SockluverCody and the WombatChapters 5-8Chapter 5As Cody rubbed the soap onto Brent's trembling body, he couldn't help stare at his little bro's still skinned cock. He was ashamed of his feelings of jealousy almost instantly. It wasn't Brent's fault that he had been duped, kidnapped, shaved, circumcised, pierced, tattooed, and forced into submission to a younger but sadistic master. As he rubbed soap around Brent's smooth thirteen-year-old body, he noticed the little guy's pricklet start to rise. This caused his own cock to start to react, much to his embarrassment."Cody, what shot out of my dick? When I was watching you, the captain touched me, then I felt all funny, then wham! I messed myself," Brent asked. "That was sperm Brent. It's what makes babies. You had an orgasm buddy, don't worry. It's totally natural. You're growing up dude." Cody tried to reassure his foster brother the best he could. He also found himself scrubbing Brent's dick without even realizing it. His little pricklet was at full attention with the skin retracted over his dickhead. Cody let go like it was electrified when he realized what he was doing. While Brent obviously didn't mind, Cody refused to believe that he liked doing stuff with other guys, especially with whom he thought of as his little bro. "Sorry Brent, I wasn't paying attention." "That's OK Cody. It feels funny, but nice. Did it hurt when they cut your dick?" He hesitantly touched Cody's circumcision scar, causing Cody's penis to twitch. "Are they going to do this to me? I don't want them to cut the skin off my dick Cody!" Brent was starting to panic slightly. The thought of Brent strapped to a table and being cut while a bunch of perverts leered on terrified Cody, but at the same time, somewhere deep inside him, it also terribly excited him! This horrified him even more and he locked up those thoughts as soon as he got them. "It didn't hurt that much buddy," he tried to calm him down as best as he could. "I will do whatever I can to keep them away from you dude, but I can't do a whole lot. Please forgive me for getting you involved in all this Brent!" He hugged his little bro tightly as the water cascaded over them, with their half hard dicks rubbing together while Cody messaged the sting out of Brent's paddled butt cheeks. They were still hugging each other when Nate entered the bathroom. "How sweet! It's a good thing I came in when I did. You two need a cold shower obviously!" He pointed at the two surprised boy's enlarged genitals. "Those cute yank dicks don't belong to you anymore though, so no playing without me! Now get out of the shower, dry off and come into the bedroom. I have your clothes ready." Nate shut the water off and walked out. The two boys dried themselves off in an embarrassed silence, and stepped into the other room with their towels wrapped around their waists. Nate was waiting for them sitting on the bed with two sets of clothes laid out. "Take those towels off. You have to get used to being naked around me. You only cover yourselves when I tell you with what I tell you." He ripped the towels from them, leaving them damp and naked in front of their young master. Nate tossed Brent a small package. "Here Brent, change the bandage on Cody's tattoo." Brent pulled off the old damp plastic covered bandage and replaced it with the one Nate tossed him. It was his first up close look at the wombat tattooed on his brother's groin. The scabbing looked like it hurt, but Brent did think it looked kind of neat in a weird sort of way. His hands were unsteady as he worked next to Cody's hairless cock and balls, and he noticed how Cody's dick swayed to and fro as he pressed the bandage onto him. When his hand grazed his older brother's ballsack, his own little cock gave a twitch. He had never had feelings like this and it confused him. Finally he was done and stood back. "Very good Brent. That is one of your jobs for the next week while Cody heals. If you forget, you will get spanked. Do you understand?" Nate said, enjoying the sight of the two embarrassed naked foster brothers. "Yes sir." Brent quietly replied, holding a hand over his hardening boyhood. He was afraid of his excitement. "Now its time to get dressed in your new uniforms. It is almost time for bed, but we have to make sure they fit and you know how to wear them properly. First your underwear. Most cabin boys wear jockstraps, but since you two are special I picked out your pants myself. Fist you Cody. Here." He handed Cody a pair of standard white briefs and a tank top. "Make sure you always have your shirt tucked into your pants. If I check and find otherwise, I will punish you. If you get to many punishments, then I will think you are not trying hard enough and have a talk with my father." While Nate was talking to Cody, he glanced at Brent, making sure that he understood that if he didn't do as he was told, they would take it out on the little guy. "I understand sir," Cody said as he tucked his white singlet into his underpants. They were very tight fitting and showed off the fifteen-year-olds physique nicely, leaving nothing to the imagination. Nate liked the look. He looked at the scared naked thirteen-year-old next. "I didn't forget you mate. Here!" Nate handed Brent pale yellow flyless briefs and a matching singlet. While Brent was glad to finally not be naked, he didn't like how he looked in the 'little kids' underwear. Nate certainly did however. He was smiling and rubbing his dick through his slacks as he handed each boy a suit of clothes on a hangar. "Now for your uniforms. Since you are not available to the regular customers on board, I had them give you two special outfits so you wouldn't look like common cabin boys. Put these on and see how they fit!" Their new outfits consisted of dark gray short pants, and a lighter shade of gray shirt, long sleeved for Cody, short for Brent. Blue ties with red and white stripes went with the shirts, and while Cody had blue blazer with red stripes down it, Brent was given a gray V necked sweater vest to wear. Nate had to show them how to tie a tie, and warned that if they could not do it themselves the next time, they would pay. Dark blue, knee length, fold over socks with garters were next, the right sock having the wombat emblem on the front, just under the knee when folded correctly and the right bearing the Australian flag. Nate had to demonstrate now to fasten the garters then fold the tops of the socks over properly. Black lace up shoes for Cody and brown, closed toe 'T-bar' sandals for Brent completed their outfits. (For those unfamiliar with T bar sandals, they were a common item for a traditional British schoolboy to wear) "Make sure the emblem and the flag line up perfectly," Cody warned. "Can't have you disgracing the ship or country now can we!" he laughed. When the two boys looked at themselves in the mirror, they wanted to die! They both felt like complete dorks, and were powerless to do anything about it. While Brent's shorts were a bit on the long side, almost reaching his knobby tanned knees, Cody's were extremely short, showing off his gangly adolescent upper legs. Nate was apparently very pleased with the look though, as he dragged the two boys out to display them to the Captain and Reginald. "Well, they do look like proper boys should," grunted the Captain. Both boys could feel the lust emanating from the older men as they started at them in their garb. "Get them some food then get to bed Nathan. We have a big day tomorrow. We are having some very special guests come aboard." "Yes father," replied Nate, and led the two uniform clad boys out of the cabin toward one of the dining rooms. As they walked down the halls, several of the guests stopped and stared at the two humbled and humiliated young gentlemen, some whistling, others making some very suggestive comments, that caused young Brent to blush bright red, and almost wet himself with fright. During dinner, Nate delighted in having the maroon suited serving boy, put bibs on Cody and Brent. Cody could not be sure, but he could have sworn that the serving boy tied the bib as tight as he could around his neck. All through dinner the boys working in the dining room were scowling at the two boys. They didn't like what they perceived as the special treatment they were getting. Why were they dressed like they were? Why hadn't their heads been shaved? Little did they know what the boys were going through, but Nate was being mysterious on purpose. If all the other boys thought they were getting special treatment so be it! After all three boys ate a very large spaghetti dinner; Nate led them to his cabin. Once inside, he ordered both boys to strip to their underpants and to hang up their uniforms in a separate closet just for his personal cabin boy. Nate did the same, hanging his clothes up in his own closet. He was now just wearing his blue bikini underwear as he ordered Brent to use the bathroom if he had to then lie down on a small cot that had been placed at the foot of Nate's large bed. Brent went and peed then did as he was told, lying on his back on the Army style cot. "Since this is your first night Brent, I am going to chain you up, cuz I don't want you getting any funny ideas. If you show me that I can trust you, I may change my mind later on." Nate placed a steel cuff around Brent's bony ankle and ratcheted it tightly shut. He ran the chain around the legs of the cot and tightened the other cuff around his opposite ankle. The whole time he was securing Brent, Nate's dick was growing in his tight underwear. He was getting very turned on by having such control over both boys, and especially the fear he saw in Brent's eyes as he continued to restrain him. Next he cuffed his wrists together in front of him, then ran a chain to the top of the cot, ensuring that Brent could not touch himself or ever roll over! He would be stuck on his back all night, in a rather uncomfortable position. Satisfied with his work, Nate laid back on his big bed on top of the covers. "Come over hear and take my pants off Cody. With your mouth of course." Giving a sigh of resignation, Cody crawled between Nate's spread legs and brought his mouth to Nate's blue nylon covered crotch. Nate grabbed his head and rubbed his face all over his expanding bulge. "Get a good whiff mate. Smell my cock and balls. Lick them!" Cody wrapped his legs around Cody's head forcing his face harder into his sweaty pleasure region. Brent was watching from his cot. He was stretching as well as he could chained as he was, but he could see Cody's butt perfectly outlined by his tighty whities as his head was forced all over Nate's crotch. He could hear Nate moaning while Cody slobbered all over the blue bikini briefs that Nate was wearing. He wasn't sure, but he thought he could see Cody's dick growing inside his briefs. Brent could feel that strange feeling again as his own two-inch [5 cm] pricklet started to expand in his little yellow ribbed undies. He wanted desperately to give himself a nice rub, but his handcuffs and chain kept his hands away from his needy dick. Once again, nature was taking over for Cody, and he no longer needed to be guided by Nate. He hated it and loved it at the same time. I can't be a fag! He kept thinking over and over. Yet, every he got near another guy's dick, even and especially Nate's, he went into some kind of uncontrollable lust! He got his mouth over the tiny waistband of Nate's bikini and pulled down, allowing Nate's still sheathed cock to spring to life! Cody started running his tongue under Nate's foreskin, tasting the remnants of his own butt where the cock he was sucking had just been a few hours before. Kicking off his bikini, Nate let out a loud moan, and his dick started leaking pre cum. "That's it, lick my foreskin, get all the smegma out of it whore! You are my little dick-sucking whore Cody, yeah! I bet you want to suck Brent's cock too don't you? You were born to suck dick, and I did you a favor by teaching you how! Take it all bitch!" He thrust his dick deep into Cody's throat. Cody pretended not to hear all Nate's dirty talk while he deep throated the Aussie dong. His dick could not pretend however, and he now sported a huge tent with a wet spot to go along with it. When he heard Nate mention sucking Brent's cock, he was revolted and excited at the same time. He remembered washing the young dick earlier and the feeling it gave him! No! He couldn't want to do that! Still, he found himself rubbing his crotch on the mattress furiously while slurped down Nate's pre cum. When Brent heard Nate talk about Cody sucking his cock, his little joy pole surged to its full 4 inches [10 cm] of hardness. While he knew only 'fags' sucked dick. His brother wasn't a fag! Then he remembered the feeling he had when he messed his underwear earlier in the night and the scary thrill that accompanied it. He tugged at his chains to no avail while desperately humping the air. Nate could see what Brent was doing and this turned him on even more. Cody was rapidly becoming an expert pole smoker, and this in combination with the eroticism of being totally in control of two boys was sending Nate to an all time sexual high! It also gave him an idea. He let Cody continue slurping on his dick for a few more minutes ensuring he went deeper with every suck, until his balls were slapping at his cabin boy's chin. "Suck my balls, Cody. Suck your master's balls faggot! I knew you were a poo jabber the minute I saw you, and I was right. I did you a favor by bringing you here. Ohhh Yeahh, suck them. I bet your little brothers is as big a poofter as you are." Cody had tears running down his cheeks when he obeyed and started lapping at his young lord's silk covered acorns. He was ashamed because Nate was right. He did like sucking dick! Why else would he be so turned on, even while he was being treated like personal property? At the moment though, his hyperactive teenage hormones were in charge of him, not his brain, as he managed to get both of Nate's balls inside his mouth. While he slobbered and drooled over Nate's privates, Cody was milking a steady stream of precum into his briefs. He was building his own cum volcano when suddenly Nate pushed him off. Nate quickly jumped onto the cot where Brent lay chained, straddling him with his knees under his armpits. Cody watched in mixture of horror, and shameful excitement when with a squeal, Nate fired a volley of dick-snot all over Brent's shocked face! Brent shut his eyes, in shock and still not sure just what was happening. "Oh yeah Brent, take your first load of my fuck sauce all over your cute face!" Nate rubbed his slimy cock over Brent's grimacing face, smearing the copious amount of goo all over. Nate got off the cot and looked at Cody, who was hypnotized by the scene before him, his leaky purple helmet poking out of the waistband of his underpants. "Don't just stand there Cody, get on him and lick of my jizz." Cody was frozen in place. The sight of his little bro, restrained to the cot, with tented yellow undies and scum all over his face, was incredible hot! Yet he also new he shouldn't do things with the innocent little guy! A sharp crack on the back of his thigh from Nate's belt unfroze him! CRACK! "Dammit, that wasn't a suggestion BOY!" Nate yelled. Cody slowly crawled on top of Brent. "I'm so sorry little buddy," he whispered as he brought his face close to Brent's. Nate hurried the process by shoving Cody's face into Brent's. Brent didn't know how to react when he first felt the hot goo land on him from Nate's spurting penis. He was afraid but felt tingly at the same time. But now as he felt his big brothers hot breath drawing closer, a strange warmness filled his entire body, and he felt his cock give yet another surge! He had never felt this way before. When Nate shoved the older boy's face into his and he started licking the cooling cock juice off his face, Brent started to pant and instinctively thrust upward, rubbing his underwear against Cody's. When Cody felt Brent's kid dick rubbing on his own through their briefs, all thoughts of shame and revulsion were replaced by pure teen homoerotic lust. His licking increased until he found himself pressing his lips against Brent's. The confused boy, opened his mouth, and let Cody's tongue in. Soon the two were furiously swapping spit with Cody increasing the pressure of his weight on top of the smaller teen. The sight of the two foster brothers dry humping and frenching each other delighted Nate! He clicked on the hidden video cameras, sure that his father would love it as well! Cody was close to blowing his wad when he was sucking Nate's cock, now he was out of control! When he felt Brent scream into his mouth and felt his little bro convulsing underneath him, he knew he was having the second orgasm of his young life! The feeling of wetness on his underwear confirmed his conclusion, just as he felt the back of his briefs being pulled down and something pressing at his ass hole! He looked over and saw Nate pressing his own dildo dick into his butt. Nate just smiled and asked how he liked being fucked with his own dick. The whole scene overloaded Cody's senses, and he found himself letting go and firing volley after volley of jizz into his underwear on top of Brent! The two boys wreathed in sticky ecstasy as they shared an incredible moment together. It wasn't until he was coming off his sex high that Cody realized the implications of what he had just done hit him. He began to cry and apologize to Brent, who didn't understand why his hero and best friend in the world was apologizing for making him feel so good. Nate rammed Cody's lifelike cock all the way inside him, then fastened a leather belt around his waist, cinching it in place. "How cute. You two peter puffers were made for each other, that's for sure. Are you sure you aren't blood brothers, cuz apparently you both poofs!" Nate laughed. He quickly cuffed Cody's hands behind his back, then cuffed his ankles to Brent's. Then threw a light blanket over both of them. "Have a nice sleep brother lovers!" He turned off the lights before going to shower in his private bathroom. Cody cried, which in turn made Brent cry, because he still didn't quite understand what was going on. The warmth of his big brother at least made him feel secure, even though the drying cum in both their pants was getting slightly uncomfortable. Finally, both boys cried themselves out, and drifted into an exhausted sleep, chained and stuck together.
In Seaman Jones' cabin 3;Rex was hanging by his wrists, which were locked in iron shackles suspended by chains from hooks in the ceiling for just that purpose.The young pierced punkboy was naked, sweating, trembling with fear and moaning into the steel bit gag that was fastened cruelly in his mouth by the large stiff leather collar fastened tightly around his neck. The minute he showed up back at the cabin, he could sense that Jones already knew about his botched attempt at raping Sean in the brig. Still, he knew better than to lie or try to cover it up, as that would only make it worse. After he had reported himself to Jones, he wondered if it could indeed have been any worse. His sadistic teacher of body modification flew into a rage when he told on himself. "How dare you embarrass me like that!" Jones screamed. "You worthless piece of shit! Get naked and prepare to pay for this you little shit. I take you under my wing and teach you how to ink, and how to pierce, but I would never have dreamt a little faggot like you couldn't fuck!" Stinging from the words, Rex took off his leather harness and boots as fast as he could and tried to explain himself, "Master, please, I wasn't ready, I mean he was so tight and I was so horny from piercing him 3;" SMACK! Rex lay on the ground with a red mark across his face where the furious Jones has slapped him. "If I want an excuse from you, I will beat it out of you. Now stand up and raise your arms over your head." Jones said icily. After Rex did as he was told, Jones bolted the shackles around his wrists, then stood on a stool stretching Rex's arms as tightly as he could before attaching the chains to the hooks in the ceiling. Jones then got the three-inch [7½ cm] leather collar and fastened it around his slaveboy's neck, ensuring he could breath, but not much else. The collar did not allow him to move his head up or down or side to side. The steel bit came next, and Jones pulled tightly, until he almost had it behind Rex's teeth before fastening it to either side of the collar. After Jones got down, he admired his work for a minute before going to the closet. When Rex saw his master go to the closet, he knew he was in for it. There was nothing it that closet except items designed to inflict pain and humiliation. Normally it was fun, because it was some other cabin boy on the receiving end. Jones and Rex were quite popular at room parties around the ship, as guests that had seen them do their work when breaking in a new boy, always seemed to want more of the same. Rex actually liked being on the ship. An acknowledged homosexual since he was 12, after he had been brought on board, he discovered that the sight of boys in distress really turned him on! He relished the training he received and really liked his pierced punkboy look, especially the look it caused in the faces of his victims when he approached them with needles! Now though, he was to be on the receiving end. He had been tied up and flogged before, but he had always been more or less a willing victim, so the scenes were usually fun. Now however he had embarrassed his master, and he was sure he would not like paying for that particular mistake. He saw Jones pull out a cat o' nine tales, a leather riding crop, and a box that made him groan into his bit. "That's right you little bastard, you are going to pay. You got the chance that almost no other boy on this ship gets, and you pissed it away. You're as useless as an arse pocket on a singlet!" Jones removed a small fishing weight from the box and attached it to Rex's left nipple ring and gave it a sharp tug before letting it fall, pulling his tit painfully down. Jones smiled as he saw Rex's toes curl and fists ball up when he repeated the procedure with his punk's right tit. "Keep moaning boy, it only encourages me!" Jones laughed as he took his own clothes off down to his sailor boots and socks. Naked, Rex was able to see his master's 9-inch [23 cm] uncut monster protruding straight out from his chiseled tattooed body. He picked up the riding crop and smacked Rex's dickhead right on his PA ring. "MMMPHFFFFF!!!!" Rex squealed into his bit, and a string of drool leaked out the back left corner of his mouth, as he tried to jerk away from the crop. This just made Jones dick get harder, as he was working himself up now. He went back to the closet and got a spreader bar, attaching to Rex's ankles, so if he moved now, he would put all his weight on his shackled wrists. "Stop moving around and take it like a man you little priss." Jones picked up a larger weight and attached it to Rex's PA ring and dropped it, letting it pull the young apprentice's dick straight down stretching it painfully. Jones than picked up the cat. "Let's see if you cum now Rex," he started running the tails up Rex's taught chest, causing the boy to shiver in anticipation. "Look at you shake, you would think you don't like being whipped or something. You must though, or you wouldn't embarrass me would you." Rex tried to shake his head no, but the large stiff collar had immobilized his head. He just pleaded with his eyes to no avail to Jones who was not really looking for an answer anyway. Jones ran the tails over Rex's stretched cock, causing Rex to feel a surge of blood despite its painfully stretched state. Jones laid the cat over Rex's shoulder, then went to the closet to retrieve his black leather gloves, which he pulled snugly on to his hands. His dick got even harder and started to leak a bit as he walked back over to Rex, who was now panting in anticipation of his upcoming punishment. Rex smiled and wrapped his leather-clad hand around Rex's cock. He could feel the blood pulsing through it; as scared as Rex was, the sight of his naked master in all his glory was still exciting him in a frightening sort of way. "Yeah, you would crack a fat at the thought of a good flogging. You really do want me to beat you don't you boy?" Rex tried again to shake his head as the tears flowed down his cheeks. Jones picked up the cat off of his shoulder then walked behind him out of his field of vision. He was almost hyperventilating now, and to his shame, he felt a trail of warm liquid running down his thighs, as his urine flowed awkwardly out of his pierced cockhead. He heard Jones give an evil laugh right before he heard the swish of the leather thongs flying through the air 3; CRACK! Rex felt the fire between his shoulder blades where the knotted tails hand landed. He screamed into his bit gag, and started wreathing in his bonds to no avail, as Jones quickly took aim again right at the top of his butt crack. CRACK! Rex screamed in agony again, not only from the pain of the lashes, but also from the weights pulling at his nipples and cock every time he moved. This just excited Jones more, and he started his flogging in earnest, every scream or whimper from his apprentice just getting making him more aroused than ever! Finally, after Rex's was criss crossed with angry red marks from the back of his neck to the back of his knees, Jones could wait no more. He dropped the cat and walked up behind Rex, reached around and grabbed his sore tits and started rubbing his cock up and down his chained up boy's ass crack. "You know you deserved that bitch, but now I will give you your reward!" he laughed. He took his left hand and adjusted his huge cock into the sweaty sore cleft of Rex's butt cheeks. He bit Rex's ear as he rammed his cock home, lifting the smaller lad off the floor as he impaled him on his huge turgid rod. Rex forgot all about the pain from the lash when he felt his master's huge cock split him then lift him off his feet, the only lubricant being Jones' precum around the head of his sweaty monster. It was pain and pleasure at the same time for the punk, as despite his agony, he felt his prostate getting tickled by Jones' dark purple helmet. If not for the weight pulling down on his cock, it would for sure be pointing straight out. As it was, it was painfully bouncing to and from as he was continually lifted off his feet in rhythm to the large sailor's thrusts. It had the same effect as a cock ring, as bent as it was, he would not be able to cum. It didn't stop his master however, who after only a couple of minutes of plowing his tight ass pussy, let loose with a torrent of pent up man seed into Rex's bowels. He felt spurt after spurt flow into him, as Jones stayed silent, and just pulled him tightly back toward him, while he fed him his own brand of Australian sailor sauce. When he was spent, he pulled out with an audible popping sound, and left Rex to hang by his wrists, whimpering in exhaustion. His job was not over yet though, as Jones lowered his chains until the young punk was on his knees, with his arms still being held over his head in the shackles. At least the weight attached to his cock was resting on the ground! Jones bent over and undid the steel bit, causing Rex to cough a bit and drool, as he had no way of wiping his mouth off. Jones threw the bit aside and said, "now clean your ass juices off my cock boy, and there better not be anything left or I'll hoist you back up for some more!" "Yes master," the lad croaked before placing his sore mouth around the softening nine-inch [23 cm] tool of torture that belonged to his master. He made slurping sounds as he sucked and licked at the remnants of his fuck. Jones bathed in the pleasure of the sight of his boy's 'high n tight' shorn skull, bouncing up and down over his cock. After what he felt was a long enough period, he pushed Rex's head off. "You really let me down today Rex. I don't know If I should keep you or not." Fear sounded in Rex's voice. Yes he was sore and in pain, but the thought of being a regular boy filled him with more dread. "Please master it won't happen again, I mean I will 3;" He was cut off, when Jones directed a stream of hot piss right at his face. Rex shut up and just started to cry as his master emptied his bladder all over him. He lowered his chains until he was in a sitting position. "You have one chance tomorrow to redeem yourself boy. Just sit here tonight and think about it! Nighty night boy" Jones got dressed, turned off the lights and left Rex in the dark, covered in his masters piss, with his cum running down the inside of his thighs, sitting in his own mess that he had made earlier. Rex started sobbing in earnest, wondering what would be his fate in the morning. When he had cried himself out, he passed out from exhaustion.
