PZA Boy Stories


BoyToys, Inc.

Part 4-6

Part 4
An Experimental BoyToy

Jim was quite pleased to find himself invited to the BoyToy, Inc.'s very secret labs. Here is where the latest experimentation in their field is done. He was told that none other than Dr. Dogood himself was to take him around to the various experiments taking place. His modest 7 inch [18 cm] cock was straining for release while Jim was waiting for a guide to take him into the inner sanctum so to speak, where are the latest scientific advances are taking place.

Finally. The door opened and the doctor's young black assistant, wearing nothing but a chastity device that looked to be a series of small snug rings traversing the length of a semi-hard penis sticking straight outward almost 10 inches [25 cm] from a naked crotch and two pendulous balls hanging below. The chastity harness was in turn held in place by two leather and metal bands that descended from a wide waist band, to either side of his testicles, and up each side of his asshole, rejoining his waist band in the back. They testicles were really hanging since a metal cage surrounded and separated each ball and from each hung a thin rod, perhaps 5 inches [12½ cm] long hung below, pulling on the testicles. There was a 1 foot chain hobble connecting two manacles made of leather and steel on each of the young man's ankles, limiting his steps severely. But what most amazed the visitor was the fact that the young man was forced to keep his right lower arm strapped along his back with a leather lined metal manacle around his wrist to which were attached two short chains to either side. These in turn were attached to two rings that were connected to his chastity device where it passed just along either side of his rectum. The covering binding his wrist and hand of course held his hand right where it was – in the crack of his butt with three of his fingers inside his own rectum! He could not speak since his entire head was encased within a form fitting metal mask with only two very small eyeholes. I presumed some arrangement was allowed for his breathing but I saw nothing apparent. What WAS apparent was that his mouth was obviously greatly filled with some sort of internal gag.

Another rumor had it that this slave had been with his master Dr. Dogood since he was 12 years of age. And that they were quite dedicated to each other. He escorted me to Dr. Dogood who was examining a small and very cute Latino boy.

"Ah. I see you've made it Mr. Boyle. What do you think?"

On the padded table lay what appeared to be a small and very cute 11 or 12 year old boy whose skin seemed to glow with health and allure. He was looking up at the two men with anxious eyes. That was about all he could do since he was being held down forcibly by restraints covering every portion of his small body, and a small gag held his mouth open and his tongue at the bottom of his mouth.

"Now this boy you see here will hopefully start a new line of BoyToys. A new creation. At least we are very hopeful of complete success. The entire process with this boy, apart from the usual physical modifications to make sure he remains prepubescent, and can physically withstand years of sexual use, concerns revolutionary techniques and drug regimens to affect brain pathway modification and strength of sexual libido. Or put more accurately, to make sure he only thinks about what we want him to think about."

"As you can see, this boy is physically that of a prepubescent 11 year old, with a hard penis of 3 inches [7½ cm] and testicles about ½inch [12 mm] across held in a slightly pendulous scrotal sac."

"The usual modifications have been made. This boy's testicles have been removed and installed are the most advanced aphrodisiac producing ones. They will also allow the boy to have the usual prepubescent orgasm only much more intense and long lasting. (Dr. Dogood was of the opinion that his "boys" should have at least some reward for their enforced service). In fact, other enhancements to his prostate and other glands will make sure that his physical libido will always be very high. Also his mouth and anus have been so reconstructed that he will be able to give the best and sustained sexual stimulation for quite a number of years. We are fully expecting at least 45 to 55 years of proficient service when he becomes fully operational."

The doctor looked down at the boy with a strange expression of fondness. What was THAT all about? He then removed the small mouth gag.

"How are you doing Juan? Recovered yet from yesterday's session?"

The boy actually smiled. "Sure thing doc. And wow! The drug is surely working. It's been only 6 hours and already I need another fix. Bad! Could you please help me out here doc?"

An addiction? What is this all about?

"As you can see hear, this boy is very heavily aroused. Over the past three months, we have been gradually changing the boy's brain pathways. Eliminating any which could interfere with inhibitions, and increasing his already innate desire to be used for sex. The more he allows himself to submit, and to comply with everything we do to him, the more he becomes sexually aroused. Two months ago he was still combative, but we've been able to eliminate all of the negative elements of his memory and conditioning which balked at being used. When he spoke of a fix, what he is really talking about is allowing him to come to orgasm. Though again, after what we have done to his brain, and to its chemical pathways, in about one more month Billy will not be able to think about much of anything but how to assuage his momentous sexual urge. And that will only be able to happen when he is totally submissive and compliant. Hence we are aiming here for the perfect sex slave boy. Right Billy?"

"Sure thing doc. Whatever you say. Use me anyway you want. Please!"

I was amazed at the boy's extreme eagerness to please. I learned that he had already undergone most of his brain pathway redesign. Then the good doctor showed me a few of the other experimental models "under construction" so to speak. In the next room was a boy straight out of a Nordic God's dream. A blond cutie with piercing blue eyes. The doctor explained that they were in the process of conditioning the boy, who looked at the cusp of pubescence, to be sexually aggressive.

The last room in this area contained something which might have been a boy at some time in the past but was now looking more like a monkey with prehensile tail, beautiful fur covering most of his body, and the cutest face in spite looking like half monkey and half boy.

"Holy shit doc! What is that?"

"I thought you'd be impressed. We have just recently be experimenting with the introduction of various animal DNA in out gene splices. We are quite proud of our recent successes in this area. Let's take a closer look."

I was again shocked when we went into the room at the amazing monkey-boy. It was as if you had a boy changed about 75% into a monkey yet keep all the cutest portions of the boy's anatomy in place. Especially the face. It still had the intelligent look of a human in spite of all the short fur which covered about 80% of it. On close inspection I could see that this animal-boy was possibly 12 to 13 years of age and sporting an immature set of genitalia but probably just starting through puberty. The boy tried to cover up his partial erection with his quite monkey-like hands. His long tail was swishing behind him. He seemed quite frightened.

"Please. I don't want to be a monkey." Although the boy was totally without restraint, there was a slim collar around his neck which almost blended into the color of his fur. I suspected that it was also a control device to make sure that the "boy" behaved.

His speech was just a bit strange and I could see that the shape of his mouth was slightly protruding. His body odor was strange but not unpleasant. I looked at the doctor for any explanation he was going to give about this boy.

The doctor addressed the boy first. "Don't worry boy. You are exactly what we were aiming for. How about taking away your hands so we can see your cute boy penis?"

The monkey-boy was visibly shaking as he removed his hands. The doctor told me that the boy's mental conditioning was about complete. That the prospective buyer wanted a creature which was shy and innocent. The skin on the exposed portions of the monkey-boy, including his face and the area immediately around his areolae was tan brown. His penis was about the same color and a now a quite stiff 5 inches [12½ cm]. The testicles were in a tight naked brown pocket on the underside of his penis.

The monkey-boy's tail was swishing back quite fast as the doctor told the boy to turn and bend over so we could get to inspect his butt and boy hole. (Or monkey hole). I was quite taken with the tight short fur which covered all but the very crack which had a delightful dark brown hole with radiating creases. It seemed a lot darker than the rest of his skin, what I could see of it.

As we were leaving the area Dr. Dogood noted that success with this model of BoyToy had been so successful that they were now contemplating other animal-boy mixes.

Dr. Dogood expounded: "The families of ape-monkey DNA we are now finding relatively easy to mix with human DNA. But in order to mix DNA from branches much further on the evolutionary tree pose its own brand of challenges. But we are indeed now working on the inclusion of genetic material from a horse."

After a few questions about this type of research I inquired about the disposition of the monkey-boy.

"He will probably live a quite pampered life with exclusive cliental. He was commissioned by Boys for Pleasure, Inc. on Tringus III which is fast becoming one of the best vacation spots for the connoisseur of man-boy sex."

As I left the facility that evening I found myself unable to get the image of that first Latino boy out of my mind. Fortunately I was able to see this boy just 4 weeks later. The change was dramatic. Though still strapped down, the boy was breathing quite hard in and out. His eyes were roaming about as if imploring someone to do something. But he was not speaking except for a small whimpering sound.

The doctor at that time informed me of the following: "This unit, and I refer to him as such since he is totally in the grip of his sexual need, has his world presently collapsed to include only the sexual gratification of his prospective clients. In addition, his own sexual need which can only be assuaged by his total submission. This, for the time being, is his entire world. He is probably having only one thought right now. Someone to use him for sex. No other thoughts are able to enter his awareness. To sexually please other men is now his entire life."

I looked down at the boy who now looked up at me with a kind of desperation in his eyes.

Dr. Dogood prompted: "Well how about using the lad? It's what he wants."

I quickly undressed and unstrapped the boy's legs. I then retied his ankles above his head. He was breathing more calmly now and his eyes seemed to say thank you. His beautiful back passage, ringed in a corrugation of dark brown skin, seemed to draw in my very soul. I needed to experience the velvety interior. As I gradually entered his rectum I was amazed at the tightness and strength of its grip on my penis. I could also finally hear him say something even if it were only a loud moan of pleasure. He suddenly became very active pushing his butt into me. He appeared to live right now for only one thing. To be fucked! I obliged. After I finished I could see the boy's deep brown eyes light up as if he recognized me. As I recovered from my intense orgasm, letting his beautifully smooth skinned and well proportioned legs back down, I could not resist fondling his still stiff brown 3 inch [7½ cm] cocklet. There was a clear liquid dripping down its length which seemed to keep me heavily aroused just breathing in its bouquet. I brought my hand to my mouth and the mere taste increased my sexual arousal almost two-fold and I was again instantly hard.

