer you six months training at the House of Sparta then put you in one of the training programmes in the Imperial Palace. Again it's up to you how you use the chances I'm giving you and you have until the plane leaves to decide. I'm heading back to Sturlunga to arrange everything." "Excuse me sir." PO Smits interrupted, "Your team is already doing it. You should go straight to the airport." "I'm going for a swim to get cleaned up then use that shower head to rinse off. Any objections." "No sir but you'll be wet and uncomfortable in the car. I'll arrange towels to be waiting at the airport." Flavius grinned, "One day I'll get myself some nice obedient underlings who don't always have the last word. By the way Sean, all disciplinary action against your Dad ended with his release. That includes him taking a phone into the hangar and your whipping. Sorry I tricked you but it helped me get to know you." As Flavius bounded down the beach the others just stared at each other. "Are you going with Flavius, lad?" PO Smits asked, "I'll warn the others if you are." Sean turned to his dad. "Don't ask me, son." Corporal Imburton said before turning to PO Smits, "What do you think?" "It's short notice but I'd go." PO Smits replied, "You can always back out later. He gives everyone a fair go and the only time he turns on anyone is if they lie or betray him in some way. It's David you've got to watch out for. If he says jump even Flavius hopes he's jumping high enough. He's a good lad though and fair. I reckon you'll do OK." It was a few days later after Flavius was settled back in his palace that the Emperor phoned. "OK I know that the ISS Is heavy handed but aren't all those promotions over the top." "They're only promoted to corporal, sir." Flavius explained, "The rest is up Corporal Imburton himself. The ISS don't clear people, they release them for lack of evidence which means that there's always files, notes on records which can hold a suspect back. I hear a lot of complaints about it." "So do I." the Emperor agreed, "You're opposing that rather than their interrogation methods. Flavius chuckled, "They were dealing with a plot against a mere provincial governor. We don't warrant the top grade teams. They were in the middle of a war zone and were stretched. It wasn't ideal but they understood me well enough not to do any permanent damage until after he was convicted." "OK." the Emperor smiled then paused, "Damn those kids. You pick up up some dreadful speaking habits from them." "I didn't think that OK was very Imperial." Flavius laughed, "It's OK for informal conversations though." "You may think so. Now what are you doing, foisting this trouble maker on me." "You mean Sean Imburton, sir? I tried teasing him with the whipping I promised. He was angry and resentful of course but there was something else. He wasn't going to surrender without a fight but I had the feeling that he was giving me a chance, the benefit of the doubt, something like that. I felt as if I was in a chess game." "So you saw more than his cock?" "With respect sir, I wouldn't abuse my authority like that." "You sounded like your father then. No I don't think you would either, but men can be terribly influenced by their manhood without realising it." "It's why he's spending time in the House of Sparta, sir. So that I can be sure." "Fair enough. David will knock him into shape. Even Julius is scared of him. He might be the rudest slave that I've ever come across but you can't fault him for his loyalty to your governorship." "I know, sir. He doesn't spare my back to defend it either." "Very well, I'm recalling you because the madman has virtually declared war on you personally. King Ĉirik and I are agreed that the Combined Chiefs Of Staff are actually seeing the benefits in cooperation. Well done for that. They are agreed on General Maximilian taking over from you. "The legions on rotation in Columbia have been extracted with the minimum of casualties and humiliation. The whole army appreciates that. Again well done. "The madman's outer defences are collapsing faster than we could have believed possible. It seems that his last ditch plan is to have you killed in the hopes that all the cooperation and coordination would fall apart. "By replacing you, that plan fails before it's begun. Don't worry, you'll be proclaimed as the Architect Of Victory and receive the credit due." "Thank you sir." Flavius said quietly. "Now your friends are concerned that you're doing too much. My advisers agree however your friends are worried about your health while my advisers want you to stop stirring everything up. Your provincial staff have shown that they can cope. I can't believe that I'm going to say this to a provincial governor but go and be a slave in the market with your friends there. Don't worry about anything more serious than the guards cane when you get up to mischief." When the Emperor ended the call, he could see an image of Flavius' father standing before him, glowering. I know. the Emperor thought to himself, I promised that I would look out for him but he's had a lot to contend with and he's only fifteen. A bit of slavery gives him time as a boy. Without it, there's a risk he'll burn out or become paranoid. What really bothered the emperor was that the image seemed to nod in agreement before it vanished. He was not prone to visions but maybe it was just a sign that he was still missing his old friend. Flavius was not interested in being a slave. He had experienced enough while in hiding and could not shake off a desire to slip into the background if people were around. For once he was shy being naked or wearing just a half tunic. Wearing his governor's clothes made him feel too conspicuous. He only cheered up when he got news of Vinnie. Vinnie had virtually been adopted by the legion. He had helped Flavius and now they looked after him. As he gained in confidence so he spent more time in the mess tent eating enormous amounts of food. One cook a large cheerful man always had a smile and found chocolates, sweets and other treats for him. No one knows how it started but Vinnie sat on his laps for long periods. The most likely reason was that Vinnie tended to doze after his meals and may have suffered a nightmare. Now the cook had his duties and should not be sitting around cuddling a boy. He should have faced the sergeant's fury followed by the centurion's followed by various charges. Instead time with Vinnie became part of his daily orders even when he took the boy to his quarters. The colonel in charge heard about it and tried to stop it. Flavius regarded him as a pompous man and did not like him. Although a good officer he had little rapport with his men. Flavius might have interfered but the entire legion joined in a conspiracy to look out for them. Most of the officers knew what was going on but they loved Flavius as much as the men. Again the colonel got to hear about it. In any other circumstances he would have regarded the affair as mutiny but he finally accepted that he was also opposing Flavius. The cook was single with no family and knew little more than the army. He gave the cook a choice, be court-martialled for disobeying orders or adopt Vinnie and apply for special duties on compassionate grounds. All eyes turned to the cook and Vinnie. The cooks smile became even wider while Vinnie's was an excellent imitation. Outside of school Vinnie spent his time helping his 'Dad' while continuing to eat copious quantities of food. The amazing thing was, although he filled out growing into a strong young man, he never got fat. Flavius' friends knew of his night with Andreas from Vinnie who had heard his screams. He was the boy governor who had to take on adults as equals. Sexually he needed to prove that he could cope with anything they did with him but there were always limits; no one would kill or maim the governor. With Andreas there were no limits. Flavius was terrified and completely out of control. Had Andreas continued much longer he might have broken Flavius. The one thing Flavius could not do, was admit how badly Andreas had hurt him, physically as well as mentally. If he could not admit just how vicious Andreas had been and he could not get the man out of his mind then he had to acknowledge that the man had not betrayed him, hence the generous gifts. However, Andreas would never know how badly Flavius wanted to see him screaming his life away on the cross and Flavius still needed to rest. The family of Jamie's friend, Johnny was not exactly poor but modest. Normally if she had visitors his mother would bake a cake and get out the best crockery. She quickly learnt that Flavius was happiest in the kitchen helping out, neither a slave or a guest but as part of a quiet life without complications "Why not go away for a while?" Johnny's mother said one day, "Take Jamie and Johnny as servants and just be a young Lord with nothing to do all day." "It's when I've got nothing to do, I worry about things." Flavius said, "I don't know what I want to do. It's stupid. I can do whatever I want, go wherever I like but I just don't know what to do except sit here and lick icing from the bowl." Mrs Roseberry, Johnny's mother, laughed, "I am glad you like my cakes. Jamie wants to impress you. So does Johnny if it comes to that so why not give them the chance to look after you while you just think about yourself. Go away somewhere where you're not known. Watch the world go by. I'm sure you'll find some mischief to get up to." Flavius grinned, "You might be right. There's a place up North, someone in the market mentioned. It's a small town that has a few hotels but it's mainly a fishing port and market town." "It sounds just the place." Mrs Roseberry said, "Go and be a tourist. You can always come back if you do get bored. "Thanks. I think I'll just do that." Just then the door flew open and Rene, Mrs Roseberry's sister stormed in. She stopped, hesitating as she recognised Flavius who in his turn leapt up to put the kettle on. Rene only ever saw Flavius as the Governor so there was a certain amount of cruelty in just behaving as one of Johnny's friends. It left Rene confused, uncertain how to behave. Mrs Roseberry understood it as well as Flavius, content that her domineering sister would have to be polite and considerably quieter than usual. If any of Flavius' friends had been present they would have breathed a sigh of relief as he made the tea and cleared the table. It was a spark of the old Flavius, eager to show off his skills, not as a noble but as a boy. Maybe it was extremely low key but it was a clear sign that Flavius was getting back to his old self. As usual it was David who protested the most, feeling responsible for Flavius' safety. He was the head boy of the House Of Sparta the club set up to allow Flavius to grow up like a normal teenager. Although a slave, he was notorious for speaking up against anyone if it was in Flavius' best interests. More than anyone, David separated Flavius the boy from Flavius the governor. Although he might kneel respectfully as Flavius, dressed in governor's regalia swept past, Flavius knew that he would be in bad trouble if he did anything that reflected badly on the governorship. Dressed as a slave of the House of Sparta, Flavius could roll in the mud with his friends from the market and David would look benignly on. This time, the only thing they really argued on was Flavius' reluctance to take a phone. "Jamie will take one." David said firmly, "But it will only accept calls from Craig's office. We won't call you unless it's absolutely necessary. We'll filter the car phone in the same way." "We're going by train." Flavius said just as firmly, "It's only two changes. Local shuttle until we join the Great Northern Express and the local shuttle at the other end." "Don't tell me. You've booked the tickets." Flavius nodded, "And I've booked the inn. I'm not helpless. I've even done all the bookings in the name of Jamie Carter. Once I'm on the train, I'll be completely anonymous." "I don't like it." David muttered, "How can we be there for you?" "By looking after the House of Sparta and helping Marcus act as my representative. I couldn't go away like this if I couldn't trust my friends to keep things going." Later David visited Flavius' mother, the Lady Julia. "I worry about him too." she said, "Even before you arrived, he felt the strain. Those pressures are still there and he's got his time on the run to deal with." "Yes but we should look after him" David persisted, "Make him rest and take things easy, that sort of thing." "Only the Emperor could make him." Julia laughed, "Flavius is a people person. He'll go mad if he's shut in his bedroom. Do you remember what he was like when he was shot?" "David nodded and Julia continued, "It's why I think that this holiday might be good for him. He can meet people on his own terms without the baggage he has here. You've mentioned your family visiting. Why not invite them now? At least they'll keep you occupied." "Thank you, My Lady." David replied formally, "I can't believe you have rooms for slave's families to visit." "Neither can I." Lady Julia laughed, "My son has the strangest ideas but they work. Now it'll only be worse if he thinks that we're ganging up on him. Invite your family and look as if you're accepting his decision. He'll be more amenable to the ISS keeping a discreet eye on him." For Flavius, the train journey was an exciting adventure. He was sure that he'd spotted the Imperial Secret Service agents but as Lady Julia had said, he tolerated them, knowing that they were on orders from the Emperor. He could not be a hundred per cent certain of all the agents and they would not intervene even if he got lost. Unless he was physically threatened they would stay discreetly in the background. He giggled at the thought of them reporting to the Emperor that his ex-Commander in Chief of the Combined Atlantic Forces caught the wrong train or missed his stop but with Jamie and Johnny excitedly checking the timetables and listening to the announcements it was virtually impossible. They remained three excited boys making a long journey alone for the first time. For once, Flavius was wearing the equivalent of jeans, t-shirt and trainers. He found such clothes restrictive compared to his normal tunics and disliked the fabrics rubbing against his skin but they were more neutral so far as his rank was concerned. He had even removed his Sparta chain. Jamie and Johnny still wore theirs and wore brown tunics marking them as slaves. Both young boys were happy with the idea, knowing it was their chance to look after Flavius and show everyone what they could do. Flavius felt a real sense of exhilaration when they arrived. It was only his second journey alone or with just young friends. It might be a simple journey but for a fifteen year old, it was different enough to feel like an achievement. For most boys it would be a trip without their parents. For Flavius it was without his advisers, Board of Guardians and a fussing House of Sparta. It was also a journey without fear of capture, hunger or thirst. It was what he needed, fun. The inn proved to be ideal. It was small, with only a couple of rooms, relying more on its bars and restaurant. It was basic but clean, comfortable and with a reputation for good home cooked meals. Their room, though small boasted a king sized bed and an en-suite bathroom. Jamie grabbed Flavius' backpack, they had each been carrying one, and unpacked them with Johnny's help while Flavius relaxed on the bed watching. "So what do you two want to do?" he asked. "Whatever my master commands." Jamie replied cheekily. "In that case strip and bend over the bed. My balls need draining and I don't feel like being gentle. At first the holiday went smoothly. They cheerfully explored the beaches, even risking swims in the sea. They watched the fishermen repairing their nets and getting their boats ready for sea, chatting to some who were taking a break. Flavius could joke about how he was seasick on his first day on the sailing ship Thor or describe his training in the inflatable boats. He also proved to be a good listener to their stories and he quickly found himself accepted. Proving himself a good football player and willing to swim in the open sea, he quickly made friends with the local boys. It was while he was looking for a gift for his mother that an incident could have spoilt his holiday. He noticed a slave about his age carrying trays of cakes from a van into a shop but didn't take much notice. He looked back as he heard the boy yelp. An equestrian noble was standing watching as the boy staggered, losing his balance. He managed to drop the tray so that only a few cakes were thrown out as he fell heavily beside it. The noble laughed as he stamped in the tray. "Next time, get out of my way." he sneered, "While you're down there, lick my shoe clean." Flavius was with Jamie and Johnny and a couple of his new friends who were showing him around. The locals pressed nervously against a wall pulling on Flavius' arm as they tried sidling quietly towards an alleyway. Even on the first day of the holiday, Flavius might have acceded but he was more his old self and the noble was the sort of bully that he detested. Jamie groaned in despair knowing that there was about to be trouble while Johnny heard the groan and grinned. Flavius hurried over to the slave, pulling him to his feet. The slave caught between two opposing orders was terrified but eagerly obeyed as Flavius pointed to his friends and the slave hurried over. The noble watched, stunned at being so openly defied, finally recovered his senses. "You little bastard." he roared raising his hand to strike Flavius who easily blocked the blow, driving his own punch into the noble's gut. The noble was in his early thirties, tall with a big frame to match his height but he was used to soft living and not used to being challenged. He pulled both hands into his stomach as he doubled over in pain. His reactions were slow compared to Flavius who shifted back slightly, balancing himself to throw another punch into the side of the man's head. The man collapsed, this time, physically stunned. "Freeze." an authoritative voice rang out. Flavius turned to see a guard approaching, drawing a gun. He raised his hands in surrender. Following the guards instructions he turned and allowed his hands to be cuffed behind him. "Striking a noble is a capital offence." the guard said, "Is it your father or master who needs to be notified?" "With your permission?" Flavius asked but without waiting for a reply called out, "Jamie fetch my I.D." Jamie obeyed, handing it to the guard. The guard studied it looking increasingly confused. "I'll need to verify this." "You see that gentleman over there in the black sunglasses. I think he may be an Imperial Secret Service agent assigned to look out for me. Maybe he can help." "I should phone your 3;" the guard began but Flavius interrupted. "Please don't. I'll have half my palace charging up here to help. I'd rather get on with my holiday. I'm of superior rank so he committed the offence when he tried to strike me but I don't wish to press charges providing he pays for the tray he spoilt." The noble was sitting up, still dazed, groaning loudly. The guard left his junior to watch over Flavius while he spoke to the man Flavius had pointed out. There was a frightened crowd watching. The shopkeeper was terrified as he hovered by his door and Flavius' new found local friends were on the point of bolting, stopped only by Jamie and Johnny's calm assurances. Oddly, no one, not even the guards seemed interested in helping the noble. The guard returned releasing Flavius' arms drawing himself up to attention. "For fuck's sake don't salute." Flavius rasped, "Relax. Better still, gently break up this crowd. Jamie fetch the others then take the slave over to the tavern and get that cut cleaned up. The rest of us can finish unloading the van." Within minutes the street was deserted except for the noble sitting on the kerb and the guards. Still no one was offering him any help. No one approached Flavius or his friends as they helped the bewildered shopkeeper then sat together in the tavern.
Chapter 3The two local boys were still scared and waited nervously, ready to leap up when the guard arrived. Flavius invited him to sit and the guard seemed just as nervous as he obeyed. "He's agreed to pay up but he's not happy." the guard said, "I think he'll complain to the governor. With respect, sir, I don't think that you can keep your identity secret any longer." "Shit." Flavius rasped angrily, "So much for my holiday." "Again with respect sir," the guard added, "You've done us all a favour. Lord Tyrone is a vicious bully. I couldn't intervene. It's part of our standing orders that we are subordinate to the nobles. Only you could have done so. Thank you. We'll try to give you the best possible holiday." "It doesn't save it though but thanks for the thought." "Yes sir. I think it does. Everyone will feel safer while you're here. They'll do things your way so as not to drive you away." "Yes, but I didn't want that. I just want to be myself." "Only you would have taken on an adult and a noble to protect a slave." Jamie said, "And only you could get away with it. You've got no responsibilities. It's like the Emperor said that time, Rest but feel free to stir things up if you want to." Flavius nodded in defeat. The guard looked shocked, "How come your slave speaks to you like that, sir?" "He's my companion. He wanted me to be the young master on holiday with a couple of slaves attending." Flavius looked towards the slave, "If you're feeling better you'd better get back to your master." The boy nodded and hurried off. He paused, returned and kissed Flavius on the cheek. "Thank you, Master." he whispered before hurrying off again. The guard also took his leave. One of the local boys stood up. "I should get back, sir," he said, "Dad's sailing on the tide and he wants me to go with him." "His dad wants him to go to school not go on the boats." the other said after he had gone, "He's scared of you now. The boy paused thoughtfully, "I think I am too. His Excellency could still have you arrested. He'd arrest anyone with you too." Flavius grinned, "He'd answer to the Emperor if he tried. I suppose that Jamie's right. I can have fun being the real me." "So who are you?" the boy asked. "His Excellency, Flavius Aulus, Provincial Governor and ex-Commander in Chief of the Combined Forces Atlantic." The boy's eyes widened, "The Boy Governor. Bloody Hell." Recovering he made to stand up. Flavius waved him down. "You don't have to stand for a white tunic." he said, " According to our Governor I should be kissing your feet, begging forgiveness for my rudeness." "I take it he dislikes the reforms taking place" Flavius said, "And he believes that the nobles are above the law." "No but it's not for the masses to question them." the explained, "He's fair in most ways, though." "OK." Flavius said, "It's none of my business how other governors run their provinces. I just want to know enough to stay out of trouble." "And I should still call you Flavius?" the boy asked, "Not Your Excellency or anything?" "That's right, Si." Flavius said, "It's something I learnt with the Scandinavian Navy. Salute the uniform and the rank. Don't salute the man. I've always tried to do things that way. They just summed it up well." Si nodded, "So Jamie and Johnny aren't slaves? Do you have slave friends like they say." "Yes he does." Johnny piped up, "He'll be friends with anyone who'll give him a fair go." "So you don't make them kneel and beg." Si persisted. "The governor sometimes does." Flavius tried to explain, "Or rather I do in Governor's clothes. Craig, my majordomo, is still being trained but he can already run the palace better than I can. David is the the head of the House of Sparta. I'm a bit scared of him because he expects me to do my official duties properly and his authority comes from the Emperor. They're both slaves and determined to make my governorship work. Why should they bow and scrape to me all the time?" Si sat thoughtfully, "Mum's going to have forty fits when I tell her who really came to tea last night. It's a pity you were just being polite when you invited us to stay with you." "I meant it." Flavius said, "You can have an apartment in the palace or you can stay with one of my friends. I didn't know so many people kept pigeons so your dad would get on with Johnny's." "You really are like they say on the telly, aren't you?" "I hope not." Flavius laughed, "I've done some pretty stupid things but sometimes programmes I've seen make me out to be some sort of demi-god, others make me seem like a clown." "You're not though." Si laughed finally relaxing, "Gods don't play football the way you do." Flavius looked appreciatively at Si's muscular chest. Usually he wore thick heavy work jeans and boots. Although bare chested at the moment he had a thick oily jumper tucked into his belt. He also wore equally hard wearing boots. "Do you ever wear anything lighter?" Flavius asked." Si shrugged, "I'm used to this lot. Why?" "I was wondering how you'd look in a white half tunic." Flavius replied. "I haven't got one." Si explained, "I work with Dad maintaining the harbour buoys. Tunics aren't that warm and even in Summer the sea can be pretty cold. I don't often go anywhere where I need to dress up fancy." "I've never thought of half tunics as being fancy." Flavius laughed, "I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me tonight. Two free young men attended by their slaves." Si shook his head, "I've got some savings but I can't blow them on one night." "I invited you so I pay." Flavius exclaimed, "You didn't expect me to pay your mother for tea last night, did you?" Si was sure that there was a flaw to that argument but he could not think what it was. He had never met anyone like Flavius before. All of his friends were the sons of fishermen and watermen. Some had held Flavius in some contempt despite his talk; some rich kid secretly laughing at them and having no idea what hard work was like. Si had thought the same way but something told him that Flavius was different. In return he was about to get a glimpse of the world from Flavius point of view. He thought about something his mother had said the previous night after Flavius had gone. "Of course he's not a noble." she said, "He hasn't got any of their airs and graces. That family business he mentioned is probably a posh shop in some smart forum. He's a nice boy though. You look after him while he's here. He might be able to find you a nice little job ashore. It would be better than risking your life on those boats." Si repeated the conversation to Flavius adding, "You wait until I tell her who you really are. I'll wait until you're gone though." "And do you want me to find you a job?" Flavius asked. Si stared, "I hadn't thought about it. I'm sorry. I should go. I don't want you thinking I'm trying to use you." Jamie laughed, "Sit down, Si. He wants your cock up his arse so he wants something from you. If you don't give it you'll still be friends. If Flavius can give you a chance he will. Will you still be friends if it doesn't work out?" Si sat thoughtfully then nodded, "Yes. I'm sorry, I don't know how to behave with nobles." "Neither does Flavius." Johnny giggled, "At least, not with the lot you've got up here." Johnny, Jamie. I've told you before not to discuss my affairs like this. You're putting Si on the spot." "No." Jamie said, "I bet you were going to suggest getting cleaned up at the baths so you could see him naked." "That's enough." Flavius snapped blushing red. "Well were you?" Jamie persisted. Flavius gave in and nodded. Both Johnny and Si were grinning at his embarrassment. It