In the doctors cabin 3;The Doctor was sitting back in his chair with Alec impaled on his cock. The young assistant was bouncing up and down riding his master for all he was worth, while the Doctor fondled his nipples. The girly boy was wearing his garter belt and stockings, and nothing else. He was feeling aroused, yet for some reason, his little cock was only one quarter erect. Every time his nipples were touched though, he felt a tingling inside him, like he had never felt before unless his cock was being played with. The Doctor was nearing orgasm, as the sight of his smooth young cross-dressed nursemaid, was a very erotic turn on for him. He couldn't believe he had not thought of this earlier, as he had been the ship's doctor for a number of years. He noticed how aroused Alec was getting from having his nipples played with, which confirmed that his plan was working. The thought of the next phase of his plan excited him so much that he felt his nuts begin to boil over. He stood, pulled Alec off of him and spun the youngster around, aiming his throbbing cock at Alec's face. Alec opened his mouth waiting for the torrent of hot salty spooge that he knew was cumming."That's a good girl, open your mouth and take the doctor's seed you little nurse slut. Here it comes!" The Doctor tensed up, and started shooting. The first gob hit Alec in the eye before he got his mouth around the huge dick and started dutifully sucking Doctor's load into his tummy. Alec felt quite strange as he finished licking his ass juices off of the Doctor's cock, making sure it was clean of all traces of ass slime before kneeling at his master's feet waiting for his next order. He wanted to grab his cock and jerk it furiously, but for some reason, he found his hand playing with his nipples. When he realized what he was doing, he quickly put his hands down at his sides. The Doctor just gave him an odd smile, tousled his hair and told him to go take a hot bath while he got some things ready for him. After Alec had stripped the hated girl's clothes off, he ran some water in the tub. The Doctor came in and put some scented oil in the water. "A pretty girl needs to smell nice for bed, and make sure you scrub good everywhere," he said before walking out the door. Alec sat in the perfumed water and sniffled a bit, trying not to cry. He hated all this 'girl' stuff, but he knew he had no choice. Now that the other boys on board had seen him, there was no way he could go back living with them. They would be twice as merciless as they had been before. He wondered how much more the Doctor could humiliate him. He was shortly to find out! After the Doctor had everything arranged, he went to the bathroom and told Alec to get out of the tub. As he did so, the Doctor admired his smooth naked form, admiring the features that made Alec perfect for what he had in mind. He dried off the lad with a soft fluffy towel, and told him to go into the bedroom and close his eyes. "That's a good girl, now raise your arms," the Doctor said as he walked in behind Alec. "I have a surprise for you! What do you say to that?" Knowing that surprises on this ship were usually bad news for the boys, Alec shuddered as he answered, "Thank, thank you Doctor." "Oh, you will thank me more when you know what it is! Here." The Doctor held his surprise up and over Alec's naked body. Alec felt something soft being pushed over his head and arms but he couldn't place what it was until the Doctor told him to open his eyes and look in the mirror. When he did, his eyes about popped out of his head. He was wearing a short sleeve pink night gown, with puffy shoulders and white lace trim that was barely long enough to cover his hairless dick and little sissy butt. Tears started flowing as soon as he realized that his dressing up as a girl was not to be a one-time thing. "Is that how you say thank you? By crying?" The Doctor screamed. "Stop blubbering right now, or I will give you something to cry about. I guess you are just a sissy boy aren't you. It's a good thing I got you that nighty, it fits you perfectly little girl!" The words stung, and just made Alec cry more. "P 3;please sir," he said in between sobs. Couldn't I just have my old clothes back?" "After I spent all the time picking out your new wardrobe? Hell no little missy. As a matter of fact, I think from now on your name is going to be Alexis. You are a nurse in training, and should have a nurse's name. Alexis it is from now on!" The Doctor was pleased with himself for coming up with the idea. He thought it would help in the transformation process. Alec, or Alexis rather, lost it. "I don't wanna be a girl! I'm a BOY!" He started trying to take the nighty off. "If you are going to act like a spoiled little girl, you will have to be punished." The Doctor grabbed Alec and pulled the nighty back down, at the same time, sitting down and throwing the thrashing youngster over his lap. The short gown gave ample access to his soft white butt cheeks with just a minor adjustment. Holding the struggling youth down with his left hand, the Doctor raised his right 3; SMACK! "OWWWW!" SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, and SMACK! "What's your name little girl?" The Doctor said after ensuring Alec's butt was sufficiently warmed. In between sobs, the defeated little 'girl' answered. "It's Alexis sir." SMACK! "Your damned right it is, now get up and go sit in front of the mirror, we are not done yet." After Alec sat at the chair the doctor had placed in front of the mirror, the perverted Doc had his little sissy blow his nose and dry his eyes. "That's a good girl. Once you learn to cooperate, things will be much better Alexis, even fun. I am going to show you how to paint your nails now, so after tonight, you will do this every night before bedtime." With stunned silence, Alec watched the Doctor take his soft little hands and start painting his finger nails a matching shade of pink to his nightgown. It took all his effort not to start crying again. After letting them dry, the doctor had Alec stand up. "Turn around slowly for me, my pretty little girl." The Doctor felt a slight swelling in his groin as he watched Alec spin slowly around, the lace trim just covering his quivering buns, dangling soft nutsack and boy dick. "Very nice. Tomorrow morning, you will learn how to put on your matching lipstick, and I have some new panties, and dresses for you to try out!" The Doctor wondered if he could have another orgasm so soon after his last, and decided at his age probably not. Better to save if for a nice morning fuck. "Now one last thing before bed time Alexis. Bend over and hold the counter while I give you your next shot." This set off Alec's tears again, but one look from the Doctor stopped his bawling, and he bent over the counter and pulled up his nighty. The Doctor gave his own dick a squeeze through his pajama bottoms, before rubbing the alcohol pad on the right cheek of Alec's little tushy. He deftly stuck the needle in and pushed the plunger home, sending his experimental drug into Alec's blood stream. He had the sissy stay bent over like he was, and reached around and took his or shall we say 'her' soft little cock into his hand and started messaging it gently while nibbling the back of his neck. Alec clinched his butt together when he felt the sting of the needle and the cold fluid entering him. It wasn't that bad really, even if he didn't know what it was for. What really surprised him is when he felt the Doctor start to rub his willy and kiss on his neck. He felt the familiar warm sensation of arousal and he purred with delight for the first time that night, but for some reason, his cock stayed soft. He would have thought about it more, but the feeling he got when the Doctor stopped playing with his dead penis, and started playing with his nipples through his nightgown sidetracked him. He started humping the desk, having an overpowering need to cum that moment. He was still waiting for his cock to respond, when all of a sudden, the Doctor tweaked his nipple hard and stuck a tongue in his ear! His soft cock started squirting cum all over the counter top. Little Alexis was having an orgasm with no erection, and nothing touching his dick! "What's, what's happening to me!" He hissed in confused pleasure and concern. "Don't worry Alexis, it just means my drug is working. Little girls don't need a penis to orgasm, and now neither do you! The more shots I give you the more this will happen. Isn't that nice? Your nipples will become more important to you, and hopefully soon, your little titties will start to fill out nicely. Now let's get some sleep. We have important visitors tomorrow coming on board and I want to show you off!" Alec stayed awake for quite awhile after the Doctor nuzzled his hard cock in the valley of his creamy thighs and started snoring contentedly. Lipstick? Tit's? No dick needed to get off? What was happening to him? Only total exhaustion caused him to finally drift off to a very unfitful sleep.
Sleep wasn't on Sean's mind either, in the brig 3;. Dobbs had just pushed him away, after he cleaned the remnants of his own ass and Rex's dick slime off of Dobbs' softening monster. "Stand up you worthless prisoner boy whore, hands behind your head, and stick your ass out," Dobbs instructed. After Sean did as he was told, Dobbs started walking around the terrified prisoner, inspecting every part of him. The freshly shorn from head to toe, was trying to stand still, but the fear welling within him was causing his knees to knock together quite visibly. This just caused Dobbs to smile with anticipation. From behind Sean he spoke, "Pull your prisoner socks up evenly bitch. Just because you're down here doesn't mean the normal rules don't apply!" As Sean bent over to comply and pull his black and white striped socks up to his knees; Dobbs reached between his legs and fondled the barbell in Sean's frenum, causing him to almost jump up in surprise. "Don't stand until I give you permission slut. Look at you, already getting another hard on. You must really be looking forward to your first night in the brig!" Sean's face colored, and not just from the blood rushing to it as he stayed bent at the waist. Dobbs was right, or half-right anyhow. While he certainly wasn't looking forward to 'Hell Night,' the Master at arms' fondling of his equipment was indeed making him hard! Sean could not understand how he always became aroused when he was molested. Not until he was sporting a maximum erection, did Dobbs stop groping him. "Stand up prisoner, hand's out in front of you." Sean stood up straight and held his arms out. Dobbs opened a door and called to someone that they were ready. In through the door walked another shaved bald, naked except for the prisoner socks and shoes boy that Sean did not recognize. He stood about five feet even [1.50 m] and could not have weighed a hundred pounds [45 kg], but what scared Sean most was his vacant blue eyes. He also had his nipples pierced, and they looked very puffy and abused, but no nose or cock rings that Sean could tell. I must really be in for it! He thought. The boy was carrying all kinds of chains and metal pieces that must have been quite heavy for him as he was stooping as he walked. He set them down at Sean's feet, then turned to face Dobbs at attention. "Very good Randy, you have finished your sentence here, and Reginald will be down and take you to the rehab room until you are ready for cabin boy service again." Dobbs said. (Little did Randy know that he was destined for other thing 3;) "Yes sir, thank you sir," squeaked the boy is a decidedly Kiwi accent the marched out of the room. That was Randy? Thought Sean. Oh my God! The shallow little kid looked nothing like the 14-year-old New Zealander that Sean had known well only a few weeks ago. He had not seen him since before docking in California, where Sean had only heard rumors that a client was dissatisfied with him. Know he knew what had happened to him. He used to have wonderful blonde hair, and while he was small for his age, he was quite cheery, and looked very sexy in his uniform, Sean was ashamed to admit to himself. After Randy had left the room, Dobbs walked up to the pile of irons at Sean's feet and picked up the first items he wanted. They turned out to be old-fashioned cast iron manacles. He placed the first two-inch [5 cm] restraint device on his left hand, and then picked up an Allen wrench. Sean watched as his manacle was bolted tightly around his wrist. Dobbs proceeded to do the same to his right writs and then connected the two with a very short, but heavy length of chain, which somehow also bolted to the ancient looking devices. Sean was having trouble holding his arms out now, as they were quite heavy, but he didn't dare let them down without permission. His arms were quaking, by the time Dobbs placed the two-inch [5 cm] iron collar around his neck. He shuddered as Dobbs tightened the bolt locking his punishment collar on. By the time he was done with his leg irons, fastened just over the top of the canvas high top sneakers the boy was wearing, sweat had broken all over his naked body. The Master at arms finished the bondage by fastening a one-foot [30 cm] chain between his ankle manacles. The funny thing to Dobbs was, he knew the boy was struggling, yet his cock was still sticking straight out! "Would you like to put your arms down now boy? Would you like to stroke your hard little cock and spew prisoner?" "Oh God please sir! Request permission to put my arms down!" His voice was quivering with a thick Irish brogue. "Yes sir, I would like to touch my cock sir!" The words shamed him even as he spoke, but with every turn of the wrench, he was somehow more sexually excited, even if he was terribly afraid of the tortures to come! A clear stream of sticky slug juice was already running down his shaft as he awaited permission. Dobbs just laughed at this. "You are a little cum whore aren't you? It's a good thing we got you down here in time. If you had cum without permission with a guest instead of just another little worthless slut boy, we might just have had to nut you!" After seeing the shock on young Sean's face, Dobbs continued, "but we caught your problem in time I think boy, so I am here to help you." He held up a pair of gloves in front of Sean's face before pulling them onto his bound hands. They looked just like black leather gloves to Sean, and they felt quite soft on the inside. "You may put your hands down now prisoner, and feel free to grope that worthless cock of yours. God knows no one else wants to touch the worthless little thing. With a sigh of relief, Sean dropped his arms, and he couldn't resist wrapping his right hand around his turgid leaking teen pole. When he grasped it though, it felt like he was bitten by a thousand fire ants! He yelped and jerked his hand away. Dobbs got a big kick out of this and when he was done laughing, he explained to Sean, "those are called vampire gloves prisoner. They have hundreds of tiny sharp little metal teeth on the fingers and palms. You have my permission to wank yourself all night long. Isn't that nice of me? I expect a thank you, you little piece of Irish trash. I am not always so nice to the other prisoners down here!" Sean, who was rapidly losing his hard on due to the nasty surprise, replied, as he knew he had to, while a single tear ran down his cheek. "The prisoner would like to thank the Master at arms for his kindness." "Very good bitch, now lets take you to your cell for the night shall we, walk out the door and turn right." Dobbs watched as the boy, burdened by the heavy iron restraints, hobbled out the door and turned. He stroked his growing cock, as he took in the sight of the pale gangly legs trying to keep up his balance on the short chain. Dobbs followed him, pushing him down the corridor. When they got to the cell, Dobbs gave one hard shove, causing Sean to crash into the door before falling to the ground. "Fucking klutzy prisoners. Stand up you worthless bitch!" Dobbs grasped his iron collar and hoisted a bruised Sean to his feet before opening the door marked 'NIGHT ONE', then shoving him inside. Sean almost fell again, but managed somehow not to, even though it was hard with his hands and ankles on such short leads. What Sean saw inside made his blood run cold. He couldn't quite figure out what all the apparatus was, but he knew it wasn't for his comfort! There were spotlights shining on a platform in the middle of the room, and this is where he was directed to stand. Dobbs picked up a large cylindrical device, which started out at a rounded point on top, but increased to around six inches [15 cm] at the bottom. It looked to Sean to be about a foot [30 cm] in length, and it had wires coming out of the flat base. Dobbs placed this between Sean's legs. He started shaking again, much to Dobbs' amusement. "Don't you dare piss yourself again prisoner, or you will wish you were never born!" Sometimes, Sean already felt that way, but he was hardly going to say that to the sadistic jail keeper. "Before we get started boy, I am horny again from all this preparation. Plus, you will thank me in a few minutes believe me. Get down on your knees and eat me!" Dobbs said as he pulled his hardening cock out of his pants. Sean did as he was told and started sucking in earnest, hoping a good blow job would calm the man down. As always though, it just got him even more excited about his upcoming job! After only a few minutes, Dobbs was ready, and shoved Sean back on his ass, while he shot his load all over the cylinder. "Oh fuck yeah, that feels good. You are good for something anyway, I will say that prisoner. That little mouth of yours feels like the best pussy in the world! Ha! Pussy mouth! I like that, I will have to remember it!" Dobbs was quite pleased with himself as he pulled Sean upright again over the cum covered cylinder. "Perfect! Now boy you will see why you should thank me. My juice is the only lubricant you are going to get, so go ahead and squat down and get the tip of this inside your cunt." Sean looked down in horror then back to the humorless eyes of Dobbs. He was about to protest, but knew he had no choice, and at lest he could do it slowly. He started to gingerly lower himself onto the tip of the giant volcano looking dildo spreading his legs as far as the chain would let them go. He felt the hot goo covered tip press against his rectum as he squirmed his way onto it, getting just a fraction of an inch inside his tight teen love canal. His dick started to respond in it's usual way to anal stimulation. It started growing. This is what landed him here in the first place and he couldn't control it! Dobbs walked up to him and admired his work. Sean was squatting over the evil device, naked but for his socks and shoes, chained up with all his weight resting on the balls of his feet. Chained as he was with the gloves to boot, he couldn't put his hands on his knees or reach the ground to share the load. Dobbs came up to the platform and pulled two sprung loaded cables up from the base of the platform. "Here is the situation prisoner," he hooked the two cable to opposite sides of Sean's collar. "You can go lower, but once you do, you can't come back up. If you want to get the weight off your feet, all you have to do is sit down." Dobbs started to laugh as Sean took in the meaning of what he was just told. If he wanted to sit, he would have to impale himself on the monster that as of now only had the small tip resting inside him. Just when he thought it couldn't get worse, Dobbs walked over to an easy chair set up in front of the platform, sat down and picked up what looked like a TV remote control. Except when Dobbs pointed it at Sean, he felt tingling in his nipples, then in his ass, then all over as random jolts of electricity started flowing into the alligator clips in a random fashion. It was an odd but not unpleasant feeling. "Right now, they are set on low and on random timing. As long as you behave and don't complain, they will stay that way. If at any time you beg for mercy or to be let out, the intensity will increase. You are allowed to play with yourself all you want. As a matter of fact, I expect you to cum at least five times tonight, or it will go against you at your hearing tomorrow morning with the Captain. You are on video right now, and the Captain may even himself be watching, so think about it." As Dobbs reveled in the horror on Sean's face, he clicked another button on the remote. Three big-screen TV's came to life in front of Sean. "Just to keep you in the mood for the nights fun!" Dobbs started laughing as he walked out the door and turned the lights off. Sean looked at the screens, as visions of all sorts of teen-boy sex filled them. When on one of them he saw himself getting fucked and spewing a huge load over the face of another boy, he got excited and grabbed his dick, forgetting about the gloves. He yelped, which cause him to lower himself another inch [2½ cm] onto the platform, stretching his ass open that much more. He wanted to cry, wanted ask for help, and most of all wanted to cum! How could he last like this all night? As a matter of fact, he lasted only fifteen minutes before he was four inches [10 cm] onto the dildo, and had rode himself to the first cum, a jolt of juice to his dick ring, taking him over the edge. Where would the line between pleasure and pain stop?
