Darkfire KnightGabriel's NightmareChapters 9-12Chapter 9A huge thanks to Maiocxx for editing this chapter.
Gabriel gazed out the window as Clint pulled into traffic. Next to him Tony turned and glanced back toward Dennis's SUV with a great deal of nervousness. Clint used the rear view mirror to glance at Tony, "You won't have to get back in his truck again, Anthony, so just relax." "I'm sorry Master Clint, but this is the first time since I became a fuck toy I have gone anywhere without Master Dennis. I keep thinking I am gunna get sent to the chamber for not going with him." Randy put his arm around Tony, the only chamber you will be going to is my bedroom, and once in a while to my father's play room." Tony let out a sigh as he turned back around and put his head on Randy's shoulder. "Thank you master Randy." "Just Randy. My dad doesn't even go for all that master and mistress crap. He will require you to address him with your eyes down and end all statements with 'sir', though. If you don't he will punish you. When you talk to me also end everything with 'sir' and when you want to ask me a question I would like to be called 'Boss'." "Boss it is sir." Tony responded quickly, showing his ability to adapt quickly to the commands of others. Clint glanced over his shoulder, "So Dennis has a punishment room?" "Not really a punishment room, more of a chamber of horrors, sir." "Really, like what?" "It has lots of things to make kids scream 3;" "Kids? I thought he only had you and Jorge." Tony briefly shook his head. "Master Dennis rents several on and off and he owns two others. But they stay in the chamber except for one day a week when Master Dennis brings them up and puts them to work chopping wood, digging ditches, or other work on his ranch. They work from first light till dark wearing long shirts, but I have seen something hanging off their nuts, and they have a very hard time walking without holding on to whatever is it is. Master Dennis lets them hold on to it going out to where they work, but only one of them is allowed to hold on coming back. I think whoever does the best work gets to hold it. The other one is always bawling by the time he gets back inside, but they both walk fast, so they must get punished if they don't." "Well this is truly interesting information, Anthony. So what else does he do with these two mystery boys?" "Well, Jorge feeds them and I have had to give them baths twice a week with a wire brush, but I don't think they are allowed to speak, only scream and cry. Almost every time I have been in the chamber, they have been tied to the rack, the spanking chair, or secured to the pain table. A few times they were in or on other things, but they must have done something bad, because those times I could see fresh whip marks or the like. Each time he wanted to use the chamber on me, they were always gagged until Jorge comes down to feed them. Then Dennis unlocks the gags. He also takes them off for the wire brush baths and when he punishes them, because he likes to hear all us scream and cry. "They don't scream much anymore though, unless he uses the thumb screws, hosts them up and hits their feet, sticks things under their finger or toe nails, or uses one of his other really nasty things on them. Once he ripped off their pinky nails in front of me as a warning should I not make one of his friends happy. They both cried real loud then, too. "No matter where they are put, they have to go to the bathroom where they are tied. Normally there is a shit and piss bucket under them, and if they miss they have to lick up the mess before they can eat. Other times, though, like when they are in the metal pants, they have to stay in their filth until Master Dennis takes it off, sir." "Metal pants?" Randy asked with a look of disgust. Tony gulped, "He has different sizes of these pants made of tiny metal links with wires. He makes you put on this weird ball and dick covering with a strap that goes up your ass crack, and then hands over these pants that are almost too heavy to lift. The front has straps to make them very tight which he takes care to make so tight I had a hard time breathing; and once in them he locks your hands above your head and plugs in the wires coming out of the back of the pants. They heat up slowly, but they get really hot. Both times I was in them I thought I was burning up, but when he took them off me I was just very red and had a few small blisters on my upper inner thighs. Both times I found it hard to piss for a couple of days and I could barely speak cause of my screaming. "The thing is, he leaves the pants on the other two for days sometimes. The smell is horrible after they are in the metal pants for a couple of days and Master Dennis plugs them in. It seems to hurt them more too, cause they really scream loud when he does it and I have even seen some small blisters on their ball sacks when I wash them after it happens sometimes, sir." "Interesting, how old are they." "I don't know, sir." "Older or younger?" "Older, but not by too much. I have not seen any hair on either of their balls yet, sir." "How long has he had them?" "About three years now, I think. I didn't see them until he took me down to clean them the first time, and they had been there for a while, as neither talked and they didn't fight although they really cried the first time I brushed them. Master Dennis had to strap them to the rack and flipped them over so I could get them totally clean. Now they just cry when the bush gets used on their ass, under their arms, upper thighs, and face. Master Dennis lets me use a regular scrub pad on their dick and nuts after the first time, at least, sir." "Have they seen a doctor at all?" "Once a month Master Dennis has Doctor Jenkins see all of us, sir." Randy cringed, "Isn't he the one who takes care of Gunther's pets?" Clint nodded, "Yeah, but he handles putting them back together again pretty well and is one of the best trauma doctors in the state. I hear he has a thing for choking kids during sex. Does he?" Tony took a deep breath, "He likes to smother us while he shoves his dick in us. He ties our hands behind our back, puts a clip over our noses, and wraps a bag over our mouths so we can't take a breath, then fucks the crap out of us as we struggle to breath. I also have woken up gasping for air with his dick still buried in me. Then he always takes me to the bathtub, pisses on me and usually makes one of the boys from the chamber lick me clean from head to toe while he watches and smother-fucks Jorge like a dozen times. Only once did he make me change places with Jorge. I really thought about trying to kill myself about the fifth time I woke up gasping for air only to have that bag wrapped over my face again 3;" Tears started to roll down Tony's cheeks. "I'll never do anything like that to you, Tony," Randy promised while pulling the boy over to him and gently giving him a kiss on the head. "Even though we have tinted windows, I don't want anything that can be seen, Randy. You have plenty of time to play with Anthony however you want later." "Sorry Clint." Clint snickered, "No problem. It was kind of cute. You know, come to think of it, we could make a full-length movie where Anthony is being fucked by a stepfather or uncle and you find out, kill the guy and you become lovers at the end. It would make a great flick for those who like the happy endings and require you both to do some real acting." Randy grinned, "Cool! What about Gabe?" "Gabe could be your younger brother who finds out about it after he spends a weekend with the guy and comes back and tells you about it. Maybe he could bribe you by offering sex, since he would have had to endure spending a weekend at the other house. You could be reluctant to help him and his friend out, but once you get Gabe into bed a couple of times and then have a chance to get Anthony into bed with Gabe, you could get hooked on liking slightly younger boys. We could end it with Anthony coming to live with your folks and him coming to your bed for the night." Randy looked over to Gabriel, "You are sure being quiet. What do you think about being in a full length movie?" Gabriel kind of shrugged as he continued to gaze out the side window, staring at kids in other cars; wondering, for the first time, how many others were the sexual playthings of the adults behind the wheel. Still, the time with Clint had been enough to know he had to always pay attention to what was being said or he might get punished. "Maybe it could happen on a camping trip the guy invited me to." Clint once again snickered, "You're old man took you camping and fishing every summer. Is this a way for you to try to escape or to do something you like while making me happy?" Gabriel frowned, "How'd you know my dad takes me camping and fishing every summer?" Clint frowned deeply, "Answer the question and end it properly Gabe. Then you can ask if you can ask a question!" Gabriel cringed and tightened up, "Sorry sir. I like to camp and will not try to escape if we do the film, sir!" "Much better. Don't forget your place again. As it is, the minute we get settled, your ass is mine while Randy and Anthony take turns with their dicks in your mouth. Once I am satisfied you have been properly castigated, we can move on to taking care of Billy. Understood?" Gabriel's head sagged. "I'll give them blowjobs while you take my butt, sir." "All right. Now to answer your question, we know a great deal about all three of you Gabe. There is very little we don't know about your father. I am sure more will become clear before the end of the summer." Turning attention away from Gabriel he spoke to Randy, "Gabe hasn't had a dick in both ends at the same time yet, so you may want to put a bite guard in his mouth before you use him. Once he gets used to having you in his throat and me up his ass, then we can take out the guard and let Anthony go without the guard. He is small enough and Gabe should be used to me enough by then to where he won't get bit. This way Gabe will learn how to take it in both ends without a bite guard all in one round." "Understood sir." "Good. Now, Randy, what do you think about you and your pet doing an outdoors picture?" "I know nothing about camping. It'd be fun to try once." "I'll see what I can come up with, then. I'm not much for the outdoors, but I know David is and it may be the perfect time to introduce my new scout to his new life. I have never done a kid in a tent before." "I thought he was going to watch what we do to Billy." "After thinking it over, I think it would be more fun to let Doctor Adams keep him and get him fully healthy before I break him in. You know, Dr. Adams likes to hunt, so I bet we could get him to help in the film as well." The next hour went by with Anthony and Randy talking and an occasional question or comment from Clint. Gabriel said little, only answering a question if he was asked. The fact the entire conversation was about sex, making porn, or both was totally disgusting to Gabriel. Here he was, sitting next to a boy only a year younger than him. They should have been talking about baseball, going swimming, hiking, bike riding, or fishing. But all of it was about sex. It didn't help any when Gabriel noticed Randy's hand was rubbing Anthony's upper leg and occasionally disappeared from view as the older boy's fingers moved up to play with Anthony's privates. It didn't take long to realize Randy was being very careful to only have his hand all the way up Anthony's pants when there were no trucks next to the car, so there was no chance of anyone looking down and seeing what he was doing. The fact the younger boy said nothing and actually moved closer to Randy to give him easier access and hide the view from anyone trying to see in made the whole scene even worse. However, he knew the second they were wherever they were going, he would strip, pull his legs up and let Clint's monstrously thick dick plunge into him without a fight. At the same time, he would willingly take Randy's dick into his mouth and start licking and sucking. He was no different than Anthony, except he didn't enjoy constant sex talk. Finally, Clint turned off the highway and onto a dirt road. The houses in the area were spread so far apart, Gabriel realized he could only see four or five at any one time. As Clint guided his car onto a smaller asphalt road, a metal gate with a stone archway around it swung open. Above the archway, a sign in an unknown language told those who could read it something while a smaller one hanging underneath told the rest they were entering the grounds of a boys school for troubled youth and trespassing was prohibited. Shortly after the gate had shut behind them, a pair of horses ran up to the fence and followed the car for almost a half a mile [800 m] before they broke off and headed for a distant barn. Clint glanced back. "Gabe, no talking until your punishment is finished and Randy has had a chance to take you on a tour. There are areas you can go and others you cannot. The actual school grounds are strictly forbidden unless you are in classes, which I don't see happening since you were only purchased for a short period and there is no chance your family can afford my tuition. Any attempt to leave the grounds will guarantee you will never see your family again and your brother and sister will vanish as well. "Randy will take you up to my room and let you take a leak. You will then shower so you are totally clean, and go to my bedroom to await me. While you are waiting, Randy and Anthony will each take a small plastic ruler out of my study desk and will take turns smacking your nuts." He fired a glance back at the other two boys, "I don't think I have to remind you what will happen to the two of you if I am not satisfied as to how hard his nuts were beaten." "It's one of my dad's favorite things to have done," Randy stated with a bit of a cringe, "I know exactly what you want and will make sure Tony does too." "Good. Don't forget to find a bite guard for him too, unless you want to risk your dick getting bitten off." Randy shook his head while eagerly watching the pair of horses until they were out of sight again. "I'll find a guard. I got bit hard once by one of my dad's new rentals last year, and getting stitches around my dick really hurt!" Switching the subject he pointed to the animals. "Can we go for a ride on them, Clint." Clint glanced back, "It will depend on how good a job you all do. Remember, I want to see you really give Billy some hell tonight, but I don't want to have to pay for a house call so don't do anything too violent. Also, Gabe has not been to my house before, so once his punishment is done, I'd like you to show him around and, as long as he handles his punishment well and doesn't hesitate too much with Billy, I will allow him to pick out his own bed mate." "Any restrictions?" A bit of a smirk crossed Clint's facial features. "Gabe may have fucked upon the ride here, but he will pay for his mistake and I am sure will not repeat it, right Gabe?" Gabriel spoke with fear in his voice over hearing he would get his balls smacked with rulers. The very thought caused tears to well up. "I won't speak out of turn or fail to answer your questions the right way from now on, sir." "I believe you, Gabe. After all, Michael is depending on your perfect behavior. Next time I will just have to bring Michael over and have you hold him down while Randy and Anthony beat on his balls instead of yours." Gabriel wildly shook his head, "I'll never do it again, sir!" A nasty smile played over Clint's lips for a moment as he pulled up to a massive house with a large marble fountain in the front with water pouring out of buckets held by a pair of almost nude boys with wings on their backs. The stone carving was top notch, and every detail was carved leaving nothing to the imagination. "Very well then." Glancing back to Randy he nodded, "I see no need for restrictions on whom he picks for a bed mate then. As of now he is my top pet, so he can pick whomever he wants of those available." Everyone remained silent as a young teen came out of the house, opened the door for Clint, before finally opening the door for Randy. The moment Randy jumped out he motioned for Tony and Gabriel to slide over and exit on his side. He then waited until the teen jumped behind the wheel and drove the car out of sight. "Gabriel, remember you are to say nothing until we are done and the faster we get started the better it will be for you. He will wait to hear you start crying then come up and watch as we each take a few shots, so those last few will hurt more 'cause if we don't do it right he will turn on us." Gabriel took a couple of deep breaths and nodded while blinking some tears out of his eyes. Without further hesitation, he allowed Randy to guide him into the massive mansion. Even knowing what was about to happen, he couldn't help but look around in awe at place. Everything spoke to a vast quantity of money having been poured into every part of the structure. The entry floor was marble, but quickly opened up into a highly polished wood floor. The walls had countless paintings and columns with silver spirals went up to a high vaulted ceiling outlined with dark wood and more silver. Taking a chance, Gabriel moved closer to the one of the pillars and reached out. His hand touched the silver. The cold metallic feel told him his guess as to it probably being real silver and not paint was confirmed. A pair of boys slightly older than Gabriel passed by as Randy led him up the half spiral stairway to the second level. Both boys wore long night shirts, one was a light blue the other grey. Both had collars on which Gabriel instantly identified as the same kind he had been trained with. The small shocking boxes were a dead giveaway. Both boys also had silver bracelets on their wrists, but they moved by too quickly to see what was on them. Neither looked terrible interested in him or the two boys leading him up the stairs. Randy spoke softly as he led Gabriel over to the yet another stairway going up. "You might want to keep in mind, Clint has boys who are tasked with keeping this place spotless and the fingerprints you left on the silver will get someone in a great deal of trouble if Clint sees them before the boy tasked with keeping them clean." Anthony looked over at Randy, "It's not paint, sir?" "No," Randy stated with a dangerous sounding voice. "Clint's known by many of the kids in the Group as Mr. Silver, but don't let him hear you call him it, because I have heard he takes it as us making fun of him, and it pisses him off." "The last thing I want to do is make him mad. Dennis was talking to some of the others about basically being forced to vote for Clint as the new Group President after seeing how well Gabe did and then what happened to the Red Witch." Seeing Gabriel glance back sharply, Randy chuckled. "Almost all the kids and even some of the Group members call Michelle the Red Witch, since she almost always wears something red and she is so fucking mean. She is the only one my dad will not let touch the kids he owns except at parties, and even then 3;" Randy's mood shifted suddenly, "The first time I was a pet I failed and she took me. I ended up in some private hospital room for a couple of days and it made me realize anything is better than having to go another round with her. I have not failed since." Anthony nodded, "She took Jorge once after he head-butted one of Master Dennis's friends when the guy shoved his fingers way up Jorge's nose. When Master Dennis got him back he had to have doctors pull staples out of Jorge's forehead and fix his broken nose. The Red Witch paid for it all, but Jorge's voice was horse for almost a week from all the screaming he'd done. That was the time I was the Doc's smother toy, since the Doc was afraid Jorge might not be strong enough to take it." Gabriel couldn't help but shudder as he listened to the two boys. It seemed with each passing hour of the past few days, he found more real life terror than most horror moves could hope to show. The very fact the last horror flick Toby had all but forced him watch only a few weeks early had given him nightmares now seemed mild compared to what he was living. What was worse was the fact it was not going to stop any time soon. Even as Randy pushed open a door at the end of the hall and gently yet firmly pushed him toward a bathroom opposite a massive canopied bed, Gabriel took note of a couple of strange looking benches with straps hanging off them. Many might not see them for what they were, but to Gabriel, they were there for the torment of boys and the straps were the way boys were secured to them. The fact they were made out of high quality wood, polished and had decorative figurines on them, didn't hide the sinister nature of their true use even though Gabriel couldn't quite comprehend how exactly Clint used them. As Gabriel took a leek and dump, he could hear Randy out in the bedroom giving instructions to clean off all the items off and get it ready. Knowing he would soon be strapped to at least one of the weird shaped items gave him no comfort and once again a few tears appeared at the corner of his eyes. However, this time was slightly different. For even as he stepped into the shower and started a thorough scrub down, he prepared himself for what was to come without the panic he had felt only a few days before. Without a word he toweled off and come into the master bedroom nude. Seeing Tony standing next to huge horse saddle shaped bench, he gulped in some fear, but didn't pause. At this point he just wanted his punishment over with, knowing there was nothing he could do to avoid it. Randy pointed to one end. "Hop up here and put your stomach over the leather padding. Tony is going to strap in your ankles and I'll do your arms. Once you are secure your butt will be in up so Clint can fuck you while he is standing and your balls will still accessible so we can smack them before he gets here." Randy then held up a hard plastic piece with a hole in the middle and a pair of Velcro straps coming off of both ends. "Open up, this goes in your mouth." Gabriel did as instructed; Randy put the two straps around the back of Gabriel's head. One went up over the back of his ears while the other went below the ears and was pulled tight and secured behind his neck. Seeing the confused look Randy snickered, "It's a bite guard. This way I can get a blow job without any chance of you biting me. I stick my cock though the hole at the same time Clint slams your ass with his monster. Normally you would bite down in pain. This prevents it. Eventually he will get you to the point of not biting down and accepting an adult cock in both ends, but that'll take a few weeks, so get used to wearing this for now. Once you