PZA Boy Stories

Steam Train

Juvenile Deterrence

Chapters 23-29

23 – Community Watch

"Are there going to be a lot of people here tonight?" Melissa asked.

"I don't really know," Mr. Green said in a non-committal voice. He suspected from the feedback he had received from Dr Learner that it would be a very well attended meeting even though the notice about tonight's meeting had only been distributed around the immediate local neighbourhood, which encompassed only one block each side of Henson Avenue.

Melissa soon found out that her father's suspicions were well founded. Some cars began pulling up, quickly filling Henson Avenue outside the Green house. Most however as they lived close walked.

Eric watching nervously through a crack in the door from the kitchen thought to himself, 'Geezzz I don't want to have to go in to the meeting naked in front of all these people!'

If Eric was feeling nervous hidden from site in the kitchen, poor Melissa had nowhere to hide, having to greet all the visitors as they arrived, repeating over and over, "Welcome to the Community Watch meeting at the Green household, please come in."

To make matters worse most of the adults attending had brought their children as requested on the flyer. Melissa blushed the deepest shades of red possible as numerous children from her school, sports clubs and street saw her totally naked for the first time. Those attending also included her friends Kathy, Kim and Marcie and all the Henson Street Gang of Rick, Josh, Brady, Teddy, Marco, Justin, Charlie and Joey.

Karen and Megan Prescott from down the street accompanied their mother, father and younger brother Matt to the meeting. The two brats from hell as the boys of the neighbourhood called them were ecstatic at the sight of Megan's fellow classmate totally naked and now obviously flat chested.

As she entered Megan the younger of the two girls at twelve could not resist saying, "What happened to your tits? They were so much bigger last time I saw you. Forget your padding?" This bought giggles from her older thirteen-year-old sister Karen.

When she recovered from her giggles Karen said to her sister, "As flat as a pan cake and as hairless as a baby's bottom." All the blushing Melissa could do was bear it as the two girls broke out into laughter again at their own joke. Luckily there were so many people arriving that the Prescott girls were unable to linger at the door, as they had to make way for the new arrivals behind them.

By the time the meeting was about to start it seemed that Tom had pressed every available chair in the house into service. There were around twenty adults present and over thirty juveniles.

When it seemed that the last guests had arrived and all was in readiness to start the meeting, Melissa came into the kitchen and stood nervously with her brother waiting for the inevitable summons to appear before the assembled neighbours and their children.

From the kitchen both Eric and Melissa could hear the rabble of voices die down and then a lone voice saying, "Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls welcome to this special meeting of your neighbourhood Community Watch," said West Eastbrook Area President Joanne Grinner, opening the meeting.

"As was announced in the flyer we sent to your home, tonight we are going to have a special presentation on the new Government juvenile discipline initiative for the home called 'Taking Back Control' by Dr Milos Learner who is the West Eastbrook Community Watch Honorary Operations Secretary assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Green, the first parents in this local neighbourhood to commence the new initiative."

Mrs. Grinner introduced the presenters then went and found herself a seat ready to listen to the presentation.

Dr Learner talked for ten minutes or so about 'Taking Back Control'. He ran through the ideals that the Government were supporting in this initiative. How the reforms of Ex-President Shelley had changed the world. How crime and unemployment were now virtually non-existent. How indentured servitude (officially the word slavery was never used) had given the economy the much-needed boost to bring prosperity back to the citizens of their good country.

Dr Learner described how the newdd Juvenile Deterrence scheme had very successfully reduced Juvenile crime, now the next step was to encourage stronger and firmer discipline in the household and the classroom. This news was not new too the assembled Juveniles. Most had been informed by their schools about the new Government initiative and a few had even experienced first hand in the last days the consequences of the new rules in school. For the assembled parents however this was new and fertile ground for thought.

"The Government has concluded that the young generation of today lack the strong discipline in the home that most of us adults grew up experiencing. If you have an uppity or disrespectful servant what do you do? You punish them. If your servants don't react immediately to orders, what do you do? You punish them! Why then do you treat disrespectful, naughty disobedient juveniles differently? Juvenile Deterrence has proved that strong humiliating discipline is effective. Taking Back Control uses the same basic tenants to turn your children into the type of juveniles that will stay out of trouble and always do the right thing," Dr Learner said.

"Taking Back Control is all about re-establishing in every household and in every classroom who is in charge, who makes the rules? It's not your children as the Government feels it has often become; it's the adults, parents and teachers who have to take control! In some households this will mean a major upheaval in other households it will not be so great. What it will mean if you adopt this initiative is that adults and only adults will made the rules in your house, rules which have to be obeyed, or else!"

"If your children still defy your rules and commands then the Community Guardians will be available to assist you in disciplining your children," Dr Learner informed the attentive crowd.

The mention of the Guardians and discipline bought a gasp from the assembled juveniles but nods of support from most of the parents.

Dr Learner continued, "Discipline within the household should follow the standards set by Juvenile Deterrence. Hand spankings on the bare bottom are to be encouraged."

"This Government initiative encourages that modesty and privacy for juveniles is a privilege, not a right. Nude time is to be encouraged both as a form of punishment and also simply as a means to reduce excessive modesty even when no punishment is required. Examination requests within the newdd guidelines will be encouraged within the confines of your household or other private locations like the classroom either as a punishment or as a means of reducing excessive modesty."

"Taking Back Control," continued Dr Learner, "is all about encouraging a focus on discipline to prevent your children ever becoming slaves."

"Taking Back Control ladies and gentlemen is as the name suggests, all about 'control'. Your children need to learn that you now control everything in their life even their dress and their modesty," said Dr Learner.

Feeling the time was now right Dr Learner asked Mrs. Green if she would be so kind as to introduce her two younger children who were being punished under the initiative to the meeting.

Mrs. Green exited to the kitchen to collect her two naked children.

As soon as she entered the kitchen Eric piped up immediately, "Come on mum, don't make me do this, there's girls and boys in there some of them are even from my class and grade."

"Mom, Eric's right, see those kids over there?" Mel nodded in the direction of Megan and two other girls in the far corner, "They're all in my grade, and I don't want them to see me naked again. It'll be so embarrassing."

"Well, get ready to be embarrassed because that is one of the aims of this programme," Mrs. Green replied. "Now in you two go and stand next to Dr Learner and keep those hands of yours on your head so everyone can get a good look at you!"

Daniel was glad his duties were to help Tom in the kitchen, though he knew that he was expected to help carry the trays of finger food around the lounge room after the meeting was finished. Those that had not already seen him naked would then get their chance.

The two furiously blushing children were forced to walk out and stand naked in front of their neighbours. This was the first time that anyone in the room except his close friends had seen Eric and lots of murmurs could be heard from the audience.

Dr Learner introduced Mr. and Mrs. Green who in turn introduced Eric and Melissa to the meeting.

All the eyes of the audience looked over at the two naked Green juveniles. They were flushed with embarrassment. The younger kids in the room pointed and giggled.

"As you can see," said Mrs. Green, "my two younger children are still somewhat embarrassed to have their not so private parts exposed to the world, but they'll get used to it as time goes on. As the programme psychologists have highlighted, our children are far too modest about their bodies. Less modesty will mean that it helps our children adapt quickly if they should suffer the misfortune to be made newdd's. A quick acceptance of public nudity because they are comfortable with their bodies will mean that they settle into their newdd sentence easier and quicker and will be far less likely to re offend and suffer even more serious consequences. That is every parents nightmare, so I commend to you all 'Take Back Control' and ensure as much as you can that your children are saved from any chance of possible enslavement!"

Mr. Green then proceeded to inform the audience of the actions his wife and he had taken to Take Back Control. By the time the explanation was finished and then Dr Learner had extolled the assembled parents to themselves take back control, the room was buzzing with murmurs and comments.

The adults seemed mainly enthused and the juveniles less than pleased.

Mrs. Nichols the mother of fifteen-year-old Heather and thirteen-year-old Mathew, both of whom accompanied her asked, "Don't you think Dr Learner what you're encouraging us to do is disgusting and immoral. It almost seems to me that the Government is encouraging the abuse of juveniles with this initiative as you call it."

Dr Learner replied, "I'm sorry you feel that way, but what the initiative as you call it is trying to do is prevent each and every parent's nightmare, the enslavement of their child. If it were my own child I would rather take back control now than loose my child forever when they get older."

There was almost total agreement with those sentiments.

The discussion continued around the room some parents felt their children should not be humiliated in such a way as the 'Taking Back Control' initiative proposed. Others argued that children constantly did things that humiliated adults and had been doing so for years; it was time to turn that around and take back control.

One father asked of Mrs. Green, "I bet your children do not support your actions. Aren't you worried they will grow to hate you out of this humiliating punishment?"

"You're right," Mrs. Green replied, "they don't like it, but my husband and I are now firmly in-charge at our house. We make the rules, the kids don't. They also don't like to help out around the house, but does that mean I shouldn't make them do so? They would love to drive to school, should I give them the keys to our car? After talking the programme over with Dr Learner I am convinced that they will grow into accepting why Owen and I have taken back control."

"I was wondering the same thing," a mother, Mrs. Ridge said to the father who asked the last question, "about my seven-year-old daughter Carla and my twelve-year-old son Brian's feelings. I suppose I shouldn't be worrying so much about their feelings as I am. They know I love them and if I was to punish them, it was because of my love for them nothing else."

"Precisely," said Mrs. Green

"But how will I know if this new initiative will work for them too?" the mother asked, "they both certainly need being bought back under control, especially my twelve-year-old son."

"How will you know if it works?" Dr Learner interjected, "simple take back control, tell your son, is that him there (pointing to the boy sitting next to the lady) to pull down his pants to get ready for a spanking this instance. If you need too, ask for a Guardian to help and tell Brian you'll use the Guardian if he doesn't do it, then when he is naked put him over your knee and spank him long and hard."

"Has he started puberty yet?" Dr Learner asked the mother, "because the Governments psychologists have said in their review of this programme that if the boy hasn't reached puberty, this programme is at it's most effective, of course it is still effective with older juveniles but they can take longer to train and accept that the rules have now changed."

"How would I know if he's started puberty? I don't get into the bedroom or bathroom while he's naked, he locks the door, he hasn't let me see him naked for at least two years," the mother said.

"Mum please, don't talk about private things like that in front of strangers," the blushing boy sitting beside her interjected.

"See," said Dr Learner, "much too modest he needs taking back under control."

"Yes I see what you mean, up on your feet Brian and strip!" the mother commanded.

This command bought much comment from the assembled adults and much giggling from the juveniles and a swift reply from Brian, "No fucking way am I getting naked in the middle of a bunch of strangers, so just stop this now mum," snapped Brian at his mother.

This was a bad move by Brian because before he knew what was happening two Guardians who had been sitting over near the entry hall moved across the room towards the startled boy.

"Would you like our help mam," they asked the mother.

"Yes thank you, strip him naked," the mother ordered.

Brian had no time to react to his mothers order. The Guardians immediately grabbed him and began stripping the soon struggling boy, removing all of his clothes. All too soon the blushing, sobbing boy, was standing naked in front of his beaming seven-year-old sister Carla and the assembled crowd, his hairless groin sporting a raging hard on, in all of its three inch [7½cm] glory. Brian was four months short of thirteen and he never gave anyone the chance to see him naked, not even his mother, now even his balls, which were no bigger than marbles were on display for everyone to see!

"This fucking sucks!" Brian screamed out, his hands trying to cover himself up but prevented from doing so by the Guardians. "I know the law; I can't be undressed in public unless I'm convicted by a court!"

"Mind your language son and that's not quite true," responded Dr Learner, "you are not in public, this is a private invite only meeting so 'Taking Back Control' can take place."

One of the guardians went over and grabbed his chair then positioned it in front of the audience and before Brian could react he was laid across the guardians lap. He tried to be brave but as his hairless penis swung down and his knees wobbled, his tough exterior pose hid the true terror inside him. He was more frightened of the humiliating exhibition he was about to make of himself in front of his friends and neighbours than the actual pain.

The Guardian began a sustained spanking of Brian's boyishly muscular bottom with his heavy hand and soon had Brian contorting his body in agony as the burning pain spread through his buttocks. Brian's legs flailed the air and before long he could not contain his shamefully high pitched yells and screams as the spanking went on and on. Finally after a horribly long time, Brian was dumped off the Guardians lap and he performed the dance of the spanked in front of the assembled crowd not caring anymore how ridiculous he looked.

Brian's sister Carla was giggling at his humiliating dance of the spanked and to add to his misery Brian's mother informed him that from now on as 'Taking Back Control' recommended he would be naked every evening after dinner till bed time to control his excessive modesty.