"Thank you sir. I .. I mean master. I'm supposed to call whoever buy's me, master. Dr. Dogood promised I'd like him quite a lot, master."

The boy looked up at the good doctor. "Doc, is this my new master?"

"No boy. Just someone who is interested in your progress. How is your urge doing?"

"I think I have maybe 15 minutes or so."

I was a bit confused, and by now almost ready to have another orgasm. The doctor described the potency of the aphrodisiac which I had ingested. He also explained the "15 minutes." It was the time this boy had before he was again totally in the grip of his sexual arousal. The boy had to be strapped down because as he approached his peak of need, he would try to fuck anything that could possibly fit. It was necessary so that he would not injure himself. The boy started flailing his legs and Dr. Dogood strapped them down again.

"Obviously this boy's new master will be required to keep him in almost continuous bondage," I surmised.

The boy gave out a small sigh. And a small voice exclaimed: "But that even makes me more needy. And I sort of like it more and more as I get needier and needier. Doc, could you hook me up to the fucking machine again? Please!? I'm starting to get real fidgety already."

I was now quite intrigued. Dr. Dogood reached for an improbably large dildo shaped object on the side counter and gradually pushed it into the boy's brown butt hole amid quite a few high pitched squeals from the boy himself. The doctor twisted his hand and then touched a control on the object's base. The squeals got more intense and the boy was trying to shove upward against his tight bonds. In only moments the boy was breathing heavily and whimpering again. I asked what had happened to the boy.

"Well, we possibly went just a bit too far with the brain rewiring. When his need becomes so insistent, the boy can only process ideas that are connected with sexual pleasure. Yet his always extreme need for orgasm can only be achieved in his total submission. Thus his only thoughts, and extreme need during this climax of his need, is for someone to use him sexually. He becomes lucid for only about 10 minutes between orgasms. We intend to try to reverse the extreme measure of his need for sex."

I was amazed as I saw the boy screamed out in an intense and prolonged orgasm. I was quite aroused myself, but I at least could ignore my aroused state but obviously the boy was not. And then the boy finally recovered again and smiled as he looked up at us.

"Wow. That was awesome, doc. That butt thing of yours is amazing!" The bright brown eyes of the small boy seemed to light up his dark face. I was quite drawn to the small bay strapped to the table. The entire scenario seemed surreal. Here was a boy totally bound to the table, totally a prisoner to his sexual need, and was actually smiling. I think I could really try to keep this boy myself but on the heels of this thought was the idea that I'd want more a boy than a toy for long term use. This boy was more likely destined for a high end boy brothel or some such establishment. Dr. Dogood must have been reading my thoughts.

"Actually, as in quite a few original research projects, we did not quite get the results we were aiming for. We definitely wanted a boy totally eager for sex at all times but also one who could function enough during his arousal. And this particular BoyToy is on contract."

The boy was sure quite something; he perked up and added himself to the conservation: "I can function, I promise! Jus' need to be 'stricted some 'tween 'gasms. You find a good master for me yet doc?"

Dr. Dogood addressed the boy. "Sure thing boy. We just need to adjust you a bit. Hopefully in a few weeks from now."

The boy smiled even as I could see his arousal start to grip him again so vigorously. When we left the room I looked at the good doctor and he answered the question without my asking.

"I figure about a 70% chance. Shame too if we are not successful. The contract we have for him would bring in 10 times what we'd get if we have to ship him off to SynCity or some such where he'd be chained to a bed for the next 50 years."

I looked back at the room we vacated and unaccountably found myself hoping that the boy would get his wish of a good "master."

Another question I had was to ask if the drug regression of brain function also worked as well on adults such as myself. Of course along with concomitant physical regression. (A brief thought of submissive desire briefly captured a fleeting thought).

Dr. Dogood smiled as he answered: "Bright lad you are. That is another project we are currently working on. But success is still problematic for the time being."

Before I left the facility Dr. Dogood found me another "experiment" with whom I was able to assuage my extreme arousal. The boy involved was a slender blond kid who had actually volunteered to be made into a BoyToy. He was 16, quite cute, and quite aggressive which suited me fine. I asked the boy how he came to "volunteer" and he explained.

"Well, I was so messed up with drugs. My best friend died. I knew I was next if I didn't do something drastic. And I like sex. A lot of sex. And my next gene-splice will enable me to handle up to class four torture on a regular basis. And Dr. Dogood promised that the next brain modification will stop all the rest of my addiction problems besides even make me LIKE being tortured. After seeing some of the BoyToys produced here I believe him."

"But torture? I couldn't do that."

The boy even laughed. "Dr. Dogood said only to class four. And I get so aroused just thinking about it. I think I've been messed up for a long time. I used to sell myself for drugs and those sessions were not tame. This way I know I won't be addicted any more and I will be alive. And besides, he promised I'd be allowed to enjoy the sex as much as the clients."

I shuddered slightly trying to envision a lifetime of people torturing me for sex. I couldn't quite do it. But I was soon brought to an amazing orgasm by the boy's quite talented mouth. The boy's butt hole was tight and just as talented. I was wondering how the hell the boy could have been trained to do that.

Part 5
The Twins

(From the perspective of Jim, BoyToys, Inc. computer expert)

The next time I was fortunate enough to visit the good doctor, Dr. Dogood was making the rounds of the new BoyToys, 'under construction' so to speak.

"Ah, Jim, I am so glad you could make it again." He brought me into the first room. The small space contained two specimens of the most exquisite boy flesh I'd seen in quite some time.

We may as well introduce you to the newest in BoyToy technology. These boys are quite special, aren't you boys?"

They seemed to take turns answering. "Sure thing doc. Hi mister. We're helping make new BoyToys, aren't we doc?"

"Sure thing boys." the 'doc' answered.

But, though I'd never seen this happen before, the two boys were out of their cages and totally unshackled, nor otherwise put under restraint. Just the usual obedience collars. And they were two of the most scrumptious looking young teen boys I'd seen in a long time. They were identical twins and looked to be about 13 years of age. They were handsomely Negroid in both their features and their extremely black skin. They were slim but had more than a hint of future muscle. Of course the doctor mentioned, as with all the new BoyToys, through removal of their testicles and implanting special ceramic ones with their own genetically mutated colony of host bacteria, a chemical was produced which, along with other special chemical implants at strategic locations, they will neither age not mature physically.

Dr. Dogood continued to explain: "And of course, as will most of the newer BoyToy lines today, at orgasm, their immature penises will give forth a small amount of a powerful aphrodisiac."

As the doctor spoke, the twin boys smiled as they sucked from identical squeeze bulbs which I assumed was their morning meal. The two totally naked boys were each sporting a stiff black woodie and seemed not to have the slightest care for any modesty. Their penises were circumcised and beautifully proportioned, and about 4 inches [10 cm] long, and obviously still prepubescent. The small coal black rounded heads seemed to glisten in the light. They each had identical very pendulous ball sacs with their now ceramic replacement balls, which dropped about 2 inches [5 cm] below. There was not a hair in sight below their eyebrows. Obviously, their new role as future BoyToys themselves dictated the totally prepubescent boy look. But, at least as of now, I could see no other obvious outward indication of their modifications. But the strangest thing of all that I observed, the two boys seemed not the slightest bit distressed that their future will no doubt be as a functioning sex toys for their owner's adult clients.

"I would like to point out some of the obvious modifications we have made over the past 5 months. You will note that the boys' penises are erect. These two boys will always be rather strongly aroused. Of course the remainder of their lives will be dedicated to providing sexual pleasure to their new owner's clients. It will just be that much more an incentive if they too can participate in having orgasms. But it will be monitored and controlled, however, and they will be under strict system of punishment and reward. All revolving around sex of course."

The doctor then simply picked up one of the boys who didn't resist in the slightest and placed him on his back on a padded table. Then addressed the boy's twin: "Here, you hold up his legs and spread them wide. I want to show the gentleman the terminus of his urinary system."

The doctor turned to me and guided my gaze (away from the boy's genitals) and redirected it to the area immediately under the boy's testicles. I could see a small projection ending with a flash of metal and some special plastic-looking material that could actually bond with the boy's flesh as I found out later.

"This is a valve that can only be released by a special cup into which this small mound fits. Together with both mouth gags and butt plugs, neither of these boys will have any control over their bodily functions. They will never be allowed to eat, or shit except when the plugs and gags are momentarily released, and they will also be totally dependant on someone else to empty their bladders."

I looked down at the boys who were now listening intently only to see small smiles. The boys said that they figured things like that would happen.

One of the boys remarked: "Heck, all the BoyToys we've been helping with had gags and butt plugs." It was then the other boy who continued: "And we know all about that stuff. From our previous clients."