was pointless saying that he was trying not to pressure Si, Jamie knew him too well. "Don't worry Si." Jamie said then echoing Flavius thoughts, "He's not shy just scared of using his position to force you." "I'm still thinking about using my position to have you impaled." Flavius muttered irritably. "Si's seventeen so he should be bigger than you. He can impale you. All three of us if he's got the strength." It was Si's turn to look embarrassed but Jamie added, "Trust Flavius. Unless you're just stuck with girls, you'll have a great night." "He's lucky he's not a slave. He wouldn't live long." Si grinned. "Wait until you meet my real slaves. The Emperor still talks about how he ended up answering the phone as if he was Craig's secretary." "What do they say? I'm at your service." Si said, "I'll do what you say." Si saw Flavius' frown and continued, "I already feel like a bumpkin. It's your party. I'll just go along with things." Flavius was developing an eye for art. He bought a beautiful seascape showing the local coastline for his mother before wandering through the market to buy a good quality tunic and sandals. Then they headed for the baths. Instead of heading for the public area, Flavius booked a private suite. They stripped in the anteroom before heading into a steam room. Flavius had Si lie on one of the tables and gently began shaving him. The steam was opening his pores and Flavius used a depilatory cream that penetrated deep into the follicles. Si lay back, enjoying the the gentle touch but nervous at who was cleansing him. He glanced around the room. A naked slave was standing impassively by the door waiting to serve them. Johnny and Jamie were studying his cock. Flavius turned to see what Si was grinning at. "Up on the table." Flavius snapped at the slave, "Jamie and Johnny, practice on him. The slave can point out any mistakes you make. See that his cock is properly looked after." Jamie and Johnny smiled happily as the slave nervously obeyed. "You're as tense as my friend here." Flavius said to the slave, "They know the theory but need need hands on experience. Don't worry. They like handling adult bodies and they'll be serving me when we get home so treat it as a training exercise." The slave smiled and relaxed more. Even Si was happier. He was lying on his stomach allowing Flavius to remove the hair growing in his arse crack and buttocks as well as the backs of his legs. Soon he would turn over allowing his arms and chest to be cleaned. Flavius would leave a trim little triangle above his groin as he proceeded to scrape Si's body with a strigil. For Si it was an unforgettable experience. Flavius got as much out of pleasing others as he got in being pleased. As he finished the massage, he straddled the older boy taking his cock with obvious pleasure. Flavius was happy to wait until the others had swapped around and a contented slave worked on Jamie. It seemed natural for Jamie to then work on Flavius so that in his turn he took Flavius' rampant cock while Johnny writhed in delight as Si and the slave worked on him. As the session ended they were all drained, cleansed and very contented. The slave joined them as they took the cooling showers on the pretext of fetching them towels and oils. As they left, Flavius managed to thank the manager for the excellent service they had received. Si was aware that people were treating him differently. He had the same callused hands and weather beaten look to his face but the white half tunic showed off his smooth, oiled skin. Many admired his powerful legs, usually hidden by his heavy work clothes. His usually long, tousled blond hair was trim and short. If not wealthy or a noble, he was someone of standing even if he had to work himself. As they strolled back to the inn, slaves made way for them. Flavius always responded with a polite thank you leaving a happily surprised slave behind them. They met one of Si's friends in one of the shops. Flavius waited to be introduced and spoke affably. The friend had made a joke about about Si's appearance. "Next time we go out, we'll do it the way Flavius does it." Si replied, "It's out of this world." The friend stared at Flavius, "There's rumours that the Boy Governor is here. His name is Flavius." "And he doesn't want people gossiping about it." Si said, "And if this was His Excellency, he wouldn't want to borrow your boat and take a row up river to the lock inn tomorrow." "Take it. I'd come with you but I'm helping Dad tomorrow." "If I organise a packed lunch can we go further than the lock?" Flavius asked "Getting that far will be a morning's row." Si grinned, "The river passes through some woods. We could stop there and eat your lunch. We'd have time to fuck around a bit before heading back." Jay stood uncertainly. He felt uncomfortable in his work clothes. He was sure that he recognised Flavius but everything was too relaxed and informal. The boy in front of him could be Si's wealthy cousin but nothing more. "It sounds good to me." Flavius said as they made their good byes. Later that evening they were seated in the dining room. Si was confident enough to ask if the two younger boys could sit with them rather than serve them as Flavius had ordered. Flavius had happily complied so it was a cheerful group that sat and chatted as their meals arrived. Suddenly they were distracted as the room went quiet. Locals stood bowing their heads to a newcomer, dressed as a senator, standing at the door. Puzzled, visitors followed suit. Si made to stand but Flavius stopped him, taking a sip of his drink. The stranger glared at their table and headed over. "I assume one of you is His Excellency Flavius Aulus but don't you others have any manners?" he snapped. Flavius stood and bowed, "His Excellency is back in his own palace attending to provincial affairs. There is nothing in Roman etiquette that expects diners to interrupt their meal and stand like slaves because some noble enters." "Here we treat nobles properly and expect nobles to behave according to their station." "Unless you're senile and need constant reminding of who you are then maybe the other diners could continue their meal before it gets cold." Flavius snapped irritably. The noble glared at him, flushing red with anger, hand on the hilt of a dagger. Finally he nodded, waving his other hand in a downward motion. "If anyone's meal is spoilt, please accept my apologies," Flavius called out, "And ask for a replacement; at my expense of course." Flavius and the noble glared at each other. "If you have no business at this table then I intend to sit and finish my meal." Flavius said. "If you were older I would demand satisfaction for your insolence." the noble snapped angrily, "I'd claim it from your father if you had one." "It's a pity that you haven't drawn your dagger." Flavius said quietly, "I'd enjoy slicing your throat with it." "Flavius." Jamie called out nervously, "Go easy." "Apologise otherwise I'll have no choice." "Do you have arthritis in your knee?" Flavius asked, "I noticed the way you walked. Your hand's not gripping that dagger as tightly as it might. Do you have trouble there as well?" Flavius stepped forward as if to hug the noble but when he stepped back he was holding up a wallet. "Your reflexes are a bit slow as well." Flavius continued, "I have no real quarrel with you but if you do demand satisfaction then I will kill you with very little difficulty." Flavius offered back the wallet he was holding. The noble took it, seething in helpless frustration. Suddenly he relaxed. "My apologies." he said, "I should have been more courteous in welcoming you to the province. You don't seem to be the degenerate I expected. "Let's sit." Flavius smiled, "At least my ice cream hasn't melted. Would you like something?" "A glass of wine. Thank you." "OK, let's shift around a bit. Senators at the top of the table." The noble looked puzzled. "You prefer your rank recognised and I'm incognito." Flavius said, "I can respect your wishes but I prefer to match mine to the occasion." "I think I understand." the noble said, " Tell me how did you know so much about me?" "Soldiers back home have taught me unarmed combat." Flavius explained, "I spend a lot of time with the market kids. Street fighting is different but it's good practice as well. Most slaves are convicted criminals. Some were successful and only caught because of bad luck or a single mistake. They know about reading people. When I was shot I talked to a medic a lot. He gave a medical background to the street knowledge I had." "Ye gods." the noble laughed, "No wonder you beat Tyrone so easily. Personally, I think he deserved it. He brings his class no credit by his behaviour. By the way he is also the Governor's nephew." "I'm sorry I didn't catch your name." Flavius said. "Again my apologies for not introducing myself." the noble replied, "I'm Senator Stallone." "And you're not here for pleasure." Flavius prompted. "No. My Governor wants to know what's going on." "I'm taking a holiday following my Imperial duties." Flavius said, "I don't like the sort of abuse I saw this afternoon but I do apologise, this isn't my province." "No, it isn't. Can you assure me that you are genuinely here on holiday and not on some mission connected with your Imperial service?" "Why? What do you have to hide?" Flavius asked then grinned, "Sorry. It's purely holiday. If any investigations had led to this province then I would be staying somewhere else." Senator Stallone nodded, "In that case I'm to bid you welcome. Tyrone will be confined to the Provincial Palace for the remainder of your visit. For the record, my Governor is as punctilious about the law as he is about nobles being treated properly which is why Tyrone is such an embarrassment." "We've all got them." Flavius laughed. "Er 3; quite." Lord Stallone responded, unused to humour in provincial affairs. "Should I have to break my holiday then I'll drop my incognito and present myself formally." Flavius said. "Just out of curiosity what are your plans for the rest of your stay?" Lord Stallone asked. "Tomorrow, we're going for a row up the river and stop for a picnic lunch." Flavius answered, "There seems to be an odd mix of tidal and flood defences along it. I'm interested because some of my tenants complain of fields being ruined by salt." "I leave that sort of thing to my managers." Lord Stallone said, "But I suppose it gives a purpose to the outing." He stood up, "Thank you for your hospitality, Good Night, gentlemen." As Lord Stallone strode away, Si stared in amazement. "He called me a gentleman." he gasped. "You sounded like a detective looking for clues." Johnny said, "How come you knew so much about him?" "Father started taking me to the stock markets and business meetings when I was six. He didn't expect me to pick up much business knowledge. I did but it just seemed to seep in. He expected me to look at people. I remember the first guy he asked me about. I said he was prosperous and it would be worth doing business with him. "Father explained that he wasn't as rich as he pretended. His toga looked OK but when Father pointed it out I could see that it had a touch of grey to it as if it was old and had been washed too many times. The hem was slightly frayed and the heels of his sandals were worn. It started from there. By the time I was ten, I was spotting things that Father hadn't noticed." "So I suppose that you'll find out that I've been in court." Si said unhappily. "I was massaging your back, this afternoon." Flavius laughed, "Of course I know. What was it? A hundred lashes for brawling? You didn't actually go to court though. You were allowed to just enter a plea. You've had some canings as well. What were they for? The same thing?" "You couldn't have found all that out from my back." Si said, "Still I suppose you had to check up on me." "No. I haven't checked up you." Flavius said. He rarely showed off or bragged but he had let slip something that obviously impressed them so he continued, "I could feel the knots and remains of the soft tissue damage when I handled your back. I could feel heavier damage on your arse. I guessed that they were too severe for a school cane so it had to be a guard's. "You mentioned savings. If fines or compensation had been involved you would have lost them. You were used to the baths so you probably do socialise there but you weren't used to our slower ways. Possibly they were a starting off point for the taverns. "You've drunk a little more than I'd expect at this table. Possibly getting drunk is normally the object of the exercise. When a lot people get drunk, there's often a fight often with knives. I've seen a lot of it as magistrate and the Emperor's worried about it among young nobles. Putting it all together, simple fist fights in the streets seemed the most likely reason." "And you don't mind me being in trouble?" Si asked. "I've had a public whipping and a weeks hard labour." Flavius said, "If I can sound like a magistrate for a moment. If you don't get your act together then sooner or later something will go badly wrong and you could end up enslaved or crucified." Si nodded, "I know but there's not much else to do except the taverns." "I prefer sex." Flavius said, "You can go find your drinking buddies if you like but I'm going to bed if we're getting up at dawn. You're welcome to join me but I don't want some drunk fumbling around in the middle of the night." Si was not sure whether to be insulted or angry at some kid talking to him like that. He thought back to how Flavius had dealt with Lord Tyrone and Senator Stallone. He had been equally direct and blunt. Almost against his will he accepted that Flavius was right. "I don't like you talking to me like that but it's been a good day." He said finally, "I'll do things your way." "I suppose I was a bit blunt. I'm sorry but I have been with drunks who ripped my tunic off because they couldn't find the fastenings and pissed themselves because they were so far out of it they couldn't control their bladder let alone get an erection." "I'd heard that you like it rough." Si said. "I do." Flavius replied, "Maybe I'm boasting but I need a man not a drunk. Drunks are seldom men when it counts unless you like piss soaked beds." "Should I stay sober for you?" Si asked. "If you wish." Flavius smiled, "You've got a nice cock. We'll get Jamie and Johnny to put on a show for us then we'll see how rough we can get." Despite Flavius suggestion, they were tired. It had not been a physically demanding day but for Si in particular it had been a series of emotional lows and highs. Flavius slept impaling Jamie while Johnny lay curled up, resting his head on Si's lower abdomen with his lips touching the head of Si's cock. Si slept contentedly enjoying the intimacy. They left early the next morning. It was cool though the sun was rising rapidly and it would be a warm day. Si was still a little self conscious in his half tunic but he was happy enough. At his suggestion they slipped off their tunics as they clambered into the boat so that he could put them all in a splash proof bag. They made good progress. Si handled a pair of oars while Jamie and Johnny pulled one sitting beside Flavius who had the other. Every so often they would pause while Si pointed out some wild life or some feature. Sometimes they would just have a break. It was a novel experience for all of them. For Si, it was being treated as the expert. For Flavius it was the sense that he really was away from it all. Si was in charge and all his responsibilities faded with the physical exercise as he listened to Si's quiet, authoritative voice. For Johnny and Jamie it was simply something new. "We can pull in over there." Si said, late morning. "The owner doesn't mind." "Are they the woods you mentioned?" Flavius asked, "At least there's none of those 'No Landing', 'No Trespassers' signs. Si nodded "Do we need our tunics?" Flavius asked. "No." Si replied, "The owners sometimes find us but just warns us to stay this side of the fence." "Things have changed." a voice said, "This is our place and we don't want your sort hanging around." Two boys, one about fifteen and the other thirteen emerged from the bushes. They wore white tunics and carried practice swords. The swords crackled ominously. "Back into your boat." the older boy commanded. "And what makes you think that you two can make us?" Flavius said shifting his ground carefully. "It's OK. I'd heard about these two but I'd hoped they'd be gone." Si said, "There's somewhere else we can try." "No it's not OK." Flavius said, "I wonder what the owner would make of it." Suddenly Flavius moved. The younger boy found himself twisted round with Flavius arm squeezing his neck. Flavius grabbed the sword before pushing the boy away. He lunged forwards the tip touching the older boys groin. "That's not fair. We weren't ready." the younger boy wailed. "Then you shouldn't have challenged us." Flavius said, "Don't tell me. You have a fencing master." The older boy nodded. "Fencing is a sport." Flavius said, "I'm not into sports like that. I fight for real. If I shock you then you'll scream in agony and piss yourself. Just do as I say and I won't hurt either of you." Both boys were too shaken by the unexpected turn of events to argue as Flavius made them strip then kneel while Si fetched ropes to tie their hands behind their backs. When he was satisfied, Flavius said, "People don't like being threatened, even with a practice sword." Flavius said, "You don't challenge strangers like that unless you're ready to back it up for real." "We don't want your sort here." the older boy said, "Grandfather's too soft with you. He's even too soft when he's on the bench." "I keep getting told that I was lucky to get such a light whipping." Flavius grinned, "I like kind magistrates. I think we'll go and meet him." "You can't take them back like that." Si gasped. "Why not?" Flavius asked, "They were playing a game and invited us to join in. Let's see where we go with it." The boys looked scared but before they could speak. Flavius held up his hand. "It's going to happen." he said, "Protest and I'll gag you. I can turn the current up on those swords. I know how to inflict real pain without damaging you." Making the boys stand up, Flavius picked up another length of line of line tying one end around the older boy's cock behind his ball sack. He passed it through the younger boys legs before looping it around his cock. When he pulled on the rope the boys had no choice but to follow. Si followed behind as Flavius led his prisoners through the woods, over a chain acting as a boundary then across manicured lawns towards a large villa. A man of about fifty dressed in a simple tunic but with the piping of a senator was sitting at a table under a large umbrella. He looked up as he saw the boys approach. Slaves and servants hurried towards him but he waved his hand for them to hold back. He could see that his grandsons were unharmed so maybe they had found some playmates. Nevertheless a couple of slaves edged round them to cut off their escape back to the river. "Just what do you think you are doing with my grandsons?" the old man asked. He was wary, cautious but relaxed. Flavius bowed politely, "Forgive the intrusion, Senator. Your grandsons were playing a game of defending the Empire from river pirates. Unfortunately their forces were overwhelmed and they were captured. It's now a matter of discussing their ransom." The Senator frowned, "Was it necessary to return them in such an ignominious manner?" "I've tried to keep within the spirit of the game, sir." Flavius replied, "Others may not. I thought a warning of the consequences might be in order." The Senator nodded, "Good point. I've tried to warn them, myself. I thank you for your concern. Now what are your demands?" "That the landing rights from the river be clarified and allowed for all time." "Unless a guest wishes to fish I've never stopped them. I agree." "And your generals won't try to claim the territory as their own." The Senator laughed, "They will give me their word before they're allowed down to the woods again." Flavius offered the rope, "Then they're yours." The Senator did not take it. "Your point about others not appreciating their games is well taken. In the spirit of that game keep them as hostages until your departure. Do you consider their arses as part of your booty?" "I could do but games apart I would not abuse your hospitality, sir." Flavius replied. "Forget the game." the Senator exclaimed, "Just give them a lesson they won't forget. Now would you and your companions care to join me for a glass of lemonade." He turned to Si, "I do remember that you were before me in court but don't look so worried. I'm impressed with your new choice of friends. There's a boy governor down South who's introducing big changes to the Empire. I approve so unless we have any impending business you're just as welcome as he would be." He turned back to Flavius, waiting. "I am Flavius but I'm here incognito for a holiday. Officially the Governor, Flavius Aulus is busy on Provincial affairs." "In that case you must all call me Quintus. Your elder prisoner is Quintus Jnr. And your younger two companions?" Flavius put his arm round Jamie's shoulder, "This Jamie. He's my companion because he's the only one who'll put up with me. The other boy is Johnny. Again he's one of Jamie's few friends who can keep up with us. Oh and this is Si. You might not have caught his first name when you last met. Quintus laughed then for the first time he turned to his grandson, "How many of this gang did it take to subdue you?" "Only Flavius, Granddad." Quintus Jnr. replied, "But he attacked before we were ready." "You were ready enough when you threatened them with swords. You can't stop in the middle of a fight to agree the rules. Supposing someone had thrown a knife? Paulus could be dead. You're lucky you're dealing with gentlemen." By now they were sitting comfortably under a large umbrella while a slave served them though Quintus Jnr. and Paulus were kneeling uncomfortably in the sun looking enviously at the cool drinks. "The Governor here disapproves of your changes." Quintus said, "Not all of the educational ones because he accepts that the Empire needs engineers. It's the social changes he dislikes. He's always insisted on strict protocols but he seems to tolerate slip ups less. It's not a pleasant experience attending his Palace." "I've met Lords Tyrone and Stallone. I can believe it." Flavius said, "Most of my nobles disliked the changes to start with but they find it much easier to do business nowadays. They attend audiences where they expect their ranks to be recognised. Apart from that we know who we are. We don't need constant reminding." "He told Senator Stallone that he was senile because everyone had to keep reminding him," Johnny piped up, "I didn't know who would have a heart attack first, Si or Lord Stallone." "Why? Do you have trouble keeping up with Flavius, Si?" Quintus asked. "You saw him, sir." Johnny continued before Si could answer, "He enjoyed playing pirates like a kid but you should have seen him with Lord Tyrone. Two punches and the man was unconscious. Senator Stallone went to draw a dagger. Flavius told him how bad his joints were then picked his pocket to show him that he was too slow. The Senator didn't know whether he was coming or going yet Flavius was still treating it like a game." "Then he had a go at me for drinking and fighting." Si added. "I felt as if I was back in court." Si took a sip of his drink as Quintus chuckled at his comments before Si continued, "I never thought I'd be sitting a sharing a drink with a Senator though." "If your itinerary permits you could share dinner with me tonight and stay the night." Senator Revolonius offered, "I don't wish to spoil your holiday but I would really like to hear more about your ideas, Flavius." "Si, do you have to get back?" Flavius asked. "I can take the boat back on my own if you like. I don't think I should stay." "Why not?" Flavius asked. "I'll have to phone and tell Dad so that he can find someone for the boat. That's not the problem, he'll expect me to get something out of it, you know 3;" Flavius nodded as Si continued, "I have got something out of it. It's been a great couple of days." "That is well said, young man." Quintus said, "Flavius, how do you deal with it back home?" "He gives people chances." Jamie interjected, "His last companion went to university in Rome. Flavius found a boy who was going to court and got him enslaved and gave him to Fabian. The slave got his own chance at University and will be freed when he graduates. Fabian got someone to look after him." "Like I say, I would like to discuss your methods with you." Quintus said, "Si you're welcome to stay even if we have to do something to keep your father happy." Si grinned, "Thank you, sir. I'll manage." "The Emperor would have expected you to say, Thank you sir, that would be most useful. How much did have in mind?" Flavius laughed, "You should hear him go on about some of his court." "That's one of your ideas, isn't it?" Quintus asked, "You find nobility in all ranks. Baseness as well." "I've never thought of it like that but I agree with you." "Please Grandfather, I'm thirsty." Paulus whined. "No point asking me." Quintus said, "You're Flavius' prisoners." Flavius shook his head, "I don't feel like playing any more. We were going to have some lunch together then er 3; make our own entertainment. I'm beginning to feel hungry." "Forgive me. I was so busy with dinner I forgot about lunch." Quintus said waving a slave over, "Please allow me to offer you some." Flavius nodded his thanks and, calling Quintus Jnr. and Paulus over, released the rope tying their cocks before undoing their arms. Quintus bade them stand in front of him. "I'm less forgiving than Flavius."he said, "You not only deliberately defied my wishes you put yourselves in danger. You will continue your punishment by acting as our guest's slaves until I decide that you understand the consequences of your behaviour." "No, Grandfather." Quintus Jnr. said proudly, "Flavius should have fought nobly according to the rules not like a gladiator." "Jamie, fetch the practice swords would you, please?" Flavius asked before turning to Quintus Jnr. "We'll fight according to the rules you set. I'm a pirate, raiding the river bank for slaves. You're fighting to save yourself. If I defeat you then I'll fuck Paulus in front of your Grandfather then hand him over to Si. Defeat me and I'm your slave until we leave." Chapter 4"You're joking." Quintus Jnr. gasped. "No I'm not." Flavius replied, "You still think fighting is a game or a sport. Believe me it's not but you can't understand it until you're defending something. Oh and if I do win, you'll be tied up until we can give you a whipping before we all fuck you. Si will probably enjoy giving you the whipping as payment for his punishment." "Grandfather?" Quintus Jnr. asked desperately. "It's a bit extreme." Quintus said mildly. Flavius shrugged, "I've been shot and I've been on the run after being shot down. Maybe I don't know how to play fair any more but he won't be left for dead, he won't be permanently scarred and he won't have been dragged off somewhere beyond your control." "I'll just fight you." Quintus Jnr. offered, "No prisoners or anything." "No." Flavius said, "All or nothing. Fight and risk your brother or obey your Grandfather." "I see." Quintus Snr. said, "Very clever Flavius." "What should I do, Grandfather?" Quintus Jnr. asked, obviously scared, "This isn't a game." "No it isn't." Quintus said, "It's a lesson you need. It's your choice." "Grandfather I don't want to play either." Paulus cried, "I've had enough of pirates." "I surrender." Quintus Jnr. said suddenly, "I've no choice, have