get over the initial pain of Clint fucking you, we'll take this off and you'll suck Tony until Clint finishes. Don't you bite him, Gabe, no matter what? Understand?" Gabriel tried talking but realized he couldn't say anything understandable with the mouth guard in, so he nodded. Seemingly satisfied, Randy waited until Tony pulled Gabriel's feet apart to match the 'V' of the support legs then pulled Gabriel forward, stretching him until his head was over the opposite end of the saddle shaped bench. He then pulled a bit more, making the already uncomfortable bench somewhat painful to be on before finally putting a strap around Gabriel's upper chest, right under his armpits. He then pulled hard on each one of Gabriel's arms starching them as far as he could without dislocating the boy's shoulders. As Gabriel gasped in a bit of pain he could see Randy securing both his wrists to the lower part of the bench, which had pegs in the legs to secure the straps to. The spacing of the pegs told him this bench was designed to hold kids both bigger and smaller than him. He could also tell Randy was very used to securing kids to the bench. Randy didn't sound remorseful at all as he spoke, "The tighter you are, the less you will squirm and the easier this will be on you. Besides the pain in your arms and legs from being so stretched out will dull some of what is to come. No matter what, don't say anything. Scream all you what, but don't beg. If you do Clint will not stop with this." Randy disappeared from sight for only a few seconds before Gabriel heard a swishing sound, an instant later the first shot to his left ball registered in his brain. So horrible was the pain it took a few moments for the severity to become reality. The moment it registered, however, Gabriel tried to arch his back and he screamed. The sound came out as a shrill anguished almost whistling sound since the mouth guard was in. But even as the second shot hit his other ball, there was no doubt the sound was loud enough to carry through a good portion of the house. Gabriel yanked at the straps holding his arms down to the bench with everything he had but it did no good. Randy had done a good job. Even as his whole body quivered in agony, because what was happening out of sight behind him, his shoulders started to throb with his exertion to pull free. Still he screamed again and again uncontrollably. So bad was the torture being dished out, he hadn't even heard Clint come into the room, nor had heard another boy come in and set up a camera. The clicking of the camera shutter dozens times as photos were taken of his torment would have escaped notice as well had it not been for the flashes of the camera. As bad as it was, knowing he was being photographed, it was nothing when compared to the intense agony of each and every hit. As suddenly as it started it stopped. All Gabriel knew was Randy had appeared in front of him, was stroking his hair, and was totally naked. Even as Gabriel could see the head of Randy's boyish dick moving toward his mouth he could hear Clint behind him. "Go ahead and shove it in Randy. He can't bite you and since you now own a boy, you should know what it's like to feel what a boy's tongue does to your cock when he tries to scream in pain!" Gabriel suddenly felt Randy grab his ears and then both felt and tasted Randy's dick is it pushed through to hole in the mouth guard. An instant later he saw nothing but a blinding white as Clint's mass of manhood slammed into his butt which was stuck up at the perfect angle for easy entry. Unlike other times, however, Clint didn't go slow nor was there any spit to lube the fleshy pole. Instead Clint lined up and impaled the boy in one hard shove. Gabriel tried to scream, but Randy's dick was just long enough to hit the back of his throat and go in a bit further. This caused him to choke and struggle. Once again he lost track of both time and pain, knowing only the inside of his ass was on fire and his throat was raw from screaming and trying to take in breaths of air around the dick tickling the back of the inside of his mouth. Suddenly he felt and tasted Randy's sperm as the boy could hold back no longer. As Randy shuddered in pleasure, the boy's dick softened slightly giving Gabriel a bit more air. Struggling to both swallow and breath he finally managed to take in a few decent breaths of air, even as Clint continued to unmercifully plow into his anal cavity. Clint's voice was full of humor as he saw the look of total bliss on Randy's face. "Nice huh?" "Totally awesome!" Randy managed to weakly gasp out as he finally pulled out of Gabriel's mouth. "No wonder dad likes to do a two way fuck with me!" "You're well on your way to being one of us Randy!" Clint chuckled. "Get the mouth piece out of him and let Tony take a turn." A hand crashed hard on Gabriel's lower back getting a howl of pain. "Remember my pet, you bite Tony and you will beg us to come back up here and do this to you rather go through what we will do to you! Understand?" Gabriel managed a weak nod as he felt Randy undo the straps behind his head. At the same time Clint pulled out and went over to the boy photographing the assault. Tony then appeared in front of him. The slightly younger boy looked a lot more apologetic and a bit afraid as he used a wet cloth to wipe most of the snot and tears off of Gabriel's face which had built up over the prior thirty minutes of torment. He then leaned down and whispered softly. "Just use your tongue and force your mouth to stay open. He'll probably try to hurt you a bit to make you bite me. I have seen this before. If I see something coming I will pull on your ears hard to warn you." Even as Gabriel weakly accepted Tony's tiny dick, it took all his remaining will not to bite down as Clint came back over and savagely slammed into him again, pulled almost all the way out and pushed in again while giving his battered balls a hard squeeze. Tony closed his eyes and grabbed Gabriel's ears as hard as he could, expecting to feel teeth bit in. When it didn't happen he leaned forward and kissed Gabriel's forehead. "Keep it up and I'll see if Randy won't let you be my master for a night." Three more times Clint tired to get Gabriel to at least nip Tony. The first was a flat hand to Gabriel's back. The second was by far the worst as Clint shoved forward and then leaned forward and bit down on Gabriel's left shoulder hard enough to draw blood while giving his balls yet another squeeze, and finally, after he had at last shot his wad deep into Gabriel and withdrew his manly weapon his hand crashed into Gabriel's butt repeatedly. Fortunately for Gabriel and Tony this last beating was nothing more than an additional discomfort by this time and Gabriel was too weak to do much more than quake in overall misery. Clint then went around and pulled Tony back from Gabriel. He took a few moments to carefully inspect the boy. Finding no marks he shrugged, "Once again you surprise me Gabe. Not a single tooth mark. Very well done!" He then looked down at Tony with a bit of a sneer, "Since he spared your cock, the least you can do is finish off his duties by licking me clean of his filth!" Without so much a moment of hesitation Anthony moved forward, accepting the blood and shit coated dick without complaint, knowing to do less would do no good, and besides this was nothing compared to what he went through with Dennis. As his cock was licked clean, he glanced over to Randy, "Sorry, I know he is yours, but since you belong to me tonight so does he. Unstrap my pet and help him to the shower. I doubt he will be able to stand let alone walk for a while. Once your pet is done here, you need to get Gabe up and have him pick out his bedmate. He once again has far surpassed my expectations. Get him a blue shirt with a silver collar, and make sure you get his bracelet on. It is in the nightstand in his room. Make sure it is on too tight to pull off." Even as Randy started undoing all the restraints, Clint let out a bit of a bemused sigh. "Gabe, you should be proud of yourself. You really should. I am going to take a bit of a chance and leave the shock collar off you for now. Understand, the bracelet Randy will put on you will tell me where you are at all times, and if you fuck up or try to run away, Michael will be in here and you will take the place of Tony. Do you understand?" Managing to speak through sobs, Gabriel weakly nodded, "I'll 3; never 3;. run 3; sir!" "OK then, Randy, I am going to give Tony and Gabe's new bedmate to him for the night, He can even use this room. Randy, you can take up to two of the others for your pleasure tonight. Enjoy, but don't overdo it. You have Billy to deal with in the morning. "It is seven ten now, I expect Gabe to be up and fully moving by noon tomorrow. Have one of the boys fix him what he wants; then I want all three of you in the lower studio by no later than two PM. Gabe can bring his bedmate if he wants. I expect you will be able to explain what colors mean around here, basic rules, and where he can and cannot go before you let him loose on my property. If he fucks up because you failed to tell him something, you will be on this bench the first chance I get." Randy gulped. "He'll know all the rules before I go back home, promise." Clint gave a bit of a nasty smile, "Since you were here for six months while your father was out of the country, I assume you still now how it all works and will stick close until your are sure he is ready?" "I got it, Clint, and no, I will never forget." "Good." Clint snickered, "Make sure Gabriel won't either. It is now his new home away from home!"
Gabriel shook like a leaf as Randy pulled him off the bench. He forced himself to not break down and cry again as he finally stood. His balls still felt like they were on fire and were somewhat swollen. Making matters worse his violated ass leaked a bit of blood down his leg and a second trickle of blood came out of the bite mark on his shoulder. He tried to take a step and faltered. Randy grabbed Gabriel to steady him while pointing to Anthony. "Grab some towels and get this blood before it hits the carpet or we will both be taking turns on the bench!" The boy bolted into the bathroom and came back with a pair of towels. While Randy held the wobbling Gabriel basically still, Anthony wiped up the blood leaking down the battered boy's leg and then wedged the towel in Gabriel's butt to prevent any from hitting the floor. He then used the second towel to clean the trickle of blood coming out of the bite mark. Seeing how weak Gabriel was, Randy took a deep breath, "I'm going to pick you up, and carry you into the bathroom. Tony's going to hold the towel in your butt crack. Just let us take care of you and get you cleaned up." Gabriel took a couple of deep breaths and nodded. "I feel kind of sick 3;" "You have had a hell of a day and you made it. The rest of the night will be easy, but there are a few things we still have to do," Randy lifted Gabriel, struggling a bit as the boy he was carrying was only three years younger than him, and he was a bit small for a thirteen year old. Fortunately for both of them, it was only twenty steps from the bench to the bathtub. Even as Randy lowered the exhausted boy, he nodded over to Anthony. "Between the party and the two-way he is wiped out. My first party as a pet nearly killed me, and he had to go through this too. Strip down and get in here with him. You need to get him clean and keep him standing. Keep the water cool, since you are both sunburned. Besides, after the ball and ass beating he took, hot water will only make some of the pain worse. "If he needs to throw up, use the trash can and flush it down the toilet. Touch nothing and make sure the bleeding from his ass and shoulder has stopped before you get out. I'll be back. And remember, you were given to him tonight, so you do what he wants. The only thing I require is you stay in the bathroom and not one drop of blood or chunk of puke hits anything but the tub floor, trashcan, or toilet bowl." Anthony didn't hesitate to undress and step into the bathtub with the badly quivering boy, "Understood sir." Randy paused and turned Gabriel's head so he could look into the younger boy's eyes. "Gabe, let Tony take care of you. I just need you to stay standing and tell Tony what you need while he cleans you both up. I've got to get some stuff and I'll grab one of the older kids who is kind of the on-staff medic. I'll be right back." Gabriel nodded weakly. Holding his skinny arms out so he could brace himself , he fought back another wave of nausea. A moment later the door closed and water hit him, He shivered. "Warmer 3; Please 3;" "Are you sure?" Anthony asked as he put some body-wash on a sponge and gently started to clean around the bite mark on Gabriel's shoulder blade. "The cold water will help with the sunburn and beatings." Gabriel let his head drop, choosing to say nothing for a couple of minutes. Even as his body adjusted to the cool spray and the fact Tony was lathering him up from head to toe, his mind continued to replay the events of the day. The very idea of being in a shower, getting washed by another nude boy, didn't help. His thoughts darkened. Finally he whispered, "Have you ever thought about killing yourself?" Anthony chewed on his lip as he continued to wash Gabriel's whole body as carefully as he could. Finally he answered, "I think we all have. After I was smother fucked, I tried to figure out the fastest way to do it 3;" "Why didn't you?" Gabriel asked weakly. Anthony stood and directed the water so it hit right at the top of Gabriel's ass crack, doing what he could to cool the boy's butt cheeks and battered hole. "I don't know, really. Part of it was I wondered what Dennis would do to me if I failed, but another part of me just wouldn't let me take the big kitchen knife and shove it into my chest. I held it in my hands a whole bunch of times. I even put it up to where I figured my heart is, but I just couldn't." "I could." Anthony shook his head, "Man, you can't go there." A slight sob escaped Gabriel's lips and couple more tears rolled down his cheeks, "Why?" Anthony gulped and glanced around, wishing someone else was close by to respond, but the door to the bathroom was still closed. He bought himself an extra few seconds by grabbing some shampoo and lathering Gabriel's hair. Finally an answer came to him. "If you kill yourself, Master Clint will freak out and your brother and sister will pay for it 3;" He let his words taper off. When Gabriel remained silent except to cry a bit harder, Anthony put his arm around him and pushed up his chin so water could rinse his hair. "Dude, listen, you made the grade today. This is about as bad as it will get for you. The next few parties will be easy compared to today. You already passed and the others won't gun for you the way they did today. Besides, Clint will be made the president. No one messes with the President's property, and unless you totally fuck up, no one will vote against you because, as president, Clint can come and enjoy any Group member kid he wants at any time. The last thing anyone wants is for the president to take a special interest in one or more of their favorites, so they won't vote against his property. "I mean, sure, Clint will still fuck the shit out of you and find reasons to put you back on the bench. He'll even try to make you screw up so he can get a hold of your brother. He wants you to have to watch as he shoves his cock up your brother's ass while he blames you for it, but you can hold out, just like you did today. Sooner or later he will give up on it and find some other game to play with some other kid, they all do. "Even Dennis gave up on making me cry all the time. At some point it just stops being fun for them and they move on 3; Well, all except the Red Witch, she never seems to get tired of hearing screams 3; But she's done. "From what I've seen and heard, Clint is setting you up to be one of his lead boys. He even gave me to you tonight. I've been around for years and have made like a dozen flicks for Clint, but he gave me to you!" Gabriel seemed to calm some, "I don't want anyone 3;" Anthony cringed and looked at the door again with some trepidation. When he realized it was still shut he breathed a bit of a sigh of relief. "Gabe, don't let him hear you say 3;" He shook his head realizing he had to make the boy with him understand just how bad an idea it was to think such a thing, let alone speak it. "Look, if hears you say shit like that then he'll make both you and whoever he hands over to you pay. "He sees what he's offering as a 3; um 3; gift 3; a 3; payment 3; You say 'no' or he hears you say you don't want it, it'll be just as bad as if you slapped him or something. After all the cash he paid for you, he thinks you should owe him for giving you this chance, and in some ways you probably do 3;" Gabriel shook his head, "No, I don't 3;" "Man, look at this for what it is. You are getting a hell of a shot here. Clint likes boys. He buys us, fucks the shit out of us, makes movies of us, and expects us to continue to be a fuck toy until we are too old for him. Boys are only for his fun. Look at me, I am nothing to him but a good looking piece of ass and someone to make some money off of the films he makes of me. Every kid in this house, every kid who comes through this house is nothing more or less 3; Until you 3;" "He is giving you a chance at something better than the rest of his fuck toys, and like it or not you better figure out how to be happy about it or at least pretend to act grateful. Cause like it or not, it could be lots worse. You could be locked in Dennis's chamber or you could be strapped to a chair with your eyes held open so you have to watch as your brother and sister are given to Dennis to play with. What you went through today is bad, but I have been through way worse. Most kids in the group have. Hopefully the worst is now over for both of us. "Besides, as long as you keep him happy, your brother and sister will come out of this way better than almost any other Group kid." "Mikey was still at the party 3;" "So? He was bought by a Group member. He's still a Group kid. So's your sister. They'll both deal with shit being done to 'em. Both of them will learn to deal with the taste of cum in their mouths, but as long as you continue to do what Clint wants their lives will be way easier. The other thing is, what you are doing for them will get back to 'em. Just like at the party when just about every kid in the auction room tried to warn you about the cup, we look out for each other as best we can and no matter how hard they try information still gets passed around. "Most of the adults know it. Those who don't are stupid and those who try to stop it are just fooling themselves. Believe it or not, most of the adults kind of like the codes we use, because it gives the kids they take a better shot at making the grade, and if a kid fails, a fine is paid by the owner. Even Dennis and those like him don't want to look bad by having a kid fail. As a matter of fact, Dennis told me once, the only reason he kept me this long is I was smart enough to learn the code fast and made the grade often so he could go play with the failures. Gabriel took a deep breath of pain as Anthony moved to wash his battered balls. "How can I ever be happy about any of this, though?" Tony rolled his eyes in some disgust. Part of him wanted to smack Gabriel, but like it or not, he currently belonged to the boy and was tasked with taking care of him. "How about this?" Without another word he dropped to his knees in the tub and took Gabriel's dick into his mouth. Even as he continued to hold up the weakened boy, his tongue and lips worked on the boy's tool until it got stiff. Anthony backed off and looked up with a bit of a smirk. "Look, like it or not, getting a blow job feels pretty damned good. Most of us almost never get one. We do the giving. Our asses and mouths are only there to let others get their rocks off. "You are lucky, though. Clint loves to make movies of kids getting all sorts of shit done to them by men and women, just like many of the others in the Group. But he's also different. He likes to make movies where kids do shit to other kids. Every time I have been around him, he talks about making flicks of kids forcing other kids and doing mean shit to them, making them cry, beg, whatever 3; He wants you to be one of those 3; You could get blowjobs and do all sorts of shit normally only getting done to us. Plus, when Clint wants, you'll be able to bring others in on it. He may even let you get who you want to help you sometimes!" Anthony ran his tongue from the base of Gabriel's dick to its tip and then rolled it around the tip a couple of times. "You better decide what is better cause it's either you getting this sometimes or you just being like the rest of us 3; a fuck toy. If you say 'no' to being over kids, he'll set it to where some kid is over you and it'll get done to your brother and sister, maybe even forcing you to do it to your brother and sister." Gabriel shook his head, "I could never 3;" "He could make you... and you know it 3;" Gabriel lightly pounded his head into the wall with the shower head, knowing Anthony was right. "So what do I do?" "You do what you are told, just like the rest of us. You'll make some movies, have lots of shots taken of you, and get your mouth and ass used a lot. But you'll have to learn what he wants done and do it to others. It'd be kind a nice if you remembered me and ask for me a time or two so I can at least see what it is like to not be the toy all the time 3;" Anthony kind of chuckled as if it was a joke, but turned serious quickly. "Above all else remember, if he wants a scream or tears and you don't do enough to get them, the kid will scream and cry and so will you. It's no different than me beating your balls. By me doing it right, you screamed, but it ended there. If I hadn't 3;" He let his words taper off as the door opened and Randy came in followed by an older teen wearing a long red shirt with a silver colored collar. The older boy motioned for Anthony to move away from Gabriel then reached in and turned the water off. He looked the boy up and down for a few seconds then quickly fired a glance over at Randy, "Seriously? This is the new lead pet?" Randy nodded, "Hey, first party and he made the grade, and he was being gunned for, even by the Red Witch." "First party ever and no time as a lap boy either," Anthony chimed in. "Alrighty then 3;" The boy sighed and leaned closer. As he saw Gabriel tighten up a little he reached up and gently stroked his hair. "I'm here to help. I'm really not into ones as young and small as you. I'm also too old for Clint's likings. The only reason I have gotten to stay around