Darkfire KnightGabriel's NightmareChapters 5-8Chapter 5Gabriel awoke to the sounds of the door on the cage whining. He tried to move, but found the muscles in his arms and legs were badly cramped due to the long stay in the cage. He also had to piss something fierce.Clint hit the top of the cage, "Come on Gabe, get out of there. The quicker you get moving the faster your body will work out the cramps." Gabriel gritted his teeth as he forced his scrunched up body to crawl out of the cage. He desperately wanted to stand, but knew he would have to stay on all fours until told otherwise. Still, he rolled his shoulders and head to loosen up some. Clint watched in some humor for a few moments, enjoying the fact Gabriel kept looking up hoping to start morning duties so he could stretch out. This was the fun part of breaking in a boy. The boy was so desperate for some kind of comfort that even drinking piss and licking ass was better then his current situation. At last Clint sat on the bed and motioned toward his cock. Gabriel bit back some frustration as he realized he would not get to stand yet, he would have to drink the man's waste while still in "pet mode". He let out a sigh and he moved forward and took the cock into his mouth. As usual, he felt Clint reach down and grab his nose. A second later the bitter liquid spewed into his mouth. Even though he was still terribly revolted by this, it didn't seem as bad as it had a couple of days ago. Part of him felt like crying as he realized he was actually getting used to all of this. Clint waited until the last drops of piss had been sucked from his cock before he pushed Gabriel back; "You are doing better every day. You may stand and stretch; then we will continue your morning chores." Gratefully Gabriel stood. He never even figured out he was silently thanking the man for being kind to him. He stretched for a few minutes then let out a breath of air. "Request permission to speak sir." Clint smiled, "Go ahead." "I really need to go to the bathroom sir." "Very well. You may get down and use your litter box, then we will continue." Gabriel got down on all fours again and scurried into the sandbox full of kitty litter. As shameful as it was to have to go to the bathroom like an animal he was still very happy for the chance to go. He squatted and took a dump while pissing. When he at last finished he carefully used he feet to cover up the lumps of shit and did his best to bury the pissed on kitty litter as well. Clint chuckled as he watched Gabriel cover up his waste, "You have been holding that crap in hoping I would let you use a real toilet haven't you." Gabriel was not sure if he was allowed to speak or not so he nodded his head. Of all the things he been though and found out, one of the simplest was if he told the truth, he would not get punished. "I figured as much. I gave you a chance yesterday, but didn't find any shit in the sandbox last night. It would have been a hell of a lot easier on you if you had simply gone when you had the chance and not held it in." Clint stated. "I was not going to let you use a toilet again until you took a crap like any good pet. Glad you finally gave up and went. Now you may stand again and finish your morning duties. First, however, I need to wipe your ass so get into the bathroom and lean over the toilet so I can get you good and clean. Gabriel stood and walked into the bathroom, the simple act of really walking was somewhat awkward after crawling everywhere for the last couple of days. It felt good though. With some resignation he again went down to his knees and leaned over the toilet. He stayed there waiting for Clint, because part of him just knew if he was not ready when Clint walked in, he would get punished. Obeying had become the lesser of two evils. Clint took his time, first cleaning out the litter-box and throwing away the kitty litter and fresh clumps of shit. He briefly toyed with the idea of Making Gabe eat it, but as with many things over the past few days, the boy had followed instructions and had buried it like he had been told. Now if all this obedience would transfer to the sale today, he would be set! He again looked at his controller debating for about the tenth time on whether or not to push the button with the plastic guard over it. As with all the times before, he knew it would have to be done, but Gabriel didn't deserve it. "Oh well," he said aloud, "It is too bad, but this auction is just too damned important." Clint smiled as he saw Gabriel's butt poking up in the air. He quickly took a wad of toilet paper and wiped the boy's butt then grabbed another wad and dug his finger deep inside to really get the boy clean. He sighed with some satisfaction as he realized Gabriel had not yelped or even made a sound. The fact the boy had closed his eyes and gritted his teeth mattered little. The important thing was he had learned to deal with a little discomfort. "Excellent, you have learned well!" Clint praised the boy, "But today we are going to do something slightly different. Stand up and follow me into the basement." Gabriel didn't like the sound of this. The basement was where he had been tortured with the hot and cold water, the basement is where he had been taken so neighbors could not hear his screams. No, he didn't have any desire to go to the basement with Clint ever again. If he didn't, however, he knew he would be punished and end up in the basement anyway, so reluctantly he followed. Clint pointed to a metal support pole in the center of the basement, "Gabriel, go over there and sit. Put your hands behind your back and around the pole." Gabriel saw two pairs of weird looking padded handcuffs and noticed there was a plastic tablecloth covering the types of mats used in gym class for tumbling all the way around the pole. The pole itself had a thick foam cushion all the way around it from the floor to about his chest in height. It was secured by several pieces of duct tape. He instantly knew this was not good, but couldn't quite figure out what was going on. As much as he wanted to refuse, he knew better, so he chewed on his lip and followed the instruction. Clint pulled out the old battery in the collar and replaced it with a fresh one. He then secured Gabriel's hands with the handcuffs and made sure the plastic and the mats were firmly under him. He then took a second pair of cuffs and locked the boy's legs together. Lastly, he hooked a thick cord dog leash to the cuffs around the boy's feet and tied the other end around the foot of the washer so Gabe didn't have much room to move at all. He backed up and looked down at the helpless boy. "Gabriel, let me first explain something to you. As I can tell from the look on your face you can see this is not something you will enjoy. To be honest, I will not find much pleasure in this either. What you are about to feel is what happens to boys who have been very bad, tried to escape, or have bitten me. You have done none of these things, so do not deserve this. However, I want you to understand just how serious this day is for both of us. "I also want you to know this is the first and by far the easiest of the punishments I have for boys who are bad. So if something happens today at the auction that makes you want to stop behaving like a proper boy-pet, you can remember this. Then you can decide if behaving and enduring what is happening is worth never feeling this or the other punishments I could dish out. In other words this is a taste of what is in store if you speak like a human, don't walk on all fours properly, don't stay close enough to me, don't sit on all fours, or worse yet try to strike out at any of my friends. "The padding under you and around the pole as well as the fact you cannot move much is all for your protection, not part of the punishment. Should you mess up today, you will feel this again and there will be no protection, do you understand what I am saying?" Gabriel nodded his head and cried in fear, "Yes sir, but you don't have to do this! I will be good today sir!" "I know you have your mind set that you are ready for today, but you are not. It normally takes weeks to train a boy-pet to be fully ready to be around others. You will be doing things you have not yet done. Small things you have not thought of like being naked around others without acting uncomfortable. Normally I take a lap boy to parties first. There you would sit on my lap naked while I play with you. I would also let others touch you so you could get used to it, but you have not even done that. No Gabe, I must do this." Clint didn't wait for another protest; he flipped up the plastic safety covering and pressed the button underneath. Gabe felt the two strange boxes secured under the backs of his ears buzz for a second. Then he shouted in agony as he felt a series of small needles lance into the soft skin. He tried to struggle loose of the handcuffs wanting desperately to pull off the boxes, but he couldn't. He never thought of the fact he would have rubbed his wrist to the point of bleeding if the handcuffs had not had the thick padding around them. Suddenly the pain got worse, much worse. It started as small electrical shocks sent down the needles into the pressure point behind the ears then built to more powerful shocks. The shocks came in waves causing the pressure points to actually cramp up. Gabriel started flopping uncontrollably, he head banging on the padded pole and the rest of his body twisting and turning trying to get away from the pain. So terrible was the sensation his struggles managed to move the washing machine away from the wall giving his legs some slack. He kicked with his feet slamming his heals over and over again into the mats Clint had put down. His shouts turned into to high pitched screams as the tiny boxes sent a new set of needles into the skin and started shocking new areas while the first set of needles withdrew from the nerves so one area would not become numb. After nearly five minutes the shocks weakened as the battery lost its ability to keep going. Clint shut off the power completely and set the controller down. He looked over and saw Gabriel was barely conscious. Clint grabbed a washcloth, wetted it, and went over to Gabriel. He washed the boy's face off and rubbed his hair for several minutes allowing the child time to recover. As he waited he carefully removed the handcuffs and pulled off all the connectors from the training collar and put a pair of Band-Aids over the areas behind the ears where the boxes had drawn some blood. He sighed; the needles were thin and strong. They didn't draw much blood and even without any aid the holes would stop oozing blood within minutes but he knew the boy would find some comfort in the fact he wouldn't be able to rub his fingers back there and come away with blood. Carefully he picked the boy up and checked the plastic for signs of piss or shit. He was not surprised to find both. He was glad Gabriel had taken a shit earlier or this would have been a real mess. He didn't hold this against the boy; the device had been designed to be painful enough to make a full grown adult lose control of there abilities to hold in waste. Clint took a few extra minutes to clean up the mess on Gabriel and throw away the plastic tablecloth. He then laid the boy on a clean section of mats. "Gabriel, you need to stop crying and listen." It took a few moments but Gabriel finally made eye contact with Clint. His crying slowed but didn't stop. He was too afraid and too overcome with the ordeal to fully shut off the flow of tears. He did manage to squeak out a few short words, however; "I am listening sir." Clint knelt and ran his hands over the boy's smooth skin. "There is something else I want you to think about." In Gabriel's mind, anything including death would have been better than a repeat of the torture he had just received, so he decided to listen carefully so he wouldn't have to feel it again. "What sir?" Clint continued to run his hands down the boy's body. He got no resistance. Of course some of the most stubborn and mean spirited boys he had ever dealt with refused to fight after their ordeal with the boxes behind the ears. Still he had to make his point so clearly that there was no way this little rental would screw up at today's auction. "Remember while you are at the party that if you mess up, Sara and Michael will be brought here. They will go through this as well and will be told you are the reason they are getting this punishment. Sara's dolls will then be burned and Michael's pet will be tossed into the fire." Even though a haze of tears Gabriel's eyes went wide with terror, "Please don't sir!" Clint felt like a master fisherman dangling the hook, now all he had to do was set it firmly in place. "The problem is Gabriel, I will not have any say so. Because the only reason Michael and Sara are getting any fun time at all is because you agreed to obey. Once the others see you are not following through, then all my sway over them will cease." "But you promised sir!" Gabriel screamed in horror at the thought of Sara screaming as the areas behind her ears burned like they were on fire. The addition of seeing her dolls getting burned would destroy her. Michael would be even worse; he loved his ferret. It had been his best friend since dad had been forced out of the house. If he saw it killed he might even kill himself. Of all of them, Michael had been the most hurt by dad leaving. He had few friends and was constantly picked on by older kids. Clint shook his head, "No, I promised you they would get what you asked for as long as you obeyed. This will be the only chance one of the men who has your siblings will get to see if you have followed through, so he will make his decision today based on your actions. The other may only see you a few more times and he will probably make up his mind today on whether or not you have followed through on your end of the deal. If you behave perfectly, however, he will make up his mind today and your sister will get her nap times with her toys for the rest of the summer. You know, one of the reasons I had to get you ready so quickly was to satisfy them." Clint couldn't believe how easily he had lied to the boy. He took great pride in always telling the total truth. That way his boys would grow to understand that whatever they were told was the truth. The problem this time was he needed Gabriel to push him to the top. If the boy found this out, it would either make him mess up on purpose or he would do as instructed in hopes of getting an easier summer. Clint couldn't afford the boy to make the first choice so he lied to guarantee the chose would turn in his favor. Gabriel sat up weakly, "You didn't have to hurt me sir. If you would have told me how important this was for Sara and Michael it would have been enough." Clint helped the boy to his feet; "I had to make sure. I know you care about your brother and sister and would never want them to go though this. Also remember, you had pads and were tied pretty tight. When a bad boy gets this punishment his head hits the post and his feet and body kick against a hard floor. What you feel now is not half of what the full punishment would feel like because you have none of the extra bruises." Gabriel wobbled for a second, "I think I forgot to say sir at the end of last words to you. I am sorry sir." Clint held out a hand to steady the boy, "I will let it slide this time. Now you go ahead and take a good shower and put on the shorts and T-shirt I left out on the bed. Then go cook us a good breakfast." Gabriel staggered toward the steps and stopped, "What about the rest of my morning duties sir?" "Today you get a break from them, if you do well today, you may get other breaks from your chores over the course of the summer. If you mess up, well 3;" Clint let his words hang in the air as a stern warning. Judging by the look on the lad's face the message got through loud and clear. Gabriel sat at the table and ate his breakfast in silence. It actually felt strange to be wearing clothing let alone eating like a normal person. It was wonderful to taste real food again. He loved sunny side up eggs and they tasted all the better after a couple of days of eating dog food out of a dish. As he took each bite and savored the flavor, he couldn't help but wonder what the rest of the day would be like. He knew he would be naked in front of a whole lot of other people, which didn't thrill him in the slightest. He also knew many of the people there would try to hurt him and make him mess up. This terrified him. Sara and Michael would suffer even more than they already were if he didn't pass the tests. He wondered what the Auction would really be like. He didn't have to wait long to find out. Clint had Gabriel clean the dishes as he loaded the cage into the back of his car. He then handed Gabriel two pills. "I am going to cheat some, in your favor. If you tell anyone of this I will hurt you so bad your father would not be able to recognize you." "You know my dad. Sir?" Gabriel asked with a degree of shock. Clint quickly covered up his mistake, "Not really. I heard some from your mother before you came home from school that he was banned from seeing you though. I might even be able to pay a judge to drop the ban if you do well today and behave well over the rest of the summer." Gabriel felt his eyes go wide, "You could do that sir?" "Yes, but only if you perform well all summer. Put those pills in your pocket. Just before we get there I will pull off the road, have you undress and put you in the cage. As soon as I do you must take one of the pills. About half way through the day, I will take you back to the cage so you can piss and get fed and watered, at that point you will be given a few seconds to pop the other one." "Dad told me never to take drugs. I don't want to be like mom sir." "I understand, but these will make you relax while not making you sleepy. Things will not hurt quite as much, but your reaction times will be slowed so keep right on my leg." "I will be OK without them sir." Clint almost broke out with a burst of anger, but controlled himself. Instead he decided Gabriel should be reasoned with. His mom was a drugged out whore after all and there was a good reason the boy wanted nothing to do with drugs. He held up a finger to make sure he had the boy's attention, "Gabe, there are a few things I don't think you have realized yet. First off when you were walking around here as a boy-pet you had on the training gear, shock collar and were wired. When we get out to the auction site today, you will have a collar, but no leash and no training gear on. Thus there is no protection for your knees or hands. You will not get a warning about wandering too far. Truth be told there is only one reason I train my boy-pets to stay so close. It is for your own good. The closer you are to me the harder it is for others to hurt you. "If you get separated from me, you will be at the mercy of whoever wants you. It is easy for a person to step on your hand or stick a finger or ink pen up