I was now in the dark. Previous clients? But before I could ask the obvious question, the doctor then had the two boys sit on the bench. I suddenly became quite distracted by the smooth black skin of their abdomens as it merged with their upper legs. And especially the objects projecting outward in between. I was looking still at both of their remarkably cute penile projections. Still quite rigid and shaking a bit as the blood throbbed through their bodies.

"Since you are staring at their penises now I suppose I should mention that implanted into the very nerve trunk from their genitals and also their quite enhanced prostate is a device that when activated, will continuously transmit a pulse that will make the boys totally unable to loose conscious thought of their penises and testicles. This implant, among others, will be brought into operation tomorrow. And we must not forget one of their best features. Instead of only doing the usual enhancement of their rectal sphincters with the addition of special musculature, we have added to them the ability to even repair these muscles at a rapid pace. Thus for all intents and purposes, even after just a night's recuperation, their rectums will feel like a new virgin's."

The two boys seemed proud of this distinction. They obviously knew that their lives will be in the sexual service to other men, but I wondered if they understood that BoyToys have NO other role or purpose EVER. (At least up to now). It will be interesting to see their reactions when they understand just what fate tomorrow will bring them.

"Now let's move up to their mouths and throats." The doctor had both boys open their mouths widely." As you can see all their teeth have been removed and replaced by those fleshy protuberances which will play a big role in their abilities to give their owner's clients oral ministrations. They will provide a quite a stimulating blowjob on demand. And to facilitate this, their throat muscles have been enhanced, and also their airways have been closed off separately and can even take in air through a special intake just under their throats, if need be."

The doctor pointed out the very slight flap of skin that now covered these auxiliary breathing holes. And then continued: "This allows them to have something in their mouths and throats for quite some period of time. For example, pivoting on a penis which is stuck down their throats, or with their faces deep into the crack of a clients butt with their tongues doing what they were made for, stimulating both the exteriors and interiors of their clients sphincters."

I was again surprised to see that the two boys did not seem too terribly upset by what the doctor was saying. I asked the doctor for the reason.

"Well these two boys are quite a find. It seems that their step dad had been prostituting them out since they were 10 years old. They no longer had any other close relatives. The last 5 months has been a treat for them. And we promised them that they would never be separated. They came with us willingly. They are exclusively homosexually oriented and are natural submissives. Of course we will be taking full advantage of those traits as you will see tomorrow. That they will be very sexually aroused by their intended role will make their special mental indoctrination and conditioning work to our advantage. Their prospective owner will be here also for their initial training. Some of his most important customers had been inquiring about such a variant from our BoyToy models."

And I was thinking that their looks alone would draw interest from even the most jaded pedophile. I was wondering how my own finances were doing. I wouldn't mind booking an hour or two with them myself. And they were smiling again as I couldn't resist caressing their most special boy parts. The two penises were rock hard and the boys seemed pleased to have their boy parts fondled.

Dr. Dogood smiled when he saw my hand caressing a small black jutting penis. My own penis was becoming quite stiff also and must have showed. But when one of the boys began to actively pump his turgid 4 inches [10 cm] into my hand, Dr. Dogood touched the small instrument on his wrist and both boys immediately shrieked as they collapsed onto the floor. Whatever happened only lasted a part of a second but both boys showed instant fear and were crying as they stumbled back onto their feet.

"You know better boys. Your future owner alone will decide what use you will make of your own sex parts. Never presume otherwise."

The boys wiped their tears and abjectly apologized promising never to try to masturbate without permission. At the same time both boys were fingering their temporary obedience collars. I wondered just how big a jolt of pain had been administered.

Then Dr, Dogood abruptly walked towards the door and addressed me smiling at the boys' quick submission: "Well Jim, why don't I and my two helpers here show you around to the other projects in progress."

I was again surprised when the boys were allowed to roam with us with no physical restrictive devices. I asked the good doctor about this.

"Well, they do have temporary obedience collars on which allow us some control. I can incapacitate either one of them with this wrist control. Shall I demonstrate it again boys?"

Two loud "NOOOO's" reverberated around the small room. One of the boys continued: "We messed up and promise not to try that again."

The other boy continued: "Yeah. Jus' 'cus we tried to jerk off. The doctor was really mean."

"Yeah. And I thought my whole body was coming apart. Please doc, we won't disobey again. You know that!"

There were four imploring eyes directed at the doctor.

"I'm sure boys. Now let's show Jim here the torture test boy."

We all four soon came to another room where the story was entirely different. This boy was definitely well secured. Strapped to a well cushioned table was about a 14 year old oriental of Chinese extraction. What struck me were the series of straps about the boy's head, which in turn were affixed to a sort of helmet and half mask with a mass of wires coming out and being fed into another machine. With only loose bonds, the boy was thrashing around and there was a loud moaning and keening coming from his severely gagged mouth. From the mouth extended a shout tube apparently a method of forced feeding. What I did not see at first was that the boy was wired for torture. There was a wire leaving the hollow conductive sound permanently held within the boy's 4 inch [10 cm] stiff penis. Out of its middle was a catheter which was draining his bladder. Also, wires led from each of the individual cages about his testicles. Another came from an absolutely immense metal dildo that I was told was also semi-permanently emplaced into his well stretched rectum. It too allowed his feces to be removed. The doctor said that this boy was currently being used to test out neural responses to common class four (non debilitating) electro-torture.

"OK boys, as yesterday why don't you help change out his feeding tube and anal evacuation device, while I temporarily turn off the torture machine and check his other vital responses."

The boy stopped thrashing about as the machine was turned off and I could see dry tear tracks running down his face.

To me the doctor added: "As you can see here, this boy is a bit old for our usual BoyToy conversions. But he does have the right genetics for testing out our new neural inhibitors. We are trying to improve our method of allowing the torture of our BoyToys, while at the same time keeping them in prime "new" condition. The regimen of drugs this boy is on now is very promising. A week ago his neurotransmitter response to identical torture was double as it is now, yet his pain response is only slightly lower. That means, even though he will feel almost the same pain, it will have a drastically less effect long term on his brain pathways."

"How long has he been used for these electro pain test doctor?"

The doctor I could see had not anticipated such a question. "Why I am not too sure. But I can easily check." At a computer consol he touched a few spots and announced. "Ah, here it is. Well, just over two months. We will probably allow this one to physically mature through the first stages of puberty and then sell him to someone wanting a permanent slave for torture and other fun games. You will note by his erect penis and other signs of acute sexual arousal, this boy has been prepared for a life as a masochistic pain slave."

The twins completed their tasks, and the good doctor restarted the carefully controlled torture program. The boy dutifully restarted his muffled screaming and his severe contortions. I was glad to see that the table was well padded, and the straps very strong. As I saw the boy seemingly thrust his hips upward the small amount permitted by his restraints, and heard his muffled screams change to muffled moans I was trying to imagine how it would feel having such a strong orgasm while undergoing such torture. My own restricted penis seemed to harden even further thinking this thought.

The next room contained a boy who I swear had more metal on him than a well outfitted chest of drawers. And there were two attendants about to fit him into a full control body suit.

"Hold on there fellas," the doctor spoke. "I want to show off this cute creation."

The two men put the boy back on the high table. He looked to be about 8 or 9 years of age, but without the extended stomach usually seen in boys that age. In addition, his proportions seemed just a bit off. That was until I realized that he was probably much older, just quite small for his age. He was very dark complexioned and with straight black hair. He looked Latino but with perhaps a touch of something more exotic. I instantly wanted to explore his entire body. He was absolutely beautiful and alluring. He looked straight at us with fear in his eyes. But I soon realized that it wasn't all fear. He was squirming quite a lot but made no attempt to move away from us or even cover up his small genitals. His penis was beautifully formed and sticking straight out and about 3 inches [7½ cm], in spite of the massive ring which transected the penis horizontally just behind the glans. His small testicles were separated from his penis and also into individual sacs by bands of metal. And now I realized just what was in his eyes. It was an intense arousal. But what stood out most with this boy were all the metal bands circling parts of his body plus a few rings almost too large to seem in proportion to his small body. Just when I was about to ask a question the good doctor started his description.

"As you may not realize because of his four foot stature, this boy is actually at the physical age of an 11 year old. He is of mixed genetic background both Latino and Thai. As you can see it has produced quite a marvelous boy. It prospective owner, in this case a person wanting his own special boy, decided that no brain pathway changes were to be made other than to establish a very high level of sexual arousal not normally found in an 11 year old. As you can see the boy is quite self controlled. This was done in the old fashioned way, with physical stimuli until he realized fully that his obedience is to be absolute."

The doctor looked at the boy and the boy looked at the device on the doctor's wrist. He started to leak tears as he weakly replied: "Yes master. I promise to be a good boy master." The boy now had his own arms wrapped tightly around his own body as if to provide minimal protection, the silvery bands at the wrists and above his elbows standing out in contrast to his dusky skin.

The twins seemed to look at the boy with some compassion. I guess they too, even if more cooperative from the beginning of their training, also felt the consequence of disobedience.

"Don't worry boy. You will be going to a very nice master. He will spoil you so much you eventually won't even want to leave."

The boy didn't seem too inclined to believe the doctor. Dr. Dogood turned toward me and added: "Aside from maintaining ridged and total physical and mental control over this BoyToy, his new master will no doubt dote on him I'm afraid. Of course the boy will be kept in almost continuous bondage except when in his master's bed."

