PZA Boy Stories


Boy Vignettes
Second set


Short vignettes*, mostly about boys being castrated and enslaved.
* Vignettes (literature): short, impressionistic scenes that focus on one moment or give a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting
Publ. 2015-2016 (3D Boys); this site Nov 2015-July 2016
Finished This set: 30,000 words (60 pages)


Various boys, usually about 8-12yo

Category & Story codes

Eunuch/slave story
Mb bb – non-cons slave oral analcastr


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Unikue Boy Vignettes in the subject line.

Table of Contents

  1. No Clothes Needed (1,900 words)
  2. Payback is glorious (1,200 words)
  3. Revelations (1,300 words)
  4. Ronald (900 words)
  5. The Director: No fighting allowed (700 words)
  6. The Nature Camp for Unwanted Boys (650 words)
  7. Cages at School (550 words)
  8. Slavery is Wrong (1,750 words)
  9. First Stop: Orphanage (1,000 words)
  10. Getting the Stock Boys Ready (2,600 words)
  11. School Entry Procedures (400 words)
  12. Thralls in the Game Store (600 words)
  13. Thralls from Twins (1,350 words)
  14. Emancipation (3,350 words)
  15. Christmas Slave (800 words)
  16. Alpine Slaveboys (650 words)
  17. Going Full Commando (1000 words)
  18. The Family Vacation (Part 1) (1200 words)
  19. Hysterical Boys (1300 words)
  20. Trip to the Museum (650 words)
  21. The New Neighbourhood (1250 words)
  22. Simon and Nathan (700 words)
  23. The Hangman Festival (550 words)
  24. For the Love of Recess (1300 words)
  25. The Broken Window Fallacy (Part 1) (1500 words)


26. No Clothes Needed

Where you are going, you don't need clothes

Nathan and Sam were about to turn twelve and ten this year, and it was the year their parents had chosen for their slavery term to start. Everyone has to pay a debt to society, and boys usually are enslaved for two years starting when they are either ten or twelve.

With only another two weeks or so before they are slaves, their mother Agatha decided to go out and get two stretchers from Walmart. At 3pm, the boys just got back from school she met them at the front door.

"Both of you are going to take off your clothes now," she ordered. The boys were shy and sighed, "Do we have to?"

"Both of you are going to be slaves in two weeks! I am not going to have you embarrasing yourselves in front of your masters. So get those clothes off now! If you don't, I can and will use a whip on you," she exclaimed. In the living room, Sam just took off his clothes right there in ten seconds. Nathan was slow, carefully taking each piece off.

Agatha had picked up some cheap pre-slave collars from the ministry, she said to Nathan, "Come over here." He came over, the boy's uncut cock was starting to rise. She slapped his cock, "You will need to learn to control that thing." She put the collar around his neck. He was fiddling with the collar until she slapped his hands off, "Don't touch your collars! Now lay down on the side of the couch with your bum up. Sam, come over now."

Sam came over and the boy's penis was like a little nob over his much larger testicles. She put his collar on, and said, "Lay on the couch next to your brother." The boys were both hang over the edge of the couch with their bums accessible. She took out of her shopping back a package that said 'Tiny 10' on it. She opened the package and found a prelubricated dildo. Holding the one edge, she told Sam, "Don't make any noise Sam, be as quiet as you can. This might hurt, but it is for your own good." Sam never liked to hear that, its one of his mother's favourite phrases, but it usually meant something bad. Soon enough he felt something at his bum, and he held himself back but this thing was bigger than anything that ever came out before. It slid in fairly easily after the initial resistance from his spincter.

After that she took out a package that said 'Small 12', taking out a larger dildo. She didn't bother to warn Nathan, and was loud as she pushed it inside him. She rotated both plugs and tugged – they were fastened inside.

"Now both of you stand up," she ordered. Her two naked sons stood up. "When you are told to stand up, you put your feet together but rotate the back of your feet out a little, and put your hands against your head." She showed them by putting her hands on the back of her head. She took a picture of her two preslaves to remember the moment. "Now you will both weed the yard outside. You will not touch your penis, and you will be done in one hour. Any deviations will be punished. Now go quickly now."

She watched the boys go outside, obviously smarting from the dildos inside of them. She knew it would be better for them if she made them wider before their enslavement. She watched the boys clean up the yard. They were very quick, and in an hour she came outside, both boys stood at attention while she inspected their work.

"You have both done very well. Nathan, you will now be punished for taking your clothes off too slowly when ordered. Lean up against the shed with your butt out," she ordered. "Every stroke, you will count out." The twelve year old did has his mother instructed and she took a light whip and gave him five strokes which hurt like hell. Every time he said, "One", "Two", ... "Five" when she stopped. "Now until dinner, you will both go into my room and lay down in the two things with your names on them which you will find.

The two naked boys went upstairs and found two small cages, one saying Nathan and another saying Sam. They both got in to their cages, which had a blanket on the floor. She came up a minute later and closed the cages and lifted them onto a shelf.

For the next two hours the boys stayed in the cages while she prepared dinner. After the boys had dinner they watched a movie with their mother, then she took them both up to her room again. "Sam, I wanted to to wiggle your brother's dick for a few minutes." Sam did as his mother told him, Nathan tried to protest but his mother slapped his hands away. She went to the bathroom to do her own things before bed, and Nathan was hard by the time she got back. "Nathan, you do the same thing to Sam." Nathan did as she told him, and to his surprise his brother was hard too. "Now Nathan, you will suck on his dick until I tell you to stop." Nathan took his brothers 3 incher into his mouth and after a few minutes Sam was exasperated, and said, "Nathan, you can stop. Get on your back and Sam you do the same to your brother."

Sam was eager to give the same pleasure to his brother that he just recieved. A few minutes in, some noise from Nathan, his mother told him, "Sam, anything that comes out, you will swallow." Something came out of Nathan alright, but it was more than anyone would have expected. Nathan had never actually cummed before, and by coincidence he had multiple orgasms and ejaculations into his brother's mouth. But Sam managed to swallow it all.

Agatha put two mouth suppressors into the boy's mouths and told them to get into the cages and go to sleep. The boys got to sleep easily enough, and in the morning they went to school naked. They were the only boys naked, but after a few days more and more boys were naked. It was on the fourth day, Agatha decided to give them both medium sized dildos. Again it hurt them to put it in. Another few days, and they were onto the large ones. It was three days before they were to go away, and she thought they would be ready for extra large. She bought a special bench for the occassion, and locked her now submissive boys onto it. She lubed up their bums and said, "You will now try the extra large size." The boys heads here locked down in a hole so they couldn't see anything. But she had invited her friend Marvin over. He was twenty five, and had a pretty good sized penis. First thing he inserted his penis into Nathan who made a loud noise but was garbled by his mouth suppressor. It went in, but was tight. He fucked Nathan, and let the ejaculate stream into the boy.

Agatha put a large plug back into Nathan, and Marvin went to fuck Sam. Sam was much tighter, and a loud garbled scream could be heard from his suppressor. But more cum streamed into Sam and he got a bigger plug as well. Afterwards she told the boys, "Go up to your cages and wait for me."

She had coffee with Marvin, and went up to see the boys. They were sleeping so she wasn't going to disturb them. The next morning it was the second day before they had to leave, so she took them to the processing center. The boys were still wearing their plugs, collars and tongue suppressors. The woman at the desk told her, "You have to take off all your training accessories, ma'am." "Of course," she said. She took out the plugs, untied the collars. But before she took out the mouth suppressors she told them, "You better not make a sound when I take this out." They both nodded their heads, and she took out the suppressors. She threw them into the garbage that was next to the desk.

Agatha gave the woman the ids of the boys. The woman took a stamp and put a number on Nathan's wrist, and another number on Sam's wrist. "The older one to the right door, the younger one on the left," she said. Agatha told the boys, "I will see you both in a few hours. Now go on."

Nathan went to the right, and Sam walked into the door on the left. Nathan was scanned, and had a heavy metal collar put around his neck. The collar was thick and tight, he wasn't going to forget it anytime soon. The boy then had a new mouth suppressor inserted, this one forcing his mouth open bigger. His arms were attached to some manicles from the ceiling and lifted a foot off the ground. The boy stopped at one station where a man took his cock and balls and pulled it through a curved metal plate with a hole in it. It was very tight, but his balls were braced with a metal wire being held by the plate. The boy was moved further up, where another man held the boy steady while another hot metal iron touched the back of his right bum cheek. He screamed as steam escaped, but his bum was marked with his slave number.

The boy's head was shaved, and his body was dipped in a blue liquid up to his neck. After a few minutes in the liquid he was placed on a mesh floor, and a man told him "POST!" Confused, Nathan looked around and saw a post. The only thing to do was obvious. He went over to the post and plopped his bum on it. It hurt going in, but he understood why his mother tortured them the last two weeks with those plugs.

Nathan stood on that post for about two hours before he was allowed off. His hands were tied behind his back and led to a cage, smaller than the one his mother had for him. A few minutes afterwards he saw his brother go into the cage next to his, but his brother was red instead of his blue. He was shaved as well with the same curved plate on his cock. The cages were loaded up on to a truck and a few hours later were unloaded into a barn. A middle aged man started unlocking the cages, and told all of the red boys to post. With their bums filled with the posts and lifted slightly off the ground, the man took a knife and grabbed each of their balls and sliced them off. The boys muffled a scream as it was done to them.

The blue boys were luckier. Nathan later learned that all the boys that couldn't ejaculate were red, and the blues were to be tested for a week. Nathan didn't pass the test and was castrated like his brother was.

27. Payback is glorious

Thomas stood naked infront of the counsellor. The man stared at the boy for a good minute before asking him, "Thomas, you are eleven years old. You have been naked for a month, but we haven't seen any improvement in your behaviour. Do you have anything to say for yourself young man?"

Thomas meekly replied, "Sir, Billy and his friends keep bugging me..." The counsellor was understanding of what Thomas was saying, but Billy was one difficult kid to punish – his father was a very prominent business man. Although, he considered if they had proof. Cameras were all over the school, and a tracking device was put in Thomas' bum cheek when his clothes were taken.

He told Thomas, "Only you can be responsible for your behaviour." He took Thomas' wrist and stamped '2A' on it. "Go to the office, and show them your wrist."

Thomas said, "Yes sir." The nude boy walked out of the counsellor's office, and went to the main office down the hall. The secretary looked at his wrist and walked him back to the detention room. Thomas had not been back to this detention room before, he saw a few small cages that could fit a single boy, and a larger cage made to fit a few boys. Jack was already in the large cage, so she put Thomas in with him.

The counsellor was looking through the video footage from the cameras around the school based on Thomas' movements over the last month and cross referencing with facial recognition of Jack. After an hour of viewing the material, he started finding evidence of Jack and his friends beating Thomas, with a sexual act on more than ten occassions. The counsellor had been looking for something on Jack and his crew for months, but now had something. A boy who bullies is tolerated to some extent, especially if their family is well off. But a boy who causes behaviour problems in another boy, and causes that other boy to be put into level 2 punishment can be summarily put in the same punishment.

Thomas is slated to be sent for level 2 punishment, so Jack and friends can join him – and even better is his father can't do anything about it on such short notice.

Half an hour later, Jack was standing in front of the counsellor. He told Jack accusingly, "I have been hearing you abusing Thomas all month." Jack denied it, "Thats a lie! I have never touched Thomas!" He took a file out of his desk and about to show Jack, "Then these aren't you holding Nathan's head to your cock as you ejaculate into his mouth?"

Jack looked mortified.

The councillor in a very authoritative voice said, "You will take your clothes off now and put them in the box on the floor. If you do not you will be punished." The eleven year old boy was defiant, "When my father hears about this..." He cut the boy off, "He will be informed later today. Now get rid of those clothes or I will cut them off."

The boy started stripping. His body was not much different from Thomas'. Jack had his hands tied behind his back, and a tongue suppressor to gag him. He stamped 2A on the boy's wrist. Before the boy was taken to the office though he could not resist some old fashioned punishment. The boy was put up against the wall, and he got out a paddle that the boy didn't see.

"It is obvious your parents don't give you any discipline, so this will have to make up for what you have been missing," he said. He held the boy and slapped the boy's bottom with the paddle ten times really hard. Jack was quite broken and crying afterwards. No resistance when he took him to the office, and into one of the small cages.

The rest of his crew was similarly punished. It was going to be a large transport today. He called up a friend who ran one of the farms they send boys to. "Hey Sam, I wanted to send you seven boys for three months. Think you have room?" "John, it might be a little tight, why so many?" "Sam, your nephew Thomas has to be sent, but I am including his five tormentors in the bunch. The extra one is a low risk boy named Nathan."

"John, in that case, I think I will make the room. Is this other boy similar to Thomas, not a bad one or anything?" "Sam, yeah, you know what I am talking about. I will send them over this afternoon, you might want to do the tormentors on arrival – one of them has a rich father."

"John, I'll keep that in mind."

John went to the detention room, and the tormentors had recovered some by this point, but they couldn't do anything to move or speak. He put collars on Nathan and Thomas that were blue. Red collars were for the five other boys. Seven transport cage boxes were brought into the room, Thomas was first. The boy had to lay down on the bottom with his neck raised. His legs were squished against his chest by the other side of the box. A tight ring was put around the boy's balls which were tied up outside of the box – but stretched.

With all the boys put in the transport boxes, he left them on the shipping dock. A truck came to transport them a few minutes later. An hour trip was ended by arriving at Sam's farm. He wasted no time to release his nephew and Nathan.

He explained to them, "You boys have to be here for three months and naked, and you are considered slaves, but you will stay in the house with us. Do you understand?" His nephew and Nathan nodded. "Now, I need to do something about these five other boys. But first, how about you boys take these paddles and slap their balls with one good wack each." He handed them two paddles and they were quick to torment their tormentors.

Screaming sounds came from the boxes as the balls were hit twice each. But each boy was taken out of his box and put on a resting bench with their balls hanging off. He scanned their collars confirming their status and accepting delivery.

"Nathan, can you take this and put a band around each one of the boy's balls?" Sam asked.

"Yes, sir!" the naked boy said. He eagerly put two bands on each of the boys. Jack could be heard crying, he realized what was happening to them. After about ten minutes, Sam gave Thomas a knife. Sam grabbed Jack's balls, pulling down tightly and cut right between the bands. He put the balls right in front of Jack's face. The other four had their balls put in front of their faces as well. Their last indignity of the day was to have a training plug put in and tied down for the night.

Nathan and Sam were tired for the night and went to bed early, but the truth was that they were so hot after castrating those bastards that they fucked all night long.

28. Revelations

Simon and Jerry just got home from school, and saw a note from their parents: "Gone out shopping, dinner in the fridge, be back at 9."

Simon went to the fridge, and got out the meatloaf, nuked it. Jerry, a year younger than Simon, had already dropped off the bags upstairs. The boy had come downstairs naked.

Simon said to him, "That was quick. Set the table, and we can eat in a minute, I'll be back."

The 13 year old Simon went upstairs and stripped his own clothes off. Both boys had a 'thing' for each other, and with the parents out they liked to go nude.

The two naked boys sat next to each other, and started eating their meatloaf. Simon, obviously aroused, put a warm piece of meatloaf on his cock and it immediately sprang up. Jerry touched Simon's cock with the meatloaf and smeared it down the shaft. Jerry's own cock rose, and Simon did the same to his cock.

The boys got off of their chairs and ate the meatloaf off of each other and both came into each other's mouths at the same time.

The naked boys cleaned off their cocks and got back into their seats and finished their meatloaf.

The boys went down to the couch to watch television, when at eight Simon said, "Want to try the door?"

Jerry rejected the idea, "You know we aren't allowed in there!"

"What better reason?, anyways, the door is always locked, so whats the harm?" Simon interjected.