this long is my willingness to take care of the rest of you all and because when needed, he uses me in movies and to help him grab someone he really wants." He glanced back over to Randy, "Get him a couple of Gatorades, I can tell by the way he is shaking he is a bit dehydrated. Plus, just by looking at him, I can tell he needs some rest." As Randy left, he lightly rubbed his hand over Gabriel's back. "What happened?" Anthony looked at the circular pattern of blisters and cringed, "The Red Witch and a burning hot cup of coffee." The older teen gasped, "She marked someone else's property? Did she have permission?" "No." Anthony lightly patted Gabriel on the shoulder, "And he didn't make a sound." "No shit?" the older teen stated with a great deal of surprise. "We'll we'll get him patched up. "Who bit him, by the way?" "Master Clint." "Did he screw up then?" "No, he managed to keep his teeth off my cock even after getting his ass beat and back bit," Anthony responded, clearly still thankful. The older boy once again ruffled Gabriel's hair, "Nice work! No wonder Clint is so impressed with you." The boy pulled out some cream and showed the tube to Gabriel, "This is going to help your ass to stop bleeding, so I have to push some in and around your hole. I'll sting, but only for a minute or two, then it will pretty much stop hurting. I am then going to put some stuff on your back for both the burn and the bite. I'll bandage them for tonight, but Clint forbids any kind of Band-Aids or wraps during photo shoots unless they are part of the props or absolutely needed, so you have to make sure you take them off before you get in front of any camera, then see me before bed the next few nights so I can touch them up again. Also don't pop the blisters, they'll pop on their own in the next couple of days and it'll cut down on any chance of scaring, understand?" Gabriel continued to brace himself by leaning forward with his hands out on the wall below the shower head. Still even as he fought to stay standing he refused to make the same mistake that lead him to being tied to the bench. He forced himself to respond the way Clint had taught him. "Yes sir 3; take the bandages off before going in front of a camera, don't pop the blisters, come see you next few nights 3; I still feel like I want to get sick though, sir." "I'm the lead boy, not one of the masters so you don't have to call me sir. Besides, you have rank here, too, so most of the others will have to do what you say." Gabriel managed to turn his head and look at the older boy, clearly surprised by this. "Really?" "You're a lead boy, the lead pet, and from what I've seen, your shirt will even have a silver collar. No one fucks with a silver collar unless Clint gives them permission. It'll piss off some of the others, but they'll bite their tongues and do what you tell them if they know what is good for them, and most do. Those who don't will learn real fast. "You just calm down and let Randy show you the ropes. I'll get you something for your stomach, but it's probably more about pain and fear than actually feeling sick. Most of us went though the same shit. But look on the bright side. From what I'm hearing, even from Clint, the hard part for you is done. Just don't forget your place, and act the way he wants. Be a pet at parties, make the grade, and the rest is just sex." Gabriel's arms buckled as the older boy pushed a couple fingers full of cream into and up his butt. Had it not been for Randy's return and fast reflexes gabbing him, he would have certainly fallen. Still he bit back a yelp and squeezed his eyes tightly shut, cutting off all but a few tears. "Wow, even after Clint pounded the shit out of you, you are still pretty tight. You need to learn how to relax your ass, or it'll hurt like a bitch and bleed every time!" Randy shot the older boy a bit of a grin, "We'll teach him over the next couple of days. The only training he's had is from Clint with no other kids around at all. Just him and Clint, and nothing prior." "Oh man, sorry, that sucks. It's way better to have some of the long time kids give you some pointers before getting banged too many times. The next time he lines up on your ass wait till you feel his cock and push out like you are taking a shit, just make sure not to take one. It'll still hurt like a bitch, but it'll go in faster and won't rip you up as bad." Gabriel nodded, but said nothing as the older boy's finger continued to penetrate into his tender hole. He cringed and flinched a bit as the cream burned for a few seconds but before the boy's finger had even been removed the medication in the salve numbed the area while coagulating the blood. It took only a few minutes for the older teen to finish patching up Gabriel, but he stuck around while Randy helped him drink a pair of Gatorades and made sure they didn't end up coming right back up. After twenty minutes, the kid finally nodded, "Looks like you'll be fine, but I'll OK a couple more sports drinks for you tonight, just so you get and keep your liquids up." He grinned, "We can't have the new lead pet and silver collar below peak performance, now can we?" Gabriel winced as he finally stepped out of the tub, mostly because his ass and balls still throbbed, but at least the rest of him felt better. While Anthony toweled him dry and double checked to make sure there was no more blood dribbling out of him, Randy took a sliver bracelet out of a bag and slid it over his hand. He then stuck a weird key like piece into a small slot under the name plate. With each turn, it clicked and got tighter until it snugly fit to Gabriel's left wrist, but not so tight he couldn't move it a little. He held up the key for Gabriel to see before putting it back into a drawer next to the bathroom sink. "This only works to make them tighter, and if you try to take that off, and Clint finds out about it, it will be made nasty tight. The only way that comes off now is to cut it. As you get bigger, this one will be cut off and a new one put on, and it better stay on until he cuts it off and gives you a new one or releases you from his service. If he sees it off, you will be sold to someone else and will, in all likelihood, just disappear." Gabriel looked at the bracelet, seeing it had his full first name and some kind of kite shield with a crest on either side of his name. "Even after I go home?" "For as long as he owns you, so yes." Gabriel suddenly felt a bit sick again. "What about sports and stuff at school?" "He'll get you a wrist band to put over it and he'll find a way to bend the rules for you if needed. However, if he sees you trying to cover it up when doing everyday stuff, you'll get a punishment, a bad one. And from what I hear he'll show up and check on you at odd times, so just get used to the fact it needs to always be seen." Gabriel stared at the finely crafted yet quite thick band, "You mean he'll come see me sometimes even after I leave here?" "You belong to him, and he likes to check on what is his. The bracelet will tell him exactly where you are and I have heard he can even pull up a map showing everywhere you were and even when you were there if he wants. You know, there was a kid who used to come over and make movies with me when I was like ten and eleven. He told me once he had actually seen a kid in another state wearing one when he went on vacation with his family." Gabriel shuddered at the thought of being marked and easily spotted, by those who knew what to look, for as someone belonging to Clint. The fact the man could always find him only made it worse, but just like everything else since he had been taken by the man, there was absolutely nothing he could do about it. Finally Randy pulled a long dark blue shirt with a silver colored collar out of a bag. He then pulled some blue and silver colored water shoe-like slippers out of the bottom of the bag and dropped them on the floor. "This is yours, and it is all you wear unless told otherwise. You will get normal clothing in your dresser of your room, but they are to stay there until told otherwise. The top drawer in your room will have two more of these so you can change. Laundry and normal clothing will be stuff I show you over the next few days, so don't stress over it." Gabriel made a single shrugging motion before grabbing the very soft and somewhat shiny shirt and pulling it over his head. It was no different than Clint forcing him to wear his dad's tee-shirts, other than this actually fit him better and was much softer. The nightshirt-like garment came down to just below his knees and had three silver colored buttons. Even though Gabriel knew Clint had quite a bit of information on him, he was still somewhat surprised to find the slippers perfectly and snugly fit around his feet. Randy looked him over and spent a few seconds dragging a comb through his hair before he finally nodded. "Look, I know you are beat. Hell, all three of us are after the party today, but there are a couple of other things we have to do. Most of the rules can wait till tomorrow, but no matter what happens you cannot leave the house or go down in the basement without me until you know all the rules. If you fuck up it's on me and I'll get even." "Stay in the house, don't go to the basement without you." Gabriel nodded, "I got it." "Good. Food is normally done on the second floor and it's three meals and an afternoon snack. You have to scan your bracelet to get permission to eat 'cause those who fuck up are often times refused food, but you get whatever you want for breakfast per Clint and I can show you how getting food works tomorrow too. For now, we got permission to grab a snack." Gabriel found it hard to walk properly, mostly due to the fact nothing was supporting his balls and each step caused some movement and some pain. Yet even as he walked he couldn't help but notice two pairs of boys stop and stared at him as he went by. None of the four looked happy, and one in particular looked flatly angry as he stared. By the time the trio had made it to the dining area on the second floor of the massive mansion, Randy was snickering lightly, "You know, in a year or two your nuts are going to drop down more and then it'll really hurt to walk after a ball busting." "It already really hurts." "Once your nuts can swing back and forth a bit more, it'll hurt lots worse, trust me," Randy stopped and looked at a pair of eleven to twelve year old boys who were busy cleaning the dining area, one wearing a blue shirt, only not nearly as dark as the one Gabriel was wearing and the other a white shirt. "Get us some snacks." The boy in the blue shirt sent a sharp glare at Gabriel, but nodded and did his best to keep his tone neutral, but failed badly. "We already got word you would be coming. What do you want?" Randy frowned at the boy, held out his hand and used his finger to tell the boy to get closer. The boy flinched as the angry glare changed to fear. The boy bit his lip but didn't hesitate to come up to him. Randy reached out and grabbed the boy's wrist, looking at the name. "Sebastian, this is Gabriel and if you are in a colored shirt, you know damned good and well, what a silver collar means." Before anyone else could so much as blink, Randy's free hand shot out and slammed into the boy's stomach, doubling him over. Randy then spun the boy around and pulled the still held arm up high into the small of the kid's back. Randy then grabbed the flailing free arm, secured it and yanked it up behind the kid as well. Sebastian yelped, straightened out his back and quickly moved to standing on his tip toes, even though he was almost as tall as Randy. "When you disrespect Gabriel, you also disrespect the rank the master Clint has given him," Randy pushed the boy's arms up even higher and spun him to face Gabriel whose mouth was hanging open in some astonishment. The corner of Randy's mouth turned upwards for a brief second before he spoke, "Gabriel, one of the things Clint would like you to learn, is some martial arts, and one of the reasons I am going to be around you a lot, besides the fact he thinks we are a great pair for some movies, is to help teach you. Consider this the first lesson." Gabriel exhaled slowly, "I didn't even see how you did that!" "It'll be a while before you learn stuff like this. Have you ever been in a fight?" "A couple of times after school 3;" "Show me how you throw a punch. Hit Sebastian, here, with everything you have." Sebastian shook his head and tried to struggle only to feel Randy twist his arms and push them even tighter. Next to Gabriel, Anthony nudged him, "Remember what we talked about in the bathroom, just do it and do it right." Gabriel cringed, but he knew if he didn't do what he was being told he would get punished and probably so would the kid Randy was holding. He stepped forward and threw a wild punch, connecting with the defenseless boy's chest. Randy shook his head. "Come on, that was crap. Keep your eyes open and step into it!" Gabriel looked apologetically as possible into the eyes of the boy who was now trembling in fear and pain. He then moved up and threw another much less wild punch. This time Sebastian let out a yelp and tears started leaking out of the corners of his eyes. Randy let out a long breath, "Wow, that really sucked. Who taught you?" Gabriel shook his head, "No one. I just started throwing them after a older kid started picking on Mikey 3;" "OK, let's spend a few minutes on a proper punch," Randy stated, "I'm sure Seb here won't mind helping a silver collar some 3;" Randy's voice dropped dangerously low, "will you?" Sebastian's head dropped and he shook his head as he let out a light sob, "No." "I thought so," Randy stated smugly then turned his attention back to Gabriel. "OK, there are few things we have to work on all at once. For now, we will keep everything to his body. Clint won't mind too much if he takes some face shots, but let's get the form right tonight. Besides, while we eat he can suck your dick, and we don't want blood on your new shirt." Randy then turned to the kid in the white shirt, "Get us some pizza rolls and some milk or something while we remind Sebastian how important it is to defer to anyone with a silver collar, no matter who they are or how new." "While the other boy scrambled out of the dining area and into the kitchen, Randy turned his attention back to Gabriel. "The first part of throwing a solid punch is keeping the knuckles, wrist, elbow and shoulder all in a straight line. You can really hurt your wrist or worse if you don't get a good line. "Second, and just as important, is the point of impact should be primarily done with the two knuckles closest to the thumb, this is where you should be able to start the line to keep everything straight. "The last part is to get your body behind the punch so there is real power in it. This is done by generating force from the ground, by how your feet are planted, by turning your hip and finally breathing properly. The breathing is probably the hardest; at least it was for me, so we will start with the others. "This time put your feet out a bit more, about even with your shoulders then slide your right foot back," Randy paused and shook his head as Gabriel stepped back. "No, keep your stance a bit more open. You got your feet closer together when you stepped back. Step forward and try it again, only don't step back quite as far." Randy continued to hold Sebastian all but helpless as he made Gabriel adjust his stance over a dozen times. Once satisfied Randy nodded, "Better, now turn your feet at a bit of an angle." This idea was hard for Gabriel to grasp, but after another five minutes Randy finally nodded his approval. "Now, I want you to turn your hip back some. This way, when you throw the punch you will get power from your stance, through your hip, up through your shoulder and finally into the two primary knuckles. This time, when you throw the punch bring it up and bring your hip forward at the same time. Now hit this kid already!" Gabriel did as instructed. This time, when his fist connected with Sebastian's chest, the older boy howled in pain. Randy made a shrugging motion. "Much better, but remember when you deliver the punch, you lose power if your two knuckles, wrist, elbow and shoulder don't make a good line. Now back off and start from scratch." Randy continued to hold Sebastian's arms firmly up into the small of his back as he coached Gabriel, "Now step forward, plant your feet shoulder width and step back with one foot." He paused, you did it again. Your feet got closer together when you did the step back with your left foot. Back off and do it again." Over and over Randy talked Gabriel through what he wanted him to do. Each time Gabriel finally did everything right, Randy commanded him to throw a punch. It didn't take long for everyone in the room to see and anyone within earshot to hear the results. After the nineteenth blow landed, Sebastian was bawling his eyes out and Randy was having a difficult time keeping him standing. Finally, after one more very fluid punch knocked the wind out of the kid, Randy let go and pushed him to the floor. He nodded to Gabriel, "Much better, but we will have to work on the keeping everything in line a bit more and add proper breathing. Once we get your left hand perfect we will move into combinations." He then turned to the boy in the white shirt, get Gabriel a pillow to sit on, since he had his ass pounded on and then you and your partner can get under the table and give Gabriel and Tony blow jobs while they eat." Anthony glanced over at Randy, "What about you sir?" Randy grinned as he moved over to the main table where a large plate of Pizza rolls and three glasses of milk were set out, "I get to pick two of my own tonight. Trust me, my dick will be real happy tonight." Randy waited until he was certain the two boys with him were getting decent blowjobs before he turned his attention back to a very quiet and sullen looking Gabriel, "Dude, I know you went through hell today, but you look worse now than after I pulled you off the bench!" Gabriel looked at his fist then down at the shape of the boy's head moving back and forth under his nightshirt. "This is wrong." "Yeah, you're right," Randy admitted, without showing much feeling and absolutely no remorse. "A lot of the rest of the world agrees with us. But, as you saw today, there are a whole lot of people who don't see things in the same way. Are you honestly going to tell me what's being done to your dick doesn't feel good?" "Well, no, but it's wrong to make 3;" Randy silenced Gabriel with a slashing motion of his right hand. "Look, every kid in this house who doesn't have a silver collar is under you and you need to learn to use them. Clint has big plans for you. Not only are you absolutely gorgeous, you are also the primary reason he is going to be made president, so he owes you. But, before you can do what he really wants, you have to get comfortable with all of this." Randy made a bit of a snorting sound, "And you are still one of Clint's. You will still go to parties as a pet, get your ass plowed and suck cock. I'm done with the parties, but my ass is still going to feel the fire of Clint's and my dad's monsters whenever they feel like it. And Clint has always liked my mouth for some reason, so I am sure I'll be tasting him a whole bunch during my stay here. It is what you were bought for and what I was bred for." Gabriel forced himself to eat a couple handfuls of pizza rolls even as Sebastian continued to make light muffled sobs while sucking him off. It took everything he had to not tell the boy how sorry he was for not only repeatedly hitting him, but also the subsequent forced blowjob. It didn't help matters to see the look of total contentment on the face of Anthony as the boy greedily inhaled his portion of the late evening snack. Gabriel wondered if he would ever be able to live with himself for what he had done to the boy. Yet, at the same time knowing in the pit of his gut, he would soon be doing even worse things to another boy. Once again the thought of suicide crossed his mind. Finally, Randy slid back from the table and lightly kicked at the two boys under it. "Alright, get this shit cleaned up." He waited for the two boys to stand before he stood and walked up to Sebastian. He looked over the terrified boy for a few seconds then reached up and brushed the boy's long light brown hair out of the way so he could look into the still teary green eyes. "You are really cute and your partner isn't too bad either. I get my pick of a pair tonight and I chose you. Once this place is clean, get a shower and be waiting for me in the guest bedroom at the end of the hall across from the master bedroom." He played with the boy's hair for a few more seconds while reaching around with his other hand to firmly grab the boy's ass, "Tonight better be the best night of my life or you will be the only kid in this house I use to let Gabriel train on, and Clint wants him to get a black belt. Understood?" A look of dread crossed the boy's features as he nodded vigorously, "Whatever you want, however you want it." Randy grinned as he continued to squeeze the boy's butt. "You're partner better have the same attitude." He had to adjust a massive hard-on as he backed away from Sebastian and turned to Gabriel. "Let's get you a partner and hit the sack. I want my night to get started." Gabriel followed Randy down the steps passing by another pair of boys closer to his age. Both gulped as they saw his shirt and moved out of the way. As Randy pulled back on a metal bolt keeping a door locked from the other side, Gabriel took a deep breath, "What is a partner?" Randy paused, "I'm sure you noticed every kid walking around this place has someone with them?" "Yeah." Gabriel responded as a bit of understanding hit him. "They are paired?" "Basically, but the white shirt actually belongs to the other one," Randy went on to explain. "From the first day a kid gets to walk around the house, he's partnered. Normally a kid in a colored shirt is sold off. But once in a while Clint takes a liking to a kid and he is promoted out of a white shirt. If a promotion happens, both kids get to pick someone. The new kid or kids gets a white shirt and belongs to whoever selected him. The white shirt must do whatever the colored shirt wants when the two are not in use and the pair always sleep together." "The really nice thing about being lead, is the leader can normally make the white shirt do some of the things the leader hates to do. So if Clint takes you, he also takes your partner for the night, then, if you do good, Clint will let you decide who drinks his piss and who licks his ass clean in the morning. If you're really lucky, he'll let you order your partner to do both." Gabriel openly shuddered at the horrible