At those words the boy seemed to be afraid all over again. The doctor addressed the boy again: "Look boy, we've made quite a few changes in your body as per your master's instructions. You needn't worry. Your body has been modified to provide optimum service for your master. And that metal plug up your butt will keep you open just enough to allow your master's penis to fit without pain. You are quite a lucky BoyToy. Your master only uses corporal punishment for lapses in obedience."

As I looked at the metal adorned boy a tiny thought of envy coursed through my mind. Of course I now understood all the additions. His master had no lack of points onto which to attach the boy to all sorts of bondage apparatus.

One of the twins seemed to want to approach the boy to touch one of the boy's bands. With a very light touch one of the twins brought his hand over the small arm of the almost rigid boy. "Don't worry boy. You're lucky to have a single master." The second twin opined: "I'm sure your master will be good to you."

The doctor picked up the description of what had been done to this cute youngster. I still had trouble believing him to be 11 years old. He barely came up to my chest, and couldn't have weighed more than 60 pounds.

"This boy has had the usual modifications. There are enhancement of his mouth, throat, sphincters, and rectum. All his teeth have been removed and his lower jaw has been modified to easily dislocate to accommodate his prospective master's penis in spite of its small size. As you can see, modifications have been made to his mouth to assure normal looks. His testicles have been removed and the usual additions have been implanted to insure sexual arousal. All his bones and ligaments have been enhanced so he can be hung by any appendage without harm. In addition his musculature has been modified to resist cramping if forced into rigid bondage for extended periods."

The boy took on his frightened look at those words.

"Now we come to the interesting modifications. You will note what looks like metal shackles about his ankles, lower thighs, wrists and just above his elbows. These, along with his metal collar are permanent. However, only his collar is real metal. The other thickened bands are permanently attached to his body and consist of a polymer that is as strong as steel but which can bond with his very flesh, with tendrils extending into his bones. The ring encircling each of the middle portions of these bands provide anchor points for chains or straps. As do the rings in his nipples, ears, and the one through his little penis. The flattened band between his penis and testicles is also bonded to his flesh and can provide extra stimulus to arouse the BoyToy sexually."

I was amazed at the very size of the rings. The two in his ear lobes were about 1½inches [4 cm] in diameter while the ones in his nipples about an inch [2½ cm]. But it was the one which traversed his penis side to side just below the glans which drew attention. It was fully three inches [7½ cm] in diameter and at least an 1/8th inch [3 mm] thick, and swung freely as the boy moved. I could just imagine how this ring would be used in various bondage scenarios. But for now there were no shackles or chains. The boy was then again lifted onto the high table and the two attendants proceeded in stuffing him into the semi-rigid body bag. The boy remained quite submissive throughout most of the procedure. Only his occasional moans attested to his unusually aroused state. His legs were forced into separate sleeves with enough cushion between them to allow reasonable comfort when the outside straps were pulled tight. The bag was then sealed over the boy's torso again with his arms in their separate sleeves along the sides of the bag. The end was sealed closed and extra outside straps were again tightened. It was only when the head of the boy was being covered in its own tightly confining hood when the boy started to struggle.

Dr. Dogood spoke to the boy. "Look boy you know to submit. You have no choice. There will be ample holes for you to breathe. If you keep struggling I will have them replace your mouth plug."

The boy quieted down. Dr. Dogood explained that the boy's master would be taking direct delivery quite soon at the facility itself.

"I happen to know the owner of this new BoyToy personally. We've departed from our usual customer base as a special favor. I also suspect if this is a financial success we may continue providing for this kind of market."

I was now curious. "Where in the world did you get such a cute creature? And so obviously aroused in spite of his fear?"

"Well, as you know we have many official and unofficial field agents always on the look out for prospective new BoyToys. We especially want ones who are already genetically predisposed to being both homosexual and submissive. This one was quite exceptional. We just greatly heightened his sexual responses with both physical adaptations and directly wiring with that device on his genitals. But his future master wanted no brain pathway modifications. He wanted his boy "natural" so to speak. He has dreams of actually winning the boy's active cooperation and even affection. Knowing the personality of his prospective master, I think he might even succeed."

I watched as the boy, now strapped onto a grav lift, was whisked away to another part of the facility – away to his new life.

"But doc, where did that boy come from?"

The doctor smiled. "He's the son of one of our own employees. His wife left him and he was always complaining about what a burden his son was. When he got into some bad debt, we made him an offer he couldn't refuse."

We looked in on eight other boys, all between the ages of 6 through 12, being modified and currently in bio-tanks undergoing major gene splices.

"All of these boys are being enhanced for use in high end brothels. Just the normal modifications. Nothing special except for that end tank."

I was very interested by this last boy since he didn't seem proportioned quite right. And his facial features were also not those of a normal boy.

"You can already see how unusual his body looks. This is another one of our newly gene engineered monkey-boys. This one will have about 6% of the physical attributes of a monkey. His fur will be short but very soft. His facial features, though still mostly boy-like, will have the definite suggestion of a monkey especially with the eyes and nose. Of course the usual modifications to maintain his prepubescent features coupled with augmentation of his prostate and other glands which will cause him to be highly sexually charged for the remainder of his life. He will be entertainment for those special clients who have an inclination for the exotic. His brain pathways have been altered just enough to include certain minor characteristics associated with a playful monkey."

I was quite surprised to note the length of the boy's newly developing prehensile tail. And as I heard Dr. Dogood describe the boy's amended personality I was wondering just how much fun this BoyToy would be.

The twins with us seemed totally in awe of the boy in this last tank and kept talking about him as we all made our way back to the twin's room.

"Now for these two delectable miscreants." And with that Dr. Dogood slapped the nearest of the twins on his butt eliciting a smiling squeal. I could tell that the doctor had arrived at some fondness for these two slaves. "I am sorry to say that the modifications and drug regimen of these two are now complete and we only must perform the final brain pathway modification before these two become the first of a new line of BoyToys. Unusual as it might be, these two boys will work the remainder of their lives as a BoyToy team. You can see that they are quite relieved to know that they will not be separated. Indeed, they will even be allowed to spend some of their sleep periods together."

"But doc, do we still hafta' become BoyToys?" one of them asked. The other continued: "We will do what people want. We don't need our brains changed."

"Sure you do sprites. We have quite few million credits invested in you. You two are quite special."

At this pronouncement the two boys beamed. "But doc, when are you gonna tell us what we have to be doin' as 'toys?"

"Tomorrow boys, you will find out. Tomorrow. Today will be the last of the tests. Now hop onto this table and let me check out your cute bodies."

The boys quickly complied while still slurping on their plastic bulbs. I was again amazed as I looked closely at their beautifully formed boy physiques. Though slender, both had enough flesh to show the first hint of what would have been their future musculature. And their beautiful boy parts! Two identical penises were moving apparently to the beat of their hearts and seemingly in perfect sync. (And I will admit here that I myself even fantasized for a moment about somehow having been kept at this stage of development. Of course the fantasy included always having all the sex I could get). I had all I could do to resist from placing my hands on their thighs and sucking on their prominently displayed rigid pieces of boy-penis.

"Jim" the good doctor asked, "how about rubbing this boy's thigh right here and tell me what you feel?"

I was already hard. When I started feeling up the boy's leg and he just sat there and giggled, I was almost poking a hole in my trousers. When I 'accidentally' rubbed the boy's genitals, I was ready to cream my pants. Especially when the boy seemed to so enjoy it. His brother said: "And now me." Of course I HAD to comply. Of course I couldn't feel anything other than normal satiny boy flesh. And I said so.

"That's what we were so wanting. It has taken us three years of experimentation to be able to have a boy's skin capable of receiving up to level three tactile torture and have no visible mark just hours later. And up to now, after say a five hour torture session, the best we could achieve was a 40 hour repair time. As you know, level three includes all non-permanently debilitating tactile and muscular pain. While level four includes deeper pain especially that from either medium caning to moderate electro torture. But this boy here can not only easily withstand that same five hour period of intense torture, but will show no observable effects the very next day!"

I was quite impressed. The boys were not. In fact the shock on their cute faces was a joy to behold.

As one they both looked at each other and then back to the doctor: "But doc! You promised no torture!" The fear on both their faces was quite palpable. But at the same time each boy seemingly without deliberate thought started masturbating their own still rigid penises.

"Boys!" the doctor made sure to get their full attention, and they immediately stopped touching themselves. "I distinctly stated that you would never be harmed. And that you would enjoy your futures. You only assumed there would be no torture. And look at you both. The idea is apparently quite arousing to you nonetheless."

I could even see small droplets escape the tips of both penises. And as if in mental contact both boys replied in concert: "Ok. Just so it's me torturing my brother."

The doctor laughed. "Look boys. I still promise. You will both enjoy your BoyToy futures. And of course you will never be separated."

The boys seemed to loose some of their apprehension but one asked: "Ok doc, but how about saying what is going to happen to us." The other boy took up from there: "What kind of BoyToy will we be?"

I was now quite curious myself. Dr. Dogood smiled and replied while rubbing both boy's fuzzy heads: "Ah, but that is a secret, but it is something new." And before either could speak he added: "And tomorrow you will both find out."