Simon and Jerry were always curious about the room, because it was forbidden. Jerry often relented after Simon pushed him, so they were both standing naked at the door, and they had their hands on the latch and started putting pressure on it without hoping for anything.

But then came the surprise, the latch moved. The door squeaked open and both boys walked in. Both boys' jaw dropped as they saw manacles on the wall, a cage, a saw horse, and a few other things neither boy knew of. In the corner were some drawers, and the now hard boys, opened one of the drawers up and saw a collar, some straps, and a few other things. The drawer above it had another set, and the drawer above that had just a collar and straps, but the straps looked like they were well used – whereas the other two drawers had things that looked new.

Jerry took one of the new collars and put it around his neck, it fit snugly. The boys looked at the straps, but after about ten minutes put the stuff back neatly and left the room.

The boys finished watching their show, and started going up the stairs to the main level when they saw their father and mother looking at them in their birthday suits with hard ons pointing right at them.

George, their father, said to Grace, their mother, in a tone they had never heard before: "They have been in the room, it is time they learned."

Their mother told the boys, "Go wait on the couch. We will be down in a minute."

The boys didn't know what was implied, but they went down and waited on the couch. A few minutes later, their mother walked down the stairs naked, with their father behind. He told the boys crassly, "Go into the room and wait in the corner."

The boys opened the door like they did before, and their father brought their mother in, and he locked the door behind them.

Their mother took the naked boys by the arms and coaxed them over towards the cage and put them inside it, they didn't resist. Their father closed the door.

The boys watched as their father opened the drawer with the worn equipment, grabbed a ball gag, and then tied their mother down to a rack and stretched it a little – then put a large penis looking instrument into her bum, and flogged her.

He then opened one of the other drawers, and took out a collar and put it on top of the bench. He then opened the door, and took Jerry out of the cage. He put the collar on Jerry, and tied his hands to manacles on the wall. He did the same to Simon.

He started speaking to them, but it wasn't quite like they were used to their father speaking. "Boys, I think it is time you learned the truth. When I met your mother, we hit it off very well from the first moment we saw each other. We were madly in love, but when I proposed to her – it wasn't marriage, it was a slave contract. She loved me so much, that she put the collar on that very night, and her slave registry number was tattooed on her bum the next morning.

"I bought this house, and built the dungeon. For two solid months, I raped your mother and abused her in this room. Simon, you are the product of that union. A year later, I did the same thing, and you, Jerry, are the product of that. Although you are my sons, you are also the sons of a slave and therefore are slaves yourselves.

"We decided to keep it from you, and we played the role of a married couple. But now that you have found the room, it is time you discover your place."

Their father finally stopped with the story, and left the dungeon. About an hour later, their next door neighbours, Adam and Steven walked into the dungeon. But they were naked, had collars on, and each one of them were wearing the harnesses like the boys had found in the drawers.

The one boy automatically went into the cage, and the other was lifted by his father upside down onto a Berkley Horse and locked in.

Jerry was taken off of the wall, and taken into a back room and saw a scary looking device. His father put the straps on the device and pulled it tightly.

"Jerry, this is called the impaler, this will be your first initiation into slavery. Get on it, or you will be whipped, and your mother will be whipped doubly."

Jerry climbed on the device, and his father attached some straps to his collar, and tied him down. George pressed the button and the machine worked like clock work – the straps tightened and Jerry's cock had a ring pressed into it, and his anus was impaled by a dildo. He yelped, but the straps were tight.

Jerry was brought out, and put on another Berkley Horse. Simon was removed from the wall, and impaled the same way as Jerry, but then put into the cage.

The two boys on the Berkley Horse were totally exposed in the genitals, and George took a tool and a metal band and put a tight crimp on each one of their testicles. Each screamed, but George paid no mind.

He left the room for an hour, and then took the boys off the horse, and put them into the cage with their brothers.

George said to them, "You will stay here tonight, I expect you to suck off your brothers tonight. In the morning, their testicles will be dead and I will cut them off."

George left the room and went to sleep.

The boys were left in the dark, and did as they were told. The straps were tight, but it was amazing feeling.

When George came back, the two boys with crimped balls were put on the horses again, and George simply sliced their balls off. They were now eunuchs.

While they were exposed like that, he put their slave numbers on their bums. Then tied them to the wall. The two boys who were still intact were left in the cage for the day, not sure of if they would be allowed to keep their balls.

29. Ronald

Ronald was a rich boy, but he had a bad attitude


The Moral Bankruptcy of the Republican Party became obvious to the general public of the United States early in 2024, they had just won elections in all houses and the Presidency through vote manipulation, disenfranchisement, and any dirty way they could. Fewer and fewer actual right wing Christians were the power base anymore, so many of them being lost to the atheists. The Libertarians were influential, along with the rich people who bankrolled that fraud.

By 2025, the debt situation reached a climax when Europe, China, and OPEC stopped trading with Dollars. Riots were everywhere, defaults on debt happened like clockwork. Martial Law was declared, and the Republicans allied with the rich became the dictators of the land.

They reintroduced slavery, but restricted it to males under the age of 18 at first. Later on expanding it females as well. Medicaid was modified to automatically insure all slaves, and cut back funding on free boys and girls.

As a result, the rolls of slaves expanded 1000% overnight. Even if parents didn't sell their children, they put them on an indenture – automatically insuring them while removing most freedom and clothing from them.

Introductions: Ron

Ron lay against the grass, it was a warm summer and he liked the feeling of grass over his naked body. He was eleven, ten when he arrived, he remembered the day he got his collar. It was stormy, pouring rain really – suitable for what was about to open.

The collar is always a little too tight, to remind him its there. He touched his cock, feeling down below, the empty spot that once held his ball sack. They like to remove those things on most slaves.

He still remembers his mother's face when she told him, he was going to be a slave. But that was over a year ago.

Right now, he had to watch the younger slaves on the farm. He was watching twenty of them, most of them were born on the farm. They all have the training collars on, not quite tight. Of course they have the tattoo on their bums. But a few of them won't have that for much longer, its almost time for some of them to join the youth slaves.

Ron felt the brand on his bum, another gift from a year ago. Got it when he was castrated.

Introduction: Bradley

Bradley was visiting the farm with his family. His family was rich, and as a result had quite a few boys. He wore the latest fashion, not bad for a twelve year old. He wanted to see some slaves, so the farmer told him to go over to the field.

Running over he saw Ron, Ron looked over, Bradley said, "So you are a real slave!"

Ron only said, "Yes, you obviously aren't."

Bradley told him, "Show me your cock."

Ron lifted up his dick, "Oh cool, no balls. Did it hurt?"

Ron replied, "It hurt like hell!"

Bradley unzipped his pants, "Slave, suck me!"

Slaves usually had to follow orders, so Ron started sucking him. He ended up with cum all over his face.

The farmer along with his parents made their way over and saw, his father yelled at him, "Bradley, what the fuck do you think you are doing?"

Bradley quipped, "I wanted a blow job, so I got this slave to do it."

The farmer said to Bradley's father, "I think your son has a chip on his shoulder."

The father replied, "Yeah, he has an attitude problem. Haven't been able to beat it out of him."

The two looked at each other, and nodded. The farmer told Ron to show Bradley around, and come back to the barn in half an hour.

The naked boy nodded, "Yes master."

The two adults went back to the farm house.

The Tour and Barn

Ron took Bradley around the farm, at first showing the horses, he even got to ride in a cart pulled by a team of four boys dressed up like ponies. But by the time they had got back to the barn he took Bradley into the processing room. The farmer and his father were there, and locked the door.

"Bradley you will take off your clothing immediately. You are officially indentured to this farm," his father told him.

"No father!" he protested, the farmer grabbed his neck and pushed a gag into his mouth. He took the boy's hands and quickly secured them above his head. Taking some scissors, the boys clothes were off quickly.

"Slave, you will be punished for not obeying a lawful order."

A riding crop was produced and the boy had his welts given on his bum. Thirty in all. He was defeated.

The farmer took him down, laid him on a table. It seemed like the mould of a boy. Strapped down, the farmer gave the boy a thick collar. The boy was choking a little, they usually do with a new collar. Putting his dick in a pumping machine, he got a good sample of semen, but banded the boy – he was not about to be used in breeding.

The last step was painful, but the brand on his bum would heal. After the boy was processed, he was put around the side of the table with his bum out. His father started to fuck him.

He said to the farmer, "I think he looks like a pony boy."

"Agreed", said the farmer."

30. The Director: No fighting allowed

Martin and Luke went to an all boy's school where approximately ten hundred boys from Kindergarden to Grade Nine stayed and studied. The school was well known for its approach to discline, it flowed from the school's contract with the boy's parents.

The school was originally setup as a charter school experiment. Society had already accepted a much needed decrease in rights for minor children by the type the charter school was setup. Even embracing a level of servitude or as the opponents called it – slavery. The school took both the "in loco parentis", and "parens patriae" literally, and the newer "dominus servum" or Master of the Slave.

Essentially the school owned the boys that went there. That meant that they could do a lot to the boys and even sell them in certain circumstances.

Enzo and Zoel were good friends in Grade 4, and they got into a fight with two other boys – the other boys starting it. But the school punishes fighting on both sides, just the instigators get something more.

The four boys were taken to the school reformatory where the director of the school was present and told the boys to take off their clothes and put them into the fire. The room was one where none of these boys had been before, only heard scary things about.

Enzo and Zoel were always well behaved boys and did as they were told, by taking off their shirts and tossing it into the fire. Both boys had a well formed upper body, and then took their shoes off, followed by grabbing the elastic from their shorts and underwear and slowly revealing their cocks. By the time the two were naked and clothing fueling the fire, the other two only had their shirts off.

The director pointed the boys towards a table surrounded by a mechanism and told to lay down on it face first and they did so. The other two boys were grabbed by the principal and had their clothing torn off them. They were tied to the wall and whipped, leaving screams and red blood marks on their backs. But they were on the tables in short order as well.

The director repositioned each of the boys with their cock going in one hole and neck going through a large circle, then strapped each down. He took a large syringe and went to the spincter of each boy, and let out a goo around the outside of their anus and then poked inside and put another liter of the stuff in Enzo and Zoel, but less than 200mL in the other two boys.

After positioning the tools right, the director gagged each of the boys and set the machine in motion. As first, each boy had a collar snap around their necks and then each boy ejaculated into the hole, followed by a ring around the cock tightening and finally a plug forcing its way into their rectums.

The boys were all screaming into their gags, for five minutes, but the director wasn't done yet. He took another tool and placed a band around the other two boys' bags that fell off in fifteen minutes.

After the four grade four boys were released, their collars had tight straps that went down to the cock ring and around back to the plug and back up to their collars. While Enzo and Zoel looked over each other they were turned on, but then they looked at the two boys who had instigated the fight they realized how lucky they were – they were all tightly strapped but those two boys had lost their balls. In this society those 'boys' were now not boys at all, and had even fewer rights than before.

Enzo and Zoel got so turned on that they went and sucked each other off. But the boys eventually returned to class, and spent the next month with the straps. The two instigators spend an extra month and every day had the gag in their mouths.

For Martin and Luke there was another force at work. Both were in Grade Seven. All the boys in Grade Seven had been naked for the last week by order of the Director – nobody knew why.

31. The Nature Camp for Unwanted Boys

When economic troubles hit the local cities, hundreds of boys are given up

The nature camp had had about a hundred boys for the last month, all the boys were coming from one of the local cities that was having severe economic trouble – some of them were given to the camp because their parents couldn't take care of them anymore.

As soon as the boys arrived, they were forced to go naked, it was not especially a cruel thing, but that the owner of the camp believed that all boys should be naked and that clothing hides their natural beauty.

The boys might have complained at first, but it certainly didn't happen anymore. They were all enjoying it, even the ones that had been effectively sold to the camp.

But the owner was starting to think about the long term viability of the camp. There were at least another hundred boys coming, and many of them would be permenant residents. The boys range in age from five to fourteen. He decided to arrange the ownership of the boys to be settled – who was staying and who was only around temporarily.

Within another few weeks, there were two hundred boys and ninety percent of them it turns out were remaining. So he decided it was time to arrange work schedules for the boys and schooling. The first thing the owner did was hire a few teachers and then started farming with the boys doing all of the labour.

During one particularly hot day, the owner had setup an examination room. All of the boys starting from the oldest were gathered and a few at a time came in. Each boy was checked for how much development they had.

The first boy was Eric, 14, and his uncut cock were clearly well developed, so the boy was given a sedative patch and put on a conveyer belt. The next boy, Simon, had beautiful blonde hair and he had an uncut cock but his balls were still close to his body so he was allowed to go out side again after having a stamp on his butt.

The third boy was a red head, Jerry, and was ten. His balls were still up near his body but were very well rounded so he was sedated and put on the conveyer. A lot of beautiful boys were seen, and they rejected any boy whose balls did not form a well defined sphere when looked at from the front. The youngest boy to get selected was seven year old, Bobby. He wasn't overly long in the penis, but his testicles clearly matched the criteria.

About one hundred boys were selected. Each boy came along the belt, and his bag was opened up and his two testicles were removed one at a time. They were clipped off, and thrown in a bin. The bag was put in the opening of a tool and the tool clipped off the bag and afterwards each boy who had an uncut cock had the smoothest penis. The boys with cut cocks were a little more rough, but ultimately they looked like they had never had a sack before.

The boys were put in their normal tents and woke up the next morning as the normally would. Everyone had breakfast and it was only a little bit later that the boys started to notice they didn't have any balls anymore. There was a lot of commotion, but eventually they just started playing games like they did before.

It became normal for boys not to have balls at the camp. The farming operation started off very successfully and eventually the camp was self sustainable. The next year another two hundred boys ended up arriving. As soon as they arrived, they clothes were taken off and boys were sent in for processing. It was a sort of joke that as soon as a boy arrives their clothes come off first, and their balls second.

32. Cages at School

It was a decent day out on the playground, Max was reading a book under a tree. He always tried to get away from Juan and the other bullies, his muscles always ached when they punched him or they trip him. Every time he tried to get help, the teachers or the principal just made it worst.

"Hey you little shit! You trying to hide from us?"

It was Juan. Juan was only in eighth grade, but he was bad news to anyone not willing to be his sicophant.

Juan grabbed the book out of Max's hands. "Oh look, its a book about fairies! Are you a fairy Max?"

"Leave me alone!" he cried out.

Juan punched the boy in the shoulder, then grabbed his feet as Max tried to get away. "Why don't you run away to the cages, you would look good there."

Max couldn't take this life anymore, so when the bell rang for the end of period – instead of going to the line up like every other student, he walked towards the front of the school.

There they were, right at the front of the school in the lobby stood five cages. There was already two boys in there. He put his hand on the scanner next to the free cage and it opened up. In the bottom of the cage was a tray that came out. It was in the rough shape of a boy's back all the way down to the impression of the buttocks.

Max took off his clothing revealing a hairless body like the other two boys already in the cages. Every boy knew how to go into the cages – but very few had actually done it. These were the slave cages, which meant by putting yourself inside of one – you were volunteering for slavery.

Max's back slid down the tray until he felt something poke at his rectum. It was a plug – once that was in, he was a slave by law. He remembered what the teacher said last year, "Just let yourself fall onto it, it will hurt less." So that is what he did. He let his feet off the ground and his bum was penetrated by the tray's plug.

The last part he had to do – he put his neck back against the tray where a collar was open. He pushed his neck into it and it closed around his neck. He was now locked into the tray as a new boy slave. It should help the school's expected quota.

The tray did the rest. His hands were restrainted next to his pelvis, his legs were bent close to his chest, and a pod was placed over his hard penis that forced it into flaccidty. The pod had a tube going to a gag was that inserted into his mouth. Before long Max found his bum being washed out, and his prostate being stimulated.