"Great," said his sister on hearing this news.

"Don't you think you have missed out on all this miss," said Mrs. Ridge to her daughter Carla, "From tonight when we get home you too will be naked every evening after dinner till bed time and you're very fortunate that you're not getting your little bottom spanked right now too! In fact till we leave here remove your clothes and join your brother naked. Any complaints and you will be spanked as well."

Carla burst into tears but quickly removed her clothes not wanting a spanking like she had just witnessed her older brother receive. Carla was a blonde haired, blue-eyed, freckle-faced kid and soon she was as naked as her brother exposing her practically shapeless body with small totally flat nipples and between her legs her utterly hairless vulva.

To much agreement and nodding of heads from the other adults present Brian and Carla were informed by their mother that they were to bath every night immediately after dinner, a bath that in the future they would share and that the mother would supervise. They would both then remain naked till Mrs. Ridge decided it was bedtime.

Brian began to protest but was cut short by his mother who threatened, "We can all now see your still a little boy not a man and so, as Dr Learner has pointed out, you should learn quickly still being prepubescent. However, if you don't like the new rules and don't learn quickly that the rules have changed then I am happy to apply to the courts for a newdd to be issued for you."

This threat was enough, Brian blushing profusely stood there quietly, still fiercely rubbing his burning behind.

There were many suppressed giggles at his antics but noticeable in not even attempting to be sympathetic at the poor boys plight were Karen and Megan Prescott. Both the girls taunted Brian out load in front of everyone assembled in the lounge room about his loss of privileges, his hairless little boy genitals and his red spanked bottom.


Taking back Control by Nialos Learning. Play a Little, Pay a Lot by Sir Cum Sizemore.

24 – Taking Back Control

Megan Prescott was in the same class as Brian Ridge and was already relishing the thought of telling everyone at school tomorrow about what she now knew about Brian. Karen who was a grade ahead of Brian was equally relishing Brian's total humiliation.

Dr Learner, however, was not impressed with the Prescott girl's attitude and outbursts, so taking the initiative himself, he asked George Prescott the girl's father if he would like the Guardians to help him take back control of his disrespectful daughters or was he going to do it by himself.

"What?" uttered a shocked Karen at Dr Learner's comments.

Put in such a way in front of all his adult peers George Prescott felt he had to take affirmative action and take back control so he said, "Yes Dr Learner, I think I could use some guardian help, especially as there are two of them."

Megan was at first deadly quite, slowly turning a pale deathly white colour as fear began to seep through her body. "No daddy please don't do that," she begged in a very meek voice.

"Fuck that's bull shit dad, this whole Taking Back Control thing sucks," screamed out Karen.

"I can do it and I shall do it," an emboldened Mr. Prescott replied.

Two guardians moved over to the two girls and quickly grabbed hold of one each.

They invited the father and mother to remove their daughters clothing before they would be soundly spanked. The younger Prescott, eight-year-old Matt looked on overawed by this wonderful turn of events. He had little love of either of his sisters due to the way they treated him. This was revenge at its sweetest.

Matt was not the only one enjoying Karen and Megan's sudden loss of power and status. Eric and Melissa couldn't keep the smiles off their faces as the local bitches finally got what they deserved.

Likewise Daniel peering at the developing scene from the kitchen felt his penis harden as the excitement of seeing these two girls stripped quickly mounted. In fact just about all the assembled juveniles knew the two girls and had suffered at their hands; they too were relishing their demise!

Both girls realised that life had suddenly changed for them. Their days of being dominating forceful bitch's had ended, their parents had truly begun to take back control.

Whilst Mr. Prescott began stripping the clothing off his daughter Karen, Mrs. Prescott began doing the same to Megan.

"Please no daddy, stop please," Karen begged sounding anything but the confident bitch she had been only moments earlier.

Megan was equally mortified at her mother's actions and like wise begged profusely to be spared from being stripped in front of everyone.

This of course did not happen and soon Mr. Prescott had stripped off Karen's shoes, socks, blouse and jeans. When he slowly undid the hooks on her plain white bra and slid it off, Karen's small, upthrust, pink nippled breasts were visible for the first time for everyone to look at.

Mrs. Prescott was just as thorough with Megan and had removed her tiny white training bra exposing a pale body with flat little girl nipples and breasts. This left Megan wearing nothing but her white knickers.

Karen's panties were quickly removed revealing a thin fringe of sparse golden blonde hair that barely covered her still prominent slit. Her sister Megan's white knickers suffered the same fate revealing a hairless slit, totally unconcealed by the very light, sparse and thin growth of almost invisible blonde peach fuzz hair.

Mr. Prescott sat on the chair provided and with his daughter securely held over his lap by the guardian he raised his hand and began to spank his pubertal daughter's fat little bottom. Karen kicked and struggled, wept and wailed!

The audience were enjoying watching the utterly naked thirteen-year-old having her bottom soundly spanked while she wriggled wildly and kicked her legs about without concern for the intimate views she gave her audience of her pink puffy pussy lips and a clit that was well developed and prominent. All of which clearly showed through her sparse golden blond pubic hair.

Megan too was stretched right across a lap, but in her case it was the lap of the Guardian who had held her. He slapped her naked bottom hard all over from top to bottom from left to right. Megan behaved much as her sister had, kicking her slender legs and yelling at the top of her voice. Like Karen her squirming bottom opened enough to reveal her puckered bum hole and a view all the way around to her exposed pretty pink twat splayed open in front of the audience for all to see her delicate pink labia which led into a still immature developed pussy with an average sized clit.

Both girls received a thorough spanking before being released to stand there in front of everyone, tears running down their cheeks, as they jumped up and down on the spot frantically rubbing their burning red behinds.

There were only a few dissenting voices to all this action.

The words 'Immoral', 'Shocking!' and 'Disgraceful!' could be heard but the vast majority supported the new Government initiative, much to the delight of Dr Learner.

Many of the other parents also took the practical examples given to the meeting to heart.

"Our three are going to be next," an enthusiastic husband said to his wife while their three children a thirteen-year-old girl and boys of eleven and nine looked at each other in shocked disbelief.

One mother quickly stripped her two prepubescent children and had a guardian spank her eleven-year-old son while her naked nine-year-old daughter stood by shivering with fear as she awaited the same fate.

Another father tucked his ten-year-old daughter over his lap, pushed up her skirt and pulled down her panties, and then he spanked her bare bottom as she screamed and kicked and her mother looked on approvingly.

Mrs. Nichols the mother of the fifteen-year-old daughter and thirteen-year-old son who had earlier had reservations about the initiative apparently was now satisfied in her own mind about Taking Back Control.

Her struggling fifteen-year-old daughter Heather stood in the grip of a guardian while her mother calmly removed her skirt, tight fitting tank top and then took off her bra and panties to leave her bare naked with the promise of her first ever spanking to come. Heathers pert well rounded breasts with their prominent nipples and dark pink areola were plainly visible but her most private of female places was well hidden by a thick forest of dark pubic hairs.

Her brother's eyes were popping out of his head at the never before revealed sight of his sister naked, his high spirits were soon to be dampened however as his mother said, "I don't know what you're smirking about Mathew, it's your turn next, and yes, you will be naked too."

"Oh, no, mom, please, don't do that to me in front of all these people," pleaded Mathew.

"I most certainly will," responded the mother. "You know very well from what Dr Learner has just informed all of us that starting today modesty and privacy for kids your age is a privilege, not a right. So while you're waiting your turn start stripping, I want you naked by the time Heather's spanking is completed"

Mathew was now trembling visibly from this news as he slowly removed his shoes and socks, then his polo shirt revealing his hairless chest and pits. His narrow waist came into view as he removed his trousers. A thin sheen of perspiration had formed on his chest as he stood trembling, his eyes down cast and his bottom-lip quivering acutely aware of his erection, which tented the thin cotton underpants.

Matthew covered his tented underpants with both hands, pushing his bottom backwards and almost crossing his legs. Mrs. Nichols noticed his modesty and ordered, "Take those off now young man and stand up straight."

Mrs. Nichols waited for the boy to obey. She tapped her foot and folded her arms as if impatient. She felt a thrill run through her body and a tingling between her legs as she watched her son stand straight and reluctantly uncover himself and place his hands on either side of his waist. Mathew shivered uncontrollably as he slid his thumbs down inside the waist of his underpants and slowly pulled them down until his erect penis sprung upwards as it was freed from the confines of the underpants.

Matthew revealed a large penis for such a young boy. His four and a quarter inch [11cm] erection with its smooth bulbous circumcised head was topped by a much less impressive thin ring of dark brown pubic hairs which semi circled the upper base of his penis. As Mathews penis was completely erect and pointing upwards toward the ceiling his hairless plump testicles and stretched scrotum were plainly visible.

He stood there blushing profusely as his most private of secrets was exposed. Mathew's shame only slightly lessened by the sight of his sister Heather draped over the lap of one of the Guardians kicking and screaming as her virgin bottom received it's first ever spanking. And what a sight it was for Mathew as Heather kicked and flayed her legs apart as she lost all semblance of her posh voice and screamed, desperate to try and relieve some of the pain she was experiencing, Heather's puffy and red cunt lips were exposed from their protective cover of pubic hairs revealing that her clit and labia were well developed and each fold was well defined against her pinkish white skin.

The Guardian showed no mercy despite Heather's pleas and when she was finally released her dance around the room hollering and crying as she furiously rubbed her burning behind was judged the best 'Dance of the Spanked' of the night so far.

Poor Mathew suffered an even worse fate as not only did he holler and scream and beg for mercy but his erect and aroused penis and very full testicles could stand no more arousal and in front of everyone he began to near an orgasm. The boy's wail of anguish and his shuddering body signalled to his Guardian spanker his approaching climax. The guardian quickly suspended his spanking and lifted him up off his lap.

Standing naked before everyone Mathew's body shivered and shook as his body now with a mind of its own stimulated by his own uncontrollable thrusting reached a humiliating climax of orgasm. Mathew raised his head and wailed aware of the utter humiliation of being forced to ejaculate in public. He seemed to have lost any semblance of control over his body; such was the intensity of his ejaculation. Spurt after spurt of semen shot out of his penis onto the floor in front of the fascinated crowd.

Tom ever the reliable servant soon appeared and cleaned up Mathew's mess.

As soon as that spectacle was over Mathew's spanking continued till he too was dancing around the room like his sister before him.

Eric and Melissa were awestruck at others being made nude just like them and very soon they were becoming far less conscious of their own nudity and intent on observing the steady stream of newly naked bodies that were appearing in the room.

Daniel likewise along with Tom were constantly peeping through the kitchen door into the lounge room to see what was happening. Even Tom with all his training felt the urge to see all the action unfolding.

The parents of all the boys in the Henson Street Gang were also enthusiastically behind the new initiative. Rick, Josh, Brady, Charlie and Joey had made their first Juvenile Court appearances yesterday and were awaiting their medical examinations tomorrow and then the inevitable newdd sentencing on Friday. The parents of these juveniles all decided that some early practise at being nude would do them good and besides all the dads concerned were eager to let out some of their frustration about their children's brush with the law on their naked behinds.

Very soon all five were standing naked before their fathers and mothers. This would be the last time for some months that most of them would be able to present their bodies in their total glory as their visit to the doctors tomorrow for their pre sentencing examination would undoubtedly denude them of all their proud adolescent body hair.

Brady was the tallest, but was a few months from being the oldest of the group. He was a very well developed fifteen-year-old, balls fat and full; penis not yet a full adult size, but well on the way; a very thick pubic bush with a prominent happy trail, pit hair and spreading leg and arm hair. The two oldest boys, Rick and Charlie were not too far behind him in development.

Thirteen-year-old Joey the youngest of the boys, and the smallest at just over five feet [1.50m] tall, had a ball sack that wasn't yet very fat, but had begun to hang down a little. His penis showed no sign of impending development, being hardly bigger than little boy size. He had a very small, sparse dusting of public hair only on the top of his cock, pubic hair that really couldn't even be seen unless you were standing close bye.

Josh who was a 9th grade freshman at high school was older at fourteen years of age and a little taller than Joey. However when he was made to undress there were gasps of surprise as everyone got their first look at his totally bald cock and balls. His cock was no bigger than Eric's two-inch [5cm] specimen and his prepubescent balls were equally as small and tight. In compensation he did have the cutest ass of all the boys standing there naked.

Kathy, Kim, Marcie, Teddy, Justin and Marco fared little better.