memories surrounding waking up each morning with Clint. "You know about that?" "Any kid who has spent a night with Clint knows what he demands for morning duties. Me, I'd drink his piss any day before I'd lick his ass clean if given a choice." While Gabriel nodded in total agreement, Anthony shrugged, "Depends on the size of the piss. Clint damned near drowned me once!" Gabriel let out a long sigh as Randy pulled upon the door revealing a stairway gong down, "The smell and taste of his butt was way worse." "As many times as I have had to do it to Dennis and his friends, it's just one of those things." With each step down, the air grew a bit colder and damper. By the time they were at the bottom, Gabriel found himself looking at a room straight out of some movie with a medieval dungeon, only the torches where not flame, but flickering light made to resemble fire, and all the pictures were of nude or mostly nude kids, most having something sexual done to them. On the far wall a movie projector played image after image of kids doing all sorts of things and having all sorts of things done to them. Occasionally it changed to have a short video clip of a boy sucking or being fucked. Along the close wall a dozen small jail like cells held boys from about eight years of age to twelve. Each cell had a sink and toilet combination, a bed with a thin mat and a single blanket. All eleven wore normal looking street clothing, but all of them had some rips and tears. Most looked a bit dirty. Only one cell was empty. Of the eleven boys being held in the chamber, four backed away as far as the small cells they were in allowed. Five others looked up from the beds they were sitting on and did nothing, one remained asleep and the last one moved to the cell bars and pleaded to be let go. Randy grabbed a long stick from a holder in the middle of the room and approached the pleading boy, "Dude, shut up. I really don't want to do this." "Just let me go! Please! I want to go home!" the boy wailed. At the same time three of those who weren't at the back of their cells quickly moved to get as far away as they could. "Reece, you really need to shut up!" The boy who had been sleeping rolled over and shouted with some urgency, "You don't want to get hit with one of those!" Randy waited a few more seconds hoping the kid would stop, but when he didn't he rolled his eyes and poked the nine year old with the stick. Instantly it made a crackling sound and tossed the kid back from the bars. He hit the floor hard bawling. "You are home, we all are. Cry all you want, but when told to shut up, just shut the fuck up!" Gabriel's eyes went wide and he openly cringed as the boy was shocked with the stick. "What is this?" "These are Clint's newest boys," Randy responded while making a point to wave the cattle prod around so all the kids could see it. All the others openly trembled, most held up their hands defensively; while a couple of others just stayed in the far back of their cells and shook their heads with panic in their eyes. He finally returned to the center of the room and dropped the stick back into the charger. He looked over the eleven kids once more then turned back to Gabriel and Anthony. "Clint likes fresh meat. Most of the kids brought here never see the upstairs. They are brought here and kept for his fun. When he gets tired of them, he sells them to another Group member or one of his outside contacts. I spent two months down here as an introduction to living with Clint when my dad went to Rome for six months. I saw like two dozen kids come and go." Gabriel looked over the cells and the kids in them, "Someone must be looking for them 3;" "Just like someone is looking for you?" Gabriel lowered his head, "Mom let me be sold 3;" "Yeah, well it's better than being bred to be a fuck toy," Randy kind of snorted in disgust, but quickly shook it off. "Some of these are probably being looked for, others are assumed dead, just like the scout Clint bought at the party. Others are like you, and still others are forgotten, put into foster care and wiped out of the system by one of Clint's many contacts or taken by a false social worker. I know the group has a couple of people who take care of dead people and sometimes they can slip the body of a boy into an accident and convince the parents the kid is dead while they take the real kid and keep them. Clint has a million ways to get what he wants." Randy let the information sick in for a few seconds before turning to face the cells. He pointed at Gabriel and spoke loudly. "One of you is going to get selected by him tonight. Once he picks you, you belong to him whenever the two of you are not wanted or needed by Clint or one of his guests. "Whoever he picks will go upstairs, get a real bed, better food, shower daily, be in a warmer house and not be on the fast track to getting sold off. In return, you will be at the disposal of all adults and everyone with a silver colored collar. You will have to sleep with him every night he is not wanted by someone else and you will be part of whatever Master Clint demands of him, and I can tell you right now, those pictures and movies you have been watching for as long as you have been here are made right here, and whoever he picks will star in many. Your ass and mouth will still get used often and you will be punished for not obeying all the rules or any commands given to you. "It's not perfect, but it's a damn sight better than being stuck here, getting raped and beaten over and over with no hope of anything better. Another thing to think about is, once sold outside the Group, there are no rules forcing anyone to keep you alive. "Gabriel, here, can pick whoever he wants, and you will either do what is demanded or be forced into it. However, I want to see who is interested. If you are, step to the front of the cell, otherwise sit on your bed unless he tells you to come forward so he can get a better look at you. One last thing, he is over all of you, so if he wants to touch you, you better let him. If he wants to see you without clothing on, you best strip. If he wants you to lean forward and kiss him, you best do it. In simple terms you do whatever he wants or I will shock the living shit out of you." Randy then turned to Gabriel, giving the kids in the cells a chance to think over if they wanted to move forward or not. "You have eleven to pick from, but it'll be easier to take one who realizes it is better to belong to you than stay down here. Make sure you pick well though, because Clint will not let you trade out and you will live with, sleep with, and makes lots of porn with whoever you pick."
Gabriel clenched his fists and turned away from the wall of cells before a single boy in any of them had made a decision to move forward or sit down on the bed in his cell. He took a couple deep breaths and closed his eyes as he listened to the sobs of the boy Randy had shocked. In his young mind 3; even after everything he had gone through since leaving school for summer break 3; nothing was as bad as this. Up till now, everything he had done was based on the idea of helping his brother and sister. Whatever was being done to him was for some kind of greater good, but this 3; There was no good in this; there was only horrible evil. How could he pick another kid and still live with himself? His thoughts were quickly interrupted. Randy frowned and turned to look over at Gabriel, "Dude, what the fuck?" At the same time Anthony nudged him, "Man, we talked about this. You can't say no!" Gabriel took a deep breath and felt his hands shaking as he realized this was really no different than anything else he had done. If he didn't pick someone, his brother and sister would pay a terrible price. The only problem was, he was about to do to someone else exactly what had been done to him. Choice or not, he found it gut wrenching to know the kid he picked would be with him, see him, and blame him almost every minute of every day. Yet at the same time these thoughts spun through his head, another question came to him, and it had to be asked. Finally he blinked some tears out of his eyes and turned to stare at Randy. "What happens to the one I pick after I leave?" Randy paused and scratched his chin in puzzlement, "I don't have a fucking clue. I don't think a temporary has ever gotten to select a kid before, at least none that I've heard of. The real question is, does it really matter?" "It does to me 3;" Randy let out a long exhale through one side of his mouth as he continued to stare at Gabriel. "OK, look. I'll go ask Clint. He may or may not give us an answer. While I'm gone, I want you to turn your ass around and look over these kids. Talk to them if you want; ask Anthony what he thinks, whatever, but you better be close to making a selection by the time I get back. Stay back from the cages, out of their reach, until I get back, just in case one of them is really stupid. There is also a damned good chance Clint will come down here to make sure you are the one doing the picking once he hears about this." Randy paused and looked back at the cells, noting five of the eleven were standing right at the bars, but all of them were eying the cattle prods far more than him or Gabriel. The one he had shocked was still on the floor sobbing. Three others were sitting on their beds as far away from the bars as possible. The kid who had tried to warn the one kid to shut up had moved up to the bars and over to the wall between the cells and was trying to talk to and comfort the sobbing kid. The final one was still standing as far back in his cell as possible, trying to decide if he should sit down or move forward. Randy gave a slight shrug and started to move up the stairs then stopped. "Gabe?" Gabriel glanced up. Randy pointed at the cages, "Before you get really stupid and let guilt stop you from picking one of these kids, think this over. These guys are not like Clint's house boys. They get nothing down here other than shitty food, forced exercise and you can see how they spend their days. Plus, it isn't just sex they go though. They are raped 3; And, yeah, I know you were on the bench and that is fucking bad, but it can be worse, lots worse. "Clint puts kids he gets for cheap down here 3; some aren't even good looking, they were just too good to pass up. Eventually, if they don't get picked he'll sell them for a profit. This isn't where the scout will end up, or even Billy. He paid too much and sees something more than just a good looking piece of meat or he would have never spent that kind of money on them. Same goes for you for that matter. "He has no real attachment or concern for those he puts down here, and what he does to them 3;lets others do to them 3;" Randy actually trembled slightly at the memories before he continued. "Well it is way worse then what he will probably ever do to you. Clint always gets the first crack at whoever ends up in one of these cells, but it only gets worse once he's had his pleasure. "Some of Clint's wealthiest contacts 3; many from other countries 3; get to come down here to do whatever they want, short of permanent harm, to whoever is in these cells at the time. Every kid down here has been, or will be, dragged out of their cell, taken to one of the back rooms, beaten and raped 3; There is no other word for it, and it isn't just once or twice either. It is at least a couple times a week, usually more, often times for hours, sometimes for days. The sound carries down here too, so every cry, every plea, and every hit gets heard by all. Then, if someone really likes a kid, Clint has no problem selling him on the spot, and many of those buyers are outside the Group, so there is no Group rules to protect them. "Like I said, I lived down here for two full months, only seeing the outside once a week, getting taken by whoever saw something in me they liked. I was tossed back in that cell," Randy pointed to the one now occupied by the boy who was still trying to make up his mind on what to do. "Only to get patched up, if Clint thought it was needed for me to be ready for whoever wanted me next. Those three walls, line of bars, bed, toilet and single blanket were all I had. There is no way to know what time it is, what day it is, nothing but the other kids in the cells around me and the pictures and the movie clips to keep me company. The only way I was able to tell the passage of time was if I managed to see it on the watch of whoever was raping me. There was also the one day a week when I was let out for two hours to get some sun and shoot hoops alone. Each bounce of the ball and each throw was a precious second of peace all the while knowing I would be back in my cell the second the door behind the hoop opened. If I didn't run down the stairs and into my cell, a house kid or two would appear armed with cattle prods, forcing me. If there is a hell, it can't be much worse than living down here." Gabriel shivered, not from the cool dampness of the air, but the thought of having to go through what all the souls who had been forced to live here had. As Randy made his way back up the stairs, Gabriel moved toward the line of cells, not much, just a couple of steps. Yet even those two steps were enough to cause just about every boy locked in a cell to flinch. Those on the beds tried to find a way to get even further away by pressing their bodies into the far corners while those standing at the bars carefully watched how close Gabriel's hands got to the cattle prods. Gabriel scanned each of the small cells before looking upwards, doing everything he could to not make eye contact while still trying to take in as much information as he could about the five boys who had moved up, basically volunteering to be selected. It didn't take long to see multiple marks, bruises and blackened eyes on them. All but one had rope-like burns around their wrists, and two of them had what were probably sizable blood stains on their clothing. As his mind digested all of this, part of him decided it might be better for them if he did pick them. Once he got past this mental barrier, the next part was just as difficult. He had never looked at another boy in a sexual way before, yet it was clear everyone expected him to do so. Taking a couple more deep breaths, to calm his nerves and his stomach, he scanned the cells again. The first one he decided was to eliminate the heavy looking kid. Even as he did this another pang of guilt seemed to shoot through him. Was it fair to pass such a judgment, knowing nothing else about the kid? What if he had just crossed out the kid who was the nicest? He shook his head, as part of him realized this had nothing to do with logic. He was going to have to base his decision on instinct, a gut level guess. He scanned them once more, and had to admit one kid looked a bit goofy, so he decided to cross him off the list too. At the same time there was something kind of eye catching about one of the ones who had not moved forward. Not being able to find anything else to easily eliminate any of the others visually, he finally he turned to Anthony, "Any ideas?" Anthony shrugged, "It ain't my pick. What do you like?" "That's part of the problem. I don't know." Anthony rolled his eyes and let out a long breath. "When you were at the party today 3; Did you look around?" "As much as I could, but I spent most of the day trying to stay glued to Clint's leg." "OK, well, I can still remember my first party, and when I got to look around, I can still remember wondering why anyone would want some of the kids I saw. Did you think that at all?" Reluctantly Gabriel nodded. "When Clint was talking about buying Billy, I got some time and did kind of wonder why some of the adults had the kids they did." "Hey," Anthony kind of giggled, "You are human!" Seeing Gabriel frown, he turned serious. "Look, there ain't no one who doesn't judge by looks. Look at me. On the few times when Dennis actually took me out as a normal kid, I could see the way others look at me. I'm good looking, even for normal adults. Men with wives and kids, who ignored most other kids, would even grin at me sometimes. Why?" Gabriel shrugged. "Oh come on. It's cause they thought I was cute." Anthony stated with a great deal of frustration. "You need to do the same kind of thing. Take a look and decide who you want to get to know. At least start there." Gabriel shuffled closer to the cages and looked over the kids again while continuing to talk to Anthony. "Do you think that's why strangers tend to talk to me more than others when I am out with friends and stuff?" "Fuck yeah," Anthony stated firmly and with no hesitation."You are more than just cute; you are adorable." Anthony shook his head with a degree of jealousy. "Man, at the party, I saw you instantly. So did Dennis. As a matter of fact, when you went by, heads turned, lots of heads." "Only because Clint sent word he was bringing me. I heard him on the phone telling people 3;" "Yeah, he set the stage, as Dennis called it, so he could get votes if you worked out. But I've been at dozens of big parties and I have seen Dennis and others drool over new kids. You, buddy, were being drooled over. Hell, some of us kids were right there with the adults. "Look at you, long shiny black hair with just a bit of wave at the bottom, really green eyes, white skin with just a little tan, no real scars, you're perfect and that's just the start. I heard Dennis and a few others talking about you and your small feet with thin, yet firm legs, small muscular looking ass, you got it all 3; Hell, I think one of the reasons so many servers got bad marks were they were trying to get a better look at you instead of serving." Gabriel mulled over what he was hearing for a few seconds before responding. "Somehow, I don't find any of that as good news." Anthony couldn't help but snicker at the look of disgust on Gabriel's face. "Hey, you're hot. What more can I say." Randy came down the steps laughing, "Man, Tony, you better be careful of what you say. You belong to him tonight and he may decide to take it out on you." Even though he knew by Randy's tone he was being teased, he still glared at the older boy. "I'd never hurt him." "Chill out," Randy responded with a smile, "We both know you wouldn't unless Clint told you to. But it still doesn't stop you from giving him a titty-twister for giving you a hard time." He sent a wink at Anthony before turning serious. "Clint didn't really want to be bothered, but he told me whoever you pick will belong to you, so you best like him, end of discussion. Since you are a temp, I have no idea what he means. He did say you got one hour and he wants you to have some action with at least one of these kids before you head up. Most importantly, he said he best not have to come down here, or you and whoever you end up picking will be tied to a post with the ear boxes. He made it seem like you'd know what he was talking about." Gabriel turned pale as his hands came up to rub the spots behind his ears. "No 3; Not the boxes 3; God no 3;" He gulped looked down taking deep breaths. Randy came up from behind and put his arms around Gabriel. "Hey, I have no clue what the ear boxes are, but they must be bad 3;" He gently kissed Gabriel on the top of his head before letting go. "But look, we got time. Calm down and let Tony and me help you. Then we can pull one of them out and let you have some fun with him. Have you narrowed it down at all?" Gabriel blinked a couple of fear-caused tears out of his eyes as he looked at the line of cells and nodded. "I don't want him." He pointed at the cell with the slightly pudgy boy. He then pointed at another kid who had big ears, a small pug nose, and a huge gap between his front teeth. "And he just looks weird." Randy pointed at the two boys, "Go sit down." The heavier boy cried but sat down without hesitation. The kid with big ears pouted and remained standing, but moved over to his bed very quickly the moment Randy took a single step toward the cattle prods. Randy scowled at the kid, "When this is over you, your jumbo ears, and me are going to have words along with anyone else who doesn't do what I tell them, when I tell them." This caused the boy to burst out into tears. Randy ignored the kid and turned back to Gabriel, knowing his strong words of warning would probably prevent any further problems. "OK, we are down to three." Gabriel looked over the cells again and felt his cheeks flush with a great deal of embarrassment as he pointed with a shaking hand toward the boy who had still not made up his mind to move forward or sit on his bed. "Um, can you have him come forward too?" Randy nodded and moved up to the cell that had been his only a couple of years ago. As he got closer he took a moment to look over the boy. The kid was thin, had fairly long strawberry blond hair, thin eyebrows and a fairly small narrow nose. It was impossible to tell eye color from where the boy stood because boy the boy's eyes were badly blackened and a bit puffy. His neck had a half dozen dark purple hickeys and his wrists had some fresh, nasty rope burns on them. Finally the boy's skin was pretty red, almost like he had been smacked with something over most of his body. Still, he could see why Gabriel could like what he saw. Given a few days to recover, the kid would be a real looker. He tapped on the bars of the cell's door "Come here." The boy lowered his head, looking totally defeated, and moved up to the bars, stumbling as he did so. Randy actually reached out and steadied the kid. "If you need a drink or something get one. Sit if you need to. I can tell you got really used today. But if Gabe wants a better look, give it to him." He then turned around. "OK, Gabe. Is it between these four?" "Can I also see the kid you shocked?" Randy took a deep breath, "I can, but the way he is acting, I'd bet he is real new. It'd be a lot easier to take one of these. I know it's your choice, but it's not a good idea to pick someone simply cause you want to save them or feel sorry of them." "I know, but 3;" Randy held up his hands, "OK, fine, but this may take a minute or two. Why don't you look over and talk to these others while I deal with him." Gabriel nodded and walked up to the kid in the cell in the corner. The boy became noticeably scared as he got close but stayed at the bars. Not knowing what to say, Gabriel looked the kid up and down, noting the kid was a couple inches taller than him, had brown hair, brown eyes, and clearly favored his left leg. Even though the kid was clearly terrified, the look in the boy's eyes were full of hate and anger. Not liking the feeling he was getting, Gabriel remained silent and shook his head. He quickly moved to the next boy. At the same time Randy moved up to the cell with the sobbing boy, "Get up and come over here." The boy shook his head, "You