The last bell of the day was ringing and the free boys were passing the cages as all three boys were ejaculating into their mouths which was supplemented by more cum-like feeding fluid. The free boys laughed at the slave boys faces – a combination of disgust and pleasure. But soon they slave boys would love anything that had the texture and flavour of cum.

33. Slavery is Wrong

A boy comes to the realization that slavery is wrong

Sometimes a boy is nothing like his father. In Simon's case, his father was a slave trainer and trader. Often the boy's fathers would bring their sons right up to the door and be naked and collared before their father left. It could be a cruel business, but now one that Simon believed was wrong.

He had tried talking to his father, but his father just got angry. But Simon didn't blame his father – after all, he had grown up around his own father starting the business after the legalization of slavery in '41.

Simon was in sixth grade, and after having a class on American history – he couldn't come to any other conclusion. Simon did have a plan, but needed his brother for it – and he wasn't sure his ten year old brother would understand.

His brother was sitting in his room after school, and nobody else was home. "Alex, I need to talk to you," Simon exclaimed.

"Yeah, what is it?" his brother replied. Simon closed the door and put on a serious face.

"Do you know what our father does?" he asked Alex.

"Of course, he trains slaves." His brother knew the basic fact – but he lacked any depth of knowledge – or responsibility.

"But do you know who the slaves are?"


"Boys like you and me."

"We aren't slaves though," Alex said.

"They weren't at one time either. Their entire lives have been taken away from them, and here we are living in the house their flesh has paid for." Simon tried to instill in plain terms the consequences of that slavery.


"What if it was somebody else playing with that Nintendo, that was bought with you on an auction block?"

His brother Alex was starting the introspection that would take him to connecting all the dots. "What is this all about, Simon?"

"Slavery is wrong. Dad won't listen, but I thought you might. I have a plan, but it is going to be hard," Simon exclaimed.

"A plan for what?" Alex asked.

"I want to show Dad the costs of slavery in terms that won't escape him, to get him to stop what he is doing," Simon said.

The brothers often did everything together, so Simon wanted to do this together too – hoping his brother would agree. "I think I get what you are saying. I wouldn't want somebody playing that console with money paid for by my freedom. What did you want to do?"

"I want to put us in a slave contract. When Dad sees us, it would drive the point home. He would have to release us," Simon laid it out before his brother.

"I'll do it!" his brother exclaimed.

With that agreement the brothers just took their clothes off except their shorts. They checked to make sure that everyone else wasn't home yet – it was only three, his father wouldn't be home until at least four thirty. The boys made it to the induction building where all slaves are processed.

Simon told his brother, "Now lets get these shorts off. This is going to be painful and uncomfortable, but I have seen father do this many times."

Alex nodded as he pulled down his shorts to reveal his small cock. Simon's was a bit bigger, but both boys had enormous testicles for their ages. The first place the boys were in front was the contract machine. For a contract to be valid a blood sample and a semen sample had to be provided. Only rarely was a boy enslaved before he could cum – but it wasn't unusual for a father to wait for evidence of his son masturbating to sell him.

The boys both stuck their fingers in the blood taker, and a lancet pierced their fingers in the same way a diabetic would take their blood. Afterwards, they started to masturbate and target another hole on the machine. Finally, the machine asked, "Does Simon Jackson accept a five year slave contract?"

Simon said "I, Simon Jackson, accepts this contract."

Afterwards it said, "Does Alex Jackson accept a five year slave contract?"

Alex hesitated but said, "I, Alex Jackson accepts this contract."

Two chairs beside the station were prepared. The two boys climed on the two weird chairs, and Simon said, "Put your neck into the collar behind you and balance on the chair – this is going to hurt."

The two boys put their necks resting on the open collars, and their bums balanced against not much of a seating area, but they used their hands to balance on a surrounding surface. The seats closed around their pelvises – leaving their penises and testicles free. Their collars closed tightly and finally the seat impaled their bums with a plug that went really deep inside them and attached solidly to their pelvic–lock. Simon and Alex wanted to scream but their collars prevented any speech from coming out.

The chairs released the boys and they each inspected their aching bums. It had a ring hanging outside of the plug. But Simon knew their father would be home soon, so they had to hurry for the last part. Simon opened a door and Alex was shocked to see a few boys hanging down looked at them. But then there was an empty spot and Simon forced Alex to it and before Alex could make any protests his bum ring was attached to a chain hanging from the ceiling.

The chain lifted and Alex was upside down about three feet off the ground. Simon connected his own ring on the next chain, and he too was upside down in a second.

The boys were there for what seemed like hours, and finally his father came in and looked at his sons in disgust – "You two are idiots," was all he said and walked away.

The boys had a look of blood in their brains by morning, but that is the first step of training – the way the excessive blood works makes the brains a little more pliable to breaking in. But their father came in, and inspected each of the five slaves. The first three were looking pretty good, even without balls – this batch was already castrated – only so many breeding licenses for slaves per year – so they can be pricey.

He let each boy down, cuffed their hands behind their backs, and chained their collars together. The five slaves were led out to the back of the house where the two boys mother was waiting. Simon and Alex were made to stand, taught the position of attention, and were released from their silence.

His father looked sternly at his boys, "What on earth were you two thinking getting yourselves in a slave contract?"

Simon said, "We wanted to show you that slavery is wrong! You wouldn't listen to anything else!"

His father yelled, "You two are idiots! I can't release you from your slave contract, you will be lucky to keep your balls. What, did you think you could change the way the world works? I've contacted a friend at the slave authority, but I doubt anything can be done. So until that time, you two will be treated exactly like slaves. Maybe I can save your balls."

He turned on their silence again, and lead the five slaves out to the fields where a wagon was waiting. A bit gag was put in each boys' mouth and connected to a central line that would allow their father to give orders. Simon was out in front.

Their father made a 'clucking' sound and a whip was felt on Simon's back so he started walking, the four other boys did the same. The wagon was moving with five naked boys pulling it. Their father called out, "faster", and another whip.

After half an hour of training, the boys were back in the place where they hung the previous night. Only this time they were for a feeding. Their father explained, "You will suck on the phallus in front of you and when you hear a beep you will plung it all the way into your mouths."

The three eunuchs went right at the phallus, but Simon and Alex were slower, but went anyways – they were starving. Simon started to lick the phallus, and it started to harden. He started going in and out on it, and suddenly it beeped and he remembered what his father had said and plunged it into his mouth – a stream of cum–like liquid flowed down his throat.

After the slaves were done with their cum–lunch they were hung back up for a few hours. During those few hours, their father was meeting with his friend from the slave authority. After some conversation, the two men went to the hanging sons and let them down, and led them by the collar into the house.

The man from the slave authority said, "You boys have no idea what you have gotten yourselves into. You voluntarily signed a slave contract for five years! We cannot release you boys. But because Simon no doubt played a part in getting you [Alex] to agree – we will let him get off with only three years of enslavement. You will be trained by your father, and he will even be allowed to keep you for most of the time.

"But there is another matter that Simon didn't think about. Breeding licenses are all taken for this year, but I managed to get ONE. Because Alex was the younger party, he is going to get to keep his testicles. Simon, you are going to have to be castrated immediately. Because it is a breeding license Alex is getting, he will have to be fucking other slaves. Any questions?"

Alex was the first to say, "I'm sorry father." Simon joined in, "So am I."

Simon was taken by the man to his car and locked in a cage, while Alex was hanged up again. After an hours drive, the boy found himself on a table and a knife opening up his bag. He screamed inside his mind, because he couldn't do anything else. The man pulled out the testicles and severed them, but he put something else back in its place. Simon was brought back to his father's place and hung back up for the night.

The next morning was cart training again. Only this time Simon noticed something different, when he moved he jingled. The doctor put in testicle bells. That would teach him to think he knows how to get his father's attention.

34. First Stop: Orphanage

Darren is orphaned, and finds out what an orphanage can be like

Darren stood naked in front of the Mother Superior at the Castlewood Orphanage. The nun gazed at him intently. It was only a few days since his parents were killed in that terrible plane crash and child services sent him here until his status could be determined.

"Well you are nice and clean, aren't you Darren?" the nun asked rhetorically. From the first minute he arrived, he was instructed to stay silent. "Well, we should get you off to bed." She walked the nude ten year old up to the bunk row before the other boys would arrive.

Going over to a drawer, she pulled out a blue onesie for Darren. "Step inside of this Darren." Darren looked at the thing, he had never seen anything like it, but he figured it out and put his legs into the right spot followed by his arms. The weird thing about it, was that it had a zippered front going all the way back to the tail bone with two zippers where his belly button was. The nun zipped up the front, and it was closed. The onesie included a nice hood he could use if he wanted to.

"Now lets get you into bed," she said. He was led over to a bed like shelf – it consisted of a mattress that ran the length of the wall and had pillows beside each other. She lifted Darren onto the mattress shelf with his head on a pillow and his legs were hanging over the edge. He felt something cold on his neck like metal. Before he could find out what it was, she grabbed his arms and put them into manicles on a bar held against the pillow.

The boy was almost immobilized. She brought a cord from behind the boy's neck and grabbed his feet. She put manicles just above his ankles and tied the cord onto the manicles. His legs were positioned going back towards his arms and knees bent in such a way that he now tied feet were held in place above his pelvis. If it were not for the onesie, he would be entirely exposed.

The nun brought up a little package and took out a pacifier and said, "Suck on this for a few minutes." She plopped a pacifier in his mouth. It started to get a little bigger. She undid the bottom zipper to reveal the boy's penis and anus. She looked at the boys testicles and felt them in her hands, "What a nice set, lets see how long you can keep them."

She took out of the package three anal tampons and the applicator. She put the first one on the applicator and pushed it into his anus. He gasped with a little sign of pain in his eyes. She pulled the applicator out and it left a little pull tab outside. She put the other two into his bum. She pulled the pacifier out of his mouth and it had grown five times larger with his saliva and she pushed it into his bum. He made an audible grunt.

She did up the zipper, and put a blindfold over his eyes. "Now get to sleep young man," she said caringly. It was difficult at first to get to sleep, then all the other boys came in. He couldn't see them obviously, but heard the preparations that were almost obviously what he just went through. It was a long night, and he almost wanted to go to the bathroom twice, but the plug convinced him otherwise.

In the morning his blindfold was taken off, and he looked around to see about twenty boys beside him all dressed the same. A man came down the way and put pacifiers in each boy's mouth and unzipping their lower zipper. He pulled out the pacifiers which pulled out the anal tampons. Darren was releaved when the tampons were taken out, but another plug was put in. The man also connected a tube to his penis.

He pressed a button and water pushed into his rectum, and the man told the boys, "You can urinate now." Darren let it go and it gushed out of his penis into the tube. His enema lasted for about twenty minutes, going in and out. After the man pulled out the tubes he wiped down Darren's genitals with a cloth. He put a red tag around the his penis.

A few minutes after the man finished with all the boys, some older boys came in. They looked to be about fourteen each wearing collars around their necks and completely nude. A younger boy came to Darren and rubbed the boy's penis saying, "I'll be gentle!"

The boy positioned his erect cock by Darren's anus, and pushed in and started fucking Darren. It hurt like hell, but the pacifier had pacified the his reaction to the pain. After the boy ejaculated inside Darren, he pulled out and put another plug into him, zipping the boy back up.

The boys on the mattress table stayed in that position for another twenty minutes before they were released. Darren was given manicles for his wrists, and a collar for his neck – but otherwise kept the onesie on. They were marched down for food with their collars attached by a chain.

This kept on for a few days, each morning would begin with a fucking by the older boys, followed by breakfast, some exercise, work, and eventually being put back to bed. Finally Darren found himself again before the Mother Superior, this time he was naked but for his collar, plug, and manicles.

"Well young man, it appears that child services has found you a position in a boarding school in the next county over." She touched the boy's testicles, "We'll let you keep these before you leave. But if you haven't realized it yet, you are going to be a slave orphan – your parents didn't leave enough money for your upkeep. You leave in two days."

So the boy waited for another two days of fucking before he found himself in a cage going to another place he knew not.

35. Getting the Stock Boys Ready

Austin was kissing his girlfriend when his mother noticed him, "Get in here this instant young man! We are going to be late."

The boy was more interested in his girlfriend whom he wasn't going to see for almost a week. But Sarah cut off his infatuation, "Austin my love, you have responsibilities – we will see each other again soon. You don't want to be punished again." She looked at his mother, "Sorry, Mrs. Adler, I don't want to get him in trouble."

Mrs. Adler always liked Sarah, "Don't worry dear, Austin is good at getting himself in trouble. Mr. Norton has been very patient on account of his otherwise good performance. But even he would have his limits. Now good night Sarah."

Sarah ran off with her bag after giving Austin a little kiss on the cheek.

"Now Austin, get inside this instant, or I will make sure Mr. Norton gives you a whipping tonight!" his mother toned. She grabbed him by the collar and dragged him inside in to the living room. His older brother Kyle was dressed in some nice new clothes playing the latest mario game with their younger brother Brian.

Brian was already naked wearing his collar and his ankle manacles. Mother was always easier on the eleven year old – she let him not wear his wrist manacles until they were ready to go. Brian was so excited for tonight that his cock was already hard.

"Get upstairs young man, and if you aren't naked in the bathroom in two minutes I will make sure you are whipped and more tonight," their mother said.

Austin had already pushed his luck today, and he knew it. He was thirteen years old, and would have some hair if he wasn't forced to shave it. He was in his room and he took off all of his clothes folding them on the bed – he would need them next Wednesday when he got back.

The naked boy walked into the bathroom and started heating up the water for his enema. His mother walked in, "Good you are finally starting to behave!" She stuck a tube up his ass and started the cycling process to clean him out.

She had also brought in his collar and manacles. "I am going to have to remind you to behave before we leave young man!" she said as she put the collar around his neck. She made sure to make it tighter than normal. He instinctively brought his hands up to his neck, but she was ready for him and put the manacles quickly on both of his wrists. She secured them behind his back, and put on the ankle manacles.

The machine beeped, and reported "Cleaning done." So she removed the intruder from his bum, and she inspected his bare ass. He still had the mark "Norton Stock" that was branded there when he turned ten. His brother has only been in training for a few months, but got branded last month.

She brought the boy back to his room by a lead cord, like he gets done at the camp. "Lay down on the bed," she ordered. He did as she asked, and he put a gag in his mouth. She felt his butt cheeks, and marvelled at how smooth they were even with the branding.

She took off a paddle from the wall, and started wacking his bum with all her energy. It turned blood red after ten wacks. She was satisfied. "I hope you don't ever make me do that again. Now lets get you to your feet." She helped him up, and saw he had an erection.

"Get rid of that!" she yelled. She waited a minute and it wasn't going down. So she yelled downstairs, "Brian, get up here!"

The naked younger brother rushed upstairs, and started to say "Yes mo 3;" when she saw his brothers erect cock. He just went down on his knees and gave his brother a blowjob. His brother enjoyed it as he ejaculated into his brother's mouth – which was swallowed.

His cock was now flaccid, and she rewarded it with a chastity pod. "Lets see how much longer you are allowed to get those, young man," she said a little disgusted.

"Thank you Brian, you certainly make the better stock," she complimented her obedient younger son.

"Thank you mother," he replied.

"Now bring your brother downstairs," she asked as she went into another room.

Brian took the cord and walked him down the stairs. Kyle looked at them amused, "Well, look at what we have here – two slaves, but one has been bad!"

He walked over to Austin and rubbed the boys captive penis, and both could tell he was having some trouble with it. But he couldn't say anything because of the gag.

Their mother looked down from the top of the stairs, "Kyle, do you like tormenting your brother?"

"Only when he causes you trouble," said the smartass in him.

"Well, I could arrange for you to join them for the week," she threatened.

"Sorry mother," he said, and he sat down again.

"Now we better get going. Kyle put your brother's manacles on, and lets get going."

Kyle grabbed Brian's manacles and put them on his wrists. He was allowed to not be tied behind his back, because he was always good. Brian's collar was tied to Austin's, and he led the two boys out to the stationwagon.