Kathy as she had confessed to her friends last Sunday was only on the verge of puberty. Her pink nipples rested on a tiny swell of breast. She was the shortest of the girls but had nicely shaped legs and thighs. Her hairless slit was slightly pronounced and there was a hint of pink pussy lips.

Of the girls Kim put on the biggest tantrum at being stripped naked. She pleaded it was treating her like their family slaves. This outburst only bought a promise from her mother that from tonight wearing clothes was a privilege not a right and that Kim was to be naked every day till further notice from the time she returned home from school till bath time. The sobbing girl looked like she wanted to find a hole and crawl into it, she was so miserable at this news about her loss of status. Her mother had certainly taken back control of her life!

Both Kim and Marcie when they were stripped naked revealed that they had small rounded boobs with light pink nipples. Marcie's were a little bigger. Kim's pussy was as bald as Kathy's even though her tits had started to grow. Kim's pussy lips were small and the folds of her vagina looked a little lighter than Marcie's who's slit was fringed with the smallest strip of wispy brown pubic hair though she had not yet grown enough hair to hide her lips from view.

Teddy and Justin had well developing bodies just like their friends Rick and Charlie and Justin even had a few hairs on his chest, whilst Marco though a little less developed, presented a charming site, especially to Daniel who was peeking from the kitchen. His long dark shoulder length hair was tied back, nestling against the back of his neck, a hairless chest, small patches of dark pit hair, a few hairs that had begun growing on his ball sack and above his erect four inch [10cm] penis there was a thick but not yet spreading pubic bush accompanied by a lovely peach fuzz happy trail that had begun to run towards his navel.

Methodically all the newly naked juveniles were spanked provoking extra loud cries and bawling from each of them in turn, much to the amusement of the audience who could sense how each spank and each cry lowered the juveniles status as their parents took back control.

Eventually all the parents who were so inclined had well and truly 'Taken Back Control'. More than thirty naked juveniles now had far redder bottoms and their manners and behaviour were instantly improved.

In thanking the parents and children for their attendance Dr Learner also encouraged the parents to use the opportunity of all the naked juveniles being together to start breaking down their excessive modesty and soon there were reasonable requests to examine most of the profusely blushing miscreants. In no time at all, the red blush on the bodies of the examined matched the red of their burning bottoms. Both adults and naked juveniles were soon examining other naked juveniles. The excessive modesty that most had bought into the room at the beginning of the meeting was very quickly fading away!

Daniel and Tom now circulated freely amongst the crowd serving finger food and drinks. For Daniel this was a better experience than expected. He was wearing an apron as he was serving food; this gave him a skerrick of privacy, more than most of the juveniles in the room currently enjoyed.

At one point Daniel found himself serving Marco over near the kitchen door. He couldn't help glancing again at Marco's body. Marco noticed this and also noticed that Daniel's semi-erect dick immediately rose to a full erection betraying its owner's arousal at seeing Marco naked.

"We need to talk some time Daniel," Marco stated.

"Umm ok I guess," Daniel responded with uncertainty.

"At school tomorrow we can find a quite place, ok?" Marco asked.

"Yeah ok but why, I'm a slave, you're not, why risk being seen with me?"

"Because I like you ok, we will talk about it tomorrow ok, not here where we will be heard."

"Like me? You mean 3;" Daniel began to ask.

"Shhhhh 3; Tomorrow please," Marco begged blushing.

"Oh yeah ok, right, um yeah sure," a flustered Daniel stuttered out.

At the end of the meeting as all the naked juveniles were allowed to redress before going home, Megan Prescott could not find her training bra. She searched everywhere and asked around the room if anyone had seen it. Joey made sure his souvenir was firmly hidden in the pocket of his pants where he had secretly hidden it earlier in the evening before he himself lost those same pants.

Megan's mother on hearing her daughters pleas for help stopped her daughter and said, "Don't worry about that tiny little training bra Megan; you don't need to wear a bra yet. I am in control of your dress now, so until such time as I decide, you will not be wearing a bra."

Megan was passing Melissa looking for her bra when her mother made her new pronouncement and Mel could not stop herself from taking revenge about the comments Megan made about her flat chest and lack of bra on the way to school on Monday. In a whisper so she was not heard Megan said, "Why your tits are no bigger than mine Megan Prescott, and it sounds like you won't be wearing a bra either for some time yet!"

Karen on hearing her mother's edict got the giggles and said, "flattie," to torment her sister, but unlike Melissa, Karen made no effort to hide the comment.

"Karen," her mother rebuked, "Your little 'A' cup tits don't need a bra for support either, take your bra off this instance and like your sister you will not be wearing a bra till such time as I decide it's needed."

"Mummy please all the girls in 8th grade wear bras," Karen pleaded.

"Not any more they don't," Mrs. Prescott informed her distraught daughter.

Slowly, too much renewed blushing Karen removed her blouse and undid her bra, slipping it off her body.

Mrs. Prescott to everyone's surprise then informed her daughter, "As soon as we get home tonight miss, you will be having naked time and little girls who don't deserve bra's do not deserve to have any pubic hair either. Like your bra privileges I will now decide when you can grow your pubic hair!"

"Oh mummy no pleaseeee," Karen pleaded, "I will be the laughing stock of the girls in the grade in the change rooms at school and what if my teacher decides to use me for taking back control, it will be so humiliating I will look like a little girl!"

"Precisely my girl," Mrs. Prescott responded.

Owen Green found himself aroused at the thought of this girl's pubic shaving and secretly wished to see her humiliation so he kindly offered to assist.

"George and Mabel seeing Karen is almost naked again already and as it is getting late why don't you take back full control right now." Giving Karen's parents no time to object Mr. Green ordered Eric to run upstairs and fetch his razor and shaving cream.

"Well you heard Mr. Green," Mr. Prescott informed his daughter, "Get those jeans and panties back off too!"

Eric very quickly returned with his father's shaving gear and to his absolute amazement was asked by Mrs. Prescott would he like to do the honours.

Needless to say Eric was only too happy to accept the offer. His raging small erection told everyone he was going to really enjoy this experience.

Karen begged like a little girl not to be shaved. She promised to be very, very good from now onwards. Eric responded that he must follow her mother's orders or he would end up in trouble himself.

Mrs. Prescott had Karen lie on the lounge room floor, legs spread so everyone could see her most intimate of parts. Eric covered her thatch of sparse golden blonde pubic hair with shaving cream and then he very gently shaved Karen as smooth as a baby's bottom. Eric was very through and did it twice, off course, this enabled him to inspect Karen very thoroughly, both visually and tactilely.

Megan standing to the side watching her older sisters pubes being denuded felt great satisfaction. Since she had started to grow pubes, Karen had lauded the fact over her, now her sister was looking just like a hairless little girl down there where it mattered.

Like Joey before him, Eric hid Karen's discarded bra as a souvenir behind a lounge when no one was looking, so he could hide it in a safer place at a later time.

For both Karen and Megan the loss of bra privileges was terrible news. Their bras were their outward and noticeable signs of maturity; now without them they felt like they had been demoted back to little girls, and Karen's new hairless groin added to this perception.

To Eric's surprise and delight his shaving duties did not end there. Mrs. Nichols still greatly annoyed at her son Mathew's lack of sexual control earlier was so enthused by the Prescott's actions that she ordered her son Mathew to strip again and lie on the lounge room floor with his legs spread wide totally exposing his raging four and a quarter inch [11cm] erection, his hairless plump scrotum and his thin ring of dark brown pubic hairs which semi circled the upper base of his penis.

Eric with great relish soon covered Mathews sparse ring of pubic hair with shaving cream and then like Karen he very gently shaved Mathew as smooth as a baby's bottom.

Mathews sister Heather looked on with a worried look on her face, concerned that she would be the next to be denuded but to her relief this fate did not eventuate.

By the time all the guests departed with their redressed children it was late. Eric and Mel were sent off to bed and Mr. and Mrs. Green soon followed, leaving the servants Tom and Daniel to clean up the mess and wash dishes before they too could bed down for the night.

Daniel though he was tired lay awake for some time. The though of all the naked bodies of his friends and neighbours, then Marco's comments on top of that, had his mind reeling and sleep did come easily and when it finally did it was very disturbed.


Taking back Control by Nialos Learning. Play a Little, Pay a Lot by Sir Cum Sizemore. Children Of The Church by Nap.

25 – Special Friend

Thursday started off just like the previous weekdays.

Daniel rose early to assist Tom in preparing breakfast and ensuring the rest of the household started the day with as little hassle as possible.

The first real change came when Daniel was surprised to hear conversation between his mother and father at the breakfast table as he served his family. Both his mother and father had accepted an offer from Dr Learner to join the local Guardians.

They would only assist with 'Taking Back Control' issues, not other community watch issues like misbehaving slaves and criminal activity. Still up until this time his father in particular had always seemed very anti slavery and anything to do with it, including the Community Guardians.

The next change came on the walk to the bus stop. There was no sign of the Prescott girls. When Mel, Eric and Daniel arrived at the bus stop nearly all the children were very subdued. Only a couple of the kids not been at the Green household last night and they were soon informed in hushed whispers by their friends, why everyone was so subdued.

When Megan and Karen Prescott arrived at the bus stop accompanied by their brother, their lack of bras was obvious and this immediately brightened not just Melissa but just about everyone else at the bus stop. All had suffered from their bullying at some time or the other. Karen in particular looked to be very stiff in her walk and was sort of waddling up the street. Mel had seen Daniel do a similar walk after his first spanking in the processing room after his sentencing.

"Sore bum Karen? I'm guessing your parents have really taken back control," Mel said with relish, enjoying the chance for revenge after copping with it for so long.

"Shut your face Green," Karen replied angrily.

"Looks like you got it right, Mel," Eric replied with a giggle.

"She sure did," replied Matt Prescott, their younger brother, "Dad gave her an awesome bare bottom thrashing this morning cause she didn't make her bed, put her dirty clothes away and on top of that she tried to sneak out of the house wearing a bra which Megan and her are banned from wearing till they grow up!"

Matt's revelation brought giggles from the assembled crowd and huge blushes from Karen and Megan.

Brian Ridge, who had been very interested the pervious mornings in making reasonable requests, was equally subdued and made no attempt to approach Daniel. Mathew Nichols, Brian's partner in crime in the matter of reasonable requests, along with his sister Heather were equally quiet, mortified that just about everyone at the bus stop had seen then naked and spanked. Mathew even more so as he had ejaculated in front of them. He had also been shaved like Karen Prescott of his meagre covering of pubic hairs in front of most of them as well as being spanked.

The ride to school was different as well. Most kids were their usual boisterous selves, the true impact of 'Taking Back Control' had yet to impact upon most of them. However, the kids from Daniel's bus stop were much quieter.

As far as school was concerned Daniel was a quick learner and when he arrived at school he immediately made sure he stayed with the other newdd's and this avoided him attracting too much attention. Daniel's good start to the day took a turn for the worse when during his first period English class; a student messenger arrived with a note requesting him to visit Mr. Anderson, the Deputy Principal, at the end of the period.

Daniel instantly knew this meeting with the Deputy Principal would not be good news.

All newdd's were given special duties as Mr. Anderson had advised on Monday morning in his induction speech. Daniel was convinced already that his 'special' duties were about to be expanded.

Daniel was correct and it wasn't good news! On Daniel's arrival at Mr. Anderson's office, he was quickly advised that on Friday he was being excused from the first period after lunch so he could assist as a model for the 11th grade advanced art class. This was a duty rotated as required amongst all the newdd students. To make matters worse, Mr. Anderson advised him that he was also nominated along with his fellow new newdd's from the previous two weeks, the coming week and his own week, to visit William Alternator Middle School to assist Friday week with the 7th and 8th Grade sex education classes from the first period.

Todd and Greg had told him they had been sent to do similar duties; in fact all the newdd's he had spoken to at school had been nominated to go to all the surrounding schools to do different class groups. Greg had been sent to Piney Hills Middle School and Todd to Eastbrook Middle School to do their particular sessions.

Daniel knew he was in line for similar requests but doing his time at William Alternator Middle School would be different as the school had been featured on the local radio station and the local paper only this week. The schools parents association had voted to support 'Taking Back Control' by adopting a practise of having all the male students undress down to their underpants upon entering the classroom. The parents had decided that as the wearing of clothes in the home and classroom was now considered a privilege not a right, that all the boys who were the main discipline problems at the school. They would be required to strip to their underpants during class. Girls were not causing a problem and they were granted the privilege of remaining fully dressed unless they offended in class.

The proposal was being considered by the District School Board and according to the newspapers and the radio the proposal was expected to be approved. Daniel wondered what scene would greet him Friday week when he was forced to attend the school.