In the Captain's cabin, where Dobbs was with his boss watching the event live on TV, they were discussing just that, until Reginald came into the room with Nate. "Well, Cody and Brent are nice and snug for the night father. Thank you so much for such a nice gift!" Nate said as he sat down and started watching Sean's torment decks below. "Are the Russian men still coming on board tomorrow?" "Yes Nathan they are, and we want to show them a good time. They are offering well over market price for some of our used merchandise for use in their movies, in addition to a few trade ins. If they are as good looking as the photos they sent us they will be quite a hit on board the Wombat. Speaking of that, are all the arrangements made Reginald?" "Yes sir, I just got off the secure line with them. The coordinates are all set to rendezvous with their helicopter at ten hundred hours tomorrow morning Pacific Time." "Good, we can sentence Sean to his punishment and have him ready for display to our guests when they arrive. Nate I want Cody and Brent to be involved somehow too. I will leave that to you, but they need to get used to being your servant boys, in every aspect." Delighted at this big responsibility, Nate jumped up and said, "You can count on me Father. I will sleep on it, but I am sure I can come up with something appropriate by morning. Goodnight then sir, and Reginald and Mr. Dobbs." The three men bid Nate a goodnight, and discussed the next days activities as the Wombat plowed through the sea toward it's meeting with the helicopter in the morning 3;
Chapter 6
Hey folks, I hope you liked this part, it was kind of fragmented, but it is setting up for the next day aboard ship.
Three AM in the Doctors cabin 3;Alec woke up screaming and clutching his chest. The pain was terrible! His screaming and thrashing woke the Doctor who got out of bed to examine the wreathing boy. "Hmm, I was afraid this might happen. Damnation!" he cursed. He walked out of the room and returned with a hypodermic needle. "Try and hold still boy, this should do the trick." He wrestled him down holding an arm tightly while he plunged the needle into him. Almost immediately Alec started to calm down as the pain subsided."What's happening to me Doctor?" A very frightened Alec asked. He was sweating from head to toe, and felt very strange. "I am afraid my formula isn't perfect yet Alec. Now I need to find another boy for my tests. You are damaged goods now." He helped the scared but now happy boy out of bed. If the drugs didn't work, he couldn't be made into a boy/girl like the Doctor so obviously wanted. He let the Doctor lead him to a room in sickbay where another boy was sleeping. Alec barely recognized that it was Randy, the boy who had just been released from the Brig. "Rest in here tonight boy. I am sorry this didn't work out. I will discuss with the Captain what to do with you first thing in the morning." A jolt of fear went through Alec. "But Doctor! I still want to be your assistant!" Alec knew he would be in for hell if he went back to the regular population of Cabin Boys. "Please sir, I can still be a good assistant!" "Nonsense!" The Doctor snapped. "My assistant will be a pretty little sissy boy, and your system is now tainted. Sorry but that is the way it has to be. A shame too, as you have a wonderful pussy. No lad, you were my first try, and unfortunately for you my formula isn't quite perfected yet. Now get some sleep and I will check on you later. You may have another reaction I am afraid." With that bit of reassuring news, the doctor closed the door. Alec started to cry. He didn't know why. He didn't want to be turned into a sissy anyway, but he liked working with the doctor on the other boys. What would they do to him now? He stayed awake and stared at Randy snoozing away next to him, wondering what they would do to him as well. Boys who went to the brig rarely ever showed up again. Was the same in store for him?
In Nate's cabin 3;While very uncomfortable, Brent felt safe with Cody on top of him. The warmth of his older foster brother's body was somehow reassuring. If his arms weren't chained to the cot, he would hug him and try to pull him closer. Cody was still asleep, but Brent had awakened, feeling the sticky, now mostly crusty goo in his undies, from his come the night before. Just thinking of the feeling of Cody's tongue in his mouth was giving him another hard on, which, if the lights were on, would have shown off the tremendous blush in his cheeks. Only fags did that stuff! Yet he could not deny the powerful feelings that cursed through his veins when he thought of it. What was happening to them? He would have pondered this more except, suddenly Nate was there, yanking the blanket off of them."Good morning mates! Hope you two poofs had a good sleep. We have lot's to do today! Come on Cody, wake up!" The cheerful Aussie yanked his underpants down and grabbed the dildo in Cody's butt and started to fuck his ass with it. Cody was already stirring when he felt the replica of his own cock start to slowly painfully move out an in of his already well stretched boy cunt. He had finally been able to sleep with the thing secured into him, but now the pain and humiliation were refreshed first thing in the morning! What surprised him more, was feeling Brent's stiff little member pressing up against him. It just must be a piss hardon, thought Cody. Yet was that feeling Brent trying to rub up on him? He wouldn't know for sure, as Nate undid the belt and yanked the dildo out of his ass in one fell swoop, causing Cody to yelp in surprise and pain. "We need to get cleaned up and get to work today mates," Nate said as he unlocked the chains and cuffs holding his two personal slaves in place. "But first things first. Brent you need to clean off Cody's dildo for him, while he cleans out both your underpants. He handed the lifelike replica of Cody's dick to Brent, who took it with a confused look on his face. "Put it in your mouth and lick it clean Brent." Nate said. "If you don't, I will fuck you with it and make you clean it anyway, so hurry up!" With a look of revulsion Brent brought the still gooey fake cock to his lips. A tear rolled down his cheek as he tentatively stuck his tongue and licked the crown. He grimaced, as he tasted his big bro's ass on it. "Don't be such a wus boy!" Nate said. "You will have to get use to the taste when you are eating out my ass anyhow! Put the whole thing in your mouth Brent!" "P 3;please don't make me Nate. I don't want to!" "I don't give a croc's ass what you want!" He walked over and forcible shoved the dildo into Brent's protesting mouth. He was forced to swallow the ass juices as he salivated over the foreign object in his mouth. "That's better. Now just keep sucking and make sure you get all the ass stains off it or else!" "You Bastard!" Cody shouted. "You said you were going to leave him alone if I cooperated with you!" "And I have. I haven't fucked him yet have I mate?" Nate asked with a grin. "You better watch your mouth Cody. Remember your place here." With that Nate grabbed hold of Brent's yellow briefs and pulled them down while the frightened lad practiced his first blow job on the fake dick. It sounded like pulling the stuck pages of a porno magazine apart as the dried cum tried to hold onto the briefs but the would be glue gave way painfully and Nate had Brent step out of them. He walked over to Cody. "Now open wide Cody. You need to learn some respect." Just to be sure, Nate grabbed and handful of Cody's ballsack and squeezed ensuring the reluctant teen obeyed him. As he did, Nate shoved the fouled briefs into his mouth, ensuring the messy pouch went in first. "Now chew on your brothers undies and make sure you get all his jizz out of them." Nate was wearing just a pair of boxer shorts, and by the tent in them, was vastly enjoying his morning fun. He went to his dresser and retrieved a belt, doubling it over as he walked back to Cody. "Chew you worthless faggot!" SMACK! Nate had laid one right on Cody's tight briefs! Cody, red with embarrassment started chewing on the nasty undies. As he did so he looked at the look of terror on Brent's face as he licked the goo off the dong that had only minutes before been shoved up his own ass. He felt helpless as he watched his brother cry and gag at the same time. Nate pushed him over behind Brent and told him to reach around and play with his nipples while he still sucked on his Cody flavored dicksicle. Cody felt Brent's dime sized pink nubs harden under his caress as he continued chewing on the sperm soaked briefs. He could not help notice that Brent's cock also was starting to harden despite his foster bro's obvious distress and humiliation. Cody was still feeling sorry for Brent when he felt Nate pulling down his own crusty briefs from behind. They got stuck just for a bit on Cody's hardening cock, but Nate yanked them down, causing it to bounce back up and slap Cody's smooth stomach. With his own stained briefs now out of the way around his ankles, Cody felt his cheeks being spread and Nate's finger probing at his already stretched rear entrance. "Just pay attention to what you're doing mate," Nate whispered in his ear. "Now take your right hand, reach around and start jacking Brent's little pricklet." As Cody did as he was told, feeling Brent's little kid cock grow to it's full four inches [10 cm] the minute he wrapped his fist around it, he felt Nate's finger replaced with his cock. "Stroke him in time to me fucking that beautiful cabin boy pussy of yours." As Cody got into the rhythm of being fucked and jacking his foster brother off, his own cock started leaking a steady stream of cock snot. He found himself rubbing his dick in between Brent's wonderfully soft buns. He thought of what it would feel like to actually fuck his little buddy, and immediately felt ashamed of himself. The problem was, that he had already sent his lust over the edge at the thought of his dick buried deliciously into Brent. A huge volley of cum fired out of his dick strait in between the two boys' bodies. When Brent felt the warm sticky goo shoot over his back, his little ball sack tightened and his dick dribbled a warm flow of his own goo over Cody's hand, that was still jacking him off even as his nuts pumped themselves dry. Nate watched all that was going on and loved it. He pulled his dick out of Cody's ass, spun the boy around and pushed him too his knees. "Time for your breakfast shake Cody!" With Brent watching, Cody was forced to open his mouth and take Nate's load. Swallowing most of it, but leaving a string trail of cum down his chin by the time Nate had finished shooting his morning load into his personal slut's mouth pussy. "That was wonderful!" Nate exclaimed, now lets all get cleaned up. We have a big day ahead of us!" He led the two humiliated foster brothers into the bathroom to take a quick but thorough shower. After drying off, Nate got dressed in slacks and a sport coat and told the boys to get dressed. Cody started putting on his schoolboy uniform from the night before with fresh underwear, but when Brent went to do the same he was stopped. "Not you Brent. You are doing special duty today, so I have a special outfit for you." Nate went to a drawer and pulled what looked like a small cloth out handing to the confused young cabin boy. When Brent looked at what he was handed he was still confused. It was a dark blue triangle of cloth with some string hanging from it. He had never seen what a thong back string bikini looked like before, and did not realize that the small triangle was all the covering he was going to get. Nate had him step into it and pulled it up his slender frame, adjusting his small package and ensuring the string went up the crack of Brent's tight pale little ass cheeks. Brent was mortified when he saw himself in the mirror! This thing was worse than being naked as the small pouch drew attention to his genital region. That plus the feeling of the string up his ass crack would remind him of how he was dressed with every step! "You look lovely Brent. Plus you need to get a tan down there," Nate pointed to the pale area of skin that would have normally been covered up by Brent's American style swim trunks or shorts. "I will see to it that you have some lotion put on you so you don't burn! Put these socks and your sandals on then go over to Cody and show him your cute ass." Brent bent over and put on the pair of white athletic ankle socks and his T bar sandals he was given, then Nate gave a slap to Brent's bum. Humiliated, Brent walked over to where Cody was tying his black lace up shoes and stood with his back to him. Cody's face flushed bright red and his schoolboy shorts got even tighter around his crotch when his little brother presented his sexily clad body to him. Nate thought this was hysterical, as he could not tell who was more embarrassed, Brent or Cody. "Right fellows, it's time to go to work. Brent you are going to go with another boy, Randall, today and help on out at the punishment deck." Just then there was a knock at the door, and Nate opened it, allowing a cabin boy wearing an outfit similar to Brent's to enter. "I was ordered to report to you sir," the boy said to Nate in a very distinctive Jersey accent. 15 year old Ran stood about 5 feet seven inches [1.70 m] tall, and weighed in at around 130 pounds [60 kg]. He had very smooth skin with a deep all over tan that matched his brown hair and eyes nicely. He was wearing bright red speedo style bikini with the same ankle socks and Tiva style sandals. The blue nylon pouch of his speedo did a nice job of outlining his three-inch [7½ cm] soft package. It was obvious he was cut. Nate said, "Randal, meet Cody and Brent. They are foster brothers that now belong to me. You are to take Brent here up to the punishment deck where Mr. Dobbs will be along with a prisoner. You two are to help out as he tells you. When you get there though, make sure to spread some sun lotion on Brent. I want his to have a perfect thong tan line. He will look so sexy that way. Do you understand?" Looking at the scared scantily clad boy before him, Ran's cock started to respond at the same time his voice did. "Yes sir. I will make sure he gets the lotion EVERYWHERE he needs it." Cody noticed the other cabin boy leering at Brent and felt a pang of jealousy. He was ashamed yet again of himself as he caught himself having lusty thoughts about Brent. Would he like Randall better? He was a very good-looking kid. Nate saw the anger flare on Cody's face, but ignored it as he fasted a nylon harness, kind of like they use for little kids these days, around Brent's naked chest. It had a leash attached to the small of his back, which Nate handed to Randall. "Cody and I will be up with some special guests later on too see how you two are getting on. Now take Brent here by the pool deck to give our guests a good view of you two, but don't dawdle. Brent, you are to do everything Randall tells you, do you understand?" Brent bit his lower lip and nodded to Nate. "That's a good boy, now off you go!" Cody watched as Ran gently pushed Brent out of the room and guided him down the hall. He looked to Cody. "Why are you doing this to him? You already have me? I thought 3;" Nate cut him off, "Once again mate, it doesn't matter what you think. Don't worry, Ran is a very nice boy with a heart of gold. We got him from Atlantic City a couple of years ago when he wandered off where he shouldn't have. Turns out he is a great cocksucker though, with the most beautiful tight bum. The guests all love to fuck him. Maybe we will make a movie with you three. Both of you obviously want a piece of Brent!" "That's a lie! I do not! I'm not queer!" Cody protested, although he doubted his conviction even as he said it. The thought of someone else with Brent made him sick to his stomach. "Come on Cody, we have to meet with my Dad so he can give sentence to Sean down in the brig." The two boys headed to meet with the Captain who was also on his way to the brig at the moment 3;
In the brigSean was covered in beads of his own sweat. He was squatting over the huge dildo, now planted about two thirds up his ass, balancing his weight between the balls of his feet and his ass hole, which was now stretched to about four inches [10 cm]. There were ribbons of drying cum running down his legs and his gloves were stained as well. His cock was erect, but pink and inflamed, even bleeding some places. The wires hooked up to his piercings had kept him aroused all night long, and caused him several times to grope his cock, despite the shards imbedded in the gloves he was forced to wear. He had cum seven times during the night and now his dick was so sensitive that it hurt to even think of it. Yet his legs were on fire and he felt himself slip even further onto the cylinder burrowing into his love tunnel just as Dobbs entered the room."Well good morning slut! I see you couldn't help grabbing yourself," the Master at Arms said. " Fucking worthless cum whore is what you are, that's for sure." He walked over to the delirious young Irish teen and undid the cables attached to his collar. "Stand up bitch and put your hands out in front of you!" Relived, Sean tried to stand up, but it almost felt as the cylinder/dildo was sucking him down. He was used to the painful stretching after almost eight hours of the slow torture of being forced to squat down over it, while being simultaneously stimulated into multiple orgasms. Dobbs saw this and laughed, then grabbed his collar and yanked upward. Sean let out a scream as he was yanked off the anal invader. He felt a huge void in his ass as his now giant gaping hole was now puckered around nothing but air. Dobbs took this time to grab all the wires and yank them off his piercings, pulling painfully at all the rings til the clips gave way. Sean was wailing in pain now and tried to curl up, but Dobbs yanked on his collar again causing him to stand. "Shut your Irish shit hole and put your hands out in front of you!" Dobbs yelled. With tears running down his cheeks, Sean complied, unsteadily putting his gloved hands out in front of him. Dobbs undid the gloves, and told Sean to march to the shower room to clean up. The captain was due in five minutes to announce his punishment. Sean wondered what the hell they called what he just went through, but as he marched stiffly to the shower room, he became more afraid. Surely it couldn't get worse could it? After stripping his socks and shoes off, he was allowed two minutes under scalding hot water where Sean managed to get most of the scum and sweat off of him. As he was shaved to the scalp, he didn't need to worry about washing his hair, as he had nothing but fine red stubble. When he shakily go out of the shower, two adult sailor guards roughly grabbed him while Dobbs inspected him. "Hmm, well at least you won't stink while the Captain decides what to do with your worthless Irish ass," he said while roughly running his hands over Sean's quivering naked flesh. Dobbs took great delight in pulling on his sensitive nose ring and frenum piercing at the same time making the lad whimper in pain and fright. Dobbs spoke to the guards. "Get him a clean uniform, then restrain him and bring him into the Captains Mast room." After the guard acknowledged him he turned and left. A clean pair of black and white striped prisoner socks were handed to Sean who pulled them to his knees with shaking hands. After he tied his Chuck Taylor hi tops back on, he was roughly hauled up and held tightly while one of the guards started buckling the thick leather restraints on him. Sean felt the three inch [7½ cm] leather collar being buckled around his neck tightly, followed by the matching three inch [7½ cm] belt around his skinny midsection. A wide backstrap ran from the collar to the belt with writs restraints at the small of his back. His arms were soon secured tightly behind his back to the strap, and a leash attached to the front of his collar. After leather cuffs were buckled around his bony sock clad ankles, and he was hobbled by a short chain, the smaller of the two guards gave a yank on his leash and he almost got two hobbled steps to the door before falling face down on the hard steel deck. The fact that his arms were secured behind him, meant he couldn't put his arms out to protect his fall and his face smashed painfully on the floor. The guards just laughed as he lay on the floor gasping for breath and bleeding from his nose. He was yanked to his knees by his leash then drug into the room known as the Captains Mast room. It was kind of a make shift courtroom where poor Sean was shoved struggling as well as he could considering his bondage onto a stand, surrounded by a wood railing with a polished wooden phallic shaped dowel in the center. . His ass was positioned over the dowel then he was shoved down on it, so that it was shoved about six inches [15 cm] into his already distended ass hole forcing him to almost stand on his tiptoes. He screamed in pain at the fresh intrusion up his tortured rear end. When he looked up through tear stained eyes he was facing a large Judge's type bench where to Sean's horror sat the captain, staring at the terrified youth through cold eyes at the nearly naked, impaled prisoner. As Sean looked around he saw that Nate was there too, with that ass hole that started all his problems Cody. If his damn dick hadn't felt so good inside him, he would not have shot his wad when he was not supposed to. Not that Cody exactly had any say in the matter, but when you were a teen boy sex slave, you didn't think of things in that tone. It was Cody's dick in his butt, so it was Cody's fault period! Dobbs was in the room as well and cleared his throat. "Good morning Captain, Nate," he said ignoring Cody like the piece of property they thought of him as. "The prisoner formerly known as Sean stands before you sir. He can't control his dick and constantly squirts his worthless cock without permission or even warning. This piece of Irish trash has constantly been a disappointment sir, embarrassing the ship in front of our guests. He was inprocessed last night as you know and now awaits your sentencing sir." The Captain stared with cold eyes at Sean, while contemplating. He loved being able to scare the shit out of kids, making them ashamed of themselves for what he knew was completely natural. Still, it was necessary to make an example of a few of his boys to keep the others in line. If they were afraid of the brig and being punished, they would do as they were told, no matter how disgusting or humiliating it was to them. Still the sight of the bound youngster squirming on the dildo pole excited him. So did the sight of young Cody in his little schoolboy outfit. He cleared his throat and spoke, "Cody, go over to the prisoner and push his stockings down." Confused Cody complied, getting and