I started to protest that I did not have a pass for tomorrow when Dr. Dogood presented me with one. He escorted both charges over to a small bed within a small acrylic topped enclosure. There they could snuggle up to each other and even make use of a holo-system which I discovered the boys utilized sparingly during their "free time."

In addition the entire upper section of the each wall was a view screen. The boys were closely monitored.

Dr. Dogood filled me in as we retreated to his office. "If you are wondering, this is an attempt to produce BoyToys totally complicit in their own sexual slavery. Totally submissive and willingness to be the BoyToy they will become for the remainder of their lives."

"But how about their future experiences? Won't that change how they will respond in the future?"

"Well that brings us to what will happen to them tomorrow. If we are successful, these two will WANT to be the BoyToys we make them, and their future responses will only increase that willingness. And again we are hoping that each boy will retain enough of his natural personality that to the unpracticed eye they will seem like two ordinary boys."

I could see that Dr. Dogood was quite proud of his accomplishments and fully expected that this BoyToy pair will also be a total success. Not to digress, I was recently happy to also learn that the Latino boy I had seen a while back did indeed join with his master. Very happily. Dr. Dogood and his team were successful in backing off enough on the boy's total need for sexual release.

As I was escorted to the guest wing, I thought to myself thinking about those twin boys. "Wow. I can't wait for tomorrow."

The next day found me watching as the boys were being prepared for the mental and brain pathway modifications to adjust them for their future roles. As I joined the now small party I was introduced to the boy's new owner under special contract inside the small room. I experienced a wave on envy, imagining myself in total control of the two exquisite pieces of boy flesh. The doctor, and another official from BoyToys, Inc., none other than Mr. Boyton Forbes himself, were already there. Dr. Dogood was explaining to Mr. Forbes about how the two boys were to be conditioned to engage in their future roles. "But that is precisely the whole idea. After treatment the boys will WANT to do this! After their full mental conditioning, they will not only comply, they will be glad to do so!"

"And when will the conditioning take place?" the boy's future owner asked/

Dr. Dogood explained: "As soon as we are done with preparations here, I will first put them into their permanent collars, strap them down to that large bed over there, and initiate the implants that have been installed in their brains. These collars have a small chip that will always be monitoring their future environments, situations, and orders, and insure the boy's compliance. But the implants will already have done 99.8 % of the work before there is ever a client. I am extremely anxious about this method of conditioning as it is revolutionary in this field. Ah, here come the cuties now."

The two naked boys, visibly trembling but quiet, now only sported their gags. The good doctor went over to the two now very nervous boys. He escorted them to the harnesses already set into position on the large bed. Two other assistants came over and quickly strapped the two boys into place before their fright rose to a sufficient level to cause them to balk at their bondage and restraints. Especially now since their temporary obedience collars had been removed.

First Dr. Dogood fitted the new heavy collars onto first one boys neck and then the other. The two halves of each collar fused immediately and quickly became a permanent part of each boy's environment. The silvery collars were fairly lightweight being only an inch [2½ cm] in width and a slim oval in cross-section. The boys then were laid into the cradle of their respective harnesses. Restraints were secured around their arms legs and torsos allowing almost no movement. By this time both boys were trying to say something but the muffled sounds coming from their tightly gagged mouths made their words impossible to understand. They soon got the message that what they had to say was not of the slightest consequence. Their fates were sealed.

The tight restraints were used to make sure no injury would occur when they started experiencing the severe discomfort of their conditioning. They were shown earlier what their future roles as BoyToys would entail and they both started immediately crying and wailing. They started begging the doctor to let them do something different. But of course this was specifically what they had been chosen and modified for. The doctor, professional as always, made sure all the straps on their limbs, and torso were properly tightened and secure. Their heads were next totally enclosed within special helmets which provided all sensory input – sight, sound, and even taste and smell. These were in turn secured in specially formed cradles. Too easy for a neck injury without these precautions. I was told that the discomfort for a while could be quite severe, though there was no real physical pain involved. And that the process could take as much a day or two. This first session would last up to 20 hours. After that the boys will be allowed to rest from the mental and emotional onslaught. Any other necessary session would start early the next day. The doctor was hopeful it would only be a short one.

Dr. Dogood started speaking and I had to force my attention away from the two tightly held boys. There was slight movements of their limbs but that was all they were now permitted. Even their hands had been forced into glove like fittings.

"All is now ready. The initial process will last about 16 to 20 hours. I will now activate the instrumentation within their collars."

As their collars were activated their brain implants were activated at the same time. What an amazing reaction! Also activated at the same time, an integral part of the entire process, were the neural implants within their genitals and prostate. With only a small portion of their faces visible it was difficult to tell how they were reacting but Dr. Boyton assured us, by their brain wave patterns now being closely monitored, that they were probably right now being almost overwhelmed by both intense sexual arousal and flashes of strong emotions. The boys seemed to be twitching and trying to move. Also muffled moans could be constantly heard. They were totally at the moment in their own little worlds and at the mercy of their neural implants directed by the computer chips within their collars.

Mr. Boyton Forbes took up the explanation. "As you can see gentlemen, something special is happening. In no more than two days, the good doctor has assured me, not only will these two new BoyToys be functioning to full potential they will WANT to do so! They will be complicit in their own conditioning! This will revolutionize mental conditioning of future BoyToys. Sure, we will still have those FORCED to cooperate by either physical force or by administration of pain and reward, or sometimes only pain, but this will create a new type of BoyToy – a totally willing toy!"

There were a number of questions that Mr. Boyton deflected: "Let me finish explaining and then I will entertain any of your additional questions. What is happening is threefold. The chip in the collar is instructing the boy's brain implant to seek out and acknowledge each of the instructions as the boys receive them. Each instruction is being rapidly multiplied throughout the boy's brain. Before the conditioning is complete, these rules will indelibly be inserted in no less than one billion loci. Then another search is maintained. Every time the implant finds a particle of memory that corresponds to the boy rejecting or resisting the command, this memory is destroyed. Conversely, because these boys were carefully picked, there is much in these boy's brains that will actually have received all these instructions without resistance. This is especially true of that area of the brain that receives input from the boy's sexual arousal and gratification. This then is not only multiplied millions of times throughout the boy's brain, it also is reinforced by a commensurate arousal and gratification of the boy's sexual need and desire. Once this process has taken place for each instruction given, then we let the boy himself start to reinforce wanting to obey this rule. This feed back loop is important since it allows the boy to retain much of his former identity. What will happen is that the survival mode of the boy will go into effect. To limit the decaying of the boy's identity and will, it will allow the boy himself to make millions of new neural connections that allows the boy to accept and allow these rules to be followed even if they were not so happy with them to begin with. The boy will start inventing reasons WHY it WANTS to follow these rules. By this time there is no return. From here the boy will never be able to arrive at any point but full compliance. And even more. As the days and weeks go by, the boys will even become more satisfied with their new roles and even eventually happily perform as BoyToys as each has been directed. And enough of their past memories will have survived so to give some depth to their personalities."

We left for a short repast and entertainment and returned to the boys' room several hours later. We could see one boy start to moan heavily, and then quiet down. And then the other boy do the same.

"What you see happening, is the triggering a memory or idea held by the boy that is in contradiction with the stated objective, he quiets down as all relevant spots where this information or memory is erased. We will eventually start seeing even an orgasm where a memory is reinforced and strengthened. This matter of positive reinforcement will necessarily make these two boys, sex fiends. For the remainder of their lives, a majority of their motivation will be in response to a sexual stimuli."

By this stage we were assured that the boys' restraints were no longer necessary. But as soon as they were released from them we saw one boy lay on top of his brother. They immediately started to gyrate against each other. Soon they were both experiencing very intense orgasms.

Mr. Forbes inquired: "Now that is something we had not anticipated. Dr. Dogood, is this something good, or should we separate these boys?"

"No. One of the strong incentives to acquiesce to our demands or rules, is the promise that they will never be separated. They are apparently using that to reinforce positively some of the consequences of these rules. I see this as a good thing and this degree of positive reinforcement is occurring far faster than anticipated. In fact to a staggering degree. I now have excellent hopes of the boys retaining a very significant portion of their memories and personalities. This is a good sign. I am very pleased by this progress indeed."

Early that evening the doctor judged that enough progress had been made, indicated by the now only rare occurrence of a boy needing a memory erased. Thus the implants were momentarily disengaged and the boys allowed to rest. The two boys immediately entwined and they fell almost instantly into a deep sleep. The doctor gave me another pass to come back to the lab the next morning and I was obviously thrilled. I was so much wanting to see the end product.

When the boys roused the next morning there was already a remarkable change. Both boys looked up at the doctor and even addressed him as doc. When Dr. Dogood told them that they must now address all others as 'master' they did so without any fuss. One of the boy's did ask if that meant that they were both considered slaves.

"Of course boys. You are required to obey any order given to you."

That twin turned to his partner and exclaimed: "See, I told you so. Remember that fantasy we used to have? Well it's come true. And it gets me so sexy feeling."

They then both smiled at each other. Then the other twin asked the doctor: "Doc, I mean master, do I still have to do all that stuff to my own brother? A lot of that sex stuff is really great but do I actually have to help torture my own twin?"