In the back of the station wagon there were three cages, to hold the 'livestock', or in this case two naked boys. He opened the cages, and untied Brian to help him into his cage. He gave his brother a little push on his cute bum to finish the help.

For his brother, Kyle just let Austin get into his own cage with his hands still tied behind his back. When he thought Austin was being slow, he gave him a wack on his sore bum. The pain caused him to hit his head on the top of the cage. But Austin got most of the way in and Kyle pushed his feet in the rest of the way.

He closed up the two cages when when Mrs. Dalton came by with his daughter Mary and naked son Josh. "Good evening, Mrs. Dalton, " he said.

"Kyle, could you and your mother be so kind to take Josh tonight? My husband isn't feeling too good, and we wouldn't want Josh to be late. I would also be obliged if you could look after Mary too. We have a note to give to Mr. Norton, and if you could give it to him, we would be in your debt," Mrs. Dalton said.

Kyle looked at Mary, she was in a very conservative dress, which is the present style. It isn't unusual for a naked boy to be walked right next to his sister dressed down to the ankles. "Sure Mrs. Dalton, we are going to be at Mr. Norton's only for an hour or two, but I am sure mother wouldn't mind if she stayed the night."

"Thank you very much," she said while handing Josh's cord over to Kyle. He let the gagged boy get into his cage, and led the twelve year old Mary into the back seat, and put the letter for Mr. Norton into the front.

Stationwagons became popular again, especially with the cages in the back. The fine for improperly transporting 'livestock' or 'slaves' as the naked boys are usually referred to, is not insignificant. Some families just get a truck and put all their boys into cages in the back, whether naked or not. These stock boys are usually only in their stock roles for a week or two every month – unless their families want them to become permenant or the stockman wants them more.

Mrs. Adler came out of the house to find the extra two children, and Kyle explained. "That is quite alright, she would do the same for us if needed."

So they drove out of the city on the main highway, and half an hour later they were driving into Mr. Norton's stockyard. Mr. Norton was there to meet them, as they were getting the three boys out of their cages.

Mrs. Adler, "Has Austin been some trouble today?" he asked noticing the redness on his bum.

"You could say that, Mr. Norton. Of course, Brian is an angel as always. But he had to relieve Austin because he wouldn't go down!"

"Don't worry Mrs. Adler, we can take care of that. I see you have Josh today, we have something for these two boys tonight," said he as he put the two collars together, and put them in the back of a wagon.

"Now, as for Austin," he started, as he grabbed a harness and put around Austin's chest. He blinded the boy with a mask and led him over to the three boys already hitched to the front of the wagon. He would be part of the team pulling the wagon.

Mary was out of the car, and said hello to Mr. Norton. "Why hello my dear, its always a pleasure to see you when your mother drops off your brother."

"Mr. Norton," Kyle started, "this is a letter from Mrs. Dalton." He handed him the letter, and he read it.

"According to this, Mrs. Dalton wants to get Josh castrated, and Mary become stock," Mr. Norton indicated. He showed Mrs. Adler the official papers marking Mary has stock. "Mary, you will have to come with me to be processed," he said.

The girl said, "Yes sir."

"You might as well take your clothes off and give them to Mrs. Adler," he further instructed.

The girl took her dress over herself, and it was obvious she wasn't wearing anything underneath. She must have known some how.

"You should come into the cart, and see what I have for Brian and Josh," he suggested.

The two get into the cart with the now naked Mary, and Mr. Norton gets in the front with his whip and gets the boys moving – slowly at first and finally going a decent pace. He leans back and tells Mrs. Adler, "Your son is one of the best ponies I have."

About ten minutes down the dirt road, the cart comes to a stop, and the boys are released from the front and put into a line with the two naked boys from the back of the cart. He has Kyle lead the boys into a metallic clean room and ties the cord on the wall.

"We have to get Mary ready first," he said. He retrieved a collar for her and manacles. He sat her down on a table face down, and took the brand to her bum. She cried out in pain, but that is what all livestock do. She was chained to a seat and allowed to rest.

He unlocked Austin and the three other boys from the pony team and sat them down on angled bench with their feet spread horizontally. Their collars were tied to the back, but he left their hands free. He took off their chastity pods, and sprayed the area with disinfectant. Mr. Norton spoke to Kyle, "Your brother is the best pony I have, but eventually we have to do things to make them better." Kyle watched as Mr. Norton put a metal band around Austin's bag. As Mr. Norton was banding the other three boys, Kyle watched Austin's penis become erect with a look of discomfort on Austin's face. The boy was still gagged, so he couldn't say anything.

Austin started feeling around his testicles and felt the cold metal band that was slowly destroying his manhood. He tried to scream, but only muffled sounds came out. So after he stopped playing with his doomed testicles – he started to masturbate. The other boys being banded started doing exactly the same thing.

"When the ponies are banded, they always start masturbating – its almost like a gut reaction, to get the last pleasure they can. Of course under normal circumstances, I would whip them for masturbating, but this is their last time," Mr. Norton explained. The boys were positioned with their bums out, in such a way that everyone could see their genitals, and the boys could see their penis really well. After about ten minutes, and about five different streams of cum out of them, Mr. Norton came over with a scalpel.

He cut open their bags, taking out their testicles. "Kyle you might want to watch this," he beamed over to the slave's brother. Kyle was amazed to see the testicles out of the bag. "The band only cuts off the blood to their testicles, not the skin around it. We can't have them getting infected. Mr. Norton took a cord into his hand and used a metal tool close to the end of the cord, squeezing it. Austin's right testicle feel free into a kidney shaped tray. The cord had a metal crimp at the end. He did the other testicle and the other boy's testicles the same way.

He opened a jar of nuticals and took one out with forceps. "The trick is to put the crimped end into the nutical without touching it. We don't want infections." He put the nutical on the end of the crimp, and placed it into the bag. Repeating the same thing three times more. He sealed up the bags, and the eunuchs were complete. He didn't even have to take off the metal band.

Kyle was curious, "Why did you give them fake balls?"

"Give the bag a jingle," Mr. Norton said.

Kyle grabbed Austin's now deprived manhood, and shaked it. It rattled like a bell. Austin's face turned red in terror. "Kyle, do you want to deflower the eunuchs? It is traditional to do it right after, especially having a brother do it."

"Sure, if mom is okay with it," he said. He looked over at his mother, and Mrs. Adler nodded her head.

The eunuchs were still exposed, so Kyle took off his clothes, put some lube on his penis, and his brother's eyes met his when they joined in their first fuck. Kyle ejaculated from the best orgasm of his life. A plug was put into Austin's now raw ass, and the other eunuchs had the same. After they were all done, the eunuchs were put in cages to rest. The other three boys would get their first fucks later.

"Now, we have something for Brian and Josh," Mr. Norton said. He brought Mary over to the line on the wall the two boys were tied to, and attached her to the end, and let the three slaves upstairs.

There were ten girls between twelve and fourteen laying down, naked and collared. Mr. Norton added Mary as an eleventh. He unchained the two boys, and told them, "You are to have all of these girls fucked by tomorrow, but Josh you are not to have sex with your sister."

The two boys were very horny and went at the girls. They picked two virgins, and fucked for a good ten minutes before they came into them. "Mrs. Adler, I suspect your son will make very good new stock."

Mrs. Alder said, "I am proud of my son, he is always as polite as can be, and honoured you chose him for breeding. Will you be castrating Josh like Mrs. Dalton wanted?"

"I haven't decided yet, if she wants it done, it will be done eventually, but my breeding needs overrides her desire.

36. School Entry Procedures

The naked ten year old Samuel sat in the chair next to a few other boys. Their clothing sat in the boxes just inside the door. It was the beginning of the school year in June, all the boys undergoing a new entry procedure.

Samuel's friend Roger just came out of the backroom, he had a black collar around his neck. Looking down his penis was pierced with prince albert. Roger motioned for Samuel to go in, as Roger himself walked out of the waiting room. Samuel got up and went into the backroom.

The woman waiting for him asked him, "Samuel?"

"Yes ma'am," the naked ten year old said, now sporting an erection.

"Your processing should only take a few minutes, it might hurt," she said.

"I saw Roger had a piercing," the boy said.

"Roger had a piercing because he was labelled as a colt, you won't be getting one," she said. "Now, I need you to get up on the seat infront of the machine."

The boy walked up a set of steps and got down on the seat. The seat was more like an oddly shaped shelf coming out of the machine. It was thick enough to hold his weight and it covered his bum with a shaped cover. His legs hung down the sides of the seat.

The woman pushed the boy closer to the face of the machine. His penis and pelvis was engulfed by the machine. His penis was stimulated by the machine. Slowly the boy felt something enter his anus, and exclaimed surprise.

The machine continued to stimulate the boy slowly. As this was going on, the woman put a collar around the boy's neck. The boy felt a pinch down below as he was dry cumming. The machine was buzzing around the boys softening penis, finally releasing the boy.

The woman lifted the boy up off the machine. He still had the anal intruder, and he quckly felt around his penis. It was much smaller, no more than an inch long, and his balls were gone. "What happened to my balls?" he exclaimed.

She went over to the machine and pulled out a jar. "You were chosen for chattle duty. You will have an owner soon – and they will get this jar. Inside the jar were his testicles.

37. Thralls* in the Game Store

* A thrall (Old Norse: þræll) was a slave or serf in Scandinavian lands during the Viking Age. The corresponding term in Old English þēow . The status of slave (þræll, þēow ) contrasts with those of the freeman (karl, ceorl) and the nobleman (jarl, eorl). The Middle Latin rendition of the term in early Germanic law is servus. The social system of serfdom is continued in medieval feudalism (Wikipedia)

Calvin was excited to get look at the new games that were coming out. He grabbed GTA VI off the shelf, it would work with his new WiiWii system. After Calvin put the box on the checkout, the boy manning it looked him. The boy was only a few years older than Calvin, probably sixteen or seventeen – Calvin had just turned thirteen.

"Boy, you know I can't sell you that! City ordinance, thralls can only get games marked E (Everyone)," the clerk said with a bit of annoyance in his voice. "You thralls always try to pull this stuff."

"Do you think this game has anything I haven't already done? I mean look at me!" Calvin said equally annoyed. The clerk looked at him, cute blond curly hair and a body to die for. "I have had more sex in the last six months than you will probably ever have," he continued. He turned around to show his well used ass, with his thrall number burnt into his bum – he remembered the day they took him out of the pens to do that, it hurt like hell. The naked collared thrall turned back around, and lifted up his small cock, "At least you still have yours!"

The clerk looked at his lack of balls, all thralls are castrated – it only made the clerk get more horny. "Maybe you could do something for me, and I'll let you have the game," the clerk suggested.

"Sure, I'll add you to the list of cocks to rape me this week. But I want at least another game, don't worry it can be a regular game," Calvin said.

The clerk locked the store door, putting a 'Be Back Soon' sign on it and took Calvin into the backroom. Calvin got up on a take while the clerk pulled down his pants. Without delay, Calvin's ass had the big clerk cock ramming itself up. Its a good thing they make the thrall's anus self-lubricating. The clerk was as gentle he could be – as the clerk was approaching orgasm, Calvin was getting his the only way he can – they looked at each other as the dam broke and a flood of cum filled his cavity.

After they were done, Calvin picked up a Castlevania game. The clerk scanned his collar and butt numbers and he had his games. "Thanks mister!" he said as he walked out the store.

Calvin walked down the street, he was one of the most attractive boys in town – which is why he is now collared and castrated. He walked by the pens, there were about forty naked boys in them. All eleven and twelve year old boys spend a couple weeks in the pens at some point. A few every week get selected.

He went into the administration building, and talked to the chief administrator. "Calvin, what do you have for us?"

The naked boy took the GTA VI game out of his bag, and said, "I have a sample for you, you can link it with the clerk at the game store." The administrator took standard collection plug and inserted it up Calvin's anus and collected enough DNA to confirm the clerk at the store did it.

"We should have enough here, I bet he will make a good thrall for the local jail. As a reward you can keep your contraband, and have 50 more credits on your collar," the administrator said.

"Thank you, sir," Calvin exclaimed. He grabbed his game, and went back home.

38. Thralls* from Twins

* A thrall (Old Norse: þræll) was a slave or serf in Scandinavian lands during the Viking Age. The corresponding term in Old English þēow . The status of slave (þræll, þēow ) contrasts with those of the freeman (karl, ceorl) and the nobleman (jarl, eorl). The Middle Latin rendition of the term in early Germanic law is servus. The social system of serfdom is continued in medieval feudalism (Wikipedia)

The boys in the pens were never to be trusted. That is the first thing that they teach you at the academy. The chief administrator was always clear to tell every new guard that. Once the boys are taken from the school they are potential slaves and they know it. If they could get away, they might be able to avoid their own castration and branding – but of course what they don't know is that for every one hundred boys that try to escape in the last twenty years, only a single one in the entire state was never captured. All the ones that were, instead of ensuring their safety ensured their castration as sure as if they used a knife on their own balls.

Today was one of those days, some boys are being released and some new ones are put in. The chief looked down at the cages, this week there were forty – after Farmer Johnson requested a few. Sometimes he lets his deputy, Barnes, do the deed. But most of the time he liked to cut their balls off.

At this very moment there were ten of the boys out doing running to keep their physicals up. But it was almost time for the 3pm delivery from the school. Fifteen boys go home, fifteen boys come in. At least that is how it normally is. The parks department requested two thralls just today.

Tom was one of these boys. He knew from most of the boys he knew who had already been penned that they usually only stay two weeks, so that meant he was going home today. It wasn't being nude that was hard for him, it was the deputy and some of the officers. It wasn't enough that for half the day they were stuck in pens to be gawked at by passersby, the officers had needs you see. Sucking cock or even taking it up the ass a few times – it happened every few days. But nobody really cared, their parents might file a complaint later, but everyone considers them thralls already. But at least he was going home.

Tom was sweating in the sun, they had just made the naked twelve year old run around a track five times – thats 1500 metres for those not aware. After they were done, all of the boys were given a moment in a shower to cool off and not stink. Travor liked the cold water over his skin, it was refreshing in a weird sort of way.

Soon enough Tom was lined up with fourteen other boys. The rest of the boys were all in the pens. He saw the bus arriving with some boys from school. They boys took all their clothing off before they got on the bus.

The chief walked out and inspected the naked boys, and said "Number 34 to the processing room!"

The deputy grabbed Tom, who was in shock. "The rest of you are free to go home," the chief said.

Inside the processing room their was a pair of chairs. It performed or made easier the activities a thrall needs. Tom was shocked to see his brother Huck already in one of the chairs. He was his twin brother. The deputy forced Tom down into the seat and locked few belts around his waist and legs to make sure he wasn't going anywhere.

"You can't do this to me, I was going to go home!" the confused boy yelled out.

"Oh were you now," said the Deputy with a snark. The deputy put a permagag into his mouth. The deputy locked the boy down with a few more straps, and he patted his hands across his cheek, "Now, now, you will be home soon! But you will be a little lighter!" Tom screamed into his gag.

The two boys were completely immobilized in the chairs, when the chief came in. "Are we ready to process these two? These two boys must have parents who love Mark Twain! So lets castrate Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn at the same time," the chief said with a roaring laughter.

The deputy laughed as he got the knives. "Sir, it occurs to me we have another problem. How to tell them apart," he said.

The chief thought for a second, "Well, both of them are circumsized. Lets fix one of them."

Both boys were trying to struggle against their bonds. But the chief was pretty sure which one to do. He looked at Tom and said, "Do you want me to do a good job, or do you want to lose half your dick?"

Tom stopped struggling and the deputy handed the chief the laser cutting bell shaped tool. The chief put it against the boy's flaccid member, rolling up the lose tag of skin over the bell and pinching it. The laser turned on and the skin was pulled and cut. The chief was especially cruel this time because Tom had given them some trouble: he wasn't just 'high and dry' he was in fact stretched tightly that his flaccid penis would look erect – and of course any real erection would be very painful.