walking over to Sean. He bent over and pulled the striped prisoner socks down Sean's pale, freckled legs, until they were scrunched over his ankle shackles. Cody noticed goosebumps form on Sean's legs as he touched them. He looked back at the Captain waiting for instructions. The Captain produced a cane and laid it on the Judge's bench. "Nathan pick up this cane, and Cody come to me." As both boys were doing as they were told, Sean got a sinking feeling, as he had a good idea who the cane was for. He waited to hear his fate as the Captain spoke. "Normally I would take the pleasure of caning your backside myself, but this is a unique case. Since your trouble started with Nathan's new boy here, he must have turned you on quite a bit. Did his dick really feel that good up your ass boy, that you lost all control that me and my staff took months teaching you? Is that how little respect you have for your betters boy?" Before Sean could mumble out an answer, the Captain motioned with his hands for Sean to stay quiet. "Well I am going to see just what a sex pot Cody here must be. Cody is going to suck my dick while Nathan administers the cane to you. How many strokes you receive depends on how long it takes Cody to make me cum, so you better hope Nate has trained him well these past couple of days." Both Cody and Sean looked at the Captain then each other. Sean gave Cody a cold stare that caused the soon to be cocksucker to look away in shame. He felt terrible that he could be the cause of another boy's abuse. Of course it really wasn't Cody's fault, but turning the boys against each other was also in the captain's plan, as it was better than focusing their blame on the adults on board the ship. It was just another method of control. The Captain unzipped his uniform trousers, "On your knees Cody, and start your job. If I feel any teeth, you being Nathan's boy won't save you. Do you understand me?" "Yes sir, I , I understand sir," Cody was staring in horror at the captain's huge uncut member awaiting him. It looked at least six inches [15 cm] soft. It wasn't soft for long however as the sight of Cody on his knees between his legs was very gratifying to the Captain. He nodded to his son, who brought the cane back as he pulled Cody's head toward his crotch. SWISH CRACK! Cody felt the Captain's dick give a surge at the sound of Nate's cane connecting with the tender flesh of Sean's right leg just above the back of his knee. The sound of Sean screaming for mercy made Cody do his best to get the Captain off. He could only get about a third of the enormous cock in his mouth at a time, and he was drooling profusely over it trying his best to pleasure the man. He reached up and started to play with his hairy balls, but the captain pushed his hands away. He wanted to make this last. Nate was enjoying his work, leaving red stripes all over the back of Sean's legs and butt, alternating between left and right. He giggled with every swat, as Sean screamed in pain from both the whipping and from bouncing up and down on the fuck pole. His red, tortured penis was bouncing with him, staying soft as he was milked dry the previous night, and he found nothing erotic about this. Nate had a huge erection forming in his pants as he did his father's bidding. He started rubbing himself while he struck. The sight of Sean, with his arms secured at the small of his back, bouncing up and down on the fuck pole, was soon too much for the Captain to watch without going over the top. After around the thirtieth time the cane dug into his tender tortured skin, he grabbed Cody's ears and pulled him tightly, almost suffocating the young cabin boy on his cock. He started thrusting into Cody, getting half his cock inside his mouth when he started shooting his hot goo down the boy's throat. Cody could not keep up and started coughing. The Captain held on until he was done then pushed Cody away and signaled Nate to stop. Nate walked over to Cody, who was on the floor with the Captains sperm all over his lips and running down his chin. "How dare you spit up my father's juice. That is a disgrace! Get on your hands and knees" He got on his hands and knees and Nate started caning his ass right through his tight short pants. "You must always swallow and relish mine and my father's cum, is that clear?" Nate was shouting. His boner was about to bust the seams of his trousers as he administered ten smacks to Cody, who was now crying and begging forgiveness. Nate threw down the cane and unzipped his pants. "This time you better swallow it all!" Cody new what to do, and with tears running down his face, and a very sore bottom, he took Nate's fully erect dick into his mouth, and started sucking his second cock of the day. He still had some of the Captain's cum in his mouth, which was now mixing with the taste of Nate's pre cum. He bobbed up and down on Nate, humiliated at how good of a dick licker he had become. Luckily for him, Nate was already in a high state of arousal from caning Sean (who was still crying his eyes out, unable to rub away any of the pain form the caning), and did not need much to take him over the edge. This time, Cody managed to swallow all the cum that came flying out of Nate's stiff, slippery cock. With a sigh, Nate shoved Cody back on his tender butt. "That's much better. See to it that you always swallow everything!" Luckily for Cody, it had only been an hour or so since the last time Nate had shot a load, so there wasn't as much cum as there could have been. Still, Cody could feel the warm sticky goo, sliding down the back of his throat when the Captain cleared his throat. "Excellent job Nathan, but you need to work on Cody's cock sucking lessons." He shifted his gaze to Sean. "As for you. You are to be taken to the punishment deck, where you will be placed in the stocks, and available for whatever the passengers want to do to you. If you have never had the pleasure of working the deck, you will be pleased to know it is fully equipped with all the necessary equipment for a day of fun. I am then going to see if our Russian guests might like to have you, Lord knows why they would." Actually the Captain thought to himself, the red headed boy might indeed bring him a lot of money. The Russians wanted some international boys for their movie making business, and were going to trade or buy some of the Wombat's stock, in return for some cute Russian boys, which the Captain knew would prove to be quite popular among his guests. He looked at Dobbs. "Take him to the deck. Nate has seen to it that there are two attendant boys there already. Is that correct Nathan?" "Yes father. I had Ran come and pick up Brent. They should be up there now. It will give Brent some good incentive to behave. Plus I wanted him to get a nice tan." Nate replied looking at Cody. "Now if you excuse us father, I want to have some breakfast before we meet the Russians and Cody needs some mouthwash." He laughed at his little joke as his father dismissed them, and Dobbs and his goons lifted Sean off the fuck pole and started to lead him out by his leash toward the punishment deck. Just as they were about to leave Nate had them stop. "Cody, go over and pull the prisoners stockings up. We can't have him get punished while he is out of uniform!" Nate and all the adults present had a great laugh while Cody, still tasting the cum of father and son in his mouth walked to Sean, who was held slumped between the two guards, and knelt down to pull up the socks over the crying boy's welt covered shins. "Good job Cody, now let's go eat. Caning cabin boys and getting blown always gives me an appetite. Let's go," and Cody was led out of the small courtroom behind the group dragging Sean to his fate. Cody wanted to ask what was really going to happen to him and how Brent was going to be involved, but his ass was still sore from the caning and he sure didn't want join Sean as a prisoner, even though he already considered himself one. He had to be strong, but smart. For Brent's and his own sake he needed to cooperate as best he could until he could figure a way out of this mess! He followed Nate wondering what humiliation would next be bestowed upon him.
On their way to the punishment deck, Ran could not help but admire Brent's tight little virgin butt, as he watched the tiny blue string riding in the crack of his pale white buns. He had a clear tan line of normal shorts, and Ran thought it was kind of sexy the way he looked in the thong. Ran was tan all over as he was naturally dark to begin with, but he was also required to spend time sunning naked. He had to be careful not to get an erection in his tight bikini while walking the new frightened boy amongst the guests on the way. He knew that when dealing with Nate he had better be careful. He had never thought about sex with other boys or men before he had been brought on board the Wombat, but had adapted to life quickly. It made it easier to survive that way. Cooperate and have sex, or fight it and have sex anyway, along with getting punished. Not that he had avoided punishment or the horrific embarrassment of his initiation to the ship, but he soon learned the pleasure of getting his dick sucked, and it was amazing how many old men on the ship lusted to do just that. He hoped in vain that one of the rich guests would come along and buy him and take him away to the easy life. There were rumors among the boys that this did happen, although the real truth was usually that they had outlived their profitability and were sold off to whomever and for whatever. The Captain's clientele were screened well ahead of time to ensure nothing would be traced back to the Wombat. On the way there, several of the guests stopped to gawk at the two scantily clad boys, making cat calls about Brent being on the leash or the butt floss he was wearing etc. One said, "look at the cute puppy dog being walked by his little boy owner." This caused both boys to blush, but Brent the more so, as he was still not used to walking about with his body on display like a piece of meat. Several men tried to stop them but Ran politely explained where they had to go and as required, gave his name to them so they could call for his services later. By the time they made it to the punishment deck, Brent was crying in shame and Ran was relieved they made it there without him getting into trouble. Brent took in the macabre sight before him. Scattered about the punishment deck, which would have been a recreation area on a more conventional cruise ship, were various instruments and apparatus that he could only half guess at what their use was. There were stocks of all kinds, pillories, racks, whipping posts, a cross, several doggie cages and full racks of various torture implements. Brent was terrified, but at the same time glad he was not the one to be punished here. There were also scattered about, various lounge chairs and table for guests to spectate from, as well as a wet bar, manned by another cabin boy wearing the maroon uniform that the wait staff boys wore. Sean had not arrived yet, so Ran undid the harness from Brent, which was meant for nothing more than to humiliate the boy as he was walked about the ship, and told him to raise his arms above his head. The cute boy did as he was told, still sniffling up tears. "Look Brent," Ran said "I know you're scared and shit, but I aint going to hurt you OK? Just let me get this sunscreen on you before you burn to a crisp. Especially where you don't have a tan." Ran ran his hands lightly over the pale skin on Brent's butt. Both boys felt a surge at the contact. Ran squeezed a handful of lotion onto his palm and rubbed his hands together. This sure beats oiling up the fat old men at the pool, thought Ran as he started running his hands all over Brent's smooth soft skin. He felt the boy squirming at his velvet touch as he spread the sunscreen over his body. "This way, you will look all even when you have to wear a speedo or a thong. Turn around buddy." Brent turned around but would not make eye contact with Ran. His little pouch was tented from the soft touching on his body despite his fear. Ryan pretended not to notice, although it was impossible not to. "Just relax little buddy, I will take care of you up here. Just do what you're told. It will be scary, believe me, but they won't be focusing too much on us. We are just going to have to clean up after some of the guests and stuff. Just do what I do OK?" Ran was now smearing the sunscreen into Brent's ass crack, and he himself was getting tight in the speedos. Brent brought his hands down in front of his dick, trying in vain to hide his arousal. "I'm scared Randall. I hate this place! Why are they doing this stuff to us? I just want me and Cody to go home!" Brent started to cry softly again, while at the same time adjusting his now mostly hard cock in the tight G-string. Ran tried to take him mind off his task as he was getting really turned on by this sweet innocent, but incredibly hot looking kid. He continued oiling Brent up, and asked about Brent and Cody and got the history of the two hapless foster brothers and their abduction by Nate and the Captain. Randall told Brent his own story of last year, when he had a fight with his parents at the shore and went sulking off on his own. Some guy offered him a beer while he sat and stared at the waves, then told him he had more at his car if wanted it. Like any fourteen-year-old rebelling against his parents, he went off following the agent from the Wombat. Upon getting to the SUV someone from behind shoved the rag in his face, and he woke up in the brig the next morning cruising down the Atlantic coast. Thus began Randall's introduction as a sex slave cabin boy. Ran now put some zinc oxide on Brent's lips, wiping away the tears on the younger boy's cheeks, trying desperately not to feed a finger into the cute puppy's mouth as he ran his fingers over the sensuous little smoothers. He was really turned on now, and his speedo was straining to keep his six-incher [15 cm] inside the tight material while he finished the sun screening job with a dab of oxide on Brent's pug nose. He hoped his younger charge didn't notice the growing wet spot spreading near the waistband of his red bathing suit. Both boy's attention was soon diverted however, as at this moment, Dobbs appeared, followed by the two guards dragging the still bound and whipped form of Sean onto the deck. Dobbs looked at Ran and Sean. "Are you the two that Nathan sent to help out?" Ran swallowed, like all other boys on board, he was terrified of the Master at Arms. "Yes sir, this is Brent, I was told to bring him here and help out." Dobbs walked up and slapped Randall, "I know who he is you little shit! Do you think I don't know who is on board this ship?" Ran sucked back a tear, and fought the urge to feel his cheek, where he was sure a handprint was showing. In his Jersey accent, he answered. "Sorry sir. I didn't mean any disrespect." "Like hell you didn't. I know how all you New Yorkers are! Now go get a hood and have the new kid put it on him!" Ran didn't think this was the best time to point out the difference between New York and New Jersey to the Australian brute. He just acknowledged the order, trying to stay out of trouble and went to one of the storage bins and got a leather hood to give to Brent. Ran whispered to the boy, "just take this and pull it over his head." Brent took the black leather hood in trembling hands. The very sight of the two men holding the shaved bald boy, wearing nothing but the striped socks and Chuck's terrified him. Then he saw the ring in Sean's nose along with the ones in his nipples and got even more scared. When he walked up to him he could not reach his head, so one of the guards kicked Sean in the back of the knee, causing him to collapse to the ground. Dobbs laughed and said, "there you go cutie pie, now you can reach him. I bet you can't wait to get your haircut like that and some nice titty rings eh?" Brent was horrified at even the thought of needles going through him like that. Instead of answering the scary man, he just tried to pull the leather hood over Sean's cowering shorn head. With his shaking hands though, and absolutely no idea how the contraption went on, he was just fumbling until Ran finally kneeled down next to him and helped him pull the hood over Sean's head. The hood was a type that had removable eye and mouth holes. Dobbs instructed that the metal fitting be put into the mouth, holding the tongue down and the mouth open, so that the wearer had no choice as to what was put into his mouth. For now, the eye holes were left covered so that Sean was now blind to what was going on, as the two helper boys tightened the straps behind his head fastening the hood in place. Next Dobbs directed that the two boys fasten the prisoner in the stocks. One of the guards undid the arm restraints around Sean's neck and waist, only for the two teens to take him and lower his neck and wrists into the cutouts on the lower half of the mid evil bondage device. Brent was told to lower the top half of the stocks and put the wooden locking pin in place. Sean was forced to be on his knees this way, with his legs still shackled together and his ass totally vulnerable, as well as his head, which of course was locked in place by the stocks with the hood forcing his mouth to be permanently open in an "O" shape. The only thing left, according to Dobbs, was for Brent and Ran to take off Sean's shoes, leaving the sock clad soles of his feet open for anything that anyone would choose to do as well. "Not bad boys," Dobbs said. "Now every half hour, make sure you put one quart [0.9 liter] of water down his throat, using a funnel, and when he pisses or shits himself, I want the little runt to clean him off. We can't have him scaring the guests away!" After the guards and Dobbs finished laughing, he continued. "Other than that, you are to assist the guests in anyway they wish, with the exception of course, of anyone putting their meat hooks on Nate's precious little puppy dog here. Of course Randall, you know how it goes for you. Do as you're told. Are there any questions?" When neither boy, who were both too scared to answer, said anything, Dobbs finished. "Good, the deck opens in ten minutes, and the Captain will be up with VIP's later on. You two better not fuck anything up, or it will be you in the stocks tomorrow!" Dobbs and his goons left the deck. It appeared that they were left alone, but Ran knew very well that there were camera's on them with someone from the Captain's crew always watching. In the meantime, Brent was speechless, staring at the poor creature locked up in front of him, with just his pierced nose visible on his face above the mouth opening of the mask. He also noticed the welts on the backs of Sean's legs and butt from Nate's earlier thrashing. He also noticed for the first time now that Sean's privates were totally on display, the ring through Sean's frenum. That terrified him, yet at the same time, gave him a curious feeling that he couldn't really define. He had trouble taking his eyes off of Sean's genital area though, and he was still kind of sexed up from Ran's sensuous sun tan lotion application. Both boys' train of thought was derailed though when Seaman Jones burst out onto the deck, dragging Rex, by a leash. Rex, who was being led on all fours, dressed in his normal harness, jock and boots, was trying hard to keep up. His arms ached from being left chained up all night after the brutal whipping and fucking at the hands of his master. Ran smiled to himself, as he as well as most of the boys on board remember too well how much Rex had enjoyed shoving needles, both the piercing kind as well as the tattoo variety into their helpless bodies. Today's duty wasn't turning out too bad he thought, with the exception of the smack across the face from Dobbs, but that was always inevitable around the brute. Jones looked at Ran then Brent. "So Nate's new boy whore got the duty with you eh Randall? Very nice, well I have a little test for Rex here this morning. He has to fuck Sean in the ass and make him cum before he blows his own load. Otherwise, I get myself a new assistant. I hear the Doc's has already failed him for some reason so let's see if we can make it two failures today. You boy," pointing to Brent. "Come over here and undo Rex's harness and take his jock off of him. Ran I want you to get him hard so he can mount our hapless Irish slut here in the stocks. Do a little sexy dance in front of him. He loves to look at sluts like you in tight Speedos and such." Brent had a little difficulty figuring out the straps and buckles on the harness, but eventually figured it out leaving only the bulging leather jock on Rex. It was one thing touching Cody, who he had known as a brother since his earliest memory, but now as his hands hovered on the bulging leather pouch on the other boy, he felt quite embarrassed. When he saw it start to grow under his touch he jerked his hand back. It was then he saw that Ran was shaking his red nylon covered butt in front of Rex's face. Despite himself, the junior sadist was getting turned on from the sight, as well as Brent's fingers playing with his leather straps. Brent eventually got the courage to pull the jock off, causing Rex's boner to slap up against his stomach. What greeted Brent next caused him to gasp as well as his little pouch to get even tighter. He thought the frenum piercing was weird enough, but now he had seen his first PA, as Rex's bug guage stud glistened with a drop of precum at the end of his fully aroused fuck tool. All three boys now sported full wood, to the delight of Jones, who was enjoying his role as MC. While Brent and Ran were prepping Rex, a small crowd had gathered, ordering drinks from the bar boy and sitting back to enjoy the upcoming show. Sean, who due to the hood could only hear muffled voices and see nothing, had virtually no idea what was going on, only that his knees already hurt, and that he had to pee very badly. Too bad for him he could only make unintelligible noises due to the sucking funnel secured by the mask in his mouth. Jones had Ran and Brent stand aside as he pulled Rex to his feet. The scared boy now stood wearing nothing but his collar, his Doc Martin boots with red socks and a hardon. Jones spoke to him as well as the gathered crowd. "You know the deal Rex. Make Sean cum before you and all is forgiven and you can give the new brat here his Wombat tattoo," pointing to Brent causing the youngster to put a hand to the spot above his groin where all the other boys were marked. Jones continued, " But if you blow a wad up his worthless ass, I will leave you up here for these fine gentlemen to enjoy along with Sean! You must stay hard though too, if you get soft now, the whole deal is off and I will leave you anyway." There was a huge round of applause, and many