your butt when you are close, but they do so in front of me and risk me returning the favor or worse to their own kid-pets. If someone gets between you and me, there is nothing to stop him or her from stepping down on both your hands while another comes up and kicks you in the balls. There is also nothing to stop them from grabbing your collar and leading you further away from me where you could be fucked or far worse. That is part of the game. You cannot shout out for help. If I get distracted and you are not on my leg you could be led off. I will try to find you, but there is no guarantee I will find you before someone sticks a baseball bat up your ass. The easiest way for them to separate you from me is to hurt you, make you stop or slow down while I am walking. You will also be tempted to slow down every time your knee or hand hits a rock. I will try to help some, but I cannot help you in overt ways without others saying you are being protected and are not a boy-pet yet. If that were to happen, you will have failed. "Now, if you take the pill you will still endure much, but things done to you will not hurt as much and will have a much greater chance of staying close to me." Gabriel looked at the two pills and sighed, "Will I want more like mom does sir?" Clint nodded, "You will, but you will not get any. The desire to have more will be broken very quickly because you will not have a chance to get addicted to them before I prevent you from getting more. If anything, you will see how easy it was for your mom to get hooked on junk and may be able to understand what happened easier." "I guess I should thank you sir." Gabriel grimaced as he put the pills into his pocket. "Probably, but you will go through enough today to make you forget wanting to thank me." Clint pointed to the stairs, "Go to the bathroom again so we can leave." Gabriel marveled at the inside of Clint's car. It looked more like some sort of space ship inside than a car with all the lights and displays. There were no normal gauges or needles telling him stuff; it was all done with lights. Added to the speedometer, rpm display, oil pressure, and other displays, there was also an on board direction thing that told him exactly where the car was. The CD and Stereo was also all lighted so he had plenty to look at. His exuberance slowly faded to nervousness as the car headed out of the city and deeper into the county. He looked out as the distance between houses grew until one house at a time was all he could see. Finally the car slowed to a halt behind a grove of trees. Clint stepped out and looked around before opening the passenger door. "Get out and strip. Take a piss and grab one of the pills. As soon as you are done climb into the cage." Gabriel could see Clint was on edge. The last thing he wanted was for the man to get mad at him so he quickly followed all the instructions. He climbed in the cage and looked at the pill. Clint took one more look around then handed Gabriel a bottle of Gatorade. "Drink this and take the pill now. You'll need the liquid anyway. Tuck the bottle in the back of the cage under the towel I put there. When you get out make sure it cannot be seen by anyone." "Yes sir." Clint nodded, "Good boy. For the rest of the day you are Gabe, boy-pet. No more speaking, no human sounding noises, no using your hands, no striking out, and you must stay on all fours. Got it?" Gabriel barely nodded, remembering the punishment he had received the last time he had spoken after being given the same commands. "Excellent!" Clint pulled the Band-Aids off from behind Gabriel's ears and patted him on the head. "We only have a few more miles to go before you are there. Get your mind set to be a good boy-pet." The last thing Clint did before shutting the cage was to put a leather collar with shiny sharp pointed metal studs around Gabriel's neck. A small red tag was engraved with the name "Gabe " on one side and "property of Clint M." on the other As the cage door closed and locked him in he felt a knot grow in his gut. As the car started to roll again he knew it was up to him to endure whatever happened. For a moment he even scratched the area behind his ears. The memory of the morning's painful torture was still fresh in his mind and it allowed a new determination to set in. He never wanted to feel that again and could not allow Sara or Michael to feel it! Each minute only made Gabriel more nervous. He was almost thankful when he felt the car slow to a stop and the engine shut off. At least he didn't have to worry about what was going to happen any more. He heard Clint talking with another man for a few minutes then the back door opened and he could see several men and women gathered around the car. Many talked about him. All were curious how long he would hold out. Some even made bets. One thing he heard over and over was the fact that if he worked out, Clint would get some kind of promotion for sure. The fear inside him grew as he started to understand Clint was betting on him to get the new job. If he screwed up, there would be no question he would suffer very badly, as would his brother and sister. He took a few deep breaths to calm his nerves. The whine of the small motor on the cage didn't help the feeling in his stomach at all. If anything he had to fight the desire to puke. "Gabe, come on out like a good boy-pet so I can show you off." Clint called out. Gabriel took one last breath before crawling out of the cage. He had a bit of a hard time climbing out of the car while on his hands and knees, but he made it. The next thing he felt was the hot concrete and a few stones poking into his knees. Suddenly he understood why Clint had ordered him to take the pill. His hands and knees would be a mess by the end of the day! Suddenly there were a whole host of people running their hands over him, petting him like he was a dog. Gabriel scrambled to get as close to Clint as possible. Fortunately, Clint hadn't moved very far so it was easy to make contact with his leg. Each movement over the pebble-strewn cement was killing his knees and hands. He desperately wanted to wipe off the rocks, but knew better. Instead he focused on staying close to Clint and ignoring a few of the rougher adults. Gabriel hadn't been out of the car for more than a minute before the painful sensation of a finger being shoved up his butt ripped into him. As he had learned with Clint, he rocked forward a little but kept otherwise still. "Very impressive!" A female voice stated, "And there are hardly any marks on him!" "I have told you before," Clint stated with confidence, "You don't have to whip a child to get them to be obedient; there are higher tech methods available." "We shall see Director." Another female voice seemed to hiss. "Why if it isn't Directoress Michelle." Clint's voice held an edge of disgust underlying his cheerfulness. "Care to come and inspect my pet yourself?" The long blond haired woman snorted, "Yea, why not?" She walked up to Gabriel, knelt and rubbed her hands down the boy several times. Then, without warning she grabbed his balls and squeezed at the same time her finger dug deep into his ass. Gabriel had to bite his tongue to prevent making any noise, but he had actually been helped slightly by Clint. The man had prepared him for the assault by stepping down on his fingers a few moments before so he was not totally unprepared for the pain. As this dawned on him, he realized sticking close to Clint would also help him behave because the man could give him a few hints as to what was going to happen. "Now Michelle," Clint chuckled after a few moments, "The boy's testicles are mine to crush or not crush. He has proven he can take your advances." Michelle looked up and glared, giving Gabriel one last hard squeeze. "Yes, but now my finger is filthy!" "So have my pet lick it clean or lick it clean yourself. He has a good flavor." Michelle pulled out her finger and at last let go of Gabriel's balls. She then stuck her finger into his mouth and glared, "Make sure I don't have any shit under my fingernail!" Gabriel accepted the finger. He licked off the entire finger several times then spent an extra few seconds sucking on it to get the long fingernail clean. The length of the nail told him why this butt had hurt so damned much. She had purposefully scratched inside him a little. As he stopped sucking he felt the fingernail drag along the top of his mouth drawing a little blood as she pulled out her finger. Gabriel had to fight the desire to bite her finger off. Only the thought of Sara handcuffed to the pole with the boxes attached to the back of her ears prevented him from clamping down. Finally the woman stood and turned away. As a last attempt to get Gabriel to mess up, she planted her heal on the boy's hand and twisted it back and forth. Gabriel felt a couple of tears trickle down his creeks, but he remained totally silent. There were a few more hands that petted him and a couple of more fingers up his ass, but they were nowhere near as rough as the woman had been. Gabriel took a deep breath as Clint finally led him over to the grass. He took a few moments to drag his hands and knees over the grass slowly to dislodge the rocks and again found himself silently thanking Clint. The next couple of hours were total hell on earth for Gabriel, as he stayed glued to Clint's leg. His only attention was on that one thing. He didn't look around at all. Every person that came by would pet him, smack his butt, kick him in the nuts, stomp on a hand, or shove a finger up his butt. Well over half the fingers he then had to lick clean. All the while Clint seemed to ignore him unless he saw something coming that might have the possibility of screwing up his behavior. Once a man came over and started talking as Clint was getting a glass of punch from a bowl. The light step on Gabriel's fingers warned the boy something bad was about to happen. Sure enough, the man talked for a few minutes then started pressing his knee into Gabriel's side. By the time the conversation was over Gabriel found the bony knee was being rotated slowly and digging in. For a few minutes he wondered if his ribs would break. Occasionally the man would laugh at one of Clint's comments and slap his open palm down across Gabriel's back or butt. When the guy moved away at long last, Gabriel was sure his back and butt were glowing red after the numerous stinging slaps. There was no question in his mind that his side had a massive red spot partially rubbed raw by the jerk's knee. On another occasion, Clint spilled a slight amount of water from a glass onto Gabriel. The boy braced for the unexpected and found it was only a second away. He felt a finger go up his ass then a second finger opened his ass wide. The pain increased as his butt hole was stretched real wide with a third finger. The man continued to talk to Clint as he inserted a few cold balls of something into Gabriel's ass and then pushed them in deep with his finger. It reminded Gabriel of the time he had been very sick and his dad had given him a suppository. Having to keep whatever had been shoved into his butt up inside him was probably more difficult than all the pain and other torment he was put though. But a whisper of warning from Clint to not shit them out eliminated the possibility of expelling the discomfort. Every movement reminded him of the desire to take a shit to get rid of the now warm object Slowly, however, Gabriel realized the attention on him had slowed some. Not completely, not by a long shot, but it was more casual. It was as if he had basically tested out to be OK and so many of the adults had tired of messing with him. This allowed Gabriel to look around a little while still keeping extremely close to Clint. What he saw was both terrible for the boy to look at and somewhat amazing as well. The place was moving with a mass of people in a party like environment; there had to be at least fifty adults, probably more if one included the huge house where people moved into and out of quite freely. There were tables of food, which Gabriel had already noticed, but had not really paid much attention to until now. They were stacked like a huge picnic with food, punch, water, soda, and bottles of beer. There was a grill blazing with ribs and other meat as well. Yet there were others like him who were not getting a chance to enjoy all the fun. Kids. A lot of other kids. All of them naked, many walking around on all fours like he was. Some older kids were there as well, walking like a normal person but supporting huge drink trays, the only thing they wore was a collar with a tag like the one around his neck. Some of the kids were in far worse shape than he was. He noticed one boy of only about seven walking on all fours with a leash attached to his collar. The boy was clearly in a great deal of pain. It took Gabriel a few seconds to see why, but when he did, his stomach nearly flipped. The boy's dick had a string around it tied so tight the boy's dick looked almost blue. The other end of the string was tied to a thick stick like thing which stuck out of the kid's butt. The dick was pulled back and stretched tight by the string. As he watched, Gabriel saw the woman leading the boy push the stick further in to his butt making the string pull even tighter on the dick. The action caused the boy to stumble and fall to the ground. The woman yanked the boy back up by his hair and smacked him hard enough to hear. She then shoved the stick in even deeper. He also saw a girl his age crawling next to one of the guys who had been at his house but who had not bid much. The girl's tits had rings through them and attached to the rings were weights that swung from side to side as when crawled. Gabriel shuddered as he saw the stretched nipples were actually pierced all the way though by the rings. As Gabriel continued to realize he could look around some without getting away from Clint he started looking around just a little more. Most of the time he only did so when Clint stopped, but finally Clint went over to a bench and sat next to a man holding a boy of about 9 on his lap. Clint pointed to the ground, "Sit Gabe!" Gabriel was only too happy to comply. He stayed on his hands and knees but moved his butt to rest against his heels. He hoped this would give him a chance to really see what all was going on but the boy on the other man's lap pushed back his desire to look around some more. Clint almost instantly eyed the brown haired blue eyed boy sitting on the man's lap with a degree of lust. Clint reached over and rubbed his hands over the boy's leg. This cause the youngster to pull back some. The other man grabbed the boy's nose and mouth and clamped his hand over both, "Billy! I told you to sit still when others touch you! I guess you don't want to breathe for a while!" Billy struggled for a few seconds until Clint grabbed his hands and held them tight, "You are not being a very good lap boy Billy." Clint growled. "I guess you need to get a punishment!" Even as the boy struggled for air the tried to shake his head and scream "No!" the only problem was no sound came out and neither man was in much of a forgiving mood. Clint looked down at Gabriel as he used his free hand to pull on the boy's dick. "Gabe take this in your mouth and bite down until you feel your teeth sink in just a little. The other man removed his hand from Billy's nose so he could breath and smiled, "Wouldn't want you not being able to feel this slave!" Gabriel didn't like the command even a little, but knew he had no choice. He scooted over and took the boy's small dick in his mouth and started slowly biting down. He could see the boy trying to scream and Clint and the other man had to hold Billy's feet and legs so he would stop kicking Gabriel. Clint nodded approval; "You're doing great Gabe, but go real slow. We don't want you biting it off. When you think you are getting close to breaking the skin, roll your jaw back and forth until you taste a little blood then back off. Billy continued to thrash and try to scream until Gabe tasted some blood and let go of the boy's dick with his teeth. He kept it in his mouth though. The other man looked down, "Tasting blood?" Gabriel blinked two times like Clint had showed him when answering a question: Nodding around others was not allowed. "That is a yes David." Clint smiled and patted Gabe on the head. It was the first time he had shown any degree of kindness to the boy since they had arrived. "Suck on it for a while. Whenever it starts to get hard, bite down." David commanded then turned his attention to Clint. Still he kept a firm hand over Billy's mouth. Clint ignored both kids, "Seems like your slipping some David." "Kids are getting too expensive. I can't afford the good ones any more. My plumbing company just hasn't turned the profits I had hoped for since I expanded. I'm still scrapping things together. I only made 200,000 last year." "Hey, that company will make you ass loads once you clear the debt." "Yea, but that loan will not be clear for another three years!" Clint looked down to make sure Gabriel was still sucking Billy's dick, satisfied he turned back to the conversation. "You don't have to pay off a 20 year loan in five years!" "Yea, but this is the first time we have taken on a debt since dad gave me the company so I guess I feel a little guilty." "I can see that. You'll be pulling in well over a mil a year when the loan clears. So where'd you pick this one up?" "Know a woman down in Miami who works in an orphanage. Billy here lost his ma in an accident a month ago, no other relatives. Got him for two grand." David had to grab Billy as the boy jerked under the pain of a new bite from Gabriel. "Good boy Gabe. Don't let his dick get hard!" "Damn, that is a steal!" Clint stated in some envy. "I doubt I could get a Cuban kid for less than five grand and Billy is white!" "Yea, well, I have a few other contacts in Florida. I used to work in social services down there you know." "Yea, bet you got some dirt on a few child care workers!" Clint laughed "More than a few. I'll sell you their names, if your are interested." "What type of connections and how much?" "Varies. I can pull two or three kids a year out of the place I got Billy without attracting too much attention. You tend to like really breaking in harder kids, so I could get you a guy who works with street kids down in the Keys. He charges a little more, but he can provide you with ass loads of Cuban kids and toss in a white, black or Hispanic once in a while. He is a hard ass though." Clint pinched Billy's left tit until the boy started squirming, "How much for this one and your Key's friend?" "How about you pay my loan and I'll give you a detective who takes care of investigating runaways, two guys who work in runaway centers in the same city, the Key's guy and Billy?" Clint shook his head, "What are you trying to do, rob me? That is a five million-dollar loan! Throw in the orphanage worker and your house up on the Thousand Islands in New York, and we have a deal though." "I'll give you the house, but