hurt me!" "I haven't even started hurting you yet, but I will if you don't stand up and get the fuck over here!" The boy in the next cell over spoke up, "Reece, I know you are scared and hurt, but you have to get up and do what he tells you." "But he hurt me 3;" the boy cried. "Aw, crap," Randy muttered then turned to Anthony. "Go over to the stand with the projector on it. In back of the table there are a bunch of buttons. Push the one for number eleven." In the cell next to the crying boy, the voice of the other kid became desperate, "Reece, dude, you have to get up now. I'm not allowed to talk to them for you, or I'll get hurt and they'll still do whatever they are going to do to you. Please, get up and do what he says!" Randy tapped his foot, kind of hoping the kid would listen. However, as the door buzzed, Randy didn't hesitate to push it open and move up on the boy. "Last chance dumb-ass." When the boy tried to scramble away, toward the open cell door, Randy kicked him hard enough to send him into the back wall. Before the boy could recover Randy growled and grabbed the boy's arms just like he had earlier with Sebastian, easily lifting the smaller boy up to where he struggled to stand on his tip toes. The kid howled in pain, "Let me go! I want my mom!" Randy had heard enough. He kicked the boy behind the knees and used his own weight to drop the boy to his knees. As he fell with the kid, he dropped behind the boy and purposefully landed with his knees on the back of the boy's calf muscles. Before the kid could even scream, he pulled up even higher on the arms, and pushed him forward so his face went into the toilet. Randy then let one arm go and held the thrashing boy's head in the water. Once the boy's struggles weakened, Randy grabbed the kid's hair and pulled him out of the stool water, letting him gasp for air for about fifteen seconds before he once again submerged the boy's whole head in the water. Randy repeated the maneuver four more times, flushing the toilet once to refill it, before grabbing the almost unconscious boy by his left foot and dragging him out of the cell. Randy yanked off the kid's wet outer shirt, tearing it slightly, and used it to tie the boy's feet tightly together. He then pulled the boy's undershirt off and used it to secure the boy's hands behind his back. He looked over the boy for a second before pulling the kid's pants down to his knees while grabbing the boy's tighty-whities and pulling them up until he had the boy lifted by the waist band alone. He held the boy up allowing the boy to howl and struggle before he dropped the kid on the floor. With his hands tied behind his back, he could do nothing to protect himself. He hit hard. Finally, Randy sat on a chair next to the projector and put his feet firmly on the kid's back, pulled one of the cattle prods, switched it off and used it, smacking the boy's exposed butt cheeks since the boy's underwear was now firmly lodged in his butt crack. As the kid screamed and pleaded for him to stop he looked over to Gabriel. "You really don't want him. Trust me." Gabriel glanced back a couple of times, watching Randy manhandle the kid before doing his best to ignore the pleas and cries of the small boy behind him while focusing on the next boy. Before he could do more then look over the boy's curly blond hair, rope burned neck and badly fattened lower lip, the kid spoke, "Kid, if you can get me out of here I'll do whatever the hell you want 3; Even if it's the nastiest sex stuff or you want to beat on me, whatever 3; Just get me out of here." Gabriel stated to say something but stopped. Maybe it was the boy's tone, or the somewhat wild look in the boy's eyes. Whatever it was, there was something kind of frightening about the kid. Gabriel backed up and shook his head, "No." "Come on!" the kid pleaded, "Take me!" Randy remained sitting but he did finally stop beating on the boy. He cleared his throat and spoke up. "Sit down and shut up. He said no." Tears formed and rolled down the kid's cheeks, but other than clenching his fists in frustration he fell back on his bed and started to cry. The kid in the cell who had tried to comfort the boy Randy now had his feet on let out a long breath and spoke softly, "Sorry, Haley, I know how popular you are." A bit of a smirk formed on Randy's face as the left side of his came up in a bit of a smile while the left side remained basically straight. "Hey, Gabe." Gabriel turned and looked. He stood motionless and watched as he realized Randy had kicked off one of his shoes and was pushing his toes into the mouth of the boy he had tied up and was rubbing them around the outer gum line where the kid could not bite him, but certainly had to taste them. Randy's other foot was planted firmly on the boy's head to prevent him from turning his head, making it impossible to stop the clearly unwanted intrusion. Randy watched Gabriel's expression for a few seconds before pulling his foot back and slipping his shoe back on. Finally he stood and kicked the helpless boy once more. "When I sit back down I'm going to stick my foot in your mouth and you are going to lick my toes. If I feel so much as a nibble or scratch from a single tooth, I'll beat you until you beg to suck on my feet." He then focused back on Gabriel. "I don't want Clint getting mad at you again tonight, so let's test Goldie-Locks there and get the requirement of you having some action out of the way." Without waiting for a response Randy reached over and clicked the switch opening the door to the curly-headed boy's cell. "Hey, Goldie, get the fuck out here. I want to see how serious you are!" The boy stood, trembling quite badly. His hands shook so badly as he pushed open the door, the whole door vibrated lightly. On the other hand, he made his way over to Randy without complaint or much hesitation. He used a shoulder to wipe at the tears on his cheeks, yet they were quickly replaced with more, making the effort all but useless. Randy looked over the kid for a full minute before speaking, "Get over here Gabe. Clint only gave us an hour." Gabriel moved back from the cells and up to the kid, noticing the kid was probably a year older than he was, was taller, and had very white skin. "Now what?" "Oh, for fuck sake, Gabe," Randy half shouted, "He just said he'd do whatever the hell you wanted. Take him 3; Do the same type of shit we are going to do to Billy tomorrow, it'll be good practice." Randy's voice got a great deal meaner as Gabriel continued to stand motionless. He moved up and grabbed a handful of Gabriel's hair and snarled, sending a bit of spit into Gabriel's face. "Look, Gabe, you do this shit tomorrow and all three of us are going to get some special attention from Clint. I don't give a rat's ass if you hate all this shit, it isn't just your ass on the line. It's mine, it's Anthony's and you know damned good and well it's also your brother's as well. Randy shoved Gabriel toward the quivering boy. "Now, let's see if Haley 'll really let you beat on him. If he does, then do it, strip his ass and have some fun. Make him suck your cock, lick your ass, drink some piss, whatever, just make it fast and make it good. If you don't' I swear I'll personally let my dad know you disobeyed Clint and my dad will take it out on your fucking kid brother and that pet of his!" Gabriel felt the blood drain from his face at the mention of something bad happening to his brother's pet. He knew in his heart his brother could deal with whatever was happening to him as long as he was allowed to care for the most beloved thing he owned. As much as he hated himself, he moved a step closer and slapped the boy's face with everything he had. The boy burst into tears as a hand print instantly formed over most of his right cheek, but other than clenching his fist and biting lightly on his already fat lip he stood still. Gabriel paused, hoping the kid would fight back, would try to run, anything but stand there and deal with such horrible humiliation and treatment. The fact the crying kid looked back with a mixture of terror yet understanding was really heart wrenching. Gabriel mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' without actually saying them, then threw a punch just like he had been taught earlier. The curly headed boy let out a gasp of pain as he was knocked down from the single powerful blow to his side. Before the kid could recover, Gabriel, with tears of remorse in his own eyes, delivered a hard kick into the kid's other side. Haley let out a pained shriek, but other than gripping at the point of impact he did nothing. Gabriel knelt and slapped the boy's other cheek then dropped an elbow onto his stomach, the whole time wishing it was happening to him. The kid gasped and curled into a ball, "Please no more 3; I'll do what you want!" Randy walked up. "I thought you said he could beat on you if he wanted." "He can! I'm letting him!" the boy bawled. "Bullshit," Randy yelled as he grabbed one of the cattle prods out of the charging station and touched it to the boy's hip. Haley screamed as the stick crackled and sparks arced into his side. "Strip him," Randy ordered. As Gabriel moved up and touched Haley, the boy screamed, thinking he was once again getting hit with the cattle prod. When nothing happened he totally broke down sobbing. Gabriel once again reached out, this time grabbing one of the boy's shoes. He pulled it off, taking a grimy looking sock off with it. Haley glanced 3; calmed a bit 3; and put both his hands where the he had been shocked. It was clear by the look alone, he had no intention of trying to stop Gabriel from undressing him. Even though he was still crying uncontrollably, he managed a nod and offered his other foot. Gabriel wasted no time pulling off the other shoe. He then reached out and unbuttoned the boy's torn jeans and pulled them down. This exposed the kids legs with a pair of nasty bite marks, one on the inside of each thigh. Cringing, he did his best to ignore the marks while he took hold of the boy's shirt and pulled up. Gabriel was more than a little thankful Haley left go of his side and lifted his arms for easy removal. Randy half snickered as Gabriel hesitated removing the boy's boxers. Just as Gabriel finally built up the courage to pull them down, he cleared his throat. "Hold up a second Gabe." Gabriel turned hopeful it was over, but knowing it wasn't. His thoughts were quickly proven correct. Randy reached down and dragged the tied up boy over. "Reach in the front and pull out his cock and balls Gabe. You need to get used to exposing them in different ways for the cameras and this little shit should get a taste of what he will be doing down here. Mommy and daddy ain't going to save him!" Gabriel forced himself not to close his eyes as he reached into the front of Haley's boxes and exposed the boy's tools. He was a bit surprised at how long and thin it was, easily a full inch and a half [4 cm] longer than his, but only about as big around as his pinky finger. Even as he pulled Haley's small acorn sized nuts out so they were fully exposed, he realized he had never before wondered what other boys' and guys dicks looked like but probably would for the rest of his life. It was a truly disturbing thought. Randy dragged the helpless bound, younger boy up to Haley and put the boy's face right up to Haley's crotch. "Lick on it boy!" "No!" The boy screamed in revulsion. "He pees out of that!" Once again the boy in the corner spoke up. "Reece, he will keep hurting you until you do what he says!" Randy glanced at the boy in the corner cell as he raised the cattle prod high in the air. "Last chance, shit head." "No!" Before more could be said the side of the cattle prod swished though the air and smashed down into the boy's butt with a snapping crack sound. As the boy screamed, Randy reached down and shoved the boy's open mouth over Haley's dick and held it there. As the kid struggled to pull back and even force it out with his tongue, Randy leaned forward and spoke into the boy's ear loudly enough to be heard over his screams. "If you bite him at all I will hit you with the power on. Now you best shut the fuck up and start licking him real good or I'll hit you again. Randy gave it a few more seconds then brought the stick crashing down a second time, then a third. "Do I hit you again or do you start licking?" Not getting an answer, mostly because the kid was too busy screaming and crying, Randy once again brought the stick down. Even in as much pain as the tied boy was in he heard the swishing sound and screamed "No!" But it was too late, the slap of it hitting flesh followed by another scream filled the air. Finally he managed to talk, "I'll lick it! I'll lick it!" "Then get started," Randy demanded. "Pretend it's a lollipop. Keep it all in your mouth and keep licking until I tell you to stop. If I don't like the way you are doing it I'll start hitting you again!" Randy watched as Haley's dick started to swell inside the smaller boy's mouth. As soon as the kid tried to pull back some, Randy grabbed Haley's hands and put them around the younger boy's ears. "Don't let him pull back until I say it's OK. We ain't done with you yet, but the better you do with this shithead, the easier I'll make it on you." Haley made a gulping sound and pulled hard on the boy's ears, forcing his hard-on to touch the back of the boy's throat. Randy gave Haley a somewhat satisfied grin as the younger boy made a choking sound and struggled, unsuccessfully, to pull back. Randy finally stood and handed the cattle prod to Gabriel. "As soon as he is done with the new kid, we are going to find out just how serious he was." He waited a couple more minutes before he dragged the younger boy back from Haley. Randy then moved back over to Haley and flipped at the boy's fully hard penis. "Looks like he's had enough fun. Get these undies off Gabe." Gabriel didn't hesitate to move up and pull the boxers off Haley. The fact the boy raised his butt off the ground made it a great deal easier physically, but not mentally. Once again Gabriel mouthed a non-spoke apology. Randy ignored Gabriel; instead he focused solely on Haley. He reached down and squeezed the boy's rapidly drooping cock and balls just hard enough to get a gasp of pain. As he knelt, he twisted, all but forcing the boy to roll onto his stomach. He then put his knee on the kid's back and pulled back on his hair so he was looking into Haley's eyes. "You got a bit of a break, but you really are fucking this up." Speaking though clenched teeth Haley managed to speak. "I've let him do whatever he wanted!" "Give me a fucking break, you said you'd let him hit you, but you rolled in a ball and begged him. You were trying to protect yourself and trying to get him to stop! Now spread your legs and arms out so he can hit you like you said he could!" Randy let go and jumped back at the same time ready to fight in case the boy tried anything. Wracked with sobs of pure fear, Haley did as instructed. Shaking like a leaf in a hurricane he glanced up at Gabriel and nodded, as if saying 'do it' then closed his eyes and tightened up. Gabriel shot a tear-filled glare at Randy then took the stick and slapped it across Haley's butt. He watched as the boy's back arched in pain, but was a bit surprised he didn't even shout. Five more times he brought the stick down. Each time Haley would arch his back and tremble. After the sixth one landed Haley almost moved his hands to protect his ass, but stopped. "Much better, but let's see just how devoted you are to getting picked and letting someone take you and do whatever the fuck they want to you. Gabe, hit the back of his thighs ten times and then five more across each calf. Space them so the pain really registers. If he lets it all happen, then I'll call it good. They better be every bit as hard, if not harder, than what you just hit him with. I want to hear the air hiss as you bring that son of a bitch down!" Randy quickly backed off, grabbed the younger boy and dragged him back so he could sit and shove his foot into the boy's mouth. He pulled out another cattle prod and held it up as he kicked off his shoes and pushed his left foot up to the boy's mouth. The boy eyed the raised stick and trembled while opening his mouth. At the same time Randy shoved the front of his foot into the younger boy's mouth Haley screamed as the first blow crashed onto the back of his thighs, raising an instant welt. Randy turned to look at the boy in the corner cell. He moved his free foot to lightly kick the kid who was sucking on his foot. "This one 3;His name's Reece?" The kid, at least a full year younger than Randy, sighed and nodded. "Yeah 3; Yes sir. He's brand new." "I figured," Randy paused and looked down at the kid. "Open wider and take more of my foot. I want your tongue between every toe over and over until I switch feet!" Not waiting, he pushed more of his foot in the boy's mouth stretching it almost as wide as it could possibly go before he turned back to the other boy. "You've been here a while." It wasn't a question. Still, the soon to be twelve-year-old whispered a response. "Yes sir, longer than anyone else now." "How many times have you shot hoops?" "Twelve 3; I think 3; Maybe thirteen 3;or fourteen 3; At least twelve 3;" It was clear the boy had totally lost track of time. "Wow, way longer than I was down here," Randy paused somewhat surprised he was actually feeling sorry for someone else, "Look, you've seen kids get picked a few times by now, right?" "Yes sir." The boy noticeably cringed as Haley let out another scream. "Drop the sir shit for the moment and talk to me. I have been around this for a long time, but I still am nothing more than a glorified fuck toy to Clint. What's important at the moment is, I get to pick. Well, I have to pick, but unlike Gabe over there, I actually want to." He watched another blow land and turned back satisfied Gabriel was not holding back. "Anyway, I am going to get someone after Gabe does. Whoever I pick will have to pick someone else immediately since I am only a long term guest and will go back to my dad once in a while. The two of you will belong to me whenever I visit, though, which I am betting will be most of the time for the next year or so. The rest of the time you will be assigned as the cleaning kids for down here and be escorts for those who don't want to get back in their cells after hoops, exercises and showers; my only other requirement is you don't pick Reece here. He's too whiny for me. You interested." "If I say no?" "Then I pick Haley. He's the cutest one down here and I'm pretty sure Gabe is really screwing up his selection. I think Gabe's misreading the desperation as something else. I can tell Haley really wants to get picked and will clearly do whatever I want." He glanced over and watched another blow land. Once again Haley screamed, but did his best not to move, allowing Gabriel to pull back and swing again. "He'd do anything to get out of here," the boy in the cell sadly confirmed. "Plus, since you have been down here, you know what he is getting right now is nothing compared to getting taken to one of the back rooms is like. Making matter worse, Haley is by far the most popular of us 3; If you like him, why offer it to me?" "Because 3;" Randy paused and looked down at Reece. "I like what you tried to do for this brat and you're kind of pretty. You'd probably be a lot nicer looking if you didn't look like your face had been used for a punching bag within the last couple of days and you didn't have bite marks, rope burns and had a bit more sun too. Most of that will go away over the next week or so. You'll also need a decent haircut. I like long hair, but yours is too long and ragged." "If you liked what I tried to do, then why are you doing that to him?" Randy looked down at Reece and pushed his foot even further into the boy's mouth getting a few more tears. "Fair question, especially since I'm offering to take you," Randy reached down, slipped his hand under the front of the boy's underwear then moved the materiel to the side, exposing the boy's cock and balls. As he started playing with them he turned his attention back to the boy in the cell. "You do realize everything in this place, down here and in the house above is on camera, right?" The boy winced as he saw Reece struggle to get away and cover himself up, only to stop as his balls were painfully squeezed. It was clear Reece was starting to figure out it was way better to be submissive and let Randy do what he wanted than to fight. "No, but given the never ending pictures we have to watch, I'm not surprised." "Well, I'm sure it is. Clint is a camera nut, so although I don't have any proof, I am positive I am on camera right now. I have also been around enough picture and video shoots to know sound is not likely down here because this place echoes so badly. Plus, the screams of Haley would drown out our conversation." "So you have an extra reason for what you are doing to him?" "You're pretty smart. I like that." "In other words yes 3;" "OK, yeah. Having him screaming his lungs out is giving me a chance to talk to you with almost no chance of being overheard." "Why do you care?" "Well, the truth is, I am riding a real fine edge. I am now too old for my dad, but still very much in Clint's range and many others in the Group too. I need to show I am one of them or I will be right back to being one of you." Randy pushed the cattle prod back into the charger before returning his focus on the kid, "I have two brothers I know of. The older one shows up sometimes and is totally accepted by the likes of Clint. He owns his own house and has his own auto body shop. From what I have been able to piece together, he got the money from Clint and a couple of others, he never had to pay any of it back, and other than helping them move a kid or fix up a car as a transport vehicle, he doesn't have to do anything." "And your other brother?" "Well, like me, dad made him go to his last party right at the time he turned thirteen. Dad bought him another boy to be his plaything and sent him off to live with someone else in the Group. I'm not totally sure what happened, but about a year later, he stopped showing up at parties and the adults stated giving my dad a bit of a hard time. It wasn't anything too bad, but he lost some respect. At the same time I started getting treated way worse." "Your brother did something wrong?" "Until a couple of weeks ago, I didn't really know. I think I was too young to understand what was going on at the time. Everything changed when my older brother came over about a month ago and convinced my dad to let me go out with him. He took me to a street carnival and we had a great time. But, as we came home he pulled the car into a side street and parked. He said he was only going to