side bets started occurring. The crowd, as well as Rex, had no idea that poor Sean had been ruthlessly milked all night long, and had no way of producing anything close to a load for hours! Jones grinned at Rex and told him to begin. Rex walked up behind Sean, willing himself to think of other things. The sight of the boy restrained though was enough to terribly excite him, as he was truly a sadistic teen at heart and loved the thought of raping a helpless victim, even though that's what he himself was at the moment. He kicked Sean's legs apart as wide as his chains would allow them to spread, and aimed his cock at the pink eye that was winking back at him. Sean knew something was up now and started to struggle in his binds. Rex stood between his legs and positioned his cock at Sean's rear entrance. He spit on his cock, then with one thrust shoved it in. Sean screamed and bucked at the fresh attack on his ravaged ass hole, feeling Rex's PA ram it's way home. As ravaged as it was though, it was still heaven to Rex who started to fuck him at a slow pace, trying to make himself last. He had come after only a few strokes the last time he had a chance to fuck this gorgeous young European boy, and he didn't want to blow it (literally) this time. After almost a full minute though, he saw that Sean was not even hard and wondered what was wrong. His hair trigger is what had got him here in the first place. He looked in panic at Jones, who smiled and whispered to him, "by the way, did I forget to tell you that Sean came at lest seven or eight times last night while being raped by a robot!" He started laughing Rex stopped fucking the boy looking at his master in disbelief. Jones picked up leather riding crop and smacked Rex hard across the ass. "Keep fucking boy! I didn't tell you to stop!" Tears were flowing down Rex's face, as he started fucking the struggling boy under him, knowing he would not outlast him. At the second swat on his ass, he felt his nuts start to boil. He looked away trying to get his mind off of it, but all around him, the guests had their cocks out stroking them or getting blowjobs from the waiter boys. He then looked to Ran and Brent, the older stroking his package through his speedo at the sight of Rex getting whipped, and the younger to shocked to do anything, despite his own still uncut cockhead peeking out the top of his tiny posing pouch. Jones noticed this too, and after a good ten strokes of the crop, motioned for Brent to come over. Shyly the boy approached the sailor, who whispered to him, "play with his balls boy, stroked them nice and gentle." Brent walked up behind the Rex's bouncing ass and looked at Jones who nodded. He reached out with his right hand and grazed his fingers over Rex's tight sack. That was all it took. Rex tensed, then screamed, "NOOOOOOOO!" as he fired his load of hot teen sperm into Sean's ravaged pleasure cave. Sean felt the goo being deposited and moaned into his mask, as even his tortured cock now started showing signs of life. Rex continued to sob as load after load of goo fired out his dick, causing a river of cum to start flowing down Sean's inner thighs. The crowd was applauding and money was exchanging hands. A line was also forming behind Sean of some guests that wanted to have there own fun. Jones pushed Brent out of the way then pulled Rex back, causing his still throbbing dick to make a plopping sound as it popped out of Sean's butt. Jones looked at Ran, "Stop playing with yourself boy and make yourself useful. Grab a penis board and come over to the poles." Embarrassed at losing his self control, Ran jumped over to where the toys were stored and grabbed a polished board about two feet by one foot [60x30 cm], hinged on one side, with a hole in the middle and steel eye holes on the corners. He walked over to Jones, who was showing Brent how to put handcuffs on Rex, who was still crying and begging for another chance. This just infuriated Jones, who slapped the now cuffed boy and took the board from Ran. Noticing the huge wet spot and bulge in the front of Ran's Speedo, Jones got an idea and told Brent to start rubbing Ran's speedo in the crotch. Brent, still confused and scared, but getting used to all the weird perverted orders he was giving complied and knelt in front of a surprised Ran and started rubbing his dick through the skimpy, now barely constraining suit. While the two helper boys were occupied, Jones grabbed Rex's dick and closed the hinged board around its base, making it stick straight out. The 'penis board' was basically a mini stocks for a dick. Jones grabbed the chains attached to the poles Rex was standing in between and attached them to the eyebolts on the corners of the board. Now Rex was restrained by his cock, standing in nothing but his boots with his hands cuffed behind his back a few feet away from Sean. There were now two boys available for entertainment on the punishment deck. Jones turned his attention to Ran, who was terrified of squirting a wad in his swim trunks at the hands of the super cute novice boy who was fondling him. Jones just smiled, "Do you want to cum Ran?" "Oh god sir, please. If he doesn't stop, I won't be able to help it." "Go ahead boy, shoot your load, I want you to!" This was all Ran needed to hear and soon he was flooding his Speedo turning the front area a dark red color as his juice shot out of his six incher [15 cm] and soaking up the material. He was in heaven, with his eyes shut and pulling poor Brent's face into his crotch and rubbing him all around in his mess. When he realized what he was doing, an embarrassed Ran let go of Brent and stood back in his cum soaked swimsuit looking sheepishly around as the assembled crowd applauded. Jones told him to take his suit off and put it into Rex's mouth. "That will teach you to beg after I have announced your punishment boy. You are officially fired as my assistant. I will talk to the captain about your next assignment on the Wombat. Now I need to think about who I want to teach how to pierce dicks!" Laughing Jones watched as Ran, with just a bit of his own cruelty, shoving his cum soaked swimsuit into his former tormentor's mouth. Men were now also lining up behind Rex, dicks in hand to take a turn with him. Jones looked at the now naked beauty of Ran's all over tanned body. "Too bad Nate want's that thong tan line on his little whore boy. Hardly seems fair that you're naked and he's not. He should at least have to work in a sticky thong. Since he got you off Ran, why don't you get down on your knees and lick Brent's little cock through his pouch and make him squirt. If you can do it with just your tongue in less than one minute, I won't feel the need to tell Nate how disappointed I was in you I may even give you some clothes back. Get to it boy. A frightened, yet very excited Ran got down on his knees in front of a trembling Brent. He looked up and winked at the young teen in front of him, "just go with the flow dude, enjoy it and don't fight it or we will both pay for it." Brent just nodded and closed his eyes and even let out a low moan when he felt the hot wet mouth of Randall encase his entire package in his mouth and start chewing on the satiny material of his thong posing pouch. Randall was very good at his job. The fact that young Brent was a living breathing hormone factory just beginning to realize the powerful feelings of lust didn't hurt either. It only took around twenty seconds of oral attention, even through the material encasing his four inches [10 cm] of pleasure pole, for Ran to cause Brent to squeal in an embarrassed delight as he flooded his own suit with junior fuck sauce. His suit was so small that ribbons of his cum were running down his legs, which one of the horny guest gladly lapped up, pushing Ran out of the way, until Jones intervened, explaining politely that the helper boys were off limits to guests. Especially Brent as he was property of Nate. The man was disappointed, but quickly forgot about it as he decided to have a go at fucking the bound up punk boy Rex instead. Brent was totally ashamed that anyone seemed to be able to make his body betray itself. He didn't realize it was totally natural, and it troubled him greatly. He wished Cody was here to explain things to him, but at least Ran wasn't as scary as Nate and he hoped they could become friends. Jones was pleased and allowed Ran to put on Rex's leather jockstrap. "He won't be wearing ever again," he laughed. "He better hope for fur underwear where he is likely headed!" Jones laughed at his private joke that left all the boys bewildered, as he walked off the deck. "Keep things clean you two!" were his parting instructions. In the meantime, a man yelled outrage, as poor Sean could not help himself any longer and started pissing himself while the mans dick was in his mouth. The man pulled his dick out, and said, "if you like piss so much boy here you go!" A steady golden flow was aimed at Sean's hooded face. As he could not see anything, he didn't know what was coming until he felt and tasted the piss as it splashed on his face, up his nose and into his mouth. Brent and Ran had to get a mop and clean up the deck as well as hose Sean off for the next guest to take a turn at his ass or mouth. Thus started the morning on the punishment deck for four hapless cabin boys. Two as the main attraction, the other two as eye candy and clean up boys each wondering if they would ever end up in the stocks. Brent started to itch in his cum coated thong while he toiled away cleaning up mess after mess, glad he wasn't in their position yet. He did keep looking at Ran, wondering why such a sight, a smooth tan boy in nothing but a leather jockstrap and shorty socks and sandals, was causing him to feel funny. He sure wished Cody was there. Cody could explain anything, as he was the best guy in the world! Just as Jones was leaving the punishment deck and letting the guests have their fun, a large helicopter was landing on the helipad on aft deck of the Wombat. The Captain, Reginald, Dobbs, Nate and poor Cody were assembled as a welcoming party as well as six cabin boys designated as baggage handlers in their standard cabin boy uniforms. When the rotors stopped turning and the crew has secured the helo to the deck, the passenger door opened and men started spilling out. First were two large men that appeared to be bodyguards, followed by two other men. The last man out of the chopper took the lead in walking over to the Captain who had also started walking toward the group of visitors. Cody felt anything like the best guy in the world as he could feel these Russians leering at him, dressed like pervs wet dream as he was! One of the men smiled at him and pointed him out to the two bodyguards. He felt himself blush and wanted to shrink away and vanish! The Captain held out his hand, "Gentlemen, I am Captain Foster, and on behalf of my crew, welcome aboard the pleasure ship Wombat." The man who appeared as the leader took the Captains hand and spoke in a thick accent, "Thank you Captain, I am Boris, and this is my associate Serge. Our last names are not important. " Boris did not mention the body guards names and they didn't appear to care. "Would you like to see the merchandise we brought now?" The Captain spoke, "My associates can get them to the sick bay where I have some waiting in trade for you if you so desire. I also have some others that might meet your requested specifications. Shall we go have lunch and a drink?" "Excellent suggestion sir." The Captain, followed by Reginald, Nate and Cody, led the Russian visitors off the deck, with one of the bodyguards staying behind with Dobbs and the other boys as they gathered the luggage and the cargo. The cargo in this case were four boys, one fourteen-year old, two aged fifteen and one sixteen. The youngest was blond, as was the oldest, with the two middle having dark brown hair. All boys were very thin and pale. They had been picked up by the Russian organization off the streets. They were all orphans living anyway they could, which meant selling their bodies to the highest bidder. Most were hooked on sniffing glue or other drugs when they were picked up, and were helpless against their cruel new owners. Teen gay porn movies were just one of the many ways organization that now owned them made money, but it was one of the more lucrative. They were looking to expand their stable to a more international pool, and the Wombat was were they were going shopping. Dobbs and two cabin boys herded the four frightened, confused, Russian boys down into sickbay to the room where Randy and Alec were still confined to their beds. One of the bodyguards went with them ass well. The four Russian boys were wearing bright blue skin tight mesh body suits, almost like leotards and tights except you could see their soft uncut members through the mesh. The boys were told through the translating bodyguard to lay down on the beds opposite the two wombat boys and wait for their betters to arrive to work out the details of the trade. Both Alec and Randy (not to be confused with the very cute Randall, working naked up on the punishment deck) looked at each other when they heard the word 'trade' mentioned by Dobbs, but both were way too afraid to ask him. Randy after just getting out of the brig was still in a state of semi shock, and Alec was just happy he wasn't going to be turned into some sexless freak or girl to get in trouble at this point. Still as he looked at the skinny Russian boys in front of him and the total fear in their eyes, he felt sorry for them, and wondered what they had been through compared with his own past. He would like to ask but apparently they spoke little or no English. When who looked like the oldest boy asked the Russian body guard something, the man came over and hit him across the face, making him start crying and the other boys to cower in even more fear. They stared at each other in uncomfortable silence for what felt like hours but was actually more like fifteen minutes until the Doctor arrived to examine the new stock. When the Doctor entered the room, he told the Russian boys to strip through the guards. He looked at Alec and Randy, who were already naked and told them to stand up as well. The doctor smiled at the room full of cute naked boys wondering which one of the Russians the captain would give to him to continue his experiments. Hopefully the cute little blond boy about Alec's size he thought. Oh well, that was for his boss to decide. The first thing that he noticed was that all the Russian boys were uncut. His dicks swelled in his pants at the thought of four circumcisions on conscious teenagers at once. He grinned at Dobbs and said as much. Alec and Randy felt sympathy for the boys, remembering their own in processing on the Wombat. Randy was already cut when he came on board, but he had heard the stories from the other boys that were not so fortunate. The Russian boys were wondering what all the conversation was about until Dobbs, with his usual streak of cruelty pointed at Alec and Randy's dicks, then theirs and made a scissors motion at them. This caused a fair amount of panic, necessitating that Dobbs and the bodyguard restrained the boys to their beds for the rest of the perfunctory checkups. He took their blood pressures, looked in their mouths and listened to their chests and hearts. Next came the blood tests, and the frightened boys cried out as the needles were inserted. None had ever probably seen a real doctor since the day they were born. He had Alec hold their legs up while he took their temperatures rectally, then re-secured them to their beds. The Doctor noticed that none complained as the thermometers were inserted, figuring all had had much larger inserted into their butts as part of their service to their owners. His quick check up complete, he told Dobbs that all would do pending any diseases that showed up on the blood tests. He would save the more complete physical for the audience of guests that were sure to pay top dollar for this. Dobbs looked at Randy and Alec, "You two grab one of their body suits and put it on." This confused the two boys, but they did as they were told. Little did they know they would be taking the places of the hapless boys across from them and they were to look roughly the same so smuggling them back into the country would not be as difficult. Alec felt weird in the skintight suit, but was thankful at least it wasn't a dress, although it did still seem a bit 'sissy' to him. He was beginning to figure out what was going on, but was too afraid to ask. Once he and Randy were dressed, they two were strapped to their beds, and they were all left alone. The younger Russian boy started crying until the oldest said some sharp words to him in Russian. Basically to calm down and shut up less they get another beating. The all laid back wondering what there fates would be, especially the Russian boys staring at their soon to depart foreskins. They looked across at Randy and Alec, staring at what they could see of their cut dicks through the mesh of the body suits and wondering what it felt like. After a huge lunch, where the Russian man sitting next to Cody kept looking at him and feeling his bare knee under the table. The captain led the visiting party on a tour of the ship. The Russian busy taking notes and telling his number two man to note this or that. All the visitors and obvious bulges in their pants by the time they arrived on the punishment deck. The site of the two boys restrained and being ravaged by the group caused much excitement among the guests. When Brent saw Cody come on the deck with everyone he was excited and ashamed at the same time. He was glad his big brother and protector was back within sight, but humiliated at being seen in the state he was. He was covered in his own cum and still half-hard from watching all the debauchery in front of him, not to mention being strangely turned on by the very cute, and now very sweaty as well, Randall wearing the sweaty leather studded jockstrap. The Captain spoke, "Gentlemen, these are two of the boys I told you about in the transmission last night. Sean, the one redheaded freckled boy is Irish and Rex is French Canadian. This plus the other two Americans I told you about that are in the sickbay with your boys should make what I consider a fair trade." The two Russian men conversed, then walked over to Sean first. The captain had Ran take the eye patches off the hood Sean was wearing, causing him to squint until he focused on the men staring at him. The Russian ran his finger in his mouth, then moved behind him, feeling him all over, including all his piercings, until finally shoving the same finger up his ass. When it came out covered with the cum of about ten men, who had been fucking Sean all morning, the one called Boris laughed, then fed his gooey finger back to Sean, who had no choice but to suck it clean. "This one we take, yes." Boris said before walking over to Rex, who was watching with terrified eyes when he figured out that he was up for trade. He actually liked his position on the ship and started crying when the Russian man was feeling him up. The man fingered all his tattoos and his PA ring at the end of his dick. Boris grunted, "I like this one. We make good SM movie with him da!" The captain directed that the two boys be released from the deck and removed to the sickbay for out-processing. They were getting ready to follow them when the second Russian, Serge pointed at Randall. "Captain, is it possible to enjoy this fine beautiful little creature tonight?" Ran felt his cheeks flush as he was being talked about. The Captain replied. "Certainly. Nate, why don't you see to it that Randall is cleaned up for our guests, and then you Cody and Brent can join us for a little party this afternoon after we complete the details of our trade down in sickbay." "Yes father, of course." They were about to leave but stopped when they heard one of Dobbs guards howl in pain. As he was unlocking Rex, the lad kicked him in the balls and tried to break free. Only Dobbs grabbed him in the nick of time. "Let me go! I'm not going to fucking Russia. You can't do this to me. Let me go you fucker!" Dobbs was about to hit him but Serge had walked over in the meantime. With a cruel grin he spoke in a heavy accent. "May I?" Dobbs handed the struggling naked boy to the Russian. Rex was still struggling until he felt just how powerful the grip of the Russian gangster was. He locked eyes with the man and immediately stopped struggling. "Listen to me young man. You belong to me now, and will do as I say. If you don't obey me instantly I will break one of your fingers. Do you understand me?" Rex totally believed this frightening man and went limp. "Yes sir. I understand." Serge let him go. "Very good. Now get down on your knees and unzip my trousers." Rex did as he was told and then started to pull Serge's massive uncut cock out of his underwear. He was stopped by a slap in the face. Serge grabbed his own cock aimed it at Rex and let go with a stream of piss. Rex shut his eyes and started to cry, totally humiliated being pissed on in front of the other boys whom he used to lord over. Only when Serge was done did he speak. "Now you will take it and lick it clean. If you get any piss on my suite I will rip that ring out of the end of your cock. Terrified and very carefully, Rex licked the urine off of the rapidly enlarging cock. When he started running his tongue stud under Serge's foreskin, the man sighed and started jacking his cock while being licked. Soon a shower of Russian sex sauce was mixed with Serge's piss all over poor Rex's face. Stuffing his dick back in his pants, he looked at Rex and said, "You and I will have fun together when we get home young man. Just wait and see." With that he returned to the group and walked off with the captain. Rex and Sean allowed themselves to be led off by the guards, which left Nate in charge of Cody, Brent and Randall. He looked at Ran. "Go to your quarters, get showered up, then report to me in your short pants tuxedo. Make sure you put some cologne on and be on your best behavior. As you can see mate, these blokes don't fuck around." Randall, who was terrified at what he just saw considering he was to spend the night with the same man, numbly shook his head and headed off, shivering at the thought of the night to come. Nate looked at Brent, noticing the cum stained thong. "Well, looks like you had some fun here Brent. It's the showers for both of you too. I have some tuxedos coming that should fit you for the party. Cody, you may have to go with one of the Russians to close the deal, but I will make sure your little mate Brent here stays with me. His ass is just begging to get buggered soon though." He pinched Brent's exposed cheek, causing him to yelp. "Let's go." Nate led them back to his stateroom.