But the circumsizing was done, and the two compared – "Now we can tell them apart!" the deputy mused.

The chief ordered, "Lets get their moisturizing plugs in them, those take about an hour to do their job."

The chief and deputy were both had their hands on a button and said "one, ..., two, ..., three" and at a press of a button a large plug entered each of the twins. It burned a little. But after it was done, anal sex wouldn't require lubricant.

For their next part, the two put metal bands around their balls. Both boys knew that this was coming, the bands restrict blood flow, but are really so that there isn't a lot of blood when they use the knife. After about twenty minutes, they were ready. The deputy had Huck's balls extended in his hand, and a knife in the other. The chief had Tom's balls in a similar way. Again they counted, "one, ..., two, ..., three" and they pulled on the balls as they cut as high as possible.

Huck cried out in pain at his castration, but Tom couldn't for his permagag was good at muffling any sound. The two men with the bag and balls in hand slapped the boys faces with their former manhoods. The deputy took them away. The chief decided it was time to collar the eunuchs – so on another button press the special chairs had the collars all ready. They closed around their necks and they were officially thralls now.

"Now you have to be marked, but its going to hurt!" The chief pressed another button, and he wasn't lying. A red hot iron was pressed against their right bum cheek to burn into them the fact that they were thralls.

It lasted only for ten seconds, but a thrall never forgets their castration or marking.

The deputy came back with a bowl, and ordered Huck to eat something and to chew. He wasn't able to see it, but he had to put them into his mouth. The deputy covered his mouth and ordered him to swallow. He did. The pair always liked to let the eunuchs eat their own balls.

"Now we have a problem with you Tom. You are permagagged – which means you might never have that gag taken out. But you have to eat," the chief said. The eunuch looked worried, and he saw a needle go into his belly button. It hurt like hell, but when the needle was taken out there was a feeding port in his belly button. Food could go directly into his stomach from a tube. He would never actually need to be degagged.

The two thralls were eventually released from the chairs, and the two officers fucked them to test out their new lubricating bums. They were taken home later that night, and informed of their assignments at the parks department.

39. Emancipation

This is sort of a reversal of what Emancipation would normally be

Part A: Escape from the Parents

Tomas was a decent boy, but he wasn't that good in school. Everyone expected a conversation when they got home from church. His father was the pastor, and the sermon was on getting good grades so you can be in God's good graces. The twelve year old not dare tell his father that he was an atheist – and gay. His younger brother knew, because he was gay too. More than once Tomas and Fredie demonstrated it.

It was early afternoon on a Sunday, when they got home. His father yelled at Tomas, "Go to my study!"

Tomas didn't really like his father, and his mother wasn't much better – she seemed to prefer the bottle to his father's God. But he went to his father's study, when his brother went up stairs to his bedroom. Fredie got out a brochure from his backpack and started reading it.

Downstairs Fredie could hear his father's voice. Actually, it was not so much his father's voice, but his father's yelling. It was the same thing that made him a good pastor. By any sane definition, Fredie knew their situation wasn't healthy. But the brochure offered an option, he couldn't wait to suggest it to Tomas. He walked over to Tomas' bedroom, and hid incase their mother looked.

Tomas walked into his room naked, Fredie could see red marks on his bum and back. He had been beaten for getting low grades and talking back to his father. Fredie walked towards the door without Tomas seeing him, and closed it. Without speaking, Fredie went straight for Tomas' penis, which was surprisingly hard.

He was very good at sucking his brother off, even liked the taste of him. As Tomas' stress spurt into his brother's mouth, he sat down on the bed with relief. "I can't take much more Fredie!" he said exasperated.

Fredie swallowed his brother's stress, and said, "Maybe we have another option." He handed Tomas the brochure. It was entitled, "Slavery: Modern Liberation". It started describing itself as a way out from broken homes. It offered housing and a stipend and in exchange a slave would only have to work a week every month, unless they were needed more or obtained a master. All slaves were naked, collared, and branded – and most were castrated. But something unique about the eunuchs were that they grew only to be physically 14 for the rest of their lives.

Tomas told Fredie, "If you are serious about this, we won't be able to have sex with each other anymore."

Fredie said, "I can give that up to get out of this house."

Tomas read on, "It looks like all we have to do is arrange for a pickup. A slave transport van would drive up to the house, open the back cage, and we would get in."

Tomas went to the website, slaves.gov, and saw pictures of happy slaves. He entered both of their informations into the website. "It says we should get our birth certificates if we can, go into mom's room and see if you can find them in the drawer."

Fredie went to the room to find his mother passed out on the bed, and it was a simple matter to retreive their cards. Tomas scanned the cards into the website, and pickup was confirmed for half an hour. "It says we shouldn't tell anyone, otherwise dad might try to stop us."

Tomas decided against putting any clothing on, he was more interested in giving his brother reciprocation. He undid his brother's jeans and underwear and starting giving him a blowjob. It was twenty minutes later that they decided to sneak outside the house – going out to the backyard. They could hide at the side for the few minutes they would need. Tomas was still naked, nobody was going to see them, but his father heard them.

"Where are you two going? Tomas is grounded!" he barked.

Fredie replied, "We are just going out back to clean up the shed father."

"Okay, don't go anywhere or you will both be grounded for a year!" he added.

Fredie said under his breath, "Fuck you dad." Of course his father didn't hear him.

The two boys were outside, a few minutes and they will have their emancipation.

There were bushes that Tomas hid under so nobody would see him, but Fredie kept a look out for the slave transport van. It was late. They could feel their hearts beating faster. They heard the front door open and their father came out on the veranda and sat down.

The slave transport van drove up and noticed Fredie on the side, and drove up on the street so they were the shortest distance from the boys. Their father noticed the van, and got up, the cage in the back opened up and Fredie and a naked Tomas bolted for it.

When they were almost there their father yelled out, "Stop boys!" But they ignored him and climbed in the cage and closed the door. The transport van moved off fast so their father couldn't follow them.

Another two naked boys were already in the back. They had collars on, and handed Fredie and Tomas collars to put on. "Put on these, and you can take those clothes off you won't need them now."

The collared boys helped the new boys put their collars on, and Fredie got out of his unncessary fashion.

Part B: Nothing is Free

The boys had obtained physical freedom from their abusive parents, but they still had to pay for their legal freedom. It is sort of an irony, that slaves have more freedom then boys and girls. Boys and girls are often sexually repressesed due to their parents wanting to shield them from the sins of the world. But a slave (95% boys) has no modesty, and have more sex than a spring chicken.

At the cost of castration, they keep their youth and many opt to have sex with intact boys and men for more money. Nobody tells them that castration won't eliminate their libido – it just makes it so that anal sex is the only outlet. Although a few boys are spared castration inexchange for joining a breeding program, it is the only socially acceptable way they can research genetics in humans. The breeing programs are the only way girls can become slaves – usually its voluntary.

The four naked boys were introducing themselves, Fredie and Tomas met Nathan and Sean. Nathan and Sean were friends who decided to become slaves together. Nathan's father had died and his mother was trying to raise three sons on a part–time job. Sean had an alcoholic for a father, that tried to have him be a whore to other men for money. The difference between Sean being forced to do it by his father and Sean doing it after his castration is the law allows for execution of anyone touching an intact boy sexually who is more than four years older.

Finally the transport came to a stop and the collared boys were let out, and their collars were connected to each other, and led into the processing facility. At the front desk, the boys handed in their birth certificates, and the man at the desk had their temporary numbers stamped near their collar bones.

They were led further in, and were unlocked and had the collars taken off. "These pods will do all the preparation required, and take about a week," their guide said. The boys climbed into their pods which fit their bodies exactly. Their head went through another collar, their dicks went into a hole, and their arms were at their sides. The pods closed and were moved to a storage area.

Tomas felt something really large enter his rectum, and he would have screamed but his mouth was being filled with a gag. His penis was getting incredibly hard and ejaculated several times without orgasm. When it was clear he was dry, the machine clamped down on his testicles severing them from his body. The machine put a permanant mark on his bum with his slave number, at the same time his new collar was tight against his neck. Afterwards, he had to wait a week for the hormone therapy to finish.

Advanced research had led the government to be able to stop puberty while not allowing the body to go tall or fat. It was essentially rewriting their DNA to stop aging and height at exactly the same height. Unbeknownst to the four boys, their feet were being modified to have a hoof instead of a regular foot. This genetic modification was newer technolgoy and let slaves that would be good as ponies be modified towards that end.

After this week of absolute boredom, the boys were released and discovered their hooves. They couldn't complain due to their gags, but they looked closer at each other, each one of them had their hair changed so that it was only on the top and going half way down the back – they had been given manes. But finally they looked at their penies – they were lengthed by 300% and looked slightly hard but was flaccid.

The slaves were led to an apartment complex where they would share a room, and have their gags removed. Their work detail would be as ponies. But they weren't sure if they would like it.

Part C: Getting Ready for Training

When we last left our four geldings, Fredie (11), Tomas (12), Nathan (13), and Sean (12), they had just been led to their apartment complex. Their bodies had been modified to make them more suitable ponyboys. Their legs don't end in feet anymore, but in a hard hoof about three inches forming out of the bone. When they walk everyone can hear a clatter on the tile.

Normally slaves are simply gelded, but ponyboys get a penis extension. While their penis cannot get erect in the traditional sense, their penises are slightly erect so they are straight – but they point straight down and hang about where their knees are. The length of the penis and glans are slightly colored – the glans are mostly black.

The boys had their hair modified, so the only section of hair they have on their heads starts at the top, and goes down half their back with new hair follicles, excepting around a small band of their neck where their collars go.

Nathan was preparing eggs and bacon in the kitchen when the other three geldings got up. Nathan could hear them as they walked towards the kitchen. The apartment was small, and they wouldn't be allowed many things, but at least it wasn't at their parents.

Fredie commented, "Don't know if I will get used to these hooves they put on me."

Sean spoke, "Don't worry, give it another few days. We are going to be pulling carts today."

Tomas interrupted, "I don't know how I feel about that. But what I do know is that I want some cock. This thing," he grabbed his comicly long penis, "is useless."

Nathan told them, "I know you are all probably a little horny right now 3;"

Fredie interrupted, "A little? I am downright antsy!"

Nathan continued, "But I was talking to Sam across the hallway, and for the first five weeks we are each going to have a plug up our ass to make sure we don't do anything. They want us more horny than we ever have been. It makes the training quicker."

The geldings ate their breakfast in silence, when a man and a naked boy came into the apartment. "Good morning," he said. "I am going to be your trainer, and this slave will see to your other needs during training. Your training takes five weeks, and you will be able to come back to your apartment once every week for a day off. To start with I will need each of you to line up at the door here on the foot pads."

The four geldings did as they were told, with Nathan standing at the front and Fredie at the back. The boy went to the back and put a training harness on Fredie. It had a front piece going across his upper body, and tied around back. Fredie's arms were tied behind his back into the harness. The other boys were done the same in order.

"When you are tied up to a cart, your training harness will act as a support so you can pull a cart more effectively. Your arms would normally get in the way, and we need to get rid of bad happens you would have, " the man informed. "Now you will each tilt your head back a little, so we can give you a gag bit."

Each gelding did so, and the boy took a thick gag and put it down Fredie's mouth and partially down his throat. It locked in place, and when Fredie tried putting his head back into a more comfortable position he almost gagged. The other geldings had the same gag, so a cord could go through it.

"Your gag will prevent you from putting your head back down, so it will be slightly uncomfortable, but we need you to always be aware of your condition. It is vital for your training."

Finally, the boy put thick plugs up each of their bums with hair sticking out of it like a horse's tail. But the plug was specially designed so that it would tease their prostates on every movement but would never ever milk them.

A set of cords was tied between each gelding, and the boy led them out of the apartment.

Part D: Training Starts

After we left our four geldings last time, they were trotted out to the farm so they could start immediately on their cadence. Our Fredie (11), Tomas (12), Nathan (13), and Sean (12), are young enough that they can learn to synchronize their cadence to the other geldings when they are in a team. But we can't very well put them on the track without proper shoes, so they have trotted over to the blacksmith.

Their trainer's slave unlocks each gelding, and brings Fredie up to the shoeing station. His rear leg is bent upwards, and the blacksmith grabs a horse shoe – a little smaller for slaves – and nails it into his hoof. The slave grabs Fredie's left hoof and brings it up after letting the other one down. The blacksmith nails a second shoe into it. Fredie's leg is let down and the slave says, "Try walking around with the shoe on." So Fredie starts trotting around and the shoe makes a noticable claking sound on the cement.

The other geldings were given the same kind of shoes, and their trainer tells them, "These shoes will be the only type of shoe you ever wear – but it will keep your hooves in good condition. If you didn't have these shoes your hooves would wear down too quickly and possibly crack. We don't need any lame ponies!"

No response came from the gagged geldings. So they were walked over to some carts. Fredie and Sean were tied in side by side. A cord went through the tube protruding from their gags, and their training harness is connected to the front of the cart with another brace going through their arms tied behind their backs.

A nine year old boy in shorts and t–shirt walks up to the geldings, and grabs both of their insanely large cocks and gives them a good tug. Their trainer says to the boy, "Sammy, these are your two geldings for the day. They are brand new, so go easy on them."

"I will Mr. Smith," the nine year old says as he gets up into the buggy. He grabs the reins and gives a little pull and push while making a clucking sound to get them to go but they don't move. So he takes a whip and swings it at Fredie and Sean's backs. They start trotting forward, trying to get their cadence to match. Sammy gives the pull and push action again and the two geldings are trotting a little faster.

He lets them go for ten to twenty seconds, and pulls back on the reins saying "whoa". They come to a stop. "Good boys," he tells them. He lets the geldings rest for a few minutes, and starts over with a pull and push motion with the cluck. They start moving and after about thirty seconds, he pulls on the right slightly saying "gee" and the geldings start moving towards the right. He lets them turn around, and pulls back the other way and they start to go straight again.

He starts pulling to the left and saws "haw!" which gets them going to the left. They practice this for the next hour or two, until Sammy thinks they have mastered it all the main actions, and brings them back towards the blacksmith but stops right at the stables. He splashes them with cold water, and releases their bonds holding them to the cart. He keeps a rein on their collars, and leads them into the stables. He ties them to a pole and leaves them for a few minutes.

The geldings look around a little, and against the wall they see ten cages with young boys about five or six in them. Sammy comes back with their trainer Mr. Smith, and he remarks, "I see you geldings have found the colts." He walks over to one of the cages and unlocks it, grabbing a lead pulling out the colt from the cage. The colt is about seven years old with hooves like theirs, but his penis is small and he has his testicles. "This colt has been trained for about five years, he was actually born with hooves. Next year he will be old enough to be castrated and start pulling carts."

The geldings noticed something else, in place of a belly button the colt had a metal hole. Sammy noticed they were looking at that right away and says, "Don't worry, you'll find out about that in a few minutes."

Mr. Smith orders Sammy to take the geldings to the vet table, and he takes their reins and pulls them along. The two geldings find themselves in a mostly sterile room and are each made to lay down on a stainless steel table. The vet comes in with Mr. Smith, "Time we added their feeding tubes," he said.

The woman takes a piercing gun, and cleans Fredie's belly button area. "This area is usually so dirty, but you won't have that problem anymore, my young gelding!" She puts the piercing gun right into his belly button and pushes so it hurts, and pulls the trigger. Fredie's head jerks from the pain almost causing him to gag because of the gag bit. But the tube is installed, and she moves over to Sean to do the same thing.

After installation, the two geldings are brought over to a stall, and laid down on straw to join Tomas and Nathan. They are each given a bag that hangs from their collars, and a tube is brought down to the tube port was installed. They break the seal on the bag and the higher pressure in the bag forces the white liquid into their stomachs.