not the orphanage worker. I don't go up north much anyway." "Fine, but I get the yacht at the house! I'll still take a net loss of about three million, but I'll have some good contacts in an area where I currently have zilch." "Shit, I never have learned how to navigate the St. Lawrence anyway. Too many Islands and rocks. You got a deal!" David rubbed Gabriel's head and smiled, "Let's see how Billy's cock looks." Gabriel was happy to obey, but bit the kid's dick one last time to make sure it was all the way soft. The last thing he wanted was to open his mouth and have any signs the other boy had enjoyed it. He was relieved to see both men smile at the sight of the limp dick with small teeth wounds. He turned away from the boy to look around some more while Clint broke out his cell phone and started making arrangements for the agreed upon transaction. Billy only sobbed as he was transferred to Clint's lap. Gabriel shuddered as he realized the sort of deal Clint had just made was only one of many. His eyes fell on one Girl-pet of only 5 or 6 who stood next to one man until he received a large amount of cash from another woman. The woman then knelt and slapped the little girl's face over and over, grabbed her collar and attached a leash. The girl was then pulled away by what could have only been her new owner. One of the younger servers, a boy of only 12 or 13 was also haggled over for a while. The boy stood crying, holding the tray while one man held his collar. The other man finally nodded. Another server boy then grabbed the boy's tray while the kid got kicked behind the knees very hard and fell down to all fours. As he cried, he allowed a leash to be attached. The second the boy was leashed, the man who held the leash pulled out a large fake dick, shoved it into the boy's butt and lead him over to a car. The kid was then forced into a cage exactly like the one in Clint's car. Gabriel was surprised the older boy had fit in a cage he found uncomfortable. The man slammed the car door and walked back toward the house rubbing his hands together. A few minutes later a series of chimes sounded. Clint stood, "Well I guess it is time to water and feed the pet and get ready for the auction. Would you mind carrying Billy over to my car while I let my pet relieve himself." David smiled, "Not at all, my good man. Hell, now I can actually afford to make some bids." "There are only two up for new sale for sure with maybe a couple of others." Clint shrugged. "Hopefully there will be some re-sales to entertain us for an hour or so before the real sale begins. I hate it when our parties are short." "I have not seen too many sales go down yet and this is the last major open sale in this area, is it not?" Clint stood and made sure Gabriel was next to him before moving to toward the cars. "We are working on a few others, but this looks like the last full get together here. The next will be in the Bahamas next month." "I might even be able to make that one now." David smiled, "but I have not yet made a reservation." "Stay at my place. I like having the company!" "Why that is most kind Clint. I shall take you up on your offer!" Gabriel had the sudden desire to puke. How could two men who were so mean act so nice to each other? It was sick! What was even more sickening to Gabriel was the fact the real party still awaited. He bit back a cringe as his hands and knees encountered the hot pavement and rocks again. Only this time his knees were a little more raw and the pavement much hotter under the mid-afternoon sun. It took all of his efforts not to scream as he shuffled over toward the car. Yet he knew the day had not ended yet. Somewhere deep inside, he knew whatever else was to come would not be fun at all.
Chapter 6Gabriel had tears rolling down his cheeks by the time Clint got to the far side of the driveway where the shade was covering the car and the surrounding pavement. The sudden lack of sun provided relief from the burring hot blacktop driveway and parking area. Gabriel took deep breath after deep breath and tried to think about anything but the pain in his hands and knees. The problem was, the tiny pebbles embedded into his hands and knees kept reminding him of the intense pain even thought the blistering heat was no longer burning his tender skin.Clint opened the back door of his car and pointed, "Gabe, hop up in there and take a quick break while I get Billy situated." Gabriel clamped his teeth together to prevent making noise as his knees rubbed on the carpeted floor. The only advantage to this was it dislodged most of the tiny rocks in his knees. Clint closed the door while whispering, "There is another full bottle of Gatorade in there. Drink it and take the other pill." Before Gabriel could answer the car door slammed and he heard the trunk pop open. He didn't waste any time finding the second pill and downing the big bottle of Gatorade. He wasn't sure if the first pill had done any good or not, but he didn't want to take a chance. Any help was better than none by this point. Clint continued to talk to David as he rummaged around in the trunk of his car. "How long have you been working with this sorry excuse for a slave?" David cuffed Billy on the head getting a yelp of pain, "Almost a full month. He does well at home, but he hasn't learned just what he is yet. From what I hear you just picked up Gabe a few days ago. How the hell did you do it? I don't see too many marks on him!" "I keep hearing others say my ways of breaking kids has flaws. So I put a little extra time working on Gabe. I wanted to show just how good a trainer I was. With any luck it will get me a vote or two when elections come around on Saturday." "You had my vote already. But from what I heard before chatting with you, the only one who might even come close is Michelle. She has quite a following, but after what people have seen of Gabe and the fact you haven't had him but a few days, she is loosing some of the ones who where not sure who to vote for. She is also very pissed at you." Clint pulled out a pair of cages from his trunk and set them on the ground. "I know. She is going to try something else before the end of the day. I just know it. The only question is what and when." David saw Clint pull out two pair of handcuffs and knew instantly what he wanted. He grabbed Billy's left hand and pulled it behind the boy allowing Clint to grab the boy's right foot. Quickly the cuffs were snapped down locking the bawling child's hand and foot together behind his back. As the maneuver was repeated with the other hand and foot David shrugged, "There isn't much you could do even if she wants to try something, unless she tries to damage Gabe." "I wouldn't put it past her. Did you ever see what she did to that Spanish kid she bought a year or so ago?" "No, but I heard all about it. Still, she kept to the Group's policies. She didn't kill the kid." "Yea, I know. She also made a fortune off the video taped torture sessions." Clint shook his head; "It amazes me he didn't die after half of what she did to him." "Many of us sell the kids off knowing they will probably not survive their non-Group owners. I sometimes wonder why we have a no-snuff policy." "Because that is what we all agreed to David." Clint snorted in some disgust, "Killing a child is a sign of weakness. If you can't make them obey then you don't deserve to be in the Group. I have only had to take a child to the doctor three times for injuries I was responsible for. Two were put through something I reserve for the absolute worst cases of slaves disobeying." He dropped the helplessly shackled Billy onto the blacktop then opened one of the cage doors. "This one might have to feel it if he doesn't straighten up." Billy felt the air rush out of him as his tummy smacked onto the driveway. With his hands and feet secured with handcuffs behind his back he could do nothing as he watched the ground rush to meet his falling form. The last thing he felt was his chin smack on the ground before he blacked out. Clint shrugged, "How long since he had anything to drink?" David looked at his watch, "About five hours now I guess." Clint reached into the trunk again and pulled out a small tackle box. He opened it, withdrew a needle, an IV bag and a hospital packed IV tube. It took him only moments to slide a needle into the boy's arm and push him into a cage. He then flipped the cage so the wire-mesh door pointed skyward and carted the caged boy to the other side of his car. He opened the back door and pushed the cage inside. It took a few more moments for him to set the IV on a hook right above the seat belt and adjust the drip. "Think four hours will be good or should I set it for a six our drip time?" David shrugged, "I'd set it for six to be safe, but I am willing to bet the action will only take two or three hours at the most. I doubt people will want to stay too long after the sales are over." "I'll set it for four hours then. If necessary I'll come back and put another on." Clint took a moment to adjust a countdown timer on his watch. "He is probably a little dehydrated with all the crying he has done and I don't want him getting sick on me." In the cage Billy could hear the men talking again as he drifted back out of the momentary black fog of unconsciousness. As he saw the needle and fluid slowly dripping into his body, he instantly wished he had not woken up. Knowing he would be like this for four or more hours terrified him, but there was absolutely nothing he could do. In the bottom of the cage he was unable to move and could only see the IV and the roof of the car. All he wanted was his mom and dad back, but they were dead. As he watched another drop fall from the bag into the tube going into his body, he wished he had been in the car with them. Gabriel had heard a great deal of the discussion. Knowing Clint didn't kill kids wasn't much of a surprise to him. The man liked to inflict pain and get total obedience. He couldn't get either if he killed. The really scary thing was he seemed worried about what the woman who had scratched his butt and inside of his mouth was going to do. The woman had been the meanest of all the people so far and it sounded like she was not finished yet. Before he really had the mind set for what was to come, he saw the door start to open. He quickly hid the second empty bottle of Gatorade under the towel in his cage and prepared to climb out back onto the rocky drive. Clint pointed to a small section of grass under the tree providing shade to the car and a few others, "Take a piss and you may now get rid of what was shoved up your butt earlier by my good and dear friend Henry." Gabriel scrambled to obey totally ignoring the rocks poking into his hands and knees. He squatted and pushed hard popping out three round balls, then turned and pissed by the tree. Having the objects out of his rectum was a great relief. David knelt and picked up the items, "Damn Clint! This boy has been holding three shooter marbles up his ass from before the time we sat down?" "Like I said. I am good!" Clint laughed. He then took a second to kneel down next to Gabriel. "I'm impressed. I thought he only shoved two up in you. You will be rewarded well if you make it through the rest of the day." Gabriel took a deep breath and let it out. Hearing a kind word and getting some kind of hope from Clint was rare, the fact he did so in front of David made it seem more real somehow though. He had to force himself not to smile too much. "You deserve some praise Gabe." David stated as he walked over. "You would not have made your master look bad at all if you had failed with all of this shoved up in you, but since you did make it, lick them off and I will take them around so Clint gets credit for such a wonderful job of training you." Gabriel didn't hesitate. He had tasted enough of his own shit if the last few days to where this didn't matter much at all. He opened his mouth and accepted the marbles. A couple of seconds later he spit them out into David's hands clean and shiny. David patted Gabe on the head, "Well done." He then turned to Clint. "I'll meet you inside. Save me a seat. Behind you so I have a good view." "Will do. See if you can find out what the opening bids are going to be for the new kids. I want to know if I should bid on the used stuff or wait." "Shouldn't be a problem." David nodded. "I'll talk to our host." Clint looked down at Gabriel. "You only have to crawl across the pavement two more times. I know it hurts like hell, but just think about your brother and sister." Gabriel blinked twice and moved out from under the shade. He shook briefly as heat ripped into his hands and knees from the sun and the black drive. Fortunately, Clint walked rapidly until Gabriel was back in the grass on the far side. He then slowed down again to allow Gabriel a chance to drag his hands and legs over the well-tended grass to dislodge all the stones yet again. This time, however Clint made straight for the main house. Gabriel climbed the steps with a new round of silent thanks for Clint's training. He was able to stay glued to the man's leg with no problem. He saw a two other kids who didn't do so well. Both got cut off by other adults and ended up totally separated from their owners. Both were expertly maneuvered and had their collars grabbed. No one made any attempt to stop the adults as they led the kids away from their owners. Gabriel could see by the looks on their faces, they knew they were in for a very bad time. The boy mad a feeble attempt to pull away as the man reached for his collar, but the second his collar was grabbed he stopped any struggling. Obviously, he knew to do so would only make matters worse as his shoulder's slumped in defeat. Gabriel also noticed many people were watching him, hoping he would become separated from Clint. One man kicked him in the nuts. The pain was intense, but again the time Clint had spent making him walk up and down steps had prepared Gabriel for this. He sucked in a breath and pushed himself even tighter against Clint's leg. A young woman tried a different tactic. She sent her pet forward to bite at Gabriel's heels. Gabriel nearly cried out as he felt the boy's teeth sink deep into his heel. He jerked hard enough to get Clint's attention but managed to keep quiet with only a slight gasp that was drowned out by the noise of others talking and the general hustle to get were everyone was going. Clint glared down for a moment before he caught sight of a set of teeth marks oozing a steady stream of blood on Gabe's right heel. His eyes hardened, but he kept his face very neutral. Clint got to the top of the stairs and turned around sharply. He reacted with such lightning speed no one, including the kid who had bit Gabriel, could react to it until it had already happened. Gabriel barely blinked before he realized Clint held the boy by his collar high in the air. As the boy thrashed and started choking Clint flipped the tag on the collar around, "Patricia, this pet is yours and just bit my pet! Did you order him to do so!" A few eyes turned to look at a woman while a few more glanced down at Gabriel. One man bent down and ran his hand down Gabriel's back and butt before looking at the boy's foot. "Clint is correct, the boy is bleeding. It is not a small nibble either. It is deep enough to need some minor tending to. I gather you didn't give permission for this?" Clint shook his head vigorously. "No I did not." He glared at the boy who was desperately trying to pull Clint's hand off his collar as he slowly turned blue. Clint flipped the tag over again so he could read the name, "Andrew stop fighting me. You are only making matters worse for you and your owner." The man who was taking his examination a few steps further by playing with Gabriel's balls turned to look at the woman, "Patricia, We need an answer. Did you order the boy to bite 3;" He paused and looked at the tag on Gabriel's collar, "Gabe huh. I have heard a lot about you today. Pretty damned good, didn't hear you yell out even after such a hard bite. Nice work." He turned his attention back to the Patricia. "Well, did you order your pet to bite Gabe?" The woman glanced around, made eye contact with Michelle, who gave her a slight nod, and then sighed. "Yea, I did. I was trying to separate Gabe for a little fun. But I didn't mean for Andrew to bite him so hard." Clint caught the unspoken communication and knew instantly this had been a set-up to make Gabe screw up. It was difficult not to smile as he realized several others had seen the exchange as well. He kept his mouth shut. There were rules in the Group for this sort of thing, not that it happened very often. Normally he would have to decide what punishments would be handed down. This time, however, he was involved so he could not make or even suggest a solution. The man kneeling next to Gabe shook his head, "Patricia, get real. You ordered your pet to bite this boy hard enough to separate him. We have all seen and heard how well Gabe has done today. There is no chance a small nibble would have broken him off of Clint's side. Besides, this is not a small bite. I'm going to have to take him up and clean it, and put a bandage on his heel. "Andrew has been to four or five parties with you now as a pet. He would not do this unless you had ordered him to do so!" "I said I did!" Patricia snarled, "I fucked up, but I had no intention of damaging Gabe. I'll deal with Andrew when I get home." "On no you wont!" A man growled from behind Clint. Gabriel looked up to see the man who had made the winning bid on his brother. He looked around desperately, hoping to catch sight of Michael. After a few moments it became apparent Michael was not with him, at least not at the moment. Instead a boy of about 12 stood on all fours right next to the man. It didn't take a genius to see the resemblance. The boy was clearly the man's son. He wondered if this was a good sign or a bad one. Michelle spoke up, "What do you mean she won't Benjamin? She can do whatever she wants 3;" "Shut up Michelle." Benjamin fired back while moving forward, "Clint's pet has been hurt bad enough to where one of our doctors thinks he needs to be tended to. Besides, anyone with half a brain could see who was really behind the attack. You don't what to push this issue." Michelle cheeks flushed bright red but she kept her mouth shut. Benjamin walked over to Gabe, "Take him upstairs Doctor Adams and get him fixed up. I'll deal with this since I am the only other board member here at the moment." The man picked up Gabriel who was almost gritting his teeth in a combination of pain and embarrassment. This was the first time he really thought about how many people were seeing him totally naked. Of course everyone was looking right at him at the moment too. As the man caressed his butt cheeks and took him up the spiral staircase leading to the upper floors, he wondered why he hadn't thought about his nudity until now. As he thought more about it, he guessed it was a good thing he hadn't thought about it. He would have surely messed up