At lunch, Daniel sat with his fellow newdd's and passed on the news of his selected tasks. Some of the newdd girls in the group had served time in the art class but none of the current crop of newdd guys had experienced this embarrassment first hand. Many relayed tales of how embarrassing it was. The girls who had done it quickly supported these sentiments, giving details of very exposed poses that provided intimate views of the models most private parts!

Daniel's friends Rick, Charlie, Brady and Josh were no longer at school that lunch period, all having left as soon as the lunch bell rang to attend their pre-sentencing medical examinations that afternoon. This left Teddy, Justin and Marco free to sit where they chose, not being under the threat of Juvenile Deterrence. Daniel did not notice any of them at all until half way through the break when Marco appeared before him and asked, could he talk in private.

Poor Daniel tried to look nonchalant but he could feel his face blushing and his penis erecting. He just hoped the other newdd's did not find Marco's request unusual. They didn't in fact, as they all knew Marco was one of Daniel's close friends and were glad that he was not being totally shunned by his friends like some of them had been once they were made newdd's.

Marco and Daniel found a quiet spot in the courtyard outside the canteen and Daniel sat on the garden wall trying to hide his erection in the fold of his lap. Daniel waited, not speaking, as he didn't know quite how to start the conversation. Marco soon broke the ice.

"Do you like me Daniel?" he asked not mucking about.

"Sure we're best friends again aren't we?" Daniel responded knowing what Marco meant but unable to go there.

"You know what I mean Daniel. I saw how you erected when you saw me last night, and you're erect again now," Marco said.

"Gee Marco I don't know, I can't hide the fact that I erect when I see you especially last night when I saw you naked for the first time. But I erect when I see a lot of guys. Do you think that means I'm gay?" Daniel asked.

"Man I suffer the same thing all the time. There are so many hot looking guys around. Do you get the same when you see chicks naked?" Marco asked.

"A bit, I sure did last night especially watching the girls I know like the Prescott girls and Heather Nichols get stripped and punished, but even then I was even more aroused seeing Brian Ridge and Mathew Nichols stripped and punished. What about you?" Daniel asked.

"Same," said Marco. "So do you like me Daniel? I confess I have liked you in a special way for the last few years." Marco blushed as he finally got up the courage to tell Daniel his secret desires to his face.

"Marco, I don't know. I'm new to this. I think I like guys more than girls, but gee I don't know if I like guys that much," Daniel replied.

"I've never done anything with a guy either but I have dreamed of doing things with you and then you get yourself made a newdd. I tell you Daniel, I had the greatest orgasm of my life Saturday after I got home from seeing you naked for the first time. I'm not 'out' Daniel but I'm pretty sure I'm gay orientated. Still anything we did would have to be private and real confidential. I don't know how my parents would react, but I would really like to show you how much I like you if you will let me?"

Marco nudged Daniel's leg subtly to encourage him but not so anyone would notice.

"I really have a crush on you Daniel; I can't expect you to crave me like I crave you but if you let me I will try to make you happier than you have ever been in your life. I don't care if you're a newdd or whatever. You're my friend and I love you Daniel, I want and crave you, please let me share my feelings with you."

Daniel made as if to whisper in Marco's ear, pulling his face close to his face and with a quick glance to ensure no one was staring at them, whispered in his ear, "Let's suck it and see." He quickly gave Marco a quick peck on his cheek.

Marco blushed profusely but also had the greatest of beaming smiles, unable to hide his delight. He had dreamed of this moment but was always too shy to tell Daniel how he felt. He also had convinced himself that Daniel would be 'straight' and any revelation would end their friendship.

Daniel was very aroused. He wasn't sure about this. He knew his dad did things with Tom but that was very private and sex with slaves was different. That was a masters right. Gay sex between free citizens was a totally different thing. Then there was the current issue of him being a newdd. That might allow Marco to do certain things with him but was he allowed to reciprocate?

As his mind was milling over these things Marco responded to Daniel's whispered comments, "Suck it and see hey! Let's just take it a bit more slowly at first," he said, still with a huge smile on his face.

After school Daniel made his way back to the Piney Hills Golf Club. When he was chained to the shoe shine stand by the two old Negro slaves, Bill and Jim, there was no sign of Sarah Thompson; the twelve-year-old who had been sentenced for shoplifting and who had worked with him on Tuesday. Jim saw him looking puzzled and gave him the answer.

"Master said we're getting a new newdd boy today, the Thompson girl has been transferred closer to home on her parent's request."

Daniel was left by himself for what seemed like twenty minutes and during that time he had two customers. While he was finishing his second customer and his knees were already beginning to ache, Bill and Jim arrived back with another newdd.

Daniel's eyes flicked over to see the new newdd. He was a tall guy about six-foot [1.80m] tall. He had dark hair and olive skin. His long and thick semi-hard penis was sticking straight out in front of him. He wasn't circumcised and with his semi erection, the pinkish purple head of his penis was uncovered just a little. His large plump balls moved and swayed as he moved into position. When he turned, his buttocks were firm and tight. His penis was highlighted by the lighter pink skin that surrounded it. This skin had only recently been exposed when the thick bush of pubic hair that sheltered it had been shaved. Also his scrotum, that had until shaved, had also been flecked with just a few long, dark hairs. His chest was firm and tight and again showed tell tale signs of having been shaved of its downy covering of newly grown hair.

Daniel felt so inferior to this fifteen-year-old demi-god who was being chained next to him.

When the customer left, just like Daniel had done with Sarah, the new newdd introduced himself to Daniel.

"Hi, I'm Gary Foster-Brown," he said in a deep mature sounding voice.

"Daniel, Daniel Green," Daniel replied in his much higher pitched juvenile voice.

Gesturing to the security camera, Daniel warned Gary about speaking out of turn but managed to whisper a few helpful hints about the shoeshine that Sarah had passed on to him.

Thursday was rougher than Daniel's previous experience on Tuesday. Thursday afternoon was Junior Associates afternoon and so there was a steady stream of teenage golfers from well to do families exiting the change rooms after a round of golf. For a while there was quite a queue as they lined up to have the two newdd's shine their shoes.

From the comments Daniel could hear being made between the customers, Gary his new fellow newdd, was well known to many of them. Daniel certainly noticed that Gary remained semi to fully erect during the whole time he was shining shoes. Of course the fondling of his balls and penis by the customers who slipped off their other shoe to fondle his 'family jewels', did not help in this matter at all.

The crowd eventually died down and finally Bill came and released them from the pain of their crouched positions. He took them to have their registers signed. Then they finally had a chance to talk as they walked up the long driveway of the golf course back onto Piney Hills road where Daniel would catch the bus.

Gary was a Piney Hills local. His school 'The Hills Grammar' had made a disposition to the juvenile court based on his misbehaviour and thus he found himself serving as a shoeshine boy at the very course that he was himself an associate member.

Gary told Daniel he had been framed by some of the other students who disliked him because he was so popular at school. He had tried to prove his innocence but all the evidence pointed to him.

Now he was totally humiliated. His friends had shunned him once he was made a newdd, His parents were disgusted and ashamed of him and he was made to sleep in the servant's quarters at his home. The servants were taking great delight in humiliating him as much as possible. It was not every day that the master's son was reduced from his high and mighty position in a wealthy household to the bottom of the pile. They were not letting him forget it.

To add to this, Gary had a body most would die for. Having it revealed to all his family, the servants and the school was such an added humiliation, which he confessed to Daniel, he was finding it very hard to cope with.

On the bus home Daniel worried about his conversation with Gary. He had this lingering feeling that Gary was considering hurting himself, maybe even suicide. He seemed very depressed about his treatment as a newdd. By the time he got home Daniel had decided he needed to talk to his father. He understood how Daniel would feel that first night after he had been made a newdd and had taken precautions. His dad would know what he should do.

26 – Father and Son Chat

"Dad, umm I mean Master may I speak with you," Daniel asked as he knocked on his fathers study door.

"You obviously think it's important to disturb me at this time, so yes come in," Owen Green informed his son.

"Dad there are a couple of things I need your advice on, if it's ok. I know I am supposed to go through Tom if I want to talk with you but it's easier to explain this face to face," Daniel explained nervously.

"Yes go on," Mr. Green replied.

There were two things Daniel wanted to talk to his father about. Gary Foster-Brown, the newdd from Piney Hills, and the thing that had been gnawing at his consciousness for the last few days, his requests for relief from his brother Eric.

Daniel was very nervous and embarrassed about raising his concern about relief but he had decided to raise this issue first and get it over with before asking his father for advice about Gary.

"Dad, the Juvenile Deterrence laws allow me to ask for relief from free citizens. I am feeling guilty about this, so I wanted to run what I have been doing by you."

Taking a deep breath, Daniel continued, "I have been asking Eric to give he relief these last few nights. I will stop it now if you don't approve. I don't want to get into any more trouble and, please, it was me who asked Eric. Don't blame him, blame me!"

Daniel felt like his stomach was going to puke up as he awaited his father's reaction.

Owen Green looked across his study desk at his son and slowly a broad grin appeared across his face.

As soon as he saw this, Daniel knew he was ok.

"I appreciate the fact that you came to me about this. I already knew what you were up to, but the fact that you confided in me, confirms just how much you have grown up in the last week. I don't mind if Eric does not mind."

Daniel felt a burst of pride at his father's compliment. Now his dad had said it. Daniel realised that he himself felt more mature these last few days. Once he had gotten over the initial depression and shock of being stripped and made to parade naked around Eastbrook, he had begun to change in his outlook.

He suffered the ridicule about his immature small genitals but he soon realised, 'so what'? He had built up a real phobia about his small penile size and lack of pubic hair. Yes he was laughed at and ridiculed just like he expected but through this, he had found people who thought nothing of his physical appearance. They just appreciated his personality. Todd Riddell and Marco fell into this category. There were even some girls who ignored the social taboos at school and spoke to him. In fact at least two girls told him they found his hairless small genitals a real turn on! So did Marco for that matter!!!!

"Thanks dad," Daniel informed his dad with relief. "I was real worried about asking Eric to help me out. I thought you might think it wrong for brothers to do such things."

"No son, I think asking your brother is the best way to gain relief. It keeps it in the family and that's to be encouraged. I think back to when I was your age and a bit older and my times with my brother Lionel. They were some of the most cherished moments I have of my teenage years and I certainly will not react like my father did when he discovered some of the truth. I have never forgiven him for that action and I have always vowed to be different for you if the situation ever arose. It now has and I am giving my approval," Mr. Green replied.

Daniel was confused. His father mentioned a brother but he only had an aunty on his dad's side, Aunt Sue? His dad's mother and father had both died before he was born and the only grandparents he had known where his mother's.

"Dad you had a brother? I never knew, how 3; what 3;" Daniel stammered out, showing his surprise, perhaps even shock at this latest revelation.

"I have never talked about it except to your mum and Tom, but perhaps now is a good time to tell you. Maybe it will add to your newfound maturity. Your Aunt Sue is four years younger than me but between us there was Lionel. He was one and a half years younger than me. When I was fifteen I began to realise that I liked guys as well as girls. Just like today, most guys didn't come out with their sexual orientation if it was gay. I kept my gay side secret from nearly everyone, even my closest male friends in case I was ridiculed. Lionel however was a good-looking guy at nearly fourteen and we got on pretty well together. Well, one thing lead to another. I made the move and he was willing. We began experimenting. Pretty tame stuff mostly, just a mutual jerk off to start with but later we would crawl into bed together when we were certain dad had gone to bed. Remember my mum died in giving birth to Sue so there was only dad to worry about. We did this in secret for nearly two years until I was almost eighteen and Lionel was sixteen and a half."

"I led Lionel into exploring his gay side and he soon came to realise he was much more gay than I was. I have always felt I was 60% hetero and 40% gay, as I really liked girls too. When Lionel and I discussed this he felt he was more like 80% gay and only 20% hetero. Lionel began to seek out other teenage guys who might be gay orientated and this was fraught with danger. While doing this, he came in contact with a much older gay orientated man. They built up a strong friendship that eventually lead into a deeper relationship. Lionel liked the maturity and compassion this man offered him and Lionel was very willing. The older guy, though he tried to hold off at first, succumbed to my brother's willingness to please."

"Love makes you do strange things and unbeknown to me, Lionel confronted my father with the revelation that he was gay. I would have warned him if he had told me he was coming out but I didn't know of his actions until it was too late. My dad reacted violently to the news his son was a 'poof', as he put it. When I got home that afternoon, dad had taken Lionel and had him enslaved and put into training ready to be sold."