Mr. Smith asks Sammy, "Where is that slave brother of your's?"

Sammy replied, "I think he should be coming in from the field with the other eunuchs, soon."

Mr. Smith had a smile on his face, "When he comes in, don't put him in the cages with the rest of them. Bring him over to my quarters. I need a good fuck, and feel free to grab one for yourself."

Sammy said, "Yes sir."

They both left the stall locked with the geldings being fed through their stomachs.

40. Christmas Slave

Sometimes boy's expectations can become large, but sometimes things can also reverse themselves – in the twilight zone

It's amazing! Chris thought. Its Christmas Day! The eleven year old woke up his sister Emily, who was one year his senior and together they looked under the tree. There were three boxes with Emily's name on it, and one box with Chris's name on it.

Chris exclaimed, "Awe shucks! I always get less presents!"

Emily said wisely, "It isn't the size, it is your appreciation for them!"

Chris replied, "Thats easy for you to say!"

Emily said, "Now go have your shower, and remember Dad said to keep your nightgown on when you come down again!"

Chris replied, "Yes, sis."

The boy ran upstairs as fast as his nightgown would allow him. He went into the bathroom, pulled it off, and hopped into the shower. He wasn't allowed to wear any underwear with it, so he never had to take them off.

While Chris was lathering his body up under the gaze of the hot water, Emily was making some breakfast and coffee for her parents. Who just woke up. She didn't make any for Chris. Her father said, "Thank you for the coffee and breakfast Emily, its what I needed." They were just finished when Chris came downstairs again.

He looked upset, "Why didn't you make me any?"

Before Emily could answer, his father said, "Because we have a surprise under the tree for you!"

The distraction worked and he was directed over to the tree. "But before we open your present, lets see what Santa brought Emily!" their mother said. Chris sat down on the floor waiting for it all to be over. He lamented that he didn't masturbate in the shower, because he was so excited but in his boredom all he could think about was how horny he was.

The first box Emily opened up was a nice dress. "Oh thank you mom and dad!" she exclaimed.

"Go put it on," her mother said. Emily excitedly went upstairs with it, and started changing.

Their father directed Chris' attention over to the big box with nobody's name on it. He tore off the wrapping paper and saw a naked boy inside wearing a collar. "We got a slave!" he exclaimed.

His father confirmed, "Yes we did! He should be able to help out around here." Implying the kids didn't do much.

The cage looked nice and spatious, and Chris asked, "Isn't that cage a little big for him?"

His mother deflected, "We wanted to have enough room."

"Lets move the cage over the corner!" his father said. The slave barely looked as the three of them moved the cage. The cage had a nano–wheel material that allowed it to move across the floor without big wheels.

Chris asked, "Whats his name?"

His father said, "We haven't decided yet. We can do that later. Lets see what you got!"

Chris was starting to look for the smaller box that he got, as his sister came down in a nice fashionable conservative dress – all of the girls are wearing them now.

Chris opened the box and saw a few things. "What are these father?"

Chris handed the box to his father and his father took out a collar that was in the box. "Our first gift to you this Christmas. Let me put it on you."

The boy stood up next to his father, and the collar went around his neck. His father closed it, and it sealed itself into one piece of steel and beeped. "Now lets get this off of you," his father suggested as he lifted the boy's nightgown over his head. The boy was naked for his newly activated collar.

Chris instinctly put his hands over his penis which was getting hard. But his father slapped them away. "Lets get you finished here." He put manicles around his son's wrists and ankles.

"Now stand still," his mother said as she put some rubberized harness straps to hang from the backside of his collar. His father grabbed the straps and brought them under his pelvis and they were attacked to the front of the collar. His father grabbed his son's hands, and his mother put the tightening plug to the boy's rectum. Suddenly the straps tightened and his rectum was invaded by a very big plug.

He cried, "Why are you doing this!"

His father slapped him yelling, "Don't speak unless you are spoken to!"

His mother handed his father the ring, which he placed over the boy's penis to lock it in an uncomfortable place. A wire gag was put into the boy's mouse which forced his mouth open. His hands were tied behind his back, and his sister walked him over to the cage.

Now with two slaves, the cage doesn't seem to spacious.

41. Alpine Slaveboys

It has mountains, trojan cage, and two twins who end up without balls but plenty of cock.

"Oh Nathan!" Sam said to his little brother as they made the climb up the mountain from the valley, "Its not that hard!"

The boys had been on vacation for the last week sans parents in Switzerland. Today they had decided to take a climb up Weissmies. The glacier is not what it once was, so they had so many ladders to get to the crest.

Nathan and Sam were twelve year old twins, but Sam was technically older by a red cunt hair. There weren't many people on the mountain today, especially since they started early. They got to the ridge by noon, and were on the top before dinner time. But as things go it was time to get down before nightfall. So they boys started down.

There was an alpine area just below the glacier that was absolutely stunning. So they boys decided to go into it. They both felt a pain in their leg, and they each found a dart. But they fell over onto themselves.

Some time had passed, but each boy found himself naked in a small cage. They each tried to cry out but they soon realized they were gagged and hands tied behind them.

A man soon came in, and welcomed them: "You slaves have finally woken up! We were hoping you would wake up so we could put you in your horses! Don't even think about running away, we have strict slave laws in this country. Your registration is already done, just feel your bum!"

Both boys edged their hands down to their right buttock and felt it. They had been branded! Only slaves have brands, and now they were one. Their parents might never find them.

"We will get rid of those useless testicles later, but for now lets get you to your horses!" the man said with excitement. The man went to the other room, and brought out two little wooden horses on wheels. They resembled a little trojan horse.

The man opened up Sam's cage and took up out, and undid his bonds, and replaced his gag with a mouth guard that kept his mouth open. The horse's head was taken off, and its rear opened up. "Get in!" the man pointed at the rear.

So Sam tried to climb into the horse. His head stuck out the end, and his arms went down into the front legs. His rear legs had to be bent at the knee with the remainder pointing back, but covered with the legs.

The man admired the work. The boy's bum was easily accessible. He put the head back on, shrowding the boy in darkness. He put the rear cover back on, which held a big butt plug.

Nathan was scared because it was now his turn to go into that death trap. But put in he was, and before the boys knew it they were being walked down the street by the man. Eventually they were brought to a party, and the back cover removed.

The man announced to the audience, "The biggest dick that can fuck these boys gets to castrate them!"

A big black man came out of the crowd. He pulled his pants down, and his cock was measured at an impressive 30cm [12 inch]! So a gob of lubricant was put on Sam's bum and the black man fucked him taking him all in. Of course Sam screamed, but the crowd just ate it up.

Afterwards, the black man ejaculated more on his exposed balls and finally put a band around them. He performed the same feat on the brother.

The boys were kept in the trojan cages for a few months, but eventually were sold to a wealthy man who wanted some house boys. One month into that service, the police came to the door. Their parents and police had finally found them.

The man released the boys to their parents, but they could never be released because they were slaves.

42. Going Full Commando

The parents plan for a vacation to Europe, but didn't figure anything about how their boys would be treated

"Score!" the announcer yelled as Nathan kicked the ball past the goal. He felt the adrenaline of making that final kick for the win. The after party at Pizza Hut was incredible with that ooey-gooey crust.

Nathan was still in his soccer uniform when he got home after an hour on the bus. The house was a little bare. He first thought there might have been a break and enter – but his mother came out of the kitchen.

"Nathan, go have your shower we have to talk to you afterwards," she said kindly.

He didn't like the sounds of that, but he didn't complain, he went upstairs grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom. He stripped off his dirty uniform revealing his large cock. He stroked it a few times, and it extended to its full seven inches. He was certainly big for his age, but he hadn't gotten any hair yet.

He started the shower, and started lathering up his cock. Stroke after glorious stroke, he felt his insides trying to come forth, but it was only his cum that shot out. It came so fast he feared it might break the tiles on the wall.

He finished up his shower and tried off, wrapped his towel around himself and walked to his room. But he found no clothes in his room, all his drawers were empty. His mother showed up at the door.

"I'm sorry kiddo. We had to apply for welfare, you know your father lost his job a few months ago and we need help. One of the stipulations is that some of our assets have to be sold, and the first one on the list is all of the boys clothes. You have to go naked, and wear this," she handed him a lanyard that went around his neck.

"I'm sorry too mom, I just won the soccer game today. I guess I can't play that anymore," the boy said.

Well, it was a long weekend for Nathan. He had been naked going on his third day, the most embarassing part was the erections. But what was going to be harder was going to school naked. His friends might not be his friends anymore. It wasn't like there weren't naked boys at school. In fact, being naked meant one of three things: you were a slave, you were poor, or you were in gym class.

Most people thought that the first two were nearly the same thing. When the SLAVE Act was amended being on welfare meant your boys got a JS1 classification. Each JS classification is different, it wasn't like the S system where it was a scale. The most common were JS6 and JS5. The former meant you were going to meet an imam, hear a prayer, and get your throat cut – and be on a supermarket shelf not long after. The latter meant you were going to be on a farm or brothel with or without balls and either picking weed, or sucking cock.

But JS1 simply meant you weren't allowed clothes. But JS meaning Juvenile Slave, was immediately thought of as slavery. So it was, on Monday Nathan walked into the school with an erection. The vice principal immediately saw him and dragged him by his arm to a room in the office. There were five other boys there also naked. The vice principal shut the door.

Nathan asked the other boys, "Did you just get classified too?"

Another boy a year younger said, "I have been JS1 for a week."

There was a boy no more than grade 4 who said, "I have been for a month. I'm the only naked boy in my class!"

The vice principal came back about fifteen minutes later with two naked red heads in tow, carrying a box. "None of you slaves are going to get erections in this school anymore!" he said.

He grabbed Nathan first, and wrapped his erection in a cold ice sheet. He gasped, but his erection was flaccid again. The vp took a metal band and clipped it around his balls, and put a FlexyShaft(tm) over his penis. The metal band had a clip on it which attached front and back to the penis. So if you can imagine, his flaccid penis wraps down and round the back of his penis. The man took a heated soldering iron and did a light weld on the front and back connections. Some solder touched Nathan's skin and he almost jumped.

"There, you won't be touching that thing for a while," the man stated in triump before he started on the next boy. In about ten minutes all the boys including the redheads had their bald penises wrapped behind their balls.

But the vice principal wasn't done yet, "Here put this on." Nathan was handed a collar.

Nathan's reply was "I'm not a slave!"

The vice principal barked at him, "You are a JS1, which means you have no control over your body anymore! I can do anything I want to you or have anything done to you. So yes, you are a slave." He grabbed the collar from Nathan and quickly put it around the boy's neck, and he pretty much might as well be a slave now.

The rest of the boys got collars that day, in fact before the end of the day the vice principal picked a few more boys to have their cocks tied and be collared. JS1 was so easy.

Nathan wasn't having much fun for the rest of the week. It was also sexual education week, so he was bent over the teacher's desk while the teacher demonstrated fucking him. His parents were furious at what the vice principal had done, but couldn't do anything about it.

It was about a month after he started going naked that he started getting a pain in the pit of his stomach. He ended up falling to the ground. He touched his balls, and to his surprise they came free away. The vice principal had set his collar to castrate him if he was still on social assistance in a month – meaning his father was still jobless.

After his castration, Nathan became a JS2, which was unambiguously a slave. That meant more sex, and not the gentle kind.

43. The Family Vacation (Part 1)

The parents plan for a vacation to Europe, but didn't figure anything about how their boys would be treated

So they were finally going on vacation. Dr. Van der Wok hadn't taken a vacation in years – a real vacation that is. Sure he had taken his family of five out to the lake for a weekend, or over to his brother's farm – but that is hardly a real vacation. This time they were going to Europe! His two sons, Tom and Jerry were so excited that they started packing immediately. Gertrude, the daughter, wasn't as excited – she wanted to spend some time with her friends, but what fifteen year old girl didn't.

They were going to the Hotel und Gasthaus Seehörnle in Switzerland! They were already arriving at the New York airport. The tickets to Zürich were a good price, especially for the boys. Swiss Airlines was definitely in the upper tier of travel companies!

First came the TSA line, everyone had gotten through very easily, and finally reaching the NEC immigration section. Something I should explain to you, the European Union had a little bit of a falling out due to the refuge crisis a long time ago. But one of the successor arrangements was the North Europe Coalition, namely the Swiss, Germans, Dutch peoples got together and now all travel goes through them.

"Ma'am, these boys have to be stowed," the woman explained.

"What do you mean stowed?" Mrs. Van der Wok asked accusingly.

Typical ignorant Americans, the clerk thought 3; "You have tickets for these young minor boys, and they have to go into the hold! You can't expect us to put them in with the regular passengers certainly!"

"We certainly do," Mrs. Van der Wok started when interrupted by her husband.

"Dear, we are already in the NEC section, we cannot leave except by the plane, so we don't really have a choice," he said quietly to his wife.

She couldn't really contradict his logic, she knew she had lost. So her husband just said to the clerk, "Sorry about the outburst, ma'am. What do we do to stow the boys?"

The clerk put a wristband around the right arm of each of the boys, and put a matching number on their boarding passes. "When you get to Zurich, you can claim the boys with the number on their boarding passes. We will take the boys now, and you can proceed to the lounge."

Their mother said to the boys, "Don't worry, we will see you both in a few hours."

The two boys were lead off, and found themselves in a line up with about a dozen other boys. Everyone was older than six and younger than fifteen, and in various states of undress. The line dwindled, and the boys were all ordered to disrobe completely. So Tom and Jerry both started taking their clothes off, leaving their only possession to be the wristband given to them by the clerk. The thirteen year old Tom was starting to get an erection from all the excitement, but the eleven year old Jerry was just a softy.

Jerry was given a green collar, and Tom got a red collar. They were tight, probably because the prongs sticking into their necks. A woman put some ice on Tom's erection, and when it subsided, she put a chastity lock on his penis. She decided to put the same lock on Jerry, just in case. Tom and Jerry were made to bend over a table, and their bums were marked with their registration numbers. Tom got some additional treatment with a paddle, "10 lashes for unauthorized erection" they shouted before wacking him.

He cried out in pain, but instead of comforting him, they put a large penis gag in his and Jerry's mouths. Tom was told, "If you do anything else out of line, I will make sure you are castrated before you land!"

The boys were each brought to two boxes, they were BoyTransport Model 2+ meant for the transportation of prepubescent boys. The bottom of the inside of the box had a tray sized for the occupant, in the case of Tom, it was for an age 13 boy. It was slightly cushioned when he went in on his back. It caused his back to arch slightly. The women preparing him attached a pull-tab to his chastity device, it is meant for clean and easy castrations. His hands were tied to the insides of the box, and legs were brought up to his chest and the box had a flap that pressed against the inside of his calf and finally supported the lower part of the legs.

It was the most compact way to store a boy available on the market. The back of the box left exposed his anus, which they prompty filled with a large butt plug, and a restraining collar around his balls were left exposed so he could be easily punished or castrated without every opening the box. The last detail was that his feet stuck out of the box's end.

Jerry wasn't too thrilled with seeing Tom packaged up like that, but he was next. He tried to howel at the anal penetration, but his gag prevented any sound. The boys they were in line with were on a conveyer belt in their surprisingly comfortable boxes. They had to wait two hours before they were loaded into the cargo area of the plane with the other checked luggage.

Meanwhile, the rest of the family was enjoying a nice steak for lunch before boarding the plane. The flight took over seven hours, and when they got off their plane they got their checked luggage. They saw the area where some of the boy boxes were able to be claimed but soon found out the boys had been automatically shipped to their hotel.

So they got a rental car and drove to the hotel to get checked in. Along they way they noticed that every boy in sight was naked with a collar. Gertrude was so interested that she started noticing right away: "Mom, those naked boys don't have any balls!"