I?" Flavius stood up to stand in front of Quintus Jnr. running his finger down the other boy's chest. It was too much for Quintus. He suddenly lunged at Flavius who staggered backwards nearly falling. Instinctively he brought his knee up to connect with the other boy's groin who tried to curl up with shock. It gave Flavius a chance to grab Quintus' arm, twist it to swing him round with his other arm around his opponents neck. Quintus was no match for Flavius in spite of them being the same age and roughly matching size. As he forced Quintus' arm further up his back so he leant forward gradually forcing Quintus to his knees. They collapsed leaving Flavius lying on top of Quintus. Flavius was still in control as he straddled Quintus' back, forcing the other boy's arm up his back. He looked towards Quintus Snr. "I'm sorry, sir." Flavius said, "If this carries on then I'm going to hurt him. He's not had the training I've had. We should leave." "I've asked you to show him the consequences of his actions." the Senator said, "I admire his courage but he's behaving stupidly. Carry on." Flavius shook his head, "I promised that if he fought me and lost then I would fuck Paulus in front of you." "Then feel free. I can stop this if you wish but that is what my Grandson is relying on. I must admit watching you boys is a pleasant distraction so it's your move Flavius." "Flavius shrugged, "Si, help me tie him up then he's all yours. Don't forget his whipping." Si obeyed though a little reluctantly. He felt that events were getting out of hand as well. Flavius stood up removing his tunic before sitting down. "Come here, Paulus." he ordered. "I'm halfway there but you need to fluff it up a bit before you sit on it." Flavius said then waited. Flavius watched as Paulus switched from sulky resentment to fear then surprised anticipation. Almost eagerly the boy knelt down to take Flavius' cock in his mouth. Just as Flavius felt the tension building up so he raised his head to run his tongue up Flavius' body as he manoeuvred himself up onto Flavius' lap, guiding himself so the tip of Flavius' cock touched Paulus' hole. He carefully lowered himself letting the tip of Flavius' cock disappear into his arse. Flavius gripped him, holding him still. "I can say I've fucked you." he said, "You can pull off now." By answer, Paulus bent his legs slightly, lowering himself further despite Flavius' arms. Flavius yielded allowing the boy to engulf his entire shaft. "You're good." Flavius said, "Who's been teaching you?" A look of fear crossed Paulus' face. "Someone who makes you?" Flavius asked. Paulus shook his head vigorously. "Someone who shouldn't?" Paulus nodded cautiously. "Does he make you happy?" Paulus nodded forcefully, "Yes he does. We talk about things. He wanted to be an electrician and he knows about electronics. He's helping me build my model plane." Flavius looked uncertain. He had only asked his first question to tease Paulus but he'd unwittingly unlocked something. He looked to Quintus Snr. for a lead. "If he's a slave on my estate, go and fetch him." Quintus said, "If he looks after you then he has my blessing. Sorry Flavius, it must be a let down for you." "I'd rather Jamie had my seed." Flavius replied, "I would have stopped him anyway. At least I think I would. He was good." As the the laughter died down, Jamie might have moved into position but Paulus was already returning dragging along a scared looking youth of about eighteen. Quintus Snr. looked at the boy with a kindly smile. "I hear you please my Grandson and make him happy." he said, "What do you think?" "Er 3; I don't know, Master. I like him 3; I mean he's a good Master 3; Young master. He makes me feel good." "You work in the gardens, don't you?" "Yes Master." "Not any more. You're now Paulus' body slave. He'll instruct you on your new duties." The slave's face lit up, "Yes Master. Thank you, I'll be the best slave possible for him." Quintus caught a slight frown on Flavius' forehead. "Flavius you were going to say something?" Quintus Snr. asked "I think Paulus wants a friend and a companion." Flavius said, "If you offer those then you won't always be a good slave. It's not easy to get the balance right." "I understand, Master." the slave responded, "I should save friendship for when we're alone and it's what Master Paulus needs." "What Paulus needs to do now is take you to the bathhouse to clean you up for your new duties. He's also got an empty arse that needs filling. After that he should find you a tunic. That thick great cock of yours looks good on the muscular body you've got but it needs to be covered. It'll be too much of a distraction in the house." Again Flavius paused, uncertainly glancing at Quintus Snr. who just nodded approvingly. "What about Jnr?" Quintus Snr. asked. "Most of the people I enslave aren't bad." Flavius said, "They just repeat the same mistake over and over again until they come before me once too often." "I know what you mean." Quintus Snr. said, "They come out of court, meet up with the same friends and go to the same places. I reckon two thirds of my enslavements are teenagers who got drunk and did just too much damage or hurt someone just a little too severely." "It's what worries me about young Quintus." Flavius said grinning. Si had been getting steadily more angry thinking that they were talking about him, "He's starting off with the same attitudes that a lot of nobles, who get themselves killed in brawls, have." "Er 3; Yes." Quintus Snr. stammered. He had obviously been thinking the same as Si. "Would you try and talk to him, Si?" Flavius asked, "He's your prisoner for as long as his Grandfather allows. See if you can't break the pattern." Again neither Si nor Quintus Snr. knew who Flavius was talking about. Si's life had changed through knowing Flavius. It was nothing that he could put into words but he was thinking harder about his attitudes than ever before. "We'll row a little way upstream." Si said, "It's a good way to relax." Quintus Snr. nodded, "He can do the rowing. You can relax. Your games have had quite an effect. I'm retiring to my room and sending for a slave." "I'll come with you, if you like." Johnny said then grinned, "But only if you've got a big cock." "Humph, No one's complained before," Quintus grunted, "I just hope you've got the energy to cope with it." Flavius suddenly felt deflated. Jamie knew something was wrong as he straddled Flavius' cock. "Why me?" Flavius asked, "Why can't I just hang around a tavern. I could get on their sports teams and just be accepted. I don't want to think like a magistrate and offend Si. Quintus Jnr. has got the right idea. Protect his estates and forget the rest. He's got time to play." "You were playing. You were imagining yourself the pirate captain weren't you?" Flavius nodded, "I suppose so." "Young Quintus attacked you. You easily beat him. Wasn't that a fight us kids do?" Flavius nodded again. "You like Si and you like young Quintus. You're older than them because you see the trouble in what you do so you try to avoid it. They don't think and they walk into it." Flavius nodded more thoughtfully, "I think I understand but I don't want to be more mature 3; older if you like." "I do because then I'd be able to turn a game into helping my friends instead of asking for help all the time." Flavius grinned and pulled Jamie close, "How about you become Governor and I just be your servant." "No." Jamie purred contentedly feeling a mast beneath him pushing urgently upwards, "I'll never read people the way you can. Or fight like you can." Jamie shifted position, and groaned with pleasure as his arse filled. For a time they relaxed, happy to be in each other's company. Johnny and Quintus Snr. dozed contentedly. Quintus loved his grandson who resented being left behind when his parents decided to travel the South Seas looking for business opportunities. His daughter had married a wastrel but Quintus Snr. had to admit that she loved her husband. There was obviously something in him that Quintus Snr. could not see. All Quintus could see was the arrogance that Quintus Jnr. was trying to copy. Quintus Snr's wife was a kindly lady but preferred city life. Through her he had learned that a willing bed companion was considerably more fun than an obedient slave and he had mellowed further as he saw his slaves respond to a gentler approach. Flavius' arrival had delighted him. The semi-serious game of capturing his grandsons appealed to him. The idea that Flavius was trying to warn both Si and Quintus Jnr. helped ease his worries about his grandson. It also amused him that his wife would be horrified at missing such an important visitor as Flavius, and he openly chuckled at her horror at the way they had all behaved. "What's funny?" Johnny asked. "Nothing I can explain." Quintus Snr. replied, "If you're not too tired, how about taking my cock down your throat again." Johnny grinned and dived down under the duvet. Despite himself Quintus Jnr. was trying to impress Si. He vaguely sensed what Flavius could clearly see; that Si was a strong, kind, intelligent young man. Quintus was naturally as easygoing as his grandparents. His father approved of the local governor's ways and thought that Quintus Snr. was a soft fool. When Flavius came to power, views seemed to polarise more. Quintus' father claimed to be setting off to find somewhere that wasn't about to be corrupted then destroyed by the new ways. In truth, it was an excuse to dump his children and abandon all his responsibilities, helped and encouraged by his wife. Deep down Quintus Jnr. knew the truth but it was difficult to accept that he was not wanted by his parents. Instead he chose to blame his Grandfather for driving his parents away, with Flavius the architect of his unhappiness. Meeting Flavius had brought his resentment to the surface and he had been unable to accept that his arch enemy could defeat him so easily. He looked at Si's muscular body as he lolled contentedly in the boat. "Grandfather and Flavius are magistrates and had you whipped. Don't you hate them?" he asked. "Your Granddad sentenced me. Flavius didn't. I didn't like meeting your Granddad but I like him, if you see what I mean. He doesn't look down on me because I've been a prisoner in front of him. Flavius was whipped because he sprayed graffiti. He accepted it to put right a stupid mistake. Between the two of them I'd feel like a real idiot if I got into trouble again." "I suppose you think I'm just a stupid kid playing childish games." "No. You just didn't know when to stop." "Meaning Flavius does." Quintus pouted. "Why do you hate him?" Si asked. "Even as he was about to say, 'because he drove my parents away', he knew that Si would think him more of a child. "He's degenerate. He's a Roman governor yet he mixes with slaves, criminals and the lower classes." "That's me on two counts." Si said quietly. "Yes but you're different." Quintus said, "You're not like the others 3; I mean 3; you won't rob and kill us like the rest would." Quintus was sure that he was saying all the wrong things but did not know what else to say. "I'll be glad when Flavius has gone." Si said, "At times he sounds like my conscience. He's dumped you on me and he terrifies me. Like the way he went marching up to your Granddad with you on the end of a rope as if he owned the place." "I'm always in the way." Quintus cried, his eyes filling with tears. Si had unwittingly rubbed the sore eating at Quintus; the real reason his parents had gone away. It was Si's turn to fumble over his words. "I meant some noble who gets me flogged if I sneezed at the wrong time. If you lived around the harbour like us lower classes I'd take you out when I'm working." "On a boat, you mean?" Quintus asked, "Can I do that?" Si shook his head, "Dad would expect you to do your share. You wouldn't want to take orders from some low class guy." "You'd take, Flavius though." Quintus said and Si could hear the jealousy in his voice. "Not this holiday." Si replied, "He's recovering from a bad time. He's better off playing pirates with you. He doesn't want to be hauling wet slippery lines or making sandwiches in the galley." Quintus stayed quiet staring at Si's naked body, wondering whether Si's interest in him was out of simple obedience to his Grandfather and Flavius. He hoped that there might be more but he did not want to be abandoned again. "Even if I was just another harbour boy, you wouldn't want me hanging around, would you?" "I can't answer that." Si replied, "Ever since I met Flavius I've wondered whether it's just because he can help me. He says he can give me chances but it'll be up to me to use them which is fair enough. So what do I want from you? To tie up on that post over there so that you can ride my cock or just be able to live the good life in your Grandfather's villa. What do you want from me?" Quintus thought for a moment, "I don't know. I suppose you'll go home soon. You'll forget me as soon as you're back with your girls and friends." "Am I your first choice as a friend?" Si asked, "Be honest." Quintus nervously shook his head. "You're not mine either." Si said, "Are we getting on?" "I suppose so." Quintus answered still nervous and cautious. "You don't seem sure." "I am." "OK then let's see what happens." Just then a fast motorboat swept past them making the dinghy rock violently in its wake, the boy and girl looking back and laughing. "It's a pity we couldn't catch it up at the lock and sink it." Quintus said angrily. "Good idea." Si said, "But we'd both be in big trouble with your Grandfather if they recognised us. I reckon we've both got to start behaving better." That evening they all gathered for their evening meal in a room with couches and a single table laden with a buffet. The slaves and servants withdrew leaving them alone. "I thought we might all dine informally." Quintus Snr. said, "Flavius has been telling me about the House of Sparta so perhaps the younger ones could serve the older ones." To his surprise, Quintus Jnr. leapt up to serve Si. Jamie happily fetched plates for Flavius and himself while Johnny fetched plates for himself and Quintus Snr. The only dissent was with Paulus and his slave friend. Yet when Quintus Snr. questioned them it was the slave who answered. "I'm happy to be young Master Paulus' slave, Master." he said, "That's what I am and I'm uncomfortable with anything different. May I serve my master please?" "Of course you may." Quintus Snr. said, "I'm declaring myself openly against our Provincial Governor's policies and in favour of the Emperor's reforms. I'm asking for everyone's support in adopting them. I have friends in the Senate who agree with me, at least in private. I need to know whether I can force a vote." "Senates can't force governors to do anything, can they?" Jamie asked, "Yours don't, Flavius." "They can petition the Emperor." Flavius explained, "If there was a strong vote against the governor then the Emperor may have to intervene. They also control much of the industry and the land in the province so they can make the province unworkable. It's drastic but it can happen. Most of my Senators come and talk to me if there's a problem." "And you offer them your arse to get them on side." Jamie squealed cheekily. He ducked, rolling across the floor as Flavius swung his hand at his head. "Well you do." Jamie laughed, "Everyone knows it." "They think I do." Flavius grinned, relenting, "But you've seen some of them. Would you go with them?" Jamie shook his head, "But you do with some of them. That's when Johnny and me have the bed to ourselves." "You certainly seem more relaxed in your province." Quintus Snr. grinned, "Here, we either agree with the governor or we're against him." "I asked Si if I could spend some time with him working on the boats." Quintus Jnr. said, "Would that fit in with your plans, Grandfather?" "Yes it would." Quintus Snr. replied, "What do you say, Si?" "Flavius has got that House of Sparta thing. We haven't got anything like that so no one would accept him." "And if he was bonded to you?" Si stared at Quintus Snr. "You're joking," he gasped. "No, I'm not." Quintus Snr. exclaimed, "It's highly unusual but it has been done. While he was your property though he would have no protection from your discipline. What do you say, Flavius?" Flavius frowned, "I think that it's you who's using Si, not Si using you. You're also using my visit to further your career. I have no objections to that but Si would be relying on your protection." "And if I fail I won't be able to protect him." Quintus finished for him. "There's a number of artists in the House of Sparta, including Prince Julius." Flavius said, thoughtfully, "If you were to invite them to bring a party of their friends up here for a working holiday, Julius would be only too pleased to spread his father's reforms. The group would be from all classes including slaves." "And having Imperial connections would protect me and, indirectly Si, from reprisals if I fail. When can you send for them?" "I can't." Flavius said, "I gave my word to your Governor that I'm not here on any official business. Contact Julius direct and explain your plans. It'll be up to him then." Quintus chuckled, "Don't use him, you mean. Very well, I'll be as upfront with him as you have been with me." He turned to Si, "Do you understand what we've been saying?" "I think so." Si replied, "If things go pear shaped then nobles like Lord Tyrone could come after me. I can risk that. If you sent for me for any reason Dad would have to hire a replacement. It would cost him." "If it was anyone else I might be wondering just how much compensation or how many retainers you were asking for. In your case, supposing I let you have a couple of slaves that you could train enough to replace you when needed. Would that suffice?" "Definitely." Si replied, "He does take on local boys when he can, just to give them a little experience so it'll only be when absolutely necessary." "If we're back to training he could be eligible for an Imperial grant." Flavius said, "These things don't seem to be publicised up here." Quintus looked at his grandson, "So Quintus, it's up to you. Do you want to explore the world the way Flavius does?" "I think so." Quintus Jnr. replied, "It's a whole lot more serious now, isn't it? I just wanted to visit." "If Si takes you on the boat or even to the tavern then you must do as he says without question." Flavius explained, "If he spots trouble in the tavern and tells you to get out you do it. If you argue and he throws his bonded slave out of the door that's OK. If he throws a noble out of the door then he could be crucified or impaled." "Yes but I wouldn't argue with him." Quintus Jnr. exclaimed. "He's your friend so you're entitled to disagree with him. Other times you've got to obey him. You won't always get it right." "That's what you said to Paulus isn't it?" Flavius nodded, "It's earned me a few beatings. Neither of you should decide anything tonight." "Are we staying tonight?" Si asked, "Dad said I can have a break when I phoned him so it won't be a problem for a day or so. Supposing we tried this bond slave while I'm here and see how we get on?" "Very well but we'll do it properly." Quintus Snr. said, "If you'll excuse me I'll draw up the papers up. I'll include one clause saying that it can be revoked by either you or me at any time. I'll include another clause saying that he can only be be released providing all current obligations are completed. In other words if he earns a punishment he can't ask me to release him just to get out of it." "Could you add another clause?" Si asked, "Could you allow Flavius to cancel it if he thought it was in Quintus' best interest. He understands these things better than any of us?" Quintus Jnr. smiled at Si. He was becoming certain that more than anyone, Si would look after him and protect him. His Grandfather was willing to use him, his parents were not interested. Only Si was protecting his interests. Through Si he would also learn to be as mature as Flavius. He had also noticed the relationship between Flavius and Jamie. The younger boy was definitely the servant but he showed little fear of his master and could speak more confidently than Quintus Jnr. himself could. Just once, he wanted to enjoy that easy relationship with someone and Si was not only the first candidate, he had all that Quintus wanted. "You're due a whipping." Si said, "I'll ask Flavius to show me how to do it. I want to hurt you and I want the marks to last a few days until we get home. I also want to get rid of all your body hair. I think it's the fashion to make slaves look like young boys. If I do it while you're still tied up I can use sticky plaster to pull the hairs out. It'll hurt but you'll look much smoother and you'll be accepted quicker if everyone sees that you're accepting the bad side. Do you still want to go ahead?" Quintus Jnr. gulped nervously but Si was still bothering to ask him. He nodded. "You can back out at any time until I've signed." Si said, "After you will no longer have any say in the matter. Make sure it's what you want." "Do you ever go anywhere without stirring things up?" Johnny asked, grinning, "You're like one of those detectives on TV. Everywhere they go there's a murder. You end up changing the Empire." Flavius laughed with him. "It's not that odd." he said, "How many people keep their distance from us. Si, Senator Quintus are willing to accept us so things get stirred up." Flavius became serious, "I'm more worried about young Quintus. He's being pressured. It's not going to do any of you any good if it's not what he really wants." "It's scary but I want to do it." Quintus Jnr. said, "Si's the only one that's asked me to go with him. Our parents dumped Paulus and me and Grandfather cares about his politics more. Quintus paused thoughtfully, "No he cares about us more but I can be useful so he wants me to accept. I want to be with Si. Si wants the chances he could have and Grandfather wants to beat the governor." "It's still a big step for both of you." Flavius said, "Si, if you go out in a tunic accompanied by a slave your relationship with your friends will change. Especially when they find out who else you've become friendly with. Quintus, you're going to lose a lot of freedom and have a lot more responsibility looking after your master. It can be fun but you'll be dependent on Si. You have to be sure it's right for you." "Si won't want to give up his friends for me." Quintus said sadly, "I hadn't thought of that." "Neither had I." Si admitted, "I still want you to come though. Maybe we'll find out who my real friends are and who're just drinking buddies." Quintus face broke into a broad grin and leapt up to hug Si. "I think that settles it." Flavius chuckled. When Senator Quintus Revolonius returned he handed Si some papers. "Will you read them please Flavius?" Si asked, "You understand this stuff." Flavius complied before saying, "These are fine. You're both protected. Si, there's a clause about temporary release to attend family functions. Do you have any objections?" "No, of course not." Si replied, "He should stay in contact with his family." "I suggest that you sign them in the morning." Flavius suggested ignoring Quintus Snr.'s frown, "Your first job will be to whip the boy and have his hair removed. We're all tired and it'll take a while. Also it might help if he understands his bedroom duties before he commits himself." Quintus Jnr. blushed, worried that he might not be able to satisfy Si fully. Before they retired for the night, Flavius took Si to one side. "Don't deliberately damage him but don't worry about hurting him or using him." he said, "I tried remembering that Jamie was just a kid and he resented it. Quintus wants to impress you. He can't do that if you don't push him." Si nodded, "I'll do my best. Suppose I just want to hold him and look after him?" "Then do it. Sometimes I'm happy just cuddling Jamie. Other times I like to ram my cock in as hard as I can. He sees himself as a bonded slave and accepts both." That night in Si's room they were both a little nervous and they both subconsciously knew that Si's cock was going to seal their new relationship. Si stripped and lay down on the bed. He was on his back with his hands behind his head. "I want my cum inside your arse." he said bluntly, "Get on with it." Quintus was still standing uncertain what to do. Now he had a direct order. Like everything else in his life Quintus sex had been a game, sometimes with a slave boy and occasionally with a willing friend. Only the relief from empty balls had been important. What left him standing, nervous and scared was the notion that it was his first real chance to impress Si, the only person not to push him away. He glanced at Si's cock, knowing that it would be bigger than anything he had taken before. "It's not that big." Si smiled reassuringly, "Use your hands, your mouth and your imagination." Quintus obeyed, encouraged as Si groaned appreciatively. It did not take much to bring Si to the edge. It had been a long exciting day and Si was eager to finish it on a high. He resisted an impulse to grab Quintus as the boy straddled him, allowing Quintus to lower himself gingerly down. As his arse filled, Quintus tensed and pulled up slightly then relaxed again. Si felt a slight stroking action, gentle but constant. He sensed Quintus' tension then elation as Si's pubes brushed his arse. They stayed still and quiet enjoying the moment of union before Si reached out and took Quintus' cock to stroke it. Quintus was immediately rock hard. Almost before Si realised how close the boy was, strings of boy cream shot past his head. As Quintus' muscles convulsed so he squeezed Si's manhood. His hips bucked adding their thrusts and he shot violently and deeply into the boy. Both were surprised at the intensity of their orgasms though. As the moment passed, they stared at each other. "Wow." Quintus exclaimed. Si smiled, "Wow indeed. That was amazing. How's your back?" Quintus twisted his body, "You tell me. You can see it." "I don't think you'll be wearing a top for a few days. I meant, does it hurt much?" "Not like it did. Did I do well?" "Yes, you did. Now I've got another task for you. You're to sleep on the floor tonight. No blankets or anything. You don't want anything to scrape your back so it'll be easier to lie on your tummy." Quintus stared angrily at Si. Quickly, his anger was replaced by disappointment followed by acceptance. Si was testing him, not rejecting him. He grinned, wondering what the household slaves would make of it when they woke Si the next morning. Quintus did not sleep very well that night. Si was right, it was better not to lay on his back and it was easier to have plenty of space to move around. Si risked hugging him when he said that he was still willing to be bonded then sent him to the slave quarters for breakfast while Si discussed details over a leisurely meal with Quintus Snr. and Flavius. Si allowed grandfather and grandson to make their goodbyes before sending the boy to ready the boat. It was Quintus, Jamie and Johnny who rowed back while Flavius and Si chatted. They were going downstream so it took far less effort. Quintus was content with the approving smiles and nods he got from Si though near the end of the journey he could not hide the pain from the blisters that were forming. Si examined them and turned to Flavius for advice. "It's up to you, Quintus." Flavius said, "Finish the task you were given or give up." Quintus continued rowing but finally Si took over from the three of them. "Your hands will toughen up but there's no point in making them any worse now. You've done well to get this far." Leaving Si to introduce Quintus to his family, Flavius headed back to his inn with Jamie and Johnny. That