Daniel was sitting in his fathers study, mouth wide open, aghast at the story unfolding.

"I never saw my brother again. When you are enslaved, your identity is deliberately made difficult, if not impossible to trace. The only record they keep of you is a temporary slave number and when the new slave is shipped out and arrives for training, he is issued with another temporary number. When he is sold he is renumbered, shipped again, and maybe sold again until finally a master buys him permanently. They don't record which slave gets which number, or how the numbers change as you move through the system. As I said, they make it almost impossible for anyone to trace the slave. The result is the slave's complete loss of his former life and identity. This helps the slave adjust to his new situation the experts feel!"

"When I was older I tried to trace Lionel but I never had much spare money and even if I did all the experts say it's still almost impossible. Some times you're lucky and you might cross paths, but in truth my brother was probably sent interstate. My father never would talk about what he had arranged. It was not until he died and I found the enslavement papers that I was able to read in the fine print of the contract that my brother was to be sold interstate. It didn't say which state so he could have been taken anywhere."

"My father tried to force out of Lionel, who he was having sex with. I know from my father's derisive comments that even under punishment he never let slip that it was me who led him down that path or that he was very friendly with a much older man. Lionel protected his older lover and me and I still feel I owe him for that all these years later. When I am with Tom my thoughts always drift back to Lionel. His older lover is now dead but I know he loved Lionel in a special way until his death. He too realised that Lionel sacrificed all to protect his identity."

"Many years later when I was an adult, Lionel's lover and I made contact. Lionel had confided in me who he was seeing all those years before and we kept in contact from time to time after that. He swore to me he also did not know Lionel was planning on coming out and confronting dad. Otherwise he too would have tried to prevent his actions."

"So son, do I object to you getting to bond closer to your brother? Absolutely not! Now you know why I would not object. My father ruined the best part of my life and I lost a brother out of his bigoted actions. As long as it's consensual I have no objections to your bother and you getting to know each other better. However there are laws in place while you are a newdd and I will be expecting you to follow them precisely just like you have been doing. After you serve your time, well then you and Eric can work the issue through and I will be available if you want to talk about it."

Daniel looked across the study at his father; his own eyes were teary as were his dad's. It was obviously a painful story to recite. "I'm so sorry dad. I truly am. There are times that Eric is a real pain and I am sure the same applies to me too but I love my brother and I know now that you love us dearly. It must be terrible to grow to hate your father when it should be a loving relationship."

Owen Green looked at his son and replied, "towards my father at first it was pure hate and contempt and in later years that was heavily tainted with pity and derision as I came to understand fully, my dads embittered and bigoted mind. But Daniel, I never had the courage of my brother to confront my father like Lionel did at just sixteen. I wish now I had but I was not the man my brother was. I have to live with that fact. I feel in my heart I failed my brother."

"Dad!" Daniel stated with a depth of feeling his father had seldom if ever heard from him before.

"Lets leave this topic here for now. It upsets me too much to discuss it further, but I want to say to you Daniel, I am impressed with you. You raised your actions between Eric and yourself with me. That was more than I was game to do with my father. It says heaps about you and it also says to me that I have succeeded in making a better job of my relationship with my son than my dad managed with me."

"Thanks dad!" Daniel replied, blushing with modesty at his father's unexpected praise. Daniel didn't know just what to say next and the first thing that popped into his head was about the best reply he could have given his dad at that point in time. "I love you dad."

Owen Green smiled at his son then got up from his chair and moved over and hugged Daniel who had risen from the study chair. The feel of Daniel's naked skin against his hands as he hugged Daniel tight, sent pleasurable feelings through Owen Green. The smell of shoe polish subtly drifting off his son's body, added a unique smell to the long embrace.

After a very long, silent embrace, Owen Green broke the silence and the spell by asking, "You said you had several things you wanted to discuss. What else is troubling you?"

"Oh yeah, sorry dad. I kind of forgot for a moment," Daniel replied.

"There was a new newdd, Gary Foster-Brown, at the golf course shining shoes with me today. We got talking as we walked out of the course back to Piney Hills road. Gary is a Piney Hills local. His school, 'The Hills Grammar,' made a disposition to the juvenile court based on his alleged misbehaviour and thus he found himself serving as a shoeshine boy at the very course that he was previously an associate member."

"Gary told me he had been framed by some of the other students who disliked him because he was so popular at school. He had tried to prove his innocence but all the evidence pointed to him. This may be just a story but he seemed genuine about it, but that is not the real problem."

"Like all newdd's, Gary now feels totally humiliated. His friends have shunned him. His parents are disgusted and ashamed of him and he has been made to sleep in the servant's quarters at his home. Nothing new there either I guess, similar to my treatment in some ways, but unlike Tom the servants at his residence are taking great delight in humiliating him as much as possible. They have told him to his face to experience the real world, as it was not every day that the master's son is reduced from his high and mighty position in a wealthy household to the bottom of the pile. They are making sure he does not forget it."

"Now dad, I have to admit that to my eyes, Gary has a body I would die for. To Gary however, having it revealed to all his family, the servants and the school when he had done nothing wrong was such an added humiliation that he confessed to me that he was finding it very hard to cope. I am really worried about my conversation with Gary. He left me with this lingering feeling that he was considering hurting himself, maybe mutilation or even suicide. He seemed very depressed about his treatment as a newdd. I feel that maybe in a secret way, he was begging me to help him. But dad, I don't know what to do or even if I should be worrying about him, but I am."

"You did the right thing son to raise this with me. You don't hear too much about the side effects of our authoritarian society, but believe me the suicide rate amongst the newly enslaved is very high compared to the community average. Official figures are not released because slaves are just items of property and don't warrant legal recognition. Amongst newdd's, it is not as high, but it is still significant. I know a little about this as I have long had an interest in slave emancipation and when I meet with friends who are of a similar persuasion, this is a topic that is often discussed."

"The general populace don't want to know about this. They are happy that the roads are well kept, crime is minimal and the buses run on time. When slavery does finally effect them and they find themselves enslaved and depressed, it is too late. They can do nothing about it themselves except contemplate adding to the statistic."

"I noticed the new newdd on the video coverage I received on my computer this afternoon. I agree he is a fine looking boy. I will contact Ben Woods and ask his advice."

"You get video of me at the shoe shine stand?" Daniel asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Mr. Wood rang me before you went the first time and offered the service as he knew I would be worried about you. All I have to do is email him and he streams the image from the security camera near the shoe shine stand directly to my computer."

"Wow," was all the near speechless Daniel could manage to exclaim.

"Right now son, you better get off and help Tom finish prepare dinner. Before you go son I think you have earned a reward for your mature behaviour. You can have your room back provided you do not break the newdd rules." Daniel's face instantly beamed bright with excitement at the news but equally quickly faded into a look of deep thought.

"Thanks dad. I really appreciate it but taking up that offer would be unfair. I am a newdd, a slave, and if I were to have my normal bedroom now after only such a short stay down in the basement, then I would not be considering Tom's feelings. He is stuck down there, with no chance of release from his enslavement. The least I can do is show some empathy and stay with him and help him while I am a newdd. Thanks for the offer, but no thanks dad."

"Really, well ok. Then if that's your decision, I can only admire your choice so I will offer you a second privilege in place of your room. Tonight you have permission to ring your friends and let them know you're thinking of them before they are sentenced tomorrow," Mr. Green informed his son.

"Gee thanks dad. I would really like to do that. You're the greatest," Daniel replied with obvious enthusiasm.

"Dad, can I ask you a personal question?" the emboldened Daniel asked, seizing what he perceived to be an ideal opportunity.

"Yes Daniel," said Mr. Green with a chuckle, "what else do you want?"

Blushing because his dad had seen straight through him, Daniel never the less persevered. "Could I have Marco over on Friday, to do some study with me? It's sort of like my only day off and it's study not relaxation?" Daniel added hoping to get some quality time with Marco out of public view.

"First time I have ever heard of a teenager wanting to study on a Friday!" Mr. Green responded then added, "I also saw how you reacted last night to Marco every time you were near him. You like him don't you?" Mr. Green bluntly but with compassion asked.

"I honestly do not know dad, but he likes me and I would really like to try and work this through and being a newdd means I'm out of it for four months unless you allow me some time," Daniel pleaded.

"If I had come out like this to my dad, I would not be still be standing. The fact you have, makes me proud of you and again tells me I'm doing the right thing with you. After what I said about my own brother and me, I feel I have to cut you some slack son. But Friday afternoon is a privilege for good behaviour. It will be reviewed on a weekly basis based on your punishment book. Bring it to me before bed time tonight and if it has no major behaviour entries I will allow Marco and you one and a half hours free time to study this Friday," Mr. Green informed Daniel.

"I will tell Tom it is ok and you can have some privacy in the basement together, but Marco is fifteen still I think and so are you. I do not know his parents very well so be careful. I am not condoning sex here Daniel. Let me make this quite clear. Just a close friendship if that's what you two want. Anything more could be devastating to you as a newdd and lead to a fate much worse than just four months as a newdd."

Daniel gave his dad one last hug then excused himself to go help Tom.

When Daniel had left, Owen Green sat back in his study chair and contemplated his son. Daniel was a newdd but Owen Green was never more proud of him than he was at that moment. His refusal to move back into his room and his reasons for not doing so had really impressed him as had his openness about Marco.

After a while Mr. Green realised he needed to ring Ben Woods and bring Daniel's concerns about Gary to his attention. He hoped he would be able to put things in action through official channels to assist Gary. Owen was not all that confident that that would happen. It was his firm belief that the authoritarian system that they all lived under was more concerned in punishing than helping and rehabilitating, but he had to try and he had to hope. Certainly Ben Woods was a compassionate man and as the overseer of the newdd's at the Piney Hill golf course he was the person Owen Green felt he had to channel his son's concerns back through.


A Middle Class Slave Revisited by Steam Train

27 – Art Class

After dinner Daniel rang all his Henson Street friends who were being sentenced tomorrow, Rick, Josh, Brady, Charlie and Joey. He was able to speak with all of them except Joey who had already been sent to bed to contemplate his fate tomorrow, Joey's mother told Daniel. Still, she offered to tell Joey that Daniel had rung in the morning.

Then after showing his father his punishment register, which had only a few notes in it mainly from his fellow students who considered his attitude unsatisfactory, he rang Marco and invited him over to study tomorrow afternoon.

The next morning Daniel completed his morning chores and made his way to school as usual. He was getting used to being naked in public and most of the students ignored him, as they tended to do to most newdd's. Slaves were below the interest of free students after the initial fascination of another naked body wore off. There were a few students, however, like fourteen-year-old Sarah Roberts, who delighted in asking Daniel for a reasonable request inspection at every opportunity she got at school. Like a lot of her fellow students, Sarah had admired Daniel from the first day she had set eyes on him. She had started earlier in the year at West Eastbrook High as a 9th grader. Sarah again made Daniel suffer the humiliation of a thorough public examination right there in the main hallway of the school before he could reach the relative sanctity of the other newdd's.

The thought of having to pose naked after lunch as a model for the 11th grade advanced art class, was already playing heavily on his mind. Somehow in his own mind this was different from just being newdd or having a reasonable request made of him. Today he was already imagining the eyes of all the students intricately studying every inch of his naked body. It was not an enjoyable feeling.

His fellow newdd's tried to lighten his mood through the first half of lunch time by making light of the art class experience. Various newdd students told jokes about their personal experience. During the second half of the lunch break, Daniel joined Marco in the courtyard for a short talk about the arrangements for later that afternoon. Then they discussed the guys who were at court today. Marco listened intently as Daniel described in detail to Marco what they might well be experiencing at that very moment. This at least distracted Daniel's mind until the end of lunch bell rang out.

Daniel made his way to the art block and located Mr. Pace, the art teacher he had been ordered to report to by Mr. Anderson.

Most of the students were already seated in Mr. Pace's classroom when Daniel entered. A few of the girls gasped as they took in the sight of Daniel entering the room. Without thinking, Daniel's hands fell to cover his genitals and there were a few giggles at his instinctive action. Why he did this, Daniel did not know as it was almost certain that everyone in this class had already seen him naked by then. There really was no reason for him to try and hide his shame, but try to hide it he did.

Mr. Pace came over to Daniel and gently took his arms and moved his hands away from his groin. "No covering up allowed. You know that son," he said in a non-threatening way.

Mr. Pace gently moved Daniel over to stand in front of a small platform in the centre of the room. He directed Daniel onto the platform and asked him to kneel down on his left knee and bend his right leg out in front of him. He asked Daniel to put his left arm behind his head and the other hand on his right thigh.