get once chance to warn me." "Warn you about what?" "He said I could either jump in with both feet and show the adults I was like them, and end up with a decent life like him or I could be soft, like my other brother, and end up getting sold off. He also added in, if I didn't think I could do to other kids what had been done to me, to let him know and he would find a good buyer for me 3;" "So you are playing to a camera, just in case there is one? You're joking, right?" "I wish I was," Randy pulled his foot out, reached down and pulled up hard on Reece's hair with one hand while grabbing his face and squeezing his cheeks together. "Would you shut up already? I know it hurts, but this is nothing compared to what's going to happen the next time someone grabs you." He then let go allowing the boy's face to drop hard back onto the floor. "Now open up, my other foot needs some work." Randy quickly shoved his other foot into Reece's mouth as far as he could and shook his head, "Man, his voice is so high pitched, it kills me. Anyway, some of this isn't for show. I'm also not going to lie to you; I am kind of liking the fact it's me getting to do this shit instead of it being done to me. So now you know where I am coming from, and I'll sure as shit do some things to you which will suck big time, and I can tell you right now, this feels real fucking good. So, what do you think?" "I hate it 3;" the boy admitted, "However, if it is way better than this 3;" He sighed as he reluctantly agreed, "Fine, I'll do what you want and I'll even help you play up for the adults 3; Can I at least pick Haley?" Randy grinned and nodded eagerly, "That would actually be my preference." The boy nodded in understanding, not really caring there was a bit of lust in Randy's tone. "And being upstairs is really better than being down here, even with what you will have to do to us, right?" "Way better," Randy paused to look into the boy's swollen eyes as best as he could. "Don't get me wrong. It ain't perfect, and you will still get used, and I will play to the adults sometimes, but nothing like what happens down here. You will, however," Randy pointed to the pictures being played on the wall, "have to make lots of those. You'll also have to get use to wearing nothing but a shirt like Gabe is wearing." "So I have to wear a dress, get pictures taken of me, get used as a stepping stone to better things by you, and adults still use me?" "Basically, but only those adults Clint knows and really trusts are allowed to touch you. Some of the shit will still suck, but if someone wants to really beat on a boy, he sends them down here. You won't get hit with fists, have clips put on your tits and balls, or get lashed. Upstairs only open hands are used by adults and nothing to the face other than a slap or two or maybe a nip on the ear or the like unless you fuck up and get punished. Then Clint will do whatever the fuck he can dream up. Once in a while some of the kids will get the shit beat out of them by other kids though, cause Clint likes to make boy rape flicks." Randy stopped for an awkward moment then held up a finger as he suddenly remembered something else. "Oh, and Gabe will get to learn martial arts by beating on some of the kids as I teach him the basics, but I'll make sure you aren't one of those as long as you do what I want. Once he gets good enough, Clint will bring in a real instructor, so I don't know what will happen then. "You'll also have a real bed, heat, good food, and daily access to a game room with pretty cool shit. You do have to get some kind of school work done a couple of hours a day and have to wear a collar that will shock the crap out of you if you try leave the house without permission. On the other hand, you will get to go outside and even get to play outside after a couple of weeks as long as you obey all the rules. I'll probably be able to convince Clint to let you put on some real clothes and go horseback riding once he's OK with you. "There also a swimming pool and hot tub we can use sometimes. Clint normally opens it up a couple of times a week for the house boys, we'll be nude, but the water's heated, and if you help me get in good standing with the adults I'll promise you this 3;" He kicked Reece hard enough to get tears coming out of the boy again, "You help me look good and you will not be sold off to anyone else. But I can't protect you if they think I'm soft." The boy looked upward with a degree of determination. "Fine, I'm yours." "Good," Randy smiled earnestly, "What's your name anyway?" "Ulric." Randy cocked his head to the side, "Seriously?" "Yeah," the boy grumbled, "Before mom started drinking her life away she used to tell me it means 'the wolf' or something like that. I always hated it. Got teased at school a lot too." Randy kind of snickered but decided to find out a bit more about Ulric. "So did your old lady sell you, or what?" Ulric shook his head, "I don't exactly know what happened. Mom picked me up after school totally wasted. She almost hit a couple of kids as she pulled out of the pick-up area and she couldn't keep it on the road at all. I remember sirens behind us and her running a red light then nothing. I woke up down here, but was locked in one of the back rooms at first. I had lots of bruises and cuts and where the seat-belt had been across me was a dark purple, but Clint didn't do nothing to me until this guy who said he was a doctor said I could handle it. He then 3; well you know. I've been here ever since." "No idea how long?" "No, but maybe this will help." Ulric reached under his bed and pulled out a folded up paper. "Before Clint took me the first time he handed me this." The boy held up a St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper. The headline picture was of a multi-car pile-up showing a wrecked car, a flipped over pick-up, and a smashed up cop car. "It says everyone was killed including me. I kept it cause it's the only thing normal down here and I read it for something to do. I think I have it about memorized." Randy pulled his foot out and kicked Reece again, just hard enough to get a yelp. "Don't move shit-head. You got lots more work to do on that foot." He then stood and moved over to the cell and looked at the headline. "Damn, that was way back on February fourth. Today's June seventh. You probably do have it memorized." Ulric trembled lightly as he ticked off the time with his fingers, "Five months? I've been here five months?" "I guess 3;" Randy looked over the paper again, "and you aren't even in Missouri," Randy paused to think about it for a few seconds. "As a matter of fact, you aren't even in a state that touches Missouri." He whistled lightly in some astonishment, "I mean I know Clint has a long reach, but I've no clue how he managed to get you. But one thing is for sure, no one is looking for you." A tiny tear formed in Ulric's left eye which he quickly blinked out. "He said I was dead to the world and no one cared about me no more so he could do whatever he wanted to me. A few seconds later he was yanking off my pants and shoving his dick up my butt." "Yeah, Clint likes a virgin ass, no question," Randy stated without much in the way of feeling. He glanced back and watched as Gabriel delivered one more hard shot to Haley's left calf. "OK, he's had enough. Have him suck your cock for a few minutes, then lick your ass so we can be sure he is serious about being a willing fuck toy; then you can decide who you want." Randy went back over to Reese and pushed his foot into the boy's mouth again and pointed to over to Haley. "You'll be licking ass soon, so you may as well see how it's done." Randy ignored the tears of the boy as forced Reece to watch Haley lick Gabriel's crack. "Careful there Haley, Gabe just had his ass battered by Clint for like thirty minutes straight. Be nice and gentle." Finally Randy signed. "OK, Haley. Come over here so your cock can replace my foot. You deserve a good blowjob after willingly taking that kind of thrashing and Reece here will be better off getting used to a taste of cock from you now, so it won't be as bad when Clint comes down here and takes him. Anthony, Come over here and get Reece used to having his dick in someone's hand. You'll be doing him a favor too." Randy pulled Reece up and pointed to Haley's dick. "Are you going to take it this time or do I have to break to the stick?" Reece openly cried but opened his mouth as Haley grabbed his ears and pulled him onto his dick for the second time in less than twenty minutes. Randy nodded in satisfaction as Anthony moved over and grabbed Reece's cock. "Don't let him enjoy it and let me know if he stops sucking." He then turned back to Gabriel and watched as he talked to the tallest kid of those he wanted to chat with. "Gabe, would you get a move on? I have a date waiting for me up in my room and I am sure we are down to like fifteen minutes or so!" Ulric glanced toward Gabriel then back to Randy, "Can I speak to him?" Randy shrugged, "Yeah, sure 3; Hey Gabe, come here a minute." Gabriel quickly came over to Randy, only to see him nod at Ulric. "I really don't like him though." Instant embarrassment flashed across Gabriel's cheeks as he realized what he said. Randy and Anthony burst out laughing, as both of them realized Gabriel did actually see something he liked in the looks of those he was talking to, but flatly didn't want to admit it. As Gabriel's lower lip started trembling from outright humiliation, Ulric reached out of the cell and put a tender hand on Gabriel's shoulder. "Hey, it isn't what was even being talked about. It's OK. Besides, he wants me," Ulric pointed to Randy, "So I get to get out of here anyway." Gabriel lowered his head and kicked at the ground while trying to calm down. It took a while, mostly because Randy and Anthony continued to snicker long after the outright laughter had died down. Finally he found his voice, "What then?" Ulric's voice went down to a very soft whisper. "I heard you talking to Porter, the tall kid 3;" "Yeah, so?" "Look, I don't want to 3;" Ulric shook his head, "Let me just put it this way. He's not been down here very long, but I've seen and heard enough to know he's nuts." "Really?" "Uh huh." Ulric let out a long breath, "I don't know what happened to him before this, but when someone takes him, he seems to like it, not like he is getting to get out of his room likes it, but really likes it. Even when he is getting hit and he is crying he says stuff like, 'is that all you got' and 'am I too much for you'. He has had the living crud beaten out of him, and even had a couple of his toe nails yanked out. But still continued to shout challenges until the last guy beat the tar out of him, hung him upside-down and used a switch on his feet until he passed out. It is the loudest I have heard anyone scream the whole time I have been down here. But it still wasn't enough to break him. Cause after he woke up and got some treatment, he was tossed back in his cell, since he wasn't able to walk. Yet he still wouldn't keep his mouth closed, kept asking who was next." Randy raised an eyebrow, "Up to you Gabe, but it sounds to me like the kid is fucking crazy." Gabriel glanced back down the line of cells and shivered at what he had been told. "OK, I kind of like the other kid the best anyway." Once again his whole face turned bright red." Haley's whole face fell, "You mean you don't want me?" Randy held up his hand, "You passed the test. I've got your back." He looked over to Ulric, "Right?" Ulric nodded vigorously. Then once again reached out and patted Gabriel's shoulder, "It's OK to say you like the way someone looks. Especially after what we have had to deal with. If you have to have sex with someone, you may as well like they way they look, right?" "I guess," Gabriel stated weakly as he moved over to the cell. Randy continued to snicker at Gabriel's totally flustered expression before turning back to Ulric, "You seem to notice a lot and are pretty smart for your age." "I was in every gifted program the school district could find for me 3;" He looked down. "Look at page twenty-six where the rest of the story is, right under the big Sears ad." While Randy carefully shuffled through the worn pages of the newspaper, Gabriel moved up to the strawberry-blond boy. Gabriel waited several seconds, trying to get some kind on read on the boy who was very close to his age. When the kid did nothing but lean on at bars like he needed them to hold himself up, with his head down, Gabriel spoke, "Hey." The boy didn't even raise his head as he responded weakly, "Hey." Gabriel's voice changed as he struggled to find the right words. Finally he gave up and went with what was on his mind. The problem was, there was no good way to say what he was thinking so he just started talking. "I know you aren't 3; um 3; like OK 3; but, um well I kind of want to ask what is wrong, but 3; um 3; all of this is 3;" The kid finally looked up, fear and exhaustion all but written across his face. His lower spit lip bulged out from the left side of his mouth and his right eye had dark black and purple rings extending half way down his face. He stared at Gabriel for a few seconds before he spoke in a voice betraying the fact he was utterly defeated. "Look, just tell me what you want. I'll do it. You don't have to hit me or nothin' I'll do it, no matter what it is, If I have to do what the other kid just did, then let's do it and get it over with, OK?" Gabriel reached out slowly and touched the boy's arm. The kid flinched, but forced himself to remain totally still. "I don't want to hurt you, but if told I will, just like I just did. I don't have a choice." Confusion rippled across the boy's face, "You really don't want to hurt me?" Gabriel kind of shrugged as he moved his hand up to the boy's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him as much as possible though the bars. "No, I don't want to hurt no one. I have to pick someone from down here, though. If I don't then I get hurt again until I do. I guess whoever I pick will be with me like all the time and have to do what I say or something. I really don't get it all yet." "Does any of this stop?" Gabriel took a deep breath and looked over to Anthony and Randy who were both making sure Reece continued to give Haley a blow job while looking at a newspaper and talking. "I wish I knew for sure. From what I have heard and seen, almost anything is better than being down here though." After several seconds of no response, Gabriel moved his hand up further to touch the boy's bruised face. Every muscle on the boy tensed up, but he once again didn't move. It was clear to even ten-year-old Gabriel, the boy fully expected the hand gently stoking his battered face to suddenly pull back and crash into him. "I'm not going to hit you, not unless I am told I have to 3; Cause If I get told to do it and I don't we'll both get it worse than if I did it. Just like if you get told to hit me, I'd want you to do it so it is over with." The boy raised his head for the first time and stared at Gabriel with a great deal of suspicion. "You'd really want someone to hit you?" "No, I don't want anyone to hit me, but if a kid is told to do so, I'd want him to do it so it's done. I sure wouldn't hold it against whoever hit me, not as long as I am here, as long as I wear this 3;" he held up the name bracelet for the kid to see. The boy looked at the silver bracelet. "It looks nice 3; Gabriel 3; It that your real name?" "Yes. My real name is about the only thing Clint has let me keep." Even as he said it he realized just how true a statement it was. He also realized it was something he would have to think about more, but now was not the time. "So what's your name." "Ethan, Ethan Hollister 3; So you really don't want to hurt me 3; You didn't like hitting Haley 3; This isn't some new trick?" "No tricks. I don't want any of this, but 3; well here I am, bought and," he flipped at the bracelet, "marked as one of Clint's 3; toys 3;" his voice seemed to hang up in throat as he spoke the last word. "What does that make me?" "Whatever he wants, which if you let me pick you, you would be my 3; um 3; partner 3; and if you heard what Randy told me, then you know as much as I do. You would belong to me and I belong to Clint, I'm his pet, his lead pet, and before you ask, when he wants it, I am nothing more than a dog, less than a dog 3; and I do whatever he wants whenever he wants and let others do to me what he lets them or tells them. If not, things get even more bad, not just for me, but for my brother and sister as well." Gabriel gently wiped away a couple of tears as they trickled down Ethan's cheek, "Still, I have been upstairs, and it's like a trillion times better than this 3; One other thing, we will have to sleep together, and I'd bet part of that is sex stuff. Almost everything with Clint and his friends is sex stuff and getting pictures of it." "And I really do have a choice, I could say no?" Gabriel looked around then back at Ethan, realizing this was the kid he wanted to pick. Yet to not give Ethan a choice wouldn't be right. After a couple of seconds he decided to try to make it to where Ethan wanted to be picked. "You could 3; but do you really want to stay here? At the very least you will have a real bed and wouldn't have to look at those all the time." He pointed to a video clip of two boys sucking each other while a pair of adult hands shoved large objects in both boys' anal cavities. Both boys were clearly crying. "Besides, from what Randy told me, what happens down here is even worse than what happens upstairs. None of the kids upstairs have the kind of marks I was forced to give Haley, and 3; Well, I bet I can even get you something to eat and drink tonight." Ethan's hands started trembling as he thought it over for over a minute. Finally with tears pouring down his cheeks and fighting back some sobs, he dropped his head. In an almost inaudible whisper he managed to speak, "I'll belong to you, but please just tell me what you want. I'll do it. You don't have to hit me and rip my clothes off and stuff." Gabriel reached in with both hands and hugged Ethan through the bars, "Only if I'm told I have to. You'll have to do the same to me if told to. If we're both good though, it won't happen, at least very often." He continued to hold onto Ethan, as he turned to Randy who had handed the paper back and was having a quiet conversation with Ulric. "I want Ethan." Randy glanced over, "him?" "Yeah." Randy nodded, looking rather relieved, and turned to Anthony. "Open twelve and seven." He then looked down at the boy tied next to the table. "Oh and drag him back to eleven and leave him on the floor. The breakfast crew can untie him. Maybe this way he'll remember to do what he's told from now on." Randy then motioned for Ulric to step out at the same time Haley looked up at Randy with pleading eyes. Ulric stepped out and looked over, "Haley, it's OK. I was picked and I have to pick someone too, so I'm picking you." Haley looked up with a tinge of hope in his tear-filled eyes, "I'm done down here? Really?" "Just down here," Randy spoke up forcefully. "You still both belong to Clint, then me, and you belong to Ulric, here. You do what you are told or what happens will be almost as bad as being down here." He then watched as Gabriel all but led Ethan out of his cell. It was clear the boy was pretty weak and was in a great deal of discomfort. "Gabe let him sit down over here. We'll get him seen as soon as we get upstairs, but we have to deal with a few things first." He paused as looked over all three boys who had just gotten out of their cells. "Have all of you seen a kid get picked?" All three nodded. "Good, so you all know what happens now. You two go ahead and strip. Your days in those clothes are done. Gabe, you may have to help your kid." As soon as all your clothing gets put in the can over there, we'll head upstairs." Randy watched as Ulric and Ethan started taking off clothing with no sign of modesty. It was very clear all three clearly wanted to get out of the basement. "Now, you have all probably heard this before, but this next part is extremely important. I'll lead the way and point to a room. Go in there and sit on one of the benches. Clint, your owner, or one of the older kids will come in and fit you with a collar. The collars are shockers. They can be activated with a remote if you don't do what you are told or will go off on full power if you try to leave the house without permission. It probably won't kill you, but it will knock you out and burn the shit out of your neck. You will then be sold off at the next auction. "Being owned by Clint is about as good as it gets for any of you, especially as a house boy. Don't fuck this up. Also remember, if you try to run, your partner will get punished right along with you and then will be made to punish you. And if it happens the only thing not allowed is your death, and you'll be praying for it well before Clint is satisfied. "Once you have a collar you will be taken to another room and fitted for a shirt and shoes like Gabe is wearing." That is all you wear in the house unless told otherwise. If you hear a chirping alarm, you are to go to your room and stay there until physically told otherwise. "For now, I will lead you to your rooms. Ulric, Haley is yours for tonight. I have a couple of others to play with. Haley, I'll get someone to look at the marks you let Gabe give you, but I don't give a shit what Ulric wants, you best do it. If he wants nothing, so be it, but you both sleep in the same bed. Unless Clint has something else going on, he will come by and check. When he does, he'll probably want to see some action. I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I will tell you this. Clint likes to see boys kiss, stick fingers up asses and suck on toes. Ulric, you are over Haley, so it best look like you are in charge. If you start by shoving a finger up Haley's ass it would be a good start 3;" Haley finished putting all the clothing Gabriel had taken off him into a metal container in the far corner of the room then looked over at Ulric, "If that's what he wants, do it 3;" Randy held up his hand, "It'll be a while before he will come and check. Talk it over and have something ready for him." He then pointed over at Anthony, "Help Gabe get his new partner undressed 3;" He eyed Ethan as the boy literally couldn't get his shoe untied. "Why are you so weak?" Ulric answered as he saw Ethan wobble. "This Arab looking guy and his son took him like two days ago and kept him until after lunch meal today. I don't think he has eaten anything other than dinner today and we all heard lots of crying and hitting. They made fun of him pretty much the whole time too." Randy clenched his fists and looked at the ceiling. "Did the guy have a scar running down his right hand and a curved knife on his belt?" "You know him?" Haley asked while nodding vigorously. "Oh, fuck yeah. That bastard took me twice when I was down here. The fucking asshole hates Americans, hates us. He also likes to rape and beat white boys," Randy moved over to Ethan. "Fuck, dude, I'm sorry. Did he use the burlap wrap?" Ethan looked down and started sobbing, "He made his son do it to me." "And as it dried and started to tighten up, he shoved shit up your ass and stuck his cock in your mouth?" Haley responded for the crying Ethan. "It sounded like the guy stuck his dick up his butt while his son shoved his through the ring thing they like to put in our mouths so we don't bite. We all kept hearing the guy say how much fun it was to see his boy get to feel an American tongue scream and how much he looked forward to having that same American tongue clean him off when he was finished." Randy let out a long breath and looked over to Haley, "You sound like you have spent time with him too 3;" Haley nodded, "Yeah, and as his boy dropped him on his bed he told me I was next if I was still here." "Well you won't be. You'll be upstairs with Ulric. All three of you are done with that son of a bitch." Ulric kind of shrugged. "I've seen him like a dozen times, but he never took me." Randy made a snorting sound. "You aren't his type. You have dark brown hair. I guess he can get plenty of that back in the UAE," Randy shook his head in disgust, "Ulric, Haley, help him up the stairs, but be gentle. Being wrapped in wet burlap then have it shrink as it dries is the worst thing I have ever had done to me. It squeezes everything. It gets so bad you can't take a breath without crying, and then having a cock shoved in you at the same time, with extra pressure pushing on 3; Fuck, I don't even want to think about it. Trust me, it doesn't get worse and it doesn't stop hurting for days." Randy stopped and looked back at the cells, "Gabe, Anthony, the door you need to go through is the second one on the right hand side after you get up the steps. Stay with them until they are fitted and have whoever fits them get someone to double check Ethan and get him some food or something. Then take them all back up to the big bedroom. I'll pick up Ulric and Haley there in a little while." Anthony frowned, "OK, but what are you going to do?" "I've got to deal with jumbo ears and make sure all the cells are locked." As the Randy made his way over to the table and pushed the button releasing the door the big eared boy was in, the kid started begging and saying he was sorry. Before Anthony got everyone up the steps and closed the door, all of them heard the kid's voice change to a scream of pain followed by a splash and a toilet flush. The last chapter was published almost two years ago. Darkfire Knight is very busy with other writings. To help the reader, we give here a table of the boys and masters in this story