evening he called on Si, leaving Johnny and Jamie to their own devices. Si was out on the doorstep with Quintus before Flavius could greet him. "My parents are having fits with Quintus staying." he laughed, "They couldn't cope with greeting you now that they know who you are." At first Flavius was aware of considerable hostility directed against Si. It mellowed as they stared at Quintus' back who had to lift his tunic to show that he was indeed shaved smooth. Someone made a remark about his young cock and balls. "Shut it." Si snapped brusquely, "He's here to learn, not to be bullied. Show them your hands." Quintus obeyed and Si continued, "That's his first day, a whipping and hard work. He has nothing to be ashamed of so don't make him think he has." "OK but what about the other one? How come he's slumming it with us." "I am here." Flavius snapped, "Why don't you ask me?" "My humble apologies, Your Excellency." the youth exclaimed, "Could you explain what you want from us serfs and slaves." "Well, a drink would do for a start." Flavius replied, "But how about letting me enjoy my holiday." "How? Lording it over us. "If you think that then you needn't buy me a drink." Flavius retorted raising a few sympathetic chuckles. "Yes but if we upset you then you can beat us and we can't stop you. So, why did you attack Lord Tyrone? Some old family feud?" "Lay off him, Archie." Si snapped, "Flavius was helping a slave. Now leave it." "Yeah right." Archie muttered lapsing into a sulky silence. "You were good the other day." another said, "You sure can dodge around on the field. How come you play?" "I like the game." Flavius replied, "A friend of mine justifies it by talking about things like tactics, advances and retreats but he just likes tackling naked guys. He's good though." The others chuckled as another asked, "What is he, a slave?" "No, Lord Crevellio's son." Flavius replied, "The only time I've seen him scared in a game was when he tackled the Emperor and sent him flying." "You're making that one up." another laughed, "The Emperor doesn't play football." "Not in a team." Flavius conceded, "But even a kick around can get serious when Brutus' around." Si looked at Quintus, "Get a round in, boy. Same as before." He glanced at Flavius, "No. I'll have well diluted wine." Quintus hurried off to the bar with the money Si handed him. "What's wrong with a beer like the rest of us?" someone sneered. "I'm supposed to be looking after Quintus and Flavius. I need a clear head." "Yeah but we're supposed to be giving Archie a send off. We need a few more drinks to get things going." "He's in court tomorrow for assaulting a guard." Si explained to Flavius, "He's only out now because his family signed over everything for bail." "It's not fair." another said, "The guard came up behind him and Archie just swung round. He stopped as soon as he saw who it was. He thought it was one of the Bull's lot." "You were in a fight with a group from the Bull Tavern and Archie thought it was one of them." Flavius asked trying to understand, "How many of you were involved?" "Us lot." Si said. "So it was big enough to be a street brawl, the guard and Archie had become separated from their mates." Flavius asked. Si nodded. "How badly was the guard injured?" Flavius asked. "A badly bruised cheek." someone said, "Nothing broken." "How hard did you struggle when you realised who you had hit?" Flavius asked. "I didn't." Archie replied, "A couple more guards had arrived. If I'd struggled they would have done a lot more than just knock me to the ground to cuff me." "What do you think will happen to him, Flavius?" someone asked. "I can't say." Flavius replied, "It depends on the magistrate. If he was before me I'd be thinking in terms of fifty lashes for brawling and a self defence plea for the assault. Maybe I'd give twenty five lashes if it was his first offence." "That wouldn't work. The guard was in uniform." "If the guard had said, 'I'm a guard, freeze' or something like it, then you would be right. If Archie didn't have any idea who was behind him then it is a defence. The real question is, what does the guard claim?" There was silence. "Would you defend him?" someone asked. "Even if I got your governor's permission, the magistrate would resent me telling him how to decide the case." Flavius said. "Please." Archie said quietly, "I'm going to be crucified or sent to the mines. Just try." "Can I borrow a phone, I'd like to make a phone call. I'll be back in a moment." Flavius commanded. The conversation was still rumbling on as Flavius returned. He kept hold of the phone sitting quietly waiting for it to ring. Again he slipped away to take the call. He looked worried when he returned. Chapter 5"I asked Senator Stallone about representing Archie." Flavius said, "He's spoken to your governor and I've been invited to try the case." "That's good, isn't it?" someone asked, "You can let him off." "If I do, your Governor will hear an appeal and overturn it. He'll have an excuse to clamp down even harder on you all because I was trying to undermine law and order. If I'm too harsh I'll be accused of only wanting the reforms to give my province an advantage. That might not be it exactly but either way he'll do his best to turn my decision against me." "So you have to refuse." Archie said, "Thanks for trying, anyway." "If I refuse then I can be accused of deserting you lot when I'd protect my own." "How do you know all this?" someone asked. "He said he doesn't." Si said, "It's politics isn't it? You know he wouldn't agree to something like that unless he got some advantage." Flavius nodded. "But you've got a plan haven't you?" someone asked. Flavius shrugged uncertainly, "I should stop discussing the case now so it'll be better if I go. It would also be wrong of me to ask friends of Archie to attend court and face a whipping. I wouldn't know how to approach anyone from the Bull." With that Flavius left, heading for his room. He felt tense and edgy again, his stomach knotting as he feared that he was heading for more trouble. Telling Jamie and Johnny that they would be going home tomorrow evening he prepared for bed. The surest sign that Flavius was worried was that he fell asleep immediately, leaving Jamie and Johnny to just cuddle up to him. The following day, Flavius had to concede that everyone was doing their best to help him. It did not hurt them because his opponents were fully expecting to put the worst possible spin on his decisions. Flavius could not even claim that he been obstructed. He was surprised to see a number of youths filling the visitors seats. He recognised some as Si's friends and he was sure that others frequented the Bull. Flavius opened the case. As the prosecutor stood to open the case Flavius held up his hand. "Before you begin, Prosecutor, I have to declare that I discussed this matter with the defendant before I knew that I would be hearing it." "I understand, Your Honour." the Prosecutor said, "I believe it was how you became involved. I see no problem." "Thank you." Flavius said, "Because of those discussions I'm not convinced that the defendant has had access to the best legal advice. We could adjourn or I could assist the court with the local knowledge I have acquired." "I have been advised to offer you every assistance, Your Honour. I do reserve the right to challenge if you show undue bias." "You would be failing in your duty if you didn't." Flavius smiled. Flavius turned to Archie. "When we discussed your case, we discussed a possible plea of self defence but if you do then you will be admitting that you were involved in a street fight and will have to take the consequences. Is that how you want to proceed?" "I suppose so." Archie muttered. "I need to be clear. Was that a yes?" Flavius asked. Archie nodded. Because of Flavius' age there were two other magistrates sitting with him. One of them leaned across to Flavius and whispered, "I think that's as clear as his sort can get." "Very well." Flavius spoke calmly, hiding his irritation, "I intend to deal with the brawl in general and then the assault specifically. Will anyone else who was involved in the street fight and who has not been dealt with please come to the front of the court." The youths sitting at the back all stood up and filed down the court. "I do not tolerate this sort of behaviour or any excuse for it." Flavius said, "It hinders trade. Here it discourages the visitors you rely on and someone has to pay for the damage you cause. Back home I would have no hesitation in awarding you fifty lashes and a week's hard labour." The youths standing before Flavius looked worried now. A few resented being told off by someone they considered a friend and who seemed so young but they were committed. Flavius continued, "However it may be that those in charge are happy to allow you to deal with your own affairs which is why they only sent three guards." That was a direct criticism of the governor. Flavius had made himself the champion of maintaining law while the local governor was selective in his approach. "To comply with His Excellency's apparent guidelines I feel justified in awarding a far lighter sentence. I also feel justified in recognising that the majority of the defendants have voluntarily submitted themselves to this court. Prosecutor, do you have any representations to make?" "No, Your Honour. If you wish I would be satisfied with a simple warning on their records." "Thank you but innocent citizens who have been hurt by this affair have a right to see that we disapprove of this sort of behaviour. I sentence you to six strokes of the cane to be administered by the guards who were sent to deal with this fight. Flavius concluded, "Canings like that can be administered at the guards discretion. A simple request from this court will not carry the same legal complications as a formal sentencing before the paperwork is done. Anyone not involved in the assault may sit down." Flavius waited quietly as the court settled down again and then he addressed Archie. "You assaulted a man while committing the offence of public disorder." Flavius said, "The victim is entitled to see you punished. However, assaulting a guard is a different matter. Remove your tunic, please." Although nudity was common and accepted, stripping in such formal conditions left Archie blushing red with embarrassment. "I simply wished to point out that the defendant is a powerfully built young man. Observing his reactions last night I would suspect that had he landed a punch with all his strength and skill then the guard would still be in hospital. I also note the guards' statements that he waited passively to be arrested. I also note that the defendant only discovered that he was attacking a guard once he had turned round. "I therefore have to accept the possibility that the defendant actually tried to pull back his punch when he discovered that it was not another fighter. I'm satisfied that initially you thought that you were defending yourself. "As I've said, your victim is still entitled to see you punished and fifty lashes of the whip would be the normal sentence." Flavius paused, "I'm still not convinced that inadequate policing was not a factor by sending the wrong signals to you all. Many would say I should apply a harsher sentence to compensate for the low guard levels. I'm not convinced by that argument and believe that it shifts too much responsibility to the court. I'm therefore suspending half of the sentence for one year. Since you have already been sentenced to six strokes of the cane, I can reduce the whipping to nineteen lashes of the whip. I would not object to an extra six lashes replacing the caning." Flavius waited again until the court settled. "This time you will be able to get on with your life. Next time you won't be so lucky. This hearing is adjourned." Flavius stayed in his room until it was time to leave, certain that he had upset everyone in the province. He was more than a little worried when there was a knock on the door. Telling Jamie and Johnny to stay back he opened it to find Si and Archie there. "I know you don't want us hanging around now we've been convicted again but Archie wanted to thank you." Si said, "We won't stay. We're having a bit of a celebration." "Come in." Flavius said, "I thought you'd hate me after court." "Why?" Archie asked, "When you mentioned a hundred lashes last night, I thought you meant a flogging. It might have crippled me but I'd have survived. I couldn't believe it when you said a whip. He knelt, "You were right. I am lucky that you're here. I'm at your service, My Lord." "I saw your cock." Flavius grinned, "I'd rather be at your service. Shouldn't you be at a party?" "Aren't you coming?" Si asked. "After the sentences I gave out?" Flavius asked, "I wasn't too nice when I spoke to you, either." Si shrugged, "You were doing your job. OK, we didn't like it but you were fair. Dad says the same thing about driving tourists away and you did save Archie. That's what we're happy about." Flavius gave in and they all cheerfully headed for the tavern. Flavius was pleasantly surprised to see a few of the youths from the Bull as well. The visitors quickly got used to how the others treated Flavius, impressed that he could be so sociable with them. One boy, a blond youth of about sixteen was obviously worried about being caned in public. Others were teasing him mercilessly. "My canings were over quickly." Flavius said, "I didn't have to wait for court dates. I still have nightmares from my whipping though. I was like you and had to wait for a while." Flavius had everyone's attention, "I'd been so stupid. I remember how bad I felt I felt standing in front of the Emperor while he told me off as if I was just a little boy. Then I had to wait for the day. I spent most of the time wondering what it would be like and it just made me more scared. I came so close to claiming Privilege of Rank but I would have lost everything. I felt less scared when they tied me to the post because there was nothing I could do. Then the first lash landed." Flavius shuddered slightly, "After that there was nothing except the pain and trying to breathe. It won't be so intense for a caning but it won't be pleasant. Flavius looked at the boy, "You're the youngest and if it was your first offence put in an appeal. I can reduce your sentence to a warning." "Thanks." the boy said, "You're younger than me and took it. I should do the same." "Well said, young man." a voice called out, "You'll do fine." While Flavius had spoken, the whole tavern had gone quiet listening to him. No one had noticed Senator Stallone arrive. The silence developed a tension as they waited for the Senator to speak. "Please relax." Senator Stallone said, "Technically His Excellency Flavius Aulus outranks me. I should not demand greater honours. I would appreciate a comfortable chair though." "Johnny, attend the senator, please." Flavius said, "If you've come to see me perhaps you'd like a quiet corner." "I do not visit taverns to sit in a quiet corner." Senator Stallone exclaimed, "And I would prefer the young man who spoke so bravely to attend me if he would be so kind." He took out his wallet, handing the youth some notes, "Would you start by fetching a round of beers." "Beers, My lord?" the youth asked. "Beers." Lord Stallone confirmed, "Your friend escaped some form of long drawn out death. It is something to celebrate. You look puzzled, young Aulus." "Yes sir, I am." Flavius agreed, "I can't imagine you drinking beer." "We're too far North for vineyards. My family has owned breweries for centuries. Like you I take an interest in my estates." "Ah." Flavius grunted. "And tonight I wanted the company of intelligent and honourable young men." Senator Stallone said, "So far I am not disappointed." "You might be if we get too drunk." someone called out. "Not if I'm too drunk to notice." Senator Stallone smiled, "I'd like to discuss Flavius' ideas. You may be interested in what I have to say. "The hearing today confused everyone. His Excellency disliked your remarks about guard numbers but was surprised at your stand for order even if it meant punishing your friends. He's claiming that you support his stance on preserving the old order. As I pointed out to him, you were consistent. You awarded blame wherever it lay. Senator Revolonius is claiming that you're on his side because you didn't just automatically enslave or crucify the boy." Senator Stallone took a sip of his drink, nodding appreciatively, "Very good. I must visit the cellar before I go. They're both idiots. My apologies to young Quintus for insulting his grandfather but neither of them understand your reforms. "Senator Quintus is saying that the lower classes should no longer make way for nobles. The governor is responding by saying it's disrespectful. You expected everyone to make way for you this morning when you were dressed for the court. Now you're dressed for the tavern it's inappropriate. I can understand that now. The others can't. He took another sip, "Your reforms will come and I will no longer resist them. It means that I can no longer support my Governor unconditionally. I cannot support Revolonius either. He just sees reform as a political platform." "The old ways were easier for me but I can see benefits in the new." Senator Stallone said, "Now if my temporary servant would care to keep the drinks flowing I suggest we celebrate a new beginning." To Flavius' relief the evening ended amicably if somewhat drunkenly. Senator Stallone was old fashioned enough not to celebrate in moderation. Flavius kept a clear head as did Si, ever conscious of his responsibilities. Flavius saved his excesses for Jamie when he reached his bed, powering into his young lover with all his strength. Jamie struggled to keep up with his fifteen year old master but he was not hurt, just overloaded with pleasurable feelings and emotions. Johnny watched in awe, cuddling up to them as they fell asleep, Flavius' cock still embedded in Jamie. Despite Flavius' incognito being blown he enjoyed the rest of his holiday. Locals were still willing to treat him as just another holidaymaker though he noticed he was just charged at local rates. Flavius took to visiting the tavern each night. He contented himself with highly watered wine but he enjoyed listening to the chat, playing pool and darts. To his surprise Senator Stallone often joined them. One evening the Senator asked, "So, young Quintus, how are you settling in." "Very well, thank you, sir." Quintus replied, "It's hard work but Si and his family care about me." "Cares about you or what you can do for them?" Quintus leapt angrily to his feet, "That's not fair. They're not like you or my Grandfather." "Don't be so naïve. Of course they want something. By being your friend, you offer the hope of a better life. Are they offering you a better one in exchange?" Quintus thought for a moment, "I think so. Si's made it clear that I'm not going to get any favours. I feel a rope often enough but Si's there when I need him. We do talk about how things are changing and what I'll be able to do when I inherit from Grandfather but it's usually about people in general, not about making Si rich or something. "But you could. Surely you both know that." "Yes we do." Quintus said, "We're both trying to make it work for now, though." "And would you agree with that, Si?" Senator Stallone asked. "Yes sir." he replied, "I treat Quintus far more like a slave in public. That way everyone forgets who his grandfather is and I like having him around. He does work hard and it's something we share." "Don't you want something out of visiting us?" Archie suddenly asked, "Don't you want Chris as a body servant when you go to to Rome?" "What an extraordinary idea. What made you think such a thing?" "Flavius' sits here and chats like one of us. You say things like when I become Imperial senator. Do any of your slaves talk to you the way we do? "No." Senator Stallone conceded, "But what's the connection.?" "If you go before the Emperor you'll want a servant used to the new ways. All yours expect to be beaten if they so much as cough in front of you. You've joked about it but you've got Chris standing like a servant, serving your drinks properly and he stands until you dismiss him. OK so you say 'Thank you, Christopher' but it's a dismissal. Senator Stallone smiled at Chris, "Archie is wrong in one respect. My wife believes our governor to be the saviour of the noble classes. I've gone along with it because when I was young I was in love with my body slave. My father disapproved of me being so soft and sold him. I often wonder what happened to him. I avoided slaves after that. It was too easy for us both to get hurt." Suddenly, Senator Stallone seemed to shake himself, "What the hell am I doing discussing it with the likes of you. I warn you if you ever spread gossip 3;" "Calm down, Senator." Flavius said quietly, "No one will take advantage of you. All you've done is made yourself a little more human." "Humph. Maybe so. I've avoided attachments to servants ever since and I've ignored the way my wife and daughter treat them. Recently, It has crossed my mind that I need a new servant who understands what's needed. Flavius could see that it was as much of a request that Senator Stallone's pride would allow but it was Archie who came to his rescue. "We all know that Chris' dad's boat is on its last legs. The engine breaks down every trip and the hull is rotten. If Chris went for this bonding lark, then there'd be fees for his services to his dad, right?" "Hang on Archie." Chris yelled, "What are you getting me into." "You should still be at school. You've got more brains than the rest of us put together. It's a chance for you as well." "I think you should hang on as well." Senator Stallone said, "Bonded boys don't fetch that high a price." "No, Si got Quintus for free." Archie agreed, "You'd be paying for a seat on the Imperial senate." "Explain." Senator Stallone commanded. Archie shrugged, "If I understand Flavius right if you go to Rome, you meet the Emperor. You introduce a servant who's not scared of you, is studying ready to go to university because his family doesn't need him as a breadwinner." Flavius nodded in agreement, "Providing it's genuine. His Imperial Majesty isn't easily fooled." Senator Stallone looked at Chris, "I'm willing to consider it. My family may look at you favourably if you provide a pathway to the Imperial court." "Yes but the governor supports education reforms." Si said, "How would this help?" "Put Quintus into the local school. You'll see." Archie said, "My brother wants to do business studies but he's been told it's not for the likes of him. He'll only get the education if he agrees to become apprenticed to a marine engineer. It's a good job but they want him to be a mechanic taking orders not someone with a degree giving them." "So we all want something." Senator Stallone murmured, "What do you say, Flavius?" "It's Chris' decision. He'd have to rely on your goodwill once the papers are signed." "No he wouldn't." Archie snapped, "Flavius could check them like he did with Quintus. Besides, you heard him. If he cheated the Emperor would know." "Chris?" Flavius persisted. The room went quiet as all eyes turned to Chris. He sat thoughtfully, absent-mindedly taking a swig of beer. "I don't know." he finally said, "If I went to Rome Dad would have to hire someone. If I stayed I could fit studies around helping him. We can strip the engine down ourselves." "Let me put a counter offer." Senator Stallone said, "Archie agrees to be bonded to me. In return I make it clear that young Chris here and Archie's brother are my protégés. They're to succeed or fail on their own merits not on the school's prejudices. It should put the school in the same impossible situation that Flavius put his school in. I could also consider a very low interest loan to Chris' father to be repaid when Chris completes his education and begins full time work." "The more qualifications he gets, the more money he'll earn and the easier it'll be to pay off." someone said. "Why me?" Archie asked. "I was looking for political advantages in mixing with you." Senator Stallone admitted, "but you already know that. Initially I was thinking of a good looking body servant who could better himself. Now I'm thinking of a personal assistant who could help me. It was you and your friends who were willing to give Flavius a chance when you found out who he was. You talk about gaining advantages and favours but you all seem willing to offer something." He paused, "You're all going for punishment tomorrow. You accept it as your part in saving Archie. It occurs to me that if it was just you involved then it was a very small fight." There was an uncomfortable silence. "That's what I thought. It makes you boys the ones worth knowing." Senator Stallone said, "You put together a good plan, Archie. I may have adapted it but it showed initiative. I also believe that your style of plain speaking is quite fashionable nowadays. I think we could both benefit from the arrangement." As Flavius strolled home that evening, he felt happier than had done in a long time. He had not fully escaped his position or responsibilities but he was not as closely involved. After Senator Stallone's suggestion that more had been involved in the fight than had admitted to it, he had glanced around the bar. There was no doubt that most of the youngsters kept their distance. They were affable enough but just did not want to become involved. The easy relationship the group enjoyed confused them as much as it confused many nobles. Jamie and Johnny were asleep in each other's arms when Flavius reached his room. Jamie woke up the moment the light went on and hurried over to help Flavius. Flavius hugged him. "Are you still happy to be my slave?" Flavius asked, "You could go home to your parents if you want." Jamie's hand slid up under Flavius' tunic, finding his cock. "I'm not your slave." he said, "If I was, I'd stand respectfully waiting for you. I wouldn't be able to push you on the bed and rest your legs on my shoulders while I pushed into you. We'd just go straight to you fucking me." "And that's worth putting up with the way I treat you?" "Just shut up and lay down." Jamie commanded. Flavius complied. The one thing Jamie wanted was out of his control and that was to cum. It didn't stop him enjoying sex but sometimes it had a desperate edge as if he was trying to force things to happen. This time he just pumped enthusiastically relaxing and allowing Johnny to take over. Johnny had been ejaculating for a time and eagerly worked himself to a climax pumping his seed into Flavius while Jamie looked wistfully on. Flavius caught Jamie's look. "You're horny enough now." Flavius whispered, "When it starts, I won't be able to keep up." Jamie grinned and lay on Flavius chest, promptly falling asleep. Johnny also grinned. Sometimes he felt like an intruder but as Flavius held out his hand, Johnny accepted the invitation and snuggled up beside them. Flavius was a little uneasy because Chris had asked him to go with him. Chris' father was ashamed that his son had been in court and wanted no part in it. It was Chris' first time and understandably he was scared. Flavius dressed in his governor's clothes before calling for Chris who looked startled as if recognising Flavius' rank for the first time. He knelt respectfully. Flavius could see his parents watching, open mouthed with astonishment at Chris' guest. Chris was wearing his working trousers. "I'd put your tunic on." Flavius said, "It'll be easier to slip off at the time and won't rub so much after." Chris nodded nervously, "Yes Your Excellency." "You can show me those football pictures while you change. We've got time." Although still nervous Chris relaxed a