by now if he had. Benjamin shook his head as he walked over to Clint, "Put Andrew down before you strangle him." Clint felt his eyes go wide as he realized the boy he was holding up by his collar was already unconscious. He quickly put him on the floor and checked to make sure the kid was still breathing. Even before he did, however, he could see the boy's chest raising and falling taking in as much air as possible. Patricia moved forward but was blocked by Benjamin, "He is no longer your concern." "What!" Patricia shouted. "Simple." Benjamin stood firm, "You ordered him to do something way outside of the rules of the Group. Therefore you loose him." "I paid over ten grand for him!" "I am sure Michelle will get you one of equal or greater value." Clint got a moment of satisfaction as he watched Michelle glare yet nod very slightly in Patricia's direction. Benjamin smiled seeing the same thing, "Furthermore You are banished form this and the next two major parties. That should give you time to find and train a new pet. Now get out!" "What will happen to Andrew?" She asked in some shock. "You can give Clint a call and ask when you get home. He deserves ownership since it was his pet who got bit by your orders. Now leave!" Patricia glared at Michelle, Clint, then Benjamin as she left the building. Rather rapidly things returned to a festive state for the adults as conversations turned toward the upcoming auction. Gabriel winced as the man who had taken him up stairs took some stuff out of a large box and started scrubbing at the bite on his heel. It seemed strange to see someone using a big tackle box with an Eagle Claw insignia still displayed on it as a doctor's bag, but it seemed to work well from what Gabriel could see. Gabriel felt a sudden round of sadness as he remembered his dads Eagle Claw fishing equipment and last summer's trips fishing and camping. His thoughts were cut short as the man poured some liquid which stung quite badly onto his heel. As this went on, he realized only a few days ago he would have cried if he had felt this much pain. Now it only hurt and he bet the pills he had taken were only partially responsible for this change. One thing was for sure, having Clint's dick shoved up his butt hurt far, far worse than what the doctor was doing to his heel. Gabriel wondered if he was totally messed up. Would he ever be the same? He doubted it. As the man continued to work on his foot and fondle every centimeter of his body his mind started to wander. What was happening to Mikey and Sara? Where were they? How could anyone turn his own son into a pet like the man who had bought Mikey had? How could there be so many mean people in the world? Gabriel's few moments of peace came to an end as he felt the man put a few stitches to stop the bleeding. It took only another few seconds for the man to put a bandage on his foot and tape it into place. A moment later he was rolled over and the man was looking down at him. "I fixed you up so you owe me. Do I get a blow job or do I fuck your ass?" Gabriel looked at the man is surprise and shock at first, but then reality took over. "May I speak sir?" "How else are you going to let me know?" The man seemed a great deal friendlier than most of the other adults and his touches were not harsh, but he still wanted to stick his dick in to him. He hoped the man didn't have a thick dick like Clint did. "I guess it is what you want sir." "You are still a slave, but your pet status is on hold for the moment. I am giving you a choice, so I would suggest you make up your mind or I might decide I want both." Gabriel noticed the man's smile was not nearly as sincere as the joking tone of his voice. He knew if he didn't state a preference he would like end up getting both. Gabriel wondered how many men and women there were like this as he swallowed and sighed, "I would prefer to suck your dick sir." "Make it a good one, and I'll give you a pain pill that'll make the rest of the day breeze by!" The man stated as he pulled out a dick of only about 4 inches [10 cm]. Gabriel looked on almost relieved at the fact the manhood was only half as thick as Clint's and probably a little shorter too! As he moved forward he decided to brave a question. "Are you really a doctor sir." "Yep. Doctor Adams. Been a medical doctor for over 10 years now." "May I ask a question sir?" "Sure you can. What did ya want to know?" Gabriel blushed slightly as he formulated the one question that had really been bothering him, "Will I be OK if I have to keep licking my poop off things and licking butts? I mean, won't I get sick or something sir?" The doctor motioned for Gabriel to get busy sucking on his cock. He waited until the boy had settled and was busy taking his rapidly hardening manhood all the way into his mouth, "Having to lick shit off something or lick ass is probably not going to make you get sick unless the other person has some sort of sicknesses. I can guarantee you neither Clint nor I have anything for you to worry about, and your blood was checked out by us before you were put up for auction." The man could see by the look in Gabriel's eyes the boy didn't see how his blood could have been checked, so he continued to explain. "You, your sister, and your brother all saw a doctor before you were put into foster care and again just a few weeks back when your father was worried you were not getting enough to eat at home. I was able to talk to a fellow doctor and get the lab results and medical records from both visits and compared them. With lab tests being done only a few months apart it would have been easy to notice any changes in the tests, but there were none, so you are free of any harmful viruses. "Now, if you are ever forced to eat a great deal of shit then you might start getting sick. I have had to treat a few of the kids here with antibiotics because their owners made them consume a great deal of human waste. I don't think you will have to worry about that, however. You seem to be amazingly well trained and behaved." The doctor patted Gabe on the head as he continued to feel the boy's tongue play with his dick, "Besides, you give a great blowjob. Clint would never want to get you sick with skills like you are developing." Gabriel forced himself not to cry. The very last thing he ever wanted to do was be skilled at sucking on men's dicks. Yet if he did it well he would not hurt and this man's cock was tiny compared to Clint's massively thick piece of meat. This didn't hurt his jaw and only kind of made breathing hard. He wondered if it was a good or a bad thing wishing this man had rented him instead of Clint. As his mind spun in endless circles debating what would be better he felt the man's dick jerk. A second later he felt the explosion of cum into his mouth and forced himself to swallow it all. "Well done little Gabe!" The man stated as he pulled Gabriel back and looked the boy over. "Not a drop spilled!" Again Gabriel felt helpless and deeply ashamed. He realized he was getting good at being a sex toy, just like Clint had told him he would. Making matters even worse was the fact he had basically gotten accustomed to having a dick in his mouth. He felt like crying, but what good would it do? If anything it might cause harm to Sara and Mikey. The doctor pulled up his pants and left the room. Gabriel wasn't sure what to do so he stayed put. He hoped the man would come back or bring Clint. The last thing he wanted was to have that Michelle woman find him in a room alone. His fear was just starting to increase when Doctor Adams returned. The doctor went straight over to his green tackle box like medical kit, pulled out a bottle and come over to Gabe. He handed over a large glass of lemonade and opened the bottle. He put down a single yellow pill. "I talked to Clint. He wants you downstairs for the rest of the party, but he did give me permission to give you one of these, so don't be afraid to take it. It tastes real bad, so you'll want the lemonade as well." Gabe thought of his mother on drugs, and didn't want to take the pill. He had already taken two pills. He didn't want to be a druggie like his mom, but if he didn't the fairly nice doctor might turn mean. He decided the lesser of two evils was to take the pill. Besides his heel still hurt some from whatever the doctor hand cleaned it out with and the subsequent stitches. "I'll carry you down the steps so you will not have to do too much crawling until the pain dulls some. But once I place you next to Clint you will revert back to pet mode. Understood?" "I will be a pet as soon as I am next to Clint sir." "He has taught you well! You even answer in a way that shows you were listening. I'm going to have to get with Clint and see what his secret is!" Gabriel said nothing as the man carried him down the steps. He couldn't help but notice the man's hands played with his butt cheeks and balls the whole time, but not in a mean way. In some ways it kind of felt good, which bothered Gabriel more than if it had been painful. Gabriel looked around as the doctor took him into a central room. There was a mini stage set up against one wall and many people seated in folding chairs all the way around talking and enjoying the party. Next to many of the adults were their kid pets. Nude serving children made their way around with trays of drinks and snacks. Almost all of the servers were subjected to numerous touches and pats form the adults as they offered those around them whatever they wanted off the rather heavy looking trays. Clint was seated right down in front. Next to him was Michelle on the right and Benjamin on the left. Gabriel almost sobbed as he saw Mikey sitting nude on Benjamin's lap getting his dick played with. His whole body was full of bruises and his hands and feet were tied with some sort of string. As Gabriel was put down, Benjamin pinched Mikey's right nipple and stated loud enough for both boys to here, "You are a lap toy, don't you dare look down at Clint's boy pet or ask him for help. He is doing this for you anyway." Tears rolled down Mikey's face as he watched Gabriel get put down on the far side of the man sitting next to him. He started to try to wave his tied together hands only to get a hard squeeze to his nut sack from Benjamin. "What did I just tell you!" Mikey winced and let out a small squeal of pain before turning his head away from his older brother. The doctor nodded to Clint and sat down on the far side of Michelle. Clint gazed down and Gabe before speaking in a very firm voice, "I heard you got a few stitches. I know it hurt and you did real well not to make any real sounds. It does not mean you may misbehave now, however. Stay still and keep all four feet on the ground. You may not sit. I want to use your back as a drink table." Gabriel took a deep breath as he felt a cold glass get put down on the middle of his back. He tried a few times to look in Mikey's direction but the man who had bought him was not going to allow his brother to look his direction. From where he sat we could clearly make out a dozen or more marks on his brother's legs and side. He could also see something kind of sticking out of his brother's bottom. The boy, who had to be the man's son was on all fours just like Gabriel was. Also like Gabe he had a drink on his back. He saw Gabriel looking at his brother and managed to shake his head as if warning Gabe to remain silent and to not stare. Gabriel nodded slightly and blinked twice wondering if the boy would understand. He was somewhat surprised when the boy flashed him a quick grin and returned the blinks. This made Gabriel wonder if there were other unspoken communications going on throughout the room. It was difficult to get a good look around the room staying still on his hands and knees at the front of the room, but he did manage to glance around some. It took time to see other kids blinking and moving a finger here or there, but he was sure there was indeed some kind of communication going on. This allowed him to keep his mind off his brother and try to figure out if he could pick up some of the tiny gestures. In some ways it was nice to have the older boy so close, for the kid seemed to detect what Gabriel was doing and made it a point to use his eyes to point out what Gabriel needed to be paying attention to. Gabriel was totally confused by what he was seeing and was really starting to wish he could shift more when the lights dimmed. He turned his attention toward the stage wondering if this would be anything like his own sale had been. The fact so many adults were there told him this would probably be even worse for whoever was to be put up for auction. As a set of lights beamed light onto the stage Gabriel knew he wouldn't have to wait long to find out. The real problem was he could tell Michelle was up to something. He didn't know quite what but he knew she had demanded something from one of the serving boys. Somehow he just knew it meant a new round of torment from the woman in the red dress.
A lifting of an index finger followed by a slight scrunch of a forehead was one child's way of warning another when someone was about to do something. This allowed the other child to brace himself or herself. Another common signal was a series of winks with alternating eyes. As Gabriel watched this he began to understand this was a code for the child getting ready to shift weight and to let others give him or her an 'all clear' signal of an up and down motions with both thumbs. The signal was sent while the child's owner started to sip on the drink. This gave the child needing to shift a second while his or her master was distracted. There were others Gabriel had not figured out yet. Often times he saw one kid wiggle toes and another respond with a deep breath or a full second of closed eyes. Yet another common signal was the raising of all four fingers. Gabriel had not figured out if there was a response for this or not, but it happened way too often for it to be coincidence. His mind continued to try to figure out what these meant as everyone's attention was centered on the stage in front. Off to the side he could barely make out the older boy who had helped to point out the secret code of the child pets. The boy smiled at Gabriel's look and gave a wink before turning his attention to the stage as well. Gabriel managed a silent sigh as he also focused on the stage. He swallowed hard as he realized the pills were making him a bit tired and relaxed. The last thing he wanted to do was to mess up after all he had been through. To this end he looked up at Michael one more time and reminded himself what would happen to not only his brother, but also his sister if he messed up. This helped wake him up a little more. Gabriel felt Clint take the coaster off his back and place the cold drink directly on his skin. Part of him silently cursed the man while another part thanked Clint for the assist in waking up. It amazed Gabriel that his tiredness had even been noticed. For as best as he could tell, he had done nothing differently. Clint smiled as he watched his pet fight the effects of the drugs he had been given. They were not strong at all. Truth be told, He had not given Gabriel anything more than aspirin. Sure the aspirin would dull a minor pain but the real idea was to give the boy something which his mind would turn into a more than it really was. Now the good doctor had broken out something a bit stronger so keeping Gabriel awake and alert would take a few tricks. But one thing Clint had, was a host of tactics learned over the course of many boys' training. If the cold glass didn't prevent the boy from becoming complacent then he would simply move on to something else. Gabriel forced himself to stay still and not shiver. No one spot on his pack was allowed to get numb from the cold because Clint expertly moved the drink around and the second he emptied it, he got a new one from a serving boy. So distracted by the placement of the cold glass on his back was Gabriel, he didn't even realize there was a man on the stage speaking until a pair of nude girls walked onto the stage carrying an electronic sign. They set it down on a table and the older one moved to the center of the stage while the younger one stood behind the table and hooked up a pair of wires to a keyboard. The man looked over the audience; "Opening bid on our first one is $6,000." The electronic sign suddenly lit up showing 6,000. The man continued "She is known by next to all of you and has been my lead girl for over a year." He gestured toward the girl standing in the middle of the stage. Gabriel saw the sign flicker and change from 6,000 to 6,500 and the number 18 appeared on the right side. He shook his head lightly as the number slowly climbed to 15,400 and the number of the right constantly changed. The man standing on the stage frowned some as the number 15,400 stayed up for almost 15 seconds. "Are there any more bids ladies and gentlemen?" Another five seconds past. "Very well. Number 23 has the winning bid." Gabriel looked around in confusion wondering how the bids were being made. When he had been bought by Clint the group had made their bids out loud. He watched the girl exit the stage for a second while trying to figure out how this worked. A slight nudge from Clint got his attention. He glanced up only to see a cell phone like controller in Clint's hand. Clint grinned but raised a warning finger letting Gabriel know he had been moving around just a little too much while trying to figure out exactly how the bids were being made. Gabriel cringed and turned his attention back to the stage and the sign showing the bids. It all made sense to him as he thought it over. Each controller sent its bid to the machine and the number to the right was the number of the controller. The girl standing behind the machine typed something and a TV like monitor turned on in front showing: #23 Item #1 $15,400. The man on stage pointed to someone dressed in a black leather outfit with a hood. Looking at the hooded figure gave Gabriel the creeps. It reminded him of the costumes wore by actors in the medieval movies who carried axes to chop off the heads off people. The hooded figure exited through a side door and came back a few seconds later with a blond boy who was limping quite badly. The hooded man didn't seem to care as he shoved the boy onto the stage and stood off to the side menacingly. The boy stood wincing quite badly as he did so. Evidently his movements were too slow because the hooded man pulled a whip off his side and struck the child once on the side. The nude boy fell back to the ground but managed to scramble back to his feet. The bright lights showed a multitude of scrapes, cuts, burn marks, and bruises over his young body. Gabriel almost gasped as he noticed why the boy was limping. His left foot had at least two broken toes, which were not only bent at odd angles, they were also badly swollen and discolored. Even though the boy had tears running down his face he didn't make a sound as the man running the auction moved forward. "This is Allen. He