Chapter 7After showering and dressing in his tuxedo, complete with tight short black pants, Ran checked his bow tie in the mirror, while the other cabin boys in his bunkroom watched on, whispering comments. He made sure his hair was gelled nicely in place, and his black dress socks were pulled up tight, then headed out the door while his buck mates whistled at his tight ass. Living as cabin boy sex slaves had made most of them pretty much used to constant sexual activity, and some turned into craving sex as much as the adult guests. Of course having sex with another cabin boy was strictly prohibited unless one of the guests wanted to see it. No one wanted to end up in the brig, especially those such as Ran who had done helper duty on the punishment deck. He didn't tell the other boys about the Russians yet, as he didn't want to worry his friends, or they would not have been kidding him the way they were. They stuck together as much as they could, given the circumstances. After seeingthe ice in Serge's eyes when he pissed all over Rex's face, Ran was not looking forward to the coming evening. He was Serge's boy for the night. Swallowing his fear, he turned and smiled at his buds and told them he would see them in the morning. He headed toward Nate's cabin.When he arrived, he knocked on the door and Brent answered. He was wearing only a skimpy pair of tight red briefs, as he and Cody's tuxedos had not arrived yet. Brent held the door for Ran to enter and closed it quickly, still retaining modesty after all he had been through. It was bad enough to be sitting in front of Cody and Nate in just underwear, even though Cody was wearing even an even skimpier black string bikini brief. Ran just stood in the middle of the room, embarrassed at himself more than anything. He hated this stupid outfit even more than his normally embarrassing uniform. He barely noticed that the other two were only wearing skimpy underwear, as that was a daily occurrence on the Wombat. He did think that both of Nate's two new boy toys were very cute and was kind of jealous in a way. He hated the way Nate lorded over all the other boys, like he was superior to them or something, just because his dad was the captain. If they had met on the street alone somewhere, Ran thought to himself. He smiled at the thought but was quickly brought back to reality. "You're looking very sexy, mate," Nate said. "I'm sure you will have that Russian bloke creaming in his skivvies before he even lays it to your ass!" Nate was wearing boxers and pulling up the trousers to his ship's officer uniform. It was a mess dress type, with a tight waistcoat. Of course his had long pants, but it still fit him like a glove, showing off his tight ass very nicely. After years of sailing with his dad, Nate was quite used to fancy parties, but this would be the first that he would be treated as an equal with the adults, now that he had his very own boys to show off! That is why he was allowed to wear the uniform that would match the one his father wore (excepting of course for the Captains rank on the shoulders of his father's coat). Once he had his tie on straight, he sat back down on the couch. Nate smiled and rubbed his crotch staring at the three cute teens in his room. Things could not be better! He had just enjoyed a shower with the two foster brothers, that even they enjoyed as Nate just concentrated on getting clean for a change. Now he would enjoy a nice party where he could show off Cody to the Russians. Maybe he would make him suck his dick in front of them, or even fuck him while he made Brent blow Cody. Who knows? He looked at them, "As soon as your tux's get here, we will go to the party. You Randall, are to go right to Serge and start flirting with him. You are to do everything he asks and more? Do I make myself clear?" Ran swallowed; remembering what Serge had done to Rex earlier on the punishment deck. "Yes sir, I understand perfectly. I will try to make him happy!" "Try Hell!" Nate snapped. "You will! As a matter of fact, while we are waiting, why don't you practice your blowjob techniques on Cody. Cody take your pants off and get over here and sit next to me on the couch. Brent, come sit on my lap so we can watch Ran TRY to make Cody happy. If you get one drop of cum on that tux Randall I swear I will just give you to Serge to keep for good! Now get on your damned knees, crawl over here and start sucking!" Nate pulled his pants and underwear down to his knees, nestling Brent onto his lap so his dick was pressing into the youngster's butt crack through his briefs. Mad at himself for his choice of words and madder still that Cody and Brent's stupid tuxedos weren't there, Ran sighed and got on his knees. At least he could blow Cody and not that insufferable brat! He wondered why Nate was having him do the new kid. He crawled over to the couch while a red faced Cody lowered his little black bikini to his ankles, kicking it so only one leg was now through the holes. The sight of Ran crawling toward him on his knees made Cody's cock start to stiffen ever so slightly, much to its owner's consternation. Cody hated himself for starting to look forward to all this sex stuff. He tried to will himself not to get excited, but the thought of the impending good feeling of orgasm overcame any reservations he had about having another boy suck his dick. The fact that Ran was extra good looking didn't hurt either. Cody didn't even realize that he was now thinking of other boys as good looking. Ran pushed his legs apart and started licking around Cody's circumcision scar. Cody let out a sigh and moved his legs further apart. He looked down at the experienced cabin boy's head between his thighs and watched his now rapidly lengthening dick disappear into Ran's hot wet mouth. He let out a groan of pleasure. Brent felt his own dick stiffen in his briefs as he watched the show next to him. Nate reached around and started playing with his nipples, casing them to harden instantly. "You like looking at your brother's cock don't you?" Nate whispered in his ear intensifying the tit massage. Nate put one of his hands down on Brent's cotton covered package and gave it a squeeze, causing Brent to shudder. "I bet you wish that was you down there with that shiny wet dick sliding in and out of you cute little mouth." Brent, who hadn't taken his eyes off of Ran gobbling on his brother's cock, shook his head no. The growing wet spot on the front of his undies however, gave a different answer. When he felt Nate tugging his underwear down, he wordlessly lifted his hips off of his master's lap to allow the skimpy briefs to collect in a small pile at his ankles. His cock was now sticking straight out from his smooth almost hairless groin. Nate stuck a finger under his foreskin and rubbed it around gathering some of Brent's precum on his finger. He pulled Brent's foreskin back with the other hand while he force fed the young teen his own slime while Nate started jacking his cock in time to Ran's sucking of Cody. When Brent felt Nate's tongue playing with his earlobe, his cock came full to attention, while at the same time he felt Nate's cock stiffen in his butt crack. Nate got a rhythm down. He was fucking Brent's ass crack while he jacked him off all in time to Ran's blowjob. Cody was covered in a fine sweat. The feeling of his cock sliding in and out while Ran danced around it with his tongue was overpowering his thoughts. He saw Brent being jacked off by Nate and was slightly jealous. He thought it should be him giving such pleasure to his brother, and that made him feel weird. But he couldn't concentrate on that because at the moment, he felt Ran's finger running along his perineum and he clamped his legs around the beautiful boy from New Jersey's head. He knew he was about to cum. When Ran grazed the entrance to his secret place it pushed Cody over the edge and he was soon filling Ran's mouth with his seed. Some of Cody's cum was leaking out around the corners of Ran's mouth, but he was careful not to leak any onto his tuxedo. Ran sucked at Cody's cock until the moaning, panting blonde was milked dry. When he backed off of Cody's half hard, slimy cock, a trail of jizz came off of his lips to Cody's piss slit. Cody, without even thinking wipedit off of Ran's lips, feeding his fingers to the boy to clean them off. The sight of this turned Nate on to no avail, and when he felt his nuts start to boil over, he jammed his tongue into Brent's ear and was soon filling Brent's ass crack with his own juice! The feeling of the wet probing tongue in his ear and the Australian boy goo in his butt crack made Brent feel all tingly inside. He let out a startled cry and soon he was joining Nate in firing his own small load of dick milk all over Nate's hand, which had stopped jacking, but was squeezing his cock in time to his own cock spasms. After all three boys had shot their loads; Nate sighed with contentment as he wiped his hand off on Cody's chest next to him. He lifted Brent off of him and had him get down on all fours in front of him, before turning to Cody. "Get on the floor and clean my spunk off his bum with your tongue, then both of you go take another shower" Cody gave Nate a dirty look before getting down on his knees behind his mortally embarrassed foster brother. He spread Brent's butt cheeks apart, revealing a sticky track of Nate's cum running down his ass crack and inner thighs. Cody closed his eyes and brought his face into the velvet canyon of Brent's butt and started lapping up Nate's Aussie boy goo. Cody could feel the goose pimples form on his little bros butt while he gave his rear a tongue bath. Meanwhile, Nate had Ran crawl over and lick the remnants of goo off his cock. The poor cabin boy was the only one who hadn't cum and the lump in his tux shorts showed it. Nate wasn't interested in Ran's pleasure however, only his own entertainment. He was in charge after all! There was a knock at the door, and a boy entered with the two brothers' tuxedos. Nate looked at Cody lapping at Brent's bum and laughed. "Ok mate, stop what you are doing and both of you go take a quick shower and get back out here right away. Your clothes are here, and it is time to get dressed for the ball." The two boys stood up, Brent with a raging hard on and a bright red face. He was totally ashamed and afraid Cody would think he was weird for getting excited. Cody pretended not to notice however and just took Brent's hand and led him back into the bathroom. Nate had Ran stand back up while he did the same and straightened out his uniform. He looked at Ran, "Serge will love it if you come in with a boner like that in your trousers mate. I know you are a good little poofter Randall, so if you do a good job tonight, I may let you and Cody have a go some time." Randall blushed and looked at his feet. He hated being called a poof or a fag or any of that stuff, but the truth was, he loved dick! What would all his friends' back home think of him? Still the thought of getting to put his own cock into Cody's tight little ass was something to look forward to. He would do his best to please the creepy Russian! Cody and Brent returned to the stateroom, freshly clean and naked. Nate looked at them and smiled. "My two boys, ass squeaky clean. Here, I have some new underwear for you to try on." He tossed each boy a tiny little patch of material. Each boy held a tiny black Lycra spandex G-string in front of him with a pained look. Nate grinned at them, "Well you can't have regular shorts underneath your new trousers." Nate handed each of them black spandex shorts as well. "These will make you look so sexy! Now hurry up and get dressed or we will be late." Both boys were humiliated as they pulled up the tiny G-strings. Cody had to play with his dick several times to get it to fit inside the tiny pouch, and the string up his butt felt funny. Brent didn't like it any better although he was used to the feeling from the posing pouch he had to wear on the punishment deck. They pulled on the skintight black shorts next, Cody's reached almost to his knees while Brent's were considerably shorter. White shirts and bow ties followed, with Cody getting a black coat, and Brent getting a white. Nate smiled and told him it was because he was still a virgin. Brent felt his cheeks flush and Cody would have liked nothing better than to smack Nate right there. Of course he knew he could not. Knee socks and shoes to match the color of their coats completed their outfits, and Nate ushered his three frightened charges out of his room toward the formal dining room where the party was being held. The captain was sitting at the head of his table with the four Russian visitors sharing a glass of wine to celebrate their trade. Sitting with them was Dobbs, the Doctor and Reginald. This could make us both a lot of money the Captain was thinking. He could care less that the boys he was trading off faced a life of depravity and despair in the former Soviet Union that made life on the Wombat seem like Club Med for a boy. Alec, Sean, Rex and Randy had been moved from sickbay to a large room where the Russians were storing them until their trip off the ship. The four boys were wearing the skintight body suits that the Russian boys had showed up in, and at this moment were silently contemplating their fates down below. At least life on the ship was a known quantity, and while they were abused and treated like property, at least they were fed and sheltered. Who knew what lay ahead for them? The four Russian boys were seated at a table near the Captain's, wearing nothing but bright red briefs. They would not get their full cabin boy uniforms until their processing and after they were cut and tattooed, but the Captain wanted his guests to be able to enjoy the new 'imported' delicacies. They were scared as well. They could not understand the English being spoken around them, but they could see how all the boys were basically sex slaves on this boat. Not to mention that big man in the sickbay that made the scissors motion at their cocks! Kosta, the oldest and impromptu leader of the boys sat silently taking in the scene of the dining room. Boys dressed in maroon waiter outfits were walking about with drink and food trays, while other boys sat on men's laps or kneeled at their sides. What kind of boat was this? They were used to sex, all four of them had made countless boy porn movies for their masters. They were duped into this 'vacation' after filming their latestone, where poor Slava, the smallest most delicate boy with them, had taken a fist up his ass while wearing women's stockings. They got into a van where they were quickly chloroformed and tied up. They awoke on an ancient freighter where they had lived for the last month before being made to get into the body suites, get photographed for fake papers then spirited through a strange country and put onto the helicopter that brought them here. Whoever was in control of them had very big connections, and a lot of money. Kosta was surprised when one of the waiter boys, a Latino looking boy with a nametag that read Carlos, placed a big tray of food in front of them. He smiled and winked at Kosta and told them to go ahead and eat. When Carlos saw they didn't understand he used sign language for them to eat. The boys were afraid of getting in trouble, but the smell of the food quickly overcame fear, and little Slava was the first to pick up a chicken wing and take a bite. The nervou! s boys looked around and when no one yelled at them, the other three a ttacked the plate. Carlos smiled, knowing how scared they must be, remembering his own first days on the boat only a short time ago. He liked being on waiter duty as it kept the guests from wanting to fuck him all the time like they did that first horrible night when he was forced to wear a diaper while he was bid on like a horse at an auction. Looking at the four gaunt pale Russian kids, he knew they would be very popular. They had an exotic look to them. Another table calling for him, Carlos gave them a sad look before leaving them to their first real meal in possibly years. As the Captain was speaking to Boris, Nate entered the room with the three boys in trail. Serge's eyes lit up at the sight of Ran in his tight tuxedo. The Russian pervert could see Ran's package through the tight trousers he was wearing. He also noticed both Cody and Brent's cocks, clearly visible through the body hugging spandex shorts they were wearing. Ran smiled at Serge nervously and came over to stand next to him while Nate took a seat opposite his father, with Cody and Brent flanking him. The Captain motioned toward the boys and spoke. "Gentlemen, you remember my son Nathan, his two boys Cody and Brent, and of course, our own beautiful little Randall. Serge, Randall is yours for the night and I am sure he will make it one to remember for you. Shall we eat? I have had the chef prepare a special course of Australian and Russian courses for us." He sat down and motioned for the waiter boys to start serving the main course of meat pies and sausages. Serge pulled Ran onto his lap sideways while the food was being served. Ran could feel the Russian's own big sausage sized dick getting hard through his pants. The boys were allowed to eat while the Wombat's crew and Captain discussed business with the Russians. The whole time through dinner Serge was playing with Ran's thighs and crotch, keeping the young teen's cock at its maximum state of arousal through the whole meal. Nate was also having fun, rubbing his shoes up and down both Cody and Brent's bare legs throughout the meal until the desert dishes were being cleared. After the table was cleared and Brandy served to the adults and Nate, Boris barked some orders in Russian to the four new boys sitting at their table. They all scrambled to their feet and approached the Captains table. Boris spoke again and each boy headed to one of the Wombat's crew, with Kosta going to the Captain while young fourteen-year-old Slava went to the almost drooling Doctor. The two brown haired fifteen-year-olds, Stasha and Igor went to Dobbs and Reginald respectively. "Gentlemen," Boris said in heavily accented English, "My gift to you, a Russian after dinner blowjob." He barked at the boys in Russian again and they all got on their knees in front of their respective men and looked into their eyes. "That is most kind of you sir," the Captain replied while unzipping his fly. The others followed his lead and soon the four men had their cocks out of their uniform pants, holding them at their boys' mouths. "The first of many hopefully!" The four men laughed as the four Russian teens took the hardening cocks into their mouths and started to slobber all over them. The men leaned back and sipped Brandy while Carlos walked around offering cigars to them. The sight of the four boys in their red briefs sucking cock on their knees was turning Nate on. He turned to Cody and told him to follow their example. With a sigh Cody got on his knees and started the now familiar task of sucking his young master's uncut pleasure rod. Ran was about to do the same, but Serge stopped him. "Not yet, my little friend," Serge said. "Instead, why don't you stand up and take your nice clothes off for us." It was not a question but an order, and Ran knew it, although he certainly didn't like it. Still he knew he must do everything that was asked of him, especially in front of the Captain and the rest of them. Nate thought it was a great idea as well and chimed in, "That's a great idea Serge, Ran has a great body and I know he loves to be naked in front of everyone don't you Ran?" A flash of anger passed briefly over Ran's face before he answered, "Whatever you wish sir." He stood up and took his coat off. Nate chimed in again, "Brent, why don't you take Ran's clothes for him while he strips for us." "Yes sir," Brent squeaked and got up in time to take Ran's tie and cumberbun from him. Brent was just glad it was Ran and not him for a change as all the men at the table were enjoying the tanned teens forced strip tease. Next came his shirt and undershirt. Ran's brown nipples hardened upon exposure to the air- conditioned room. He now stood in just his shorts, socks and shoes. Serge took a sip of wine and motioned for him to continue. Ran next undid his belt and started to unbutton his fly. "Little flower, why don't you help Ran unzip his trousers for him," Serge said to Brent in a very fake sweet voice. With shaky hands, Brent followed the instructions, while a red faced Ran stood there and let the younger boy pulled his short pants down to his ankles. "Now while you are down there, untie his shoes and pull off his socks." After Brent did this, Ran stepped out of the pile of clothes at his feet and stood there in just a tight white jockstrap. Brent took his clothes and sat back down next to Nate, who was now feeding his Aussie cock to Cody. Serge sat back and stared at the nearly naked American beauty in front of him. "Start rubbing your crotch my little beauty, make your dick hard in your jockstrap for me." Ran bit his lower lip, while he reached down and started rubbing the ribbed cotton pouch that held his budding manhood. "Very nice boy, now play with your nipples with your other hand, show all of us how pretty you are!" As the assembled table looked on in lust (partly because all the ship's crew were getting blowjobs at the same time) Ran started playing with himself in earnest. This was humiliating! It was bad enough that he had to go with this Russian pig for the night, but now he was forced to be the center of attention of the whole party! Despite his fear and humiliation though, his cock was stirring to life inside his tight jock. Ran noticed the Doctor in particular was almost drooling at the sight. The old pervert was in heaven with another smooth young teen between his thighs and a hot teen working himself up! He noticed Dobbs give a moan and pull the boy on his cock tightly to him, no doubt giving the young Russian a hot cream desert! Just as Ran's cock head started poking out the top of his jockstrap though, Boris cleared his throat and the two Russian bodyguards stood up and pulled guns on the assembled officers of the Wombat! Dobbs jumped up to try and pull out his own stun gun but was expertly shot in the knee with a silenced pistol. He went down screaming in agony. "What the bloody hell is the meaning of this!" The captain demanded standing up. He forgot he was getting blown though and almost got his rapidly softening dick bit off in the process. He sat down quickly. Dobbs was on the ground and howling in pain still. "Relax Captain Foster, Relax." Boris said. I regret the use of force, but I needed your undivided attention for my announcement of our partnership." He looked to the Doctor. "Please sir, do what you can for your friend, but do not try anything funny or the next shot will be more permanently disabling. The Doctor got down and used some napkins to try and stop the bleeding while the all the boys in the room, including the Russian newcomers were shocked into silence and stillness. "Captain, you have a fine ship here and a well organized system. My employers have decided that we shall be partners. You will still command the ship, but we will handle the arrangements for guests and boys from now and split the profits with you at a very generous 40 percent share for yourself." The anger in the Captain's face was clearly evident, but the Russians were holding all the cards for the moment. "Boris, I will need time to think about this and see your proposal in writing." Boris laughed. The organization he worked for did not do things in writing. "Certainly Captain, take all the time you need as long as the answer is yes tomorrow morning when we shall rendezvous with a ship that my organization owns. I will accompany you and your crew to the bridge where I will give you the coordinates. Just in case you think of doing something foolish, I think your beautiful son will go with Serge and the other boys tonight in order to help you think." "Really sir, that won't be necessary," the Captain said, trying not to let the fear for his son sound in his voice." Boris laughed again, "It is no trouble at all Captain, I insist." He stood up and his two goons aimed their pistols at him. "Shall we go to the bridge." The Captain and Reginald walked ahead of the men out of the room toward the bridge. Nate tried to run, "Dad don't let them do this!" Serge quickly was up and slapped Nate so hard that he went the ground with his lip bleeding. The Captain saw this and almost bolted back but Boris stopped him. "That was foolish of your boy sir, and I recommend you tell him to behave himself." Terrified, the normally stoic Captain looked at his crying son on the floor. "Nathan, just be a good lad, and I will see you in the morning. Everything will be fine. I will get this straightened out. That is an order Nate." For the first time ever, Cody and the rest of the boy's saw fear in Nate's eyes. "Y 3;yes sir." He replied meekly as his father left for the bridge with Reggie and the Russian goons. Serge looked at all the boys in the dining room. "Well, now that the formalities are out of the way, let us go down to our guest room and have some fun while the ugly business is taken care of. Nate is it? Yes, why don't you lead us to the VIP suite? Ran, walk in front of me so I can look at the ass that I am going to fuck later on. Brent you can leave his clothes here; he won't be needing them. Shall we?" A very terrified Nate led the way out the door to the VIP suite, leaving a sweating Doctor to tend to Dobbs, who would be lucky if he ever walked again without a sever limp. The Doctor was grateful no one saw that he had pissed himself. Of course little Slava knew, but he was with the others. The Doctor still wondered if he would get the chance to see that one dressed as a little girl 3; When they got to the suite, Nate looked at the back of the procession to Serge, who nodded for Nate to open the door. Nate opened it and allowed everyone in until Serge motioned for him to go in front of him into the room. When all the boys had entered, Nate figured it was his chance at escape and hit Serge in the gut with his entire mite! Unfortunately for Nate, he was rather puny, and the big Russian gangster just looked down at