Mr. Pace nodded his approval at Daniel's position and informed him politely to maintain that position for the lesson, as it was most important that he did not move while the class were sketching.

Wishing to take full advantage of his model, Mr. Pace collected for his own use, a pencil and paper with which to make a sketch. He took up a position with the students.

The students and Mr. Pace worked quietly at sketching his naked body. Some had a birds-eye view of his penis and balls; others had an equally unobstructed view of his rear.

Daniel carefully moved his eyes but not his head to peer around the classroom. All these students were the advanced 11th grade art class and all appeared to be genuinely attempting to create a serious drawing of his naked form. They all were glancing up at regular intervals studying his naked body, their eyes lingering on Daniel's physical attributes before diving back to the paper to record the sight they had just taken in.

The time passed slowly for Daniel as he partly knelt and the pain in his legs soon reminded him of his shoeshine duties.

After spending nearly forty minutes naked in a room full of fully clothed art students who were furiously attempting to sketch his naked form, Mr. Pace stopped the students. Some students complained that they were not quite finished but Mr. Pace informed them that their time with the model was limited. It was now time for them to tidy their desks. Put their names on the back of their sketches and put them at the back of the room on their way out

The pupils began to clear up and Mr. Pace informed Daniel that he could now move. Soon after, the bell rang and the class quickly filed out into the corridor. Mr. Pace thanked Daniel for his stillness and dismissed him.

Daniel thought to himself, this wasn't so bad; it had been just like when he was made a newdd. The expectation of the event was worse than the actual occurrence. The students were all serious art students and they had, by their actions, shown that they appreciated the opportunity to sketch a real naked body. He hadn't felt very intimidated at all once the lesson started.

Not feeling intimidated was another matter altogether later that afternoon when Marco came over to study with him. At first Daniel's nerves were put temporarily on hold, for when Marco arrived at the Green's house, Daniel's sister was home with her friend, Kim. When it became obvious from Tom's comments that Daniel had permission to have free time with Marco even if it was study time, Mel became very suspicious and could not help herself from tormenting Daniel and Marco.

Melissa made innuendo about what Marco and Daniel were going to get up to in the basement, not realising how close to the truth she really was. Kim was no better behaved, in fact her language was even cruder and it was her comment that Daniel's dad heard as he entered the living room having already returned from work. It was obvious his daughter was involved in the crude language as well.

"What are you fucking asshole faggots going to study down there anyway, sex?" Kim blurted out.

"I beg your pardon Kimberley and Melissa! I heard that disgusting language. I will not have anyone spoken too like that in my house," Mr. Green thundered out.

Caught unawares, Kim apologised first, "Sorry Mr. Green."

"Yeah sorry dad," Melissa replied.

"Sorry, is not sufficient. Melissa you are back on domestic newdd punishment till Monday morning before school," Mr. Green informed his shocked daughter.

"That's not fair dad! It was Kim who said the worst language, not me, yet she gets no punishment."

Kim looked over at her friend and scowled but inside was excited that her friend was going to have to strip naked again and suffer the same punishment that Kim was still enduring at home. Being forced to strip naked in your own home was terrible. All the servants were laughing at her naked shame. It just was not right for a free citizen, a mistress in the making, to be treated like that in front of her own family slaves as far as she was concerned.

"I hadn't finished yet my dear," Mr. Green replied.

The scowl on Kim's face turned instantly to worry at this latest development.

"Kim I had thought to ring your parents and ask for permission to strip you naked here and now like Melissa for that outburst of foul language under the new 'Taking Back Control' initiative, but I have just realised that I signed up as a Community Guardian last night. That means Kim that I have the power under the 'Taking Back Control' legislation to order you to strip in a private location provided there are witnesses and to punish you in line with certain basic newdd principles."

There was an audible gasp from Kim, and then she said, "No, Mr. Green you can't. Can you? Please, you can't."

"I can and I will. After that disgusting outburst it is my duty as a Community Guardian to do so. I will be contacting your parents as I am required, Kim, to let them know how, as a Guardian, I have taken back control over you this afternoon," Mr. Green reiterated.

"Both of you back to the entrance hall and hang all you clothes on the hooks. I won't spank you this time as I am allowed to do but the next time I hear such language I will, understand?" Mr. Green asked.

"Yes daddy." "Yes Mr. Green," the two blushing twelve-year-old 7th graders meekly replied.

Daniel could not hide his sexual arousal as he watched Kim and his sister again remove all their clothing. He was now certain he liked guys but he also was coming to understand that some percentage of him liked girls too.

As Kim's small rounded boobs, with their light pink nipples, came into view followed by her bald pussy, Daniel's penis erected to its full 1¾ inch [4½cm] total erection. There was a much more sizable bulge in Marco's pants as he watched Melissa expose her bumpy beginnings of breasts with their protruding nipples, then her totally hairless slightly bulging, vulva, slit and lips.

"Right boys; don't waste your study time staring at these two nubile girls. Get down stairs and get to work. You two girls, I want you to stay in the house until it's time for Kim to go home. No using the opportunity of leaving the house as an excuse for getting you out of being naked."

That distraction over, Daniel's intimidated feeling quickly arose inside him again as he found himself alone with Marco. They had discussed at school, Mr. Green's comments about how he was not condoning sex. Daniel was glad his dad had openly put a ban on this as it made it easier to draw the limits of what Marco and he would possibly do. But what exactly would they do?

Consequently, the scene in Daniel's temporary bedroom was quite comical. Neither knew what to do or say and neither wanted to be the first to start anything. After just standing there fidgeting nervously with a long silence, both Daniel and Marco got the giggles.

This reaction finally broke the impasse and Marco suggested they sit down and go over their history notes in preparation for the class test next week.

Daniel was ever so relieved at this and gladly sat on his makeshift bed and Marco sat next to him.

For ten minutes or so the pretence of studying was in the ascendency but gradually the closeness of Marco's body to Daniel's naked skin was causing Daniel's concentration to wander. There was nothing Daniel could do, while being totally naked, to hide his full 1¾ inch [4½ cm] erection.

Marco of course, noticed this too!

Without saying a word, Marco, who had also been fighting his own loosing battle, trying to control his feelings for the boy he had long had a crush about, reached across and began very nervously and timidly to caress Daniel's body. He began by stroking Daniel's arms then his chest before he was game to feel where he really wanted to experience, Daniel's small tight ball sack and skinny erect shaft.

For Daniel, the feel of Marco's hands on his body was totally different to all the 'reasonable requests' that had been made of him since he had become a newdd. Marco's hands conveyed a feeling of softness, fragility, perhaps even of awe and certainly respect as they subtly conveyed Marco's true feelings for Daniel in the most tactile of ways.

Daniel very much wanted to reciprocate the feelings he was experiencing from Marco's hands. He had earlier reread the newdd guidelines. They didn't help all that much as a guide to the situation he now found himself in.

He was required to comply with reasonable requests from free citizens to display his naked body for posing or examination and to cooperate willingly in those activities. Well, Marco certainly fitted into that definition and Marco was very willing to cooperate.

He could request permission for sexual relief from a free citizen, and again that covered Marco.

He was not allowed to force or coerce a free citizen into providing relief to him against their wishes. Well, Marco was giving every indication that there was no coercion involved in this relationship.

The problem in Daniel's mind was what was he allowed to do to Marco?

He desperately wanted to strip Marco and give him the same wonderful feelings that he was now receiving. However at that moment his father's warning came back into his consciousness.

"I am not condoning sex here Daniel. Let me make this quite clear. Just a close friendship if that's what you two want. Anything more could be devastating to you as a newdd and lead to a fate much worse than just four months as a newdd."

"Marco, Marco that feels so good but please, please stop!" Daniel reluctantly pleaded.

"Why, I want to show you how much I like you Daniel," Marco replied.

"Oh Marco, I'm sorry, being a newdd really sucks from my side. I want what you are doing so badly but please understand I can't risk it Marco. What you are doing to me is legal and in fact I can't stop you as it constitutes a reasonable request, however when you feel me up like that I want to do the same to you, to show you how much I like you too. I can't do that though Marco and if I did and we were caught it would be me who most likely would suffer the greatest. So please, please stop if you truly like me." Daniel begged in an emotion charged voice.

"Hey of course I'll stop. No reasonable requests from me unless you allow it. But it's going to be hard I tell you. I have had a crush on you for a long time. I confess and now I have what I desire within my grasp and I have to show restraint. Does this mean all I get is the odd reasonable request on your body till your time is up and my body gets nothing?" Marco asked.

"I don't know Marco, but let's take it real steady, OK. I don't want to get into more trouble and have my sentence extended or even worse things happen," Daniel informed the despondent Marco.

Seeing the look on Marco's face, Daniel reached out and took hold of Marco's hand and squeezed it tight. When the hour and a half was up, this was exactly how Mr. Green found them when he opened the door to Daniel's temporary room after knocking. Marco had gone to pull his hand away when he heard the knock but Daniel gripped it firmly and would not release it as he smiled at his dad who smiled back when he saw the two boys holding hands.

"Your dad's different from my dad," Marco informed Daniel as they walked back upstairs.

"Yeah he's pretty cool, hey," Daniel proudly asserted. "I can be open with him, but dad's been through this male relationship in his younger days with his brother and a friend so he understands it. Most parents are ignorant of gay sexuality and this ignorance leads to bigotry and homophobia still even in this day and age. Shit, some of the church's see no sin in fucking a slave but are aghast if two free citizens even think about doing it."

"You be careful Marco. You need to be just as cautious about your sexuality as I am being. Your dad does not strike me as being as understanding as my dad."

"You're right there. If he knew I liked guys, he'd disown me, maybe even enslave me. I don't even want to go there with my dad," Marco asserted.

"Be patient Marco, our time will come," Daniel said as he reached over and gave Marco a gentle kiss before they emerged from the basement stairs into the house proper.


"School Exhibitionism," by Horney Rouge

28 – Punishment

Parents, Daniel had decided, had this extra sensory ability. Last night Daniel had lain awake wondering how his friends were coping after their court appearance. Were they all newdd's as they expected? Were they as traumatised as he had been? These questions and lots more kept racing through Daniel's mind and kept him awake until the wee hours of the morning.

Then this Saturday morning his wondering was resolved when he was advised by his mother that Josh's father would be collecting him and escorting Daniel and all the other newly sentenced Henson Street boys to the Community Discipline Centre for this week's mandatory punishment session.

Rick, Charlie, Brady, Josh and Joey were all already sitting in Josh Reynolds father's van when it pulled up outside the Green residence. They had all made their Juvenile Court appearances yesterday for sentencing and as they all had feared, the five of them were now totally naked newdd's.

The van was deathly quite as Daniel opened the side sliding door and climbed in. Usually there would be a babble of enthusiastic welcomes but this time Daniel had to say, "Hi guys," before he even got the shortest of verbal recognition from his friends.

"Morning Daniel," Mr. Reynolds responded, the only voice to show any enthusiasm at all. As Daniel looked around the van at his five naked friends, the first thing that struck him was how embarrassed they all looked. Then he noticed how all but Josh, who had none to start with, had all been totally denuded of their once proud adolescent body hair.

Rick, Charlie and Brady the oldest three of the group though very well developed fifteen-year-olds, looked funny without their protective covering of pubic and other hairs, their most private of parts now accentuated by this lack of covering.

Joey at thirteen years of age and the youngest and smallest of the group was now shaved too and was without his very sparse dusting of public hair that had only recently grown above his little boy size cock.

With his short height at just over five feet [1.50m] combined with a ball sack that was not yet very fat, Joey looked, unlike the three older boys every bit a little prepubescent boy.

Josh, who was a 9th grade freshman at high school, was older at fourteen years of age and a little taller than Joey. However as Daniel and the others had discovered on Wednesday night, Josh was still totally prepubescent and so his appearance had not altered as radically as the others except for his haircut.

Having been driven in to the Discipline Centre in the Reynolds family van instead of public transport, the boys arrived early and as usual, marquee's had been erected to the east and west of the Music Bowl and Daniel, being the experienced member of the group, escorted the other boys. Mr. Reynolds followed to the small tent standing separate to the larger marquee that was clearly marked with a sign, 'Registrations'. The official in the registration desk checked all the boys punishment registers against their records then directed the boys to their various Programme Supervisor who's desks were located in the second marquee on the east side.

Josh, Joey and Daniel were all allocated to the same supervisor, Ms Kim Dean. When Daniel reached the front of the line he was again brashly ordered to present his punishment register by Ms Dean. She glanced up at Daniel in between reading his punishment register and immediately recognised him. "Ah the 'pin' dick boy," she commented. "Been a reasonably good boy this week I see. I therefore order six hand spanks, three strokes with the paddle and one stroke with the cane followed by one public masturbation, this session."