is 9 years old and has been in Gunther's stable for the last two years. He has never been to one of our parties so if any of you would like to take a closer look you may approach. Gunther assures me Allen would cut his own fingers off if commanded to do so, however." Gabriel felt sick to his stomach at the thought, but wondered if he would do it if Clint demanded him to chop off a finger. Anything would be better than the boxes being put on the side of his ears again. As he looked up at Allen and the few who went up to take a closer look at him he decided there might be things worse than the boxes after all. As he wondered what had made all the small round burn marks on the boy's skin the stage cleared and the opening bid was set at $5,100. Three minutes later the bidding stopped at 14,925 and Gabriel decided it might be best not to know what had burned the kid. Gabriel watched nine more auctions take place. Each time the hooded man would push the child up on stage and the opening bid was stated aloud. Each time the price would go up. At first it would move up quickly, usually in hundreds of dollars at a time then it would slow and the amounts the bids went up by would decrease. Sometimes the new bid would only be $5 dollars more than the previous one. Gabriel also noticed the number representing the bidder would usually end up switching back between two or three bidders after only a minute or so. As he carefully looked around he could tell who the bidders where because they were the only ones looking down at their controllers. By the time the man on stage announced a brief break Gabriel had figured out who 12 of the numbers belonged to including the mean woman in the red dress. Michelle was number 4. She had not won a highest bid yet but she sure seemed to be interested in young boys, the younger the better. She had yet to bid on a girl as best Gabriel could tell. He was amazed as kid after kid was sold off, some for as little as 4,500 all the way up to 29,500. Even at Gabriel's young age, it didn't take him long to see some common factors that made the prices high or low. White kids seemed to automatically sell for more while black blacks and Asians sold for the least. Kids with major bruises or worse sold for much less over all while kids who stood there with no obvious marks and didn't complain seemed to fetch a much bigger price. Younger kids tended to go for more, but a couple of very young kids went very low prices when compared to the averages. As the lights in the room came back on many of the adults stood to stretch. Gabriel saw warning signs from at lest five different kids. They were all looking at him. Not knowing what was coming, but figuring something surely was, he stayed perfectly still and braced. A hot cup, a very hot cup, was put down on his back. Gabriel bit his lip and felt his toes arch as the pain hit him. He could feel the hot cup burning into the center of his back but didn't dare move. He could not see who had put it there and Clint was busy talking to the guy who he had bought the other kid from earlier in the day. As tears spilled onto the carpet and he was about ready to scream he noticed the older boy whose father was holding Mikey smack into his father with his head. The man's face flushed in a deep crimson of rage at his son and raised his hand to strike but his eyes fell on the cup sitting on Gabriel's back. The man stopped in mid swing. His other hand grabbed the cup. He dropped it to the ground with a curse and shook his fingers. Clint, along with several others, turned to look at the man who was shaking his hand and the coffee that was all over the floor. The man pointed at the cup with a snarl; "Fucking thing is hot as hell!" Clint moved over to the cup touching it with his finger he withdrew his fingertip quickly, "Right out of the oven would be my guess." Gabriel could still feel the burning on his back as the men talked. He also knew he was shaking and was no longer in a proper pet stance but he couldn't help it. As it was he could barely prevent himself from clutching at his back and screaming. Rage could be seen in Clint's eyes as he put his cold drink over the burned area. A few others glanced at Gabriel but kept their distance while the doctor once again moved over to Gabriel. A quick look was all it took before the man set the cold drink back on the burned area. "There be a few small blisters already, but I doubt there will be any scarring at all." "You care to tell me who did this?" Clint hissed as he stared at Michelle. Many of the adults exchanged looks of puzzlement but it was clear, even to Gabriel, Michelle was the main suspect. She, however, maintained a strait face and said nothing. Clint's eyes hardened, "Fine, I'll deal with this in my own way then." One of the women sitting off to the left broke the silence, "Clint, no one by your pet got up so whoever it was had to have used one of the servers to bring in the hot cup. It would be a simple matter to check the servers for burned fingertips." Clint shook his head, "It is not the place of the servers to refuse any request and I will not allow them to inform on any of us. To do so would give them power far beyond their status. I think we all know who was behind the damaging of my pet. I will let you all decide how to deal with this matter for without complete proof I consider it closed." Clint looked down at Gabriel; "Switch to my left side Gabriel and I will reward your silence in this by allowing you to switch to a pet seated position for the rest of the auction." Gabriel gladly obeyed. The new command meant he could sit like a dog with his butt on his legs and his hands resting on the carpet. It was not overly comfortable but it sure beat having to be on hands and knees. Besides, this meant his back would no longer be a drink table. He forced himself to stop crying as he adjusted to Clint's new orders. As he did so he could see most of the adults agreeing with Clint's instructions while Michelle's face was a mask of rage and hatred. Gabriel felt sorry for any kids she owned, because part of him knew they would pay for her failure to make Clint look bad. Within a few minutes the worst of the pain faded to an almost manageable level, but Gabriel could still feel the burn and wished he could do something to make it feel better. On the plus side he was now sitting right next to the man who owned his brother and could see his brother more clearly. Michael looked so helpless in the man's lap it angered Gabriel. He could clearly see a plastic loop sticking out of his brother's butt, which meant poor Mikey probably had something fairly deep into his rear. Every time the man shifted, Mikey would wince slightly. Gabriel's attention was diverted from his brother by a well-placed ice cube from Clint. The cold chunk dripped water right on to his butt crack almost causing Gabriel to jump a little because he missed the warnings of other kids close to him. He could hear Clint chuckle softly as he stood. Clint glanced over to the man holding Mikey, "Keep an eye on my pet Benjamin, I have a bit of business I need to attend to before the second round of the auction gets started." "No problem." Benjamin replied while reaching over to stroke Gabriel's hair. "A good looking and well behaved pet like this should be enjoyed by more than one anyway!" Clint laughed, "Oh I think we could work out something to give you a little time with him." Doctor Adams snickered, "OK, what do I need to do to get in on this deal?" Clint's eyes glinted with humor, "Drive up the price." "Huh?" "Trust me Doc, you'll know when the time is right." Doctor Adams shrugged, "OK, consider it done." Clint's expression changed to a smirk as he glanced at Michelle talking to one of her solid supporters in the back of the room. "Revenge is a dish best served with a side order of surprise." He commented as he moved out of sight. Gabriel bit his lip as Clint spoke. The tone of the man's voice told him there was something very unpleasant going down soon. As the burning sensation on his back faded he realized Benjamin was lightly stroking his side. The man spoke softly as his hand moved down to caress Gabriel's ass, "I am surprised at your level of discipline Gabe. I have been in this game for too long to believe Clint's training alone has brought you this far. Keep up the good work and I may even allow you to spend a few hours with your brother." Benjamin paused as he looked around then continued, "Now, granted, your time with him would have to include some personal time with me. However, if this can be arranged and you are even half as well behaved as you are being today, I may be willing to change Michael's status to being my son's servant. After all this is my boy's last party as a pet." Gabriel glanced up to take a look at Michael only to see Benjamin's hand move down and squeeze the boy's balls. Michael whimpered and looked away form Gabriel again. Clint came back and sat down, "How is my pet doing Benjamin?" "Not a sound." Benjamin stated with a voice betraying some awe, "I doubt my boy could have done any better." Clint ruffled Gabriel's hair, "Very few would have said much if you would have completely broken down Gabe. But now no one can say anything. You passed. Just sit there and enjoy the rest of the auction. Do not let your guard down though. Anything is possible as mad as Michelle is about to get." As Clint finished his last statement the lights dimmed again and the man in the black outfit appeared again holding the boy who had bit Gabriel. The announcer smiled, "Before we get on to the less used and brand new merchandise, we have one more sale to make. Furthermore, because Michelle was caught on video monitoring giving orders to burn Clint's pet, this will be the last thing she will be allowed to bid on today. Michelle stood, "You can't do that!" The monitor on which up to now had only been used to show winning bids flickered then showed Michelle talking with one of the servers, her voice came across loud and clear. "As hot as you can figure out to get it, otherwise I will shove a hot curling iron up your cunt. I want that little Gabe pet to fry!" Clint's face twisted into an evil smile. "Now, since you have to get your lackey a boy, I'll give you a chance to get hers back. Besides, everyone here knows I am really pissed at this brat. This way there will be no question as to what I did with the little bastard because it will be out of my hands no matter who buys him." Clint sat down and grinned at Benjamin, ignoring Michelle's bright red shaking features, "I believe she will no longer get even half the votes she was counting on." Doctor Adam's shook his head, "You know she may well quit the group for this." "Then she dies." Benjamin stated as the opening bid of 10,000 was put up on the board. "No one, no matter who they are, leaves the group. They can retire, but they can never leave, nor can they ever break any of our core rules." "I know." Doctor Adams replied as he upped the bid to 12,000. "But Michelle is stubborn and rich enough to try." "After what she did to that Spanish kid I hope she does try." Benjamin frowned as he put in his own bid of 14,000." "I'm glad it wasn't me who had to work on that poor kid." The doctor spoke while punched in a bid of 16,000 then changed it to 18,000 as he realized someone else had already out bid him at 16,500. "Not only did he have over a dozen broken bones and massive tissue damage from whips and barbed wire, his mouth and throat were actually scalded bad enough to leave scar tissue and he had screamed so loud and so much his vocal cords had permanent damage. The conversation continued as the price reached a ridiculous price of over 42,000. Clint finally spoke up, "You better back off, her last bid was slow in coming." Benjamin and Doctor Adams put down their bidders as David spoke from behind him; "She is going to pay well over double what the kid is worth." "Yup. Clint grinned, and she is paying a good portion of what I was planning on bidding for that adorable boy with the rusty colored hair." "What the hell are you going to do with him? You already have Gabe and Billy!" "You'll see when you join me down in the Bahamas. Make sure you bring a plaything or two of your own." Gabe tried listening to what was being said but got too caught up in the bidding to hear much more than bits and pieces. Well after Doctor Adams, Benjamin, and Clint's friend from Florida stopped really pushing up the price in huge chunks, the price continued to inch its way up before it finally stopped at 58,175. Michelle got the winning bid, but she had paid dearly for it. Gabriel had to work very hard not to smile as Michelle stood up and looked at the announcer, "Deliver him back to his first owner and take my name off the ballot. I officially resign as a director. Also cancel the party scheduled for my Vail retreat in August. I'm out of here!" "Michelle," Benjamin spoke, "You can't quit the group." "What are you going to do?" Michelle replied with a dangerous undertone, "Don't forget I know who you call and am not even slightly afraid of any of you assholes." "Don't be stupid Michelle 3;" Doctor Adams started, but was cut off before he could finish. "Shut your trap you dumbass." Michelle almost screamed. "Take the money for the brat out of my Group account and send me what is left. Oh the hell with it: take the money out of my account and keep the rest. I just don't give a rats ass." With that she walked out of the room leaving a great number of Group members speechless. Benjamin glanced over at Clint, "I think it's time to make a call. Would you watch my pet and lap boy?" Clint nodded, "Make sure you use one of your personal contacts. She was correct when she said she knows all of our regulars." "I have a couple of Russians that owe me a favor." Clint grinned, "Nothing more efficient or ruthless than Russian." He pulled Michael over onto his lap then motioned for Benjamin's son to move over beside Gabe. Glancing down at Gabriel, Clint's face turned into a nasty smirk, "You will probably get the last laugh, my pet. For it seems Michelle is about to have a horrible accident." "What about her pets?" Doctor Adams asked. "The group has professionals on standby. Those brats will be fine. My bet is they will be offered for sale at the next party of our little island about a fifty-minute boat ride from Nassau. Hell, with what we will be paying, we should get her entire harem. Russians don't do anything for a cheep price, but there are ruthlessly efficient." Clint winked as he switched subjects, "Want to see something cute Doc?" "Sure!" Clint's eyes glinted, "Gabe spin around and give this lap boy a little pleasure, he hasn't had the chance to feel good since Benjamin got the winning bid on him. This is your chance to make him forget about having a butt plug shoved up into him." Gabe felt sick to his stomach as he obediently turned and took his brother's dick in his mouth and started sucking. Then, as he let the tiny cock swell under his tongue's caress, he could see the shock and confusion on Michael's face. As he did so he began to wonder what it would feel like to have someone suck his dick. Even as uncomfortable and aghast as Michael was, it was equally as clear the boy was at lest somewhat enjoying what he was feeling. How, Gabriel found himself wondering, could anyone with something buried in his or her butt enjoy anything. Maybe having someone suck or your dick was just that good. As he continued to lick and suck his younger bother's dick, he realized that this was the fourth dick he had sucked on in one day. The thought made his stomach turn. Again he wondered how his life could have become so bad so quickly. Benjamin returned and instantly started laughing, "Oh, where is a camera when I really need one!" Clint grinned as ruffled Gabriel's hair; "We will have to work on a few photo sessions. I am sure we can come up with something to remember them both with." Gabriel felt his cheeks grow warm as he flushed in total humiliation. Having to suck someone's dick was bad, doing so where lots of others could see far worse, the fact it was his brother, changed it to awful, but the mere thought of someone having photos of it was horrible beyond belief. Hearing it was almost certainly going to happen nearly crushed what little will he had left. Clint ordered Gabriel to back off and turn around again as Benjamin sat down and took control of Michael again. "Any problems?" "None." Benjamin replied, "But it will cost us $125,000. She has quite a reputation." "We'll take it out of the group funds and replace what we can from the sale of what she has in her stables. It is kind of a shame it had to turn out this way. I kind of enjoyed having an arch nemesis." "Patricia is still around." "True." Clint nodded as the lights dimmed again. "When is the boy with the rusty hair coming up for sale?" "He is scheduled for ninth. There are quite a few selling recently acquired slaves first." David remarked quietly, "Opening bid on him is 17,000." Clint frowned, "This going to be very expensive." Conversations remained subdued as a half dozen kids were pushed up on stage and bid on. Gabriel could tell these kids knew what was happening, but were not as obedient as those in the first group. Every kid had to be held by the guy dressed in black and a couple of them even tried to twist out of his grasp. All of them held looks of defiance in their eyes as they glared out at the men and women making bids on them. Gabriel knew what they felt like. If it weren't for his bother and sister Gabriel would have been the same way. Problem was, he also knew he would have done exactly what he had today regardless of his brother and sister. Absolutely anything had to be better than the small boxes behind the ears. There was no question that had finished off all resistance. He was now whatever Clint wanted him to be, just like all those sold would soon find they would be whatever their new owners wanted them to be. They were all property, toys for others' pleasure nothing more. He was surprised at how much these newer kids went for. Only one of the six sold for less than 20,000, and he was quite sickly looking. The monitor said the 10-year-old had just gotten over the West Nile Virus. Gabriel had no clue what that was, but it didn't sound nice. There was another short pause as servers made their way through the seats serving drinks. Many of the adults allowed their kid pets to sit like Gabriel was while one boy walked around handing each of the adults three piece of paper with a long list of names and a pen. Gabriel was able to read enough to know it was some sort of ballot. Next to each name was a 'yes' box, 'no' box, and 'no vote' box, but couldn't tell what each meant and had no idea whose names were on the list. As the adults filled out the papers Gabriel could tell many of the other kids, including the servers, were becoming more nervous. Not understanding what was going on, Gabriel turned his attention to the stage and was startled to see Toby, his mother's drug dealer, setting up six small cages