When they arrived at the hotel, they were welcomed by a valet service. The man at the front desk welcomed them, and said, "Your boys have been brought to your room! Alvin and Simon will bring your bags and show you to your room." The manager motioned two naked boys to come, and again they were castrated. Gertrude couldn't keep her curiosity anymore, "Sir, why are all the boys naked and castrated?"

The manager looked a little embarrassed, but explained: "All the boys are always naked, the castrated boys are always in service. In Europe we don't treat boys like everyone else until they earn it."

With that explanation, the two naked eunuchs took their bags and lead them up to their room. Gertrude loved the part of the room she got, and Mr. and Mrs. Van der Wok were shocked to find their boys bound in a cage. The lead boy told them, "Your boys have been cleaned out and brought here, they can be used at any time."

The parents didn't know what they got their boys into. But one thing was for sure, for the next two weeks, their boys were slaves in Europe.

44. Hysterical Boys

It was work time at the school, Victor and Remus marched outside with the rest of the boys after math class. The two twin boys were probably the cutest boys in the class – their twelve year old frames were topped with red hair and freckles. The girls looked at them a lot. The boys didn't always like the attention, it tended to cause them more frustration than normal, but then again, all boys are frustrated to some extend – except those suffering from hysteria.

The boys were assigned to the Gooseberry bushes, there were probably about thirty bushes in this row. The boys hated these bushes because not only did the bush have thorns, the berries had thorns too! Remus liked to sneak a berry or two, he was always better at it than Victor. Victor was caught last week and had a gag in his mouth ever since.

After about an hours labour the boys are greeted by Willow, who kind of has a mutual crush on the twins. She was thirteen with big breats, and like all the girls wears a dress that pulls up the breasts so even tiny under developed breats. She was bringing a cart for the baskets of berries the boys were filling. They got up off the ground and were covered in dirt.

Willow too a moment to admire the boys, she always thought they were the cutest. The boys put their baskets onto the cart, and she said "Thank you to them."

Remus being the only one who could speak hesitated a little bit and with ever reddening cheeks couldn't help but stare at her beautiful breasts while saying a meek "You're welcome." Even the look at her breasts contributed to his frustration. She internally smiled, she always enjoyed how boys would always look frustrated.

The moment didn't last forever, and was broken by the appearance of Mrs. Thornbrook who grabbed Remus' collar chain and smacked his bare ass, "How dare you look at her breasts you dirty little boy!" she screamed. She quickly tied the naked boy's hands behind his back with his brother. She inspected his cock-lock and it was dripping. A quick look to his brother revealed the same.

She tied the two collars together and the boys were brought to the office. Mr. Davidson the Principal had a few words for the boys about taking it upon themselves to look at girls. He suspected they might be suffering from hysteria. "Remus, when was the last time your father fucked you?" he asked.

"Sir, my father has been in China on business for the last three months, and has been at least four months since his cock was in my bum," he replied meekly.

"I think I am going to have to call child services then, I would not be surprised if you were suffering from hysteria. You are supposed to be fucked at least twice a month! If your father has been gone this long your mother should have seen to it that you spent time in a brothel. Now go to the showers to clean yourselves up then come right back here."

He feared for the boys, he had known them for the last five years. He was there when they locked their cocks. Every boy that gets into Year 1 gets the same treatment, they get their cocks locked away so they can never get an erection, and they get a collar. Besides that, they are never allowed clothing. The cock locks are always some kind of clear material that always allows their beautiful cocks to be seen, but "not heard".

When the boys get old enough, usually about ten, their fathers have to start fucking them to releave their sexual frustration. Some boys will be allowed to masturbate once a year at Christmas, but its no more than half of them. The boys who are with single mothers almost always have to spend two nights in a brothel getting fucked by men. But when it gets really bad they have to be castrated and permenantly enslaved.

The Johnson boy last year was bullying two smaller boys and even started humping their asses without knowing why. There was a school assembly where he was at the front, his cock lock was taken off and he was neutered right in front of everyone. They even marked him with the hot brander, the screams of the enslaved always resonate with the other boys.

But he made the call to child services, and the boys were standing in his office when the woman arrived. Mrs. Chokesendek looked at the beautiful twins, they were beautiful. But without much ado she signed some papers and took them to her car. She opened the back cages and the two boys climbed into their respective cages.

She drove them to their home, and they were let out of their cages and she knocked on the door. The boys got into the greeting position on their knees with the head on ground. Their mother answered, "Mrs. Buck, I am Mrs. Chokesendek with Child Services. Your boys have committed the offense of disrespecting a woman, possibly brought on by hysteria."

Mrs. Buck was shocked, "But they had just been taken care of four months ago before their father left for China!"

"Mrs. Buck, may I come in?" Mrs. Chokesendek asked, "We better talk about this."

She was let in, and she opened up the boys cages that were in the living room. Boys almost never had their own room, and the only time they were sleeping on a bed is when they were fucked or otherwise servicing their fathers or another man. So they got in their cages, and the two women sat down for some tea.

"Mrs. Buck, the guidelines for boys is that they be relieved at minimum twice a month. The fact is, you are neglecting these boys by letting them go this long. When was the last time they were allowed to masturbate?" the social service worker asked.

"The boys have never been allowed to masturbate, they don't even know what it means," she replied.

"I am afraid this is gross negligence, I have been informed that the father of the girl they committed the offense against is calling for their balls. But I don't believe that is warranted in this case as it is clearly not their fault. The only resolution I see to this is enslavement for six months. They can get the fucking they so clearly need, and if they perform well in their duties, you can have them back and intact. If they fail to meet expectations, then they will either have to become permenant slaves, or be put down." the worker explained.

"Oh not my boys!" she replied scared.

"Its the only way, and I am afraid you will have to pay for their enslavement. The processing fee is $1500 each."

And that was that. The boys hugged their mother and went back into the cages in the woman's car. She drove them to the social services building where they could be processed. The boys were first put on an enema machine followed by having large cock gags inserted into their mouths to soften up their gag reaction.

Their first night at the facility was not in a cage, but on a table. As soon as their cock gags were taken out another cock, a real cock, replaced it. During their face fuck, another cock banged the hell out of their asses. This went on for a full twelve hours, after which their bums were branded with their slave registry number.

They will spend the first three months with their hands tied around their backs getting fucked. It is the only acceptable cure for male hysteria. The rest of their sentence will be on a farm picking gooseberries.

45. Trip to the Museum

Some boys get ready to go to the museum with their class

Ms Garcia was waiting for the bell to ring. It was a field trip to the Royal Museum, it was going to be a good trip for the class but always a bit of a pain for them to get properly attired.

Most of the class was sitting, but usually Donovan and his brother Clyde were running late because their mother. The two boys were lead in on their chain by their mother. "I'm sorry the boys are late, Ms. Garcia, the traffic was brutal," she explained.

Ms Garcia would normally have pitty on their mother, but how many times should she be lax – especially with slaves! "I'm sorry as well Ms Clayton. If they are late again this month I will have to call the Indentured Property Authority. I have tried to be lenient, but normally these boys would already have been castrated and taken from you! Now if you would excuse us, I have a field trip to prepare for."

Ms Clayton left the two naked boys at the front of the room. Both were wearing the blue and red welded slave collar that they got after the incident last year. If they were stayed out of trouble for three years it would be removed. There was no point in releasing them for class, and the rest of the class was about to rise for the national anthem.

Over the P.A. system, a group of boys joining the national choir were singing:

Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

After a few announcements, Ms Garcia said to the class, "Now all of the boys get undressed, we don't have a lot of time!"

The boys started groaning, but started to undress anyways. Bobby in the second row was never wearing clothes, his mother enrolled him in the Free Range Boy (FRB) program earlier in the year, so he was always nude. Also always had a chastity shield too. Boys should never masturbate after all. But their bums – well that is entirely up to their parents. Some FRB parents make sure to put the biggest plug they can find to prevent their son from being raped. Others just let the boy be and have as much anal sex as he could stand.

Donovan and Clyde were already gagged and had his hands all tied up, she took Bobby and tied his yellow and green collar by a chain to Clyde's and secured his arms. Next was David, she looked him over, his twelve year old cock was already hard. She checked his bum stamp, and it was still current with the school's name on it. She looked at his genitals, and saw two hairs sticking out of his balls. After she put the temporary black collar on him, and secured him with the chain and arms, she decided to put a gag into his mouth.

The rest of the boys were similarly inspected, and there was another boy, Thomas, who also had some unsightly hairs. She decided to exercise her authority on the matter and ringed the two boys. A steel ring slowly tightened around their balls, and was going to click sometime in the next hour. The two boys who failed to groom themselves properly would then never have to worry about it again. They would also become slaves like the first two boys.

She started to lead the boys, which now were almost all temporary slaves by status, to the bus. The girls in their nice dresses kept a watch over the boys. They especially enjoyed the anguish on the two boys' faces as their balls were slowly crushed. But it would be an enjoyable trip to the museum after all.

46. The New Neighbourhood

This story takes place in Thrallson Heights. In this story, I did not feel the need to castrate anyone

James and Madison were in the back seat with their sister Samantha on their way to the new neighbourhood of Thrallson Heights. The Draysons were moving from the gang infested area of their old home, prompted by James getting in trouble with the law and Madison probably soon behind.

It was only six months ago that James joined the Sanguine gang, he started shaving the sides of his head with red highlights in the middle – a sure sign of a Sanguine member. He wasn't a bad kid, he had only just turned twelve, his brother was eleven. But that incident with the police was the final straw for Robert Drayson and his wife Barbara. In a deal with the Crown, the family would move to Thrallson Heights.

"Dad, are we almost there?" Madison asked.

His father replied, "We are now" as they drove up to a security gate. Thrallson Heights was a gated community.

Samantha asked, "Why are there such high fencing Dad?"

He replied, "To keep the neighbourhood secure, Samantha."

They checked in at security, and were directed to their house. They lived at 304 Scullion Lane, quite a modest house. They could almost certainly have bought something twice the size elsewhere, but here they wouldn't need anything larger.

After they pulled up everyone got out of the car, and the boys were excited to see the new house. Their father unlocked the front door, and everyone went in. Their furniture was already setup. The children all went up to the second floor, found the master bedroom, a smaller room with nothing in it, and another obviously meant for Samantha (it had her stuff in it).

James asked his mother, "Where is my room?"

His mother looked at his father, and she said, "You and Madison have to share accomodations."

"But in the old house I had my own room!" he complained.

But his father said, "That will be enough of that young man! Get your brother and come with me to the basement."

So James fetched Madison and they walked behind their father until they came to a room with a "D" engraved on it. Robert unlocked the door, and let his sons in first. He was sure to close the door after himself. James and Madison were shocked to find it was a dungeon. It had various elements of torture and different sized cages.

Robert unlocked one of the larger cages and opened the door, "Now both of you get in."

James refused, "We aren't getting in there!"

Robert grabbed his elder son and threw him into the cage. James hit his head on the far side and was in pain. Madison didn't need another convincing, he went in voluntarily. Robert closed the cage and locked it.

Robert said, "Now behave yourselves. I will be back later."

The boys sat in the cage and talked amongst themselves for about four hours, when they heard the door to the dungeon open. A man they didn't know walked in with their father. They both yelled, "Please let us out father!"

The man said to Robert, "So these are your unregistered boys. Well we will have to take them over to the community training centre for tagging, at least get those clothes off them!"

Their father said sternly to them, "Take off your clothes."

Madison started taking off his clothes, but James again refused. Once Madison was naked, his uncut cock showed his perverse excitement. Robert unlocked the cage and let Madison out. The man put a manicle on Madison's wrist.

Robert grabbed James out of the cage and brought him to an X-frame, and tied him to it. He grabbed the bullwhip and started whipping his disobedient son. James was begging for mercy by only the third slash. But he gave him ten lashings total. "When I unlock you, you will take off those clothes and walk over to Mr. Magister." He cried an affirmation.

So his son was let off, and immediately he removed his torn shirt and anything else he was wearing. Mr. Magister took another manicle and put it on James' wrist, tying the two boys together by a small chain. He started to lead them out of the dungeon with their father following them.

Their mother and sister watched as the naked boys were lead out of the house on a chain leash. They took a five minute walk towards a larger building. Along the way the boys noticed at least five boys doing work, all of them naked with collars. A mark on their bums didn't escape their notice.

They eventually arrived at the community training centre, and the boys were unlocked. Mr. Magister said, "I would like to welcome you boys to the Thrallson Heights community. We were specially founded to deal with boys, in fact here you are slaves – both legally and in fact. We do not accept disobedience, as your back will no doubt attest to James. As unregistered boys, we need to get you processed so your training can begin. The first thing you will learn is that you are not allowed to talk unless spoken to first. If you violate that rule you can be whipped or even be given a permenant gag. Now lets begin."

James was sat down first, and his red hair was buzzed and then shaved smooth by Mr. Magister. Madison was done next, with similar smoothness. He grabbed an ear clipper and put a large tag in each of their ears, James had T052 and Madison was given T053. "These are your training tags, when you are done your training they will be removed," he informed them.

The boys were walked over to a shower, and a hair removal cream was blasted onto their skin. After it was on for a few minutes, they were rinced off. Madison didn't loose any hair of note, but James started to get the wisps of puberty – but not anymore.

Each boy was given a nice thick Tungsten collar for their necks. They like to use tungsten because you can't cut through it easily, and it always reminds the boys that they are slaves. Mr. Magister put cock rings around both boys followed by a cock cage that points their penis solidly backwards.

"Bend over this table boys, we need you to get your marks." The boys both bent over the table in front of them so that their bums were slightly angled. Mr. Magister brought an electric branding iron down on Madison's bum and he screamed at the pain. James was horrified but couldn't prevent his own branding that came seconds later.

While they were still over the table Mr. Magister brought up two butt plugs to their anus and before they could move pushed the intruders up their asses. They are not only self tapping, they also stay in on their own. "These plugs will get you ready for your first fucking. Yes, you will get a lot of action while your cocks are disabled. Finally we need to give you your drugs."

He stuck a needle into both of the boy's arms. It contained BoyArrest, which in essence stopped the boys from aging. They would remain their present ages until given the counter drug. So they wouldn't go through puberty although a side effect was that it made the boys super horny.

Before long they were back in the cages at home, awaiting whatever training was going to be.

47. Simon and Nathan

Simon has been agonizing over what happened to his best friend and lover

Part A: Simon

Simon walked down the street with his father Marcus, he was pondering where his friend Nathan had gone. Nathan was not only his best friend, but was also truly his intimate partner. The two red heads had been close ever since they moved into the same neighbourhood five years ago. They did everything together.

Marcus spoke softly to his son, "Simon, I know you miss Marcus, and you don't understand what has happened to him. I might be able to find out for you."

"Dad, if there was anyway I could see him again, I would want to be right next to him doing whatever he is doing," Simon exclaimed. His had sorrow for his loss, but excitement of the possibility of seeing his friend again. Ironically, the two boys were only a few days apart in birthday.

The two walked for a ways, into the downtown area, and his father started going down an alleyway. There was a sign that said Bibunto with a small martini glass next to it. They walked up to a wicket and Marcus passed a card into the woman, and she scanned it. "Everything is ready for you, Mr. Smith," she said.

So Marcus and Simon went in to private change room, and Marcus said, "Simon, we have to take off our clothes. I want you to see something." So Marcus started undressing, and Simon thought 'Why not' and just exposed his penis to his father for the first time in years. So father and son walked out the back of the change room nude, and approached a door that had written on it Effundunto with an image of a faucet running water next to it. They opened the door and Simon was shocked by what he saw.

There were about twenty boys sitting on their knees naked. He couldn't tell who they were because they each had a cloth covering their heads. But each of them had their hands chained down to their penises which were almost all soft. Each boy had a number on their chest. They walked to a spot that had no boy in it, but was next to another.