Daniel let out an audible gasp. It was more than he expected, much more.

As Ms Dean attached the pink paper containing his punishment details to a small spring clamp and clipped it to Daniel's left nipple, she heard his gasp and reiterated her comment from the previous week.

"My boy, firm discipline is what a slave needs, especially a newdd Juvenile slave!" Ms Dean intoned as if she said this to every newdd after she determined their punishment.

This time, however, she noticed Mr. Reynolds standing off to the side and as if she felt the need to justify her comment and actions she went on to say, "of course professionally speaking, for juveniles under the newdd system, this multi facetted discipline model is called 'hep', humiliation, embarrassment, and pain."

"These are all effective tools in correcting and limiting inappropriate behavior. However, combining the three to form the hep model makes the three aspects much more powerful as a combined effect, than their own individual capacity. As with adult misbehavers, the more serious the misconduct, the more severe the consequence needs to be, so there is an escalation of severity for repeat offenders and for those who willfully disregard the terms of already imposed penalties."

Then turning back to Daniel, she said, "Your behavior this week means you get limited punishment but you still need to be reminded you are a newdd and so I have ordered what is a very minimal punishment regime for you this week, boy."

Her speech over and a queue forming behind Daniel, she ordered him to move to inspection tent one.

Like the previous week outside inspection tent one, another official dressed in an official looking uniform read the paper attached to Daniel's nipple and instructed Daniel to take up position B1 inside the tent. He was to present himself for inspection until called up to the main stage for his punishment.

His fellow Henson street gang members soon joined him. They being so early, they occupied six of the first ten positions.

Position B1 gave Daniel a much better view of the main stage. He could clearly see the dreaded punishment frame and the frightening mechanical masturbator with its Eastbrook Dairy Co-operative sponsorship sign clearly visible above it.

Being so early, Daniel had to stand there for some considerable time and endured the ever increasing crowds who began to flock into the inspection tent to see all the naked newdd's.

After some time there was a commotion a little further down the row and a scream. Daniel took the risk to glance down the row and saw his friend Brady sprawled on the ground, curled into a tight ball, his body shaking with spasms. A uniformed official was standing over him snarling at Brady saying, "Get up or else I will increase the power setting on my slave prod. Next time a citizen wants to feel your cock and balls, you let them, understand?"

Daniel was shocked at his friend's treatment. Slave prods were commonly used with slaves but rarely with newdd's, so Daniel thought. Here at the discipline centre though, the guards were equipped to deal with the afternoon shift of the fully enslaved, not just the morning newdd's. The guard had thought nothing of using his electric prod on Brady. Though Daniel was shocked, the murmurs and even cheers from the flocking crowd all supported the official's actions. It was as if Brady was no longer of any concern. No one except Mr. Reynolds seemed the least bit concerned about his pain and suffering.

The single row of newdd girls opposite Daniel in A row was filling slowly. Many of the girls that were there last week were not to be seen. On average, there were always fewer girls than boys and the term of sentence for female newdd's was statistically much less than boys. The hep effect on a girl was quick and did not need to be prolonged for the length of time that boys seemed to require.

The sobbing girl positioned in A1 directly opposite Daniel, looked vaguely familiar. She was no where near Daniel's age, looking only about eleven years of age, though she was already very pretty looking with small pointy breasts and just the slightest beginnings of pubic hair.

It was not until her parents and her two fully clothed brothers came by to inspect her that Daniel realised this was the same girl who had masturbated him at the mall last Saturday when her brothers and not her, had been newdd's.

"It will do you no good sobbing away trying to get sympathy," her mother admonished her. "I warned you repeatedly that you were old enough to be made a newdd and that of late you were becoming increasingly disrespectful and disdainful of parental authority. Now like your brothers last week, you can suffer as a newdd for a week. In future, now that your father or I have taken back control, when we request you to remove your clothes as a punishment, you will not refuse."

The two brothers couldn't hide their glee at their sister's fall from grace. "You showed us no sympathy so don't expect any from us," the twelve-year-old, older brother informed his sister, bringing instantaneous agreement from his younger brother.

One girl who was still there was Terri Walker. As she took up her position opposite and to the right of Daniel, her already crimson bottom stood out. She had obviously been spanked soundly already this morning with the prospect of much more to come, Daniel suspected.

Terri's mother, Liz Walker, noticed Mr. Reynolds and from the way they began to talk, it was obvious that they knew each other. Daniel was able to listen in on their conversation and soon learned that Terri was not coping well with her newdd status. The revelation to everyone at West Eastbrook Middle School, that the girl everyone thought had the best tits in the 7th grade, was in fact totally prepubescent and it had resulted in Terri really experiencing the 'H and the 'E' of hep to the maximum extent.

Daniel learned that Terri's reaction to being a newdd was so bad and her consequent behaviour so poor that she had had her sentence extended and was to suffer forced masturbation punishment as well a good spanking each week from now on until her new three week sentence was up.

Josh was on display in position B2 right next to Daniel. The two of them were attracting lots of attention. Josh's fully erect two-inch cock was throbbing at attention the whole time. This along with his small and tight prepubescent balls complimented Daniel's equally small hairless package and seemed to attract a lot of young girls and an equal number of older men.

For many older men in particular, the opportunity to feel up a teenage boy in the inspection tent with full legal sanction was a fantasy come true. A lot of the churches had ruled that it was ok to sexually interact with a slave as it did not constitute a sin, as the slave was only an item of property. Doing the same to either a free teenage citizen or a newdd was, however, a totally different matter. Though there were statutes that protected newdd's from the excesses that some might like to enjoy with a young teenager, here in the inspection tent, these men were allowed by law to feel and inspect the naked newdd's almost to their hearts content.

For over an hour, Daniel and the boys endured the hands of many adults and juveniles feeling their most private and intimate parts. Even for Daniel who had been through this before, this was a hard exercise to bear. For the new newdd's, it was almost unbearable.

Daniel didn't know if it was relief or dread when the time came for the eleven-year-old girl opposite him to be called up for punishment. The same two older teen guards who had been on duty last week escorted the near hysterical girl onto the stage and secured her to the punishment frame. Daniel had a much better view from position B1 of the action on stage. He watched her total humiliation as the announcer gave the cheering audience all her details, her name, age and conviction details. There was a great cheer from the picnicking crowd when her allocated punishment was announced.

From her screams and reaction to her spanking and paddling, Daniel decided this was her first ever experience with corporal punishment. If she now expected sympathy from her family, it was short lived. Her brothers gloating at her distraught state didn't help at all when she was returned to stand again opposite Daniel.

When Terri Walker's turn came, her punishment regime was much more severe. She received a severe spanking and caning which was followed up by a session on the mechanical masturbator. This time the machine not only rubbed her clit but a pair of vibrating dildos was inserted into her. One was up her anus and the other up her vagina. This coupled with a carefully located masturbating strap that stimulated her clit, bought Terri to three very loud and obviously breathtaking orgasms.

When the machine was finished with her, she had to be carried back stage to the medical tent to recover from the overwhelming physical ecstasy she had just experienced.

Finally, when all the girls had been punished, Daniel was the first boy to be taken on stage as he occupied position B1.

Though he was really getting used to being naked in public, there was something totally different about being hauled up on stage in front of the large picnicking crowds.

When his allocated punishment of just six hand spanks, three strokes with the paddle, one stroke with the cane, followed by one public masturbation session was announced to the crowd, there were loud boo's and jeers as they voiced their obvious displeasure in what they considered Daniel's minimal punishment allocation.

Daniel stoically took his six hand spanks. They were expertly wielded by the slave designated to perform them but their pain level was nothing compared to the three strokes with the paddle which again was dwarfed by the one ferocious swat with the whippy cane. Daniel didn't cry this time but he was close to it when he was lead over to the masturbating machine and again publicly 'milked' in front of the cheering crowd until he screamed out in absolute ecstasy as he experienced another machine induced dry cum, much to audiences amusement.

It being their first time at the punishment centre, his friends faired a lot worse than him. Apart from Brady, who it seemed was struggling to adapt to his new status, the others had little additional transgressions in their registers. None the less, they all received thorough spankings followed by substantial paddlings and then a severe caning which left all of them crying and distraught. Then they were taken to the masturbating machine where they were all milked three times except Brady who was to suffer five ejaculations before he was released.

Rick and Charlie both ejaculated copious amounts the first orgasm the machine produced, slightly less the second time around and a noticeably smaller amount the third ejaculation in rapid succession. Like all the boy newdd's, the real trauma was in the detail. The machine was relentless and did not pause to give the newdd any time to recover. Up and down, up and down, the machine again began stroking the rapidly deflating penis of the newdd, immediately after ejaculation was achieved. Now all the boys found this stimulation of their penis almost unbearable. The nerves around the penis head were very sensitive at the time of ejaculation and the stroking of their penis at this time was a torturous experience that almost bought them to the point of fainting.

At thirteen Joey produced an intense, shuddering, throat moaning not quite dry, but not shooting either, cum. Disappointingly for the crowd watching with great interest, only a few clear drops of cum leaked from the tip of his cock the first ejaculation and the following two were totally dry.

Josh, being totally prepubescent, produced three dry ejaculations to the disappointed crowd who jeered his best efforts.

Brady was the last of Daniel's friends to be punished and he caused the biggest scene. As the guard moved him to center stage, he was crying. When they started to immobilize him for his punishment, he used all of his strength to pull away from the guards. He started to beg them to stop, to let him go. He was really strong and well built for his fifteen years of age. When he was struggling with the guards, his very substantial shaved package was really bouncing around.

It took three guards to get him back in control. As one of the younger guards attempted to restrain his movements, the other twisted his arm so far up Brady's back, that Daniel was sure it would snap. Then the third older guard, who had come over to assist the two younger guards, jammed his prod in Brady's groin. He screamed and screamed, but the guard kept the current turned on whilst shouted at him, "If you want it to stop, quit struggling."

Back in the pavilion, Daniel was staring open mouthed with fear as his friend was punished.

Finally Brady slumped down, whether he stopped on his own or passed out, Daniel could not tell. The older guard shook him hard and ordered him to stand upright. Of course the crowd went wild. There was cheering, whistling and booing. Daniel couldn't figure out for whom, Brady or the guards.

Finally Brady got back to his feet; he was sobbing but otherwise was now completely docile as the guards secured him ready for his punishment.

His punishment was much more severe than the others and of course the crowd loved it. They made lots of obscene comments when after four ejaculations he ran dry.

When Brady was bought back into the marquee and put back in line, his eyes looked completely blank. He wasn't crying or anything any more. He just looked completely out of it.


A Summer in Hell by L. T. Richards

29 – New Lover

Sunday at the mall was similar to the previous week except that Greg Pearson was amongst those that had finished his term as a newdd and were no longer in the crowd of naked juveniles who assembled at Piney Hills Fair. There was also a much larger crowd of first time newdd's. Apart from Daniel's friends there was a group of three fifteen-year-olds who were blushing profusely, the same three guys in fact that had arrived late for punishment yesterday at the Punishment Centre. On top of this there were two other newdd's one twelve years old and the other fourteen.

Daniel had traveled to the mall with his five friends. Brady was still struggling to come to terms with his new status and so it was that Daniel spent most of the time during the bus ride to Piney Hills talking to him and giving him advice on how to cope with being a human shopping trolley.

When Brady threatened to punch out anyone who touched his genitals Daniel was the calming influence of reason. He bluntly told Brady that would be the wrong move. Did he want to be enslaved permanently, loose all his family and friends, and have no control over his future?

Daniel told Brady and the other Henson Street gang members that the secret was to accept what was going to happen. He had discovered that he had been his own worst enemy. He was paranoid about others seeing his genitals and his total lack of development but when it happened he quickly discovered that the humiliation and embarrassment quickly lessened.

He told Brady to look at himself compared to the others, to be proud of his body and be proud that he had one of the best and biggest fifteen-year-old 'handles' at the Mall!

There was no sign of Gary Foster-Brown. Daniel had not seen him at the Mall last week either but was sort of hoping he might see him there this week.

It was sometime in the afternoon that Daniel was called out from the newdd pen by the overseer and a well dressed young man gently grabbed his penis and began steering him through the crowds at the mall. It was only when his customer turned fully to face him and a huge smile broke out on the young mans face that Daniel recognised him as Gary Foster-Brown.

"Gary 3; you're dressed," Daniel blurted out.