on turntables just big enough to stand in. There was no chance anyone inside could sit or even move from side to side much. As he watched Toby work, it finally dawned on Gabriel that the man actually worked for the Group and probably sold drugs to parents in order to get their kids. It made him sick knowing his mother had fallen into the trap so easily. In the few times Toby had been over to his house, Gabriel had often wondered why the man wanted so much information from him about himself and his siblings. Even though the man had never bought them anything and was never nice, Toby was always asking questions. How old they were, what their birthdays were, what clothing sizes they wore, what they like and didn't like to eat, was there anything they couldn't eat, did they need medication, and the like. Once Toby made each of them stand up against a wall so he could measure how tall they were. It all made sense now. He was getting these people who called themselves 'The Group' as much information as he could on each of them. Toby finished up setting up the cages and left as a girl came around and collected all of the strange ballots. After one more pass through the room with servers carrying full drink trays the lights dimmed yet again and Toby came out on the stage. "As best we can tell, we have four never been touched kids this afternoon and two who have been rented out by their parents in the past. None of them know what is going on so we will cut the lights completely except for the spotlights on the cages. Give us a few minutes to get them ready for viewing and we will begin. Curtains closed covering the stage as the adults started talking. David leaned forward, "What do the winners get to do today Clint?" "I believe it is a volleyball tournament. Six kids to a team, if I remember correctly. They then get two hours of free time. I still think we should bump that up to four hours. Those who do well for so long should be rewarded." "Yea, well if you win presidency, and I am sure you will now, you can push to change our laws. Those who get voted down still get passed around to the owners of the winners as usual?" "Of course." Clint grinned. "It would be nice to see those brats have to deal with a little more time in the hands of others too. How may did you vote for anyway?" "9 yes and 8 no. I really didn't spend much time watching how the pets acted today." "Me neither. I only voted 8 and 11. Very few really stood out for me, but quite a few seemed off for some reason." Benjamin nodded, "The servers did a particularly poor job today. Not only did I have to hold onto and empty glass for almost 10 minutes, I saw two kids with empty trays and one only passed by me once. I have a feeling several owners will be paying fines today because their slaves will certainly get double no votes to yes votes." "Good." Clint commented, "The Group coffers are not nearly as healthy as I feel they should be. Today's sales will help some though." "Indeed." Benjamin agreed, "This has been one of the largest auctions we have had in several months and it has been very well attended. Almost a quarter the Group showed up to this one." "Next month in the Bahamas will be even better." Clint replied, "There have already been 253 confirmed as of this morning." He paused, "Well 252 without Michelle. Patricia wasn't going anyway so unless some of Michelle's people get a wild hair up their ass and cancel it will be huge get together. The record still stands at 324 and there will be quite a few drop-ins who will not stay for the full four days." David shook his head, "There is too big a fine for confirming and not going to make many, if anyone, who will want to make a statement against what happened to Michelle by canceling or not showing up. I will be confirming as well so it is back up to 253." "Excellent." Clint responded, "So which brat are you bidding on anyway David?" "The older of the two soccer players. He is 11, and incredibly cute. He will be up right after the one you want. His brother is a real knock out, but he will be outside of my price range, I am sure." "How old is mine anyway?" Clint asked after a moment. "Yours?" David half snorted out a laugh, "He is 9, but he isn't yours yet!" "He will be." Clint replied as he rubbed a hand down Gabriel back before sticking his finger up his ass. Pulling his finger out he turned to Benjamin, "I hear your pet alerted you to the attack on Gabe?" "Indeed he did. I must admit I have not decided if this is a good thing or not. But he did what he felt he had to. Why?" "Well," Clint grinned and held up a messy finger, "Since he obviously finds Gabe so cute, I was just thinking maybe he would want a taste of him as well." Benjamin's lips twisted upward, "Excellent idea! Open up boy!" Clint inserted his finger into the boy's mouth. "There is plenty more where that came from so make sure you get it nice and clean then nibble on my finger so I can get you some more. Understand?" Gabriel bit his lip as he saw the boy helplessly blink twice. He knew the next half and hour or so he would have to endure Clint's finger over and over and the boy who had helped him with the hot coffee cup would have to clean it each and every time with his mouth. It was sick, but as Clint's finger slammed deep into his ass a few minutes later, he did nothing other than look over apologetically as he could manage at the kid. Suddenly all the lights went out and the curtains opened and bright lights lit up the stage revealing all six cages held one child. Five were boys. Gabriel could see each child had their hands secured to the sides keeping them all six in full view. All were clothed normally, two of them in soccer uniforms and one in a Cub Scout uniform. Almost all were crying and trying to look past the bright lights shining into their eyes in an attempt to figure out what was going on. Another jab from Clint's finger caused Gabriel to wince, but he remained silent and unmoving. After all, a single finger was nothing when compared to the man's dick. Looking back up to the stage he noticed a bright spotlight was being directed onto the first cage. The bidding monitor it up showing the boy's age as 12, height as 5' 1" [1.55 m] also listed was 'circumcised' and 'parents rented out'. Toby stepped up to the cage and said nothing. Instead he spun the cage so everyone could get a look at the boy's sides and back. The boy's struggled at the restraints, "Let me out of here you fucking asshole!" "Shut up, you little shit!" Toby bellowed as he stuck the kid with a stick that sent out an electrical arc. The boy screamed and shook then broke down into tears. Another shock left the kid sagging but still being held up by the small cage and whatever was holding his arms away from his body. Toby pointed the stick at the other kids, "One word from any of the rest of you and you will get the same damn thing!" Gabriel gulped, knowing after his own experience with being shocked exactly what the kid felt like. He felt sorry for the kid, but at the same time it was kind of nice to know he was not the only one being zapped. The display of force caused the others to stop struggling and a couple of them to cry even harder. Bidding on the boy was wide spread and ended at 36,650. Gabriel could tell Toby was disappointed by this as he shook his head. In a final act of cruelty he decided to shock the kid again as he saw the winning bid. Before moving on he pushed the whole cage, turntable and all behind the back curtain. He then wasted no time moving to the second cage which held the only girl in the cages. The monitor lit up with new information. 'Age 10' followed by '4' 10" [1.47 m]' and 'Parents rented out'. Again Toby spun the cage and again the bids flowed in. It took quite a while as two people fought for the winning bid which finally ended at 42,500. Toby seemed a great deal happier as he pushed her out of sight. He quickly moved over to the cage with the boy in the Cub Scout uniform. It was clear the boy was dirty, as his face was a mix of tearstains and dirt. In addition his uniform and jeans both looked quite dirty. The monitor lit up once again 'Age 9' then '4' 9" [1.45 m]' and the last line read, 'Kidnapped, assumed drowned. Body assumed lost. Search due to be called off in 24 hours.' As Clint straightened up he removed his finger from the other boy's mouth. Gabriel wondered how the Group, and in particular Toby, had gotten a hold of the boy. He could tell the boy was very tired. His eyes seemed to be partially shut as if the kid wanted to sleep, but were clearly of a lighter shade of one color or another. The poor kid stood there letting the cage hold him up. He was not struggling and only a few big tears stood out on the corners of his eyes. Gabriel could also see a hand print on the boy's face. Finally Gabriel noticed the boy's feet were bare and were also quite dirty. Finally his jeans were ragged around the bottom edges especially in back. It took less than a minute for the bidding to reach 40,000 then it slowed but continued to inch upwards. Finally Clint pushed in a bid of 50,200 the numbers stopped moving altogether. As his new boy was pushed out of site and the spotlight switched over to the older of the two in soccer uniforms, Clint sighed, "Anyone know who #39 is?" David and Benjamin both shook their heads while David placed his first bid on the boy currently up for sale. David wasted no time in making a second bid as his first one was bumped. Doctor Adams spoke in a whisper, "No clue, but it was bloody obvious that whoever #39 is today really wanted that boy. You made out quite well though, he went for less than what you got from Michelle for Patricia's brat." "Yea, I'll only have to pay the five percent Group tax, and I can even get part of that from Michelle's money. Not at all bad. I can't wait to get him home." "You want me to look him over, he looks pretty beat." "Maybe later if I find anything that concerns me, but thanks. I have dealt with Toby plenty of times and he has never delivered badly damaged goods. I'm sure the kid is just tired and got slapped around when he was first taken. I am curious on the details behind him. We don't get too many snatches up for first time sale. Usually we have to arrange for snatches privately if we want one. I am amazed he didn't go for 60 or more. "They should have cleaned him up and let him rest first. He would have sold for more." Benjamin replied. Taking a kid right from a soccer game to here is one thing, but your buy looks like shit and has no medical history. Many of our people like full histories on their purchases." "Sometimes it is fun to know nothing other than what the kid looks like." Clint responded as he saw David sigh at the bidding. "Hell, get him. I'll help if you agree to bring him to the Bahamas with you. I basically paid nothing for mine, and yours is definitely cute." David quickly upped the bid, "Thanks. I didn't think he would get much past 33,000. Most of the time brown hair and brown eyes sell cheaper." "Probably 38 to 40." Doctor Adams responded. "He is in good shape and is quite a looker. Just look at those legs and arm. Slender, athletic with nice lips and small feet, makes a nice combination." Gabriel nearly jumped as Clint's finger slammed into his rear again. Gritting his teeth he watched as once again Clint stuck to finger in Benjamin's boy's mouth. It surprised him a little at how the boy opened his mouth while only rolling his eyes as if to say 'here we go again'. He wondered how long it would be before Clint had him eating other boys' shit off of his fingers too. As he wondered about this he saw David complete the winning bid of 39,115 and the second kid in a soccer Uniform, only 7 years old, come up for sale. He found it both interesting and disgusting that the younger boy's price shot upwards well past what his older brother had gone for. Bidding finally stopped and 49,780 for the sobbing blond 7 year old. The last child, an 8-year-old Hispanic boy, spit on Toby as the man approached the cage. Toby wasted no time in shocking the kid only to end up with another blast of spit in his face. Toby lunged forward with the shock stick holding it on the kid until the man in the black outfit came out and pulled him away. By the time Toby had been pushed away the boy was puking. Still he managed to spit some of his bile at the black suited man. Benjamin's eyes lit up, "Oh, wow! I have to get that kid!" Doctor Adams laughed. "It says he was a street kid from Mexico, clean and appears to still be a virgin. He'll be a tough little tyke to break!" David chuckled as Benjamin made an opening bid of double what was being asked. "Ben likes the fighters Doc. He takes great pride in his abilities to take a kid like that and rip the spirit out until there is nothing left then remold the kid into a boy he can take out into public and get complemented of the kid's behavior. I have one of his products at home and my wife loves the kid and is hoping we can get another in a year or so when her current plaything doesn't fill her needs any more." It took less than a minute for Benjamin to secure the winning bid of 18,600. "The rest of you just don't know what you are missing! Besides, he was dirt cheap, just look at what the rest of you paid." "Yea and you paid a good 5,000 more than was necessary." Clint reminded Benjamin. "Hell, You want street kids from Mexico, I'll get you a truck load of 40 of them." "But how many of them will be 8 and will spit back after being hit with that much juice twice?" Clint chuckled, "Not many." The lights came back on and the stage was cleared of all the electronics as the final cage was pushed back behind the curtain. One of the older servers came onto the stage. "Your votes have been slid into the computer and we have a list of winners and losers for today's events. As this is my last party, I have been given the task of reading who made the cut and who did not." The following servers are among the winners, "Jeff, Tommy of Angela, Cindy of Andrew, and Laticia." Please step up here. The four kids made their way up to the front of the room, handing their serving trays to other kids. All four were smiling. The following servers failed today, "Jackie, Peter of Brandon, Elliot, Danny of Gloria, Cathy of Franklin M, Drew of Paul, Debbie, Luis of Greg, and Crystal. Furthermore, the owners of Peter, Cathy, Elliot, and Crystal are fined. Crystal has earned a double fine. Owners are requested to take them to the dining room for use by winning owners." Gabriel, totally confused, watched as several adults walked up to servers and roughly grabbed them. Most of the kids were in tears well before the adults got to them. The boy waited until everything quieted down. "There is quite a list of pet winners today as there is pet failures. So bear with me here. The boy looked at the stack of green cards. I have been ordered to do the failures first. "Cory, Ben of Jake. Ryan of Richard, Alice, Brenda of Gail 3;" The list went on for another 29 names. Gabriel glanced around watching as adults reached down and grabbed their kid pets as each name was read off. He could tell whatever was happening was not good for the kids. The older boy who started off as a server and was sold was among those who had failed somehow. The kid started screeching as his new owner dragged him out of the room by his hair. Things calmed and the older boy started reading off another set of names. Suddenly Gabriel heard "Gabe" and froze if terror. He glanced up expecting something very bad to happen, but only saw a huge smile spread across Clint's face. As more names were read off Doctor Adams shook Clint's hand as did Benjamin and David. David looked down at Gabriel and smiled, "Hey Clint, your pet doesn't have a clue as to what is going on." Clint glanced over at Benjamin's boy, who was standing and smiling, "Randy, would you get Gabe up for me, take him up to the stage and explain what just happened?" "Yes sir!" Randy replied and he moved over to Gabriel, "Dude, you won today, you can stand and talk. Come on, we have to go up to the stage!" Gabe stood slowly half expecting this to be some sort of trick, but seeing others who had been nothing more than pets all day standing on the stage was encouraging. As soon as he got out of Clint's earshot he whispered, "Am I really allowed to talk?" Randy nodded enthusiastically, "Yea. We can talk. We get to clean up in the shower room and we even get to eat the leftovers from the meal today. Once we eat we will go play some sort of game, usually it is baseball or something for a couple of hours then we get two hours of free time where we can actually get dressed and do what we want as long as we stay on the compound." Gabriel waked up to the stage with Randy. "Thanks for getting that cup off my back. I thought you would get into trouble for that." "Dad isn't like that. He wouldn't let anyone hurt someone else's pet without permission. If I didn't have a very good reason for bumping him I would have been better off dead though." "But you had to 3;" "Lick your shit off of Clint's finger. Hell, what's the big deal? With all the cocks I've had to suck and asses I've licked over the past four years what's one more finger. You'll get used to it. You are in the Group and will be shared. We all are. The important thing is you made the cut on your first time out. That never happens, man you are good!" "Why is that important." Gabriel asked as it was announced that they would be playing volleyball and needed get into teams of six with one team of seven. Randy quickly talked four other boys into joining Gabriel and him. It was clear Randy was well known and even seemed to be a bit of a leader among the other kids, some much older than he was. Before turning his attention back to Gabriel, He looked over the other four, "Gabe's new guys, so take it easy with him in the shower. We'll wash each other and do some kissing just like they like, but nothing rough like we normally do to first time winners. Gabe's been though enough today." One of the other boys raised his eyebrows, "Dude, this is your first party ever and you made it?" Gabriel nodded wondering what was expected in the shower but glad Randy was protecting him some "Yea, Clint only bought me a few days ago." Randy cut off other questions before they could be asked, "And he was fresh too. I know. My dad got his brother." Gabriel looked over to Randy, "What is with the showers?" "Some of the adults will watch us get cleaned up and will want to see some action between us. I am sure Clint will have cameras set up to get it all on tape too." Gabriel shook with disgust; "They'll be taking our pictures?" Randy saw the look in Gabe's eyes, "Oh, you don't know how Clint works, do you?" Gabriel shook his head. Randy patted Gabriel on the back as he lead him over to an open shower room, "First off it is Group policy that after you make the grade at one of these parties, that any porn that sells with you in it you get 5% of. If there is more than one kid all the kids split 10% equally. You made the cut so now you get to make hard cash!" Gabriel