PZA Boy Stories

PZA 2007-2012
5th Anniversary Stories

The challenge was to write a short story with the following setting and story begin (idea by BoyMike):
Setting: Society with slavery. Slaves from very young age. All slaves are collared, collars have a tracking system. When locked, collars only can be opened by the authorities.
Story begin: During their holidays Richie and Mike (12/13 yo) find two old collars of slaves of one the boy's father; they start playing (erotic) master and slave in the woods, so the tracking device send an alarm to the authorities. The older brother(s), who saw them playing, wanted to teach their younger brother(s) a lesson and told the slave police that their two new young slaves had wandered away.

What happens next? Do the boys return to school after holidays or will they be slaves? All possibilities are open.

These are the submissions:

  1. Haunted Holidays, by BoyMike - the complete, original unfinished draft
  2. Two Collars by Sam the Ham
  3. Curiosity Can Get You Into Trouble by Maiocxx
  4. Tales of a Summer Afternoon by Dēda
  5. Collars by Bill Underhill
  6. It's Not Funny to the IPA by Y Lee Coyote
  7. From Two Slaves To Four by StoTelAlex
  8. One Percenter by Peter Pierce
  9. Full Circle by Bara
  10. Unfortunate Friends by Boygymnast
  11. Mike and Richie's Slave Adventures by Abcent Guy
  12. The Fab Five: You Can't Make Me by Just Another Grimm

    The challenge is not closed! You can submit stories for this challenge for years and years... but be sure it is different from the ones above!

    Extra story with more or less the same theme:

  13. The Collar by Mathieu.