little. Once in his bedroom, Flavius added, "I can change as well if you like but I thought His Excellency could offer more support." Chris nodded in agreement. "OK ignore the robes until you're called. If you can remember stand in front of me and bow your head. Afterwards do the same. You'll look good, as if you're in control." Chris nodded again. Being the youngest he was called first. He remembered Flavius' instructions before marching proudly to the bench. He slipped off his tunic and bent over gripping the edges so tightly his knuckles were white. He groaned as the first blow struck and cried freely from the third. As always, Flavius watched fascinated as the welts appeared. He was clearly struggling to retain control. Flavius hurried over and knelt down in front of Chris holding his wrists. "You can do it." Flavius said softly, "Scream if you have to." Chris nodded seeming a little calmer. He yelled as the fourth one landed twisting his hands to grip Flavius' wrists. Flavius winced as the fifth blow landed, Chris had squeezed his wrists so hard. "Don't break them, please." Flavius again whispered. Chris managed a slight grin and relaxed his grip as the sixth blow landed. He screamed, pulling himself upright and arching his back. He looked at Flavius, grimaced then tried a smile. Flavius remained impassive glancing at Chris' tunic. Chris got the message, slipped it on then bowed briefly to Flavius. Flavius returned the bow, grinned and held out his arms. Chris stepped forwards and they hugged, Chris conscious of Flavius' hands on his bare back. They separated and Chris walked steadily over to the others. The crowd clapped appreciatively, impressed by Chris' dignity and delighted by the support Flavius had offered. It was a throwback to the gladiatorial games and the demonstration of courage that the crowd approved of. Many who knew his family would compliment his parents on his performance forgetting it was a punishment. The others followed one by one. To Flavius surprise they copied Chris and bowed to Flavius expecting a hug once the ordeal was over. The last one was Archie. By mutual agreement he was going to receive twenty five lashes instead of a caning and a whipping. Flavius was also surprised that Senator Stallone was present. Archie bowed to Senator Stallone then to Flavius before sitting naked on the platform waiting to be called. He looked to Senator Stallone more than Flavius for support. Flavius suspected that Senator Stallone had let his guard down more than he had intended and that there was already something between them. Again there was an element of showmanship as Archie walked to the post allowing his arms to be secured. Flavius noticed that Senator Stallone had positioned himself so that Archie could see him. Once again Flavius watched fascinated as the first blow landed and the red welt appeared across Archie's back. He tried hard to remain composed but could not help writhing around to ease the pain. Archie managed to remain quiet for the first few blows before yelling in agony. It was well past the halfway stage before he broke down completely, crying with tears streaming down his face. He lost control of his bladder at the twenty third lash and just hung by his arms for the last two. Si and another of his friends hurried up to help him down, his arms round their shoulders as he recovered his strength. They whispered briefly before the group headed to Flavius. Archie straightened as best he could and bowed. "No offence but don't hug me." he gasped. "I'll leave it to Senator Stallone." Flavius grinned. Archie looked startled then grinned in his turn, "He's not so bad when you get to know him. His legs gave way as if the brief conversation had exhausted him. Even so, he seemed stronger as his friends finally guided him to a medic while Senator Stallone approached Flavius. He almost looked nervous. "Archie's agreed to be my assistant." he said, "Do you consider it a mistake?" "He's going to be more than an assistant, isn't he?" Flavius asked, "Just don't expect him to be like your other servants. You've seen how Jamie behaves towards me." "Quite." Senator Stallone replied, "I hope you can enjoy the rest of your holiday." "It's time to go home and anyway I'm think I may overstayed my welcome." Senator Stallone laughed. Flavius was surprised. It was deep bellow that lit up his face. "You did that when you humbled Lord Tyrone. You certainly made provincial politics more interesting. It was also interesting watching you. I understand why you don't see the need to demonstrate your rank because it's something you carry like an invisible mantle. You're an impressive young man." Flavius bowed, "Thank you My Lord. I wish you good fortune with your political career." "That's what I mean. My provincial governor would never deign to bow to someone of inferior rank. You manage it with all the dignity of your rank." Chris nervously approached ready to kneel but Flavius took his arm. "We're heading for the baths. Would you like to come with us, Flavius 3; Your Excellency?" "His Excellency can't come but if I change then Flavius could." Chris nodded but hesitated. To Flavius and Lord Stallone's surprise he knelt and kissed Flavius ring. "Thank you for helping us, Your Excellency." he said. Chris stood up and hurried over to his friends. Flavius and Lord Stallone made their good byes and Flavius headed for his hotel. He was surprised that the others followed at a respectful distance instead of crowding around him but guessed that Jamie had been giving them lessons on how to behave. For the first time since his return, Flavius put on his House of Sparta regalia, telling Jamie to change into a white tunic. Jamie cheerfully complied, understanding that Flavius was getting back to his old self and ready to surrender control. Everyone from the Emperor down tried to remember that he was only fifteen years old and that he needed time to grow as a teenager. Wearing a slave tunic meant that he would have no responsibilities and Jamie would have to deal with any problem that occurred. The others looked surprised when Flavius opened the door for Jamie and Johnny then stood dutifully behind them. "The governor is back in his palace and a slave can't help with anyone's problems." Jamie said firmly then laughed, "Well, he'll take care of your hard ons when we get to the baths. Come on." "Flavius lets slaves relax with him." Si said, "Can he relax with us?" "Yes of course." Jamie said, "Treat him like you do Quintus. If there're problems we deal with them, not him." "Sounds good." another said, "I like the idea of drilling the magistrate who got me caned but I'll do it in a friendly way." Flavius joined in the chuckles looking appreciatively at the boy who had spoken. Even soft and taking punishment, his cock was a nice size. Flavius hoped that it would grow to be equally impressive when erect. Flavius was not disappointed and some of the others were equally well endowed. Flavius was exhausted as he followed the others to the tavern. Unsurprisingly they all preferred lying on their stomachs at the baths and chose to stand at the bar though to Flavius' surprise they chose to drink watered wine instead of beer. "You said it was your last night." Chris said, "Must you go so soon?" "Yes sir." Flavius replied, "His Excellency stayed longer than he intended because of the punishments but he must go now. It's a pity that Archie can't make it, though." "He said he'd try if he felt up to it and Lord Stallone released him for the evening." Chris said. Flavius nodded, still curious about the relationship developing between Archie and Lord Stallone. It was not long after that they arrived. He stared at Flavius then smiled. "Let the night look after itself and others look after you for once." he said, "Why not. I am curious though. Did your experience as a slave help while you behind enemy lines?" Flavius shuddered, "This is the first time that I've wanted to put this tunic on since I've been back." There were tears in Flavius' eyes and everyone was silent. Flavius might have stayed silent but he had drunk a little and his guard was down. "Being on the run was not so bad. I was hungry enough to lose weight but I was sure I'd get back. It was Andreas." He shuddered again, "He knew who I was. He could have handed me over or he could have killed me so I was scared. He likes to torture kids. It's his thing. I think he keeps some until all that's left gets thrown in the river and he's got a thing about needles." Flavius held up his hands, "Look, You can still see the marks just under the nails. Jamie's saw the one's on my cock but they've healed. I didn't know for sure if he was going to release me or was playing mind games. He could have blinded me, stopped me having kids, all sorts of things and I didn't know. I just know he was in complete control and I couldn't do anything. I'm not a slave now. My palace, Jamie or the ISS would stop it from getting out of control. I was a slave that night and my master could do what he liked. Now I'm wondering if I'm just playing a kid's game dressed like this." Tears were flowing down Flavius' cheeks. Not even he had realised how deeply his experiences had affected him. No one moved, uncertain what to do. "It's seems to me that your kid's games stood you in very good stead." Lord Stallone said gruffly, "I can't think of anyone else who would have lasted more than a day or so. If it was me in that situation with that man it would probably be the only time in my life that I would be praying for a man to take my arse. I'd be praying that I could be be a big enough slut to satiate him without all the pain." Flavius looked at Lord Stallone and nodded. "I'd have done anything." Flavius whispered. "It seems to me that you've drunk more than a slave should and you're upsetting your, Masters." Lord Stallone said, "I apologise for bringing up such unpleasant memories but would His Excellency allow it to disturb guests?" Flavius straightened up. "No sir." he said. "And like a good slave, you don't apologise." Lord Stallone said, "You're just waiting for punishment. Your kid's games is serving a purpose even now, aren't they?" Flavius grinned, "Yes sir and I'll risk another punishment to say Thank You." Jamie had watched the exchange becoming more and more annoyed. Now he understood what Lord Stallone was trying to do and smiled appreciatively. Lord Stallone looked at him. "I don't do things half-heartedly, young man." he said, "And I now support Flavius Aulus. Your slave needed to let out his pain but no Roman would ever admit to a weakness and nobles don't apologise either unless they're drunk. I suggest you confine him to water for the rest of the evening." Jamie understood what Lord Stallone was telling him and nodded. He suspected that Lord Stallone would get everyone else drunk so that Flavius' brief breakdown would be lost in everyone else's bad behaviour. Jamie was right and Flavius got a memorable send off. Chapter 6Although Lord Stallone had helped, Flavius still could not shake off the feeling that he was playing a silly game when he dressed as a slave of the House of Sparta. He knew that he was not a real slave and still had some control over events. The feeling made him a little aloof from his friends which made him feel bad. He was back home and playing football with his market friends. He was playing half-heartedly knowing that he could just order everyone to stand back so that he could take the goal yet he also knew that his friends were concerned for him and the conflict was tearing him apart. There were two guards patrolling the market occasionally watching them. Flavius took his chance and drove the the ball into one of the guard's back. He was in full view of the other guard and there was no doubt that it was deliberate. While his friends looked on aghast the guards hurried over to him. Flavius just stood and waited. Flavius was dressed in a House of Sparta tunic and the guards knew not to treat him any differently to any other market boy. The senior guard took out his cane. "You touch me and I'll have you crucified," Flavius snarled. The guard stood back uncertainly. Luke was also playing. He borrowed a phone from an onlooker before hurrying over. "David says that you're to report back immediately." Luke said. "You can't make me and I'll crucify you as well if you touch me." Flavius screamed. "How are you returning to the palace?" Luke asked, "Are you going to walk or are you going to be carried in chains? Don't threaten us again, our authority comes from the Emperor through David." Flavius glared angrily at Luke. Suddenly he seemed to crumple. "What's wrong?" he asked, "Am I ill again?" "Not seriously." Luke said. Although he was still talking to Flavius he raised his voice so everyone could hear, "You had a bad time after you were shot down and you haven't got over it. I know you think that wearing that tunic is a silly kids game because you're not a real street kid but you're wrong." He paused hoping that he was saying the right things, "Because of you we don't have real street kids like you found in Columbia. They're looked after. Master's don't torture slaves the way you were because they try to meet your standards. You are a real slave in that tunic because you're treated the same as the rest of us. It was Columbia that was different." Flavius nodded, "I just can't shake the feeling off though. It's as if everyone's laughing at me because I'm acting like a slave but I really don't know what it's all about." "You're not just slumming it with us." one of the market boys called out, "You're one of us. We get treated fair because of you. Remember Lord Cyprian's son. He thought he could join in. He gave up and went home when someone gave him a broom. You've shovelled your share of shit." "Oi Guard Dawson," another boy yelled out, "Flavius is coming back home with me. We've just finished the game and left, right?" The guard nodded, "It was just a game, no trouble." "Come on Flavius. My parents will still be at work. We can play on my computer or we can fuck. It's up to you." "Go on Flavius." Luke said, "Nothing happened. Let Stu look after you for a bit." Flavius turned to the guards. "I'm sorry." he said. "For what? Missing that last goal? Stu's waiting for you, you'd better go." A little later, Luke was talking to Flavius' mother, the Lady Julia, and members of the Board of Guardians. For once he was dressed and sitting comfortably in an armchair in the House of Sparta as they discussed events. "I'm not too worried." Julia said, "He seems to be getting better. At least he's mixing with his friends now. Jamie's still worried about his nightmares though." "He's had them when he's stayed here." David said, "We should have done more to help him. Jamie's said something but I ignored him." "Where is Jamie?" Luke asked. "At Johnny's." David replied, "They're helping his dad with something." "There's nothing wrong there, is there?" Julia asked, "I thought Jamie went to all Flavius' matches." "It was more of a kick around after the market closed." Luke said, "It's not a problem." "I've got a bit of an idea." David said, "But it's risky." "Go on." Titus said, "We'll listen." "There's an orphanage." David explained, "The boys may be hired out as prostitutes. If they volunteer then that's one thing but if they're coerced then it's illegal." "OK." Titus said, "Before my nephew became governor it would have been a minor problem but I agree with him now. Those kids are in our trust and depend on us. What are you suggesting?" "That Flavius goes there under cover to see what he can find out." "Impossible, he'll be recognised." Julia exclaimed, "He's on TV and in the papers all the time, nowadays." "Dressed as a Governor and smartly groomed." David said, "Not nearly naked, with long hair and dirty nails." "I'll grant you that." Titus said, "How will it help Flavius though?" "He's got this thing about playing kid's games." David said, "OK Let him play somewhere where he can do some good by helping a load of other kids. He still lets kids stay in the slave's quarters and goes down to chat to them. I'm thinking a stronger dose of the same medicine, if that makes sense." "And could the investigation be done in any other way?" Luke asked. "Yes Germanicus, I mean Senator Susitas' teams are ready to go in. However hard they try, though, they'll be disruptive and upset vulnerable boys." "OK that should convince Flavius." Luke said, "It's worth a try. All you've got to do is persuade him." David shook his head and grinned, "No, let's try and persuade him that he's too ill." Titus chuckled, "How well you know him. Slip the file into the pile on his desk and we'll take it from there or have you already done it?" "I've got it here." David said, "I wanted to ask you all first. It might make things worse." "I don't think so." Julia said, "It's so important to him that he proves himself as a man first and a governor second. Somehow I think he believes that he failed as a man because something beat him. Let's see if a victory restores the balance." Not long after, Flavius arrived, frowning irritably as he saw the gathering. "Ganging up on me?" he snapped. David tried dropping the file onto the floor beside him as his mother replied, "Of course not, dear." "What's that." Flavius asked. "Just a file that I was puzzled about." David said, "Someone thought the House of Sparta might be interested in it but if you're thinking that we just play kid's games then perhaps we should leave it." "Tell me about it." David complied filling in considerably more detail. As he spoke Flavius relaxed, sitting down and listening intently. "So who's going to do it?" Flavius asked. "I don't know. I was thinking of Luke." David replied, "He knows how to keep his eyes open." "He can chat to just about anyone as well." Flavius said thoughtfully, "That's why he's such a good spokesman. Sorry Luke but you're a bit too honest for this sort of thing. Who else?" "I did think about you but you say that you're getting too old for this sort of thing or are you just feeling sorry for yourself?" Flavius glared at him angrily but remained quiet. "This is a set up, isn't it?" he said quietly. "No." David said, "They can always start an official investigation as I said but like I also said, the right boy could provide useful intelligence before they go charging in. The trouble is whoever did it would have to be wholehearted about it and take it seriously." "And you think I'm feeling too sorry for myself." Flavius asked. "What do you think?" David asked. "Maybe but what happens if I get caught again?" "You could be killed or tortured." David said bluntly, "What happens to the kids if you don't try?" "That doesn't really encourage me." Flavius grinned. "It wasn't meant to" David grinned back, "You knew the risks before you got in that plane. You just didn't believe that it could happen to you. Now you know it can but is it going to stop you?" "I really should have you whipped for your insolence, especially in front of my mother and uncle." Flavius chuckled, "Slaves do not question their master." "And you forget the tunics we're wearing." David said, "You're the slave." "What really struck me over there was the poverty and I was at the bottom." "It's up to you." David said, "Are you ready to go charging off again or do you want to take it easy?" "Why not?" Flavius said, "I don't think my life would be in danger. The biggest risk is the fat old men they'll have as customers. What do you want me to do?" "Let yourself go." David said, "Become a street kid again. I don't suppose you can lose some weight can you?" "Don't go too far, David." Julia said, "I don't want him getting ill." "I'll fast for twenty four hours before we go." Flavius said, "It'll be easier to forget my manners when they feed me. Vinnie thought I was a pleasure boy who was kicked out for getting too old. I reckon that'll do. I'll stay smart for the Saturday receptions until we start then let things go a bit. Cover story, the guards caught me stealing food from a stall and I was clumsy. It was my first time. That's why I didn't end up in court." David sat back delighted. So far as he was concerned Flavius was back and so it seemed to everyone else. It was a few days later that David was summoned to Julia's quarters. Titus was also there. "The Emperor's on speaker-phone." Julia said, "The ISS minders passed on the incident with the football but he can also hear the difference in Flavius. We'd like to know how you knew what was wrong." "I didn't." David said, "But everyone seemed to focus on him being tortured and on the run. I was sure that he would see them as getting through physical challenges. I had the idea that it was something else. Remember when we were talking about this new project, I said that he could be killed or tortured. It didn't phase him." "I was going to stop you." Titus said, "I thought you were insane for saying something like that but you're right, he just accepted it. So what was the problem?" "I'm still not sure." David said, "He was caught by this Andreas guy when he tried stealing food from his stall. Now what about the cover story he invented?" "It's what happened in Columbia, isn't it?" Julia said. "Are you saying that he's reliving it only this time stealing bread and getting caught is deliberate?" Titus asked. "I don't know what I'm saying. I was talking to Jamie about their holiday. Flavius seemed fine most of the time. It was a holiday and he treated everything like a game. When something happened and he had to make a decision, he became tense and edgy, believing that everyone would think he was getting it all wrong. It didn't worry Jamie at the time because Flavius did what he had to. Flavius was having nightmares and he was more worried about them but Jamie took everyone's word when they said it was normal as he came to terms with what had happened to him." "Very well, David." the Emperor said, "You're suggesting that his one big mistake was getting caught. It could have cost him his life and he could have been forced to reveal military secrets. Because it was such a big mistake he's lost his confidence." "Yeah, that's about it." David replied, obviously forgetting who he was talking to, "I don't get the football incident though. Unless 3;" He trailed off, uncertainly. "Go on David." the Emperor said, "Your province is still strategically important and Flavius' father was my friend. I really am worried about Flavius." "OK, it was a simple temper tantrum. He needed to lash out instead of being so damned fair and reasonable or the time." "I'll pass your thoughts onto some doctors who who know about this sort of thing." the Emperor said, "I'd say you're on the right lines so well done." "Yes, well done," Julia said, "My son will never understand how you helped him. If he did he would reward you so is there anything you want." David hesitated, "There is but it might be too much." "Tell us." the Emperor commanded, "We'll decide." "My mother loved it here when she visited." David said, "She'd like to move here but it's finding somewhere she could afford. She claims alms because she's looking after Philip and Lucy and can only get a part time job around their school hours." "I remember your brother." Julia said, "He didn't say a lot but he seemed like a nice boy." "There's a house for sale in the road where Johnny's parents live." David said, "I'd thought of asking Flavius if he could buy it then rent it to her." "You get Flavius sorted and we'll give her the house." Titus said, "And we'll pay the removal costs." "I'll sort the removal out from this end." the Emperor said, "It's the kind of project I can give to Kieran and it's good training for him." David sat back stunned, "Thank you all so very much. I don't know what to say." "I know." the Emperor chuckled, "A few sirs or Imperial Majesties when you're talking to me might help but you don't want to lose your reputation for being the rudest slave in the Empire, do you?" David sometimes felt overwhelmed by the people he dealt with. He knew he could be killed for the way he spoke to them; he should certainly have faced the whip on more than one occasion but he knew that he was lucky to be owned by Flavius who preferred plain speaking. He lived a comfortable, interesting life and he felt useful. In return he would protect Flavius with his life even if it meant standing up to the Emperor. Luckily for him the Emperor understood him, accepting that Flavius had chosen his friends and companions well. If David was settled in his new life, he often wondered at his mothers reaction when Kieran arrived on her front door step to tell her that the Emperor wanted to know if she really did want to move. In the meantime Flavius was planning for his undercover operation. A few vague questions about an orphanage hardly warranted a provincial governor's attention but Flavius knew that he had a reputation for appearing in unexpected places to root out corruption and illegal activities. He also had a reputation for caring about people. Checking out the orphanage would fit in very well so the project had more merit than it seemed. It was the guard who escorted him there that had the most trouble accepting it. The dirty, scruffy boy shuffling along beside him could hardly seem less like his noble Provincial Governor. Flavius was handcuffed, wearing a ragged cloth that passed for a half tunic. He also wore an old tattered belt that did nothing. It did not even hold up the rag but anyone seeing it could assume that he was keeping his one possession The orphanage would receive the right paperwork but the guard knew what was going on. Flavius knew him slightly, knowing him to be honest and reliable. The warden took in the young man, standing with his head bowed just enough to avoid making eye contact. Obviously he had been on the streets but not for long. The papers said something about him being thrown out by his previous master. Judging by his body tone it had not been all that long ago. "OK Fabian." the Warden said, "I'm Mr. Hathaway but some of the boys call me Mr. H. You're a bit older than the boys we usually take in but your report says that you stole food but you've no other record so you're here instead of in the criminal system." Mr. H turned to the guard, "We don't need cuffs, do we." "Just for the record, would you sign the receipt sir," the guard replied, "It's only procedures, I don't think he'll be trouble." Flavius just stood neither helping or resisting the guard still appearing defeated and ground down by events but he was fully alert. He was struck by two things. Firstly the warden had bothered to read the report and so he knew his assumed name and secondly the businesslike but friendly greeting. He knew better than to react. It should take a long time for Mr. H. to gain any street boy's trust. Mr. Hathaway turned to the guard, "As I said on the phone, I've not been here long. I was brought in to implement educational reforms. I'm trying to make it more of a home as well but I'm getting a lot of resistance. Anyway, funding runs out when they turn sixteen so the best I can do is assess his educational standards and have him bonded to a suitable master. Lord Titus Aulus takes in a lot of bonded boys and they're well treated. I'll see what I can do." Although uncomfortable at the mention of Titus, Flavius' uncle, the guard replied, "I understand. I'm sure you'll do what you can." As the guard left, Mr. H. turned back to Flavius. "We'll get you settled in before the other boys come out of class." I expect you're hungry but shall we get you cleaned up first?" "As you wish, Master." Flavius whispered still not looking directly at Mr. H. "Come on, Fabian," Mr. Hathaway gently ordered, "It'll be a quick rinse then we'll head for the kitchen." Mr. H was as good as his word even handing Flavius a full tunic