him and started laughing an evil laugh. Nate's hand felt like he hit a solid concrete wall, as he learned the hard way that it doesn't always work like in the movies. Serge grabbed Nate's neck with one hand and reached between his legs with his other. Nate felt a vice like grip encasing his dick and balls as he was picked up off the ground by his crotch and slammed against the wall outside the suite. "You think you are tough little boy?" Serge leered at him. He released Nate's aching balls but kept him pinned against the wall by his neck while Serge reached in his pocket and pulled out a switchblade. He took great delight seeing the fear in Nate's eyes as the blade popped out inches from his face. Serge placed the blade against Nate's cheek. "You are nothing, and your father is nothing. We are your new masters, boy, and life is going to change for you drastically." He moved the blade to the top of Nate's uniform and slashed down hard, causing Nate to scream like a little girl. Fortunately for Nate, Serge was very experienced with his blade, and had expertly cut down the front of Nate's uniform, baring his smooth tanned torso without leaving a mark on it. Serge grinned at the sight of Nate starting to blubber as he moved his blade down to his crotch. "Maybe I just make you a little girl now yes?" He pressed the blade against the young Aussie's shriveled up package. "I could make a movie with you getting fucked as a eunuch by your little pierced friend Rex inside. How you like that little boy?" He pressed the blade harder against Nate's dick until he saw a dark stain forming at the front of Nate's white uniform pants. When Nate felt the blade press against his cock, he lost all control. He felt his bladder emptying and his crotch grow warm as his urine soaked his pants. "P 3;please sir, I'm sorry, please don't cut me!" He could hardly find his voice with the man holding him by his neck. He had never been so frightened in his life! How could this have happened? They should have been screened for weapons before coming on board, he thought! Just a few short minutes ago, he had been enjoying a blowjob from his boy Cody, and now he was a hostage on his own father's ship with a mad man threatening to cut off his balls! The loss of control was foreign to him, and poor Nate wasn't handling it very well. Serge watched with satisfaction as Nate wet himself, then threw him into the room, where he landed in a heap in front of all the other boys. They all stood in shock, staring at their former tormentor, lying there with the front of his shirt cut open and a piss stain in his pants. Serge closed the door and locked it then sat down on the couch, deciding what he would do first. On the other side of the room, chained to each other by their ankles, as well as to an eye bolt in the wall, sat the four boys to be traded to the Russians. Alec, Randy, Rex and Sean also stared at Nate as well as the others, wondering what new twist was occurring in their already messed up lives. They were all wearing the skin tight mesh bodysuits that the Russian boys had been wearing, leaving nothing of their bodies to imagination. Rex's body piercings could even be seen. Serge eyed Rex than Nate before his eyes finally came to rest on Ran, who was standing next to Cody and Brent, trying to hide the fact that he was only wearing a jockstrap. "Start playing with yourself again Randall, I like watching you give pleasure to yourself." Ran self-consciously started to play with his dick again through the now precum stained jock. While he did this as well as play with his nipples again, Serge nodded his satisfaction then looked at Cody and Brent. "Why don't you two help Nathan take the rest of his clothes off. But be careful, he seems to have wet himself like a little baby." He then looked to the Russian boys and said something in Russian to them. They started looking around the suite to get what he had ordered them to. Cody and Brent looked at each other then got down and tried to take Nate's coat off of him. "Take your fucking hands off me, who the fuck do you think you are!" he shrieked hysterically. He stood up and looked at Serge who flicked the blade of his knife out again. Nate gulped, but looked down. "Nathan is having a hard time understanding who is in charge now boys. I am about to demonstrate the facts to him. Now do as I say and strip him, or you will find out just how I show my displeasure on you!" That is all the boys needed to hear and they attacked Nate, ripping the clothes from the terrified struggling lad. They stood back and left Nate standing nude in the middle of the room, cupping his hands in front of himself trying to hide his totally shriveled cock and balls. Cody would not admit it, as he was as scared as everyone else was, but he took just a little satisfaction in seeing Nate cowering naked in front of them all. In the meantime the Russian boys had got the items that Serge had requested. This being the type of ship that it was, all the suites were fully equipped with every type of sex toy imaginable, and apparently the boys had been told to grab as much of it as they could. Nate went cold when he saw the familiar items that the boys were holding. He had used some of them before and had planned on using all of them on Cody when he had the chance. He had never considered the feelings of his victims, but was about to get a first hand taste of his own medicin! Serge gave orders to the two biggest Russian boys, Kosta and Stasha, who dropped their toys and advanced on naked Nate. When Nate saw the two Russian boys advancing on him he started to slowly back up. The blonde was only a little bigger than he was and the other was about his size, but they had worked for their Russian boss long enough to know the price for not following orders. Nate looked for a route of escape but he was backed to a wall in the locked suite. He felt the boys grabbing his arms and put up a halfhearted struggle as he noticed the oldest boy was sporting a boner in his tight red briefs and giving a knowing look to Nate as he felt himself being pulled toward Serge. What did this Russian kid know? What Kosta knew was Serge's appetite for kinky sex with teenaged boys. Although hated being the victim of it, he somehow knew that Nate was a member of the class of people that had caused him and his friends in the room to end up where they were, and he did not mind helping out in causing him some pain and humiliation. Serge had them hold Nate in front of him while he took in the beauty of this scared little puppy in front of him. Without his father's authority behind him, Nate was just another kid; to be used as he saw fit. He had wanted him the moment he got off the helicopter and saw him their strutting like a peacock with his two little slaves of his own. This would be fun! Serge looked at Cody and Brent. "Take off your suites my little flowers, I want to see you in just your underpants except for you little one," pointing at Brent. "Leave your white socks on. When you are no longer a virgin, we will take them off of you. Then join your other friend and play with yourselves, I want to see your little cocks hard in your underwear." While Cody and Brent started taking their clothes off, Serge unfolded the sofa bed in the living room of the suite. He pulled off the bedding until it was just covered in a rubber sheet. He spoke more Russian to the boys holding Nate who threw him on his back onto the bed and held him there. Serge instructed the other two to attach thick leather cuffs to Nate's writs, pulling his arms above his head and away from his body before tightening the chains to attachments on the couch. Kosta and Stasha let go of Nate, who now kicked and thrashed on the bed, but could not do much more. He started to cry in frustration. Serge just laughed at him, making Nate even cry harder. "Let me go! I am the Captain's son and when he finds out about this you will pay! Just wait until tomorrow!" Nate screamed, trying unsuccessfully to sound threatening. Unfortunately, being naked and tied to a bed, he just didn't look that authoritative. The sight of Nate tied to the bed was having an effect on Ran. As he stood their playing with himself, he actually was getting hot at the sight of the little Aussie brat finally getting a dose of what he had done to countless other boys on board. Serge looked at him stroking his meat through his jock and motioned for him to step up to the bed along with the other boys. Cody was getting turned on too. The sight of Brent in his little G-string underwear and Ran in his sexy jockstrap was causing him to go full hard very quickly. The four Russian boys had a very exotic sexy look to them too, with their pale skin set off by the bright red underwear they were wearing. And the little one, Slava, Cody thought his name was, was really hot with his sexy red lips set against his pale white face. What was happening to him? What did Serge mean about Brent and his virginity? Was this bastard going to rape him? To his shame, the vision of a dick going in and out of his little brothers pleasure cave caused his newly cut cock to start drooling in the spandex pouch of his G-string. Am I some kind of fag, he thought for the hundredth time since meeting Nate so recently on the beach? He looked at Brent, who quickly looked away, afraid he had been caught staring at Cody's crotch, just when Serge had all the boys surround Nate. "Look at the little boy here my flowers," Serge said pointing to a very humiliated Nate. "He acts so tough, like he is some kind of big man. Look at that pathetic little cock of his! I have seen ten year olds with bigger ones." He reached down and grabbed Nate's foreskin and pulled it tightly straight up, exposing his ballsack below. "Hardly worth even having, look at these pathetic little peanuts." Nate was bright red in the face. No one had ever humiliated him so badly! Even if the Russians were kicked off, word of this would spread like fire around the ship. "Such balls are not even worth having," Serge said as he pulled out his knife again. "A movie with a little Australian eunuch would make me a rich man." He held the knife up to Nate's balls. "My little flowers," he spoke to Cody and Brent, "Please hold his legs still," he spoke to the Russian boys to help hold Nate down, who was now screaming loudly. If he had not already pissed himself, he would have at this moment. All the boys watching held their breaths. While they all pretty much despised Nate, they wouldn't wish this on anyone. They all let out a sigh of relief when, laughing, Serge just started shaving Nate's sparse blonde bush away with his knife. Nate had fainted when he felt the cold steel against his skin, and remained unconscious as Serge shaved him as bald as Cody was down there. When he was done, Serge grabbed the unconscious boy's legs and lifted them over his shoulders, securing them with ankle cuffs so that Nate's virgin puckered hole looked back at the assembled boys. "Take your jockstrap off Randall, and keep your cock hard." Serge instructed as he grabbed a short whip. It was black and had a leather covered handle shaped like a cock. Serge smiled as he looked at the multi-tailed whip. "I must compliment the captain on his choice of accessories for his guests," he said as he gripped the whip by the cock handle. He looked with approval at Ran, who was now totally nude sporting a fully erect cock before aiming the whip at Nate's upturned ass. CRACK! Nate gave a howl of pain, now totally awake! His ass was on fire, but he was relieved when he saw that his dick and balls still belonged to him. The relief was temporary though as Serge brought the viscous tails down hard on his ass again, leaving small welt's where the knotted tips kissed his soft tender ass flesh. Nate struggled, but found he was now bound tightly hands and feet, with his most secret spot open for view by all these underlings! He started to protest again, but Serge was tired of listening to the little arrogant prick squeaking, so he told Brent to pick up Ran's cock juice stained jockstrap and shove it in Nate's mouth. Nate was bucking against his bonds as Brent tenderly approached him, "Get away from me brat! You will pay for this, you will all pay for mpphhpmmm." Brent, emboldened by the fact that this mean boy was now securely tied up was getting tired of Nate's howling himself and even smirked slightly as he shoved the sweaty jock into Nate's mouth. He spit it out once, but when Serge cracked him on the ass again with the whip and he opened his mouth to scream, Kosta shoved it deeper inside and held it there while he motioned Brent to use a short piece of rope to tie it in place. Brent smiled at the Russian boy as he finished the knot. Cody saw him smile and felt a pang of jealousy that he could not explain even to himself. "Take a look my flowers," Serge said, "at your former master. He is nothing but a little sniveling coward. He is a pretty little thing though, no? Ran, before I fuck that beautiful ass of your's, I want to watch you deflower this little shit while everyone else jerks off." He walked up over Nate, then smiled at the terrified, crying teen and spit right onto his ass hole. He turned to Ran, "go ahead my pretty, shove that nice cock up his ass, and make him feel it, or you will!" He held the whip up menacingly to Ran. Ran looked down at the trail of spit running down around his pink hole. He had never fucked another boy; hell he had never fucked anything but his hand in his darkened bedroom back in New Jersey. He did remember that second night on the Wombat when a cabin boy had to lower himself onto his condom covered dick to make him cum in front of everyone. He also remembered Nate laughing at him. With animal like lust building within him, Ran took hold of his steel hard dick and placed his leaky cockhead against Nate's spit lubed hole. He looked into Nate's pleading eyes and smiled as he pressed forward with all his might! Nate screamed into his jock strap gag as Ran stole his anal virginity from him. The pain was not as bad as the humiliation of being deflowered in front of Cody and Brent, the former who he had deflowered and who he had planned to do with the latter. He could not see out of his tear stained eyes as Ran made guttural noises as he started a slow rhythm driving his cock in and out, getting easier as Nate's ass slime slicked up his cock. Ran was in heaven. Revenge was sweet, and he had forgotten about Serge until he felt the sting of the whip on his own ass. "Faster boy, make him scream like a pig. HARDER!" CRACK! Ran screamed, and drove himself into Nate's ass at the kiss of the whip! Serge turned to Cody and Brent who were rubbing themselves to full arousal at the sight of the beautiful Ran giving to Nate what he had done to countless others without a bit of remorse. "Take down your pouches, I want to see you stroking your cocks." Serge then barked orders to the four Russian boys. Led by Kosta, they quickly dropped their tiny red briefs and surrounded the couch bed Nate was tied to. They started playing with their uncut Russian boy cocks, pulling back their foreskins and aiming their dicks at the screaming bound Aussie lad's face and chest while spitting in their hands and stroking their sausages. The sight of the four Russian beauties was too much for Ran to handle any longer, and he let out a loud cry before he started pumping a gusher of Jersey milk into Nate's protesting ass hole. "Oh fuck, I'm cuuummming!" Ran shouted. "Take my goo you little fucker! Take my load ass hole" The Jersey accent really came out as Ran took out his frustration of over a year of captivity and forced boy sex on Nate. Serge was enjoying the show and now had his pants off, stroking himself through his boxer shorts. He looked over at Brent and Cody who were jacking off madly to the scene in front of them, both sort of ashamed that they were enjoying the show so much. After an exhausted Ran pulled his sticky dick out of Nate's newly stretched anus; Serge picked up the whip again and held it in front of Nate's face. The terrified boy pleaded with his eyes to the Russian, who shrugged at him and turned the whip around, aiming the leather cock head at Nate's ass. Serge grinned as he shoved the dildo, easily a third bigger than Ran's good sized teen cock, to the hilt into his cum filled orifice. Nate shrieked in pain as the man rammed the leather cock into his already painful rear end. How could they do this to me? He thought. Before he never gave much thought to what he did to the boys at his disposal on board the ship. He had grown up with his father telling him that it was their right as they were naturally born to a higher station than the lowly cabin boys he had acquired. Now he was starting to doubt his father's wisdom for the first time in his young life as Serge cinched a leather studded belt around his slender tanned waist. Next came the small straps that hung from the belt that attached to the dildo in his ass securing it snugly up there. He also noticed Serge's huge erection as he went about his task. Just as Serge stood back to admire his handy work, the little Russian boy Slava, let out an oath in Russian and his little four inch [10 cm] cock started squirting huge ropes of jizz out of it, splattering Nate's right pink nipple with his juice. As he was taught, the little lad bent over and started licking his juice off of Nate's chest, which much to his huge shame, caused Nate's cock to start to come to life. The three other boys followed suit quickly, and soon all three had given Nate a Russian dick snot bath. He was covered in cum from his chest to all over the backs of his upturned legs. Soon all four were licking all over Nate, causing his nipples to harden and his cock to jut straight out, which in his position, made it point straight at his own face. Serge told Ran to undo Nate's gag, then pinch his nose shut. Once Ran complied, he told Brent to get a handful of Russian goo off of Nate's chest and to start jacking off the unwillingly aroused teen. Brent, who's waistband was now held away from his flat tummy by his own engorged kid cock, wiped his hand over Nate's slimy chest and did as he was told. Nate tried to protest, but it was useless as Ran saw what Serge was up to and also held his mouth open, making it impossible to anything but gurgle and moan. When Nate felt Brent's fuck sauce coated hand peel his foreskin back, he shuddered in unwanted pleasure. The feeling of that warm slimy hand milking his dick along with four experienced tongues playing with his tit's, was more than he could handle. He started to cry just as his cock erupted and Brent aimed it straight down his throat. Brent could not believe what he was doing! The shy kid who was afraid to even let his foster brother and best friend in the world see him naked, was now grinning in delight as he force fed Nate his own fuck sauce! As Nate fought the impulse to gag on his own juice, Brent didn't even realize he was cumming himself until he felt his own goo leaking down his legs out of his tiny black G-string. He had not even touched himself, and he got week in the knees from the power of the afterglow of orgasm. It was hard to tell who blushed a brighter shade of red, Nate or Brent. Once Brent had let go of Nate's withering fuck tool, he walked back to Cody, who was also sporting a huge hard-on. Serge was now totally naked, and he sat back down on the couch. He barked at the Russian boys who meekly cleaned off their cocks on their red briefs, then went and sat quietly next to the shocked, onlooking boys who were still chained to the wall. Rex, Alec, Sean and Randy had all been silently watching, rubbing themselves through their skintight bodysuits and now all showed stains of precum at their bulging crotches. Serge called Ran over and also told Cody and Brent to get naked, except for Brent to keep his white socks on. He pulled Ran onto his lap, the teen feeling the Russian's large tool tucking in to the crack of his ass. He licked Ran's ear and whispered, "One more nice show my beauty and you will feel the pleasure of my cock inside you." Ran would have called it anything but pleasure, but after witnessing what had gone on so far, he dared not express his thoughts out loud. Not to mention, he was still in the afterglow of the wonderful sensation of his dick buried in Nate's warm, slimy tight butt hole. He had an idea of what was next, and felt his own cock start to come back to life in anticipation. "Little flower," he said to Brent, "it seems you had an accident. Why don't you have Nate clean out your G-string for you." The naked boy, who now had a faint tan line from sunning in the thong earlier in the day, padded over to Nate in his stocking feet, with his cum stained underwear in his hands. He looked at Nate, who had tracks of his own cum running down his chin, and almost felt sorry for him. Nate's eyes seemed to be saying I'm sorry to Brent, but he still fed the now broken boy his gooey G-string. Nate didn't try to spit it out this time, but meekly started sucking Brent's cock juice out of the stained undergarment. He was totally defeated. Brent turned to Serge who told him to lie down on his back on the floor. Confused, Brent followed the orders. Ran felt Serge's cock grow even larger and start to leak pre cum when he gave the next instructions. "Now little flower, hold your legs up and show us your little pussy." Brent went cold. He looked at Serge than at Cody. Cody was scared too, but was too terrified to defy this man. He just nodded for Brent to do what he was told, knowing that they really had no choice in the matter if they wanted to survive. Trembling, Brent lifted his tanned legs up, grasping himself behind the knees. "Now Cody, I understand this beautiful little flower is your brother, yes?" Cody did not feel the need to explain what a foster brother was to the foreigner, so he just nodded. "Well the eldest brother should always be the one to usher his younger one into the world of sex. Judging by the state of your cock, I see you agree." To his horror, Cody was sporting the biggest erection he could ever remember having! He was sure his dick had grown a half an inch [12 mm] at the mention of fucking his little Brent. Just two years ago, he was playing matchbox cars on the floor with him, and now, the sight of his naked form, holding his knee sock clad legs up for him, was driving him wild with lust! What was wrong with him? Serge tossed a bottle of liquid KY at Cody. "Go ahead and coat yourself and the little flower, then show Ran and I how a boy should fuck the one he loves." Almost in a trance, Cody picked up the bottle and knelt between Brent's legs. He looked at the best friend he had ever had in his life. "Brent, I, I 3;" "It's OK Cody. I love you, and I want you to. Go ahead and fuck me. At least it will be you and not someone else the first time." Cody started crying as he slicked up his dick. "I love you too little buddy, and I am so sorry I ever got you involved in this." When he rubbed his lubed finger around Brent's virgin rosebud, he noticed his little buddy's own little buddy start to come to life. Touching Brent's foreskin, and remembering the fun he had with his own, Cody slowly ran his KY slicked fingers along Brent's erecting cock, causing the boy to moan. Serge reached under Ran's butt and started adjusting his own cock. While Ran was watching the incredibly sexy show in front of him, he barely noticed when Serge positioned his own cock his own rear entrance. Serge had used no KY however, and the only lubrication was from his own precum as he forced his way into the New Jersey boy tart Ran bit his lip from the pain and quickness of the entry just as Brent moaned with animal lust as Cody, carefully and slowly as he could pressed his own purple helmeted warrior at the entrance of Brent's secret entrance. Brent bit his own lower lip as Cody overcome with lust started pushing home. It hurt! Oh how it hurt, but if felt so good at the same time! Brent started panting and wrapped his bony little legs around Cody's back. Cody felt the cotton of Brent's socks on his back as he pushed his way into the sweet, tight velvety treasure that was Brent! Both boys were covered in sweat and moaning as Cody cautiously pulled out a bit and re-attacked his target. Serge pushed Ran onto the floor on all fours in front of him and started brutally pounding the boy. Ran was used to rough sex from the adults that used him, but Serge was an animal. He was soon whimpering as the gangster fucked him for all he was worth! He felt the man biting his back, and squeezing his balls while he impaled him on his cock from behind! Serge was in animal lust! He was going to enjoy his time on this strange ship for sure! He loved fucking all his Russian boys, but here there was so much variety, and he didn't have to console himself to orphans, glue sniffers, and thieves! He looked up at Brent's face, contorted in pain and pleasure, and thought how much fun he would have with him after he was finished with Ran and Nate. He could spend a lifetime on this boat! Lust overcame him and he felt his nuts boil! He hugged Ran so tightly that the boy could hardly breath as he felt the brute flood his ass with what felt like a quart of Smirnoff brand cum! The man pulled Ran back so that he was sitting on his lap; his cock still spooned inside him, while they watched the two amateur fornicators in front of them. "Oh shit Brent 3; So tight 3; Oh shit 3;" Cody was panting, while he slowly fucked his little brother, trying not to hurt Brent as he entered him. The feeling of his dick being squeezed by the velvet tightness of Brent was the most incredible thing Cody had ever felt! Brent had tears in his eyes, but a warm tingly feeling was boiling deep inside him. "Hug me Cody! I love you!" Cody leaned over Brent, reached around him and pulled his brother to him, bringing his lips to his one true love. I must be a fag, thought Cody, and I don't give a shit!" He kissed Brent passionately feeding his cute brother his tongue that the younger boy greedily accepted! They rolled to their sides, Cody picking up the pace as he started to go to town inside Brent. Brent started humping back, his hard again dick rubbing on Cody's sweat covered stomach. Although he had just cum moments before, he started cumming again as only a young hormone stuffed teen could! When Cody felt his little brother's fuck sauce running over his gut, he shoved his cock as hard and deep as he could inside Brent, causing both boys to scream in lust as they never had before. Cody's dick exploded with a force he could not imagine ever possible as he convulsed time and time again, filling Brent's bowels with copious amounts of cum until it was leaking back out, running down Brent's ass crack and Cody's balls. Both boys collapsed, hugging each other tightly and crying, wondering what this meant for them as they tried to catch their breath in a post-orgasmic high. Cody looked over at Ran and Serge, the latter who was grinning at him with such an evil look that his blood ran cold 3;