frowned, "I'm only rented 3;" "Don't kid yourself Gabe." Randy snickered as he turned on the shower and grabbed a bar of soap. "Didn't you hear what they said about Michelle?" "Yea, so?" "Gabe, come on. You are no different than she is. You can't leave the Group, only retire from it. You may get to go home to dad along with your brother, but you will still belong to Clint and he will use your mouth, your ass, and your cock until you grow too old for him. Then he may let you retire, which means as long as you stay quiet you live a normal life. Or you may be like Mr. Graham over there." Randy pointed to a man in his early twenties who was watching the kids to make sure nothing got too rough. "He was rented by my dad about the time I was born. From what I understand he was only in my dad's training room for a month or two. He went home to his mom and dad but he still was under my dad's thumb until he was like 16. Even now he works for the Group. The Group got him placed into the DA's office in New Orleans after he got his law degree and now he not only covers for the Group when they need help, he provides targets for Toby to suck in with his drugs. He can't leave the Group, but the Group pays him well when his services are needed. That is the way it works." "My dad 3;" Randy waved a finger then started soaping up Gabriel's back. "Should your dad ever find out and want to do something about it, you will all die, except you really won't. You will be handed back to Clint who will use you until you are of no use then he will sell you to a South American mining company who will work you to death. Should you happen to escape, there will be no where for you to turn because you will have been declared dead. Then the company will find you and have you killed. I have seen it happen over and over again." Gabriel sighed as he started washing Randy. He knew his best bet would be to go with the flow and he wanted to keep everyone happy. "But if I live at home how will Clint 3;" Randy rolled his eyes as he started soaping up Gabe's dick and balls, "Hold that thought." Randy looked up, "Dusty, come here and talk to the new kid a minute." A boy of about 13 came over. Gabriel instantly recognized him as having been in the pictures Clint had showed him of how to get fucked while looking at the person doing the fucking. The kid started washing Gabriel's hair. "What's up Randy?" "Gabe is brand new and can't quite get it into his head that the Group will still get to him after his rental time is up." "Ohhhh." Dustin shook his head sadly, "Look Gabe, I was rented out for only a month. That was several years ago. I was given back to my mom and thought it was over. Then my mom got this great offer in the mail for me to go to a free camp over spring break while I got a note in my school locker that I either go or mom gets hurt. So I went and ended up a fuck toy for five days. My mom thinks that I am on an outing for a club I belong to this week and look where I am. Hell, three others from my school are also here today and our parents all think we are on the same outing." Seeing Gabriel's face drop Dustin held up his hands, "Hey, it isn't all bad. I also get to do a lot of cool things and I tend to win a whole lot of contests. My room has a stereo, TV, DVD player, and an X box with 10 games. I have my own computer and my mom thinks I am working after school to make some of the spending money I happen to always have." He took a hold of Randy's hand and guided it to his ass. Randy took a small bar of soap and shoved it into the boy's ass. "We better give a little more action over here." Dustin stunned Gabriel by grabbing him and locking lips. It took a couple of seconds before Gabriel realized the kid wanted to stick his tongue in his mouth. He opened up and had to fight not to gag as he felt the other boy's tongue roll around inside his mouth for almost a full minute. Finally Dustin withdrew and smiled. "My job is really to do a couple photo shoots a month and extended times with my owner like these. My mom only sees me being one very lucky kid who works hard. All I have to do is play the game their way and endure shit like this once in a while. You're lucky though, cause Clint owns you and he makes some of the big time films. You'll make all sorts of cash. Besides, you made the cut, so you'll make more than I have up to now. It took me five parties before I made the cut." Gabriel digested the information in silence as he washed one kid's ass and another kid's balls. Maybe he was doomed to be a sex toy for Clint well after Clint sent him home after all. One thing was for sure; there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. His thought were distracted as he saw Clint take the boy in the Cub Scout Uniform over to a car being driven by Doctor Adams. Clint then carried the cage with Billy in it over to the doctor's car. He frowned as the barefooted boy climbed in and the car sped away. Clint came over smiling, "Randy, you will be coming home with me tonight. I would like to do a short film with you and Gabe. I want you to take the lead as the two of you break in Billy while my new little scout watches on. You know what I want?" "Yes sir." Randy replied smiling, "I'll make sure Gabe knows what to do too." "Good boy." Clint then looked at Gabriel, "Gabe, I'd like a little more from you. Suck on Dustin's tit for a few minutes and finger his asshole." Turning back to Randy he smiled, "And get one of the younger boys to give him a blow job at the same time. I think it is about time he finds out why others like it when he sucks their cocks. You'll probably all get a couple hundred out of this if you just play up for the camera a little more." Dustin frowned, "See what I mean. You are sooooo lucky Gabe."
Gabriel didn't feel lucky at all as he put his lips over the boy's left tit. In fact he felt quite the opposite. He didn't know for sure what this short film was all about, but somehow he knew he would soon enough.
Randy's guidance in the shower room had proven invaluable, since Gabriel had no idea what to do with other boys approximately his own age. Part of him realized some of the sex stuff he had been forced into could be tolerable when there was no aspect of pain and humiliation. Unfortunately, there was an aspect of humiliation. He was being video taped and that tape would be sold to others. As the group of boys made their way out of the showers and over to the shaded outdoor tables still half full of food not eaten by the adults, Gabriel found himself wondering what it would be like to have sex play with Randy without the threats, cameras, and the ever watchful lust ridden eyes of the adults. Sitting at the table with the other boys and being able to eat what was left after the adults got done was a real treat; even doing so without clothing didn't diminish any of the boys' appetites or thirst. It had been a long hot day for all of them and being able to sit, talk, eat and drink helped a great deal. The meal wasn't completely relaxed, however. For from the main house Gabriel could occasionally hear the screams of other kids in obvious pain and anguish. Dustin noticed how Gabriel kept glancing back toward the main house with a terrified look and patted the boy on the back. "You don't have to worry about that. What is going on in there will have nothing to do with you today." "What is happening in there?" Gabriel asked in confusion, "Why are we out here eating and others are not?" Dustin shook his head with a mixture of a smile and a note of sadness. "Did you see the checklists the adults got in the biding room?" "Yea." Anthony, one of the kids Randy had recruited for their team and the youngest one on the team and the one who Randy made give Gabriel his first blow-job bit his lip, "That is how they grade us." "Grade us?" Gabriel asked, "Grade us on what?" Randy rolled his eyes, "Clint didn't tell you much did he?" "Nothing really." Gabriel admitted. Dustin chuckled, "It makes it even more amazing you made the grade. You really did good kid!" Gabriel became even more confused, but his questions were cut off by Randy, "For the most part we belong to whoever owns us. My dad owns me, Clint owns you, Vance owns Dusty and so on. When we are with them we do what they want and they do what they want to us. There are only a few rules the group enforces on our owners such as they cannot kill us, cripple us, or cause injuries that cannot heal on purpose. Any death is investigated and treated very seriously. But when we are at these parties, there are certain rules all of us, owners and slaves, have to follow. "There are three groups of slaves at these parties. The lowest are the lap boys and girls. Almost all of us started there. Our masters show us off and let others play with us. We get used to being naked, touched, and other than remaining quiet and as still as possible there are few rules for lap kids. " "Then there are the kid pets. Us. We must be absolutely docile. We cannot ever fight back; we cannot even piss until allowed. We must act exactly as if we are pets. We must follow instructions of any adult as long as our owner doesn't forbid it, and very few things are forbidden. If we get separated from our owners and someone else finds us and wants to take over as our master, we are at their complete disposal. Being separated is not necessarily a black mark on us, but what happens when you get separated is almost certain to be one of the worst things that could happen to you. "Finally there are the servers. They have more freedom, get to walk upright, and can move around. The adults can play with them, and even have them on their laps for a few minutes, but their primary jobs are to keep the adults with food and drink. They must always be on the move, have food or drink on their trays, and be searching out empty glasses and food trays. Being caught with an empty tray, walking by someone who has an empty glass without offering a refill, or standing in one place is their greatest crimes. Spilling food or drink gives whoever sees them do it permission to take them for their personal uses for one hour and all but guarantees them a failing mark because they are not seen moving around for that whole time. From what I have heard from some of the servers it takes a great deal of concentration to have a finger shoved up you ass and not spill anything. It was one of the servers who put the hot cup on your back, which she had to handle with her bare hand to do it, so she probably got burned just like you did." Gabriel shuttered, "So we all get voted on?" Dustin nodded, "Yea. It is very seldom you see a lap kid make it on either the failure or the passing lists, but it sometimes happens. Usually more kid pets fail than succeed, but most are ignored and the servers almost always are on either the failure or the passing list simply because the adults see them and notice them more." "Those who don't make either list go home with their owners. The failures are handed over to the adults who had a kid make the passing list. While the adults who had the failures are normally the ones who watch the passing kids play the game of the day and keep an eye on us to make sure we don't try to runaway from the compound." Randy motioned with his head back toward the main house, "What you are hearing is those who made the failing list. Our owners are given an open card to do what they want to any of them in there. I bet Vance, Clint and my dad grabbed a kid each and are making a torture porn movie right now and none of the kids will get paid for it. They failed and now they are paying for it." Gabriel glanced back at the house and cringed at the sounds of yet another loud cry of pain carrying out from the main house, "What about Michael?" "Your brother?" Randy asked. "Uh huh." "He didn't make either list, so he is probably sitting there watching as some kid gets a toothpick shoved up his dick or something worse." Dustin shook his head, "I failed twice, I can guarantee you it is worse than a toothpick up the dick hole. When Clint makes bondage porn, it is no fun for us at all!" Gabriel gulped as he wondered how long it would be before Clint made such a movie with him as the star. Randy stroked Gabriel's hair and smiled, "Do what he wants and you will not be in one of those Gabe. He didn't pay that much for you and train you the way he did so he could yank out your teeth in front of the camera. He likes you. I can tell." Dustin and Anthony both nodded agreement. Anthony even frowned, "You got it made Gabe. Just do what he tells you when he tells you. Go to the parties, and make the grade like you did today. Because of you, he'll probably get voted in as the next president for the Group and one thing I do know about Clint after the years I have been in the Group is he rewards kids who make him look good. I have stared in four movies for him simply because I drank the piss of one of his new boy pets at a party a year ago rather than let the kid piss on the ground, which would have gotten him a failing mark. All four movies I was the one getting the blow-jobs and sticking my dick in the other kids, and I got paid real good for them. He gave me 10 percent instead of the 5 I should have got." Randy downed the last of his punch and motioned as he stood, "We better get some quick practice in. I have played with three of you but I really don't know much about Gabe and Tony's skills. If we win, we split the 10% of all the video shot in the volleyball pits." He glanced over at Anthony and Gabriel, "And if we loose we get nothing. Beside with as few older kids as passed today we have good chance of winning." The volleyball games turned out to be quite an adventure for Gabriel. Who, until this day, had never thought about being seen naked let alone being put on display. As he did the best he could to play up to a level with kids who were older than he was, he couldn't help but notice the three tripods mounting cameras pointed at the volleyball pit. Each one was operated by one of the adults he had seen throughout the day and it seemed to Gabriel at least one of them was always pointed at him. After the first game, however, Gabriel adjusted to situation and simply played the games as best as he could. It didn't actually take that long before he was able to ignore the fact he was playing nude with and against other naked children. It didn't really dawn on Gabriel again until Randy scored the winning point with a great smash directly into the face of a girl across him and all of the boys on his team exchanged hugs at having won the double elimination tournament. The body contact with his new-found friends, however, reminded him of his situation again and dulled some of his excitement. Dustin put his arm around Gabriel with a smile, "Cheer up, we won!" Gabriel winced slightly as he realized he was somewhat sunburned after a long day outside with nothing on. Looking aorund he realized many of the others were far wrose off than he was, though. Once again he hated the fact that he once again had to thank Clint, for as he looked back he realized the man had kept him under shade the vast majority of the day. Others were far less lucky. Finally, he glanced up and spoke with a monotone voice; "Yea it was fun." Randy came over and also put an arm around Gabriel. Both boys directed him back to the shower as Randy spoke; "Both Dusty and I know how you feel, Gabe. We really do." Dustin nodded, "I felt the same way the first few times. It is great to have fun, but you know you have to go back to being a fuck toy. You are sunburned, embarrassed, and revolted over what you have had to do today. Making it worse you know you will have to do it again and again. It sucks; there is no question about it. I doubt I will ever get to the point were coming to one of these parties doesn't bother me, and I damned sure will never enjoy having a cock shoved up my ass. It hurts and it always will." Randy snorted, "No shit. Dad has me read all these stories of how kids start enjoying getting fucked. There are thousands of them out there and my dad reads them all. I think he believes all kids should be just like the ones in those stories. He can't understand why I still silently cry when he bends me over table stuffs his dick in me. The fact is none of them, including my dad, cares if it hurts or not. It makes them feel good and they love the power they have. Hell, I will soon get boys of my own and I can't wait to see what it is like to be able to do what I want when I want to some kid. The only difference will be I will never expect any kid I have to fully enjoy the shit I will put him through!" "Your lucky." Dustin stated flatly, "You are done with this shit." Randy shook his head, "No, I am just done being a party toy, Clint likes me too much for dad to simply say I am done. Hell, dad gave me to Clint tonight to work with Gabe on some new kid. Unlike my bastard brother, I will be making films until I am 15 or 16. What do you want to bet that Clint will make sure I go to the Bahamas so he can have some more fun with and Gabe and me?" Dustin swallowed hard; "I am not looking forward to that trip at all. Vance already told me I was going and to simply tell mom she wouldn't hear from me while I was at this camp." Randy turned on the water and made it a little cool as all of them were sunburned. He glanced at Gabe and caught the expression, "This time we don't have to do anything. We can get cleaned up and slip into clothing for the next two hours. It is our time and whether you believe it or not, none of the adults are going to bother us as long as we stay inside the wooden fenced area." Gabriel glanced back at the house; "Can I go see my brother then?" Dustin shook his head, "No. He didn't make the passing list. This two hours is only for those of us on the list. You can go in and watch what the adults are doing to those who failed if you want to. It might give you an idea about just how lucky you are to have made the grade today!" Gabriel shook his head, "No thanks. This is the first time I have been allowed to wear clothing and not be 3;" his words drifted off. "The word is fuck toy." Anthony stated flatly. "At least that is what Dennis calls me all the time." Dustin nodded, "That is what most of them call us." He put his arm around Anthony, "You should be happy he bought that younger soccer player. Maybe he'll back off of you for awhile." "I hope so. He bought me when I was 5 and I have ridden his dick every day since. Hell, he even has me do my homework while I'm sitting on his dick. I used to scream, now I'm so used to the pain all I do is whimper. I think that is why he bought the other kid. He simply likes it more when he is making kids cry and they struggle some." Anthony stopped speaking for a moment then sighed, "The problem is I kind of think he is getting tired of me. I have been worried about him selling me at one of these over the past few months. I've heard him talking about finding a buyer soon on the phone a few times. I think he's been talking about me." Randy's eyes lit up, "Do you think he would sell you to my