as he stepped out of the shower. Flavius was hungry as he watched Mr. H prepare a sandwich. "Tuck in." he said as Flavius waited for him. Flavius gave a quick smile before grabbing the food. Mr. Hathaway prepared another. "Thank you Master." Flavius replied offering a broad smile. "Sir or Mr. H. will do." he said, "You live here so you could call me Mike but the rest of the staff would have heart attacks at such a breakdown in discipline." Flavius grinned. It was a mistake but he could not help himself. "You've not been on the streets long." Mr. H. said, "Were you well treated before then?" "Yes sir." Flavius replied, "Master just tore up my papers and gave me some money. I didn't know what to do though." "I understand." Mr. H. said, "You were probably in shock if it was that sudden. Your file says you were a pleasure boy. I don't like the word whore. Do you have an education?" "Yes sir. Master said it was fashionable." "I could do with a pleasure boy when I'm on nights." Mr. H. said, "I don't suppose you'd be interested would you." Flavius had been warming to Mr. H. but suddenly warning bells were ringing inside his head. It was easy to revert back to the scared boy. "Yes Master." he mumbled, "Whatever you say." Mr H. hurried round to stand beside Flavius, putting his arm round his shoulder. "I'm sorry." he said, "It really was a request. I thought you were strong enough to say no if you wanted. I should have given you time to settle in." Flavius glanced at Mr. H. and could see that he was genuinely sorry. He let his hand drop to the man's thigh gently stroking it. "You seem nice." he whispered, "I'm fifteen, you know. Do you really want someone as old as me?" "I know boys. You can stand up for yourself can't you. You've been playing us for sympathy, haven't you?" Flavius knew that he was close to being discovered and he couldn't fool Mr. H. for long. "Don't you want me to say nice things? Don't you want me to be pleased when your cock goes up my arse?" "I'm sorry. It's your training to make all the right sounds." Moving Flavius' hand Mr. H. shifted round to sit down. "I want to look after the boys here but yes I want some company. I won't force myself and most are too screwed up to know what they want. I thought that you were different and you could help me, you know, a little older and a little stronger but you're not so I'm putting in my resignation. There's a couple of mentors that I want to fire but I can't, not unless I find something on them." "So if I was stronger we'd have sex and clean this place up." Flavius said. "I'd like the sex but I was testing your reactions." Mr. H. said looking at Flavius curiously. His curiosity turned to astonishment as Flavius leaned across and kissed him full on the mouth and grabbed his crotch. "Let's clean this place up." Flavius grinned. "Who are you?" Mr. H asked bluntly. "A spy planted to see what's going on here. Kids like you and you seem straightforward to me so I'm trusting you if only because I don't think I can fool you." "OK I'm going to take you up to your dormitory. On the way you can me tell who's interested in such an out of the way place like this." Flavius was resting on his bed when the dormitory door opened and a crowd of boys piled in. They all wore tunics similar to the one Flavius had been given and their ages varied from about six months to about two years younger than him. They stopped and looked at him. It was not the oldest one who swaggered over but a boy of about fourteen and a half. "That's my bed." he exclaimed, "You get off it and make it." "You're not big enough." Flavius grinned, "You can't make me." "Mr. Black's made me dormitory prefect." the boy said, "Move or you're on report." "I guess I'm on report." Flavius said, "Now what do you want to do, fuck off or get fucked." The boy hurried off. "I'd move if I was you." another said, "You don't want to cross Blackie." Flavius shrugged, "I reckon Mr. H'll look after me." "Yeah he's OK for a warden but he's not always here. He won't last long. Blackie'll see to that." The dormitory prefect returned with a look of triumph in his eyes. "You and Andy get to the gym. Mr. Black's waiting." Flavius saw the look of fear in the oldest boy's eyes. "Come on." he said, "Please, don't keep them waiting." Flavius complied, more to comfort Andy than anything but they did not speak until they reached the gym. "So you're the new boy." Mr Black said quietly, "We don't like bullies here. You don't threaten the younger ones especially when I've made them prefect. Now strip and stand in the display position." Flavius obeyed. He managed to look downwards if Mr. Black caught his eye but he decided not to put on an act as he tried with Mr. H. It was too difficult to sustain for a long period. He stood with his feet apart and his hands behind his head, jumping slightly the first time Mr. Black touched him. The man seemed to be checking his muscles more than anything though he ran his hand between Flavius' legs and probed his hole. Flavius jumped again but did not resist. Another adult fetched a couple of practice daggers from a locked cupboard. "We still manage proper fights." Mr. Black said, "But darling Mr. Hathaway likes to keep his boys pretty without any scars. You should hear him yell if we tell him that one of his pets has run off. The money's good though." The other man spoke for the first time. "We're getting Andy ready for a proper blood fight so you can spar with him. Ever used one of these things before." "A couple of times." Flavius replied, "My old master made us fight but it was only for fun." The slap across the cheek stunned Flavius. He shook his head to clear his head. "You call me sir." the man said. "Easy Stan." Mr. Black sneered, "This isn't a prison. We've got to make our little boys feel at home." "The sooner we get a proper warden the better." Stan growled, "They're all headed for slavery so why worry?" As he watched Andy strip and pick up a dagger Flavius was worried. He needed to lose. As he watched the other boy he knew that he could easily win but it wouldn't fit in with his cover as a whore boy used to soft living. Andy was scared. Flavius could see that the men knew it as well. It seemed to Flavius that they took pleasure in the boy's terror. Practice weapons did not kill but could deliver painful electric shocks. A slash across the arm could paralyse it while the muscles convulsed painfully. Andy held the knife with the blade pointing upwards so that, if it were real, it could slide up under the ribs. Flavius held his so that the blade pointed downwards. He stood with arm bent so the knife was shoulder height and was gripping so hard that his knuckles were white but he didn't seem to notice. His stance left his body exposed; instead of trying to disguise his natural skill he was giving Andy all the advantages. From the men's point of view the white knuckles showed the fear he was trying to hide while the stance demonstrated his complete lack of training. The two boys faced each other. Andy lunged. It was a feint and he pulled back immediately. Flavius tried stepping back but his weight was on the wrong foot and he was slow. The knife grazed his stomach. He did not have to act when he yelped and doubled up. In a real fight he would have struggled to straighten up quickly but he remembered to take his time. Despite the pain it occurred to him that Andy should have already moved in for the kill. "Don't just stand there, finish it." Stan yelled. Flavius reacted by falling to his knees and dropping his knife then looking up at Andy who was still standing transfixed. Stan removed his belt, striking Andy across the back. As Andy yelled out in pain so Stan struck again and again until he was exhausted. "Next time it'll be him or you." he yelled, "Both of you report back here after tea." With that both men strode out leaving the two boys to their pain. Flavius had recovered. His stomach still hurt but he could cope. He helped Andy to his feet and held him as he sobbed uncontrollably. As the boy calmed down, Flavius said, "You're no fighter, why are you being trained." "I'm the best." Andy replied, "It keeps them involved while they find someone better and they make money with the betting." "And we're going to fight again tonight?" Flavius asked. Andy nodded. "The next real fight's tomorrow night." "And you won't be fighting," Flavius muttered to himself. Flavius guided Andy to a mat and they sat, Flavius' arm around Andy until another bell rang. They dressed and Andy led the way to the refectory. The food was good and plentiful which pleased Flavius though Andy ate little. After the meal they headed back to the gym stripped and waited for Stan and Mr. Black who arrived with the dormitory prefect in tow. "We've got to be quick." Stan said, "The paperwork won't keep Hathaway busy for long. You Fabian, take that belt off." "Can I keep it on, Master." Flavius whined, "It's my lucky belt." "OK but if you lose, I'm going to beat you raw with it before I throw it in the furnace." This time, as they squared up for the fight, Flavius dropped all pretence. Even before Andy had made the first lunge, Flavius had the tip of the dagger against his opponent's throat. "Andy's told me about the fights." Flavius said, "I made my last master a lot of money with these practice daggers but he liked young boys performing for him more. He liked us really using our bodies so we were meant to put on a show. Watch! Andy attack me again." Puzzled Andy obeyed. Just as the dagger seemed about to strike, Flavius managed to get out of the way. Flavius took the offensive but as Andy reacted so Flavius tried to dodge him and his own attack failed but he showed off his body as he almost danced out of the way. "I can put on a good show, kill them slow and make you money or I can take them quick and make it seem boring. How about me fighting tomorrow night and the more I get out of it, the more interesting I'll make it." "How about I use one of those daggers at full strength until your heart gives out." Mr. Black exclaimed. "How come you're so cocksure of yourself all of a sudden." Stan asked, suspiciously. "Flavius dropped to his knees and looked up at Stan pleadingly. "Please Mr. Guard, my last master gave me that money. I didn't get it by knifing someone for their wallet." Flavius waited for a moment before standing meekly, head slightly bowed looking at Stan's feet. "I'll say this for you, 'You're good'." Stan said, "So you don't want trouble with the guards again, do you." "No Master." Flavius said before looking up and grinning, "You need a new dormitory prefect don't you, at least until tomorrow night." "And if you deliver you'll want more." Stan said also grinning, "You won't be able to wear that belt during the fight." "I know." Flavius said, "I'd like to give it a kiss before the match though." "You don't give a fuck for that belt, do you?" Stan laughed, "It's a prop. Orlando, Fabian's the dormitory prefect now." Orlando almost looked relieved though he did glance nervously at Flavius who had almost forgotten his own cover name. Andy watched him warily but allowed Flavius to rest his hand on his shoulder as they made their way to the dormitory. "That other door leads to the toilet, doesn't it?" Flavius asked. Andy nodded. "Orlando can have the bed next to it. You can have his." Flavius said, "I want my balls drained later. Who'd enjoy it the most?" "Can I sleep in your bed?" Andy asked, "I mean sleep with you. I'll blow you whenever you want." None of the other boys seemed worried by the new arrangements and Flavius woke the next morning with Andy's lips happily wrapped around his cock. Stan approached him after breakfast. "Hathaway's away from lunchtime today until lunchtime tomorrow." he said, "We leave as soon as he's gone. Flavius nodded, "Andy and me are ill. We should be in bed. Don't worry it's only an allergy to lessons just before the fight." "You do look ill." Stan grinned, "Just one thing. I'll put up with your cheek while you're winning. If you lose let your opponent finish you off. There'll be a lot less pain." Flavius was playing a dangerous game. If any of his friends knew what he was doing, he would be pulled out immediately. However he wanted more than just Stan and Mr. Black. He wanted the whole organisation and this was the only way he was going to find it. The morning passed quietly with Andy content to nestle up to Flavius. They had a light lunch and then they reported to Stan who bundled them into a van for the journey to the disused warehouse where the fights would be held. It was quiet when they arrived and led into a large shower room with a hard wooden bench around the walls. "You're up first, Fabian." Stan said, "Win and you can have Andy's arse. Lose and he'll fight next." Flavius was satisfied that Stan only saw bank rolls and was the dominant force in the partnership with Mr. Black. Being the first fight was a bit of a problem, it would make the timing more critical. However he relaxed and spent the time cuddling Andy as the room filled. On a command from the compère the boys stripped although Flavius was allowed to put the belt back on. Andy followed him as he headed for the arena ready to take the belt. There were about a hundred spectators, all obviously rich. Flavius glanced around careful not to look anyone in the eye. He even recognised one or two as nobles who visited his palace. He should have been recognised, but it was the simple things like his unkempt hair and light fuzz around his groin that disguised him. He was one of a pair of slaves walking side by side without any display of nobility. Flavius was sure that his cover would be blown soon but he was satisfied. As he removed the belt to kiss it he pressed the button that triggered the beacon before handing it to Andy. He selected his knife and climbed up onto the platform, stepping away from the centre to face his opponent. Sweat was pouring off of the other boy's face as he looked nervously at Flavius. The boy was a few months older but showed no confidence as the fight began. Flavius jabbed, testing his opponent who stepped back a little too far. Just then the doors burst open and guards poured in, guns drawn yelling 'freeze'. "Down." Flavius yelled at the other who only hesitated briefly before diving for the floor. Flavius followed suit careful to knock both knives out of reach. "Shall we call this a draw?" Flavius smiled to the other boy whose head was only inches from his. The boy let out a great sobbing sigh and nodded. Flavius could hear threats and curses from the spectators. He heard someone yell that he was a personal friend of the governor and the guards were in so much trouble. Flavius smiled. So far as he was concerned, it was just someone else who saw the robes and not the person. Finally a guard approached them. "OK lads, let's get you out of here." he said, "It's all secure. I'm supposed to look for a kid called Fabian. You know where he is do you?" "It's me." Flavius replied, "Is there anyone from the provincial palace?" "There's a young man called David but I'd keep out of his way." the guard chuckled, "He's been threatening all sorts of nasty punishments. "Poor old David. He tries to look after me. I suppose I'd better face the music."
Chapter 7It was the following day when the entire orphanage and guards assembled in the great hall of the provincial palace. The boys looked with increasing confusion as various dignitaries joined them, apparently ignoring protocol then stared uncomprehendingly as Flavius arrived dressed as provincial governor. "OK, I don't like explaining more than once so I thought I'd get everyone here and do it in one go." he said cheerfully, "My friends thought that I needed a little project to wake me up a bit so they decided that a few days in an orphanage while I poked around looking for imaginary problems would be ideal." Flavius grinned, "What they didn't know but should have done, was that I'd read the reports and a few more that seemed relevant. I knew that it had something to do with these fights before I went. The guards have been trying to break the ring but didn't know where the events took place. If my friends had known about the fights they'd have stopped me." Flavius became serious, "The thing is, they were partly right. I do have nightmares about what I saw and I am furious with myself for getting caught. I still see someone in uniform as the enemy but it's all passing including those flashes of temper. Honestly I think I was tired and run down more than anything. I'm still a little underweight which helped with this project." Flavius smiled again, "I don't think anyone stopped to consider how that file got into the palace office. I thought that if it was David's idea and he had some control, he'd encourage me rather than worry about it but I didn't realise how far he'd go and that I'd get Imperial Secret Service support. "My original idea was to check on the staff, note the ones involved and then pull out. The ISS provided me with satellite tracking and a beacon that transmitted every ten seconds. If it stopped transmitting they'd move in on my position. It was in that belt and I was lucky with the timing." "That's all very well but supposing you'd come up with a properly trained gladiator?" Titus, his uncle interrupted. "They weren't gladiatorial fights." Flavius replied, "No one was interested in courage or skill. All anyone wanted to see was handsome young men dying in agony. It wasn't worth training them. The only show was flashing blades and rippling muscles." "But you didn't know that." Titus persisted. "Not before those training sessions." Flavius admitted, "But I made it clear I could kill quickly or slowly and they only saw the money they could make." "You'd have pulled out if it had got too dangerous?" Titus asked. "I reckon I could have bolted from the arena and out to the road if I'd needed to. Do you know what I think the biggest danger was?" "Go on." Titus responded cautiously. "If it had gone on and I won too many times." Flavius said, "it would have spoiled the betting so I would have been drugged or something." "You really think that you're that good." Titus asked. "No I think the organisation was that rotten." "Maybe so but you still shouldn't have risked your life for a few orphans." "No I should sit in the stock market and make you more money." "You know I didn't mean that." Titus roared angrily, "I meant that parts of Columbia are already opening up. The West Quarter's becoming busy. You help so many and yes, we all gain but you help so many kids on the way. Why risk your life for a handful?" "I've got life-saving certificates from the Scandinavian navy." Flavius said quietly, "But you're saying if I saw someone drowning, I shouldn't jump in to save them." "No of course not." Titus spluttered, "That's not what I mean and you know it." "Titus, be quiet." Julia suddenly snapped, "I've had the same argument with the Emperor and I'm getting tired of hearing it. The truth of the matter is, Flavius conned us all into letting him undertake a dangerous operation. He planned the con and the operation meticulously and they both worked. She had Titus' attention, "I'd prefer it if he shut himself away in the palace playing with a couple of suitable friends but it's not going to happen. I happen to like most of the unsuitable friends he chooses and I'm proud of him for what he's achieved in less than two years. I love him but I can't protect him. I can only worry about him and that's all any of us can do." Flavius looked at his mother and smiled before looking back at Titus. "Your mother's right." he said gruffly, "And yes, you did plan it well. He paused looking around, "Let's make your guests welcome. Are you going to change?" "Yes Uncle." Flavius said, "I want to have a word with Mr. Hathaway first." Flavius took Mr. Hathaway to an antechamber. "The boys like you." Flavius said, "But it's no excuse for embezzling money. You've got time to put it back and make a go of it as warden." "Why?" Mr. Hathaway asked, "I mean why are you giving me a chance?" "I can relate to buying slaves then getting them bonded." Flavius said, "Now you can do it properly, through the system." "I'd have to sell my house and move into the apartment full time." "Why not?" Flavius said, "Andy would make a good servant. He just wants to belong and to be loved. He'll offer himself in exchange." "They're still damaged kids and I'm responsible for them." Mr. H. said. "Yeah and Andy's been more damaged than most. The difference is that you'll ask him and accept it if he says no. My guess is that he'll cuddle to you and find sucking your cock as comforting as a baby sucking a dummy. I have to go. Just look after them." Flavius could see Luke waiting for him. "You know you said that the Emperor wouldn't be very interested in this business?" Luke said, "You're wrong. The Imperial Palace has issued a press release. The only difference is that it claims that the Emperor was fully aware of your plans and offered full support. It finishes up with something about you being a governor of the people making full use of his reforms." "And by implication he's the emperor of the people." Flavius grinned, "I can live with that." He might have said more but Craig arrived. "The Imperial Palace has just phoned." he aid, "They want you to put on one of your impromptu junior functions and allow the press in." "If it's organised then it's not impromptu." Flavius grinned, "I think it's punishment for tricking him. Luke'll brief you on their media release so see what you can do. You'd better have a word with Mr. H. See if they can stay for a time. I'd like to see the original Sparta boys up to David and Julius. Include yourself Craig together with Jamie and Marcus. In the House of Sparta, tomorrow will do." The function itself proved successful if unremarkable. It was more of a children's party with adults looking benignly on. Photographers got their shots and the younger boys delighted in playing football in the great hall. It was the small things that Flavius remembered. At one point Orlando sidled up to him. "I know you hate me but I couldn't disobey them." he said, "Mr. H. is getting me bonded to an import/export company. I'll be a slave while I'm trained up but I'll have a good job after. I think Mr. Black was going to put me in the arena." Suddenly he leant over and kissed Flavius on the lips. "Thank you." he whispered before hurrying off. A little later it was Andy who nervously approached him. "Mr. H. has said that he's looking for a bond boy as a servant." he said, "Do you think he'd take me?" "Why do you think he mentioned it?" Flavius smiled, "He won't ask you because he's worried that you'll be too scared to say no." Andy frowned obviously thinking hard until suddenly his face lit up, "So you think that I should ask him. Thanks Flavius, that's a good idea." Flavius grinned. For him it was the highlight of the day. He was more concerned with the meeting he had arranged. "When we first started the House of Sparta I don't think I saw more than getting out to play the odd game of football. The Board of Guardians would train me and I'd spend my time swanning around the palace but it hasn't worked out that way." Flavius paused, "With Brian gone to the Crevellio's estates outside Rome can you, Craig and David run the palace?" "If you're happy with our work then yes, Flavius, I can." Craig replied. "What about your restaurant, Craig?" Flavius asked, "You could still have it." "Ty and me are happy here." Craig replied, "Zach makes a good slave for our room and it's more than we'd have if we were free." "OK, I'm not going to offer your freedom again." Flavius said, "But I'd like you to move into that apartment next to the entrance to the slave's quarters. Guests complain about the constant coming and going outside their door but you'll probably like keeping an eye on things." "Thank you Flavius." Craig said, "It'll still seem like our own little palace." "What about your freedom, David?" Flavius asked. "I forget I'm a slave." David replied, "My family move here next week, I've got plenty of spare time and I like what I'm doing. I'd like to earn wages instead of asking for everything and I'd like to know to know what happened to friends of mine. Apart from that I'm happy serving you." "OK. We'll sort out wages for you and Craig." Flavius said, "These friends, are there any girls that you might have got pregnant?" David grinned, "No. No one special like that. I hadn't had a girl for a couple of months before I was arrested so I'd have heard." "Strange." Flavius teased, "I'd have thought that you were a bit of a stud." "The older boys got the best ones and I didn't fancy their leftovers. It bothered me that she could be already pregnant but say I was the father." "OK What about the guys then?" "There's two, Gus Tenyo and Al Simmonds. We always looked out for each other. I'd like to know how they are." "I'll see what I can do." Flavius said, "I want you to have an apartment as well. There's a small one next to the House of Sparta wing. You can rotate the younger Sparta boys as servants. By the way, I've heard from Brian. He's officially Hadrian Crevellio's new majordomo and his mother's settled into their quarters. Apparently the Emperor visits as often as he can so it's all worked out fine." Flavius turned to Marcus, "Last bit of palace business. You've done a wonderful job representing me. Thank you. Are you happy to do it again when I need you?" Marcus grinned and nodded, "It's not so bad now I'm used to it. The Board of Guardians does the real work. I hope you don't mind but I visit Publicus sometimes." "He's your brother, of course I don't mind. Has he got you sitting for your portrait yet?" "He talks about it." Marcus chuckled, "The one he's done of Luke's father is something else. When I talk to the stuffier nobles I like to mention my brother the artist." Flavius laughed, "Don't forget that he's a slave so he's no one's brother. Carry on winding them up though. It does them good." "OK the one really special person in this room is Jamie." Flavius continued, "I don't treat him well and if he had any sense he'd go home and forget me." Jamie was sitting between Flavius' legs leaning back against his chest. By answer he twisted his head as he pulled Flavius' down so that they could kiss. "I think that's your answer." David chuckled, "What's this all about, Flavius?" Flavius was quiet for a moment. "I'm not sure." he said quietly, "Don't worry it's nothing bad and it's Steven, Brutus and Luke more than anyone. I'm not ignoring you Alan but you're bonded to Marcus. Your duty is to him. I just don't seem to be able to settle down to a quiet life. Father hated leaving the palace because he thought only he could run it. I know you guys can so I'm not needed. Forget the guff about doing it my way. It's still you doing it." No one spoke thinking about what Flavius was saying. "I like it when I can make a difference." he said suddenly, "The big things are important. The army's not ignoring starvation in Columbia, it's tackling it which is good but they're doing it my way even if I'm not involved. Taking on Steven's aunt, and those gladiatorial fights in Rome were personal and you were part of it. Taking part in drugs raids or staying at that orphanage was personal as well but I was more on my own." Flavius tried marshalling his thoughts. "What I'm saying is I don't want to settle down yet but I want to do the small things where I see the results and I want to do them with you." "I'll help." Jamie piped up, "I know I'm only eleven and I know it can be dangerous but I like the way you want to help people." "So do I." said Luke, "Count me in." Brutus and Steven glanced at each before Brutus answered, "And so are we. What about the other Sparta members?" "They're all younger than us. I don't mind them