And here is the new chapter Gabriel once again heard a yelp of pain form the room next to his which jerked him back out of his nearly asleep state. He let out a deep breath and started to drift back off when Randy's muffled voice came through the wall followed once again by a plea for him to stop whatever he was doing. He glanced at the digital clock, noting it was just past four in the morning and Randy had been at since slightly after eleven. "Come on Randy," he muttered, "would leave him alone already." As he rolled over onto the shoulder Headmaster Clint had bitten, a rather sharp pain caused him to jerk slightly, accidently smacking Tony with his arm as he did so. Tony's brown eyes went wide as he went from sound asleep to wide awake instantly. He quickly rubbed his nose and said nothing. Instead he slid fully underneath the sheets and took Gabriel's cock in his mouth and started sucking. Gabriel once again cringed as he moved. The pain of the auction party and the following abuse seemed to cause pain everywhere. It took a few seconds to clear his mind and throat, "No 3; I just need to get up and take a leak 3;" Tony stopped sucking just long enough to speak, "Then do it, I'll drink it." Gabriel was about to argue when he felt Tony's lips wrap around his dick a second time. Had it not been for the pain encompassing most of his body, he would has pushed Tony off, but he was exhausted and wasn't even sure if he would be able to get out of bed without help. With a guilty sigh, he let go with a stream while sighing in relief. He forced himself to stop once as he felt Tony's mouth fill up, then resumed once he felt the boy swallow. As Tony's head reappeared, Gabriel shook his head, "I'm sorry 3;" "For what?" Tony asked with total sincerity. "Randy gave me to you for the night. I belong to you to do whatever you want with." Tony actually smiled, "Hell, Dennis never got out of bed in the middle of the night. When he needed to take a piss, shit, wanted a beer, thought it would be fun to shove a flashlight up my ass, whatever, it was my job to make it happen with as little disruption of Dennis as possible. Drinking your piss at four in the morning is nothing." On the other side of Gabriel, Ethan moaned softly. Gabriel glanced over, noting there was very little light coming into the room, but there was just enough glow form the moon through the windows to where he could make out the boy's badly blackened eye and a couple of the bandages on his neck and arm. "Do you need 3;" Ethan took a couple of deep breaths as tears come out of the corners of his eyes. "I got to go too, but 3;" Tony let out a long breath as he moved over Gabriel. Ethan started to protest, but was stopped by Tony, "Dude, you can barely breath let alone move. Even Clint has given you two full days of bed rest with no duty other than to Gabriel. Just do what you need and then I'll get up and take a long piss for all three of us. It isn't the first time I have swallowed piss from two people in a matter of minutes 3;" He flashed another grin, "Shit, this isn't even the first time this week I have had to drink the piss from two different people in one night." Gabriel gently stroked Tony's cheek as the boy gently moved to wrap his lips around Ethan's cock and balls, "Still, this ain't right." Ethan tired to hold back, but after a half a minute the slightly younger boy's tongue was causing his boyhood to harden. Finally he could hold back no longer and let go with a stream of piss. For a few moments after he finished he looked down with some confusion as Tony's head stayed under the sheet covering them. A second later he felt Tony swallow the last of his piss and then the boy's tongue once again went to work. Less than two minutes later Ethan's back arched upwards as he had his first dry orgasm. "Oh, man 3;" Ethan gasped in a mixture of astonishment and pain, "For a second there I forgot how much I hurt!" Tony rolled his tongue around the boy's circumcised cock head a couple more times then pulled back and his head appeared above the sheets. "See, I am just that damned good." "But, you had to drink pee, and licked all over my dick 3;" Ethan tried to counter. As a hard thump followed by yet another plea for mercy came through the wall, Tony slid out from between the other two, doing his best to not bump into either of them. "Guys, what do you think would be worse, drinking out of your dicks or going though whatever in the hell Randy is doing to Sebastian and his partner?" Ethan managed a slight nod, "I'll give you that one." Tony chuckled, showing the other two he really was not troubled by what he had just done. If anything he was actually kind of proud of himself. He then looked over at Ethan, "Besides, I bet this is the first time you have had a mouth on your cock. So now you have an idea of why the adults like it so damned much." Ethan closed his eyes and let out an uneasy breath as the door to the bathroom closed, "It's still gross." Gabriel nodded in complete agreement. "So is what comes out when they finish." "Licking off a dirty dick after they use my butt is the worst." Ethan managed a light shudder. "The first time I had to do that I almost drowned in my own vomit 3;" Licking butt after Clint takes a dump is the worst for me so for 3;" Gabriel shivered lightly as he shook his head and corrected himself, "Actually the ear boxes were the worst. I'll do whatever it takes to never feel those things again. Licking dirty butt is the worst sex thing though." "Ear boxes?" Ethan whispered while turning his head to look at Gabriel. Gabriel's hands moved up behind his ears and lightly rubbed the pressure points. "Yeah 3; they go here and they stick in and shock 3; I'd rather be killed then have them on me again. As a matter of fact, I'll try to kill myself if I see Clint come toward me with them again." "I tried to find a way to kill myself several times since I got put into that cell," Ethan admitted weakly. "But they make sure there is nothing to do it with. Several of us talked about it. One kid even started slamming his head into the bars, but one of the house kids came down and hit him with a shock stick and then he was put into a head gear with pads on it that needed a key to take off. He was also punished every night for like five days. He was gone when I got out of the back after being taken by this French woman, but I was told by the others he was sold to one of the regulars. "One of the cell cleaners said he was sold for a very cheap price and probably would end up as a cabin boy for the guy's yacht. I guess the guy gets tired of his cabin boys and tosses them over the side once in a while, so he buys replacements from Clint a couple of times a year. At least that's what we were told." Gabriel let out a long uneasy breath, "From what I have heard, this Group, as Clint calls the people apart of all this, don't kill kids. It's in their rules or something. But they can sell us to people who can and do kill. The whole thing is horrible. I don't see how they all get away with it." Tony snorted as he reentered the room, "They get away with it because they are rich and have friends in real high places. They work hard to put others they control into jobs which they can use too. If one of them gets close to getting caught they either disappear or they find a fall guy. They also put kids through school and find them jobs in places where they can get cover. More than one police case has been screwed up on purpose by a cop or government person who used to belong to a Group member. If they do, they get money under the table, if they don't very bad things happens to them and their families." "So we belong to these people forever 3;" Ethan stated with a resigned voice, pretty much having already guessed he would be killed or would be under the control of those who had taken him for the rest of his life." "Yeah, but you will never have to worry about finding a good job or getting college paid for if that's what you want to do. All you have to do is be a good piece of meat for as long as they want you to be. Just do whatever it takes to stay as a possession of a group member." Tony shrugged, "Most don't and they disappear." Tony slipped back into the bed and helped Ethan get a pillow under his head. "But there is nothing we can do about any of it. So get some sleep. We need to be ready to deal with Billy and need as much rest as possible." Less than a minute later Tony once again showed what being owned for a long period of time had done to him as he easily drifted off to sleep while the other two boys continued to silently stare at the ceiling. At some point the exhaustion overcame the extreme discomfort and the noise from the next room. Gabriel finally fell asleep. He woke with sun coming through the window and a pair of boys slightly older than him setting up a card table and chairs while two others moved forward and asked the trio of boys what they wanted for breakfast. "If I can really have anything, I want a ham and cheese omelet." Gabriel stated with a wince as he forced himself to sit up. "Sharp cheddar cheese, too, if I can say what kind of cheese." Tony glanced over at Gabriel, "Sounds really good!" Next to Gabriel, Ethan groaned in agreement as he tried to sit up only to fail with a light yelp of pain. Before he could make a second attempt, one of the boys setting up the table moved up to him. "Let us help you. Headmaster Clint said you are on full bed rest for as long as it takes to recover as long as lead boy Gabriel does what is expected." Gabriel glanced over with a great deal of confusion, "Lead boy?" The other boy setting up the table nodded and looked down quickly as his eyes hardened in anger. What his facial expression didn't give away his voice did as he spoke with a great deal of annoyance tinged with hostility, "You have a silver collar, you are a lead boy." The older teen from the night before entered the room and sent an icy stare at the boy who had just spoken. "Gabriel, do not let a white shirt talk to you in such a voice. You are lead pet for our owner; this makes you one of the four lead boys of the house. No adult other than Headmaster Clint can touch you and everyone who does not have a silver collar must follow your commands when there is no adult around." The teen moved up and handed Ethan a pair of Tylenol while also helping him over to one of the chairs, "You are allowed minor pain meds because you were selected by Gabriel, and you have a status only one step down from him. As long as you belong to him no adult other than Headmaster Clint can touch you, but you cannot tell others what to do. As long as Gabriel keeps his place as lead pet, you will remain all but untouchable. It would be in your best interest to help him keep his lead pet status and keep him happy. "Once Gabriel goes down to do Headmaster Clint's bidding, I will come back up and see what else I can do to speed your healing so you can better serve Gabriel." The teen then turned and cuffed the boy who had spoken to Gabriel hard on the back of his head. "Warren, you failed the last two times Headmaster Clint took you to a party. You have no one to blame but yourself." Warren cringed at the impact but did nothing other than blink out a couple of tears from his eyes. "The Red Witch steeped on my hand with her high heels 3;" "You're lucky she didn't do more, kid," Randy spoke from the doorway. "Gabe, get up and show him your back." Gabriel thought about protesting, but figured if Randy wanted him to do something it was probably for his own good. Besides, like it or not he still owed the boy a great deal for getting the cup off his back. He took a deep breath and cringed as he rolled out of bed. He was positive every part of him hurt in some way or another. Even as he pulled up his nightshirt like garment to reveal himself to the others, part of him said he should be embarrassed to do so. The problem was he wasn't and he couldn't quite figure out why. Randy wasted no time. He moved up to Gabriel and pulled the bandage off the boy's back. "Before the rest of you go mouthing off, the Red Witch did this to Gabriel and he managed to deal with it and not utter a sound." Warren moved closer and his head tilted to the side as he looked over the ring of blistered skin, "She marked him?" "Burned him bad enough to blister, and it may leave a scar." The older teen stated with a great deal of respect. "If it does scar, Headmaster Clint will pay a plastic surgeon to take care of it, but her heel didn't even break your skin, Warren. What you dealt with was nothing compared to this. Take a look at his heel while you are there. Those stitches are because she had someone bite him too." "And you passed?" Warren spoke with a sudden respect, "After both of those?" "First party ever, and made the grade, Warren," Clint spoke up from out in the hall, "So the next time you want to question one of my decisions, you may want to find out more information first. As it is, I think we have found today's volunteers for Gabriel's fledging martial arts training. Warren, you and your partner are to be practice dummies so Randy can have live targets for Gabriel to work with 3; Unless you would prefer to come to the punishment room with me?" Warren gulped, "We will be practice dummies Headmaster Clint, sir." At the same time the boy with Warren nodded vigorously even as he cringed. "I thought so," Clint snickered. "Randy, you have volunteers for the next three days, then you can go back to Sebastian if you would like. I need Sebastian for a party server for the next one, so he needs a break from you." Randy nodded his understanding but did look a little disappointed, "Do I get to go as an adult?" "Randy, you know the rules," Clint responded as he shook his head. "You need a pet and one other before you can attend your first party as an adult. You are not a member of the group yet, so you cannot take a server as your second either. This means a lap boy." "I have Tony for a pet 3;" "What about a lap boy?" Clint asked seriously, "I would be happy to loan you one of mine, but my boys are almost as big as you, which wouldn't work very well. If you don't bring at least two boys then you have to pay a door fee, and I can guarantee you, it is well above what you would be willing to part with, even after the amount you have made staring in my films." Randy looked downward clearly a bit dejected. "How in the hell am I ever going to get a lap boy so I can go?" Clint shrugged, but did seem to like what he was seeing from Randy, "After a couple of months here and doing some extra camera work and spending some quality time with me, I might be persuaded to find you one of your own." Gabriel took a deep breath of discomfort as the older teen put cream and a fresh bandage over the burn. The look on Randy's face was one of dejection and resignation which made him feel sorry for the kid. Even as he tried to understand how and why he had feelings for Randy, another thought occurred to him. Like it or not, he needed someone he could trust around the massive mansion. Since Randy had a status above the others, it might help to have him as an ally. Because of this desire to get on Randy's good side, he figured he'd throw out an idea. "Permission to speak, sir?" Clint reached over, put his arm around Gabriel, and pulled him over so he could wrap both his arms around the boy. "My lead pet, in my house, and only in my house, all house boys can talk to me unless I say otherwise. Besides, as a lead boy, you may speak to me even when others cannot unless you are being my pet or on punishment. "Once outside the house, however, you are to follow whatever rules I set which differ from one outing to the next. The only difference is I am Headmaster Clint to you when in this house or around any guests I have on this property. Whenever you speak my name around here you say Headmaster Clint or don't say my name at all and just call me Headmaster. This is a school after all. All spoken comments still need to end with 'sir' just like I already taught you." Gabriel took a deep uneasy breath, "Headmaster Clint, what about the small kid downstairs? He is small enough for Randy to take, sir." Clint cocked his head to the side, "The new whelp? He would be a handful, but you're right, even though he is nine, his a puny little shit. He would be small enough to work as a lap boy for Randy." Clint glanced over to Randy, "Chances are very good he would fail, probably even double fail, which would mean a fine. You will only have limited spare time to work with him, since you all have Billy to deal with and I want that brat broken and totally docile before the next party. I plan on putting out the word that anyone can enjoy Billy as a lap boy for thirty minutes as long as they are willing to fork over a hundred. This means he will be put through all sorts of shit. If he does well I'll split the take with you and Gabe." Seeing Randy nod understanding but still looking very interested about getting to be an adult at the party, a smirk appeared on Clint's face. "If you really want to do this, I would want all of the training of the new brat on video. To make this interesting and to see how committed you are, I will up the ante. If he double fails, I pay any fine as long as I hold all rights to all the video of you getting him ready and I get you, your new boy, and Anthony for full forty eight hours of no holds bar entertainment as well. This would go beyond what even your dad has allowed." Randy swallowed hard and shuffled his feet. "What if he doesn't fail?" "Then you go to the party as an adult and you come back as normal." "What if he passes, sir?" Gabriel asked out of curiosity. Clint reached under Gabriel's shirt and started playing with his tiny nipples. "Gabriel, you are a crafty one, I will give you that much." He then snickered as he gave each nipple a good twist causing Gabriel to quiver in pain. "Remember, you are still one of my boys. Trying to help one of the others, even a long term guest, has consequences." Gabriel clamped his mouth tightly shut for as long as he could but the ache finally became too much. With a pain filled shaky voice he finally yelped, "Please stop, sir!" Clint lessened his grip while bending down so he could lick the tears off Gabriel's face. "Remember, this my pet. You play a dangerous game when you try to manipulate me." Clint then turned his attention back to Randy as he continued to play with Gabriel's nipples, not letting the pain fully diminish. "So, since Gabriel wants to help you out in this negotiation, he is now part of it. He and his boy will also be part of the forty eight hour fun if I have to pay a fine. On the other hand, in the very slight chance the whelp makes the grade, then I will give him to you, Randy, as your property." Clint then reached further down and played with Gabriel's small ball sack, enjoying the tension he felt in the small body as Gabriel braced for a squeeze or a twist. As tempting as it was to get a squeal out of the boy, he resisted. Instead he used his total power over the youngster to further his authority and control while also advancing his ultimate goals as far as Gabriel was concerned. Clint continued to fondle the balls and penis until it got hard, knowing the confusion the boy would feel over this would only add to his hold over Gabriel. "As for your part in this, my pet, I have a bonus for you should the new whelp pass. Should it happen, I will grant you and your boy along with Randy and his two boys three full days of monitored freedom. You will be watched, but all of you would be able to do whatever you want and go wherever you want." A grin of pure malice spread over Clint's face. "This also means you would be best served by helping Randy get the little shit ready." Clint applied a little pressure as he started to squeeze Gabriel's nuts just enough to be uncomfortable. "Keep in mind, what you