The other one piped in making a joke: "Yeah." And then looking at his brother: "But it's me who is to be tortured. Your part is easy. I'm the one who should be complaining." He turned: "Ain't that right doc?"

The doctor smiled. I could see he was quite pleased with the boy's progress. But even more so at the apparent success in maintaining a large portion of each boy's original personality.

We had learned along with the boys that one of them would be forever "in charge" of the other. The one boy would be necessarily totally and forever submissive. Except when in the bed of his client, he would never be allowed out of his bondaged situation. He would be kept in full body restraint only allowing for movement as needed. It was his brother who would direct and allow what movement he could make. It would be his brother who would see to his bodily functions and other needs. And it was also his brother who would be assisting the client in proceeding with whatever torture that that client was want to administer. The submissive boy would be doing a lot of screaming in his future life.

One thing I noted was that they were both quite sexually aroused. I supposed that this would be a sort of permanent condition for them now. I was also surprised to see that they seemed to be a lot like the bouncy boys of two days ago. Except that now the only questions they asked had to do with their respective roles as BoyToys. Each of them commenting on how THEIR respective role was the most important.

Then as part of the ongoing experiment of which the boys were an integral part, the doctor sat down with each of them snuggling up to each side of him and he began a long list of prepared questions. The first half had to do with their past lives and what specifically they still could remember. Later I found out that about half their memories of their brief childhood were gone permanently. Almost everything that had to do with knowing other friends and things they liked to do with them that had no sexual overtone or connotation were also gone. There were a few strange exceptions. For example many of the games that they did only by themselves they could easily remember. The other questions involved what they thought of their new rules. What surprised me was that not only did they now accept them, they were even enthusiastic about providing good service to their 'customers.'

"Well, master, I think it only right since we got such a great job that almost no one else has, that we should do our best at it. Besides, it will be fun."

The other added: "And master. Of course I will have the easiest job. All I have to do is obey and hurt real good." I was surprised to see the boy actually smiling at that admission.

The doctor had no difficulty in restarting the implant programs. The boys were now quite cooperative. This time they would never be shut down. The doctor assured me that he would arrange for me to see the twins when they had been fully indoctrinated and installed into their permanent life's work.

I found my bank account insufficient to justify such an extravagance as a session with these two boys, especially since they had been taken off planet and installed with the new Pleasure City that was the newest in adult entertainment and assuaging many of the possible unusual pleasures that one would seek. If you had the money. But I was able to obtain a holo disk of one on the sessions these boys had with two clients who acted in tandem. It must have been several months at least into their permanent installment.

One boy was strangely quiet and making almost no purposeful movement in spite of not a single item of restraint. He was in a shower stall where the other boy commanded his movements while washing his cute black body. He paid specific attention to his boy sex parts and anal opening. The cleaning process ended with a drawn out enema during which the submissive boy seemed to be smiling during his compliance. He squealed when his twin pulled on his stiff boy penis.

"Make sure I'm real clean. After the client takes his big prong out of me he frequently makes me clean it up with my tongue and mouth."

"Sure thing. Now open wide."

The one brother seemed to get a thrill out of so dominating his twin brother and enforcing his bondage. He started by forcing the large mouth stretching gag into the other boy's now toothless mouth. His twin groaned at the invasion but made no move to resist. He then attached onto the outside of the severe gag a molded plate which totally covered his mouth and chin trapping the lower portion of his face. A band which went behind the back of the head and one across the top held this piece tightly in place. Another groan was elicited from the gagged boy and his penis stiffened even further indicating increased sexual arousal. Next he trapped his brothers hands into severe mitts which allowed almost no movement of either his fingers or hands and then attached the mittened hands behind his back clipping his hand mitts onto leather and steel cuffs placed onto his upper arms just above his elbows. Strangely it seemed both boys were quite sexually aroused by what was happening.

As the dominant twin started attaching a set of ankle cuffs and short connecting chain he again spoke to his brother who seemed now in a total sexual daze: "Our next client is into electro torture. We will really be zapping all your special boy sex parts. You will be really screaming this time. I can't wait. And I promise to make sure your bonds are really tight this time. I know how you really react to that probe pushed into your penis."

Instead of being frightened by his brother's promise of imminent torture, the other twin merely moaned into his gag and shuddered as a huge plug was rammed into his rectum. Finally a wide and heavy collar with a chain lead was attached to his neck and his brother lead him into the next room where transport was awaiting.

Holding the end of his brother's short leash the other nearly naked black twin announced: "Master, we are both ready. I can't hardly wait. Are these guys really going to use all that torture stuff you made me get ready?"

Both questions were answered in the affirmative. The "master" and new owner of these remarkable twins grinned as he envisioned their next 20 hours. And then the remainder of their lives. And how rich they were making him. He was sure glad that the recuperative time for the tortured twin was barely more than a day. BoyToys, Inc. were quite proficient in their boy modifications. He quickly adjusted the dominant boy's leather harness which made the boy's hard penis stick straight ahead and escorted them to the vehicle which would take them to the next pair of clients. And the new holo being made this time will enjoy a restricted but remunerative distribution. Getting in on the ground floor of Pleasure City Inc. he realized was the best investment he'd ever made.

It was that very holo now being watched by Dr. Dogood's favorite computer programmer. He later read up on this new process of enabling the full submissiveness and cooperation of the new BoyToys:

"This new "toying" process, where the entire expressions of the boy's personality and world is so severely pared down to the sole service of their client's sexual needs, was still able to retain enough of the BoyToy's original personality, so that the client feels like he is being serviced by a real boy. Thus he obtains a better experience."

"We used to do it with simple force. Some like that, but I get more satisfaction somehow out of making the boy make himself into a toy. To so completely restrict his entire behavior to sex and the satisfaction of their clients. What is so great is that their very thoughts are so ordered and controlled. They soon become incapable of thinking about anything else. A few months from now – that is all the time it will take – neither of these boys (or toys) will not in the slightest ever again be even ABLE to have a noncompliant thought. So amazing when you think about it. Entire sections of their brains have been reorganized and reprogrammed. And of course that allows other sections to take over a greater role. These two will very quickly become phenomenal at their given tasks.

A year from now, neither of these boy will ever again be able to reenter normal society. Strangely enough, by this time, the boys will appear to be genuinely happy. They have a very ordered, even if restricted life, and they see themselves eminently successful at it.

I am VERY curious what will happen to these two boys. We have never before tried to keeps two boys, let alone identical twins, together and even allowed to be intimate with each other. It should prove interesting. I have a bet going with my confreres that this factor alone will be able to preserve so much of their personalities, that they will even remember me and will be able to relate to me as more than a prospective client. Well, we shall see."

Part 6
A Kidnapping and Another Paired BoyToy Combo – But One with a Twist

(Perspective of Jim, computer expert)

It was fully five months later before I heard from Dr. Dogood again. I was thrilled just seeing the link-mail before I opened it.


Sorry about the long period of not hearing about our latest efforts, but when I tell you about our newest project I know all will be forgiven. We have located the perfect pair for out next experiment. These two boys have been intimate for over a year and are only 15 years old. I know that we usually work with prepubescent boys but this departure is exciting in that it will involve truly the forefront of bioengineering. This pair will not be subjected to much in the area of mind control, but instead most of what we will demand of them will involve coercion and threat of punishment. We have already received a huge advance on top of our usual whopping fee so we will have all the funds we could need. Thus I am offering to bring you into this case at the very start. In fact how would you like to be in on the actual kidnapping of one of these boys? If interested please respond on the secure server.

Warm Regards,

Dr. Dogood

I believe my hand passed the sound barrier grabbing for my com-link, with my personally coded secure account.

A week later I was 1750 miles [2800 km] away in a small town waiting impatiently for a kids baseball game to be finished. One of the players was the boy we were looking at kidnapping that very evening. The boy's parents had been lured away with a fake call from a 'hospitalized relative.' The boy was informed by his parents that he would be home alone until later that evening and to 'behave.' Already in the back of our land vehicle, in full restraints and mouth gag, was this boy's 'secret' boyfriend. This boy, which had been snatched from his group home – his parents were in prison for all kinds of stupid crimes – and catching him in our web was quite easy. One of us had credentials stating we were from Juvenile Services. I was the one who posed as a prospective foster parent since I was black like the boy. The boy willingly climbed aboard and was in restraints in less than 10 seconds. He thrashed around only seconds before he was totally controlled by inbreakable restraints.

He would be the lure for his boyfriend.

The boyfriend was a lanky blond kid about 5'5" [1.65 m] and with – unfortunately for him – just exactly the wrong genetic code. Of course making the plans of BoyToys, Inc. feasible. If he had known what his future would be, I doubt he would have climbed into that van no matter what the lure. (Latter we would discover that the ties that bound these two boys just may have been strong enough to have disputed my last opinion). We followed the boy as he walked toward his house. His boyfriend was in full restraints in a small seat bolted to the floor. He was fully gagged with an added bio-leather covering strapped around the bottom of his face further muffling any sound he might make. His hands were in unbreakable mitts and then strapped securely to his waist belt with his arms crossed over his stomach. His feet and legs were encased in a uni-leg-boot. Making walking totally impossible. He was NOT going anywhere we didn't want him to go. He was facing the rear doors. When we passed by his boyfriend we pulled to a fast stop, opened the back door, and called to him. There was no one else around on the quiet street. The boy innocently walked up to the rear of our van and I said to him just as his eyes went wide recognizing his friend totally trussed up: "If you ever want to see your boy friend alive again, you will quietly get in."