doing the stuff we used to do but I reckon we've moved on to more advanced stuff. David, you're in charge, do you agree?" "I'm not going to stop you so it would be better if you worked through the House of Sparta." David replied, "What are you planning now?" "Nothing." Flavius said firmly, "I just feel better now that I've got it all off my chest." "Why don't you start by getting the low down on David's mates." Alan said, "If my great and wonderful master allows me time off I could help with the Internet searches." Flavius grinned as Marcus punched Alan on the arm and said, "OK Alan, I can get some of the younger members to act as servants if you want to join in." "I'll speak to Victorrio." Brutus said, "We could do with someone on the spot unless you're planning on going there." "No." Flavius said, "They're talking about my grand arrival when they celebrate my victory in Columbia. I don't want to get involved in the plans. David, are you OK with this?" "Yes I am, thank you." David said, "Please don't go off some sort of rescue mission, though." "We won't without involving you in our plans, OK?" Flavius grinned, "Do you know I feel better already. I'm going to spend today in my office. I've got some catching up to do while you go tell the Emperor what I'm planning." David turned red. "You make me sound like a grass." he muttered. "No, this a provincial palace. There are no secrets." Flavius grinned, "That's how I know it's not going to be easy finding him." He paused enjoying the puzzled looks. "I don't read the routine stuff that comes across my desk. I don't care if a slave rings his mum but a request for a trace on a mobile phone appears in the security log. It's highlighted if the guards are interested in it, so I know that David's already been looking." "You may as well tell the Emperor that I'll consider the possibility of snatching him and enslaving him in exchange for any information the guards want." A little later David phoned the Emperor. "Flavius is learning about palace intrigues then." the Emperor chuckled, "You think he should rest. I agree but if he goes ferreting in the grass like he does then he's likely to find another pile of shit." David thought he heard a gasp and then the Emperor chuckled, "Kieran forgets that I'm a demi-god with super powers of hearing. I know how you youngsters talk. Anyway, if he does find one particular pile then I'm not going to stop him nosing around. In fact he'll get all my help. If he doesn't find anything or he doesn't push it, then OK. He's done enough and he could still burn himself out. The tricky bit is that only you and Kieran are to know that he has permission to come to Rome incognito." "I don't like deceiving him, sir." David said, "I don't even know if I can get away with it." The Emperor chuckled, "I understand. Don't tell him until he needs to know. Give him a chance to stop." "Yes sir. Thank you." "I spend more time dealing with Flavius than all my other governors put together. There's a few that quietly go about their business but not many. The rest are squabbling over border disputes or skimming taxes. Flavius is worth the effort because he's the only one that gets things done. You just carry on looking out for him." David rarely thought about his old life. He was intelligent and had joined the gang out of anger and frustration that there were so few opportunities for him or his brother. He was arrested when a gang fight had got out of control and two innocent spectators had been wounded. The public outrage was louder than usual, the guards round ups more vigorous and David's other activities caught up with him leading to his enslavement. Just before his arrest Flavius' education reforms had begun to kick in and his brother, Philip suddenly had the chance of a better life. Now in any group there are people that hate change. Some fear that it will make a precarious existence even harder, some that it will cost them what little they have and many simply because they don't care. David was an exception because he could fight for Philip. At first everything was geared to that but when he met Flavius so his fierce loyalty encompassed him as well. Gus understood David and helped him but where David sought a better life, Gus was content if he had a full belly and a warm bed. Gus would have been on the fringes of the fight, disappearing if it got too intense so the guards would not have rated him as highly as David. He probably disappeared by undertaking some courier job and by the time he returned the guards would be worrying about other things. Philip was still doing well at school and had not been dragged into the gang. David suspected that Gus was somehow looking out for him and now that his family was safe, he would do the same for Gus. He had started off innocently enough, simply looking for Gus not expecting Flavius to become involved. Thinking back to his conversation with the Emperor he could not escape the notion that the Emperor also knew about his search for Gus and wanted Flavius to find him. Gus would not be involved in some high powered intrigue so what was going on? Did the Emperor know about Flavius' restlessness and was he playing on it? David shook himself. He was making it seem like some sort of third rate palace intrigue story on TV. Then he shrugged. It probably was a third rate palace intrigue but it was easy, all he had to do was remind Flavius that he could not operate in Rome without the Emperor's consent. David thought about his mother. Uneducated and ground down by a life of hard work for little pay she had lost all hope of a better life. She had seen David's arrest as just another disaster and carried on praying each day that nothing would happen to Philip or Lucy. She did not have a phone and on the day that David first phoned her, she was working in a factory sewing shirts. It was low paid and she only survived because of benefits paid while Philip attended school. Her supervisor picked up the phone and listened as David introduced himself explaining where he was phoning from." "Yeah right." the supervisor snapped, "I don't like games. You've just got her fired." He hung up. Luckily he decided to get a full day's work out of her so she was unaware of anything wrong not even noticing when a guard arrived and spoke with the supervisor. When the phone rang for a second time, the supervisor personally fetched David's mother and left them alone to talk. The following day he welcomed Philip and left them to talk to David again. Like a lot of people the supervisor was concerned about protecting his own job but he also had the idea that it might be worth keeping in David's good books. In return he enjoyed hearing the stories of David's new life and the opportunity to sometimes say to his bosses, "You must excuse me but I'm expecting a call from His Excellency Flavius Aulus' palace." Tenuous as the association was he had enough of Flavius' protection to make his job more secure while David's mother found herself promoted to foreman with more pay and less work. Her visit to David overwhelmed her unable to say more than a few words to anyone who spoke to her but she could see how much better off Philip and Lucy would be if they could move. Now it was happening but she kept on working. She knew that a young slave from the Imperial palace was making all the arrangements and that her son had found her a house but it was as if it was happening to a character in a soap opera, not to her. Moving was no problem because she just handed over the keys. Her one passion was to have a nice home. The rooms she and Philip were leaving were as spotless as peeling paper and chipped paint could be. Decorating was an expensive luxury. She took more of the journey in but stood a little nervously in the hall of the newly decorated and furnished home. She looked unbelievingly at the keys before finding her way to the kitchen. Like so many Roman free women before her, she felt at home once she was seated at her kitchen table drinking a nice cup of tea. In the meantime Flavius and the others had begun to look for Guy but with little success. Not long after Flavius was in his office when he sent for David who arrived with a thin frail looking boy in tow. David looked a little nervous. "I'm sorry about this, sir." he said, "This is my brother Philip. It's still all a bit strange and he likes to stay near me." "Not making any friends, Philip?" Flavius asked. Philip shook his head. Flavius tried again, "How old are you?" "Twelve." Philip muttered. "Mum's been worried that he'd get caught up in the gangs." David explained, "She hated him going out alone. She even took him to school and picked him up. It got him bullied as a cissy but she was too scared to care." Flavius nodded. "When school starts again, we'll look after him. What games do you like, Philip?" "I watch the wrestling on TV." Philip replied. Flavius turned to David. "There's no sign of Gus." he said, "His phone's never switched on, he never goes to the squat and no one's seen him." "I have." Philip said, "He's stood near the school and watched me. He goes if I get too near though." "When was the last time?" David asked. Philip shrugged, "Dunno. I've only seen him a few times since you went." "At least he's not enslaved or dead." Flavius said, "That's something." "But what's he up to?" David exclaimed. "We'll try to find out. What I really wanted to ask, is everything ready for that trade delegation?" "Yes sir." David replied, "Craig's even found the wine that Mr. Carlsen likes so much." "Well done, Craig." Flavius grinned, "Heaven help anyone who drops the bottles. I'm glad I won't be serving that night." David chuckled, "It'll just be us poor slaves that'll get the bollocking." "I'll leave you to it." Flavius said, "Philip, I'm going to take a stroll round the market. How about coming with me?" "I dunno. Mum doesn't like me mucking around with boys she don't know." "Has she got used to having a phone yet?" Flavius asked. "Yes sir." David chuckled, "It was only programming the new numbers that threw her. I'll give her a ring and clear it." "OK, I'll change and pick him up from the office. Is that all right with you, Philip?" Philip shrugged, not saying anything. When Flavius collected the boy, Philip just stared. "I thought you was the governor." he said, "Why are you dressed like a slave?" "So that my friends can relax and be themselves." Flavius said. "I don't get it." Philip said. "Mum told you to be polite, not to misbehave and do as you're told, didn't she?" David said and as Philip nodded he continued, "She thought you were going with the governor. Do you have to be like that to a slave?" Philip thought for a moment, then grinned and shook his head. "OK, be polite though." David said, "Watch how the others treat Flavius and do the same." Philip nodded then grinned as he grabbed Flavius hand, "But I can tell a slave to hurry up. So let's go." By the time they reached the market, Philip was chatting happily about the TV programmes he had seen but fell silent as a group of boys surrounded them. "This is Philip." Flavius said, "He used to live in a very bad part of Rome so his mother was scared and fussed over him. How about making him welcome?" "Come on Philip," a boy about his age piped up, "My dad's got that shop over there. Let's see if he'll give us an ice cream." "We're supposed to sweep the road." another said, "You gonna help, Flavius?" Flavius relaxed as his worries drained away. He could not imagine not being governor but what boy wants to entertain a trade delegate or check that the tax accounts are ready to send to the Imperial Revenue Service. Laughing and joking as he swept the street was more fun providing that they did not go too far and attract the guards attention. Afterwards they found a ball and happily played on a mud patch that no one else used. Flavius had ordered it turfed a couple of times but it was pointless. The grass did not stand a chance from dozens of pounding feet and the boys were happy to end up covered in mud so he did not try again. Flavius caught the odd glimpse of Philip playing happily with the younger boys and smiled to himself. By the end of the day he might be able to chat to Philip about Gus. David had told him about his conversation with the Emperor and both agreed that the Emperor hoped that Flavius would start digging. Flavius hoped that if he talked freely Philip might supply background information and help him build up a picture of Gus' home ground. In the meantime, the whole mob of kids was hoping for an invitation to the palace's slave's quarters where staff would be preparing an enormous pot of stew and leaving copious quantities of towels in the showers. Maybe the best time to talk with Philip was when they were eating. Jamie and his friend Johnny were off with Johnny's father and his racing pigeons so Flavius had all the time he needed. Sometimes David joined Flavius when he went out but on this particular day he was busy so he stayed away from the slave quarters leaving Philip to settle in with his new friends. It was after Philip grabbed his second bowl of stew that Flavius called him over. "OK?" he asked. "Yeah." Philip replied, "It's different to back home. I like it though." "Now he's got you and your mother here, David would like to get Gus. What do you reckon?" "He won't come." Philip said firmly, "There's too many guards and he can't afford to pay them." "If I get him he won't have to pay anyone." Flavius said. "That's all you know." Philip sneered, "With that other nob after him, he's got to stay low." "Who do you mean?" Flavius asked. "Ingnashus" Philip said, "He's a prince or something and he don't like Gus." "Prince Ignatius?" Flavius asked puzzled, "What does he want with Gus?" "Dunno. Can I get some more stew?" Looking for Gus was no longer a simple challenge. The suggestion that the guards took bribes had changed that and the idea that Prince Ignatius was interested in one of poorest parts of Rome seemed preposterous. Flavius had never met the prince except from a distance but had built up a picture of a pompous, self opinionated man full of his own, imagined, importance. He would beat up a slave who approached him without permission and barely deigned to speak to freemen. So what was he doing there. Once Philip had gone home he called his friends together. "I reckon he's still trying for the throne." Flavius said, "He should be arrested but he is a member of the Imperial family. With the rebellion in Columbia the Emperor reckons there's enough unrest. If he arrests Ignatius then there will always be the suggestion that he was running scared and starting a purge. Ignatius' own schemes are too ridiculous to work so he's not a real threat but he could be a useful figurehead in a serious plot." "I still can't see Gus being involved." David said. "If Ignatius' looking for him then he probably isn't but he knows something." Flavius said, "All we can do now is tell the Emperor and pull out. Sorry David." Flavius could see that David wanted to say something and waited patiently. "It's one of those weird secrets that's not a secret that I phone the Emperor about you." David finally said, "The last one was even more weird. I think he knows about this and wants you to look into it but he doesn't want to pressure you. You've even got permission to nose around in Rome if you want to." "If I want to." Flavius quietly said but the others could detect his anger. "Even you agree that you've been ill." David said, "And this was supposed to be a simple search for Gus. Well it turns out to be not so simple. You still don't have to do anything, though." David paused looking uncertain, "If I hadn't said anything you would have stopped but I hate keeping secrets from you. I think you should inform the Emperor then stop but I also thought that you should know the full facts before you phone him." "Three questions, Brutus, how about us four visiting your Uncle Hadrian? David, a long one for you. Julius Caesar committed himself to removing the Republic when he ordered his troops to cross the Rubicon. How about our Rubicon being similar, I mean if we enter Rome itself. The final bonus question is for Brutus and Steven. You know I've had various stress attacks since I became governor. Be honest, are they getting worse or better?" In other words, should we carry on before you inform the Emperor?" Brutus asked. Flavius nodded. "I'd say yes." Brutus replied, "Or at least move up to the Rubicon. Let's see how you feel then." "No disrespect to Brutus' family but I think we should stay somewhere else. Do you remember Colonel Villiers." Steven said, "I wonder if we could stay on his base. We'd have transport, communications and protection." "Good idea." Brutus said, "I don't think Uncle Hadrian would like us invading Rome from his estate." "No," David said, "Flavius needs to rest. OK, so we're going to Rome and Flavius is going to take on Ignatius. Deep down, we all know that but let's do it differently." He had everyone's attention as he continued, "Brutus, Steven and Luke are friends, visiting Rome to apply for the Imperial training programmes. They can do it on line but going there, finding their way around is demonstrating their initiative. It's also a bit of a holiday which is why Luke's brother Jamie is coming along. And of course they'll have a couple of slaves to look after them. That's me and Flavius." "Go on." Flavius said, "It sounds good so far." "We'll make it a real holiday, go by train and stop off on route for sightseeing. It'll give Flavius time to lose his grooming and really get into the part. We'll also have the hotel bills and train tickets to be convincing. The masters will travel second class and stay at cheap hotels. The slaves will make do with what's left. The point is we'll be much more anonymous than if we stayed at a posh estate or an army base." "I agree." Flavius said, "So where do you suggest stopping off?" "That'll be for the masters to decide." David said, "I'm probably taking it too far but it'll remind you that you're just a slave. Luke would include art galleries but Brutus would prefer a football match. It'll help the cover if you've got no say in events." "And I'm resting by not making decisions and relying on our Masters to get us to Rome." Flavius said. David nodded, "You'll be in charge of the undercover stuff but you enjoy that. The only real decision you'll have is if we cross the Rubicon." "We'll have to tell the Emperor." Flavius said. "Yes but it's not your decision." David exclaimed, "I've already spoken to him so I'll do it. This is going to be extreme delegation." As the others chuckled, David wondered if he was going too far, especially when the Emperor sounded annoyed. So you're encouraging him to go on this adventure when I told you not to." the Emperor exclaimed. "No sir." David replied, "Once Ignatius, I mean Prince Ignatius' name came up everything changed. If you didn't want him involved why did you say anything, sir?" "Call him the family idiot if you like." the Emperor chuckled, "I'm surprised that you cottoned onto him so quickly but you're right. I can't condone a member of the Imperial family being investigated unless it's high treason. Even the Imperial Secret Service is hampered by that but if a bunch of kids blunder into something, that's different. I'll see that you have some contact numbers but I like your cover story so stick to it as much as you can." The Emperor thought for a moment, "One modification I can offer. They can claim to have filled in the forms and have been invited to interviews. We would accommodate a group travelling like this." "Thank you, sir." David said, "Maybe I'm getting paranoid but I just feel that the more people that know, the more Flavius is at risk." "I assume that you mean that the family idiot has spies everywhere." the Emperor chuckled again, "You could have been suggesting that I should be kept out of the loop." "I didn't mean to, but it does my head in. I end up mistrusting my own mother." "So did some of my ancestors." the Emperor laughed, "At least you're not going to have her killed are you? I'll bear your concerns in mind and see what I can do. How does that sound?" "Thank you, sir." David said, "I'm sorry if I seem disrespectful." "Don't be. We'll call it operation Family Idiot and the chief target Big Idiot. With luck you'll uncover lots of little idiots as well. What I'm trying to say is I respect your loyalty to Flavius and it can't be easy talking to me behind his back even if he knows that you do. I can tolerate a little disrespect and rudeness because I also want Flavius kept safe. He's good for the Empire and by inference, so are you. I'll try to acknowledge it at some stage but not now." As the conversation finished, David was deep in thought. It seemed that Gus was more of a pawn than any of them. He just hoped that none of the pawns in the game would be sacrificed. Chapter 8For as long as he could remember, Flavius had been aware of the concept of Imperial Service. For many in high office it meant serving in the armed services. Flavius started out with the idea of reforming the education system but it had broadened considerably. His idea had been to attend school as a slave. The school had the choice of marking the provincial governor down as was the custom with slaves or ignore the wishes of their governor and emperor and treat him according to his rank. The school took the hint and started treating everyone according to ability. The campaign proved an outstanding success and began Flavius' reputation for achieving more as a slave than most courtiers or civil servants did when relying on their full ranks and powers. Flavius enjoyed his time away from the formality and bureaucracy of his position, still treating the tasks he was given as a game. Sometimes it got serious or even dangerous but at fifteen he still saw it as a game, taking it as seriously as other boys his age took football. Becoming Brutus' and Steven's slave was an extension of the game, any humiliation or hardship a challenge to be overcome. No one who saw them saw beyond what they intended them to see, a group of youths taking a leisurely trip to Rome attended by their slaves. They saw Brutus and Steven as a couple though they were very different in temperament. Brutus was boisterous and a little arrogant, while Steven was quiet but able to calm Brutus. Luke was also quiet, noticed for his politeness even remembering to thank the slaves. Brutus was more inclined to slap his slave rather show any appreciation. Luke's brother Jamie was excited to be accompanying his brother, ignored the slaves during the day but was content to be looked after by them when the older boys went out alone. Where possible they gathered together in one of their hotel rooms each evening for a meeting. Then it was David who was in charge. "Brutus, you're too soft on Flavius." David said after their first day, "Don't just slap him, find excuses to strap him. I don't want him to enjoy this journey." "I get the idea." Brutus said, "But most people would expect us to go easy on you and Flavius while you do your work properly so why the bullying?" "I don't know much about this spy stuff but I'm thinking about how he reacts to you and it seems wrong. You'll smile and he'll smile back. If you smile at him he should be worried about what you're planning. If you tell him to wait, then he sees someone who needs help, he'll go over. He needn't be too scared to move but he should be worried about what you'll do for disobeying you. It's body language and Flavius needs to get it right. What do say, Flavius?" "I don't like it but I agree." Flavius said, "This is different to anything we've done before and we can't afford to make mistakes. When I was caught by Andreas I put a lot of lives at risk. If I foul up again then the Emperor may start wondering if I'm up to being governor." "Flavius, you're just a governor." David said, "You're not a god. You're going to make mistakes. Guys with thirty years experience make mistakes doing the sort of stuff we do. We've got a rough story of what we're doing. I'm wondering if we could embellish it a little. Steven in particular wanted to make the trip with just Brutus. Luke is happy to fuck me but isn't so happy with Jamie looking on and giggling so we buy them a cheap room and leave Flavius, I mean Fabian, to look after Jamie as much as possible." Jamie grinned while the others looked at each other nodding thoughtfully. Not much changed in public. Jamie in the role of Luke's younger brother stayed close to one of the slaves who seemed to look after him well. Luke spent his time visiting art galleries attended by a bored looking David while Steven and Brutus spent a lot of time in their room. By the time they got to Rome their roles were well established and no one looked twice. For the first day they behaved like tourists, for once wondering around as a group. Even Flavius found it interesting. He had visited Rome many times but usually he had been whisked to a guest suite in a private part of the Imperial palace. Seeing the museums, galleries, monuments and ruins was as novel to him as any other visitor. Their hotel was basic but comfortable in a suburban area that catered for low grade civil servants. It was not too far from the district where David originally lived and the plan was for him to go off alone at times to see what he could discover. However it was on the second day that Luke received a phone call from Flavius' provincial palace. They were in a restaurant at the time. Although a businessman might give his phone to a slave to field unwanted calls, teenagers wanted instant access and carried their own. "I've just had a call from a guy called Archie." Craig said, "He wants to speak to Flavius and says it's confidential. He says that he's Senator Stallone's secretary and that he met Flavius when he was on holiday." "Jamie, it's for you." Luke said, "Tell your friends not to call my phone." He hung up. "Fabian take Jamie back to the hotel, please." Luke said, "Sorry Jamie, the bar here doesn't allow under fourteens. You can ask the kitchen to feed Fabian if you like." Obviously a slave did not receive calls on his Master's phone but Luke had given a coded message that the call was for Flavius who needed to take it urgently. Jamie remembered to look disappointed as he kissed his 'brother' good bye and led the way out of the restaurant. Once locked in their hotel room, Jamie took out another phone and rang the provincial palace before handing over the receiver. In seconds Jamie was naked kneeling to remove Flavius' tunic as the older boy sat on the bed. At a sign from Flavius, Jamie knelt between Flavius' legs waiting for him to finish the call. "OK Craig." Flavius said, "We were in a restaurant but I'm back in our hotel room now. What's the problem?" "Not much. It was a guy called Archie. He wants to speak to you direct but he did say that someone was after you and they wanted to warn you." "They?" Flavius queried. "Well he did say 'we'. You know what it's like. We're all worried about saying too much or asking too many questions in case it seems as if we're snooping." "OK." Flavius said, "Let's have his number." "Is that wise." Craig asked, "He might be able to trace you." "I'm not in deep cover." Flavius said, "And there's more of a chance that someone will recognise me. Archie's not the devious sort so let's see what he's got." Flavius made another call before phoning Archie. "So you think someone is after me." Flavius said, "Do you know who?" "Prince Ignatius." Archie replied, "Augustine says I can tell as much as we know but it's not much." "Augustine?" Flavius asked. "Sorry, Senator Stallone." Archie replied, "We're in Rome. Senator Stallone is sounding out support for the the Imperial senate. Anyway Prince Ignatius has invited him to dinner once