"Simon, I want you to see what these boys feel. I want you to kneel like they do in this spot," Marcus said.

"Why dad?" he asked.

"Just do it, son," he said slightly annoyed.

So the naked boy got on the indents in the floor, his knees hit a padded area. His toes went into a smaller hole which triggered some restraints. His legs were locked in like the other boys. His father put a metal ring around his cock and balls, and handcuffed his hands to it. He couldn't masturbate, but he could feel his balls.

"Simon, this is what happened to Nathan," his father said to tears from his son. Marcus pulled the cloth from over the boy next to him, and Simon was shocked.

It was Nathan!

Part B: Nathan

You kneel on the padded surface, that you have been for four days. Ever since your father brought you here. Why did your father bring you here, and why are you chained here? You hear some voices nearby, it sounds familiar. But the cloth blocks your eyes. Your hands feel your penis, ever soft. A man lifts the cloth from your head, but before you can see who it is, your mouth is filled with a large cock.

You are forced to massage the giant intruder, your gag reflex all but gone in the last few days. The man continues to speak, "This is what he was brought here for, and you will be as well. Ah!" You start to feel where your balls used to be just as the man fills your mouth and throat with thick seed bearing cum. The day your father brought you here, had you stripped, they cut off your balls. You still can feel the pain.

The man pulled out his cock, and you look up. It was Simon's father! He moves over to the boy next to you, and starts doing the same thing. Wait a sec, there was no boy next to you, so you look over. It is Simon. Enjoying the cum of his father.

At least there is something you get to share in this place.

48. The Hangman Festival

Inspired by Estraven's Work

Warning: DEATH

Tommy was in grade six and had his little hangman toy like most of the other boys. It was just a stick with a nude boy hanging from it. Every five years there is a hangman festival and Tommy's class gets to go get a sneak peek!

Adam was Tommy's best friend and jokingly made a hanging motion from his own neck. Tommy laughed, "Wouldn't you wish!"

Watching criminals and naughty slaves hang was a past time for a lot of people. Just yesterday everyone was at the town square to watch the murderer they caught hang and be whipped by some boys. But if you are going to break the law you have to hang.

Mrs. Everdeen came into the room, "Good morning boys, we are going to get on two buses today. I want everyone to grab a number from the hat to see what bus you are on!"

Tommy and Adam both went up, and Tommy picked a #1. "Damn," Adam said as he picked out a #2.

The class was evenly split, twenty on bus #1 and twenty on bus #2. Everyone went out and met the grade five class also split up at the bus.

Bus #2 arrived at the front of the centre and Bus #1 went to the back. All the boys on Bus #1 got off the bus and went into a loading area. Once they were all in and the bay doors were shut a lead officer told everyone, "Take off all of your clothes, we need to get you all cleaned up!"

The boys were used to being naked in gym and sometimes even at home, so it was only slightly unusual. The grade five students were the first to start, but once Tommy started stripping the other grade sixes did it too. All of the clothing was placed in a bin and the boys were walked to the showers. The rest of the guards made sure the boys were cleaned and dried off. The boys each had a stamp put on their left breast with a number.

The boys from Bus #2 arrived and all the boys were greeted with by the a guide. They were lead into a balcony area where they could watch a bunch of naked boys being processed.

Tommy was the first in line, and brought into a room that started with a photo station. There was a sign on the door, "For Photo Stand Straight, Hands at Side, Everyone is to be photographed, NO EXCEPTIONS!". So Tommy was standing naked in front of a camera and an officer too a picture. He noticed some boys in school uniform on the balcony watching them.

The naked boys started forming a line, and a few officers approached and took Tommy to handcuff his hands behind his back. A couple more boys were done and sent on through another door that said "NOTICE: All Hangings are Recorded and Available For Online Viewing. DVDs will also be available for purchase." Tommy didn't like the looks of this at all.

The boys on the balcony were lead down some stairs to see six naked boys starting to be lifted off the supporting plate and they were starting to gargle as they hanged. Adam watched as his friend Tommy was hanged, Tommy was so lucky to be chosen.

49. For the Love of Recess

Johnson was ready to deliver the new government initiative, and the grade 5 boys were gathered in Mrs. Bundes classroom. At this school, the boys have to wear a uniform consisting of a tie and dressy clothes. It was part of the government initiative, intended to make the boys hate their uniform. It was occassionally itchy, and the tie was usually tight on their necks. To top it all off, they had been wearing the crazy uniform for six months, and now it was starting to get warm outside.

Johnson had been involved in the planning for the last year, and now stood before the classroom. "Boys, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Johnson from the Ministry of Domestic Affairs, please give him your attention," Mrs. Bundes said while holding a strap.

Johnson opened, "Thank you Frauline. We at the Ministry would like to offer everyone in this room a chance to participate in a pilot program we are starting. If you opt in, you will not be wearing your uniform anymore and you will get an extra half hour recess for the next month. How many of you hate your uniforms?"

All of the boys but two raised their hands.

"How many of you would like extra recess?"

Most of the boys raised their hands.

"Have any of you started playing with your dicks?"

Johnson had expected some of them to look confused and a few more embarrassed. He was not disappointed as a few boys turned beet red, and a few more looked just confused.

"Anyone who participates will be able to do it any time within the first month, and we will even show you how, and even more things you can do! Now anyone that wants to participate just has to take off all of their clothing and walk into the next room to get your collar."

At first nobody moved.


Conner hated his uniform, no matter what he did with it, he couldn't get it to stop itching! He watched the man walk out of the room a few minutes ago, and nobody had moved since. So he made the decision. He got up, and started undressing in front of everyone. All of the class was a little shocked when he finally revealed his hard hairless cock, and started walking towards the door. He said out loud, "Does anyone else want to join me?"

Nathan was Conner's friend and immediately jumped out of his chair and undressed like Conner had done. A few other boys started to cautiously do it. The smallest boy in the class was Daryl, and he was very hestitant, but also very exited. Conner and Nathan led the boy out of his seat and started taking his clothes off, he didn't resist. They stopped at his underwear, and he took that off himself. In all fourteen naked boys walked out of the class and into the next room.

Conner was the first in. They had setup a kind of turnstile that was barred all the way up, and when the naked Conner went through it there was no going back. One boy at a time was the rule after they had come through the turnstile. Conner was led through another turnstile and on one of the desks was a collar and a contract. The contract was on a special plastic paper.

Mr. Johnson told him, "you just need to endorse this contract in blood and put your collar on. We will do the rest."

Conner was a little afraid, but he pricked his thumb and a little drop of blood came out and he pressed it with his thumbprint on the paper. It was indelible and changed to show his picture without clothes on, his name, registration date, and his blood verification. He took the collar and put it on his neck. When he closed it, it beeped.

Conner walked through another turnstile into a barred area. The rest of the boys were done in the same way, and soon joined him in the barred area.

"Boys, there is just one last step, it will be a little painful, but then I can show you how to get pleasure in a few ways if you want," Mr. Johnson said. He led Conner out and sat him on a chair. His pelvis was held inplace and was given a bit to grit. A hot brander came up to his bum and burnt his registration number into his flesh before it cooled it down. He screamed into his bit, before being soothed.

"You took that well, boy. Now I can let the chair give you some of the best pleasure you have ever experienced, or you just just stroke your penis yourself, which would you like?"

Conner considered for a moment, and said, "I would like the chair, sir!"

The man pressed a button and Conner's bum was immediately invaded by a pulsating plug. He started to scream but then was in obvious ecstasy for a few minutes before a few long strings of cum came out of his cock into a jar Mr. Johnson had put before him. The plug came out of Conner, but another one was immediately put in its place and went in much further before clamping down.

When Conner was allowed to get up, the man brought him over to a double mirror to see. "You are not allowed to remove that plug, but if you ever want pleasure all you have to do is get somebody to hit it hard. It won't work from your hand or anything else but a human hand. Now go back to class."

The naked boy, now collared, and wearing a big giant butt plug went back to the room. He told a few of the boys about it, and a couple more decided to go for it.


Mrs. Bundes didn't particularly like having a bunch of naked boys in class, but the new government initiative was not optional. They had to support it. So when Nathan came in the next day with a school uniform on, Mrs. Bundes had to force him to remove it and she tied his hands to the black board. A man came down and got the report from Mrs. Bundes, and he proceeded to whip Nathan. After five red lines giving blood on his back, the man tied the boy's hands behind his back, and took a testicrush from his toolbox.

The testicrush was a rubberized constrictor that is expanded over the boy's testicles and released. The initial expansion causes the fibers to start to constrict. The boy will be castrated over four hours in agonizing pain.

The man took Nathan to some cages at the front of the school and set up a machine to constantly give him orgasms during his castration.

This was the first the boys who were naked realized that they might be slaves. But they continued to enjoy the extra recess and masturbation.

By the end of the first month, a few more boys were castrated for misbehaviour.

Conner was not among them. His parents were pissed that he had made himself a slave, but he truthfully enjoyed it. He got his father to spank him every night because it would cause massive orgasms.

But on the first day of the next month Conner found himself on the chair that had first branded him, then impaled him. His plug was removed and replaced with another one. This time it went into his bum without anything visible on the outside. The front of his pelvis was given a skin coloured covering that made his penis inaccessible. Instead there were fake genitals on the front of it. When it was sealed up you couldn't tell that they were fake.

The man told him, "You will be deprived of all sexual pleasure for the next forty days, if you can behave, you will get a surprise."

50. The Broken Window Fallacy (Part 1)

Please note that this story contains a minor reference to death and another minor reference to a young child under five.

Inspector Garvis and Smith were looking over the footage of the recent broken window incident at the shop. The video showed three boys clearly throwing rocks at the shop window. Garvis said to Smith, "You know that shopkeeper was probably being a jackass to those same boys less than an hour before!"

Smith agreed, "Yeah, Mr. Thompson is just an old fogey."

They just saw one of the boys throw another rock and it hit the corner of the window and it smashed.

Garvis exclaimed, "Woah, that is some bad luck on their part. They are not going to have fun today, especially with these 8k cameras the shopkeeper installed. We could see a hair on their cocks if they had any!"

The two inspectors ran the close ups through the school database and came up with three matches. "This is almost too easy," Smith said.

"Sweet, the school records even contain their collar sizes. I will pull three preslave review warrants out for these boys. I have to admit, they look pretty cute," Garvis quipped.

"They will be even cuter without their clothing," Smith laughingly retorted.

The two inspectors got another officer and put a monitoring out on the houses of the three boys. Any communication between them after the warrant is served on one of them can get all of the boys at the three houses enslaved for six months or more, the PRW doesn't matter after that. Not many want to risk that considering an enslavement of a boy under fourteen for more than sixteen months is automatic castration unless they are declared a breeder.

Just last month Smith and Garvis were serving a PRW on Sussex Drive and they passed a house on the way, it happened to belong to the Dagger family. So it turns out that one of the boys at the Dagger home phoned ahead to the house on Sussex to warn them that the police were coming. Sussex is a much longer street that only has their house on it.

So the Daggers have 14 boys between four and seventeen. The boy was never told not to phone them, well the next day all fourteen boys and another seven from Sussex are naked and collared being lead to the Slave Authority Tribunal because of that one stupid boy violating the communication prohibition. The Judge never liked the boys from that part of town so orders them each of the boys between eleven and fourteen to be enslaved for sixteen months plus a day to twenty months. They always do "plus a day" to get around the ambiguity in the law. Because of the amount of effort to train and keep younger slaves, the boys from six to ten will be enslaved for thirty two to fourty eight months, and any younger slaves for sixty four months or life depending on behaviour. Although the boy who made the phone call would be enslaved for fourty eight months to life.

So these crying eighteen boys are played on racks for the enjoyment of the public. It was definitely a public spectacle because most of the people in town looked down on the Daggers because of how "white trashy" they were. It starts with the boy who phoned. He was collared and shaved already, and his arms and legs were spreadeagled on a round frame. The eleven year old had an erection which just made it more funny what was about to happen to him.

All of these boys always have a hidden phallus stuck in their rectum and a cock plug to prevent any unnecessary waste from coming out in moments of "excitement". So the master cutter pulls on the boys balls and he screams even before she takes a reall sharp knife and slices them off. An invisible clamp that was placed at the top of his ball sack now squeezes causing more pain - but makes sure he will live.

The oldest boy on the racks was fourteen, and he probably cried most of all when he was castrated. But even the four year old wasn't spared, he was on a smaller frame – but he was castrated earlier. Each boy also screams when they receive their slave brand. For violating the communications prohibition the brand is especially hot.

Now if you have done your math you would realize that I failed to mention what happens to the older boys. The Slave Authority doesn't take adult slaves, this is intentional as it is common for any slavery around puberty to be frozen at puberty. Slavery is so much associated with youth and boys that to see the rare female slave is almost shocking. When boys reach eighteen they are no longer considered boys. So that leaves three boys, each one you can count the ages: 15, 16, and 17. They are already too far along in puberty to stop it, so they simply hang them. Of course it is another public spectacle, and the boys who are hung are left in the public square for a few days as a reminder to everyone.

Of course what I described here was only criminal enslavement. There is certainly other options, maybe I can describe those in another tale.

Inspectors Garvis and Smith, with a regular officer, drive up in a slave transport wagon. It is basically a truck but with a large cage instead of a bed. They are at the residence of one Michael Farad, a twelve year old boy identified from the video. Now of course they are only here to serve a PRW, which will cause the boy to the collared and taken away – but it still has to be proven that he is one of the guilty parties. If the officers try to serve a PRW and the boy tries to run, then it is not a PRW anymore, and simply an enslavement.

They knock on the door, with their collar and warrant in hand. A woman answers the door, "May I help you?"

Garvis is the first to speak, "Ma'am, we are here to serve a Preslave Review Warrant on a Michael Farad. Is he in the residence?"

The woman with a tear in her eye as trouble saying "Yes, if I get him for you, will you be gentle?"

Smith replied, "Ma'am, we understand the difficult situation you are in, and we want this to go as smoothly as possible. When you bring him to the door, make sure to hold him. If he tries to run away, he will be a slave for sure."

The woman disappears for a moment. Unbeknownst to her or many is that there are drones watching the perimeter of all three houses. Six months ago at a standard PRW serving, the eleven year old ran. So he was no only a slave, but he was an a running slave. He ended up being collared and put down about a kilometre from his house. It turned out that he was innocent of the crime the PRW was investigating.

A young boy was being brought out by his mother, you could tell she was making sure he was going forward. She had two other boys to think about. As she was behind him, the officers said, "Michael Farad?"

The boy answered, "Yes inspector."

"You are being served with a Preslave Review Warrant, must accept this collar without delay."

The boy was clearly frightened but his mother literally held his arms as the officer put the collar around his neck and it beeped. "You will now remove your clothing and we will place you in the transport van."

"Take off my clothes in front of everyone?" he queried.

"Preslaves have no rights, we can chop off your clothing and dispense with the entire PRW process if you like," Inspector Smith said. The boy knew that dispensing with the PRW means that he would definitely be a slave. So he immediately started taking off his shirt, his shorts, and finally his underwear. Of course his cock was hairless and hard. Officer Smith put a chain on his collar and tied his hands behind his back. He was lead out and put in the back of the van.

The two other houses were as uneventful, and they now had three preslaves in the van going to the Slave Authority. The backup on PRWs is about two months, so these three boys will spend about four weeks of training, and work as a slave until their hearing. Last year the backup had gotten up to seven months. This one preslave boy of thirteen had had a plate covering his cock the whole time being fucked in the ass every day in a brothel. It turned out he was innocent, but wanted to keep working on the brothel even after he was cleared. I don't think he ever got over that built up frustration, but I like to think that each cock made it a little more bearable.

The three boys, Michael, Jeremy, and Ryan were given a temporary brand. Michael and Jeremy were starting training for farm duty, while Ryan was so cute that he would see lots of cock.


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