With only a slight hesitation he got in. In a few seconds we were on our way, and five turns and two minutes later we had driven our van into the awaiting maw of another truck so that if on the off chance some one noted our van, we were now unfindable. In that same time, the kidnapped white half of the boyfriend combo was also in full restraints similar to those of his friend.

As we made our way, the leader of our team spoke to the two boys.

"You may wonder what is happening. We discovered you two by intercepting some of your e-mail and chat room correspondence. We know you are boyfriends and have been intimate for almost a year. We also know that no one else suspects but this is irrelevant. Because of your sexual orientation, and your relationship, and because especially of Pat's genetic code which makes our plans for you two feasible, you will be modified over the next year and take your place among our most advanced BoyToys. You will become the newest offerings of BoyToy, Inc."

The boys possibly never heard of BoyToys, Inc. but they surely knew that their lives were now totally 'fucked.' They started squirming and trying to look at each other. Only the feeblest sound came from either but not because of a lack of trying.

I put in my two cents worth: "Hay look boys, just think, a year from now you two will be having more sex in one week than most people have in one year." Not too much of an exaggeration.

There were tears running down both faces. I was so aroused I could hardly contain my feelings. When we stopped at a private air terminal, we drove into an empty building, transferred the boys into our specialized transportation crates, and put them on their way to the secret labs. In two days, one of the boys will be forced to make a very important decision. I was assured by Dr. Dogood that I would be present.

Because of the necessity to get the proper sized restraints in place and medications especially tailored for the two boys ready, it was actually three days before the fateful day. The black boy was merely in hobbles with fabric ankle shackles and with his wrist held in tight restraint at his waist. A short leash connected his neck collar to the wall immediately behind him. There was also a short band affixed to one of his ankle shackles. Other than this he was entirely naked. As I watched through a monitor I was amused as he struggled to hide his erection. Totally restrained in a chair not four feet [1.20 m] away was his boyfriend. His situation was very different. He could essentially move nothing. Even his head was held in a form-fitting and rigid restraint devise. His arms and legs were held essentially immobile with numerous straps. His hands were encased in an impervious synthetic material that allowed no movement but did allow for the evaporation of sweat. His mouth was held wide with a seemingly torturous gag. His eyes held fear and frustration. They looked at his boyfriend in silent plea. He was already told about his fate. Something unique even for BoyToys, Inc.

Mr. Boyton, always eager to be in the middle of all the very unusual projects, entered the room on the heels of Dr. Dogood. I entered just behind. The two boys obviously recognized me with some fear. I smiled.

Dr. Dogood spoke up: "Both of you boys now know what we do here at BoyToys, Inc. We supply specialized and usually modified boys as slaves for our customers. You have both been shown holos of both the process and the finished products. You both know that you will no longer have a future different from the one that we have mapped out for you. Now I will present one of you a choice. You will notice that one of you two is in full restraint. What you both do not know is this. The area of the brain allowing for speech is very precisely located and specific. There are three syringes prepared."

Dr. Dogood showed the three ampoules.

"This blue one will fit precisely into the fitting surgically in place on Pat's head. When the contents of this syringe is discharges into Pat's brain, it will destroy precisely that area of the brain that controls speech."

I didn't notice the fitting until now.

Pat's boyfriend lurched wild-eyed and yelled: "You can't do this. Please, you can't."

That was all he said before he screamed and collapsed in this bonds. He gradually recovered and was warned only to speak when questioned. There evidently was a pain giver attached to his neck collar.

"Before I was interrupted I was saying that neither of you has any choice."

Dr. Dogood attached the syringe to the fitting on a wild-eyed Pat's head fitting and pushed the contents into the boy's brain. He now added: "Within 15 minutes, Pat will never be able to speak again."

His boyfriend, started crying profusely.

"But we have two more syringes. Each contains a gene splice which will attach to appropriate receptor sites in Pat's cells. Each will start the process which we believe will successfully turn Pat into a miniature horse. If you will all look at the holo monitor we will now show a series of representations of our previous experimental successes with cloned bio-dummies."

We stared mesmerized as we watched the gradual transformation of a bio-dummy in the form of a man gradually turned into a horse. I found the process so sexually arousing that my penis was straining against my pant leg and dripping,

Dr. Dogood continued as he went from one holo-view to the next. "As you know, bio-dummies are almost genetic replicas of a genetic human being. They just do not have any cognitive function and are not self aware. But they are great tools in experimental gene-splicing. He have now come far enough to feel totally confident we can make then next step, with a real person. Our only challenge will be to keep the full cognitive function of the human intact as he is transformed. When completed, this horse will have the mind and physiological function of a boy, but will take on the morphology of a horse. There will be some interesting features. The libido of this horse will be so increased – in teen parlance so horny – that it will be forever looking for sex. And when our plan is completed I assure you that its wish for sex will be indulged. Also both boys will be so modified to stay at their ages as we see now."

"I ask you Brian, do you understand what I have said?"

"Please don't do this to him. Do it to me. Please."

I was touched by the boyfriend's willingness to sacrifice himself. I also knew that it was to no avail. Only Pat's genetics would allow the series of gene-splices successfully

"I will assume that you do understand. And I tell you now that this WILL happen. About that you have no choice. Pat will be transformed into the form of a miniature horse, with approximately the same body mass as he has now."

I looked over at Pat and could see both fear and incredulity in his eyes. He attempted to move but of course that was futile.

Dr. Dogood now addressed Brian specifically: "Now Brian, you DO have one choice right now. This green syringe also contains the first stage gene-splice but in addition it also contains a medication that will make the change relatively painless. This red one, however, does not, and the full transformation can be painful indeed. Brain you now have a choice. We will use the green syringe only if you agree to cooperate fully and without complaint. You will be allowed to care for your friend during his transformation. You, yourself will also be modified but this will be minor in comparison. Of course you will be required to fulfill one more requirement. This yellow syringe – a new one made its appearance – contains a new mind control drug. But it has one failing. It can only work IF the person who is injected gives up his free will voluntarily. This process takes about two days. You must choose. The green and the yellow, or the red. Which will it be?"

Brian shook almost uncontrollably and started crying. Finally, gasping as if almost in major pain he whispered: "The green."

Pat, to his horrified eyes, was injected with the green syringe. The process for Brian was actually a bit more complicated. He received the injection from the yellow syringe and then was brought to another room where he was hooked up to a slew of monitors. Then for the next two days was prompted time and again to submit to outside control.

I was told later that although he could still be able to direct his will himself, when asked to do anything by anyone else, he would have absolutely no ability but to do as asked. When I saw a holo of his transformation 10 days later I found it amazing. He acted perfectly normal until told to do something. Whereupon he immediately would do as told even if painful or embarrassing. It was fun to watch.

Four months had passed when I received another invitation from Dr. Dogood. When I arrived at the labs then next day I was escorted into a series of rooms that now housed the two boys.

Brian looked much the same. Though he seemed to have a haunted expression much of the time. He also sported a mammoth erection the entire time I saw him. His testicles were quite enhanced and his penis now sprouted an easy 10 inches [25 cm] with a curiously flattened and enlarged glans. Its shape seemed a bit odd also. His testicles were also about twice their former size and hung low. And I could see that he very much cared for his now partly transformed partner. The boy Pat was now almost unrecognizable to the boy I saw 4 months ago. His face was distorted and a real elongation of his nasal and mouth parts was quite extreme. His body was also covered in a hair like that of a horse. His chest was quite changed and I could see the obvious bulging as would a small horse have. His shoulders also connected far forward and his arms were quite elongated especially his middle digit. His other digits were almost gone. There was even a tiny hoof now visible. The same with his legs. His thighbones have shortened and hugged his body while the other bones were distorted. His middle toe was very hoof like already. I was amazed at the transformation already taken place. He also could not stand and Brian took good care of his cleaning and grooming. As he struggled to find a comfortable position I suddenly got a good look at his genitals. Wow. They looked exactly like those of a horse. Of course on a smaller scale but still! And the penis now was only half retracted. And there was a nub of a tail just above his beautifully puckered anus. Also his skin was different. The texture was more like that of a horse and the color deep brown. And now that I looked closer I could see just the beginnings of a large nose that ended at the front of his elongated snout. The boys lips were also much fatter.

Dr. Dogood said that the process was going well, and in fact was two months ahead of schedule. There were only about six more injections needed. He said that the biggest problem was the boy's skull. They needed to perform a series of surgeries to make sure that the once human brain was unaffected by the skull shape.

The doctor addressed Brian. "Get Pat's next meal."

The boy immediately jumped up and scurried to the next room.