or twice and he's gone on about how you you're undermining the Empire and how he's going to bring you down. He talks about growing support and he's got the backing he needs to guide the Empire back to the proper order." Archie paused, "Senator Stallone's been invited to another meal. It's just him, I can't even go as his personal assistant but he's going to turn it down." "OK." Flavius said, "Senator Stallone's probably said something about him being worried about the reforms going too far or that he found the old ways easier. Prince Ignatius has a talent for hearing what he wants to hear." "Yes but Augustine was being polite. He's just not used to the new ways and he says so." "But it was enough to be sounded out some more." Flavius said, "Don't worry. Don't let Senator Stallone refuse the invitation until after tomorrow. There's someone who would like to speak to you. Can you both be at the Imperial palace for 11am? Go to the reception in the entrance to the main public area. Give your name and say that you've got an appointment in Room four, twelve, seven. You say the number just like that." Flavius waited while Archie spoke with Senator Stallone. "Augustine doesn't like the cloak and dagger games very much." Archie said, "Is it necessary?" "I don't think he'll be disappointed." Flavius chuckled. Although Flavius did not hear about the visit until sometime later, he was right. Senator Stallone found it highly worthwhile. At first they were treated like any other visitor as Archie followed Flavius' instructions and they were led to an office by a palace usher. They barely had time to take in the sparse furniture before a door at the back of the room opened and a young man entered. "Good Morning, gentlemen." he said, "I'm Mark and I run the Emperor's private office. Before I take you through to him may I brief you on procedures, please?" It was Senator Stallone that was startled. "Are you saying I'm meeting the Emperor?" he gasped, "I can't. I only dressed for some informal meeting." "And I'm not dressed as an Equestrian." Mark smiled, "Flavius deliberately played this meeting down so that you wouldn't overreact." Mark was now sure that he had Senator Stallone's complete attention. "We're going to his inner office. It'll be completely informal. You call him sir and shake his hand. Please do not kneel or try to kiss his ring. He has other business to attend to and may be delayed so please make yourself comfortable until he returns." "I understand." Senator Stallone said, "State affairs must keep him very busy." "They do but today's Saturday and the Under Fifteens are playing in a league game. He likes to wish them luck before they leave. It's not like a state event. There're no flunkies chasing around making sure it runs to time so he may be delayed a little." Archie laughed. "Can we go over the training you've given me on court procedures, please. There's a few points I don't understand." "Yes, yes, don't rub it in." Senator Stallone said, "But I'm thinking that it's to do with young Flavius and it's more important than the rantings of a mad man." Senator Stallone paled slightly, "I shouldn't have said that about Prince Ignatius." "The Emperor won't mind." Mark chuckled, "I'm supposed to refer to him as the family idiot. Won't you sit down, you as well Archie." They had arrived at the Emperor's office which was deserted and Mark was showing them to some comfortable leather armchairs grouped around a coffee table at the far end of the room. Senator Stallone was shocked to see cup rings on it. Mark busied himself clearing up. "Kieran's playing today." Mark explained, "He was supposed to tidy up but he was rushing to get everything filed before he did his homework. I'm afraid he's also forgotten the drinks bar so I can't offer you a tea or coffee yet." "Can I help?" Archie asked. There's a utility room through that door. Would you fill the coffee machine and get it started, please?" Mark replied. Archie was actually pouring coffees for all three of them when the Emperor arrived. "Kieran forgetting his duties?" he asked mildly before turning to Senator Stallone, "I haven't decided whether it's treason yet but football seems to take precedence over his duty to his Emperor." Archie and Mark managed to chuckle quietly while Senator Stallone just looked bewildered. "Forgive me." the Emperor said, "I only allow my immediate staff in this room. They're good but youthful enthusiasm comes at a price. In Kieran's case, it's directed at the game today." "If Archie would be so kind as to pour me a cup, we can all sit down and get get on with business. I understand that the family idiot is sounding you out, Senator." "Yes sir." Senator Stallone replied, "But I'm not interested." "Can you explain why?" the Emperor asked, "Before you answer with all the stock answers about duty and loyalty, I want you to consider this office. Imperially correct behaviour is out of place in here, isn't it?" "In that case, the man's a pompous idiot." Senator Stallone replied, "Flavius Aulus can do more for his rank weeding gardens than that man can do behind all his ceremony." Senator Stallone was nervous and completely out of his depth. Nothing in his experience had prepared him for such a meeting with his Emperor. He'd answered more out of nervous energy than a planned response now he waited for the consequences of insulting a member of the Imperial family. "I agree." the Emperor replied, "What do you think of him, Archie?" "I agree with my Master, sir." Archie replied. "So you should but I want an answer in your own words." "He's a twat." Archie exclaimed. "Good." the Emperor said, "We're all agreed that he'll make a worse Emperor than me. Senator, I'd like you to accept his invitation and sound more sympathetic to his views. I don't suppose you agree with all the changes so it should be enough to exaggerate your doubts. "Once an attack has been planned, Ignatius could rally his legions and lead them in a glorious charge but if he did the planning he'd lead them in the wrong direction so the question is, who's using him?" "And you want us to find out." Archie exclaimed. "Flavius says that the best technique is to be a dutiful slave keeping in the background." the Emperor said, "You can try it but the family idiot will be eager to show how clever he is and tell the senator everything." "Sorry sir." Archie said, "I'm forgetting where I am." "Don't worry." the Emperor said, "But you can answer one question honestly. Why don't you hate Flavius for sentencing you to a whipping?" "If I'm truly honest then a part of me does hate him." Archie replied, "But there's other things. I had a sense that everything was settled and I had a clean start. It wasn't anything he wouldn't have accepted so he was fair. Let's face it, any other magistrate and I'd be dead by now." The Emperor nodded, "Very well. Flavius is in Rome. He's incognito and he's investigating the family idiot from the other end. His father would certainly disapprove of some of young Flavius' antics but I happen to think that he's an impressive young man and it's too easy to forget that he's only fifteen. Now he's got one weakness. If he makes a mistake he thinks that it's the end of the world. His father never tolerated mistakes yet Flavius could forgive a slave who burnt his palace down if it was a genuine mistake. The odd thing is he can't understand that anyone can be as forgiving of him. I think it's something he's inherited from his father's intolerance. "I think his investigation is a dead end but if it's not then he could need more help than he's brought with him. This fear of making a mistake might deter him from asking for help. Would you be willing to take part in a rescue if it were necessary?" "Yes of course." Archie replied, "No problem." "Don't you have to ask your master?" the Emperor asked. "Augustine owes Flavius as well." Archie exclaimed, "He wouldn't stop me." "Augustine, not Master or Senator Stallone? You don't need his permission?" the Emperor said, "It doesn't sound very respectful." "You've made it clear that you want us to be informal." Archie said, "I'm sorry if I've gone too far but I'll kneel and call him Master when it's appropriate. Other times I can be myself." "Senator Stallone." the Emperor said, "I'm impressed. Not many have taken on the reforms as wholeheartedly as you have. How determined are you to become an Imperial senator? There's a governorship becoming vacant soon. The dying governor was so fond of his whores that he forgot to produce a legitimate heir. Would you be interested?" "Yes of course. I'd be honoured but why me?" "Ever since you first spoke with the family idiot you've been watched. You're right Archie, when needed your behaviour is impeccable. In here it's been interesting. You offered to help Mark didn't you. He would never have asked. You've spoken your mind without even looking at Senator Stallone. I've known people seeking positions to claim to be in favour of the reforms but the servant, even if he's a free boy, sits on the edge of the chair and won't even pick up his cup without being asked." "So this has all been a test?" Archie said. "No everything you've heard is true. I'd like you to help find out what the family idiot's up to. I'd like you to be there for Flavius but didn't you think talking about Flavius the way I did was a little odd?" "Not now I don't." Archie replied, "You wanted to know if I'd be pleased that he's got problems." "Very good." the Emperor replied, "I was watching your reactions in general. Adults have too much practice and experience in disguising their feelings. "I'm going to the match so you'll have to excuse me now. Kieran always seems so disappointed if I can't make it. If you phone or visit ask for that room and you'll be put through to this office." Senator Stallone headed for the nearest tavern and ordered stiff drinks for them both. "What do you make of it all, Archie?" he said at last. "The Emperor's more worried about Prince Ignatius than he'll admit." Archie said, "Or maybe his position's a lot weaker than it seems. There's plenty that would start a civil war rather than accept the reforms." "Suggesting that the Emperor could be overthrown is treason, Archie." Senator Stallone said, "But you're right and I tell you something else. I've not been offered the governorship. You've been offered the position of governor's companion and I'm just tagging along as governor." "I'm sure it's not like that,sir." Archie exclaimed. "I'm proud of you." Senator Stallone said, "You knew how to respond and I felt like the country bumpkin. I should adopt you and make you my heir." "It'll annoy your daughters." Archie said lightly. "I'm serious." Senator Stallone said sharply, "You're the court favourite so you'll improve their marriage prospects. Even my wife will acknowledge you for that. Do all the hard work, allow my son his stables and racing cars and he'll be onside as well." Archie was close in his assessments of the situation. What he did not know was that the Emperor really was worried. The Imperial Secret Service were also investigating Prince Ignatius but with little success. Their problem was that he was aligning himself to a whole raft of organisations dedicated to returning the Empire to it's glorious past. Each organisation had a different idea of what that meant but loosely they agreed it was when the Emperor had absolute powers and led his armies to victory. There were those that saw the war on drugs as a war on free trade, cooperation with Scandinavia as abject surrender and even the campaign against corruption as hampering legitimate ways of making money from being in office. The various organisations consisted of wealthy men who had a host of legal business enterprises. The ISS had to investigate each individual and every connection they had and were not even sure what they were looking for. The only thing they were certain of was that Prince Ignatius was following a familiar pattern to recruit supporters and he was being uncharacteristically tolerant of the lower classes. Normally the ISS would protest at Flavius' involvement but they developed enough respect for him to grudgingly accept that he could go where the they could not. The ISS did not take on enemy agents in massive gun battles as depicted on TV. They saw themselves as detectives and intelligence gatherers amassing information. Had he been more middle class, Senator Stallone would have been an ideal candidate. Steady, conservative in that he did not like change but willing to embrace it when he fully understood the arguments, he could not have been more different to the heroes of TV. The ISS welcomed his involvement saving any doubts for his upstart companion who they saw as too wild and intelligent to be useful. The Emperor agreed with the ISS' assessments but not their conclusions. He thought that Archie was the driving force encouraging Senator Stallone to be more adventurous in his efforts to gain high office. The result was that, instead of looking benignly down on the proceedings from above the Emperor was actively coordinating a vital intelligence operation and he was hoping that he would not get Flavius killed. Flavius himself was talking to David. "Gus has been seen." he said, "But people don't trust me any more." He grinned, "Here I am in slave brown and I'm too much of a toff. You're right, ungroomed hair and long nails make all the difference. I should have let myself go a bit but I didn't think I'd be the outsider." "Are you saying that I should nose around a bit? Flavius asked. David stared at him for a long time, reluctant to answer. "You could get away with it." he said slowly, "Providing you don't get a knife in your back. The thing is, I think you need to live rough and survive by pickpocketing or something. I'm not sure that you should rob innocent people though." "I thought you disapproved of all this." Flavius said, looking at David quizzically. "Supposing I said, 'Let's go home'." David said, "Would you do it?" As Flavius tried to answer, David raised his hand to stop him. "You're going to say that you'd be letting the Emperor down. Besides your cock's twitching at the thought of playing spies again." Flavius grinned and nodded. "OK." David said, "You're here as a slave of the House of Sparta not as provincial governor so it's my decision. Can you convince me that you're well and over your experiences in Columbia?" "I doubt it." Flavius said, "I did OK with the orphanage business and with all those arrests. This time, the worst that can happen if I'm caught is that they'll know that they're being investigated. It's not too surprising that they're under suspicion, is it?" "So you don't feel under pressure?" David asked. "I do." Flavius replied, "There's always people going to say that I'm too young to be governor but I think even my father would realise that things can go wrong undercover." "OK it's your choice." David said, "What do you intend doing?" "There's always ISS minders keeping an eye on me. I'll have to give them the slip. I'd also like ISS agents who don't know me to wander around forums and markets in the neighbouring districts. They're to react like ordinary citizens if they lose anything and enter it in their reports." David looked at him quizzically. "I can spot agents. They always seem tense and they're always glancing around." Flavius explained, "It'll be be worse for that lot because they won't know what's going on. I'll find a squat in your district, David and flash a bit money around. If anyone's suspicious they can follow me and watch me at work." "I wouldn't flash money around." David said, "There's some that would slit your throat for it." "And there's some that would make me an offer I can't refuse. You know, protection for a suitable fee. About ninety per cent isn't it?" David smiled, "And you'll be able to distinguish the different threats?" "You say that the districts here are as tightly knit as back home. Then strangers will get known pretty quick. If I'm flashing money around in the afternoon and scrounging a meal in the evening, I should be OK." David nodded, "If you get the Emperor's support then I won't stop you but I think you're going to have more trouble persuading Jamie." Flavius chuckled as he picked up his phone to call the Emperor. The Emperor listened carefully but remained silent. "No one expects a young teenager to be a spy." he said at last, "It's worth a try. You know the risks better than anyone so are you sure that you want to go ahead?" "Yes sir." Flavius replied, "Being a slave in the House of Sparta was part of my Imperial Service. I can use what I've learnt and make a difference." "You've already done that." the Emperor said, "My instructions are to use your street knowledge to find out out what you can about Prince Ignatius activities. Do whatever is necessary to maintain your cover and do not take unnecessary risks. I'll put it in an Imperial edict and send it to the House of Sparta. I'll not put out ISS agents as your marks they'll never react properly. Use members of the public. We'll compensate them when you're done." Flavius was flushed and his cock became erect as he considered his orders. Despite the danger, he had a real adventure before him. "Listen to me, Flavius." the Emperor said, "The ISS can give you beacons and trackers but it's still going to be very dangerous. Your father should be very proud of you and I'm proud to be your Emperor. No one's going to pull you out until you say but I want a live hero to parade around, not a dead one. Do you understand?" "Yes sir." Flavius replied cheerfully, "Thank you." "Maybe I'm labouring the point." the Emperor continued, "Probably not so much in Columbia but you treat these escapades as a game. That's fine. Pull out when it stops being a game." Jamie understood more than anyone how excited Flavius was as the older boy ploughed into him that night. Flavius tried to be gentle and considerate to Jamie but there were times when he needed to release his pent up energy. Wise beyond his years, Jamie accepted all of Flavius' moods without complaint. The Emperor probably was right and he was labouring the point but again it came back to remembering that Flavius was only fifteen. Like any fifteen year old he wanted to push the boundaries, was competitive and wanted his independence. Being governor meant that he had few boundaries to push, and his life was already planned. He could show off his physical prowess in sport but it was not enough. His position meant that he had to be the equal of the adults he dealt with. The House of Sparta had done a remarkable job of developing his talents and had prevented him from becoming a vain, self-important fop. Where the House of Sparta was intended for him to mix with other youths on an equal basis, Flavius had discovered a true freedom in taking it one step further. By going under cover he was working in a way that his father could not understand and so could not criticise. No one could remind him to behave like the governor and he was demonstrating just how strong and resourceful he was. Although escaping through enemy lines in Columbia was extreme he relied on being a thief, as far from being a governor as he could get. Despite his typical teen rebelliousness, Flavius was only too aware of his responsibilities as governor and it was fears that he was not up to the task that caused his emotional upsets. Flavius was beginning to think in terms of finding a wife and having children. The thinking was still in the background but he was aware that his adventures were turning him into a very attractive hero. He was also aware of Jamie's pride in being his boy and whatever else happened, for Flavius, home would always be where Jamie was. There was also a degree of adolescent excitement when he visited a safe house to be given his tracker and alarm beacon. As before they were in an old belt. It was cheap and scruffy, obviously of some sort of sentimental value because Flavius would keep fingering it but it was nothing worth stealing. This time, Flavius would need a clean half tunic. Being clean would allow him to get close to his marks. No matter what permission he had from the Emperor he had to watch out for the guards and he needed his targets relaxed and off guard. It was all part of the skills that he had chosen to develop rather than had been expected to learn and he proudly left the ISS agents reeling as he confidently lifted their wallets and even their watches. They had expected to be babysitting a spoilt brat of a noble and it must have been a unique situation where the staunchest upholders of law and order admired a youth's skills as a thief. It was going to take time to settle into his part. Unless he was lucky he was not going to find Gus very easily and he would still have to gain his trust. He could give up at any time but his pride would never permit it and his biggest regret was that he would be parted from Jamie again. However, at least Rome's ISS agents took him seriously enough to plant a false runaway slave report as he slipped out of the hotel. His first act under cover was to steal two, off white, well used tunics from a line of washing to replace the brown tunic he had been wearing. Later the astonished victim received four half tunics of the finest quality and a letter of thanks from the Imperial palace for his assistance in a matter of vital importance. A prosperous merchant received similar treatment when his stolen wallet was later returned to him but but that was later. Long before he even knew that it was missing, Flavius was finding his way through a broken fence into the back of an empty office. It was a wooden building standing alone while the owner decided whether it was cheaper to pull it down and rebuild, or repair it. The ISS correctly guessed that Flavius intended to live there and immediately contacted the owner who found himself being paid a very handsome rent with instructions to forget that the place existed. It was the only help the ISS could offer and not even Flavius knew that they had intervened. The first time Flavius wandered into the area that Gus frequented he was distinctly nervous, warily watching the guards he sauntered past heading for Gus' favourite tavern. He got lost once or twice but managed to find it. He ordered himself a beer displaying a wad of notes. "You look flush." a young man of about seventeen said. "Not bad for my first day in Rome." Flavius smiled, "At least as a free boy." "Runaway or kicked out?" the young man asked. "I'm still a great cocksucker." Flavius smiled, "But his cock didn't deserve me." "So where did you get that money?" the young man asked. "You ask too many questions." Flavius exclaimed, "You in with the guards?" "No way. Just being friendly. You need some one to look after you if you're new here." There was the sound of breaking glass and Flavius was holding the neck of a broken bottle, the sharp points only too obvious. "You think so?" Flavius asked calmly, "I'll buy you a friendly drink. How about a meal? But I'll ask for help if I need it." The young man spread his hands, palms up. "I didn't mean anything by it." he said, "But you do need some help. People don't like outsiders round here." Flavius suddenly laughed, aware that the tavern had gone quiet and everyone was watching him. He looked for the landlord handing him some notes. "Sorry about the mess." he said, "I don't like being told what to do." The landlord counted the money, shrugged and sent for another round for Flavius and the young man. "I ought to do you for threatening me." the young man said. "Jeans and clothes with pockets seem fashionable in Rome." Flavius replied, "I suppose you think the jacket hides the knife in your back pocket and the gun in your inside pocket." The young man frowned, "You probably saw the gun but how did you know about the knife?" "Why do you think I stumbled against you when I got out the landlords way?" Flavius asked, "I'd put your wallet in another pocket. You draw that gun and it could pull the wallet out as well. It's not a good idea to drop it at a crime scene." Flavius was deliberately showing off, making himself out to be a force to reckoned with. He could see that other customers were watching and listening. They were not in awe of him but there was a wariness about them if they caught him looking at them. "Fucking Hell." the young man exclaimed, "Where did you come from?" Flavius frowned, "Nowhere I want to go back to and nowhere I want to talk about. OK?" The young man nodded, "Fair enough. You got anywhere to kip?" Flavius nodded, "I sleep better with a cock in my arse though. My name's Jerry." "I'm Al. It's a pity you're not a soft touch. You see that guy that's just come in. I owe him and he won't wait much longer." Flavius took the wad notes from the pouch that hung from his belt and handed them to Al. "Is that enough to keep him quiet for a day or two?" "Yeah sure but then I'll owe you." "No you won't because you're going to help me get some more, tomorrow." Flavius cheerfully said. Al looked at him. "I look innocent in a half tunic." Flavius said, "Even if I am a thief how can I hide anything. He paused and grinned, "I spend a lot of time scratching my crotch. Even if anyone does look, they think about what I'm scratching not what I'm holding under the tunic. The trouble is I can only take one mark then I have to stash his wallet somewhere. If I could pass them onto you I could do three or four before it got too hot." "OK and I know someone who'll buy the cards." Al said. "No, strictly cash." Flavius said, "I'm not leaving a trail." Flavius might have explained more but the man Al mentioned swaggered over followed by a couple of goons. "You got my money?" he asked without any preliminaries. Al glanced at Flavius before turning to the newcomer. "I've a little on account, Serge." he replied, "I'll get the rest in a day or two." Flavius stood up, trying to push past Serge who shoved him back into his seat. "What's this, Al?" Serge sneered, "Got yourself a little pet? Maybe I'll take him on account." "You can try." Flavius said, "But I'll slit your nose so wide you'll breathe through your ears." Serge glared angrily at Flavius, before grinning, "You've got spunk boy, I'll enjoy taming you." "You will or your mates will?" The challenge was in the tone of Flavius' voice. Serge lost his grin, "Careful boy or it'll be more than your nose that gets split." "You'll need a knife to do that," Flavius said quietly. Serge frowned, not understanding at first then his hand shot to his pocket. All eyes turned to Flavius who was calmly opening the knife in his hand. "I don't like toys like this." Flavius said, "I prefer something heavier. I'll break this if I shove it between your ribs." Serge was looking helplessly around. The crowd had taken the point that he should be able to take care of a mere boy alone but he was completely out of control of events. Flavius was trying to avoid a fight so he had to give Serge a chance to save face. "I don't want to fight you." Flavius said, "You could win, and I don't want trouble either. What say you give us a few days to get Al's money plus ten per cent interest?" Flavius had given Serge a little control of the situation. He could calm things down or risk taking Flavius on. The suggestion that Flavius had killed before decided him. "Fifty per cent." he snarled, "Three days." Serge strode for the door leaving Flavius with the knife. Flavius could not hand it back and Serge could not ask for it without giving the incident too much importance. Suddenly Flavius was exhausted. He had expected that there would be trouble before he was accepted but not so much so soon. He turned to Al. "So you got a bed for me or not?" Flavius asked, "The cock's optional." Al grinned, "Come on Bruiser. Let's have a piece of your arse before you get yourself killed." |