Chapter 8After he calmed down, Cody eased himself out of Brent's butt.Serge started clapping. "Very well done Cody. I am touched at the way you introduced the little flower to the pleasures of ass fucking. He will be a very popular boy in the movies I make. Why don't you get down Brent and lick your mess off of your brother's cock." While it grossed him out a bit, Brent did not dare disobey this horrible man, so he got up on his knees and took his foster brother's slimy cock into his mouth and started licking. While he didn't care for the taste much, he did like giving pleasure to his only real friend in the world. When his cock was clean, he sat back on his knees, and Cody got down next to him, wondering what was next. Serge, who was still naked on the couch, eyed the chained up boys next to the wall. "Which one of you was the Doctor's assistant?" Alec swallowed a lump in his throat. "I 3; I guess that would be me sir. Or I was anyway." He didn't want to mention the feminizing experiments to the man and give him any ideas. Serge didn't care about such things however; he had another idea in mind. He got up and unchained Alec form the wall. "Go find the Doctor and bring him back here, and make sure he has his full surgery kit. You might as well bring a gurney as well. You," pointing at Sean and unlocking his shackle as well," go with him to help bring it back. If you are not back in ten minuets I will hunt you down and kill both of you do you understand?" Both boys nervously answered yes, quite sure he meant what he said. They scurried out of the room on the way to find the Doctor. Serge turned his gaze to Rex. "Ah yes, the little leather boy punk. Take off your clothes boy." He undid the chain holding him leaving only Randy shackled to the wall. "I think it is time to have some fun with you, No?" Rex was still suffering from the humiliation of being demoted and sold off, but he remembered too this evil man pissing all over him. He was broken, and afraid so he just stood up meekly and stripped naked, revealing his pierced and tattooed body. "Very nice," Serge said. "You shall be quite popular. Bend over and spread your ass for all of us." Blushing, Rex did as he was told, exposing his little brown eye to everyone in the suite. As he felt the cool room air run across his anus, he started to cry in shame and anticipation of what was to come. Serge looked to Ran. "Go and take the leather cock out of Nate's pussy and place it in Rex's here. Make sure you get the belt tight. Brent my little flower come sit on my lap while we watch the fun!" Brent was terrified and he could feel Cody's grip on him tighten momentarily. Cody let go of him and he nervously padded over in his sock feet toward the Russian until Serge grabbed him and hoisted him atop his naked lap. Brent could feel the man's huge limp cock nestled between his smooth legs as Serge adjusted him to get the best view. He reached around Brent and gave his limp little cock a squeeze. "There now, doesn't that feel nice? Look at his pretty little pussy he is showing us eh?" Brent wanted to look away but could not make himself. He stared captivated, as well as Cody and the others, as Rex showing his boy pussy to everyone in the room. He also noticed the gleaming Prince Albert ring dangling at the tip of his cock, which seemed to pull it down between his legs. Rex's knees were trembling. Ran walked slowly up to Nate, who was still tied to the bed with his feet behind his head and the whip tails hanging out of his ass, where the cock shaped handle was held firmly in place both by it's size and the belt around his waist that it was strapped to. Nate was looking up to Ran with pleading eyes, and Ran almost felt sorry for him. Almost. Nate had terrorized and lorded over all the other boys on the ship using his position to make their life hell. Now he was getting a taste of his own medicine and despite the creepy Russians calling the shots, Ran was enjoying Nate's discomfort. He also remembered Rex getting his rocks off on sticking all the boys with needles, and while he held no ill will toward him, it wasn't like he was anyone's friend either. He undid the snaps holding the handle in place and grabbed the tails of the whip. He saw a tear running down Nate's face as he looked at his former tormentor's face and smiled while he pulled on the tails of the whip as hard as he could, ripping the handle from his asshole with a loud wet plopping sound. Nate let out a wail of pain as the leather phallus stretched apart his tortured bunghole. Ran could see the traces of shit and cum on the handle as he walked back toward Rex, who was still bent over with his ass cheeks spread for all to see. He looked at Serge who nodded at him and pressed the tip against Rex's quivering boy cunt. He could see Rex tense up as he pressed harder trying to force the handle in, but Nate's ass slime helped to slick it up and it soon started disappearing into his anal cavity. Rex was trying not to cry and keep up his tough guy appearance, but as Ran twisted and turned the whip handle he couldn't help but let out a whimper. Soon it was buried all the way in his ass and Ran was tightening the belt around him, to hold it in place. "Very good Ran," Serge said. "Now Rex, why don't you crawl around the room and show everyone your tail. Be sure to shake your ass for us!" Totally humiliated now, Rex got down on his hands and knees and started crawling around the room, making his 'tail' bounce to and for like a horse or dog. This caused Serge great delight and Brent could feel the Russian's cock rising under him. To his horror, Brent's own little dick was starting to rise as well. Serge noticed this and laughed, then got another idea. He had Brent go sit on Rex, and ride him like a horsy all over the room! Both boys were totally humiliated, and Cody wanted so badly to stop it for Brent's sake, but he didn't dare cross Serge, who now had Ran between his legs, sucking his cock for him while he watched the little show. The motion of the naked boy between his thighs was causing Brent to start rubbing his crotch on Rex's back. He could see and feel some precum leaking out of him as they passed by Nate, who was still tied up with his ass exposed for all to see. Brent could not help but stare at the distended hole and felt his cock surge as they sauntered by. Soon they were back before Serge, who pushed Ran off and told him to crawl under Rex and suck his pierced cock until it was nice and hard. He then took Brent back and spoke in Russian to one of the other boys who jumped up and brought a small case to Serge. He took the case and spoke to Brent. "You are such a pretty little flower that I have a special collar for you. Come here boy." Brent nervously went forward and Serge took a purple velvet collar, encrusted with diamonds and placed around the young slave's throat. He stared into Brent's eyes and it made the boy almost piss himself with fear. He barely noticed the Russian boys putting on a matching purple velvet G-string and taking off his white socks and putting on purple ones, which also matched his collar. Serge sat back down and took in the purple clad youngster. "Very nice. Now you look like a true flower." He grabbed Brent and pulled him by his collar toward him and grabbed his little cock through the plush pouch of the G-string. "Go over now Brent, and start licking Nate's little cock, but don't let him cum until I tell you, or I will punish you like you have never imagined, do you understand me?" Brent could not find his voice, so he just nodded. Serge grunted and let go of him and motioned him over to Nate, who was wide eyed as well and wondering what was next. Brent, who until a week ago would have balked if you told him he would willingly suck a cock, now walked over and got on his knees between Nate's tied back thighs, and engulfed his cock in his mouth. Despite his in experience, his ministrations were soon rewarded with Nate's cock hardening inside his mouth. Brent was afraid to make him cum, so he backed off slightly, concentrating on just keeping him hard. He licked at Nate's hairless balls and just behind them, careful to avoid his gaping hole that was staring back at him. Nate was starting to moan and wreath around in his bondage. Meanwhile Ran was under Rex, tonguing the PA ring that jutted out of the leather punks drooling piss hole. The whip sticking out of his ass was swishing around as he moaned in lust at the blowjob. He was so lost in his embarrassing ecstasy he didn't notice that Serge had grabbed more bondage gear until he felt metal bit being forced painfully into his mouth. Serge kicked Ran, telling him to keep sucking as he fastened the bit tightly and painfully into Rex's mouth. "A good pony needs to have a nice bridle, does it not?" The Russian asked rhetorically. "Maybe I will brand you when we get you back to Russia." Rex's eyes got wide with fear when he heard that! While he was used to the pain of tattoos as he had many, the thought of white hot metal being pressed into his flesh was horrific! Rex could only mumble now though, do to the cruel bit. He felt a surge of arousal when Ran began slowly playing with the dildo/tail while he took the whole cock into his mouth. Cody didn't even know he was jerking himself off while watching all this until Serge grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his cock and wrenched them behind his back. "No touching yourself unless I say so Cody!" He yanked the startled youth back to the couch and placed him over his lap, with the man's dick snot leaking cock jammed against his thin belly. Serge looked down at the inviting pale cheeks staring back at him and smiled as he started spanking Cody. At first it did not hurt too bad, but a slow steady fire was starting to build in Cody's butt and soon he was shrieking in pain, but this just seemed to encourage the man to hit harder! When the Doctor arrived at the suite with the two boys sent to get him, he could not believe the sight in front of him. Brent in a little purple velvet outfit, sucking on Nate's cock, with the latter chained up in tight bondage, Ran underneath Rex, who looked like some sort of pony boy sucking his cock, and Cody was waling in pain as the Gangster wailed on his ass. If the Doctor wasn't scared for his own life he would have been incredible turned on! Just when Cody thought he could take no more, he felt the torrent of hot Russian fuck sauce erupt from Serge's cock as it erupted into his lap and Cody's belly. Finally the assault on his ass ceased! Serge looked up at the Doctor. "Ah, Doctor, I am so glad you could join us! Boy's set up the gurney while Cody here cleans me off!" The two boys wheeled the gurney in and Alec started setting up a mini surgery right there in the suite. Cody figured out what was expected of him and got on his knees and started lapping the cum off of Serge's lap, grateful he didn't have to sit down. His ass was still on fire! He heard a groan from behind him and looked back to see cum running down Ran's cheeks as he tried to swallow the copious amount of seminal fluid pouring out of Rex's cock. Drool was running down from his mouth where the bit pulled his cheeks back as he bucked and forced his cock into Ran's mouth! Serge jumped up, shoving Cody painfully onto his butt causing him to scream out, but Serge was already across the room. He savagely ripped the dildo out of Rex's ass and started whipping him with it! He collapsed on top of Ran, but could not avoid the blows as the Russian rained down on him. "I gave you no permission to cum boy! You will have to be trained properly and soon!" He made both boys get on there hands and knees and gave each five quick painful lashes from the whip before ramming it savagely back in Rex's butt. Tears mixed with the cum running down Ran's smooth cheeks as he wondered how he would survive this lunatic! The Doctor cleared his throat. "Ah, is there a medical problem here?" Serge seemed instantly calm again. "I need you to perform an operation. It should be relatively simple for you to do here. As soon as Brent drinks Nate's cum, I will tell you all you need to know." Everyone in the room's attention shifted to the amateur cocksucker who almost stopped, but thought better of it. He did not like getting beaten! Serge barked some orders in Russian and soon the two smallest Russian boys, who started licking all over Nate's nipples and face joined Brent in his pleasuring of their nemesis Nate. Nate's breathing rapidly increased, and it was obvious the little Russian porn stars, were very familiar in the ways of carnal pleasures! Nate felt the familiar boiling in his nuts, and forgot for a moment that he was in great danger here and just felt the pleasure of impending orgasm! Soon he squealed and started bucking and trashing as he started choking Brent with his Aussie boy Roo Goo! Brent started coughing and sperm was all over his face and Nate's crotch as the bound boy's breathing slowed and he came off his orgasm high. Serge started a slow sarcastic clapping. "Very good Brent. Nate, why don't you thank my pretty little flower for giving you the last orgasm of your life." Nate started to say thank you to Brent when he realized what the man had said. "P 3;please don't kill me! My father has money, you can't do this!" "Shut up you little fool! I am not going to kill you!" Serge screamed. When Nate put his head back with a sigh of relief, Serge smiled and looked down on him. "I am just going to have the Doctor here remove your balls!" He started a hysterical laugh and all the boys in the room crossed their legs together in a reflex to what they had just heard. While Cody and the rest certainly hated Nate, they could not believe that this man could be so cruel. The Doctor however, was getting an erection! He had never liked Nate, but could do nothing since he was the captain's kid. This was more fun than trying to turn Alec into a little girly boy! This should take the brat down a notch or two, and be fun at the same time! And he wanted to make sure he was in well with the new people in charge here, as the balance of power on the Wombat seemed to be switching. Still, he thought he should put up a show of resistance. His thoughts were broken when Serge spoke to him. "You can do this operation in here, yes?" "Sir, I wonder if you would rather have me do one of the other boys. Little Alec here perhaps?" "You will take Nate's balls off, or I will do it with my knife and you will be next. Do I make myself clear Doctor?" The Doc swallowed hard. "Perfectly sir. I will need him on the gurney." Serge looked at Ran, Rex and Cody along with the large Russian boy and said, "Do it!" While they were all sorry for Nate, they sure didn't want to be next and went about their task. Nate was bucking and kicking wildly, but he was worn out and smaller than the four boys who easily overpowered him after unchaining him and carrying him over to the waiting gurney. He was still crying wildly and had wet himself again by the time they had him strapped down tightly to the gurney with his legs up in stirrups exposing his crotch. The Doctor had Alec help him prepare Nate, first by scrubbing his already hairless crotch with antiseptic soap. He was reaching for some drugs when Serge told him to only use a local. He wanted Nate to be fully awake and aware of his manhood being snipped away, one at a time from him! The Doctor nodded and put one vial down and picked up another, then looked down at the hysterical boy. "This will sting a bit Nathan." As he plunged the needle into his groin, Nate screamed in pain at the jab, and then noticed the bulge in the Doctors pants. You bastard, he thought, as he felt his pelvis going numb. Was I like him? How could I have been so mean? He was beginning to see how much a bastard he and his father were when he looked down to see the Doctor taping his dick up and out of the way of his pale white nut sack. He turned his head away but Serge made Brent come up and hold Nate's head in place. Nate shut his eyes and started crying again, but found he could not bring himself NOT to watch as the doctor took a scalpel that Alec had handed him. It was as quiet as a library in the suite, except for Nate's whimpering when the Doctor made the first incision at the base of his scrotum. Nate passed out. Serge laughed almost hysterically at this and started stroking his cock, which was already starting to go stiff again. The other boys watching were all unconsciously holding their own balls, as if they could somehow protect themselves from some imaginary knife. One of the Russian boys fainted when the Doctor snipped Nate's left nut and held it up for all to see before dropping in unceremoniously in a tray. The only hardons in the room now belonged to Serge and the Doctor, both of whom seemed terribly excited by creating an Aussie eunuch. While the boys helped revive the one that fainted, the Doctor quickly completed the operation, severing Nate's remaining testicle, and sewing up his now empty sac. He would never again be able to have sex in a normal fashion, if you call how he had sex normal that is. Serge was gleaming from ear to ear. "We will make millions with this! A western eunuch will bring the highest prices yet for our business!" He looked around the room at the horrified boys until his eyes rested on Cody. He walked over to him with his dick pointing straight out from his body. Cody wanted to shrink into nothing but there was nowhere to go. "I think it is time to celebrate Cody. Go over to the couch and bend over the arm." Serge looked at the doctor and smiled. "Thank you Doctor, you may pick any boy you wish." While Serge walked toward Cody who had his face buried in the couch cushion crying his eyes out, the Doctor looked at Ran, who was still kind of in shock from what he had just seen. The Doctor pulled him over to where Nate had been tied and pushed him onto his back. Ran winced from the pain of the lashes he had received earlier, but the Doctor paid no attention. He had almost cum in his pants while cutting Nate and was impatient to say the least. He placed Ran's legs on his shoulders then dropped his pants and presses his cock against Ran's hole. "Oh you fucking hot little bitch," he hisses as he forced himself inside. This was not tender lovemaking, this was rape. The doctor was grunting like an animal and Ran's whimpers only stirred him on. He was plowing in and out of the boy causing the welts on his ass to rub on the bed and start to bleed. The cries of Serge's forced entry into Cody on couch just turned the Doctor on more and with a final grunt; he spilled his seed into Ran's tortured hole. The Doctor collapsed on top of Ran in exhaustion and the younger teen could hardly breath under the man's weighton top of him. Just as was about to pass out, he pulled his greasy cock out of Ran's ass and wiped off on his face. "Thanks boy, you were a better fuck than I thought you would be. Too bad I can't take off your balls too!" He shoved Ran aside, plopped down on the bed and started cupping Ran's balls, making the poor kid want to vomit. He was used to being used sexually, but now after this he was really scared for his life. Ran looked over to see Serge savagely plowing into Cody, who still had his head buried in the cushion crying his eyes out while Serge fucked the daylights out of him. Serge pulled out just in time to blow a huge wad of dick snot all over Cody's ass and back. Serge beckoned Brent over to clean off his dick using his mouth. Brent felt so bad for Cody, but he was too frightened to do anything but lick the slime off of Serge's dick. He even felt bad for Nate, who even though had abused him, did not deserve what they just did to him. Who would be next? Where would it stop? He just wanted to go home! Serge pushed him off his dick and told him to eat out Cody's ass next. Serge was delighted to watch Brent make a face as he pushed his face into Cody's leaking hole. Cody for his own part was embarrassed to have his brother licking a strange man's cum out of his raped butt hole, but had to admit it felt good after what he had just been through. Serge sat down on the couch watching the younger brother eat out the older and smiled. Then he looked at Rex, "My little pony, maybe we should make you into a gelding too?" Rex was horrified and about to start begging for his balls when the door burst open. It was Reginald and he was holing a silenced handgun. Serge jumped up with a Russian curse and went for his own weapon but was too late and Reggie shot him in the face. Some of his gray matter splattered on Cody and Brent, who screamed and held on to each other. Reggie looked at them, "Sorry boys," and was about to say something else when he saw Nate strapped to the gurney. When he looked at the sutures on his scrotum he muttered, "dear God in Heaven!" then looked at the Doctor, who was trying to hide behind Ran. He pointed the gun at them and told Ran to get out of the way. The boy had to pry the doctor's shaking fingers off of him before he made his escape over to where Cody and Brent were cowering on the couch. "Did you do this to Nathan you bastard?" Reginald demanded. "I had no choice, they were going to 3;" The Doctor never finished his sentence. Reginald shot him first in the balls and let him squeal for a bout ten seconds before firing once more into his heart. He then looked to all the boys in the room. "Listen carefully boys, we don't have much time. I'm going to get you off this ship if you agree to help me, and that means helping Nate as well. I know you don't have much reason to trust me and you don't have to, but I don't want Nate to have to pay for his father's mistakes." Cody and Brent looked at each other then at Ran. They all agreed as well as Alec, Rex and Randy. Even though they had hated Nate, they all felt sorry for him now. The Russian boys didn't understand what was going on, but knew it would be best to just be quiet. Reggie picked up Nate, who was still in shock, in his strong arms and carried him out the door, followed by the other western boys. The Russian boys were left behind, and Cody was going to protest, but Reggie told him not to worry. All the boys on the boat would soon be free. They quickly went down a series of passageways until coming to a huge motorized boat, which was hanging by a crane over the side. Checking that the coast was clear of any of the Russians, Reggie had all the boys climb in then hand Nate over to them. He got in the boat and lowered it down. The boat was more like a small yacht that was fully equipped with navigational equipment and stocked with provisions. There were also enough clothes on board for the boys to at least appear descent. Once they had drifted far from the Wombat in the darkness, Reginald started it up and showed Cody how to steer by the GPS toward a waypoint. Nate was coming too, and seemed shocked when he became aware of their surroundings. "What's happening Reg. Where's father? I need to talk to him. He's wrong. We have to stop doing what we have been!" Reggie rubbed Nate's forehead. "I'm afraid Nate that your father is dead, or will be soon. We sent out an emergency distress signal and the authorities will be converging on the ship in a matter of hours. Your Dad knew he would be found guilty of all kinds of crimes, but he couldn't bear giving the ship over to the control of the Russians so he decided it was time to end it all. His last instructions to me were to make you got safely off the boat and not be connected with it in any way. He has made sure to put millions safely away for you Nathan, and we will be contacting one of our lawyers in Rio when we get there. I knew what your Father was doing was wrong for years Nate, but my first loyalty was to him. I hope you understand that. I never agreed to what he had become, but wasn't strong enough to stop him. I only wish I could have got to the suite sooner to stop what has happened to you!" "I 3; I'm going to try to make things right 3;" Nate cried before passing out again as Cody steered the boat toward a point where Reginald had people waiting.
EpilogThe news broke world wide about the authorities discovering a floating boy whorehouse on the high seas. In an apparent power struggle the captain had committed suicide after learning of his son's murder by the rival gang of foreigners. The assets form the ships sail as well as the impounded millions from the clients on board the vessel would be used in the housing and counseling of the boys, who were apparently from all over the world. Offers of home and shelter poured in worldwide.Cody and Brent, after relaxing at a Brazilian Villa were flown back to the States a few million dollars richer. With the money in a trust account for them, Brent's original foster family took them both in and after a lot of therapy and healing time, adopted them both legally, making them real brothers, and a whole lot more! Nate returned to Australia and started a program to help throwaway kids in Brisbane, with the help of several others like himself. Reginald made sure he had the money to do it with and got Alec, Randy, Ran as well as Nate official papers making them legal residents. While Nate was scarred for life, Ran ended up falling in love with him anyway and they lived happily together throwing their lives into the work of helping kids sharing a large home along with Alec and Randy. Rex, after taking the money offered by Nate, said he forgave him and was never seen or heard from again. The Wombat was sold to and then scrapped by an anonymous bidder at an action. He donated all the proceeds to the victims.
The End |