"I find that Brian's mental acquiescence remarkable. He obeys without the slightest hint of rebellion. He is also dedicated to his boyfriend. The combination will give us quite a remarkable sex team. There have been quite a few clients wanting to be fucked and to fuck an animal, but one that is entirely under control and can take complicated instructions. What better way than to start with a boy? Pat will stand at about two and a half feet [75 cm] at the shoulders and should look exactly like a horse that is simply miniaturized. Not like the feeble attempts of breeders to get miniature horses which have their proportions all skewed. We need Brian to take care of him since he will need a lot of continued help. Brain has also been enhanced in the sexual 'aids' department. If you noticed his testicles and penis you no doubt have seen their size and shape. The top of his penis sheath has already started to form. Brain will be sporting a penis and testicle sac exactly like that of a horse also. We will even be able to make it completely retract. So they will make quite a team. They will also be so horny all the time that sex will become their entire focus for the remainder of their lives."

Again I was starting to fantasize about all that sex. Only if I could have that life say for about 1 day out of 10. I wouldn't mind even being the submissive. But I couldn't do it 24/7. Not even 4/4. Oh well.

Brian returned with what looked like a large baby bottle with a penis sized nipple. The doctor explained that Pat, physiologically still had the body of a human boy. He needed the usual human nutrition but with the unfinished change in his mouth parts he needed to feed now from a bottle. After his feeding he made a sort of hoarse grunt and Brian immediately brought over a plastic urinal and the horse-boy relieved himself.

It was almost six months later when I received an electronic holo. I became excited when I saw that it was from Dr. Dogood. I left work early and viewed the holo as soon as I returned home. Sure enough it was of Brian and Pat, the newest of the company experimental BoyToys.

I was delighted at the beautiful animal that Pat had turned into. It was perfectly formed miniature horse about 2½ feet [75 cm] at the withers. The legs and body form were perfect. It was dark brown in color and even Brian, as good as he looked naked, was upstaged. What I also found amusing, the few different sounds that Pat could make were obviously understood by Brian and with the treatment to obey all commands, slavishly obeyed the horse-boy. But it seemed he didn't mind at all. In fact he looked like he was as caring for this horse-boy now as he had been when they were both boys. And also remarkable was that it seemed that the horse-boy was every bit as mentally able – except for not being able to speak – as he was as a boy. Brian would talk to him and the horse-boy obviously understood. This holo was taken at their accommodation at the lab right before their new owner had taken possession. Brian was feeding his 'boyfriend' and they almost seemed to hold a conversation since Pat could apparently get a lot across just with a few vocal sounds and movements of his head and ears. Soon after eating, both boys relieved themselves in a corner commode. Both sported penises and testicles like those of a horse. It was quite erotic seeing them just pee. Before either penis could retract into their respective sheaths, Brian became the sexual aggressor. He jumped onto his horse-boyfriend, pulled his legs out from under him, and was fast onto him in seconds. The horse-boy seemed fine allowing his boyfriend to do his will. Brian grabbed the horse-boy's penis and started stroking it. In seconds it erected to about a thick 10 inches [25 cm]. Small for a real horse, but quite a weapon for a horse-boy. Then Brian engulfed the entire 10 inches [25 cm]. I was startled seeing the entire 10 inches [25 cm] quickly being swallowed. Brian pulled back and with a short gasp for breath and engulfed it again. In merely a few minutes of this same action I finally saw the horse-boy have massive convulsive lunges as he started to spear his friends mouth and throat. I believe that the orgasm must have lasted a full 30 seconds. Brian finally pulled away gasping for breath and dripping semen from his mouth. But he was definitely not finished. The horse-boy stood on all fours as Brian with his own massively erect 'horse'-dick, fully as large as his friend's, took some of the semen dripping down his front and lathered up his penis. He then went to his knees, pulled up the tail of his partner and gradually inserted his horse-shaped penis into the horse-boy's rectum. He started pumping with increased vigor and force and about four minutes later he too had a forceful and intense orgasm. This seemed to last even longer – perhaps about 45 seconds. He slumped over the horse's back for a while and then pulled out. He then went to a sink, wetted a cloth, and wiped both of their penises off as well as other areas of their bodies that needed attention. I was so aroused watching this that I'd cum myself.

The holo seemed to have a stop here but there was another scene. In this one, there were a couple other people in the room giving instructions.

One in a lab coat was prompting them. "Ok now Pat, I want you to lick Brian's penis sheath and testicles until he extends his penis, and then I want you to give him your most expert blow-job as you have been trained to do. And watch your teeth. Remember they extend far into your mouth."

I could hardly believe it. An instructional holo.

The horse-boy's head was at the perfect height. He started licking with his long fat tongue at Brian's testicles and penis sheath and very shortly Brian's mammoth penis started to emerge. The front flat black headed glans came out and seemed to pause there. But further ministrations by Pat's horse tongue, and it continued to emerge and then thicken as it engorged. Then the horse-boy sucked it entirely into his mouth and throat and started sucking. Brian started gasping and moaning within a few minutes started to fuck his horse-friends mouth in earnest. He soon started shuddering and gasping loudly. The orgasm this time seemed to continue for almost a minute as the horse-boy's throat kept sucking at the penis. Finally Brian collapsed onto the floor, and as his penis pulled free, there were copious amounts of cum dribbling from it yet. It seemed that the intensity of the orgasm caused the boy to pass out. He lay still as the horse-boy came over to him and started licking his face. A minute or so later the boy groggily stirred, opened his eyes and pulled the horse-boy on top of himself. They lay in a close embrace when this episode apparently finished. I found it quite stimulating to see what apparently looked like a boy loving a small horse. I had quite an orgasm myself while watching.

But there was a third scene. This one had Dr. Dogood himself, fully naked, sucking on the horse-boy's penis while Brian was sitting behind his boy-horse-friend, with the tail in his right hand held upwards, and his left holding onto one of his legs. He also had his face buried into the horse's black pucker of an anus. Dr. Dogood had his hand squeezing the back half of the huge horse-boy penis with the front half in his quite stuffed mouth. From the horse-boys sounds and quirky movements it looked like that the good doctor was an accomplished artisan of the sucking trade. The doctor then started rotating his hand and his mouth in counter directions. The boyfriend Brian then started sucking and licking far into the horse's ass hole as far as possible. The small horse-boy went wild and finally started rutting forcibly and quickly. Suddenly his entire penis was thrust down the doctors throat. A minute later the doctor was finally able to come off the now flaccid penis gasping for air.

"Holy shit," the doctor moaned, "we will have to warn your future owner boy. And you need to watch what you're doing. We don't need any suffocated customers; bad for future business. Understand boy?"

The horse-boy nodded.

"Good. You definitely need some more training. Ok boy?'

Again the horse-boy nodded in the affirmative.

Brain was cleaning up both himself and the horse-boy. Apparently he had his own immense orgasm while sucking out his horse-boyfriend. Obviously his own sucking ability was not the only conditioning which had been undertaken.

These two were going to make quite a team. And by watching the holo, I could see that the two were not only seemingly resigned to their fate, they seemed quite enthusiastic. This time, when I visited my account, I saw that I did in fact have enough to provide myself with a few hours with several BoyToys at the newly opened SinSity resort, just where this new boy-horse combo were destined in about one week. I made reservations for the week after. I booked an hour with this horse-boy combo. It was expensive but I believed well worth it.

I also booked an hour with the tenth twin boy duo produced by BoyToys, Inc. just a few months ago. (There was quite a demand for this new feature of their catalogue). These twins in SinSity's electronic brochure stated they were of Chinese extraction and only 10 years old. One holo showed one of them leading the other in nearly full restraint and leash into a client's suite of rooms. Another showed one of the boys in full agony under electro-torture. His back and legs showed stripped evidence of a recent flogging. Another view showed them eagerly attending to their clients needs with one was ministering to the client's butt, while the other had the man's large penis totally engulfed. A final view showed the client plowing the cute butt hole of the submissive boy while his twin was making every effort to tongue out the man's own butt hole, his face partly embedded in his clients crack.

My orgasm that night was immense imagining my upcoming visit to this team's ministrations. And other wonders awaiting me at SinSity.

My funds also permitted me a full night with one of their regular boy prostitutes. The one I had reserved was a small black kid not quite 8 years old. The boy was texted to have already a year's experience, and had undergone a recent surgery to enhance his rectal tightness. The text also claimed that he could accommodate both orally and rectally up to a 7 inch [18 cm] penis with a girth of up to 2¼ inches [6 cm]. For once I was glad to be of only slightly larger than average size. This boy was really cute. And quite willing. His smile was electric. But the thing that finally sold me on this particular boy, he responded very well to extreme bondage and mild class one torture. (I read that there would be additional charges commensurate with any time needed for the boy to heal between customers. Sorry, no electro-torture permitted. He was not one of BoyToys enhanced models). He also was supposed to have a specialty. His tongue was quite long for his age and size, and the text said that he liked 'ass holes'. I laughed at the apparent pun.

I also made an appointment to update my medical statement. Of course they would re-test me there but this saved some aggravation.

I was now curious. This was a relatively new place. They even had some sexual units that were produced by BoyToys, Inc.'s main competitor, BoyBots, Inc. These boys apparently had some of the usual surgical and chemical modifications, but their brains were implanted with permanent chips that directed all their activities. They were controlled more like robots. But I was told that some people didn't like their lack of spontaneity. I didn't think I'd like that either. I mean being fully mind-controlled. (I also must confess that some of my fantasies actually include being on the receiving end of a pederast relationship. Too bad I was no longer a kid).