have gone though up till now is nothing compared to the forty eight hours awaiting you should either Billy or the other little fuck toy earn me a fine. Do you understand?" Gabriel took a couple of sharp breaths as the pressure on his boy jewels built, "Yes Headmaster, I need to help get the both Billy and the kid downstairs ready, sir!" Clint released the grip he had on the nut sack as he looked over the other boys in the room, "This is why Gabriel is a lead boy and none of you are. He has a knack for getting things right." He spun Gabriel around, bent over and planted his lips over Gabriel's. He took several seconds to enjoy a deep tongue kiss before pulling back. "He also has a great taste." Clint paused and stared back at Randy, "So I assume we have a deal as far as the new brat down stairs?" Everyone else in the room could see Randy debate what to do. For a few seconds it even looked like Randy was about to decline the offer knowing he wanted no part of forty-eight hours of horror filled attention from Clint. Just before he was about to decline, he realized doing so might be showing some of the weakness he had been warned never to show. After nearly another thirty seconds of total silence, he finally nodded. "I'll take the offer headmaster, sir." A huge grin erupted over Clint's face, "Excellent! Make sure my lead pet gets a rundown on all the other house rules over the next couple of hours then head over to the east wing basement. Billy will be waiting for you all." Clint started to leave then stopped. He turned back to Gabriel, "My pet, let me give you one word of warning that others may not stress enough. "I know some have referred to me as Mister Silver 3; Should I hear of you calling me Mister Silver or Headmaster Silver, the punishment you and your chosen boy will receive will be far worse than anything you have gone through to this point, so just don't do it. "Other than this and other house boy rules, being a house boy is no different than when I was training you at your house. All pet rules still apply when being my pet, no exceptions. Before each party, we will take a day to practice, including morning duties. As long as you stay in my good graces your selected boy can take over and do any one morning duty you do not wish to do. You have learned how I expect to be spoken to when I talk to you. The difference now is punishment for your actions will also bring punishment to your chosen boy." Clint glanced over at the boy Gabriel selected, "Ethan, I believe?" Ethan swallowed hard and tried to sit up again, "Yes 3; Um, Headmaster Clint." "You can simply end with 'sir', Ethan. I am sure Gabriel will help you with how I expect to be talked to and responded to. For now just end all spoken statements to me with 'sir' and we will be OK. If you are not fully prepared to deal with me by week's end, then any slip-up will bring punishment to you and Gabriel. Right now, however, stay put. You are on bed rest unless I say otherwise or Gabriel wants something from you. "I hope you know how lucky you are to have been selected by him. You owe him more than you can possible imagine. This is especially true in your case since I had a very interested buyer who was willing to pay considerably more than I normally sell my dungeon trash for and would have helped me finalize a business deal worth a couple of million. This lawyer tends to like his boys kept in cribs and diapers. I have even seen pictures of two of his boys back to back in the same diaper. He also ties their hands behind their backs until there is diminished blood flow and nerve damage. Most of his boys lose some mobility in their arms and hands which keeps them helpless, just the way he likes them. "Certainly not my thing, I can assure you, but to each his own. Besides, it is no longer your concern, since Gabriel saved you from several years of being this man's baby boy toy." Clint shrugged rather sadistically, "Now I will have to find him another slender nine or ten year old with reddish blond hair, non brown eyes, and few to no freckles if I want to close this rather large corporate dealing as the private contract now reads." Ethan's jaw dropped open as he stared with wide eyes. "Yes, Ethan, so no matter what happens to you or what Gabriel, here, demands of you, you owe him. Don't forget this. For if Gabriel decides to take someone else instead of you, I will happily allow it, since finding a boy with your characteristics is not the easiest thing in the world. Besides, even if I find another boy for him quickly, he will always pay big for you. He liked your picture 3; He liked it to the sum of a large six digit payment and you will be in his preferred starting age range for another year and a half, if not more." Clint quickly turned his attention to Gabriel and flashed another sinister grin, "On the off chance you will take someone else, I will give you twenty five percent of the sale on Ethan. It would be more than enough to pay off your house and even fix all the things your mother let go to shit. As a matter of fact, I will even let you exchange him for one of the house boys if you want." Ethan glanced over to Gabriel with panic in his eyes. Gabriel closed his eyes; the last thing he wanted to see was the leering eyes of Clint or the desperation in Ethan's. His mind thought about going home and being able to get everything working again; at the same time he saw the look in Ethan's eyes staring at him from between the cell bars. He had made a promise to Ethan down in that awful place. The words of his father seemed to come out of nowhere, 'Your word is all you ever really have, Gabriel. You lose that you lose everything else including respect.' He had promised Ethan he would not hurt him unless he had to. To give him up for money knowing what would happen would not be keeping his word, nor was it something he could live with. After nearly ten agonizing seconds he shook his head, "Please, Headmaster Clint, I want to keep Ethan, sir." Clint shrugged and let out a light sigh, "So, if keeping him means you have to help me get another boy who will work for this lawyer, you will do so without hesitation?" Gabriel suddenly felt even more trapped. Part of him wanted to scream 'NO!' while another part realized if Clint wanted him to help grab another kid he would have to no matter what happened to Ethan. If he didn't then his brother and sister would no longer get any protection from Clint. Once his brain understood this, another part of him told him the lesser of two evils would be to protect who he could as best as he could, and at the moment all he could do was protect Ethan. A slight sob escaped his lips, "Sir, I will help get you someone to take Ethan's place if you want me to, sir." This caused Clint's eyebrows to go up some. "Very well, I did give you your choice of boys. I should have pulled Ethan so it is actually my fault. Ethan, your new owner just did you a massive favor and I hope for your sake you show him how much it means to you." Clint glanced around the room making eye contact with the other boys in the room before speaking. "Gabriel is my lead pet and has a silver collar, any disrespect or failure to follow his instructions is the same as disrespecting me or failing to follow my commands. Finally Randy, here, belongs to me, but has adult authority over everyone here. He can bend any of you over a table and fuck you whenever he wants and can use any of you however he wants short of massive or permanent injury. This excludes those with lead boy status, of course. Anyone fighting back or refusing to follow this new house structure will spend no less than two weeks down in the dungeon. You best let all the others know how serious I am about this." Clint paused and glanced around the room, making sure his message had gotten across. Satisfied by the looks of fear and astonishment he saw directed at him, he grabbed Warren and gave the boy's nuts a hard squeeze and continued to put more pressure on until the boy started shaking. "And once Randy is done with you, your next task is to make sure the rest of the house knows this as well. I will hold you responsible." Clint's eyes seemed to harden as he started to twist the boy jewels in his hand tightly. "Remember, you and you alone will be responsible should my decrees about this not get to every boy in this house." By this time Warren was quaking and tears ran down his cheeks hard enough to drip on the floor at his feet, but he managed to stammer out, "I will tell all the houseboys, headmaster, sir!" Clint pulled Warren close and kept up the pressure while his tongue lapped at the river of tears before letting go. Even as Warren dropped to his knees and clutched at his groin, Clint turned his attention elsewhere. "Randy, I have the wardrobe for the filming laid out on your bed four all four of you, but it looks like Ethan is in no shape to do anything after so much attention from my good and dear friend, Samir. Because of this, I will excuse him. Once filming is done, all the clothing goes back into your respective dressers and closets until they are needed again. I will find something different for your sessions with the new whelp downstairs, but other than wardrobe, I will not guide you on what to do with or to him. He is your problem. Just make sure I get some usable film and make sure he will be ready to by your lap boy. "Also remember, the day before the party Gabe switches back into full pet mode, so the last day it is you and Anthony alone with the little cretin. Furthermore, since it is my job to tutor you as a new and upcoming member of the group, I need to give you some advice. "It would be in your best interest to spend some time with Anthony as your pet. He sees you as too much of a friend, and that will show at the party. Your first party as an adult is almost as bad as your first party as a pet. People will gun for you by gunning for your boys and they will test to see your reactions to them giving Tony extra attention since many have seen you with him as an equal. To be honest, I would feel a bit better about this whole thing if I saw some strong discipline from you on your boy pet." Clint quickly left the room without letting Randy comment and made his way to his study. He wanted a good chance to observe the aftermath of what just happened before any of the kids could respond. He locked the door behind him and pulled up the video and audio from the room and listened as Ethan broke into tears thanking Gabriel over and over again. At the same time Randy glanced over to Tony, "You know he is right. People need to see you as my pet not my friend. I think you will be joining in on some of the punishments and training of Billy, just so you remember your place and everyone at the party sees you are looking at me not as a protector, but a master." Tony nodded and lowered his head knowing the next few days were going to be bad, probably really bad. Still, he figured it would be way better than being with Dennis. He also realized the party was going to be a flashback to the earlier ones, before he had made the grade and was more of less left alone. "You own me, Boss. Whatever you think best. Besides, I remember failing and I do not want to fail ever again, sir." Randy then turned to Gabriel, "And you best help me break Billy in hard and fast, Cause I need all the time I can get with the little fuck downstairs. Still, it was a nice idea, but you could have suggested one of the other small ones. I really hate that new little shit's voice. Plus, if I pull this off and get him for my own, you didn't prevent much, cause I am going to pound the crap out of him until he forgets he is anything but a fuck toy." With a bit of anger still flowing through him, Randy grabbed Warren and had Gabriel practice his punches on the boy before allowing Gabriel or Ethan to eat. Clint watched with a great deal of satisfaction as Warren fell to the ground balling while Warren's partner started helping Ethan to eat. He couldn't help but snicker as he watched Randy yank Warren over to a corner by the kid's hair and forced him to give a prolonged blowjob while Gabriel and Ethan ate. After several minutes he clicked off the monitoring devices and leaned back in his chair and spoke out loud to himslef. "At this rate Gabriel will be ready to go back to his father sooner than I ever expected. Fortunately, I still have Gabriel to myself for just under two months. All I have to do is finalize an agreement on how many days a year I get to take him and when those times are once he goes home." An hour later, Randy led Gabriel and Tony, all of whom were dressed in a short sleeved shirts, briefs, cargo shorts, socks, high end running shoes and baseball caps with a scorpion insignia on them, down to a small underground section under the north wing of the massive mansion. "This is where Clint keeps his most popular studio sets. He told me he would have Billy waiting in the more secured child bedroom one, but I don't know how it is decorated," Randy adjusted the new and very stiff ball cap. "Since we all have these, I'm sure it has something to do with whatever he is planning, though." Gabriel moved down into the lower hall and glanced in the first open door. The room looked exactly like a cheap hotel room except the toilet, sink, and shower were in plain view. However, even as he watched a couple of boys moved thin divider walls to section it off, including one section that held a door. Wondering what was going on, he passed by three more closed doors before looking into the fifth. This time the room was empty save for a large window with skyscrapers in it and two kids, including the older one who patched him up the night before, removing a king sized bed though a large door in the back of the room. Confused he stopped and stared at the window for a moment. Randy noticed Gabriel stop and turn. He snickered as he noticed what the younger boy's eyes were fixated on. "There are eight studio rooms down here and can be set to look like almost anything or anywhere. With a flip of a switch he can change the window to look like winter with snow coming down, the buildings to vanish and be replaced by trees, whatever. He also moves furniture in and out and there are panels on the walls to add shelves, hang pictures, whatever. Today this was a room with a king sized bed, tomorrow it might be a dining room with wood paneling. "I have seen dozens of movies he made, almost of them here, and there is no way to tell they are actually all filmed underground in one of eight rooms. I have heard Dad say Clint even gets pictures of hotel rooms and then takes pictures out the windows of them so he can pattern the room and the widows to match and stuff so the cops, if they find any of the movies or pictures, look in the wrong places." Clint appeared coming out of yet another room along with two other men Gabriel kind of recognize as being at the party. One of the two let out an audible sigh and he looked down at Gabriel, "Shit, Clint, the little fucker looks adorable even when clothed. You sure I can't give you a few grand for a night or two? I promise not to mark him up with anything that can't heal quickly." "Sorry, Jürgen, Gabe is my little pet and mine alone. At least as long as he obeys. If not then I may consider a transaction." Clint gazed down at Gabriel, "You don't want to be made available, do you?" Gabriel gulped, "No, headmaster, I want to just belong to you, sir." Even as he said the words he realized just how trapped he had become. For even as much as he hated the words he knew they were true. The other man shook his head, "OK, I give up. I will pay you to show me how you get such loyalty out of one so new." "We'll see how loyal he is," Clint stated while eyeing Gabriel with a clear warning. "Much will depend on the show he gives us and the results he gets with Billy over the next couple of days. His new boy is also depending on Gabe, here, to do a bang up job on the kid." Clint then turned to Randy, "This is an adlib movie. It took a few hard jolts to get him to wear what I wanted him to, so he has a couple of marks on his side and still has some tears. Don't expose them the marks to the cameras until there is a good reason for them to be there and play up the tears. Other than those instructions, you all get to go with the flow, just make it believable. This will be a movie, but you all need to break him. The better it turns out the more you will earn from filming. Only one other rule here. He has to be able to go to the next party with me, so nothing so damaging he can't go." Randy waited until the three men moved into a side room. As they did so he gave a single nod toward the closed door, "From there they will be able to see everything we do. I am sure they will take turns operating the remote cameras, they are on tracks in the ceiling, so ignore them as they move. Our whole task is to stay focused on breaking Billy." Randy then moved down to the next door. "I'll take the lead so we all start out on something Clint can use to make a few bucks off of. I'm also betting he is charging those two watch and help film, but other than at parties I've no idea who in the hell they are." He then glanced over at Tony, "And you best be ready to become a pet at a moment's notice. Not only will it help you remember what you have to do at the party, it should tell Billy who the fuck is in charge." Without waiting for a response he pulled open the door and walked in. Billy, with a large amount of tears in his eyes, jumped up off the twin sized bed decorated with a bunch of comic book characters and moved to the back wall holding a baseball bat. Randy eyed the boy with a nasty look. Once he was sure Billy was not going to came at him, he paused for a moment as he took in the rest of the room. It was fully decked out with a multitude of toys from squirt guns, to toy cars, to building sets, all the way to a large still in the box kid's electronic set. There were all sort of books on the walls and half a dozen baseball trophies on a shelf above a dresser. The closet was open and held a couple of boxes with the word 'toys' on them and there was a few changes of clothing including a baseball uniform hanging in it along with a couple of sets of cleats, a trio of baseball bats, a couple of gloves and a golf bag with youth sized clubs. Realizing Clint had set the room up with all sorts of possibilities, but very surprised he gave the kid access to so many weapons, he moved in so Tony and Gabriel could join him. He then sent a cold stare at Billy who was dressed in a blue and gold baseball uniform with the Scorpions across the front. He also instantly spotted a large patch on the left breast meant to look like a company sponsor for a youth them, but the patch with the words 'Chicken to Go' and under it a chicken holding a baseball bat down where a dick would be on a human pointing upward caused him to snicker. Randy returned his gaze to meet Billy's who already had new tears coming out of his eyes. "Willy-boy, you already dropped the ball, don't try to strike out as well. If you hit me with that, I swear I will smash it into your face until you have no teeth left. Now drop it!" "NO!" Billy shouted while swinging the bat wildly in front of him. Leave me alone!" Tony shot a glance over to Randy then over to Randy, clearly not sure what to do or how Clint expected to handle this. "Um, do you want to try to take him down, boss?" Randy eyed the bedspread and glanced over at Gabriel "You ever heard of a blanket party?" Gabriel cringed slightly, but nodded. A smirk spread over Randy's face as he pulled the edge of the bedspread up while motioning for Gabriel to grab the other side. "I think it's time to give the ball dropper king a real blanket party. He deserves it after dropping the third out when they had the winning run on third! Get him guys." Billy swung the bat again as the two boys rushed him with the tick bedspread. Bat hit nothing but material. Before he could swing a second time it was already too late. Randy, with some help from Gabriel, wrapped the bedspread around Billy tight even as Tony rushed him and knocked him back on the bed. Billy tried to struggle, but it quickly became pointless. He was no match for the three boys, especially since he was quickly wrapped up in the bedspread. Having the bat turned out to be a bad thing since the boys quickly tightened the wrapping around him before he could fully let go of the bat which meant his right wrist twisted painfully as the bat was pushed upwards against his chest before he could release his grip. Not being able to stand it any long he yelled, "Stop! My wrist!" Randy looked into the tear filled face even as he pulled the blanket tighter. He then pointed to where he could see the outline of the bat and the hands still holding on to it and gave it an elbow. This got a howl of pain out of Billy which in turn only caused Randy to grin. With a smirk he rolled Billy over and twisted his nose and pinched it closed. Randy slapped Billy's face hard then, as he sat on the blanket wrapped boy, he clamped his hand over the boy's lips and held them closed. "Screaming is not allowed. No noise, only tears while being a bench warmer!" With both his mouth and his nose closed Billy found it impossible to breath. This caused him to thrash his head back and forth even though it made the twisting of his nose more painful. "Gabriel, you know, if the Headmaster hadn't stepped in, Uncle Ben stood to lose more than the game, so Willy has to be taught how to be a team player and sit on the bench from scratch." "What are you talk 3;" Billy started to shout only to get a pillowcase shoved into his mouth by Tony. Tony then took a moment to flip both of Billy's ears a few times as hard as he could. It was a common punishment Dennis used to give him and he hated it, but of course Dennis used to do it until his ears felt like they were on fire and were a bright red. Still, it felt kind o good to be able to do it to someone else. He flipped Billy's left ear a couple more times before leaning close and yelling, "What part of sitting and not talking didn't you get?" He flipped both ears three more time each before backing off. That's just to get your ears used to burning, because everyone is going to be talking about you on Saturday. Randy gave Tony a satisfied nod then slammed his forearm onto Billy's wrist again. Even as the boy thrashed in pain under him, Randy focused back on Gabriel "Hey this whole thing was partially your idea and we still need to get my new team member you suggested ready for Saturday's game, so get over here!" Gabriel moved closer, having no real idea what he was supposed to do, but knew he had to do something bad to the kid. He also knew he would eventually have to do some nasty sex stuff to the kid, but he definitely didn't want to start it. |