"Is that how you address all masters?" Gary asked.

"No master sorry, I was taken by surprise, I've been worrying about you and seeing you like this was the last thing I expected," Daniel apologised.

"Only kidding Daniel, only kidding, you don't have to call me master in private only in public so you do not get into trouble," Gary responded with compassion.

"Daniel I came looking for you specifically as I believe I owe you big time. I do not know how you managed it but my school decided to do some more investigating and the perpetrators of the plot against me confessed their wrong doing. Yesterday in a special court sitting I was exonerated and they were made newdd's and sent off immediately to be punished at the discipline centre."

"I didn't do anything Gary, there is no way I could have made your school review your case. I'm fifteen years old and a newdd, as if I could change anything," Daniel replied.

"Yes you did, you told your father who told Ben Woods. Do you know who Ben Woods is?" Gary asked.

"Of course, he's the Slave Master at Piney Hills Golf Club and our overseer of newdd's at the course," Daniel replied with confidence.

"Yes he's all that," replied Gary, "But he's much more, he is the older brother of Chief Justice Joshua R Woods of the U.S. Supreme Court."

"Really, wow, I wrote an assignment about Justice Woods, he grew up locally and was a 'Booth Institute Boy'. I really admire what he has achieved in life. He is probably our most famous local citizen," Daniel informed Gary.

"Yeah I know and Ben Woods made the effort on behalf of me, insignificant newdd to contact my school and my newdd Programme Supervisor and informed them he was worried about my welfare. When he got little sympathy or interest from either he rang his brother and well 3; as you can see things happened real fast. Marvellous what influence can achieve, but can you believe that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court would even care about me let alone act on my behalf and ring my newdd Supervisors Director? I can't but he did!" Gary informed Daniel who was equally flabbergasted at this development.

"Friday afternoon at school," Gary continued, "the Principal called me into his office and when I got there Lee Cruickshank, one of the guys I suspected of setting me up, was there too. Now Lee is not the ringleader more the stooge and I guess the Principal felt that if there was any truth in my claims of being framed then it would be Lee who he could break the easiest."

"Tell me again everything that happened," my Principal said to Lee.

"I sat there quietly while Lee retold his account of what I was supposed to have done."

"When he was done, the Principal looked Lee in the eyes and said, «That's not the same account you gave last time. You know what I think Lee Cruickshank, I think you can't get the facts the same because you made up the first story or others made it up for you and now you have forgotten what you told»."

"The principal then turned to me and asked me my side of the story. In as calm a voice as I could muster, I told him everything I knew about the plot to make me a newdd and the guys that I suspected had been part of this farce. I told the Principal that I didn't do anything but that I could not prove that, so I told him I understood how in the face of the evidence he had in front of him at the time, he had no choice but to make the one he made."

"As I told the Principal all my suspicions, I had the satisfaction of noticing that Lee was looking very uncomfortable. Added to that the Principal really seemed to be considering my version of events especially after I told him I understood how he had reached his first decision."

"In the end he said he would look into it further, but for now I was to remain a newdd and return to class as he wanted to talk to Lee for a while in private."

"I rose and took my leave note that the Principal handed me. As I started to leave, I thought I would try and ruffle Lee's confidence just that bit more so I turned back around and said to Lee, «You had better get all the satisfaction from this you can now Lee, because I don't think the Principal's buying your story and the penalty for making false accusations against me will probably be very humiliating, embarrassing and painful. But hey, don't worry Lee; I'm sure the others that put you up to this will be around to offer you help»."

I then walked out of the Principal's office and went still naked back to my class.

As I handed my classroom teacher my leave note I informed her in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear including the two guys who I believed had put Lee up to the farce in the first place,"Sorry Miss I have been in the Principal's office with Lee Cruickshank, he's spilling the beans about how I was set up to be made a newdd."

"Tell you the truth Daniel, I didn't know if it was true or not, but it got the reaction I hoped for."

"One of the two guys said «That fucking bastard, if he tells on us, I'll smash him»."

"The other guy just put his head down on his desk in despair."

"The teacher on hearing the threat told everyone to stay seated and remain quiet and left the classroom. I guess to inform the Principal of what she had just heard."

"I had actually guessed right Daniel," Gary said, "Lee did tell the truth. A little more questioning of Lee by the Principal revealed the truth behind the plot and on the Saturday morning I was exonerated in court and my plotters were stripped naked and sent off to the discipline centre to be dealt with as newdd's."

"Wow that's amazing Gary, and I bet those three guys who I saw come into the discipline centre late yesterday morning were your plotters," Daniel stated.

"Yep that probably was them and all three of them are here at their local shopping mall today being led around by their shaved cocks looking totally humiliated. Revenge is sweet," Gary stated.

"So as I said Daniel, I owe you big time for caring enough about a guy you had only just met to set that chain of events off," Gary told Daniel.

"Aw it was noting, to make a big deal over, but thanks for coming and saying thanks to me I appreciate that," Daniel replied.

As Gary continued to guide Daniel by his now throbbing penis through the corridors of the shopping mall Gary asked Daniel, "Your gay right?"

"Who me? 3; No! 3; What ever made you think that," Daniel defensively replied taken completely off guard by the forthright comment.

"Oh come on Daniel who do you think you are kidding! I saw the way you looked at me when I was naked and how your dick is throbbing even now at the most gentle of touching by me. No your gay and your attracted to me aren't you," Gary bluntly asked.

"Shit Gary the other day at the golf course I was totally naked looking at another naked guy. Does that make me gay and now the fact that I'm really erect has nothing to do with you as such. Anyone who grabs my penis is going to get a similar reaction," Daniel protested.

"Oh well in that case I guess you would not be interested in me paying you back for the big favour I owe you," Gary offered very tantalisingly.

"Why, what are you offering?" Daniel asked with caution.

"I have a car waiting in the car park to take you home to my place and I was going to make your day for you," Gary stated with a wink of his eye.

"I can't leave here; I would be in serious trouble." Daniel informed Gary.

"Yes you can, if you stay with me. I have you signed out and I want you to carry my shopping for me all the way home. I will of course have to return you before your shift finishes. You don't plan on telling anyone you left with me anyway do you? I certainly don't plan on telling your overseer. No one will take any notice, a newdd going to the car park with shopping. It will just seem normal," Gary assured Daniel.

"I can't Gary, it's too risky," Daniel pleaded.

"Hey I am not forcing this on you; I just thought I would make an offer to pay you back for what I owe you that I have never offered a guy or a girl before. The choice is yours but it's now or never, your call," Gary informed Daniel.

Daniel's mind was racing. This was an offer from a guy who was just totally adorable. He seemed to be offering himself to Daniel. What was he do? He liked boys and Gary had seen straight through him. Was it that obvious? If he said no would he regret that decision? Yes he would almost certainly. His cock was throbbing at just the thought of being intimate with Gary. Was his sexual gratification worth the risk? Well Gary was not going to tell and he certainly was going to keep quite.

Daniel thought through all the issues that came into his head and was still going over possibilities when Gary asked, "Well what your decision?"

"Ummm 3; 3; Ok," Daniel said with a sigh of relief. He just hoped Marco never found out about this; actually know one must find out about this he decided.

To legitimise the trip to the car park Gary produced a wad of notes from his wallet and bought new jeans and a couple of casual shirts at various shops. Daniel placed the purchases in his trolley pouch and eventually led by Gary they exited the Mall and made their way over to a shiny silver limousine. The slave chauffeur of the vehicle quickly hopped out of his seat when he saw Gary coming and assisted Daniel to load Gary's purchases into the back seat of the car.

When all was unloaded Gary quickly manoeuvred Daniel into the back seat as well, jumping in himself as soon as Daniel had moved over and had the chauffeur close the door. The limousine had darkly tinted rear windows so once the door was closed Daniel was free from any spying eyes as Gary removed Daniel's shopping trolley and the limousine swiftly exited the car park and made the short drive to Gary's house.

On the drive there, Gary told Daniel his parents would be out so they would not be a problem.

"How are you and your parents getting on now you have been exonerated?" Daniel asked knowing that they had been disgusted and ashamed of him and had made him sleep in the servant's quarters just like he had been made.

"I never got on well with them anyway. You know how it is I guess. They are happy I was innocent but dad's only other comment was that my time as a newdd would be a good learning experience and it was saving him some money as the school is suspending my school fees for the next twelve months in compensation for the mistake," Gary informed Daniel.

"Actually I don't know how it is exactly though I can imagine pretty good. My parents were hard on me at first for my stupidity in breaking the law, but out of that we are getting on better than ever. I am really starting to understand my dad in particular much better these days," Daniel replied.

"Well your lucky," was Gary's only response before he went on to explain how his parents slave servants could be trusted to be discrete.

Most were now on notice of being sold due to the way they treated Gary when he was a newdd. A lot of the servants had taken great delight in humiliating him as much as possible whilst he was a newdd. Now that he was free again they would do almost anything for Gary to try and ensure that they were not sold in disgrace. A disgraced slave was destined to be sold into hard labour or menial duties. None of Gary's parent's slaves wanted that fate.

As Gary didn't want to draw any more attention to himself and Daniel than could be helped he had the chauffeur when they arrived at the residence in the limousine drive around to a side entrance and Gary quickly had Daniel inside and then upstairs in his bedroom.

Gary wasted no time once Daniel and he were alone. He locked the bedroom door so they could not be disturbed and pulled Daniel by his cock over to his big four poster bed and grabbed Daniel in a tight hug.

Though Daniel was a very modest shy boy, things quickly developed that all his modesty could not stop.

Daniel hugged Gary back. Then he reached over and began removing Garys clothing till he too stood as naked as Daniel.

Gary began by running his hands over Daniel's smooth warm body. At first Daniel didn't know what to do; he wanted to do the same to Gary but was shy and nervous. Then making up his mind it was now or never Daniel responded by doing the same to Gary's body.

Gary smiled as his eyes surveyed Daniel's naked body and whispered gently to Daniel, "Don't blush I think your hairless body is beautiful."

Daniel smiled then gasped as Gary's fingers stroked Daniel's small erect penis, then ran down to his tight ball sack and fondled the smooth tight skin that lay at the mercy of Gary's fingers. The feeling was unbearable; no masturbation Daniel had ever done felt this good. The feel of naked skin on naked skin was so sensual, all Daniel's nerves felt like they were electric charged, Gary's touch was almost unbearable. Daniel's penis felt harder than it had ever felt, pointing straight out as little boy dicks often do.

Gary's penis was now also fully erect. And to Daniel it looked huge, as it was so much thicker than his little boy cock. Like wise his ball sack was hanging low where as Daniel's was still a tight little package tucked under his penis and Gary's balls were so much larger than Daniel's poor excuses of manhood.

All Daniel's modesty was swept away as they cuddled together on Gary's bed. Gary kissed Daniel's neck then ran the kisses down Daniel's chest to his nipples. Daniel squirmed, he had never realised how sensitive they were, the feel of Gary's tongue circling around his erect nipples had Daniel moaning with pleasure, all his worries and concerns were lost at that moment, he existed only for now. The pleasure was intoxicating.

Gary kissed down Daniel's chest past his belly button till he reached his erect penis.

Oh the sheer pleasure Daniel was experiencing.

Gary opened his mouth and swallowed Daniel's throbbing penis. The feeling of Gary's warm mouth engulfing his penis was too much for Daniel, he orgasmed that very moment, the feeling was indescribable. Pleasure and ecstasy pulsated through Daniel's body, like nothing he had ever experienced.

There was as usual no ejaculation and Gary's reaction to this revelation was a bit of surprise but not regret.

That afternoon Gary showed Daniel how to make love. He gently guided Daniel through all the actions that gave Daniel great pleasure. He was a great teacher, loving and patient. Daniel was really sorry when Gary decided it was time to return Daniel to the mall. He didn't want this time of absolute bliss to come to an end.

But come to an end it did. Gary thanked Daniel again for helping him out and he expressed the hope that he had repaid the debt.

When Daniel said he had done so many times over they laughed but then Gary became very serious and looking Daniel squarely in the eyes informed Daniel that this afternoon was a one off experience. That it would not be a good thing for either of them if they continued to see each other in intimate situations like this again.

Daniel agreed and with a parting kiss in the privacy of the room they quietly went back downstairs and were driven back to the mall where Gary signed off Daniel's work register as very satisfactory and Daniel was left standing in the car park as the limousine drove away into the distance with Gary.


A Middle Class Slave Revisited by Steam Train. A Modest Servant by Steam Train. uaabb Code of Conduct by Aldric. "School Exhibitionism," by Horney Rouge.