dad?" Anthony frowned, "Probably, why?" "Cause then I could have dad buy you for me." Dustin snorted, "I thought your dad wanted you to break in a new kid." Randy nodded eagerly, "He does, but I also get a gift of my own liking, and I have always thought you were adorable Tony. I'd be nice to you, I really would." Anthony shrugged, "Not like I have much choice, but I hear your dad is a mean one from most of the others." "He is." Randy confirmed, "But he has nothing to do with my brother's chosen toy other than a couple of times when my brother goes on school trips and the like. So you may have to be my dad's for a few weeks a year. But for the most part you would belong to me. My bet is you would even come with me when Clint want me to do something cause you would belong to me. How about it?" "Like I said, it's not like I have much of a choice." "Actually you do. I am offering to have my dad approach Dennis with an offer. But I wouldn't do it without your permission." "What would I have to do?" Randy's smile grew, "Sleep with me, be my pet at any parties I am allowed to be one of the adults at and help me break in whatever new kid Dad is going to get for me so I can learn how to do it. I like my cock sucked after I stick it in someone's ass, and I like tongue baths." Randy grinned "and as you can see my cock ain't nowhere near the size of Dennis'." Anthony chuckled, "Well, when you put it that way, I guess I would rather like you to ask you dad if I could belong to you! At least that way I know I would not be sold off to some whorehouse or to someone like Michelle. I know Gunther kind of likes me." Gabriel couldn't hold his tongue any longer. The whole turn of the conversation made him ill. He glared at Randy "How can you talk like this? I thought you liked him!" "What the hell are you talking about Gabe?" Randy responded looking genuinely hurt. "I like Tony. If I didn't I would not have picked him to be on your team!" "But 3;" Gabriel started only to be stopped my Dustin. Dusty stroked Gabriel's hair, "You're too new to really get it Gabe." He then turned to Randy, "Dude, less than a week ago he had never heard of half of what he has seen and been through since then. You lived with it from the time you were born, Tony has dealt with it for four years and I have been around if not completely part of the group for almost seven years. How the fuck do you think he sees your offer to buy someone you call a friend? Cut him some slack, cause you know damned good and well Clint won't." Anthony moved over and gave Gabriel a hug, "Just remember this in about two or three months." Gabriel lightly returned the hug with an embarrassed frown, "Why?" Randy rolled his eyes, "Because in two months or so you will start to understand that the offer I just made to Tony is about as good as things get for any kid in the Group. You've got a huge heart Gabe, but each and every day being owned by one of the Group it will grow smaller. You will grow harder, meaner, and no matter how much you may not believe it or want it you will begin to like some parts of sex with guys." Gabriel shook his head fiercely, "Never!" Dustin slammed his fist into the wall of the shower are as he got dried off, "Your wrong Gabe. Trust me, you're wrong." "No way!" Gabriel protested. Anthony, catching a signal form Randy, knelt down and took Gabriel's dick in his mouth again. Gabriel started to push the boy back only to be grabbed by Randy. "Stop Gabe. Stop and relax." Gabriel could feel his dick getting hard and glanced over at Dustin who was getting dressed. Confusion and anger rippled across Gabriel's features. A tear slid down Dustin's cheek, "Take a look around Gabe. How many of us are there? 50? 100? 500?" Gabriel shrugged as Randy held him in place so Anthony could give him a full blow-job without Gabriel fighting. "I don't know. I saw about a hundred of us today. Why?" "This was a small party, regardless of what you heard the adults say." Randy spoke softly. Randy looked skyward, "Next month we will all be down in the Bahamas, there will be over 1000 kids on the island. I have never been there, but I have heard about it from others including Anthony. Almost every Group member will have a pet and a lap boy; most will have a server. The event goes for a few days so many of them will actually bring more than one pet and lap boy so they can show off. Many of those will then be sold to junior Group members shortly after or even during the Bahamas' event." "Junior members?" Gabriel managed to ask as he felt is dick grow very hard inside Anthony's mouth. Randy spoke up. "The Group has levels in it Gabe. There are the Board of Directors, which include the doctor who took care of you, Clint, my dad, Michelle and eight others you have not met yet. The directors decide the rules and one of them will take over as president, which will now be Clint as only he, Michelle and three other were elected to run. Then there are the full members. Most of those at the party today are full members. They have voting rights on some rules and will decide who the next president is. "Then there are junior members. Basically they are fairly new to the Group or not active enough to be voted in as Full members. They can come to parties, but cannot bid on brand new goods like the ones in the final auction and cannot vote on anything. "Finally there are the recruits. Those who do most of the legwork for the Group such as buying and selling the videos and pictures, acquiring new kids, and arrange for parties like this one to escape the eyes of those who would freak out at what is happening to us. They have many other jobs but I really don't know them all as dad does not tell me as much as many kids think he does." Gabriel tried to fight the growing pleasure Anthony was giving him. He was failing and he knew it. Still he tried to distract his mind from what was happening. "Are there different jobs inside the Group too?" Dustin took over. "Oh yea. There are us, owned but the people at the very top. They are divided into four groups. Our group. The porn makers, The ones who buy a few select kids for long term use and exchange hundreds of others that they hold on to for hours, days, or weeks to make movies, take pictures and sell our pictures from one end of the world to the other. Once they are done with the temporaries they are sold off to lower group members, exchanged for a fresh face or discarded altogether. The discards are the really unlucky ones, because most of them will end up dead. Outside of the group's control. "Then there are the Michelle's kids of the Group. They are the ones who suffer just because their owners love to hurt kids. Most of them make torture flicks with lots of screaming, blood and the like but that is simply because there are people out there that buy that kind of crap. Their real joy is finding new ways to cause pain. They hold contests to upstage one another. The kid up on stage that was burned by cigars and had broken toes was one of them. Next to all their property ends up discarded in a matter of months because there is nothing left of them. That kid up on the stage belonged to Gunther. He has shown interest in Tony, so when you look at Randy's offer, maybe you should compare what Randy will do compared to what Gunther could do. I'll take anything Randy will do any day over what Gunther might do." Anthony spilled a few tears just thinking about what would happen if Gunther did buy him as Dustin continued. "The third group are the sellers. They buy and sell kids. They break kids in to suit and will, if the price is high enough, grab any kid for a buyer. Those are the kids you see on missing kid photos. There is an order network out there. If you know who to contact you can get exactly what you want. Do you want a brown haired boy with green eyes 7 years of age that is a virgin? Do you have $75,000? If the answer is yes to both they will get you the 7 year old and even spend time training the kid to pour drinks just the way you like them for an extra couple of grand. If you want the kid to come in and eat shit out of the toilet on his first day with you, it will cost more, but they can make it happen." Dustin paused as he realized Randy was no longer holding Gabriel. Gabriel was to absorbed by the feelings around his cock to complain about the fact a boy was sucking on it. He stifled a chuckle then continued; "The last group are the pimps and street hustlers. They get kids and rent them out for an hour, a night, a weekend, a week, or longer. Many of them split the money with the kids' parents so they don't have to house them. Some of this is done in the open with the kids knowing the parents are part of the action and some in secret. Others run houses where they keep the kids and let men and women come in and pick from kids they have available." Gabriel was only half listening at this point as he experienced his first full dry orgasm. Anthony let Gabriel's dick fall out of his mouth then stood, glancing back at Randy for further instructions. Randy simply nodded at Anthony with a smile then turned his attention back to Gabriel, "Now what was that about never enjoying sex?" Gabriel came out of his half stupor, "I 3; ahh, well 3;" His cheeks turned a dark crimson in embarrassment. Dustin finished dressing and tossed Gabriel some clothing set out for him, "Yea, we know. Sex ain't all bad." Gabriel pulled on the sweatpants and tank top quickly not really caring that there was no underwear. "OK, That was 3;" Anthony smirked, "Awesome. I know. I have been giving blow-jobs for years Gabe." Anthony paused as he saw Gabriel's cheeks turn an even darker red. "There is no point in denying it. I'm good at them. Dennis has made sure of it. The point is, you're on a road to be just like me. I hate when I have sex with men most of the time, but not all. I dislike having sex with kids when they're using me most of the time but there is more I enjoy with kids using me then adults. But, even though I rarely get to be the one doing the using, I like it." Randy nodded, "And tonight, and probably for the next few days, we are going to be breaking in a kid Clint bought while he makes the kid in the scout uniform watch. We're going to get our cocks sucked, get our asses licked, and be expected to stick our cocks in his ass." Gabriel gulped, "Why?" "Clint had me and Dustin do it once before." Randy admitted, "He'll make a huge set of films staring the two of us breaking in a new kid. But I bet this is just dry run since this isn't some brand new kid like it was when Dustin and I had Alex. If we do good, meaning you because I already know what to do, he'll get us a real brand new kid and have us turn the kid into what amounts to a willing sex toy." Dustin nodded, "And people will pay a fortune for it cause it isn't easy to find someone, even a Group member, who makes films of kids turning kids into sex toys. Learn what to do Gabe, even if you hate it, cause if you do a good job you will make a killing and be in Clint's good graces." Gabriel's forehead crinkled, "Really?" Randy smiled, "Hell yea. Why do you think me and Dustin are two of his favorites when there are kids that are cuter than us out here?" Dustin grinned, "You do good enough and he might even let all three of us train a new kid on film right from the start. He talked to Randy and me about doing something like that last month." Anthony shook his head. "I wish I could be part of that!" Randy kissed Anthony on the head, "If my dad buys you for me, maybe you can." Gabriel pretended to agree while deep inside he really wanted to cry. How could three kids, who he actually kind of liked, talk destroying a kid they had never even met? Worse yet, how could they seem to look forward to it?" As Gabriel walked out fully dressed for the first time in hours and was allowed to act like a human for the first time in days he wondered if he was already starting to turn into one of these hardened boys. His heart said no, but deep in his mind he knew better. Clint had already proven his ability to get exactly what he wanted out of him, and Gabe could tell by the way the others were talking, this was something Clint wanted. With a sigh, he went back to the food table, pured himself the largest glass of lemonade he could find then sat with his back against a shade tree. The peacefulness of the wind blowing through his hair was interrupted a few times bay a particularly loud scream form inside the house. Before he realized the two hours of relative freedom was almost over Randy found him and slid down the tree so he could sit close. "Gabe, I want you to know, I got with my dad and he has made arrangements to buy Anthony for me. He was right, Dennis was looking for a buyer." "Why tell me?" "Because, he belongs to me now, so he will be coming with tonight. Where I go, so does Anthony." Gabriel shook his head trying to figure out if he was actually going insane. "After all you have been through, with your dad and all, do you really want to own someone?" Randy put his head back against the tree and looked upward, "Gabe, Let me tell you something I don't just tell everyone, but for some reason, I think the two of us are going to get to know each other very well over the next couple of years. You willing to just listen for a few minutes? Gabriel heard another blood curdling scream form the house and cringed, guessing correctly it had belonged to a girl this time. "Is there somewhere we can go so we can't hear the screams?" "No." Randy stated. "The fence is set so no matter where we go we are reminded of who and what we are even though we are dressed. Sorry." "Nothing you can do about it." Gabriel sighed. "So what were you gong to tell me." "Well, I figured you should know something more about my dad and what is going on, especially since he has Michael and he will figure out a way to get you and him in a porn flick together." "That is just sick." "But it will happen and if you try to fight 3;" "No way. I do what Clint wants or Mikey and my sister both get hurt bad. I just don't know how I will every be able to hurt Mikey." "Sorry dude, but you know it is going to happen. When the time comes just get on with doing what Clint or my dad wants. By the time it happens Mikey will understand you are dong it for him. I will make sure of it, even if I have to do so after the fact. Believe me, one of these years he and your sister will both thank you for what you have and are going to do for them." Randy reached over, draping an arm over Gabriel. "Look, Gabe, You are way to new at this to really know what is going on. Maybe, if I tell you more about me and the way my dad works, it'll give you a better picture of what is going to happen in the few hours and the next couple of months. I know a few kids don't want to know, but you look like the type that does." "Randy," Tears started to form in Gabriel's eyes, "I need to know when this will end!" Randy shook his head and gave Gabriel a squeeze, "Dude, you have already been told the answer to that, it won't. You are in the Group and will be for life. One day, years form now, you will wake up and find a note telling you your days as a fuck toy are over. For some it is 13 but most are 15 or 16 before that day comes. A few even make it to 17 or 18 if they still have kid looks and someone wants them, but that is really rare. "As I was going to tell you, the whole reason dad had me was to make me a fuck toy. I have two younger half brothers because he got my mother and like four other bitches pregnant just so he could have another boy after me. The girls he sold off to members of the Group as soon as they were old enough to walk and he then sold off one of my other half brothers once he figured out which one he thought was cuter. Tyler is now going to take my place, and dad will once again make the rounds and get a bunch of bitches pregnant, mostly older girls owned by others in the Group so he will have a replacement for Tyler when he starts getting too much hair around his balls, under his arms, or just starts looking a bit to muscular for my dad to find attractive. I have been around this shit my whole fucking life and so will Tyler. The whole reason Dad got Mikey was to show Tyler what he had to do from now on. "To be honest, I have been in this game so long, I really don't know what I want, other than to stop getting a cock up my ass every fucking night. If having a kid, any kid, allows me to go to bed even one night a week with my cock buried up the ass of someone else rather than a cock up mine, then yes, hell yes I want to own someone. Anthony already knows my dad will want to watch me make him scream and cry sometimes. That is who and what my dad is. But, more nights than most Anthony will be in my bed, getting kisses from me while I stick my dick in his mouth or up his ass. He will not have Dennis tormenting him every waking moment and wondering when he will be discarded simply because he has been put though so much pain he doesn't scream like he used to. "He will be a pet for me at the first party I get to attend as an adult, but I have already been told exactly what I expected. Clint is taking me to the Bahamas, with my dad's full permission. Which means Anthony will be there with the two of us, and who ever else Clint decides to take. As a matter of fact, I don't think my dad is going to pick me up from Clint's until after we get back. Over the next two to three months the three of us are going to make dozens of movies together, many with my dad coming to watch and help film. At least one of those will be done with Mikey and you, probably more than one." "I want to kill them all!" Gabriel snarled. "Very few of us have not had those thoughts, Gabe. Unfortunately, if you ever hurt one of the group, you would watch your brother and sister get handed to the likes of Gunther and once he finished with them, you would be next. That kid on stage today, ran away from Patricia, the bitch who sent her pet after you. He was in Gunther's hands only one month, and you saw what he looked like. The whole reason he was put up on stage and sold off was to show newer kids what happens when you cross the group, while reminding us long time kids no one pushes back against those who own us." Randy glanced up at the big clock on the clock tower attached to the house. "We only have 10 minutes or so, and if we are so much as a minute late getting to the assembly area, we will be punished. We better go." "Do we strip again?" "No, we are the lucky ones. We don't get undressed again until back in our master's homes, and tonight, Clint will probably want us to dress up in something he sets out so we can get sent in in a way to where the kid we are going to do doesn't' expect what we are there to do to him. Our job is to fully humiliate him in every way we can think of. Remember the better job you do on this kid, the better it will be on your brother, because I am sure Clint will have arranged for my dad to take out whatever you don't do on Mikey." A tear ran down Gabriel's cheek. "If it's for Mikey, then I guess 3;" he sobbed. "Welcome to my world Gabe." |